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OL - Bucket List for Tomorrow
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/07/2010
- No Known Affiliation
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
Download: ML101610738 (11)


WBN2Public Resource From: Crouch, William D []

Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 1:25 PM To: Wiebe, Joel; Milano, Patrick


Bucket List for Tomorrow Attachments: NRC PM Open Items List 6-7-10.docx William D. (Bill) Crouch (423) 3652004 WBN (256) 7777676 Cell 1

Hearing Identifier: Watts_Bar_2_Operating_LA_Public Email Number: 32 Mail Envelope Properties (B75BE6D61CDE4A468D264343045CAC4F062D4995)


Bucket List for Tomorrow Sent Date: 6/7/2010 1:25:13 PM Received Date: 6/7/2010 1:25:22 PM From: Crouch, William D Created By: Recipients:

"Wiebe, Joel" <>

Tracking Status: None "Milano, Patrick" <>

Tracking Status: None Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 86 6/7/2010 1:25:22 PM NRC PM Open Items List 6-7-10.docx 39418 Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date:

Recipients Received:

Page 1 of 9 NRC PM Open Items List 6/7/10 (423) 751-6338 ID 657601 No. Description Status Additional Comments Respond to Refurbishment meeting C - 9/22 questions Respond to Replacement Items C - 9/15 question Letter on MSIP C - 11/04 List of I&C systems and affected C - 9/17 FSAR section List of open commitments C - 10/1 Resolve fifth DG licensing basis C- 11/24 NPG Issue Rod FSAR A95 Krich EDCR Proc Appendix J C - 9/8 FSAR drawings C - 10/13 List of Project Milestones C - 9/24 Public Meeting Part 70 License C - 10/22 Application submitted 11/11 Decision on incorporating TSTF-493 Follow BFN path (this will require you to develop a C - 11/18 setpoint control program)

Other Unit 1 TSs that require revision for dual-unit operation (a list of any to C - 11/30 start with)

Provide info on your material purchases so that NRC can decide if vendor C - 10/6 inspections are warranted.

Test sequence schedule for Eagle-21 Factory Acceptance Testing C - 11/23 PRA/IPE/ submittal in Jan 2010 C - 2/9/10 Estimated schedule for cold and hot C - 9/24 functional testing On-site emergency preparedness drill C - 9/24 Current lists of items recommended in SECY 07-0096: e.g., betterments, List Available adopt updated standards for Unit 2 Now where it would not significantly detract from design and operational consistency between Units 1 and 2, opportunities to resolve GSIs, exemptions/reliefs Evacuation time estimates and State/local EP Plans C - 12/3 Support Contracts C - 12/14

Page 2 of 9 No. Description Status Additional Comments Security Plan update (cyber security) C - 11/23 FSAR Chapter 7 I&C C - 12/14 A-96 Commitment list for WRAG C - 2/18/10 List ready Big FSAR drawings for 9.2.1, 9.2.2 C- 1/20 and 9.2.5 Refurbishment Electrical RAI C - 2/5/10 Draft I&C RAI 3/8/10 Complete RM-1000 Proprietary Documents 3/8/10 Ps will be in I&C and schedule for nonP RAI response Presevice Inspection/Refurbishment - Regional Request example implementing procedures for 12/31/09 Complete.

audit Additional information related to GLs/ Region II request -

Bulletins / TMI items Bulletins sent Environmental RAIs 3/12/10 Step 1 Complete TS / TRM meeting ? 3/30/10 Meeting Set Preservice Inspection Additional 3/12/10 Drawings and Information 04/02/2010 preservice scope to 04/19/2010 be provided In-signoff

1. PSI Commitments - Revised PSI 6/18/10 procedure and ASME Inspection Plan and Schedule (Chinn)
2. Security Plan update 05/28/10 RAI response 05/14/10A submitted. Plan submitted.
3. List of TVA QA and Bechtel self- Will compile list for assessments on implementation of TBD review by NRC at a licensing basis program, refurb future site meeting.

program, etc. (Metzler)

4. EAL procedure revisions (Walt Lee) 04/10/2010 RAIs received (Lyons) 04/20/2010 In Review/Signoff 04/29/10 RAIs submitted 4/26 8/6/10 NRC questions: Are the EALs the same for U1 and U2?

Potential RAI on evacuation time estimate.

5. Antitrust Info - Gap analysis 3/12/10 Complete 04/02/2010 04/23/2010 04/29/10 5/13/10A

Page 3 of 9 No. Description Status Additional Comments

6. License condition and inspection plan TBD Update Cyber for cyber security (Pointer) Security Plan IAW NEI 08-09 Rev 6 per NRC letter dated 5/24/10.

NRC Inspection early 2011 Need TVA letter to state ready for inspection in April 2011

7. NUREG-0847 Appendix update (Chinn) 01/31/2010 Letter to address 04/30/2010 three issues from 5/26/10 SSER 21 and the 6/8/10 USIs.
8. IDVP Rationale for system selection 4/22/10 System selected 5/12/10A CCS and RHR.

