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OL - FW: Updated OI List
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Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 11/24/2010
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
Download: ML103280242 (42)


WBN2Public Resource From: Poole, Justin Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 11:10 AM To: Crouch, William D Cc: WBN2HearingFile Resource


FW: Updated OI List Attachments: 20101124 Open Item List Master NRC Update 11-24-10.docx Justin C. Poole Project Manager NRR/DORL/LPWB U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (301)415-2048 email:

Original Message-----

From: Darbali, Samir Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 11:04 AM To: Poole, Justin Cc: Garg, Hukam; Wiebe, Joel


Updated OI List

Justin, Attached is the updated OI list to be sent out to TVA.
Thanks, Samir 1

Hearing Identifier: Watts_Bar_2_Operating_LA_Public Email Number: 197 Mail Envelope Properties (19D990B45D535548840D1118C451C74D7A49394CC4)


FW: Updated OI List Sent Date: 11/24/2010 11:10:11 AM Received Date: 11/24/2010 11:10:15 AM From: Poole, Justin Created By: Recipients:

"WBN2HearingFile Resource" <>

Tracking Status: None "Crouch, William D" <>

Tracking Status: None Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 396 11/24/2010 11:10:15 AM 20101124 Open Item List Master NRC Update 11-24-10.docx 400045 Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date:

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Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N 001 All All C B( The Watts Bar Nuclear Plant FSAR red-line for Unit 2 (Agency 12/15/2009 Presentation Slides Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 3/12/2010 NNC 11/19/09: The FSAR contains wide Documents Access and Management System Accession ML093230343 Item mostly description of the function that 002 All All C B( Are there I&C components and systems that have changed to a 12/15/2009 Presentation Slides Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 3/12/2010 NNC 11/19/09: The FSAR contains new or different digital technology without the change being ML093230343 Item mostly description of the function that 003 All All C B( Because a digital I&C platform can be configured and programmed 12/15/2009 Presentation Slides Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 3/12/2010 NNC 11/19/09: The FSAR contains for different applications the review process can be divided ML093230343 Item mostly description of the function that 004 All All C B( Please identify the information that will be submitted for each Responder: Webb 1/13/10 Public Meeting Y Closed Closed EICB RAI January 13, 2010 NNC 11/19/09: LIC-110 Rev. 1 Section unreviewed digital I&C system and component and the associated ML093230343 Item 6 2 2 states: "Design features and 005 B G

a( By letter date February 28, 2008 (Agencywide Documents Access Responder: Craig/Webb Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated and Management System (ADAMS) Accession Number ML093431118 Item 2/5/10 006 B G

a( Amendment 95 of the FSAR, Chapter 7.3, shows that change 7.3- By letter dated February 5, 2010: TVA provided the Unit 2 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated NNC: WCAP-12096 Rev. 7 1 consists of updating a reference from revision 5 to revision 7 and setpoint methodology (WCAP-177044-P Revision 0 - dated ML093431118 Item 2/5/10 (ML073460281) is in ADAMS 007 B G

a( The setpoint methodology has been reviewed and approved by the TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 7 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated TVA to provide Rev. 8 of the Unit 1 NRC staff in Section 7 1 3 1 of NUREG-0847 (ML072060490) on Page 7 of 15): TVA responded to this request for This item is reviewed in FSAR ML093431118 Item 3/12/10 document (which is the current one) if 008 7.3 B G

a( There are several staff positions that provide guidance on setpoint TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 8 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated methodology (e g Reg Guide 1 105 BTP 7-12 RIS-2006-17 and on Page 7 of 15): TVA responded to this request for ML093431118 Item 3/12/10 009 7.3.2 5.6, D a( Change 7.3-2, identified in Watts Bar Nuclear Plant FSAR red-line TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 9 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 3/12/10, 635 for Unit 2 (ADAMS Accession Number ML080770366) refers to on Page 8 of 15): TVA responded to this request for ML093431118 Item ML101680598 010 7.3 7.3 D a( The original SER on Watts Bar (NUREG-0847) documents that the TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 3/12/10, scope of the review of FSAR Section 7 3 Engineered Safety on Page 8 of 15): TVA responded to this request for ML093431118 Item ML101680598 011 7.3.2 5.6, D a( NUREG-0847 Supplement No. 2 Section 7.3.2 includes an TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 11 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI ML101680598, 635 evaluation of a change in containment sump level measurement on Page 13 of 15): TVA responded to this request for ML093431118 Item Item 9 012 7.4 7.4 D a( The original SER on Watts Bar (NUREG-0847) documents that the TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 12 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated scope of the review of FSAR Section 7 4 "Systems Required for on Page 13 of 15): TVA responded to this request for ML093431118 Item 3/12/10 013 B G

a( Chapter 7 and Chapter 16 of Amendment 95 to the FSAR do not TVA Letter Dated March 12, 2010 (Enclosure 1, Item No. 13 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated TS have been docketed.

include any setpoint values Please describe how and when on Page 14 of 15): TVA responded to this request for ML093431118 Item 3/12/10 014 All All C B( Provide the justification for any hardware and software changes Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated that have been made since the previous U S Nuclear Regulatory Responder: TVA Summary 4/27/10 015 B G

a( Verify that the refurbishment of the power range nuclear Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated instrumentation drawers resulted in only like-for-like replacements Responder: TVA Summary 4/27/10 016 B C(

ar Identify the precedents in license amendment requests (LARs), if Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated any for source range monitors or intermediate range monitors Responder: TVA Summary 4/27/10 017 7.3.1 7.3.1, D a( Identify precedents in LARs, if any, for the solid state protection Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated 555 system Also identify any hardware deviation from the precedent Summary 4/27/10 018 B G

a( Identify any changes made to any instrumentation and control Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated (I&C) system based on prior knowledge of failures Responder: TVA Summary 4/27/10 019 B G

a( Verify that the containment purge isolation radiation monitor is the Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated same as used in Watts Bar Unit 1 or identify any hardware Summary 4/27/10 020 B G

a( Provide environmental qualification information pursuant to Section Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated NNC 4/30/10: SRP Section 7.0 states:

50 49 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) for Responder: TVA Summary 4/27/10 "The organization responsible for the 021 7.3 B G

a( For the Foxboro Spec 200 platform, identify any changes in Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated The resolution of this item will be hardware from the precedent systems Provide the design report The resolution of this item will Summary 6/18/10 covered by OI#288 022 7.3.2 5.6, D a( Verify the auxiliary feedwater control refurbishment results in a Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated 635 like-for-like replacement and identify any changes from the Summary 4/27/10 023 B G

a( Provide environmental qualification (10 CFR 50.49) information for Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated NNC 4/30/10: SRP Section 7.0 states:

safety-related control transmitters and complete the deviation Responder: TVA Summary 4/27/10 "The organization responsible for the 024 B C

a( Provide a schedule by the January 13, 2010, meeting for providing During the January 13, 2010 meeting, TVA presented a Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting N/A - Request for NNC 4/30/10: Carte to address information in accordance with I&C Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) 6 schedule for completing various documents for the PAMS Summary schedule response with respect to PAMS and 025 7.5.2 7.5.1 B S

in( For the containment radiation high radiation monitor, verify that the Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting ML101230248, information provided by TVA is consistent with the information Summary Item 12 026 B G

a( Provide environmental qualification (10 CFR 50.49) information for Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated NNC 4/30/10: SRP Section 7.0 states:

safety-related monitoring transmitters Responder: TVA Summary 4/27/10 "The organization responsible for the 027 B C

a( For Foxboro I/A provide information regarding safety/non-safety- Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated related interaction common cause failures and communication Responder: TVA Summary 4/27/10 028 B G

a( For the turbine control AEH system, verify that the refurbishment Responder: Mark Scansen Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated results in a like-for-like replacement Date: 4/27/10 Summary 10/5/10 029 B C

a( For the rod control system, verify that the refurbishment results in a Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated like-for-like replacement Responder: TVA Summary 4/27/10

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N 030 B G

a( Regarding the refurbishment of I&C equipment, identify any Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated component digital upgrades and if so provide the supporting Summary 10/5/10 031 B C

a( For the rod position indication system (CERPI), provide information Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated CERPI is non-safety related.

in accordance with ISG 4 Need to consider cyber-security issues Responder: TVA Summary 4/27/10 Note: The issue of interlock with rod 032 B C

a( For the process computer, need to consider cyber security issues Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated EICB will no longer consider cyber and emergency response data system needs Responder: TVA Summary 4/27/10 issues 033 B C

a( For the loose parts monitoring system, provide information Date: 4/27/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated The loose parts monitoring system is regarding interactions with safety related equipment Responder: TVA Summary 4/27/10 not connected to any other system 034 B G

a( 2/4/2010 Responder: TVA Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated Awaiting NRC evaluation of 4/27/10 034.1 a r

g Chapter 7.1 - Introduction Y Close Closed N/A N/A Reactor Coolant System Flow Rate Measurement 034.2 B G

a( Chapter 7.2 - Reactor Trip System Y Close Closed N/A N/A Deletion of Neutron Flux Negative Rate Trip 034.3 7.3 7.3 D a( Chapter 7.3 - ESFAS Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Design Basis Analysis Parameters 034.4 7.5.2 M a(

r Chapter 7.5 - Instrumentation Systems Important to Safety Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Closed Plant Process Computer Replacement 034.5 7.5.2 a r

c Chapter 7.6 - All Other Systems Required for Safety Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Closed 761 767 Plant Process Computer Replacement 034.6 in g


/ Chapter 7.7 Control Systems Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Alternate Means for Monitoring Control or Shutdown 035 B S

in( 2/18/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed RAI No. 1 TVA Letter dated LIC-110 Section 6.2.2 states: Design ML102980005 3/12/10 features and administrative programs 036 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( February 18, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting NNC: Unit 2 FSAR Section 7.5.1, Post Responder: Clark Summary Accident Monitoring Instrumentation 037 7.5.2 M a(

r 2/18/2010 Responder: Clark Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated FSAR Amendment 100 provides 09/16/10 10/5/10 information 038 7.5.2 M a(

r 2/18/2010 Responder: Clark Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated The slides presented at the December ML102861885 10/5/10 15 2010 meeting (ML093520967) 039 B G

a( January 13, 2010 Responder: Clark Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI FSAR amendment The equation for the calculation of the ML102910008 98 estimated average hot leg temperature 040 B G

a( January 13, 2010 Responder: Clark Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI EICB RAI FSAR amendment The equation for the calculation of the ML102910008 98 power fraction on page 7 2-14 of 041 7.5.2 7.5.1 2/19/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated See also Open Item Nos. 226 & 270.

EICB (Carte)

Summary NRC 6/18/10 Please provide the following Westinghouse documents: Items (1) and (2) were docketed by TVA letter dated April 8, Partial Response is included in Due: Meeting Summary (1) WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rev. 1, "PAMS System Requirements 2010. letter dated 10/5/10. (3) 12/3/10 ML093560019, Item TVA Letter dated Specification" The SysRS and SRS (4) 12/10/10 No. 11 10/5/10 (2) WNA-DS-01667-WBT Rev. 0, "PAMS System Design Item (3) will be addressed by Revision 2 of the Licensing incorporate requirements from Specification" Technical Report. Due 12/3/10 many other documents by TVA to docket (3) WNA-CD-00018-GEN Rev. 3, "CGD for QNX version 4.5g" reference. information indentified Please provide the following Westinghouse documents or pointers Item (4) will be addressed by Westinghouse developing a in ISG6.

to where the material was reviewed and approved in the CQ TR or WBN2 Specific Test Plan to compensate for the fact that the NNC 8/25/10: (3) An earlier SPM: NRC disapproved WNA-PT-00058-GEN during the original version of this report was (4) WNA-PT-00058-GEN Rev. 0, "Testing Process for Common Q Common Q review. Due 12/7/10 docketed for the Common Q Safety systems" topical report; therefore, there (5) WNA-TP-00357-GEN Rev. 4, "Element Software Test Item (5) Procedures that are listed in the SPM compliance should be no problem to docket Procedure" table in the Licensing Technical Report revision 1 supersede this version. (4) Per that test procedure WNA-TP-00357-GEN.Due 10/22/10 ML091560352, the testing process document does not address the test plan requirements of the SPM.

Please provide a test plan that implements the requirements of the SPM.

042 All All C B( February 25, 2010: Telecom Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated The drawing provided did not have the Responder: Clark ML102910002 6/18/10 identification numbers as in the FSAR

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N 043 7.5.2 7.5.1 2/19/2010 Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 N Open Open-NRC Review EICB RAI TVA Letter dated NNC 8/25/10: A CQ PAMS ISG6 EICB (Carte)

ML102910002 2/5/10 compliance matrix was docketed on: (1)

The PAMS ISG6 compliance matrix supplied as Enclosure 1 to The PAMS ISG6 compliance matrix supplied as Enclosure 1 Response is included in letter Due 12/1/10 Item No. 2 February, 5 12010, (2) March 12, 2010, TVA letter dated February 5, 2010 is a first draft of the information to TVA letter dated February 5, 2010 is a first draft of the dated 10/5/10. TVA Letter dated & (3) June 18, 2010. The staff has needed. The shortcomings of the first three lines in the matrix are: information needed. 5/12/10 expressed issued with all of these Revised compliance matrix is compliance evaluations. The staff is still Line 1: Section 11 of the Common Q topical report did include a By letter dated April 8, 2010 TVA provided the PAMS unacceptable. TVA Letter dated waiting for a good compliance commercial grade dedication program, but this program was not Licensing Technical Report provided additional information. 6/18/10 evaluation.

approved in the associated SE. Westinghouse stated that this was NNC 8/12/10: It is not quite the program and it could now be reviewed. The NRC stated that Attachment 3 contains the revised Common Q PAMS ISG-6 enough to provide all of the TVA Letter dated NNC 11/23/10: WNA-LI-00045-WT-P TVA should identified what they believe was previously reviewed Compliance Matrix, dated June 11, 2010, that addresses documents requested. There 10/5/10 Rev. 1 Section 7 does not include the and approved. these items (Reference 13). are two possible routes to RSED documents, and it should. Table review that the NRC can 6-1 Item No. 15 should also include the Line 2: TVA stated the D3 analysis was not applicable to PAMS, By letter Dated June 18, 2010 (see Attachment 3) TVA undertake: (1) follow ISG6, and RSED RTMs.

but provided no justification. The NRC asked for justification since provided a table, "Watts Bar 2 - Common Q PAMS ISG-6 (2) follow the CQ SPM. The SRP Chapter 7.5 identified SRM to SECV-93-087 Item II.Q as Compliance Matrix." TVA response that was being SRP acceptance criteria for PAMS. originally pursued was to follow It is TVAs understanding that this comment is focused on ISG6, but some of the Line 3: TVA identified that the Design report for computer integrity the fact that there are documents that NRC has requested compliance items for ISG6 were was completed as part of the common Q topical report. The NRC that are currently listed as being available for audit at the addressed by referencing the noted that this report is applicable for a system in a plant, and the Westinghouse offices. For those Common Q PAMS SPM. The NRC approved the CQ topical report did no specifically address this PAMS system at documents that are TVA deliverable documents from CQ TR and associated SPM; it Watts Bar Unit 2. Westinghouse, TVA has agreed to provide those to NRC. may be more appropriate to Westinghouse documents that are not deliverable to TVA will review the WBN2 PAMS NRC then concluded that TVA should go through and provide a be available for audit as application to for adherence to more complete and thorough compliance matrix. stated above. Requirements Traceability Matrix issues will the SPM that to ISG6. In either be tracked under NRC RAI Matrix Items 142 (Software path chosen, the applicant Requirements Specification) and 145 (System Design should provide documents and a Specification). Commercial Item Dedication issues will be justification for the acceptability tracked under NRC RAI Matrix Item 138. This item is of any deviation from the path considered closed. chosen. For example, it appears that the Westinghouse's CDIs are commercial grade dedication plans, but Westinghouse maintains that they are commercial grade dedication reports; this apparent deviation should be justified or explained.

044 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( February 25, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Responder: Clark ML102910002 6/18/10 045 B C

a( February 25, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Responder: Clark ML102910002 7/30/10 046 B C

a( February 25, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A - Request for N/A Responder: Clark help finding 047 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( 4/8/2010 Responder: WEC/Hilmes Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910002 7/30/10 048 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( April 8, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Responder: WEC ML102910002 6/18/10 049 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( 4/8/2010 Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910002 6/18/10 050 7.5.2 7.5.1 4/8/2010 Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 N Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB RAI TVA Letter dated NNC 11/18/10: SysRS Rev. 2 contains EICB (Carte)

ML102910002 6/18/10 several Reference 8, however, How should the "shall" statements outside of the bracketed These sections are descriptive text and not requirements. TVA response is inconsistent Due___________ Item No. 8 Reference 8 has been deleted.

requirements in Common Q requirements documents be The next revision of the Watts Bar Unit 2 PAMS System (e.g., WNA-DS-01667-WBT Discuss at 11/22 phone TVA Letter dated interpreted? Requirements Specification will remove shall from the Rev. 1 page 1-1, Section 1.3.1 call. 10/29/10 wording in those sections. A date for completing the next implies that "SysRS Section Enclosure 1 Item revision of the System Requirements Specification will be ###" has requirements. See No. 1

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N provided no later than August 31, 2010. also SDS4.4.2.1-1 on page 4-32).

The System Requirements Specification will be revised by September 30, 2010 and submitted within two of receipt from Is there a requirement on the Westinghouse. shall referenced above??

TVA Revised Response Response is provided in letter dated 10/29/10.

