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Rev 1 to Reverification Instruction QVI-09, Special Structural Steel Reinsp Criteria.
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1983
From: Crisp H
Shared Package
ML17277A522 List:
QVI-09, QVI-9, NUDOCS 8304080191
Download: ML17277A523 (14)



%VI-G9 WAS)lINUTON PUBUC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM AEV. NO Pa'ih&V EFFECTIVE OATE 3/16 83 REVERIFlGATIOH .iNSTRUCTlON QUALITYAFFECTING Q YES NO TITLE SPECIAL'TRUCTURAL STFEL 'RE N 1.0 PURPOSE/SCOPE This instruction describes the criteria to be used to determine the sign-ificance of discrepancies discovered during the reverification inspec-tions of structural steel welding at WNP-2.

2. 0 DEFINITIONS o Visual Examination Acceptance Criteria - A set of "fitness-for-use" inspectim criteria for determining whether welded structural com-ponents are adequate for their intended purpose. Such criteria shall be approved b'y the 'Architect Engineer in accordance with Paragraphs: 3.7.4 and 5.7.5 of AWS Dl.l,,the Structural Welding Code, 1972 Edition.

o, Structural Steel For the purpose of this instruction, structural steel includes pipe supports, hangers, ductwork, stiffeners, cable trays, unistrut, brackets and similar components, as well as struc'-

tural shapes and plates and miscellaneous steel.

3. 0 PROCEDURE Res onsibilit Action Reverification Inspects the welded structures for confor-

. Inspection Team mance with the requirements of the draw-specifications, codes and standards, 'ngs, except as modified herein. The visual Acceptance Criteria identified'n Ex-'mination Attachment 2, shall be used in lieu of the acceptance criteria specified in AWS Dl.l, The justification for these criteria is included as Attachment 1 to this instruc-tion.

.2 Records the results of the inspections in accordance with QVI-08.

8304080iqi 830323 PDR ADOCK 05000397 8 , . PDR SUPENSEOES ISSUE APPAOV 0 0 PACE 1 OF 1~



QV.I-09 Rev. 1

4. 0 REFERENCES 4.1 Quality Verification Program QV'-01 4.2 American Welding Society Structural Welding Code Dl.l, 1972 Edition 4.3 Reverification Inspection Team Concept, QVI-08
5. 0 ATTACHMENTS 5.1 3ustification For WNP-2 Visual Examination Acceptance Criteria 5.2 WNP-2 Visual Examination Acceptance Criteria For Reverification In-spection Of Welded Structures Page 2 of 12

t QVI-09 Rev. 1 JUSTIFICATION FOR WNP-2 VISUAL EXlWINATION ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 1,0 JUSTIFICATION FOR VISUAL ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The use of the AWS Dl.l code for the WNP-2 Plant was specified by the Engineer as the applicable structural welding code on behalf of the Owner, and, as such AWS D1.1-72 is identified in the FSAR. Unlike the ASME code, the use of the code is not a mandatory State or NRC regulatory requirement. The Engineer has the authority under the AWS code to modify selected provisions of the 4WS code to suit a particular application.

It is important to understand that the AWS Dl.l code is the applicable structural code for boL'h completed work (first-line inspection) and on-going construction. Site construction and inspection procedures require that welds be made to the applicable AWS crit ria and that. the first-line inspection be performed in accordance with the AWS D1.1 code. In cases where deviations are evaluated by the Engineer to be non-significant in terms of the ability of the component to perform its designed function,'he Engineer has the authority to disposition the deviation "accept-as-is" as appropriate, or compensate for the deviation by additional evaluation or have construction performed to an approved, revised design.

During the initial QVP reinspection of completed .work, a number of minor deviations with respect to sow AWS criteria were encountered which were evaluated by the Engineer as acceptable in certain categories of applica-tion. Since the specific deviations had been evaluated by the Engineer to be acceptable for these categories of application, the processing of additional deviations of the sam type in the same categories served no purpose.

Thus, a generic disposition was developed by the Engineer for acceptance

.of specified deviations, from the AWS 01.1, l972 code in selected applica-tions. This generic disposition has taken the form of a revised inspec-tion criteria for use by the QVP for reinspection of completed work.

These criteria are embodied within the reverification inspection require-ments in Attachment 2 of QVI-09.

