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Submittal of Final Status Survey Report for the University of Washington More Hall Annex Decommissioning Project
Person / Time
Site: 05000139
Issue date: 02/26/2007
From: Addison S
Univ of Washington
To: Alexander Adams
TAC MD2586
Download: ML070590446 (327)



  • Seattle, Washington 98195-4400 Phone 206.543.0463 FAX 206.543.3351 February 26, 2007 Alexander Adams US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop O G -15 One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2738 Re: Termination of NRC License # R-73

Dear Alexander:

The University is pleased to submit the revised Final Status Survey Report for the University of Washington More Hall Annex Decommissioning Project. We believe the enclosed controlled copy demonstrates that the conditions and requirements of 10CFR 50.82 B6 have been met, and addresses the NRC Request for Additional Information dated February 7, 2007. The responses to your questions of February 7, 2007, along with necessary back-up documentation, are attached to this letter and, where appropriate, corresponding changes to the Final Status Survey are indicated with a vertical bar in the left hand margin.

We believe the final status survey process has established that the More Hall Annex is now suitable for release from radiological controls. The enclosed revised Final Status Survey Report provides the necessary documentation demonstrating the radiological condition of the facility and responds to the NRC review comments. This document also supports the conclusion that the University of Washington has complied with NRC decommissioning requirements. Based on this, the University of Washington is now requesting termination of United States Nuclear Commission License number R-73. Please contact me with any questions about this request.

Sincerely, Stanley J. Addison, M.S.

UW Radiation Safety Officer I declare under penalty of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge, the forgoing is true and correct. Executed 2/26/07 Copy: Marty Howlett, Project Manager, Capital Projects Office Jeff Angeley, Associate Construction Manager, Capital Projects Office


1. The cited nominal efficiency values for Alpha Gas Proportional detectors in Tables 5-1 and 5-2 and the text in Section are inconsistent. The nominal efficiency values should be consistent in the document, and the associated Minimum Detectable Activities (and Probabilities of Detection) should be calculated using the same efficiency value for a given instrument combination/measurement type. Please update this information to be consistent.
2. Section 5.3.2, Instrument Calibration, does not include a discussion of calibration sources (isotope, material, and geometry) and source-to-detector distance for each type of radiation measurement (alpha, beta, gamma). Please provide this information.
3. Section describes the use of a 50 cm 2 air proportional detector for assessing total alpha activity inside the fuel storage tubes (10 cm diameter). Table 7-2 describes three elevated alpha activity results and the associated weighted average. Please provide the source-to-detector distance and the method of determining the net results in dpm/100 cm 2 (e.g., was the measurement result doubled since the detector is 50 cm 2 in area?). Discuss if the source-to-detector distance results in an underestimation or overestimation in the efficiency and results.
4. Section 4.3.2 of the Decommissioning Plan states that "For direct methods of surface monitoring, the scanning speed will be slow enough to ensure a source detectionr probability of at least 25% of the guideline level." The calculated scan MDC for beta surface activity, as specified in Table 3-3 of the Final Site Survey Plan (FSSP), is less than 25% of the release criteria for gas proportional detectors, but is not less than 25%

of the release criteria for beta friskers. Furthermore, the scan MDC for alpha surface activity specified in Table 3-3 of the FSSP is 160 dpm/100 cm 2, which is not less than 25% of the release criteria. Standard final site survey instrumentation is typically not capable of detecting radioactivity at 25% of the Regulatory Guide 1.86 release criteria when utilized for scanning, nor is there a regulatory requirement that scanning instrumentation should be capable of detecting radioactivity at these levels. Please develop and submit a technical basis to justify the deviation from the requirements of the DP or revise the DP accordingly. If you revise the DP, please submit a copy of the revision paperwork.

5. Because of your revision to release criteria that occurred after NRC's site visit to account for tritium, please collect and submit additional measurements around two locations of interest on the bioshield floor (grid location B, 1) and bioshield interior south wall (grid location E,-1), to verify that the square-meter average is less than the modified average beta contamination limit of 1,700 dpm/100 cm 2 . The individual measurement results for these locations were 3,700 and 1,800 dpm/100 cm 2 , respectively.


UW More Hall Annex Decommissioning Project Document Comments Form F Services, Inc.

Document Final Status Survey Report Document No.: UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 1 Commenter(s) NRC Docket # 50-139 RAI (February 7, 2007) Document Date: December 6, 2006 Project Number 10492 Comment Section/ Comments Responses No. Page 1 The cited nominal efficiencies for Alpha Gas Proportional The text contained in Section has been detectors in Tables 5-1 and 5-2 and the text in Section modified to provide a consistent instrument efficiency are inconsistent. The nominal efficiency values should be and a discussion of the probability of detection consistent in the document, and the associated Minimum formula from the MARSSIM.

Detectable Activities (and Probabilities of Detection) should be calculated using the same efficiency value for a given instrument combination/measurement type.

2 5.3.2 ORISE recommends the section 5.3.2, Instrument Calibration, A short description of the daily response checks and include a discussion of calibration sources (isotope, material, the associated sources has been added to Section and geometry) and source-to-detector distance for each type of 5.3.2 of the FSS report.

radiation measurement (alpha, beta, gamma).

3 Section describes the use of a 50 cm' air proportional A discussion has been added to Section of the detector for assessing total alpha activity inside the fuel FSSR on the use of the 50-cm 2 detector in the fuel storage tubes (10 cm diameter). Table 7-2 describes three storage tubes.

elevated alpha activity results and the associated weighted average. ORISE recommends including additional information Section 6.2 of the FSSR details the data conversion in the report that describes 1) the source-to-detector distance process which includes detector area correction for all and 2) the method of determining net results in dpm/100 cm2 measurements based upon the detector utilized.

(e.g. was the measurement result doubled since the detector is 50 cm 2 in area?). The additional information should support the premise that the source-to-detector distance did not result in an overestimation in the efficiency, and therefore underestimation of the result.


Document I Final Status Survey Report Document No.: UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 1 Commenter(s) NRC Docket # 50-139 RAI (February 7, 2007) Document Date: December 6, 2006

___Project Number 10492 Comment Section/ Comments Responses No. Page 4 DP Section 4.3.2 of the Decommissioning Plan states that "For A 50.59-type change has been drafted ,reviewed and direct methods of surface monitoring, the scanning speed will approved by the University Technical Safety be slow enough to ensure a source detection probability of at committee to modify the Decommissioning Plan least 25% of the guideline level." The calculated scan MDC requirement of alpha scan MDC's below 25% of the for beta surface activity, as specified in Table 3-3 of the Final guideline levels. A copy of this change request has Site Survey Plan (FSSP), is less than 25% of the release been included as an attachment to this Project criteria for gas proportional detectors, but is not less than 25% Document Comment Form. The requirement has of the release criteria for beta friskers. Furthermore, the scan been modified to ensure that alpha scans be MDC for alpha surface activity specified in Table 3-3 of the performed slow enough to ensure that the scan MDC FSSP is 160 dpm/100cm2 , which is not less than 25% of the is below the EMC criteria, in this case 300 release criteria. Standard final site survey instrumentation is dpm/1 00cm 2 .

typically not capable of detecting radioactivity at 25% of the Regulatory Guide 1.86 release criteria when utilized for Beta frisker instrumentation was used to collect FSS scanning, nor is there a regulatory requirement that scanning evaluated data in localized areas where gas instrumentation should be capable of detecting radioactivity at proportional probes were to large. In all cases, the these levels. Please develop and submit a technical basis to beta scan MDC was below the EMC value of 15,000 2

justify the deviation from the requirements of the DP or revise dpm/1 00cm2.

the DP accordingly. If you revise the DP, please submit a copy of the revision paperwork.

5 N/A Because your revision to the release criteria that occurred after Material was collected from these two locations the NRC's site visit to account for tritium, please collect and immediately following the completion of the final submit additional measurements around two locations of NRC site inspection. This material was sampled and interest on the bioshield floor (grid location B,1) and bioshield analyzed to develop the Hard To Detect nuclide interior south wall (grid location E, -1), to verify that the fraction and revised release criteria. These locations square-meter average is less than the modified average beta were immediately resurveyed and the results were contamination limit of 1,700 dpm/100cm 2. The individual included as part of the evaluated FSS data in UW measurement results for these locations were 3,700 and 1,800 MCP-OP-13 Rev 1. The final beta value for floor dpr/10Ocm 2 , respectively. location B,1 is 413 dpm/100cm 2 and the final value for wall location E,-1 is 617 dpm/100cm2 .


UN VE R S ITY OF WASH! NGTON UW 10492 More Hall Annex Decontamination and Decommissioning

1. Purpose

,The NRC letter dated 1/31106 (Re: Authority to Make Changes to the Decommissioning Plan) establishes the conditions under which the licensee may make changes to the facility, decommissioning plan or related procedures without NRC approval. The More Hall Annex Decomnmissioning Plan has been approved by the NRC. During the decommissioning process it may be subject to modifications to accommodate alternate contractor methods, address unforeseen site conditions or safety considerations.

This procedure provides the means for the University of Washington, as licensee, to evaluate and accept changes to the facility or procedures, methods of performing or controlling in accordance with the NRC letter dated 1131/06 and thereby without obtaining NRC approval.

2. Applicability 2.1 This procedure is not intended to modify aspects of the Decommissioning Plan related to the DECON decommissioning option such as:

2.1.1 The criteria for unrestricted release of the facility and the site, 2.1.2 The Technical Safety Committee 2.1.3 Radiation exposure limits as required under 10 CFR Part 20.

Therefore, the following sections of the Decommissioning Plan are specifically exempt from this modification procedure and will require NRC approval prior to modification.

Reference Topic 1.3.1 Selected Method Surface contamination shall be below the limits specified in Table 1, "Acceptable Surface Contaminations Levels," of USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.86, "Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors."

13.7.2 Residual radioactivity shall not cause area dose levels to exceed 5 urem/hr above background at 1 meter above the surface of the radioactive materials.

2.1 Decommissioning Alternative 2.3.2 Technical and Safety Committee 2.6 Radioactive Materials Unrestricted Release Criteria 3.2.2 Occupational Radiation Exposure Limits 2.2 In accordance with paragraph I 0.0(b)(1) of the Decommissioning Plan (as amended), the University may make changes in the facility or in procedures as described in the Decommissioning Plan where:

2.2.1' A change to the technical specification as incorporated in the license is not required and 2.2.2 . None of the conditions in paragraph 2.3.1 through 2.3.6 listed below will result.

2.3 In accordance with paragraph 10.0(b)(2) of the Decommissioning Plan (as amended), the University must obtain NRC approval prior to implementing a proposed change where the change may result in any of the following conditions:

2.3.1 Results in more than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an

- accident previously evaluated in the Decommissioning Plan 1 of(4

2.3.2 Result in more than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence ora malfunction of a structure, system, or component (SSC) important to safety previously evaluated in the Decommissioning Plan.

2.3.3 Result in more than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the Decommissioning Plan, 2.3.4 Result in more than a minimal increase in the consequences ofa malfunction of an SSC important to safety previously evaluated in the Decommissioning Plan.

2.3.5 Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than any previously evaluated in the Decormnissioning Plan-2.3.6 Result in a departure from a method of evaluation described in the Decommissioning Plan used in establishing the design bases or in the safety analyses.

2.4 In accordance with paragraph I0.0(a)(1) of the Decommissioning Plan (as amended), a change to the Decommissioning Plan will refer to:

2.4.1 A modification or addition to, or removal from, the facility or procedures that affect a design function, method of performing or controlling the function, or an evaluation that demonstrates that intended functions will be accomplished.

2.4.2 Departure from a method of evaluation described in the Decommissioning Plan (as amended) used in establishing the design basis or in the safety analysis will mean:

i. Changing any, of the elements of the method(s) described in the Decommissioning Plan (as amended) unless the result of the analysis are conservative or essentially the same.

ii. Change to a method described in the Decommissioning Plan (as amended) to another method, unless that proposed method has been approved by the NRC

) for the intended application.

3. Evaluation Process 3.1 The Safety Evaluation form found in Appendix A of this procedure shall be completed to address the applicable criteria.

3.2 Appendix A Part A must clearly define the proposed change, citing the existing document and substitution.

3.3 Applicability of the NRC letter dated 1/31106 is determined by Part B of the evaluation form.

A "Yes" answer to any of the questions in Part B invalidates the use of this procedure for Decommissioning Plan change approval.

3.4 Once it is detennined that a given activity meets the evaluation criteria under this procedure, Part C will be reviewed for acceptance by the licensee Technical Safety Committee.

4. Recordkeeping
a. The University will submit, as specified in 10 CFR 50.4 and in accordance with the paragraph 10.0(c)(2) of the Decommissioning Plan (as amended), a report containing a brief description of any changes that are adopted, including a summary of the evaluation of each. A report will be submitted to the NRC at intervals not to exceed 24 months.
b. The University will maintain records of all changes in the facility or procedures as adopted under this procedure. The records will be maintained until termination of facility license R-73 has been issued by the NRC or at least 5 years, whichever is longer.

2 otC4


The requestor will compleic this checklist. For each question, sufficient information must he provided to substantiate the response. This inforination must be provided on a separate form and attached to 1his checklist.




PART B APPLICABILITY 1I. Will the change result in more than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an Yes

'1 accident previously evaluated in the Decommissioning Plan? X No

2. Will the change result in more than a minimial increase in the likelihood of occurTence Ora 1 0 Yes f 3.

malfunction of a structure, system or component important to safety previously evaluated in the Decommissioning Plan? r___XNo Will the change result in more than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident I X No

[0 Yes previously evaluated in the Decomniissioning Plan? X No

) 4.

L L Will the change result in more than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of a structiure, system or component important to safety as previously evaluated in the Decommissioning Plan?_


1. Will the proposed change require a change to the Fi l.Status Survey 1 IX No
2. Will the proposed change involve the potential to have an adverse effect on the 0 Yes environmen.?l_ _x_ )
3. Does the proposed change increase the potential radioactive dose to facility Personnel? 0 Yes

.Irso, protective measures and dose calculations must be provided ftir evaluntion. X No

4. Does the proposed change increase the potenti-al radioactive dose to the public? If so, 1-0 Yes protective measures and dose calculation must be provided for evaluation. X No
5. Does the proposed change require revisions to the contractor Work Plan? 0 Yes If so, provide revisions. X No
6. Does the proposed change require revisions to the contractor Sife Healh andSaf.ty Pn Yes (SH.4,519? If so. provide revisions-to the S-HASP addressing the changes. X to1


"! C."4

DISCUSSION IN SUPPORT OF THE CHANGE REQUEST For the radionuclides of concern present at UWNR, Regulatory Guide 1.86 establishes guideline criteria as follows:

Emitter Average Static Activity Maximum Static Activity Removable Type Activity.

100 dpmn/100cm' 300 dpm/I 00cmP 20 Alpha (over not more than I-rn) (over not more than 100-cm') dpilrl00cm2 Beta 5,000 dpm/100cin 15,000 dpni 100cm 2 1,000 not more than 1-n 2


-(over (over not more than I-n 2) dpm/100cm' Alpha-emission detecting field instrumentation does not exist that is capable of meeting a Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) of <25% of the average guideline criteria (25 dpm/l00cm2) during scanning evolutions. The nuclear industry standard is to meet a scan MDA for beta emitters of 25% and less than the upper guideline limit (300 dpm/100cm 2) for alpha emitters. This change would bring the Decommissioning Plan into accordance with typical industry standards and eliminate a situation where the DP requirements are not capable of being met.

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), the independent verification contractor employed by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), concurs with this position and has stated in their report from the August in-process inspection:

-) "ORISE recognizes that standard FSS instrumentation is not capable of detecting radioactivity at 25% of the Regulatory Guide 1-86 release criteria when utilized for scanning, nor is there a regulatory requirement that scanning instrumentation should be capable of detecting radioactivity at these levels."

The final status survey for alpha affected areas consisted of alpha scans, beta/gamma scans, alpha static and beta/gamma static measurements. The scan MDA of <25% was met for beta/gamma measurements. The alpha activity limit for facility license termination is not affected since the release limit is based on the static measurements. The MDA for the static measurements also met the Decommissioning plan criteria.

Therefore the final level of radioactivity remaining in the UWNR facility meets the release criteria of the Decommissioning Plan, Regulatory Guide 1.86 and the regulatory requirement from IOCFR20.

4 of 4


ENERCON Services, Inc.

4499 Old William Penn Highway Murrysville, PA 15668 Richard Moss, Executive Engineer Energy Solutions 143 West Street New Milford, CT 06776 University of Washington Project #10492


  • ,NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 February 7, 2007 SE.CE:iVE Dr. Stanley Addison, Radiation Safety Officer Environmental Health and Safety University of Washington 223 Hall Health Center Mail Stop 354400 Seattle, Washington 98195-4400



Dear Dr. Addison:

We are continuing our review of your request for termination of Facility License No. R-73 for the University of Washington Research Reactor which you submitted on December 13, 2006.

During our review of your Final Status Survey Report, questions have arisen for which we require additional information and clarification. Please provide responses to the enclosed request for additional information within 30 days of the date of this letter. In accordance with 10 CFR 50.30(b), your response must be executed in a signed original under oath or affirmation. Following receipt of the additional information, we will continue our evaluation of your request.

If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact me at (301) 415-1127.

Sincerely, Alexander Adams, ir.Anior Project Manager Research and Testt'eactors Branch A Division of Policy and Rulemaking Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-139 License No. R-73


As stated cc w/enclosure: See next page 0

University of Washington p cc: Docket No.

Dr. M. Carette, 5D-139 College of Assistant Engineering to the Dean University of Washington Box 352180 Seattle, WA 98195-2180 Stanley Addison, Environmental Radiation Safety Officer University of Health and Washington Safety Hall Health Center Box 354400 Seattle, WA 98195-4400 Elizabeth Kane, Capital ProjectsProject Manager University of Office Washington University Facilities Box 352205 Annex 2 Seattle, WA 98195-2205 Dr. Mani Soma, Acting Dean College of Engineering University of Washington P.O. Box 352180 Seattle, WA 98195-2180 Test, Research, Reactor Newsletter and Training University of 202 Nuclear Florida Gainesville, Sciences Center FL 32611 0


1. The cited nominal efficiency values for Alpha Gas Proportional detectors in Tables 5-1 and 5-2 and the text in Section are inconsistent. The nominal efficiency values should be consistent in the document, and the associated Minimum Detectable Activities (and Probabilities of Detection) should be calculated using the same efficiency value for a given instrument combination/measurement type. Please update this information to be consistent.
2. Section 5.3.2, Instrument Calibration, does not include a discussion of calibration sources (isotope, material, and geometry) and source-to-detector distance for each type of radiation measurement (alpha, beta, gamma). Please provide this information.
3. Section describes the use of a 50 cm 2 air proportional detector for assessing total alpha activity inside the fuel storage tubes (10 cm diameter). Table 7-2 describes three elevated alpha activity results and the associated weighted average. Please provide the source-to-detector distance and the method of determining the net results in dpm/100 cm 2 (e.g., was the measurement result doubled since the detector is 50 cm 2 in area?). Discuss if the source-to-detector distance results in an underestimation or overestimation in the efficiency and results.
4. Section 4.3.2 of the Decommissioning Plan states that "For direct methods of surface monitoring, the scanning speed will be slow enough to ensure a source detection probability of at least 25% of the guideline level." The calculated scan MDC for beta surface activity, as specified in Table 3-3 of the Final Site Survey Plan (FSSP), is less than 25% of the release criteria for gas proportional detectors, but is not less than 25%

of the release criteria for beta friskers. Furthermore, the scan MDC for alpha surface activity specified in Table 3-3 of the FSSP is 160 dpm/1 00 cm 2, which is not less than 25% of the release criteria. Standard final site survey instrumentation is typically not capable of detecting radioactivity at 25% of the Regulatory Guide 1.86 release criteria when utilized for scanning, nor is there a regulatory requirement that scanning instrumentation should be capable of detecting radioactivity at these levels. Please develop and submit a technical basis to justify the deviation from the requirements of the DP or revise the DP accordingly. If you revise the DP, please submit a copy of the revision paperwork.

5. Because of your revision to release criteria that occurred after NRC's site visit to account for tritium, please collect and submit additional measurements around two locations of interest on the bioshield floor (grid location B, 1) and bioshield interior south wall (grid location E,-1), to verify that the square-meter average is less than the modified average beta contamination limit of 1,700 dpm/100 cm 2. The individual measurement results for these locations were 3,700 and 1,800 dpm/1 00 cm 2, respectively.

0 0 UW More Hall Annex Decommissioning ENERCON Services, Inc.

Project Document Comments Form 5ERV/-,CES5' Document Final Status Survey Report Document No.: UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 1 Commenter(s) NRC Docket # 50-139 RAI (February 7, 2007) Document Date: December 6, 2006 Project Number 10492 Comment Section/ Comments Responses No. Page 1 The cited nominal efficiencies for Alpha Gas Proportional The text contained in Section has been detectors in Tables 5-1 and 5-2 and the text in Section modified to provide a consistent instrument efficiency are inconsistent. The nominal efficiency values should be and a discussion of the probability of detection consistent in the document, and the associated Minimum formula from the MARS SIM.

Detectable Activities (and Probabilities of Detection) should be calculated using the same efficiency value for a given instrument combination/measurement type.

2 5.3.2 ORISE recommends the section 5.3.2, Instrument Calibration, A short description of the daily response checks and include a discussion of calibration sources (isotope, material, the associated sources has been added to Section and geometry) and source-to-detector distance for each type of 5.3.2 of the FSS report.

radiation measurement (alpha, beta, gamma).

3 Section describes the use of a 50 cm 2 air proportional A discussion has been added to Section of the detector for assessing total alpha activity inside the fuel FSSR on the use of the 50-cm 2 detector in the fuel storage tubes (10 cm diameter). Table 7-2 describes three storage tubes.

elevated alpha activity results and the associated weighted average. ORISE recommends including additional information Section 6.2 of the FSSR details the data conversion in the report that describes 1) the source-to-detector distance process which includes detector area correction for all and 2) the method of determining net results in dpm/100 cm 2 measurements based upon the detector utilized.

(e.g. was the measurement result doubled since the detector is 50 cm2 in area?). The additional information should support the premise that the source-to-detector distance did not result in an overestimation in the efficiency, and therefore underestimation of the result.


0 Document Final Status Survey Report

  • Document No.: UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 1 Commenter(s) NRC Docket # 50-139 RAI (February 7, 2007) Document Date: December 6, 2006 Project Number 10492 Comment Section/ Comments Responses No. Page 4 DP Section 4.3.2 of the Decommissioning Plan states that "For A 50.59-type change has been drafted ,reviewed and direct methods of surface monitoring, the scanning speed will approved by the University Technical Safety be slow enough to ensure a source detection probability of at committee to modify the Decommissioning Plan least 25% of the guideline level." The calculated scan MDC requirement of alpha scan MDC's below 25% of the for beta surface activity, as specified in Table 3-3 of the Final guideline levels. A copy of this change request has Site Survey Plan (FSSP), is less than 25% of the release been included as an attachment to this Project criteria for gas proportional detectors, but is not less than 25% Document Comment Form. The requirement has of the release criteria for beta friskers. Furthermore, the scan been modified to ensure that alpha scans be MDC for alpha surface activity specified in Table 3-3 of the performed slow enough to ensure that the scan MDC FSSP is 160 dpm/100cm 2 , which is not less than 25% of the is below the EMC criteria, in this case 300 release criteria. Standard final site survey instrumentation is dpm/100cm2.

typically not capable of detecting radioactivity at 25% of the Regulatory Guide 1.86 release criteria when utilized for Beta frisker instrumentation was used to collect FSS scanning, nor is there a regulatory requirement that scanning evaluated data in localized areas where gas instrumentation should be capable of detecting radioactivity at proportional probes were to large. In all cases, the these levels. Please develop and submit a technical basis to beta scan MDC was below the EMC value of 15,000 justify the deviation from the requirements of the DP or revise dpm/100cm 2.

the DP accordingly. If you revise the DP, please submit a copy of the revision paperwork.

5 N/A Because your revision to the release criteria that occurred after Material was collected from these two locations the NRC's site visit to account for tritium, please collect and immediately following the completion of the final submit additional measurements around two locations of NRC site inspection. This material was sampled and interest on the bioshield floor (grid location B,1) and bioshield analyzed to develop the Hard To Detect nuclide interior south wall (grid location E, -1), to verify that the fraction and revised release criteria. These locations square-meter average is less than the modified average beta were immediately resurveyed and the results were contamination limit of 1,700 dpm/I00cm 2 . The individual included as part of the evaluated FSS data in UW measurement results for these locations were 3,700 and 1,800 MCP-OP-13 Rev 1. The final beta value for floor dpm/100cm2 , respectively. location B,1 is 413 dpm/100cm2 and the final value for wall location E,-1 is 617 dpm/100cm2 .


(* U N IVE R S ITY OF 1WASHINGTON UW 10492 More Hall Annex Decontamination and Decommissioning

1. Purpose The NRC letter dated 1/31/06 (Re: Authority to Make Changes to the Decommissioning Plan) establishes the conditions under which the licensee may make changes to the facility, decommissioning plan or relatcd procedures without NRC approval. The More Hall Annex Decommissioning Plan has been approved by the NRC. During the decommissioning process it may be subject to modifications to accommodate alternate contractor methods, address unforeseen site conditions or safety considerations.

This procedure provides the means for the University of Washington, as licensee, to evaluate and accept changes to the facility or procedures, methods of performing or controlling in accordance with the NRC letter dated 1/31/06 and thereby without obtaining NRC approval.

2. Applicability 2.1 This procedure is not intended to modify aspects of the Decommissioning Plan related to the DECON decommissioning option such as:

2.1.1 The criteria for unrestricted release of the facility and the site, 2.1.2 The Technical Safety Committee 2.1.3 Radiation exposure limits as required under 10 CFR Part 20.

Therefore, the following sections of the Decommissioning Plan are specifically exempt from this modification procedure and will require NRC approval prior to modification.

Reference Topic 1.3.1 Selected Method Surface contamination shall be below the limits specified in Table I, "Acceptable Surface Contaminations Levels," of USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.86, "Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors." Residual radioactivity shall not cause area dose levels to exceed 5 urem/hr above background at I meter above the surface of'the radioactive materials.

2.1 Decommissioning Alternative 2.3.2 Technical and Safety Committee 2.6 Radioactive Materials Unrestricted Release Criteria 3.2.2 Occupational Radiation Exposure Limits 2.2 In accordance with paragraph 10.0(b)(1) of the Decommissioning Plan (as amended), the University may make changes in the facility or in procedures as described in the Decommissioning Plan where:

2.2.1 A change to the technical specification as incorporated in the license is not required and 2.2.2 None of the conditions in paragraph 2.3.1 through 2.3.6 listed below will result.

2.3 In accordance with paragraph 10.0(b)(2) of the Decommissioning Plan (as amended), the University must obtain NRC approval prior to implementing a proposed change where the change may result in any of the following conditions:

2.3.1 Results in more than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an accident previously evaluated in the Decommissioning Plan 1 44

2.3.2 Result in more than a minimal increase in the likelihood of occurrence of a malfunction of a stnicture, system, or component (SSC) important to safcty previously evaluated in the Decommnissioning Plan.

2.3.3 Result in more than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident previously evaluated in the Decommissioning Plan.

2.3.4 Result in more than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction of an SSC important to safety previously evaluated in the Decommissioning Plan.

2.3.5 Create a possibility for an accident of a different type than any previously evaluated in the Decomnnissioning Plan-2.3.6 Result in a departure from a method of evaluation described in the Decommissioning Plan used in establishing the design bases or in the safety analyses.

2.4 In accordance with paragraph I0.0(a)(l) of the Decommissioning Plan (as amended), a change to the Decommissioning Plan will refer to:

2.4.1 A modification or addition to, or removal from, the facility or procedures that affect a design function, method of performing or controlling the function, or an evaluation that demonstrates that intended functions will be accomplished.

2.4.2 Departure from a method of evaluation described in the Decommissioning Plan (as amended) used in establishing the design basis or in the safety analysis will mean:

i. Changing any of the elements of the method(s) described in the Decommissioning Plan (as amended) unless the result of the analysis are conservative or essentially the same.

ii. Change to a method described in the Decommissioning Plan (as amended) to another method, unless that proposed method has been approved by the NRC for the intended application.

3. Evaluation Process 3.1 The Safety Evaluation form found in Appendix A of this procedure shall be completed to address the applicable criteria.

3.2 Appendix A Part A must clearly define the proposed change, citing the existing document and substitution.

3.3 Applicability of the NRC letter dated 1/31/06 is determined by Part B of the evaluation form.

A "Yes" answer to any of the questions in Part B invalidates the use of this procedure for Decommissioning Plan change approval.

3.4 Once it is detennined that a given activity meets the evaluation criteria under this procedure, Part C will be reviewed for acceptance by the licensee Technical Safety Committee.

4. Recordkeeping
a. The University will submit, as specified in 10 CFR 50.4 and in accordance with the paragraph 10.0(c)(2) of the Decommissioning Plan (as amended), a report containing a brief description of any changes that are adopted, including a summary of the evaluation of each. A report will be submitted to the NRC at intervals not to exceed 24 months.
b. The University will maintain records of all changes in the facility or procedures as adopted under this procedure. The records will be maintained until termination of facility license R-73 has been issued by the NRC or at least 5 years, whichever is longer.

2 of 4


1 Mil'rUiCTI ONS:

The requestor will complele this checklist. For each q,,uestion, sufficient information must be provided to substanliate "Le response. This information must be provided on a .eparate fornm alnd attached to this checklist.



1. Will the change result in more than a minimal increase in the frequency of occurrence of an 0 Yes accident previously evaluated in the Decommissionimn Plan? XNo
2. Will the change result in rnore than a minimal increase in the likelihood or'occurrence ol'a 0 Yes malfunction of a structure, system or component important to safety previously evaluated in X No the Decommissioning Plan? _
3. Will the change result in more than a minimal increase in the consequences of an accident J0 Yes previously evaluated in the Decommissioning, Plan? X No
4. Will the change result in more than a minimal increase in the consequences of a malfunction 01 Yes of a structure, system or component important to safety as previously evaluated in the X No L Decommissioning Plan?


Wi'l '1.

the proposed change requhe a change to the FincalStatus 7WVcyCa-5 Yes SX 'No

2. Will the proposed change involve the potential to have an adverse effect on the Yes environment? _.___ _ __\
3. Does the proposed change increase the potential radioactive dose to facility personnel? I ED Yes If so, protective measures and dose calculations must be provided for evaluation. IX No
4. Does the proposed change increase the potential radioactive dose to the public? If so, 0 Yes I protective measures and dose calculation must be provided for evaluation. j X No
5. Does the proposed change require revisions to the. contractor J'ork Plan? 0 YesS If so, provide revisions. __x N,,0
6. Does the proposed change rcquirc revisions to the contractor Site Health andeSafr, Plan 0 Yes (SHASP)? Ifs(. provide revisions-to the SHASP addressing the changes. N No



DISCUSSION IN SUPPORT OF THE CHANGE REQUEST For the radionuclides of concern present at UWNR, Regulatory Guide 1.86 establishes guideline criteria as follows:

Emitter Average Static Activity Maximuni Static Activity Removable Type Activity 100 dpnI 00cm2 300 dprm/l 00cm' 20 Alpha (over not more than I-n 2) (over not more than 100-cm2) dprn/l00cm 2 2 1,000 Beta 5,000 dpm/100cmi 15,000 dpin/100cm

__eta _ , (over not more than I-- 2) (over not more than 1-m2) dpm/100cm 2 Alpha-emission detecting field instrumentation does not exist that is capable of meeting a Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) of <25% of the average guideline criteria (25 dpm/100cm 2) during scanning evolutions. The nuclear industry standard is to meet a scan MDA for beta emitters of 25% and less than the upper guideline limit (300 dpm/100cm 2) for alpha emitters. This change would bring the Decommissioning Plan into accordance with typical industry standards and eliminate a situation where the DP requirements are not capable of being met.

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), the independent verification contractor employed by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), concurs with this position and has stated in their report from the August in-process inspection:

0* "ORISE recognizes that standard FSS instrumentation is not capable of detecting radioactivity at 25% of the Regulatory Guide 1.86 release criteria when utilized for scanning, nor is there a regulatory requirement that scanning instrumentation should be capable of detecting radioactivity at these levels."

The final status survey for alpha affected areas consisted of alpha scans, beta/gamma scans, alpha static and beta/gamma static measurements. The scan MDA of <25% was met for beta/gamma measurements. The alpha activity limit for facility license termination is not affected since the release limit is based on the static measurements. The MDA for the static measurements also met the Decommissioning plan criteria.

Therefore the final level of radioactivity remaining in the UWNR facility meets the release criteria of the Decommissioning Plan, Regulatory Guide 1.86 and the regulatory requirement from IOCFR20.

0 4 of 4


ENERCON Services, Inc.

4499 Old William Penn Highway Murrysville, PA 15668 Richard Moss, Executive Engineer Energy Solutions 143 West Street New Milford, CT 06776 University of Washington Project #10492

Final Status Survey Report for the University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D Project UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 February 22, 2007 Prepared by: Todd Brautigam FSS Coordinator Reviewed by: Corey E. DeWitt Safety & Compliance Manager Reviewed by: Daniel Jordan Radiation Safety Officer Reviewed by: Scott LaBuy Project Engineer Approved by: David Cronshaw Project Manager Executive Engineer Approval

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492


OF CHANGES This Final Status Survey Report is issued as a controlled document. Revisions to this plan will be tracked and revisions or addenda will be issued to controlled copyholders. Changed sections will be identified by special demarcation in the margin. A summary description of each revision or addenda will be noted in the following table.

Revision Number Date Comments Rev. 0 10/18/2006 Original Issue Rev. 1 12/06/2006 Addresses UW comments Rev. 2 02/22/2007 Addresses NRC comments ii UW-MCP-OP-13 UW-MCP-OP- Rev. 2 13 Rev. 2 ii

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Project Overview ......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Ownership and Licensing .................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Object and Scope ................................................................................................................. 1 2 SITE INFORM ATION ......................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Facility Location ........................................................................................................ 2 2.2 Facility Operating History .............................................................................................. 4 2.3 Facility Radiological History ......................................................................................... 4 2.4 Facility Description ....................................................................................................... 4 2.4.1 Reactor Room .............. ................................. 5 2.4.2 Unrestricted Area - First Floor .......................................................................... 7 2.4.3 Unrestricted Area - Second Floor ........................................................................ 7 2.4.4 Underground Utilities .......................................................................................... 7 2.4.5 Exterior Building Features - Retention Tanks ................................................... 7 3 DECOM M ISSIONIN G ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................... 8 3.1 Site Area Identification .................................................................................................. 8 3.2 Decontam ination and Decomm issioning Activities ........................................................ 8 3.2.1 Facility M odifications ........................................................................................ 8 3.2.2 Rem oval of Shield Blocks ................................................................................... 8 3.2.3 Reactor M onolith ................................................................................................. 9 3.2.4 Fuel Storage Pit .................................................................................................. 9 3.2.5 Process Pit ...................................................................................................... 9 3.2.6 Reactor Room ................................................................................................... 10 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 111

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 3.2.7 Overhead Crane ................................................................................................ 10 3.2.8 Rem oval of W all and Floor Coatings .............................................................. 10 3.2.9 Peripheral Room s .............................................................................................. 10 3.2.10 Retention Tanks .................................................................................................... 11 3.2.11 Investigation and Rem oval of Underground Drainlines ................................. 11 3.2.12 Confirmatory Soil Sampling .......................................................................... 11 3.3 Decontam ination M ethods ............................................................................................ 12 3.3.1 HEPA Vacuum ................................................................................................ 12 3.3.2 Chem ical Cleaning ............................................................................................ 12 3.3.3 Grinding/Scarifying .......................................................................................... 12 3.3.4 Demolition ....................................................................................................... 12 4 PROJECT RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAM RESULTS .......................................... 13 5 FINAL STATUS SURVEY OVERVIEW ................................................................................. 14 5.1 Decontam ination and FSS Objectives .......................................................................... 14 5.2 M anagem ent Approach ................................................................................................ 14 5.3 Instrum entation ................................................................................................................. 14 5.3.2 Instrum ent Calibration ..................................................................................... 17 5.3.3 Pre-Operational Checks .................................................................................. 17 5.3.4 M inimum Detectable Activity (MDA) Calculation .......................................... 18 5.3.5 Instrument Efficiency ....................................................................................... 18 5.3.6 Instrument M odels ............................................................................................ 19 5.4 Radionuclides of Concern ............................................................................................ 20 5.5 Release Guideline Criteria ........................................................................................... 21 5.5.1 Area Classification ........................................................................................... 22 5.5.2 Survey Requirem ents ........................................................................................ 23 5.5.3 Reference Grids ................................................................................................ 24 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 iv

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 5.6 Background Level Determ ination ................................................................................ 25 5.7 FSS Survey M ethods ................................................................................................... 26 5.7.1 Static measurement .......................................................................................... 26 5.7.2 Scan ....................................................................................................................... 26 5.7.3 Removable Activity W ipe ................................................................................ 26 5.7.4 M icroR Exposure Rate ..................................................................................... 26 5.7.5 Building and Equipment Surfaces ................................................................... 26 5.7.6 Floor Drains and Embedded Pipe ..................................................................... 28 5.7.7 Excavations ....................................................................................................... 28 6 FINAL STATUS SURVEY EVALUATION .......................................................................... 30 6.1 Statistical Analysis ....................................................................................................... 30 6.2 Data Preparation .......................................................................................................... 30 7 FINAL STATUS SURVEY RESULTS ................................................................................... 32 7.1 Survey Units ...................................................................................................................... 32 7.1.1 Unit 1-1 Counting Room ................................................................................... 32 7.1.2 Unit 1-2 Experiment Room .............................................................................. 32 7.1.3 Unit 1-3 Reactor Room ..................................................................................... 33 7.1.4 Unit 1-4 Crystal Spectroscopy Room .............................................................. 39 7.1.5 Unit 1-5 Radiochemistry Lab ............................................................................ 39 7.1.6 Unit 1-6 Robotics Laboratory .......................................................................... 39 7.1.7 Unit 1-7 Offices, Restroom s, and Hallway ...................................................... 40 7.1.8 Unit 2-1 Control Room ..................................................................................... 40 7.1.9 Unit 2-2 Lecture Briefing Room ...................................................................... 41 7.1.10 Unit 2-3 Stairs, 2nd Floor Foyer, Fan Room, and Mechanical Room ............. 41 7.1.11 Unit 3-1 Building Exterior .............................................................................. 42 7.1.12 Unit 3-2 Retention Tanks and Valve Gallery ................................................ 42 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 v

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 8 FSS QUALITY ASSURANCE ................................................................................................. 43 8.1 Project O bjective ....................................................................................... ....................... 43 8.2 Q uality O bjectives ....................................................................................................... 43 8.3 Criteria for Measurement Data ..................................................................................... 43 8.4 Special Training Requirements/Certification ............................................................... 43 8.5 Documentation and Records ....................................................................................... 43 8.6 Instrument Calibration and Frequency ........................................................................ 43 8.7 Assessments and Response Actions ............................................................................ 44 8.7.1 QA/QC Assessment Checklist .......................................................................... 44 8.8 QA/QC Verification Surveys ....................................................................................... 45 8.9 D ata Entry and R eview ................................................................................................ 45 8.10 Com pleteness R eview .................................................................................................. 46 8.11 D ata A nalysis .................................................................................................................... 46 9 R EFER EN C E S ............................................................................................................................... 47 10 SITE M A P D RA W IN G S ............................................................................................................... 48 11 ATTACHMENTS .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Attachment 1 - Unit 1-1 Counting Room Attachment 2 - Sub-Unit 1-2-1 Experiment Room Ceiling, East and North Walls Attachment 3 - Sub-Unit 1-2-2 Experiment Room Floor, South and West Walls Attachment 4 - Sub-Unit 1-3-1 Overhead Crane Attachment 5 - Sub-Unit 1-3-2 Fuel and Process Pit Blocks Attachment 6 - Sub-Unit 1-3-3 Fuel Storage Tubes Attachment 7 - Fuel Storage Pit Liquid Scintillation Analytical Results Attachment 8 - Sub-Unit 1-3-7 Reactor Room North Wall 0 To 4-m Attachment 9 - Sub-Unit 1-3-8 Reactor Room North Wall 5 To 9-m Attachment 10 - Sub-Unit 1-3-9 Reactor Room South Wall 0 To 4-m UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 vi

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 1 - Sub-Unit 1-3-10 Reactor Room South Wall 5 To 9-m Attachment 12 Sub-Unit 1-3-11 Reactor Room West Ceiling Grids A-D Including Beams Attachment 13 - Sub-Unit 1-3-12 Reactor Room Center Ceiling Grids E-H Including Beams Attachment 14 - Sub-Unit 1-3-13 Reactor Room East Ceiling Grids I-L Including Beams Attachment 15 - Sub-Unit 1-3-14 Reactor Room West Wall Attachment 16 - Sub-Unit 1-3-15 Reactor Room East Wall 0 To 4-m Attachment 17 - Sub-Unit 1-3-16 Reactor Room East Wall 5 To 9-m Attachment 18 - Sub-Unit 1-3-20 Bioshield North Wall Including Beam Ports Attachment 19 - Sub-Unit 1-3-21 Bioshield South Wall Including Beam Ports Attachment 20 - Sub-Unit 1-3-30 Process Pit Attachment 21 - Sub-Unit 1-3-40 Reactor Room Floor West Grids A-G Attachment 22 - Sub-Unit 1-3-41 Reactor Room Floor East Grids H-N Attachment 23 - Sub-Unit 1-4-1 Crystal Spectroscopy Room Ceiling, East, North, and West #2 Walls Attachment 24 - Sub-Unit 1-4-2, Crystal Spectroscopy Room Floor, West and South Walls Attachment 25 - Sub-Unit 1-4-3 Crystal Spectroscopy Overhead Piping Attachment 26 - Unit 1-5 Radiochemistry Lab Attachment 27 - Sub-Unit 1-6-1 Robotics Lab Floor Attachment 28 - Sub-Unit 1-6-2 Robotics Lab West and South Walls Including Transformer Room South Wall Attachment 29 - Sub-Unit 1-6-3 Robotics Lab East and North Walls Including Transformer Room East, West, and North Walls Attachment 30 - Sub-Unit 1-6-4 Robotics Lab Ceiling Attachment 31 - Unit 1-7 Offices, Restrooms, and Hallway Attachment 32 - Sub-Unit 2-1-1 Control Room Ceiling, East, and North Walls Attachment 33 - Sub-Unit 2-1-2 Control Room Floor, South, and West Walls Attachment 34 - Sub-Unit 2-2-1 Lecture Briefing Room Ceiling, East, and North Walls Attachment 35 - Sub-Unit 2-2-2 Lecture Briefing Room Floor, South, and West Walls UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 vii

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 36 - Unit 2-3 Stairs, 2nd Floor Foyer, Fan Room, and Mechanical Room Attachment 37 - Unit 3-1 Building Exterior Attachment 38 - Unit 3-2 Retention Tanks and Valve Gallery Attachment 39 - Excavation Soil Sample Radiochemistry Analytical Results Attachment 40 - Bioshield Concrete Characterization Analytical Results Attachment 41 - Final Bioshield Analysis for Hard to Detect Radionuclides Attachment 42 - Summary of Air Sample Results Tables Table 3 A ssigned Section Num bers ........................................................................ 8 Table 5 Summary of Instrumentation Used for Final Status Survey ............................. 15 Table 5 Alpha Scan Probability of Detection ....................................................... 16 Table 5 Potential Isotopes at The UWNR ........................................................... 20 Table 5 UWNR Decommissioning Release Criteria ............................................... 21 Table 5 UWNR Survey Requirements .............................................................. 23 Table 5 Soil Sample Radiochemistry Results ...................................................... 28 Table 7 Survey Unit Identification ...................................................................... 31 Table 7 Elevated Activity Evaluation.......................................33 viii UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev.

UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 22 Vill

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AA Alpha Affected ACM Asbestos Containing Material ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable CCE Contamination Control Envelope CFM Cubic Feet per Minute CFR Code of Federal Regulations CR-5849 Draft NUREG/CR-5849 'Manual for Conducting Radiological Surveys in Support of License Termination' D&D Decontaminate and Decommission DAC Derived Air Concentration DCGL Derived Concentration Guideline Level DPM Disintegrations Per Minute DQOs Data Quality Objectives EE Executive Engineer ENERCON ENERCON Services, Inc.

FSS Final Status Survey GA General Affected HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air LLRW Low Level Radioactive Waste LVI LVI Environmental Services, Inc.

MARSSIM NRC NUREG-1575 'Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual' MDA Minimum Detectable Activity MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration NIST National Institute for Standards and Technology NORM Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material ix UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev.Rev. 22 ix

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program pCi/g PicoCuries per Gram RCA Radiologically Controlled Area RCT Radiological Control Technician REM Roentgen Equivalent Man RSO Radiation Safety Officer RWP Radiological Work Permit TLD Thermo-Luminescent Dosimeter UN Unaffected UW University of Washington UW-MHA University of Washington More Hall Annex UWNR University of Washington Nuclear Reactor Rev. 22 x UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev.


University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Overview During the calendar year 2006, the University of Washington Nuclear Reactor (UWNR) underwent full decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) activities to support the termination of United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license R-73. D&D activities were conducted by LVI Services, Inc. (LVI) and its partner ENERCON Services, Inc. (ENERCON) in accordance with the NRC approved UWNR Decommissioning Plan (NES, 1994). The LVI team began project planning in January 2006 with the development of all plans and procedures needed to perform the decommissioning activities.

Following owner review and approval of the plans and procedures, the LVI team mobilized personnel to prepare the site for D&D activities. Radiological D&D activities began in early April 2006 and were conducted through the summer of 2006. The D&D activities resulted in the generation of 1677 cubic feet of Low Level Radioactive Waste and 32 cubic feet of Mixed Waste which were disposed at U.S. Ecology in Hanford, Washington and Energy Solutions in Clive, Utah, respectively. Final Status Surveys (FSS) in support of license termination commenced in August 2006 and were completed in the beginning of October 2006. FSS was planned and conducted in accordance with methodologies established in NUREG/CR-5849.

1.2 Ownership and Licensing The UWNR is wholly owned and operated by the University of Washington under NRC License Number R-73.

1.3 Object and Scope The objective and scope of this report is to document the relevant D&D activities conducted at the UWNR and to provide the FSS data results to support the request for NRC license termination. FSS data is included as Attachments 1-39. Attachments 40 and 41 present characterization sample results for the activated portions of the bioshield. Attachment 42 summarizes air sample collection results gathered during the course of remediation activities.

1 Rev. 2 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 I

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 2 SITE INFORMATION A historical description of the site has been developed based on radiological survey findings and a review of historical documents and drawings. The historical information presented is not all-inclusive.

However, it provides the best available reconstruction of activities from the data available.

2.1 Facility Location The UWNR is located within the More Hall Annex (Annex) (Figure 1) on the main campus of the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle, Washington. The Annex is located west and adjacent to the intersection of Jefferson and Mason Roads (Figure 2). The UW campus is located approximately 10 miles north of the center of the city of Seattle, Washington.

Figure 1 - More Hall Annex 2

UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev.Rev. 2 2 2

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Figure 2 - Site Aerial View 3

UW-MCP-OP-13 UW-MCP-OP- Rev. 22 13 Rev. 3

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 2.2 Facility Operating History The UWNR was an ARGONAUT type training and research reactor. It began operation in April 1961 with an initial power output of 10 kilowatts. Following 6 years of intermittent use, the power was increased to 100 kilowatts in 1967. The reactor operated for training and research purposes until June 30, 1988 when critical operations were permanently shut down. During its operational years, the reactor generated a total of 303,443 kilowatt hours.

Following its shutdown, all fuel was removed and sent to Idaho National Labs outside of Idaho Falls, ID for disposal. Radiological characterization activities in support of decommissioning planning began in 1993 by NES, Inc. Following the characterization, NES, Inc. prepared the UWNR Decommissioning Plan which was approved by the NRC in 1994.

2.3 Facility Radiological History The only radiological incident of historical note was a failed plutonium oscillator experiment on June 13, 1972 whereby plutonium contamination was dispersed throughout the Reactor Room. Decontamination efforts removed most of the contamination in the weeks following the incident, but characterization activities identified small amounts of alpha contamination in areas of the Reactor Room including the ventilation ductwork and overhead crane. Following the incident, the floor of the Reactor Room was painted and covered with composite tile to prevent transfer of any residual contamination. The walls of the Reactor Room were also painted and temporary wall partitions erected at some point following the plutonium incident.

During its operational years, various radiological experiments were conducted in the reactor and in the adjacent rooms. Various experiments with short-lived isotopes and irradiated materials were prepared, conducted and analyzed in the Radiochemistry, Counting and Experiment Rooms. Other than the plutonium incident, no experiments using longer lived isotopes have been identified that could have deposited residual radioactivity at the site. Historically, waste disposal has occurred offsite at approved disposal facilities for all radiological materials, i.e., no onsite burial of radiological materials has occurred. Previous characterizations have not indicated the presence of any radiological contamination outside of the Reactor Room other than the retention tanks.

2.4 Facility Description The More Hall Annex is divided into two sections, the restricted and the unrestricted areas. The restricted area is located in the western half of the facility and is comprised of the Reactor Room and associated facilities. The unrestricted area is located in the eastern half of the facility and is comprised of three story structure previously used for classroom, supervisory offices, graduate study rooms, the reactor control room, fan loft and the mechanical equipment room. These building layouts are depicted in Drawings 1-3 which are located in Section 10 - Site Map Drawings. These areas outside of the Reactor Room have been generally kept free from activities involving radiological materials and have been historically maintained as unrestricted areas. The restricted and unrestricted areas are separated by a 20-cm concrete wall.

4 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 2.4.1 Reactor Room The Reactor Room and associated facilities are contained in an area approximately 14 meters in width by 21 meters in length. The Reactor Room measures approximately 14 meters long by 10 meters wide and is three stories high with an average height of 10.5 meters. Adjacent to the Reactor Room are four separate smaller rooms which include the Radiochemistry Laboratory (4 meters x 4.5 meters) and Crystal Spectroscopy Room (10 meters x 4 meters) to the south and the Counting (4 meters x 4 meters) and Experiment (6 meters x 5 meters) Rooms to the north. Each of these side rooms are approximately 3 meters in height. The floor and walls of the Reactor Room are poured concrete. The floors are between 15-cm and 45-cm thick and were poured over undisturbed earth. The exterior walls are 25-cm thick to a height of 4 meters above the floor. The upper surfaces of the Reactor Room are supported by a concrete column and beam structure and contain glass windows midway between the floor and ceiling. The north, west and south walls of the Reactor Room are below grade as the Annex is built into the side of a hill.

The Reactor Room is isolated from the unrestricted areas of the building by a 20-cm concrete wall. Two doorways along the eastern wall provide access to Reactor Room; a single door from the control office, and a double door from the Robotics Laboratory. Direct access to Reactor Room is also available through a hatchway from the Mechanical Equipment Room, and two emergency egress hatchways located on the north Wall of the Experiment Room and the south wall of the Crystal Spectroscopy Room.

The Reactor Room contains four distinct features: the reactor monolith, the process pit, the fuel storage pit and the overhead bridge crane. Reactor Monolith The reactor monolith is situated in the center of the Reactor Room. The concrete monolith is comprised of two concrete biological shields (bioshields), spaced 1.5 meters apart (Figure 3). Each bioshield is approximately 6 meters in length, 1-3 meters in width, and 3.5 meters in height. The reactor core, graphite moderator and associated components were located in this space between the bioshields.

UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 5

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Figure 3 - Reactor Monolith Process Pit The process pit is located directly to the south of the reactor bioshield. It is located below grade and is 2 meters wide, 4 meters long and 1.5 meters deep. Before D&D activities, it contained a sump, sump pump, reactor coolant pump, heat exchanger, waste lines, and a storage tank. Reactor coolant lines and associated lines ran from underneath the reactor to the north side of the process pit. Seven solid concrete covers are placed over the pit. The top of the concrete covers are level with the finished floor of the Reactor Room. Fuel Storage Pit The fuel storage pit is located in the southwest comer of the Reactor Room. It contains fifty-four, 10-cm diameter steel lined storage tubes. Each tube is approximately 1.5 meters deep and was lined with plastic sleeves. Each tube contained an iron encased concrete shield plug that locked into place following placement of the fuel rods for storage. Three solid concrete covers are placed over the pit. The top of the concrete covers are level with the finished floor of the Reactor Room. Reactor Room Ventilation Systems Ventilation systems in the Reactor Room and Crystal Spectroscopy Room provided air circulation and reactor exhaust. The ductwork in the Reactor Room was typical box and frame construction located 3 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 6

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 meters above floor level and below the windows. This ductwork transported recirculated air from filters in the Crystal Cpectroscopy Room. The reactor's 250 CFM blower transported exhaust air to a 10,000 CFM dilution fan in the Fan Loft located above the Control Room via a 12 cm diameter line along the walls of the Reactor Room. Radiological characterization activities identified the reactor ventilation ductwork as potentially contaminated due to the plutonium incident. Overhead Bridge Crane The Reactor Room is serviced by a 3-ton capacity bridge crane. The crane has historically been used to move shield blocks into various positions about the reactor monolith and heavier objects around the reactor room. The crane spans the Reactor Room and is constructed of one large I-beam approximately 10 meters in length.

2.4.2 Unrestricted Area - First Floor The unrestricted area of the first floor is located east of the Reactor Room. This area is comprised of the Robotics Lab, Directors Office, Control Office, Calculating Room, Graduate Room and restrooms.

2.4.3 Unrestricted Area - Second Floor The second floor area is an unrestricted area located adjacent to the upper surfaces of the Reactor Room.

It is comprised of the Lecture Briefing Room and the Control Room. Located above these rooms are the Mechanical Equipment Room and the Fan Loft. These areas housed the air handling systems for various building systems.

2.4.4 Underground Utilities Various underground lines are located throughout the UWNR. An investigation into the design and operating history of the facility identified various lines which transported waste liquid, potable water, steam, and electrical services. There were two drainlines identified beneath the floor of the Reactor Room that had potential for radiological contamination. These lines ran from the sink and emergency shower in the southeast corner of the Experiment Room and process pit to the Radiochemistry Lab where it tied together and drained outside the building to the retention tanks. These lines connected to a drain on the northeast corner of the bioshield and two sink drains located in the Radiochemistry Lab. Drawing 4 depicts the location of these drain lines. Drawing 4 is located in Section 10 - Site Map Drawings.

2.4.5 Exterior Building Features - Retention Tanks Two retention tanks and a valve gallery are located outside the Annex, directly south of the Radiochemistry Lab. The retention tanks were used to store overflow water from the process pit and drain lines located in the restricted areas of the building. Each retention tank is approximately 2 meters wide by 2 meters long by 2 meters deep and are constructed of sealed concrete approximately 10-cm thick. The valve gallery is located between the tanks and housed the pumps, level controls and water lines which distributed the liquids between each tank. Incoming liquids were received into the valve gallery through a 2-in cast-iron line which exited the Annex from underneath the south wall of the Radiochemistry Laboratory. Drawing 1 depicts the location of the retention tanks. Drawing 1 is located in Section 10 - Site Map Drawings.

UW-MCP-OP- 13 Rev. 2 7

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 3 DECOMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES 3.1 Site Area Identification Drawings 1, 2 and 3 (Section 10) depict all site areas involved in the decommissioning process. Drawing 1 depicts first floor survey areas, and Drawing 2 depicts second floor survey areas. Drawing 3 depicts the Fan Loft and Mechanical Equipment Room. Building areas involved in the decommissioning process are identified on the drawings by section and survey unit, for example, a plant area identified as 3-1 would refer to Section 3, Unit 1. Sub-unit numbers are assigned as necessary to meet final status survey size requirements for affected areas so that 3-1-1 would refer to Section 3, Unit 1, Sub-Unit 1.

Section numbers were assigned to various areas based on distinguishing features such as floor level and survey classification; survey unit and sub-unit designations are associated with the final status survey phase of the decommissioning process.

Section numbers were assigned as follows:

Table 3-1: Assigned Section Numbers Survey Section Location/Description Distinguishing Features 1 First Floor Reactor Room and other restricted areas 2 Second Floor Control and Lecture Briefing Rooms 3 Building Exterior Retention Tanks 3.2 Decontamination and Decommissioning Activities Upon mobilization, various activities were conducted to prepare the site for D&D activities.

Miscellaneous equipment and materials were surveyed, released and disposed to facilitate D&D activities.

3.2.1 Facility Modifications Upon mobilization, some facility modifications were necessary to provide increased access to the Reactor Room. These modifications included removal of the walls separating the Crystal Spectroscopy Room and Experiment Room from the Reactor Room. The drywall corridor between the Control Office doorway and Experiment Room was also removed, surveyed and free released. No other walls were removed from the restricted areas. Emergency egress hatchways were modified to accommodate HEPA ventilation units and make up air supply.

3.2.2 Removal of Shield Blocks Concrete shield blocks were used during reactor operation to provide increased shielding around the reactor bioshield. These shield blocks were surveyed, decontaminated as necessary and released. Any UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 8

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 shield block material that could not be released was packaged and disposed as radiological waste. One remediated shield block was surveyed to FSS standards and left within the Reactor Room.

3.2.3 Reactor Monolith The reactor monolith consisted of two reinforced concrete bioshields on the north and south. The reactor core box, lead and graphite shielding and associated reactor systems were contained in the center of the monolith between a shield tank to the east and concrete shield blocks to the west. The shield blocks and shield tank were removed and surveyed. Any portions of the shield tank or shield blocks that could not be released were packaged and disposed as radiological waste. A contamination control envelope (CCE) was installed over the top and west side of the monolith with HEPA ventilation installed on the east side of the monolith.

The graphite moderator and lead shielding blocks were removed, packaged and disposed as radiological and mixed waste. After access to the core box was available, surveys were conducted to assess the radiological conditions of the core. The core box was removed, packaged and disposed as radiological waste.

After the core box and the remainder of the lead and graphite were removed, demolition commenced on the activated concrete contained within the monolith using a Brokk remote demolition tool and hand tools. As the demolition progressed, periodic surveys were conducted to identify surfaces requiring additional demolition to meet the acceptance criteria. Concurrent with the demolition activities, the six steel beam tubes were cut and removed from the monolith as well as any remaining peripheral equipment.

3.2.4 Fuel Storage Pit The fuel storage pit is located in the southwest comer of the Reactor Room and consists of fifty-four steel-lined tubes which are embedded in concrete. Each tube contained removable shield plugs and plastic liners. The shield plugs and liners were removed, surveyed and released or disposed as radiological waste as necessary. Each tube was surveyed according to the survey protocol established in the Decommissioning Plan. Each tube was surveyed via 100% scan for beta-gamma and alpha activity.

Additionally, five static readings, two gross alpha and beta-gamma wipes and one liquid scintillation wipe, which was counted for low energy beta activity (H 3), were taken in each tube. Decontamination activities involved removing the paint from the top of the fuel storage pits. Tube A2-9 was identified as having alpha activity greater than the guideline limit and was remediated. A map showing the location of this tube is available in Attachment 6.

3.2.5 Process Pit The process pit contained a sump, sump pump, reactor coolant pump, heat exchanger, holding tank and waste lines. The equipment was removed from the pit and disposed as either clean waste or radiological waste based on total contamination surveys. The pit walls, floor, and sump were wiped down and surveyed. Areas with elevated activity were remediated in preparation for final status surveys.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 3.2.6 Reactor Room The Reactor Room housed the reactor monolith, process pit, fuel storage pit, overhead bridge crane, and Reactor Room ventilation systems. There was ventilation ductwork which encompassed the entire room, and was mounted to the walls just under the windows. All supply and return ductwork in the Reactor Room were entirely removed, including the 12 cm diameter line transporting reactor exhaust air to the dilution fan, and disposed based on the survey results.

3.2.7 Overhead Crane D&D activities identified low levels of alpha contamination on the overhead bridge crane. These areas were remediated using abrasive measures and wiped down. Portions of the overhead crane including the catwalk, motor, and pulley system could not be surveyed due to inaccessibility and were consequently removed and disposed as Low Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW).

3.2.8 Removal of Wall and Floor Coatings During D&D activities, various wall and floor coatings were identified that either were or could have been applied after the reactor began operation. While the potential for contamination of these areas from reactor operations was low, any coatings in the Reactor Room that were applied after the plutonium incident were removed. Residual floor paint, applied to fix contamination from the plutonium incident, was removed by grinding. A layer of lead based paint, applied to the top surface of each bioshields after the plutonium incident, was removed and disposed as mixed waste. During building construction, a layer of asbestos skimcoat was applied to the lower walls of the Reactor Room and the four adjacent rooms.

Through discussions with operation staff, it was determined that a layer of paint was applied over the top of the skimcoat after the plutonium incident, which required the paint on all of the walls of the Reactor Room and side rooms to be removed. Containments were constructed and all outer wall paint was removed with grinders from the Reactor Room floor to the ceiling. This material was disposed as Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) contaminated LLRW. In effect, all wall coatings in the Reactor Room and adjacent rooms were removed, including original surfaces applied before operations began.

3.2.9 Peripheral Rooms There are four peripheral rooms within the Radiologically Controlled Area (RCA) adjacent to the reactor room. These are the:

  • Counting Room
  • Experiment Room
  • Radiochemistry Laboratory
  • Crystal Spectroscopy Room These rooms contained support equipment and systems such as the secondary cooling system, fume hoods and sinks, and drain lines. All of the fixed and loose equipment in these rooms was removed with the exception of piping in the overhead of the Crystal Spectroscopy Room. The materials were surveyed and disposed according to the survey results. The overhead piping was left in place because it consisted of hot and cold water supply and did not transport process water. A diagram and photograph depicted the overhead piping configuration are included in Attachment 25. Additional decontamination was performed in the Crystal Spectroscopy Room on the floor. Other discreet areas identified as having elevated activity were remediated and surveyed.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 3.2.10 Retention Tanks The retention tanks are located outside the south end of the More Hall Annex. Scoping surveys identified low levels of discrete elevated activity within the tanks. Hand wiping successfully removed the elevated activity and the tanks were cleaned in preparation for FSS.

The center section between the tanks is the valve gallery which contained piping, a pump and valves to control the tank levels. Much of the piping and valves were removed to facilitate FSS. Equipment and materials were surveyed and disposed based on the survey results.

3.2.11 Investigation and Removal of Underground Drainlines The presence of detectable radiological activity in the retention tanks required an investigation of the upstream drain lines which fed into the retention tanks. Drawing 4 presents the layout of the underground drain line system. The drain line which entered the retention tanks system was excavated and removed to its junction with the south wall of the More Hall Annex. A lxi Nal probe was attached to a pipe snake and used to survey the interior of the upstream sections of drainline in the radiochemistry lab. This survey indicated the presence of elevated gamma activity at a few spots inside the pipe beneath the radiochemistry lab. Consequently, the drain lines in the radiochemistry lab were excavated and disposed as LLRW. Both sink drains were also removed. Two sections of drain line ran into the radiochemistry lab: one from the process pit and the other from the sink and emergency shower in the southeast corner of the Experiment Room. The entire section of drainline between the process pit and the Radiochemistry Lab could not be adequately surveyed due to bends and obstructions, therefore, it was excavated and removed.

Inaccessible portions of drainline between the Experiment Room and Radiochemistry Lab were also removed. The drain located on the northeast corner of the reactor monolith was also removed. A twenty-eight foot straight section of drainline on the eastern side of the Reactor Room was left in place because it had no visual breakages and no drain line tie-ins. No detectable activity was found inside this section of pipe.

3.2.12 Confirmatory Soil Sampling Following drain line removal, soil samples were collected beneath the excavated pipes at elbows and couplings and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides to determine if any leaks had occurred which could have contaminated the underlying soils. Drawing 5 presents the layout of the underground drain line system and the locations where soil samples were collected.

Samples results indicate that no detectable radionuclides other than Naturally Occurring Radiological Materials (NORM) were present in soils located beneath the drainlines within the building footprint. Two samples, SS-1 and SS-11, were collected from soils outside the building and indicated low levels of Cs-137 which are consistent with background concentrations identified in the Radiological Characterization Report. Attachment 39 presents the results of the soils sample analysis. From this data, it has been concluded that soils beneath the UWNR drain lines were not radiologically impacted from reactor operations.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 3.3 Decontamination Methods A variety of safe and effective decontamination methods were used to meet unrestricted use criteria. The decontamination techniques employed are widely used in the decommissioning industry and do not pose unusual, or significant, health and safety concerns.

3.3.1 HEPA Vacuum High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) vacuuming was used to collect dirt and larger particle debris that were contaminated with radioactive material. Although not generally effective as an initial decontamination technique, HEPA vacuuming is extremely effective in conjunction with any of the more aggressive methods of decontamination.

3.3.2 Chemical Cleaning Commercially available chemical agents were used when non-destructive decontamination was desired.

These agents work by loosening or dissolving the host material and/or the contaminant. Chemical agents were used when it was reasonably assured the radioactive waste could be significantly reduced by removal of the residual contamination.

3.3.3 Grinding/Scarifying Grinding and scarifying incorporates a high-speed wheel made of stone or steel that aggressively abrades the surface to remove residual radioactive material. This method was used successfully on floors and walls where the aesthetics of the remaining surface was not a concern. A close-capture HEPA vacuum or enclosure was used with this method to capture airborne particulates for dust and airborne radioactive material exposure control. Water was also used to limit dust and maintain contamination control.

3.3.4 Demolition Demolition is often the most cost-effective solution when radioactive disposal rates are reasonable.

Demolition of certain building components was used in areas where decontamination was not effective, proved to be cost prohibitive, or involved remediation of volumetrically contaminated media (e.g. the inner portions of the bioshields). Demolition was also required in certain areas to allow access to original building surfaces for survey purposes. Demolition was limited to non-load bearing building components.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 4 PROJECT RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAM RESULTS 4.1 Radiation Exposure Monitoring Over the course of this project, D&D personnel with the potential for radiological exposure were monitored using external and internal means. All work evolutions with the potential to generate airborne radioactivity were monitored with air sampling equipment. Air samples collected over the course of the project were analyzed and the results demonstrated that average airborne activity was kept to less than 2%

of the federal regulatory limit. A summary of air sampling data from project work evolutions is available in Attachment 42 - Summary of Air Sample Results. All site radiation workers were monitored with external dosimetry. The Decommissioning Plan estimated the minimum and maximum collective dose to be 4.93 and 6.02 person Roentgen Equivalent Man (REM) respectively. The total collective dose for the project was 1.491 person REM or 30% of the minimum estimate. The highest individual dose for the duration of the project was 0.323 REM. The monitoring was performed from April 1, 2006 through September 12, 2006. In addition, project personnel with potential for internal exposures were monitored through in vivo (bioassay) and/or in vitro (Whole Body Counting) means.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 5 FINAL STATUS SURVEY OVERVIEW 5.1 Decontamination and FSS Objectives The purpose of the FSS activities is to demonstrate that the radiological conditions at the UWNR satisfy the USNRC guidelines and the UWNR can, therefore, be released from USNRC license Number R-73 for future use without radiological controls. For the purpose of this demonstration, each survey unit is independently evaluated. The objective of the survey is to demonstrate at a 95% minimum level of confidence that the license release conditions have been met.

5.2 Management Approach The present day management at the UWNR has fully supported efforts by the contractor to remediate known areas of residual contamination.

Radiological Control Staff at the UWNR maintained overall responsibility and authority for the remediation activities. Qualified LVI remediation workers and ENERCON radiological control technician (RCTs) worked under the direction of the LVI/ENERCON management staff. Cooperative discussions between the associated parties resulted in a cost efficient approach to decommissioning while adhering to all applicable health, safety and radiation protection guidelines. Guidance documentation issued by the NRC was utilized as a basis for development of the final survey methodology and associated documentation. All survey methods and QA/QC activities have been and continue to be subject to review by the University staff that maintains final approval, authority and responsibility for work conducted under this license.

5.3 Instrumentation Instruments were selected that provided an adequate response to radionuclides of concern presented in Section 5.4. Minimum detectable activity (MDA) was calculated for each model. The MDA was calculated using formulae contained within the Multi Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) and shown in Section 4.5.3. The MARSSIM contains the most current guidance on recommended methods of calculating survey instrument MDA. The background rate and detector efficiency used in the MDA are averages calculated from the daily operational check of each instrument.

Table 4-1 shows the instrument models selected and summarizes the typical observed background counts in counts per minute (cpm), typical observed detector efficiency, and a typical observed MDA in disintegration per minute (dpm/100 cm 2 ) for each instrument model. Other objectives in selecting instruments included special features such as digital displays to provide a more accurate reading than conventional analog displays.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Table 5-1: Summary of Instrumentation Used For Final Status Survey Ratemeter Instrument Background Probe Efficiency Static MIDA MDA Scan MIDA Model Rate Area (cm 2) (%) o (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cm 2 ) (dpm/100cm 2)

Ludlum Model 2221 w/43-44 Air Proportional detector 0.1 CPM 50 1.3 50(2) 110 150(3)

Ludlum Model 2221 w/44-9 Geiger Mueller Detector 150 CPM 17.5 13.0 1850 8150 11500 Ludlum Model 3 or 12 w/44-9 Geiger Mueller Detector (Beta Frisker) 40 CPM 17.5 13.5 N/A 4000 5700 Ludlum Model 2

360 w/43-68 Gas Proportional 2 CPM 126 10.5 40(2) 110 160(3)

Detector (Alpha)

Ludlum Model 2360 w/43-68 Gas Proportional 123 CPM 126 26.4 120(2) 520 740(4)

Detector (Beta)

Ludlum Model 19 MicroR 9 microR/hr N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Ludlum Model 2929 Wipe Counter (Alpha) 0.1 CPM 100 25.6 16 N/A N/A Ludlum Model 2929 Wipe Counter (Beta) 46 CPM 100 22.6 153 N/A N/A (1) Detector area-corrected to 100-cm 2 using the formula in section 6.2.

(2) Based on a 2-minute count (3) Based on 1/3 probe width per second scan rate (4) Based on one probe width per second scan rate Alpha and Beta Scans Surface scans were performed at a rate of 1 probe-width per second in the General Affected areas. Surface scans were performed over 100% of the surface area in the General Affected and Alpha Affected areas.

Alpha and Beta scan surveys were performed at a probe to surface distance as close as practical, not to exceed 1-cm (-1/2/ 2 inch).

In the Alpha Affected areas, scanning differed from that of beta and gamma emitters in that the typical background count rate was usually very close to zero. Therefore the scan MDA for alpha activity is typically presented as a probability that a given contamination level is detectable at a given scan rate.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Table 5-2 provides a summary of the alpha detection probability using formula 6-12 presented in Section of the MARSSIM. The formula is:

-GEd Detection Probability (6-12) P(n >_ 1)= 1-e 60v Where P(n>1) = the probability of detecting a single count G = Contamination activity (DPM)

E = Detector efficiency d = Width of detector in the direction of the scan v = Scan speed (cm/s)

Table 5-2 Alpha Scan Probability of Detection Probability of Detecting 2

300 DPMI100cm Total Probe Dimension in Detector Type Efficiency Direction of Scan Scan Rate (Table 4-1)

Alpha Gas Proportional Alpha Gas Proportional 10.5%


_____________ 9-cm 9-cm (1/3 3-cm/s (1/3_ probe/sec)_____________

( 4.5-cm/s 79%


__________________ ________ _________________ (1/2 probe/sec) ____________

The formula above is more conservative than that presented in the MARSSIM which uses a 4-pi detector efficiency that is not adjusted for surface efficiency. Using the more conservative total efficiency, discussed in Section 5.3.5, the probability of detection is exceeds 67% which is listed in Draft ANSI Standard N13.12 (1978) when scanning for alpha emitters. The data evaluation supports the premise that this detection probability is unrealistically low as evidenced by the numerous detections of alpha activity less than 300 dpm/1OOcm 2 demonstrated during the FSS evolution. The higher desired probability (90%) stated in the MARSSIM is also a result of the non-parametric basis of that survey approach, which results in far fewer static survey locations when compared to a NUREG/CR-5849 license termination method.

Using the 4-pi efficiency, as recommended in the MARSSIM, the results indicate a scan speed of 1/3 probe width per second is sufficient to achieve the MARSSIM recommended 90% probability of detection.

A single count detected during a scan is cause for the surveyor to pause until the probability of achieving another count has reached 90%. This time interval may be calculated using formula 6-13 from the MARSSIM as presented below.

13800 Time Interval Probability (6-13) tC- CAE Where 16 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 C = Maximum guideline criteria (300 dpm/I00-cm 2)

A = Detector Area (124-cm 2)

E = Detector Efficiency (10.5%)

Using this formula, a pause of 3 seconds was sufficient to achieve a 90% probability of detection. If no additional count was detected during the 3 second pause, then no elevated activity was found and the scan survey continued.

5.3.2 Instrument Calibration ENERCON (or another qualified vendor) calibrated all field instrumentation using approved procedures.

At a minimum, the survey instruments were calibrated semi-annually. Instrument calibrations were performed with a source to detector distance no greater than 1-cm. A source holding 'jig' is commonly used during the calibration process to ensure a consistent geometry. ENERCON maintaineds original instrument calibration data and certificates for the calibration sources at the calibration lab and provided copies to file on-site. Instrument calibrations followed NUREG-1507 and ISO 7503-1 guidance.

At a minimum, response checks were performed prior to use each day and upon completion of an FSS survey during the day. Response checks were performed on a flat desktop maintaining the source to detector distance as close to contact as possible. The radiological check sources that were used for each of the instruments are as follows:

  • Alpha instruments: Th 230 47-mm electroplated disk
  • Beta instruments: Tc 99 47-mm electroplated disk
  • Gamma instruments: Cs137 encapsulated button ISO-7503 recommends a surface efficiency correction for Tc 99 of 0.25, however a surface efficiency correction factor of 0.5 has been utilized in all calculations because the Tc99 is not a radionuclide of interest, but is merely the best available calibration standard for the instrumentation used. In all cases, the check sources listed above provides a conservative response in comparison to the potential isotopes present at the facility due to relative isotope energies and would tend to overestimate the actual activity present.

5.3.3 Pre-Operational Checks All background readings for counting instruments were conducted daily during instrument use. Any instrument that used a battery had a daily battery check performed before instrument operation. If a battery check failed, an equivalent size battery was installed and the instrument was rechecked before operation. An appropriate initial source response, as determined by a comparison to calibration information, to the appropriate on-site check source was obtained prior to the instrument being placed in service for the project.

Each day an instrument was used, the instrument received an operational check that consisted of a background reading (observed CPM for ratemeters or 10-minute static count for scalers) and a count of a known check source (observed CPM for ratemeters; i-minute static count for scalers) with the detector in contact with the source in its' holder to provide a consistent source to detector distance. If at any UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 17

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 time an instrument exceeded its calibration due date or fell outside of the +/-10 percent of the established initial source check, the instrument was recalibrated, and a new initial source check was performed. An inappropriate response resulted in the instrument being taken out of service and sent for calibration and/or maintenance. This information was recorded on a Daily Instrument Pre-Operational Check form.

Additionally, at the conclusion of each FSS survey, the survey instrument received a response check.

This response check entailed exposing the detector to an appropriate check source and verifying an acceptable count rate was obtained (i.e. within +10% of the initial source count). The result of this response check was documented on a survey instrument response check log.

5.3.4 Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) Calculation Background readings and calibration efficiencies were used to evaluate the MDA for each instrument model. The formulae and/or functions used in the spreadsheet are detailed in the following sections.

3 +4.65 BrT6 Static Count MDA MDA = 60 T, *.E,* A 60 100 MDCR Scan MDA ScanMDA =

100cm2 MDCR = s 60 MDCR Where:

C = Conversion factor from counts to concentration Br = Background rate in CPM T, = Sample count time in seconds A = Effective probe size in cm2 p = Surveyor efficiency Ei Instrument efficiency E, Surface efficiency si= Minimum detectable net source counts per interval i= Observed time interval 5.3.5 Instrument Efficiency The efficiency of the detection capabilities for each applicable instrument was calculated using the following formula:

Instrument Efficiency (E1) Ei -

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Where:

C, = Measured source count in CPM Cb = Measured background count in CPM S = 2 pi source value in DPM Total Efficiency (E,) E, = El

  • Es Where:

Ei = Instrument efficiency E, = Surface efficiency (Alpha emitters = 0.25, Beta emitters = 0.5)

The total instrument efficiency (Et) is a product of the instrument detection efficiency (E1) and the source detection efficiency (E,) and is used to convert the raw instrument counts into the standardized unit of disintegrations per minute (DPM). The source efficiency utilized for the UWNR follows the recommendations in ISO-7503-1 which makes recommendations for default source efficiencies. A source efficiency of 0.5 is recommended for beta emitters with maximum energies above 0.4 MeV, such as Co 60 Eu152 and Eu154 . Alpha emitters and beta emitters with maximum beta energies between 0.15 and 0.4 MeV have a recommended source efficiency of 0.25, such as Pu239 . As such, beta measurements use an E, of 0.5 and alpha measurements use an E, of 0.25.

5.3.6 Instrument Models The instrument models used are listed below and are typical of each instrument class. Ludlum Model 2221 with 43-44 Air Proportional Detector This is a scaler/ratemeter instrument with a 50-cm2 air proportional detector. This instrument was used for interior alpha surveys (scans and static locations) of pipes or other areas where the larger detectors can not be used. Ludlum Model 2221 with 44-9 GM Tube Detector This is a scaler/ratemeter instrument with a 17.5-cm 2 Geiger-Mueller (GM) tube detector that was used for interior beta-gamma surveys (scans and static locations) of pipes or other areas where the larger detectors can not be used. The MDA calculations are based upon beta background and efficiency data. Ludlum Model 2221/2241/2360 with 43-68 Gas Proportional Detector These are scaler/ratemeter instruments with a 126-cm 2 gas proportional detector that were used for all types of surveys. The Model 2221 may be dual-calibrated for alpha and beta detection while Models 2241 and 2360 are capable of discriminating between alpha and beta activity. For FSS surveys, specific meter/detector combinations were dedicated for either alpha and/or beta applications.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Ludlum Model 2929 with 43-10-1 Scintillation Detector This is a scaler instrument used for counting wipe samples. This instrument was used for all analysis of removable activity wipes. A 47-mm diameter cloth wipe is used to wipe over an area of 100-cm2 to collect a sample of removable activity. A wiping efficiency of 90% is used compensate for the inability of the wiping cloth to collect all the material that may be present on the surface. This instrument is capable of discriminating between alpha and beta activity. Ludlum Model 19 MicroR This is a ratemeter instrument that was used for exposure rate surveys. It is generally accepted throughout the nuclear industry that the MDA of this instrument is equivalent to the background readings.

