ML081650454 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Millstone ![]() |
Issue date: | 06/13/2008 |
From: | Gerald Bichof Dominion Nuclear Connecticut |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
08-0047B | |
Download: ML081650454 (29) | |
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.
-)(100 Dominion Boulevard, Glen Allen, Virginia 2,060
\\Xvh Address: June 13, 2008 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 Serial No.
NL&OS/MAE Docket No.
License No.
OF REACTOR COOLANT PUMP DISSIMILAR METAL WELD EXAMINATIONS Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. (DNC) is providing herein a summary of the Millstone Power Station Unit 2
(MPS2) reactor coolant pump Dissimilar Metal (OM) weld examinations performed during refueling outage 18. The summary report in the attachment to this letter provides results of an examination technique described by Relief Request 89-64 for select Class 1 piping OM welds at MPS2, (Reference DNC letters 07-0533, 08-0047, and 08-0047A dated September 27,2007, February 18 and March 26, 2008).
Please contact Mr. William D. 8artron at (860) 444-4301 if you have any questions or require additional information.
~~:':?~1S Vice President - Nuclear Engineering Commitments made in this letter: None
Summary of Reactor Coolant Pump Dissimilar Metal Weld Examinations cc:
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406-1415 Ms. C. J. Sanders NRC Project Manager Millstone U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Mail Stop 0-8 83 One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Millstone Power Station
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 ATTACHMENT
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of RCP DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 1 of 27
OF REACTOR COOLANT PUMP DISSIMILAR METAL WELD EXAMINATIONS Eight (8) high safety significant (HSS) dissimilar metal (DM) welds located on the reactor coolant pump (RCP) inlet and outlet reactor coolant system (RCS) cold leg piping were examined using ultrasonic examination techniques during the recent 2R18 refueling outage.
Manual ultrasonic techniques qualified in accordance with ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII, Supplement 10 for DM welds, as modified by the Performance Demonstration Initiative (PDI)
Program, were applied from the outside surface of the components for the examinations.
The DM welds examined consisted of the inlet nozzle (suction) elbow to safe-end welds and outlet nozzle (discharge) safe-end to pipe welds of each RCP.
The inlet elbow to safe-end welds consists of clad ferritic steel elbow (P-1) to cast austenitic stainless steel safe-end (P-8) with Alloy 82/182 weld material.
The outlet safe-end to pipe welds consists of cast austenitic stainless steel safe-end (P-8) to clad ferritic steel piping (P-1) with Alloy 82/182 weld material.
The applicable weld numbers for each configuration is tabulated in Table 1 along with the figures associated with the examination coverage figures.
Table 1 Weld Number Configuration Description Coverage Plots P-4-C-1 Inlet Elbow to Safe-End Figures 1, 2, & 3 P-5-C-3 Outlet Safe-End to Pipe Figures 4, 5, & 6 P-8-C-1 Inlet Elbow to Safe-End Figures 7, 8, & 9 P-9-C-3 Outlet Safe-End to Pipe Figures 10,11, & 12 P-13-C-1 Inlet Elbow to Safe-End Figures 13,14, & 15 P-14-C-3 Outlet Safe-End to Pipe Figures 16, 17, & 18 P-17-C-1 Inlet Elbow to Safe-End Figures 19, 20, & 21 P-18-C-3 Outlet Safe-End to Pipe Figures 22, 23, & 24 These welds were examined under the Risk Informed Inservice Inspection (RI-ISI) Program as Code Item Number R1.15, "Elements Subject to PWSCC."
The inner 1/3 of the weld and adjacent base material were required to be volumetrically examined for ~" from the weld toe or counterbore (if present) on each side of the weld.
In addition to the RI-ISI Program requirements, MPS2 applied the industry guidance contained in the Materials Reliability Program, "Primary System Piping 8utt Weld Inspection and Evaluation Guidelines (MRP-139),"
dated August 2005.
The design configuration of these dissimilar metal welds limits the volumetric examination from the ferritic steel side of the welds.
Due to the short length of the cast austenitic stainless steel safe-ends and the adjacent safe-end to pump welds there is no access or surface to perform any scanning from the safe-end side of the weld.
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of RCP DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 2 of 27 All scanning of the ultrasonic search units was performed from the ferritic elbow or pipe side of the weld using the Appendix VIII, Supplement 10 demonstrated examination procedure for DM welds. The cast stainless steel safe-end base material portion of the examination volume is not addressed by the Supplement 10 procedure demonstration.
This portion of the examination volume was examined to the extent possible on a "best effort" basis from the far side of the weld using the Appendix VIII, Supplement 10 demonstrated procedure. The use of the low frequency longitudinal wave search units, focused for the thickness being examined and with the examination parameters of the DM weld procedure, meets or exceeds the ASME Section XI, Appendix III examination requirements.
The determination of examination volume coverage is addressed by region based on procedure qualifications; 1) qualified material (Inconel weld/butter and ferritic base material) volume, 2) best effort cast stainless steel volume, and 3) total RI examination volume.
The coverage determination of the Appendix VIII procedure qualified materials was performed using a conservative approach, claiming complete coverage only when both beam angles (45° and 60°) interrogate the volume when scanning in the axial direction. Circumferential scanning was performed by skewing the ultrasonic beam into the examination volume from the adjacent base material to interrogate the required volume.