Attachment 1 (Page 1 of 1)

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Burns 8 Roe, Inc.


j'-/7- P g Attachment 2 (Page 1 of 9)

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QVI-O9 Rev. l 1.0 SCOPE This document provides visual examination acceptance criteria for reveri-fication inspection of structural steel and miscellaneous metal welding performed in accordance with AWS Dl.l, the Structural Welding Code.

These criteria reflect requirements consistent with the engineering approval specified, in AWS Dl.l for evaluation of structural welding.

This document also includes acceptance standards for light gauge HVAC ductwork, and other systems which are not specifically covered by AWS D.1. 1.

1.1 These, criteria shall be used by Construction Quality Control for pe forming reverification inspection by including it on the QCIR as an applicable inspection reference criteria document to evaluate deviations to AWS Dl.l.

2.0 CODES AND STANDARDS The criteria in this document provide the basis for visual examination of AWS Dl.l welding. The required engineering approval, as specified in Paragraphs 3.7.4 and 3.7.5 of AWS Dl.l has been provided by the Architect Engineer. Authorization for this is given in Paragraph l.l of AWS Dl.l.

3.0 BASIS FOR EVALUATION The applicable weld categories will be entered on the QCIR as a part of the inspection reference criteria based upon the definitions described below.

3.l Category A Welds gust be in accordanc with the visual acceptance criteria of the specified section of AWS D1.1. This category applies to elements of fans, cranes, rotating equipment, and other machinery subject to frequent stress reversals.

Have, an acceptance level modified to meet the required service con-ditions. This category applies to members of the building frame that carry princioal design loads, radial beams, sacrificial shield wall, pipe whip rI'.straints, pipe supports, and similar principal load bearing structures.

Attachment 2 (Page 2 of 9)

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Rev. 1 3.3 Cate or C Welds Are connections between Category 0 Steel and Miscellaneous Metal.

3.4 Cate or D Welds .

Are not part of the main building frame, but- rather provide support or framing for electrical, instrumentation, and HVAC systems, com-ponents and equipment. Also included in the D Category are welds joining miscellaneous metal including, but not limited to, stair-ways, embedments, fan housings, doors, windows, hatches, frames,

.ledger angles, gratings and their supports.

Is an acceptance level established for relatively thin materials such as. HVAC ductwork, cable trays, and unistrut supports.

4. 0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Acceptance shall be based on the weld joint meeting each criteria listed for the applicable category. Skewed joints will be evaluated in accordance with Cont~act Specifications and Project Engineering

~tld Directives.

4.1.1 Category A welds must comply with the visual examination requirements of the specified section of A'WS Dl.l.

4.2 Cate or B Welds 4.2.1 Oversize Fillet Welds The weld shall meet or exceed the specified size require-ments. Either or both fillet weld legs may exceed design size. Welds may be longer than specified. Continuous welds may be accepted in place of intermittent welds.

Unequal leg fillet welds are acceptable, provided the smaller leg meets or exceeds minimum requirements.

4.2.2, Undersize Welds The fillet leg dimension shall not under run the nominal fillet size by more than l/16 inch. For flange to web joints the undersize condition may not be within two flange thicknesses of the weld end.

Attachment 2 (Page 3 of 9)

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QV I-09 Rev. 1 Groove welds may be underfilled by 5 percent or 1/32-inch, whichever is greater.

4.2.3 Porosit and Sla The weld may contain a maximum of 5 percent by surface area of unaligned porosity and/or slag.

4.2. 4 Profile Convex-'ty height, roll over, and butt weld rein-forcement are acceptable.

4.2.5 Craters The weld may have an underfilled crater, pro-vided the underfill depth does not exceed 1/16 inch, and the crater has a smooth contour blend-ing gradually with the adjacent weld and base metal without acute notches.

4.2.6 Undercut 4.2'.6.1 Continuous undercut shall not be greater than:

1/32 inch for material 3/8 inch and less; 1/16 inch f'r material over 3/8 inch thick.

Intermittant undercut may be twice the value for continuous undercut for a maximum accumulated length of 10X of weld length. Localized und r-cut less than 3/8 inch in length may be accepted provided the depth does not exceed 3/32 inch for thickness 3/4 inch and less or 1/8 inch for thickness over 3/4 inches.

4.2.7 Cracks 4.2.7.l Cracks are unacceptable.

4.2.8 Fus.rcn Incomplete fusion between weld metal and base metal is unacceptable.

Attachment 2 (Page 4 of 9)

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QVI-09 Rev. 1 4.2.9 Weld S atter 4.2,9.1 Weld spatter shall be acceptable.

