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301 Draft Simulator Scenarios
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Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/17/2012
Division of Reactor Safety II
Duke Energy Corp
50-413/12-301, 50-414/12-301
Download: ML12356A451 (10)


ppendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Catawba NRC Exam 2012 Scenario No.: I Op Test No.:

Examiners: Operators: SRO RO BOP Initial Conditions: Unit 1 is at 100% power, EOL. ID RC pump is tagged out for a motor replacement.

Turnover: Unit 1 is at 100% power, EOL. 1D RC pump is tagged out for a motor replacement. Decrease power per the reactivity management plan and reduce turbine load to 85% in preparation for Turbine Control Valve movement testing.

Event I MaIf. No. Event Event No.__j___________ Type* Description I --- R-RO N-SRO Power reduction to 85% for Turbine Control Valve movement testing.

N-BOP 2 IRXOO3A C-RO Continuous rod motion (insertion). AP!15 C-SRO 3 RN024 C-BOP Loss of 2A RN pump (Nuclear Service Water). API2O TS-SRO 4 NCOO7F C-BOP Pressurizer PORV I NC-34A fails open. AP/1 I TS-SRO 5 SGLOO7B C-RO 1CF-37 (lB SIG Feed Reg Vlv) fails dosed (ramps in). AP/06 C-SRO 6 CFOO5D C-ALL Feedline leak on ID SIG (ramp). AP/28 7 CFOO5D M-ALL Feedline break inside containment on ID S/G. (Full severity) 8 NV-047A C-BOP 1 NV-253B (NV Pump suction from FWST) fails to auto open.

C-SRO 9 IRXO15 C-RO Rod LI 3 does not fully insert upon reactor trip.

C-SRO End of Scenario (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Appendix D Catawba NRC Exam Sept. 2012 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ppendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 I ES-D-2 Scenario I - Summary Initial Condition Unit I is at 100% power. ID RC Pump (Circulating Water Pump) is tagged out for a motor replacement.


Unit I is at 100% power. 1 D RC Pump (Circulating Water Pump) is tagged out for a motor replacement.

Decrease power per the reactivity management plan and reducing turbine load to 85% in preparation for Turbine Control Valve movement testing.

Event I BOP will initiate a boration; the RD will setup the turbine controls and begin a turbine load reduction to 85%.

Event 2 Control rods will begin inserting continuously. The RO is required to take rod control to Manual. This action will successfully terminate the rod insertion. AP/15 (Rod Control Malfunction) will be entered.

Event 3 (Nuclear Service Water) 2A RN Pump trips. API2O (Loss of Nuclear Service Water) will be entered. The BOP will manually start another RN pump (there is no auto start feature of the RN pumps for these conditions). TS evaluation by the SRO is required.

Event 4 Pressurizer PORV I NC-34A fails open. The BOP will manually close the block valve to isolate the leak. TS evaluation by the SRO is required. AP/1 I (Pressurizer Pressure Anomalies) will be entered.

Event 5 I CF-37 (1 B S/C Feed Reg Vlv) fails closed (ramps closed). This condition requires the RD to take manual control of the feed reg valve to maintain I B S/Glevel. AP/06 (Loss of SC Feedwater) will be entered.

Event 6 A feedwater line break inside containment on ID S/G ramps in to allow the applicants time to discuss containment pressure increasing, and other plant conditions. AP128 (Secondary Steam Leak) will initially be entered, but the crew will soon recognize the need to manually trip the reactor.

Event 7 The feedwater line break inside containment on 1 D S/G increases to full severity.

Event 8 I NV-253B (Charging Pump suction from FWST) fails to auto open on the SI signal. The BOP will manually open this valve due to failed automatic action.

Event 9 Control rod L13 does not fully insert upon the reactor trip. The RD is required to open the reactor trip breakers.

Critical Task 1 Close the block valve upstream of the stuck open PZR PORV.

Critical Task 2- Isolate the faulted SG before transition out of E-2.