Scanning from the weld surface was not possible due to the tapered surface which results in loss of contact of the search unit at the transition between the component and weld.
The entire wetted surface of the Alloy 82/182 material was examined with at least one beam angle.
The coverage determination of the cast stainless steel examination volume was performed claiming coverage of the portion of volume interrogated by at least one beam angle, either 45° or 60° in the axial scan direction. Coverage of the far side of the weld examination volume (cast stainless steel safe-end) is not practical when scanning in the circumferential direction through the weld material.
No coverage of the cast stainless steel examination volume in the circumferential scan direction is claimed during these examinations.
Coverage of the entire RI examination volume is determined by combining the Appendix VIII qualified volume coverage and the Appendix III "best effort" volume coverage.
Table 2 summarizes the examination coverage for these eight DM weld examinations. Figures 1 through 24 detail the claimed coverage of each weld and examination volume region discussed above. Scan limitations exist on the discharge safe-end to pipe welds, which consist of nozzle penetrations in the pipe at several circumferential locations (as described on the applicable figures) that restrict the axial movement of the search units. The axial movement of the search unit was also restricted by the weld taper transition at the weld toe of the discharge DM welds, which limits the coverage of the far side cast stainless steel volume.
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 3 of 27 I
Table 2 Examination Volume Coverage Summary Appendix VIII Qualified MateriallTechnique Coverage Total Risk i
(Alloy 600 & CS Base Material)
CSS Best Effort Informed (RI)
Axial Circumferential Composite Wetted Coverage Volume Weld #
Beam Coverage I
Direction Beam Direction Coverage Surface P-4-C-1 100 100 100 100 50 80 P-5-C-3 83.8 100 91.9 100 45.9 73.1 P-8-C-1 100 100 100 100 50 80 P-9-C-3 85.5 100 92.7 100 45.9 73.6 P-13-C-1 100 100 100 100 50 80 P-14-C-3 87.2 100 93.6 100 45.9 74.5 P-17-C-1 100 100 100 100 50 80 I
P-18-C-3 87.2 100 93.6 100 45.9 74.5 I
Wetted surface coverage refers to the ID surface of the Alloy 82/182 material completely interrogated by at least one beam angle in the axial and circumferential beam directions.
In summary, no flaw indications were detected for these eight DM welds examined with the qualified ultrasonic examination procedure, equipment and personnel.
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 4 of 27 Weld# P-4-C-1 Appendix VIII qualified Procedure/Material Examination Coverage Calculations (lnconel Weld Metal & lnconel Buttering and Carbon Steel Base Material)
Examination Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction = 100%. Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage = 100%
Composite Axial and Circumferential Examination Coverage = 100%
\\r:f,l ie1
Cross Sectional Examination Area:
1.96 sq. in. (100%)
Stainless S Required Examination Volume
45 Deg.
60 Deg.
45 &60 Degree axial scan direction coverage,::~~>.;;-_II~
1,96 sq. in. for the entire length of weld 100% coverage of the total examination volume 45 Degree skewed circumferential scan direction coverage 1.96 sq. in. for the entire length of weld 100% coverage of the total examination volume Examination Performed as Detailed Above.
No examination performed from the safe-end side of the weld due to lack of scan surface due to configuration.
Figure 1
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 5 of 27 Weld# P-4-C-1 RIsk Informed Examination Coverage of the cast Stainless Steel (CSS) BaseMaterial Examination Volume on the Far Side of the Weld as a "Best Effort" Examination in Accordance with ASME Section XI, Appendix III Composite (Axial & Circumferential Directions) of the CSS Examination Volume Coverage = 50%
Examination Performed Using ASME section XI, AppendiX VIII Qualified Procedure for the Dissimilar Metal Welds.
The Examination Techniques Used Meet or Exceed the Appendix III Examination Requirements.
Clad Required Examination Volume Cross Sectional Examination Area:
1.28 sq. in. '" 100%
\\'& \\.
B m
3.48 Jlrn
- !:c\\1J ff~
U cE w:illl
Gl 45 & 60 Degree axial scan direction coverage
~ j 1.28 sq. in. for the entire length of weld on 100% coverage of the total examination volume
. \\
\\ \\
45 Degree skewed circumferential scan direction coverage 0% coverage of the total examination volume
Examination Performed as Detailed Above.
No examination performed from the safe-end side of the weld due to lack of scan surface due to configuration.
Figure 2
Serial No. 08-00476 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 6 of 27 Weld# P-4-C-1 Total Risk Informed (RI) Examination Volume Coverage Examination Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction = 100%, Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage =60%
Composite Axial and Circumferentail Examination Coverage =80%
T 2.86 "all
Required Examination Volume \\j
Cross Sectional Examination Area: \\$\\
3.24 sq. in. (100%)
'IS:. \\.
A UJ 3.48 J c:
60 Deg.
45 & 60 Degree axial scan direction coverage 3.24 sq. in. forthe entire length of weld 100% coverage of the total examination volume
45 Degree skewed circumferential scan direction coverage 1.96 sq. in. for the entire length of weld 60% coverage of the total examination volume Examination Performed as Detailed Above.
No examination performed from the safe-end side of the weld due to Jackof scan surface due to configuration.