5.4 Radionuclides of Concern Radionuclides of concern at the UWNR are those that have been previously reported or are anticipated based upon knowledge of historical site operations. Based upon historical site assessment, potential radiological contaminants could be present from neutron activation due to reactor operations and/or radiological spills. In the 1993 Characterization Report, activation products were identified as potential radiological contaminants in the biological shield and reactor core components. The types and inventories of these radionuclides were based upon activation analysis and similar findings during the decommissioning of the UCLA Boelter Research Reactor. These radionuclides are listed in Table 5-3.

The Radiological Characterization Report for the UWNR also identified Pu-239/240 and Pu-241 resulting from the June 1972 failure of a plutonium foil experiment in the Reactor Room. Although the majority of the contamination was decontaminated immediately following the event, small amounts of alpha activity were identified in the characterization of the facility. This report also identified Cs-137 as potential radiological contaminant in the Radiochemistry Lab sink drain and retention tanks.

Before the current reactor demolition activities began, concrete samples were collected from activated regions of the biological shield and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides, H-3 and C-14. As expected, these analyses identified Co-60, Eu-152, Eu-154, H-3 and C-14. Analytical results for these samples are available in Attachment 40 - Bioshield Concrete Characterization Analytical Results. During the initial D&D activities, wet smears were collected on shield blocks and various surfaces of the Reactor Room to determine if C-14 of H-3 had migrated outside .the reactor core to other areas of the Reactor Room. These wet smears were analyzed on a QuantaSmart 1.31 liquid scintillation counter and no detectable activity was observed.

The radiological surface release criteria for the UWNR are established in Table I of U.S. NRC Reg.

Guide 1.86, "Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors" (U.S. NRC, 1974). Specifically,2 beta-gamma emitting radionuclides must not exceed 5000 disintegrations per minute (dpm)/100 cm average fixed plus removable activity. Removable activity must not exceed 1000 dpm/100 cm 2 . The guidance also established alpha release criteria of 100 dpm/100 cm2 average fixed plus removable and 20 dpm/100 cm2 removable. Some beta emitting radionuclides have a more restrictive release limit of 1000 dpm/100 cm 2, but none of these radionuclides are present in the UWNR. The only radionuclide from this list which would be resultant from fission would be Sr-90. There is no indication that any fuel ever leaked at the UWNR, therefore, Sr-90 was not identified as a radionuclide of concern at the UWNR.

For areas of facility which possess residual tritium activity in addition to fission products, i.e., inner surfaces of the bioshield, a modified survey protocol was necessary to adequately account for all residual radioactivity. In this case, the beta-gamma survey results were used as a surrogate nuclide for tritium. A UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 20

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 composite sample of concrete from areas within the remediated portions of the bioshield was collected at the completion of FSS activities and analyzed for gamma emitters, tritium and C-14. Analysis of this sample indicated a 1.86:1 ratio of tritium to Co-60 and Eu-152. No C-14 was detected in the analysis.

Data from this analysis is presented in Attachment 41 - "Final Bioshield Analysis for Hard to Detect Radionuclides". Using the ratio above, the beta-gamma DCGL for the bioshield data analysis was reduced to 1700 dpm/100cm 2 to account for the presence of tritium. This surrogate assures tritium activity to be less than an limit of 5000 dpm/100cm 2 established for beta emitters in the Decommissioning Plan. Additional discussion of the affect of tritium on the final data analysis is included in Section

Table 5-3 Potential Isotopes at the UWNR Component Isotope Mean Life Principle Decay Modes Metallic Parts Mn 54 450 days EC, y Fe 55 3.9 years EC Co 60 7.6 years [V, Y Zn 65 352 days EC, y Graphite Co 6 0 7.6 years [3, y Eu1 52 19.3 years E3, y

, BC, Eu 154 12.3 years [3-, y H3 17.8 years [3 C 14 8268 years Lead Ag 10 8 190 years EC, y Ag 10 360 days [V, Y Magnetite Concrete Mn54 450 days EC, y Co 6 0 7.6 years yY-134 CS 3.0 years [3-, y Eu 15 2 19.3 years [3+, EC, E3, y Eu1 54 12.3 years [- '

H3 17.8 years C 14 8268 years [3 5.5 Release Guideline Criteria Release guideline criteria for materials and building surfaces are based on NRC Regulatory Guide 1.86, "Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors". NRC has stated that beta-gamma and alpha surveys should be conducted in the Reactor Room to account for Pu-241 beta decay and the alpha decay of Pu-239 and Am-241. Based upon this requirement and the list of potential radionuclides, the Reg.

Guide 1.86 limits of 100 dpm/100 cm 2 alpha and 5,000 dpm/100 cm 2 beta-gamma activities are deemed suitable for the UWNR. The beta limit of 1,000 dpm/1OOcm2 is not appropriate for this facility because, as established above, Sr-90 should not be present at the UWNR. For areas of the facility that contain tritium, i.e., the inner bioshield surfaces, a modified release limit of 1700 dpm/1OOcm 2 average beta-gamma will be used. Table 5-2, "Potential Isotopes at the UWNR", provides the isotope list contained in the University of Washington Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning Plan. The remaining isotope of concern UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 21

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 is Plutonium-241 as stated in the NRC position letter in Attachment B of the radiological Characterization Report. The release criteria are summarized in Table 5-4, "UWNR Decommissioning Release Criteria".

Table 5-4 UWNR Decommissioning Release Criteria Emitter Average Static Maximum Static Removable

_TypeII Alpha 100 dpm IOOcm 2 300 dpm/100cm 2 20 (over not more than 1-m2) (over not more than 100-cm) dpm/100cm 2 Beta 5000 dpm/100cm 2 15,000 dpm!l OOcm 2 1000 (over not more than 1-m2) (over not more than 1-m2) dpm/I10cm 2 Gamma Net result _<5 microRem/hr at 2

1-m (average over I 00-M ) 5 microRem/hr at 1-m N/A (Interior)

Static measurements that indicate an area of activity above the decommissioning release criteria, but less than the maximum decommissioning release criteria were evaluated for average activity over the area (not to exceed 1-M2) in which the elevated measurement is present. This was accomplished by performing surveys of at least three additional static measurements within the one square meter area and calculating a weighted average activity as described in NUREG/CR-5849. If the weighted average activity over 1-m2 is less than the guideline limit, the area meets unrestricted release criteria. If the 1-m 2 weighted average was greater than the guideline limit, further decontamination was necessary.

This report verifies that unrestricted release criteria have been met for the facility. Building surfaces have been evaluated against the following unrestricted release criteria:

  • Fixed alpha activity does not exceed an average of 100 dpm/100 cm 2 above background when averaged over 1-M2.
  • Fixed beta/gamma activity does not exceed an average of 5,000 dpm/100 cm 2 above background when averaged over 1 m2.
  • Removable alpha activity does not exceed 20 dpm/100 cm 2 above background at any location.
  • Removable beta/gamma activity does not exceed 1,000 dpml100 cm 2 above background at any location.
  • Gamma exposure rate of 5-microrem per hour (itR/hr) above background at 1 meter from a surface averaged over a 100 m2 for inside floor surfaces. (Walls and ceilings were not surveyed for gamma exposure) 5.5.1 Area Classification Area classification was performed considering that all areas of the site did not have the same potential for residual contamination and did not need the same level of survey coverage to achieve the established UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 22

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 release criteria. Classification required areas with higher potential for contamination to receive a higher degree of survey effort. For purposes of establishing the sampling and measurement frequency and pattern, NUREG/CR-5849 uses two classifications, affected and unaffected. Due to the Plutonium foil incident, it was determined that only specific areas were suspect for alpha contamination. Therefore, the affected classification was further divided into alpha affected and general affected.

Affected areas are areas with potential or known radioactive contamination based on plant operating history or preliminary radiological surveys. This included areas.where radioactive materials were used and/or stored, where spills or unusual occurrences may have resulted in the spread of contamination and areas immediately surrounding or adjacent to these locations.

Affected and Unaffected areas are discussed in further detail below. Affected Areas Affected areas are defined by NUREG/CR-5849 as "areas that have potential radioactive contamination (based on plant operating history) or known radioactive contamination (based on past or preliminary radiological surveillance)." NUREG/CR-5849 goes on to further define those areas directly adjacent to affected areas as affected based on potential contamination migration. Adjacent areas may be classified as unaffected if a physical, impermeable barrier is currently in place and was present during operations.

An example would be a concrete or brick wall structure. The maximum size for a survey unit classified as affected is I 00-M 2. There are two sub-divisions of affected for the UWNR Decommissioning project, which depend upon the relationship of the area to the plutonium foil incident. Areas that were impacted by the reactor operation, but not by the foil incident are classified as "general affected". Areas that were identified during the characterization surveys to have alpha contamination in excess of 25% of the established release criteria or that were directly impacted by the plutonium foil incident were classified as "alpha affected. Unaffected Areas Unaffected areas are defined by NUREG/CR-5849 as "All areas not classified as affected". At a minimum, all areas adjacent to an affected area were also classified as affected unless separated by a permanent barrier, when they were classified as unaffected. Upper surfaces within an affected area were classified as unaffected barring a reason to be classified as affected. Areas separated from an affected area by an unaffected area were defined as unaffected and not requiring survey. There is no maximum size for an unaffected area.

5.5.2 Survey Requirements Survey requirements for each area was determined by the classification, as defined above. Table 5-5, "UW-MHA Survey Requirements' summarizes the survey types and density given for each classification.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Table 5-5 UWNR Survey Requirements Classification Unaffected General Affected2 Alpha Affected 2 Survey Type (No maximum size) (Maximum 100-m ) (Maximum 100-m )

2 1 per 1-m Alpha static None required None required MDA *100 2 dpm/1 00cm 100% surface area 1/3 probe width per Alpha scan None required None required second upon positive detection 1 per 50-m2 1 per 42M2 I per 1-m2 Beta static MDA_<1,250 dpm/10 per Minimum 30 locations MDA_<1,250 dpm/100cm2 MDA_<1,250 dpm/100cm 2 survey area 1-m area around static 100% surface area 100% surface area Beta scan point 1 probe width per 1 probe width per 1 probe width per second second second 100% of the floor 100% of the floor Gamma scan 0% of ter surfac surface surface 0.25 m per second 0.25 m per second Removable One 100-cm 2 wipe per One 100-cm 2 wipe per One 100-cm2 wipe per alpha activity static location static location static location wipe MDA <15 dem/100cm 2 MDA *15 dpm/I100cm 2 MDA *15 dem/10O0cm 2 Removable beta One 100-cm' wipe per One 100-cm2 wipe per One 100-cm wipe per aciiywipe2 static location static location static location MDA *50 dpm/100cm MDA *<50 dpm/100cm 2 MDA <50 dpm/100cm 2 per 4-mi 1 per 4-m2 Exposure rate None Exposure_rate I None(floor surfaces only) (floor surfaces only) 5.5.3 Reference Grids Grid pattern were established at the site to facilitate systematic selection of measuring/sampling locations; to provide a mechanism for referencing a measurement/sample back to a specific location so that the same survey point can be relocated and to provide a convenient means for determining average activity levels.

A grid consists of a system of intersecting lines, referenced to a fixed site location or benchmark.

Typically, the grid lines are arranged in a perpendicular pattern, dividing the survey location into squares of equal area.

Grid patterns were identified using a Cartesian Alpha-Numeric coordinate system (XY) where AO is the southwest-most corner of the floor for each unit or subunit and the lower left-hand corner of any wall in a unit or subunit. On floors, the x-axis runs east-west and the y-axis runs north-south. On walls, the axes match the grid established for the floor resulting in the floor grid wrapping onto the walls. All measurements are in meters. Ceiling surfaces utilized a superimposition of the floor grid system to readily identify survey locations. For example, grid location B2 on the ceiling was directly above grid location B2 on the floor.

24 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. Rev. 2 2 24

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Partial grids, i.e. grids less than 1-m in at least one direction, are evaluated individually. Normally an area less than 0.5-m is attached to the previous grid block and one greater than 0.5-m is designated as a new grid block.

To facilitate survey design and assure that the number of survey data points from an area was sufficient to enable statistical evaluation, areas were divided into survey units or sub-units (as appropriate) that have common history, other common characteristics, or are naturally distinguishable from other portions of the site. Survey units could combine adjacent rooms or areas that have the same contamination potential. To account for the possibility of combining adjacent rooms or areas into a unit, subunit designations are used. A subunit is the smallest unique area of a unit having the same potential for contamination.

Typically, a subunit is a room within a survey unit that has a distinct grid system.

The location of any grid can be located by identifying the Section number, Unit number, and Sub-unit number for that grid. Typical nomenclature is as follows:

Section # - Survey Unit # - Sub-unit #


Section Number = 1 through 3 as identified above Survey Unit Number = 1 through x (where x varies by section)

Sub-unit Number = 1 through y (where y varies by unit)

For example, Grid 3-13-2 is in Section 3, in Unit 13 in Sub-unit 2.

Instances where the sub-unit is absent is an indication that the unit is sufficiently small to be evaluated in its' entirety. Lower Surfaces Lower surfaces are defined as floors and walls up to 2-meter height. This would include structural supports, doors, windows, and any other item or structural member present within that 2-meter area. Upper Surfaces Upper surfaces are defined as those surfaces above 2-meter height. In general, upper surfaces within an unaffected area are exempt from survey requirements. Upper surfaces within an affected area may be classified as either affected or unaffected depending on the contamination potential. For project purposes, any upper surface within an affected area will be considered unaffected unless survey results or process knowledge indicate a need for reclassification.

Data set analysis for some affected surfaces show that the surface area exceeds 100-M2, the maximum allowable by NUREG-5849. In these areas, the data sets are further delineated using sub-unit designators and individually analyzed for compliance with the requirements of NUREG-5849 and the license release criteria.

5.6 Background Level Determination Instrument background readings were taken each day and are used to adjust the final status survey data in order to provide a net activity.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 5.7 FSS Survey Methods A description of each of the FSS survey methods is presented below.

5.7.1 Static measurement A two-minute fixed point measurement was collected for total alpha and/or beta-gamma activity at each selected location. For this survey type, the probe was placed on the selected surface and left in place while the instrument collected count data for the pre-set time of two minutes at which point the instrument signaled completion of the data collection with an audible tone.

5.7.2 Scan This consisted of a slow scan of the selected area or item for total alpha and/or beta-gamma activity with the detector as close as practical to the surface. Scan rates were dependent on the type of survey being performed. A scan for alpha and beta-gamma emitters was performed at 1/3 probe-width per second. A scan for only beta-gamma emitters was done at one probe-width per second. Scan rates were calculated based upon the formula presented into Section 5.3.3.

5.7.3 Removable Activity Wipe Removable activity wipes were collected at each location with a 47-mm diameter cloth wipe and was2 analyzed on-site using the Ludlum Model 2929 counters. To perform the wipe test for FSS, the 100-cm area which received the static measurement was wiped with the cloth using moderate pressure.

Removable activity wipes were collected to assess the activity of the low energy beta emitters C-14 and H-3. To perform the wipe test, a 100-cm 2 area was wiped with the scintillation wipe using moderate pressure. The wipe was dissolved in a scintillation cocktail and counted using a QuantaSmartTM liquid scintillation counter.

5.7.4 MicroR Exposure Rate Floors received a microR exposure rate survey taken at waist height of the technician. Exposure rate surveys of walls, ceilings, and other surfaces were not required.

5.7.5 Building and Equipment Surfaces To assure a consistent survey method, common building and equipment surfaces received FSS surveys consisting of static surface measurements, surface activity scans, and gamma exposure rate surveys using the procedure described below.

1. Survey floors, walls, ceilings, and larger miscellaneous equipment/items on separate survey forms.

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2. Acquire a survey serial number from the Final Status Survey logbook. This number shall begin with FSS- and progress sequentially starting with 001. Be sure to fill in all requested information in the Final Status Survey logbook.
3. Completely fill in all requested preliminary information on the "Final Status Survey Form".

If an item does not apply, enter "N/A" in that location.

4. Begin with a scan of the 1-meter area bounded by the grid location (i.e. A-i) at 1-probe width per second for general affected areas or 1/3-probe width per second in alpha affected areas.
5. Note whether the location has physical features in the comment section of the survey form (i.e. doors, windows, columns, etc.).
6. Make note of any area(s) that appear(s) elevated.
7. Record the minimum and maximum counts-per-minute (CPM) of the scan on the Final Status Survey Form in the appropriate blocks.
8. Perform a static count at the most elevated area within the one-meter square. If no area appears to be elevated, perform the count at the lower left comer of the one-meter square.
9. Record the static count in the appropriate block on the Final Status Survey Form.
10. If the static count is *100 dpm!1OOcm 2 alpha and <5,000 dpm!1OOcm 2 beta, go to step 16.
11. If the static count is >100 dpm/100cm 2 alpha and/or 5,000 dpm/100cm 2 beta, scan the area around the hot spot to determine to size of the elevated area.
12. Document the estimated size and static count on the "Elevated Area Survey Form".
13. If the elevated area is >300 dpm/1OOcm 2 alpha; >15,000 dpm/100cm 2 beta; or >100cm 2, document the size of the area and its activity on the Elevated Area Survey (EAS) Form and go to step 15.


14. If the activity of the elevated area is *300 dpm/100cm alpha and <15,000 dpm/1OOcm2 beta, and its' size is *100-cm 2, perform at least 3 additional static measurements at random locations within the 1 meter block, and record these measurements in their approximate locations on the Elevated Area Survey Form.
15. If there are multiple Elevated Areas (EA) within the 1-mi2 block, document all of the EAS on one EAS form.
16. Take a wipe sample (100-cm 2) at the location of the most elevated static count as identified in the above section UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 27

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17. Record a gross exposure rate at 1-meter from the surface and document the reading on the Final Status Survey Form.
18. Analyze the wipe sample, and record the result in the appropriate field of the form.
19. Assure all requested information is completed on the survey forms and put the forms together in the order:

a) Final Status Survey Form b) Elevated Area Survey Form(s) (if necessary) c) Miscellaneous additional documentation (i.e. maps, drawings, comments, etc.)

20. Scan or photocopy the survey package and staple each package together.
21. Proceed to the next survey.

5.7.6 Floor Drains and Embedded Pipe Floor drains and portions of embedded pipe which remained following remediation were surveyed using a procedure equivalent to that used at the UCLA Boelter Reactor decommissioning. Specifically, direct measurements, scans, and removable activity wipes were collected at each access point using appropriate FSS instrumentation. Interior surfaces were swabbed using an absorbent cloth and counted using field instruments and with the wipe counters. All measurement results were less than the guideline limits.

5.7.7 Excavations When a drainline was excavated, soil samples and/or direct gross gamma scan measurements were conducted in the open excavation. All gamma scan results corresponded to background levels. Eleven soil samples were collected from selected areas beneath the removed drainlines for volumetric analysis. There is no applicable release guideline limits established for either the gross gamma measurements or the volumetric samples, but the information was collected to provide a substantial indication that the drainline did not have any leaks throughout its operational lifespan. The table below summarizes the analyses of the primary radionuclides of concern from those listed in Section 5.4 for the collected soils samples. The full radiochemistry analysis results are provided in Attachment 39.

Table 5-6 Soil Sample Radiochemistry Results Co-60 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 Sample Result MDC Result MDC Result MDC Result MDC ID Location (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi /) 0Ci/ (pCi/g)

Process pit /

Radiochemistry west lab sink Wl+l junction <MDC 4.74E-02 <MDC 6.55E-02 <MDC 1.40E-01 <MDC 1.04E-01 North bioshield W2+2 branch <MDC 8.68E-02 <MDC 7.19E-02 <MDC 2.12E-01 <MDC 2.05E-01 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 28

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Co-60 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 Sample Result MDC Result MDC Result MDC Result MDC ID Location (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Process pit /

S+3 mainline junction <MDC 1.08E-01 <MDC 1.07E-01 <MDC 2.25E-01 <MDC 1.94E-01 Bioshield /

N-2 mainline junction <MDC 9.49E-02 <MDC 1.06E-01 <MDC 2.79E-01 <MDC 1.89E-01 Process pit elbow in Crystal Spectroscopy W1+5 Room <MDC 5.92E-02 <MDC 7.96E-02 <MDC 2.17E-01 <MDC 1.53E-01 Radiochemistry Lab / east lab sink S+2 junction <MDC 6.64E-02 <MDC 6.88E-02 <MDC 2.42E-01 <MDC 1.68E-01 Mainline exit from 1.72E-01 SSI building <MDC 1.23E-01 +/-7.76E-02 <MDC 3.17E-01 <MDC 1.95E-01 Emergency shower

/ sink junction in SS1O Experiment Room <MDC 7.70E-02 <MDC 7.48E-02 <MDC 2.23 E-01 <MDC 1.67E-01 Retention tank 2.95E-01 SS11 outlet <MDC 1.05E-01 +/-1.34E-01 <MDC 2.97E-01 <MDC 2.25E-01 Elbow outside SS4 building <MDC 1.19E-01 <MDC 9.08E-02 <MDC 2.43E-01 <MDC 1.78E-01 Sink in Experiment SS8 Room <MDC 6.48E-02 <MDC 8.67E-02 <MDC 3.19e-01 <MDC 2.04E-0I 29 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. Rev. 22 29

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 6 FINAL STATUS SURVEY EVALUATION 6.1 Statistical Analysis FSS data was evaluated relative to conditions established for unrestricted release in USNRC License R-73. This included organization of collected data into data sets, and analysis of each data set using methods described in NUREG/CR-5849.

For comparison to guideline values, the FSS data was organized into units, taking into consideration physical location, size, and classification to meet criteria described in NUREG/CR-5849. Each data set from each unit was evaluated using three statistical tests. An area that passed the three statistical tests is considered to have met the unrestricted release criteria for the facility.

In the first test, the size of the data set was checked to determine if it was of sufficient size to demonstrate compliance. The number of data points required was determined using the formula 8-21 in NUREG/

CR-5849 along with the guideline value, the data set mean value, and the standard deviation. If the number of data points was less than required, then additional measurements would be required to demonstrate compliance.

The second test compared individual measurements directly against the appropriate guideline value. If the elevated activity of an area was between the guideline value and the allowed maximum value, additional testing would be required to assure that the average surface activity level within the contiguous 1-im 2 area containing the elevated area is less than the guideline value. Residual activity exceeding the maximum value limit would require remediation and follow-up surveys.

Finally, a test was performed to confirm that the data met the guidelines at the 95% confidence level. For this test the means and standard deviations of each data set were determined for each radiological parameter. These values were used along with the actual number of individual measurements, a false positive probability of 5%, and a false negative value of 10%, to determine a value of Jta according to formula 8-13 in NUREG/CR-5849. This value was then compared to the guideline value and if it was less than the guideline, the area tested met the guideline at a 95% confidence level.

An additional test was performed for unaffected areas. For these areas, all individual measurements were checked to determine if the values were less than 25% of the guideline. Any unaffected area that exceeded the 25% value would be reclassified as affected.

When the data sets for a unit were determined to pass each of these statistical tests, the unit met the release criteria. If the data set failed to pass the statistical tests, the cause of the failure would be evaluated.

6.2 Data Preparation Prior to performing any statistical analysis on the collected survey data, it must first be converted into standardized units over a standardized area. Typically this is to net disintegrations per minute per 100 square centimeters (DPM/100cm2 ). This is a straight-forward conversion following industry standard techniques done by utilizing the total efficiency formula in Section 5.3.4 and correcting for the detection area of the instrument probe. Therefore, the completed formula for handheld field instruments is:

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 2 - C, - Cb Net DPM/100cm A

E, Where:

Cr = Instrument Counts per One Minute Cb = Instrument Daily Background Counts per One Minute Et = Total instrument efficiency A = Probe detection area in cm2 Removable activity counters utilize only the source efficiency from Section 5.3.4, but account for a wiping efficiency of 90% using the formula:

2 Cr Cb Net DPMIOOcm =

E, 0.9 Where:

Cr = Instrument Counts per One Minute Cb = Instrument Daily Background Counts per One Minute E, = Instrument source efficiency 31 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 7 FINAL STATUS SURVEY RESULTS This section provides detailed descriptions of the results of the Final Status Survey activities for each unit.

A release status determination was made for each survey unit based on a review of available data and the results of statistical analyses described in the previous sections. Statistical analyses were performed in accordance with guidelines provided in NUJREG/CR-5849. Attachments 1 through 38 contain information such as relevant drawings, unit location and description, statistical analyses, and the FSS data. Figures and information associated with drain lines and excavations are included in Section 10, analytical results of collected volumetric soil samples are included in Attachment 39.

7.1 Survey Units Table 7-1 below provides a summary of the unit identifier, location, and classification for each of the survey units.

Table 7-1 Survey Unit Identification Unit ID Location Class 1-1 Counting Room AA 1-2 Experiment Room AA 1-3 Reactor Room AA 1-4 Crystal Spectroscopy Room AA 1-5 Radiochemistry Laboratory AA 1-6 Robotics Laboratory GA 1-7 Offices, restrooms, and hallway UN 2-1 Control Room GA 2-2 Lecture Briefing Room GA 2-3 Stairs, 2nd Floor Foyer, Fan Loft, and Mechanical Equipment Room UN 3-1 Building Exterior UN 3-2 Retention Tanks and Valve Gallery AA 7.1.1 Unit 1-1 Counting Room The Counting Room is located on the ground floor in the northwest comer of the building and was classified as alpha affected. It is a windowless room approximately 4-m by 4-m in size. A unique feature is an approximately 1-m x 1-m x 1-m 'cave' located in the north wall. The cave was constructed with a shielded door and was used to store highly radioactive sources. As part of the remediation and in preparation for FSS, the shield door and lead bricks were removed. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 1.

7.1.2 Unit 1-2 Experiment Room The Experiment Room is located on the ground floor along the north side of the building and was classified as alpha affected. It is a windowless room approximately 6-m by 5-m in size with an emergency escape hatchway in the northeast comer. As part of the remediation and in preparation for FSS, the south partition wall separating the Experiment Room from the Reactor Room was removed, leaving only the UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 32

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 original concrete archway. This unit was divided into two sub-units in order to meet size restrictions for an affected area.

7.1.2,1 Sub-Unit 1-2-1 Experiment Room Ceiling, East and North Walls The Experiment Room ceiling, east and north walls were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 63-mi2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 2. Sub-Unit 1-2-2 Experiment Room Floor, South and West Walls The Experiment Room floor, south and west walls were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 55-mr2 in surface area. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 3.

7.1.3 Unit 1-3 Reactor Room The Reactor Room is located on the ground floor in the center of the building and was classified as alpha affected. It is the largest room in the facility and measures approximately 14-m by 10-m in size and is approximately 10.5-m high. As part of the remediation and in preparation for FSS, the north partition wall separating the Experiment Room from the Reactor Room and the south partition wall separating the Reactor Room from the Crystal Spectroscopy Room were removed, leaving only the original concrete archways. This unit was divided into 18 sub-units in order to meet the 100-M2 size restriction for an affected area. Sub-Unit 1-3-1 Overhead Crane The portions of the overhead crane remaining after remediation were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. Fifty-two survey locations were identified on all of the crane surfaces which included the fixed travel rails on the north and south ends of the Reactor Room and the mobile bridge that spanned the travel rails. The movable lifting trolley was removed as part of the remediation. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in . Sub-Unit 1-3-2 Fuel and Process Pit Blocks Reinforced concrete blocks were used to cover the process pit and the fuel storage pits. These were grouped together as a sub-unit along with a portion of one remaining reactor shield block for statistical analysis. There were 27 survey locations for this sub-unit. Four exposure rate measurements were taken on the reactor shield block. The remaining exposure rate measurements were collected as part of the corresponding floor survey once the process pit and fuel storage pit blocks were returned to their normal positions. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 5. Sub-Unit 1-3-3 Fuel Storage Tubes The fuel storage pit contains 54 steel lined tubes 1.5 meters in depth embedded in concrete and recessed approximately 20 cm below the Reactor Room floor surface. Each tube is 10 cm in diameter. Each tube UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 33

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 yielded 0.6-M2 of internal surface area. Three reinforced concrete blocks were normally in place over the storage pits.

As per the Decommissioning Plan, each tube received 5 alpha and beta-gamma static counts, two alpha and beta-gamma removable surveys, one gamma exposure survey and one liquid scintillation wipe for hard to detect radionuclides. Total alpha activity for the sides of the tubes was measured with an air proportional 50-cm 2 detector. Total beta-gamma activity was collected with a 17.5-cm 2 Geiger-Mueller detector. Each tube was also scanned for total alpha and total beta-gamma activity. This scan was used to select the five locations for fixed point static measurement.

A total of five locations exceeded their respective guidelines limits, but were less than the maximum guideline limits. Three locations exceeded the total alpha activity guideline of 100 dpm/100-cm 2 and two locations exceeded the total beta-gamma activity guideline of 5,000 dpm/100-cm . The activity scans indicate that each area of elevated activity is less than 100-cm2 in area. The elevated areas subsequently were evaluated for weighted average activity over the internal area of the tube. In each case, the weighted average activity was deemed to meet criteria.

Table 7-2 provides a summary of the elevated result and the weighted average result by location. In no case were there two elevated areas within one tube.

Table 7-2 Elevated Activity Evaluation Location ID Elevated Result Weighted Average A2 :8 147 dpm/IOOcm 2 total Measurements equal alpha activity background B2: 7 201 dpmr/OOcm 2 total 19 dpm/IOOcm 2 total alpha activity alpha activity B2: 8 124 dpm/1OOcm 2 total 9 dpm/1OOcm 2 total alpha activity alpha activity BO: 6 5,278 dpm/100cm 2 total Measurements equal beta-gamma activity background A2: 3 6,500 dpm100cm 2 total Measurements equal beta-gamma activity background All other survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 6, liquid scintillation analytical results for the fuel storage tubes are provided in Attachment 7.

The 50-cm 2 air proportional alpha detector provided the best resource for meeting the source-to-detector distance required by the instrument use procedures (i.e. no greater than 1-cm) when used on the curved surface within the fuel storage tubes. With the detector edges in contact with the tube wall, the maximum detector distance from the detector face to the apex of the tube wall was calculated to be 1.2-cm. This means the average source-to-detector distance was 0.6-cm, thereby meeting the procedural requirement of a distance no greater than 1-cm.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 During the data evaluation phase, the total efficiency is area-corrected to reflect the size of the 50-cm 2 detector using the formula:

2 Cr - Cb Net DPM/100cm -

Et *( A1 Where:

Cr = Instrument Counts per One Minute Cb = Instrument Daily Background Counts per One Minute Et = Total instrument efficiency A = Probe detection area in cm 2 7.1.3A4 Sub-Units 1-3-4 through 1-3-6 These Sub-Unit numbers were not utilized due to data management planning methodologies.

7.1.3,5 Sub-Unit 1-3-7 Reactor Room North Wall 0 To 4-m The lower portions (up to 4-m above the floor surface) of the Reactor Room north wall were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 55-mr2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in . Sub-Unit 1-3-8 Reactor Room North Wall 5 To 9-m The upper portions (5-m above the floor surface and beyond) of the Reactor Room north wall were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 67-M 2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 9. Sub-Unit 1-3-9 Reactor Room South Wall 0 To 4-m The lower portions (up to 4-m above the floor surface) of the Reactor Room south wall were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 58-M2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in 0. Sub-Unit 1-3-10 Reactor Room South Wall 5 To 9-m The upper portions (5-m above the floor surface and beyond) of the Reactor Room north wall were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 67-M2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. All UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 35

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 11. Sub-Unit 1-3-11 Reactor Room West Ceiling Grids A-D Including Beams The western third of the Reactor Room ceiling was grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis.

This sub-unit is approximately 88-M 2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. The ceiling construction includes 0.5 meters deep x 15 cm wide beams with a flat surface approximately 1 meter between. For simplicity, each 1-meter long section of flat surface was surveyed as one square meter and each 1-meter long section of beam was surveyed as one-square meter. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 12. Sub-Unit 1-3-12 Reactor Room Center Ceiling Grids E-H Including Beams The center third of the Reactor Room ceiling was grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis.

This sub-unit is approximately 88-M 2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. The ceiling construction includes 0.5 meters deep x 15 cm wide beams with a flat surface approximately 1 meter between. For simplicity, each 1-meter long section of flat surface was surveyed as one square meter and each i-meter long section of beam was surveyed as one-square meter. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 13. Sub-Unit 1-3-13 Reactor Room East Ceiling Grids I-L Including Beams The center third of the Reactor Room ceiling was grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis.

This sub-unit is approximately 77-mi2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. The ceiling construction includes 1.5 meter deep x 15 cm wide beams with a flat surface approximately 1 meter between. For simplicity, each 1-meter long section of flat surface was surveyed as one square meter and each 1-meter long section of beam was surveyed as one-square meter. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 14. Sub-Unit 1-3-14 Reactor Room West Wall The western wall survey locations of the Reactor Room were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 91-mi2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 15. Sub-Unit 1-3-15 Reactor Room East Wall 0 To 4-m The lower portions (up to 4-m above the floor surface) of the Reactor Room east wall were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 60-mi2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in 6.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Sub-Unit 1-3-16 Reactor Room East Wall 5 To 9-m The upper portions (5-m above the floor surface and beyond) of the Reactor Room east wall were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 59-rM2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 17. Sub-Units 1-3-17 through 1-3-19 These Sub-Unit numbers were not utilized due to data management planning methodologies. Sub-Unit 1-3-20 Bioshield North Wall Including Beam Ports The surfaces of the northern half of the remaining portion of the bioshield and the floor of the bioshield2 interior were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 81-rm in surface area. While this sub-unit is classified as alpha affected, heavily remediated portions of the bioshield interior and the beam ports received surveys as general affected. Sufficient material was removed during remediation to eliminate concern of any of the plutonium incident residual activity remaining attached to the surfaces and volumetric samples of the bioshield indicated a lack of alpha emitting nuclides in the concrete. Three beam port penetrations were surveyed independently for beta-gamma and removable activity.

Rough surfaces within the remediated portions of the bioshield interior may have had an adverse effect on the detection efficiencies during FSS. Assurance is provided that detection efficiency was not affected by a resurvey of select locations using a smaller 17.5-cm2 Ludlum model 44-9 Geiger-Mueller detector capable of maintaining a surface to detector distance of no greater than 1-cm. During this survey, measurement results are consistent with those obtained with the larger gas proportional Ludlum 43-68 detectors.

The beta-gamma release criteria for this sub-unit and sub-unit 1-3-21 (the south bioshield) were reduced to 1700 dpm/100cm 2 for total surface activity and 340 dpm/1OOcm 2 for removable surface activity to account for the potential presence of tritium in the bioshield concrete. Using a 1.86:1 ratio of tritium to beta-gamma emitters, the beta-gamma limit of 1700 dpm/100cm2 , would equate to 3160 dpm/100 cm 2 tritium, which is below the release criteria for tritium in the Decommissioning Plan of 5000 dpm/100cm2 .

Use of this criteria, which is for removable activity, is conservative in that the volumetric analysis was performed for total activity. Additional conservatism is provided through the application of the unity rule.

The unity calculation is performed to assure that differing release criteria for multiple radionuclides do not result in a total contamination above release levels. This is accomplished by formula 4-3 from the MARSSIM:

Unity C1 + C2 C, DCGL1 DCGL2 DCGLn Where:

C = radionuclide concentration DCGL = appropriate radionuclide release limit Applying this calculation to the release limits for beta-gamma emitters (1700 dpmrlOOcm2 ) and tritium (5000 dpm/1OOcm 2) results in a unity value of 0.97, thereby assuring that a beta-gamma survey value that UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 37

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 is equal to the reduced criteria results in true compliance to all release criteria. The calculations for the modified release criteria and unity rule are provided in Attachment 41. As a result, all survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in 8. Sub-Unit 1-3-21 Bioshield South Wall Including Beam Ports The surfaces of the southern half of the remaining portion of the bioshield were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 68-M 2 in surface area. While this sub-unit is classified as alpha affected, heavily remediated portions of the bioshield interior and the beam ports received surveys as general affected. Sufficient material was removed during remediation to eliminate concern of any of the plutonium incident residual activity remaining attached to the surfaces and volumetric samples of the bioshield indicated a lack of alpha emitting nuclides in the concrete. Three beam port penetrations were surveyed independently for beta-gamma and removable activity. The beta-gamma release limit for this sub-unit was also reduced to 1700 dpm/100 cm2 to account for the presence of tritium. Select locations within the remediated portions of the bioshield were surveyed with a smaller detector as was described in the above section to verify the detection efficiency was not adversely affected by the rough surfaces. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 19. Sub-Unit 1-3-22 through 1-3-29 These Sub-Unit numbers were not utilized due to data management planning methodologies. Sub-Unit 1-3-30 Process Pit All surfaces of the process pit were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This included removable activity surveys of all penetrations into the process pit, such as drain lines from the reactor core and electrical conduits. All penetrations were swabbed and analyzed for removable activity. This included 4 penetrations on the east wall, one penetration on each the south and west walls, and 7 penetrations on the north wall. One pipe penetration, NPP-5, was large enough to survey directly with a GM detector, therefore, a direct scan of the penetration interior for total beta-gamma activity was performed. This sub-unit is approximately 68-mi2 in surface area. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 20. Sub-Unit 1-3-31 through 1-3-39 These Sub-Unit numbers were not utilized due to data management planning methodologies. Sub-Unit 1-3-40 Reactor Room Floor West Grids A-G The survey locations of the western half of the Reactor Room floor were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 65-mi2 in surface area. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 21. Sub-Unit 1-3-41 Reactor Room Floor East Grids H-N The survey locations of the eastern half of the Reactor Room floor were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 57-mr2 in surface area and included utility trenches.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Portions of the floor were removed during drain line remediation. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 22.

7.1.4 Unit 1-4 Crystal Spectroscopy Room The Crystal Spectroscopy Room is located on the ground floor in the southwest comer of the building and was classified as alpha affected. It is a windowless room approximately 10-m by 4-m in size with an emergency escape hatchway in the southeast comer. As part of the remediation and in preparation for FSS, the north partition wall separating the Crystal Spectroscopy Room from the Reactor Room was removed, leaving only the original concrete archway. The Crystal Spectroscopy Room housed the air handling and coolant systems for the restricted areas. This unit was divided into three sub-units in order to meet size restrictions for an affected area. Sub-Unit 1-4-1 Crystal Spectroscopy Room Ceiling, East, North, and West #2 Walls The survey locations for the ceiling, east wall, north wall, and a partial wall attached to the north wall were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 87-M 2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken.

All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 23. Sub-Unit 1-4-2 Crystal Spectroscopy Room Floor, West and South Walls The survey locations for the floor, west wall, and south wall were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 96-mr2 in surface area. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 24. Sub-Unit 1-4-3 Crystal Spectroscopy Overhead Piping A total of 32 survey locations associated with sealed overhead piping which carried supply water to and from the restricted area coolant systems was grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. The pipes were surveyed and grid coordinates applied based upon the overhead ceiling grid coordinate in which the pipe was located. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 25.

7.1.5 Unit 1-5 Radiochemistry Lab The survey locations contained within the Radiochemistry Laboratory were grouped together as a subý unit for statistical analysis as an alpha affected unit. The Radiochemistry Lab dimensions are approximately 4-m x 4.5-m with approximately 87-mr2 in total surface area. Portions of the floor were removed during drain line remediation. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits.

FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 26.

