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OL - NRC PM Open Items List 8-8-11 (2).docx
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Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 08/05/2011
- No Known Affiliation
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
Download: ML11224A065 (8)


WBN2Public Resource From: Boyd, Desiree L []

Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 10:01 AM To: Poole, Justin; Milano, Patrick; Campbell, Stephen; Epperson, Dan Cc: Arent, Gordon; Smith, James D; Bryan, Robert H Jr; Smith, James D; Crouch, William D


NRC PM Open Items List 8-8-11 (2).docx Attachments: NRC PM Open Items List 8-8-11 (2).docx For next phone call.

Thank You,


Désireé L. Boyd WBN 2 Licensing Support Sun Technical Services 423-365-8764 1

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NRC PM Open Items List 8-8-11 (2).docx Sent Date: 8/5/2011 10:00:35 AM Received Date: 8/5/2011 10:01:34 AM From: Boyd, Desiree L Created By: Recipients:

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Page 1 of 6 NRC PM Open Items List 8/8/11 (423) 751-6338 ID 657601 No. Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person

1. Cyber Security Plan/Controls and NRC TI issued NRC Inspection in 2011 Heinrich/Snyder Implementation TBD (Bryan)

Provide detail for systems (unit specific and common)

NRC Table which will be complete and which will not be complete Top/Pilot for Unit 2 fuel load.

Oct 2011 NRC requested a clarification in a telecom the week of 7/4/11. Need details on exemptions. Other 3 EP Procedures systems need to be addressed. NRC to decide if complete clarification to be docketed. Looking for adequate 9/30/11 remediation in the interim. Telecom held 7/27 and further clarification to come.

8/4/11A -

clarification May be discussed at the next ACRS meeting (October 5th - closed portion).

Inspection Dec 2011

Page 2 of 6 No. Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person

2. Instrumentation RAI List (Knuettel) 1. 7/27/11A RAI Responses Eng/Hilmes
1. Information for Common Q PAMS 2. 9/1/11
  • Item 1 consists of 11 individual questions divided (Smith)
2. Item 3 for GA-ESI RM-1000 RAD 3. 7/27/11 between Bechtel, TVA, and WEC. To determine Monitors. 4. 9/9/11 applicability of updated IEEE Stds and Reg
3. Table 7.1-1 first submittal 5. TBD Guides
4. GA proprietary, non-proprietary and 6. 7/29/11A
  • Item 2 GA/ESI is revising their CGI program but affidavits for withholding submittals 7. 8/9/11pm needs time to be able to provide objective

(~12 documents.) 8. 8/5/11 evidence of the program changes. We will order

5. NRC comments on procedures to parts to facilitate GA developing objective GA-ESI evidence that their program is in compliance with
6. Incore Instrument tube vibration NRC regulations.
7. RM1000 EMI meeting/telecom
  • Item 3 Common Q PAMS Table 7.1-1 update
8. NRC submittal
  • Item 4 - 3 additional document requests from NRC Civil via email on 7/6/11. PROP versions from the original request are ready for GA to send to TVA
  • Item 5 revise GA-ESI procedures for CGI dedication
  • Item 6 regarding incore instrument tube vibration
3. Status of GSI 199 Eastern Seismicity Fall 2011 No action pending upcoming Generic Letter TVA/NRR (Crouch) Related information on GSI 194 may need input

Page 3 of 6 No. Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person

4. Complete Implementation (Hemmer) Diesel Diesel is onsite, need support equipment Hemmer 8/1/11 (Smith)

Pump Additional clarification to Phase I actions will be Relocation needed. Fleet wide issue.

11/1/11 Looking for building qualifications. What is One substantial? May use NEI to answer.

procedure to Issue 8/26/11 Inspection -

Feb 2012 Phase I commitments 8/1/11

5. Document Control Issues for two letters TBD 7/15, 10/5, 10/21 and 10/29 letters. NRC to reprint Licensing/Boyd 7/15 letter and provide to NRC Document control.

TVA/Bechtel to provide non-proprietary version of documents that can be released to the public (10/5, 10/21, & 10/29). TVA to provide revised letter that says non-prop once prop documents removed. NRC action to contact Kenny Nguyen, NRC Document Control regarding A102.

Additional copy of A102 provided to NRC on 6/7/11.

