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Condition Report - CR-IP2-2005-03557
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/08/2005
From: Schwartz G
Entergy Nuclear Operations
NRC Region 1
Download: ML090510185 (33)


Entergy CONDITION REPORT CR-IP2-2005-03557 Originator: Schwartz,Geoffrey E Originator Phone: 6684 Originator Group: Eng Project Mgmt Operability Required: Y Reportability Required: N Supervisor Name: Verrochi,Steven F Discovered Date: 09/01/2005 10:00 Initiated Date: 09/07/2005 16:06 Condition


This CR initiated by CA&A to copy a manual CR, which is attached to the suggested action section below with the original paper operability review.

A hairline crack several feet in length was found at approximately 60 foot level of Unit 2 spent fuel pool south wall on the loading bay side. The crack has evidence of liquid seepage with trace amounts of cesium 134. This was found during excavation associated with the dry cask storage project.

The crack was inspected by a structural engineer and the supervisor of Structural-Civil Engineering and does not pose an operability concern for the spent fuel pool.

It is a typical concrete crack that develops during forming, and is non-propagating. It was not created by the excavation, since excavation only removed loose soil and rocks whichwas not load-bearing for the wall. The pool is an independent structure not supported by adjacent material.

The activity is indicative of either a pinhole leak in the pool stainless steel interior liner, or is from seepage into the crack (which is now leaching out) during watering of the soil above the level of the crack to inhibit dust as it was being removed.

Immediate Action


Informed Shift Manager, Operations Manager, PLant Manager, Engineering Director. Performed inspections described above. Radiologically controlled the area. Also informed the NRC resident.

Suggested Action


(FROM 9/1/05 paper CR attached) Keep radiological controls in place, continue to monitor. Assign CR to Manager of Dry Cask Storage, who.will develop and implement a repair plan such as seal injection. Test liquid samples for boron (there is no evidence visible).


Tag Name Tap Suffix Name Component Code Process System Code SFPC REFERENCE ITEMS:

Tvpe Code Description CARB-EDIT 110105 CR Manual CR IP2-2005-000 11 CR IP2-2005-03885 CR IP3-2005-04713 CR IP2-2006-01039 CR IP2-2005-04799 CR IP2-2005-04151 CR 1P2-2005-03986 TRENDING (For Reference Purposes Only):


Entergy CONDITION REPORT CR-IP2-2005-03557

-TRENDING (For Reference Purposes Only):

  • Trend Type Trend Code REPORT WEIGHT I Attachments:

Suggested Action Description Manual paper CR w/operability review performed..

Remarks description ODMI Resolved

Entergy ADMIN FCR-IP2-2005-03557 Initiated Date: 9/7/2005 16:06 Owner Group :Eng Project Mgmt Current


Joe Reynolds Current Significance: B - ACE & CARB Closed by:



This CR initiated by CA&A to copy a manual CR, which is attached to the suggested action section below with the original paper operability review.

A hairline crack several feet in length was found at approximately 60 foot level of Unit 2 spent fuel pool south wall on the loading bay side. The crack has evidence of liquid seepage with trace amounts of cesium 134. This was found during excavation associated with the dry cask storage project.

The crack was inspected by a structural engineer and the supervisor of Structural-Civil Engineering and does not pose an operability concern for the spent fuel pool.

It is a typical concrete crack that develops during forming, and is non-propagating. It was not created by the excavation, since excavation only removed loose soil and rocks whichwas not load-bearing for the wall. The pool is an independent structure not supported by adjacent material.

The activity is indicative of either a pinhole leak in the pool stainless steel interior liner, or is from seepage into the crack (which is now leaching out) during watering of the soil above the level of the crack to inhibit dust as it was being removed.



