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Industry Meeting with the NRC on Draft Vortexing NUREG
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 05/28/2013
From: Lin A
PG&E Corp
To: Gall J, Lyon W, John Miller
Division of Policy and Rulemaking, NRC/NRR/DSS
Warren Lyon
Download: ML13150A168 (1)



Lin, Anderson []


Tuesday, May 28, 2013 6:51 PM To:

Lyon, Warren; Gall, Jennifer; Miller, Joshua Cc:

Swantner, Stephen R. (; 'Stuart Cain' (; Andy Johansson (;

'Amie Humphrey Facendola' (;; SL Wiser (; Robert T Jacobus; Bob Sturgill; Bowie, Russell (; RILEY, Jim; '' (; Birke, Christopher J (; Meyer, Bryan D

[] (;; Bubniak, Jaroslav P;; Garcia, Hector M (Engineer);

Baker, Steve; Bates, Al; Summy, Jeff


Industry Meeting with the NRC on Draft Vortexing NUREG Attachments:

1978 - RHRP Cavitation.ppt; A Test Program to Address Gas Entrainment in.pptx; RHR Operating Limits Test Program.pptx; April 18 Meeting Report Final.docx; Dominion Void Testing for KPS SI Void to Anderson Lin.pptx; Alden presentation Final.pdf; Trade-Off Between Tank Vortexing Margin and ECCS Function.ppt; CCNPP Planned Modifications for Closed Industry Meeting.pdf ADAMSAccessionNumber:

ML13150A136 ADAMSVersionSeriesId: {B0355D06-A3DB-4509-87C3-21B5D4479C4A}

Dear Warren and all contributors:

Here are the final collections from our April meeting.

Thank you very much for your support of this very productive meeting we had with the NRC. With your inputs, NRC will revised the NUREG on gas entrainment due to vortexing.

Special thanks to Westinghouse for providing the meeting facility and lunch. Thanks for Alden lab to prepare the composite vortex test results and obtaining permissions from various utilities.

Regards, Anderson Lin, Principal Engineer Diablo Canyon Power Plant P. O. Box 56 Avila Beach, CA. 93424

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