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Arkansas, Units 1 and 2, ANO Emergency Plan On-Shift Staffing Analysis Report, Revision 2
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/22/2017
From: Guynn F, Michael Jones
Entergy Operations
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17236A179 (125)




Myra Jones Fred Guynn ANO Rev.2 Page 0

I ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3 II. ANALYSIS


.................................................................................................................. 3 A. Emergency Plan Minimum Staffing .................................................................................. 3 B. Other Commitments to Shift Staffing ................................................................................ 5 C. Staffing Exceptions and Time Motion Studies (TMS) ..................................................... 5 D. Emergency Plan Tasks Not Analyzed .............................................................................. 6 Ill. ANALYSIS PROCESS ................................................................................................................... 6 IV. ACCIDENT SCENARIOS .............................................................................................................. 7 A. Accident Selection ............................................................................................................. 7 B. Accident Scenarios included in the Analysis ................................................................... 8 C. Accident Scenarios Not Included in the Analysis ............................................................ 9 V. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ........................................................................ 9 A. Notes and Assumptions Applicable to All ANO OSA ...................................................... 9 B. NEI 10-05 Rev 0 Assumptions ........................................................................................ 10 VI.

  • APPENDIX A - ANALYZED EVENTS AND ACCIDENTS ........................................................ 13 VII. APPENDIX B - U1 ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS .............................................. :............. 15 A. Design Basis Accident Analysis #2 - Steam Line Rupture .......................................... 15 B. Design Basis Accident Analysis #3 - Steam Generator Tube Failure ........................ 20 C. Design Basis Accident Analysis #4 - Fuel Handling Accident.. ................................... 25 D. Design Basis Accident Analysis #5 - Rod Ejection ....................... ~ .............................. 30 E. Design Basis Accident Analysis #6 - Loss of Coolant Accident with Loss of Offsite Power ................................................................................................................................ 35 F. Design Basis Accident Analysis #7 -Waste Gas Tank Rupture ................................. 40 G. Accident Analysis #11 - LOC:NGeneral Emergency with Release and PAR ............. 45 VIII. APPENDIX B - UNIT 2 SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS ............................................................. 51 A. Design Basis Accident Analysis #2 - Steam Line Rupture with Loss of Offsite Power51 B. Design Basis Accident Analysis #3 - Steam Generator Tube Failure ........................ 56
c. Design Basis Accident Analysis #4 - Fuel Handling Accident.. ................................... 61 ANO Rev.2
  • Page 1 *


ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT D. Design Basis Accident Analysis #5 - Rod Ejection ...................................................... 66 E. Design Basis Accident Analysis #6 - Loss of Coolant Accident with Loss of Offsite

  • Power ................................................................................................................................ 71 F. Design Basis Accident Analysis #7 - Waste Gas Tank Rupture ................................. 76 G. Accident Analysis #11 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR. ............ 81 IX. APPENDIX B -ACCIDENTS AFFECTING BOTH UNITS SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS ... 86 A. Accident Analysis #1 - Design Basis Threat (DBT) as described in NEI 10-05 .......... 86 B. Accident Analysis #8 -Aircraft Probable Threat. .......................................................... 92 C. Accident U1 Analysis #9 - U1 Control Room Fire with U1 Alternate Shutdown and U2 Remote Shutdown ..................................................................................................... 98 D. Accident U2 Analysis #9 - U2 Control Room Fire with U2 Alternate Shutdown and U 1 Remote Shutdown ................................................................................................... 104 E. Accident Analysis #10 - Station Blackout (Both Units) ............................................... 110 X. APPENDIX C - TIME MOTION STUDIES SUPPORTING THE STAFFING ANALYSIS .... 116 A. Chemistry performance of dose assessment.. ............................................................ 116 B. Shift Manager Overlapping Task of Safe Shutdown and Emergency Direction and Control ............................................................................................................................ 116 XI. OVERLAP OF TASKS ACTIVITIES OR OTHER CONFLICTS IDENTIFIED ....................... 123 A. Overlap Requiring Compensatory Measures .............................................................. 123 XII. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 123 XIII. STAFFING ANALYIS TEAM ...................................................................................................... 123 ANO Rev.2 Page 2

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT I. INTRODUCTION This document is the final report for the On-shift Staffing Analysis (OSA) that commenced at Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO) the week of June 25, 2012. This OSA satisfies the requirement of 10 CFR 50 Appendix E Section IV.A.9, which states that nuclear power licensees shall perform "a detailed analysis demonstrating that on-shift personnel assigned emergency plan implementation functions are not assigned responsibilities that would prevent the timely performance of their assigned functions as specified in the emergency plan." A structured approach was utilized to perform this analysis using the guidance found in NEI 10-05, Rev. 0, Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities. This analysis examined the capability of the minimum staff listed in Table B-1 of the ANO Emergency Plan (E-Plan) to perform the actions for the key functional areas of events described in NSIR/DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance - Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants, until augmenting Emergency Response Organization (ERO) staff arrives in accordance with the E-Plan.



The OSA team determined that an on-shift staff of twenty-three (23) for both ANO units is required to respond to the accidents reviewed. The most limiting accident scenario reviewed for both units was a main control room fire and alternate shutdown. The on-shift staff consists of individuals necessary to support each of the emergency plan functional areas or tasks:

  • Emergency Direction and Control
  • Fire Fighting
  • Accident Assessment
  • Radiation Protection and Chemistry
  • Notification/Communication
  • Technical Support
  • Access Control and Accountability NEI 10-05 states it is acceptable for certain function to be assigned to personnel already assigned other functions/tasks. These include Repair and Corrective Action, Rescue Operations and First Aid.

A. Emergency Plan Minimum Staffing Per 10 CFR 50.54 (q)(1 )(iii), Emergency planning function means a capability or resource necessary to prepare for and respond to a radiological emergency, as set forth in the elements of section IV of Appendix E and, for nuclear power reactor licensees, the planning standards of§ 50.47(b).

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ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT The following table indicates the result of the NEI 10-05 staffing analysis of on-shift personnel to perform the required emergency planning function and the licensing basis requirement for each on-shift position. These positions are included in Table 1 of each accident analysis but any staff members added as 30-day compensatory measures are not shown as having a task responsibility.

On-Shift On-Shift E-Plan E-Plan Staffing Staffing E-Plan Functional Functional Position U2 Analysis Analysis Requirement Area Area Results Results U1 staff U2 staff U1 U2 SSD/Emergency Emergency Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-Direction and Direction and 1 1 (SM) 1 Control Control Control Room E-Plan Table B-SSD SSD 1 1 Supervisor (CRS) 1 Shift Technlcal E-Plan Table B- Technical Technical 1 1 Advisor (STA) 1 Support Support E-Plan Table B-Reactor Operators SSD SSD 2 2 1

E-Plan Table B-Auxiliary Operators SSD 1/FB 2 FB 2 3 3 1

E-Plan Table B- Communicator I Communicator I 13 13. 4 Auxiliary Operator 1 Notifications Notifications E-Plan Table B-Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry 1 1 1

Radiation E-Plan Table B- Radiation Radiation 1 1 Protection 1 Protection Protection E-Plan table B- 2 '*

', ' '*'.l?t";.'

Operator (FB) FB for both units 1 1

Security Contingency Per Security Contingency Security Access Control and Accountability Plan I E-Plan Plan Table B-1 TOTAL 12 11 I ..

2 U1 AOs are qualified U1 safe shutdown operators.

2 The affected unit supplies 1 Operations Fire Brigade Leader. The non-affected unit supplies 3 1

Operations Fire Brigade Members. An additional Operator provides the 5 h member.

3An additional Operations staff member for each unit is assigned the Communicator/Notifications role for both units. Staff fulfilling the Communicator role is not required to be fully qualified in their job function but will be qualified for the Communicator position.

4 Unit 2 Communicator will be qualified as a U2 Safe Shutdown Operator.

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ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Oth~r Commitments to Shift Staffing None C. Staffing Exceptions and Time Motion Studies (TMS)

1. The primary responsibility for the on-shift Chemistry Technician is chemistry/radiochemistry sampling; however no chemistry job tasks were noted as being required within the first 90 minutes of any of the analyzed events. Two Chemistry Technicians are on-shift and are qualified to work either unit. One Chemistry Technician is assigned to perform the chemistry tasks and the second is assigned the responsibility for dose assessment. A TMS for performing dose assessment was evaluated as not being required due to the Chemistry Technician not having any chemistry job tasks during the evaluated accident scenarios.
2. The Shift Manager makes plant specific notifications (ex. Duty Plant Manager, Operations Manager, and Resident Inspector) in response to a declared emergency. These phone notifications are considered communications that are approximately one minute in length and are acceptable tasks for the Shift Manager. No further analysis or TMS is required.
3. The Unit 1 Shift Manager is assigned safe shutdown actions prior to going to the TSC to perform emergency director actions. A Time Motion Study was completed and found that the overlapping activities are acceptable. The TMS is documented in Section X, Appendix C.
4. Station stat( is required to maintain continuous communications with the notification source during an aircraft threat in accordance with 10CFR50.54(hh) and Reg. Guide 1.214. There are no specific qualifications required to perform
  • this task and the function is not required to be assigned in advance. The analysis of this event identified there are sufficient personnel on-shift to perform this task during the event. Specifically, reactor operators, nuclear plant operators, radiation protection technicians, or chemistry technicians were all available to fill this function. No further analysis or TMS is required
  • The ANO Emergency Response Data System (EROS) link to the NRC is on 24-hour operation and does not require activation by the on-shift ERO. The task of EROS activation is therefore not included as an on-shift task requiring evaluation as part of this staffing analysis.
6. The STA has a collateral task to notify the ERO as shown in each accident analysis. The task is reassigned to an Auxiliary Operator who will be qualified as a compensatory measure. Therefore a Time Motion Study is not required.

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1. Repair and Corrective Action - Per the guidance of NUREG-0654, Table B-1, repair and corrective action tasks may be performed by dedicated shift personnel or qualified shift personnel assigned other functions/tasks. Repair and corrective action is defined as:
  • An action that can be performed promptly to restore a non-functional component to functional status (e.g., resetting a breaker), or to place a component in a desired configuration (e.g., open a valve), and which,does not require work planning or implementation of lockout/tagout controls to complete.

In accordance with NEI 10-05 section 2.5, the analysis included a review of repair and corrective action tasks. For the purpose of this analysis, the tasks were considered to fall into two broad categories:

  • Unplanned/unexpected actions that address equipment failures. These actions are contingent in nature and cannot be specified in advance.

At ANO, Nuclear Plant Operators are trained to perform the actions associated with this functional area. Repair and Corrective Action is an acceptable collateral duty per the guidance of NEI 10-05 and was not analyzed

2. Rescue Operations and First Aid: In accordance with NEI 10-05 section 2.6, the analysis also included a review of rescue operations and first aid response. Per the guidance of NUREG-0654, Table B-1, rescue operations and first aid may be performed by shift personnel assigned other functions. ANO Radiation Protection (RP) Technicians are trained to provide initial medical treatment and to perform basic rescue operations as defined in NEI 10-05 section 2.6. Rescue operations and first aid were not required in any of the accident scenarios reviewed. Rescue operations and first aid response are acceptable collateral duties per the guidance of NEI 10-05 and were not analyzed.

Ill. ANALYSIS PROCESS This analysis was conducted by a joint team of corporate Emergency Preparedness (EP) personnel and station personnel from the Operations, Operations Training, Radiation Protection, Chemistry, and Emergency Preparedness (EP) departments. The team members are identified in Section XIII of this report.

The emergency response to each event was determined by conducting a tabletop of the event using the emergency plan and procedures and the applicable department procedures such as Operations emergency and abnormal operating procedures.

Each scenario was reviewed by the cross disciplinary team to determine what plant actions and emergency plan implementation actions were required based on plant procedures prior to staff ANO Rev.2 Page 6

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT augmentation. These actions were then compared to the minimum staffing for Emergency Plan implementation as described in the Emergency Plan Table B-1 ensuring that no actions were assigned to staff members that conflicted with either their dedicated emergency plan role or their dedicated operational role as appropriate. In cases where multiple tasks were assigned to an individual in their role, the team evaluated timing of the tasks to ensure that they couid be performed by the individual in series within any specified time requirements.

The results of the analysis for each of the scenarios are included in Sections VII, VIII and IX, APPENDIX B - ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS. Note that NSIR DPR-ISG-01 states that only DBA accidents "which would result in an emergency declaration" should be evaluated in the staffing assessment. Each of ANO's DBAs were evaluated and classified according to its FSAR description, U1 FSAR Section 14 and U2 FSAR Section 15. If the acddent desc_ription alone did not result in a classification, the projected accident Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB) dose found in the FSAR was utilized to determine if an EAL threshold would be exceeded within the first 60 minutes using the Abnormal Rad Level EAL thresholds. In cases where several projected dose rates were provided or release data was not detailed significantly to determine an EAL, the assessment used the radiological consequences associated with the realistic case in accordance with NEI 10-05.

IV. ACCIDENT SCENARIOS A. Accident Selection

1. The OSA scenarios were chosen using the guidance of NEI 10-05 and NSIR/DPR-ISG-01, "Interim Staff Guidance- Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants." The evaluation considered the station Design Basis Accidents (OBA) described in the FSAR along with additional scenarios specified by the guidance documents. The scenarios considered for both U1 and U2 were:
  • Design Basis Threat (DBT)

OBA Steam Line Rupture

  • OBA Fuel Handling Accident
  • OBA Rod Ejection Accident
  • OBA Loss of Coolant Accident
  • Waste Gas Tank Rupture
  • OBA Aircraft Probable Threat
  • Fire I Control Room Evacuation and Alternate Shutdown (Appendix R Fire)
  • Station Blackout, (SBO)
  • LOCNGeneral Emergency with release and PAR
  • LOCA with entry into Severe Accident Management

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ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Accident Scenarios included in the Analysis

  • 1. Design Basis Threat (DST) as described in NEI 10-05 *
  • Land and/or waterborne Hostile Action directed against the Protected Area by a Hostile Force. This event assumes the threat is neutralized immediately when inside the protected area fence, no significant damage to equipment or systems that require corrective actions before the ERO is staffed, no radiological release, and no fire that requires firefighting response before the ERO is staffed. EAL is based on the event. Single event impacts both units.
2. Steam Line Rupture as described in U 1 FSAR I U2 FSAR 15.1.14
  • A main steam line break with loss of offsite power. Release into the turbine building until Main steam stop valves isolates. EAL is based on the event.
3. Steam Generator Tube Failure as described in U1 FSAR I U2 FSAR 15.1.18
  • Failure of a single U-tube that resulted in exceeding charging pump capacity. No fuel failure is postulated. Operators are notified of the leak by radiation monitor alarm. The EAL is based on the event.
4. Fuel Handling Accident as described in U1 FSAR I U2 FSAR 15.1.23


  • The accident involves a dropped fuel bundle on top of the core. Initial EAL is based on the event.
5. Rod Ejection Accident as described in U1 FSAR I U2 FSAR 15.1.20
  • A complete circumferential rupture of the Control Element Drive Mechanism (CEDM) housing or CEDM nozzle and causes a rapid ejection of a CEA. The consequences of the loss of coolant resulting from the RCS rupture are similar to those for small breaks. All fuel rods that experience DNB are assumed to release their total gap activity to the reactor coolant.
6. Loss of Coolant Accident as described in U1 FSAR I U2 FSAR 15.1.13
  • A Break (Double Ended Guillotine Cold Leg break) between the reactor coolant pump and the reactor vessel results in core degradation with release to the containment and to the environment at the containment design leakage rate. EAL is based on the event
7. Waste Gas Tank Rupture as described in U1 FSAR I U2 FSAR 15.1.16
  • The most limiting waste gas a*ccident is an unexpected and uncontrolled release to the atmosphere of the radioactive xenon. and krypton fission gases that are stored in one waste gas decay tank. The tank is assumed to contain the gaseous activity evolved from degassing all of the reactor coolant following operation with 1% defective fuel.