7.1.6 Unit 1-6 Robotics Laboratory The Robotics Laboratory is located on the ground floor in the southeast comer of the building. The room dimensions are approximately 8-m x 9-m. Due to limited space in the facility, the room was used during UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 39

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 D&D activities to store full waste boxes prior to shipment. The waste boxes received a complete release survey prior to removal from the restricted area to ensure no removable activity was present on the exterior surfaces of the box. This unit is classified as a general affected unit. A small electrical equipment room (aka Transformer Room) is located in the southwest comer of the Robotics Laboratory and was included in this unit. This unit was divided into four sub-units in order to meet size restrictions for an affected area. Sub-Unit 1-6-1 Robotics Lab Floor The survey locations for the floor were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 80-M 2 in total surface area. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 27. Sub-Unit 1-6-2 Robotics Lab West and South Walls The survey locations for the west and south walls and were grouped together with locations in the Transformer Room as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 96-r 2 in total surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken.

All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 28. Sub-Unit 1-6-3 Robotics Lab East and North Walls The survey locations for the east and north walls were grouped as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 88-M 2 in total surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits.

FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 29. Sub-Unit 1-6-4 Robotics Lab Ceiling The survey locations for the Robotics Lab ceiling were grouped as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 88-mi2 in total surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits.

FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 30.

7.1.7 Unit 1-7 Offices, Restrooms, and Hallway The remaining portions of the first floor were identified during review of the Characterization Report as unaffected and were grouped together as a unit for statistical analysis. Thirty randomly selected locations received surveys. The survey results underwent the standard FSS statistical analysis and were also evaluated to ensure no individual measurement exceeded 25% of the appropriate criteria. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in 1.

7.1.8 Unit 2-1 Control Room The Control Room is located in the center of the 2nd floor with an overlooking view of the Reactor Room.

This room was identified during a review of the Characterization Report as a general affected area. The UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 40

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 dimensions are approximately 7-m x 4-m. This unit was divided into two sub-units in order to meet size restrictions for an affected area. Sub-Unit 2-1-1 Control Room Ceiling, East, and North Walls The Control Room ceiling, east and north walls were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 80-mi2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 32. Sub-Unit 2-1-2 Control Room Floor, South, and West Walls The Control Room floor, south and west walls were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis.

This sub-unit is approximately 68-m 2 in surface area. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 33.

7.1.9 Unit 2-2 Lecture Briefing Room The Lecture Briefing Room is located in the southeast comer of the 2 nd floor with an overlooking view of the Reactor Room. This room was identified during a review of the Characterization Report as a general affected area. The dimensions are approximately 5-m x 5-m. This unit was divided into two sub-units in order to meet size restrictions for an affected area. Sub-Unit 2-2-1 Lecture Briefing Room Ceiling, East, and North Walls The Lecture Briefing Room ceiling, east and north walls were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 64-mr2 in surface area. Since no floor surfaces are within this sub-unit, no exposure rate measurements were taken. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 34. Sub-Unit 2-2-2 Lecture Briefing Room Floor, South, and West Walls The Lecture Briefing Room floor, south and west walls were grouped together as a sub-unit for statistical analysis. This sub-unit is approximately 60-mr2 in surface area. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 35.

7.1.10 Unit 2-3 Stairs, 2nd Floor Foyer, Fan Room, and Mechanical Room The remaining portions of the second floor were identified during review of the Characterization Report as unaffected and were grouped together as a unit for statistical analysis. Thirty randomly selected locations received surveys. The survey results underwent the standard FSS statistical analysis and were also evaluated to ensure no individual measurement exceeded 25% of the appropriate criteria. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in 6.

2 41 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 7.1.11 Unit 3-1 Building Exterior The exterior surfaces of the building were grouped as a survey unit for statistical analysis as an unaffected area. A total of random 36 survey locations were chosen covering all external surfaces, including walls, roof, and the patio area surrounding the second floor. The survey results underwent the standard FSS statistical analysis and were also evaluated to ensure no individual measurement exceeded 25% of the appropriate criteria. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 37.

7.1.12 Unit 3-2 Retention Tanks and Valve Gallery Two retention tanks and an associated central control valve gallery are located at and below ground level approximately 5-m south of the building. Each tank is approximately 2-m x 2-m x 2-m in size and the valve gallery is approximately 2-m x 1-rn x 2-m in size. This unit was classified as an alpha affected area due to elevated alpha activity found during characterization verification surveys following the clean out of the tanks. All survey results in this unit are less than the guideline limits. FSS results and a statistical summary are provided in Attachment 38.

42 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. Rev. 2 2 42

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 8 FSS QUALITY ASSURANCE 8.1 Project Objective The objective of the FSS Quality Assurance section is to provide a description of the policies and procedures utilized to assure data quality in support of the decommissioning of the UWNR.

8.2 Quality Objectives The methods described in this document were utilized to ensure that the data collection and analysis achieved the Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) set forth for the UW-MHA Decommissioning. The methods employed to ensure such quality were:

  • Careful planning and design of methods and procedures;
  • Selection of qualified personnel and thorough training of the personnel to the procedures
  • Audits and reviews of collected data to verify accuracy;
  • Identification and correction of problems or uncertainties as they arise.

8.3 Criteria for Measurement Data The decommissioning release criteria for measurement data is based upon Regulatory Guide 1.86

'Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors'.

8.4 Special Training Requirements/Certification Prior to beginning work on the project, each Radiation Control Technician (RCT) received training on all pertinent project procedures. This training included, at a minimum, review of the operation of each radiological survey instrument, discussion of the QA/QC expectations, and review of the data collection and documentation procedures. The Safety and Compliance Manager documented the training on an attendance roster and retained the documentation on-site.

8.5 Documentation and Records All documentation pertinent to the final status of the UW-MHA decommissioning project was maintained on-site by the Safety and Compliance Manager.

8.6 Instrument Calibration and Frequency At a minimum, radiological instruments were calibrated:

UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 43

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492

  • Semi-Annually
  • Following any repair that may affect the calibration
  • When the pre-operational source check is greater than +/-10% difference from the initial source response 8.7 Assessments and Response Actions 8.7.1 QA/QC Assessment Checklist Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) checklists provided a method for assuring survey accuracy and provided a manner in which to identify and correct discrepancies. The following is the general guidance provided to the QA/QC manager to verify the proper completion of QA/QC Assessment Checklist for the UWNR decommissioning project.
1. Begin with an appropriate blank QA/QC Checklist.
2. Each checklist has a review information section that contains at a minimum QA/QC reviewer, review date, item reviewed, and an approval/rejection indicator. Ensure each of these blocks is complete, if an item does not apply, enter "N/A" in that block.
3. A section is present on each checklist that is specific to the information being examined. This section will contain block-columns for "Y", "N", "Item", and "Corrective Action / Comments"
4. In all cases, a definitive mark placed in the "Y" block-column indicates an acceptable item condition and a definitive mark in the "N" block-column indicates a deficiency condition that requires corrective action for that item.
5. Any mark placed in the acknowledgement section should be definitive in that it should not cross block boundaries and it should positively indicate which block is selected. A suggested mark would be an. "X" placed within one block.
6. The "Item" block-column describes that which the reviewer is to examine and determine the acceptance or rejection thereof. In most cases, this item is strictly "Yes" or "No" and is not subject to outside conditions or reviewer opinion.
7. The "Corrective Action / Comments" block-column provides space for the reviewer to provide a suggested course of corrective action or it may be used to call attention to a potential future condition to be examined (i.e. "Numbers '1' and '7' appear similar on the datasheet").
8. If each line item has been satisfied (only "Y" acknowledgement blocks are marked), the checklist is approved and should receive an appropriate indicator in the approval area of the QA/QC Review Information section.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492

9. If corrective action is necessary, complete a new checklist once all action items have been satisfied and attach the new checklist to the original. Repeat as necessary until the checklist receives an "Approved" mark.
10. File all "Approved" checklists in the UWNR QA/QC file.

8.8 QA/QC Verification Surveys QA/QC verification surveys were performed once a survey unit FSS was completed. At a minimum, one QA/QC Verification survey was performed for each survey unit as a standard practice. This was done to provide an early indication of potential problems with final status survey procedures/guidelines, instrumentation, and/or possible cross-contamination from ongoing site decontamination activities. All verification surveys were performed in accordance with the UWNR FSS Plan. Verification of final status surveys included the investigation of documentation, survey protocol, instrument calibration, and any practice associated with the collection of survey data. Verification surveys were completed by the Safety and Compliance Manager or, at the discretion of the Safety and Compliance Manager, by a different technician than performed the original survey.

QA/QC verification surveys were performed on at least 5% of each survey unit. All requested information was verified complete on the surveys and all instruments were verified to be properly available for use, i.e., each instrument had received a valid daily pre-operational check. Locations within a survey unit were randomly selected for verification. The verification survey followed the same survey protocol utilized for FSS surveys. Upon completion of the verification survey, each verification location was directly compared against the original FSS location. If the QA/QC survey result was less than the final status survey result, no action was necessary. If there was a net difference within +25%, no action was required.

If the net QA/QC survey result was +25% or greater, the net count differential was added to the net QA/QC survey result to calculate an adjusted net QA/QC value. If this adjusted net QA/QC value was less than unrestricted release criteria appropriate to the survey, no further action was required. If the adjusted net QA/QC result was greater than the unrestricted release criteria appropriate to the survey, "Invalid" was written on the Final Status Survey copy and in the appropriate entry of the Final Status Survey logbook along with the QA/QC reviewers' initials and date and designate locations on that survey to be resurveyed. All QA/QC verification surveys indicated the original FSS surveys to be valid and no corrective action and/or resurveys were necessary.

8.9 Data Entry and Review During data entry, all survey forms were reviewed for completeness and legibility, and survey instrumentation were reviewed to ensure a valid calibration. Any discrepancies or missing information necessitated direct communication with the originating technician for correction. If the originating technician was not available, clarification was obtained from the Safety and Compliance Manager, the on-site RSO, or the survey data was recollected.

QA of the data entry was performed once the handwritten surveys had been entered into electronic versions of the form. The data entry review was performed on at least 5% of the survey records and included the following items:

  • Survey Information (serial numbers, dates, unit, etc.) all corresponded to the survey original UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. 2 45

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492

  • The surface type (wall, floor, ceiling, etc.) was valid
  • The grid (X, Y) represented on the survey form was present and valid
  • Each reading (static measurements, scans, removable activity, etc.) on the electronic copy corresponded to the original survey
  • Comments corresponded to the original survey 8.10 Completeness Review Prior to performance of the FSS statistical analysis, a completeness review was performed to verify that each surface of each survey unit had been adequately surveyed to meet density requirements set in the FSS Plan. This was accomplished by directly comparing the accumulated survey data against prepared survey maps. Any discrepancies were related to the Safety and Compliance Manager and/or the site RSO for investigation or additional survey as appropriate.

8.11 Data Analysis Data analysis was performed utilizing data spreadsheets and analysis routines developed by ENERCON specifically for the evaluation of NUREG/CR-5849 survey data. These spreadsheets have been utilized for many projects and the formulae and analysis routines have received numerous verification and validation reviews.

A master database was created to manage the FSS survey data. This database provided the data source for the individual unit or sub-unit statistical analysis. Only the required survey data was placed into the spreadsheets for analysis. Survey data that was not required, such as alpha survey data collected in an unaffected area or exposure rates collected for a wall surface, was discarded from the analytical sheets, but has been retained in the master database.

46 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev.

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University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 9 REFERENCES

  • United States Nuclear Regulatory License R-73
  • "Standard Format and Content of Decommissioning Plans for Licenses", Regulatory Guide 3.65, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, August 1989
  • "Guidelines for Decontamination of Facilities and Equipment Prior to Release for Unrestricted Use or Termination of Licenses for Byproduct, Source, or Special Nuclear Material", Regulatory Guide 1.86, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, April 1993

" "Manual for Conducting Radiological Surveys in Support of License Termination", NUREG/CR-5849, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1992

  • "NMSS Decommissioning Standard Review Plan", NUREG-1727, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2000

" "Residual Radiation Contamination from Decommissioning", NUREG/CR-5512, Volume 1, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1992

  • "Minimum Detectable Concentrations with Typical Radiation Survey Instruments for Various Contaminants and Field Conditions", NUREG-1507, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1997
  • "Decommissioning of a University Research Reactor", Abelquist et al., 1994

" "Evaluation of Surface Contamination - Part 1: Beta Emitters and Alpha Emitters", ISO-7503-1, International Standards Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1988

" University of Washington Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning Project; Investigation and Analysis Phase; Radiological Characterization Plan, November 1993

  • University of Washington Nuclear Reactor Decommissioning Plan, 1994

" Draft ANSI Standard N13.12 (1978), "Control of Radioactive Surface Contamination on Materials, Equipment, and Facilities to be Released for Uncontrolled Use", ANSI 1978 47 UW-MCP-OP-13 Rev. Rev. 2 2 47

University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 10 SITE MAP DRAWINGS UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2







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/ North

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SDrainline section left in place



University of Washington Final Status Survey Report More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 11 ATTACHMENTS UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 1 - Unit 1-1 Counting Room FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-1 (Counting room)

I Location


I counting room I

'- I + _ _ __ Ir f I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results 2

All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpml/00cm 2) (dpm/100cm ) (pRr)

Number of measurements: 87 87 87 87 19 Number of measurements needed  : 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 45 12 3155 70 0 Mean value of results: 6 1 157 9 0 Standard Deviation ofresults: 10 2 341 18 0 Degree of Freedom (2): 1.665 1.665 1.665 1.665 1.734

  • value: 8 1 218 12 0 Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is pt,, < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-i for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-1 (Counting room)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpin) (cpat) DPM (cpm) (cpmn) DPM DPM 022 08/21/06 AA i W Wall A 0 3 ND ND 380 0 160 4 29 4m2 West Wall 022 08/21/06 AA I W Wall A 2 0 ND ND 106 0 160 0 0 2m2 West Wall 022 08/21/06 AA I W Wall C 0 14 ND ND 159 0 160 0 33 4m2 West Wall 022 08/21/06 AA I W Wall C 2 3 ND ND 143 0 180 0 29 2m2 West Wall 022 08/21/06 AA I W Wall E 0 20 ND ND 151 0 160 0 19 2rn2 West Wall 023 08/21/06 AA 1 S Wall A 0 14 ND ND 131 0 160 0 38 4m2 South Wall 023 08/21/06 AA I S Wall A 2 14 ND ND 86 0 160 0 0 2m2 South Wall 023 08/21/06 AA I S Wall C 0 3 ND ND 111 0 160 0 0 4m2 South Wall 023 08/21/06 AA I S Wall C 2 14 ND ND 133 0 180 0 70 2na2 South Wall 024 08/23/06 AA I Floor A 0 11 0 I 127 0 180 0 0 0 4m2 024 08/23/06 AA I Floor A 2 0 0 2 143 0 160 0 0 0 4mss2 024 08/23/06 AA 1 Floor C 0 22 0 I 161 0 160 0 0 0 4m2 024 08/23/06 AA I Floor C 2 22 0 2 105 0 880 0 38 0 4tn2 024 08/23/06 AA I Floor B 4 45 0 2 107 0 180 0 0 0 hIn2 025 08/24/06 AA I Floor B 4 33 0 ND 263 0 500 0 0 0 4m2 Comipletion ofFSS-024 026 08/20/06 AA I N Wall A 0 0 0 4 0 100 105 0 0 026 08/20/06 AA I N Wall A 1 0 0 0 0 80 125 0 0 026 08/20/06 AA I N Wall A 2 0 0 0 0 800 127 0 0 026 08/20/06 1AA I IN Wall B 0 0 0 0 0 800 105 0 0 N. Wall of'Penetration 026 08/20/06 AA I N Wall B- 1 0 0 0 0 110 187 0 0 026 08/20/06 AA I N Wall B 2 0 0 0 0 1o0 126 0 0 026 08/20/06 AA I N Wall C 0 0 0 0 0 100 130 0 0 026 08/20/06 AA I N Wall C 1 0 0 0 0 60o 120 4 0 026 08/20/06 AA I N Wall C 2 0 0 4 0 100 142 0 0 026 08/20/06 AA I N Wall D 0 0 0 3 0 100 114 0 0 026 08/20/06 AA I N Wail D 1 0 0 1 0 80 130 0 0 026 08/20/06 AA I N Wall D 2 0 0 0 0 100 128 0 0 027 08/24/06 AA I Ceiling A 0 5 0 0 0 60 80 0 0 027 08/24/06 AA I Ceiling A 1 0 0 2 0 60 t00 0 0 027 08/24/06 AA I Ceiling A 2 5 0 4 0 60 80 0 6 027 08/24/06 AA I Ceiling 3 0 0 2 0 60 200 0 0 027 08/24/06 AA I Ceiling D 0 0 0 0 0 60 800 0 0 027 08/24/06 AA I Ceiling B 1 0 0 3 0 60 100 4 0 027 08/24/06 AA I Ceiling B 2 0 0 3 0 60 100 0 0 027 08/24/06 AA I Ceiling 3 0 0 0 0 60 100 0 0 027 08/24/06 AA I Ceiling C 0 0 0 2 0 860 -0 0 027 08/24/06 AA I Ceiling C 1 0 0 0 0 60 100 0 2 027 08/24/06 AA I CeaII C 2 0 ND 0 16 200 0 0 027 08/24/06 AA 1 Ceiling C 3 0 N 0 0 60 820 0 0 027 08/24/06 AA I Ceiling D 0 0 0 1 0 60 800 0 0 027 08/24/06 -AA 1- Ceiling D 1 0 0 2 0 60 100 0 11 027 08124/06 AA I Ceiling D 2 0 0 3 0O 60 i00 10 0 027 08/24106 AA I Ceiling; D 3 0 0 1 0 60 120 0 21 030 08/28/06 AA I W Wall A 0 0 2 0 160 030 09/28/06 AA I W Wait A 1 0 ND NiD 186 0 160 12 2 030 108/28/06 AA I W Wall A 2 ND ND 0 160 030 08/28/06 AA 8 W Wall B 01 0 ND ND 164 0 160 0 0 030 08/28/06 AA I W Wall B 1 5 ND ND 137 0 160 0 0 030 08/28/06_ AA I W Wall g 0 0 2 0 160 030 08/28/06 AA I W Well C 1 0 ND ND 133 0 1 160 0 0 030 08/28/06 AA 1 W Wall C 2 ND ND 0 160 030 08/28/06 AA I W Wall D 0 0 ND ND 152 860 0 8 ENERCON Serices, ie.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-1 (Counting room)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpii) (cpm) DPM (cprm) (cpu) DPM DPM 030 08/28/06 AA I W Wall D 1 12 0 2 182 0 160 0 2 030 08/28/06 AA I W Wall D 2 ND ND 0 160 030 08/28/06 AA I W Wall E 0 ND ND 0 160 030 08/28/06 AA I W Wall B 2 ND ND 0 160 0 17 031 08/28/06 AA I IE Wall A 0 0 1 0 0 031 08/28/06 AA I E Wall A 1 0 1 0 0 031 08/28/06 AA I E Wall A 2 0 1 0 0 03 [ 08/28/06 AA 1 E Wall B 0 19 0 1 89 0 12 031 01/32/06 AA I E Wall B 1 19 0 1 51 0 0 032 08/28/06 AA 1 E Wall B 2 0 0 1 156 0 0 031 08/28/06 AA I E Wall C 0 0 1 4 2 031 08/28/06 AA I E Wall C 2 39 0 1 101 0 0 031 08/28/06 AA I E Wall C 2 0 0 1 71 0 0 031 08/28/06 AA I EWall D 0 0 N0 1 170 0 32 031 08/28/06 AA I S Wall D 1 12 0 1 212 0 0 031 081/281/06 AA I E Wall D 2 12 0 246 3 0 0 031 08/28/06 AA I E Wall E 0 0 1 0 0 031 08/28/06 AA I E Wall E 1 0 0 1 202, 0 0 031 08/28/06 AA I E Wall E 2 0 1 0 2 032 08/31/06 AA I S Wall A 1 25 ND ND 225 0 300 0 0 hln^2 032 08/31/06 AA I S Wall B 0 15 ND ND 204 0 300 0 41 0 ha^2 032 08/31/06 AA I S Wall B 1 2 ND ND 128 0 320 0 62 hai^2 032 08/3 1/06 AA I S Wall B 2 ll ND ND 277 1 0 300 1 0 0 hn^2 032 08/31/06 AA I S Wall C 1 0 0 2 313 0 220 0 0 10R F^2 032 08/31/06 AA I S Wall D 0 11 ND ND 292 0 320 0 0 11^2 032 08/31/06 AA I ISWall D 1 25 ND ND 242 0 340 0 21 h n^2 032 08/31/06 AA I S Wall D 2 20 ND ND 372 0 300 0- 62 1mn^2 034 08/31/06 AA I Floor A 11 ND ND 237 0 320 0 52 0 hnn2 034 08/31/06 AA I Floor B 0 2 ND ND 366 0 300 0 67 0 lm^2 034 08/31/06 AA I Floor B 1 11 ND ND 214 0 340 0 67 0 ha^2 034 08/31/06 AA I Floor B 2 6 ND ND 185 0 400 0 0 0 1m^2 034 08/31/06 AA I Floor B 3 0 ND ND 116 0 300 4 0 0 1m^__2 034 08/31/06 AA I Floor B 4 11 ND ND 3155 1 0 480 1 0 31 0 h A^2 034 08/31/06 AA I Floor C 1 6 ND ND 239 100 260 4 0 0 a2 034 08/31/06 AA I FWllor D 0 0 ND ND 246 0 300 0 26 0 1ma2 034 08/3[106 AA L Floor D 1 25 ND ND 166 0 240 0 0 0 Wal2 034 08/31/06 AA 1 Floor D 2 11 ND ND 258 0 280 0 0 0 1hn^2 034 08/3 t/06 AA I Floor D 3 6 ND ND 267 0 260 4 6 0 1Im^2 141 10/02/06 AA I Floor A 3 1 0 0 2 50 120 200 0 0 0 Count Roomi Floor 141 10/02/06 AA I Floor C 3 0 0 2 193 100 220 0 0 0 Count Roomi Floor 147 10/02/06 AA 1 W Wall A I 100 240 147 10/02/06 AA I W Wall B 0 1 80 200 147 10/02/06 AA I W Wall B 1 120 220 147 10/02/06 AA I W Wall B 2 0 0 2 216 100 24U 147 10102/06 AA I W Wail D 0 too 220 147 10/02/06 AA I 1WWall D 1 120 220 147 10/02/06 AA I W Wall D 2 0 0 2 171 100 220 4 0 147 10/02/06 AA I W Wall C I1 2 0 2 235 100 2401 148 10/02/06 AA 1 EWall Aý 0 0 0 2 110 too 200 East Wall in cave 148 10/02/06 AA I JEWall 1 0 120 240 East Wall 148 10/02/06 AA I JEWall B 1 100 1 220 jEast Well 148 10/02/0 AA 1 Ewall B 2 80--F 200 East Wall ENERCON Services, ic.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-1 (Counting room)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Mtn. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPIVI (cpms) (cpHI) DPM (cpul) (cplu) DPM DPM 148 10/02/06 AA I E Wall C 0 0 0 2 223 100 200 East Wall 148 10/02/06 AA I E Wall C I 100 220 East Wall 148 10/02/06 AA I E Wall C 2 120 220 East Wall 148 10/02/06 AA I E Wall D 0 100 200 East Wall 148 10/02/06 AA I E Wall D 1 120 240 East Wall 148 10/02/06 AA I E Wall D 2 100 220 East Wall 148 10/02/06 AA I E Wall E 0 0 0 2 141 100 200 _ 1 East Wall 148 10/02/06 _6A _ I EWall E 1 100 220 East Wall 148 10/02/06 AA I E Wall E 2 0 0 2 166 100 200 1 lEast Wall 148 10/02/06 AA I E Wall E 1 120 220 East Wall 148 10/02/06 AA I E Wall E 2 0 0 2 196 100 200 East Wall ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 2 - Sub-Unit 1-2-1 Experiment Room Ceiling, East and North Walls FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-2-1 (Experiment room ceiling, east and north walls)

.. ... . ... Unit Designator:.._ 1- Class: AA Certainty

[ Location


Experiment room ceiling, east and north walls Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm), (pR/hr)

Number of measurements: 63 63 63 63 N/A Number of measurements needed (1)" 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 38 8 331 64 N/A Mean value of results: 4 0 82 12 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 9 1 110 19 N/A Degree of Freedom (2).: 1.671, 1.671 1.671 1.671 N/A Vt*value: 6 1 105 16 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1 000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is ýt, < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A (1)as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-2-1 (Experiment room ceiling, east and north walls)

FSS0# 0ate Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta2Scan Alpha 0 Beta Net R Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (0p2) (cpA) DPM (cpC) (cpm) DPM DPM 028 08/23/06 AA 1 Ceiling A 0 1 ND ND 29 100 140 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA 1 ,Ceiling 1 0 ND ND 35 80 120 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA I lCeiling A 2. 0 ND ND 0 100 140 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA I lCeiling A 3 0 ND ND 31 100 140 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA I ICeilina A 4 0 ND ND 0 100 160 0 28 028 08/23/06 AA 1 Ceiling B 0 0 ND ND 10 60 140 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA 1 Ceiling B I 0 ND ND 0 60 160 0 61 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling B 2 0 ND ND 0 60 120 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling B 3 0 ND ND 0 80 160 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA 1 Ceiling B 4 0 ND ND 0 60 140 0 61 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling C 0 0 ND ND 3 80 140 0 38 028 08/23/06 AA 1 Ceiling C 1 15 ND ND 7 100 180 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling C 2 0 ND ND 0 10 2140 0 51 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling C 3 0 ND ND 37 80 180 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling C 4 2 ND ND 29 80 180 0 14 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling D 0 0 ND ND 105 80 160 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling D 1 0 ND ND 7 80 120 0 51 028 08/23/06 AA 1 Ceiling D 2 0 ND ND 19 100 180 3 52 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling D 3 0 ND ND 0 60 180 0 56 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling D 4 1 ND ND 5 60 160 0 19 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling E 0 29 ND ND 105 0 160 3 0 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling E 1 29 ND ND 145 0 140 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling E 2 . 0 ND ND 31 0 140 3 0 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling E 3 0 ND ND 127 0 220 0 28 028 08/23/06 AA 1 Ceiling E 4 22 ND ND 2 0 180 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling F 0 8 IND ND 109 0 160 0 511 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling F 1 -8 ND ND 137 0 180 1 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling F 2 0 ND ND 109 0 160 0 28 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling F 3 8 ND IND 113 0 180 0 0 028 08/23/06 AA I Ceiling F 4 -- I ND ND 101 0 200 0 0 029 08/24/06 AA I E Wall A 0 24 ND ND 248 160 200 0 30 AA 1 E1 Wall A I I ND ND 200 160 200 0 0 02 82/6 029 08/24/06 AA 1 1EWall A 2 17 ND ND 1 272 160 180 0 0 0 0D ND 2 180 260 0 20 2Z29 029 0822 / AA 09/214/006 AA I

Il E Wall E Wall B

B 1 38 ND ND 1 272 160 220 8 5 029 08/24/06 AA I I E Wall B 1 2 0 ND ND 298 160 200 0 10 029 08/24/06 AA I I [E Wall 0 ND ND 302 180 200 0 1 0 029 08/24/061 AA I E Wall ND 029 08/24/06 1 AA I I IE Wall C 1 2 0 ND 029 08/24/061 AA 1 I IEWall D 0 3 ND ND 150 160 220 1 0 1 0 029 1 D I I 1 10 ND ND 1 226 160 200 1 0 1 0

1) 3 ND 286 1 160 1 200 1 0 1 10 029 08/24/06 AA I I lBWall E 029 1 08/24/06 1 AA I I IlEWall E I I 1 17 029 08/24/06 IAA I I lBWall E 1 2. 1 10 ND 160 200 1 0 5 036 A .0 1 0 0 ND 0 0 200 1 4 18 036 A ND 0 0 1 200 1 0 1 0 036 09/01/06 1 AA 1 1 IN Wall A ND 036 109/01/061 AA I I IN Wall I B .0 0 ND 036 09101/061 AA 1 1 IN Wall B 11 0 ND 0 0 220 1 0 1 64 036 B 1 -2 0 ND 1 0 1 0 1 220 1 0 1 0 ___ 1______________________

036 C 0 0 1 ND 1 0 1 0 1 200 1 0 1 41 1__ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ENERCON Se-ake,ie..

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-2-1 (Experiment room ceiling, east and nortlh Walls)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpin) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 036 09/01/06 AA 1 N Wall C 1 0 0 ND 0 0 200 0 0 036 09/01/06 AA I N Wall C 2 0 0 ND 0 0 200 0 0 036 09/01/06 AA I N Wall D "0 0 0 ND 0 0 200 0 0 036 09/01/06 AA I N Wall D 1 0 0 -ND 0 0 200 0 0 036 09/01/06 AA 1 N Wall D 2 0 0 ND 0 0 200 0 0 036 09/01/06 AA 1 N Wall E 2 0 0 ND 0 0 200 0 0 036 09/01/06 AA I N Wall E 1 0 0 ND 0 0 220 0 4 Hatch iu EI, E2 036 09/01/06 AA 1 N Wall E 2 0 0 ND 0 0 200 4 0 F1,F2 036 09/01/06 AA 1 N Wall F 0 0 0 ND 0 0 200 0 4 036 09/01/06 AA 1 N Wall F I 0 0 ND 0 0 200 0 0 036 09/01/06 AA 1 N Wall F 2 0 0 ND 0 0 200 0 8 ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 3 - Sub-Unit 1-2-2 Experiment Room Floor, South and West Walls FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-2-2 (Experiment room floor, south and west walls)

I Location


IExperiment room floor, south and west walls I

~i4V1~. -

Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results. Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpmIl0Ocm 2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cm2 ) (JIR/hr)

Number of measurements: 55 55 55 55 33 Number of measurements needed (1 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 22 8 840 111 2 Mean value of results: 5 1 224 16 1 Standard Deviation of results: 7 2 163 22 1 Degree of Freedom (2) 1.674 1.674 1.674 1.674 1.694 g value: 7 1 260 21 1 Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is Jita < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (1)as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-2-2 (Experiment room floor, south and west walls)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Aipha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 017 08/18/06 AA I Floor E 0 0 ND ND 715 0 200 4 0 0 FSS Dooe Prior To Rcmoving 017 08/18/06 AA 1 Floor F 0 0 ND ND 131 0 140 0 14 0 Shower Drain 017 08/18/06 AA I Floor F 1 0 ND ND 152 0 160 0 0 0 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor A 0 0 0 3 285 0 240 0 0 1 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor A I 11 0 3 356 0 280 0 41 1 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor A 2 17 0 3 153 0 280 4 0 2 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor A 3 5 0 2 292 0 320 0 18 2 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor A 4 0 0 1 270 0 320 4 0 1 040 09/05/06 AA 1 Floor B 0 11 0 3 305 0 380 4 0 1 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor B 1 0 0 1 454 0 320 0 0 2 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor B 2 22 0 3 292 0 310 0 0 2 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor B 3 17 0 4 249 0 280 0 45 2 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor B 4 0 0 1 268 0 210 0 4 2 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor C 0 5 0 2 532 0 320 0 45 2 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor C 1 17 0 2 367 0 310 0 8 2 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor C 2 0 0 1 357 0 290 0 27 2 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor C 3 0 0 1 335 0 260 0 0 2 040 040 09/05/06 09/05/06 AA AA -1I Floor Floor C 14 17 0 2 283 0 260 0 0 2 040 09/05/06 AA I Floor 0 22 0 3 840 0 360 0 18 2

. [I 0 0[ 1 426 340 I U 040 041 09/05/06 09/05/06 AA AA I

I Floor S Wall D

A 2

0 5

0 1 0


1 411 66 120 1 340T 220 1 u

8 1 0 2Ii 041 09/05/06 AA I S Wall A I1 6 ND ND 1 0 140 220 0 0 041 09/05/06 AA I S Wall A. [2[01 ND 80 180 0 0 041 09/05/06 AA I S Wall B T 2 I I I ND r' 80 140 0 41 oencItraljo exists 041 09/05/06 1 AA 1 S Wall C 1 2 1 0 1 ND ND 1 0 100 1 200 1 0 0 1 S Wall D 1 2 1 0 1 ND ND 41 1 100 0 1 0 Dartial penetration exist 1 S Wall 200 041 109/05/061 AA I S Wall P F 0 ND NID I 100 042 1 09/05/06 1 AA I 1 IW Wall S 0 i15 ND 1 223 22 0 120 042 09/05/06 AA I W Wall A I I ND 1 254 120 24 0 69 042 09/05/06 AA I W Wall A 2 10 ND I 210 140 I 00 I 60 042 09/05/06 AA 1 W Wall B 0 0 ND 042 09/05/06 AA 221 9 §218 I W Wall B I 0 ND 2121 1 178 042 1 09/05/06 1 AA I 1 IW Wall B 2 . 15 ND 1 194 042 09/05/06 AA I W Wall I C 1 0 1 0 1 ND 1 1 110 1 1 225 180 1 0 1 0 042 09/05/06 AA I W Wall C I 6 ND 187 1 120 200 0 19 042 09/05/06 AA I W Wall C 1 10 1ND 1 245 1 110 1 180 go 01 37 042 09/05/06 AA 1 W Wall 0 0 [ ND 1_J-9 042 09/05/06 AA 1 W Wall D I 1 151 ND F 1 042 09/05/061 AA I W Wall 1 189 1 120 1 200 0 1 5 042 09/05/06 [ AA I W Wall 0 0 ND 1 176 140 200 1 0 11ill 042 09/05/06 AA I W Wall 1i60-T 0 0T 042 [09/05/06 AA I W Wall 172 100 044 09/05/061 AA I Floor 22 321 0 1[DirtFloor F 0 044 109/05/06 _ F F__ 11 1 ND I ND 1 123 1 120 1 220 044 [09/05/06 4 1 26 1 0 IConcrete Floor

___ ___ F 2 044 09/05/06 AA I Floor F 3 O- -f 0 0 [CoocrreteFloor 044 09/05/06 AA I Floor S 0 0 [Corete u Floor___

F 4 0 1 ND I ND 1 91 1 100 1 200 0 1 41T 0 1Concrete Floor 044 09/05/06 AA I Floor 044 044 09/05/06 1 AA 09/05/06 AA I

I Floor Floor E E

2 0 ND END ND J ND ND ND 336 153 148 140 140 140 300 260 220 1 0

0 0

0 26 16 0

0 0

[Concre Floor Concrete Floor Concrete Floor ENERCON Services,ioe.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-2-2 (Experiment room floor, south and west walls)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpn) DPM DPM 044 09/05/06 AA I Floor E 3 0 ND ND 96 140 240 0 6 0 Concrete Floor 044 09/05/06 AA I Floor E 4 6 ND ND 83 140 220 0 0 0 Concrete Floor 044 09/05/06 AA I Floor D 4 6 ND ND 98 120 220 0 11 0 Concrete Floor 044 09/05/06 AA 1 Floor D 3 0 ND ND 70 120 220 0 36 0 Concrete Floor ENERCON koir , ix-.



