MONTHYEARML22013A7062022-01-13013 January 2022 Investigation Report of LLRW Shipment Pursuant to 10 CFR 20, Appendix G ML21056A0782021-04-0707 April 2021 Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for Initial and Updated Decommissioning Funding Plans for Indian Point ISFSI (Docket: 72-51) NL-21-006, Relief Request IP3-ISI-RR-16, Proposed Alternative to American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code Case N-513-4 Inspection Requirement2021-02-10010 February 2021 Relief Request IP3-ISI-RR-16, Proposed Alternative to American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code Case N-513-4 Inspection Requirement ML20259A2172020-09-14014 September 2020 Commitment Change Summary Report ML20260H0722020-06-18018 June 2020 IP-RPT-14-00013, Revision 3, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3, Consequences of a Postulated Fire and Explosion Following the Release of Natural Gas from the New Aim 42 Pipeline Near Ipec ML20122A1052020-05-27027 May 2020 Letter from Margaret M. Doane to John B. Rhodes, Chair and Executive Officer, Ny State Public Service Commission: Response to Ny State Public Service Commission Regarding Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines Near Indian Point Nuclear Power Pl ML20100F6352020-04-0808 April 2020 Expert Team Final Report NL-19-073, Request for Relaxation of Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049)2019-10-22022 October 2019 Request for Relaxation of Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049) ML19252A3182019-09-0909 September 2019 Entergy to NRC, IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report for Week of Sept 2, 2019 NL-19-061, Form OAR-1 Owners Activity Report for Inservice Inspection and Repairs and Replacements2019-06-13013 June 2019 Form OAR-1 Owners Activity Report for Inservice Inspection and Repairs and Replacements ML19114A0742019-04-22022 April 2019 Entergy to NRC, IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report for Week of April 15, 2019 NL-19-012, Request for Approval of a Certified Fuel Handler Training and Retraining Program2019-04-15015 April 2019 Request for Approval of a Certified Fuel Handler Training and Retraining Program ML18098A0882018-04-0606 April 2018 Fracture Mechanics Assessment of Embedded Flaw Repair Acceptability NL-18-021, Indian Point, Unit 2, Fracture Mechanics Assessment of Embedded Flaw Repair Acceptability2018-04-0606 April 2018 Indian Point, Unit 2, Fracture Mechanics Assessment of Embedded Flaw Repair Acceptability NL-20-066, Engineering Report IP-RPT-11-00032, Revision 5, Licensing Report on the Inter-Unit Transfer of Spent Nuclear Fuel at the Indian Point Energy Center2017-12-19019 December 2017 Engineering Report IP-RPT-11-00032, Revision 5, Licensing Report on the Inter-Unit Transfer of Spent Nuclear Fuel at the Indian Point Energy Center ML17349A1562017-12-0808 December 2017 Risk Impact of One-Time Extending the ILRT Interval Associated with the Proposed Technical Specification Changes ML17279A2472017-10-0606 October 2017 2017 Annual Assessment Meeting Written Comments Compilation ML17222A2392017-10-0404 October 2017 NRC Response to Request for Deferral of Actions Related to Beyond-Design-Basis Seismic and Flooding Hazard Reevaluations ML17289A6552017-10-0202 October 2017 Attachment 6 to NL-17-115, Revised HI-2094289, Licensing Report on the Inter-Unit Transfer of Spent Fuel at the Energy Center, Revision 9 NL-17-122, Transmittal of 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2) Summary Report, March 26, 2015 to May 18,20172017-09-28028 September 2017 Transmittal of 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2) Summary Report, March 26, 2015 to May 18,2017 ML17096A2122017-03-23023 March 2017 Entergy Engineering Report No. IP-RPT-16-00078, Indian Point RAI CLI-16-07 SAMA Cost-Benefit Sensitivities Rev. 1 (March 23, 2017) NL-17-020, License Renewal Application - Revisions to Reactor Vessel Internals Aging Management Program and Inspection Plan2017-02-0606 February 2017 License Renewal Application - Revisions to Reactor Vessel Internals Aging Management Program and Inspection Plan ML17096A2112017-01-0404 January 2017 Entergy Engineering Report No. IP-RPT-16-00077, Indian Point RAI CLI-16-07 MACCS2 Sensitivities, Rev. 0 (Jan 4, 2017) ML16280A2282016-09-19019 September 2016 Indian Point 2 Technical Requirements Manual NL-16-109, Indian Point 2 Technical Requirements Manual2016-09-19019 September 2016 Indian Point 2 Technical Requirements Manual NL-16-109, HI-2094289, Licensing Report on the Inter-Unit Transfer of Spent Fuel at the Indian Point Energy Center.2016-09-19019 September 2016 HI-2094289, Licensing Report on the Inter-Unit Transfer of Spent Fuel at the Indian Point Energy Center. ML16250A2762016-09-13013 September 2016 Evaluation of Impacts to Proposed Critical Habitat for the Atlantic Sturgeon for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3 Proposed License Renewal NL-16-083, Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Report for an Inoperable Containment Area Radiation Monitor (R-26) High Range, Indian Point Unit Number 32016-08-0101 August 2016 Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Report for an Inoperable Containment Area Radiation Monitor (R-26) High Range, Indian Point Unit Number 3 ML18115A0592016-06-28028 June 2016 After Action Report/Improvement Plan, Drill Date June 28, 2016 ML17052A2662015-10-0202 October 2015 Sturgeon Mobile Tracking for the New Ny Bridge at Tappan Zee NL-15-128, Submittal of 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2) Summary Report of