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Entergy Engineering Report No. IP-RPT-16-00077, Indian Point RAI CLI-16-07 MACCS2 Sensitivities, Rev. 0 (Jan 4, 2017)
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/04/2017
From: Teagarden G
Entergy Nuclear Northeast, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Jensen Hughes
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17096A203 List:
2105-CALC-13106, CLI-16-07, NL-17-039 IP-RPT-16-00077
Download: ML17096A211 (37)






Engineering Report No. IP-RPT-16-00077 Rev 0 Page _1_ _ of 36

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~ETltergy ENTERGY NUCLEAR Engineering Report Cover Sheet*

Engineering Report


Indian Point RAl CLI-16-07 MACCS2 Sensitivities Engineering Report Type:

New ~ Revision

  • D Cancelled D Superseded 0 Superseded by:

Applicable Site(s)

IPl D 1P2 ~ IP3 ~ IAF D PNPS D VY D WPO D ANOI D AN02 D. ECH D GGNS D RBS D WF3 D PLP D EC No. 68462 Report Origin: 0 Entergy ~ Vendor Vendor Document No.: 21059-CALC-13106 Quality..:Related: D Yes ~No Prepared by: Jensen Hughes I see vendor cover sheet Date: 1-3-2017 Responsible Engineer (Print Name/Sign)

Date: _ _ __

  • Reviewed by: Date: 1-4-2017 Approved by: David J. Lach I Supervisor "IP-RPT-16-00077, Rev. 0 ..


JENSEN HUGHES Advancing the Science of Safety

-Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 MACCS2 Sensitivities 21059-CALC-13106 Prepared for:

Entergy / Indian Point Energy Center

--- Entergx Project Number: 1GRT21059 Project


Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Revision: 0 Name and Date Preparer; Grant Teagarden 01!03/2017 Reviewer: Felipe Gonzalez

-o.C;-....- 01/03/2017 Review Method Design Review 181 Alternate Calculation D Approved by: Nicholas Lovelace o/llc.Q'"'t...~L~ ~-e£.l~ 01/03/2017 Re\li.sion o Page 1 of 35 lP-KI-' 1-10-00077, Rev. 0 Page 2 of 36

21059-CALC-13 i 06 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 REVISION RECORD


Revision Revision Summary 0 Initial Issue.

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21059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE .......................................................................................................................-4 2;0 REFERENCES ...................... .-.........................................................................................5 3.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS,.............................................................................. 5 ,

4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................5 5.0 RESULTS .......................................................................................................................9 APPENDICES A. SAMA CANDIDATE MACCS2 RUNS Revision 0 Page 3 of 35 IP-RPT-16-00077, Rev. 0 Page 4 of 36

021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 1.0 PURPOSE This calculation documents a series of MACCS2 sensitivity cases that were performed to support the response to an NRC Staff Request for Additional Information (RAI) pertaining to the NRC Commission Decision CLl-16-07 for Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC).

On May 4, 2016, the Commission issued a-decision (CLl-16-07) [1] in the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos 2 and 3 (IP2 and IP3) license renewal proceeding, in which it directed the

  • NRC staff to supplement the IP2 and IP3 Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives (SAMA) analysis with additional sensitivity analyses. Specifically, the Commission held that documentation was lacking for two inputs - decontamination time (TIMDEC) and cost to decontaminate non-farmland (CDNFRM) -- used in the MELCOR Accident Consequence Code (MACCS) 1 computer analyses, and that uncertainties in those input values could potentially affect the SAMA analysis cost-benefit conclusions. The Commission therefore directed the NRC staff to perform additional sensitivity analyses.

In a Request for Additional Information (RAI) dated September 12, 2016 [2], the NRC staff requested the following additional information:

1. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy) is requested to scale up the value of nonfarm wealth (VALWNF) input to the SAMA analysis' base-year dollars (see pp. 41-42 of CLl-16-07), and to re-run its base analyses using this corrected VALWNF input. Entergy is requested to evaluate how the change in VALWNF may affect its identification of potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.
2. Using the revised baseline from Request 1, Entergy is requested to run supplemental-sensitivity analyses using the input values specified in CLl-16-07. Specifically:
  • Apply the maximum values specified by the Commission and allowed by the MACCS code for TIMDEC and CDNFRM values (one year (365 days) and $100,000, respectively) for "heavy decontamination" (i.e., the decontamination/dose reduction factor of 15).
  • Exercise the additional option to explain, with sufficient justification, its rationale for choosing any additional values for the TIMDEC and CDNFRM inputs for its sensitivity analyses.

Entergy at a minimum should run its sensitivity analyses for the four worst release categories, as specified in CLl-16-07. Entergy is requested to evaluate how these sensitivity analyses may affect its identification of potentially cost-beneficial SAMAs.

Upon completing these additional analyses, Entergy is requested to submit the input and output files for the IP2 and IP3 MACCS code. Additionally, Entergy is requested to submit the spreadsheet (or equivalent table if another method is used) that conveys the population dose and off-site economic cost for each release category and integrates the results into a Population Dose Risk and an Offsite Economic Cost Risk for IP2 and IP3.

1 The text in this section is largely taken from the NRC RAI. Whereas the RAI text specifies the MACCS code, it is understood that the more current version of the code, typically referred to as MACCS2, is intended. The MACCS2 code was used in this analysis.

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021059.,CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07


The following references are used in this calculation:

1. ML16125A150, NRC Commission Memorandum and Order (CLl-16-07), May 4, 2016.
2. ML16232A119, "Request for Additional Information Related to the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3 License Renewal Application Environmental Review, Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives", NRC, September 12, 2016.
3. IP-CALC-09-00265, "Re-analysis of MACCS2 Models for IPEC," Rev. 0, December 2009. .
4. ENERCON, "Site Specific MACCS2 Input Data for Indian Point Energy Center," Rev. 1, December*2009.
5. NUREG/CR-7110, "State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses Project Volume 1:

Peach Bottom Integrated Analysis," Rev. 1, May 2013.

6. IP-RPT-07-00007, "IP2 Cost-Benefit Analysis of Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives," Rev. 0, April 2007.
7. IP-RPT-07-00008, "IP3 Cost-Benefit Analysis of Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives," Rev. 0, April 2007.
8. NUREG/CR-6613, "Code Manual for MACCS2, User's Guide," Vol. 1, SAND97-0594, Sandia National Laboratories, May 1998.
9. NUREG/CR-6525, "SECPOP2000: Sector Population, Land Fraction, and Economic Estimation Program," Rev. 1, 2003.

3.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS The following assumptions are used in the calculation:

  • All assumptions utilized in Reference 3, the MACCS2 model analysis calculation that serves as the basis for the SAMA, are carried forward to this calculation.

4.0 METHODOLOGY To address this RAI, a series of MACCS2 (version 1.13.1) sensitivity cases are performed with adjustments to select MACCS2 parameter input values. For each sensitivity case, the MACCS2 results for total 50-mile offsite costs and 50-mile population dose for each release category are multiplied by the applicable release category frequency to calculate the SAMA metrics of Offsite Economic Cost Risk (OECR) and Population Dose Risk (PDR) .. The OECR and PDR of the various sensitivity cases are then compared against applicable reference cases to determine the impact of the revised parameters.

It is noted that more MACCS2 cases are documented than are strictly required to address the RAI response. These additional cases were performed to gain more refined insights into the sensitivity of OECR and PDR results to select input values. They are documented herein for completeness purposes.

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 For each IPEC unit, the following sensitivity cases are performed:

  • Case O o SAMA Base Case Check o This case confirms that the results of Reference 3 can be reproduced with the applicable MACCS2 files upon which the sensitivity cases are built
  • Case 1 o TIMDEC is escalated to one year (365 days) for DF=15 in the CHRONC input file.

o This TIMDEC value represents the maximum value allowed by MACCS2.

o This case is not used to support the RAI response.

  • Case 2 o CDNFRM is escalated to $100,000/person for DF=15 in the CHRONC input file.

o This CDNFRM value represents the maximum value allowed by MACCS2.

o This case is not used to support the RAI response.

  • Case 3 o TIMDEC is escalated to one year (365 days) and CDNFRM was escalated to

$100,000/person for DF=15 in the CHRONC input file.

o This TIMDEC and CDNFRM values represent the maximum values allowed by MACCS2.

o This case is not used to support the RAI response.