9/19/05: Per CRG, ODMI Action Plan approved. (cbh) 11/9/05: Per CRG, Addendum to ODMI Action Plan approved. (cbh) 3/6/06: Per CRG and attached e-mail, ODMI declared resolved. (cbh)



En tery OPERABILITY CR-IP2-2005-03557 OperabilityVersion: I Operability Code: EQUIPMENT OPERABLE Immediate Report Code: NOT REPORTABLE Performed By: BuchalTimothy J 09108/2005 00:57 Approved By: Drown,Keith A 09/08/2005 01:16 Operability


See attachment associated with 'Suggested Action Description' section for Operability. Recommend CRG review for possible ODMI.

Approval Comments:

Approved. Operability based upon level, boron concentration and spent fuel placement unaffected.

Enterg, [ AS S I GNMENTS CR-IP2-2005-03557 Version: I Significance Code: B - ACE & CARB Classification Code: NON-SIGNIFICANT Owner Group: Eng Project Mgmt Performed By: Harrison,Christine B 09/09/2005 08:16 Assignment


Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: I Nam 11........

e Group I I

Assigned By: CRG/CARB/OSRC Harrison,Christine B Assigned To: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Subassigned To:

Originated By: Harrison,Christine B 9/9/2005 08:17:14 Performed By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E" 10/3/2005 08:42:05 Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: ReynoldsJoseph A 10/3/2005 08:59:46 Current Due Date: 10/04/2005 Initial Due Date: 10/04/2005 CA Type: DISP - ACE/LT Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Please perform lower-tier apparent cause evaluation and assign further corrective actions as required. Note that a corrective action is being assigned to CA&A to document the CARB presentation of your evaluation.


See attached Lower-Tier Apparent Cause Evaluation.


Closure Comments:

Per CA&A review, noted the response addressed all expected LT-ACE discussion points and was therefore accepted pending CARB review. CA# 2 assigned to document the results of the CARB review, therefore this CA closed.


Resp Description Revised ACE to revise CAs numbers

Entergoy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 2 Group Name Assigned By: CA&A Staff Harrison,Christine B Assigned To: CA&A Staff Tumicki,Michael L Subassigned To:

Originated By: Harrison,Christine B 9/9/2005 08:18:25 Performed By: Tumicki,Michael L 11/3/2005 12:13:41 Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: Tumicki,Michael L 11/3/2005 12:13:41 Current Due Date: 12/08/2005 Initial Due Date: 12/08/2005 CA Type: CARB REVIEW Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Document the results of the apparent cause evaluation presentation to CARB.


The CAT B report was presented to and accepted with minor edit by the CARB on 11/01/05. The CARB provided the following feedback needing to be resolved.

(1) The CARB requested a new CA be assigned to assess what action(s) can be put in place with triggers to detect future potential leakage. Based on this review the owner should issue additional CAs as necessary to ensure actions from the assessment are put in place.

A new CA was assigned to the owner to enable the documentation of the action performed and attach the report revision to resolve the CARB feedback.


Closure Comments:

Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 3 Group Name Assigned By: Eng Project Mgmt Hinrichs,Gary H Assigned To: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Subassigned To:

Originated By: Hinrichs,Gary H 9/19/2005 08:42:00 Performed By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 10/14/2005 16:42:2C Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 10/14/2005 16:42:2C Current Due Date: 12/15/2005 Initial Due Date: 12/15/2005 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE, CA


This CA is developed based on the Extent of Condition review of a spent fuel pool leak at the Salem Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1, where the tell tale drains on the fuel pool were clogged,.even though the drain valves operated properly. The unit had an undetected fuel pool leak for potentially over 20 years. The cause was due to blockages in the many of the,drain lines. Some partially blocked lines were identified in the other unit. IPEC Unit 2 does not have tell tale drains, but Unit 3 does. This CA is to initiate a WO to inspect the tell tale drain lines of Unit 3 Spemt fuel pool.


WO IP3-05-22693 written to inspect tell tale drain system (ghh 9/30)


Closure Comments:

Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 4

______ Group Name Assigned By: Operations Tech Support Staff Main,Dennis E Assigned To: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Subassigned To:

Originated By: Main,Dennis E 9/19/2005 16:29:22 Performed By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 9/20/2005 13:44:16 Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 9/20/2005 13:44:16 Current Due Date: 09/22/2005 Initial Due Date: 09/22/2005 CA Type: ODMI.