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8. Aircraft Probable Threat as described in 10 CFR 50.54 hh(1)
  • Notification is received from the NRC that a probable aircraft threat exists

(>5 minutes, <30 minutes). EAL is based on the event. The single event impacts both units.

9. Control Room Fire and Alternate Shutdown
  • A fire occurs in the main control room requiring the evacuation and the procedure implemented to shutdown from the alternate shutdown panels.

EAL is based on the event. Because of the control room design, the other unit will evacuate the control room after tripping the reactor and perform remote shutdown.

10. Station Blackout
  • A loss of all offsite AC power to both units occurs and the failure of the 1

emergency diesel generators to start. EAL is based on the event.

11. General Emergency with release and PAR
  • Assumed upgrade to a general ~mergency condition when dose projection indicates release exceeds PAG and will be considered in.the PAR decision.

C. Accident Scenarios Not Included in the Analysis

1. Implement Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG)
  • A review of the SAMGs associated with the initial site-specific Candidate High Level Actions concluded that no actions would require on-shift personnel other than licensed and non-licensed operators. No analysis required.
2. Appendix R Fire
  • The team concluded the Control Room fire to be the most limiting for resources and therefore a staffing analysis for an additional fire scenario is not required. The emergency plan and fire brigade responsibilities are the same for both events. No analysis required.

V. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS A. Notes and Assumptions Applicable to All ANO OSA

1. The RP and Chemistry tasks reviewed were those directed by the Shift Manager to support actions in Off Normal Procedures, Emergency Operating Procedures, and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures. Any additional tasks directed by the Technical Support Center (TSC), Operations Support Center (OSC), or Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) procedures were not reviewed.

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2. ANO has 60 minute and 90 minute emergency responders when augmented while the ERO is offsite. This analysis was conducted assuming a 90 minute response of the augmented ERO. No credit was taken for 60 minute responders.

No specific emergency response tasks requiring the augmented ERO were identified prior to the 90 minutes following the emergency declaration.

3. The OSA team determined there are no time critical RP and Chemistry tasks and that task performance is directed and prioritized by the Shift Manager. The time RP or Chemistry is directed to perform a task and the amount of time taken to complete tasks are estimated. No Chemistry samples are required by Tech Specs within the 90 minute period after a declaration. Since the Shift Manager directs when the tasks are performed, there are no overlapping RP or chemistry tasks.
4. All crews have one individual filling the SM and one individual filling the STA roles therefore the analysis did not consider using a dual-role individual.
8. NEI 10-05 Rev 0 Assumptions
1. Response time used for this analysis was the maximum acceptable number of minutes elapsed between emergency declaration and the augmented ERO position holder at a location necessary to relieve an on-shift position of the emergency response task. (90 min.)


2. On-shift personnel complement was limited to the minimum required number and composition as described in the site emergency plan. If the plan commitments allow for different minimum staffing levels (e.g., a variance between a normal dayshift and a backshift), the staffing with the smallest total number of personnel was used for the analysis.
3. Although the temporary absence of a position may be allowed by Tech Specs, the analysis was performed assuming that all required on-shift positions are filled.
4. Event occurred during off-normal work hours where ERO was offsite and all required minimum on-shift positions were filled.
5. On-shift personnel reported to their assigned response locations within timeframes sufficient to allow for performance of assigned actions.
6. On-shift staff had necessary Radiation Worker qualification to obtain normal dosimetry and enter the radiological control area (RCA) (but not locked high or very high radiation areas) without the aid of a RP technician.
7. Personnel assigned plant operations and SSD met the requirements and guidance (analyzed through other programs such as operator training) and were not evaluated as part of this assessment unless a role/function/task from another major response area was assigned as a collateral duty.

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8. In-plant (manual) safety related operator actions to manipulate components and equipment from locations outside the control room to achieve and maintain safe shutdown was done by a member of the on-shift staff as defined in the unit's Tech Specs.
9. Fire brigade (FB) staff performance is analyzed through other station programs (e.g., fire drills) and was not evaluated as part of this assessment unless a role/function/task from another major response area was assigned as a collateral duty.
10. Individuals holding the position of RP technician or Chemistry technician are qualified to perform the range of tasks expected of their position.
11. Security was not evaluated unless a role or function from another major response area was assigned as a collateral duty.
12. Communications, briefings, and peer checks are acceptable collateral duties.
13. All on-shift staff positions were evaluated, even if they had no known collateral .

duties, to ensure they can perform the tasks assigned to them. [Ref NSIR/DPR-ISG-01]

14. The Staffing Analysis specified the resources available to perform "Repair and Corrective Actions" and "Rescue Operations and First Aid" but these may be assigned as collateral duty to a designated on-shift responder.
15. For assessment purposes, NRC notifications were treated as a continuous action per 10CFR50.72(c)(3) and 73.71(b)(1). This means once the initial NRC communications are established, the NRC will request an open line be maintained with the NRC Operations Center.
16. OBA (postulated accident, Condition IV event, or limiting fault) is considered as "Unanticipated occurrences that are postulated for accident analysis purposes but not expected to occur during the life of the plant. A postulated accident could result in sufficient damage to preclude resumption of plant operation. As a result, a greater number and variety of actions would need to be implemented by plant personnel."
17. Unless otherwise specified in NSIR/DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance -

Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants, or by the USAR initial conditions of a OBA analysis, it was assumed that the unit was in Mode 1, Power.

18. DST assumed a hostile force breached the protected area fence but was neutralized with no adverse consequences to plant safety. Damage inflicted on plant systems, structures and components was not sufficient to prevent safe shutdown or cause a radiological release. There was no fire significant enough to warrant firefighting efforts prior to arrival of offsite resources and/or the augmented ERO.

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19. The Staffing Analysis used OBA analysis assumptions, inputs, timing of events, plant protective response, and specified manual operator actions and their timing, as documented in the USAR.
20. In cases where a OBA analysis included a radiological release, and the starting point of the release was not clearly defined, the staffing analysis assumed that the release began 15-minutes after the initiating event.
21. Severe Accident Management Guideline (SAMG) - It is sufficientto simply assume that the accident progressed to conditions requiring a severe accident response; it did not include determining specific failures and the accident sequence.
22. SAMG - The actions analyzed included those that implement the initial site-specific actions assuming the core is not ex-vessel (i.e., no reactor vessel failure), and there is no actual or imminent challenge to containment integrity.

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ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT VI. APPENDIX A* ANALYZED EVENTS AND ACCIDENTS NOTE Appendix A is applicable to both Unit 1 and Unit 2. Accidents are the same for both units.

Summary 4 Event Event Plant Reference Event ECL Event Analysis Description of 1 4

  1. Type Mode Document(s) U1 ECL U2 Required?

Event Land and/or waterborne HOSTILE ACTION NEI 10-05 1 DBT directed against 1 SAE SAE YES ISGIV.C the Protected Area by a HOSTILE FORCE.

U1FSAR Steam Line 2 OBA 1 SAE Alert Yes Rupture (SLR)

U2 FSAR 15.1.14 Steam U1 FSAR 3 OBA Generator Tube 1 Alert SAE YES Rupture (SGTR) U2 FSAR 15.1.18 U1 FSAR Fuel Handling 4 OBA 1 SAE SAE YES Accident (FHA)

U2 FSAR 15.1.23 U1 FSAR 5 OBA Rod Ejection 1 SAE SAE YES U2 'FSAR 15.1.20 Loss of Coolant U1 FSAR GE (worst 6 OBA' Accident 1 GE YES case)

(LOCA) U2 FSAR 15.1 .13 U1 FSAR Waste Gas GE (worst 7 OBA 1 SAE Yes Tank Rupture case)

U2 FSAR 15.1.16 Assumed Aircraft for 10CFR50.54hh(1) 8 Probable 1 Alert Alert YES Analysis RG 1.214 Threat.

Purpose Control Room Assumed Evacuation and 10CFR50 for Alternate 9 1 Appendix R Alert SAE YES Analysis Shutdown (fire ISGIV,C Purpose in main control room)

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ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Summary Event Event Plant Reference Event ECL4 Event Analysis Description of 1 4

  1. Type Mode Document(s) U1 ECL U2 Required?

Event Assumed for 10 Station Blackout 1 ISGIV.C SAE Alert YES Analysis Purpose

' LOCA - General Assumed Emergency with for 11 radiological 1 ISGIV.C GE GE YES Analysis release and Purpose PAR Assumed LOCA with entry for into severe 2 12 1 ISGIV.C GE GE N0 Analysis accident Purpose procedures.

Assumed Appendix R Fire for 3 13 with Reactor 1 ISGIV.C Alert Alert N0 Analysis

. Trip Purpose 1

Plant mode per USAR or assumed for analysis purpose 2

ANO does not meet the NEI 10-05 intent for the analysis of implementing SAMG. NEI 10-05 Section 2.11 states that the analysis of the ability to implement SAMG focuses on the reasonably expected initial mitigation action that would be performed by on-shift personnel other than licensed and non-licensed operators. The actions assessed by NEI 10-05 are those which implement the initial site-specific Candidate High Level Action assuming the core is not ex-vessel (i.e., no reactor vessel failure), and there is no actual or imminent challenge to containment integrity. SAMG is implemented by the TSC. All success paths' aC:tions are performed by on-shift licensed and non-licensed operators.

3 Appendix R Fire is bound by the Control Room Fire and Remote Shutdown.

4 ECLs: UE (Unusual Event), Alert, SAE (Site Area Emergency), and GE (General Emergency). Classification level shown is based on ANO Emergency Plan Tables D-3 and D-4.

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1. Accident Summary
2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
  • EAL is based on FSAR EAB 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> dose
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 1202.003, Overcooling
  • 1202.006, Tube Rupture
  • 1601.307, Attachment 6 Primary to Secondary Leak
  • 1203.014, Control of Secondary System Contamination
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 15

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT ANO TABLE 1 - ON-SHIFT POSITIONS Analysis # 2 - Steam .Line Rupture Augmentation Role in Table Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document Elapsed Time #I Line#

  1. . Required?


U1T2/L1 T5/L1 U1 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 1 90 T5/L3 No No (SM)

T5/L5 T5/L 14 U1 Control Room E-Plan Table 8-1 2 N/A U1 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U1 Shift Technical E-Plan Table 8-1 U1 T2/L3 3 90 No Yes Advisor (STA) T5/L6 U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 4 N/A U1 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 5 N/A U1 T2/L5 No No (RO #2) -

U1 Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 6 N/A U1 T2/L6 No No Operator (AO #1)

U1 Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 7 N/A U1 T2/L7 No No Operator (AO #2))

U1 Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A 8 No No Operator (AO #3)

U1 Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 9 N/A N/A No No Operator (A0#4)

E-Plan Table 8-1 90 J5/L 12 10 U1 Chemistry No Yes U1 Radiation E-Plan Table 8-1 90 T4/L1 11 No No Protection (RP) T4/L2 12 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U2CRS E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table 8-1 T5/L8 T5/L9 14 U2STA N/A No Yes T5/L 10 T5/L 13 15 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U2 A0#1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U2A0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U2A0#3 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U2A0#4 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T4/L7 No No 22 U2RP E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T4/L3 No No 23 Operator (F8) E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 T5/L 15 No No Plan IE-Plan Table 8-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 16



,, Two Unif..:.. Two Control Room '

Analysis # 2 - Steam Line Rupture Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable

-Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position fTask Analysis

"'. / <' ~~htrolling_ ~e~~od Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Training Program Auxiliary Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 17 -


  • ANO TABLE 3 - FIREFIGHTING . "/ '.. ..

Analysis # 2 - Stearn tine Rupture .

Line Performed by Task Analysis Controlling Method 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident.

  • ANO TABLE 4 - RADIAl"ION PROTECTION AND CHEMISl'RY: . <*** ... I Analysis # 2,.... Stearn Line Rupture * '*


L Position Performing* I Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes)*

I Function I Task  !

N 5 15- 20~ 25 '35 45- 50~ 55- 60~ 65- 75 85-0-5 E

.;,:_. ""'~*"""*"~"":

"" """'"" ,~'-.~ "'"'-~

  • 10 1.5 .20 25* ,-30 35 . 40. 45 50 55'.. .qO 65 .70. 75. 80 .85' '90 1 In-Plant Survey:

U1 RP x x x x x x x (survey TB) 2 On-site Survey:

U1 RP (site x x x x x boundarv) 3 Personnel Monitoring: U2 RP U2RCA x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x access/exit control 4 Uob Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:

(Included in Table I Q 6 Other site specific RP (describe):

N/A )

7 Chemistry Function ask #1 (describe) x x x x x x x x x x x x x U2 Chemistrv -

samoles) 8 Chemistry Function ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 18


  • * .
  • Analysis# 2:.... Steam Line.Rupture *
  • Function I Task On-Shift Task Analysis Controlling Method Linell Position Declare the emergency classification level U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 Manager Program I EP Drills (EGL)

Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 N/A N/A Recommendations U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U1 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

  • o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U1 STA Program 7 Abbreviated NRG notification for DBT event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U2STA Program 10 Complete NRG event notification form U2STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate EROS N/A N/A U1 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRG notifications U2STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U1 Shift 14 Licensed Operator Training Program (e.g.; Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANORev.2 Page 19 J

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Design Basis Accident Analysis #3 - Steam Generator Tube Failure

1. Accident Summary
  • Double ended rupture of one steam generator tube with loss of offsite power. HPI capacity is sufficient to maintain both volume and pressure control.
  • Primary to secondary leak. Operators are notified of the leak by radiation monitor alarm.
2. Accident Specific Assumptions
  • EAL is based on the event and resulting symptoms.
  • FSAR EAB dose not reached due to Operator actions per procedure success path.
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 1202.006, Tube Rupture
  • 1202.007, Degraded Power .
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 20


  • .'ANO TABLE.1'-:.0N~SHIFTP()SITIONS :** . ' "'

' Analysis# 3 ""'*steam Generator Tube Failure, * '

Augmentation Role in Table line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document El.apsed Time *#/line#

  1. Task? Required?


U1T2/L1 T5/L1 E-Plan Table B-1 1 U1 Shift Manager (SM) 90 T5/L3 No No T5/L5 T5/L 14 U1 Control Room E-Plan Table 8~1 2 N/A U1 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U1 Shift Technical E-Plan Table B-1 U1 T2/L3 3 90 No Yes Advisor (STA) T5/L6 U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 4 N/A U1 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 5 N/A U1 T2/L5 No No (RO #2)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 6 N/A U1 T2/L6 No No (AO #1)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 7 N/A U1 T2/L7 No No (AO #2))

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A 8 No No (AO #3)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 9 N/A N/A No No (A0#4)

E-Plan Table B-1 90 T5/L 12 10 U1 Chemistry No Yes U1 Radiation Protection E-Plan Table B-1 90 T4/L 1 11 No No (RP) 12 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U2CRS E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table B-1 T5/L8 T5/L9 14 U2STA N/A No Yes T5/L 10 T5/L 13 15 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U2 R0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U2.A0#1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U2A0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U2A0#3 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U2A0#4 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 22 - U2RP E-Plan Table B-1 N/A T4/L3 No No 23 Operator (FB) E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No Security 24 Security Contingency Plan I 90 T5/L 15 No No E-Plan Table B-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 21

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT ANO TABlE 2:.... UNl'J'.1 PL~NT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN Two Unit - Two Control Room Analysis # 3 - Steam Generator Tube Failure Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position

,'J . TaskAnalysis .