  • Case 4 o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values. VALWNF is used in the CHRONC input file and represents an average value for the 50 mile region. VNFRM is used in the SITE input file and is calculated on a county-specific basis. Calculation of these values is presented below.

o This case addresses Part 1 of the RAI (i.e., corrected VALWNF), and represents the "r~vised baseline" as specified in the RAI. \

  • Case 5 o TIMDEC is escalated to one year (365 days) and CDNFRM is escalated to

$100,000/person for DF=15 in the CHRONC input file.

o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values in the CHRONC and SITE input files, respectively.

o This case addresses Part 2(a) of the RAI.

  • Case 6 o TIMDEC is escalated to one year (365 days) and CDNFRM is escalated to

$100,000/person for DF=15 in the CHRONC input file.

  • o VALWNF & VNFRM without including lost tourism and business.

o This case is not used to support the RAI response.

  • Case 7 o VALWNF & VNFRM (incl.uding lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values in the CHRONC and SITE input files, respectively.

o The dry deposition velocity, VDEPOS, is set to 0.003 m/sec in the ATMOS input file rather than the Reference 3 value of 0.010 m/sec. The value of 0.003m/sec is doc.umented by the recent NRC's State-of-the-Art Reactor Consequence Analyses (SOARCA) Project to be the dominant or average value for use in SOARCA Revision 0 Page 6 of 35 IP-RPT-16-00077, Rev. 0 Page 7 of 36

021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 (Reference 5) and is viewed as more repre~entative of severe accident source terms than the value of 0.01 Om/sec used in the NUREG-1150 studies.

o Similar to Case4, Case 7 addresses Part 1 of the RAI (i.e., corrected VALWNF); and represents the "revised baseline" as specified in the RAI, except with an updated dry deposition velocity.

  • Case 8 o TIMDEC is escalated to one year (365 days) and CDNFRM is escalated to

$100,000/person for DF=15 in the CHRONC input file.

o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are 2005 values in the CHRONC and SITE ipput files, respectively.

o The dry deposition velocity, VDEPOS, is set to 0.003 m/sec in the ATMOS input file rather than the Reference 3 value of 0.010 m/sec.

o Similar to Case 5, Case 8 addresses Part 2(a) of the RAI (i.e., corrected VALWNF, increased TIMDEC & CDNFRM), as specified in the RAI, except with an updated dry deposition velocity.

The parameter value changes are applied to all IP2 and IP3 release categories for consistency, (i.e., not just the four worst release categories as specified in the RAI.)

VALWNF Calculation This section documents the escalation of the Reference 3 VALWNF value to 2005 dollars for use in the MACCS2 sensitivity cases.

  • Original (without lost tourism/business) VALWNF = $163,631/person (see Reference 4 Section 5.2.8). This was developed using SECPOP2000 and its economic database from the 1997 Census of Agriculture.
  • VALWNF with lost tourism I business= $208,838/person (see Reference 4 Section 5.2.8). The lost tourism I business component is based on 2004 data. The lost tourism/business component is $45,207/person.

Consumer Price Index Values (Series CUUROOOOSAO, All Urban Consumers) are used for escalation purposes:

  • Annual 1997 CPI = 160.5
  • Annual 2004 CPI= 188.9
  • Annual 2005 CPI = 195.3
  • Escalation Factor 1997-2005 = 1. 22
  • Escalation Factor 2004-2005 = 1.03 2005 VALWNF is calculated as follows:
  • VALWNF without lost tourism/9usiness = $163,631/person
  • 1.22 = $199,630/person
  • Lost tourism I business component= $~5,207/person
  • 1.03 = $46,563/person
  • Total with lost tourism/ business (2005 dollars)= $246, 193(person, rounded up to

$247 ,000/person

  • Total without lost tourism/business (2005 dollars), rounded up= $200,000/person.

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 VNFRM Calculation This section documents the escalation of the Reference 3 VNFRM values to 2005 dollars for use in the MACCS2 sensitivity cases. The same approach and CPI escalation values developed for the VALWNF calculation are applied at the county level data. The values for each region (i.e., county) are shown below.

Basis Year for Dollar Value: 1997 1997,2004 2004 2005 2005 Original No With Tourism Tourism Tourism With Tourism No Tourism VNFRM VNFRM Portion VNFRM VNFRM Region County ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)

1 FAIRFIELD 232659~881 55222 340723 283844 2 BERGEN 205863 110

~ 323 251153 3 LITCHFIELD 148522 186016 ..__37494 219816

__________ ------------------- 181197 4 NEWHAVEN 144105 192427 48322 225580 175808 5 ESSEX 147351 197400 50049 231319 179768 6 DUTCHESS 129000 169417 40417 199010 157380 7 MORRIS 213389 277661 64272 326535 I 260335 8 PASSAIC 121880 161864 39984 189877 148694 I

i 9 SUSSEX 136197 165741 29544 . 196591 166160 10 UNION 160860 209708 48848 246563 196249 11 KINGS 104714 123701 18987 147308 127751 12 NASSAU 192755 239932 47177 283753 235161

- - - - - -r---------------------- - - - ---------------e-------- --

13 ORANGE 113976 148873 34897 174995 139051

**-~ ,.._.***---*--

14 PUTNAM 1549 180274 25348 215118 189010 15 QUEENS 16912 226728 57602 265664 206334 16 ROCKLAND 163105 203359 40254 240450 198988 17 SUFFOLK 149615 192471 42856 226672 182530 18 SULLIVAN 104859 139374 34515 163478 127928 19 ULSTER 104090 138739 34649 162678 126990 20 WESTCHEST~ 217278 263389 46111 312573 265079 SAMA Candidate Specific MACCS2 Calculations For the IPEC SAMA analysis, the evaluation of several SAMA candidates included MACCS2 specific runs to model to a potential benefit (e.g., sprays that would reduce the source term released to the environment). The original evaluations are documented in References 6 and 7.

These SAMA candidate specific MACCS2 cases have been re-performed using the re-analyzed meteorology for the IPEC site per Reference 3 and the applicable cases above to address CLl-16-07. These cases and results are documented in Appendix A.

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 5.0 RESULTS Tables 1A and 1B summarize the MACCS2 sensitivity case results for PDR and OECR for Units 2 and 3, respectively.

Comparison of Case 4 to the Base Case demonstrates that the escalation of the value of non-farm wealth to 2005 dollar values results in a modest OECR increase of approximately 9-10%.

There is no appreciable change in the PDR. Similarly, comparison of Case 5 to the Base Case dell}lonstrates that when the TIMDEC and CDNFRM values are increased to the maximum MACCS2 allowed values as stipulated in the RAI, along with the non-farm wealth escalation (2005 dollars values), the OECR increases approximately 126% for IP2 and 133% for IP3. The PDR increase is much smaller, approximately 12%-for IP2 and 11% for IP3.

As noted in the methodology section, the original IPEC SAMA analysis used a deposition velocity of 0.010 m/sec. The more recent NRC's SOARCA analysis (Reference 5) indicates that a value of 0.003 m/sec is more representative of an average value. When this value ot' 0.003 m/sec is employed, the RAI requested results in Cases 7 and 8 are appreciably lower than those results for a higher deposition velocity in Cases 4 and 5. Specifically, Case 7 shows that the lower deposition velocity more than offsets the increase associated with escalating the value .

of non-farm wealth to 2005 values. The OECR decreases approximately 10% for IP2 and 17%

for IP3 when compared-to the SAMA Base Case results. The. PDR value changes a small amount (2.5% decrease for U2; 1.8% increase for U3). Case 8 demonstrates that when the TIMDEC and CDNFRM values are increased to the maximum MACCS2 allowed values as stipulated in the RAI, along with the non-farm wealth escalation (2005 dollars values), and the revised deposition velocity, the OECR increases approximately 91 % for IP2 and 82% for IP3.

The PDR increase is much smaller, approximately 7% for IP2 and 10% for IP3.

Tables 2A-21 and Tables 3A-31 present the detailed results (i.e., conqitional and frequency weighted) for each of the sensitivity cases for PDR and OECR, for IP2 and IP3, respectively.

Note that the frequencies used to weight the conditional results are those from the SAMA Reanalysis (Tabl~ E.1-13) [3].

Results associated with SAMA candidate specific MACCS2 cases that have been re-performed using the reanalyzed meteorology per Reference 3 and the applicable cases above to address CLl-16-07 are documented in Appendix A.