Shall statements within the scope of the System Requirements Specification (SysRS) and System Design TVA Revised Response in TVA Specification (SysDS) were reviewed by Westinghouse. The Letter dated 10/29/10 Enclosure statements were either relocated to the numbered 1 Item No. 1 is Acceptable requirements section or the wording was changed to identify that it was not a requirement. This item is resolved by NNC 11/18/10: Revised submittal of revision 2 of the SysRS and the SysDS Response is not a statement of (attachments 7 and 8 of TVA Letter to NRC dated 10/25/10). fact. SysRS Rev. 2 (i.e., WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rev. 2) contains many shalls that are not within numbered requirements sections, for example:

(1) Page 2-1, Section 2.3.1 -

See guidance statement (2) Page 2-10, top of page 1 -

See guidance statement 051 B G

a( April 15, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Review addressed by another Open Responder: Craig/Webb Item 052 7.5.2 7.5.1 B S

in( April 19, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed RAI No. 12 Responder: Slifer ML102980005 053 7.5.2 7.5.1 B S

in( April 19, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed RAI No. 13 Responder: Slifer ML102980005 054 7.5.2 7.5.1 B S

in( 4/19/2010 Responder: Slifer/Clark Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed RAI No. 14 TVA Letter dated

-Response acceptable ML102980005 6/18/10 055 7.5.2 7.5.1 B S

in( 4/19/2010 Responder: Slifer/Clark Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed RAI No. 15 TVA Letter dated

-Response acceptable ML102980005 6/18/10 056 B S

in( April 19, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed RAI No. 16 TVA Letter dated Sorrento Radiation Monitoring Responder: Slifer ML102980005 6/18/10 057 7.5.2 7.5.1 B S

in( 4/19/2010 Responder: TVA I&C Staff Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed RAI No. 17 TVA Letter dated ML102980005 6/18/10 058 7.5.0 7.5 B S

in( April 19, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed RAI No. 18 TVA Letter dated Responder: Slifer ML102980005 6/18/10 059 7.5.2 7.5.1 B S

in( April 19, 2010 Date: Y Closed Closed RAI No. 19 TVA Letter dated Responder: Slifer ML102980005 6/18/10 060 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( April 19, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Addressed by Open Item No. 47 Responder: Clark 061 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( April 19, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Addressed by Open Item No. 48 Responder: Clark 062 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( April 19, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Addressed by Open Item No. 49 Responder: Clark 063 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( April 19, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Addressed by Open Item No. 50 Responder: Clark 064 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: Webb Date: 4/8/2010 Y Closed Closed N/A - No question TVA Letter dated date for the D3 Analysis was April 2 2010 was asked Item 10/5/10 065 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A - No question TVA Letter dated date for the FMEA was August 31 2010 was asked Item 10/5/10 066 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A - No question TVA Letter dated date for the "Watts Bar 2 PAMS Software Design Description (two was asked Item 6/18/10 067 7.5.2 7.5.1 By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 N Open Open-TVA/WEC N/A - No question TVA Letter dated


C a

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N date for the "Commercial Grade Dedication Instructions for AI687, was asked. Item 6/18/10 AI688, Upgraded PC node box and flat panels." was September The following status is from the revised WB2 Common Q This item is addressed in Rev. 2 Due 12/3/10 was opened to track 28, 2010. PAMS ISG-6 Compliance Matrix submitted in response to of the Licensing Technical comm8ittment Item 43: Report made by applicant.

a. AI687, AI688 - Scheduled for September 28, 2010
b. Upgraded PC node box and flat panel displays - Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2024 (Reference 7), these items are available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.
c. Power supplies - Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2035 (Reference 12), these items are available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.

To be addressed during 9/20-9/21 audit 068 7.5.2 7.5.1 By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 N Open Open-TVA/WEC N/A - No question TVA Letter dated EICB (Carte) date for the "Summary Report on acceptance of AI687, AI688, was asked. Item 6/18/10 Upgraded PC node box, flat panels, and power supplies." was The following status is from the revised WB2 Common Q This item is addressed in Rev. 2 Due 12/3/10 was opened to track September 28, 2010. PAMS ISG-6 Compliance Matrix submitted in response to of the Licensing Technical comm8ittment Item 43: Report made by applicant.

a. AI687, AI688 - Scheduled for September 28, 2010
b. Upgraded PC node box - Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2024 (Reference 7), this item is available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.
c. Flat panel displays - Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2024 (Reference 7), this item is available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.
d. Power supplies - Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2035 (Reference 12), these items are available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.

To be addressed during 9/20-9/21 audit 069 7.5.2 7.5.1 By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 N Open Open-TVA/WEC N/A - No question N/A EICB date for the "Watts Bar 2 PAMS Specific FAT Report" was October was asked. Item (Carte) 2010. Awaiting for document to be Due 2/18/11 was opened to track docketed by TVA. comm8ittment made by applicant.

070 7.5.2 7.5.1 By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 N Open Open-TVA/WEC N/A - No question TVA Letter dated NNC 11/23/10: The dues date in this EICB (Carte) date for the "Concept and Definition Phase V&V Report" was was asked. Item 6/18/10 open item does not agree with the due March 31, 2010. Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-1961, this document is Partial Response is included in Due 12/17/10 was opened to track dated in Open Item No. 71.

available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office. letter dated 10/5/10. comm8ittment TVA Letter dated made by applicant. 8/20/10 WNA-VR- 00283-WBT, Rev 0 was submitted on TVA letter Regulations require that the to the NRC dated August 20, 2010. NRC review be based on TVA Letter dated docketed material. Awaiting for 10/5/10 The submitted V&V did not address the Requirements document to be docketed by Traceability Matrix and did not summarize anomalies. At the TVA.

September 15th public meeting, Westinghouse agreed to include the Concept and Definitions Phase Requirements NNC 8/25/10: Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) in the next IV&V report along with Phase SVVR provided by TVA

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N partial Design Phase updates to the RTM. letter dated 8/20/10.

TVA Revised Response: NNC 11/23/10: The TVA submitted WNA-VR- 00283-WBT, Rev 0 to NRC in requirements Phase SVVR letter dated August 20, 2010 provided by TVA on 8/20/10, is (Reference 6). not complete. This report The next Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) should address the RTM, which report will include the Design it did not. TVA/WEC agreed to Phase Requirements Traceability Matrix. The Design Phase address the concept phase RTM IV&V Report will be submitted in the next revision.

to NRC by February 11, 2011.

071 7.5.2 7.5.1 By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 N Open Open-TVA/WEC N/A - No question N/A NNC 11/23/10: The dues date in this EICB date for Revision 2 of the I V&V Report" covering the Design and was asked. Item open item does not agree with the due (Carte) Implementation phases was July 30, 2010. Awaiting for document to be Due 12/10/10 was opened to track dated in Open Item No. 70.

docketed by TVA. commitment made by applicant.

072 7.5.2 7.5.1 By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 N Closed Closed N/A - No question N/A EICB (Carte) date for the "Implementation Phase V&V Report" was September to item 71. Per WEC, was asked. Item 30, 2010. Awaiting for document to be the design and was opened to track docketed by TVA. implementation phase commitment made IV&V reports are by applicant.


073 7.5.2 7.5.1 By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 N Open Open-TVA/WEC N/A - No question N/A EICB date for Revision 3 of the IV&V Report covering the Integration was asked. Item (Carte) phase was October 29, 2010. Awaiting for document to be Due 12/22/10 was opened to track docketed by TVA. commitment made by applicant.

074 7.5.2 7.5.1 By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 N Open Open-TVA/WEC N/A - No question N/A EICB date for the Post FAT IV&V Phase Summary Report was was asked. Item (Carte) November 30, 2010. TVA to provide due date. Due 2/21/11 was opened to track commitment made by applicant.

075 7.5.2 7.5.1 By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 N Open Open-TVA/WEC N/A - No question N/A EICB date for the "Watts Bar 2 PAMS Specific FAT Procedure" was was asked. Item (Carte) September 30, 2010. Awaiting for document to be Due 12/3/10 was opened to track docketed by TVA. commitment made by applicant.

076 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: Clark Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A - No question N/A date for the "Watts Bar 2 PAMS Specific Processor Module was asked Item 077 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A - No question TVA Letter dated date for seven other documents was "TDB" Please provide a was asked Item 6/18/10 078 B G

a( 4/26/2010 Responder: Clark Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/5/10 079 B G

a( 4/26/2010 Responder: Clark Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Reviewed under Item 154 ML102910008 10/5/10 080 B S

in( 4/26/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed RAI No. 2 TVA Letter dated ML102980005 7/30/10 081 7.5.2 7.5.1 5/6/2010 Responder: Merten/WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB (Carte)

ML102910002 6/18/10 The PAMS Licensing Technical Report (WNA-LI-00058-WBT Rev. The codes and standards documents listed in Section 7 of ML101600092 Item No.1: There Due 12/22/10 Item No. 9 0, Dated April 2010), in Section 7, lists codes and standards the Common Q PAMS Licensing Technical Report are the are three sets of regulatory applicable to the Common Q PAMS. This list contains references documents that the Common Q platform was licensed to criteria that relate to a Common TVA to provide to old revisions of several regulatory documents, for example: when the NRC approved the original topical report and Q application (e.g. WBN2 requested information.

(1) RG 1.29 - September 1978 vs. March 2007 issued the approved SER. The WBN Unit 2 Common Q PAMS):

(2) RG 1.53 - June 1973 vs. November 2003 PAMS is designed in accordance with the approved (a) Common Q platform (a) IEEE 379-1994 vs. -2000 Common Q topical report and approved SER and the codes components - Common Q TR

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N (3) RG 1.75 - September 1975 vs. February 2005 and standards on which the SER was based. Since the (b) Application Development (a) IEEE 384-1992 vs. -1992 current versions referenced are not applicable to WBN Unit Processes - Common Q SPM (4) RG 1.100 - June 1988 vs. September 2009 2, there is no basis for a comparison review. (c) Application Specific - current (a) IEEE 344-1987 vs. -2004 regulatory criteria (5) RG 1.152 - January 1996 vs. January 2006 Bechtel to develop a matrix and work with Westinghouse to The Common Q Topical Report (a) IEEE 7-4.33.2-1993 vs. -2003 provide justification. and associated appendices (6) RG 1.168 - September 1997 vs. February 2004 primarily addressed (a) and (b).

(a) IEEE 1012-1986 vs. -1998 The Common Q SER states:

(b) IEEE 1028-1988 vs. -1997 (7) IEEE 279-1991 vs. 603-1991 Appendix 1, Post Accident (8) IEEE 323-1983 vs. -1974 (RG 1.89 Rev. 1 June 1984 Monitoring Systems, provides endorses 323-1974) the functional requirements and However, LIC-110, "Watts Bar Unit 2 License Application Review," conceptual design approach for states: "Design features and administrative programs that are upgrading an existing PAMS unique to Unit 2 should then be reviewed in accordance with the based on Common Q current staff positions." Please identify all differences between the components (page 58, Section versions referenced and the current staff positions. Please provide, Description)On the a justification for the acceptability PAMS with respect to these basis of the above review, the differences. staff concludes that Appendix 1 does not contain sufficient information to establish the generic acceptability of the proposed PAMS design (page 56, Section, PAMS Evaluation)

The NRC did not approve the proposed PAMS design.

Section 6, References, and Section 7, Codes and Standards Applicable to the Common Q PAMS, of the PAMS Licensing Technical Report contain items that are not the current regulatory criteria.

Please provide an explanation of how the WBN2 PAMS conforms with the application specific regulatory criteria applicable to the WBN2 PAMS design. For example IEEE Std.

603-1991 Clause 5.6.3, Independence Between Safety Systems and Other Systems, and Clause 6.3, Interaction Between the Sense and Command Features and Other Systems, contain application specific requirements that must be addressed by a PAMS system.

Awaiting TVA Response.

082 7.5.2 7.5.1 EICB 5/6/2010 Responder: WEC Date: 6/18/10 N Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB RAI TVA Letter dated NNC 11/18/10: See also Open Item No.

(Carte ML102910002 7/30/10 41, Item No. 3.


The PAMS Licensing Technical Report (WNA-LI-00058-WBT Rev. These components can be found in the Summary Regulations require that the Due 12/3/10 Item No. 10

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N 0, Dated April 2010), in Section 2.3, lists hardware/software Qualification Report Of Hardware Testing For Common Q NRC review be based on changes to the Common Q PAMS previously reviewed by the Applications, 00000-ICE-37764, Rev 3 and docketed material. Awaiting for Commercial Grade NRC. However the Common Q ISG-6 Compliance Matrix does not TWICE Qualification Status Report, WNAQR-00011-SSP document to be docketed by Dedication to be contain activities that address qualification of all changes Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2024, (Reference __) dated TVA. addressed in LTR Rev.

specifically: June 9, 2010, these documents are available for audit at the 2, Westinghouse Rockville Office. NNC 8/9/10: per telephone conversation on 8/5/10, it is not TVA provided information by letter dated July 30, 2010 clear how Westinghouse (ML102160349) - See Enclosure 1 Item No. 7. Commercial Grade Dedication Plans and Reports for Digital Revision 1 of the Licensing Technical Report provides I&C. Westinghouse agree to additional detail on the platform specific to WBN2 and present to the NRC in a public references to the evaluation documentation. meeting on August 17, 2010, and explanation of how their system addresses regulatory criteria for both commercial grade dedication and equipment qualification.

NNC 8/25/10: In the August 17, 2010 public meeting Westinghouse stated that the CDI were the plans. The NRC requested that the plans and associated reports be docketed.

NNC 11/18/10: During the September 20-21, 2010 audit, TVA agreed to put a description of the commercial grade dedication program and implementation in Rev. 2 of the CQ PAMS LTR.

083 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C

a( May 6, 2010 Date: 6/18/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Responder: WEC ML102910002 7/30/10 084 7.5.2 7.5.1 B C(

ar May 6, 2010 Date: 6/18/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Responder: Clark ML102910002 6/18/10 085 7.5.2 7.5.1 5/6/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB RAI EICB (Carte)

ML102910002 Please provide a detailed description of the PAMS MTP data link Is the WEC ISG4 evaluation inadequate? A response will be provided by Due 12/3/10 Item No. 13 to the plant computer. This description should identify all 10/31/10 equipment (model & version) and describe the functions that each Operation of the MTP as a barrier device. MTP Fails as a Hardware is in Rev. 1 piece of equipment performs. This description should be of barrier device. Describe what prevents a MTP failure from NNC 8/11/10: Design of the Licensing sufficient detail for the NRC to independently evaluate the propagating to the AC160? information should be available Technical Report due statements made in WNA-LI-00058-WBT Rev. 0, Section 5.3. now. By letter dated July 30, 10/22.

Node loss on the bus? Bus loss? 2010 (ML102160349) TVA stated that the MTP was NNC 8/25/10:

Revise the ISG4 section of the Licensing Technical Report connected to a Red Hat Linux Disagree with path (Rev. 2) to provide a more detailed description of the MTP as Server (see Enclosure 1, Item forward input by TVA a barrier device. No. 14 part b.). It is presumed above. An explanation that this server is not safety- is about the design is related. IEEE 603-1991 Clause needed.

5.6.3(1) states, "Isolation devices used to affect a safety FAT test procedure to system boundary shall be include data storm classified as part of the safety testing of the MTP system." interface

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N Please describe how the MTP NNC 11/18/10: WEC serves as the isolation device. response states that CQ PAMS LTR Rev. 2 will contain relevant information.

086 7.5.2 7.5.1 5/6/2010 Responder: WEC Date: 5/24/10 N Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB (Carte)

ML102910002 6/18/10 The PAMS Licensing Technical Report (WNA-LI-00058-WBT Rev. The regulatory documents listed in the Common Q PAMS TVA to address with item OI Due 12/22/10 Item No. 14 0, Dated April 2010), in Section 6, lists references applicable to the Licensing Technical Report are the documents that the 81.

Common Q PAMS. This list contains references to old revisions of Common Q platform was licensed to when the NRC several regulatory documents, for example: approved the original topical report and issued the approved (1) DI&C-ISG04 - Rev. 0 (ML072540138) vs. Rev. 1 SER. The WBN Unit 2 Common Q PAMS is designed in (ML083310185) accordance with the approved Common Q topical report and However, LIC-110, "Watts Bar Unit 2 License Application Review," approved SER and the regulatory documents on which the states: "Design features and administrative programs that are SER was based. Since the current versions referenced are unique to Unit 2 should then be reviewed in accordance with the not applicable to WBN Unit 2, there is no basis for a current staff positions." Please identify all differences between the comparison review.

versions referenced and the current staff positions. Please provide a justification for the acceptability PAMS with respect to these Rev 0 of the Licensing Technical Report references Rev. 1 of differences. ISG4 087 7.5.2 7.5.1 B S

in( May 6, 2010 Date: 5/24/10 Y Closed Closed RAI No. 20 TVA Letter dated Responder: Slifer ML102980005 6/18/10 088 7.5.2 7.5.1 (SB in May 6, 2010 Date: 5/24/10 Y Closed Closed RAI No. 21 TVA Letter dated Responder: Slifer ML102980005 6/18/10 089 B C

a( 5/6/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated NNC: Docketed response states that ML102910002 3/12/10 the applicable FSAR Sections are:

090 B C

a( 5/6/2010 Responder: Clark Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910002 3/12/10 091 7.4 7.4 D a( May 20, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.1 TVA Letter dated Responder: Clark ML102910017 6/18/10 092 5/20/2010 Responder: Hilmes Y Open Open-TVA DORL (Poole)

TVA to review Licensee Open Item list and determine which items This item will close when we are no longer using this Due: SER Issue are proprietary. document as a communications tool.

