NL-13-1236, SNCV061-RPT-02, Ver. 2.0, Vogtle Unit 2 Seismic Walkdown Report for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic. Part 10 of 14

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SNCV061-RPT-02, Ver. 2.0, Vogtle Unit 2 Seismic Walkdown Report for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic. Part 10 of 14
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/25/2013
Southern Co, Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NL-13-1236 SNCV061-RPT-02, Ver 2.0
Download: ML13211A249 (44)


ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Sheet 1 of 2 Status: (O N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. 1-160o6 S- 02oo.- Equip. Class" 2 7- Lotw V,,I S,.ae .,.I PomnIs Equipment Description rt.&, ,4 "!',-;o S,;,%,q-Location:

Bldg. C 4yL Floor El. iyp'-o" Room, Area JZ4ani Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

P C T" d m to, " a,"0*5 5P o l v z .o 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

YN NEI UE- N/AE Y, NEI UE- N/AE Ybq NEI UE1 N/AE YD9 NEI UE1 N/A[]YX. NE UE 2 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

4 C-3 >Page 37 of 231 ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCVO61-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. ;t -I ,-S 6 -ool Equip. Class 1 2 Z- L.o, S ;t%, -., atJ Pa8,wLs Equipment Description "T1"D t.;k,, ..,-Interaction Effects (SV-e.. 5WC- I CC, k z 0 Z 6 a42 .d B/16l,7.)7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

YE] N[]I N/AE]8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and li ng, YE] NEI UE1 N/AE]and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipp t?9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility t void damage? YE] NEI UE] N/AE]10. Based on the above seismi nteraction evaluations, is equipment free YE] NEI UE]of potentially adverse ismic interaction effects?Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Yn. NE] UE]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?A vii.', i,,,pet 4 torv o 4 4v%& ",%k,,,a.

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%.JJre. ajjc&4 secu'rej, 4'W"% 1S ffto#V~ Wa!CU~~t~~~~

boS -V~ aIL V vto Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Evaluated by:./-..;(L.1.1 ,,,* ..7 I/-L 0 ý-ý641ýDate: /1z7-. / Page 38 of 231 9 ACI'JtArKIMT 7- ~IC2Cft2Ali' IAIAI Vrl'inAIMI fCr'Lll'V ICTO rayu MiC r MZll'\/fXIf

_DDT p EIIl"Y.l 2 BYA(8Ym55 BREAI(ER A 2BYPASS d: -'U UI l3 I I V'1n%\lAlM Il-II:Vi IQT4T DOT I r-'age + I OT1 z 1 IATACHMENT7:

AIC WALKDOWN C-'S NO 1-RPT r-dy-OTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC V NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION q2 mk rtTI ige 43 of 231

' 7.r-cyu -to ul ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Sheet 1 of 2 Status:@ N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. Z -\6 ýk 3 Equip. Class" 2 20-._Tn34,,...

a d c,,+,-o P,,nr,-Equipment Description Th.monrT Pr,.oc-ES'1-%&

UIWt'T A CA33.Location:

Bldg. cYJ,.ol Floor El. zoo'-O" Room, Area rtq i, Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage (see- StC.. 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the ite one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose ardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is mor than mild surface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cr s in the concrete near the anchors?5. Is the anchorage configu tion consistent with plant documentation?(Note: This question o y applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage nfiguration verification is required.)
6. Based on above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentiall adverse seismic conditions?

YEI NEI YEI NE-- UE- N/AEI YE NEI UE3 N/A--YEr NEI UE1 N/AZ YE- NEI UE] N/AZ]YE- NEI U--2 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

4 C-3 >Page 46 of 231 ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)EquipmentlDNo.

2-\ ,. .-t55-OO\

Equip. Class 1 2 Zo- aL'J C.o,,,,X pcqnl EquipmentDescription -LEMO-TE PMOCESS'IA4 UýI-r A CAZ I Interaction Effects (See- S,. do4.Jc 92l4-.17J

)7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and ting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equ* ent?9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibi to avoid damage?10. Based on the above smic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially a rse seismic interaction effects?YrE- N N/AE-YE-1 NEI U[1 N/AL]YE- NEI UEI N/AD YE- N[I ULI Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y% NEI U']adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

P ,v;%%,&1 o 4 4%-%& jr,4,,,,,X c.,,,,dt,,4LS

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Sec4;an.Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary) o " knr 1.3U C.. f-.'0- '. O'e ("b C 1 , W .1, 4 wc'

.-i- oI ,,& two .Sceý- jeveyt.o-Gc*oey ¶?c\ak.. "T -10z". 1.16,O. i~eev. jo ay In w jAI M S.u Evaluated by:.Date: o0 IS 1AoI*01 --Z<C-4 >Page 47 of 231 q~i~qAflr