Scheduled for week of 9/28/10.

Wally Justice to lead. NRC Question: Who did the IDVP for U1?

9. SBO assumptions W/ A98 FSAR A75 sent, needs additional clarification to ensure assumptions and coping strategy remain unchanged.-

Need to Docket result. Define where in FSAR the info is located. Info provided. See item 71.

10. Environmental RAIs Step 2 due Complete 4/30/10 05/12/10A
11. Regulatory Framework Update 3/18/10 Complete 4/29 4/9/10 4/30/2010
12. IPEEE submittal 3/31/10 In Review/Signoff 04/19/2010 Comment 04/30/10 incorporation in progress Complete - Fed Exd out
13. FSAR RAIs 2.5 (Elton) 6/4/10
14. FSAR RAIs 11, 12, 14 6/4/10

Page 4 of 9 No. Description Status Additional Comments

15. FSAR RAIs 3.8-1 thru 3.8-5 6/4/10
16. FSAR RAIs 3.5.1 & 3.5.3, 3.10 6/4/10
17. FSAR RAIs 3.2.2 6/4/10
18. FSAR RAIs 2.3 6/4/10
19. FSAR RAIs 9.4.4 & 9.4.8 6/4/10
20. FSAR RAIs 9.3.2, 9.2.6 6/4/10
21. FSAR RAIs 11.3 & 11.4 6/4/10
22. Amendment 98 4/15/10 Complete 4/23/10 4/30/10 5/7/10A
23. Hydrology Section 2.4 w/A98 Complete
24. Buried Piping/Cable White Paper 6/3/10A Complete (Lyons)
25. ACRS Meeting Preparations June 8, 2010 Develop Agenda SR Refurb (Valves, Pumps, Motors) -

totals, refurb, replace Fire Protection Program Buried Piping & Cables, other technical issues (Crouch)

26. Refurbishment Mtg - Overall Program: June 2010 Coordinate Date Region/NRR/TVA (Crouch/Charlton) with the Region
27. SAMA RAIs (Metzler) Step 1 - 2-Step Approach 3/31/10 Step 1 - Address 5/14/10 Initial RAIs 5/28/10 Step 1 Step 2 - Provide 6/3/10 Step 1 segue to new PRA 8/15/10 Step 2 and impact on SAMA
28. Indemnity Letter 04/02/2010 Complete 04/23/2010 04/29/10
29. 3/12/2010 submittal rejected by 5/11/10A Complete ADAMs due to duplicate and missing pages
  • duplicate documents for Rosemount 3051 Vendor document dated March of 2008,
  • Duplicate documents dated November 2009 with missing pages 3-1 through 3-6
  • Duplicate CAM documents,
  • EDCR 523343-A missing pages 1, 11,12,13,14,15,16 & 17 of 17- need to resubmit with correct documentation

Page 5 of 9 No. Description Status Additional Comments

  • RM-100 Vendor test report missing page 6 of Appendix F Need to confirm duplicates are not required Provide missing sheets to Joel
30. 12/14/2009 Cultural resources submittal 4/26/10 Complete rejected by ADAMS Complete
  • Missing pages 3, 5, & 7 and 4/23/10 now is lost.
  • We need to resubmit with correct documentation again.
31. TVA - what is the schedule for the Fire TBD Will provide another Protection Plan submittal accounting for briefing on Fire WBN 2 within the plan? What changes Protection in an have occurred to the Unit 1 plan since upcoming bi-weekly last submitted to NRC? (Knuettel) meeting
32. Part 70 and 50 License Telecon 05/05/2010A Telecon Held regarding EP and Security with NMSS
33. Pre-1995 Program Review Status for 04/30/2010 Closed - Duplicate Generic Letters and TMI items of Item 11
34. Electrical RAIs (Includes Control Room 05/27/2010A Complete Lighting?)
35. IPE/PRA RAIs on Peer Review 05/14/2010 Include information (Metzler) 05/28/10 regarding the status 6/3/10 of the F&Os Additional questions during 5/13/10 telecon
36. Internal Setpoint Methodology 5/12/10A Complete
37. Information for upcoming NRC visit to 4/23/10 Complete Westinghouse for Eagle 21 FAT
  • Updated GANT Chart - not required
  • Points of Contact
  • Testing to be Performed
  • Location & Hotels
38. Find & Forward: Radiation Records Closed Addressed by RAI Data Collection and Analysis date on SNM License January 4, 1994.
39. GL 2004-02 submittal of post Unit 1 9/15/10 RAIs (Chinn)
40. Discrepancy between A95 and A97 for With A98 Complete Rev bars in Section; A97 P 5.5-

Page 6 of 9 No. Description Status Additional Comments 9 no Rev bars, A95 P5.5-14 no Rev bars