Continuous review as items are added 093 B G

a( May 20, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Will be reviewed under item 154 Responder: Knuettel 094 B G

a( 5/20/2010 Responder: Clark Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Information was found in FSAR 095 7.8.1, XX D a( May 20, 2010 Date: Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No. 2 TVA Letter dated 784 Responder: ML102910017 7/30/10 096 7.7.5 XX D a( 5/20/2010 Responder: Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.3 TVA Letter dated ML102910017 7/30/10 097 7.4.2 7.4 D a( May 20, 2010 Date: Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.4 TVA Letter dated Responder: ML102910017 7/30/10 098 7.4.2 7.4 D a( May 25, 2010 Date: Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.5 TVA Letter dated Responder: ML102910017 7/30/10 099 R L

(B April 12, 2010 Date: Y Closed Closed Closed to Item 129 Responder: WEC ail 100 B C

a( 5/20/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - No question N/A was asked Item 101 4/12/2010 Responder: Slifer Y Open Open-NRC Review N/A TVA is working with the vendor to meet DORL the 6/30 date, however there is the (Poole) The non-proprietary versions of the following RM-1000, The documents, and affidavits for withholding for the listed Documents provided in letter Due 10/14/10 potential this will slip to 7/14.

Containment High Range Post Accident Radiation Monitor documents were submitted to the NRC on TVA letter to the dated 07/15/10 documents will be provided by June 30, 2010. NRC dated July 15, 2010. Confirm receipt.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N

1. V&V Report 04508006A
2. System Description 04508100-1TM
3. Qualification Reports 04508905-QR, 04508905-1 SP, 04508905-2SP, 04508905-3SP
4. Functional Testing Report 04507007-1TR 102 B C

a( May 24, 2010 Date: 5/24/10 Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated Request for schedule not information.

Responder: WEC 6/18/10 103 7.4 7.4 D a( 5/27/2010 Responder: Ayala Date: 5/27/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.1 TVA Letter dated Submittal date is based on current ML102910017 10/29/10 EDCR scheduled issue date 104 7.4 7.4 D a( 5/27/2010 Responder: Merten Date: 5/27/10 Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.1 TVA Letter dated Submittal date is based on current ML102910017 10/29/10 EDCR scheduled issue date 105 B G

a( April 29, 2010 Date: Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Will be reviewed under item 154.

Responder: Langley 106 (SB in May 6, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed RAI No. 9 TVA Letter dated Responder: Davies ML102980005 6/18/10 107 (SB in May 6, 2010 Date: 5/28/10 Y Closed Closed RAI No. 22 TVA Letter dated Responder: Clark ML102980005 6/18/10 108 B G

a( May 6, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Will be reviewed under OI#154 Responder: Webb/Hilmes 109.b B C

a( 5/6/2010 Responder: N/A Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Duplicate of another open Item.

109.a 7.8 XX D a( 5/6/2010 Responder: N/A Y Closed Closed N/A N/A 110 B G

a( May 6, 2010 Date: Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Information was found.

Responder: Clark 111 B C(

ar May 6, 2010 Date: 5/28/10 Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated Request to help find, not a request for Responder: Clark 6/18/10 information 112 B G( June 1, 2010 Date: Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Information was received Responder: Clark 113 B G

a( 6/1/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 6/18/10 114 7.2 7.2 B G

a( 6/1/2010 Responder: WEC Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 6/18/10 115 B C

a( 2/25/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910002 6/18/10 116 B G

a( 6/3/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Letter sent to Westinghouse requesting ML102910008 10/5/10 the basis information and 117 7.1 7.1 6/3/2010 Responder: Hilmes Y Open Open-TVA/A102 EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB (Garg)

ML102910008 10/29/10 Does TVA use a single sided or double sided methodology for as- Reactor Protection System (RPS) (comprised of Reactor Trip Revised response is included in Pending FSAR Item#21 Enclosure 1 Item found and as-left instrument setpoint values. (RIS2006-7) (RPS) and Engineered Safety Features Actuation System letter dated 10/29/10 Amendment 102 No. 7 (ESFAS)) setpoint values are monitored by periodic submittal performance of surveillance tests in accordance with Technical Specification requirements. TVA uses double- Due 12/17/10 sided as-found and as-left tolerances for Reactor Trip and ESFAS trip setpoint surveillance tests as described in FSAR TVA needs to address amendment 100. that trip setpoint and allowable value TVA Revised Response: uncertainties are not reduced by the For TSTF-493 parameters WBN Unit 2 uses only double reduction factor for the sided correction factors. Attachment 3 contains the revised single sided reduction FSAR section that will be included in FSAR factor. TVA response Amendment 102 that reflects this change. not acceptable. TVA need to clarify if single sided methodology has been used in calculating trip setpoint

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N and allowable value and if it is used then provide justifications.

118 7.4 7.4 D a( 6/8/2010 Responder: Merten Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.1 TVA Letter dated Submittal date is based on current ML102910017 10/29/10 EDCR scheduled issue date Note:

119 B S

in( June 10, 2010 Date: Y Closed Closed RAI No. 23 TVA Letter dated Responder: ML102980005 7/30/10 120 B C

a( 5/6/2010 Responder: Hilmes/Merten/Costley Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910002 7/30/10 121 B C

a( 5/6/2010 Responder: Webb/Webber Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102980066 Item 7/30/10 122 B C

a( June 14, 2010 Date: Y Closed Closed N/A - Request for N/A Responder: WEC schedule not 123 7.7.3 7.4.1, D a( 6/14/2010 Responder: Y Closed Closed ML101720589, TVA Letter dated 9342 RAIs 21 and 22 7/30/10 124 7.7.5 XX D a( 6/14/2010 Responder: Y Closed Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated No 23 6/25/10 and 7/30/10 125 7.7.8 D a( 6/14/2010 Responder: Y Closed Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated No s 24 and 25 7/30/10 126 7.8 7.8 D a( June 14, 2010 Date: Y Closed Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated Responder: No 26 6/25/10 and 7/30/10 127 7.2 7.2 B G

a( 6/16/2010 Responder: WEC/Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 6/18/10 128 7.2 7.2 B G

a( 6/18/2010 Responder: WEC Drake /TVA Craig Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Track through SE open item ML102910008 10/29/10 129 L P

o( 6/12/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated 10/5/10 130 L P

o( 6/28/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated 10/5/10 131 L P

o( 6/28/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated 10/5/10 132 L P

o( 6/28/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated 10/5/10 133 L P

o( 6/28/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated 10/5/10 134 L P

o( 6/28/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated 10/5/10 135 7.3.1 7.3.1 D a( 6/30/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed RAI not necessary TVA Letter dated because this item 10/5/10 item 27 136 7.3.2, 7.4, 5.6, D a( 6/30/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed RAI not necessary TVA Letter dated 74 635 because this item 10/5/10 item 28 137 B C

a( Several WBN2 PAMS documents contain a table titled, Document Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed ML101650255, Item TVA Letter dated Traceability & Compliance No 1 10/5/10 138 By letter dated February 3, 2010, Westinghouse informed TVA that Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC ML101650255, Item EICB (Carte) certain PAMS documentation has been completed. No. 2 This item is used to track all Commercial Grade TVA agreed to include a Due 12/3/10 (a) The draft ISG6 states that a commercial grade dedication plan Dedication issues. description of the generic should be provided with an application for a Tier 2 review. Westinghouse hardware To be addressed by commercial grade dedication Rev. 2 of the Licensing By letter dated February 5, 2010, TVA stated that the commercial process in the PAMS licensing Technical Report.

grade dedication plan was included in the Common Q Topical technical report. (see Report Section 11, Commercial Grade Dedication Program. ML102920031 Item No 1)

Section 11 includes a description of the Common Q Commercial Grade Dedication Program, and states: A detailed review plan is TVA agreed to include (in the developed for each Common Q hardware or software component PAMS licensing technical report) that requires commercial grade dedication. an evaluation of WBN2 critical characteristics for commercial Please provide the commercial grade dedication plans for each Westinghouse hardware

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N Common Q hardware or software component that has not been components against the generic previously reviewed and approved by the NRC. critical characteristics. (see ML102920031 Item No 2)

(b) The draft ISG6 states that a commercial grade dedication report should be provided within 12 months of requested approval TVA agreed to include a for a Tier 2 review. description of the generic Westinghouse software (i) Please provide 00000-ICE-37722 Rev. 0, Commercial Grade commercial grade dedication Dedication Report for the QNX Operating System for Common Q process in the PAMS licensing Applications. technical report. (see ML102920031 Item No 3)

(ii) Please provide WNA-CD-00018-GEN Rev. 3, Commercial Dedication Report for QNX 4.25G for Common Q Applications. TVA agreed to include (in the PAMS licensing technical report) an evaluation of WBN2 critical characteristics for commercial software components against the generic critical characteristics. (see ML102920031 Item No 4) 139 B C

a( The WBN2 PAMS System Requirements Specification (WBN2 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed ML101650255, Item TVA Letter dated WBN2 PAMS System Requirements PAMS SysRS) contains a table (see page iii) titled Document No 3 10/5/10 Specification 140 The first requirement in the WBN2 PAMS SysRS (i.e., R2.2-1) Responder: Clark N Open Open-TVA/WEC ML101650255, Item TVA Letter dated WBN2 PAMS System Requirements EICB (Carte) states: The PAMS shall be capable of operation during normal No. 4 10/29/10 Specification and abnormal environments and plant operating modes. The WBN Unit 2 FSAR Amendment 100 Section, Post NNC 11/3/10: The origin of the Due 12/3/10 Enclosure 1 Item rational for this requirement is that it is necessary to meet Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) specifies the Reg. requirements in the SysRS are No. 10 TVA docketed WNA-DS-01617-WBT Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.97. Guide 1.97 variables implemented in the Common Q based not clearly document. Rev. 1 of TVA to docket PAMS Rev. 1, RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS WBN Unit 2 PAMS the Common Q PAMS Licensing Licensing Technical Completion Program I&C Projects Post What document specifies which RG 1.97 variables are Technical Report contains an Report Rev. 2. Accident Monitoring System- System implemented in the Common Q based WBN2 PAMS? open item that will be addressed Requirements Specification, dated in Rev. 2; this open item is to December 2009.

include TVAs enhanced contract compliance matrix. It is expected that this matrix will address this open item.

141 B C

a( Deleted by DORL Date: Y Closed Closed ML101650255, Item WBN2 PAMS System Requirements Responder: No 5 Specification 142 The applicable regulatory guidance for reviewing the WBN2 PAMS Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC ML101650255, Item WBN2 PAMS System Requirements EICB (Carte)

SysRS would be IEEE 830 as endorsed by Regulatory Guide No. 6 Specification 1.172 and BTP 7-14 Section B.3.3.1, Requirements Activities - This item is used to track all traceability issues with the TVA/Westinghouse agreed to Due 12/22/10 Software Requirements Specifications. IEEE 830-1994 Section Software Requirements Specification (SRS). include the V&V evaluation of TVA docketed WNA-DS-01617-WBT 4.3.8, Traceable, states: A [requirements specification] is their reusable software element To be addressed by Rev. 1, RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS traceable of the origin of each of its requirements is clear At the September 15 public meeting in Rockville, the development process in the Revision of the RTM, Completion Program I&C Projects Post following actions were agreed to. These items address the V&V design phase summary SRS, SysRS, and Accident Monitoring System- System

1. How did TVA ensure the traceability of each requirement in traceability concerns with the Software Requirements report. This evaluation would SysDS. Requirements Specification, dated the WBN2 PAMS SysRS. Specification. include an evaluation against December 2009.

the development process

2. Explain the source(s) of the requirements present in the Post 1. Westinghouse will perform completed a review of the requirements. This evaluation Accident Monitoring Systems Software Requirements Requirements Traceability Matrix(RT), using the issues would also include an evaluation Specification. To clarify, many documents have identified at the 9/15 public meeting as a guide of how the WBN2 specific requirements that are incorporated by reference into the (documented below) and update the RTM as required. requirements were addressed SRS, but what served to direct the author to include those by the reusable software various documents in the SRS or, if the requirement is based 2. The next issue of the IV&V report will include the elements. (see ML102920031 on the System Requirements Specification, what directed the Requirements phase review of the RTM and a partial Item No 5) author to include the requirement there? review for the Design phase.
3. Clarify whether the unnumbered paragraphs in the Post 3. Westinghouse will add a comments column in the Accident Monitoring Systems Software Requirements Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) to address

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N Specification, such as in the section headings, or are all such items not in the SRS or SysRS.

sections simply considered to be informative?

4. IEEE 830 says you shouldnt have planning information Does the same apply to documents referenced by the SRS? in the SRS. Westinghouse has agreed to remove this Such as WCAP-16096-NP-A, Rev. 1A, Software Program information.

Manual for Common Q Systems, which is incorporated by reference in requirement R2.3-2 in the SRS. 5. IEEE 830 says you shouldnt have process requirements in the SRS. Westinghouse has agreed to R2.3-2 [The PAMS software shall comply with the remove these requirements.

requirements and guidelines defined in WCAP-16096-NP-A, Software Program Manual for Common Q Systems 6. Westinghouse will perform and document an evaluation (reference 5).] of the SRS to ensure compliance with Reg. Guide 1.172 and justify any deviations.

If any requirements are expressed in such unnumbered paragraph form instead of individually identified requirements, 7. 25 issues identified by V&V where some requirements please list them, describe why they satisfy the fundamental have not been included in the SDS (14) and SRS (11) requirement of unambiguity, and describe how they were at the revisions reviewed by V&V. Have these been verified. addressed? Yes. The next revisions of the SDS and SRS address these issues.

4. Are there any sources of requirements in parallel with the Post Accident Monitoring Systems Software Requirements 8. Some hardware requirements are contained in the SRS Specification? Meaning does the SRS contain, explicitly or instead of the System Design Specification (SDS).

by reference, all the requirements that were used in the These will be removed from the SRS and incorporated design phase for the application specific software, or do into the next revision of the SDS.

software design phase activities use requirements found in any other source or document? If so, what are these 9. RTM item R4.2-2 protection class software set to 0.

sources or documents? Needs to be fixed internally write CAPs to revise the application restrictions document on AC160.

5. References 12, 27, 29, and 31-44 in the Post Accident Monitoring Systems Software Requirements Specification 10. Westinghouse to improve the traceability of the tests are various types of Reusable Software Element. that are performed with the function enable (FE) switch in the ENABLE position.

These references are used in the body of the SRS, for example: 11. Westinghouse to revise documents to be consistent with referring to the FE switch in the ENABLE position R5.3.14-2 [The Addressable Constants CRC error signal shall be TRUE when any CAL CRC's respective ERROR 12. The flow of information is from the SysRS to the SDS terminal = TRUE (WNA-DS-00315-GEN, "Reusable Software (hardware) and SRS (software). Describe how the Element Document CRC for Calibration Data" [Reference documents are used. Describe in 1.1 of the SysRS.

12]).] Need a good write up of how the process works.

They are also included via tables such as found in 13. Westinghouse and TVA will develop a revised schedule requirement R7.1.2-1 for document submittals and provide it to the NRC no later than 9/30/10

[The Watts Bar 2 PAMS shall use the application-specific type circuits and custom PC elements listed in Table 7.1-1.] 14. TVA will update the Procurement Requisition Resolution Matrix and submit it to show how the Common Q PAMS Do the referenced reusable software element documents include design meets the contract requirements.

requirements not explicitly stated in the SRS? If so what is their origin? 15. Westinghouse to add the Software Design Descriptions to the RTM

16. Westinghouse to clarify how requirements or documents are incorporated by reference into the Common Q PAMS requirements.
17. Westinghouse to review the use of shall outside of numbered paragraphs in requirements documents to ensure that all requirements are captured and clearly

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N identified.

18. Westinghouse to resolve the following questions concerning SDDs
a. Is the SDD a standalone document or will it incorporate the generic SDD by reference?
b. What are the SDDs?
c. PAMS is a delta document so how do we capture all the generic requirements for traceability.

For Reusable Software Elements, Westinghouse to describe as qualified libraries by following the SPM and qualified using the Software Elements Test procedure under Appendix B program. Provide a summary of RSEDs generic WCAP.

Westinghouse to determine if the WCAP was docketed under the AP1000 RSED concept is not in the SPM.

WCAP-15927 AP-1000 does not discuss RCEDs. WCAP process was acceptable. RSEDs are listed in the SDD References.

143 The WBN2 PAMS Software Requirements Specification (WBN2 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC ML101650255, Item WBN2 PAMS System Requirements EICB (Carte)

PAMS SRS - ML101050202) contains a table (see page iii) titled, No. 7 Specification Document Traceability & Compliance, which states that the Addressed in the 9/15 public meeting and 9/20 - 9/21 audit. Due 12/22/10 WBN2 PAMS SRS was created to support the three documents A detailed explanation will be provided. TVA docketed WNA-DS-01617-WBT identified (one of which is the WBN2 PAMS SysRS). Section 1.1, To be addressed by Rev. 1, RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Overview, of the WBN2 PAMS SRS states: This document Revision of the RTM, Completion Program I&C Projects Post describes requirements for the major software components SRS, SysRS, and Accident Monitoring System- System SysDS. Requirements Specification, dated (a) Please list and describe each of the major software December 2009.

components. Please include a description of any NRC review for each of these components.

(b) Please list and describe each of the other software components. Please include a description of any NRC review for each of these components.

(c) What other documents contain the requirements for the other software components?

The WBN2 PAMS System Design Specification (WBN2 PAMS SDS) contains a table (see page iii) titled, Document Traceability

& Compliance, which states that the WBN2 PAMS SysRS was created to support the WBN2 PAMS SysRS. Section 1.1, Purpose, of the WBN2 PAMS SDS states: The purpose of this document is to define the hardware design requirements (c) Do the WBN2 PAMS SRS and SDS, together, implement all of the requirements in the WBN2 PAMS SysRS?

(e) Please briefly describe all of the documents that implement the WBN2 PAMS SysRS.