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table 1A- IP2 MACCS2 Case Comparison Population Dose Risk Offsite Economic Case (p-rem/yr) fl Base(%) II Cost Risk ($/yr) fl Base(%)

Base Case 8.74E+01 -- 2.12E+05 --

1 8.34E+01 -4.5% 2.64E+05 24.5%

2 1.09E+02 25.3% 3.96E+05 86.8%

  • 3 9.72E+01 11.3% 4.47E+05 110.9%

4 8.74E+01 0.0% 2.33E+05 9.9%

(RAI Part 1) II 5 9.77E+01 11.8% 4.78E+05 125.7%

(RAI Part 2a) 6 9.71E+01 11.2% II 4.40E+05 107.8%

7 8.51E+01 -2.5% 1.90E+05 -10.3%

(RAI Part 1)

(VDEPOS) 8 9.30E+01 6.5% 4.05E+05 91.1%

(RAI Part 2a)


J Table 1B - IP3 MACCS2 Case Comparison Population Dose Risk Case (p-rem/yr) 11 Base(%)

Offsite Economic Cost Risk ($/yr) II 11 Base(%)

Base Case 9.49E+01 -- 2.62E+05 --

  • ~*-**- -*---**-*** -* **********--*****---**-

1 8.98E+01 -5.4% 3.36E+05 28.5%

2 1.20E+02 26.1% 4.94E+05 89.0%

3 1.04E+02 9.8% 5.70E+05 117.8%

4 9.50E+01 0.1% 2.85E+05 9.0%

(RAI Part 1) 5 1.05E+02 10.7% 6.08E+05 132.5%

(RAI Part 2a) 6 1.04E+02 9.7% 5.62E+05 114.7%

7 9.66E+01 1.8% 2.19E+05 -16.5%

(RAI Part 1)

(VDEPOS) 8 1.04E+02 9.9% 4.75E+05 81.7%


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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table 2A - IP2 Base Case MACCS2 Results Offsite Offsite Population Economic OECR Population PDR Economic Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk  % of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 6.50E-07 6.51E+07 4.23E+01 48.44% 2.05E+11 1.33E+05 62.87%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.63E+07 1.12E+01 12.84% 4.64E+10 3.19E+04 15.06%

M/E 4.23E-07 1.94E+07 8.21E+OO 9.39% 5.87E+10 2.48E+04 11.71%

M/L 3.43E-06 6.87E+06 2.36E+01 26.98% 6.06E+09 2.08E+04 9.81%

L/E 1.11 E-07 7.93E+06 8.80E-01 1.01% 6.39E+09 7.09E+02 0.33%

LIL 6.43E-07 1.61E+06 1.04E+OO 1.19% 6.59E+08 4.24E+02 0.20%

LLIL 5.82E-08 1.38E+06 8.03E-02 0.09% 5.62E+08 3.27E+01 0.02%

NCF 1.19E-05 4.75E+03 5.65E-02 0.06% 9.98E+04 TI,9E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 8.74E+01 100% -- 2.12E+05 100%

Table 28 - IP2 Case 1 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 6.50E-07 6.02E+07 3.91 E+01 46.91% 2.60E+11 1.69E+05 64.04%

-- - - - * - - - - -* -* -------* *-*------*---~- ~-~---- e-*-----

H/L 6.88E-07 1.59E+07 1.09E+01 13.11% 5.51E+10 3.79E+04 14.36%.

M/E 4.23E-07 1.87E+07 7.91E+OO 9.48% 7.41E+10 I 3.13E+04 11.88%

MIL 3.43E-06 6.82E+06 2.34E+01 28.04% 7.07E+09 2.43E+04 9.19%

LIE 1.11 E-07 7.88E+06 8.75E-01 1.05% 7.39E+09 8.20E+02 0.31%

UL 6.43E-07 1.61E+06 1.04E+OO 1.24% 8.33E+08 5.36E+02 0.20%

LLIL 5.82E-08 1.37E+06. 7.97E-02 0.10% 7.14E+08 4.16E+01 0.02%

NCF I 1.19E-05 4.75E+03 5.65E-02 0.07% 9.98E+04 1.19E+OO 0.00%

Total I 1.79E-05 -- 8.34E+01 100% -- 2.64E+05 100%

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[_ _ _

021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table 2C - IP2 Case 2 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Popµlation Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total HIE 6.50E-07 9.41E+07 6.12E+01 55.88% 4.16E+11 2.70E+05 68.28%

HIL 6.88E-07 1.78E+07 1.22E+01 11.19% 7.13E+10 4.91E+04 12.39%

MIE 4.23E-07 2.29E+07 9.69E+OO 8.85% 1.02E+11 4.31E+04 10.90%

MIL 3.43E-06 7.07E+06 2.43E+01 22.16% 9.19E+09 3.15E+04 7.96%

UE 1.11 E-07 8.16E+06 9.06E-01 0.83% 9.46E+09 1.05E+03 0.27%

LIL 6.43E-07 1.65E+06 1.06E+OO 0.97% 1.18E+09 7.59E+02 0.19%

LUL 5.82E-08 1.41E+06 8.21 E-02 0.07% 1.01E+09 5.88E+01 0.01%

NCF 1.19E-05 4.75E+03 5.65E-02 0.05% 9.98E+04 1, ..19E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 1.09E+02

  • 100% I -- 3.96E+05 100%

Table 2D - IP2 Case 3 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk  % of Category I (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total

---~!~ ____!__ 6.5~~-07 -- - -7.84E+07 5.10E+ffi44% 4.70E+11 3.06E+05 68.34%

HIL 6.88E-07 1.69E+07 1.16E+01 .96% 7.99E+10 5.50E+04 12.30%

MIE 4.23E-07 2.06E+07 8.71E+OO 8.97% 1.17E+11 4.95E+04 11.07%

MIL 3.43E-06 6.94E+06 2.38E+01 24.49% 1.02E+10 3.50E+04 7.83%

UE 1.11 E-07 8.02E+06 8.90E-01 0.92% 1.05E+10 1.17E+03 0.26%

UL 1 6.43E-07 1.63E+06 1.05E+OO .36E+09 8.74E+02 0.20%

LUL 5.82E-08 1.39E+06 8.09E-02 0.08% 1.16E+09 6.75E+01 0.02%

NCF 1.19E-05 4.75E+03 5.65E-02 0.06% 9.98E+04 1.19E+OO 0.00%

Total I 1.79E-05 -- 9.72E+01 100% -- 4.47E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table 2E - IP2 Case 4 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite , Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 6.50E-07 6.51E+07 4.23E+01 48.44% 2.27E+11 1.48E+05 63.33%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.63E+07 1.12E+01 12.84% 5.04E+10 3.47E+04 14.88%

M/E 4.23E-07 1.94E+07 8.21E+OO 9.39% 6.36E+10 2.69E+04 11.55%

M/L 3.43E-06 6.87E+06 2.36E+01 26.98% 6.59E+09 2.26E+04 9.70%

UE 1.11 E-07 7.94E+06 8.81E-01 1.01% 6.93E+09 7.69E+02 0.33%

L/L 6.43E-07 1.61E+06 1.04E+OO 1.19% 7.15E+08 4.60E+02 0.20%

LUL 5.82E-08 1.38E+06 8.03E-02 0.09% 6.10E+08 3.55E+01 0.02%

NCF 1.19E-05 4.75E+03 5.65E-02 0.0~ 1.07E+05 1.27E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 8.74E+01 100 "- 2.33E+05 100%

Table 2F - IP2 Case 5 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total HIE 6.50E-07 7.90E+07 5.14E+01 52.57% 5.03E+11 3.27E+05 68.35%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.69E+07 1.16E+01 11.90% 8.56E+10 5.89E+04 12.31%

M/E 4.23E-07 2.06E+07 8.71E+OO 8.92% 1.25E+11 5.29E+04 11.05%

M/L 3.43E-06 6.97E+06 2.39E+01 24.48% 1.09E+10 3.74E+04 7.82%

UE 1.11 E-07 8.03E+06 8.91E-01 0.91% 1.12E+10 1.24E+03 0.26%

UL 6.43E-07 1.63E+06 1.05E+OO 1.07% 1.45E+09 9.32E+02 0.19%

LUL 5.82E-08 1.39E+06 8.09E-02 0.08% 1.24E+09 7.22E+01 0.02%

NCF 1.19E-05 4.75E+03 5.65E-02 0.06% 1.07E+05 1.27E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 9.77E+01 100% -- 4.78E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table 2G - IP2 Case 6 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Release Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Category Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 6.50E-07 7.83E+07 5.09E+01 52.41% 4.63E+11 3.01E+05 68.33%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.69E+07 1.16E+01 11.97% 7.87E+10 5.41E+04 12.29%

