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State of New York (NYS) Pre-Filed Evidentiary Hearing Exhibit NYS000133E, NUREG-1437, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants: Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 & 3, Supplement 38, Vo
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/2010
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
RAS 21568, 50-247-LR, 50-286-LR, ASLBP 07-858-03-LR-BD01 NUREG-1437, S38, V2
Download: ML11353A039 (309)


NYS00133E Submitted: December 16, 2011

~U.S.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG-1437, Supplement 38, Vol. 2 Protecting People and the Environment Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Supplement 38 Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 Final Report Public Comments Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation OAGI0001367B 00001

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OAGI0001367B 00002

~U.S.NRC Unired States Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG-1437, Supplement 38, Vol. 2 Protecting People and the Environment Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Supplement 38 Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 Final Report Public Comments Manuscript Completed: November 2010 Date Published: December 2010 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation OAGI0001367B 00003

1 ABSTRACT 2 The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) considered the environmental impacts of 3 renewing nuclear power plant operating licenses for a 20-year period in NUREG-1437, 4 Volumes 1 and 2, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear 5 Plants" (hereafter referred to as the GEIS).( 1) and codified the results in Title 10, Part 51, 6 "Environmental Protection Regulations for Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory 7 Functions," of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 51). In the GElS (and its 8 Addendum 1). the NRC staff identified 92 environmental issues and reached generic 9 conclusions related to environmental impacts for 69 of these issues that apply to all plants or to 10 plants with specific design or site characteristics. Additional plant-specific review is required for 11 the remaining 23 issues. These plant-specific reviews are to be included in a supplement to the 12 GElS.

13 This supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) has been prepared in response to an 14 application submitted to the NRC by Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (EntergyL Entergy 15 Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC, and Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, LLC (all applicants will be 16 jointly referred to as Entergy) to renew the operating licenses for Indian Point Nuclear 17 Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 (IP2 and IP3) for an additional 20 years under 10 CFR Part 54, 18 "Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants." This SEIS 19 includes the NRC staff's analysis which considers and weighs the environmental impacts of the 20 proposed action, the environmental impacts of alternatives to the proposed action, and 21 mitigation measures available for reducing or avoiding adverse impacts. It also includes the 22 NRC staff's recommendation regarding the proposed action.

23 Regarding the 69 issues for which the GElS reached generic conclusions, neither Entergy nor 24 the NRC staff has identified information that is both new and significant for any issues that apply 25 to IP2 and/or IP3. In addition, the NRC staff determined that information provided during the 26 scoping process was not new and significant with respect to the conclusions in the GElS.

27 Therefore, the NRC staff concludes that the impacts of renewing the operating licenses for IP2 28 and IP3 will not be greater than the impacts identified for these issues in the GElS. For each of 29 these issues, the NRC staff's conclusion in the GElS is that the impact is of SMALL( 2) 30 significance (except for the collective offsite radiological impacts from the fuel cycle and high-31 level waste and spent fuel, which were not assigned a single significance level).

32 Regarding the remaining 23 issues, those that apply to IP2 and IP3 are addressed in this SEIS.

33 The NRC staff determined that several of these issues were not applicable because of the type 34 of facility cooling system or other reasons detailed within this SEIS. For the remaining 35 applicable issues, the NRC staff concludes that the significance of potential environmental 36 impacts related to operating license renewal is SMALL, with three exceptions-entrainment 37 impingement and heat shock from the facility's heated discharge. Overall effects from 38 entrainment and impingement are likely to be MODERATE. Impacts from heat shock potentially (1)

The GElS was originally issued in 1996. Addendum 1 to the GElS was issued in 1999. Hereafter, all references to the "GElS" include the GElS and its Addendum 1.


Environmental effects are not detectable or are so minor that they will neither destabilize nor noticeably alter any important attribute of the resource.

December 201 0 iii NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00004

Abstract 1 range from SMALL to LARGE depending on the conclusions of thermal studies proposed by the 2 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). Based on corrected 3 data received since completing the draft SEIS, NRC staff concludes that impacts to the 4 endangered shortnose sturgeon- which ranged from SMALL to LARGE in the draft SEIS- are 5 likely to be SMALL.

6 The NRC staff's recommendation is that the Commission determine that the adverse 7 environmental impacts of license renewals for IP2 and IP3 are not so great that preserving the 8 option of license renewal for energy planning decision makers would be unreasonable. This 9 recommendation is based on (1) the analysis and findings in the GElS, (2) the environmental 10 report and other information submitted by Entergy, (3) consultation with other Federal, State, 11 Tribal, and local agencies, (4) the NRC staff's own independent review, and (5) the NRC staff's 12 consideration of public comments received during the scoping process and in response to the 13 draft SEIS.

14 Paperwork Reduction Act Statement 15 This NU REG does not contain information collection requirements and, therefore, is not subject 16 to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). These 17 information collections were approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMBL 18 approval numbers 3150-0004,3150-0155, 3150-0014, 3150-0011,3150-0021, 3150-0132, and 19 3150-0151.

20 Public Protection Notification 21 The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a request for 22 information or an information collection requirement unless the requesting document displays a 23 currently valid OMB control number.

I NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 iv December 201 0 OAGI0001367B 00005

Table of Contents ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................iii EXECUTIVE


............................................................................................................ XV ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS ................................................................................................. xxi 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Report Contents ................................................................................................. 1-2 1.2 Background ........................................................................................................ 1-3 1.2.1 Generic Environmental Impact Statement.. ............................................ 1-3 1.2.2 License Renewal Evaluation Process ..................................................... 1-4

1. 3 The Proposed Federal Action ............................................................................. 1-6 1.4 The Purpose and Need for the Proposed Action ................................................ 1-7
1. 5 Compliance and Consultations ........................................................................... 1-7
1. 6 References ......................................................................................................... 1-8 2.0 Description of Nuclear Power Plant and Site and Plant Interaction with the Environment ................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Plant and Site Description and Proposed Plant Operation During the Renewal Term .................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.1 External Appearance and Setting ........................................................... 2-2 2.1.2 Reactor Systems .................................................................................... 2-5 2.1.3 Cooling and Auxiliary Water Systems ..................................................... 2-8 2.1.4 Radioactive Waste Management Systems and Effluent Control Systems ................................................................................................ 2-14 Liquid Waste Processing Systems and Effluent Controls ....... 2-15 Gaseous Waste Processing Systems and Effluent Controls .. 2-17 Solid Waste Processing .......................................................... 2-20 2.1.5 Nonradioactive Waste Systems ............................................................ 2-21 Nonradioactive Waste Streams .............................................. 2-22 Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization ........................ 2-23 2.1.6 Facility Operation and Maintenance ..................................................... 2-23 2.1. 7 Power Transmission System ................................................................ 2-23 2.2 Plant Interaction with the Environment.. ........................................................... 2-24 2.2.1 Land Use .............................................................................................. 2-24 2.2.2 Water Use ............................................................................................. 2-24 2.2.3 Water Quality ........................................................................................ 2-24 2.2.4 Meteorology and Air Quality ................................................................. 2-27 Climate ................................................................................... 2-27 Meteorological System ........................................................... 2-28 Air Quality ............................................................................... 2-29 2.2.5 Aquatic Resources ................................................................................ 2-31 The Hudson River Estuary ..................................................... 2-31 December 201 0 v NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 I OAGI0001367B 00006

Table of Contents Significant Environmental Issues Associated with the Hudson River Estuary ............................................................. 2-39 Regulatory Framework and Monitoring Programs .................. 2-48 Potentially Affected Fish and Shellfish Resources ................. 2-52 Special Status Species and Habitats ...................................... 2-77 Other Potentially Affected Aquatic Resources ........................ 2-80 Nuisance Species ................................................................... 2-82 2.2.6 Terrestrial Resources ........................................................................... 2-84 Description of Site Terrestrial Environment.. .......................... 2-85 Threatened and Endangered Terrestrial Species ................... 2-86 2.2.7 Radiologicallmpacts ........................................................................... 2-1 04 2.2.8 Socioeconomic Factors ...................................................................... 2-114 Housing ................................................................................ 2-115 Public Services ..................................................................... 2-116 Offsite Land Use ................................................................... 2-121 Visual Aesthetics and Noise ................................................. 2-123 Demography ......................................................................... 2-124 Economy ............................................................................... 2-131 2.2.9 Historic and Archeological Resources ................................................ 2-134 Cultural Background ............................................................. 2-134 Historic and Archeological Resources at the IP2 & IP3 Site ....................................................................................... 2-138 2.2.10 Related Federal Project Activities and Consultations ......................... 2-139 2.3 References ..................................................................................................... 2-142 3.0 Environmental Impacts of Refurbishment ...................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Potential Refurbishment Activities ...................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Refurbishment Impacts ...................................................................................... 3-4 3.2.1 Terrestrial Ecology-Refurbishment Impacts ......................................... 3-7 3.2.2 Threatened or Endangered Species-Refurbishment Impacts .............. 3-8 3.2.3 Air Quality During Refurbishment (Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas) ..................................................................................................... 3-9 3.2.4 Housing Impacts-Refurbishment ........................................................ 3-10 3.2.5 Public Services: Public Utilities-Refurbishment.. ............................... 3-1 0 3.2.6 Public Services: Education-Refurbishment ....................................... 3-11 3.2.7 Offsite Land Use-Refurbishment.. ...................................................... 3-11 3.2.8 Public Services: Transportation-Refurbishment.. .............................. 3-11 3.2.9 Historic and Archeological Resources-Refurbishment.. ..................... 3-12

3. 2.1 0 Environmental Justice-Refurbishment ................................................ 3-13 3.3 Evaluation of New and Potentially Significant Information on Impacts of Refurbishment .................................................................................................. 3-13 3.4 Summary of Refurbishment Impacts ................................................................ 3-13
3. 5 References ....................................................................................................... 3-13 I 4.0 Environmental Impacts of Operation .............................................................................. 4-1 4.1 Cooling System .................................................................................................. 4-2 4.1.1 Impingement of Fish and Shellfish ........................................................ 4-1 0 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 vi December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00007

Table of Contents 4.1.2 Entrainment of Fish and Shellfish in Early Lifestages ........................... 4-14 4.1.3 Combined Effects of Impingement and Entrainment ........................... .4-15 Assessment of Population Trends-The First Line of Evidence .................................................................................4-19 Assessment of Strength of Connection-The Second Line of Evidence .............................................................................4-20 Impingement and Entrainment Impact Summary .................. .4-20 Discussion of Uncertainty ...................................................... .4-24 Overall Impingement and Entrainment Impact ...................... .4-25 4.1.4 Heat Shock ........................................................................................... 4-26 Potential Effects of Heated Water Discharges on Aquatic Biota .......................................................................................4-27 Historical Context .................................................................. .4-27 Thermal Studies and Conclusions .......................................... 4-28 Assessments of Thermal Impacts ......................................... .4-30 NRC Staff Assessment of Thermal Impacts .......................... .4-32 4.1.5 Potential Mitigation Options .................................................................. 4-32 4.2 Transmission Lines .......................................................................................... 4-36 4.2.1 Electromagnetic Fields-Acute Effects ................................................. 4-38 4.2.2 Electromagnetic Fields-Chronic Effects ............................................. 4-40 4.3 Radiological Impacts of Normal Operations ..................................................... 4-40 4.4 Socioeconomic Impacts of Plant Operations during the License Renewal Term ................................................................................................................. 4-42 4.4.1 Housing Impacts ................................................................................... 4-43 4.4.2 Public Services-Public Utility Impacts ................................................ 4-44 4.4.3 Offsite Land Use-License Renewal Period ......................................... 4-45 Population-Related Impacts .................................................. .4-46 Tax-Revenue-Related lmpacts ............................................... 4-46 4.4.4 Public Services: Transportation Impacts during Operations ................ 4-47 4.4.5 Historic and Archeological Resources .................................................. 4-47 Site-Specific Cultural Resources Information ........................ .4-48 Conclusions ............................................................................4-48 4.4.6 Environmental Justice ........................................................................... 4-49 4.5 Ground Water Use and Quality ........................................................................ 4-56 4.6 Threatened or Endangered Species ................................................................ 4-56 4.6.1 Aquatic Special Status Species ............................................................ 4-57 4.6.2 Terrestrial Threatened or Endangered Species .................................... 4-60

4. 7 Evaluation of New and Potentially Significant Information on Impacts of Operations during the Renewal Term .............................................................. 4-61 4.8 Cumulative lmpacts .......................................................................................... 4-61 4.8.1 Cumulative Impacts on Aquatic Resources .......................................... 4-62 4.8.2 Cumulative Impacts on Terrestrial Resources ...................................... 4-66 4.8.3 Cumulative Radiologicallmpacts .......................................................... 4-67 4.8.4 Cumulative Socioeconomic lmpacts ..................................................... 4-68 4.8.5 Cumulative Impacts on Ground Water Use and Quality ...................... .4-69 4.8.6 Conclusions Regarding Cumulative Impacts ....................................... .4-69 4.9 Summary of Impacts of Operations during the Renewal Term ......................... 4-69 December 201 0 vii NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00008

Table of Contents 4.10 References ....................................................................................................... 4-70 I 5.0 Environmental Impacts of Postulated Accidents ............................................................ 5-1 5.1 Postulated Plant Accidents ................................................................................. 5-1 5.1.1 Design-Basis Accidents .......................................................................... 5-1 5.1.2 SevereAccidents .................................................................................... 5-3 5.2 Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives ............................................................. 5-4 5.2.1 lntroduction ............................................................................................. 5-4 5.2.2 Estimate of Risk ...................................................................................... 5-5 5.2.3 Potential Plant Improvements ................................................................. 5-7 5.2.4 Evaluation of Risk Reduction and Costs of lmprovements ..................... 5-8 5.2.5 Cost-Benefit Comparison ........................................................................ 5-8 5.2.6 Conclusions .......................................................................................... 5-11

5. 3 References ....................................................................................................... 5-12 6.0 Environmental Impacts of the Uranium Fuel Cycle, Solid Waste Management and Greenhouse Gas Emissions .......................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 The Uranium Fuel Cycle ..................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions ............................................................................... 6-8 6.2.1 lntroduction ............................................................................................. 6-8 6.2.2 IP2 and IP3 ............................................................................................. 6-9 6.2.3 GElS ....................................................................................................... 6-9 6.2.4 Other Studies .......................................................................................... 6-9 Qualitative Studies .................................................................... 6-9 Quantitative Studies ............................................................... 6-10 6.2.5 Summary of Nuclear Greenhouse Gas Emissions Compared to Coal ...................................................................................................... 6-12 6.2.6 Summary of Nuclear Greenhouse Gas Emissions Compared to Natural Gas ........................................................................................... 6-13 6.2.7 Summary of Nuclear Greenhouse Gas Emissions Compared to Renewable Energy Sources ................................................................. 6-14 6.2.8 Conclusions .......................................................................................... 6-15 6.3 References ....................................................................................................... 6-17 7.0 Environmental Impacts of Decommissioning ................................................................. 7-1 7.1 Decommissioning ............................................................................................... 7-1
7. 2 References ......................................................................................................... 7-4 I 8.0 Environmental Impacts of Alternatives to License Renewal .......................................... 8-1 8.1 Alternatives to the Existing IP2 and IP3 Cooling-Water System ........................ 8-2 8.1.1 Closed-Cycle Cooling Alternative ........................................................... 8-5 Description of the Closed-Cycle Cooling Alternative ................ 8-6 Environmental Impacts of the Closed-Cycle Cooling Alternative .................................................................................8-6 8.2 No-Action Alternative ........................................................................................ 8-20 8.3 Alternative Energy Sources .............................................................................. 8-26 8.3.1 Natural Gas-Fired Combined-Cycle (NGCC) Generation ..................... 8-28 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 viii December 201 0 OAGI0001367B 00009

Table of Contents 8.3.2 Purchased Electric Power ..................................................................... 8-39 8.3.3 Conservation ......................................................................................... 8-41 8.3.4 Alternatives Dismissed From Individual Consideration ......................... 8-43 Wind Power ............................................................................8-43 Wood and Wood Waste .......................................................... 8-44 Hydropower ............................................................................8-45 Oil-Fired Generation ............................................................... 8-45 Solar Power ............................................................................8-45 New Nuclear Generation ........................................................ 8-46 Geothermal Energy ................................................................ 8-46 Municipal Solid Waste ............................................................ 8-47 Other Biomass Derived Fuels ................................................. 8-47 0 Fuel Cells ................................................................................8-48 Delayed Retirement. ............................................................... 8-48 Combined Heat and Power .................................................... 8-48 Supercritical Coal-Fired Generation ....................................... 8-49 8.3.5 Combination of Alternatives .................................................................. 8-59 Impacts of Combination Alternative 1 ..................................... 8-61 Impacts of Combined Alternative 2 ......................................... 8-67 8.4 Summary of Alternatives Considered ............................................................... 8-72 8.5 References ....................................................................................................... 8-73 9.0 Summary and Conclusions ............................................................................................ 9-1 9.1 Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action-License Renewal ................... 9-4 9.1.1 Unavoidable Adverse Impacts ................................................................ 9-6 9.1.2 Irreversible or Irretrievable Resource Commitments .............................. 9-6 9.1.3 Short-Term Use Versus Long-Term Productivity .................................... 9-7 9.2 Relative Significance of the Environmental Impacts of License Renewal and Alternatives ......................................................................................................... 9-7 9.3 Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................................. 9-8 9.4 References ....................................................................................................... 9-11 Appendices Appendix A: Comments Received on the Environmental Review ............................................ A-1 Appendix B: Contributers to the Supplement.. .......................................................................... B-1 Appendix C: Chronology of NRC Staff Environmental Review Correspondence Related to the Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Application for License Renewal of Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 .......................................................................... C-1 Appendix D: Organizations Contacted ...................................................................................... D-1 Appendix E: Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Numbers 2 and 3 Compliance Status and Consultation Correspondence ....................................................................................... E-1 Appendix F: GElS Environmental Issues Not Applicable to Indian Point Nuclear Generating Station Unit Nos. 2 and 3 ............................................................................................... F-1 December 201 0 ix NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00010

Table of Contents Appendix G: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Evaluation of Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 in Support of License Renewal Application Review ....................................................................... G-1 Appendix H: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Cooling System ............................................................................................................. H-1 Appendix 1: Statistical Analyses Conducted for Chapter 4 Aquatic Resources and Appendix H

........................................................................................................................................ 1-1 I NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 X December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00011

Figures Figure 2-1. Location of IP2 and IP3, 50-mi (80-km) radius ........................................................ 2-3 Figure 2-2. Location of IP2 and IP3, 6-mi (1 0-km) radius .......................................................... 2-4 Figure 2-3. IP2 and IP3 property boundaries and environs ....................................................... 2-6 Figure 2-4. IP2 and IP3 site layout ............................................................................................. 2-7 Figure 2-5. IP2 intake structure ................................................................................................ 2-10 Figure 2-6. IP3 intake structure ................................................................................................ 2-11 Figure 2-7. IP2 intake system .................................................................................................. 2-12 Figure 2-8. IP3 intake system .................................................................................................. 2-12 Figure 2-9. Topographic features surrounding IP2 and IP3 ..................................................... 2-26 Figure 2-10. Hudson study area and river segments ............................................................... 2-32 Figure 2-11. Hudson River area and national estuarine research sites ................................... 2-33 Figure 4-1. Percentage of impingement composed of RIS fish and RIS fish plus blue crab relative to the estimated total impingement at IP2 ...................................................... .4-12 Figure 4-2. Percentage of impingement composed of RIS fish and RIS fish plus blue crab relative to the estimated total impingement at IP3 ...................................................... .4-12 Figure 4-3. Percentage of entrainment composed of RIS fish and total identified fish relative to the estimated total entrainment at IP2 and IP3 combined ............................................ 4-15 Figure 4-4. General weight-of-evidence approach employed to assess the level of impact to population trends attributable to IP cooling system operation ...................................... 4-16 Figure 4-5. Minority block groups in 2000 within a 50-mi radius of IP2 and IP3 ..................... .4-52 Figure 4-6. Low-income block groups in 2000 within a 50-mi radius of IP2 and IP3 .............. .4-55 December 201 0 xi NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 I OAGI0001367B 00012

Tables Table 2-1. Historical Impacts on the Hudson River Watershed ............................................... 2-42 Table 2-2. Facilities Discharging at Least 50 mgd (190,000 m3/day) into the Lower Hudson River ............................................................................................................................. 2-44 Table 2-3. Hudson River Environmental Studies Table ........................................................... 2-52 Table 2-4. Representative Important Aquatic Species ............................................................. 2-53 Table 2-5. Locations in the Hudson River Estuary (see Figure 2-1 0) Where the Presence of RIS Life Stages Represented at Least 10 Percent of the Total Number Collected in Referenced Surveys or Studies ................................................................ 2-55 Table 2-6. Federally and State-Listed Terrestrial Species Potentially Occurring in Westchester County ..................................................................................................... 2-90 Table 2-7. IP2 and IP3 Employee Residence by County in 2006 .......................................... 2-115 Table 2-8. Housing in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Westchester Counties, New York .... 2-116 Table 2-9. Major Public Water Supply Systems in 2005 (mgd) ............................................. 2-119 Table 2-10. Average Annual Daily Traffic Counts on US 9 Near IP2 and IP3, 2004 ............. 2-121 Table 2-11. Population and Percent Growth in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, and Westchester Counties, New York, from 1970 to 2000 and Projected for 2010 and 2050 .................................................................................................................... 2-125 Table 2-12. Demographic Profile of the Population in the IP2 and IP3 Four-County ROI in 2000 ....................................................................................................................... 2-126 Table 2-13. Demographic Profile of the Population in the IP2 and IP3 Four-County ROI in 2006 (Estimate) ...................................................................................................... 2-127 Table 2-14. Seasonal Housing within 50 mi (80 km) of the IP2 and IP3 ................................ 2-128 Table 2-15. Migrant Farm Worker and Temporary Farm Labor within 50 mi (80 km) of IP2 and IP3 ................................................................................................................ 2-130 Table 2-16. Major Employers in Westchester County in 2006 ............................................... 2-132 Table 2-17. Income Information for the IP2 and IP3 ROI ....................................................... 2-132 Table 2-18. IP2 and IP3 PILOT and Property Tax Paid and Percentage of the Total Revenue of the Town of Cortlandt Hendrick Hudson Central School District and Village of Buchanan, 2003 to 2006 ..................................................................... 2-134 Table 2-19. Cultural Sequence and Chronology .................................................................... 2-135 Table 3-1. Category 1 Issues for Refurbishment Evaluation ..................................................... 3-4 Table 3-2. Category 2 Issues for Refurbishment Evaluation ..................................................... 3-7 Table 4-1. Generic (Category 1) Issues Applicable to the Operation of the IP2 and IP3 Cooling System during the Renewal Term ..................................................................... 4-2 December 201 0 xii NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00013

Tables Table 4-2. Site-Specific (Category 2) Issues Applicable to the Operation of the IP2 and IP3 Cooling System during the Renewal Term ..................................................................... 4-6 Table 4-3. Cumulative Mortality and Injury of Selected Fish Species after Impingement on Ristroph Screens .......................................................................................................... 4-13 Table 4-4. Impingement and Entrainment Impact Summary for Hudson River RIS ................ 4-23 Table 4-5. Category 1 Issues Applicable to the IP2 and IP3 Transmission Lines during the Renewal Term .............................................................................................................. 4-37 Table 4-6. Category 2 and Uncategorized Issues Applicable to the IP2 and IP3 Transmission Lines during the Renewal Term ............................................................. 4-38 Table 4-7. Category 1 Issues Applicable to Radiological Impacts of Normal Operations during the Renewal Term ............................................................................................. 4-41 Table 4-8. Category 1 Issues Applicable to Socioeconomics during the Renewal Term ......... 4-42 Table 4-9. Category 2 Issues Applicable to Socioeconomics and Environmental Justice during the Renewal Term ............................................................................................. 4-43 Table 4-10. Category 2 Issues Applicable to Threatened or Endangered Species during the Renewal Term .............................................................................................................. 4-57 Table 4-11. Impingement Data for Shortnose and Atlantic Sturgeon at IP2 and IP3, 1975-1990 ................................................................................................................... 4-59 Table 5-1. Category 1 Issues Applicable to Postulated Accidents during the Renewal Term ... 5-2 Table 5-2. Category 2 Issues Applicable to Postulated Accidents during the Renewal Term .. 5-3 Table 5-3. IP2 and IP3 Core Damage Frequency ...................................................................... 5-6 Table 5-4. Breakdown of Population Dose by Containment Failure Mode ................................ 5-7 Table 6-1. Category 1 Issues Applicable to the Uranium Fuel Cycle and Solid Waste Management during the Renewal Term ......................................................................... 6-2 Table 6-2. Nuclear GHG Emissions Compared to Coal ........................................................... 6-12 Table 6-3. Nuclear GHG Emissions Compared to Natural Gas ............................................... 6-13 Table 6-4. Nuclear GHG Emissions Compared to Renewable Energy Sources ..................... 6-14 Table 7-1. Category 1 Issues Applicable to the Decommissioning of IP2 and IP3 Following the Renewal Term .......................................................................................................... 7-2 Table 8-1. Summary of Environmental Impacts of a Closed-Cycle Cooling Alternative at IP2 and IP3 ................................................................................................................................ 8-19 Table 8-2. Summary of Environmental Impacts of the No-Action Alternative .......................... 8-21 Table 8-3. Summary of Environmental Impacts of the NGCC Alternative Located at IP2 and IP3 and an Alternate Site ................................................................................................... 8-3 7 Table 8-4. Summary of Environmental Impacts of Combination Alternatives .......................... 8-71 December 201 0 xiii NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 I OAGI0001367B 00014

Tables Table 9-1. Summary of Environmental Significance of License Renewal, the No-Action Alternative, and Alternative Methods of Generation ....................................................... 9-9 I NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 xiv December 201 0 OAGI0001367B 00015



2 By letter dated April 30, 2007, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy) submitted an 3 application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to renew the operating licenses 4 for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 (IP2 and IP3) for an additional 20-year 5 period. If the operating licenses are renewed, State regulatory agencies and Entergy will 6 ultimately decide whether the plant will continue to operate based on factors such as the need 7 for power, issues falling under the purview of the owners, or other matters within the State's 8 jurisdiction, including acceptability of water withdrawal. Two state-level issues (consistency with 9 State water quality standards, and consistency with State coastal zone management plans) 10 need to be resolved. On April 2, 2010, the New York State Department of Environmental 11 Conservation (NYSDEC) issued a Notice of Denial regarding the Clean Water Act Section 401 12 Water Quality Certification. Entergy has since requested a hearing on the issue, and the matter 13 will be decided through NYSDEC's hearing process. If the operating licenses are not renewed, 14 then IP2 and IP3 must be shut down at or before the expiration date of their current operating 15 licenses which expire September 28, 2013, and December 12, 2015, respectively.

16 The NRC has implemented Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as 17 amended (42 U.S.C. 4321). in Title 10, Part 51, "Environmental Protection Regulations for 18 Domestic Licensing and Related Regulatory Functions," of the Code of Federal Regulations 19 (1 0 CFR Part 51). In 10 CFR 51.20(b)(2L the Commission requires preparation of an 20 environmental impact statement (EIS) or a supplement to an EIS for renewal of a reactor 21 operating license. In addition, 10 CFR 51.95(c) states that the EIS prepared at the operating 22 license renewal stage will be a supplement to NUREG-1437, Volumes 1 and 2, "Generic 23 Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants" (hereafter referred to 24 as the GEIS).( 1l 25 Upon acceptance of the IP2 and IP3 application, the NRC began the environmental review 26 process described in 10 CFR Part 51 by publishing a notice of intent to prepare an EIS and 27 conduct scoping. The NRC staff visited the IP2 and IP3 site in September 2007, held two public 28 scoping meetings on September 19, 2007, and conducted two site audits on September 10-14, 29 2007, and September 24-27, 2007. In the preparation of this supplemental environmental 30 impact statement (SEIS) for IP2 and IP3, the NRC staff reviewed the IP2 and IP3 environmental 31 report (ER) and compared it to the GElS; consulted with other agencies; conducted an 32 independent review of the issues following the guidance in NUREG-1555, "Standard Review 33 Plans for Environmental Reviews for Nuclear Power Plants, Supplement 1: Operating License 34 Renewal," issued October 1999; and considered the public comments received during the 35 scoping process and in response to the draft SEIS. The public comments received during the 36 scoping process that were considered to be within the scope of the environmental review are 37 contained in the Scoping Summary Report for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 38 3, issued by NRC staff in December 2008. In Appendix A of this SEIS, the NRC staff adopts, by 39 reference, the comments and responses in the Scoping Summary Report and provides 40 information on how to electronically access the scoping summary or view a hard copy.


The GElS was originally issued in 1996. Addendum 1 to the GElS was issued in 1999. Hereafter, all references to the "GElS" include the GElS and its Addendum 1.

December 201 0 XV NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00016

Executive Summary 1 The NRC staff held public meetings in Cortlandt Manor, New York, on February 12, 2009 and 2 described the preliminary results of the NRC environmental review, answered questions, and 3 provided members of the public with information to assist them in formulating comments on the 4 draft SEIS. The NRC staff considered and addressed all of the comments received. These 5 comments are reflected in the SEIS or addressed in Appendix A, Part 2, to this SEIS.

6 This SEIS includes the NRC staff's analysis that considers and weighs the environmental 7 effects of the proposed action, the environmental impacts of alternatives to the proposed action, 8 and mitigation measures for reducing or avoiding adverse effects. It also includes the NRC 9 staff's recommendation regarding the proposed action.

10 The Commission has adopted the following statement of purpose and need for license renewal 11 from the GElS:

12 The purpose and need for the proposed action (renewal of an operating license) 13 is to provide an option that allows for power generation capability beyond the 14 term of a current nuclear power plant operating license to meet future system 15 generating needs, as such needs may be determined by State, utility, and, where 16 authorized, Federal (other than NRC) decision makers.

17 The purpose of the NRC staff's environmental review, as defined in 10 CFR 51.95(c)(4) and the 18 GElS, is to determine the following:

19 ... whether or not the adverse environmental impacts of license renewal are so 20 great that preserving the option of license renewal for energy planning decision 21 makers would be unreasonable.

22 Both the statement of purpose and need and the evaluation criterion implicitly acknowledge that 23 there are factors, in addition to license renewal, that will ultimately determine whether an 24 existing nuclear power plant continues to operate beyond the period of the current operating 25 license (or licenses).

26 NRC regulations (10 CFR 51.95(c)(2)) contain the following statement regarding the content of 27 SEISs prepared at the license renewal stage:

28 The supplemental environmental impact statement for license renewal is not 29 required to include discussion of need for power or the economic costs and 30 economic benefits of the proposed action or of alternatives to the proposed 31 action except insofar as such benefits and costs are either essential for a 32 determination regarding the inclusion of an alternative in the range of alternatives 33 considered or relevant to mitigation. In addition, the supplemental environmental 34 impact statement prepared at the license renewal stage need not discuss other 35 issues not related to the environmental effects of the proposed action and the 36 alternatives, or any aspect of the storage of spent fuel for the facility within the 37 scope of the generic determination in 10 CFR 51.23(a) ["Temporary storage of 38 spent fuel after cessation of reactor operation-generic determination of no 39 significant environmental impact"] and in accordance with 10 CFR 51.23(b).

40 The GElS contains the results of a systematic evaluation of the consequences of renewing an 41 operating license and operating a nuclear power plant for an additional 20 years. It evaluates 42 92 environmental issues using the NRC's three-level standard of significance-SMALL, 43 MODERATE, or LARGE-developed using the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 xvi December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00017

Executive Summary 1 guidelines.

2 The following definitions of the three significance levels are set forth in footnotes to Table B-1 of 3 Appendix B, "Environmental Effect of Renewing the Operating License of a Nuclear Power 4 Plant:' to 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, "National Environmental Policy Act-Regulations 5 Implementing Section 102(2)":

6 SMALL-Environmental effects are not detectable or are so minor that they will 7 neither destabilize nor noticeably alter any important attribute of the resource.

8 MODERATE-Environmental effects are sufficient to alter noticeably, but not to 9 destabilize, important attributes of the resource.

10 LARGE-Environmental effects are clearly noticeable and are sufficient to 11 destabilize important attributes of the resource.

12 For 69 of the 92 issues considered in the GElS, the analysis in the GElS reached the following 13 conclusions:

14 (1) The environmental impacts associated with the issue have been determined to apply 15 either to all plants or, for some issues, to plants having a specific type of cooling system 16 or other specified plant or site characteristics.

17 (2) A single significance level (that is, SMALL, MODERATE, or LARGE) has been assigned 18 to the impacts (except for collective offsite radiological impacts from the fuel cycle and 19 from high-level waste and spent fuel disposal).

20 (3) Mitigation of adverse impacts associated with the issue has been considered in the 21 analysis, and it has been determined that additional plant-specific mitigation measures 22 are not likely to be sufficiently beneficial to warrant implementation.

23 These 69 issues were identified in the GElS as Category 1 issues. In the absence of new and 24 significant information, the staff relied on conclusions in the GElS for issues designated as 25 Category 1 in Table B-1 of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A.

26 Of the 23 issues that do not meet the criteria set forth above, 21 are classified as Category 2 27 issues requiring analysis in a plant-specific supplement to the GElS. The remaining two issues, 28 environmental justice and chronic effects of electromagnetic fields, were not categorized.

29 Environmental justice was not evaluated on a generic basis and must be addressed in a plant-30 specific supplement to the GElS. Information on the chronic effects of electromagnetic fields 31 was not conclusive at the time the GElS was prepared.

32 This SEIS documents the NRC staff's consideration of all 92 environmental issues identified in 33 the GElS. The NRC staff considered the environmental impacts associated with alternatives to 34 license renewal and compared the environmental impacts of license renewal and the 35 alternatives. The alternatives to license renewal that were considered include the no-action 36 alternative (not renewing the operating licenses for IP2 and IP3L alternative methods of power 37 generation, and conservation. The NRC staff also considered an alternative that included 38 continued operation of IP2 and IP3 with a closed-cycle cooling system. This alternative is 39 considered for several reasons. First the New York State Department of Environmental 40 Conservation (NYSDEC) issued a preliminary determination in its 2003 draft and 2004 revised 41 draft State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permits that closed cycle cooling is 42 the site-specific best technology available (BTA) to reduce impacts on fish and shellfish; December 201 0 xvii NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00018

Executive Summary 1 currently the revised draft SPDES permit is the subject of NYSDEC proceedings, and the 2 existing SPDES permit continues in effect at this time. Second, NYSDEC affirmed this view in 3 its April 2, 2010, Notice of Denial of Entergy's Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality 4 Certification, indicating that closed cycle cooling would minimize aquatic impacts; that 5 determination is currently subject to further State-level adjudication. Third, NYSDEC has 6 published a draft policy on BTA indicating that "Wet closed-cycle cooling or its equivalent" is the 7 "minimum performance goal for existing industrial facilities that operate a CWIS [cooling water 8 intake system] in connection with a point source thermal discharge." Public comments on that 9 draft policy were submitted through July 9, 2010.

10 Entergy and the NRC staff have established independent processes for identifying and 11 evaluating the significance of any new information on the environmental impacts of license 12 renewal. Neither Entergy nor the staff has identified information that is both new and significant 13 related to Category 1 issues that would call into question the conclusions in the G EIS. Similarly, 14 neither the scoping process nor the NRC staff has identified any new issue applicable to IP2 15 and IP3 that has a significant environmental impact. Therefore, the NRC staff relies on the 16 conclusions of the GElS for all of the Category 1 issues that are applicable to IP2 and IP3.

17 Entergy's license renewal application presents an analysis of the 21 Category 2 issues that are 18 applicable to IP2 and IP3, plus environmentaljustice and chronic effects from electromagnetic 19 fields, for a total of 23 issues. The NRC staff has reviewed the Entergy analysis and has 20 conducted an independent assessment of each issue. Six of the Category 2 issues are not 21 applicable because they are related to a type of existing cooling system, water use conflicts, 22 and ground water use not found at IP2 and IP3. Entergy has stated that its evaluation of 23 structures and components, as required by 10 CFR 54.21, "Contents of Application-Technical 24 Information," did not identify any major plant refurbishment activities or modifications as 25 necessary to support the continued operation of IP2 and IP3 for the license renewal period.

26 Entergy did, however, indicate that it plans to replace reactor vessel heads and control rod drive 27 mechanisms at IP2 and IP3. The NRC staff has evaluated the potential impacts of these 28 activities using the framework provided by the GElS for addressing refurbishment issues.

29 Seventeen environmental issues related to operational impacts and postulated accidents during 30 the renewal term are discussed in detail in this SEIS. These include 15 Category 2 issues and 31 2 uncategorized issues, environmental justice and chronic effects of electromagnetic fields. The 32 NRC staff also discusses in detail the potential impacts related to the 10 Category 2 issues that 33 apply to refurbishment activities. The NRC staff concludes that the potential environmental 34 effects for most of these issues are of SMALL significance in the context of the standards set 35 forth in the GElS with three exceptions-entrainment impingement and heat shock from the 36 facility's heated discharge. The NRC staff jointly assessed the impacts of entrainment and 37 impingement to be MODERATE based on NRC's analysis of representative important species.

38 Impacts from heat shock potentially range from SMALL to LARGE depending on the 39 conclusions of thermal studies proposed by the NYSDEC. Based on corrected data received 40 since completing the draft SEIS, the NRC staff concludes that impacts to the endangered 41 shortnose sturgeon- which ranged from SMALL to LARGE in the draft SEIS- are likely to be 42 SMALL.

43 The NRC staff also determined that appropriate Federal health agencies have not reached a 44 consensus on the existence of chronic adverse effects from electromagnetic fields. Therefore, 45 no further evaluation of this issue is required.

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 xviii December 201 0 OAGI0001367B 00019

Executive Summary 1 For severe accident mitigation alternatives (SAMAsL the staff concludes that a reasonable, 2 comprehensive effort was made to identify and evaluate SAMAs. Based on its review of the 3 SAMAs for IP2 and IP3 and the plant improvements already made, the NRC staff concludes that 4 several SAMAs may be cost-beneficial. However, these SAMAs do not relate to adequate 5 management of the effects of aging during the period of extended operation. Therefore, they do 6 not need to be implemented as part of license renewal pursuant to 10 CFR Part 54, 7 "Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants."

8 Cumulative impacts of past present and reasonably foreseeable future actions were 9 considered, regardless of what agency (Federal or non-Federal) or person undertakes such 10 other actions. For purposes of this analysis, the NRC staff determined that the cumulative 11 impacts to terrestrial and aquatic resources in the IP2 and IP3 environs would be LARGE, due 12 primarily to past development and pollution, much of which preceded IP2 and IP3 or occurred 13 as a result of other actions (for example, suburban development and hardening of the Hudson 14 River shoreline).

15 The NRC staff's analysis indicates that the adverse impacts of potential alternatives will differ 16 from those of the proposed action. Most alternatives result in smaller impacts to aquatic life, 17 while creating greater impacts in other resource areas. Often, the most significant 18 environmental impacts of alternatives result from constructing new facilities or infrastructure.

19 The recommendation of the NRC staff is that the Commission determine that the adverse 20 environmental impacts of license renewals for IP2 and IP3 are not so great that not preserving 21 the option of license renewal for energy planning decision makers would be unreasonable. This 22 recommendation is based on (1) the analysis and findings in the GElS, (2) the ER and other 23 information submitted by Entergy, (3) consultation with other Federal, State, Tribal, and local 24 agencies, (4) the staff's own independent review, and (5) the staff's consideration of public 25 comments received during the scoping process and in response to the draft SEIS.

December 201 0 xix NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 I OAGI0001367B 00020

1 I I December 201 0 XX NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00021

Abbreviations/Acronyms 1 Abbreviations/Acronyms 2 0 degree(s) 3 IJm micron(s) 4 3D three dimensional 5 ACAA American Coal Ash Association 6 ac acre(s) 7 AC alternating current 8 ACC averted cleanup and decontamination 9 ADAMS Agencywide Documents Access and Management System 10 ADAPT Atmospheric Data Assimilation and Parameterization Technique 11 ACEEE American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 12 AEC Atomic Energy Commission 13 AFW auxiliary feed water 14 AGTC Algonquin Gas Transmission Company 15 A LARA as low as reasonably achievable 16 ANOVA analysis of variance 17 AOC averted off-site property damage costs 18 AOE averted occupational exposure costs 19 AOSC averted on-site costs 20 APE averted public exposure 21 ASA Applied Science Associates 22 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 23 ASMFC Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission 24 ASSS alternate safe shutdown system 25 ATWS anticipated transient without scram 26 AUTOSAM Automated Abundance Sampler 27 BA biological assessment 28 BO Biological Opinion 29 Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board 30 Bq/L becquerel per liter 31 Bq/kg becquerel per kilogram 32 BSS Beach Seine Survey 33 BTA best technology available 34 BTU British thermal unit(s) 35 c Celsius 36 CAA Clean Air Act 37 CAFTA computer aided fault-tree analysis code 38 CAIR Clean Air Interstate Rule 39 CAMR Clean Air Mercury Rule 40 CCF common cause failure 41 CCMP Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan 42 ccw component cooling water December 201 0 xxi NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 I OAGI0001367B 00022

Abbreviations and Acronyms 1 CCWD Cortlandt Consolidated Water District 2 CDF core damage frequency 3 COM Clean Development Mechanism 4 CET Containment Event Tree 5 CEQ Council on Environmental Quality 6 CFR Code of Federal Regulations 7 cfs cubic foot (feet) per second 8 CHGEC Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation 9 Ci curie(s) 10 Cl confidence interval 11 em centimeter(s) 12 CMP Coastal Management Plan 13 CMR conditional mortality rate 14 CNP Cook Nuclear Plant 15 co carbon monoxide 16 COz carbon dioxide 17 COE cost of enhancement 18 COL Combined License 19 Con Edison Consolidated Edison Company of New York 20 CORM IX Cornell University Mixing Zone Model 21 CPUE catch-per -unit -effort 22 CRDM control rod drive mechanism 23 CST condensate storage tank 24 cv coefficient of variation 25 CWA Clean Water Act 26 CWIS Circulating Water Intake System 27 CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act 28 dB(A) decibel(s) 29 DBA Design-basis accident 30 DC direct current 31 DDT dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane 32 DE IS Draft Environmental Impact Statement 33 DF Decontamination Factor 34 DNA deoxyribonucleic acid 35 DNR Department of Natural Resources 36 DO dissolved oxygen 37 DOC dissolved organic carbon 38 DOE U.S. Department of Energy 39 DOS Department of State 40 DOT U.S. Department of Transportation 41 DPS Distinct Population Segment 42 DSEIS Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 43 EA Environmental Assessment 44 ECL Environmental Conservation Law 45 EDG emergency diesel generator NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 xxii December 201 0 OAGI0001367B 00023

Abbreviations/Acronyms 1 EIA Energy Information Administration 2 EIS environmental impact statement 3 EFH Essential Fish Habitat 4 ELF-EMF extremely low frequency-electromagnetic field 5 EMR entrainment mortality rate 6 Entergy Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

7 EOP emergency operating procedure 8 EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 9 EPRI Electric Power Research Institute 10 ER Environmental Report 11 ER-M effects-range-median 12 ESA Endangered Species Act 13 F Fahrenheit 14 F&O Facts and Observations 15 FAA Federal Aviation Administration 16 FDA Food and Drug Administration 17 FE IS Final Environmental Impact Statement 18 FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 19 FES Final Environmental Statement 20 FJS Fall Juvenile Survey 21 FPC Federal Power Commission 22 fps feet per second 23 FPS fire protection system 24 FR Federal Register 25 FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report 26 FSS Fall Shoals Survey 27 ft foot (feet) 28 ft2 square feet 29 ft3 cubic feet 30 FWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 31 g gram(s) 32 gal gallon(s) 33 gCeqlkWh gram(s) of carbon dioxide equivalents per kilowatt-hour 34 GElS Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear 35 Plants, NUREG-1437 36 GHG greenhouse gas 37 GL Generic Letter 38 gpm gallon(s) per minute 39 GW gigawatt 40 ha hectare(s) 41 HAP hazardous air pollutant 42 HLW high-level waste 43 hr hour(s) 44 HRA Human Reliability Analysis December 201 0 xxiii NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 I OAGI0001367B 00024

Abbreviations and Acronyms 1 HRERF Hudson River Estuary Restoration Fund 2 HRFI Hudson River Fisheries Investigation 3 HRPC Hudson River Policy Committee 4 HRSA Hudson River Settlement Agreement 5 IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency 6 IMR impingement mortality rate 7 in. inch(es) 8 IN EEL Idaho National Energy and Environmental Laboratory 9 IP1 Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 1 10 IP2 Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2 11 IP3 Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 3 12 IPE individual plant examination 13 IPEEE individual plant examination of external events 14 ISFSI Independent Fuel Storage Installation 15 ISLOCA Interfacing Systems Loss of Coolant Accidents 16 IWSA Integrated Waste Services Association 17 kg kilogram(s) 18 km kilometer(s) 19 km 2 square kilometer(s) 20 kV kilovolt(s) 21 kWh kilowatt hour(s) 22 lb pound(s) 23 L liter(s) 24 LERF Large Early Release Frequency 25 LLMW low-level mixed waste 26 LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Library 27 LOCA loss of coolant accident 28 LODI Lagrangian Operational Dispersion Integrator 29 LOE Line(s) of Evidence 30 lpm liters per minute 31 LRA license renewal application 32 LR linear regression 33 LRS Long River Survey 34 LSE load serving entities 35 m meter(s) 36 mm millimeter(s) 37 mz square meter(s) 38 m3 cubic meter(s) 39 m3/sec cubic meter(s) per second 40 MAAP Modular Accident Analysis Program 41 MACCS2 MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System 2 42 MBq megabecquerel 43 mg milligram(s)

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 xxiv December 201 0 OAGI0001367B 00025

Abbreviations/Acronyms 1 mgd million gallons per day 2 mg/L milligram(s) per liter 3 mGy milligray 4 mi mile(s) 5 min minute(s) 6 MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology 7 ml milliliter(s) 8 MLES Marine Life Exclusion System 9 MMBtu million British thermal unit(s) 10 mps meter(s) per second 11 mrad millirad(s) 12 mrem millirem(s) 13 mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid 14 MSE mean squared error 15 MSL mean sea level 16 MSPI Mitigating Systems Performance Indicator 17 mSv millisievert 18 MT metric ton(s) 19 MTU metric ton of uranium 20 MW megawatt 21 MWd megawatt-days 22 MW(e) megawatt(s) electric 23 MW(h) megawatt hour(s) 24 MW(t) megawatt(s) thermal 25 MWSF Mixed Waste Storage Facility 26 NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards 27 NARAC National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center 28 NAS National Academy of Sciences 29 NEA Nuclear Energy Agency 30 NEPA National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended 31 NESC National Electric Safety Code 32 NGO Nongovernmental Organization 33 NHPA National Historic Preservation Act 34 NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 35 NIRS Nuclear Information and Resource Service 36 NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service 37 NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection 38 NOz nitrogen dioxide 39 NOx nitrogen oxide(s) 40 NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 41 NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 42 NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 43 NRHP National Register of Historic Places 44 NSSS nuclear steam supply system 45 NWJWW Northern Westchester Joint Water Works 46 NY/NJ/PHL New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia December 201 0 XXV NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00026

Abbreviations and Acronyms 1 NYCA New York Control Area 2 NYCDEP New York City Department of Environmental Protection 3 NYCRR New York Code of Rules and Regulations 4 NYISO New York Independent System Operator 5 NYPA New York Power Authority 6 NYPSC New York Public Service Commission 7 NYRI New York Regional Interconnect Inc.

8 NYSDEC New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 9 NYSDOH New York State Department of Health 10 NYSERDA New York State Energy Research and Development Authority 11 NYSHPO New York State Historic Preservation Office 12 03 ozone 8-hour standard 13 OCNGS Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 14 ODCM Offsite Dose Calculation Manual 15 OMB Office of Management and Budget 16 OPR Office of Protected Resources 17 PAB primary auxiliary building 18 PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon 19 PCB polychlorinated biphenyls 20 pCi/L picoCuries per liter 21 pCi/kg picoCuries per kilogram 22 PDS plant damage state 23 PILOT payment-in-lieu-of-taxes 24 PM particulate matter 25 PMzs particulate matter, 2.5 microns or less in diameter 26 PM10 particulate matter, 10 microns or less in diameter 27 POC particulate organic carbon 28 PORV power operated relief valve 29 POST Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology 30 ppm parts per million 31 ppt parts per thousand 32 PRA probabilistic risk assessment 33 PSA probabilistic safety assessment 34 PV photovoltaic 35 PWR pressurized water reactor 36 PWW Poughkeepsie Water Works 37 PYSL post yolk-sac larvae 38 REMP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 39 R-EMAP regional environmental monitoring and assessment program 40 RAI request for additional information 41 RCP reactor coolant pump 42 RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 43 RCS reactor cooling system 44 REMP radiological environmental monitoring program NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 xxvi December 201 0 OAGI0001367B 00027

Abbreviations/Acronyms 1 RHR residual heat removal 2 Riverkeeper Hudson River Fishermen's Association 3 RIS Representative Important Species 4 RKM river kilometer(s) 5 RM river mile(s) 6 RMP Risk Management Plan 7 ROD Record of Decision 8 ROI region of influence 9 ROW right-of-way 10 RPC long-term replacement power costs 11 rpm revolutions per minute 12 RRW risk reduction worth 13 RWST refueling water storage tank 14 s second(s) 15 SAFSTOR safe storage condition 16 SAMA severe accident mitigation alternative 17 SAR Safety Analysis Report 18 SAV submerged aquatic vegetation 19 SBO station blackout 20 Scenic Hudson Scenic Hudson Preservation Conference 21 SCR selective catalytic reduction 22 SECPOP sector population, land fraction and economic estimation program 23 SEIS Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 24 SFP Spent Fuel Pool 25 SGTR Steam Generator Tube Ruptures 26 Sl Safety Injection 27 SOz sulfur dioxide 28 SOx sulfur oxide(s) 29 SPDES State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 30 SPU stretch power update 31 sq mi square mile(s) 32 SR segmented regression 33 SRP Standard Review Plan 34 SRT Status Review Team 35 SSBR spawning stock biomass per-recruit 36 SSE safe shutdown earthquake 37 Sv person-sievert 38 sws service water system 39 t ton(s) 40 TDEC Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation 41 TI-SGTR thermally-induced Steam Generator Tube Ruptures 42 TLD Thermoluminescent dosimeter 43 TOC total organic carbon 44 TRC TRC Environmental Corporation December 201 0 xxvii NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00028

Abbreviations and Acronyms 1 U.S. United States 2 U.S.C. United States Code 3 USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 4 USAEC U.S. Atomic Energy Commission 5 USCB U.S. Census Bureau 6 USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture 7 USGS U.S. Geological Survey 8 UWNY United Water New York 9 v volt(s) 10 VALWNF value of non-farm wealth 11 voc volatile organic compound 12 WCDOH Westchester County Department of Health 13 WISE World Information Service on Energy 14 WJWW Westchester Joint Water Works 15 WOE weight of evidence 16 WOG Westinghouse Owner's Group 17 YSL yolk-sac larvae 18 YOY young of year 19 yr year(s)

I NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 xxviii December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00029

1 Appendix A 2

3 4 Comments Received on the Environmental Review OAGI0001367B 00030

Appendix A 1

2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9

10 11 12 The following pages contain the original comment letters, e-mail messages, 13 and public meeting transcripts pertaining to the IP scoping summary report.

14 Each commented is labeled and identified by a unique comment 15 identification code.

16 17 December 2010 A-175 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00031

Appendix A 1 MR. ADAMS: Good evening. I'm Kenneth Adams. I'm the 2 president and CEO of the Business Council of New York State, 3 which is the leading statewide business association. We 4 represent more than 3000 private-sector employers, over a 5 million of their employees and about 90 local Chambers of 6 Commerce throughout the state of New York. The largest 7 component of our membership at the Business Council is 8 manufacturing with more than 1100 employers. It's the sector 9 for which the reliability and cost of electric power is a 10 significant concern. We also represent many businesses ln the 11 energy field, including Entergy, which has been a Business 1-a-EC/SO/

12 Council member since 2000. Because the importance of energy SR 13 issues to our broad membership, we welcome the opportunity to 14 testify in support of the Indian Point Energy Center and the 15 important role the site plays in maintaining the economic heal h 16 of the whole state of New York.

17 The most recent data from the U.S. Energy Informatio 18 Administration show electric rates in New York of residential 19 and commercial customers at about 64% above the national 20 average. And for industrial customers, many of our Business 1-b-EC/

SE 21 Council members, something like 47% above the national average.

22 Several years ago, we estimated that this electric energy 23 premium share ln New York State costs our economy more than $6 24 billion a year. Given these price pressures and continuing NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-176 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00032

Appendix A 1 increases ln energy consumption and peak demand, there's an 2 obvious need to maintain or add to our existing generating 3 capacity. Energy supply and price remains a key factor for the 4 competitiveness of our state's economy. If we're going to get 5 our economy to turnaround, energy pricing and availability and 6 reliability are just going to be fundamental. One company that 7 is already paying an extraordinary cost for conducting business 8 ln New York State is ln fact Entergy. We need to remember that 9 Entergy was invited to become the state's business partner ln 10 running two of the three nuclear plants the company purchased ln 11 New York back in 2000.

12 At that time, the company's background and expertise 1-b-EC/

SE 13 was thoroughly scrutinized by the state. After an extensive contd.

14 vetting and licensing process, the company, you can say, won the 15 right to run Indian Point 3 and James A. FitzPatrick nuclear 16 facility in upstate New York. In addition to their initial one 17 billion-dollar investment in buying these plants, Entergy has 18 invested hundreds of millions of dollars to run these assets, 19 making marked improvements in their performance. Entergy's 20 operations also directly benefit the state through a substantial 21 revenue-sharing agreement. They support many other in-state 22 businesses through the goods and services they buy. They pay 23 significant taxes to the local communities and schools, invest 24 millions in emergency planning upgrades, invest millions more December 2010 A-177 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00033

Appendix A 1 into regional non-profit organizations and most importantly, 2 employ thousands in the state at a time when many other 1-b-EC/

SE 3 companies are making significant cutbacks in their New York contd.

4 State employment.

5 In upstate New York where Entergy is a welcome member 6 of the Oswego County community, there is interest in expanding 7 nuclear power there and rightly so. The FitzPatrick plant is 8 just as well run as the one here, just as critical and provides 9 the stabilizing economic force in an area of New York State 10 suffering in this recession. Downstate here in this region, 11 some try to portray Indian Point's potential closure as being 12 somehow far less consequential to the area than a closure in 1-c-EC/

so 13 upstate New York. But this assumption is widely incorrect.

14 Indian Point provides 2000 Mw of affordable, reliable, 15 green, clean power something to 40% of this region's energy 16 supply during peak times. Overall, nuclear power is essential 17 to the state's energy grid. Last year through the end of 18 October, nuclear plants provided 30.3% of all kilowatt hours of 19 electric power produced in New York. Nearly the same level as 20 natural gas generation, which is about 31.9%. Importantly, ln 21 the carbon restricted regulatory environment imposed by the 22 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, these 35 million Mw hours 1-d-AQ/

EC 23 were produced at nuclear facilities without significant 24 greenhouse gas emissions from power generation. Both public NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-178 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00034

Appendix A 1 private studies, including extensive analysis done by 2 Westchester County and the federal government, have shown the 3 critical importance of Indian Point, the lack of viable 4 replacement power and the consequences of shutting the facility 5 down. According to the New York Independent System Operator, 6 the closing of Indian Point Energy Center quote would cause an 7 immediate violation of reliability standards close quote.

8 Closing Indian Point would significantly weaken the state's 9 energy grid. Every day the demand grows for affordable, 10 reliable, low- carbon electric power generation, no question. 1-d-AQ/

EC 11 Indian Point meets all three of these needs in the lower Hudson contd.

12 Valley making the plant an invaluable facility in this region.

13 Nuclear power is an environmentally sound and carbon-clean 14 source of power. If Indian Point is not re-licensed, 15 replacement power would have to come from sources already deemed 16 inadequate to replace Indian Point. Furthermore, studies show 17 that replacing Indian Point's power with fossil fuel based 18 plants will likely create a rise in carbon dioxide emissions, a 19 19% jump in nitrous oxide emissions and an 11% hike ln sulfur 20 dioxide emissions.

21 MR. RAKOVAN: Sir, if you could conclude, please.

22 MR. ADAMS: For all of these reasons, I'm going to 23 conclude right now.

24 MR. RAKOVAN: Thank you.

December 2010 A-179 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00035

Appendix A 1 MR. ADAMS: As well as the million dollars in annual 2 economic stimulus Indian Point provides the state, the Business 3 Council of New York State, my organization, strongly supports 1-e-SR 4 the re-licensing of the Indian Point Energy Center. Thank you 5 all for being here. Thank you very much for your attention.

6 7

8 9

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-180 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00036

Appendix A 1 MS. ALLEN: Hi, I'm Judy Allen. I live in Putnam 2 Valley. I do not get any electricity from Indian Point because 3 Putnam County does not. However, I live 14 miles away from the 4 plant. So, I am actually going to address the environmental 5 impact and I would like to see who are the people here from the 6 NRC, so I know who I'm talking to? Okay, thank you very much.

7 The slide that I'm addressing is the Example Common Issue:

8 Radiological Impacts and it says, Preliminary findings: no new 9 and significant information. GEIS conducted impacts are SMALL. 2-a-AL/RI 10 So, you're not going to want to know about the Wall Street 11 article ln November 21st that says, surprise drop in power 12 worries utilities. You're not going to want to know about cover 13 story in Time of December 31st that says, America's untapped 14 energy resource boosting efficiency. This is not about 15 conservation. This is not about putting on a sweater or turning 16 the lights off. This is just about increased efficiency.

17 You're not going to know about, you're not going to 18 want to know about the study on rising child leukemia rates near 19 U.S. nuclear plants because Joe Mangano, I believe is going to 20 be submitting written information about that. So, what I'm 2-b-HH/

Rl 21 going to talk about is the study that faults regulators for 22 relying on reference-man radiation dose standard. A study from 23 the Institute for Energy and Environment Research indicates that 24 U.S. radiation exposure regulations and compliance assessment December 2010 A-181 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00037

Appendix A 1 guidelines often underestimate the risk of radiation for women 2 and children because they are based on standards of the 3 reference-man. A hypothetical 20 to 30 year old white male.

4 Could I have a show of hands please, how many people fall into 5 that category of 20 to 30 year old white male. That's one.

6 Anyone else?

7 Okay, so at least three federal agencies: the 8 Environmental Protection Agency, Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9 and Department of Energy, still use reference-man criteria to 10 guide radiation dose regulations and compliance assessment. A 11 woman is 52% more likely than a man to develop cancer from the 12 same radiation doses according to the study. Children are at 2-b-HH/

Rl 13 greater risk than adults. A female infant has about an 11 times contd.

14 greater chance of eventually developing cancer than a 30-year-15 old male in the same radiation dose. Pregnant women and the 16 developing fetus are particularly vulnerable, but non-cancer 17 reproductive effects are generally not part of U.S. regulatory 18 framework for radiation production.

19 Okay, so, the last thing about this in the report 20 recommends that compliance with radiation protection always the 21 estimated by calculating doses for those at greatest risk. It 22 calls for a significant reduction in the maximum allowable dose 23 to the general public from 100 mrem per year to 25 mrem per 24 year. So, I believe that would be considered new information NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-182 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00038

Appendix A 1 and I will hope that the NRC will consider that new information 2-b-HH/

Rl 2 in determining whether Indian Point should be re-licensed and contd.

3 after 20 years. Thank you very much.

4 5

December 2010 A-183 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00039

Appendix A 1

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-184 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00040

Appendix A 1

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Appendix A 1 *':..:'.

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-186 December 2010

Appendix A 1

2 DEPARTMENT OF STATE DAVK~ l'~- P.t-::*;.;.;-~$(.>~*; gg \f'.J.6,S~*Hf>H~ f 0~,~ A\j~:~-nJt:: Lo;~i~A: ~-Jf: ,t..,* . C(r~:(:* :::~~;~ \/ ~~- ~~~~.:::r:;:

f. *.:-~r.: .""\U: ..-..:-.,:*y*, NY 12231-0001  :~~-~;!=:t::>*M:'f~*o:. S:A:;;;

Chid', R;;ks R':vi~w ;u:d Direclhid.> Bnmdl

{}.$:. *r.;uch:~ar R~tru!atory (:uanr:Ls*s)on M:lil S!<>p T\VB-O:S~BHl

\Va:$hirlgto;*i:, T)C 2o.sss. non i RE: (:(~::1'HXH:~t3t:S on the:* (h:ntr~c :)~ntctYs<~~1!

f~):! l . it*~*n:;-.:; .RJ;.*n,;;.'\'*:~1 of N~1ci".':t.H Pk:.r;.t.:s S~1ppkn<t:n.t .iS R<.'gl-lrdiug Jndi,>n Poinl Gc::tln<tlmg Ur:il ?\:n;;. 2 ;;nd ."J The D\:)!<lr>:ull'lll. of S!:lh: (Dc::p<inm<'nt), <1$ tll" <:ge1lC)' ~bmgc::d with implc:TJ<'r:ting lh~

Sl~~Je':: c:o<tSHlJ \'hH).Ugcu.{~~rn Prog;;:~n'. (C\:1P}. ap__fH:(**~ ~h~~ npp*:>rtuni1y ~(} re;:je:.:v Sslpplcm,~sE ~~8 to the (ier:cric Lnvirml!llc::ntnl Imp:il.ct St2ctmn~nt fl'r License l(,~m~w;ll of

NurJ~:ar P1~~nt$~ R~t;anhug. !:r:d~:Hl Pr~Jnt Nnck~Hr Cicn:.:.;ra.tin_g U:ni.t Nr:.:;. 2 ,*n:Hi 3- Dn.d; Rt:pe>!t (SEJS),

The Dcpar(.m(;Hi l\::>*i(;w;;;d ::he :';El$ with the lmu'*'**k;l~;:e, !hat the FEIS wi!l cmnprise a p*ortion i.Jfthe h::.Jon:YlBrion nt:e;d::;:d. f~n our cnn3ii-itc:ncy r*~'\d~vv and Entergy \viH be tcquir<:d h') ~uhn1it ~~ con:-;3s~~nty ccrtHlc:atit~n fvr th~ pt'-"rP<)~;\:d ti..;:~}r:.a=.~ ren~"\*val . .vh.lch fn~::;~. add~*t's:f;

!.U poJid.;;,s of th.
: Swk Clv!l'. Given 1ha~., wr v<'ould like to offer !he l:Oltc>'Ning C<.")mmeat~l

())~ the; sns. lvh<l1)' nf th<; CO!lW:)¢f>(~ .:JI.idre:;~,~d herdn !>,*ere ,,[;;o raised lXl the Octob-::r 31.

2007 S.c*opittg Co~nn~en.ts on the Lk~. . ~r~&t' . Rcne1.<vrd Pob*)t an~ts 2 ~)nd . .\ subtY1in~d 4-a- AE/LR by th~~ Nc~v "Y'ork StJHe Executi*t'e ;\ge~)c.h~.s; .nnd ~ht: })cp1irt*mi:~~1r ( ) f La,~.:* <,2H07 s(~)p~ng l.,;2.t-t~r}.

Under Th~ Purpos~ :md Nei:'d for the l'H"lJXH;ed A*~:tion, NRC pl.aces tll*::: th:<:d Jbr <t

  • <::~-ved 1icer!,>t i.n HH.' context ofothe< rt,guh!cry n~quirernents. P!lgc! -7, 1in,,s 10-l:i sta~c~ :"():u.'::~ ~1n liccn.s.;::: ~;.; rt<-B{,*vved, StaN.::: .r(:.guh~t()ty f~g~~ncle.s ;tnd the o\*vn.ers of
he plani wi::.l u.himatdy ckc(de whetha dw pbnt \Vii! c.onlinile to opei';H<; ba:.:;;:d on f~).Ct(>!"$ S~H.:h :;.:.s tb~-:: Ft~ed for pQ\h\)f ():f :w,;3tHo:..~r~ '.-vhh;.n ih~ St~t~* ~ jur:i::~d~r.:.:tion-----il~* December 2010 A-187 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00043

Appendix A

~:.(:cept:lbHity i~f1ivalcr ~.-.:fHH.ha\:v~t CCH3.Slst-cncy "\¥ith Sta1e \vntet qu.ality ~tf:~u~i!.rds:o and Cl>H:ii$trnoy >Ytlh State coa:>~al ~on~ manug~nwnt p1rms*****<)t th<: !Hlr'Ji<.:*>'-' (.>fthc <W.-'11.<!!'3, sur..J~ f~s wl!(*th_er corrdn1Jed op~r~ti cwj m..:(ke;~ ~~::nno:rxdc s~n:;;;.~. '~

The aho:.:;.:: $~a~crncnt .nx:t~ds h~ h¢ con<:c-ted tz:- J'-~n~~c3. ~ht~ f(:H--:r-r.'-~in.g: P~;~:ii~J;~.r:t to the tt:de;*~l; ~:on~:d:>tency pfo~:3s~t.~n:..; r.~fiht"£1] Zon~ :\1.~o~:g-:.:*rr:1:-:.'.t i\.;c: : 16lTS:(: § 1456\.

lCch:nd t~t..;cn:-;.~ {)r pi:.~rnljt :~.C(i*vH~.c::s that hav..:; re~.:~snJ"!abJy ft~n~.~;r!:i;~;lbie .::;u,~~~t~d (:ffect;>; (~~t:

N{)i\.'\ mgt:latiNl$, l5 C. F. I*C 930.ll Ui!)) m< lh<: env[miunom ;md llSC~ .. nwo:( ~K fully c:.on.s1:i~Cn! v~:Jtb tbc ~enf(Hc{;.;~ble pc}lk:tt:"s 'J.f:~:.nJt' t~~*--;~str:J H1a~H.tgcusen:.. :prog.r:;;.rns. An appiicant for f<>d~n>.l ,~tahorization in r.b~.. c,~:o:>lal ;;na mnst Citibmit cedfic:uio!l that ib;:

]JT<>pn:;,ld ac1*iv\ly is COl~sistcnt wirh all :>ppl i*:abk St"k UJ3Sta! r,.)liGi,~;;, T!ic dcsigm,t*J*;j

.'}1:~l{) J.g~nt-y. in this C<t:~t\ tht-: Sei.:r:;tilry ofSt:1::e~ ;.nnst lnak(:::: do:.~c~sk,n *dthcr t:C)ncutring

\vlth ~;r ohjct:t~ng to t..Bl a.ppi.~canCs C\rn .">.;&tcn~y .:.~e~~tifi.;.:atleD b-e_t;-;x(; "NRC re:::ls~*~H::) an operating pc,rmit. The fed<,t:l.l <:<,llsistcJW}' prz,vision!: precinct*:: fnkral agencies from

~:u~bori* any activity if ;.ht' l)epartinent$ tht~ ;;1,(.::t.1*,.*lly 1:~ .nnt ;:.:on~i~~cnt \~;;it:.(

r.he cH~~;;tal pol i;..-:it>:) cf St:Jte (~!YIP~ ~n;.(:rt~:r~)re_¥ the ~'~uc.lcar R.tguia~(~ry Conun1:;~.;3on (NRC) (~trnr.wt !mme a r<Onew.:d op<~rsting hGcn>t ;mk~s <ind u;Jtil ~ht lkpartmcnt (;Onc:;.r~

Wttb Entcrgy'~ t:nwiistt:ncy n:rtitit<:1iDn, fbi<: rc1qui::cm:<mt "'h0nhl b*~ made d,:o:r to the:

appU..c::tni :.:~ud t{; ::he pnhht.:.

4-a-LR cohtd.

Th~ ~Hiv~r;;t..: ~rup~;.,~t::. \rfthe nnci.->~htOIJ~:h -..~ooling sysi:t:~n H) ln.d3;~n Poini dtu; !.d irnpinge;n(*tH.; .t~ntra.!:n.nH.:~nt; and th;::rnl(~l di3::-J:;n*ge h.a\-*c aJyl:r~c~ efff:.,.~r~ rh.r,)ugh\n.~t rrn~ch ofibJ Hudson River c:::w<>l)'- 1'11<: Dep<!r!Jw;;nt ~'J}>pt)fb tlw Ikp:ldmenr <)f t:rn*iroarnen!:d

(~oJ1SC£V"CHion~*~ (l.ll>C) p(;~~it3on :regarding the n~.r.:*d to rt:tbJ~*.;~ tht~~,~ ~td.\l~.Js ..: hr;pae:ts.,

J\.Hhot:gh tht~. ;1~:takc and f!'Ut.~!~ke stit3ctnr.;.;:;; at ln.i..h~a~ .P~JinE :~re nr>t v..ri.tb.h::. a Sfg.nifi<~*~L:i.t Com~tal Fish ;:nd \V!J:dl.ife H&hit*lt (SCF\VHJ, the high h:vc!~ *.Jf :~npir,g<.:m<'nl and (oBtraimm~nt that ti;~:e pl;a:c: then: ;:ff~:ct im.p<J.r!anl :::qn,:ti<: re~,on;ct::; ilfth<:: !*hl(bon Rivu

~~;to;ary and ,_,fth<.: ""arhy SCI;\VH's. i\s st>lti:d m' p~*ee 2-1 )7, iinc.~ Y~ (;ftlk- SF iS . l!Jchm Point i~ hxo~<ted fod_i;lC<'nt to ;h~ Havt:r<;trav,' B3y SCI*'\VH. TiH.: namtlivc fM this !wtd;u statl5s: "lhverst:r<sw Bay i~ a tor'tJ.kal habH<Ji i<>r most e:;tm<rir:c **kp¢nd¢nt fl~h<:J:J<;'S originating_ from tht: Hudson Rivet. Thi~ an:.;~ co11tributc:; dir~;:tly t<.> tht: p:*odnctiotl ol' in ..

ri . . **er a.nd (H.~eH.n p<)pu!ati{)n;-; nf food~*~ a.nd {~)Tllg:*t fi;;.h s;-H*::..*:i.zs. f~ons£-:qut'l~t:ly~

conr:.ncrcial Bad r!Ct~~~tionr~] f~~heti.t~.s ~hrongho~n th.~~ 1"-Jorth (\;lant;c dr.:.::p~nd iJ:J1) or b~ntd~t fn::.m.~ lht.:se bin1ogJcaJ 1np~tts ff<)El the- H:ud'io11 Rh. i!t ~stuac)*-~-: Th"~rr;fOrc~. .rl::.l.y irHp~o.:*1s *~c1

!h:::~se imptntilnt fishc:ries Sp<c;, ">ll(;ukl <lt'fcct nearby h;,trita1s ::mil pnlicy 7 or the S1al8 CMI-'. StH.:h imp:ets w(n:hl ;Jl;w ati<.:ct polict(:s L} ;H<<l lil witl; n:~;pcctl<:> fi,;beric;;, :md policies 21 and 22 ;L~ they n:lnt~ to n:z:reat.iond uses (')' lhf::* Ri v~~r. A ;*;;m:w<Od licc:ns" shm1ld pnwide f,H <l !lK;:n:; k> red nee li!l'o~ impa.cts usb:g the mc>sE. currcm and h.:o:~t

.~v.u.i~ab~t:.": tt>chr.Jo;ogy.
3. Im pacl*s un Vhual lkHmJ*<:es and St.l!<' Uesigmlto;<l Sce11k An'.as 1;f State Signifkauce (SA..SS) must b~ fudba i.nvc~tig.ated.

DEC hw-; tdentificd do.SGd-cyd~ <,'<> ::ts the h;:si t<echnol,)gy ::v:<il:>hk for mininnzin;~ 4-b-AL/LR

,,J.v,;:rs<: impac:is 1\} resomc~" uf the Hnd~on RiveT ir<.>m thii' roo ling wat~e- intake. Tn c*rdc.t ff>r the lkpartmeat ;:r, determJn,; ttlc con~i:<lc:ncy of ?his :~licmann:, th>: do-;ed-tydc 1

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-188 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00044

Appendix A optinn \\-~iu ne~:d ~o bt~ addtessed in nHl~h gt*.::.:-~ter ch::-taij~ ~nc1udtng .a.rnore d~~a.dcd anaiysls {)fvist:~d ju3.p<H:t:) of the proposed t'A)Oiin~; tov,*ers.

)\.t \.\'11:) ou!lincd ln thJt 2{HY7 s,~*op*iug Lent"~r~ {h:.::: Stafc* C~lP ptovid{~$ f()f pt{)t(Ction IXf tmi q*~(;' v~swal f e~.<f< s.

in the* ~* n;l:li:al E'g ion lhrnugh tile dt::i gmlt t(>!; <)f' *,~ni(' An~a !) f Sttllnvid,~ C{ig:.>.ificaHCC (SASS}. indian Point i~; out;;iJ.:: olf, bm: adi~n>3nt 1(1, the ::*:naJwrn 4-b-AL/LR par! of ,h:;; Hnd;:r.m!a.nih S.i\.SS. Given tlwt do,:.zd.l*:lOp ,;,);;ling h:ls b"'~'~- iuerF.ifinl contd.

by DEC rls th<o h~:~t i:ed-J.:\,*,bgy avJiJ~,hle . 1he ~mrs did m;t ~<.kquatdy B-lh:3yz<l the::

pot~nti2l vistm: impacts ufi-'<loliDg t<::wers in !he contf.:Xt M lhe SASS docnmeil1:<Ewn (!r

>;ritbin the c:ont.<,Xt ()fth,*ir imp;i.C\ Gn ~l!H(>lmdiag c<,mHH1llitics t<nd th<' g<:newl .,,i,;Bil.l dmractcr ;:,f; h,o River. Thi~ \Vi.1l tlt'<:d tc b~ a<klre;,sc.d ir, i:hil SF!S in nnlet .fm:*rhe l)tpa:ttrnco~ 1l'~ ~1.S${':$$ cnn:..:.isu~ncy '\l'i.ttb th~ SirHe c*?vfP.

4. Spent* fud S!<Jragc, tli~p*JS:l! :u1d grotmdw:~!.:r* ~<lni.;uniriati<nl mnst conf<lrm to
!l!:ltc :;tandanls Bec:,u::;" ,_,flndian Pt>infs pr<>:< l*:l the }-lud:l<)t1 Ri<.:<.cl', ~m1 !(l :.hio mm;y r<,>fm::e<~:l <)t' th<l Sti!t~'s coa:;1*at ;;n;a, ::dl a~ pee\~ c>f lmlta;; Point'~ opeunimt!c: potential to affc::c*t coastal l:~c;$ ~~nd rt~so~~r<:~;:~. 'T1-H~ ;::ton~ge and dispc-saJ c)f sp-e.nt fu.t'i is n-.;. (;.x.J,::f:pt~,;)r:~ 4-c-LR/SF

.~:.:~p~:citlHy 1.~*ith feck:nd dis.:x~s.:d f~pti(H~S ree~.::J:tly cl.~snin~H~2d. ~h~.n~by 1n::.:rcasing p\}t<.:.~nti~d Jo:r tong-t,~rrH t}:T..;iti? St'-)n1ge a.t nu(J~<tr t:~cU;de$. ThJ:':. Dcpanr::tt:nt n::'i.fuirc~ dgnn)u"S: drtt:~

and :"~J~;{dy~i~. ;;.k:rnt~i~~a rating t.JuH th...:: <ZtHB~Jkt:t~v-~ aDd contina~.:~d st-~.;~r::ge ~~r:d dispo;;.~~1 nf sp¢l~t ft.H:.:h: -...1...-iH no~ .::ld.vcfS*dy ;!np;te~ coas~nl :J:sf::~. :.Jser:;~ a~~~J r~~.JU!'f;t:~~ p~~r:;_{';t3.l.~tdy ~;lven recently disa>v<'lri\d ir:~b c1fr;ldioaciive :wd Nll:;;r tc>>:i'.~ nuuai~il on tb~ lndi:l.n PoirE Pmp<i':.-ly.

The Smte C\\-11" nol. :;*:oc.b l<) pmt:::tt tl;,; inlp>;rtm)t ,,,nviwmJHo<Jt:JI rcsnurees <:>i th<l c.o;~_stal nr~:.?t~ but a~~{) to fH*,:s'G:r'~:<:.~ nnd jrapn.J-:.:~

. HH.' recr'3a~k"'~ntd~ *:~~~ltura;~ ~~nd t(.'JJnL~:t~-~~ ...':

fac1o;*s th ..~t t~~JrnbiB(:* to cn~Ztte th~"': ch.;~.r:~*ch::r ;:lnd appeal of'"-'<*~~~:rfront Gti*rnn:trnll~r.:::s ~jh:ng the Hudr,on. S<:diM12 2 ,~ntitkJ Ptam Intcn1ciio!l ,.,*ith thl En.vironm~nt ,;nd Section 4-.4 enMkd S0ciocctJnomk- Impat~t.~ ofPhm1 Operi!l:icu during the Lic~n~c Rc,ncwaJ Term provide <> it eut.S<)t)' review nf!hr:: 'f;:r;mt and jNt<:'>Jtial future:. h;:_pu,ts oflndlan }'{,[nt on H:e w:,tcdro.nt <::ommnni!ie~ in th<~ rq~ion. Been use tbe SUS wil! pt<~Vi(k ;>. subsv:mth:l amount ~;firlfommlion UJ:><m which th<: Dc:partm<:n! will 1ely when C<Jn<.ht,Ain.g nut 4-d-CI/LR/SO t-DJlsistc.ncy rc-..*ie,....v~ it wJdrr;..~:~s the ~rnpacl:~ on ti"\.*:;.~rfr{}nt ,;.Qn:nluuid-cs ~1r1d 1JSG£s.

rhe SEJ:S .slwdd provid*:~ dt;i:'lil ed muiyscs supporl~d by (k:l.:l nnJoW the pt<)jl<)SCd rdicen~ing \YG!lld impact cKi<>tin:~ and f\llUre coa;;t;l.l bnd and wmcr US(;;f;. This should in;,:_hl.d-c ~:v,;;:Jysi-:;:. o~..*,ftl.l.t~ t:urunhL11v~ ::::h::~ng~~s ~hat h<~vc (H.>~":nrred ~t.1. the rt-:gjt.YEJ ov-0:* th.~ ~j fC

<)f.~:il! .jx{:~hng re~~c:.t.ot*:s ~~t ;.h~ gite~ \z..*t~ett;.::.~rc~uBcd :Jy t5.1:~ ~>;~~*.ai.t~g s~ructur-t"!~; and w:.:~n.*itlc.~~

m net,<>~ ~;vdl Mi po>en!ir!l future imp<lc:i.s Clfthc prc>i~<)::>Gd n:!incl!Sing and any ;::;2oci-:ted r!r2\\:'" ct).ostru.c:.t1o::t. These an-aly~y.::s sh~;-;;nld ilh.~h.:dc f.Hlb~~1G- ;~_cc:.::~.~; iJnp;3tts~ u8e t:~~nni,-:ts~

and devdqlm*~~n; !rend$.

1 December 2010 A-189 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00045

Appendix A Dq>r;rtmwt :rc tintlb0 >~.fety plnn'> .3.!1d n1C13.Sut<:s ta~"'n wit: be addns:>cd in

Ot:p<:rSl<: donwner:t:>. H(!W<orcr ~1h:h phul:: [n!1Ll*erK<' bdi vidu;,j pwt:c:p!icms or ([tse!lity l'f Jij~:. Thcr.c:f;m:, NRC's 2,t;i.llycis or C(!nJ!IllH>iiy i mp8.CU ;,h<)H)d t:~k¢ :mch Bafdy pbiiS c1!1d

!heir pr.:~t~tlti~ll cfkctg on conun,;r:ity r<:Wlltec:s inlo C(>Bsickralmn.

} 4-d-CI/LR/SO contd.

Ja :~Brnnl$:~) r.h~ D<.~p<HBl"~'=n~

2:-Ed subrn~ts th(; C*Onsi~~let;;cy

'vV{>u1d ~ik<~ t~') 111 ;3.kt~ .;,:~lear ~hst ~;}*v:n th~~


'tpp; :.(';.~:H~ fHY;p~tres

'tnd n-:::ccs*s~~ry dat~t ;3n.d 3l1f~-~rnHHiiH~ f*;) t\~*bicb th"' SEJS is pun) Ehose n~merbl!s v,.-il! m:ed w add res,; ~Hcc-b ;)u al! appl ic:.;.bk cor~$ta!

po!::.dcs, m;!jt:~l tht>:-it' J:>sucs id;;.:ntifL~d hy NRC in this i.lwh ofth; SEJS.

} 4-e-LR OHJ.c~ o:f(,x:~t:;,\, L<:><:,:i dclv~:im~<:;;t and c.,:nmur.iry Sustain;!biliry 1

2 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-190 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00046

Appendix A 1 REV. DR. ANTHONY: Good afternoon, my name is Reverend 2 Dr. Cheryl Anthony and I am the pastor and CEO of Jude 3 International Christian Center. Jude International Christian 4 Center is a multi-faceted inner-city ministry that serves as an 5 intermediary to government agencies, the private sector, 6 churches, mosques, temples and synagogues. I have served as a 7 faith-based liaison and advisor to Presidents Bush and Clinton 8 helping them to implement programs within our local community.

9 I'm here today representing my congregation as well as the 10 African-American clergy and elected officials, the Brooklyn 11 Council of Churches and Woman of Faith advocating change. We 12 are here in support of the Indian Point Energy Center.

13 Over the past years, we have seen the air quality ln 14 Brooklyn get worse and worse as more people move into our 15 neighborhood and fill our streets with cars and diesel trucks 5-a-AQ/SR 16 that pollute the air that we breathe. In fact, the air-quality 17 throughout New York City is dangerously below federal standards.

18 I support the re-licensing of Indian point because I know that 19 nuclear power is a safe way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 20 and pollution ln our community and keep Brooklyn safe for future 21 generations. The dangers of rising greenhouse gases and 22 pollution are visible even today, particularly in Brooklyn's low 23 income families.

24 December 2010 A-191 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 0004 7

Appendix A 1 Our children, exposed to dangerously poor air quality 2 are developing, and it's been said previously, but I need to 3 reiterate, are developing asthma at a rate that is four times a 4 national average. Many of Brooklyn's families cannot afford to 5 pay for the metal care and medicines that children need, leading 6 to hospitalization and missed school days for low income 5-b -AQ/SR 7 children. Yet, because of this disease, poor air quality can be 8 prevented through smart policy decisions and a dedication clean 9 air technology. Re-licensing the Indian Point Energy Center is 10 a critical step in improving air quality in our communities and 11 lowering the number of those that suffer from asthma. Religious 12 leaders throughout Brooklyn see Indian Point as a clean, safe 13 and affordable option for New York City's energy supply.

14 By re-licensing Indian Point, New York has the 15 opportunity to invest in a future that reduces greenhouse gases 16 and is safer for our children. Thank you for giving me this 5-c-AQ/SR 17 opportunity to speak today. I hope that through my testimony 18 and that of other supporters, you will see how keeping Indian 19 Point open is the right move for New York. Thank you.

20 21 22 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-192 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00048

Appendix A 1

2 IPRenew:a!CEmails 3 From: Hr#b A~g~:~t3r [r*:{?.-rb:P~*~~~op!*on~:f;r;..nd':t~

S<mt:  :~!~.s;da,~. r~.i~~~*:.::h :o. 2U~Jf~ ?--:;t; r-ry1 ro: :n~~anPt-tr~tt:s i=.:~::.G*:_:.rc~

St~bjec!: ~r*~::;jk~t": P:;,!-r~t f::~*,~*:::')nrr:-G(*:~t~~ ~:":*~;::-:":::Cr ::Jl:t"l1:s S-!=~r;.miSS:or*: 0~ Cc:cmf1lt:*:"1ts ~.;:1 NK.C

/'.., ~~..;~;* *H~ _:.:-2.1r*; .::.1"' h*l

  • m*~W/ ~~fX:t'::fin!;_ fni:~~:'"e':- i!-~ tb.~ f)l::-:.:1~: f;W!d. \\~~It 1!1*;: :\~C:! \\'tHn~n~;: ..\ b:.:n -~y*'!ot~-:~f: *:!.Ut$idc 1:~c J~t3.:':.~.. 6-a-EP/OR Cl.OSI': l"'!JI:\.N POl;-.;T::

T11J.~ fJP'<~t'f1J.UiOHiU'J' .t-'riiU))~>J..:- .\*ay~ that h.t..:*k ~~1 ~).-'tUfiii("J.*\ ].;'[~**:*n r;.cientijir: {f11(lt~:eluu'do.{{h:*-ttf A*npa~h:rl,!;r..~~ .slHdl Ufif pPc.~vc'nt (tf;*:cth~e prudent dttd prf;p~JrlhN?.a! :u:rions /l) prev.r/Ut _lntzard:~~J.

December 2010 A-193 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00049

Appendix A 1

2 3 IPRenewaiCEmails fwm:""::.:-~!;:.:m,t:: G~*f:q St:::l ~b8~~q(~y;I3:,;.s~rn0!y,~:~:=s~e.:~y :_~~:]

s~nt: ~~~~G.~~:~-~~-~l=r~~v 2~'- 2u.c.:~~ 4*:(s rM To:

Ce: i-r.-d~~;r:P.J::nn::*::::; F~~;!~C:l:rc.;:-~:. G::_:r~~-;;@~.:Rf~~~-,~~:-::~r)~;;e- o:*g c~*~n?_i.~:);:;!;-e~ !~ t-.r:~z~::~.i: :;i;::~:;i:n *r


PfC. R1:1r:(;:w::~: ,.*\p;-:.:i~.::-1~:-c-r.

~1/]L :Srti1"~Hel J. CD~li;l&

R::-~:on;;l f'*.di'i'<"~'i"iltor U ~3. NuGit~<v f~*$t1u!.:::to~y CQr~:nl:~>f>~~--'H, F:.;-~~-:cr:  :

..; 75- /:..:1~:1 i<dt.l~~ ~{;.J;.~d Ki:~9 c~f Prt:~\~:~<~. PA 1~~406--~-~ ~ti

..-~::;- ~ n-~.._~~*nber .J~ H1* Nt:;-w Y\a:k ~)t;;;t.;~ /'~S(::rr:bly s;*r:(~' ~~ pt*(:ud f~?~;Htf..~l~1 c{ !h:-) 1-3:*;d~3r.-:n \/;;~~;!*:y. l ~'3fn I/:J{itir::~3 ~l1' *.:,ff~::r" H1~~ .st-r;-~~:-~; :~u~;p*ori fo: i:(d~~n Foir.:. E:K~-:'9~/ C-en~s*r-~=. tY.)EC.! :it:;;.:*:r~:,;l't: t"{ app!~c0-Uo:-~,

~~,t::3!ny Of rny *'..~1.!11:):..\tU.::~:*:~:=:~ *-** rr:~s:.;-J.;-;'i~tS Hn.:"! !JU~:>~n*e:3~3 .:-..:wn.;~{$ 2l~:ke* -* hf;V*~_:. f;G:r.r;.r~rn~ ::*:but::l ~h0 n{_:~~d ~<) } 7-a-SE/SL a~J~.J.J<:}SS ()l~; mh.~~*sw ~.:h;>H~~:-Ifji~S *r t:f'~)** ~~~cog~1::Z.<~ ~ht: :rm::l~)n<J-rf\_'t::* 1.."?1 Keeplnq fr>rJ:::-::n P-;;in~ o:t::r.e <<nct nH~t b.:::~li(~...,.-~

r~i~\:;rgy :~. r: ')*:>:xJ ~c-=-~~~..::::.;;:~c;~ :i;:~:.::-er. son::r.:hi:~9 y;.:u ";\.*.:..:ut{~ (j()t kno-:;' fr*~n"} :tS~:;:~n;:,:;'l ~*-c. i:'K~wn P'oint's \j~)G~I 1.*'


r-~~Y~1V YorK ~it~*d-i: -~F~\.) {)~_H" ::;;:;:::ion~!:; .t: ;,v!:C}lf: <iJ:'0 ~:~ tht:-. mld$~ 0~ a ::or~tJ*ot':V..;::rdur.* conv~r:~-~~~;(~n ri:"':'~}l:t'df(l*~ en~r*;])"

lnfJt-:p~n-t~f~nc~ an.d f:l-)\,':rCJ.iHl;en1<:1t &:J~ftZlinBt:nH:1, T~.:t ~~c:f~it:::\-~"t: ~...:-~~:tt~ :.if1he":-:s-t, m--~~;or1.c~r:: *3:1(iS: o:..~r

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?"e.g:o:-:o f~;l..r:.~t

} 7-b-AL 8

g~.~~;~;~~ ;;*~~~::~:~ :i;~ ~ i~~~l*:~~:~~~~:(~-~~~*~:.r~::~;:~ ~if~;~(:~~~t~~~~~;~;~~~;t~:~~;:~:1 ;1;:;1~-~~;:t~::~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~: ~r~~~!r.;~~:i:~ ~~?;_~~~:~~~~~:~ ;~ ~~;:~ .*~;.:~;:~

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Appendix A 1

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December 2010 A-195 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00051

Appendix A 1

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-196 December 2010

Appendix A 1

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December 2010 A-197 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00053

Appendix A 1


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p(:-p~Jbr *::pl.:~t fh!*sJn::* indH*:.r:-;* . :d:-~lft- HwJso:} Ri'~-'~r l:: ~h (:onsid(:r;:rtk~~~ ~~fth~ ~H:lp:K:t:, r~.t th:: No .-'\::;;*~mf /\ h<~rn::tf*..:i.:: *. th::.~ LlS ".k<~:W1i*;~IP, 1~1d='- to } 9-f-AL iii.d,Jn.~~~. tJH; ~;J:;:t ;.h~~r ::~('~<td~ot*L has in~p;i-...'it (:ftf:cb. nK; *;.zk~!..~:ji)n ()! [ht~:. ah.::~:11t1ti*d.:' ~k:..:::=-t NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-198 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00054

Appendix A 1

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December 2010 A-199 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00055

Appendix A 1

2 pt*i~(::u*:.or~ ~*;.: e\*cn **~*i1.h b\,.;.: ~..:'\.:l.::l;. o::*voc ~n:i*~;;!c.~;);;, . . .-~:-*..:..Y::"J::t: r;_.)t:*,-.::~:r:i)~*n ~::::_;)_:U ho:.~

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lmli,;;; l'<>i!l! r.h\fl.

