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Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for 1989. W/900424 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1989
From: Conway W
161-03125-WFC-J, 161-3125-WFC-J, NUDOCS 9005010138
Download: ML17305A723 (208)



ACCESSXON NBR:9005010138 DOC.DATE: NOTARXZED: NO DOCKET FACIL:STN-50-528 Palo Verde Nuclear Station, Unit 1, Arizona Publi 05000528 STN-50-529 Palo Verde Nuclear Station, Unit 2, Arizona Publi 05000529 STN-50-530 Palo Verde Nuclear Station, Unit 3, Arizona Publi 05000530 AUTH. NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION CONWAY,W.F. Arizona Public Service Co. (for erly.Arizona u lear Power R RECIP.NAME RECXPXENT AFFILXATXON


"A Radiological Environ Operating Rept for 1989." D 900424 tr.


TITLE: Environmental Monitoring Rept (per Tech Specs)


NOTES: 05000528 Standardized plant. 05000529 Standardized plant. 05000530 D





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Arizona Public Service Company P.O. BOX 53999 ~ PHOENIX, ARIZONA 850 ?2-3999 WILLIAMF. CONWAY EXECUTIVEVICEPRESIDENT 161-03125-WFC/JRP NUCLEAR April 24, 1990 Docket Nos. STN 50-528/529/530 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station Pl-37 Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Sirs:


Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS)

Units 1, 2, and 3 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report File: 90-005-419 '5;,90-056-026 By copy of this letter, we are forwarding the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. This report covers the operation of PVNGS Units 1, 2, and 3 during 1989, and is being submitted pursuant to Technical Specification

Should you have any questions or concerns please call J ~ R. Provasoli at (602) 340-4160.

Sincerely, WFC/JRP/j le Attachments CC: T. L. Chan S. R. Peterson J. B. Martin D. H. Coe A. C. Gehr (w/o attachments)

A. H. Gutterman (w/o attachments) 90050i0i38 39i23i PDR ADOCK 05000528 R PDC



CONTENTS Page Number Abstract 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Description of the Monitoring Program 3.0 Sample Collection Program 10 4.0 'nalytical Procedures 1 IB 12 5.0 Nuclear Instrumentation 19 6.0 Isotopic Detection Limits and Reporting Criteria 19 7.0 Quality Control 23 8.0 Results and Data Interpretation 26 9.0 Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Results and Data Interpretation 77 10.0 Land Use Census 82 11.0 Summary and Conclusions 85 12.0 References 88 13.0 Addendum 89



FIGURES Page Number 2.1 Area Collection Locations - Map 2.2 Site Collection Locations - Map 8.1 Gross Beta in Air 1983-1988 29 8.2 Gross Beta in Air 1984-1989 30 9.1 TLD Network Exposure Rate 1983-1989 78

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TABLES Page Number 2.1 Sample Collection Locations 2.2 Sample Collection Schedule 4.1 Typical Aliquot Sizes 15 j'r r 4.2 Typical Times Between Sample Collection and Counting 16 4.3 Typical Counting Efficiencies and Radiochemical Yields 17" 4.4 Typical Sample Counting Times 18 6.1 PVNGS Technical Specification Lower Limits of Detection (a priori) 21 6.2 RMF (a priori) Lower Limits of Detection 22 7.1 EPA Intercomparison Results 24 8.1 Gross Beta in Air Particulate (1st Quarter) 31 8.2 Gross Beta in Air Particulate (2nd Quarter) 33 8.3 Gross Beta in Air Particulate (3rd Quarter) 35 8.4 Gross Beta in Air Particulate (4th Quarter) 37 8.5 Average Gross Beta in Air Particulate (Summary) 39 8.6 Gamma Radiation Measurements of Air Filter Composites 40 8.7 Airborne Radioiodine (First Quarter) 41 8.8 Airborne Radioiodine (Second Quarter) 42 8.9 Airborne Radioiodine (Third Quarter) 43 8.10 Airborne Radioiodine (Fourth Quarter) 44 8.11 Broadleaf Vegetation 45 8.12 Drinking Water, Bi-Weekly I-131 46 8.13 Drinking Water, Monthly Gamma Spectrometry 48 8.14 Groundwater, Quarterly 50

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TABLES Page Number 8.15 Reservoir, Surface Water 51 8.16 Evaporation Pond ¹1, Surface Water 1 53 8.17 Evaporation Pond ¹2, Surface Water I

56 Milk (Fresh) Radioassay Results 59 8.19 WRF Influent Water 61 8.20 Cooling Towers, Unit ¹1 63



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Abstract The operational radiological environmental monitoring program is an ongoing study conducted by the Radiation Measurements Facility at Arizona State University for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.

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During 1989, samples were collected by the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station and Radiation Measurements Facility personnel. The following categories of samples were collected:

broad leaf vegetation, fresh milk, groundwater, drinking water, surface water, airborne particulate and radioiodine, and sludge.

Thermoluminescent dosimeters were used to measure environmental gamma radiation.

All assays were performed by the Radiation Measurements Facility.

Thermoluminescent dosimeters were issued and processed by the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. Sludge and Water Reclamation Facility input water samples were collected by personnel from the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.

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OPERATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 1.0 Introduction The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) was established r,

for the Palo Verde Nuclear"Generating Station (PVNGS) by the Arizona Nuclear Power Project (ANPP) in 1979. The program complies with federal requirements set forth by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.

NRC) to provide a complete environmental monitoring program for nuclear reactors. This report contains the measurements and findings for 1989.

P All bracketed numbers refer to references contained in section 12.

The objectives of the radiological environmental monitoring program are as follows: 1) to determine baseline radiation levels in the environs prior to plant operation and to compare the findings with measurements obtained during reactor operations; 2) to monitor potential critical pathways of radio-effluent to man; and 3) to determine radiological impacts on the environment caused by the operation of PVNGS.

Results from the REMP help to evaluate sources of elevated levels of radiation in the environment, e.g., atmospheric nuclear detonations or abnormal plant releases.

Results for the PVNGS pre-operational environmental monitoring program are presented in references 1-5.

The initial criticality of Unit One occurred May 25, 1985. Initial criticality for Units Two and Three were April 18, 1986 and October 25, 1987, respectively. PVNGS operational findings are presented in references 6-8. The Radiation Measurements Facility (RMF) radiological assessments for 1987 and 1988 are found in references 9 and 10.

This report contains the measurements and findings for 1989. All bracketed numbers refer to references contained in section 12 of this report.

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2.0 Descri tion of the Monitorin Pro ram The pre-operational'.radiological environmental monitoring, program, which began in 1979, was performed by PVNGS and outside organizations. These organizations continued the, program into the operational phase of PVNGS.

In 1988, the RMF assumed responsibility for sample collection, assay, and data processing and the REMP annual report. TLD measurements, collection of sludge, water influent samples, and the land use census are conducted by PVNGS personnel.

2.1 The ASU Radiation Measurements Facilit In the spring of 1983, the RMF implemented a long-term independent radiological environmental assessment program for the PVNGS.

In July 1987, the RMF was certified as a vendor by the APS Vendor Quality Program and assumed responsibility for many of the environmental assessments performed in support of the nuclear power station.

RMF staff are trained and certified to perform routine sampling of air, surface and ground water, drinking water, milk and vegetation. In accordance with the RMF Quality Assurance Program, all samples are collected using PVNGS procedures and analyzed using written and approved RMF procedures. Annual audits of the program are conducted by the APS Vendor Quality Organization.

To provide the highest quality results, the RMF participates in radiochemistry intercomparison programs with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Canadian Department of Health and Welfare, Bureau of Radiation and Medical Devices (BRMD).

2.2 1989 PVNGS Radiolo ical Monitorin Pro ram The assessment program consists of routine measurements of background gamma radiation and of radionuclide concentrations in media such as air, groundwater, drinking water, surface water, fresh milk, vegetation, and sludge.


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Samples were collected by PVNGS or RMF personnel-at the monitoring sites shown in Figures 2.1 and 2.2.. The specific sample types, sampling locations, and sampling frequencies as set forth in Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Technical Specifications [11] are presented in Tables 2.1 and 2.2. Other samples not required by reference ll were processed in accordance with contractual obligations or written requests from PVNGS.

Background gamma radiation measurements are performed using thermoluminescent dosimetry at fifty locations by PVNGS.

2.3 Radiolo ical Monitorin Pro ram Chan es for 1990 2.3.1 In January 1989, bi-weekly composites of weekly grab samples commenced for drinking water.

2.3.2 In March 1989, gross beta analysis was changed to quarterly for surface water.

2.3.3 In April 1989, four corner composite sampling commenced on the evaporation ponds.

2.3.4 In June 1989, the day of the week that water sample collection took place changed from Wednesday to Tuesday.

Sr-90 was not required on residence wells. Gross 'beta, Sr-90, and I-131 analysis were not required for on-site wells.

Gross beta was no longer required on Water Reclamation Facility influent samples.


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Sample Site ¹ T Location a Location Descri tion 1 Air E30 APS Goodyear Office 4 Air E16 APS Buckeye Office, 615 N. 4th St, Buckeye 6 Air (Control Site) SSE31 APS Gila Bend Substation, Service Road West of Town, Off I-B 7A Air SE8 Arlington School, 1635'1 S. Arlington School Road 14A Air NHE2 Buckeye-Salome Road & 371st Ave.

15 Air HE2 North East Site Boundary 17A Air E4 351st Ave., 1 mile South of Buckeye-Salome Road 21 Air S3 South Site Boundary 29 Air W1 West Site Boundary 35 Air NNM9 Tonopah, Palo Verde Inn Fire Station, 40901 W Osborn Road 40 Air H3 Wintersburg, End of Transmission Road 44 Air ENE35 APS El Hirage Office (Sun City), 12313 W. Grand Ave.

46 Water NHW9 HcArthur's Farm, 41701 W. Indian School Rd., Tonopah 47 Vegetation ENE3 Adams's Residence, 355th Ave. & Buckeye - Salome Road 48 Water S5 Shepard Farms, 13202 S. 383rd Avenue 49 Water ESE4 Scott Residence, 351st Ave. & Dobbins Road 50 Ni lk EHE12 Crosswinds Dairy, 295th Ave. and Van Buren St.

51 Hilk E11 Butler Diary, Palo Verde Road & Southern Ave.

52 Vegetation N2 Deghazo Residence, 375th Ave. south of Buckeye--Salerno Rd.

53 Hilk E20 Kerr Dairy, Dean & Buckeye Roads 54 Hi lk E17 Dickman Dairy, Broadway and Apache Roads 55 Mater SM3 Gavette Residence, 39326 M. Elliot Road 56 Nilk (Control Site) E75 Pew Dairy ¹2, HcQueen & Ryan Roads 57 Water on-site Well 27ddc 58 Water on-site Well 34abb 59 Surface Water on-site PVNGS Evaporation Pond ¹1 60 Surface Mater on-site PVNGS Reservoir 62 Vegetation (Control Site) EHE75 J.A. Wood Co., Horth Alma School Road, Scottsdale, AZ 63 Surface Mater on. site PVNGS Evaporation Pond ¹2 Niik (goat) EHE5 Kolb residence, 343rd Ave. north of Broadway Rd.

Vegetation HE5 Bennett residence, 355th Ave. north of Buckeye Rd.

(a) Distance and difection are from center-line of Unit 2 containment.






Air Airborne Fresh Drinking Surface.

Collection Site Prti Its R diolcdlhe Ni ik ~Vemzi Groundwater Mater Mater

¹1, APS Goodyear Office

¹4, APS Buckeye Office

¹6, APS Gila Bend Substation

¹7A, Arlington School

¹14A, Buckeye-Salome Road.

8 371st Ave.

¹15, NE Site Boundary

¹17A, 351st. Ave., 1 mi.

South of Buckey-Salome Road.

¹2'I, South Site Boundary

¹29, M. Site Boundary

¹35, Tonapah, Palo Verde Inn Fire Station

¹40, Trailer Park at Wintersburg

¹44, APS El IIirage Office

¹46, McArthur's Farm

¹47, Adam's Residence

¹48, Shepherd Farms

¹49, Scott Residence

¹50, Crosswinds Dairy

¹51, Butler Dairy

¹52, De Shazo Residence

¹53, Kerr Dairy

¹54, Dickman Dairy

¹55, Gavotte Residence

¹56, Pew ¹2 Dairy


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Air Airborne Fresh Drinking Surface Collection Site Oartio rates Radioiedi e Hi lk S~e station around ate Mater Mater

¹57, Mell 27ddc

¹58, Mell 34abb

¹59, PVNGS Evaporation Pond ¹1

¹60, PVNGS Reservoir

¹62, J.A. Mood Co. AA

¹63, PVNGS Evaporation Pond ¹2 Kolb Residence (goat milk)

M = Meekly H = Honthly 0 = quarterly AA -"As available




3.0 Sam le Collection Pro ram 3.1 Water samples were collected by RMF and WRF personnel using PVNGS procedures.

3.1.1 Weekly samples were collected from the Reservoir, the Evaporation Pond ¹1, and Evaporation Pond ¹2. Weekly samples were collected in 1-gallon cubitainers and 500-mL glass bottles at all three sites. Cubitainer samples were acidified with HCl in the laboratory prior to analysis.

3.1.2 Monthly composited samples were collected at four residence, wells. Monthly composited samples were collected in 500 mL glass bottles and in one gallon cubitainers for the semi-monthly samples. Samples were collected in 1-gallon cubitainers and acidified with HC1 in the laboratory prior to analysis.

3.1.3 Quarterly grab samples were obtained from on-site wells 34abb and 27ddc. Samples were collected in 1-gallon cubitainers and 500-mL glass bottles. Cubitainer samples were acidified with HC1 in the laboratory prior to analysis.

3.2 Ve etation soil Vegetation samples were collected by RMF personnel using PVNGS procedures.

3.2.1 Vegetation samples were scheduled to be collected monthly, as available, if required.

3.2.2 Soil samples were not collected during 1989.

3.3 Air Filters and Canisters Air samples were collected by RMF personnel using PVNGS procedures.

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3.3.1 Air particulate filters and charcoal canisters were exchanged at 12 sites on a weekly basis.

3.4 Milk Milk samples were collected by RMF personnel using PVNGS procedures.

3.4.1 Monthly milk samples were obtained from five dairies during the year. Samples were collected in 1-gallon cubitainers to which 100 mL of carrier preservative was added. Goats milk was collected as available.

3.3 ~Slud e Sludge samples were collected by RMF personnel using PVNGS procedures.

3.5.1 Monthly sludge samples were obtained from several on-site locations. Samples were collected using 1000 mL plastic bottles.

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4.0 Anal tical Procedures A summary of RMF methods is presented here. Sample sizes are provided in Table 4.1. Typical times between sample collection and counting are presented in Table 4.2. Typical counting efficiencies and radiochemical yields are presented in Table 4.3. Table 4.4 presents typical sample counting times. The sample size and counting times used for LLD calculations are the same as used for actual measurements.

4.1 Gamma S ectrometr All gamma spectra are obtained from Ge(Li) or HPGe detectors.

Efficiency calibrations are done annually, and in triplicate, for each geometry used. The calculations are performed with a solution of mixed gamma ray emitters whose activities are explicitly traceable to the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology.

4.1.1 Water Samples are counted in a 500-mL Marinelli beaker. To reduce the counting time, up to 2 liters may be evaporated to 500 mL and counted.

4.1.2 Milk Milk is counted as received, in a 500 mL Marinelli beaker.

4.1.3 Soil Animal Feeds Ve etation 300 g of material is mixed with 200 mL of water and homogenized in a blender. The sample is then transferred to a 500-mL Marinelli beaker and counted.

4.1.4 Air Particulate Filters Filters are counted as received. Monthly composites consist of 4-5 filters stacked on the detector and counted.

4.1.5 Charcoal Canisters Charcoal canisters are counted on a twin NaI detector system. Gamma spectroscopy is used only for verification if I-131 is detected by NaI. Counting efficiency is determined by spiking blank canisters with I-131 traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). A




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canister spiked with Ba-133 is used to verify system performance prior to counting each week's samples.

