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IP SEIS Reference - 2000 Year Class Contents - for the Hudson River Estuary Monitoring Program
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Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2003
ASA Analysis & Communication
Dynegy Roseton, Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3, Mirant Bowline, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML083420087 (12)



Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2 L.L.C.

CROTON Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3 L.L.C.



2000 Year Class Report for the Hudson River Estuary Monitoring Program Prepared by ASA Analysis & Communication New Hampton, New York Prepared for Dynegy Roseton L.L.C.

Newburgh, New York Prepared on behalf of Dynegy Roseton L.L.C.

Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2 L.L.C.

Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3 L.L.C.

Mirant Bowline L.L.C.

April 2003

CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................. iii LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................ x

1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 1-1
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS ...................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Sampling Design................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2 Longitudinal River Ichthyoplankton Survey......................................................... 2-2 2.2.1 Field Methods ......................................................................................... 2-2 2.2.2 Laboratory Methods ................................................................................ 2-4 2.3 Fall Shoals Survey.............................................................................................. 2-6 2.3.1 Field Methods ......................................................................................... 2-6 2.3.2 Laboratory Methods ................................................................................ 2-8 2.4 Beach Seine Survey ........................................................................................... 2-8 2.4.1 Field Methods ......................................................................................... 2-8 2.4.2 Laboratory Methods ................................................................................ 2-9 2.5 Analytical Methods.............................................................................................. 2-9 2.5.1 Physical/Chemical Parameters ............................................................... 2-9 2.5.2 Spatiotemporal Distribution Indices ........................................................ 2-10
3. PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL PARAMETERS ....................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Green Island Dam Flows .................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Poughkeepsie Waterworks Temperatures.......................................................... 3-1 3.3 Hudson River Surveys ........................................................................................ 3-1 3.3.1 Spatiotemporal Pattern in Temperature .................................................. 3-1 3.3.2 Spatiotemporal Pattern in Salinity........................................................... 3-2 3.3.3 Spatiotemporal Pattern in Dissolved Oxygen.......................................... 3-2

__________ i 2000 Year Class Report

CONTENTS (Continued)


4. SPATIOTEMPORAL DISTRIBUTION OF SELECTED SPECIES OF HUDSON RIVER ESTUARY FISHES..................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Fish Community.................................................................................................. 4-1 4.1.1 General Description of the Fish Community ........................................... 4-1 4.1.2 Species Occurrence Through Time ........................................................ 4-2 4.1.3 Species Collected in 2000 ...................................................................... 4-4 4.2 Striped Bass ....................................................................................................... 4-5 4.3 White Perch ........................................................................................................ 4-7 4.4 Atlantic Tomcod .................................................................................................. 4-8 4.5 Bay Anchovy....................................................................................................... 4-10 4.6 American Shad ................................................................................................... 4-11 4.7 River Herrings..................................................................................................... 4-13 4.8 Alewife ................................................................................................................ 4-14 4.9 Blueback Herring ................................................................................................ 4-15 4.10 Gizzard Shad ...................................................................................................... 4-15 4.11 Rainbow Smelt.................................................................................................... 4-16 4.12 Hogchoker .......................................................................................................... 4-18 4.13 Spottail Shiner .................................................................................................... 4-18 4.14 Atlantic Sturgeon ................................................................................................ 4-19 4.15 Shortnose Sturgeon............................................................................................ 4-21 4.16 White Catfish ...................................................................................................... 4-23 4.17 Weakfish ............................................................................................................. 4-24 4.18 Bluefish ............................................................................................................... 4-25 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ R-1 APPENDIX A: QUALITY CONTROL REPORT FOR THE 2000 HUDSON RIVER ICHTHYOPLANKTON LABORATORY PROGRAM AND 2000 FALL JUVENILE SURVEY APPENDIX B: PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL PARAMETERS APPENDIX C: NUMBERS OF FISH COLLECTED IN THE LONG RIVER (1988-2000),




__________ ii 2000 Year Class Report

LIST OF FIGURES Number Title 2-1 Location of 13 geographic regions (with river mile boundaries) sampled during the 2000 biological monitoring program in the Hudson River estuary.

