MONTHYEARML20317A1172020-11-12012 November 2020 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-20-12) ML20156A4042020-06-0404 June 2020 Order of the Secretary NRC-72-1044, 2-12-20 Order Consolidating Cases (DC Cir.)(Case No. 19-1198)2020-03-12012 March 2020 2-12-20 Order Consolidating Cases (DC Cir.)(Case No. 19-1198) ML20014E6612020-01-14014 January 2020 Letter from Commission Secretary Annette Vietti-Cook to Janet Azarovitz ML19353C7492019-12-19019 December 2019 Letter from Commission Secretary Annette Vietti-Cook to Mary Lampert of Pilgrim Watch ML19351D6952019-12-17017 December 2019 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-19-11) ML19303B3132019-10-28028 October 2019 Statement of Issues (DC Cir.)(Case No. 19-1198) 10-28-19 ML19274B2762019-09-27027 September 2019 Massachusetts Scheduling Order (DC Cir.)(Case No. 19-1198)- 9-27-19 ML19256C4952019-09-13013 September 2019 Order (Granting Motion for Twenty-Two Minute Enlargement of Time) ML19255J0832019-09-12012 September 2019 Letter from Commission Secretary Annette Vietti-Cook to David Madigan, Et Al ML19283C9552019-09-11011 September 2019 Letter from Commission Secretary Annette Vietti-Cook to Congressman William R. Keating ML19253D1862019-09-10010 September 2019 Letter from Commission Secretary Annette Vietti-Cook to Diane Turco and Deb Katz ML19248C8112019-09-0505 September 2019 Order (Clarifying Deadline for Responding to Motions for Stay) ML19246A8082019-09-0303 September 2019 Letter from NRC Acting Secretary, Rochelle C. Bavol, to Judeth Van Hamm ML19241A5872019-08-29029 August 2019 Letter from NRC Acting Secretary, Richard Laufer, to Lawrence Delafield ML19241A5882019-08-29029 August 2019 Letter from NRC Acting Secretary, Richard Laufer, to Janet Azarovitz ML19238A2792019-08-26026 August 2019 Letters from NRC Acting Secretary, Rochelle Bavol, to Senator Markey, Senator Warren and Congressman Keating Re Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Transfer Request ML19238A2832019-08-26026 August 2019 Letter from NRC Acting Secretary to Diane Turco of Cape Downwinders and Deb Katz of Citizens Awareness Network ML19238A2982019-08-26026 August 2019 Letter from NRC Acting Secretary to Henrietta Cosentino of the Plymouth Area League of Women Voters ML19170A1012019-08-22022 August 2019 Letter, Order Approving Direct and Indirect Transfer of Renewed Facility Operating License to Holtec Pilgrim, LLC, Owner and Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC, Operator ML19233A2892019-08-21021 August 2019 Order (Granting Motion for Extension of Time) ML19228A1322019-08-16016 August 2019 Order (Clarifying NRC Staff Filing of a Notification of Significant Licensing Action) ML19226A1072019-08-14014 August 2019 Commission Memorandum and Order CLI-19-08 ML19225D2552019-08-13013 August 2019 Letter to the Honorable Edward J. Markey from Annette L. Vietti-Cook, Secretary of the Commission ML19095B1692019-04-0505 April 2019 Memorandum to the Parties (Regarding Commissioner Caputos Upcoming Site Visit) ML19079A3012019-03-20020 March 2019 Order (Granting Petitioners Extension of Time to Reply to Applicants Answer) ML19066A3152019-03-0707 March 2019 Letters from Commission Secretary Annette Vietti-Cook to Senators Edward J. Markey, Elizabeth Warren, and Bill Keating ML19059A4442019-02-28028 February 2019 Letter from Commission Secretary Annette Vietti-Cook to Senator Vinny Demacedo, Et Al ML17096A7362017-04-0606 April 2017 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-17-06) ML16299A1852016-10-20020 October 2016 Letter from the Chairman to Senator Edward J. Markey, Et Al. Re Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Request for Extension of Time to Comply with NRC Order EA-13-109 for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML12341A0782012-12-0606 December 2012 CLI-12-21 Memorandum and Order Denying Jones River Watershed Association and Pilgrim Watch Review of LBP-12-11 ML12264A3882012-09-18018 September 2012 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.; Entergy Nuclear Generation Company Order Granting Extension ML12264A3942012-09-18018 September 2012 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.; Entergy Nuclear Generation Company Corrected Order ML12202B0802012-07-20020 July 2012 Memorandum and Order (Denying Petition for Intervention and Request to Reopen Proceeding and Admit New Contention) ML12202B1742012-07-20020 July 2012 Order of the Secretary Extending Time for Commission Review of LBP-12-11 ML12170A9142012-06-18018 June 2012 Memorandum and Order (Denying Petition for Intervention and Request to Reopen Proceeding and Admit New Contention, LBP-12-11) ML12159A1522012-06-0707 June 2012 Memorandum and Order - CLI-12-15 ML12146A1112012-05-25025 May 2012 Response of the Secretary to the April 30, 2012 Request of Pilgrim Water and Jones River Watershed Association Opposing NRC Staffs Recommendation in Secy 12-0062 ML12145A6262012-05-24024 May 2012 Memorandum and Order (Denying Petition for Intervention and Request to Reopen the Proceeding and Admit New Contention) ML12138A1112012-05-17017 May 2012 Memorandum and Order, (Requesting Filing on Petitions Under 10 C.F.R. 2.206) ML12138A3022012-05-17017 May 2012 Order (Granting NRC Staff'S Unopposed Motion for Extension; Seeking Input from Parties) ML12138A1502012-05-17017 May 2012 Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board in the Matter