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r- I LIrt. 11 U_ _ ......... -_ _ _ _ _-__


University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 4 - Sub-Unit 1-3-1 Overhead Crane FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP- 13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-1 (Overhead crane)

I Location


Overhead crane I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/lOOcm2 ) (dpm/lOOcm2) (dpm/lOOcm2 ) (dpm/lOOcm2) (RR/hr)

Number of measurements: 38 38 38 38 N/A Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 70 16 262 104 N/A Mean value of results: 25 1 150 21 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 16 3 80 28 N/A Degree of Freedom (2): 1.687 1.687 1.687 1.687 N/A lta value: 29 2 172 29 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is pi < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5 849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5 849 Table B-I for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-1 (Overhead crane)

FSS# Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (epin) DPM DPM 033 08/31/06 AA f South Crane Rail A 0 6 ND ND 0 0 240 0 62 lra^2 033 08/31/06 AA I South Crane Rail A 1 11 ND ND 111 0 260 0 36 lm^2 033 08/31/06 AA I South Crane Rail A 2 11 ND ND 151 0 260 0 0 lm^2 033 08/31/06 AA I South Crane Rail A 3 15 ND ND 74 0 280 0 0 1nm^2 033 08/31/06 AA I South Crane Rail A 4 6 ND ND 103 0 300 B 0 lm^2 033 08/31/06 AA I South Crane Rail A 5 11 ND ND 57 0 280 0 26 1ra^2 033 08/31/06 AA I South Crane Rail A 6 15 ND ND 15 0 240 0 72 Iai^2 033 08/31/06 AA I South Crane Rail A 7 25 ND ND 63 0 320 0 1 n^A2 033 08/31/06 AA I South Crane Rail A 8 25 ND ND 115 0 300 0 31 lm^2 033 08/31/06 AA I South Crane Rail A 9 29 ND ND 109 0 260 0 0 IraA2 033 08/31/06 AA I South Crane Rail A 10 2 ND ND 0 0 400 0 1 1mA2 102 09/23/06 AA 1 Crane Bridge C 0 13 0 1 122 80 200 0 68 Includes South Support 102 09/23/06 AA I Crane Bridge C 1 13 0 1 112 80 220 4 43 Beam 102 09/23/06 AA 1 Crane Bridge C 2 43 0 3 126 80 200 0 58 Beanm 102 09/23/06 AA 1 Crane Bridge C 3 13 0 1 87 80 220 4 0 Beam 102 09/23/06 AA I Crane Bridge C 4 43 0 3 62 80 240 0 13 Beam 102 09/23/06 AA 1 Crane Bridge C 5 13 0 3 142 80 260 0 104 Beam 102 09/23/06 AA I Crane Bridge C 6 48 0 3 114 80 220 0 43 Beam 102 09/23/06 AA I Crane Bridge C 7 59 0 5 138 80 200 0 18 Beam 102 09/23/06 AA 1 Crane Bridge C 8 43 0 3 138 80 240 16 48 Beam 102 09/23/06 AA I Crane Bridge C 9 13 0 3 52 80 240 Includes North Support 117 09/28/06 AA I Crane Bridge C 9 0 73 Post-decon 127 09/30/06 AA I North Crane Rail B 0 42 0 4 258 80 280 0 20 Crane Rail North 127 09/30/06 AA I North Crane Rail B 1 37 0 4 244 80 260 12 0 Crane Rail North 127 09/30/06 AA 1 North Crane Rail B 2 19 0 5 76 80 240 0 0 Crane Rail North 127 09/30/06 AA I North Crane Rail B 3 33 0 4 231 80 260 4 0 Crane Rail North 127 09/30/06 AA I North Crane Rail B 4 19 0 4 214 80 240 0 0 Crane Rail North 127 09/30106 AA I North Crane Rail B 5 14 0 3 212 80 240 4 0 Crane Rail North 127 09/30/06 AA 1 North Crane Rail B 6 14 0 3 262 80 260 0 30 Crane Rail North 127 09/30/06 AA I North Crane Rail B 7 14 0 3 240 80 240 0 0 Crane Rail North 127 09/30/06 AA 1 North Crane Rail B 8 70 0 5 239 80 260 0 0 Crane Rail North 127 09/30/06 AA I North Crane Rail B 9 33 0 4 214 80 240 0 0 Crane Rail North 127 09/30/06 AA I North Crane Rail B 10 14 0 4 210 80 260 0 0 Crane Rail North 127 09/30/06 AA I North Crane Rail B 11 42 0 5 219 80 240 0 0 Crane Rail North 127 09/30/06 AA I North Crane Rail B 12 14 0 4 237 80 260 0 40 Crane Rail North 127 09/30/06 AA I North Crane Rail B 13 28 0 4 262 80 240 0 30 Crane Rail North 128 09/30/06 AA I South Crane Rail A 11 33 0 4 217 80 280 0 0 Crane Rail South 128 09/30/06 AA I Sooth Crane Rail A 12 23 0 4 239 80 260 0 0 Crane Rail South 128 09/30/06 AA I South Crane Rail A 13 33 0 4 242 80 260 0 0 Crane Rail South ENERCON leeires, inu.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 5 - Sub-Unit 1-3-2 Fuel and Process Pit Blocks FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-2 (Fuel and process pit blocks)

I Location


IFuel and process pit blocks I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm100cm2 ) (pR/hr)

Number of measurements: 27 27 27 27 4 Number of measurements needed (1). 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 69 13 431 91 1 Mean value of results: 16 2 211 16 1 Standard Deviation of results: 18 3 75 24 0 Degree of Freedom (2): 1.706 1.706 1.706 1.706 2.353 l value: 22 3 236 24 1 Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is ýta < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-2 (Fuel and process pit blocks)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM q35 08131/0 AA I Puoces pih block NIA NIA 1 1* 1D 164 1I0 20M0 0 D Block 035 08/31/06 AA I Process pit block N/A N/A 0 0 ND 144 100 200 0 41 Block 1 035 08/31/06 AA I Process pit block N/A N/A 0 0 ND 171 100 180 0 0 Block 2-3 035 08/31/06 AA I Process pit block N/A N/A 5 0 ND 160 100 200 4 21 Block 2-4 035 08/31/06 AA I Process pit block N/A N/A 5 0 ND 205 100 160 0 0 Block 3-5 035 08/31/06 AA 1 Process pit block N/A N/A 37 0 ND 208 100 140 0 36 Block 3-6 035 08/31/06 AA 1 Process pit block N/A N/A 0 0 ND 201 100 260 0 36 Block 4-7 035 08/31/06 AA I Process pit block N/A N/A 24 0 ND 199 100 200 0 62 Block 4-8 035 08/31/06 AA 1 Process pit block N/A N/A 24 0 ND 183 100 180 0 0 Block 5-9 035 08/31/06 AA I Process pit block N/A N/A 11 0 ND 230 100 180 0 0 Block 5-10 035 08/31/06 AA I Process pit block N/A N/A 31 0 ND 173 100 180 0 0 Block 6-11 035 08/31/06 AA I Process pit block N/A N/A 24 0 ND 229 100 200 0 0 Block 6-12 035 08/31/06 AA 1 Process pit block N/A N/A 0 0 ND 253 100 220 4 0 Block 7-13 035 08/31/06 AA I Process pit block N/A N/A 18 0 ND 247 100 200 4 21 Block 7-14 043 08/31/06 AA I Fuel storage block N/A N/A 11 ND ND 230 0 200 0 0 Block 1-I 043 08/31/06 AA I Fuel storage block N/A N/A 24 ND ND 227 0 200 4 0 Block 1-2 043 08/31/06 AA I Fuel storage block N/A N/A 11 ND ND 227 0 220 13 10 Block 2-1 043 08/31/06 AA I Fuel storage block N/A N/A 5 ND ND 247 0 220 0 0 Block 2-2 043 08/31/06 AA 1 Fuel storage block N/A N/A 56 ND ND 282 0 200 0 43 Block 3-1 043 08/31/06 AA I Fuel storage block N/A N/A 69 ND ND 289 0 200 4 1 Block 3-2 043 08/31/06 AA I Fuel storage block N/A N/A 0 ND ND 85 0 180 0 0 Block I Sides 043 08/31/06 AA I Fuel storage block N/A N/A 31 ND ND 92 0 180 0 47 Block 2 Sides 043 08/31/06 AA I Fuel storage block N/A N/A 24 ND ND 127 0 200 0 10 Block 3 Sides 111 09/27/06 AA I Shield block A 1 6 0 1 170 80 300 4 0 1 to ri-ht 111 09/27/06 AA 1 Shield block A 2 1 0 I 153 80 300 4 10 1 to left Ill 09/27/06 AA I Shield block A 3 6 0 1 375 80 400 0 91 1 bottom ri ht 11 09/27/06 AA I Shield block A 4 1 0 1 431 80 400 0 0 1 bottom leW1 ENERCON Service, or.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 6 - Sub-Unit 1-3-3 Fuel Storage Tubes FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

0 Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-3 (Fuel storage tubes - AO, Al)

I Location


IFuel storage tubes - AO, Al I1 Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results 2

All Surfaces (dpm/100cm )

2 (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm ) (gRlhr)

Number of measurements: 270 108 270 108 54 Number of measurements needed " 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 85 13 3667 63 0 Mean value of results: 3 1 146 4 0 Standard Deviation of results: 11 3 564 11 0 Degree of Freedom (2) 1.653 1.661 1.653 1.661 1.675 p.a value: 4 2 202 6 0 Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is ýta < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (1) as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5 849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 081 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits A0: 1-1 0 0 1 0 14 18 4 0 0 081 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits AO: 1-2 0 0 1 0 220 310 0 0 081 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits AO: 1-3 0 0 0 0 180 320 081 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits AO: 1-4 0 0 1 0 250 410 081 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits AO: 1-5 0 0 1 0 260 340 081 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits AO: 2-1 0 0 0 0 18 16 0 0 0 081 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits A0: 2-2 0 0 1 0 240 370 0 1 081 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits A :2-3 0 0 1 0 210 350 081 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits AO : 2-4 0 0 1 0 200 400 081 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits AO: 2-5 0 1 1 1389 180 460 081 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits A0:3-1 39 1 2 0 14 20 0 15 0 081 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits AO: 3-2 39 0 0 0 200 400 0 34 081 09/13/06 1 Fuel Pits AO: 3-3 0 0 0 0 081 09/13/06 Fuel Pits AO: 3-4 39 0 0 0 200 480 081 09/13/06 1 Fuel A0:3-5 0 0 T 0 200 380 081 09/13/06 AA l Fuel AO: 4-1 0 0 T -0 14 19 0 Fuel Pits AO :4-2 39 0 0 -0 240 400 081 09/13/06 AA AO :4-2 0 0 0- 0 180 340 081 09/13/06 1 Fuel Pits AO:4-4 0 0 0 0 220 480 081 09/13/06 AO:4-5 01 0 0 0 260 440 081 09/13/06 AA AO: 5-1 0 1 0 0 0 140 18 AA 1 Fuel Pits AO: 5-2 010 T _0 200 460 081 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits AO: 5-3 0 0 0 0 200 380 Fuel Pits AU: 5-4 0 0 0 722 220 400 Fuel Pits A: 5-: C _0 0 0 240 480 AA Fuel Pits AO:6-1 T _0 06 -0 14 21 0

081 09/13/06 AA T Fuel Pits AO: 6-2 0 _0 -0 200 380 0 0 081 09/13/06 AA T Fuel Pits AO: 6-2 0 260 0 0 0 480 09/13/06 AAý T Fuel Pits AD 6-4 0 _0 2140T 70 560 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits A0 :6- 0 0 _0 200- 440 0

081 09/13/06 AA Fuel Pits AO:7-1 1 _0 14T 30 0 0 0

081 09/13/06 AA TII Fuel Pits AO: 7-2 _0 -0 _0 i220 420 T T 081 09/13/06 AA Fuel Pits AO: 7-3 0- _0 0 T220 500 081 09/13/06 AA T Fuel Pits AO: 7-4 0 0 0 160 460 081 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits AO: 7-5 0 0 0 0 180 420 081 09/13/06 AA Fuel Pits AM:8-1 0 I 0 0 _0 -0 081 09/13/06 AA Fuel Pits T T 1 AM0:8-2 0 0 -0 0 260 440 081 09/13/06 AA Fuel Pits AO: 8-3 120 360 T .0 0 0 0 UT8 U~l l i/US AA Fuel Pits AýO: 8-4 0 _0 09/13/06 0 0 480 081 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits A0 :.8-5 -0 0 -0 -0 0 400 081 AA -1 Fuel Pits AO:9-1 -0 0 -0 -0 1-6 32 13 15 09/13/06 o 200 0 0 081 09/13/06 AA Fuel Pits Fuel Pits AO: 9-2 AO: 9-3 0

0 0 0

1 0

0 -iw-140 500 340 081 081 AA I Fuel Pits AG :9-4 _0 _0 _0 -0 480

-AA Fuel Pits A0:9-5 _0 _0 -1 -160- 500 082 AA Fuel Pits 0 0 0 0 10 BO: 1-t 22 0 0 Fuel Pits BO:I-2 _0 -0 _0 -0 TWO -0 400 0 AA B0:I-3 _0 AT T I Fuel Pits B0:1-4 0 0 - 0 I 082 09/13/06

-1 39 1 2 350 17 . 23 1 4 0 0

-2 1 0 1 0 1. 0 1 2222 240 500 -0 o0 1

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-3 (Fuel storage tubes - AO, Al)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe Comments Cooed. Coord.

DP'M (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 082 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B0: 2-3 0 0 0 0 200 560 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel.Pits BO: 2-4 0 0 1 278 240 520 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits B0 : 2-5 0 0 0 0 200 480 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits BO: 3-1 0 0 1 50 10 26 0 0 0 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits B0: 3-2 0 0 0 0 260 600 0 0 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits B0: 3-3 0 0 1 0 240 460 082 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits O : 3-4 0 0 0 3667 160 580 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits B0 : 3-5 0 0 1 0 220 480 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits BO: 4-1 0 0 1 0 12 20 0 1 0 082 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits BO: 4-2 0 0 0 0 220 400 0 0 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits 80 : 4-3 0 0 1 0 180 480 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits B0: 4-4 0 1 1 0 160 480 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits Bt : 4-5 0 0 0 0 140 360 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits B0: 5-1 0 0 1 0 9 15 0 0 0 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits B0: 5-2 0 0 1 0 120 300 0 25 082 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits BO : 5-3 0 0 0 0 180 360 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits BO : 5-4 0 0 0 0 160 400 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits O : 5-5 0 0 0 1000 200 480 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits B0: 6-1 0 0 1 300 14 33 0 0 0 082 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B0 : 6-2 0 0 0 0 200 420 0 0 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits BO: 6-3 0 0 0 0 240 460 082 09/13106 AA I Fuel Pits O : 6-4 0 0 1 111 180 480 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits BO : 6-5 0 0 0 0 240 460 Beta averaged via EAS 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits 80: 7-1 0 0 1 150 12 29 0 0 0 082 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits BO:7-2 0 0 1 0 180 480 0 0 082 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits BO :7-3 0 0 0 3444 220 520 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits BO: 7-4 1 0 0 0 0 200 500 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits BO: 7-5 0 0 0 0 180 460 082 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits BO: 8-1 0 0 1 0 14 30 0 0 0 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits l : 8-2 0 0 0 0 160 480 0 0 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits B : 8-3 0 0 0 2000 520 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits l : 8-4 0 0 0 0 220 460 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits B0: 8-5 0 0 1 0 180 5400 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits BA: 9-1 39 0 1 250 10 28 11 0 082 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B : 9-2 0 0 0 0 180 480 0 0 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits B : 9-3 0 0 1 0 200 440 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits BA : 9-4 0 0 0 0 240 460 082 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits BA: 9-5 0 0 1 0 200 500 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits Al :3-1 0 0 1 250 15 20 0 8 0 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits AI: -2 0 0 1 0 160 440 0 8 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits Al :3-3 l0 0 0 0 160 360 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits A [: 1-5*

1-4 083 09/13/06 AA I I Fuel Pits A 00 00 11 00 180 200 460 4001 083 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits At 2-1 0 0 1 0 10 22 0 0 0 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits Al: 2-2 0 0 1 0 240 460 0 0 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits A t: 2-3 0 0 0 0 160 310 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits At: 2-4 0 0 0 0 180 380 "083 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits At: 2-5* 0 0 0 0 180 400 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits Al: 3-1 39 0 1 0 16 22 0 0 0 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits T1 3-2* 0 0 0 0 240 440 0 3 083 09/13/06 A At I Fuel Pits AI : 3-3 02 6 8 083 09/13/06 1AA I I Fuel Pits A l : 3-4I 0 1 0 0 180 360 ENERCON Sn'icea, inc.

FSS N Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Courd. Coord. Direct Scan MIn. Scan Max. Direct MIn. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (epm) (cpm) DPM DPM 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits Al :3-5 0 0 0 0 220 420 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits AI :4-1 0 0 0 0 12 20 0 0 0 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits At: 4-2 0 0 1 0 200 380 0 0 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits Al: 4-3 0 0 0 0 220 440 083 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits Al: 4-4 0 0 0 9 260 500 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits Al :4-5 0 0 0 0 240 480 083 09/13/06 AA t Fuel Pits Al :5-1 0 0 0 250 14 30 0 13 0 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits Al :5-2 0 0 0 0 200 420 0 63 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits Al : 5-3 0 0 1 0 160 380 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits At: 5-4 0 0 0 0 200 480 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits Al : 5-5 0 0 00 160 380 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits AI :6-1 0 0 I 1t6 26 0 33 0 083 09/13/06 AA Fuel Pits Al :6-2 0 0 0 0 200 440 083 09/13/06 A[

I Fuel Pits At :6-3 0 0 0 0 1 0 160 380 083 09/13/06 A) Fuel Pits At :6-4 0 0 1 0 1 0 220 420 083 09/13/06 AA T Fuel Pits At : 6-5 0 0 0 0 160 380 083 09/13/06 AA Fuel Pits At: 7-I 0 0 1 0 0 0 083 083 09/13/06

[09/t3/06L I1 Fuel Pits At: 7-2 0 0 1 0 240 460 0 0 Fuel Pits At :7-3 0 160 380 I Fuel Pits At : 7-4 0 0 180 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits At: 7-5 0 0 0 380 240 1 Fuel Pits Al:8-1 0 0 0 0 16 28 0 58 0 1 Fuel Pits At :8-2 _0 0 0 260 480 0 0 1 Fuel Pits AlX:8-3 0 0 To 0 160 360 083 09113/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits Al1:8-4 _0 0 0 380 083 09/13/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits At:8-5 0 0 0 0 083 09/13/06 AA Fuel Pits At :9-1 0 0 1 250 11 28 0 0 0 083 09/13/06 AA ~1 Fuel Pits Al :9-2 _0 0 1 0 160 380 -0 18 083 083 09/13/06 09/13/06 AA AA

~1 1

Fuel Pits 0 0

0 0 5ý6- 160 340 Fuel Pits Al :9-4 0 0 0 200 400 0 0 083 09/13/06 AA I Fuel Pits Al :9-5 0 T 240 420 085 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits 11 BI :-2 -0 0 0 -0 27 0 0 085 09/15906 AA I Fuel Pits 0 0 BI :1-2 0 T 200 481 0 0 085 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits BI1:--3 -0 t180 0 0 0 440 Fuel Pits BI:1-4 200 0 400 085 09/15/06 Fuel Pits BI:I 0 0 0 0 160

-ii 380 085 09/15/06 I1 Fuel Pits 0 0 21 13 7 085 09/15/06 AA Fuel Pits 0 0 06- 220 460 085 09/15/06 AA I1 Fuel Pits B1:2-3 0 0 0 240 500 085 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits B1:2-4 _0 0 1 2389 260 540 085 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits B1:2-5 T

0 0 -0 2500 220 480 085 09/15/06 1 AA Fuel Pits B11:3-1 0 0 0 10 22 085 09/15/06 AA T Fuel Pits 0 B1:3-2 -0 -0 0 220 500 09/15/06 Fuel Pits 91:3-3 31 09/15/06 AA 09/15/06 AA

3-51 1 0 L 0 1 1 0 2611 180 1 460 1 1 00 1 1 0 1 10 1 31 1 4 1 8 0

FSS N Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. CooNd. Direct Scan MIn. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM DPM 085 09/15106 AA I Fuel Pits B1 : 5-2 0 0 I 0 200 340 0 0 085 09/15/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits BI :5-3 0 0 0 0 160 380 085 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits BI :5-4 0 0 0 0 240 420 085 Fuel Pits BI:5-5 0 0 0 0 200 460 085 TI Fuel Pits BiN: 6-1 -0 0 0 10 22 0 085 09/15/06 FAA T Fuel Pits BI :6-2 0 1 944 160 360 it T 0 085 09/15/06 1 AA Fuel Pits 5I: 6-3 0 0 0 220 380 085 09/15/06 1 AA I Fuel Pits BI :6-4 0 0 0 0 T6 0 420 085 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits B1-6-5 -0 0 1 280 540 085 09/15/06 AA Fuel Pits Hi :7-1 0 0 160 17 1 Fuel Pits Bi:7-2 0 0 2F600 360 085 09/15/06 1 AA I Fuel Pits BI :7-3 0 T 0 0 500 6 Fuel Pits BI :7-4 0 0 0 180 400 Fuel Pits Ni-:7-5 0 0 0 160 360 085 l 09/15/06 AA 1 Fuel PNs BI : 8-1 0 0 0 -9 14 T Fuel Pits BI :8-2 0 -1 160 400 0

085 09/15/06 AA T Fuel Pits BI: 8-3 0 1 180 360 0 0 085 09/15/06 AA Fuel Pits BI :8-4 0 T-0 0 T6-0 440 085 085 09/15/06 09/15/06 AA AA T Fuel Pits BI :8-5 0 0 0 0 200 380 II Fuel Pits BI: 9-1 31 0 1 0 110 23 0 09/15/06 AA 085 09/15/06 AA T Fuel Pits B1: 9-2 0 7i 0 400 0 0 085 085 09/15/06 AA TI Fuel Pits Fuel Pits BI : 9-3 0 0 0 160 480 09/15/06 AA BI 9-4 0 0 460 085 Fuel Pits 0 240 09/15/06 AA T BI : 9-5 0 0 500 086 Fuel Pits A2: 1-1 0 14 09/15/06 AA T 0 00 28 0 0 086 Fuel Pits A2: I-2 1F40-09/15/06 AA TI Fuel Pits 0 0 0_0 420 0 -0 086 09/15/06 AA T A2 1-3 0 1 0

086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits Fuel Pits A2: -4 0 00 01 0

0 1 200 220 480 520 1__

086 086 09/15/06 09/15/06 AA AA T

T Fuel Pits A2: 1-5 A2 : 2-1 0


-?F 0

0 0 0 13 20 0 0 0 086 Fuel Pits A2 : 2-2 0 1 09/15/06 AA T Fuel Pits 0 _0 0 140 380 0 49 086 A2:2-3 _0 180 09/15/06 AA Fuel Pits _0 -1 0 086 -A2:2-4 0- 244, 0 1 220 400 086 109/15/06 AA I I ]Fuel Pits A2 :2-5 0

-0 0 033 260 420 086 09/t5/06 AA I Fuel Pits A2: 3-1 0 12 30 0 0 0 0 086 09/15/06 AA i Fuel Pits A2: 3-2 0 t 160 3 0 0 -0 086 09/15/06 LA.A i Fuel Pits A2  : 3-3 _0 08S 200 086 09/15/06 1 AA I Fuel Pits A2 :34 0 -1 -0 160 t 0 086 09/15/06 AA Fuel Pits A2  : 3-5 0 0 0 140 440 0 Beta aversaed via EAS 086 09/15/06 [ AA i Fuel Pits A2 :4-1 0 0

-1 _0 14 2 6-086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits 0 Fuel Pits 0 0 0 086 09/15/06 AA 086 09/15/06 AA 086 09/15/06 AA 086 09/15/06 AA 086 09/15/06 A.A 086 09/15/06 AA 086 09/15/06 AA 0 220 520

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-3 (Fuel storage tubes - AO, Al)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits A2; 6-4 0 0 0 0 160 340 086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits A2: 6-5 0 0 1 0 220 480 086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits A2 :7-1 31 1 1 0 13 28 0 0 0 086 09/15/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits A2: 7-2 0 0 1 278 200 440 4 0 086 09/15/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits A2 :7-3 0 0 1 0 180 480 086 09/15/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits A2: 7-4 0 0 0 0 220 400 086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits A2 :7-5 0 0 I 167 140 380 086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits A2 : 0-1 0 0 1 0 13 26 0 17 0 086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits A2 : 8-2 0 1 2 0 220 480 8 0 Alpha Averaged via EAS 086 09/15/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits A2 : 8-3 0 0 1 0 240 460 086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits A2: 8-4 0 0 I 0 180 400 086 09/15/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits A2 :8-5 0 0 0 0 180 340 086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits A2 :9-1 _ 0 0 1 0 14 41 4 0 0 086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits A2 : 9-2 0 0 1 0 160 380 0 0 086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits A2 : 9-3 0 1 1 0 200 480 086 09/15/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits A2 : 9-4 0 1 1 0 220 420 086 09/15/06 AA I Fuel Pits A2 : 9-5 0 0 1 0 200 440 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2: 1-1 0 0 0 0 12 20 0 0 0 091 091 09/18/06 09/18/06 AA AA I II Fuel Fuel Pits Pits B2 B2:: 1-2 1-3 08 0 0

0 1

0 140 360 8 0 0 180 420 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2 : 1-4 0 0 0 0 200 400 091 109/18/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B2 : 1-51 8

  • 0 1 1 0 16ý0- 440 091 09/18/06 AAý I Fuel Pits B2 : 2-11 0 0 0 0 6 15 0 0 0 091 09/18/06 AAt I Fuel Pits .B2  : 2-21 a 0 1 0 180 460 8 0 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2 : 2-31 0 0 0 0 160 340 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2 : 2-4 8 0 1 0 1 240 460 091 09/18/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B2 : 2-5 0 0 0 0 220 540 091 09/18/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B2 : 3-1 8 0 1 0 9 29 0 0 0 091 09/18/06 AA I 1 Fuel Pits B2 : 3-2 0 0 0 0 200 400 0 0 091 09/18/06 AA I I Fuel Pits B2 : 3-3 1 0 0 0 0 240 460 -

091 109118/06 AA I1 Fuel Pits B2 : 3-4 1 8 0 1 0 200 440 091 109/18/06 AA I IFuel Pits B2 : 3-5 1 8 0 1 1000 180 420 091 09/18/06 AX 1I-FuelPits B2:4-1 0 0 0 0 8 19 4 0 0 091 09/18/06 AA I1 Fuel Pits B2 :4-2 8 0 I 0 160 1_460 8 0 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2:4-3 8 0 I .0 1 180 360 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2 : 4-4 0 0 0 0 200 440 091 09/18/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B2 : 4-5 8 0 1 0 160 L80 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2 : 5-1 8 0 1 420 20 32 0 o o 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2g:-2 8 0 1 0 160 380 0 0 091 109/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2:5_318 1 0 200 1 360 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2: 5-4 0 0 0 0 240 1 480 Fuel Pits B2: 5-5 0 0 0 3167 180 340 091 Fuel Pits B2: 6-1 1 0 0 0 0 9 24 0 0 091 09/18/06 1AA Fuel Pits B2 : 6-2 0 1 0 220 480 1 4 0 091 109/18/06 1 AA Fuel Pits B2: 6-3 0 _0 0 160 091 09/18/06 1 AA I Fuel Pits B2: 6-4 8 0 -1 _0 160 091 (( T Fuel Pits B2: 6-5 0 0 0 0 240 520 091 T1 Fuel Pits B2:7-1 0 0 0 0 14 27 4 0 0 091 09/18/06 1 AA Fuel Pits B2 :7-2 1 ] I -0 180 85 400 091 109/18/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B2 : 7-3 8 0 0 160 380 AA I Fuel Pits B2: 74 8 0 _0 T8-0 340 AA 1I Fuel Pits B2 : 7-51 19 11i 21 0 240 1 460 I t TAlptha Averaged via EAS ENERCON Servises,ine.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-3 (Fuel storage tubes - AO, Al)

FSS# Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net VR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2 :8-1 0 0 0 0 11 33 0 0 0 091 09/18/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B2: 8-2 8 0 1 0 224 440 0 0 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2: 8-3 9 1 2 111 260 520 Alpha Averaged via EAS 091 09/18/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B2 : 8-4 85 0 1 0 200 380 091 09/18/06 AA 1 Fuei Pits 8-5 12: 0 0 0 0 220 400 091 09/18/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B2: 9-I 0 0 0 0 12 26 4 0 0 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2: 9-2 8 0 1 0 180 360 0 0 091 09/18/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B2: 9-3 0 0 0 0 160 380 091 09/18/06 AA 1 Fuel Pits B2 : 9-4 8 0 I 0 220 420 091 09/18/06 AA I Fuel Pits B2: 9-5 8 0 1 0 240 500 ENERCON Sevices, inc.

A25 A2-9 Al-E 1 19 E E 1AV2 Al5 1 812- B 818 F

-.4 N

Al1l Ai-4 A1 - l 81- 1-l7, I~ D- -_7 r_


University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 7 - Fuel Storage Pit Liquid Scintillation Analytical Results UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Fuel Storage Pit Liquid Scintillation Results Background Gross Net Location Date DPM DPM DPM Fuel Storage Pit - A0-1 9/14/2006 42 50 8 Fuel Storage Pit - AO-2 9/14/2006 42 49 7 Fuel Storage Pit - AO-3 9/14/2006 42 44 2 Fuel Storage Pit - A0-4 9/14/2006 42 45 3 Fuel Storage Pit - A0-5 9/14/2006 42 59 17 Fuel Storage Pit - A0-6 9/14/2006 42 35 0 Fuel Storage Pit - AO-7 9/14/2006 42 54 12 Fuel Storage Pit - AO-8 9/14/2006 42 52 10 Fuel Storage Pit - AO-9 9/14/2006 42 61 19 Fuel Storage Pit - Al-i 9/14/2006 42 56 14 Fuel Storage Pit - Al-2 9/14/2006 42 40 0 Fuel Storage Pit - A1-3 9/14/2006 42 58 16 Fuel Storage Pit - Al-4 9/14/2006 42 42 0 Fuel Storage Pit - A1-5 9/14/2006 42 37 0 Fuel Storage Pit - A1-6 9/14/2006 42 43 1 Fuel Storage Pit - A1-7 9/14/2006 42 59 17 Fuel Storage Pit - A1-8 9/14/2006 42 34 0 Fuel Storage Pit - AI-9 9/14/2006 42 42 0 Fuel Storage Pit - A2-1 9/14/2006 42 38 0 Fuel Storage Pit - A2-2 9/14/2006 42 53 11 Fuel Storage Pit - A2-3 9/14/2006 42 44 2 Fuel Storage Pit - A2-4 9/14/2006 42 62 20 Fuel Storage Pit - A2-5 9/14/2006 42 57 15 Fuel Storage Pit - A2-6 9/14/2006 42 41 0 Fuel Storage Pit - A2-7 9/14/2006 42 58 16 Fuel Storage Pit - A2-8 9/14/2006 42 54 12 Fuel Storage Pit - A2-9 9/14/2006 42 45 3 Fuel Storage Pit - BO-1 9/14/2006 42 59 17 Fuel Storage Pit - BO-2 9/14/2006 42 51 9 Fuel Storage Pit - BO-3 9/14/2006 42 66 24 Fuel Storage Pit - B04 9/14/2006 42 54 12 Fuel Storage Pit - BO-5 9/14/2006 42 47 5 Fuel Storage Pit - BO-6 9/14/2006 42 57 15 Fuel Storage Pit - BO-7 9/14/2006 42 50 8 Fuel Storage Pit - BO-8 9/14/2006 42 42 0 Fuel Storage Pit - BO-9 9/14/2006 42 26 0 Fuel Storage Pit - B1-1 9/14/2006 42 66 24 Fuel Storage Pit - B1-2 9/14/2006 42 49 7 Fuel Storage Pit - B1-3 9/14/2006 42 39 0 Fuel Storage Pit - B1-4 9/14/2006 42 56 14 Fuel Storage Pit - BI-5 9/14/2006 42 50 8 Fuel Storage Pit - B1-6 9/14/2006 42 35 0 Page 1 of 2

Fuel Storage Pit Liquid Scintillation Results Background Gross Net Location Date DPM DPM DPM Fuel Storage Pit - B1-7 9/14/2006 42 46 4 Fuel Storage Pit - Bl-8 9/14/2006 42 44 2 Fuel Storage Pit - B1-9 9/14/2006 42 60 18 Fuel Storage Pit - B2-1 9/14/2006 42 49 7 Fuel Storage Pit - B2-2 9/14/2006 42 45 3 Fuel Storage Pit - B2-3 9/14/2006 42 53 11 Fuel Storage Pit - B2-4 9/14/2006 42 49 7 Fuel Storage Pit - B2-5 9/14/2006 42 51 9 Fuel Storage Pit - B2-6 9/14/2006 42 51 9 Fuel Storage Pit - B2-7 9/14/2006 42 40 0 Fuel Storage Pit - B2-8 9/14/2006 42 55 13 Fuel Storage Pit - B2-9 9/14/2006 42 47 5 Page 2 of 2

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 8 - Sub-Unit 1-3-7 Reactor Room North Wall 0 To 4-m FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

  • Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-7 (Reactor room north wall 0 to 4-m)

I Location


IReactor room north wall 0 to 4-m I I

Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/lOOcm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (j+/-R/hr)

Number of measurements: 55 55 55 55 N/A Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 29 8 220 91 N/A Mean value of results: 7 1 100 23 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 8 2 60 25 N/A Degree of Freedom (2): 1.674 1.674 1.674 1.674 N/A 4 value: 9 1 113 28 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is p, < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A (1)as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

0 University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-7 (Reactor room north wall 0 to 4-m)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct MIn. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall L 0 0 0 0 120 150 250 0 0 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall M 0 0 0 1 147 120 200 0 0 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall N 0 0 0 0 158 too 200 0 1 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall L T 0 0 1 162 100 180 0 86 095 09/20/06 AA 1 N Wall M 1 3 0 1 182 100 220 0 11 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall N I 22 1 1 165 120 240 0 36 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall L 2 8 0 1 131 100 200 0 21 095 09/20/06 AA 1 N Wall M 1 2 0 1 0 0 136 t00 260 0 11 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall N ]2 0 1 0 0 123 100 200 0 41 095 09/20/06 AA I I IN Wall LI 31 3 0 173 100 1 220 0 71 095 09/20/06 AA I INWall M 3 3 0 1 114 1 120 200 1 0 21 095 09/20/06 AA a 0 1 76 1 100 200 0 1 0 095 09/20/06 AA 3 0 1 095 109/20/06 1 AA I IN Wall M 4 18 0 1 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall N 14 3 0 1 0 1 80 1 180 1 0 1 66 095 09/20/06 AA 1 N Wall K 0 0 0 1 165 100 240 0 26 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall K I 22 1 2 175 120

-1 200 0 41 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall K 2 3 0 147 140 110 0 1 6 3

1' 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall 3 0 1 164 240 0 91 1 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall 3 0 0 1 127 100 280 0 36 095 09/20/06 AA I I IN Wall 3 8 -2 240 0 21 095 09/20/06 AA 1 N Wall 4 3 240 0 26 095 109/20/06 1 AA I N Wall J 4 0 0 1 0 80 1 140 1 0 1 21 1 N1Wall K 4 T 0 0 80 160 1 0 1 41 1IN We Wal -0 0 1 643 100 1 160_ 1__ 0 1___41____1___1_

-0 098 098 09/21/06 09/21/06 AA AA 1

I N Wall N Wall A 1 2 6 0 0 1

1 36 1100 1610 014 11 1 _~_ __ _ _

0 106 120 240 0 11 098 09/21/06 AA 1 N Wall B 0 0 0 0 136 098 09/21/06 AA B 1 0 1 11 143 120 1 200 4 36 098 09/21/06 AA B 2 20 0 1 51 AA I I N Wall C 0 6 0 51 098 09/21/06 AA I N Vall C 11 15 0 -2 -142-098 09/21/06 AA 1 N Vall 11 05 -1 162 098 09/21/06 AA 1 N Wall 0 I 1 153 098 09/21/06 AA. I N Wall D [ 6 0 160 DP 2 11 1 098 09/21/06 AA 1 N all 0 99 120 200 0 11 098 09/21/06 AA I N Wall -0 1O00 E 0 2 0 108 180 0 0 098 09/21/06 AA I N Wall E 1 0 129 T220 240 0 6 0 1 E 2 0 t-I 69 100 180 0 0 A 3 2 1 84 80 200 0 0 098 09/21/06 AA I N Wall 2-i4 0 135 140o 2206 21 22308 0 0 098 09/21/06 AA C 3 2 -160 1 240 0 0 098 09/21/06 AA D -i 2 180 0 46 A 1 4 11 0 1 220 4 36 098 109/21/061 AA I I IN Wall B 1 4 15 0 2 41 100 220 8 51

_________ C 4 11 0 -1 30 I 80 098 09/21/06 A/ D_ 4 6 0 3 -29 0 80 140 4 11 .

__________ E 78 140 220 098 09/21/06 AA F 3 2 0 1 143 100 240 098 09/21/06 AA I N Wall G 1 3 11 0 T 098 09/21/6 AA I N Wall E 4 29 2 3 90 140 098 240 1 4 36 09/21/06 AA 1 N Wall F 4 29 1 3 0 120 200 4 36 ENERCON Se-ixes, ia.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-7 (Reactor room north wall 0 to 4-m)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net Ipn Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 098 09/21/06 AA I N Wall G 4 15 0 1 82 140 220 4 0 140 10/02/06 AA I N Wall H 3 11 0 2 0 100 180 0 65 North Wall Reactor Room 140 10/02/06 AA I N Wall H 4 0 0 2 0 100 200 0 0 North Wall Reactor Room ENERCON Services, in.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 9 - Sub-Unit 1-3-8 Reactor Room North Wall 5 To 9-m FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-8 (Reactor room north wall 5 to 9-m)

I Location


IReactor room north wall 5 to 9-m I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpmi/100cm ) (dpmlOOcim) (dpm100cm2 ) (PgR/hr)

Number of measurements: 67 67 67 67 N/A Number of measurements needed (1)" 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 58 12 255 122 N/A Mean value of results: 18 1 113 30 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 17 2 71 28 N/A Degree of Freedom (2): 1.670 1.670 1.670 1.670 N/A value: 21 1 128 35 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is lta < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

FSS # I Date I Class Floor Comments Wipe DPM 8 1 095 09/20/06 AA I IN Wall 0 1 54 120 220 0 66 095 09/20/06 AA I I INWall L 6 3 0 1 21 100 240 M 6 8 1 1 0 095 -iT 7 8 1 151f 0 6 1 4-095 L 13 1 M -7 09/20/06 1 AA I I IN Wall 8 0 I 095 1 09/20/06 1 AA 1 I INWall N 7 8 1 1 158 120 260 095 1 09/20/06 1 AA I I N Wall L 0 1 100 180 .

8 1 0

'ail 8 3 0 I 123 140 220 0 41 A/ 'all W 8 0 01- 1 56- 120 200 0 6 095 1 09/20/06 1 AA I I IN Wall -L 9 0 0 1 140 240 0 36 095 09/20/06 1 AA I I INWall Mf -9 3 0 T 160 240 0 36 095 ( 0 I .1 92 120 180 0 86 1NNWall Na1 1 1 59N19 1 00 1 0 l 0 095 I 80 140 0 56 095 09/20/061 AA I I IN Wall J 5 0 0 1 39 140 200 0 0 K 5 37 2 -2 -0 120 220 0 26

-1 -6 -27 2 -3 140 260 7 36 095 09/20/06 1AA I I IN Wall AA 120 180 0 0 NWal 27 2 1 2 AA 4 Wal 28 100 200 18 1 1 1 7 13 131 120 240 0

-1 51 7 -13 T2 158 140 220 0 095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall -0 10 1 178 160 280 -0 16 T

095 09/20/06 AA I N Wall 1 8 8 1 114 100 200 0 26 095 09/20/06 AA 1 N Wall - 8 2 145 120 200 0 0 095 09/20/06 AA 1 N Wall K 8 is3 1 1 118 120 180 0 0 095 09/20/06 AA 1 N Wall 1 9 8 1 85 160 86 095

-T-J 0 T 167 240 11 095 B K T 140 122 098 iT-A 01 112 0 5 2 1 -5 090 09/21/06 AA 1 N Wall 1 0 132 0 090 09/21/06 AA I N Wall 5 15 1 0 4 0 2

6 AA B 5 20 0-1 4 100 76 098 09/21/06 AA IN Wall C 6 2 0 0 T

090 09/21/061 AA I I N Wall D 6 0 -0 49 120 o 220

-6 -0 99 [140 260 6 -1

-5 -2 U uvt *t*t 0 1 4 0 ing, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 109/22/06 AA I I IN Wall 161 120 [ 200 1 0 0 ing, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 09/22/06 1AA I I N Wall ing, grids A9, B9, C9 ate not present

____ __ 4 J-~-4 4 4-L ing, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present t

ing, grids A9, B9, C9 are no present ing, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 81 39 1 2 ing, grids A9, 89, C9 are not present 8 1 5 0 0 ing, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-8 (Reactor room north wall 5 to 9-mn)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net PR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cps) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (epm) DPM DPM 100 09/22/06 AA I N Wall 0 8 29 1 2 152 140 200 0 54 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 09/22106 AA i N Wall H 8 39 1 2 199 120 240 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 09/22/06 AA I N Wall E 9 5 0 1 140 80 160 12 0 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 09/22/06 AA I N Wall F 9 44 1 2 225 120 200 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are Lintpresent 100 09/22/06 AA I N Wall G 9 34 1 2 231 140 200 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 09/22/06 AA I N Wall H 9 29 1 1 16 100 160 0 79 _ Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are sot present 100 09/22/06 AA I N Wall A 7 44 1 2 161 140 220 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 09/22/06 AA I N Wall B 7 44 2 3 118 100 180 0 54 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are n0tpresent 100 09/22/06 AA I N Wall C 7 5 0 1 140 120 200 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 09/22/06 AA I N Wall D 7 24 1 2 159 120 220 0 24 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 09/22/06 AA I N Wall A 8 49 2 4 195 140 260 0 44 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 09/22/06 AA I - N Wall B - 39 2 3 202 120 260 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 09/22/06 AA I N Wall C 8 39 2 2 169 100 240 0 24 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 09/22/06 AA 1 N Wall D 8 39 1 2 155 120 200 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present 100 09/22/06 AA I N Wall D 9 44 2 3 253 160 260 4 0 _ Due to sloping ceiling, grids A9, B9, C9 are not present ENERCON Servires, i.u.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 10 - Sub-Unit 1-3-9 Reactor Room South Wall 0 To 4-m FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-9 (Reactor room south wall 0 to 4-m)

I Location


Reactor room south wall 0 to 4-r Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results 2 2 2 All Surfaces (dpm/100cm ) (dpm/100cm ) (dpm/100cm ) (dpm/100cmZ) (qR/hr)

Number of measurements: 58 60 58 60 N/A Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 71 13 1228 78 N/A Mean value of results: 25 2 .175 17 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 20 3 211 22 N/A Degree of Freedom (2): 1.672 1.671 1.672 1.671 N/A li,, value: 29 2 222 22 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is [.t, < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A (I) as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5 849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-9 (Reactor room south wall 0 to 4-in)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Mn. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DP'M 054 08/30/06 GA I Pipe A 28 88 144 4 23 Survey ofmain drainline (1.5") left in reactor room fl -2811 054 08/30/06 GA 1 Pipe A 0 88 144 0 9 Survey of main drainline (1.5") left it reactor room fl - 2811 099 09/21/06 AA I S Wall A 0 16 0 2 165 40 320 0 42 099 09/21/06 AA I S Wall A I 16 0 1 195 40 400 0 0 099 09/21/06 AA I S Wall A 2 1 0 1 203 40 400 0 0 099 09/21/06 AA I S Wall B 0 6 0 1 276 40 400 4 19 Void Space 099 09/21/06 AA 1 S Wall B 1 11 0 2 209 40 380 0 19 1 099 09/21/06 AA 1 S Wall B 2 6 0 1 192 40 380 0 51 099 09/21/06 AA 1 S Wall C 0 11 0 1 126 40 310 0 0 Void Space 099 09/21/06 AA I S Well C 1 1 0 1 93 40 300 4 0 099 09/21/06 AA I S Wall C 2 16 0 1 42 40 300 0 0 099 09/21/06 AA I S Wall D 0 21 0 1 128 40 310 0 0 099 09/21/06 AA I S Wall D I 27 0 1 1228 40 480 0 0 099 09/21/06 AA I S Wall D 2 0 0 0 95 40 310 0 70 099 09/21/06 AA I S Wall E 0 32 0 2 86 40 310 0 0 099 09/21/06 AA S Wall E 1 11 0 1 120 40 310 1 0 14 099 09/21/06 AA 1 SWall E 2 1 0 1 126 40 310 0 0 Void Space 099 09/21/06 AA I S Wall K 0 6 0 1 76 40 300 4 47 099 09/21/06 AA I S Wall K 1 52 0 3 234 40 400 4 42 099 09/21/06 AA I S Wall K 2 11 0 I 86 40 310 0 0 099 09/21/06 AA 1 S Wall L 0 32 0 153 40 320 0 0 Doorway 099 099 099 09/21/06 09/21/06 09/21/06 AA AA AA I


S Wall S Wall S Wall

___ __H 27 0 0

1 1090 1 40 1 500 0 1 0 Doorway M 0 T 099 109/21/061 AA I 1 S Wall I M 1 16 1 107 40 310 0 0 099 09/22/06 AA I1 S Wall M 1 2 1 20 0 1 153 1 40 320 0 1 13 Doorway 099 09/22/06 AA I S Wall N 0 10 0 1 122 40 310 0 1 0 099 09/22/06 AA I S Wall [ N -1 40O 310 4 1 69 1 1CaePower Box 0

099 09/22/06 AA I S Wall NT 2 0 40 300 _0 1 0 1__ 1_____________________

099 09/22/06 1 AA 1 1 S Wall N 13 40 0 2 140 40ýO 300 1 0 1 31 1 1 099 c S Wall N 14 35 0 2 3 40 400 1 0 1 13 099 C ISWall M 1 4 1 71 0 4 0 7 099 109/22/061 AA I S Wall LI 3 45 0 3 54 0 Voided snace 099 09/22/06 AA I S Wall L 1 4 1 40 0 2 553 40 500 13 78 099 09/22/06 AA I S Wall K 4 35 0 44 40 300 13 31 099 09/22/06 AA  ! S Wall 0 -1 40 310 0 81 099 09/22/06 AA 1 S Wall 099 09/22/06 AA 1 S Wall 0

3 1] 40 [400 4I I 13 1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

0 153 40 310 9 4 099 09/22/06 AA 1 S Wall J 7 13 146 551 0 2. 1 40 380 0 0 099 09/23/06 AA I S Wall _0 -2 19 40 260 0 54 099 09/23/06 AA IS Wall 4 54 099 09/23/06 AA I1 S Wall 1 3 65 3 0 3 099 09/23/06 AA I S Wall 1 1 2 65 0 ~2

-I-i 2 120 1 40 r 300 0 4

1so 099 09/23/06 AA I S Wall H 1 4 39 06 0 1 40 1 260 8 0 101 09/23/06 AA I S Wall A 3 45 23 290 140 1 220 0 8 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA 1 S Wall 54 243 120 200 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA 1 § Wall 50 2 290 140 260 0 38 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 1 AA I S Wall I D 1 3 25 0 1 256 120 240 0 13 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA 1 S Wall A 4 35 1 2 101 273 100 240 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 09/23/06 AA -4 40 1 101 180 1 80 1 180 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 09/23/06 AA C 4 30 _0 187 100 160 [12 1 _18 tDue to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 nuotpresent 101 1 09/23/06 1 AA I IS Wall D5- -4 40 144 80 1 180 0 33 IDue to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9. and C9 sot present ENERCON Serices, ias.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-9 (Reactor room south wall 0 to 4-m)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comminents Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 107 09/25/06 AA 1 S Wall E 4 6 0 1 43 100 180 3 0 107 09/25/06 AA 1 S Wall F 4 1 0 1 0 80 140 0 0 1 107 09/25/06 AA I S WaII G 4 6 0 1 0 100 180 0 26 107 09/25/06 AA I S Wall E 3 6 0 1 155 120 240 0 46 107 09/25/06 AA I S Wall F 3 0 0 0 102 140 200 0 0 107 09/25/06 AA I S Wall G 3 1 0 1 186 140 220 3 31 107 09/25/06 AA I S Wall 11 3 6 1 1 140 120 260 0 62 107 09/25/06 AA 1 S Wall J 4 0 0 0 60 100 180 0 -1 ENERCONSerices, in-.

