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NRC Slides for the 2008 FitzPatrick Annual Assessment Meeting
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/03/2008
From: Cobey E
Reactor Projects Branch 2
Cobey, Eugene W. RI/DRP/PB2/610-337-5171
Download: ML081060090 (26)


NRC Annual Performance Assessment of the James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant 2007 Reactor Oversight Process


Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3/4 Gordon Hunegs, Senior Resident Inspector 3/4 Scott Rutenkroger, Ph.D, Resident Inspector Entergy 3/4 Pete Dietrich, Site Vice President 3/4 Kevin Mulligan, General Manager of Plant Operations 3/4 Steve Bono, Director of Engineering 3/4 Brian Finn, Director of Nuclear Safety Assurance 2

Purpose of Todays Meeting

  • Discuss the James A. FitzPatrick Plant Performance for 2007
  • Provide Entergy the opportunity to respond to the NRCs Annual Performance Assessment and to identify new or existing programs to continue to improve performance
  • Provide stakeholders the opportunity to engage the NRC staff on plant performance issues and our role in ensuring safe plant operations 3


  • Introduction
  • NRC Organization and Performance Goals
  • Reactor Oversight Process (ROP)
  • National Summary of Plant Performance
  • J.A. FitzPatrick Plant Performance Assessment
  • Entergy Response and Remarks
  • NRC Closing Remarks
  • Break
  • NRC available to address public questions 4

Region I Organization Samuel J. Collins Regional Administrator Marc L. Dapas Deputy Regional Administrator David C. Lew Marsha K. Gamberoni Director Division of Reactor Projects Director Division of Reactor Safety James W. Clifford Darrell J. Roberts Deputy Director Deputy Director Eugene W. Cobey Regional Specialists Branch Chief Project Engineers FitzPatrick Resident Inspectors Donald E. Jackson - Senior PE Gordon K. Hunegs - Senior RI Theodore V. Wingfield - PE Scott P. Rutenkroger, Ph.D - RI Sammy C. McCarver - PE 5

NRC Strategic Plan Goals 3/4 Safety: Ensure adequate protection of public health and safety and the environment 3/4 Security: Ensure adequate protection in the secure use and management of radioactive materials 6

NRC Values The safe use of radioactive materials and nuclear fuels for beneficial civilian purposes is enabled by the agencys adherence to the principles of good regulation:

3/4 Independence 3/4 Openness 3/4 Efficiency 3/4 Clarity 3/4 Reliability 7

Reactor Oversight Process 3 Strategic Areas & 7 Cornerstones Reactor Radiation Safeguards Safety Safety Public Occupational Initiating Mitigating Barrier Emergency Physical Radiation Radiation Events Systems Integrity Preparedness Protection Safety Safety 8

Reactor Oversight Process S tra te g ic P e rfo r m a n c e A re a s S a fety C o rn e r s to n e s B a s e lin e In s p e c tio n P e r fo r m a n c e In d ic a to r R e s u lts R e s u lts S ig n ific a n c e S ig n ific a n c e T h r e s h o ld T h r e s h o ld A c tio n M a tr ix R e g u la to ry R e s p o n s e 9

Typical Baseline Inspection Areas

  • Equipment Alignment
  • Maintenance
  • Fire Protection
  • Operator Response
  • Radiation Release Controls
  • Worker Radiation Protection
  • Corrective Action Program
  • Corrective Action Case Reviews 10

Significance Threshold Performance Indicators 3/4 Green Baseline Inspection 3/4 White May increase NRC oversight 3/4 Yellow Requires more NRC oversight 3/4 Red Requires most NRC oversight Inspection Findings 3/4 Green Very low safety issue 3/4 White Low to moderate safety issue 3/4 Yellow Substantial safety issue 3/4 Red High safety issue 11

Action Matrix Concept Licensee Regulatory Degraded Multiple/Rep. Unacceptable Response Response Cornerstone Degraded Performance Cornerstone

  • Increasing Safety Significance
  • Increasing NRC Inspection Efforts
  • Increasing NRC/Licensee Management Involvement
  • Increasing Regulatory Actions 12

National Summary (at end of 2007)

Licensee Response 87 Regulatory Response 8 Degraded Cornerstone 8 Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone 1 Unacceptable 0 Total 104 13

National Summary (at end of 2007)

Performance Indicator Results 3/4 Green 1954 3/4 White 8 3/4 Yellow 2 3/4 Red 0 Total Inspection Findings 3/4 Green 918 3/4 White 9 3/4 Yellow 2 3/4 Red 0 14

NRC Inspection Activities at James A. FitzPatrick

  • 6495 hours0.0752 days <br />1.804 hours <br />0.0107 weeks <br />0.00247 months <br /> of inspection and related activities
  • 2 resident inspectors on-site
  • 6 regional inspections
  • 4 major team inspections:

Emergency Preparedness Physical Security Inspection Component Design Basis Inspection License Renewal 15

James A. FitzPatrick Findings and Performance Indicators

  • 8 Green inspection findings for 2007
  • All Performance Indicators were Green for 2007 16

NRC Example Inspection Findings

  • Green - failure to maintain adequate design basis calculations for safety related motors
  • Green - failure to implement procedure associated with lake condition monitoring 17

NRC Annual Assessment Summary for James A. FitzPatrick

  • Entergy operated the plant safely and in a manner that preserved public health and safety and protected the environment
  • James A. FitzPatrick remained in the Licensee Response column of the NRCs Action Matrix for all four quarters of 2007
  • All cornerstone objectives were fully met
  • NRC plans baseline inspections at James A. FitzPatrick for the remainder of 2008 18

Entergy Response and Remarks Mr. Pete Dietrich Site Vice President - James A. FitzPatrick Energy Nuclear Operations, Inc.


Contacting the NRC

  • Report an emergency:

3/4 (301) 816-5100 (call collect)

  • Report a safety concern:

3/4 (800) 695-7403 3/4

  • General information or questions:

3/4 3/4 Select About NRC for Public Affairs 20

NRC Representatives

  • Gordon Hunegs, Senior Resident Inspector 3/4 (315) 342-4907

Reference Sources 3/4 Reactor Oversight Process 3/4 Public Electronic Reading Room 3/4 Public Document Room 1-800-397-4209 (Toll Free) 22

End of the Presentation Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region I King of Prussia, Pennsylvania April 3, 2008

Background Information 24

NRC Performance Indicators Initiating Events PIs

  • Unplanned Scrams with Complications
  • Emergency AC Power System
  • High Pressure Injection System
  • Cooling Water Support Systems
  • Drill / Exercise Performance
  • Emergency Response Organization Participation
  • Alert and Notification System Radiation Protection PIs
  • Occupational Exposure Control Effectiveness
  • RETS / ODCM Radiological Effluent Security PIs are not Publicly Available 25

FitzPatrick Performance Indicators Occupational RETS/ODCM Unplanned Emergency AC RCS Specific Drill/Exercise Security Exposure Control Radiological Scrams (G) Power System (G) Activity (G) Performance (G) (Not Public)

Effectiveness (G) Effluent (G)

Unplanned High Pressure ERO Drill Scrams with Injection System RCS Leakage (G)

Participation (G)

Complications (G) (G)

Residual Heat Alert and Unplanned Power Removal System Notification Changes (G)

(G) System (G)

Heat Removal System (G)

Cooling Water Systems (G)

Safety System Functional Failures (G) 26