4.1.6 ~Slud e Sludge was packed uniformly in a Marinelli beaker and counted.

4.2 Gross Beta Activit 4.2.1 Water Samples are evaporated to dryness in stainless steel planchettes (after preliminary evaporation and conversion to nitrates).

4.2.2 Air Particulate Filters Efficiency calibration is obtained by depositing a known amount of NIST traceable Sr-90 on the surface of a glass fiber filter whose surface has been sealed to prevent penetration of the activity into the filter medium. Samples are counted as received after allowing 10 days for decay of radium and thorium daughters.

4.3 Tritium 4.3.1 Water Water samples are distilled from alkaline permanganate and counted in a liquid scintillation counter. Efficiency is determined on samples with identical quench and sample scintillant ratios.

4.4 Iodine-131 4.4.1 Water Radioiodine and added carrier are oxidized to I2 and extracted into chloroform, reduced and back-extracted into aqueous bisulfite, precipitated as PdI2, and counted in a low-background counter. Counting efficiency is corrected for self-absorption by adding a known amount of I-131 traceable to NIST standard to a series of samples having





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varying amounts of iodide, precipitating as Pd12, and counting in a low-background counter.

4.4.2 Milk Radioiodine and added carrier are adsorbed onto Dowex 1-X8 resin, stripped with hypochlorite, extracted into chloroform and determination completed as for water samples.

4.5 Strontium-89 and Strontium-90 Radiostrontium and added carrier are precipitated from the samples as carbonates. Calcium and other elements are separated by repeated extractions with fuming nitric acid. The sample is counted immediately after separation from the Y-90 daughter of Sr-

90. This gives the total activity due to Sr-89 and Sr-90. After a 14-day ingrowth the sample is counted again. The increase in count rate is due to Y-90, which at equilibrium is equal to Sr-90, whose activity is subtracted from the initial count to determine Sr-90. Counting efficiencies are corrected for self-absorption by adding a known amount of respective NIST traceable nuclide to a series of samples containing varying amounts of the respective carrier, precipitating as carbonate, and counting in a low-background counter.

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TABLE 4.1 TYPICAL ALIOUOT SIZES Sam~le 'I @ 8 oss Set ~Ga 8 . testee-1st St

  • tt .89 st a ties 98 Tritiun Air Particulates 430 m (a) 430 m (a)

Airborne Radioiodine 430 m (a)

Fresh Hi lk 500 mL 2000 mL Broadleaf Vegetation 300 g Groundwater 250 mL 500 mL 2000 ml. 2000 mL Drinking IIater 250 mL 500 mL 2000 mL 2000 mL Surface 100 mL 500 mL 2000 mL 1000 mL 2000 mL (a) Air sample volune determined using assumed constant flow of 1.5 CFH times conversion factors (cubic feet to cubic meters and hours to minutes) times the elapsed time. 1.5 ft /min x .02832 m /ft x 60 min/hr x Elapsed time in hours (ETH reading) = total flow in cubic meters. Honthiy composite is 1720 m .


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TABLE C.2 TYPjCAL TIHES BETMEEN SAHPLE COLLECTlON ANO COUNTjNC Seg)~ie T e Time between collection and Countin Air Particulates 10 (j Airborne Radioiodine 1d<T<2d Fresh Hilk 2(i< 7<Cd~

Vegetation 2d<T<5(j Ilater 1 (j < T < 7d Sludge 1 (I < T < 7d Priority is given to iodine-131 radiochenical assay, then measurement of other nuclides uith longer half lives.

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~aoar Mea ~tarte ~Efficie a 0.134 Ce.144 0.031 0.365 1-131 0.015 0.537 Ba-140 0.010 0.605 Cs-134 0.0091 0.622 Ru, Rh-106 0.0089 0.662 Cs-137 0.0083 0.756 2r-95 0.0065 0.765 Nb-95 0.0064 0.811 Co-58 0.0068 0.835 Hn-54 0.0066 1.095 Fe-59 0.0051 1.115 Zn-65 0.0050 1.173 Co-60 0.0047 1.596 La-140 0.0036 OTHER THAN GAHHA SPECTROSCOPY (Detector Efficiency // Chemical Recovery)

Sanai~eT >e arete aet I -131 Sr-89 Sr-90 H-3 Air Particulates 0.40//na Airborne Radioiodine 0.12//na Fresh Hilk 0.30//0.80 0.45//0.85 0.30//0.85 Groundwater 0.32//na 0.30//0.90 0.45//0.85 0.30//0.85 0.45//na Drinking Water 0.32//na 0.30//0.90 0.45//0.85 0.30//0.85 0.45//na Surface Water 0.20//na 0.30//0.90 0.45//0.85 0.30//0.85 0.45//na na not applicable

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TABLE 4.4 tYPICAL SAHPLE COUNTING TINES Saaai~eT e Gross Beta ~oaata s o. t.131 Sr-89 Sr-90 H-3 Air Particulates 100 m 45 m Airborne Radioiodine 45 m 30 m Fresh Hiik 16h 300m Broadleaf Vegetation 8 h Groundgater 200 m 16 h* 300 m 100 m Drinking Water 200 m 16 h>> 300 m 100 m Surface Water. 200 m 16 h* 300 m 100 m 300 m 100 m Sludge 8 h*

~ Counting times may be increased to meet LLD requirements.






5.0 Nuclear Instrumentation 5.1 Detectors and E ui ment Gamma spectra are analyzed by a Canberra Series 95 Multichannel Analyzer (MCA) using a MicroVax computer. Three Detectors are available:

1) PGT Ge(Li), 26% efficiency, 1.90 keV FWHM Q 1332.5 keV
2) Canberra Ge(Li), 14% efficiency, 2.08 keV FWHM Q 1332.5 keV
3) ORTEC HPGe, 13% efficiency, 1.98 keV FWHM Q 1332.5 keV Two Tennelec LB-5100 low background proportional counters are used for alpha and beta counting. Each system has been interfaced to a personal computer and is completely automatic. Sample results and background counts are stored on disk. In addition, the computer is able to produce control charts and voltage plateaus.

Liquid scintillation counting is done in a Beckman LS-1801 Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer.

6.0 Isoto ic Detection Limits and Re ortin Criteria 6.1 Lower Limits of Detection The lower limits of detection (LLD) and the method for calculation are specified in the PVNGS Technical Specifications [11] and are presented in Table 6.1. RMF a priori LLDs are presented in Table 6.2.

6.2 Data Re ortin Criteria All results which are less than the Technical Specifications defined LLD, but greater than the a posteriori LLD are reported at the amount of activity determined and its respective error.

Errors are presented as + 1 o.

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20 Occasionally the PVNGS Technical Specifications a priori LLDs [11) may not be achieved as a result of; background fluctuations, unavoidably small sample sizes, the presence of interfering nuclides, self absorption corrections, decay corrections for short half-lived radionuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances.

In these instances, the contributing factors will be noted in the table where the data is presented.



Water Airborne Particulate Fresh Ni lk Food Products a~Pal HIH ~iL ~iL ~1k<~wet Gross beta 0.01 H-3 2000*

Mn-54 15 Fe-59 30 Co-58,-60 15 Zn-65 30 Zr-95 30 Nb.95 15 l -131 0.07 60 Cs-134 15 0.05 15 60 Cs-137 18 0.06 18 80 Ba-140 60 60 La-140 15 15 Note: this list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be detected and reported. Other peaks that are measurable and identifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall also be identified and reported.

  • If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3000 pCi/L may be used.

"*If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 15 pCi/L may be used.

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22 TABLE 6.2 RRF ~ariorl LOOER LIRITE OF OETEOTIOS GAMMA SPECTROSCOPY Air Vegetation lister Fresh Milk Particulate E~ses ~loots ~1K ~iL ~iL 0.365 1-131 '15 9 9 .0.040 0.537 Ba-140 50 30 30 0.015 0.605 Cs-134 13 8 8 0.015 0.662 Cs-137 17 10 10 0.030 0.756 Zr-95 27 16 16 0.050 0.765 Hb-95 15 9 9 0.035 0.811 Co-58 15 9 9 0.020 0.835 Mn-54 15 9 9 0.020 1.095 Fe-59 30 18 18 0.060 1.115 Zn-65 33 20 20 0.075 1.173 Co-60 17 10 10 0.020 1.596 La-140 18 11 11 0.055 OTHER THAM GAMMA SPECTROSCOPY Sample T~ arose set 1-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 H-3 Air Particulates 0.0034 pC 1/m3 Airborne Radioiodine 0.06 pCi/rP Fresh Milk 0.5 pCi/L 1.0 pCi/L 0.5 pCi/L Groundwater 2.0 pCi/L 0.5 pCi/L 570 pCi/L Drinking Hater 2.0 pCi/L 0.5 pCi/L 1.0 pCi/L 0.5 pCi/L 570 pCi/L Surface llater 2.0 pCi/L 0.5 pCi/L 1.0 pCi/L 0.5 pCi/L 570 pCi/L

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23 7.0 ualit Control 7.1 Intercom arisons and Certification The RMF routinely participates in intercomparisons sponsored by USEPA and BRHD.

7.2 Intercom arison Results Results for the intercomparison program with the USEPA are presented in Table 7.1.

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Table 7.1 U.S. EPA INTERCOHPARISON RESULTS Sample Reported Control Date ~T Units ~lsoto Eaa V l e Value Limits 1-06-89 Strontiua in Mater pCi/L Sr-89 40.00 + 5.00 (a) 31.34 - 48.66 pCi/L Sr-90 25.00 + 1.50 25.67 + 0.58 22.40 - 27.60 1-20-89 Gross beta in Mater pCi/L beta 4.00 + 5.00 5.00 + 1.00 0.00 . 12.66 2-10.89 Ganma in Mater pCi/L Cr-51 235.00 + 24.00 243.67 + 14.74 193.43 - 276.57 pCi/L Co-60 10.00 + 5.00 10.33 + 1.53 1.34 - 18.66 pCi/L Zn-65 159.00 + 16.00 168.00 + 10.82 131.29 - 186.71 pC i/L Ru 106 178.00 + 18.00 174.67 + 0.58 146.82 - 209.18 pCi/L Cs-134 10.00 + 5.00 10.00 + 1.00 1.34 - 18.66 pCi/L Cs-137 10.00 + 5.00 10.67 + 1.15 1.34 . 18.66 2-17-89 iodine in Mater pCi/L 1-131 106.00 + 11.00 115.33 + 4.16 (b) 86.95 - 125.05 2-24-89 Tritiua in Mater pC i/L N-3 2754.00 + 356.00 2990.00 + 113.57 2137.39 - 3370.61 3-31-89 Air Filter pCi/filter beta 62.00 s 5.00 59.67 s 0.58 53.34 - 70.66 pCi/filter Sr-90 20.00 s 1.50 19.33 x 0.58 17.40 - 22.60 pCi/filter Cs-137 20.00 + 5.00 19.33 a 1.15 11.34 . 28.66 4-18-89 Blind Intercompari son pCi/L beta 57.00 s 5.00 (c), (d) 48.34 - 65.66 pCi/L Sr-89 8.00 + 5.00 5.66 1.50 (c) 0.00 - 16.66 i/L Sr-90 8.00 + 1.50 8.80 + 0.40 (c) 5.40 - 10.60 pC pCi/L Cs-134 20.00 + 5.00 20.73 s 1.29 (c) 11.34 - 28.66 pCi/L Cs-137 20.00 s 5.00 21.87 x 2.00 (c) 11.34 - 28.66 5-5-89 Strontiun in Mater pCi/L Sr-89 6.00 + 5.00 5.67 + 0.58 0.00 - 14.66 pCi/L Sr-90 6.00 + 1.50 6.00 a 0.00 3.40 - 8.60




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Table 7.1 U.S. EPA IHTERCOHPARISOH RESULTS Sample Reported Control Date ~T Units ~isoto EPA Value Value Limits 8.4.89 Iodine in Water pCi/L I-131 83.00 x 8.00 84.67 s 3.05 69.14 - 96.86 9-22-89 Gross beta in Mater pCi/L beta 6.00 x 5.00 3.33 s 0.58 0.00 - 14.66 10-6-89 Gamaa in Water pCi/L Ba-133 59.0 s 6.00 58.67 s 2.08 48.6'I - 69.39 Co-60 30.0 + 5.00 30.33 s 0.58 21.34 - 38.66 Zn-65 129.00 z 13.00 135.67 i 9.61 106.48 - 151.52 Ru-106 161.00 s 16.00 153.00 x 26.63 133.29 - 188.71 Cs-134 29.00 a 5.00 28.33 x 0.58 20.34 - 37.66 Cs-137 59.00 s 5.00 63.33 s 0.58 50.34 - 67.66 10-20-89 Tritium in Water pCi/L H-3 3C96.00 z 364.00 3323.33 s 276.83 2865.53 - 4126.47 10-31-89 Blind Intercomparison pCi/L beta 32.00 z 5.00 35.67 z 3.79 23.34 - 40.66 pCi/L Sr-89 15.00 t 5.00 (e) 6.34 - 23.66 pCi/L Sr-90 7.00 + 1.50 (e) 4.40 - 9.60 pCi/L Cs-13C 5.00 x 5.00 5.33 s 0.58 0.00 - 13.66 pCi/L Cs-137 5.00 s 5.00 5.67 s 0.58 0.00 - 13.66 (a) Sr.89 results from 1988 were inconsistent and required new methodology. The revised procedure was not completed in time to analyze this sample, so another procedure, which provides for Sr-90 only was used.

(b) Determined using gamna spectroscopy.

(c) Results were not received by EPA in time to be included in the EPA report.

(d) EPA requires evaporation on the 29th day after sample date and counting on the 30th day after sample date. Me were not able to meet this requirement and thus had an invalid sample.

(e) Detector was out of service and out of calibration for Sr during this study.

Hote: RHF annual EPA milk intercomparison scheduled for September was cancelled by the EPA, so no results were available.


26 8.0 Results and Data Inter retation Results and interpretation of the data for all of the samples analyzed during 1989 are presented in the following sections. Assessment of pre-operational and operational data revealed no significant changes radiation levels. There was no observed impact on the to'nvironmental environment due to PVNGS operations in 1989.

8.1 Air Particulates Weekly gross beta results in quarterly format, are presented in Tables 8.1 through 8.4. Table 8.5 contains the average gross beta activities by station. Average quarterly activities are calculated using all weekly activities except those marked invalid. The findings are consistent with pre-operational and previous operational results. 'aseline 8.2 Airborne Radioiodine Tables 8.7 through 8.10 present the quarterly radioiodine results.

No radioiodine was detected in any of the samples.

8.3 V~e etation Table 8.11 presents I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137 data for the vegetation samples. No activity was observed in any of the samples.

8.4 Drinkin Water All samples we'e analyzed for I-131 (radiochemical), Gross Beta, I

Sr-90, H-3, and for gamma-emitting nuclides. Results of these analysis are summarized in Tables 8.12 and 8.13.

Gross Beta activity ranged from less than 2.7 pCi/L to a high of 11.6 pCi/L (Shepard Residence 10/31/89). A trace amount of Sr-90 was detected at the Scott residence (3/15/89). Tritium results were less than LLD for all drinking water samples. No gamma-emitting nuclides of man-made origin were detected. All I-131 results were less than LLD.




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27 8.5 Groundwater All groundwater samples were analyzed for Gross Beta, Sr-90, H-3, I-131 and for gamma-emitting nuclides. Results obtained from the analysis of the samples are presented in Table 8.14.

Gross Beta results were consistent with pre-operational and prior operational measurements. No radioactivity was observed above the LLD values for I-131, Sr-90, H-3 or gamma spectrometry.