Tfx: ~RC ,_'i.m:.:iud . .,d 1h-:~~ :h.:.:. Hllpa.::t ~o ~~q:.:;1"dt t":{~d:*Jgy *~v.o~.):d h~~ S\i.*\Lt 1:-i):*:)

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9-h-AE/All AQ

~ t b )..:rud~lUy 1t1;p;."tri~~:'l~ :;_q ~.:0:1-:;ider thr: h~~~~H~ ~n1p3(~ .:>f ~*ptn~:.~n~~ l~l;."!';:{'!- ~~rcrt pktrH contd.

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r~si:;;,~~* ?u chn:-*r::C ir: c:.:-.l:*l.::f'f~~~* *.:.:~:s.~**, ~1 (~(~i 1.:.~:.~;,;, ~-<': bt;jJ dh~:.~sG.

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ccmtl:~,~m::1i;t. H~.- :-::~:::J!.H::: :_h;;.' du*:-1.:. p(~C*Pk~ ~sp*:.>.:~~;J::y (:*~ildr*::n .. c.:~n :~t~nt*:* frc>:~*: :::it~*:*.::!*

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"fhinJ *J;:k~..:.' ..,;.;J;).; ~ . ; t:~"tn:.;rx*rh:.d ~(; t.h:.:~ ;x:.~.:.*.:;t" ~~(h!";t n-;,~;n H:{~ mHH:*_ h1H"H~i!~: ~)..'l~i 1-'f(iHt.:'~.

~-c~v.-~L1! !'lc::!~h pn~bkms l*.) the (-.)mn*wrd:.l.:~*:: . w~:ich ~~\*;;;~*:~:::::**tho::' ~-**.'*\\*,::;- pl~1t':l. hy Jrnpaiftr:g ~fH: ~~~r ..p.t~~ti:y. '!hr..: :(!J(!ad <-.:~1 '-:*:~n* dc.::pc.~n{1:ng (_~n Ha: 1-.)-..*:B.i-.~n ih~H ~h-~:* :*)*_n}~<:t pk~n~ i'> bHilt f~)r 'ln~; th:.:: ck~::.;:.-; :h~ f.'U\Vi;~- J.'lh-::nt1;* b~~t!~ ;-:) th::: C~):1'l.fH[Jif::_t"~s-. ~h<:.'

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d~~x:~:~t . :~r.:::Ht ,1H.t.d~~ :~.r~d prt::HEH:Jrc dcnth.

\Xi: k~~ th~:: ~he n:nw**~d g::~. ~;*~';,.:t3*~m ~.v~~~: C:'HPJ-~r(:h{~n:-.h.. ::.* ::1n(i 1vc~; ()i': th::: . . ~*lx.d-.;:

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-..:.,*.:.)'tdd l~k...~ t,.,-~ (!-(:.rrune~~t c~n s.cvcr:::l }K!1t~v*: iha! \J:..i.:.' 1{-::~:l ~f  ;,ddn;:;:-.::.-d, lVHl1;::1h[~:;cc: ~h~:

nrgum:;:1~ f*:)r 1WHH*n! ~es a~. ~1n (~p!*io:)n (<.."! r-:;.pLK~ nt~*.:k<~r p._:~\}~*,.;.c:**. 9-i-AL/ED t::*~l:l;~.nG(:~r:en: of ~he ~n~f.;,).:Jl:c..~tfon ~. . <:.. .*~i(,n

\\.'<..~ t~~*cl dwr. th...~ ~t~1!"Pdu;.* (f~uld be;~ lhd~ ~:r;;1rc :n~Pn:-:~c1i'l:"*:: by prr:"l>*:t~lng in:ft:ltm:~dc~~;

~1b<)Ul g:~~~ :1uppli1::~~ in th.;~ tin~~cd St~~!i:::-. ~~nd ::-~ pi~ni~~~il~1f >.r~v.* *~, )*t*k Swt~* .-:~:-d du:* \'i;:d_,i~lty uf:~dd'in.~ ~\ i":~\~Unl:! g::::-; p:nnt ~*::no th~~ ::K~~~\*;,)t~;.; gdd . ,*\.Jd\b)t~*::H~:.:. h :~. :::n;:hg_U.db \\*ht-d1::::r NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-200 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00056

Appendix A 1


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December 2010 A-201 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00057

Appendix A 1

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-202 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00058

Appendix A 1

2 3

l'.mii' FL Fi,6>c~:

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.~\nrP:: t h H11~

December 2010 A-203 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00059

Appendix A 1 MS. BARTHELME: Hi, I'm Margaret Barthelme. I am the 2 last student from Ramapo College's Environmental Assessment 3 class. I just want to go over three points in regard to the 4 DSEIS. I believe that certain things are lacking from it. I 10-a-PA 5 believe that the spent nuclear storage is not adequately 6 examined, specifically in a site-specific examination of the 7 imminent danger of the proximity of the Ramapo faults.

8 Including the unmentioned use of the resources of Unit 1, which 9 never had an impact statement.

10 Secondly, to be in compliance, Indian Point must 11 install a cooling tower. This is an unlikely future action and 12 the impacts of the impending tower need to be addressed in a 10-b-AL 13 more in-depth analysis including visual impacts and others, 14 instead of just a cursory evaluation. So these are two issues I 15 believe are not addressed in the DSEIS. Without them, it's not 16 an accurate environmental assessment.

17 A third side note, we've been talking a lot of the 18 greenhouse gas emissions. But they're based on a 19-year-old 19 study by Mortimer who found savings in greenhouse gas emissions, 20 but it was based on a more pure ore. So, if we could have an 10-c-GL 21 updated look at that we might have a more accurate point of the 22 amount of greenhouse gases we're having. So, to be short, thank 23 you for your time. Thank you to the NRC for allowing me to 24 speak.

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-204 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00060

Appendix A 1

IPRenli!wa!CEmai!s 2

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Thi:s b- r~*~'lt '-:!.ti~;!1_J,I)(;~k:ly :;t~irtr-r~~>S<~d ::*:: ~ht~ DSE.IS ;?.:":(~ :f'j.~~.HJ:~5:t5 r:>:}:>:-":<..1 t-t.) (;1~ dr;ne by C: mi~d p~fi.Y _;_~":.,:.. :_(t ~he S~!;:~~n~i{': 10-d-PA dtHfJt-t::Hy of a~: fa::-.i~ltl~::5 (~sp-ec::,.:::v H1e t.(ff(~~rpr( p~p~ng} ~t ~r.d~;;l:~ f\::~n~

H;~;h":::~i<";iSl!y. ;n .:;::; ~~nit.~f7 by ~...~.?.t:.:rh, (~~k::-s stated.*--~ f-c*t1="<d ~ !:U*t D~ ti..HJ~ts. sp~ay~ 1:!':~~! oif?..t~oo~ tn~:n the H~l":'Wpt~

that go ~3 t\.:t HJ t":'lif¢$ a't~:..:"".j fn;n~ H~t-: fault. ~ h&ve :l:)oke:-~1 .Bt ~be- :<:'-=m~~po ~\~~1:t ln o~~IGf p:::lG&s t~~~- ! h8-..'{3 S<..~{:m sp~ays. 5 to *: 0 n:He~ t~P lnto th-e} H~~dsor~ Hi*;lhlt?.r.ds. And J'~)U ::..;~~~~ ::5(;>r;, ~hem :l*~ht &t*C0Q ~~~G- ro~~ds:de:::~ 0~1 287.* 1 :-5 h.;~~~n a :nt of <la:'r'!*~g*:~ k: thr>se r~.1r~k.s. ;::;::Ki nb ...*~ol:~~-ly* it W3S pr~:.iju<;*~d by f~.wH ar;tfY'itieS1. ,~~l :-Jf H18*S':":'

~£K1~1s ~1;?.v-e -e-ar~hl..~l.~~~k~z pot;:~nt:r:l. P::1gt*:: (~~ ;:tL st:~~0s tb<~~ .. ~3i:':l::x~ :HC*2. H:~; :.,::S~tKJ:1~ ~~-!l::;:no;;r:3pb :le:-t-.,.-.:*o:-k; fn so:J:H~:t:a~;.:m*:-: New Yo::!\ ~-*:nd n-o:il1~'3:;l! N~-::*w J~1rs.ey has r~~'-'-"-'r*::ied f::;~;~ -s.;nr:lt ;::f:l'thQI.~~k0S ,_.~*iH1 ~p:cen~er~ .f-':l-o*~g

~he Hr.nY~C:fJO ~a:Jt. nr;o: the N0V*i Y.:,~:.*k--N*e'~.> .J8r:;:;ey* :--:.o:rd.s:( i.n <Kifift~c-~r:. Agg8h~d: s~;,i:~e~. **se:sr:1ir; .~div:ty tn 1!*5B rJfr;?Zt1.:::-r Nevv Yo=-k c:~y ~::-~;..1 ~~ *~~(_i1nC.::~~~tr;::;l~~d  ;:tkmH ~t-:l,r~?!-~3'1 n-C(tht:-SJ:H*ht:f1lJin~J i'..~l:l~~ .:.'lf\,~hk~h thr~ F-(0:map!) ~aun

3rs ~o b~ me {no~r~ oclk~~- Thn~~B  :~:.K":lea::, pcw..:r:r pta-:1ts ~~t lr~fHWl Pobt. N:N.: Y;,_)rk. nT~ sih.:~t0d tlose t~ u~~

R~!TH.~po f:.:-11)~~ r-*:oc :-.) P::h~ctor rjHe* in :;se for 40 y.;;:~~$, Hi~ prc-~>;.;~b:l:ty !:-~3*t tJ~r:~ s~te w-:H ~::J1::-;Gr:-8nC~* ~n l~n~~::"<r..;:tv e,q*:;.r;~! ;o ::~r ~n i!!xcBs;; <)f ~he* u~~siyn {s~~f~= :Si"w~.down) *f:Hrth-q:.<:~:~:t: is es.Hrnatt;*f*J ~-:.; bE: ab1_a_;~ 5 tn 11 pc-:1:-.:,:(:"!nt. **

T'h-t:::;(~ CltsHrms s~o~u th::~t Uit~;*e h:as ~;*~~n ,;,~r: ~".1-b~.A*;~f~r;; ~-v;:.~;;:n:~fn~otly ob-g!::~:f\*'Cd b~u~ ~~viH;. r_h,._~ 1-c:~::t iW<J 40 y~~r~

~t{~} ;
s sti;; f1(t1 Gd"E;:i.ll.!'a:~;;:dy ;~{~ti:F.W?f$*rJ December 2010 A-205 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00061

Appendix A 1

2 3

S{:i&~r:t('j~:{ ~:1 ~h~ VfC:ir.*iiV cf ~t1-~ ~h.srr..8p~1 f8H~t. Nf:'li . . Jer~;.;?V-N8W York F.*~\GE &t :3L BUL LF.:nN 0~: T~~E SEiS~'lOLO(;::C.CJ..t S(K~!f:**rv C;F .i\?*..~ERtC;:._-1HU8 . !};3: 6:31--68?

F:c::dt~qu:..::k~::;. t:';::ul1s. 3n:d Nuc:*~~r F:o~ve:* P~;~~1ts in Southe-::-r1 *~'-i:-;~h- YorK {_m.J N:Jrtf:." i~G:i('tM.R\*VA.t 3:~(~ SYKF.S SG::Gr:G0 2.3 i'.;,_prH HriS: 4:2~C-42;3 003: -:o-11 2~)l~C=t-~r~(x:.2U~_;,_43~{)A25 N/:.,;::H_ ~"'t ~~Oe.: ~..~at*ch :2~-). GN TH[

~v*. .p: .[.>:plorfn~J tf1~ F8~~:t ~:.;:!f:l'(;. u-..~*~ :"-.J(;:xt f3i{.{ On:f?. May Be 1/.;*:w~::n:~ ~h*;:\"",*' Ynr~: nj'n*S$_ ~:etr~e-V~1J. 1\*~~~!.:.::.h 5 .

2.00~~- fn)::n Ac."::>ci~n~ic. St*:.-vcr. Pre;*n:~t tl~~~~b~'tse.

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-206 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00062

Appendix A 1


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~JO\./I:":r December 2010 A-207 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38

Appendix A 1

IPRenewaiCEmails Fm~n*. r;Qtf3\J.~~:-:.**,v::.::.***:ff:;f-'a:i:n:i~IK n*t 2

Sent: TvesC:r:-o*. Ma:~:!-: ~G. *2'.(10:3 °::;::~0~~ ...-~~~~

To: tn::i!~nPe:fr;~f:~B ~-z~~s!)~j:**-:~:.: 3 St~bj"ct: l:l.:::!it~~~ P-<,'1-i~~~

ro 'N:1-0ff'* Hrn:ay r;..-;n:;0t'i'!:

H is an;o:.ziflg ton:~::* t!'H.~i lndi~r.~n P.nfrJ*t P~**~vef Pi80t ls {>pen.~tin.9 r:nd th<.:~ r*::~~t:l:.~r rAb:~n~ ht:\*t;: ~*~ fit1ht aHa:::1st. ~~

!t Rt:-:~:f!"~~; !1~Z: *&tH!1GH1i~l~1 O:Jt f_~f ;). .'.::On~p!Hl*:;:V ~~H:~z:ty* !"HG<.Jit-~ .;)r ~d0:":(;e nctk"m f;..-;~~~

~~is t:n:n:;::gin;2~bk, rhat ;-hts :pi::~~-!~=~ i(l t:x~av's :-dgh:y r*ag1.da~~d wc-~;d ,. -in \.)L:r co:.:r::~r:Y W:hf:te pt!*opl<::: etr~ ~;:;llf;d k:r d:.H~HJfng. ;..1f non~*toxi<: c-:)r.s1ruc:Hon f..:r~br:~ l-"':11' *l*!~~g~f *J~;!2. z1fw~tf:n,,**.:ly~. tJ) recr~:;{~on:;;:i bnBtsr-s~ H:~;:~t~ rnkt<)man~-rJ;..?,ti 8-ets c:kt~ the :f:(if1"r. : y~~ 8 h:_::g.f: _:r;:'3¥.f:1g nuck~~tr ol;-;~::*1~ ~'~~im p::::Qe-s anr-1 pf!~1{J5;; Gf 12-a-OR

-$er;{x~s viot0tkm$ c~....,nunuf;;:-;: to .jp~F~-~te dgh~ :..1f ~h:*w Y(:6.:: City*? :den'~ ur.d&E;t~nd.

! ()!,JPY'$8 d~<": H:G0.nse fO:::ri*:;!";W~~; ~~~i' lr:d:C}H Pt~lt":t nn<l $:"f} r:.;;rht~~tl~r!y tor:f:t:i"f3<8d ~f';f)lt=. ti1P. fo:I~J\Ning e::1'*lff(:nment;;:~


~T~1e ~-!e:::~i~lf~-r ot l~*lti*ions of fish, 899~ ane! 1-r~r~._,~<;: every yf;:'of 1~-=~~t t~-:;su:ts ~r:,::;.r:~ ~n..:.!i\:?.11- P.:::-~:~fs outH.:3t~C coolin~:

L,~<;a:,r:?-r mt.;::.k.f~ :~y~~te:n*1. v:;tlH_:J:. :.~:::.e'i


i:-iH*io:ns of Qttllons of t--!:Jdf;:nr: :-\iv*~}r ~-~0k~r f::*-.**~:HY {i;;;!y t.r., ~-~-~*3(; 1:-:-e ptar~t } 12-b-AE

~ lh~ ~iH~r:.G cf :;hotH1~~:;::~ ;;.~n-cl .C..~i;;t:1ti~:. st:Jf~F~~)n \;yt~(;n tfH3':{ .Br~-! tLapped r.iiq-Bins~ H~t; r.;~;fil!n~~ v.;*~i;t3r :~:take fS~X<:~r:~:1::;

~:;!11."~r~nr>s0 st:Jf~J*:?on a:-~:. :i~-t~;,d :;i.:~ ~;ln f::~~t3r'!9t~;p~d sp<~'-~~~s :;.H1f~t'?~ H-::e ti~fid!:*~~~ E:nd.nn*.J8r-0d Spedes ..;ct J- 12-c-AE


  • l:-;:e \..~.:.-..n~~nu:ns: lt";Z::~: <::f r~d~C*a{j!l.le ,...,,...::~i}~r fron: thE:*  ::ntH~-;.n Point2 sp:~nt fud P<><>~ in!o :;rv~ g:*(~*H::.d~1;.:'{81\~t' ~nd H~HJ~;;or~ Ri\l*~~f, :::*n~~ :~;:~-?. n;c~st-ti:s:.:;~.l ~'XJ.:'"!~}.\{j~:r::-=l60n ~.::.{;W~~~jd ~(*J' the*~ fJhF:n(::*S o-f 00~1t~m~i~{::tt.f!ft o~ot:*n-d*wa{~-~~ t:!":~=~! ~. . :.(~':.\,'[~/ 12-d-LE if:.f:cJ~ t~n::.c ~.:~r;;H11lum -:~o ar:ri t:t:*=~~-H11*: ~~-l irl~O ~~{::': Hr.:dsc-n f~j;;er.

~Tf1e :ong tf:rrn :;~<;ragt- I.)~ H~o~Js~~:H"*:{Js of to:r~::~ Gf ~~~9t~ty ~oxi-r; r~:..:<.:lez< 1:-.*~JHH:~ ot1 tht:- t;;;.nk.f~ of the.- H:.}~;t~on: HivBr L~*~:!re!:-rrtly t*uJ!~<,sf_:,-J ~n P:0~tt!J f;f..msidBr pz:or::y rn;l~ntained s.pen~ ~:..If; I pnol~ ar-d **a~y cask~:{ that n~-£ v~,.:lr.e:-~il(;f;? f:'-) i(~:-~~):'is.t attr,1c~

h.::-:t'.N rnucl~. m:.;: p.eoplf;, in ~.:*~::~ ;::;orriiniln~hr;:.*;; m ~ht*: N~-=W Ycrk mtHI(~ ~=:.rG:;i. ~'~pp.r:"~:.t*: U1i~~ pcn..-1~2~* pt:~r1~

J- 12-e-RW/ST Th~ 9r.::-~!":>s~co~s hr:pr;y to o:-g.::;niz..;_;~~rJ11$. ~***;h;ch h&*d0 b~:*. m'i :n :Bn 2tt011!p~ ~c cl;:.1~'$ ~nd:;;:1n Ptt!nt \f-..-::1 ;:~er1oi~l~:{ L"J{j pl~t ~~'1Bif ener~JY ~-rN\1;3rQ Si.lpp>::-,{iit~n ;.;;:-t~r:;;:1:t~ve en~rgy S*:.:un*}f~s. J- 12-f-AL La:ur::j B~~si. Ph D 0 f~~t.wk :St.

Cne!"Jr:ut f*(:dgB NY ~09'17 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-208 December 2010

Appendix A IPRenewaiGEmails 1 Fmm: f=Y=t~-= gH!':!l-s~ [b&:':!~Si~~:k:)r:~i.:~,.r:{3~ t~:o::tJ 2 Sent; \;\.rea:r:~:sdsy. ~y~.;j:rrJ~ , ~. :::tK.~9 --r* S%1 p~. . ~

To: li:di:3~1P6~mt:s l;:~;~*r,.;~_Hr:~

SUbj,d: Oppz;s;tjor:c t-1..-:- R-r~::c-en::=..:ng of ~n-::k~fl P*:::o:!rK C:*:=~F. f~.>_;:e;:~~*~\'=!~J. D(t':~:.:~f-.*f::;.;_ >3r:d E:d::~~.!~:.Q ~=>mnr.:h D:*.t:$)(;.:"1 {}f ,":riit:~st..f3~f'>-'~: .:::":.(:l"*l(:-r3~

i)ii;r;~;. -~;:f /\(Jr:*~in\~;;~:at!c*!=** ~~..-~a:l,;t.c:*p *r -~~r:t:r::

U ::;. N~~ct~ar R:-::g:~*t.:~~v--::.** c.~:*m=~~=-s::io:~, '::r'l~s-hi~gt::r:-:.. , L)C  :::u::::-:-~~*~Zi:}:):

  • l. :Din::-:::t ~~:vircnmei~:-~1 :mp.cK*.:t;:~- t~rx)n iJ*:<::-: ~~~3k*~= ~~~.-:r~~~t:J:f:::i:;; thz  !:rchS!~ ?o:n*t ~~*~t:it*(

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  ~- *r!'l.::~ r;;:!K::e:~;.~~=-,~~           of*   £.:1<~~~-u~ ~=J.:J>f:~     is :t:.&.:ng: p~J:*s~~*t':d p:irn;;;l'i1v :....l:rC:e< tJ-:~ ~~;jsp:c.~::. c:;f z. ~~:.j.;;::::-:1~:r:;;.: ~*:*:r~*..:riro::.n-:~~~:.ui k::-:.r,.,;::-l:\

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  \r"'. .~o-:-~n -~ ls .re::::lii;~ns.e-:.1 f.:..~i' :~ p::*r:G*d f'Jf .~:} i:*l~ti~:.i*;;:~.:~: t-:\,**:~rrtv yezls. * .1.*h;;::: nss:J~~:.nce. will t~*~.m:..~ ~Jf:- th:.""J.l :..~1i -:-x:ho.:_i?~ ~::;~h~:~*=

13-f-AM/GE/OM 1

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13-~-DE/EP December 2010 A-209 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00065

Appendix A 1 2 (,_ 1~: tf:*E: e*l~i:~ o::* 3 (...ti~k~* -81 ~;~;::-.: iPdfi::~ :P~.1:m :*;;:*rx:;~y 1!"~*:::'"~ :S r-:c ;:>.~~~S*it:!l!'t*;r 1:;:1f r-~~:r~~,:.~.~~*~lf:-~1 H 1::::~~y 2.n~J >::ffr).:-.::!:;1;: i:l*.*('~{:~~z.:.i<J:...-1 r.:~f U~..;?. :<:?.::1*d0t~-!' p{.1p:_;~[5f!.t:~~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      } g-DE/EP contd.
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   ~Bq;::r:_;t::r~~~ :s-t.x;:.c~:~:--_; ::*:-~=:t H::;:;~    S3fBl. ::~~s haz.:::r*~lnt~s 3n-C m('i~ *~w,virc-r.m2~;ta*l:y r:>.:Jtj:t::! thcv: >.::tY.~'f;::-l(jit:g :.nJ;; cp-Bt:B!iC!~I c*~ ~h:0
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Hn:>P.*,\,'(~:: .Ju;~G~i::-,n. N'r' *: 2 53:) NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-210 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00066

Appendix A African American Environmentalist Association Wrlt.ten Statement of Uerry Higby

                                                     \ike President Al'riwn   1\m~rk;m         Envir{>nm.:nlaLi$1 Ass(.H.;ialhm Nuclear Regulatory CommiSSion Meeting To Discuss The Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement For License Renewal For lhe Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reaclof Regulation Febnwry 12, 2009

9<){1.1 C'lillor I. ::wt:, Fl. WashingtMl. \**In 2H744 (30 I l 265*lll ll5 -"\"~<t:f!\.;X.'.~~;!.~l~;;l),s,!!i.~' 1 2 3 4 December 2010 A-211 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00067

Appendix A 1 2 3 ,_, Introduction My name 1s Derry Bigby and I am the Vice President of the African American Environmentalist Association (MEA}. MEA. fout1decl in 1985, is an organization dedicated to protecting the environment, enhancing human, animal and plant ecologies and promoting the efficient use of natural resources. MEA includes an African American point of view in environmental p<Jlicy decision, making and resolves environmerrtal raclsm and injusti<..e issues through the application of practical environmental solutions, The New York. Office was established in 2003. MEA supports the 20~year License Renewal for the Indian Point nuclear power plant located tn Buchanan, New York_ MEA expressed public support for nuclear power for the first bme in 2001 after a two-year inlemal process of studying and debating the i.ssue, MEA was the first environmental organization in the United States to support nuclear power. My comments today a{ldress the Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, Supplement 38. Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3. AAEA has members w-orldwide. New York. members of MEA live and 14-a-AQ/EJ/SR work - and breaihe lhe air in a Glean Air Act Nonattainment Area:. Of particular*~ import to AAEA is the promotkm of dean air in African American communlt!es. Because ouclear power is emission-free and has a demonstrated safety record, vvhereas fossiHuel power contributes to numerous health issues, MEA seeks to promote the safe use of nuclear power. AAEA specifically supports the lndia.n Point 2 and 3 fl!.!Ciear pov<~er facilities because these facilities provide signfficant electrical capacity to the Slate of New York wJth mimmal human, animal, air, water, and land impacts. My commen!:s will i:~ddress specific environmental justice, air pollution, and global '>'lflrmmg issues_ A.U:A-NY CmMII<>.ots lln GIJS NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-212 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00068

Appendix A 1 2 AAEA agrees with the preliminary recommendation of the NRC staff:

                                           ., _ that the Commissi!Jn determine tha! the adverse environmental imp;ar.:ts of license ref'!ewals lor lP2 and 1P3 are not so great that not preseNin9 the option of license renewals for                                                     14-a-AQ/EJ/SR energy planning decision makers would be unreasonable. This                                                        contd.

recomrnendaHon i$ pa~ed on (1 1 the aoaly$is <3nd findings in the GElS, {2) the ER sutimltted by Entergy. {3) canswttation with ather Federal, State, and local agencies. (4) the staffs own independent

                              . rev1ew, and (5). the staff's consideration of public comments received during the scoping process.*'\

Envlromriental Justice Environmental justice ls defl11ed by AAEA as tne fair treatment of all people regardless of race or income with resp-ec1 to environmental issuelL AAEA is deeply concerned with any policy of measure that impacts !.he air quality of the communities .where it is based, onha!affects the health of !ts members. Although AAEA 1a_ concerned ab<wt air quality in aU anea$, we are particularly concerned with promoting clean akin African American communities because, in many instances. those communities suffenfdispropartionate amount of total po llulion. 14-b-AQ/EJ/SR We agree with the NRC conclusion 111 the GElS on lhe environmental JUStice impacts if !P 2 and JP 3 afe mlicens:e<l for another twenly y~~;~. which states:

                             ****'Based on the finalysis Ori enviinnmental heallh a~d safely impacls gresented in this draft SEIS for other resource areas (contained in Chapter-s 2 and 4 of !Mis SE!S). there would be no dlsprCflortionate!y high a!id adverse impaci:s lo mmority and 1ow
                               .income populations form continued operation of !P2 and IP3 during the license renewal period.  2
  • We totaHy disagree with the environmental justice conclusion that, "t!1e overall environmental justice impacts bt constr~cl111g i3nd operating a. closed-
       ' U ..<..~ ;-ii{(: GElS f<Jr Liceii:>< fkrwwal <:>f Nudc~~r PklS. S<<j)f!Jeti'<<lll 3!l, i{C!'_iit<ling IV,' & .l. Dt<ift R~pi>t!

h}r (:om-rnc!>l, Maln ncr-<:*n, Ew-cuti~c Sumrnm*y, p. xvii.

      ., -GElS, 4.'1.6 f:nviwmnelolal Juslicc.!:! *li-l:'<-4-46.

December 2010 A-213 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00069

Appendix A 1 cycle coolin-g system at the !P2 and fP:3 site are likely to be SMALL'"3 The impacts would be devastating because we believe Entergy would shut the faci!i!y down before building cooling towers and that would lead lo sigmficantly more air pollution in minority comrnu~mes that are already inundated with a 14-b- AQ/EJ/SR contd. disptoportlonate amownt.of po11Gfk111' siles. We support the <>!temative proposal that would combihe. the ex1St1ng once-through cooling system with .modified intake retrofits t.hat WOUld be. equlvalenf to a :11ew closed-cycle cooling system. Requiring a closed-cycle cooling system ls essentially the No-Action Alternative (shut down). St~JIXihcal Coa!~f\re;d Generation. The GElS candudes that even a more efficient supercrltica! four--unit coal-fired


power plant could cause lARGE impads depending on the siie location_" 14-c-AL/AQ Although v1e approve _of supercritical boilers, they cannot rep!aC? the emission free rtatme of !P2 and 1P3. Emissions from these plants would's1ill have large negatives impacts. on already impacted cammumties In environmenta.l justice


Fossil-Fuel Power Ca\lses Serious.Adverse Heailh Effects In 1999, coal-flred power plants in the Umted States emitted Into the environment 1 fj million tons of sulfur dioxkle {"S01j, a crileria air poflutant that is correlated to asthma and impaired lung functions, 6.5mlllion tons of nitrogen 14-d-AL/EJ/GL oxides {"NO/) which. when combined with other pollvtants and sunlight forms ozone, another lung irritantHnked to asthma, and 1.9 bi!lion tons of carbon dioxide reo~;")., yet another contributor to increased ozone levels and global

        'fiE IS. Se;.:tirJJ1 ~.1.: .1 bwir~lllint*lt~ll>ap<lCIJi nf !IW Clo~~.-!-C~*d<> Ci"Jlir:r~ A!!~m:.tiv,;. fH\dnmm~*Wll hMic.:. p. g.. f(i.
        'GEiS. ~C~.l S'11p~.r(:r~dc:~t f>~Mi*F~rtd fjQ~~~~fitln:~~. Fnv~n-,l~Wtt.-:m~d h~~tth:.~ . :f.' 4~-44.

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-214 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00070

Appendix A 1 ~2 3 4 5 climate change.:> This equates to approximately 60%, of all S02 emiss:eons, 25% 6 of a!l NO" emissions. and 32% of all C0 2 emissions nationwide. 6 These and other airborne pollutants emitted .by fossil-fuel power stations rnay have a dnecl al')d significant effect on human health. In a study by Abt Associates. one of the largest for"prof1t govemment aod business researCh consulting firms in thewortd. it was fouM that o11er 30,000 deaths each year are attributable to air pollution from U.S, power plants.' Another study found that alr 14-d-AL/EJ/GL contd. polluhon from power plants was a contributing factor to higher infant mortality rates and higher incidences of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ("SIOS) e Research has further shown that pollutants from fossil-fuel power pfants form tiny particles (called fine particiJ!ate matter} that are linked to diseases of both the 9 respiratory and cardiovascular systems Notsurprisingly, air pot!wtion has been characterized as one of the largest threats to publlc health. 1G Negative Health Eff~cts of Fossil-Fuell?oYo~er BOlfl~Disproporlionately by Bla~ks R;u:hcl H. Cr:ase, Juwi:RSl:. flf.*\I.H! 1\li':\U~ OF tiR*\NDI'Sil*lfJ<OJ !'>W<i:l! i-'l.Al-i!:~ M'D l'fH' Cl.b\Nt\m Acr: llMi' i'O Tt::*'\Cl! OlDPOWHl f.'l ..iiNl'~ NEW 'I'EU*I~iOJ.*X;Y, 17 J ~JM. R"'A)ttrcos >!L t'>1vtl. L. lSI, ISS (20i.l2*20!H); M<Rlfiill'i. Kt:i!!ir~g, Ali! lNI:i.iSr>!T. at 4 ({kinh<~' 201ll) (~Jsadwdh~H'l.l,l ;J!i Ld1ihh B)

          *:* Nat R~,;uun:;,s & Frw!l. L. ~~ i ~ 8.
           ;* t~~~ f.I;~~<N>-c<l:; &. bwtl!ll l:W.
          < C>*1ariha       H. K;;ating. Alk li*l;t_i, nn.<, (Ckwhe.~ :~oo:~).
          *.~ t\i.rf)*ualh)' in Qi.t~i:fi.~ {:cmn~y: Op~:,rtJ.tni;.k~ fi;:r Cl;-:aning l}pt*the: ~\rt in (..:)u.~cn:} (\n.Jrtt)' an4 ~:ciJ:~h~ilring
          !t;;l;i<m;;, ~.1 ::;,.o. Syrl;1V<~ Fn~r~y Ecml<>mi<'>. lm:. (!\,L!y WiJ.l) (",\ir ()u:~lily in i)t.t<O<'HS C,>E.ftll}.'}

('"Fpi<h'minln;gteal '~:~ucHt:~ ;eH us rh~Lt ,)n d~l:-~ \\~i~.;.~tl ;~h P<~nut::o:-: ~t!v<..+*; ~~r~ :t~~b~ lH~)r~ p-C<t)pk gr:~- sick *C'f dk -~ ~ (.;;r*f~ i ~::tb! t ;: r ;_?!**~~-: :i*:*~y_s*~~i::~~ :..:.r:-,.~~-~~--~r~-~~~ ~~- ~:::~j~-.:J h~ ::::~: h: ~~:::t:'.\:: J.Um~:~ .-:: ~-~~~::~ ~: *-.:J.:~ ~: ~ ':-~~:_\:_:: :~m~~ [; ~~:-:.~: :-;~:~:*.

~3-~=~~:-~~:-!~::*:.{~}_<::~..~-.?~*~:!!*~-:L~~J~\ (:hddt~~~ .:~ H~~k: Hi'" t~c)lil;f~i.'.~"f from P~-J\.\t:*( Pbn~s lht*;{HCJl~: th~ J*!c;.~Hh <Jf' l\J'JH:f!t:f~: :-,. Ch~kk::*n. ~lt .2. :(j[:';~n Air T~J.~i\ rot\:~' i ~{ny 1/~(~2} f'P~n\*er pl3n? cm~!l)i'fJ:I35i J:~d ~Ja~ir byprudm:~~

form p~trticu!~n<:" m~t!f::r, (~Z~Jfil! $.ln(t~ t:H1J &lf J..:JXks. 'fht~~~ rr~HuJoitM~ ;jf~ ~~s~oc:~t~kd \~:ith :-<;.~*.;p1r~!".HY J*h~[~ph~.kt:~~li(~ns. 1~J:;( S(.h~~~(~; d~:y.:;. Cues t(~ il':'th:qa ;:t:~*Kk":;, l'Jw bir~h v,;.c-i~.;.M~ :;~ttm<:."d. hmg gr*.r~vr.h .;HHJ

          }~~~*~-~~~~~~~~~: tv~~~J:!~!~t:.~ rt !~;~:~~:;:-;,::::.~~:~~ :~~~~~~-~ ~ x~ :~; i~~;.i~*;.~::~:~~-;~*;:;~:;:(~~~ ~~~; ~:,~:-~:;*~i ~*~~i~~~;~~:;;,> (~~-*\~ ~*t ?\' ~:~\\* .,. ~)f~ c~ ~\-

1 1 1 1 En"**i:nH~filtt~ta~ Ju~~tit'c- A~lia~K;.< 2n00 (h;;p;/\~*~...or*w.nyceji).~~t~/p.OJ:Urh!m.pdf). * ~ December 2010 A-215 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00071

Appendix A 1 2 Sadly, these serious Ma~!h effects dispwportionate!y fall on the shoulders of !ow*iiic(~me and miMrity communities, including African American communities.. for instance, the percentage of African Americans and Hispanics living in areas that do not meet national standards for air quality is cons,derah!y higher than that of .whit~s .1 ~ Conespondi"'.g!y, respifatory ailments affect Afl-ican Americans at retes signific::m!ly higher than whites. Asthma attacks, for example. 14-d-AL/EJ/GL contd. send African Americans to !11e emergency roam at three times the rate of whiles {174.3 v!sits per "10,0QO people for African Americans versus 5fL4 -visits per 10,000 people for whites}, and African Americans are hospita!iz;ed for asttnna al more than three times the rate of whites (35.6 adm,ssions per 10.000 people for African America{ls versus 10.6 admissions for every * people for whiies}L2 Similarly, the death rate from asthma'for African Americans is almost thre-e times that of whites.(38.T deaths per rmllion versus 14.2 deaths per miUion)n Conclusion

                           . AAEA supports lhe 20-year License Renewal (ESP) for the Indian Poln!

nuclear power plant located in Buchanan. New York. We support this renewal 14-e-SR because the 1;3cHity ts a posihve slfucture for mitigating ground Jevel air pollution. global warming and environmental injustice.



                '**tt*<tn Y<)!!H1;\tl\'~
            '*' l)rh;ln Pc.>lhHam~;.

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-216 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00072

Appendix A 1 2 3 I ~~:;~.r~~~l(*~

              .~:~~: ,/"'~*(..(/{'">~>,;.;.._.~:.:~~*-~***
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               ....-'/.:((**j"(__..{.t__.,Z_/-l 15-a-OR December 2010                                A-217                                         NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00073

Appendix A 1 lPRanewa!CEmails 2 Fn:>F!T, i"jf..;i.::Kje*~;r@~srnap.o.~~:::J Sen!.: 1..'\l~c._i(H.?.~~~-~y. M210~ 11_ 2*8DB (:.. 3t:: r:~~v~ To: l~~dt'tS:~~~ t!1uy ...~~-:rlt:'(:r-J SH<Jiect: G{;::':'l!'"~~*:::t'~!s c*r. DSEl S Ar~d:Bw Sh.lyv&:1b~:y~~: Y'rci*~C~ ~'i::.w~~1er J.S. NF<C

          ~ a:n         (;WTt~:11~~* *:~nroiied     as a        .' a~ R.:1::n.~pn (Jolieq~. o:K! t~jhin~)*             part in ~h~ **[HViH.HU~~en~.~-~ A~.;'

(;.~~w:se ;.-,;.itt~ ;::'~<..Y~e~sor f:"':d(~~~-tein . .1\s a cbss v~:e *.u0r~ *ri*. ,*~n dk~: t:-1~~ of ex:::n1::':ir.g tM8 rer:e;-..vt?.: of ~n;Ji.Bn Pnmts Hc~n$<$ to 1JfX-!':n:1~~ ~;r:d lt3. f:rnr::*on:t"'::t-r~ta~: h~1pt:lCt s~J;Cternf~r:*t. Sine~~ V:~t~ tH:Z:;?;?.m ~;*)':'(jn~tn:.:1~1 il:f~ d~:::tH i!Tl'*i"lf(l(1*::r1*t3:1~al ir:~-pact $tnt~~Tif$*:1t lt bt*:~;~r?H3 n1or;2. i.!:r.d ~n<Af~ d~(1r 1o rnysr::lf ~ve:f llm;:~. H-1~1 t)::;~ t~np2:1 r::!~~*sn:er:.t wa.s; c:*e?.n~d

   ~*.~~th t!",.;;; rx~q)~;~~ cf en~~:..Hin9 th~Qt ::n~.ifan PQi:~lt N;Jd;::iH' Pz1\r:.*~r P~an~ rt:~H:~ir; Opfm. fOCl:SiHS) on rny n~;;<i~)

ir.d~ca~or. Psy*cr~:Aogif;:~~ .... St*~~::!a:: rr,.r::o:-~~~ *has givt::n rnysP.I~ 8:n 1ntt:~*~3~~1*1ng ;)o:*:~t of *..o*isv-t on '.t~"~l::c.h to e*v;~lu:att; th.~~

   <Jc<:t~rr~er~ts ~:"-11TL My wi:dt:rs~~3rtding of [:'::_:,y{:~hol.;,;{t:c.f!t- So..:~: a: fat:~orE:~. :s th~~~ ~~ eer: lJB i:*~t<:;:rprf~~o::~*::: thr~:dJ8h f.tSJlCbolor~i-:::.!3~ ir::d~*:::d1crs e;q;~fien~~ ...~ ~n C<>(nrr~or:dy in sot::Z:l g='t;:Jp":; ~uz-:h 8~ ~t\JS1 ;;ir:d stf~:s~.

P:ant ':.VOr~"t?t'S m:d e~1gir:8~rs. ~:rnpk;yees of £r.~0f~:JV i.~nti ~l""1e ~~udt~Br .f.:egu~<J:tnr;~* Cop~nri:~':~ifJn. anti Bw:::h~nt:~n; N':{ *=r.~(~;~ts w~~G -:ior:~pfrr:d: *:)n thf~ p;.a.m~ lor thr:"' ::(-...;.::.~;l~ eG:)nl:*~-ny- ~;~~*:JW B :NifJ*:~':~pr-:~.:.Y~ :~H;...-~-:,:pt~:<:nc0 fl::.l- the fi:~:>tt:vAcl :.:f !!':.dian Pd;:~~n: ~)p{::r<J~~n~J Hc.:ens.G 'j !:~!r ,-s.doptHd vt~:.~.;pn~n;,~ *:.'.:~o:.14.*"; t:*ust :n tfH;: l:S'~ ot r;u:rJt:ar p{>,ver and regar*j it ~~s r.::>t t)n=*{ f-;;;fli:-~ . h::.d ar.,. ~h0 :(l:n~~t J::lr-.:::cH<.>J[ v:t:ity .::~cf pr*(;*dw::;ing **d:.:-:*2-rr' ens-r*~Y- T!*:~-s *i--...'8S (it~:;.played as r'!1any wf H~e~:} vo}ce6 tt;e::: c~p:nter:~*;. m H~f~ puiJJit; ~J~j;;~rin~l nHf::r~dE.:d ~.:::*1 Fe!)r~J-tlt)' 12n1 h. ~s n.r; b-::1:01 th.t:t ~: v*.~o~;kJ her.,.:'~ hnd _:: r:1:.JC?'~ :h<~~.Je:- tHll8 U!1{it:~~s~,3;:".:dln{; !Y~o!~ f-:rsyt:f:~I!O~j~s.:a~ -* Soc*:~=:! t-:~c:o:* as a:~ ~:t[1tc~~ti**r. i~ I (:i~j t:*:.)~ attcn{j the h:~t-3rir.g, !t ;;;;;D re\H?c~::-.;<3 tt: n1~:- a pcsr>i~;~~~ ~ppHJ~J;;.+t to ~Jt:dying prj)"*.";f-p;;~o-Qi<~~l -* :.=-*:>:.::~~,~ :*~-it~t'.1r:;_ ;;:1:~. thr::::y rr~:Z:V !::10! h~:'fJ t;~1 '-1i~*::<:?rn i'J.F.fon.~: ~~ dra~t ~:;nv~r.::.:nnl~n~a: iP1p"::tC~ st~::tf~rr~(~:)~ ~s prnf:iuo;::~{L Ft.=r~!~f:tfn<".:*;.f:. 16-a-DE/PA 1nforrr:~tfon r~v~~ni.;::~~ in Hv~ i~np:::-::t~ st<<ts-~p-~.:3~1! rr;ay *~:av~: ~::!l~l ::-~1tc::*ct :)~1 p;wr.:hGlf.;fJ~c:OI-.-- scci . 1~ f3dcrs_, c~*r .:~v*er: t-;r.catf* ne:v..- 1-J'f:y:::.hc*~:)~~ic:al ** ~:or.:jal ~Jf:l~.~e.:r~*~~~- A <J:f;;t<ust f:1 Mt:.:\;. ,; ~u:.:.~le*ar pov-t(-:: i:-:t pn:}~iu~:ed i~1 cu:* C:l")L<~1try !-'..r'l~::k: f;l"'~ con~3id{~re~:f B:S ~~*odu~_jn~~ st!~~8 :p ~~ p~*~**;;::~1o:u:~~~i.:a: -*-* s::H.:i~~l 0:1'..'~:-.r:t1(nent Th~i3 :;~r~ss r-r::-8u:t.~~ f:\:m p-eo~::e*s fear*~.. th;.~~ ~~~$d-t:~~~ po,.*.;~r 1:<..-.~: <:n::y .:;1i'e:*s sm*=~H t'L=m-g,::~r-s t~i(~? m~n~n18~ ~?xp.:~:;w*e h'; 1Bdit)i~~1t.opes f;'.JB~ tt k!n~!l per:1od 1A ;,~n~~- b~st .:';{;t;kJ a:$c crc:;ats- ~~ te::r~n of ~mp{*:!'V~f::-*l~.f dOO!'iJ '\.'V'ith n-:o:)Se **.:~~Kl bt~:lt"!Vf: ~~.!!"{):~.gty' ~hn~ ~~ (:t'iiiC~~~:I/ ;:HH.:r~T!t"WS r*r:i~)~1;3,p iS q~~~t0 pr.P:..~Si(;)ec d1.:~ :':;.1

  ~~h';! *tn~rnan faG.'tOf. f'~'t}S<:.:\~~r(g ft*G~'!( thiS .{V<)l.Ji*d f~;~: a .;,;~~~~::$ii'OfJhi*C l)i;;;a:;:t0r tl~~~t \.'i.'t<t,\).j ~1'-.iV<1 $l2!Y~I',-i ion~~ tern-:
  *::JJff..:s~ts ~J:q nt:t tmfy* Joe~; ~<~s.::.;jen:*~s, t11At nur n:~tir..w:: <1:5 a '.Nhn!~!. rhe '*Ht.Hncm r.:1ctc;r" is e.c:r:std::::rt~*:1 ,'3.$ the H!:Gn~8n~:

rA p{)f',~ib~<": hU:"fl;)*n e-rr*::>r :inn-:.~ Z)p.e:-;;;>;i.;-_on nf :'!U(;k~af p.;.)'N0f }:l!~~nts. ;-.~:U{_:lii!i.~t' f;ofN./t:.:r pl:-::mt& :':";1-.~.:::h ;::!~ ;n.j:i.~~' F"r)ir~~.

  .:~:G* :~ate: 1n~o~J~ as ~ht~ rJ:~1gine.e:~; ;:;n6 tf:cJ1ni.c:i<~n~ *..~.*no n:n H1~;:* pt~:tnt t!o sG f~r~w:t::;.~:~y wh:l~ k¢epir.£~ :!'1 ~in(:. wtth tht: !*1~fjt~<3S1 of S*~f~jt_~l pn:.:cet!~j~es Ur:d:::*r::*t~H'ldit'lg of tfa~ hurrwn i::;K~b..w adds r:t:*:, }:)~tcr*~:::..~l~~~] t-:::&r:~:(-(:;t ~0 p~::.yct:r...~!ogtc~t .... s;:r).J;j&l ~::H::~:m s.

Us~Ji">Hy* gn 3:CCid0~t <J1 o;le r:u::-;:eer f)O\.'!.o'o;:~r p.:.;;n1 \'~ICJd<:l prt*duc~ -L:ni*k:;::n ps.*p::hokJgk;~l *-*soc:;;:: p~~UfiP1S n::1ttnr:~.v~df: du~; to H1e ~.~..r~dt=-sp*::er!tl: Hsr~ of nud~~.Qf pc:wer. tvli-1~~ ~~~s.c;;::p1tble tr.1 th~*se sht:&s pou..e~n~. ~=:.~r;r p<=:.;,;pte lh1:n9 '\....r:*thi:1 .a c~:~rh~in Vlf':~n~ty of lf1d;cm P:t*l~it tRn;k~Hr fHJW{jr p:i<H~::. wl:r; te-0: 2 pHJ~W3<11 :at :~Jfj p:~n~ wou~d d~~~ctly

~H'Ec~ ~ner:i.

ln the ni.:~W ~r:llk;r::r:f:.un. pc$-stl"t~:iHes o~ i;Ki'i8n Po~nt bec..Jn1~nQ ~~ l::;J::-g~ k:r:o:~s:_ ~ar'L~et:hav*e bf;t;n introdu~)I'Ji.~

n!*:J psychologi*c~i -** $(.1t::£~l fran1~1*.vork i~1 tt~e Vl;3ke of thH c-llt-~.:x::k0 ";n S'eptt:rnt::~~r 11 !h 2GGi. 8y :1\.rok~nv th:o:.;gh st:.ui!t:~~ and c-cnduc~f~i~~ pi~rsr:.:L~I !:ntm'vi*81.-~~s. iJ:.~ f8Sil;t*~ :~::::ve :;brJ'.vn tfi.3t :)lOSt p~*~~~pl~ b*e!~~v*:-~ {h.::$1 h~di;;~;".: Ft.:-;;n1
  ~.:.~ ~a~~ 'fnJn;: thi~=' ~~1r(~;)1 Do*cu:'l1?:PtS ~:wpp<.:~db~~ ;h~s r_:i;;;i~n h~we l~*f:O('.(l posted *on \.:~t~r' .;;~*Jtt8hf'jf'~tl\Ji~ SU8~&~:"::<.ibllity 16-b-PS/ST
  *~~~e1"";sfte, but rnv expmt. opfnl{H1 ;s th0r, lnd:;:-1n :t5 f~:nn-, ~4-t;r...-:t~ri~y frorn ~h~s ;h;*f~~!t is :::~m q~Jf:tdbnal-.;:~~. Co~~tr;:sdic'!:ng f~\,..idt~nGe :pe-dl':*nl-:*ed ;n muH..ip;s:.:? :~:.:;:d~~=~S h;;::::;; ~~Jt*O"..rid<::*d :i:'":.LJ~t;y ):11f~G:m.:lu~::.;i...;c~ :"&SU::ts 0:':: Uw~ tn:E~ n.c..Hu:e Of b*Ctl.,-*\i Sf~<.:ur;;: ~r~dE3n Pr,<!1H r-.;uc!59't= ;.-,_w.;r::r ~:.>J::m~ r:::~HV is, *r~~e i'$'Sue of ~fJ~a: :~ec:;:'~~Y at ;r:d!~n f":l-j" a:1d thB psv~f1i;-~~.:r::lic.?i ~ ~3-(K:~.::~i r:~n*...,kartt-n*3~~t ii cr~:;,;t~~ ;~ qoi {~ddre~s.G-d in :he D:3f~ Env;rcr:r~w~~~a: ~n~p;:.~ct S~.;;;l~f:r:~a-3n1 Th(:: is~:.~~: of fndi2-n Pdnf".S .:;.v~~{~:t:;.!}tio:~~ f.~r:...:e.f:~ilj!'1$ ;~nd i~t~ p;:;y,chccfogtc;,;,~ *- ::;r.1cla: eH~~ds :s atso so:-r~:e.'~h~r.r~

th; f:.:.=-~s. t;<;:en :l&q!f:t~~d ~n bein~~ adGn.:::.=;s(:d in the lnlp;;~ct :*,.t~3~e-rr~enL 1~1 t?h~ t=:*J"~n1 that $)n1t:thin~~ :::!on~~ H;~

  !i:~.r:s :r..--...,f .an ~Oso~:;ts- dt~~a;.:~~:* ~..\':..1utd (~Gc.:~:!* ;::~( ~m-J:an Po~ut. ;::.u~re:~~t pn)~6dufe ;:.~a~:s ~o-:" prcr.~p~ ~~~d Ofd~ri**;rr                                   } c-EP/PA/PS NUREG-1437, Supplement 38                                                                                         A-218                                                                        December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00074

Appendix A 1 2 8\"B(;ua~k;r: Y.t"(H1~ st:..:dy::":-Q Hi~ ~eo~:rophy n~ trh--~ ;;.:-':~ c}~cu:~d lr~*:.nan PfJin~ a:;d :S?lff;!'i r~:-H~2S*;..Ires ~akf.'n :.'-1 cot~nt~~::~:3ct. 3 rn.s:*!~dt~'.;\,*'~1 r)*:* ~L*b~~~nti.~~- n:deas.J;:~ nf f8CiC:;J-Ciivr.?. (:":(df;r:~i~; _ ::'t l:~ my t;di-Bf' th~t '&"S\}9r8: protJ~B:.ns "i/o.IDUfd b~~ 0X:;)¢f):rjr~r.;:~z.cj ~n ;;1 n*!,-~s:-:ht-r: '-~\:ide- ~~(~-<1~{-' :;:.:v.o*r:u::~~:\.m. --fl"si~ ::s .SO~n::e;*iJ11t\:;;! 1b<::::.~ :r\oj::~.;:fdS ~.;.'l' he!- 3ddr~sse-d fl~Hy 16-c-EP/PA/PS b~ferr(:; :nd::9r: f-1-o:n:*s ncens~; to ope~-ijtY:* :.s :<;:nt:~*Jerl. rh: l.'r':t:*st :*e:-:~red t=nF-:~ny is. o~~e H~,a~ c:s-r.r.ot t)~ ~tf*~n . ~nd contd.

      ~n 2CX.:iden~a~ d;;:r.-gefO~S r'0J.c.~ase f.,Jf ~;;,4cl:-:.;~i;t!v.f~ r>;:'~id~~~                          .z*!.*'*3r. On~ ~fn;.;i! S(~:~!~ *.v.:.*,~,;);-! (;f~3t$ $~Wh n:.~~~~8 p,;mi~~

u-~2t :t co:i:d hztrm the c:onUi;~~)n of ~":CJ'i,i \/'}(.! v~ev~~ Nt;C~eor P0v~*~~*r i~~ {gg r;c*:.:::(~P! forw/0:". Tb(:.JU;)~'I*:)Ht t!:e irnp;;~:.::~ ~t;~t<::tY~~-~nt '.{'.:/(~ ~s*ee flo~*.;.r ~~~~j Uni~(~(j s~.:-;t(;;$ (\.:~}*:::~~-:~~! ~~~3Ht.:l;?.hX':/ Co:'nrni~;s~t;::~ v::.~W~i Hie


en':t~ronrp~q~a~ ir~1Pf:Ct ~~~~ ren:'!-Ving tmJ~Q;~ Pofni*~-5 l:r:.-:-:r!t~<: it> ope:'c:Ho:;: ...*:*,Jth~-;u~:1h H~ey ::-;fJ ~tr){ d~:Y:d!y o:p-i?rBte n~~ plant r.h8tY~~.el~*-t=:~. JDb~:t .m 1be Nt.:*Ck~~?-1' ~\ti:~~k::a:.o~y co~*nm::~s:o:-:: du u~p~~~l} an th~:~ .::*.ontmu:n~~ *:)per*~t.itH1 t.~~ n~.)-t h*:dL:.-:r:. f>o~nt b*-~~ .:?.:!1 .:.:::..~:r~~:'nt tHJ{:::I<;::;;it* po:.:~::(~r p::::1:ntt- 1:1 o:.t:r co~:n~~:l :-:: :r1 !*:J .quE}Stior:* \ov::10 sh:--;ukJ r~-=<<ity b<:: :"Er~:pt~n$;~);e ;:..1r drafting t:rf (~n1."ironrnental impe.Gt: ~:t.f:t~H:\i,:q kn* ;~ r.~:ck;::.r pt~\!J~r pk-:=tt~t Thr:~ Nuck;;3.r 16-d-LR

      ~~0~~u~~t~)f'/ C>.m~n*:t~.~~o~1 ;;.it~~!'> :.JtiHz:t* ~"'1~Hr;~ ou~;;~:{~:::~ :;o~HGes ~0r: ~c:~~:*r*:Unc ~eg~j.:..~r,::h iil:!:.d ir!tQ:l:.g.f~!'H~e en :n~fan F*oint. bt.~t '*Nt~~:t tfl-3 ::rnp:~.C~ st;r~~~:n~;;;:r1t c:r~i~Y~f~ tn =~~.,..-~ .:-sr:ci ::; c:}r::t:ir-eiv :;Jp t.;.) th~~ di~.Cfi~~i*:--;r: of u~:e- NRC. In~~ f.J}:H~{~{;~
     ;l.torld. & thffd p~3:"ty H1.a:. :Jtitiz~Js th~ bf:~t ~::.::2rtt!fi<:: Hr::e~~rd~ a:1d ::nfonr~t:hr.~n nv!li1.5nl~ *.,."-~.mK~ B;.;~:..m:i~** lK:

f~Spcns*ibfe fc.::.:- d~::.-=d:in(~ an ;;:;r::vlron!1'"~-er.t:;l:: irn~~~i ~t.s~~.s~ne.nt Nt;~ !(J .:.f*i:::,::.z<l~t Br.y of thr;.; 2xpar:~~ ~:n NR:C, but un

     <>:.:'h1*tlit:. ;}nJt~p w~thn~rt ;~ny politk::B~ t3~=;.; ;;,;r priv;;t.e- ~::~~r~-.:::}t;:. \.\ ;l::Ol.:td .m*:.~:;1 Hhi-.i}" c:-r:~*:;i:t<:! <-! r-0.:--;rC!! f&~~ and baia:1~~~J 1
     ':i*n:v,:n*.:*m:meni:3; impact

Th::;~nt: 't:.:.1u

                               .-:\d&n"! 8:;3des                                                                                                                                                       3 December 2010                                                                                                    A-219                                                            NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00075

Appendix A

                                                                                                                                                                           ,~, , r;* ,-.. ,
          !PRenewa!CEmails                                                                                                                           f nrr l'-*   /~
                                                                                                                                                                  ....... '-*1 C:       ~- *A( -  i Fmrn:            .S:-1-:3((~. ;..:u.:<iJ;;_::r:. ~~- [r~-;-~~;¥.!'; ;:;:~:C~>~J~;~fu~1.:) ~~!":1l"(U~1 usj Si<>o1L          Fn*J~*{. M:..~rd~ -:.3, 7.::;n~ *H:.C;1 ;\t\~

To: 1::-o:J:i?.nP:~:ntF.TS Rf*so~:rc-3 Cc: J*.::,l*:n S:p1.:-s; ::;;~.n-n:..1J.L*:~~{,~=:-:::rK\\.'.:.=:t-:.~r.<:~**:}* ~~.1p-.3@\,'*,x;sh:::x~*siB:~o*i.*CCxr:*

                           ~:::r~.sta~}ei;?'0:;i:'.:~*-6e<> 'i~~!e.:*~s _;_i::;.: ~:p~:::"r<,i::r:Y)XfN'3f;.t:1a(~       r.y.1.::r:*. J:3r>:*:;~ Di':;;J~~!:(,X1'.!1**~tat,f!!.:}'J .::.(i.:
                           ;~~~:,:;~~-:i*,~~::'~~~~;:';;;;:~:."~~~;~~i:[~:,~:;:~:-~(:;;;~~* ~~n=:~~;~:~t;~,,~~:;;';;,~~;-~,1 ~~:,th'n* H:dwa
                           'i.iV;,r*::l . .*,$:~: ZB-::.?"~zrrv   Y...:;;f'.n, ;*:;;y~ :.::titm-:p~. t:::s.~ l~JJ::. Sl:f:~v/::n 1'--Ji';",~. 8..:;:~:.-1 ~~~:*Zl:*:'":<:::. [)~y::~-::
                           !;~:~!~~~;:~~~-~Q~~:~:=~~~~~~~~~~-;~: t~;~~~;~~~.~~;~;~~G~~~~~~:~~~~;~*:~~~;~~f.~-~f!~.~:~~~~{~f;::~:.*i)$. ();J!:*i*t~;

S1Jb)"ct* t!~~:;~~~~~;~~/.~J~o:~~~-~~~;~~~~,~~r Ger!{::r;.=c! ;:cr~ Gr~~t Sur~p~;;~:i~\;:r:t 3~. NUf"~EG-14~!~** Att<lchments: indian ;>t imp~i:*:*t st~?.1em;;:::1~ :*o~ :jc.f::1:s.;:: ;r;:::J-:;;*NQ:i{,,p.ct*~ 1 2 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-220 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00076

Appendix A 1 2 Chief, Rule.> and Hire-clive$ Hrand1 Divi~i<m <il.' il<lminist;*:<liH' ::>.,n*in* MailS!op TWB-i15-mn Er1ite<i Si:ltts Nndc:w H<~~ulMm*y Cnmtt!i;~l*m

             \:V;!.Ihiu~t<Ju, UJ.', 2H55:'H1Utll
             'Via <'llmil w !udi:rnl'<liutl*'IS@urq~*w fifu'ljJ~IUC ENYIRON~I\1}::-rtAL         l.MPACT STAJ)g~Jj~NT FOR l.:lC};~.Sf R!~N.EWAtS St'Pl'l.EMI3:;'1.fT 38 IN(IlA'tl..!~D.U~'iiBPCLT\.AH l'OWEU STXI'JON COMM.FN'rs Ol'~ RlCl{MmJ!g~MioNTit,~_!,... ATJ:DJ;!NKX:J-~ENERA.L OF C()NNl::cnCtJT 17-a-NE/SF 17-b-EP/LI/ST December 2010                                                A-221                      NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00077

Appendix A 1 2 17-b-EP/LI/ST

                                                                                                                                                         }   contd.

((~~) h:dud~; !n r~\,.t!Y r(:.r:r.,r:-~.:rwm~b:iot: o:: l'*~~~>:)l:i~~-*n 1:1:*-:",;x.~~:d:--:.}hr , k.:~~~sl:'t~-t.H~ :;l~;.d ut1:~:~r Jr:.:3J :x }*.c.J..: n~~ ~,.._. :.~.nt~s. >'grut ;.f::u~t; :*t oH ~t:::t 1r~ g tn<:.~ quaH~y of !h:; ht::a!~W r:~J\d.H}:*Hn..:mi, ;~ *:k~11ik':*J ::w!r~n:.:.:~:~:. hy 1hl~ ':'~~::;p~~n~;~bk


(~t-:n ~tti ot~ ~*~ 17-c-NE {ii) ~~uy ~~d\*'f:.J ~:~:; (:ln.. ;s-onrnc:r:tcll '.J:fc~t~,~ \~,*h:**.:h. :..*;HJ:::ot l~<~ a\:oitl~d shet:td U!(: psopn~:~C. b(: ~n~pk.JJ:k~Ht~d~ (3v) ~h:;. :-dnt~r.)n~thip b.:;:h"'!'(;,:'i~ ;~K*;.1J ~::ho~*~+~;nn us<:~; of n-=*~n*:~ ~-Hv~:: nnm~:r~~

_:i1d lhe .m:3inte-m:nc:(; .~nd t:nh~m;,.~:;n~crd ofl~~~)g .. *ti.:'n1: p:-,_:c.hv.:t~v!ty~ m1d (v) ~ny i:*rcv(!~-~~i~le ~wd ~rr~.::.~rkvabi.c .::xnrrrnlB1H.~Bis *)fr{;'S<.Y!.:nx:.~ ~.vh~d~
                    \\*'(>t)Jd ho:.~ lnvn~ *;cd in tht: pt~)posr;J ;;~(:tk~H ~houJd it hf: iiTipk:}n-tmk~.:L NUREG-1437, Supplement 38                                                      A-222                                                                December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00078

Appendix A 1 2

             ~::j,~~;:;;*::~;:~'t~.,~~::(,'!~:~;;'~ i::(l!;~,:,;:;:ij';;,~_,;i~:~;~~,~~*l~~':' ~~: ;~';;~:;::~, ~~: *~:l~,~~::~~!:~llll y                17-c-NE biO\\' ~h~~;. 1h~;*:, tkt"~S:i(HH1~<~klt!.:;, nr(H:;¢&{j ~w:.;ii.Jtl~~ <:..~nviL'!.i5\tnt**n~:(~~

contd. (:.:).no~.>u*n:;, [k1 if.~~?(>n~ On.:.; r:.': Fh ..:. Co. *v.* ;"knural.R. .;.~*{)Ji.f.('<.:.S D~j~~r?.!:D (',._:;~aK d. 4{,2 U_S ~~7. 9 7. J(, L. [d. 2d 4) 7, l ~}_1: S-. Ct. :~:~A{) {J ')~ 3); Sif.:}*,r <*~ Club v. {};*i[gdS~f.(IU:~* {),::l/i *?f 8J.cri~.'}~}';* ~~({7 F.~)d J256) r261 nmh Cit*.

              '/NT~PA i.~.:a$ tot~adc~d to ~asr:r>f~ ~;li~~ ded:\.i-(.1$~:;;. nht:ohi: ft:<J~nd ::tctions 'l¥<:)llki h~~ !n~::f!~~{~j1Jv ::J~:e.r rc~tKH:s.ihlt dtetsJon-~nmk~~t:-; h~~fl hllh:*                        a{Jvcrt.rHJ to thl'!

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Appendix A 1 2 17-c-NE contd. 17-d-DE NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-224 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00080

Appendix A 1 2 17-e-NE/PA 17-f- PA December 2010 A-225 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00081

Appendix A 1 2

                                                                                                                                                                                              }    17-f- PA contd.

17-g-ST 1*:>:.:-'~~,!c)'thiHg_v~~ kH~)\<:: :1ht:~1: ;,d (,1:lt:da kH~~ U$ 11;~:~1 tl1t~)' wH~ ::-;: lO i~it, tG . f:::.~n:n- .. ro~!~(hh. .* ~h.c r:.-.::;d UtHI.;.' *N;\h ~' \"-'~*~~roJJ o~ ~-!H:~:s *:.ic.:;~rt~l~l:t;~). \.\*-:~ ~-rll.if~:~

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-226 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00082

Appendix A 1 2 17-h-SF 17-i-SF/ ST 17-j-SF December 2010 A-227 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00083

Appendix A 1 2 17-j-SF contd. 17-k-SF/ST Thi~; r<~~~lio.u z~f :dn~un~HH1 Z:nd a~r. ~"~J ;~*irGO.t~~:.m1 ~m*J ~lt~an,~ '~ 0:~:-:J~hcrn~;\.' f:.c.~ prijdn<.>~.~ hem)- Th~~ t~ner~;y i'dcm:cd *:1-on~ the reaction) oJZ:.(m1b;Bt~'Ci

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-228 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00084

Appendix A 1 2 zJrcor..hm1 Ore C*O~~ld have S~g.n~:k~BB~ hc~lth df¢'.~::;; m~t~ !.~~~U]li.::d (;;k.) in ntsmbGr:; oft'aJly l:.l:!Ji<\"*'

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December 2010 A-229 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00085

Appendix A 1 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     }    17 SF/ST contd.

17-m-EP 17-n-EP/PA/ ST t~: :: ~~m~:; ~. t:-11 \\. in {'.. %:).:.~i-~:t-:.-:~*.* K-:.~~:1.~:tJ: :.:J .t>.m::.:n~'n~(l~ .Prt~~!~f¢~-~~-1:~~::>. _tjf ~*\t'!!~l ::.~lli:.~.m . E>: .!.:tt.~J:.J~:-::t. f:.: l~1J~ ~-:~~*J

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-230 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00086

Appendix A 1 2 17-n-EP/PA/ ST contd. 17-o-AE/LI/NE December 2010 A-231 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00087

Appendix A 1 2 17 -o-ALJLI/N E contd. 17-p-EP/PA/RI

                                     }    17 -q-AE/N E/

OE NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-232 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00088

Appendix A 1 2 V/h..:H \'.:'1.:' t:ou~ddtr ~h~~ P'~J~'jJC~.r-:{_~~~ :.hat NE.P A v*,;;l~~ d.::~iunt~d by Cr)-=-~~~/C}~~ ~o

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Appendix A 1 2 3 17 -q-AE/N E/ contd. CONC.!ot:slON 17-r-EP/GI/RI NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-234 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00090

Appendix A IPRencwa!CEmails 1 Fmm: 2 Sent: t~~;:~~:~D :~;~ ~~~~:~~~:i~ ~~;:~:~~~;~t~~~~~~}\~:~* ~**:; T<Y. l;:.d:B<",J:c::r<iF.::!S f~.0~~Cn!~'C-t: 3 Sllt<j(;[;t: ln~~:~H P.:,;io~:.

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Appendix A 1 MR. BOWMAN: Good afternoon everyone. Good afternoon. 2 How are you? I know that we're all here on different sides, but 3 we are all in this together. My name is Reginald Bowman and I'm 4 the Chairperson of the New York City Housing Authority's 5 Resident Council, which actually represents more than 400,000 6 New Yorkers that live in public housing in the five boroughs of 7 the city of New York. And all the speakers that have come 8 before me have sort of outlined what I had to say and I just 9 wanted to make sure that when I came up here today looked around 10 this room I encouraged all of us who are here, regardless of 11 which side we are on, to understand that we're all in this 12 together and there's a domino effect that takes place when 19-a-EC/ SR 13 policy decisions are made about major facilities like this that 14 provide a life source of energy for all of us that live in the 15 State of New York. Last summer, gas and electricity bills 16 skyrocketed for the renters, homeowners, businesses across the 17 country. 18 In New York City in public housing, people say well, 19 people ln public housing don't pay electric bills. That's no 20 longer true. We that live in public housing were hit with rent 21 increases that were directly related to the fact that the energy 22 cost for the New York City Housing Authority have escalated 23 along with the cost for everything else that is provided for 24 people ln public housing through those budgets. Those of us NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-236 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00092

Appendix A 1 that live in those developments were directly impacted by those 2 things. It is vitally important to keep Indian Point open as 19-a-EC/ 3 one of the few sources of energy with reliable output and stable SR contd. 4 prices. You've heard that over and over again this afternoon 5 and when someone repeats something over and over again, some 6 part of that has to be true. 7 During this period of economic insecurity, we cannot 8 afford to make already struggling families and businesses pay 9 more just to keep our houses warm and you know what happened 10 this winter, it was a brutal winter here up-state. It was a 11 brutal winter down-state. We're paying more and more to keep a 12 houses warm. And if we're going to think about the next 10, 15, 13 20 years of energy provision for this region, we have to really 14 realistically look at the fact that we're going to have to keep 19-b-EC/ SO/SR 15 Indian Point online if we're going to provide this energy and 16 then do the intelligent type of thinking together to create 17 policy for the future and to keep the energy and businesses ln 18 our community alive. The re-licensing of Indian Point will not 19 only protect families from overly expensive energy costs. It 20 will also help the economy stabilize in this difficult economic 21 time. High prices for gas and oil effect costs across the 22 economy from making and shipping products to subway and bus 23 fares. 24 December 2010 A-237 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00093

Appendix A 1 Indian Point, however, represents stability ln this 2 unpredictable atmosphere. The reliability and stable course of 3 nuclear energy are one of the keys to keeping the economic 4 crisis from spiraling out of control for the people that I 5 represent ln public housing in the city of New York. So, as the 6 president of the Council of residents of the New York City 19-c-EC/ 7 Housing Authority, I cannot stand by as opponents of Indian SO/SR 8 Point threaten to force New York City families to pay higher 9 rents, outrageous energy bills and more for the products and 10 services that we need. New York must move together towards 11 making sure that all families ln this state and in the city have 12 access to affordable energy. Re-licensing Indian point is the 13 first step in making that goal a reality. Thank you. 14 15 16 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-238 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00094

Appendix A 1 MS. BRANCATO: Hello everyone. My name is Deborah 2 Brancato. I'm a staff attorney for Riverkeeper. We will be 3 submitting detailed written comment on the Draft Environmental 4 Impact Statement, but for today I just want to highlight some of 5 the major concerns Riverkeeper sees with the NRC staffs analysis 6 of the environmental impacts of relicensing. 7 To begin with, the NRC has completely failed to assess 8 the impacts of nuclear waste storage at Indian Point. 9 Currently, Indian Point houses 1500 tons of nuclear waste on 10 site in pools and in dry-cask storage. If the plant is 11 relicensed for an additional 20 years, at least an additional 12 1000 tons will accumulate. The Draft Environmental Impact 13 Statement has no analysis whatsoever of a long-term impacts of 14 storing all of this waste on site. Security issues continue to 20-a-PA/ 15 evade any kind of site-specific review. Including the SF/ST 16 vulnerability of the pools and the dry-casks to terrorist 17 attacks or natural disasters. Given that only last week there 18 was an earthquake that registered a magnitude of 3 in New Jersey 19 right near the Ramapo seismic zone and the Ramapo fault-line 20 does run directly underneath Indian Point, it is truly incumbent 21 upon the NRC to provide an analysis of whether the dry-casks and 22 the pools are designed so that they would be able to withstand 23 such natural occurrences or intentional attacks. 24 In addition, we take issue with the NRC staffs } 20-b-HH December 2010 A-239 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00095

Appendix A 1 analysis of the ongoing leaking that is going on from the spent 2 fuel pools. The Unit 1 pools and the Unit 2 pools have been 3 leaking radioactive materials into the groundwater which leaches 4 into the Hudson River for years now. The NRC has concluded in 5 the Environmental Impact Statement that these impacts are not 20-b-HH contd. 6 significant. We do not believe they have done a complete 7 analysis. They have merely looked at imminent public health 8 impacts and really have not done any analysis whatsoever of the 9 long-term impacts to the groundwater into the Hudson River 10 ecosystem. 11 In addition to their complete failure to adequately 12 look at nuclear waste storage issues, we also take issue with 13 the NRC's analysis of aquatic impacts due to the once-through 14 cooling system. This cooling system slaughters billions of fish 15 eggs and larvae every year contributing to the overall decline 16 in fish species populations in the Hudson River. And yet the 17 NRC is only able to come to the conclusion of large impact as to 20-c-AE/ OR 18 one species in the river and that's bluefish. We believe based 19 on current data and analyses that a finding of large impacts is 20 warranted across the board for species ln the Hudson River. Of 21 particular concern is the NRC's lack of definitive conclusion as 22 to the impacts to the endangered species of short-nosed 23 sturgeon, which there's no data showing that they aren't 24 impinged against the cooling water intake screens and yet the NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-240 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00096

Appendix A 1 NRC has failed to come to any definitive conclusion as to the 2 impacts to that species. So, those are all the remarks I'll 3 provide today. Again, Riverkeeper will be providing detailed 20-c-AE/ 4 written comments by the March 18th deadline and in conclusion we OR contd. 5 do not agree with the NRC with the overall conclusion that the 6 impacts of relicensing will be not so significant in the future. 7 Thank you. 8 9 10 December 2010 A-241 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00097

Appendix A 1 2 3 iPRenewil!CEma.~ls fmm: . r:.@l =)(~*(":;:': 8*:': l~*:>.~~t~l;::~(~~~';:g !";()(:'")

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f~cts _ --r MJ:n~ y.::H.:. [~;:tii.>i:<r.:;.:lv Ct*lri$ f3f~::~:~~~n NvZtck, NV 9i 4*fS06*--48'~~~ NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-242 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00098

Appendix A 1 2 3 lPRen!:wa!CEmai!s l'rom: Nyl:*i:-(j.;j{;g(~z:o: -:::.21!-; s~nt T~:<<.z.,~::~y ~~-.~n*ct-: 'J(~ ..:?GGH ~>.~~D  :;.M To: !n-:~~-t~~~ F1 :.:~.=~*!E: :8 f~'!!fs::)l:::*(,-t~ Subjl!lCt ltX~ 'S,U-t.:J~~.1:_;.

                                                                                                         }    22-a-HH/OR/

PA December 2010 A-243 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00099

Appendix A 1 MR. BURRUSS: Good evening. My name is Melvin Burruss. 2 I'm president of the African-American Men of Westchester. I want 3 to thank the NRC and you folks for coming here today because you 4 could've been somewhere else. The issues here before us are 5 very complex. We can talk about the health issues. We can 6 talk about the energy issues. The environmental issues. 23-a-SE/ SR 7 Employment issues also. But more importantly, I want to talk 8 about and just briefly say that I support, or my organizations 9 support, Indian Point and Entergy because they are great 10 corporate partners. They are interested in our kids' education 11 and they have helped support educating our young people and 12 getting our young people scholarships to go on to college. 13 But the other side of it is Indian Point, as you know, 14 ln this recession that we have and people are losing their jobs, 23-b-SO 15 do we need or can we afford to lose or close down Indian Point 16 and lose the amount of jobs and the income that folks have 17 now? Also, Indian Point currently helps New York progress on 18 improving the quality of the air we breathe. You heard before 19 me, people were saying 30% to 70% of the African-Americans and 20 Hispanics have asthma. Which is true. Here in Westchester 23-c-AL/ AQ 21 County, there's 5000 asthmatic young people every year here. 22 Any replacement options would truly increase the pollutants and 23 toxins that this congested region already feels throughout the 24 year. Indian Point also helps the region maintain independence 23-d-EC NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-244 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00100

Appendix A 1 from the radically fluctuating oil and gas prices. New York 2 State, ln efforts to maintain a clean environment, rely very 23-d-EC 3 heavily on natural gas for electricity production. This contd. 4 reliance is beneficial and it produces fewer pollutants than 5 coal. 6 As you can see, you can look over to the west side of 7 the Hudson and you can see that coal fed plant over there 23-e-AQ 8 polluting the air sending many toxins back over here to 9 Westchester County. Do we need any more of that? The economic 10 impacts of closing Indian Point are very real. At this time, 11 there's no feasible alternative of the 2000 Mw that's produced 12 continuously by the plant. This shut down of the facility would 13 truly result ln real prices to pay in terms of job losses and 14 increased cost to Westchester residents. Not only the taxes 15 that's being paid here to municipalities which also helps in our 16 cleanup, trash removal, municipality of services that we would 23-f-EC/ 17 lose and as we know, every dollar counts. Besides the large job so 18 losses and increase electrical costs, Indian Point has its own 19 economic engine. The taxes paid by Entergy surely are a great 20 benefit to the county as well as to local municipalities. Also, 21 their contributions to emergency response services, now ln a 22 time after 9/11. So, I just want to close and say that many 23 Westchester County residents ln the Peekskill area are also 24 struggling to keep their houses and pay their electric bills. December 2010 A-245 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00101

Appendix A 1 The close of Indian Point would only compound that area and have! l 2 3 an immediate negative impact on all of us. Thank you very much We support continuing the re-license of Indian Point. Thank .J 23

                                                                          -g-SR 4 you.

5 6 7 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-246 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00102

Appendix A 1 2 3 u -~ \ :--\ M~lvin Bun,s.s ) "\~"<<..:'&' \ ~ Aftlcat~ A.m.erltan Men of Westchester rhe environmental, econo:-r;ic <Jnd heal~h im~<~cts i;fc.losJng ill~i<m Po>nt w*::n.:id tr"ly ~wrt Westche~ter Coum:y. o 1ndian Point et.lrrently helps New York progress on improvh1g the quality of thoz air we breathe cl,1ily. Ar,y replacemt:r<t optiom would surely inrr<:"ase the poltut<Jnts and toxins th:>t this congested reg~or1 <~iready f<~ces throLJ~hout the ye¥. 23-h-AL/AQ

           ;;;;   lndi3n PoirH also help:> tl1e region m<lintain imlepencence from the radic~iiy fluctuating oil and g~s l} New York State, i:n effwts to miliM<~in il dear< env!ronm:ent hils r~iied ve~y heavily on natural gas for electricity prod<lt:tio:<. This reHance io beneficia! in ttmt it prndutes. fewer pollutant> than (t><Jl, but signiflcantl)' r<;i~es. our wsts.. Nudear power affords us much more staoiiity.
           '*'   1he ewnomk imp<>ct> of <.k1sing lnrl!an Point are vefy .-e;;;l At tr1is t!r11e there !s flO iea~ible aiterr.ativ" to the 2,(100 megawatt~ of power ;::H*odw::ed coc1tirnmily !:ry th.:: plant, Th<: >h\.ltdow:':l
                 *Of !t1<: fadllty would result in real prices to pay in terms of job lossP.:> and increased cos't~ to W~st,c.hesto;r r<;'Slder;ts.

G Besides the large job ar<d increased e+ectl*icity costs, Indian P*oint islts own ecor.omic er;gin<: .. The tal\es palt! by fntergy >tJrely are a greBt benefit w the count>' as well as th<: d;<Jdtllb!e (;Ofltdbutlon~ a~d contribution> to emergency rt::>ponse servic:t;s, 23-i-EC/SO/ SR o Mar.y We.str.he>ter CoLH":!y residents ef'e already struggilng to keep th~tir hOtJ$eS and pay thek e!ectrk!ry b!Us, t>Je closure of Indian Point \Mould have an immediate negative impact on the5e

                  ~eople, Whil!e tr1e environmental impm:t;; of the plant are ~mpc.rtant and deseNe tareful rev:ew, th~~ socio*<?r.onomic iim;'!.~cts of tile piUlt$ closure need m a!st* be com.ldered. If we
                 .<ihut dc:twn the plant to save 3 few li:;h b\Jt as a con>oeqwence decr.;:ase the regioM';i electric:.ity reliabilit\1, doubl" our r:lectrl( biill!i. and it~crease airborne po.llt.Jtants, *,vho an? we n:all;'

be nefittir;g? December 2010 A-247 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00103

Appendix A 1 MS. BURTON: Thank You. Good afternoon. I'm Nancy 2 Burton and I've come here all the way from Redding, Connecticut 3 with three pales of mine: Cindy-Lou and Luna and The Dude. 4 They are outside ln the car for anybody would like to make their 5 acquaintance. I'm here on behalf of the Mother's Milk Project, 6 which was launched this past June involving New York and 7 Connecticut directors. 8 Our purpose is to collect and sample, at a certified 9 laboratory, milk that is collected from mothers, including huma 10 mothers. This has never been done before on a formal basis by 11 citizens near a nuclear power plant. We're also collecting 12 from mammals, including goats and cows and sheep and any other 13 mammals, who are willing to share their milk with us. The 14 reason we are doing this is that Entergy is not. Entergy does 15 not engage in any sampling of milk as part of its radiological 24-a-HH/ 16 effluent sampling program at Indian Point. They do in Vermont OR/RI 17 sample milk from dairy cows near Brattleboro. 18 In addition, the NRC does not independently sample 19 milk for purposes of evaluating environmental contamination by 20 Indian Point, nor does New York state's Department of Health or 21 its environmental agency and neither does Connecticut's 22 Department of Health and environmental agencies. I'm here 23 specifically to tell you that we have so far collected some 60 24 samples of milk from the all kinds of mothers and we have NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-248 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00104

Appendix A 1 received to date 30 results from our independent laboratory, 2 which is charging us a commercial, competitive rate. 3 I have with me a statement, which I have left at the 4 front desk to be inserted in the record, but I'd like to share 5 couple of highlights from our first results with you today. 6 I'll begin with Cindy-Lou. We have guaranteed absolute 7 confidentiality to all of the participants in the project who 8 share their milk unless they choose to go public and they 9 possibly may in the future when we have a large event and invit 10 them all to come and speak. These are preliminary results that 11 we have received and so the only donor so far who has waived 12 confidentiality is my friend Cindy-Lou the goat. She has given 24-a-HH/ OR/RI 13 seven samples that we have received results for so far and one contd. 14 of those results, in particular, has potentially grave 15 significance for all of us and that is her milk has tested for 16 levels of Strontium-90, 3.4, and Strontium-89, 3.7. Strontium-17 90 is a potent carcinogen. It's routinely released by Indian 18 Point. It doesn't disappear and go away. Even though you can' 19 see it or smell it or hear it or taste it. Also, the same for 20 Strontium-89. Both are routinely released. Strontium-90 has a 21 half-life of 28 years. It's around for a long time. Strontium 22 89 decays within 50 days. The significance of that is that if 23 you have a sample that has both radioisotopes, as Cindy-Lou's 24 milk did, then it means that there's a very good probability December 2010 A-249 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00105

Appendix A 1 that the source of the radiation was a recent fission event 24-a-HH/ 2 because otherwise the Strontium-89 would have decayed to a point OR/RI contd. 3 beyond detectability. 4 MR. RAKOVAN: Ms. Burton -- 5 MS. BURTON: Yes. 6 MR. RAKOVAN: If you could summarize. We asked 7 everyone to stick to about three minutes. 8 MS. BURTON: I'm very sorry. To move to the mothers, 9 we have one mother of 11 who gave us samples who tested 10 positively for both Strontium-90 and Strontium-89. She lives 11 about 10 miles from Indian Point and that is extremely 12 troubling. All our goat and dairy cow samples tested positively 13 for Strontium-90. Of the 11 mothers, human mothers, who gave us 14 samples, only two tested clear for Strontium-90. There was no 15 detectable level. The others, nine mothers living within 50 24-a-HH/ 16 miles and most very close to Indian Point are ln the process or OR/RI contd. 17 recently were feeding their babies breast milk that is 18 radioactive. With these comments, I am asking the NRC to 19 suspend its re-licensing proceedings. To do a thorough 20 investigation of this very, very fundamentally serious issue and 21 new information. To the extent that you are able to verify the 22 preliminary numbers I'm giving you today, I believe it calls for 23 cessation of the operations of this facility. Thank you very 24 much. NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-250 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00106

Appendix A 1 MOTHERS MILK PROJECT February 12, 2009 /Z. {)! 0 !t!J..

