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Traveler Priorities from 11/09/2017 Quarterly Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Technical Specifications Task Force
Issue date: 11/09/2017
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Technical Specifications Task Force
Honcharik M
Shared Package
ML17317A453 List:
Download: ML17317A426 (1)


Traveler Priorities Traveler Status Priority TSTF-541, "Add Exceptions to Surveillance Under NRC Medium Requirements When the Safety Function is Being Review Performed" TSTF-563, "Revise Instrument Testing Definitions to Under NRC High Incorporate the Surveillance Frequency Control Program" Review TSTF-564, "Safety Limit MCPR" Under NRC High Review TSTF-565, "Clarify the Term Operational Convenience in Under NRC Medium the LCO 3.0.2 Bases" Review TSTF-567, "Add Containment Sump TS to Address GSI- Under NRC High 191 Issues" Review TSTF-557, Rev. 1, "Spent Fuel Storage Rack Neutron Requested Low Absorber Monitoring Program" Presubmittal Meeting TSTF-566, Rev. 0, "Revise Actions for Inoperable RHR Requested Medium Shutdown Cooling Subsystems" Presubmittal Meeting TSTF-568, Rev. 0, "Clarify Applicability of BWR/4 TS Requested Low and TS" Presubmittal Meeting TSTF-569, Rev. 0, "Revise Response Time Testing Requested High Definition" Presubmittal Meeting TSTF-552, "Diesel Generator Frequency and Voltage" Cancelled --

Westinghouse Hot Channel Factor Traveler based on Under --

WCAP-17661 Review TSTF-505 Companion Traveler Start in 2018 --

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