8.6 Surface Water Surface water samples from the Reservoir and Evaporation ponds were analyzed for Gr'oss Beta, Sr-89, Sr-90, H-3 and gamma-emitting nuclides. Results are presented in Tables 8.15 through 8.17. I-131 was observed in the Reservoir and Evaporation Pond ¹1. The highest concentration was 25.8 pCi/L (02/14/89) in the Reservoir and 23.2 pCi/L in Evaporation Pond ¹1.

Influent samples were collected from the Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) and analyzed for gamma emitting nuclides, H-3, and Gross Beta activity. The results, presented in Table 8.19, indicate that I-131 was observed routinely. The highest concentration was 55.5 pCi/L (08/15/89). The results are consistent with assays from the previous year.

Gamma spectrometry analysis was performed on samples obtained from each of the three cooling towers and results are presented in Tables 8.20 through 8.22. Iodine-131 was routinely measured in the cooling towers of operating units. The highest concentration was 132 pCi/L (02/14/89), 142 pCi/L (02/14/89) and 164pCi/L (02/21/89) for Units ¹1, ¹2, and ¹3 respectively. A trace amount of Cs-137 was detected in Unit ¹1 (02/21/89).

Elevated I-131 levels in the cooling towers are not the result of plant effluents, but instead reflect the increased concentration observed in the WRF influent. The WRF influent I-131 is a result of radiopharmicudical discharges into the Phoenix sewage system, not the result of PVNGS effluents. Refer to Section 11 of the 1988 AREOR for a detailed explanation.

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28 Water samples from the Retention Basins were analyzed for Tritium and by gamma spectrometry. The results, presented in Tables 8.23 and 8.24, indicate that Cs-134, Cs-137, and I-131 concentrations were above LLD in a few of the samples collected during the first four months of the year. Cs-137 was noted again in the 09/26/89 sample obtained from Retention Basin ¹2. Cr-51 was observed in the sample obtained from Retention Basin ¹2 on 02/21/89. Tritium concentrations in both Retention Basins were elevated at the end of 1988 and the maximum concentrations for 1989 were recorded on the first sample collection of 1989. Tritium concentrations decreased thereafter.

Table 8.25 presents gamma spectrometry measurements of samples collected from Sedimentation Basin ¹2 (J-Hook Pond). No man-made gamma-emitting radionuclides were observed.

8.7 Milk Fresh Milk samples were analyzed by gamma spectrometry for Cs-134, Cs-137, Ba-140, and La-140. Samples were analyzed radiochemically for I-131. As shown in Table 8.18 all of the results were < LLD.

8.8 ~Slud e Sludge samples were obtained from several on-site locations and analyzed by gamma spectrometry. Results can be found in Table 8.26. During the year, crace amounts of Cs-137 were detected in Sedimentation Basin ¹2 (J-Hook Pond) and a trace of Mn-54 was observed once (09/05/89). Various radionuclides, including Co-60, Cs-137, Mn-54 and Sb-125 were observed in the Retention Basins.

Iodine-131 was measured in the Waste Centrifuge from the WRF. No activity was observed in the STP Digestor. Small concentrations of Co-60, Cs-137 and Mn-54 were noted in Evaporation Pond ¹2.

Figure 8. 1 Gross Beta In Air From 1983 to 1988 I

Chernobyl (April 26. 1986)

Initial Crlucality

'nit I hlay 25, 1985

'nit 2 Apr 198618, Unit 3 Oct 25. 1987

'UI 'U2 U3 Gross Beta in Air (pcm3)

.01 Control Yearly hteans

.001 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1983-1988 Weekly Samples

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Figure 8.2 Gross Beta in Air from 1984 to 1989 Chernobyl (April 26. 1986)

Initial Criucality

'nit I hlay 25, 1985

'nit 2 Apr 18, 1986

'nit 3 Oct 25, 1987 Gross Beta in Air (t cm3)

.01 ol Yearly hIeans

'Ul 'U2 'U3

.001 1984 1985 '9S6 1987 1988 1989 1984-1989 Weekly Air Sample Results


FIRST OUARIER MEEKLY Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site HEAN ALL 29 35 40 44 SITES /AD Collection Period 1 6 7A 14 A 15 17A 21 12/28/88 - 01/03/89 0.028 0.032 0.034 0.034 0.031 0.032 0. 028 0.033 ,0.031 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.031 7.2 a 0.002 a 0.002 s 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 01/03/89 - 01/1'I/89 0.017 0.016 0. 016 0.017 0.017 0.016 0.016 0. 018 0.019 0.018 0.017 0.013 0.017 9.0 a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 x 0.001 a 0.001 + 0.001 a 0.001 + 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 01/11/89 - 01/18/89 0.029 0.031 0.034 0.038 0.035 0.035 0.033 0.036 0.034 0.036 0.035 0.027 0.034 9.4 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.003 a 0.002 g 0.002 s 0.002 c 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 01/18/89 - 01/25/89 0.041 0.035 0.041 0.038 0.038 0.03? 0.039 0.041 0.041 0.043 0.043 0.036 0.039 6.7 a 0.003 a 0.002 a 0.003 x 0.003 a 0.003 a 0.003 a 0.003 a 0.003 + 0.003 a 0.003 x 0.003 a 0.002 01/25/89 - 02/01/89 0.029. 0.030 0.030 0.038 0. 031 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.035 0.034 0.030(a) 0.030 0.032 8.3 a 0.002 i 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.003 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 x 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 02/01/89 - 02/08/89 0.029(b) 0.026 0.025 0.026 0.027 0.027 0.025 0.026 0.025 0.027 0.023 0.027(b) 0.026 5.8 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 + 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 + 0.002 a 0.002 i 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 02/08/89 - 02/15/89 0.036(b) 0.038 0.041 0.041 0.037 0.036(b) 0.038 0.039 0.040(b) 0.036 0.038(b) 0.033(b) 0.038 6.2 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.003 + 0.003 a 0.002 e 0.002 + 0.002 + 0.002 a 0.002 + 0.002 x 0.002 + 0.002 02/15/89 - 02/22/89 0.023(b) 0.021 0.023 0.024 0.023 0.021(b) 0.020 0.022(b) 0.022(b) 0.021 0.022 0.019 0.022 6.5 x 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 x 0.002 a 0.002 x 0.002 + 0.002 x 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 02/22/89 - 03/01/89 0.023(b) 0.024 0.025 0.027 0.024 0.021(b) 0.023 0.024 0.024 0.024 0.025 0.024 0.024 5.9 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 x 0.002 + 0.002 + 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 t 0.002 i 0.002 + 0.002 a 0.002


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FIRST OUARTER NEEKLY Site Collection Period Site 1

Site 4

Site 6

Site 7A Site 14 A Site 15 Site 17A Site 21 Site 29 '5Site Site 40 44 HEAN ALL SITES LSD 0.024 0.023(b) 0.023 0.023 0.021 0.023 3.9 03/01/89 . 03/08/89 0.022(b) 0.022 0.023 0.024 0.023 0.022 0.022 s 0.002 s 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 0.029 0.029 0.027(b) 0.027 0.030(b) 0.029(b) 0.028 0.029 0.026 0.028 03/08/89 - 03/15/89 0.028(b) 0.029 0.030 s 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 s 0.002 t 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 + 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 t 0.002 e 0.002 0.014 0.017 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.016 6.4 03/15/89 . 03/22/89 0.015(b) O.OI7 (c) 0.015 0.017 0.016(b) 0.015 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 t 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 0.015 0.016(b) 0.016 0.017 0.016 0.017 0.016 0.017 0.016 4.1 03/22/89 - 03/29/89 0.016(b) 0.017 (c) 0.017 s 0.001 0.001 t 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 + 0.001 s 0.001 a 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s (a) PoMer failure at site.

(b).Excessive floe meter reading.

(c) Sarpie invalid due to erroneous ETH; sample not counted.


SECOND DUARTER MEEKLY Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site HEAN ALL Collection Period 1 4 6 7A 14 A 15 17A 21 29 35 40 44 SITES XSD 03/29/89 - 04/05/89 0.019 0.020 0.019 0.020 0.019 0.019 0.018 0.020 0.018 0.018 0.017 0.019 0.019 5.0 a 0.001 i 0.002 t 0.001 t 0.002 x 0.001 t 0.001 x 0.001 t 0.002 a 0.001 t 0.001 t 0.001 a 0.001 04/05/89 - 04/12/89 0.019(a) 0.020 0.022 0.022 0.020 0.021 0.021 0.024 0.023 0.021 0.023 0.021 0.021 6.7 x 0.001 x 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 a 0.002 t 0.002 i 0.002 i 0.002 a 0.002 04/12/89 . 04/19/89 0.031(b) 0.026 0.025 0.029 0.031 (c) 0.029 0.031 0.029 0.028 0.029 0.029(a) 0.029 6.7 a 0.002 t 0.002 s 0.002 x 0.002 t 0.002 x 0.002 x 0.002 t 0.002 x 0.002 x 0.002 a 0.002 04/19/89 - 04/26/89 0.021(a) 0.020 0.021 0.022 0.020 0.018(a) 0.020 . 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.022 0.022 0.021 5.5 a 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 a 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.001 t 0.002 e 0.002 t 0.002 a 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 04/26/89 - 05/03/89 0.018(a) 0.018 0. 018 0.020 0.020 0.017(a) 0.021 0.020 0.018 0.021 0.020 0.018 0.019 7.2 x 0.001 i 0.001 t 0.001 t 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.001 x 0.002 x 0.002 a 0.001 e 0.002 t 0.002 e 0.001 05/03/89 - 05/10/89 0.023 0.023 0.022 0.025 0.024 0.021(a) 0.024 0.025 0.022 0.024 0.024 0.022 0.023 5.5 t 0.002 a 0.002 t 0.002 i 0.002 t 0.002 x 0.002 t 0.002 i 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 a 0.002 05/10/89 - 05/17/89 0.015 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.014 0. 015 0.015 0. 012 0.015 0.015 0.016 0.014 0.015 7.3 t 0.001 a 0.001 t 0.001 s 0.001 t 0.001 t 0.001 t 0.001 a 0.001 + 0.001 + 0.001 t 0.001 e 0.001 05/17/89 - 05/24/89 0.022 0.021 0.021 0.024 0.022 0.020(a) 0.020 0.024 0.021 0.023 0.022 0.022 0.022 6.1 a 0.002 a 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 x 0.001 + 0.002 x 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 05/24/89 - 05/31/89 0.018(a) 0.016 0.019 0.020 0. 019 0.018(a) 0.017 0.018 0.020 0.018 0.018 0.019 0.018 6.3 e 0.001 + 0.001 + 0.001 t 0.002 t 0.001 t 0.001 x 0.001 + 0.001 a 0.002 + 0.001 t 0.001 x 0.002



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SECOND OUARTER MEEKLY Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site HEAH ALL Collection Period 1 6 7A 14 A 15 17A 21 29 35 40 44 SITES LSD 05/31/89 - 06/07/89 0.019 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.020(a) 0.020 0.022 0.019 0.021 0.019 0.019 0.020 5.2 s 0.001 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.001 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.001 s 0.002 s 0.001 s 0.001 06/07/89 - 06/13/89 0.022 0.021 0.022 0.023 0.022 0.020(a) 0.021 0.022 0.022 0.023 0.022 0.021 0.022 4.0 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 06/13/89 - 06/20/89 0.024(a) 0.024 0.025 0.027 0.025 0.021(a) 0.024 0.026 0.024 0.026(b) 0.025 0.026 0.025 6.2 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 + 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 t 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 06/20/89 . 06/27/89 0.019 0. 019 0.019 0.019 0.018 0. 016 0.018 0.020 0.019 0.020 0.019 0.019 0.019 5.6 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 t 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.002 s 0.001 s 0.002 s 0.001 s 0.001 (a) Excessive flow meter reading.

(b) Low flow meter reading.

(c) Sample invalid due to equipment malfunction; sample not counted.

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THIRD OUARIER NEEKLY Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site HEAN ALL Collection Period 1 6 7A 14A 15 17A 21 29 35 40 44 SITES %SO 06/27/89 - 07/05/89 0.023 0.023 0.022 0.025 0.023 0.022 0.024 0.025 0.024 0.022 0.024 0.022 0.023 4.9 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 x 0.002 e 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 07/05/89 . 07/11/89 0.023(a) 0.024 0.024 0.025 0.023 0.022 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.024 0.025 0.025 0.024 4.3 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 i 0.002 e 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 07/11/89 . 07/19/89 0.023(b) 0.022 0.025 0.026 0.023 0.026 0.023 0.026 0.024 0.024 0.025 0.023 0.024 5.8 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 i 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 i 0.002 07/19/89 - 07/25/89 0.026 0.024 0.025 0.026 0.025 0.024 0.024 0.026 0.027 0.027 0.026 0.026 0.026 4.3 a 0.002 f 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 x 0.002 a 0.002 i 0.002 e 0.002 a 0.002 i 0.002 e 0.002 07/25/89 - 08/01/89 0.022 0. 019 0.021 0.023 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.023 0.023 0.020 (c) 0.020 0.021 7.1 a 0.002 a 0.001 a 0.002 x 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 x 0.002 i 0.002 i 0.002 a 0.002 08/01/89 - 08/08/89 0.018 0.015 0.017 0.016 0.017 0.015 0.017 0. 016 0. 017 0.016 (c) 0.016 0.016 5.6 a 0.001 , a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 e 0.001 a 0.001 g 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 08/08/89 08/15/89 0. 019 0. 019 0.020 0.019 0. 021 0. 018 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.020 0.021 0.020 5.4 x 0.001 a 0.001 x 0.001 a 0.001 + 0.001 x 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 i 0.001 a 0.001 08/15/89 - 08/22/89 0.020 0.021 0.023 0.021 0.022 0.023 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.023 0.022 4.1 a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 + 0.001 a 0.001 x 0.001 + 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 08/22/89 - 08/29/89 0.022 0.023 0. 018 0.022 0.021 0.019 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.022 0.019 0.020 0.021 7.2 a 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 x 0.001 a 0.001 + 0.001 + 0.001 + 0.001 a 0.001 + 0.001 a 0.001 + 0.001


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THIRD QUARTER VEEKLY Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site HEAN ALL 17A 21 29 35 40 44 SITES %SO Collection Period 4 6 7A 14A 15 0.019 0.020 0.019 0.019 0.018 0.019 0.019 5.4 08/29/89 - 09/05/89 0.019 0.017 0.017 0.019 0.019 0.017 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 + 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 0.020 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.018 0.019 0.020 6.3 09/05/89 - 09/12/89 0.018 0.020 0.020 0.022 0.020 0.018 s 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s s s 0.022 0.023 0.024 0.021 0.022 6.6 09/12/89 . 09/19/89 0.021 0.020 (c) 0.022 0.021 0.019 0.022 0.023 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s'0.001 s 0.001 0.026 0.027 0.032 0.029 0.029 0.027 0.024 0.027 8.5 09/19/89 - 09/26/89 0.025 0.025 (c) 0.029 0.027 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.002 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.001 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.001 s 0.001 (a) Excessive flow meter reading.

(b) Low flow meter reading.

(c) Sasple invalid due to erroneous ETH; sample not counted.