of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML12137A3132012-05-16016 May 2012 Memorandum of the Secretary Referring the Jones River Watershed Association and Pilgrim Watchs Request to Reopen the Record, for a Hearing, to File New Contentions, and Jones River Watershed Association Motion to Intervene, in the Pilgrim N ML12136A5582012-05-15015 May 2012 Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board in the Matter of Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., License Renewal for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station ML12131A6392012-05-10010 May 2012 Secretary Referral Memorandum Referring the Jones River Watershed Association Motion to Reopen, Request for Hearing and Request to File a New Contention, in the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, Docket No. 50-293-LR Proceeding ML12109A1182012-04-18018 April 2012 Inquiry (Regarding Information on Expected NMFS ESA Determination) ML12093A2702012-04-0202 April 2012 Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board ML12090A5182012-03-30030 March 2012 Commission Memorandum and Order CLI-12-10 ML12068A1872012-03-0808 March 2012 Commission Memorandum and Order CLI-12-06 ML12053A1042012-02-22022 February 2012 CLI-12-03, Memorandum and Order, Pilgrim Watch Petition for Review of LBP-11-23, in Which Licensing Board Denied Pilgrim Watchs Motion to Admit Two Proposed New Contentions Challenging Entergys Environmental Report Based on Recent Nuclear E 2020-06-04
[Table view] |
Docket No. 50-293-LR ASLBP No. 12-920-07-LR-BD01 ESTABLISHMENT OF ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD Pursuant to delegation by the Commission dated December 29, 1972, published in the Federal Register, 37 Fed. Reg. 28,710 (1972), and the Commissions regulations, see, e.g.,
10 C.F.R. §§ 2.104, 2.300, 2.309, 2.313, 2.318, and 2.321, notice is hereby given that an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (Board) is being established to preside over the following proceeding:
(Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station)
A Licensing Board is being established to consider a petition filed on May 2, 2012 by Jones River Watershed Association and by Pilgrim Watch seeking leave to reopen the record and request a hearing. The petition pertains to the January 25, 2006 application from Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. to renew for an additional twenty years the current operating license for Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, which expires on June 8, 2012.
The Board is comprised of the following administrative judges:
Ann Marshall Young, Chair Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Paul B. Abramson Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Richard F. Cole Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 All correspondence, documents, and other materials shall be filed in accordance with the NRC E-filing rule, which the NRC promulgated in August 2007 (72 Fed. Reg. 49,139).
E. Roy Hawkens Chief Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Issued at Rockville, Maryland, this 15th day of May 2012.
(Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) )
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of the foregoing ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD have been served upon the following persons by Electronic Information Exchange (EIE) and by electronic mail as indicated by an asterisk*.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Office of the General Counsel Mail Stop - T-3 F23 Mail Stop: O-15 D21 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Administrative Judge Susan L. Uttal, Esq.
Ann Marshall Young, Chair E-mail: Susan.Uttal@nrc.gov E-mail: Ann.Young@nrc.gov Maxwell Smith, Esq.
E-mail: maxwell.smith@nrc.gov Administrative Judge Andrea Jones, Esq.
Richard F. Cole E-mail: andrea.jones@nrc.gov E-mail: Richard.Cole@nrc.gov Edward Williamson, Esq.
E-mail: edward.williamson@nrc.gov Administrative Judge Joseph Lindell, Esq.
Paul B. Abramson E-mail: joseph.lindell@nrc.gov E-mail: Paul.Abramson@nrc.gov Brian Newell, Paralegal E-mail: Brian.Newell@nrc.gov James Maltese, Law Clerk E-mail: OGCMailCenter.Resource@nrc.gov James.maltese@nrc.gov U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Commission Appellate Adjudication Office of Secretary of the Commission Mail Stop: O-16C1 Mail Stop: O-16C1 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: OCAAMail.Resource@nrc.gov E-mail: hearingdocket@nrc.gov
2 Docket No. 50-293-LR-2 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pillsbury, Winthrop, Shaw, Pittman, LLP Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 2300 N. Street, N.W.
Mail Stop: O11-F1 Washington, DC 20037-1128 Washington, DC 20555-0001 David R. Lewis, Esq.
Lisa Regner* E-mail: david.lewis@pillsburylaw.com Senior Project Manager Paul A. Gaukler, Esq.
Division of License Renewal E-mail: paul.gaukler@pillsburylaw.com E-mail: Lisa.Regner@nrc.gov Jason B. Parker, Esq.
E-mail: jason.parker@pillsburylaw.com Pilgrim Watch Timothy Walsh, Esq.
148 Washington Street timothy.walsh@pillsburylaw.com Duxbury, MA 02332 Jones River Watershed Association and Mary E. Lampert, Director Pilgrim Watch E-mail: mary.lampert@comcast.net 61 Grozier Road Cambridge, MA 02138 Margaret E. Sheehan, Esq.
E-mail: meg@ecolaw.biz
[Original signed by Evangeline S. Ngbea]
Office of the Secretary of the Commission Dated at Rockville, Maryland this 15th day of May 2012