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Initial Exam 2011-301 Draft Sim/In-Plant JPMs
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/17/2011
Duke Energy Corp
50-269/11-301, 50-270/11-301, 50-287/11-301
Download: ML111881114 (333)





Align Intake Canal for Recirc on Dam Failure Alternate Path:

Yes Facility JPM #:

CRO-Ol la KIA Rating(s):

System: 075 K/A: G2.1.23 Rating: 4.3/4.4 Task Standard:

Intake Canal is aligned for recirculation correctly by procedure and an NEO is dispatched to manually open CCW-9.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator X In-Plant Perform X Simulate


COW LAKE LEVEL LOW statalarm (1SA-9, B-b)

AP/1/A11700/13, Dam Failure Validation Time: 15 minutes Time Critical: No Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time:




1. Recall Snap 120
2. Import CRO-Ol 1A files
3. Place simulator in RUN and depress Dam Failure P/B.
4. Provide a copy of AP/1/A/1 700/013 (Dam Failure) with steps 1.1 through 4.54 signed off.

CRO-O11A R3 Page 4 of 11 ToolslEguipmentlProcedures Needed:

AP/1 IA/i 700/1 3, Dam Failure READ TO OPERATOR DIRECTION TO TRAINEE I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.

INITIAL CONDITIONS The OSM has confirmed Condition A for Little River Dam.

Unit 1 has been manually tripped.

The Intake Canal is intact.

The RCPs have been secured.

API1 /A/i 700/i 3, Dam Failure has been completed up to step 4.55.

The Unit 2 Control Room has directed Unit 1 to supply CCW recirculation.

INITIATING CUES Control Room Supervisor directs you to align the CCW Intake Canal for recirculation following a dam failure beginning at step 4.55 of AP/1/A/1 700/i 3, Dam Failure.

CRO-Ol 1A R3 Page 5 of 11 START TIME:

NOTE Unit 2 CR will decide which unit will establish CCW recirculation. Unit 1 will SAT only supply CCW recirculation when directed by Unit 2.

STEP 1: Step 4.55 IAAT Unit 2 CR has directed Unit 1 to supply CCW recirculation, UNSAT THEN perform Steps 4.56 4.71 to start one CCW Pump and establish recirculation.

STANDARD: The candidate determines from the Initial Conditions that Unit 2 CR has directed Unit 1 to supply CCW recirculation and proceeds to Step 4.56.



  • At least one CCW Pump discharge valve is required to remain open prior to establishing forced flow. SAT
  • The adjacent CCW Pumps discharge valve must be closed to prevent excessive torque on the starting pumps discharge valve. The 1A and lB CCW Pumps are adjacent, and the 1 C and 1 D COW Pumps are adjacent UNSAT STEP 2: Step 4.56 Determine which CCW Pump will be started.

CCW Pump 1A lB 1C 1D STANDARD: The candidate is cued to start the 1C CCW Pump and continues to Step 4.57.

Cue: Inform the candidate to start the IC CCW Pump.


CRO-Ol 1A R3 Page 6 of 11 STEP 3: Step 4.57 Place all COW Pump switches in the trip position. SAT J CCW Pump 1A UNSAT lB 10 1D STANDARD: The candidate locates the COW Pump controls on 1AB3 and rotates the 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D CCW Pump control switches to the trip position.

The candidate continues to Step 4.58.


STEP 4: Step 4.58 Verify the 1A or 1 B COW Pump is to be started. SAT STANDARD: The candidate was cued to start the 10 COW Pump, RNO directs the operator to GO TO Step 4.61.


CRO-Ol 1A R3 Page 7 of 11 STEP 5: Step 4.61 Verify both of the following CCW pump discharge valves are closed: SAT Pump Valve 1C 1CCW-12 U N SAT L 1D STANDARD: Candidate verifies that 1CCW-12 indicates open by observing the red open light illuminated and the green closed light OFF on 1AB3 OR by DAC indications.

Candidate verifies that 1CCW-13 is closed by observing the green closed light illuminated and red open light OFF on 1AB3 OR by OAC indications.

Candidate determines that both valves are NOT closed and proceeds to Step 4.61 RNO.


STEP 6: Step 4.61 RNO Locally close the discharge valves from the breaker switch (Unit 1 SAT Equipment Rm).

Pump Valve Breaker 1C 1CCW-12 1XS3-2E U N SAT 1D 1CCW-13 1XS1-F3C STANDARD: The candidate dispatches an operator to Unit 1 Equipment Room to close 1CCW-12 and 1CCW-13.

Simulator Operator: After the candidate has dispatched an operator to Unit 1 Equipment Room to close ICCW-12 & ICCW-13, FIRE TIMER

  1. 1 TO CLOSE ICCW-12. ICCW-13 is already closed.

Cue: In form the candidate that ICCW-12 and ICCW-13 both indicate closed from the equipment room.

Candidate continues to Step 4.62 COMMENTS:

CRO-O11A R3 Page 8 of 11 NOTE CCW pump amps and temperatures will read higher than normal when started with this plant configuration. CCWP motor stator temperature limit is 284°F. SAT STEP 7: Step 462 UN SAT Start the selected COW pump.

STANDARD: The candidate locates the control switch for the 10 COW Pump on 1AB3 and rotates the control switch to the close position.

The candidate observes that the 1 C COW pump discharge valve starts to travel open and when approx 20% open, the 10 COW pump starts as indicated by red run light illuminated and 375 motor amps indicated.

NOTE: CCWP motor stator temperatures are NOT modeled on the simulator OAC.

Cue: If the candidate asks, inform him/her that the selected CCW Pump motor stator temperature is 200°F and stable.


STEP 8: Step 4.63 Verify the 10 COW pump discharge valve opened. SAT STANDARD: The candidate verifies the 10 COW Pump discharge valve indicates OPEN by observing the red open light illuminated and the green closed light OFF on 1AB3. The candidate may also verify selected discharge UNSAT valve open by OAO indications.


STEP 9: Step 4.64 Ensure CCWP LOAD SHED DEFEAT switch is positioned to a running SAT COW P.

STANDARD: Candidate locates the CCWP LOAD SHED DEFEAT switch on VB1 and positions switch to the 10 COW pump. UNSAT COMMENTS:

CRO-O11A R3 Page 9 of 11 ALTERNATE PATH STEP 10: Step 4.65 SAT Verify CCW-9 open.

STANDARD: Candidate observes CCW-9 indication on 2AB3 and determines that CCW-9 is closed by the red OPEN light OFF and the green CLOSED UNSAT indication illuminated.

Candidate determines CCW-9 is closed and proceeds to step 4.65 RNO.

NOTE: CCW-9 is failed CLOSED.



1. Stop the operating CCW pump. SAT
2. Notify Security to meet an operator at Gate 23 (CCW Intake) to provide access to CCW-9.
3. Dispatch an operator to perform the following:

UNSAT A. Obtain the CCW-9 Gate Key from security box in Unit 3 Control Room storage area.

B. Access the area between fences at Gate 23 leading to the CCW intake.


(between protected area fences).

D. Notify Unit 1 CR when CCW-9 is open.

4. WHEN notified that CW-9 is open, THEN GO TO Step 4.56 to restart a CCW pump.

STANDARD: Candidate locates the control switch for the 1C CCW Pump on 1AB2 and rotates the control switch to the trip position and observes the red ON lights OFF and the white OFF light illuminated.

Candidate notifies Security to meet an operator at Gate 23 to provide access to CCW-9.

Candidate dispatches an operator to obtain the CCW-9 Gate Key from the Security box in the Unit 3 Control Room storage area.

The operator, along with Security, proceeds between the Protected Area fences in order to open CCW-9 NOTE: When an operator is dispatched to obtain the CCW-9 Gate Key and is instructed to open CCW-9, inform Candidate the task is complete.



CR0-al 1A R3 Page 10 of 11 CRITICAL STEP EXPLANATIONS STEP # Explanation 11 Step ills critical to ensure the operating CCW pump is stopped and CCW-9 is opened manually to align CCW recirculation flow.


INITIAL CONDITIONS The OSM has confirmed Condition A for Little River Dam.

Unit 1 has been manually tripped.

The Intake Canal is intact.

The RCPs have been secured.

API1IAI1700I13, Dam Failure has been completed up to step 4.55.

The Unit 2 Control Room has directed Unit 1 to supply CCW recirculation.

INITIATING CUES lation following Control Room Supervisor directs you to align the CCW Intake Canal for recircu a dam failure beginning at step 4.55 of API1IAI1700I13, Dam Failure.

iw Th oLccs-l AP/1/A/1700/013 NSD 703 (R08-07)

Duke Energy (1) ID No.

>Ti PROCEDURE PROCESS RECORD Revision No. 028 PREPARATION (2) Station OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION (3) Procedure Title Dam Failure (4) Prepared By H.E. Woodall (Signature) Date 3-24-10 (5) Requires NSD 228 Applicability Determination?

Yes (New procedure or revision with major changes) Attach NSD 228 documentation.

LI No (Revisi with minor changes)

(6) Reviewed By 4krj St4h24cvrrtlL (K1) Date 3124/10 Cross-Disciplinary Review By (KI) NA4.Date Reactivity Mgmt Review By j) NALDate Mgmt Involvement Review By (Ops Supt) NAI1SfDate (7) Additional Reviews Reviewed By Date Reviewed By Date (8) Approved By  ;::1:Q- Date 32_, I 1 RFORMANCE (Coinpare ;i1h control copy every 14 c endar days while work is being performed.)

\)) Compared with Control Copy Date Compared with Control Copy Date Compared with Control Copy____________________________________________________ Date (10) Date(s) Performed Work Order Number (WO#)

COMPLETION (11) Procedure Completion Verification:

Li Unit 0 LI Unit I El Unit 2 El Unit 3 Procedure performed on what unit?

El Yes El NA Check lists and/or blanks initialed, signed, dated, or filled in NA, as appropriate?

El Yes LI NA Required enclosures attached?

LI Yes LI NA Charts, graphs, data sheets, etc. attached, dated, identified, and marked?

LI Yes LI NA Calibrated Test Equipment, if used, checked out/in and referenced to this procedure?

Li Yes Li NA Procedure requirements met?

Verified By Date (12) Procedure Completion Approved Date (13) Remarks (Attach additional pages, if necessary,)


Duke Energy Procedure No.

Oconee Nuclear Station AP!l/A11700/013 DAM FAILURE - Revision No.

028 Electronic Reference No.

OXOO2RGQ PERFORMANCE I PDF Format Compare with Control Copy every 14 calendar days while work is being performed.

Compared with Control Copy Compared with Control Copy Compared with Control Copy Date(s) Performed Work Order/Task Number (WO#)

COMPLETION j j Yes LI NA Checklists and/or blanks initialed, signed, dated, or filled in NA, as appropriate?

LI Yes LI NA Required enclosures attached?

LI Yes LI NA Charts, graphs, data sheets, etc. attached, dated, identified, and marked?

LI Yes LI NA Calibrated Test Equipment, if used, checked outlin and referenced to this procedure?

Li Yes LI NA Procedure requirements met?

Verified By Date Procedure Completion Approved Date Remarks (attach additional pages, if necessary)

Printed Date: *03/30/2010*

IMPORTANT: Do NOT mark on barcodes.

Enclosure No.: *FULL* huN 11111 fiN I Bil iNI 111111ii fil 11111 li i li i Ill 11111111111111111111111111111 Revision No.: *028*

11111111111 1 1 1 li i fil Procedure No.: *Ap/l/A/1700/013*

1111111111111 if il i i il Il I if il 1 1 1 1 111ff li i i i! 11111 liii uN 1 1

AP/1/AI1 700/013 Page 1 of 33

1. Entry Conditions T

NOTE AP/1 3 (Dam Failure) has guidance that applies y if all Jocassee dams/dikes are intact.

  • Condition A is defined as failure of one or more dams/dikes is imminent or has occurred.

Jocassee damldike failure has NOT occurred AND either of the following:

1.1 Condition A declared for gy of the following structures:

  • Keowee Hydro Darn
  • Little River Dam
  • ONS Intake Canal Dike
  • Lake Keowee dikes 1 .2 Keowee lake level decreasing, AND confirmed by of the following:
  • Reports that y of the above dams/dikes are failing
  • Visual observation of water flowing through breaches in dams/dikes
  • CCW LAKE LEVEL LOW (I SA-09/B- 10) statalarm
  • CCW pump amps fluctuating
  • V COND VACUUM LOW (1 SA-03/A-6) statalarm due to CCW flow reduction
  • Ai other confirmation deemed credible by the OSM
2. Automatic Systems Actions
  • Possible trip of Main Turbine and FDWP turbines on loss of vacuum.
  • Possible anticipatory Rx trip.
3. Immediate Manual Actions None C

AP!1!A11700/013 Page 3 of 33

4. Subsequent Actions RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE 4.1 V Announce AP entry using the PA system.

4.2 ZTriptheRx.

4.3 V Verify CCW Intake Canal intact. GO TO Step 4.7.

4.4 7 Depress CCW DAM FAILURE pushbutton.

4.5 / Dispatch an individual to the area of the dam failure to report damage to the Control Rooms.

4.6 V GO TO Step 4.48.

4.7 Stop all but one CCW pump. IF all CCW pumps are off, THEN GO TO Step 4.9.

4.8 Ensure CCWP LOAD SHED DEFEAT switch is positioned to a running CCWP.

NOTE LPSW pumps will be secured later in this AP causing loss of LPSW to the RCPs.

4.9 Perform the following:

A. Stop all RCPs.

B. Notify CR SRO that for EOP purposes, RCPs should be considered unavailable for restart until LPSW is restored.


AP/1/A/1700/013 Page 5 of 33 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I 4.10 Dispatch an operator to open the following valve(s) on all operable SSW headers:

HPSW-900 (B Hdr Siphon Seal Water (SSW) System Conn)

(T-1/M-48, 10 5., 15 up)

HPSW-901 (A Hdr Siphon Seal Water (SSW) System Conn)

(T-l/J-26, SE, 10 up)


  • CCW-8 must be de-energized prior to submersion by lake water. This should be accomplished within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of initiation of the event.
  • CCW Emergency Discharge Siphon Flow may have been established automatically as a result of loss of power.

4.11 Verify CCW-8 is open. GO TO Step 4.19.

4.12 Verify ICCW I - 6 are closed. Throttle ICCW I - 6.

4.13 Verify 2CCW-7 is closed. Throttle 2CCW-7.

4.14 Verify 3CCW-93 is closed. Throttle 3CCW-93.

4.15 Close CCW-8 4.l6 Perform the following:

Close ICCW 1 -6.

Place 1 CCW 1 6 switch in PULL TO LOCK.


4. 17 Notify Unit 2 to perform the following:

Close 2CCW-7.

Place 2CCW-7 switch in PULL TO LOCK.

4.18 Notify Unit 3 to perform the following:

Close 3CCW-93.

Place 3CCW-93 switch in PULL TO LOCK.

4.19 Dispatch an operator to open IDP-F5C (CCW-8 Bkr (Emerg CCW Disch to Tailrace)) (T-3/L-24).

4.20 Stop all Unit 1 ESV pumps:


  • Cool HPI pump motor coolers
  • Cool TD EFDW Pump
  • Cool operating CCWP motors
  • Provide seal water to CCW pumps 42l Place the following switches in OFF:


AP/l/A/1700/013 Page 9 of 33 RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE 4.22 IAAT y of the following is full GO TO Step 4.26.


  • HPSW-900 (B Hdr Siphon Seal Water (S SW) System Conn)
  • I-IPSW-901 (A Hdr Siphon Seal Water (SSW) System Conn),

THEN perform Steps 4.23 4.25.


4.24 Stop the following pumps:

A LPSW PUMP B LPSW PUMP C LPSW PUMP NOTE while preventing loss through the The intent is to maintain adequate cooling water inventory EWST overflow.

4.25 Maintain EWST level

>70,000 gallons and < OVERFLOW by cycling HPSW JOCKEY PUMP as necessary.

NOTE le, the same operator should be Unit 2 and Unit 3 may be dispatching similar enclosures. If possib used for these tasks.

4.26 Dispatch an operator to the CCW Intake with a copy of End 5.4 (NLO Actions at CCW Intake).

AP/l/A/1700/013 Page 11 of33

ACTION[EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 4.27 Notif operator at CCW Intake to isolate SSW to all stopped CCW pumps per End 5.4 (NLO Actions at CCW Intake).

CCW Pump 1A lB IC 1D 4.28 IAAT RCP seal injection is lost, THEN dispatch an operator to perform AP/25 (SSF EOP) to operate the SSF RCMU System.

4.29 IAAT all the following exist: GO TO Step 4.40.

  • Loss of power occulTed on Unit I
  • Power has been restored to Unit I
  • Keowee Lake Level > 775 THEN perform Steps 4.30 4.39.

4.30 Verify Pzr level> 80. GO TO Step 4.32.

4.31 Place Pressurizer Heaters in desired configuration determined by SRO.

AP/1/A/1 700/0 13 Page 13 of33 ACTION[EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE prior to establishing forced

  • At least one CCW Pump discharge valve is required to remain open flow.

excessive torque on the

  • The adjacent CCW Pumps discharge valve must be closed to prevent nt, and the 1C and ID starting pumps discharge valve. The 1A and lB CCW Pumps are adjace CCW Pumps are adjacent.

operator should be used

  • Similar instructions are provided in Unit 2 and 3 procedures. The same for these tasks.

4.32 Notify the operator performing End 5.4 (NLO Actions at CCW Intake) to open the SSW valves for the CCW pump to be started:

CCW Pump IA lB IC ID 4.33 Place the CCW Pump switches in the trip position:

v CCW Pump IA lB IC ID 4.34 Verify the IA or lB CCW Pump is to GO TO Step 4.37.

be started.

4.35 Verify bothofthefollowingCCW Dispatch an operator to close the pump discharge valves are closed: {5}. discharge valves from the breaker switch (Unit I Equipment Rm):

[ Pump i VaJve r 1A E1BJ__ICCW-11 Pump IA Valve ICCW-I0 Breaker IXSI-F2C lB ICCW-l1 IXS2-F2D 4.36 GO TO Step 4.38.


4.37 Verify both of the following CCW Dispatch an operator to close the pump discharge valves are closed: {5}. discharge valves from the breaker switch (Unit 1 Equipment Rm):

Pump Valve Pump Valve Breaker IC ICCW-12 1C 1CCW-12 1XS3-2E ID 1CCW-13 ID 1CCW-13 1XS1-F3C 4.38 WHEN SSW is aligned to the pump, AND the discharge valves are closed, THEN start the CCW pump.

439 Ensure CCWP LOAD SHED DEFEAT switch is positioned to a running CCWP.

4.40 IAAT Keowee Lake Level 775 GO TO Step 4.44.

AND CCW-8 Bkr is open, THEN pei form Steps 4 41 - 4 43 4.41 StopallCCWpumps.

CAUTION the Reactor trip, If CCW Intake and Discharge piping is NOT cross-connected within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of long term availability of CCW inventory CANNOT be assured.

4.42 Initiate End 5.3 (Cross-connect CCW Intake Discharge Piping).

NOTE r should be used for Similar instructions are provided in Unit 2 and 3 procedures. The same operato these tasks.

4.43 Notify the operator performing End 5.4 (NLO Actions at CCW Intake) to isolate SSW to all Unit I CCW pumps.

4.44 Notify TSC to replenish Unit 2 CCW intake lines.

AP/1/A!1 700/013 Page 17 of33 RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED J ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE 4.45 Notify Emergency Coordinator to review End 55 (Dam Failure Considerations).

4.46 WHEN secondary heat removal systems are near depletion, THEN initiate AP/25 (SSF EOP) in preparation for feeding the SGs with SSF ASW.

4.47 WHEN conditions permit, THEN EXIT this procedure.

  • .END...

AP/1/A/1 700/013 Page l9of33 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE 7


NOTE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED Although LPSW may still be in service, End 5.1 will isolate LPSW to the RCPs.

4.48 Perform the following:

A. V Stop all RCPs.

B. V Notify CR SRO that for EOP purposes, RCPs should be considered unavailable for restart until LPSW is restored.

4.49 V Stop all CCW pumps.

4.50 v Open 1CCW I - 6.

4.51 Verify all condenser outlet valves indicate NOTE closed using the OAC (GD API3): Switches for waterbox discharge valves are VO1D0273 (ICC W-20 CONDENSER located at T-3/D18, D20. D22 on catwalk on 1A OUTLET 1) east side of the condenser.

ZO1D0275 (ICC W-21 CONDENSER Locally ensure all condenser outlet valves are IA OUTLET 2) closed: ( T-1/D18-D22)

(ICC W22 CONDENSER ICCW-20(IA1 Waterbox Discharge) lB OUTLET I)

ICCW-21 (1A2 Waterbox Discharge)

VO1D0279 (ICC W-23 CONDENSER lB OUTLET 2) 1CCW-22 (1BI Waterbox Discharge) iz O1D0281 (ICCW-24 CONDENSER 1CCW-23 (lB2 Waterbox Discharge)


ICC W-24 (1CI Waterbox Discharge)

/ O1D0283 (ICC W-25 CONDENSER IC OUTLET 2) ICCW-25 (lC2 Waterbox Discharge)

/NOTE CCW-8 should open after the CCW DAM FAILURE pushbutton is pressed and the first Waterbox Emergency Discharge valve (ICCW-l -6) opens. If CCW-8 does not open, it should be left closed in preparation for CCW recirculation.

4.52 VVerify CCW-8 is open. I . IF emergency CCW siphon flow has NOT been established on Unit 1, THEN notify Unit 2 that emergency CCW siphon flow has NOT been established on Unit I.

GO TO Step 4.54.

C 4.53 V Notify Unit 2 that emergency CCW 2.

siphon flow has been established on Unit I.

AP/1/AJl700/Ol 3 Page 21 of33 ACTION[EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 4.54 V Dispatch operators to perform End 5.2 (CCW Inventory Conservation).

NOTE Unit 1 will only supply CCW Unit 2 CR will decide which unit will establish CCW recirculation.

recirculation when directed by Unit 2.

4.55 IAAT Unit 2 CR has directed Unit 1 GO TO Step 4.72.

to supply CCW recirculation, THEN perform Steps 4.56 4.71 to start one CCW Pump and establish recirculation.

NOTE prior to establishing forced

  • At least one CCW Pump discharge valve is required to remain open flow.

excessive torque on the

  • The adjacent CCW Pumps discharge valve must be closed to prevent adjacent, and the IC and 1D starting pumps discharge valve. The 1A and lB CCW Pumps are CCW Pumps are adjacent 4.56 Determine which CCW Pump will be started.

CCW Pump IA lB IC ID 4.57 Place all CCW Pump switches in the trip position:


AP/1/AJI 700/013 Page 23 of 33 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I 4.58 Verify the 1A or lB CCW Pump is to GO TO Step 4.61.

be started.

4.59 Verify both of the following CCW Locally close the discharge valves from pump discharge valves are closed: {5). the breaker switch (Unit 1 Equipment Rm):

Pump_/ Valve Pump Valve Breaker IA iccw-io 1XS1-F2C 1A ICCW-I0 lB iccw-ii IXS2-F2D lB ICCW-1 I 4.60 GO TO Step 4.62.

4.61 Verify both of the following CCW Locally close the discharge valves from pump discharge valves are closed: .

the breaker switch (Unit I Equipment Rm):

Pump Valve Pump Valve Breaker 1C 1CCW-12 IC ICCW-12 IXS3-2E ID 1CCW-13 ID ICCW-13 IXSI-F3C NOTE when started with this plant CCW pump amps and temperatures will read higher than normal configuration. CCWP motor stator temperature limit is 284°F.

4.62 Start the selected CCW Pump.

4.63 Verify the started CCW pump 1. Stop the operating CCW pump discharge valve opened. 2._ GO TO Step 4.56 to attempt to start a different CCW pump.



4.64 Ensure CCWP LOAD SHED DEFEAT switch is positioned to a running CCWP.

4.65 Verify CCW-9 is open. I. Stop the operating CCW pump.

2. Notify Security to meet an operator at Gate 23 (CCW Intake) to provide access to CCW-9.
3. Dispatch an operator to perfom-i the following:

A. Obtain the CCW-9 Gate Key from the security box in Unit 3 Control Room storage area.

B. Access the area between fences at Gate 23 leading to the CCW intake.

C. Open CCW-9 (EMERGENCY CCW DISCHARGE TO INTAKE) (between protected area fences).

D. Notify Unit I CR when CCW-9 is open.

4. WI-lEN notified that CCW-9 is open, THEN GO TO Step 4.56 to restart a CCW pump.

AP/1/Aul 700/013 Page 27 of 33 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I 4.66 Verify CCW-8 is closed. 1. Stop the operating CCW pump.

2._ Dispatch an operator to open 1DP-F5C (CCW-8 Bkr (Emerg CCW Disch to Tailrace)) (T-3/L-24).

3. Dispatch two operators to close CCW-8 (Emergency CCW Discharge to Tailrace)

(Beside tailrace 3 N of 8 drain pipe under middle valve pit cover).

4. WHEN CCW-8 is closed, THEN GO TO Step 4.56 to restart a CCW pump.

r NOTE CCW-8 must be dc-energized prior to submersion by lake water. This should be accomplished within I hour of initiation of the event.

4.67 Verify an operator has been dispatched Dispatch an operator to open to open IDP-FSC (CCW-8 Bkr IDP-F5C (CCW-8 Bkr (Emerg CCW (Emerg CCW Disch to Tailrace)) Disch to Tailrace)) (T-3/L-24).


AP/l/A/I 700/013 Page 29 of 33 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 4.68 Ensure the discharge valves on all stopped CCW pumps are closed:

CCW Pump Valve IA ICCW-l0 lB 1CCW-I1 1C 1CCW-12 ID 1CCW-13 4.69 Notify Unit 2 and Unit 3 to ensure all Unit 2 and Unit 3 CCW pump discharge valves are closed.

NOTE The purpose of the following steps is to force CCW inlet flow to the other two units through the CCW inlet cross-connects to establish> 7 vacuum for TBV operability. Unit 2 and Unit 3 personnel will provide information about the effects of the following actions on their condenser vacuum.

4.70 Throttle I CCW 1 6 as necessary to establish> 7 vacuum on Unit 2 and Unit 3.

4.71 WI-lEN condenser vacuum on all three units is being maintained> 7 vacuum, THEN stop adjusting ICCW I 6. -


AP/1/AJ1 700/013 Page 31 of33 r ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I NOTE tive CCW pump discharge valves act as throttle valves from the breaker switches unless the respec CCW pump switch is positioned to TRIP.

4.72 IAAT another unit is to supply CCW recirculation, AND requests all Unit 1 CCW pump discharge valves closed, THEN perform the following:

A. Dispatch an operator to close the following valves from the breaker switches (Unit I Equipment Rm):

Valve Breaker ICC W-l0 1XS1-F2C ICCW-13 1XS1-F3C ICCW-l I IXS2-F2D 1CCW-12 IXS3-2E B. Monitor Unit I condenser vacuum while CCW recirculation is established on another unit.

C. Communicate condenser vacuum changes to the unit supplying CCW recirculation flow.

4.73 Verifi I TD EFDW PUMP is GO TO Step 4.76.


NOTE these LPSW return from the MD EFDWP motor coolers is lost out the CCW discharge when

[pumps are operating even after completion of End 5.1 (LPSW Recirc Lineup).

4.74 Verify MD EFDWPs are NOT GO TO Step 4.76.

required to feed SGs.

4.75 Stop the following:



NOTE EWST will be used to cool HPI Pump Motor Coolers and TDEFDW Pump.

4.76 Place the following switches in OFF:

AHPSW PUMP BHPSWPUMP NOTE loss through the The intent is to maintain adequate cooling water inventory while preventing EWST overflow.

4.77 Maintain EWST level

>70,000 gallons and < OVERFLOW by cycling HPSW JOCKEY PUMP as necessary.

4.78 IAAT operating MD EFDWP motor stator temperatures > 3 1 1 °F, THEN consult Station Management for guidance about stopping MD EFDWPs.

4.79 Notify Emergency Coordinator to review End 5.5 (Dam Failure Considerations).

4.80 Initiate End 5.] (LPSW Recirc Lineup).

4.81 WHEN conditions permit, THEN EXIT this procedure.

Enclosure 5.1 AP/1/A11700/013 LPSW Recirc Lineup Page 1 of?


  • This alignment will use one LPSW pump to recirculate most, but NOT all LPSW flow from the CCW inlet crossover header, through essential loads, to the RCW cooler discharge piping, backward through the RCW cooler controller bypass valves to the CCW inlet crossover header.
  • Unit 3 LPSW System will be cross connected with Unit 1 and 2 LPSW System.
  • The following system losses will still occur with the LPSW recirc alignment:
  • Operating MD EFDWP motor coolers
  • A and B Chillers
  • Makeup to EWST
1. Notify Units 2 and 3 that LPSW recirculation will be established.
2. _WHEN End 5.2 (CCW Inventory Conservation) is complete, THEN continue this enclosure.
3. Dispatch an operator to open the following valves:

I CCW-49 (A RCW Cooler Flow Control Bypass) (T- I /L-2 1)

I CCW-55 (B RCW Cooler Flow Control Bypass) (T- 1 /L-2 1) 1CCW-61 (C RCW Cooler Flow Control Bypass) (T-l/L-22)

ICC W-67 (D RCW Cooler Flow Control Bypass) (T-l/L-22)

4. Close the following valves:

ILPSW-139 2LPSW-139

Enclosure 5.1 API1/A11700/0l3 LPSW Recirc Lineup Page 3 of 7 RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED L ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE NOTE ent Cabinet tool Pipe wrench to remove pipe cap on I V-3 19 is available in y EOP Equipm r or T-3 by bag. Closest EOP Equipment Cabinet is T-l near Maintenance Support Bldg elevato spiral staircase.

  • Ladders are located at T-I/H23, T-1/J20, or T-1/M24 (10 FOP Ladder).
5. Locally vent RCW cooler discharge using 1 V-3 19 (CCW Discharge From RCW Cooler Vent) (TB-.1/K-23 NE, 12 ft up). {$}
6. Dispatch an operator to close the following valves:

I CCW-68 (Service Water Return to Discharge Canal) (T-l/C-21 E) 1 CCW-69 (Service Water Return to Discharge Canal) (T- 1/C-2 1 F) 2CCW-70 (Service Water Return To UNIT 3 Disch Canal) (T-l/C-48 E) 2CCW-7l (Service Water Return To Unit 2 Disch Canal) (T-l/C-36E)

7. Dispatch an operator to open LPSW-l095 (Unit l& 2 To Unit 3 LPSW X-Conn Block) (T-I/M26).
8. Position the following valves: 2 Close ILPSW-18 Close 1LPSW-21 Close ILPSW-24 Close ILPSW-15
9. Notify Unit 2 to position the following valves: 2,7}

Close 2LPSW-l8 Close 2LPSW-21 Close 2LPSW-24 Close 2LPSW-l5 C.)

Enclosure 5.1 AP/1/AJl700/o13 LPSW Recirc Lineup Page 5 of 7 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

10. Notify Unit 3 to position the following valves: {2,7)

Close 3LPSW-18 Close 3LPSW-21 Close 3LPSW-24 Close 3LPSW-15 Close 3LPSW-139

11. Verify> one LPSW pump operating for GO TO Step 14.

Units I and 2.

13. Stop all but one LPSW pump:


14. Notify Unit 3 to ensure only one Unit 3 LPSW pump operating.
15. Verify a Unit 1 and 2 LPSW pump is GO TO Step 19.


16. Verify a Unit 3 CCW pump operating. GO TO Step 19.
17. Notify Unit 3 to stop the operating Unit 3 LPSW pump.

Enclosure 5.1 AP!1/A/l 700/013 LPSW Recirc Lineup Page 7 of 7 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

18. Dispatch an operator to perform the IF LPSW recirculation flow is following: 9000 gpm, Close LPSW-34 (B LPSW PUMP TO THEN notify TSC to provide guidance LPSW HEADER A) (T-1/H-25). for throttling loads.

Verify LPSW recirculation flow

<9000 gpm:

  • LPSW-PG-793 (A&B LPSW PUMP FLOW) (T-l/H-25, S side of column)
  • LPS-PG-794 (C LPSW PUMP FLOW) (T-l/H-27, Panel W of column).
19. Verify a Unit I or 2 CCW pump is EXIT this enclosure.


20. Verify a Unit 3 LPSW pump operating. EXIT this enclosure.
21. Stop the operating Unit I & 2 LPSW C.,, pump.
22. Notify Unit 3 to dispatch an operator to IF LPSW recirculation flow is perform the following: 9000 gpm, Close 3LPSW-132 (3A & 3B LPSW TI-lEN notify TSC to provide guidance Pumps Discharge Tie) for throttling loads.

(T-l/L-46, SW 15 up).

Verify LPSW recirculation flow

<9000 gpm:

(T-1/L-48, N side of column)

(T-1/L-46, S side of column)

23. EXIT this enclosure.
  • ..END... -

Enclosure 5.2 AP/1/A!l700/o13

, CCW Inventory Conservation Page 1 of I

1. Dispatch an operator to close the following:

1CCW-75 (Condensate Coolers CCW Supply) (T-l/F-25) 2CCW-75 (Condensate Coolers CCW Supply) (T-l/F-30)

2. Notify Unit 3 to perform the following to isolate the Unit 3 Condensate Coolers and CCW Booster Pumps (RCW Coolers):

A. Stop the following pumps:

3A CCW BOOSTER PUMP 3B CCW BOOSTER PUMP B. Dispatch an operator to close the following:

3CCW-342 (CCW Return From Unit 3 RCW)

(T-l/C-48 E) 3CCW-75 (Condensate Coolers CCW Supply)_(T-l/Fa-44)

  • ..END...

Enclosure 5.3 AP/1/A!1700/013 Cross-Connect CCW Intake i4 Discharge Page 1 of5 Piping I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 1 CAUTION If CCW Intake and Discharge piping is NOT cross-connected within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of the Reactor trip, long term availability of CCW inventory CANNOT be assured. {3}

1. Verify NO units CCW Intake or GO TO Step 4.

Discharge piping is unwatered.

2. Dispatch operator(s) to open the following:

ICC W-31 (1A CCW Hdr Condenser Outlet Unwatering Bik) (T- 1 IC-2 1)

ICC W-32 (lB CCW Hdr Condenser Outlet Unwatering Bik) (T-1/C-21)

I CCW-30 (Condenser Inlet Unwatering Blk) (T-l/H-27) 2CCW-3 1 (2A CCW Hdr Condenser Outlet Unwatering Bik) (T-1/C-34)

C) 2CCW-32 (2B CCW Hdr Condenser Outlet Unwatering Blk) (T-1/C-34) 2CCW-30 (Condenser Inlet Unwatering Bik) (T-l/H-42) 3CCW-30 (Condenser Inlet Unwatering Bik) (T-l/J-42) 3CCW-33 (Unwatering Pump Suct)

(T- I /H-42) 3CCW-3 I (3A CCW J-Idr Condenser Outlet Unwatering Blk) (T- I /C-48) 3CCW-32 (3B CCW Hdr Condenser Outlet Unwatering Bik) (T-1/C-48)

3. EXIT this enclosure.



Enclosure 5.3 AP/1/A!1700/013 Cross-Connect CCW Intake and Discharge Page 3 of 5


4. Verify either Unit 3 intake or discharge GO TO Step 6.

piping is unwatered.

5. Dispatch operator(s) to open the following:

1CCW-31 (IA CCW I-Idr Condenser Outlet Unwatering Bik) (T- 1 /C-2 1) 1CCW-32 (lB CCW Hdr Condenser Outlet Unwatering Blk) (T-1/C-21)

ICCW-30 (Condenser Inlet Unwatering Bik) (T-l/H-27) 2CCW-3 I (2A CCW Hdr Condenser Outlet Unwatering BIk) (T-1/C-34) 2CCW-32 (2B CCW Hdr Condenser Outlet Unwatering Bik) (T- I /C-34)

6. Verify either Unit I CCW intake or EXIT this enclosure discharge piping is unwatered.

Enclosure 5.3 AP/1/AIl700/o13 Cross-Connect CCW Intake and Discharge Page 5 of 5 Piping -


7. Dispatch operators to open the following:

2CCW-87 (Condensate Coolers Return To Disch Canal)

(T-l/E-29, 4 S.)

2CCW-79 (2B Condensate Cooler CCW Outlet)

(T-l/D-30, 4 W.)

2CCW-86 (Condensate Coolers CCW Flow Control Bypass)

(T-l/D-30, 4 NW))

2CCW-78 (2B Condensate Cooler CCW Inlet) (T-l/F-30) 2CCW-75 (Condensate Coolers CCW Supply) (T- I /F-30) 2CCW-3 I (2A CCW Hdr Condenser

4. Outlet Unwatering BIk) (T- I /C-34) 2CCW-32 (2B CCW Hdr Condenser Outlet Unwatering Bik) (T- I /C-34) 2CCW-30 (Condenser Inlet Unwatering Bik) (T-1/H-42) 3CCW-33 (Unwatering Pump Suct)

(T- I /H-42) 3CCW-30 (Condenser Inlet Unwatering BIk) (T-l/J-42) 3CCW-3 1 (3A CCW Hdr Condenser Outlet Unwatering Bik) (T-l/C-48) 3CCW-32 (3B CCW Hdr Condenser Outlet Unwatering Bik) (T- I /C-48)

8. EXIT this enclosure.

Enclosure 5.4 API1/AJl700/o13 NLO Actions at CCW Intake Page 1 of 5 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINEI


NOTE All valves manipulated in this enclosure are at the CCW Intake.

I. Close the following for all stopped Unit I CCW pumps as directed by Unit I CR:

CCWP Valve # Valve Name ISSW-107 ASSWHdrTo IACCWPump IA ISSW-108 BSSWHdrTo IA CCW Pump ISSW-117 A SSWHdrTo 1BCCWPump lB lSSw1l8 BSSWHdrTo lB CC W Pump 1 SSW- 127 A SSW Hdr To ICCCWPump ISSW-128 B SSW l-IdrTo IC CCW Pump ISSW-137 A SSW HdrTo 1DCCWPump ID 1SSW-138 BSSWHdrTo lDCCWPuinp

2. Notify Unit I CR (ext. 2261, 2159, or 23 35) that SSW is isolated to all stopped Unit I CCW pumps.
3. IAAT directed by Unit I CR to align GO TO Step 6.

