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OL - NRC PM Open Items List 8-3-11.docx
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Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 08/02/2011
- No Known Affiliation
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
Download: ML11224A153 (8)


WBN2Public Resource From: Boyd, Desiree L []

Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2011 10:14 AM To: Poole, Justin; Milano, Patrick; Campbell, Stephen; Epperson, Dan Cc: Arent, Gordon; Smith, James D; Bryan, Robert H Jr; Smith, James D; Crouch, William D


NRC PM Open Items List 8-3-11.docx Attachments: NRC PM Open Items List 8-3-11.docx For next phone call.

Thank You,


Désireé L. Boyd WBN 2 Licensing Support Sun Technical Services 423-365-8764 1

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NRC PM Open Items List 8-3-11.docx Sent Date: 8/2/2011 10:14:23 AM Received Date: 8/2/2011 10:14:53 AM From: Boyd, Desiree L Created By: Recipients:

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Page 1 of 6 NRC PM Open Items List 8/3/11 (423) 751-6338 ID 657601 No. Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person

1. Cyber Security Plan/Controls and NRC TI issued NRC Inspection in 2011 Heinrich/Snyder Implementation TBD (Bryan)

Provide detail for systems (unit specific and common)

NRC Table which will be complete and which will not be complete Top/Pilot for Unit 2 fuel load.

Oct 2011 NRC requested a clarification in a telecom the week of 7/4/11. Need details on exemptions. Other 3 EP Procedures systems need to be addressed. NRC to decide if complete clarification to be docketed. Looking for adequate 9/30/11 remediation in the interim. Telecom held 7/27 and further clarification to come.

Clarification -

TBD May be discussed at the next ACRS meeting (October 5th - closed portion).

Inspection Dec 2011

Page 2 of 6 No. Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person

2. Instrumentation RAI List (Knuettel) 1. 7/27/11A RAI Responses Eng/Hilmes
1. Information for Common Q PAMS 2. 9/1/11
  • Item 1 consists of 11 individual questions divided (Smith)
2. Item 3 for GA-ESI RM-1000 RAD 3. 7/27/11 between Bechtel, TVA, and WEC. To determine Monitors. 4. 9/9/11 applicability of updated IEEE Stds and Reg
3. Table 7.1-1 first submittal 5. TBD Guides
4. GA proprietary, non-proprietary and 6. 7/29/11A
  • Item 2 GA/ESI is revising their CGI program but affidavits for withholding submittals 7. TBD needs time to be able to provide objective

(~12 documents.) 8. 8/5/11 evidence of the program changes. We will order

5. NRC comments on procedures to parts to facilitate GA developing objective GA-ESI evidence that their program is in compliance with
6. Incore Instrument tube vibration NRC regulations.
7. RM1000 EMI meeting/telecom
  • Item 3 Common Q PAMS Table 7.1-1 update
8. NRC submittal
  • Item 4 - 3 additional document requests from NRC Civil via email on 7/6/11. PROP versions from the original request are ready for GA to send to TVA
  • Item 5 revise GA-ESI procedures for CGI dedication
  • Item 6 regarding incore instrument tube vibration
3. Status of GSI 199 Eastern Seismicity Fall 2011 No action pending upcoming Generic Letter TVA/NRR (Crouch) Related information on GSI 194 may need input

Page 3 of 6 No. Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person

4. Complete Implementation (Hemmer) Diesel Diesel is onsite, need support equipment Hemmer 8/1/11 (Smith)

Pump Additional clarification to Phase I actions will be Relocation needed. Fleet wide issue.

11/1/11 Looking for building qualifications. What is One substantial? May use NEI to answer.

procedure to Issue 8/26/11 Inspection -

Feb 2012 Phase I commitments 8/1/11

5. Document Control Issues for two letters TBD 7/15, 10/5, 10/21 and 10/29 letters. NRC to reprint Licensing/Boyd 7/15 letter and provide to NRC Document control.

TVA/Bechtel to provide non-proprietary version of documents that can be released to the public. TVA to provide revised letter that says non-prop once prop documents removed. NRC action to contact Kenny Nguyen, NRC Document Control regarding A102.

Additional copy of A102 provided to NRC on 6/7/11.