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FOURTH OUARTER 1!EEKLY Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site MEAN ALL 17A 21 29 35 40 44 SITES XSD Collection Period 1 6 7A 14A 15 0.027 0.029 0.029 0.024 0.027 0.024 0.026 9.4 09/26/89 - 10/03/89 0.023 0.026 (a) 0.025 0.022 (a) t 0.001 a 0.002 t 0.001 + 0.001 t 0.002 t 0.002 a 0.001 t 0.001 a 0.001 i 0.001 0.027 0.020(b) 0.029 0.027 0.025 0.026(b) 0.021 0.025 11.2 10/03/89 - 10/10/89 0.025 0.023 (a) 0.028 0.025 g 0.001 + 0.001 t 0.002 + 0.001 a 0.002 0.001 i 0.002 + 0.002 t 0.001 x 0.004 e 0.001 0.032 0.039 0.037 0.040 (c) 0.028 0.033 13.4 10/10/89 - 10/17/89 0.028 0.032 0.027 0.034 0.036 0.034 t 0.002 a 0.002 i 0.001 g 0.002 + 0.002 t 0.002 + 0.002 x 0.002 + 0.002 t 0.002 i 0.002 0.026 0.028 0.023 (c) 0.016 0.024 19.9 10/17/89 . 10/24/89 0.027 0.023 0.016 0.030 0.027 0.029 0.022 i 0.002 i 0.001 t 0.001 + 0.002 i 0.002 x 0.002 + 0.001 t 0.001 + 0.002 a 0.001 t 0.001 0.020 0. 018 0.019 0.019 0.019 0.018 0. 018 0.016 0.018 5.9 10/2I/89 - 10/31/89 0.018 0.017 0.017 0.018 a 0.001 t 0.001 t 0.001 + 0.001 t 0.001 a 0.001 t 0.001 + 0.001 a 0.001 + 0.001 a 0.001 a 0.001 0.044 0.042 O.OIO 0.029 0.037 0.038 11.6 10/31/89 - 11/07/89 0.032 0.039 0.037 0.043 0.039 0.037 0.035

+ 0.002 x 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.003 i 0.002 + 0.002 t 0.002 + 0.003 t 0.003 + 0.003 e 0.002 i 0.002 0.0! I O.OI 5 0.044 0.042 0.045 0.039 0.043 6.3 11/07/89 - 11/14/89 0.039 0.040 0.042 0.048 0.043 0.042 t 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.002 a 0.003 t 0.003 t 0.002 a 0.002 + 0.003 t 0.003 + 0.003 i 0.003 i 0.002 11/14/89 . 11/21/89 0.035 0.034 0.034 0.039 0.036 0.032 0.036 0.038 0.035 0.031 0.034 0.028 0.03'.7

+ 0.002 i 0.002 a 0.002 + 0.003 t 0.002 t 0.002 + 0.002 g 0.003 i 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 x 0.002 0.038 0.038 0.038 0 036 0 035 0.039 0.035 0.036 6.5 11/21/89 - 11/28/89 0.032 (c) 0.033 0.039 0.037 t 0.002 + 0 '02 + 0.002 t 0.002 -t 0.002 0 002 t 0.002 + 0.002 t 0.002 a 0.002 + 0.002




~ i 0'





FOURTH QUARTER WEEKLY Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site MEAN ALL Collection Period 1 4 6 7A 14 A 15 17A 21 29 35 40 44 SITES LSD 11/28/89 - 12/05/89 0.029 0.031 0.025 0.034 0.026 0.029 0.032 0.030 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.032 0.031 9.4 t 0.002 x 0.002 t 0.002 s 0.002 t 0.002 t 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 a 0.002 s 0.002 12/05/89 - 12/12/89 0.034 0.037 0.030 0.036 (c) 0.029 0.029 0.031 0.027 0.028 0.028 0.029 0.031 11. 1 x 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 x 0.002 t 0.002 s 0.002 a 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 e 0.002 12/12/89 - 12/19/89 0.047 0.042 0.052 0.043 0.045 0.043 0.047 0.044 0.042 0.043 0.035 0.044 9.5 s 0.003 s 0.003 t 0.003 s 0.003 t 0.003 s 0.003 .

x 0.003 t 0.003 a 0.003 s 0.003 s 0.002 12/19/89 - 12/27/89 0.040 0.041 - 0.044 0.048 0.040 0.041 0.042 0.043 0.042 0.043 0.043 0.036 0.042 6.8 s 0.002 s 0.002 a 0.002 t 0.002 s 0.002 t 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 s 0.002 (a) Sample invalid due to erroneous ETM; sample not counted.

(b) Low saapie votune.

(c) Power failure at site; sample not counted.

(d) Saaple invalid due to equipment malfunction.





TABLE 8.5 AVERAGE GROSS BETA IN AIR pARTICULATE (pCI/aP), STATION SUMNART First Second Third Fourth Annual Station auarter auarter auarter auarter Average 1 0.026 0.021 0.021 0.031 0.025 4 0.026 0.020 0.021 0.032 0.025 6 0.029 0.021 0.021 0.031 0.025 7A 0.028 0.022 0.023 0.036 0.027 14A 0.027 0.021 0.022 0.033 0.026

, 15 0.026 0.019 0.021 0.033 0.025 17A 0.026 0.021 0.022 0.032 0.025 21 0.027 0.022 0.023 0.035 0.027 29 0.027 0.021 0.023 0.034 0.026 35 0.027 0.021 0.022 0.033 0.026 40 0.027 0.021 0.023 0.033 0.026 44 0.024 0.021 0.021 0.029 0.024 Average 0.027 0.021 0.022 0.033 0.026 All Sites

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Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Collection Period I 4 6 7A 14A 15 17A 21 29 35 40 44

< LLO < LLO < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD January Cs-134 < LLD < LLD < LLO

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD Cs.137 < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD February Cs-134 < LLD

( < LLO < ILO < I.LD < LLD < LID < LLO < LLD < LLD cs-137 < LLD < LLD < LLO LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Harch Cs.134 < LLD < LLD

< LLO < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD Cs-137 < LLO < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD April Cs-134 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LID < LLD < LLO < LID < LLO < LLD < LLD Cs-137 < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD Hay Cs.134 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO ( LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LI.D < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO Cs-137 < LID < LI.O < LIO < LLD < LLD

< LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO June Cs-134 < LLD < LLD

< LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < I.LD < LLD < LLD Cs-137 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO

< LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD July Cs-134 < LLO < LLO < LLD Cs-137 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID ( I.LD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LI.D < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD August Cs-134 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLD Cs-137 ( LLD < LLO < LID < LI.D < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LI.D

< LLO < LLO < I.LD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD September Cs-134 < LLD < LLD < LID

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD Cs-137 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLO < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LID < LLD < LLD October Cs-134 < LLD Cs-137 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD ( LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD November = Cs-134 < LI.D < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < ILO < LLD < LI.O < LLD < LID < LLD ( LLO Cs-137 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLO < LID ( LID < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Deceaber Cs-134 < LLD < LLD ( LID < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LID < LLO < LIO < LLD Cs-137 < LLD ( LIO < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLO ( LID < LID ( LI.O < LLO < LLO < LLO


FIRST OUARTER Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site I 15 17A 21 29 35 40 44 Collection Period 4 6 7A 14A

< LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 12/28/88 - 01/03/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LIO < LLD

< LID < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 01/03/89 - 01/11/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 01/11/89 - 01/18/89 < LLO < LLO < LI.D < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLD < LLO

< LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 01/18/89 - 01/25/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD(a) < LLO 01/25/89 - 02/01/89 < LLO < LI.O < LID < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLD(b) 02/O'I/89 . 02/08/89 < LLD(b) < LLO < LI.D < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 02/08/89 - 02/15/89 < LI.O(b) < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO(b) < LLD < LLD < LLO(b) < LLD < LLD(b) << LLD(b)

< LLO < LLD 02/15/89 . 02/22/89 < LLD(b) < LI.D < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO(b) < LLD < LLD(b) < LLD(b) < LLO

< LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 02/22/89 - 03/01/89 < LLD(b) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD(b) < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD(b) < LLD < LLD < LLD 03/01/89,i 03/08/89 < LLD(b) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLO < LLD 03/08/89 . 03/15/89 < LLD(b) < LLO < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLD(b) < LLO < LI.O(b) < LLO(b) < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLD 03/15/89 - 03/22/89 < LLO(b) < LLD < LLD(c) < LLO < LID < LLD(b) < LLO < LLO < LLD

< LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD 03/22/89 - 03/29/89 < LLD(b) < LLO < LLD(c) < LLD < LLD < LLD(b) < LLD < LLD (a) Po~er failure at site.

(b) Excessive flow meter reading.

-(c) Sample invalid due to erroneous ETII.

0 I



SECOND QUARTER Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Collection Period 1 4 6 7A 14 A 15 17A 21 29 35 40 44 03/29/89 . 04/05/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 04/05/89 . 04/12/89 < LLD(a) < LI.D < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 04/12/89 - 04/19/89 < LLD(b) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD(a) 04/19/89 - 04/26/89 < LLD(a) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD(a) < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 04/26/89 - 05/03/89 < LLD(a) < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD(a) < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO , < LLD 05/03/89 - 05/10/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO(a) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/10/89 - 05/17/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 05/17/89 - 05/24/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO(a) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 05/24/89 - 05/31/89 < LLO(a) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD(a) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/31/89 - 06/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD(a) < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO .< LLD 06/07/89 - 06/13/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO(a) < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 06/13/89 - 06/20/89 < LLD(a) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO(a) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO(b) < LLD < LLD 06/20/89 - 06/27/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (a) Excessive flow meter reading.

(b) I.ow flow meter reading.

(c) Sanpie invalid due to equipment malfunction; sample not counted.

0; C'

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0 0'



THIRD QUARTER Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Collection Period 1 4 6 7A 14 A 15 17A 21 29 35 40 44 06/27/89 - 07/05/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 07/05/89 - 07/11/89 < LLD(a) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 07/11/89 - 07/19/89 < LLO(b) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 07/19/89 . 07/25/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 07/25/89 - 08/01/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) < LLO 08/01/89 - 08/08/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO (c) < LLO 08/08/89 - 08/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 08/15/89 . 08/22/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 08/22/89 - 08/29/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 08/29/89 . 09/05/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 09/05/89 - 09/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 09/12/89 - 09/19/89 < LLD < LLD (c) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 09/19/89 - 09/26/89 < LLD < LLO (c) < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (a) Excessive flow meter reading.

(b) Low flow meter reading.

(c) Sample invalid due to erroneous ETH; sample not counted.

0 0





FOURTH OUARTER Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Site Collection Period 1 4 6 7A 14 A 15 17A 21 29 35 40 44 09/26/89 - 10/03/89 < LLO < LLD (a) < LLD < LLD (a) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 10/03/89 - 10/10/89 < LLD < LLD (a) < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD(b) < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD(b) < LLD 10/10/89 - 10/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD, < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD (c) < LLD 10/17/89 - 10/24/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) < LLD 10/24/89 - 10/31/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 10/31/89 - 11/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 11/07/89 - 11/14/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 11/14/89 - 11/21/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 11/21/89 - 11/28/89 < LLD (c) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 11/28/89 - 12/05/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 12/05/89 - 12/12/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 12/12/89 . 12/19/89 < LLD < LLD (d) < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 12/19/89 - 12/27/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD (a) PoMer failure at site; sample not counted.

(b) Low sample volune.

(c) Sample invalid due to erroneous ETH; sample not counted.

(d) Sample invalid due to equipment malfunction.

0 I.




o i


Date Collection Location Collected 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 J.A. Woods - Conmercial 0 ration Site ¹ 62 (a)

Lettuce 03/21/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD Lettuce 04/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD Deghazo Residence Turnip Greens 02/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD Beet Greens 02/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD Lettuce 05/16/89 (b) 77 < 66 < LLD Lettuce 06/12/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO Bennett Residence Cauli flower Greens 03/21/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD Bok Choy 03/21/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD Cabbage 03/21/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD Lettuce 04/21/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD Cabbage 04/21/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD Cauliflower Greens 04/21/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD Lettuce 06/13/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO Cabbage 06/13/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD Lettuce 07/11/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO Adams Residence Site ¹ 47 Beet Greens 04/20/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD Turnip Greens 04/20/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO Lettuce 04/20/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD Lettuce 05/17/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD Swiss Chard 05/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD Turnip Greens 05/17/89 (b) < 68 < LLO < LLO Lettuce 06/13/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO Swiss Chard 06/13/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO (a) Control site.

(b) Insufficient sample to meet LLO.

0 0

0 0'.

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NcArthur Scott Shepard Gavette Date Residence Residence Residence Residence Col l ected ¹ (Site 46) ¹ (Site 49) (Site ¹ 48) (Site ¹ 55) 01/04/89 01/10/89(a) < LLD < LLD < LLO (b) 01/17/89 01/25/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO (b) 02/01/89 02/08/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD (b) 02/15/89(c) < LLD < LLO < LLO (b) 02/22/89 03/0'I/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 03/08/89 03/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 03/22/89 03/29/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 04/05/89 04/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 04/19/89 04/26/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 05/03/89 05/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 05/17/89 05/24/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/31/89 (d) < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 06/06/89 (e) 06/13/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 06/20/89 06/27/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO


0 0'




HcArthur Scott Shepard Gavette Date Residence Residence Residence Residence Collected (Site ¹ 46) i¹>>¹ ¹ ¹¹> i¹i>¹ ¹ ¹¹>

07/04/89 07/11/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO 07/18/89 07/25/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 08/01/89 08/08/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 08/15/89 08/22/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 08/29/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 09/05/89 09/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 09/19/89 09/26/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 10/03/89 10/10/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 10/17/89 10/24/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 10/31/89 (d) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 11/07/89 11/14/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 11/21/89 11/28/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 12/05/89 ¹ 12/12/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 12/19/89 12/27/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD (a) Sample taken from composite water sampler.

Bi-weekly composite of ~eekly grab samples conmenced 1-17-89.

(b) No sample. Mater shut off at well by owner due to broken line.

(c) Single week grab.

(d) Five week collection month.

(e) Sampling day switched from Mednesday to Tuesday.





Date Gross Collection Location Col lected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 La-140 Mn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 Sr-90 Beta Gavette Residence 01/10/89(a)

(Site II55) 02/15/89(a) 03/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 4.4 i 0.8 04/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 4.7 s 0.8 05/10/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 4.1 + 0.7 05/30/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 5.0 s 0.8 06/27/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 3.6 x 0.7 07/25/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 3.1 s 0.6 08/29/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 3.7 s 0.8 09/26/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) (c) 10/31/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 6.8 + 0.2 11/28/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO (b) 4.6 + 1.1 12/27/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 4.5 + 1.0 Shepard Residence 01/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 5.4 s 1.1 (Site II48) 02/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 8.7 s 1.0 03/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 5.6 x 0.9 04/12/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 7.8 a 1.0 05/10/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 7.7 s '1.0 05/30/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 9.1 + 1.1 06/27/89 < LLO < LID < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 7.8 s 1.0 07/25/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 7.3 s 0.9 08/29/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) i 5.7 1.0 09/26/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) (c) 10/3'I/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 11.6 s 2.6 11/28/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD (b) 8.4 a 2.3 12/27/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD (b) 10.0 + 0.4

I 0



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Date Gross Collection Location Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 La-140 Hn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 Sr-90 Beta

< LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD HcArthur Residence 01/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (Site ¹46) 02/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 6.1 + 0.8 03/15/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 2.8 s 0.7 04/12/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 3.0 s 0.7 05/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 4.4 s 0.8 05/30/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 6.3 s 0.9

< LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 4.2 + 0.7 06/27/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD (b) 3.0 + 0.7 07/25/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 08/29/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b)'b) 2.8 a 0.7

< LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 2.7 + 0.7 09/26/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 10/31/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 7.2 s 1.3 11/28/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 7.7 s 1.4 12/27/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 5.7 x 1.1

< LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Scott Residence 01/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD (Site ¹49) 02/15/89 < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 4.9 + 0.8 03/15/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 0.52 s .01 2.7 + 0.7 04/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 2.8 s 0.7 05/10/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 5.3 x 0.8 05/30/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 9.6 x 1.0 06/27/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 4.4 + 0.7 07/25/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 3.9 e 0.7 08/29/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD (b) 3.2 + 0.7 09/26/89 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD (b) < LLD 10/31/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD (b) 6.3 x 1.1 11/28/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD (b) 3.2 s 0.9 12/27/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) 3.4 s 0.9 (a) No sample. Mater shut off at well by owner due to broken line.

(b) Starting 6/1/89 Sr-90 analysis not required on residence water samples.

(c) Samples were discarded prior to beta analysis.