                                                                                                ~u '

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington DC l J Re: Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Conceming Relicensing of !he Indian Point Nuclear Power Station

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

Please accept these comments for inclusion in the public record of pmceedings convened by !he United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ('NRC") today for receipt of :public comment on the Draft Supplemental Envlronment<ll Impact Statement {"DSEIS") prepared by NHC staff with regard to Entergy's applicatlon for relicensing of the Indian Point Nuclear Power Station. The Mothers Mllk Project was launched in June 2008 as an all-volunteer .effort to collect and analyze mothers' mill< from humans and animals liVing within 60 miles of lndtan Point in New York and Cot'inecticut for levels of stronhUtn-90 ;;md s!a.mtitltn-89, both radioisotopes released into the a1r and water during routine operations of Indian Point. Strontiwi1*90 is a long*lived radioisotope with a lialf-hfe of 28 years. It is a potent

  • carcmogen l<nown to cause bone cancer, leukemia and diseases {}f the 1mmune system. II is especia.lly harmful to developing and young children as il rnimics calcium and is ingested into their bones a.M teeth, As strontium-89 has a short half life - ha!f its energy deC<:lYS in 50 days ** its presence in the mill':, of lactating rnotrlers alongside 24-b-HH/OR/

strontium-90 provides strong evidence that the tad~oactivity was recen!ly produced trom Rl a nearby source and is not a vestige of atmospheric nuclear weapons l.esting nor can it be attnbuted to "background radiation:* The Mothers Milk Project is believed to be the only citizen-initiated program lo sample the milk of lactating human mothers, living near a nucrear power plant for radioactivtty. The Mothers Mifk Project was instituted in recognition of the fact that Entergy Nuclear Operations. Inc. does no1 sample milk from any source, human or .anima!. Jn the environment as part of its Indian Point samp!lng program for radiological effluent December 2010 A-251 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00107

Appendix A 1 re!ease*s. The Nf~C does not sample milk nea( Indian Paint for radi:oadivity, nor do ihe New York State or Connecticut Departments of Public Health nor their respHctive environmental protection agencies. {In contrast, Entergy does sample milk. from numerous dairy farms near its Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant in Vernon, Vermont At its Millstone NuClear Power Station in Waterford, Connecticut, owner-operator Dominion Nuclear Connecticut Inc. samples goat milk for radioactivity.) lt is we!! recognized that goat milk is a sensitive indicator of the presence of radiation to the environment. Grazing goats may ingest radioactivity from the air, tt1e water and from pasture vegetation. lt concentrates in their milk which they feed lo their babies and which may enter the human food chain. Cow's milk is also a strong indicator of the presence of rad~oactivity in the environment. To date, the Mothers Milk Project has collected 60 samples of milk from breas!feeding mothers and lactating goats, cows: and sheep within the region surrounding !r.dian Point The milk samples are being analyzed for the presence of strontium-90 and strontiLim-89 at a certified laboratory. The identity of the laboratory is. being kept confidential until we have achieved .a broad sampling of milk from many commwniHes. 24-b-HH/OR/ Rl Today we share preliminary results of the first 30 samples analyzed. contd. Al the outset, we advise you that we have pledged unqualif1ed confidentiality !o aU of the mothers and animal caretakers who have shared samples of milk for our project Their names and home addresses will not be publicly revealed unless they specifically request such disclosure. At the present time, we are unable for reasons if confidentiality to pfovlde you with names or addresses or other identifying information with regard to specific donors. The sole exception is the case of Cindy-Lu. a mixed-breed goat of Nubian and Saanan parentage, whose owner (the undersigned} has waived confidentiality. Cindy* Lu resides in Redding, Connecticut. which is located approximately :30 miles due east of Indian Point To date, she has provided 7 milk samples for analy'SiS~ A sample collected on July 11, 2008 had concentrations of both strontium-89 (3, 7 picoCurleslliter or pCi/1) and strontium-90 (3.4 pCi/1). Other samples have had concentrations of strontium-90 as high as 5.1 pCi/1 (sampi.e collected July 19, 2008) and 3.5 pCi!l (sample co!lected June 29, .2008). In each of the 7 milk. samples Cindy~LlJ provided for laboratory analysis, strontium-90 was detected. Strontlum-ag levels were given as zero" in all samples except the July 11 . 2008 sample, but with margins of error as high as +/-5.5 pCifl and +~7.7 pCi/L Cindy~Lu. who gave birth to two kids on NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-252 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00108

Appendix A 1 Febn.tary 9, 2009, will contimH3l to provide samples of her milk to the Mothers Mm'i Project. Other goat milk frorn a location ~n Yorktown Heights, New York. was tested a full 15 months after it r1ad been collected and frozen for future testing. Tr1e strontlum-90 concentration was given as 2.3 pCi/!, with strontium-89 given as, 0 +~14.5 pCiJI. A th1rd goal milk sample taken from a location approximately 30 miles due north of lnd1an Point tested 3.0 pCi/1 of strontiurn*90, with strontium*89 given as 0 +- 3.7 pCi!L Cow milk sampled fmm the same location had a strontium~9D concentration of 1.0 pCii'l. with strontlum-89 given as 0 +-2.4 pCi/L Our first preliminary results from samples of human breastmilk showed a wide variattoo The highest concentration of stmntium-90 was gjven as 7 1 pCi/1. with strontium-89 given as 0 +-  :.t 7 pCi!!. The donor resides apprmnmately 10 rniles from Indian Polnt The second highest concentration of strontiwm-90 in hurnan mllk was 4A (strontium** 89 0 +-3.1 }. The donor resides near !he Hudson River approxirna!ely 10 miles south of Indian Point 24-b-HH/OR/ The breastmilk of a donor residing approximately 15 miles north of Indian Rl Point had a concentration of 2.5 pCill jstrontium-89 0.1 +-8.7 pCill). contd. The breastmi!k of a donor restding approx1mateJy 10 miles north of lndtan Point had a strontium-SO !'..oncentralion of 0.3 pCi/1 {strontium-89 0 +-2.2 pGi/1) The breastrni!k of a donor residing ln HartSdale, New York, had a stronlium~90 concentration of u pCi!l (stronliurn-89 n +-2.0 pCi/1). The breastmilk of a donor residing in Cortlandt Manor had a strontiurn-90 concentration of 1.6 pCi/1. (strontium~89 0+-1, 7 pCi/1). The breastrnilk of a donor residing in Westport. Cormectic.ll had a stmntlum-90 concentrat1ori of 0.7 pCi/1 {strontiurn-89 0 +-9.4 pCiJI) Th"' breastrni1k of a donor residing In Easton, Cormectk;\.lt had <l! stron\iurn-90 concentration of 0.1 pGi!l. {strontium-89 G+-2 . :8 pCiiJ). The breastmilk of a donor residing in New York Crty* had a strontium-90 concentration of 3..8 pCi/L {strontium-89 0+-4.2 pCiJI). Ai!.ogether, the bteastmilk of 11 human mothers was analytea. 3 December 2010 A-253 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00109

Appendix A 1 2 3 Only t>.vo human donors had strontium-90 concentrations of **zero** it1 their milk, with a margin of error of 2.5 (Cortlandt Manor, strontium-89 0 -t*-7.2 pCl/1) and 12 (10 miles southwest of indian Point. strontium*89 0+-4 5 pCill). Once we have received results of 100 milk samples we w1ii invite all donors to participate in a press conference to announce the results. Our pledge l:lT C'.onfidentiality will continue to guarantee privacy to those who prefer to remain anonymous. we have asked all participants to provide us with completed questionnaires to assist our assessment of the resLJils. The results we share today are preliminary and represent only the first batch of samples collected. We recogniz.;: that. it is difficult to draw a conch..!&ion fr-cwn a small sample such as this> However, we are very concerned to learn that all but two of 11 mothers who shared their breastmi!k with us for this project had concentrations of strontium-SO in their milk. 24-b-HH/OR/ We are very concerned as well to learn that all animals whose milk was tested Rl had levels of strotitium-90 in their mille We are gravely concerned that two of our contd. samples - one from a human mother. the other from a goat mother* had detectable leve<ls of strontium-89 In their milk. We belleve these results provide cause for belief that rad!aticm releases from the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant are responsible for contaminating the mothers' milk Further. we believe the information contained herein provides cause fm suspension of the relicensing proceed1ngs to allow for fuil investigation by the NRC and the health departments of New York and Connecticut as to strontiurn*90 and stronhum-88 levels in the breastmilk of human mothers and ~actating livestock within 50 miles of Indian Poin! Should SliCh an investigation result in findings that the breastmllk of mothers and livestock contributing to the foo<l c.l1ain and residing in the region surrounding Indian Point contains slrontium-90 and/or strontium-88, we be!!eve a cessation of .!ndlan Point oper-atiom> and denial of relicensing are called for. ( j



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cb::o&dctor Mntllers Milk Project 147 Cross Highway Redding Ridge CT 06876 TeL 203~938-3952 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-254 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00110

Appendix A 1 2 3 IPRenewaiCEmaiis **r.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                     }    25-a-OR l ;ll~.o s~~pp*:.)r> Riv~1 k-t~-=~~l;;T\: ::~::;,. Jr ..~nrc:-L:rd:~~ .imp.::~._::. c.:o::\.:er:-::-s. ;ir:-d cp;x}s:ti~-*n t*:) rG:K~*Nig                 tho:     1i.~.**;;*w:;~~ oflnd1~::*}

l'c::<L December 2010 A-255 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00111

Appendix A 1 2 MR. BYRD: Good afternoon. My name is Ricardo Byrd. I 3 am the executive director of the National Association of 4 Neighborhoods. NAN is one of America's oldest and largest 5 grassroots multi-issue membership organizations. Our mission is 6 to improve the quality of life in America's neighborhoods. 7 Working together with our member organizations, we strive to 8 improve the economic, social, environment, health and safety 9 conditions ln neighborhoods. 10 The National Association of Neighborhoods is here 11 today supporting the of Indian Point Energy Center because the 12 center generates reliable, affordable and clean electric power. 13 We are not experts in the generation, transmission and 14 distribution of electricity. However, our members are expert 15 electric rate payers. Business and residential consumers of 16 electric power. People in homes and small businesses across the 17 state are plugging more and more electric devices into outlets 26-a-EC/ LR 18 to the point where it is hard to find a home or small business 19 that is not running out of outlets. And if the United States 20 Congress has its way, sooner then later, we will all be 21 in every new car and truck into the outlets outside our homes. 22 The decision that will be made regarding the Indian 23 Center has huge economic and social consequences for 24 York's neighborhoods and businesses. Because of our interest i NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-256 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00112

Appendix A 1 climate change and energy issues, it was important that our 26-a-EC/ 2 Association see a nuclear plant up close and we chose Indian LR contd. 3 Point. 4 We also brought together six national Black 5 associations of grassroot advocates, print media and elected 6 officials to tour Indian Point Center. The purpose of the tour 7 was to see a plant in operation and talk with the operators. 8 What we saw was a well-maintained facility and an operational 26-b-OP 9 team that was focused on their duties and responsibilities in 10 generating power with strict security and safety protocols. In 11 our candid discussions with plant managers, they admitted to 12 having some issues and they were working to improve them. Never 13 being satisfied that they had done enough. 14 I am certain that there are people here today that are 15 advocates for shutting down all nuclear power plants, but the 16 question we must ask in making that decision is, if IPEC was 17 shut down, what would be the consequences? None of us can be 18 certain, however, of what will happen. According to a study 26-c-EC/ 19 published by the Westchester Business Council, within five years SO/SR 20 electrical cost would raise annually by $1500 for the average 21 Westchester resident and $10,000 for the average Westchester 22 small business. These price spikes would be even more dramatic 23 in New York City where electric prices are higher. In closing, 24 Barak Obama has stated in working with the United States December 2010 A-257 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00113

Appendix A 1 Congress words that apply to this important decision. Do not 2 3 4 5 residents of neighborhoods in New York and across the country, 6 the National Association of Neighborhoods urges the Nuclear 7 Regulatory Commission to renew the IPEC license. 8 9 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-258 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00114

Appendix A 1 2 IPRenewa:ICEmails Frt.m:c: Ga"!.:;:> V'.J&i:n::.-h;:tr~ ~~:!.c.:.1;$~~~:n~f;)9-a:-tr'.:::~rk t~l;~t1 3 Smn: {*.-ktr*:d~J~', Mg(~*1 ~19. ~?0*:)9 g_.;*) ~ P*~:-*1 Tw lr..Oi~f!~\);:n~E_*It: f~f?~C:t:rc&


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Stn{:":f:ft.:l.'*~*- l)-.)r*~~!l;~, f~al*. . ;.:_n: f):~ 'V:t \\.*.-::::n~r~cl:~ December 2010 A-259 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00115

Appendix A 1 MS. CAMPBELL: Good afternoon. My name is Joanne 2 Campbell and I am vice-president of Albany Houses Tenants 3 Association in Brooklyn. On behalf of Tenants Association and 4 residents of public housing throughout the borough, I would lik 5 to testify today ln support of the Indian Point Energy Center. 28-a-EC/SR 6 Re-licensing the Indian Point Energy Center is the right move 7 for Brooklyn's public housing families. New York currently has 8 the second-highest energy prices in the nation and in order to 9 secure a future where energy prices are stable and affordable, 10 Indian Point must remain open and operational. 11 Independent studies show that closing Indian Point 12 could increase energy bills for families by thousands of 13 a year. At this time of economic uncertainty or, now is 14 time to force already struggling families to pay more just to 15 turn the lights on. Although I electricity bills are often 16 included with the rent we pay, make no mistake about it, the 17 families I represent at Albany Houses feel the painful sting of 28-b-EC/ so 18 increased energy prices throughout our community. 19 The prices families ln my neighborhood pay for the 20 milk, corn and other groceries are a direct result of higher 21 energy costs. High energy prices are also felt by those families 22 who rely on New York City's mass transit system because subways 23 and bus fares are similarly increased to keep the pace New York 24 City public housing set last year that if prices continue to NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-260 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00116

Appendix A 1 rise that they will be forced to raise rents and eliminate 2 hundreds of community and senior centers ln my neighborhood 3 needed to survive. Excuse me y'all. There are too many 4 families in my neighborhood that live below the federal poverty 5 line, and it is those families and countless others who are just 6 getting by who cannot withstand even the slightest increase ln 7 our electric bills. 8 As the economy threatens to plunge my community into 9 further peril, the voice and concerns of low income Brooklyn 28-b-EC/ 10 must be heard in this debate. Tenants Associations and public so contd. 11 housing families in Brooklyn stand together in the belief that 12 New York's clean energy future must be affordable for all. The 13 crucial first step for towards securing a affordable energy 14 future is to re-license Indian Point so it can remain open an 15 additional 20 years. Thank you for allowing me to add the 16 concerns of the Brooklyn Tenant Association to this debate. I 17 hope we will be able to reach a decision that keeps Indian Point 18 open. 19 20 21 December 2010 A-261 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00117

Appendix A 1 MR. CAPURSO: Hello, my name is Tom Capurso. I'm a 2 business representative with Local 3 here in New York. I'd like 3 to thank the NRC for having this opportunity to come here and 4 stand ln favor of the re-licensing of Indian Point. Indian 29-a-SO/ 5 Point provides a lot of good paying construction jobs as well as SR 6 good paying jobs for the people who work in plant and daily day-7 to-day. To close the plant would decimate the economy of the 8 local area. On a personal note, I'm a Peekskill resident, I 9 moved to Peekskill over five years ago with my wife and two 10 children. The fact of having a nuclear power plant ln a close 29-b-OP 11 proximity to where we live did not stop us from making a 12 decision of coming to the area. We feel it's safe. We don't 13 lie in bed at night with our eyes open. 14 If you've taken a look at your heating bill this 15 winter, to close down Indian Point, the electric portion of that 16 bill would probably do the same thing and double. I'm just 17 speaking personally for my heating bill. And your gas ln your 18 car. If you remember this past summer when the price of 19 gasoline doubled, you close the Indian Point your price of 29-c-EC/ SA 20 electricity in this area is going to double. In those are all 21 things we need to consider. It's a safe environment there. A 22 lot of people have never been there. I've been inside the 23 plant. I've been inside the containment building. There are a 24 lot of steps you have to go through to get in there. It's not NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-262 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00118

Appendix A 1 like someone is going to walk in off the street and fool aroun~ 29-c-EC/ 2 So it is safe, and it is vital. We need to have this plant he] SA contd. 3 because we do need the clean electricity. Thank you. 4 5 6 December 2010 A-263 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00119

Appendix A IPRerwwalCEmalls 1 2 Frum; g::;Bn-;-;c<fy@:'~~r::-:epc. <;2..j:.r se~t: Tv~s-d~1/. rvt~~r:~; iG. *:~:{~Cf~! ~~*;:.*) P~*.*~ To: .. .

                         .t~..r~o:Jr*~::.: ~ s~,; t)~':~"'.b\~ rg Cc:              mt":(i(:!::;.~c::-*@ri~mapo            e*d*:..:

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Appendix A 1 2 3 Drc:*s* Sn.~-~ -...:.:.~~~h:.:.~:*g P:o:>j~*<*~ ~d:~n.*:~::-:~* l } . ~. R~gtl ;,;5~-..~r)' co~lHfl:*;-:::.~..-~::



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December 2010 A-265 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B_00121

Appendix A 1 MS. CASTRO: Good evening. My name is Maria Castro and I'm the 2 founding member of the Hispanic Energy Coalition. On behalf of 3 the Latino business and civic organizations, excuse me, 4 including the Manhattan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and The 5 League of United Latino American Citizens, I'm here this evening 31-a-EJ/ 6 in support of the continued operation of Indian Point. Indian SR 7 Point provides the clean and affordable electricity that homes 8 and businesses, schools and hospitals in New York City rely on. 9 Keeping Indian Point open means that families in the working-10 class and the low-income neighborhoods represented by the 11 Hispanic Energy Coalition will not be held hostage to rapidly 12 increasing electricity bills. In this age of global warming, 13 and open an operational Indian Point also means were holding 14 true to our promise in fighting climate change by reducing 15 greenhouse gases. The Latino community has been especially 16 vulnerable to poor environmental decisions in the pass. We live 17 daily with the health risks associated with poor air quality and 31-b-EC/ EJ/HH 18 sky-high energy bills that impact the price of everything from 19 gas to groceries. Hispanic Energy Coalition was formed to 20 galvanize and organize the Latino community to ensure that no 21 further poor environmental decisions are made for our community, 22 but are rather made by our community. 23 Like a growing number of Americans, including our 24 newly elected President Barack Obama, the Hispanic Energy } 31-c-AQ/ SR NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-266 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00122

Appendix A 1 Coalition has embraced nuclear power as a vital part of our 2 overall clean energy mix and proven to reduce carbon emissions. 3 A safe and secure facility like Indian Point is key to our 4 region's environmental and economic health. As increasing 5 numbers of New Yorkers begin to fully grasp the many 6 environmental, health and economic benefits Indian Point 31-c-AQ/ SR 7 provides, the more will join our call for it to remain open and contd. 8 operational. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to plac 9 the concerns of the Hispanic Energy Coalition and the families 10 and businesses that we represent into this debate. It is our 11 hope that any decision reached ensures a continued supply of 12 reliable, clean and affordable electricity for all New Yorkers. 13 Thank you . 14 15 16 December 2010 A-267 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00123

Appendix A 1 IPRenewa!CEmails From: Pr\ rf~IC:.A Gf~:; ::tNOf:'F [f;r=:jr~:.;::::=~ch-::;r**K~~~@~:*.-*er:*:.'>.)f~ :)~;~} 2 Stnlt: r=r::d;;:.y. f~:bn~{l:)' :rr 2t:OS: ~~-~~s P~v~ 3 To: l!~~c~ial~F*\;.f;(~fiS p.:,*~~s.:;;tJ.*~-:.~;;:: I oppose the ceilc0:':~ing of lrd;m Pc;im becaus:~ I i::>::tr the mmntwning ol :;c~Gh an <~gmg i:lciiity t:l~~*d~n;1er:; tr;e H**,,ss Gf trtr::: rnm:ons of re:;;lCe:n1s :n the area inc:u(~i:n~1 tJ"':os~~ Uv;ng ~n New Yarr; Cft:j VVS' kt:(JvV ~hat h1d~an Po:nt t:RCJ~:..~s.e of ft*:;. a.~~~ :s heyo~d tt10 point ~vhen~ :*t t""i:lr: be tnsut~3.::i for

:y. And "<':H~ k:-so\:'>.f tr~a:t !;nJta!1 Po~nt -.~. . ns (J211.:~d~)0:y bu:ki (Jn a ~;;cult \td:i::.:h r.l<1.b:{H~ it ~ Qrea~er r:::~k ln t*::g*n~s oi ~ts stab::lty. t;*:;3s irn.~spcns~b!y ~f~h:e.:~ ::ton fc:* \.t'Vr~at n~*(ii~~ tr:ey c:an rnak::: fr:::!n :t, ~~kJ(~h
        *vvtx1..::. hs:3 o(~oen done f)y nur governrnent rr3prt3ser:!.:~~:v.::;s: ~o {JppGSe H'le J:t;£~nsing of lnd:~a.n Pc:n~. yet                                                32-a-AM/OP/

H1l:; strugglt~ ~~oes or.. \/'..;hy? Do '::V*e not see ~h~ '/. hsdorn in tr:s:;dn~~ tf~;e f-1ealtl'1 an::-1 sz:f~sty of~~:~~ PA r.:::*s:d~nt~ ot* Ne~N . .'(.:.)rk i::ry dos:n~f ~h:s f-'lcHi:y dc)'*Nn? 1 tJr~~*sonai:y t18\.*e *::.,H)rked t1 c:::;.~~B d(~\,vn lndlan Poiqt fo=* 30 vt~i3:'"~-!.:: t~:e ao::jdent ::::1t : hr~:e r~*Wt; b;~;~:tt! si-rc~~~E.~d us r~any year:; ag;:.) ~:-:~ fc:!lv ::.*d b:.l~kiing nuciear facifites :-Jear he.~ vi!;.{ popula~¥$d ~:u*e~~~- butvvs Sil*3:*n :.mabie to :earn i:com Hw; anJ oti1e:- pa:e;t .S(rors. P3t.rlc:c::: ;\_ Cr~~~:*n~)ff "771 V"..iest Erv:i 1-\ve #1 ~Jt< Ne;,;,, Yorl<:.Nr' 1002S.-SS3fi NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-268 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00124

Appendix A

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tl!(:r.;:. ~:; :vr~...,. not  :.:*:~(Htgh; .::t-;~b:c l:~nd h:;t ~o f;:~d  :;.:::* :~*K~ny, (hiH{~ .xd S.:.~Hth Kon::;~ ::;::t't:-:-~Jt kYd ~.h~*r:::*::k'*.:*::*:-. ~:.:1d h.w;:~: !;.~*:(:r: tjy~!""l~; !:i'.'r !:m~,. t:p- bnd iH ..\fri~.:~~ ;*~r:d .J..(S.*\ ~.;.'":- r~:i.Ji.i.u;;.:-:.:: {~)-~.-~.t: !<.:r ~hr.::-t:' p~q~ p::()pk_~, tn !fa:.* U~:\. h*1t'{; 1:1~ h;* :*;:.(~ :nu-..*h ;,*~y:~~~i ;md :~*~: n.";;*:11rs .;..::df ~=- ~: ck:-p:*{.:s:~.i*::.n if,~*u:.3 \:J,*~:J~. t.;l,i~b:::~g :::bout .r~: ;<..~v., r:~h ir: the Ht~d:~,.:ctl i::~~r.s;:~d ~~:-* p*!*Gv:dlH.~! *.'h':'.i:t~l ;~ov..*..:'t- ~:C*l-1~:c 1rd;n~~n~ i\~ :-..:::.*:.,_~. 'Yr)rk C :t_y, ;,-;; ~::~:u:~:-~* fi~.. ; ,* ~*J~:*r:.) rl.;:Ul ~t)g **.:*.. h~k ~~-~-:rr~(: bt:::;:~. December 2010 A-269 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00125

Appendix A 1 MR. CLEGG: To start off with, my name is Thomas Clegg 2 I live in Windsor, New York. Grew up in God's country, 3 Brooklyn, New York. I worked at Indian Point. I've worked 4 there for 25 years. I am a nuclear mechanic. I fix things tha 5 operators break. I've come here to give you a few numbers. 6 Those who think that wind power can replace Indian Point should 7 really look into their facts. Denmark is your leading producer 8 of wind. It's about the size of Massachusetts and a half. The 34-a-AL/EC 9 have a 3 million population. They have 5,500 windmills that 10 produce approximately 16% of their electric. 5,500 windmills 11 can only make up 16% of their electric. It is never going to 12 replace Indian Point. To close Indian Point with numbers, 13 you'll need to have 80,000 barrels of oil a day to replace 14 Indian point or 18,000 tons of coal. We use about 30 pounds of 15 uranium a day. So where all that tremendous waste is, is 30 16 pounds of uranium a day. Nothing. Now, I'd like to ask you on 17 more fact. There are 16 nuclear power plants on Lake Ontario. 18 As anybody who's lived in New York State knows, Lake Ontario is 19 one of the best fishing places ln New York State. Out of the 1 20 nuclear power plants, only one of them has a cooling tower. So, 34-b-AL/EC 21 I would like to know how two nuclear power plants on the Hudson 22 River can effect the fish population worse than 15 nuclear powe 23 plants on Lake Ontario. In closing, I like to disagree with th 24 NRC. We have a large impact on the environment at Indian Point NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-270 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00126

Appendix A 1 Do you want to see them disappear? We saved the polar bears. 34-b-AL/EC 2 Don't let your grandchildren grow up saying what was a polar contd. 3 bear? Thank you very much everyone. December 2010 A-271 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00127

Appendix A 1 2 3 !PRonowa!CEmails t=*J*c~m: ~-;:~a C>::;i~t!-11 f:::;c:~~-~:!*h{~.,:):;r-:.~:"iff:.n~-i~y* :~~;t] S~'H: Tb.:rsd~iy, Fe-bm:.>~y  !:c:. 2Cl:}~~ ~ 4B PM To: ~~~.;j;a:r*-P-::<~flti~ 1:2_; f~'i":-:':r~;::.,: -c:::-


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pf>Jt:~:.:ms :ilH.:::r8sse ~.:tit!-, .~~J(~*? hs sorneur~*3 \:'tno r~.t:itiy lht<e~ ~l~n:;. d<ry ~:,_ r~~~:d d,-s:r CL:t : t:~.m -.mty :1<.:~k~ t~n.~~; t:he h'..Jpt: ~;--1r:tt i*~ lndk:*Hi Poit~t c..8*:}nf;t b~**r;_ ~~H:tt t*! :s ft)(f;ed to :.::!G~~n lEP ~l ~;:~~;,::rn:CttEly t':'.IBSSJ' l*}pr::lt:i;:Jr!.  :*~!;the rnc:::;r:-.~y :;p.::m~* on *lnHHr.:nx:{::otNGL:lC } e-OR/RE

       ~~\.) ~~ k">:'~H -.:,~~jy ~,;.*,o'),;';~~:Js ~hat.

Mr;>. Us,.;j C*:::ll*"'H?.r: 1;*9 Gk'! ?o:.;{ F<o..1;;1r! Nn::-in C:*::..:.ton: r:n :--il.r!S(1J1 . ~\1 y* 1GE.(~~) NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-272 December 2010 OAGI0001367B_00128

Appendix A 1 MR. CONNOLLY: Good evening. My name is Jerry 2 Connolly. I am the spokesperson for the Coalition of Labor for 3 Energy and Jobs. I served as business manager of Boilermakers 4 Local-5 from July 1999 to December 2007. My first job at Indian 5 Point was during the summer of 1968. I worked on every major 6 pressure part system in both Units 2 and 3 and worked on the 7 failed attempt to rehabilitate Unit 1 ln the 1970s. I have come 8 here tonight as a representative of a coalition of unions who 36-a-SR 9 support the re-licensing of these important assets. Indian Point 10 and the 2000 Mw it produces are vital to the economy of the 11 downstate region and it produces no greenhouse gases. Since 12 Entergy has possessed Indian Point, we have seen significant 13 investments made to improve safety and liability. Is there more 14 that should be done to ensure health and safety of the public? 15 Of course there is. That is the reason why we are here today. 16 As important as Indian Point is economically, it is paramount 17 that the safety of the plant is first on the list of priorities. 36-b-OP 18 We in the Coalition of Labor for Energy and Jobs urge the NRC to 19 review all the facts carefully and with due diligence for the 20 confidence of the public is at stake. Any outstanding safety or 21 operational issues must be addressed to give assurance to the 22 public that the plant is operating in a safe manner. The 23 Coalition feels that Entergy has the resources and qualified 24 personnel to address any presently unresolved issues. The local December 2010 A-273 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00129

Appendix A 1 2 building trades have nuclear qualified tradesmen to be used as needed, particularly during scheduled maintenance outages.

                                                                          }    36-b-OP contd.

3 Contrary to what some organizations have placed on 4 their web sites, the trades have many members who, like myself, 5 have worked at these facilities since they were owned by 6 ConEdison and the Power Authority. Each trade has training 7 programs to prepare them for working in the nuclear environment. 36-c-AL/ AQ/EC 8 Many tradesmen's spend a majority of their working careers, 9 working within nuclear facilities. Not only Indian Point, many 10 of them travel upstate New York and work up around Oswego in the 11 plants. Some of them even go out of state. Some local and 12 national politicians are here today or sent representatives to 13 oppose the re-licensing of the plant. If the NRC finds safety 14 issues that cannot be resolved, I hope these officials will 15 realize their responsibility in identifying 2000 Mw of 16 immediately available base-load power. I hope they are ready to 17 listen to their constituents who when the price of electricity 36-d-OP/ 18 soars will scream bloody murder. New York State presently has so 19 no expedited method or procedure to site new base-load 20 generating facilities of the magnitude of replacing Indian 21 Point. I guess we could put up approximately (700) 3 Mw wind 22 turbines as some suggest. 23 But to meet Indian Point's output, they might be 24 required to run at full capacity for as many as 600 days at a NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-274 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00130

Appendix A 1 clip and that's at its 7/24 supply level. It would be 2 interesting to see them strung along the Palisades or stretching 3 over Bear Mountain and up to Storm King. Unfortunately, wind is 36-d-OP/ 4 an intermittent source and could never replace the nuclear so contd. 5 facility megawatt for megawatt, hour production for hour 6 production. The only real base-load option is more fossil fuel 7 plants, which translates into increased air pollution. In 8 closing, I would like to add that we believe the NRC has the 9 people and expertise to make a sound decision about the future 10 of Indian Point. We believe the facility can be operated in a 11 safe and secure manner. Entergy's making the right investments 12 to meet requirements for operation. As we speak, a scheduled 13 maintenance outage is beginning with the employer employing many 36-e-OP/ 14 local tradesmen at a time when jobs are badly needed. The work so 15 they will perform will improve safety and reliability of this 16 facility. We urge that you, the NRC, be thorough and listen to 17 the concerns of all here present tonight and all the remarks 18 that you receive. I thank you very much for the opportunity to 19 address this group. I wish you good luck in coming to a 20 successful conclusion. 21 22 23 December 2010 A-275 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00131

Appendix A 1 2 3

                ~:;~[~;c,~'~7~t~)~~~,~~~'~'~;~i~'~:~~;r, E.cti:i:r:~; >J;amJ:

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                           !rom lnlht<r..             Point'~       otHdated (;:mhng wr, intah*                       ay't~m .     ..;A:.i.d* <t<<<'>

binkma of galloN; of i-I*Jd>'!<:m Rwer '8ater e,-ery de<y t*:* keep tllt' pl.;;u*J\ (:)j:)~R~:irl~ Tb~ ki.uiz~ c.( ~~J;.;;xr..:-notlt~ ~r~d l\ti&Dti~' :~ru~Jr~ v,-~c:l th~*y ~I~ trapp-!:d

                           ~j_nat           th-t    u~;c*tin,g wat~~r .i.ii"~~.a.$1:.-t~ !X--~*lc'~.erj;s. Sh.;,1:~t.r:o2'.;: <~tl..r(~ecn $X{! h~i'-~C:

aS: en ~1-,cl~n~~t"ed. os.p-~--ct-es Ht\d'.:.r U'1.1.c 1~*~d-otra.1 End-tt.nt}'f.-t\l:~:k St..~~:~~ ,3,{,:t~ The ccnttnw~~l& ~f..t'l..k of red~ca~t.h'<: Vd).:~.e:r f.n-;n1 ~t~e .h;,jj;Ar, P{;~nt '2 s:;;tn: f\.;x*1 .!-'<.>!>*l ir.t<> th<o ~'lundw~.!-:;;*r &J'ld Hud;,tm Riv~r 37-b-LE/SF/ Tt:*{~ ln:r.,g ~erm ::s:tt.t::n:"-?>(! of th<n.JSt\JJ:de, ci-" tors.s 1:1f hi_g,h}y t~;-.tic nuc.J.t&.t \V".fiS:t;! o.r.. t.h.~ !1an-ks of the H\ld:g*.;t"*~"l Rive~* . .,;: ~~n-<:. *r~Jy h()'~~:[\~:l in :(..~~_.:._?"1;- ~,_~u:(: ~ r.:..i.n::-'0 ST ey'"{;.'ll.t. f::.~e! J:XX>lt! ~n.d

  • d~..-' ::.;-;.~hi1-~* t.:v:d* Bx*i! ..,..\ll:tt{;:rs.t~l.e v~ t(;.Tr>:,d:1;:~~.- ~.t*~~.t:~.

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-276 December 2010

Appendix A 1 MS. CYPSER: This afternoon, we represent the Raging 2 Grannies and their friends of Westchester, New York. The Raging 3 Grannies are in international protest group that works for 4 peace, the environment, social and economic justice. We work to 5 make the world a better place for all the grandchildren and 6 their grandchildren. We express our thoughts on issues through 7 new lyrics to old familiar tunes. 8 Many people in this country say that nuclear energy is 9 safe enough and green enough, but what does the rest of the 10 world say? What do they say when representatives from all of 38-a-ON 11 the countries of the world gather and discuss all the facets of 12 the issue? They refused to give nuclear energy greenhouse gas 13 credits at the U.N. Climate Change in the Hague in November 14 2000. They refused to label nuclear energy a sustainable 15 technology at the U.N. Sustainable Development Conference ln 16 April 2001. We support replacing Indian Point with solar 17 generated by private residences and businesses. New York State 18 allows us to run our electric meters backwards. Europe is 19 moving ahead with sustainable energy and we can too. 20 21 December 2010 A-277 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00133

Appendix A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 iPRenewaiCEmai!~ Fmm: ~<:yr,**~:0r r~x.)'p~;~r@:l~~:s~w:*:t:.n~:t]

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Appendix A 1 2 I AM i\{iA.JNST NlJC1.F.ARTO:X1CH'Y l'vly<::mnplaint ~~ a!Jt>ut th;:;: ik:>tf!lctivc pmvcr of nuclear aste. Fin>t - *n!\!1<'. i:> nn guanmtoc ofsafety when nndear Vl<.tste. bin tnnsit. Thert~ ::~m rw mulistk plan;; lor } 38-f-RW/SF cJ<:.~anup of a Spill Of a(!:(;kknt of a, truck hmd Of train klad nfnndear waste-. Secondly- 'lncr-c .i~ ml pllicc to ~tore the: waste. 1be NativeAmerkans. d<m't want it on thcl:r lamk No pia~.'<~ on earth wants it, and -,w: cannot S<:nd it } 38-g-RW to outer space as i1 might return. Wh:>t gne& up mwrt come down. Thirdly* The WQrs! thing about nuch~<!r waste i;; tim1 it ha:> been u~d lor hardtming the tips of Burl-kef Bnmbs <md Reliuble Replacement Warheads. These wcap;ms b<j vc been u~d l'lgainst lhe ci vi 1- 38-h-ST ians in Imq. b<:c:au;;e th!.':y penetrate deeper and kill and mttin with more intensity~ C;m the Iraqi peopie ever !tn:give ~~~'I Do pcHple who make or 1.1:><:: ckctridty from a mlckar power plan I ever fhink ahatll where !he wa~re produ<:t gOl-~ :md about the pt;i'ipk~ whn hav*:

                                                                                }    38-i-RW been destroyed or may be destroyed inth.c lu-turc?

December 2010 A-279 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00135

Appendix A 1 MR. CYPSER: No problem. Hello everybody. I've been 2 ln this kind of study business for all of my life. I'm 85 years 3 old. Former doctor and scientist at MIT. So, I have a real 4 interest in seeing that this is done right. I have a great 5 sympathy for the people who are concerned about their jobs. A 6 great sympathy for the people who have asthma. But I think as 39-a-RW/ 7 we go down an important road like this, we need to know what SF 8 we're doing. We can't close our eyes to facts. We can't ignore 9 areas that are very, very important, very, very significant. 10 We're tending to look at today's benefits. We're tending not to 11 look at tomorrow's costs. I'd like to ask that we not go 12 forward until we look at all the costs. There are three 13 particular areas that are particularly troublesome. 14 First, we've heard quite about them already. First is 15 the spent fuel. This waste is going to last hundreds or 16 thousands of years. What is the cost of maintaining that 17 surveillance? What is the possible cost of leakage over the 18 next 150, 200, 1000 years? What are the costs involved? Or 39-b-LE 19 more specifically now, what do we have to do to expend money now 20 to reduce the probability of high-costs down the road of a 100 21 years or a 1000 years? What are the costs we have to invest to 22 make ourselves sufficiently safe over that longtime period? 23 Second subject is the leakage. We've heard again and} 39-c-PA/ ST 24 again there is leakage. Mother's milk is being contaminated. NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-280 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00136

Appendix A 1 Strontium-90 is going out. Cancer is being caused. What is the 2 cost of cancer due to this leakage over the next period of time, 3 5 years, 10 years? 4 How many people will die? What number of deaths are we willing 39-c-PA/ ST 5 to tolerate? What is the long-term cost of that leakage? Then contd. 6 specifically, what do we have to expend today to reduce the 7 probability of that cost escalating in the future? What are the 8 costs? What are the total cost? 9 The third element is even more difficult. We are 10 subject to mistakes. We are subject to maliciousness. We are 11 subject to terrorism. All of these things will happen to some 12 degree. We can't close our eyes the fact that a catastrophe is 13 impossible. We can't pretend that. We've got to say, it is 14 possible. Now, we've done many things to prevent it. Have we 15 done enough? What additional costs do we have to expend in 16 order to reduce that to a tolerable level? Is it tolerable the 39-d-PA/ ST 17 way it is now or is the possibility there because the 18 catastrophe is so horrendous? Granted the probability of small 19 but if the consequences are so horrendous, we've got to invest 20 more and more to reduce the probability still smaller. So, 21 total costs is the answer. What are the total costs on these 22 three items at least? Look at the total cost today. Look at 23 the projected total cost over the time period of the 24 consequences of our decision today. Thank you. December 2010 A-281 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00137

Appendix A 1 MR. DACIMO: Good evening. My name is Fred Dacimo. I'm vice-2 president for License Renewal at Entergy. Formerly site vice-3 president. I've worked at Indian Point for over 10 years as 4 well as being a resident of the general area. I'm going to 5 submit my comments to you this evening in writing as soon as I'm 6 complete here. First place, I'd like to think the NRC for all 7 the hard work they did in preparing the DSEIS for Indian Point. 8 Entergy agrees with the staff's overall preliminary 9 recommendation in the DSEIS. I'm not going to quote the 10 conclusion, but, in other words, if you look at it, it really 11 says, there is no reason from an environmental perspective not 40-a-SR 12 to proceed with the license renewal process. In fact, we 13 believe license renewal will not result in significant 14 environmental impacts. The DSEIS recognizes plant operations 15 result in only small impacts in the areas that you indicated ln 16 your slides, and I won't repeat those. But that is a very 17 significant cross-section of the DSEIS. 18 I want to focus on those areas that we disagree with. 19 We do disagree with some of the underlying analysis in the DSEI 20 regarding some portions of impingement and entrainment. 21 shock and the analysis that was used. And the mitigation 40-b-AE 22 alternatives involving closed-cycle cooling. We will submit 23 comments in writing to the NRC by the due date. In the area of 24 impingement and entrainment, we at Entergy, and our NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-282 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00138

Appendix A 1 predecessors, which actually included the State of New York as 2 former owner of the plant, have been collecting Hudson River 3 fish data for greater than 30 years. These studies have been 4 approved, directed and overseen by the New York State DEC. The 5 New York State DEC has testified that this data is quote unquote 40-b-AE contd. 6 probably the best data set on the planet. With two other 7 owners, we have spent more than $50 million on fish studies. 8 While we commanded the NRC for their review of what was really 9 voluminous amount of data, we believe that some of the 10 conclusions are in error. Let me give you an example. 11 The conclusion on bluefish is one. In Chapter 4 of 12 the DSEIS, it concludes that impingement and entrainment may 13 have a very large impact on bluefish. The DSEIS does not 14 reflect the fact that the New York State DEC, which is charged 15 with overseeing bluefish, has not identified a concerned with 16 bluefish. And has not identified a concerned with bluefish vis-17 a-vie Indian Point plant operations. As a matter of fact, ln 40-c-AE 18 Chapter 2, it's acknowledged and I'll quote this, bluefish have 19 not been found in entrainment from power plants along the Hudso 20 River including Roseton 1 and 2, Bowline 1 and 2, Indian Point 21 and 3. Juvenile bluefish may be impinged, but the numbers are 22 relatively small unquote. So the DSEIS offers no credible 23 scientific basis for a large impact finding. So we believe, 24 that the FEIS should list this area as small. December 2010 A-283 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00139

Appendix A 1 Little credit has also been given to for the greater 2 than $100 million in today's dollars for retrofits to the plant 3 including variable and dual-speed pumps, state-of-the-art fish 4 screen systems, fish return systems. Based on the success of 40-d-AE 5 those systems, the New York State DEC staff eliminated 6 impingement monitoring. We all learned that monitoring was much 7 more harmful than the benefit gained from monitoring and for 8 this and other reasons, impingement should be classified in the 9 final EIS as small. In the area of thermal impacts, the DSEIS 10 states small to moderate based on a model that has flows and 11 temperatures that simply cannot exist in nature. We'll expound 40-e-AE 12 on that in our comments to you, but we feel that that also 13 should be reclassified as small. 14 In regard to mitigation alternatives, the DSEIS 15 treatment of this area is flawed. We will amplify our position 16 in writing. Simply put, the New York State DEC has determined 17 that closed-cycle cooling is either feasible or the best 18 alternative for Indian Point. We actually have until December 19 of '09 to submit a report on the technical feasibility. The DEC 40-f-AE 20 assessment of closed-cycle cooling impacts on the electric 21 system reflects incorrect assumptions. These assumptions are 22 contrary to the findings of the New York State Independent 23 System Operator. And contrary to the 2006 independent 24 evaluation conducted by the National Academy of Sciences. NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-284 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00140

Appendix A 1 Let me give you this quote before I wrap up. Indian 2 Point is a critical component of both reliability and economics 3 of power for this area, for the New York City area. So 40-g-EC 4 obviously, we're going to ask you to reclassify that too. I 5 want to thank you for the opportunity to share our perspective. 6 We will be submitting our detailed comments to you by March 7 18th. Thank you. 8 9 December 2010 A-285 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00141

Appendix A 1 2 E.nt*<w Huol<>'" i<ktrthea~t lo!1rli~f~ P.Coin~ f.:n<?.ij}'( {'.~~~:tvr 4~0 Bf:"t,j.rJW~j. ~5~ 3

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u,{:;<l~>i:- ~~r:Pi;~~i March 18, 2009 Re: lndiar'! Point Ur:its 2 & 3 Docket Nos. 50..247 & 50-285


Chief, Rvlema~l<mg. Directive-s and .E.ditmg Branc!1 Division ot Adm;nlstratlve Servic~:s

... ::*

Office oi Administration. Maitstop T*BD59 W.S. Nuc!ear Regu!alory Comrnission Washington, DC 20555,0001 ... -~

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C-omments on NURE0-1437, Draft S*upplement 38


Letter from Mr. Dev>d J Wrtm.a. Off;ce ol Nlidear Reactor Regt;lation to Vice President. OperatiMs, !".nte*rgy Nucle;;~r Openllions, Inc. entitl!ld **Nollce of All@ila.bility of the Draft Plant*Specific Sl;pp!emsnt 38 to the Generic Environmental impact Statament !or License Ranewal of Nuclear Power Plants Regarding: Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 IT AC NOS MO:S411 and MD5412)/ dated De:cemoor 22 . 2008. Dear Sir Of Madam. In response to the referenced l-etter. Ernergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy). is s<Jbmitting the four enclosed repor1s and enclosed letter a:>. comment~; <m NUREG---1437, Drait Sl~pplement 313. In additi0!1 . Entargy is mcluding the enclosed matrltes thai sum!1<ari:ze lhe enc! reports and leiter and also provide additional substantive and editorial cormnents. As M in1tla! matt!!r, Entersy agree$ wiln the NiJdear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Staff's preiiminart recommendation, namely that lhe Commiss)on determine tMal the: adverse environmental impacts of J:cense rene\..,-al for lndiar'! Paint Nuc.teaf Generating Units Nos 2 anct 3 are not so greal. that preserving lhe option of license ;enewallor energ)' planning decision* makers wol.Jid be unreasona-tl>e. Funher, Entergy apprec:ates ihe !remem:!au:s efforttha! the 40-h-SR NRC Staff and its canta.ctors have put fo!'ll;~arcl in order to complete this thorough document. Er11ergy recognizes that the Steff and ;ts contractors evaluated more than 30 years worth af erwiroflmental data and assessment studies in order to make its firnlings and retogni:te*s lhe enormity oi this undeflaking.

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-286 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00142

Appendix A NL-09-036 1 Oocket Nos. ~0--247 &. 50-2~6 Page 2 of4 As noted below. however. Entergy is providing certain sub-stantive ana eOI!orial comments on the Draft Supplemental Enviranmerttal ~mpacl Statement (OSEIS) The romments provided are intended I<J a;ct !he NRC ln prepi!!ring the Final Supplemental EnvJronmenlallmpsc1 Stal.ement (FSEIS} lo ellminate any errors and incons.istencies lhsl may have been introdueed into the DSE!S due lo the complex~ly and volurne of data that was considered.


In large measure, Entergy's comments focus on those portions of !he DSEIS assessing !he potential impacts of entrainment . Impingement. tMrmal shoe!<, and associated m~tigation mea:sures evaluated in tl::e DSElS {collectively, Aquatic I~><>Uel(), based on !he efforts. of :eadlng consultants whose past 1ovorn informed Ent~rgy's Enviromner<tal Reporl for lndi:::m Po!nl Unit 40-i-OS Nos. 2 anti$. In pa!<i<:wlar. l.h!;l following consl.lllant;; ;;wt>m!twd comments on the DSEIS in tne ilttached repons:

                   "   Or, Larry Sarnthouse ollWB Erwironmental Servic:es, Inc .. Dr. OoLJg Heimbuch ol AKRt', Inc., Or. MarK Mattson of Norm:and'eau J!\ssociates, Inc. and Or ..John of Applied Sc;ence Associates, lnc., .addr-ess imping:ement and entrainmef'lt. 1/Vhile their mport includes mm1eruus commeflts. !heit focus on the poterdiaJ irnpads to Bluensn. cl1aractertz:ed as '*LARGE' 1n the DSEIS, deserves mention. The DSEIS accwateJ~' r~fl'ects that impingement and entrainment of e:atly ltfe stages of Bluefish occt;rs a! Indian Point in only a vert limited fasi'lion. As such . 1mpingemern and Emtra~nmenl . alone. coukl no! reasonably be expected lo direcHy impact 111e area Blueflsh :population. Furt~er. while the DSEIS memions polentlal food-web implications of !ndlan Poirll's operations, it mistakenly identifies the ::::omposllion of the Bluefish diet. Again, therefore. the DSEIS does not support its conclu:.ions of indirect 1mpact~ 10 B!uet::sh. As a result . the FSEIS should ldentify potan!1al1mpacts to Bluefish a:a 'SMALL" 40-j-AE/AL
  • Or., Mattson a~so addresse~ shoctnose s1urge<Jn Among U1e se;*etal pomts he makes in the repmt. Dr Mattso!l ou~lines hOw tne DSEIS calculation of potential impinged sl.utgeon is inccmsct by approximately an order of magnitvde ~
                       !hat is. ihe DSEIS signilicantl)' O'-'ersta!es potent1a! impacts to shorlnose sturgeon.

Similarly, the DSf:iS cloes not account for the substant.ial population increase (i.e., 400% to 500%} in shortnose sturgeon over the pentld of lndiart Point'l'. operations or

                       !he retroliltlng ol th:!l stations' cooling water intake stmctures. >\'ilh state~of-the-art Ristroph screens and fish return systems designed specifically ta r-educe potential impacts !o flsh, including shortnose slwrgecn. Finally, lhe DSE!S does not reflec! !he New YorK State Department of Environmental Consefl!a!icn (NYSDEC) staff's prohibitio:"' on impingement sampling f:or shortnose sturgeon !o elirmnate sampling-related mortality. h1 short. there are many and important reasons \.vhy Indian Point's potential i!'!1pacts io snortnose sturgeon. cluring l!ls license renewal perio<l, shOul<l be
                       <:<msidflred SM.Alt.:* io the FSE::IS.

December 2010 A-287 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00143

Appendix A NL-09*036 1 Docket Nos. 50-247 & 50-286 Page 3 of4

  • Dr. David Harrisor~ of NERA. Inc. addresses electfic-system reliability, air emissions,
                      ~nd climate change considerations assoc;ate<l with certain mitigaw::.n a11emat!~tes addressed in the DSE!S. Base<lon Dr. Harrlsan's assessme-nt, ~i.'hich ;s echoed by the New York lndependem System Operator and tile National Aca,derny of Sciences.
                      ~edwce<l output at lnti:an'lt may have a slgmf1cant negative impact em electric*

sys1em operation. air quality in the region, <md New York's djmale change goals. Foc<*s on these considerations in the FSE!$ 1s partlcu!a!1y appropriate, giver~ that electric-system reiiability and air-quallly concerns were prominemt in the February 12. 2009 pLJblic meetings on the DSEIS.

  • Dr. Craig Swa:nsM of Applie<i Science Associates, Inc. addressed potant!al ti"l<Sm1al impacts. As Dr. Swan;;on*s ir'ldepemlertt review of me lm:han Point tl1errnai record illustrates. a historic NYSDEC-m<:mdat.ed therrMI assessrm~nt by multiple Hudson River facilities rnodeled condilions ~.;rv;!er a specific s!ack tidal CcQndition that oo not and cannot act<Jally exist in !he Rivef. In particulm, NYSDEC required an
                      <3Ssump!icn of a tidal comiilion <lefined as near slac" water {specifically lhe lowest 1oth pervenhle current during the flood tide) at mean*low water, as a conservative c~:mdflion for thermal dispersion: h<Jwever, near the lnd1an Point site. slack water conditions occur near mid-tide, not at mear<*IOW wa!er. ThijS, the coMil:on imposed                 40-j-AE/AL oy NVSDEC o!fers no insigh! whatsoever into ttle present or future compliance                       contd.

calculus for lmJlan Point Units Nos. 2 and 3. Moreover, Indian Point's currerd SPDES permit confirms rrs compliance with applicable law. As such, a11~* heat shoci<: assessment in the FSEIS shoul'd identify potential thermal Impacts as "SMALL'"

  • Sarn Be03ver. ol Enercon Services, Inc., addresses pote*Fliial impacts frorn various cooling tcwer sys~ems. As me Enercon report uMerscoro:'!s, conclusions abO"ul tt1e potenlial impacts of do!>ed*qrde cooling suffer from omission5 aboul site-specific cons!ructir.m and operational hurdles. Thus. fer instan.ce, the DSEIS fall$. to ac!:oul'lt for kno'Wr'l on-site stront;um and tril,ium radiological contammat<o11. and also biS~stmg and excava!io*n ec!ivi:tles that woui<l place :he Indian Point site among the top three largest mlning operations in the nation. \Nhen accounte<l for appropriately, these a!1d other conditions support ihe concltision that impacts of the cJosed*cycle cooling mitigation alternative should be 'lARGE' in the FSEIS It is Enh~rgy's concll.lsion. after revie>'l!ing !he DSEIS and expert reports refemncect above.

t11at continued operat1on through the licEH1&e rene.wal period<; for lndian Poinl 2 and lflrji:an Pain~ 3 w,u riOt result iF'! any adverse envlronment:al lrnpacts. NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-288 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00144

Appendix A 1 NL*09*03*6 Docke! Nos. 50-247 & 50~28*6 Page 4 of4 Th!re are no new commitments identified in this submi!tai. We lool\ forward to rec~ipt of the FSEIS. If yov have any ques.tions. regarrling the er1doseo reports and/or matrices of commen1l>, pleaS& contact Ms. Dara Gray, Chemistry Supervisor (914) 735*8414. Enclosure '1: IPE.C Dr.att SE!S Substantive Comments and Stenographic Comment Matrices Er'ldosure 2: Letter dated March 17, 2009 from Goodw:in Procter to NRC, **comments on NUREG-1437, Draft Suppl.emenl 38" Em:!o.sure 3: Enerc\ln Services Inc. Report dated Marth 2009, 'Response to the lndian Poml Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement' Enclosure 4: NERA Economic ConsUiting Report dated March 2009. "Economic Comments on Nuclear Rei;wlatory Commission DSEIS for lnd'tan ?oint Energy Center" Enclosure 5: Applied Science As:;or;;iate&, Inc. Reporl dated Marcb Hl, ;wos, Review of Thermal Discharge Issues to the Hudson River in NRC Draft SElS fer Indian Point 2 and 3" E!'lclosure 6* F~sheries Expert's Report dilled Mar~h 16, 2009, "Review of NRC's Impingement an<l Entra~nmentlmpact As.sessmenl fer lP2 and iP:3 cc: w/Enclosures- CO ROM Mr. John P Boska. NRC NRR Senior Prl~ect Manager Mr Sarnwel J. Collins, Regionai .Administra!cr, NRC Region I Mr. Sher\vin E. Turk. NRC Office of Genefal Counsel.. Special Counsel Mr. Drew Stuyvenl:terg. NRC Envin:mment:al Projec! Manager IPEC NRC Residents Mr. Robert Ca!h:mder. VIce President. NYSERDA Mr. Pawl Edd\1\ New York State Dept. of Public Service December 2010 A-289 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00145

Appendix A 1 2 3 ENCLOSURE 1 TO NL-09-036

                  !PEG Draft SEIS Substantive Comments and Stenogra.Qhic Comment Matrices ENTERGY NUClE.t.,R OPERATIONS, INC INDIAN PO!NT NUClEAR GENERATING UNIT NOS. 2 and 3 DOCKETS 50.,247 and 50*266 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38                   A-290                         December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00146

Appendix A 1 Substantive Comments December 2010 A-291 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00147

Appendix A Unelt Comment il* 1(j ... base ripliaii(iii~sii iiiiji;i"i;j;$i;i;ii i;ril;* iiiiill>es i.; If:i2i:sti*r~~iu<r..s;f.iem: .i'!1e. FS!'JS inwid. iiiiii!itiai"i~e-ir-s*

                                        -.-.-. f~~t:_ -~~~~:~C:-.~::.::~~~0: _9~?=~~~:~~~ ~ -~~~ .!:~~-~- ~~~~ -~:v: J!:?!_ ~q~~:-:~~:~;- ~~!~~~ ~-~ -~~~~- -~-;~~~~~9~ s~~~?~!: _                                           40-k-AE
'1 ...... The. FSl: !Ss_t:>l>.u~<l. ,;t~t". _lJ-'.)l. ~f'.1 pr<l:Vi<i';'S ~~<):;te J!f{J{'(< ~5111Q .i<1r.l f'? L)r! I~* ....... .... . 40-1-ED Rep:~c~ th~ paragr~-1p~1 ~..~tt1 thB' to~!t::wjn~;-: ~tP2 r1r.s n1i.xe:r.! w.aste s~on'9f3 ~nci~iti:~s. r.x;vf:r~{'l iry a NYD991:.~411, 3.<1<.! <lil*ii:fl <l(;ltt!~me0;ts <&Sued tty N\'SDEC uMer il N\'CRR. Pil.-1 Sl::l, ll:it !hE! ac<:ll"l"lati<l\1
                             '3 5~ 18           .anQ t~H!:f.b:Jr?JJY ~!or*es]:e .()~ m~xeti \~*as1Bs k:tr uuv.r;.: t!tan ~:¥.) d.e:yo. Mi'K~o;.:l ctr~ tt~mpuom~ty $10:r~d 40-m-ED
                                                 <lmii& tor rnote (i.>3D 00 d<!VS m IP3 bil:l~d on a m,:~eci wilsie C<li"l*jil!<Jn:>; el(empiil:lll 1ol f>c;mm r-!Y!)oassp:r?45, !)<'r{> !'l'(C:f'l>l [>;;;:1:>74~1,~.:........................................................                          . ............................ .

There i~ *very *1m.te- tnk)H1l::J:~I:Jn tn ~h6" OSE.l.S -llt.K~u-~. !K~e! o:.:v:rJt3tiKw*s ;.n U1~ H!.fl)Btm Aiwr; y~!" tht:: ~m£x;~t~nr.;.~: n1

                                 .. ~            ~~d:t1i p~::.1G-BSses or. th}3 :oca~i*:.~n .and e>;t~;:nt c~* U1e ~henna~ n~u:*f(e *i;; cr~ti.;:aL U appr3as-*s mat :sorne <~~W1tes 54 l**::l           iN'YSOEC. p* m<J<:I<:'Iers. etc.) Cl:d NO! 0pprec:<1le tMt th<l r.1orJo.;led SctJNatios were r>ot <lnly tlnf$3h51:c
                                               ;t:mt lrflfJ0~~1:/!e .. Tta::: FSt:tS* ~~t(Jlt;;~*: tnci~fJ.t; <<ctdit~en::'~ cJf31:>~c:!ipr.k;n :.-.*~ tt'l.£; ~;Cal (;-t1m.1:t*i(;n::; Cf1 fi'""~{~ H:.xJ~,;w: Riv'!':~r.

({~e ~:c~:on 2 of ~\S}:\'s U_?~*~-~ ~~~p~~?*~*t____ _ _ _ ____ _______ ____ ____ ________ _____ _ "- 28

liii1;J, p.(,iyiJaline wf>e bej;;ir,;;; a! RM (r{ver mil'>) 1, P.KM (rMl' ~.i~C>r::~1<l>) snouid aisob~ 1 ami 11<<1 ~* ;;>..;
                                         ..... ~ ~.~.r.~ ~:~~~:x. ~.~~~~~~:~:

40-n-AE/ED rr-~e.s~ data s:uggest ~.o tJ"tf3 NHC: sMff tt"',G11 .._,a6;:Hf*jt~S i*n 5UtHt~s ;-wd H"'1i: ifnp<Jr~fitl\~-c u1 cr=td:x)r1 in~*wts t1t1

J.(J infll<~rx;etJ !W a variecy ;J! fH>n-enl>m;pog<JI~C la~toio <Jnd rs*s;;l! Jn c!>i:tHJ6S !o k1<..>J W1JC' !>!'l.l'-.'tu.rr.; ;;mJ !W>CI'm'
2-<J? ~h(Ot,.:gh Z- 'tf1;.H dtn:~:c:t:)~ lmpad t*~:gll~rtrophjc !~vel~.. Th~ au~hors cae-d in if~\?. DSE!S tc ~~J;..~*.u:::~~t1hi~ S11atemem~ CatHCO
3:8, :ip~j V <<fid CQ':.e ~2006}, d:scwss~rJ o11t:~ i'...":?J~t:fJn ~r:.d p.rirna:-*:t p.rr... rJur.tto:t 'Th~1y did nrJt rJlS*cuss impac:~s <1rt ~ood wet; s~~u:.;'tiJf{;) iJnd hm"'~~:1:;:r~ . k~~en:rx::~s r1~1~::~L-$! food -w\3t"J ~*:f1*e~~~s <;f ~A1<~nges fn ca=t1<..m i:nputt't m;;~:dG by NRC £Hf~

n<ll ~;upport\l-d b;< M~wn ~uilii~tl~d stutl<>iS of iM Hudson Riv~r e*:osystem. A$ s~cr,, looo-web ~ll*:<tiS

                          ............. --~~:~~-~:~~?. _giv~-~~ .? _i:r?~.YY9~9.~~~ -~~~~~~} -~~-~~:~~-r-~~~- i~np~?.t~. ~~~ y~r:*. -~~:~~~-'-- :~:;l:. ~~r r*~~~~~1?~.~: ..................................._       ....._.

tn UH:J HRSA. JP2 ;~r1t~ !P.3 ~:rlgtnaHy agree<J ~o i:ns~aiJ dua~ f:t(>~t';d p:.;n~p:S ~:nm \1<1~la0~0 ~~':-<'~e:.i). A~ a ~-a:;;J~i. !he

          ?    <!A:l             1,:             f'SE!S ~Muld be rev<sed ~o r<JI!;;;;t tMt IP:.ll1tlS <2~Ceed0-I>::Ol11mit"'~HIS m<Sde k* N'ISOEC amJ c.'!t!ms in
                           .............. ) ~~.~ .. ~":':'~ .iflf~rf:~~~r~~J :~?.~~?.t~~~. ~~~~r?:'~. s~:~~T~P~:.                      .... ........                                           ............. ..

The d:stlncticn 111-i" betwc:e1.1 v-enc:bt:ahS5: a11C! :a-rge- \/t}r~(;t~ra!e.s i.s not ma.ted;s.~ f.f(lct the~e is !lD t-as~s tor

                                               .~t-~~!~~~~90: .. ~~r9~. ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~- ~~~~~~~t:r:~. ~~~-r~~~~~~~-~-~J..~!:1:~. Y~~-'9~~~~~":!7~ -~~~~~. ~~~ _:~- P.!~~~:~........................... .


              ......... ..

Gt~arl:t-i~~ t!n}s 0VfH~Jnt,e tr~ t{?-;:(\j" :Permit~ k;r IP~! anrJ ~P3 .. 8tW'II'i:lnO P~)irlt 1 ;;~nd ~!. nnrj 8l1*Smon 1 f5(1($ 2 _ becnmc: cltc<.live M Oclilm1r 1. i9a?, and tmve b<X!n .1dminiwm,vely contimJml t*; ::he NYSDEC since 23 24 Ot!ob<lr I. 1992 (NYSDI:CC 2(..\((l<!). T!11$ Cl<any<l iS M<>:tS$3<'f M i>I.:Cto<l.liel~* rdl.;:ct ~h<l i.::.>ttt;;NI Stille <ll lll<)>6>


1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-292 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00148

Appendix A 1

                                                                                         ~NDf.~N ro~r-~        r* h":H.t.t= r    ~3{:J::~      n . t~:;             .n s

r.,.-**;;~k*::" A<."',, ..,ere,.,::::"' , .,..,.....""',.,;."""' "" *. } j *1(~ 2*:f<{J ;2.4 *Ztl. ~~~'is~;,;K~tio" .J-1 trt\: mc.*j::~~*:::tj R,:~)~ro;>r-~  :::t-)15-1effi. <l: t~2 :and !P:J k~ l}t-te,.rn~r:~ .ach.*~}l "'!KXt.:i::t~* ol l'ie-y :;,~X?,.: i.e::., a-r~j 40-o-ED/RG

........... '.- ~ ~*';£ ~-~*~i~~~~~~~;~ )~~~:?~*?:~?:~t: ~'9~~~~~~~Q :~~~ ~: ~~~~~~-!*~~?:~~ -~.-.- ................................................... '.... . ......... . contd.

f ** ~-rn~r DS~*]S li~}~ &x~::aadF:U ~fj~::- =~:t~ o~ :!~.::p~e-::::en~;1~::t~ t~rJpcx1;;~:1't: Specie$ {AtS} ~P\~t::;:e~ siq:*~~~~~~~~~* k<x~1 p~:.C!'"

                                                 ~r-us d{i:fin,hor~~- NH:C'lS FHS ;;s~ ~s im~~--:c:e*::'l t:::. -~~e~t'I';JS*::Cht :~.~ C*v~r~:: 3qHf.:HX': H.:>sc,ur~.e ar1d N.J~l.ed tt*(v
                                                 ~(;~:;mpl~:<:i.fy *=-~ rh<* H,_..(j:;:<:or:* H:i*... 'f.:.~ .~~~s:~:s~v~n t!y enr.:.nmr;.~:;~.i>~'[_~ a t~;o.{:-1:-:.i t.:.JJ~(::t~ 1;f S!:f::*{b~(M~. ~:x;;) ~$ h:oi-::-y;:~r:.t:l~
t:-rtfXH1.;;l.f-:.t:~:, :':<;)mtr:.;;*rr;i;;~~ 0r ~.;;t:~t:-C1.t:~rl:o3 ..,.;,:~,..~~, tro;.X*i-G* f..>e::;!:t:~r;P.J, c-.:;:r~!~:cn-1~&B~ o~ r~'!li~y. *.:r,~t~~<::~r..:hon w~~~~ etl"!t"::'
                                                 ~~f.X:J.::.;;.:~ .. Vl.~:.rx::1i;t"t;;flfy ~o t:V!):ng S':f:i~(;;f!1 O{X::ra:.::.;;.li. ~!"!d T1d~1;~y *..)r 1"1<:1:1-r.~tent:e ;11 lh~. k;(;,::.i ::::c::'l~lf'<"~:Jf*:i1y. ~
                                                 ~th1-W.;";\!':". i~ i:rt i.:i:fil:C~J:t t!:'.' J.X~d:NSMiKl ~1r)W 1f:*i~ d\?!:::"":tliOH ~x*.::lud:f:o$ ~f'l)" C\~ trW .2(:0;. sp*:::*Ct~$ n*1;::l ~"::~v-G .t;.w:-:
                                                 ~.rX:COI.!*nt*:*:r:t>(:" ; il tho e-~~\K~{y 1~orn bf}ir~G a-d;J2-d ~0 ~h*:;* FU s tillJ..t r~:ttJ1e 2'- ~ pt:ovidf:1S fb) .k;:P;[if~:-::~rkm :?:?.: to ...Wly
~ ~>.:.1 *r o;L-.J::[:l ~ -.:: :~~Y .~"~~ Y*.~. ~!?~~~~-~~ !~l~ -~*~-~~-:~;!y -~~~ -~=-~.f:4. !:~~: 40-p-AE
Atfho:.r*:s~~fi $~.~~ NR*(:: fS ~nf.:~:.~p!in~ !O t&J ('r10f~ h.o>i.:;t:i.;::- *1:1l~:=; ~-Na!y:=:::s. t;.,.* ~;:~.;-.lin}! ::o:d;;.::rtivn~~ -~pu-c:r:i'f!. ~~ :;~ n!~~ ~:~:t
                                                 ~rmQ t~1o;:n ;,r.~-t~:.,.*.t~ng r:l.:!G~t tn-:iv-idu31;y ~:-r.:-q:t~:< in..:~.e-:a~:t~s !j1B f_:cr{:.Q3t>iflly tf.-.rJ..~ S*='1-='~ !lp-G*:i<::~ v,:~r b~ l:f~X::*T*t*O t<t
                                                 ~ha:t~:o*<< ~3.rg-c:      imK'0.Cts- sfm;p;y tl); *-*o::~~ph-.t,:       ~:"l!::i";:!~!{tt~~ tl:.(<< ~!.) Ut.;:;. :1t.*fflb-0( G1 SP*'}Cir..$ ~t-r:1~ ~}~m.n.e<l .~r:-d ~:-;!!>
                                                 ~pr.::<tl-t:.:-1'1$ rl:D~*e*j t:-8*ii)W W*~h ~t*tf) C1B-$Sii:t.;~tl011 PI:fX)JS~ ~n ~l"'.e, FS~:t.s. '~~~ :-.:AG :;hould -:<:~'):f>y ~t:~:* Hi.S lli:i!'
                                                 ;{::;tatr:::~l'i~ fr.:;,- ::r.-ti';an P-;..-:~n1 ~:1 -~.::o:":j;;oct>'.'}i~ *;.".,*ltN itr:; ~rN~~;:,o;:l'l(tV;*nt::tf ~6{l:~~::~h"!'1~ i:! i~ 1100'1'; ~:r;. 1~~~ NRC .s*t"l'6-~::-rJ

_. ________ . )~:'"~~~:~~;~~~- !(~~ J~~~:.~~~~~- ~~~-:_f~l~~~~-~~~:~?:r_~ -~~-~ -~~~:~-r-~1~~r_r~::::~~:: !~~~J:l~~~~?_*r?. .?~! -~*~$. _;;:_-r_~ ~~1~~~~ _ r~w l>\Uetntio~.::. ~~,(~yf;tm ~~ ~nDn<.lr.;.rui;y ~;;i*~l<~d 3f6 ~p:ot-r::L'.~~(j:~ in Ti!i'!l-G 2-.>t, Tl!*fs 1;;11:.-f~~ 0!1:0t~i:d (Jt~ r.&:I:(NG:\J ~TlWl

th~ fSflS !:*t'<;.::tus~ ~:*:~ ,-.\!i;;t.f1ti~ Q~u~SJ~v:-: nrls n~0-r"\3ly b~~r"' ~~d as & C1!-l"*di*:.~t~ ::1p:x2~:<:.~. <<* ~""hid'l <1<*~$ rlu~

1l  ::!-E~2 Tr;:>:~; /.'A .~:Ci~-r-ry an1 pro*:e<l'IJ'I*CJ.l <,cr Sut,s.:~*_,*~we pr<Jt~-tl:D:":::::. 0n.:~l)f. :1~-:.; :E.n:.:k~;r.~e (.f;*:;i .'3p0C:f~s ,'\)'".:*t ~:ESA.~. -lftC~~..I:!it1~ OOl,-:'\J

f.!.lJ:;;,~~-c:~ totS.~ t~l-:)(ti-g:.-..~~~ .a.~~Q-s~mf:'U:.P.:. ~..~::-Jt:i\.:'l'~~er.. !J<:"J!".f!t:!i~: ~mf)a~;~~ 1"-r ~3"*;~ :P.>'If.lf:.i;j& ~~m~hi tx.> :.~.::.:rr~s:-cJ-s:re;;.~
sMr..,.u . .:':Sfl ::..1H~cl:~t~<..11n U1.,. , R(:VI!~'~\' t~t r~nc~$lmp-:nG~n~~-::n: tmd Entrr~iarf!nnt :lr:1pa(:t Astt:t.:~,_~rn::-:nt for lP2 i:Hl-:'"l:
w:.J~::.~.:?~-s:!?C:f~_v:~ . ~ . . ~t tJ"~-t:; fi~~i:r-:.P.~*~~~~-~~?~~~~!~}2......................... ............................ .
  • n*~c.- A&'"~F<; t2t:!:LJ6} :i1-1-:.:r;;&:: <::l~~tl:l:Sf~1f'1~t ~,_...,~ AU;:;nti..;;; nH':.nh;;:*:.k*n .1J-r<.~*Ji*:Jc:;; l'f:I)~:;J -cu~'lf.!:l~*tf!.mf,_:j~~ua~;t:m ~h<<:~ -:~c.* 40-q-AE/OE
tJ-; **:- 1.-~:n~::ir.g:s r.~~~*d~:s::.L~r:> ~:t~;.o: !!~t ~=x~ PSE.::tS. A$MFC {2(t~)BJ Sfl-t>Y!'$ t~*-t~~ :~1*:- t"fJ.;x<t*~~~C~iv.:- :::;.~~{7.(:!ty *=*~ f.h<:! ~
.;:~as~,.:~t !=o!OO.:.~I:z:.:~c*t~ iS L-'J:S*!~ Z.tG'..~e tHe M.rget ~:~hit.~i:Jhe:J by f)}e i::.,t~r.t8'~ f.;*t~tF.;S M<..rin0 H:;~:*E:i;es CcU:flCl.~  :

1:3 ,2~;).(/ 1 ~ *2t* :ASMl:~c~ ~~.rl;::"~~j~.g ~f!o::t.~ tM~ ~1\'jf5~Jir.l-~ititl j~ f1~al~hy. n1i3 imr~:t-tH~CP. G~ i:n{;:u~~jn~l :1(:~:-~*r:v st;:;;::k ::S:'JS-BSO~f~en;,~ ~~j

~u"t&S ~1-f ;r;*iti~f!-n.:;'l':. in t~& *~SElS ~~ c.;~s.-cu~wt:: ~n S&"(.i.k;r} .& <Jf R:~~)i'f:W t':i: N:RC\; t:rn~~:-rt¥H*h*:m .::S~li f:::~.-rr~:ma:i::1~ ~
t:n:r.(~::.:t .t~~~-r;::i::;;m~:;~ *~o~ 1~2 ..::~~u ~f-3. t'n1~'<<Cl~ o~ ..:::1:m~r;:,-1..::-n~ -Gnd v~~~:o;:gern*::~~~ (Wt .,.,,t:B*ll:< n":o;;.~'!-t1ac;t.::.,,1 sh.Q;;~*.:J ~
-t>e (;<,h;,1r~1.::t-eri~e:t3 as SMALL .

December 2010 A-293 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00149

Appendix A 1 i:t':.:* DSEtS  :;.~..~~..:-$ tttar e*1tr:a:nrirS:{~~ i"H< t"t.~ot; <:f:ms~:;.,:-J a ~":.3 ..8~,~. . ~~~nuat r;:;::k;*:;~:<:l*1 ~r~ .:~:*hJi'l:l£1 An'i:{~r:t..ln sM:acL .....-,..a~l mus~ M"'*l")rtctl~f:t (.}:.:;;,;tj(~t:r:'J :111fle Nt;... m:,' :*eJJ::on:. 1fl:-tl-. ~")tr:;k"t~-:.r;at f:ll;taG~ ,...,aJ;. ai~*-:.;J¢f tmnn::~:.~ *:..i;.:'f:i h."l

                                                               !'l~l'J tdt)<:lny Str:~~m ~il.::mnr:. *~m~l;;.:~swas !i~~i;~ .:.iD~~~.:n 10 years Ill}) A~ tKJtm.~ ln CHHf::C~1!!1~¥.1j, th~ s3rn~
                                            ;.-;.::m           ~t..:'l.1tL:G* Jr<.R':!~ V'o(~~t:n: ~tio:..,.. :1~18-?.~ *,1.&:ur.* ~-t~:s un-1Gin-ed. :C~r.~lnr<i.e'!nt M iP hr:s h-:-B-n ]1{1 :n<:o:r~::- th~ii sb.:'i:u~ 1r.;.~. pe<

YGi!.f uvc-:.*g:hcur 1:'}e *~mit-Q p::xi.._:.d (.:1 ;)p("f~~=-cr. !)[ t:;:-2 :Glll-dl P8. rr.:.-;*r'})!(:.r(', ~?'!{~ F S.i:.l$ :ShO:IJ~(l .';.:.:H+;.: ~hV:HfKi~~

                                                               ~\;:;nrs .;o:w;bi.Jtl:on t.:t ~nt.:~:l~n~*>)n~ r-:-~-ort~1:::r.lo1 ~.rr.*~r:.C.;;sr-s St::2J.d ::s. t"'l:*:V 1~-.:. 1hr;: r~~-~ ....a*nt.t~ ~l ~~Q* !"~~:<<::5;t~!UY.;i
8:f.l!r:a;n:--:w::-~t u~:.1J: ii~:f~i~::~J,::.r:1ttr*i! t~11;:rt~~~:tv ~x~:fr..tH>:l:'::* (~l:':::r:~~:<:.~ r.:0r::::;1i::r;:0~:tf m-t-1rtr:~lay r~~ttli>. r;r CMRr::.i !T-t.:Hl
cHGE-:C n~:J::J.~ tc tf1-t~ DS.EfS :il U:~r;w:;r:;~C: ~n S"~"Cl:Kx~ ~ a<~ct ;-._~p<:~:d.:;tt 0 o~ t~~ Rf)*.tiew of NRC's
                    *:* *--.-.-.-.---:,*--. ________ -.-.-.- ~:-~(1!?~.~~~-~:-~_~:-~:~l!:.~?. fi:.? ~~~;!!1 ~t~-'2t ~;~*J~:~s~--~~::~~~;? ~=-:~~':!t ~9~ .1?~~ ~-~:~--~~~~: .
nc*~ ;;CW!Cli..!:S~'L}fl i!'l Ct'~aplt::'f 4 ~G9~~0ii"l~ (f'!tp:j:*~tS :l1 sn~r~::ni'n~:-:~ i:i~d !:r."l-p~~Q-t?.miS'r'lt ~*r. t.'l!:..~~~OSh t:ortBi¢t 'lll~h ~!".'9
                     ~-66             !      :}0<34 1
                                                              ~in~~(mw:c*1 p~ov~d-e*; o~ [20.:;): 2-~XJ. ih: ;nfcrr~~ti*>H Si.iffinirH~z.::!j (In l-i:,£1:; &)*~~~ cf p9g.t:- 2-66 ~uv~m.~ ~l 40-q-AE/OE
~~r-A~~~: ~~~~:~~~i:f.i. ~'?.~1;-:-~:.::::~~~ i~~)~::~~. ~~ ~-r:1m::!!:Y'l.s~t ~r.r; ~~~!_pi~~~.fE?~<-f't D~~ h!*;~.ti&h. contd
                                                             ~"!"t~o DSEtS. z.~.:.~h.:*$ ~~\21t :e.-:.:~:ra:t'FIIe*ftl. ffi(l>"t=.J.H>>r h~.t-=; {::(}~;'$&($.a 2:3.-fl~~... ~nnuaf ~>;1:'iuc~:0n j{~ ~~v,...>mit~ A:-n<?-r:lO.lM
                                                             ~S:tt.?~d, \".;:1$} ~t:*r;st r~~:0rta:::~; 'I'Y,::.vtmin~1 :n H')'!:1: AJfJ...--l.n),. n::g:0n. -~~liS f!ii!ikmr.:r1~ 1:11~.::-i~~~- 'i.'o'i':l:f-: -&l::r:~J¢J i&Ht~r~~)1 ~~U'f;l t~~
                                                             =~~B A:lt~;lJJ1f' S:l':l~:11 S:;;~:nn, -...-.,-t~:r..:~~ 1;1..1*~~ ~~~~J! .:.1vw:~ HJ i!-t.J.:Jo A-!1 rl!:i~-t~t~ :.n C**E3EC Ol~!-!~tj. ~r~~ :s:::;:n~~
                                                             ~SJX::1'CQ* ~({;~.~,.~ w:w;,h ~~5~ .23.8~;. '.':c~:~w W~-!'j U:JiS!ilK~Li:. &r*:~!'cl:irl~)!~:~t t:-1 lP h;:~ :r;_!:&~: r'tO :rt(lJ~ :h~l':- 1 ~*:.:. p-Go!'
                                             ~::1~ 1S        ~ ~'G.rt.r' 1h~o--:..~g:l!cut trw ,:*~1:*:~>!.2 pc;:(il)d <d Of=!<?r~J:Hi"i ::)f 1P.Z :;lr:4 J P.,'). T~;:;.~s-!(J~*:'i' th-2 t-'S,t:::$ :sh-3Uki ,;::;ti:'-!1.:: 1ha~ ~r-..d-ir1n
Pfint's ;;c.:1~),i)~Jti:::>~ tc* t:=*n\t;j:l~n1*t:l~~ m!)rtu::tv oi Anh?:f~~o:'"-:: {.~J:;;,<J l:'i v...::r-~* l0.'l$1/. rt1~ r~~~~;.*,o.Ht.:l') -t-f t1w ~u,m!;~;j~h**j
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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-294 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00150

Appendix A 1 2 3 4 I~l' r,,

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Appendix A 1

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40-bb-IAE/E D NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-296 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00152

Appendix A 1 2 3 4 _ r<<<<TP~ii~***~-L-~-....,-!S"~-----------------c-<>_m_m_~-n.!----------~--********--------------- 5

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December 2010 A-297 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00153

Appendix A 1 jN~1:.A.N f"~~:r*{f :>~tv:**r $,;;*;~3 -S~:f1S.lP.NT:'..':f. (:O~~;Ms:*!-;~rs

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-298 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00154

Appendix A 1

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December 2010 A-299 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00155

Appendix A 1

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_..;.--~---~ {S~P. ~.;~~::~1 V! .'!lJi~ t~~~~!0n. P:>tx;te~ Cna*Jm~n~~-., .................................... . NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-300 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00156

Appendix A 1

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December 2010 A-301 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00157

Appendix A 1 [--. ,.;e ----~-~~-----------------------------------co.~:~~;------------------"-------------------------------------- o~*:e::a~l :t.~t.: DSE~S t~:lr:. no~ f'~U\ircted: s.u*~C t;.o:'!t *~~o*,~!~r:{,&  :-c Ht:*;j th~l ;tw.e ~;.;:-rJtl'~g COQ~t!J~ s't*st~m~ ~,..;:,~:::::

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-302 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00158

Appendix A 1

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  • ai~ ;mtt::~;£!~vn<<:*;{,!'l~<KNo- ~~".c ~tlf! OS!:3S. U-.:at ~nc:l~cii"~$ rl3~tor3'tion f:l:-r!l!r~.u~i. . :::*:--:: ~s. etr~~ll~:lliv. wm.i<~ .. t:ll-
                                           ~?.5           1t{;'Qe~ij~ Cv*,t.U. ~m:.:..zr u fe<k:!al !:::xw! rw~ing 'M'Iir:;~ hfYSDEC t.0:s ~t)tc?.m1l:;.:;:~!J ~>:1r;.J:~-~ t<~ ~t~-d~~n P-c:in:. 1~
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  • J: <-o-c~tng i~Y.~V-1$ ,,.,,g~r.:;. :rtx:w~.r~~o . on:S toyw;~t
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Appendix A 1


P*g<< jl

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in~l*:JE*q:::;:¢*~ i)y' 1n(l;an P-:;t;nt.

__, ___c------i'i-ri.l'<"""*.t:: DSErS. ~~~:-:-ct!'! a nt.tly5i:*.cr:-.,--:,<1--:s-:;.,--:rn"!t:c:e-c:<l-:to~~"~g"'r"'*:-["'(~c:c~t"'.~"',2""(:-:,,:c.r~::-:);-;*~~;); -~o ~~-i: C~-~G;~S;~~~-iPfJ)~~;,~;~(O~~Qm~;~---~~~ t~9; *~0 !1:?, ~m4 r1-:::t ~) ih<~ ~P ::;~~m~K~ c1tMe }k:<i~~ Th<;: t.::3~;,....~.r..::~ n! t:hi-:~ ~r~r.:d~ :.s.M~Iyst!::; ~.:j L~o'J~S>:i ~;:nm~.:JJ h,.1,r:;

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jc::xwmy ko: wl13:~ i$ :;(at~d }n t~lf:, DSE:lS :-t::-g~rf;!!-n~ t~{). /'..£1 R~:r>Ott ~=hel4.:t!l ~~:f;l-:)(!: (E:r;l:CiW~ ~i1:s CD:l*CI~=~~:::~:: 40-tt-IAE jnn~*f ~-1}f ,£\merl~~-~ Sha;.1 t..,k~~FJ:}'/171f . th<:Yt~EJ Rt,)oo:~ r.:0th-;l:.~i7k';N i~ SiJpOOrt*J'Ii by NYSOi:C "n-;J ASt-.. iFC S.l0t.~

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                                               ~h:g:n;igJHi~~sr ~p-.:.~.fX~~iar- i~~Jf.Jr:l.Cbi- o:' ~r~dH1n Po-t~-11 t::-3[* ~G.r'*1~o~ t*l-) (1*.1-m-cr,s:-r-Gt~:d 'f~on*. m-e~su1*~u cu:~<l 3f-:l::l
!1"1:is,;_ha(u,_;;tenl:n, ~h.z~tlc~<~u . .*b, * .:J,.X::t;~m:;::ntt:-0 imoo.:is o:o:r i':shit~. 5 *oo~t~:l':!~i~t :nt*ue..-;:c*e~ on t~e Hu*:.i&c-n NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-304 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00160

Appendix A 1 P~FIC's *::o:K~u~!;o:r. ~--.1n-:-;.en:i*:~9 1'::-'l:~gi;:lalj~~ lt:r~tJ~Ct:& -or1 :aq ..,..ati..::: re~~:rO~i:P:* ~:J:.f:\:~:-r:: !,":{!' H;M~t~J i~~ ~~)]~~~ ni ~~*~~

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December 2010 A-305 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00161

Appendix A 1 f'"'"i:i;)g;:; I,'=,,, ' ,- _

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Appendix A 1

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          !                                                          !fSEi.S. Sh(!t.:!d rviy tr. ttl~ miJ&l *;s:r;.e;~~ S<te"s~*e-G!f:<: fnk"crmah.;g:. Ci:l.'a~~at~;~ -~ rti'iH'le:y, Hl~ ~(>elJ Ent:r~JO;;~ Ht::[j~~

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Appendix A 1 2 3 C"mmeru

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                                        ... .:.~*('~~~:..~.*~!~~:?:~~.t~ ~~i?:F!*:~ .f;-~~ .~:::.0?::*~Y~?~o,;~* c;~;;;;~~~:* ~§~~-t~. ~;>3:;1::'?~~ ~1 ..~~i-rJ. ~~ .o~. ~~~EI=~~~t~~*~ OSE~!?. ~~~*~p0r.~~: }.
. n:~. 0$~~:) f:{~\~lt i~t:a1 ho*th NYSD(C (~3)C(ftri.~~'Xi :E.,~ A (2<)[M~ lnt..i:t-MrJ:id: ~:~~t clOtim:5!2~ JN ¢.?01:Hg r.;~*IW!;r:;;:IQt1: t;y';:l ~1.0\'!~~;;s~ \./V!.!::e;:r~ ~;;t !P2 ;;;.nd ~p:;. -Gv&r-r;;~~:.m.a,~-.,'{]: << !(-:J::m:.ty ct ,;,::,}f:t:; fl~1:J *-e:<;:!.i~r;;~ .a :r~..:*r~-

J;. 39 E:x:p~~*r\:;::Vt~ ~r~~";.~~n.;,..:iv~!~ ~::1.m *:t,*a.r> news~ary. PJ.r.itt*:t!r ~~:w.;;:nCi; :;u;:-,.~pc:rt~ 1:*:-2 -~;I:J:~m~ ;;1 ((I.Je,e:;~:v~.a~e\3 t:O~~s 40-zz-IAL 1.::.1-1:; k: *lOd-tti(:.rl. 1r*:~ asrts tia.J1e~. i?l,:i.~ *:i:*: tt:.~ H~*d-1:l.X: Hrv~r U!i:ftt~s F:t:::s . . N~*:rs:nec :.n.:f;c.:i:l:rxi 1h~:* p-r*f:vi<:r!....:.~

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                         ............... ~ .S:;xt~~m 5 ot ENERCON'£ DSEfS ~'?1:>P0HSB,}
f.Cjk~1'5~d,t;;yrh~ t.'fXl~fn{) i(,*<.11Jk1 tr3:P.~~~t ~~~ ~ 8'J:flS f}l *;.3o0-H8.t'H~lf:.q r~:?..p.::.tei:.'{ dUf.!i k' k~*Wf::-rHJ them<?.f ;.,tm,t'.:l~*rt{;y 21:rid
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l'ur iJ:PM r:JS ~"' e.:;:r)m~tf:. ~(I< ln.::~~l!<j:) r*o:m. ~h:f: EPA 8S.f!.(H~1e IS \.lf..'i:pm:o:lmr:.l~el~ f:qu.:al toth.;.~ r.:o~'l:~1efS:IOfl flStH'f:*at.::
  • ku tP?.. ~m:l JP'3 -:.1~ *i-2 we~v.s ~rr:.1 'J~;.t.=;~ 0Q~ *l::t~lf.:.ti.~f.:i .;;m r,xti:gQem~*rj{J .:~J~aq~ ::it~~:;.~.:3e*n 18-;;.e Sei;;!itm 4 .t)f'
.......--------'~"'f.~N~fc:.H~C"',(')~~~*-"*~~Do:;:'5;;;f;;;:l~3.i8>:[JMzt."' * ,

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-308 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00164

Appendix A 1

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N'f'S1)EC. M:;~ist~rl:t Ct:<<"l~*ni:,ii,S~Q:~*C!!r tn All*~:-*St 2-(Jf)S. A.t ::his ~;me . NVSOfG!"-f* n:}ll~1 ~~i-..:?, ..*2-tW;?.:!-e B.UL, -f1it

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h~~rm -c-f ~t,~ p~ant.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -3!{;:i:!                          ~n::;~~~:s a~~c.;,;:iak:.s.:l is.:~~t ~;o:..;:k~ :-:.11rm ~:3~~~*fx. u1 ~~~;; ;:rt=:-t~~ ~~w: r:~-e ~f..,eJ{?!';~~.:::;,~ ~r.w ~o'l;.-v~:::r tn~~:tkf;::=; {t<:.~l;:rc~Jl.;~:t.qmr ,;e.;.p::u*;,:i*niJ
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December 2010 A-309 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00165

Appendix A 1



                       ~                                                                                                                  Comroont
                                             ""flw OSEfS:st.::ttt:S ~!:~;;:Jt tl1~ r~HC Stlf! hUS                            pr*::v*:*J-:u:;;;y r:i$-$t:o::Hl>>C 'l<:~;.W: *:yde I:C(I;Hl9 wah             .;t hrt*rid <'J."}(':~if~
                                             ~!owt~r ~r'\ t-~*!e* lt~C!'"!Se        :oer:e\-.;;:,t Sf~S fc( Oy:t~e( C~e.e~ r<.~~ctrot G-e<*~raii1*;.g St3tko~ {OCNG~>) (N.AC 200:l). Tt15}
oy=r10( c~ee~ ~9'U1'i::'J 11)*t}r-l;j f:<.t; k~\'\*'12:~ i?J.S~~SS.ffl:<~ is. i}.....:C;)t'}:.i (~f:i tfl(;* ?.HOO D'f~h=!"H~1j:1-0i::!\)n *r.)j" c~-;l{~tmu *s*~J'I.\'(lf
                                             >J;~:.'1it~bi:!:bi t!.'}r Dy$J~~ Ct9eK GB1,r-::t*s.uon S:hli.:.'.on. Ti1t3 NRC: <~0\)f~ B~.:.::*PJ~srf:l~;nt**~~~(:j~tf~i k.lf 0)-!~~r:H Crr::-$:0:: i~


'!J.t cl;Jf.l!"qr:ri;j~O:~ i:,_:.r ;~~::>'fr-S"¢mGtlt at tr-~.j:l!ll"l- F.;Jo::Jt A: _k}l1ir:,;n Poi:'!~!, :h.:: nx:n*:l-1owe' .jrro::tns;~:iner-1~ (.}fk~E~.
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Appendix A 1

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December 2010 A-311 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00167

Appendix A 1 r----::-----.....,...------------'-------~*************************************** Page

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-312 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00168

Appendix A 1 9;**-~;~;*;**-********************************************************************~:::::;**- Tn-r{~ ..r.a-l .:;;~~:<Jot;:.r~q~ b')$~:!-)$ -..vd: .::r..t't~l:;:w:: i,._ r1!.'::d*1:.(tT, ~0 jj-P1r~~*1:C iO\i.;j ~~:=;,;;;-:..;. A;.; .(.1: Z:!::.()\::'1-!) ~::.v~*:'H fXX:-r3!X'.'M~ ~1 ~ . op<f:r;A.~.:t_.n vt ;,:ct.;J.*t:.>rlttl ~.drt~~~ dW! ... t~N:"l) ~t:*.'>'i;!!' '.:Wf.>J 6't.V""mg:t:~ ~..a::;&ttlr-: :"k1.::1 k".l$f.-t::s k~1 xth W:tts:: \;()tnC1r..U\J\'X,h.l\.l t}(.: :<;,.~ ~~Wf:;-}. 'fh..;: QJH-vclr::; l.q. ~Y:..I${;;*j ~-r.;t!.": .;Q.-~1 1ol"'l~ '(o.!:)~:~j 3'S<t r+::.s-ut~ :.PI ttu:;rr(f.t!~ j H)'7: ($, H.J ~*$<')!:"': r:ftc*.t~n..-:y l~s~~:::. ;vh~cr-. WP~1t~ w -;;;:gmt*o:en: .ar.*j sr:*:..*ukl: l:.e -r1Ci'.J0e*j :t-n t~*e FSE~S f *~*'1oom :..wd*s *~~)tfltn:*K:r;,

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                                                  ~-f~~~~ DSt:l:f!. -t'i{'::iHm:~tt:~S. Jh<<: ::mp.;J~i C.1fJ. };Vtl$!~: 'A!o.)i;*k"! :ti-;:: SM.AU... It'J U\HG:E :1~ ti*R~ G(}llStru~*tif'!~;: ,..,.:;1:1f.:j f~f.:nosrr~h*:
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December 2010 A-313 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00169

Appendix A 1 r-'7'::::-...,.....--.,..-------------~***************************************------ l"age

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~cr~~X{iln~: tv ~x:st~nt} .;;;rt;::fy:::.e:t:. ~vm.Hr:! tn:.: ~:..HJ:it3fi~i;:JI. {.S.;;~ :f~*:l~i;l'Q ~ !5 ui ~he: NERA A..::p:.;>rt.) E;n:;;1~:":g:
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{jt::l~*i3r:,j p*:::fi:xL !t&:- (~l~t3tc:i1~y ~Tip~::::t~ ~~ remttYW <:>~ rf' ~~ri~Q itt~s ~~rkw 'I1~>~:Ci'J, a<.:J".I<}t<..t:n.g to {~ll".i.stJr}o;J 27--=32 ~\lr~a:lys.&Ei- by NY: so. N!:~A. B:~Klt:th-t~1S-. ~... ~;~ f1:-Gh-ly ~:t::mflt:;;_qt, l:I'~L~~~1dtnc~ pG~f:.n~::~~ ~tlt) '"i::~.i~t~~{J.!"JS *of* N~v,r
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Tttr;l DSElS (:;:;;~:rr:a~e51flm me tn1p~:;t ..x:~ lnmsrx~rtati:Jn :t.. o~;::D b<: S.MALt. ~o l ..Af!.G.t.::: .as ~J**e* in:tf*-e~*f..ect t~z!it~ 40-ggg-IAL
                                       ~.a:s~c<i3.t('~j 'fifth cof~iit:"::.;(t:C~*n (w*:.*fi\"8*~ 3J~*.:J: *~t::st*:f. :J:i.z,;po~~:; :..-t..*-c)\,lki.t::t) s*t}n-lfic~r:.t. mot:-<.y: ~)! t1!"H+:l f:.f"'.!f'r::! dUII~g
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~J!l"ti-:;,;~ {t~ re.*} ~t:-Nt:HC~Or".J ::~.<){(~). Our>r.u ~f~tt: iS~tira;,tr:*::..: :i:O m~~~t~~ ~i<~*:l¥;£!~~,;-n -t->'Ch;;,"'-U-:JI:t:-, :.$80',*:) r<;~n:j
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1nC:i~n J;)o~~l1 s:.te. ENEM:CON 2:00~>!; St:e Sc:.~~i<r!~ 2 <~~ ENC~COJ,rs DS.E:!S l'0s-:-:o-:":"Sf.:;_L__ *___ *____ ****.*..*.******* -**** NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-314 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00170

Appendix A 1 9- ~ 3 ::rn~a DS-EJS n~if'<-~!'i Hli:t~ (+7.')-)i.::r;~m~:::t ~-.u;-.{t;l'r :h~* .;;.:;;_~imo.H:d 42' "'""*'..::-k ..::oo~iag ~*:"'~'¥~: C(*t1SV*.t:cto)l) <J*.l'!3:SJ<~ 40-ggg-ll\L

lJGH~d int';~>.;4::t$<: f.!:{ q't-l'{3.i~1)1 o:;~fl?,(:f,S.l l:q~:. ~~~iJ" f$~~$ $t'*O~l~,j ?1(:.0 .j;~~KG"*~$ {?~N:X,':~::J k:)Vt ~~p::r}(;~l'f'K~r11. fXW*,<t:.r fV:r

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fn i:l~ \:.... a~~a:.i:(;n af p:.:.HCJ*:a~~[.od fK.oi!j.YO:::r. ~'t<- DSElS (k:*t::-:~ no~ ~.:*stiJn~,:~.; ~XJt.::*:r*,.::::::~ ~~H~.:<nt.KIWSG ~~.3'!.'- ~)n~;~;.sf::::-;1-::. ;,>.nd ~
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December 2010 A-315 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00171

Appendix A 1

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-316 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00172

Appendix A 1

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December 2010 A-317 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00173

Appendix A 1

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Appendix A 1

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  • December 2010 A-319 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00175

Appendix A 1 fpi~~--***~.;~;;'"*"*******************.-*****************'"****************-------- Camm~~~--------------*-*----

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-320 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00176

Appendix A 1

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f...K!OEfV\T'E *~*1 l.t!',BGE :n~p<.\~tos.. Sf H1:~ Cf..l1f--.."K:~ ::;;~{~~*~fi.-=ttd~ 'i.i~re ;;;p;*.RIOO t~1::; t-.m:.lS s~:.)tdf~ .:,::-r_;~xJ:x~*~ $~-m
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December 2010 A-321 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00177

Appendix A 1 9

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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-322 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00178

Appendix A 1

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Appendix A 1


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NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-324 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00180

Appendix A 1

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December 2010 A-325 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00181

Appendix A 1

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Appendix A 1 Stenographic Comments December 2010 A-327 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00183

Appendix A 1

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Appendix A 1

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December 2010 A-329 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00185

Appendix A 1

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Appendix A 1

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Appendix A 1

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Appendix A 1

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Appendix A 1

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December 2010 A-337 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00193

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Appendix A ENCLOSURE 2 TO NL-09-036 Letter dated March 17$ 2009 from Goodwin Procter to NRC, "Comments on NUREG-1437, Draft Supplement 38" ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS. INC INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING UNH NOS. 2 and 3 DOCKETS 50*24 7 and 50-286 1 December 2010 A-339 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00195

Appendix A GOODWIN I PROCTER ~::is!! N. ~~(!~',

                                                                            >>~ 7 _'j '((,_ : fi12 r: ~'l-flot::@gcJ.::,~w(np;*~x:t(':r.';c<r-Uccdw<(.j Pn)Z!:.<'r 1.-.r

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rvbn:h 17. 20{)9 Chid,. Rul~making, Dirt}t;;liv~s and Editing Bn111.Ch Division of Service!>

Office of Administration, Maihtop T*6D)9 LU:l'. Nuclear Rcg~Jiatory Co1nmission

           \V{Ishitlgtcm, DC 20555-0001 R.::* Commt*nts on NlrREG-1437, Drail Suppktmml 3&

Lctt!.'r ih:m1 Mr. David J. Wmna, OHicc ol'Nudcat Reuctclt .Regulation to Vice 1-'rcsh.knt. Oper;llions, Entergy Nnckar Operation~, h1t. entitkd.\lmkc c>f i\v;lilabi!ity of the Druft Plunt-Spcdfk Supp! J8 to 1.h" G<.mcric Ewviwnmcnl;;l {mpa.~:t Stak:rm:nt ior I.iccnsc Rcnt:wal d'Nudcar J'(jwer Plan!:> Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Generating Un!t No<\. 2 .and .J. (lAC NOS l'v!D54! l and i\'1054 t 2)," dii!t"tl Detembcr 22. 2008. Dea.r Sir or MadMll.~ On bdmlf llfblte.rgy Nudear lndian Pt:int 2, LLC, Entergy Nuc.lear Inrlinn Point J. LLC,

           <w.d Fnteqo;y Nudea;* Operations, lr~~:. ((;<J!le.::tivdy, "Ent~rg:y), wt: rcspcctl'ul!y submi~ th~

f;ll!owltl@ commc:n1s on those pori.lcms nflht! Draf\: Suppkmet!l3.! Envimnmcntallrnpact SI<Wo.~mcnt ("DSEIS}, pr..-pan.:d t~y cm;.~>lltan!:; to !he Nudeac Regulatmy Cmnmi:>sion ("NRC') Stal'ffor the License R*mewal Appiicntion h?r lndlan Point Units 2 ,1n.d 5 (tul.le>:ct!ve!y, "Indian Point'), asses~ing tbe po!ei1tkil impacts of ellt.millm{lHL impingement <~ml th<'ntJal sM*,k, and L'tS~~~c:iat<:d mitig~tivn rm:as1.m::s evaluated ln !he DSEIS ("~:\ll!e~~lvely, "Aquatic lsst!es}. Tile comments are intended t.o id.entif~, ernWit in the .DSEIS that :'lhould b<:! cc>:rreckd in the pH.>L~<~*;;> of geno:.rating !he Fi.nal SllpplemenmJ Envmmrnenl.a.i lmr.act Slatemcnt ("FSElS"), By way oi'oa,kgnmnd, .Entergy. ;md ils predecessors, il2ve ~en collectitlft and ;lH~ess!ng cx!cn~ive !nforrn.adon ahou! thh ~pecic.s in ~he Hu!.h<m River for mm*c tlmn ;hrr:e decades.'