-1 0 0 CD (0


University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 11 - Sub-Unit 1-3-10 Reactor Room South Wall 5 To 9-m FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP- 13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-10 (Reactor room south wall 5 to 9-m)

I Location


IoReactor room south wall 5 to 9-m I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/lOOcm2 ) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2 ) (VR/hr)

Number of measurements: 67 67 67 67 N/A Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 . 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 76 12 442 101 N/A Mean value of results: 37 1 168 21 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 19 3 104 25 N/A Degree of Freedom (2): 1.670 1.670 1.670 1.670 N/A

p. value: 40 2 189 26 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is [t,, < guideline? Yes Yes Yes. Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A as interpolated from NUtREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-I for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

0 University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-10 (Reactor room south wall 5 to 9-m)

FSS# Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 099 09/22/06 AA I SWall N 5 20 0 1 0 40 380 4 13 099 09/22/06 AA I S Wall N 6 45 0 3 83 40 380 0 0 099 09/22/06 AA I S Wall N 7 60 0 4 146 40 290 0 18 099 09/22/06 AA 1 S Wall M 7 35 0 2 52 40 250 0 0 099 09/22/06 AA I S Wall M 6 45 0 3 169 40 360 0 69 099 09/22/06 AA I S Wall M 5 30 0 2 0 40 360 0 101 099 09/22/06 AA 1 S Wall L 5 25 0 1 17 40 300 4 69 099 09/22/06 AA 1 S Wall L 6 40 0 1 0 40 300 0 4 099 09/22/06 AA I S Wall L 7 40 0 1 101 40 310 0 0 099 09/22/06 AA 1 S Wall K 7 76 0 3 77 40 300 4 73 099 09/22/06 AA 1 S Wall K 6 5 0 1 62 40 300 0 18 099 09/22/06 AA I S Wall K 5 20 0 l 73 40 300 9 59 099 09/23/06 AA 1 S Wall J 5 39 0 3 49 40 300 8 7 099 09/23/06 AA 1 S Wall J 6 33 0 2 442 40 490 0 26 099 09/23/06 AA 1 S Wall J 7 39 0 2 93 40 300 8 21 099 09/23/06 AA I S Wall 1 7 60 0 3 142 40 300 0 3 099 09/23/06 AA I S Wall 1 6 49 0 2 147 40 300 0 12 099 09/23/06 AA I S Wall 1 5 44 0 2 93 40 300 0 0 099 09/23/06 AA I S Wall H 5 49 0 2 34 40 300 0 3 099 09/23/06 AA I S Wall H 6 28 0 2 169 40 320 0 40 099 09/23/06 AA I S Well H 7 23 0 1 32 40 230 0 0 099 09/23/06 AA I S Wall G 7 70 0 3 151 40 330 0 0 099 09/23/06 AA I S Wall G 6 28 0 2 233 40 400 4 35 099 09/23/06 AA I S Wall G 5 65 0 3 0 40 200 0 68 101 09/23/06 AA I S Wall A 5 50 2 2 236 120 240 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling gridsA9, B9, and C9 not present l01 09/23/06 AA I S Wall B 5 30 1 1 139 80 140 8 28 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA I S Wall C 5 45 0 2 154 100 140 0 18 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, 89, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA I S Wall D 5 11 0 0 170 120 200 12 53 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA I S Wall A 6 54 2 3 217 140 260 4 3 Due to slopiug ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA I S Wall B - 6 54 1 2 293 140 260 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA 1 S Wall C 6 25 0 1 202 120 220 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA I S Wall P -6 -1 35 1 2 228 140 260 0 3 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA I S Wall A 7 30 1 I 301 160 280 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9 139,and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA I S Wall B1 7 50 2 3 224 120 240 4 13 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, aud C9 not present 101 109/23/06 AA I S Wall Cl 7 I 5 71 I tn Ifi a I -

, 271 1 140 260 1 .0 1 28 --- .......

l2! 09/23/06 AA I S Wall D 7 40 1 2 249 120 260 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA 1 S Wall A 228 140 260 0 46 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 1 09/23/06 AA I S Wall B 0 256 120 0) 1 3 ti-ga 101 09/23/06 AA I I ISWall 8 1 16 0 1 230 100 D I C inn ai 101 09/23/06 AA AA 1 Wall S Wall IS D 8 30 1 1 2 228 140 220 1 0 21 101 09/23/06 t!",

8 50 2 3 247 140 260 0 6 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, aid C9 not present 11 09/23/06 AA IllS Wall 35 1 T 286 160 240 0 31 Due to slopitng ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 109/23/061 AA I I S Wall L 1 8 25 0 1 297 140 260 0 16 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, 139, nadC9 notI 101 1 09/23/06 1 AA I I ISWall N 19 25 0 2 213 100 220 0 26 Due to slopin2 ceilinp nridsA9. B9. and C9 not u M 9 50 2 3 224 140 240 1 0. a f3.

  • nniot piinnordeAO Ino , r'o ..n 1 0 Due to - p g 0 "0

_________ -L T 45 -2 303 120 0 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 1 09/23/06 1 AA I I IS Wall K 59- -2 226 101 109/23/061 AA I I S Wall I J 8 59 -3 223 3 0 0 101 1 09/23/061 AA I I ISWall 1 1 8 1 54 1 2 2 1 342 160 1 280 1 0 1 21 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present lt 09/23/06 AA I S Wall K 19 40 1 1 1 2 1 219 1 120 1 200 1 0 1 0 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 nut present 101 09/23/06 AA 1 S Wall 101 09/23/06 AA 1 S Wall 258 230 1 100 140 11 220 240 1 0 1 60 1 1 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present IDue to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 stot present ENERCON Services,inn.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-10 (Reactor room south wall 5 to 9-m)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 101 09/23/06 AA 1 S Wall i1 8 50 - 1 2 273 140 260 0 31 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA 1 S Wall G 8 30 0 2 254 100 220 0 0 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 10t 09123/06 AA I S Wall F 8 35 1 2 273 120 240 0 21 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA I S Wall H 9 64 3 4 286 160 260 3 46 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA I S Wall a 9 69 3 4 237 100 220 0 62 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 101 09/23/06 AA I S Wall F 9 59 2 3 284 120 240 3 36 Due to sloping ceiling grids A9, B9, and C9 not present 107 09125/06 AA I S Wall D 9 1 0 1 0 too 160 0 1 107 09/25/06 AA I S Wall E 9 15 1 1 0 80 180 3 0 107 09/25/06 AA I S Wall E 8 24 1 2 62 100 220 0 6 107 09/25/06 AA I S Wll E 7 1 0 1 11 120 240 0 1 107 09/25/06 AA I SWall F 7 1 0 1 84 140 220 0 0 107 09/25/06 AA I S Wall E 6 19 I 2 87 120 240 0 21 107 09/25/06 AA I SWall F 6 10 0 I 170 160 280 0 52 107 09/25/06 AA 1 S Wall E 5 15 I 1 43 120 240 1 3 41 107 09/25/06 AA I SWall F 5 1 0 1 1 80 11.0 0 26 ENERCONServices, hi..


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University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 12 Sub-Unit 1-3-11 Reactor Room West Ceiling Grids A-D Including Beams FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-11 (Reactor room west ceiling grids A-D including beams)

I Location


IReactor room west ceiling grids A-D including beams I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) ( LR/hr)

Number of measurements: 88 88 88 88 N/A Number of measurements needed (1: 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 32 4 266 53 N/A Mean value of results: 8 0 112 7 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 8 1 74 13 N/A Degree of Freedom (2): 1.665 1.665 1.665 1.665 N/A g value: 9 0 125 9 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is ýtý < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A

() as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-11 (Reactor room west ceiling grids A-D including beams)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DIM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 067 09/09/06 AA 1 Ceiling A 0 8 0 0 243 120 180 0 33 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling A 1 25 1 2 212 120 200 0 0 067 09/09/06 AA 1 Ceiling A 2 0 0 1 189 120 160 0 8 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling A 3 30 0 1 170 120 160 0 0 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling A 4 21 1 2 202 140 220 0 0 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling A 5 17 0 2 191 120 220 0 0 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling A 6 17 0 I 197 120 240 0 0 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling A 7 25 1 2 177 120 220 0 8 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling A 8 0 0 1 160 120 200 0 8 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling A 9 12 0 1 114 120 200 0 0 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling A 10 3 0 1 156 120 200 0 13 067 09/09/06 AA 1 Ceiling B 0 3 0 1 139 120 180 0 0 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling B 1 12 1 2 139 120 200 0 43 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling B 2 21 1 2 87 120 180 0 28 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceilin B 3 21 2 2 107 120 220 0 0 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling B 4 8 0 1 89 120 200 0 0 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling B 5 0 0 1 85 120 180 0 0 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling B 6 12 1 2 128 120 200 0 0 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling B 7 8 0 1 85 120 180 0 0 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling B 8 0 0 1 59 120 180 0 28 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling B 9 17 1 2 189 120 220 0 8 067 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling B 10 12 I 1 87 120 200 0 13 068 09/09/06 AA I Beam A 0 9 0 0 0 40 160 0 0 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA I I eanm A I 0 0 1 2 40 220 3 3 1 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA I Ream A 2 9 0 1 0 40 200 0 0 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA I Beam A 3 13 0 1 21 40 240 0 0 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA I Beam A 4 4 0 1 49 40 260 0 0 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09109106 AA 1 Beam A 5 13 0 1 11 40 220 0 53 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA I Beamn A 6 9 0 1 0 40 190 0 0 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA I Beam A 7 0 0 l 0 40 180 3 18 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA 1 Beam A 8 0 0 1 0 40 180 0 38 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09109106 AA I Beam A 9 0 0 1 0 40 160 0 3 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA I Beam A 10 0 0 1 0 40 220 0 13 Conerete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA I Beam B 0 0 0 1 0 40 180 0 0 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA I Beam B 1 - 0 0 1 0 40 160 0 0 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA I Bearn B 2 0 0 1 0 40 200 0 0 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA 1 Beam B 3 0 0 1 0 40 200 0 8 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 068 09/09/06 09/09/06 AA AA I1 Beam Beam B B 54 00 00 0I 0 40 200 170 0 00 Cncrete Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09109/06 AA 1 Beam B 6 0 0 1 0 40 160 0 0 Concrete Ceiling Beanms 068 09/09/06 AA I Beam B 7 0 0 1 0 40 110 0 0 Concrete Ceiling Beams 068 09/09/06 AA 1 Benis B S 0 0 1 0 40 130 00 00 Cncrete Concrete Celing Beams Ceiling Beams B 9 0 0 1 0 40 200 068 09/09/06 AA I Beam Concrete Ceiling Beams 0 0 1 0 40 190 0 28 068 09/09/06 AA I Beamn B 10 069 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling C 0 0 0 1 116 100 200 0 53 069 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling C 1 5 0 2 94 100 200 0 7 069 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling C 2 0 ND ND 128 100 200 0 35 069 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling C 3 0 0 1 122 100 200 0 0 069 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling C 4 5 0 2 133 100 200 0 44 069 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling C 5 10 1 3 200 100 200 0 0 069 09/09/06 AA I Ceiling D 0 10 I 3 164 100 200 0 0 069 09/09/06 AA 1 Ceiling D I 5 0 2 141 100 200 0 21 ENERCON Servi-c, i.n.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-11 (Reactor room west ceiling grids A-D including beams)

FSS # Date Class Floor eR Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpmn) (cpm) DPM (epmn) (cpm) DPM DPM 069 09/09/06 AA I Ceilina D 2 5 0 2 156 100 200 0 0 069 09/09/06 AA 1 Ceiting D 3 19 "2 3 230 100 200 0 0 069 091091/06 AA I Ceiling D 4 0 ND ND 124 100 200 0 0 069 09/09/06 AA 1 Ceiling D 5 10 1 3 168 100 200 0 0 069 09/11/06 AA I Beam C 0 14 2 142 100 200 4 1Bams 0

069 09/09/06 AA I Iearn C 1 19 2 3 126 100 200 4 0 Beams 0691 09/09/06 AA 1 CBeam C 2 0 N N1 115 100 200 0 0 Beams 0691 09/09/06 AA I Beam C .3 9 2 3 75 100 200 0 0 Beams 069 09/09/06 AA I Beam C 4 10 1 3 145 100 200 0 0 Beams 069 09/091/06 AA I Beam C 5 19 2 3N 171 120 200 0 2 Beams 071 09/11/06 AA 1 Ceiling C 6 32 4 8 155 100 200 0 21 071 09/11/06 AA I Ceiling C 7 9 1 3 180 100 220 0 0 071 09/11/06 AA I Ceiling C 8 4 0 2 142 100 200 0 16 B 071 09/11/06 AA I Ceiling C 9 109 2 3 127 100 200 0 0 071 09/11/06 AA I Ceiling C 10 0 ND ND 266 180 200 0 0 071 09/11/06 AA I Ceilina D 9 1 3 197 100 200 0 0 071 09/11/06 AA I Ceaming D 7 0 0 1 167 100 220 0 0 071 09/11/06 AA 1 Ceiling D .8 0 ND ND 157 [20 200 0 0 071 09/11/06 AA I Ceiling D 9 9 2 3 125 100 180 0 0 071 09/11/06 AA I Ceiling D 10 13 2 3 146 100 200 0 0 071 09/11/06 AA I Beam C 6 4 0 2 238 100 200 0 0 Beams 071 09/14/06 AA I Beam C 7 18 2 4 185 100 200 0 0 Beams 071 09/11/06 AA I Beam C 8 9 1 3 165 100 200 0 0 Beams 071 09/11/06 AA I Beam C 9 9 1 3 178 100 200 0 21 Beams 071 09/11/06 AA I Beam C to 0 0 1 174 too 200 0 0 Beams 071 09/11/06 AA I Beam D 8 0 0 1 148 120 220 0 0 Beams 071 109/11/06 AA I Beam D 9 18i 2 4 118 100 200 0 0 Beams 071 09/11/06 AA I Beam D 10 0 0 1 134 100 200 0 0 Beams 089 09/14/06 AA I Beam D 0 23 0 ND 149 140 180 04 -0 Beams 089 09/14/06 AA 1 Beam D 1 27 0- ND 21 140 200 4 0 Beams 089 09/14/06 AA- I Beam D - 2 -9 0 ND 151 160 200 0 0Beams 089 09/14/06 AA I Beam D- 3- 9 0 ND 1 144 180 200 0 7 1 _Beams_

089 09/14/06 AA I Beam D 4 0 0 ND 19 10 10 0 1 em 089 09114106 AA I Beam D 5 0 0 ND 14 40 20 0 0 Beams 090 09/18/06 AA I Beam D 6 9- 3 113 100 200 0 0 IBeams 090 09/18/06 AA I Beam D 7 4 1 3 163 100 200 0 0 1 Beams ENERCON Service, in.


University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 3 - Sub-Unit 1-3-12 Reactor Room Center Ceiling Grids E-H Including Beams FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-12 (Reactor room center ceiling grids E-H including beams)

I h



IReactor room center ceiling grids E-H including beams I

  • 'I *~~,*j .. ~

Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm )

2 (IiR/hr)

Number of measurements: 88 88 88 88 N/A Number of measurements needed M: 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 46 9 257 97 N/A Mean value of results: 13 1 164 12 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 12 2 39 23 N/A Degree of Freedom (2): 1.665 1.665 1.665 1.665 N/A Jtavalue: 15 1 171 16 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is j.+/- < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A (1)as interpolated from NUTREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-12 (Reactor room center ceiling grids E-H including beams)

FSS # Date I Class Floor Surface X I Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpus) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 071 09/11/061 AA 1 !Ceiling E 1 8 9 1 3 1j38 100 071 09/11/06 AA I ICeiling I E 9 32 1 4 8 J 199 80 071 1 09/11/061 AA 1 Ceiling E I 10 0 0 1 229 100 1 180 1 0 16 1 Ceiling F 8 0 0 1 157 100 200 0 0 1 Ceiling F TY 4

100 200 0 0 071 109/11/061 AA 1 [Ceilina 100 200 0 0 071 1 09/11/061 AA 1 1 Ceiling G 19 4 0 1 2 197 100 200 0 0 071 09/11/061 AA 1 1 Ceiling H 18 9 3 229 120 180 0 0 H 19 0 0 1 161 100 200 0 0 0 2 153 80 200 0 0 Beams

-2 071 09/11/061 AA 1 1 Beam Beams 2

071 09/11/06 AA II Beam F 8 18 Beams AA I I Beam 2 4 178 100 200 0 0 Beams G 8 0 Beams 0 1 127 072 09/12/06 GA I I Beam 22 0 2?00 101 ____ jeass 20 J2 ___lBeams 072 09/12/06 GA I Beam H 9 200 1 0 1 0 1__ Ilemus I Ceiling 1 E El 2 217 240 0 3 089 09/14/06 E 3 173 8:110 ,

089 09/14/06 AA 1 Ceiling 183 1 160 I 089 09/14/06 E 5 089 09/14/06 46 0 ND 121 Beams 089 09/14/06 AA I jBeam 32 0 ND Beams 089 09/14/06 AA I Beam E 2 23 0 ND 199 160 240 0 0 Beams 089 09/14/06 AA I Beam E 3 9 0 ND 144 180 200 0 7 Beams 089 09/14/06 AA I Beam E 4 5 0 ND 178 180 220 0 0 Beams 089 09/14/06 AA I I IBeam E 5 37 0~~ Bennis 089 09/14/06 AA I JCeiling F 0 41 0 F t 32 0 ND 203 180 260 0 0 0 ND I 162 0 0 72 089 09/14/06 AA j I Beam F I 1 1 14 0 0 0 089 09/14/06 AA II Beas F 2 0 0 140 160 220? 0 0 089 09/14/06 F ~- 3 27 0 ND ND 167 180 220 0 I0 Beams 089 09/14/06 F - 0 0 ND 14 101 160 1 200 1 0 1 0 Beams F 4 9 0 Beams 4/06 AA I Ceiling F 4 5 0 4/06 AA I I Ceiling F- -5 14 _0 ND 089 09/14/06 AA I Beam I- 5 5 0 ND 165 140 240 0 0 089 09/14/06 AA I Ceilini G 0 27 0 ND 255 AA 1 Beam G 0 0 ND 139 160 200 RpnmQ Beams gpp fqdh mnmmpnlQ -

, See GO comment-089 109/14/061 AA 1 Ceiling G I 0 ND 157 0 0 0 Beam G I 0 ND 198 D 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 BF:4 I Ceiling G 2 0 ND 164 1 Beam G 2 0 ND 162 160 200 0 I Ceiling G 3 0 ND Beam G 3 9 0 ND 0 IBcams, See G4b connmnents G 4 9 ND 0 49 I 089 1 09/14/06 1 AA ND 151 160 220 0 26 1 _ Beams, East side needs surveyem ND 171 180 I 220 I 0 a0 171 180 220 0 ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-12 (Reactor room center ceiling grids E-H including beams)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net tR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 089 09/14/06 AA I Beam a 5 5 0 ND 165 140 180 0 40 Beams, East face needs surveyed, static smear 090 09/18/06 AA 1 Ceiling 6 6 31 3 6 129 100 200 0 23 090 09/18/06 AA I Ceiling B 7 13 2 4 152 120 220 0 0 090 09/18/06 AA I Beam E *6 0 0 2 174 100 200 0 0 Beams 090 09/18/06 AA Beam F B 7 22 3 5 160 100 200 0 0 Beams 090 09/18/06 AA I Ceiling F 6 13 2 3 120 120 200 0 51 090 09/18/06 AA I Ceiling F 7 0 0 2 248 100 220 0 28 090 09/18/06 AA I I Ceiling H 0 22 3 4 181 100 220 0 0 090 109/18/061 AA I 1 Ceiling H 1 4 l 3 140 100 200 0 0 H 2 1 0 0 2 149 100 200 0 0 090 1 09/18/06 1 AA 090 109/18/061 AA I

I I ICeiling Ceiling H

I 1 H

3 4

5 9 1 4 I 172 102 113 100 t00 100 20 180 200 4~

4 l

F O 0 l__

I Beam H 1 0 9 I 3 163 100 1 200 1 0 1 32 Beams l Beam 0 0 2 96 100 1 180 1 0 1 0 Beams 090 109/18/061 AA I Beam 18 3 093 109/19/06 1 AA I Beam F 16 36 I 3 5 01 6 26 3 4 I1 Ceiling B~eam 194 100 200 1 9 1 0 2 4 144 100 180 0 13 Beams 093 109/19/06 1 AA I Ceiling 3 T 204 100 200 0 8 093 109/19/06 1 AA I Beam 1 1-1 1 3 2 0 L 200 100 200 0 0 Beams I Beam 1 1-1 4 2 0 1 148 100 200 9 17 Beams I Beam H 5 21 2 3 1 161 1 100 180 1 0 1 0 Beams 106 109/25/06 1 AA I Ream E 10 8 1 162 1 80 280 1 0 1 36 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA 1 Ceiling F 10 3 0- Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA I Beam F 10 8 Beam l Ceiling 1i 10 8 0 1 1 1 151 I 80 300 1 0 1 26 Ceiling 1 Beam 0 F 7 0 3 122 80 340 0 57 Beam 106 109/25/06 I AA 1 Ceiling 17 0 7 0 3 113 80 340 i0 67 Ceiling 106 09125/06 11AA Enam G 7 0 0 3 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA 1 Ceiling H 7 17 0 5 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA qea H 7 3 0 3 156 80 11 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA H 6 0 0 1 170 80 300 1 3 0 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA 1 Beam H 10 3 0 3 194 _ 80 300 1 0 26 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA I Beam 0 10 3 106 I09/25/06 IAA JIt eiliam, ti in n "1 11 10 3 0 3 80 106 1 09/25/06 AA I I lCeiling 111 Il+

ENERCON Seics, in.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 14 - Sub-Unit 1-3-13 Reactor Room East Ceiling Grids I-L Including Beams FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-13 (Reactor room east ceiling grids I-L including beams)

Unit Designator: I - 1-3-13 i I Location


IReactor room east ceiling grids I-L including beams I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm 2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/lOOcm 2 ) (p.R/hr)

Number of measurements: 77 77 77 77 N/A Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 45 9 226 112 N/A Mean value of results: 10 1 164 24 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 10 2 31 26 N/A Degree of Freedom (2)': 1.667 1.667 1.667 1.667 N/A Va value: 12 1 170 29 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is ýta < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

0 University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-13 (Reactor room east ceiling grids I-L including beams)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Beta Net pR Comments Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (epm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 072 09/12/06 AA I Ceiling 1 8 3 0 3 119 100 200 0 2 072 09/12/06 AA 1 Ceiling 9 2 13 1 3 152 100 220 0 0 090 09/18/06 AA I Ceiling 1 0 0 0 2 161 100 200 0 32 090 09/18/06 AA I Ceiling 1 1 22 3 4 185 100 220 0 19 090 09/18/06 AA I CeiBing 1 2 13 2 3 145 100 200 0 0 090 09/18/06 AA I Ceaming 3 47 1 3 226 100 220 0 1 093 09/19/06 AA 1 a Ceiling 4 26 3 4 140 100 200 0 0 093 09/19/06 AA I Ceiling 1 5 16 2 3 170 100 200 0 13 093 09/19/06 AA I Beam 1 0 12 1 3 161 100 200 0 31 Beams 093 09/19/06 AA I Beam 1 1 26 2 4 178 100 180 0 0 Beams 093 09/19/06 AA 1 Beam 1 2 7 0 2 170 100 200 0 0 Beams 093 09/19/06 AA I Beam 1 3 12 1 3 185 100 220 0 31 Beams 093 09/19/06 AA 1 Beam 1 4 45 4 6 193 100 200 0 8 Beams 093 09/19/06 AA I Beam J 5 71 0 2 206 120 200 0 17 Beams 093 09/19/06 AA I Ceiling J 0 2 168 100 200 4 8 093 09/19/06 AA I Ceiling 1 21 2 3 164 110 200 0 0 093 09/19/06 AA I Ceiling K 2 2 0 1 166 100 200 0 0 093 09/19/06 AA I Ceiling 1 3 16 2 3 157 800 200 0 13 093 09/19/06 AA I Ceiling 1 4 31 3 5 129 10 0 90 C 093 09/19/06 AA 1 a Ceiling 5 16 2 3 226 100 220 093 09/19/06 AA I Ceiling J 6 2 0 31 0 1 129 100 200 0 0 093 09/19/06 AA 1 Ceiling I 7 16 2 093 109/19/06 1AA 3 187 100 340 I1 Beam 1 0 26 2 4 168 120 200 00 00- Beams 093 09/29/06 AA 1 Beam 1 1 7 0 2 164 100 200 0 0 Beams 093 09/19/06 AA I Beanm 1 2 7 0 2 166 100 200 0 31 Beams 093 09/19/06 AA I Beam J 3 36 3 5 157 100 200 0 0 Beams 093 09/19/06 AA I Beam - 4 16 2 3 129 10 30 093 09/19/06 AA I Beam J 5 12 40 0 Beams I 3 149 100O 200 0 45 1 Beams 093 09/19/06 AA- I Beam J 6 7 0 2 159 100 1 200 0 0 1 Beams 093 09/19/06 -- AA I Beam J 7 12 1 3 204 120 1 220 4 0 Be13ams 093 09/19/06 AA I Ceiling* K 0 12 1 3 142 100 200' 0 0 West and bottom scanned a: 0-6 cpm /B I10U-200cpm 093 109/19/06 1AA I ICefling K 1 12 2 3- 215 100 220 0 0 West and bottom scanned a: 0-6 cpm /B 100-200 cam 093 09/19/06 AA I Ceiling K 2 26 3 4 193 too 200 0 0 West and bottom scanned a: 0-6 cinn/B 100-200 cpni 093 09/19/06 -AA I Ceiling K 3 1 16 1 4 178 100 200 0 0 West and bottom scanned a: 0-6 cpm /B 100-200 cpm 093 09/19/06 AA 1 Ceiling* K 4 21 2 4 157 100 200 0 17 West and bottom scanned a; 0-6 cpm /B 100-200 cpm 093 09/19/06 AA I Ceiling K 5 26 2 4 198 120 200 0 0 096 09/20/06 AA I Ceiling J 10 0 0 0 83 140 260 0 6 096 09/20/06 AA 1-- Ceiling J 9 18 -1 2 187 140 280 0 26 096 09/20/06 AA 1 Ceiling K to 13 1 1 167 160 280 0 161 096 09/20/06 AA I Ceiling K 9 22 I 2 180 140 300 0 26 097 109/20/06 1AA I1 Beam 1 10 13 1 2 167 180 280 0 46 Beams 097 09/20/06 AA I ]Beam J 9 0 0 1 1 118 160 300 0 "0 Beams 097 09/20/06 AA 1 1Beam K 1 0 1 22 1 1. 2 165 180 320 0 21 Beamns 097 09/20/06 AA I Beam K 9 1 3 0 1 1 164 140 280 3 66 Beamns 106 09/25/06 AA I Ceiling 1 7 1 0 0 1 3 187 80 280 0 36 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA I Ceiling 1 6 0 0 3 202 80 300 0 41 Ceiling 92/6 A I0 Beam 1 6 22 0 l 128 80 340 16 09/25/06 AA I 0 36 Beam Beam 1 7 8 0 3 185 80 30 0 1Ba 106 09/25/06 AA I Be in 1 8 8 0 3_ 162 80 320 0 16 B1eam IN6 9/ 5/06 AA I Beam 1 9 0 0 3 171 80 320 0 41 Beam 106 09T/253/06 AA 1 Beam 1 10 3 t 5 192 80 340 0 36 jBeam 106 09/25/06 AA I Ceifing 1 10 0 0 3 98 80 300 0 3 ela ENERCON Servi-es, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-13 (Reactor room east ceiling grids I-L including beams)

FSS N Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net JJR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 106 09/25/06 AA I Beam 1 8 8 0 3 156 80 320 0 41 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA 1 Ceiling K 8 17 0 5 79 t0 300 0 62 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA 1 Beam K 8 17 0 3 105 10 300 0 57 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA I Ceiling K 7 0 0 4 117 80 320 0 67 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA I Beam K 7 0 0 1 2 209 80 280 0 36 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA 1 Ceiling K 6 3 0 5 117 80 320 0 0 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA 1 Beam K 6 0 0 4 141 80 280 0 46 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA I Beam K 0 8 0 5 183 80 320 0 112 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA I Ceiling L 0 8 0 4 177 80 300 0 102 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA I Beam K 1 0 0 3 194 80 300 3 16 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA I Ceiling L 1 0 0 3 170 80 300 0 0 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA I Beam K 2 0 0 3 162 80 320 3 21 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA I Beam K 3 3 0 3 154 80 280 0 36 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA 1 Ceiling L 2 3 0 3 141 80 320 0 26 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA I Ceiling L 3 17 0 3 187 80 340 0 36 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA I Beam K 4 8 0 5 162 80 320 0 77 IBeanm 106 09/25/06 AA I Beam K 5 3 0 4 156 80 320 0 36 Beam 106 09/25/06 AA I Ceiling L 4 0 0 3 192 80 320 0 41 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA I Ceiling L 5 3 0 3 196 80 320 0 16 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA I Ceiling L 6 8 0 3 207 80 320 0 77 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA 1 Ceiling L 7 3 0 3 204 80 320 - 7 82 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA 1 Ceiling L 8 0 0 5 137 80 300 0 57 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA 1 Ceiling L 9 0 0 3 147 80 300 7 31 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA I Ceiling L 10 0 0 4 109 80 320 0 41 Ceiling 106 09/25/06 AA 1T Ceiling 1 8 8 0 3 141 80 320 0 26 Ceilhlg ENERCON Servce, in-.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 15 - Sub-Unit 1-3-14 Reactor Room West Wall FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP--13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-14 (Reactor room west wall)



lReactor room west wall I I

I I I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma-Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm) (gR/hr)

Number of measurements: 91 91 91 91 N/A Number of measurements needed (: 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 56 8 294 92 N/A Mean value of results: 6 1 90 10 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 10 2 96 20 N/A Degree of Freedom (2): 1.664 1.664 1.664ý 1.664 N/A 4L value: 8 1 107 14 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes. Yes Yes N/A is [tc < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2

(-) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-14 (Reactor room west wall)

FSS # Date Clss Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Sca0 Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net PR Comments Coord. Chord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct MIn Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpmu) (epm) DPM DPM 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall 1 8 0 0 0 0 100 140 0 0 10" lip right end & face 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall 1 7 3 0 0 0 0 20 0 8 0 face 2nd meter from right 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall H 7 10 0 0 0 0 220 0 41 face 3rd meter fromrright 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall H 8 0 0 0 0 0 180 0 16 3rd window meter from right & lip 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall H 9 3 0 0 0 0 240 8 6 3rd meter from right up to ceiling 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall 1 9 0 0 0 0 0 220 0 1 2nd meter from right up to ceiling 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall G 9 0 0 0 0 0 260 0 0 4th meter from right top to ceiling 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall G 8 30 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 4th meter from right, window & lip 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall G 76 0 0 0 0 0 260 0 0 44i meter from right face 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall F 9 16 0 0 0 0 220 4 0 51hmeter from right-top 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall F 5 0 0 0 0 0 220 0 36 5th meter from right window & lip 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall F 7 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 5th meter from right face 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall E 9 3 0 0 0 0 180 4 16 6th meter from right top 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall E 8 0 0 0 0 0 220 0 0 6th meter from right window & lip 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall E 7 3 0 0 0 0 180 0 0 64h meter from right floor 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall G 6 0 0 0 0 0 180 4 6 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall F 6 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall F 5 16 0 0 0 0 160 0 0 045 08/29/06 AA 1 W Wall F 4 0 0 0 10 0 180 0 31 045 08/29/06 AA 1 W Wall F 3 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 26 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall B 6 3 0 ND 20 0 220 0 6 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall C 6 16 ND 19 0 200 4 0 045 08/29/06 AA I W Wall D 6 23 0 N6 0 0 200 4 36 046 08/29/06 AA I W Wall A 1 3 0 ND 188 0 180 0 0 046 08/29/06 AA I W Wall B 1 0 1 ND 164 0 300 0 0 046 08/29/06 AA I W Wall C 9 3 0 ND 238 0 2200 0 046 08/29/06 AA I W Wall D 1 10 0 ND 184 0 200 0 0 046 08/291/06 AA I W Wall E 1 0 0 ND 242 0 180 0 0 _

046 08/29/06 AA I W Wall F 1 3 0 ND 247 0 200 0 0 046 08/29/06 AA I W Wall A 9. 10 0 ND 0 0 260 0 27 046 08/29/06 AA I W Wall B 9 5 0 ND 0 0 240 4 82 046 08/29/06 AA I W Wall C 9 33 0N ND 0 0 380 0 4 046 08/29/06 AA 1 W Wall D 9 10 0 ND 0 0 300 0 0 046 08/29/06 AA I W Wall D 8 1 0 ND 294 0 340 0 31 046 08/29/06 AA I W Wall C 8 56 0 ND 252 0 380 0 27 046 08/29/06 [AA I W Wall B 8 1 0 ND 188 1 0 360 0 411 046 08/29/06 AA I W Wall A 8 1 0 ND III1 0 400 0 0 046 08/29/06 AA I 1 W Wall A 7 1 0 ND 0 0 320 0 69 046 08/9106 AA I1 W Wall B 7 0 0 7 0 0 360 4 4 046 08/29/06 AA I1 W Wall C 7 0 0 ND 0 0 320 0 0 046 08/29106 AA I1 W Wall D 7 0 0 ND 0 0 300 4 0 046 08/29/06 AA I W Wall A 6 1 0 ND 0 0 300 4 8 047 108/31/06 AA I W Wall 1 9 18 ND ND 59 0 220 8 0 047 08131/06 AA 1 W Wall J 8 5 ND ND 39 0 200 8 0 047 08/31/06 AA I W Wall 1 7 5 ND ND 205 0 300 0 0 047 08/31/06 AA 1 W Wall 1 6 50 ND ND 7 0 047 08/31/06 AA I W Wall 1 5 0 ND ND 101 0 180 00 26 1 280 0 047 08/31/06 AA- I W Wall 1 4 is NO ND 208 0- ISO 0 0 047 08/31/06 AA I W Wall - J 3 18 ND ND- 195 0- 160 0 -0 047 08/31/06 AA I W Wall 1 6 24 ND ND 122 0 180 0 0 047 08/31/06 AA I al1 5 0 ND ND 35 0 180 4 0 047 108/31/06 AA I W Wall 1 4 5 ND I ND 197 1 0 180 0 0 ENERCON S-nvcaa, i.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-14 (Reactor room west wall)

FSS N Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 047 08/31/06 AA i W Wall 1 3 5 ND ND 76 0 200 0 6 047 08/31/06 AA i W Wall H 5 11 ND ND 98 0 160 0 0 047 08/31/06 AA 1 W Wall H 4 5 ND ND 219 0 180 0 92 047 08/31/06 AA I W Wall H 3 0 ND ND 221 0 180 0 a 047 08/31/06 AA I W Wall G 5 0 ND ND 100 0 160 4 0 047 08/31/06 AA I W Wall G 4 5 ND ND 179 0 200 0 0 047 08/31/06 AA I W Wall G 3 5 ND ND 236 0 200 0 31 047 08/31/06 AA I W Wall E 3 18 ND ND 184 0 200 0 6 047 08/31/06 AA I W Wall H 6 5 ND ND 103 0 200 8 77 047 08/31/06 AA I W Wall E 5 0 0 ND 0 0 160 0 0 047 08/31/06 AA 1 W Wall E 6 0 0 ND 0 0 180 0 0 048 09/01/06 AA t WWall D 5 11 0 11 164 0 240 0 0 048 1 09/01/06 1 AA I I W Wall C 5 0 0 ND 148 a 0 -v 0 1

/ Wall B 5 0 0 5 69 0 280 04 I Wall A -5 5 0 260 40_

048 1 09/01/06 1 AA IW Wall A 4 0 'ND 0 300 0 16 048 1 09/01/06 1 AA I I W Wall B 4 0 11 1 185 0 240 0 0 1 1 i Wall C 4 0 0 ND 0 0 200 0 TWal DI 4 5 0 048 1 09/01/06 1 AA I I W Wall E 5 N!DL ND 18N 229 0 1

100 300 1

0 0 01 l

048 09/01/06 AA I I W Wall A 5 217 L 0 200 4 36 048 09/01/06 7 ND AA I1 W Wall B 1 3 17 0 ND 171 1 0 200 0 0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

048 09/01/06

-I ND 90 0 220 0 0 048 09/01/06 AI A~ 5 AA iw )WnaI ND 234 0 048 1 09/01/06 1 AA I 1 W Wall E 1 3 0 048 109/01/06 AA 1 W Wail A 2 5 0 ND 1 206 1 0 220 0 1 048 09/01/06 AA I W Wail B. 2 0 0 ND 1 224 0 240 0 0 048 09/01/06 AA 1

  • W Wall C 2 It 0 220 048 1 09/01/06 1 AA I I W Wall D 2 I1 0 0 200 048 048 109/01/06 109/01/06 AA AA 1

I W Wall W Wall E 1 2 23 0 ND 1 180 200 0 31 21 0 0 ND 1 187 0 200 040 09/01/06 AA I W Wall 0 .180 I 1 0 048 09/01/06 AA I I W Wall G 0 180 048 09/01/06 AA I1 0 0 1 W Wall ND I ND 1 0 220 0 1 048 09/01/06 AA .1 W Wall H 2 0 ND ND 0 1 0 200 0 0 048 09/01/06 AA 1 W Wall 1 I ND 0 0 220 0 16 040 09/01/06 AA 1 W Wall 2 AA Dj0 0 220 E00 0 048 09/01/06 I WWall JI 2 0 ND I ND 0 200 0 0 048 146 09/01/06 10/02/06 AA AA ______ 3 3 0 j ND j ND J ___ 2 2 g 0 0~ ~ j__________________

ENERCON Services, inc.