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Collection Date Gross 1.131 Location Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 1-131 La-140

'Well 27ddc 02/14/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 5.2 s 0.8 < LLD (Site ¹57) 05/09/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 2.1 s 0.6 < 1.4 (a) 08/15/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) < LLD (b) (b) 11/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) < LLD (b) (b)

Well 34abb 02/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 4.4 s 0.8 < LLD (Site ¹58) 05/09/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 3.6 s 0.7 < LLD 08/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO (b) < LLD (b) (b) 11/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (b) < LLD (b) (b)

(a) Result is due to a high background. Recount sho~ed that the half-life was not that of 1-131.

(b)=As of 6/1/89 Gross Beta and Sr-90 analysis were not required for on-site wells.

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Date Gross Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 I-131 La-140 Hn-54 Hb.95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 Beta Sr-89 Sr-90 O'I/04/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 5.4 + 0.9 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 18.6 a 1.7, 01/10/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 10.1 + 1.7 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 21.6 s 1.8 O'I/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 9.5 + 1.4 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 17.8 s 1.7 01/24/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 19.3 s 1.7 01/31/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 9.2 + 1.8 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 18.5 s 1.8 02/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 17.8 + 1.9 < LLO < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 15.9 s 1.6 02/14/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 25.8 + 2.3 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 19.3 s 1.5 02/21/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 23.9 + 2.7 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 18.4 s 1.7 02/28/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 22.3 + 2.4 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 18.4 s 1.5 03/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 9.1 + 1.2 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 18.8 s 1.5 03/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 10.0 + 1.8 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 17.9 s 1.5 03/21/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 21.6 s 1.6 03/28/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 19.3 s 1.5 < LLD (a) < LLD (a) 04/04/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD 04/11/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 04/18/89 < LLD < LI.O < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 04/25/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 05/02/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/09/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/16/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 05/23/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/30/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 06/06/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 06/13/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 06/20/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 06/27/89 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 21.0 s 1.6 < LLD (a) < LLD (a)


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Date Gross Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-13C Cs-137 Fe-59 I -131 La-1CO Hn-SC Hb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 II-3 Beta Sr-89 Sr-90 07/05/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 07/11/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 07/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO c LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 07/25/89 < LLD < LLO c LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 08/01/89 < LLD < LLD c LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD c LLD 08/08/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 08/15/89 < LLD c LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 7.0 a 1.4 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 08/22/89 c LLD < LLD < LLD c LLD < LLD < LLD 9.3 a 2.2 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 08/29/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD c LLD < LLO . < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD << LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 09/05/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 09/12/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD c LLO < LLD c LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO c LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD

-09/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD << LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 09/26/89 <, LLD < LLO < LLD c LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD << LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 19.8 x 2.5 < 3.3 (a) 0.74 s 0.52 (a) 10/03/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD

.. 10/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 10/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD ( LLD < LLD < LLO 10/24/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 2.2 c 0.8 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 10/31/89 < LLD < I.LD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 11/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD c LLD < LLO < LLD, 11/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 11/21/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 11/28/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 12/05/89 c LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD << LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 12/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD c LLD < LLO < LLD 12/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 12/27/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 17.3 a 2.3 < LLD (a) < LLO (a)

(a) Ouarterly coaposite analysis.



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Date Gross Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-13C Cs- 137 Fe-59 I -131 La-140 Hn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 Bets Sr-89 01/03/89N < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 23.2 + 2.4 < LLD 4.7 a 1.9 < LLO < LLD < LLD 890 a 130 268 a 18 S < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 1030 a 130 266 a 18 E < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 860 a 130 301 a 20 W < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 820 s 130 2C2 a 17 01/10/89H < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 6.8 + 1.9 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 850 a 150 285 a 19 S < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 1020 a 150 306 a 20 E < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 940 a 150 282 a 19 W < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 840 a 140 319 a 21 01/17/89N < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 8.0 + 1.6 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 880 a 150 227 a 17 S < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD 920 a 150 252 a 18 E < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 1070 s 150 280 + 19

'W < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 1140 x 160 257 + 18 01/24/89H < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 5.3 + 1.7 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 810 a 140 289 + 19 S < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 760 x 140 302 a 20 E < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 910 + 150 290 a 19 W < LLD. < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 900 a 150 29C x 19 01/31/89H < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 1000 a 150 289 x 20 S < LLD. < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 670 4 140 252 + 18 E < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 850 + 150 223 a 17 W < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 800 + 150 235 + 17 02/07/89N < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 6.4 + 1.4 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 890 a 150 249 a 18 S < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 680 + 140 297 a 20 E < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 640 a 140 231 a 17 W < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < I.LD < LLD < LLD 750 a 150 242 s 18 02/14/89N < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 930 a 150 261 a 16 S < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 1090 a 150 277 + 17 E < LLD- < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 1100 a 150 340 + 19 W < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 5.7 x 1.9 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 970 a 150 317 s 18 02/21/89H < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 11.9 + 2.1 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 680 a 140 282 + 19 S < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 820 a 150 291 + 19

< LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 8.1 + 2.1 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 1050 + 150 279 + 19 E

W < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 880 + 150 290 4 19




Date Gross Collected Bs.140 Co.58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 1-131 La-140 Hn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 Beta Sr-89 Sr-90 02/28/89N < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 460 s 130 325 x 19 S < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD (a) 309 s 18 E < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD << LLD < LLD << LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD (a) 305 s 18 W < LLD < LLD << LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD (a) 289 s 17 03/07/89N < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 8.4 + 1.8 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 840 s 140 342 s 20 S < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD ( LLD < LLD < LLD 700 a 140 330 s 19 E < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD , < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 910 s 140 326 s 19 W < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO ( LLD ( LLO 640 s 140 285 s 17 03/14/89N < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 5.9 + 1.4 < LLD 5.9 + 1.4 < LLD < LLD < LLD 940 s 140 267 x 'l7

.S < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 860 s 140 308 + 18 E < LLD <-LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 1040 + 140 265 s 17 W < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD ( I.LD < LLD 720 s 140 293 s 18 03/21/89N < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD ( LLD 790 s 130 302 s 18 S ( LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 6.8 + 2.0 < LLO < LLO ( LLD < LLO < LLD 830 s 130 330 s 19 E < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD ( LLO < LLD < LLD 710 s 130 330 s 19 W < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 800 s 130 301 s 18 03/28/89N < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 910 s 140 296 s 18 < 3.5 (c) 0.65 s 0.21 (c)

S. < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 1190 s 140 E < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD ( LLD < LLO 850 s 140 W < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO ( LLO < LLD 880 s 140 04/04/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD ( LLD 1010 s 140 (b) 04/11/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < I.LO ( LLD < LLD < LLD 1130 s 140 04/18/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 850 s 130 04/25/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 580 s 130 05/02/89 < LLD = < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 830 x 140 05/09/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 850 + 140 05/16/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD << LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 850 + 130 05/23/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 710 + 130 05/30/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 870 s 130 06/06/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 980 + 140 06/13/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO ( LLO << LLD 900 + 130 06/20/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 880 + 140 06/27/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO ( LLD < LLD 760 + 170 342 s 20 < LLD (c) 0.79 + 0.26 (c)

1' i

I Jl



Date Gross Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 I-131 La-140 Hn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 Beta Sr-89 Sr-90 07/05/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < I.LD < LLD < LLO LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 780 s 170 07/1'I/89 < LLD < LID < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 810 s 170 07/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO 640 s 170 07/25/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 810 s 170 08/01/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 900 s 170 08/08/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 730 s 170 08/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 560 s 170 08/22/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 620 s 170 08/29/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.O < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 09/05/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 640 s 170 09/12/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 09/19/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 880 s 170 09/26/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 584 s 96 < LLD (c) 0.84 s 0.31 (c) 10/03/89 < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 10/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 830 s 160 10/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 1020 x 180 10/24/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 10/31/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 660 s 170 11/07/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 11/14/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 650 x 190 11/21/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 620 s 190 11/28/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 12/05/89 < LLD < LLD- < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 690 s 190 12/12/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 610 s 190 12/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < 34 (d) < LLD < LLO 12/26/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 838 s 80 < 1.1 (c) 1.1 x 0.52 (c)

(a) Sample cocposited from the four sample points.

(b) Beginning April 1, 1989 saaples taken from H, S, E and W at Evaporation Ponds were composited for analysis.

(c) Ouarteriy composite analysis.

(d) Tech spec LLO not achieved because detector was out of service.





Date Gross Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 1-13'I La-140 Nn-5C Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 Beta Sr-89 01/03/89N (a)

S < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 790 s 130 267 s 18 E < LLD < LLD < LLO. < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 810 s 130 285 s 19 M < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD 700 s 130 296 i 19 01/10/89N (a)

S < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 780 s 140 320 i 21 E < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 650 a 140 292 i 20

'M < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO <, LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 900 + 150 301 I 20 01/17/89N (a)

S < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 950 s 150 260 s 18 E < LLD < LLD < I.LD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 1010 s 150 243 s 18 M < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 940 s 150 274 s 19 01/24/89N (a)

S < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 700 s 140 296 + 20 E < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 720 s 140 298 s 20 M < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 600 x 140 283 s 19 01/31/89N (a)

S < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 700 s 140 264 s 19 E < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 600 s 140 279 s 19 M < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 750 s 140 253 s 18 02/07/89N (a)

S < LLD < I.LD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 580 s 140 328 i 22 E < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 480 + 140 269 s 19 M < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 490 x 140 280 + 20 02/14/89N (a)

S < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 970 s 150 333 s 19 E < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 1060 + 150 351 s 20

'M < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 950 s 150 344 s 20 02/21/89N (a)

S < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 710 s 140 294 x 20 E (a)

M (a)


~ i 0

~ (



Date Gross Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 I-131 La-140 Hn-5C Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 Beta Sr-89 Sr-90 02/28/89N (a)

S < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 550 s 130 386 x 22 E (a)

'M (a>

03/07/89N (a)

S < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 910 s 140 407 s 23 E (a)

M (a) 03/14/89N (a)

S (a>

E (a)

M (a) 03/21/89N (a)

S (a)

E (a>

M (a) 03/28/89N 349 s 20 < LLD (c) 0.92 x 0.26 (c)

S (a)

E (a>

'M (a) 04/04/89 (a), (c) 04/11/89 (a) 04/18/89 (a) 04/25/89 (a) 05/02/89 (a) 05/09/89 (a) 05/16/89 (a) 05/23/89 (a) 05/30/89 (a) 06/06/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 920 s 140 06/13/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 870 s 130 06/20/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 1170 + 140 06/27/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 750 s 170 384 s 22 < LLO (c) 0.97 s 0.29 (c)







Date Gross Collect& Ba.140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 1-131 La-140 Nn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 2r-95 H-3 Beta Sr-89 Sr-90 07/05/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 780 s 170 07/11/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 670 s 170 07/18/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 530 s 170 07/25/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 620 s 170 08/01/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 630 s 170 08/08/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 670 s 170 08/15/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 540 s 170 08/22/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 750 s 170 08/29/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 770 s 170 09/05/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLD 09/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 600 s 170 09/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO: < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 630 s 170 09/26/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 730 s 170 741 x 73 < 3.4 (c) 1.3 s 0.9 (c) 10/03/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 630 s 170 10/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 10/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 610 s 170 10/24/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 680 s 170 10/31/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 11/07/89 < LLD < LLD < I.LD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 11/14/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 11/21/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 11/28/89 < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 680 s 190 12/05/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 12/12/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < 16 (d) < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 12/19/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 12/27/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 773 + 48 < 1.1 (c) < LLD (c)

(a) No sample taken, sample point dry.

(b) Beginning April 1, 1989 samples taken from N, S, E and W at Evaporation Ponds were composited for analysis.

(c) Quarter composite analysis.

(d) Tech spec LLD not achieved because detector was out of service.



~ I 0

59 TABLE 8.18 HlLK (pCi/L)

Date Collection Location Collected 1-131 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 l.a-140

< LLO < LLD < LLD Crosswinds Dairy 01/16/89 < LLO < LLO

< LLD < LLO < LLD 02/12/89 < LLO < LLO

< LLD < LLD < LLO 03/19/89 < LLO < LLD 04/16/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 05/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 06/20/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 07/19/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 08/20/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 09/19/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 10/15/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 11/12/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 12/17/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD Oickman Dairy 01/16/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 02/12/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 03/19/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 04/16/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 05/15/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 06/20/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 07/19/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 08/20/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD 09/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 10/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 11/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 12/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO John Kerr Dairy 01/16/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD (Site ¹53) 02/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 03/19/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 04/16/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 06/20/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 07/19/89 <,LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 08/20/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 09/19/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 10/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 11/12/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 12/17/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD


~ i O.

60 TABLE 8.18 MILK (pCI/L)

Date Collection Location Collected I -131 Cs-134 Cs-137 BA 140 LA 140 Butler Dairy 01/16/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO (Site ¹51) 02/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 03/19/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 04/16/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 05/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 06/20/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 07/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 08/20/89 < LLD < LLO << LLD < LLD < LLD 09/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 10/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 11/12/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 12/17/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD Hamstra ¹2 Dairy 01/16/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD (Site ¹56) 02/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 03/'I9/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 04/16/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 05/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 06/20/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 07/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 08/20/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO 09/19/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 10/15/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO 11/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 12/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD Kolb (Goat) 02/12/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 04/16/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 05/15/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO

0 e.


Date Gross Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 1-131 La-140 Hn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 Beta 01/03/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 7.4 + 1.5 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 14.5 s 1.5 01/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 17.1 t 1.9 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 11.6 i 1.3 01/17/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 16.3 t 2.2 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 13.2 s 1.5 01/24/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 52s1.9 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 15.7 s 1.5 01/31/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 17.0 a 1.9 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 14.6 a 1.5 02/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 28.0 a 2.6 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 10.9 s 1.3 02/14/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 39.5 + 3.4 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 15.7 s 1.4 02/21/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 41.9 3.7 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 12.7 x 1.3 02/28/89 < LLD < LID < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 27.2 + 2.9 ,< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 14.3 I 1.3 03/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD .< LLD < LLD < LLD 19.0 + 2.6 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 16.2 a 1.4 03/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 12.6 + 1.6 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 12.4 I 1 '

03/21/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 6.8 + 1.9 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 14.8 R 1.3 03/28/89 (a) 04/04/89 (a) 04/11/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO* . < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD (b) 04/18/89 (a) 04/25/89 (a) 05/02/89 (a) 05/09/89 (a) 05/16/89 (a) 05/23/89 (a) 05/30/89 (a) 06/06/89 (a) (c) 06/13/89 (a) (c) 06/20/89 (a) (c) 06/27/89 (a) (c)


~ '


Date Gross Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 I-131 La-140 Hn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 Beta 07/05/89 (a) (c) 07/11/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) 07/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD LLD LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD (c) 07/25/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD LLD 16.6 s 2.3 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) 08/01/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD LLD 16.0 2.3 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD (c) 08/08/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLO LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD (c) 08/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD 55.5 s 4.1 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) 08/22/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD '< LLD LLD 16.3 a 2.3 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) 08/29/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO LLD 10.5 + 2.0 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) 09/05/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) 09/12/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) 09/19/89 (a) 09/26/89 (a) 10/03/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO (c) 10/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 9.2 x 2.0 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD (c) 10/17/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD "< LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD (c) 10/24/89 (a) 10/31/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) 11/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) 11/14/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 8.6 s 1.4 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD (c) 11/21/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) 11/28/89 (a) 12/05/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) 12/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD'- LLD 14.4 + 1.8 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO (c) 12/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD 15.0 + 1.6 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (c) 12/26/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD <-LLO < LLD LLO 15 ' + 1.6 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD (c)

(a) No sample available.

(b) Insufficient volune of sample to perform bet'a analysis.

(c) As of 6/1/89, Gross Beta analysis not required for WRF Influent.