2-2 Cross sections of the Hudson River estuary showing locations and typical proportional relationships of the shoal, bottom, and channel strata.

2-3 Completed sampling schedule for 2000.

2-4 Design and dimensions of 1.0-m2 Tucker trawl.

2-5 Design and dimensions of 1.0-m2 Tucker trawl mounted on an epibenthic sled.

2-6 Conceptual diagram of the splitting process.

2-7 Inspection plan for evaluation of splitting precision.

2-8 Design and dimensions of the 3.0-m beam trawl.

3-1 Hudson River daily average flow rate in 2000 and monthly average flow rates from 1947 to 2000, Green Island, New York.

3-2 Seasonal variations in water temperature from 1951 to 2000 as measured at Poughkeepsie Waterworks.

3-3 Seasonal variations in water temperature from the Hudson River surveys, 1974-2000.

3-4 Seasonal variations in average weekly salinity from the 2000 Long River/Fall Shoals surveys.

3-5 Seasonal variations in dissolved oxygen from the Hudson River surveys, 1974-2000.

4-1 Spatiotemporal distribution of eggs, yolk-sac, and post yolk-sac larval striped bass in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River Survey.

4-2 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year striped bass in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-3 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling striped bass in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

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Number Title 4-4 Spatiotemporal distribution of older-than-yearling striped bass in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-5 Temporal distribution indices for striped bass collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-6 Geographical distribution indices for striped bass collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-7 Geographical distribution indices for striped bass collected during Beach Seine surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-8 Weekly length statistics for young-of-year striped bass in the Hudson River estuary, 2000.

4-9 Spatiotemporal distribution of eggs, yolk-sac, and post yolk-sac larval white perch in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River Survey.

4-10 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year white perch in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-11 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling white perch in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-12 Spatiotemporal distribution of older-than-yearling white perch in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-13 Temporal distribution indices for white perch collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-14 Geographical distribution indices for white perch collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-15 Geographical distribution indices for white perch collected during Beach Seine surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-16 Weekly length statistics for young-of-year white perch in the Hudson River estuary, 2000.

4-17 Spatiotemporal distribution of eggs, yolk-sac, and post yolk-sac larval Atlantic tomcod in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River Survey.

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Number Title 4-18 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year Atlantic tomcod in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-19 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling and older Atlantic tomcod in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-20 Temporal distribution indices for Atlantic tomcod collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-21 Geographical distribution indices for Atlantic tomcod collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-22 Geographical distribution indices for Atlantic tomcod collected during Fall Shoals surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1979-2000.

4-23 Weekly length statistics for young-of-year Atlantic tomcod in the Hudson River estuary, 2000.

4-24 Spatiotemporal distribution of eggs, yolk-sac, and post yolk-sac larval bay anchovy in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River Survey.

4-25 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year bay anchovy in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-26 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling and older bay anchovy in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-27 Temporal distribution indices for bay anchovy collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1988-2000.

4-28 Geographical distribution indices for bay anchovy collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1988-2000.

4-29 Geographical distribution indices for bay anchovy collected during Beach Seine surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-30 Weekly length statistics for young-of-year bay anchovy in the Hudson River estuary, 2000.

4-31 Spatiotemporal distribution of eggs, yolk-sac, and post yolk-sac larval American shad in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River Survey.

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Number Title 4-32 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year American shad in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-33 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling and older American shad in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-34 Temporal distribution indices for American shad collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-35 Geographical distribution indices for American shad collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-36 Geographical distribution indices for American shad collected during Beach Seine surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-37 Weekly length statistics for young-of-year American shad in the Hudson River estuary, 2000.

4-38 Spatiotemporal distribution of eggs, yolk-sac, and post yolk-sac larval Alosa spp.

in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River Survey.

4-39 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year Alosa spp. in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-40 Temporal distribution indices for Alosa spp. collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-41 Geographical distribution indices for Alosa spp. collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-42 Geographical distribution indices for Alosa spp. collected during Beach Seine surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-43 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year alewife in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-44 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling and older alewife in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-45 Geographical distribution indices for alewife collected during Beach Seine surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

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Number Title 4-46 Weekly length statistics for young-of-year alewife in the Hudson River estuary, 2000.