           ~*lujN J1K>ni!.<)ring pro!l.rams'C been (.lngoing !.rver the Bpenuing hf¢ c>!' lndia.n *Point. ;!s d.i.rec!ed aml owr:;::;-~'!1 by N*:.w York StaHl Dep<:rtmcnt i>fEnvitilmlwnwl Conservat!m1

("NYSDEC} ;;t;1ff. Tht dlltasct lm;; been dmract;;;ril,td by NYSDEC slaff(W !he Unlt:::d Sm:es Env*!rnmm~*n!.al Pr*otecction Ageney ("EPA)} as proh1bly, !l:e ht~st d.ala>N OJI the plmwt," <md v,r..:: arc aware of no <Ximpambk dataset !~y any NRC>rc:galat~d Jicensee 2 Numerow; an:J.lyses of this d:Ha$et. inc! 'Ni!h W.'lp!;,""<:;t w implnge1.11em and entrainmen;, have been lndependenlly re*v,e;:wed and publisl-wd in peer-re,,icwcd fisheries j<liltn<:b. Tha:;, \'\'hilc the "'RC stall'$ com;.uHa!ll$llre t<> ht:l commended fbr !heir "'m11ts w r~vk<.v this inHmnaiicm :in drafting tl>e 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-340 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00196

Appendix A GOODWIN I PR.OCTER Clud~ Rukmakillg, Dire~'liv~s and Editing Branch Divhton nf AJmini;;tm.tivc: Sen:icc~ tvlard1 l?, 200<1 Pilgc 2 Aqu2tk ls:>u<::.~ ~<:<:liml!l oftht DSl:'lS, given the i<t'OJX ofth'"' information av:dabk: and fuc kvcl ofHologk: e*,;:r,crti;;t::: ti) nview* it, it is hmdly sntpri:;ing that s.Mne of thc cMtclu,~iono; reached an~ not fully n:fkL.'t~n: oftlw <tvnilabk int(..>mlaiion------anr.l mf:.', then.~Jtlrc, in error. L Then h nn busi:!lnndcr th~ National Environmtntal Policy Al~t ("NKl>A") for tb.c DSEIS tQ H'altHtte dosed-eyde cooliug at Indian .Point C!~;slld-~yde ccmHng is rmt pmpllr!y C<)fl~ider~J a,s :l pNmtilll mitigation. rn<!-llc:iure in th<: DStlS. As dettliled below, it5 indusionns a mitigation mca~nt;; in th.c DSE1S is !101 warmnted, h<<"<m*;e: { i) no cln:;ed**cydc dN<lrmination h;l.s been r-eachro .in lhe pending NYSDEC Sta;e Pollutant Discharge Eltmination System Permit (SPDES'*'*) proceed1n!'! (the Proceeding) for l.ndlan Poitlt, f2) the Unit<:d S!atts Envlrm:u:nentil Pmtc:ction Ag<:."'ncy ("Eh\") nllmnaking rcwnJ rtjc<::tcd do~cd~cyck C90!ing on a llllt:Ollwid<.~ ba>ois, indu.di og for lndiaJl f>oim, und (3) ther\' is an NRC precedent in <X>mpansb.le license -renev,*;sl rroceecling:. fM th~ inc lu.sion <rf a c:loscd*cyde to-oling mlligation a!tcr!lative 3 The!'ctbre, tnchli<km ofdoseJ .* cyck ;;:.t> in the DSEIS

            ~~J-nmwr<:m:::; NI',Pl*,'s .mand.~~c <h<~t oU;dl f<:p<>rts be -c~mslstcm >md bl.'t~e<l uptm accu.r<lte
            !nf<<m. _,:~,,; :mch. b1!ergy tc~p-ectfhtly reqtH;:sts thai NRC staffissuc an FSElS lhat .::xcludc:s do;;.::d-:::ydc wohng mi<igan(;n alt<;'iT1>ltivc.'l Th<: DSFIS :;tate:> lnatn dr;tf£ lx:st w.:hnol<lgy ava.ilabk (BTA.") detc.rmination in the now-Jdun<:t \"\:'"SDEC .Siilfftentettivc SPDES pcrmil was 1he reas0n for NRC: stnffs                                   40-rrr-AL cnnsi.::kmilon and eva!Hi!lion of do:'lect . cyd~ coding 1!.> -lm att.~m<1tl¥t to sW:/!Is q1w <>pe:ratinns Judng the !kcnse nmcwal period,' However,;;~ Jetaikd bdow, the tindt BTA tktcrminado1! on whi.::h th.::, DSE!S ~<pparcntly was: wu:-m~Jd by a deci.~im1 ofNYSDEC':; As:;!stimt Cmncni$:>ion~r, amJNYSDEC_slaJfc.urrcmly is required to re-tlch a BTA dc~em1inat&on :t1a~ed on te;lsib11ity llnd ah.emili~w: OJnaly~;~'" no\ duet<.> NYSDEC stalf lllltil De~.-:mkr 20(19. Thu~, th<:n:

i$ no <..:mrcrtl or d'fi-:tti*,,e NYSDEC :;i,;ff du.:ll. BTi\. determbatkm for .l11dial\ Polnt requlrEilg doscd-cyck cnoling. Mort~ spccifieal!y, the cum:.nt f'{Jsture <)fthe SPDES Proc-eeding h:1s evolved""~!! beyond its cha.r!\cteri:<aHnn ln !.h~ DSEIS, whk:h appears to be based un documents fi*om 2U03.~ On Aug11:>t !3, 2008, *he As;;is:tant Comrni>sion~r <)f:NYSDEC lJ>~IJ>~d a tieci:;lon {the "{ntedm Deci>l.:ai"} cl.arifylng the Stil!ltS ofth;: NYSDEC .~iafr citaii SPDES Permit ami th~ i:ssue;; to bt adiudica!ed ~nth<: SPDES Proceeding, Thnt h~tenm Decision required NYSDf:C ~tdfto tetr::;;~ i;s.,pdc>r .:imft BT!\ deWm1lnation. Tb<: n~a~;nm; t(lr th<:: r;nra<:tion w,~re ;;~vt,nd. Fi.r~t, the lr!;~lirn Lkci;iirm n~v;,..;::d th<:: New York kg<!l :ltandJrd gc)vo:ming BTA determinations. This r-o:mdcrml N't'SDEC ~ta(fs pdm HT/; dt~termination void, !ltGm~e it: w<~~ not d<:\*c::lopcd .:m1sistcnt *with the 1 December 2010 A-341 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00197

Appendix A GOODWlN I PROCTER Chief; Hult!mak!ng, Di.ted.:v~s and Editing Brandl. Division ~)f -<\dmwistraih'o~ St,n>iC<:$

           !vtm:n 17. 2009 Pag~:   J nuw-a1~plkable        standard. Sllwnd, rhe Interim Ded.sion MW requlr~~ that the s.!H~-spedtlt teasibi!i1y and altcrm<tiv<.'s reportS (prcYiO\!S!y r~s..,rved f().r <l ful\in,, SPDES permit) h"' submltted by Dc~cmbcr 2(}{)9 and considcreotl by NYSDEC staff rn afrivlng <~t a m:w BTA ddcnnin<liion whkh, as net:<,ssary, will he sut:je;,'l tD Rdjudicatiur. as p~1rt of the SPDES Prm:e>::,ding.~ NYSDEC il!affexpr<;ssly hm;; ;lt:knmv!edged th;lt it;; Cl.ltn'nt dmfl SPD.ES .is vold, nnd al~(J.Ihat h nn.1st r<:'lCh a BTA dctennint>tiea >h,;t t!lt::{.*rpomtcf. needed sne-specLfk fca>.Jb.ilily nnd allemativcs lnform:~tinn. 8 ThereJ'J;m:, thert:: is no NYSDEC stafl' BTA >ktennin"tion at this tim~,
           ;Jr~lft or (<thi}twise, requiring des~~d*l.~yo::k (;( '*'*'

Buseu upnn the fort,going, the ;; jusUi.cation l'or th<: l.'va.luation of closcd-<:yck cooHng in <he DSE!S no !<Jnger exists. and the consldcrmion of do,-;cd-cycie cooling should be

           ~trirken fmm r.h<~ f:SEIS.

No other kgal bits is exists f;:Jt c@slderlng do;;.i:d-*cyde cooling in ibe DSE!S. To the cnmmry l!nd as detailed below, the g( SPDE:S agn~ements for lr:rrihm P<}int contmn no do:<ed-cyd;z. <:<X1IIng rcqbli.rements. Thus, the DSEIS cYa!uation ofdosecl-cydc cooling canmH b<~ gromJ.ded on tbese prk~r agreement<;_ 40-rrr-AL contd.

                      !r. the interest (If comptcteno::ss and lo a~sist NRC staf"f in pn:~parlng iht FSElS, Fm~rgy r~sped:fully      :>uilmits that ndthc.f the Hn&wn River Swlemcnt Agreement ("HRSA"; effed.ivr:

f:om M3)' 10,. J98l !hwugll May tO,. J 99l ),. rmr the subsequent jcrdic:iaUy approv<.~d ccm;;ent

           <->nkrs (cd!~ctivdy, Com;m! Order:;: .:lffed.ivi:' thmtlgh Fil!>mary 1, 1998, am.i with which
            !ndil!n Poml vo!ummily o::mnplics to!.lay 11 ), Iequi1e c!o;;<:<.i-cyde cooling. Rather. the HRSA
           ~~'X:PI'~~>.ly sta.ted that NYSDEC "~\'ill not seek or in any way ;mpp<l*rt n requi.r~mem for ciosect-cyd~ *:oding many of the Hudson River Pla.nts during the emir~ len-year tetm of this Ag.r<,ement.n
  • l.ik<~vvir~, th~ judicia.!!; approved Co!'lSe:nt Order:> which f(;l!m,*ed the expinil.i"rl crf th:.' 1-!R:SA in l99t al<;o have not required the (~ow>tnoclion of closed-(*ydc C{lo!ing <It l.ndhm Poinl m* any other facility. 1 ~ Tbus, at no ;im<: >ill(;C the effective date ofthc: HRSA (i.e., May 10.
l9& I), and (n date, has chJ:,;ed-c.yd<3 C<.>oling been n:qlli!"l'!d :l.t lndi<m Point, NYSDEC's nppmw:;h to Indian Pdnt b C!)l1~istmi with its trea1trmmt ofolher Nc.;.v York
            !l.<cdil[cs: NYSDEC ha:; not re*ruired dns,~d-cydc cooling ;11 any o.thcl nw,:km bci!ity in New Vork. To the con1mry. NYSDEC r<Jcent!y issl;cd renew~td SPDES pcnni!s for the Jm:n<!$ A.

fit?J'a!rkk, Roben E, Ginna, and Nine Mile Nuclear Power Plnnts, none of which required clmd-cyck cooiing. Thus . there is no NYSDEC precedent at other Ne\\? York nuclear facil:ties to sl;ppon induswn <1fclosed.-cycle cooling in the DSEIS. 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-342 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00198

Appendix A GOODWIN I PROCTER Cl:ud~ Rt:riemaking. Dir<:ctive:-; and bJrttag Bnmch Dls[:;i:OJ.1 ,;.f .~\d.m)ni:arative Savice:; March I "l, 20{}9 Pil:ge4 The DSEIS a!~o points lu the EPA's I'lmse I! Rule. :seemingly a::; support for consideration ofdoscJ>q*,.l.e n:*o!ing at lndlan P(lint. t\Hhough presently .>1.1.spcr.deJ, bIts; Phase 11 Rule, EPA did nm seic.:t c!osed-cyde CO<)h!lg as the model technoJ(lgy for Indian Point or a~:w other e~:lsting 1;1dlity (listed in the Ph:t~e U Rule): rather, EPA :ej~w~.d clo~d-cyde cooling natiwrwill<:~ 15 EPA d1'd no< se!fcf Ci regw'Mory :>:cheme ba;<:*d Oii 1he* u;*,~ <)l dosai-<yde. rt'dr.:.:~.>l;lting cooling systerno til exis!ing l'adl.itk;; bt<$ed 'm its g~:mcrally high

                         <:osts (d~te to cmwer;;ions). the fact that cli:h~'f tt*dmotogk:s appmm::h ttlc pcrt\}nnrJrKo of this option, conc<:ms for cntrgy impm.:t:s due to relmfHting
                         ~:..isdtlg file Hides, z.nd oli1cr eon:>idct;>tions. Although dosd-cyck n:cin:uialing
                         ..~ooling Wfllt'r system> ;';t'tve as ;h,: ha$i.<> fOfff{]t~jrz:1l1£0t:O. iipp!icd l.(l Phnse r m:v,,

t~tt~Hik$,f{Jr !'hiiSi~ !I exis;ingfa<:ili!les, a l<alimm/IWJUiro>mem to retrofil i'Xisling s;.:.~t:f!INS ts .n<Jf ~*};f! .rna~t ~:osf"'*f,:_//~~cth.:e ~~pproj;.c.h and (.;.f trtan_:v c:xi.wingfi.u*i!ttir::~~ rfilf\if,:_t~* mt~y: b~:: itnpt!.(.5 ib!e ~n* not i:conomicc1Uy pra.r::JicabieJ ~ t;. Ihu!<. !he f~f'A. Phase n Ruk als,) provld;::; !)() S~!pport ibr indu~hm of CklSCd*>.'ydc (:(J<Jlillg lfl the DSE.!S, 40-rrr-AL contd. NRC precedenl does rmt surnon cmddermion of dos;e::J.cycli:' coollJ.').g)nJ,~~s fo1'i!:~IS.. Fwalty. NRC stan b>Jslwt eva!u;~tcd t:ll)sed-cyd;; cooling in th~ com~x:! of any oth<.~r license rene\Wd appllcatk)n for whkh no valid BTA determin.ati<m h:;d bt:t:n i%ued. Indeed, NRC :>laff.ha~ l:V<JJbat~:d dns;:-iJ ..cyde cooling .~t on!y one H!hcr facility with once-thn)1,1gh

            *:.:no ling in the licem;e            rem~w"l C<.)rHext-           the   Oy:;;t,~t Cteek Nuclear Genet:rting Station

("OCNGS"). llow:::vcr, ftlr OCNOS, the New Jersey i:X:partmeni ofEnviromn;:ntal Prot~'tti<~n ("NJDE?) had cJT;:c!.i.vdy c:ompk!ed l)u\:ljccl. only w tina! pubiic comme.nt) its admir1istrmivc SPDES pt!rtnit proc~;;s, with a penm! that r.::qui.n:d do$elk:yo..:lc w<-lling (t)r rcst<nation} 17 Thus, OCNGS .l"epre~ent;; a vety diJfcrent dytmmic, snd doe~ not :>apport cotJsidcwlion of dosed-c*yde

              <.~noting at lndia.n l'mut.

1!"1 swn, while the Counc:! >;m En\'imlml~!lt<d Qtw!ity':s (CEQ") NEPA r<.~gtdatwrw :~J'pccl

              >m <~gency .i:;;~uing an cndronment2l impact ~utemcm tO [r]igorously explore ;md l)bj(~(tjvdy cvaluilte a!l n.'";t~on;.~,bk illt~malive.~;' 1 s CEQ d~riJ1;:!< the nK;.ming of'"(1;".asoullbk ;-;lt;:~n<:~tiv,~;;" by 1

December 2010 A-343 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00199

Appendix A GOODWIN I PROCTER Chief, Rulemaking, Llirectiv~~s and Edrtmg Branch Divi~ion llf.'\dmini;;trative s~rvice:; Mar<;-h 17, 200'9 Page 5 stating l.lmt tc-c:stmahk alt<~rn<:t\JV<:~ i.ndude th<Js:~ th;;.c '1'": pr<;.~ti<.'d <.n* fc:,::sib.l"' fmm the tedmit:al anti Coth"lmk ~mndpm!H atld using co::nll':.(l!l :>tmsc ...."'". BccwJ:;;;: therc is l1l' ptcSt:nt basi~ ibr com:luding that dosed-cy<:k cooling is tcch.niclllly and economk:a!ly fea.sibk: at Indian P.oint purticularly glv<m the fac< tha< :~ <<<*;wi]t ofHti> 5;cak has ~~~"""'r been impl<m1:::md at a "J.ih" t)r

           <o<lmprlrable f11dHty, ther<~ ls no legal !:m;;i1 fr,r tbe DSE18 tn eY.pltlre !hi~ alkrtmHv~. Further, no,                         40-rrr-AL NYSDEC m EPA action ;;uppmts lhe conclusicm thalt\ dmed*cyt~k a!<.Jling atu:.nw.tiv::: i~                                          contd.

n~asonabk, pradkal or feasible at lndhw Point Firti'IIIY, th~ DSEIS curmot tn~at l:ndian Point JHferently {h~m all <>~h~r similarly situat~d license renewal app!i.:an1K.z<< Accordi!1g:!y, th.e di%Hs.sion ofthis a!tern.~tive should i>Ot be inc.ludccl in the FSEJS JJ, Tlw OSErS the NYSDEC'5 Final Env:ironment.a.llm.p:lct St:tt~ment {"NYSllEC FIHS) and :Kl*A l~basc U Ruk~tlakiug record with :rt.:llpcd tu d(l.!i~d* eycl~ t'uoling. A~ di~CL<S.~ed ahrn*e, a dosed-cycle .~o(>!ing ,:ltem;>.Hw should noi l:J,l included ln the fSE!S. How<:n'r, tn 1he e.xtent cl.oseti-cydc r;ooling is mcnt.iQned in. the FSE18, various ermrs nmsl be cmrecl:::d lo rdkct cum.*nt, ;;ci!c-sp~;.:iH>: in!btmatloa. :In the alternatives srUion of !.he DSEIS, lb<:! NRC sl<~!l o!S~~~Jt> ilMt: [)!he NRC staff, hmwv::::r, nol{:s dnn f:>oth NYSDEC (2001h) and EPA {2004) i.nclicato:d that e:;;imO!!<::s :for cnnling (Xmvcrsion by the pr<:vinus owners (!f W2 ;md lP3 o~~ere-s:/iJti/.ued u v.ori.ety <1fco:;ts and S<~iectefl ,1 t."'..Y.pensh:*e t(';t;hncdogy than was wx*l!:,sm)'* Furlhct, fi'A {2:004} indt~::at~;;d !lmt Ent;;,rgy's outagt' dura.::ion 1-Va.!<" hke.z}~ (t.'ragg.t~rated 2 i - 40-sss-AL How<:ver, tiut DSE!S' a~s..:rtion d1;;;t t:mlst:rsior. ~.:nsis lhr !ndi;m Point !lave been inlL1tcd h1-.:h f2.thm.l ~upport. and is ,*.un!.mdictt:d b;.* the more Ci.liT<O,nt, and a.ccm*:li.t', sitiH>ptdfk tirdysis per!onncd.iu 100] b~i En~:ercon, a !t-ar.ling natio.mal ~xpert in nudcar powl:'r phmt dusign and construction. a;; >upplcme.rtttld by Encn:on'5 ~mnmcnl;;, whkil \<fe !.mde:rsl;md arc a!:;t~ being submitttxl on bd1alf of Entergy. Tht-xdhre, in an~nn.lancc: with NEPA, the ~ik-Bp<..>cifi.c Encreon clost~d-c:yde conversion a$SCS!>men! should b~: !realcd as contmlling, and any S\!gge~ti.on lltat !he l.ndian Point Eny*inmm~:nta! Report has inflated dow(k:yde com't:rsion costs and outage dumti<.m should be dimiMtcd in. the FSEJS 22 Th;~ dtSC\ <)f cmwersion cos-ts am.l Ot!lage Jma;icm in lhe DSE!S misl.~OHMn,:;s federal dl'ld ~.tate cnvinmmema.l pro~e~ding:.. fir:><. the DSEIS stat~;; 'h;;:t "NYSDEC {2(J03b) .... indt~at.t:d that cstin;a1;:s !br \XWling 1.'~11Wt'tsi(JH hy the previous owners of lP2 :1w.l IP?f 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-344 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00200

Appendix A GOODWIN I PROCTER Chief. Rtj!emaking, Dire>..:tiv~::; and h!bng Branch Divi~ion of Administrative Services M:;u:dJ H, 2009 Page 6

            <)VO:rcshn""t~d "vadcty nf <;<)Sts mcl selected a roore-exp~m;ive t~-.::hnc>logy i!:1an wa.~

necessary., ..,, H(,wcve!', this $tater!lent doe:s lWl refer !o ~\ j'l<)~itlml ii:Jserte<l by NYSDFC or ~fYSDEC sluff. Rather. tbt> rcfhcw:~ to N'\':SDI-:C CWOJh) in Ch<!ptct 8 r)f the DSEIS appears w be the Fcbmary 3, :W06 Rllllng 'm l'rop<)sed ts5tJG$ for i\djudk;l.tion and f>clitic>ns for Party St<ltU~J i11 the lntli<Hl Point SPDES Proceedwg:~,, (the tndian P<Wlt Issues Ruling"), in which the New Y<:>rk admtni$trative !;nv judge >ummilri;~ed un.Hspporled argument~ adva::1ctd by panie:s d1.ning the j$)t.<e:; C<)nfercne<:.<" fhe.5c third pa.ny >H<h~~~wnts w*e nol. properi)' ,,~fer*,~rlco~:d in the DSEI:S a:; N YSDEC'g ctmdu~i;ms Clr otherwrse dc><t'rving <l[. w~igh!. $ince the; are nell s\lpporred by expert (>pininrL 16 In lkL NY:SDEC~ cnndu;;ion in th.: fEIS was tlmt Entergy's p.rcdece;;~,nr's conversion cn~l C!llirn;Jtes were r~<>:', base<! lljX111 NYSDEC~ wnsu!lll:nt':> imlepe.mlent review <>fth>:~

            <:onver:&ion mw.!ys:is c<,n(ained :in the 19')9 g~:roc{ic dri!H <:mdwnrnental irnpa<~t ~!<>te!l:P.;:nt for the Hw:loon River facilitic> (th~ "!999 DEIS)7r NYSDEC's con:mltatli cc>tldudcJ that th<: ck>s<:d-cyd.; Ct)<)Jlllg ~t):r,versjon COSt CSlimatL<s in th<l 1999 DF!S WCl<; reaSOll<lble whh respec.t to Capita1 cmm;, b~H actually *Jl}1l!!.li~lo\~~g the c~lmomic impa<.:<s of any* re<:!t-~l.'!ion .1.n p<)W~ gcn~~n;ti<m ;md capaclty.n 111e NYSl:mC cm1!<uitaut's re~~)tl a!~o s1:1tes thm "'11'e projected l<)SS of <l'ver 6(){),000 l\*h\**hriyear is a very significant cone-em:"'*" Thus, NYSDEC could not <>H this, l:nve conduckJ that the dosed -eye!~ ctmv~::rsl<ltl cost :;:.>timat<: in the 1999 DElS >vas <lvcrsiatt:cl, and               40-sss-AL hlrthdT!Wre, NYSUFC made no sudi d~*(:)s)(if1                                                                          contd.

In any event, Enercon's 2D03 dr,~<:d-c.yde c.onllng cot1wrsion, lnduding Ctl:W>

            ;md -=nn\'"rsion <)U!<tge dc1ration. represents t.he must rel.cvatl!, cu.mmt!y ~vaihbk, :l:nd acc!;;:
            .~ii.::,*spcci lk inJhrrrm!i<m ;~vaililbk on thc.'le b:>ll~~-">, ttliRlgh, ;l$ cxphlim~d in S~ttlon HH.B)(li.)

bdow ;;.nd in th~ Ene*n:on i.:mmn~nts, those 4!0~! ~~tinmte> and < durations an; -:>ign.ifi~;:;ntly underm:>ted based tl!'H)Jl add.i:iomtl site-.>pecitk ir,fom1;!i.ion devdoped si11te *;:oo3 ;md (';fwh.ich NRC stal'fis <r'WMe. M;;.rcover, Enercon's 2003 Report, again prepared by .leading experts in the fi.dd, h<~~ M.>l b:.":i;;!l ~,c;;lkd,inl\.1 qu<::otioll by NYSDI::C lr.t the lndi~** Poim SPDES pn.H.:<.~<.~dlng N by EPA. LJ.kt:wlse, !he DSElS ; incorrectly assew; that "[i]n the Hudson Rlver Ut!Htk> H~!S,

            .. EPA indic.awd ihat costs may havil heen :>iJm~wha< !n.fhll.ed. EPA tllso indkatild som~:

una::rtainty regard to nutag;;; dumtinn tbr llx: plw:a rdro!i:t."" 0 In th;;; FEIS, NY$ DEC never as:>:.~.rtt::d dmt EPA r~~vk::we;:l (>f<::<)f!J.!11emed onllw do~ed-cyck <~O*Jling c.onversion. nn11lysis in llw DE!S because it did .M1 do "'" lnli>d, EFA did rmt rrovide auy comments ~~t a!l on th~ 1999 DE!S or tl1e NYSDEC !'EJS,31 In sh<""H:t, Entergy respectfhlly Sl1hmit,; ihat i.h<! FSEJS >hm.:l<l reiy (1n the 2003 Enc.n:<>n Reporl~ and cwrcct !ht:: nH:;.statcment~ idc::miil*;;d here. 1 December 2010 A-345 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00201

Appendix A GOODWIN I PROCTER Chief, Rukmaking. Directives mid lSditillg. Branch Division <.>f i\.dmi.nistrat!ve Services

           ,\'lm~~h 17, 2009 Pll.Q:(-7 The DSElS also clte$ to the EPA Phase U Rulem:aking in criti:ciz1ng Entergy*~ dosed*

cycle cot) ling assessment?~ fint, m;. EPA ilselfrecognil.~d in 1he Phase II Rllle, the dulll'i:e! <ll" !bur ;;.rH<t!kd "retrofits" that EP .<\ uocd in d<.::tcnnining that closed~cyde cooling wa:l polentia\!y feasible at existing lhdlitie", and ln estimating the costs ofsuch convers[(ms, was rwt fep~ei<etJlative {)flhc bro;lder pnpulation of fac:ilid¢~ nnd <:tw!d be mo narrow a sE:! frorn whkh to deveh)p i1<Hional c(g>t> that vvcndll he applicabll:: to a wide range \)f facihtic:;.."D Mm">xJver, EPA's r~:uo!h" dm;l:>et due;; nN pnwicte Hpmper or speci ii.c assess met;! of i'U~ k2r l'acility costs,. bc1::au;;.e mlcli::nr 14

           ...:osts wt*tincly e:tcl:(:d th0S(: at fossil faci1itic> hy s;.1bstmniod m<~rgins: lndet~d, U'<\'s only purported "retroiit" involving a nud!:'M !-..cHi!)' w;ts !he Pati:;;ad~~ Nudc-.1r Plant in Midugan

("Palis>l<.ksJ, "'hi;,:.h il> lWt comp<U<bk to lnoim-, Point, he;.:au:;<~ P;:;!i:sl1de:; is"'* nn;ch sm;;lkr nu.clear f<ociHty (;;ppmxim;~Wly SOO M\V(e) ofpov<e(l. More importatl!.ly, th~ m~)ling syst~m

           >:<)fl'*'t~r~i{.lll at Pci!iSad~~s. c.;mmH fairly be des~:rit>ed as a "retrofit," bccali5C !he o.:onv~:tsion W;l:>

cont<lmpbted during lhc latter stages nf !he initial cons;trw::tion of! he f3ci!ity, i e, lhc cooolwg ltl*vers a(:ttlidly were <'Ons1n1cttd late in1ht~ fa.ciJiry's (~rigilHll '~onMm~!i(lll proce%. 15 Thm;. tm.Hke {ndian PojnL Jhe initiill plllrming at!d dt:~ign of the Palisades !ilci!i1y took int\l aceowlt dosed-c:.ydt~ coo.ling. Se<.~ond, each ofl".P:A's t<-,u.r '*wtrot'it,; WilS performt:<l hetilrc 1992, and 40-sss-AL th;;:.rdi.m: hwt1lv.::d dated irdormathHI and analysis potentially u1applicabie lt>day. 'fi11:rd, none of contd. EPA's "retrofh:;" were conducted in Ni:lw York, which po:,'l:;: a complex . nnd p<)tl:n!hl!y ftiQfl::* costly, n~gclbtot*y ~rw;mwncnt than Obil}, Mil*.higanaJid. Sm1th Caro!in;t The .Phase U Rule's genemhzed condu:>i<)n regnrding do.sed-~cy<:le ~mwersic>n !!pita! C<)si:S i5 al;;<J inappli<;"bk l\J Indian I'wint, bccoat<sc lrtdi:m Point presents sev-eral si.l<:-spetific i.<iJJJ))trainls expe.;;ted to signitkantly affi;ct thE' co,lling system cq1wersion cost cs!.lm;Jl:c.s.- Tlu~se

          *sit.; con~uaini.:s iw.:ludc: (l) th~;; Indian Pnlnt ~iic r<;~ m<:~:ior \i.t.~ .. thl;' !mgt;::;! mlning
           <:'peratiom< in the United Slates} blm;ting operations that will generale subs!;mtiai volum~o t:*f
           >w~stc ma!.::nalto be pmperly dispos~:d; (2) !.r!r.iumtswmht~n'. t\Jmamination of1hi~ rnakrial may si~nl1ki!mly .>;ac.etbate thb (~:\C:1vati1ln, <md. will incr;oa:;.~ !nmspM!.alicn ami disposal coM~;; (:3) the presence 01' a m<vor iuh::ntalc namral g>ts pi.pdinc Hkdy t'<mlplicat~~ the <h:~ign and cm11;tmctinn of tim >O<Yoling i<)'.<lt?rs. A\.Tordingly, the NRC $\<llr ;.l-wuld rccoH~idcr the l~wn<O(JH 2(J(JJ Repon*'5 ,.;0oling wwer conversion <::rJst c;;:iim>ltes in light ofthe uniqut: dn:1lmsta11~c:; iii the Jndlats l\~inl ;;iic and tlw fact th<~t no <<:>m:p;;.rabk rc1rofit lms ever bc.::n eompkte<.l.

Serond, th~ DSE!S' \R:gg<:stion th;n EP . I; (J(l(H) lrdtc;lled i~t Emergy*s illltagc dumt.ion >-vas. likely cxagg~nttecl tS <W'(IBcous. because Enereon'.s csbmattd outage <.)f 42 weeks (vtithout t:<)ntingeu~:y) is eoasist<*nt with EPA's tonclusions i11 i11o Pha~e U Rule. In the Pb3$t~ H 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-346 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00202

Appendix A GOODWiN I PROCTER Chief, R!!iemaking, Ditec<in~s and Editil!i,l Bnmch Oivi;;ion >lf Admini:<trative Ser\'iceli March 17. 20ll'l PageS R,1le, EPA impll.ed tha.t m1tage pe:dod~ <l~~oci~'ted vvith do>'-'d.cyck w<:11!ng tow<~r retrofits ,;:on bt. signilicant and that an Otltag.c 'lf 1en months (or '10 wtcb) w~.s reasonable.;~ *rhere!Ore, Enercon ';; csiinwicd convelsion outage of 42 week~, v,*ith(n.a <my level of t:nnti:~genr.y, is

            <.:t.m$i&kn1 whh !.he ten month (40 week) timc:framc f;Jr Pati:;aLies.;;h ~maH~r nude:lf sta!i<m
             ~hat c.onstru.cted coolillg tov.ns late in 1is initial construtti0!1 progrmnn MorMver, as diseus~ed in the En<*rcon commcH!s llncl below. th~ Jlscov;:*ry of on-site mdiologica:l umtamina!i<Jn - >w!J know~< to the NRC tmd dlso;sscd ~n length during the At(;mic S<~!ety ~md Licensing BoaH!

("ASLB") hearing** wd! utHW<)iclably res:ul! ir1 ~~):>ts and oumge duratlMl:< in e:<t:~:;s

e_ponttl in lht 2003 Encrcnn Report.
                               'i!.!..l:!.i!!l!:f11t;:~_radio!Qg!cul <;.Q!ltll.min.atiQ.I!.Vrcse:nUJtlli,c lngjan P(tint Siw. of wht"-'J
                               !ttt.'0'I~C"'<@ff.Yl'll' "~'<Sdlc.!l!~ale. 'i}u~t b~. ~__r;m~id.t:~:cd._i;Ht"!Q_QS!;:l~-

40-sss-AL A' distUS!l-edabove in S.x~ti<)11 l(A), lh<~re iii !"lil legi1imate basis for ev;!hiatin~ t1 do*>cd* contd.

            ;;yd.: coC!Ilng an.alyE;is in. the DSEIS. However, ttl the cxterll such -1113 analysis h: indude:d in ihc FSE!$, !hilt. am1lys.i-:; ,-,~q,~ires <W ac.:uratc Mid <::<)mpielt!" ass:cssmcm of siw-~:pcdfic c:onditi<;ns (whnc aailab!c) pertinent to !h::: fi:-:~1;;ibi!ity and costs .!Jffhe a!tern~ltive:'~ Th~ i<:>:is!o:>IE:~ of
            ~ub;<;u.r!ace r::hlit:!ogicJ! contamination ill the Jndiar: Point site is we!!. kllO\Vti lo NRC s1.aff, b:ca1.t~e ~me~~ overs;:cing the gr<)und~ol'atcr iln.**e!>tiga:!io!J <X>:1.ming at the s\t~, a~ discussed at le1~gth in the lndim1 Pt~int t;Sl..B pmceediiig/' Consist<:flt *.vi1h En~rcon's 20()3 R<T"~'rt. and tht~

Ent-H:on comments, the radio!ogica.! ~TQU!ld>'<-nter conditions must bt~ udd~<::.sst*d in th;: Clll1text of

            ;he closcd-cydc ct>(lling allt~ma!iv~. a:;:omning ot~e is coBsid>:ri<:d. Given th.: impon ofsite*

spm:lJk ;malysl;;, NEPA :requires that the D:SE1S i:lVB.luat<l the imp?ld ofr;ldk~loglcHl suh~uriticc

            ;;.or;tllmination m1 feasibility, ou1age, and C<)St oftb:: clo:>ei.k;ydc co1JJmg altemali~*c, whkh has mH yet <Jc*cu~d. Thercforc, < a cl():;e.J-cyde ce1oling a!tcrnwiv~ i!; c<Jusidcred, NRC slaff mu:;t include C<>nsi.dcmtion o{ thesr; ,,z;n>Jiti<ms in ti-le FSEIS.

lll,* The: AEI R~:pmi is th~ on!l* currt:tlt as¥-t:S!HU(!nl oJ" impttd!:i ~~~~f>dat~~d ....-Hh imping~m~nt ~tnd entrainm~nt >lt Jndiun l'i!hd.

                       "Jbe DSEIS states that the ju$t!fk:a~ion !br lntkpendent analy~is of impin.g.:mcnt and
            <:mtmlnmcnt imrm<:~s is ih<J alleged.!y ll.rl.tesol:ved comp:o:ting views of Entcrgy (<:~ ~N fi:wt.h in the l'... E! Report) ~mJ NYSDEC staff(3:; St:"liinth in the-: N"YSDEC fEIS) on the:.'ic i~ues.~' However.

1 40-ttt-AE as NY~DtC 1-w:;_ de,l.tly ackn.owl<ldged, t~-~ NYSDEC F~i!S was pt<:';Rat<Jd bdhre co~ph:tl_on 0f

            ~he AEI Report, l> h<!~~d (m!y zm datcxi mWn)lilllcJn and lnet)mpl~t<::.                          By cont;-asrL. toe /l,hl Report ~s site-S11cc:ifk, Gm<:nt ;md lm:;t;d ~'l"m m:c.~::ptcd c;ci*mtific princip!t*li <lfimpm;t nsses;;mem perJhrmcd by leadint-: !lsberies experts; as :snch, it s:1cmld be c>ffordcd ;;ubst:mtial w~ighl in lhc DSUS:'" lf the DSaS. d0~~s give lbc AEl R~port apprnprime weight (i11 1

December 2010 A-347 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00203

Appendix A GOODWIN f PROCTER Ctlicf Ru!etni.l.king, Dlreetives <md Editing Branch Division 0fAdmini~tra:tive Sr::rviee:; M:m:h 17,2009 Paw;:9 l'<>t0unction with its independent iav,e~tigation), a!l.lmpinge;';<enl ami entrainment impacts shonld he. cbssit1td fl:> "'SlvUd.J .. " As it :rebte~ w Indian Point, th~* :-*P{SDEC f'El-S pm,,J>J~'> <)11]y a surnmMy of dat;;. fmm six ye-ars inlht~ tqsos. Specitka!ly, T:lb!e 2 <>t'th~ NYSDEC FEIS pm~erm; the average !lumber oJ cady ilft:: ~~u~;C$ em.nun.:u d!.!ring dle limited p~:.*t'k*d of itl";:>lallt ~:utminrm:nt sampling at .lndiun 40-uuu-AE Poir.r in I 981 ami 198:J .. f<l87 48 This cbted informali.m shnllld not be given primacy ovedhe AEl Report, which n~ne\:;t:<> da;a tlu-.:n;gh 2U05. l\*1menver. the NYSDEC n:rs is not Hn;~l with respect lo Indian PtlirH. ln Onobcr 2003, Entergy, among other pnrtle:>, iih1 n judicia! >Jctron challenging lhe content an.d legal elli:~o of the NYSDEC I'EIS. 44 The Dr;::cision ill!d Onkr in that action rcoognizcd that "wasid~rab!y more envlronmental review is :nece:>:iary and"' :speciflcal!y contemplated,"~; In thul: action, NYSDEC smted that "detailed, sitt:~~specific" infimnation would ll;;: nc~:"~~>aty l>efore rem::hlng a final BTA Jet.en:nination tor li1dian Point and as.~e:;,;in.g the etwi.cnnmcmal impBcts associat~d --with thai. 40-vvv-AE BTA dctennitl:lt:km.'"' lvk<reovc~*. the Interim !.)~:;::himts ab~< m;ku()w!cdgcd the<:cn<.~ies la the NYSDEC FEIS ;>.nd expres:;ly r.::qtlired the pre-pmatinn of a supp!t'ment~l erwimmnt~nlal impact :>!atemcn< to addre>s rho~c shorl.<.:.mnings foH<JWing NYSDEC 5l<'1ff5 :f.i.nure BTA dctnmim:tim1.'ri Thus,. the NYSDEC FEJS shmi!<:l !i<lt be llfiiirdedw~ighl w lhc DSE.lS. As discH.s;;,~d 2bllY<!, N!?.PA n:q,lir<*s am1ly~es ba~ed tlp<>n !h:;, most recent <bta ~rv.1iiah!e, The NYSDEC FE!S fails tfla( standard: th<: A.E1 RepN1 does nol ami should be "fforded *vcight in ihc FSElS. IV. The rf'5tor:~t~ou aJ:tcruathe should not be lndudt:d in th.e FSHS. The DSE.!S itldl!d~~ Hlternative~ likdy illegal unJcr §3 l6(b) of the federal Clean Water Ac1 CC\VA"): it thertfore shcmkl he stricken in the FSEIS. Spccilkal!y, tbc DSt:1S mcludes a miilgation ;;]wmative that o::ombine:; thr! e>;.i.sting once~tbmugh cooilug sy'item V<'lth al1cma~ivc

           . *.              ' J. .         d ld".        i              '      '.      '

Hlt~~l(e tecnno og1-es (:;~~ t!i.t

  • rt:Ji(Jl'(ff~~<'n alter'u~u~~~es.
                                                                                              '.>; !tO'-\,*ever, J.T           '

n1 R'!t:ert*fei:/)f!Y

                                                                                                                           *'          i ' rtnuA       40-www-AL Rlvetk;;*~oper        !I, the Second. Circuit C::mrt of _.4.pp.enL~ i.wice hdd that EPA imp<::rmisslb!y
           ;,~<..,fJS!l'oJ;:d fi:Jr:rallaw, i e,, CWA §3 l6(b), to <lllvw corupHam:e with. dm! sectirm, in w*lwle min part,. through restmatirJn mcJ);Ut~s:') Thus, NRC staffs dfm*ts m cvahmte f<ldemllaw, pan:lcub,dy c.ompiim:oce. wlth §316(b), by rne,m.s th;u. im:ludt, in whole or in pllrt, rcst~C~mtim1 measm~;.*s is not propt:L"'

1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-348 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00204

Appendix A GOODWIN I PROCTER ('bid; Rt;k~making, Dimctiv~s and Bnmch Dhi;:.io11 ,~f A::ln*:ini*;;tmtive Services fYhm:h n, 2()()9 t'<lgC ]!J


A.s not;;;d ai>~J>*c in $e<.:th:m l(C). onlY reasonabk alhcrnativcs should be <.:ousitkrcd in a NEP,o., e.nvimnm~ntal impnci Mll<:ll>n1ent 5 r Reasotmble al:<:m<B.iv~~ indude lhos~ that ":1re pnlctical (>r feasible fn.1m the technical nnd econc>mic-. st<mdpl..;im ~liid \l~ing ..-.ornmon se;m\" 40-www-AL whk:h: dearly ~xdu<.l<: tho:;e that h>lvc been _iudidally pro:;cribe.-1 {under th~ applicable ;;w!ute).l 1 contd. Accordingly, the restoration alt<::m&tive should not be induded ill the FSEIS :'-' V, The OSEIS hufH'(I!Jcrly ign~"trt'$ the ptrfonmmee of iu-piMc CWlS tcdmulogies, Although !he DSEIS approprimdy chaw~.,tcri:,es!he pmpl)~<::d aetion l!S renewal <)ftht:' NRC ~>pcraling licenses for Indian Polnl, without modHkmions !:0 e;.:]sling .!Jbnt opemtiOllss'\ lt dot::> net evaiuat;;; -ccrtair: ~nvlr<)nm-cnta! impacts of that propo$td action. In p3.rticul:Jr, il d{J<:> m1! properly ilccoun! for the '\Veil-documented effectiveness of fn-pi<lce C'vV!S tedmo!cgie> (!hm. wi!! ~ontirtw: to b<~ opemtcd :Jwing the license: n.:w:w~.l period) de~ig,1:<:d to n.xiuce.. among otl:.<:f thing~. i.mpingemt~nt impatts. li1ilure vio!a!l:.::s . pcfh;!ps, a lilndmn~!l!.ill. r<::quiro::rn<::nt of NEPA. i.ll r:\'::Jhmte thtH:rn:irOl1flle;,nt;,l imp<~tt" o(du;: pmposed ,l<*lhm.f<S The DSB.!S prop<.:rly nxtJgni:.::t::; thai the !nJhm P<.1iu1. C\V!Ss an.: cont!gm~d ><iith rnodltit.d Rist:oph traveling sc.r.;mts and a rNurn :;ystem des.ign.ed to co!!e;;t im.pinged fis.h

ind r.::mrn them t<l thc Hud~on Rwer. $o Th<: DSEIS al$0 proprl'!y re.-:ognil:e> >hat the$t~ m-p!al.:~

screen;;. Mld fish t*c~um systems W<,re devd<)p<:d throtl&h ;:;;\ten$iv.;: testing of varhwo design~ 40-xxx-AE/ED instalkJ at Unit$ 2 aml3 .j*; Furthem;ore. the DSEfS <H.:curatd;.* r<::ports the results t~f a tomprehet~sive study, undertaken by il CN!S\ to Rlvtrkeept~r, fnc., documenting the substa.111ial red\Kotion in: lmp1ng:o~nwul nJortality M<*S(ocwteJ wid1!ht' tb~n-pwtotype screens now in;;t!>lled <~t both tmil5.'ll So efle<.otive were th<:~e screens thttl NYSDEC aclnpted "th~ pt~rtlmmmce uflth<~ ><.recn~.l lls the state's best ovaiM>!e teehnology f-:;ic! starKlntd R1r

            !ish imping~ment ;1t water intake systems."H In o!fl<::r wonb. t!w l.ndiHn [*'oint impingement t.eclmology progr:lm h:ls defined ">tMe (1fthe art" si.m:e ito> immtllatint~. DespiH! !.hi:< an<llh<:

DSEIS' e:<pn;'.S$ re\:ognition thllt the final t.lesiga ofihe [Ristroph]scr~em; upp~ared ttl rl:\l\!CC impingement morl.3.!ity fix :;.ome sp!!cies based on a pHcasi1.ldy<x>mp;l!c"l.l to the origi*xil ~y:;;tcm ill plac<" at It~ditm Point (Fletcher J990), NRC .~taft'~ N1tlsultunb ch<,,;t~ not to indttde iht~se peer*rellkl\'td impmvcmellts io assessmg unp!ngcrw:nt !i)r the very o11me sy:<tem installed at Indian Poinl (fmd the v,:ry :;a;n(l ;-;pecks Hkdy robe impinged M ] Poiru) wheneva!uali:ng i.mpacti; in i\!'> indi:!p~ndtnl'{'* .:\:; sut:h, the OSElS '-~*! b~ rccond!~d w:til l\YSDEc*~ positi<,m. Tlm DSEIS' s;t;Hed basis for cxclndmg this information is tl!e purporicd lad; oi"r~<:e;rl pn:;t.l{istroph scrc~n<1llad>.:<n impingement mcmHNitlg datot. ~~ H~nvevt:t, the nsms does not a~~'llU!ll f~:.>r the<:;ngcd v~lidity ofthi: peer~T0vi,~<.v~d *;;tndy ttJri>l.uct~(! hy lJr:*. F!etchet 40-yyy-AE (published. in the Tntmanions of the Am.crican Fisheries Sodety publication). The smdy by J)c Fi~'ichet <.'vahmtcd !h;; sam<' ~nccn design us those insudled rltlndi<tn I'olnt i!lld evahtatc,i 1 December 2010 A-349 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00205

Appendix A GOODWlN I PROCTER Chid:, Rt;kmakiag, Directive'! lind Editing Bnmch Division of Admi!listmt!ve Scn*i.;.;e$

           !VL;;r;:;h 17, 2tl09 p,1ge 1!

its effi;.;tivt'nC$~ <)!l ;lwii<: iip~t:k:s f(mnd in impinc:~m@i ~ampk:s coikctcd at Unit 2 ov~::r SCYCtlll y<:ars ~" l.. ikewi(;e, ihe t)SE.!S d<<:l' M( ;;oi!~t It* .~~W rd'!c;r evidenc~ in I he re.cnrd io ::;u_gge;;t tfml

he survivru esti.mate:> prepared by Dr. FktdJer <md rcpmtcd in hibl.:o:4*3 ofth:;; DSEiS arc uot a;.~cm<>:e !nd.;;~.J, Or. FkK~her :;)pined that further chilng.c> til th~ screens likely would not
           !u <1tl}' impr<.wernt>.nt in peff{mnance. 6' For those rt'.aoKms. the- Fknc.het smdieB 11rovidc moN~ :han a rel:t~onabk: ha~is fj) fnrt:utst future p.erfbrmam;e Clf tht:: !li:rcc.ns instill!~d at !ndi;m l>oim, and i.he FSEIS ;should a<<:ca!.ml for that pcrtbrmanc;;.M i\s such.. <::-;cbsif.m of pt:>:r-rcvi;;;wcd in:form;1ti()l!                40-yyy-AE regarding the dfettlvertess C\fthe modHi.ed R!stmph >tromn,.;.is <Niihcmt SUf!potl ancl neccss<Jri!y contd.

r:o:sults, a.o; the DSEIS com:edcs, ln "nvcrcsttmlltc:o" of impingement impa<.:ts in the DSEIS' indepcnchmt anaJ;sh-.~ Atcording to !he Revi<~W of NRC's lmpingci11emt and Entmi.tuncn!

           !mp<lct Ass~~;snwnt !()r U'2 and IP3_. *whkh we m:t.d~:rst;md is also t-,dng submitted on behalf<>!'

Entergy. the DSE!S Htllizes ~ 0% impi.11gement smviwo! rote whe11 the <!ppropriate value is ll2'}f.

           $*~;-td.c:. 6 B.:tiillS<lth;; il:l<l <)fiht mmli.f1ed Ristmph scmru~ L~ ;m integral cmnpnMnl ofthc f.Jft)pCls"'d .-:dion, pmtk1Jl.arly as it H+w;::; tn cv:l.luntiou <rf ..,nvit<>nmentul impacts of the pr<lpcm:~d otdk*n, :he su!Yival C$tilncll~--;,: li'wn Table 4<~ shollld*be fa<*tnred imo the FSEIS !mpilet as:sC~iiment, as NEPA r~uites.~' 1 A& !urtht:r dcsctlbcd ln th<: Revi;;;w o(NRC's !mpingem;;;nt and                          40-zzz-AE Entrainment !mpm.~t A:>s:es$men! ti)r !TJ2 nm.l IPJ, :J':;ing the Stlo:i\*a.l~>tim~<k$ fiom h-ibk 4,3 of
           ;he DSEIS <tml a c:on~..:ted \V<light ot'Evid~nce approadl, th~ pottential i.rnpa<:ts of !ndiall Point opcnltion~ dming the litt~i15e r~:;newal perilKl:> ~hou!d be dil:>~Hlcd llS SMALL in lh.: FSE!S.
                         .Ahhough the OSEIS c-orreetly states ihcH "14> nf (ktober 1006, NMFS hm; lis!c(i Att~n1i~

t;tur~eon m; a cm'l:didate spr::~.ic;; for !i;;;ing under !he End.;J.ngert-'d Spt~dc:> Al.'t ("ESA")."'"s it <~hu ln~lJrm;::t!y label:; in one !(n:.mi.o!1 the .Atlamic >tm:gcm1 a." "prM<~ded."w '\~'l1ile thi.nnay htw<: l::een fln i11r.dvertent oversight, given <Tmir:lry ~t;ltemems in many locationS< in the; LISE IS. we "mbmit the lolhming comments to und.-.rsn>r~' the appn:rpriatc limits of the an~ lysis of Wihln:gered >f<<:cJCS in ihe nsms. In an:ordance with iis OWfl NEI1t\ r~:gulation,., ~>iRC sia!l is n::q_uin.:d t(> evaluate impacts l)fthc proposed action (111ly on sp.eeieSi pmk,:oted und<~t th<! ES/i.?l* and the pmtectiCHl$ ofthe ESA e:<tend imly tCl ~p.ecics that llre liste-d or proposed !'or listing as 40-aaaa-TS rhreat~~nc.J llr endm!.g~~rcil'n

  • Atlanli<' sturg,xm is t1m li:ned, or pmJX>SC<l in h*~ li ~1~~d. llS a thrcatl:'ned (!f cmhmgcred spec:i;;;!; l.lll(k:r the ESA_;J Ratller, it'< tll.:: DSE!S not~s. Atlantic swrgcon hm; merely b,wn addoo w !h<: Na.tim.1&! M;lrine Fi.:>IK:rieJ; :'>t~tvk:l:' (NMFS") ii;,t of"e<lmEdatc SF""-'iC$, i.~*.. $pcci;:s fi)T 1

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-350 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00206

Appendix A GOODWIN I PROCTER Chi~ I:, Dire<~tivcs ;md hllt!ng Bmnch Divisi;.m (.'[ Ar.lminis:tmti**~ Se.rvito("'S f>..*fan:h n. 2009 Pag~;.~ !2 which N.M.FS h,l~ iaitlrn~d h;; formal ;;tmu~ .r~-view ro dt!<::mline l.f h s.hollld be _pt<lptl~<:d for listing as a thn.:atcncd t_)r cndangcr~d SJ..'CC!es. Cllndidatc sped<:s. do n<Jt >.:arry <my pwceduralor

;tar~!ive protediilns under ihe ESA, <'g., are lWi :mbj..::~* 1:("1 ESA biolog!ta1.:;::;.~(:$8mems. ;~

NMFS expressly s!J.l.c;;. a:; mudl, indudi:ng ())1 i;~ wdJ;dt<: at 40-aaaa-TS hlm:!!w'.>..-w.nmijim~~Ui.<<m~gx!~{ Corm;:ncm oftho:: ~rrr.mecms. lreatmet1lofth~ contd.

            ;'\tlantk sturgeon as. protected" ili ohertfore necessary for the FSE!S w comply with 10 C.FR.
            §51. 53(c)(iil)(2)(E).

lk Mil:had J. Dac:>wcll, on behalf ofNMfS, is,ucd a "1979 biological opinlonr.mder fl(l-:t) of the ESt\ <)fl ;he p<>tend.a! h:np~>d W .>hofmo:;c :;wrgr::l>n af om:e-du-Gugh <::l>oling at, llnK>ng (>ther faciihic:;, hKHan *roint (tlw !979 Bid>)L~kal Opinion'}') That opiri!on crmdilded that: th;: nn.::e thr-ough cwliug ~y>t<'m <..:>£ [lndiau Poim] is not likely(<.) jeop:mliz.e th~ wntlnued exi;;<cncc oflt1e sb<)ttno;oc >tmgt::Dn lx;cau;;e, ~ven< i 00% mortality 11f impinged ll5h, its

                                .;:nntrib.ltton to the !lal"o.iral annual mmtallty is n~gj_i_gJ!?J.~ .. In Rddition, the biology of the shmtnose .~rurg.ecm etTectivdy is.[)]at::~s th<~ :,;pt::, from <ntJ:>l ofth<: df~,<:ts of power plarg irHake~?'

Indeed. NYSDEC -~'ckm>wkdgcd thi~ opiuion, <md look no issu~ wi!h it ir1 its n'-vn {conccd~dly iw::mHrkte) FUS.' 1 Tht~s. the:>:! has never he<:nuonding that !ndi;m f'oinl opc:rati<ms ,,n;; Jikdy tn j~\Jpard;zi:' tl~c sltortao;;e ;;lmgcon; w f~tli!!, j-ust the ilppashe is tlK: ease-. 40-bbbb-TS A her ;he J 9?9 Hiolog)cal Opinion was i~sm:,d, !t1Jian Point inB!a!led ~hr.: m(!diiied Ri.s!roph scret:nli anri fish nnnrn system :h;u rc;duced potential imp3.cts tQ implr;ged thh, as dis<:uss<:d in S~::uion V ab~wc, providlng even gn.:atcr pNt<:<Aivn to th<: :;h<mnose Wtrg,e<.m cr:h<<n tl1e scr~wing con6gBrmioa analyzed by Dr. Ih.dswdl in the 1979 Bid<)gic~IJ Opi11im1. More<Jver, there is t;O di;;pme ihat tile 3hmcnose sturgeon population in the Hudsnn River h;;:; expimd:;d )lllbstawia!ly <.YI'~r th<; pcnoJ ofimlian Point op<:ration;;.'$ Indeed, th<:: i>'S:~im;Hed numb<:r of -;pnwuing-agc s1u:n1HOS<.~ >twgcon in the Hudson Riv,~r populiltiun now exceed~ soo~,. of the safe kvd defined by the Nmi~)!!i>l Oceanngn.<:phic ~nd AtrmJ;;pbmc Admimstmtion ("NOAi\"). "::.~krtrly indi<:adng !h;lt this population metit~ d..:signatk'n as 'n:cnvcre.d' aml 9 qur,Ji!i,~s filr <khsting" fhm< the ;:ndang~red species h;:;t,"' Tbus, there is !l<) reason to depmt i1~ the FSE!S from the 1979 Biological Opinion absent rrcdit!e scientific evidence ofincrll'a:>ed

             !mpoct hy .lndlan Point or a more compromisd em.l>mg:r:scd pupuiatlml< m:ithtT of whidJ. c;xi;;ls htT<~.

1 December 2010 A-351 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00207

Appendix A GOODWIN I PROCTER. Chk-f, Rulcmaldng, DiJtc!ivc:; <~mi Editing Branch Di visicm <.>f Admiubtratiw s~~X'>"Jces jVbrch 17,2009 Pug:o::B As discussed ab<.:rvc, NYSDEC staff aLllhorized that wntinm~d impingeme.m mcmitoring

           >.:ell.'l~ >lft.;;r [;lst;JH<tticm ~)r the modiJkd RistrQph scn:cn~. hccau>ie of the .ri:;k of nmrwlity ilsso.dakd with <..:r,>llcr:tir;~ ::md handling slmruwse ;lt\.I.rge{)!l (among other sped"5i). i\S n result,
           !!Jdianl'1l)int was not amhori:t:i!d ll) t:tmdw:! impingenum1 muni!oring ;;f!t:*r 1990, both ;l..'l a maLter
           !:'!!'NYSOF.C dirtciiw and <;Sa matter of the ESA 's prohibition o.n the H>ke d' end<mgered specie~                                                                      40-cccc-TS
  • f:'f sd~nlihc {Hlrp~Jseo: ubsenl a pemlit. 0 T~e ab,~n~~<~. of po>t- I990 inv;ingtmeiil data th,~rdor<'

Sll!)Ui<l nm b HlSCIJ.S$t.:d above. la llght of thl:.'. foregoing. the FSE!S ;.;OJnnc'! rt:.;;.~*~n,lhly eoncludJ: !hat <.:.ontinud DJ:><::>ai~ons c<llt~i:.nmt wir.h !he pwpo:;ed. attlon will re>,!l! in;~ets m />.Hilntk m :sll*Jr!n(,~<:: :>tmg~~on. D. f~::::.Pi"r;Jf:i ..~(.i~J.1.l~;i.x~~g.m>.i.4~r.1~!.L.~n.i.i:!J.. !!.!n~ill'..t~. J.-~~_t~_m;,'ili1!!J..~1~tcic~_;t_:)_')_Q.~~hll~4


A:; :;..:t lmtb w. Sccti<)fl l ahiYYe, the;;; is no; uprJn which the DSEIS :iho~ld cvahmk do;%:d,c:'de cooling <l~: il miiijt.:ati<11:1 illtcrnalive HJ .I i~~ll.'i>i: renewlil *.,;;*ith sftif<<s quo nperutions. Howcwr, lo \hi;.' cxl<i:n11h~~ DSfiS evaltl-atc~ the cl<JS<:d-<::yde CO<.*ling .~.ltr:-'fn<ttive, it ~h(lB]d enllua\1;.' (or f<Xjucsl resource input on) th<.:: d1¢cts o.fthi$ ultenwtivc. on cm:Langer~d t~ne:;trial spe<:ie,, specitk;JJ!y llJe !ndl;ma bn! . NEPA rt~quires thanh~ NRC "wnsult with ami obt.ain the comro<:JJ1s <If llny Fcde!lll agMcy whidl has jnrisdicHNl by Jaw N '<P~<:illl expt~rtLs!l \Vit~,r;;spect to any environm(1fltal impact involved" w\tb tht~ proposed arlion or ;my altcmative, s,. Here, !he DSEIS spcci l~cally

           .idt.'l>iifJ~~d th<.~ p{J%ibi lity !hat th(~ India a~ hat, a fe-dem!J.y ,~ndangt~n~d spe.:ies, may i!1habit ;J.

poniml ol'th~ lndi3n Point sit~.~' .. .

  • 40-dddd-TS De8pik !:hi,; fiioding, in lis teq<test tbt comm~nl !i'mn. the V.S. Fish and \Vild!!ic Servke

(liSFWS) in ccmjmict[un with the hceiJSc renev,*al <tpplkmion, NRC :<mJf did ll(H mention the dos<.~d-~:ydt: ~oGling alterm~tiv~ U(>d~:r t:v<~luatil)u in th~~ DSEJS . H Havi*ng not >o~tght <:>r r.:ceiv,~d

           !my inp*.1t lh>ni !.he USFWS ~)li in1pac.t;: as.socia~ecl with thi.l do~ed*-tyc!;;; C<)O! illtern.:rtive, as NEPA (equire:>, NRC :;taff com:lud,~d that th~ d::uring of liw.!3t.n1 ;nt~as, <1~1d. the {;(.>n~:xu:::!ion of .

CL)Hi:ng towers em lhe ';!je,. not m m<:t~thm :llcir 5ahseq~l:::nt op<~ratlon and emissions of p!t)rnes, would not impact the !ndi<<na hat o; iw t()nSI.lltati<)l.1 \Vltb USFWS m:d tr;::ll.mcl1t of thb tcrrcs<rial <:n(hmgen::d spec.ielt, ~& requlred <mdcr NfPA. ;;houltl !:l::: p>;;ur::J in conjtmction

           ,,*ith the f'SE!S.$"
                        }>*1ort(w:::r~ as ;;et fnrth above, the DSE!S iaemlfk:s jX):timtia! impacts: tilth~ ;;hnrtMse s!urg.con <lu~: !.o a l>lck of post-199{)<:mcnt rnoniu.Jring dam, in spit<.:~ of (he J 979 Bidogic<~l 1

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-352 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00208

Appendix A GOODWIN .I PROCTER Chi.ef, Rukm,, DhecJiv~!i and Edjting I~ranch Dhi>i*:J.n llf :\Jmin.istmtiv,: Servk:t:~'l J\.tmch i7, 2009 1'agt~ H Optnion and sub:;eqwmt .;;.:;,p<mston ofthi'.' population, but r-eaches the opp<:<&itt :..:v!wlu:si<)n forth~ Indiana bat. The di>p~.rat<: tre:atment of er~cl;;n.g;eted sp:::cic'> should be rcdified in the FSETK VlL The ui~eussitm vf thermal im.p;~cts in. tl:w DSEIS shunld bc revised,

                                                                                                                              }   40-dddd-TS contd.

Ihe DSE!S pwpo:o.:.> a iJnding. of SMALL U> MODER;>.TE th<>n:nal 1mpacts, pmpmt..:dly h~csmsc N\'SDr.c in the FEIS (NYSDEC 2Q{).i;~) lndkiltes tlm! discharg~., fr,;m 1P2 and IPJ <:.<:!~-tid mise <-vater t<~mp.:mturcs tD ll lev<:~! gncater than t11at pcrmi'(ted by Wi:ll<:r qua!ily criteria,"~' HnWCI't::i, as d~iail~d bdow and in !he .:ommcnl~ ::<t<hmittcd hy App!i10d Sdcncc

            ,-\$~l<Jciatd, lm:., !m~ n;;:vex- l:>~~n a finding tb£li.1n<iim'! PniJlt ha'5 been out of c<Jmplianc~ with it> cm:reat SPDBS Penni!. Tb.ewfim:~. no fm>;i:> t~X.i<<'l~ to l'IS:>ume ac!llal dis<::harges ha\:~ ~xcced~d applk<lble tllcmB.l discharge cdterla. Accordingly, !he DSEIS should be revised to condude that l:mpa<.~ts cl;N w thennal dis<::hargcs atl:l "SMALL"                                                                  40-eeee-AE Emergy holds a cunJ.:;ntly vahd Sl'DES Permit (hm governs, among nther thing;;, thenna!

d1::<charges !rom lndi<ln Pninr.~3 Any NYSD£*:C-issucd SPDES permit mu:;t c;Jmply with 6 NYCRR Pan 704 (Cr!tcsi;r Ciovcnri;q?, Thmnill Disch.:lrgc~). !\S *rncrd:me; .:ompJim1cc \vith the t;;-rm~ ill Enl<:r£!y'r, ST'DE:S permit Bl!<:<:)lc;ari!y m<::ans1hat thctmal Ji~dmrg~:!i i'wm lndi<m Pmnt compt)n with th~mm! di~dl<>rgt: lhnihtmJtain<~d ln 6 NYCRR Piln 704. 13_  ;\.u;ggi.£';.m~nU9..<;:Jild;Jt:.Ul:!~YKth~m:ll.~~,\l.\hcs no1~mmm to <Lliu_4wg of lbcnTI!lLi!lllli'l~!;!, The DSEJS cor~N!Y notes t\1at Entcrgy will condu,~1, <Jt the direction ofNYSDEC, <l thrc<:-dimen;;ional study<!!' [r~ thcnnal discharge. All rcecmly-ren~::wed SJ'DES permits for power plar1tii !n N~w York of'>*,*hid; Eniergyb aw;:u,: h.:J:v(: t*equir,;cl ;l slr11ilar .;;tudy; as such, !hi~ 40-ffff-AE rcqu.ircmen1 is not unifJUC !o Indian Point m ;;uggestivc of any 1hcrmal impu<:t 9 t' Mort'\JVer, th~ m~ore. requirement 1<;1 *:.tmdtl.;! a iim:re stml y cannot fDm; ihe: basis of an irnpat~!~ <>.

\ccmxlingly. mHhing m the m.oon:l supports a fmding in lht' DSE!S !hill !hcnn;;l impact;; ;m:

anything other tban "S:'(I.AtL." 1 December 2010 A-353 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00209

Appendix A GOODWIN I PROCTER Chie( Rulemaking. Directive:< <1nd l.'.d!ting Brrmch DiYtSi(m of Admini;Jtra<ivc S.:rvic*cs March ! 7, 2009 Page 15 n.J:;i;lk you for ~r ilHt~nlion tt~ !he:;e eNl!111Cnt>.. Sht>ll!d yml have llfl)' camments Ot qufmkms, pleas<: * ., JF 1fu:sita(<: tv ;clcphone me (.Ut 61 7!5 70*1612) fnd!<m Poim's <l<l'n>:rs ;u,., ~sr;.:lnsibte lm :he mc<::r :;ig.rHfi<:ant p<>niufl <~ftl!e wsl> ()f dre ~< Y'SDEC* ap~,,-,~,*~.:ll:>lulugoc~l n1!mi.loring pl3n, l<!1d,,r w:.:ch .>!.Jl rnil!k*n clollMs r>s:na~lly (in l<!Sl <l<,ll?.<"s, <SG*htd} or<

           ,J,:dk:~.v:d w *~{l::.l~H-c: a%tS~mcnt Tctt=t~ r:v:1ts off~fi: prog:m-rl tf) da~~ e-x<-.=:Z~o:.~ $1iJ 1.n.dl~on . '\t>"~ ;,re. ~n-v::rt l:fnL:
           ""'"P"Ilh' undert:lkin!'( by of!<' <)t(-,.,,. NRC Ute1Jsee.

l S£-c L~!(er tr>:.*rt: Wi.lH;m S>itbdk! (t!l~n*A NYSDn:: >(><H' p~rso11) !<l .F'r<,1!)<1>C<1 ~l 16(bJ J{;*lc Commen:. Clerk, Ullil<'U Sr<lle~ Er.v!rNm1el'l:3i ~(i>lt-t:li<m Agsnq* (Novemh<.>.r 9, 2!JH!))

            ~                O~E~S. ~r ~/.~ r*~:~iot~iti:l1tt~J mi:dg::tHnn *:~p1j,._u~s thai ntay he av~\tl~bl~ i:Or th~ o:=~ls~i~1g. ur(:~Hng ~ys,H.-:m indm*k~ tht'* fnll;:,~wiJJg: _. (.;~r.wcd.-f)Lk ~('lo.hntt w~ing. CfK~Hng !(~\\lers {e ..~*-* hyb:dd wct/dr_,-_ m~th.3m~at d:ratt tow~f:t"}.
           -~                s~-e _Q~rtt~a:J~J;_};}_~_t;~~~iL~~L~?i~~~~:.i!;~X-Y:JL;~---F-~1~~L~~t~.!-~S_, J4~J: f:Jd l 3~ 7. ! H>7 (9'-:-: Cir. 2(K)3) (N'EPA r!jq:uire2 ~g<.~~.;;~~~ w ~'N\+~d¢ hj!~h W-'~;jry Snfn.q*-n?.l~;{jf'J~ in-du~Hn~ .:a~~*uf~~o(j s>;;i~rttifica,~aJ_:,.-~~:~, ht:(ure d{;'~i1:ii-:m~ ~t;:::,~ and ""tlnm b1keJJ); 4iJ C.l'.l\. <ilSO!U(h) (Nfof'il nrcxe<luril:< mu~t 111sure lhm tnvironroer:t~lmt<.'flmltiWl is

            ~\.*aif;:d;:dc to ths puMk Offi.::.:i.ilh.> ilnd ~itiz~~lS b~fc~r~ d~c*:~H~ns o:u-.::> :r~~a-de:.t:nd b.e(ore ;jl':'b()t1~ ;;}re tak~n. The inff.":-rm:~tiun mu~"t b~ -of high ~rn::s.;~ly .:-\c~u:r;,;rc :it:kn~H1i:. :m~;,ly$~;.;~ ~:~~n:rt :-jg~:l1~;:y-::,.(;~~m~J;:~HJ}, <~:nd puhH,:; :>{;r~~Jfi)' <<r~ t;:~:¥~~~~-~"d t-r,.)

imph~!Bi:nttn.~ NEPA ... '"); 4n c f~R. ~ J.5D2 .24 {?!Ag:~~~ck.~ ~::an ~n:;Wr~ !he protts.)k;m~; ~m~tr~~y. irlth..:d~-n~ v.:i-:.::11E.iflc ~tW::grlr. }*. 'f)f 1.hc disct~::.~it'):~~~ ::.n-d ar.aiysc:; h~ '!'rli;'~fi"':!m-al ~a;~~~m¢m~.).

            '                -'kc DSEiS, ~I <l*7 ("Givt'll NYSDEC '; .;t<<:.t'Hl~M:; in tb<: rwp.-,;~<l Sf' DE~ ;;e;mll, !h~ NRC >t~ff J~~id~*:l !0 C<>Hs.iJt<r Lh~ ':nvin~mn~n!Jd im0~~0t~ :th:at. *~:~;jy ~":~YL.if ifF.nh::rgy in*;~:it*:,;Ks, Ck~~ed-cy,-::}e (.Ot::~i:rJg, <1t lP:2 &1~<! H>:~ . in Ch~p~*;:r 8 f!;f th* S.Ets.~*'}; i:;l ~~ 4.. /.::S (f){:o:;{J:~~:;~:: NY:SI)f!.C H1~ttt:~t-:;:1~ \:lO~d**~)"{'.(~: t(K)ling i~ ~h¢ i~I:":S~ tt~d~m:k:gy av~~;t.tble tOr Tf.t2 ~JH~ 1~ 3. ihe N!XC ~a~r!f \\'Bl tt-¥iew }l Ci}t)Hn~ wv,:~r :=d?.<;~m~th;f: in C~i.(~p:tt~r ~ . '*~.
                           Se~ 0$!'!5, ;:; 4-~' (,1~s~.rihll!g 1(103 Drat\ :SPDES ?~1Tm! ~nd 35S(*ct3le<! F;,cr Sheet); i<J. ~l4*27, SN 1nteri~* Ofci~,.;,n. p.l2 f~llawl upon my rev1ew of tile S<ttond CirctJit"~ cmJ3traclit::l <elf sccti<m .ll6(b}

3.Hd ~!; fur..h:eran..::e .c:~f the S~i:~~ 's r?~p1)~$~bihty ~~~d 3Hthtjrity *OV~t it~ ~~<:.ltllitic !'i:~fJ~j~C:!CS., r 3~}} m<x.iify}f~;3 t[~{~ l~:r;g~taitt i~1 th~ Hr~l s~~:~* I){ !hr; Sta~*e*':; f\.!-'f-~t~p BT/.;., ;;~~i.a:y*:,;ls*-: ...,).. . .

            ~                s~<.~ ln~~rim n~t:i~~~rm,. ~t '2'4.

Si!c NY$1)£( st:Jf!'s J<.*1oliO&IO Clar;f:;, ill! ('*ir lS <'ll:<v*imJ$lh~! NY$ DCC staff i< ll<11V reqalr~-d l<> re<<~*><>S& it> pn:~*ious BTA dt~t*~n>m;llli:Jn fi>r h!dirm !'olflt, t\5 n:fl~*:ted i>R :h<: 'm1'c!1t tim!l :Sf'DES !)l<rm~;,"); Ml: .;,/.s!;< id. ill 8 ("A> r~~<>gni<.~d il'l hNh <lw lmt.;;m D~o;isim'< uaci il;~: Jr,lft SPDES p~rmit, NYSOEC ~~~ff h:~s n~ had !h'~ OopptJJt:.m~t)' 'o r?vi~:\~1 ;)r de(erm~n~ -...~:heth~*.r ~J*H1 W* ;.'!*hi.t.;. ~x~tnt '-'lV:'l.:(.~J:r._)'"~'~-:~ t::!JnHHg t:fr ~'tn)' *JLhrjf ~:;_ .*:yt!~ p~*up-:J:R.~U alt~mat~"'-..:~i a~*t at.:*wnr:y *~y~ftJjbJ!!' $it :ll1t1t;::m f't~hu..,,} (~mnn3J cjtf'.tlt:Hs c'm!tt~{n. II) SM .illlt.rim Dt:od:>i<>n.. <ll2{l {"hl drilitiag ~ Si'l.H:OS permit r(>r!lus !y~c ,)f lbtility, D<pll.t!Hient W:ff>hcnl<l Hr:;t<lppJy lh<J fimr*<>ttp ETA ~naiy;;ts l<l <l~termme the ;;pprcprill!~ B'L"' !~ChB;,>klE;.Yj.

' s~,., DSf".l$. ~~ J-2*! {diWJSi>iOn l)fl-li{SA 3!\<l ((>flS<':fH or<k!'i<}

1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-354 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00210

Appendix A GOODWIN I PROCTER Chie( RtJh:rtmking, Direc!ives ;lninn 9f Administmtiv~: Scr-vi!.:cs

             ~v!Htch .! 7, 2009 Hi HRS.~., S~,;*~>ua 'l{C} ht "dditim1 !n NYSDEC awJ ,.;,., i><<*ne" ,~f th~ l'tl;;i.heie:> ~mbj~d. i<> dte HRSA the
            \>!her p:.mie;,-1>::> !h~ HRSA w*"<~ tlw l:t>i!<::.l State> En-.*imnmcmaJ i'lu:eclkm Agi:Il'}' f'Ef'A"), the New Ym*J.; ~;;,tc A<wnwy GeMNI, the Hml.sC!l River l'ish~tm~u's A~s~1ar:or., .!nc. (llC>.>i kM*<v M Ri'e~ke<l~"r. ln.:.). s:.,~<Jii:

3-hHi~on, ~n~-~ ~*~A th~ N;m;r-(;11 R~¢!!Jrc~s Di:f~ns~ C<tun\:ll, *!n,. 1

               ~             - j'r::1: f.nmt!l ,(i;_nlt!"ndcd 8tiptt~3rj1Jtl of St'~demcnt iii~d Ju~icj;d CtPB:r..t~u. {kdc: {(:('til:'fCtlt Ordt'r'*').. N1tf~h Where;;;; Cl;m~e (llcto*l!!g ~'I~ir3ticn <lf HRSA). ln <\<.khti<J" w ~-.ll'SDEC 3r.d the ow!l~r> <:>f ~h~ fi,~Hit!*O:> ~-~bj~~i t<> fht' Ci.>n><:m Qrd,;;.r, !!l~ p311i~> :o """ Con:><m< OJ<l~< m:r<:' tlw If u<J::on R:**cr Fishem'*n *.; i\.l~<:*.ciati<>::, h<r:, (now knt>wr:
            ;,H-: Ri\>trktepf:'r,. 1nc). S\:t:nk: f-3~:1dS-i)*f1, !nt., *.md (he N~n~;;}; ResfJu:-t"~~ D~fttM:se CO*llndL fm:,

I; Se.~c Phr~.s:~ H Hul~.. i\pp{!-n.:.iix A, f;f? §:'(:.d. R:!!'§.. a:.~~! 67(k79 (li*st~ng :se!.~cte.d &~du;Qb,g_y-k~t eov.:b EP.~\ m:odck:\.J f:~tilhy). ll: "!\1. 3t4!6H~ {{:mph;~~i~ ::t<1d~ln

             ~'!               St:~ C~~lS Bupp~c:urs~nt No* 21> R~~m*d~ng 0)-"~->t~r Cr~~::tk Nllt'it:~r Gt~:;c:.r~stit~g Stxti.t1't1 Final R.~pt~~t, :;it 8--?.

1 C'Tr,~ NJDl'.'.f' Hkmi!kd :wn ~.1\i:malivc~ 1o :he current-<;;o!.mJ} w:<!e.r >>'S!ml in the ::!005 ilmft N,WDES permil for O{~NC$. *ru<:~ r~JDEP'~ p!>d(*f:rt'X! t11H.:m::tti'Y( i~ ~o '*.r~d:~C¢ itH.~kc ;;:.~:p~Ki~.y t~) s !t.::JYt:~ Ci.Hra-w~-i1S~i:t&t~ with th<: 1.!£c;: c~{ ~

            ..;:*!o-~{:-~1.-<..)'d:;~ reclrcut~tiHg t:~)li~~ ~ rhl;) itltt.:rrnniv~ ~~,;o*~)~lhi r~~flh'e: .n:p;,;:h;:~m~n~ of ~ht:! ~;.;i~.ttn~ {)~~C{!",.,~hro~gh c<;.:-;ling ~Y~~~rn with.-: t:lt1Si:d.-~ycle l~ooHng ~.Y'>~~m:~;. Mnret)~~~". ~h~ adm:ni.strative r.w(.e~;;:~ by .a: dr~1n SPDES pcrmk X<t~w:es a ~tnai permi~ in New lt!rsey IS. f~n Qiff~'f~~}t ~han thi! pro:c;e:ss m N~w Vo71c lu New Jer~Y: :1 d!'M! '"i.!f'f)ES P<'nnit ;, sut*j~>:t IOpl!blic' <:t)mtll~m ~:'* d ~>t>n-~dY<'r>arial;x:bi;G h~aring tel wl!~cl
j.d1Ji~.icm:l! :n~'.,.rtri:ttS~m: S<:.>.; N.JA.C §1':14A-*l5.j{f(~~}{req!:i!"ing ~ubltt~ ~l)mJ"r:t~Hl Ctti ds;~n. ~*-tJPDES p.~rmit):
            §7 ;~*1A-l S,l2 {.aUowirig{t:l*~*c~~a;ieti yub*~'c h-~~nng.~ t-)H dr~a 'NJPUES ~}C'lTIIit~ u~:*d~r G~rtain ~,:.i*rcum:ii-~3JJ<:'~S}.

NJO~J~ \h~:tj ~Siw;:~; a H~~l :--n;>DES pennU~ "vhid: J.) th~tt~f!;;:r *~trbj~;:n:o an ;Ji\\(~r$~r3u! ~~djm.H,~?it~ry he,1r*tn.g. s~~~ N J.A C. fJ.14A_.-15.i ~(t:} !n Nf!.w 'Yr;rk, ~ dmft SPOtS p-~.rmh ~~ :;ubj~(t t~) adv~*r:;:jr~;;~J' ~dj~J-t.iit:".;j1.f>r.:.,: h~attr:g"s i!<~ir*r~ HI<' permit is i>>l~~d a:< linal. :;.,.s_ ;,;mm;i~;'. !\.NYCRR ran624. *nms, tll~ c<;;Mn! <1fa tinal NJl'TJES rxrmit is kf! l<J th<' ;li.s<*M. ,p.aJ~'DES ot:<~ff, <..:here~.~ i~1 N;;w Yor~, the *:oP.tem <*f ~* fin~l NYSDE( 8f'D'£S p<<r<nil i< th~ r.~::;uU f.jf Z!~ ad.v-t::r1::a.ti~t :.i~ji.l!Et::a~t.ay ~rv~;~cdirt~.

             "                 .*WC.F.R. §l5v:! . !4(r*)~nd(~).
             '"                -1& fed Reg 34:?.63, :1*!2(,7 (!983): se~ ,#so Uill::~Ji.:;y                        ""'ci l'm~!'<l5Jl:!'::~J,,.r.Ji>c&..!Ie,;<>w >)f f:wlli*<>nm~"d 0*J.lilllH!l)l)~.£!j(l_gJt>:.f:r):ill:.Q.I)l:Mli!,             (:hwM 4, S~~:li<Jn 3(f>) ("If :;igni!1.:;;nl lWf'U~t~ a~~oc i<u~d with !he j'lU.Ij){J~al and they cmmol be ~deqmtteiy mitig.:u~d, U'A';, comm~nts 5!\0u!d ~!lgge:,t an e~vtmnmentaJiy pmfGr,lhl~

al'lCHH\t:iv~, htciuding jf n~~e'.istTr;-l. ~ nev1 (l:h.ernativ~, The. Stt,gg.:,~~t:"ti ~~~r.rna~i\o*e sh1.~uiJ i::.-c txntl re~S(H1ilhlt ;.~~cl fc~.sibk\. h~ ;hi~ ctmt~:<~~ su~h :?.n i:il!:(:'<"ll.fl(~'t!e i5 one ~hi:1t 1s :pr;lc~k1l! in th-t.~ ~~dmk.:~~, c;..::r)rsomic ~:l;rcl Si;.ldal $1:'0$~.. t\.'e*r~ i~.* i.h~ :lht;:tn~dvl':: $:i tun:,.id~ ~h~ jw*-~~d;<:~imt -..-.( ~h~ =*\~t~m.:;y: ").

            ,.                 S<(*' ,, t . ~:_ll'I.~!Ci~.v;..):llrll.:>:o.~L~-..P!;llU{:D:;i;J~;< .. 71 :S f.2ll "?J:l {~:td C~<. i9~J) (~pplyi:tg lh~ "nlle M r<.~tjS{Hr',      HJ fi1:::: indu.~:c.n ~Jr {,~x~J~}si;;.~ i){ '~la:rt~:.=rth:. c~),
            ~:                  nsr:.~sz f'j~ E~4 (~ffjphm1~ r:;t:ppHerJ) . .s,H~ atH.: !d. ~lt ~-.... ~         (" .. t:.P/\ ~udk:.:~t~f.~ th;~~ {ck>:'ie*d .. cyt::,lti {~f)flV{tf"jifHl
.~-cJ~t t*~Jirr!';:l~~~~;J )fl:i~}' h3\"t: bt:*~r: s.mH~:*.,..*h~.r. Lal.htwd. EPA :1l~:eJ in{1kat:::~ :ii(r::~~,z \J!1(;efmi:rity ~~*tt'h r~g~.rd co Ott}~!0t d-:.uatjc:~r~ f*::~r th-f.:: :p:l:~r::.t rr.: ,_:"Ufit '~').

rJ 4{f C.F.R. g:J:)OO. ~(b) (tnfnrmatinn ~Hfi:~rming NEPA r..m~$y~~~ !n~~~ bG1,:~f~'h~~h ~~;:d!:ty')). id. ~c.§ i$02.2 . $ (",~.g~.nt*lc.::.~ sh11Sl ~n~uP.~ l1l~ pt.~!f~s~tom~! ~rnc:~xhy; i.n(~u.Uii~g S(ientit1:c *i:1~c::~rity~ (<! cttS<'U.%H..\flS ilfid 3rH!i.YS<?S* :n

            *~'!1'\'~f... j!nr::~r:tal ~rnfi~~r ~£.rJ~:u:;en:s.**_:.
            "'                  OSE-l:'>, ;;! E4
             ,,                 Tl:<: OSEIS &iJp<;>~r:< l<l indwdt' O<e <<r,:,n.e, J3Ie i<lr 1!1e ln<:li>>!1 ram! l;sw<:s fl.~iiog. S'<'<' DS.E!S, a( ~-82

{d~tng F<!!~)tr~ J .. :~U03 ra~h<r n*.r}r: Febnw:ry 3, 2.00{) as th~: du~e lo7 Et~t~~g,)' Nth~i~~r lno;.U<:~n ~)o:>hJt 2 ~~::J ~; ... Ra!ing .

            .5Ht: hl tht' ~f;l:rrz:- of;s Ro::H(:~~*::il ;md *(\..tcjdJfk~~t~<m "fa St:jfl.:;. p,,:~Huran~ Diuh3rgJ~ fi~G:i:r.*niim Sysr~m (::i.PDF.S) t)i-=:rt~~~af~e J'cr.r.nif .P1JP:ri::tm:. UJ .Env~r.rtnmt:ntJd. Co~t~t':rva~i-(;::1 Law (Et.:L) .At~~~le ~ 1 ~l~d T~t;~ 6 of the Offk;ett Cnnwi~=~~:-on nf'Ct!d~,~-' Ruk:$, ;;nd H.~g-u~adon:,'} l..~f ~t::, SU~{e *Of N~v.
  • Y\J:r.~ {6 :-1 ~fC:I~R) Par:(s J(,kl ~nd t ~{I l:!.f s<:q. Oy 1

December 2010 A-355 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00211

Appendix A GOODWIN I PROCTER Chi<>.f, Ru!e;making, Directives and Editing llranch oL\dministnttive Servic<:.s

           !vlar-*h 17,1009 Page l7 En1~rg>' N~::dear tnm?.n P<)tm ),                          ti.C      ~nd E.)lti::r~y NL.Ki*~3~ !l"t:J]~,I'l P~)i-nt ~.               tl*C.      :>~rrr.tti*~~~:-:. febrtllit~-:1,    2nn.n

('luU:.;;s~ l)oirJ~ h:~:..;~-~ R.~dl-J1g_")).

           "                  Si!11lmli:m l'uill( lS'<tlU RHJing, olt 1(1,.; I (",\(ccnrctmg Hl r~ (hi,*d p3J1)l mum~1J. the ~()S( oHh~ (<>Qimg
            ~:<n*f':::r);,.  :md ch~ tlm~ n{:.:.:e~s.1ry f(;r iruplc::rr:~nt~:.~oa.l *~~-cr~~u h~o~ ta, ~?~s th~~1 Erttt.~rgJ* pn);¢cted)~ £tt t:?r-~.1\,.:t.:o-n.-H~~g to

[M E.hif"W: ~{ar;~,_;*::; ~.x.-H$!:~~¢1!~ a:m:::::-g:(s ~ts~kna~<:s ~f't:h;;;-: ~ost;r ~o NU'Yfh ~h:~ :'Su:-~lvns ~r~ k:Jlat¢**.t bl:t~U-!k~ th~ NU*ogl G,.n: 1~~~ ~H:rr\.~nn::,':cl nmr:::h ~n . .~r~ ;:Hk.ll!'n~~y o.:md ir~~x~~.::n~fvdy ~h;'jJ1 ~r.t~,.~~)" predi~t:-;.~').