~ i


~ i f



UNIT III Date Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 I-131 La-140 Hn-54 Hb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 01/03/89 < LLO < LI.O < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 67.8 + 4.0 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 01/10/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 44.5 + 3.7 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 01/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 44.5 + 2.9 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 01/24/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 40.3 + 2.7 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 01/31/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LIO 40.9 + 3.2 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 02/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 56.1 + 3.7 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 02/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 132 + 7 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 02/21/89 < LLD < LLO < LI.D < LLO 2.8 s 1.1 < LLD 115 + 5 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 02/28/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < I.LO < LIO 124 + 7 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 03/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 91.1 + 4.9 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLO < LLD 03/14/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 49.8 + 3.8 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LI.D 03/21/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LID 18.4 + 2.8 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LID < LLD 03/28/89 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 04/04/89 < LLO < LID < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD 5.9 + 1.3 < LID < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 04/11/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO 04/18/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LID < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 04/25/89 < LLD < ILD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LIO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 05/02/89 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLO < LLO < LLD < LID < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 05/09/89 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO 05/16/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/23/&9 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LID < LLD < LLD 05/30/89 < LLO < LLO < LID < LLD < LLD < LID < LID . < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 06/06/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 06/13/89 < LLD < I.LD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO - < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 06/20/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLO < LID < LLD < LI.D < LI.D < LLO 06/27/89 < LLO < I.LD < LLO < LLO < LIO < LID < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD

I 0

0 O.


UNIT ¹I Date Cot l ected Ba-140 Co-58 Co.60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 I -131 La-140 Hn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 07/05/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 07/11/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLO < LLD 07/18/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < I.LO < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 07/25/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 08/01/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LID < LLD < LLO < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 08/08/89 < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 08/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD

< LLO < LLD < LID < LIO < LLD < LLD < LIO 08/22/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < I.LD < LLO 08/29/89 < LLD < LLO < LI.D < LLO < LLD < LIO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD LID < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 09/05/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < < LLO

< LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO 09/13/89 < LLD < LI.D < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 09/19/89 < LLD < LI.D < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LID < LLO 09/26/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LID < LLO < LIO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLO < LI.O < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 10/03/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 10/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO

< LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO 10/17/89 < LLO < LI.D < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 10/24/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 10/31/89 < LI.O < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 11/07/89 < LI.D < LLD < LLO < LID < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LI.O < LI.O < LLD

< LLO < LLO < LLD < LI.D < LLO < LLD < LLO 11/14/89 < LLD < LIO < LLO < LID < LLO

< LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 11/21/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO

< LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 11/28/89 < LLO < LI.O < LLD < LIO 12/05/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LIO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLD

< LID < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 12/12/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LI.D LLO- < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LI.D < LLO < LLO 12/19/89 < LLD < < LLD < LLD < LLO

< LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 12/27/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD

, ~ l I'.

0 t


UNIT P2 Date Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 I -131 La.140 Mn-5C Hb-95 Zn-65 2r-95 01/03/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 57.5 + 3.8 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 01/10/89 < LLD < LLO <'LD < LI.O < LLD < LLD 56.6 + 4.3 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 01/17/89 < LLD < LIO < LID < LLD < LID < LLO 56.4 + 3.7 < LLO < LID < LLD < LLO < LLD 01/24/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO 41.4 + 1.6 < LID < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 01/31/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 49.6 + 3.1 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 02/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 58.2 + 3.3 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 02/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 142 + 8 < LI.O < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 02/21/89 < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 72.2 + 4.3 < LLO < LLD < LLO < I.LD < LLD 02/28/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LID < LLO 38.8 + 2.7 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 03/07/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 78.7 + 4.4 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 03/14/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD 74.1 + 4.1 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 03/21/89 < LLO < LID < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 42.4 + 3.8 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO 03/28/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 18.7 + 2.3 < LID < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO.

04/04/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 10.6 + 1.9 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 04/11/89 < LLD < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 04/18/89 < LLD < LIO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 04/25/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 05/02/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 05/09/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/16/89 < LLO. < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 05/23/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD 05/30/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < I.LO < LLD 06/06/89 <-LLO < LI.D < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LID < LLO < LLD < LID 06/13/89 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LI.D < LLO 06/20/89 <'LD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LIO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 06/27/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD

0 0




UNIT IT2 Date Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-13C Cs-137 fe-59 1-131 La-140 IIn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zt-95 07/05/89 < LLO < LLO < I.LD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 07/11/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LID 07/18/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD

< LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 07/25/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 08/01/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LID < LLD < LLD 18.9 x 1.8 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 08/08/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 20.0 a 2.2 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 08/15/89 < LLD < LLO < LI.D < LID < LLO < LLD 33.4 t 2.8 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 08/22/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 49.6 t 3.2 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 08/29/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO i 45.9 3.6 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 09/05/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO 32.0 t 3.0 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 09/13/89 < LLD < LIO < LLD < LID < LLO < LLD 17.0 t 1.9 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 09/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 8.9 t 1.8 < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLO 09/26/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO <.LLO < LLD 10/03/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 10/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD 11.6 t 1.7 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 10/17/89 <- LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LID < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO 10/24/89 < LLO < LLO < LIO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 10/31/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD 11/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 11/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 11/21/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 11/28/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 12/05/89 < LLD < LID < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.D 12/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO 9.3 t 1.8 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 12/19/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO 25.8 t 2.4 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO 12/27/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 21.2 t 2.6 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD



UNIT II3 Date Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 I -131 La-140 HIn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 01/03/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 71.8 + 3.9 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 01/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 41.8 + 3.1 < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD 01/17/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 22.2 + 2.9 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO 01/24/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.D 20.7 + 2.4 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 01/31/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 45.2 + 3.2 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 02/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LID < LLO < LLD 54.7 + 3.7 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 02/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 143 + 8 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LI.O < LLD 02/21/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 164 + 7 < LI.O < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 02/28/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 117 +7 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 03/07/89 < LLD < LID < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 55.2 + 3.4 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.O 03/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 32.2 + 2.9 < LLD < LLO - < LLO < LLD < LLD 03/21/89 < LLD < LI.O < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 10.4 + 2.1 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 03/28/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 04/04/89 < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 04/11/89 < LID < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLO < LIO < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 04/18/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 04/25/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD "< LLD < LLD < LLO 05/02/89 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLO < LLD < LLO < LI.D < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 05/09/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/16/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 05/23/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLO -< LLO < LLD < LLO 05/30/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO <, LLD < LLD < LLD 06/06/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.O < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 06/13/89 < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 06/20/89 < LLO < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD - < LLD < LLO < LLO 06/27/89 < LIO < LLO < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID < LID




~ i



UNIT N3 Date Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 fe-59 1-131 La-140 Hln 54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 07/05/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.O < LID < LLO < LLD < LLD << LLD 07/11/89 < LLD < LID < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 07/18/89 < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.D < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 07/25/89 < LLO < LIO < LLO < LLO < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 08/01/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 08/08/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 08/15/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 08/22/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 08/29/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 09/05/89 < LLO < LLO <. LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 09/13/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 09/19/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD <,LLD < LLD 09/26/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 10/03/89 < LLO LID < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LID < LLD < LLD

~ < LLD <

10/10/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 10/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 10/24/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 10/31/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LI.O < LLD < LLD 11/07/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO 11/14/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD 11/21/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO 11/28/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LI.D < LLO < LLO < LLD 12/05/89 < LLD < LLD < I.LD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.D 12/12/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 12/19/89 < LLO < LLO < LID < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 12/27/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO

~ i 0;





Date Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 fe-59 1-131 La-140 Hn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 Collected Ba-140 Co-58 12.3 + 1.2 < LLD 11.5 + 1.3 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 23300 s 500 01/03/89 < LLO < LID < LLD < LLD

< LLO < LLD 8.5 + 2.1 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 4360 s 250 01/10/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 01/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO 1'I.O + 0.7 14.4 + 1.1 < LLD 8.4 + 1.0 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 3920 s 240 9.5 + 0.6 12.6 + 1.0 < LLD 6.2 + 0.9 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 5640 s 290 01/24/89 < LLD < LI.O < LLD 8.2 + 1.1 < LLD 5.0 + 0.9 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 6150 s 300 01/31/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 2430 s 200 02/07/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD 8.7 + 1.6 < LLD 13.6 + 2.9 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 4630 s 260 02/14/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD 02/21/89 < LLD < LIO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 4410 s 250 4.5 + 1.1 < LI.O < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 2890 s 180 02/28/89 < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLO < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 1520' 150 03/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 790 s 140 03/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD LID < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 580 s 130 03/21/89 < LLD <,LLD < LLO <

"< LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 03/28/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO

< LIO < LLD < LLO < LLD 04/04/89 < LLD C LLO < LLO < LLD 6.9 + 1.4 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO

< LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 04/11/89 < LLD


< LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD LLD < LLD < LLO 04/18/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO

< LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 04/25/89 < LLO < LLD < LID 05/02/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO 420 s 130

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LI.O < LLD < LID < LLD < LLO 05/09/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LID < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 05/16/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 05/23/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO

< LID < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/30/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO 06/06/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 460 s 130

< LLD < LLO < LLO < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 06/13/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 06/20/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < I.LD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LID < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO 690 s 130

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD 06/27/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD

~ i P


Date Co-60 Cs. 137 Fe-59 I -131 La-140 Hn-54 Hb-95 Zn-65 2r-95 H-3 Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Cs-13C 07/05/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 3920 a 230

< LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 07/11/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO

< I.LO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 07/19/89 < LLD < LI.D < LLO

< LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 07/25/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO

< LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD 08/01/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 08/08/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LID 920 a 280 08/15/89 (a)

< LLD < LLO < LLD < LID < LID < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO 08/22/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 08/29/89 < LLD < LLO

< LID < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO 09/05/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 09/13/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LID

< LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 09/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO

< LLD < LID < LLO < LID < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO 09/26/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO

< LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 10/03/89 < LLD < LI.D

< LLD < LLD < LI.D < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 10/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD

< LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO 10/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD

< LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 10/24/89 < LLD < LLD

< LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LIO < LLO 10/31/89 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO 11/07/89 (a)

< LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LI.O < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 11/14/89 < LLD 11/21/89 (a) 11/28/89 (a)

< LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 12/05/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < I.LD < LLO 12/12/89 (a)

< LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO 12/19/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD

< LI.D < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LI.D < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 12/26/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO (a) Ho sarple available.

~ l

~ I


0 I

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f I 1


Date CoIIected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 1.131 La-140 Hn.54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 01/03/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 4000 s 180 01/10/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 3180 s 220 01/17/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 7.8 s 1.0 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 2850 s 210 01/24/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < I.LD 4.5 + 0.8 < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 4690 s 260 01/31/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD 6.1 + 0.7 7.1 + 2.1 < LLD 5.3 + 1.1 < LLD < LID < LLD < LLO < LLD 3810 s 240 02/07/89 < LLD < LLO < LID < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 4000 s 240 02/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD 14.0 + 1.5 17.1 + 2.2 < LLO 12.5 + 3.5 < LLO 8.7 s 2.0 < LLO < LLD < LLD 3930 s 240 02/21/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO 11.1 + 1.9 < LLD 59.0 + 4.4 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 3460 x 220 (b) 02/28/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD 15.7 + 1.2 22.1 + 2.2 < LLO 16.1 + 2.8 < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLO < LLD 5640 s 230 =

03/07/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO 7.8 + 0.9 11.9 + 1.4 < LLO 19.0 + 2.6 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO 3110 x 180 03/14/89 (a) 03/21/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LI.O < LLD < LLD < LLD < L(0 < LLD < LI.D 930 s 140 03/28/89 < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO '< LI.O < LLD 410 s 130 04/04/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LID < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD 04/11/89 < ILO < LLD < LLD 17.2 + 1.4 15.7 + 2.1 < LLD < LIO < LLD < LLO < LLO

' LLD < LLO < LLD 04/18/89 < LID < LLD < LLO < LIO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 04/25/89 (a) 05/02/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < I.LD < LLD 530 s 130

= < LLD < LLO < LLD 05/09/89 < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/16/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LIO < LLD: < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/23/89 (a) 05/30/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LIO < LI.D < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 06/06/89 < LI.D < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 06/13/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLO < LIO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 06/20/89 (a) 06/27/89 (a)






Date Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 I 131 La-140 Hn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H 3 07/05/89 < LLD .< LLD < LLD LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 07/11/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 810 s 170 07/19/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 07/25/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 08/01/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 08/08/89 (a) 08/15/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 650 a 170 08/22/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD LLO < LLD < LLO < 17 (c) < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 08/29/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 09/05/89 (a) 09/12/89 (a) 09/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 09/26/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD LLO 4.6 x 1.0 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 2420 s 200 10/03/89 (a) 10/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 10/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 10/24/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 10/31/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 11/07/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 11/14/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO 11/21/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 11/28/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 12/05/89 < I.LO < LLO < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < 36 < LLD < LLD 12/12/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 12/19/89 (a) 12/27/89 (a)

(a) No sample available.

(b) Cr-51 also detected in this sample, 29.2 + 12.8 pCi/L.

(c) Delay betMeen sample collection and coUnting.

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Date Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 1-131 La-140 Mn-54 Nb-95 Zn-65 Zr-95 H-3 01/03/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 01/10/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 01/17/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO 01/24/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 01/31/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 02/07/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 02/14/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 530 s 130 (a) 02/21/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 02/28/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD 03/07/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 03/14/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 03/21/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 03/28/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD- < LLD 04/04/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 04/11/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD- < LLD. < LLO 04/18/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 04/25/89 < LLO < I.LD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/02/89 < LLD < I.LD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLO 05/09/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD << LLD (a) 05/16/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD 05/23/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD 05/30/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 06/06/89 < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD 06/13/89 < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 06/20/89 (b) 06/27/89 (b)

~ '


0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Date Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 I-131 La-140 Mn-54 Nb-95 2n-65 Zr-95 H-3 07/05/89 (b) 07/11/89 (b) 07/19/89 (b) 07/25/89 (b) 08/01/89 (b), (c) 08/08/89 (b) 08/15/89 (b) 08/22/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD = < LLD 08/29/89 (b) 09/05/89 (b) 09/12/89 (b) 09/19/89 (b) 09/26/89 (b) 10/03/89 (b) 10/10/89 (b) 10/17/89 (b)

'IO/24/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 10/31/89 < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 11/07/89 < 69 (d) < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < 25 (d) < 23 (d) < LLD < 16 (d) < 34 < LLD 11/14/89 < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD 11/21/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO 11/28/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 12/05/89 < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD 12/12/89 < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLO < LLD < LLO < LLD < LLD 12/19/89 < LLD < LLD < LID < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD < LLD (a) 12/27/89 (b)

(a) H.3 analysis performed quarterly.

(b) No sample taken. Sample point dry.

(c) No sample available for third quarter H-3 analysis.

(d) > Tech Spec LLD due to decay correction.