4-47 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year blueback herring in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-48 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling and older blueback herring in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-49 Geographical distribution indices for blueback herring collected during Beach Seine surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-50 Weekly length statistics for young-of-year blueback herring in the Hudson River estuary, 2000.

4-51 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year gizzard shad in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Fall Shoals and Beach Seine surveys.

4-52 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling and older gizzard shad in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Fall Shoals and Beach Seine surveys.

4-53 Geographical distribution indices for gizzard shad collected during Beach Seine surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-54 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling and older rainbow smelt in the Hudson River estuary based on the2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-55 Temporal distribution indices for rainbow smelt collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-56 Geographical distribution indices for rainbow smelt collected during Long River surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-57 Geographical distribution indices for rainbow smelt collected during Fall Shoals surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1979-2000.

4-58 Spatiotemporal distribution of eggs, yolk-sac, and post yolk-sac larval hogchoker in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River Survey.

4-59 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year hogchoker in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

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Number Title 4-60 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling and older hogchoker in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-61 Geographical distribution indices for hogchoker collected during Fall Shoals surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1979-2000.

4-62 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year spottail shiner in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-63 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling and older spottail shiner in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-64 Geographical distribution indices for spottail shiner collected during Beach Seine surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

4-65 Weekly length statistics for young-of-year spottail shiner in the Hudson River estuary, 2000.

4-66 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling and older Atlantic sturgeon in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-67 Spatiotemporal distribution of post yolk-sac larval and young-of-year shortnose sturgeon in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River and Fall Shoals surveys.

4-68 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling and older shortnose sturgeon in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-69 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year white catfish in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-70 Spatiotemporal distribution of yearling and older white catfish in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-71 Geographical distribution indices for white catfish collected during Fall Shoals surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1979-2000.

4-72 Weekly length statistics for young-of-year white catfish in the Hudson River estuary, 2000.

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Number Title 4-73 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year weakfish in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-74 Geographical distribution indices for weakfish collected during Fall Shoals surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1979-2000.

4-75 Weekly length statistics for young-of-year weakfish in the Hudson River estuary, 2000.

4-76 Spatiotemporal distribution of young-of-year bluefish in the Hudson River estuary based on the 2000 Long River, Fall Shoals, and Beach Seine surveys.

4-77 Geographical distribution indices for bluefish collected during Beach Seine surveys of the Hudson River estuary, 1974-2000.

__________ ix 2000 Year Class Report

LIST OF TABLES Number Title 1-1 Fish species treated in depth in the 2000 Year Class Report.

2-1 Strata sampled within the 13 geographic regions of the Hudson River estuary during 2000.

2-2 Summary of 2000 Hudson River surveys.

2-3 Summary of 2000 sample collection information by river region and stratum for the Longitudinal River Ichthyoplankton Survey.

2-4 Specifications of sampling gear used during the 2000 Longitudinal River Ichthyoplankton Survey.

2-5 Water quality sampling locations during the 2000 Longitudinal River Ichthyoplankton and Fall Shoals surveys.

2-6 Summary of 2000 sample analysis information by river region and stratum for the Longitudinal River Ichthyoplankton Survey.

2-7 Summary of 2000 sample collection by river region and stratum for the Fall Shoals Survey.

2-8 Specifications of sampling gear used during the 2000 Fall Shoals Survey.

2-9 Specifications of sampling gear used during the 2000 Beach Seine Survey.

2-10 Summary of 2000 sample collection by river region for the Beach Seine Survey.

2-11 Stratum and region volumes (m3) and surface areas (m2) used in analysis of 2000 Hudson River estuary data.

4-1 Species composition of fish collected during Hudson River studies from 1974 to 2000.

4-2 Species composition of fish collected in each of the Hudson River surveys during 2000.

4-3 Collections of Atlantic sturgeon during the 2000 Hudson River surveys.

4-4 Collections of shortnose sturgeon during the 2000 Hudson River surveys.

Link to Chapter 1

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