Changes, Tests and Experiments Implemented Between 04/01/2013 and 03/25/2015, And/Or Utilized in Support of the UFSAR Update2015-09-28028 September 2015 Submittal of 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2) Summary Report of Changes, Tests and Experiments Implemented Between 04/01/2013 and 03/25/2015, And/Or Utilized in Support of the UFSAR Update NL-15-118, Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Report for an Inoperable Reactor Vessel Level Indication System (RVLIS) Train B, Indian Point Unit 32015-09-0303 September 2015 Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Report for an Inoperable Reactor Vessel Level Indication System (RVLIS) Train B, Indian Point Unit 3 NL-15-099, Submittal of 2014 Annual 10 CFR 50.46 Emergency Core Cooling System Evaluation Changes Report2015-07-30030 July 2015 Submittal of 2014 Annual 10 CFR 50.46 Emergency Core Cooling System Evaluation Changes Report NL-15-072, 2015 Form OAR-1 Owners Activity Report for Inservice Inspection and Repairs and Replacements2015-06-18018 June 2015 2015 Form OAR-1 Owners Activity Report for Inservice Inspection and Repairs and Replacements NL-15-030, Revised 10 C.F.R. 50.59 Safety Evaluation and Supporting Analyses Prepared in Response to the Algonquin Incremental Market Natural Gas Project2015-04-0808 April 2015 Revised 10 C.F.R. 50.59 Safety Evaluation and Supporting Analyses Prepared in Response to the Algonquin Incremental Market Natural Gas Project NL-15-029, Summary of Analysis Results Based on Corrected Format 2 Data Files Dated March 20152015-04-0606 April 2015 Summary of Analysis Results Based on Corrected Format 2 Data Files Dated March 2015 ML15062A2002015-02-19019 February 2015 NET-300067-01, Revision 1, Criticality Safety Analysis of the Indian Point, Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool with Credit for Inserted Neutron Absorber Panels. (Non-Proprietary) NL-15-013, Re-Submittal of Netco Report NET-300067-01, Criticality Safety Analysis of the Indian Point Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool with Credit for Inserted Neutron Absorber Panels, for NRC Review and Approval2015-01-28028 January 2015 Re-Submittal of Netco Report NET-300067-01, Criticality Safety Analysis of the Indian Point Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool with Credit for Inserted Neutron Absorber Panels, for NRC Review and Approval ML15061A2772014-12-31031 December 2014 WCAP-17954-NP, Revision 0, Indian Point Unit 3 Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves for Normal Operation. NL-14-152, Entergy'S Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report (CEUS Sites), Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights From...2014-12-22022 December 2014 Entergy'S Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report (CEUS Sites), Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights From... ML14329A1952014-11-0404 November 2014 NET-300067-01, Rev. 0, Criticality Safety Analysis of the Indian Point Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool with Credit for Inserted Neutron Absorber Panels NL-14-115, 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2) Summary Report for Indian Point, Units 1 and 2 April 1, 2012 to March 19, 20142014-09-18018 September 2014 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2) Summary Report for Indian Point, Units 1 and 2 April 1, 2012 to March 19, 2014 ML14304A7012014-09-16016 September 2014 Reliability Needs Assessment ML15166A0702014-08-31031 August 2014 Algonquin Incremental Market (Aim) Project, Phase 2 Acoustic Survey for Indiana Bats (Myotis Sodalis) and Northern Long-Eared Bats (Myotis Septentrionalis), August 2014 NL-14-110, Third Six-Month Status Report for the Implementation of Order EA-12-049 Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events2014-08-27027 August 2014 Third Six-Month Status Report for the Implementation of Order EA-12-049 Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events NL-14-071, Indian Point, Unit 2 - Seismic Walkdown Report Update, Enclosure to NL-14-071 - Engineering Report No. IP-RPT-12-00037, Rev 1. Part 3 of 52014-06-0505 June 2014 Indian Point, Unit 2 - Seismic Walkdown Report Update, Enclosure to NL-14-071 - Engineering Report No. IP-RPT-12-00037, Rev 1. Part 3 of 5 NL-14-071, Indian Point, Unit 2 - Seismic Walkdown Report Update, Enclosure to NL-14-071 - Engineering Report No. IP-RPT-12-00037, Rev 1. Part 2 of 52014-06-0505 June 2014 Indian Point, Unit 2 - Seismic Walkdown Report Update, Enclosure to NL-14-071 - Engineering Report No. IP-RPT-12-00037, Rev 1. Part 2 of 5 ML14168A0592014-06-0505 June 2014 Seismic Walkdown Report Update, Enclosure to NL-14-071 - Engineering Report No. IP-RPT-12-00037, Rev 1. Part 1 of 5 ML14168A0602014-06-0505 June 2014 Seismic Walkdown Report Update, Enclosure to NL-14-071 - Engineering Report No. IP-RPT-12-00037, Rev 1. Part 2 of 5 ML14168A0612014-06-0505 June 2014 Seismic Walkdown Report Update, Enclosure to NL-14-071 - Engineering Report No. IP-RPT-12-00037, Rev 1. Part 3 of 5 2022-01-13
[Table view] Category:Miscellaneous