I 0

Table 8.26 SLUDGE (PCi/kg)

Collection Date Location Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 1-131 La-140 Hn-54 Hb.95 Sb-124 Sb-125 2n-65 Zr-95 Sedimentation 01/24/89 < 57 < 18 < 20 < 16 < 21 ( 45 < 17 <21 <20 <21 <16 < 44 <<51 <32 Basin ¹2 02/21/89 (a)

(J-Hook Pond) 03/21/89 < 70 < 19 < 20 < 14 < 20 < 42 < 27 <23 < 16 20 < 13 < 42 < 42 < 35 04/18/89 < 88 < 21 < 24 < 17 17.1 + 4.2 < 47 < 28 <<29 <18 24 < 17 < 50 ( 51 < 32 05/23/89 < 29 8 9 8 9.2 s 1.7 < 17 < 11 <11 < 8 8 8 < 22 < 18 < 16 06/06/89 < 59 < 17 < 19 < 14 17.1 + 3.5 < 35 < 16 <21 <16 20 < 14 < 44 < 42 < 29 09/05/89(b,c) <<62 < 16 < 20 < 16 47.1 s 4.4 < 36 < 19 (24 132s35 18 < 16 ( 46 < 43 < 32 12/05/89 < 91 < 19 < 22 < 16 19.8 s 3.8 < 55 < 30 < 30 < 20 22 < 18 < 48 < 56 < 40 Retention 01/24/89 < 91 20.1 x 4.8 1990 s 30 325 s 8 725 x 23 < 53 < 26 (21 746 I 24 28 < 29 199- s .12 < 72 < 46 Basin ¹1 02/21/89 < 120 105' 2700 s 40 398 + 9 746 + 22 < 54 61.7 + 8.4 < 25 770 s 23 44.0 s 5.8 <31 198 s 10 < 68 < 47 03/21/89(d) < 127 86.5 + 6.9 2630 s 30 303 s 8 560 s 20 < 57 < 49 < 25 730 + 20 30.7 s 6.3. . < 35 195 i 11 < 75 < 52 04/18/89 < 105 37.4 + 1.8 1520 s 20 407 s 9 678 + 21 < 51 < 40 <21 490 s 17 26 < 26 138 s '10 < 56 < 44 05/23/89 < 126 332 x 13 1540 s 20 365 s 9 593 s 19 < 58 < 40 < 25 406+ 14 35.7 s 5.6 < 35 < 70 < 62 < 46 06/06/89 < 91 39.4 x 5.6 3000 s 10 95.4 x 17.9 205 s 9 ( 47 < 23 < 16 1000 + 30 30 , < 31 326 + 13 < 70 < 50 09/05/89(c,e) < 107 219 x 12 1740 s 40 299 s 8 527 s 19 < 66 < 30 < 23 316+ 15 35 <<37 < 80 < 81 < 54 12/05/89 < 140 < 34 1190 s 30 590 + 17 934 + 21 < 67 < 43 < 28 236 x 11 33 < 41 < 86 < 77 < 54 Retention 01/24/89 < 115 68.2 s 7.8 1990 + 40 411 x 11 719 s 25 < 70 27.2 x 6.4 < 23 740 x 28 46.4 s 7.2 < 38 < 103 < 88 < 63 Basin ¹2 02/21/89 < 139 27.5 s 6.5 1700 x 30 292 s 8 616 s 21 < 66 <48 <32 705 s 25 32 < 31 187 i 11 < 77 < 53 03/21/89 (a) 04/18/89 < 160 < 36 1880 s 40 327 s 9 645 s 23 < 73 < 50 <30 462 s 19 33 < 34 < 90 < 79 < 61 05/23/89 < 72 < 24 2930 s 50 132 s 4 321 s 11 < 29 ( 20 ( 12 1670 + 50 21 < 22 637 + 14 < 58 < 37 06/06/89 < 87 24.4 s 5.0 1100 s 20 522 i 11 810 4 27 < 60 < 25 <23 298s13 26 < 29 < 75 < 69 < 43 09/05/89(c,f) < 157 85.0 s 10.4 5060 s 100 301 + 10 725 + 26 < 94 < 47 < 28 977 + 36 51 < 45 534 + 21 < 137 < 71 12/05/89 < 150 230 + 11 1340 + 30 633 + 18 1040 + 20 < 53 < 49 <26 128s8 34 302 + 9 < 89 < 68 < 54 llaste 01/24/89 < 41 9 < 12 < 10 < 12 < 17 311 x 14 <15 < 9 12 -< 96 < 29 < 19 < 19 Centrifuge 02/21/89 < 59 < 11 < 11 < 10 <<12 < 24 785 s 31 <20 <12 13 < 11 < 30 ( 26 < 21 (SL.G03) 03/21/89 < 41 < 10 < 12 < 10 < 12 < 20 390 s 16 <16 <11 12 < 11 < 28 < 25 ( 19 (Tertiary) 04/18/89 < 47 < 10 < 10 9 < 10 < 22 < 21 <16 ( 9 12 < 10 < 29 ( 18 < 'l7 05/23/89 (a) 06/06/89 (a) 09/05/89(c) < 33 9 9 < 8 9 <18 481+ 17 <15 (11 (10 <9 <26 <18 <17 12/05/89 (a)

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lable 8.26 SLUDGE (pCi/kg)

Collection Date Location Collected Ba-140 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Fe-59 1-131 La- 140 Hn-54 Nb-95 Sb-124 Sb-125 Zn-65 Zr-95 S1P 01/24/89 < 40 < 10 11 < 8 < 10 < 22 < 13 < 13 < 9 < 11 < 89 < 30 <22 <18 Digestor C 02/21/89 < 65 < 13 12 < 12 < 12 < 29 <25 <20 <12 < 14 < 11 < 32 < 26 < 20 03/21/89 < 42 < 10 12 < 10 < 11 < 20 < 13 < 13 < 10 < 10 9 < 27 <21 <19 04/18/89 < 43 8 10 9 < 11 < 22 < 16 < 15 < 11 < 11 9 < 28 <21 <19 05/23/89 < 23 6 6 5 6 < 11 8 < 7 < 6 6 5 < 14 < 12 < 10 06/06/89 < 40 8 9 < 8 9 < 17 < 12 < 14 < 8 8 8 < 22 < 18 < 15 07/05/89 < 31 8 9 7 9 < 17 < 12 < 11 < 8 8 7 < 22 < 17 < 14 08/01/89 < 38 9 9 9 9 < 16 < 14 < 14 < 9 9 7 < 22 < 17 < 15 09/05/89 < 42 < 12 14 < 11 < 13 < 24 <'15 < 18 < 11 < 10 <- 10 < 33 < 25 < 20 10/03/89 < 45 < 12 12 < 10 12 < 20 <15 <15 <11 < 11 9. < 30 <21 <18 11/07/89 < 82 < 16 13 < 13 < 16 < 30 <31 <26 <13 < 17 < 14 < 37 < 30 < 26 12/05/89(g) < 54 < 10 11 <<9 < 10 < 22 <21 <15 <10 < 11 < 10 < 30 < 23 < 19 Evap Pond ¹2 04/26/89 < 52 < 13 77.0 s 3.2 <13 94.4 s 4.4 < 33 < 17 < 12 76.7 a 4.3 < 15 < 12 < 37 < 35 < 26 05/02/89 < 26 7 8 < 7 5.4 s 1.4 < 13 8 < 8 5.9 x 1.3 7 6 < 20 < 14 < 12 (a) No saaple available.

(b) Be-7 detected (143 x 27).

(c) Sample frequency changed to quarterly.

(d) Ce-144 detected (220 s 30).

(e) Be-7 detected (318 s 46) ~

(f) Be-7 detected (290 s 60).

(9) Sample received in uncapped container; covered uith tape instead of a suitable lid.

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77 9.0 Thermoluminescent Dosimetr Results and Data Inter retation Thermoluminescent Dosimeters were placed in fifty locations ranging from one to forty-five miles from the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.

Beginning in 1984, the'anasonic Model 812 Dosimeterreplaced all other TLD's in use. The 812 is a multi-element dosimeter combining two elements of Lithium Borate and two elements of Calcium Sulfate.

f TLD locations are shown in Figur'es 2-1 and 2-2. TLD locations are described in Table 9-1. TLD results for 1989 are presented in Table 9-2. TLD results for 1983 through 1989 are presented in Figure 9-1 (excluding TLD 045).

TLD results for 1989 are consistent with preoperational data.




Figure 9.1 PVNGS Network TLD Exposure Rate 30 25 mR Per Standard Qtr 20 Standard Quarter Network Ave Exp Ra te ~ 90 i 24 + 1000 15 10 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1983-1989 Quarterly Results


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E21 Liberty School, 19800 W. Hwy. 85 E16 APS Buckeye Office, 615 N. 4th St., Buckeye ESE11 Palo Verde School, Palo Verde Rd. (291st Ave) and Old Hwy. 80 SSE31 APS Gila Bend Substation, service road west of town off I-B 7 SE7 Old U.S. 80 and Arlington School Rd.

SSES Southern Pacific Pipeline Rd., 1.4 miles SW of 355th Ave.

S5 Southern Pacific Pipeline Rd., 2.5 miles SW of 355th Ave.

10 SES SE corner of 355th Ave and Elliot Rd.

ESE5 NW corner of 339th Ave. and Dobbins Rd.

12 ES HE corner of 339th Ave. and Buckeye-Salome Rd.

13 N1 H site boundary 14 HHE2 NNE site boundary NE2 NE site boundary, on MRF Access Rd.

16 EHE2 ENE site boundary 17 E2 E site boundary 18 ESE2 ESE site boundary, 19 SE2 SE site boundary 20 SSE2 SSE site boundary 21 S3 S site boundary 22 SSW3 SSW site boundary 23 'MS 2 miles north of Elliot Rd., 3 miles west of Wintersburg Rd.

24 SW4 Elliot Rd., 2 miles west of Wintersburg Rd. at Desert Farms 25 'MS'MS Elliot Rd., 3 miles west of Wintersburg Rd. at cattle guard 26 SSM5 Shepard farm, 13202 S. 383rd Ave., 0.5 miles west of house

~ I 0



80 TABLE 9.'I TMERMOLUMINESCEH'I DOSIMETRY SITE LOCATIOHS TLD TLO NUMBER LOCATION LOCATION DESCRIPTION 27 SW1 SW site boundary 28 WSW1 WSW site boundary 29 W site boundary 30 WH'WI WNW site boundary 31 HWT NW site boundary 32 HNW1 NN'W site boundary 33 HW4 Buckeye Rd., 0.5 miles west of 395th Ave.

34 NHW5 SE corner of 395th Ave. and Van Buren St.

35 HNW9 ,. Palo Verde Inn Fire Station, 40901 W. Osborn Rd., Tonopah 36 H5 SW corner of Wintersburg Rd. and Van Buren St.

37 HHE5 SE corner od 363rd Ave. and Van Buren St.

38 HE5 SW corner of 355th Ave. and Buckeye Rd.

39 ENE5 343rd Ave., 0.5 miles south of Lower Buckeye Rd.

40 N3 Wintersburg, Transmission Rd. at telephone pole 41 WN'W20 Harquahala Valley School, Van Buren St., 1 mile west of Steve Martori Or.

42 N8 Ruth Fisher School, Indian School Rd. and Wintersburg Rd.

43 H45 Vulture Peak School, 1 mile south of U.S. 60, 'Wickenburg 44 ENE35 APS El Mirage Office, 12313 W. Grand Ave.

45 E16 APS Buckeye Office, 615 N. 4th St., REMP trailer (lead pig) 46 ENE30 Litchfield Park School, 13825 'W. Indian School Rd.

47 E35 Littleton School, 115th Ave. and Hwy. 85, Cashion 48 E24 Jackrabbit Trail south of 1-10, north of Fi lmore St.

49 EHE11 Palo Verde Rd., 0.25 miles south of I-10 50 'WHWS Olinski Rd., 2 miles south of Buckeye-Salome Rd.

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Table 9.2 1989 Envirofmental TLO Results Qtr Average Station 1 W~Std Ot 1 21.8 20.1 19.0 20.3 20.3 2 23.3 20.5 19.4 21.4 21.2 3 23.3 21.0 21.6 22.2 22.0 4 24.4 21.0 21.0 22.7 22.2 5 20.1 16.6 16.6 17.3 17.7 6 27.0 25.5 24.0 26.6 25.8 7 27.4 24.0 23.5 25.0 8 23.8 21.0 21.6 22.2 22.1 9 30.5

  • 27.9 29.6 29.3 10 24.4 21.0 22.0 23.3 22. 7 11 25.3 22.9 23.5 24.2 24.0 12 25.3 22.5 22.5 22.7 23.2 13 25.9 22.9 23.5 23.8 24.0 14 26.4 23.5 22.5 25.3 24.4 15 24.4 22.0 21.6 22.7 22.7 16 22.2 20.5 20.5 21.4 21.2 17 25.3 22.9 24.0 24.2 24.1 18 23.8 22.5 21.6 22.2 22.5 19 26.4 24.0 23.5 25.3 24.8 20 25.3 22.0 22.0 23.3 23.2 21 26.4 23.5 22.9 25.3 24.5 22 26.4 25. 1 24.4 26.6 25.6 23 24.4 20.1 21.6 22.7 22.2 24 22.7 20.1 21.0 20.7 21.1 25 23.8 21.6 22.0 22.7 22.5 26 27.0 26.4 25.9 28.5 26.9 27 28.5 25.1 25.5 26.6 26.4

.28 26.4 24.0 25 ~ 1 26.1 25.4 29 26.4 22.9 24.0 24.6 24.5 30 28.5 23.5 24.4 25.7 25.5 31 23.8 21.6 22.0 22.2 22.4 32 25.3 23.5 22.9 24.6 24.1 33 28.5 25.1 24.4 26.6 26.1 34 28.9 25.5 25.9 27.6 27.0 35 30.5 27.9 28.9 30.0 29.3 36 25.3 22.5 23.5 24.2 23.9 37 24.8 21.6 22.0 22.7 22.8 38 28.5 25.9 25.5 27.2 26.8 39 25.3 22.0 21.6 24.2 23.3 40 27.4 22.0 22.9 24.2 24.1 41 27.9 25.1 25.5 26.6 26.2 42 26.4 22.9 24.0 24.2 24.4 43 27.0 22.9 23.5 23.8 24.3 44 22.2 19.0 20. 1 20.3 20.4 45 8.2 5.2 6.7 5.2 6.3 46 22.7 21.6 21.0 20.7 21.5 47 27.0 24.0 24.0 25.7 25.2 48 23.8 21.6 21.6 22.7 22.4 49 23.8 21.6 21.6 21.8 22.2 50 20.1 17. 1 18.1 18.4 18.4 Average 25.1 22.2 22.5 23.5 23.4


82 10.0 Land Use Census

10. 1 Introduct'o In accordance with PVNGS Technical Specifications 3.12.2, the annual Land Use Census within a five mile radius of mid-line PVNGS Unit 2 containment was performed during October 1989.

Observations were made in each of the 16 meteorological sectors of the nearest milking animals (cows and goats), nearest residence, and the nearest garden of greater than 500 square feet producing broad leaf vegetation. This census was completed by driving the roads within a five mile radius of PVNGS noting the location of the above mentioned items.

The results of the Land Use Census are presented in Table 10.1 and discussed below. In the table, the radial direction and mileage from Unit 2 containment are presented for each location. The mileage was estimated from map position from each location.

Improved estimates in distance and direction have resulted in slightly different distances as compared to the 1988 AREOR.

Unless otherwise stated, the actual location is the same as stated in the 1988 AREOR.

10.2 Census Results 10.2.1 Nearest Resident There were five changes in the nearest resident status noted in the 1989 census. These changes were in the E, SE, SSE, WSW and NW sectors.

I 10.2.2 Milkin Animals Milk goats were located in the East Northeast sector within the five mile radius of Unit 2 during the 1988 and again during the 1989 Land Use Census. This location is not a commercial milking operation and was not added to the REMP due to unavailability of regular samples.

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83 10.2.3 Ve etab e Gardens There was one change in the location of gardens greater than 500 square feet producing broad leaf vegetation found during the 1989,Land Use Census. This change vas in the NE sector.

10.3 ~Cons union No changes vere made to the REMP as a result of the 1989 Land Use Census.

~ i 0

84 TABLE 10.1 LANG USE CENSUS (in miles)

Nearest Nearest Nearest Hi lk Animal Changed Sector Resident Garden Cow Goat Location 1.77 1.83 None NHE 1.66 None None NE 2.10 None Hone Hone Garden EHE 2.80 2.85 Hone 2.89 Hone None None Resident ESE 3.70 None Hone None SE 4.31 Hone Hone Hone Resident SSE 3.52 Mone Hone Hone Resident 4.28 None None Mone SS'W None None None Hone S'W 2.65 None Hone None WSW None Hone Hone None Resident Hone Hone None Hone WN'W Hone None None None 4.08 Hone Hone Hone Resident NMW 2.51 Mone Hone Hone


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85 11.0 Summar and Conclusions The conclusions are based on a review of the radioassay results and background gamma radiation measurements for the 1989 calendar year.