M/E 4.23E-07 2.06E+07 8.71E+OO 8.97% 1.15E+11 4.86E+04 11.04%

M/L 3.43E-06 6.94E+06 2.38E+01 24.51% 1.01 E+10 3.46E+04 7.87%

LIE 1.11 E-07 8.02E+06 8.90E-01 0.92% 1.03E+10 1.14E+03 0.26%

L/L . 6.43E-07* 1.63E+06 1.05E+OO 1.08% 1.34E+09 8.62E+02 0.20%

LLIL 5.82E-08 1.39E+06 1.15E+09 6.69E+01 0.02%

NCF 1.19E-05 4.75E+03 9.81 E+04 1.17E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 4.40E+05

  • 100%

Table 2H - IP2 Case 7 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Release Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Category Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total HIE 6.50E-07 6.85E+07

-~~-~ &;') 'lllQ/_

1.94E+11 1.26E+05 66.34%

H/L 6:88E-07 1.60E+07 1.10E+01 12.93% 3.71E+10 2.55E+04 13.43%

M/E 4.23E-07 1.90E+07 8.04E+OO 9.44% 4.28E+10 1.81E+04 9.52%

M/L 3.43E-06 5.80E+06 1.99E+01 23.37% 5.71E+09 1.96E+04 10.30%

LIE 1.11 E-07 6.40E+06 7.10E-01 0.83% 4.67E+09 5.18E+02 0.27%

LIL 6.43E-07 1.33E+06 8.55E 0% 3.72E+08 2.39E+02 0.13%

LL/L 5.82E-08 1.12E+06 6.52E-02 0.08% 3.19E+08 1.86E+01 0.01%

i NCF 1.19E-05 3.25E+03 3.87E-02 0.05% 4.00E+03 4.76E-02 0.00%

I Total 1.79E-05 -- 8.51E+01 100% -- 1.90E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table 21 - IP2 Case 8 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 6.50E-07 7.90E+07 5.14E+01 55.22% 4.49E+11 2.92E+05 72.05%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.66E+07 1.14E+01 12.28% 7.10E+10 4.88E+04 12.06%

M/E 4.23E-07 1.99E+07 8.42E+OO 9.05% 7.96E+10 3.37E+04 8.31%

M/L ~.43E-06 5.87E+06 2.01E+01 21.65% 8.57E+09 2.94E+04 7.26%

L/E 1.11 E-07 6.45E+06 7.16E-01 0.77% 7.02E+09 7.79E+02 0.19%

UL 6.43E-07 1.33E+06 8.55E-01 0.92% 7.21E+08 4.64E+02 0.11%

LUL 5.82E-08 1.12E+06 6.52E-02 0.07% 6.09E+08 3.54E+01 0.01%

NCF 1.19E-05 3.25E+03 3.87 .76E-02 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table 3A - IP3 Base Case MACCS2 Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR

. Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category. (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) *Total H/E 9.43E-07 5.08E+07 4.79E+01 50.50% 1.70E+11 1.60E+05 61.28%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.63E+07 6.89E+OO 7.27% 4.61E+10 1.95E+04 7.45%

M/E 1.24E-06 ~.OOE+07 2.48E+01 26.14% 5.55E+10 6.88E+04 2~.31%

M/L 2.01E-06 6.85E+06 1.38E+01 14.51% 6.0 1.22E+04 4.66%

LIE 1.46E-07 5.21E+06 7.61E-01 0.80% 3.58E+09 5.23E+02 0.20%

L/L 3.75E-07 1.61E+06 6.04E-01 0.64% 6.58E+08 2.47E+02 0.09%

LLIL 5.66E-08 1.38E+06 7.81 E-02 0.08% 5.62E+08 3.18E+01 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 8.04E+03 5.07.E-02 0.05% 2.95E+05 1.86E+OO 0.00%

Total I

1.15E-05 -- 9.49E+01 100% -- 2.62E+05 100%

Table 38 - IP3 Case 1 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.43E-07 4.66E+07 4.39E+01 48.96% 2.30E+11 2.17E+05 64.53%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.59E+07 6.73E+OO 7.49% 5.48E+10 2.32E+04 6.90%

M/E 1.24E-06 1.93E+07 2.39E+01 26.66% 6.52E+10 8.08E+04 24.06%

M/L 2.01E-06 6.80E+06 1.37E+01 15.23% 7.07E+09 1.42E+04 4.23%

LIE 1.46E-07 5.16E+06 7.53E-01 0.84% 4.11E+09 6.00E+02 0.18%

LIL 3.75E-07 1.60E+06 6.00E-01 0.67% 8.33E+08 3.12E+02 0.09%

LLIL 5.66E-08 1.37E+06 7.75E-02 0.09% 7.14E+08 4.04E+01 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 8.04E+03 5.07E 0.06% 2.95E+05 1.86E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 8.98E+01 100% -- 3.36E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table 3C - IP3 Case 2 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite PDR OECR

-=lease Ceauency Category (per yr)

Population Population Dose (p-rem)

Dose Risk (p-rem/yr)

%of Total Economic Cost


Economic Cost Risk


%of Total H/E 9.43E-07 7.12E+07 6.71E+01 56.12% 3.62E+11 3.41E+05 69.04%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.78E+07 7.53E+OO 6.29% 7.10E+10 3.00E+04 6.07%

M/E 1.24E-06 2.36E+07 2.93E+01 24.46% 8.33E+10 1.03E+05 20.89%

M/L 2.01E-06

  • 7.05E+06 1.42E+01 11.84% 9.19E+09 1.85E+04 ' 3.74%

LIE 1.46E-07 5.47E+06 7.99E-01 0.67% 5.22E+09 7.62E+02 0.15%

LIL 3.75E-07 1.64E+06 6.15E-01 0.51% 1.18E+09 4.43E+02 0.09%

LLIL 5.66E-08 1.40E+06 7.92E-02 0.07% 1.01E+09 5.72E+01 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 8.04E+03 5.07E-02 0.04% 2.95E+05 1.86E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 1.20E+02 100% -- 4.94E+05 1 100%

Table 3D - IP3 Case 3 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk "io of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.43E-07 5.88E+07 5.54E+01 53.21% 4.23E+11 3.99E+05 70.01%

H/L '4.23E-07 1.69E+07 7.15E+OO 6.86% 7.96E+10 3.37E+04 5.91%

M/E 1.24E-06 2.11E+07 2.62E+01 25.11% 9.30E+10 1.15E+05 20.24%

M/L 2.01 E-06 6.93E+06 1.39E+01 13.37% 1.02E+10 2.05E+04 3.60%


LIE 1.46E-07 5.29E+06 7.72E-01 0.74% 5.75E+09 8.40E+02 0.15%

LIL 3.75E-07 1.63E+06 6.11E-01 0.59% 1.36E+09 5.10E+02 0.09%

~*----------------- -----..---**---------------- *-----------................................ ----------------** ---------- .. -**----------**** *-***----------------------- --------------------

LLIL 5.66E-08 1.39E+06 7.87E-02 0.08% 1.16E+09 6.57E+01 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 8.04E+03 5.07E-02 0.05% 2.95E+05 1.86E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 1.04E+02 100% -- 5.70E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table 3E - IP3 Case 4 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results

i--------------Population Popu~atio~- - PDR E~~~:ic Offsite Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk  % of Cost Cost Risk  % of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.43E-07 5.09E+07 4.80E+01 50.55% 1.86E+11 1.75E+05 61.50%

H/L I 4.23E-07 1.63E+07 6.89E+OO 7.26% 5.00E+10 2.12E+04 .7.42%

M/E 1.24E-06 2.00E+07 2.48E+01 26.12% 6.01E+10 7.45E+04 26.13%

M/L 2.01 E-06 6.85E+06 1.38E+01 14.50% 6.59E+09 1.32E+04 4.64%

LIE 1.46E-07 5.21E+06 7.61 E-01

  • 0.80% 3.87E+09 5.65E+02 0.20%

LIL 3. 75E-07 1.61E+06 6.04E-01 0.64% 7.14E+08 2.68E+02 0.09%

LLIL 5.66E-08 1.38E+06 7.81 E-02 0.08% 6.10E+08 3.45E+01 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 8.04E+03 5.07E-02 0.05% 3.17E+05 2.00E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 9.50E+01 100% 2.85E+05 100%

Table 3F - IP3 Case 5 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category i (per yr) ~

(p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E Ii 9.43E-07 5.95E+07 5.61 E+01 53.42% 4.51E+11 4.25E+05 69.93%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.69E+07 7.15E+OO 6.81% 8.52E+10 3.60E+04 5.93%