144 The WBN2 PAMS Software Requirements Specification (WBN2 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC ML101650255, Item TVA Letter dated WBN2 PAMS Software Requirements EICB PAMS SRS) contains a table (see page iii) titled, Document No. 8 10/5/10 Specification (Carte) Traceability & Compliance, which states that the WBN2 PAMS (a) The purpose of NABU-DP-00014-GEN document is to Response provided in letter Due 12/3/10 SRS was created to support the three documents identified (two of define the process for system level design, software design dated 10/5/10 By letter dated April 8, 2010 these documents have been provided on the docket). and implementation, and hardware design and Responses to items a (ML10101050203), TVA docketed

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N implementation for Common Q safety system development. NRC Review and WEC to and e provided. WNA-SD-00239-WBT, Revision 1, (a) Please describe the third document (i.e., NABU-DP-00014- This document supplements the Common Q SPM, WCAP- complete response. "RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion GEN Revision 2, Design Process for Common Q Safety 16096-NP-A. The scope of NABU-DP-00014-GEN includes NNC 11/18/10: Program I&C Projects, Software Systems). the design and implementation processes for the application b-d to be addressed at public (1) Items b-d closed to Requirements Specification for the Post development. For a fuller description of the design process meeting and audit. Will require other Open Item nos. Accident Monitoring System, dated (b) Please describe the flow of information between these three described in NABU-DP-00014-GEN please refer to the information to be docketed. (2) The point of these February 2010 (ML101050202).

documents. Design Process for AP1000 Common Q Safety Systems, questions was to WCAP-15927 on the AP1000 docket. Since this is a understand how the (c) Does the PAMS SRS implement the requirements in these Westinghouse process document that is not specifically origin of the three documents? referenced in the SRS, it will be removed in the next revision requirements in the of the document. requirements (d) Please describe if and how these three documents are used in specifications were the development of the PAMS Software Design Description. (b) - Closed to items 142 and 145 documented. TVA stated that the origin of (e) Do the WBN2 V&V activities include verification that the (c) - Closed 142 the requirements would requirements of these three documents have been incorporated be demonstrated in into the WBN2 PAMS SRS. (d) - Closed to Item 142 Rev. 2 of the CQ PAMS LTR.

(e) WBN2 PAMS Software Requirements Specification (WNA-SD-00239-WBT, Rev. 1) refers to Document Traceability & Compliance table on page iii. This table has three entries; Design Process for Common Q Safety Systems (NABU-DP-00014-GEN, Rev. 2), RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System - System Requirements Specification (WNA-DS-01617-WBT, Rev. 1), and RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System - System Design Specification (WNA-DS-01667-WBT, Rev. 1).

IV&V performed a Requirements Traceability Assessment during which it reviewed Software Requirements Specification (WBN2 PAMS SRS, WNA-SD-00239-WBT, Rev. 1) against System Requirements Specification (WNA-DS-01617-WBT, Rev. 1) and System Design Specification (WNA-DS-01667-WBT, Rev. 1). Requirements within Software Requirements Specification that are referring to NABU-DP-00014-GEN, Rev 2, Design Process for Common Q Safety Systems, have also been reviewed for traceability and compliance. During IV&V's RTA effort the anomaly reports V&V-769 and V&V- 770 have been initiated and reported in the IV&V Phase Summary Report for the System Definition Phase, WNA-VR-00283-WBT, Rev. 0.

IV&V has verified that the requirements in SRS are derived from the specified documents listed in the Document Traceability and Compliance Table of WBN2 PAMS SRS.

145 The WBN2 PAMS System Design Specification (WBN2 PAMS Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC ML101650255, Item WBN2 PAMS System Design EICB (Carte)

SDS) contains a table (see page iii) titled, Document Traceability No. 9 Specification

& Compliance, which states that the WBN2 PAMS SDS was This item is used to track all traceability issues with the During the September 20-21, Due 12/22/10 created to support the WBN2 PAMS SysRS. System Design Specification (SDS). 2010 audit at Westinghouse, it TVA docketed WNA-DS-01667-WBT was acknowledged that To be addressed by Rev. 1, RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS (a) Does the WBN2 PAMS SDS implement all of the hardware At the September 15 public meeting in Rockville, the TVA/Westinghouse had Revision of the RTM, Completion Program I&C Projects Post requirements in the WBN2 PAMS SysRS? following actions were agreed to. These items partially previously (in September 15, SRS, SysRS, and Accident Monitoring System- System address the traceability concerns with the System 2010 public meeting) stated: SysDS. Design Specification, dated December (b) Please briefly describe all of the documents that implement the Design Specification. This item will be updated with the 2009.

hardware requirements of the WBN2 PAMS SysRS. results of the September 20 and 21 Commercial Grade TVA would provide the RSED Dedication and SDS RTM audit. RTM. (see ML102920031 Item

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N No 6)

1. Westinghouse will perform completed a review of the Requirements Traceability Matrix(RT), using the issues TVA would revise and resubmit identified at the 9/15 public meeting as a guide the PAMS RTM to address all (documented below) and update the RTM as required. types of issues identified in the public meeting. (see
2. Some hardware requirements are contained in the SRS ML102920031 Item No 7) instead of the System Design Specification (SDS).

These will be removed from the SRS and incorporated TVA would revise and resubmit into the next revision of the SDS. the Software Verification and Validation phase summary

3. 25 issues identified by V&V where some requirements report for the requirements have not been included in the SDS (14) and SRS (11) phase to document the at the revisions reviewed by V&V. Have these been completion of the requirements addressed? Yes. The next revisions of the SDS and phase review. (see SRS address these issues. ML102920031 Item No 8)
4. TVA will update the Procurement Requisition Resolution Matrix and submit it to show how the Common Q PAMS design meets the contract requirements.
5. The next issue of the IV&V report will include the Requirements phase review of the RTM and a partial review for the Design phase.
6. Westinghouse to provide the generic AC160 and flat panel specifications.
7. Westinghouse and TVA to develop a schedule of licensing document submittals that can be met by the project team.
8. The flow of information is from the SysRS to the SDS (hardware) and SRS (software). Describe how the documents are used. Describe in 1.1 of the SysRS.

Need a good write up of how the process works.

146 B C

a( 6/17/2010 Responder: Y Closed Closed ML101650255, Item PAMS System Requirements No 10 Specifications 147 B C

a( 6/17/2010 Responder: Y Closed Closed ML101650255, Item PAMS System Requirements No 11 Specifications 148 B C

a( 6/17/2010 Responder: Y Closed Closed ML101650255, Item PAMS System Requirements No 12 Specifications 149 7.2 7.2 B G

a( FSAR Section, Overtemperature delta T and Responder: Tindell Y Close Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated Overpressure delta T equations have been simplified and many No 1 10/5/10 150 7.2 7.2 B G

a( Many of the changes were based on the Westinghouse document Responder: Clark Y Close Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated N3-99-4003 Provide this document for staffs review so the staff Response provided in letter No 2 10/5/10 151 7.2 7.2 B G

a( Provide the EDCR 52378 and 54504 which discusses the basis for Responder: Clark Y Close Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated many changes to this FSAR section No 3 10/5/10 152 7.2 7.2 B G

a( Deleted portion of FSAR section and moved to FSAR Responder: Merten/Clark Y Close Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated section 7 2 1 1 5 However the FSAR section 7 2 1 1 5 does not No 4 10/5/10 153 7.2 7.2 B G

a( FSAR section added the reference to FSAR section Responder: Craig/Webb Y Close Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated 10 4 4 3 for exception to P-12 However FSAR section 10 4 4 3 No 5 10/21/10 154 7.2 7.2 FSAR section, setpoints: NRC staff has issued RIS Responder: Craig/Webb Y Open Open-TVA/A102 ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL EICB (Garg) 2006-17 to provide guidance to the industry regarding the No. 6 and EICB RAI 10/5/10 instrument setpoint methodology which complies with 10 CFR (Q1) Refer to the response to letter item 13, RAI Matrix Item Response is not acceptable. A Due 12/17/10 ML102861885 Item 50.36 requirements. Provide the information on how the WBN2 51. revised response will be No. 8 TVA Letter dated setpoint methodology meets the guidance of RIS 2006-17 and submitted in the letter dated Pending FSAR 10/29/10

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N include this discussion in this section. Also, by letter dated May (Q2) EEB-TI-28's single sided methodology conforms with 10/29/10. Amendment 102 Enclosure 1 Item 13, 2010, TVA provided Rev. 7 of EEB-TI-28 to the staff. The staff WBN's design basis commitment to ensure that 95% of the submittal. No. 13 noted that section of EEB-TI-28 discusses the correction analyzed population is covered by the calculated tolerance for setpoints with a single side of interest. It should be noted that limits as defined in NRC Reg Guide 1.105, Revision 2, 1986 FSAR AMD 100. Since the staff has not approved this aspect of setpoint methodology for that was in affect during WBN Unit 1 licensing. The single all the setpoint and Unit 1. The staff finds this reduction in uncertainties is not justified sided methodology is not used for any TSTF-493 setpoints allowable value for Unit unless it can be demonstrated that the 95/95 criteria is met. that use TI-28 methodology. 2 is calculated and Therefore, either remove this reduction factor for single sided added to TS, TVA uncertainties or justify how you meet the 95/95 criteria given in RG TVA Revised Response: needs to address the 1.105. latest criteria and that In order to respond to other NRC comments on the setpoint include 95/95 criteria.

methodology discussion in FSAR Amendment 100, TVA Why the last sentence reviewed the previous response to this RAI. This resulted in has been modified by a complete rewrite of the responses to this question as adding TI-28. It was shown below. As a result, the response does not specifically NRCs understanding address the NRC Follow-up Request. However, the overall that all setpoints have responses to all of the NRC RAIs on setpoint methodology to meet TI-28 addresses this item.

(Q1) WBN 2 implementation of TSTF-493, Rev. 4, Option A includes addition of a discussion of the WBN setpoint methodology in FSAR section

(Q2) Electrical Engineering Branch (EEB) Technical Instruction (TI) 28, Setpoint Calculations, single-sided methodology conforms to WBN's design basis commitment to ensure that 95% of the analyzed population is covered by the calculated tolerance limits as defined in NRC Reg Guide 1.105, Revision 2, 1986, which was in effect during WBN Unit 1 licensing. Single-sided multipliers are not used for any TSTF-493 setpoints.

There are some areas where a 95% confidence level could not be achieved. Some examples would be harsh environment instrumentation where only 2 or 3 devices were tested in the 10CFR50.49 program. In these situations, the Confidence is referred to as high..

155 7.2 7.2 B G

a( Summary of FSAR change document section 7.2 states that Date: Y Closed Closed ML101720589, Item sections 7 2 1 1 9 and 7 2 2 2(4) are changed to show that these Responder: Stockton No 7 156 7.2 7.2 FSAR section states that dashed lines in Figure 15.1- Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated Response on hold pending EICB (Garg) 1designed to prevent exceeding 121% of power.The No. 8 10/5/10 Westinghouse review.

value of 121% is changed from 118%. The justification for this Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2340, TENNESSEE Response is included in letter Due __________

change states that this was done to bring the text of this section in VALLEY AUTHORITY WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT dated 10/5/10 agreement with section, and table 4.1-1. UNIT 2 FSAR Markups Units I and 2 118% vs. 121 % and Amendment 101 However, Table 4.1-1 and section still show this value as Correction to RAI Response SNPB 4.3.2-7, (Reference 17) Submitted 10/29/10.

118%. Justify the change. the 118% value should be 121%. Depending on the use in the FSAR either 118% or 121% are the correct values. As a TVA needs to justify result of the question, Westinghouse reviewed all locations why some places 121%

where either 118% or 121% are used and the context of use is used and other and provided a FSAR markup to reflect the correct value at places 118% is used .

the specific location. These changes will be incorporated in What does 121% or a future FSAR amendment. 118% means.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N Pending response from Westinghouse.

157 7.2 7.2 B G

a( FSAR section, fifth paragraph was deleted except for the Responder: Tindell Y Close Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated last sentence The last sentence states that The P-8 interlock No 9 10/5/10 158 7.2 7.2 B G

a( FSAR section, paragraph six was changed to state that Responder: Tindell Y Closed Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated the design meets the requirements of Criterion 23 of the 1971 No 10 10/5/10 159 7.2 7.2 B G

a( FSAR section discusses reactor coolant flow Responder: Craig Y Close closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated measurement by elbow taps However it further states that for No 11 10/5/10 160 7.2 7.2 B G

a( FSAR section deleted text which has references 12 and Responder: Tindell Y Close Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated 14 These references are not included in the revised text Provide No 12 10/5/10 161 7.2 7.2 B G

a( FSAR section states that changes to the control function Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated description in this section are expected to be required after vendor No 13 10/5/10 162 7.2 7.2 B G

a( FSAR section states that bypass of a protection Responder: Tindell Y Closed Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated channel during testing is indicated by an alarm in the control room No 14 10/5/10 163 7.2 7.2 B G

a( Deleted by DORL Date: Y Closed Closed ML101720589, Item Responder: No 15 164 7.2 7.2 r gl FSAR section has been revised to include the plant Responder: Perkins Y Closed Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated Item No. 8 sent to DORL 7511 computer as a means to provide information read out for all signals No 16 and EICB 10/5/10 165 7.2 7.2 B G

a( FSAR section, last paragraph of this section has been Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated deleted The basis for this deletion is that discussion regarding the No 17 10/5/10 166 7.2 7.2 B G

a( Changes to FSAR section are justified based on the Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated statement that the integrated computer system is implemented No 18 10/5/10 167 7.2 7.2 B G

a( FSAR section, provide an analysis or reference to chapter Responder: Clark Y Close closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated 15 analysis which demonstrate that failure of rod stop during a rod No 19 10/5/10 168 7.2 7.2 B G

a( FSAR table 7.2-4, item 9 deleted loss of offsite power to station Responder: Clark Y Close Closed ML101720589, Item TVA Letter dated auxiliaries (station blackout) based on the fact that station blackout Response provided in letter No 20 10/5/10 169 B G

a( 6/18/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed 170 B G

a( 6/17/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed 171 7.2 7.2 B G

a( 6/17/2010 Responder: Craig Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Closed to SE Open Item ML102910008 10/21/10 172 B G

a( 6/17/2010 Responder: Craig Y Closed Closed EICB RAI ML102910008 173 7.1 7.1 B G

a( 6/17/2010 Responder: Craig/Webb/Powers Y Closed Closed EICB RAI ML102910008 174 B G

a( 6/28/2010 Responder: Hilmes/Craig Y Closed Closed EICB RAI ML102910008 175 B G

a( June 28, 2010 Responder: Y Closed Closed EICB RAI ML102910008 176 7.1 7.1 B G

a( 6/28/2010 Responder: Craig/Webb Y Closed Closed EICB RAI ML102910008 177 7.5.1 M a(

r 7/15/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated RAI not required 10/5/10 178 7.5.1 M a(

r 7/15/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated RAI not required 10/5/10 179 B C

a( An emphasis is placed on traceability in System Requirements Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to NA Specifications in the SRP in the unmodified IEEE std 830-1993 Item No 142 180 B C

a( The SRP, BTP 7-14, Section B.3.3.1 states that Regulatory Guide Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to NA 1 172 endorses with a few noted exceptions IEEE Std 830-1993 Item No 142 181 B C

a( An emphasis is placed on traceability in System Requirements Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to NA Specifications in the SRP in the unmodified IEEE std 830-1993 Item No 142 182 B C

a( Characteristics that the SRP states that a Software Requirements Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to NA Specifications should have include unambiguity verifiability and Item No 142 183 7/15/2010 Responder: WEC Y Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB ML102980066 Item 10/21/10 (Carte) An emphasis is placed on traceability in System Requirements The generic Software Requirements Specification applies Response provided in letter Due 12/3/10 No. 9 Enclosure 1 Item Specifications in the SRP, in the unmodified IEEE std 830-1993, except as modified by the WBN Unit 2 System Requirements dated 10/21/10 No. 4 and even more so given the modifications to the standard listed in Specification. NNC 11/18/10: The

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N Regulatory Guide 1.172, which breaks with typical NRC use of the point behind this open word should to say Each identifiable requirement in an SRS item was that TVA must must be traceable backwards to the system requirements and the demonstrate that the design bases or regulatory requirements that is satisfies origin of each requirement in the On page 1-2 of the Post Accident Monitoring Systems Software WEC requirements Requirements Specification in the background section, is the specification is known sentence Those sections of the above references that require and documented. TVA modification from the generic PAMS are defined in the document stated that this referring purely to the changes from WNA-DS-01617-WBT Post information would be in Accident Monitoring System-System Requirements Specification CQ PAMS LTR Rev. 2.

or is it saying that there are additional changes beyond those and that the SRS defines them?

If there are additional changes, what is their origin?

184 B C

a( 7/15/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to N/A Item No 142 185 7/15/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB RAI EICB (Carte)

ML102980066 Item An emphasis is placed on the traceability of requirements in Steve Clark to look at how to combine traceability items. Due (1) 12/3/10 No. 17 Software Requirements Specifications in the SRP, in the (2) _________

unmodified IEEE std 830-1993, and even more so given the Was addressed to during the 9/15 meeting and 9/20 - 9/21 modifications to the standard listed in Regulatory Guide 1.172, audit. NNC 11/18/10: (1)The which breaks with typical NRC use of the word should to say point behind this open Each identifiable requirement in an SRS must be traceable item was that TVA must backwards to the system requirements and the design bases or demonstrate that the regulatory requirements that is satisfies Also the NRC considers origin of each that the SRS is the complete set of requirements used for the requirement in the design of the software, whether it is contained within one WEC requirements document or many. In order to evaluate an SRS against the specification is known guidance in the SRP the staff needs access to all the and documented. TVA requirements. stated that this information would be in References 12, 27, 29, and 31-44 in the Post Accident Monitoring CQ PAMS LTR Rev. 2.