SSW to start a CCW pump, THEN perform Steps 4 5. -

Enclosure 5.4 AP/1/A/1700/013 NLO Actions at CCW Intake Page 3 of 5 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

4. Open the SSW valves for the CCW pump to be started:

CCWP Valve # Valve Name 1SSW-107 A SSW Hdr To 1ACCWPump IA 1SSW-108 B SSW Hdr To 1ACCWPump 1SSW-117 ASSWHdrTo IBCCWPump lB 1SSW-118 BSSWHdrTo lB CCW Pump ISSW-127 ASSWHdrTo 1CCCWPump 1SSW-128 BSSWHdrTo IC CCW Pump 1SSW-137 ASSWI-IdrTo IDCCWPurnp 1D ISSW-138 BSSWHdrTo ID CCW Pump

5. Notify Unit I CR (ext. 2261, 2159, or 2335) that SSW is available to the CCW pump to be started.


6. IAAT directed by Unit I CR to isolate GO TO Step 10.

SSW to all Unit 1 CCW pumps, THEN perform Steps 7 9. -


Enclosure 5.4 AP/1/A!1 700/013 NLO Actions at CCW Intake Page 5 5 of 0


7. Verify all Unit I CCW pumps are stopped: Notify Unit 1 CR (ext. 2261, 2159, or.


Pump 1A lB C


8. Close the following for all stopped Unit I CCW pumps:

CCWP Valve # Valve Name ASSWI-IdrTo 1SSW-107 IA CCW Pump IA BSSWHdrTo 1SSw108 1A CCW Pump 0 ISSW-117 ASSWHdrTo IBCCWPump BSSWHdrTo ISSW-118 lB CCW Pump A SSW HdrTo 1SSW-127 IC CCW Pump BSSWHdrTo ISSW-128 IC CCW Pump ASSWHdrTo ISSW-137 ID CCW Pump ID BSSWHdrTo ISSW-138 1D CCW Pump

9. Notify Unit I CR (ext. 2261, 2159, or 2335) that SSW is isolated to all Unit 1 CCW pumps.
10. WI-lEN directed by CR SRO, THEN EXIT this enclosure.
  • END...

Enclosure 5.5 AP/1/A/1700/013 Dam Failure Considerations Page 1 of 1 (r

- The Emergency Coordinator should consider the following:

1. CCW recirculation should be continued while reclaiming condensate to the condenser.
2. Secondary inventory makeup from Demin and Filtered Water systems should be maximized.
3. TDEFDWP operability will be affected as decay heat decreases and the units are cooled down unless the Aux Boiler is used to supply AS.
4. The following loads are isolated during LPSW recirculation alignment:
  • MTOT Coolers on all three units
  • Backup instrument air compressor motor coolers and IA aftercoolers
  • Alterex air coolers
  • RP Count Room air conditioning
  • Cooling to TB and most AB AHUs including battery rooms and HP! /LPI rooms
  • RCW Cooling from CCW
  • AllRBCUsonUnits l,2&3
5. Consider establishing alternate cooling for I-IPI/LPI rooms.
6. NOT all LPSW water is recovered in LPSW recirculation mode. LPSW/1-IPSW to the HPIP motor coolers is lost to storm drains and LPSW cooling to operating MDEFDWPs is lost. When units have been shut down and HPIPs are NO longer required, cooling water flow to the HPIP motor coolers should be isolated.
7. When performing a natural circulation cool down in LPSW recirculation mode, RB Aux Coolers will cool the RB. However, when LPSW is required to the LPI coolers, consideration should be given to securing RB Aux Cooler loads to reduce LPSW flow.
8. When CCW recirculation is lost, available secondary inventory should be steamed off before going to the SSF.
9. CCW recirculation may be lost due to failure of the weir wall or loss of intake canal inventory.

When lake level is too low for CCW pump operation and secondary inventory is depleted, using the station ASW pump to maintain decay heat removal should be considered.

10. If SSF ASW pump is used for decay heat removal, the preferred SSF power source is Unit 2 MFB since the SSF diesel generator will deplete CCW inventory and heat removal capability.
11. If makeup to Unit 2 CCW inlet header CANNOT be maintained, SSF systems should be secured and station ASW pump used for decay heat removal.

Appendix AP/1/A/1 700/013 Page 1 of 1

1. This procedure is considered Reactivity Management Related.
2. PIP 0-98-04408: Revised the valve lineup used in LPSW recirc lineup enclosure to use valves that meet the testing requirements of the revised LPSW DBD (OE-14532).
3. PIP 0-97-03651: Added a new enclosure to cross-connect the CCW intake and discharge piping following the loss of the Intake Canal to ensure long term availability CCW inventory per OSC 0864, Rev. 3. The CCW intake and discharge piping must be cross connected within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of the Reactor trip.
4. If a Dam failure and loss of power both occur, the Operators may choose the Dam Failure AP as the higher priority procedure once power is restored. The step to place Pressurizer heaters in auto has been included in this procedure in the event that the step was not performed in the Loss of Power AP.
5. PIP 0-01-02489: The adjacent CCW Pumps discharge valve must be closed to prevent excessive torque on the starting pumps discharge valve.
6. PIP 0-01-03483: Forebay elevation has been replaced with lake level since alternate methods are used to determine lake level when forebay level instrumentation is out of service.
7. OSC-5739 (Predicted 1-lydraulic Response of the CCW and LPSW Systems Operating Following a Loss of Lake Keowee)
8. If the LPSW RB Waterhammer Prevention System has actuated, some air could be present at the high point of the CCW piping on the discharge of the RCW Coolers. The following step vents any collected air prior to closing I CCW-68, 69, 2CCW-70, 71. NSM 23117



Depressurize SIGs and Feed With CBPs Alternate Path:

No Facility JPM #:

CRO-014 KIA Rating(s):

System: APE 054 Loss of Main Feedwater (MFW)

K/A: AA1.01 Rating: 4.5/4.4 Task Standard:

Both OTSGs are depressurized and fed with the CBPs until RCS temperature is controlled within the post trip window, while maintaining RCS pressure between 2300 psig and 1600 psig.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator X In-Plant Perform X Simulate


Validation Time: 12 minutes Time Critical: NO Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time:

Examiner: /



1. Recall Snap 116
2. Import files for CRO-014
3. Provide a clean copy of Rule 3 on the front board
4. Goto RUN

CRO-014 RO Page 4 of 12 Tools/EguipmentlProcedures Needed:

EOP Rule 3 READ TO OPERATOR DIRECTION TO TRAINEE I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.

INITIAL CONDITIONS The reactor has tripped.

The SRO directs you to perform a Symptom Check.

INITIATING CUES You are to respond to the plant conditions found during the Symptom Check.

CRO-014 RU Page 5 of 12 START TIME:

STEP 1: Step 1 Perform a Symptoms Check SAT STANDARD: Candidate ensures Power Range NIs are < 5% and decreasing.

Candidate ensures Subcooling Margin > 0°F. UNSAT Candidate diagnoses a Loss of Heat Transfer and attempts to start available EFDW pumps per OMP 1-18.

Candidate requests concurrence to perform Rule 3.

Cue: Concur with the performance of Rule 3.

Note: EFDW pumps will not start.


STEP 2: Rule 3 Step 1 Verify loss of Main FDW/EFDW is due to Turbine Building Flooding.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate determines that loss of Main/EFDW is not due to Turbine Building Flooding and continues to Step 1 RNO.

Cue: If the candidate asks, inform him/her that Turbine Building Flooding is not in UNSAT progress.


STEP 3: Rule 3 Step 1 RNO GO TO Step 3.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate continues to Step 3 of Rule 3 UN SAT COMMENTS:

CRO-014 R0 Page 6 of 12 STEP 4: Rule 3 Step 3 IAAT NO SGs can be fed with FDW (Main/CB P/Emergency), AND y of the following exist: SAT RCS pressure reaches 2300 psig OR NDT limit Pzr level reaches 375 STANDARD: Candidate determines that the IAAT step does not apply at this time and UNSAT continues to Step 4.


STEP 5: Rule 3 Step 4 Start operable EFDW pumps, as required, to feed aH intact SGs.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate determines that both SGs are intact and that no EFDW pumps will start and continues to Step 5.


STEP 6: Rule 3 Step 5 Verify y EFDW pump operating.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate determines that no EFDW pump is operating and continues to Step 5 RNO.


CRO-014 RO Page 7 of 12 STEP 7: Rule 3 Step 5 RNO GO TO Step 7 SAT STANDARD: Candidate continues to Step 7 of Rule 3 UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP 8: Rule 3 Step 7 Place the following in MANUAL and close:

SAT 1FDW-315 1FDW-316 U N SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates 1 FDW-31 5 and 1 FDW-31 6 Moore controllers on 1 UB1 and places them in manual.

Candidate closes 1 FDW-31 5 and 1 FDW-31 6 by reducing demand on the Moore controllers to zero.


STEP 9: Rule 3 Step 8 Verify both of the following:

operating SAT TBVs available on an intact SG STANDARD: Candidate determines that CBPs are operating by observing light UNSAT indication and pump amps located on 1AB1.

Candidate determines that both SGs are intact with TBVs available and continues to Step 9.


CRO-014 RO Page 8 of 12 STEP 10: Rule 3 Step 9 CRITICAL STEP Select OFF for digital channels on AFIS HEADER A SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates AFIS Header A switches located on 1 UB1 and depresses the OFF pushbutton for Channels 1 & 2.

Candidate continues to Step 10. UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP 11: Rule 3 Step 10 CRITICAL STEP Select OFF for digital channels on AFIS HEADER B SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates AFIS Header B switches located on 1 UB1 and depresses the OFF pushbutton for Channels 1 & 2.

Candidate continues to Step 11. UN SAT COMMENTS:

STEP 12: Rule3Step 11 CRITICAL STEP Place Startup Block valve control switch for all intact SGs in OPEN:

IASG [I IBSG SAT 1 FDW-33 1 FDW-42 STANDARD: UNSAT Candidate determines that both SGs are intact and locates the Startup Block valve switches on 1 UB1 and rotates the switches to the OPEN position.

Candidate continues to Step 12.


CRO-014 RO Page 9 of 12 STEP 13: Rule 3 Step 12 CRITICAL STEP Simultaneously position Startup Control valves 10 20% open on all intact SGs: SAT q IASG q IBSG 1FDW-35 1FDW-44 UNSAT STANDARD: Candidate determines that both SGs are intact and locates the Startup Control valve controllers on 1 UB1 and simultaneously places the controllers in manual.

Candidate positions Startup Control Valves 10 20% open.

Candidate continues to Step 13.

Note: Two handed operations are allowed for Startup Control valves.


STEP 14: Rule 3 Step 13 Perform the following:

SAT Place 1 FDW-31 switch in CLOSE Place 1 FDW-40 switch in CLOSE

_Close 1FDW-32 UNSAT Close 1FDW-41 STANDARD: Candidate locates the control switches for 1 FDW-31 and 1 FDW-40 on 1 UB1 and places the switches in CLOSE.

Candidate locates the controllers for 1 FDW-32 and 1 FDW-41 on 1 UB1 and places the controllers in manual and ensures demand is zero.

Candidate continues to Step 14.

Note: Two handed operations are allowed for IA and lB Main FDW Control Valves.


CRO-014 RO Page 10 of 12 STEP 15: Rule 3 Step 14 Verify Rule 4 (Initiation of HPI Forced Cooling) in progress.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate determines that Rule 4 is not in progress and continues to Step 14 RNO.


STEP 16: Rule 3 Step 14 RNO CRITICAL STEP CAUTION SAT Until SGs are dry, lower SG pressure slowly to prevent overcooling.

1. Lower SG pressure in available SGs to 500 psig.
2. Control FDW flow to stabilize RCS P/T by throttling the following as UNSAT necessary:
  • Startup Control valves
3. Notify CR SRO that CBP feed is in progress.

STANDARD: Candidate locates the Bailey controllers for 1A and 1 B Turbine Bypass Valves on 1 UB1 and places the controllers in HAND by depressing the white HAND pushbuttons.

Candidate lowers SG pressure by using the raise/lower toggle switches on the 1AI1B TBVs to increase position demand to open the valves.

Candidate controls FDW flow to stabilize RCS P/T by throttling Startup Control valves (1 FDW-35 and 1 FDW-44) and throttles TBVs to control steam pressure at 500 psig.

Note: Once the candidate demonstrates that helshe has gained control of RCS PIT, inform the Candidate the task is complete.



CRO-014 RU Page 11 of 12 CRITICAL STEP EXPLANATIONS STEP # Explanation 10 & 11 Steps prevent actuation of AFIS circuit which would block feed from the CBPs if actuated.

12 Step aligns flow path to the Startup FDW valves.

13 Step decreases Startup FDW valve position to prevent excessive flow while allowing feed to enter the SG.

16 Step required to decrease SG pressure to below shutoff head of the CBPs and throttle FDW flow to stabilize RCS P/T.


INITIAL CONDITIONS The reactor has tripped.

The SRO directs you to perform a Symptom Check.

INITIATING CUES You are to respond to the plant conditions found during the Symptom Check.

Rule 3 EP/1/A/1 800/001 Loss of Main or Emergency FDW Page 1 of 11 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

1. Verify loss of Main FDW/EFDW is due GO TO Step 3.

to Turbine Building Flooding.

2. EXIT this Rule.
3. IAATNOSGscanbefedwithFDW (MainlCBPfEmergency),

AND y of the following exist:

RCS pressure reaches 2300 psig OR NDT limit Pzr level reaches 375 [340 acc]

THEN PERFORM Rule 4 (Initiation of HPI Forced Cooling).

4. Start operable EFDW pumps, as required, to feed all intact SGs.
5. Verify y EFDW pump operating. GO TO Step 7.
6. GOTO Step 37.
7. Place the following in MANUAL and close: Notify CR SRO of failure.

IFDW-315 1FDW-316

8. Verify both of the following: GO TO Step 16.

Mi CBP operating TBVs available on an intact SG

9. Select OFF for both digital channels on AFIS HEADER A.
10. Select OFF for both digital channels on AFIS HEADER B.

11 - Place Startup Block valve control switch for all intact SGs in OPEN:


12. Simultaneously position Startup Control V valves 10 20% open on all intact SGs:



Rule 3 EP/1/AJl 800/001 Loss of Main or Emergency FDW Page 3 of 11 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

13. Perform the following:

Place I FDW-3 I switch in CLOSE.

Place 1FDW-40 switch in CLOSE.

Close 1FDW-32.

Close IFDW-41.

14. Verif Rule 4 (Initiation of HPI Forced Cooling) in progress. Until SGs are thy, lower SG pressure slowly to prevent overcooling.

I. Lower SO pressure in available SOs to

. 500 psig.

2. Control FDW flow to stabilize RCS PIT by throttling the following as necessary:

e Startup Control valves

3. Notify CR SRO that CBP feed is in progress. {22
4. Place the following switches to OPEN:

I FDW-38 I FDW-47

5. Place the following switches to CLOSE:

1 FDW-.36 IFDW-45

6. GOTOSIepI6.
15. Close the following: 1. IF IFDW-35 fails open, IFDW-35 THEN place IFDW-33 control switch to IFDW-44 CLOSE.

2._ IF IFDW-44 fails open, THEN place IFDW-42 control switch to CLOSE.

16. Verify 1 TD EFDW PUMP is operable GO TO Step 18.

and available for manual start.

c 17. Dispatch an operator to perform End 5.26 (Manual Start of TDEFDWP). (PS)

Rule 3 EP/1/AJ1 800/001 Loss of Main or Emergency. FDW Page 5 of 11 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

18. VeriIr cross-tie with Unit 2 is desired. 1. Dispatch an operator to open the following:

3FDW-3 13 (3A EFDW Line Disch Tb 3A S/G X-Conn) 3FDW-3 14 (3B EFDW Line Disch To 3B S/G X-Conn)

Z GOTO Step 20.

19. Dispatch an operator to open the following:

2FDW-3 13 (2A EFDW Line Disch To 2A S/G X-Conn) 2FDW-3 14 (2B EFDW Line Disch To 2B Sf0 X-Conn)

20. Dispatch an operator to IFDW-313 and have them notify the CR when in position.
21. Notify alternate unit to perform the Notify alternate unit to perform the following:


A. Place both EFDW control valves in A. Place both EFDW control valves in manual and closed.

manual and closed.

B. Start MD EFDW pumps.

B. Start their TD EFDW PUMP.

22. WHEN either of the following exists:

Operator is in position at IFDW-313 Unit I TD EFDW PUMP has been manually started THEN continue.

23. IAAT an operator is in position at GO TO Step 24.

IFDW-313, AND Unit I TD EFDW PUMP is NOT operating, THEN notify the operator to open the following:

IFDW-313 (IA EFDW Line Disch To IA Sf0 X-Conn) 1FDW-314 (lB EFDW Line Disch To lB Sf0 X-Conn)

Rule 3 EP/1/A/1 800/001 Loss of Main or Emergency FDW Page 7 of 11 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I

24. Verify either of the following exists: NOTE HPI Forced Cooling is maintaining core Flow will NOT be established until alternate cooling unit begins opening the cross connect valve. Do CBP feed providing SG feed NOT wait for communication.

1._ Establish 100 gpm to an available intact SG.

2._ WHEN heat transfer is observed, THEN feed and steam SG to stabilize T.

3. IF second SG is intact and available to feed, THEN perform the following:

A. Establish 100 gpm to second SG.

B. WHEN heat transfer is observed, THEN feed and steam both SGs to stabilize T.

4. IFT> 550°F, THEN initiate cool down to 550°F by feeding and steaming intact SGs at a rate that prevents RCS saturation using either of the following:


5. Notify CR SRO of the following:

SG feed status.

Rule 3 actions are continuing.

6. GO TO Step 26.
25. WHEN either of the following exists:

Unit 1 TD EFDW PUMP running Alignment complete from alternate unit. {22)

THEN notify CR SRO of the following:

A. Source of EFDW avajlability.

B. Rule 3 actions are continuing.

Rule 3 EP/1/A11800/OO1 Loss of Main or Emergency FDW Page 9 of 11 T ACTIONIEXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

26. IAAT CBPs were feeding the SGs, AND CBP feed has been lost, THEN perform the following:

A. Position TBVs as desired by SRO.

B. Close IFDW-35.

C. Close IFDW-44.

27. IAAT an EFDW valve CANNOT GO TO Step 33.

control in AUTO, OR manual operation of EFDW valve is desired to control flow/level, THEN perform Steps 28 32. -

28. Place EFDW valve in MANUAL. GO TO Step 31.
29. Control EFDW flow with EFDW valve GO TO Step 31.


30. GO TO Step 33.
31. Notify CR SRO that End 5.27 (Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Flow) is being initiated. 22
32. Initiate End 5.27 (Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Flow).
33. Verify py SCM 0°F. IF overcooling, OR exceeding limits in Rule 7 (SG Feed Control),

THEN throttle EFDW, as necessary.

34. Notify the alternate unit to perform the following:

Monitor EFDWP parameters.

Maintain UST level> 7.5.

Enter appropriate TS/SLC for EFDW valves closed in manual.

35. IAAT Unit I EFDW is in operation, THEN initiate End 5.9 (Extended EFDW Operation).
36. WHEN directed by CR SRO, THEN EXIT this rule.

Rule 3 EPI1/A11800/oo1 Loss of Main or Emergency FDW Page 11 of 11 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I

37. IAAT an EFDW valve CANNOT GO TO Step 43.

control in AUTO, OR manual operation of EFDW valve is desired to control flow/level, THEN perform Steps 38 42. -

38. Place EFDW valve in MANUAL. GO TO Step 41.
39. Control EFDW flow with EFDW valve GO TO Step 41.


40. GO TO Step 43.
41. Notify CR SRO that End 5.27 (Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Flow) is being initiated. {22)
42. Initiate End 5.27 (Alternate Methods for Controlling EFDW Flow).
43. Verify y 0°F. CAUTION ATWS events may initially require throttling to prevent exceeding pump limits and additional throttling once the Rx is shutdown to prevent overcooling.

IF overcooling, OR exceeding limits in Rule 7 (SO Feed Control),

THEN throttle EFDW, as necessary.

44. IAAT Unit I EFDW is in operation, THEN initiate End 5.9 (Extended EFDW Operation).
45. WHEN directed by CR SRO, THEN EXIT this rule.

ui C)



AHgn HPI/LPI Piggyback Mode Alternate Path:

Yes Facility JPM #:

CRO-028 KIA Rating(s):

System: EPE-009 K/A: EK3.21 Rating: 4.2/4.5 Task Standard:

Steps of EOP are properly completed by the candidate to align HPI/LPI piggyback mode.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator X In-Plant Perform X Simulate


EOP Enclosure 5.12, ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Validation Time: 12 minutes Time Critical: NO Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time:

Examiner: /



1. Recall Snap 123
2. Import files for CRO-028
3. Goto RUN
4. Provide a clean copy of EOP Enclosure 5.12

CRO-028 R2 Page 4 of 12 Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:

EOP Enclosure 5.12, ECCS Suction Swap to RBES READ TO OPERATOR DIRECTION TO TRAINEE I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.

INITIAL CONDITIONS A small break LOCA has occurred which is depleting the BWST.

The RCS is saturated.

The EOP is in progress.

Step 94 of LOSCM directs the initiation of Enclosure 5.12, ECCS Suction Swap to RBES.

INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO directs you to perform Enclosure 5.12, ECCS Suction Swap to RBES to align HPI/LPI piggyback mode.

CRO-028 R2 Page 5 of 12 START TIME:


1ALPIPUMP _SAT lB LPI PUMP STANDARD: Candidate locates the controls for 1A and lB LPI pumps on 1UB2 and UN SAT determines that 1A and 1 B LPI pumps are off by observing the white trip light illuminated and red close lights OFF.

Candidate rotates control switch to the CLOSE position for 1A and lB LPI pumps. The red CLOSE lights are observed to be on and the white TRIP light is observed to be off.

Candidate observes LPIP amps are 20 amps and stable.

Candidate continues to Step 2.


STEP 2: Step 2 Verify either:

LPI FLOW TRAIN A pj LPI FLOW TRAIN B SAT 3400 gpm Only one LPI header is operating, AND flow in that header is 2900 gpm U N SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates LPI Flow Train A and B flow meters on 1 UB1.

Observes flow in both headers to be 0 gpm.

Candidate refers to Step 2 RNO.


STEP 3: Step2RNO GO TO Step 4.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate goes to Step 4.


CRO-028 R2 Page 6 of 12 STEP 4: Step 4 Verify three HPI pumps operating.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates HPI pump controls on 1 UB1 and determines that all three HPI pumps are operating by observing the red ON lights illuminated and HPIP motor amps are stable. UNSAT Candidate continues to Step 5.



_SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates the pump switch for the 1 B HPI Pump on 1 UB1 and stops the pump by rotating the switch to the OFF position.

Candidate verifies the red ON light goes out, the green OFF light is UNSAT illuminated, and motor amps go to zero.

NOTE: Candidate may throttle HPI per rule 6 guidance due to flow in the A HPI Header.

Candidate continues to Step 6.


STEP 6: Step 6 CRITICAL STEP Simultaneously open:

1LP-15 SAT 1LP-16 STANDARD: Candidate locates 1LP-15 and 1LP-16 on 1UB2 and opens both valves UNSAT simultaneously by taking each switch to the open position. Verify that the closed green light goes off and the red open light illuminates for each valve.

Candidate continues to Step 7.


CRO-028 R2 Page 7 of 12 STEP 7: Step 7 Verify two LPI pumps operating.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate verifies two LPI pumps, located on 1 UB2, are operating by observing the red ON lights are illuminated and each pump has 20 amps indicated. UNSAT Candidate continues to Step 8.


STEP 8: Step 8 Verify total HPI flow including seal injection is > 500 gpm.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate determines that total HPI flow including seal injection is > 500 gpm by adding the flow indicated on the HPI FLOW TRAIN A and HPI FLOW TRAIN B flow gauges plus the SEAL INLET HDR FLOW gauge UNSAT located on 1UB1.

Candidate continues to Step 9.


STEP 9: Step 9 GO TO Step 12.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate goes to Step 12.


CRO-028 R2 Page 8 of 12 STEP 10: Step 12 Place LDST LEVEL INTERLOCK switch in DISABLE.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate places LDST LEVEL INTERLOCK switch located on 1 UB1 to DISABLE by taking the switch to the DISABLE position.

Candidate continues to Step 13. UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP 11: Step 13 CRITICAL STEP Position valve switches to close until valve travel is initiated:

1HP-23 SAT 1HP-24 1HP-25 STANDARD: Candidate positions the following valve switches located on 1 UB1 to UNSAT close until valve travel is initiated:

1HP-23 1HP-24 1HP-25 Candidate recognizes valve travel has been initiated when the green close light illuminates.

Candidate continues to Step 14 after valve travel has been initiated for all three valves.


CRO-028 R2 Page 9 of 12 STEP 12: Step 14 CRITICAL STEP Simultaneously position valve switches to open until valve travel is initiated:

_1HP-939 SAT 1 HP-940 STANDARD: Candidate simultaneously positions the following valve switches located UNSAT on 1 UB2 to open until valve travel is initiated:

1 HP-939 1 HP-940 Candidate recognizes valve travel has been initiated when the red open light illuminates.

Candidate continues to Step 15 after valve travel has been initiated for both valves.


STEP 13: Step 15 Verify either fj.y open:


_SAT 1 LPSW-5 STANDARD: Candidate locates 1LPSW-4 and 1LPSW-5 on 1VB2 and determines that only 1 LPSW-5 is fully open by observing the red open light illuminated UNSAT and green closed light OFF.

Candidate continues to Step 16.

NOTE: ILPSW-4 is failed in the closed position.


CRO-028 R2 Page 10 of 12 ALTERNATE PATH STEP 14: Step 16 Verify both open; 1LPSW-4 SAT 1 LPSW-5 STANDARD: Candidate locates 1LPSW-4 and 1LPSW-5 on 1VB2 and determines that UNSAT only 1 LPSW-5 is fully open by observing the red open light lit and green closed light OFF.

Candidate refers to 16 RNO.

NOTE: ILPSW-4 has failed in the closed position.



1. IF 1LPSW-4 is closed, AND 1LP-16 is open, THEN perform the following:

SAT A. Open 1 LPSW-5 (not critical).

B. Limit total HP! flow < 750 gpm including seal injection.

C. Stop 1A LPI PUMP UNSAT D. GOTOStep23 STANDARD: Candidate determines 1 LPSW-4 is closed by observing the green closed light is lit on 1VB2.

Candidate determines 1LP-16 is open by observing the red open light is lit on 1UB2.

Candidate determines 1LPSW-5 is open by observing the red open light is lit on 1VB2.

Candidate throttles 1 HP-26 and 1 HP-27 to limit total HP! flow < 750 gpm including seal injection. Total HP! flow will be determined by adding HP!


Candidate stops 1A LP! PUMP by rotating the pump switch located on 1 UB2 to the TRIP position and verifying that the red ON lights extinguish and the white OFF light is illuminated. Verify 1A LPIP amps zero.

Candidate goes to Step 23.

NOTE: When total HPI flow is throttle and IA LPI pump is stopped inform the candidate the task is complete.



CRO-028 R2 Page 11 of 12 CRITICAL STEP EXPLANATIONS STEP # Explanation 1 Step 1 is required to start LPI pump so they can supply suction to the HPI pumps.

5 Step 5 is required to reduce number of HPI pumps to two.

6 Step 6 is required to align a flow path from LPI pump discharge to HPI pump suction.

11 Step 11 is required to isolate the suction flow path to the LPI pumps from the BWST and the LDST.

12 Step 12 is required to prevent over pressurizing the LDST.

15 Step 15 is required to take compensatory actions for 1 LPSW-4 failed closed.


INITIAL CONDITIONS A small break LOCA has occurred which is depleting the BWST.

The RCS is saturated.

The EOP is in progress.

Step 94 of LOSCM directs the initiation of Enclosure 5.12, ECCS Suction Swap to RBES.

INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO directs you to perform Enclosure 5.12, ECCS Suction Swap to RBES to align HPI/LPI piggyback mode.

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/AJl 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 1 of 45 J ACTIONIEXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

1. Start: I . IF NO LPI pumps are operating, IA LPI PUMP THEN GO TO Step 85.

lB LPI PUMP 2._ IF 1C LPI PUMP is operating, THEN GO TO Step 87.

2. Verify either: GO TO Step 4.

LPI FLOW TRAIN A p LPI FLOW TRAIN B 3400 gpm Only one LPI header is operating, AND flow in that header is 2900 gpm

3. GO TO Step 52.
4. Verify three HPI pumps operating. GO TO Step 6.
6. Simultaneously open: 1. IF 1LP-15 is closed, ILP-15 AND IBLPJ PUMP is operating, 0 I LP- 16 THEN perform the following:

A. IF NO flow on LPI FLOW TRAIN A, THEN perform the following:

1. Secure I A LPI PUMP.
2. GOTOSteplO.

B. GOTOStepIl.

2._ IF ILP-l6 is closed, AND IA LPI PUMP is operating, THEN perform the following:

A. IF NO flow on LPI FLOW TRAIN B, THEN perform the following:

1. Secure lB LPI PUMP.
2. GOTOSteplO.

B. GOTOStepII.__

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1IAII 8001001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 3 of 45


7. Verify two LPI pumps operating. GO TO Step 10.
8. Verify total HPI flow including seal IF both exist:

injection is> 500 gpm.

NO flow on LPI FLOW TRAIN A NO flow on LPI FLOW TRAIN B THEN perform the following:

A. IF 1LPSW-4 is open, THEN perform the following:

I. Secure LB LPI PUMP.

2. GOTO Step 10.

B. IF ILPSW-5 is open, THEN perform the following:

1. Secure IA LPI PUMP.
2. GOTOStepIO.

C. IF both exist:

I LPSW-4 power available A LPI cooler LPSW flow DIXON has power THEN perform the following:

Throttle 1LPSW-4 to establish 3000 3300 gpm.

2. Secure lB LPI PUMP.
3. GOTO Step 10.

D. IF both exist:

I LPSW-5 power available B LPI cooler LPSW flow DIXON has power THEN perform the following:

1. Throttle ILPSW-5 to establish 3000 3300 gpm.
2. Secure IA LPI PUMP.
3. GOTOStepIO.


Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/A/1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 5 of 45 ACTIONIEXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE Total LPI flow = LPI header flow + FIPI header flow + seal injection.

10. Maximize total LPI flow

< 3100 gpm by throttling HPI flow.

11. LimittotalHPlflowto75Ogpm including seal injection.
13. Position valve switches to close until valve Continue procedure.

travel is initiated:

IHP-23 IHP-24 IHP-25 3)

14. Simultaneously position valve switches to Continue procedure.

open until valve travel is initiated:

IHP-939 I HP-940

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/A/1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 7 of 45


15. Verify either fy open: GO TO Step 18.


16. Verify both open: 1. IF I LPSW-4 is closed, ILPSW.-4 AND 1LP-16 is open, I LPSW-5 THEN perform the following:


B. Limit QJ HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.

C. Stop 1A LPI PUMP.

D. GOTOStep23.

2. IF ILPSW-5 is closed, ANI) ILP-15 is open, THEN perform the following:

A. Open I LPSW-4.

B. Limit total HPT flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.



17. GOTOStep24.




NOTE The DIXON LPSW flow indicators must be used when determining post accident flow readings.

18. Verify both: IF 1LP-16 is open, A LPI cooler LPSW flow DIXON has THEN perform the following:

power A. 1LPSW-5.

1LP-15 open B. Limit total HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.


  • D.
19. Verify both: IF ILP-15 is open, ILP-1 6 open THEN perform the following:

B LPI cooler LPSW flow DIXON has A. Open ILPSW-4.

power B. Limit HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.



20. Throttle ILPSW-4 for 3000-3300 gpm IF ILPSW-4 is closed, flow to 1A LPI cooler. AND ILP-16 is open, THEN perform the following:


B. Limit total HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.


D. GOTOStep23.

21. Throttle 1LPSW-5 for 3000-3300 gpm IF ILPSW-5 is closed, flow to lB LPI cooler. AND ILP-15 is open, THEN perform the following:

A. Open ILPSW-4.

B. Limit total HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.


D. GO TO Step23.

22. GO TO Step 24.

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/A/1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 11 of 45 I ACTIONIEXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE Total LPI flow LPI header flow + HPI header flow + seal injection.

23. Maximize total LPI flow

<3100 gpm by throttling HPI flow.

24. Verify th:

GO TO Step 26.

Step 8 RNO was used to secure an LPI pump due to low flow conditions.

LPSW is aligned to cooler associated with stopped LPI pump.

25. WHEN BWST level is 10, THEN start y LPI pump previously stopped due to low flow conditions.

rj NOTE RB level of 2 is expected when BWST level reach

. 26. WHEN BWST level is 9, AND RB level is rising, es 9.

THEN continue in this enclosure. 4)

27. Simultaneously open:
1. IF ILP-19 fails to open, ILP-19 THEN stop the IA RBS PUMP.


2. IF ILP-20 fails to open, THEN stop the lB RBS PUMP.
28. IAAT BWST level is 6, GO TO Step 33.

THEN perform Steps 29 33. -

29. Verify ILP-19 open.


30. Verify ILP-20 open.


31. Simultaneously close:
1. IF ILP-21 fails to close, ILP-21 THEN perform the following:

1 LP-22 Stop I A LPI PUMP.


2._ IF ILP-22 fails to close, THEN perform the following:



Enclosure 5.12 EP/lfA/l 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 13 of 45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

32. Dispatch an operator to close 1LP-28 (BWST Outlet) (East of Unit 1 BWST).
33. Verif two LPI pumps operating. I . Maximize i LPI flow <3100 gpm by throttling HPI flow.

2._ Limit total HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.

34. IAAT an operating LPI Pump (IA OR GO TO Step 43.

IB) fails, ThEN perfomi_Steps 35 42.-

35. Verify py LPI pump operating. I. IF IA LPI PUMP lB LPI PUMP is available, THEN attempt to start the available LPI pump.

2._ IF py LPI pump is operating, THEN GO TO Step 36.

3._ GO TO Step 38.

36. Open valves for the running LPI pump: 1. Open the following:


- Pump Pump

2. Open valves for the running LPI pump:

ILP-15 ILP-16 ILP-17 ILP-18 1A LPI lB LPI Pump Pump 1LPSW-4 ILPSW-5 ILP-16 ILP-15 ILP-18 ILP-17 ILPSW-5 ILPSW-4

3. Close valves for the running LPI pump:

IALPI IBLPI Pump jj Pump 1LP-15 ILP-16 ILP-17 1LP-18 ILPSW-4 ILPSW-5

37. GO TO Step 42.


38. Verify: 1._ Open ILP-7.

1LP19 OPCfl 2._ GO TO Step 40.

1LP-21 closed OR 1LP-28 closed

39. Open ILP-6. 1._ Open ILP-20.

2._ Close ILP-22 OR 1LP-28.

3._ Open 1LP-7.

40. Open valves to align IC LPI PUMP tociy one header that has LPSW aligned to the LPI cooler:


. 41. Start IC LPIPUMP.

42. Perform the following:

A. Maximize total LPI flow < 3100 gpm by throttling HPI flow.

B. Limit total HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/A/1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 17 of 45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED j

43. Notify Chemistry to periodically sample LPI discharge for boron concentration.
44. IAAT the TSC is operational, THEN notify TSC to provide guidance on long term operation of LPI pumps.
45. WREN ILP-28 is closed, THEN continue in this enclosure.
46. Verify 1LP-19 open. GO TO Step 50.
47. Verify IA LPI PUMP operating. IF TSC approves restart, THEN perform the following:

A. Start I A LPI PUMP.

B. GO TO Step 50.

48. Verify ILP-20 open. GO TO Step 50.
49. Verify lB LPI PUMP operating. IF TSC approves restart, THEN start I B LPI PUMP.
50. Initiate End 5.4 (Makeup to the BWST) to replenish inventory for subsequent use if needed.
51. WHEN directed by CR SRO, THEN EXIT this enclosure.

r  :

- a < 1.

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/A/1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 19of45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED Unit Status LPI FLOW TRAiN A pj LPI FLOW TRAIN B 3400 gpm OR Only one LPI header in operation with header flow 2900 gpm.

52. WhEN BWST level is 15, THEN stop all HPI pumps.

NOTE RB level of 2 is expected when BWST level reaches 9.

53. WHEN BWST level 9, AND RB level is rising, THEN continue procedure.
54. Simultaneously open: l._ IF ILP-19 fails to open, 1LP-19 THEN stop the 1A RBS PUMP.

ILP-20 2. IF ILP-20 fails to open, THEN stop the lB RBS PUMP.

55. IAAT BWST level is 6, GO TO Step 60.

THEN perform Steps 56 59. -

56. Verify ILP-19 open. Stop the IA LPI PUMP.
57. Verify ILP-20 open. Stop the lB LPI PUMP.
58. Simultaneously close: I._ IF ILP-21 fails to close, I LP-21 THEN perform the following:

I LP-22 Stop I A LPI PUMP.


2_ IF ILP-22 fails to close, THEN perform the following:



59. Dispatch an operator to close ILP-28 (BWST Outlet) (East of Unit 1 BWST).


Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/AI1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 21 of45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

60. Verify y are open: GO TO Step 63.


61. Verify both are open: 1._ IF I LPSW-4 is closed, I LPSW-4 AND flow exists on 1LPSW-5 LPI FLOW TRAIN B, THEN perform the following:


B. Stop 1A LPI PUMP.

C. 1LP-17.

D. TO Step 67.

2._ IF ILPSW-5 is closed, AND flow exists on V LPI FLOW TRAIN A, THEN perform the following:

A. Open 1LPSW-4.

B. Stop lB LPI PUMP.

C. Close ILP-18.


62. GO TO Step 67.

Enclosure 5J2 EP/1/A/1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 23 of 45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED r NOTE The DIXON LPSW flow indicators must be used when determining post accident flow readings.