%AIAIl vflXA/lN (fl-J1,(lV ICZTq C M'/l~~T Kinl T.I11 0 n rayu 'to ul ATTar" ATTA( ~IT 7- (ZIIlqhIr lAIAI vnrlAlkAMl (N ~~ NC/lcLD fýlil IQTQ CZIlr'\/nr, _D DT In1 ) A'rage +ti o1

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  • ACHI NT7: C W,-S NO. SNCV061-RPT Page 51 of 231 ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Sheet 1 of 2 Status: N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. 2- I 6O '1- 5 1- P)2- Equip. Class Vl l4p -t C~1 4 L ,4 Eaquiment Descrintion L-11 ('nv eý..' "t, \'. P-av- ýi PCL A -.ýLocation:

Bldg. ,. Floor El. 2.oo'0" Room, Area 1_._ (0 Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

Y*& NEl 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Cý --c0 obs'.,vek 0"g LN1)-4 L 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation?(Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)


obscvvtJl P~-Y 8'oW a YýCO-ooM04N(, revJ O~r'r~e CQ-ýr.uQ-!

AN Z-.bil A0011, rev 1'g.o ,J 6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

YrJ NEI UE- N/A[]YI] NEI UE- N/AE YN NEI U[1 N/AE YNJ N[-] UE- N/AE1 5,0 co i4'&Lbll OO2-rev il 0 YK NE UE 1 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

<C-3 >Page 52 of 231 ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. Z -IR01-- S3 -A O2. Equip. Class" 3 -MeAl"M voll"p -N eAI C Iw4lSw Cýbe Equipment Description 4 1 (O V S'LL,4ehder 7_ppf:oZ.Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

Ybg NEI U-' N/AD-8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, YXI NDI UD N/AD and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage? YK NDI Ur- N/AD-n.t '%rkeor Co0,bin\ 5n~~v ~ -' O GCac~eCi~k., 10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?N iNEIUD Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YZ ND] UD adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

C ',-m-\ mec-6ot o t cr\A 0cb ne 4'r cvvx- W j)r4r4 oan "MA IZuj3 th Cb, 40Y- Ok'h-r Oacivere C.oncj%4 a'0nl,. _4ýr pq~Aculkv~., V~ W 1GO eA 10 je'-( %kry~jj ompnir~t wre a-5eurd, 64\ (castfj4ner'5 C_0ralcL+inn, Cckep 1-Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

  1. t 1 VI r_ itL W e. v 0 ke, 8; L"nUw A 4 -o paA W,Nlu & not. 0ý s ý-c 0 CoW1 nrn,L C\Aýawa rfPor 4_ (,a19 boo.-~A ,ChuyL CXY\'A O4w FeL4. l4o- ever- W~ mopIRe. W~cOAo.ýS-Cie -4v be ?e~-&,m.d~

Evaluated by: 1 c.--- / 3"he' IL h , j SC-4 >Page 53 of 231 Date: 312i z_ _ 1__ _.,

A 9 TrWA9CIJM NT 7- (Zr14Z~lMIC bk AI~n)AI P 1-H'OWM ~ CW VIIT5q NO qKJ(Vnfl1-RPT W 9t ACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 9 Page 56 of 231 ATTACHI-r" -7.M.D M"F 0 n,!/if IA a 8w ige bt ot eZ31 ATTAr-11tAIF:IT 7-/liP_ \AIA[I, r('.r'l ITCT ZMC\If ~'D _ODT 0I 0 ATTACHMENT 7:


%AJAI LennkAlkl

('I r1l DDT nI) \X, 0 rl rage oL NO. SNCV061-RPT-02.

VERSION 9 CHECKLISTS r-dyti u I OH ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS I 2AA02-07 NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Page 62 of 231 ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Page 63 of 231 ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Sheet 1 of 2 Status:@ N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. 2- 1l7O 5- 5 -fq134 Equip. Class 1 2\- _o~a'. C.n.o-r*1 Ce, a dj Ull-n.pontec, (iA64J.n Equipment Description L-IqV t-r1 " ol-rnLoL c.-HL a-Asolb Location:

Bldg. L ,- Floor El. zto-o" Room, Area UL la 5 Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage ( SWc- doAeJ 9/o'4 ILO0z.')1. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild su ace oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the con ete near the anchors?YL1 YEI NEI U-] N/At]YEI NEI Ut- N/AE]YE:] NE] U[] N/At]5. Is the anchorage configuration consiste/t with plant documentation?(Note: This question only applies if tpk item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration yrification is required.)

YI-] NEI Ut] N/At]YEI NEI UE]6. Based on the above potentially adverse kge evaluations, is the anchorage free of conditions?

12 Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

< C-3 >Page 64 of 231 ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No. 4.- i9o 5- 51,-41/3P Equip. Classl a-M., '-_ a, l-dow4,4 d., ^,,k Equipment Description

'/sov Mor COIW/ItOL C if?. ;.LASA Interaction Effects (See. dda.Je.d cl/od/z-oI2.)