Controlling: Method . ,*

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program

!Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 !Auxiliary Operator #1 rrraining Program

!Auxiliary Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 rrraining Program 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position rrask Analysis Controlling Method 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A NIA 15 Other N/A N/A (l

ANO Rev.2 Page 22


" ANO TABLE 3 - FIREFIGHTING Analysis # 3 - Steam Generator Tube Failure*

Line Performed by Task Analysis Controlling Method 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A .N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident.


Analysis# 3 - Steam Generator Tube Failure l L Position Performing '

Performance T[r:ne Period After Emergency DeCla.ration (minutes)* J' I Function I Task N. ,*'> 5- ;10-' 15- 20-' '.25: 35- '4Q:-: 45,. 50- ,55- 60:, 65- 70; :75 85~

E 0-5

  • O***

10 15 20 25 30. 35 40 A5: 50 55 60 .55 70 75* 80 85 90 1 In-Plant Survey:

U1 RP x x x x x x oerform 1601.308 2 On-site Survey:

3 Personnel Monitoring: _RP#2 x x x x x Support PA Evacuation 4 Uob Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad


f/ncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe):

N/A )

7 Chemistry Function

~ask #1 (describe}

N/A 8 Chemistry Function r task #2 (describe}


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 23



-* *_'

  • Analysis #*:f- steam Gen~~ator Tube Failure ,\ ,', ,'

Function I Task On-Shift Task Analysis Controlling Method LineN Position Declare the emergency classification level U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1

(ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 N/A N/A Recommendations U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U1 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

+o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U1 STA Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U2STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U2STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate EROS N/A N/A U1 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications U2STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U1 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Licensed Operator Training Program Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2 Page 24

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT C. Design Basis Accident Analysis #4 - Fuel Handling Accident

1. Accident Summary
  • Fuel handling accident in the spent fuel pool. Gap activity is released from six rows of fuel rods in one assembly while in spent fuel storage pool. The radionuclides released during the fuel handling accident are assumed to enter the atmosphere directly without filtration.
2. Accident Assumptions Made
  • FSAR accident radiological analysis assumed FHA in spent fuel storage pool
  • EAL is based on the event.
  • Additional SROs, ROs, AOs, and RP Techs are on-shift as part of the refueling/outage support staffing. All are available to assist the Shift Manager to respond to the event.
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 1203.042 R007, Refueling Abnormal Operation
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
4. . Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 25




Analysis # 4 - Fuel Handling Accident ,, '.

Augmentation Role in Table Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document Elapsed Time. #I Line#

  1. , (min)*

Task? Required?

U1T2/L1 T5/L1 U1 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 1 90 T5/L3 No No (SM)

T5/L5 T5/L 14 U1 Control Room E-Plan Table B-1 2 N/A U1 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U1 Shift Technical E-Plan Table B-1 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A Advisor (STA)

U1 Reactor Operato1 E-Plan Table B-1 4 N/A U1 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U 1 Reactor Operato1 E-Plan Table B-1 5 N/A U1 T2/L5 No No (RO #2)

U1 Auxiliary E-Plan Table B-1 6 N/A U1 T2/L6 No No Operator (AO #1)

U1 Auxiliary E-Plan Table B-1 7 N/A U1 T2/L7 No No Operator (AO #2))

U1 Auxiliary E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A 8 No No Operator (AO #3)

U1 Auxiliary E-Plan Table B-1 9 N/A N/A No No Operator (A0#4) 10 U 1 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 90 T5/L 12 No Yes U1 Radiation E-Plan Table B-1 90 T4/L2 11 No No Protection (RP) 12 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U2CRS E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table B-1 T5/L6 T5/L9 14 U2STA N/A T5/L8 No Yes T5/L 10 T5/L 13 15 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U2A0#1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U2A0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U2A0#3 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U2A0#4 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 22 U2RP E-Plan Table B-1 N/A T4/L6 No No 23 Operator (FB) E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 T5/L 15 No No Plan IE-Plan Table B-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 26

  • ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT ANO TABLE 2 - UNIT 1 PLoANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN Two Unit - Two Control Room Analysis # 4 - Fuel Handling Accident Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line#' Generic Title/Role, On-Shift ~Q~ition , ::r~sk Analy~is .

. ,. ., , * * * , Controlling Me~hod Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program N/A N/A 3 Shift Technical Advisor Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 ~uxiliary Operator #1 Training Program

~uxiliary Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 rrraining Program 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generi~ Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Analysis

  • Controlling Method 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANORev.2 Page 27




Analysis # 4 - Fuel Handling Accident Line Performed by Task Analysis Controlling Method 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident.

ANO'TABLE 4- RADIATION PROTECTION AND Cl;IEMISTRY l Analysis # 4 - Fuel Handling Accident  !

j L Position Performing I Performance Time Period After. Emergency Declaration (minutes)* I I Function I Task I N. . ' '5 15- 20-, 25- .30- ~5;; 40 50 60- ,65,7 ;70 80- B5-0-5 ;*10

.E :15' 20 25 3.0' 35 AO '45 50 5$ 'pO: .65 '1JJ 75. BO* '85 *'go 1 In-Plant Survey:

N/A 2 On-site Survey: x x .X x x x x x x U1 RP 3 Personnel Monitoring:

N/A 4 !Job Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:

flncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe): U2 RP SUQQOrt PA x x x x x x evacuation 7 Chemistry Function task #1 (describe)

N/A 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 28


, , , Analysis # 4 - Fuel Handling Accident Function I Task On-Shift Task Analysis Controlling Method Line#

Position Declare the emergency classification level U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1

(ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 Recommendations N/A N/A U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U1 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2STA

( Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DST event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U2STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U2STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate EROS N/A N/A U1 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program I Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications U2STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U1 Shift 14 Licensed Operator Training Program (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO; ANI, etc.) Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2 Page 29

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT D. Design Basis Accident Analysis #5 - Rod Ejection

1. Accident Summary
  • Physical failure of a pressure barrier component in the control rod drive assembly caused a rapid ejection of the assembly from the core region.
  • All fuel rods that experience DNB are assumed to release their total gap activity to the reactor coolant. Some cladding failure occurred.
2. Accident Assumptions Made
  • The gap activity is released to the reactor building or the steam generators via primary to secondary leakage. EAL is based on the leakage event.
  • Release to the environment is from the reactor building (RB) at the RB design basis leakage rate. It is assumed the EAL upgrade is not required before the emergency response facilities are operational.
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 1202.001, Loss of Coolant Accident
  • 1601.307, Unit 1 Off-Normal Operations
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 30



Analysis #5 - Rod Ejection

. .Augmentation * .. Role in l::ine On.~shift P~sition *

  • Basis Document Elapsed Time Table#/

unanalyzed TMS

    1. Task? Required?

.. (min)* Line# '

U1T2/L1 TS/L1 U1 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 1 90 TS/L3 No No (SM)

TS/LS TS/L 14 U1 Control Room E-Plan Table 8-1 2 N/A U1 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U1 Shift Technical E-Plan Table 8-1 U1 T2/L3 3 90 No Yes Advisor/FSS (STA) TS/L6 U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 4 N/A U1 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 s (RO #2)

N/A U1 T2/LS No No U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 6 N/A U1 T2/L6. No No (AO #1)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 7 N/A U1 T2/L7 No No (AO #2))

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A 8 No No (AO #3) 9 U1 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 90 TS/L 12 No Yes U1 Radiation E-Plan Table 8-1 90 T4/L 1 10 No No Protection (RP)  ;

(Common) Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 11 N/A N/A No No Operator 12 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U2CRS E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table 8-1 TS/L8 TS/L9 14 U2STA N/A No Yes TS/L 10 TS/L 13 1S U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U2A0#1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U2A0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U2A0#3 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U2A0#4 E-PJan Table 8-1

  • N/A N/A No No 21 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 22 U2 RP E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T4/L3 No No 23 Operator (F8) E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 TS/L 1S No No Plan IE-Plan Table 8-1 ANORev.2 Page 31


Two*-Unit - Two Control Room '*,

Analysis #5 - Rod Ejection Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable

  • Line# Generic Title/Rol.e On-Shift Position !Task Analysis Con,trolli'1~Met'1od



.. ..... ';, "' " ~

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 !Auxiliary Operator #1 h"raining Program Auxiliary Operator #2

  • Non-Licensed Operator 7 !Auxiliary Operator #2 lrraining Program 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position rT°ask Analysis Controlling Method 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 32


  • Perform~d by l"ask Analysis,.Controlling Method 1 NIA NIA 2 NIA NIA 3 NIA NIA 4 NIA NIA 5 NIA NIA No firefighting activities included in this accident.

ANO TABLE 4- RADIATION PROTECTION AND CHEMISTRY Analysis #5 - Rod Ejection L Position Performing Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes)*

I . Function I Task N 5- :1.0- 15~ 20~~ '25- ,30 AQ~ 45 55~ J>O- 65~. 7p~: *75-* 80~* 85; 0-5 E

,_ >>-* "" ~- *-*

    • ~.

. rn: 15 20 25 \30 35 40 45 '50 55. '60 ,65* 70 75' 80: 85 90 1 In-Plant Survey:

U1 RP (perform x x x x x x x x x 1601.307))

2 On-site Survey:

NIA 3* Personnel Monitoring: U2 RP U1I2 RCA x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x access/exit control 4 ~ob Coverage: )

NIA 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:

(Included in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe):


7 Chemistry Function ask #1 (describe)

U2 Chemistrv samoles) 8 Chemistry Function ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2

  • Page 33


~,*):1_ ( !, ;')(: ANO'TABLE 5 - EMERGENCY: PLAN IMPLEMEN'FA'.'FION*' , *' .. ;~ ~r: ;~;:**

l~ffe ' *, *.,;'; ':4 ' i . *.. "-* *. * * *'.Analysis #5 - Rod:Ejection : *: :.>. : ~ : * ;!'" .. ,,,. .. ,. ,,

~** ~,1 i

.' :* *. '. Fur,lctioiJITci§k; ** ">,;~:

  • 1
.On~Shiff * * .T~~~ An~lysis*.~h~trolling\~~t~oQ**

lirie~ *'

1+*::1,,, >/.:.* *.,

i,;;1 : .** .*' .' ;* ;; : ; : .. * }/;. *. * :; 11 .;. ili*:i1:;.

1.>1 i ':

  • P~~i~iOn* ! :** :::- : ...

I  :*.! :***'t./;.>. . . .  :.*.r :;

Declare the emergency classification level U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1

(EGL) Manager Program I EP Drills Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 N/A N/A Recommendations U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Mal"\ager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U1 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

~o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U1 STA Program 7 ~bbreviated NRG notification for DBT event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U2STA Program 10 Complete NRG event notification form U2STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A N/A U1 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRG notifications U2STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U1 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Licensed.Operator Training Program Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2 Pa'ge 34

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT E. Design Basis Accident Analysis #6 - Loss of Coolant Accident with Loss of Offsite Power

1. Accident Summary
  • A full double-area, guillotine break in the cold leg pump discharge piping at the elevation of the reactor vessel inlet nozzle. A loss of offsite power is assumed at the time of the break opening, so the reactor coolant pumps and main feedwater pumps are not powered.
  • Releases to the atmosphere are monitored by radiation monitors in the Penetration Room Ventilation System and by stack radiation monitoring equipment.,
2. Accident Assumptions Made
  • EAL is based on the event
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 1201.001, Loss of Coolant Accident
  • 1601.307, Off-Normal Operations
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 35




> * Ah~lysis #6-: -~~:CA .

Augme,ntation Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document .., Elapsed Time. Table#/

  1. Task? Required?

(min)* Line#

U1T2/L1 TS/L 1 TS/L2 U1 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 1 90 TS/L3 No No (SM)

TS/L4 TS/LS TS/L 14 U 1 Control Room E-Plan Table B-1 2 N/A U1 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U1 Shift Technical E-Plan Table B-1 U1 T2/L3 3 90 No Yes Advisor/FSS (STA) TS/L6 U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 4 N/A U1 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 s (RO #2)

N/A U1 T2/LS No No U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 6 N/A U1 T2/L6 No No (AO #1)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 7 N/A U1 T2/L7 No No (AO #2))

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 r' N/A N/A 8 I No No (AO #3)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 9 N/A N/A No No (A0#4) 10 U1 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 90 TS/L 12 No Yes U1 Radiation E-Plan Table B-1 90 T4/L 1 11 No No Protection (RP) T4/L3 12 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U2CRS E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table B-1 TS/LB

TS/L9 14 U2STA N/A No Yes TS/L 10 TS/L 13 1S U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U2 R0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U2 A0#1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U2A0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U2A0#3 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U2A0#4 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 22 U2 RP E-Plan Table B-1 N/A T4/L6 No No 23 Operator (FB) E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 TS/L 1S No No Plan IE-Plan Table B-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 36


. ANO TABLE 2..:. UNIT 1 PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN Two Unit - Two Control Room Analysis #6 :- LOCA Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable:

t.:ine # Gene,ric Title/Role* . *,' ' On*Shift Position

  • Tas.k An~lysis, . _

' f"'

  • ,'*';('

"* *: Controlling l\lfethod

\ '*

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 ~uxiliary Operator #1

!Training Program Auxiliary Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 ~uxiliary Operator #2 Training Program 8 ~uxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position ask Analysis Controlling Method 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANO Rev.2. Page 37



.. /,

Analysis #6 ..,. LOCA Line Performed by Task Analysis Controlling Method 1 N/A

  • N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No f1ref1ghtmg act1v1t1es included m this accident.

' , ~ . ,.,,  ;, '\


  • l I'
  • Analysis #6 -LocA * * * * ..

L Position Performing '

I Function I Task*

Performance Time Period After Emergency DeclarationJminutes)* I N. 5 15~ 20 30- .35~ 40 50~ .55 65~ 70 80 .. 0-5,.

E ... *- *------ " "'"'"* . n**.. , .,_,_,.,

10 15 20 25 30 35 :4b> 45 50 55 60 65 *10 . **75 80 85, 90 1 In-Plant Survey:

U1 RP (perform x x x x x x x x 1601.307))

2 Oh-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring: U1 RP x x x x x Lc:;unnort PA evacuation at PAP 4 Job Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:

Oncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe): U2 RP-RCA exit x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x monitoring 7 Chemistry Function ask #1 (describe)

N/A 8 Chemistry Function ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 38


.: . . Analysis #6 - LOCA * . .