Figure 3
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 7 of 27 Weld# P-5-C-3 Appendix VIII Qualified Procedure/Material Examination Coverage Calculations (Inconel Weld Metal & lnconel Buttering and Carbon Steel Base Material)
Examination Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction:: 83.8%. Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage:: 100%
Composite Axial and Circumferential Examination Coverage:: 91.9%
1O<W. examinIlionCO'VCfllF of!he lnconelmaterial is determined by !heexmnination volumeeffectively intem>pted by botbthe4S IllId 60degree sesn:llUllilSin the uial beam direc:tim. Circumfor<:ntial coverage determlnod by thevolume effectively interropted by the 4S dA:grcc searchemit &kcwed into theweldregion.
Required Examination Volume The entire Alloy 600 weld material (weld &buttering) is interogated by at least one beam angle. 45 or 60 deg. as detailed below.
1.88 in
~~~_--:T--:"7',,",,45 &60 Degree "1IlIICIm di_~
for unclJslrudlldragron 1.44 sq. In. '", Hl4" 01weldIangth= 149.76 cu,n.
79.7% of toI8l **""""BUen vOlume 3.00 in NozzleconneetiOJl5 limit !heaxialdistllnce of search emitmovement to 3.0"fromtheweldtoe to thesearch unitexitpoint.
45 & flO <leg"", lIXial """" direction in "'lIion 01 nazzte limillllions 0.65 sq. in for 12"orMIld length ~ 7.8 cu. in.
- 4. t% of Iolai _nBtiOn volume 45 Degree aJ<ewed ci""'mfetentilll """" di'8Cloon 162 sq in. for 116" orweld Iengll1 188 cu. "'. (100%)
Axial Scan Limited for 12" of Weid Length Due 10Spray Nozzle and Instrumentation Nozzle on the Pipe Side of the Weld.
The Spray Nozzle is Located @ TOC From 4" CCW TO 4" CWo The Instrumentation Nozzle is Located @ 10" CCW TO 14" CCW.
No Examination was Performed on the Upstream Side of the Weld (Safe-End) Due 10the Lack of Scan Surface of the Safe-End Conf'iluration.
Examination Performed as Detailed Above Figure 4
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 8 of 27 Weld# P-5-C-3 Risk InformedExamination Coverageof the Cast StainlessSteel (CSS) Base MaterialExaminationVolume on the Far Side of the Weld as a "Best Effort" Examination in Accordancewith ASME Section XI, AppendixIII Composite(Axial & Circumferential Directions)of the CSS Examination Volume Coverage= 45.9%
Examination PerformedUsingASME SectionXI, AppendixVIII QualifiedProcedurefor the DissimilarMetal Welds.
The ExaminationTechniquesUsed Meet or Exceedthe Appendix III Examination Requirements.
1.88in Required Examin8llon Volume "tql.tif'l<l 00II Stc:iOMai r~AtM urIC!... (1001'i)
Unable to SCllll ftom the weld crown or we-el:ld sIde of!be weld due to configmation.
100%exllllialltiOll """"'"I" deIemliDect bytheexIIIlillItioa vollllllO cJTccllwlyiDtcI.'roptccI bT eltbcr1he45ml60 d<:grI:c oeIIl:h IIlIlI in theWaI beam diroetIoD. Cin:lIlllfenmliaI..,."..,. cldoImiaed by mevolUlllC cIYcctlvcly blIcrroptcd by 1he45dc&tcc tcatCb unit.
3.00 in 46&60 OogIw....i ""'-'00'IeIlIge O.89IOl.inlorl1ll"af_longlh" 10324",,"
91-8%of It*I e:qminelion f/Oiume Ntlal Scan Limited for 12" of weld Lenglh Due ID $prey Nauia and Instrumentation Nozzle on tile Pipe Sideofllle Wala. The Spray Naule ill LocatecI@ TDC From 4" COO TO 4" CW The Instrumentation Nozzle is LaceleC @ 10" CCW TO 14" CCW. Howevw, tile axielscan llmitelion doeS not impect tile best effort examination of tile far side of tile weld.
No Examination was?erformea on tile Upstream Siaeof tile WelC (sar&-Ena) Due ID the Leek of scan Surteoeor the safe-End Conf'llura!ion Examination ?stormed as Deteilea Above Figure 5
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 9 of 27 Weld# P-5-C-3 Total Risk Informed (RI) Examination Volume Coverage Examination Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction =84.2%, Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage =62%
Composite Axial and Circumferentail Examination Coverage =73,1%
1.88in Required Examination Volume Crosssectional b:amtl'abon A:rea 26211q in (100%) J i
Weld Lcllglh ~ 116" 2,9" 1----:3.00 in
- I
~-----tI~*~*1.00in 45 & eo degree....I IlCen d,rectiOn in unoIlstrudIId region01weld.
2.2911q. in for 104" 01_ lenoth % 2382cu. in.
78,4%of toll/I exlmlnatlon voduma 5 Degree skewedclrcumterenlill scandirection 1.62 "'l. in. lor 116" of....k1I.nglh 168 eu In. (62%)
w j
- l;.:l
~I U<Il lije
, 1:,.-----
- Ji~
U N~c connectiOll$limit the axial dlstlwce ofseuch Wlitll1oveme.ot to 3.0" fromthe weld toe to the search unitexitpoint.
45 & 60 deg... Ixill _n dil'llCbOn in "'Ulon 01nouil lirnilatione 1.48 sq. in lor12" of weldienglh =17.78 cu. in.