           ;.:.*              40 C. f .R. §l 501.24 (''!-s 5i~la.H ;n.11un.~ the pru~~:~iOJlal !n:h::e,dly. ~m; :; ~~~1~;SXft)', nfth.e
           ..:.~tsca-S.s:nns: :::r~d.Z'fJi::1y!>.es. i~;. ef~vh*o:rrrr~eniai i;.nf.t.t~c:::t :~.aatcn1~H.~.*~).
           ~~                 s"'~ NYSPEC. Hu<ht>u Riwtl't>wer Pl3.<1B C<J<llillg Vhtcr Sy~U:m IJe:sig,n A.nalys\o, 'li:eltt;boi Ro;>orr, Oct,lb<'*< 1.0, 20llQ, prcpart"J by D.n. <Jmg<m 1\s~oci;~s. In<:. (tiw "Gr;,g<lr.< Rc~'"'~").
                            Sc*o* !d.<:( ~4 ("{3) TiJ~ .:.~J~t <'~timalt~'i >UK! ~~nnumic ;rna lySIS. present'lld !~r t'le r~pl&C<?h1<llt( :ly~<t<ml ilr<!

reC~:~um~b;~ ,.,*I:.Cf: tht* s, .stlpulah:'4 ~..ii;!S.i~)1* ~:u:.U pdcirJ.f_.~ <rite*t[L~ i:tfl: ~:tt)p![ed.... (4) .. Bc:c;.lU:~;~~ (tf -:.1p~t, raark~t ptk*:r:g ofbl)th fl.!tl ;;;mU t.Jc.ct:~cHy, ~.h~* C<.'.t1-l1W11i~* trn~r:.ts nfnny r;;:dw~thm in tu,;.w~* genr;:ra~J'0n cffk.h~n~;r ?.nd

           ~;;j~l~Lc~ty       l:;m bt:* ~;-,.l1-er..:lt:-d tt1 b~ f~r ff".JJP~ ({1*Slly t.hjn th~ ii)~~~~BX ~n: rhe fJEJS.'. 1}.
=::-~ kL ;~~ }. ,
           *:-::               UStJ:S. ~H. 8* 3 See *~)*~snEC F~J$. a\ 47 ('EPA wJ~ iuch~~k~d h~ lha <.~fx.~~mnwr1tc:r:~ rm d~~ t)f~~S).
                              ;\:< !5;~: OSfiiS *c<m~ctly nmt:,. lh~ l'M;,e !1 l~u:c h1tS l),;:n >uS~<<!ldCd ir, r<:>cp<lmc \<)<IN l).S. Cm.m ;:f 1\f):,y~rl~~ fof tj:t s.z,*:,jtlC~ Ctrc<~f~':; ,,.~~-c;:Ul!~f; the n.:}e *~~j gjy~r_k~.s.+/-.~~-!:~.hif;-=-.*~J;:.ffl . "'~7:t f .3d SJ .. ; 09-l G{2nd C~r. 20C)7) f_Rj_~:_r:;*k:;-:.~~iX~f.-~~."l. N.vne~hck:~$, ~.h~ P!~a:sr.; H Ru~t~ ~or.min"S infb:ru:::Hj~Jfj -.*~f V}l.[u~ ~?~,~-rrdjrig '-*lo::;.~.:.i*'-t*d(:. t:uuimE: *~.h;lt mntw,,1!<(~ the DSEIS .~nd sh,Jwhi he i::.:d:'"d ir: >.he FSr:JS.
            !-::               Ph.?.~~~ ! ~ Ru:e., 69 F~d- Rc*g. :H 4 ~ 6<})~1}6,
  • f~,~~~d ;.tpm-s its 9-N~iysi:~ <..1f -c.~.:aJht:g sys-1¢*m '-~"'-'fi\'£-rstcns ~t tl',x;sHng faGmt:~~~ Eft~), ;:!sv ';Qw.:~ud£{~ U1::a *~r~~**]hH~ ~tis ~r:~c th!i.t ~hr.:. '<tr:it m::tjr..'l'dty t':!fU:c ~ww. gr~~rd~dd u!ili~:Y im-tl n1.m~

l.H.iik~* C\H:I';~iflt:d t:};'l;.k: pi~J:I~~ h:..J:ill it< the;: p.:n*~ 20 r~af~ h.t~V~ V(".~~ cocHng'!:~I.VI,;:fS~ EP'.:\ bd!t-v~::: ~h3> it i~ :>:ignHk;l~1t lha1 S(<~ f*'w ~.xi~t~fiJ$ ftl:ciJi~>t*!!-- ,.-.:-~t,::lfin~..:.~ ti:{ !:h~ {e<.:~-uu>h)g;' dudng lh*t': sa~,~~ pe-dl)t,i The r~r:ry* o*f ~1~;s :.'='thf~{:d<\~Y as ?J. r{:tn~~l.!. frnH:-:.~r i:lr.H\.;r:i!::es. tht~! i~ 1~ WJt ~~*crmumj~.a!Jy pntdi:~~lb!:.'! 1hr !b.1 va:'i.~ 1najfJJhy t)( ;;;xi~<ttll~f. 1~dlit~~:l."; lJ 11t 41@{,,

                              .)';:};?. f.n~~*<;:t.~*n C<~mrn~~~(S .
           .~~                Sei-:1 T~dmk~d*D~*H!!Op*m-t>IU. D,;JtUmt'str f:~~;* ih1:1 P'ropt~:-~d ~~t,~km :H6(b) ?h:n2 U .t~x~~:J~g r*a\.:;U~i~ RJJl1':.

EPA ill: 'R ..{I2,()C'l, A:ori! 2M2 ("11mp<1M*d TDD"), <et. 4,4 ("f11~ l'a!i,;a*M> 9l;,n1: c:o::~truct>:d ~:.~ m<<i11 l"-:lou*, <1f~h< t<-:w~r >:;r>tem .in l '172 an<! *l'rl':l, white ttl~ plan! np~mt<:d in <)n>:t*ll1f<!Ug~ rnc<i<l. C<!n~ttw*tian tiaisl!od by ~~fly l~*tr1 4. frc .~. t.tgu~t .:~f .l 973 !~it pl~t;f: ~xpei:'i-t.l:<\c'~*d the-:'llflg of a ~::-~bl.t ~tctage: (t.e*I'l cnc:Y['(lh~).. \.;.*hit~h ~i:'C&tdi:rt~~ l.:.~ C:>n!:qm~r'*~ [.f.ltr~y ~~a:?. dUO$ pri:m~r;;y ~.1J dJ:;:.<::vn.tlt'*¢ti{~r. ;:sr1d t~.stir1g 1.)fd1t:: rt::~in;u.h~.i.rsg ~yst~~m ::}.

            "                 SIN 69 Fed al 4161)5 (~mplm:d:; ;;upp!i<;.d) ("S<Jmc ccnn:nenwfS ,,:~o ~:<s~rt tl':xl~ l'.f'A !mdere~lim3led th<:: d<!"n (ime that lht> laci!Oty 1wulcl <:xperien.:e ll3 it C(*r,ve.-t5 ~o wDlirsg !<)\V{'t'>. *r~is, <'!~ir1, is !1N 3rt imp"-"': th~ll wuuld t>e ~xperic<K:~d ~)Y Mw Jacilit:e;;. !if'.-', ~.osrC<>* that ~udl <.I'Jwn time ;;an b~ ~ignifka;~.~ li1d<ea: *~11!: c~( lltef'>w r*-::tr<:ifi~* <'*O.Ii*~ ...:rt:*.'die..; [foY P~IJisad~..\.'1 EPA df:vt!l4}{'ed i~d.i,:"'Itt~d a d.')wn tim..: t~{ I (1 month:-:, and. f.PA .lx;/sf:>.-'t#< it i.}"

r:z*:.{:o;onc{/:11-<-~ ti,", *h~{~l' Jh<J.! .,.rHJN}' <.>H~r;:l' }.v.:;iu~*:$.v. w-r.ruf.d c:.q.I-r:.n'~;:r-;,:,.; th-e .~~:m-c:*lc.-,s~ . ~*~; 'S<~.l-'! -..:frtY Pr<tp~:ys*Cd Tt>fJ~ ~r 1-5 ("Thrctt~.h re~e~~~._~;.l ln.ttJ. 1h~ hi:::.t.ork;:tt dt"~:trix:fty g.r.~r-.~~~~J,Jn ~:tf di!: p!~l:~H., the l'Eit'JJ{.:y ..~ou.hn11s ~hnt th.c.~ lHJ~.~~.g~: -.~f ten .. r:lt)l1~ir> ~)C{.:.Utr~.~d -*~. H*t}'\:'.'*e~l-;!:1', ~~!:! ,-.\.g.trtt:.} ~~~,1-t:::\ d;*~~ j~ <<-~~!lbl.e t!."J 1J!':Itrri:n sr~cl~~..:; rc.:>Ci:tl"ds ~0 ~huw lh~ ~3.;;:£:~-{s~ o( the *o~~~g~:*~. ln. L1*~ fim~.;;:: U Rule~ EP't\ =-tY~&ed i~s prt.'~\;*J~us ~:nirn~~~ ti.'lr 4 ~k)$J:d~t)*<:~~t' ~{M>I:ng \:l)~v{:-;rs~tm

            *JUlage .:.~~J~~i;.i~m (~n m.K.It~:tr i~cl~~t~e;; :trw~.trd ~hYm 7 mo:.~f.h; t!.) ~ 0 mon~.hS1. ComJ"n.~~*,;; Ph:a>:;.e li R:Jl~ NODA... -n~ fr~d.

R:;:g_. ~1~ ~~51'S ( __ fP,.\ is ~n::o1;:>G~ad:ag.lh~ m::v'~'* if~~On.n~~~c:n .,.JhH.:h !'lu~g/,.J;;,~s ~tht1 :C(:ol:r':,g ~yst*:rn c{HH***.:-nion;; ~1.:: nt.:d~z.r-pow~r pkt:a.s. m~~~* UJ:ke 5iev~f1 monrhs.' ..): ~*k;tt:- P"h[~~(: ll Ruk., 6 1.? FZ{'i. Reg. -it ~J l6H5.

            "~*               .)'~e.- rrop.l~i!e~~ TDD~ ~1 4~_*; .. 4~4.

1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-356 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00212

Appendix A GOODWIN I PROCTE:R Chief; .Ruknoaking, Din:'Cliv~s and b:liling Br;mch Di.vi5ion of Adm!n.lii!rathll Scrvi,C"<J Mar;:h l7, 20[)9 Page 18

                                  ~jfm~j ,:\uJiut*mi.S*~ti;ll):               v. Q£pt QtNM){. 422 F.:Jd ll:l. 2\J5 (4!h C<r. 2tl05) ("It g~~s W~lhmJ! S<>:y:ng
            \11<-"dili~i,*mnl ~i<i!*,;p~<.Mk [i~>locm::i!.i<mj Wil! -~!1h<lll.<:~ Hw ~nv;r<mm~ma! ~nn<id~s.~!i*;,n thllt                                       NH't' :.k<M<i)-'

se{Jiif!~$..~~:~. S;;e k< th'l l\.h;1!e!.l<!JJ~l~.lilKb<JL!J;>J'L"'.li<<~.~~lot,it~lQi.3 n f~Qin!J'ill.~J~>ltYJmtlPling !hmJo..illlC..J}, 1

            /ISWP No.l)i-353-0N..J<A.!DfJl. J~ay :q, ;;aoa.
            *<~                   S1w OSE.!S. M 4-9 ("B~c~,;se the pmp<n~<j Sf'lJES ~nrH! (whid1 ~lii;lmk> Ni$DEC'*; 3l6(b) de~~=:f'ff\in~tj~-,n r~l?:urdh~~' C<~u!h:1;; *~~-~:h~r                 intak.e stn.~c~tii:"tt) ~-s ~ttn in drcth ~tag~ and :w:bj~~tto t'ftlgt};Ji.f~ at~tH.h~-~h<m, th~       NRC ~t!dTCi)r:dt~cted .:m m6ep~nJt:Hl JnJfM-c: ;jfJNf.;ts;.~ fo:~ ~h~ pmpo:::e of.addre~~sj;:;g lh~- CJth.:gory 2 is..:.o:.a~j tclt::tifie-C :n **r.?.bie. ~~-:1 uf~t;:_i~ *d:*af~ ::;t:...:!S:').
            -~ 1                  $.,*~ ~ill~-Q~;t.L..t!Ji..Ps~L~-L<l&L~.\\l.l\!L\;. J 16 fJd 14R2,  l'H4 (ith Cir 1997) ("ft,nh~s~ *~<!";on>.

th{1 Cou:rt f:~d'S 1b:r:t ':'~r~OH5. qu~;-;;t~rm~ .~x:ls~ -.v~th *t*~~spe"~ t-L1 lhe ~ckmBfk: :v>cu:*aky of the FS:Ers* pn~ie-c:tit:"H:s of p~:>v~~l:.Hio-r; tr-:..:~~~.js ft~='"- fn? (nd~.:.:iU{x sp..:.*c::.=:.~. Ab~e:*:t a r-J.~k-.~;.:l}J rt~~o:~so: tv ~.Nc -tXnirhotogi~ts' ot.~tHi-ci~ms i:.lnd

            ~ii t:xphmfi~l:iJH_f~}t ~he}~*-nu~r';;* hi                 I;(Jrnpih.:o- mor-:    ,.,;H:em  dc;Iu ihr<<?-'1-f,h llu:* -tw.mif.-;.*rmg -rY.qwirt.d by f}N'! .} 986 P*/.a-n, thr::
            ~>.,1~11:         t1nd::. thf:':J ll1!:- r*!Hmc~ til}r,:m :.h.~ H!-yc::iif ... {~ld Gr~bc3f' d.~1ht t~) he i.).il\Jt~*3ry ~H~.d :;~r~rid-=~~s."') (.;?.tnrh:dA~S M~ppht~d}.
            """                   S1.1c:: (~JJM:rJ~~t.!.~_b?JJ?g~.~~ttt21~-~!-2[tc3"_:1.L.$.. fgt*~;~~-~*~~-~~~;~> :~49 !=.]d ll 5'?~ 1 ~67 ~~,tl:'* Cit, li}tl3}; 40 (:.f.R.
            § l SOO. t(b}, ~~o C.f.R. § l502.2J~ f'_.\gf!n~,.jt:~ ~b::tB ~nsutl:' ~he profc~~H1n;;l int.<::grir¥~ h.a*.tw.1i~1g ~d~n-rj~1t: :rJt.~gyfry~ 1;f the d.iscu~~.S0-ns.:rmd aJ.1.afy.s.e~ in ~n.:r,*!HJJJm(!'ntt:tl irup;;ct stM!:.'!:m~n~~.).


               '                  S'~" fUS, 31 ;:, *li. Z: Apr*cildi:( Vi* H)-1 <lfl!J~ DElS (whid'l PHIViclts th~ ~llll!.t~l numb<Cr~ lllai l:lr<' ~;sect II:>
            <:<>k,*:i<kl< 1iic- av.,;-~ge numl:itf which ~pp~<<r.; in Tablc2 <*fth<* F!:;:IS)
            ~~~                   ::)'(:.:.- fin1~!2-J..llE.~t~J1tlt!~iJ!tJ~£~J~t?:~. L:L.r:~.E. L~J.....Y:.....P...E£J Ci'.tj~ .ln.dcx Nt) 6'747i~)3.
            ~~                     O*t::::isaon and Order, ;2t 3~ 6.

S!fe i){:'-i,:iSktrt a::* O:dto:r~ ):j1 J; Ff.iS, :;::t*~, _,, So:e !ntnim i)"d>wfl, a\ 31! ("'Tht' IFUSl ~-Wft'S>Iy ~<.ml;;mplilt~d lurtl-.~r s<:w!iJiy t)f th~ "r*l**in.>m<H;nhtl

             ;mf'!K'IA !~1~GCi~ted w.ilh Ill~ >i:l~--1)l?dfic fH A dwsm kw :he s~_;,ti<ll:>~:>; id. ;)! N ("H!hc ~p,.if>, imp3<t~ ol' d<l:.ed-
            -<.:.y-.::~;t:- (:\.1*.-,!t.n8 M ~he $la:~i..:~rrs: ~b> 'o(;r'~iJ dS   :;;;uch in:t.;;niTl m~asur*.;;s ~S fl*O" ~e;~Ju~d~):")S ~fld 1"1-sh r{t'(t:~Ct~(~:t~ O*U'ti\g!-.:S.

pt.:)rr::.-s*~*J m <jra!1 ;->ct*mit:~ *.,.,,~f~ iH)~ fw'II:Y ex-~m;~;;'=d i:1 th-t~ fEJ5 ~,)~ id. C'~{A]n S:EIS sJamld 0~~ pr-:.~p;lri::d 1t; t~_:o.;{;imjm~ tht~ SH\flif;;;_:,~nt adv!.':'r~e ~'lwln:onmf:rtt.;d in*.1psH.~~:~ th-iK an: n0~ t1lt~.&dy 6-*:U:in::::S:iit-d in th{ flJS .. ,~'),



  • s,:d)Si.~l$, ~nl-!6 * ~*-~4 .

9 S;:e K<J.<iltt":!l.~Ll.!':t;.,YJii?.,:',, ~58 f 3il 1*_;.1., lS':>-<ll (2m! Ci:: 20i}l) ("!<,h:"<ilii::~n~U").

             ~:.                  i'h~ 05f!':S ~-tN1'c1;:tly nuH::s ~h;)f. ~'"[r-J~~*~rdf<:-s~ nf ~h~~ NRC i::~ff:, f!:ud.i~g~: r.h¢ NRC doe~ nc~ h~*ve ~he 1

r~gul;;tnry ~utl<onEy t:Q ~mplem{:l1t rt't~ rt-q<Ji.renwnts nfthe Clean 'N-a"'r A~~, 3<JJ it i~ not u:p w <l;~ l'H\C :;<M'f m }llJg~ v-;~ v:;:Ji6~~y offnr.Ngy's *'::~~ .:.~~hert;., _d~:ttms l1s ~he ORl~j.oiJ$f;; :-..:YSOEC S.lJDES perm~~ pn.lC<!~~-n DStlS. m g_.}~, h1 the

             ,<\.!mnk Sa.fmy ;,nd Lk~n;.ingl3<mrc1'; <;"ASLH"'l Jt>l)* 31, zooa de<:i>i(m n:gardi"t: !<o*:!>~~~ P~:>im NL>dear Gener:ariag tlnil'i 2 3!lc13. tt:e A:::LB t:~l::l lh31 "it is ckar t~&t ... {:5} i~ 3CWrtl?.n<'~ with C'>\'1\ 1~ l t(()(2l, ~;; impl<;mcrHed tty t!::e !\.~r!fHo~ndtJm (!f Ur~d:ers~~i'i:ding b-ctwt':en ~NRC ~rtd .Ff"lA], lh~ NRC is f)tDh~bl~t"-d i!um 'IJ'£::t::rn:.}n~n~. . w:~tfher nudt:~r fac~bt1c:.; art l!'t ~~.wt1f5n~-rn(:~ -~~dt~ C'Y*/.A. lim~!*~=t'.km;;~ ft:':P:'i~~fi~dng discf1~r~~~ tim~tt:ldt1~~~~ {)r $mpt1-:;iag ,u!d~ttnn;~-~
            ;~HJ;.m3t:v~,"'l ~c, f::,th~r mJnim;xc ~m~~;s!:~~. iHI :t~lt~:;lr.;c ~~¢r.)l*~J!.!.;r tku ar~ -~t~~jec~ ~r:'3 t.h.c C\VA ... ~* ltdh.-~l~~~ffi~tQf f:l\\~J%X.:t'll!%!~,~I.9P.~f*Q~!~,Jm;, .ASJ..Bf' "* i)7 -8Sl:HH-LI<-!IDC;l, M ::;~-;(July >:, ;!!lOgi. Thlls. !Me N!(C (lmnm
             ~m~x:~~e r:e~w:r.;nmn. 1 ckY:-;~J--cy(l~ ::=c-ohn~~ Qf any oth-~rC\VA. r~\.)U~remtnt ~o,; Mt:o~.~di-r.~on ofth.{: tk:e:t5$e,.
             "                    40       c.r.n.    §1.5\!1.. 14(a) ~nd (i:l.
i-~ S~K 4R F~:.l R:c~ 342E,3, J-4267 { J'i*:n.}~ ....-~$ iJlSt> };;f:f,..J:;gJjj:_y_~ii!~.PIQ-;~Q~.r,:sl~J)nJJl~J~&.Yl~)~:.Qf j;JJ.'df').iJJJWOQ't;ll/lC(LI?ill.l!ll1'~o:;;[!;gJ!l~ f!Wir:Qmlltll.!, 4, s~-~dtm 'l(O) (Til*' ~llj?-g~~\<'d ~lt~rna:.ive ,;lwu Id iJ2 bv*rJl :t~a.:;Q:rl~h*i~ ~:t;d ftasihh:*, *tn thi$ {:t'mt~xt, ~ucb rtr.. &~:..-t:n~atj'<'~* ts <)!3..; 1h3t is p:ril;..::t:ic-!1-l .ln rh.e 1t;:(.h~~i:c:~t ~.tiJB(I.HJi-;.:

und~.:;t,.1~~3~ .:;.en~.e~ ev;:rt ~fth.e .11~C:I'lJatwe is '-1'~ttsi'k ~h:t j~:.risd.k~imi o!t~!f:* ag>jHcy.).

             "l"!*                The m~*d.ifiecl >:>:.i~ti:~:g '>fiC*~Ahrough (:!)OH!':Ig syst<:*m wilh res:to:~ft\tln~~ i_-:; ah<J unn:-.a!!l-cmabJt:

ti<>:a,:.s>e il im:wrec!ly 3~$\l!ll~S 1h~.tdo><>1l-cy*(l~ ~ooling rqlrc>tn!~ lll*" t>&~dill~ k\*el of"<Jot imp<>;;! thal mu*t b" 1 2 December 2010 A-357 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00213

Appendix A GOODW!N I PROCTER Chid, Rukmaking, Dircc!iv~s and Editing Brandl Divi>.ion ~)f Ad1nio.i$tn-.tive Services

           }Vlar>.:h 17, 20{)9 Pttge 19 achi~ved.                   f'<Jr 3!!     ilflll~ re~J<t~n:; s~~t<ld       m 5~t,tioas I <tmi IB,         1!:1~r~ is ;iC> hW>i:< u.<:.der Nl'.PA ;;,     ~vahJill<~  d(J;t<l-l:;>'d'"
           <00ffng 3:t !:-:ditj;tf .f~o:.'ritH fjf ilSS~Hn~~ dos<?.t:f:r<:y-ck: .::.o~;~r~g :nast s-erve{)$ l~*~ benc}mnHk for                                 an o~hcr Nl~"PA q.;:~tt'l.(l~Jve$,
           ,.                   se~ DSE\:S, ~~ 1-<S                  w 1-7 . SZ<' ,;l.;<J E:-.t<~rgy's fnviromnl:'flli:llkpnn. (f.R"), Ill}.! (ir~di,,;;T.~Mg II() dl~flge*;

wi~:l~ .rt~~<;pt~ct !fJ !he oper;~!i0n n-f Un~ts 2 :~nd 3 Uur~n~ d1fj J.ker.t'k~ t~'1£~a~ rreri:o-d)

           ~~                   Sf<?- 4~: ~J$.C . ~43J4(C)(i) (~-equ.ffi:~g a d~~ailt!<l &~a~em~~~~ b)' rh<: r-::.spoJH~h~:; feil~:r~~ <~gem::y u:n ~h<

smr"ir-onm!.!'!tfal ~mp:..l(:t ~/lhg p:t~>pose:d ~~cfion} ~emph.asi~ sup~h~d). NRC.,s re:§uhuffYns ~mp!~taer.:dng :NEPA

           ~"b""'i"<lge 1hi> ba~io rdlldpk S~:~ I<) C.i' .R §$ i .Ti (d) (":lJt dra(t em,irQnm~m?.! impa::r *t~te.rn~nl wi<l ind,de                                                              &
           ;~rt*dimjrml)' ~N1:~iy.$ls ~h~lt ;.~o:rl:;jd~r~ !'tnd Vit:J~h~ !.h,~ ~fttwr~ c{rht..r.Jr<;ed <"u.~-;f,J";/') ({jtt:pi~a:~*f~
.ft Sr:e £)&[!S,  ;:n }~-~( 2~ *; l t<t 2~ 13:.
            ~--~                   w. :~t t.-.~(f .
                                .~'>!~ id '>! "-12 (T<<hl" -1*3) f~~t&h-cr; R.L ~9~0~ F~ow *dyn-&nl~~~ an-d t::;h r!.'::coveq* ~-:<pedmcnt~~ \V.:H.:.f int6lk:\: ~ys~ern.s. Tra.r:.&~Cttoml of
           ~he ."'IJtV~t~,-:~r. f:~~htr.i~!'S o;-r.::~!:SNy{"fk:t<-~~tr (~99-tJ)"}, ~~ 4 ~-'~.
           ~-<*                 .\~~~~ DS.E!S, at A-*21 (~"'fhe N.RC ~taff cJi-ti nu~ hwl ~Jd-t l:l::e :re~m.lts fJi'thi~) ~:i~{."!-1 .study dw1irtg t:r f<.t~k~w~n.g ti~:::
           ~~lpliC,;liM; ,,f lh~ WOt ~r*;,rmch . ").
           .):                  Sc:~.; DSEI:S. o:.d 4~.'2! (TTlh-e;*re hi1v~ b::*e:~ nn wldhj,:-_m?.l .dat!l =-'~He£ 19YO ~tt v~l~Jak ~'\'r' :rr~pingi:mtnt
           '~~~-~:.i:::-::~~tJ.* *:.:::>: ~~ n1~.(~:t-. ')*~.
_~ ..)
r~e H~~~:he; ( 199U)~ ~~~ ~H 2 .
                                . .)"-C:*f j~*!t(C*t~*~t ( j <j~l)}~ ~-t 4 ~ . ~ ("' f:unh~r ri;~g~;:"!'":Cll;.~ rJ:"> ihf~ Ri:-;rxr~ph f~tmH:* *Jf :~H~n::.e11ir.1g ~y:itcm~ :1r.~ P'-"r7$n~h\

nf -t::o*u.r)~~. bt:.( l do nm. henf;ve Hlilt ~rnpwJv~ment:'i h::.y!}nd thns~ r~p(lrt~*G htre at~ apt ~!J hri:ng dboul .g.rer:Hy t~n:.h.3r:.ce-d re*:l~*;t:uns ir, ii,;l1 k<lls.). M S*"(!' ~:~J~:m~.31t:Jfl~t{~:~!t~:J~~r.-~~~-!.~~J-~.~~Jr!.!1:~rm~ti9.lJAJ.~l~--~~::...!\!.Q~~1 ~l.: .f~~~t~Q~~-=~-mi£2-h~D-~ . , ~ ~ F 2d ! 079 ~ l 092 (D.C.. Cir. J97?~) (:ag_eJ.I£) n~t:d not*~t~l~~t~.s~t~ th~ urt1~w~rt~¢::tble, buth~* ~he :;;:tHJ!:: IDke:u~~ .:t~t~ncy 1..":;jfH"!t~t iU.ifJ.Z~~

           ~n<lly*~:i::. b-c.~a.uY.~;.': '\S(';;<:r~M~~ tht~ Cfl1/iri;:rwl~tlt{t~ (;!fl~e!~ r.~r                ... 31aftic;i~ktr ~:tg~n,~- 3:t:tjfJN J~v~1l..*~'"n* >;em~ detn~*z t"if f;:-rc.:3litit1g . ").
                             s.~..,. DSE!S., 11t "1-12 .. 4*13, 4<l.l s~.* R<:'vi~w tlfNR.C'~ tmp:uf!-<!ffit,nt ~.nd linlt~.inm<:nt tmrac1 A;sosxm~m. t(>r 11'2 :md lP3, >~<.:ti<.>:o 2.

S~<: 42 USC. §4 D4(Cl{i) (requiring :1 dtlJl!lNl s:memem by th~ re~!')<lnsibl<: f~<kr<~.l ;;;g'l!:'aO::y t1n th~

           '(!'Jl\> ~r<mft1.f)fH.:l~ im~ilt( qf rh~ ptop~1S*!$d*a)~ 10                      c.r. R. §S ~. '?"l {d.) r**~he dr('ift e*J1'*ifr<rml1*}n~a! tm;p~~ s~.atf:tn,~nt WJil jnc:ht(k ~ prt~~!'f:l:ir.*~H)' :j:j.f.l~~y:;~ t!~~t con:;ld~:r-!1. ol~3i.l wt!:gjn 1he ~;:t*v.i.n.HurJcnt(t~ ~i:ft-':t;~$ <'j"t'h.<.~ _t;r~p<*~."r<-':..i t~*~u::-.*n*~}

{Nl'lp3~:ii~~s ~~lpp-H-ed)

           !.J.                  .S,;;r: :f>SElS.11t ~-- ?7
           *"                      DSC:IS. ;,12*.12
           ;~:                   s~v* ! 0 C,f. ft ~~ '!. "1: (~.) (requirln..~. DSE~S hl ad-:.1re~s t-:)p.i~;:e: ::~()~'~'!le-d ~~~ .. r>~-~,.;p .:di-:J.. :0 C.t .R §.5 ~ .5 :{)~ ~U C.f R. ~:~ ~ jJ(~;;)O )UlJ(C.) (r¢\.ll..!SMng ~n <l~S<::tSf"~t:r.1 of 1h¢ i:mp;;~:U t~f tl1~ pttrt,..-,.'>~-d ;;LJ.;:!jfJn ~>n ~hr{.~3tt:1~~ci -r;r
           ;:r:-d~ngr;r-r~d ~.Pf!l':iot~~ fn a::.:c:rwd-a:.:;<..:~ v*;i~h :J:*t: End;,"Hl~t:J(1')~ Sp~~.-"~~~fi. AO~
                               S:c" l 6 U.S.C ~ !53<'5(a;.(:.l) {imuring that fe4or~l acli<m> a>c "nul likely l<:* .k*:.pardizc *he c<Jmin*J.~d e):J:~~en..-::e cf en.J~ngercd (~t thn.~-~ttncct *~~-x.~~ws'"'): id. m ~ ~ 5.38{u){!) ~_ptt_~lti:bit~d ~H:~s, rtg&din~ f.mdm;~trc--t.i ~ptdt~)~

f*J a~§ 15)9 (~;.;.ahor+dr:g lnc~d~!l~3~ t-.~kr: permits *a~l:iOC~uted \\':th -..rthi$:rWiP:~ ptnhibi:t~-d ~H-*:~~ Jn\*(}tvm.~~ i:'nrl~m~~JtJ

            ~p(:L-:~~--~) .
           .,,                  Si!c 5!! C.F .lt §I ?.l; (ltsl cfall.lpe<.::~s *;~f wi!J!lfe ;kwn,i::cd lCl t*t E";;kn.g<-.r~d lilf Tho*(.~lCM,d\

h:tH.::~.:/,:'1~:;,.~. .-XJU.tli.'tJ~.!?~~Lt..~r~~~~;:~t!~:(;j~_~,:~.~~.:~P-~h~r:-b.t~-nJ?:.r~g~~:m.k-t.Q

                                     .                                                                                   (fjs~ ~~r prop<.1::~~*d ~pi:~o.-:~es twJ~!-t r.hG J~Ld~dicJitfn ~f fh!:

N~.t~m?.i Mi:rin~ p;,;,"ri~s S~rvi.;c ("NM!'S"H.


1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-358 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00214

Appendix A GOODW! N I PROCTER Chid~ Ru!emak!ng, Ditcctivcs and Editing Bmnch

              !)J:v~~ton        of .~~dn'1ini~tra.dv~ St-:r~*i!..;.cs March 17,2009
             !'ngc 2()

s~~r: u~ u S.C. ~1536{~) (bifdn&~;;~~ sp;:';t~.'i;~.ments ffW:<tt be G:.!ndut.::!J:d ffH _qpe<:~c~ wfh~;h (:if{j ~i:;1t:'d iJt pN~~HJ..~-c~J t<1 1.:.*- !.t~(ed:). 58"c?. Dadsw*c~: Bt~JitJgjc3i Opltliun~ s~e a.l.h'l ER at *~"*~HJ. ld. a~ l6~~ 7 (~':rnp~w.:;.S5L ~~2-Yr~=-t~*d). Sff~ FE!S, .:t 16 ('"In l~~t;rm.:!l)' t(> lh~ E!','\ i11 1979. NMfS wnCI<Jd~.J h1 a f3iuh,:gi~;,J Opinilm mad~ pumnml ;~:; S<<~fic>n :** <)h/':~ f:nJ:angere.:J Sp~~ieo; A<:! lhil! tht on(~*WNugh C<l<llillg ;;y!\!~m of rile p<lw~r pl3ntro dld nnt p-tY~t: .ti ~ittcm ~0 ~he 1ht}t1fH')!);~ stu:~~('(Jfl pop~tk~~k~r, t:h:; Hrr.:::ron nJvc:r."t-

             ?S.            s£~~ nsEl$ .. n~ 4~Sfl (lht~ pr;pt!-hltirnl t~f -":;~j()f'tj~f}~t! 5-:i:rtrg~o.Hi iJl tJj£ ~-ruGSt)l1 HJ Vf!'r h:as ir~cr~a;.;cd 4t)i) p~rct~i!f.

sine~ lne 1:'170;., 3(tonling tc Comdl Univ~r~i:y reSNll"l:il<:l'.s (f'iain, ~~. 3!. ':l{)Q'!)}.

             ;-o~.          S*'J'~ R~\**h~w rJf NRC':; JtupH*igemet~tand Ent!""-:tinmcnt ~mpactr.A~~~::$Sn~ent f~;r ~P'2 ~t'H.I rP3~ Ap;x~,~~;h~. A imp;;cet,; onP?: ~;~d !P> t>tl :!;IHJf!l!OS~ Snn-g~f.ltl 3nd /\llanlk: SttorgC<.ll< h; lh~ Hutl<;on l'!jv~r. Mo:>.'l.lVf~f, lh¢ ~":>timnl<!!l rtl.m~h~~s wf im;~JngeJ *~:h~,.-rr!rro:H:~ :;wr~t!i.t!5 r*.p-nrt-2-~.i ~~1 T ~hk 4. . ~ 1 .0Yti12 DSEiS i'Or th.c peri,Jd h*um J ~~74 ~hN';~s~i~

1<.>'?() ;;; (ir~.w;oti,all)* <.:*V<;f~lmcd ,md >h~nhll>c ;e.:j,.,;;:d f.imn 73-1 W ~ll:. Thtts, M~ ;>rtly is l)l<l d:r,mmliC ~~pall';i<>n of tliis p<*p;,;latii:in e:.;;(:r,tially; ig&ortd i11 rhc OSl';!S, bm th~ 1;:";1 ,,f iro!JI:lli,l~m<lm imp~cts shomcs;; S!l.!ti:*<1ll is

            <~rr<m,x>u.~!y in fbt,~d.
            "             S;,;* l.'i U.S.C ~ l5:'\9\*1)(l l(A) (nnlho.>ri'l.iug r;;k~ !>ermi(s fM .!';ciemmc p!Jf'!J01e!i).

1 S?'<'.$ci~1\IR.~*.J..:...:i...~~,:;:p\ .. :~(bxli'>.'itl.>*r~. I l6 F.J.d H82, **: :~-H (7th Cir. l997J (<eliM*;e on h>~tPri*o i~fi)r.m~tit'm rH1~ :a:rhitrar;* ~/l:a:.r'(! --~b};~n~.>e. cfmorz rt*,~M inf~nmr:i~.i-r;n ~:; r&d.:m~~3y ~~:<.p!;s.~tH:-d} f,~tnph*:'t')i:\ :;~tpp!it~d}. 8

                ~           42 C .:S.C ~4331(C} (r~qturing dtS-c::H::1:t-l11~ \)f ap~_h"("tprl<1te !n ~mp;-;n st~t~me_ms)

5 s,., OSEI?>;a~ 4*:.3 (" l'il( NRC sc~f! mMs thot 1! ;;i possibk ;h~r the 7ll*Mi'i! .... iowsr: <ll the n<.>nh eMct of th~~ ',;~t:~ t~OI~.kj pr-t;\q!J~ ~*1Hf1f!'H~r htlb:*i.;:IJ. fo*~ the'- ~mj~;~m\ ba.f b::;t":iiUit Of ~Jkz rl'l"!:S'(;~J..'::e Df fmtt:lble knag~t3t i*mblta.i. ~O.Li p<J.:1siUk nx1stlng.<::s in .-::he fGrC5.~ a:r'!d th~ yre-s*:-m.:-:.: t1-flt:trg~ hib~n~~;~u~a '-t/ilhin rrhg:*.l.t!,;m f.h:St::.~"Jce nft*h<:. si~e.**}

            ,;              s,,~ l)$[1;;,.:\pll'!"'(Six a.:, :ltf,l? ... lJ.
             ~~             s~-~~! DS~lSt .a.~ 8~9 {w.ilil'f.t t. .) the;~cts of t_i;;; b!tY~~iJ~L:ydc. c;)(}~h:g ;dtf~l*:mth,e 'Jn thrfj~tte:n!!:ct or
             ~r~dan~.~red ~~*rrt:~~rft1:~ ~pt:!~i~i,, ~::tc;;li~rl!ng: h*,dit~~~3 t.H!1~. th~ D~r.:1S sta(:.::':i *,:bet::au~:e ofbotb 3in::-:::pt~:C~~1c c~lwinmmenl ;,r,d t.h<: kKk ofevirl<0!1<::e <)fl:il<: >pe.,;;je$ ~~istir,g ~t the i~dll!Y. fl<>ttmii!l impiltrs L\.; t.hl:'S~ :nrealeO!i:d or

{':Md~n?;en-~~~ ~p~:<i~$ ;s~ :.':<1rt:.;k~{~rt:.:i S~-1.:\Ll.-'l

             ~::;.          3t~e ,)l2 U.S.c: §4.>:;~{(? (I~qH~r~r1g ~l,.'nr~uit~"tttt.":~l \)~-hh f~d~r~1l ag-ent.-:1~~ w~ih. *,p:e-~c*:al £Xpi;!:rti~.z).
             ,.,.           DShlS, ;;t.J.*./.7.
             ~i             S~c l)edan:t~:.;.~L <:f'\V;.H;l"i.m Lial~~ fi~q,~ ~wl:mnu~d ~n ASLB Pro-c~ed!ng, ~*20 eBct(lr~ the Ck1A)b;::::*i> J9'92~
             ~xpinHior. d~t<, bOlh CN1 Ecl anrl NYPt\ s~;bmm~d dmeiy ERRit.:atiom to rcr.<.~W rll~ir f~Sl!~cti11e S:f'DfS P<~rmit>. By
              ~,.*irlHf: ("tfth6S~* ~1mt~l)' rc:tv::w*~:tl <, r}unu~mt ~() ~~101.1 ut'~he Ne!*~* ""{~)rf.:: :::t1~'t1 AdrT5ini~tr~lt~ve Pru.:;-ed~lri:~
              !\.c~ (S.,'I.I'A) ;rnd (> NYCRR §6~ l.ll (l ), th<:. >Op<:rarioot <Jf !P13r:d [[>} vms l;;wfu:ily cxt-er.dd pend!.r,g resolwtkm i>f tMI: pmdill!S SPDES ml~<<<:ll ll:ppli<::!t:ons.").
             *' 1           !ing SPNoS ptonnil r*')Uim:aersl>): 6 NYCRR §750-:l.l {"L'p<m 1S~w1.n<.c of <l Sl'Dl'Si~~ri<<it.          a  d<l!~nr,inatiur. i:;>;; b<l~n m3d~             ,,. :hal <.,<J11pl;;wc( wi*:f: !h~ >pedti~d p~rmil !>l'i>iSi<ln~ will t~~:L.~n~tr~hJy p:r~>~:et~t-da!>siflr:d ~rwltt.:r tiS~        .tH:d ~;~;:H~.r-<: !;{}ffi!1liar-;r.~c wi~h ;~pr'h~~b!.\!. w;;;.t~r q:~.mHty $.l:3nd~:tni~.i').


                ~'          s,.,, *  .'i** NYSf.>f.:C, Hn*J Si.ol~ f><",H"t<lmDi,~h.~:~~ f::Jimi<~Mi~n :SySl¢111 (SPDES) f'~rmit f<Jr lh¢ J~m~s A.

l'in!'"!rick N~;;lc~t Pov,c~r Pl~jj(.,  ::\!'DES Number NY .(ll)ll) IU'l, cat~d July 2:\, 2008. 1 December 2010 A-359 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00215

Appendix A ENCLOSURE 3 TO Nl-09-036 Enercon Services, Inc. Report dated March 2009, "Response to the lndiaQ Point Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS. INC INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING UNIT NOS. 2 and 3 DOCKETS 50*247 and 50*286 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-360 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00216

Appendix A Response to the Indian Point Dratl Supplemental Environmental In1pact Statement Prepared for Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC, and Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, LLC Prepared by: f!'IJJ:. r.;~,Q r ".._ l~,*


Enercon Services, 1nc:, 500 To\vnPark L~me, Suite 275 Kennesa\v, GA 30144 March 2009 1 December 2010 A-361 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00217

Appendix A ENERCON lU:':SI'ONSE TO IPEC DSElS t:~ E NERCON Ex\:'<;;utiH~ Summar):.,................. .............. ., .......... ., .... '"" ................... ltl J Drait SEIS Ovc:r¥it:w ._, .................................. " .................................................................... ! 1 Cooling ~r()'v. /cr* T*echnn~og_y Se!,~t,*:tion *' ............... _...... ,., ......,,...... ,~n**** ....... ~ ... -- ... --~~ ******~***~***o**~~**** *~** 2 1.1 S!B.tetm:~nL ................................... __ ........... -- .............................................................. ,. ......... 2 2.2 i\i1i!ly~k\ ............. """""'"'"""""'********"""""'""""'"'""""'"*'"'"""'"""""'""'"'""*"'"'""'"""""""'"""'""""'"""" 2 2.20! Singk*Sl..-;ge \1S. Hybrid l'vkdHmit.,a1 Drnft T<..lWCf!i- .................. ., ........... ,.. ............ ., 2: 2.2."2 Plnme Con~kl~rations ............................................................................................ } 2.3 Response ......... --......................... ,. ......... -- ........ ,.. .............................................................. 4 J Applkahili!y of the Oyst~r Creek C<x>llng Tow.::r Dtm<)ilstraJi(m, t\J ln.:limi p,Jint ...... , .... ., .. $ 3.1 Sum:mcnt.. ......................................... _. .... ,_ ........................................................................ 5 J.2 Analysis....................................... .., ..................................................................................... .., 5 3.2.1 Rc<;ircul;;t;on (Plume En\.r(linmcm) ..................................................................... ..,. 5 3.2~2 L*artd lJse -~~~***** .. ,.. n , ........ , .. " ' * * * . *~*-..n --~ .......... a * ._ *** ., "~*H ... , .....H~ ................ "' "",. ****~~***** *~** 6 3.2 . } (~tJmi11Crtitd r\.vnil:ability of Hybrid TOvJcrs ........ ~***"*H*n******H*Hn.o*o.Hm""'"";.,, ... u 7 3.2.4 C<)St ..................... _. ......................................... .., ............................................................. 7 3 .. 3 Resp~)l:l-S~e ........... *~** u ** ..................................... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ******* ~**** **** ~~***H*. H***~*- ............... ~***** ........ ,...... 8 4 CDOllngTowtrOumgt' Duratil:m ._. ............................................................., ............................ ') 4.1 Slzlement.. ............................................................................. :.......................................... 9 4 '? Analysi$ ............................................................................................................................. 9 4Ll EPA E>>imme............................................................... . ............................. 9 4.2.2 Site-Spe.:ifk D<.~lerminaikm ................... ,. ............,. .................................. I() 4.J Respnn$~ .......................................................................................................................... I!

           .5       t~coJing TO\ve:r Capita~ Costs~ . u***~* .. n***-. . ***~- . . ~***~* ..*****~*d***--*u**~ ........ ~~~n ...... o .. ~*******~~****"'"~*~ ... ",U" 12 5.1          Stal<:m~nL ..................... ,.,. ... ,. .........................................................................................                                                 12 5.2           .Ana!y.sls ..................................................................................................................,............ 12
                    $.2, I         Nl'DES -Final Regul'ution.s to h.ta'blish Requin:mcnis 1~lr CHo.llng. Wat.::r !nlak<:

SiruciLire~ :!i. !-'has.: !l Exi:;t!ng Facdltie&; Final Rui<L ............................................................. !1 5.2.2 Entcrt,y NudcJr- Ruling ............................................... "' .................................. 13 5.2..3 WEC Si:tc Spcdtk Diflkut!.k:s ..............................." .................. ,. ............ " ........... I 3 5.3 Re.spon,;e ...................................................................................................................... 15 6 Conl!ng Tmvc:r Ec<>log)' A:;scssml.!t1! .......................................................... " .................... 17 til S!a>ement ........................................................................................................................... 17 6.2. Ana'ly>i$ .............................................. ,. ............................, ..................... ,. ...................... 17 6.2.! Mail\!em.lne<:! Olita!GC$ ....... , ...... , ...... , ...... , ..................... , ................ :.......................... 17 6.2.2 VSP/Ouul Speed l-'ump Op.:ratiMl .........................................................................I 7 6.:t.3 Hlstori:c. ()pcrat1out11 Fkn~* Rate .................... -~ ..................... ~--*******H********""********* I8 6.} Respnnsc .............................................................................................................,.......... I g 7 Cooling lower Land lht: AsscssmcnL .......................................................... ., ........................ , 19 7.1 Stmemern ................. , ........................................................................................... 19 7.2 Analy>is........................................................................................................................... 19 7.2.! 1N;lsic ......................................... .., .....................:........................................................ 19 7.2.2 l..a!1d Li:sl:." .............................................................._. .................................................. 20 7.2.3 Ecology ....................................... ,. .......................................................................... 20 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-362 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00218

Appendix A E~ERCON RESPONSE TO fPEC DSEIS t~~ ENERCON 7,3 Re:sp~1n~e HO "" * * * * * , * * * * * * . , d * * * * .,,., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . di!'**~* ............... -.*n**** .~.*****" --~**-..**~* ... , .~,.**~** *****~***** .. ~ ..*n ....... ~ 21 8 Ct)<>ling fow.;r i\h Quality :\s;;e~srnc:nL *. , .. _..,., ..... ,__.,... .-... ,.,., .._,_..,...., ..... , ..... , ..,,,,,, 2.2 8.1 Stoli<.m<l~nL ............................................................................................................... , ... 22 K2 Analysi~ .............., ........ ,.,,. *. .-..... .,.,, ........... ,. ... _. .., ..... ,. ................. , .. ,........... _..,. .............. 22 8.2.1 R<!placemcnt Po>~t:lr .................. .- ................................................................ 00 ......... 22 82.2 Construclion Traflk ...................................... _. .................... ., .................................. 23 S..'\ Re.sponst: ,,, ..... ,.., ..... , .. ,,, ............. ---,. .................... , .... oc . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ................... 2A 9 Conclusion ...................................................................,, ... , .......... ., ........ , ............................. 25 1o Rderef!.c~s ............................................................... --... -- ...... , .... ,. .. .- ..... ,_. .... , .. , .... __. _______ ....... 28 Attachm*ents Miathmcm I: Cnm::sp~.~ndenc.e and Figures

               .>\ttiiChment 2: Endang<:rt'd Species Anllly$i:> ft)f l.odlana B<Wi ln w.:~ac.hcsl<:r Coumy (t-i{Jrm<mdcau Associ;~.tes lnc.}

ii 1 December 2010 A-363 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00219



1nJ1an ]~oint Em.,rgy Ccnt<'r, owr1ed by Enter~; Nudcar ludian ['ninl 2, LLC, and En:t~:.,rgy Nudcnr lndlan Poim: 3, LLC are ~eeklng a renewal of tile opemling !lcen>es !hr lndlan Point Nucli:ar Gcm:mting "Unfb 2 lind 3. The Nudc<1r Reg}Jiat<.wy Commi~sion publi.sllcd tile dn:d't f!,clli!.y-:>pecific Stipplen'lental Cllvironmem;~l impat:t "tiltement l()r the license rene>vnl .application in D':ceml:>er 2008. Sev~r;ll (:on~*!IJ'>icms in !he dr<lli SEiS Me h<l$ed on in,1ccumte or mi:;constmed i11:Jhmun\on. This ~ngh1e<,ring rcspcmse lo th~ drall: SE!S has hcetl prepare<! to

           ;lddres~ the most signiikant engineering errms aml.\)r mi5cimceptiilns identi!kd In the di'3ft SETS.

The draft SEIS has been review*c-d by Enercon Servic-i:!:>, Inc. from <l!l engineering standpoint, C$JXCiall;;/ with rcg;ml to the: Ji.scu%ion of doscd-cyde coc*ling in !he drall SEtS. This re~ponsc fowses (Jn sev<m re~r(H<~es regarding tl1e crm<:lm;ions pre~;cmed in tbe draft SEIS <>rl (he p.'ltemial CM:vimnmcntul impact nf th.: >.~Jm;cd-cycle c*x,ling llltcrnat!vc. lh:~pnn:scs em cooling Wwer implcmculation focus on the draft SEl~ dis.::ussion of the tnoling lower technolugy sd~~.~tiQn, the

           <>Wage duration, the cll:pital Cl)S!:>, and the Oyster Creek woling to>vct dcmnns:tmti(m. Respon%:s on the t:nvironmct~tt:l impacl> of constmciing cooling i.<l>~I!rs indtJdc response5 to the assessmen~-; o!' the imp~tcts of >:lmvcr.;ion to dno~"<l*c.yde l'mlling on the ~*,nlogy, !.and w>c, ;md air qlla!ity at lttdian Point The impact of wnver:>ion !)f dosed-cyde <:<>o!l:ng is                ~umm;Hile<l    in  1h~ <irati SEIS as twelve t:ondw::.ion:;, si:..: of whid1 an.; likdy overl:y conscn*Mive; kmo l!Se. a'-Jllntic e;;:o!ogy, terrestrial et:olc>gy, air (jUa!ily, was!e, a11d tran:>f!iirtalinn. Each nflhe>c c.:mdu;;ions i> irnpllcted ny at least one of Inc ~tven respo11Ses. Eoch CO!ldtision is a~sessoo ll:ling the following criltria frnm the dr.;l11 SEIS:

SMALL-------Envlronmellta! eilt"C>S arc nHl d:::t~crubk or an.~ so minor that they wHI neither dc::;lubilizc n<.Jr fl\Jticeably alter <my imp\}Ti:<mt anrihme (lfthc r~sourn,. MODERi\TE-Envinmmenta! d'lb.:t~ ~trc ~ldfkknt w .a!t~r rmliccab!y, but nut to dcsti!bilizc imw)rtm1t ;~t!rihule~ t~f the Tesource. LARGE~~~Envi:rorHncnt:ll d1ects are dearly nn!k,~ab!c <md a~~ ~ur'fi,,k:nt to d~smbiliJ.e imp<lrtant attritmtes ,)<.> res~)urcc, A summary of the original a;;.::c:.smwts pr<rvidd in the draft SElS and th<~ engineering n%p,mses arc flr<>\!idcd bdmv:

  • Land Lsce (DPC(/i SEJS --SA-fALL in L4RGE, Respmm' ~-LARGE) o Drui't SEIS cHimate$ the;t <!ll !and ust~ 1vm.t!d b>: S~'\*fALL t\) l.ARGP: as the
                                ':ons.truction of the lowt::rs W{>Uld require appmximately 40 acres of, and wast<:' disposal may requir<: a large amount d~)ffsitc !and.

G* Per t:ngin~<¢ring a;ml)*sis, the .;l<:a.r-nltti,lg t.lf <~ppro.>;\rm;tdy 41.1 acg':> of f(.*rc:;t<::-d

                                ).and and the t<:m(W<ll tlf .appr<> 2. J miHi*m cubk yards of ;;nil, mck, <md dehri> would bJve: a LARGE in1pan.

ill 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-364 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00220


            @ ENERCON
  • E.c<>logy: A.quatk. rDmti SEJS -S?vl,1U. t?.~*stH.ln.W' -*SMALL!

C' Drail SElS est!tm<ie~ th~ impact on the aqmli.k ecology wm:ld be SkU.LL a~ the cmrainmcnt uf ltqt!at.ic (Wganh;ms, a" well as ht:a! ~hm:k, vmuid be reduced suh~!imriully.

                      <:  Pet englncxring <maly~is, the C(lt1¥ersinn to ci(H;ed~cyde wc~!h<g "oukl reduc.e entr>~innwnt by M add!tiorwl 79-pcn:ent, at mo:;;t, >ignilicautly k:;~ 1han !lw 93-lo*

95-percem redm.::timl predicted Therelhre, the improvemum <.Wer e:dsrifig co!lditlon!'< i' over>t<Hed due l:(l c;)mpnri>on with design f.lnw r;He:s mlhtr 1har1 nonna! npilniting lhw rates.

  • Kcoloro*: T>?r.n:stdal (Dro[i SEJS .. ;<,'MALl to ;\40Df.:RATE. Responw- LARGE}
                      "     Dmft SE!S estimates the impa.:t (Jn the h:rre;;trial ecn!ogy would be .';,\fAll.. tG LAROE a~ (he onsite brest habitats would be disturbed and ciril't li*om tnwer.s may affect veget;;ti.t~fl, c, Per englneeti!lg analy1'il:s, 38':'(, of <he ons:hc filresl would be desrroyed compktdy and the n:maining vcgetatinn would be damaged by coalit~g tower plume drift, t<Jsulting in a LA/WE lmp;:ct.
  • Air Quality (Drqti SEJS ,, SMAIL. Rt:spon.H! ~* NERA ArwJy~i~.J
  • D~aft SEIS C$limatcs !he im:p<t<.:t on air qtoality would be SA1ALL as the ptim~.ry impacts wnuld lx: from v~hicleti atld eqtllpment emhskms during comtmctictllllnd
                            !!*om rcpia~:t>11Wlll f.><.~wcf. Add1ti<.m;1i!)', thc:;;c impat:t,; should be Htn\tc-tl by existing regulation>.

C* Per et1gim:ering amilys[s,. emissions woulcl incn:asc due !\) wnstructiml (5 yc<~rs) and r<~p!accmenl. pow~r (pcm1ilnent). As \Vcslchc&tct County a!r<.~ady violates c:<i.sting regu!mk)ns, l'!w lmp;1ct of .:mrvcr.slon to dosed-cyde Cilding .is understm.ed und is e-,.;llm~ted in dlllaH in >he NERA. 20{)9 ~~.@omi a;mly~is.

               * \\aste (D1*aft SElf-* SAfALL 1o fARGE Resport5<' -lAR(;E,)
< Draft SEIS es!irnate); Lllc lmpact m1 \V&SlC would be S?vf..4U. w LAROE as the W!l~truct!on wnuld gene"rate approximatdy 2.! m!ilion cub\¢ yards (}f soil, rock, and d..:hris; requiring ol'fsilc di>pO~l!L
  • , Per cngineermg :m:oly~is, thrf ;;;cal<: <>!' cxc<~~*ati<)B coup'lcd w*ith str<.onlilliD and trltillm contamlnatoo suit and mck woiJid signif1ca.ntly increase waste disposa!

pro~;'l:.-s~ing ~t:c>l.llting in *~ lARGE impac!.

  • Transpnrtation {Dmf/ S(>;JS- .'!?v!AU.. w 1.ARGE, f<<'SfJ<in.l'<~ ** .tVIODEfiATE to fARGE)
. Draft. SElS ~stimalo
~s the irnpac.l on>pom.ti

the incr~.n:;ecl tmffk il:>~(-;:&: iated with cnr.structkm (Wtlrk~rs and w.aste di~pnsll'f)

                            \V(nlld be sig!lifk<lin:. tllC1Ugh (rfl!ltlt:: cffc(;! during operation~.

i:O Per <mgln~edng nrlal.ysis, the incre:~se h1 !ruffle woti!d be ~ignilica!li. during the COf!!i!rut:!lN! pcri<ld (5 yc>Jrs). resu!ling in a MODERATEt() L-!RGE impact 1 December 2010 A-365 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00221


           ~~ ENERCON 1 Draft SEIS 0\'erview
           !ncl!un P<;cint En~'rgy Ccnt<.'r !_indizm !-'oim). O'.vtlcd by Entcrgy Nu~clear !nd[an I'<~lrlt2, LLC .*1ncl Nuclear lndiar\ Point 3, LLC (to!1~cti1idy, Entergy), are jointly ~eking a renewal of the operating liccar;c~ fi.)~ Indian P~~int N\1ckar <3~:ncra;ing Units 2 and 3 {IP2 ;md lP3) .in Bllchamm, New York. The Nudcar Regul.aMry Crmomi-:;sie>n (NRC) pLrb!ished the dmft f:lcillty-specitk suppkmcnwl environmental impact statemcnl (SE!8) for the b1tcrgy l.iccn<;c r<::ncwal applicatk)n in Decem!"UJr 2008 !Ref Ht I, NRC 2fi08j. Th~:> engineerin.g te:>jX1n:;e to the draft SE!S has been pt;cpared by Enerc<Jn Servk!i's., hw. (ENFRCO:'Ii) ::ot the rcqu.est of Ent.crgy. Seven-~! ~'(JI1dtn;ion~

in the draft Sl'::IS ;m~ ba>-ed lm im:mnplet-~ <)f mit;wmtruc:il ~nthnm1Hon; this tesponst: aims t<> provide engineering in~ight lil compl~te or darify the rekvtuH inlormutkm. The dmfr SE!S has heen rc\'iewe<l hy ENF.RCON from ,:m cng'lnt.>ering standp<:.1im, ew<~cialiy wilh reg<~rd to the discus.silm of doscd-cyck IXl*ollng. Thh;. rcspon~ focusc~ Nl the currect perk>d tbr WlWi.!r~i-on t() ek)sed-c.yde C\X~Iing, the blast\ng and wa5tc-rcmoval eomphcalk>n> not <Hltidpatcd in the Jraf! SEIS relating I<> un-~ite rtldk>logkal wndHi*ms, at:d tile

           ;;ugg~~s.tkms reg<~rding altema1Jve clo:>~d-cydc cooling cnrlfigurm.ions (pattlcda!*!y singk-stagc me.:han:ieal d111f1 cooling Wl'\'<::rs). Scv~ral miscom.-:eptions, which lead !l) inaccurate ;:,~tlnclu~iMI~

in the draft SEIS, an~ idemi!ie-d and discussed in <hi> r<l~!wn~e. Thm11ghom th~ clrafi SE!S and thi$ te,o;pon>e, ead~ .::.rmchl,iun is M'es:s<::d using the fnlkv..\**ing criteria !Rd. ! 0.1, NRC .2.0081: SMALl..----E:nvimnmemr.l ,~fl\:.x:ts ar<:: not dett~ctab!e or <sre S') mi~tol' thlll th<::y will n~::ither destabililx nor M!kcubly alter any impmtatll attrihutc of the n:~oun:e. l'vlODFRidT.*-.. Envimnment;ll effec:s are ~;ufikien! hJ alter notkeably, but not to dt:stabilizc imrortant attributes o!'tht~ rcwurcc. LARGf'*----Environmental d'fcc1s arc clearly noticeable ami arc sufficient ttl des1.abiii:.>.c im[Klrtam attributes of the res<)l.lrce. 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-366 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00222


            &~ ENERCON 2 Cooling Tower Technology Selection 2.1 Statement Th~ draft: SEi$ nr,1to:$ ttf<lt "singlc*);!age rnel.'h"nil:ai dralt tow~:rs will pr<Jd.m:~ ::oimilar decrease$ [c<1mrt1re<l irJ hybrid cot~ling towers} in impacts m aqtl<ltk: lirE-'" [Ref 10. !, NRC 200S, Pg. S-5 f Ln. 26-27] and ~uggcs!s tlm!. singlc*stagc towers ar~ an at't'eptahk allemativ~t if hybrid co<lling l<Jwcr~ **pnwc pmhibitivdy c:-.:pensi*.z" (R~f I(U. NRC 2008, Pg. R-5 J L<!.

25_1. The dntft SElS further d~im~ tbll single*8!<>ge l.(>\vers '*may result in less l<~r1d-ckaring or b!a~tillg debris than Ihe hybrid eQding tc,wer optiQn" fRet". l 0.!. NRC 20{)8, f,>g, lki ! Ln. 27-281. Hovv.zver. no a.ddit\on:llland-ciear!ng or b!~sting dehri.s wo1.1ld be r<'<]IJircd by hybrid tower iw;tallation. The muml hyhrid mwer collfigurlllion selecl~d woulJ minimizi:l tl1i:l r<:{jLllred H>lltpri.!H (discussed ln Sec!ion 3). In addition, >ingle-stagc mechanicn! draft towers are n<Jta> viable .t>ptim* lor IP2 <md H'3 ct>tlllng due Ul tht: impacts of d1c vlslbk phlm~ <m !he wrrmmding mads, cnmmerdal 1\l.dlitie~, nnd neigbborholHls. fm tbe~e tt:lll~on~.*S!a.g~ towers have been rcj~~:ted 5cvera! time$ {R~:f, I{).5, Encrwn 2003; ~h:L !O.J, Entergy 2n07h: Rd. HUi, NYSIJEC 2003aJ ;md th<.:x l.s n<:> h;;:;is ihr fw1h~r considcratio (~fthi.s lt:thn<:1log;r. 2.2 Analysis 2.2.1 Single-Stage vs. Hybrid Mechanical Draft Towers A ~ingl<;>stage rnedmnicai draft ;;<m!ing tuwer i~ mnsid~rcd impm;;:til:al f(Jr the Indian 40-gggg-AL Polm >il<.~ because of riHk~ creat~d by its ;>swciated plume, Under the dominant atmospheric conditions at the site, a dense ~*isible doud of watn vapor ~nd enlr<~in~:d *w<W:;r clr,)plets W<>uld be ~mhl;;:d fmm the t<;wec A hybrid ~on!ing 1\.)wtr, ab> n::f<:rred to as a "w.:-t/dry" nt "plume ;lbakd" coding wv.*er, is designt:d !o dim!nm.e visible plum<:> in Ill<: maj>Jrity of .atmosphcrk ;;onditions. The rcdu~Jlm1 in visiNc ph.1m;;: due lo hybrid (Jpennhm is 5uhst:anthll (s~e A.ttilchmenl. J}. A. hybdd tow<.~r is the eombiMti<~*n of a single* stage *wet tower v.:hh a dr.Y hct<t ;;x;;:haoger sct:tion. Aficr the plwt<c l~:avcs the: lower "wet" stxtion nftht t<1w~::r ii. travd.~ <Jpward thmugh n "dry** 5;ect!on where heated., re! dry

                   ;lit !s wi.~t."d with !he phunc in lh~ pmportion$ required to ll*~hkv.: *~ nmH.-i::;ibk: A p-M<:nti<<l <l>:is.ts. H",r in.:reased noist: <.<:lrh hybdd tow.ers. due tr; ~idditk)nal fan5 i\1 the dty section, but <<ttenuatio11 t(' ,1ccep1able levels i:; p(;:>:;ibie, Addi!tcmaHy, the round hybrid tower~ :;.dectcd wculd r~~q\lire appredably kss ilrea than rectillneat ~<:lwen<. m; dl!iWr>'>Nl ln :Se~tlon J. Ground arc!! i!< especially slgtiifkant :ls there i!< the potentia! !<*n*

prehistoric and hi>toric .iln:heologici:l.l resnurL~es to be present on the northea,olxTn ponion (Jf the lnJian P1Jint she !R~:C Hl.2..5. EN£RCON 20W.7]. If '-'Ooling tow~;:; were reqw.irr.::J, Oil<: W>vct OJ.'Ottld t~ h)cattd l):il th~ ll<11ihe~1>tem ponio11 ofth.: :;ils:. R(!tmd hybrid h>wers woutd Wlinlmir;e tht: f<:1mptint impacted by cotJHrt.ll.'ilon; however, even .mund hybrid W'Ni::r$ could haq:~ an impil<:t em hiswrk and arcJwo!ogi.;:;ll r~>(!W\:<:S at Indian l\,int 2 1 December 2010 A-367 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00223


           ~~.~ ENERCON 2.2.2         Plume Considerations
                *rhere ;,re s.ev~ral negative aspect> associated v.,*ith the highly v!~iblc plumes of.singbs.tagc mechanieRI draft ~:Boling t<:-werl>, The folhwvUJg i8$Ll<$ arc or p:mkular c<:>neem at !he r11 dian l'o i.nt .site;
                       * [)egractution ofS!illion equipment, safety, and sysu~ms, paMint!arl}* over time
  •>hcd capadty nf HVA.C systems during period.,. ofph.ll11C ingc:>tion
  • hltcrlhence with plant vi>~tlally-odenl<:d se~nd!y &y>~wms
  • Obscure namral skyline inl.he arc;l (">f tflc plarn
  • Ct<:~utlon c)f !owl fhgging and idng c:onditlnns in winter
  • Lnng-lerm s:hmlnv.** !'rom plume can hamJ vegetation
  • A~socimed sa!t deposilicm could ham1 vegeta!ion in the area
  • D~pt~>i~.l<ltl of p-ollu!an~s ft<)f!1 t:h.: Hud:;t>n Riv~:r
  • P1Jbllc pl;ydmtogical~ associmior. with srrwkestack emissions The.> invislole plume llf th~: round hybrid tower addresse,. tho:: n<:JY3tive a~pects ~~"~ocb!ed with the visihk plume of the single-stage cooling tow<~r {gmum:! fogging, visually-oricrm:d s~cllril:y ~ystems,. lm1g-tenn ~hallow 1Wer are;t veg~t>ti:ion., and vi~ual hiight). Ho~~<*evet, the plurm:: \tc. nnt emirdy d!m!nated by lht~ hybrid i.<lW<!r and ~orne nqmtin.~ asp<~,;ts rcnm~n (salt and pollutant clepo:;ltiun, icmg C<.)f1drti<ms, ;;md mniMure*rela!cd corwsion). Tn<' 40-gggg-AL plume pmdttuod by the hybrid tower genemlJy com.aim !es> mol>!Ure ':oment th<tn !he contd, plume pmd~Jt:<:J by t!K >:ingk*sltl{W tow~~r, n:su!tin:g in t*e-clunion~ in idng conditkms and molstur<!-related C{m:u;;i<>n. Additi<>nu! air now fmm lhc dry ~ection oftlw hyhrid o::onlit1g w*wet enimnce~ mi.~.lng with the ambient air und increases the cumlllaliw:: exit vdocity of the plum.::. Til.:: end reslllt Is a sig:nil!cant.!y gr.:;ater plume height whkh dilutes th"' plmn~

density and leads to less concentmted depnsition~. Therefore, llltlmugh the hybrid tnwer does nN dlrnlnatc all the negative a~pe..:is of !.he highly vi~iblt: plllmc<< of a s[nglc-~tllge;m!cai dmft e<'J(>1ing to*~ver, it does reduce the impa.:ts of those not e!!minated. The public concern with these negative uspccts i:;. <1l*so an important cam;idt:Jnltion, especially at thi:.' Indian 1-li.tlt -&itc. In publk hearing~ (ltl !he dfaft SI'DES permit [Ref.

10. 7, NYSDEC 2!l06j. ~ever.a! members ;)f th~ .surromHiing t!~ighi"Hlrhoods expre.s.~~d strong s~~ntimcms ag~inst 111e installalion ofcno.ling mwer~ at Indian Poim:

John Ba:>il<l, a hoard m:ember ol' the New York Affordable Rdiah!e Eh~ctri..:ity Alliance, "e~press<~o conce.rn with respect t:o fl:le phmlc ae;socia;ed with cooling lO\V~rs, whkh could produce re*e doucl:; and mln, .leading t<) h3zardous dtlving condition&< and ptJlcntial damag~ to hoaR~.> and *~thcr prop;:rty. ~vk Bas; I;;; :lrgued lhat the cooll!~g Hl\ver;; wcmld be a \dsual blight atld W<ltdd reduce pmpcrty vallles i.n l:ho: vkinity <-)fthc Stati<)Oli,'" I:Xma!d h~rn. a lm::3) w;id:::nl ami tl.>ht~nmm, said that "if woling tov,*<::rs ***ert' built, a d<J<J<1 z1f pdlutk>n W<)uld 1.:;1! ::;hruh,., C£lll$<l fw:>l in the w!nt<lrtlnw, and c~)ntdb,tl<;> c~i!rc i n<.~gens I<> the air." 1 2 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-368 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00224

Appendix A

ENERCON RESFONSE TO IJ'I::C DSL!S l\~a ENERCON Bcrn>ml )v1o!loy, Pres idem ori*Iudson Valley Gateway Chamber of (\>mmt:r<:e, slnted that "<:~>c1Hng towers wm;td have a negative vlsu;IJ impa.::t on iirea '"iews.lled:~, and tlms a d~~lrim~:nlc'l! ~:!feu on tourism and re~;n~ati-an-rd::tti:~ husin~ss~s:*

Mr . Siermar<::.::<, an etlgincct that :i-!:rve:s a;; a I'<Jiunteer liaison hetw~.;::n the Vlllage of Buchanan and tndi:m Polnt "expressed CN1c~m bo!.h vvitl1 the \'iSD;l.l i.mpact of lhe pmpos<.~d cooling tt>>vc-rs, a> weE as lhe saline plume ttun would he acatt~d by the Cf><lling 11pemtlon and would lhtl on the VHlnge and su.rrotmding areas. According tn

                          \*lr.. Sit:mJarco ... It'll pcrc<:nt of the flora in !he ~rce wtJu!J b.: k.1ikd by sm:h a pl~mc _. eth~ plum~ \H)l.dd abo umt&in PCBs fmm lh~~ Hudson River thllt would be dep.o~hed ln the are,a."

The Hom>mbl~' O'NeilL tl.layor <)f the VHiag,~ of Bm~h,1nan. C<)fH<::nd~d tlurt

                          ""cooling t'JW<:r'> wOt!ld ,~r~ilt~~ vi,;u~l blight as well as a moistur<.~ plume that has !he pot~ntial filr health pmhlerm; frmn airbnrm:: wntami.nati,m. _.. The Village would seck w cnfm"iOt: its zoning law:; and o1hcr land u~;c !aws t.:> prcv~:tlt <:~).:.>ling ww;:r,;

limn tkvastating the envimnm.:nt in th~ Vdingc ... The puh!k cnmments ilJC varied, Md range from those \V)lh an ~mpiri\:<!1 bM-is to Ull.)Se hmught npon hy emotion: h(>Wever, the CQlil!ll<:nts ;w-e ccpn:~;;~m;:ttin~ nf th;;* public per~.;~::ption and concerns regarding .:oo!ing: lowers. The hybdd wwer would .~vc}id m.any of the issue~ raised by iocai residents <md re-duce the Impact of the oth<:rs. A plume analy~i~ for the' AA!Ie<:ted hyhrid tnwers wa:< conducted :fi.1r wei. npcra\io*n only, whkh c.;m>~!:Y:Itivd;< 40-gggg-AL approxim;n~~s the plunK~ gcncr3ted by a ~imilarly s1zed single-stag~:: mc*chanical i.lrart tower- contd. The analysis imli:catd a vi.sJbli: pl.umc WO meters (m) from !he !I)Wcrs duri~:g lfi(J<J.'(. ,,ftllc year. The visible plume v,.*ould exteiid C1vcr 600 rr1 friJni the wwer5 (i .. !:' .. , bey,md the east~m Indian Poitlt pmpcrty llnc) during US~*;, Df the year. Hytmd towers e!lmimt<l the vislble plt.lme thr(>Ughcmt the maj<.1rlty <)f the year. 1\Jd!ti<Jnally, the ev<~pormh'..: wa!~t lt>St from a

                   ~iligle-stagc pl<une w<.w!d be appr<)1drn<ncly 1.7'% of the wml !1q~>,, whik the loss~~ fmm ~l hybrid plume w<mld he appm:<imatdy L5% [R~f l fL5, E.NERCON 2003!. The evap<:>ratiw v. * l.;;s~ corresp<md$ to the mnoum ,)f wato;r dnm*TI fmm t.he H1.*dso1l River and correlates directly to ! dep<.1Si-!inn, ie}ng conditions, 3.\ld C<Jrrosion.

2.3 Response The den>-e, highly-visible plume 1!~sodM.ed with single-stage mecha.niwl draft conling wwers makes the technology inappropriate fur the lndi;;m l'lmH site. Statc*(1!~llle-f;lrt plume ahatemeni i, necessary to ensu~ that visually oriented se.:urity S)'Stem~ are nN 'Jbscll!"ed, ha~;ml<lUS driving condition;; are not >::mated, and public concems ,1n~ not. im::t*ea~ed. 111 addition, the im.:r<:~.scd moist1.m: dcpo>.ilkm ofth~: ::;ingi<~*~tag<~ plmne may cmnpnrtlltsc plant reiiabilit_y dt;c i:o increased corrosion and result lr; increased mainten.mce ~<Jsls. 1-lybdd coo!h-.g towers addr~s~ many of the negathtc ;:tSpects of !he dcn~c, high!y-vb;iblc plurn~:, and represent the nnly lheorcti.:;;Hy v~able op1im1 for do);~:i.kyde C(ltJJlng ;lt the lndlan Point ~ilc. 4 1 December 2010 A-369 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00225

Appendix A ENERCON RESPONSE *ro WEC DSEIS t~ ENERCON 3 Applicability ofthe Oyster Creek Cooling Tower Demonstration to lndian Point 3.J Statement The drati SE!S nol~s 1hat NRC "pr<:vimJ.sJ:.' a&scss~:*l do&ed ,;yc!e cooling with n hyhrid C{l(Jlilig tov..,*er In the license n:ne~>ial SE1S i'i}r Oyster Cr~ck Nu.::lear Genei*<~t\ng Statio11 [Ref

              !OJ, NRC 20()1!:, Pg. 8-5 i LtL 19-20]. The Oyster Cw~k :J.s~.r.:.:;sment ls ba:;ed <lil !he Determination q(Gwling 1iJ1Wr Availabihtv.,li:lr <?~c\'l>:r Ch:ek Chnemll!lt! Stoll(m [R~L 10.<\1, URS 2006], v.-hkh *was prodded in rcspon~e to the NRC's rcqu~sl n.*r additi<mal inl\:>nuarlon.

Fk>t JH)d f<'lremost, do>.ed cycle: Molin!J tt>>es.sme!U.<; are .sh:e-:>peeifi(:; as sudt, t!K~ c(~nJ!tions determining Cl1etling tower <mli!ability at Oyster Creek O(> not, and cannN. determine or

              ]nchldc th-e fuH range of concl1ticm.s that impact the f<Jaslbi!lty <)fd<}S<ld cy<:k cc>oling a! lndia.fl Point. Additi<Jna!ly, several Df the conclusions concerning r<)~md hybrid towers inc!!ldc<l in lht~ com:eplual a:<scssmcm of woling towers at Oyster Cre-ek are inwnsl.~lcm with resttlts from the s;ite-~l~cHk crwling tnwer CV<<hmtion rcri'mTIIL"<;l by 8NERCON fRd'. 105, ENERCON :2003} for Indian Pt1int A> such, the wndusi<m;; reg~.rding Oyster Creek'&

cooling tnwcr deterrninati<)tl $hould not he wnsldcrcd. fL1t 11>><.>-sing the advantages or di~.advanmgc$ ~1f rmtr!d hybrid t(lwcrs at !ndi:;m Poim. 3.2 Analysis The 2006 De!Jtrmirtal ion c~/ Cooling Tower A l'ailaMlif_y* )hr Oywer Cn*;:k G<!m>mtion Sloli<m l:tlJK;;;ptua!!y l:tliTlparc~ six cn6ling tower optio11s: natural dratl, re~:tllimmr m~lmnkul dran, mund mechank>~l dmH. rectiiin~ar f*)rced draft wet-dry hybrid, round fon;:t:d draft wet-dry 40-hhhh-AL hyhrid, and dry coe>ling t;}wer:;, The 2006 1.ktenni nnti;_>ll :"il.atc~ ~lll:lt rmmJ lf..lwcf;; af<' more susceptible to recirctdailcm ;~nd reqnire more l;md area th;m t<.,>ctil:lnear tower">i. In additi(111, the 2(11}6 determination t$tlmatc,1 tlw costs (1f hybrid I<Jw{:t$ w be "ignifi..-:nnt!y greater t!mn r~ctilinear mcc.hanical draft t<)Wer,;. i\s a result or thes~' assumptions, th:e ro<md hybrid tc*wers were n(~t fully c<:msiJcn...:l ftJr Oyster Cx~k. *n1c cxc:lusk>n of r:ound l(>wers, ;;:oup'lw with the. sh.e-~I'ecit1c Jifferenct~> betwecn Oyst<>< Creek aml lndian Point, rcm<wc the Oy:Stcr Cree-k asses>rncm as an appropriate evaluation basi~< for cith<>r the f;;:asibiliiy M the availability of

              ~.ooling wwers at Indian Point.

3.2.1 Recinmhttlon (Plume Entr~inrnent) A~.::cording to Redrcuiatfon muf .lnter:fef'f:nce Chanref<:rL\*Iic.~ q(Circu!ar M.edumicai Dmji C(wfing :lf)W~'rs, '\::ro~sfi,Jw .:irrular tow~rs redt>.~u!ak mll<.'h ~~~s thao rectangular ~:cJoling tower~> lReL 10.2 L Cnop*N* 1984]. !n Cooling *ro,\'ti* Fundamcntah; !R<~f. Hl!J,. SPX 20{)6aj, SPX notes that !he pu!entiill {in* rcdw:dati<)n in a round town i:;, :>tgnlfic;~ndy reduced due: w lW<> bct<n-s: ait il<>'\!.' Mld plume buoyano::y; as such, round 1<>~'-'WS ::u*e .~hown to be "signitkantly 1:css afkctc.d by rccin::tll;.mon" than r!'rl;!inc:!r wwers by a factor af 50-80%. Sf>X Cooling T<li..'hnol*)git;':!i, a leading cooling tnwct manu!2cturer \1r'l1h approxima!<~ly eighty year:; irJ !h<.' <.:O<)ling tov.,,r indu:s!ry, published C'ovli11i!, T<."l'er Fundammtah; [Ref l().9, S:PX 20Ma} which provides ll bask <Werviev; of' !he c:cmliog lO\<.'cr tcchno!Qgie~, availalli'e to satisfy 'ksign am:! cnvinmm~'ntal rcquiremcms. 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-370 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00226


            &3   ENERCON Acoxding lu SPX '~ Coo!lng Tower Fundamentals, as <1ir flows <srmmd an oh>trm:ti*on, a low-pres;mre mne t',-,rm~ on the downwind side t1f that oh>tru.;tion. Air tht:n n~sh>:<s: inti.'

th~; l\.1w-pro~ssur;,; v:mc by th~ shmtcst route pol<sit>k:. lf the oh!<trunion is ]<)W, ilat. and wide (<!'.g., in a multi-c.:!Jul;lr rectilinear cool ini;; to>vcr); th;; ~honest route is over tbc top of th~ obs!nlCtiM. ThetefMe, any* bmrtd:&id~ \>;ind im.~rca:<;C$ r()tcahal fiJr re.:in:ulation in a rectilinear tower. For this reason. rectiline11r CO(lling towers must be c.arefully nri<..'llt(.'d with !'C>pect to the prev~1tling <.:m:;ite wind. If the ob~truction i:; r<Jimd. howe>*cr (e.g., in a round cooling tower}, th~ res.1.dtlng d*)\Vftwrnd !ow-pr,%s.ure 7.C>l1c. h *'almost negligihk,-* llnd cr~<~te~ s.u*camllned f1o.,.,. <ln1unJ the tJbstnu;:ti>m. ln addition, r>Jund tD*wcr~ ure llll<~fl'c<:tcd by oriciS(lltion with rt:specl t<J prevailing winds, \vhich alk>w;; fbr gr<~ater nexlbillty ln placement [Rd~. lfl.9, SPX 2006aj. SPX JWtes thai. !he bunyancy of the <:fmHng l.c>W<:r ph1me i!IY.::cls the rat<~ ;;.1 which it wit! rf,;c. ah<.we the ambicm air. A plume (Jf greater bw}yancy ri!><'.s more qukk!y and will be

                !es~ susceptible ln redn.:ul.atinn. If a rec:lilinealr ;o.,ver i> c>dem:;,~d parallel to lhc prt:\'ailing wind, the plume nf ~~<<ch cd1 <;ombim'~ with the downwi11J cdl pi<Jmc !o create a <.'nmb[n<:cd plurm: t.>f greatcr buoyancy. Howen~r. if th<:: t<1wer is nri;mted perf}endicu.!arly to d1e prev,!ng wind, tlw :<t~pMate, less.-bv,o)'t1m p!t1mes have greatcr potential lot recirculation

[Ret l 0.9, s~*x 2006:l]. Th.: prevailing wir1ds at 1f>e !n<lian P<)ini >he are eithoo~r nmth or

               >.m1t.h through thi.~ Htulwn River V<JIIey with over 80'% nf the wi.ndo; rnea~mred wst.hin an hmJrgills>*Shiipcd r<:mgc (northwe:;t tn northe<t~t l)f :muthwcst 10 somht~a>.t) {Rd. Hl.5, ENERCON 21)0Jj. 1\;; >h<",wn i11 Au.adlmLont I, the Indian Point site wuu!d aH<.)W {<)t a rcctilineanov.*er l)rientalion nt~llrly parJIIel tC> the prevai!Jng wind,~ f,lr IP3; hnwever, due k*

d.:vatitm g:fildiem;; and the location ~1f the !SFSL rc,lilinear [I.,)Wers for W2 would i.ikdy 40-hhhh-AL nm: be <;ricmd paraHd tn the pre~*ailiag wind. /\s a rcw!t, IJ:>3 would cxr~r:it>nce sign!t'h:unt rccirn:!ati<>n llppr<)Xima!dy 20%. <)fthc yea.r, while !P:2 would likely expcr'icncc contd. sign!ikam re;:.ircu!ation mm;t of the ycru. With n round tower arrang,crm:ut, !he ceniT'iill:t.c<d dustcrlng of the flms wnuid produce a ccm<:cntrated plume crfgrl:!-.ater llu:oy;~ncy, regnrcllcso; nfwind diretCtkm [Ref. tO 9. SPX 2006al. SPX conttmlcs hy listing unolher rcla1ed rower effkic;;ncy issw", pltune intcrfl:reacc bt.~!'wC:cn t<Jwcr~. If multiple tower:; are rtaced toll dosdy t(>geth~r, the plumt> from 011e tower c;m be rcdrcl.llatcd in a downwind lower, tlwrcby rc:;u!ting in pcrtiJ.rmancc dcgr.xlation . The ~*on<:*cnmHcd plum.:: of ;he r~)uml tuwcrs rises more guid.:ly and ther;ct~)t'C reduces imcr!immce, reg2rdles>, of wi.ncl direction, and >'lilow~ ft'lf greater flexibility in tower pla<..,emcnl. hrterfcn:ncc considcna!ions may mquir;: ~i!l:nilkan! spad11g br::twccn rectilinear- t>.>wcr;; w acco<ml f()f the pos$ibllity nfbru.Khlde *Nincl~; (ftc[ 10.9, Sf> X 20{)63}.

                .<\ir now and plume Dl!Oyan~y alw <llTel.o! the ('lt:CUl'ft'IWC ol' ground !i)g and icing due w the cooling wwcr plume. For the rea:;ons li:sted ;~bove, the r<.)\md ww;;rs tcdw.:~ gmund fog,
               .and thus icing, when compared t<; !he rectilinc<lr t(Jwers [Ref. l 0.9, SPX 2006a: ReC lill2.

B&V 1'1961. 3.2.2 Land Use Far the c;,wling etf larg<.O ~>hltcr !lows, ro*md tetwcr arnmgcrm:nts ordi11urily require less pltmt site area than mulliple-~dl recwngulllr cooling k)wer ;matlg:<~m~nts (,f equal cooling dttty I,Rc[ 10.'12, B&V 1'19-li Rd. l0.2L C(JOpt'r l9!!4]_ AC<.'ording to Coohng Tower, mund mc.:h;mlca! dn1ft "tower;:; >:<m handll: enormou.s h<:~n !ilad$ with 1 December 2010 A-371 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00227


           ~:~~ ENERCON WBsickrabl_\ less site area irnpac1 than that n::quin.>d by muhipl~ n:c.tdincar tLr'>vcrs' {Rt~f l(J,9, SPX 2006a]. Th~ required land l!SC 1:; ilh;n reduced when ,;:onsidedng hybrid de~igns:
                ***The cit*cu1at hybrid to\.ver is a mud1 nanpJCter m:it <!!ld it thcr~~forc. require~ m>.Jch kss gn:tund ~ra..:e lh;m a cell type io\v~r designed for the same pertl.~mmn..:e" [Rd'. IO.Hl, sm~ng 2UOOJ. A.s discns;:,~d in 3.2 . 1. re.:tilii\C!lr I.OW~r:> rriU!>t he (Wientcd with respect lo the pre\*aiHng wiml on the site. Since several recti!lnear towers arc reqllircd w handle the large ..:ooiing load<; of a nudear power plant. interthence considcrati<ms detenninc til~ placement of th~>c towers with respect to l'U!.:b ll1her. A ~uitaillc
                ;lmmg~ment of r~;:;!i!inear hyhrid cMlir1g towers. to sa.ti>fy the c~oding rcquireme!lts of 1!'2 and lPJ would. cover a greater ama 1hm1 th~ :;de<:ti:'J singl<.~ mur1d *w~>*er {or t.~d1 unit (sec Attachmem 1, Section 2).

As slated in 1h~ drafl SEIS, dcar-<:utting (>f omdtc l>~<=s for cooling mwer N>ns!mctiMJ

                would dc~trny fragments of onsitt~ ,;ast<!tn hardwr.od forest habitat"' {Ref. 10.;. NRC 20{Ht f'g. 8-8, Ln . 25-26]. The: rropDscJ ~ilc 1\.>r the c;x>ling tm>,,ers is not only envin:mmemall~**!>ensitivc (c.J~ . , tl1t~ ~itc i>. !l potcnii<!l habitat l:t)r terrestrial cmlaagcn;d aml threatened sped~, spt;~:ifkally the Indiana hat (sl:."e A..!tadJm~nt 2)), btu a!w cnstiy tn build
                <)11. due m      rad;y terrain, Mt:ep s;lopc::.s, und heavy f<m:st.alkm. Thus, minimizing          th~ ar~Ja n:qHired tor I<>>Vcr constnJction i8 an import~ml consideratkm.

3.2.3 Commercial AYaHability of Hybrid Tm.,.*ers No round hybrid towers have been retrofitted or installed at U,S . nudear facHities. Or1c roMd hybrid cc~oiing tow~r has been constructed a.t u !1C\\ nuclear dectric-gencr1lting 40-hhhh-AL fadlity by H.ald<;e*D~rr (now O'>VnitJ by SPXl ln {);mpe {Ref llllO, Si.r;:ng .:w*OO; Ref. contd. 10.11, SPX 2006b]. Thi<; tc,\,er, co1nrniii~kmed in l98.S.. ~~rovides C(m!ing fM tl 1.30{) M\\i nuclear power plan£ in Neckarwesthdm, Germuny.

                !n 2003, ENERCON was pmviclt:d ll budgetary tjuote hy SPX fbr rmmJ hybrid cooling towers: designed tC1 hcs;t meei the constraints <lf !he l.ndian Point >it~ (Ml<Z Al1achm"'nt l, Sc<..'ti(1n 1').

3.2.4 C<JSt A site-spe..:dic cost ~:>tima!c mtJst acc(>t.Jnt ibr th;: !ipedfi.: lndi:an Point ~i!C w.otri!:tion~. An an:<1i'lf!emem of multiple rectllinear Wwl!'r5 would be required to provide sufficicm cooli11g for !J>2 >md !PJ and ca.:h Df the recil!incar wwc:rs mu>t individmllly be servk:cd hy Jl sepamie ~ir.:ulating wllter inlet pirc train. C<.)mpared m the single circulating wmer in!ei pipe tra~n needed fM caci-1 round ;;ooiing tower. !he rc;;ti!inear piping costs rcpr<lscnl a co:&l incrcaSt (Lc., more dn:ulating V< pipes an~ nc:c:dd and they me iypkal!y much longer

                .due to t>:.wer rlacen\ent limitniiNls} (Rei: ln.'/, SPX 2{1()6aj. Likewise, a,~ discuo>sed in Sec,lion 3.2.3, rNmd ClKl!ing iow~rs mini milt the area required for !'1wr:r $.:{Jnstru{!tion and r<:<luc~ the rc:quired gm.ding ;md ~~xcavation cn~to, v, 3.rt:: of panictl!ar s.igniikance ili Indian PoitlL Whilt; th~t compnnem cost (tower only} oflh<.' rQtmd hybrid hJW<'l' i~ typi<.;al!y m(>rc tlmn the CClmpommt mst ofcq>livaltmt rectilinear hybrid towers, the additional piping a.nd excavation costs required for rectilinear tower lliT<lngemcnts are ;)ftcn signiticmu; "When t<H;l.l system )Sis r1re ccrn:.;ider~:d, th.:: round ttlwer arrangemt!ni generally has a n.llilp;irabk, 'tf not lower, K>la! evaluated cost than lhe rL"Ctangul~lr cm1Migemenl for units 500 J\.'1\\' and larger" [Ref. lfU2, H&V 1996J.