41. Section last paragraph address W/ A98 Complete Tech Spec requirement words
42. Provide categorization table for A92 6/2/10A Complete - Disks thru A97 (Stockton) provided on 6/8/10
43. Issue PER and extent of condition for 6/4/10 FSAR errors (Metzler/Stockton)
44. Plan for combining Unit 1 and Unit 2 Closed to Item 52 FSARs post U2 Licensing
45. Plan for NRC review of Fire Protection 5/11/10 mtg Duplicate of 31 Report
46. Issue letter to change TVA WBN 6/8/10 In concurrence Licensing personnel and distribution lists for NRR and Region (Crouch)
47. Add Station Blackout section to FSAR W/ A98 Closed - See Item 71
48. Provide FMEA for 125 VDC system Need (Pointer) Schedule
49. NRC review of vendor procurement Mid August documents (Charlton)
50. Schedule for Maintenance Rule Closed Addressed by Reg Implementation Framework Letter
51. ACRS Meeting Preparations August 2010 Review Slides for SR Refurb (Valves, Pumps, Motors) - October Meeting totals, refurb, replace Fire Protection Program Buried Piping & Cables, other technical issues (Pointer)
52. Discuss status of the U1/U2 Integration Need When does U1 Team. Who is responsible for plant Schedule PORC assume from now until U2 Licensing? (Pointer) control of U2?
53. Develop Plan for early Tech Spec Need Describe how the verification (Elton/Stockton) Schedule Tech Spec template was developed
54. Discuss dual unit operator licenses Need TVA/NRC Region (Metzler) Schedule mtg 5/20
55. Provide plan for providing a single Closed - Discussed Emergency Plan for Unit 1 & 2 to NRC on 5/17. Will minimize Unit 1 revisions.
56. March 2009 Emergency Plan response Information showed additional staffing in Rev 88 but provided to Joel not in Rev 89. Address why it changed. Wiebe on 5/11/10.

Amendment 98 did not replace the template. This was explained in a letter

Page 7 of 9 No. Description Status Additional Comments dated 3/11/10.

57. Provide Appendix R discussion of RCP 5/20/10A Unit 2 will have the
  1. 1 Seals need for cooling. same seals as Unit 1 therefore post fire cooling is required.
58. For info in the FSAR that is as- 6/3/10 designed/not confirmed yet such as stress, is the info Unit 2 as designed or Unit 1 as constructed? (Knuettel)
59. Eagle 21 FAT Issues EDCR 52319
1. Provide NRC with difference Unit Diff Form form from WBN Design change package
2. Provide NRC a statement of the WO 08-new power supplies have been 813412-000 installed by TVA in WBN 1 -

that how the equipment was installed via equivalency evaluation from Westinghouse.

3. Provide NRC with Rack 5 issue 7/23/10 cause determination and corrective actions needed for resolution Westinghouse
4. Was a PER written and an PER initiated.

Extent of Condition performed? Cause (Lyons) analysis and extent of condition in process

60. Biweekly meeting on Shared Systems 5/25/10A Complete - See Item 68 for follow up meeting
61. Rx Systems RAI Need Schedule FSAR 15.2.14 Inadvertent SI @ Power

- RIS on subject not addressed FSAR 5.2.2 and 5.5.13 - Does not address Overpressure Protection relief capacity at power (Elton)

62. A97 Sect - Verify if TVA will Closed Addressed in NRC do a periodic ISI inspection of the RCP EMCB RAI

Page 8 of 9 No. Description Status Additional Comments flywheel versus taking credit for the vibration monitoring system (Pointer)

63. Provide discussion of missing QA 6/8/10 Records Was a PER written? What was the cause? What is the regulatory impact? What happened from 1985 to 1995 on Unit 1 pipe supports that makes Unit 1 different than Unit 2? Why was the same process not applied to Unit 2?

What went wrong? How did we lose the records? Address 10CFR50 Appendix B Control of Records. Does the CAP and/or Implementation Plan need to be changed? (Stephenson)

64. Confirm acceptability of shifting EP 7/1/10 No NRC objections.

drill from May 2011 to July 2011 to Need FEMA and support other state drills. (Crouch) state of TN concurrence

65. Three issues identified regarding Need environmental items: Schedule
1. Three reports (Baxter)
2. Water samples different
3. Addressing three reactor events (locked rotor, RCP shaft break,


Look at ML101370186 for NRC telecom minutes for 5/15/10.


66. Control Room Lighting RAI (Elton) Need Schedule
67. Instrumentation RAI List (Knuettel) Need Schedule
68. Shared Systems Meeting (Crouch) Need Schedule
69. Emergency Preparedness RAI (Lyons) 6/21/10
70. Part 70 and 50 License RAI regarding 6/17/10 EP and Security from NMSS (Lyons)
71. NRC reviewing the Station Blackout Need Design Criteria to determine if it Schedule provides the info they are requesting.


72. Questions on A98 rev bars- Sections, 9.4, 11.2.6, 11.3, 15.2 (Stockton)

Page 9 of 9 No. Description Status Additional Comments

73. Appendix R changes from Rev 0 to current (Boyd/Woodfin)