Plant Constraint: #NONE CA.Description:

Attach ODMI Action Plan


See ODMI attached. The Action Plan is to carry out the monitoring and trigger point actions as listed in the plan.

Additionally, the initial Action Plan to resolve the issue is at the end of the attached White Paper. The response to CA-i will generate the additional Action Plan (as CAs) to resolve the issue.


Closure Comments:


Resp Description ODMI White paper w/ initial Action Plan for issue resolution

Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION 1 CR-IEP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 5 Group . Name Assigned By: OEN IPEC Staff Hornyak Jr,Michael P Assigned To: OEN IPEC Staff Hornyak Jr,Michael P Subassigned To:

Originated By: Hornyak JrMichael P 9/28/2005 08:50:27 Performed By: Hornyak JrMichael P 10117/2005 12:34:35 Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: Hornyak Jr,Michael P 10/17/2005 12:34:3S Current Due Date: 10/28/2005 initial Due Date: 10/28/2005 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Review the results of the lower tier ACE for possible Entergy fleet and industry share.


The apparent cause was shared within the Entergy OE Fleet on 10/3/2005, see attached e-mail. The industry share is posted as OE21506.


Closure Comments:


Resp Description CR-P-2-2005-03557-AC OE Screening - CR-IP2-2005-03557-AC 9

Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 6 Group INm Assigned-By: EnProjectMgmt SchwartzGeoffrey E Assigned To: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Q

U A E e Originated By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 10/3/2005 08:46:11 Performed By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 1 1/5/2005 09:22:33 Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 11/5/2005 09:22:33 Current Due Date: 11/18/2005 Initial Due Date: 11/18/2005 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Determine methodology for locating and repairing the liner discontinuity or discontinuities that are allowing the observed leakage. CA closure requires initiation of an inspection/repair Work Order which cannot be cancelled without Director of Engineering approval, and/or attachment of a documented justification for not implementing inspections and/or repairs, approved by the Director of Engineering.


Inspection methodology is underwater camera.

See new CA-14 and CA-15 with same due dates as this CA.


Closure Comments:

Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 7 Group jName Assigned By: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Assigned To: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Subassigned To :

Originated By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 10/3/2005 08:47:50 Performed By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 11/5/2005 09:10:56 Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 11/5/2005 09:10:56 Current Due Date: 11/18/2005 Initial Due Date: 11/18/2005 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Determine necessity and methodology for monitoring and capturing Unit 2 SFP liner leakage. CA closure requires initiation S of an Engineering Request (ER) for design and implementation of a monitoring/capture system which cannot be cancelled without Director of Engineering approval, or attachment of a documented justification for not implementing a monitoring and/or capture system, approved by the Director of Engineering.


Replaced by new CA- 13 with identical wording and due date so that it could be assigned to Mechanical/Civil Design Engineering.


Closure Comments:

"Entergy I CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-MP2-2005-03557 CA Number:

Group Name Assigned By: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Assigned To: Design Eng Civil/Str Staff Skonieczny,John F Subassigned To:

Originated By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E. 10/3/2005 08:49:48 Performed By: Skonieczny,John F 10/5/2005 06:27:37 Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: Skonieczny,John F 10/5/2005 06:27:37 Current Due Date: 10/21/2005 Initial Due Date: 10/2 1/2005 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


. Finalize SFP wall rebar condition and structural strength margin calculation.


The structural calculation for the South wall of the Spent Fuel Pool Pit structure that adresses the affects of the discovered cracks and seepage has been completed. The calculation, which was performed by ABS Consulting, has been reviewed and approved by Entergy and assigned calculation number IP-CALC-05-00952. The calculation has been submitted to the Records Custodian for incorporation into MERLIN.

This completes actions required for this CA.