1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-372 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00228

Appendix A ENERCON RESPONSE TO !PEC OSE!S t._~ ENERCON 3.3 Rcspcms~ The indian Point draft SEI.S cite$ the Oyster Creek c<)ollng lt>Wcr ;>~~scs~rrl~llt, ..,,hich i~ in tum based or1 the 200l-i Determination <{fCoolfllg lhwa Aw~i!aMliiy}~;* Oy:><fl11' Cn*.*k. Gi?J;<'I*f.J.timi Stt~/l(ln. The 2006 detcm1imnlon leads rn co~dusions ubout thl1 mund hybrid ;cchnology !hat 40-hhhh-AL arc not appr<;>priatl!' f~r an a;;scs~nwnt of ck>~cd cydc coolHtg for lmllan Point. A..l Indian Point, the rm:.!td !(>W>~r arrangement offers improved thermal pctt(Hmance due w reduced contd. re,;in:l.l!atio>1 iX>tentia:l mtd !\!quire~ a ~rnalkr sit<:: ar~~'~ than n.~nHinear t(1Wer:S, Fmth~:nmm::, the: Oy~ti:t Creek d<).SCd <:yde C.O(!Hng as~>e~smem is ~.ite-speeific imJ doe;; not provide a basi;;

               !lx the fca:>ibi lily (;r <'lll<lilnbi lhy of ck)sed cycle Wtll iug at indian Poim, 1

December 2010 A-373 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00229

Appendix A l-:'Nf:RCON RESPONSE TO IPEC DSEIS f._] ENERCON 4 CooHng Tower Outage Duration 4.1 Statement The draft SUS state~ that :h,z 20tH EPA NPDES - Final R<.:gu!ations !<.> Establish Retp.1irements for CooLing Water l11take Strucwrcs ;It I1hasec II Exio;ting bd!ilies {Phase 1l Rule) [Rd. ! 0.1.\ EPA.1fi04) "indic{]ted l!Ml."' lm.Certainty ~vith regard to oulagc Jura!tG<tJ lbr the plant rclmlil" !Ref. H}_!, NRC 2008, Pg. ikl / Ln, 40-41] and "indicated that Cntctgy's {>Uiagc dun!!i(!ll was Jikdy exaggerated" [Rd~ lOJ . NRC 20fiS, Pg. S-4 !l.n !<.i]. H<.Y\.\.:cvtr, the EPA*., 1004 Pha5e ll Rlik d1Jes not ~t1ppl.ln the~e claims. EP.A d,>cs tlN pmpo~e closcd-cydc CO<)!iBg w-,vcr te.-.:hnology !hr Indian f-'oint many sit~ in 1he 2004 .regulations~ a.!though, as part of thc- ju!>tifka!.iun tor nm recommending the installation of coding towers, an EPA

              \:11sc swdy "i:ndicated a dc*w11 tunt~ of lO mo11ths, and Ef'r\ hdicvt:~ it [s rca~N'lahk !o inter that many ;)ther fhdlitie~ wot*ld expericr~ec the same loss" !Rd. l (U 3, U'A 2004). The general EPA. CEtimate of lfi rtmnth~ fbr th~ <llltage J'eijl.lited !hr ~no!ing tC\wer il1&tatlati@ is appndmatcly ~t]ual lo dx: 42*wcck dmJthm estimcii!.Xl by Emerg)'. CmisideriBg the unique thallcnges i:hat ihe Indian f-\)int :dte pwvi', !he 41A\'~~k C>utage cll!mtiNt i~ ~.~onsidcn::d con"en-ativc,. and Utlllnticipated construction impacls could ex!end !.he c-~tlmnwd duration C<)n>iderably.

4.2 An.alysis 4.2..1 EPA Estim~t~ Ef>A.'s 2004 Phase 11 rule eM;lhlishe~ n.'qt1irements rd'lecting the b<~st 1e,,h11ology t\V<Jilablc for minimi::ting udvt:rs\: cnvimmnenta:l im:pll~t, llppli:<:ablc !<) lhe k)cation. design, 40-iiii-AL C<)!Htm.-.:tion. and ~apac:i!y or cooling Wat<lr ini.akt: Sl.f!JCtures lit Phn!it' !I e-.xi~tlng power generating f;!d!itie~:* {Ref. !0.13, EPA 2004, 1\:. 41582). In this rule. EPA !}J'O'\Iides generah.~.:cd ,:,)mplia!J~e guldam:~;.:. adJre8sing .spe<;:ilk !'llci.lltks l>n a very llmi!ed ln the <:::~!'>~ <>f Jndian P(!il1l, th<!: lilcHity is onJy di~cu~sed [a terms. of impact~ on (he aq<J<Jti,, environment of 1h12 HudJlDn River. EPA d!;Jes provide outage duratim1 cstimat~s fm* spe-cific fat:ilities bil.;;ed on the tedu'!ok)gy EPA **mndekci a~ th<l most appmpri;m~ C<)itlpliancc technolog;/' !~1t each -f2.crllty. EPA does not rn~:ntion !he oulagc dt.lration

                   ~stimare f'(lr *~ooling: conversion :1t IP2 ami l:P\ lllld th~rcibre doe;-; not provide ba~is or
                   '*in-di'<lle"* such CMilmnes wuc "unecnain" <Jr "~:->ag:gernted."

Sinct~ f.P./\ dO<! m;t recommend -woling 1:(1Wer> fbt !Hi)' fati!ity in t~1e rule and tht:rd\.m::: tlocs 1mt present any sit!;*Spi:cin,;; ~~tirnate:; fi.1r ll wrncr~im1 tn cooliBg towers. "EPA did not sd~.:t a rcgl.l!at<>ry scheme b;l:>cd or1 u~e of dosed-cydc, red:rculating cm)!ing systems al exisling iiu.:ilitics based on it!i gcn~rll!ly high costs (due tl1 conv~rskm~; 1, the fac! thM mhe< tedm<>!ogies appm<<t.:h the pt~rfommncc of !hls nption, C()ncems for energy impacts d.ue w rei.t*Jfitti:ng exi;; fm::iliti;;;s, and othc:r <:o!lsider:,ikms (Pg. 4160:>j. l.n the

                  .iustilkation for fmt n::quiring .-ooling tov.?tr r~lml1ts. EPA mcmiom a case study wbich "indicilt:ed os <,h'-'<1) tim~ of 10 months, and EPA h'"liev~~ il ~~ reas~)aahle w inkt th;lt rna11y rJthct v,**ould <~xpcri<:!l<X:* the S.ii.!Jl¢ lnsl'" [l'g, 41605]. Tht.: gr:nerali:;:cd EP. '\

CStinHI.te Oi' !i) Hlllllth% fbr th~: outage required fi)r CClllJi!lg llYW'Cf lnsta!hlti0!1 is !herelhre 9 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-374 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00230


            ~ ENERCON approximately '~q1ml t(J the Entergy estimate of 42-*wcek:; !br the H>:! and W3 cmwersioo k) c!o~d-cyde ecmliog.

4.2.2 Site~Specifk Out:1g£~ Detenninatkm The proposed cnns1mction schedule. revolves Motmd min!m.izing the time for \liMch W2 and !P3 w')uld be ofi~!im;. /\ ~ignil~cant pnrti<.>fl of th<~ W\lrk. however, ,;;;~1mm ht

               *~omplctcd while the t.~nits are 0!1-Hne. Constructim1 llctivltic:; !.hat ri'!'..:J'Jite the unrt~ to be take11 ofl~line indudt dis,:h,1.rge cam>~ I m<:;dificalions., \vca'k at nr ncar cxi~ting scrvirt: water lines, tic-in <A' drc~11~1li11g watt.'r supply 3nd n:mm pipir~g .. dcnHllilim~ or rcrmlting <;f existing .syslem~. and de<:ttJcal !ie*lM. Any mndificati,ln work i.nvolving existing :;ys.tcm,;

wi!! forte an outage, as the reactor cannot ~lpcralt~ safdy witiwut lhe~e auxHi.sry system!i lntm:t and fum:t.iQ11aL D~lll.ih;d ()UI.agc ce>nskkr<<ti~;Jlh Mt: <Jvailable in ENEI~CON'~ 20tH re~wrt [Ref. Hl.S, ENERC(f~ 2ll03J. A ~ummary of the prnpo>ed owagc s<:hcdtlle is shown in T;Jb!e I, Table 1. IJ>2 and 1P3 Ctntling Sy!>lem Cou~*ersiou Schedule 40-iiii-AL contd. 1 December 2010 A-375 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00231


           @ E NERCON The 42-w;,'{>k outage duration is a ccmserwltivc c;;timate li.'>r: 1l1e Indian Poim cooling wwer retrolk s~,*eral cha!lengcs have h~!Oll identiH~d fbr !he Indian Point C(lll\'(:flili>fl      t<) dosed-cydt~ <::ooting that may extend the nc<.;essar-y O\ltage duration; a) The C*(Jnversit'n to doscd-cy;;l:<.~ tooollng would rtxp.ti're sig1iifi<WfUll I!Wdilkatiuns and!or tie-ins to thi:.' comlenser and otla:r cm-c comp<>ncn!s or the plant. Aller otJtage
                       \Vork has hr:gu.n, the llnh:; cmlld <wt be- hmught back <:mlim: umll the fl.i!l nmgc of o*utage insllll!al.inn wnrk had been cnmplet~11 A oetb:ack in any asp<:ct of t:unstmction (inch.1ding !ldmini:>tr;ltive delays'! after outage work began W<)Uid extend the l)li!Jge.

b) b;.;~vati<)!'! and piping ~!JPP.m opem<iou~ k>~o,a>ed within th<: pmte-ct.::d area wiil be cxtremdy l:im.e-ctmsumir1g. with ffi(!th t"!f di<l W<)t!i pedotmed by hand in order to pWl<:l'l <:xiMi11g buri~u 'iub->tructmc" ami l!ldities.. Pil.e*d.riving lll. tho: river'> edge pose;; paflkt1lar sat'ety ha.mrds in addition to safety haz.nrds ns::;ociuled with working In light s-paces >U~h as traosmi$~son line dcanmc<:s. Tht: nutagc cstimak llllows only sh wt;eks tor tl1e trenching and excavation of the sen' ice la11e and ten weeks fur d.rh:ing >h<::e> piling. To cn::.w*e th!:" ~.l¢ty <)f t\>.:<.~<W~<tir.m Wt)l'k!:n, th~ excavation should not be tClii"lprcs~N!. c} Tritium :md strotllium t<mtaminat<!.d soil and rock will r.::..:wh-e :;;p~d<th:t~d extav:>li()f! and dbpc*~al m~thod:;_ The e>..tetlt of lhc &oil and mck t:nntaminlllion was not .knowt1 at th<: time oftbe original outage o:~i!lmt~!k)fl and will undoubtedly slow ;he <:!<cilvati*>n 40-iiii-AL process ilnd c-nend the !~\lees~ary mn.agc dumliM [Ref l 0,20, GZA 20H8j. contd. d) A reliable Md ~Hlff'iciem craft lab~x furce is ilM>um~'d in the o~1tagt' estimate-. Avai!abHily of emf\ l<~b!lr may he limi!ed d11e to s.:a~on>l.l o~Jtag"' 1iVMk m <)ltmr piams, reguiM mair!l.el:l<mce work a! the ;;itc,. and t!-.c potcntir.! cnn;;!nw! of app1.*oxlmalt,*1y 2.9 n;;:w nuclear reaUON; in the United States.

                  <:) The Ht.ltage eslimate is based on an aggres.slve sthedu!~ that ~quir<:s working douhk sh<ft~ w cuml:~l.ele .:nns!:rL<Cl.inn ~u.:tivit!es. The plMt pmximit~' to the ,;ub~1rban neighborh<>od:s of Buchanan is likely to limlt cmlstrm:tiorJ attivitie:; at ntght due to sound orclln<mte:l.

43 R~sponse lmpk.mentalion of COl11ing wwcr:>. at Indian Point *viii require e:~ten:;lvc <lnsite bla;;ring. large bore rjipc mutin~ ami conncctinn, along with several m.her 3.(:ti,,iti~:s. during ~m ex!cmkd outage. The t:llncnt 42*\Ycr::k dumtion i!i dctaikd within Attachmcm 6 (lftNERCON's 2!l03 Rcpor; {Ref 1(U, ENERCON 2UOJJ and was d.:tt~rmim:d \Xm<<crvati\*dy to a&Sum<: as short ll time a~ p<1S>ihlc. The EP'i\. estimate i'<.~1* th<! in$tailatk*n of cooling towers i11 general, while m1! appropriate for uw as un t~~timate ll.1r Indian P<.)int, is. appro~dmately C(]U<II w the Olrvcrsion estimate f<H lP2 and IP3 and dnc.> I'IDt i.ndkatc an exaggenm:J outage durmlon. EPA also a~kn~)wledge> <hat site-spt."<.:i1k <.~onccms cc>u!d length<.m th<O necessary mo~ag<.~ durati<..m, 11 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-376 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00232

Appendix A

            &a ENERCON                                                        ENERCON RESPONSE TO IPEC DSE!S 5 Cooling Tower Capital Costs 5.1 Statt:'ment Th<.~ drafl. SB!S ~t<Jtes that "both NYSDEC and EPA indkar<x{ thai C$tlmat~~- f;;w c;;)ding cmwcrsi(1tl by the previ0u~ (lwrwrs ,,f JP2 ami IP3 over!;!>timatcd a vuriety (lf CO!<t:< llnd S¢lCcted a more expensive tc,hno!ogy thnn was ncc..:ssary [Ref. J(U. NJ'{C 20011. Fg. 8-4 i Ln.l3-! 51. Also. th<: draft SEIS :.:tate;; tha> EPA "indi>:ated that [d:Jscd-<.~ycle eoo!ingJ m:>is m;ly have been ;;mnewbat inflatc~d" (Ref. !O.I, NRC 2MJ~,. Pg. fk1 .I Ln. 39-4nj. NdtJWi' the EPA nM the NYSOEC ref..-:ren\:t~ supports th~ claims of ovt~re:>tim<Hed l:o.hts.

5.2 Analysis 5.2J N.POES- Fittai.Regulations to Establish Requirements for Cooling Watet Intake Sltuch.ites at Phase H Edsting Facilities; Final Rule EPA':; 2004 Pht<st~ 11 ruh: "~>tablish~:; requin:m~<.~nts rcilcc!ing !h<: best t.::dmolog:y avaHah!e for rninh:nit!ng adverse environrneotnl im.pact appli.cah!.:: to tho: locntku1, dt!es1gn,

                   ~~..,nstrucliNl, and ~:ap~tcity ~,f <Xl()!ing wat(~t* intak<! stn!>.:ttln.:s at Phase ll exi!iting r~ower g:encm.ting iild.liiics" (lkf HU\ .EPA 20(}4, Pg. 41582]. b1 thi.s mk,. El'A provide~

gene<a.!i;.~,,;j compli.ance guidimce, nddn::.ssing sp.cdf\c l1lcililies <m!y nil a !intitd bash. lr> th<~ case of h1dic~n Point, the facility is only discu%cd in terms of imJXl<:l;; on th!::' 'Kilmtic elwimoment of the Hudson River. EPA doe!< pr>:n**ide wmpHance cnst cstio-mles for specil~c fa.-:ilitl~s bas~-d 'm th<' t~dmo!ogy EPA "moddt:!d :<lS th~ most ;<ppmpriat.; wrnplhmce technology" lilr each f:ld!ity, E?A J<JeS lll)t li.~t CMt estirmltes for cool.i!!g 40-iiij-AL co1wersion at IP2 and IP3, 1ind therdbre M basis is pwvidc<i from lhis rck!Wll't: to indkme such ~tlmates were <Ncrc;;tlmaled or in:Hated. Additionally. [PA docs Mt recommend cooling mwcr;; for any tadlity *i11 the and does not pr~e5ent any s!tc-spt~t~ifl<' for a C(mvcr>.ion to .::O<>ling l(lWf!r~ '*EP't\. did not "cl<t.t:;t a regtJlatory s~.:hcm~ based on the U';e 0t' clo;;~;d-cyde, recirculating coollng system' at ex isti11g facilities bnsed on ir.s genera i!y high costs (dut~ to tmwer;;ion~), thll'. fact !lu:t

                   <.)thcr wdmolugt.::,_ appw~wh th<" p1:rf<..1rmmKe of thb option, for ~~ncrgy imp<wts dueto mtm! cxl\<ting fad!itie~. lllld other c~m:klemtlon:;" [~*g. 41605j. As part of the justiikation for not requiring cooling towm retrofits, f:P./<.. --~,stirnutes thm. the Wta1 <:apiMJ cm;ts for individual hlgil-f.low p!~nts (i,c, gr..-ater !han 2 hi!ti<}n galhm:; f.~r <.lay) to t.~<.)nvert tower tmvers g~neraily ranged lhnn $13() m $200 million. v,*ith :mmJal. opermjng em;t;; i11 th<: range Hl'$4 to $2() miUio.n lPg. 4!605}. The EPA estimate i~ a g.::m:raliz~~d figure and EPA further ;,;:;knowledge;; thllt "the c;;1sts and b.mctlts presente.d e~re thm;e. d~vdoped ;Jt
                    !Ynlj:>Osal."~'~bscquent ;u1alyses, such '"" those presentd in ~he NOD.A, have rewlted in higher c.o.)sts in general" (Pg. 41604] .:md that thcs~ 6timates ";may not hnve nntkipa!t:cl s0me sitc-sp~dJk C(!ii*t.;; <>r the '-~<)Sts for rctt<)fh may C:l(~<:i:d th,)sc EPA comidcn:d" [Pg.

4l6ltl). EPA does; 1*Jo! provide ;J brcakdowf.! of th~ cm:w~niMl to wet im~<i!rs cnst estimate a~ EPA r~j~.::ted !he W!wcrsion !o.) dtlstd-c-.ydo:: cooling ttW*'ers option and the rcp\Jtt

                    !bcll5~:d    (ln  the en:;! nf npti,ms 11<}t reje,ied,     Therefore, a direct comparison of the generaiiz<~..-1   H'A estimate        ~he lP2 :lnd WJ est.irmu.c i!': nN pos~ibl.e, bUI the tma 12 1

December 2010 A-377 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00233


           ~ ENERCON dlfference can rea!;onably be as!;umed to ~lem fi*om several .sitt~~spccitl;:: ;::.haHenge~>, whit:h
                <~n: bri<elly <.Wllfn..J ix:k>w and pn.,;,:.ented i:n i.ktail in ENERCON':; 21)()3 rcpc.,rt.

5.2..2 .Entergy Nucleu- Ruling The drali SE!S claims that NYSDEC !mllc:atcd lrmi estimatc> far ennHng cmwcr~ion were ovci*c~timated in a ruling in the mau~'r tlf a n::m:wal a~:d tnildiricatiN'I n:f !he S!'!lES Discharge Pe:rrnit t<Jr IP2 ;md IP3 on Februmy J, 2003 [Ref. l 0.1. NRC 200g, Pg. 8-&2 i l.n. 36~41]. NYSDEC did IKlt pn:w[de the draft p-ermit until Nl)Ycrnber !2, 2003: lhen::tbre, a Febrl.lary 3, 2{)(}3 ruling on th.: m<Jdifkatiorrs in the Jrafi wvuld 1mt ha-..*e been poS$ibk, Accardir,g to the NYSDEC Office of Hearit<gs and MtJdiati>m Scn.*!(:e~. the admini~Wttlve proceedings l:unccming tht~ [SPDES permit n:newal] cm:mne=:u.:ed with legis.lati**c be<.~ring sessim1~ ml January 28, 2004. Thcrd~'re, the: NYSDEC Otlk~' <Jf HcMii'~lP~ and Mcdiat!<)n Sen-ices did liN :::ny nslinli:s prior to the Febn1ar)<' 3, 20()6 mling issue-d by .>\dminimative Law .l:Jdge Maria E. Vii !a (see Mtac.hme-nt i. Sl:;';<:.tlon 1). ** rhe 0::01TCC! rden:nce is <!%tl!llCd to b.;: !he Febru.~.ry }, 2iXl6 ruling and the remainder of this resp<lnse will addrt:>s that reference. The NYSDEC ~W06 ruling dncumem~s the ,;;nncems mised during publk hearings and lhc is;.ue~ pmposed fbr ndjudi;;ation d:uring !he i~U<'> <.:~1nfn-cn<:<:. Pre$entation~ were mad~ by NYSDEC and Entergy* during the pub-lic he11ring; howt:-ver. th~ pr~~enl.:lti'm"s by NYSDEC and [ntcrgy arc nOI tei:<wdecd in lh~' ntling. No Shliemcnl hy NYSDEC rcgan:ling tiw >:m;t of <:<)lWersion is recMdcd in the puhli.: hc:;dngs pnrtion of !he n!ling. ln th.e issues c<mkrcnce.. the conv<::>r~ion wsts 11re ;lddressed in reb!ive terms. Mmdy, 40-iiij-AL 1\-llcther the cosls Gf CQJWenion are "wlwlly dispnlpmti,mntc !n the cnvimnmental bcnt:l1!.s contd. tD be gain;:d" [Pg. 29J. Thit issue is twt the numetica! e>timaM <>fthe .:mwersil)fl costs, hut rattler the determitlation of what value sho<lkllw con~iderecl "wholly dbpt<)p-ortion:1te.," In rclat<XI documents, NYSDEC :<tales that "the pmj~ncd -capital coM w c<molrH~:t hyhrid

                <:<:>o! t(>W.::rs i> appmx1matt'ly $7-W miHiNi" {Ref J(L 14, NYSDEC 2003b} :tml that "the informl:lt:ion pr~senled 1n the DEJS regarding r.::nollng tower dl'~ig11 snd cos! ~~<tim<~te;; i>

generally reasc-mablc" [Ref, I 0.6, NYSDbC 200Ja]. lbesc s.tatcments d<> no! $\lppnn tile daim tfllilt NYSDEC @:>i(.krs C(>St estiman::;; lo b;c overeMim~-ted, 5.2.3 IPEC Site Specific Oifficulties ENERCON developed a prelimimsry t:onstmctiml cost ~~timaw for 1.he pmpnsed muml hybrid mwer> of:f>7J9,nS.O,iJOtl [ReC ll/.5, EN"t:.RCON lllflJ]. Thb site-spetHk e5timllte i~ h]ght~r than the generalized esti11wie presented i11 tho:: 2(1{)4 f~:PA m!t~ d~1e 1.~1 th~:

                .a.:knowlcdgcd wndcn:;;drnatlcm by Ef>A and >:e~'na! maj<)r ?;ile-SfR'cific CCllit!> at !he Indian Point fadlity. The tnc%1 significant ~itc-spedfic costs are discu->5e{li:ldow:

a) Appmxinmtc-ly 40 acr~;; of heavily-wooded land area must be cleared fix p!aco;mem <)f the coollng tower:; and the n~ce;;:sary <:ut h<Kk for ait i.nt~!,;e and safety zone.. Thi~ means approximatdy 31W\J of 1hc total anmum <1r v.mod<!d la11d area on lhc Indian Pni:m Site. must be dcared [Ref l 0.3, Entergy 2{)01h~ Ref. I0.5 ENERCON 20031- The pwposed a.rea l{;r llw LP2 C<X>ling wwe*' pa:d i!; hea~*i!y fim~s:tt!d with l11rg~tr *>ltl-gn)wlh: trees, T11" tre~ r<!tn(~vaL, d~adng, <md grubbing r*xtuircd prior k) !he cons:lnlction of cooling wwet*s w*ill :reduce the site's tmtuml 13 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-378 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00234


            @ENERCON rmsim1 controL Em:ironmem:al pwt~clicm in tht: funn                  or  sd< fencing aml, if requlreJ, a .:nllect;on ba"ln would he n~ce;;;;aty u:. prevent run-[)ff from operatlom at boll; pad lm:aHon<; illto tht> rivcc The tree removal and cnvimmm:ntal prot~d.ion    mca:S\lrcs represent m:!dil.iotml  sit~*speciiic  co>t>.

b) rhc pwposcd WJ co~~ling ~~)W\lr p<<d *~ I<}<;Ol;lted ilKlp a fWH1l01] of th.;:: ;\.!gO!ltWill Gas Tt:m~mi:;.~ion pipelines, whlch is a major supplier of natural gas to th~ dty of New Yl<rk. This pipeline- <vould have to be rdo>:atn1 uppro.~imaldy 70(1 feet snuth of' it5 exi:;ting lotat!oo to accommo.-.l;~te the c.cmstrucikm nf !he lP3 co,)!itlg lo>vt!r 1t is likely thttt Sfl'~'t!ra En~rgy Tnmsmi>~itm {Srx~ctra), ihe mvnet <~nd CJper:atm (lf the Algonquin Cia> Transmission. wou!d: re,quire Em:ergy to bear any C{)Sts or ~>;penses r>;!!med m rel.octBir<g the pi!'l-!Hne. The- eslimmecl cost <)f ~his work i>. BJ:OprO.?>ima~<.~ly $25 millk*n, bw;ed (Hi inf(>rmation regarding rtloestion of exhting gas: pipellm::< in ih::: N~w York Clty area. Signi!kani ilddii.lona! *COSh nmy br: i:ntmd:m:e.d in tht' rdoealinn nt'gl)!.i.<<tirms whh Spectra. Additionally*, Spectm rrmy cnndude ttml the rrlocation is nO! aceeptabk; in that ;~;;~. the prop(:>Scd :si.ting of the !P3 CC!i.>lirtg tower is not likely w be atceJ}iahk at m1y c.<):>t. If th~: rdm:atlon of the pipdin..: wer~ apptvved, all ndocatiot~ acthdties W(>Wld have to he complete bcfl:lre w<>rk re~~ted to lh~~ JP.3 <:*:<z,ling wwcr n1uld b-egin, c) Existing ovcrhe:ld and <*m.lergrotmd utilities create signHie:>nl. ehalleng~s for im.ta!lation of !he large bare piping required for remrn and l\l!pply lines t{> the tm*YCTs, 1\ matrix t>fum.lergr<~umi udlitks will Fcquir~: n::locaiio:m and isolation~ A 40-iiij-AL signHieant portion nf this *~*<>tk mu;a he f!i!rlbrmed. matmaHy ir~ orcicr to prM~<:I remaining suh*stwcturcs and u!.i1it\es; hene*~ it wHl he lime C>)nsttming, labor contd. imernive, ~lld expensive. ci) Blust rt!m~)vul b the only feasible e.xcavution m~thod i.l!. !PEC, based m1 the quantities of inw~l<Jd marbl~ (ii cry>.taUin" 111{'t!l!rwrphic roc~k mai.le fmm" lime.sionc with C<>nsiderahl:e heat and. pre,.;stwe) bedrock requlrin~ temm**al (appn)ximatdy Z.l million !.'l.lbic ymd~), Con5cidr:ring the proximity, volurn.~,, aml overall wmrlkx:ily <lf this pmj<Jct, the inpu~ and gtLidzmce llf oot: of the world's

                   !cading and most rc:>pctted precision bla.<;ting .c.xpertt>, [k Calvin J Konya was
ll)li;:!tcd. Pr. KQnya';; report aptly cmphasiz~s the m:r:.d to hire a pmfc~>itmal bhl$ting col:np<~SI)' ba5!:d on ;~ v~ricty of <:rit.:ria >md fl\)t simply Ihe kw.*~;.~o;t bidJ~:r (ENERCON 21.HJ3), Dr. Konya.'~ Co5: e;;timatJ; for and blasting Is uver $62 mi !lion.
               ~J  Tritium ~nd<)lltium comamitultcd soil and rock will requh~ >j~daHzed <li~pos;ll metrwd.">. The soi! i!nd mck cMtamlnati<>rt wnl< not klll)W11 ~t tht! ;lml! nf the
                   <)riginal   w;;;  estimation and wiH umloubledly be a signifk;mt sourl"e (>f in.;rcascd
                   \:(l;i(:S, f) A.:> di!ic~.>>:>c<l in Sccti<m 2. 1id~clkm d' th~ hybdd C<Jollng l<)wer t$ requln;d to mect Indian Point slte rcstric:ticm~. Hybrid ti.:;wcrs ate a~)jjrt*ciiiblj mC1tc t~xpe:nsive than wet to,\ws dtl<: m lho:: addition of a "bell." section requiri11g additional ians nnd an exten:;!ve n~twork ,-,f hc~t el<.chllngers. fle<:ause of the bra<:klsh \Vater 14 1

December 2010 A-379 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00235


           ~~~ E NERCON pn:sent in the Hud>on Ri\*er at the lndi:m P~!:int she, titanium heat             cx<..~liangcn; must b~ nti!izcd lhr <:<>rro:;it)l'\ ~ontml, <H sigrtifkantly incremsi::d C<l~t~.

g) Industry sumdatd <>mltingency for c.,)nceptuul de:>lgn e~i<mmces r2nge from 2fLHl perc<::fll ~)foveraU cost according toRS Means and imlustr;r experiem:e. Thi,; typ<> of cora.ingen<.:y relates ill 1ypic"l unknowns sw:h <1> labm av;lilubi!ity and prodtK'livit;;, iiitlen1er1l \';t~athcL and additioll~ll ls~ues mised with final, dctaikd cngi1Jcaing designs, Th.c minimum recommended coniingcncy for the !P2 omd IPJ .::imYcrsi*m w ck)~t:d*cyde .;;:>oling wa..> th~::rcfi.Jrc $!2.3 rnillinn (:ZOR.'u >>f !he estimated cost), which was indtocled in the l1nal estimate. This ~.:ontingen~y repreS(!lilS a s.ignifkam Wl>t thnt i-;; likely underestimated a.s the lmlian Point s.itc is likc,ly w cxpc,ric:ncc more i:ncb;:ment wcath;:r and final de~lgn b~ucs !han tile minimum cxpt~ctcd ft*,rany comtru.:::!km pr.Ylje<.:L h) The cost of Jcc<.>mr!lis~i*ming the cotlling towers is not itK~h.l(kd in !he C<)St eslirmt!c. Fimmcial as~ur<mt:c fbr dcc<.)mmissioning would 1x; required filr ik:en~e renewal: ther<.:fnre. the for cooling tnwer d~:commissioning >v(JU!d BC<~ct t<l h~: :;;Xurcd, l) r'l.s mt:nticmcd !n St:d!on 2.2.:2, ViHage uf Buchanan '*,,*<.m!d ~,;ek tu <;nfon;<; Its laws am:! c,tiJ{.'f l~nd tlS.I;.' laws to prevent !th~ conMruction n:i] cooling wwers [Ref !.0 7, NYSDEC 20061 Loc<1l opp.o~hion could lncrca::.e the

                               <lilllcuh.y L'f obtl.i:ifling the necessary permits ihr convcrsicm tQ doscd-cyck c~)oll11g.    ;<\ny tmexpetted del.ay~ in ih.e :;.:hedule wnul.d fesn!t in increased 40-iiij-AL H>nstruction co&t~.

contd. fhr: $lte*-;pccHk cslimat~: of $7-10 million Wl!~ determined lJsing Jircct (!tmics lbr vtndor:; (SPX. John:stoll Pump, Northv.*~st Pipe, Ruhbe<} fm: ail major .::.ompommis and standard c(mstruction indus.lry costing rc.fcrcnce~ IRS Mc;~ns, C>)BStruNion Industry

                  !n,titllie, Englnccdng News Rccurd). A detailed breakdown ofihc major wsr drivers ill the estimat".' i:.> a\*aik1bk~ ln ENERCOJ'*J', 2003 n::pott [Ref. 10.5, ENERCON 20CGJ. This cost l+><timate includes oniy th<:: miaimum recommended ccmlingency and a:ssumes the current value of Cllgineering and coMiructkm of the pmjc-ct w:ithout lilfl;:uion, labor rate increases, materiill market impacts,. or oth~r escalating criteria,                   :'\ddltiona!ly, the ms!. of
                  ;:kcom:rnissi>)ning i.s Mt i!1clu(kd. The e~ti!i1<H~ wa.s prepared with the goal crf retll'ttil1g the lowest n:a:mnabk c0s1 for e<mver:sioiL >~nd ls th.;rcibr<~ il~ nmserv1:1:ti\ e (l$ responsibly 1

r~)sslbl;::, Hist{)dcaUy, a> design cngineniug ii:<mtinucJ> and tdated cimcerm and em::umbnmces <Jr~ better dcfin*<:!<L cos! of eonstruction i11creases. 5.3 Re$pll1li.IC Til".' wsl <e:slim;itc for the converSif)ll of Jl>2 and 11':3 w dosed ...cycle cooling is a amservaiiv.e

              !lcul;ukm, bas.ed on .se>*eml ;;~!e-sp~'-'it'k dii!U<mge~. Th:~ .stat~menl itl <he dr!lft SFJS that Ef'A ~.nd NYSDEC i11dicate int1ntion**- ;md "overe~'timmiml af the cmn*er;;inn wsts is un.ompporu:d iry tl1e provid~d rcft:rcn~t~. ln tht 2WJ4 l'h11~t !l mk, I:J'. '\ pmYidcd a genemli;ccd cstimal<.:: fm* <::>>iMing fac.ilities' coHvcnion w c;loS<:d-cydc nw!ing wilh wet
              !<)WC(s The FPA clid niH inte:tld for thi~> figum tel t!pp:ly to any ><p<!dJk faeility and their estimate is tWI appropriat"' w ust in that manner. hi lht 2006 ruling iB tht maltcr t>fthe iP2iJ
                                                                       !3 1

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-380 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00236

Appendix A FNFRCON RESPONSE TO !PEC DSE!S t~~ ENERCON SPDES permit renewrtl, the NYSDEC ne!rher staled that Emergy (were>.timated theire<Jst8 nor pmvidcd il comp~ting  ;;-stimate. The issue of whtt.her the e<)~ts wot!id b<~ "vd,,.~l!y dispwporiiotl;Jte"' 10 l.he e,~pected b.mefits is the nnly cost-related mmter dlsca~se<l in th~ ttlling and d~w~ no-t pnwid~: 5\lftki~~nt Sllppmt for the claim~ of NYSD£C im 40-iiij-AL overe!>tim;HimL The c0rw<:rsion cMt estimate detailed in ENERCON's 2003 ro::p<:>r! is a contd. wn~ervnl.!ve, >.!te->.pedlk detcrmirmtlon where the Jcmal conslmctkm costs are likely 10 be signific<int!y higher. 16 1 December 2010 A-381 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00237

Appendix A

           .:ll ENERCON                                                          ENERCON RESPONSE TO IPFC DSE!S 6 Cooling Tower Ecology Assessment.

6.1 St~tll'rucnt 11 is S!.<ltt~d that "dudng the ~urn.!ncr rn~>mhs, when w:)t(:f u:;~ i:; <!I i~s hi;ghesa., s~r'-'ke ;md C{)ollng !ower maketlp water \V(~BI.d be withdrawn <1! a. mte of appro~immdy 250JJ00 to 3l4,0001pm (66.0(J{l to 83,00{) gpm) for the Ct)mbincd Beds *Of W2 and IP}. 1hi~ would b~ ll 93-t'.'-95-pen.:~nt rcd"ction i11 water !J:i~ compare<J to th~ exi;;ting 1P2 and IPJ nnce-!hnmgh system.s, which hnve a normal. d~!iign !low rated' J,2ilO,noo lpm (840,000 gpm) ibr <:ldl tmit" fRer. ICU. NRC 2008. fg. 8-7 :'Ln. Jl-36}. Th~: actual Dow rate of the IP2 and IP3 oncc-ihrough sy;;tems ls ~ign[tk:a.nt!y lo\V<~r th>.~n the ,J.~sign fkJw ra.l<.~. All accma!:~ cvaltw.lion of th<.~ cl.o:scd-t~yde <:<>(l!ing r~dm:tinn in wan,~r lnt;1ke mu~1 be based <>11 th<' acuml water imak<: now atlndian !'oint, no! th~ design Hnw mlec ().2 Analys:is H!ldson Riv~'r imake "vater lr, u~ed fj{ Indian Poim for cir~'ubting wale!" <wd service water. !n

              <Yrder to detctm!n<~ the actual intake flow, t!H~ !>t:n'icc wat!lr intakit iltlws of W. onn grm at !P2 1111d 36. 00{) gpm al !PJ sl1ould he indBded in total River intake calculations. AddttiwH!lly, w;H<'r frmn the l:P J river water pumps c;~n be u;;~d w supplement: the 1P2 S W S.yliiem whh up to 16,0{)() gpm or waler. Thi.~ service Wllter ini~J.h~ wlll not be affected. hy the convcrsi()n to closcd...:.;yde tooling; theref(JI'C, the baseline 11ow (licen~eil dnign t1ov<;) i> 886J)(l(} gpm fi:lr 11'2 and 876,0{}(1 gpm l1:>r 1P3. Slnce f:,n!ergy purcha!ied lndia.11 Poh1'!: ir1 :?(;01, ~h~~ *lm!m:d flow redudim1s fmm th~ bm;ellne flo\1/S h::we bt'en approximately J4%, !()f IP2 and 29% i<>r l.l':t The grcatt:s! rcdL!dions in ilow occur in Febm2ry, lVbrth, ;md April <H IP2 and January,                                     40-kkkk-AL Fcbnla.ry, l\.hr<.*il, <~ml April at IP3, Th~ reduc.1ioo;; fn>m baseline f](,w C<)!Tco;pond t') plarmcd rdi.tding outages, period;; of !es;;tr f1tl\VS H)t<)Ugh the ~crvke i.><*ater s:ystelil dtlc to reduced co<:>ling dt"nanxk perkhl!i nf lesser flows through <he ein:ulating w::*ter ;;y;;tt~m via !IR~ dual*

spccd lclnd vl!ri<~bk sp.::~d pump& (VSPs). ;md unplanned outages. 6.2J Maintenance Outages At 1mll:m Point. maintetiiUlCC (refueling) outages are staggered so tliat JP2 ath1 !P3 ar<: nt>f ofnine at !he sam~. timt. There is gcneci';lHy nom ina! il!nt)\mt nf s.e-nd(:e water fk>w i!;l!; ~he C:WTS f{~r whkh~:ver tmit is off-line. Re!'uciin:g outages occur 1.:1-'~ry 24 months f<'Ji' each i.mi!, whkh t*c~iJJ:I~ hl ;m i1!Ha(!<!c .-,adl yt!ar for mtc ;mil <)r the other. Rduding and maintenance outag"s typic;il!y laM appro.ximatdy 25 days, Outag~;; are scheduled, where re;tsnnaoly pr<lcikahlc, in a m<mne!' >:e11~it:ive: to -entrainmen! c(msidctatk>ns, lypitally during the l<i.t<' ~pring t'ntntimncnt p<.~ritld, with th~ result that only Hllc tmlt is Dper;~ting during thai <)\.lt>Jg:e pt>riod each year. 6.2.2 VSP/Dual Speed Pump Operation Tht: ;Jpctatim1 of IP2 and 11'3 is limited tt* prmect the surrounding aqtlatk ~~:.ological rcc>o<m;;c~. The>'~ li*nrb ~ran~ Ia~<.' to tl<.Jw r<.xluctiom that ;;n: .~;.:hic~*,:d by Jua!-spc.;:d pumps [ostallcd at lP2 l:liKl variab!c,;;tR~cd pump" installed <H lf'J. The maximum itm.vs are utihr.ed <Xoly when necessary l<> cnsw:~: lh<: Sitl'e (lper<!l.ion *of' the f~'ility N to comply with the ihcrma! standards >ct forth in tb~: SPDES permit [Ref. 10, l \ NYSJ)EC 2003c), The

                                                                       !7 1

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-382 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00238

Appendix A f.NERCON RESPONSE TO 1PEC DSEIS f.:::J ENERCON de:>ign tlo\\* nltc is approached nnh during the hottest months; at all other time:; flow rale> are signlfi.cantly deerea.sed. 6.2..3 Hist{)dc Operational Intake Flow Rate Bmh planned and unplanned periods of reduced povrer dec~a><< i.he .aclm;.l m:nmmt of tlm.v entering dK CW!S. J\ddhhrw!ly, pctk>JS <.Jf rdu~:cd i1ow thwugh thcc o>t~lYk~e Wl!ter and dr;:;n!atil1g water system> r~ult fh>m redun~.;:J .:uoling needs. Tiles~ llow redudimJS ate Cl)fiSidered reduction>. in the hnsdlne flr,w and, therdbre, are \~onsidemd to be operatiomt! mell>~lr*e> BWMll !'o rcduo:.~<" entminment Indian Poinl supplied t~ighl year:> (2001~2008) of mcaM..Ird intake H*lw dala f()r !P2 and

                     !PJ. T;!ble :l show!\ the monthly and armuat t~vernge hi5tnric tlow rate reductkms fr{)l'l') the b~t!>dinc dc:>ign valu~~- Th~ lllm!.!i.ll average histork (200 l-2008) btake {k>w ruH: filr IP2 !;;

765,44'0 gpm. whkh represems a !4"/;. rt:!'<lnttiml in now from the baseline flo~v value of S86,0(){l gpm. For H'J, th!:.' amm<>! ~n*;;,*rag~ hist()rk intak<.~ fln'> mte is 624,340 gpm, whidl represent~ u 29'}*;, reduction in lk*w* fmm the !1(>W value Qf 876,0()0 ~pm. Ta.bte 2. l"!.(n* l'l.ed:union fr-om llast'line (21.illl <ZOOS) 40-kkkk-AL contd. 6.3 R(:spon:se Cnmrari>on Hf cum:nt om:c-thwllgh to d<)Scd-cyck **vatcr u~e must be bem:!Jmarktd again:*>i

                <he il..:iua:l intilke water volume, tbe effe:,;:t;; of VSPo, du<~!-~.pc,;;,J pvmps, and maintemmce nutages. Bas:ed em hiW>r'ical (>p:erational fk>w (200!-20(l8.}, IP2 :mcl IP3 t!ti!il'e only 86% an1J 71% f,j' their tnta.! imake capndty (i.e., drtHl;ll:ing watt~r and ,;ervice water
                 *:muhinc;:d}, n.~;;pectin.~ly. lt1h; ~"JtTc;;pomb lO an <:.>;i:;t;t!!l 2!'5*\> av<:r<~g<: n.xftKlkm fr\Jm the maximum t:ltttainmcnt at !P2 and 11'3.. At tnt)St. th~ (mwersi{)fl to dosed-eye!" C<X>liog could tedHc<l entrainment hy an add.i:tional 79-pe;*ccm fhl:rl'l i)tl the dc;;ign t1ow mtcs. Thi;; rednction i" significantly kwvcT ihan tht' 93*!<}-9$-p-::rct."Bt red!jctiofl p~dktcd in tl<c DSE!S.

18 1 December 2010 A-383 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00239


           ~~a ENERCON 7 Cooling TO\\-'er Land Usc Assessment 7.l Statement The draft SEIS estimates the i.mpilcts oa Wil:>!C, !and use, ami the ecology !~) mng.;: from SMALL to LAROE. !-lowev~r. >15 th<: draft SEJS ack!lov.k:dgc~. the clearing of Hi hectares (ha) (40 a.::rcs (ac)) or-fbrc:>tcd land and the cxcavati~m >Jf2.1 million cubic y<lrds (cy) of soH, r<>ck. and d~bri;; .represent:> a significant pan of tho:: antkip<~ted e1wiromnemnl Impact~ of th~:

(~lo-s~d,cyck c<;oling t~!iem;niv~. The impa.ciS of land clearing lli1d cxcavatkm on smnc re:>otm::c <Jn::as may be undcrc:>!!.mal<:xt Reuse aml re;;yding of <'XC3vated material b likely l.O b<' <~Xtmmdy l!mit~J du.~ w soH <md rock <x,m.aminntion. The p(,tenlial for fe>:.:se and recycling is sufficicnlly small that the conch1sions in lhe dra!l: SE!S nvcriy c<m>~n..-ative,. 7.2 Analysis 7,2,1 Waste

                    "'Base<:! primarily on th;: large volmne t*f rot:k and ~oil that would require off1<ite tmnsportation and m11y require disposal. 1hc drai"i. S!-:IS mndmles tb;lt wast£o*n:*1atcd impact-:; ~s;;odah::d with th<" d(rsed-ceydc cooling allcrmll:k~ at !PZ and ll'J t:Qu!d rung~

l'rnrn SMALL to L/\.R.GE. dep:r:nding on wh~;;tller ma<erial <:>;m b.::; rellsed or recyclt?<:l" [Ref. tO. J. NRC 20m~. Pg, :8- !2 i Ln, 7- WJ. Th!~ mnclu,;!on (1ftl1e wae;te-rdatcd imp<Kt should be r;:~>scs~~ b<:c,w;.e s!nmtimn anJ tdtitun .::<.mtaminat<:d ~oil llnd rock hav;: O<;'<:n di~CiWet<!tl at indian r~)itlt I ReL 10.20. GlA ~008], Dw" (0 the'O"I'UY of this Cf.<ntan1inadon, cxca~*atcd materials may need to be t~stcd tbr ~'m.tamimnk111 and ;ms mntamrnaicd !>p<.)ib tm.1st be di>pn:;;.;:<l of Jlr<)p~;!"ly *.>\!so, additional protccl.ivc measure~ 40-1111-AL may h~ rcquir~d to protect wor:k<:rs, the public. and the !ora1l ecology. Cum::nti)",. !her~~ an~ thrcl: comm~:n;iai low-l~;.ve! wasic (LLWJ dif,pnsa.l "itt:s in t!u: t:nlt.::d Stat<ts. Ot1ly nne ofthe!>tt s:ites wilt atcept Wil-:i!"' from lr1dian Point: EnergyS,lh!tic>M Cliv<! Dper.:rtilln& fOivc), hxated in C!.ivc, Utah. Clive accepts. \'<'<:15tl:'. frmn ,lll n;giDns nf the United State;;. b1tt is !i~cn.scd by the Stat~: ot' Utah f(>r Cla~s A wa.ste ('fliy [Ref- !0, !6, NRC 2007]. Class A wao,te,;. m.'ly a maximum tritium w:r<ce.ntratlon of 4H -~w:iB5im 3 N a ma.ximum strontium conccmration of O.D4 cudcsim; [RcC I0.17, !0 CFR 6!J If hoth

                  ;rithtm .;md !>inmtium C~)mamination L~ present th<l maximum \:{mccntration ~)f hoth radiom1did;.:;;  i~ ck:termlned by tht:: ;;uni _-,f fractim.1~ rule . a> de,;~ribt~d lr, !0 Ct'R 6L55.

The sum of fral:!iom ruk ~ignifkamly r~du~:cs th~:: maximum con~:entratkm <JI1owed of both (or dther) radioma~lid~. If the radkmu~;:!id<.~ Ci)B~enln.ltions cxc<..>c--'\1 thc:;;e vahws, there is curnmt!y no disposal ~itc t.nilt will accept the c.::mtaminat~cl mlltcrlaL In addition to the maximum conccntmtion;;. Cli!!i!\ A wast<~ musl b-e p:1ckaged llt<'-nrding w 10 CFR 61.56. The te~ting and p:a<:>kaging of the rnalcrillls will <<low th<~ excavation pmccs-; >md add significm1t cnst~ tl! the cen:'llrllCtion budget. The r<<>nudiclc C<>IK!:lntfatiun in the excavated mlltcrillls cann<li h!:l a<:cumtely determim:cl until <:xcavation i!i undtTW<IY Th<.~ l'~<lumc lA !l1<1Kr-i!d rcqt~!ring LLW dbp()>al i~ cxp<'l.'!ed to heo significant. If il ls a%um~d that 5'% of thee spoHs are wntaminated, !05,000 cy nf LL \V ;,voukl need w b~ removed fhm1 the :<lie, 19 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-384 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00240

Appendix A ENERCON R.ESPONSE TU !PEC DSIJS ll~ ENERCON Based soil:lly tm the large magnitude of exc:a\'illkm required, the impact <m Wll!ile shouJd be CQ!1Sid.crc:d LARGE. The additk:nal di>lXlSJl requir~rncnt:; <Jf any contn~nimucd StJi! <lnd rock further cxo>ecrh;H<::Il thi:; LARGE impact 7.2.2 Land Use The draft. SEIS eml<:htdcs thm crmstm<:tion a.:1ivat~:< a.ssodattd wiih <:ooiing t<:>v.*er in>:tallati<>r1 at IP2 and lPJ would rc,;<.1!t in SMALL to LAROE kmd us<J imp.a<.:t,;, dc:pcnding largely on ho~<.i much malcdal Enlcrgy h unabil:l t<l rew;e ~)t recycle, and where Emcrgy dispnses of ~xc;>vatecl mated;> I that camwt be reused or rccyd~cl" [Ref. 10. '!, NRC 20{18, l~g. 8-7! L11. 17-20!. Lm\*crskm !.1.1 do~.ed-;.:ydc c'x1ling wilt r*,~quir:e appmximal.d)' 16 ha (4{J ac) of !.md for C<)OIJng tower C<)fii::Uuction 2nd mugl1ly 305 m ( !000 H:) \)f ri~'<!r hank fi.1r th~ im:;tal!ation of wa:~r pipe:;. The clear* m1d cxnn*ation {Jf >h<:s<:: areas will ccrimn!y ha*ve Mtic~;!blc dfects on l*md use at Indian Pilt11L NYSDCC rcquin~s " !-.*fined Land R.cdamation permit for an;- mining op-crati,1n fiwn which nwr~ d!lm 7:50 cubic yards of mineral$ are remm,ed during 3 <wch<O month p1:0rit1d [Ref, J (!22. 6 NYCRR Pilrt 421]. Fnr <.~ach 12 month period <)f <~:>..c<: vation 1.1t Indian p,,int <m uvcr.~gc of 42{l,OI.lll C*ubic yard;;; of soil, mck. ;md debris (llK!!i!ly inwt1od m;lrhle) would 11eed tB be rem<We<L /l.ltlwugft., as a construction site, the Indian f'oint ~~xc,watkm would be* exempt fi*om obtaining t!lis pemliL it i~ impos$ible to j~1stify a SMA.LL impact Wl land 11se when th~ same excavati<~r. would be considered a majM projN:t under the Mined Lrmd L1w if coo!.ing tower::. .,.,~~rc not ilml! !llHt>wTng <:xcavatkm (Rcr. 10.22, 6 *NYCRR f'art 42\j. Additlona!ly. the P<1tential for reuse &nd recycling of the e;-;ca\*ated materials. is much IO\\*er 40-1111-AL

                !han previously thougllt, due to the :soil a.ncl rock cm1tamination discussed in Section 7,2.!.                contd.

The disposal ()fncady al12,l mi!li()!lc')* .of excavated ~<>il, ro;;k <md debris (mostly inwoo<.i marble) is likely 1o have :;ignilkam ol'fsi;e llmd u;;e imp2cts. The total disposal volume is grea1er than 50%> ;)f the *~otul <:rushed murbk S<<1d or use:d in the U.S. in 2005 and if the cxcavatiN'I wen: npcmi.ed, Indian P<>im \vould be lhe ya largest crusht:d marble quarry currently ii1 opc(ation in rhe U.S. [Ref. !0.23. USGS 2007], l! i!> cxpec:tc.J

                !hill: mnstruction llclivitk~ il:t:>.m:i<ilcd with cool.illg <ower in~laHati<m would res~;!t in LARGE land. us<: irnpact::., due: ' the sc.ak of C<.'ms!n*ainr< nwdJld and 1hc n1n!run;nalion pre:;cnt at !he ~ittl, 7.2.3         Ec<~logy Th<: draft SEJS '\:onc!udc~ <hat lh<~ a'W<ltic t~i..'Oiogic<ll impao:lS (including th:o~c to threat~n~d and cndangcr~J ;;pedes) fmrn the <:<mstwctinn and opemtitm of the hybrid mcchank:.~t-draft doscd~cydc tooling al!¢mlltive for IP2 and TPJ would be SMALL !Ref, l!U, NRC 2008, Pg. 3-!1 .i Ln. 2H-21]. ROBgbly :!0.5 m (10{)0 ft) of river bank tntjSt hi::

dcar*ct!l ;md cxca\*atcJ w inst~!l largc-diam<Jicr wntcf pipes. River h*"r1ks pla)'* a signifiamt t*l)le i.11 Mlm<tic ccoklgy and the tcquired ri~;cr bnnk i!X<:a>*ati<J<) atlndia11 Poim is iikcly to ha.,,<: bvth slwrH<:mJ and tong*t¢nn cffh:h on the it!"!uatic ccotngy of the Hudson River. In the sht)rt ~etm, ~xcava!ion wm remcwc mn~t (~f the v~geWtkm al.lJng th~ at1ected length of river bank, dc>twying thtl! ~e..;tiot~ of h<1bitat. In !he long term, much C<f the vcg~l;>tiun is !ikdy !o grow back. but t.he presence of cool~ng i<Ywers and the associated piping and 5uppmt ~,y;;!<:rn$ wl!i hl1V<l ;~ ,;ign! Impact on the !oct~!lzed ru11-off unci. 1 December 2010 A-385 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00241


           ~ENERCON grmrmiw~ttcr tl*YW'S.           These changes co!.lld affect the local stability of th<:: aquatk enviromm:nt 2nd 11re fl<lt menti<)t< the ccmdusion presented ln the dfilft SE!S.

Adciitlonall)', !he tlra!l SElS "com::ltules lhat the ovemH dled em tem*stria! ecology wa11ld be Sl\.*!ALL to "*10l)ERATf. [Ref 10.1, NRC 2008, Pg. &-9 / Ln. 16* 17). Coustnr1.*tion of cnoling ww~rs will require apprmdmiltely Hi ila (40 at:*l orland, most ofwhic:h is presently WllOded, The in~!ullation or <;<.><.llil!g t()WCf'!> will permanently dcstr()y \he rcquir.:d an.:a of eastern h*m:lwO(ld lilre>t habit:tt Although Jmli:m Point l.'i l(lcated near 1he Blue Mountilin Rese:rvation, 1he pot! ion or fi*ln~s.! .lotated at liidian Pt>int i5 rut off from rhe resencation IJy

                  '!strip <.>f dev~k*prn~'Bt and t~vo t\.wr-i<mc highwl.lys.<.:, !.he rdm:atim1 of di.:>placcd
peeies i.
;. extrcmdy limited. Tt is likely that many of the local wrre>tria! species.

potemislly lndudi11g lei-re~rrla1 end<mgercd (e.g., lndiana bat (see Att;whmcnt 2)) and thrcat~ncd :>pedes jRef:. lO .. !. NRC 2{}()8, .P'g. 3-9 i Ln. &-lOJ. an~ esBentiaHy CNltlncd w the Indian Pohil. site and -c:cmstm~tkni a.ctivi.dcs would deslt{i}' ~~ slgnlfic,mt. portimi of that localized tcrr;;s!r!al ccosytilt>BJ. Th;: dfh~1$ ~*!' clo~ed-cyr.k cooling wrwt:rsion .an.~ Jikdyto 40-1111-AL have a LARGE effeN \lll the terrestrial resources Cj.1J1fined ;it N very ne<~r Jn,jian Point. contd. 7.3 Response The d~ar~,~utting and t')<.C&V<"Ii<)ll r~qt1ir~d k)r cloo~:d-cydc cooling convct~i0n al IP2 and 11}3 will have l*>ng*lasling eHt:cts @ I>K31 emvirc>mnc:mal rew1.m::e~. '111e~ eflccl~ may be umkre~timat;;d in tile <t~sessnwnt of conversion dfe1.:t:> on waste, hmd u~e. and "ology pwvidcd in the dmlt SEIS. Stmntium <~nd trititml cuntarnin<~tinn in th~ *excav;Jted maleri>lls wlll have signi!kant v.~a~!<Hdat;:d impach. The. clear-cmHng aml ex.:av;1tion of 16 hn (40 <K) ofw(mded arcu and the dispo.::sal of2.J million cy of excavat.:<d maH~rial;; will have significant land use impact;;. The combination (>I' soil and rock C<>ntaminatkm iltld lilrge ilr<:a;; of deilr-eut and excavated habilat (38.% of th~ 1(1t:t! wooded area at 1hc sile) cc>uld h:we ~ignilkant;:; on eot.:<)!ogk:al n:scmrecs. !n add ilion, ~xcavatinn uf thh 4U>'ltlliiy ;md type <)f materi;ll (inwood m:<Jrhlc) \VI.luld a:quirl!' bi~;;ting to bt: nmducl~;;:d (m:dte, whkh would \n ttirn r<:<juire regulatory approv;tl ami introtluec the JX!~sibility (>!' di~mrblng. t:ummt groundwater plmnes . It i> likely thi:lt impact.:> i11 :illly <.'!f these cnv imnmcnta! ic;;om*cc are~s 'INi!liw LAROE.

u 1

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-386 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00242


            ~ ENERCON 8 Cooling Tovn:r Air Quality Assessment 8.1    Statement The dnd! SEJS ~tat..:s that th~ air quL~l[ty ell'Cc:ts from replacem~nt pm-'it:r >'<ott!d ceas(;" when
               !P2 and IPJ retmn t<:> :;ervice. wilh cxc<.~ptinn of MY ~)U!put lMt tn r:u;v,: pamsi!ic: ioads !rom the doscd*,;ydc tJo!iJJg sy~tem" [RcC HU, NRC 2008. Pg. .S*l 0, Ln. 15*36]. Tht' output !osuo rnrasi!lc !ond>; and !herrna! effk:ier.u:y h;scs fwm !.he dos>!d-.cyd<~ nwling >y>.t<.'m i~ ll<,)t negligible. Th~ dra!l SEJS at"><l claims tha! '"tiw aamu:r;t of pollutatli:> emilted fu;m eOfl5truc:Eiot1 vchklcs Md t:oqnipmct11 and eon~mu::tlon work~r tr;!f!k would likely he :;mtlll compared wiH1 tmal vehi,;:tJlar emhsi<ms in th<t regl,1n [Pg:. l:HO /Ln. 43 to Pg. S-tl: Ln. 2].

8.2 Analysi:s 8.2.1 Replat!em(lnt Power Th<: <:<)nverslon to cln5d-~yde cMHng ;v!H decrcn5e the net power \)Uij)1Jt <lf JP2 <:~nd !£'3. The f'cdud"t<lB in net power oulpul i~ due to the pm-asitie ~oads of ,;:ooling tow.:r npel*Mkm and 1hcrmal c:Hkiem:y lo:>s.::s from conde,t1;;er and turbine opcratk)n at suboptimal

                  -<ndition:>. *nit~ los);~:;~ that wm.1ld n;~);~lt fi'ml' th~ cEmversi<J.n w dosed-cyd.:: (O<)Iing at lndiall P~)it!l an:: tabulated in Tabl.z3.

Utili.:ing mcch<lakill draft li:(~nHng tower~ instead of cJnC(:*i:hrmlgh won!d intmduc:t: slg:nifi<::mt ilddit<onul eledrk;ll lmlds~ termed *'p;Jn1~iti<.: losses'\ which reduce Statl!)fl 40-mmmm-AL outptl!. Th~~ t.;wcrs have "wet" and "dry" ~e-ction fim~, 44 in each silcholl, aJ :300 :md 350 INr,epnwer, respectively. 1\dditiorm!l:y, for the clt>se4-tydc .;nnl1gmaliou . .c:i.rcu.!Ming water ~)'stem hoi"Sil~)wer wuu!d ~h;o be irwrcascd, Th;;- net d'l:(:ct would b;;; nn ilnmml avemge parasitk: !o~s afapproliimtl!cl:y 26 megawntt> fnr eath unit. Moreover. converting the cnnden;;er cooling sy:;tcm ,,f ~n existting plant fron1 onc;Hhrough to closed-cycle opemt:ion presents li.mdam<:n!al design pwbkrns. The d~sign <)f the condenser and lllrbine is based 011 tht <mtkip.ated inkl t.::mpetawre of the .:ondcnser c(> water. Jf the condenser cooling water;, no! as wid as the as-built design rcqll!r.:s, then the mnd~nsl;.'r hi;.'U! rcjecti<m is reduced. and the backp.rc>::ttlfc on the 1urb!11c lncreas.erl. With an: increa5e of t>ackpre>sur.c Of! the turbin~, performance is signifi.cantly a!Tccted, and tdtim;;tdy g<:n<:ratr,>r output i;; reduced. Thi>< issue is of ~ignificatH t:onscqu!:nce at Indian Pninl. Rhw water tcrnp<lraturt:!s arc low !hm!JghHllt thi! yczlC and the cond<'nser/mrhine package was designc.d ~ccording!y, Cooling towers, thn>tjfl.h ev<lpor~ti>*e t:oo!ing. canm.>t match th~ low tcmpcmttm,, of tht' ri>:cr intake. ln the winU:r months t!tt: imp3ct ls lessened, but the "ummer perfon:mmce wl!! wffer appreciably. Lost generation due to thermal cflkicncy lm;scs at maxitnuttl Jnad e<)ndltinns WOllid be appnll>im; 47 mcgawait~ 1hr

                   !P2 and apprm;.hn;ltdy 27 m,;*gawrim for JP:;. On .an nrln<.tal [j\'<tmge bash, th<t t,ffcct is.lcs.,_,

hut still significar!! 3.1 abnul 1:5 megawatt:; fbr IP2 and ilb<.1Ul 6 me.gawau:; fbr IP3. 22 1 December 2010 A-387 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00243

Appendix A F-l ENERCON


ENERCON RESPONSE TO JJ'EC DSE!S H'! lf2 u*~ U'3 ll'f:C II'EC (m:u} (lW~) {mu) (~~~) {mu) (:~>g) 21>.48 /.f>.4.8 i .'\2.9~

           ~- ~ o~":~:~ ~"~d}~' _'a~"'~' _"~E~r _~ ~le_n~(;,;~*~~--.._..~..- X*:~- -*_*_*_*_*_,_*_*_*_*_*_*_~- tL* -*_*_*_-_T_*_*_*_*_*_z~ _-_-_-_-_-_- [~~~1~

The total annual averag~ d~uease in lndt~ll; f'oim power m;tr>lJt, including pnwe.r !ost to

. 1 . ~ '

para;;il.k k)ads .and lhermal dfic.iency kJ:%CS is ap~xo.~imately 74 fTI!::l!,:lVI'alt); crat>k 3). At ma.ximum !uad cow:.lltii.!ns, the net power !)Utput !oJ;~ is apprmdmate!y 627 megmv.atts. Replacemellt pnY.-'er 1:;; likely in <~m*ne from c:x~sting generali,ng fa.cilitie> within th~ N~w Y0rk City mctrop-r"lium area. :.lany of these fiKilitie:; arc coal* or nawrat-ga& t\red aml th~refore th;;: generation of the: r~quite<i repla<::emem power is li.kdy 1<) r!!ll't' m1 irnp.wt \)rl loc-al air quality. The A.frican /\.mcrican ErwirOJlmentalist Association (AAEA) has raised

                         !h<: is~m<: of cnvimnm~:ntal jw;tke with re~petl w the. required replacement power.
                          .4..C~'or:ding to th~;: AAEA, ">hcri: Mi: 24 po'w;:r phmts In th;: New Y>Jrk mdmpolitan ate>J, ancl nnly a small number ;)f tho;;<! p!anis are !t'lcaled .in ilrea<; Mt pn.~<illm!nantly P'1PI!Iatcd by minorities." [Ref. 10,7, NYSOEC 2!)06j. The A.AEA t:t.mttnJ!i lhat "rc:>trictiuns <)fl lndia11 Polni'ti t)p-¢r>~tion;; would shit! ih(; bmden of air pDi!mic:m to mitwdry .::omm*mhks."

Tht~ air quality impacts of gcnemting mi arinua! <werag<~ "'f ::!pproxirnatd;' 74 mc!jawalts Ttphccrnt~nt p<Ywer wil.l bt: a perma11e!ll impact due to th"' ck>sccl-cydc woling <.:nnvcrsi<m, 40-mmmm-AL 8.2.2 Construction Traffic contd. The t:cm!ilru~~tion *Of c-c;Bllng tc1wer~ will require ;m avrrag;: W<.~rk ii)rcr ;)f J()fl and will take 3n e,;ti.mated 62 mooths. Dmir,g the ot!iage phase of the effon, the work fi:l:rce will peak at

                         .appmximatcly 60l). !t i$ anticipated thai the majority tlf Ihe wmk!im.:l;! win be tempnrary.

Only>~ ~ma!l percentage ofthis v>ork force wiil ltlOk !<>r perrnam:nt re:>idem:-e in the <ma A work hn:r <.1f appwxirna!d;.: 950 is gcncm!ly nrHitc during a rowinc rdudlng oumgc.

                         !*Iowevcr, a mutlnc refueilng oulag:e !a$tS only about fi:1ur w*eeb, compat*ed. to over t!vr
                         ,\-'ear;. fi:>r th~ cor:l!ilructlon of cooling to'>'-'Cr::;. The im.Tcascd eonstrut:tlnn*rdatcd vdw::l.-

emissifm.'i ~vil! include wm:kers commuting, rurmlng equi.pment nn sile, and the vehicles requked I(J remuve 2.1 minion ~Y llf C::l.(:al'i!l<:d m<lteriaL During the cstimaK-d 3{) momh

                         ~--x;;avaticm ;.c!u::clulc, 35{\/lOO mund !rip~ would be n~i:i.kd w remove the cxcaHued mttteri;lls ill. 6-.:y d!lmfl truck~. Tn achieve thi,; rnre <">f excavation, a k)aded !ruc:k W<)uld have to leave the site every 3.5 minutes., ifeXc-il\'<lli<)O cmttinued 24 hour!< <t day.

The <..!raft SElS notes Hmt ll1c emke S1utc~ of New Je;s"y and Conncctkut: arc d;;;s.ig:na.ted 11nnattainment area$ lhr ozone (S-h<Jllr st.anthml), S;;veral coum ies in Central m1d Southcastcm N;;-..\*' York within a 50*mi mdius. [l;f !m:lia!l {'>:_;int] arc al$~i in nonattaimncm

                          ;;mtus +/-(:*r the 8-hour oznne ,;t;mdard" [Pg. g. W i Ln. D<Ui]. We$tchc~ter County ili in Mmauainment status, a~ong *with every t:mmt)' bordering Wcstche~ter and mmt Qth~rs in the lmm~diate Mea [Ret: l\l Ht EP!\ 200Saj, A nonatl.a\mnenl stams indkate> that an are.a.

vi,)!at.::-s a natiomd ;:~mbient ,,;, q1mlit)' star1dard .:st~bllsll<:~<.l in !he Clean Ai:r Act Th<~ hea!th ri!;ks il:>sm~lated wlih gmund-level O:i'On~ p<)llutim; include lung irrilatinn (wheezing, c-ol.!tlNng). pennanent lung damage, aggravated asthma, red\rCcd hmg cup.~dty, pnnnnonht 23 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-388 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00244

Appendix A

                                                                            .ENERCON RESPO>\SF. TO II'E.C' DSC!S
            ~ ENERCON and bmnchitis [Ret l024, TRC 20n2]. NO, and VOC .:mi~sion;;. from vehicles are lht*

pdmary contributnrs tn ground-levd <,>:t<>nt" forn1at!an \l{cf. HJ.I9, EPA. 2008bJ. NC\ pollution is al;;~l associat~td with ~~piratory hea!ih ri:;ks: damage !<) lta1g ds;;ue, redu~1im1 in lung function, a11J rcspitatory Hlnc~s- bronchitis fRcf. H1.24, TRC 20tr2]. In additiM h? the humat1 health dtt:i:t:i., ground-kvd. DlNle jX)!luti*m incr<'<~~-<:s ~u;;ceptibility of plant~ to di~ease, redu<::-c$ aop nnd forest yteld:S, aesthetically damages leaves and trees, and danmg:es rubber and fabrk~. NO, p<lllution d~!eriorati:!"> wate:r yualily (oxyr;en depletion) and i;; a prectmwr to acid rait1 HH*n1ntioi1. Both ground-!t~vd ozon~ and NO, p<)ill!tit>n imr~air vi:>ibiHt:y. Though tile C(!ll>lruc;ion-rt~lalcd vchidc ~mission;; may r<:prescni a mafgina! incr-ease from norrna1 condidom i.n the area", the nnnll'lWinm~nt c>i<J.tus indicate;; tha~ si_gnifknnt air pmb!e!11i> already cxi~t and wollld be cxa\.'-crbated by wy incr-ease ir1 en<i!i.'iions. 8.3 Response The dn~:i\ SEI5 condud~:; !!Jilt {Wt!l'aJI impact 10 air quality is likely S.MALL because "air quality effects duri.£1g C<)!l'>tructit)n WNlld be <.~(>nlwlkd by si!e p.t<<ctic*es and I.'OillpellSilt\lFY 40-mmmm-AL meas:urcs required to maintain compliance with the Cl~an Air A.ct (C.,','\) (sh(m[d a confprmity antllysis shnw the n~t~d to tii!ke <lth<'r acti<)rl), bt:.:~u~~ rcpl<l<.:crnent p(,>WCT v,--ould be contd. required to nho ~.:omply with CAA r~t;uiremcnt.s (and. it '-'<'Ould be s;!wrt lived). and 2i.t* qlmlity d!~ct;; durrng operations \Vou.ld he minor" !Ref I0.1, NRC 2008, !'g. 8*1! .I Ln . 29<'13], Tl:i.: as:mmplkm that CAA standilrcls *will be met 1;; not reHabk\ "' 11'2 and lP} are lo<:atecl neilr

               ~ev<:ral arcM that Cllrtl~ntly ><iolrlli: CAA $ti!ndank The air quality impa~~~ of th>e con~lrutti~*n activitks \vii.! ;;p;m a period Hf lhe yeats and <~rc likely to unth::~rmlne 1:-Llrrcm df<)ri.s to reduce
               *.u:ont' JA">ilut!on in surro,mdi:ng ai'CM to nati<)!lal stanclMd~. The perrrumi.:nl imp<K!S of gcn~;;mting ! 27 meguwau~ (>f replacement pP\VCf at p-eak load conditiMlS J>1a;v* b~ 8tgtlificant, derending on -.vhkh !'aciiltit~<< generate r.eplacement powcr, and mily mise enviranmenta!

j~1st!i:l:i issue!\. In 1111 arer* \\illh cxisdng ;;1ir qmdity issues, thee effen::: of Indian Pdm c.:..nversionl<) doscl:h:ydc moling aN tikely to be~ nmiccabk and m<>)' ~vcn d~>Wibilize eflutts to nddre~s currcm l.s.sues. Therdhrc, the impact of cmrverslon !<1 do$ on air quality is tmderstated and \s 1:\'l!hMcJ i:n detail in 1he NERA 2009 C~@omic- analy;:b; {Rd 10.26, NERA 2D09!, 24 1 December 2010 A-389 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00245

Appendix A ENERCON RESPONSE TO IPEC DSEIS t~~ ENERCON 9 Conclusion The NRC publi>he<:l the draft f<.t<:ilit;;->p<:<..,ifi" SEIS !or til<' Ent"'rgy !i"t.'nse renewal app!iGII:lCHJ fN Indian f>oin!. ln December 200!'1 {Ri"lf HU, NRC 2iWS). This cnglncefing re.<,p<)n,;e to !he dr<J.f\ sms been prepared ttl addn:ss. the l1l(1';! "iig:nifiqlfl( "'ngineering cuor*~ and. \rr tniSC{)nccptions kklltii'ied ln !he draH SEIS. The drafl: SEJS presented concluskm,; M! thE> l)(!tential et1vimmmmta! impact of the do>ed-cydc ctm!ing alt<!mative for twel10e imp<~ct areas [Ref 10.1, NRC 2008). The C<)!lclu$ions of the draft SElS ar~ likdy to lx: overly ~onscrva!lve J~n six ~)fihe twdv~: urea> wn.sldcrcd: lsnd tL~e, aquatit c<.:<)!IJgy, terrestr[ul ec<:*]<}gy, air '1'mlity, waste, rmd l.rml.$p<>r!.aliim. These .:nnclusion>. $hou.ld he reasses!i~d u<.:ing the rrm~t rc<::ent inl~>rmation a\'aihbl~. particularly regarding gmuoch-v-ater

                      0:nt!lfl1il13tion, w.rrent operating prc-t[<:ld.u.r~:;;;, and plant net p:Dwer O<IIP<H !os-st:" due w the

[nstallalion of ..-:oollng towers. Thcst~ condu~ii)*ns <lrC ;l.SScs:;ed using the following (.k:s~:riptic>n:s !Ref. Hl.l, NRC 2008]: SMALL~Enviwnmental e1fecl:'i an.~ lli)l ;Jttecta;ble or are so miflN' that they wiH ndther dt:sta.bilizc:: nor nOiicaably alter any importam al!:ri!mtc of ttH:~ rc~mm:e. MODER.ATE~E!n*imnmcntai e!Te.:110 arc snfli.d~nt to alrcr noticeably, bui not m clcsiabHize important attribt.tles !.)flhe r.::souR;c. LARGE~--Erwimnrm~nt:l! effecT> an: dearly notkeabk :rmd ;Jrc $t~ffidr:.,nt to d~:~mbi'llzc irnpon.ant attrlbui<:J; !)fthe resmm::<:. 40-nnnn-AL

          !                                                                                                                                                                   Ckar-,:~,uing of 16 ha i                                                                           Constructitm tlf lower:;                                                                (40uc) ilf tor<.'~t(;ld l;wd
          !,' , ,', ,


                                                                                                                                                                 1'_,       and     rGmCWill rnL"11"IDn CI.I<JIC '*' qf::?..l yards £;1"'

l-ARCE m;ly reqtllrf1: , muc I., SOl"I , '- anrI ue r<.'>C",

  • b.ns, offsit~ limd. \>.I!)UIJ have signilkanl impact (Sectk)n 7) i""""""'""*********** ***********************************************************************************----------------------.*******~:;~;;~*;*~~-:~:-~;;~:**------------.!

i Emminment nnd imp11ct of<:<:>nvernlon l<l i i impingcm~~nt \.1f aquati~: diJ.>cd~cyde ~'*o*Aing

  • 1 Et~olog"':
-; <"'1.111
                                                              .><>  ,* * ,            l'rgamsms.
  • a~ Vd 11 as \fAf
                                                                                                                                                      ,,;  '*" -L*             , " ,_,c.~
                                                                                                                                                                              ""('"ld       ......s*.J_.J!.f..,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    "- *. _ t!.l"....

Aqunttc h~nl >lmck, \\Ouid be imprvvt'rncnt& <J'd:r reduced sub~tanliall~*. extstmg conditi<)fl~ are tNcrwt!cd. (Se.:lion 6J

                                     *********************************************************************************************............_..*************************************************************************** .l 25 1

2 3 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-390 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00246

Appendix A ENERCOX RESPONSE TO IPEC DSE!S t~ ENERCON r---.---......,.,,.--,---.,..,.,..----.-,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,w,*.. "*..***************************.... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Summary of Eva hutted f:.n.vironmentllllmpads of a Clos<<l--Cy~le Cooling Alt<:rnatiH and

              ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------~_:~_1:;_~~:9.~-~~~~P.?.!~.~~~---**********************************                                                                                                     *-----

linJ):il<:!t  !>raft SEIS E"alttation ENERC!!.?i.~!~P.~~!.~~---****---~ Catt..~orv a~tt Comm-eut lm aN i C;)mmcnt ~ 38% vf OIJSitc- fi.wr:~l Onsitc filrt:c."t habitats \>,*ould be: destwye.d SA-.Ml..l. io disturbed ;vbik drift i:i>mpletdy R~:rn~.jnlng lARGE

                                                                     .'110DERATE                           from lowers may affect                                                                                \'l:'g~t;>..ti<m v.muld be vegetation.                                                                                           damaged by drifl..

(S~ction 7) water would be treated as nt'cegsary to meet

Vv Water llse and permit n::quiremcnts.

SMALL Ru1wff fn)ll1 Engln.:uing Q1.1al:lty R.,*.5J.xmw~ constnwri<.Jll adi\'iti*:s i~ likely lobe

            ........................................................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                                                                                      ~-------*---*------------------------*-----*

Emi~~ior1s wotJ!d 40-nnnn-AL i 1 Primary imp~cts from im;n:a~e ih:lm vehicle;; nnd equipmer<t No canstruct!on {5 yean) contd.

                                                                                                          *cmis;;iolls during                                               Engin.:eriftg                        and repla~.:~mc:nl pilwer 8.:'vfALL                       con:i!rut:ti<)l1. ilS well                        il:l             Rt.'ijlOII.rt::;                   (perrmmerJt_).

repian~menl power.. .1\.:'E.RA Wt-':Sti..'hesicr co~tH)" r------~---~--~--;_;:_~_-~~_1~-~-~_~:_r_t_(;'~- ~-:~-~)-~ -:____-_,~_.~_~::J 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 $,:;~.~<;' <.1f cXCUVi:I[JO!l                                 i,,:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 nupk<l with ;;m:miium genet<l!e aboul 2 rmd tritium SMALL               fU             million cubk yards of
  • V.'as-te f.ARCiE ccmtam.inat~*l soli ilnd '

LARGE soil, rock, and ckbris 1' nJ*ck wouiJ increase

                                                                                                                                                                          ---=-1 mq,ll:rlng offsitOJ                                                                                   waste impa**L (Section                                        ':.

d(spo?.aL  ?} ,

            ~------             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E~~~r~:~~i~;~:£. . . . . .
            !      Human l:kallh                                           S.MAJ.l,                        cl<Jring constnlClJ.On. N~:-.                                     fngim;;:ring                                                                                      i
            !                                                                                               impacts on hum:m                                                    Response                                                                                       ~

i health rlmtng operation. *


1 December 2010 A-391 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 0024 7

Appendix A ENERCON KESPONSE TO IPEC DSE!S f~ ENERCON l'.~~~-,~--**at=~~~~~;~!,i~~?~;:~~ f

          ,* ________ :~~!~1~'!:11~ _____ .. _j___ ___ _J!l!!!~_<;_L_____ _L_ ____________Q!_I:!!~~!!_L__________ _L______J~! *~':*a* *,-l:~_ .. ____ _l__ ____________ :(ttll;IIJ~_e_!tt.........               :,*

N'-l tmpact m ol'hit<.' , 1 1 Soci-oeeon.omks SMALl. lmnsing m pllh!k Et.igirJeerifig

                                                                                  );ervk-~:~*> l-~.Jr:>.                         Re~~p<mse                                                                  '
                                                                                   !n<:r~a>ed        imflk as;o~:iatcd         with Significantly incr~:l:",.:d
                                                                                  .::omtmction (<vorkt~rs S~M.4IL        ro                                                          ,'vJOlYERATE                 !raflk during Transportalion                                                   and waste dbpossl)                                 to lA/?.()h' LA.Rf1'E                                                                                              con:s!mctinn p~rlod of weu!{l be :>tg11ific.1nt, fivc ycar:s, {Section 8) ihm.1gh llt!k cfF~ct Juring opemtitm.s, 1.................................................................... ~:~*~;;~~-~*;;~~-~;:*;:; .......... ____ ------------------------------------------------ .. **********************-'

i ttw.;~r~,  ! 50 m 165ft 40-nnnn-AL

                                                                                  \.all, wmt!d have 11                                      /'>'(!                                                                   contd.

AJODERA.'fE notkeahle impact ml .Engineeri11g ttl.:: 3e.stJ<elicll of the Re$fKJ#se sil.c. Mim.1r nc1he isst1e-; could o~.cur f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..............., E:d$i.lng procedure~ ar~ Historical and !V() ad~-quatt' m prot<;><.:t ArdJt*olu-gh::al SMALL Engineering 1,',, r<%fmrc~s on the Re-.stmrcc~ Rt'SIJI>rl~<<' largely-disturbed site. I'"~:;;~~n*al Nn sJg:nitkunt impact:> are a!llicipatcd lhat I'/o could

                                                          <MALL                                                                     l~nginee,*Jng
                                                                                  <ilsproportiotmtdy Respon.1'<!

allht rninodty or low* income communities. 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-392 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00248

Appendix A r.:a ENERCON ENERCON RESPONSE TO II'EC DSEIS 10 References 10.1 Nuclear !{cgulator)' Cmnmi:>sion (NRC), 2008. NUREG-145 7,. Suprlcment 38, "Gcncrk Em*in:mme!i!aJ lmp<~d Statern.::nt l~)i* Uccnse Rene-W;lJ of Nuclear Pb1nt~ Regan1inglndian f'DI!'!l Nuclear Gmcratlng Unit No;;, 2 and 3." Office <>!'Nm:lcllr

                       .lk3ctur Regulaticm. \V3.shington. D,C. DRAFT 10 . 2 Em.::rgy Xudear Operation,;, !r,,;;_ (Entergy). 20!)7;J *jjc~'!1~t Rcn.::wal Appli<:atkm" Indian Poil1t Energy Center:* April 23, 2CHJ7. ADAMS Accession No. ~1L!l712! 0507 11LJ Emergy Nudear Opemi.inns, Inc. (Fmer.;y}. 2007h. "Applicant's Envimnm~'nl R~:pon, Operating Li!::en;;e Renewal Stage." (Appendix E I!> Indian Point, Units 2 and 3. License Rene~w:! Appl.icution). April 23, 2H07. Agem:.y.,,.idc On.:mnents /\cccs-s Ma~HlJJCm;.::nt System {ADArv1S) Aeecs~-ion No. MUl7!2:l fi5JO.

1{).4 Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy} 2007c. "Sltppkm>:!ll to Lit~cnsc Rmcwal Applicati<m (LRA) Elwimnmental Report Rd<:retKcli." November 14, 20{)7. ADAMS Acccs~irm No . ML07.rl':lo590. 10.5 En~rcon Scrvit:t:s, Inc (ENERCON). 200:t Economic and Envimnm<ml~lllm!J<'Icts AJ;st<datccl with Conversion of lndk111 Poln1 Units-.:! .3ud _'!\to a Clos>:d--L<)<rp Condenser Cooling W<~ltr Configmation!' K.onnt-S<H'I, GA, June 20fl3. 10 .. 6 New York State Dermnment ,,f Envimmncntai Co11>erva1ior.. (N'l'SDEC). 20()3~:. "Finu! Enviromncrnu! lmJtlll'l Stuterm~nt Conccming the Applications to Renew New Vmk Sw!:e Poll11tant Di5ch~rge Ellminatkm System (SPDES) P.:-rmits fm Rt)Seton I and 2, B*)w!inc I and 2. and Indian Point 2 <.~nd J St<'am Electric Generating St~tions.Omnge, Rnckland, and Wesli:hes1cr Cnumies, Hud!l<)n River Pow~r Piaot> FE!S ., Jui<c 25. :;!003. Ilt7 New Ym'k Stale Deparl.ment ofi-:n**irnmncn!al Com*crvation (><YSDEC), 20{)6.

                       "Enlergy Indian Pnlnt 2 arld 3 *Ruling, In the Mauer of a Renewal an<i Mmlifkation t~f u StMc Pol!utrmt Di~charge E!iminntinn Sy:<>tcm (SPDF..S) Discharge fl<>nnh Purst<;mt to Envircmm~nta! Con.serv<i!km (ECL) Anicl~ !7 and Tltl~ () afthi! Ofl:kial Compib~tkm of Codes, Ruieg, and Regd.ations i)flhe State of New Yc*rk (6 NYCRR)

Pnrt$ 7()4 and 75() <='I $<:~']- by brtcrgy Nucka.r lndjan f'e>inl. 2, LLC and Entcrgy Nud>:<>r lndlan Fninl 3, LLC, Penni1tees. F~hrullry 3, 2006. 10.8 URS (\lrpnration (URS). 2\X16. "Dx-knnination of Cooling fov;cr Availahilit)' for Oyster Creek Generating Station, Forked Rl¥er, New J~rsey*." ~.:tarch 1, 2006. Hl,9 SPX Cooling Tcd1nologics (Sl"X). 2006a, (\){!ling Tower Fund\lmc11tals." 2"" Edition. Overland Park, Kans;J:>. lO.Hl8Hcng, Anllrcu3 Ph.D (Streng}. :woo. ***on:u!:ar Hyhrid C.;x>lin_g Tower>. . " Cooling TowN fllstitlli<-'. JarM1ty 31, 2000. Crt Paptr No: T!'iJO*ll, 28 1 2 December 2010 A-393 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00249

Appendix A ENERCO~ RESf>ONSE TO lPEC OSEIS ENERCON 10.11 SPX Coollng Tt~chn<)il1gie~ (SPX). 2tl06b. Br<1<~hure. '"Hybrid Cooling To:wen." May 2006. lfH2 Black & Veatd1 (B&\'). i996 . "l~ower Pl;mt 8ngirl<:er.i.!Jg. 1:.':-dite<:! b;r L<l'<Yf@Ce F.. Drhal. Chapman & Hull, N~,,_,. York, NY. pp. 362-J63" lO" 1J Em*ironnumia.l Pwiection Ag<mcy (EPA). 2004. "National Pollutant Ois.;hargc Elimil1atil1n System- Final>'lticms to bt.abli~h Ri!f.!D.lrcmcnls for Conling Wm;or

                     !make Siru.:turcs at Phase !I Cxi;;tlng Fadilti~:;." F;:<dera! Regi.>t<'r, Vohlme 69, Number l3L pp. 41576-41693. \V:l>hlng<on. DC iu!y 9. 2004-.

l(J,J~ New )\)tk Smtc D~partmcm ofEnvir<)tlmcntal Cotl~er-vatiiln (NVSOEC). 2fHlJh. I-"ac1 Sh~e!. "'New York State Pollmnm Di~dmrge Eiiminat\on Sysl.em (SI'DES) Dmfi: Permit Rcn<"wal with Modilicalinn, JP2 and IPJ E!cctrit Gcnerai.~ng St;;liC*tl, Budmnan. NY. Nr!Vemher 2003. HU5 N.:w y(,rk Stat~ L~partm<:nt of Etwir\lllmcntai c.mservatiml (NYSDEC). 2003c. "Draft State Pollution Discharge Eliminatio11 Sy$tcm {SPDES) Dis.:harge Permit." 2003. i\vaik~bh: ili URI..: httl.'l:i/wv;,*;,,._de-c.n_y.s;o~o'/d~*c$/permits ej operatj.£)_:!1$ pdfi'Jmj)anl:',oint:SPDI;.~_,_Jl\lf Accessed FcbruMy 2. 2009 .

              .10.16 N~oH.:I!);u* Rcgu~atl'ry     Commission \NRC). 2007. Web;;ile. NRC: Lncalinns t)f'Low*

Lf.wd WEJ~itc Di~{Hl!'i<ll Fn,ilitks;' Avat!ablc m: URL. blW;Ji.ww>;*.O:f\:.g_{!_I{.'.'!.~§J-!i;i1LI'L:

                     &lil>W-->~J!.ls~;-;M.icmrslurnL As£~$.~~:\tf;;.P.nmn*       4, 2009.

I(U'i 1-0 CFR Pm1 (;!.55. Cnde of Federal Rcgnlf!liorts, Titk !0, Emrgy, Pan 61, "Lit~-cn~ing Rctj:uit;omctlls for Land Di*'pm;al <)f1bdit>acth'O! Waste." HU8 Erwimnrtwntal Pr<1tection Agency (Ef'A). 20lillu. \V'-'b~ite. "Area$ Designated for the l.997 Alr Qmtliiy Stand:mh ** 8-hour Gtmmd-levd O:mnc Desigmllion~ IUS EPA" Asati.t<b!f: at U RL: Ntp :/fv.:_~:}~,JtJ.~,g~>.~/9L',~H!i.Q£~i.llil~1iD.n<l!.~tl'!li;5:lS:il.l.Lhll.lL1.£<YS.'-'..!f.f;.IJ. J:~.bnt<tt.)' __'!:, 2009. Pn;.tectk>ll .-\gen<'y (EPA). 200Sb. Web~it.:. "Air Emission S(;umc!i I US EPA." Avail:<bk at t::t{L: ht!,p:/iwww <'l)~'!,Rll~:{~!i.ris;Jn\~5:h>.n~L. ikec,;!;~:tl f;~bru,sry 9, 20{)9, UI.ZOGZA GcoEnvironmcmal, Inc . (GZA). 2008. 1-1;-drogeul.ogi:c Site !!nc,..tigati.m Rcpnn. lt~dinn Point En~rgy Ccntn, Bw::h;JMm. New Y<)fl;," No!'.vo<xl. )\,*!a;;sa<:husdH. Jaml;Jry 7, 2fJOS. J{L21 Col'!per, Jahn (C\)r,per}.l984. "Rcdt!:Uhl.tion and huerferet>C<l Cil!lr;!sti<:s ;,t'Circu!iit M~dlsnical Draft C\Jding Towers:* Presented at th;; l %4 (\w!ing Tower lnc>litute Anmu1l Meeting. H<)usmn, TX. Fdmaa<y 6-8, !984, 2:9 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-394 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00250

Appendix A El ENERCON ENERCON RESPONSE TO lPEC DSEIS 10.226 NYCRR t'art 42L New York Code.'\. Rules :amJ Re~mlations, Tille 6, Dep~~rtmetJt (!{ Etr>'irr.mttu:*ntrJJ C<~nSI'.i'l'afiOI1, Pan: 421. ".Mtnera! Re>.oun:.<~~. (l\*fi11<.~d Lar1d Rccbnmtion}: Penni I~." Elfcc!'ive January i 8. 1995. 10.23 United Smtcs Gco!ngit:al Survey. (USGS). 2tl"07. 2005 f>*Hnerals Yearbook Sto!1C, Crush~1l" Willett, Jmmn. h::bruary 2Qt:l7. l0.24TRC Envirzmnwntal Corpomtion. (TRC). 2002, "Entcrgy Nm;lcar !n\lia11 }'oint 2, LLC 1111d Emcrg,~ Nud~ar Indian Poim 3, LLC, Vi !lag¢ oi'Budmmm, N.::w York; Emissions AvCl!da.m:e Study.." Lyndhurst, N.l. ;'\ugusl: 2002. l0.2:!H*:ncrccm Services, lm.:. (ENERCON). 2&J7. **pfm~<- I A liwratnre R<-view i.m<:l An:h<~w!ogi<:a! Sm~i1ivi1y A~scs:;mcm of the lndi;m Point Site, ~'c;;tchester Courtly. New "Ymk" T1.1lsa, OK. ~hlrch "20(l7. 10:26 NERA. Economic C<>nsulting., iNERA), 2()(}9. "Econnmk Analysis ofNudeBr Rcgukltm*;/ Commls:don DSSIS fDr !.nd!an Poim** Bt1;;ton, M!\. March 2009. 1 December 2010 A-395 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00251

Appendix A g ENERCON ENERCON R£SPONSE TO li'EC DSE!S Attachment I. Correspondetl.cL* and l'"igures Section l: Correspondence Section 2: Figures 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-396 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00252

Appendix A g ENERCON

                                                                                                               ~NERCON RESPONSE                           ro A!l.:lchm~nl. ! , Secfi()l'l 1: Corresp.>ndencc II"EC DSE!S NYSDEC OHMS l<:fm~il Reg:udiug NYSDEC                                                  l~cfcrence

T"'  ?!lxp~tt£11

                ~~<*-:                        lot   <<W;.~ >~~c.;,.., lrd>>" M< ~,    "<.*n~ 1n!!!rtr, "'"""" l'<l'"' 11:!~1 ;, llt * ~.&>~ .Pm-oo<r S, 100!
                ~lilt<!;                      Th~,t."S.~~~ >>~~n* :5**,~~ W:Ut*.n~

Th<' admllli~trativ~ Qr()l(~<::dlnl)~ r.<:cnc~mln!l tftl! m!ere~r..w !>l&tric uen~~;~r;llg t.-.c~~lllS w<rmte<l<e<l wil'll l<e<}i>I*~U~.-: 11eMio>y ~e$k<t1s <m ~~ttll~IY 18, ~00-t.. Th~r~l~, !!*~ OEC Offi~£ a! aeatifl9S ;>ml Me<liiltian SeN~~<!$ 'Hd nQt i;.,;ue ~~!Y rult!l(l~ p.n>l'r lo lt>e febm~JY :f, 200ll I!Jiing ~s>.~ed b~ Mrnl'~~tt<lll>l~ L<!W Jild!l~ M~fi<l L Vllls. Th~ f<Jbr"6'Y l. 2003 <l~\;e mfar*m:~d tH \!1<: unt1t\;:d },(li)a NR'C documl!nt m*fltitm*d <u y<>U ... ma\1 H; ;,;, unf~>'Wate t¥l>O!i'<l!>hita1 error Daniel P. o*coone~

               .Mmi"l$lt<illv~c           Law Ju!ig~

Ofllc:e "' li~ar<n!l~ ~nd 11ed i.lll<l<~ S~r,rke. e N'l$ Oep~fl.llre>'t <,>I ~~ir*~"! CuoM'J"I~I;<)n 62 5 Smadway, first F"'Qt Albilny,. 1'1.,..~ 'f'<lfk 12133*1550 telef:fhort~: SiJl-402*9003 FAX: ~l.S:-407.*~137

                >:>>- "AIl<> S*ow"" <:.-.ll><>wnene~:~:on.<om>- !H/15109 g*:'\3 AM><>.>

G<<<XX m>><!1~% l}M't. 'l)<>~~ \>>'lth yoor tlfflt~ oo tll~ ph<>rl!! ~toot 1M !<>I!!J;'Jlng ""'flre~.:e tM

               ;; 2008 i'l!lC         tJ()I(cU~YWNI:

New Yillk '5.!<111! Oe*P~fl.m<:<1t ol E>Wiro~melll<ll<>n (N'fSDE<.l 2W>!j). Emergy N!itltoar !ntl~1l i>oJm 2 a ned Hw~n<), 1n lll~ !"~.~ittfer cr il !l:eiJCW<~I a r..:t l'ltldifitati:lm <If ,1 State f>oii!Jt~c~t Ol>d10sr~ fl!mi~Mloo Syst~m (SI>OES) Diliclt~t!<e Pemiit P<!R";!Id~! tOe Env~nmi'I>M Coos.~rvt~loon Lisw (f<.l) Art:lc~ ll and Ti!:le 6 <ll till! Offq::o>ll Co:>mr>i!atio<J <lf C<ldesi, ll.ullls, ~nil >110 ll~ul~tittn~ m

               <::1 tk<> State. N<w~ V<:lll< (5 NYI:RR} P'Ms. itH a.n<l 7li0 ~~ <w.q. by E:nl£0'9)1 Nu<IP.<IT tndu.n Palnt 2, llt: ~"~ f:fli<<'!JY Niltl£*r l<><l"'" l'<:lil>t l, LlC,
               ~<tt~?~. fellr<1~ty                  l,.<.OOJ.