63. Verif A LPI cooler LPSW flow IF flow exists on DIXON has power. LPI FLOW TRAIN B, THEN perform the following:


B. Stop 1A LPI PUMP.

C. Close 1LP-17.

D. GO TO Step 67.

64. Verify B LPI cooler LPSW flow iF flow exists on DIXON has power. LPI FLOW TRAIN A, THEN perform the following:



C. Close ILP-18.

D. GO TO Step 67.

65. Throttle 1LPSW-4 for 3000-3300 gpm iF flow exists on flow to the IA LPI cooler. LPI FLOW TRAIN B, THEN perform the following:

A. Close ILPSW-4.

B. Open ILPSW-5.


D. Close ILP-17.

E. GO TO Step 67.

66. Throttle ILPSW-5 for 3000-3300 gpm IF flow exists on flow to the lB LPI cooler. LPI FLOW TRAIN A, THEN perform the following:

A. Close ILPSW-5.



C) D. Close ILP-18.

Enclosure 5.12 EP/l/A/l 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 25 of 45 IL.


67. IAATanoperatingLPlPump(IAOR GOTOStep75.

1B)fails, THEN perform Steps 68 74.

68. Verify y LPI pump operating. GO TO Step 71.
69. Perform for the running LPI pump: 1. Open the following:

1A LPI Pump lB LPI Pump 1LP9 ILP-10 Open I LP- 17 Open I LP- 18 Close I LP- 18 2. Perform for the runnjg LPI pump:

Close LP- 17 Close ILPSW-5 Close ILPSW-4 1A LPI Pump lB LPI Pump Open 1LPSW-4 Open ILPSW-5 Open 1LP-18 Open 1LP-17 Close 1LP-17 Close ILP-18 Close ILPSW-4 Close ILPSW-5 Open 1LPSW-5 Open ILPSW-4

70. GO TO Step 75.
71. Verify: L_ Open ILP-7.

ILP-19 open 2. GO TO Step 73.

ILP-21 closed OR ILP-28 closed

72. Open ILP-6. l._ Open ILP-20.
2. Close ILP-22 OR ILP-28.
3. Open 1LP-7.
73. Open valves to align IC LPI PUMP to ll headers with LPSW aligned:


74. Start IC LPI PUMP.

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/A/1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 27 of 45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

75. Open: Continue procedure.

1 FIP-939 I HP-940

76. Notify Chemistry to periodically sample LPI discharge for boron concentration.
77. Close: Continue procedure.

I LP- 15 I LP- 16

78. WHEN 1LP-28 is closed, THEN continue in this enclosure.
79. Verify ILP-19 open. GO TO Step 83.
80. Verify IA LPI PUMP operating. IF TSC approves restart, THEN perform the following:


B._ GOTO Step 83.

81. Verify ILP-20 open. GO TO Step 83.
82. Verify lB LPI PUMP operating. IF TSC approves restart, THEN start lB LPI PUMP.
83. Initiate End 5.4 (Makeup to the BWST) to replenish inventory for subsequent use if needed.
84. WHEN directed by CR SRO, THEN EXIT this enclosure.

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/AI1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 29 of 45 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I

85. Open:

ILP-6 ILP-7 1LP-9 ILP-10 ILP-17 ILP-18

86. Start IC LP1 PUMP.
87. Verify either: GO TO Step 89.

LPI FLOW TRAIN A p LPI FLOW TRAIN B 3400 gpm Only one LPI header is operating, AND flow in that header is 2900 gpm

88. GOTO Step 121.
89. Verify three HPI pumps operating. GO TO Step 91.

90._ Stop lB HPI PUMP.

91. Simultaneously open: 1._ IF ILP-15 is closed, 1LP-15 THEN perform the following:

ILP-16 A. IF NO flow on LPI FLOW TRAIN A, THEN close ILP-9.

B. GO TO Step 92.

2. IF ILP-16 is closed, AND NO flow on LPI FLOW TRAIN B THEN close ILP-10.

NOTE Total LPI flow LPI header flow + HPI header flow + seal injection.

92. Maximize total LPI flow

<2900 gpm by throttling HPI flow.

93. Limit j HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/AJI 800/00 1 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 31 of 45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

95. Position valve switches to close until valve Continue procedure.

travel is initiated:

IHP-23 1HP-24 IHP-25 {3)

96. Simultaneously position valve switches to Continue procedure.

open until valve travel is initiated:

I HP-939 1HP-940

97. Verifyy are open: GO TO Step 100.


98. Verify both are open: I. IF ILPSW-4 is closed, ILPSW-4 AND ILP-16is open, I LPSW-5 THEN perform the following:


B. Limit total HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.

C. Close ILP-9.

D. GO TO Step 105.

2. IF ILPSW-5 is closed, AND ILP-l5isopen, THEN perform the following:

A. Open ILPSW-4.

B. Limit çj HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.

C. Close 1LP-10.

D. 105.

99. GO TO Step 106.


Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/A/1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 33 of 45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE The DIXON LPSW flow indicatOrs must be used when determining post accident flow readings.

100.Verify both: V IF ILP-16 is open, A LPI cooler LPSW flow DIXON has THEN perform the following:

power A. Open ILPSW-5.

ILP-15 open B. LimitgiHPIflowto750gpm including seal injection.

C. Close 1LP-9.

D. GOTO Step 105.

l01.Verifyj: IF ILP-15 is open, B LPI cooler LPSW flow DIXON has THEN perform the following:

power A. Open ILPSW-4.

1LP-l6open B. LimittotalHPlflowto75Ogpm including seal injection.

C. Close ILP-10.

D. GOTO Step 105.

102. Throttle ILPSW-4 for 3000-3300 gpm IF ILPSW-4 is closed, flow to IA LPI cooler. AND ILP-16 is open, THEN perform the following:

A. Open ILPSW-5.

B. Limit ç1 HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.

C. Close ILP-9.

D. GOTO Step 105.

103. Throttle ILPSW-5 for 3000-3300 gpm IF ILPSW-5 is closed, flow to lB LPI cooler. AND ILP-l 5 is open, THEN perform the following:

A. Open ILPSW-4.

B. Limit total HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.

C. Close ILP-lO.

D. GOTOStep 105. V l04._ GO TO Step 106.

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/A/l 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 35 of 45 ACTIONIEXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE Total LPI flow = LPI header flow + UPI header flow + seal injection.

105._ Maximize total LPI flow < 2900 gpm by throttling HPI flow.


[ RB level of 2 is expected when BWST level reaches 9.

I 06. WHEN BWST level is 9, AND RB level is rising, THEN continue in this enclosure. 4) 107.Simultaneously open: 1. IF ILP-19 fails to open, ILP-19 THEN perform the following:

1LP-20 A. Stop the IA RBS PUMP.

B. Close ILP-6.

2._ IF ILP-20 fails to open, THEN perform the following:

A. Stop the lB RBS PUMP.

B. Close ILP-7.

108. IAAT BWST level is 6, GO TO Step 1 11.

THEN perform Steps 109 1 1 1.

109. Simultaneously close: I . IF I LP-2 I fails to close, ILP-21 THEN perform the following:

1LP-22 Stop IA RBS PUMP.

Close ILP-6.

2. IF ILP-22 fails to close, THEN perform the following:


Close 1 LP-7.

1 1 0._ Dispatch an operator to close I LP-28 (BWST Outlet) (East of Unit I BWST).


Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/A/1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 37 of 45 j ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 111 Yerform the following:

A. Maximize total LPI flow < 2900 gpm by throttling HPI flow.

B. Limit total HPI flow to 750 gpm including seal injection.

112. Notify Chemistry to periodically sample LPI discharge for boron concentration.

I 13._ IAAT the TSC is operational, THEN notify TSC to provide guidance for recovery of LPI pumps.

I 14._ WHEN ILP-28 is closed, THEN continue in this enclosure.

I 15._ Verify ILP-19 open. GO TO Step 119.

116. Verify ILP-6 open. IF TSC approves, THEN perform the following:

A._Open ILP-6.

B._GO TO Step 119.

117. Verify ILP-20 open. GO TO Step 119.

I I 8._ Verify ILP-7 open. IF TSC approves, THEN open I LP-7.

I I 9._ Initiate End 5.4 (Makeup to the BWST) to replenish inventory for subsequent use if needed.

120._ WHEN directed by CR SRO, THEN EXIT this enclosure.

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/A/1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 39 of 45 ACTIONIEXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED Unit Status LPI FLOW TRAIN A p LPI FLOW TRAIN B 3400 gpm OR Only one LPI header in operation with header flow 2900 gpm.

121. WHEN BWST level is 1 5, THEN stop fl HPI pumps.

NOTE RB level of 2 is expected when BWST level reaches 9.

122. WHEN BWST level 9, AND RB level is rising, THEN continue procedure.

123.Simultaneously open: 1. IF ILP-19 fails to open, 1LP-19 THEN perform the following:

ILP-20 A. Stop the IA RBS PUMP.

B. Close ILP-6.

2._ IF I LP-20 fails to open, THEN perform the following:

A. Stop the lB RBS PUMP.

B. Close ILP-7.

124. IAAT BWST level is 6, GO TO Step 127.

THEN perform Steps 125 126.

l25Simultaneously close: I. IF ILP-21 fails to close, ILP-21 THEN perform the following:


Close I LP-6.

2._ IF ILP-22 fails to close, THEN perform the following:


Close 1LP-7 I 26. Dispatch an operator to close I LP-28 (BWST Outlet) (East of Unit I BWST).

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/AI1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 41 of 45 C)


ILPSW-4 1LPSW-5 128.Verif both are open: 1._ IF ILPSW-4 is closed, I LPSW-4 AND flow exists on LPI FLOW TRAIN B, 1LPSW5 THEN perform the following:


B. Close ILP-17.

C. GOTOStep 134.

2._ IF ILPSW-5 is closed, AND flow exists on LPI FLOW TRAIN A, THEN perform the following:

A. Open ILPSW-4.

B. Close ILP-18.

C. 134.

129_ COTO Step 134.

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/AII 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 43 of 45 F ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I NOTE The DIXON LPSW flow indicators must be used when determining post accident flow readings.

130. Verify A LPI cooler LPSW flow IF flow exists on DIXON has power. LPI FLOW TRAIN B, THEN perform the following:


B. Close ILP-l7.

C. GOTOStep 134.

131._ Verify B LPI cooler LPSW flow IF flow exists on DIXON has power. LPI FLOW TRAIN A, THEN perform the following:


B. Close ILP-18.

C. GO TO Step 134.

132._ Throttle ILPSW-4 for 3000-3300 gpm IF flow exists on flow to the IA LPI cooler. LPI FLOW TRAIN B, THEN perform the following:

A. Close ILPSW-4.

B. Open ILPSW-5.

C. Close I LP- 17.

D. GO TO Step 134.

133._ Throttle ILPSW-5 for 3000-3300 gpm IF flow exists on flow to the lB LPI cooler. LPI FLOW TRAIN A, THEN perform the following:

A. Close ILPSW-5.

B. Open ILPSW-4.

C. Close ILP-18.

Enclosure 5.12 EP/1/AI1 800/001 ECCS Suction Swap to RBES Page 45 of 45 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I 34.Open: Continue procedure.

I HP-939 IHP-940 135. Notify Chemistry to periodically sample LPI discharge for boron concentration.

136.Close: Continue procedure.

1LP-15 I LP- 16 137. WHEN 1LP-28 is closed, THEN continue in this enclosure.

138._ Verify ILP-19 open. GO TO Step 142.

139. Verify ILP-6 is open. IF TSC approves, THEN perform the following:

A. Open ILP-6.

B._ GOTOStep 142.

140. Verify ILP-20 open. GO TO Step 142.

141. Verify ILP-7 is open. IF TSC approves, THEN open ILP-7.

142. Initiate Enc] 5.4 (Makeup to the BWST) to replenish inventory for subsequent use if needed.

143. WHEN directed by CR SRO, THEN EXIT this enclosure.

4 . .. 1ND . 24



Adjust radiation monitor setpoints.

Alternate Path:

No Facility JPM #:

CRO-501 KIA Rating(s):

System: 001 K/A: 073 A4.02 Rating: 3.7/3.7 Task Standard:

Adjust 1 RIA-37 and 1 RIA-38 for a GWD release per procedure.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator X In-Plant Perform X Simulate


OP/i -2/AJ11O4/018, GWD system PT/0/A!230/01, Radiation Monitor Check Validation Time: 15 minutes Time Critical: NO Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time:





2. Provide a copy of OP/i -2/All 104/018 End 4.9 with step 1.1 through 3.3 signed off
3. Provide a copy of OP/i -2/A/l 104/018 End 4.10 with page 1 completed by RP
4. Provide a clean copy of PT/0/A/0230/00l
5. Provide a clean copy of OPIO/A/1 108/001 End 4.3
6. Goto RUN

CRO-085 Ri Page 4 of 10 Tools/Eguipment!Procedures Needed:

OP/1&2/A/1104/018, Limits and Precautions OP/1&2/A/1104/018, Enclosure 4.9 (steps 1.1 through 3.3 complete)

OP/l&21A/1 104/018, Enclosure 4.10 (Page 1 complete)

PT/0/A!02301001, Enclosure 13.6 OP/0/A/1108/00l, Enclosure 4.3 READ TO OPERATOR DIRECTION TO TRAINEE I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All contro l room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provid e

initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have compl eted your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.

INITIAL CONDITIONS Release of B GWD tank is desired.

No other GWRs in progress.

OP/i &2/A/1104/018, Enclosure 4.9 (GWD Tank Release) is in progress and completed up to Step 3.4 INITIATING CUES SRO directs you to continue the release of the B GWD tank per OP/i &2/A/

1104/018, beginning at Step 3.4 of Enclosure 4.9

CRO-085 Ri Page 5 of 10 START TIME:

STEP 1: Step3.4 Perform the following on Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request).

SAT 3.4.1 Record Initial GWD Tank Pressure AND GWD Tank Volume 3.4.2 Record Start Date AND Time 3.4.3 Record background readings for 1 RIA-37 & 1 RIA-38 UNSAT STANDARD: Candidate records B GWD Tank initial pressure (from OAC or Process control panel 1VB2) and volume on Enclosure 4.10. Enclosure 4.3 of OP!01A111081001 (Curves and General Information) is utilized to determine initial GWD Tank volume by converting tank pressure to SCF.

Candidate records Start Date and Time on Enclosure 4.10 Candidate determines background readings for 1 RIA-37 & 1 RIA-38 by observing the RIA readings on the RIA View Node or FLEX Monitor and record on Enclosure 4.10.

Candidate continues to Step 3.5.

NOTE: The background readings should be as follows:

  • B GWD Tank pressure is: 60.5 psig
  • B GWD Tank volume is: 5500 5750 ft 3
  • IRIA-37 Background reading is: 1.0 to 2.0 E3 cps
  • IRIA-38 Background reading is: 9 E0 or 1.3 El cps COMMENTS:

STEP2: Step3.5 Record recommended 1 RIA-37 and 38 High and Alert setpoints from Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request): . SAT

  • 1 RIA-37 1.39 ES cpm above background
  • 1RIA-38 3.13 E2 or 313 cpm above background STANDARD: Candidate obtains this information from Enclosure 4.10 and records UNSAT information in the procedure.

Candidate continues to Step 3.6.


CRO-085 Ri Page 6 of 10 STEP 3: Step 3.6 IF 1 RIA-37 or 1 RIA-38 is out-of-service, verify the following per Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request): SAT ci Independent Data Entry Checks completed ci Independent Sample agrees with initial sample UN SAT STANDARD: Candidate determines that 1RIA-37 & 1RIA-38 are both operable and N/As the step.

Candidate continues to Step 3.7.


STEP 4: Step 3.7 Calculate actual setpoints as follows:

3.7.1 IF 1 RIA-37 Operable, calculate Alert and High setpoints as SAT follows:

1.0 to 2.0 E3 cpm + 1.39 E5 1.4 to 1.41 E5 cpm 1RIA-37 Add to background 1RIA-37 UNSAT Background value from Step 3.5 Alert and High alarm setpoints 3.7.2 IF 1 RIA-38 Operable, calculate Alert and High setpoints as follows:

9 E0 to 1.3 El cpm + 3.13 E2 = 322 to 326 cpm 1RIA-38 Add to background 1RIA-38 Background value from Step 3.5 Alert and High alarm setpoints STANDARD: Candidate calculates the required values.

Candidate continues to Step 3.8.


CRO-085 Ri Page 7 of 10 STEP 5: Step 3.8 CRITICAL STEP Adjust 1 RIA-37 setpoints for release as follows:

3.8.1 Perform one of the following: SAT A. IF calculated setpoints are above instrument range OR RIA out-of-service, over-ride I RIA-37 setpoints as follows:

  • Set 1 RIA-37 Alert setpoint to zero per PT/0/A0230/001 UNSAT (Radiation Monitor Check)
  • Set 1 RIA-37 High setpoint at zero per PT/0/N0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check)

B. IF calculated setpoints are within instrument range AND RIA operable, set alarms as follows:

  • Set 1 RIA-37 Alert setpoint at 1.4 to 1.41 E5 cpm per PT/0/AJ0230/001 (from Step 3.7.1)
  • Set 1RIA-37 High setpoint at 1.4 to 1.41 E5 cpm per PT/0/N0230/001 (from Step 3.7.1)

STANDARD: Candidate determines setpoints for release are NOT above instrum ent range and N/A step 3.8.1 .A Candidate refers to PT/0/A0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check) and document setpoints in the procedure.

Candidate determines the required setpoints by adding background to data from the sample request and enters it per PT/0/N0230/001 and on this form.

Candidate continues to Step 3.9.

NOTE: The candidate should be provided with a copy of PTIOIAIO23 OIOOI. Since PTs are no longer kept in the simulator area, provide candidate with a clean copy of PTIOIAIO23OIOOI (Radiation Monitor Check).


CRO-085 Ri Page 8 of 10 STEP 6: Step 3.9 CRITICAL STEP Adjust 1 RIA-38 setpoints for release as follows:

3.9.1 Perform one of the following: SAT A. IF calculated setpoints are above instrument range OR RIA out-of-service, over-ride 1 RIA-38 setpoints as follows:

  • Set 1 RIA-38 Alert setpoint at zero per PT/0/A10230/001 UNSAT (Radiation Monitor Check).
  • Set 1 RIA-38 High setpoint at zero per PT/0/A0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check).

B. IF calculated setpoints are within instrument range operable, set alarms as follows:


  • Set 1 RIA-38 Alert setpoint at 322 and 326 cpm per PT/0/A10230/001 (from Step 3.7.2)
  • Set I RIA-38 High setpoint at 322 and 326 cpm per PT/0/A10230/00i (from Step 3.7.2)

STANDARD: Candidate determines setpoints for release are NOT above instrum ent range and N/As step 3.9.1 .A Candidate refers to PT/0/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check

) and document setpoints.

Candidate determines required setpoints by adding background to data from the sample request and enters it per PT/0/A10230/001 and on this form.

NOTE: Inform candidate the task is complete.



CRO-085 Ri Page 9 of 10 CRITICAL STEP EXPLANATIONS STEP # Explanation 5 Step 5 is required to set RIA to prevent station release above limits.

6 Step 6 is required to set RIA to prevent station release above limits.



INITIAL CONDITIONS Release of B GWD tank is desired.

No other GWRs in progress.

OP/I &2/A/1104/018, Enclosure 4.9 (GWD Tank Release) is in progre ss and completed up to Step 3.4 INITIATING CUES SRO directs you to continue the release of the B GWD tank per OP/i

&2/A/i 104/018, beginning at Step 3.4 of Enclosure 4.9

Duke Energy Procedure No.

Oconee Nuclear Station 2

/op A/11/l 04/018 GWD System Revision No.

070 Electronic Reference No.



oP/12/Jl 104/018 Page 2 of 3 GWD System

1. Purpose
  • Provides procedural guidance for collecting and reducing activity of radioactive gases
  • Provides procedural guidance for release of GWD Tanks
2. Limits and Precautions 2.1 The quantity of radioactivity contained in each GWD Tank shall be 3.8E5 curies noble gases (considered as Xe-133).

2.2 An isolated GWD tank must be sampled for hydrogen within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of isolatio n.

2.3 Maximum hydrogen concentration in GWD system is 3% (SLC 16.11.14 Explo sive Gas Mixture).

2.4 If GWD tank hydrogen concentration > 3% but 4% volume, concentration must be reduced to 3% within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> (SLC 16.11.14 Explosive Gas Mixture).

2.5 If GWD tank hydrogen concentration >4%, all additions to the tank must be suspended and concentration reduced to 3% within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (SLC 16.11.14 Explosive Gas Mixture).

2.6 GWD Tank pressure shall be 85 psig.

2.7 If GWD tank requires full depressurization Enclosure 4.9 (GWD Tank Releas e) provides guidance to depressurize the GWD tank.

3. Procedure None

oP/12/A/1 104/018 Page 3 of 3

4. Enclosures 4.1 GWD Compressor Operation 4.2 GWD System Startup 4.3 Waste Gas Transfer To Unit 1&2 GWD Tank 4.4 Waste Gas Transfer To Unit 3 GWD Tank 4.5 Cross Connecting Vent Header With Unit 3 4.6 Splitting Vent Header From Unit 3 4.7 Isolating GWD Tank For Decay 4.8 Reducing Hydrogen in GWD Tank 4.9 GWD Tank Release 4.10 GWD Tank Sample Request 4.11 Sampling GWD Tanks 4.12 Lowering Pressure In Isolated GWD Tank 4.13 GWD System Reference Checklist 4.14 GWD System Verification Checklist 4.15 GWD Tank Release With Revised RL& Setpoints 4.16 1RIA-37 And 38 Purge 4.17 Adding Nitrogen To GWD Tank 4.18 Isolating ?AI GWD Compressor 4.19 Isolating B GWD Compressor 4.20 GWD Filter Water Removal 4.21 GWD-l Operation 4.22 Interim Building Pipe Trench Reference Valve Checklist 4.23 Isolation Of Unused Components Reference Checklist 4.24 Appendix

Enclosure 4.9 OP/12/A/1 104/018 GWD Tank Release Page 1 of 15 TcoAj GWD Tank (Affected Tank)

1. Initial Conditions Verify Unit 1&2 GWD Disch Flow (1MSCCR0001) instnnnent operable.

G Review Limits and Precautions.

2. Procedure TE It is a Management Objective to hold up GWD tanks for at least 30 days prior to release when possible. {13}

IF GWD tank to be released has NOT been isolated for at least 30 days OR will be released without a P/A/C filter, record the following: { 13}

  • Cause of e uiprnent or subsystem inoperability requiring release without 30 day holdup: IQ tUip/r1,l ova QL$kI ;at1/j. LL)L 7 L a,gc prZ 44f ]u -lo 4 ca, b ,,ed , lMh3 QtgQ cxIi4i o,c L4flhL 2 Fc). 7h /øi jce ?Fo cdce pa/ a//s.J 4ih ,4 Lz 7

he/4 up 4r 2o

  • Corrective action to restore equipment or subsystem operability and to prevent recurrence: l%j() QD, fUfrcl.

Initiate Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request).

WHEN sample results are received, perfonri the following:

IF sample results allow release as deterniined by CR SRO, continue to Section 3 (GWD Release).

L[ sample results are too high in activity for release, perform the following:

N/A A. Indicate reason tank NOT released in Comments section of I Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request).

B. Complete Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request) and return to RP.

sJ74 C. Exit this Enclosure.

Enclosure4.9 OP/12/A/1104/018 (oDj GWD Tank Release Page 2 of 15

3. GWD Release

.1 Detennine any other GWR(s) in progress at station:

Releases in Progress Release Rate of Station Limit Unit I [1 Yes tl?l No Unit2 Yes No LI Unit3 Yes No N E: Steps in PT!1-2/A/0230/002 (GWD Tank Release) completed prior to GWD Tank releasetosatisfySR 16.11.3.l2on 1RIA-37&38. {3}

If any instrument is unavailable, the associated surveillance requirement is NOT required. {3}

Perforni steps for prior to GWD Tank release in PT/1-2/A/0230/002 (GWD Tank Release). {3}

Ensure RIA-45 setpoints on units adjusted for Unit 1&2 GWD Tank release per PT/0/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check).

3.4 Perfon the following on Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request):

3.4.1 Record Initial GWD Tank Pressure AND GWD Tank Volume 3.4.2 Record Start Date AND Time 3.4.3 Record background readings for 1RIA-37 & 1RIA-38 3.5 Record recommended 1RIA-37 and 38 Alert and High setpoints from Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request):

  • I RIA-3 8 cprn above background NOTE: The RIA required to terminate release (RIA within range) must be operable or two independent samples must be taken (SLC 16.11.3).

3.6 IF 1RIA-37 or 1RIA-38 is out-of-service, verify the following per Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request):

LI Independent Data Entry Checks completed LI Independent Sample agrees with initial sample

_cprn Enclosure 4.9 op/12/A/1 104/018 GWD Tank Release Page 3 of 15 3.7 Calculate actual setpoints as follows:

3.7.1 IF 1RIA-37 Operable, calculate Alert and High setpoints as follows:

cprn + cprn 1RIA-37 Add to background 1RIA-37 background value from Step 3.5 Alert and High alarm setpoints 3.7.2 IF 1RIA-38 Operable, calculate Alert and High setpoints as follows:

cpm + cprn 1RIA-38 Add to background 1RIA-38 background value from Step 3.5 Alert and High alanTi setpoints 3.8 Adjust 1RIA-37 setpoints for release as follows:

3.8.1 Perfonn of the following:

A. IF calculated setpoints are above instrument range OR RIA out-of-service, over-ride 1RIA-37 setpoints as follows:

  • Set 1RIA-37 Alert setpoint at zero per PT/0/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check).
  • Set IRIA-37 High setpoint at zero per PT/0/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check).

B. IF calculated setpoints are within instrument range AND RIA operable, set alarms as follows:

  • Set 1RIA-37 Alert setpoint at per PT/0/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check). (from Step 3.7.1)
  • Set 1RIA-37 High setpoint at per PT/0/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check). (from Step 3.7.1)

Enclosure 4.9 op12ijvi 104/0 18 GWD Tank Release Page 4 of 15 3.9 Adjust 1RIA-38 setpoints for release as follows:

3.9.1 Perfonn one of the following:

A. IF calculated setpoints are above instrument range OR R1A out-of-service, over-ride 1RIA-38 setpoints as follows:

  • Set 1RIA-38 Alert setpoint at zero per PT/0/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check).
  • Set 1RIA-38 High setpoint at zero per PT/0/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check).

B. IF calculated setpoints are within instrument range AND RIA operable, set alarms as follows:

  • Set 1RIA-38 Alert setpoint at per PT/0/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check). (from Step 3.7.2)
  • Set 1RIA-38 High setpoint at per PT/0/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check). (from Step 3.7.2) 3.10 Ensure GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL in HAND.


3.12 Notify Unit 3 CR to perform the following:

  • Begin periodically monitoring all three Unit 3 GWD tanks to deterniine if pressure in tank is decreasing unexpectedly. {12}
  • Place a note on turnover sheet If 3RIA-45 alarms or GWD tank pressure in y tank is decreasing unexpectedly, notify Unit 1 CR to terminate GWD tank release.

3.13 Notify Unit 2 CR to place a note on turnover sheet If 2RLA-45 alanus, notify Unit 1 CR to terminate GWD tank release.

3.14 Begin monitoring all four Unit 1 GWD tanks to determine if pressure in y tank is decreasing unexpectedly. { 12

Enclosure 4.9 oi1 2/A/li 04/018 GWD Tank Release Page 5 of 15 3.15 IF AT ANY TIME y tank is decreasing unexpectedly, perform the following:


3.15.2 Notify RP to initiate SRPMP 8-02 (Investigation of Unusual Radiological Occurrences) due to potential Unplanned radioactive effluent release.

Person Notified Date 3.15.3 Go To Section 4 (GWR Termination). {12}

3.16 Open GWD-l00 (Decay Tanks Discharge Header Block). (A-2-209/E 13 N of Door) 3.17 IF releasing GWD Tank A, perform the following:

  • Open GWD-98 (Decay Tank 1A Discharge Block). (A-2-209/E 14 N of Door)
  • Place GWD-4 (A GWD TANK DISCHARGE) switch in AUTO.

3.18 IF releasing GWD Tank B, perform the following:

  • Open GWD-99 (Decay Tank lB Discharge Block). (A-2-209/E 14 N of Door)
  • Place GWD-5 (B GWD TANK DISCHARGE) switch in AUTO.

3.19 IF releasing GWD Tank C, perform the following:

  • Open GWD-204 (Decay Tank 1C Discharge Block). (IRW Building)
  • Place GWD-206 (C INTERIM GWD TANK DISCH) switch in OPEN.

3.20 IF releasing GWD Tank D, perform the following:

  • Open GWD-205 (Decay Tank 1D Discharge Block). (IRW Building)
  • Place GWD-207 (D INTERIM GWD TANK DISCH) switch in OPEN.

Enclosure 4.9 oi1 2/A/li 04/018 GWD Tank Release Page 6 of 15 NOTE:

  • Station Limit release rates, per SLC 16.11, will NOT be exceeded if recommended release rates per Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request) are followed.

The following approval levels are required for releases: { 10 } { 13 }

All Station Releases in Progress (including this one) Required Level of Approval 1 GWR in progress through P/A/C filter at 1/3 Station Limit ( 30 day holdup) SRO 1 GWR in progress at 1/3 Station Limit

(<30 day holdup OR released without P/A/C filter) OSM 1 GWR in progress at 2/3 Station Limit OSM 2 GWRs in progress at 1/3 Station Limit each OSM 3 GWRs in progress at 1/3 Station Limit each OSM 3.21 Circle Required Level of Approval above based on Release Conditions.

3.22 Approval granted for release.


Approval Date Time 3.23 IF tank holdup < 30 days, perform the following:

3.23.1 IF any Projected 31 day average gaseous effluent air dose is> limit in Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request), initiate PIP including information captured in Step 2.1. {13}

3.23.2 IF Projected 31 day average gaseous effluent air dose is limit, initiate PIP for trending purposes indicating GWD Tank was released with < 30 day holdup.

Enclosure 4.9 oP/12/A/l 104/018 GWD Tank Release Page 7 of 15 3.24 IF tank is released without processing through a P/A/C filter AND Projected 31 day average gaseous effluent organ dose > limit, initiate PIP including information captured inStep2.l. {13}

3.25 Recommended Release Rate from Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request):

cfm NOTE:

  • If Unit 1 Penetration Room Ventilation (PRV) system is shutdown, RIA-32 1 PRV System Filter Discharge sample point does NOT sample general area air properly.

{2 }

  • With Unit 1 PRV system shutdown, RIA-32 sample point for 1 PRV System Filter Discharge is sampling air in piping between Unit 1 Unit Vent and PRV discharge.

{2 }

  • During or just after GWD Release RIA-32 counts may increase while selected to 1 PRV System Filter Discharge causing ISA-8/B-9 Process Monitor Radiation High to alanm {2} { 11 3.26 Indicate the following on Unit 1 Turnover sheet: {2} {1 1}
  • Just after or during a GWD release, 1SA-8/B-9 Process Monitor Radiation High may alarm from RIA-32 sample point selected to 1 PRV System Filter Discharge.

IF 1SA-8/B-9 is due to RIA-32 1 PRV System Filter Discharge, it can be considered an expected alann.

3.27 Adjust GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL to obtain desired release rate.

3.28 Record Begin GWR # in Auto Log.


  • Steps in PT/l-2/A10230/002 (GWD Tank Release) completed during GWD Tank release are performed to satisfy SR on IRIA-37 & 38 and Effluent Flow Rate Monitor. {3 }
  • If any instrument is unavailable, the associated surveillance requirement is NOT required. {3}

3.29 IF equilibrium count rate is achieved AND auto tennination does NOT occur, perfonn steps for during GWD Tank release in PT/1-2/A/0230/002 (GWD Tank Release). {3}

Enclosure 4.9 oP/12/A/l 104/018 GWD Tank Release Page 8 of 15 NOTE: If 1RIA-37 or 38 High Alarm is received:

  • GWD Tank discharge valve will automatically close.
  • Enable Control screen on RIA VIEW NODE should show INHIBIT.

3.30 IF 1RIA-37 or 38 High Alanri is received, perform the following:


3.30.2 Record maximum cpm of 1RIA-37 and 1RIA-38:

1RIA-37 cpm 1RIA-38 cpm 3.30.3 IF desired to continue release, Go To Enclosure 4.15 (GWD Tank Release With Revised RJA Setpoints).

3.30.4 IF desired to terminate release, Go To Section 4 (GWR Termination).

NOTE: If GWD systeitank maintenance is required the GWD tank may need fill depressurization.

1 3.31 IF A or B GWD Tank is being released OR full depressurization of gy GWD tank is required, perfonn the following:

3.3 1.1 WHEN GWD Tank is 5 psig release termination is desired for other reasons, close GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL.

3.3 1.2 Add N2 to affected GWD tank to increase pressure to 15-20 psig per Enclosure 4.17 (Adding Nitrogen To GWD Tank).

3.3 1.3 IF GWD tank frill depressurization is required, perform the following:

A. Adjust GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL to obtain desired release rate.

B. WHEN GWD Tank is fully depressurized, close GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL.

3.31.4 IF full depressurization of GWD tank is NOT required, perfonu the following:

A. Adjust GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL to obtain desired release rate.


Enclosure 4.9 op/12/A/11o4/o18 GWD Tank Release Page 9 of 15 3.32 IF C or D GWD Tank is being released AND full depressurization of GWD tank is NOT required, perform the following:

3.32.1 WHEN GWD Tank is 20 psig OR release termination is desired for other reasons, close GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL.

3.32.2 Add N2 to affected GWD tank to increase pressure to 30-3 5 psig per Enclosure 4.17 (Adding Nitrogen To GWD Tank).

3.32.3 Adjust GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL to obtain desired release rate.

3.32.4 WHEN GWD Tank is 20 psig, close GWR DISCHARGE FLOW CONTROL.

3.33 Go To Section 4 (GWR Termination).

Enclosure 4.9 oP/12/A/1 104/0 18 GWD Tank Release Page 10 of 15

4. GWR Termination:

4.1 Record Stop GWR # Auto Log.

4.2 Complete Enclosure 4.10 (GWD Tank Sample Request) and route to RP.

4.3 IF GWD Tank A released, perform the following:

4.3.1 Isolate GWD Tank A as follows:

  • Close GWD-98 (Decay Tank 1 A Discharge Block). (A-2-209/E 14 N of Door)
  • Close GWD-lOO (Decay Tanks Discharge Header Block). (A-2-209/E 13, N of Door)
  • Place GWD-4 (A GWD TANK DISCHARGE) switch in CLOSED.


  • Throttling drain valves may cause GWD tank pressure to decrease rapidly. Drain valves should be throttled 1/4 turn open initially.
  • Steps 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 may be perfonued in parallel.

4.3.2 Check GWD Tank A for accumulation of water as follows: (A-2-209)

  • Throttle open LWD-240 (Waste Gas Tank IA Drain).
  • Throttle open LWD-352 (Waste Gas Tank 1A Drain Block).
  • Throttle open LWD-350 (Waste Gas Tank 1A Drain).
  • Throttle open LWD-351 (Waste Gas Tank 1A Drain Block).

4.3.3 WHEN no water passes through sight-glass, position the following:

  • Close LWD-240 (Waste Gas Tank 1A Drain).
  • Close LWD-352 (Waste Gas Tank IA Drain Block).
  • Close LWD-350 (Waste Gas Tank 1A Drain).
  • Close LWD-351 (Waste Gas Tank 1A Drain Block).

Enclosure 4.9 opii 2/A/i 104/018 GWD Tank Release Page 11 of 15 4.4 IF GWD Tank B released, perform the following:

4.4.1 Isolate GWD Tank B as follows:

  • Close GWD-99 (Tank lB Discharge Block). (A-2-209/E 14 N of Door)
  • Close GWD-100 (Decay Tanks Discharge Header Block). (A-2-209/E 13, N of Door)
  • Place GWD-5 (B GWD TANK DISCHARGE) switch in CLOSED.


  • Throttling drain valves may cause GWD tank pressure to decrease rapidly. Drain valves should be throttled 1/4 turn open initially.
  • Steps 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 may be performed in parallel.

4.4.2 Check GWD Tank B for accumulation of water as follows: (A-2-209)

  • Throttle open LWD-241 (Waste Gas Tank lB Drain).
  • Throttle open LWD-355 (Waste Gas Tank lB Drain Block).
  • Throttle open LWD-353 (Waste Gas Tank lB Drain).
  • Throttle open LWD-354 (Waste Gas Tank lB Drain Block).

4.4.3 WHEN no water passes through sight-glass, position the following:

  • Close LWD-241 (Waste Gas Tank lB Drain).
  • Close LWD-355 (Waste Gas Tank lB Drain Block).
  • Close LWD-353 (Waste Gas Tank lB Drain).
  • Close LWD-354 (Waste Gas Tank lB Drain Block).

Enclosure 4.9 oP/12/A/1 104/018 GWD Tank Release Page 12 of 15 4.5 IF GWD Tank C released, perfonri the following:

4.5.1 Isolate GWD Tank C as follows:

  • Close GWD-204 (Decay Tank 1C Discharge Block). (IRW Building)
  • Close GWD-100 (Decay Tanks Discharge Header Block).

(A-2-209/E 13, N of Door)

  • Place GWD-206 (C INTERIM GWD TANK DISCH) switch in CLOSED.


  • Throttling drain valves may cause GWD tank pressure to decrease rapidly. Drain valves should be throttled 1/4 turn open initially.
  • Steps 4.5.2 and 4.5.3 may be performed in parallel.

4.5.2 Check GWD Tank C for accumulation of water as follows: (Interim Bldg)

  • Throttle open GWD-197 (Waste Gas Tank 1C Drain).
  • Throttle open GWD- 198 (Waste Gas Tank 1 C Drain).

4.5.3 WHEN no water passes through sight-glass, position the following:

  • Close GWD-197 (Waste Gas Tank IC Drain).
  • Close GWD-198 (Waste Gas Tank IC Drain).

Enclosure 4.9 oP/12/A/1 104/0 18 GWD Tank Release Page 13 of 15 4.6 IF GWD Tank D released, perform the following:

4.6.1 Isolate GWD Tank D as follows:

  • Close GWD-205 (Decay Tank 1D Discharge Block). (TRW Building)
  • Close GWD-100 (Decay Tanks Discharge Header Block).

