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Rev 0 to Procedure 12.10.8, Dissolved Gas Analysis.
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Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 09/27/1983
Shared Package
ML17277A937 List:
12.10.8, NUDOCS 8310180453
Download: ML17277A938 (24)


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+12.10.8 DISSOLVED GAS ANALYSIS ~Pur oee This procedure gives instructions for sampling and analysis of dissolved gas from the post accident sampling station. Precautions/Prereauisites A. Lab personnel shall be issued extremity monitoring devices per Health Physics policy.

Lead shielding must be set up prior to removing the sample from the cask.

C. Appropriate dose rate meter must be available and in calibration.

Use continuously to assure personnel exposure is ALARA.

D. TIhe gamma spectrometer must be operable.

Appropriate remote handling tools must be available and used during handling of highly radioactive samples.

12. 10. 8. 3 Ecruioment A. 14 ml gas-sample bottle S. Gas sample bottle holder C. Stopwatch A

R'ROCKOURE 83i0180453 83iOi3 PDR ADOCK 050003'2I7 PDR NUMBER 2.10. 8


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O'AG K NUMBER 12.10.8-1 or 19

'/I/+ 597

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12.10.8. 4 Procedure A. Identification of Symbols. The following section identifies the symbols which are used in the procedure:

G = total dissolved gas:in gas phase, gm-mol L = total dissolved gas in liquid phase, cm-mol PF = final pressure of gas, psia PG = partial pressure of total dissolved gas, psia Pi = initial pressure of gas, psia PRG = partial pressure of residual expanded gases from liquid loop, psia PV = pressure of water vapor at temperature of liquid, psia (psia) (cc)

SH = solubility of hydrogen at temperature of liquid sample, gm-mol Hz/gm-mol H20 TG = temperature of gas collection volume, oR (oR = 460 + oF)

TL = temperature of liquid sample, oR (oR = 460 + oF)

VG = volume of gas collection area, cc VL = volume of liquid in liquid collection cylinder, cc p = density of water at temperature of liquid sample, g/cc B. Oeterminin Standard Parameters Prior to using the dissolved oas sampling system for collecting samples, the volume of the gas and liquid must be determined.

(See Attachment A.)


'fVP 59$ 12.10.8 12.10.8-2 of 19

J l

C. Dbtaininq Total Dissolved Gas Measurements

1. Turn "Liq/Gas" switch to liquid.
2. turn "Liq Sample Source Selector" switch to RI-R on bypass or Jet Punp on bypass.
3. Turn PCV-627 to control flow to approximately 1 gpm or less as displayed cn FI-664.
4. Turn RI iq Sample Source Selector" switch to RFR or Jet Pump.
5. Use gas sample bottle holder tool to place a gas sample bottle on the needle. Check to see that the green light below "Gas Bottle In" is on.
6. Turn "Dissolved Gas and Liquid Sample" switch to Position 1 for 10 minutes. Reduce flow rate to 0.1 gpm to minimize pressure drop.
7. Turn "Dissolved Gas and Liquid Sample" switch to Position 2 for 10 minutes.
8. Turn to Position 3. When PI662 is stable, record value as Pi on Data Sheet 1.
9. Turn quickly to Position 6 for 30 seconds.
10. Turn to Position 7 for 30 seconds.

ll. Turn to Position 8 for 15 seconds; turn back to Position 7 for seconds; repeat 3 times.

12. Turn to Position 9. Record final pressure as PF (from PI-662) on Data Sheet 1.
13. Turn "Lower Pressure/Gas Sample" switch to "lower pressure".
14. Record water temperature from TI-660 and gas temperature frcm TI-724.

D. Remove trapped water in dissolved gas collection volume.

NOTE: After a dissolved gas test is performed, liquid is assumed to be trapped in the gas collection volume. When the valve CV653 opens small gas bubbles come out of solution throughout the liquid phase.

As the bubbles expand and rise, entrained water is carried with them into the gas collection space. Valve CV 653 is a solenoid valve with small parts and a tortuous flow path, and therefore water can-not drain back. Assemble apparatus in Figure l.


'IVP 12.10.8 0 12.10.8-3 of 19 59$

H I TROGF ti SUPPLY TRfIK Note tarot all Fittings are shovn in this illustration 1 shutoff valve for the tank z pressure gage for the tank 3 second stage pressul e gage second stage pressure regulator valve 5 shutof f valve 6 metering valve (control valve) 7 pressure gage (range; 0 to 50 PSIG) 8 Swagelok 8 inch. union,:;ith outer end fitted with a septum 4 inch. tubing FIGURE '.. APPARATUS FOR GRS COLLECTIOtl CHÃlPFR MATER DRRIlfAGE F1cure 1 PROC- QVRE HVAn8KR R VIS>ON hUMBc.rl i~4Qf 'IVu86P

'AP 594 12.10. 8 I 12.10.8-4 or '.'