MONTHYEARML22013A7062022-01-13013 January 2022 Investigation Report of LLRW Shipment Pursuant to 10 CFR 20, Appendix G ML20260H0722020-06-18018 June 2020 IP-RPT-14-00013, Revision 3, Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3, Consequences of a Postulated Fire and Explosion Following the Release of Natural Gas from the New Aim 42 Pipeline Near Ipec ML20122A1052020-05-27027 May 2020 Letter from Margaret M. Doane to John B. Rhodes, Chair and Executive Officer, Ny State Public Service Commission: Response to Ny State Public Service Commission Regarding Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines Near Indian Point Nuclear Power Pl NL-19-073, Request for Relaxation of Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049)2019-10-22022 October 2019 Request for Relaxation of Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049) ML19252A3182019-09-0909 September 2019 Entergy to NRC, IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report for Week of Sept 2, 2019 NL-19-061, Form OAR-1 Owners Activity Report for Inservice Inspection and Repairs and Replacements2019-06-13013 June 2019 Form OAR-1 Owners Activity Report for Inservice Inspection and Repairs and Replacements ML19114A0742019-04-22022 April 2019 Entergy to NRC, IPEC Weekly Sturgeon Monitoring Report for Week of April 15, 2019 NL-19-012, Request for Approval of a Certified Fuel Handler Training and Retraining Program2019-04-15015 April 2019 Request for Approval of a Certified Fuel Handler Training and Retraining Program ML17279A2472017-10-0606 October 2017 2017 Annual Assessment Meeting Written Comments Compilation ML17222A2392017-10-0404 October 2017 NRC Response to Request for Deferral of Actions Related to Beyond-Design-Basis Seismic and Flooding Hazard Reevaluations NL-17-020, License Renewal Application - Revisions to Reactor Vessel Internals Aging Management Program and Inspection Plan2017-02-0606 February 2017 License Renewal Application - Revisions to Reactor Vessel Internals Aging Management Program and Inspection Plan NL-16-083, Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Report for an Inoperable Containment Area Radiation Monitor (R-26) High Range, Indian Point Unit Number 32016-08-0101 August 2016 Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Report for an Inoperable Containment Area Radiation Monitor (R-26) High Range, Indian Point Unit Number 3 NL-15-128, Submittal of 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2) Summary Report of Changes, Tests and Experiments Implemented Between 04/01/2013 and 03/25/2015, And/Or Utilized in Support of the UFSAR Update2015-09-28028 September 2015 Submittal of 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2) Summary Report of Changes, Tests and Experiments Implemented Between 04/01/2013 and 03/25/2015, And/Or Utilized in Support of the UFSAR Update NL-15-118, Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Report for an Inoperable Reactor Vessel Level Indication System (RVLIS) Train B, Indian Point Unit 32015-09-0303 September 2015 Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Report for an Inoperable Reactor Vessel Level Indication System (RVLIS) Train B, Indian Point Unit 3 NL-15-099, Submittal of 2014 Annual 10 CFR 50.46 Emergency Core Cooling System Evaluation Changes Report2015-07-30030 July 2015 Submittal of 2014 Annual 10 CFR 50.46 Emergency Core Cooling System Evaluation Changes Report NL-15-072, 2015 Form OAR-1 Owners Activity Report for Inservice Inspection and Repairs and Replacements2015-06-18018 June 2015 2015 Form OAR-1 Owners Activity Report for Inservice Inspection and Repairs and Replacements NL-15-030, Revised 10 C.F.R. 50.59 Safety Evaluation and Supporting Analyses Prepared in Response to the Algonquin Incremental Market Natural Gas Project2015-04-0808 April 2015 Revised 10 C.F.R. 50.59 Safety Evaluation and Supporting Analyses Prepared in Response to the Algonquin Incremental Market Natural Gas Project NL-15-013, Re-Submittal of Netco Report NET-300067-01, Criticality Safety Analysis of the Indian Point Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool with Credit for Inserted Neutron Absorber Panels, for NRC Review and Approval2015-01-28028 January 2015 Re-Submittal of Netco Report NET-300067-01, Criticality Safety Analysis of the Indian Point Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool with Credit for Inserted Neutron Absorber Panels, for NRC Review and Approval NL-14-152, Entergy'S Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report (CEUS Sites), Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights From...2014-12-22022 December 2014 Entergy'S Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report (CEUS Sites), Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights From... ML14329A1952014-11-0404 November 2014 NET-300067-01, Rev. 0, Criticality Safety Analysis of the Indian Point Unit 2 Spent Fuel Pool with Credit for Inserted Neutron Absorber Panels NL-14-115, 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2) Summary Report for Indian Point, Units 1 and 2 April 1, 2012 to March 19, 20142014-09-18018 September 2014 10 CFR 50.59(d)(2) Summary Report for Indian Point, Units 1 and 2 April 1, 2012 to March 19, 2014 ML15166A0702014-08-31031 August 2014 Algonquin Incremental Market (Aim) Project, Phase 2 Acoustic Survey for Indiana Bats (Myotis Sodalis) and Northern Long-Eared Bats (Myotis Septentrionalis), August 2014 NL-14-110, Third Six-Month Status Report for the Implementation of Order EA-12-049 Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events2014-08-27027 August 2014 Third Six-Month Status Report for the Implementation of Order EA-12-049 Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events ML14141A5402014-05-0909 May 2014 Supplemental Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding the Flooding Aspects of Recommendations 2.3 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident ML14071A1832014-04-0101 April 2014 Staff Assessment of the Seismic Walkdown Report Supporting Implementation of Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 