(A-2-209/E 13, N of Door)

  • Place GWD-207 (D INTERIM GWD TANK DISCH) switch in CLOSED.


  • Throttling drain valves may cause GWD tank pressure to decrease rapidly. Drain valves should be throttled 1/4 turn open initially.

Steps 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 may be performed in parallel.

4.6.2 Check GWD Tank D for accumulation of water as follows: (Interim Bldg)

  • Throttle open GWD-200 (Waste Gas Tank 1D Drain Isolation).
  • Throttle open GWD-201 (Waste Gas Tank 1D Drain Isolation).

4.6.3 WHEN no water passes through sight-glass, perform the following:

  • Close GWD-200 (Waste Gas Tank TD Drain Isolation).
  • Close GWD-201 (Waste Gas Tank 1D Drain Isolation).

NOTE: GWD Filters drain to HAWT.

4.7 Drain GWD Filters as follows: (A-2-2 10/Waste Gas Compressor Rrn)

  • Throttle LWD-242 (Waste Gas Absolute Filter Drain).
  • Throttle LWD-243 (Waste Gas Charcoal Filter Drain).

4.8 After one minute, perfonri the following: (A-2-2 10/Waste Gas Compressor Rm)

  • Close LWD-242 (Waste Gas Absolute Filter Drain).
  • Close LWD-243 (Waste Gas Charcoal Filter Drain).

4.9 Perform purge on TRIA-37 and 1RIA-38 per Enclosure 4.16 (1RIA-37 and 38 Purge).

4.10 Ensure complete RIA-45 setpoints adjustment for Unit l&2 GWD Tank release per PT/0/A/0230/001 (Radiation Monitor Check).

Enclosure 4.9 opii 2/A/i 104/0 18 GWD Tank Release Page 14 of 15 4.11 Set RIA alarms as follows:

  • Set 1RIA-37 Alert setpoint at zero.
  • Set 1RIA-38 Alert setpoint at zero.

4.12 IF required, remove note from Turnover sheet for RIA-32 alarming.

4.13 Notify Unit 2 CR to remove Turnover sheet note for 2RIA-45 alarms.

4.14 Notify Unit 3 CR to remove Turnover sheet note for 3RIA-45 alarms and decreasing tank pressure.

4.15 Ensure PT/i-2/A/0230/002 (GWD Tank Release) complete. {3}

4.16 IF release was terminated due to 1RLk-37 or 38 High Alanu, manually reset valve inhibit on Enable Control screens of RIA VIEW NODE.

4.17 J.j A or B GWD tank was fully depressurized, perfonn the following:

4.17.1 WHEN maintenance is complete, ensure GWD tank is isolated.

4.17.2 Pressurize GWD tank to 5 psig nitrogen per Enclosure 4.17 (Adding Nitrogen To GWD Tank).

4.18 IF C or D GWD tank was fully depressurized, perform the following:

4.18.1 WHEN maintenance is complete, ensure GWD tank is isolated.

4.18.2 Pressurize GWD tank to 20 psig nitrogen per Enclosure 4.17 (Adding Nitrogen To GWD Tank).

4.19 Record below, and in Auto Log, date and time GWD Tank was isolated.

Date__________ Time Tank_______

Enclosure 4.9 OP/12/A/1 104/0 18 GWD Tank Release Page 15 of 15 NOTE: Isolated GWD Tank must be sampled for hydrogen concentration within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

4.20 Request sample for hydrogen on isolated GWD Tank.

4.21 Update isolated GWD Tank information on Unit 1 Turnover Sheet.

NOTE: Steps 4.22 and 4.23 may be performed in any sequence.

4.22 After GWD tank has been isolated six hours, ensure the following:

4.22.1 Pressure in isolated tank NOT decreasing 4.22.2 IF AT ANY TIME Vent Header requires adjustment, perform one of the following:

A. IF Unit 1 is controlling Vent Header, perform the following:

Li IF desired adjust GWD-l (VENT HEADER PRESSURE CONTROL) setpoint to maintain Vent Header pressure slightly negative.

El IF desired, start second GWD Compressor per OP/ 1-2/A/il 04/018 (GWD System).

B. IF Unit 3 is controlling Vent Header, perform the following:

El IF desired adjust 3GWD-1 (VENT HEADER PRESSURE CONTROL) setpoint to maintain Vent Header pressure slightly negative.

LI IF desired, start second GWD Compressor per OP/3/A/1104/018 (GWD System).

4.23 WHEN H 2 sample results are received, perform the following:

4.23.1 Refer to Limits and Precautions for allowable hydrogen concentration.

4.23.2 Update Unit 1 Turnover Sheet information for H 2 Concentration after sample results are received.

Enclosure 4.10 A/1104/018

/0P/1 2

GWD Tank Sample Request Page 1 of 2 GWR# 2i- ct, To be completed by Ops Gaseous Analysis Request For GWD Tank # 4? Tank Isolated: Date/Time / /7ç 9 p 9

Tank Holdup Time: ( (days) 31 Day Dose Projection Required In Accordance With SLC 16.11 .2.c. 1: VYes El No (Tank Holdup < 30 days) {13}

Tank will be released without a P/A/C filter (SLC 16.1 1.2.c.2): {13} El Yes No Independent Sample Analysis Required: El Yes No (1 RIA-3 7/38 OOS or alarmed during release)

To be completed by RP Initial Sample Analysis Results Independent Sample Analysis Results Iodine Iodine Gaseous 2. 37 3 Gaseous RP Representative 1?01r9 (k r

2 ?4L RP Representative Date/Time Date/Time Independent Data Entry Checks completed RP Representative Independent Sample agrees with Initial Sample RP Representative Recommended Release Rates El 1/3 Station Limit cfm El 2/3 Station Limit 7!?1 EC cfin NOTE: If 1RIA-37&38 are inoperable, set High and Alert setpoints to zero.

Recommended High and Alert setpoints for:

1RIA-37 f.? cc cpm above background 1 RIA-3 8 3f 3 cpm above background Projected 31 day average gaseous effluent dose: { 13 }

Air Dose (Noble gases): Gamma> 0.6 rnrad U Yes No Beta>1.2mrad U Yes No Organ Dose (Other than noble gases): Max dose to any organ >0.9 mrern El Yes No

Enclosure 4.10 oP/12/A/1 104/018 GWD Tank Sample Request Page 2 of 2 GASEOUS RELEASE VOLUME UPDATE To be completed by Ops GWD Tank Release Initial GWD Tank Pressure: psig GWD Tank Volume per OP/0/A/1 108/00 1 (Curves And General Information): )

3 (ft Started: Date Time RL& Background Reading:

IF available, 1RIA-37 IF available, IRIA-38 Actual Release Rate: cfrn RIA Equilibrium Readings during Release:

IF available, 1RIA-37 IF available, 1RIA-38 Teniinated: Date Time Final GWD Tank Pressure: psig Comments:

Route this GWD Tank Sample Request to RP.


CR0 Date Time

Enclosure 13.6 PT/O/A/0230/001 1RIA-37 and 1RIA-38 Setpoints Page 1 of 1

1. Initial Conditions 1.1 Unit 1&2 GWD Tank release planned per OP/1-2/A/1 104/018 (GWD System).
2. Procedure NOTE: Each RIA procedure section may be performed in any sequence.

2.1 Set process monitor setpoints as required.

3. 1RIA-37 3.1 Document 1RIA-37 Alert setpoint per OP/1-2/A/1104/018 (GWD System):

CPM 3.2 Insert 1RIA-37 Alert setpoint per OP/1-2/A/1 104/018 (GWD System).

3.3 Document IRIA-37 High setpoint per OP/1-2/A/1 104/018 (GWD System):

CPM 3.4 Insert 1RIA-37 High setpoint per OP/1-2/A/1 104/018 (GWD System).

4. 1RIA-38 4.1 Document 1RIA-38 Alert setpoint per OP/l-2/A/1104/018 (GWD System):

CPM 4.2 Insert 1RIA-38 Alert setpoint per OP/1-2/A/1 104/018 (GWD System).

4.3 Document 1RIA-38 High setpoint per OP/1-2/A/1 104/0 18 (GWD System):

CPM 4.4 Insert 1RIA-38 High setpoint per OP/1-2/A/1 104/018 (GWD System).

Enclosure 4.3 OP/O/A/1 108/00 1 GWD Tank Volume Vs. Pressure Curve (A, B, 3A, 3B) Page 1 of I 9

8 7

6 a,

-o 0

Li (t)D 5


-c I

4 3

2 1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 PRESSURE (PSI) i2//P Gwd tank I des

. e



Align Emergency Boration During An ATWS.

Alternate Path:

Yes Facility JPM #:

CRO-023 Modified K/A Rating(s):

System: BW/E13 K/A: EA1.i Rating: 3.4/3.2 Task Standard:

Steps of the FOP are properly completed by the candidate to align emergency boration during an ATWS per Rule i.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator X In-Plant Perform X Simulate


EP/i/A1i800/OOi, Rule i Validation Time: 5 minutes Time Critical: NO Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time:

Examiner: /



1. Recall Snap 121
2. Import files for CR0-i 08
3. Go to RUN to allow timers to take effect and then FREEZE the simulator until the candidate has the unit.
4. Place a clean copy of Rule i on the front board.

CR0-i 08 Ri Page 4 of ii Tools/EguipmentlProcedures Needed:

EOP Rule 1 READ TO OPERATOR DIRECTION TO TRAINEE I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.

INITIAL CONDITIONS A reactor trip should have occurred on Unit 1.

The control rod drive breakers failed to open and all control rods are withdrawn.

INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO directs you to perform Immediate Manual Actions (IMA5).

CRO-108 Ri Page 5of ii START TIME:

STEP 1: IMAs Step 1 Depress REACTOR TRIP pushbutton.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate performs EOP IMAs from memory (per OMP 1-18) and depresses the REACTOR TRIP pushbutton located on UB1.

UNSAT Candidate continues to Step 2.


STEP 2: IMAs Step 2 Verify reactor power < 5% FP and decreasing.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate performs EOP IMAs from memory and verifies reactor power

<5% and decreasing and determines that reactor power is > 5% on all Nis.

UNSAT Candidate performs Step 2 RNO.


STEP 3: Step 3 GO TO Rule 1 (ATWS/Unanticipated Nuclear Power Production).

SAT STANDARD: Candidate refers to Rule 1 Step 1.


CR0-i 08 Ri Page 6 of ii STEP 4: Rule 1 Step 1 Verifyy Power Range NI 5% FP.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate verifies any Power Range NI 5% FP and determines that all Power Range NIs are > 5% FP.

Candidate continues to Step 2. UNSAT COMMENTS:

STEP 5: Rule 1 Step 2 CRITICAL STEP Initiate manual control rod insertion to the IN LIMIT.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate initiates a manual control rod insertion by depressing the Manual pushbutton on the Diamond control panel and then locks the Control Rod Joystick in the INSERT (forward) position. UNSAT Candidate continues to Step 3.


STEP 6: Rule i Step 3 Notify CR SRO to GO TO UNPP tab.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate notifies the Control Room SRO to go to the UNPP tab of the EOP.

Candidate continues to Step 4. UNSAT COMMENTS:

CRO-108 Ri Page 7 of 11 STEP 7: Rule 1 Step 4 CRITICAL STEP Open the following:

1HP-24 SAT 1HP-25 STANDARD: Candidate locates 1HP-24 and 1HP-25 on IUB1 and rotates the switches UNSAT to the open position. Verify that the green closed lights go off and the red open lights illuminate.

Candidate continues to Rule 1 Step 5.


STEP 8: Rule 1 Step 5 Ensure only one of the following operating:

_1AHPIPUMP SAT lB HPI PUMP STANDARD: Candidate ensures either the 1A or lB HPI pump is operating. UNSAT Candidate continues to Rule 1 Step 6.

NOTE: The IA HPI Pump is operating.


STEP 9: Rule 1 Step 6 CRITICAL STEP Start 1C HPI PUMP.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates the 1C HPI pump switch on 1UB1 and rotates the switch to the CLOSE position and verifies white open light indicates off and the red closed lights are illuminated. 1C HPIP motor amps are UNSAT normal ( 60 amps).

Candidate continues to Rule 1 Step 7.


CRO-108 Ri Page 8 of 11 ALTENATE PATH STEP 10: Rule 1 Step 7 Open the following: SAT 1HP-26 1HP-27 UNSAT STANDARD: Candidate locates 1 HP-26 and 1 HP-27 on I UB1 and rotates the control switches to the open position. Verify the green closed light indicates off and the red open light is illuminated.

OR Candidate locates 1HP-26 and 1HP-27 on the RZ Module on 1VB1 and the open pushbutton is depressed for each valve and held in the open position until the open indication illuminates and the green closed light indicates off.

Candidate determines that 1 HP-26 did not operate as expected and refers to Rule 1 Step 7 RNO.

NOTE: IHP-26 is failed closed and will not open from IUBI or IVBI.



1. IF 1HP-26 will NOT open, THEN open 1HP-410.
2. IF at least two HP! pumps are operating, AND 1 HP-27 will NOT SAT open, THEN perform the following:

A. Start the standby HPI pump.

B. Stop the 1C HPI PUMP. UNSAT C. Open 1HP-409.

STANDARD: Candidate determines that 1 HP-26 will not open and then locates 1HP-410 on 1UB1 and rotates the control switch to the open position.

Verify the green closed light indicates off and the red open light is illuminated. Verify flow is indicated in the B HP! header.

Candidate verifies that two HPI pumps are operating and 1 HP-27 is open and continues to Rule 1 Step 8.


CR0-i 08 Ri Page 9 of ii STEP 12: Rule 1 Step 8 Dispatch one operator without wearing Arc Flash PPE to open 600V CRD breakers on the following:

iX9-5C (U-i CRD Norm Fdr Bkr) (Ui Equipment Rm) SAT 2X1-5B (U-i CRD Alternate Fdr Bkr) (T-3!Dd-28)

STANDARD: Candidate dispatches one operator to open Unit 1 normal and alternate UNSAT CRD feeder breakers without wearing Arc Flash PPE.

Candidate continues to Rule 1 Step 9.


STEP 13: Rule 1 Step 9 Verify only two HP! pumps operating.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate verifies two HP! pumps are operating by verifying the red ON lights are illuminated for the lAor lB HP! pumps and the iC HPI pump.

Verify HPI pump motor amps are normal for the operating HPI pumps. UNSAT NOTE: The standby HPI pump may start due to the opening of I HP-410 robbing RCP seal injection flow. If this happens, the student should continue to Rule I Step 9 RNO to secure the IA or lB HPI pump. Otherwise, this is the END OF TASK.


END OF TASK STEP 14: Rule 1 Step 9 RNO ALTERNATE IF aB HPI pumps operating, THEN perform the following: CRITICAL STEP Secure 1AOR lB HPI PUMP.

SAT Place standby HP! pump in AUTO.

STANDARD: Candidate secures the IA or lB HP! pump by placing its control switch to the OFF position. Verify the red ON lights are OFF and the white OFF UNSAT light is illuminated. Verify motor amps on the pump secured read zero.

NOTE: This step is a Critical Step only if the standby HPI pump started when IHP-4I0 was opened in Step 11 of this JPM.



CR0-i 08 Ri Page i0of ii CRITICAL STEP EXPLANATIONS STEP # Explanation 5 Step 5 is required to initiate a manual control rod insertion and start adding negative reactivity to the core.

7 Step 7 is required to align emergency boration from the BWST to increase boron concentration in the RCS which will lead to a reduction in reactor power by adding negative reactivity to the core.

9 Step 9 is required to start the 1C HPI pump to ensure HPI flow in both HPI headers.

11 Step 11 is required to align flow to the A HPI header since 1 HP-26 is failed in the closed position.

14 ALTERNATE CRITICAL STEP Step 14 is pjjy required if the standby HPI pump starts when 1HP-410 is opened.

The potential exists for the standby HPI pump to start on low RCP seal injection flow while opening 1HP-410. It is desired to only have one HPI pump operating in each HPI header.


INITIAL CONDITIONS A reactor trip should have occurred on Unit 1.

The control rod drive breakers failed to open and all control rods are withdrawn.

INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO directs you to perform Immediate Manual Actions (IMAs).

Cf/,A/4é 37 A tSV27A Rce, Rule 1 EPI1/AJi 800/001 ATWS/Un anticipated Nuclear Power Page 1 of 11 Production ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED Verify y Power Range NI 5% FP. 1._ IF in MODE 1 2, THEN GO TO Step 2.

2._ GOTOStep11.

2. Initiate manual control rod insertion to the iN LIMIT.
3. NotifyCRSROtoGOTOUNPPtab.
4. Open the following: IF both are closed:

I HP-24 1 HP-24 1HP-25 1HP-25 THEN GO TO Step 30.

5. Ensure only one of the following operating:


6. Start IC HPI PUMP. 1. Start the standby HPI pump.

2._ IF at least two HPI pumps are operating, THEN open 1HP-409.

7. Open the following: I . IF I HP-26 will NOT open, IHP-26 THEN open IHP-410.

I HP-27 2._ IF at least two HPI pumps are operating, AND 1HP-27 will NOT open, THEN perform the following:

A. Start the standby HPI pump.


C. Open IHP-409.

8. Dispatch one operator without wearing Arc Flash PPE to open 600V CRD breakers on the following: {33) 1X9-5C (U-i CRD Norm Fdr Bkr)

(UI Equipment Rm) 2X1-5B (U-I CRD Alternate Fdr Bkr)



Rule 1 EP/1/A11800/OO1 ATWSlUnanticipated Nuclear Power Page 3 of 11 Production r ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

9. Verify only two HPI pumps operating. IF all HPI pumps operating, THEN perform the following:

A. Secure 1A OR lB HPI PUMP.

B. Place standby HPI pump to AUTO.

10. EXIT this rule.

Rule I EPI1IAII800IOO1 ATWSJUnanticipated Nuclear Power Page 5 of 11 Production ACTION[EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

11. Verify Rx is tripped. Initiate manual control rod insertion to the IN LIMIT.
12. _Depress turbine TRIP pushbutton.
13. Verify all turbine stop valves closed. Place Jçth EHC pumps in PULL TO LOCK.
14. Verify RCP seal injection available. IF CC is unavailable, THEN immediately perform the following:

A. StopllRCPs. {1o)

B. Notify CR SRO to initiate AP/25 (Standby Shutdown Facility Emergency Operating Procedure).

15. Verify an unexpected increase in Notify CR SRO to GO TO Subsequent neutron flux is observed with all Actions, operable rods inseed. AND EXIT this Rule.
16. Notify CR SRO:

GO TO Subsequent Actions.

Rule 1 is continuing for unexpected increase in neutron flux.

I?. Stop all dilution activities in progress.

18. Stabilize RCS temperature.
19. Perform the following:

A. 1CS-26.


C. Place 1HP-14 in BLEED.

20. Open ç of the following to borate from the BWST:

1 HP-24 1 HP-25

21. Start the standby CC pump.
22. Throttle IHP-7 to maximie letdown.
23. Verify boration from CBAST desired. GO TO Step 25.
24. Initiate End 5.11 (RCS Boration).

Rule 1 EP/1/A11800/OO1 ATWSlUnanticipated Nuclear Power Page 7 of 11 Production ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

25. WHEN 1% SDM is established, THEN continue.
26. Perform the following:

A. Place IHP-14 in NORMAL.

B. Close IHP-24.

C. Close 1HP-25.

D. Throttle 1HP-7 to establish desired letdown.

E. Stop the standby CC pump.

F. Place standby CC pump in AUTO.

27. Verify End 5.11 (RCS Boration) in GO TO Step 29.


28 Complete End 5.1 1 (RCS Boration).

29. EXIT this rule.

Rule 1 EP/1/AIl 800/001 ATWSlUnanticipated Nuclear Power Page 9 of 11 Production ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

30. Dispatch one operator without wearing Arc Flash PPE to open 600V CRD breakers on the following: {33) 1X9-5C (U-i CRD Norm Fdr Bkr)

(Ui Equipment Rm) 2X1-5B (U-I CRD Alternate Fdr Bkr)


31. Verify the following: GO TO Step 35.

1 HP-24 closed 1 HP-25 closed

32. Start IA LPI PUMP. 1. Start lB LPI PUMP.

2._ IF NO LPI pumps are operating, THEN perform the following:

A. Open 1LP-6.

C. Start 1C LPI PUMP.

33. Open the following: 1. IF NO LPI to HPI flowpath exists, ILP-1 5 THEN dispatch an operator to locally 1LP-16 open IHP-24 or IHP-25 (AB-I, on top of HPI hatch area).

1LP-9 ILP-10 2. WHEN either of the following exist:

ILP-6 An LPI to HP1 flowpath exists 1LP-7 IHP-24 1HP-25 is open THEN continue.

34. Dispatch an operator to open 1HP-363 (Letdown Line To LPI Pump Suction Block) (A-i-I 19, Ui LPI Hatch Area, 28t W of North door).
35. Ensure only one of the following operating:


36. Start IC HPI PUMP. i._ Start standby HPI pump.

El 2._ IF at least two HPI pumps are operating, THEN open 1HP-409.

Rule I EP/1/AJ1 800/00 1 ATWSlUnanticipated Nuclear Power Page 11 of 11 Production ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

37. Open the following: 1._ IF 1HP-26 will NOT open, 1HP-26 THEN open IHP-410.

1 HP-27 2._ IF at least two HPI pumps are operating, AND IHP-27 will NOT open, THEN perform the following:

A. Start the standby HPI pump.

B. Stop 1C HPI PUMP.

C. Open IHP-409.

38. Verify only two HPI pumps operating. IF all HPI pumps operating, THEN perform the following:

A. Secure 1A OR lB HPI PUMP.

B. Place standby HPI pump to AUTO.

39. Notify CR SRO ofy equipment failures encountered.

EXIT this rule.



Remove 1A Letdown Cooler From Service.

Alternate Path:

No Facility JPM #:

New KIA Rating(s):

System: 004 K/A: G2.2.2 Rating: 4.6/4.1 Task Standard:

Remove 1A Letdown Cooler from service utilizing OP/1/A1104!002 (HPI System) Enclosure 4.5.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator X In-Plant Perform X Simulate


Validation Time: 15 minutes Time Critical: NO Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time:




1. Recall ICi18
2. Import files for CRO-208
3. Update status board to show RCS boron at 30 ppm.
4. Provide a copy of the following:
  • OP/i IA/i 104/002 End 4.5 beginning at Step 3.4 with steps 3.1 through 3.3 signed off.
  • OPI1IAI11O4/002 Limits & Precautions.
5. Place a clean copy of OMP 2-02 Attachment G in the Component Boron Concentration Log and ensure previous copy used for this JPM is removed.
6. Go to RUN and wait for 1 RIA-50 to alarm and acknowledge before allowing the student to enter the simulator.

CRO-208 RI Page 4 of 10 ToolslEguipmentlProcedu res Needed:

OMP 2-02 Attachment G (Component Boron Concentration Log Sheet)

OP/i/Ni 104/002 Enclosure 4.5 OP/i/N1104/002 Limits & Precautions READ TO OPERATOR DIRECTION TO TRAINEE I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.

INITIAL CONDITIONS Unit 1 is at 100%.

The 1A Letdown Cooler has developed a 0.5 gpm leak.

Unit 1 CC Surge Tank level is increasing at 4 per hour.

It is NOT desired to valve in the spare CC Cooler.

It is NOT desired to place a Purification IX in service.

OP/i/A/l 104/002 Enclosure 4.5 is complete up to Step 3.4 INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO directs you to isolate the iA Letdown Cooler per OP/i/A/i 104/002 .5 beginning at Step 3.4

CRO-208 Ri Page 5 of 10 START TIME:

STEP 1: Step 3.4 Begin monitoring the following:

c Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature SAT o Letdown temperature UNSAT STANDARD: Candidate begins to monitor Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature by referencing OAC graphic display.

Candidate begins to monitor Letdown temperature by referencing Letdown Temperature gauge located on 1 UB1 or OAC graphic display.

Candidate continues to Step 3.5.

Cue: If the candidate has trouble finding Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature, in form him/her that this in formation is located on the CC system graphic display on the OAC.


STEP 2: Step 3.5 IF 1 HP-i/CC-i are open, reduce Letdown flow to minimum by throttling closed 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL). SAT STANDARD: Candidate determines that 1HP-i/i CC-i are open by observing red open light illuminated and green closed light OFF.

UNSAT Candidate reduces Letdown flow by rotating 1 HP-7 setpoint dial located on 1 UB1 counterclockwise until valve is closed.

Candidate continues to Step 3.6.


CRO-208 Ri Page 6 of 10 STEP 3: Step 3.6 CRITICAL STEP Ensure closed 1HP-i/i CC-i (1A LETDOWN COOLER INLET).

SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates 1HP-i/1 CC-i on iUB1 and rotates control switch clockwise to the closed position.

Candidate verifies i HP-i closes by observing the red open light OFF and UN SAT green closed light illuminated.

Candidate verifies 1CC-i closes by observing the red open light OFF and green closed light illuminated.

Candidate continues to Step 3.7.


STEP 4: Step 3.7 Record date/time 1 HP-i /1CC-i closed: /

SAT STANDARD: Candidate records todays date/time and continues to Step 3.8.



  • Letdown flow should be limited to 120 gpm with one Letdown Cooler in service.
  • Letdown temperature should NOT exceed 120°F for extended periods of time.
  • Step 3.8 may be performed as many times as required. SAT STEP 5: Step 3.8 IF required, slowly adjust 1 HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL): (continue with UN SAT procedure)
  • To provide normal letdown flow of 68-80 gpm.
  • To maintain Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature < 225SF.

STANDARD: Candidate adjusts 1 HP-7 as necessary to maintain letdown flow 68-80 gpm and maintain Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature <225°F.

Candidate adheres to the Note above and limits letdown flow < 120 gpm and prevent letdown temperature from exceeding 120°F for extended periods of time.


CRO-208 Ri Page 7 of 10 STEP 6: Step 3.9 IF required, valve in spare CC Cooler to maintain Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature < 225°F per OP/i/Ni 104/008 (Component Cooling SAT System).

STANDARD: Candidate recognizes from the Initial Conditions that it is NOT desired to UNSAT place the spare CC Cooler in service.

Candidate continues to Step 3.10.

Cue: If the candidate asks, in form him/her that it is NOT desired to place the spare CC Cooler in service.


STEP 7: Step 3.10 Record boron in Component Boron Concentration Log for iA Letdown Cooler. (R.M.) (continue with procedure) SAT STANDARD: Candidate records current RCS boron concentration, Date, Time, and Initials in the Component Boron Concentration Log (OMP 2-02 UNSAT Attachment G) for the 1A Letdown Cooler.

Candidate continues to Step 3.11.


STEP8: IF desired, placed a Purification IX in service per OP/i /N1103/004 B (Purification IXs). (R.M.) SAT STANDARD: Candidate recognizes from the Initial Conditions that it is NOT desired to place a Purification IX in service. UNSAT Candidate continues to Step 3.12.

Cue: If the candidate asks, inform him/her that it is NOT desired to place a Purification IX in service.


CRO-208 Ri Page 8 of 10 STEP 9: Step 3.12 CRITICAL STEP IF complete cooler isolation required, perform one of the following:

SAT 6.12.1 IF CC Surge Tank level rate of increase is 3/hour, close 1HP-3 (1A LETDOWN COOLER OUTLET).

6.12.2 IF CC Surge Tank level rate of increase is <3/hour, perform the UNSAT following:

A. Verify 1HP-1!1 CC-i (1A LETDOWN COOLER INLET) closed for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.


STANDARD: Candidate recognizes from the Initial Conditions that CC Surge Tank level rate of increase is 3/hour and locates 1 HP-3 control switch on 1 UB1 and rotates switch in the clockwise (closed) direction.

Candidate verifies 1 HP-3 green closed light illuminates and red open light extinguishes.

Cue: If the candidate asks, inform him/her that the CC leak rate remains unchanged.



CRO-208 Ri Page 9 of 10 CRITICAL STEP EXPLANATIONS STEP # Explanation 3 Step 3 is required to isolate the 1A CC Cooler from the RCS to prevent in-leakage.

9 Step 9 is required to fully isolate the 1A CC Cooler due to leakage being greater than 3 per hour



The IA Letdown Cooler has developed a 0.5 gpm leak.

Unit 1 CC Surge Tank level is increasing at 4 per hour.

It is NOT desired to valve in the spare CC Cooler.

It is NOT desired to place a Purification IX in service.

OP/i/Ni 104/002 Enclosure 4.5 is complete up to Step 3.4 INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO directs you to isolate the 1A Letdown Cooler per OP/i/A/l 104/002 .5 beginning at Step 3.4

Attachment G. OMP 2-02 Component Boron Concentration Log Sheet Page 1 of 1 Component:

Out of Service In Service Out of Service In Service Date/Time Boron Initials Date/Time Initial Date/Time Boron Initials Date/Time Initial

Duke Energy Procedure No.

Oconee Nuclear Station Op l/A/1104/002 HP! System Revision No.

151 Electronic Reference No.


  • * * * * * * * * *UNCONTROLLEDFORPPJNT * * * * * * * * * *


OP/i/A/I 104/002 Page 2 of 6 HP! System

1. Purpose To describe the proper steps to:
  • Startup HPI System
  • Operate HPI System components
2. Limits and Precautions 2.1 This procedure affects reactivity management due to restoration and placing in service of various HPI System components. (R.M.) { 1 }

2.2 The following Limits and Precautions concern reactivity management: (R.M.)

2.2.1 When HPI Pumps are secured, all additions of water to LDST must meet the following: {1}

  • If in MODE 6 or NO MODE, boron concentration refueling boron concentration (COLR limit).
  • If in MODE 5, boron concentration 1% Ak/k SDM.
  • If LDST pressure is < 30 psig, leakage from BWST into HPI System may occur.

2.3 Do NOT start a HPI Pump with an open flowpath to RCP seals during system startup.

2.4 When RCS 200 psig or 195°F, HPI seal flow required to all RCPs.

2.5 Operability assessment required if LDST> 145°F. Enclosure 4.22 (High LDST Temperature) contains the required actions for high LDST temperature. {17}

2.6 When HPI Pumps are operating, LDST pressure and level should be within limits of Enclosure LDST Pressure Vs Level ofOP/0/A/1108/001 (Curves And General Information). {2}

OP/i/A/i 104/002 Page 3 of 6 2.7 When RCS temperature 325°F with RxV Head installed, LTOP must be met per OP/i/A/i 104/049 (LTOP).

  • Normally 1HP-120 travel stops setup with iA and lB HPI Pumps aligned for makeup.

2.8 Two successive attempts to start an HPI Pump motor are permitted from ambient temperature. After that, a 15 minute wait required between pump starts.

2.9 Makeup through lB HPI Injection Nozzles when RCS > 250°F should be recorded in AutoLog.

2.10 Maximum Letdown Filter P: 25 psi 2.11 Maximum Seal Return Filter P: 25 psi 2.12 Maximum Seal Supply Filter AP: 25 psi 2.13 Letdown flow should be limited to 120 gpm with one letdown cooler in service.

2.14 Normal letdown flow is 68-80 gpm. {42}

2.15 Letdown temperature should NOT exceed 120°F for extended periods of time.

2.16 When in MODE 5 with HPI operating, RCS pressure should be maintained> LDST pressure to prevent gases from coming out of solution in RCS. {3}

2.17 Minimum HPI nozzle warming line flow should be 2.7 gpm per nozzle to prevent thennal shock of HP1 thermal sleeves. {i9}

2.18 To reset ES signal to a HPI Pump: Pump switch is turned to ON or AUTO after ES is reset. {21: Plant Sign}

2.19 When lB HPI Header is pressurized with 1HP-27 closed, computer points O1A1239 and O1E2309 may indicate flow greater than 60 gpm in lB HPI Header. The indication should return to zero within 30 seconds. {26}

  • This can occur during operation of a HPI Pump for testing or isolation for maintenance.

OP/i/A/I 104/002 Page 4 of 6 NOTE: When calculating HPI pump flow, assume HPI pump recirc flow is 30 rn.

2.20 HPI Pump flow limits during normal operation: (OSC-7709)

  • > 65 gpm: Indefinite operation
  • 30-65gprn:4hrs 2.21 Piping downstream of 1HP-939 (LDST to RBES Train A) and 1HP-940 (LDST to RBES Train B) should remain filled with water to prevent boron solidification inside the piping. If on-line system maintenance is perfonned that requires temporary draining of the piping, piping shall be refilled before returning it to service.
  • Solidification problems could be created if piping is drained and seepage occurs past the isolation valve(s).
3. Procedure None

Enclosure 4.5 OP/i/A/i 104/002 Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 1 of 13

1. Initial Conditions

/ Verify HPI System in normal operation. {47}

Review Limits and Precautions.

2. Procedure IF desired, perform Section 3 to remove 1A Letdown Cooler from service.

2.2 IF desired, perform Section 4 to remove lB Letdown Cooler from service.

2.3 IF desired, perfonn Section 5 to place 1A Letdown Cooler in service.

2.4 IF desired, perform Section 6 to place lB Letdown Cooler in service.

Enclosure 4.5 OP/i/A/i 104/002 ODAJ Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 2 of 13

3. Remove 1A Letdown Cooler from Service Ensure 1 B Letdown Cooler in service.

Ensure both Purification IXs bypassed per OP/i/A/i 103/004 B (Purification IXs).


Ensure NO Deborating IXs in service per OP/i/A/i 103/004 C (Deborating IXs). (R.M.)

3.4 Begin monitoring the following:

LI Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature LI Letdown temperature NOTE: Throttling 1HP-7 does NOT affect reactivity management since IXs are NOT in service.


3.5 IF 1HP-l/1CC-1 are open, reduce Letdown flow to minimum by throttling closed 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL).

3.6 Ensure closed 1HP-l/ICC-i (1A LETDOWN COOLER iNLET).

3.7 Record date/time 1HP-1/1CC-1 closed: /


  • Letdown flow should be limited to 120 gpm with one Letdown Cooler in service.
  • Letdown temperature should NOT exceed 120°F for extended periods of time.
  • Step 3.8 may be performed as many times as required.

3.8 IF required, slowly adjust 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL): (continue with procedure)

  • To provide nonnal letdown flow of 68-80 gpm. {42}
  • To maintain Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature <225°F. {6}

3.9 IF required, valve in spare CC Cooler to maintain Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature < 225°F per OP/i/A/1104/008 (Component Cooling System). {6}

Enclosure 4.5 OP/i/A/i 104/002 Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 3 of 13 3.10 Record boron in Component Boron Concentration Log for 1A Letdown Cooler. (R.M.)

(continue with procedure) {26}

3.11 IF desired, place a Purification IX in service per OP/i/A/i 103/004 B (Purification IXs).


3.12 IF complete cooler isolation required, perfonn one of the following:

3.12.1 IF CC Surge Tank level rate of increase is 3/hour, close 1HP-3 (IA LETDOWN COOLER OUTLET).

3.12.2 IF CC Surge Tank level rate of increase is < 3/hour, perfonn the following:

NOTE: 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prevents fonning a vacuum in cooler as piping cools down.

A. Verify IHP-1/1CC-l (1A LETDOWN COOLER INLET) closed 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.


3.13 Record IA Letdown Cooler leak rate here and in AutoLog:

1A Letdown Cooler leak rate gprn 3.14 IF RCS >250°F, ensure initiated a Category 4 PIP for Engineering to evaluate possible thenTlal cycling effects on HPI thermal sleeves. {42}

Enclosure 4.5 oP/i/A/i 104/002 Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 4 of 13

4. Remove lB Letdown Cooler from Service 4.1 Ensure 1A Letdown Cooler in service.

4.2 Ensure both Purification IXs bypassed per OP/i/A/i 103/004 B (Purification IXs).


4.3 Ensure NO Deborating IXs in service per OP/i/A/i 103/004 C (Deborating LXs). (R.M.)

4.4 Begin monitoring the following:

El Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature El Letdown temperature NOTE: Throttling 1HP-7 does NOT affect reactivity management since IXs are NOT in service.


4.5 IF IHP-2/1CC-2 are open, reduce Letdown flow to minimum by throttling closed 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL).

4.6 Ensure closed 1HP-2/1CC-2 (lB LETDOWN COOLER iNLET).

4.7 Record date/time 1HP-2/1CC-2 closed: /


  • Letdown flow should be limited to 120 gpm with one Letdown Cooler in service.
  • Letdown temperature should NOT exceed 120°F for extended periods of time.
  • Step 4.8 may be performed as many times as required.

4.8 IF required, slowly adjust 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL): (continue with procedure)

  • To provide normal letdown flow of 68-80 gpm. {42}
  • To maintain Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature <225°F. {6}

4.9 IF required, valve in spare CC Cooler to maintain Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature < 225°F per OP/i/A/1i04/008 (Component Cooling System). {6}

Enclosure 4.5 OP/i/A/i 104/002 Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 5 of 13 4.10 Record boron in Component Boron Concentration Log for lB Letdown Cooler. (R.M.)

(continue with procedure) {26}

4.11 IF desired, place a Purification IX in service per OP/i/A/i 103/004 B (Purification lXs).


4.12 IF complete cooler isolation required, perform one of the following:

4.12.1 IF CC Surge Tank level rate of increase is 3/hour, close 1HP-4 (lB LETDOWN COOLER OUTLET).

4.12.2 IF CC Surge Tank level rate of increase is < 3/hour, perform the following:

NOTE: 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prevents forming a vacuum in cooler as piping cools down.

A. Verify 1HP-2/1CC-2 (lB LETDOWN COOLER INLET) closed 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.


4.13 Record lB Letdown Cooler leak rate here and in AutoLog:

1 B Letdown Cooler leak rate gpm 4.14 IF RCS >250°F, ensure initiated a Category 4 PIP for Engineering to evaluate possible thermal cycling effects on HPI thermal sleeves. {42}

Enclosure 4.5 OP/i/A/i 104/002 Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 6 of 13

5. Place 1A Letdown Cooler in Service 5.1 IF Unit 1 in MODE 1, MODE 2, MODE 3, OR MODE 4, ensure Engineering has approved placing 1A Letdown Cooler in service (thermal shock concerns).