0.8% of lOlaI examInation vodume Axial Scan Limited for 12" of Weld Length Due to Spray Nozzle and InstrumentatiOn Nozzles on the Pipe Side of the Weld.
The Spray Nozzle is Located @TDC From 4" CCW TO 4" CWo The Instrumentation Nozzle is Located@ 10* CCW TO 14" CCW No Examination was Performed on the Upstream Side of the Weld (Safe-End) Due to the Lack of Scan Surface of the Safe-End Configuration.
Examination Peformed as Detailed Abollfl Figure 6
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 10 of 27 Weld# P-8-C-1 Appendix VlJI qualified Procedure/Material Examination Coverage Calculations (Inconel Weld Metal & Inconel Buttering and Carbon Steel Base Material)
Examination Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction = 100%, Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage = 100%
Composite Axial and Circumferential Examination Coverage =100%
Required Examination Volume Cross Sectional Examination Area:
1.96 sq. in. (100%)
~iIi 3.48 J
~a 45 Deg.
60 Deg.
45 & 60 Degree axial scan direction coverage,::~~~~~;im 1.96 sq. in. for the entire length of weld 100% coverage of the total examination volume 45 Degree skewed circumferential scan direction coverage 1.96 sq. in. for the entire length of weld 100% coverage of the total examination volume
Examination Performed as Detailed Above.
No examination performed from the safe-end side of the weld due to lack of scan surface due to configuration.
Figure 7
Serial No. 08-0047B Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 11 of 27 Weld# P-8-C-1 Risk Informed Examination Coverage of the Cast Stainless Sfeel (CSS) Base Material Examination Volume on the Far Side of the Weld as a "Best Effort" Examination in Accordance with ASME Section XI, Appendix III Composite (Axial & Circumferential Directions) of the CSS Examination Volume Coverage = 50%
Examination Performed Using ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII Qualified Procedure for the Dissimilar Metal Welds.
The Examination Techniques Used Meet or Exceed the Appendix III Examination Requirements.
Required Examination Volume
_______-;1." \\ 220::1
~I T Cross Sectional Examination Area:
\\ \\.!it:
U (/)
2 86 1.28 sq. in. =100%
~ i l'
<c (f)~
45 Deg.
o Deg.
-g UJ
- E~
~=~~;~~§~IIII~~ Jl 45 & 60 Degreeaxial scandirectioncoverage
- a ~
1.28 sq. in. for the entire lengthof weld VJ 100% coverageof the totalexamination V..O.~lu..m
....e.. ~......
45 Degreeskewedcircumferential scandirectioncoverage
0%coverageof the total examination volume Examination Performed as Detailed Above.
No examination performed from the safe-end side of the weld due to lack of scan surface due to configuration.
Figure 8
UJ 3.48 ai ij5
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 12 of 27 Weld# P-8-C-1 Total Risk Informed(RI) ExaminationVolume Coverage ExaminationVolume Coverage Axial Scan Direction= 100%.Circumferential Scan DirectionCoverage=60%
CompositeAxial and Circumferentail ExaminationCoverage= 80%
Required Examination VOIUme\\t'
Cross Sectional Examination Area:
'\\c; \\
3.24 sq. in. (100%)
\\..... \\
45 & 60 Degree axial scan direction coverage 3.24 sq. in. for the entire length of weld 100% coverage of the total examination volume 60Deg.
45 Deg.
45 Degree skewed circumferential scan direction coverage 1.96 sq. in. for the entire length of weld 60% coverage of the total examination volume Examination Performedas DetailedAbove.
No examinationperformedfrom the safe-endside of the weld due to lack of scan surfacedue to configuration.
Figure 9
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 13 of 27 WeldtIP-9-e-3 AppendrxVIII Qualified Proc8durelMaterial Examinalion eoWlr&Q8 Cak:ulalions (Inoonel WeldMelli & inoonelBUlle~ng and CarbonS_ B8M M8lerJ8I)
Examination VolumeCoverllll" Ax",1 SC;an Direction ~ 86.5%. CITCUmf-.ual SC;an Dlf1IClion Co"""'ll't c 100%
ComposilllAxial lind Circumfe"",lilIl EXlIminlllion CovtmIQe =92.7%
The enlireAlloyBOO weld m_al (weld & bullerlngJ is in"'lla1ed by at JeesIone beam angle, 45 or 60deg as detllli<ld below.
Required Examination Volume C"ON Sectional ExlIminlllion AIu:
1.62 sq. in.(100%)
TollIl ExlImlnation Volume ~ 188 cu. in. (100%)
Tocal WeldLentllh 116" J00";0 eumiDlition COverage of theInconel material is determined by the cxaminalion volumeeffectively interrogated byboththe 45 and 60 degree searchunits in the8ltia1 beam di=tion. Circumferential coveragedetermined by thevolumeeffectivelyin~ by the45 degzee searchUDiI skewedinlo the weldregion.
60 45
~~~_----:::-r--7"":;;"-45 & 60 D9gree.x,al scan directioncoveraga forunobstrucllld FlIgIon 1.44sq. in. for 108"of_ld length = 155.52cu. in.
82.7% of ~ examinationvolume 3.00 in Nozzleconnections limittheaxialdistance of searchunitmovement to 3.0' fromtheweldtoeto thesearchunit exit point.