The radioassay conclusions are based on observations of fission product radionuclides and do not include observations of naturally occurring, radionuclides such as the uranium or thorium series, C-14, or K-40.

A summary of all sample results for 1989 is presented in Table 11.1.

With the exception of on-site surface water and associated sludge, all sample assays presented in the annual report reveal no detectable man-made radioactivity which can be attributed to PVNGS. As reported in 1988 [10], I-131 concentrations in the Reservoir and Evaporation Ponds are the result of off-site sources and appear in the effluent sewage from Phoenix.

Natural background radiation is consistent with measurements reported in previous pre-operational and operational radiological environmental e monitoring program annual reports. [1-10)

l, ti

86 TABLE 11.1 ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAH 1989 ANNUAL SRBhRY Location with Highest Hedium or Type and hll Indicator Annual Hean Control Number of Pathway Sampled Total Humber Locations Bean (a) Locations Honroutine (Unit of of Analyses Mean (a) Distance Range Hean (a) Reported Heasurement) Performed Range Direction Ran6e Heasurements hir Particulates Gross Beta (609) 0.026(609/609) 7a 0,027(52/52) 0.025(45/45) 0 pCi/m3 0.012-0.052 8 miles 0.015-0.052 0.015-0.044 135o Ganrna Spec (144) c LLD < LLD << LLD Composite Iodine-131 (619) c LLD c LLD < LLD Broadleaf Vegetation Iodine-131 (23) c LLD < LLD < LLD (pCi/Kg -

wet)'mnna c LLD c LLD Spec (23) < LLD Drinking Water Gross Beta (48) 6.9(45/48) Shepard 7. 9(12/13) H/A pCi/L 2. 7-11. 6 Residence 5. 4-11. 6 5 miles 202 5o Strontium-90 (22) 0. 5(1/22) Scott 0. 5(1/13) NIA Residence 4 miles 112. 5 Gacma Spec (50) << LLD c LLD H/A Iodine-131 (28) <<LLD c LLD H/h 0 (

Tritbun (50) < LLD < LLD H/A Groundwater Gross Beta (4) 3.8(4/4) 27ddc 3.7(2/4) NIA pCi/L 2. 1-5.2 Onsite 2.1-5.2 Strontium-90 (4) << LLD < LLD NIA Tritium (8) c LLD c LLD H/h Gmnna Spec (8) << LLD < LLD NIA Iodine-131 (4) < LLD HIA





87 TABLE 11.1 ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOLOGICAL MOHITORING PROGRAM 1989 ANNUAL SUB4ARY Location with Nighest Medium or Type and hil Indicator Annual Mean Contxol Humber of Pathway Sampled Total Number Locations Name Mean (a) Locations Nonroutine (Unit oi of Analyses Mean (a) Distance Range Mean (a) Reported Measurement) Performed Range Direction Range Measurements Surface Water Gx'oss Beta (96) 266(96/96) Evap Pond //2 338(28/28) N/h pCi/L 15.9 838 Onsite 243-838 Tritium (96) 802(123/194) Evap Pond Pl 837(79/88) N/A 460-1190 Onsite 460-1190 Strontium-90 (12) 0. 91(8/12) Evap Pond ()2 1,1(3/4) N/A 0.52-1.3 Onsite 0.92-1.3 Gacxaa Spec Iodine-131 (209) 10.8(24/145) Reservoir 12.4(13/52) H/A 2.2-25.8 Onsite 2.2 25.8 Mm-54 (145) 5.3(2/145) Evap Pond ()I 5.3(2/91) N/A 4.7-5.9 Onsite 4.7 5.9 (Ba-140. Co-58, c LLD c LLD H/A Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137, Pe-59, La-140 'n-54, Nb-95, Zr-95)

Gacxsa Spec (Cs-134, c LLD c LLD N/A Cs-137


'a-140, I-131)

Sludge See Table 8-26 (a) Mean and range based upon detectable measurements only.

Fraction of detectable measurenents at specified indicated in parentheses.

~ t 0




88 12.0 References

1. 1981 Annual Report, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station's Pre-Operational Radiological Monitoring Program.
2. 1982 Annual Report, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station's Pre-Operational Radiological Monitoring Program.
3. 1983 Annual Report, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station's Pre-Operational Radiological Monitoring Program.
4. 1984 Annual Report, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station's Pre-Operational Radiological Monitoring Program.
5. Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station's Pre-Operational Radiological Monitoring Program, Summary Report 1979-1985.
6. 1985 Annual Report, Arizona Nuclear Power Project Operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.
7. 1986 Annual Report, Arizona Nuclear Power Project Operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.
8. 1987 Annual Report, Arizona Nuclear Power Project Operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program.
9. Operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Report for 1987; Arizona State University, Radiation Measurements Facility.
10. Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 1988; Arizona State University, Radiation Measurements Facility.
11. Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Technical Specifications.


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89 13.0 Addendum 13.1 In the 1988 AREOR, Table 4.3 (page 16) reported the Cerium-144 detector efficiency as 0.0031, when in fact it was 0.031.

13.2 In the 1988 AREOR, Tables 8.6 and 8.7 (pages 37 and 38) reported a Lower Limit of Detection of 0.07 pCi/m . The correct value is 0.007 pCi/m .

13.3 In the 1988 AREOR, Table 10.1 (page 85) listed a milk goat at 4.75 miles in the NE sector. This should have read the ENE sector.

The NE sector goat should be "None".

13.4 Due to the extent of revisions, the revised 1987 AREOR will be submitted under separate cover.


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Abstract 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Description of the Monitoring Program 3.0 Sample Collection Program 4.0 Analytical Procedures 10 5.0 Nuclear Instrunentation 17 6.0 Isotopic Detection Limits and Reporting Criteria 17 7.0 Quality Control 21 8.0 Results and Data Interpretation 24 9.0 Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Results and Data Interpretation 70 10.0 Land Use Census 75 11.0 Surmary and Conclusions 12.0 References 80

0, TABLES 2.1 Sample Collection Locations 2.2 Sample Collection Schedule 4~1 Typical Aliquot Sizes 13 4.2 Typical Times Between Sample Collection and Counting 14 4.3 Typical Counting Efficiencies and Radiochemical Yields 15 4.4 Typical Sample Counting Times 16 6.1 PVNGS Technical Specification Lower Limits of Detection (a priori) 19 6.2 RMF (a priori) Lower Limits of Detection 20 7.1 EPA Intercomparison Results 22 8.1 Gross Beta in Air Particulate (1st Quarter) 29 8.2 Gross Beta in Air Particulate (2nd Quarter) 30 8.3 Gross Beta in Air Particulate (3rd Quarter) 31 8.4 Gross Beta in Air Particulate (4th Quarter) 32 8.5 Average Gross Beta in Air Particulate (Swmary). 33 8.6 Gamna Radiation Measurements of Air Filter

'4 Compos i tes 34 L

8.7 Airborne Radioiodine (First Quarter) 35 8.8 Airborne Radioiodine (Second Quarter) 36 8.9 Airborne Radioiodine (Third Quarter) 37 8.10 Airborne Radioiodine (Fourth Quarter) 38 8.11 . Broadleaf Vegetation 39 8.12 Drinking Water, Bi-Weekly I-131 40 8:13 Drinking Water, Monthly Gamna Spectrometry 42 8.14 Groundwater, Quarterly

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TABLES 8.15 Reservoir, Surface Water 45 8.16 Evaporation Pond ¹1, Surface Water 47 8.17 Evaporation Pond ¹2, Surface Water 49 8.18 Milk (Fresh) Radioassay Results 51 8.19 WRF Influent Water 53 8.20 Cooling, Towers, Unit ¹1 55 8.21 Cooling Towers, Unit ¹2 57 8.22 Cooling Towers, Unit ¹3 59 8.23 Retention Basin ¹1 61 8.24 Retention Basin ¹2 63 8.25 Sedimentation Basin ¹2 (J-Hook Pond) Water 65 8.26 Sludge 67 8.27 Quarterly Water 69 9.1 Thermoluninescent Dosimetry Site Locations 9.2 1990 Environmental TLD'esults 10.1 ,Land Use Census 76 11.1 REMP Annual Summary 78

0' FIGURES 2.1 Area Collection Locations - Hap 2.2 Site Collection Locations - Hap 8.1 Gross Beta in Air 1984-1989 27 8.2 Gross Beta in Air 'l985-1990 28 9.1 TLO Network Exposure Rate 1983-1990 74

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Abstract the radiological environmental monitoring program is an ongoing study conducted by the Radiation Measurements Feei lity at Arizona State University for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.

During 1990, samples were collected by the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station and Radiation Measurements Facility personnel. The following categories of samples were collected:

broad leaf vegetation, fresh milk, groundwater, drinking water, surface water, airborne particulate and radioiodine, and sludge.

Thermoluninescent dosimeters were used to measure enviroanental ganma radiation.

All assays were performed by the Radiation Measurements Facility. Thermoluminescent dosimeters were issued and processed by the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. Sludge and Water Reclamation Facility influent water samples were collected by personnel from. the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.

OPERAT IOHAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 1.0 Introduction The Radiological Envirormental Monitoring Program (REMP) was established for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVHGS) by the Arizona Nuclear Power Project (ANPP) in 1979. The program complies with federal requirements set forth by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Coaeission (U.S. NRC) to provide a complete envirowentai monitoring program for nuclear reactors. This report contains the measurements and findings for 1990. All bracketed nunbers refer to references contained in section 12.

The objectives of the radiological enviroanental monitoring program are as follows: 1) to determine baseline radiation levels in the environs prior to plant operation and to compare the findings with measurements obtained during reactor operations; 2) to monitor potential critical pathways of radio-effluent to man; and 3) to determine radiological impacts on the enviroanent caused by the operation of PVHGS.

Results from the REMP help to evaluate sources of elevated levels of radiation in the environment, e.g., atmospheric nuclear detonations or abnormal plant releases.

Results for the PVNGS pre-operational environnentai monitoring program are presented in references 1-5.

The initial criticality of Unit One occurred May 25, 1985. Initial criticality for Units Two and Three were April 18, 1986 and October 25, 1987, respectively. PVNGS operational findings are presented in references 6-8. The Radiation Measurements Facility (RMF) radiological assessments for 1988 and 1989 are found in references 9 and 10. This report contains the measurements and findings for 1990.


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2.0 Descri tion of the Monitorin Pro ram The pre-operational radiological envirowentaL monitoring program, which began in 1979, was performed by PVHGS and outside organizations. These organizations continued the program into the operational phase of PVHGS. In 1988, the RMF assuned responsibility for sample collection, assay, data processing, and the REMP annual report. TLD measurements, collection of sludge, water influent samples, and the Land use census are conducted by PVNGS personnel.

2.1 The ASU Radiation Measurements Feei lit In the spring of 1983, the RMF implemented a Long-term independent radiological envirormentaL assessment program for the PVHGS.

In July 1987, the RMF was certified as a vendor by the APS Vendor Quality Program and assumed responsibility for many of the enviroanentaL assessments performed in support of the nuclear power station.

RMF staff are trained to perform routine sampling of air, surface and ground water, drinking water, milk, sludge, and vegetation. In accordance with the RMF Quality Assurance Program, all samples are collected using PVNGS procedures and analyzed using written and approved RMF procedures. Annual audits of the program are conducted by the APS Vendor Quality Organization.

To provide the highest quality results, the RMF participates in radiochemistry intercomparison programs with the United States Enviroreental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the Bureau of Radiation and Medical Devices (BRMD) of the Canadian Department of Health and lie l fare.

2.2 1990 PVNGS Radiolo ical Monitorin Pro ram The assessment program consists of routine measurements of background gamna radiation and of radionuclide concentrations in media such as air, groundwater, drinking water, surface

~ater, fresh milk, vegetation, and sludge.

Samples were collected by PVHGS or RMF personnel at the monitoring sites shown in Figures 2.1 and 2.2. The specific sample types, sampling locations, and sampling frequencies as set forth in Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Technical Specifications (11] are presented in Tables 2 ' and 2.2. Other samples not required by reference 11 were processed in accordance with contractual obligations or written requests from PVHGS.

0 Background gamna radiation measurements are performed using thermoluminescent dosimetry at fifty locations by PVNGS.

2.3 Radiolo ical Honitorin Pro ram Chan es for 1990 2.3.1 Air sampling station Site ¹44 became inaccessible in October, 1990. This supplemental air site has been subsequently dropped from the sample program.


Sample Site ¹ Type Location(a) Location Description 1 Air E30 APS Goodyear Office 4 Air E16 APS Buckeye Office, 615 H. 4th St, Buckeye 6* Air SSE31 APS Gila Bend Substation, Service Road West of Town.

7A Air SE8 Arlington School, 16351 S. Arlington School Road 14A Air NHE2 Buckeye-Salome Road & 371st Ave.

15 Air HE2 North East Site Boundary 17A Air E4 351st Ave., 1 mile South of Buckeye-Salome Road 21 Air S3 South Site Boundary 29 Air W1 West Site Boundary 35 Air HNW9 Tonapah, Palo Verde Inn Fire Station, 40901 W Osborn Rd.

40 Air N3 Wintersburg, End of Transmission Road 44(b) Air ENE35 APS El Mirage Office (Sun City) 46 Water, HNW9 McArthur's Farm, Tonapah 47 Vegetation EHE3 Adams's Residence> 355th Ave. 8 Buckeye - Salome Rd.

48 Water SS Shepard Farms, 13202 S. 383rd Avenue 49 Water ESE4 Scott Residence, 351st Ave. & Dobbins Road 50 Milk ENE12 Crosswinds Dairy, 295th Ave and Van Buren St.

51 Mi lk E11 Butler Diary, Palo Verde Road 8 Southern 52 Vegetation N2 DeShazo Residence, 375th Ave South of Buckeye Salome Rd 53 Milk E20 Kerr Dairy, Dean 8 Buckeye Roads 54 Milk E17 Dickman Dairy, Broad~ay and Apache Roads.

55 Mater SM3 Gavette Residence, 39326 W. Elliot Road 56* Milk E75 Pew Dairy, McQueen & Ryan Roads 57 Water on-site Well 27ddc 58 Mater on-site Mell 34abb 59 'urface Mater on-site PVHGS Evaporation Pond ¹1 60 Surface Mater on-site PVNGS Reservoir 62* Vegetation EHE75 J.A. Wood Co., North Alma School Road, Scottsdale, AZ 63 Surface Mater on-site PVHGS Evaporation Pond ¹2 64 Milk(goat) EHES Kolb Residence, North of Broad~ay Rd on 343rd Ave.

  • control site.

(a) Distances and direction are from center-line of Unit 2 contai>Iaent.

(6) ceased operation on or about October 1990.

0 8


Air Airborne Fresh Drinking Surface Collection Site Particulates Radioiodine Hi lk Vegetation GroundNater Water Water

¹1, APS Goodyear Office 'W

¹4, APS Buckeye Office M

¹6, APS Gila Bend Substation W

¹7A, Arlington School W

¹14A, Buckeye-Salome Road. 'W

& 371st Ave.

¹15, HE Site Boundary

¹17A, 351st. Ave., 1 mi South of Buckey-Salome Road.

¹21, South Site Boundary

¹29, W. Site Boundary

¹35, Tonapah, Palo Verde inn Fire Station

¹40, Trailer Park at Mintersburg

¹44, APS El Hirage Office

¹46, HcArthur's Farm

¹47, Adam's Residence

¹48, Shepherd Farms

¹49, Scott Residence

¹50, Crosswinds Dairy

¹51, Butler Dairy

¹52, De Shazo Residence

¹53, Kerr Dairy

¹54, Dickman Dairy

¹55, GaVette Residence

¹56, Pew Dairy

¹57, Well 27ddc

¹58, Well 34abb

¹59, PVHGS Evaporation Pond ¹1

¹60, PVHGS Reservoir

¹62, J.A. Mood Co.

¹63, PVHGS Evaporation Pond ¹2

¹64, Kolb Residence W = Meekly H = Konthly 0 = quarterly AA = As available