Closure Comments:

Enterfgy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 9 Group ..... .e

Assigned By: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Assigned To: P&C Eng Manager Tesoriero,Michael V SllUbasl llU d lJg I U 0-L.s.. Ln eu LVIpIIIat -/ C U .1s Originated By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E- 10/3/2005 08:51:59 Performed By: Azevedo,Nelson F 11/8/2005 14:34:11 Subperformed By: Azevedo,Nelson F 11/8/2005 14:33:41 Approved By:

Closed By: Azevedo,Nelson F 11/8/2005 14:34:11 Current Due Date: 11/18/2005 Initial Due Date: 11/18/2005 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Inspect inside of Unit 3 SFP liner leak detection piping to determine if it is obstructed. If obstructions are found, CA closure requires initiation of Work Order which cannot be cancelled without Director of Engineering approval, to ensure obstructions are removed.


See sub response below.


The Unit 3 SFP liner was inspected by inserting a 19' long video prove into the pipe. No obstructions were found during this inspection. In addition, since the drain pipe is longer then 19' (it appears to be approximateluy 37' to 38' long) and a clear image could not be obtained much beyond the end of the probe, a metal snake was also inserted into the drain pipe. This snake was insetted approximately 37.5' and no obstructions were encountered. Minor amounst of water were also found in the

  • pipe which would further confirm the absence of blocking of the'piping. Based on this information, it is concluded that no obstructions were found during this inspection.

Closure Comments:

Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION ICR-P2-2005-03557 CA Number: 10 Group I Name Assigned By: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Assigned To: Radiation Protection Mgmt Axelson,William L

.,,h~a~ion~d T'b_ Rndinitinn Prntectlnn 5qt'ff T *vera Rnnaldi Originated By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 10/3/2005 08:54:46 Performed By: Axelson,William L 12/15/2005 05:26:1C Subperformed By: Lavera,Ronald 12/13/2005 13:37:42 Approved By:

Closed By: Axelson,William L 12/15/2005 05:26:1C Current Due Date: 12/16/2005 Initial Due Date: 12/16/2005 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Issue report characterizing environmental contamination extent and off-site dose impact of this issue.


approved for closure per LI- 102 Subresponse:

See the attached report and bounding calculation. Action Completed.

Closure Comments:


Subresp Description Dose Report IPEC-CHM-05-042 RAD IMPACT EVALUATION OF WATEr Leak IP-2

[. Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: ll Group Name Assigned By: System Eng Primary System Staff Johnson,Matthew R To: System Assigned To:Sse Assig~dned Eng rmaySse System Staff n Primary tf Johnson,Matthew R Originated By: Johnson,Matthew R 1.0/25/2005 08:46:5-Performed By: JohnsonMatthew R 10/2512005 08:50:1I Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: Johnson,Matthew R 10/25/2005 08:50:1 I Current Due Date: 10/26/2005 Initial Due Date: 10/26/2005 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


CA to attach position paper written by system engineering on additional mass balance testing to help quantify leak rate from pool.


attached is position paper written by system engineering. Purpose of the paper was to evaluate a mass balance method of testing the SFP for additional leakage to what was already found. The paper gives both positive and negative aspects of such a:

test and gives the opinion of system engineering.


Closure Comments:


Resp Description SFP test position paper

Entei-gyCORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 12 Grou p [ !......... * ............ ....... .... N m Group Name Assigned By: CRG/CARB/OSRC TumickiMichael L Assigned To: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Subassigned To:

Originated By: Tumicki,Michael L 11/3/2005 12:15:22 Performed By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 11/7/2005 15:40:06 Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: ReynoldsJoseph A iil/72005 1.5:59:25 Current Due Date: 11/15/2005 Initial Due Date: 11/15/2005 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


The CAT B report was presented to and accepted with minor edit by the CARB on 11/01/05. The CARB provided the following feedback needing to be resolved.

(1) The CARB requested a new CA be assigned to assess what action(s) can be put in place with triggers to detect future potential leakage. Based on this review the owner should issue additional CAs as necessary to ensure actions from the assessment are put in place.

This new CA was assigned to the owner to enable the documentation of the action performed and attach the report revision to resolve the CARB feedback.