A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 B1 C1 D1 El F1 G1 H1 I1 J1 Note: Wall was inadvertently labeled Al to A9 during FSS survey instead of AOto AB.


University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 16 - Sub-Unit 1-3-15 Reactor Room East Wall 0 To 4-m FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-15 (Reactor room east wall 0 to 4-m)

  • " . .* ...... *: Unit Designator: 1-3-15 Clss AA CetitI: 9 Location


Reactor room east wall 0 to 4-m Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm )

2 (dpm/100cm )

2 (dpm/100cm )

2 (dpm/100cm 2) (gR/hr)

Number of measurements: 60 60 60 60 N/A Number of measurements needed M: 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 74 8 980 102 N/A Mean value of results: 12 1 201 17 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 16 2 172 25 N/A Degree of Freedom (2) 1.671 1.671 1.67i 1.671 N/A tc, value: 15 1 238 22 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is ýLe < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A (1)as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2

(') from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-15 (Reactor room east wall 0 to 4-m)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cp-) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall C 0 74 0 4 132 40 220 0 0 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall C 1 21 0 2 190 40 280 0 36 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall D 0 29 0 2 205 40 300 4 45 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall D 1 0 0 1 181 40 280 4 0 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall E 0 14 0 1 179 40 260 0 0 094 09/19/06 AA I EWall E 1 14 0 1 181 40 260 0 0 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall F 0 44 0 3 205 40 280 0 31 Door 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall F I 0 0 1 204 40 280 0 26 Door 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall G 0 14 0 2 245 40 300 0 0 Door 094 09/t9/06 AA I E Wall G 1 29 0 3 381 40 360 0 8 Door 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall H 0 0 0 1 413 40 400 0 22 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall H 1 0 0 1 407 40 380 0 40 094 09/19/06 AA 1 E Wall 1 0 0 0 1 311 40 300 0 0 094 09/19/06 AA 1 E Wall 1 1 6 0 1 339 40 300 0 0 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall 3 0 0 0 1 283 40 300 0 22 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall J 1 0 0 1 343 40 300 0 0 094 09/19/06 AA I E Wall K 0 0 0 1 432 40 360 0 0 094 09/19/06 AA I EWali K 1 0 0 0 519 40 360 4 0 094 09/19/06 AA 1 E WaIl L 0 0 0 0 338 40 320 0 0 094 09/19/06 AA I EWall L 1 0 0 1 385 40 360 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall A 3 0 0 0 129 40 280 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall A "4 0 0 1 307 40 400 8 96 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall B 3 13 0 1 135 40 280 0 31 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall B 4 0 0 1 0 40 200 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall C 3 13 0 1 149 40 310 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA 1 E Wall C 4 8 0 1 0 40 220 0 40 094 09/20/06 AA 1 E Wall D 3 8 0 1 89 40 310 0 0 Partial grid, not full meter 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall D 4 3 0 0 0 40 300 8 0 Partial grid, not full meter 094 09/20/06 AA 1 E Wall E 3 3 0 1 106 40 300 4 3 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall E 4 13 0 4 539 40 460 0 8 094 09/20/06 AA 1 E Wall F 3 3 0 1 311 40 400 4 0 094 09/20/06 AA 1 E Wall F 4 8 0 1 329 40 400 0 1 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall B 3 8 0 2 50 40 300 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA I EWall G 4 13 0 1 0 40 240 04 0 094 09/20/06 AA I EWall H 3 273 0 1 69 40 300 0 0 Partial grid, not full meter 094 09/21/06 AA I EWall 1 3 11 0 1 67 40 arid, not full meter 224 ý09/2'/06 300 0 6 Partial grid, 8artial not full meter AA I E Wall 1 4 1 0 0 0 40 200 S 46 Partial grid, not full meter 0

094 09/21/06 AA I EWall 0 A 0 21 0 2 161 40 300 310 0 41 Door 094 09/21/06 AA I E Wall A 1 67 0 4 93 40 40 310 0 6 Door 87 094 09/21/06 AA I EWall A 2 6 11 094 09/21/06 AA I E Wall B 0 000 218 40 290 0 0 094 09/21/06 AA M 1 E Wa II D4 11 8 2 295 40 420 0 16 Door B 1 32 0 3 434 40 480 0 41 Door 094 09/21/06 AA I E Wall B " "2 11 0 2 126 40 320 0 141 I E Wall 094 09/21/06 AA AA 1 E Wall C 2 27 0 2 118 40 094 09/20/06 09/21/06 AA I E Wall D 2 1 0 310 0 136 094 1 153 310 O 81 094 09/21/06 AA I E Wall E 2 32 0 2 149 40 310 0 6 094 079/ 1'/06 AA I E Wall F 2 27 0 2 151 .40 310 0 0 094 09/21/06 AA I E Wall 0 2 21 0 2 138 40 290 0 0 094 09/21/06 AA 1 E Wall H 2 7 0 3 92 40 310 0 11 094 09/21/06 AA I E Wall 1 2 27 0 2 188 40 390 0 76 094 09/21/06 AA I EWall 1 2 16 0 2 122 40 310 0 102 ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-15 (Reactor room east wall 0 to 4-m)

FSS N Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpus) (cps) DPM (cps) (cpm) DPM DPM 094 09/21/06 AA 1 E Wall K 2 1 0 0 190 40 380 0 6 094 09/21/06 AA I E Wall L 2 16 0 2 980 40 500 0 0 116 09/28/06 AA I E Wall J 3 0 0 1 0 80 220 4 0 116 09/28/06 AA I EWall J 4 0 0 3 9 80 200 4 15 116 09/28/06 AA 1 E Wall K 3 0 0 3 47 80 200 0 0 116 09/28/06 AA I EWaII K 4 0 0 3 110 80 220 0 10 116 09/28/06 AA I EWall L 3 0 0 3 40 80 240 0 0_

116 09/28/06 AA I E Wall L 4 0 0 3 7 80 220 0 30 ENERCON Su-ic-, in.

Column 101H0 Column DO through 12/1H2. through D2.

Small grids Small grids continued to continued to ceiling for ceiling for consistency. consistency.


University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 17 - Sub-Unit 1-3-16 Reactor Room East Wall 5 To 9-m FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-16 (Reactor room east wall 5 to 9m)



Reactor room east wall 5 to 9m I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results. Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm 2 ) (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cm )

2 (dpm/100cm2) (jpR/hr)

Number of measurements: 59 59 59 59 N/A Number of measurements needed (1). 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 41 8 489 86 N/A Mean value of results: 9 1 110 11 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 9 2 110 21 N/A Degree of Freedom (2): 1.672 1.672 1.672 1.672 N/A ga value: 10 1 133 16 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is g' < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A (1)as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-16 (Reactor room east wall 5 to 9m)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct MIn, Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpni) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall A 5 3 0 1 0 40 240 4 0 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall A 6 0 0 1 0 40 240 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA 1 E Wall A 7 3 0 1 137 40 320 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA 1 EWall B 5 8 0 1 0 40 210 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA 1 EWall B 6 3 0 1 0 40 210 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall B 7 13 0 t 116 40 300 0 3 094 09/20/06 AA I E Will C 5 34 0 3 0 40 240 4 0 094 09/20/06 AA 1 E Wall C 6 13 0 1 0 40 210 4 54 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall C 7 3 0 1 489 40 460 4 3 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall D 5 8 0 1 0 40 240 0 31 Partial grid, nut full meter 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall D 6 13 0 1 408 40 450 8 68 Partial grid, not full meter 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall D 7 8 0 I 149 40 310 0 0 Partial grid, not full meter 094 09/20/06 AA 1 E Wall E 5 0 0 0 0 40 200 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA 1 E Wall E 6 1 8 0 1 0 40 210 0 3 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall E 7 3 0 I 40 40 300 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall F 5 3 0 l 0 40 210 0 8 094 09/20/06 AA I E WaIl F & 13 0 2 73 40 300 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA 1 E Wall F 7 0 0 0 79 40 320 0 3 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall 0 5 3 0 1 193 40 380 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall 0 6 3 0 1 0 40 220 4 0 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall G 7 8 0 I 106 40 310 0 0 094 09/20/06 AA I E Wall 11 5 8 0 1 0 40 220 0 8 Partial grid, not full meter 094 09/20/06 AA E1E Wall H 6 1 8 0 0 40 220 0 0 Partial grid, not full meter 094 09/21/06 AA I E Wall 1 5 11 0 2 0 40 200 4 0 Partial grid, not full meter 094 09/21/06 AA I E Wall 1 6 6 0 - 16 0 40 200 0 71 Partial grid, not full meter 108 09/25/06 AA 1 E Wall A 8 8 0 1 162 80 280 0 6 108 09/25/06 AA I E Wall A 9 3 0 1 119 80 300 0 1 108 09/25/06 AA 1 E Wall B 8 8 0 3 130 80 300 0 0 B-8 Surveyed to ceiling. No B-9 because ofopen rholeitn wall It5 09/28/06 AA 1 EWall C 8 0 0 1 225 80 280 0 0 1 115 09/28/06 AA 1 EWall C 9 9 0 1 190 80 300 4 5 1 115 09/28/06 AA I E Wall D 8 41 0 3 283 80 300 0 10 115 09/28/06 AA I E Wall D 9 22 0 3 144 80 320 0 20 115 09/28/06 AA I E Wall E 8 0 0 2 194 80 320 0 71 115 09/28/06 AA 1 E Wall E 9 0 0 3 173 80 340 0 0 115 09/28/06 AA I E Wall F 8 9 0 3 205 80 320 0 0 115 09/28/06 AA I E Wall F 9 9 0 3 210 80 340 4 0 115 09/28/06 AA 1 E Wall G 8 15 0 3 153 80 340 4 15 115 09/28/06 AA 1 E Wall 0 9 22 0 2 227 80 340 0 40 115 09/28/06 AA I E Wall H 8 9 0 2 177 80 320 0 45 115 09/28/06 AA I E Wall 11 9 9 0 3 192 80 340 0 5 115 09/28/06 AA I E Wall 1 8 15 0 3 236 80 320 0 0 115 09/28/06 AA 1 E Wall 1 9 22 0 3 166 80 320 0 10 115 09/28/06 AA 1 E Wall J 8 22 0 1 220 80 340 _0 30 115 09/28/06 AA 1 EWall J 9 15 0 3 168 80 320 0 115 09/28/06 AA I E Wall K 8 9 0 0 3 216 80 340 0 0 115 09/28/06 AA -T EWaIl K 9 22 0 I 177 80 320 0 0 115 09/28/06 AA I EWall L 8 22 0 I 218 80 340 0 0 115 09/28/06 AA 1EWalt L 9 22 0 2 220 80 340 4 0A 116 091/28/06 AA S(E Wall I 7 0 0 l 0 1 80 240 1 0 1 0 116 09/28/06 AA I IEWoII [ 5 1 0 0 3 1 70 80 1 220 1 0 1 0 116 09/28/06 1AA I E Wall ) I 0 116 09/28/061 AA I IE Wall K I I 0 ENERCON Servies, ino.

0 University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-16 (Reactor room east wall 5 to 9m)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan Bela Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coard. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 116 09/28/06 AA I E Wall K 5 0 0 3 0 80 220 0 0 116 09/28/06 AA I E Wall K 6 0 0 2 44 80 200 0 0 116 09/28/06 AA I E Wall K 7 0 0 2 27 80 240 4 0 116 09/28/06 AA t E Wall L 5 0 -0 3 12 80 220 0 35 Includes Vent 116 209/28/06 AA EWall L 6 0 0 I 27 80 220 0 0 Includes Vent 116 09/28/06 AA I EWall L 7 0 0 3 0 80 200 0 86 142 10/02/06 AA I EWall 1H 7 6 0 2 39 100 240 4 25 East Wall Reactor Room ENERCON Services, ic.

A9 HOLE A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 Al LO KO JO 10 HO GO A0

/7 Column 10fHO Column DO through 12/H2. through D2.

Small grids Small grids continued to continued to ceiling for ceiling for consistency. consistency.


University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 18 - Sub-Unit 1-3-20 Bioshield North Wall Including Beam Ports FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-20 (Bioshield north wall and floor including beam ports)

I Location Desciption:l Bioshield north wall and floor including beam portsI Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (pR/hr)

Number of measurements: 85 86 96 86 52 Number of measurements needed (1). 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 70 13 893 107 5 Mean value of results: 22 1 235 30 1 Standard Deviation of results: 21 3 174 30 2 Degree of Freedom (2): 1.666 1.665 1.663 1.665 1.676 ti, value: 26 2 265 35 2 Guideline level: 100 20 1700 340 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is jta < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

() as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

O -~0 University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-20 (Bioshield north wall and floor including beam ports)

FSS #f Date Class Floor Surface f [X Y Alpha TAlpha Alpha Beta BetaScan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net iJR Comments

- s[.i~ 1 ICoord. Cnord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Mn. Max. WIpe Wipe DPM (cps) (cpm) DPM (cpm u) ] DPM1DPM 103 1 09/23/06 1 AA I Exterior N BioShield A 0 49 0 1 0 Bioshield Northwall, Exterior - Pipes in wall/shield 4 BioShield A 1 70 0 2 303 L 40 1 400 0 1 49 q BioShield A 2 60 0 2 0 103 1 09/23/06 1 AA 11 Exterior N BioShield B 1 0 70 0 3 86 Biosideld Northwall. Exterior Al g'l An I 2f0u n fi *;nehiplrl Nl*rthu*ll *vlorine 0 63 40 1 300 1 8 1 68 Bihild Eti .

Exterior N BioShield B 2, 39

- 0 l BioshieidNoetliwall, Exterior - Hole

_E]xeror N BioShield [C -

0~P 70lz Biosield Northwall, Exterior 103 109/23/061 AA 1 Exterior N BioShield I C I I 60 Bioshield Northwoll, Exterior 103 1 09/23/06 1 AA I I Exterior N BioShicld C 1 2 1 70 0 3 248 1 40 400 1 4 1 105 Bioshield Northwall, Exterior 103 09/23/06 1 AA I I Exterior N BioShield C 1 3 1 33 0 2 Bioshield Northwall, Exterior 103 D 0 39 0 1 202 40 380 0 12 Bioshield Nortliwali, Exterior 104 ~[D 1KI 96 40 260 0 Bioshiield Northwall, Exterior 104 09/25/06 1 AA 1 1 1Exterior N BioShield D 2 68 40 260 0 Biosisield Northwa I, Exterior 104 1 09/25/06 1 AA 1__,_ A I Bioshield Nortliwall. Exterior 0 1 223 1 40 300 I Exterior N BioShield E 0 14 0 Bioshield Northwall, Exterior

  • U xer* r N* oiU E 1 19 0 1 156 40 300 0 36 Bioshield Northwall, Exterior - Hole 104 109/25/061 AA I I1 Exterior N Biol E 2 70 0 3 177 40 300 3 0 Bioshield Northwall, Exterior 104 [09/25/06 AA 1 Exterior N BioS E 3 0 0 1 204 40 300 0 0 Bioshield Northwall, Exterior 104 109/25/06 AA 1 j.Exterior N BioS 0 1 198 40 300 3 11 Biosltield Northwall. Exterior I Exterior N BioShield F 2 0 0 0 225 1 40 1 310 1 0 0 Bioshield Northwall, Exterior I Exte 34 0 2 209 40 1 300 0 62 1 Bioshield Northwall, Exterior 104 1 09/25/06 1AA F Exte Exterior N BioShield 4 [I~IIZ 142 40 300 0 26 Bioshield Northwall, Exterior -

G 12 70 0 209 40 300 0 36 Bioslideld Northwall, Exterior 104 09/25/06 AA 0 1 246 40 300 3 36 Bioshield Northwall, Exterior 104 09/25/06 AA 777 ASS 200 fl

  • 1 Exterior N BioSIhield H 1 0 1 65

-3 227 40 1 300 Bioshield Northwall Exterior 104 09/25/06 AA I Exterior N BioShield 0 2 259 40 310 3 97 Biosltield Northwall, Exterior 104 09/25/06 AA 1 Exterior N BioShield 0 1 225 40 300 0 107 O "1

- , - I I ., .. I I I 1 0 3 297 40 350 0 1 104 09/25/06 AA I Exterior N BioShield I1 0 14 0 1 238 40 310 0 21 3r 104 09/25/06 AA I Exterior N PinShield I I 9 0 179 40 300 0 87 Bposield Notthwall, Exterior 104 09/25/06 AA Exterior N BinShield Bioshield Northwall, Exterior 1 2 9 0 184 269 40 40 j 300 300 [3 0 102 46 ioshield Northwall, Exterior 104 09/25/06 AA I Exterior N BioShield 1 3 914 1 0 I18 09/28/06 AA I Interior N BioShield A 1 0 2 0 2 96 1 80 1 120 1 0 1 37 1 0 lInterior 118 09/28/06 AA 1 Interior N BinShield A I 31 _0 -4 118 09/28/06 AA I Interior N BioShield B 0 0 2 B 1 0 2 187 80 140 0 17 0 Interior

-1 16 0 4 266 100 160 0 17 0 Interior I Interior N BioShield C -1 0 0 2 439 200 300 0 22 2 Interior I1 1 hIterior N BioShield 0 35 0 4 677 200 320 0 37 4 Interior 1 Interior N BioShield JmI II 893 300 400 4 0 4 Interior 118 09/28/06 AA I IInterior N Bion D -I 2 275 100 220 4 0 4 Interior 118 09/28/06 AA I Interior N BioShield 0 4 158 100 140 0 22 1 Interior 118 09/28/06 AA 1 Interior N BioShield E -1 2 0 2 167 100 150 0 17 1 Interior 118 09/28/06 AA Interior N BioShield F 0 16 0 Interior N BioShield F 11 2 0 T2Y 143 1 100 1 160 1 4 1 0 0 Interior 2

119 109/29/06 AA I B 2 1 7 -0 250 480 0 _[ 2 1 2Y 140 t19 09/29/06 AA I 1 _0 467 160 1 240 1 0 7 5 119 1 09/29/06 AA I D 1 23 0 D I[I

______ _________________ ______ _______ ______ _______ I "~ .1 '~'~ _______________________________________________

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-20 (Bioshield north wall and floor including beam ports)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface x Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net PR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (epm) (cpm) DPM (epm) (cpm) DPM DPM 119 09/29/06 AA I Interior N BioShield F 2 7 0 2 149 80 140 0 22 0 Interior 120 09/29/06 AA I Interior N BioShield A 2 01 2 166 80 140 0 2 0 Interior 120 09/29/06 AA I Interior BioShield Floor A 0 35 0 2 333 100 180 0 0 1 North Bioshield Interior 120 09/29/06 AA I Interior BioShield Floor AB 0 2 410 100 200 0 0 1 North Bioshield Interior 120 09/29/06 AA 1 Interior BioShield Floor B 0 7 0 2 427 100 300 4 0 3 Northi Bioshield Interior 120 09/29/6 A 1 Interior BioShield Floor D 0 12 0 2 440 100 200 8 7 4 INorth Bioshield Interior 120 09/29/06 AA I Interior BioShield Floor K D I is 0 4 736 100 260 4 12 3 North Bioshield Interior 120 09129/06 AA I Interior BioShiield Floor E o 0 2 392 80 220 0 22 3 North BioshiekldInterior 120 09/29106 AA I Interior BioShield Floor E 1 18 0 6 0 20 0 22 1 lNorlt Bioshield Interior 120 09/29/06 AA I Interior BioShcied Floor B 1 2 120 09/29/06 AA 1 Interior BioShield Floor C 0 5 120 09/29/06 AA 1 Interior BioShield Floor C 1 3 120 09/29/06 AA 1 F 0 1 120 09/29/06 AA 1 1 122 09/29/06 AA 1 122 09/29/06 AA I A 0 10 0 122 09/29/06 AA I N BioShield Top B I 1 0 2 1 269 120 1 200 0 1 22 0 Top North Bioshield 122 09/29/06 AA I N BioShield To A 1 16 0 2 231 100 1 200 0 42 0 Top North Bioshield 122 09/29/06 AA I N BioShield Top B 2 0 E 0 182 100 200 0 (

122 09/29/06 AA I N BioShield Too A 2 5 0 320 100 200 0 t 122 1 09/29/06 1 AA I N BioShield Top B 3 0 0 2 1 295 1 100 1 200 1 4 1 12 1 0 Too North Bioshield 1 N BioShield Top A 3 C 0t 9 I 1~Q I 00 I 990 I 0 17 I A IT~,,N-, 5 1 2 1 189 1 80 1 220 1 0 1 17 1 0 ITop North Bioshield I N BioShield Top B 4 5 0 2 1 301 1 100 1 200 4 1 27 0 Top North Bioshield NTBioShield 122 1 09/29/06 1 AA I Top A 4 0 0 122 09/29/06 AA 1 N. BioShield Top B 5 5 0 122 09/29/06 AA I N. BioShield Top A 1 5 5 0 2 199 1 100 1 240 1 0 1 12 1 0 Too North Bioshield 122 09/29/06 AA I N] 2 291 140 1 240 1 0 768 1 0 [Tot North Bioshield 145 09/30/06 GA I Be N1 8 0 0 0 1 100 1 300 1 0 70 1 1Jf ioshield exterior I N 1 8 1 1 145 09/30/06 GA I Be 0 1 100 1 300 1__ 1 J1__

___ jdpoint 145 09/30/06 GA I Be am port 8 N 8 0 1 100 1 300 Midpoiot 145 09/30/06 GA I Be am port 7 7 0 100 1 300 1 0 1 0 1I 1Bioshield exterior 145 09/30/06 GA I Be amoort 7 7 0 145 09/30/06 GA I I IBeam port 7 N 7 0 145 09/30/06 GA I IBeam port 7 N 17 0 100 1 300 1 0 1 5 3 IBioshield interior 145 09/30/06 GA N 592 1 100 1 300 1 0 1 0 1 0 IBioshield exterior 145 09/30/06 GA I i4 1 6§ 0 100 1 300 I \lidpoitrt 145 1 09/30/061 GA I Beam port 6 1 N 1 6 1 Bsidpoint 145 09/30/06 GA 1 Beam port 6 N 6 3ioohield interior 150 11/08/06 AA I Interior BioShield Floor I i 1 45 1 ND ND 1 413 1M 1 200 1 0 [ 421 Resurvey of FSS-l20 I50 1/08/06 AA 1 Interior BioShield Floor 39 ND ND 1 221 1 100 1 t80 1 0 1 53 Resrvey of FSS-120 150 11/08/06 AA I Interior BioShield Floor LW 28 ND ND 50 1 100 1 160 1 0 1 22 Resurvey of FSS-120 F 0 22 150 11/08/06 AA 1I interior Bin] 435 100 1 220 4 63 Resurvey of FSS-120 150 11/08/06 AA 1 I Interior BioShield Floor I F 1 33 629 100 260 L 0 99 Resurvey of FSS-120 151 111/08/06 1 AA 1 lExterior N BioShield I F 1 0 T22 ND 170 100 160 1 4 1 63 1_ Bioshield Northwall, Exterior 151 11/08/06 AA 1 Exterior N BioShield G 10 39 1 ND ND 110 I00 t60 0 [ 53 Bioshield Northwall, Exterior 152 11/08/06 AA I Interior N BioShield D 1 51 ND I ND 384 1 100 200 4 1 63 1 Resurvey of FSS-I119 153 11/08/06 GA I Nq 1 22 0 1 100 140 Resurvey of FSS-145 Midpoint 153 11/08/06 GA I Beam Port 8 N 1 8 33 588 tO 10 220 1 - 1 esurvey of FSS- 145 Interior 153 11/08/06 N 1 7 28 GA I Beam Port 7 ND I ND 0 100 1 140 Resurvey of FSS-145 Midpoint 153 11/08/06 GA I Beam port 6 N I 6 33 ND t NDS I 500 I AO 33 , ND I ND 2 100 1 140 Resurve ofFSS-145 Midpoint ENERCON Seroiom,too.


Bioshield Liquid Scintillation Results Background Gross Net Location Date DPM DPM DPM South BioShield Interior - Beam Port 6 9/28/2006 59 71 12 South BioShield Interior - Beam Port 8 9/28/2006 59 42 0 South BioShield Interior - BO 9/28/2006 59 43 0 South BioShield Interior - CO 9/28/2006 59 33 0 South BioShield Interior - C -1 9/28/2006 59 51 0 South BioShield Interior - D 0 9/28/2006 59 50 0 South BioShield Interior - D-1 9/28/2006 59 39 0 North BioShield Interior - Beam Port 2 9/28/2006 59 55 0 North BioShield Interior - Beam Port 3 9/28/2006 59 31 0 North BioShield Interior - BO 9/28/2006 59 35 0 North BioShield Interior - CO 9/28/2006 59 54 0 North BioShield Interior - C -1 9/28/2006 59 57 0 North BioShield Interior - D 0 9/28/2006 59 57 0 North BioShield Interior - D- 1 9/28/2006 59 51 0 South BioShield Pipe - NPP 1 9/28/2006 59 58 0 South BioShield Pipe - NPP 2 9/28/2006 59 42 0 South BioShield Pipe - NPP 3 9/28/2006 59 59 0 South BioShield Pipe - NPP 4 9/28/2006 59 166 107 South BioShield Pipe - NPP 5 9/28/2006 59 47 0 South BioShield Pipe - NPP 6 9/28/2006 59 49 0 BioShield Floor - CO 9/28/2006 59 61 2 BioShield Floor - C 1 9/28/2006 59 42 0 BioShield Floor - DO 9/28/2006 59 52 0 BioShield Floor - D1 9/28/2006 59 51 0 Page 1 of I

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 19 - Sub-Unit 1-3-21 Bioshield South Wall Including Beam Ports FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-21 (Bioshield south wall including beam ports)

I Location


I Bioshield south wall includin beam ports Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2) (.R/br)

Number of measurements: 69 73 83 73 40 Number of measurements needed (1) 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 68 8 769 97 4 Mean value of results: 17 1 161 14 1 Standard Deviation of results: 16 2 131 26 1 Degree of Freedom (2) 1.669 1.668 1.666 1.668 1.684 it value: 20 1 185 19 1 Guideline level: 100 20 1700 340 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is g.- < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (1)as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min, Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioShield A 0 29 0 2 96 40 200 4 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioShield A 1 0 0 1 89 40 200 0 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioShield A 2 6 0 1 128 40 200 0 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioSiield B 0 48 0 3 32 40 200 0 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA 1 Exterior S BioShield B I 20 0 1 67 40 200 0 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA 1 Exterior S BioSiteld B 2 11 0 1 60 40 200 0 45 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioShield C 0 16 0 1 55 40 200 0 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA 1 Exterior S BioShield C 1 0 0 1 92 40 200 0 5 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioShield C 2 16 0 1 158 40 300 0 10 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioShield D 0 . 6 0 1 69 40 200 0 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioShield D 1 16 0 1 28 40 200 0 15 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioShield D P2 38 0 2 105 40 200 0 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioShield D 3 38 0 2 228 40 300 -0 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA 1 Exterior S BioShield E 0 0 0 1 99 40 200 0 40 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA 1 Exterior S BioShield E 1 2 0 1 78 40 200 0 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioShield E 2 2 0 1 185 40 300 0 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA 1 Exterior S BioShield E 3 61 0 4 107 40 200 0 0 lExterior 110 09/27/06 1 Exterior S BioShield F 0 20 0 2 Exterior S10 ]09/27/06 AA Exterior S Bion 1 0 1 67 40 200 0 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA Exterior S Bio! .2 o 1 187 40 300 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA I F 3 61 0 4 0 0 - Exterior 110 1 09/27/06 AA 1 G 0 20 0 1 12-4 4W 2;4-0 T 10 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioShield G. 1 0 0 0 240 0 0 Exterior i10 1 09/27/06 AA II Exterior S BioSield a G 2 43 0 2 131 40 240 0 0 Exterior 110 1 09/27/06 AA Exterior S BioShield I 3 3 16 -0 -1 153 40 300 0 040 45 Exterior It1O ri / 7fl70 AA I FTtprinr

  • Iqin*hlpltl 14 1 108 40 240 240 0 35 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA Exterior S BiriShild H 0 52 0 -1 110 09/27/06 AA I Exterior S BioShield 1- l 2 0 128 40 250 0 0 Exterior 110 09/27/06 AA 1 Ext 38 0 21 121 40 250 0 0 Exterior 110 1 09/27/061 AA 1 Ext H I1 0 1 110 40 240 1 0 1 45j 1_ JExterior 110 1 09/27/06 AA I I Ext 1 .0 11 0 1 117 40 110 09/27/06 AA Exterior S BioShield 1 1 20 0 40 240 0 Exterior 856 110 09/27/06 AA ExteriorS BioShield 1 2 16 0 1 0 0 Exterior 110 1 09/27/06 AA Exterior S BioShield S 3 _20 0 2 85 40 210 0 Exterior 0

123 09/29/06 AA I S BioShield Too A 10 0 210 220 T 0 123 1 09/29/06 1 AA I S BioSltield Top B 0 16 0 2 325 100 200 0 7 1 S BioShield Top A I 10 0 2 12-1 F8-0 T T I 0

I S BioShield Top B 5

_0 0 2

2 160 0 22 0 rop South Bioshield I S BioShield Too A 291 140 220 0 123 ADf/O9/06 AA 1 xt.Rin'ildTan l:l 3' 2 0 0 Top South Bioshield I 0- 265 100 4 58 1 1"ooSouth Bioshield 123 123 09/29/06 09/29/06 AA AA S BioSltield Top 2 A 3 0 0 299 1 140 300 0 123 1 09/29/06 AA I S BinShield Ton 13 3 5 0 2 212 160 320 0 12 0 123 109/29/06 AA i 1 S BioSlteld To1 A 4 10 0 2-B7 231 100 240 0 32 1! Top South Bioshield 123 109/29/06 AA I 2 0 AA I S Bi-Sld,-1dT- 4 21 0 2

320 140 30 0 Top South Bioshield AA 88 0 ToooSouth Bioshield 0 0 B 6 146 800 200 1 0 20 ltterior In 204 100 220 1 0 11 11 Interior C -1 5

___I - 2675I 316 J 1i20 100 1 220 220 I_04 1 0 1 0[

L 2 3

Interior Intterior

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-21 (Bioshield south wall including beam ports)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpn) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 124 09/29/06 AA I Interior S BioShield D 0 16 0 4 316 100 220 0 26 3 Interior 124 09129/06 AA 1 Interior S BioShield D -1 5 0 2 363 120 240 0 62 3 Interior 124 09/29/06 AA 1 Interior S BioShield E 0 5 0 2 180 100 220 4 0 2 Interior 124 09/29/06 AA I Interior S BioShield E -1 1 Interior 124 09/29/06 AA 124 09/29/06 AA I1 Interior S BioShield Interior S BioShield F 0 1

0 0 2 170 100 1 220 0 0 1 nterior 10 0 2 140 80 200 4 0 0 nterior 124 09/29/06 AA Interior S BioShield 5 T I 0 [nterior t deonA.l 124 09/29/06 1 AA Interior S BioShield B 2 5 2 -1 Interior 124 09/29/06 AA 1 Interior S BioShield C 1 5 0 2 104 0 nterior 124 09/29/06 1 AA 1 Interior S BioShield D 1 21 0 2 202 100 1 260 1 4 87 1 Iterior D 2 124 09/29/06 AA " I Interior 26 0 2 110 120 1 200 0 67 0 Interior 124 09/29/06 AA 1 Interior -I 1- 8 10 [2 127 97 T hiterior 124 09/29/06 AA I Interior S BioShield Eff 10 0 0 2 123 11 1 Iterior 124 09/29/06 AA I Interior S BioShield F 2 16 0 2 100 -0 0- -1 195 200 interior 124 09/29/06 AA I hItterior A 2 5 0 2 153 100 200 0 0 0 Interior 124 09/29/06 AA I Interior C 2 5 99 100 200 Interior - p 130 09/30/06 GA I Beam port 2 S 2 415 100 300 Bioshield, GA I Beam port 2 S 2 0 300 S 100 Midpoint

] GA- 1Beam po 2 0 I00- 300 Midpoint 130 1 09/30/06 GA Beam Do S 2 0 300 Midpoint 130 109/30/06 GA I Beam port 2 2 0 300 1 0 5 3 Bi oshield i 130 09/30/06 GA I Beam port 3 S 3 0 100 S 3 Midpoint 130 09/30/06 GA I Beam port 3 327 100 130 09/30/06 GA I Beam port 3 3 130 0 100 1 t I [Midpoint 09/30/06 GA I Beam Dort3 3 0 4 100 300 1 4 0 4 Bioshield interior 130 109/30/06 1 GA I I Beam Port 4 100 4 Bioshield exterior 130 109/30/06 GA I earn port 4 S 100 Midpoint 130 09/30/06 GA I Beam port 4 S 4 0 100 Midpoint 130 09/30/06 GA II Beam S 4 Midpoint 150 100 130 09/30/06 GA I Beam r 769 1 S - .100 300 0 25 3 Biosltield interior 154 1 11/08/061 GA Beam Port 3 S ND 81 155 I 1100100 AA I -t *tO MFt KfFt 155 1 11/08/06 interior S BioShield E 1 39 ND ENERCON Servicm. ino.