Related to the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident NL-14-042, Entergy Seismic Hazard and Screening Report (CEUS Sites), Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from Fukushima Dai-ichi.2014-03-31031 March 2014 Entergy Seismic Hazard and Screening Report (CEUS Sites), Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from Fukushima Dai-ichi. NL-14-043, Entergy Seismic Hazard and Screening Report (CEUS Sites), Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima.2014-03-31031 March 2014 Entergy Seismic Hazard and Screening Report (CEUS Sites), Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f) Regarding Recommendation 2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima. ML14071A1982014-03-20020 March 2014 Staff Assessment of the Seismic Walkdown Report Supporting Implementation of Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 Related to the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident ML14015A4172014-01-30030 January 2014 Staff Summary of the Steam Generator Tube Inservice Inspections for the Spring 2013 Refueling Outage ML14304A7512013-12-13013 December 2013 Unit 3 Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Certification, Vol. II of III, Supplemental Information Regarding NYSDEC Record, Part 8 of 9 NL-13-133, 10 CFR 71.95 Report on Failure to Observe Certificate of Compliance Conditions for Radwaste Model 8-120B Cask Vent Port Leak Test Hold Time2013-10-0202 October 2013 10 CFR 71.95 Report on Failure to Observe Certificate of Compliance Conditions for Radwaste Model 8-120B Cask Vent Port Leak Test Hold Time ML13221A4172013-07-26026 July 2013 LTR-13-0662 - Susan Lerner, Common Cause New York Ltr Provides a Copy of Generating Influence, Entergy'S Political Spending and the Battle Over the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. ML14304A7522012-12-31031 December 2012 Unit 3 Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Certification, Vol. II of III, Supplemental Information Regarding NYSDEC Record, Part 9 of 9 ML12346A3432012-11-20020 November 2012 Enclosure to NL-12-167 Seismic Walkdown Report - Page D-69 of 203 Through End ML12346A3422012-11-20020 November 2012 Enclosure to NL-12-167 Seismic Walkdown Report - Cover Through Page C-288 of 434 NL-12-167, Indian Point, Unit 2, Enclosure to NL-12-167 Seismic Walkdown Report - Cover Through Page C-288 of 4342012-11-20020 November 2012 Indian Point, Unit 2, Enclosure to NL-12-167 Seismic Walkdown Report - Cover Through Page C-288 of 434 NL-12-167, Indian Point, Unit 2, Enclosure to NL-12-167 Seismic Walkdown Report - Page D-69 of 203 Through End2012-11-20020 November 2012 Indian Point, Unit 2, Enclosure to NL-12-167 Seismic Walkdown Report - Page D-69 of 203 Through End NL-12-136, 10 CFR 72.48(d)(2) Report, Listing and Summary of Changes, Tests and Experiments2012-10-0101 October 2012 10 CFR 72.48(d)(2) Report, Listing and Summary of Changes, Tests and Experiments NL-14-002, Enclosure - NL-14-002, SAMA Engineering Project Cost Estimates Prepared by RCM Technologies2012-09-20020 September 2012 Enclosure - NL-14-002, SAMA Engineering Project Cost Estimates Prepared by RCM Technologies NL-12-009, Enclosure 1 to NL-12-009, Holtec International Licensing Report HI-2094289, Revision 52012-01-11011 January 2012 Enclosure 1 to NL-12-009, Holtec International Licensing Report HI-2094289, Revision 5 ML12040A3102012-01-11011 January 2012 Enclosure 1 to NL-12-009, Holtec International Licensing Report HI-2094289, Revision 5 ML11280A1212011-09-28028 September 2011 License Renewal Application - Completion of Commitment #30 Re Reactor Vessel Internals Inspection Plan NL-11-094, Request for Relief Request 14 - Code Case N-770-1 Weld Inspection Frequency Extension2011-08-0303 August 2011 Request for Relief Request 14 - Code Case N-770-1 Weld Inspection Frequency Extension NL-10-109, CFR 50.59(d) Report Listing and Summary Report of the Changes, Tests and Experiments Implemented Between 04/20/2008 and 04/12/20102010-10-12012 October 2010 CFR 50.59(d) Report Listing and Summary Report of the Changes, Tests and Experiments Implemented Between 04/20/2008 and 04/12/2010 ML1012704392010-05-0505 May 2010 Y020100187 - List of Historical Leaks and Spills at U.S. Commercial Nuclear Power Plants ML11299A1752010-02-0808 February 2010 Lr Hearing - Indian Point Task I Report - Deliverable (Redacted Version) ML0936410942009-12-30030 December 2009 Preliminary Power Authority of the State of New York, Indian Point No. 3, Nuclear Power Plant, Systems Interaction Study. Volume II ML0926401772009-08-28028 August 2009 Environmental Science and Engineering NL-09-095, Annual 10 CFR 50.46 Report for Calendar Year 2008 Emergency Core Cooling System Evaluation Changes2009-07-21021 July 2009 Annual 10 CFR 50.46 Report for Calendar Year 2008 Emergency Core Cooling System Evaluation Changes ML0905407042009-01-0909 January 2009 American Radiation Services, Inc. Laboratory Analysis Report No. ARS1-08-02367, Revised 01/09/2009 2022-01-13
[Table view] |
Appendix F Summary of Atlantic Tomcod Food Habits Study
- 1. STUDY OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................... F-1
- 2. METHODS ................................................................................................................... F-1
- 3. RESULTS ..................................................................................................................... F-1 LIST OF FIGURES Number Title F-1 Monthly and regional percent composition (by weight) of major food items from Atlantic tomcod food habit study, 2000.