M/E 1.24E-06 2.12E+07 2.63E+01 25.03% 9.95E+10 1.23E+05 20.29%

M/L 2.01 E-06 6.95E+06 1.40E+01 13.30% 1.09E+10 2.19E+04 3.60%

LIE 1.46E-07 5.30E+06 7.74E-01 0.74% 6.15E+09 8.98E+02 0.15%

LIL 3.75E-07 1.63E+06 6.11 E-01 0.58% 1.45E+09 5.44E+02 0.09%

LLIL 5.66E-08 1.39E+06 7.87E-02 0.07% 1.24E+09 7.02E+01 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 8.04E+03 5.07E-02 0.05% 3.17E+05 2.00E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 1.05E+02 100% -- 6.08E+05 100%

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  • 021059-CALC-13106 Indian RAI CLl-16-07 Table 3G - IP3 Case 6 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results

--1-------::pu~ti=- Popul:~-io-n--.--P-D-R*-- ---~-~-o_ff_n~-i-~-e-ic*-...--E-c-~-~-~-:_i_c--.---0-E_C_R_

Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk  % of Cost Cost Risk  % of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.43E-07 5.87E+07 5.54E+01 53.18% 4.17E+11 3.93E+05 70.01 %

H/L 4.23E-07 1.69E+07 7.15E+OO 6.87% 7.85E+10 3.32E+04 5.91 %

M/E 1.24E-06 2.11E+07 2.62E+01 25.14% 9.16E+10 1.14E+05 20.22%

M/L 2.01E-06 6.92E+06 1.39E+01 13.36% 1.01E+10 2.03E+04 3.61%

LIE 1.46E-07 5.29E+06 7.72E-01 0.74% 5.66E+09 8.26E+02 0.15%

LIL 3.75E-07 1.63E+06 6.11 E-01 0.59% 1.34E+09 5.03E+02 0.09%

LUL 5.66E-08 1.39E+06 7.87E-02 0.08% 1.15E+09 6.51 E+01 0.01 %

NCF 6.30E-06 8.04E+03 5.07E-02 0.05% 2.90E+05 1.83E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 1.04E+02 100% 5.62E+05 100%

Table 3H - IP3 Case 7 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.43E-07 5.49E+07 5.18E+01 53.59% 1.45E+11 1.37E+05 62.57%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.60E+07 6.77E+OO 7.01% 3.71E+10 1.57E+04 7.18%

M/E 1.24E-06 2.03E+07 2.52E+01 4.36E+10 5.41E+04 24.74%

M/L 2.01E-06 5.79E+06 1.16E+01 12.05% 5.71 E+09 1.15E+04 5.25%

LIE 1.46E-07 4.48E+06 6.54E-01 0.68% 2.85E+09 4.16E+02 0.19%

UL 3.75E-07 1.33E+06 4.99E-01 0.52% 3.72E+08 1.40E+02 0.06%

LUL 5.66E-08 1.12E+06 6.34E-02 0.07% 3.19E+08 1.81E+01 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 5.54E+03 3.49E-02 0.04% 1.17E+04 7.37E-02 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 9.66E+01 100% -- 2.19E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table 31 - IP3 Case 8 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results

' Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.43E-07 6.16E+07 5.81 E+01 55.72% 3.59E+11 3.39E+05 71.22%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.65E+07 6.98E+OO 6.70% 7.10E+10 3.00E+04 6.32%

M/E 1.24E-06 2.11E+07 2.62E+01 25.10% 7.15E+10 8.87E+04 18.65%

M/L 2.01E-06 5.85E+06 1.18E+01 11.28% 8.56E+09 1.72E+04 3.62%

LIE 1.46E-07 4.52E+06 6.60E-01 0.63% 4.10E+09 5.99E+02 0.13%

L/L 3.75E-07 1.33E+06 4.99E-01 0.48% 7.21E+08 2.70E+02 0.06%

LL/L 5.66E-08 1.12E+06 6.34E-02 0.06% 6.09E+08 3.45E+01 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 5.54E+03 3.49E-02 0.03% 1.17E+04 7.37E-02 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 1.04E+02 100% -- 4.75E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07


. This appendix documents additional MACCS2 runs performed for specific SAMA candidates to model the potential benefit. These runs support the response to the NRC RAI pertaining to the NRC Commission Decision CLl-16.:.07 for IPEC.

A.2. METHODOLOGY The original SAMA candidate evaluations are documented in References 6 and 7. These SAMA candidate speeific MACCS2 cases are re-performed using the reanalyzed meteorology for the IPEC site per Reference 3 and the applicable cases in the main body of this document (i.e., cases 4, 5, 7, and 8) to address CLl-16-07. Specifically, MACCS2 cases were re-performed to address the following SAMA candidates:

  • IP2 Phase II Candidate 020 - Revised the fission product release fractions for H-E, *M-E, L-E release categories to those specified in "IP2 Radionuclide Release Results-Level1-1 20.xls". Original results for PDR and OECR are documented in "sumi2NS-noE-R-NmetEC.xls".
  • IP3 Phase II Candidate 018 - Revised the fission product release fractions for H-E, M-E, L-E release categories to those specified in "IP3 Radionuclide Release Results-Level2-18.xls".t0riginal results for PDR and OECR are documented in "sumi3NS-noE-NmetEC-R-level130a.xls".
  • IP2 Tl-SGTR (RAI #5) - Revised the release attributes for the H-E release category to those specified in "IP2 Radionuclide Release Results-RAl#5.xls". Original results for PDR and OECR are .documented in "sumi2NS-noE-R-NmetEC-Base-RAl5.xls". Release category frequencies for NCF and H-E are revised for this RAI.
  • I P3 Tl-SGTR (RAI #5) :.. Revised the release attributes for the H-E release category to those specified in "IP3 Radionuclide Release Results~Base-RAl#5.xls". Original results for PDR and OECR are documented in "sumi3NS-noE-NmetEC-R-level130a.:.RA15.xls".

Release category frequencies for NCF and H-E are revised for this RAI.

  • Spreadsheets identified above for the SAMA candidate cases were provided by Entergy consultant (L. Potts).

For each sensitivity case, the MACCS2 results for total 50-mile offsite costs and 50-mile population dose for each release category are multiplied by the* applicable release category frequency to calculate the OECR and PDR. The OECR and PDR of the various sensitivity cases are then compared against applicable reference cases to determine the impact of the revised parameters.

For each SAMA candidate, the following cases are performed.

  • SAMA Base Case Check o This case confirms that the results can be reproduced with the applicable MACCS2 files upon which the *sensitivity cases are built.

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07

  • Case 4 o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values. VALWNF is used in the CHRONC input file and represents an average value for the 50 mile region. VNFRM is used in the SITE input file and is calculated on a county basis. Calculation of these values is presented bel~w in the main report.

o This case addresses Part 1 of the RAI (i.e., corrected VALWNF), and represents the "revised baseline" as specified in the RAI.

  • Case 5 o TIM DEC is escalated to one year (365 days) and CDNFRM is escalated to

$100,000/person for DF=15 in the CHRONC input file.

o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values in the CHRONC and SITE input files, respectively.

o This case addresses Part 2(a) of the RAI.

  • Case 7 o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values in the CHRONC and SITE input files, respectively.

o The dry deposition velocity, VDEPOS, is set to 0.003 m/sec in the ATMOS input file rather than the Reference 3 value of 0.010 m/sec. The value of 0.003m/sec is documented by the recent NRC's SOARCA Project to be the dominant or average value for use in SOARCA (Reference 5) and is viewed as more representative of severe accident source terms than the value of 0.01 Om/sec used in the NUREG-1150 studies.

o Similar to Case 4, Case 7 addresses Part 1 of the RAI (i.e., corrected VALWNF), and represents the "revised baseline" as specified in the RAI, except with an updated dry deposition velocity.

  • Case 8 o TIMDEC is escalated to one year (365 days) and CDNFRM is escalated to

$100,000/person for DF=15 in the CHRONC input file.

o VALWNF & VNFRM (including lost tourism and business) are escalated to 2005 values in the CHRONC and SITE input files, respectively.

o The dry deposition velocity, VDEPOS, is set to 0.003 m/sec in the ATMOS input file rather than the Reference 3 value of 0.010 m/sec.

o Similar to Case 5, Case 8 addresses Part 2(a) of the RAI (i.e., corrected VALWNF, increased TIMDEC & CDNFRM), as specified in the RAI, except with an updated dry deposition velocity.

Cases 4, 5, 7, and 8 parameter value changes are applied to all IPEC release categories for consistency, (i.e., not just the four worst release categories as specified in the RAI.)

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 A.3. RESULTS Tables A-1A and A-1 B summarize the SAMA candidate specific MACCS2 sensitivity case results for PDR and OECR for IP2 and Tables A-1 C and A-1 D summarize the results for IP3.