Type Code Description CARB-ACCEPT W-EDIT Minor


See new CA- 16, assigned to Radiation Protection (Rad Engineering) Supervisor, to describe the monitoring wells and sampling protocol presently being implemented to detect potential Unit 2 spent fuel pool leakage.


Closure Comments:

Per CA&A review, noted the response resolved the assigned action, therefore this CA closed.

Enterg" CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 13 Group Name Assigned By: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Assigned To: Design Eng Mgmt Drake,Richard S Subassigned To: Design Eng Civil/Str Staff Nuta,Dragos A Originated By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 11/5/2005 09:09:25 Performed By: Drake,Richard S 11/16/2005 13:54:4(

Subperformed By: Nuta,Dragos A 11/16/2005 09:32:12 Approved By:

Closed By: Drake,Richard S 11/16/2005 13:54:4(

Current Due Date: 11/1712005 Initial Due Date: 11/17/2005 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Determine necessity and methodology for monitoring and capturing Unit 2 SFP liner leakage. CA closure requires initiation of an Engineering Request (ER) for design and implementation of a monitoring/capture system which cannot be cancelled without Director of Engineering approval, or attachment of a documented justification for not implementing a monitoring and/or capture system, approved by the Director of Engineering.


Sub response is acceptable. Engineering Request ER No. fP2-05-26558 was developed and issued in response to this Corrective Action.

Action completed.

Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 Subresponse:

In. order to facilitate the handling of Spent Fuel Casks, the area south of the Spent Fuel Pool, consisting of a concrete slab supported onto a rock foundation medium, had to be excavated in order to implement a reinforced concrete design that will provide proper anchorage and support for the crane handling the casks. During the excavation activities in the Fuel Storage Building Truck Loading Bay, located south of the Spent Fuel Pool, the rock drilling required the use of rather large amounts of water. Whenever drilling was in close proximity to the south wall of the Spent FuelPool, moist areas of the pool wall exposed after the rock removal normally dried out rather quickly. As rock was removed below Elevation 65', a mostly horizontal hairline crack was exposed. Over a length of approximately 9'-2", the westernmost portion of this hairline crack remained. moist. As the excavation continued, another mostly horizontal hairline crack at approximately Elevation 59'-I 1"did not dry out upon being exposed and a section approximately 3'-4" in length remained damp. As a result, on September 1 2005 Condition Report CR-IP2-2005-03557 was written. In the beginning of the problem description, the Condition Report stated that "A hairline crack several feet in length was found at approximately 60 foot level of Unit 2 spent fuel pool south wall on the loading bay side. The crackhas evidence of liquid seepage with trace amounts of cesium 134. This was found during excavation associated with the dry cask storage project." As there was no actual leakage from the damp cracks, a small tent with a collection point was installedover the damp areas. Amounts of condensed fluid for one day were in the 500 ml range.

In late September, a larger tent, covering both the upper and lower moist cracks was installed, and the daily condensation amount increased to approximately 1500 ml.

The area from where the leakage is being collected shall be covered by compacted sand backfill to support installation of a crane that will allow handling of the dry casks. The temporary collection system. needs to be replaced with a permanent collection system. As such, an ER is needed to develop a modification that will replace the temporary tenting over the moist concrete cracks area with a Stainless Steel container, and provide a drain and vent line that will facilitate the collection of condensate from the area where crack dampness was observed.

The permanent liquid collection system should consist of a collection box attached to the Spent Fuel Pool wall over the area where dampness was observed, a drain line routed to the PAB/Fan House Pipe Pen area to facilitate the liquid collection, and a vent line to facilitate drainage of the sealed box. The ER should indicate that, in terms of basic functions, critical characteristics and performance requirements, the liquid collection assembly must (1) cover the entire area where damp cracks were observed to exist, (2) support a boroscope inspection of the box and damp area of the Spent Fuel Pool wall, (3) provide for storage of a 30-day collection volume, with the daily volume collected being in the 1300 milliliters range. The liquid collection assembly must also (4) minimize any potential impacts on Fire and Accident Analyses, (5) provide for a safe installation, and (6) facilitate sampling by Chemistry.