Person Contacted Date 5.2 Ensure both Purification lXs bypassed per OP/i/A/i 103/004 B (Purification IXs).


5.3 Ensure NO Deborating IXs in service per OP/I/A/I 103/004 C (Deborating IXs). (R.M.)


  • Placing an idle Letdown Cooler in service can affect core reactivity by adding 60 gals of water to RCS with a different boron concentration. (R.M.)
  • Placing an idle Letdown Filter in service can affect core reactivity by adding 60 gals of water at different boron. (R.M.)
  • If isolation valves on isolated Letdown Cooler leak past seat, boron in Letdown Cooler could be different than that listed in Component Boron Log. (R.M.)

5.4 IF Unit 1 in MODE i, MODE 2, OR MODE 3, perform the following: (R.M.)

5.4.1 Review Component Boron Log for 1A Letdown Cooler boron.

5.4.2 IF two Letdown Filters are available, review Component Boron Log for out of service Letdown Filter boron.

5.4.3 Determine RCS boron based on placing 1A Letdown Cooler and second Letdown filter in service.

RCS boron ppm 5.4.4 IF RCS makeup required to achieve acceptable boron, determine RCS makeup plans per OP/i/All 103/004 (Soluble Poison Control).

5.4.5 Perform one of the following:

A. Verify final RCS boron acceptable.

SRO B. Ensure appropriate RCS makeup plans determined to ensure acceptable SRO boron.

Enclosure OP/i/A/i 104/002 Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 7 of 13 NOTE:

  • Pzr level will be cycled 15-20 to minimize thennal shock of 1A Letdown Cooler.
  • Lowering Pzr level may require 300-500 gallons of bleed to maintain LDST level.
  • RCS makeup may be required during Pzr refill to maintain LDST level.

5.5 IF Unit I in MODE 1, MODE 2, OR MODE 3, prepare to cycle Pzr level:

5.5.1 Detennine RCS makeup plans per OP/i/A/i 103/004 (Soluble Poison Control).

5.5.2 Ensure appropriate RCS makeup plans determined.

SRO 5.6 IF Unit 1 in MODE 1, MODE 2, OR MODE 3, perform the following:

5.6.1 Ensure R2 reactivity management controls established in Control Room per SOMP 0 1-02 (Reactivity Management). (R.M.) {37}

5.6.2 WHILE placing 1A Letdown Cooler in service, monitor the following indications: (R.M.) {53}

El Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature El Letdown temperature El Appropriate ranged Nis El Neutron error (if applicable)

LI CRD position (if applicable) 5.7 IF two Letdown Filters are available, perfonn the following:

  • Position 1HP-17 (1A LETDOWN FILTER INLET) switch to OPEN
  • Position 1HP-18 (lB LETDOWN FILTER iNLET) switch to OPEN 5.8 Ensure open 1HP-3 (1A LETDOWN COOLER OUTLET).

Enclosure 4.5 OP/i/A/I 104/002 Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 8 of 13 NOTE:

  • Throttling 1HP-7 does NOT affect reactivity management since IXs are NOT in service. (R.M.)
  • Pzr level should be limited to 260.
  • Step 5.9 should be completed without delay to prevent challenging Pzr level of 260.

5.9 IF Unit 1 in MODE 1, MODE 2, OR MODE 3, perform the following to minimize thermal shock of 1A Letdown Cooler:

5.9.1 Adjust IHP-120 (RC VOLUME CONTROL) setpoint to 200.

5.9.2 WHEN Pzr level is 205, perform the following:


B. Throttle 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL) to establish 10-20 gpm Letdown flow.

5.9.3 Open 1HP-1/1CC-1 (1A LETDOWN COOLER INLET).

5.9.4 IF lB Letdown Cooler will be isolated, close 1HP-2/1CC-2 (lB LETDOWN COOLER INLET).

5.9.5 After 10 minutes with 10-20 gpm through 1A Letdown Cooler, throttle 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL) to establish 20-30 gprn Letdown flow.

5.9.6 After Letdown flow has been 20-30 gpm for 10 minutes, open 1 HP-6 (LETDOWN ORIFICE STOP).

5.9.7 Throttle 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL) to 68-80 gpm. {42}

5.9.8 Adjust 1HP-120 (RC VOLUME CONTROL) setpoint to 220 Pzr level.

5.10 Ensure open IHP-1/1CC-1 (IA LETDOWN COOLER INLET).

5.11 IF RCS makeup is required to compensate for RCS boron changes, makeup per OP/I/A/i 103/004 (Soluble Poison Control).

Enclosure 4.5 OP/1/A/l 104/002 Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 9 of 13 NOTE:

  • Letdown temperature should NOT exceed 120°F for extended periods of time.

. Step 5.12 may be performed as many times as required.

5.12 IF required, slowly adjust 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL): (continue with procedure)

. To provide normal letdown flow of 68-80 gpm. {42}

  • To maintain Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature < 225°F. {6}

5.13 Update Component Boron Concentration Log for 1 A Letdown Cooler. (R.M.) {27 }

5.14 IF required, valve in spare CC Cooler to maintain Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature < 225°F per OP/i/A/i 104/008 (Component Cooling System). {6}

NOTE: 1 B Letdown Filter is the prefeed filter to leave in service for ALA.

5. 15 IF desired, remove one Letdown Filter from service:

5.15.1 Verify> 10 minutes since LDST makeup was secured. (R.M.)

5.15.2 Perform one of the following:


B. Close 1HP-18 (lB LETDOWN FILTER INLET) 5.15.3 Record boron in Component Boron Concentration Log for Letdown Filter removed from service. (R.M.)

NOTE: If NO other Letdown Cooler operations are planned, a Purification TX should be placed in service.

5.16 IF desired, place a Purification IX in service per OP/i/A/i 103/004 B (Purification IXs).


5.17 IF lB Letdown Cooler isolation is required, perform Section 4 (Remove lB Letdown Cooler From Service).

5.18 IF RCS >250°F, ensure initiated a Category 4 PIP for Engineering to evaluate possible thermal cycling effects on HPI thermal sleeves. {42}

Enclosure 4.5 OP/i/A/i 104/002 Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 10 of 13

6. Place lB Letdown Cooler in Service 6.1 IF Unit 1 in MODE 1, MODE 2, MODE 3, OR MODE 4, ensure Engineering has approved placing lB Letdown Cooler in service (thermal shock concerns).

Person Contacted Date 6.2 Ensure ffi Purification lXs bypassed per OP/i/A/i 103/004 B (Purification IXs).


6.3 Ensure NO Deborating IXs in service per OP/i/A/i 103/004 C (Deborating LXs). (R.M.)


  • Placing an idle Letdown Cooler in service can affect core reactivity by adding 60 gals of water to RCS with a different boron concentration. (R.M.)
  • Placing an idle Letdown Filter in service can affect core reactivity by adding 60 gals of water at different boron. (R.M.)
  • If isolation valves on isolated Letdown Cooler leak past seat, boron in Letdown Cooler could be different than that listed in Component Boron Log. (R.M.)

6.4 IF Unit 1 in MODE 1, MODE 2, OR MODE 3, perform the following: (R.M.)

6.4.1 Review Component Boron Log for lB Letdown Cooler boron.

6.4.2 IF two Letdown Filters are available, review Component Boron Log for out of service Letdown Filter boron.

6.4.3 Determine RCS boron based on placing lB Letdown Cooler and second Letdown filter in service.

RCS boron ppm 6.4.4 IF RCS makeup required to achieve acceptable boron, determine RCS makeup plans per OP/I/A/I 103/004 (Soluble Poison Control).

6.4.5 Perform one of the following:

A. Verify final RCS boron acceptable.

SRO B. Ensure appropriate RCS makeup plans determined to ensure acceptable SRO boron.

Enclosure 4.5 OP/i/A/i 104/002 Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 11 of 13 NOTE:

  • Pzr level will be cycled 15-20 to minimize thermal shock of lB Letdown Cooler.
  • Lowering Pzr level may require 300-500 gallons of bleed to maintain LDST level.
  • RCS makeup may be required during Pzr refill to maintain LDST level.

6.5 IF Unit 1 in MODE 1, MODE 2, OR MODE 3, prepare to cycle Pzr level:

6.5.1 Determine RCS makeup plans per OP/1/A/l 103/004 (Soluble Poison Control).

6.5.2 Ensure appropriate RCS makeup plans determined.

SRO 6.6 IF Unit 1 in MODE 1, MODE 2, OR MODE 3, perform the following:

6.6.1 Ensure R2 reactivity management controls established in Control Room per SOMP 01-02 (Reactivity Management). (R.M.) {37}

6.6.2 WHILE placing lB Letdown Cooler in service, monitor the following indications: (R.M.) {53}

LI Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature LI Letdown temperature LI Appropriate ranged NIs LI Neutron error (if applicable)

LI CRD position (if applicable) 6.7 IF two Letdown Filters are available, perform the following:

  • Position 1HP-17 (1A LETDOWN FILTER INLET) switch to OPEN
  • Position 1HP-18 (lB LETDOWN FILTER INLET) switch to OPEN 6.8 Ensure open 1HP-4 (lB LETDOWN COOLER OUTLET).

Enclosure 4.5 OP/i/A/i 104/002 Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 12 of 13 NOTE:

  • Throttling 1HP-7 does NOT affect reactivity management since lXs are NOT in service. (R.M.)
  • Pzr level should be limited to 260.
  • Step 6.9 should be completed without delay to prevent challenging Pzr level of 260.

6.9 IF Unit 1 in MODE 1, MODE 2, OR MODE 3, perfonri the following to minimize thermal shock of lB Letdown Cooler:

6.9.1 Adjust 1HP-120 (RC VOLUME CONTROL) setpoint to 200.

6.9.2 WHEN Pzr level is 205, perform the following:


B. Throttle 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL) to establish 10-20 gpm Letdown flow.


6.9.4 IF 1A Letdown Cooler will be isolated, close 1HP-1/1CC-1 (1A LETDOWN COOLER INLET).

6.9.5 After 10 minutes with 10-20 gprn through lB Letdown Cooler, throttle 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL) to establish 20-30 gpm Letdown flow.

6.9.6 After Letdown flow has been 20-30 gpm for 10 minutes, open 1HP-6 (LETDOWN ORIFICE STOP).

6.9.7 Throttle 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL) to 68-80 gprn. {42}

6.9.8 Adjust 1HP-120 (RC VOLUME CONTROL) setpoint to 220 Pzr level.

6.10 Ensure open IHP-2/1CC-2 (lB LETDOWN COOLER INLET).

6.11 IF RCS makeup is required to compensate for RCS boron changes, makeup per OP/i/A/i 103/004 (Soluble Poison Control).

Enclosure 4.5 OP/i/A/i 104/002 Operation of Letdown Coolers Page 13 of 13 NOTE:

  • Letdown temperature should NOT exceed 120°F for extended periods of time.
  • Step 6.12 may be performed as many times as required.

6.12 IF required, slowly adjust 1HP-7 (LETDOWN CONTROL): (continue with procedure)

  • To provide normal letdown flow of 68-80 gpm. {42}
  • To maintain Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature < 225°F. {6}

6.13 Update Component Boron Concentration Log for lB Letdown Cooler. (R.M.) {27}

6.14 IF required, valve in spare CC Cooler to maintain Letdown Cooler CC outlet temperature < 225°F per OP/i/A/i 104/008 (Component Cooling System). {6}

NOTE: lB Letdown Filter is the prefeired filter to leave in service for ALA.

6.15 IF desired, remove one Letdown Filter from service:

6.15.1 Verif> 10 minutes since LDST makeup was secured. (R.M.)

6.15.2 Perform one of the following:


B. Close 1HP-18 (lB LETDOWN FILTER INLET) 6.15.3 Record boron in Component Boron Concentration Log for Letdown Filter removed from service. (R.M.)

NOTE: If NO other Letdown Cooler operations are planned, a Purification IX should be placed in service.

6.16 IF desired, place a Purification IX in service per OP/i/A/i 103/004 B (Purification IXs).


6.17 IF iA Letdown Cooler isolation is required, perform Section 3 (Remove 1A Letdown Cooler From Service).

6.18 j RCS >250°F, ensure initiated a Category 4 PIP for Engineering to evaluate possible thermal cycling effects on HPI thermal sleeves. {42}




Restart RCP Alternate Path:

Yes Facility JPM #:

CRO-038A KIA Rating(s):

System: 003 K/A: Al 01 Rating: 2.9/2.9 Task Standard:

1A1 RCP is started correctly per EOP Enclosure 5.6 (RCP Restart). After RCP has been started, take proper actions per AP/1/A/1 700/016 (Abnormal RCP Operation) to secure 1A1 RCP due to high vibrations.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator X In-Plant Perform X Simulate


EOP Enclosure 5.6 (RCP Restart)

EOP Enclosure 5.18 (PIT Curves)

AP/16 (Abnormal RCP Operation)

Validation Time: 10 minutes Time Critical: No Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time:

Examiner: /



1. Recall ILT Audit Snap 122
2. Import files for CRO-403
3. Goto Run
4. If necessary to maintain Pzr level> 100, take 1 HP-I 20 to hand and raise Pzr level. Then place 1HP-120 back in Auto.
5. Place clean End. 5.18 in EOP Jr.
6. Provide a copy of EOP End 5.6 with steps 1 through 28 signed off.
7. Ensure Mode 3 selected on OAC
8. Place clean copy of AP/1 6 body in RO and SRO books.

CRO-403 R2 Page 4 of 10 ToolslEguipmentlProcedures Needed:

EOP Enclosure 5.6 (RCP Restart)

EOP Enclosure 5.18 (PIT Curves)

AP/16 (Abnormal RCP Operation)

READ TO OPERATOR DIRECTION TO TRAINEE I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.

INITIAL CONDITIONS Reactor tripped from 100% power.

1TA and 1TB did not auto transfer to CT-i when the unit tripped which caused all RCPs to trip.

Power has been restored to 1TA and 1TB.

EOP Subsequent Actions Tab is in progress at Step 4.56.

EOP Enclosure 5.6 is in progress and complete up to Step 29.

INITIATING CUES SRO directs you to continue with EOP Enclosure 5.6 (RCP Restart) to start the 1A1 RCP beginning at Step 29.

CRO-403 R2 Page 5 of 10 START TIME:

STEP 1: Step 29 CRITICAL STEP Start AC or DC lift oil pump for RCP to be started.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate starts the AC OR DC lift oil pump for the 1A1 RCP by locating switch on 1AB1 and placing the switch in the CLOSE position. If the AC Lift Pump is started, the red CLOSE light should illuminate and the green TRIP light should go OFF. UNSAT If the candidate chooses to start the 1A1 RCP DC Oil Lift Pump, the red CLOSE light should illuminate and the green TRIP should go OFF.

Candidate continues to Step 30.


STEP 2: Step 30 CRITICAL STEP WHEN computer alarm for low lift oil pump discharge pressure clears for RCP to be started, THEN start RCP.

STANDARD: Candidate monitors computer alarms on the OAC Alarm screen located SAT on 1 UB2 and when low lift oil pump discharge pressure alarm clears, start the 1A1 RCP by rotating the switch located on 1AB1 clockwise to the CLOSE position. The red lights should illuminate and the white light should go off. Monitor RCP amps to ensure they return to normal. UNSAT Candidate continues to Step 31.


STEP 3: Step 31 Stabilize RCS P/T.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate monitors RCS P/T to determine if it is stable.

Candidate continues to Step 32.

UN SAT Cue: When candidate initiates actions to stabilize PIT, in form himlher that another operator will continue the actions to stabilize the plant.


CRO-403 R2 Page 6 of 10 STEP 4: Step 32 WHEN RCP motor current stabilizes, THEN stop respective RCP oil lift pump. SAT STANDARD: Candidate monitors 1AI RCP motor current by observing amp gauge on 1AB1 and when it stabilizes, stop the 1A1 RCP oil lift pump previously started by placing the switch on 1AB1 in the trip position. UNSAT If the candidate previously started the 1AI RCP AC Oil Lift pump, observe that the red light is OFF and the green light illuminates.

If the candidate previously started the 1AI RCP DC Oil Lift Pump, observe the red light is OFF and the green light is illuminated.

Simulator Operator: When candidate stops IAI RCP AC or DC Oil Lift pump, ACTIVIATE TIMER #1 to cause IAI RCP vibrations to increase to the emergency Hi setpoint.


ALTERNATE PATH STEP 5: Respond to ARG 1SA-09, D-2 (RC Pump Vibration High) and 1SA-09, E2 (RC Pump vibration Emergency High) SAT STANDARD: Candidate reviews ARG 1SA-09, D-2 and E2, and OAC graphic displays to verify the RCP condition.

UNSAT Candidate should recognize that AP/16, Abnormal Reactor Coolant Pump Operation, should be referenced.

Cue: When the candidate notifies the SRO that entry into A P116 is required, direct candidate to perform APII6 actions.


CRO-403 R2 Page 7 of 10 STEP 6: Perform AP/16, Abnormal Reactor Coolant Pump Operation.

STANDARD: Candidate refers to API16 and begins to perform actions of AP/16, SAT Abnormal Reactor Coolant Pump Operation.

Cue: If the candidate does not enter AP/16, ask for a recommendation.

UNSAT Candidate should recommend performing AP/16, Abnormal Reactor Coolant Pump Operation.

Notify Candidate to reference ARCs.


STEP 7: AP/16 Step 4.1 (AP/16)

CRITICAL STEP IAAT gy RCP meets immediate trip criteria of End 5.1 (RCP Immediate Trip Criteria), SAT THEN perform Steps 4.2 4.11.

STANDARD: Candidate verifies RCP Immediate Trip Criteria from AP/16 Enclosure 5.1 has been met due to RCP Hi Vibration. UNSAT Candidate continues to Step 4.2.


STEP 8: Step 4.2 Verify MODE 1 or 2 SAT STANDARD: Candidate determines the reactor is in MODE 3 and refers to step 4.2 RNO.


CRO-403 R2 Page 8 of 10 STEP 9: Step 4.2 RNO Step 1 CRITICAL STEP Stop the affected RCP.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate stops 1A1 RCP and verifies both red lights are OFF and the white light is illuminated and RCP amps indicate zero.

UN SAT Cue: After the candidate stops the IAI RCP and begins to continue in the procedure, in form him/her that the task is complete.



CRO-403 R2 Page 9 of 10 CRITICAL STEP EXPLANATIONS STEP # Explanation 1 Step 1 is required for the RCP to satisfy RCP starting interlock requirements.

2 Step 2 is required to complete the task.

7 Step 3 is required as determining that the Immediate Trip Criteria applies in order to take the proper actions to secure the RCP.

9 Step 9 is required to secure the RCP.


INITIAL CONDITIONS Reactor tripped from 100% power.

1TA and 1TB did not auto transfer to CT-i when the unit tripped which caused all RCPs to trip.

Power has been restored to 1TA and 1TB.

EOP Subsequent Actions Tab is in progress at Step 4.56.

EOP Enclosure 5.6 is in progress and complete up to Step 29.

INITIATING CUES SRO directs you to continue with EOP Enclosure 5.6 (RCP Restart) to start the 1A1 RCP beginning at Step 29.

Enclosure 5.6 EP/1/AI1 800/001 RCP Restart Page 1 of9 f ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

1. Verify ICC tab is in progress. / GO TO Step 3.
2. GOTO Step 14.
3. Verify y RCP operating V GO TO Step 5.


5. Verify all the following: 1._ Obtain TSC concurrence to perform RCP V Boiler condenser cooling has NOT restart.

occurred 2. IF TSC does NOT concur with RCP

/ Nat Circ cooling exists in at least one restart, RCS loop THEN EXIT this enclosure.

6. V Ensure all SCMs are> 0°F.
7. V Ensure adequate RCP NPSH per End 5.18 (PIT Curves).
8. Verify y of the following exist: I v Ensure Pzr level is> 100 [180 ace].

. X Either hot leg level < 97 Either train of vessel head level < 171 RVLIS indications NOT available

2. V GO TO Step 10.

AND NO RCPs operating

9. Ensure Pzr level > 200 [235 acc].
10. Verify HPI CD tab in progress. Close:

V IRC-155 V IRC-156 v IRC-157 v IRC-158 iz IRC-159 V IRC-160 1 1. v Verify Pzr level is < 375 [340 ace]. Reduce RCS pressure to < 2000 psig.

12. ,g Verify 1RC-4 is closed to isolate ./ Open IRC-4.

leakage past PORV.

13. V Position IRC-1 in manual and closed.
14. Open:

V 1LPSW-6 v ILPSW-l5

Enclosure 5.6 EP/1/AI1 800/00 1 RCP Restart Page 3 of 9

15. Open the following for each RCP to be started using OAC graphic LPSO3: 1 V 1LPSW-7&8(1A1) 1LPSW-13&14 (1A2) 1LPSW-9&10(1B1) 1LPSW-11&12 (1B2)
16. Ensure 8 gpm seal injection for each RCP to be started.

/1A1 1 A2 1B1 1B2

17. Open for each RCP to be started:

V 1HP-228(1AI) 1HP-226(1A2)

C) 1HP-232 (1B1) 1HP-230 (1B2)

18. Open:

./ 1HP-20 V 1HP-21

19. Open:

v 1CC-7

.V 1CC-8

20. Ensure at least one of the following are operating:


21. / Verify CC TOTAL FLOW 575 gpm. Open the following as necessary to obtain 575 gpm total CC flow:

1HP-1 1 HP-2

22. ,X Verify HPI CD tab is in progress. V GO TO Step 24.
23. GO TO_Step 38.

Enclosure 5.6 EP/l/A/1 800/001 RCP Restart Page 5 of 9 r ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE - RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I

24. Verify ICC tab is in progress. V GO TO Step 26.


, NOTE If SCM is lost due to RCP restart, the RCPs do NOT need to be tripped immediately but must be tripped Within 2 minutes of the loss of SCM if SCM has NOT been restored.

26. C) restart, IAAT y SCM is = 0°F due to RCP THEN ensure full HPI flow per Rule 6 (HPI).
27. Q JAAT any SCM is = 0°F for 2 minutes following RCP restart, THEN GO TO LOSCM tab.
28. .../ Verify SEAL RETURN TEMP < 195°F WHEN y RCP SEAL RETURN TEMP for the RCP to be started (OAC graphic < 195°F, RCPMPALL). THEN GO TO Step 15.
29. Start AC DC oil lift pump for RCP to be started.
30. WHEN computer alarm for low oil lift pump discharge pressure clears for RCP to be started, THEN start RCP.
31. Stabilize RCS P/T.
32. WHEN RCP motor current stabilizes, THEN stop respective RCP oil lift pump.
33. Verify starting another RCP is desired. GO TO Step 35.
34. GO TO Step 26.
35. Monitor OAC graphic RCPMPALL to analyze operating RCP parameters.
36. Return the following components to their desired position:

IRC-1 Pzr heaters

37. EXIT this enclosure.

Enclosure 5.6 EP/1/A,1800/00l RCP Restart Page 7 of 9 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I Unit Status HPI CD tab is in progress.


  • If SCM. is lost due to RCP restart, the RCPs do NOT need to be tripped immediately but must be tripped within 2 minutes of the loss of SCM if SCM has NOT been restored.
  • Transition to LOSCM tab is NOT required if SCM is lost during RCP restart in HPI CD tab.
38. IAATy SCM is=0°F due to RCP restart, THEN ensure full HPI flow per Rule 6 (HPI).
39. Verify SEAL RETURN TEMP < 195°F WHEN jy RCP SEAL RETURN TEMP for the RCP to be started (OAC graphic <195°F, RCPMPALL). THEN GO TO Step 15.
40. Start AC DC oil lift pump for RCP to be started.
41. WHEN computer alarm for low oil lift pump discharge pressure clears for RCP to be started, THEN start RCP.

42:_ Stabilize RCS P/T.

43. WHEN RCP motor current stabilizes, THEN stop respective RCP oil lift pump.
44. Verif_starting another RCP is desired. GO TO Step 46.
45. GO TO Step 38.
46. Monitor OAC graphic RCPMPALL to analyze operating RCP parameters.
47. Return the following components to their desired position:

1RC-1 Pzr heaters

48. EXIT this enclosure.

Enclosure 5.6 EP/1/A/1 800/001 RCP Restart Page 9 of 9 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I

Unit Status 1

ICC tab in progress.
49. Start AC or DC oil lift pump for RCP to be started.
50. WHEN computer alarm for low oil lift pump discharge pressure clears for RCP to be started, THEN start RCP.
51. IAAT RCP motor current stabilizes, THEN stop respective RCP oil lift pump.
52. Verify starting another RCP is desired. GO TO Step 54.

53 GO TO Step 49.

54. Monitor OAC graphic RCPMPALL to analyze operating RCP parameters.
55. Return the following components to their desired position:

1RC-l Pzr heaters

56. EXIT this enclosure.

Enclosure 5.18 EP/1/AI1 800/00 1 P11 Curves Page 1 of3 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 Cl)

Cl) 1400 F

z 1200 C


1000 F


ç 800 600 400 200 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE (°F)

Enclosure 5.18 EP/1/AI1 800/001 PIT Curves Page 3 of 3 600 500 400


(12 F

z 300 C

C c-)

C F-.

c-) 200 100 0

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE (°F)

Procedure No.

T Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station IAJ1700IO16 1


029 oic. jSTER 3! 0 Electronic Reference No.

F ILE OXOO2RGT PERFORMANCE I l0 PDF Format Compare with Control Copy every 14 calendar days while work is being performed.

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C El Yes Yes El NA El NA Required enclosures attached?

Charts, graphs, data sheets, etc. attached, dated, identified, and marked?

Li Yes El NA Calibrated Test Equipment, if used, checked out/in and referenced to this procedure?

El Yes [1 NA Procedure requirements met?

Verified By* Date Procedure Completion Approved* Date

  • printed Name and Signature Remarks (attach additional pages, if necessary)

Printed Date: *01/04/2011*

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Enclosure No.: *FULL* 11tH 11111HIt I I IV 1 1 1 li i Il I I MII 11111 1 1 1 i i li i 11111111 i i 1 1 1 1 11111111111 Revision No.: *029*

11111111111111111li i li i Procedure No.: *AP/1/A/l700/016*

11111111111111111H I I Mli i Il liii I li i 11111111111111111 I 1111111 1 li i lii

/) jtf/ /

NSD 703 (R08-10) Duke Energy (1)IDNo. AP/1/At1700/016 PROCEDURE PROCESS RECORD Revision No. 029 PREPARATION (2) Station OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION (3) Procedure Title Abnormal Reactor Coolant Pump Operation (4) Prepared By* H.E. Woodall (Signature) Date 09/13/10 (5) Requires NSD 228 Applicability Determination?

Yes (New procedure or revision with major changes) Attach NSD 228 documentation.

Li No (Revision with minor changes)

(6) Reviewed By*A.fL -(4 (Q)(KI) Date Cross-Disciplinary Review By* (QR)(KI) NAASJ.LDate Reactivity Mgmt Review By* NA tsti Date Mgmt Involvement Review By* (Ops. Supt.) NA(Date (7) Additional Reviews Reviewed By* Date Reviewed By* Date (8) Approved By* Avc (o& / __ li_I Date PERFORMANCE (Compare wit/i control copy every 14 calendar days while work is being performed.)

) Compared with Control Copy*___________________________________________________ Date Compared with Control Copy*___________________________________________________ Date Compared with Control Copy*___________________________________________________ Date (10) Date(s) Performed Work Order Number (WO#)

COMPLETION (11) Procedure Completion Verification:

El Unit 0 El Unit I LI Unit 2 El Unit 3 Procedure performed on what unit?

El Yes El NA Check lists and/or blanks initialed, signed, dated, or filled in NA, as appropriate?

El Yes El NA Required enclosures attached?

El Yes El NA Charts, graphs, data sheets, etc. attached, dated, identified, and marked?

El Yes El NA Calibrated Test Equipment, if used, checked out/in and referenced to this procedure?

El Yes El NA Procedure requirements met?

Verified By* Date (12) Procedure Completion Approved Date Printed Name and Signature (13) Remarks (Attach additional pages, ifnecessary)

Abnormal Reactor Coolant Pump Operation AP/1/AJI700/016 Carryover Steps Page 1 of3 IF AT ANY TIME:

Subsequent Actions (4.1) y RCP meets immediate trip criteria ... (perform steps to stop RCP)

(4.12) Rx Power> 70% AND RCP approaching trip criteria per End 5.1 ... (initiate power decrease)

(4.15) failure is identified ... (GO TO the applicable section)

(4.24) an RCP has been shutdown for 30 minutes ... (isolate LPSW)

(4.25) RCP SEAL RETURN TEMP has exceeded 260°F ... (closely monitor seal parameters)

(4.26) a RCP has been tripped due to exceeding Immediate Trip Criteria on a RCP motor (contact RCP engineer prior to restart)

Section 4A (1) ny RCP meets immediate trip criteria (perform steps to stop RCP)

(12) external RCP seal leakage is indicated ... (initiate AP/2) 0 (15) either of the following conditions apply to an operating RCP:

RCS Pressure AP across seal

> 1000 psig 100 psid 1000 psig 35 psid

... (perform steps to stop RCP)

(16) shut down of an affected RCP is desired .. (perform steps to stop RCP)

(28) an RCP has been shut down for 30 minutes ... (isolate LPSW)

(29) RCP UPPER SEAL HOUSING TEMP OR RCP SEAL RETURN TEMP has exceeded 260°F including transient situations (closely monitor seal parameters)

(31) a RCP has been tripped due to exceeding Immediate Trip Criteria on a RCP motor (contact RCP engineer prior to restart) 0

Abnormal Reactor Coolant Pump Operation AP/lIAll700/o16 Carryover Steps Page 3 of 3 0

Section 4E (1) gy RCP meets immediate trip criteria... (perform steps to stop RCP)

(13) a temperature approaches trip criteria ... (perform steps to stop RCP)

(35) a RCP has been shut down for> 30 minutes ... (isolate LPSW)

(36) a RCP has been tripped due to exceeding Immediate Trip Criteria on a RCP motor (contact RCP engineer prior to restart)

AP/l/A/l 700/016 Page lofl7

1. Entry Conditions 1.1 In MODE 1 or 2, y of the following RCP parameters reaching the alarm setpoint for an operating RCP:
  • Sea1AP
  • Seal cavity pressure
  • Seal return flow
  • Seal leakage flow
  • Seal return temperature
  • Upper seal housing temperature
  • Vibration
  • jjy oil pot level
  • Bearing temperature
  • Stator temperature 1 .2 In MODES 3, 4, or 5, as directed by applicable alarm response guide.
2. Automatic Systems Actions AB RCP seal return valves close upon loss of both RCP seal injection (<22 gpm) and total CC flow (<575 gpm) with RCS pressure > 400 psig.
3. Immediate Manual Actions None

AP/1/A11700!016 Page 3 ofl7

4. Subsequent Actions ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 4.1 IAAT y RCP meets immediate trip GO TO Step 4.12.

criteria of End 5.1 (RCP Immediate Trip Criteria),

THEN perform Steps 4.2 4.11.

4.2 Verify MODE 1 or 2. 1. Stop the affected RCP.

2. IF NO RCPs operating, AND LPI is providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. _Secure LPSW to LPI coolers until LPI Cooler outlet temperature equals T.

B. Adjust LPSW to LPI coolers to stabilize LPI Cooler outlet temperature.

3. IF NO RCPs operating, AND SGs are providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

Initiate the Unit I EOP due to loss of forced circulation.

IF plant conditions permit starting the LPI system, THEN start LPI system per applicable operating procedure.

4._ IF gy RCP is operating, THEN stabilize RCS temperature using the following as necessary:

TBVs or ADVs LPSW to LPI coolers

5. GO TO Step 4.24.

AP/1/A!1700/016 Page 5 of 17

  • I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 4.3 Verify Rx power is 70% as indicated 1. Trip Rx.

on ll NIs. 2._ Stop affected RCPs.

3._ GO TO Step4.24.

4.4 Verify three RCPs will remain I . Trip Rx.

operating after affected RCP is 2. Stop affected RCPs.


3. GOTOStep4.24.

4.5 Verify gy SG on Low Level Limits. GO TO Step 4.8.

4.6 Stop the affected RCP.

4.7 GO TO Step 4.23.

4.8 Verify FDW masters in Auto. CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

Stop the affected RCP.

2. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

3._ GO TO Step 4.23.

4.9 Stop the affected RCP.

4.10 Verify ICS re-ratios feedwater to Place DELTA T station in HAND.

establish desired ATE. 2. Manually adjust DELTA T station to achieve desired A T.

I CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

3. IF DELTA T station does NOT control, THEN perform the following:

A. Place the following in HAND:

IA FDW MASTER lB FDW MASTER B. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T

4. Initiate AP/28 (ICS Instrument Failure).

4.11 GOTOStep4.23.

AP/1/A!1700/016 Page 7 of 17 ACTION[EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 4.12 IAAT all of the following apply:

Rx Power> 70%

Mi RCP approaching immediate trip criteria of End 5.1 (RCP Immediate Trip Criteria) or it is desired to secure a RCP THEN perform the following:

Initiate End 5.2 (Rapid Power Reduction).

WHEN Rx Power is 70%,

THEN GO TO Step 4.2.

4.13 Announce AP entry using the PA system.

4.14 Notify OSM to request evaluation by RCP Component Engineer.

4.15 IAAT the failure is identified, THEN GO TO the applicable section per the following table:

Section Failure 4A Seal Failure S 4B Abnormal Vibration 4C High or Low Oil Pot Level 4D Loss of Seal Return 4E High Bearing or Stator Temperature 4.16 Monitor RCP parameters for operational abnormalities:

OAC Display:

(Turn-on Code RCP)

Loose Parts Monitor

AP/1/A/1 700/016 Page 9 of 17 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 1 4.17 Verify normal RCP seal operation: 1 - IF NO seal injection, A Statalarms off- THEN initiate AP/14 (Loss of Normal HPI Makeup and/or RCP Seal Injection).

I SA-6/A,B,C,D-5 (RC PUMP SEAL CAVITY PRESS HI/LOW) NOTE 1 SA-6/A,B,C,D-6 (HP RC PUMP RCP Seal failure may be indicated by any or all SEAL RETURN FLOW HI/LOW) of the following:

1 SA-6/D-7, E-5, E-6, E-7 (RC

  • Seal AP decrease PUMP SEAL RETURN TEMP
  • Seal Leakage flow increase HIGH)
  • Seal Return flow change B. Computer alarms off:

01A1867 01A1870 (RCP SEAL

  • External leakage based on RIAs, visual RETURN FLOW) indication, or loss of primary inventory.

OlAl938 O1A194l (RCP SEAL 2._ IF a RCP Seal failure is suspected, LEAKAGE FLOW) THEN GO TO Section 4A (RCP Seal OlAl871 O1A1874 (RCP Failure).




C. RB Normal Sump rate unchanged

AP/1/A/1700/016 Page 11 of 17 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I 4.18 Verify normal RCP vibration: IF abnormal RCP vibration exists, A. Statalarms off: THEN GO TO Section 4B (Abnormal RCP Vibration).


B. The following displaying normal vibration values:

OAC Display (Turn-on Code RCP)

Machine View display:

  • Shaft vibration probes
  • Motor stand vibration probes
  • Motor coupling vibration probes 4.19 Verify normal RCP oil pot levels: IF High or Low RCP Oil Pot Level exists, A. Statalarms off: THEN GO TO Section 4C (High or Low RCP Oil Pot Level).




B. Computer alarms off:

O1A2032, O1A2034, OlA2O36, OlA2O38 (RCP MTR UPPER OIL POT LEVEL)

O1A2033, OlA2O35, 01A2037, 01A2039 (RCP MTR LOWER OIL POT LEVEL)

AP/1/A!1700/016 Page 13 of 17 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I 4.20 Verif normal RCP seal return is IF loss of RCP Seal Return exists, indicated by: THEN GO TO Section 4D (Loss of RCP A. Both of the following open: Seal Return).

1HP-20 I HP-2 I B. The following open for the associated RCP:

Seal Return Stop RCP IHP-228 1A1 IHP-226 1A2 IHP-232 lBl 1HP-230 1B2 C. Statalarms off:



D. Computer alarms off:


AP/1/AJ1700/016 Page 15 of 17 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I 4.21 Verify normal RCP temperatures: IF an RCP temperature is in alarm, A. Bearing Temperature computer alarms THEN GO TO Section 4E (High Bearing off: or Stator Temperature).

01A1572, 01A1576, 01A1580, 01A1584 (RCP MTR UPPER THRUST BEARING TEMP 1) 01A1573, 01A1577, 01A1581, 01A1585 (RCPMTRUPPER THRUST BEARING TEMP 2) 01A1574, 01A1578, 01A1582, 01A1586 (RCP MTR DOWN THRUST BEARING TEMP) 01A1588,01A1590,01A1592, 01A1594 (RCP MTR UPPER GUIDE BEARING TEMP) 01A1589, 01A1591, 01A1593, OIA 1595 (RCP MTR LOWER GUIDE BEARING TEMP) 01A1249, 01A1250, 01A1251 OIA 1252 (RCP RADIAL BEARING TEMP)

B. Stator Temperature computer alarms off:

O1A0904, O1A0906, O1A0908, OIAO9IO (RCP MTR STATOR TEMP I) 01A0905, O1A0907, 01A0909, 01A091 I (RCP MTR STATOR TEMP 2) 4.22 WHEN conditions permit, THEN EXIT this procedure.

AP/1/AJI 700/016 Page 17 of 17

. ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 4.23 Initiate End 4.3 (Special Instructions for < 4 RCP Operation) of OP/I/A/i 102/004 (Operation at Power).

4.24 IAAT an RCP has been shut down for 30 minutes, THEN close the associated RCP motor cooler inlet/outlet valves:

1LPSW-7&8 (IA1 RCP)

ILPSW-9&10 (1B1 RCP)

ILPSW-13&14 (1A2 RCP)

ILPSW-1 i&12 (1B2 RCP) 4.25 IAAT either of the following has exceeded 260°F including transient situations:


THEN closely monitor seal parameters for degradation until an Engineering evaluation is completed due to potential for seal ring and elastomer damage 4.26 IAAT a RCP has been tripped due to exceeding Immediate Trip Criteria on a RCP motor, THEN contact RCP engineer prior to restart. 8) 4.27 WHEN conditions permit, THEN EXIT this procedure.