~ ~


1. the last dissolved gas test had a final pressure greater than atmospheric, depressurize the liquid lines as follows; ir not go to 2.
a. Turn "Liquid Sample Source Selector" switch to Jet Pump (2) on RHR (4).
b. Turn "Liq/Gas" switch to liquid.
c. Turn "Dissolved Gas and Liquid Sample" switch to Position 8.
d. Turn power switch ON.


e. TurnI "Dissolved Gas and Liquid Sample" switch to Position 9.
f. Turn "Lower Press/Gas Sample" switch to lower pressure.
g. Repeat from c until PI 662 reads atmospheric at Step C.
2. Turn- "Liquid Sample Source Selector" switch to Jet Pump or RHR.

3.Turn "Liquid/Gas" switch to liquid. '.

Turn "Dissolved Gas and Liquid Sample" switch to Position 9.

5. Place septum end of tube on dissolved gas sample needle. Be sure that green light below "gas bottle in" is on. Set 2nd stage of 2 stage regulator for 45 psig.
6. Turn "lower press/gas samples" switch to gas sample. Have a second person turn on the small control valve on the nitrogen supply. Release gas sample switch when pressure, as indicated on PI-662, is approximately 50 psia.
7. Turn power switch OFF.
8. Turn "dissolved gas and liquid sample" switch to Position 6.
9. Turn power switch ON.
10. Nhen pressure is reduced, water should be forced into liquid space.
11. Complete Data Sheet l.

PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISIdN i'%UMBER 12.10.8 0 12 10 8 5 of 19 WP 594

E. To Calculate Dissolved Gas Concentrations

1. The following values must be obtained prior to calculating gas concentrations:

VL = volume of liquid sample (cc) from VG = volume of gas collection area (cc) from TG = temperature of gas collection volume (oR) from TL = temperature of liquid sample (oR) from PF = final pressure of gas (psia) from Pi = initial pressure of gas (psia) from SH = solubility of H2 at temperature of liquid sample (gm-mol/gm H20-atm) (see Attachment B) p = density of water at temperature of liquid sample (gm/ml)

(see Attachment D)

PV = pressure of water vapor at temperature of liquid (psia)

(see Attachment C)

PRG = partial pressure gases from liquid loop, (psia) from B

2. Determination of partial pressure of total dissolved gas, PG PG = PF - Pi - PV - PRG
3. Determination of'issolved gas concentration in the iquid.

Total dissolved gas = .Gas in liquid phase + gas "in gas phase (gm-mols ) (gmmols)

L = SH x VL x P x PG/14.4 for liquid phase G =, PG x VG/(RX TG) for gas phase Total dissolved gas per cc water = L + g vt PRQCEQVRE NUMBER REVISION NVMBER PAGE NUMBER WP 594 12.10.8 12w10.8-6 of 19 Attachments A. Volume Determination B. Solubility of Gases C. Vapor Pressure of Hater D.'ensity of Mercury and 'Hater E. Data Sheets 1, 2 and 3 PRQCKbURE NUM8fR )RKVISlON NUM8ER Pa@a NUM88P WP 598 12.10.8 I 0 12.10.8-7 of 19

TENTATIVE VOLUME OETERMINATION PROCEOURE FOR THE PASS SYSTEM DISSOLVED GAS SAMPLING CHAMBERS The purpose for the procedure is to determine the volumes of the dissolved gas collection chamber {expansion volume) and the liquid circulation chamber (liquid sample volume).

The principle of the method is based on gas expansions and pressure measure-ments performed against a known standard reference volume. The pressure read-ings are taken at ambient, conditions in quick succession and the simple gas law pressure-volume relationship is applied without temperature corrections.

The procedure is meant to be applied to PASS Systems that have not been put into operation, i.e. dry, without any liquid in the lines.

Attachment A Page 1 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER PAGE NUMBER WP 55d 12.1  ! 19 1 n 1


.-RGC" URE ( T~W 7'-. T: VE)

EwU'5 FME'iT R rence Volund Cacsule, 5 - 20 c" nominal (sketch).

Vacuum Porno Vacuum Gage flexible Vacuum arose ('6 I t.)

-nut-oi f Valve o Rucoer Seotums
SKETC."i - Pyrex G'ass Capsule Rufbe Seotum Valve (Tef'on Pluo)

Attachment A Page 2 of 6 paQQKCURK numaKR RKVISIQPV i t&iVIOER (PAGE NUA46FR WP 598

12. 10. 8  !

0 I 12.10.8-9 of 19

1. Standard Reference Volume (V )

Weigh reference capsule to the nearest 0.1 gram.

1.2 With valve closed, thru the septum port.

fill the reference capsule with distilled wat r 1.3 Seal the port of the capsule with a rubber septum allowing some of the water to overflow. Remove the excess water with tissue or oaper towels.