Function I Task On-Shift Task Analysis Controlling Method Line#

Position Declare the emergency classification level U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 Program I EP Drills (EGL) Manager

~pprove Offsite Protective Action U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 2 Manager Program I EP Drills Recommendations U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 IA.pprove content of State/local notifications Manager Program U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 4 IA.pprove extension to allowable dose Manager Program I EP Drills Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U1 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

~o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U1 STA Program 7 Abbreviated NRG notification.for DST event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U2STA Program 10 Complete NRG event notification form U2STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate EROS N/A N/A U1 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRG notifications U2STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U1 Shift 14 Licensed Operator Training Program (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc-.) Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2 Page 39

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT F. Design Basis Accident Analysis #7 - Waste Gas Tank Rupture

1. Accident Summary
  • A tank is assumed to contain the gaseous activity evolved from degassing all of the reactor coolant following operation with 1% defective fuel.
  • The waste gas tank ruptured releasing the gas into the auxiliary building and to the atmosphere via the Auxiliary Building Ventilation System.
  • The quantity of radioactivity contained in a single tank has been limited to a curie value which will prevent a member of the public at the exclusion area boundary from receiving a total body exposure exceeding a 0.5 Rem in a 2-hour period.
2. Accident Assumptions Made
  • EAL is declared on radiological release.
  • GE shown in Appendix A not reached.
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 40


. ANO TABLE 1 ,.... ,, ON:-SHIFT POSITIONS '*:*'


Analysis #7 :.... Waste Gas Tank Rupture Augmentation Role in Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document Elaps.ed Time Table#/

  1. Task? Required?

(min)* Line#

U1T2/L1 TS/L 1 '

U1 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 1 90 TS/L3 No No (SM)

TS/LS TS/L 14 U 1 Control Room E-Plan Table 8-1 2 N/A U1 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U1 Shift Technical E-Plan Table 8-1 U1 T2/L3 3 90 No Yes Advisor/FSS (STA) TS/L6 U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 4 N/A U1 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 s (RO #2)

N/A U1 T2/LS No No U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 6 N/A U1 T2/L6 No No (AO #1)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 7 N/A U1 T2/L7 No No (AO #2))

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A 8 No No (AO #3)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 9 N/A N/A No No (A0#4) 10 U1 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 90 TS/L 12 No Yes U1 Radiation E-Plan Table 8-1 90 T4/L 1 11 No No Protection (RP) 12 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U2CRS E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table 8-1 TS/LB TS/L9 14 U2STA N/A No Yes TS/L 10 TS/L 13 1S U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U2 R0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U2A0#1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U2A0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U2A0#3 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U2A0#4 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T4/L7 No No 22 U2RP E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T4/L6 No No 23 Operator (F8) E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 TS/L 1S No No Plan IE-Plan Table 8-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 41


. Two Unit - Two Control Room Analysis #7 - Waste Gas Tank Rupture '

Mininiurri Operations Crew Necessary to lmpiement AOPs and EOPs or. SAMGs if Applicable Line#. ~en~ric Titl.e/Role On-Shift Position

  • Task Analysis .


.>** *" '~*.4:, ':o{*

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program

~uxiliary Operator #1 Non~Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 lrraining Program

~uxiliary Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 lrraining Program 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position rTask Analysis Controlling Method 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician NIA N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 42

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Fire Brigade ANO TABLE 3 - FIREFIGHTING Analysis #7 - Waste Gas Tank Rupture Line Performed by Task Analysis Controlling Method 1 NIA NIA 2 NIA NIA 3 NIA NIA 4 NIA NIA 5 NIA NIA No firefighting activities included in this accident.

, ANO TABLE-4..:. RADIATION PROTECTION AND CHEMISTRY Analysis #7 - Waste Gas Tank Rupture L Position Performing

. Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes)*

I Function I Task N 5~ 10~ 15 25~ 30 40- 45-' 50- 55~ 60 70- .75 85..:

13. 0-5 10*

--~-*~*"- ~" .. *-**"" """ "

.:.,_. ~5 *20 25 :30 .35 40 :45\* .50' 55 60 :65 )0' 75* *,BO: 85 90..

1 In-Plant Survey:

U1 RP x x x x x x x x 2 On-site Survey:

NIA 3 Personnel Monitoring: NIA 4 Job Coverage:

NIA 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:

Oncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe): U2 RP-RCA exit x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x monitoring 7 Chemistry Function ask #1 (describe)

U2 Chemistrv x x x x x x x x l'lamole SPING inline ductwork 8 Chemistry Function

~ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page43



' *' 2 Analysis i#7.-:- Waste Gas Tank Rupture/ *  :

Function I Task On-Shift Task Analysis Controlling Method Lineti Position Declare the emergency classification level U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1

(EGL) Manager Program I EP Drills Approve Offsite Protective Action 2' N/A N/A Recommendations U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 ~pprove extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U1 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

~o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U1 STA Program 7 ~bbreviated NRG notification for DBT event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U2STA Program 10 Complete NRG event notification form U2STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate ERDS N/A N/A U1 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRG notifications U2STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U1 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Licensed Operator Training Program.

Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2 Page 44

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT G. Accident Analysis #11 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR

1. Accident Summary (Assumed for Staffing Analysis Purpose) r*
  • The unit upgrades to a general emergency based on loss of 2 barriers and potential loss of the 3'd. A release is ongoing.
  • A dose projection shows PAG is exceeded and information is used to determine the PAR.
2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
  • All actions for SAE are complete .
  • The ERO would be activated at an Alert or SAE. For Staffing Analysis purpose, the T=O clock is used for the emergency plan actions to evaluate the capability to implement the GE classification, PAR and notification functions before the ERO arrives.
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 1201.001, Loss of Coolant Accident
  • 1601.307, Off-Normal Operations
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
  • 1903.035, Kl
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 45


Analysis #11 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR Augmentation Role in Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document Elapsed Time Table#/

  1. Task? Required?

(min)* Line#

U1T2/L1 TS/L 1 U1 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 TS/L2 1 90 No No (SM) TS/L3 TS/L4 TS/LS U 1 Control Room E-Plan Table B-1 2 N/A U1 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U1 Shift Technical E-Plan Table B-1 3 90 U1 T2/L3 No No Advisor/FSS (STA)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 4 N/A U1 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 s (RO #2)

N/A U1 T2/LS No No U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 6 N/A U1 T2/L6 No No (AO #1)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 7 N/A U1 T2/L7 No No (AO #2))

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A 8 No No (AO #3)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 9 N/A N/A No No (A0#4) 10 U 1 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 90 TS/L 12 No Yes U1 Radiation E-Plan Table B-1 90 T4/L6 11 No No Protection (RP) 12 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U2CRS E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table B-1 TS/LB TS/L9 14 U2STA N/A No Yes TS/L 10 TS/L 13 1S U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U2A0#1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U2A0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U2A0#3 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U2A0#4 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table B-1 T4/L 1 22 U2RP N/A No No T4/L3 23 Operator (FB) E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 N/A No No Plan IE-Plan Table B-1 ANO Rev.2 *Page 46


~NO TABLE 2 - UNIT 1 PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN Two Unit - Two Control Room Analysis #11 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Ro.le. *

.. . On-Shift Position Task Analysis* *

... '.; " ' ' 1, \, ,,

' 'f c


Controlffng. IViethod Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Training Program Auxiliary Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line#

  • Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANORev.2 Page 47


--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ......

ANO TABLE 3 - FIREFIGHTING*. ,.. . i * **

Analysis #11 - LO CA/General Emergency with Release and* PAR Line Performed by Task Analysis Controlling .Method N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident.


Analysis #11 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR L Position Performing Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes)*

I Function I Task N 5 15 .25 35 45 55 65- }0 80 0-5 E "'"""


10 .15 20 ".25 30 ,35 40' 45 50. 55 :60 65 70 J5 '80 85: 90 1 In-Plant Survey:

U2 RP (perform x x x x x x x x 1601.307))

2 On-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring: U2 RP x x x x x sunnort PA evacuation at PAP 1 In-Plant Survey:

N/A 2 On-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring: N/A 4 ~ob Coverage:

I N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:

Oncluded in Table 5 '

6 Other site specific RP (describe): U1 x x *x x x RP- Issue Kl '

7 Chemistry Function ask #1 (describe)

N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 48


. ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 49



Analy!iis #11 - LOCAJGenerai'Emergerfoy with Release and PAR'; '

Function I Task On-Shift Task Analysis Controlling Method Lineti Position Declare the emergency classification level U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1

(ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills Approve Offsite Protective Action U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 2

Recommendations Manager Program I EP Drills U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 4 Approve extension to allowable dose Manager Program I EP Drills Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to oh-shift staff (e.g., U1 Shift s ~o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Emergency Planning Training Program 6 ERO notification N/A N/A 7 ~bbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2STA Program Emergency Planning Training .

9 Perform State/local notifications U2STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U2STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate EROS N/A N/A U1 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications U2STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15 Personnel Accountability N/A NA ANO Rev.2 Page SO

_ _ _ _ _ _J

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT VIII. APPENDIX B - UNIT 2 SHIFT STAFFING ANALYSIS A. Design Basis Accident Analysis #2 - Steam Line Rupture with Loss of Offsite Power

1. Accident Summary

Manual actions to operate the atmospheric steam dump and isolation valves are taken about 30 minutes after the event.

  • Loss of offsite power
2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
  • EAL is based on FSAR EAB dose for the pre-existing iodine spike (PIS).
  • For the purpose of the analysis, assume the release EAL is met immediately after the break.
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 2202.001, Standard Post Trip Actions
  • 2202.009, Functional Recovery
  • 2202.010, H2 0 2 Concentration High
  • 1601.307, Attachment 5 Primary to Secondary Leak
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 51



. Analy~:i~ # 2 - steam;Lfne Rupture /* *. * ' ,,.

Augmentation Role in Table Line Unanalyzed TMS

. # On-shift Position Basis Document Elapsed Time #I Line#

Task? Required?.


U2T2/L1 T5/L 1 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 1 90 T5/L3 No No (SM)

T5/L5 T5/L 14 U2 Control Room E-Plan Table 8-1 2 N/A U2 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U2 Shift Technical E-Plan Table 8-1 U2 T2/L3 3 90 No Yes Advisor (STA) T5/L6 U2 Reactor Operato1 E-Plan Table 8-1 4 N/A U2 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U2 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 5 N/A U2 T2/L5 No No (RO #2)

U2 Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 6 N/A U2 T2/L6 No No Operator (AO #1 )

U2 Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 7 N/A N/A No No Operator (AO #2))

U2 Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A 8 No No Operator (AO #3)

U2 Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A 9 No No Operator (AO #4) 10 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 90 T5/L 12 No Yes U2 Radiation E-Plan Table 8-1 90 T4/L 1 11 No No Protection (RP) 12 U 1 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U1CRS E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table 8-1 T5/L8 T5/L9 14 U1 STA N/A No Yes T5/L 10 T5/L 13 15 U1 RO #1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U1 RO #2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U1 A0#1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U1 A0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U1 .A0#3 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U1 A0#4 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U1 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T4/L7 No No 22 U1 RP E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T4/L3 No No 23 Operator (F8) E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 T5/L 15 No No Plan IE-Plan Table 8-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 52



  • Two lJnit ~Two ControlRoom * '

Analysis # 2 - Steam Line Rupture Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Analysis

.. Qoritrol~ing, Metl'lod

' . * ,f' ',-*,,,

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 ~uxiliary Operator #1

!Training Program 7 ~uxiliary Operator #2 N/A N/A 8 ~uxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role. On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 53



Analysis # 2 - Steam Line Rupture Line -Performed by Task Analysis Controlling Method 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A / N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 . N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident. .


  • .
  • Analysis.*# 2 - Steam* Line Rupture * * .I L Position Performing i Performance Time Peria~ After Emergency Declaration (minutes)*

I Function I Task. 1 N  ; 5~ 10 20 30- 3fr: 40 507, 55- 60. 70 80 0-5 E.. ~**--~---w-"~,,~;_,.,r~----~'-' '"~-*

10 .15 20 .25 .. .30. 35 40. 45 50. **5.5.* 60 65 70 75 .80 85 90 1 In-Plant Survey:

U2RP per 1203.14 &

x x x x x x x x x x x x 1601.308 2 On-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel j Monitoring: U1 RP U1 RCA x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x access/exit control 4 Job Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:

Oncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe):

N/A )

7 Chemistry Function

~ask #1 (describe)

U1 Chemistrv x x x x x x x x x x x x samole steam aenerator)*

8 Chemistry Function

~ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 54



-Analysis# 2*:..... Steam Line Rupture

  • Function I Task On-Shift Task Analysis Controlling Method Line#i

'Position Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1

(ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 N/A N/A Recommendations U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U2 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2STA Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U1 STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U1 STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U1 STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate EROS N/A N/A U2 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRG notifications U1 STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U2 Shift 14 Licensed Operator Training Prqgram (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANORev.2 Page 55

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Design Basis Accident Analysis #3 - Steam Generator Tube Failure

1. Accident Summary
  • Double ended rupture of one steam generator tube with loss of offsite power. HPI capacity is sufficient to maintain both volume and pressure control. Sixty minutes after the tube rupture, operators determine which SG contains the rupture and isolates it by closing the MSIV. No fuel failure occurs.
  • Primary to secondary leak. Operators are notified of the leak by radiation monitor alarm.
  • Release is through the secondary safety valves or atmospheric dump valves.
2. Accident Specific Assumptions
  • EAL is based on the event.
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 2202.001, Standard Post Trip Actions
  • 2202.007, Degraded Power
  • 2202.010, Power Restoration
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation ,
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 56


  • . '. *., :* .*: .... :.*A~9TABLE,1\;QN~S.~l~J.PQSITIPNS,.);:~:,****:,

., 1 .**** .***.~nal}'$1s#37""'.Ste"mc;;enerator::TubeRuptur:e.:1' t; , ' .../'.;;:,;,,,

'>'> }; ;.*


    • .'~*'{** *,,

U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 1

(SM) 90 No No U2 Control Room E-Plan Table 8-1 2

Supervisor (CRS)

N/A U2 T2/L2 No No U2 Shift Technical E-Plan Table 8-1 U2 T2/L3 3 90 Yes Yes Advisor (STA) T5/L6 U2 Reactor Operato1 E-Plan Table 8-1 4

(RO #1)

N/A U2 T2/L4

  • No No U2 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 5 N/A U2 T2/L5 No No (RO #2)

U2 Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 6

Operator (AO #1)

N/A U2 T2/L6 No No U2 Auxiliary E-Plan Table .B-1 7

Operator (AO #2))

N/A N/A No No U2 Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A 8

Operator (AO #3) No ' No U2 Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A 9

Operator (AO #4)

No No 10 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 T5/L 12 No Yes U2 Radiation E-Plan Table 8-1 90 T4/L 1 11 Protection (RP) T4/L3 No No 12 U1 Shift Mahager E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U1 CRS E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table 8-1 T5/L8 T5/L9 14 U1 STA N/A T5/L 10 No Yes T5/L 13 15 U1 RO #1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U1 RO #2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U1 A0#1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U1 A0#2 E~Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U1 A0#3 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U1 A0#4 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U1 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T4/L7 No No

  • 22 U1 RP E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T4/L6 No No 23 Operator (F8) E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security Plan I E-Plan Table 8-1 90 T5/L 15 No No ANO Rev.2 Page 57



, . Two Unit - Two Control .

  • . *
  • A~alysis # 2 - Ste~m Line Rupture*- * * *. .

Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to. lmpiement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable ,.

  • l:ine # Generic Title/Role On~Shift Ppsition Task Analysis Controlling Method'.

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1

!Training Program 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 N/A N/A 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable uhe # Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position '** Task Analys!s


  • Controlling Method.

11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A \

N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 58


...--,...,.......~~~,.......~~~,.......~,.......,..,....-=----=~-=--- .......~~---~,.......~....-....- .............~ ......................,.,.,.,

1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident.

L"PositiohPefformin(:}:\,'.,{'*,:,,. * ' " * ' ' . <:;*****S *.... '.._.*,,*;:.~***.1'. * . >.:., '*': ~., .. /*~:/c*::*. -~ *: *.....* >
' 1 f=un~Uon/ Task'* : ~: :! , :: .... . *:P,~_r;f91"1Tlan,c;:e, l).~~::\enpq* l:il~<?lfrat1gn:FTin,ut,e;~} ,: ..