6. Chapter 15.5 RAIs 8/5/11 Additional question regarding meteorology data from Wastrack 2008-2009. Calc revisions required. Small increases (Bryan) in doses expected except control room which will TBD - FHA decrease. NRC is targeting SSER 24 (early August) to contain this updated information. NRC to perform confirmatory runs in parallel. Will provide data by 6/27/11. Will separate out FHA calc.

Page 4 of 6 No. Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person

7. Fire Protection Report Questions 8/15/11 FPR revision ENG/Hilmes regarding OMA (Crouch) 7/28/11A Technical Meeting - additional group 6 questions 8/5/11 Group 6 rough draft RAIs received via email 6/21/11.

Pull date back if possible. Additional questions relayed on 7/20/11 telecom. May require a supplement.

TBD OMA clarifications 7/22/11A Group 6 corrosion RAIs.

TBD Pre-mtg for audit plan TBD Audit TBD Technical meeting

8. IST Tech Spec Change 8/8/11 Pre-submittal meeting week of 7/11/11. In TVA Corporate concurrence. Licensing (Shea)
9. Tech Spec Revisions from latest T/S Sept, 2011 CSST A & B Licensing/Elton markup and NRC Review comments (Bryan)

Aug, 2011 I-131 DEI Aug, 2011 Diesel Generator Frequency 8/9/11 Issue a complete revision F

10. ASME III to XI transition 8/13/11 When does ISI program begin with partial plant N-3? Eng/Helms Are repairs/mods after N-5 controlled under Section III (Crouch) or Section XI? The timing for the NIS-2 in the letter does not comply with the ASME Code . The NIS-2 must be before commercial operation.

Review Code Cases 801/802 vs TVA letter for conflicts. Review complete - no impact.

Page 5 of 6 No. Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person

11. Chapter 11/FSEIS RAIs 7/29/11A Cost Benefit Analyses More discussion may be Chem/Woods needed. (Bryan)
12. Letter to notify NRC when Vital Area 11/1/11 Security Plan Update - Boundary to be restored by Lic/Crouch Boundary returned to original location 9/30/11
13. ACRS Topics 10/5/11 Cyber Security,
14. SSER 22/23 Open Items Response 8/5/11 7/22 is the target date for the next SSER update. The expanded HH list and its status is covered periodically.

telecom Telecom to be set up on degraded voltage - item 30

15. Chapter 12 RAI on Instrument Channel 7/14/11A Clarification for RMs 50.68(b)(6) ENG/Hilmes Operability Tests 8/4/11A Working out FSAR language
16. Transient Analysis issues ENG/Koontz WEC/Morgan Boron dilution RAI response Week of Question on RG revision and modes 3, 4, & 5 ...

8/8/11 to FSAR is clear as to why modes 1, 2, & 6 are limiting discuss

17. FSAR A105 8/15/11 Reference SSER OI 47 - one more note refers to Lic/Stockton Appendix J - page 6.2.6-20?
18. IEB 88-02 SG Tube Cracking TBD What are the SG inspection plans in light of the Corp SG/

experience with a French reactor exhibiting SG tube Webber cracking early? Is TVA planning to change the ISI/Tinley inspection plan due to this operating experience?

Tubes are assumed locked in the WEC analysis.

Waiting for NRC concurrence.

19. Develop list of planned License 1. 9/1/11 1. Review Unit 1 SER for exemptions. Sand NRR/TVA Conditions, Exemptions and Relief 2. 8/15/11 baskets may be on list. (Bryan)

Requests (Crouch) 3. TBD 2. Request Rod Drop deviation - place in A105

3. NRR to review current exemptions
20. Issue two Unit Offsite Dose Calculation 9/1/11 Determine actual need date Chemistry/

Manual (Beach) Review TS Chapter 5 Woods programs also (Bryan)

21. Copy of Site Plan for NSIR TBD No action until inspection scheduled. Fire Ops/Sterchi NRC to determine level of detail is needed.
22. Issue Unit 2 Completion Letter (Crouch) 3/1/12 Licensing

Page 6 of 6 No. Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person

23. Combined U1/U2 FSAR (Stockton) 3/1/12 Licensing
24. Submit final as-constructed FSAR 10/1/11 Licensing/

figures Stockton

25. Verify Tech Spec Setpoints match calcs 9/1/11 2 SSD remaining to be issued. Eng/Hilmes (Bryan)
26. Letter to terminate Part 30/40 License 4/1/12 Licensing after receipt of Part 50 License (Crouch)
27. TMI action items Review list - include pre-0737 items? Licensing (Gordon)