Systems Software Requirements Specification are various types (2) TVA also said it of Reusable Software Element. would provide a RTM for the RSED These references are used in the body of the SRS, for example:

R5.3.14-2 [The Addressable Constants CRC error signal shall be TRUE when any CAL CRC's respective ERROR terminal = TRUE (WNA-DS-00315-GEN, "Reusable Software Element Document CRC for Calibration Data" [Reference 12]).]

They are also included via tables such as found in requirement R7.1.2-1

[The Watts Bar 2 PAMS shall use the application-specific type circuits and custom PC elements listed in Table 7.1-1.]

Do the referenced reusable software element documents include requirements not explicitly stated in the SRS? If so what is their origin?

186 7.7.8 D a( 7/15/2010 Responder: Perkins/Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.6 TVA Letter dated ML102910017 10/5/10 187 EICB By letter dated June 18, 2010, TVA docketed responses to NRC Responder: Merten N Open Open-TVA/WEC ML101970033, Item TVA Letter dated Are these connections already (Carte requests for information. No. 1 & 2 10/5/10 docketed?


1) Please refer to the revised response to letter dated Partial Response provided in Due 12/22/10

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N

1) Enclosure 1, Item No. 33 of the TVA letter dated June 18, 2010, 10/5/10 Item 18 (RAI Matrix item 115). letter dated 10/5/10 did not identify any connection from the PAMS Operator Modules Revise Response (OMs) to the plant computer and printers; however, Figure 2.1-1 of the PAMS System Requirements Specification (WNA-DS-01617- 2) This is a duplicate of closed RAI Matrix Item 45. NNC 8/25/10: Why did TVA not WBT Rev. 1 - ML101680578) shows a TCP connection from the catch this on the review of the OMs to the plant computer and printer. Please explain. PAMS SysRS or SRS? Does TVA check that the CQ PAMS
2) Please clarify whether any digital safety-related systems or system meets the requirements components have a digital communications path to non-safety- in its purchase specifications?

related systems or with safety related systems in another division.

If so, NRC staff will need these paths identified on the docket.

188 B C

a( By letter dated June 30, 2010, TVA docketed, Tennessee Valley Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed ML101970033, Item TVA Letter dated Authority (TVA) Watts Bar Unit 2 (WBN2) - Post-Accident No 3 & 4 10/5/10 189 7.6.7 B S

in( 7/20/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed RAI No. 3 TVA Letter dated ML102980005 10/5/10 190 7.9 B S

in( FSAR Table 7.1-1 states: Regulatory Guide 1.133, May 1981 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed RAI No. 4 TVA Letter dated Closed to OI-331.

Loose-Part Detection Program for the Primary System of Light- ML102980005 10/5/10 191 7.9 B C

a( NUREG-0800 Chapter 7, Section 7.9, "Data Communication Responder: Jimmie Perkins Y Closed Closed ML10197016, Item TVA Letter dated Systems" contains review criteria for data communication systems Nos 1-3 10/5/10 192 7.5.2 M a(

r The NRC Staff is using SRP (NUREG-0800) Chapter 7 Section Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed Item No. 1 sent to TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML1028618855 sent to 7 5 Instrumentation Systems Important to Safety to review the DORL 7/20/2010 10/5/10 DORL 193 7.5.2 M a(

r The WBU2 FSAR, Section 7.5.2, Plant Computer System, Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed Item No. 2 sent to TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML1028618855 sent to contains three subsections DORL 7/20/2010 10/5/10 DORL 194 M a(

r The WBU2 FSAR Section, Safety Parameter Display Responder: Costley/Norman Y Closed Closed Item No. 3 sent to TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML1028618855 sent to 1 System contains a description of the Safety Parameter Display DORL 7/20/2010 10/5/10 DORL 195 M a(

r Bypassed and Inoperable Status Indication (BISI) Responder: Costley/Norman Y Closed Closed Item No. 4 sent to TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML1028618855 sent to 2 DORL 7/20/2010 10/5/10 DORL 196 M a(

r Bypassed and Inoperable Status Indication (BISI) Responder: Costley/Norman Y Closed Closed Item No. 5 sent to TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML1028618855 sent to 2 DORL 7/20/2010 10/5/10 DORL 197 X Open Item 197 was never issued. Y Closed Closed 198 M a(

r SRP Section 7.5, Subsection III, Review Procedures states: Responder: Costley/Norman Y Closed Closed Item No. 6 sent to TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML1028618855 sent to 2 Recommended review emphasis for BISI DORL 7/20/2010 10/5/10 DORL 199 M a(

r The WBU2 FSAR Section, Technical Support Center and Responder: Costley/Norman Y Closed Closed Item No. 7 sent to TVA Letter dated Related SE Section EICB RAI 3 Nuclear Data Links contains a description of the Technical DORL 7/20/2010 10/5/10 ML1028618855 sent to DORL 200 7.2 7/21/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 73 The statement in SER Section 7 5 1 is supported by the ML102980066 Item 10/5/10 201 7.7.11 B C

a( 7/21/2010 Responder: Webb Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 1 ML102980066 Item 10/5/10 202 7.5.2 7/22/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB (Carte)

ML102980066 Item 10/5/10 The letter (ML0003740165) which transmitted the Safety Revision 1 of the Licensing Technical Report will provide Partial Response provided in Due 12/3/10 No. 4 Evaluation for the Common Q topical report to Westinghouse more detailed information on the changes to the platform. letter dated 10/5/10 stated: "Should our criteria or regulations change so that our Licensing Technical conclusions as to the acceptability of the report are invalidated, CE Rev. 2 of the Licensing Technical Report will include the Report R2 Nuclear Power and/or the applicant referencing the topical report applicability of guidance.

will be expected to revise and resubmit their respective documentation, or submit justification for continued applicability of the topical report without revision of the respective documentation." Question No 81 identified many criteria changes; please revise the respective documentation or submit justification for continued applicability of the topical report.

203 7.5.2 M a(

r 7/26/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/5/10 204 7.5.2 M a(

r 7/26/2010 Responder: Costley/Norman Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL NRC to issue formal ML102861885 Item 10/5/10 205 B G

a( 7/26/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Question B related to prior NRC ML102910008 10/5/10 approval of this system or 50 59

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N 206 7.5.2 M a(

r 7/27/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/5/10 207 B C

a( July 27, 2010 Date: Y Closed Closed Responder:

208 7.5.1 M a(

r 7/27/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/5/10 209 7.5.1 M a(

r 7/27/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/5/10 210 7.5.1 M a(

r 7/27/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/5/10 211 B C

a( 7/27/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Relates to SE Sections:

752 ML102980066 Item 10/5/10 7 5 5 Plant Computer 212 7.5.2 7/27/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB RAI EICB (Carte)

ML102980066 Item By letter dated June 18, 2010 (ML101940236) TVA stated Application specific requirements for testing. This cannot be Due 12/10/10 No. 10 (Enclosure 1, Attachment 3, Item No. 3) that the PAMS system addressed in a topical report. Evaluation of how the design specification and software requirements specification hardware meets the regulatory requirements. To be addressed by contain information to address the "Design Report on Computer WBN2 specific test plan Integrity, Test and Calibration..." The staff has reviewed these WEC to provide the information and determine where the documents, and it is not clear how this is the case. information will be located.

(1) Please describe how the information provided demonstrates compliance with IEEE 603-1991 Clauses 5.5, 5.7, 5.10, & 6.5.

(2) Please describe how the information provided demonstrates conformance with IEEE 7-4.3.2-2003 Clauses 5.5 & 57.

213 7.5.2 7/27/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-NRC Review EICB RAI EICB (Carte)

ML102980066 Item By letter dated June 18, 2010 (ML101940236) TVA stated Conformance with IEEE 603 is documented in the revised Response is included in letter Due 12/31/10. No. 18 (Enclosure 1, Attachment 3, Item No. 3) that the PAMS system Common Q PAMS Licensing Technical Report and the dated 10/25/10 design specification and software requirements specification Common Q PAMS System Design Specification.

contain information to address the "Theory of Operation NNC to review and revise this Description." The staff has reviewed these documents, and it is Attachment 1 contains the proprietary version of question after LTR R2 is not clear how this is the case. The docketed material does not Westinghouse document Tennessee Valley Authority received.

appear to contain the design basis information that is required to (TVA), Watts Bar Unit 2 (WBN2), Post-Accident Monitoring evaluate compliance with the Clause of IEEE 603. System (PAMS), Licensing Technical Report, Revision 1, (1) Please provide the design basis (as described in IEEE 604 WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Dated October 2010 Clause 4) of the Common Q PAMS.

(2) Please provide a regulatory evaluation of how the PAMs Attachment 8 contains the proprietary version of complies with the applicable regulatory requirements for the theory Westinghouse document Nuclear Automation Watts Bar 2 of operation. NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident For example: Regarding IEEE 603 Clause 5.8.4 (1) What are the Monitoring System - System Design Specification, WNA-manually controlled protective actions? (2) How do the documents DS-01667-WBT, Rev. 2 dated September 2010.

identified demonstrate compliance with this clause?

214 B C

a( 7/27/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102980066 Item 10/5/10 215 L P

o( 7/29/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed 216 7.5.2 M a(

r 7/29/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/5/10 217 B G

a( 7/6/2010 Responder: Clark Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 7/30/10 218 B G

a( 7/6/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 7/30/10 219 B G

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: TVA Licensing Y Closed Closed EICB RAI ML102910008 220 B G

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Ayala Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/5/10 221 M a(

r 8/4/2010 Responder: Trelease Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/5/10

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N 222 B G

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Clark Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/5/10 223 B G

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI ML102910008 224 7.5.2 M a(

r 8/4/2010 Responder: Norman (TVA CEG) Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/5/10 225 B G

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Scansen Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/5/10 226 B C

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: TVA Licensing Y Closed Closed N/A - Information TVA Letter dated See also Open Item Nos. 41 & 270.

requested under 8/11/10 227 B G

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Clark Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/5/10 228 B C

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102980066 Item 10/5/10 229 B C

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102980066 Item 10/5/10 230 B C

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Webb Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102980066 Item 10/5/10 231 B G

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/5/10 232 B S

in( 8/4/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed RAI No. 5 TVA Letter dated ML102980005 10/5/10 233 B C

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102980066 Item 10/5/10 234 B C

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Y Closed Closed N/A - Duplicate N/A Item 235 B G

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: TVA Licensing Y Closed Closed N/A N/A 236 B G

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Clark Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/5/10 237 B C

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102980066 Item 10/5/10 238 B C

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Webb/Hilmes Y Closed Closed N/A - Duplicate N/A Item 239 B C

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Hilmes Y Closed Closed N/A - Meeting N/A request 240 B G

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Clark Y Close Closed Ml102910008 TVA Letter dated Item#29 10/5/10 241 B S

in( 8/4/2010 Responder: Davies Y Closed Closed RAI No. 10 TVA Letter dated ML102980005 10/5/10 242 B G

a( 8/4/2010 Responder: Hilmes Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/5/10 243 B C

a( 8/3/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to N/A Item No 142 244 8/3/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB RAI Response is LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, EICB (Carte)

ML102980066 Item provided in letter "Safety Evaluation" states: "the Section 8.2.2 of the Common Q SPM (ML050350234) states that The process related requirements have been removed from Response is provided in letter Due 12/22/10 No. 14 dated 10/25/10. information relied upon in the SE must the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) shall be developed revision 2 of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS). dated 10/25/10. be docketed correspondence."

using IEEE 830 and RE 1.172. Clause 4.8, "Embedding project requirements in the SRS," of the IEEE 830 states that an SRS Attachment 3 of letter dated 10/25/10 contains the NNC 11/18/10: SysRS Rev. 2 LIC-101 Rev. 3 states: "The safety should address the software product, not the process of producing proprietary version of Westinghouse document Nuclear also contains process analysis that supports the change the software. In addition Section of the SPM states "Any Automation, Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program, I&C requirements that are more requested should include technical alternatives to the SPM processes or additional project specific Projects, Software Requirements Specification for the Post appropriately incorporated into information in sufficient detail to enable information for the ...SCMP...shall be specified in the PQP. Accident Monitoring System, WNA-SD-00239-WBT, process documentation. the NRC staff to make an independent Revision 2, Dated September 2010. assessment regarding the acceptability Contrary to these two statements in the SPM, the WBN2 PAMS of the proposal in terms of regulatory SRS (ML101050202) contains many process related requirements, requirements and the protection of for example all seventeen requirements in Section 2.3.2, public health and safety."

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N "Configuration Control," address process requirements for configuration control.

Please explain how the above meets the intent of the approved SPM.

245 8/3/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB RAI LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, EICB (Carte)

ML102980066 Item "Safety Evaluation" states: "the Section 5.8 of the Common Q SPM (ML050350234) identifies the Relates to the commitment to provide the test plan and the Due 12/10/10 No. 119 information relied upon in the SE must required test documentation for systems developed using the SPM compliance matrix be docketed correspondence."

Common Q SPM. Please provide sufficient information for the NRC staff to independently assess whether the test plan for WBN2 LIC-101 Rev. 3 states: "The safety PAMS, is as described in the SPM (e.g., Section 5.8.1). analysis that supports the change requested should include technical information in sufficient detail to enable the NRC staff to make an independent assessment regarding the acceptability of the proposal in terms of regulatory requirements and the protection of public health and safety."

246 8/3/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-NRC Review EICB RAI Response is LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, EICB (Carte)

ML102980066 Item provided in letter "Safety Evaluation" states: "the Section, "Initiation Phase" of the Common Q SPM As agreed ISG6 does not apply to the Common Q PAMS Response is provided in letter Due 10/22/10 No. 15 dated 10/25/10 information relied upon in the SE must (ML050350234) requires that a Project Quality Plan (PQP) be platform. The information required to address this question dated 10/25/10 be docketed correspondence."

developed. Many other section of the SPM identify that this PQP concerning the PQP and SPM has been added to NNC 11/18/10: NRC to should contain information required by ISG6. Please provide the compliance matrix in revision 1 of the Licensing Technical NNC 11/18/10: PQP has not go to WEC Rockville LIC-101 Rev. 3 states: "The safety PQP. If "PQP" is not the name of the documentation produced, Report. been provided and CQ PAMS Offices and look at analysis that supports the change please describe the documentation produced and provide the LTR Rev. 1 does not contain PQP to decide if it must requested should include technical information that the SPM states should be in the PQP. Attachment 1 of letter dated 10/25/10 contains the comparable information. docketed. information in sufficient detail to enable proprietary version of Westinghouse document Tennessee the NRC staff to make an independent Valley Authority (TVA), Watts Bar Unit 2 (WBN2), Post- assessment regarding the acceptability Accident Monitoring System (PAMS), Licensing Technical of the proposal in terms of regulatory Report, Revision 1, WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Dated October requirements and the protection of 2010 public health and safety."

247 B C

a( 8/8/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed EICB RAI Response is LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, ML102980066 Item provided in letter "Safety Evaluation" states: "the 248 B C

a( 8/8/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed Response is LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, provided in letter "Safety Evaluation" states: "the 249 B C

a( 8/8/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, "Safety Evaluation" states: "the 250 8/8/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, EICB (Carte)

"Safety Evaluation" states: "the The SPM describes the software and documents that will be Westinghouse develops Software Release Reports/Records Response included in letter Due 12/22/10 information relied upon in the SE must created and placed under configuration control. The SCMP (e.g., and a Configuration Management Release Report. Describe dated 10/25/10. be docketed correspondence."

SPM Section 6, Software Configuration Management Plan) the documents and when they will be produced. Summarize 10/25/10 is a partial describes the implementation tasks that are to be carried out. The guidance on how to produce these records, focus on project response. Still waiting LIC-101 Rev. 3 states: "The safety acceptance criterion for software CM implementation is that the specific requirements in SPM etc. on Software Test Plan analysis that supports the change tasks in the SCMP have been carried out in their entirety. and all other testing requested should include technical Documentation should exist that shows that the configuration documentation. information in sufficient detail to enable management tasks for that activity group have been successfully the NRC staff to make an independent accomplished. Please provide information that shows that the CM assessment regarding the acceptability tasks have been successfully accomplished for each life cycle of the proposal in terms of regulatory activity group. requirements and the protection of public health and safety."

251 8/8/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, EICB "Safety Evaluation" states: "the (Carte) The SPM describes the software testing and documents that will The software testing performed and documents created are Partial response is provided in Due 12/22/10. information relied upon in the SE must be created. The SPM also describes the testing tasks that are to addressed by the SPM Compliance matrix contained in letter dated 10/25/10 be docketed correspondence."

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N be carried out. The acceptance criterion for software test Revision 1 of the Licensing Technical Report. 10/25/10 is a partial implementation is that the tasks in the SPM have been carried out response. Still waiting LIC-101 Rev. 3 states: "The safety in their entirety. Please provide information that shows that Attachment 1 of the letter dated 10/25/10 contains the on Software Test Plan analysis that supports the change testing been successfully accomplished. Proprietary version of Westinghouses document titled: and all other testing requested should include technical Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Watts Bar Unit 2 documentation. information in sufficient detail to enable (WBN2), Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS), the NRC staff to make an independent Licensing Technical Report, Revision 1, WNA-LI-00058- assessment regarding the acceptability WBT-P, Dated October 2010 of the proposal in terms of regulatory requirements and the protection of public health and safety."

252 8/8/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, EICB (Carte)

"Safety Evaluation" states: "the The SPM contain requirements for software requirements Explain response to AP1000 audit report. Read ML091560352 Due 12/10/10 information relied upon in the SE must traceability analysis and associated documentation (see Section RTM docketed NRC awaiting V&V evaluation of RTM. be docketed correspondence.", Requirements Traceability Analysis). Please provide information that demonstrates that requirements traceability Check on this Hilmes LIC-101 Rev. 3 states: "The safety analysis has been successfully accomplished. analysis that supports the change requested should include technical information in sufficient detail to enable the NRC staff to make an independent assessment regarding the acceptability of the proposal in terms of regulatory requirements and the protection of public health and safety."