. N 1***. * * .. .* ** .* **5- 10_:.: *t5:::_ 20:., 25? *30.,' as;:,. :40:,. _'i:f52 :so~* >*ss-. *:50~* 65'-* :za;* *75- ao/ *as~*

~~,***,* . ,*~* >*. '
" .* ,: Q75 **,1*0.:15; 2.p.'2s '39::*:.~s AQ~ :4~ ..* sa, :ss:'-:J,Elo*::6*1r: 70,*::zs."':,ao. :as**.. **_90:

1 In-Plant Survey:

U2 RP per X X X X X X X X X 1203.14 & 1601.308 2 On-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring: U2 RP

_Support PA x x x x x x.

evacuation 4 Job Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment: ,

Oncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific U1 RP (describe): x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x U2 RCA access/exit control 7 Chemistry Function ask #1 (describe)

U1 Chemistrv x x x x x x x x x x x x samole for boron hen TB sumo samole 8 Chemistry Function ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 59


,, . At-J.O TABLE. 5.""" !:MERGEN CY. ~L.:AN. !MPLEME~JATION *.

.. *. Analysis # 2 - Steam* Line Rupture: : . .

Function I Task On-Shift Task* Analysis Co'ntrolling Method**


Position Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 Manager Program I EP Drills (ECL)

Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 N/A N/A Recommendations U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 !Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U2 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2STA Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U1 STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U1 STA*

Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U1 STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate EROS N/A N/A U2 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications U1 STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U2 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Licensed Operator Training Program Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2 Page 60

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT C. Design Basis Accident Analysis #4 - Fuel. Handling Accident

1. Accident Summary
  • Fuel handling accident is analyzed for both containment and a~xiliary building spent fuel pool.

The radiological analysis results are the same for both auxiliary building with no ventilation and containment with open personnel airlock. The radionuclides released during the fuel handling accident are assumed to enter the atmosphere directly without filtration.

  • Release from the failed fuel rods is modeled as a puff release
2. Accident Assumptions Made
  • EAL is based on the event.
  • Additional SROs, ROs, AOs, and RP Techs are on-shift as part of the refueling/outage support staffing. All are available to assist the Shift Manager to respond to the event.
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 2502.001, Refueling Abnormal Operation
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 61


' ' ,, .ANO TA.BlE 1 .:.. ON~SHIFT POSITIONS ***. ' .....

Analysis # 4 - Fuel Handling Accident

.Augmentation Role in Table Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document . Elapsecl Time #I Line#

  1. Ta,sk? Required?

c (min)t . '

U2T2/L1 TS/L 1 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 1 90 TS/L3 No No (SM)

TS/LS TS/L 14 U2 Control Room E-Plan Table B-1 2 N/A U2 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U2 Shift Technical E-Plan Table B-1 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A Advisor (STA)

U2 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 4 N/A U2 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U2 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 s (RO #2)

N/A U2 T2/LS No No U2 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 6 N/A U2 T2/L6 No No (AO #1)

U2 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 7 N/A N/A No No (AO #2))

U2Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A 8 No No (AO #3)

U2Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A 9 No No (A0#4 E-Plan Table B-1 90 TS/L 12 10 U2 Chemistry No Yes U2 Radiation E-Plan Table B-1 90 T4/L3 11 No No Protection 12 U1 Shift Manager E-Plan 'fable B-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U1 CRS E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table B-1 TS/L6 TS/L9 14 U1 STA N/A TS/LB No Yes TS/L 10 TS/L 13 1S U1 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U1 R0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U1 A0#1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U1 A0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U1 A0#3 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U1 A0#4 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U1 Chemistry E-Plan .Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 22 U1 RP E-Plan Table B-1 N/A ' T4/L2 No No 23 Operator (FB) E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 TS/L 1S No No Plan IE-Plan Table B-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 62

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT ANO TABLE 2 - UNIT 2 PL:ANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN Two Unit:.... Two Control Room Analysis # 4 - Fuel Handling Accident Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMG.s if Applicable.

Line# Gen~ric Title/Role. ** Ori-Shift Po.s~tion. .. lliask Analysis .

',,'" . ' , ,,, .r*1 c.ontrolli,n;g IVi'Eithod

  • i '

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program N/A N/A 3 Shift Technical Advisor Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 rrraining Program 7 *Auxiliary Operator #2 N/A N/A 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Analysis

  • Controlling M~thod 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 , l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 63



Analysis # 4 .,:: Fuel Handling Accident-* ,

Line Performed by T~sk Analysis Controlling Method 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No f1ref1ghtmg act1v1t1es included in this accident.


  • l I

Analysis # 4 - Fuel Handling Accident I L Position Performing I

I Performai:ice Time Period After Emergency.Declaration (minutes)*

I Function I Task I

. OMS .s-

~~*** >is .

N  ; 10 '20 30- 3.9.~ 40 50~: .55 70- }5~ 80*, ,85-E >, *, :10 15 201 "25' ',30 *35 140 45 50 55' '60. 65 80 85 ;go:

1 In-Plant Survey:

N/A 2 On-site Survey:

U1 RP x x x x x x x x x 3 Personnel Monitoring: U2 RP Su1:mort Cont. I AB x x x x x x x x x x evacuation 4 Job Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:

Oncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe) N/A 7 Chemistry Function task #1 (describe)

N/A 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 64


.. Analysis# 4::.... Fuel Handling Accident*

Function I Task On-Shift Task Analysis Controlling Method Lineti Position Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills

!Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 N/A N/A Recommendations U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 !Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 [Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U2 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

~o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U1 STA Program 7 !Abbreviated NRC notification for DST event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U1 STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U1 STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U1 STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 !Activate EROS N/A N/A U2 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications U1 STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U2 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Licensed Operator Training Program Manager*

15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2* Page 65

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT D. Design Basis Accident Analysis #5 - Rod Ejection

1. Accident Summary
  • A complete circumferential rupture of the CEDM housing or the CEDM nozzle and rapid ejection of a CEA.
  • 14% failed fuel; primary to secondary release
2. Accident Assumptions Made
  • The gap activity is released to the reactor building or the steam generators via primary to secondary leakage. EAL is based on the leakage event. *
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 2202.00~, Standard Post Trip Actions
  • 2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 66



Analysis #5 - Rod Ejection Augmentation Role in Table Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document Elapsed. Time #I Line#

  1. Task? Required?


U2T2/L1 TS/L1 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 1 90 TS/L3 No No (SM)

TS/LS TS/L 14' U2 Control Room E-Plan Table 8-1 2 N/A U2 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U2 Shift Technical E-Plan Table 8-1 U2 T2/L3 3 90 No Yes Advisor (STA) TS/L6 U2 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 4 N/A U2 T2/L4 No No (RO #1) \

U2 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 s (RO #2)

N/A U2 T2/LS No ' No U2 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 6 N/A U2 T2/L6 No No (AO #1)

U2 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 7 N/A U2 T2/L7 No No (AO #2))

U2Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A 8 No No (AO #3)

U2Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A 9 No No (AO #4)

E-Plan Table 8-1 90 TS/L 12 i 10 U2 Chemistry No Yes U2 Radiation E-Plan Table 8-1 90 T4/L 1 11 No No Protection 12 U1 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U1 CRS E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table 8-1 TS/L8 TS/L9 14 U1 STA N/A No Yes TS/L 10 TS/L 13 1S U1 RO #1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U1 R0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U1 A0#1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A NIA No No 18 U1 A0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U1 A0#3 E-Plan Table 8-1 NIA N/A No No 20 U1 A0#4 E-Plan Table .8-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U 1 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 NIA N/A No No E-Plan Table 8-1 T4/L3 22 U1 RP N/A No No T4/L6 23 Operator (F8) E-Plan Table 8-1 NIA NIA No No Security Contingency "*

24 Security 90 TS/L 1S No No Plan IE-Plan Table 8-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 67


..'\ \


, * ** Two Unit:... Two co~trol Room * *** * * * * * ,'

Analysis #5 - Rod Ejectior:1

  • Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position . Task Analysis Controlli"'g Method .

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2

  • Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator, Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 rrraining Program 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 N/A N/A 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role .. . '

On-Shift' Position !Task Arialysis*

" Controlling Method 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 68


. * . ANO TABLE 3- FIREFIGHTING Analysis #5 - Rod Ejection Line Performed by .Task Analysis Controlling Meth.od 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident.


L Position Performing I Function I Task Performance, Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes)*


'N. .10~: :75~ 80 ,,,,, 30- 35" 40:..v 45 55;: 60~ .65-'

5-'. 10- 15~ *20-.. 25-*

0-5 "E

'1'0 15. 20 25 30 35 40 4'5" 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 1 In-Plant Survey:

U2RP (perform x x x x x x x x x x 1601.308))

2 On-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel /

Monitoring: U1 RP U1I2 RCA x x x x x x x x x x x access/exit control 4 Uob Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:

(Included in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe): U1 RP x x x x U2 CR Habitabilitv 7 Chemistry Function ask #1 (describe)

N/A 8 Chemistry Function

~ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 69


. . ANO TABLE 5 ..... EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTATION .. * , "', .  ::..

Analysi's #5 - Rod Ejection_*

  • Function I Task *On-Shift Task Analysis Controlling Method lineti Position Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1

(ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 N/A N/A Recommendations U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U2 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

  • o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2STA Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U1 STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U1 STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form . U1 STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate EROS N/A N/A U2 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications U1 STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U2 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Licensed Operator Training Program Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2 Page 70

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT E. Design Basis Accident Analysis #6 - Loss of Coolant Accident with Loss of Offsite Power

1. Accident Summary
  • A full double-area, guillotine break in the cold leg pump discharge piping at the elevation of the reactor vessel inlet nozzle. A loss of offsite power is assumed at the time of the break opening, so the reactor coolant pumps and main feedwater pumps are not powered.
  • Releases to the atmosphere are monitored by radiation monitors in the Penetration Room Ventilation System and by stack radiation monitoring equipment.
2. Accident Assumptions Made
  • EAL is based on the event
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident
  • 2201.010, Power Restoration
  • 1601.307, Off-Normal Operations
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 71


, * : .Anal *sis #6 -1.bcA * * .,

., J Augmentation Role in Table Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document. Elapsed Time #I Line#

  1. Task? Required?


U2T2/L1 T5/L 1 T5/L2 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 1 90 T5/L3 No No (SM)

T5/L4 T5/L5 T5/L 14 U2 Control Room E-Plan Table B-1 2 N/A U2 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U2 Shift Technical E-Plan Table B-1 U2 T2/L3 3 90 No Yes Advisor (STA) T5/L6 U2 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 4 N/A U2 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U2 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 5 N/A U2 T2/L5 No No (RO #2)

U2 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 6 N/A U2 T2/L6 No No (AO #1)

U2 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 7 N/A U2 T2/L7 No No (AO #2))

U2Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A 8 No No (AO #3)

U2Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A 9 No No (AO #4)

E-Plan Table B-1 90 T5/L 12 10 U2 Chemistry No Yes U2 Radiation E-Plan Table B-1 90 T4/L 1 11 T4/L3 No No Protection 12 U1 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U1 CRS E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table B-1 T5/L8 T5/L9 14 U1 STA N/A No Yes T5/L 10 T5/L 13 15 U1 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U1 R0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U1 A0#1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U1 A0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U1 A0#3 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U1 A0#4 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U 1 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 N/A T4/L7 No No 2~ U1 RP E-Plan Table B-1 N/A T4/L6 No No 23 Operator (FB) E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 T5/L 15 No No Plan IE-Plan Table B-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 72


. Analysis #6 - LOCA Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAl\llGs .if Applicable

'-ine # Generic Title/Role

  • On*S~ift Po~itipn
  • '(,"<

.'* Tas~ Ar:ialysis.

' 7 Controlling Method Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 ~uxiliary Operator #1 rTraining Program 7 ~uxiliary Operator #2 N/A N/A 8 ~uxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position :l"ask Analysis

  • Controlling Method 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A L

ANO Rev.2 Page 73

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Fire Brigade ANO TABLE 3- FIREFIGHTING Analysis #6 - LOCA Line Performed by Task Analysis Controlling Method 1 N/A N/A I

2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident.

i ANO TABLE 4 - RADIATION PROTECTION AND CHEMISTRY i Analysis #6 - LOCA L Position Performing Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes)*

I Function I Task N 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85-0-5 E 10 15 20 25 30 35 40. 45 50 55 .60 65 70 75 80 85 90 1 In-Plant Survey:

U2RP (perform x x x x x x x x 1601.308))

2 On-site Survey:


  • 3 Personnel Monitoring: U2 RP x x x x x

~unnort PA evacuation at PAP 4 ~ob Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad


(Included in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe}: U1 RP- RCA exit x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x monitoring 7 Chemistry Function ask #1 (describe)

U1 Chemistrv x x x x x x x x x x x 'X samole SG) 8 Chemistry Function task #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 74


An'alysis #6 - LOCA Function' I Task On-Shift Task Analysis Controlling Method Line1' Position Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1

(ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills Approve Offsite Protective Action U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 2

Recommendations Manager Program I EP Drills U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 ~pprove content of State/local notifications Manager Program U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 4 ~pprove extension to allowable dose Manager Program I EP Drills Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U2 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

~o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2STA Program 7 ~bbreviated NRC notification for DST event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U1 STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U1 STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U1 STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 ~ctivate EROS N/A N/A U2 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications U1 STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U2 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Licensed Operator Training Program Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2 Page75

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFIN.G ANALYIS REPORT F. Design Basis Accident Analysis #7 -Waste Gas Tank Rupture

5. Accident Summary
  • A tank is assumed to contain the gaseous activity evolved from degassing all of the reactor coolant following operation with 1% defective fuel.
  • The waste gas tank ruptured releasing the gas into the auxiliary building and to the atmosphere via the Auxiliary Building Ventilation System.
6. Accident Assumptions Made
  • EAL is declared on radiological release.
7. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 2203.012k, Process Gas Radiation Hi/Low
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
8. Tables I*

I ANO Rev.2 Page 76



, , **_ANO TABLE'-t-'ON'-SHIF,T POSITIONS, ,,\: ,. "

Analysis #7 - Waste Gas Tank Rupture Augmentation Role in Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document Elapsed Time Table#/

  1. Task? Required?

(min)* , Line#

U2T2/L1 TS/L 1 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 1 90 TS/L3 No No (SM)

TS/LS TS/L 14 U2 Control Room E-Plan Table B-1 2 NIA U2 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U2 Shift Technical E-Plan Table B-1 U2 T2/L3 3 90 No Yes Advisor (STA) TS/L6 U2 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 4 N/A U2 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U2 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 s (RO #2)

N/A U2 T2/LS No No U2 Auxiliary E-Plan Table 8-1 6 N/A U2 T2/L6 No No Operator (AO #1)

U2 Auxiliary E-Plan Table B-1 NIA N/A

'7 No No Operator (AO #2))

U2Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 NIA N/A 8 No No (AO #3)

U2Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A 9 No No (AO #4) 10 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 90 TS/L 12 No Yes U2 Radiation E-Plan Table B-1 90 T4/L1 11 No No Protection 12 U 1 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U1 CRS E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table B-1 TS/LB TS/L9 14 U1 STA NIA No Yes TS/L 10 TS/L 13 1S U1 RO #1 E-Plan TableB-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U1 RO #2 E-Plan Table B-1 NIA N/A No No 17 U1 A0#1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U1 A0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U1 A0#3 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U1 A0#4 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U1 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 N/A T4/L7 No No 22 U1 RP E-Plan Table B-1 N/A T4/L6 No No 23 Operator (FB) E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 TS/L 1S No No Plan IE-Plan Table B-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 77

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT ANO ! ABLE 2 - UNll 2 PLANT OPERA,Tl(JNS & SAFE SHUTDOWN Two. Unit.., Two Control Room Analysis #7 - Waste Gas Tank Rupture Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task ~nalysis .'*

Controlli11g M~thod :: > :.,

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reacto.r Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 lAuxiliary Operator #1 Training Program 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 N/A N/A 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A

  • N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role* On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A NIA 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 *Page 78



Fire Brigade ANO TABLE 3 - FIREFIGHTING Analysis #7-Waste Gas*Tank Rupture Line Performed by . Task Analysis Controlling ~ethod 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting act1v1t1es included in this accident.