1.4 Weigh reference capsule and its content of water to the nearest 1 gram. Record difference on Data Sheet 2.

Note ambient temperature and from Attachment B obtain the density of water in grams per cubic centimeter at the temperature not d. Re-cord ambient temperature and density on Data Sheet l.

1.6 Calculate the volume of the reference capsule (Vs) as follows:

(Record on Data Sheet 1)

Vs= ~W P


LW = weight difference between the empty capsule and the capsule fil-led with water (grams)

P = density of water (gram/cc)

Vs = standard reference volume (cc) 1.7 Drain and thoroughly dry the reference capsule.

1.8 Reseal the capsule with a new rubber septum.

2. Determination of the Dissolved Gas Collection Chamber Volume, V-622 (f'ASS

~Ss ten 2.1 On the PASS system control panel set switches as follows:

Mode Selector Switch to "LlgJIO" Sequencing Switch HC-601 to Position 10 2.2 Evacuate the standard reference capsule thru its valve to 50 microns or better. Record pressure as Po on Data Sheet 1.

2.3 insert an open vial (without rubber septum) into the dissolved gas sampling station such that the limit switch near the needle is depressed and the "Vial Position" status light on the panel changes from red to green.

Attachment A Page 3 of 6 I ROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER RAGE NUMBER 12.10.8 0 12.10.8-10 of 19 WP 398

2.4 Turn switch HC-652 clockwise to "Gas Sample" and hold.

2.5 Record pressure from PI-662 as Pl (should be atmospheric) on Data Sheet 1.

2.6 Release switch HC-652, then remove open vial from the samoling station.

2.7 Close the valve on the standard reference capsule to isolate it from the vacua pvnp.

2.8 Inser the standard reference capsule into the dissolved gas sampling station such that the needle punctures the rubber septum and the limit switch is depressed. Note the status light changing from red to green.

2.9 Turn switch HC-652 clockwise to "Gas Sample" and hold.

2.10 Record pressure from PI-662 as P2 on Data Sheet 1.

2.11 Calculate VT as follows: (Record on Data Sheet 1) p - p V = 2 0 . V T P P S 1 2 Where: VS = standard reference capsule volume (cc)

VT = volume of dissolved gas collection chamber + the vol-ume of tubing, needle block and needle (cc) 2.12 Install a new rubber septum on the standard reference capsule.

2.13 Repeat Steps 2.2 through 2.12 three or more times and then calculate an average value for VT.

2.14 Insert an open vial (no rubber septum) into the dissolved gas samp-ling station. Note that the limit is depressed and the "Vial Po i-tion" status light changes from red to green.

2.15 Turn switch HC-652 clockwise to "Gas Sample" and hold.

2.16 Record pressure from PI-662 as P3 (should be atmospheric) on Data Sheet l.

2.17 Release switch HC-652, then remove the open vial from the dissolved gas sampling station.

2.18 Insert the standard reference capsule into the dissolved gas samp-ling station as was done in Step 2.8.


'IHIP 598 12. 10. 8 0 12.10.8-11 of 1

2.19 Connect the valved end of the reference caosule to the vacuum oump, open the valve and evacuate to 50 microns or better, then close the valve. Record pressure as Po on Data Sheet l.

2.20 Turn switch HC-652 clockwise to "Gas Sample" and hold.

2.21 Record pressure frcm PI-662 as P4.

2.22 Calculate VG as follows: (and record on Data Sheet 1) p p V =(V+V) 4 0

G T S P P 3 0

'Hhere: VT = the average value obtained from Step 2.12 (cc)

VS = standard reference capsule volume (cc)

VG = dissolved gas collection chamber volume, V-662 (cc) 2.23 Install a new rubber septum on the standard reference capsule.

2.24 Repeat Steps 2.14 through 2.23 three or more times and then calcu-late an average value VG (V-662). I

3. Determination of the Li uid Circulation Chamber Volume V-610 3.1 Disconnect sample source lines (BET PUMP, Rf%, etc.) from the PASS System.

3.2 On the control panel set switches as follows:

Mode Selector Switch to "LIQJID" Sequencing Switch HC-601 to Position 10 Liquid Sample Source Selector Switch HC-626 to Position 2 3.3 Insert an open vial (without rubber septum) into the dissolved gas sampling station. Make sure the limit switch near the needle is depressed and green indicator light is on.

3.4 Turn switch HC-652 clockwise to "Gas Sample" and hold.

3.5 Record pressure from PI-662 as Pl (atmospheric pressure) on Data Sheet 3.

3.6 Release switch H-652, then remove the open vial from the sampling station.

Attachment A Page 5 of 6 PROCKOURK NUM8KR RKVISIQN NUMBKR [PACK NUMBKR VIP 598 12.10.8 0 12.10.8-12 of 19

3.7 Insert a vial with rubber septum into the dissolved gas sampling station. Note that the needle punctures the septum and that the vial is inserted far enough to depress the limit switch. "Vial Position" status light on the panel should change from red to green.