Appendix D Catawba NRC Exam Sept. 2012 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ppendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Catawba NRC Exam 2012 Scenario No.: 2 Op Test No.:

Examiners: Operators: SRO RO BOP Initial Conditions: Unit 1 is at 1% power, BOL. 1EMF-72 (SIG B Leakage) is out of service.

Turnover: Direction for the crew is to increase power to 13-15% per the reactivity management plan for placing the turbine on-line. York County is under a severe thunderstorm watch for the next 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Event Maif. No. 1 Event Event No. Type Description I - N-SOP R-RO Raise power to 13-15%. Setup turbine for power increase.

N-SRO 2 KC028 C-BOP TS-SRO 1A 2KC pump trips. AP/21 3 XMT-SGO91 C-RO S/G WIR signal fails high. Feed reg. bypass valve opens. AP/06 TS-SRO 4 NV-012F C-BOP 1NV-15B (Letdown Isolation Valve) fails closed. AP/12 C-SRO 5 FWPO12C C-RO c..sRO 1A CF (Main Feed) Pump trips.

6 CAOO4B C-RO LOA-CAOI 8 I B CA (AFW) Pump fails to auto start. AP/06 TS-SRO 7 NCPOOID M-ALL ID NC Pump trips (electrical). (SBLOCA initiates.)

NCO13C 8 IPXOO1AIB C-RO IPXOO2A/B C-SRO ATWS reactor fails to manually trip when required by procedure 9 ISEOO2A/B I-SOP Both trains Safety Injection fail to auto actuate.


11 ISEOO6AIB C-RO I SM-3 MSIV fails to auto close.

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Appendix D Catawba NRC Exam Sept. 2012 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ppendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 I ES-D-2 Scenario 2 - Summary Initial Condition IC 7 Unit I is at 1% power, BOL. 1 EMF-72, (1 S/G B Leakage) is out of service.


Unit 1 is at 1% power, BOL. I EMF-72, (1 SIG B Leakage) is out of service. Direction for the crew is to increase power to 13-15% for placing the turbine on-line. York County is under a severe thunderstorm watch for the next 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Event 1 Raise power to 13-15%. Setup turbine for power increase.

Event 2 1A 2KC (Component Cooling Water) pump trips. The BOP will start additional pump(s) as needed to restore required cooling. AP!21 (Loss of Component Cooling) will be entered. A TS evaluation by the SRO is required.

Event 3 1A SIG Wide Range level signal fails high. This results in the associated Feed Reg. Bypass Valve opening.

The RO will take manual control of the level control valves and stabilize and restore 1A S/G level. APIO6 (Loss of SG Feedwater) Case Ill will be entered. A TS evaluation by the SRO is required.

Event 4 1 NV-i 5B (Letdown Isolation Valve) fails closed. Manual action is required by the BOP to restore letdown.

AP/12 (Loss of Charging or Letdown) will be entered.

Event 5 and Event6 iA Main Feedwater Pump trips, along with the failure of the I B AFW pump to auto start. The RO will determine that the turbine driven AFW pump (CAPT) will need to be manually started. AP/06 Case I will be entered. A TS evaluation by the SRO is required due to the failure of the 1 B AFW pump to auto start.

Event 7 ID NCP (RCP) trips due to an electrical problem. At the same time a SBLOCA initiates. The crew will determine that a reactor trip is required.

Event 8 An ATWS condition occurs when the manual reactor trip attempt is made. The reactor will not trip. The RO will begin manually inserting control rods.

Event 9 BOTH trains of SI will fail to auto actuate. The BOP will manually actuate both trains of SI. At this point, the LOCA becomes a LBLOCA.

Event 10 One MSIV fails to auto close. The RO will take manual action to close the MSIV.

Critical task I Manually initiate at least one train of SI before transition out of E-0.

Critical task 2- Manually insert the control rods within 30 seconds of receipt of the First Out Annunciator, and manually initiate emergency boration when directed by procedure.