45 & 60 degreeaxialscan dIrection In region of nllZZlelimitations 0.1l5sq. in for 8" 01weld length = 5.2 cu. in.
2.8% of total exeminationvolume 45 Deftree skewedcircumferen\\i8lscan direction 1.62 sq. in. for 116" 01weld length 188 cu. in. (100%)
AxialScanlimited lor 8" 01WeldLengthDueto SprayNo.z.zle on the Pipe Slde01the Weld.
TheSpray Nozzlei, Loc:alIld CD TDCFrom4" CCWTO4" CWo NoExamination Wll8Performed onthe Upstream Sideofthe Weld(SBIe*End) Dueto theLackofScanSurfBoe of the S8fe-End Configuration.
E><aminlltlon Performedas DetailedAbove Figure 10
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 14 of 27 Weldlll P*g.C*3 RllIk Informed Examina~on Coverage of the Callt Slainlen Steel (ess) BaH Material Examination Volume on l/1eFill"Side of the Weld as * "BestElrcrt" Ex.mina~on '" Acco.a.nce withASME Seclion XI.Appendix III COm~w (Axial & CirwmferenlialDiI'llCtiona) of the CSS Exemin.~on Volume Covensge =45.9%
Examination PerklrmedUSingASME 8eclion XI. Appendix VIIIQualifiedProceciunslor !he Di8elmilllr Melal Wekl8.
The Examination Technique. Used Meet or Exceed the Appendix III Examination Requinlments.
l,SS in I
Required Examination Volume Required Cross Sectional ExamiantionArea
.97 sq. in. (100%)
ToUli EX8mina~on VOl..."." 112,5 cu.In (100%)
TotalWeldLength J16"
I00"1cr examinationcoveragedetermined by the examinationvolume effectivelyinterrogated by eitherthe 45lIlld 60degreesearchunit in the axialbeam direction. Circumferential coverage determined by the volume effectivelyinterrogatedby the 45 degreesearchunit 3.00in
AxialscBlllimluxlllt thepointof1_
of eODlael ofthcsearch unitdueto thc taperof theweld.
45 & 60 Degnse axial scsn direction coverage 0,89 sq, in lor 116" of weld length = 103.24 CU,in.
91,8% of tOlalexamination volume Unable to scanfromtheweldcrownor safe-end side ofthe weld due to configuration.
~l U ii5
"' lZ Volume Examined - Circumferential Scan Direction Jl:-'....._-_....
Oeu. in, (0%)
Axial Scan Limited for 8" of Weld Length DYe to SprayNozzle on l/1ePipe Sideof the Weld. The SprayNozzle is Located Cil TOC From 4" CCW to 4" CW, However,!he axial_n limitation does not impact the beIIt ellon examination of the far side of !he weld.
No Examination was Performed on the Upstream Side of the Weld (S8fe..End) DYe to !he Lack of Scan Surface of the S8fe..End Configuration.
Examination f>elormedas Delalied Above Figure 11
1.88in "I I
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 15 of 27 WeId# P-ll-C-3 Total RISk '"formed (Rl) ExamillallOrl Volume Covlll'll\\le Exam,"elJOn Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction = 85.3%. Circumferential Scan Direction C~e =62%
Cc>mpcsiteAxial and Ci~u""'renIlIiI Examination Coverage = 73.6%
RequiredExaminationVolume 8.
WeldLength ~ 116"
:3.00 in
+1...>-11.00 in 45 & 60 clIIgreeaxlalllCan dlrectioo In unob8trueledregionof weld.
29 sq. in for 108" of weld length =24732 cu. in.
8104% of loIal eJ<8mlnatic>n volume
---......,3.00 in
- I
---......"....'100 in Nozzle connectionslimit the axialdistanceof searchunit movement to 3.0* fromthe weld toe to the sclll'cll unitexit point.
45 &60 degree axial scan direction in r1Igion of nozzlelimitations 1048sq. in for 8" or weld Ienglh ~ 11.84 cu. ill.
3.9% ortolal examinlltion volume 5 Degree skewed circumferential 8C8n direction 1.82 sq. In. for 118" 01weld length 188 cu. in, (62%)
Axial Scan limited for 8" of Weld Lenglll Due to SprayNozzleon the Pipe Side of the Weld, The SprayNozzleis Located@ TOC From4" CCWTO 4" CW No Examination wasPerformedon the Upetreem Sicleof the Weld (5afe-End) Due10the LadI of Seell Surfaceof !he Safe-End Configuration.
EJ<8minationPeformed as DelaiI<Kl Above Figure 12
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 16 of 27 Weld# P-13-C-1.
Appendix VIII qualified Procedure/Material Examination Coverage Calculations (Inconel Weld Metal & lnconel Buttering and Carbon Steel Base Material)
Examination Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction> 100%, Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage = 100%
Composite Axial and Circumferential Examination Coverage:: 100%
Sbf I
Required Exammation Volume ',t
~ I
,,~ i--
Cross Sectional Examination Area.
~/O&J 1.96sqm.(100%)
\\ \\')
IIJJ 3.48 j tJ)
~a 45 Deg.
45 & 60 Degree axial scan direction coverage,::~~~~~ill 1.96 sq. in. for the entire length of weld 100%coverage of the total examination volume
45 Degree skewed circumferential scan direction coverage 1.96 sq. in. for the entire length of weld 100% coverage of the total examination volume Examination Performed as Detailed Above.