253 B C

a( 8/8/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated Related to Open Item no. 83.

10/5/10 254 B C

a( 8/10/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Request to TVA Letter dated make documents 10/21/10 255 B C

a( 8/10/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Request to TVA Letter dated make documents 10/21/10 256 B C

a( 8/10/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Request to TVA Letter dated make documents 10/21/10 257 B C

a( 8/10/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Request to N/A make documents 258 B C

a( 8/10/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Request to N/A make documents 259 B C

a( 8/10/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Request to TVA Letter dated make documents 10/21/10 260 B C

a( 8/10/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Request to N/A make documents 261 B C

a( 8/10/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to TVA Letter dated LIC-110 Rev. 1 Section 6.2.2 states:

Item No 142 8/20/10 "Design features and administrative 262 B C

a( 8/10/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Request to N/A make documents 263 B C

a( 8/11/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed ML101650255, Item Based on an examination of document available at the No 2 264 B C

a( 8/11/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed ML101650255, Item No 2 265 B C

a( 8/11/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed ML101650255, Item No 2 266 B C

a( 8/11/2010 Responder: Webb/Webber Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated 10/21/10 267 B C

a( 8/11/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed 268 8/19/2010 Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB (Carte) By letter dated March 12, 2010 (ML101680577), TVA stated that 11/18/10 Warren Odess-Gillett took action to discuss with Due 12/22/10 the application specific hardware and software architecture Design Engineering to generate a non-prop figure

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N descriptions are addressed in the WBN2 PAMS System Design Specification (ML101680579, ML102040481, & ML102040482) and Software Requirements Specification (ML101050202, ML102040486, & ML1022040487).

Neither of these documents contain a non-proprietary figure of the architecture that can be used in the SE. Please provide a non-proprietary figure of the architecture.

269 L P

o( 8/20/2010 Responder: NRC Y Closed Closed N/A N/A 270 B C

a( 8/23/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed See also Open Item Nod. 41 & 245.

271 B C

a( 8/23/2010 Responder: WEC Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to NA Item No 142 272 7.5.1 M a(

r 8/26/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/21/10 273 7.5.1 M a(

r 8/26/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/5/10 274.a 7.5.1 M a(

r 8/26/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/21/10 274.b 8/26/2010 Responder: Clark Y Open Open-TVA/Bechtel RAI No. 6 TVA Letter dated EICB (Singh)

ML102980005 10/21/10 Loose Parts Monitoring System: TR 3.3 refers to section 4.4.6 of The reference will be changed to FSAR section 7.6.7 Loose Response provided in letter Due __________ 10/26/2010 Enclosure 1 Item the FSAR for description of the loose parts monitoring system. Part Monitoring System (LPMS) System Description in next dated 10/21/10 No. 12 However, this section of the FSAR is not available. TVA to check revision of the Technical Requirements Manual as shown Pending TRM the reference and respond. below: amendment submittal.

1. Watts Bar FSAR, Section 7.6.7, Lose Part Monitoring Response acceptable.

System. TVA to complete stated action.

(Note: Bechtel I&C to submit TRM change package to TVA Licensing.)

275 B S

in( 8/27/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed Not Required N/A Answer exists in 276 7.6 7.6 8/27/2010 Responder: Webb Y Open Open-TVA/Bechtel EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB (Garg)

ML102910008 10/21/10 In order for the staff to review the effects of multi control systems Response provided in letter Due 11/24/10 Item#60 Enclosure 1 Item failure, provide the summary of the analyses documenting the The NRC reviewer confirmed this question applies to non- dated 10/21/10 No. 13 effect on the plant based on the following events: (1) loss of power safety systems. TVA to provide to all control systems powered by a single power supply; (2) Response Acceptable. 11/17/10 justification for non-failure of each instrument sensor which provides signal to two or The Distributed Control System (DCS) implemented using safety system other more control systems; (3) Break of any sensor impulse line which Foxboro I/A hardware, replaces most of the non-safety than DCS.

is used for sensors providing signals to two or more control related control systems for WBN Unit 2. The other non- TVA changed the response in systems; and (4) failure of digital system based on the common safety-related control systems within the scope of this the latest writeup. The scope of The statement that cause software failure affecting two or more control systems. For question are: the question applies to all non failure of sense line each of these events, confirm that the consequences of these safety related control systems where more than one events will not be outside chapter 15 analyses or beyond the a. Rod Control - Failures of this system are addressed in and is not limited to just three transmitter is connected capability of operators or safety systems. FSAR Chapter 15. system listed by the TVA. TVA would be bounded by

b. Main Turbine Electro-Hydraulic Control System could use to envelope other the failure of a single control systems by Unit 1 transmitter does not The following provides the requested summaries for the four analysis if they applies to Unit 2 make sense.

events listed: systems also.

TVA needs to make a (1) The (DCS) segmentation analysis submitted on TVA statement that all non-letter to NRC dated August 11, 2010, Enclosure 2 safety control systems (Reference 7) demonstrates that the loss of any single have been evaluated power source does not result in a loss of any DCS against these criteria function. The other systems within the scope of this and have determined

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N question are configured in the same manner as Unit 1, that their failure does with redundant power sources such that the failure of a not have consequences single power source does not cause a loss of function. which will put the plant outside chapter 15 (2) Signals shared by more than one control function analyses.

within the DCS are addressed in the DCS segmentation analysis submitted on TVA letter to NRC dated August 11, 2010, Enclosure 2 (Reference 7) which demonstrates that the loss of a single signal does not cause a failure of any critical control function.

The impact of a loss of signal to the other systems within the scope of this question is bounded by the loss of that signal to the individual system and has the same effect as for Unit 1.

(3) Where feasible, the Unit 2 design includes separate sense lines for redundant transmitters, thereby eliminating multiple single point failures which are present in Unit 1. A review of the transmitter sense line database was performed to identify multiple sensors on a single sense line that had control functions (transmitters and switches). Attachment 9 provides the results of the review and an analysis of the functions impacted by a sense line failure.

There are no transmitters on shared sense lines, such that a sense line failure would impact any combination of the DCS, Rod Control or Main Turbine Electro-Hydraulic Control Systems.

(4) Limiting DCS failures were addressed in the segmentation analysis, supplemented by Fault Handling in the I/A Series System, Revision 1, submitted on TVA letter to NRC dated October 5, 2010, Attachment 42 (Reference 1). The other systems within the scope of this question are analog and therefore this question is not applicable.

All non-safety control systems have been evaluated against these criteria and TVA has determined that their failure does not have consequences which will put the plant outside chapter 15 analyses.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

All non-safety related control systems were reviewed in the context of this question. Only those control systems (i.e. the Distributed Control System (DCS), Rod Control and the Main Turbine Electro-hydraulic Control System) previously discussed in the TVA to NRC letter dated October 21, 2010 (Reference 3) are within the scope of this question. The review found that failures of non-safety related control systems based on the scenarios in this RAI, do not have consequences which will put the plant outside the Chapter 15 analyses.

277 7.6 7.6.3 B G

a( 8/27/2010 Responder: Clark Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/29/10 278 7.6 7.6.6 B G

a( 8/27/2010 Responder: Trelease Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/21/10

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N 279 7.6 7.6.6 B G

a( 8/27/2010 Responder: Mather Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/21/10 280 7.6 7.6.6 B G

a( 8/27/2010 Responder: Trelease Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/21/10 281 7.6 7.6.8 8/27/2010 Responder: Webb Y Close Close EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB (Garg)

ML102910008 10/29/10 For FSAR Section 7.6.8 in amendment 96, redline version has Attachment 5 contains the WBN Unit 2 FSAR markup for Response provided in letter Due 11/24/10 Item#65 Enclosure 1 Item completely rewritten this section of the FSAR, however, the staff is Section 7.6.8, Interlocks for RCS Pressure Control During dated 10/29/10 No. 16 not able to determine any changes made to the section. Explain Low Temperature Operation, showing what was changed Provide the basis for what changes have been made to this FSAR Section. between Amendments 95 and 96. the changes. Look at Foxboro I/A impact.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

The interlock for the RCS Pressure Control for Unit 2 is implemented differently than Unit 1 implementation. There are no differences between Unit 1 and Unit 2 interlocks, operation of interlocks and operator interface for operation of the RCS Pressure Control. Primary sensing elements and final control elements are identical and operations of these devices are identical. For Unit 2, once signals are processed by the Eagle 21 system, interlock implementation is by software modules in the Foxboro I/A Distributed Control System (DCS). Hardware outputs, generated in the DCS, operate the PORVs. The Unit 2 DCS is implemented via EDCRs 52378 and 54504. Section 7.6.8 in Amendment 101 of the WBN Unit 2 FSAR reflects the Unit 2 changes associated with implementation of the DCS.

282 7.6 7.6.9 B G

a( 8/27/2010 Responder: Trelease Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Response is acceptable ML102910008 10/21/10 283 7.7.5 XX D a( 8/27/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.13 TVA Letter dated This item is a follow-up question to item ML102910017 10/29/10 96 284 7.7.3 7.4.1 D a( 8/27/2010 Responder: Webber Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.14 TVA Letter dated This item is a follow-up question to item ML102910017 10/21/10 123 285 7.3.3 7.3 D a( 8/27/2010 Responder: McNeil Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.15 TVA Letter dated This item is a follow-up question to item ML102910017 10/29/10 22 286 7.7.3 D a( 8/27/2010 Responder: Webber Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.16 TVA Letter dated 4 ML102910017 10/21/10 Item No 287 7.3 7.3-1 D a( 8/27/2010 Responder: Elton Y Closed Closed ML102390538, Item Response No 1 9/10/10 and received in 11 288 7.3 9/2/2010 Responder: McNeil Y Close Close EICB RAI EICB (Garg)

ML102910008 (1) Can we add a section to chapter 7 giving a brief overview of the (1) and (2) The following new section and reference will be Due 11/24/10 Item#67 Foxboro Spec 200 in Section 7.3? added to the WBN Unit 2 FSAR as part of Amendment 102: TVA committed to adding a description of the Foxboro TVA should include the Additional Clarification provided by the NRC Analog Instrumentation Spec 200 hardware at the list of all the functions 10/12 NRC Public Meeting. where Spec 200 is (2) TVA should include the list of all the functions where Spec 200 The miscellaneous safety-related analog process control used and discuss is used and discuss differences between unit 1 and unit 2. (3) This and indication loops are made up of discrete analog differences between discussion should also include loops which are currently used for modules that have been tested and qualified for use in unit 1 and unit2. This Unit 1 operation (4) If Spec 200 components have also been safety related systems. The various components have discussion should also qualified to RG 1.209, it should be stated and if not why not. been qualified to IEEE Standard 323-1983 (R-1996) IEEE include loop which are Standard for Qualifying Class IE Equipment for Nuclear currently used for Unit 1 Power Generating Stations, IEEE Standard 344-1987 (R- operation If Spec 200 1993) IEEE Standard Recommended Practices for components have also Seismic Qualification of Class IE Equipment for Nuclear been qualified to RG Power Generating Stations, and IEEE Standard 384-1984 1.209, it should be (R-1992) IEEE Standard Criteria for Independence of stated and if not why Class IE Equipment and Circuits. The modules are not.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N arranged in instrument loops to provide the safety functions listed below:

  • Turbine driven AFW Pump Flow Control
  • Motor driven AFW pump differential pressure indication and recirculation valve control
  • Containment Pressure indication
  • Upper and Lower Compartment Containment Ambient Temperature indication
  • ERCW Strainer Differential Pressure, Backwash and Flush Control
  • CCS Heat Exchanger B Inlet Pressure
  • CCS Surge Tank Level Control
  • CCS Heat Exchanger B Outlet Temperature
  • Reactor Vessel Head Vent Throttle Manual Loading Station (Unit 2 Only)
  • EGTS Annulus Differential Pressure Control The components are physically arranged in the racks to meet the requirements of IEEE-279 and Watts Bar Design Criteria WB-DC-30-4, Separation/Isolation. (Unit 2 Only) Two IE analog modules are used to isolate IE to Non-IE signals. These are the Contact Output Isolator and Voltage-to-Current Converter, both of which have the Input and Output signals isolated.

EMI testing and acceptance by TVA of the Foxboro Spec 200 hardware is documented in Reference [8].


(8) Invensys Process Systems Document No. 800063-1830, Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Reports, dated August 21, 2008, Rev. 0.

(2) As agreed to by TVA and the NRC reviewer, the level of detail necessary to describe the differences between Unit 1 and Unit 2 is down to the specific hardware manufacturer.

This level of detail was agreed to not be appropriate in Chapter 7 which discusses the functions and design requirements for the plant control systems. The hardware manufacturer level of detail is addressed in Chapter 3.10 which describes the qualification of the specific hardware for safety related functions.

(3) While not specifically identified as such, loops in service for Unit 1 (Essential Raw Cooling Water etc.) are described in the FSAR chapters describing the systems the loops serve.

(4) Reg. Guide 1.209, Guidelines for Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Computer-Based Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N Plants, is not applicable to the analog Foxboro Spec 200 hardware.

289 B S

in( 9/2/2010 Responder: Faulkner Y Closed Closed RAI No. 24 TVA Letter dated

- Response acceptable ML102980005 10/21/10 290 7.7 B C

a( 9/7/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed N/A N/A This item is a duplicate of item 291.

291 7.7 B C

a( 9/7/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated 10/21/10 292 7.2.5 7.2 B G

a( 9/7/2010 Responder: Craig Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated ML102910008 10/21/10 293 7.7.4 a(

r 9/8/2010 Responder: Craig Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 5 ML102861885 Item 10/29/10 294 7.3 D a( 9/9/2010 Responder: Elton Y Closed Closed ML102390538, Item Response 1 No 2 9/10/10 received in 11 295 7.3 D a( 9/9/2010 Responder: Elton Y Closed Closed ML102390538, Item Response 2 No 3 9/10/10 received in 11 296 7.3 D a( 9/9/2010 Responder: Elton Y Closed Closed ML102390538, Item Response 1 No 4 9/10/10 received in 11 297 7.3 D a( 9/9/2010 Responder: Elton Y Closed Closed ML102390538, Item Response 2 No 5 9/10/10 received in 11 298 7.3 XX D a( 9/9/2010 Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed ML102390538, Item Response No 6 9/10/10 received in 11 299 B


C a Provide Common Q Software Requirements Specification Post Attachment 41 of the 10/5 letter contains the Common Q Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated Accident Monitoring System 00000-ICE-3238 Rev 5 Software Requirements Specification Post Accident 10/5/10 300 Need Radiation Monitoring System Description/Design Criteria Responder: Temples/Mather Y Open Open-TVA/GA RAI No. 25 TVA Letter dated ML102980005 10/29/10 Are detectors different from Unit 1. Describe any differences. (1) The Radiation Monitoring Design Criteria Document, Response is included in letter Due 11/24/10 10/26/2010 Enclosure 1 Item WB-DC-40-24, Revision 21 is contained in Attachment dated 10/29/10 No. 20 Are there any commercially dedicated parts in the RM-1000? If so, 6 to letter dated October 31, 2010. TVA to address the how are they dedicated? following comments:

(2) Attachment 7 contains the General Atomics detector Please confirm that digital communication ports available in RM- differences report. The containment high range (1) Is it Att. 5 or Att.

1000 are not used. radiation monitors are loops 271-274. 6?

(2) Pl. confirm that (3) For safety-related applications, General Atomics HRRMs are loops Electronic Systems, Inc. supplies the RM-1000 module 271-274.

assembly as a Basic Component. This assembly does (3) TVA to clarify that contain component parts that are Safety-Related GA has a Commercial Grade Items (SRCGI). Because these commercial EICB (Singh)

SRCGI components are assembled into the delivered dedication Basic Component, they are dedicated to the assembly program in place by virtue of the acceptance test of the full RM-1000 and that GA is an assembly. Safety-related commercial grade items are approved dedicated in accordance with General Atomics 10CFR50, App. B approved 10 CFR 50 Appendix B program. supplier.

App B does not (4) The digital communications ports on the safety-related address RM-1000 radiation monitors are not used. commercial grade dedication .

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

Revised response General Atomics Electronics Systems, Inc. is an approved is acceptable.

10 CFR 50 Appendix B supplier. They have a commercial Please submit grade dedication program. response.

(4) Response acceptable.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) rad22EA6.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval


SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N 301 1.TVA is requested to address the consequences of software Responder: WEC/Davies/Clark N Open Open-TVA/WEC RAI No. 11 TVA Letter dated common cause failure including all potential resulting failures (i.e. ML102980005 10/29/10 total loss of CERPI, system fail as-is). TVA Partial Response: Partial response in 10/29 letter. Due 11/24/10 10/26/2010 Enclosure 1 Item No. 21

2. In addition, address how the actions stipulated in the plant For all accidents analyzed in WBN Unit 2 FSAR, Chapter 15, 1) Please address Technical Specifications will be taken when the CERPI system no credit is taken for the rod position indication system. For how fail-as-is is indications are lost. Information notice IN 2010-10 (ML100080281) all continuous rod withdrawal accidents analyzed in WBN detected i.e.

addresses the need to consider software failures and the actions Unit 2 FSAR, Chapter 15, no credit is taken for any rod alarms, rod required to assure that the plant will stay within its licensing basis. stop/block. position deviation alarms, etc.