F-2 Percent composition (by weight) of major food items by length category of Atlantic tomcod from food habit study, 2000.
F-3 Percent composition (by weight) of major food items by length category and region from Atlantic tomcod food habit study, 2000.
LIST OF TABLES Number Title F-1 Number of stomachs analyzed for Atlantic tomcod food habit study, 2000.
F-2 Length frequency distribution of Atlantic tomcod analyzed for food habit study, 2000.
F-3 Total weight, count, and percent composition of food items from Atlantic tomcod food habit study, 2000.
F-4 Summary of food items from Atlantic tomcod food habit study by month and region, 2000.
2000 Year Class Report
F.1 STUDY OBJECTIVE The objective of the Atlantic tomcod food habits study was to examine the stomach contents of juvenile and adult Atlantic tomcod in order to detect differences in food habits throughout the Hudson River estuary and the possibility of cannibalism among Atlantic tomcod.
F.2 METHODS A maximum of 100 juvenile and 25 adult Atlantic tomcod per river run were collected during the Fall Shoals Survey. Up to 20 juvenile and 5 adult fish per river region (as defined below for the Atlantic tomcod food habits study) were preserved in 10 percent formalin and returned to the laboratory for analysis.
Atlantic Tomcod Food Habits River Regions LRS Region Region River Miles Designations 21 0-23 BT, YK 22 24-38 TZ, CH 23 39-46 IP 24 47-76 WP, CW, PK 25 77-152 HP, KG, SG, CS, AL In the laboratory, the entire stomach was removed from the fish and the contents carefully placed into a dissecting pan or petri dish. The contents were identified to family level for fish and to order for invertebrates, except for gammarid amphipods which were identified to family if possible. For each type of food item, a count and weight to the nearest hundredth gram were recorded on the laboratory data sheet. Other recorded information included sample number, region, and river run as well as fish length and life stage. Age, sex, and sexual condition were determined on Atlantic tomcod from river runs 9 through 11 only.
F.3 RESULTS A total of 998 Atlantic tomcod stomachs, 944 from juvenile fish and 54 from adult fish, were analyzed in 2000 (Table F-1). Fish were captured from all of the 13 designated regions of the Hudson River estuary from July through November 2000, with 50 percent of the juveniles caught during the summer and all of the adults captured in October and November. They were distributed fairly uniformly throughout the Hudson River except fewer fish were collected from the upper regions of Catskill and Albany and twice as many fish came from the Indian Point region as from other regions. Of the fish analyzed, 50 percent measured 100 mm or less with the smaller fish found mainly in the middle estuary and the larger fish throughout the estuary (Table F-2).
The most abundant food item by weight found in juvenile Atlantic tomcod was gammarid amphipods (Gammarus), comprising 50 percent of the total weight of all food items found in this age group (Table F-3). The other food items that made up 95 percent of the juvenile Atlantic tomcod diet were sand shrimp (Crangon), mysids (Neomysis), unidentified amphipods, and isopods. In adult Atlantic tomcod, the three food items that comprised over 95 percent by weight of the diet were sand shrimp (55 percent), grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio) (25 percent), and gammarid amphipods (18 percent). Several fish taxa from the goby, drum, and bass families were found in the stomachs of the analyzed Atlantic tomcod. A complete listing of all food items by month and region for both age groups is presented in Table F-4.
2000 Year Class Report
Consumption of the two major food items, Crangon and Gammarus, for both age groups were compared by month (Figure F-1, top graph), by region (Figure F-1, bottom graph), and by length (Figure F-2). Both major food items were consumed in about equal amounts from July to November. Crangon was the dominant food item in the lower estuary regions, but Gammarus dominated from West Point and above. Atlantic tomcod of all sizes consumed about equal proportions of Crangon and Gammarus except the smallest fish (under 70 mm) which fed on Neomysis and other food items. The largest fish (over 150 mm) also consumed P. pugio.
To ascertain whether fish size or location was more important in determining patterns in diet, a comparison of food items from the eight lower regions of the estuary investigated changes with region and length (Figure F-3). In the Battery through Tappan Zee regions, Crangon was preferred by all sizes of fish indicating that location may determine diet patterns in the lower estuary. In the middle portion of the estuary (Croton-Haverstraw and Indian Point), Crangon was still the preferred food source for fish over 120 mm, but smaller fish consumed a variety of food. In these regions, fish size may be more important in determining diet patterns. However, in the upper estuary (West Point and above), location may again become the determining factor as evidenced by the consumption of Gammarus almost exclusively.