Appendix D Catawba NRC Exam Sept. 2012 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

fr\ppendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 I Facility: Catawba NRC Exam 2012 Scenario No.: 3 Op Test No.: I Examiners: Operators: SRO RO BOP Initial Conditions: Unit I is at 75% power, MOL. 1 B LH Pump is tagged out.

Turnover: Unit 1 is at 75% power, MOL. 1 B LH Pump is tagged out for a bearing replacement and is expected to be returned to service in approximately one hour. Direction for the crew is to start 102 Heater Drain Pump, and then increase power to 100% per the reactivity management plan.

Event Maif. No. Event Event No. Type* Description 1 N-BOP Start 102 Heater Drain Pump.

N-SRO 2 N-BOP R-RO Begin increasing power to 100%.

N-SRO 3 SMOO2D C-RO 1 D SIG PORV fails open. AP/28 TS-SRO 4 KCO27F C-BOP 1 KC-C37A (KC pump miniflow) valve fails open.

C-SRO 5 ENBOIIE/F TS-SRO N43fails. AP/16 6 IPEOO3A C-RO TS-SRO I NC-27 (PZR spray) fails open. AP/1 I 7 SGOO1A C-ALL IA SIG tube leak. (15-300 gpm ramp) AP/lO 8 VLV-SGOO7F C-BOP S/G blowdown flow control valves fail to auto close on hi rad.

VLV-SGOO8F 9 SGOO1A M-ALL 1A SIG tube rupture.

10 NIOO4B C-BOP NI-lOB (NV Cold Leg Injection Vlv) fails to auto open.

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Appendix D Catawba NRC Exam Sept. 2012 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ppendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 ES-D-2 Scenario 3 - Summary Initial Condition Unit 1 is at 75% power, MOL. 1 B LH Pump is tagged out.


Initial Condition IC 12, Unit I is at 75% power, MOL. 1 B LH Pump is tagged out for a bearing replacement. It is expected to be returned to service in approximately one to two hours. Direction for the crew is to start 1 C2 Heater Drain Pump and then begin increasing power to 100%.

Event I The RO will start the 1C2 Heater Drain Pump as a normal evolution for the power increase to 100%.

Event 2 The BOP will setup for and begin a dilution to raise temperature. The RO will setup the turbine controls for the turbine load increase.

Event 3 ID SIG PORV fails open. The RO will manually close the block valve (it takes 60 seconds for this valve to close) to isolate the steam leak. AP/28 (Secondary Steam Leak) will be entered. A TS evaluation by the SRO is required.

Event 4 I KC-C37A (KC pump miniflow) valve fails open (Component Cooling Water system). The BOP will take manual action to close the miniflow to prevent runout damage to the operating KC pump, or start additional KC pumps.

Event 5 Power Range NI N43 fails. This failure requires the BOP to move to an area of the Control Room to investigate the failure. No credit is being taken for a BOP malfunction. The purpose is to ensure that the BOP is removed from the vicinity of the control board for the PZR spray valve failure (Event 6), and ensure that the RO will be required to address the spray valve failure. AP/16 (Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation) will be entered. A TS evaluation by the SRO is required.

Event 6 1 NC-27 (PZR Spray Valve) fails open. Manual action by the RO is required to close the spray valve. AP/1 I (Pressurizer Pressure Anomalies) will be entered. A TS evaluation by the SRO is required.

Event 7 A tube leak on 1A SIG begins ramping in at 15 gpm. AP/lO (Reactor Coolant Leak) will be entered.

Event 8 Radiation Monitor 1 EMF-33 (Condenser Air Ejector Monitor) will fail to auto isolate the SIG blowdown flow control valves. The BOP is required to manually close these valves. The crew will determine that a manual reactor trip is required due to the severity level (increasing) of the tube leak.

Event 9 When the reactor is manually tripped, the severity of the leak will increase to a tube rupture.

Event 10 1 NI-I OB (NV Cold Leg Injection Valve) fails to auto open on the SI. The BOP will take manual action to open the valve for full injection.

Critical task I Isolate feed/steam from ruptured S/G before a transition to ECA-3.I.

Critical task 2- Terminate S/I before water release occurs from the ruptured S/G PORV or safety.