3. Provide FMEA in support of your response. (1) Technical Specification 3.1.8, Rod Position Indication, 2) Response does not have an action for total loss of indication; acceptable.
4. FSAR Table 7.7-1, Plant Control System Interlocks lists interlock therefore, a total loss of CERPI puts the plant into LCO 3) Response C-11 to block automatic rod withdrawal when 1/1 Control Bank D 3.0.3 which states: acceptable.

rod position is above setpoint. This interlock capability would be 4) a. Response lost in case of total loss of CERPI. How is the rod block assured When an LCO is not met and the associated ACTIONS acceptable.

for this event? are not met, an associated ACTION is not provided, or if b. Pl. address directed by the associated ACTIONS the unit shall be failure mode on

5. How is automatic rod withdrawal affected in case of total loss of placed in a MODE or other specified condition in which fail-as-is.

signals from the CERPI to the ICS? Is this interlock fail safe? the LCO is not applicable. Action shall be initiated within 5) Response 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> to place the unit, as applicable, in: acceptable.

6.FSAR chapter 15, Section that the resolution of the 6) Response rod position indicator channel is 5% of span (7.2 inches). The MODE 3 within 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />; acceptable.

CERPI system accuracy specified in the CERPI System MODE 4 within 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br />; and requirements Specification, WNDS-DS-00001_WBT, Rev. 2 is 12 MODE 5 within 37 hours4.282407e-4 days <br />0.0103 hours <br />6.117725e-5 weeks <br />1.40785e-5 months <br />. TVA to address steps or 5.19%. The specified system accuracy seems to be common cause failure greater than the accuracy assumed in the FSAR Chapter 15. Exceptions to this Specification are stated in the as stated under Please clarify this anomaly. individual Specifications. Where corrective measures response item 2.

EICB (Singh) are completed that permit operation in accordance with the LCO or ACTIONS, completion of the actions Please explain how required by LCO 3.0.3 is not required. various alarms will continue to annunciate (2) CERPI common mode software failure on software lockup?

Need better Description of the CERPI systems installed at Watts explanation to Bar (Unit 1 & 2): understand the rationale behind the Each Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), response.

Maintenance Test Panel (MTP), and Operators Module (OM) is isolated within its own Train, A or B. Rod position information is provided to the OMs in the main control room via redundant data links. Each train (PLC, MTP, and OM) is electrically isolated from the other train.

Communications within a CERPI train (PLC, MTP, and OM) are continuously monitored. If communication is interrupted, this condition is annunciated to the operator in the control room. The MTP and OM display screens have rotating cursors in the upper right-hand corner of the display to indicate that the system is operating.

History of CERPI:

The basic PLC software associated with the CERPI system has been in use for over ten years. The first plant to utilize the CERPI PLC software was Beaver Valley. In 2003, the CERPI software was deployed with interfaces to the Common Q MTP and OM interfaces

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N within the systems for Surry Units 1 & 2, and Watts Bar Unit 1. In 2009, the Watts Bar Unit 1 CERPI system was modified to allow for two independent trains of CERPI. The Watts Bar Unit 2 CERPI system is based on the Unit 1 design. Only the detectors and the detector interface boards are not redundant within the Watts Bar CERPI systems.

CERPI Software Failure Analysis With regard to the CERPI system software:

  • The software used on PLC-A is identical to that used on PLC-B.
  • The software used on MTP-A is identical to that used on MTP-B
  • The software used on OM-A is identical to that used on OM-B.

A common cause failure affecting the software of one CERPI train would affect the other train as well.

Common cause problems associated with the CERPI software were mitigated by the Westinghouse software development process, factory acceptance testing, and site acceptance testing. There is no "fail as-is" scenario. Any failure of a hardware/software component (resulting in processor lock-up) would be immediately annunciated (Main Control Room alarm).

A loss of communication to the MTP, or OM would be annunciated, and the data values on the flat panel display would be displayed in magenta (indicating failure). A hardware/software failure in the PLC (resulting in processor lock-up) would result in an annunciator because of the watchdog alarm circuit associated with the PLC processor module.

A total loss of CERPI indication (e.g., loss of both AC power sources to the rod position cabinets) is possible, but this condition would be immediately annunciated. A complete loss of CERPI indication would lead to entering Technical Specification LCO 3.0.3. A more likely scenario would be loss of a single train of CERPI due to a hardware failure; in which case, there are no technical specification conditions to enter because a single train is capable of providing all rod indications needed for control.

(3) There is no FMEA for the CERPI system.

(4) Control Bank D Automatic Rod Withdrawal Limit would be assured by Operations and control circuitry by the following 2 methods:

a. A simultaneous failure of all indications of the Rod Position Indication System places the plant in LCO 3.0.3, since it would prevent compliance with actions in LCO 3.1.8.

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N

b. CERPI cabinet relays A-KX-18 and B-KX-18 are the PLC controlled components of Rod Withdrawal Limit. The relays are active low requiring power to activate the contacts in the control circuit. Total loss of CERPI will open the contacts and block Automatic Rod Withdrawal.

Additionally, Annunciator window 64F will annunciate to show C-11 BANK D AUTO WITHDRAWAL BLOCKED.

(5) The CERPI Maintenance and Test Panels are used to set the Rod Withdrawal Limit with output signal to ICS as a parallel path. As stated above, the relays are the controlling functions and loss of signal to ICS will not affect the capability of the control circuit to disable the Automatic Rod Withdrawal function. The C-11 interlock is fail safe with regards to loss of power.

(6) The cycle-specific analyses for the static rod misalignment assume full misalignment of an individual rod from the bank position indicator(s). Such a misalignment exceeds that which is possible during plant operations when accounting for the most adverse combination of the rod deviation alarm and uncertainty of the rod position indicator (both 12 steps). For consistency of parameter (and units) with the deviation alarm and position indicator uncertainty, the WBN Unit 2 FSAR Chapter 15, Section 2.3.1 will be revised in Amendment 102 to read:

The resolution of the rod position indicator channel is +/-

12 steps. Deviation of any RCCA from its group by twice this distance (24 steps) will not cause power distributions worse than the design limits. The deviation alarm alerts the operator to rod deviation with respect to group demand position in excess of 12 steps. If the rod deviation alarm is not operable, the operator is required to take action as required by the Technical Specifications.

This change is consistent with FSAR section, Limiting Power Distributions Page 4.3-13, which states the maximum deviation assumed is 12 steps.

302 7.5.1 (

M a

r 09/17/2010 Responder: Tindell Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/29/10 303 7.5.1 (

M a

r 09/17/2010 Responder: Tindell Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/29/10 304 7.5.1 (

M a

r 09/17/2010 Responder: Tindell Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/29/10 305 7.5.1 (

M a

r 09/17/2010 Responder: Tindell Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL ML102861885 Item 10/29/10 306 7.1 7.1 FSAR amendment 100, page 7.1-12 provides the definition of Responder: Hilmes Y Open Open-TVA/A102 EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Allowable value which is not consistent with TSTF-493 as ML102910008 10/29/10 EICB (Garg) allowable value is the value beyond which instrument channel is The FSAR Allowable Value definition will be revised to be Response is included in letter Due 12/17/10 Item#69 Enclosure 1 Item declared inoperable. consistent with the TSTF-493 in FSAR Amendment 102. dated 10/29/10 No. 26 Attachment 3 contains the revised FSAR section Pending FSAR that will be included in FSAR Amendment 102 that reflects Amendment 102 this change. submittal

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N 307 7.1 7.1 (1) FSAR amendment 100, Section 7.1, page 7.1-12, definition of Responder: Hilmes Y Open Open-TVA/A102 EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Acceptable as found tolerance is not in accordance with TSTF-493 ML102910008 10/29/10 as AAF is the limit beyond which the instrument channel is (1) The Acceptable As Found (AAF) definition will be Response is included in letter Due 12/17/10 Item#70 Enclosure 1 Item degraded but may be operable and its operability must be revised to be consistent with TSTF-493 in FSAR dated 10/29/10 No. 27 evaluated. (2) Also it states that AAF is based on measurable Amendment 102. Attachment 3 contains the revised Pending FSAR instrument channel uncertainties, such as drift, expected during the FSAR section that will be included in FSAR Amendment 102 surveillance interval. These wording should be revised to agree Amendment 102 that reflects this change. submittal with the wording given in RIS2006-17 as these wordings are very vague. (3) Also it states that RPS functions use double sided (2) Additional detail on the AAF methodology was provided tolerance limits for the AAF. Since AAF is a band it will always be in sections, Westinghouse Setpoint double sided and therefore, this clarification does not mean Methodology, and, TVA Setpoint anything and it clouds the issue. Methodology. These sections will be revised to clarify EICB (Garg) the AAF calculations in FSAR Amendment 102.

Attachment 3 contains the revised FSAR section that will be included in FSAR Amendment 102 that reflects this change.

(3) The statement about double sided limits addresses a TSTF requirement that the AAF tolerance consider errors in both the conservative and non-conservative directions and ensures that an as-found value which exceeds these limits, even in the conservative direction (away from the safety limit), will be evaluated. Attachment 3 contains the revised FSAR section that will be included in FSAR Amendment 102 that reflects this change.

308 7.1 7.1 (1) FSAR Amendment 100, Section 7.1, page 7.1-13, definition of Responder: Hilmes Y Open Open-TVA/A102 EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Acceptable as left tolerance is not in accordance with TSTF-493 as ML102910008 10/29/10 it states that this may take calibration history into consideration. (1) The statement about using calibration history to Response is included in letter Due 12/17/10 Item#71 Enclosure 1 Item EICB (Garg)

This is very vague and ambiguous. (2) Also it states that RPS determine the Acceptable As Left (AAL) will be deleted dated 10/29/10 No. 28 functions use double sided tolerance limits. Since ALF is a band it in FSAR Amendment 102. Attachment 3 contains the Pending FSAR will always be double sided and therefore, this clarification does revised FSAR section that will be included in Amendment 102 not mean anything and clouds the issue. FSAR Amendment 102 that reflects this change. submittal (2) See response to letter item 27 (NRC Matrix Item 307).

309 7.1 (1) FSAR amendment 100, Page 7.1-14, Westinghouse setpoint Responder: Hilmes Y Open Open-TVA/A102 EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 9.1 methodology, states that AAF is the algebraic sum of the .. This ML102910008 10/29/10 is not acceptable. As algebraic sum is non conservative compared (1) The AAF calculation for Westinghouse setpoint Response is included in letter Due 12/17/10 Item#72 Enclosure 1 Item to the SRSS method and will mask the operability of the instrument methodology calculations in TI-28 for TSTF-493 will be dated 10/29/10 No. 29 channel and therefore, it is not acceptable to the staff. (2) It also revised to use the Square Root Sum of the Squares Pending FSAR EICB (Garg) make the statement that ALT may take calibration history into (SRSS) method. Amendment 102 consideration which is vague and ambiguous. submittal (2) AAF definition will be revised to be consistent with TSTF-493 as discussed with the NRC Staff, in FSAR Amendment 102. Attachment 3 contains the revised FSAR Amendment 102 Change Markup that reflects this change.

310 7.1 (1) FSAR amendment 100, Page 7.1-14, TVA setpoint Responder: Hilmes Y Open Open-TVA/A102 EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 9.2 methodology, states that for AAF .and other measurable ML102910008 10/29/10 uncertainties as appropriate (i.e., those present during TVA Response: Response is included in letter Due 12/17/10 Item#73 Enclosure 1 Item EICB (Garg) calibration.) should be changed to present during normal dated 10/29/10 No. 30 operation (2) Also on page 7.1-15, states that ALT may take (1) The AAF definition will be revised in FSAR Amendment Pending FSAR calibration history into consideration which is vague and 102 to read: Amendment 102 ambiguous. submittal A tolerance band on either side of the NTSP which defines the limits of acceptable instrument

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N performance, beyond which the channel may be considered degraded and must be evaluated for operability prior to returning it to service. Channels which exceed the AAF will be entered into the Corrective Action Program for further evaluation and trending. The Acceptable As Found tolerance is the SRSS combination of drift, maintenance and test equipment (M&TE) accuracy and readability, and calibration/reference accuracy. Other uncertainties may be included in the AAF if applicable.

This revision eliminates the concern regarding uncertainties. Attachment 3 contained in the October 29, 2010 letter provided the revised FSAR Section that will be included in FSAR Amendment 102 that reflects this change.

(2) The AAL definition will be revised in FSAR Amendment 102 to read:

A tolerance band on either side of the NTSP within which an instrument or instrument loop is left after calibration or setpoint verification. The Acceptable As Left tolerance is equal to or less than the SRSS combination of reference accuracy, M&TE accuracy and M&TE readability. Other uncertainties may be included in the AAL if applicable.

This revision eliminates the concern regarding calibration history. Attachment 3 contained in the October 29, 2010 letter provided the revised FSAR Section that will be included in FSAR Amendment 102 that reflects this change.

311 7.1 7.1 Both Westinghouse and TVA setpoint methodology do not have Responder: Hilmes Y Open Open-TVA/A102 EICB RAI TVA Letter dated any discussion on single sided calculation. Please confirm that ML102910008 10/29/10 EICB (Garg) single sided calculation has not been used for all setpoints with A statement that single-sided corrections are not used for Response is included in letter Due 12/17/10 Item#74 Enclosure 1 Item TSTF-493 and provide a statement to that effect in the FSAR. TSTF-493 setpoints will be included in FSAR Amendment dated 10/29/10 No. 31 102. Attachment 3 contains the revised FSAR section Pending FSAR that will be included in FSAR Amendment 102 that Amendment 102 reflects this change. submittal 312 7.0 B


G a By letter dated September 10,2010, TVA provided the summary Responder: Stockton Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated evaluation of 50 59 reports which were related to FSAR Chapter ML102910008 10/21/10 313 7.7.8 (

D a EDCR 52408 (installation of AMSAC in Unit 2) states that Design Responder: Ayala Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.18 TVA Letter dated Criteria WB-DC-40-57 needs to be modified to reflect AMSAC in ML102910017 10/29/10 314 7.3 7.3 (

D a The following 50.59 changes were listed in the March 12 RAI Responder: Stockton Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No. 19 TVA Letter dated Related to OI 10 response letter (item 10) but were not included in the September 9 ML102910017 10/21/10 315 7.5.3 7.5.3 B


G a IE Bulletin 79-27 required that emergency operating procedures to Responder: S. Smith (TVA Operations) Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated be used by control room operators to attain safe shutdown upon ML102910008 10/21/10 316 7.5 B S(

in TVA has provided various documents in support of RM-1000 high Responder: Temples/Mather Y Closed Closed RAI No. 26 range monitors for WBN2 ML102980005 317 7.5 B S(

in TVA has provided a proprietary and a non-proprietary version of Responder: Temples Y Closed Closed RAI No. 27 TVA Letter dated Technical Manual for RM-1000 Digital Radiation Processor under ML102980005 10/29/10 318 7.5 TVA has provided the following documents for RM-1000 Responder: Temples N Open Open-TVA/GA RAI No. 28 TVA Letter dated EICB (Singh) equipment qualification: ML102980005 10/29/10 (i) Applicable to WBN Unit 2. 04508905-1QR is Note check 04508905-1QR or Due 12/22/10 10/26/2010 Enclosure 1 Item (i) Qualification Test Report for RM-1000 Processor Module applicable only in regards to the RM-1000, with the QR. Staff version is QR only. No. 34 and Current-To-Frequency Converter 04508905-QR exception of re-qualification of certain RM-1000 Response update (January 2001) equipment differences covered in the -1SP report. Response is included in letter required. It is clear that

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N (ii) Qualification Test Report Supplement, RM-1000 Upgrades The Current-to-Frequency (I-F) converter module dated 10/29/10 04508903-2SP and -

04508905-1SP (June 2006) qualifications in the base report and the -1SP report 3SP are not applicable.

(iii) Qualification Test Report Supplement, RM-1000 Upgrades are not applicable to the RM-1000s, and will be used The response for 04508905-2SP (June 2008) later as references in the WBN Unit 2 specific applicability of (iv) Qualification Test Report Supplement, RM-1000 Upgrades qualification reports. 04508905-QR and -

04508905-3SP (May 2008) (ii) Applicable to WBN Unit 2. 1SP to RM-1000 and IF (iii) Not applicable to WBN Unit 2 converter is not clear.

Please clarify whether all of these are fully applicable to WBN2 or (iv) Not applicable to WBN Unit 2 are they applicable with exceptions? If with exceptions, then Check page numbers of please clarify what those are. The 04508905-3SP report was prepared for another TVA Appendix F plant, as a monitor system-level report, where the system (missing/duplicate Supplement 3 was issued one month prior to supplement 2. included equipment mostly based on the base report pages).

Please explain the reason for the same. equipment items. These two -2SP and -3SP supplement Check applicability of reports were essentially worked concurrently, but the -2SP Appendix C to RM1000 document review/release process resulted in the release instead of RM2300?

time difference. See items 336 and 337.

All equipment qualification reports including supplements 2SP and 3SP have been reviewed as vendor drawings for WBN-2. Please explain the reason for applicability of one report and not the other.

Further all TVA/Bechtel reviews seems to be dispositioned as Code 4, Review not required.

Work may proceed.

The applicable reports should have been reviewed prior to dispositioning them.

Please explain the apparent lack of review of WBN-2 applicable documents. Was appropriate review guidance used?.