No examination performed from the safe-end side of the weld due to lack of scan surface due to configuration.
Figure 13
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 17 of 27 Weld# P-13-C-1 Risk Informed Examination Coverage of the Cast Stainless Steel (CSS) Base Material Examination Volume on the Far Side of the Weld as a "Best Effort" Examination in Accordance with ASME Section XI, Appendix III Composite (Axial & Circumferential Directions) of the CSS Examination Volume Coverage =50%
Examination Performed Using ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII Qualified Procedure for the Dissimilar Metal Welds.
The Examination Techniques Used Meet or Exceed the Appendix III Examination Requirements.
I 3.oal oS I*
Required Examination Volume A
UJ 3.48 J 45 & 60 Degree axialscan direction coverage ~=~~~~~§~~I~I~
1,28 sq. in. for the entire lengthof weld 100%coverage of the total examination volume
45 Degree skewed circumferential scan direction coverage 0% coverage of the total examination volume
.-=='~-l Examination Performed as Detailed Above.
No examination performed from the safe-end side of the weld due to lack of scan surface due to configuration.
Figure 14
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 18 of 27 Weld# P-13-C-1 Total Risk Informed (RI) Examination Volume Coverage Examination Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction = 100%, Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage = 60%
Composite Axial and Circumferentail Examination Coverage =80%
r Required Examination Volume \\t\\
\\.~::!. \\
Cross Sectional Examination Area:
\\~ \\
3.24 sq. in. (100%)
~m 3.48
45 Deg.
60 Deg.
45 & 60 Degree axial scan direction coverage ~:=~~~~=IIIIIIIII 3.24 sq. in. for the entire length of weld 100% coverage of the total examination volume
45 Degree skewed circumferential scan direction coverage 1.96 sq. in. for the enlire length of weld 60% coverage of the talaI examination volume Examination Performed as Detailed Above.
No examination performed from the safe-end side of the weld due to lack of scan surface due to configuration.
Figure 15
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 19 of 27 Weld# P-14-C-3 Appendix VIII Qualified Procedure/Material Examination Coverage Calculations (Inconel Weld Metal & inconet Butteringjilnd Carbon Steel Base Material)
ExaminatIon Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction = 87.2%, Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage = 100%
Composite Axial and Circumferential Examination Coverage = 93.6%
100'10 CXlmination coverageof the IDconellDlllerial is determined by theexaminationvolumeeffectivelyinterrogatedby boththe 45 and60degree sclll'Ch unitsin the axia1 beamdirection. Cin:umfcrentlal coveragedeterminedby thevolwneeffectivelyinterrogated by the45 degreesearchunitskewedinto the weldregion.
Cron Sectionol Examl_ A_:
1.82 sq. in. (100%)
Total Weld Length = 116" Required Examination Volume The entire Alloy 600 weld material (weld & buttering) is interogated by at least one beam angle, 45 or 60 deg. as detailed below.
1.88 in 6009
>L_-.-r---;;>-.£..45 & 60 Deg"", axial 8C8ndll1lCllon cov&noge rorunobslTUCllld regiOn 1.44 sq. in. for lIT of weld Ieng1l1:161.28C<J. in.
!2Si~~~t~......_............__-=85=.a=%~O~f:toIlI:l:examlnatlon volume 45 oeg"",skewed circymf8l'8ntial 8C8ndirection 1.62 sq. in. for 116" of weld length 188 cu. In. (100%)
-g w
- .j 51
<Il S
N0Z71e connectionslimitthe axialdistanceof searchunitmovement to 3.0"fromthe weld toe to the searchunitexitpoint.
~I 3.00in 45 & 60 degree axlel scan dl_
in region of nozzle limitabons 0.65 sq. In for 4" of weld Ieng1l1 = 2.6 cu. In.
1.4% of lotal 8X8min8tion volume Axial Scan Limited for 4" of Weld Length Due to Instrumentation Nozzle on the Pipe Side of the Weld.
The tnstrumentanon Nozzle is Located @ 10" CW TO 14" CWo No Examination was Performed on the Upstream Side of the Weld (Safe-End) Due to the Lack of Scan Surface otthe Safe-End Configuration.
Examination Performed as Detailed Above Figure 16
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 20 of 27 Weld# P-14-C-3 Risk Informed Examination Coverage of the Cast Stainless Steel (CSS) Base Material Examination Volume on the Far Side of the Weld as a "Best Effort" Examination in Accordance with ASME Section XI, Appendix III Composite (Axial &Circumferential Directions) of the CSS Examination Volume Coverage = 45.9%
Examination Performed Using ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII Qualified Procedure for the Dissimilar Metal Welds.
The Examination Techniques Used Meet or Exceed the Appendix III Examination Requirements.
-I Required Examination Volume ReqUired CrossSectional Examiantion Area 97 sq. in. (100%)
f":'7:>~~21"'"H~--'Total ExaminationVolume: 112.~ cu. in. (100%)
TotalWeldLength-116" 100% examination coverage determined by the examination volume effectively interrogated by either the 45 and60 degree search unit in the axial beam direction. Circumferential coverage determined by the volume effectively interrogated by the 45 degreesearch unit.
Axial."""limited at thepointof los.
of eoDtactof the seorchunit due to the taper of theweld.
45 & 60 Degreeaxial scandirection coverage 0.89 sq. in for 116" of wekllength = 103.24 CU. in.