  • ..[Ni)


Section 4A AP!l/A11700/016

. ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RCP Seal Failure RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED Page 1 of 17 IAAT y RCP meets immediate trip GO TO Step 12.

criteria of End 5.1 (RCP Immediate Trip Criteria),

THEN perform Steps 2 1 1.

2. Verify MODE 1 or 2. 1._ Stop the affected RCP.
2. IF NO RCPs operating, AND LPI is providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. Secure LPSW to LPI coolers until LPI Cooler outlet temperature equals T.

B. _Adjust LPSW to LPI coolers to stabilize LPI Cooler outlet temperature.

3. IF NO RCPs operating, AND SGs are providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

Initiate the Unit 1 EOP due to loss of forced circulation.

IF plant conditions permit starting the LPI system, THEN start LPI system per applicable operating procedure.

4. IF y RCP is operating, THEN stabilize RCS temperature using the following as necessary:

TBVs or ADVs LPSW to LPI coolers 5._ GOTO Step 12.

Section 4A AP/l/A117001016 RCP Seal Failure Page 3 of 17 ACTION[EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 7

3. Verif three RCPs will remain operating 1._ Trip Rx.

after affected RCP is tripped. 2. Stop the affected RCP.

3._ GOTOStepl2.

4. Verify Rx power is 70% as indicated I - Trip Rx.

on gill NIs. 2._ Stop the affected RCP.

3. GOTO Step 12.
5. Verify y SG on Low Level Limits. GO TO Step 8.
6. Stop the affected RCP.
7. GOTOStepli.


Section 4A AP/1/A/l 700/016 RCP Seal Failure Page 5 of 17 ACTION[EXPEC-TED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED -

8. Verify FDW masters in Auto. CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

1._ Stop the affected RCP.

2._ Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

0 3._ GOTO Step 11.

9. Stop the affected RCP.
10. Verify ICS re-ratios feedwater to 1. Place DELTA T station in HAND.

establish desired ATE. 2. Manually adjust DELTA T station to achieve desired A T.

CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

3. IF DELTA T station does NOT control, THEN perform the following:

A. Place the following in HAND:

1A FDW MASTER lB FDW MASTER B. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

4. Initiate AP/28 (ICS Instrument Failure).
11. Initiate End 4.3 (Special Instructions for < 4 RCP Operation) of OP/I/A/I 102/004 (Operation at Power).
12. IAAT y of the following indicate external RCP seal leakage:

RB RIAs increasing or in alarm RCS Tave constant with LDST level decreasing more than normal Quench Tank level rate increasing RB Normal Sump rate increasing Visual confirmation THEN initiate AP/02 (Excessive RCS Leakage).


13. Verify the following are open: GO TO Section 4D (Loss of RCP Seal 1 HP-20 Return).


14. Verify the following is open for the affected GO TO Section 4D (Loss of RCP Seal RCP: Return).

Seal Return Stop RCP IHP-228 1A1 I 1-IP-226 I A2 1HP-232 1B1 1HP-230 1B2 NOTE

  • A single failed seal can transport debris to the other seals and damage them. A RCP with a failed seal should be secured as quickly as plant conditions allow. {6}
  • Use diverse indications, such as changes in other seal pressures, to ensure abnormal parameter is not a single instrument failure. For any seal failure, upper and lower seal cavity pressures should change from normal value.
15. 1AAT either of the following conditions apply to an operating RCP: {7)

RCS Pressure AP across seal

> 1000 psig 100 psid 1000 psig 35psid THEN GO TO Step 16 to shut down the affected RCP since shut down of the RCP is desired due to a seal failure.

16. IAAT shut down of an RCP is desired, GOTO Step 28.

THEN perform Steps 17 27. -

Section 4A AP/1/A!1 700/016 RCP Seal Failure Page 9 of 17 0 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE - RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

17. Verify MODE I or2. IF time allows plant conditions permit starting a previously secured RCP, THEN perform the following:

A. _Start a previously secured RCP per OP/i/All 103/006 (RCP Operation).

B. _Stop the affected RCP.

C. _GO TO Step 28.

2._ IF y one RCP operating, AND LPI is providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. _Secure LPSW to LPI coolers until LPI Cooler outlet temperature equals T.

B. Stop the affected RCP.

C. Adjust LPSW to LPI coolers to stabilize LPI Cooler outlet temperature.

3. IF pjy one RCP operating, AND SGs are providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. Stop the affected RCP.

B. Perform the following:

Initiate the Unit I EOP due to loss of forced circulation.

IF plant conditions permit starting the LPI system, THEN start LPI system per applicable operating procedure.

4. IF more than one RCP operating, THEN perform the following:

A. Stop the affected RCP.

B. Stabilize RCS temperature using the following, as necessary:

  • LPSW to LPI Coolers 5._ GO TO Step 28.


18. Verify three RCPs will remain operating 1._ IF time allows and plant conditions permit after affected RCP is tripped, decreasing power prior to securing the RCP, THEN perform the following:

A. PERFORM one of the following, as necessary, to shut down the unit:

AP/29 (Rapid Unit Shutdown)

OP/i/All 102/004 (Operation at Power) and OP/hA/i 102/010 (Controlling Procedure for Unit Shutdown)

B. Stop the affected RCP.

C. GO TO Step 27.

2._ TripRx.

3._ Stop the affected RCP.

4._ GOTOStep28.

19. Verify Rx power is 70% as indicated 1. Direct an RO to initiate End 5.2 (Rapid on all Nis. Power Reduction).

2._ WHEN Rx power is 70% on all Nis, THEN continue this procedure.

20. _Verify py SG on Low Level Limits. GO TO Step 23.
21. Stop the affected RCP.
22. GO TO Step 26.

Section 4A AP/l/A/1700/016 RCP Seal Failure Page 13 of 17 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED-

23. Verify FDW masters in Auto. CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.
1. Stop the affected RCP.

2._ Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

3._ GOTOStep26.

24. Stop the affected RCP.
25. Verify ICS re-ratios feedwater to I. Place DELTA T station in HAND.

establish desired ATE. 2. Manually adjust DELTA T station to achieve desired A T.

CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

3. IF DELTA T station does NOT control, THEN perform the following:

A. Place the following in HAND:

IA FDW MASTER lB FDW MASTER B. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

4. Initiate AP/28 (ICS Instrument Failure).
26. Initiate End 4.3 (Special Instructions for

<4 RCP Operation) of OP/I/A/Il 02/004 (Operation at Power).

27. Initiate the following notifications:

Notify OSM to make required notifications of OMP 1-14 (Notifications).

Notify Rx Engineering and request a power maneuver plan, if needed.

Notify SOC if load reduction was required.

Notify Chemistry to take RCS boron samples on a I hour frequency.


28. IAAT an RCP has been shut down for 30 minutes, THEN close the associated RCP motor cooler inlet/outlet valves:

1LPSW-7&8 (1A1 RCP) 1LPSW-9&l0 (IB1 RCP) 1LPSW-13&14(IA2RCP)


29. IAAT either of the following has exceeded 260°F including transient situations:


THEN closely monitor seal parameters for degradation until an Engineering evaluation is completed due to potential for seal ring and elastomer damage.

NOTE Unless directed otherwise by OSM or RCP Component Engineer, operation of an affected RCP with of the following conditions should be limited to 100 hour0.00116 days <br />0.0278 hours <br />1.653439e-4 weeks <br />3.805e-5 months <br />s:

  • AP across gy seal 1700 psid
30. Request RCP Component Engineer provide the following:

Immediate evaluation Additional monitoring requirements Extended limits

Section 4A AP/1/A/1 700/016 RCP Seal Failure Page 17 of 17 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

31. IAAT a RCP has been tripped due to exceeding Immediate Trip Criteria on a RCP motor, THEN contact RCP engineer prior to restart. {8}
32. WHEN conditions permit, THEN EXIT this procedure.

. .. IN!). . .

Section 4B AP/1/A!l700/o16 Abnormal RCP Vibration Page 1 of 15 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED IAAT y RCP meets immediate trip GO TO Step 12.

criteria of End 5.1 (RCP Immediate Trip Criteria),

THEN perform Steps 2 1 1.

2. Verify MODE 1 or 2. 1. Stop the affected RCP.
2. IF NO RCPs operating, AND LPI is providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. Secure LPSW to LPI coolers until LPI Cooler outlet temperature equals T.

0 B. Adjust LPSW to LPI coolers to stabilize LPI Cooler outlet temperature.

3. IF NO RCPs operating, AND SGs are providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

Initiate the Unit 1 EOP due to loss of forced circulation.

IF plant conditions permit starting the LPI system, THEN start LPI system per applicable operating procedure.

4. IF gy RCP is operating, THEN stabilize RCS temperature using the following as necessary:

TBVs or ADVs LPSW to LPI coolers

5. GOTOStep12.

Section 4B API1/A11700/016 Abnormal RCP Vibration Page 3 of 15 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

3. Verify three RCPs will remain operating 1._ Trip Rx.

after affected RCP is tripped. 2._ Stop the affected RCP.

3._ GOTOStepl2.

4. Verify Rx power is 70% as indicated l._ Trip Rx.

on ll NIs. 2._ Stop the affected RCP.

3._ GOTOStep12.

5. Verify y SG on Low Level Limits. GO TO Step 8.
6. Stop the affected RCP.
7. GOTOStepIl.

Section 4B AP/1/AI1 700/016 Abnormal RCP Vibration Page 5 of 15 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

8. Verify FDW masters in Auto. CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

1 . Stop the affected RCP.

2._ Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

3._ GOTOStep1I.

9. Stop the affected RCP.
10. Verify ICS re-ratios feedwater to 1 . Place DELTA T station in HAND.

establish desired AT. 2. Manually adjust DELTA T station to achieve desired A T.

CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

3. IF DELTA T station does NOT control, THEN perform the following:

A. Place the following in HAND:

IA FDW MASTER lB FDW MASTER B. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

4. Initiate AP/28 (ICS Instrument Failure).

1 1. Initiate End 4.3 (Special Instructions for < 4 RCP Operation) of OP/i/A/I 102/004 (Operation at Power).

1 2. Verify RCP vibration indication is I . Dispatch an operator to obtain vibration available for monitoring in Control data per End 5.3 (RCP Machine View Room. Monitor Operation) (A-6-602).

2. IF additional assistance is required, THEN contact Maintenance (PM2).


Section 4B AP/1/A/1700/016 Abnormal RCP Vibration Page 7 of 15 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

13. Monitor RCS flow for indication of degradation.
14. Verify all CETCs < 63 0°F. (Turn-on I. Print Incore Thermocouple Map using code 1TC) F2 from OAC screen ITC.
2. Notify Rx Engineering to analyze core map for potential flow blockage.
15. Monitor RCP parameters for operational abnormalities:

OAC Display:

(Turn-on Code RCP)

  • Motor bearing temperatures
  • Seal return temperature
  • Seal return flow
  • RCP motor input power Loose Parts Monitor
  • 16. IAAT high vibration exists per statalarm GO TO Step 28.


AND vibration continues to increase with the potential to exceed trip criteria THEN perform Steps 17 -27.

Section 4B AP/1/A11700/016 Abnormal RCP Vibration Page 9 of 15 ACTION[EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

17. Verify MODE 1 or 2. 1._ IF time allows and plant conditions permit starting a previously secured RCP, THEN perform the following:

A. Start a previously secured RCP per OP/i/All 103/006 (RCP Operation).

B. _Stop the affected RCP.

C. GO TO Step 28.

2. IF çpy one RCP operating, AND LPI is providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. _Secure LPSW to LPI coolers until LPI Cooler outlet temperature equals T.

B. Stop the affected RCP.

C. Adjust LPSW to LPI coolers to stabilize LPI Cooler outlet temperature.

3._ IF iy one RCP operating, AND SGs are providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. Stop the affected RCP.

B. Perform the following:

Initiate the Unit I EOP due to loss of forced circulation.

IF plant conditions permit starting the LPI system, THEN start LPI system per applicable operating procedure.

4. IF more than one RCP operating, THEN perform the following:

A. Stop the affected RCP.

B. Stabilize RCS temperature using the following, as necessary:

TB Vs or ADVs LPSW to LPI Coolers

5. GO TO Step28.

Section 4B AP/l/A/1700/01 6 Abnormal RCP Vibration Page 11 of 15 L ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I

18. Verif three RCPs will remain operating IF time allows and plant conditions permit after affected RCP is tripped. decreasing power prior to securing the RCP, THEN perform the following:

A. PERFORM one of the following, as necessary, to shut down the unit:

AP/29 (Rapid Unit Shutdown)

OP/I/A/I 102/004 (Operation at Power) and OP/I/A/l 102/010 (Controlling Procedure for Unit Shutdown)

B. Stop the affected RCP.

C. GO TO Step 27.

2. TripRx.

3._ Stop the affected RCP.

4. GO TO Step 28.
19. Verify Rx power is 70% as indicated 1._ Direct an RO to initiate End 5.2 (Rapid on all Nis. Power Reduction).
2. WHEN Rx power is 70% on all NIs, THEN continue this procedure.
20. Verify y SG on Low Level Limits. GO TO Step 23.
21. Stop the affected RCP.
22. GO TO Step 26.


23. Verify FDW masters in Auto. CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

I . Stop the affected RCP.

2. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.
3. GO TO Step 26.


Section 4B AP/1!AJ1700/016 Abnormal RCP Vibration Page 13 of 15 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

24. Stop the affected RCP.
25. Verif ICS re-ratios feedwater to 1. Place DELTA T station in HAND.

establish desired ATE. 2. Manually adjust DELTA T station to achieve desired A T.

CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

3. IF DELTA T station does NOT control, THEN perform the following:

A. Place the following in HAND:

1A FDW MASTER lB FDW MASTER B. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

4. Initiate AP/28 (ICS Instrument Failure).
26. Initiate End 4.3 (Special Instructions for

<4 RCP Operation) of OP/I/All 102/004 (Operation at Power).

Section 4B AP/1/A/1 700/016 Abnormal RCP Vibration Page 15 of 15 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

27. Initiate the following notifications:

Notify OSM to make required notifications of OMP 1-14 (Notifications).

Notify Rx Engineering and request a power maneuver plan, if needed.

Notify Soc if load reduction was required.

Notify Chemistry to take RCS boron samples on a 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> frequency.

28. IAAT an RCP has been shut down for 30 minutes, THEN close the associated RCP motor cooler inlet/outlet valve:

1LPSW-7&8 (IA1 RCP)

. lLPSW9&l0(B1RCP)

ILPSW-13&14 (1A2 RCP) 1LPSW-11&12 (1B2 RCP)

29. IAAT a RCP has been tripped due to exceeding Immediate Trip Criteria on a RCP motor, THEN contact RCP engineer prior to restart.
30. WHEN conditions permit, THEN EXIT this procedure.
  • ..END...

Section 4C AP/1/A11700/016 High or Low RCP Oil Pot Level Page 1 of 15 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSENOT OBTAINED IAAT py RCP meets immediate trip GO TO Step 12.

criteria of End 5.1 (RCP Immediate Trip Criteria),

THEN perform Steps 2 11.-

2. Verify MODE 1 or 2. 1. Stop the affected RCP.

2._ IF NO RCPs operating, AND LPI is providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. Secure LPSW to LPI coolers until LPI Cooler outlet temperature equals T.

B. _Adjust LPSW to LPI coolers to stabilize LPI Cooler outlet temperature.

3. IF NO RCPs operating, AND SGs are providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

Initiate the Unit I EOP due to loss of forced circulation.

IF plant conditions permit starting the LPI system, THEN start LPI system per applicable operating procedure.

4. IF gy RCP is operating, THEN stabilize RCS temperature using the following as necessary:

TBVs or ADVs LPSW to LPI coolers

5. GOTOStepI2.

Section 4C AP/1/A/1700/016 High or Low RCP Oil Pot Level Page 3 of 15 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

3. Verify three RCPs will remain operating 1._ Trip Rx.

after affected RCP is tripped. 2. Stop the affected RCP.

3._ GOTO Step 12.

4. Verify Rx power is 70% as indicated 1._ Trip Rx.

on ili NIs. 2._ Stop the affected RCP.

3._ GOTO Step 12.

5. Verify y SG on Low Level Limits. GO TO Step 8.
6. Stop the affected RCP.



Section 4C AP/1/A/1 700/016 High or Low RCP Oil Pot Level Page 5 of 15 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

8. Verify FDW masters in Auto. CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

1 . Stop the affected RCP.

2._ Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

3._ GOTOStep11.

9. Stop the affected RCP.
10. Verify ICS re-ratios feedwater to 1 . Place DELTA T station in HAND.

establish desired ATE. 2. Manually adjust DELTA T station to achieve desired A T.

CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

C) 3. IF DELTA T station does NOT control, THEN perform the following:

A. Place the following in HAND:

1A FDW MASTER lB FDW MASTER B. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

4. Initiate AP/28 (ICS Instrument Failure).

1 1. Initiate End 4.3 (Special Instructions for < 4 RCP Operation) of OP/I/A/i 102/004 (Operation at Power).

12. Start trending RCP oil pot levels.

(Turn-on Code unitpumpRCPT3, example 1A2RCPT3)

Section 4C AP/1/A/1700/016

, High Low RCP Oil Pot Level Page 7 of 15

  • RCP oil pot level indication range is +1.5 to -1.5 inches.
  • RCP motor oil pot temperatures and RCP motor guide bearing temperatures may be used to validate low oil pot level. {4}
13. IAAT oil pot level threatens to go off GO TO Step 25.

scale high or low for an operating RCP, THEN perform Steps 14 24. -

Section 4C AP/l/AIl700/o16 High or Low RCP Oil Pot Level Page 9 of 15 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

14. Verify MODE I or 2. 1. IF time allows and plant conditions permit starting a previously secured RCP, THEN perform the following:

A. Start a previously secured RCP per OP/I IA/I 103/006 (RCP Operation).

B. Stop the affected RCP.

C. _GO TO Step 25.

2._ IF y one RCP operating, AND LPI is providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. Secure LPSW to LPI coolers until LPI Cooler outlet temperature equals T.

B. _Stop the affected RCP.

C. Adjust LPSW to LPI coolers to stabilize LPI Cooler outlet temperature.

3. IFponeRCP operating, AND SGs are providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. Stop the affected RCP.

B. Perform the following:

initiate the Unit I EOP due to loss of forced circulation.

IF plant conditions permit starting the LPI system, THEN start LPI system per applicable operating procedure.

4. IF more than one RCP operating, THEN perform the following:

A. Stop the affected RCP.

B. Stabilize RCS temperature using the following, as necessary:

5. GOTOStep25.

Section 4C AP/1/A/1700/016 High or Low RCP Oil Pot Level Page ii of 15 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I

15. Verif three RCPs will remain operating i. IF time allows plant conditions permit after affected RCP is tripped. decreasing power prior to securing the RCP, THEN perform the following:

A. PERFORM one of the following, as necessary, to shut down the unit:

AP/29 (Rapid Unit Shutdown)

OP/I/All 102/004 (Operation at Power) and OP/i/A/i 102/0 10 (Controlling Procedure for Unit Shutdown)

B. Stop the affected RCP.

C. GO TO Step 24.

2._ TripRx.

3. Stop the affected RCP.
4. GO TO Step 25.

1 6. Verify Rx power is 70% as indicated Direct an RO to initiate End 5.2 (Rapid on all NIs. Power Reduction).

2. WI-lEN Rx power is 70% on all NIs, TI-lEN continue this procedure.
17. Verify y SG on Low Level Limits. GO TO Step 20 1 8. Stop the affected RCP.
19. GOTOStep23.
20. Verify FDW masters in Auto. CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

I . Stop the affected RCP.

2. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.
3. GO TO Step 23.
21. Stop the affected RCP.

Section 4C AP/1/A11700/016 High or Low RCP Oil Pot Level Page 13 of 15


22. Verif ICS re-ratios feedwater to 1. Place DELTA T station in HAND.

establish desired AT. 2._ Manually adjust DELTA T station to achieve desired A T.

CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

3. IF DELTA T station does NOT control, THEN perform the following:

A. Place the following in HAND:

IA FDW MASTER lB FDW MASTER B. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

4. Initiate AP/28 (ICS Instrument Failure).
23. initiate End 4.3 (Special Instructions for

<4 RCP Operation) of OP/I/All 102/004 (Operation at Power).

24. Make the following notifications:

Notify OSM to make required notifications of OMP 1-14 (Notifications).

Notify Rx Engineering and request a power maneuver plan, if needed.

Notify SOC if load reduction was required.

Notify Chemistry to take RCS boron samples on a 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> frequency.

25. IAAT an RB fire exists, GO TO Step 30.

THEN perform Steps 26 29. -

26. TnpRx.

Section 4C AP/lIAJl700/o16 High or Low RCP Oil Pot Level Page 15 of 15 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

27. Stop the affected RCP.
28. fire brigade.
29. Implement Oconee Nuclear Station Pre-Fire Plan.
30. IAAT either of the following conditions is met:

a RCP with low oil level has been shut down for 30 minutes, a RCP with oil level has been shut down THEN close the associated RCP motor cooler inlet/outlet valve:

ILPSW-7&8 (1A1 RCP)


ILPSW-13&14 (1A2 RCP)

ILPSW-l1&12 (1B2 RCP)

31. IAAT a RCP has been tripped due to exceeding Immediate Trip Criteria on a RCP motor, Ti-lEN contact RCP engineer prior to restart. 8)
32. WHEN conditions permit, THEN EXIT this procedure.
  • ..KNI)...

Section 4D AP/1/A/1700/016 Loss of RCP Seal Return Page 1 of 17 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED IAAT y RCP meets immediate trip GO TO Step 12.

criteria of End 5.1 (RCP Immediate Trip Criteria),

THEN perform Steps 2 11.-

2. Verify MODE 1 or 2. 1. Stop the affected RCP.
2. IF NO RCPs operating, AND LPI is providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. _Secure LPSW to LPI coolers until LPI Cooler outlet temperature equals T.

B. Adjust LPSW to LPI coolers to stabilize LPI Cooler outlet temperature.

3._ IF NO RCPs operating, AND SGs are providing heat removal, THEN perform the following Initiate the Unit I EOP due to loss of forced circulation.

IF plant conditions permit starting the LPI system, THEN start LPI system per applicable operating procedure.

4. IF jy RCP is operating, THEN stabilize RCS temperature using the following as necessary:

TB Vs or AD Vs LPSW to LPI coolers 5._ GOTO Step 12.

Section 4D AP/l/A!1 700/016 Loss of RCP Seal Return Page 3 of 17 0


3. Verify three RCPs will remain operating 1 . Trip Rx.

after affected RCP is tripped. 2._ Stop the affected RCP.

3._ GOTO Step 12.

4. Verify Rx power is 70% as indicated 1 . Trip Rx.

on ll NIs. 2. Stop the affected RCP.

3._ GOTO Step 12.

5. Verify y SG on Low Level Limits. GO TO Step 8.
6. Stop the affected RCP.


Section 4D API1/A117001016 Loss of RCP Seal Return Page 5 of 17 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

8. Verify FDW masters in Auto. CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

I . Stop the affected RCP.

2._ Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

3._ GOTOStepIl.

9. Stop the affected RCP.
10. Verify ICS re-ratios feedwater to 1. Place DELTA T station in HAND.

establish desired AT. 2._ Manually adjust DELTA T station to achieve desired A T.

CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

3. IF DELTA T station does NOT control, THEN perform the following:

A. Place the following in HAND:

IA FDW MASTER lB FDW MASTER B. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

4. Initiate AP128 (ICS Instrument Failure).

Section 4D AP/1/A/1700/016 Loss of RCP Seal Return Page 7 of 17 L ACTION[EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 7 1 1. Initiate End 4.3 (Special Instructions for

< 4 RCP Operation) of OP/i/All 102/004 (Operation at Power).

NOTE With a loss of seal return flow, Seal Return Temperature is NOT representative of seal temperature. Upper Seal I-lousing Temperature will provide the best indication of seal temperatures.

12. Monitor RCP parameters for operational abnormalities.

(Turn-on Code RCP)

13. Open the following: I . IF Rx NOT shut down, I HP-20 THEN initiate AP/29 (Rapid Unit Shutdown) to shut down the Rx.


2. WHEN the reactor is shut down, THEN stop all RCPs.
3. Initiate Unit 1 EOP.
4. GO TO Step 30.
14. Open the following for the affected RCPs: I . IF affected RCP is operating, THEN GO TO Step 19 to secure the Seal Return Stop affected RCP.

11-IP-228 1A2 2._ GO TO Step 30.

l1-IP-226 IHP-232 1BI IHP-230 1B2 0

Section 4D AP/1/A11700/016 Loss of RCP Seal Return Page 9 of 17 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

15. either of the following conditions GO TO Step 17.

apply to an operating RCP: {7)

RCS Pressure AP across seal

> 1000 psig 100 psid 1000 psig 35 psid

16. GO TO Section 4A RCP Seal Failure to shut down affected RCP.
17. Verify RCP seal return low flow alarms Request that RCP Component Engineer off. provide the following:

Immediate evaluation Additional monitoring requirements

18. _GO TO Step 30.

Section 4D AP/lIAll700/o16 Loss of RCP Seal Return Page 11 of 17 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I

19. _Verify MODE 1 or 2. 1._ IF time allows and plant conditions permit starting a previously secured RCP, THEN perform the following:

A. Start a previously secured RCP per OP/I/All 103/006 (RCP Operation).

B. Stop the affected RCP.

C. _GO TO Step 30.

2. IF pJy one RCP operating, AND LPI is providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. Secure LPSW to LPI coolers until LPI Cooler outlet temperature equals T.

B. _Stop the affected RCP.

C. Adjust LPSW to LPI coolers to stabilize LPI Cooler outlet temperature.

3. IF pjy one RCP operating, AND SGs are providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. Stop the affected RCP.

B. Perform the following:

Initiate the Unit I EOP due to loss of forced circulation.

iF plant conditions permit starting the LPI system, THEN start LPI system per applicable operating procedure.

4._ IF more than one RCP operating, THEN perform the following:

A. Stop the affected RCP.

B. Stabilize RCS temperature using the following, as necessary:

5. GO TO Step 30.

Section 4D AP/l/A/1700/016 Loss of RCP Seal Return Page 13 of 17 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

20. Verify three RCPs will remain operating 1 . IF time allows and plant conditions permit after affected RCP is tripped, decreasing power prior to securing the RCP, THEN perform the following:

A. PERFORM one of the following, as necessary, to shut down the unit:

AP/29 (Rapid Unit Shutdown)

OP/i/A/l 102/004 (Operation at Power) and OP/i/A/l 102/010 (Controlling Procedure for Unit Shutdown)

B. Stop the affected RCP.

C._ GO TO Step28.

2. TripRx.
3. Stop the affected RCP.

4._ GO TO Step 30.

21. Verify Rx power is 70% as indicated I. Direct an RO to initiate End 5.2 (Rapid on all Nis. Power Reduction).
2. WHEN Rx power is 70% on all Nls, THEN continue this procedure.
22. Verify y SG on Low Level Limits. GO TO Step 25.
23. Stop the affected RCP.
24. GO TO Step 28.
25. Verify FDW masters in Auto. CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

Stop the affected RCP.

2._ Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

3. GO TO Step 28.

Section 4D AP/1/A/1700/016 Loss of RCP Seal Return Page 15 of 17 I ACTIONJEXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

26. Stop the affected RCP.
27. Verify ICS re-ratios feedwater to 1._ Place DELTA T station in HAND.

establish desired ATE. 2. Manually adjust DELTA T station to achieve desired A T.

CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

3. IF DELTA T station does NOT control, THEN perform the following:

A. Place the following in HAND:

IA FDW MASTER IBFDWMASTER B. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

4. Initiate AP/28 (ICS Instrument Failure).
28. Initiate End 4.3 (Special Instructions for

<4 RCP Operation) of OP/I/A/I 102/004 (Operation at Power).

29. Initiate the following notifications:

Notify OSM to make required notifications of OMP 1-14 Notifications).

Notify Rx Engineering and request a power maneuver plan, if needed.

Notify SOC if load reduction was required.

Notify Chemistry to take RCS boron samples on a 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> frequency.

Section 4D AP/l/A11700/016 Loss of RCP Seal Return Page 17 of 17 L ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

30. IAAT an RCP has been shut down for 30 minutes, THEN close the associated RCP motor cooler inlet/outlet valve:

1LPSW-7&8 (1A1 RCP) 1LPSW.-9&10 (1B1 RCP) 1LPSW-13&14(1A2RCP) 1LPSW-1l&12 (1B2 RCP)

31. IAAT either of the following has exceeded 260°F including transient situations:


THEN closely monitor seal parameters for degradation until an Engineering evaluation is completed due to potential for seal ring and elastomer damage.

32. IAAT a RCP has been tripped due to exceeding Immediate Trip Criteria on a RCP motor, THEN contact RCP engineer prior to restart.
33. WHEN conditions permit, THEN EXIT this procedure.
  • ..LII)...


Section 4E AP/1/A/1 700/016 High Bearing or Stator Temperature Page 1 of 19 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED IAAT py RCP meets immediate trip GO TO Step 12.

criteria of End 5.1 (RCP Immediate Trip Criteria),

THEN perform Steps 2 11.-

2. Verif MODE 1 or 2. 1. Stop the affected RCP.
2. IF NO RCPs operating, AND LPI is providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. _Secure LPSW to LPI coolers until LPI Cooler outlet temperature equals T.

B. Adjust LPSW to LPI coolers to stabilize LPI Cooler outlet temperature.

3. IF NO RCPs operating, AND SGs are providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

Initiate the Unit I EOP due to loss of forced circulation.

IF plant conditions permit starting the LPI system, TI-lEN start LPI system per applicable operating procedure.

4 IF py RCP is operating, THEN stabilize RCS temperature using the following as necessary:

TBVs or ADVs LPSW to LPI coolers

5. GOTOStepl2.

Section 4E AP/1/A11700/016 High Bearing or Stator Temperature Page 3 of 19 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

3. Verify three RCPs will remain operating 1._ Trip Rx.

after affected RCP is tripped. 2. Stop the affected RCP.

3._ GOTO Step 12.

4. Verify Rx power is 70% as indicated 1._ Trip Rx.

on ll NIs. 2._ Stop the affected RCP.

3._ GOTOStepI2.

5. Verify y SG on Low Level Limits. GO TO Step 8.
6. Stop the affected RCP.
7. GOTOStepIl.

Section 4E AP/1/A/1700/o16 High Bearing or Stator Temperature Page 5 of 19 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

8. Verify FDW masters in Auto. CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.
1. Stop the affected RCP.

2._ Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

3._ GOTOStepII.

9. Stop the affected RCP.
10. Verify ICS re-ratios feedwater to 1 . Place DELTA T station in HAND.

establish desired AL. 2. Manually adjust DELTA T station to achieve desired A T.

CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

3._ IF DELTA T station does NOT control, THEN perform the following:

A. Place the following in HAND:

IA FDW MASTER lB FDW MASTER B. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.

4. Initiate AP/28 (ICS Instrument Failure).

1 1. Initiate End 4.3 (Special Instructions for < 4 RCP Operation) of OP/I/A/I 102/004 (Operation at Power).

12, Trend affected RCP bearing and stator temperatures.

Section 4E AP/1/A11700/016 High Bearing or Stator Temperature Page 7 of 19 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED I

13. IAAT an operating RCP temperature GO TO Step 25.

approaches trip criteria, THEN perform Steps 14 24. -


Section 4E AP/1/A/1700/016 High Bearing or Stator Temperature Page 9 of 19 I ACTION[EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 7

14. Verif MODE 1 or 2. 1. IF time allows and plant conditions permit starting a previously secured RCP, THEN perform the following:

A. Start a previously secured RCP per OP/i/A/i 103/006 (RCP Operation).

B. Stop the affected RCP.

C. GO TO Step 25.

2. IF çy one RCP operating, AND LPI is providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. _Secure LPSW to LPI coolers until LPI Cooler outlet temperature equals T.

B. Stop the affected RCP.

C. Adjust LPSW to LPI coolers to stabilize LPI Cooler outlet temperature.

3. IF pJy one RCP operating, AND SGs are providing heat removal, THEN perform the following:

A. Stop the affected RCP.

B. Perform the following:

Initiate the Unit I EOP due to loss of forced circulation.

IF plant conditions permit starting the LPI system, THEN start LPI system per applicable operating procedure.

4. IF more than one RCP operating, THEN perform the following:

A. Stop the affected RCP.

B. Stabilize RCS temperature using the following, as necessary:

5. GO TO Step 25.

Section 4E AP/1/A11700!01 6 High Bearing or Stator Temperature Page 11 of 19 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESP4)NSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED - 1

15. Verifi three RCPs will remain operating IF time allows plant conditions permit after affected RCP is tripped. decreasing power prior to securing the RCP, THEN perform the following:

A. PERFORM one of the following, as necessary, to shut down the unit:

AP/29 (Rapid Unit Shutdown)

OP/i/A/I 102/004 (Operation at Power) and OP/i/A/I 102/010 (Controlling Procedure for Unit Shutdown)

B. Stop the affected RCP.

C. GO TO Step 24.

2._ TripRx.

3. Stop the affected RCP.
4. GOTOStep25.
16. Verify Rx power is 70% as indicated 1 . Direct an RO to initiate End 5.2 (Rapid on all Nis. Power Reduction).
2. WHEN Rx power is 70% on all Nis, THEN continue this procedure.
17. Verify y SG on Low Level Limits. GO TO Step 20.
18. Stop the affected RCP.
19. GO TO Step 23.


20. Verify FDW masters in Auto. CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

I. Stop the affected RCP.

2. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T.
3. GOTOStep23.
21. Stop the affected RCP.


Section 4E AP/1/A11700/016 High Bearing or Stator Temperature Page 13 of 19 0 I ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 1

22. Verif ICS re-ratios feedwater to 1. Place DELTA T 0 station in HAND.

establish desired AT 0 2. Manually adjust DELTA T 0 station to achieve desired A T 0

CAUTION Total feedwater flow should be maintained constant to prevent changes in core reactivity.

3. IF DELTA T 0 station does NOT control, THEN perform the following:

A. Place the following in HAND:

IA FDW MASTER lB FDW MASTER B. Manually adjust FDW masters to achieve desired A T 0

4. Initiate AP/28 (ICS Instrument Failure).

C ,- .-)

L). Initiate End 4.3 (Special Instructions for

<4 RCP Operation) of OP/I/A/I 102/004 (Operation at Power).

24. Make the following notifications:

Notify OSM to make required notifications of OMP 1-14 (Notifications).

Notify Rx Engineering and request a power maneuver plan, if needed.

Notify SOC if load reduction was required.

Notify Chemistry to take RCS boron samples on a 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> frequency.

25. GO TO appropriate Step based on affected GO TO Step 35.


7 Step Affected Parameter 26 Radial Bearing 31 Thrust Bearing 31 Upper Guide Bearing 34 Stator Temperature

Section 4E AP/1/AJ1 700/016 High Bearing or Stator Temperature Page 15 of 19 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED Unit Status

Radial Bearing Temperature in alarm.
26. Verify affcted RCP seal injection Throttle 1HP-3 1 to increase total RCP seal

> 6 gpm. injection.

27. Verify normal RCP seal return is IF loss of RCP Seal Return exists, indicated by: THEN GO TO Section 4D (Loss of RCP A. Both of the following open: Seal Return).

1HP-20 IHP-21 B. The following open for the associated RCP:

Seal Return Stop RCP IHP-228 IAI IHP-226 1A2 IHP-232 IBI lI-IP-230 1B2 C. Computer alarm off:

01A1867 01A1870 (RCP SEAL RETURN FLOW)

28. Ensure CC operating properly. Initiate AP/20 (Loss of Component Cooling).

NOTE A RCP Seal failure may be indicated by any or all of the following:

  • Seal AP decrease
  • Seal Leakage flow increase
  • Seal Return flow change
  • External leakage based on RIAs, visual indication, or loss of primary inventory.
29. Verify RCP Seal parameters normal for IFaRCP Seal failure is suspected, affected RCP. THEN GO TO Section 4A (Seal Failure).

I 30.GOTOStep35.

Section 4E AP/1/A11700/016 High Bearing or Stator Temperature Page 17 of 19 ACTIONIEXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED Unit Status Upper Guide or Thrust Bearing Temperature in alarm.

31. Open the following to the affected RCP: 1._ Notify SPOC for assistance.

1LPSW7&8 (1AI RCP) 2._ WHEN LPSW aligned to affected RCP, ILPSW-9&1O (1BI RCP) THEN continue.

1LPSW-13&14 (1A2 RCP) 1LPSW-11&12 (1B2 RCP)

NOTE RCP oil pot level indication range is +1.5 to -1.5 inches.

32. Verify stable and proper oil levels in GO TO Section 4C (High or Low Oil Pot affected RCP. Levels).
33. GO TO Step35.

Unit Status Stator Temperature in alarm.

34. Open the following to the affected RCP: 1 . Notify SPOC for assistance.

I LPSW7&8 (1 Al RCP) 2. WHEN LPSW aligned to affected RCP, ILPS\V-9&lO (IBI RCP) THEN continue.

ILPSW-13&14 (1A2 RCP) 1LPSW-l1&12(1B2RCP)

Section 4E AP/1/A/1 700/016 High Bearing or Stator Temperature Page 19of19 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

35. IAAT a RCP with has been shut down for 30 minutes, THEN close the associated RCP motor cooler inlet/outlet valve:

1LPSW-7&8 (1AI RCP) 1LPSW-9&10 (1BI RCP)

ILPSW-13&14 (1A2 RCP) 1LPSW-11&12(IB2RCP)

36. IAAT a RCP has been tripped due to exceeding Immediate Trip Criteria on a RCP motor, THEN contact RCP engineer prior to restart. 8)
37. WI-lEN conditions permit, THEN EXIT this procedure.