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

YEI NE N/AE]8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and li ing, YE] NE] UE] N/AE]and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equi nt?9. Do attached lines have adequate avoid damage?YE] NE] U-] N/AE]YE:] NEI UE-10. Based on the above sei c interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially ad seismic interaction effects?z " Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could Y"" NE] UE]adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?,Q vial inij.-econ oý "4tvrv6n co.mpa.o,,i 04 4,',%.S C'6n'1 Wo. Ptrý6rvnea Or, /It Zo) cti't~ fr o~vie & tocUfq co'nJi-Wons.

In pav4Ilcv1ao.

4'e~s SWE 4cv looke 4 4a ;gw~~ 'ov~potne.*

S Were. 6ojc.jua tI*.S sccjuq J, &% VL&.& s$*jr o~r cajjacL4v,'

A ýan*45 S Ci v; (.Ot~~r_ ionS "._'re -. A 12v u ;buwc.- *A Jocujmo4-t J 4.- obwi.Lr&" Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

'5 0 V., -t e % r o r ( % S v ¢.. s, w, e r e --One 0 door % ,ct , or+ .Ct0d o04 4 1t 4 O1 .ib, cO, p 4 w.uie,%,:

-,W )-,,-o -oS, -24.-%-,& (1) 5SA c .C'*j 4 c *.6 ,~.f~%i Ovc' k%- 'Cl c oor 0)4, 3, 3f-1 II-'h'a..ij 4t~ac J kv '~ bcAT,% 1L~e4 liv&X,. lsC -60C. do %'oI. 'rCE e5ee.%4 D .'Sci.r" O1 4.v..& L~nAz4,in.

Evaluated by:-£~O ~. C,~.AOrsJ Date: " / Iq zol, Page 65 of 231 UIS 0.9 JT 7: AEkl No ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Hage ot A-r--AAf L A-kI'- 17.

9AC--..JT 7: CV061.1 9 4 V~V~(1-I- -- --- .

ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 2ABA-Top 3rd compartment Page 70 of 231 ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS 2ABA-Top 3 rd compartment NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Page 71 of 231 ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Page 72 of 231 ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Sheet 1 of 2 Status: Q N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipm ent ID No. Z -i o 5- 5 -AIA Equip. Class 1 2 l-mAo4o ,. 0.A X Cefn ,'. j .)tr- tio ad , _ .' ., P'n,gnn; pnt I.rmntinn'W4ý ALA I. le --' 1, A~f~ 12 12 Location:

Bldg. 1ux. a Floor El. "z-o'-d' Room, Area -- \ " Manufacturer, Model, Etc. (optional but recommended)

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorapee (5e -5c a.4a C1Ic'5/i-z)

I. Is the anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mil urface oxidation?
4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in th concrete near the anchors?Y[: YO NEI UE N/A[]YE-I NEl UE N/AE-]YEI NEI UEF N/Al]YEI NEl UE- N/AEI Y[E NEI UE-5. Is the anchorage configuration c sistent with plant documentation?(Note: This question only app )es if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage config tation verification is required.)
6. Based on the potentially ad anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of seismic conditions?

'. Enter the equipment class name from Appendix B: Classes of Equipment.

4 C-3 )Page 73 of 231 ATTACHMENT 7: SEISMIC WALKDOWN CHECKLISTS NO. SNCV061-RPT-02, VERSION 2.0 Sheet 2 of 2 Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)EquipmentlDNo.

Z- 1o05-sS-1-P4MN Equip. Class 1 2 1_ ,D, 0 C.,d..t .,4.,.- W I(VAt-,odJ ra,(.ddo Equipment Description .geoV MOi O"(' C-"rL. LAn1t Interaction Effects (Se 5tc .dSti r .cIo05/?7'-)

7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

YE- NEI N/AE 8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and ligh g, YE- NEI UE' N/AE and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipm 9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to a id damage? YE NEI UE N/AE 10. Based on the above seismic i raction evaluations, is equipment free YEI NEI UE of potentially adverse seis c interaction effects?Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no other seismic conditions that could YCK NEI UE adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

A visvol is% .p c4l4ion o4 k'M, iW%.,. co.po".'n.i:

o, Au r w1 -,ar e.'V m i 6. kcuA. %a '~nor~ tswccA tir J0iuWW.A4egi cyý YL 4cov"Wi.A 4 02 SGCcbnvs.Comments (Additional pages may be added as necessary)

Orn*. C") oor 4Cr.Ly oymp4ab.4WS4V' 4 7- Ia-,2 1i *vv ýL4*. ibuc 11'w 5-w tea, 4V` k Lvtes*. i ssmc5. Jo no Ir rcre-rr 'o 1' Sin or Evaluated by: -/" .." .1- " Date: " 1 1 lzo13 A C-4 >Page 74 of 231 9 TArC NI.JT 7'N rage to OT z SAC]-ýNo A'T-rrAfAI ,Crr I7.