2000 Year Class Report
Percent Composition of Food Items by Month 100 80 Percent Composition (by weight) 60 40 20 0
July August September October November December Percent Composition of Food Items by Region 100 80 Percent Composition (by weight) 60 40 20 0
Crangon P. pugio Gammarus Neomysis All Others Figure F-1. Monthly and regional percent composition (by weight) of major food items from Atlantic tomcod food habit study, 2000.
Percent Composition of Food Items by Fish Length Category 100%
Percent Composition (by weight) 60%
<=70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-110 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150 >150 Length (mm)
Crangon P. pugio Gammarus Neomysis All Others Figure F-2. Percent composition (by weight) of major food items by length category of Atlantic tomcod from food habit study, 2000.
Battery Yonkers 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0
<=90 91-120 121-150 >150 <=90 91-120 121-150 >150 Tappan Zee Croton-Haverstraw 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 Percent Composition (by weight 20 20 0 0
<=90 91-120 121-150 >150 <=90 91-120 121-150 >150 Indian Point West Point 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0
<=90 91-120 121-150 >150 <=90 91-120 121-150 >150 Cornwall Poughkeepsie 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0
<=90 91-120 121-150 >150 <=90 91-120 121-150 >150 Length Category (mm)
Legend: Crangon P. pugio Gammarus Neomysis All Others Figure F-3. Percent composition (by weight) of major food items by length category and region from Atlantic tomcod food habit study, 2000.
TABLE F-1 NUMBER OF STOMACHS ANALYZED FOR ATLANTIC TOMCOD FOOD HABIT STUDY, 2000 July August September October November December Total Juvenile Battery 38 18 14 2 -- -- 72 Yonkers 38 12 20 14 1 -- 85 Tappan Zee 18 20 9 14 9 -- 70 Croton-21 35 17 12 11 -- 96 Haverstraw Indian Point 35 61 39 41 23 -- 199 West Point 11 16 24 5 5 -- 61 Cornwall 25 28 20 13 6 -- 92 Poughkeepsie -- 15 -- 23 36 -- 74 Hyde Park 21 32 19 1 5 -- 78 Kingston -- 17 7 9 6 -- 39 Saugerties -- 13 11 17 20 -- 61 Catskill -- -- 3 11 -- -- 14 Albany -- -- -- 3 -- -- 3 Total 207 267 183 165 122 0 944 Adult Battery -- -- -- 2 10 -- 12 Yonkers -- -- -- 5 4 -- 9 Tappan Zee -- -- -- -- 3 -- 3 Croton-
-- -- -- -- 4 -- 4 Haverstraw Indian Point -- -- -- 1 10 -- 11 West Point -- -- -- -- 2 -- 2 Cornwall -- -- -- -- 1 -- 1 Poughkeepsie -- -- -- -- 1 -- 1 Hyde Park -- -- -- 1 -- -- 1 Kingston -- -- -- -- 5 -- 5 Saugerties -- -- -- -- 5 -- 5 Catskill -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Albany -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Total 0 0 0 9 45 0 54
-- = None analyzed 2000 Year Class Report
<=70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-110 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150 >150 Battery 1 1 10 19 20 14 5 2 -- 12 Yonkers -- 3 19 27 11 8 6 5 6 9 Tappan Zee -- 4 18 19 12 4 6 3 3 4 Croton-Haverstraw 3 17 34 14 9 5 5 4 2 7 Indian Point -- 12 46 60 45 16 10 9 1 11 West Point -- 2 24 17 8 7 2 -- 1 2 Cornwall -- 6 29 32 12 5 3 2 1 3 Poughkeepsie -- -- 6 9 7 12 14 16 9 2 Hyde Park -- 2 22 26 15 7 -- 2 3 2 Kingston -- -- 4 6 8 11 3 2 2 8 Saugerties -- -- -- 2 11 14 6 11 9 13 Catskill -- -- 1 -- 2 1 4 5 1 --
Albany -- -- -- -- -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 Total 4 47 213 231 160 105 64 62 38 74
-- = None collected 2000 Year Class Report