3.8 Turn sequencing switch HC-601 from Position 10, quickly thru Posi-ticn ll to OFF.

3.9 Turn sequencing switch HC-601 to Position 2. Observe that P-701 starts and the pressure reading on Pl-662 decreases.

3.10 Allow the pressure reading from PI-662 to stabilize then record the pressure as P2 (partial vacuum) on Data Sheet 3.

3.11 Turn sequencing switch HC-601 from Position 2 very quickly thru Positions 3, 4, 5 and 6 to Position 7.

3.12 Record pressure from PI-662 as P3 on Data Sheet 3.

3.13 Calculate VL as follows: (on Data Sheet 3)

P - P V = 3 2.V L P P G 1 3 Where: VG = average value for the dissolved gas collection chamber volume (V-662) obtained previously (cc)

VL = liquid circulation loop volume, V-610 (cc) 3.14 Turn sequencing switch HC-601 to Position 10 and remove the vial with rubber septum from the dissolved gas sampling station.

3.15 Repeat Steps 3. through 3.14 three or more times and then calculate an average value VL (V-610).

Attachment A Page 6 of 6 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER PACE NUMBER 12.10.8 0 12.10.8-13 of 19 WP 598


Table 10-1 Table 10- l I Cunfinu~(i)

~i)LLBlLITY I)F I'ASKS j.'i WATCR v(((((.i CARBON OIG.JDEif CABBOib SIONOXTDFI CHLORr o. ~o... UTE ij =. siYLB'.IL <<YDP 0<v =. ~

rr I

I.r <<3 I . 346 0.)346 3.3213 Q.v3537 0.03455 i.'rr 0.004Z93 0,(.)674 0.09476 a

).QI JI r

).01253 I

( a O. 2" 5 0.2! 9 a

0 023(

0. 027'2 Jio a

544 J. MOI922 O. v001905 I

~ ~ 4

$ 0.3091 '). 3375 O.JG4(91 Q.29093 O.ot2!2 ( 3.0252 0. Jrol 8$ 1

1. 327 029 8 ~ ( Q.; 3207 0.004092 (

O.C8725 Q.'J(152; 0.0253 Q. M~0186 I i I

!.+73 J.ZSTt /(

!I J n3 lrvr 0.003998 0.'083-'2 Q.31114 r


0 r97 0 0. Cr)ut 643 I

I, 424 n 0. v3 49 Q.'rol

~ O.CC3903 0.08033 Q.CIC89 0.0237 ) n '). CO!8 4 I J.oesf 0 "o073 0.002313 r ).077)9 0.01025 j 0 '34 0 C""8 025 0. 0 .0 I aCS 7 ).2539 Q.v03725 i OrQT400 Q.v09$ 3 ( 0.17$ C.J'220 ;j J.O "CC7 i). )17!9 5 32 J. 492 0. 0"')42 0.003640 'J.QTI"5 O.00943; O. I. 3 0.02'I4 Q.J(939 9 0 0.003559 3.0632$ 0. 157 (

j 3~3 r

O.C0906 0.0207 r. O.vl97 Q.vGr)1755 (

4 r.'.94 n'rf 5 i).'231$ O.C03479 3. r4'f 0.9972 0. 08551 n.00870 ! 0. I S2 0.) 0 (( Q. 35955 Q. JOn5 744 ri >>).rro. 37 0.003405 rt 3. 047 0.9654 0.3532$ 9.'00$ 3a,: i).: JT O.JI94 Il )'.nt54n 'i ~ Qrr O.v&)(7 5
1. !17 Q.J . Jl O. r!033 32 2.95O ). 934$ 0.0310$ O.CCSCS ').152 Q.otss O.ixo17! 0
.033 Q

<<). 09$ Q.)03255 "38 Q. 9050 o'J. Sa 0.05S94  :).C07$ 0  !