W~ were ~taMe liJ !.;.:at~ tillS relere~<~, ll~vN ""l dicd mre a ;;irnllal'l\' t!l!e roli~>9 with a dale of f'<!bi!JMt<' 3, 1ot6 tlltlter t~~n february 3, 2003, t ~~~"" ~c~=t'<l l.b~ 1.000 ruiluq *m ~ NYStlEC v<ebc>ke, ~ml b<di<::*e i! to be tffi't <<>r<P.d. rdj,N.m:~. tv.rouid like to 11a~e ~ lt!C!I!'d stlllln<) Ulat me *oo:J rollng d<x!s nP'l ap~ar 111 ~o>~t =oms. ! -,:;wl<J l)r<!atly ~pp(e.:<~q;, 3 le>P<J~S<! t<l thili !'!m3il, sfm*ply ~tAtir.~ thst fu~ 200.3 rullrt~ t~ilt ~~ rl!f~ren<.erl aha~~ cmM ~ot h~ f<1<0nd ~t til<: Offke of He~rii>Q~ a~4 t-\e4!;Jti<m S¢rvl¢~s f<tr th~ NYSOE<:. Tha<'>~ you ~elY m:11Ch. Mh!ie!!mwn Med~ar)i{al cEt.*<;pi~eer fMfC!IIl ~rlii<::es,. J.n(. rnm *wH~sl ~%3 1 December 2010 A-397 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00253


                                                                                                     /\ttacJunent J, Section i: Con-eopondencc SPX Cnoli11g Technologies Sutigt!tary Qt1otc for Round Hybrid Cll<)ling Towers Sam Seaver l'rom:       J,Dhn.Arn'!Mffl@ma~lG~ct*.s**x.etJm Sent~.       Th'"rs::lay. June. OS, 2C<03 12:31 PM
                   *T.,~        she;;wer@enerco,.oom Ct:          JIM.\<ANGAASSE@HrtotleyctSPJ(COM Subjllt:t    l~di<IN  ?0lnt 8utlgetary P>i<::ing Sam.
               !>lea~iie    see llle a=~~ect spfecad:&hee! fur the         tt<Vi~~cl p.~dn9.

The mO>ln chaag<;,.. are a si:gnilicanl reductiOii in the oor,1 <>l L'le ftO<IJ.lce t>uf;<Jles, msl <>f tM exter~r 1>!ructw"

               !:iss~ :JpQn a P<"el~mi'IWJ)' de':l<g.n, and enmimitk;n <:)§other mst;; wttic!l \lf<i< lnctwloo in caleg¢<;.~s in the p:!!vicus b<a*Bj§l.tiown .. l h;;'Ve b~en     w.orkk~g :l):l th~ C'O{)t ot 131£ eXSt c:.m~ bu~ so ~(a,. hav~  r.~ot Ued tr.~~  pne¢ (.l'O-wt. {a, f;;~:b;rk:. membrane s~J'ucturej.      What !h'~ hflve Jn no-w shc.11trJ ~e v:r~rf .evns.e<vat~-

t:nc!1an !'olnt Stlll'il' SOJdg:etary f'rieing {SJS/Ill) ltw!O~Ihr"!ml & 111$!~!1~<:1) i>ri&<!> Fir> T~be 6umllas wilhditan!um l"bes s Mer.;hanic3i ~quipmeni lndlldin'il VfO'; s 17,250,00(\ Dry sactioo i~Jat and ret>Jm p:,ping s .3,540.000

                \1\!'et row~r ~;:;;ti:on a:;;rt mtx~r.:9 ~~Jnne~s-                                                                 s       32,goomo So~M 31Wll!atiOff                                                                                                  s       iO,IiCO,OOO Ccm..-,;~te wa!l @ f<ms                                                                                            s         5,'125.000 Ext~rk>r ga:v.      <>tee/ ~lwctu*<> w!th c<:<ncrci<HI"c~ lncl. tactl:!ers,      ~<atfcrms,  st:air :<W~ers        $         7,4e0,000 E:xil e<<niii (erew.!!\l}                                                                                           s       13,.300.000 f{Oii>"\) O'OotS or louvers (<!te>.::IOO)                                                                          $            32,(100 Misl. equi~mer;l. &~psrvis:t>ll, & !i:lbor                                                                         $         5,~43,000 Sudg'ltary Total " $            121.1,?00,0~()

Ra~ar.* "140 Bullgelllty f"rl<.:tt "' $ 15,S.30,000.,!ll) 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-398 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00254

Appendix A

                                                                                                            ~::o;f:{(':"}X ~t-S5'i>Xt*t:. :f~)          ;}*::,.*: n:;,:t:::>.

(~ ENERCON .1.~-:.:b~r.,-~t I. ':\*.!,;1~:*~ ~ [* ..~:<:.*,:-

                                                   -'----~--'------*--~*--<-~-'-~--"---~-"---'h';_;~--;:     ____~==1.

g(.~~-~-~ _ _ . 1_. _ ~;;_-:; __... !* 1=":::~- r

                                                                                                   ~~4~~:~.                         :,*,,,*
                                                                                                   !g~T:E-lse                       i.*
                                                                                                   !E¥5.'¥5E"""                     !,'
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---~ f i~

f Lw~)

                                                                      ~~~ .~-.*>Y#


         .....,....,... '--~~-,...-~--.,---~-~------.----------.---------.----~----.------------~""l:~~;j 1

December 2010 A-399 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00255

Appendix A

                                 !'NERCO~:   RES!'UNSE ro ln:c OSEI$
         ~;~ ENERCON                     Au:.r.K'.hm<:n~ ! . S;;:(~~(lf~ 1; Fi*g),.rt~l, 1

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-400 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00256


            &~ ENERCON                                                 Aanchmem 2 Attachment 2
                           .f!::udanger~tl Speci~s Ana.lysis fur lndiaml Bats :in Wl<stchesh:r County (NortiHUideau Associ:ltes. Inc.)

1 2 December 2010 A-401 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00257

Appendix A tl E NE.RCON EXERCON RESPONSE TO H'EC DSE!S Amtchmcm 2 ENDANGERf:O SPS.Cii::S ANAl VSIS FOR INDIANA BATS lN WESTCHf:S~R COUNTY. NEW YORK WITH REFERENCE TO THE INO!AN Po:IIIIT $m: P11Jpa*ed tar E!<iEfiCON SI!AV!CES, INC. 50:0 Town Pllrk Lan~, Sllil!l 215 K~nnet:<:~\<v,. GA 3.0144 Prep8red hy

                                     !\IORMAN.DEAU ASSt'!:CIATES, INC.

2:S. Ni!&llu<~ Roild lladford. NH 03110 Marcf\2009 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-402 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00258


            @ ENERCON                                                                                                                                                                                                  i\ll;J.chmcnt2
                ~t.::J:r~:.,. .:,.;!     ufV'..\':r:~.:::!":~:=.rt~* OJ~~t~iy, ~a~t~:<f::r..:g {ht lP..~~:t1l Pt1ir:u ;:;~a:.:l, ~~ ~.... :t&i~ tb~ p.r.cditj~d ~:t'i:i~~ t~fn~~

i":-;di:l:r,~-~. b;;.:t, -&'i:~Hrd~n.;; tQ thi~ NV ~;~l~o,~m.l Hr*:f:.~~t~-e Pww.:c.r*1 (~V:NHP ~:008). .*\J:t!wugh o:oo <{%<st'.l.h t!lf

                ~ndi::u*.a b~~1            1-liM.m;;t(;H!.:t,         r6:"dt.:nt~t';{ 1:<~1'15.~$.,      Clr ~")!hi:r      ~~1*:'1.\)~~<:":' rfl*:*sl--: CH{ 't:pl>r!<:r*! f((IH!      \\.\:*:....l:...:~:..~:..;t{:l

(::P.{~'l}l}' ~'} <tl(Pt~r:-lM)', U~m~ (NYNH~ 2*:1-C~J. t.bc 1-w:ovwn .:.hxl:l"'!li~Jr: nf' lrlll'~i:'!.ll~ boJ~~ ~:1 sonthl!~:."L!'.t:-r~i l"-h:w York :iti::f. ~:tt'l;:N~r:dl:'tS ~~~th:$ $::~<!SL~ O;:.,c 1~~~ s-,t:ox1£*: H hkt~y t1.:- t-\~,:. pn:-ilt."Pr ~(i rh~ c-:;*u:r.::.:t. N<o}~(:ll);6~' i):*t.;l~ ...,,~,:in. -~o :'*f't;l'f:'$ oi' 1hc: f(;!dJ,;..,. i'<"*':f~t *;i~.: .)lt: +::to......,, K* ~l1<.t..,*i-~e- ~LC*"~~me* -:md "'-'(t1l'::r h:.~rlt~f{~ ;:~ ~:n:ik~;'* ~:" ""t.':r.~ wlt-:>fl* t~w ~.aMwfJo il.t~:pt.""f*~~~ -t::::t:~~li1~lk:= <!"~( ~f111- }r-,.tl~~~-r:~ :tl*>l'~ {t).~VW$ ~0~!7~

                -~ht: ~Vt~!:;ml~* ~-1rn-t: '.~9>:1~[:.;_~~ k*q;..:.~<.:t) ~<NJ,;h!)' ~.Z rn~k::-: ~~u:I'Jh                                         irx,m ~u.d~;~n :1)~i~~ ~~.u.~ ~h.;:; *rtnvr:t. \1~

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                ;~~1,j tr}t)<~ *rn~*-r.::~ ~~~.;: ~i:Jt;h! ;jflj f~.;.*o.,:: ~c**owr, <<"t::H~~wia~* ;,;..:,.tl-.:~~l*:.:'~ i(.t ~.k.::m~,t ~tt~ .[b~\::.~i:$:\ C~tc*1~~t:w: .*

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                        ~~:*r ~ifa:. ~~~,-.;;;)~ \0 f*~}!S, ., :>->-1t<.t ~1-t)llj~- M~1.H,::'fr;;J. ~-()(Lu.~::-'-.:;:d;r.Fi ~h~YI.'>l:;~:-t JtK H)l"! C<i..*(ili::'                          f.,-.* ~ !~:::~J~~:{~i-;:H D;:'l;~~r~.t~Y- *'*tl~:-i:.6t'tl~ ~"-~~: t*::.:H'"'-f:a;Ji:~~.f)~ ~:t'..'..-l1\l:-:.~,:<11?l~~t':                  b:11S *"!k*:-:.*;r kt ~x:ir.:1;1-:**a i.:*t :..~<'GQ(t-c-~                'N~r~H~.:*
r.<~it<' :::y~:;:.-~a:.,--n~: "1Xoi)1c~ !lx tho: f~,~.:'t~ hl*C~\v_. w~d") !!> ~~h:( ":'*:l:,al i~: t:J,:<tkd *1-1)*!'\' kf ;.:-r-c.>.~~;t Jhr:r t:JS1* ,,f
                        ~31.:.\)*: ~.~.,;~<*J1:~ .. -~ )>lx-:.:.t"::..'"' (<=t-t.n t~1(t-?t.~)

4 1 2 3 December 2010 A-405 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00261

Appendix A ENERCON RESPONSE TO fPEC DSEIS Ft~ ENERCON Atmchm~nt 2 REf'l'FIENC£S Ct::He- ft.1~ mofugit.o.~l DrW'NiH)', .w~Stl. !\hntrJ;~w D~!!~:<:~ Thn:..;l!C~l::il ~l'~~ .$~r¥t'V~J -t:rf'N.:;m~~ Ai'I"Lt"~'£~1.,:'!: f!l!jt.....; \;9._'i$.'\;.tY>!liQ1l (.3!':~p.:; A::;;~ ra:r fn:.~t~;.d~'H(: $'-i"<01:C~I:cm."\. fl:r-t.::t'J. R.~k-n~; J{!.tJ~:t:rv 251 .100~ . t:~3t.rif,w...,.* l:p;_~Xi~;~~-~~~tD.:J.l.-~t~~R~).l::x~..vtts?~~~(.ffi!'J.B~'!?-~tt-:Ob.~_,:,::_~ *

                                ~t::.::n~~  fo:: Bkttagic:~~l J)11(.cif'i<~Y- .ZOO~h- l. .~w*s~~l                 .           \'-;]! fk Ft~..:d m t'to~~~ :f-::t::&.n_¢tn.~ t>>~:s rmm U.t:.}l.1~~! Whi1:f:~N-t*!?..<' S.YiHfr:.::*m<'. t';rc-~.:; Rr:k::J<<- A.tHil J4,, 1tW8.

C!un)!.~r. ..L, (:.o!)risk'::o1S~~. K ... (:t's.ik:bx~t<~ M .. HfJr<;l:"t:~. M.~ ~*r.1-rt\::r::. K .. l\1:lt:h.~t~r.:-r, W.... P**'<l~, .A, XJ-:<'*t'n{'., ~-* ~~t~.dt~J'!'>, ..::*:, *:-::hl:'-!Ht::r. -~ .* ~i~atJ-.k*r. '!* .. :S~iJf'SC~1<: t. V<1'1'1 !Jc: \r'tl':llt:~*. J. ~~::-:}7. T.,...>> Mir~i;.:> -:l*N~ '!>~;"*: lh~¢. V*:~~~ .&~ ...'{;'~ <;!~ :t~ . . . ~:l)(!"j: ~..;~ri~Wlol~ *~.,s w.x~:in~ ()f*r..,\:,.JF-'1 M-=~~a-:.g. ~hmh Hr<ti~l{:h, ~*:,:. h.~rw<~.r)' ~-~'ll. 2-\P'J?. H'<::k~ ,'\_, i 1-ttt.{);_,;. C. *~..t.('l;,.;:;m.h~'l. ~~- .. l)<!'fl:{i;8:_. $... Cetkr:n:?.n*. 3. 'JH[l$. \\ih~~~ N..;~.:- Sya~dJ",~rtc:: U~*d~dt:-j;

                                             ~~:lot! Ci.Qll.:~<~ >i:l~m-;.          H'*,)v..-*..:-..: h):H~ :~~t~~.;<-:-:!u-ii<.:J*j*~ .~.-..'..l:l-i~tbtc :.1r.o hw.: M:

hi!;tH~-.... (1,'""*-t~~~i:;;.(e~*t:VW~.J:~IJ!.*t~-~-****--d*-(/im'-tJo~;.. ~:H'"'~ lr._t:*.:{'*..;.::-:..::.l im:~-o-=-~)' t~'1.,.1-t:t0~

                                ;-.;1;w '>-bx'I-.N.}:*a***~: ~b-.1:;tgc f~m~-.,:0 ).:)~!-~ 1r~-:t\:~r.:t t:t.-l: S.lx:,;;i{':..k,ll!:f:'<X'I * .tw£~tlvh~*~.:.~~~ ::m::.~-~.~.

l.1HH:ll~~'!:-:>~~-~~i-?.l::f:!~t.;p:*~~CSh!;.f!':.~~~-~hfa*l'!l::}j~_ /~o~\:J.;fl~;,.,;!! .J4J!. i ~. ll.(\W. t:.$ ...

                                        ~*i1.:~ iHt.,j wtkmtt~ .w~* Jo-; ~usvws~ lr;lt:"J"l !t:1Ji:~~*:..' rt:~~ {.M.~:r.,*.ri~- .~-~)~t(.*i *.-1(} u~'c' :t->~~r:*"-::-r-y ~~~~~H:
                                             ~~r:s-~ Kt:vf.::-:!t>~.         t:.$:. ri::;h         ~:r.-c~ ~\~it~J~i!;..:-~~o--:~*v,r;:x. f*~'1 S~:K~n}:~l{~ ~!(1N ..,t~:(.      r.l}.

1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-406 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00262

Appendix A ENCLOSURE 4 TO NL-09-036 NERA Economic Consulting Report dated March 2009; Economic Comments on Nuclear Regulatory Commission DSE!S for Indian Point Energy Center" ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS, INC INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING UNlT NOS. 2 and 3 DOCKETS 50*247 and 50-286 1 December 2010 A-407 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00263


                                                                                                     /\ttacJunent J, Section i: Con-eopondencc SPX Cnoli11g Technologies Sutigt!tary Qt1otc for Round Hybrid Cll<)ling Towers Sam Seaver l'rom:       J,Dhn.Arn'!Mffl@ma~lG~ct*.s**x.etJm Sent~.       Th'"rs::lay. June. OS, 2C<03 12:31 PM
                   *T.,~        she;;wer@enerco,.oom Ct:          JIM.\<ANGAASSE@HrtotleyctSPJ(COM Subjllt:t    l~di<IN  ?0lnt 8utlgetary P>i<::ing Sam.
               !>lea~iie    see llle a=~~ect spfecad:&hee! fur the         tt<Vi~~cl p.~dn9.

The mO>ln chaag<;,.. are a si:gnilicanl reductiOii in the oor,1 <>l L'le ftO<IJ.lce t>uf;<Jles, msl <>f tM exter~r 1>!ructw"

               !:iss~ :JpQn a P<"el~mi'IWJ)' de':l<g.n, and enmimitk;n <:)§other mst;; wttic!l \lf<i< lnctwloo in caleg¢<;.~s in the p:!!vicus b<a*Bj§l.tiown .. l h;;'Ve b~en     w.orkk~g :l):l th~ C'O{)t ot 131£ eXSt c:.m~ bu~ so ~(a,. hav~  r.~ot Ued tr.~~  pne¢ (.l'O-wt. {a, f;;~:b;rk:. membrane s~J'ucturej.      What !h'~ hflve Jn no-w shc.11trJ ~e v:r~rf .evns.e<vat~-

t:nc!1an !'olnt Stlll'il' SOJdg:etary f'rieing {SJS/Ill) ltw!O~Ihr"!ml & 111$!~!1~<:1) i>ri&<!> Fir> T~be 6umllas wilhditan!um l"bes s Mer.;hanic3i ~quipmeni lndlldin'il VfO'; s 17,250,00(\ Dry sactioo i~Jat and ret>Jm p:,ping s .3,540.000

                \1\!'et row~r ~;:;;ti:on a:;;rt mtx~r.:9 ~~Jnne~s-                                                                 s       32,goomo So~M 31Wll!atiOff                                                                                                  s       iO,IiCO,OOO Ccm..-,;~te wa!l @ f<ms                                                                                            s         5,'125.000 Ext~rk>r ga:v.      <>tee/ ~lwctu*<> w!th c<:<ncrci<HI"c~ lncl. tactl:!ers,      ~<atfcrms,  st:air :<W~ers        $         7,4e0,000 E:xil e<<niii (erew.!!\l}                                                                                           s       13,.300.000 f{Oii>"\) O'OotS or louvers (<!te>.::IOO)                                                                          $            32,(100 Misl. equi~mer;l. &~psrvis:t>ll, & !i:lbor                                                                         $         5,~43,000 Sudg'ltary Total " $            121.1,?00,0~()

Ra~ar.* "140 Bullgelllty f"rl<.:tt "' $ 15,S.30,000.,!ll) 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-408 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00264

Appendix A

                                                                                                           ~::-:rx{*:*::-:-.: R.t"S5'1)Xt*l:. :r~:) a:*::.c: :YH:: :-:.

(~ ENERCON .1.~-:.:b:r.,-~t I. S*-~;1~:*~ ~ [* ..~:<:.*.::-

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         .....,....,... '--~~-,--~-,---~--------.----------.---------------~----.------,-----~""l:~~}j 1

December 2010 A-409 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00265

Appendix A

                                 !'NERCO~   RES!'ONSE ro WLC OSEI$
         ~;~ ENERCON                    Att:.rll'.hmc:n~ ! , ~;;:(~~<1*H 1~ Fi*g~rt~l, 1

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-410 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00266


            &~ ENERCON                                                 Aanchmem 2 Attachment 2
                           .f!::udanger~tl Speci~s Ana.lysis fur lndiaml Bats :in Wl<stchesh:r County (NortiHUideau Associ:ltes. Inc.)

1 December 2010 A-411 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00267

Appendix A tl E NE.RCON EXERCON RESPONSE TO H'EC DSE!S Amtchmcm 2 ENDANGERf:O SPS.Cii::S ANAl VSIS FOR INDIANA BATS lN WESTCHf:S~R COUNTY. NEW YORK WITH REFERENCE TO THE INO!AN Po:IIIIT $m: P11Jpa*ed tar E!<iEfiCON SI!AV!CES, INC. 50:0 Town Pllrk Lan~, Sllil!l 215 K~nnet:<:~\<v,. GA 3.0144 Prep8red hy

                                     !\IORMAN.DEAU ASSt'!:CIATES, INC.

2:S. Ni!&llu<~ Roild lladford. NH 03110 Marcf\2009 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-412 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00268


            @ ENERCON                                                                                                                                                                                                  i\ll;J.chmcnt2
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i":-;di:l:r,~-~. b;;.:t, -&'i:~Hrd~n.;; tQ thi~ NV ~;~l~o,~m.l Hr*:f:.~~t~-e Pww.:c.r*1 (~V:NHP ~:008). .*\J:t!wugh o:oo <{%<st'.l.h t!lf

                ~ndi::u*.a b~~1            1-liM.m;;t(;H!.:t,         r6:"dt.:nt~t';{ 1:<~1'15.~$.,      Clr ~")!hi:r      ~~1*:'1.\)~~<:":' rfl*:*sl--: CH{ 't:pl>r!<:r*! f((IH!      \\.\:*:....l:...:~:..~:..;t{:l

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                ;~~1,j tr}t)<~ *rn~*-r.::~ ~~~.;: ~i:Jt;h! ;jflj f~.;.*o.,:: ~c**owr, <<"t::H~~wia~* ;,;..:,.tl-.:~~l*:.:'~ i(.t ~.k.::m~,t ~tt~ .[b~\::.~i:$:\ C~tc*1~~t:w: .*

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4 1 December 2010 A-415 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00271



Attachment 2 CtoC~t~J f.)~* £~lt1J*)J!t!*~*:;l Vi'\'C.'r~~ib)*. J(t-Q:~~. M';,o*>-s~6'.'1'1-k" D~~:J* "llmz~t~.s j.f1.~:: Sur-v.t,*~~ <~f Nottn~

                                     .r\m""ri.t:::~.a Bllti!.). <.:~:Jn.Y..'T'...:UliQn (/:-;.:~~~;.; 1\~S;    f>rJ:r 3m_,x::~&~~t f'n>l\o'C1i(J.:11!>- f':rcs~ j'.(:li;~s.:* _l;;: 1 KJ~ry
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                                     ~...1ic~r;;. :J.r:*~ r;.;c,. Hat::;., -~i-;i~r .;;.:v"~ :;H ::hi:.' ;,N:.(>'? NJ;)ntk~;J:.*r B:H \\1<:-:-:dng (..i't'*!>~C't }..l~..::~!-r.::;;. N-c:~r~!-;

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                                     ;}rtJ t:.J.n-<;~l ~t;;;t._:.:, ::vm...*-:.'1~ J. .n.nt h*o,;:..t:~:*S:{l,;f;.:~) Ar.r.*tt*<~-11[!: *>~= i.~m: :n ltH 1 >:(/v:w~v *:.J<<';' ~>q~:/\~~:-.!-~w.o-~\"'<*h:'iN:-e. -:.~(.'1)~:~ .\.:cr-;-~:~t:*d Jit~\*J:Ct'y ~ 5, 'ii)-l'!:)

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  • 4 5

1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-416 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00272

Appendix A 1 ENCLOSURE 4 TO NL-09-036 NERA Economic Consulting Report dated March?0;09, "E:cqnomiq Comments on Nuclear RegulatorY Commission DSE!S for Indian Point Energy Center" ENTERGY NUCLEAR OPERATIONS. INC INDIAN POINT NUCLEAR GENERATING UNlT NOS 2 and 3 DOCKETS 50-247 a.nd 50-2SS 2 December 2010 A-417 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00273

Appendix A March 2009 Economic Comments on Nuclear Regulatory Commission DSEIS for Indian Point Energy Center Prepared for Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, LLC NERA En)tX;;ni{ Comulling 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-418 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 0027 4

Appendix A Project Team David !*hrri!>l:!ll, Jr .* Ph. D. All>crt L Nkhohi. Ph.D. Megh;Hi !1.-kGuii*ifi~*% David Nagler Nt:RA t<:t.:*-'l-'-.l<('l.,K: (".*::-:-:~.tJ!l:~--:g

               ~:[:i:} C~~:O -t: N10i\ ~lr~&:.               : *]: ~~ $l<";I.;.:O!

1311~1!:)(1. *i',.~:(<t:~~Qf.:.f1li:.!H:~~1:"; i)lt j{) 1 2 December 2010 A-419 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00275

Appendix A Contents Contents Cowtenb ..................................................................................................................... ! List of Tables ...... _..,., ................................................................................................................. lii Ex<Ccmiv(: Smmnary ........................................................................................................ 4 in:twdiJdiml .............. , .......................... , ............ , ................................................................. 6 A. Bad;,,gmumL ........................................................... .,, ...................................................... 6

                 }1 Obj~(:ti¥cs (!J'Thi~        Rcpnn .................................................................................................. 7 C. O:l.lflin<~ nfttw 1-h*pN! ....................................... ., ...................... ., ........................................ 1'1 II. Socioe.:onClmk lmp;:~ds ofC!Clscd-Cyde R<:i2t~d to the E!ectritiry System ......... , ... '.i A. Ol'en*iic'W of DSEJS Ar1alysi$ and Omdll'Siuns Regurdirlg Soc*i(l<.~a;n~m1ic* Impt<CI.>

Rcla!<::d tH Eb:!Jk:11y Mark<::t [m::~~ts ................................ ., ............................................ 9 I. DSEISAs.mly;;;:>nfEled.ridtyMarkd Eflh*t$ ...................................................... '9

                    ., DSEIS CondusiCJm; Jkg:anlmg Sm:w,;ot:JJll{i!lllC lmpa~:!s '""""""'"'""'"'""""""""" ')
3. t.imii:<Hion~ oftlw DSE1S lnti.)rmation on E!,~nrkity Sy:>!cm tmpm::t> .............. ,....... ll l!w !ndi;,m P~1(fl!. Oumg-c f'<:ri<.><L ..................... , ..... ,,, .............. .- ... .-....... 10 C lnformmiot*t <)!1 111~ E!lhrt~ <~flndian Point Out;lgl~ otl.Ek;;tridly Sy:<rem Rdi;~t;ill.ty ____ . l1 L Signifit:<mcc of Indian {'(lint 1o thc E!c~lri': 'Syst~m ............................ , .... _,,. ............... II
                     ' Nc-.,\'* \ . n(k I_nd,:pl.:~n.d*;.::rt.t Sy.,!t'1n (>p,:ratnr (N**~*{TSO) A~-SJ;."sSn~t~nt~...... -. .... ,. .............. i 2
3. N<1tir.,nal R<:'iC~H"Ch C<Juncil St.udy........................................................................, ..... l.2
4. );bddlng R~wlts.. ................................................................................................ U
n. lnfl.irmHtion 011 lh<~ l'fkTI> oflnthnn Point Outo*gt' on Ekctrit*!ty f>ric<:~> .. : .................... l4
l. Niit(c)tl!!l Rc~e:lrdJ Coml<.~il StEldy .......................................................................... l4 Mmlding R<-sult~>. ... .. .. _.. ... _,_ . ........ . l -i E. C<)lKlusr(lll> R"'g*1rdmg the Sodocconomi..: ltnpe1-ct5 pfCit>:o;;;-d-Cy,~k C(lolwg ............... I$
m. lmp3ctS (\fC!oSi:."<I-Cydc CMHng 011 Air .Emi!;s\(,n;; rmd Cltd:>;;n Dinxid.:l EmisskHlS ........ 'lfi A, 0\">::r"ii.:w o!'DSEIS }\pproacb and Cmdw;inn~ Rq,:ardi11,g Atr Em(ssi<m;; E!'f~n;; ........ 16 "I DSEIS CJndus.itln" R<;garding .Air Ftni$sions Ffth:b... . .. ___ .. ., ........ , .... Hi
!. Limitations ofrhc DSEIS !nJhrmmi,)tl oa Air Emissi<>Hs EHb:~~ ..................... ., ........ lfi B. Lo~l (JLt(put Dw: k< Cb~.<,d-C:yek: Co;, ling Sys!~?rns ........................................................ l7 C. fmi%K*n R<Otc:.> !b! Rcp!accm.;;rn Power ............................. ,........................... .- ............ I i'i
1. Likely :Smm.:~> of R;:pJ;~cem~!ll Pow~L ....... _. ......... _, ................................................ l ~;
                    ]    Emi~si{mn;t\::<> ...................................................................................................... 18 D. btintJt;;od Im_,rcascs i.a          Emts.~iom .................................................... _.......... ...                  ... l9 L Carb<m Di,Jxitk (CO;) ................................... , ......................................................... 20
2. Nilwg,~n O;;idcs (NO;..) ... , ....................... , ...................... ., _ ................. , ............. :w E. Si_gniHc:l.m:~ MH1c: !nncm;t:dEmi,;:;;ions .. " ...................... """""""" ................. ".... 10
1. C()OJ1p:;~ri;.<w:> <.ll'Cmhm Oi-'~id<.:* hni~~*o~r; In R<'tlnin.~d Rcdm.;tion~ r:lltkr RGG! .... 2~)
                    ~- Compans<>n;; of Nhwgc*n (hid-e Ernissiom to CA.!R lkqtiirc-d R~;!nctiiHl~ ............. ::: l F_ Condm;i<)n> ihgarding A.i:r Emi~~ion and GHG f:*:mi%W!llmpact;; DfC!o~<.~d~Cy..:lc Coolin>;! .................................................... "............... "......... , ............. ., ....................... 2'1 1

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-420 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00276

Appendix A IV. Aquatic Ewl>y~kmlmpac:;;; ofPcnnit Renewal with Ex_i,ting: Conling Sy:swm .... " ............. 23 A. OvcrvicwofDSEJS.;\.ppml!Ch.a,~d CondtJ$i<.>n~ R~g;m!iJJg !\qmHic Effeci:s .. ,. .. ........... 2.:>

l. ldtm ;fk:Jtitm of " Cmnp;m<:tlt <}f Va!ul':' w b<.~ I'rotec!cd" ................... 23
2. DSEtS (\JtnC!Lt\~On$ R.eganJir~g AqlWl1l~ F.(:{)~lYS~crn Etie~~t:i.. __ ... q _. .
  • 23
3. Mcth<Jd iiH Dc,*cinping Species Rati:ngs: ................................................................ 24
a. Linesot'Evid~nc<:: ...................................................................................... 24
b. Ov,~rall R11ting !or ht~:h Spcctcs .................. " ............................... " ....................... 25 H. Ud< <)fC\lnr!<:di(lli betWCCIJ E,wirNlm~nlal Comp<mtm or v~llt!c t(> be Pfl)tcdcd" and Inlonli<Hion Dcvd-:.,p;:d in DSE!S ................................. " ........................................ 25
l. .'\sst*:;smcnt DJ0nls<11.ity .................... " ......... " ......................................................... 2.5
2. Quan!iJ~t:all<J!I nfPopubi.K)fll'mp:~<.:# ........................................................................ :tii
                        ~. M~aningJht . 1\,ggreg<Hion ih:msR Spedt~s.......... .... ... ..... ..... ....                                                                                    .. .............. 7.7 C     Luni!<lti0nl> ofDS:EIS InfcHtniUl<lllOH the !mplJCatinm. of Um:.;,nainty .... ~ ...................... 21
                         ! . .1111ormattonthat Cm Namn<: Unccw;i.ntic:;............................... ,. ..................... 2.g
1. S<.:nsrtivrty w A!tt:ITKIIi>*c Asswnptit)l)~ ......................................... _, ...................... zg D. Cimclu:;;itms Rcga<<.1ing Aqu:3lii.~ E,~ilk>gy lmp<H:;s <)fPcrn:~i! Rcnew~1 wi;h EJ<isti.o.g

(~,)()i1r$g Sy.r~it':11il .....** ........ -~~ .. ,. ..... _ .... "" *-- . n * .

  • _* . * * . ~* .............. ~** -~*
                                                                                                                                                         **   * * . . * * * * ,_ * . * * *~* *~* ~*
                                                                                                                                                                                            **    .** ............. 2-l)
            \1. CcJIK,fusiu:ns ....................................................................... " ................................................... 3(l R{~*(crt~llt.":C$ .......... ,.... , ....... , ... , ,. ..... ,., **~* ..... , ........ ., ................ , .... , ,...... ,........ ***~ .... ,, .***~* ....... ***~., ..._,, ... , ,.... , . , .. ~, . >
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       . l.

1 December 2010 A-421 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00277

Appendix A Ust of Tables List of Tables Table 2. Swnn1.~.ry of LH~l El.:>:;tti<:.ity Output du~ to Coolwg Tow~!~... . ... .. . .,,. .................... 17 Tab!~ 4. [$tlm!ilcd Emi$sion~ A;;;;(>>~hlted with Ikpla~t.*sncnt l"c*wcr R<~trtli!*,~J by Co<,,Jing T(lw>:!

                   .ln>taHatim1 and Operatj;m... .... ..... ... .... .... .... ... .. ............................. ., ....... J 9 lii 1

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-422 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00278

Appendix A Executive Summary The Nut:lmn R~gu!amry Connni;;sKm ("NRC) in D;c~~mb~r 2003 tclc3scd a IJrali: Supplcml'ntal EnviromntH!allmpa<.:l St::rtt*m.-:nt ("DSEls**') in connection with the J((:enilc rcnewrd <lpp!i.cadon t<Jr Indian PoitJI Energy (\~Iller c*n>""*")l)r,ils 2 and J. This tt:porlpmvidc~ <XmllnC!HS <>tHliflillg corr.e.;!i<.ms ol"mi:;;;iJ;mlct<:riz;Hious in the DSEIS irom <ti1 ecom;-mk per~p<!.::iive. Tbc DSEJS <::<)nsid~rs nir1<l di!lcrcnt ;llt.:i*mt!kes <)t S<>Zn:l.d<>s. NERA EconC>m*c Consn!ting ("NERX'} h<lS r<i'Vlcwed th<: DSE:IS li"om :w: o::cnn.mnic pcrspel'I!Ve, f<xu~ing onl.wn ol'lhe>c

'.CCflMKlS, both ,lf"'<'hith ;J*;sumc; the NRC renews lh;: opcwhng lin:n~;;:;., l.a nne :>ecrmno. !he t.W(>

lP uni.l>. ,~owim!t: w >.>jk~ri:!l.<~ with << O!lt~<>i.hrough ; lin~: >ysit~m. The- ('!ther .'>c:<tJJ;lrio a.%lll:l1~> ltw New \\lrk Sta!c Depmtrn~nt nf Fn~;*inmm<:nt <~nd Cons~rvati<>n (K\"SDEC"J r~.quin::JJ retro!h of a doscd.-Cy{:!:t (iJOling ::;_y~lnn wi<h I'WJ) t~>oling towers. Th"' DSE!S rat~c;; *irnpatb 1)f ca<:h 'i.cermrio In nveh*"' impact o.:ategQric> w;;ing !h¢ !hl!o"..-]ng i.ur¢¢**k'vd qn;Jiitalil;<' :;~<lit::

  • SlviALL*-*****Em*iromncnt<ll eft(:;.:l:; are? n<:ll dct£<:tab!c or ;tm ~f' minor ihat 1h~y will nt>ither
                 <;;3bi\lzc cwr mJtii.:~ably alter mry imptmant <Hlribul~* oflhc rcs*Jun::c.
  • i\K>DERATF ---Envimmmm1a! ~H~ds m:t ~ufrki:::m to alter lW!J;.:cubly. but not W d*:::sta!Jilii:c, imp0s1mn anrihllte.> (;f tlw wwu.r::::c.
  • LARGE--***Environ.meit!al dfc:d;;. Mt' d:mrly noilceabk and are StlHki<:nt lo J,.~st:;bi\i:t<:

tm{wrtam ~!Hnbu!<::s nl' ttw ;*cwurcc. L .St~dnccmHWlk hlll)iu:l:. M LitNl~c Re:ncwa.l with Closed Cyd~ Couliog {D'SElS .. Si\1ALL; R<.:~~ponsc ~LARGE}

  • The DSE!S list;; so*;ioccomH11k i.mpaci~, whk:h tnd!!dc dc'l'lri,~.lty '"iJSI<~m irnpctl'~ Ct$

S!vli\.LL The DSFlS ~cknowkdgc~ i.hatlhe r~c<:d i<n rephl<:<:menl pmvcr dunng c:nustructi<m nmy aJ!ed ckclritily prit;>> ami rdi,<bih!). hut1li*>mi~~t~:5. thi.s conc,em h<e<::;!U$¢ o.fa mn!cnikm !hm plam operator~ would be ahk to sdh':du\c nm;lgc:> to avoid snmmcr peak J<:rmmd p<Ori~>d;; *u!d thus :~-;oid reliability m':rl pr~cc impm:t;,.

  • Bm;~cl upnn t~r1gineering judgmem (J}f<lvidcd by Ft~crwll) iha.l ii Wiluld nm lx: l<~;l:>ib!t I\)
                 >JYC>id a :>wmnc:r oni:~~gt: and <tn ,~,,nrtomit a.S:>l~s:;m~m ::1!' tli.: ...~:-;lsting lnf(mm;iiml (>H ihi:<.>rtmlC<~ or IP <.mih l<.> !'l.t<:' dt~dridty $)Sl<~rn, th<:> '.'l><.:ioe<::(>nnmic imp;ld.S of lkcll~<: t'C!WW!tl '<'ii!h do~<.'d (:yci<' cooling should he C<Hcgorizcd <!$LARGE.

2. Air Eml~sians (Including Gre-N1hun~e Ca~ £mt~sious) lmpads of Ucens~ Rcu~::wa.l with Clo~e-d Cyd~ !DSHS *** S?v!ALL; Rc~pNl~i<: -- L/IRGE)
  • The DSE!S conch.:(k~ that al~ qv;jlit;.: impac:ts \V<:>uld llt SMALL, bii:;t*d upnn arg,tmc:;m~ th:lt

(:1) ~my ili1** qu:lii!y dl<:cb n::btc'd to vchit:k :md <~<]Uipl1H:'!lt ~:mi;;*,.ion~ i.lnri11g nmstmction 4 1 December 2010 A-423 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00279

Appendix A Executive. Summary wmlkl require <.w<1p~ns::lot}' m<~;IWft:s. !o mnp!y \Vilh Ck:an Air A;;t {CA/1.") n:qnir.:m~'11!J;, (hi T~flh<ccm~nt pll>>'cr wi;ul<:l b<.' n:*j\J!rtxl <dso to <:tlmpl)' wi!h CAA r~qe1i.rcm-:nts (an(! W<.ruld be short lived), and (t) ai1* q~l<llity dfecls during op~~rariMI~ w.Rtld lx* m.i11or.

  • u,,,;;:d ~~p<m f"<)U!j,h C$li;n,;tt:s of I he likdy l)l(;(l:;>)~~ in t'!J1i~o;)<)Hl> of nitrt)g~tl <)x.itk~ (NO,)
               ;ln:d a~rhnn dioxide ("CO*:"'lttwm rep!acoo,m<mlJK>w~r during tilt: <)~ttngc and oagmng gp1cratwn losses. aad ;.;omparisnn.> <>i'lit>:W incn::.<H;c:;. tn tl!;;: n:lcv<ml Nc>v York $tal<:

tc<luc![on lar*gel>., 1fle ;lir emi,~ions irnpa,ct> f\f !Jcemc renewal ;,h;lul,! he ..:ateg<.1ri.2e<l >1~ LARGE. {ipt<.,Jf!,,:d!y, the :.~1..111struc!ior1 C>t!Ulf!.E' ~Nm.t1d <:Otmle.ntct mnr<~ <h:ln a y;?:lf'.<> *,>,*e;rth of N~w Y<:>rk State co, rcdtJ<~Ii<)f1ii under !1k' Jkgior.::d Gn;::::n!mu;;;r:: Gu:t lni!i:ltivc 3Hil il nrajonty oL1 Far's \'iort!l ofNO., redtKtions under th<' Clea.n .Air lntcr~h<t0 Ruk.J 1 Aljuatir feosysta:m Hf!!tls of Ucen.~~ Rt:ncwal '1*itb f:xbting Couling :Sy:stem (DSFiS

                     ** SMAlL to LARGE) 11 Th<: DSEIS pmvide:-; an ov~rall ranng f(n* aquati::: ~<:tJS}$lCm etli::ds <:>f !k(;;N:: r:::llCWlli \l"iih th\C .:xi$ilng (:c>o!ing sy:Mm of$!1-1;\LL to Li\J~GL Thl,; <)\WaU r:ning i:; hM.t.:<l 'lprm
mnb!nmg th~ range:; o.fratings <:;lch oft h.:: IS lh:pre:;;:nw.tiv;;, Important Sp<:<:JC$ ("lUS"}.

The DSE1S notes 111,11 tiles.:: :;p'"des an:: *'ec<Jklgita!ly, wmmerciil!ly, or n:c.r~m.iomll.iy Jf!!IJNtMl.t .. "

  • OvcmH, fh~ DSE!S Ita> tmt pWVl<.kd suflki"'nl cvidt::fi'-'"' to lind thal th,;;- t.'Xistiag c<Jol:ng
yslem woul
d "dt>labi.lizc" or "!1o!iccably a!t<.:r any <>fth.: IS R!S and then:: by advc.,rsdy imp;,d theiJ' ccolngio:al, comm<.'I"Ci~L or f':.'t:r;;;Ji\nn;,\ v,tJr.t<*~, In nlh<T wurd>. th<: DSEIS (hos tmt a(k-<Juatdy supp;m !im:!ings (>!'MODERATE /.JI LARGI{ imr):l<:ts.

1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-424 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00280

Appendix A Introduction I. Introduction Thi:> rqw;t prc.*ndcs eo!mntnls !i*om <lfl ('t*<mclm:,;; p<~rsptctive on spccifrc nn>tmpn:s~ions <m*d Cn\)f.~ in 1hc Nndc~.r Ikg,\ib!,~!)' Cmnmission ("NRC") lkcemher 2008 Drafl Suppkmemal Envfmm!l<:nt:ai Jmp<l<::! Stmcmcm ("I)SEIS') HH*IwJi;m P\)im Energy Cenlcr f"!l'"') ut c\Jnnc.:ncm

            *Nixh Emc.rgy's <lpplk;uinn tbr re~lc>v<~l c>fopcrating !lccns.::.~ ihr I:P'~ gcm~m!ing unit~ 2 ;md j_

A Background The DSEJS corl:iitkn: nine tiiffcr~,nt allcmmivc" m ~cenariofi. We fbcus C\tl twn <>i'thns~

            ~..:-en~.rios, holh nf-.vhith a;;:;lmK* the NRC r<.>ncv<~ liR> npcra!ing lic<:l'l:ii.,~. In mK> st<:nario. tht* two
            !P llf!il>> tcl>nlinue 10 opcnH~' R' tht-y d<> lll>W. Wlth a C>1li:'-'""!lnHJgh c:.noling ;;y~tnn Tl:w >:;'Ct'!ld scenario ;r;,surne> dut th~ Ne;v Yml; State Ocpartme*nt of Environment and Con;;;ervati<)!l iNYSUEC) would rt:quitt~ th~ wstalh1tinn *ilf:l clo>s<:d-l~ydc WlliiHg sy$1Cm with tW<l C(loliug rown> ' The DSEIS raM:> the im)xtct~ ofeacil $\:.t,mno tn twdvc impact ct~tcgorio u;;;ing a thr,~-:

k*vd qu,~lit;.~liv~ Sf.:ak The NRC s<:olk !1<1:< tim~~ kv1:i:; h;~;;,,d on guiddin<:;; fwm l.hc Cuum:il on Envin:mmcntal Qu~t1ity;

  • S:'VJALI...~Emw.JrutJcntai dkct; ::n:: [lot (kt<::c:mble tJr ;;rre i>C1 mrnor rlMt rJ1cy w1!l ncith<.~r dcs!abilize tmr niltk~.ably ahcr ;my lmpm1a.m <l!ttibtliC: <)(th<:: rcsour(:c.
  • MODERATE* ... Envimt~mcntai -d1ix:ts arc JJnffici~lll to ;Jit~r tm!ic(:ah!y, hut n,;t !IJ de.'i!.abi'litc, inm<)r1;un ultnbutc:;.<.lflh~ rcsot;rcc.
  • I.. ARGE*-Envimmr:~ntal d'f.;)Cb ;Jre. cl;~3rly 11t1t.itt*ahk and ;m~ ~nftkiN1t !o o:kstabHiz<'

importaa! aHritml:;s <;f th~ r:cs<mrce. T(lbk ! sumln;Jriz<.~$ t!J,;: r.:lwK:lusi<)ns in th;: DSE!S regarding th,, crtl'in'!1m;:IH3! impw.:ts <.1-fllw l:W!l al!cnt<HlVt' s<:cnario~<_

            * *n~::; ; wi.H .. k(:id-c: w:":l~:~ht>t '-::~ :-<..~M'I_:t\v ~h( i.*p~__:r:~~i:"'Qg fi'l-:.:n~o:,_'$. c~ w:iH nnt ,_k~:;:tk: ~A:hi:lf~er l<l rc.>.t_ui.r<: :.h~: =r:xf.:.~V:::~:l)~~
                 ;_~f ~:: C~H:'i~d""-'Y.:c~h:~ ('~,, ~y:;a*m .. Whfd~ i:~                   :th::: p:.:.n.*l.::**w ()f ~lsi:. 'N'l'~DEC (;r::d 1ht" i.'m~ri:'l).           Hu;~,>*~;';t'J .. :.~~e  osrts
                 ~\:1f~:;H\.'~ ('~-~. r~hn:t)*:>y..-;1.;;::.~ t..>pti<.:.fJ~ :3.f-: ;:~i~*:.::nt:ni~*..:.* ~.z{.~~i.afi()~ ~h{a~1d ~~ r.:.:~il*.::~v lh<:: l!:,::.t:-:1&:-~-::..

t3 1 December 2010 A-425 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00281

Appendix A lntroduc!lon


1Jct~.tJJ1{~ r<:rh~wa.l with Licen~t~ n::n:-t:-w:i.~ with

            .J.!!.l£!11:1 .:a.tegory                                                          E~iMing cm~liii.~I?.~~m                     __ f!?~Cd-~~<<lling _ U='.: '>m~ll Stt~Jd.l l<l LM!:<' i_:(:(t~.:~g~**~:~.qu~nt . .:-: SmulltJ> /,"rtf*' Snwll E....*ojf)gy~tzrn*stri:~~ >.lmilJ Small IV J';'l<Hkral;:

               \V~k,. '"~ &                 qu".i.i1y                                                         !'>m:<l!                                          ;;nmll
\tr;j>Jtlhi)' s~~1:3H '>maiJ
                                                                                                              ';.m.,1Li                                Sm~ll       h>LMge I!JJHJ;ln         l"'"llh                                                                      sm~ll                                             Srrml!

S.;Ki.nK~cm:.mntc.!} S:m:~H S:n;;IJ Tritr~Sp<>rt~}~i<.tt: Sr.rtt~ H Sm:ill to L~r~e

,.,,,,[! Moocr~tc
                                                                                                              ~'"H                                            :>;;n.:>H lk!l<:rsa.ri:llll                                                                                 NA                                                 1 F<.FU~l rdi.i.M~                                                                                  :(-.;A                                             6
               \'),*'()r$'):;: r;,!ir:_t..!                                                                      Nt\                                                .S
             ~~:(~~~:            fiJHrit:~t-   h'!: bo~U: and n.-:(n~haU.c*~. r.::l"~r*.:::~.;*:nt .;:~h::{~m*t~s in \'l.*hi..-:h tJ:{~ r~:~mg. .:).f ~hi:' aJ5e:rrm:tn*~     :n  c.tH-r~tiun i!:

w.;:)LS~ than ~hM r(.~r L~:.>Z!1$'C r<11t:\'f£1L r.:mr~e:e in .~':1[)'/r../ und ir..::tl.~;t:S.t*Cr'T(:~m ~a!C~~~)tje.;: itl '?r'l1io:h the

11~-t-Lfj:th\*<~ h~1:::. ;.:i :1-x~ttc~t r:~iirt2 So<J<<:*'* NRC  ?(10~, T:l'bk ~)-l ""d NFR;>.. l<;,!i<m<.

Li<:en:-;c nmewal with the NYSDEC H'quiring d<)S~l-cydc cc.>r!!i.1ttg h:a~ w..-w:;e r;llings lllmllircMc I"CJX:w;;l with IlK'. cxi;;ting ~<X> ling ~y~t;:m i1l live of til<' twdv<~ <::akg<.)fi<,,, but it. ht<> ~ bcli<;:r rating lbr 0C(>k>gy-;lq\iatic wirh a rating r>f~:l.-*lALL, .a':. oppo~e-d w S;\l/-,U. l~) LAROE with the exis.tin~~ sy~km. B. Objectives .of This Report I. Sodoc<:onomi( rmpJ.:;ts 1pamcr11iirly d:~:::tridty :.ystt:m impac:!~j oftllt' d<>~c<kyck ((I(> ling opti.:n1, which the nsns li:ib as S\1/\LL~

2. Air tnrk>ions {inducting grcer;houiic :f,!.<~:> (~ll1i%ions.) impacts t)fth*: d<)~<.':(]-q.c~;k i:>*oling S<'<:nark>, which th;; DSE!S !bis as SMALL:. :md J. b.:ology-<ltjLmtit: impacts or !it:~:rr~c~ r~m:v.-~1 with the exi);ting wohng wntt:r system, which tht: DSUS lists as S\1:\LL t<) 1.-ARGL W~ t(1Cl!S <)!1 !h::;;:;c tflrcc:: i;;:;;aes b,;;;;:msc thc'rl;' i~ a sig11ifbm! CCOil<)!ll:iG GOBljXl!l:<:lll: :0 til~
1ss~~sm~llh 3r1d lx*c:rusc:: they alli..-'1:\ }udglll~:nts ;;;.,g:mling the. rdi!th*c:: ;mviwruncntal di<:ch (>f ih;; ,;xi:~Iing att.:l do,;~~d-cyd;; ('<J(!Hng ;;-y:>rcrn~. Th~ D:Sf:IS :rppt~~~t~ !<:> <.:tmdmk thi~! the ;KttlMk impac:ts '.VOU.!d bx' :lLlhSHI!liia!Jy rcduc,;{l dne ln do:;<Xi -cydc am!ing (it' , il change ii*om 1

1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-426 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00282

Appendix A introduction "StviALL !<) LARGE" W Siv1ALL) and that ih<' air quality and S(lCith!*t::nnomic rrnpacts <md air quality *,:v,;uM 110: he su:bstanti;;lly ;lftl'<~l:t~d by doscd-cyd::: moling (SMALL ibr Jx;th c:J.tegod>:'.s in cMh oftl1c I'N<) <ll;,~rmttn*<*.f;), The ;*tvaikth!e iilil>rmatkm in<!ieat~:~ tb;H bnlh t.h.o* nc:g;; M'!CioccmK>1Tl.ic impat'ls (a~ rel1t'l:ted in ckclricity :=;ys1~m dkct;;) :md the urg2tive :1ir quality imp;H.~1s (includtng dJ<;cts (ill grccn!llms<.~ gas omi;;:>ions} woulJ he :~ub;nantiald\.~lo~;cd-~;ycle ~no!ing was r~-qttired. file available infmnmtion indicak:; !h"t these (!Up;;ct;; w;)u!d fit th<" ddinilion of LARGE (i.c., '\:k<trly no[i<~table and .. s.:rflkir?nt w di2stabiliz~ impi.nTan; a~tribut<'s of the r~~S(rm*,~c"), \Vc tlms t<Xidude that the r.:tings ~h(mid h;;~ dl:mg<~d h) LAI~GE iilr b~)lh cl:::mt~nt~ iB th~ Gl~<~ nfltccn&e :r.oncW<Il with dust:d-<..cyde <:<.m!ing.

            \Vhh regard tn J({tmhc impacts, Wt' rondude that tht intbnnation d~~*ck>pc:d in tht: DSUS i:;

ini>tsffi,:i<~ntli"J '>HPJ'(! It l.inding;; t>f YIODERATE or LARGE lmp~KI-'>.

c. Outline of the Report The rcpmt is mgunizcd !nto lhl!t additiom<l ~.(':Ction". S<:ctiom; H, Hi <<nd IV relat<.~ to the three Sl)f?(*ific is>ut:s not~<l abow. Sc.:!io11.!! mm;idcr;, d;;cirkjty markd imp11ct~ {in th>:'. <::Nltcxt of the SL>CKH:,:;momic :iBt!X>t:t>) of di)ocd-cyck coolmg. SI.Tti<>ll Ill<.xms!dt'r:s ;rir nni>;;ions and gn:.\~l'lhNl:>t: g;l.'> cmis~inm> impacls of the dnsed--cydc ~o<) -~Y>>!ct:n>., i!n.d Section IV co11~!ders
~quatic impa('!$ <lfiF !ic"ns~* re!l('W<lt with the c~istiilt! C:<lOlmg V<ater ~y'iitcm. St*c*tion '\/

summ<~nzcs our ~ondu:>iom .. 1 December 2010 A-427 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00283

Appendix A II. Socioeconomic Impacts of Closed-Cycle Cooling Related to the Electricity System Thi;;. ;;;xti.on ;;onsidl'rs th(;! Sf!doecoJlj)mic irnpacts ofiJ.ccnsc rcncwat v.*ith c!oscd-{:ydc e<)o.ling, fiKU$ing ()fl i:mpal'l>. nn the o:k:~tricity \l'>;tem. A. Overview of OSEIS Analysis and Conclusions Regarding Socioeconomic Jmpa.ct.s Related to Electricity Market Effects

1. OSE!S Analysis of Electricity Market Effects The DSlJS :ldd;.c~_,e.s the cB'cct'i of the clmt:d-cydc (:(K>!ing S)'$lCil1:t;; mJ th<.~ dcctn:::ity :>y~tcm (wiihln the <X>mcxt t)fa~~essmctliS of :;m::ioeconomk impacts rel;dt~d to wn~t:rudion aml opcratton of the do$c<l-r.:yde cocJhng $)'Stem;;) in only a ~itlglc p;mtgraph:

The Ht:c<J f(>r rcpbc<:m.c.nt power d1Jrinr2 wmtmction m<1y at"lh~t ckdricity ptit~cs. bnt the size trt rlus dfcc! depend,:. <Jn co;;l <Jfrcpl~c,,m;:m power and the duwli(ln <>flh;: outages. Plan! Hpermm-x woul(llikc:;ly >dt~cthJ!t* llUtiiges I<> llokl**** to !tlc iJ~lcnt jlOSsibiL~summcT peak demand P~'riods to aw;id aflb:ting grid (~habihty und pow;:r rransmi~sion int(> New \-'mk C~ty. (NRC :WOS, p. l\-1 J)

2. DSE!S Conclusions Reg<mling Socioeconomic Impacts 40-oooo-AL Tlw NRC st::~ff prm:idc& !h;;;~ following ~.:ondtlSinn regarding the sncioe-<.:nrKJmic irnpacls of C!DSl'li-cydc COC<h11g:

The NRC sta!f conchJdc$ tlru1 ma~~ ~<.lctoe;:ut1(Hnic imp;K($ rrk:~<cd t<J cou~tru~!iou und (lpcmt.i<m of doscd-,;.~yck: nl<:>hng syst~ms at rhc siw W<:>Hid bt: $MALL. (NRC 20m3, p. g. !3). This ;.:.mci*~~i<w d<Jcs nQt c;-;pli.cidy :>mt<:: tlmt th~ NRC st;d)' hm; mndudcd that ;he

            "')clOttOi!Mllit imp;ldS. rtla!<.~d HJ* mn1*kN ,.Jf.::.os are Sl'vlALL <;intt i! i!Ot.::s M1ly t1K:

C<)ndw;i<>n !hat mn~t ;)flh"' impa.;:ts clrto sm;lll. Ncverthdcs~, the sl<llcmcm imp lie:;; th;ll ci!h<~f the clcctri.r.:ity mMk~t imp:Ktl' m*<;; ~nmll <.>r \ht<l, ~**~r; \f !h~y ~r~ n<.>l mmd.!. l.h..- .:k*~:trki\y mark,*! df~*:l;; arc m1t sufficiently imporlatll We !cad 10 a ju<lgmc!il t!KH th~ (Jver;!ll s-c*~.:ioc-conomic: impact~  ;;hru:ld b~~ tbm1td mort:" s.ignifita!IL

3. Limitations -of the- DSEIS lnformatlon on El~etrieil:y Syst~m 1mpaets Th;; intbmmlh:m pwvidcd in thc DSElS do~& mlt prov*dc- a sl.lfllcicf!l a~:s<*;;:;,m;;:nt of1bc pnlentilll;; !bat -~c)llSi:mction and (>p.:ration uf tbc c!w;'"cl-cydz <;{>ding ;,:y='l<:o<1N ~t'l.uld h;lH~ on the
            <~kctncil)' ~y~tcm- The av;til<lok 'n!onnation indi,<ltt:> !11<: f(Jllowing.

1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-428 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00284

Appendix A Socioeconomic Impacts of Closed-Cycie CooHng Related lo the Electricity Systern

  • The {mtag;;: J'(H* con;,;tnKIK>n <Jfi..~losc<.i-;:yck <.:tl<,Jing sy;t~m:; w<Juid !Jkc: most t>f a ~N;.'lll' (me IB<ilng t:ht >illmmcrh so it wmt!d cover the: pcri,)d of pc~iik :ll.lnl!l1Cf de mime!, when ,~otp"cily i~ mo>t l1ighly lltilized.
  • SHch nn outage could. h<ti'C 5HblnrHbl imp~ns hnl1< on the n.:!iabfl.iry clf!hc r<;:Jfiml:ll
                   ;:k,~lrt<:ltY         -sy;;tcm and on c!ec:tridty prko:s.
  • Tht'SC' ;:b:1ridly m;l.rkclo <dl~*o.:t:; would ht.* grr;,:~!cr if a n;q,lirelri<Jn! W in:>taH o..Joscd-.:yd<*
                   <:l>{)ling :;ystem;; m<~<l<.: il more c:e:onnmi":d !t)T tile <wmer to <.:l.os,; IIJ,~ !P un!t& pen'liilUt~nt!.y rall!<:r tlmn l<.J inmr 1hc adtkd cmt~ and nsh J~hltc(j In in:-;mlling dns<.:d-l:yt:k n.>oling. T!w
                   ,;cff:eons ~~'<Hikl he gri"<~H,cr y~:1 if the .N\'SDI?C n11d mher r~kv,mt mnte "'1d fed<!ml agi?.Jlei~s in t!~<: ll(>fti!('Wll irnpl\$1:d S1mibr r~qnin:men!s 011 ~)thc*r plants in the r<~gitm, <ln<ll.h>i.~Y ~hm (k>>vll as wei!.
  • As dj:;cn?;;;ed beh)w, lbe abov.;; issu::.> $uggdt ih<H the DSE!S rMsng !<H ,;{)C!ot*.:oJJormc impac.ts of do!6cd~t:yck' n~oling (a> rdlccic*d in tkd.ricity market df~,:rs) >honkl be chmJgcd

(<:> !..1\..RGE B. Information on the Indian Point Outage Period En<~n:>m condndt'd inZtlOJ ilwt the m*lagc pcri<xl. r>lquir(*d to <:mm~n tht* do;.c<l-<.:yde sy~tcrns would be 42 wn~h in wta!. tlr more thilll IH mnnths; (Encrmn2003, p, 14). B.<:Glll$ <)f 40-oooo-AL

            'f.1fi(m$ addii:it)nal duile11gc~; thu! hav¢ !x;en idctltil!.:::d, Etter<;on !l<)'N lle!i.;;ve~ i:tMt cst.inM!C i~

contd. con:;~p,-ati\*c; i..;,, likdy to be to<.> slx>tt (b>Cfi.:<>n 2009. p. fi). t-,,1on:OV<:r, [!,t.,rcon h~s coB<c:hKii:d thi!i il W(rilld not he f~<tsihk to "';!gger lhc OH!ilgc $<::h:::duk to 'woid summzr munth:; (Encrcon 2~)()9, p 7), l11 ltght ohm Dttlagc; <>f !0 mol!lhs (11' mon~. it W!YU!i.l not be pos:;iht.:: to av>Jid >llllllTlt:r [leak dcmHnd p..:rio,b, CQm.raty hi ~:h~ ;ls:;mnptk>tt mad.: 10 the IJSElS, bJcr.:on'~ Z(}OJ il!J;>!y;;is .,;f Ciln<;tnK*lion nfthe dost:d*cyde tot,lin<? ~ystCm> lJS$Uitl<% iha! the: m.ttage Wl'\illd nccut Jinm

            !1.-bn:h into the i::u !y pari \.lfHw ll~':-;t yc~or, lbu~ ~:ov.cring ;!11 ol'tlte' ~LliTPn<:r Nut.:: t!mt iftht.' NYSOEC r.;qu!rcd !he ins!.albtwn ofck*scd-cyck cooling, lttl': pro!()ngtxl (;B!3gc:

and other"~'~ M l.he ~yst.:m tnigh! kad .lfg owner to ~htJt dovvn !he IW\) g(ll<mHiJ\g ur,il.s p~rutf:tn<o<n:ly. A p<o:nJe<n<:nt ~lmtdo>'**n wnlJkl incn;,.,h<:* !.he li~;()ly 0f!<::c1s (;n ekN~icity system reliability ;:~nd pr:ic;;s (>n~ GE*NERA 2002.), i\ (>11~-tim~ t<'*nstmciirm <>lliage 1'-'0tlrti b~ tm.!ikdy il) H\'>ll It in <::f\lt'>lrtlctiml <>f addiliotl;J! gtcll<~r:J!iN1 GltJll<:tty, and l!m5 <he: ~twrHil!! in g<'n<:ro>!Wil ,,.,otlld l!<w<c: to n*placcd by U!i..'l'l:<>scd gell'~:r:tlinn ;;' c,d,; rt::S<)!l.n::es. \Vith <~ pcnn<Ht>llll shtHdtJWlL n<:w ..:apacity could 1.>~' added, but In 'So:.~..:'~j~Jn ] t!' in di-rcu~:'iin~~ tr~*:."~'i('~L::>'I:d .;~~!:' . .~r;~;:-~~!.*.i'MS. ~...~,.t ~!C1 nm ~l1~ rrmr 1,l(:t;~k$ 1hill ~.~.:~H:kl ()':.'..;:':r1ap wi~h ::: t'1:g;uk:.d:**:;:d1.-:'d'JJ...-:d n::*fm~hng p~r~[_:d. }kre_.l.t~.JI..r..'f"lt'f_ ~h~ tij~l 1-:::n.:::,th nftht-' i.H;l;~g.:.~ ~~ ~c:.I\...*'v:;sH tc.l.'it'h:£5~*h:hng :~..nd (X.1ii~¢!;;,*:.:~~~~ ~ll.l)>=.{<15 ()fL ~~H:!.bih!~*::' .:~.mJ p.ri_..;,.;<;-:~. Kd.~~:;:-1in~ o.ut;:::B%:~ i,.i,'~:~:..~h gcr~:::::r~i.H:,* f.~:f*.;_P It:$:> :h:1.r) f{rU!" ',',*l;Ck~~ g~:r~e~r~i.~~y ::H<~::;.clH~d~:k~d w dH: *~~:JJty s.rnng .. *.*,*lk'tl i:lt":*.-..*Hir~~y* d~~m~n*d i~ nnt hlg.h lO 1 December 2010 A-429 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00285

Appendix A Socioeconomic lmp<3ds of Closed-Cycle C<Jolin~:; Related !o lhn Etectddty SystHm il would rt'iiLH.:\~ Silbsta!lli;! 1 kwllinw (on trw onb* of :>tx  !<)~ewE! y~.~ar~) i[Jr pl:uming, pcrrni.lli!l~, ;md cMtstructinll. C. Information on the Effects of Indian Point Outage on Electricity System Reliability

            ,"\v;libbk' infhm1,:ikm indi<-aw:; th;lt a NYSDEC r,~.quinmKnl for d<)>e<:kyd~ t:<><)ling wmt!d lead. 10 :;ubwnti;:d ntga<iv.: iraJmct> C>a ~:.~k<::tncity s*y~tem rdmbility, m; n n'>Llll <A cidwr a substan~bl ~>t:l<~g<: or >J prcnmt.ur~ :;lmtdm\ca. This :;~~;.,tio*l $\Hmn3Ii<:<~:> m!o~nwlion in !h<'

fol!cnvi11g c;lttgorics:

  • n::ports trc;rnth~ New York lndcpwdcnl $y;;t.::m Opcra!<)f t'NYISO") ~.w~:*r many Y'-'ilrs describing th~:' it1lpon~IKI: MH' tn el;ectridty Y8tc-m reli;rbility;
            *     <l 2(}06 ;~mdy h: a wmrnittcc <Jftk N;,li<)na1 r<:es~>trch Crmncil <)fi.h.:: N.3timml Ac;Hkmics (wh(cl! "'"~ abhrc<.**iat.:: NRC/N/1(' H> pr:;:v<:nl ct*nfw;ion with the Nudear R-::guh!!Oty Cmtlmi~sion}. inc hiding ;I rd.iability as:;.G;;,.!tJcnt: and 40-oooo-AL contd.

All of !hi$ inforrnmJ<)Il indic;lto::s th<' substantia[ ll<'g31ivt' impacts dJ;it ml oul;lgc m pr~m~tm

            >hm(town ,,f1P tlllit:; dnc w ;l NYDFC !<~-i:Jutr::<mtl11 fnr d;>scd-cyde a;ding W()Hid have: ,;;r1 do::ctricity sy~t.::m rdJ:~bihty<

1, Significance of Indian Point to the Electric System

            !P accoun!cd !(Jr abmi! !9 perwm nf'thc a.mnml emlrgy r~quircm<:nl (\..t\\'h) an.d about ! J. perc<Crli
            <lfpc::ak swnnK'r d<.~m:md (lvl\V) in 2007 3n the <:lov,m<l:sk' n::gion that it serve<:. (N"r!SO 20(l~a):' II' iP wc;rc l{l be s.lwr dt;wn di~ring rhe summer mnnths. :ls il would be ifc:lnscd.. cydc couli11g w&<>

1cqain!d hy t.hc N'I."SDEC, thef~ cm<ld !_,<;.* m:1jor imp<<('l:i nn lh<! n.:!iabi!ity ofth<' dectrk;:l. >)">!~m in th~ region because lransmi:;.siun .:ungestion limits tt1r,* xt~m to whidl addilional power canlm imponcd !rom omsid.c !he area. As th<: NRC!NA. cmmtlilt~t: nokd il in irs 20{Hi ~m;dySl$ ni'IP, ftJh<' Indian Ptrinl g<::ncn;ting pbm i> located in the premium sumhc<)stcm ,'*lew '{ork Zone H; hcrKc the const~rncr> inlt'ncs H. I, ;md J h;;;avdy rdy on It !o mc~t di..'lmrnd" (NRONA 20U6, p, 41 ). Lo~:;; (*f!P':i i)Ulput \>.lould htlV\: \<) b<' ln<!(k up in $igtrifk:ml ptlrl hy J:!.<.'nc::rating IH!lls in lli;; ;~rc<l mtlicr th:~n by irnport:ng more* pow:::r rmm !iutlit.e: away.

            ~ Cc*m~i~'k~!l\  wir.h ttu:* Nr~c/~.*\ C(t]:11m~n~.:'*;;, \~t',"tl ~.         ~,n;r::;:s (Jothtr'\vl~{: tltW:~d   iht n:~~k:ti ~lj q;_;_t'~L;*;.~~~ i~ ~1.-;~fl~~<:*d ;;:.~ l.c)n(~~

H-K. -,~,~~~d) indr:d< \V{'i'ic:h..:.':i'i.f:r (.',_;~j~~y. No:*,.~,.* .:.1r~ Cily, :n:d u,r~~~ l:-:.h*mct 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-430 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00286

Appendix A Socioecononiic Impacts of Closed-Cycl.:; Cooling Re~ated to lhe E!~3driclty Syslem

2. New York Independent System Operator {NYlSO) Assessments N'dSO i~ a llOI-f(Jr-pmfh co1pomti1.m rqrukucd by th~ F.::ckn<l En(;rgy Ikgut~t!O!Y Comtni<;<;i(Hi

('"fER() omd dmrg<;d with ()Wr">eeing New York St<H<::'$ wt!Oic:>alc elcrl.ric powt~r syst~m, O!K~ratim1 of<h<: region's compclili<;~ w*huksale pDwcc mukcts ami maintemmcc of r~gional dcctric reJiahil!ty. ln 1bi;; mtc, NYI:SO fl'gubrly pul:tihht!>: mm!yses i)fNew York d.:::;;tril rcliab!llly, lm:ludiag ibr~;.:aslti tlf !l.ltun:: lo8;;-ot~k>ad-cxjx:<::t*ttkm {"LOLE") u.ndt:r altemntive dectrkity twu*kd :><::~!'l:iri,Js. LCJLE i.s 2 rel.iability m~!ri.: Hmt mt<l::-ure!l Hw ce:>:peckd number nf\lay$ p:::r year during whkh lac*k ofsnlli~:il.~nt ~vai.!ahk capaci;y wmlltl Il'tjuirt~ ill\*olum;lrily dis, ~u,;tom>lrs' l1lads lrom ;he grid. The Nnrth .'\m~ri<.:<m :Electric Reliahdity CorpnratK>Il ("NER(.} Nr.Jr!hca::;t hr><<er Coordinating Ccmneil ('NI'CC), tli'ld l'kw York Stille RdiahHity (\;m1dl ("NYSRC") n;quin: <t ma:'\smum LOLE o(l\ l .in New Ym:k----Hmt i~. they requt~ro ;m c.>;.pected fr<:lJlltn~:y oi' itlV<l lu.ntmy load d i><:m1rJecti<:in l1f no nmre- t!Jan nne d<<y

            .:very ten y:..~*m;.

N'l"l:SO f<.Ji,<!Jilily ,~>-di-!Mion$lxH'i-' l.'mph;l>ilc<l.lhc impor! <:*fTmJ,<l!l Poim: lll m~i:'l.i!Jg_ Stale dectrit >y>tcm teliahllity stlli1dard:;. 1r: ;m ass,;;;~mcn! of reliability needs m 2006, ii~t* cx;m1pk, the NY ISO ,<;!ai.t~d !hat [!]he NYC>\ l.ULE mnt:<l>es .5ignifi(;mnly '<'<'lth the retireme-nt of lhc lnd!un Poit11 ll11it> lr; wd! i11 ~xces~ of -~-5 d>1YS per year" {NY!SO 2HO:\ p. 9). This k)ss-ofload cxp\:~iatinn i~ J4 times gtcatn tbm ihe mi11itWJlU alk)w!:'d til.; ~lblrv-c*d<:S<.,ribcd n:<Jnircmc tll. In i!s 20(0 rqxn1, NY ISO B<.1tcd that U' css~,ntii.l1 tc* New York City ".nd the L( Hwlr<<>B V;llky tc:> meet ckorki.~y need~;-'(N\'ISO ?.no7. r. 57). 40-oooo-AL contd. The NVISO <l!,;n has ana:ly<'cd tq;iml<<l d..::<.~tric syst>:m tdiabehty fnm> thC' JR'rtpC'>:tiY>: of lucl diviln.ily, mosi recently i11 <Ill (ktol!n 2008 Whttc .!'apcr. With rdt::;ren,:c; io the NRC::\;\ n;-port

            <J,,~r:rib<.~d bdln~**, ;he Whit::: 1\,p;:r st<(t;,*:; th;lt, "';;. <::iowrc f*.1flPl coutd '"'"'l<.~<.~rt>alc Nc*w r"o*rk Uty';; e>:istlng &~pcnd,~nce 011 n;ltuml g<l;; fhr rowt~t production" {X'dSO 20{l?:h, p-. 3-6). The papc.~r IH)!C'~ ttml tilt' "";;nmparmovdy limited doWT!~I<H<~ f~;;;J divcr>ity p~l:~l:':' c~r,Ttain ;b;l;::; fm- th<;:

New l:'tJrk City ;~nd Long hl<md ;>.rc;rs" (NVJ$0 2008h . p ..'1"6). indu< negative dl<:l:t.s r*ebt::d tr;. the (k>mimnll n:lk ol' rmtnral gas prices in >-<*Hi.r1g r<,gion:ll whoks,de puw-;;-r prices.

3. National Research Council Study In 2003, Congn,~-;!i ask~:tl tilt: N<tliona! He~~arch CllWI(:il ofHll:': N<l!il>tla! ;\cm.knncs \NRCiNA) tn hmn ;l cmnmiHi:!~ lo C'vr~luate !be kasibility and dcsimbHity (;fq.riolls alt~mat!vc mean$ of rcpi4l.cing !he nutput ~md cap~leity 1hat lf' cnrrclll!y pm~'idc~ to r..;cw '(nrk. Ihc commi:tlee's member:. wnc cxpcrt"' m rlK~ relevant fkld~ . Their 2H(t6 rcpon pnrvid~:d (amo!lg <Hhcr ;mn.!yi'~:~)
            ~m  ev;lhwtion tJfthc n.~li<1bllity impli<.~ation\l nflP ;;hlw.h,wn~ rmdn <lilt:mr~l,;-~*t: ~u:mu*irJ~ The N'RC'Nil mnd~li11:g "indilded :~dditio1ml, aggrt!SS(\" pm~r:>ms lo J.mpmvc t~llki~nc;i of
            ~::l;:xldoty l.l$C ami ~!nmgtT dtmmxL~Jdc m<.:a:mrc*:- !<:; n.xJun: pcok tkrnaml" (i'JHC:NA 2006, 1'-

6.11,. but norlclhd~:<s (<lWkl dm! dn;;uroo* ,~(,utd result ill m~.jor rdillbility problem;;. The flro.t mmk!ing <:as<: a~sum.:tl $!ll:t~tamiat .:.ilpacity gn:><sth prior hl and 1ifkr the hypothdi<:3.!

            "hw<lov.-n ;.>( th,~ lwo IP writ:;;, :l>u!' 1!<.1 im:rem<:~n!';li n<~w c~tpH(:ll} m:ltlc!.l :;pe.::itic,ll!y w <u!dn::.,;;; the 1

December 2010 A-431 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00287

Appendix A Socioeconomic Impacts of Closed*Cycle Cooling Related to !he Electricity System

            '>i1utdown. tinder lhi> c~nsc. !he <:ommitt<::.~ llewrmlned ~hllt the IP &t!utdown tl*ou!d incrr:ast:

rdiabi!ily ri"b "to lm~;.*~o:~ptable li:vds" (NRC/NA 2006, p, 62), ind\ a LOLE mt1re th;m U tim2~ gJTillcr than the 111J>:lnl!Jm ,,!kw,**al.rl~ ;;.;aJJdard. The NRC/NA Illso d0vck)pcd a scenario itl 1>.-bich a cNnbu!<Hicm oLtggn::~~ivc <km;tnd-,;i<k m:::asmcs ;md new woukl b~ added w maintain a.n an:cpiahk LOLE. Th~; rt~l;!

>ccnario relied on, among other f*:atures, additiun of the pmpm~d :1, l()t)-),'1\V Tr<m:;(ia:; Elt..:rgy
             !il~.;1li1.y pl*op'.!>~~d f\.>r Bnn.1ldyn, No:w Y(Jrk, which 1us since bt~ct1 qu1cdle.d t(Jl! ;I permii d~nial hy th;o ><ew Yl)l'k Slatt~ l:kp3.r!mt~ni ofPBbli,;;; S~rvicc. (NYI1P5 2003), a.;:(t:it'ratt'd add ilion ofo.;i,gnilkanl ad;JititmJl g;1S and l'<;ind-!1r~d nlpncity in N.;:w York City mtd $:ufmiJ.nding; nmcs;.
            ,cmd th~' ap.:gressive demand-rcdudi<.>n ;Js;;mnpiKHIS dcsc:r.ihcd '~bnvc. All uf Ill<.~' '"s>wnptwn>,

lllough pcrtKlj)s u*;jlfi:las a hypothet.k:Hl ;lna!y,;i,; ;II. tllll time ofpublkation. do lH>I prm*id<:< any a~$\JXIBJ<X th<t! n;liabihty could he mainitl.incd ti" th;;: II' units wen: nm np<Tatiag. r\~ ;h.:: NRC:NA notes. [i]dcmlil}*wg tim g<~n~.raliiHlnnd.lram::mi:<;;;ion 'YSI~m capability llmt mu$t It~ providt:d to lndianl'oint i:; mw.:.h c:::s\ct than dclr:.crmin ing wlltthcr h. <tttu;!!iy II.<Otild get t1uilt \Vhcn needed. Ali th.:>e mc:Jsmcr~ *Ni.l! iake ilm~ tc> impkrn.:nt, am! s~~vcml fit..:lon; !r"JY nnw~rg:~ I.<) make it even mMc difiicuit" (NI{Ci:"JA 2006, p. YJ). l!! ;:ummary, the NRC>'NA not<!& that '*fndiMJ. F'i)~fll is :J'al. .;omJX>tJent ofhothtue rdiahility and et,iJl<:>tlliCS l)f power .lhr til" Nt~w VMk City :u">1," (NTI.(/NA 2006, p, 14). 4, Modeling Results 40-oooo-AL ln 2002. Glln:t'r:JI Ek'tlrko Pow a Sy>km>> Energy C(l!li<Hhit>g C'GE) and NERA Emnormc (.\>n~u I; mg ~)mpk:kd tl. ;;tudy uf UK~ imp.;c<et:> of pt1tt;:cr11.m*i ~.h~itdm~'ll:'. of no rtheasi.em nude;u* ;mils contd. (GE-NERA :ZOO:!} that wa;, ;;ubmitted !<>the NYSL)[:'C The study used rhc GE<\'l.APS de<:lriccily HEirkc:! mt)d:::l, ~' ~tt~tc*<.i*f~til~**art modeling syst:;-m that idenil!ic~ th,~ l.casi-.:<>S! nJ.t:aw.; o( m:cetlng tl;r t:i;;\y giwn t:h~ nnits in !he sys!:::m, The 20()2 .>tLHiy li)u!!d tlmt shuttmg dm~n lf-::: units wot!ld r~duct' rec&crv~~ <:.ap;tcity titr lx*!(w.- the H~ser"c m,ngin.s dqemccd ad~*1U3.t~: bv the ~'h:' YcHk Siatc Rd.iahil.ity C(H>ncil. h tbuml tim! the sh~Hdown w(}uld dr<J~Iir.*ally incr,*~m: the "'"'pc<::l,;-d !1llmh;~r <'ll\kiyS p<~r Y<'ar wlwn NYTSO

            'Ntmld need to implenwm emcrg<:t1cy Cipcm~iJ1P: procedures du~ w tdiahili~y C<)m.:cms Th<e GE:-Nl.RA sW.dy is bao;;;*J U{ll'n :ilf1 a>.,svmcd P<~nn:mem >:htndown <)fHSlJl'n<:r:< un.ils, but i.h~~: <lnalyscs ~~!w apply 1o B probnged t:(m~!mc*ti<m outag;: thtlt would indud~* lhc swmncr mt*fllh>,      <b  '"'mkl btc rC<j\'lircd to insi:>1l                   cl<.~$ed~cyck       cooling ili 1P. The smdy suggests th;lt had thll e(>Bstru~.:t.t<)£1 out;g.; <Xnlrred sc>m<:iim..: iH Hw :':002-2!)05 period, i! w>mk! fm*v.;: ClW>~d signi ~kant rdli1biliiy pmbkms.

111 ;idditiM ic; the aMiy:>i:> c:lf the:;lct ofar, lJ' shutdown oa :-diubility, the GE-NERA ~tlldy a IsH ~malyzd tile unp3ct if all nu;.::lcar unit:; with QIK<>thrO*lgh <:ooling ~y;.tet)Jl; >hut tk>Wn in re;;pmbt' w a poli:_~y ,,(!.he N'f'SDEC r<O<jlliring ck>s:td*cytk: <:<X> ling mall n::l;;:vant nnHs i11. the

lltltc .. ~In Hwt c;J;;c\ th~ wscrvc rmrgill woBid be negaliw \ Le .. th~Cre would be in*>L!f!icient ll~ ~~ddit:on tn :.m~:ty-.~.m:; r~ po-1-:.~~:::.i~l. U1 ~:hutdo..,;.*t; :am1 n r.:rhutrkr~vH {.~{*d~ ,n,:h~*.v:;:.:.~~ 1;f~i~:1 tn ~~~. . \* V0r~ $~~a<:.. t*h!."! Gif,~

NFJt:\ ~~~~dr .~J~.r.: .;:v~du:ste-d th~ i:~q}~~f:~~ .:.1n ~-*~1~~1hHrly and pric~s if~~ (.!(~~3.;.). o{r~q~~k~lng ~h:;: :re~~on( l)t'r.::cx:ding 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-432 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00288

Appendix A Socioeconomic Impacts of Closed-Cycle Coolfng Related to the Electricity System capt<<::ily w mccl pc<lk >Wl1m~r demand;; <~vC(l if ;edl unil~ w;lre avai.labk) . .1\lthlltlgh it 'II';)$ mJI r*>%1bk to *~;lic:lllt~H: ;1 LOLF, it is .::lear !halt he df;;:u;; '"n scy~t~::m Rhabihty wcmkllw very larg-.;:. D. Information .on the Effects of Indian Point Outage on Electricity Prices Av~<i!abl.::: inl;hrmalion also provide;; suhsmnti;tl evid<:ott !h;at an ~)Ul>lgc ~!I IF 1mir:.; wc:wld twv<.~

            ;;ubs!anllal c!Jl~tt' tm d~<:lrkity price:; in X~w Yml< gcn:c-mlty iilld                                                                     th,~ down$tat<~                   New         Ym~;

rt~gion >!! pm*t)t~ula.r. Th~> ;m;:lion ~umm'lri<<:c'~ the illk*r;mti(m wmuin;;d tr~lh~~ s! cond*~t*kd by lh<~ t..;RCN:\ commi!!ee ami prcvkms moddit~g w;utt~ d;.:vck>[l!!d by NER/1"

1. National Research Council Study In its 2006 lP sludy; the NRCil'iA peritmlled dcr:tridty m<Jrkct mod.dit1g u<;it1g the GE MAr*s rn~>dd. Th<~ NHCiNA dc:vdopcd modding nm:< !JJJs<.'d on tl!kmidiv:;: ii:Jd prii.*e.~; and ~ssmnptiuns r~g;mling ihe av~Hahility of g.:,Mraling unit<; Fot it" 'TlJ:o:>t lih,!y"*. witb IP stlll in servict~,

rhc NRC:NA !(m~ca;;lcd 20!5 ;;r;Jtewidc 'tH:ragc '"hc'k~aic pncc;; of.$59/M\VIl a1*~*rage prke~ in N~v..-* Vmk City (Zom' J) of%7:'~. 1\Vh (NRC'N.'\ 2006, p. 70). \.Vith !P removed,

            ,;t,llt"WKk: <H'<'Wg~ prin.'s w<:=r;: fi:ncc~l:;tcd h> increa.'<e hy ;l!Jout ! 2 percent kl S66:\lWh. In N<'W YNk Clly, the irKrca>::: >Vil:i even greater. *Nith prkcs c:~pcctc(l w ri.>c <lb!)u! l S pc.rrcnt 1:0 S79i\1Wh (NRC'iNA 2006, p. 7\l}


2. Modeling Results contd.

Th:~ GE-NERA. (2002) >AlJdy des,:ribeii ahm.<e al:<o *~=slinl;lled !h-e dl'b::ts ofan lP shtwlown {>!1 who!ro5al.c *dcclri,ily prki:S. Ov.:r the J.5*y~~m- pcriz)d mud<;;led (June 2(102-Dcccmber 2005), th.;J

            ~Wdy Ji)!Hld tim! >::onsllrnt:t cxpeJJditu.t..::i <m d,;:dri,;,:cty W<>ald in.:r;:asc fly :lb>mt S3A hJUiou Juc w a11l.!' ~hva!own (GJ;..::-;E;RA 2!)02, P- \j_lli<: muh::rlying price ~nert:as~;; mc~asur..::d ahom l! to t {i pc.rv..-:nt in: th~ >tlllc ~~s  whd,;:- {d,;:-p,~nding WJ ;,*car) :c~n<:! J0 to 25 pc.~r,;;,;:-m fi-*r th<.~ fi><.cr d(1wnstaw distfibuti<m C0!1Jtl:mie~ (GE-NERA 2002. p. J 7-29). i\_., ',vith rdl.abihty cfk:cts, these:

imp<Kts W{Htld <~ppl.y liming a pm!ong<xl mnstfi:Jction ontag~ or tlu(ing the lir>t >~**:rat year;; of a pcrm:~rlent ouwge, ml1.il5.uffLticm tii.11C had pa:;>c<llo ~mnple!:e the pbtming, pcnwittil1;?, and con~<lru~.:llon of new urnts; [.(J n:::pfacc the !os1 c;,~pac:ity .. h't:B Rfh.~r rcpbc-~mcut (apacily v.**~,s {mt in plan:~, co~ts ,,,~:nlld be' h~gher bec~am~e r(~~lb,;ement unig W<mkllikely i'ta~'e higher optJ;!ting C<)">i:s as wdJ <IS' gn.::M!:t capi>>J! ~:ocas, tn the scc.~n:m<> inv(llving the s!mtd,Jwn ofal! mtdc<~r unib itl ihc ~~cw York. P.RI,. ami N:::w Eng!.and rq~iom. tl1<i: ~~>!ima1-cd pri<..:.: incn,,,,;;.<:::; w~'"' s*tb~!nf!li<llly higiln, wit!< New York con>'~tmer .::xpcn<hturcs irK:reasing by $9.:-l bi!lkm, or about :l(l p~rccnL <>Yt:r th~ 3.5-ycar pcnod tm)tkl<.:d (GE*NEI(.:.\. :wu:t. p ..)). The corresp<Jnding 03lim;ncd price inrx>:asc:<< \<ierc ,1bmll J4lo

                  ~..:.:H...**-:.~~ s :iJ~ ~l.H c~.:-;.i.'-:::!*:n.g. m.::.:..*l*:::~tr pkaH*~ ::n n:£~* r<='ginn {N~'" Ynt*k m'l.d ~!.1.~ h*.,..~,.) -~~:.rn.n.a:ldj;~g .:,::-u;.a_v.d :...;n:.*:a~., ~:S-(J.