Engineering Request ER No. IP2-05-26558 was developed and issued in response to this Corrective Action (DA Nuta 1.1 16 2005)

Closure Comments:

  • Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number:* 14 Group I aNme Assigned By: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Assigned To: P&C Eng Programs Mgmt Azevedo,Nelson F Subassigned To:

Originated By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 11/5/2005 09:14:51 Performed By: Azevedo,Nelson F 11/16/2005 14:23:44 Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: Azevedo,NelsonF 11/16/2005 14:23:44 CurrentDue Date: I 1/17/2005 Initial Due Date: 11/I 7/2005 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Perform a remote video inspection of the accessible sections of the spent fuel pool liner to identify the potential sources of the existing leakage. Any susceptible locations should be further investigated with a vacuum box or other similar method,


A remote visual inspection of the accessible areas of the spent fuel pool liner has been performed to try to locate the potential source of the minor leakage detected through the defect on the south wall. This inspection covered the cask loading area and the portions of the pool walls/liner above approximately 2 feet above the top of the fuel assemblies (i.e. areas where cameras could withstand the radiation dose). These inspections (WO IP2-05-25553) identified three locations with brown staining which could be the source of the existing leakage. Following this remote visual examination, a diver entered the pool and performed a vacuum box test of the upper two indications. No detectable leakage was found during this inspection. The third location is scheduled to be vacuum box tested on November 17, 2005. The final inspection results will be documented in WO 1P2-05-26214.

Subresponse: (

Closure Comments:


Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 15

- Group [ Name I Assigned By: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Assigned To: Design Eng Mgmt DrakeRichard S Subassigned To : Design Eng Civil/Str Staff Bhalla,Gopal K Originated By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 11/5/2005 09:20:16 Performed By: Drake,Richard S 11/16/2005 13:51:3E Subperformed By: Bhalla,Gopal K 1/16/2005 12:53:12 Approved By:

Closed By: Drake,Richard S 11/16/2005 13:51:3(

Current Due Date: 11/17/2005 Initial Due Date: 11/17/2005 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Determine methodology for repairing the liner discontinuity or discontinuities that are allowing the observed leakage. CA closure requires initiation of an ER or repair Work Order which cannot be cancelled without Director of Engineering approval, and/or attachment of a documented justification for not implementing repairs, approved by the Director of Engineering.


Sub-response is acceptable. Engineering Evaluation will apply a coating repair to the Fuel pool. Coating will be applied on Thursday Nov 17.


Engineering Request IP2-05-26413 has been initiated and is being evaluated to apply a coating of epoxy material Bio-Dur 561 over the weld anomalies found during the video inspection.

This CA can be closed.

Closure Comments:

Entergy S CORRECTIVE ACTION' CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 16 Group I Name .

Assigned By: Eng Project Mgmt Schwartz,Geoffrey E Assigned To: Radiation Protection Mgmt Axelson,William L Subassigned To:

Originated By: Schwartz,Geoffrey E 11/7/2005 15:37:41 Performed By: Axelson,William L 1/24/2006 12:32:13.

Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: Axelson,William L 1/24/2006 12:32:13 Current Due Date: 02/01/2006 Initial Due Date: 02/01/2006 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


  • During CARB review of the Lower-Tier Apparent Cause Report, the CARB Chairman requested that a new CA be written to assess what action(s) can be put in place with triggers to detect future potential leakage. This CA is intended to address that request. CA response should describe actions implemented (monitoring wells and sampling protocol).