Tables A-2A through A-2J and Tables A-3A through A-3J present the detailed results (i.e.,

conditional and frequency weighted) for each of the sensitivity cases for PDR and OECR, for IP2 and IP3, respectively.

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table A-1A- IP2 Candidate 020 MACCS2 Case Comparison Population Dose Risk Offsite Economic Case fl Base(%) fl Base(%)

(p-rem/yr) Cost Risk ($/yr)

Base Case 8.47E+01 -- 2.02E+05 --

4 8.49E+01 0.2% 2.22E+05 9.8%

5 9.43E+01 11.3% 4.52E+05 123.5%

7 8.23E+01 -2.9% 1.82E+05 -9.9%

8 8.95E+01 5.6% 3.88E+05 91.6%


Case Table A-1 B - IP2 RAI #5 MACCS2 Case Comparison Population Dose Risk (p-rem/yr)

AB ase (o/i)

° Offsite Economic Cost Risk ($/yr) fl Base(%)

Base Case 1.09E+02 -- 2.75E+05 --

4 1.09E+02 0.1% 3.02E+05 10.0%

5 1.23E+02 13.2% 6.37E+05 132.0%

7 1.08E+02 -0.5% 2.47E+05 -10.0%

8 1.19E+02 9.2% 5.48E+05 99.4%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table A-1C - IP3 Candidate 018 MACCS2 Case Comparison Population Dose Risk Offsite Economic Case fJ. Base(%) fJ. Base(%)

(p-rem/yr) Cost Risk ($/yr)

Base Case 8.44E+01 -- 2.26E+05 --

4 8.44E+01 0.0% 2.48E+05 9.4%

5 9.28E+01 10.0% 5.34E+05 135.8%

7 8.41E+01 -0.3% 1.95E+05 -13.8%

8 9.04E+01 7.1% 4.16E+05 83.9%

Table A-1D - IP3 RAI #5 MACCS2 Case Comparison Population Dose Risk Offsite Economic Case* fJ. Base(%) fJ. Base(%)

(p-rem/yr) Cost Risk ($/yr)

Base Case* 1.31E+02 -- 3.67E+05 --

4 1.31 E+02 0.1% 4.00E+05 9.0%

5 1.47E+02 12.9% 8.83E+05 140.9%

7 1.36E+02 4.1% 3.15E+05 -14:1%

8 1.48E+02 13.7% 7.11E+05 93.9%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table A-2A- IP2-020 Base Case MACCS2 Results Offsite Offsite Population Populatiqn PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total HIE 6.50E-07 6.30E+07 4.10E+01 48.33% 2.01E+11 1.31 E+05 64.54%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.63E+07 1.12E+01 13.24% 4.64E+10 3.19E+04 15.77%

M/E 4.23E-07 1.65E+07 6.98E+OO 8.24% 4.27E+10 1.81E+04 8.92%

M/L 3.43E-06 6.87E+06 2.36E+01 27.81% 6.06E+09 2.08E+04 10.27%

LIE 1.11 E-07 . 7.59E+06 8.42E-01 0.99% 4.97E+09 5.52.E+02 0.27%

LIL 6.43E-07 1.61E+06 1.04E+OO 1.22% 6.59E+08 4.24E+02 0.21%

LLIL 5.82E-08 1.38E+06 8.03E-02 0.09% 5.62E+08 3.27E+01 0.02%

NCF 1.19E-05 4.75E+03 5.65E-02 0.01% 9.98E+04 1.19E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 8.47E+01 100% -- 2.02E+05 100%

Table A IP2-020 Case 4 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results

r------~-- Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk  % of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 6.50E-07 ,,, 6.33E+07 4.11E+01 48.45% 2.22E+11 1.44E+05 64.92%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.63E+07 1.12E+01 13.21% 5.04E+10 3.47E+04 15.60%

M/E 4.23E-07 1.65E+07 6.98E+OO 8.22% 4.63E+10 1.96E+04 8.81%

M/L 3.43E-06 6.87E+06 2.36E+01 27.75% 6.59E+09 2.26E+04 10.17%

LIE 1.11 E-07 7.59E+06 8.42E-01 0.99% 5.40E+09 5.99E+02 0.27%

LIL 6.43E-07 1.61 E+06 1.04E+OO 1.22% 7.15E+08 4.60E+02 0.21%

LLIL 5.82E-08 1.38E+06 8.03E-02 0.09% 6.10E+08 3.55E+01 0.02%

NCF 1.19E-05 4.75E+03 5.65E-02 0.07% 1.07E+05 1.27E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 8.49E+01 100% -- 2.22E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table A-2C - IP2-020 Case 5 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total HIE 6.50E-07 7.61E+07 4.95E+01 52.47% 4.98E+11 3.24E+05 71.54%

, H/L 6.88E-07 1.69E+07 1.16E+01 12.33% 8.56E+10 5.89E+04 13.02%

M/E 4.23E-07 1,71E+07 7.23E+OO 7.67% 7.20E+10 3.05E+04 6.73%-

M/L 3.43E-06 6.97E+06 2.39E+01 25.36% 1.09E+10 3.74E+04 8.26%

LIE 1.11 E-07 7.67E+06 8.51E-01 0.90% 9.36E+09 1.04E+03 0.23%

LIL 6.43E-07 1.63E+06 1.05E+OO 1.11% 1.45E+09 9.32E+02 0.21%

LLIL 5.82E-08 1.39E+06 8.0~E-02 0.09% 1.24E+09 7.22E+01 0.02%

NCF 1.19E-05 4.75E+03 5.65E-02 0.06% 1.07E+05 1.27E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 9.43E+01 100% -- 4.52E+05 100%

Table A-2D - IP2-020 Case 7 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk  % of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 6.50E-07 6.70E+07 4.36E+01 52.92% 1.88E+11 1.22E+05 66.99%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.60E+07 1.10E+01 13.38% 3.71E+10 2.55E+04 13.99%

M/E 4.23E-07 1.47E+07 6.22E+OO 7.56% 3.40E+10 1.44E+04 7.88%

MIL 3.43E~06 5.80E+06 1.99E+01 24.18% 5.71E+09 1.96E+04 10.74%

LIE 1.11 E-07 5.96E+06 6.62E-01 o,80% 4.25E+09 4.72E+02 0.26%

LIL 6.43E-07 1.33E+06 8.55E-01 1.04% 3.72E+08 2.39E+02 0.13%

LLIL 5.82E-08 . 1.12E+06 6.52E-02 0.08% 3.19E+08 1.86E+01 0.01%

NCF 1.19E-05 3.25E+03 3.87E-02 0.05% 4.00E+03 4.76E-02 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 8.23E+01 100% -- 1.82E+05 100%

l Revision O Page 27 of 35 IP-RPT-16-00077, Rev. 0 Page 28 of 36

021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table A-2E - IP2-020 Case 8 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 6.50E-07 7.68E+07 4.99E+01 55.78% 4.40E+11 2.86E+05 73.75%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.66E+07 1.14E+01 12.76% 7.10E+10 4.88E+04 12.60%

M/E 4.23E-07 1.51E+07 6.39E+OO 7.14% 5.29E+10 2.24E+04 5.77%


M/L 3.43E-06 5.87E+06 2.01E+01 22.50% 8.57E+09 2.94E+04 7.58%

L/E 1.11 E-07 6.01E+06 6.67E-01 0.75% 6.30E+09 6.99E+02 0.18%

UL 6.43E-07 1.33E+06 8.55E-01 0.96% 7.21E+08 4.64E+02 0.12%

LUL 5.82E-08 1.12E+06 6.52E-02 0.07% 6.09E+08 3.54E+01 0.01%

NCF 1.19E-05 3.25E+03 3.87E-02 0.04% 4.00E+03 4.76E-02 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 8.95E+01 100% -- 3.88E+05 100%

Table A-2F - IP2-RAl5 Base Case MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite I Frequency Population Dose Population Dose Risk PDR

%of Economic Cost Economic Cost Risk OECR

%of Release Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total HIE 9.90E-07 6.44E+07 6.37E+01 58.59% 1.98E+11 1.96E+05 71.34%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.63E+07 1.12E+01 10.31% 4.64E+10 3.19E+04 11.62%