Q. (48 Q,ot$ 3 0.0(95'.


3. Co(696 4 0.003'I94 0 '43



! 2. 787 0.05694 0 "0753 '). 0178 0 C"'682

1. )19 0.19. 0 Q. 02543 0,003'(30 2.680 0.8495 ). 05504 ('.CCTrZT 0 0.0571 j C.Jies3 Q. QC.)565$
8 3. 985 0.:903 0. in24 94 0.003C6$ ~

Q7 0.3232 ). 05325 0.00703 I ).:36 Q. vl 67 O.oted) Q. COO(! 54

7 0.)5$ 0 .'.02446 0.003007 2.357 0.7)79 Q. 051 & Q.r'0680 ( 'J. 132 0.0!62 j 3.01855

~ 3 I O.sis ').'.739 0.024)3 0.002947 n, 444 3 0.05003 rJ.CCS59 ). 123 O.3138 ' '1344

!9 0.902 Q.1737 0.02350 O.COZSQI 2. 3S8 0.75(0 3.04858 '.'00639 i 0 0. 0153 O.3 S31 ~ 0.3005515 20 0.87S 0.16$ $ 0.023'l9 0.002338 0. Z93

~ 0.008"0 i 0, I iW Q.otao 0.01519 Q. CCC: 6 r) 3

0. $ 54 Q.:540 0.02"35 0.0027S9 n99'.1 Q.TICO 0.04559 O.00802 r Q.rf9 0.01<6 Q.otrt05 Q.'OC)i.'SS

~ a 0.$ 29 O.r 90 Q.v2244 O.C02.39 to 0.691S 0.04459 O.G05$ 4 0.118 0.5142 O.otr92 0 r)(r) 7 n3 O'.304 0. 1540 0 Qrrrrn 5 0.00259t I rr3 0.5733 0.04335 Q.CQSo7 0.114 Q.ot .9



( O. 0001 561


0..31 ).1493 0.02174 4 ~ 002848 2. CTO 0,$ 572 0 04217 0. COSSI 0. 111 Q. i)135 I Q.OITS6 ). CCO! 548 I I rr5 i 3.759 0. I 449 0.02142 0. CC2803 n. 019 0.5413 I 0. 041 C4 0.053t 5

7 o'.-. a

0. ~ 1$
0. 1406 J.!.5$

0.0 'Ifo

0. 2CSO
0. G025f 0 000 1.970 0.5259 I 0. 03997 O.C0535 0.')0520 O. 108
0. I Gd 0. O'(29 0.01 T54 0.01 42 0 0001~5 O.GCOI '

559 1.923 0.6112 I 0. 03895 Q.QQSCS 0. 104 0.0125 O.ol r 31 O. QCO I Sv9 2$ 0. 599 0.13"7 0.02051 0. 002479 j 1.5$ 0 0.$ 975: 0.03799 0.00493 0. 102 0.0123 0. 01 r 0 0. 0005496 9 Oi 682 0.1292 0.02024 Q.O)2442 1.339 0 5847 I 0.03709 0.'004eo j 0. 100 0.0121 O.oi709 J. 0005464

0. 3$ 5 0. t 257 0.01998 0.002405 1..99 4.57 3 0.03524 0. 004da 0.098 0.011$ 0 01 cQQ 0. CCQ!4. 4 3$ O. 592 0. 1105 O.Clare Q.C02231 1. 602 0. SIC4 0.03234 0.00412 O.QIS66 Q.GCC1425 Q. 530 0.0973 4 ~ CCZQTS 1. 43S 0. 4590 0.029!5 0.003SS 0.05844 O.CCQIorfo
0. 479 Q.ceoo 0.01SQO 0.001933 1.3 2 4 lrra 0.02664 O.CC327 (

O.Ct624 Q."CQI34(

~ I 0.438 0, 07dl 0.01515 O.C01797 1. 225 Q

0. 3925 0.02459 0.00 94 ', ~ ~ 0 ~ 0160$ 0."001 ST i (

60 0. 359 0. 0578 J. Qt 488 0 001522 I I . 023 0. 3295 0. C2177i 0. 00239 3.01600 O. CGOI t 7$ ;

70 Q,of 444 0.005275 0.$ 52 4.2793 0.01948 0, 00185 0.3160

~o l 0.01434 Q.JCGQSO 4.6S3 0.2227 0.0182d 0.00134  ! 0.0160 0. COOC 79 Or 014'2 0.00057 Q. 39 0. 127 Q,JITd 0. CCCS O.'0164 0. CGOCrod

O) I 0. 0141 4.00000 Q. Co 0. QO4 0.0172 Q. vCGO 0.0164 3 ~ GC OOOO g = weight in g ams per 100 arams H20 wnen ".otal pressUre = 760 mm Attachment 2 P AQC - DV AE rNVMBKR jrIBV(6(O(r( r'V(vMBKA ,PAQB VVMBKR

'rNP59 8 12.10.8 I 0 12i10.8-14 of 19

~ ~

1 Table 10-'1 Table If)-I (Cunfinusdl


- .)P-'L~.fE h& DROO:-.'f ca) o. '.aRBO)f DIGXZDF:I CAR CO)f SfO.fOX'DF CHLO I I ~



C o rI I a a I I

O.C9674 O.ai317 0. ZZS 3,02148 a. aooss ."