Nf ~fncl J.'}:'VJ~ tx*.:r~ ~mp;,x1<~~ ~~~ld l*.:::!} t<:.) :JH (.ii"dKl:1l'..~ pb~!~ d<J:OlH;;. H !~:l-und ~.h:;t,(:m*~Pu.~ r{j~ir<::Yl~.~n~ vfd~~J:y.;: pJ~:r'IB 'l,f'i.~'UhJ h::~~:\; ~he muJti~t{~~~* r~:gi-.:)~~. :;_~;,;~~h ~:e.g_;,[~\*~ r~S~f'.. t :r.:1!~?:jn"';. :~.nd ~'~r::(:~* !h~ vi:r~*ual ..;,.':cf:..iHn1y Of n,:~~Silt'~ 5-:)t.~!*(~nl: *nJ:J:htr"l~;; d:l:'.i.t:~g p-~,:;;.:~?.t. ~t1((.:l:'tb.:'T d~:f!i*;~nd r*~fH:*dS, i~=5- *~.t:H :::~ t;H'££ .rrhx~.i.Ht':":L:::lS::;:>. l'fti::.;. [~U"~-:.':1" +;h::ldc)')_.*:1 ;~l:s..:*( kd r.u t:~t~Jl1;jf~~1 \':hule:;;~jf; prJ~-.:t~ ia*:_:!~:.t.~t*~ r)i' ~i~ w 4l r*;:.~f..l.'.t::fH EJJ ::ht;: ~i*Hf C.:o*~'.*l~'Sl;~k 11~~h:~cs. H.u'\.vt:'i.*CT. :'Ul.t~ ~1. f-Jlt:~:y ~::-: h*-':y(u:d :;he rm*\'*t~\,,. -:.d 'h~ Nr*~f:. :::md }):1l;o..*'~ t~(!' 11:n~ .:*o::J~*i;,.kr" i:. ht:!<::. 1 December 2010 A-433 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00289

Appendix A Sacioeconmnic Impacts of Closed-Cycle Cooling F~elated li) the Electricity System

1.) p~rcc!lt {dcpl~nding on y~<lr) fC!r !he stat~ as a V>hok :c~JJ<l Z9 10 44 p<:n::eni l(H: ~ho:: four klown:;t:iic di:;trilmti,ln <:nmp< (GE-NERA 2002, p. 3l-4Z).

E. Conclusions Regarding the Socioeconomic Impacts of Closed-Cycle Cooling G1venllw !'mdxogs of NY! SO. t!w NRC:NA :md !he Gf>NERA !C]J(ltt t<.::ganiing negaliw dccl.ricity sysrc::m impilcl::;, >vc are riil! aware tJf a11y ba:;;i~ filr !he DSEJS nmclu~iml thfl! th~ soci<.JI:.~t~<.momi;; impad~ <Jfth~:: NYSDEC's n;quinng dm~d~;;;y<.*k coolmg wNtld b<:.* SMALL Ih<.~

waibbh~ inihrm;Jtion indkams Ihat the: n~g;lti\*'<~ ~><J-cio(.ic-nm)rnk impm:l:; of d<lsc<i-cyek: <:-D<>Iing would be ~ubst;mtial and W(Hlk! properly be das~il1c:d as TARGE ba~cd npon tilt: DSEIS nit.:!,in (i.~.:., tlmt dfed~ are "ck:arly rl<Hr.-:-,::lbl<* and are o>Bffidem tn St;Jhi!J:zc impnrtam atttilmte:::
            <:>f' th>:* re:;<:H.m:e")~
            "       The om<lg>:: n~q~ircJ w 1-:<.c1mpkt<: <t ;.:ltJs<.x!.*<:yd.:: ,.,Jding s;-*st:;lm ',<<uu!d indw.k~ ::stnmnc:r p;:~k           40-oooo-AL periods and. would !wve >;ignlt!ca.nt negativ" in<p<ld'l <l*n the tdiahility <)fth..-: regi;)ual                             contd.

dcctric:;ll systcnt

            *       "!11~ likdy (![.!l,l_gC W\Hlld lead k) &iUbS~;mtittl ifll'I.'C<1$C*:i 1U !he whol~sak prit:e nf dcc!ncity       ftJJ' the duratirm ofl!M owagt' and thtl'i ;ldditionalai:'g:tiivc >.<>ctN~t:Oll<)1illC imp<K*K Th,:sc ::<egativc imp<tcl:> *w(mk! be st!bslantbt!y grc:~t;;r ifiP'" own:::r illu.nd h mon.~ c..:ottomkal i(;

_.;hw down W2 and lP3 mth;:r than install dQSi:lk*ytk coohng sy;;t<:ms. l'v1M<~(Mlr, ifNYSDEC rcquirl:d thai ail tmdcM pirm1s in ih\: :<Ute ima:lll <:hl$*,'d-~ydc c:oolmg sy~1C!Wi, ;md all <:1fth;)sc pliHlg l~bs,;d as a H~sul.t, 1.h~ n*~gadve impatt>< wo!ii,JJ:>:;, even mmc: <?.:>>treme. 15 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-434 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00290

Appendix A Jll. Impacts of Closed..Cycle Cooling on Air Emissions and Carbon Dioxide Emissions This scciioo mnsid~a tho:: d1bds oL1 rt:ql.tir;;mctll to install clos~d-cyd~ <eoolmg on ClllWtBficmM air cmis~inns and c<*Jbon tho:udc (COil <~missions. Th~;C>c et11::cts re:>u!t t.fmn the n:pl;!~:<.>mcm elo::i:lrk:hy gc,ncrm~on due m the construniott ;mt.<<g<: mel ;mgt>i:Qg l<)ss;;;:; >Juc w do~ed-cyek ,;ol)hng. A. Overview of OSEIS Approach and Conclusions Regarding Air Emissions Effects ltJ;;_, DS-ElS docs nut quantify 1hc increase<! toir tOlm~~~OB~ thai v"wli.l bi: il..%Ociatcd with lhc C(HlStructi,:>n and op~ration of;;kl&(l(l-cyck- cooling system~ 111 IP. Th.: DSUS acknmvkdges thJt

            ~ C('ll~>>lltan! to Entcrgy dcvd<~rd qu:mtltatiw: cstimutcs (,r cmi:;.;;ion impa~l1> (TRC 2002} an-d tllm to !ht ~:xi em i.h:!l! <::<J<tl* and na.tma!-gas-nr,x!. fi3ci!itie:> n:pl<<tc II':! and 11'3 (>!lipm, :>Mm: aic quali.t_y dti:~t;; WOl4ld m.1.*m" a~ u rcz;ult <)(th;;; rcqnur::d comtrw.:lion m1tagc. How..-:vcc it ibC!I lh,;cou\1l$ tin~ impii<:ls, wiihr><Jt t:Vitlnadng their magnitude, bc~;ms<: th:c:y "would ce<<'"~ "--'hen
            !P2 and J'PJ mwm w service" (NRC 2oog, p. ll~ I0}. The DSEIS ab~ note,; !lJ;H "new pMasitic

[(lad$ <:<Juld g':m.,ratc l!ddill01li$l <:mi;;~im1s em 3. c<miitmLng bl'l:Sls, bwi di:;~ollilt$ 1hosc dtcct~ ,;, wd! v;ithl>\ll '1'-mif}-,ing them (NRC 2001), p. 8* i 0)_ 1, DSEIS Conclusions Regarding Alr Emissions Effects 40-pppp-AL The DSElS conduct<:>< !.hat the nvcra!l tmpach (~fair cnns:-;ions ~mdnding CO:: etmB!iinn(l <.nmld he S!\L\LL" Hs rc,>~<)nlng i:> :>l. nnmarize!-1 ::ts fo11ow:~: Bteam:c air tjttali!y effect,; !luring .::;J-n>truttion wouid bt: contmllc~d by ;;ite pt'al.*tk-<:-s- Mlil nm<p<ot);:,:*:tc~ry nk::~un:~ r<:<.J!1irc'd !o nmi11l::in <X>1l.1p!iann: -'ith ll1<.: Ck:w Au A-ct (CAA-,i (;;hnulil s conft)rmity a11~<!ysi~ >how the ne-ed to mkc other ilctiml), bc-c;m~e rcplan:ment p<l>'<*er W(m1d !x* r<~quir:c:d !<) ai;;o comply with C/\.i\ I<X]uiJ*cm~'lltsl_llnd it would be slwrt hwd), ~ml <lit q*);;~i\ty <.:fk;.:1S during

                       ,,,pcrmi<)!l~ wmdd be tnif!or. !he NRC ~taiT C(lrJdud;_:,;; !hat DYcmll impact i(l <:ir quaiily i:. hkdy S-l<-1ALL (NRC 2008, P- 8-l J}
2. Limitations o-f th~ DSEIS Information on Alr Emissions Effects The IlSE!S Jo~s noi expbln v,-*l1y ii chos-:J t<-. U<l! C-t)Jcsidu TRC'> qn;l_mi!,ttiv<: <:stimates fn any cvcHt, as dis(:us~:::d below, t!K: NRC !.'llll!d hm:*(; ;kvclt:.ped f<)Ug]1 C$tim;lt(;;; ;j:;;ing t<C*.iity
waih!bk in!bnn8tion. \V,, mu.:k: .~nett <:>!imilic's in l<nu :steps:

16 1 December 2010 A-435 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00291

Appendix A Impacts of Clcsed~Cycle Coolh,g on Air Emissions and Carbon Dioxide Emissions The c~til!13tes d.~vd(lp<~d using this simpk appw.adt indi~iik~ tfim the: potcml.ial;lcts should he jttdgcd LA.RGE rather than SMALL B. Lost Output Due to Closed~Cycle CooUng Systems The Jlt5l srep illl:O i;jlJ~.nti:fy the amount o:fdcctridiy <)U!put th<lt would be ilJ~i ir!P2 and lf'3

            'N<lf(~ tl'qnin:d by the '\YSDEC t;} instrdl and opo:irillc dO$~~d-cycle c,mJing c;yom:;m;;_ TJ)t-te are two dement:;;: (I) <)!lt:"timc lm;:;e~ a~wo::iatcd with !he con<;trll>:-!Kw outage; and (2) tmg(>Jng
            ;mnua! ln:;;;t~S a~gociatc:d *,-..!til inut:a:;~:.:d p-il:ra;;iti(* los;;~:s and lc;:;<;c*s in gross output. Note that if tcquiring c!ost:d-cydc ccmhng systcnls kd w th~ pcnn,li!CI!! ~hutd<IWB oi'TP2 amlll'3. the e*nissk>11s e:;<imatcd t(w the constn.Klion OtJtage >Wmld continm: fbr a much longer period, FM th;;- (*on:structi<m outage.<<'>- !K>led :<bove. E11t,:r~on (1003) <~stim;ll:<~~ tlut th,;;; m1iis W(Hlld h>!W Ill shut <:lcl\\dl fbr a 1<.1\;il of42 wecb (nul of a lot~ I coPS!n:Jf.'hiJn peri,}d <Jf alx)t~i S yc;m;). Enercon estimate> tb.t !bur ofthos~* ittb; ,~nuld o*.cerl2p wtth ;1 r~gularly ~d;~duletl reiueling ontag..:.

lc~wing >l net Hnt;lg!:.' <Jf J8 we"'"'* Tot<lillct ~:apacity of~hc l>vn units is ;!b-out 2050 ~1\V. L)~l output owr ).)-; wc.;b wtmld b.; lJ-.1 rnil.lion M1Nh (Encrmn 2U03, p, 14). Fz>r tilt *)ng01l\!J kl~S~s a%ociat~d wit II the cooling tow~r~,- httrwn (2003) <:slim<lled los! mllp<ll dnc to iwo !YP'"" nf io.-;;;..;s: 40-pppp-AL contd. I. Pom.;-Jiic:: /tJ.~:w.;. Thr~ pumps w.:::cl m ci:rn!latc W<lkr through rile w*w;;n; ::md t:h,~ 1l~n-s used t<l hcl'p cr;.oJ the wat(;r '>"'l:Juld il<crca:>cc C<lnsumpdon on avcmge hy abolJI: 5:l.() lv1W, m 4l ?\,000 1-HVh per yc3c a>>uming 90 po"-~_nt G!plR~ity \ttili-z~ts<.m (m~*l1.1ding pr-cm1t;:d rdudin r. nutages).

                    }_      ((nR]t.::n.~*cr*r*.e!a~.t::d reaJ.u.*r;*d B0CiUJ.$¢ th~ \:v~He.r C(>O}(:d   by the ~<)'\.~;i:~r '-dll !1\)~ bt.:?. ;to;
                           *~<lola~        the <Nater drawn lrmn1hc Hud:;on mil:>l ,~r th~ year, ftW$:. <llttrut v.,*H1 b<J r~duccd or! >!Yc~r~g<~ by '~'b1w:!2J l\1\V, m- ab1Jul I_ 66.000 M\Vh per yt*ar l.><:.'l"<Ju<;c~ tlw :.:Nl(k"r)"" w~5 f!t,$i.[',llCd !ilr U$C Wilh !he (:OHl~r riv~r WHICt.

l'!;:-m Slw1&w,ctt 3~Fwcd;..;;:f,~'l:sJnt-..:t.i.iJ*~1 ~-o~J't !~rut::*1 l~,ij')(l,\)()fl Ann;:;,j r;>!c lll.lfr1,f.ll~J 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-436 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00292

Appendix A 1n1pads of C!osed-Cyelc Cooling on f-,ir Emissions and CarbM Dioxide Emissions C. Emission Rates for Replacement Power During ~*om.trut~liun outage, lk~IWit:d non.wlJiy m::Jl. by l P wml.ld h;WB to be mel. hy lm::r< oujpm at olher gtnemting units. Esti1mtcs ofihe ;!ddi!imml :;:missinns tcsul1ing !rorn g-mcrmwn lo '"Pl<K~: !hi~ J()S! (Hltptrl ideally W\.>tl!d b.; b;;scd <:m modding (;; dtttri~:: 5ysh:m atlhl: Ji.kdy

            !I(H'-'* <>flht out<~g*s. b(lih wi:lh anJ without !P2 ;md !I':< m opcnHte>tL Stld"l mnd;-:iillg t:ould 1d~md:1 which unhs would g.;ncrat.? addi!inn;ll mnpul to make up !br .lP'~ !osl mllpu! durin~ tile mange Si)llfCe~.speti!k ,,,mission futtor~ thcr1 totdd be <tppJkd.
1. Uke!y Sources of Replacement Power Rough ai.t cmi;;>itms cslittmlc*> ca.n be: devdop<*d based o!l rc~a;;onllb!c* as:>umpti~>ns. Although C<lll>C!Yati<w and rl~nc;n~hks an: hkdy t~l p!ay impm1ant role$ in me<:ting ll!turc dcmaml ror clcdridty, ~:.;isling .r~quiremcnis ar>~ ;ll.rc<1dy vet)' ;nnbitlou;;. New \-"otk has set u !'.lrgd of2) paeem of e~em:ratinfl m be fr;:.m r-enewables by 2013' l'mgr~~s, hO'ilil:W:T, i~ bdHnd :;~hcdulc. The 2HOH reptJr1 on the pmgram e;;.tim"tes tl1m <:ven when nne i;~<.~hldc:; .:ap;!CIIY th<H i-; nm yt! ln prodnction h>H IS tlmkr r:1mtract m h;ss ;; pending omtn1ct, the st~n;,~ fcli2S p<:rt:ml short of ir:;

2:0{JS go;ti (NYSERDA 2008, T;tbk 5} For a l~mpor3ty otttagc, it would not lx: pr3cticahlc t<,) im>til111>.' ~dditional C(>!!St'IY<>tion mcasun.'s or ro build ii<k!itim1t"il mrlewab!e capaeity Th\bi, cvNl !<)the cxt.:nt th:!l Nc:w York Stat" p<l!ic~ies t;l .:.~nt~1urnge rr;:ncw;-;b[e gener<:HR1!1 and ;:on$ervat ion meet their gzMl">, rht::~t '>(nlrtt'> 1.VOIJ l(l 1Wt saw: "'* iJ:cn~mt:!liaf rcpiacl:'mcm tbr lMi olltpm !k>m IP. E.xi~tmg m.*.d<.,ar and hydro plan!:> 40-pppp-AL similarl_v would tmt b*e ex~~eued t<J replaec lost IP genemtkm, sinet th<'Y gencr:.<~lly nJX~ril!e a~ contd. mud1 a;; p<)S$tbil' alr~mly. /\:;;I r~sull, >mtpllt from II' los! duri11g tiK~ C(>n.<itruetinn m1tag<.' mus.t

            !ikdy W(l<JJd !Je mJde tlp by rrKn~nsing lJHl.ptl! at!.fired 1mit:>.

To he (o(n1~ervmivc (:.0., hi ClT un iht ;;i.rk oftmder~taling <lmi~sions}_ lhr :prirpn:<t::s <rfour cakul<ltlmls o.>i<~ a,;>.;mnc tl1c1t ;.;ll ol'!!K'* iiwr<:rncnt"l g<~m::ralion WiJUld come fr<,>lTJ natuml g;Js~-flro:J units. T ll Iht~ 0~l<~nl that coa! m oi.! laib,;litult'<! f'}r lo>l oll.!lpnt th1m lP :;ome (rac~!ionnf the limo~. emissions cstinmt:e:; d<*<:klf't~d bd<.>w would be uudc!>!<~tcd. For gas~ fire{! ;.mils_, li1c Mr tm<ssion~ ot"pnmury int>::tcs! af(: nitrog<:on o:~Kks (:--<0:-) ;~nd COz.

2. Emission rates Tahk :) sumrnarizt:~ tll<: emi.~'inn rate~ u:;~d !(> ckvdop t!l;._* ~::stmmrc:; below . For <.~x~~ting umt~,

we ll~<'ll inlonnati~-'11 from EPA':; <:.{H<ID datab<1~~;.' .(Ef:>i\. 2007) to <~~dmak avcn1gc ctm$:;k>~l tilt: tots Jhr NO~ ;Jnd hcOJt n>tes Ul.>r calcubting CO.:: cm:s.-;ion nlc'c'>) li*om gas--!lrcd Wllts in the dn,.vnsiak regi.on serwd by IP.'

            *. ~..v{'" mdt~de. ~J:n-tt~ in o(:'GRJlY": NYC:\\"~~1~:l;:H.-.::;(t::r a:m~ L(iJi-g Hlaad s:~~!>-r~:gh~a~~. *v,}e r<:~tril;l v:..:s ~:Bt1~Y$l~ ~n u::~ts ll$t>~fl ~1:>. ~J$.il~iJ w:tur~:f .gw.; .-:n; !h~~lr t>dm;,_1ry fi:-d. ~..i;;~ny r.~f (ho:.':-..:.~ u.Hi r:.. . .tu<.~ ;~ls . . ~ ~..-:1p::;.b1~ ~1r ~::t*ni~8: t)'tl :f f:~~hm~l ~:):'!.

i-=1 H.r.)~ :.H**,*rdt~hlt: *:'H i::. ~~~.;.a~n::.ivo?'i.*-c.~ :.o g;::-: 1.8 1 December 2010 A-437 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00293

Appendix A Impacts csf Closed-Cycle Cooling on Air Emissions and Carbon Dioxide Erniss:ions _ _ _....,f::,;;.mi~sionlbt£~  !!!!~MWIIl C11t~ :110, CO: EAt~rin~ {avo:m:i;e~ (l.~.f,il U~9

                   !>;~w (iJml>ln~<l '-'>'Ck                                                                                             n.~)5~                                            oo7 Nn~~.:                        fLtt-r::::;;      ~:::vv~*n             ,:tr::: j)'JUn*;j~:':\*1\Vh b~\imtit>;~ K~t e.xh~i:':.~ unjt~;                               are btiS(:(J t>n 20ti5          d:t~~::d !hi; m<J~r :-l:c,XjH ~~v~n~Wh:l       ftnm t:PA
  • s i:(c:no lil:n~;.hi~:>:l.:' (tr~A -::Nr?)* ~i.~t {~<.:.w.:n:4iJ.t;.:- Nc::.x -~**ork !)nit~ p~y~.,"'*-=-~t:'t.~~ pH:'d~:~-rn:mu:n~y by n::ttflr(,Ll t<J..~. NO~ :rnle:.::

a~~ f.Gt;:::!- !.7:m1:::::;.~{1~~.\ t()r ~h~J~e H!"d):it dtvid~d h)* tn:.~J g~~.:.~n:ai;.u~. {:{)_~ n::ttt~!) ar~ i..:~1t-c.{~~:H~d b::u:r.t.~d u.H ~h{:

1:ver;ug,e "!:i~:?.~ r:'He n:f ~M('-~e ~:Sffj~: tmi~s (:ot:,f h~~3*t ir~put di<.**~~!.t:d by t<~~;{t i~t:n<..~*=~tl ..1!:! ~. 1.ll.:h1~:~ i~ ! 0~2.UU HJu:'K \Vi1. :;;_r:d m1 ~~~l:~~::o}tJH s;j*b::. rrf f t 7 H~~:':\*~-~...1B~u ('::~":-t\ ~.g.. EJt\ 10:(~8j.
                                                *n~~~ NO~: ~*.::1:t ibr nt:1.:'..-* *!:nii.:.< l~ l:~k::lil~t:d hr~u NO,: tn.1is~k~mi n.~Ut{:S JJ) DSfiS i~*t l"H~1u~al ~;~::; C*um::IJtH.;d
                                                -=:yck: $:dr;..~rnMivt;: (NRC l()c)~) p. ~ *'~*tr~- r.:o.~ ~:'lnis~;~nn ~1rc f'lx nev.* ur:fts tt~s~:rs f)f:. the h~:::t r:ne:~ .;*~f 5. !~}!}:

l~m:K.Wh u;;su:a~d in th DSfiS. SllOtr<:<, .. U'A (21)0:7) tmti !\iRC (2!J(!Jil In :he J,.mg~r run there wmJ~J bt: i.imi? '"' btuld new units h) g~ner;ltc pow~r ne<*dcd h.\ rtpbcc the Dngt.<ing k)s;;~;;;:. in !f>':> net g,;;ncrlllion. We <:llmputc tbc cmi;;;;iou mtcs lin :;wJJ units bas-ed l'l1 t!1c DSF!S: tm:lly>i*; (* r~H<rral g<~;,-tinxl ;i!t,;;nm!ive>. it (:on::;idt;"rt':'d." The units llS*(~d in l.h<' DSEl$ t1s~mTI<: th3t Wt)U!d b:;: htglily :d'fkh:nt gJ:Hin::d wmbim~tl C)'C:k~ planb with ti_ght limits on NOx cmb~ion5, 0, Estimated Increases in Emissions 40-pppp-AL Tabk: 4 repon~ th..;; eslimol!ed lncren:ws in emis~iom; ofNOx :m<l C0 2 b;<se<l an the rcdHced gcnr::mtim:~ in Tab!<: 1 and the i;:tlllSSlO!I rate::;;. in Tal1ll~ 3. contd. T~l>l~ 4. E~Uttm~<>d ~:mls~iMS :\iiStJCi:lted 'l'itli H~pll:l~Nn~n! ]>,,;w~r RNlllit\':tlhy Cotliiflg T<nnr lnsl<lll*tlofl

                  '"'"" Op<' n\ll<m
                   !)la~H Sh:u::4:h.'i:~\-l)

_)~~w{~o.:*k t< (Hn~ ttm~'~ 7.:73- ~ ,000 ~.~:.~q r\WiU~il m~¢ 9,607~~)()~~ -:.02'~

                 ~}ri:g(*~lt~ t>:.:tfx~t.                               k1-:;s-2s {:.~rmndr Sh..-:~n              fUJ1 (<-":~s~h~~~ nt.1f:.1>;}                                                           :_;,~:illtW L-nn.~ ~"'!.m ~n~w ~tn:t~)                                                                                   194,1)!]1)

N~~~~~ J.:;nl~~~on~ ar~ tn fEnd~sh; 1(rfl::i

                  $~:11.Jti:z: NER/1~ ~:~k~t!l~1H~:.;~s ~i}s..:~d l)n infC)-m1ation                                                       i.ti r:1.~-ck .~ ~~.f~d L;t<lij 3.
                 '~ fb.;,~: DSflS :~H{.'.rn~~!lvt~s.titf!.::.r .irl ;.r,*tt~d~t*r d~e ni:.'!.,_,.Y 'lmi~::i W{Jidd h~ lcx:::th:d ():*~ ~h<:: IJ~ ~1tt:* (~:r Ch-t~,.~*~,~r:::. t*lo*~.r,*-~\*:::r .

bii"'>i'b :=th-t;--:l*n'-\Jo\. .;s .a*S:iou=~~z ~h.::' .s..-i.n~:t: !;.<?.r*~.:-mhn:: ~t::*::bnnlogy ~i.Ft...J s-:mis~~nr: ra~<.."':~. 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-438 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00294

Appendix A

                           !rnpacts of Ciosed-Cyde Cooling <m Air Er'l"lissions and Carbor* Dioxide Ernissions
1. Carbon Dioxide (C02}

The IP c:orJsti*l;l.'tk>n t)UWgc* wm:ld cam<~ :1 om~*lime k*~> ofal:l<mt !3 milli-im M\Vh ofgcni.lra!lon_ R<:pladng this <)U!Jltll i> ,~:;timllkd i<) in<;rcal;.;-_ C02 emtssi<)!l:-i by atmut 7. 8- rmllinnl<.)flK lfihc OUhlgC: lasted ion_g;;r !!Jan >l y;:m*, (:()< cmi:;:;ion:> 1\I<JUki lllJ.:n:::l~<' by abnu! 9.6 million l<.>n> pc~ yt:ar ulllil the poim 21 which, more cf!kitnl: rcplm:cmcut units ..;cmltl oh!a.m p.;;mnh <wd Cillliplctc mnstmctiun. JP i!etJer;Hion >'-'tluld dcCt'2<!'t~ by at"~<l<Ji 5f\O,fJUO !1-.fW.h pc:r hec<lll.>C <)( i)flg,;ing pam~iiie and gro:>s <.)\-ll.put loss<.'S. n:~~~hing_ in Jnc~ca;;;;:tl :mmml C<J: ;;:mi~>.ion~ of;~b-r.wt 347,(1\JO k)!l:f; i11 Hw nt:m--ten-n and ;ilx>ut !94,0\i!l t.(m;; in the kHlt:Ce:r-wa (<.vhc:n i'i1lll~ d'li.cie-11l f;t'i1t:tation tmits w.r~.~ld be in p!ac~). 2, Nitrogen Oxides: (NOx) T3bt~ 4 sh<)W;; th3t during the IP l'lllt~ifllt,tion outage. emission;; ~)fNOx WM~Id inneasc b*y :!bout 6,000 H*m;. Ow:e !he W units resumed operMion, NOx <:*mlssim1~ initially WOltld in.:;(<'aS<? by abml! 250 tNlS per yr;lr. Once n;:;v.-, 'h:ry tlgh!ty wnm>!!d plant:> wtrc in plan:. the' incrt*<t"<: in

            'NO,      :;;'l!ll$$JOI]!; wou.ld lx: much snmlkr.

E. Significance of the Increased Emissions Tlit~>;; inc~t'a~e;; in c:mis>i<ms c::n be CUtlljX!f¢d wi!h r-cguiatory nxjuir<:'m<.:r!ls w fH<:>\'kk c1 scHsc of 40-pppp-AL re.rsp\1-tlive and pr<.widc the; basis lbr !kWanining lh~ appmpn:rt;; l<:Yd of impat:l Nolc liJ:li th(; tw*) c:lp-and*tradc progmms discus>.,~d bdow b<>th :'\N {J\Trall raps on cmiJ>:>ions, so in1.:rc;t>-es contd. f'~~ulting h-om n;pbccm<.~nt gcnc:~a~ion wunkl b<!YC l\.1 tx: ,rf[;,~! by n:JLK~iion:-; m c-mis$1-(Hl> fmm otlwr cov<~red :>oHrce~. Konl"thd;;-ss. lilc gnJs~ incrca:;es h1 emis:;i(ms pmvidc a m;tt!J I <;t'Hsc *>flhl'

            !;.':\te-n! to which rc:plucmg th>: k;:;;t mJiput a.>wciat<:d wiLb C(>\J!.ing >ower~ itt IP wmt!d mak<:

a<.l' <Jf tl.w o.:ap,; more difli,;;ult andim- nKrr<'>tly. 1, Compalisons of Carbon Dioxide Emlssioos to Required Reductions under RGGI

             ~-<ew     York :md 11in<- oliwr N(mi>c,J;;tern                :SUI;;~ hitW joined mg:;:dl'-'r in til\l Hqdnn;Jl Gn;ccl1hml>~:

(;~~:;.. Jni~latJvl~ (""j~fj(~r*') t.:.> ~t~-.h~c. e e.n:u::;~i<.~ru~ f.~f gr~. cf:l.l.\nB:'~r.:!: ;g.::t.Sc:F:. fi*!;*nilhc i:.Je{:lrj.,:;.~ty ~L2'(:!tn* Wht:n N\:w York annowK-.~d !h<: compktwH nfwJhling rule:~ Jo1 RGGI ill2007, thcn-govl-rw;r Spitztt s!at..:d: "Gh!bal warming is the !ll\ki! .signifkmJl ~nviwnmcnta! pnll:>li::m c;l\Hlr gcncm!ron .

            ;md by helping k:ld ihis n.:gion:ll pmg,r;.m, w~ can i2Bll~,;iml~ !i*,_ml power piw.nt;; --<.me of the nuin som"tt'S of tarlxa! dit*>:.lck ;;;mi>siCJm in the Nonl!ca"-;1, (Spitur 2{1{17)_ \*Vlwn Coh,nmr I'alcrson op~B<~dtil:;: fir:;t RGGl m.1ction of al!owan;;;;~~ in 2001'S, he :;tat~::d: "Ci!1Jbal ,,.,.,,rming is !.he mf,:it prc:;:;ing. elwimame.ntal,ssll<:: (lfom Lime."* :md that "by cmni11g Wgcth~r -w~th nine oihct l-Ime~. N(:w Ymk i:& ~hc*wir~g tha< we t:ml takt: our own hold action in reducing gr*ccnlltmsc ga&
            ~:m.issi<>1K"' (f';,;nn 'ZOOS).

Tht' in.;rea\'cd <:m\$$t0!1,; a~Hn:hncd V<'i(h i:llt' am~tn.:dilln <wd opmati:on of1bc C(lohng tower~ wo~1ltl m<>k<~ it more dif!i..::ult lm Nc'"'- York to <ldHi:l"t' it:; goah RGGL Lntkr RGGl. 'N:::w 20 1 December 2010 A-439 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00295

Appendix A Impacts of Ciosed~Cycle CooHng on Air Emissions and Carbon Dioxide Emissions York electric l!'<.::nerawrs are wquir~d w re.Juc,;* theit .annual em),;.:; ions of CO,: by a bow 6.4 millKm tone by 201 3. *: T!mo;, lh:i: pnte!I!K'l! incr~;~sc in :::<tmssion~ fi*om ju::;; the -:<lWiln.!ctinn >nJtag<.* (7.1> mi!linn tons) would c:>x<:eed the ilmmal New York RGGI rcduni.(>n latgd by rnm::: thaa 20 per(:cnt. Til pU! thi:' result :mo!hcr <vay, ttl~ tmni~:::11 on New 'iork. sow-.;:cs li> redw:c emi%i(>I1S w*wld more th;m doubk i11 the y<~ar ofth,; <}lltnge. Wen' lP' s unit~ !<) shm d;~w11 p.)rmmwntly, I hi~ hmdcn would co:ntinuc lhr m<my y~m-s. 2, Comparisons of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions to CAIR Requirnd Reductions Tim Clean Arr Im..::r~!~tc Rttlc (CAlR") prornulg3t<*d in 2005 C$t:ibii);h<::d ~ap~ Qn NOx cmi$-;ior~s lh<<t EPA ~~stima!<:d W\J-IJid reduce emi;:~\nn~ :n Ne;,v Y<)tk by illlout 10.0(>0 !on~ in 20 IS (EPA 20!}3aj,' The ru.k, wlndl ahu tightcn<-d the ~ap on so.) emi:>SIOB!'. Wi\S dcsigm::d IC) ad\lri?S~

            $Cver;d am!Jfet1! air pmbkm~. Erni:;.~illns of NOx: :md SO:: bo!h read in the ilimD~f)hc:te t(l Jhrm very fiut~ p<l>ticles tl-ml have b"'"'n as~<td<ikd wirh ;l wide range ofdkct~. including intrcH:>cd m<.~tt<di~y and other health diC..::ts., (f:l'A 2005), N()y, <~h<-) ~c~.,,!;; m 1hc 3HI10$ph<,,rc tr.J n-(>lll grow.nd-ltvd <xzon;;, whidl c<Ri>>c~ a t*~ng<! <Yt';ldS(;;I-s<s cf!b;;t<; nn Jwahh 3iid wcl!ilft: (EFA 200.5).

so,t!he;mem New York *C\I!H'Hl ly Vidales tli~ mnhiellt l'ight-hour \)Z<.)Hl.' ;;tandard and tht: si::mdanl ft)r fine p~mick~> 1<:::;:> 1hnn 2.:i micronJCiers .in clim.".:tcr ("'.PM-2.5," $<l<l t:PA 2JIH8b). Tlw *%timMe-d \700 tons vf incxo1~Ni NO': cmi~'>iiJJ1~ rc~uliiug fmm a ::l<)"week co11~tm.:iio11 ou!ilgc wmdJ m:nmm11o <lilllut 6l) r"~rccm {)fthc '":mrw.n,,d w .1ut:tiou required by CAIR in :-;ew Y(-,rk in :w15 (EPA 20n<5;l). Pllt :l.notk*t way, the tdw.:tK)n rc:qui.rcd to meetl.he ~ap W<)uld he Ml 40-pppp-AL pcn:cm !mgcr H1~n ntiK~rwi':~. contd. F. Conclusions Regarding Air Emission and GHG Emission lmpaets of Closed~Cyele Cooling The DSE!S *lo<:s not pmvt.dt: any inibrnmlion {>fl thf:' hkdy impacts on cmissillns of GHGs Jnd

            <><her i>lf poHtlianH nf ,1d<iing a tk*s.:d-<:yck con ling system to IF'" \.Virhoui qmmtilying c'mi;.sions. !1ow;;:vcr. 1! c:nndudes th<ll the: intp-~.c! of crms:>iont, would be SM.ALL Our rnugh
            '-'ii.ku.!ntioM ,;uggc>t, howe1-,~r. that the ('(JnS!m,;;timl owagc .,.,,;m!d coumcmcl mort~ thatl a ye;lr'~;

worth oi'Ncw Yo~k Slate CO< rcdu~nou.;; m1dc~ RGGJ <Jml!h~ nwjmity c>f <1 yt'<tr'> worth ,,fNO, f<ldi.!NlO!\': \ltl<Jef CAHI.. ln.ligh; oflhi> inll1nnation, 1n~ ~;n* 'twnr<' l1fBo !:>a>!> 1h.1l the DSEIS n~<<>Ol~c*,bty wuld <x,nd*Kk ohat t.lw ait* ::-mk;iorIing W*:Juld h(* S:VlALL Based Elp<)H ih(~ crHcm~! W>cd in !he OSEIS for a LARGE tmp<lrl Crk.;:.r1y n\Jli<T;lbk. awL. suHl<: ~<:m to (ks!t1biiizc t\*.;\'\' )' ~!1*;~ '_:; 1't"fkH~~ l:::GGt r*t,k {N'y' SDEC 2tfClK Pl'* ~;;~46} ~~~*)s~s 1J~M ~tv..-:~~-~~<:; ::;.;.tp i~~r :~U~)9 ~lH'i.~!.lgh 20 ;.~~ ~;_.: 6;~.,*.:; U).~0-5 :,i.~H::..; ~t~ ~:~1p 1~)1' 2-H ~~ ;$nd ~ub~(.'f~iJimt y<;*:;r:.~ J~ ~7. .;;.;?9. '?;:::. wms. ll1t~ di.nt~-n~w.:*' ~~- 6...4.~ l.Df~O ~-.. .n~.

~CAll~ V.<'~:$ ~~~V\::1.:Jt7i.i:d by ~h<?. DC c;:~*::):t {\~fJJl (If :-\i~Pi:;~ 1~ ~r1 ~i;:bn~-~ry ::no~ fJ: ~tgn~f~*Ca:rH p;::r~ ~t~-.'.flt!~:i;' f:if {b~

di:$~;;1'! :t>f !b t't.(a:!ing r~o~r~m:t }i:)Wt:V~t. t.hi; ~~~~*!;,.n h:.s~ ~:.iJ.1£l~ n~vd.i;.~O:"-d ~r-~ :r:_:ltr:c~ t<) :_d~*),\' E P',*\ tt~ Huph;!"no:~if *CA!R

                   .,.._,hd.:~ :.'.'().~*king ~-m ~~.t.*~~.;* regnb:.~;J~;.t. :h~~~ wo:dd ~,~]:;fy jJ~~ ~)r~t~~u:~.l ru~~ng. F*Gr o~:r p~:.q.K~*;:::~~. CAlR p*r<.1<~,*:d~~ '~

uf-!.c1i-.~~ ~*~n~*~ t)f .$(.:;~h: thr NO:-;_ *:-n1is~1~';ou: ,.;cju(:ti<Ji.'i::5o. 2.1 1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-440 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00296

Appendix A Impacts of Closed-Cycle Cooling on Air Emissio11s a:nd Carbon Dioxide Emissions imp<>l1aai nittihmc:; o(lh~ re*;mm::~;"), !ilr l~mis>rom; impact> ,;lwuld lx dmmneri:wd as 40-pppp-AL LAIKJE. } contd. 1 2 3 December 2010 A-441 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00297

Appendix A 1 IV. Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts of Permit Renewal with Existing Cooling System This SC*Cliofl t'mJ.sidcr:> <X~Qnomk is>m:l' rd<H.<.A to tlw <I'JUilli<-~ <:t~<.l~y,;tem impnct a>S(:.:~.srnent in the DSElS !hr permit re~K~W<d with the <'Xi~<tmg t:'ll<>hng :;y~t;;m. In patticnlar, 11;*~ wmment on n:vo i~s~<:s: ( l) ~ll<:: i;.>;t<.~llt t<J whkh th'~ DSEIS pmvid":; ;rdbtm(:li\Jil on ti:K' <.'l"IVironm;;Iltal C:<>mp<>l1t::ni or VHlm' tltl;:::ded by th<::: lP C(Ju.ilng :;y:;!*em *lJX:tatinn {;;ince idcnti!lc<tti<)n oftb<: ctwimnm<:lli<)l vain<: i;; the lin.l ,l,~p iu 1ts assessment}; and (2) the t.rcatrm:m ofutK<.~rlaini.y in til<: OSEIS assc:;.t<msmt >lf "'~uati.: cwsysWrn efl'ect:,, A. Overview of OSEIS Approach and Conclusions Regarding Aquatic Effects This scc!i<}r! provklc~ an <Wcrvkw nfthc DSEIS a.ppm<l,~h and c.,;ndn,;iml> l'<!g;m:li<tg c.q<.t,~tk: r:il:\:(;!\"i of the cxisnng t<x;ling sysl'*'lll-

1. Identification of Environmental Component or Value to be Proteded" fht OSEIS pro\*ide~ the :frllt<iWing ,;ummat)' (1fit~ J.d~mHkation ofth.: ">.mYironnwru.a!

compon¢l'lt t)_r vahtc to h: pr<,lic:lctcrJ." th<.:* dct<!fiT!i!l,ltion of whid1 i:~ <hc fir~;! ~i<~p in ils "W,~i{--;lll ;;f Evidence"I"WOE") .analysis Dflht~ lmpm:ts ot'IF'2 and !P3 on aq<mlic em logy: 40-qqqq-AE For thi:< <l>:>C$1>1JWI1t, tbc <:rwirmmx:nta! tomptme~1! t(l !lc pr<lttttl.ld is lb.: Hwl;;ml [{iv;:.r* Jquatit: r<.~scrun'<.::> H> repws<.~rl!Ni by th;~ I~ RJS fR~pn~"enh!iive Specks] id<:ntHkd itt Table 1-4. Th<:~t: sp<:cws rt:pn:>em" q1ncty of f~etimg strategies and l{;od 'Neb dn>~i!kation~ and an; ,,,;d(lgica!ly, c:mnm~rcially, or lC<;T~lHWtlillly intpon:mt (p, .\.,15) T!ti$ si.8tt:mem ~ltf~gcst1; lhat that 1!-J.:: DSEIS's 3-SS-<:s.~m<::nl: w~l*Uid b~ bo>scd <)fl l.h~ likely "fkcts of

            !I' on ecol,lgit:ai, comrn~rcial 'md ;*ccn:aLionHl ,*ahlcs. A5 di-;cns:;"*d l*,-dm*i, the iul~*,nrwhnn lkvdop~tl in ihc- DSE!S do<.:s nc;t pmvid.: wJi)(ntation !hat ~h;;;;ls light on th;;; hkdy ecolngic~al,
            <..~l1f!lm,~n:itll or JC~~n,*atim~.. l v;,ll~<~ uftlN aq1"1i.k loss~:; dm' w lP and how thtlSI~ v;Jtu..:~ \V<luld b<.:

n.~dnc.~d <.~*ith dns.::d ..:yc!~ moling.

2. DSEIS Conclusions Regarding Aquatic Ecosystem Effects Th<:: DSElS r~pom. " rating fot each of !.he l !-! JUS ~pcci>;:~ m1 l li<.' S i'vl ALL It) l\JODERATE to LARGE sc:,le, ,1;; ~lk*Wn ;n T;lbk 5. In cml!ilruding the <JV:::m!l ~(:ore I;:Jr ih::: ct:tll<)gy-aquati;.:
            <latrgnr;, tiR~ DSElS <;irnply rt~pr:ort~d th;; range (;ftlle r:ttings lhr imlividlJ;>l*;;p~.:k.~,. whk:h r;mgm'!

thml Sl\V\.L.L lo lARGE ibr dK>:>C sped~,; mt(::d. Fm th<; live ~pcd>:-1i !;~b.;kd "unkn(;wn" bccal*;;c of a !;;d<. \Jf d;Ha. the* DSDS tn::;ll'> thent :;g if their ~c{JJ:~C> wwe S.M/1.1. L io LARGE. As a n::;;ult, !h.;; <)"i:raU nti11g J<.1r tlllt!<t!l.C ccolngy tmptt~t> i~ S:\1.1\LL to LARGE. 2 3 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-442 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00298

Appendix A Aquatic Ecosystem impacts of Permit Renewal with Existing Cooling System S!x,;,n~lll <Jf lm11~~t~ .,n~*2 ;md li'J l'u1*ulaHnn Um' uf l,;(<*e <)f (:<J<!Hf*~ S~*>ttnt !>!t f;**id"llO::>' f~\*ide<l<:l' '~9\!:!l~" Rt:~oun~<*~ Akwilic Ln*w ~"';* ~...t~d~uw Small n.J :~~-hx:~r ;n<: IUy 2:~d:*.wy Luw<<.>.i'.*k<);""' s.m~dl. ~c.} !\*tu~!".;jl{' L~l:g;;. Luw  !<.> i'.*kd;um Sm<tlt ~<> Jl.h><i<:-.c"le t::~rg..z llillh Med:i<O c~ ;.,, High

              .~shntk            """'lmd<<.n           :\*h{;.k:::~~<:: u~ L~:rg.t:'        !. .:"ii;.:nt'\\\'TI                           u*n*knl);.vn Bh~dJ;,d: he::-J~ug                                L;~:g.c:.             Ln"v to ~Ojl:t:<l~ Brn                      Sm~ll    :o Mod"~k La:-g:r:.                   !''il~w~~                               Mr><i~n*:e L:nkn~.'\C.'fi L;,~g*'                                                           S.rmdl :<> Mm'k:mte A1l~~~~l~ L~       *~~-::r!_~t:~*uu                Lm*.g~                                                                   U'nkHo;.vn sr:*fl~:-t:"<:. b:.:tsf.i                        Sm<lll                          Hluh                                       Sm:<l!
                          *to~.* to.rJH.:f~i                     L>:gc                 tow 1<) ;,Jo::<Jium                         Srrgll to     Mo6critk~
              \*c'!l[:r; '.,:l~*~~~~h                          Lilt£<:               tow i<:l ;.*)t<,hmn                         Sw~;; t~> Mt'ikl':li<~

Vlh ~t>: p-er,+~ L*:Rg~' Mdium <o.> High \~:.xJera!o:.: in L~:~rg:t:-

              )~"'i:*~.kttsh                                     'Si;m:ti              ~*1*t~dhnlt ~n ~ hg~'                                ;';nMU 40-qqqq-AE C+c~~:~i:tt ~~)::td                                                          Ur-lk:HJ\1..'11.

contd. N<:*t<<: Whe*e '*"~mn impac:~ ::1 l.'nkno\\.11;** rhe DSI.J~. n*:.r~,; ;h~~ im;:>:Kt.<;<.,;,>rJid r;mg~ fmm S:>'IA LL lo LARGl:_

            '<<>t'-'ce: NRC 211(1~. Tobl;: 4-..:1.
3. M~tllod for Developing Species Ratings
a. lines of Evidence T<~ <*kvdop the (>VE'I':>H $;\lALL-MODERf.TE-Li\RGE imp:1d r;ati11g tor <1i!dl .species, the DSEIS LN":!i a "WOE <r!>:pr>xwh with two J;!(~ncrill "line> of tv idem:.:."" CLOF"): { l,l popu!;;!ion tn.,nds :Jnd (:;*)a Hl<:il~'-'""' l;abckJ ".>in:ngth of '-'<>mlC<.'iion." Tbc lir>t LOE w;cs multipk :'.OLan:c;-;

of >bt;J to '-'Stiltlak wiKthcr the p<.1pttbtion oL1 ~l~':.6es has. h~c::n dt*diniag. The DSEJS \Vc)Jglm. resillt~ :rmn the' lndividu::tl !l<ll::t ,.;(~nrcc~ ::t>OcordiBg t;) tl1dr "ll::it' *md ~Jtdiry" ~o de:rivc <m i>verall pvpuk:titm tnm:\1 i'<lting l>fS"!vlALL, lvK>DERA1T, or LARGE f(n* ~ach of!lw ~peti<ls. The

            ",;tr~;,~ngi.h of U!llnedion" meaSl!r<:: i$ nmre ")mplicated, and wmjXH~*s "the rmlk Drder <)f RiS Ci!Ugllt in the ri.\t:r tn lln:: ord.:r ~1b:SCT>'<Xl in impillgement ;md colllr<linmem sample~** (p. 4-19). FM
            <::&do :iiJ(lCics, the: DSEIS rcpott;; !bur mc;t~ure~ of strcngt.h of co1m<:<.~tion, fwoking <~t. IWiJ*ngarlt:!!l and cntr;;tnw<'nt !(*,; hl,th lht:' >p<~<~ie~ and it£ prey, Wc~1ghting ~adl tm'*ii,;ure ltl:C:imiin&~ !<)its nse and m!1i!y" !<) dc:riw ;m (lVera!l :>ln.'ngth <)fc.~<)IIH~'l.~lkm r;mng llfLQW, iVrEDIUM, and HIGH 1

2 3 December 2010 A-443 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00299

Appendix A Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts of Permit Renewal with Existing Cooling System b, Overall Rating for Each Species Ba>r~tl <:>II lb.; scc~t*¢$ O!l !he two lines of ,~vitknce, the NRC stal'fa~sigli<:il <nl m:er;lH 1'ating liJr the imrmct nfthc IP2 and 1P1 CO<Jhllf: -:;yqern on nquaii-c n;souH.~t*s. Equal wcighi i:;; given ~o the p<.<pularion mxl ~trcngth *1f ~onnccti'm iincs of c1*idence, but a SMALL impact on pnpul<1tt<.>n lrenct,; tlr <1 LOW slnmgth or* <X>tm,xliN1 !lwn: req1Jircs a;;;;igning :m ovcral.l impacl kvd i)f Si'viALL. Slrip!:d bas:;, fi.n <*x.<mipk, h<~> a SMALL tlllin£, l()r J:'I!PlJ.htim< !t<":,n<:l$ ru1d a HlGH

            ;;m:11gth of 'o.nnecti<)U rating.. Tlm:;. :lCCMdiHg to th~: DSEIS IIK~t!wdoklgy, trip,,d ba% is
            ,-~,;s.igmxl mi t1vaall imp;!cl raiing of SMALL B. lack of Connection between "Environmental Component or Value to be Protected" and Information Developed in OSEIS The DSElS begillS its                   as~es:;merlt>      with ;m idc,ntilkatinn ofthc                  "envimnm~ntal          ..:.omponcnl or v;;!u,: !<.> b~ proicr.!~?-<f' and ncl!e>* tha.t !]w c(;ll.skkred me "cco!ogi~tdly, cnmmcrd2.!!y. or r~;.,;.:rcatinrmlly       import<:mL" h wmdd be :::~pccted. tlii:.'rdbn:, !hat (he DSEIS would tkvdop an asse~$1Ui:!ll         thal pr,wicks 1rt!unnM:k'n (m Hw                         k~<:,;[ogtC;l.l.. recrcaikl!litl or tomm~rcia! Jmpori;l.m::o::
            <lf the ln,;sc;; dcJ-:.' to IP unils, Th;; JirS! step in C~S"';:;:ing lh<.~ imp,lct;; t*f Ill<.' c>pr::r::>lion (;f lP2 and lPJ Wt)uld be lo de!l>rmlne wheih<*r thcre is n Ci!IJSal rcbtiunship l~twe~:m tile' op*~ration oflP2
wd :u>3 a11d <l.qumw impat:!;; <Jfccl!logKat, r:::cr"-"ll'ion;t!, Qr importam:<',

l*low<~Vtt, the fJSFIS !lo::.~:; nm pnwidt' amdysi.s thai: adt:<wawly asst:~&cs whm:nc~r .:my ~p;:;~d:es pup;Ji3tim:l tkdiFIC~ an: b.:ing .;:rm::;ed by '-.1pcmti(>n Of!!', Or rather tt':>ult ii*om Nhcr ~treS,t:JfS Furth,~r, ~ven ifi:h.: DSUS WC.t<:! ;tbk: Ill :>lww ;;cmsa!iry the nJC.tlKl>h B,-;<:d m!hc DSE!$ d<l am 40-qqqq-AE rrnvide infonnat1on nn !be mcrgs;ilu;k ofiUS JWpu!mion impan~ !hml LP1 and lP.'l <me! their contd. impllc:>!i(}m; I0:1r t~<:HlogkoJl, :::.cmmcrc ial, or t<:>:rcatinmd v:>hl~o. \\'c Wlllcr~tnnd. that in:fnmmli(!ll i> '!Y3i!abk th1t '-X'l.JkJ be used W pwvidc ~ mcne mt~anifi;J:\ful a;;~~'%ll!<.'nl of IUS pupuhrtion imp"cl.$ ;l.nd Hmt C<lul<l a!$<) h,~ ;lgg:r<::J:ah:~j iHDr~ meaning:i\.t!ly 3cm:;> spc;..,ic,s.

1. Assessment of Causality The DSUS >hltcs tha! t1 fimJing ,)fan <<dvcr>e imp11C!. 011 a specks '"me;ms (hal ~he <iam ~how both :1 m\!Oil;;u:mhk r~';:poase in the RIS poruk:lion and .::k*;u ,,._.idcnt;: tl'w.t the IUS i-:. mf1ll.-:l!~~".l by the npcmtioa ,)f!he 1P2 ;md 11'5 conhng ;;y,i!Ml"' (NRC 200R, p. + 19)..ltl m<~klng !hi,>
            ~IW<¢lnC!lL th"' DSEl$ i~ <t>>Wnint,\ that !h<' *~*tfC'Ilg\h <J!" c-<mlw:.:!i(>n* f.OE pmvi<kS S<.tfH<~i<:n!

evidence nf l'~~lo-~hty. l*!m'rcwr, :>s cmnm;;:nts by Banllho<bt dill. i,2009.l d~mMi$lmte, lbat l.OE J(,~:;; not pw*idc <l mcaning!i:JI <l~~cs<;mc!ll (>!'the impa(*t *Jflf>2 and fP3 on IUS p(>pnla.t 3o.'1:S.. *~ D:::tcmnning iflhcn:: i;-; :l c:ms:<t rdaliomhip bel*;vc:::n lW'l' v~wi.ablcs is a st<Hlthrd problem in all lle!ds. "'cc:>n<!mk~, il5 well t1:i bi<>!<!gy. Ah>cm C<)ntrollcd np,d.mcm.s, C<tn:<ali!y ~:an t>e don~.::ult t<) ~k;cnnm<. Providu1g $lati~IK'>li ,;\;idcn;;<:.~ ofu ~.~a<l:S<\1 rd:H)on~hip bdw<~<~n 1l1t: opnation of 1P2. and lJ>j ;me! RIS popBlation kvds wnuld be the.* fir$\ M<lp i.n provxling a

            ~~ B~l<*nth(,t~t.;~~ f~ ;~f. pnt:91 pn.rv1tk ~-. *l\;mpk~L:: ;~~x~~~:~:.t:::n~ .:.~t t:he 3tr~ngm *:~; t::~xmct:1ttm L.Of.:. d~nw~:t;;:r~;~m.g:: :1,n\S rt:
                  ~h~~ m~*!JJ<J-3t.~h~g~* 3~~<.i j1_-; tt:w1tn~y to f.1f{.ldu*.::t:" ~ffimt::{li,;~ ~~~uhs.

1 2 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-444 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00300

Appendix A AquBtic Ecosystem Impacts of Penni! R(~h!~wal with E>:isting Cooling System (:mme<",tl,m to th~ ,;;nvimnmt't1ial tornpml<mt m value !<) b*l' pmlec;t~tL" A >:ritic3l of a:-;:;essmg <.~>l!JS11[ily is In ccm:;idcr >Jlt'"'nHJtiv~ c:<<.plan,1timl5 f()r the <)h><'f"'('Xl <::h<l!.~gc in d1c d<:-pend;jnt v;l.ria\:>l<:- (c . g ... d::.,diiHl in ihe p<)ptdation of :w RlS) and \{1 lest!>::< s~,;; whi*..'ll ort!m,;<l hy]XHhcs;;::; ~rc toll.'\I:Stcnt with vannus asp;~cts nfthe d<llii. Whde the DSEJS a*km.lwkdgc~ that

            "[)cteclabie d;;>.nge:'. in RI:S r(IP\ may be inilnenccd by 11ili.llm.i Sll'<l.SSNS or m;rr be !he re~t!i! ofstr~;;sms llsso~:i:Jh":d wtth lmm:m <!d.ivitic>. which include the operation (lf!P2 and IPJ."

(p. 4*9) il milkes m1 :~lkmpt to a%cs> tl1c r~hllivc impact:. ofindivldltlliJX>I..:ntial s!r.:~sNs. Fll.fther.. the J)SEIS does not ;ld<~qn;liely C:<)n:sid~r rdeva111 illt(mn<HKH! irmn !hml.lwusl~ (2008}, which c~V;Jlttatc~ ~~vera! d. i t)) pos£ibk cxpl<~rmlkms :fi:Jr d~::di.nes it! th~ p~)plliMiDns (,h,~vcn>l RlS. Bamthm:sc G"t aL lind th<lt tlnrw ,.Jf the pnpulahnn decline~ i~ e<)n;>i.~tent with II' ht:h1g tbk' cm;~c ;md that m(1S! <:;m lx~ o;plai1wt1 hy {l!Wo or two othtr ill,~\ on. in panictdar, ~!npi.'d bass pre-dation ;md ovcrlhhing. 10 Althoug!1 !:h~: DSEJS i:'i!<:S the Ba.mthou~c e~ ul. s!m.iy and includ*c~ a. t;"tblc summan<>.ing il,;, ilu: DSEl S doles n<H 3pp~ar t\l have incorporat~d Bllrnl:l\Cm-;~ d aL \ rcsuhs tH .a;;pmach into ils anaJvsJs <)£ czmdusions, and dtx~ rwl attc*n1p! 10 1*ccotKik discn::pan(*i~:;; b;twe~~n its r.>*wn rewli.B and ihm;~ nfBamtllotH<: .:t aL 11 f(lr cxampli:, wh!k til:::: DSEIS iinds a HIOH .s!Ic::ngJh <>f C<HU!~i:tKlll f(\r ;.tripcd bas$ and a MED!U\-l to !UGH ;.tn.~ngth of coml<i'ctitm for white r-wrdl, fi)r both spe-d.::~ Bamthom;c c1 a! rt~j:oet fhe llypo:hcsis1hii! lP hm; be..:ath..: cau~c ofpopuJ:;<!i(HJ <kdlncs.

2. Quantification of Population Impacts The DSE!S ra!cs tht imr~ad on l':ach ;.;p~t:i:::::; as SMALL ?.*!ODJ!.RATE nr LARGE base-d m theory on \'<'ho:.*tbcr the ()perat ion of IP !end!; ao '\l(o~tibilit.e" m notke;Jbly Bltcr" "any HilptJttarH 40-qqqq-AE e~ltnbu!..:> ofth.: resouRce (NRC, 1008 p. 4-lSi. *rbc rwo LOL ilXIividLl<tHy mwJ in combinati(>J1, J~tl! i~1 tcllu:; whd~wr IP'> uperatH:J~l in f::~cl d~.siHbili;~~~ ilr tl<lti.~~<ibly itl!cr:;. ih::o pop\ll,tiiml <>f ;my contd.

RJS. The popuhti>m-tn:mb LOE tbcus<:s .cnti.ri:ly on "'h':!her there is wnw;;;*d :r,znd, with !ll1 attempt ro n::!kcl hs-ma,~rJimdo:., ,md as ("otllJ:l1i.m1.s bv B;Jmiho!l:lc ..:1 ~~L (20091 dt><('HS>, the

            ;;tr~ngth*nl~cmmcctio.n l~OE l;,!l;; t<; cst~*hlish ,;::wsa.lity, kt abne pl-.::" ide <lHY e;;tim:ll{\'> <)f t.he magrlil.nM of~ny cff<~d: of tP's opcr;nion on Hw p<lpubtion either in absnluk lcrms or in prow.miona! torms.
            \"\~ umkniand !lmt qnami.tnt iv~~ l~~!itn<tlc~ ;Ire av<til.ahk <>f l:ht imr>ac:i:s <)(H'2: and IPJ on ~Yt\1 <l t' ihc Ii.l RlS (..<\S/'1.'\C 2t!03"i*. T!1os<.~ ,,~!*mat.;, oridlld;; 1mt (lnly lo"~ iri 1urmh~~r~ of org;mi>m:i, but cJ]J><l it"* tcnns c,fthdr imp:ids (>i1 ni.ti1:Jl>en; >.Jf atluh ;;;qui~*:llent;;, th~1:.: m~*king: it p(;;;;.;ibk to rnake rm;aaingfi.1:l <:tJntfl;!ri>ml.'i ;~em~> ;;,p~-t:ic:> impi.ngc:d (1!"" cmrainrd at d.i!lhcnt hE: swg,:s, irmn egg:; lo !)~h <~g,:d CJ!l<' n~ rmm:: Y'*'~rs. Thl:~c (:~,tim>~t::::; ~htl H' <~djumo:d f<.1r ;ww ~~orr:.'<:'n> an.;!


              ~:;. r,*,r 1:..\~\mpt~.. H~t~}.' 11:1*Li :thar..f~h*ip*:::,~J.t"":".-t~=-. pr.r:d:ah~"\'~~ t~ tb<:: ptirnm:yft:u.:to~ ~n :.!n.:~ fl':(~rH tk:din~n- f'l*f A1~i~.n.ti;.; ~OITK:(Ki:
                     ~r--*cr h~!::*i~1'!2. 3nd btPI ;st::dHJVV~ ..-md ~h~~~ t.hc t!~:.~dine 1!1 A~!~Cr~c.a~ Sh-il.U h3.~ f<:."S\~H<:d V:'iil1~:.nh' fr'lmlo:}\ot:r!35bi~lU:~
                     ,... *tth ~tJ~p~<i" t-:.!l:,.:'i p:~:d;Hj<;t:b (1~~~:1 '~ ;;iJfj~f~h~n~::g f:.Ktr~-r. The !hr*:~ ;;p~<:i*~::; 'lhith th.; a~i~he.. t im~)ing~r5~!.'1l~ a;;~{~ ~

t:.:fJ~f;~irHJNnt  :;i.un-:1:> i~~ ~h~ NRC ;3nt1h*si;,, Nuc:tish. h~)B.dh:t}t1:f., ;;-:~~d rauil~_,.\i.'. ::.~t1l:!k. ,,.*,~~'<.~ Ht:r! 3n~lud~~;J ~f! rl1i.~

                     ;~fj~~ ~y-o;; is. \Vi: Ht~d>.:.*r~t::LWJ :.~;:H. ,;:(J't11H;<:~f1 r.~ rRnv [d.;;'il f~y~*Ha n <~:~,;.~~~.~ {.1 d 1. {2 0$.);1) \',.*~ H;;;d.dr ~s~ !h.:.~ :[)Sf ~s n~I d if~ g:..

k~:- ;d~ ~hr~~ sp*;:.c~~~ fh<.: OS!~~t$ :"!r:~:;\:nr:;, ::-;.tlnl<.~ fc"::..u~h (rmn Uar:lrhou*~r,.; <t ;~l if1 d!~c.:f::"Hf:~ o~.-:t:..:m.d.;;tj ~**~ m~:p;j(.::~ (::i.\:J,'l.i.~;,x~ 4.'~. l ~ :snd h1 1

Ap;.')~J'ldi>. H. lx:~ ;~~;d*. *:;~ fH ~~W:::fnp~ t{) (.n~1~iik'r th~ yrf~~t~h;~f f'~~:t;~~XS I.;~K:h i.iS r::;hi!1g p~i:s:;~;:'C (l:t' pr-:::d~~t~*J:L Hi~h:;~*

                     ~:*:an    !P2 {J:t SPJ. . are ~~w         ~:'*HH,<J:::y ~;..;ptm1.'J~io:-::; t{~~ p{1}WthHi\.'tf~ do:;~.;,:~i~:.~~.

2H 1 2 December 2010 A-445 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00301

Appendix A Aq~1atic Ecosystem impacts of Permit Renewal will'! Existing Cooling System oper;l~ing pmcedttr::~s m>tilltkd it! lhe t*arly 199{)>; 1o rcduc~ lo~sc:s lO impinge men! :md cntraimn:::nl. Abs~:tlt eonsidcra!ion <)ft:he m::tgnitudc ofpopulatirm cffi:-ct&. tlw DSEJS cannm credlhly as1>e'" the pn!et1tir~l f~1r JP2 anrllP:l to '*'d<:s!Hbi\i-;-:>,e." M "nt)!ic<.~<tb!y <>Her t<Hri:b<:~tcs c>fth<~ resource, nllr c~l:l il prm*idt: <> ln$i:; lbr" m.::mtingl'ul il:>.sc:;~mcnl of the e<:olo;;ic:<IL. nxn::atinil<ll, nn<i t:nmm*m:i<tl t1r1pnri:am:e" of the impa<:IS ofH'2 ami lP3.

3. Meaningful Aggregat.ioo acracss Species lb~ DSEl:S cl<ncludcs in "ii::t:Uon 4.1.3.:5 thut: th<~ *'ov(TZ!II i1npact !<* ;tqmtt!t rc.,;ourc<:s; lrmn Jilld ~mminm.::nt<~s trom SMALL 10 LARGE, dqJ~nding Hll 8pcci.;f; <lj'f~nc:d" (p. 4-21.) Tlms, the r.w<:nll >;core m.ilized ti'.u* c{>mparisons ofimpad> in. ch<tplers g :1nd 9 i>.

(~~S\l!li:blly the r1mg~: of the mlnimum to ma:<immn imp<~>.:< ;Jcmlis tht~ li\ IUS Clf<lltnlf!:d. l'l*1<;nx>\*cr. b.;Jc-<msc RJ$ ti.n* wlm:h lh.~ i.mpacts arc *'unkrmwn" ;ore <l\Jtom.a1:kally giv:;:r. 01 SMALL lO LARGE ~C(~rc, il i~ rnHi!::ciHy :i\ f(>rcg,one CCHl<.~lusim*, p;uticukuly with <i kng<.~ numb,;r of IUS, th,~t the ovcm!l ~core will be Stv!AU. !u LAROE. nHidng it of little u"e lhf dcci&ion nmk~r~ in$hing 3mung (:ct;;l:s. To devdop a more mmmngft!l aggrcgatc ;;~m~ tbr tile: ;!qwmc cwhgy catcg>>ry, 1t v;otdJ be im]Wrtant to ass*~S> the r,;.elm.ivc lmp<)riant:e tlf imp<(Cls on di.ffcrcnt R!S. pto;;';;umably f<.:t1~~*tag th<:Jr ";:r.:ulog1cat, rc*cr;:,;timml, m c*omm.::rcial (!npurt<u!C-e." This 0fl'<:>rt might inc*hide, 1;)1. exampl<.!. c;;r im:1ilng the quam itmlve impact <)t1 rct;n:aliomll or cmmll~Tcial <:llt:ch~:~<, botll dir~ctly ml<.t inttircctly through impact:-; Pn prey ~p~:~k~. 40-qqqq-AE Not,;; rhat ihi:;; pr<>C<:>s would nN requir( <lcvdoping lil!! inibm13tim1 tm th~ vntui:: nfllx; \';;rious lo%-o::> <h;l; toW <!p{;nltim<. R;n.b.;r, i:nflrrrnati(>11 ,;;mild he ilevdnpcd <ln the I>J.<e (>f(h;;; redtJ.ced contd. Ct)flln1W::i:d lln<l tCCfC".;1iKllt<il catdl ;l;; \VCII WS th.;: t)'fCCal! ch;mgc in th<' ;:p<.X,iG$ !)Opu!<Jl.!O.IIS rdat1vc to th<.' ~weru!l b<l>:clrn;: pop<~ltllions. C. Limitations of OSEJS Information on the Implications of Uncertainty Tht~ DS.F'.lS ntlii:S th*l importance ofalld.r~:;sing llHIXrlainty in ~tt.Hiies ofccn!Dgi.:al ri:<k, c*itmg EPA'*:; (199S} H'l'l)rnm<.:ndatjon tk*i ** .. pr;,d)tioa~rs rc:view mld summar[ze the mztjM areas of UI1CC~fta.iniy in tlll'ir mmly~es" (p '1-:20). Unfimmi<H<lly, th..: Ji'ii~ll~Silln in til~~ USEIS lSlinntt"tl fvr t>vu n.:a.>on:;:

                  "'  Th~    DSUS J2lls      t<l >::on~idcr <lVld~tK<l  ti1<H is not par1 (1f irs \VOE. prot~% W narrow lUKt:ltainty;    m1<l Ll 1

NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-446 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00302

Appendix A Aqtwtic Ecosystem linpacts of Pefmil Renewal with Existing Cooling System 1, Information that Can Narrow Uncertainties Tlw f)SElS ctrJK~a.r*' to a%lHrl<~ !hat i.Lldcqmtlc dam wer~ nor ;lYJdablt~ fi*mn the sMtrc-e.s 1t m;<.':cl m its WOE pmccss. !ht rcs!J!I was "unknown" aud hc11<:t: the impau~ ;._:nuld no! b-.;: ne>rnn\**cd U<)Wll i!-om th<.~ crliirc ;~mg<' fmm S,\iAU. 1<1 LARGE. l1J -fi<d, hnw;;-vci', (l!her ~{HJH>-cd of dill a (11 rcn>;onillg m:~y a!lm<: a nam)wing of impm:t:>. for ~xmnpk, !h~ rmp;H.::t on b!tlC crab is Hsle!l as

            '"unknown" bcc<wsc of inad;:q1Mtc intinrm1!iun (!!!the Sl.fM~gth-of<::(>H!lCt;l ion I.OE. H(J\W~vcr, bccatt>C !h.: (10pu1atk)l1 I.OF ;;t:M;c iJ;. SMALL, il i> dt:<.tr Ihat tcgardk:ss <)fthc 1ilrcnglll*oF connccti:,)rt 5corc, lhc oHTall ralmg >VOLi!d b(' SMALL ' 3 Tht :>hr!rtJK>Se si.liiTN"m ofR,f:; mK>Iher- ()X:lniplc. In !hat £:asc, the DSElS !i:>ts; the IUS a~
            **unkBO'-'<'Il {l!l !10th LOE. HPwc~;*cr, thl' IJSE!S di:Ktss:>c> sev<:ral pieces <Jf w.:k!~nce, all of whjch point l'l a S\t"'LL h:np;t,,l. Thc' DSEIS dtcs a par<-'I (thir1 " ~,L 7.007) 11nding that the pnpulltlit>n of sht*!tn(*:><~ >Htrgcon irl th.:; Hudst*n Rivet ll<lS.;;<!d ;; b<.)Bi 400 f!':'J'CCH! ~ill-' 1hc 1971)~ (1he p<:riod d>tritlg which If' lm:': opnat~J). It a isH -~~t~s <Hmth<:r p~pcr ( Wml<lland ~md Secor 2007}
            <::sr:hn<~lim~ illc'rcns<,..:f s!*RJ<<'{>ll ;;bu:nd;m('~' rnor.:: bro;3dk. HodJ ,.,fth ..*:;., sllJdies suc;gc,;1 a S\-IALL
            >;~OX(; on Ptlpu!.ation tren<i~. I i !he populunmHrcnd scdre h; Slv!ALL, according t~1t.he DSEIS methmlnl<)gy 1.hc overrsll scnre mw>!. be- ilS well.

The DSHS a!~,~ citt:~ t:v!de11<:~ indi.:n:ling thai !P ha,; httk impa.ct nn the piipulation nf!hc

            '>horiJW!iC slurgl':(ln. Fi~1>t,                       "'[h.jas.;:d on a11 cvalu~l!on ofcnlraimncm d<eta pw~*;d;;d by the
            ;lppk:;l.nt, th<,rc is nn cvitkncc tlmt the Cf\?~~ or larv;1c of dth~r species C~rc cmnmonly ;'It lP2 M H'l {p. 4-51l. S~<<:mld, the DSElS nor.c::. th;li. in :1 !979 Opinion. th.: NatiM:ll 40-qqqq-AE Fish~n~*s :-krvicc (N\.*1FS} cst.i.mwcd. tlmt overall rnnrwhly !19m impingcm.:nl and
            <'11trurnmcm (o.r ~he Huds~1n River (induding planls otb.:r than !f'} \\*<H; ,;.nly (1 . 3-0 4 pcn:cm. nfth.:                                                                                       contd.

slwrlno;;~:  :;t\lrgcon popui<l!i(>n (\RC 20llS, p. E-9S). Tht i!!;.;!alltlticm ofth,~ Ri:stf<)ph scorccn;, ;wd V;Iri;lbk*~pced pump:> ; t!Je I cn9 ~}\-'lFS opiniOil would have hnmghtlhc lllM!ali!y talc CW!l l<.lwc~. :~$ tlJ<:* l)SlJS ~Kkn{H<'kdgr::-c; (NRC 2008. p, E-98). Tht: DSFIS dlcs ;lllllf !his. tvld<-r!(t: that ;my impm;!s oriP ~)n :;h*1.ruw:;c ~turgqm ar.:; rnmkst but Q(H.'S tl<)l rdk'l'l tht~ inlhr.maliou in !he sc<nc: ll~;;!gn;:d.

2. Sensitivity to Alternative Assumptions Thl~ DSEIS f!C~nowkilg.ts uncc.rwimy 3.n<l!he ov(*ral! 'c<)n;;o.*ryadvcn:;os~* ofih a~:;mnprions in 4, bu( il dncs not iiUtnipt w pwviJc any sy:>teaulit lt<du.ation of1hx' $t"m;itivily Clfil>l findings !l>r i:ndi\*idual spcci~f; to lfli.~ ,,,;,umpticm;; m decisions 1Mrh: in the :imjiysk Fnr ex.anjp!e. llw DS.f!IS tE>ts the 75* perc,~n.iile c>fi:mpingcrm~nt, *~nlminmmlt. mJd p.:1publion d~JJ~J1 i~~ in cnkuhlting ir~ strmgt!H;l~c;;l))n.:<o:;tion mcnst:rt~s. '~ h would b<' ~en~ihk w sec if using the mcun Clr <l':cdtan il ditf~rcnce. Sim.Uatl.y. l:h.: DSEIS lm,;" kmg di:;<:u~sion (~f unctrtainti;:-;; ;>boul!he impat! of thi; Rtslroph sct<~t1b, hut dot~ nlll kS! !he SNJSitivily of it:<
_: !:.g.: :-:-~e ~h< S(ori:r:~ f~'r~ ~:H*i:~~d ~;~~:': * .,.... h~rt ~h.. ._: .:;;.n.. ~nt~~~ .:~f .:..'o'fmf:...*t!:.;~M i!..r HlGH 1)::-:* !h.t.;-: .:.n:o::!"(~H X.;.'i)f~ S:i L(1V~-:

ht~(.{~\::;~ Jj~i~ pn~~;..~~-::H.i-:;n~n<.*_q_iJ~ UJE !:; Lt}\\..-. l..:!\i~-:g ~h,~ ?.~**:: ycn.>:::t'1~il~; g-~.w:<Fifly ~-.,.*t:l gl\:'e..~ !;n:~i~~::::r \i.<t"-i:Ji~=- UJ :'IJ.~:;.*:.::~L~-:; -1,~*i!h t*~:l:uh**:>:ly high yt;u ..:ttr---;*{':;:H vm*Jab\Hly. Th-~~ f>Sf.!S tYx.~o.; f!O~ [~~vl:;:~_in ..._~hy i~ ,:1H;s~ 1,_, H~e *t:hi~ p~ri.:.;:ntdt~. 28 1 2 December 2010 A-447 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00303

Appendix A Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts of Petmil Renewal wi!h Existing CGolir.g SyBtem r,;;wli:> w th vt;ry wmcnla!ivc o!!i>tHl1:ptlon l.hallh.: Ri;;;roph ~er;;:cn.~ {<tml \'im.ah!c-~peo::d pumps) m,,d;; JK> ;;!ill'\;;ren;.~;;;~. A sywo-m<:tii.~ ii&ting of key n;;>\ll11ptio-n>; and ana!}*ik ikx:islon,; that cm11rih1lit w ut~c~rtainty. pot~ntia! al!e1*nativc:; w these (b:i;;i<HIS, aBd the rd;llivc m1pli!:ation~ nf th:;;~t* ah.::rniJ!~v,~s wOclld pwvid.-:. ;~ ~1sdul fmmcwNk lhr consklcrmi>.111 i)f nncc!'tainiy, ami would pr<.widc dt't:isionm;lker-> iniimnati*m Ht><?dcd to ,~s$-:;;;s wl1dh~r the rt~:<ults {Jfth;:; DSElS i!.rc robust. D. Conclusions Regarding Aquatic Ecology tmpaets of Permit Renewal with Existing Cooling System The appro;lch m;ed in tbc DSElS to ,;vuluatc aqtml.ic impa~ts ok)<:S nni pmvide ;>uilki;ont 40-qqqq-AE i11h>nn:!ti<.>n t<.> dc!~rminc lh<~ imp<lct oflP2 <lnd JP.'I on th<:' J 8 lOS l~'inlu;;i.ed <mll thl' extcni. to contd.

            '"*hich: ~ll;;;h impat~i' :~re "e(:H.i<)gk:llly. r~.creatinnally, or mmnmn:ially impun:mt." Tbc DSEIS lk>es n<)! assil~s causality, Jargdy ignnong the pn!entinJ impact,; *l>f>tre:;s,lr> (llher than lf'1 or IP3. In :!dditK)I1, th~' DSFI.S does ml! con:;ider avad.:tbk ;:~*idcn~~ !hal prt>Yid;.:~ ~!';"*ful ii1lbrmatim1 abom the magnlturk ofimpach; Jhnn IP:l and 11>3. Finally. H dncs not evalwue the~

scmim*it)'* pf i~:; re~uh$ ta 3mp<lrtmxt ami olh.m ::nnscn<Jtin' <J:s~ur::iption::s mrtd~ in !!H.~ <1Ilaly:;;is. Overall, th.e DSE.lS has. ll(ll. pmvid~d wffkicnt eviden<*.e: to !lnd that !he cxls! ing coollng ~y~tem would **d.;;s!abili:cc" or "notio;:eably mm<~J'('i<tl, or re,:rcatioual v:-due. Jn otflcr wmd;;, Ihe DSEiS .:klc.> nat ;ldt'(jll;!ieiy

uppM !imling~ >!fMODERATE M l.ARGE impact>.

1 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-448 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00304

Appendix A Conclusions V. Conclusions Tht DSE!S J~w Indian Poim ,:;v;llttates !ht t21lVimnm,;;ntiil rmpacts of lP iic<lnsc H'll.<~wal and poteni.ial c.liem;;tivc.~ in lic£*me H'.JK"'*~d, 1nclu;.li"g !iccn,:;e n::ll<'>,,val with dost~d-cydc< C<}ili:ing. Thi~ t<Oport t1}(:u::.;c$ 011 t!tt: DSEJS inibrmation. wilh rcgmd w three ckmenl> of tbc:;l~ twQ

  • St)cio.-n>noml<: !mpw.:ls. Existing :wa!yscs shnw th;,t !P [>; (ritic;~l to the relirtbi1i!y of the
                  .::lo:Uric :;y;;tem ln down~!itlc ~~w Ymk, including New 1totk City. Ewn if !he mJ1agc Jbr IP were <)fll)' du~*ing eon:;[on. il v,*ould t.~~: kmg envugh ( !() mm.Hh!\) to <'tY:.f:!;: pot,zntinlly sNion.s rdi;lbi!.ity pmbkm~ duri!lg sn::r1mt'r peak perio-ds. An.!P oniag~ ~b>l would lo;;ad to
ub~Hmtiili Ill~' tease~ m (;
1ty pric.:s, These chatl~<::~ >><*ouk! llt '"d,;:ar1y ;mtic;;;a.bk" ;md
                  :>u!:fj,jenl w Lkst;lbi!ilc imp<)riam 3ttrihui.c:s" <1f 3 rd.wbk amJ eMt*d't\:ai~ dcdnc>ty
  • systt.:ITk and thu:> w<;mld be c;;nsidcred "LARGE" tmder ih<' definition <.:'<>tah!ished in the DSElS.
  • Air .emissions mtd co~ emi.\*.~i(H'/5 imp,~as. The('{)? t2!lll%1<}!l~; tdat~tl to r~pim:cmcm fl(lWCr would cxc:e~tl th~ 20JS aam!;!l 'N<J\'< York Srntc CO:: cmis.sion$ rechJcti<lfl Wrf;l!! un.ckr RGG!.

Tbc incr;:a,c in NO:.; .,;;m)ssi<Ht~ \HHlkl he mon~ th~ll hal r of th'~ ,,:;dmaied rc~iuc;i<)f.i in .N<.:*>v York :;*m!;.;:;iom: under CAIR in 2015. These died> \\iilU!d be tkt~rly MlkcHble" und

                  '*s.;rtlieitn! to dcst~!!)i]w-: dc:;.ir~:d ll!I cmi~sion$ and chmatc ch;wgc oulcomc:> m N<.~w Ymk Stille, Thcv should thus be c:a\!;';gnrizcd a~ "L\RGE.
  • A<fiNI!k '"*my;;tm1 imp<KI,>. T!R~ DSEJS ha$ nm pnwich:~d slltl!<'i~,m t't'icknc<,' w find t!;altlw e.~i;;nng cno!:ing :;y:a<::m would "dc,.tahitirA:" or "J1j)ti.:<.~~b!y ;.~lt~r" any nS'tlic: I~ RIS ;mil thut:hy :1dvcndy ;mp,w;i.llici.r c:~:olngic*<tL ~:t>nlm<:r<:i:t.L or rro:c*fc;liionnl '~tlue . ln oi:ht:r words, the DSElS d~!c:; not adequ~!t*c!Y ol.~pporl Hndtrlgs <JfMOD.ERATE or LARGE imp;lct;.

1 December 2010 A-449 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00305

Appendix A 1 References AS A. Am1lysi~ & Cmnmlmkutbtt, .Inc. 2\XH. R~::spm1s<:: to New Y<Yrk St>~le D~p>>rlnl<::nt of f:nvironmet,tal. (lmt,c-rvati<)ll Heqtn.~>t lhr fnticJnrmikm t~l'\ Point Unit 2 and Unit J. June. B:tmlhmlS<\ LuwnmGc \V. ct al. 20WS Emraimncm and Impingcrneni at !.f'2 and H-'3; !\ Bin!ogi.:.allmpu.-:1 A>:w&:;m<:nt. ;brmary Bamtlmu:;e, Lawrt'nc~ W. ".~! Jl. 2009. RiNie>>' (}{"NRC:; Impingement a.rKl Emmln.tl1~Jli lmp[lc!

            .r\ssc~;;mcn!     for tP2 :md H':t MardL Enc1\:{m Service~>. Inc.          20(JJ.E~,:onmni~' ~nd          fm.*irt>mncntid lmpatt:> i'\~>wci;m:d with c~.~nvcr1iion of!ndi;.;n F<.lint Uni1s 2 ami 3 !<) l> Cl<>S>xi-Lon_p                 Cm1d~t;s~r  Cooltng *wl,tc:r CcmfignrmiNt K.on.nesaw. GA: fncn:on, Jm1c.

Encn.:<m Services. Inc. 2009. Rc;;pnnsc !<) tht: Jmb3n Point Drafi Sllpplt:mcnwl bwiromnent;>l

            !mpatt Sta~~HRo!'!l. Kcnnr;->;rw. OA: Fm:r:.:,nn.

E'twrgy ll11im:mllil>11 i\<l.minioarallon. 200K Frequently A~k:;~d Qut~~tions -* Etwimnm.<nt Online: hll~c;~!QJJl~~...r.i;L!JQg,z~~x!.iei.~.f;Ls;;nt..J~l.'i!~,~,~:t-fktcht:L. H .L 199ft r*to*w* r.fy~*tonn*cs; aHI..{ihh n:T~~l**ery experi!IJfJ?t~*. H:"'of~:i* ir~to.k.t? ~Y>"f(:'nu. Tt<liNKtiom; of the Amr:nc<Hl Fi.;.h<*ric;; s~wkty. J l 9:39:)--415. General Ekdric Pow.:r S)'lllem;; En~rgy (:<Jmulling :~oct N:>timul b:ml<Hnic Rese.udl A~soc~:ll<o;. 1002. E!cttnti!y Systcflllmp~cl.S (.lf"'lldt;,r Shllttlt1wn i\ltt'rnativcs. !vlar*ch. National Rc~~"<itch Countil oftiK National ;\cademtes (NRCi\A). 2006. Aitenl<llr,*,:> to d-1<:: indian Pnim E11crgy Cenl<:r for l\-lcdtng New York Eb:trk !'ower Need$. Wm:.bingwn. DC: N;~ikm;;l :\,~.,Idem ills Pre:>:<. Nc.w York lkp;lrtm~~nt c)fPub!ic Sl~~v!cc. ::?0011. Sl;lt::: Siting Board Rules on Tran~Gas Petition t<>r Rd1.-:aring, l~rt:~;,; R:J~u~~~ OS07'fi(Jl -F- l 276. 14 .hdy, N<!w Yurk lm!erxmdc.m Sy:>lcm Opcra!m ..mos. Comprdlcnsi.n~ Rclia.hilily !'bnning f'mc~ss {CR.I'P) R::liahili!y N~d" .1\ss-c,;*;.mcnL 2 i D~-C:3mhcr Online: hi:J.P~J.YDn~~-.nxi~':!,!;;;2m!n;J.b,li,:;;_\~)}QdiJ.0iHl~W~ff.l.,~J:.tiPX~c>.\.,X~J+/-:Li.~,~!2DJ),~:~ffiA...>U22.J2DJ15,Q<H Nw '\(ork lnd<*t~ClXkBt Sy~t.::m Opcr:ctWr. 2()-07. 'NY!SU Pr.>'Ner Tr.::nd> 20(l'"i. May.. Online: lJ.t.i1J/[:.x.\~:l'l:.ns.\~u,!"omlr.l.\b.Jjdw~*htJ.!).~~>in,~wsrQ!,mJim.'i'.~:LJ.~V.<:~~.vs*200?J.!J.)ct5iLtltr;?.Wh07~~}ru.d.r~1 f 2 3 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-450 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00306

Appendix A References New Ymk Jndcpendwt Sy~t<:rn Opcrawc 200t;,,, 2008 Lt><<d & Cnpi(o::il.y Data **Q(;Ir.J Bonk."' April. Online:


OOS__ g<) 1dbot11cpdf New )'(ak lnd(:ptndent Sy~tem Operaior. 2i}(J8h. Fud Dh,asity in the Ntw Ymk E!t:Diridty J'vbrkei, Or!Ph:r Or1!i1w: Iillv~!L\o:'.'~Y.£..n:>.\w,,o;;JJm!{N\:!Jhi.J).'£l1J.t!£;c,ilJ.;"~91HJKn!l:ib:hrJg,..P;l.1~i!JJ.i!il.d..A.ix§.L~iJ.Y.. JJ"~JJ.U!lli._pi!f N~w Yor'k S!i!tC Depmi:rmmt uf Envi.ranmc:rJi:al CoHSet*v;;tion 1003. Exprcs::; Tt,rrn-;: Part 242 CO~ Budge! Trailing Pwgmm. Online. b.t!v.;.i~~~',~);\<,!ll'.,.g~~~ll~!~..,'i:'$!.i.LiilltJ.12.;;;'5.P.t.m.1.-.n\:IJ: Nr:w '{ork Siah' En..:rgy Rese::w:h s.nd Dcvdopm"nt Authority iNYSERDA). 2ntlS. ~ic\'1.' Vmk Slate RetlC\\'abie PonJi.~lio Standard: l~crii:;rman(*.r., R~port, Program f><,riod ending June :wn;l(. S~:p(cut!~r. OnliiJ..:; JJ.m;~:li.~~:£!:)_1:,Jl):'cl*;::ut<J..m.Jirn.-;sJ1tR!:J,:rfi~mml1~g,:;mxl1\l{fiJt.r>dJ. Nm:lt:;*tr R.eguia.!{!fy C(Jmmis:-;ion. 21)0/( Ot:m*ri~* Em-*rmnm<.'Jlt<ll Jmp<u;t S!at<'ll'!Cnl. for Li~:co><.' Rcn~:wal ofNudear I\mer Pl<wls.. *--Supplcmcnt :\~, RegMding, ln<ii&n Polnl Nud~Jr Crcncrat iag Units Nn:>>. 2 m1.d J.. n~j_:e:mber. l\,h:rson2001\. Oc1v<:mor Pat~rs;Jn Rings in New Em to Comb;Ji C!imat<: ChaiJg<:. !'n:ss rd-l:-n:>t:. 2.5 Sepkmhei*. OnJ.i.1k. hl:w;:/ww~:.JJY4'i):h;.9~W..<lt:'hL<:ttlli:i!.i.~. 09..2.;j)S lJJir(tL Spitlu 2007. G<)\*~mor Spit.:~r Unveil" Ctli!ing-.Edge Gloh<!l \\'Jnning Regul.atitms. f'ress rd;:;b0. ?.4 Oc*wl'x:.r. Onh11r:: http:J.\<.'"'"(,_tl.,;R.>wJ.;<.u~fl,lQ:rrl£ffi'WJ:~",.. IQ).J.!)71.1)Jm.t TRC E~>vironmen!itl Corp<.>r;llion. .3002 . .Gm<:rgy Nw;k,~.r Indian f-'(,rnt 2, LLC ;wd Ent,;;gy NlKk;Jr f'oint ~- LLC ViUagc of Hm:;h;Jn~<n. New Y<)tk: Emm;;i,ms Av<)idancc ShH{y. Lyndh~.~r:;;, N~*;,- .krsey~ TRC ,'\ t:.s. EnvirormJcnlal Protc,~tion .'\gl!m:y. t99!\. Guiddill<:!l !i:1r Ew~ogkai A~ae8!lmem. EPA:fi30iR-.95i001f '\';*'nsh!l1gicm, D.C.: El'.'\, ,\pri!. L.S. Em:irmm1>::nla! Pmto:*cti>m Agency. 201l.'i R~gulai<Jry !mpact :\na!ysis jhr !lm f*in:lt Cll::tll Ail* Imcro>tan.~ Rtd\:'. Air Qual1ty Strah:gles ::tnd S.tandmd:; Division. Emi%tOll, Monlioring, aut! Anc1!y:5i~ Dwi~;i()n and Clean .1\ir 11.*1arkets Divisiun. Ef'/\ 452/R--!)) .. (102. \\'a'ihingt<m, D.C.: FP1\,

            \-1nrch. Onlrrl<?-: t>JU1/L;_~~Wl~~,ii!~<L.ll.m:L!'l.tli:<Jjm~t;tl.i!.,':::r'r.!ltti'tin;~j_t~.(hflJi<PilJ U.S. En,.. irl111HW!1;<11l'n:>t~;.*.:tlon Agt:w.:y. 2007. <<iiUD d~t.:lb<l'"'- Onliw~:

hl\p_:L~~~W:lt,!;.PJJ...J.m.Yid~:<~ll.;:.n§.r~/~;n.;X(I.Y.:!Y-~>:tw~;;?jL~r.ilfi.i.v~cli;_;-;Jl!JtlJ 1}.$. Er~~*i.ronnwntul h<.>tccti:<.Hl Ag..:ncy. 2(l0.~* Ck~an Air lnttT$t,lti:' Ruk:: ;-.;,,w Ym'k. Oni'ine~ htJ.P.;L~i:)~,-:~~:-.~P.i'!.lli1i:D.m~.r.5l;J.@Jk!,1£!!y.Lny,.htm1. US. Fmimnme11t<JI Pmtr;.*:.:lioa Agency. 2UHSb. NomlUaimu~*Ht St;,t,l-; thr Ench Ct>tm!y by Year. EP'A. Gr~en B<mk. Online* h! ip:/ic~p:L <((w.-'oaricw<jp*>,'J;;IffiJhk.-';lJ.Wi .himl. 12 1 2 3 December 2010 A-451 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00307

Appendix A References W<)odland, Ry*m ant! Dasid 5*:>-t,)r. 2007. y,~~r*Cfa.,s Sli'<*;;gl!'l ,md kl:'t:<:n't'l)' o(Emlrmg<cr<*d Sht.tdnoxe S:tutg(}ON in llu~ lfw~hon Ri~~er. .Vel-..= }'(:-rk TtfHJSa-ctir)11:1 (;flhe- ~\rn:.;:dctt(~ Pi~h~dt:~ Soe1cty. 136;72 .. }l I. 33 1 2 3 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 A-452 December 2010 OAGI0001367B 00308

Appendix A NERA

'-~Ef:t;o.\ E:t.:o1x~::ni.c <>:-:.~:s~a:~.;.;:

M~~ C~~r?.tt~>>n S~H:*r.:~. i Ith :;1;Jf',*!' (!{'c,e:;; t..:..o::!t. M~:ts:;::t!)U.I::a~t~~ 021 -; 6. TQl' +l ~t? K:? 45{Xi F:l':(*. +i ))-t-r ::f2? .!~~d)1 Y~"m:..~~M~ 1 2 December 2010 A-453 NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 OAGI0001367B 00309}}