M/E 4.23E-07 1.94E+07 8.21E+OO 7.54% 5.87E+10 2.48E+04 9.04%

M/L 3.43E-06 .6.87E+06 2.36E+01 21.68% 6.06E+09 2.08E+04 7.57%

UE 1.11 E-07 7.93E+06 8.81E-01 0.81% 6.39E+09 7.10E+02 0.26%

UL 6.43E-07 1.61E+06 1.04~,+-00 0.95% 6.59E+08 . 4.24E+02 0.15%

LUL 5.82E-08 1.38E+06 8.04E-02 0.07% 5.62E+08 3.27E+01 0.01%

NCF 1.15E-05 4.75E+03 5.48E-02 0.05% 9.98E+04 1.15E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 1.09E+02 100% -- 2.75E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table A-2G - IP2-RAl5 Case 4 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population . Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.90E-07 6.45E+07 6.38E+01 58.62% 2.19E+11 2.17E+05 71.72%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.63E+07 1.12E+01 10.30% 5.04E+10 3.47E+04 11.47%

--~------- >---------*

M/E 4.23E-07 1.94E+07 8.21E+OO 7.54% 6.36E+10 2.69E+04 8.90%

MIL 3.43E-06 6.87E+06 2.36E+01 21.66% 6.59E+09 2.26E+04 7.49%

LIE 1.1 f E-07 7.94E+06 8.82E-01 0.81% 6.93E+09 7.70E+02 0.25%

LIL 6.43E-07 1.61E+06 1.04E+OO 0.95% 7.15E+08 4.60E+02 0.15%

LLIL 5.82E-08 1.38E+06 8.04E-02 0.07% 6.10E+08 3.55E+01 0.01%

NCF 1.15E-05 4.75E+03 5.48E-02 0.05% 1.07E+05 1.23E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 1.09E+02 100% -- 3.02E+05 100%

Table A-2H - IP2-RAl5 Case 5 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results I Population Population PDR Offsite Economic Offsite Economic OECR Dose Risk  % of Cost Cost Risk %of Release I Frequency Dose Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.90E-07 7.76E+07 7.68E+01 62.37% 4.91E+11 4.86E+05 76.24%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.69E+07 1.16E+01 9.44% 8.56E+10 5.89E+04 9.24%

M/E 4.23E-07 2.06E+07 8.71E+OO 7.08% 1.25E+11 5.29E+04 8.30%

M/L 3.43E-06 6.97E+06 2.39E+01 19.43% 1.09E+10 3.74E+04 5.87%

LIE 1.11 E-07 8.03E+06 8.92E-01 0.72% 1.12E+10 1.24E+03 0.20%

LIL 6.43E-07 1.63E+06 1.05E+OO 0.85% 1.45E+09 9.32E+02 0.15%

LLIL 5.82E-08 1.39E+06 8.09E-02 0.07% 1.24E+09 7.22E+01 0.01%

NCF 1.15E-05 4.75E+03 5.48E-02 0.04% 1.07E+05 1.23E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 1.23E+02. 100% -- 6.37E+05 100%

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021059-CALC- i 3106 Indian Point RAI CU-16-07 Table A IP2-RAl5 Case 7 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.90E-07 6.83E+07 6.76E+01 62.46% 1.85E+11 1.83E+05 74.10%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.60E+07 1.10E+01 10.17% 3.71E+10 2.55E+04 10.33%

M/E 4.23E-07 1.90E+07 8.04E+OO 7.43% 4.28E+10 1.81 E+04 7.33%

M/L 3.43E-06 5.80E+06 1.99E+01 18.40% 5.71E+09 1.96E+04 7.93%

LIE 1.11 E-07

  • 6.40E+06 7.11 E-01 0.66% 4.67E+09 5.19E+02 0.21%

LIL 6.43E-07 1.33E+06 8.55E-01 0.79% 3.72E+08 2.39E+02 0.10%

LLIL 5.82E-08 1.12E+06 6.52E-02 0.06% 3.19E+08 1.86E+01 0.01%

NCF i 1.15E-05 3.25E+03 3.75E-02 0.03% 4.00E+03 4.61E-02 0.00%

i Total I 1.79E-05 -- I 1.08E+02 100% -- 2.47E+05 100%

Table A-2J - IP2-RAl5 Case 8 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite 'Economic OECR Population Population PDR Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Economic Cost Risk %of Release Cost Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.90E-07 7.79E+07 7.71 E+01 64.92% 4.39E+11 4.34E+05 79.33%

H/L 6.88E-07 1.66E+07 1.14E+01 9.62% 7.10E+10 4.88E+04 8.92%

M/E 4.23E-07 1.99E+07 8.42E+OO 7.09% 7.96E+10 3.37E+04 6.15%

M/L 3.43E-06 5.87E+06 2.01E+01 16.97% 8.57E+09 2.94E+04 5.37%

LIE 1.11 E-07 6.45E+06

  • 7.16E-01 0.60% 7.02E+09 7.80E+02 0.14%

LIL 6.43E-07 1.33E+06 8.55E-01 0.72% 7.21E+08 4.64E+02 0.08%

LLIL 5.82E-08 1.12E+06 6.52E-02 0.05% 6.09E+08 3.55E+01 0.01%

NCF 1.15E-05 3.25E+03 3.75E-02 0.03% [ 4.00E+03 4.61E-02 0.00%

Total 1.79E-05 -- 1.19E+02 100% -- 5.48E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table A-3A- IP3-018 Base Case MACCS2 Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total HIE 9.43E-07 4.81E+07 4.54E+01 53.75% 1.61 E+11 1.52E+05 67.11%

HIL 4.23E-07 1.63E+07 6.89E+OO 8.17% 4.61E+10

  • 1.95E+04 8.62%

M/E 1.24E-06 1.38E+07 1.71E+01 20.28% 3.40E+10 4.22E+04 18.63%

MIL 2.01E-06 6.85E+06 1.38E+01 16.32% 6.06E+09 1.22E+04 5.38%

UE 1.46E-07 3.59E+06 5.24E-01 0.62% 2.07E+09 3.02E+02 0.13%

UL 3.75E-07 1.61E+06 6.04E-01 0.72% 6.58E+08 2.47E+02 0.11%

LUL 5.66E-08 1.38E+06 7.81E-02 0.09% 5.62E+08 3.18E+01 I 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 8.04E+03 5.07E-02 0.06% 2.95E+05 1.86E+OO p,.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 8.44E+01 100% -- 2.26E+05 100%

Table A IP3-018 Case 4 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total HIE 9.43E-07 4.81E+07 4.54E+01 53.75% 1.77E+11 1.67E+05 67.42%

HIL 4.23E-07 1.63E+07 6.89E+OO 8.17% 5.00E+10 2.12E+04 8.54%

MIE 1.24E-06 1.38E+07 1.71E+01 20.28% 3.68E+10 4.56E+04 18.43%

MIL 2.01E-06 6.85E+06 1.38E+01 16.32% 6.59E+09 1.32E+04 5.35%

UE 1.46E-07 3.59E+06 5.24E-01 0.62% 2.24E+09 3.27E+02 0.13%

UL 3.75E-07 1.61E+06 6.04E-01 0.72% 7.14E+08 2.68E+02 0.11%

LUL 5.66E-08 1.38E+06 7.81 E-02 0.09% 6.10E+08 3.45E+01 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 8.04E+03 5.07E-02 0.06% 3.17E+05 2.00E+OO 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 8.44E+01 100% -- 2.48E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table A-3C - IP3-018 Case 5 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Offsite Population Population PDR Economic Economic OECR Release Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Cost Cost Risk %of Categor}t (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.43E-07 5.59E+07 5.27E+01 56.78% 4.35E+11 4.10E+05 76.88%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.69E+07 7.15E+OO 7.70% 8.52E+10 3.60E+04 6.75%

M/E 1.24E-06 1.43E+07 1.77E+01 19.10% 5.18E+10 6.42E+04 12.04%

M/L 2.01E-06 6.95E+06 1.40E+01 15.05% 1.09E+10 2.19E+04 4.11%

LIE 1.46E-07 3.65E+06 5.33E-01 0.57% 3.84E+09 5.61E+02 0.11%

LIL 3.75E-07 1.63E+06 6.11E-01 0.66% 1.45E+09 5.44E+02 0.10%

LLIL NCF Total 5.66E-08 6.30E-06 1.15E-05 1.39E+06 8.04E+03 7.87E-02 5.07E-02 9.28E+01 0.08%



=t  : 1.24E+09 3.17E+05 7.02E+01 2.00E+OO 5.34E+05 0.01%



Table A-3D- IP3-018 Case 7 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results

*--------------------- --~---- ..------**--- ----------------**------ --**------------- -------..------*-*..*---- --**------**---********--------****-** **----**---------------------- --------------