Currently, IPEC is conducting weekly samples from all four monitoring wells located in the unit 2 transformer yard to track and trend suspected ground water leakage from the FSB or PAB--that data is suffient to detect any significant increase in ground water contamination from the unit 2 SFP--The data is reviewed by the special IPEC team weekly and discussed

  • internally with RP and Chemistry--Additional wells are currently being installed to further characterize the HTO plume and quantify its concentration, flow rate and direction--Also a long term well monitoring plan is being developed per CR-IP2-2005-3986 and as such tracked to that CR No further actions necessary here as the reference CR will capture long term corrective actions for the HTO monitoring plan and remediation if necessary Subresponse:

Closure Comments:

-Enteroy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 17 Assigned peration By: ,eh Supp*-.o Staff p* Name Assigned By: Operations Tech Support Staff MainDennis E Assigned To: Operations Tech Support Staff Main,Dennis E Subassigned To:

Originated By: Main,Dennis E 11/9/2005 09:40:59 Performed By: MainDennis E 11/9/2005 09:42:13 Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: Main,Dennis E 11/9/2005 09:42:13 Current Due Date:- 11/10/2005 InitialDue Date: 11/IC V/2005 CA Type: ODMI Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Attach rev I of ODMI (rev I contains addendum approved by CRG 111/9/05)


Rev I of ODMI attached.


Closure Comments:


Resp Description ODMI rev 1

Enteirgy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 C.A iNumoer: 10 Group Name Assigned By: Licensing Mgmt Jones,Terry R Assigned To: WPO Eng Support Staff Bode,Paul M Subassigned To:

Originated By: JonesTerry R 11/18/2005 14:04:24 Performed By: Bode,Paul M 1/17/2006 20:57:35 Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: BodePaul M 1/17/2006 20:57:35 Current Due Date: 01/19/2006 Initial Due Date: o1/19/2006 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Perform KT Analysis. Incorporate trend data from samples being taken.


KT continues to be updated. U I SFP and the U2 RWST are not likely to be the source of the groundwater tritium based on the concentration gradient observed in the plume.

Work continues to characterize possible sources. Well installation and inspections of possible sources such as sumps continues. The "performance" of the KT will continue as requested until well installation is complete, and the strategy to characterize the plume is complete. An action is being entered to status the KT at the completion of well installation.


Closure Comments:

Enrtergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA Number: 19 Group Name .

Assigned By: Licensing Mgmt JonesTerry R Assigned To: Licensing Mgmt Jones,Terry R

.Q1Kheionar TY%

Originated By: Jones,Terry R 11/18/2005 14:20:1C Performed By:

Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By:

Current Due Date: 03/29/2006 Initial Due Date: 03/30/2006 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Following complete of KT send info to INPO for generic applicability and send same data to NRC.


Subresponse :

Closure Comments:

Entergy CA DUE DATE EXTENSION CR-IP2-2005-03557 Corrective Action: CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA-00019 Version: I Approved: -

Requested Duedate: 03/30/2006 Previous Duedate: 02/01/2006 Requested By: Jones,Terry R 01/31/2006 Approved By: Jones,Terry R 01/31/2006 Request


The completion of this CA is based on the completion of the K/T associated with the Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool leak. The K/T will not be complete until all monitoring wells are complete and the source of any leakage is identified. Extension of the CA will not cause any regulatory or administrives violations/problems.



Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION .ICR-IP2-2005-03557 U111 -A& .*J Group Name Assigned By: Licensing Staff Croulet,Donald K Assigned To: WPO Eng Support Staff Bode,Paul M Subassignea 1o:

Originated By: CrouletDonald K 2/6/2006 14:08:06 Performed By: BodePaul M 2/10/2006 10:51:26 Subperformed By:

Approved By:

Closed By: Croulet,Donald K 2/14/2006 05:31:23 Current Due Date: 02/14/2006 Initial Due Date: 02/14/2006 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: #NONE CA


Prepare preliminary cause analysis report utilizing data from KT analysis, project status and actions.


Complete and attached.


Closure Comments:


Resp Description Signatures

- Document

-Entergy CA DUE DATE EXTENSION CR-IP2-2005-0355 7 Corrective Action: CR-IP2-2005-03557 CA-000ZU Version: I Approved: 17]

Previous Duedate: 02/10/2006 Requested Duedate: 02/14/2006 02/09/2006 Requested By: Lewandowski,Paul R 02/09/2006 Approved By: Croulet,Donald K Request


Extention necessary to allow additional time of completion of assessment. Entered at request of IPEC Licensing (TRJ)



Approval based on request.