ANO TABLE 4- RADIAT;ION PROTECTION AND CHEMISTRY ., I, Analysis #7 - Waste Gas Tank Rupture . .l L Position Performing Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes)*  !

I I. Function I Task I N 5-' *10: 15 25 35 45 55~ 60 70 80 0-5 E ,, ,,,,, *. '* 10 :15 .. 20 25 30. ; 35 40 *4.5 50 *55.* 6Q; .'65 *1.0 75 80 S5. 90' 1 In-Plant Survey:

U2RP AB x x x x x x x x survey and post 2 On-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring: N/A 4 Uob Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad


(Included in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe): U1 RP-RCA exit x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x monitoring 7 Chemistry Function

~ask #1 (describe)

U1 Chemistrv x x x x x x x x (

~amole SPING inline ductwork 8 Chemistry Function

~ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANORev.2 Page 79


  • ,: ANO TABLE 5 - ~IVl!=RGENCY ~-~AN IMPLEME,N~A!IQN , ., * ...

Analysis #7-' Waste Gas Tank Rupture .*

  • r Function I Task
  • On-Shift Task Analysis Controlling'Method Line" Position Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training (ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills

!Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 N/A N/A Recommendations U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U2 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

+o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2STA Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U1 STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U1 STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U1 STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 !Activate EROS N/A N/A U2 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications U1 STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U2 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Licensed Operator Training Program Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2 Page 80

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT G. Accident Analysis #11 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR

1. Accident Summary (Assumed for Staffing Analysis Purpose)
  • The unit upgrades to a general emergency based on loss of 2 barriers and potential loss of the 3rd. A release is ongoing.
  • A dose projection shows PAG is exceeded and information is used to determine the PAR.
2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
  • All actions for SAE are complete.
  • The ERO would be activated at an Alert or SAE. For Staffing Analysis purpose, the T=O clock is used for the emergency plan actions to evaluate the capability to implement the GE classification, PAR and notification functions before the ERO arrives.
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 2203.003, Loss of Coolant
  • 1201.001, Loss of Coolant Accident
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1904.002, Offsite Dose Projection
  • 1903.035, Kl
4. Tables ANORev.2 Page 81

...,. ' ' ' .,. * . *. *~**: *.*.... , ;.,:*** .ANO:TA.~~~ t:...*()~:~~.~~J ~.0~1:r191\1~l:* ~. *'* . *. , 1;; ~:/: ... *. "' 1'.t 1

.~ * *;:;,: **.* *. ** "' .~*** *.**. , *Analysis #1.1 '":' LOCA/Gerieral Emei:aencyNl{1th Release and PAR.'.:<* .* *....:..*..J*' ., ,.

Line* . *.:. *.* t'.;,* .'. Y: . ..:* . . '.." . "' : .:,.o;:;}'.. ; :. ~ ~49.~~n.t~ti.or{ .Rplcf.iri;;fable .: uri~'r\;(~eci' 1.:x : rnns < *'

, .. # }~.nLs~i{t; P.~s!tic:u;i.: ;** Ba$ls. Docu~~n~: :;*1;,*:, * .: :* ~ ~tap,~~;d.'Tirile 1 * * >' .#.1:.~iQe # * ;.'. ~ , *;r~s:?

' '"*:* "' "::':1 ~ :. *,,:, *" '::*" . *.i* ., ,;* ' '" *** *:.', '* ,: '\:*; ,(" , ,,,".. , .,,, ,,' .:: * .. ,*(min)~'..".* V'*, :* *;;:*,. ; ', o;~*,:; ,* , "*':".A:' ' . "" ,

    • . *.:R~n. \iire.*d~t. *~.
  • ... J:!, *1..:* "'** **'

U2T2/L1 T5/L 1 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 T5/L2 1 90 No No (SM) T5/L3 T5/L4 T5/L5 U2 Control Room E-Plan Table B-1 2 N/A U2 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U2 Shift Technical E-Plan Table B-1 3 90 U2 T2/L3 No No Advisor (STA)

U2 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 4 N/A U2 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U2 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 5 N/A *u2 T2/L5 No No (RO #2)

U2 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 6 N/A U2 T2/L6 No No (AO #1)

U2 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 7 N/A N/A No No (AO #2))

U2Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A 8 No No (AO #3)

U2Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A 9 No No (AO #4) 10 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 90 / T5/L 12 No Yes U2 Radiation E-Plan Table B-1 90 T4/L6 11 No No Protection 12 U 1 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 13 U1 CRS E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No E-Plan Table B-1 T5/L8 T5/L9 14 U1 STA N/A No Yes T5/L 10 T5/L 13 15 U1 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 16 U1 R0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 17 U1 A0#1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 18 U1 A0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U1 A0#3 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U1 A0#4 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U1 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 22 U1 RP E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 23 Operator (FB) . E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No. No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 N/A No No Plan IE-Plan Table B-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 82


, * * ,, ,, ~:~~ ** .* *: . * :. .,. *:rwo*rwc)*,confr61:°Room *. . ,>< '"'":*::::: :;.. . ,* *>.:

~rialysis #fi .:..,l:()cA1G'ener,a(Em ergency'V;ith RelEi~s~ an~ PAR~


',*.;:.:' ..* . ..,;t  : ; :::; '. ' ..;

Minimum Operations* Cre,\,,/Necessaiy'to 'lmpleme,nt AOPstand~EOPs' or Sh\Mi3$;1f;Appiicable~:. :. , * : ,,

  • .up.~;~;; G,eneric.l!it.le/Rol~* ,:**' ****'. ., , 0.ri*S~i~~,O~iti~n ** ., TaS,.k~ri~l~si~i*.*...**.* .. :, ,,

.. : ** :. .: .* * , ,_, .* , ": *

  • 1 *.  : * . : ,.,, * \,';,, * * ,.,,, * ** , .':',ollm.g,.Me~~oa.<. .. :

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program l\uxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Training Program 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 N/A N/A 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable

, *,~sk AnalYsis;" ' , .

,; ~6nt~o~lin9<~ethocf .*

11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 83

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT Fire Brigade r--~---:-~....,...~~....,........,...~~ ..---:-A~N~O~T~A~B~L~E~3~-~F~l~~E~F~IG~H~T~IN~G.,,......*~~~~-.~,~:~.-.~~~......

. Analysis #11 - LOCA/General Emergency with Release and PAR.

Line Performed by Task Analysis Controlling Method

1. N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No f1refight1ng activities included 1n this accident J

'< .~ ':

  • ANO TABLE 4 - RADIATION PROTECTION AfiD Ctl.EMISTRY ' *: l Analysis #11 - LOCA/General Emergency withRelease and PAR I I

L Position Performing I Performance Time Period After Emerg~ncyDeclaration (minutes)* I I Function I Task N . 5 15 25 3q 45 55 65- 10-* 75 85-0-::5

'1 E

  • o-*
    • - ~-,.- ........ --- ~**- " "

10 15 20 25 30 35 40* 45 *so .55 60 65 70 7q 80 85 90 1 In-Plant Survey:

N/A 2 On-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring: N/A 4 Uob Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:

flncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe): U2 x x x x x RP-Issue Kl 7 Chemistry Function ask #1 (describe)

N/A 8 Chemistry Function ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 84



. Analysis #11- LOCA/General Emergency with Release and* PAR Function I Task *On-Shift Task Analysis Controlling Method Line" Positipn Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1

(ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills

~pprove Offsite Protective Action U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 2

Recommendations Manager Program I EP Drills U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 ~pprove content of State/local notifications Manager Program U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 4 ~pprove extension to allowable dose Manager Program I EP Drills Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U2 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

~o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program 6 ERO notification N/A N/A 7 ~bbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U1 STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U1 STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U1 STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 ~ctivate EROS N/A N/A U2 Emergency Planning Training 12 Offsite radiological assessment Chemistry Program Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications U1 STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) N/A N/A 15 Personnel Accountability N/A NIA ANO Rev.2 Page 85


  • Design Basis Threat (DBT) as described in NEI 10-05 NOTE Threat based event is single procedure and both units affected. Unit 1 takes lead on EP actions.
1. Accident Summary
  • Land and/or waterborne HOSTILE ACTION directed against the Protected Area by a HOSTILE FORCE. Assume adversary characteristics defined by the Design Basis Threat.
  • Security Code Red condition
2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
  • This event assumes the threat is neutralized immediately when inside the protected area fence, no significant damage to equipment or systems that require corrective actions before the ERO is staffed, no radiological release, and no fire that requires firefighting response before the ERO is staffed.
  • Assume at power in Mode 1
  • Assume Security notifies the Shift [V1anager of condition Security Code RED.
  • Assume all non-security staff is located inside the protected area at their normal work station when the event occurs.
  • Assume all systems function and the core remains covered. No fuel damage and no release.
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 1203.048, Security Event
  • 1903.010, Classification
  • 1903.011, Notifications
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 86


'ANO TABLE.1 '""7 ON-SHIFT PQ_SITIONS : t' Accident Analvsis #1 '....: DBT Augmentation Role in Table Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document Elapsed Time #/ L,.ine #

  1. . Task? Required?


U1T21L1 T51L 1 E-Plan Table B-1 1 U1 Shift Manager (SM) 90 T51L3 No No T51L5 T51L 14 U 1 Control Room E-Plan Table 8-1 2

Supervisor (CRS)

NIA U1 T21L2 No No E-Plan Table 8-1 U1 T21L3 U1 Shift Technical 3 90 T51L9 No Yes Advisor (STA)

T5/L 13 U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 4

(RO #1)

NIA U1 T21L4 No No U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 5

(RO #2)

NIA U1 T21L5 No No U 1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 6

(AO #1)

NIA U1 T21L6 No No U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 NIA U1 T21L7 7 No No (AO #2))

U1Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 NIA NIA 8 No No (AO #3)

U1Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 NIA NIA 9 No No (AO #4) 10 U1Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 90 NIA No No U1 Radiation E-Plan Table B-1 90 NIA 11 No No Protection 14 U2 Shift Manager E-Plar:i Table B-1 NIA U2T21L1 No No 13 U2CRS E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U2 T21L2 No No E-Plan Table B-1 U2 T2/L3 T5IL6 14 U2STA NIA T5/L7 No Yes T5IL8 T51L 10 15 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-1 NIA U2 T21L4 No No 16 U2 RO #2 E-Plan Table 8-1 NIA U2 T21L5 No No 17 U2A0#1 E-Plan Table 8-1 NIA U2 T21L6 No No 18 U2A0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 NIA NIA No No 19 U2A0#3 E-Plan Table 8-1 NIA NIA No No 20 U2A0#4 E-Plan Table 8-1 NIA NIA No No 21 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 NIA NIA No No 22 U2RP E-Plan Table B-1 NIA NIA No No 23 Operator (F8) E-Plan Table 8-1 NIA NIA No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 T51L 15 No No Plan IE-Plan Table B-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 87


  • * ** Twc:> Unit;.... Two Control Room. * * * * "

Accident Analysis #1 - DBT Minimum ,Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role* '*' On~StJift.Position . . r, TaskAnalysis *

Controlling Method Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program

~uxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 rrraining Program

~uxiliary Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 rrraining Program 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A ANO TABLE 2-UNIT 2 PLANT OPERATIONS'& SAFE l5HUTDOWN Two Unit.,... Two Control Room *. *

. . ' Accident Analysis #1'..:... DBT " . ,.

Minimum Operations Crew Necessaryto Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Analysis _

., . ,. ** . . Conti:-o~ling !'Jle~_hod Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 .

Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Training Program 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 N/A N/A 8 ~uxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 88

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Opera tions) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applica ble Line# _',,*

Generic Title/Role On-Shift ".,",f Position . askA~al ysis: ,

Controllin gMethod 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 page 89


Accident Analysis #1 ' - DBT Line Performed by Task Analysis Controlling Meth.od 1 N/A N/A


2 N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A 4 N/A N/A 5 N/A N/A No firefighting activities included in this accident.

,: I

. I Accident.Analysis #1 '- 'DBT " l L . Position Performing I Performance Time Period, After Emergency Decla.ration (minutes)* I I Function/ Task 1 N 5 15- 207 25 35-* 40 50 60 70 80 Q-5 E ', 10 15 20 25 3,0 35 '40.* 45 50 *55 60 65 70 75 80 ,85 90 1 In-Plant Survey:

N/A 2 On-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring: N/A 4 Job Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:

Oncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe): N/A 7 Chemistry Function task #1 (describe)

N/A 8 Chemistry Function

+ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

RP and Chemistry shelter during the DBT ANO Rev.2 Page 90

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT ANO TABLE 5- EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Analysis #1 - DBT Function I Task On-Shift . Task Analysis Controlling Method Line#


Declare the emergency classification level U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1

(ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills

~pprove Offsite Protective Action 2 N/A N/A Recommendations U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 ~pprove content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 ~pprove extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U1 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

~o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2STA Program 7 ~bbreviated NRC notification for DBT event U2STA Licensed Operator Training Program Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U1 STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U2STA Licensed Operator Training Rrogram 11 Activate EROS N/A N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications

  • U1 STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U1 Shift 14 Licensed Operator Training Program (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2 Page 91

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT B. Accident Analysis #8 -Aircraft Probable Threat Note Threat based event is single procedure and both units affected.

Threat based event is single procedure and both units affected. Unit 2 takes lead on EP actions

1. Accident Summary
  • The analysis includes all emergency response actions taken prior to an aircraft impact in accordance with RG 1.214 for an aircraft threat that is greater than 5 minutes, but less than 30 minutes from the site, and considers the dispersal of the site fire brigade away from target areas for firefighting.
  • The analysis does not include a scenario or response actions taken during or after a crash.
2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
  • The U1 Shift Manager receives the call from the NRG of probable aircraft threat.
  • All non-security on-shift personnel are inside the protected area fence at their normal workstation.
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 1203.048, Security Event
  • 1903.010, Classification
  • 1903.011, Notifications
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 92



. Analysis #8 - Aircraft Probable Threat Augmentation Role in Table

  • Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document Elapsed Time #I Line#
  1. Task? Required?

(min)* .


  • . T5/L 1 E-Plan Table B-1 1 U1 Shift Manager (SM) 90 T5/L3 No No T5/L5 T5/L 14 U1 Control Room E-Plan Table B-1 2 N/A U1 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U1 Shift Technical E-Plan Table B-1 3 90 U1 T2/L3 'No No Advisor (STA)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 4 N/A U1 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 5 N/A U1 T2/L5 No No (RO #2)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 6 N/A U1 T2/L6 No No (AO #1)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U1 T2/L7 7 No No (AO #2))

U1Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A 8 No No (AO #3) .