91.8% of total examination volume 3.00 in
---..*o-Ir Unableto scan fromthe weldcrownor safe-end sideofthe welddue to configuration.
- -----""-~-------
c LU
- <8l
~Cb Om
- ~
Volume Examined - Circumferential ScanDirectjon 1C=-.........._---
Ocu. in. (0%)
Axial Scan Limited for 4" of Weld Length Due to Instrumentation Nozzles on the Pipe Side of the Weld.
The Instrumentation Nozzle is Located @ 10* CW TO 14" CWo However, the axial scan limitation does not impact the best effort examination of the far side of the weld.
No Examination was Performed on the Upstream Side of the Weld (Safe-End) Due to the Lack of Scan Surface of the Safe-End Configuration.
Examination Peformed as Detailed Above Figure 17
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 21 of 27 Weld# P-14-C-3 Total Risk Informed (RI) Examination Volume Coverage Examination Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction = 86.3%, Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage = 62%
Composite Axial and Circumferentail Examination Coverage = 74.5%
WeldLength-116" Required Examination Volume Cross Sectional E><amlnation AIea a::
2.62 sq. In. (100%) !
S 2.9" 1------'3.00 in
- I 1-----11.......1.00 In 45 & 60 degree axial scan direction in unobatruetsd region of weld.
.29 sq. in for 112" of weld length; 256.48 cu.,n 84.4%of totalexemination volume 5 Degreeskewed cll'CIJmferentialscan d,reclion 1.62 sq. in for 118" of weld length 188 cu in (62%)
~j S
45 & 60 dagree axial scan direction In regionof nozzlelimitations 1.48 sq. in for 4" of weld length; 5.92 cu. in.
1,9% or total examination volume Nozzleconnections limittheaxialdistanceof searchunitmovement to 3.0" fromtheweldtoe to the seen:hunitexitpoint.
Axial Scan Limited for 4" of Weld Length Due to Instrumentation Nozzles on the Pipe Side of the Weld.
The Instrumentation Nozzle is Located @ 10" CW TO 14" CWo No Examination was Performed on the Upstream Side of the Weld (safe-End) Due to the Lad< of Scan Surface of the Safe-End Configuration.
Examination Peformed as Detailed Above Figure 18
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 22 of 27 Weld# P-17-C-1 Appendix VIII qualified Procedure/Material Examination Coverage Calculations (Inconel Weld Metal & Inconel Buttering and Carbon Steel Base Material)
Examination Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction = 100%, Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage = 100%
Composite Axial and Circumferential Examination Coverage = 100%
The entire Alloy 600 weld material (weld & buttering in interrogated by both beam angles, 45 and 60 degree as detailed below.
45 &60 Degreeaxial scan directioncoverage 1.96sq. in. for the entire lengthof weld 100% coverageof the total examinationvolume 60 Deg.
45 Deg.
45 Degreeskewed circumferential scan directioncoverage 1.96sq. in. for the entire length of weld 100% coverageof the total examinationvolume
Examination Performed as Detailed Above.
No examination performed from the safe-end side of the weld due to lack of scan surface due to configuration.
Figure 19
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 23 of 27 Weld# P-17-C-1 Risk Informed Examination Coverage of the Cast Stainless Steel (eSS) Base Material Examination Volume on the Far Side of the Weld as a "Best Effort" Examination in Accordance with ASME Section XI, Appendix III Composite (Axial &Circumferential Directions) of the CSS Examination Volume Coverage =50%
Examination Performed Using ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII Qualified Procedure for the Dissimilar Metal Welds.
The Examination Techniques Used Meet or Exceed the Appendix III Examination Requirements.
S'l S
Required Examination Volume 2~~
i ~-gT I
Cross Sectional Examination Area:
3;oaI 5i 1.28sq. in. = 100%
~ ~1 2.86
.~~~~~~.~." ~I
A lLI 3.48 J
45 Deg.
-g lLI$
- a:t?l
~1i u(jj
~~~;~~§~~I~~~ ("')
OIl 45 & 60 Degree axial scan direction coverage
.t 'E 1.28 sq. in. for the entire length of weld en ~
100% coverage of the total examination volume i
U 45 Degree skewed circumferential scan direction coverage 0% coverage of the total examination volume
Examination Performed as Detailed Above.
No examination performed from the safe-end side of the weld due to lack of scan surface due to configuration.
Figure 20
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 24 of 27 Weld# P-17-C-1 Total Risk Informed (RI) Examination Volume Coverage Examination Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction = 100%, Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage =60%
Composite Axial and Circumferentail Examination Coverage =80%
45 & 60 Degree axial scan direction coverage 3.24 sq. in. for the entire length of weld 100% coverage of the total examination volume j
m 3.48 I
~a 60 Deg.
45 Degree skewed circumferential scan direction coverage 1.96 sq. in for the entire length of weld 60% coverage of the total examination volume Examination Performed as Detailed Above.
No examination performed from the safe-end side of the weld due to lack of scan surface due to configuration.