6. Chapter 15.5 RAIs 8/5/11 Additional question regarding meteorology data from Wastrack 2008-2009. Calc revisions required. Small increases (Bryan) in doses expected except control room which will decrease. NRC is targeting SSER 24 (early August) to contain this updated information. NRC to perform confirmatory runs in parallel. Will provide data by 6/27/11. Will separate out FHA calc.

Page 4 of 6 No. Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person

7. Fire Protection Report Questions 8/15/11 FPR revision ENG/Hilmes regarding OMA (Crouch) 7/28/11A Technical Meeting - additional group 6 questions 8/5/11 Group 6 rough draft RAIs received via email 6/21/11.

Pull date back if possible. Additional questions relayed on 7/20/11 telecom. May require a supplement.

7/22/11A Group 6 corrosion RAIs.

TBD Pre-mtg foraudit plan TBD Audit

8. IST Tech Spec Change 8/15/11 Pre-submittal meeting week of 7/11/11. In TVA Corporate concurrence. Licensing (Shea)
9. Tech Spec Revisions from latest T/S Sept, 2011 CSST A & B Licensing/Elton markup and NRC Review comments (Bryan)

Aug, 2011 I-131 DEI Aug, 2011 Diesel Generator Frequency

10. ASME III to XI transition 8/8/11 When does ISI program begin with partial plant N-3? Eng/Helms Are repairs/mods after N-5 controlled under Section III (Crouch) or Section XI? The timing for the NIS-2 in the letter does not comply with the ASME Code . The NIS-2 must be before commercial operation.

Review Code Cases 801/802 vs TVA letter for conflicts. Review complete - no impact.

11. Chapter 11/FSEIS RAIs 7/29/11A Cost Benefit Analyses More discussion may be Chem/Woods needed. (Bryan)
12. Letter to notify NRC when Vital Area 11/1/11 Security Plan Update - Boundary to be restored by Lic/Crouch Boundary returned to original location 9/30/11
13. ACRS Topics 10/5/11 Cyber Security,

Page 5 of 6 No. Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person

14. SSER 22/23 Open Items Response 8/5/11 7/22 is the target date for the next SSER update. The expanded HH list and its status is covered periodically.

telecom Telecom to be set up on degraded voltage - item 30

15. Chapter 12 RAI on Instrument Channel 7/14/11A Clarification for RMs 50.68(b)(6) ENG/Hilmes Operability Tests 8/3/11 Need to clean up calculation. Meeting with NRC on 7/25/11.
16. Transient Analysis issues ENG/Koontz WEC/Morgan SLB Follow-up items from 6/28 audit 7/29/11A Audit follow-up -non-SLB items sent separately
17. FSAR A105 8/15/11 Reference SSER OI 47 - one more note refers to Lic/Stockton Appendix J - page 6.2.6-20?
18. IEB 88-02 SG Tube Cracking NRC to setup What are the SG inspection plans in light of the Corp SG/

telecom 8/2/11 experience with a French reactor exhibiting SG tube Webber

- 10am cracking early? Is TVA planning to change the ISI/Tinley inspection plan due to this operating experience?

19. Develop list of planned License 9/1/11 Review Unit 1 SER for exemptions. Sand baskets NRR/TVA Conditions, Exemptions and Relief may be on list. (Bryan)

Requests (Crouch)

20. Submit final REP prior to fuel load 10/1/11 Submit Final REP and EPIPs 180 days prior to OL. EP/

(Spink) Detchemendy (Bryan)

21. Issue two Unit Offsite Dose Calculation 9/1/11 Chemistry/

Manual (Beach) Review TS Chapter 5 Woods programs also (Bryan)

22. Copy of Site Plan for NSIR TBD No action until inspection scheduled. Fire Ops/Sterchi NRC to determine level of detail is needed.
23. Issue Unit 2 Completion Letter (Crouch) 3/1/12 Licensing
24. Combined U1/U2 FSAR (Stockton) 3/1/12 Licensing
25. Submit final as-constructed FSAR 10/1/11 Licensing/

figures Stockton

26. Verify Tech Spec Setpoints match calcs 9/1/11 2 SSD remaining to be issued. Eng/Hilmes (Bryan)
27. Letter to terminate Part 30/40 License 4/1/12 Licensing after receipt of Part 50 License (Crouch)

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28. TMI action items Review list - include pre-0737 items? Licensing (Gordon)