TABLE F-3 TOTAL WEIGHT, COUNT, AND PERCENT COMPOSITION OF FOOD ITEMS FROM ATLANTIC TOMCOD FOOD HABIT STUDY, 2000 Percent of Percent of Weight Total Total Class Order Genus or Family Species (g)a Weight Count Count Juvenile Atlantic tomcod Malacostraca Amphipoda Gammarus 54.93 49.85 12,734 67.98 Malacostraca Decapoda Crangon 37.79 34.30 439 2.34 Malacostraca Mysida Neomysis 5.72 5.19 1,371 7.32 Malacostraca Amphipoda 4.33 3.93 3,286 17.54 Malacostraca Isopoda 2.23 2.02 304 1.62 Malacostraca Decapoda Palaemonetes pugio 1.82 1.65 43 0.23 Malacostraca Decapoda 0.80 0.73 75 0.40 Unid. fish 0.56 0.51 14 0.07 Osteichthyes Perciformes Micropogonias undulatus 0.51 0.46 6 0.03 Polychaeta 0.29 0.26 16 0.09 Osteichthyes Perciformes Gobiidae 0.22 0.2 1 0.01 Osteichthyes Perciformes Sciaenidae 0.20 0.18 4 0.02 Malacostraca Decapoda Callinectes sapidus 0.15 0.14 6 0.03 Malacostraca Decapoda Rhithropanopeus harrisii 0.15 0.14 3 0.02 Oligochaeta 0.11 0.1 3 0.02 Malacostraca Isopoda Lironeca ovalis 0.08 0.07 17 0.09 Pelecypoda 0.05 0.05 50 0.27 Malacostraca Cumacea 0.05 0.05 25 0.13 Insecta Diptera Chironomidae (Larvae) 0.04 0.04 145 0.77 Insecta Trichoptera 0.04 0.04 3 0.02 Fish scales 0.04 0.04 31 0.17 Osteichthyes Perciformes Morone spp. 0.03 0.03 1 0.01 Insecta Trichoptera Leptoceridae (Juvenile) 0.02 0.02 1 0.01 Insecta Diptera Chironomidae (Pupae) 0.01 0.01 10 0.05 Maxillipoda Copepoda 0.01 0.01 72 0.38 Empty stomach < min -- 25 0.13 Gastropoda < min -- 11 0.06 Insecta Diptera (Pupae) < min -- 4 0.02 Insecta Diptera < min -- 22 0.12 Branchiopoda Diplostraca Cladocera < min -- 9 0.05 Total 110.18 100 18,731 100 Adult Atlantic tomcod Malacostraca Decapoda Crangon 23.33 53.98 103 6.67 Malacostraca Decapoda Palaemonetes pugio 10.60 24.53 20 1.3 Malacostraca Amphipoda Gammarus 7.75 17.93 1,359 88.02 Malacostraca Decapoda 0.58 1.34 15 0.97 Malacostraca Decapoda Callinectes sapidus 0.39 0.90 3 0.19 Osteichthyes Perciformes Gobiidae 0.16 0.37 1 0.06 Osteichthyes Perciformes Micropogonias undulatus 0.14 0.32 1 0.06 Malacostraca Mysida Neomysis 0.13 0.30 19 1.23 Malacostraca Isopoda 0.08 0.19 9 0.58 Unid. fish 0.06 0.14 1 0.06 Insecta Diptera Chironomidae (Larvae) < min -- 5 0.32 Insecta < min -- 1 0.06 Malacostraca Amphipoda < min -- 6 0.39 Empty stomach < min -- 1 0.06 Total 43.22 100 1,544 100 a
For some food items, weights were less than the minimum weight measurable by instrumentation and are represented here as < min.
2000 Year Class Report
OF FOOD ITEMS FROM ATLANTIC TOMCOD FOOD HABIT STUDY BY MONTH AND REGION, 2000 Croton-Battery Yonkers Tappan Zee Indian Point West Point Cornwall Poughkeepsie Hyde Park Kingston Saugerties Catskill Albany Haverstraw Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt.
July Empty stomach 2 1 1 Morone spp. 1 0.03 Unid. fish 1 0.01 1 0.02 1 0.02 Pelecypoda 5 <min 10 <min Gastropoda 1 <min 6 <min Chironomidae 4 <min 3 <min 15 <min 14 <min Crangon 73 3.72 25 1.2 10 0.22 3 0.2 Palaemonetes pugio 6 0.23 10 0.09 1 0.02 Decapoda 5 0.03 10 0.07 3 0.01 Gammarus 6 0.02 6 0.01 208 0.79 99 0.39 332 0.72 425 0.81 Lironeca ovalis 17 0.08 Cumacea 5 <min Neomysis 331 1.07 139 0.7 48 0.19 132 0.6 328 1.24 Isopoda 2 <min 2 0.03 1 0.02 7 0.04 1 <min 35 0.27 2 0.01 Amphipoda 8 <min 29 0.01 44 0.05 13 0.01 99 0.09 11 <min 17 <min Copepoda 2 <min 3 <min 1 <min 14 <min 2 <min Cladocera 1 <min Fish scales 2 <min August Empty stomach 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 5 1.
Unid. fish 1 0.01 Pelecypoda 2 0.01 5 0.02 1 <min 10 <min Chironomidae (Larvae) 4 <min 6 <min 1 <min 8 <min 13 <min 2 <min 11 <min Chironomidae (Pupae) 1 <min 2 <min 7 0.01 Leptoceridae (Juvenile) 1 0.02 Diptera (Pupae) 1 <min Diptera 4 <min Crangon 40 2.71 12 1.05 20 0.82 2 0.06 4 0.35 Palaemonetes pugio 1 0.1 6 0.23 2 0.45 13 0.25 Decapoda 6 0.07 8 0.18 1 0.02 4 0.05 Gammarus 20 0.16 2 0.01 30 0.06 81 0.4 98 0.42 267 1.18 109 0.48 534 1.35 362 1.07 314 1.21 Cumacea 1 <min 4 0.01 Neomysis 25 0.15 4 0.03 3 <min 22 0.06 29 0.08 Isopoda 5 0.03 4 0.06 7 0.06 36 0.14 7 0.03 2 <min 3 <min 5 0.03 Amphipoda 1 <min 54 0.08 116 0.15 230 0.33 619 0.6 3 <min 28 0.01 NOTE: All weights are in grams. For some food items, weights were less than the minimum weight measurable by instrumentation and are represented here as < min.