Figure 21
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 25 of 27 Weld# P-18-C-3 Appendix VIII Qualified Procedure/Material Examination Coverage Calculations (Inconel Weld Metal & Inconel Buttering and Carbon Steel Base Material)
Examination Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction = 87.2%, Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage =100%
Composite Axial and Circumferential Examination Coverage = 93.6%
J00%examinationcoverageof the !neonelmaterialis determined by the examination volumeeffectivelyinterrogated by boththe 45 and 60 degree scorchunitsin theaxial beam direction. Circumferential coveragedeterminedby the volumeeffectivelylntem>plcd by the 45 degree searchunitskewedinto theweldregion.
TotalWeldLength= 116" Required Examination Volume The entire Alloy 600 weld material (weld &buttering) is interogated by at least one beam angle, 45 or 60 deg. as detailed below.
- 1.88 in 60 45 D
~~&.._--r-"7'.-:;;...45 & eo Degree axilll SCBn direction COWr1l9" lor unobstrucled region 1.44 sq. in. for' 12"'of weld length =161.28cu. in.
85.8% of IotBI examination volume N07.71e connection.limit the axialdistance of searchunit movement to 3.0" fromthe weld toe to the searchunitexitpoint.
-I 3.00 in
45 & eo d"ll_..,Ill OCIIn direction in regionof nozzlelimitations 0.85 sq. in for 4-of weld length = 2.6 cu. in.
1.4% of IOlal examination volume 45 DegnoelIk8wed circumferential8C8n direction 1.62 sq. in. for 116" of weld length 186 cu. in. (100%)
Axial Scan Limited for 4" of Weld length Due toInstrumentation Nozzle on the Pipe Side of the Weld.
The Instrumentation Nozzle is located @ 10* CCW TO 14" CCW.
No Examination was Performed on the Upstream Side of the Weld (Safe-End) Due tothe Lack of Scan Surface of the Safe-End Configuration.
Examination Performed as Detailed Above Figure 22
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep DM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 26 of 27 Weld# P-18-C-3 Risk Informed Examination Coverage of the Cast Stainless Steel (CSS) Base Material Examination Volume on the Far Side of the Weld as a "Best Effort" Examination in Accordance with ASME Section XI, Appendix III Composite (Axial &Circumferential Directions) of the CSS Examination Volume Coverage =45.9%
Examination Performed Using ASME Section XI, Appendix VIII Qualified Procedure for the Dissimilar Metal Welds.
The Examination Techniques Used Meet or Exceed the Appendix III Examination Requirements.
-I f
Required Examination Volume Requil1ld CIOIII Sedional Examlanllcn _
97 oq. in. (100%)
100"10 CXIIIlIination covemge determined by thee:wniuallOll volume effectively intemlptcd by eitherthe45 and 60dcgn:esearchllllit inthe axialbeam direction. CimunfCl'Clltial covemge determined by thevolumeeffectively inlelTogated b).the45 degree search writ.
AxialICII1 limillxI alllle point of lola of COlllllCtoflIle ICan:hunit dueto the Iapcr ofllle weld.
l 45 & 60 0egT.e axialllClU1 dinlCtion co""rage 0.89 oq. in for 116" of weld length ~ 103.24 cu.ln.
91.8% ortotal eJ<lIII'lirl8tionvolume 3.00 in Unable to scanfromtheweldcrown orsafe-end side of the weld due to configuration.
'C W
- >;~
<; ~
Volume Examined - Circumferential Scan Oi1'8CliOn ll:-\\.......~-.....
Axial5can Limited for 4" of Weld Length Due to Instrumentation Nozzle on the Pipe Side of the Weld.
The Instrumentation Nozzle is Located @ 10* CCW TO 14" CCW. However, the axial scan limitation does not impact the best effort examination of the far side of the weld.
No Examination was Performed on the Upstream Side of the Weld (Safe-End) Due to the Lack of Scan Surface of the Safe-End Configuration.
Examination Peformed as Detailed Above Figure 23
Serial No. 08-00478 Docket No. 50-336 Summary of Rep OM Weld Examinations Attachment, Page 27 of 27 Weld# P-18-C-3 Total Risk Informed (RI) Examination Volume Coverage Examination Volume Coverage Axial Scan Direction> 86.3%,Circumferential Scan Direction Coverage;; 62%
Composite Axial and Circumferential Examination Coverage;; 74.5%
Weld Length= 116" 29" Crou Sectional EX8mination Ar88 2.62 "'l.ln. (100%) !
Required Examination Volume
~!~tal ExaminetiOfl Volyme: 303.9;2cu. in. (100%)
1.88in 1-----:3.00 in
- I 1-----1lf.o...1.oo in 45 & 60 d"llree axial scan direction in unobstrucled region of weld.
2.29 sq. in for 112" of weld IengtI1=256.48
84.4% of total ***minalion volume Nozzleconnectionslimit the axial distaace of seerch unitmovement to 3.0" from the weld toe to the searchunit exit point.
45 & 60 degree axlel scan direction in region of nozzle limitations 1.48 sq. in for 4" of weld length = 5.92 cu. in.
1.9% of total examination volume 45 Degree Skewed circumferential seen direction 1.82 sq. in. for 116" of weld length 188 cu. in. (82%)
Axial Scan Limited for 4" of Weld Length Due to Instrumentation Nozzle on the Pipe Side of the Weld. The Instrumentation Nozzle is Located @ 10" CCW TO 14" CCW.
No Examination was Performed on the Upstream Side of the Weld (Safe-End)
Due to the Lack of Scan Surface of the Safe-End Configuration.
Examination Peformed as Detailed Above Figure 24