  • ..FNI)... -:

Enclosure 5.1 AP/1/A11700/016 RCP Immediate Trip Criteria {2} Page 1 of 1

,f 1A1 1A2 IBI 1B2 MTR UPPER TH BRG TEMP 1 190°F 190°F 190°F 190°F MTR UPPER TH BRG TEMP 2 190°F 190°F 190°F 190°F MTR DOWN TH BRG TEMP 190°F 190°F 190°F 190°F MTR UPR GUIDE BRG TEMP 190°F 190°F 190°F 190°F MTR LWR GUIDE BRG TEMP 190°F 190°F 190°F 190°F MTR STATOR TEMP 1 295°F 295°F 295°F 295°F MTR STATOR TEMP 2 295°F 295°F 295°F 295°F MTR UPPER AIR TEMP -






I I,

  • A 1 jl of the following must apply: 1-MODE 3,4, or 5. 2- Only one RCP pump operating in affected loop. 3- Vibration is read on installed and continuously monitored ADRE equipment. 4- Vibration directly related to changing RCS parameters.
  • * . END...

Enclosure 5.2 AP/1/A/1 700/016 Rapid Power Reduction Page 1 of3


[ RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED This enclosure should be performed by an RO.

1. Verify ICS in AUTO. 1 . Notify SRO to provide target power level, average power reduction rate, and control bands, as required.

2._ Initiate manual power reduction to 70%.

3. WHEN Rx Power 70% as indicated by aUNTs, THEN notify CR SRO.
4. Stop the following pumps:


NOTE Maximum Runback can be stopped if necessary by deselecting the MAXIMUM RUNBACK pushbutton.

2. Initiate MAXIMUM RUNBACK to 70% as indicated by all Nls.
3. WHEN Rx Power is 70% as indicated by all Nis, THEN press MAXIMUM RUBACK to stop runback.
4. CR SRO that Rx Power is 70%.
5. Adjust CTPD SET to match CTP DEMAND.
6. Stop the following pumps:


7. Verify Rx Power was reduced 15% GO TO Step 9.

within a 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> period.

Enclosure 5.2 AP/1/A!1700/016


8. Notify Primary Chemistry to perform Tech Spec SR as required.
9. EXIT this enclosure.

Enclosure 5.3 AP/1!A11700/016 RCP Machine View Monitor Operation {3} Page 1 of5 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED -


  • Point MOA on the Machine View Display is not used by Operations.

. A single point degrading may have caused both an ALERT and a FAULT status light on the Machine View Display Control.

. If the point causing the ALERT or FAULT status light is no longer in alarm, pressing the associated button will cause the local red blinking light to go out and the Control Room statalarm to clear.

1. IAAT the FAULT or ALERT light on GO TO Step 5.

the Machine View Display Control is blinking, THEN perform Steps 2 4. -

2. Press the associated button.
3. Verify the red light blinking. GO TO Step 4.
4. Observe the MACHINES display for additional HIGH or EMERGENCY HIGH alarms.

0 NOTE A single probe will not be counted in both alarm columns when it has degraded from HIGH to EMERGENCY HIGH.

5. Observe Column D of the MACHINES area of the monitor screen to determine how many EMERGENCY HIGH alarms exist.
6. Observe Column C of the MACHINES area of the monitor screen to determine how many HIGH alarms exist.

Enclosure 5.3 AP/1/A11700/016 RCP Machine View Monitor Operation Page 3 of5 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED CAUTION Selecting any function other than F3 may cause the entire system to crash.

7. Using the F3 key on the Display Control, highlight the RCP to be monitored.

NOTE When an RCP is highlighted, the bar charts displayed will be the vibration for that RCP. The color code of the bar charts representing the probes is as follows:

  • Probes with values in normal range are indicated green.
  • Probes with values exceeding the High setpoint are indicated yellow.
  • Probes with values exceeding the Emergency High setpoint are indicated red.
8. Using the side arrow keys on the Display Control, move the arrow below the bar charts to select the probes to be displayed.

9- In the following table, identify the RCP and record data for all probes in the High (yellow) or Emergency High (red) magnitude status:

RCP Probe HIGH EMERG. HIGH (mils) (mils or in/sec)


Enclosure 5.3 AP!1/AIl700Iol6 RCP Machine View Monitor Operation Page 5 of 5 L ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE

. The upper right hand corner of the monitor displays a historical trend of the selected probe.

. The time will vary and cannot be set by the operator.

. The RCP and probe name is displayed above the graph.

. The probe reading is displayed to the right of the graph below the date and time.

10. Using the side arrow keys on the Display Control, move the arrow below the bar charts to select the probes to be displayed for a historical trend.
11. Notify the Control Room ofy RCP probe that has sustained vibration greater than the Emergency High setpoint.
12. WHEN directed by Control Room, THEN EXIT this enclosure.


Appendix AP/1/A11700/o1 6 Pagelofi 1 This procedure is considered Reactivity Management Related.

2. Some of these limits are also contained in the following:
  • AP/20 (Loss of Component Cooling)
  • AP/24 (Loss of LPSW)
3. This enclosure was developed from guidance in OP/0/A/l 103/007 (RCP Machine View Monitor Operation).
4. PIP 04-5720 described a problem with 1B1 RCP Motor Lower Oil Pot Level indication being erratic. General information from the EM 4.11 is being included as a note in this AP as a good way to validate low oil pot levels.
5. This procedure contains a reference to OP/i/A/i 102/004 (Operation at Power) End 4.3 (Special Instructions for < 4 RCP Operation).
6. OE from Unit I Seal Failure April 2008. RCS pressure of 1000 psig is a nominal value to provide additional guidance during a depressurization. The seal dP values of 100 psid and 50 psid are nominal values to aid in the identification of seal failures. All values were provided by the Root Cause investigation team. Reference PIP 08-1940.
7. PIP 08-6563 revised seal dP value of 50 psid to 35 psid when RCS pressure is 1000 psig to prevent unnecessarily securing a RCP.
8. Westinghouse Technical Bulletin 75-05 discusses the potential for RCP shaft warpage with operation above shutdown limits. While AP/l6 guidance should prevent such occurrences, it was noted that it would be prudent to contact engineering prior to restart.




Pump The Quench Tank Alternate Path:

No Facility JPM #:

New KIA Rating(s):

System: 007 K/A: A1.0i Rating: 2.9/3.1 Task Standard:

Utilize OP/i/Ni 104/017 Enclosure 4.1 to lower Quench Tank level.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator X In-Plant Perform X Simulate


Validation Time: 10 minutes Time Critical: NO Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time:




1. Recall Snap 119
2. Import files for CRO-501
3. Place T/O sheet tags on QT Drain Pump and Component Drain Pump.
4. Update Boron Status board to show last 1A BHUT boron sample as being > 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> old.
5. Provide a copy of OP/i/Ni 104/017 End 4.1 with the following:
  • Limits & Precautions
  • Steps 1.1 through 1.4 signed off.
6. Goto RUN

CRO-501 Ri Page 4 of 9 Tools/Equipment/Procedures Needed:

OP/1/A/1104/017 Limits & Precautions OP/i/A/l 104/017 Enclosure 4.1 READ TO OPERATOR DIRECTION TO TRAINEE I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.


Unit 1 Quench Tank level is 86.

Troubleshooting is in progress and SPOC has requested the Unit 1 Quench Tank Drain Pump to be started to acquire vibration data. .1 of OP/i/A/i 104/017 is complete up to Step 2.1 INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO directs you to pump the Quench Tank to 1A BHUT beginning at Step 2.1 of OP/i/A/i 104/017 Enclosure 4.1 Secure pumping the Quench Tank at 81.

CRO-501 Ri Page 5 of 9 START TIME:

STEP 1: Step 2.1 CRITICAL STEP Ensure open:


UNSAT STANDARD: Candidate ensures 1 CS-S and 1 CS-6 are open by taking the control switches located on 1AB1 to the open position and verifying red open light illuminated and green closed light OFF.

Candidate continues to Step 2.2.


STEP 2: Step 2.2 CRITICAL STEP IF QT level will be maintained in normal operating band:

2.2.1 IF desired, start COMPONENT DRAIN PUMP. SAT 2.2.2 IF desired, start QUENCH TANK DRAIN PUMP.

STANDARD: Candidate recognizes from the Initial Conditions that it is desired to start UNSAT the QUENCH TANK DRAIN PUMP and locates the switch on 1AB1 and rotates clockwise to the START position and verifies the green light OFF and the red light illuminates.

Candidate continues to Step 2.2.3.

CUE: If asked about vibration data, inform the candidate that SPOC personnel are standing by to acquire vibration data.

NOTE: The normal operating band for Quench Tank level is 80-1 00 when RCS pressure >45 psig per L&P 2.4 of OPII/A111041017.


CRO-501 Ri Page 6 of 9 STEP 3: Step 2.2.3 At desired level, perform the following:


STANDARD: Candidate recognizes from the Initatng Cue that t is desired to pump the UNSAT Quench Tank to 81 and monitors QT level. The candidate should stop the QUENCH TANK DRAIN PUMP by rotating switch on 1AB1 counter clockwise to the STOP position and verifies the green light illuminates and the red light OFF.

Candidate continues to Step 2.2.4.


STEP 4: Step 2.2.4 IF pump(s) automatically stop, ensure QT level 80.

SAT STANDARD: If the candidate allows the QT Drain pump to reach the low level cut-off, he/she will ensure QT level 80 and QUENCH TANK DRAIN PUMP trips and verifies the green light illuminates and the red light OFF. UNSAT Otherwise this step is N/A.

Candidate continues to Step 2.3.

NOTE: The low level cut-off for the Quench Tank Pump will trip the pump at 80.


STEP 5: Step 2.3 IF QT level is to be reduced below low level setpoint of 80 inches, perform the following: SAT

_2.3.1 Ensure RCS pressure <45 psig.

STANDARD: Candidate determines that it is not desired to reduce QT level below low UNSAT level setpoint of 80 inches and N/As the step.

Candidate continues to Step 24.


CRO-501 Ri Page 7 of 9 STEP 6: Step 2.4.

Perform the following:


UNSAT STANDARD: Candidate closes 1CS-5 and 1CS-6 by placing each control switch in the closed position. The green closed light illuminates and the red open light extinguishes.


STEP 7: Step 2.5.

IF 1A BHUT boron sample > 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> old AND QT pumped to 1A BHUT, perform the following: (R.M.) {2} SAT 2.5.1 Verify closed 1CS-46 (1A RC BLEED XFER PUMP DISCHARGE).

2.5.2 Dispatch NEO to observe 1A Bleed Transfer Pump discharge pressure.(1 CS-PG-0084) UNSAT 2.5.3 Start 1A BLEED TRANSFER PUMP.

CUE: When called report as NEO: I am standing by to read IA Bleed Transfer Pump discharge pressure at (ICS-PG-0084).

NOTE: When IA BLEED TRANSFER PUMP is started inform the candidate the JPM is complete.

STANDARD: Candidate verifies 1CS-46 (1A RC BLEED XFER PUMP DISCHARGE) closed by observing green closed light illuminated and red open light off.

Candidate dispatches NEO to observe 1A Bleed Transfer Pump discharge pressure.(1 CS-PG-0084)

Candidate starts 1A BLEED TRANSFER PUMP and observes red light illuminated and green light off.



CRO-501 Ri Page 8 of 9 CRITICAL STEP EXPLANATIONS STEP # Explanation 1 Step required to align the flow path from the QT to 1A BHUT 2 This step is required to begin the level decrease in the Quench Tank.



Unit 1 Quench Tank level is 86.

Troubleshooting is in progress and SPOC has requested the Unit 1 Quench Tank Drain Pump to be started to acquire vibration data. .1 of OP/i/A/l 104/017 is complete up to Step 2.1 INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO directs you to pump the Quench Tank to iA BHUT beginning at Step 2.1 of OPI1/A11104/017 Enclosure 4.1 Secure pumping the Quench Tank at 81.

Duke Energy Procedure No.

Oconee Nuclear Station op/l/A/1104/017 QUENCH TANK OPERATION Revision No.

042 Electronic Reference No.


OP/i/A/i 104/017 Page 2 of 3 Quench Tank Operation

1. Purpose Purpose of this procedure is to define operation of Quench Tank.
2. Limits And Precautions
2. 1 Use of this procedure can affect reactivity management due to the following: (R.M.)
  • Changes in RC BHUT Boron concentration
  • Changes in LPI/RCS Boron concentration 2.2 Maximum Quench Tank pressure is 49 psig.

2.3 Maximum Quench Tank temperature is 180°F.

2.4 Quench Tank level shall be maintained within the band of 80 - 100 inches when RCS pressure > 45 psig.

3. Procedure None

OP/i/A/i 104/0 17 Page 3 of 3

4. Enclosures 4.1 PurnpingQT 4.2 Makeup To QT From 1A BHUT 4.3 QT Recirc 4.4 Lower QT Pressure 4.5 QT Cavity Entry 4.6 Flush Of PZR Surge Line 4.7 Component Drain Header Checklist 4.8 Draining QT 4.9 Venting Component Drain Pump And Quench Tank Drain Pump 4.10 Flushing Hot Spot from 1CS-155 4.11 Appendix

Enclosure 4.1 OP/i/A/I 104/0 17 (Oj Pumping QT Page 1 of 3

1. Initial Conditions Perform the following:

Ensure T/O SHEET CR tag on COMPONENT DRAiN PUMP switch.

0 Ensure Tb SHEET CR tag on QUENCH TANK DRAfN PUMP switch.

IF required to align QT to 1A BHUT, perform of the following:

.2.1 Verify note on CR Turnover sheet Component Drain Pump and Quench Tank Drain Pump aligned to 1A BHUT.

Perform the following:

() Close 1CS-10 (Quench Tank Recirc). (A-B-HPI North End)

Close 1 CS-22 (Component Drain Pump Discharge to RB Normal Sump Pump Discharge). (A-B HPI North End)

Open ICS-20 (Comp Drn Pump To RC BHUTS). (A-B-HP1 Rm 4 E of 1A RBNS Pump)

Q Place note on CR Turnover sheet Component Drain Pump and Quench Tank Drain Pump aligned to 1A BHUT.

IF required to align QT to MWHUT, perform one of the following:

1.3.1 Verify note on CR Turnover sheet Component Drain Pump and Quench Tank Drain Pump aligned to MWHUT.

.2 Perfonn the following:

A. Close 1CS-lO (Quench Tank Recirc). (A-B-HPI North End)

B. Close 1CS-20 (Comp Drn Pump To RC BHUTS). (A-B-HP! Rrn 4 E of 1A RBNS Pump)

C. Open 1CS-22 (Component Drain Pump Discharge to RB Normal Sump Pump Discharge). (A-B HPI North End)

Place note on CR Turnover sheet Component Drain Pump and Quench Tank Drain Pump aligned to MWHUT.

Review Limits and Precautions.

Enclosure 4.1 OP/i/A/I 104/017 Pumping QT Page 2 of 3

2. Procedure 2.1 Ensure open:

2.2 IF QT level will be maintained in normal operating band:

2.2.1 IF desired, start COMPONENT DRAIN PUMP.

2.2.2 IF desired, start QUENCH TANK DRAIN PUMP.

2.2.3 At desired level, perform the following:

  • Ensure stopped COMPONENT DRAIN PUMP.
  • Ensure stopped QUENCH TANK DRAIN PUMP.

2.2.4 IF pump(s) automatically stop, ensure QT level 80 inches.

2.3 IF QT level is to be reduced below low level setpoint of 80 inches, perform the following:

2.3.1 Ensure RCS pressure <45 psig.

2.3.2 IF desired, place COMPONENT DRAIN PUMP to BYPASS.

2.3.3 IF desired, place QUENCH TANK DRAIN PUMP to BYPASS.

2.3.4 At desired level, perform the following:

  • Ensure stopped COMPONENT DRAIN PUMP.
  • Ensure stopped QUENCH TANK DRAIN PUMP.

2.4 Perfonn the following:


Enclosure 4.1 OP/i/A/i 104/0 17 Pumping QT Page 3 of 3 2.5 IF 1A BHUT boron sample> 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> old AND QT pumped to 1A BHUT, perform the following: (R.M.) {2}

2.5.1 Verify closed 1CS-46 (1A RC BLEED XFER PUMP DISCHARGE).

2.5.2 Dispatch NEO to observe 1A Bleed Transfer Pump discharge pressure.

(1 CS-PG-0084) 2.5.3 Start 1A BLEED TRANSFER PUMP.

2.5.4 Perform the following:

A. Have NEO report discharge pressure on 1CS-PG-0084.

B. IF discharge pressure requires adjustment, throttle 1CS-48 (1A BHUT Recirc) to obtain 90 110 psig on 1CS-PG-0084. (AB-1, U#1 BTP Room) 2.5.5 Request 1A BHUT sample from Chemistry.

Person Notified Date 2.5.6 WHEN recirc of 1A BHUT is no longer desired, stop 1A BLEED TRANSFER PUMP.



Align cooling water to HPIPs from station ASWPs.

Alternate Path:

No Facility JPM #:

NLO-017 KIA Rating(s):

System: 076 K/A: A2.0i Rating: 35*/37*

Task Standard:

Perform FOP End. 5.10 Station ASW Pump Alignment for valve and breaker alignment required to provide cooling water to HPIPs from ASWP performed.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator In-Plant X Perform Simulate X


FOP End. 5.10 Station ASW Pump Alignment OP/0/A/1 107/011 Removal And Restoration Of Auxiliary Electrical Equipment Validation Time: 16 minutes Time Critical: NO Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time:

Examiner: /



NLO-017 Ri Page 4 of ii Tools/EguipmentlProcedures Needed:

600 volt breaker rackout tool EP/1,2,3/A/1800/001 Enclosure 5.10 Station ASW Pump Alignment 0 P10/All 107/011 Removal And Restoration Of Auxiliary Electrical Equipment Enclosure 4.5 Rack In 600 Volt Breaker READ TO OPERATOR DIRECTION TO TRAINEE I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.

INITIAL CONDITIONS A Station Blackout has occurred.

The SSF Diesel Generator will not start, rendering the SSF RCMU Pumps inoperable.

Standby Bus #1 has subsequently been energized from CT-5.

I&E personnel have aligned the lA HPIP to the ASWP Switchgear.

INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO directs you to align and start the Station ASW Pump to provide cooling water to the High Pressure Injection Pumps on Unit I (specify unit) per Station ASW Pump Alignment Enclosure 5.10 of EP/1 ,2,3/Al1 800/001.

NLO-017 Ri Page 5 of 11 START TIME:

NOTE All equipment operated in the following steps is located in A-i-128, ASW Pump Rm.

STEP 1: Step 1 SAT Obtain racking equipment and pipe wrench from EOP equipment locker U2AB1 (A-i, hallway near U2 elevator lobby).

STANDARD: Student locates the equipment locker containing the required racking and UNSAT protective equipment.

  • Safety glasses
  • Face shield
  • Hard hat
  • Rubber gloves with leather protectors
  • Flame-resistant clothing
  • Pipe wrench
  • Breaker racking tool NOTE: This step may be simulated and discussed, at the discretion of the evaluator.

Cue: In form the student that for this JPM, it is not necessary to break the security seal on the locker for demonstrating equipment to be utilized.


STEP 2: Step 2 CRITICAL STEP Open CCW-99 (Aux Service Water Pump Suction).

SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates CCW-99 and simulates rotating handwheel counterclockwise to the open position.

UNSAT Cue: After the student locates and simulates placing CCW-99 in the open position, in form student CCW-99 position indicator is pointing to the open position.


NLO-017 Ri Page 6 of ii STEP 3: Step 3 CRITICAL STEP Open CCW-247 (Aux Service Water Pump Recirc).

SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates CCW-247 and simulates rotating chain operator in the counterclockwise direction by pulling chain operator until handwheel comes to a hard stop.

UNSAT Cue: After student locates and simulates placing CCW-247 in the open position, inform student that CCW-247 is at a counterclockwise hard stop position.


STEP 4: Step 4 Open CCW-308 (Aux Service Water Pump Vent).

STANDARD: SAT Candidate locates CCW-308 on top of the Station ASW pump, removes pipe cap with simulated wrench from EOP Locker, pulls the locking pin and simulates rotating the 900 valve until the lever is parallel to the vent piping to the open position.

UNSAT Cue: After student simulates opening CCW-308, inform him/her that a solid stream of water is issuing from the valve.


STEP 5: Step 5 WHEN all air is vented from Station ASW Pump, THEN close CCW-308.

STANDARD: SAT Candidate recognizes from previous instructor cue that all air is vented from Station ASW pump and simulates rotating CCW-308 clockwise to the closed position.

UNSAT Cue: After student simulates closing CCW-308, inform him/her that water flow has stopped and CCW-308 is at a clockwise hard stop position.


NLO-017 Ri Page 7 of 11 STEP 6: Step 6 CRITICAL STEP Rack in ASWS-6B (STATION ASW PUMP BKR) (ASW 4160/600V SWGRASWS-6). SAT STANDARD: Candidate simulates donning protective clothing/equipment and simulates racking in ASW pump breaker (ASWS-6B).

UN SAT Cue: After the student simulates racking in the breaker, in form student that the STA TION A UX SERVICE WA TER PUMP Switch green Trip indicating light is ON.

Cue: If the candidate asks, provide him/her with a copy of OP/O/A/1107/O11 Enclosure 4.5 (not critical)


STEP 7: Step 7 Close ASW SWGR FDR (ASW Swgr Fdr From BiT- Unit 10) (ASW 4160/600V Swgr ASWS-5). SAT STANDARD: Candidate verifies that ASW SWGR FDR From BiT- Unit 10 is closed.

NOTE: This breaker is normally closed. UNSAT Cue: After student locates breaker, inform student that the two red CLOSED lights are lit and that the white OPEN light is off COMMENTS:

STEP 8: Step 8 IAAT AP/6 (Natural Disaster) directs restoring the Station ASW pump to standby, THEN GO TO Step 14. SAT STANDARD: Candidate determines from cue that this step does not apply and continues to Step 9.

UN SAT Cue: If the candidate asks, inform him/her that AP/06 is NOT in progress.


NLO-017 Ri Page 8 of 11 STEP 9: Step 9 CRITICAL STEP WHEN notified that Standby Bus #1 is energized, AND notified to start the Station ASW pump, THEN perform the following (ASW 4160/600V SAT SWGR ASWS-5):



STANDARD: Candidate should recognize from the Initial Conditions that Standby Bus #1 is energized and the SRO has directed him/her to start the Station ASW Pump.

Candidate locates and closes ASW Switchgear Transformer Feeder breaker on ASWS-5 by simulating rotating the handle to the closed position.

Cue: After candidate simulates closing the breaker, in form him/her that the red closed light is ON and the green trip light is OFF.

Candidate locates Station ASW Pump Switch on ASWS-5 and simulates rotating the handle to the CLOSED position.

Cue: After candidate simulates closing the breaker, inform him/her that the Station ASW Pump Switch red CLOSED light is ON and the green TRIP light is OFF.


STEP 10: Step 10 Close CCW-309 (Aux Service Water Pump Disch Drain) (12 West of ASW pump). SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates CCW-309 and simulates closing CCW-309 by rotating the valve handwheel in a clockwise direction to a hard stop.

UN SAT Cue: Inform candidate that CCW-309 handwheel is fully clockwise and at a hard stop position.


NLO-017 Ri Page 9 of 11 STEP 11: Step ii CRITICAL STEP Perform the following:

A. Position CCW-1 01 (Aux Service Water Pump Discharge) only one SAT turn open.

B. Open CCW-1 01 an additional one turn open at a rate of one quarter turn every 15 seconds.

C. WHEN 5 minutes have elapsed, THEN slowly open CCW-101 until UNSAT full open STANDARD: Candidate locates CCW-1 01 and simulates opening the valve one turn by rotating the valve operator in the counterclockwise direction by pulling on the chain operator.

Candidate opens CCW-101 an additional on turn open at a rate of one quarter turn every 15 seconds.

When 5 minutes have elapsed, candidate slowly opens CCW-101 until full open.

Cue: After the candidate has correctly explained how to perform steps A & B, in form him her that 5 minutes have elapsed (time compression).

Cue: Inform candidate that CCW-1O1 handwheel is at a hard stop after following the sequence correctly.



NLO-017 Ri Page lOof 11 CRITICAL STEP EXPLANATIONS STEP # Explanation 2 Necessary to align flowpath 3 Necessary to align flowpath 6 Necessary to provide power to the pump.

9 Necessary to provide power to the pump.

11 Necessary to provide flowpath.


INITIAL CONDITIONS A Station Blackout has occurred.

The SSF Diesel Generator will not start, rendering the SSF RCMU Pumps inoperable.

Standby Bus #1 has subsequently been energized from CT-5.

l&E personnel have aligned the A HPIP to the ASWP Switchgear.

INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO directs you to align and start the Station ASW Pump to provide cooling water to the High Pressure Injection Pumps on Unit I (specify unit) per Station ASW Pump Alignment Enclosure 5.10 of EP/l ,2,3/A/l 800/001.

Enclosure 5.10 EP/1/AI1 800/001 Station ASW Pump Alignment Page 1 of 5 I ACTIONIEXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED NOTE equipment operated in the following steps is located in A-l-128, ASW Pump Rm.

I. Obtain racking equipment and pipe wrench from EOP equipment locker U2AB1 (A-i, hallway near U2 elevator lobby).

2. Open CCW-99 (Aux Service Water Pump_Suction).
3. Open CCW-247 (Aux Service Water Pump_Recirc).
4. Open CCW-308 (Aux Service Water Pump Vent).
5. WhEN all air is vented from Station ASW Pump, THEN close CCW-308.

6 Rack in ASWS-6B (Station ASW Pump Bkr)(ASW 4160/600V SwgrASWS-6).

7. Close ASW SWGR FDR (ASW Swgr Fdr From BIT- Unit 1O)(ASW 4160/600V Swgr ASWS-5).
8. JAAT AP/6 (Natural Disaster) directs restoring the Station ASW Pump to standby, THEN GO TO Step 14.

Enclosure 5.10 EP/1/A/1800/001 Station ASW Pump Alignment Page 3 of 5 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

9. WHEN notified that Standby Bus #1 is energized, ANT) notified to start the Station ASW pump, THEN perform the following (ASW 4160/600V SWGR ASWS-5):

A. Close ASW TRANSFORMER FDR (ASW Switchgear Transformer Feeder).

B. Close STATION ASW PUMP SW (Station ASW Pump Control Switch)

(ASW 4160/600V Swgr ASWS-5).

10. Close CCW-309 (Aux Service Water Pump Disch Drain)

(12 West of ASW Pump).

CAUTION The following guidance is designed to minimize the potential for water hammer. No flow may be achieved during the first turn of CCW- 101 due to disc seating.

11. Perform the following:

A. Position CCW-101 (Aux Service Water Pump Discharge) only one turn open.

B. Open CCW-l01 (Aux Service Water Pump Discharge) an additional one turn at a rate of one quarter turn every 15 seconds.

C. WHEN 5 minutes have elapsed, THEN sloyjy open CCW-1 01 (Aux Service Water Pump Discharge) until full open.

I 2. Verif Turbine Building flood is in 1. Notify CR0 that Station ASW Pump is progress. operating.

2. GOTOStepI4.
13. Notify all Control Rooms that Station ASW Pump is operating.

Enclosure 5.10 EP/1/AJL 800/00 1 Station ASW Pump Alignment Page 5 of 5 ACTION/EXPECTED RESPONSE RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED

14. WhEN Station ASW Pump is no longer needed on Unit 1, THEN continue in this enclosure.
15. Verif either of the following conditions: GO TO Step 17.

Station ASW Pump is supplying SGs on y other unit.

Station ASW Pump is needed to supply HPI pump motor coolers on y unit.

16. GO TO Step 21.
17. Open STATION ASW PUMP SW (Station ASW Pump Control Switch)

(ASW 41601600V Swgr ASWS-5).

18. Close the following:

CCW-99 (Aux Service Water Pump Suction)

CCW-10l (Aux Service Water Pump Discharge)

CCW-247 (Aux Service Water Pump Recirc)

19. Open CCW-309 (Aux Service Water Pump Disch Drain)

(12 West of ASW Pump).

20. Rack out ASWS-6B (Station ASW Pump Bkr) (ASW 4160/600V Swgr ASWS-6).
21. EXIT this enclosure.

Procedure No.

Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station op/O/A/1107/o11 Removal And Restoration Of Auxiliary Electrical Revision No.

Equipment 057 Electronic Reference No.


  • * * * * * * * * *UNCONTROLLEDFORPRINT* * * * * * * * * *


OP/O/A/1 107/011 Page 2 of 3 Removal and Restoration of Auxiliary Electrical Equipment

1. Purpose To provide guidance for racking breakers in, out and in Test positions when directed by other procedures OR documents (OP, IP, TN, R&R, etc.).
2. Limits and Precautions 2.1 Breakers should be cycled after being racked in to ensure no damage has occurred during the racking process. Breakers that are normally closed satisfy this requirement when they are closed per procedure. Breakers that are racked in but normally open should be cycled and left open per appropriate procedure. Breaker cycling should be evaluated for risk to the Unit. If risk is high, breaker cycling can be postponed or not performed. {7}

2.2 Do NOT remove/replace Fuse Blocks at an angle. Damage to Fuse Blocks may occur.

Ladder may be required to reach Fuse Blocks.{8}

3. Procedure 3.1 Rack 6900/4160 Volt breakers in OR out per appropriate Enclosure with the following exceptions:
  • Rack B3T/B4T 4160 Volt breakers per OP/0/A/1 107/0 15 (Auxiliary Power).
  • Rack SSF 4160 Volt breakers per OP/0/A/1600/005 (SSF Normal Power).

3.2 Rack 600 Volt breakers in OR out per appropriate Enclosure.

3.3 To operate breakers in TEST, utilize Enclosure Racking 6900/4160 Volt Breaker To TEST OR Racking 600 Volt Breaker To TEST as appropriate.

3.4 To manually charge closing springs on 4160 Volt OR 6900 Volt breakers, utilize Enclosure Manually Charging Closing Springs on 4160V And 6900V Breakers.

3.5 To manually charge closing springs on 600V ITE breakers, utilize Enclosure Manually Charging Closing Springs on 600V ITE Breakers.

OP/O/A/1 107/011 Page 3 of 3

4. Enclosures 4.1 Rack Out 6900/4160 Volt Breaker 4.2 Rack In 6900/4 160 Volt Breaker 4.3 Racking 6900/4 160 Volt Breaker To TEST 4.4 Rack Out 600V Volt Breaker 4.5 Rack In 600V Volt Breaker 4.6 Racking 600V Volt Breaker To TEST 4.7 Manually Charging Closing Springs on 4160V And 6900V Breaker 4.8 Manually Charging Closing Springs on 600V ITE Breaker
  • Appendix*

Enclosure 4.5 OP/O/A/1 107/0 1 1 Rack In Page 1 of2 600 Volt Breaker

1. Initial Conditions None.

CAUTION: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment while racking breakers in. { 1 }

2. Procedure O 2.1 Ensure related control switch positioned to prevent component operation.

LI 2.2 Ensure all Red/White Tags cleared from breaker per appropriate R&R.

LI 2.3 Verify breaker is open by observing mechanical flag indication.

NOTE: Do NOT remove/replace Fuse Blocks at an angle. Damage to Fuse Blocks may occur.

Ladder may be required to reach Fuse Blocks. {2}

Li 2.4 IF required, ensure control power fuse block replaced by procedure (UP, IP, TN, R&R, etc).

NOTE: SPRINGS CHARGED flag should appear while racking in breaker.

LI 2.5 Rack in breaker to CONNECTED position..

NOTE: The breaker will NOT close if the shutter is open.

LI 2.6 Remove racking tool and ensure racking shutter closes.

LI 2.7 Ensure CHARGING POWER toggle switch in ON (up) position.

LI 2.8 Verify closing springs are charged by observing SPRINGS CHARGED mechanical flag indication.

LI 2.8.1 IF springs charged NOT indicated, rack out breaker per End 4.4 Rack out 600V Breaker.

LI A. Write Work Request to investigate cause of springs not charging.

LI 2.9 Verify breaker OPEN indication light is illuminated. {4}

Enclosure 4.5 oP/O/A/1 107/0 1 1 Rack in Page 2 of 2 600 Volt Breaker U 2.10 IF required, transfer MCC from Emergency to Normal power source per one of the following:

LI OP/i/A/i 107/0 14 (Removal and Restoration of4l6OV Switchgear and 600V Load Centers)

LI OP/2/A/1 107/0 14 (Removal and Restoration of4l6OV Switchgear and 600V Load Centers)

LI OP/3/A/1 107/0 14 (Removal and Restoration of 4160V Switchgear and 600V Load Centers)

LI OP/0/AJ 1107/015 (Auxiliary Power)

LI OP/0/A/1600/005 (SSF Normal Power)

NOTE: Cycling breakers in this manner ensures Emergency MCC breaker will close following racking in.

2.11 IF required by WCC SRO, cycle breakers by transferring MCC from Normal to Emergency power source, then back to Normal power source per one of the following:

LI OP/i /A/ 1107/014 (Removal and Restoration of 41 60V Switchgear and 600V Load Centers)

LI OP/2/A/1 107/0 14 (Removal and Restoration of4l6OV Switchgear and 600V Load Centers)

LI OP/3/A/1 107/014 (Removal and Restoration of4l6OV Switchgear and 600V Load Centers)

LI OP/U/A! 1107/015 (Auxiliary Power)

LI OP/0/A/1600/005 (SSF Normal Power)

LI 2.12 No retention requirements for this Enclosure. Discard after use.




Place a control battery charger in service.

Alternate Path:

No Facility JPM #:

NLO-037 K/A Rating(s):

System: 063 K/A: Kl.03 Rating: 2.9/3.5 Task Standard:

Control Battery Charger is placed in service per proc edure.

Preferred Evaluation Location:

Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator In-Plant X Perform Simulate X


OP/i 107/010, Removal from service and Restorati on to service of a Control Charger Validation Time: 12 minutes Time Critical: NO Candidate:

Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time:





NLO-037 Ri ToolslEguipmentlProcedures Needed: Page 4 of 9 0 P12/A/I 107/10 Limits And Precautions Enclosure 4.3 Removal and Restoration Control Charger 2CA With steps 1.1 through 2.1.8 signed off.

READ TO OPERATOR DIRECTION TO TRAINEE I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when direc ted by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indic ate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.

INITIAL CONDITIONS Unit 2 is operating at 100%.

Last week, the 2CA Control Battery Charger was remo ved from service for repairs.

l&E personnel have informed the Control Room SRO that 2CA Control Battery Charger is ready to be placed back in service.

The Standby Control Charger is currently in service.

Removal and Restoration Control Charger 2CA Encl osure 4.3 of 0P12/A/1 107/10 has been completed up to Step 2.2.

All Red Tags have been removed per the appropria te R&R.

INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO directs you to place the 2CA Control Charger in service and remove the Standby Control Charger from service on Unit 2.

NLO-037 Ri Page 5 of 9 START TIME:

STEP 1: Step2.2.1 At MCC 2XS1:

A. Ensure closed 2XS1-F4A (2CA BATT CHGR BKR). SAT STANDARD: The Candidate locates breaker 2XS1-F4A for 2CA Contro l Battery Charger and simulates removing the locking ring and placing the breaker in the ON position. UNSAT Cue: indicate to candidate that power supply brea ker is in the ON position.



A. Close AC INPUT circuit breaker. SAT B. Verify off AC POWER FAILURE light.

C. Verify after 20-30 seconds DC VOLTS meter indicat es 131-1 40 Volts. UNSAT D. Close DC OUTPUT circuit breaker.

STANDARD: Candidate simulates placing AC INPUT CIRCUIT BREA KER to the ON position by pulling up on the breaker.

Cue: AC INPUT Breaker is in the up position.

Candidate verifies the red AC power failure light is off.

Cue: AC POWER FAILURE light is off.

Candidate verifies DC volts meter is 131-140 volts after 20-30 seconds.

Cue: After 20-30 seconds, indicate with a pointer the voltage is 135 Volts DC.

Candidate simulates placing DC OUTPUT BREAKER to the ON position by pulling up on the breaker.

Cue: DC OUTPUT circuit breaker is in the up positio n.


NLO-037 Ri Page 6 of 9 STEP 3: Step 2.2.3 CRITICAL STEP At MOO 2DCA:



STANDARD: Candidate simulates removing the locking ring and closing 2DCA-1 B by placing the breaker in the ON position. UNSAT Cue: After student simulates closing breaker, indicat e to student that breaker is in the ON position.

Candidate simulates removing the locking ring and openin g 2DCA-2B by placing the breaker in the OFF position.

Cue: After student simulates opening breaker, indicat e to student that breaker is in the OFF position.



A. Verify CONTROL CHARGER 2CA supplying load as SAT indicated on DC AMPERES meter.


UN SAT STANDARD: Candidate observes DC AMPERES meter and verifies to indicate load on the battery charger.

Cue: Indicate to student that the DC AMPERES meter indicates approximately 170 amps.

Candidate places ALARM ENABLE/DEFEAT switch located on the Control Charger cabinet in the ENABLE position (to the left).

Cue: Indicate to student that the ENABLE/DEFEAT switch is in the Enable position.


NLO-037 Ri Page 7 of 9 STEP 5: Step 2.2.5 At CONTROL CHARGER 2CS:

A. Place ALARM ENABLE/DEFEAT switch to DEFEAT. SAT B. Open DC OUTPUT circuit breaker.

C. Open AC INPUT circuit breaker.

UNSAT STANDARD: Candidate places ALARM ENABLE/DEFEAT switch located on the 2CS Control Charger cabinet and places in the DEFEAT positio n (to the right).

Cue: After candidate simulates placing the ALARM ENAB LE/DEFEAT switch in DEFEAT, indicate to the candidate that the switch is in DEFEAT.

Candidate places DC OUTPUT circuit breaker in the OFF position (down position).

Cue: After candidate simulates opening breaker, indicat e to the candidate that DC Output CIRCUIT BREAKER is open.

Candidate places AC INPUT circuit breaker in the OFF position (down position).

Cue: After candidate simulates opening breaker, indicat e to the candidate that AC Input CIRCUIT BREAKER is open.



NLO-037 Ri Page 8 of 9 CRITICAL STEP EXPLANATIONS STEP # Explanation 2 Necessary to place I CA Battery Charger in service.

3 Necessary to place 1 CA Battery Charger in service.


INITIAL CONDITIONS Unit 2 is operating at 100%.