I 0.3346 O.C3537 O.vc4397 I 0.027'.Q2 I

1. 546 1 ss 0.004293 0.09476 0.01253 I 0.2')9 2 I O.oci"6 O. Qs)o) 901

~ 484 0.23375 C.CQ4191 Q.C9093 0. 0s212; O.i0262 si 0.02105 0.00018SI i.527 O.CO4OZ"- O.C8725 0.01152 C.025t lI C.Q2084 0 000)S6 I II

'I 0.003996 0.083T2 O.s))))4 0.19T O.C244 I! O.CZQ64


sl 5 1.424 0 h 74 0.03149 O.C03903 o.cec33 C.C)069 Q.)91 O.C237 C, CCIS24 I 0.003$ )3 0.077Q9 0.0)025 0.184 O.C"28 is 0.02025 I Q.2539 C.03009 G.C03725 0.07450 0.00983 0.179 O.v220 0 Cnacs 5 I n49n I' 0.02442 0. N3640 C.OT)0$ 0.00943 0. 173 0.02!c C.31949 9 I 0.003559 0.06826, Q.C0906 0. 167 0.0207 ',! Q,v1972 0 ivo)7'o I I

I ln I 194

" '8 Q.C2S16 C.CC3479 I 3. 148 0,99T2 C.C66) 0.00870 0.'162 Q.C200 I('0.0!954 O.oic'740

. )54 Zn,9 !I Q.CZ. 57 O.CQ3405 3. 047 0.9654 I Q. 6325 0'.00838 C.Q194 Il 0.01940 0 GGGI ~ "5

'I. 1)7 o.'= 5 ii 0.003332 n. 95O 0.9346 0.06106 Q.CQSQS  ! 0.152 0.018$ Q hi9'sc 3 1  : .083 0 "h98 I~ 0.003281 2. 856 0.9Q50 0.05S94 0.00780 0. i48 0.0183 '! O.C19!i O.GCQ)696 I 14 ).JA C. 2032 <<. 22593 O.Q03194 I 2. TST O,$ 76$ c.05694 0 C075c3  !

I O.)43 0. 0176 0.01897 O.'QGCISez l

~ il 1.0)9 Q.ISTO C. C2543 O.CC3130  ! 2. 680 0.8495 0. 05c5a4 0.00727  ! O.:39 0.0171 C.01883 I

'.Y.)lddS 6 (l 0.985 011903 0.02494 C.Q03066 497 0.8232 Q.C5326 0.00703 C.'.36 O.v167 0.0)$ 89 Q.GGQ)454 0.95o Q.C2448 0.003007 2.5)7 0.7979 Q.051 & 0.00680 0. 'I 32 0.0162 0.01856

~ 8 0.928 0 024"n 0.002947 l 440 Q.sr33 0.05G03 Q.ocs59 0.0)5$ 0 OI$ 44 C.CN:C"3 19 ( 0.502 0.1737 II O.CZ360 QF 002891 I 2. 388 0.7510 0.'04858 0.00639 0. 0153 ll 0.0(831 0. vN1515 I

Q.STS 0.1 535 0.023)9 0 '02438 n9 9 Q. 7293 0.04724 0. 0062Q 0. 0149 0. 01819 O.aacids)3 l I) 0.$ 54 0 '640 O.CZn3) 0.002T$ 9 l

c. 7100 0.04589 0.00602 0.)) 9 0.0146  ! O'.OISO5 0 GNI Sd 0.829 C. 590 Is 0.02244 O.CQ2739 2.) do 0.69) 8 0.04459 0.00584 0. 116 0.0142 I 0.01792 Q.Coo)5. 5 h3 0.$ 04 0. 540

)s G.CZZQS 0.002691 2. 123 0.8739 0.04335 0.00567 0. )14 0.0139 0.01779 0 0001561 hh 0. 731 C.)493 0 C 174 O.GG2646 2.070 0.6572 0.042) 7 Q.CC55I 0. 111 0. 0135 0.01766 O.'Ocoi 546 I

~ s5 0.759 0. 1449 0. 021 42 Q.CC2603 2.019 0. 6413 O.ohsa4 O.C0535 0. 108 0. 0131 0.01754 ON '53 26 0.738 0 '406 0. C2i '0 0.0025oo 1.970 0.6259 0. 03997 0.00520 0.106 0. 0129 0.01742 0. GC41