Croton-Battery Yonkers Tappan Zee Indian Point West Point Cornwall Poughkeepsie Hyde Park Kingston Saugerties Catskill Albany Haverstraw Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt.
August (cont.)
Copepoda 1 <min 6 <min 8 <min 16 <min Cladocera 7 <min 1 <min Oligochaeta 1 <min Polychaeta 1 <min 1 <min 1 0.01 2 0.01 Fish scales 1 <min 3 <min 4 <min 13 <min 1 <min 1 <min 2 <min September Empty stomach 1 2 1 Unid. fish 1 0.02 Pelecypoda 1 <min 1 <min 3 <min 1 <min Gastropoda 1 <min 1 <min 1 <min Chironomidae (Larvae) 1 <min 1 <min 5 <min 4 0.01 3 <min 7 <min 2 <min 1 <min Trichoptera 1 0.02 Diptera (Pupae) 1 <min 2 <min Diptera 1 <min 1 <min 1 <min 13 <min 1 <min 1 <min Crangon 40 2.87 53 4.2 18 1.4 2 0.05 Palaemonetes pugio 1 0.25 Callinectes sapidus 1 0.01 Decapoda 3 0.09 Gammarus 39 0.14 115 0.5 289 1.03 167 0.61 455 1.81 150 0.62 467 2.02 33 0.06 Cumacea 4 <min Neomysis 37 0.18 4 0.02 5 <min 7 0.02 14 0.05 Isopoda 1 0.01 3 0.02 7 0.01 10 0.01 4 0.02 14 0.03 2 <min 14 0.05 1 <min Amphipoda 4 <min 15 0.01 84 0.09 220 0.35 429 0.55 1 <min 12 0.01 11 0.05 Copepoda 1 <min 1 <min 1 <min 7 <min Polychaeta 1 <min 3 0.11 Fish scales 1 <min 2 0.04 October Unid. fish 3 0.25 3 0.08 2 0.11 Gobiidae 1 0.22 Sciaenidae 2 0.11 2 0.09 Pelecypoda 1 <min 1 <min 3 <min 3 0.02 Chironomidae (Larvae) 4 <min 1 <min 7 <min 2 <min 4 <min 2 <min 1 <min 1 <min Trichoptera 2 0.02 Crangon 20 1.23 68 9.78 25 1.59 11 1.89 21 3.12 1 0.2 2 0.1 Palaemonetes pugio 1 1.1 2 0.18 2 1.08 NOTE: All weights are in grams. For some food items, weights were less than the minimum weight measurable by instrumentation and are represented here as < min.
Croton-Battery Yonkers Tappan Zee Indian Point West Point Cornwall Poughkeepsie Hyde Park Kingston Saugerties Catskill Albany Haverstraw Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt. Ct. Wt.
October (cont.)
Callinectes sapidus 2 0.02 1 0.04 Rhithropanopeus harrisii 1 0.03 1 0.11 Decapoda 1 0.08 2 0.08 Gammarus 22 0.14 58 0.5 75 0.4 821 3.98 757 4.78 86 0.55 398 1.90 920 4.77 592 3.07 274 1.01 Neomysis 3 0.02 15 0.1 5 0.02 6 0.03 82 0.61 Isopoda 5 0.14 12 0.11 7 0.04 11 0.14 1 <min 3 <min 10 0.02 5 0.07 4 0.07 10 0.11 5 0.05 Amphipoda 1 <min 36 <min 525 0.8 188 0.43 364 0.56 10 <min 1 <min Copepoda 3 <min 1 <min Polychaeta 5 0.06 1 0.07 1 0.03 Fish scales 1 <min November Empty stomach 1 1 Unid. fish 1 0.06 1 0.04 Micropogonias undulatus 6 0.55 1 0.1 Gobiidae 1 0.16 Pelecypoda 3 <min Gastropoda 1 <min Chironomidae (Larvae) 3 <min 5 <min 6 0.02 1 <min 8 0.01 Insecta 1 <min Crangon 41 10.85 7 2.14 20 3.68 7 1.3 15 5.97 2 0.42 Palaemonetes pugio 1 0.53 9 2.67 8 5.24 Callinectes sapidus 2 0.27 1 0.03 1 0.05 1 0.12 Rhithropanopeus harrisii 1 0.01 Malacostraca 7 <min 1 0.1 11 0.02 2 0.01 22 0.54 1 0.01 3 0.02 Gammarus 58 0.2 142 0.72 467 1.67 327 1.79 574 2.6 1873 7.77 180 0.96 510 2.59 1351 7.41 Cumacea 11 0.04 Neomysis 2 0.03 60 0.25 59 0.24 30 0.16 Isopoda 1 0.02 1 <min 12 0.06 1 <min 5 0.08 29 0.34 4 0.03 6 0.09 6 0.07 Amphipoda 1 <min 13 0.02 43 0.07 62 0.06 Copepoda 1 <min 1 0.01 3 <min Oligochaeta 1 0.03 1 0.08 NOTE: All weights are in grams. For some food items, weights were less than the minimum weight measurable by instrumentation and are represented here as < min.