ATTACHMENT 9.2 CALCULATION COVER PAGE Sheet 1 of I CALCULATION COVER PAGE Z IP-2 El IP-3 D JAF [-PNPS VY This revision incorporates the following MERLIN Sheet 1A of 93 Calculation No.IP-CALC-05-00952 DRNs or Minor Calc Changes'NA Includes Pages 1A to IE


Study of Potential Concrete Reinforcement Corrosion on the Structural IZQR [NQR Integrity of the Spent Fuel Pit Discipline:Civil/Structural Design Basis Calculation? [DYes []No This calculation supersedes/voids calculation:NA Modification No./Task No/ER No:NA U1 No software used (Also check this box ifspreadsheet application such as MathCAD or Excel is used.)

EU Software used and filed separately (include Computer Run Summary Sheet).

If "YES', Code:

[] Software used and filed with this calculation. If "YES', Code: SAP2000 Version 7.4 System No./Name: NA Component No./Name: NA (Attach additional pages ifnecessary)





PAGE Page 1B of 93 Calculation No. IP-CALC-05-00952 Revision No.-

CALCULATION OBJECTIVE:See Page 7 of Calculation CONCLUSIONS:See Page 20 of Calculation ASSUMPTIONS:See Page 10 of calculation DESIGN INPUT DOCUMENTS: See page 10 & 22 of calculation AFFECTED DOCUMENTS:NA METHODOLOGY:See page 11 of calculation


Revision No. Descripton of Change Reason For Change 0 Original

ATTACHMENT 9.7 CALCULATION IMPACT REVIEW PAGE CALCULATION IMPACT REVIEW PAGE Date: 10-04-05 0 QR Elo NQR (Note: X indicates required distribution)

To: Fl Mechanical Engineering E Licensing El Operations E- I&C Engineering El___ Elect Maintenance El Chemistry El Electrical Engineering El___ i&C Maintenance El HP/Radiological

[ Civil Engineering E___ Mech Maintenance El Computer Applications El System Engineering El. Component Engineering El Rad Engineering El Reactor Engineering E-'1-- Program Engineering ElISI Engineering F1 DBD Owner El___ Nuclear Engineering El ST Engineering El DBD Owner [E] EQ EPSA (Name)


From: John F. Skonieczny x7772 (Originator Print Name and Phone extension)

Calculation No.: IP-CALC-05-00952 I Revision No. 0


Study of Potential Concrete Reinforcement Corrosion on the Structural Integrity of the Spent Fuel Pit


NA Date Response Required: 10104105 MESSAGE: Work organizations are requested to review the subject calculation (parts attached) to identify impacted calculations, procedures, Technical Specifications, FSAR sections, other design documents (e.g.,

EQ files, DBD, Appendix R, ISI/IST, PSA, MOVs/AOVs, etc.) and other documents, which must be updated because of the calculation results. Also provide the name of the individual responsible for the action and the tracking number (for example, via WT features in PCRS). The tracking item should include a requirement to ensure that any ER implementation associated with the item is completed prior to revising the impacted document. Sign and return the form to the originator.


Affected Documents Responsible Individual Tracking Number Remarks "NA FSF nieczny NA See Below Responding (or designee): ?d-* 2& &* _


- Name)Signatur"'(-/' / )l- atý This calculationis an analysis of an as-foun'd condition only. This calculationdoes not change any design or affect any basis document associatedwith the Spent Fuel Pool Pit.





Study of Potential Concrete Reinforcement Corrosion on the Structural Inteqrity of the Spent Fuel Pit ER No.: NA Purchase Order No.NA STATUS NO:

5. El FOR INFORMATION Acceptance does not constitute approval of design details, calculations, analyses, test methods, or materials developed or selected by the supplier and does not relieve the supplier from full compliance with contractual negotiations.

Responsible Engineer rO, . 4 /0L- gt-o_5 Print Name Signature - Date