Appendix D Catawba NRC Exam Sept. 2012 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ppendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 I Facility: Catawba NRC Exam 2012 Scenario No.: 4 Op Test No.: I Examiners: Operators: SRO RO BOP Initial Conditions: Unit I is at 50% power, BOL. 1 B KFpump is tagged out. 18 LH pump is tagged out.

Turnover: Unit I is at 50% power, BOL. 1 B KF pump is tagged out for preventive maintenance and will be returned to service in approximately 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />. I B LH pump is tagged out. Direction to crew is to swap NV pumps by placing 1 B in service and shutting down IA. Once this is complete, begin increasing power to 100% per the reactivity management plan.

Event Maif. No. Event Event No. Type* Description I

Swap NV pumps by placing 18 in service and securing IA.

2 N-BOP R-RO Begin increasing reactor power to 100%.

N-SRO 3 KC045 C-B KC surge tank level transmitter fails low. AP/21 4 NVOO1

-g 1NV-172A (divert valve) diverts to Recycle Holdup Tank.

5 EHCOO7A C-RO Operating LH pump (IA) trips. EHC header leak develops. Requires C-SRO manual turbine trip. AP/02 6 NCOO5F TS-SRO PZR PORV fails open. Attempt manual closure. AP/1 I 7 NCOO4F PZR PORV manual closure unsuccessful. Manual block valve will not M-ALL close.

8 NVOO6B C-BOP 1 B NV pump trips on SI signal initiation.

NV067 C-SRO IA NV pump fails to auto start on SI signal. Requires manual start.

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstwment, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Appendix D Catawba NRC Exam Sept. 2012 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ppendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 I ES-D-2 Scenario 4- Summary Initial Condition Unit I is at 50% power, BOL. I B KF Pump (SFP Cooling) is tagged out. I B LH pump is tagged out.


Unit 1 is at 50% power, BOL. I B KF Pump is tagged out for preventive maintenance. It is expected to be returned to service in 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />. Shift orders are to swap NV pumps by placing 1 B in service, and then securing IA. Once this is complete, begin increasing power to 100% per the reactivity management plan.

Event I The crew swaps NV (Charging) pumps, placing I B in service and then securing IA.

Event 2 A power increase to 100% is begun. The BOP performs the dilution; the RD sets up and monitors the turbine for the power increase.

Event 3 The level transmitter for the KC Surge Tank (Component Cooling) fails low. This requires BOP manual action to restore KC cooling (system realignment). AP/21 (Loss of Component Cooling) is entered. A TS evaluation is required by the SRO.

Event 4 I NV-I 72A (Divert Valve) fails such that letdown is diverted to the Recycle Holdup Tank. VCT level will begin decreasing. Manual action by the BOP will occur to restore the proper flowpath.

Event 5 The operating LH pump (EHC) trips. When this occurs, a leak initiates on the LH header. The leak is of such severity that the auomatic turbine trip setpoint (1100 psig) will be reached, but the turbine will NOT automatically trip. This requires manual action by the RD to trip the turbine. AP/02 (Turbine Trip) will be entered, since only the turbine is tripped. The reactor remains at power.

Event 6 I NC-32B (PZR PORV) fails open. The RO will attempt manual closure of the PORV. This will not be successful. AP/I 1 (Pressurizer Pressure Anomalies) will be entered. A TS evaluation by the SRO is required.

Event 7 This is the major event because the PZR PORV cannot be closed, nor will the manual block isolation close.

Recognizing a LOCA, the crew will determine that the reactor must be tripped.

Event 8 lB NV pump trips on overcurrent upon SI initiation. IA NV Pump (Charging) fails to auto start on the SI signal.

The BOP will manually start to establish high head injection flow.

Critical task 1 Establish flow from at least one high head ECCS pump prior to transition from E-O.

Critical task 2- Trip NC pumps on loss of subcooling with S/I flow verified per E-O within 5 minutes of criteria met.