4.2.10 Arc Strikes Arc strikes are acceptable provided there are no cracks ~

4.2.11 Backin Fitu 4.2. 11.1 'The fitup of backing bars is not a basis for rejection.

~t. d 4.>.l The welds on the main frame member side shall rreet the requirements for Category B.

4.3.2 The welds on the miscellaneous metal side shall meet the requirements for Category 0.

4.4.1 Oversize Fillet Welds The weld shall meet or exceed the specified size requirements, Either or both fillet weld legs may exceed design size. Welds may be longer than specified. Continuous welds may be accepted

'in place of intermittent welds. Unequal leg fillets are acceptable, provided the smaller leg meets or exceeds minimum requirements.

4.4.2 Undersize Welds

4. 4. 2.1 The fill't leg dimensionmoreshallthannot1/ the nominal fillet size by Groove welds may be undersize by 5 percent or 1/16 inch, whichever is greater.

Attachment 2 (rag~ 5 or 9)

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QVL-09 Rev. 1 4.4.3 Porosit and Sla Porosity and slag are not a basis for rejection.

4. 4. 4 Profile Convexity height, roll 'over, and butt weld rein-forcement are acceptable.

4.4.5 'usion incomplete fusion between weld metal. and base metal is unacceptable.

4.4.6 Undercut (Same as 4.4.7 Craters Underfilled groove weld craters shall be accepted provided the depth of underfill is 1/16 inch or less. Lhderfilled single-pass fillet weld craters shall be accepted provided the crater length is less than 5 percent of the weld length. On multi-pass fillet welds a crater depth of 1/16 inch or less is acceptable.

4. 4.8 Cracks All cracks are unacceptable.

4.4.9 111 Misalignm"nt not .in excess of the thinner member thickness is ac eptable.

4.4.10 Azc Strikes Ar'c strikes are acceptable provided there are no cracks.

Attachment 2 (Pag. 6 of 9)

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QV I-09 Rev. 1 4,4,31.1 The f'it-up of backing bars is not a basis for rejection.

1..1 ~ld tt

'.4.12.1 Weld spatter shall be acceptable.

4. 5 Ca te or E Welds 4.5.1 Oversize Fillet Welds The weld meets or exceeds specified size re-quirements. Either or both f'illet weld legs may exceed design size. Welds may be longer than specified. Continuous welds may be accepted in place of intermittent welds. Unequal leg fil-lets are acceptable, provided the smaller leg meets or exceeds minimum requirements.

1 4.5.2 Undersize Welds The fillet leg dimension may not under run the nominal fillet size by more than 1/lo inch.

Fillet weld size need not be greater than the thickness of the thinner member. Groove welds may be undersize by 5 percent by 1/32 inch, whi.chever is greater.

4.5.3 Porosit or Sla Inclusions Porosity or slag inclusions are not a criteria for rejection.

4.5. 4 Profile Convexity height, roll over, and weld reinforce-ment are acceptable.

4.5.5 Cracks All cracks are unacceptable.

Attachment 2 (Page 7 of 9)

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QVZ-09 "Rev. 1 4.5. 6 Fus ion Incomplete fusion between weld metal and base metal is unacceptable.

4.5.7 Undercut (Same a 4.5.8 4.5.8. 1 Misalignment is not a basis for rejection.

4.5.9 Corner 'felds 4.5.9,1 Corner welds used to seal ductwork are design-ated partial penetration welds. Such welds do not require full fusion. Meld reinforcement greater than the material thickness shall verify the adequacy of the weld, provided that the toes of the weld have complete fusion. Fillet welds joining turning vanes to turning rails or to heavier gauge ductwork may ex- 'ane ceed the profile and convexity limits as pre-viously described and are acceptable for this application. Minor burn-through on vanes will be permitted up to 1/4 inch in length, provided equivalent lengths of fillet welds are added to compensate for welds weakened by burn-through Burn-through is permitted provided there are no visible through-thickness holes.

Metal flow on the inside of the duct is per-mitted, provided it is fu. ed completely with the parent metal and metal thickness is not reduced by greater than 50 percent.

4.5,11 Arc Strikes Arc strikes are acceptable provided there aze no cracks'ttachment 2

(Page 8 of 9)

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QYI-09 Rev. 1

.1 ~45 4.5.15 ~4-4.5512.1 Weld spatter shall be acceptable.. The fit-up of backing bars is not basis for re-jection.

Attachment 2 (Page 9 of 9)

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