Offsite Population Offsite Economic OECR

-Population PDR Dose Risk Economic Cost Risk %of Release Frequency Dose  % of Cost Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.43E-07 5.20E+07 4.90E+01 58.30% 1.38E+11 1.30E+05 66.74%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.60E+07 6.77E+OO 8.05% 3.71 E+10 1.57E+04 8.05%

M/E 1.24E-06 1.26E+07 1.56E+01 18.58% 3.01 E+10 . 3.73E+04 19.14%

M/L 2.01E-06 5.79E+06 1.16E+01 13.84% 5.71 E+09 1.15E+04 5.89%

LIE 1.46E-07 3.07E+06 4.48E-01 0.53% 1.34E+09 1.96E+02 0.10%

LIL 3.75E-07 1.33E+06 4.99E-01 0.59% 3.72E+08 1.40E+02 0.07%

LL/L 5.66E-08 1.12E+06 6.34E-02 0.08% 3~19E+08 1.81E+01 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-b6 5.54E+03 3.49E-02 0.04% 1.17E+04 7.37E-02 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 8.41E+01 100% -- 1.95E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table A-3E - IP3-018 Case 8 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Population Population PDR Offsite Economic OECR Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Economic Cost Risk Release  % of Cost Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 9.43E-07 5.78E+07 5.45E+01 60.29% 3.35E+11 3.16E+05 75.94%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.65E+07 6.98E+OO 7.72% 7.10E+10 3.00E+04 7.22%

M/E 1.24E-06 1.30E+07 1.61E+01 17.83% 4.21E+10 5.22E+04 12.55%

M/L 2.01E-06 5.85E+06 1.18E+01 13.01% 8.56E+09 1.72E+04 4.14%

L/E 1.46E-07 3.09E+06 4.51E-01 0.50% 2.17E+09 3.17E+02 0.08%

LIL 3.75E-07 1.33E+06 4.99E-01 0.55% 7.21E+08 2.70E+02 0.06%

LLIL 5.66E-08 1.12E+06 6.34E-02 0.07% 6.09E+08 3.45E+01 0.01%

NCF 6.30E-06 5.54E+03 3.49E-02 0.04o/o 1.17E+04 7.37E-02 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 9.04E+01 100% -- 4.16E+05 100%

Table A-3F - IP3-RAl5 Base Case MACCS2 Sensitivity Results

---****-**------------1---------------------- ----------------*--- **-----------------------**- ---**-**--------------- ----**-------**--------- ----------------- ---------


! Population Population PDR Offsite Economic OECR Frequency Dose Dose Risk *%of Economic Cost Risk %of Release Cost Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 1.54E-06 5.42E+07 8.37E+01 64.09% 1.72E+11 2.65E+05. 72.42%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.63E+07 6.89E+OO 5.28% 4.61E+10 1.95E+04 5.32%

M/E 1.24E-06 2.00E+07 2.47E+01 18.96% 5.55E+10 6.87E+04 18.73%

M/L 2.01E-06 6.85E+06 1.37E+01 10.53% 6.06E+09 1.22E+04 3.32%

LIE 1.46E-07 5.21E 0.58% 3.58E+09 5.21E+02 0.14%

LIL 3.75E-07 1.61E+06 6.03E-01 0.46% 6.58E+08 2.47E+02 0.07%

LLIL 5.66E-08. 1.38E+06 7.81 E-02 0.06% 5.62E+08 3.18E+01 0.01%

NCF 5.70E-06 8.04E+03 4.58E-02 0.04% .00%

Total 1.15E-05 1.31 E+02 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table A-3G- IP3-RAl5 Case 4 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite I Frequency i

Population Dose Population Dose Risk PDR

%of Offsite Economic Economic Cost Risk OECR

%of Release  ! Cost Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 1.54E-06 5.43E+07 8.38E+01 64.14% 1.88E+11 2.90E+05 72.59%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.63E+07 6.89E+OO 5.27% 5.00E+10 2.11E+04 5.29%

M/E 1.24E-O 2.00E+07 2.47E+01 18.94% 6.01E+10 7.44E+04 18.60%

M/L 2.01E-06 6.85E+06 1.37E+01 10.52% 6.59E+09 1.32E+04 3.31%

LIE 1.46E-07 5.21E+06 7.59E-01 0.58% 3.87E+09 5.63E+02 0.14%

L/L 3.75E-07 1.61E+06 6.03E-01 0.46% 7.14E+08 2.68E+02 0.07%

LLIL 5.66E-08 1.38E+06 7.81E-02 0.06% 6.10E+08 3.45E+01 0.01%

NCF 5.70E-06 8.04E+03 4.58E-02 0.04% f 3.17E+05 1.81::::: :::: 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 1.31 E+02 100% I -- 4.00E+05 100%

Table A-3H - IP3-RAl5 Case 5 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results

-- ----------------1-------------------- ------------- --------- -------------------------~-----------------------~- ----- *------ofi~ii-;------- ----- -------- -- --

, Population Population PDR Offsite_ Economic OECR i F . Economic . 0" Release i requency Dose Dose Risk  % of C t Cost Risk 10 of OS Category I I

(per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E I 1.54E-06 6.38E+07 9.85E+01 66.85% 4.54E+11 7.01 E+05 79.34%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.69E+07 7.14E+OO 4.85% 8.52E+10 3.60E+04 4.08%

M/E 1.24E-06 2.12E+07 2.62E+01 17.81% 9.95E+10 1.23E+05 13.94%

M/L 2.01 E-06 6.95E+06 1.39E+01 9.47% 1.09E+10 2.19E+04 2.48%

LIE 1.46E-07 5.30E+06 7.72E-01 0.52% 6.15E+09 8.95E+02 0.10%

LIL 3.75E-07 1.63E+06 6.11 E-01 0.41% 1.45E+09 5.43E+02 0.06%

LL/L 5.66E-08 1.39E+06 7.87E-02 0.05% 1.24E+09 7.02E+01 0.01%

NCF 5.70E-06 8.04E+03 4.58E-02 0.03% 3.17E+05 1.81E+OO

  • 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 1.47E+02 100% 8.83E+05 100%

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021059-CALC-13106 Indian Point RAI CLl-16-07 Table A IP3-RAl5 Case 7 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results


Offsite Population Populatfon PDR Offsite Economic OECR Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Economic Cost Risk %of Cost Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total I

H/E 1.54E-06 5.90E+07 9.11E+01 67.05% 1.51E+11 2.33E+05 74.05%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.60E+07 6.76E+OO 4.98% 3.71E+10 1.57E+04 4.98%

M/E 1.24E-06 2.03E+07 2.51E+01 18.49% 4.36E+10 5.39E+04 17.14%

M/L 2.01E-06 5.79E+06 1.16E+01 8.55% 5.71 E+09 1.15E+04 3.64%

L/E 1.46E-07 4.48E+06 6.52E-01 0.48% 2.85E+09 4.15E+02 0.13%

LIL 3.75E-07 1.33E+06 4.98E-01 0.37% 3.72E+08 1.39E+02 0.04%

LL/L 5.66E-08. 1.12E+06 6.34E-02 0.05% 3.19E+08 1.81E+01 0.01%

NCF 5.70E-06 5.54E+03 3.16E-02 0.02% 1.17E+04 6.66E-02 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 1.36E+02 100% -- 3.15E+05 100%

Table A-3J - IP3-RAl5 Case 8 MACCS2 Sensitivity Results Offsite Population Population PDR Offsite Economic OECR Frequency Dose Dose Risk %of Economic Cost Risk %of Release Cost Category (per yr) (p-rem) (p-rem/yr) Total ($) ($/yr) Total H/E 1.54E-06 6.63E+07 1.02E+02 68.96% 3.72E+11 5.74E+05 80.79%

H/L 4.23E-07 1.65E+07 6.97E+OO 4.70% 7.10E+10 3.00E+04 4.22%

M/E 1.24E-06 2.11E+07 2.61E+01 17.59% 7.15E+10 8.85E+04 12.45%

M/L 2.01 E-06 5.85E+06 1.17E+01 7.91% 8.56E+09 1.72E+04 2.42%

- ------------ ------------------- ----------------------- ------------f----------

LIE 1.46E-07 4.52E+06 6.58E-01 0.44% 4.10E+09 5.97E+02 0.08%

LIL 3.75E-07 1.33E+06 4.98E-01 0.34% 7.21E+08 2.70E+02 0.04%

LLIL 5.66E-08 1.12E+06 6.34E-02 0.04% 6.09E+08 3.45E+01 0.00%

NCF 5.70E-06 5.54E+03 3.16E-02 0.02% 1.17E+04 6.66E-02 0.00%

Total 1.15E-05 -- 1.48E+02 100% -- 7.11E+05 100%

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