Appendix D Catawba NRC Exam Sept. 2012 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ppendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Catawba NRC Exam 2012 Scenario No.: Spare Op Test No.: I Examiners: Operators: SRO RO BOP Initial Conditions: Unit I is at 100% power, MOL. 1A KF pump is tagged out.

Turnover: Unit I is at 100% power, MOL, with 1A KF pump tagged out for breaker refurbishment. The crew direction is to reduce power to less than 50% per the reactivity management plan for removing IA CF pump from service for maintenance on valve 1 CF-6 (Recirc. Valve). York County is under a severe thunderstorm watch for the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

Event] MaIf. No. Event 1 Event Type*


j Description I N-BOP R-RO Begin power reduction to < 50%.

N-SRO 2 LOA-NV067 C-BOP lB NV pump trips. Requires manual start of 1A NV pump. AP/12 MAL-NVOO6A TS-SRO 3 MAL-IDEOO3I C-RO 1SB-27 (Condenser Dump valve) fails open. AP/28 C-SRO 4 EPOO3B C-BOP Zone A lockout. Runback initiates. APIO3 TS-SRO 5 IRXOO9 R-RO Control rods fail to auto insert during runback C-SRO 6 NCPOO3C C-BOP I NC Pump A Hi-Hi vibration (30 mils). Requires reactor trip.

C-SRO 7 MAL-SMOO9 Ruptured steam equalization header, with all MSIVs fail to close (auto and M-ALL MAL-SMOO6E manual).

8 ISEOO7A/B C-RO Feedwater auto isolation fails (both trains).

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstwment, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Appendix D Catawba NRC Exam Sept. 2012 NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ppendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 ES-D-2 Scenario SPARE Summary Initial Condition Unit I is at 100% power, MOL. 1A KF pump is tagged out.


Unit I is at 100% power, MOL. IA KF pump is tagged out for breaker refurbishment. It is expected to be returned to service in approximately 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. crew direction is to reduce power to less than 50% per the reactivity management plan for removing IA CF pump from service for maintenance on 1 CF-6 (Recirc Valve).

York County is under a severe thunderstorm watch for the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

Event I The crew begins the power reduction to less than 50%. The BOP will setup for and begin boration; the RO will setup and monitor the turbine during the power reduction.

Event 2 I B NV Pump (Charging) trips. Manual action by the BOP to start the IA NV pump will restore charging.

AP/12 (Loss of Charging or Letdown) will be entered. A TS evaluation by the SRO is required.

Event 3 ISB-27 (Condenser Dump Valve) fails open. The RO is required to take manual action to close this dump valve by selecting the Steam Dump Interlock Bypass Switch to the OFF/RESET position.

Event 4 A Zone A lockout occurs, causing a turbine runback. AP/03 (Load Rejection) will be entered. For offsite power sources, a TS evaluation by the SRO is required.

Event 5 Due to the runback rods should auto insert, but this feature will be failed, requiring the RO to manually insert rods.

The control rods should be inserting automatically during the runback. The RO will monitor Tavg/Tref mismatch and recognize that the rods are not inserting, and then take manual control of the rods and insert as necessary to maintain Tavg/Tref within 1°F.

Event 6 During the runback a high-high vibration will begin on the IA NC pump. The value is 30 mils, requiring that the reactor be tripped, and then the pump be tripped. This will be timed such that the crew will have opportunity to recognize and discuss this condition, and the need to trip the reactor and the pump.

Event 7 When the unit is tripped, a rupture of the steam equalization header occurs, concurrent with the failure of all MSIVs to close. Manual action to close the MSIVs will NOT be successful.

Event 8 Feedwater isolation fails to auto actuate (both trains). Manual actuation of at least one train by the RO is required.

Critical task 1 Control AFW flowrate to 75 gpm (lowest readable on indicator) per S/G to minimize cooldown rate before an ORANGE path challenge develops to the integrity Critical Safety Function.

Critical task 2- Manually initiate Main Feedwater Isolation.

Appendix D Catawba NRC Exam Sept. 2012 NUREG 1021 Revision 9