0. Sl 'I 2 0. 104 0. 0126 0.01731 0001509 h7 0.1)5 Q.)ZS6 O. 02080 0.002519 1.923 0.03895 0.005CS 2$ 0. 699 0.1327 0.02051 0.002479 1.SSO 0 c975 0.03T99 0.00493 0. 102 0.0123 0. 01720 0. Qao 1 496 29 0.6$ 2 0.1292 0.020'24 Q.C02442 'I . S39 Q 5847  ! 0.03709 0.00480 0. 100 0. 0121 O. 01709 0. 000)484 30 0. 68S 0. f257 0.01998 0.002405 1. 799 0.5723 0.03624 0.00488 0.098 0.0118 0.01699 Q,QQC)4rh 3 ss 0. 592 0. I I C5 0.018rs O.N223) 1. 602 0.5)ah 0.03230 0.00412 ~~ 0.0166$ 0. GGC)4" 5 40 a.530 G. 0973 Q.ala 75 O.Q02075 ).43$ 0.4590 0.02915 0.00366 0.0)644 0.000)34 84 45 0.479 O.OSSO 0. 01690 c.aoi933 l 1. 322 0.4228 O.Q2660 0. N327 a. 0) 624 0.000134)
9) 0.436 0. 0761 a. 01615 0.001797 1. 225 0.3925 0.02459 0. 0(V'94 0.0)SOS Q.GOO)287 SC 0. 359 0. 0578 0 0'48S 0 Co)522 '1.023 0.3295 O.C2)TT 0. 00234 0.0)SQQ 0.0001)TS Ta 0.01440 0.00)276 0.862 0.2793 I 0.01948 0.00185 0.0160 O,QQQ)02

$0 Q. O'I 430 0.000980 0. SMC 0. 2227 0.01826 O.QGI34 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.016C CCCC79 I>>

I 90 o. 0142 0 '0057 0.39 0.)27 Q.Q176 O.CQQS I O.OISO , C ~ CCOG46

)00 0. 0141 Q.caooo ll a. Go C. Qco I O.O)72 O.QQGQ s Csa)60 0 ~ GQGGQQ o = weicht in orams pe 100 grams H20 when iotal pressure = 760 mm At"achment B PROCEDURE NUMBER lREV!SION NUMBER lPAGE NUMBEP, WP 598

12. 10. 8 ll 0 I 12.10.8-14 of

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2 4 U<<9 202 tr 153 3(( U al 524 an a 64 131 640 119 31 UI 0 34'I 1 On? l>(iz 15 1(b u IP<<l 4<l C 4u 4 IUI ?u 4 11 914 30 2 32 IOI 400 ss a?i 645 Ia:I 43 Ul 5 Jll 3 >J(i 4 li(ir Jl I ili u I:(ssu ') I

((s 45 (:I I 8 ?0 li Ia 191 aoi 32 561 405 Sn 61 CS0 101 54 520 :tnl 9 Qan Car) 2u 111 sl I:(.>2 >J! ~

m !a u (e!>43 2<<n 15 472 an a 32.934 41,0 55 34 65.5 IiJ I 82 824 J'( 0 u(i U 411 12 I IW ss I:I's( (ss Is 55 4 IIS ?In 18 GSQ a<<a 31312 415 5<J Qu Geo 19<i Uu (s) u 4N) 6 91 U a<<7 Ur I lu is ll< e 4<

(i 0 1 <<11 2) 2 IS Bnn 310 :i'1 G95 42 0 6I (os) fili 5 53 5'I 4 iwn 1 91 2 4((r UI Io'u 9 2) 4 I') 113 J)2 3$ (<52 425 63 Ia a)0 2<<l 96 el o 4)4 8 Ql 4 497 ub 1(s 1 bta 216 1<J 14'I :II 4 34 411 430 64 80 IS ( r)5 21 8 I((!sur 3(6 31uai 43 5 GG rsl 0 8 la (<<((5  ?? 0 I'( 0'1 :11 8 :IS 261 440 65 ra m u '!I?3 'IS 4(>1 U!s PP 2 ~ O U(u :I? u 415 rn (i5 2 ula <<ri<<<J 'n.696 2? 4 Pn 31(i 3>' ari uce 450 11 nn O

C (p.aeallr<) ))5 I a

~ g US 4 9<<b 22 ri  ;~) rin!. :17 4 :ui 411 455 13 ri 760 CO (sl I(( u u 2<<9 2?.n 20 0 IS an a 36 591 460 15 GS l( Iu!a 9 521 ?30 21 Urn  :)e'  :)1 308 4(i 5 11.81 II U ¹U(l 73 2 21 374 310 31 129 41 tl 19 (iU httaclu!ient C I I !i (w I I(s 234 21.bu1 332 36 Isb 41 5 ul ai Io' (u Sin 23 0 pl uis  ;):) l  :(9 sul 4(( 0 01 11


~ >i Iw u/u 7;I 0 77 I lu .!s') Ci  :(9 UIU 4<<b (sb Us I,I (s II PJI '7l u 7p aul '( I t( J<< 451 4'.I u <<5 U2 I 'I!> II I <<4 Pl 7 7740'I :I I I) '.I') (u(n 4'(!s 9<)?4 I 4 i( I I!<<<1 7's <J' ' (12 Iu .I 4 4  !.oi) u ss' 51