U1Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A 9 No No (AO #4)

  • 10 U1Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 90 N/A No No U 1 Radiation E-Plan Table B-1 90 N/A 11 No No Protection 12 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U2T2/L1 No No 13 U2CRS E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U2 T2/L2 No No E-Plan Table B-1 U2 T2/L3 T5/L6 T5/L7 14 U2STA N/A No Yes T5/L8 T5/L 10 T5/L 13 15 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 16 U2 R0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 17 U2A0#1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 18 U2A0#2 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U2A0#3 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U2A0#4 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 22 U2RP E-Plan Table B-1 N/A * '

N/A No No 23 Operator (FB)

  • E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 T5/L 15 No No Plan IE-Plan Table B-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 93



Two Unit - Two Control Room . ,, '

Analysis #8 - Aircraft Probable Threat Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Training Program Auxiliary Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A ANO TA~LE 2- UNIT 2 PLANT OPERATIONS & SAF.E SHUTDOWN Two.Unit - Two Control Room .

  • ' Analysis #8 - Aircraft *Probable Threat* , .* * *. ,

Minimum o"perations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program lAuxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operi;itor 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Training Program 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 N/A N/A 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 NIA N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 94

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT 10 lather needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic.Title/Role *, ' On*Shift'Position

  • rrask Analysis' ,

Controlling Method 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 95


.I Fire Brigade

.. . I iANO TABLE 3 - FIREFIGHTING Analysis #8 - Aircraft Probable Threat Line Performed by Task Analysi~ Controlling Method I

1 N/A N/A I

I 2 N/A i N/A

3. N/A  : N/A I

4 N/A I N/A 5 N/A I N/A No f1ref1ghtrng act1v1t1es included in this accident.


  • Analysis #8 *"-AircraffProbable Threat* .

L Position Performing Pe~orrnance Time Peri~d After Emergency Declaration.(minutes)*

I Function*/ Task N 5 :15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85-E 0~5 10 15 ;20 25 30 . 35 40 45 50 55.. 60 65 70 .75 80 85 90 1 In-Plant Survey:

N/A 2 On-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring: N/A 4 Uob Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad


rtncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe): N/A 7 Chemistry Function ltask #1 (describe)

N/A 8 Chemistry Function ltask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.


ANO Rev.2 Page 96


  • . Functi.on I Task ... On*Stiift, Task Analysis Controlling Method Linetl Position Declare the emergency classification level U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills

!Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 N/A . N/A Recommendations U1 Shift

  • Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U1 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2STA Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DST event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U2STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U2STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate EROS N/A N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training
  • 13 Perform NRC notifications U2STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U1 Shift 14 Licensed Operator Training Program (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2
  • Page 97

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT C. Accident U1 Analysis #9 - U1 Control Room Fire with U1 Alternate Shutdown and U2 Remote Shutdown

1. Accident Summary
  • Fire in U1 control room renders both units' control room uninhabitable. U1 evacuates the U1 control room and performs alternate shutdown. U2 evacuates the U2 control room and performs remote shutdown.
2. Accident Assumptions
  • U2 Shift Manager Shift Manager will assume the Emergency Director and go to the TSC.

The U1 STA goes to the TSC to perform notifications..

3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 1903.010, Classification
  • 1203.002, Alternate Shutdown
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 98



Analysis #9 - U1 Confrof,Roorri Fire and Alternate*'shutdown I U2 Remote Shutdown Augmentation Role in Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document E.lapsed Time. Table#/

.# Task? Required?

(min)* Line# .

U1T2/L1 T5/L 1 U1 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 1 90 T5/L3 No Yes (SSD)


T5/L5 T5/L 14 U1 Control Room E-Plan Table 8-1 2 N/A U1 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

E-Plan Table 8-1 U1 T2/L3 T5/L6 T5/L7 U1 Shift Technical 3 90 T5/L8 No Yes Advisor (STA)

T5/L9 T5/L 10 T5/L 13 U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 4 N/A U1 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 5 N/A U1 T2/L5 No No (RO #2)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 6 N/A U1 T2/L6 No No (AO #1)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U1 T2/L7 7 No No (AO #2))

U1Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T3/L 1 8 No No (AO #3)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 9 N/A N/A No No (A0#4) 10 U1Chemistry #1 E-Plan Table 8-1 90 N/A No No U1 Radiation E-Plan Table 8-1 90 N/A 11 No No Protection #1 12 U2 Shift Manager E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U2 T2/L1 No Yes (SSD) 13 U2CRS E-Plan Table.8-1 N/A U2 T2/L2 No No 14 U2STA E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U2 T2/L3 No Yes (SSD) 15 U2 RO #1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 16 U2 R0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 17 U2 A0#1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 18 U2A0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T3/L2 No No 19 U2A0#3 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T3/L3 No No 20 U2A0#4 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T3/L4 No No 21 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 22 U2 RP E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 23 Operator (F8) E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T3/L5 No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 T5/L 15 No No Plan IE-Plan Table 8-1 ANORev.2 Page 99


. * * *.* ** . Two Onit..:.Two control Room * *. ,* .* * *. *:* ** , ' .... '

Analysis #9 - U1 Control Room Fire and Alternate Shutdown I U2 Remote Shutdown Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Analysis Contrqlli11g Method Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program

~uxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licer:ised Operator 6 Auxiliary Operafor #1 rTraining Program

~uxiliary Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 Training Program 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A ANO TABLE 2- UNIT 2 PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN*

.. * * . TwpUnit - Two *Contr()I Roqm *.. ** .  ::* .

  • Analysis #9 -* U1 Control Room Fire and Alternate Shutdown I U2 Remote* Shutdown Minimum Operations Crew Necessarv to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line # Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Task Analysis Controlling Method Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program

~uxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 Auxiliary Operator #1 Training Program 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 N/A N/A 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 100

ANO ON -SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown NIA NIA 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown NIA NIA Other (non-Operations) Personnel Neeessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift. Position Task Analysis Controlling Method 11 Mechanic NIA NIA 12 Electrician NIA NIA 13 l&C Technician NIA NIA 14 Other NIA NIA 15 Other NIA NIA ANO Rev.2 . Page 101


.. AN03fABLE 3-.Fl~EFIGHTING Analysis #9 - U1 Control Room Fire and Alternate Shutdown l U2 Remote Shutdown Line Performed by Task Analysis Controlling Method 1 U1 A0#3 0NCO) Fire Protection Program Training 2 U2A0#2 Fire Protection Program Training 3 U2A0#3 Fire Protection Program Training 4 U2A0#4 Fire Protection Program Training 5 Operator (FB) Fire Protection Program Training No firefighting activities included in this accident.


. A)lalysis #9 - U1 Control Room Fire and Alter:nate Shutdown I U2 Remote Shutdown I

L PositionPerforming .. I Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes)* I I Function I Task N 5 1'5 25 35 45- 5Q 60 70- 7q 85-0-5 E "-~' "'-" ....:'-:'- ,, __, ""-"

to -15 20 25 30 . 35 4.b 45 50 55 60 65 7P 75 80 85 90 In-Plant Survey:

N/A 2 On-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel Monitorin~: N/A 4 Uob Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad


Oncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe): N/A 7 Chemistry Function ask #1 (describe)

N/A 8 Chemistry Function ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 102

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT ANO TABLE 5- EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Analysis #9 - U1 Control Room Fire and Alternate Shutdown I U2 Remote Shutdown Function I Task On-Shift Task An.alysis Controlling Method Line# > ,' , ' ' ,

.. "

  • Pos!tion  ;.*

". ¥ '**

Declare the emergency classification level U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 NIA N/A Recommendations U1 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U1 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training to assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U1 STA Program 7 Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event NIA NIA Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form* U1 STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U1 STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U1 STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate EROS NIA NIA  :

12 Offsite radiological assessment NIA NIA Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications U1 STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U1 Shift 14 Licensed Operator Training Program (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANORev.2

  • Page 103

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT D. Accident U2 Analysis #9 - U2 Control Room Fire with U2 Alternate Shutdown and U1 Remote Shutdown

1. Accident Summary
  • Fire in U2 control room renders both units' control room uninhabitable. U2 evacuates the U2 control room and performs alternate shutdown. U1 evacuates the U1 control room and performs remote shutdown.
2. Accident Assumptions
  • U2 Shift Manager Shift Manager will assume the Emergency Director and go to the TSC.

The U1 STA goes to the TSC to perform notifications.

3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 2203.014, Alternate Shutdown
  • 1903.010, Classifications
4. Tables ANO Rev.2 Page 104


  • Analvsis #9 - U2 Control Room Fire and Alternate 'Shutdown./ U1 Remote Shutdown Augmentation Role in Table Unanalyzed TMS L~e On-shift Position Basis Document Elapsed Time # / Line # Task?. . Requ1re
  • d?.
  • (min)* .

E-Plan Table B-1 U1T2/L1 1 U1 Shift Manager (SM) 90 No Yes (SSD)

U1 Control Room E-Plan Table B-1 2

Supervisor (CRS)

N/A U1 T2/L2 No No U1 Shift Technical E-Plan Table B-1 3

Advisor (STA) 90 U1 T2/L3 No Yes (SSD)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 4

(RO #1)

N/A U1 T2/L4 No No U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table B-1 5

(RO #2)

N/A U1 T2/L5 No No U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 6 N/A U1 T2/L6 No No (AO #1)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U1 T2/L7 7

(AO #2))

No No U1Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U1 T3/L2 8

(AO #3)

No No U1Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U1 T3/L3 9

(AO #4)

No No 10 U1Chemistry E-Plan Table B-1 90 N/A No No U1 Radiation E-Plan Table B-1 90 N/A 11 Protection No No E-Plan Table B-1 U2T2/L1 T5/L 1 12 U2 Shift Manager N/A T5/L3 No No T5/L5 T5/L 14 13 U2CRS E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U2 T2/L2 No No E-Plan Table B-1 U2 T2/L3 T5/L6 T5/L7 14 U2STA N/A T5/L8 No Yes T5/L9 T5/L 10 T5/L 13 15 U2 R0#1 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 16 U2 R0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 17 U2A0#1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 18 U2A0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T3/L4 No No 19 U2A0#3 E-Plan Table B-1 N/A T3/L 1 No No 20 U2A0#4 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No

.22 U2RP E-Plan Table B-1 N/A N/A No No 23 Operator (F8) E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A T3/L5 No No Security Contingency 24 Security Plan IE-Plan Table 8-1 90 T5/L 15 No No ANO Rev.2 Page 105



  • Two Unit - Two Control Room
  • Analysis #9 - U2 Control Room Fire and Al~ernate Shutdown I U1 Remote Shutdown Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift .Position Task Ana1¥ .

'. :-,:,,' . Contr~lling,Method, '"

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical" Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 *Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program

- IAuxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 !Auxiliary Operator #1 rrraining Program

!Auxiliary Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 rrraining Program 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A


Two Unit - Two Control Room Analysis #9 - U2 Control Room Fire and Alternate Shutdown I U1 Remote Shutdown Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# ~eneric Title/Role On-Shift' Position  : Task Analysis Controlli~ii Method *

  • 0 ",'

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program IAuxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 !Auxiliary Operator #1 rrraining Program 7 IAuxiliar)i Operator #2 N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 106

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT 8 uxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position Jask Analysis Controlling:Meth9d 11 Mechanic N/A N/A 12 Electrician N/A N/A 13 l&C Technician N/A N/A 14 Other N/A N/A 15 Other N/A N/A ANO Rev.2 Page 107



Analysis #9 - U2 Control Room Fire and Alternate' Shutdown 1 U1 Remote Shutdown Line Performed by Task Analysis. Controlling Method 1 U2 A0#3 0fVCO) Fire Protection Program Training 2 U1 A0#3 Fire Protection Program Training 3 U1 A0#4 Fire Protection Program Training 4 U2A0#2 Fire Protection Program Training 5 Operator (FB) Fire Protection Program Training No firefighting activities included in this accident.


. t l

Analysis #9 - U2 Control Room Fire.and Alternate Shutdown/ U1 Remote Shutdown I

'I I

L Positio;:i Performing i Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration. (minutes)*

I Function I Task i N 5 15 25~ 30 40 50 60- .65 75 85-.

0-5 <,'

E J '-C *~*~**' -**"'" -~-.:* * - ~-~ -~ ;. ' 10 15 20 25 30. 35 40 45 50 55 .60 65 70 75 80 8J5 . ;90 1 In-Plant Survey:

N/A 2 On-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring: N/A 4 Job Coverage:

N/A 5 Offsite Rad Assessment:

Oncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe): N/A 7 Chemistry Function

~ask #1 (describe)

N/A 8 Chemistry Function

~ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.

ANO Rev.2 Page 108

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT ANO-TABLE 5 - EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Analysis #9 - U2 Control Room Fire-ahd Alternate.Shutdown/ U1 Remote Shutdown

  • : Function-/ Task '.

On~~hift *Task Analysis ControUil)g Method Lineti Position Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills

!Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 N/A N/A Recommendations U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 !Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 !Approve extension to allowable dose N/A N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U2 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

~o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2STA Program 7 !Abbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U2STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U2STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 Activate EROS N/A N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A NIA Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications U2STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U2 Shift 14 (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, ANI, etc.) Manager Licensed Operator Training Program 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2 Page 109

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT E. Accident Analysis #10 - Station Blackout (Both Units)

1. Accident Summary
  • A loss of offsite power occurs concurrently on both units.
  • All emergency generators fail to start
2. Accident Specific Assumptions Made
  • Both units are in station blackout
  • U1 Shift Manager coordinates with U2 Shift Manager and assumes the Emergency Director role.
  • Both Shift Managers concur power cannot be restored within 15 minutes and U1 Shift Manager declares the emergency prior to the 15 minute EAL condition.
  • EAL is based on the event.
3. Procedures for Accident Response
  • 1202.008, Blackout
  • 2202.008, Station Blackout
  • 1903.010, Emergency Action Level Classification
  • 1903.011, Emergency Response Notifications
  • 1903.030, Evacuation
4. Tables ANO Rev.2
  • Page 110


  • AN,O TABLE. 1.. ..:.. ON-SHIF:r,P,OSITION~ . ' # '*

, Analysis #10 -:- Station Blackout

  • Augmentation Role in Table Line Unanalyzed TMS On-shift Position Basis Document Elapsed Time .#/Line#

. #' Tas~? Required?


E-Plan Table 8-1 U1T2/L1 1 U1 Shift Manager (SM) 90 No Yes (SSD)

U1 Control Room E-Plan Table 8-1 2 N/A U1 T2/L2 No No Supervisor (CRS)

U1 Shift Technical E-Plan Table 8-1 3 90 U1 T2/L3 No No Advisor (STA)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 4 N/A U1 T2/L4 No No (RO #1)

U1 Reactor Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 5 N/A U1 T2/L5 No No (RO #2)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 6 N/A U1 T2/L6 No No (AO #1)

U1 Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U1 T2/L7 7 No No (AO #2))

U1Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A 8 No No (AO #3)

U1Auxiliary Operator E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A 9 No No (AO #4) 10 U1Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 90 N/A No No U1 Radiation E-Plan Table 8-1 90 N/A 11 No No Protection E-Plan Table 8-1 U2T2/L1 T5/L 1 12 U2 Shift Manager N/A T5/L3 No No T5/L5 T5/L 14 13 U2 CRS E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U2 T2/L2 No No E-Plan Table 8-1 U2 T2/L3 T5/L6 T5/L7 14 U2STA N/A T5/L8 No Yes T5/L9 T5/L 10

  • T5/L 13 15 U2 R0#1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U2 T2/L4 No No 16 U2 R0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U2 T2/L5 No No 17 U2A0#1 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A U2 T2/L6 No No 18 U2A0#2 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 19 U2A0#3 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 20 U2A0#4 E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 21 U2 Chemistry E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 22 U2 RP E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No 23 Operator (F8) E-Plan Table 8-1 N/A N/A No No Security Contingency 24 Security 90 T5/L 15 No No Plan IE-Plan Table 8-1 ANO Rev.2 Page 111




Two Unit - Two Control Room Analy!?is #10 - Station Blackout Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift P()sition . <'" Task Analysis

.~ ;; .:

Controlling:Method, .

