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IP SEIS Reference - 2000 Year Class References - References Cited and Previous Year Class Report
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Issue date: 04/30/2003
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REFERENCES CITED AND PREVIOUS YEAR CLASS REPORTS Albrecht, A.B. 1964. Some observations on factors associated with survival of striped bass eggs and larvae. Calif. Fish & Game 50(2):100-113.

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ASA Analysis & Communication, Inc. 2001. 1998 Year Class Report for the Hudson River estuary monitoring program. Prepared for Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation.

ASA Analysis & Communication, Inc. 2002. 1999 Year Class Report for the Hudson River estuary monitoring program. Prepared for Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation.

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Bain, M.B., D.L. Peterson, and K.K. Arend. 1998. Population status of shortnose sturgeon in the Hudson River. Final Report. Prepared for National Marine Fisheries Services, Milford, Connecticut. October.

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2000 Year Class Report R-2

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2000 Year Class Report R-3

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2000 Year Class Report R-4

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2000 Year Class Report R-5

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2000 Year Class Report R-6

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2000 Year Class Report R-7

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2000 Year Class Report R-8

Vouglitois, J.J., K.W. Able, R.J. Kurtz, and K.A. Tighe. 1987. Life history and population dynamics of the bay anchovy in New Jersey. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 116(2):141-53.

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2000 Year Class Report R-9