319 7.5 B S(

in TVA provided System Verification Test Results 04507007-1TR Responder: Temples Y Closed Closed RAI No. 29 TVA Letter dated (July 1999) for Sequoyah to support test verification However the -Response Acceptable ML102980005 10/29/10 320 E I Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2340, TENNESSEE VALLEY Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Duplicate of item 156 AUTHORITY WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 FSAR 321 E I For the purposes of measuring reactor coolant flow for Reactor Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Duplicate of OI# 157 Protection functions elbow taps are used for both Unit 1 and 2 322


C a Section will be added to FSAR Amendment 101 to provide Responder: Clark Y Closed Closed a discussion of the Distributed Control System 323 WCAP-13869 revision 1 was previously reviewed under WBN Unit Responder: Hilmes/Unit 1 Y Open Open-TVA Unit 1 TVA Letter dated 1 SER SSER 13 (Reference 8). Unit 2 references revision 2. An 10/29/10 EICB(Garg) analysis of the differences and their acceptability will be submitted Attachment 12 contains the WCAP 13869 Revision 1 to Response is included in letter Due: 12/22/10 Enclosure 1 Item to the NRC by November 15, 2010 Revision 2 Change Analysis. dated 10/29/10 No. 36 The staff is confused with the

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N response since both units have reference leg not insulated Rev 2 should apply to Unit 1 also and there should be no difference between Unit 1 and 2 324 (

M a

r Per the NRC reviewer, the BISI calculation is not required to be Y Closed Closed submitted 325 B


G a The Unit 2 loops in service for Unit 1 that are scheduled to be Responder: TVA Startup Olson Y Closed Closed Closed to open item ?

transferred to the Foxboro Spec 200 hardware will be transferred 326 TVA uses double-sided methodology for as-found and as-left Responder: Webb Y Open October 22, 2010 Open-TVA/A102 TVA Letter dated Reactor Trip and ESFAS instrument setpoint values. The FSAR 10/29/10 EICB(Garg) will be revised in a future amendment to reflect this methodology Attachment 3 contains the revised FSAR section Response is included in letter Due 12/17/10 Enclosure 1 Item that will be included in FSAR Amendment 102 that reflects dated 10/29/10 No. 37 this change. Pending FSAR Amendment 102 submittal 327 Attachment 36 contains Foxboro proprietary drawings 08F802403- Responder: Webber Y Open Open-TVA/Bechtel SC-2001 sheets 1 through 6. An affidavit for withholding and non-DORL (Poole) proprietary versions of the drawings will be submitted by January In accordance with correspondence from Foxboro, there is Due 11/24/10 31, 2011. no proprietary information contained in the 08F802403-SC-2001 drawings. Based on this, no affidavit for withholding is required. Attachment 1 contains versions of the drawings with the proprietary information block removed.

328 7.5 B S(

in Provide the model number for the four containment high range Responder: Temples Y Closed Closed RAI No. 30 TVA Letter dated area monitors RM-1000 and identify how the software V&V and -Response Acceptable ML102980005 10/29/10 329 7.6.1 7.6.7 Section 7.6.7 of the FSAR (Amendment 100) states that, The Responder: Clark N Open Open-TVA/A102 RAI No. 1 TVA Letter dated EICB (Singh)

DMIMS-DX' audio and visual alarm capability will remain ML102980005 10/29/10 functional after an Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE). All of the The title of FSAR Section 3.10 is Seismic Design of Response is included in letter 10/26/2010 Enclosure 1 Item DMIMS-DX' components are qualified for structural integrity Category I Instrumentation and Electrical Equipment. Since dated 10/29/10 Due 12/17/10 No. 39 during a Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) and will not the Loose Part Monitoring System is not a Category 1 mechanically impact any safety-related equipment. system, it is not included in the scope of 3.10. FSAR Section Pending FSAR 7.6.7, Loose Parts Monitoring System (LPMS) System Amendment 102 TVA to clarify the seismic qualification of the loose parts monitoring Description, identifies basic system seismic design criteria submittal.

system and include the appropriate information in Table 3.10 (or which are consistent with the requirements of TVA Design another suitable section) of the FSAR. Criteria, WB-DC-30-31, Loose Parts Monitoring System. As TVA to confirm that the identified in FSAR Table 7.1-1, Watts Bar Nuclear Plant NRC equipment has been Regulatory Guide Conformance, the system conforms to seismically qualified as Reg. Guide 1.133 as modified by Note 12. Reg. Guide 1.133 required and that TVA identifies the seismic requirements and Note 12 does not reviewed and found the contain any exception to the Regulatory Guide seismic report acceptable.


TVA response does not The Westinghouse LPMS seismic report, EQ-QR-33-WBT, list the seismic test Revision 0, Seismic Evaluation of the Digital Metal Impact document and its Monitoring System (DMIMS-DXTM) for Watts Bar Unit 2, will acceptance by TVA.

be added as Reference 7 to FSAR section 7.6 in amendment FSAR should reference 102. the test document as the source document for tracking conformance.

330 7.3 7.3 Related to Item 298 Responder: Hilmes/Faulkner Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.20 Item 7, TVA letter ML102910017, dated November EICB (Darbali)

IE Bulletin 80-06 calls for review of engineered safety features with The original response to IE Bulletin 80-06 for both WBN Unit 10/19/10 24, 2010 the objective of ensuring that no device will change position solely 1 and 2 was provided on TVA letter to NRC dated March 11, because of the reset action. 1982 (ML073530129) (Reference 4). Subsequent design changes have impacted the original response such that In Supplement 3 of NUREG-0847, section 7.3.5, the staff approved some equipment that originally changed state no longer does

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N the design modifications proposed by the applicant that would so and some equipment has been deleted. There are no allow certain devices to remain unchanged upon an ESF reset. additions to the list originally provided in TVA letter to NRC The staff also found acceptable the applicants justification dated March 11, 1982 (ML073530129) (Reference 4). The for some safety-related equipment that does not remain in its following is the current list of equipment that does not remain emergency mode after an ESF reset. in its emergency mode after an ESF reset:

Please list for Unit 1 and Unit 2 the safety-related equipment 1. Unit 1 and 2 Equipment (prefix 1- (Unit 1) or 2- (Unit 2) that does not remain in its emergency mode after an ESF reset. a. Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine Speed Control Valve, FCV-1-52

b. Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) Level Control Valves as listed below:
i. LCV-3-172 - SG3 - Level Control Valve ii. LCV-3-173 - SG2 - Level Control Valve iii. LCV-3-174 - SG1 - Level Control Valve iv. LCV-3-175 - SG4 - Level Control Valve
v. LIC-3-172 - SG3 - Level Indicating Controller vi. LIC-3-173 - SG2 - Level Indicating Controller vii. LIC-3-174 - SG1 - Level Indicating Controller viii. LIC-3-175 - SG4 - Level Indicating Controller ix. LCV-3-148 - SG3 - Level Valve
x. LCV-3-156 - SG2 - Level Valve xi. LCV-3-164 - SG1 - Level Valve xii. LCV-3-171 - SG4 - Level Valve xiii. LCV-3-148A - SG3 - Level Bypass Control Valve xiv. LCV-3-156A - SG2 - Level Bypass Control Valve xv. LCV-3-164A - SG1 - Level Bypass Control Valve xvi. LCV-3-171A - SG4 - Level Bypass Control Valve xvii. LIC-3-148 - SG3 - Controller xviii. LIC-3-156 - SG2 - Controller xix. LIC-3-164 - SG1 - Controller xx. LIC-3-171 - SG4 - Controller
c. Lower and Upper Compartment Cooler Fans and Control Rod Drive Mechanism Cooler Fan
d. Penetration Room Cooler Fans Elevations 737, 692 and 713
e. Pipe Chase Cooler Fans
2. Common Equipment
a. Shutdown Board Room A Pressurizing Fans
b. Control Building Ventilation Dampers as listed below:
i. 0-FCO-31-9 - Spreading Room Supply Fan

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N Damper ii. 0-FCO-31 Spreading Room Supply Fan Damper iii. 0-FCO-31 Toilet a Locker Room Exhaust Fan Exhaust Damper iv. 0-FCO-31 Toilet a Locker Room Exhaust Fan Exhaust Damper

v. 0-FCO-31-3 - Main Control Room Isolation Damper vi. 0-FCO-31-4 - Main Control Room Isolation Damper vii. 0-FCO-31 Spreading Room Fresh Air Supply Damper viii. 0-FCO-31 Spreading Room Fresh Air Supply Damper
c. Cask Loading Exhaust Dampers as listed
i. 0-FCO-30-122 - Cask Loading Area Exhaust Damper ii. 0-FCO-30-123 -Cask Loading Area Exhaust Damper
d. Auxiliary Building General Supply Exhaust Fans Elevation 737
e. CCW and AFT Pump Space Cooler Fans
f. Spent Fuel Pit Pumps Space Coolers
g. EGTS Room Coolers
h. Turbine Driven AFW and Boric Acid Space Coolers 331 7.6.1 7.6.7 As a follow up of OI 190, Staff has reviewed the proprietary version Responder: WEC/Harless/Clark N Open Open-TVA/WEC RAI No. 8 TVA Letter dated Follow-up of OI-190.

of the DMIMS-DX system description to verify the conformance ML102980005 10/29/10 claims in the FSAR. Staff has noted the following insufficiencies TVA Partial Response: Due ___________ 10/26/2010 Enclosure 1 Item and discrepancies between the FSAR and the proprietary version No. 40 of the system description for loose parts monitoring system 1) The source of the information is the DMIMS-DXTM Pending FSAR provided by TVA. Operations and Maintenance Manual, TS3176, Revision Amendment 102 0, dated August 2010. Attachment 14 contains the submittal

1) FSAR, Amendment 100, page 7.6-5 states, During baseline revised system description, Westinghouse DIMMS-testing, the reactor vessel and steam generator are impacted DXTM Loose Part Detection System Description, TVA to reference the three feet from each sensor with a force of 0.5 ft-lb. Loose Revision 1. The Westinghouse DIMMS-DXTM Loose DMIMS-DXTM parts detection is accomplished at a frequency of 1 kHz to 20 Part Detection System Description, Revision 1 will be Operations Manual in kHz, where background signals from the RCS are acceptable. added as Reference 9 to section 7.6 in FSAR the FSAR as the source Spurious alarming from control rod stepping is prevented by a Amendment 102. document module that detects CRDM motion commands and automatically inhibits alarms during control rod stepping. 2) The source of the information is the DMIMS-DXTM TVA to reference the seismic qualification report, Westinghouse report EQ- source document for The online sensitivity of the DMIMS-DX' is such that the QR-33-WBT, Revision 0, Seismic Evaluation of the item# 4 per the system will detect a loose part that weighs from 0.25 to 30 Ib Digital Metal Impact Monitoring System (DMIMS-DXTM) response.

and impacts with a kinetic energy of 0.5 ft-lb on the inside for Watts Bar Unit 2. Attachment 14 contains the surface of the RCS pressure boundary within 3 ft of a sensor. revised system description, Westinghouse DIMMS-EICB (Singh)

DXTM Loose Part Detection System Description, The source of this information is not cited nor is it described in Revision 1.

the system description. TVA to provide the source of the information and update the system description as needed. 3) The entries for the following items in FSAR Section

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N 7.6.7 will be modified in Amendment 102 as shown in

2) Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.133, rev.1, regulatory position C.1.g Attachment 3 for draft revision to WBN Unit 2 FSAR states that, Operability for Seismic and Environmental Section 7.6.7, Loose Part Monitoring System (LPMS)

Conditions. Components of the loose-part detection system System Description.

within containment should be designed and installed to perform their function following all seismic events that do not Sensors (In Containment) require plant shutdown, i.e., up to and including the Operating Softline Cable (In Containment)

Basis Earthquake (OBE). Recording equipment need not Preamplifier (In Containment) function without maintenance following the specified seismic event provided the audio or visual alarm capability remains Attachment 3 contains the FSAR Amendment 102 functional. The system should also be shown to be adequate Change Markups that reflect these changes.

by analysis, test, or combined analysis and test for the normal operating radiation, vibration, temperature, and humidity 4) The source of the information is Westinghouse Letter environment. WBT-D-2580, Tennessee Valley Authority Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Response to NRC RAIs on LPMS FSAR, Amendment 100, page 7.6-5 states, The DMIMS- (Reference 5). Attachment 14 contains Westinghouse DX' audio and visual alarm capability will remain functional DIMMS-DXTM Loose Part Detection System after an Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE). All of the Description, Revision 1.

DMIMS-DX' components are qualified for structural integrity during a Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) and will not In responding to Item 4, conflicting information was mechanically impact any safety-related equipment. found between the Westinghouse-prepared FSAR Paragraphs 4.c and 4.d of the system description are not section and various Westinghouse technical consistent with the seismic qualifications described in the documents. To fully respond to this item, a change to FSAR. TVA to provide the source of the information the FSAR is required to change the minimum flat sensor contained in the FSAR and update the system description as frequency response from 5 Hz to 10 Hz. Attachment 3 needed. contains the FSAR Amendment 102 Change Markups that reflect the revised frequency response of the

3) The system description clearly describes the In-containment sensor.

equipment and DIMMS-DX Cabinet equipment. The FSAR should be updated to reflect the equipment locations for Westinghouse document 1TS3182, Revision 0, Watts clarification purposes. Bar Unit 2 DMIMS-DXTM System Validation Data Package, dated July 2010 has been added as reference

4) The information regarding frequency ranges of the sensors is 8 to FSAR Section 7.6 in amendment 102. Per included on page 7.6-6 of Amendment 100 of the FSAR but Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2580, this document will be the system description does not contain this information. revised to reflect the 10Hz minimum frequency and Please provide the source of this information and update the provide the basis for the frequency response values in system description to reflect the appropriate information. the FSAR.
5) Please provide information as to how the in-containment 5) In-containment component qualification for vibration as components are qualified for vibration as addressed in addressed in regulatory position C.1.g of RG 1.133, will regulatory position C.1.g of RG 1.133. be addressed in a future RAI response letter.

332 7.5.1 M a(

r 10/26/2010 Y Closed Closed ML103000105 Item TBD EICB RAI ML103000105 sent to DORL No 1 333 7.5.1 M a(

r 10/27/2010 Y Closed Closed ML103000105 Item TBD EICB RAI ML103000105 sent to DORL No 2 334 7 7 FSAR Figure 7A-3 Mechanical Flow and Control Diagram Responder: Stockton Y Open Open-TVA/A102 RAI not required. N/A RAI not required because the figure is Symbols doesnt show the symbols for the first column of valves. not part of any SE section.

EICB (Darbali)

Please correct this in a future FSAR amendment. Figure will be corrected in FSAR Due 12/17/10 Amendment 102.

Pending FSAR Amendment 102 submittal.

335 7.6.1 7.6.7 LPMS: Reference to OI-331, sub item 2. Responder: WEC N Open Open-TVA/WEC EICB (Singh)

Provide analysis, test, or combined analysis and test for normal Due ___________

operating radiation, temperature, and humidity environment per regulatory position C.1.g of RG 1.133. As an alternate TVA may confirm that the required equipment has been qualified for the

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SE FSAR NRC No. Issue TVA Response(s) Acceptable Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Sec. Sec. POC Y/N environments stated in RG 1.133, position C.1.g and that TVA has reviewed the test report and found it acceptable.

336 7.5 Re: RM-1000 Report 04508905-QR Responder: GA Y Open Open-TVA/Bechtel Please check the page numbering in Appendix F, Closed General Atomics was not able to determine where the Due 11/24/10 Nonconforming Material Reports. Pages 1 and 6 are missing and duplicate page 2 originated. The master document does not page 2 is included multiple times. Also identify which page number contain any duplicate pages. Due a clerical error during Response acceptable.

EICB (Singh) is the last page number. document development, the master document starts at page Please submit 2 and ends at page 9, for a total of 8 pages. In May of this response.

year, the NRC discovered that the master document was missing page 6. The master document was revised and re-submitted. Attachment 2 contains the missing page 6.

The Nonconforming Material (NCM) reports found on Appendix F are complete.

337 7.5 Re: RM-1000 Report 04508905-QR Responder: GA Y Open Open-TVA/Bechtel Appendix C is titled as Seismic Test Fixture for RM2300, See The test fixture listed on Appendix C is applicable to the RM- Due 11/24/10 Drawing 04619028. Please verify whether or not it applies to RM- 1000, as indicated in the second and third paragraph of EICB (Singh) 1000? If applicable, then please identify how it is applicable. section 4.3.1, of the 04508905-QR report. The RM-1000s Response acceptable.

and the I/F converters are mounted on a standard 19 inch Please submit NIM-Bin, and this test rack is configured to simulate the field response.

installation of a standard 19 inch rack.

This seismic test fixture was originally built for the seismic testing of the RM2300s which are also mounted on a standard 19 in NIM-Bin.

338 7.5 In page 3-15 and appendix B of Qualification Test Report Responder: Civil EQB N Open Open-TVA/Bechtel 04508905-QR, licensee described the selection of seismic required response spectra (RRS) and indicated Figure 3-2 (page Get date from Bob Brown Due: 12/17/10 3-17), Figure 3-3 (page 3-18) are the RRSs used. The RRS curves used for actual testing are lower than the RRS curves that EICB (Singh) are shown on Figures 3-2 and 3-3. The RRS curves used for testing are shown in Figure 4-5, 4-6, 4-7, 4-8, 4-11, 4-12, 4-13, and 4-14 (pages 4-25, 4-26, 4-28, 4-29, 4-37, 4-38, 4-40, 4-41).

Please clarify and justify why the RRS curves used in actual tests are lower than the RRS curves determined in Figures 3-2 and 3-3.

In addition please justify that the RRS used for testing envelopes the RRS required for WBN-2 application specific seismic conditions.

339 7.5 In the Qualification Test Report 04508905-QR, the licensee Responder: Bob Brown N Open Open-TVA/Bechtel provided only eight Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) Test EICB Response Spectra (TRS) as mentioned in the previous open item Due: 12/17/10 (Singh) (OI-338). Please provide all SSE and Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) TRS plots for NRC review.

340 7.5 Provide test result curves for all EMI/RFI tests listed in Table 3.2.3 Responder: GA N Open Open-TVA/GA (page 3-8) of the Qualification Test Report 04508905-QR. In EICB addition, please provide the standards or the guidance documents Due:12/22/10 (Singh) used as the source for ENV 50140, ENV 55011 Class A, and EN 55022 Class B.