' '****~* ' ' ... ' "

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 ~icensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator 6 ~uxiliary Operator #1 rrraining Program

~uxiliary Operator #2 Non-Licensed Operator 7 Auxiliary Operator #2 rrraining Program 8 Auxiliary Operator #3 N/A N/A 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown N/A N/A ANO TABLE 2 - UNIT 2 PLANT OPERATIONS & SAFE SHUTDOWN Two Unit - Two Control Room Analysis #10 - Station Blackout Minimum Operations Crew Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Urie# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position

~ ':~ J ,'

Task Analy.sis.

' *' /:1 Controlljng Method'*.

Shift Manager Licensed Operator Training 1 Shift Manager Program Control Room Supervisor Licensed Operator Training 2 Unit Supervisor Program Shift Technical Advisor Licensed Operator Training 3 Shift Technical Advisor Program Reactor Operator #1 Licensed Operator Training 4 Reactor Operator #1 Program Reactor Operator #2 Licensed Operator Training 5 Reactor Operator #2 Program "

Auxiliary Operator #1 Non-Licensed Operator

.6 ~uxiliary Operator #1 rrraining Program 7 ~uxiliary Operator #2 N/A N/A ANO Rev.2* Page 112

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT 8 uxiliary Operator #3 NIA NIA 9 Other needed for Safe Shutdown NIA NIA 10 Other needed for Safe Shutdown NIA NIA Other (non-Operations) Personnel Necessary to Implement AOPs and EOPs or SAMGs if Applicable Line# Generic Title/Role On-Shift Position *!Task Analysis Controlling Method 11 Mechanic NIA NIA 12 Electrician NIA NIA 13 l&C Technician NIA NIA 14 Other NIA NIA 15 Other NIA NIA ANO Rev.2 Page 113





Analysis #10 - Station Blackout Line Performed by Task Analysis Controlling Method U2 A0#3 (yVCO) Fire Protection Program Training 2 U1 A0#2 Fire Protection Program Training 3 U1 A0#3 Fire Protection Program Training 4 U2A0#4 Fire Protection Program Training 5 Operator (FB) Fire Protection Program Training No firefighting activities included in this accident.

ANO TABLE 4 - RADIATION PROTECTION AND CHEMISTRY -I Analysis #10 - Station Blackout L Position Performing '

Performance Time Period After Emergency Declaration (minutes)*

I Function I Task N 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85-0-5 E 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 1

In-Plant Survey:

N/A 2 On-site Survey:

N/A 3 Personnel Monitoring: N/A 4 Job Coverage:

NIA 5 Offsite Rad


(fncluded in Table 5

6 Other site specific RP (describe): N/A 7 Chemistry Function ltask #1 (describe)

N/A 8 Chemistry Function ask #2 (describe)


  • Times are estimated.
  • ANO Rev.2 Page 114


  • ANO TABLE 5 "".'EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Analysis#10*..,. Station Blackput * '
    • <F;i.mction I Task *. .' ...

'* , on~Shift': Tasl{An~lysis Controlling Method Llne#J *. .:

' ' Position Declare the emergency classification level U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 1 (ECL) Manager Program I EP Drills Approve Offsite Protective Action 2 NIA N/A Recommendations U2 Shift Emergency Planning Training 3 Approve content of State/local notifications Manager Program 4 ~pprove extension to allowable dose NIA N/A Licensed Operator Training Program I Notification and direction to on-shift staff (e.g., U2 Shift 5 Emergency Planning Training

~o assemble, evacuate, etc.) Manager Program Emergency Planning Training 6 ERO notification U2STA Program 7 ~bbreviated NRC notification for DBT event N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 8 Complete State/local notification form U2STA Program Emergency Planning Training 9 Perform State/local notifications U2STA Program 10 Complete NRC event notification form U2STA Licensed Operator Training Program 11 ~ctivate EROS N/A N/A 12 Offsite radiological assessment N/A N/A Emergency Planning Training 13 Perform NRC notifications U2STA Program Perform other site-specific event notifications U2 Shift 14 Licensed Operator Training Program (e.g., Duty Plant Manager, INPO, Af'JI, etc.) Manager 15 Personnel Accountability Security Security Training Program I EP Drills ANO Rev.2 Page 115


1. See Section 11.C.1 for the exception taken for the Chemistry Technician to perform dose assessment. No Time Motion Study or corrective action required B. Shift Manager Overlapping Task of Safe Shutdown and Emergency Direction and Control


NE! 10*05 (R*** sionO)


ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT ANO Unit 1 Shift Manager Safe Shutdown Duties Time and Motion Study November 5, 2012, Scheduled 1100-1200 Condition: This activity was conducted as a part of the Shift Staffing Analysis tmder Rulemaking to determine if the concurrent duties for Safe Shutdown actions held by the Unit 1 Shift Manager could be carried out without impacting the ability of the SM to monitor the plant and arrive at the TSC in a timely manner to carry out Emergency Direction and Control duties under the ANO Emergency Plan. This study used the task criteria in OP 1203.002 Section lA to identify the tasks to be performed. It assumes a woi*st case condition in which a fire in the control room forces the crew t() immediately leave the control room and procedure with Alternate Shutdown Activities. A safety brief and walk down were conducted prior to the start of the study. The subject SM also briefed the on-duty SM where we would be going and the simulated actions to be taken_

Method: An off-shift Unit 1 Shift Manager was chosen to perform the task and was monitored and recorded by the Emergency Planning Manger who utilized a stop watch to record times for each individual task performed in the above named attachment Section 1A and by an EP intern who ran a continuous clock on the overall evolution. It is noted that the times recorded would have been faster if it had not been necessary to allow two additional timing personnel to enter through and exit security door 56 which slowed down the movement of the SM by more than one full minute. Timing of transit between locations of tasks was too difficult to monitor and time accurately and is therefore indicated as total time minus time spent in task performance.

Results: The total time to perform the actual tasks (Steps 3/1-3/11) was 67.78 Seconds or roughly one minute and 8 seconds. The total time to fmish all tasks through step 3115 and the end of Safe Shutdown Actions was 8 minutes and 37 seconds. This includes the transit time of2:16 to move from the main turbine trip lever location on the turbine deck to the TSC and 77.5 seconds to make two announcements to the site upon reaching the TSC. Transit time between shutdown tasks is calculated at (8 minutes 37 seconds minus 2:16 minus 77.5 minus 67.78 = 235.72 Seconds or almost 4 minutes. Keep in mind this would have been at least a full minute less if not for the time keepers slowing dov,rn the transit through the security doors.

Once in the TSC, the SM took 1 minute 55 seconds to pull up the appropriate screens on PDS and obtain his 1903.01 lM form for the Alert Declaration at lOminutes and 32 seconds total elapsed time. At 10 minutes and 34 Seconds elapsed time he declared the Alert based on EAL 6.8 Control Room Evacuation (1149 clock time) and ordered the Unit l STA (played by the EP Mgr.) to make notifications. The notifications form was completed and simulated to be transmitted at 14 minutes and 15 seconds total elapsed time (less than 4 minutes from the declaration of the Alert).

The SM spent 3 minutes. and 46 seconds, during the notifications message preparation period performing oversight tasks including: Simulating radio calls to the ROs and NLOs, Paging the Duty Manager for Support, ensuring the ERO was paged out, Performing A TTH 1 Alternate SD display SG Level and RCS Pressurizer Level plots and ANO Rev.2 Page 117

ANO ON-SHIFT STAFFING ANALYIS REPORT setting level bands for monitoring of overcooling. The study was terminated at 18 minutes elapsed time.


The Unit 1 Shift Manager was able to easily petfonn the Alternate Safe Shutdown Tasks associated with a worst case control room fire and relocate to the TSC to continue to provide command and control oversight. He diagnosed, classified *and declared the emergency event in less than I 5 minutes and was able to meet the 15 minute requirement for making notifications to offsite agencies. He was able to stay in contact with his crew via radio (simulated). It is therefore our beliefthe Unit 1 SM can perfom1 concurrent duties involving safe shutdown activities and still provide effective oversight and execute his emergency planning duties as the Emergency Director in a timely manner. Robert Holeyfield ANO Rev.2 Page 118

TIME M01 ~JN STUDY APl'ENDlXD Function I Responsibility (Task) Analysis Template

. Event; #8 CR Fire Ul ASO Site: ANO Ul Position: Shift Manager Line#:_J_ _

Function Responsibility (Task) Action Step Duration I. Safe Shutdown 1.1 Perfonn the actions of 1203.002 Section 1A 3.1 3.0, Shift-Manager Follow-Up Actions. Start at Verify possession of master key ring. [simulate) l ,l-( )fC step 3.0 4s~LJ\M.e.J w ctf'S=-e 3.2 At Alternate Shutdown Locker, obtain the following:  ?<IC

,.rp.. :s-e. - 1)..\Lf

- R)c'~~\J' ..

  • Copy of procedure [provided by Evaluator]

Copy of Section IA [provided by Evaluator]

Ve\<~ )l-c} ~ C:, crp----.

. Flashlight C)o~ l/V\S'"T v. 3.3 Radio w/headset Perfonn a radio check [simulate) c 2.. '2 $°


. At D2 l, open the following breakers: [simulate) 6900 Volt Switchgear H2 (breaker #I) Lj, ]2-

..* 4160 Volt Switchgear A2 480 Volt Switchgear B6 (breaker #3)

(breaker #9)

. 6900 Volt Switchgear H2 (breaker # l)

Rx Vessel and T-Hot High Point Vents (c-486-2

. (breaker #29)

RCP Seal Bleedoff Alternate Path to Quench Tank

- 1\.l ~

.-:; i solenoid Valves (breaker #32) 3.4.1 Notify CRS that H2 & B6 Bus DC Control Power

&*I s have been de-energized.

3.5 At 002, perfonn the following: [simulate!

3.5.1 Open Supply to MCC 025 breaker (D02-2 IA). ~.L(

3.5.2 Place Panel D21 transfer control in the REMOTE 4

TIME MOhJN STUDY DISCONNECTED position 3.6 WHEN CV-1000 verified closed by either one of the following:

By control room indication prior to de-energizing A4, [CR indicated closed]

  • RO #I reports CV-I 000 is in LOCAL ahd closed, THEN at A4, perform the following: [simulate]


3.6.1 Verify A4feed lo B6 breaker (A-401) open.

3.6.2 Open A-401 DC control power breaker (inside cubicle).

3.7 At DI 1, openthe following breakers: (simulate]


  • 6900 Volt Switchgear HI 4160 Volt Switchgear Al 480 Volt Switchgear BS (breaker # l)

(breaker #3)

(breaker #9)

  • Rx Vessel, PZR, and T-Hot High Point Vents on

~\ 0

. C-486-1 (breaker# I I)

SV-1000 PZR ReliefVlv C30 (breaker #24) 3.7.l Notify CRS that Kl & BS Bus DC Control Power

" ~~-I c ,._, ~*

J I -M. \r.,, '

have been de-energized.

3.8 At DOJ, perform the following: : [simulate]

3.8.1 Open Supply to MCC 015 breaker (DOl~21A) -1 '.)

3.8.2 Place Panel Dl l transfer control in the REMOTE DISCONNECTED position.

3.9 At A3, perform the following: : (simulate]

3.9.1 Verify A3 feed to 85 breaker (A-301) open \1..* j 3.9.2 Open A-301 DC control power breaker (inside cubicle) 3.10 Manually trip both Main Feedwater Pumps locally.:

[simulate) (o,~ """"" I 3.11 Manually trip Main Turbine with TRJP lever at front

/ .2_ \

standard. : [simulate]

3.12 GO TO Technical support Center (3ro floor admin building) ~~ -

\5,S 1 5






< 3 .13 IE NOT already performed, THEN dispatch Fire Brigade as follows using one of the following methods:

3.13.I Press "Fire Brigade" on base radio.

3.13.2 Perform both of the following:

  • Notify Fire Brigade on BOTH units using radio channels 4 and 5
  • Notify Security at CAS (ext 3109/3388) to dispatch the Fire Brigade officers 3.13.3 Make the follow plant announcement:

A. Momentarily depress Fire and Medical lone pushbbutton B. Make the following announcement TWICE:

"Attention all personnel! Attention all personnel!

There is a fire in the: Unit.I Control Room zone 129F (or Unit 1 Cable Spread Room, zone 97R)

The Fire Brigade is responding. All other personnel stay clear of the affected area. Plant control will be established from the TSC."

3.14 As time allows, commence calling out at least one additional operator per classification.

On Attachment I, mark Item l.E (de-energizing D-15 and D-25) as complete.

2 6


Perform a Time Motion Study to evaluate whether assigning the performance of safe shutdown actions per procedure 1203.002 Section IA to the, Shift Manager can be justified as an acceptable overlap to the Shift Manager's oversight of the U I event response.


Start in the Control Room, go to safe shutdown equipment locations and then to the TSC.


A. Copy of procedure. [Provide a copy of the procedure to the performer. Do not remove the copy in the Alternate Shutdown Locker.]

B. Simulate the use ofa radio and equipment manipulations.

C. Coordinate with EP to have the TSC unlocked to perform the TMS.


l. Perform Section l A, Shift Manager Follow-Up Actions by walkthrough of the procedure and simulation of expected actions/manipulations. Do not manipulate plant equipment. Simulate procedure actions. Simulate the necessary communications by "talking" to the evaluator.
2. The performance will be timed with the clock to start when leaving the control room and will stop when get to step 3.15.
3. Demonstrate the Shift Manager can maintain oversight of the event response while performing the section of 1203.002.


Shi~Manager:Rk~hic{ L()v~Jf\?la{ /~'-!-------

Name (print) (Signature) .

Date: __l_f_-1_?_-1_z._ __

'"'"'"' Rokc-t:~ ~~ Date: j/ !nrJ;z_



1. The U2 Shift Technical Advisor is assigned a collateral task to perform safe shutdown (SSD) manipulations during the control room fire and alternate shutdown per 2203.014, Alternate Shutdown.
2. The U2 Shift Manager is assigned a collateral task to perform SSD manipulations during the control room fire and alternate shutdown per 2203.014, Alternate Shutdown.
3. One of the two on-shift STAs is assigned responsibility for off-site notifications and communication for all events. The assignment of the notification/communication functional area to the STA results in a collateral duty for the STA that may challenge the ability of the STA to perform the STA function during events impacting both units.


  • NEI 10-05, Rev 0, Assessment of On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Capabilities
  • NSIR DPR-ISG-01, Interim Staff Guidance - Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants
  • NUREG-0654, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants.
  • Fred Guynn, Entergy ECH Sr. Project Manager, EP
  • Myra Jones, Contractor CMCG
  • Jeff Horton, ANO Assistant Operations Manager U1
  • Mark Gohman, Operations Shift Manager U1
  • Marcus Schacht, Control Room Supervisor U2
  • Joe Tatman, Sr. Ops Instructor - Training
  • Subrena Morris, Chemistry Supervisor
  • Travis Hogrefe, Radiation Protection Supervisor