Last week, the 2CA Control Battery Charger was removed from service for repairs.

l&E personnel have informed the Control Room SRO that 2CA Control Battery Charger is ready to be placed back in service.

The Standby Control Charger is currently in service.

Removal and Restoration Control Charger 2CA Encl osure 4.3 of OP/2/A/1 107/10 has been completed up to Step 2.2.

All Red Tags have been removed per the appropriate R&R.

INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO directs you to place the 2CA Contro l Charger in service and remove the Standby Control Charger from service on Unit 2 by proc edure.

Duke Energy Procedure No.

Oconee Nuclear Station OP


2 AI1 / 107/010 Operation Of Batteries And Battery Chargers Revision No.

037 Electronic Reference No.


UNCONTROLLED FORPRINT * * * * * * * * * *


OP/2/A/1 107/010 Page 2 of 4 Operation Of Batteries And Battery Chargers

1. Purpose To describe steps necessary for starting up, shutting down and operating battery chargers.
2. Limits And Precautions 2.1 For 2CA and 2CB Batteries and Battery Chargers:
  • IfinMODE 1, 2, 3, or4, refertoTS 3.8.3.
  • If in MODE 5, 6, or NO MODE, refer to TS 3.8.4.

2.2 For 2PA and 2PB Batteries and Battery Chargers:

  • IfinMODE 1,2,or3,refertoSLC 16.8.3.

2.3 Do NOT connect a battery charger directly to a DC bus without a battery in service (directly or via bus tie breakers) to that bus. Battery chargers connected directl y to DC buses, without dampening effect of an in-service battery, could create voltage spikes causing damage to components supplied by DC bus.

2.4 Unit 2 Equipment Room indicated temperature may increase due to air flow from Control Charger 2CS when Charger is in service, due to location of room temperature sensors. {3}

2.5 Past operating experience has shown that Battery Breaker and Battery Charger Breaker can be confused and incorrect breaker operated. Care should be taken to ensure correct breaker for evolution is operated.

OP/2/A/1 107/010 Page 3 of 4 2.6 The preferred temperature range for all station batteries is between 70°F and 80°F. {4}

  • The need for temporary auxiliary cooling should be considered for extended periods of extreme battery room temperature. {4}
  • As a guideline, an extended period of extreme battery room temperature is considered to be temperatures from 91°F 95°F for 30 days or> 95°F for 5 days.


  • Battery room temperatures between 80°F and 90°F do NOT require auxiliary cooling.
  • If battery room temperatures are expected to increase to > 90°F, auxiliary cooling could be used as a conservative measure. {4}
  • Do NOT allow battery room temperature to exceed 110°F. {4}


  • Minimum average electrolyte temperature is 60°F per TS

. Step 2.7 does NOT apply to POWER BATTERY rooms.

2.7 If battery room temperature is < 65°F:

  • Notify I&E to measure cell electrolyte temperature per IP/0/A/3000/00l (Instrnrnentation And Control Battery Weekly Surveillance).
  • Initiate actions as required to restore battery room temperature 70°F.

2.8 If POWER BATTERY room temperature is < 60°F:

  • Notify I&E to measure cell electrolyte temperature per IP/0/A/3000/001 (Instrumentation And Control Battery Weekly Surveillance).

2.9 If any Control, Power, or Switchyard Battery has been isolated from charger for

> 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for reasons other than battery testing, battery should be placed on equaliz e

charge for a minimum of 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> before returning battery to service. This is due to self discharge that may occur in battery while it is out of service. {6}

3. Procedure None

OP/2/A/1 107/0 10 Page 4 of 4

4. Enclosures 4.1 Removal And Restoration 2CA Battery 4.2 Removal And Restoration 2CB Battery 4.3 Removal And Restoration Control Charger 2CA 4.4 Removal And Restoration Control Charger 2CB 4.5 Removal And Restoration Control Charger 2CS (Complete Isolation) 4.6 Removal And Restoration 2PA Battery 4.7 Removal And Restoration 2PB Battery 4.8 Removal And Restoration Power Charger 2PA 4.9 Removal And Restoration Power Charger 2PB 4.10 Removal And Restoration Power Charger 2PS (Complete Isolation) 4.11 System Drawings 4.12 Removal And Restoration MCC 2DP 4.13 Appendix

Enclosure 4.3 QP/2/A/1 107/0 10 Removal And Restoration Page 1 of 3 Control Charger 2CA

1. Initial Conditions Verify CONTROL CHARGER 2CS NOT supplying 2CB BATTERY.

Verify requirements of TS 3.8.3 or TS 3.8.4 met.

Review Limits and Precautions.

2. Procedure Red Tags should be attached per appropriate R&R.

Removal From Service:

.1.1 AtMCC2XS3:

ti) () Ensure closed 2XS3-2C (2CS STDBY BATT CHARGER BKR).


(9tk) S (C1ose AC INPUT circuit breaker.

ti 9 Verify off AC POWER FAILURE light.

t41 Verify after 20-30 seconds DC OUTPUT volts meter indicates 13 1-140 Volts.

j4) Close DC OUTPUT circuit breaker.



required, lock and remove Kirk Key from 2DCB-2B (2C5 BATT CHGR TO 2CB BATT BKR) compartment.

Enclosure 4.3 oP/2/A/1 107/0 10 Removal And Restoration Page 2 of 3 Control Charger 2CA At MCC 2DCA:

ft.) Unlock Kirk Key interlock inside 2DCA-2B (2CS BATT CHGR TO 2CA BATT BKR) compartment.


c5k ç4 Open 2DCA-IB (2CA BATT CHGR TO 2DCA BKR).


Verify CONTROL CHARGER 2CS supplying load as indicated on DC OUTPUT amperes meter.



( Open DC OUTPUT circuit breaker.

? Open AC INPUT circuit breaker.

u.- IF Electrical Maintenance requests complete battery charger isolation, open 2XS1-F4A (2CA BATTERY CHGR BKR).

Note on Turnover Sheet to monitor Unit 2 Equipment Room temperature while CONTROL CHARGER 2CS in service. {3}

Enclosure 4.3 oP/2/Ai1 107/0 10 Removal And Restoration Page 3 of 3 Control Charger 2CA NOTE: Red Tags should be removed per appropriate R&R.

2.2 Restoration To Service:

2.2.1 AtMCC2XS1

A. Ensure closed 2XS1-F4A (2CA BATTERY CHGR BKR).


A. Close AC INPUT circuit breaker.

B. Verify off AC POWER FAILURE light.

C. Verify after 20-3 0 seconds DC OUTPUT volts meter indicates 131-140 Volts.

D. Close DC OUTPUT circuit breaker.

2.2.3 At MCC 2DCA:




A. Verify CONTROL CHARGER 2CA supplying load as indicated on DC OUTPUT amperes meter.




B. Open DC OUTPUT circuit breaker.

C. Open AC INPUT circuit breaker.

2.2.6 Delete note on Turnover Sheet concerning CONTROL CHARGER 2CS in service.



Secure The B DAC And Align For Standby Following A Loss Of IA.

Alternate Path:

Yes Facility JPM #:

New KIA Rating(s):

System: APE-065 KJA: AA1.04 Rating: 35*/34*

Task Standard:

Secure the B Diesel Air Compressor by procedure. After auto restart, determine that compressor operation is not required and take proper actions to secure the Diesel Air Compressor by procedure.

Preferred Evaluation Location: Preferred Evaluation Method:

Simulator In-Plant X Perform X Simulate


AP/2/AJ17001022 Loss Of Instrument Air OPIO/AI1 106/027 Compressed Air System Enclosure 4.35 Validation Time: 12 minutes Time Critical: NO Candidate: Time Start:

NAME Time Finish:

Performance Rating: SAT UNSAT Performance Time:




1. None

NLO-201 Ri Page 4 of 9 Tools/EguipmentlProcedures Needed:

OP/0/A/1 106/027 Enclosure 4.35 READ TO OPERATOR DIRECTION TO TRAINEE I will explain the initial conditions, and state the task to be performed. All control room steps shall be performed for this JPM, including any required communications. I will provide initiating cues and reports on other actions when directed by you. Ensure you indicate to me when you understand your assigned task. To indicate that you have completed your assigned task return the handout sheet I provided you.

INITIAL CONDITIONS Unit 2 is at 100%.

AP/2/AI1 700/022 was entered due to low IA pressure.

IA header pressure is currently 100 psig and stable.

It is desired to shutdown the B Diesel Air Compressor and align it for standby.

OP/OIA!1 106/027 Enclosure 4.35 is in progress and complete up to Step 4.4 INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO has directed you to continue with OP/0/A/1106/027 Enclosure 4.35 beginning at Step 4.4

NLO-201 RI Page 5 of 9 START TIME:

NOTE: Diesel Air Compressor Outlet Block valve must be closed slowly to prevent lifting the relief valve.

SAT STEP I: Step 4.4 Ensure closed SA-2945 (Diesel Air Compressor #1 Outlet Block).

(N. of Diesels) UNSAT STANDARD: Candidate simulates removing the blocking device (tie wrap) and ensures SA-2945 is in the closed position (handle perpendicular to the piping) while adhering to the Note above.

Candidate continues to Step 4.5.


STEP 2: Step 4.5 Ensure closed SA-2946 (Diesel Air Compressor #1 Blowdown).

(N. of Diesels) SAT STANDARD: Candidate ensures SA-2946 is in the closed position (handle perpendicular to the piping).

UNSAT Candidate continues to Step 4.6.


STEP 3: Step 4.6 Allow engine to run at No Load for 3 to 5 minutes.

SAT STANDARD: Candidate allows the B Diesel Air Compressor to operate at No Load for 3 to 5 minutes.

Candidate continues to Step 4.7. UNSAT Cue: Once the candidate has stated that he/she would allow the diesel to run for 3 to 5 minutes, inform him/her that 3 minutes have elapsed (time compression).


NLO-201 Ri Page 6 of 9 STEP 4: Step 4.7 Record Run Time meter reading to be entered in Autolog.

Run Time meter reading SAT STANDARD: Candidate records Run Time meter reading located in the diesel control panel and continues to Step 48. UNSAT Cue: The current Run Time meter reading may be used for this step.


STEP 5: Step 4.8 CRITICAL STEP Position B Diesel Service Air Compressor Engine Ignition switch to STOP. SAT STANDARD: Candidate locates the ignition switch in the B DAC control panel and simulates positioning the switch to STOP and verifies the B DAC is UNSAT shutdown by observing engine rpms.

Cue: Indicate to candidate that B DAC rpms are decreasing and indicate zero after ignition switch is positioned to STOP.


STEP 6: Step 4.9 CRITICAL STEP Ensure open SA-2945 (Diesel Air Compressor #1 Outlet Block).

(N. of Diesels) SAT STANDARD: Candidate ensures SA-2945 is open (horizontal to piping) and continues to Step 4.10. UNSAT COMMENTS:

NLO-201 Ri Page 7 of 9 ALTERNATE PATH CRITICAL STEP STEP 7: Step 4.10 SAT IF desired to align B Diesel Air Compressor for standby, perform the following:

4.10.1 Place Auto/Manual switch in AUTO. UNSAT 4.10.2 Place B Diesel Air Compressor Engine Ignition switch in ON.

4.10.3 IF the compressor automatically starts AND operation is NOT needed for system pressure control, perform the following:

A. Position B Diesel Air Compressor Engine switch to STOP.

B. Initiate Work Request to investigate cause of compressor start.

C. Contact supervisor for further direction.

STANDARD: Candidate simulates placing the Auto/Manual switch in AUTO (located in diesel control panel).

Candidate simulates placing the DAC ignition switch to ON (located in diesel control panel).

Cue: After the ignition switch is placed to the ON position, indicate to the candidate that DAC engine rpms indicate 1200 rpms.

Candidate determines that compressor operation is NOT needed for system pressure control and positions B DAC engine switch to STOP.

Cue: If the candidate has questions concerning whether or not DAC operation is required, inform him/her that Instrument Air Header pressure is 100 psig and stable.



NLO-201 Ri Page 8 of 9 CRITICAL STEP EXPLANATIONS STEP # Explanation 5 Step 5 is required to shutdown the B Diesel Air Compressor.

6 Step 6 is required to align the B Diesel Air Compressor for standby operation.

7 Step 7 is required to align the B Diesel Air Compressor for standby operation.


INITIAL CONDITIONS Unit 2 is at 100%.

AP/2/A11700/020 was entered due to low IA pressure.

IA header pressure is currently 100 psig and stable.

It is desired to shutdown the B Diesel Air Compressor and align it for standby.

OP/0/AIl 106/027 Enclosure 4.35 is in progress and complete up to Step 4.4 INITIATING CUES The Control Room SRO has directed you to continue with OP/0/AJ11O6/027 Enclosure 4.35 beginning at Step 4.4

Duke Energy Procedure No.

Oconee Nuclear Station 0P1O1A111061027 COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM Revision No.

104 Electronic Reference No.


  • * * * * * * * * *UNCONTROLLEDFORPRTNT* * * * * * * * * *


OP/O/A/1106/027 Page 2 of 7 Compressed Air System

1. Purpose To describe the proper method for operating the station air compressors, air dryers, and air receivers.
2. Limits And Precautions 2.1 When IA-27 17 (Radwaste Backup IA Supply Block Valve) is closed, notify Radwaste so they can evaluate backup IA resource availability.

2.2 Do NOT operate air compressors without cooling water.

2.3 Limit Primary IA Compressor HPSW outlet temperature to 118°F 2.4 Do NOT operate aftercoolers without cooling water.

2.5 A Fail To Shift Alarm on the IA Dryers should be investigated immediately.

2.6 If there is a High Dewpoint Alanxi on the IA Dryers, the Dryer should be monitored.

  • Jf the dewpoint continues to degrade, it is an indication of further problems and should be investigated.
  • If the Dryers performance degrades (dewpoint above -25 for the Primary IA Dryers or above -15 for the Backup IA Dryers), the Dryer should be removed from service.

2.7 Do NOT open Primary IA Compressor oil filler cap, plugs, or other components when the compressor is operating or the receiver is pressurized.

2.8 Closing HPSW-771 (Primary IA Comp Disch Block) also isolates cooling water to the Breathing Air Compressors and should NOT be done unless the BA System is NOT in operation.

2.9 Periodically during the operation of the Backup IA Compressors (Worthingtons), check Discharge Temperatures. If Backup IA Compressors Discharge Temperature 3 80°F, open RCW temperature control bypass valve as necessary to obtain Backup IA Compressors Discharge Temperature < 3 80°F.

2.10 Periodically during the operation of the Backup IA Compressors (Worthingtons), check RCW Outlet Temperature. The maximum RCW Outlet Temperature should remain < 150°F.

OP/O/A/1 106/027 Page 3 of 7 NOTE: The Backup 1A Compressor should trip at 425°F.

2.11 If maximum operating temperature of 425°F is reached on Backup Air Compressor, then shut down compressor.

2.12 When shifting the Backup IA Compressors from STD-BY I to BASE with the compressor operating, pause 3 seconds in the OFF position. This will allow motor current to die off preventing the Backup IA Compressor breaker from tripping. {3}

2.13 If any Service Air Drain Trap is found blowing down continuously, isolate it and blow down the upstream line once per day until the drain trap is repaired.

2.14 If work is required on Sullair Service Air Compressor Seperator or Discharge Traps and associated piping/valves, both Sullair Service Air Compressors should be shut down for personnel safety.

2. 15 For Sullair Service Air compressors, ensure oil level is normal before placing the compressor in service or in standby.

2.16 For Sullair Service Air compressors, RCW must be regulated to maintain a discharge temperature of 90°F to 100°F over the temperature of the air entering the compressor.

2.17 Do NOT use starting fluid on a Diesel Service Air Compressor unless it fails to start during an actual emergency. {2}

2.18 Diesel Service Air Compressor must be shut down and allowed to cool for at least 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> before adding fi.iel unless on operation per AP/2/AI1 700/022 (Loss of Instrument Air). {9}

2.19 There is a possibility a Diesel Service Air Compressor will Auto start whenever the ignition switch is placed in ON. Any of the following could cause the compressor to start:

  • loss of power to the Battery Charger
  • loss of communication between the Wedge controller module and the Auto Start controller module 2.20 Diesel Service Air Compressors have cold weather packages installed but these packages are not required for compressor operability when outside air temperatures are above 10°F.

These packages are thermostatically controlled and therefore the supply breakers are normally closed year round.

2.21 Isolating more than one IA Receiver at a time affects the ability of the Diesel Service Air Compressors to meet the intent of SLC 16.9.20 due to an increased rate of pressure decrease during a loss of air event.

OP/O/A/1 106/027 Page 4 of 7 2.22 SLC 16.9.20 (Diesel Driven Service Air Compressors) contains requirements for compressor operability. Per the SLC Commitment, in order for a compressor to be considered operable, it must be capable of automatically starting and supplying the IA system with sufficient air to maintain system pressure.

2.22.1 When a compressors Auto/Manual switch is in MANUAL, the compressor is INOPERABLE, even if the compressor is operating and tied to the header.

2.22.2 In order to satisfy the OPERABILITY requirement of automatically supplying the IA system, of the following must exist:

  • SA-141 (SA to IA Controller) is capable of opening automatically to supply IA
  • SA-143 (SA To IA Controller Bypass) must be open
  • Diesel Service Air Compressors must be aligned to the IA header via IA-322 I (Diesel SA To RW IA Supply Block).

2.22.3 If none of the conditions in Step 2.22.2 are met, all Diesel Service Air Compressors should be considered INOPERABLE. In this condition, manually starting a Diesel Service Air Compressor will still not satisfy the requirement to adequately supply the IA system; therefore, the following applicable Tech Specs must be entered:

  • All units in MODES 1, 2 and 3 with MS pressure 700 psig enter TS for Main and Startup FDW Control Valves. {15}
  • All units in MODES 1, 2 and 3 enter TS for SSF ASW System.
  • All units in MODES 1, 2 and 3 enter SLC for AOVs Required to Support SSF During SBO.

OP/O/A/1 106/027 Page 5 of 7

3. Procedure 3.1 During Normal Operation perform the following:

3.1.1 Ensure proper oil levels on compressors.

3.1.2 Ensure cooling water flow to compressors.

3.1.3 If Backup IA Compressors are operating, drain air receiver tanks at least once per shift.

3.1.4 Check differential pressure across the air filters and dryers.

3.1.5 Check header pressure.

3.1.6 Check for oil leaks around compressors.

3.1.7 Ensure LPSW to the Backup IA Compressor Aftercoolers.

3.2 Utilize the appropriate enclosure for the desired system operation.

4. Enclosures
4. 1 Compressed Air Reference Valve Checklist 4.2 Primary IA Compressor Startup 4.3 Primary IA Compressor Restart Following Trip 4.4 Primary IA Compressor HPSW Pressure Regulator Backwash 4.5 Primary IA Compressor Cooling Water Strainer Swap 4.6 Primary IA Compressor Discharge Temperature Adjustment 4.7 Primary TA Dryer/Filter Train Removal And Restoration 4.8 Primary IA Dryer/Filter Train Isolation For Alternate Power Aligment/Return To Nonnal 4.9 Primary IA Dryer/Filter High Differential Pressure Actions 4.10 Primary IA Compressor Enclosure Fan Swap 4.11 Backup IA Compressors Startup/Primary IA Compressor Shutdown 4.12 Backup IA Compressors Shutdown 4.13 Monitoring Backup IA Compressors for Degraded Perfonnance

OP/O/A/l 106/027 Page 6 of 7 4.14 Backup IA Compressors Alternate Cooling Water Supply Alignment And Return To Normal 4.15 Operation Of The Backup IA Compressors (Worthingtons) After Maintenance/

For Compressor Evaluation 4.16 Single Backup IA Compressor Evaluation 4.17 Backup IA Compressor Evaluation 4.18 Backup IA Compressor Periodic Runs 4.19 Backup IA Aftercooler Removal And Return To Service 4.20 Backup IA Aftercooler Moisture Separator Drain Traps Removal And Return To Service 4.21 Backup IA Dryer Prefilters Swap 4.22 A Backup IA Dryer Startup 4.23 B Backup IA Dryer Startup 4.24 Backup IA Dryer Purge Control 4.25 A Backup IA Dryer Shutdown 4.26 B Backup 1A Dryer Shutdown 4.27 Backup IA Receiver Blowdown 4.28 Sullair Service Air Compressor Operation 4.29 Sullair Service Air Compressors Swap 4.30 A Sullair Service Air Compressor Removal And Restoration 4.31 B Sullair Service Air Compressor Removal And Restoration 4.32 Service Air Header Periodic Blowdown 4.33 Service Air Receiver Draining 4.34 A Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {1}

4.35 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {1 }

4.36 Spare Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {1}

4.37 A Diesel Service Air Compressor Removal And Restoration

OP/O/A/1 106/027 Page 7 of?

4.38 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Removal And Restoration 4.39 Spare Diesel Service Air Compressor Removal And Restoration 4.40 Energizing And De-energizing A Diesel Service Air Compressor Block And Oil Pan Heaters 4.41 Energizing And De-energizing B Diesel Service Air Compressor Block And Oil Pan Heaters 4.42 Energizing And De-energizing Spare Diesel Service Air Compressor Block And Oil Pan Heaters 4.43 Diesel Service Air Compressors Alternate Alignment To instrument Air 4.44 Temporary Dryer Operation 4.45 Aligning 1A To RB While Containment Integrity Is Required 4.46 Operation Of IA Header During Degraded Conditions 4.47 Troubleshooting Service Air Header Components 4.48 Appendix

Enclosure 4.35 OP/O/A/1 106/027 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {1} Page 1 of 13

1. Initial Conditions Verify desired to start up OR shut down B Diesel Service Air Compressor.

Review Limits and Precautions.

Trip hazards exist in vicinity of Diesel Service Air Compressors.

Diesel Service Air Compressor must be shut down and allowed to cool for at least 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> before adding fuel. {9}

Compressor will shut off when fuel tank decreases to 1/4 full.

2. Procedure 2.1 Start B Diesel Service Air Compressor per Section 3 (B Diesel Service Air Compressor Startup).

Shut down B Diesel Service Air Compressor per Section 4 (B Diesel Service Air Compressor Shutdown).

2.3 Monitor B Diesel Service Air Compressor parameters every 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> per Section 5.

2.4 Refer to Section 6 for tasks to be perfonned once every shift.

Enclosure 435 OP/O/A/1 106/027 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {1} Page 2 of 13

3. B Diesel Service Air Compressor Startup NOTE: Steps 3.1 through 3.7 may be performed in any sequence.

3.1 Review SLC 16.9.20.

SRO 3.2 Verify B Diesel Service Air Compressor is connected to SA header.

3.3 Ensure battery switch in ON position. (Located above batteries to the right) 3.4 Perfonn the following:

3.4.1 Record ENGINE OIL level:

3.4.2 IF level is below ADD, OR more than 1/2 inch above FULL, perform the following: {20}

A. Notify CR SRO to declare compressor Inoperable.

B. IF removal from service results in <2 OPERABLE Diesel Service Air Compressors, perfon the following:

1. IF one required Diesel Service Compressor is INOPERABLE, enter SLC 16.9.20 Condition A.
2. IF two required Diesel Service Compressors are iNOPERABLE AND y unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3, perform the following for applicable units:
  • Enter SLC 16.9.20 Conditions A and B.
  • IF no Diesel Service Air Compressor is operating in manual, perform the following:

0 Enter SLC 16.10.9 Condition A.

O Enter TS 3.10.1 Conditions A, B, C, D, and E.

3. IF two required Diesel Service Compressors are INOPERABLE AND no Diesel Service Air Compressor is operating in manual AND py unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3 with MS header pressure 700 psig, enter TS 3.7.3 Conditions A and B for applicable units.
4. IF py Diesel Service Compressor is available, ensure one Diesel Service Compressor operating and aligned to SA header per appropriate enclosure.

Record Compressor in Operation:

Enclosure 4.35 OP/O/A/l 106/027 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {l} Page 3 of 13 C. Notify Engineering to evaluate compressor operability.

Person Notified Date D. Exit this enclosure.

NOTE: Compressor stanup may continue while Work Requests are being initiated.

3.4.3 IF level is between FULL and 1/2 inch above FULL, perform the following:

A. initiate El Work Request to drain oil to l/4 inch below FULL.

B. Initiate El Work Request for PM2 to analyze oil sample for contaminants.

3.5 Verif,i Reserve Oil Tank> 1/4 full. (East Side)


  • Sump Oil level should be in OVERFILLED region when cold.
  • The compressor oil sump foams after shutdown and takes a few minutes for solid level to appear. Eventually there will be a solid oil level with foam on top of it. Once the solid level is in the OIL LEVEL OK range in the sightglass, the compressor can be started.

3.6 Verify compressor sump oil level shows in sightglass. (Located on compressor sump at tongue end of compressor) 3.7 Verify Engine Coolant level shows in Surge Tank. (Rear Of Compressor) 3.8 Ensure jQ personnel IN or ON compressor unit.

3.9 Close side doors.

3.10 IF Emergency Stop switch is depressed, reset switch by twisting knob clockwise. (Located at west side of compressor) 3.11 Ensure B Diesel Service Air Compressor Auto/Start Enable switch in START ENABLE.

(Outside, Southeast of Turbine Building, Near KOU1)

Enclosure 4.35 QP/O/A/1 106/027 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {1} Page 4 of 13 3.12 IF removal from service will result in < 2 OPERABLE Diesel Service Air Compressors, perform the following:

3.12.1 IF one required Diesel Service Compressor will be INOPERABLE, enter SLC 16.9.20 Condition A.

3.12.2 IF two required Diesel Service Compressors will be INOPERABLE AND jy unit is in MODE 1, 2, or 3, perform the following for applicable units:

  • Enter SLC 16.9.20 Conditions A and B.
  • IF no Diesel Service Air Compressor is operating in manual, perform the following:

Enter SLC 16.10.9 Condition A.

0 Enter TS 3.10.1 Conditions A, B, C, D, and E.

3.12.3 IF two required Diesel Service Compressors will be INOPERABLE AND no Diesel Service Air Compressor is operating in manual AND y unit is in MODE 1, 2, 3 with MS header pressure 700 psig, enter TS 3.7.3 Conditions A and B for applicable units.

3.13 Ensure B Diesel Service Air Compressor Auto/Manual switch in MANUAL.

(Located on Diesel Control Panel)


  • Engine Ignition switch has 3 positions, STOP, ON and ENGINE START.
  • Engine Ignition switch must be ON to have panel indication. All warning lamps will illuminate briefly to test the lamps. The Low Engine Oil Pressure light and the Low Battery Voltage light will remain flashing until the engine is started.
  • Control panel display will display 1.73 followed by 9113 when Engine Ignition switch is turned to the ON position and then clear, if NO fault is present.
  • The LAMPS switch may be used to illuminate the panel for night operation.
  • There is a possibility a Diesel Service Air Compressor will Auto start whenever the ignition switch is placed in ON. Any of the following could cause the compressor to start:

0 low IA header pressure 0 loss of power to the Battery Charger 0 loss of communication between the Wedge controller module and the Auto Start controller module 3.14 Ensure B Diesel Service Air Compressor Engine Ignition switch in ON.

Enclosure 4.35 OP/O/A/1 106/027 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {1} Page 5 of 13 3.15 IF the compressor automatically starts AND operation is NOT needed for system pressure control, perform the following: { 11 }

3.15.1 Position B Diesel Service Air Compressor Engine Ignition switch to STOP.

3.15.2 Initiate Work Request to investigate cause of compressor start.

3.15.3 Contact supervisor for further direction.

3.16 Verify fuel level is adequate.

3.17 Verify Low Water Level alanu light is NOT lit.

3.18 Check control panel display for fault codes.

3.18.1 IFy fault code is displayed on control panel display, do NOT start compressor.

3.18.2 iF fault code 55 is displayed on control panel, perform the following:

A. Position B Diesel Service Air Compressor Engine Ignition switch to STOP.

B. IF desired, start another Diesel Service Air Compressor.

3.19 Ensure open SA-2963 (Diesel Air Compressor B Outlet Isolation)

CAUTION: The engine starter motor should NOT be operated for more than 10 seconds without allowing at least one minute cooling time between start attempts.

NOTE: If starting in cold weather, expect higher than normal oil pressure upon start of compressor.

3.20 Position B Diesel Service Air Compressor Engine Ignition switch to ENGINE START position until engine starts, then release.

3.21 IF engine does NOT start after 10 seconds of cranking, perform the following:

3.2 1.1 Position B Diesel Service Air Compressor Engine Ignition switch to STOP.

3.2 1.2 IF desired, after starter has cooled for at least 1 minute, begin new Enclosure 4.35 (B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation) to start compressor.

3.22 Check compressor sump oil level. (Located on compressor sump at tongue end of compressor) 3.23 IF oil level is NOT in OIL LEVEL OK range in sightglass, Go To Section 4 (B Diesel Service Air Compressor Shutdown) to secure compressor.

Enclosure 4.35 OP/O/A/1 106/027 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {l} Page 6 of 13 3.24 Record Run Time meter reading to be entered in Autolog.

Run Time meter reading:

CAUTION: When compressor loads initially, relief valve may briefly lift until pressure equalizes.



  • If being started for routine operation, engine should be allowed to warm for at least 3 minutes.
  • PRESSURE CONTROL button does NOT remain in depressed position.

3.25 After 3 minutes, depress PRESSURE CONTROL button to allow compressor to load fully.

3.26 IF relief valve lifts and does NOT reset after initial pressurization, perform the following:

NOTE: Step 3.26.1 may be repeated as required to reset relief valve.

3.26.1 Attempt to reset relief valve by performing the following: {17}

A. QUICKLY halfway open SA-2946 (Diesel Air Compressor #1 Blowdown).

(N of Diesels)

B. Slowly close SA-2946 (Diesel Air Compressor #1 Blowdown).

(N of Diesels) 3.26.2 IF relief will NOT reset, perform the following:

A. Position B Diesel Service Air Compressor Engine Ignition switch to STOP.

B. IF desired, begin new Enclosure 4.35 (B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation) to start compressor.

Enclosure 4.35 OP/O/A/1 106/027 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {1} Page 7 of 13 3.27 IF loaded operation of the B Diesel Service Air Compressor is desired while isolated from Service Air header, perform the following:

3.27.1 Ensure closed SA-2945 (Diesel Air Compressor #1 Block). (N of Diesels) 3.27.2 Perform one of the following:

NOTE: Do NOT use gauge on the Diesel Service Air Compressor control panel to monitor pressure.

Use the gauge next to SA-2963.

A. Throttle SA-2946 (Diesel Air Compressor #1 Blowdown) so that Diesel Service Air Compressor runs loaded while maintaining discharge pressure 105 psig or as directed. (N of Diesels)

B. IF being run for Maintenance, throttle SA-2946 (Diesel Air Compressor #1 Blowdown) as requested. (N of Diesels) 3.28 IF desired to supply Service Air header with B Diesel Service Air Compressor, ensure open SA-2945 (Diesel Air Compressor #1 Block). (N of Diesels) 3.29 Check compressor sump oil level.

3.30 iF oil level is NOT in OIL LEVEL OK range in sightglass, Go To Section 4 (B Diesel Service Air Compressor Shutdown) to secure Diesel Service Air Compressor.

3.31 Check Service Air header pressure.

3.32 IF B Diesel Service Air Compressor CANNOT maintain Service Air header pressure 105 psig, write a work request to have discharge pressure adjusted. {16}

Enclosure 4.35 OP/O/A/l 106/027 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {l} Page 8 of 13 3.33 IF desired to place Sullair Service Air Compressors in Standby, perfonu the following:

3.33.1 IF A Sullair Service Air Compressor operating, perform the following:

A. Place Mode Selector switch in MAN.

B. Depress STOP button.

C. Verify A Sullair Service Air Compressor stops.

D. Place Mode Selector switch in STBY.

3.33.2 IF B Sullair Service Air Compressor operating, perform the following:

A. Place Mode Selector switch in MAN.

B. Depress STOP button.

C. Verif B Sullair Service Air Compressor stops.

D. Place Mode Selector switch in STBY.

3.34 IF Sullair Service Air Compressors have been secured, perform the following:

3.34.1 Check Service Air header pressure.

3.34.2 IF B Diesel Service Air Compressor CANNOT maintain Service Air header pressure 105 psig, write a work request to have discharge pressure adjusted. { 16 }

NOTE: Step 3.35 may be performed at any time.

3.35 Enter Diesel Start and Run Time meter reading in Diesel Sublog under Unit 3 Control Room Autolog.

3.36 IF either IQ Filter indications show red in sightglass, ensure WR issued to repair.

(Located on left of control panel)

Enclosure 4.35 OP/O/A/1 106/027 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {1} Page 9 of 13 3.37 IF Diesel Service Air Compressor is to be operated for more than a shift, perform the following:

  • Make entry on Turnover Sheet to blow down Service Air header once per shift per Enclosure 4.32 (Service Air Header Periodic Blowdown).
  • Notify Garage (x-4088) to keep Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank supplied.

Person Notified Date 3.38 Perform Section 5 every 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> while Diesel Service Air Compressor is operating.

3.39 Perfonn Section 6 once per shift while Diesel Service Air Compressor is operating.

Enclosure 4.35 OP/O/A/1106/027 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {1} Page 10 of 13 N E: Diesel Service Air Compressor is inoperable per SLC 16.9.20 ify of the following exist:

Auto/Manual switch in MANUAL Battery switch in OFF

? Emergency Stop switch depressed 0 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Auto/Start Enable switch in REMOTE EMER STOP 0

(0 Engine Ignition switch in STOP Block valve closed

4. B Diesel Service Air Compressor Shutdown Review SLC 16.9.20.

IF desired to continue supplying Service Air with Diesel Service Air Compressor, start another compressor per appropriate enclosure.

il/A IF Sullair Service Air Compressor operation is desired, start compressor(s) per appropriate enclosure.

NOTE: Diesel Air Compressor Outlet Block valve must be closed slowly to prevent lifting the relief valve.

4.4 Ensure closed SA-2945 (Diesel Air Compressor #1 Outlet Block). (N of Diesels) 4.5 Ensure closed SA-2946 (Diesel Air Compressor #1 Blowdown). (N of Diesels) 4.6 Allow engine to run at No Load for 3 to 5 minutes.

4.7 Record Run Time meter reading to be entered in Autolog.

Run Time meter reading NOTE: When engine stops, the automatic blow-down valve will continue to relieve all pressure from the check valve to service air valve.

4.8 Position B Diesel Service Air Compressor Engine Ignition switch to STOP.

4.9 Ensure open SA-2945 (Diesel Air Compressor #1 Outlet Block). (N of Diesels)

Enclosure 4.35 OP/O/A/1 106/027 B Diesel Service Air Compressor Operation {1} Page 11 of 13 4.10 IF desired to align B Diesel Service Air Compressor for standby, perfonn the following:

4.10.1 Place Auto/Manual switch in AUTO.

NOTE: There is a possibility a Diesel Service Air Compressor will Auto start whenever the ignition switch is placed in ON. Any of the following could cause the compressor to start:

  • loss of power to the Battery Charger
  • loss of communication between the Wedge controller module and the Auto Start controller module 4.10.2 Place B Diesel Service Air Compressor Engine Ignition switch in ON.

4.10.3 IF the compressor automatically starts AND operation is NOT needed for system pressure control, perform the following: { 11 }

A. Position B Diesel Service Air Compressor Engine Ignition switch to STOP.

B. Initiate Work Request to investigate cause of compressor start.

C. Contact supervisor for further direction.

4.10.4 Perform the following:

  • Evaluate exiting SLC 16.9.20 Conditions A and B.


  • Evaluate exiting SLC 16.10.9 Condition A.


  • Evaluate exiting TS 3.10.1 Conditions A, B, C, D, and E.


  • Evaluate exiting TS 3.7.3 Conditions A and B.


  • Serious burn could occur from hot exhaust manifold when checking engine oil level.
  • Compressor discharge pressure should be 0 psig before checking diesel oil level to avoid being burned by hot oil when removing dip stick.
  • Diesel should be in MANUAL and OFF to replenish water and oil.
  • Diesel Service Air Compressor should be allowed to cool for at least 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> before adding fuel. {9}

4.11 IF y operating fluid other than fuel is low, initiate a Work Request to replenish operating fluids.

4.12 Enter time compressor shut down and Run Time meter reading in Diesel Sublog under Unit 3 Control Room Autolog.

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5. Perform the following every 6 hour6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />s:

Monitor the following parameters (and associated alarm lamps) during operation:

Parameter Values Engine speed: No Load 1200 rpm Full Load 1800rpm Discharge Air Pressure: {16} Mm 105 psig (with compressor loaded)

Discharge Air Temp: 220°F Max Engine Water Temperature: 21 5°F Max Engine Oil Pressure: Mm 15 psig Normal 35 - 40 psig Reserve Oil tank: Level visible in sightglass Diagnostic Auto Shutdown Lights: NOT lit Diesel Service Air Compressor Fuel level: 1/2 full

  • When fuel addition needed, shut down compressor and allow to cool for 1 hr prior to addition.
  • Compressor will shut off when fuel level decreases to 1/4 full.

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6. Perform the following once every shift:

NOTE: Substeps may be performed in any sequence or concuent1y.

6.1 Enter Discharge Temperature and Discharge Pressure in Diesel Sublog under Unit 3 Control Room Autolog.

6.2 Blow down Backup IA Receivers as follows:

  • Blow down IA-24 (A Air Receiver Drain) as follows: (T-1-L33)

LI Throttle IA-24 (A Air Receiver Drain).

LI WHEN moisture has been removed, close IA-24.

. Blow down 1A-28 (B Air Receiver Drain) as follows: (T-1-L33)

LI Throttle 1A-28 (B Air Receiver Drain).

LI WHEN moisture has been removed, close IA-28.

  • Blow down IA-32 (C Air Receiver Drain) as follows: (T-l-L34)

LI Throttle IA-32 (C Air Receiver Drain).

LI WHEN moisture has been removed, close IA-32.

NOTE: If there is excess amounts of moisture when blowing down SA-206, system engineer should be contacted.

6.3 IF Service Air and Instrument Air are cross-connected, blow down SA-206 (SA To IA Filters Drain) as follows: (T-1-K33)

LI Throttle SA-206 (SA To IA Filters Drain).

LI WHEN moisture has been removed, close SA-206.