~ a o

Table 10-28

't'((l>t(( Il)-"ol DEBSlTY Ot'lEKCUKY A,"iO O'ATElL The density of mercury and. pure air free water under 4 pr~>>ure ot lOl 325 Pa (1 atm) i>> given in units of 'ofan(>> i>o>c cub(I( I'I'et(in(.'tcc iItl I). For n(I>rcurv. Ii(o values are based on the densitv at maximum lensity of 0.999 973 r(n 't 20'I'!>ning l3.545 834 x. ctn ". Tater attains its 3.98 C. FI r (rater. the tc(((t>rcaturc it,. 1.)

a>l'axiu(um Ikn>>ity ut (iiikre((t i>nw un~ i p) in atn(o>>t>heres i>> "iven by I = 3.98 ().0""SiP l)

'I Dw>ai(y r t>WI I(V I Io 'IIMI v 'I'a mlo.. Owoi(y of (t'4(rr ~

( oof 55a(aurv of Ws(rr ~ I ~ o( novo oorv

-20 53.644 S9 0.987 12 52 o3.467 68

-18 13.639 62 'I 0,986 18 54 t3.462 82 16 53.634 46 0.985 21 c6 53.457 96

-14 13.629 >0 0.984 22 58 :3 453 09

~ 2 13.624 75 oi 0.983 ZO SO 13.448 23

-10 13.619 79 0 F82 16 62 53.443'7

-8 13.614 85 0.981 09 54 13.438 52

-6 13.609 90 0.980 01 66 53.433 67 13.604 96 0.978 90 68 13.428 82

-2 13.600 02 0.977 77 70 '13.423 97 0,999 84 0 13.595 08 0.976 61 72 53.419 'I3 0.999 94 2 13,590 15 0.975 44 74 13.414 28 0.999 97 4 53.58S 22 I' 0.974 24 76 13.409 43 I

0.999 94 6 13.580 0.973 03 78 13.404 60 0.999 85 8 13.575 36 0.975 79 80 13.399 77 0.999 70 10 13.570 0.970 53 82 13.394 92 0.999 50 ~

2 t3.565 52 0.969 26 84 53.390 09 0.999 24 14 13.560 60 0.967 98 86 13.385 26 0.998 94 16 13.555 10 0.966 65 88 IL360 42 0.998 60 56 53.550 79 0.965 31 90 :3375 60 0.998 20 20 13.S45 88 0.963 96 92 13.370 77 0.997 77 22 13.540 97 0.962 S9 94 53.36S 94 0.997 30 13.536 06 'o 0.961 ZO 96 13.365 12 0.996 78 26 'I 3.531 17 0.9S9 79 98 13.356 30 0.996 23 28 53.526 26 0.958 36 500 I3.351 48 0.995 65 10 13.521 3'a 120 13,303 4 0.995 03 32 13.516 47 140 13.255 4 0.994 37 34 13.511 s6 160 13.207 6 0.993 69 '>6, 13.506 70 180 13.559 I) 0.992 97 18 13.501 82 200 13.512 0 0.992 22 40 53.496 93 220 13064 S 0.991 44 42 13.492 07 4Q 53.016 9 0.990 63 44 13.487 16,I 260 52.469 2 0.989 79 46 13.482 29 280 12.921 5 0.988 93 48 13.477 42 300 12.873 7 0.988 04 co 13.4 72 56 Attachment 0 PR(aCBOVRB NVMBBR RBV(S(ON oVUMBBR ~ >oa(ooB VVMBBP IvP 596

12. 10. 8  !

0  ! 12a10.8-16 Of 19


2. PF = (Pi 662)

Water Temperature (oF) (Tl 660)

4. Gas Temperature (oF) (TZ - 724)-
5. VL = (cc)
6. ) VG' (cc) 7~ SH = ( m mol)
8. (gm/ml)
9. PV = (psia) 10; PRG = (psia) ll. Total Dissolved gas = ~mal CC H20 (from and

Reviewed by ATTACl+IBIT E Page 1 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER 'REVISION NVMBER PAGE NUMBKR WP 59S 12;10.8 0 12.10.8-17 of l.


1. Weight difference gms
2. Ambient temperatUre oC
3. Density
4. Vs = CC
5. Po = psia
6. Pl = psia
7. P2 = psia
9. Average VT = CC
10. P3 = psia ll. Po psia
13. Average VG = CC Reviewed by ATTACHMENT E Page 2 of 3 PROCEDURE NUMBER REVISION NUMBER PAGE NUMBER VN 594 12.10.8 0 12.10.8-18 of 19


1. Pl = (psia)
2. P2 = (psia)
3. P3 = (psia)
4. VL = (cc)




5. Average value of VL = (cc)

Reviewed by ATTACHMENT E Page 3 of 3 PROCEOURE NUM8ER REVISION NUMBER PAGE NUMBER WP 598 12.10.8 0 12.10.8-19 of 19