NORTH BIOSHIELD EXTERIOR VIEW A2 Beam Pcrt 6 Beam Po 7 Beam P( rt8 Al 10 HO GO FO EO DO CO BO AO SOUTH BIOSHIELD EXTERIOR VIEW A2 Beam Port 2 Beam P rt 3 Beam F art AO BO CO DO EO FO GO HO 10 NORTH BIOSHIELD INTERIOR VIEW SOUTH BIOSHIELD INTERIOR VIEW A2 A2 3eam Port 6 Beam Port 4 Beamort 3 B. rPort 2 Al A1 Beam Port E Beam Jrtr7 AO BO CO DO EO FO FO EO DO CO BO AO B-i E-l1 E-1 B-l C-1 D-1 Pipe penetrations between bioshield interior and process pt- Labeled NPP 1-7 on Drawing 17 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON NUCLEAR REACTOR DECOMMISSIONING BIOSHIELD WALLS SURVEY UNIT 1-3

Bioshield Liquid Scintillation Results Background Gross Net Location Date DPM DPM DPM South BioShield Interior - Beam Port 6 9/28/2006 59 71 12 South BioShield Interior - Beam Port 8 9/28/2006 59 42 0 South BioShield Interior - BO 9/28/2006 59 43 0 South BioShield Interior - CO 9/28/2006 59 33 0 South BioShield Interior - C -1 9/28/2006 59 51 0 South BioShield Interior - D 0 9/28/2006 59 50 0 South BioShield Interior - D-1 9/28/2006 59 39 0 North BioShield Interior - Beam Port 2 9/28/2006 59 55 0 North BioSbield Interior - Beam Port 3 9/28/2006 59 31 0 North BioShield Interior - BO 9/28/2006 59 35 0 North BioShield Interior - CO 9/28/2006 59 54 0 North BioShield Interior - C -1 9/28/2006 59 57 0 North BioShield Interior - D 0 9/28/2006 59 57 0 North BioShield Interior - D-1 9/28/2006 59 51 0 South BioShield Pipe - NPP 1 9/28/2006 59 58 0 South BioShield Pipe - NPP 2 9/28/2006 59 42 0 South BioShield Pipe - NPP 3 9/28/2006 59 59 0 South BioShield Pipe - NPP 4 9/28/2006 59 166 107 South BioShield Pipe - NPP 5 9/28/2006 59 47 0 South BioShield Pipe - NPP 6 9/28/2006 59 49 0 BioShield Floor - CO 9/28/2006 59 61 2 BioShield Floor - C 1 9/28/2006 59 42 0 BioShield Floor - DO 9/28/2006 59 52 0 BioShield Floor - D1 9/28/2006 59 51 0 Page 1 of 1

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment.20 - Sub-Unit 1-3-30 Process Pit FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-30 (Process pit)

I Location


IProcess pit I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm7) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm) (dpm/100cm) (g.R/hr)

Number of measurements: 38 51 51 51 14 Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 40 17 1667 76 1 Mean value of results: 12 1 117 7 0 Standard Deviation of results: 10 3 271 16 1 Degree of Freedom (2): 1.687 1.677 1.677 1.677 1.771 g, value: 15 2 181 11 1 Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is j.+/-, < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5 849 Table B-2

(-) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-I for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-30 (Process pit)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Mln. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM I (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 037 09/01/06 AA 1 Pipe NPP 1 0 50 50 0 0 Penetration internals to Stop 037 09/01/06 AA I Pipe NPP 2 0 50 50 0 0 Penetration internals to stop 037 09/01/06 AA I Pipe NPP 3 0 50 50 17 0 Penetration interuals to stop 037 09/01/06 AA 1- Pipe NPP 4 0 50 50 8 48 Penetration internals to stop 037 09/01/06 AA I Pipe NPP 5 0 76 Penetration internals to stop 037 09/01/06 AA T1 Pipe NPP 6 0 50 50 0 - 0 Penetration internals to stop 037 09/01/06 AA I Pipe NPP 7 0 50 50 0 20 Penetration internals to stop 037 09/01/06 AA I Pipe EPP 1 0 50 50 0 0 Penetration internals to stop 037 09/01/06 AA I Pipe EPP 2 0 50 50 0 0 Penetration internals to stop 037 09/01/06 AA 1 Pi e EPP 3 0 50 50 0 0 Penetration internals to stop 037 09/01/06 AA I Pipe EPP 6 0 50 50 0 0 Penetration internals to stop 037 09/01/06 AA 1 Pipe SPP 1 0 50 50 0 6 Penetration internals to stop 037 09/01/06 AA I Pipe WPP I 0 50 50 0 0 Penetration internals to stop 038 09/01/06 AA t- Wall A 0 26 ND ND 122 0 300 4 30 1 m^2 E wall - Process Pit 03? 09/01/06 AA I E Wall A 1 12 ND ND 114 0 280 0 0 1 m^2 E wall - Process Pit 038 09/01/06 AA I IF Wall B 0 35 ND ND 74 0 280 0 0 11m^2 E wall - Process Pit 0381 09/01/06 AA I fEWatt B 1 12 ND ND 17 0 400 0 34 11m^2 E wall - Process Pit 0381 09/01/06 AA 1 I Floor A 0 7 ND ND 0 0 360 0 0 0 1 ra^2 floor - Process pit 038 09/01/06 AA I I FIoor 3 ND ND 124 0 320 4 0 0 I m^2 floor - Process pit 038 09/Ot/06 AA [ Floor 21 ND 188 0 320 0 0 r-]

038 09/01/06 AA I Floor B . 1 17 ND 0 340 0 0 r-]

137 038 109/01/061 AA I I Floor C 1 0 12 ND I ND D 207 0 1 60 1 0 1 21 0 Tm^2 floor - Process oit Floor C 1 3 1 ND I ND 1 99 1 0 1 380 1 0 1 0 1 0 1rI^2 floor - Process pit Flto 0 17 N I ND 1 156 1 0 1 800 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 m^2 floor - Process pit 038 109/01/061 AA I Flooj EI 1 12 1~ 194 1 0 300 1 _0 ~ 0 '2 f~l~oor-Proceasspit 039 109/01/06 1 AA I i N Wall A 0 0 1 29 1 0O 300 1 4 J0 1 __ J IýMA2 N Wall - Process pit 039 109/01/061 AA 1 1 4 Wall A 1 17 [ ND I ND 135 0 340 0 11 1 ra^2 N Wall - Process oit 039 B 1 01 3 1 NDl t'J I fl *A5l I O 0 I ^ N Wall .Prncs*a niI N yWall NO I NO 0 1 0 280 0 0 j aTiA2N Wall - Process p it 039 ND ND 17 0 360 0 44 1 mn2 N Wall - Process pit IN Wall 039 109/01/061 AA 1 1 ND 0 300 0 0 I m^2 N Watt - Process pit -

039 109/01/06 1 AA I I IN Wall C 11 7 ND 0 600 0 0 1ron2 N 039 D 2 3 ND ND 21 1 0 300 0 0 1 rn^2 N N 039 1D _I 1 12 ND D 36 0 280 0 0 I m^2 N Wall - Process pit 039 1 09/01/06 1 AA I t IW Wall AT 0 0 ND 320 0 0 1 m^2 W Wall - Process pit 039 109/01/061 AA 1 1 W Wall A 1 0 ND I1 0 0 1 Ma2 W Wall - Process pit 260 1 W Wall B 0 12 1 ND ND 31 0 300 4 0 1 m^2 W Wall - Process pit t W Wall B ND ND 135 1 0 1 260 1 0 1 30 I m^2 W Wall - Process pit 039 109/01/061 AA I SWall ND 00 Im"2 S Wall - Process pit 039 1 09/01/061 AA I I S Wall I A 0I 03 ND I I m^2 S Wall - Process pit 039 09/01/06 AA I S Wall B ND ND 78 1 0 1 300 1 0 0 I in2 S Wall - Process pit 039 09/01/06 AA 1 IS Wall 1 12 ND ND 0 0 240 1 0 1 0 1m^2 S Wall - Process pit 039 09/01/06 AA I S Wall 0 40 ND ND 324 0 1 300 1 0 1 0 1m2 S Wall - Process pit 039 09/01/06 AA I SWall C 1 26 [ 61 _ 0 Imrn^2S Wall - Process pit 039 09/01/06 AA I1 S Wall I D 1 0 30 1 ND ND 0 0 I m^2 S Wall - Process pit 039 09/01/06 AA S Wall D 1 1 12 ND ND 1 101 0 1 300 1 0 1 0 I ro2 S Walt - Process pit 051 09/06/06 AA 11 Pipe NPP 1667 40 80 1 Penetration istemals - Post decon 1

070 09/09/06 AA I Sumo A 10 0 0 60 60 1 310 1 0 1 43 11 IWest Side -After decon/paint removal A

070 [09/09/06 AA 1 umrp 0 4 0 070 [09/09/06 AA I Sump A 0z 30 0 -5 1 iast Side -Artel 070 1 09/09/06 AA I Sump A 20 13 0 3 119 60 320 0 18 1 outh Side]rrenlnil

-After decon/paint removal 070 09/09/06 AA I Sui.I 01 fin ?Rn fl a OF a~or-I pn 070 09/09/06 [AA I Su nn 91 280 1 20 1 10- 1 11 1'Floor -Aflcr decon/aint removal A 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 260 1 3 1 0 1 1 ILid -Afler decou/paint removal ENERCON Services,isa.

NORTH WALL Pipe penetratons between bioshield interior and NPP-- le.t to right process pit 000 C0 000 Al B1 C1 D1 AO BO CO DO WEST WALL FLOOR EAST WALL Al BO B1 AO0 r=PP-,


University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 21 - Sub-Unit 1-3-40 Reactor Room Floor West Grids A-G FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

  • Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-40 (Reactor room floor west grids A-G)

Class:I AA I Certainty %

I I.



lReactor room floor west eids A-G I F W J*.~

Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results Al Surfaces (dpm/lOOcm2) (dpm/lOOcm2 ) (dpm/lOOcm*) (dpm/lOOcm )

1 (j+/-R/hr)

Number of measurements: 65 65 65 65 4 Number of measurements needed (1). 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 34 7 1087 85 0 Mean value of results: 13 1 152 14 0 Standard Deviation of results: 9 2 203 20 0 Degree of Freedom (2) 1.670 1.670 1.670 1.670 2.353

ýt, value: 14 1 194 18 0 Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is ýt < guideline?. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-40 (Reactor room floor west grids A-G)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (rpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM

-7105 09/25106 AA I Floor A 0 34 0 2 445 40 320 0 0 0 FSS Done Prior To Removing -

105 09/25/06 AA I Floor A 1 9 0 1 238 40 300 0 0 105 09/25/06 AA I Floor A 2 19 0 1 280 40 380 3 52 0 Dirt Floor 105 09/25/06 AA I Floor A 3 34 0 2 257 40 380 3 1 0 Concrete Floor 105 09/25/06 AA I Floor A 4 19 0 2 282 40 380 0 62 0 Concrte Floor 105 09/25/06 AA 1 Floor A 5 19 0 1 341 40 400 0 6 105 09/25/06 AA 1 Floor B 0 24 0 1 514 40 460 0 6 105 09/25/06 AA I Floor B 1 4 0 1 630 40 500 0 36 105 09/25/06 AA I Floor B 2 14 0 1 263 40 360 3 0 105 09t25106 AA I Floor B 3 9 0 1 345 40 400 0 52 105 09/25/06 AA 1 Floor C 0 0 0 0 301 40 310 0 0 105 09/25/06 AA I Floor C 1 4 0 1 339 40 380 3 0 105 09/25/06 AA I Floor C 2 4 0 1 292 40 310 0 41 105 09/25/06 AA I Floor C 3 14 0 I 253 40 310 0 26 105 09/25/06 AA I Floor C 4 0 0 1 246 40 310 3 57 105 09/25/06 AA I Floor D 0 19 0 1 311 40 380 0 6 105 09/25/06 AA I Floor D I 14 0 1 282 40 380 0 1 109 09/26/06 AA 1 Floor A 6 27 0 3 107 40 300 0 0 109 09/26/06 AA 1 Floor A 7 22 0 2 78 40 300 0 20 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor A 8 0 0 1 842 40 600 3 11 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor A 9 22 0 1 23 40 280 0 0 109 09/26/06 AA 1 Floor A 10 13 0 1 0 40 260 0 0 109 1 09/26/06 AA I Floor B 4 18 0 1 74 40 300 0 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor B 5 4 0 1 153 40 300 3 39 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor B 6 13 0 1 94 40 300 0 62 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor B 7 13 0 1 1087 40 450 0 11 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor B 8 18 0 1 56 40 300 0 25 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor B 9 9 0 1 34 40 300 0 39 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor B 10 13 0 1 44 40 280 0 0 AA I Floor C 5 9 0 1 28 40 260 0 30 109 109 09/26/06 09/26/06 AA I Floor C 6 22 0 2 1 40 260 0 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor C 7 22 0 1 34 40 260 3 0 109 1 09/26/06 AA 1 Floor C 8 12 0 1 113 40 300 3 34 109 09/26/06 AA 1 Floor C 9 31 0 2 96 40 300 0 0 109 09/26/06 AA 109 09/26/06 AA Ii Floor Floor C D 2 10 0 - 0 1 7 40 260 3 39 13 0 I 34 40 -

280 0 0 10909/26/06 109 09/26/06 AA AA 1 Floor 109 DD3 43 18 0 00 I1 30 40 280 0 20 09/26/06 AA 1 Floor 30 40 280 3 0 0 109 1 5 18 0 2 09/26/06 AA 1 Floor 56 40 300 0 log 92/6 AA 1 ForD D 67 9 0 30 1 118 404 260 280 03 00 109 09/26/06 40 2600 0 AA I Floor D 2 13 3 0 0 1 0 I 1 345 40 2830 0 0 109 09/26/06 109 10909/26/06 AA I 1FloorForE D 3 092/6AA AA I Floor 08 0 1 30 40 280 0 20 109 09126/06 AA I Floor D 10 008 D 4 00 11 5 30 40 40 260 280 03 85 0

109 09/26/06 AA I Floor D 5 is1 0 21 5633 40 300 0 30 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor D to 0 0 1 0 40 260 3 05 109 09/26/06 AA 1 Fioor Floor E 07 9 0 11 42 19 40 300 300 00 16 016 ENERCON Services, no.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-40 (Reactor room floor west grids A-G)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpn) (cpm) DPM DPM 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor E 8 22 0 2 56 40 300 3 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor E 9 13 0 1 80 40 300 3 0 109 09/26/06 AA t Floor E 10 0 0 1 115 40 300 7 0 109 09/26/06 AA 1 Floor F 8 0 0 1 17 40 260 0 20 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor F 9 18 0 1 68 40 300 0 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor F 10 0 0 1 113 40 310 0 2 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor G 8 9 0 1 0 40 240 0 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor G 9 18 0 1 26 40 280 0 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor G 10 18 0 1 100 40 300 0 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor F a 4 0 1 52 40 280 3 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor F 1 0 0 1 15 40 280 3 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor G 0 22 0 3 0 40 240 3 16 109 09/26/06 AA 1 Floor G 1 0 0 1 0 40 240 0 0 121 09/29/06 AA I Floor A 0 121 09/29/06 AA I Floor A I__._

1F21 09/29/06 AA I Floor A 2 121 09/29/06 AA I Floor A 3 121 21 09/29/06 AA A I1 Floor ForA A 4 121 092/6 AA 1 Floor A 5 121 09/29/06 AA 1 Floor B 0 121 09/29/06 AA I Floor B I 121 09/29106 1A Floor B 2 121 09/29/06 AA I Floor B 3 121 109/29/06 1AA I IFloor C 0 121 09/29/06 AA I Floor C I 121 09/29106 AA I Flour C 2 12[ ]9/29/06 AA I Floor C 3 121 09/29/06 AA I Floor D 0 121 09/29/06 AA I Floor D L ENERCON Services i

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 22 - Sub-Unit 1-3-41 Reactor Room Floor East Grids H-N FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-3-41 (Reactor room floor east grids H-N)

I >~ I Unit Designator: 1-3-41 1 . Class: AA I .Certainty :L iJ Location


Reactor room floor east grids H-N Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (jR/hr)

Number of measurements: 57 57 57 57 57 Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 29 4 347 71 1 Mean value of results: 5 0 182 9 1 Standard Deviation of results: 7 1 73 18 0 Degree of Freedom (2): 1.673 1.673 1.673 1.673 1.673 4c, value: 7 0 198 13 1 Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is J.+/-< guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does .survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (1)as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-I for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services. inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-41 (Reactor room floor east grids H-N)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 109 09/26/06 AA 1 Floor H 8 0 0 1 34 40 300 3 0 0 Pipe 109 09/26/06 AA 1 Floor H 9 9 0 1 26 40 280 0 0 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor H 10 0 0 1 15 40 260 0 0 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor 1 8 0 0 1 34 40 300 0 2 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor 1 9 9 0 1 88 40 300 3 0 0 109 09/26/06 AA I Floor H 10 4 0 1 155 40 310 3 2 10 113 09/28/06 AA 1 Floor H 0 0 0 1 243 40 300 0 35 1 113 09/28/06 AA 1 Floor 1 1 0 0 1 126 40 240 0 5 1 113 09/28/06 AA 1 Floor 1 0 0 0 I 171 40 280 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA 1 Floor I 1 0 0 1 137 40 210 0 45 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor J 0 3 0 1 156 40 220 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA t Floor J 1 7 0 2 173 40 280 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor K 2 0 0 1 200 40 300 0 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor K 0 3 0 1 0 2 184 40 300 4 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor K 1 3 0 2 234 40 240 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor K 2 20 0 3 151 40 200 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor K 3 3 0 1 93 40 240 0 15 1 113 09/28/06 AA 1 Floor L 0 7 0 1 144 40 280 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor L 1 3 0 1 171 40 280 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor L 2 0 0 1 182 40. 200 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor L 3 0 0 1 131 40 280 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor M 0 3 0 1 175 40 240 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor M 1 3 0 1 151 40 300 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor M 2 3 0 1 189 40 300 0 5 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor M 3 24 0 2 216 40 300 0 35 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor N 0 0 0 1 173 40 300 0 10 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor J 8 0 0 1 158 40 240 0 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor 1 9 7 0 1 0 1 131 40 240 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor 1 10 7 0 1 193 40 280 0 40 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor K 7 0 0 1 184 40 280 0 71 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor K 8 0 0 1 182 40 280 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor K 9 0 0 1 173 1 40 260 10 71 11 113 09/28/06 AA I 1 IFloor K 10 T 0 1 234 40 300 10 0 1 113 09/29/06 AA I Floor L 9 3 0 1 247 40 310 1 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor L 10 3 0 2 211 40 300 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor M 8 20 0 2 281 40 320 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor M 9 29 0 3 153 40_ 240 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor M 10 1 3 0 1 1 241 40 300 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA- I Floor N 8 3 0 1 180 40 K 300 0 5 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor N 9 3 0 1 1 198 40 300 0 0 1 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor N 10 0 0 1 "162 1 40 260 0 51 1 113 09/28/06 AA I I Flo1or N 1 7 0 1 229 40 300 0 0 1 113 09/28/06 AA I Floor N 2- 3 0 1 234 40 300 1 0 0 1 13 09/28/06 AA I F our N 4 0 0 1 104 40 200 210 00 35 1 0 1 126 40 N 4 0 113 E113 09/28/06 09/28/06 AA II [Floor IFlour N 5 0 0 1 54 40 - 200 0 0 1 125 09/29/06 AA I IFloor L 4 s 09 2_ 267 100 300 0 30 1 125 09/29/06 AA I1 Floor L 5 1 2 261 100 320 0 10 1 125 109/29/06 AA I Floor L 16 12 0 2 201 100 1 320 1 0 1 0 1 1 125 I IFloor IL 1 7 12 0 1 1 1 229 1 100 1 300 1 I

0 1 0 1 125 IIFloor 125 109/29/06 1 AA I Floor 4 ENERCON S-rvi.., in.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-3-41 (Reactor room floor east grids H-N)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pJR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 125 09/29/06 AA I Floor M 5 20 0 3 293 100 320 0 0 1 125 09/29/06 AA I Floor M 6 20 0 2 347 100 300 0 0 _

125 09/29/06 AA I Floor M 7 0 0 3 203 100 300 0 0 1 125 09/29/06 AA I Floor N 6 8 0 2 237 100 320 4 35 1 125 09/29/06 AA I Floor N 7 20 0 2 347 100 320 0 0 1 __I ENERCON Srvices, ic.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 23 - Sub-Unit 1-4-1 Crystal Spectroscopy Room Ceiling, East, North, and West #2 Walls FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-4-1 (Crystal spectroscopy room ceiling, east, north, and west #2 walls)

I Location


ICrystal spectroscopy room ceiling, east, north, and west #2 walls I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm 2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (IjR/hr)

Number of measurements: 87 87 87 87 N/A Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 36 4 262 88 N/A Mean value of results: 9 0 144 15 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 9 1 53 21 N/A (2)

Degree of Freedom  : 1.665 1.665 1.665 1.665 N/A ga value: 10 1 153 19 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Ný/A Is ýt, < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A

() as interpolated from NURREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-4-1 (Crystal spectroscopy room ceiling, east, north, and west #2 walls)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Conrd. Coord. Direct Scan Mn. Sean Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (epni) DPM (cpin) (epm) DPM DPM 074 09/12/06 AA I Ceiling A 0 0 0 I 99 40 200 4 16 Ceiling tiles 074 09/12/06 AA I Ceiling A 1 8 0 2 134 40 260 0 0 Ceiling tiles 074 09/12/06 AA I Ceiling A 2 4 0 1 89 40 240 0 0 CCeilingtiles 074 09/12/06 AA I Ceiling A 3 26 0 4 160 40 280 0 25 Ceiling tiles 074 09/12/06 AA I ]Ceiling B 0 12 0 2 180 40 300 0 25 Ceiling tiles 074 09/12/06 AA I Ceiling B 1 26 0 4 119 40 260 0 7 Ceiling tiles 074 09/12/06 AA I Ceiling B 2 8 0 1 193 40 300 0 7 Ceiling tiles 074 09/12/06 AA I Ceiling B 3 0 0 1 106 40 240 0 39 Ceiling tiles 074 09/12/06 AA I Ceiling C 10 0 0 1 84 40 210 0 21 Ceiling tiles 074 074 09/12/06 09/12/06 AA AA I1 Ceiling Ceiling C 1 0 0 1 193 40 300 0 7 Ceiling tiles C 2 8 0 2 163 40 300 074 09/12/06 AA 1 Ceiling C 3 0 0 1 174 40 300 00 49 76 Ceilin Ceiling tiles tiles 075 09/12/06 AA I E Wall A 0 8 1 2 141 10O 200 0 44 075 09/12/06 AA I E Wall A 1 3 0 1 121 100 200 0 49 075 09/12/06 AA 1 E Wall A 2 3 0 1 117 100 200 0 63 075 09/12/06 AA I E Wall B 0 3 0 1 108 100 200 0 21 075 09/12/06 AA I E Wall B 1 13 1 3 143 100 200 0 0 075 09/12/06 AA I E Wall B 2 3 0 1 132 100 200 0 7 1/10 grid obstructed 075 09/12/06 AA I E Wall C 0 13 1 3 121 100 200 0 0 3/4 grid obstructed (obstruction surveyed) 075 09/12/06 AA 1 E Wall C 1 17 2 4 148 100 200 4 0 3/4 grid obstructed (obstruction surveyed) 075 09/12/06 AA I EWall C 2 3 1 1 132 100 200 4 35 075 09/12/06 AA I E Wall D 0 8 1 2 104 100 200 0 35 075 09/12/06 AA I E Wall D 1 8 1 2 88 100 200 0 2 075 09/12/06 AA 1 E Wall D 2 3 0 1 137 100 200 0 39 075 09/12/06 AA I EWall E 0 13 I 3 148 100 200 0 2 075 09/12/06 AA 1 EWall E 1 3 0 1 117 too 180 0 7 075 09/12/06 AA 1 E Wall E 2 8 1 2 106 100 200 0 86 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling D 0 7 0 2 60 40 280 0 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling D 1 0 0 1 196 40 320 0 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling D 2 3 0 1 76 40 280 0 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling D 3 12 0 2 119 40 300 0 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA - -Ceiling E 0 0 0 1 0 40 200 0 38 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA 1 Ceiling E 1 0 0 1 13 40 210 0 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfnces onceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling E 2 0 0 1 19 40 260 0 3 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling E 3 3 0 1 156 40 30 0 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA 1 Ceiling F 0 12 0 2 221 46 320 0 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling F 1 7 0 2 188 40 310 0 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling F 2 0 0 1 176 40 310 0 88 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling F 3 21 0 3 162 40 340 0 18 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling G 0 3 0 1 213 40 340 0 53 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling G 1 0 0 1 243 40 340 0 8 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA 1 Ceiling 0 2 0 0 0 211 40 340 0 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling G 3 12 0 3 239 40 350 0 53 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling H 0 21 0 4 186 40 340 0 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I - Ceiling H 1 21 0 1 3 262 40 350 0 3 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling 1-1 2 17 0 2 192 40 340 0 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling H 3 12 0 2 231 40 350 0 8 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA 1 Ceiling 1 0 26 0 4 231 40 320 0 33 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling 1 1 0 0 1 215 40 300 0 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling 1 2 12 0 2 211 40 300 4 0 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling 1 3 17 0 3 192 40 300 0 0I Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceiling 078 09/13/06 AA I Ceiling J 0 0 a 0 I 217 40 300 0 8 Ceiling tiles all accessible surfaces on ceilitig ENERCON Services, ine.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-4-1 (Crystal spectroscopy room ceiling, east, north, and west #2 walls)

FSS # Date Class 1 Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Comments Coord. Coord.1 Direct 1Scan Min. IScan Max.1 Direct Min. Max. Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 078 09/13/06 AA ~eilingJ I1 0 1 0 1 1 233 40 300 1 0 8 I 078 09/13/06 AA I R0e2 0 1 58 40 300 1 0 143 AA 1 Ceilng 3 0 0 1 AA I IN Wall T T 1 084 09/15/06 AA 1 j Wall T -4 084 09/15/06 AA A 2- 0 2 4 AA I IN Wall B 0 0 1 3 084 09/15/06 AA t__ N Wall -B T T 147 100 200 1 084 109/15/06 1AA I I IN Wall B 2 -4 120 100 200 084 1 09/15/06 1 AA I I IN Wall C T 10 1 2 4 207 100 220 084 09/15/06 AA I N Wall C 1 16 3 4 99 100 1 180 09/15/06 AA N Wall X

084 C 2 084 09/15/06 AA I N Wall D 4 5 133 too 200 4 17 D 100 09/15/06 AA I N Wall 2 -3 148 200 D

T 4 2 -3 126 200 100 084 09/15/06 AA I I IN Wall E T0 23 3 165 5 100 200 0 084 09/15/06 AA I N Wall E 3j6 4 124 6 00

-E 100 200 4 084 09/15/06 AA I N Well T 23 1 4 -5 150 100 200 084 09/15106 AA I N Wall F T2 10 2 4 158 0 Penetration Surveyed o00 200 00 G 2 4 2 3 160 100 200 4 Penetration Surveyed 084 09/15/06 AA I N Wall H T2 0 2 3 66 100 180 0 I T 084 09/15/06 AA I N Wall -0 3

-J Penetration Surveyed 084 09/15/06 AA 1 N Wall -4 -2 -3 128 200 1 0 1 0 Penetration Surveyed 087 09/15/06 AA I I B Wall 2 A 2 10 -3 60 180 0 0 2-m wide partition attached to north wall of crystal spec room 1

A 087 087 09/15/06 09/1.5/06 AA AA I I Wall 2 E Wall 2 A ~0 T


-2 -4 3

124 105 200 1 0 I -5 ]f___ 2-m wide partition attachet T 4 100 200 0 o 2-m wide partition attached Nr 087 09/15/06 AA 3 1~ F Wall 2 4 101 100 180 01 to I 10 2-m wide partition attached 087 09/15/06 t AA 1 E Wal 1 4 2 -3 105 100 1 200 1 0 0 2-m wide partition attached to north wall of crystal spec room 087 09/15/06 AA 1 2 0 1 3 2-m wide partition attached to north wall of crystal spec room 088 09/15/06 AA I WWaII2 A 0 23 -3 -5 2-m wide partition attached to north wall of crystal spec room 088 09115/06 AA I W Wall 2 23 -3 -5 A I. 2-m wide partition attaclhed to north wall of crystal spec room 088 09/15/06 AA I W Wall 2 A 2, 10 2 -4 113 100 200 0 2-m wide partition attached to north wall of crystal spec room 088 09/15/06 B AA I W Wall 2 B 10 23 4 1

122 100 200 0 2-m wide partition attached to north wall of crystal spec room AA 1 YWall W 2 B 7 0 3 105 1 100 200 4 2-m wide partition attached to north wall of cystal spec toom AA Il W Wall 2 23'

-5 2 ide atiti tthd t th llf tl ENERCON Service-,ine.


A2 E2 I E=Z G2 1 H21-~ J Al AO LCO DO iF __LiI WEST WALL 1 FLOOR EAST WALL 1 EQ A4_J__ ~~ Q__



CEILING REACO BO CO DO EQO E GO HO 10 JO Al A2 A3 NOTE:A3throughJ3 oorrtin separately thes'lt areasthatweresurveyed J4 fortheflooroftheCrystal as A4through Room.


University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 4 - Sub-Unit 1-4-2 Crystal Spectroscopy Room Floor, West and South Walls FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-4-2 (Crystal spectroscopy room floor, west and south walls)

I Location


ICrystal spectroscopy room floor, west and south walls I m

Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm 2 ) (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/IOOcm 2) (dpm/100cm2) (i+/-R/hr)

Number of measurements: 96 96 96 96 51 Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 68 9 279 94 0 Mean value of results: 11 1 145 15 0 Standard Deviation of results: 12 2 41 21 0 Degree of Freedom (2): 1.663 1.663 1.663 1.663 1.677 gc value: 13 1 152 18 0 Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is [t, < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (1)as interpolated from NUTREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-I for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-4-2 (Crystal spectroscopy room floor, west and south walls)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (rpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall A 0 0 ND ND 101 100 200 0 0 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall A 1 8 0 2 148 100 200 0 0 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall A 2 22 2 4 143 100 200 4 39 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall B 0 0 ND ND 132 100 200 0 12 073 09/12/06 AA I W Walit B 1 0 ND I ND 139 100 200 0 35 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall B 2 8 0 2 143 100 200 0 53 073 09/12/06 AA t W Wall C 0 0 ND ND 110 100 200 0 44 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall C 1 0 ND ND 112 100 200 0 67 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall C 2 3 0 1 135 100 200 0 0 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall D 0 27 3 5 205 100 220 0 30 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall D 1 8 0 2 88 100 180 0 0 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall E 0 13 1 3 119 100 200 4 0 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall E 1 3 0 I 128 100 200 0 0 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall E 2 3 0 I 159 100 200 0 90 073 09/12/06 AA I W Wall D 2 13 3 166 1 100 200 4 1 7 076 09/13/06 AA 1 S Wall 0 0 131 too 200 0 0 076 09/13/06 AA I S Wall 10 123 100 076 109/13/061 AA I S Wall A 2 10 167 100 076 1 09/13/06 1 AA I I IS Wall B 0 5 2 2 100 0 1 94 L B 1 34 4 6 155 100 200 0 1 0 1 2 -3 138

___ ___ B 2L 1 100 200 0 is - ______________________

156 076 1 09/13/061 AA I I IS Wall C 0 1 2

-2 116 1 100 200 T-___________________

076 1 09/13/061 AA I I IS Wall C 1 5 T 100 1 200 0 0 C C 2 0 ND ND 145 1 100 1 200 0 0 D T 5 -2 131 100 1 200 0 1 0 076 1 09/13/061 AA I I IS Wall D T -- N ND 129 0 076 109/13/061 AA I S Wall D T 5 1 -2 129 1 S Wall E 0 5 1 2 167 100 1 200 1 0 1 20 S Wall T 10i T -3 T4-4 100 1 180 0 10 076 09/13/06 AA S Wall 2 0 NID ND 076 09/13/06 AA I S Wall F 5 1 -2 ?1200 L 20 L 138I _ __________

076 09/13/06 AA I F 3 I

S Wall 1 15 2 199 1 100 200 1 0 1~ 6 '1 1 076 09/13/06 AA S Wall F 2 5 1 -2 127 1 100 1 200 1 0 1 25 076 I 09/13/06 AA I S Wall -7 GG I 0 -iD 3

140 100 200 0 0 076 1 09/13/06 1 AA I I IS Wall 15 2 125 100 180 0 38 076 09/13/06 AA I S Wall G 15 2 3 109 100 200 0 11 076 09/13/06 AA_ S Wall H 5 1 -2 10-7 100 200 0 11 2

H 5 1 2 H TT1 076 1 09/13/06 AA 5 1 2 298 19 1001001200 200 0 if 10 1 1 2 5 -1 100 220 0 1 43 076 076 09/13/06 09/13/06 [ 1 Wall 1 S Wall I 0 0 0 1 10[ 1 0 II 0 [ ___- 1 __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

127 100 200 4 1 0 076 109/13/061 AA I I S Wall 1 3 156 10 076 091/13106[ AA I 1 S Wal 1 0 ND 076 09/13/06 1 AA I I 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 079 09/14/06 AA I Floor A 0 15 93 U 079 09/14/06 AA 1 Floor A I 1 1F 0 1 079 09/14/06 AA I Floor 131 100 200 0 11 0 079 09/14/06 AA 1 Floor A 1 3 1 231 220 0 29 0 AA I Floor 079 09/14/06 AA 1 Floor A 14 20 2 4 T7 DET0o_ 01 079 09/14/06 AA I Floor 183 100 1 220 0 20 0 079 09/14/06 RB I 25 3 25..... 3 1 *_ _ _ _ __ _

ENERCON Serie, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-4-2 (Crystal spectroscopy room floor, west and south walls)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net hR Comments Coord. Cuord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpmn) DPM (epm) (cpm) DPM DPi 079 09/14/06 AA I Floor B .2 6 0 2 " 148 100 200 4 20 0 079 09/14106 AA 1 Floor B 3 6 0 2 171 100 200 0 0 0 079 09/14/06 AA I Floor B 4 15 2 4 102 100 200 9 0 0 079 09/14/06 AA I Floor- C 0 10 1 3 160 too 200 0 0 0 079 09/14/06 AA IIl Floor C 1 39 4 6 206 100 200 0 0 10 C , 2 25 2 4 13 1 to o 180 0 00 9 1 /0 A l I7F loo r 079 09/14/06 A l Foor C 3 6 0 2:: 223 100 220 0 15 079 09/14/06 AA 1 Floor 1C 4 15 1 3 171 100 200 0 6 0 079 09/14/06 AA 1 Floor D 1 0 39 4 6 142 100 200 0 29 0 079 109/14/061 AA 1 Floor D 4 10 1 3 194 1 100 1 200 0 1 11 0 J 0 0 0 ND 47 1 140 1 180 0 1 0 3 113 1 140 1 180 0 1 38 080 109/13/061 AA I lFtoor 080 109/13/061 AA I Floor J 3 16 .0 Trench tltu it 12" wide 080 09/13/06 AA I Floor J 4 0 0 ND 1 77 1 140 1 160 1 0 1 0 010 09/13/06 AA I Floor 1 4 0 0N 139 120 180 4 1 0 1 080 09/13/06 AA 1 Floor 0 ND 157 120 180 0 1 15 FTrenchthru it 12" wide 080 09/13/06 AA 1 Floor 11 2 0 ND 1 223 140 220 0 0 080 109/13/061 AA I Floor I 1 1 21 0 ND 1 191 1 160 17200 1 0 1 0 Floor 1 0 1 0 0 ND 1 236 1 140 1 180 1 0 1 0 11 20 8 o0 ND 1 90 1 140 1 180 1 0 1 25 080 1 09/13/06 1AA Hj l 38 0 A 080 1 09/13/06 1 AA 1 Floor I H 2 1 29 0 0 1 080 09/13/06 1 AA 1 I Floor HI 3 0 0 ND 1 119 1 180 1 220 1 0 1 66 Trench thru it 12" wide 00 HI 4 8 0 ND 1 173 140 1 180 1 0 1 15 080 187 160 200 0 1 52 L1 080 09/13/06 1 AA I t Floor I G

- - 1 34 11 30 11 00 1 200 0 Trench thru i 080 09/13/06 AA l Floor G 121 3 0 ND 0 180 0 11 080 09/13/06 AA I Floor G 1 0 0 ND 1 204 1 160 0 0 080 09/13/06 AA I Flo. j 8 0 080 09/13/06 AA [ 010 ND I 139 10 200 0 _ 0 1__ 1___________________________


080 09/13/06 AA 11 Floor F I 16 0 080 09/13/06 AA 11 Floor F 2 16 ND 1 158 1 180 1 200 1 0 1 0 1 1 Floor F '3 8 0 ND 1 171 1 100 1 160 1 4 1 52 rrench thru it 12" wide Floor 0 ND 178 120 180 0 0 rrench tluu it 12" wide 080 09/13/06 1 AA 1 1 Floor E 4 38 01 ND 121 160 20 4 0 080 09/13/06 AA I Floor E 3 38 115L1- 00 0 11 1 -B7 1t 080 09/13/06 AA I Floor E 1 2 12 ND 185 160 1 200 1 0 0 080 09/13/06 AA 1 Floor ED I 21 0 ND 1 184 1 120 1 240 1 4 1 0 080 09/13/06 AA I Floor 8 0 1 ND 279 1 120 1 240 1 0 25 080 09/13/06 1AA I 1 Floor 29 68 Z 122 120 240 0 Remediated See FSS-079 080 109/13/06 1 AA 1 Floor 080 109/13/06 AA I I Floor _______ D ~1 0 0

0 0 ND 84 167 120 140 200 200 0

0 080 09/13/06 AA 12 0 ND 191 120 200 0 0 03 D2 S 1 149 10/03/06 AA 1 Floor 0 149 10/03/L06 AA 1 Floor J I l I I I 1 0 149 10/03/06 AA I Flonr I 1 2 149 10/03/06 AA I 0 Fl~oor 149 10/03/06 AA 1 1 3 0 149 10/03/06 AA 1 1Floor 1 4 0 149 10/03/06 AA I IFloor 1 3 0 149 10/03/061 AA I 1 Floor 1 2 0 ENERCON Serices, ine.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-4-2 (Crystal spectroscopy room floor, west and south walls)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net PR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 149 I0WQ3106 &A I Fklao 1 t 0 149 10/03/06 AA I Floor 1 0 0 149 10/03/06 AA 1 Floor H 0 0 149 10/03/06 AA I Floor H I 0 149 10/03/06 AA 1 Floor H 2 0 149 10/03/06 AA I Floor H 3 0 149 10/03/06 AA 1 Floor 11 4 0 149 10/03/06 AA 1 Floor G 4 0 149 10/03/06 AA I Floor G 3 0 149 10/03/06 AA I Floor G 2 0 149 10/03/06 AA 1 Floor G I 0 149 10/03/06 AA I Floor 3 0 0 149 10/03/06 AA 1 Floor F 0 0 149 10/03/06 AA 1 Floor F I 0 149 10/03/06 AA 1 Floor F 2 0 149 10/03/06 AA 1 Floor F 3 0 149 10/03/06 AA I Floor F E 4 1 00 149 10/03/06 AA I Floor E 3 0 149 10/03/06 9 10/03/06 AA AA I Floor E 2 0 Floor 149 10/03/06 AA I Floor E E0I 0 14 149 9 10/03/06 AA 1AA 1 Floor D 0 00 I II Floor 149 10/03/06 AA Floor D I D 0 149 10/03/06 AA I Floor D 33 10 0

ENERCON Servicn, inc.




=A2 BO CO DO SOUTH WALL EO FO GO HO 10 AO EAST WALL 2 ABJO CEILING AO BO CO DO EO FO GO HO 10 JO Al A2 A3 NOTE: A3 through .13 contain the smarnareas that were suveyed separately as A4 through .14 for the floor of the Crystal Spectroscopy Room.


University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 25 - Sub-Unit 1-4-3 Crystal Spectroscopy Overhead Piping FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-4-3 (Crystal spectroscopy overhead piping)

I Location


ICrystal spectroscopy overhead piping I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm )

2 (pR/hr)

Number of measurements: 32 32 32 32 N/A Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 74 8 253 61 N/A Mean value of results: 23 0 113 12 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 21 2 74 17 N/A Degree of Freedom (2): 1.696 1.696 1.696 1.696 N/A 4 value: 29 1 135 17 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is gu < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5 849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

0 University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-4-3 (Crystal spectroscopy overhead piping)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct ScanMIn. ScanMax. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 092 09/19/06 AA I lpe A 3 59 0 3 24 40 180 0 15 11es and insolation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 09/19/06 AA 1 [e B 0 6 0 1 11 40 180 0 45 1pes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 09/19/06 AA 1 e B 1 0 0 0 79 40 200 0 0 lpes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 09/19/06 AA I lpe B 2 6 0 1 173 40 220 0 0 [Des and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 09/19/06 AA* I [e B 3 1 14 0 2 249 40 300 0 61 lpes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 09/19/06 AA 1 ie C 0 6 0 1 253 40 300 0 0 lpes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 09/19/06 AA I e e1 C - 14 02 37 40 200 0 0 lpes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 09/19/06 AA I e C 2 0 0 - 1 188 40 280 0 0 lIPesand insulation exteriors, scalned all accessible areas.

092 09/19/06 AA I pe C 3 1 21 0 3 "75 40 1 200 0 40 1loes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 109/19/06 AA 1 Ipe D 0 29 0 173 1 40 1 260 0 1 15 lbes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 109/19/061 AsA D .1 1 je__ _ 51 0 4 49 1 40 1 200 0 1 25 lpes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 109/19/06 1 AsA I I' _____ D 2 21 0 3 t Iles and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 109/19/06 1 AA 1 1l[be D 3 29 0 4 lbes and insulation exteriors, scanned alt accessible areas.

092 109/19/06 1 AA I I Iroe E 10 0 0 1 132 1 40 210 0 1 0 ltes and insulation exteriors. scanned all accessible areas.

E 11 0 0 1 45 1 40 1 200 1 0 1 0 lbes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

E 12 44 -4 20 40 200 1 0 1 25 1 j.!es and insulation exteriors, scassed all accessible areas.

092 109/19/06 1 AA 1 1The E 3 14 2 200 40 280 1 0 1 0 1 les and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 109/19/06 1 AA I I tle F 0 29 0 1 215 40 300 0 0 Ihes and insulation exteriors. scanned all accessible areas.

F I1 44 0 3 83 40 260 0 10 Ibes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092~i 092 1109/19/06 1 AsA1-09/19/06 1AAt - I I~e___

j.pe____ F 2 21 0 2 092 09/19/06 1 AA I I I[e G 1 0 66 1 0 4 092 109/19/06 1 AA I I I[e G I 1 1 44 1 0 3 124 40 280 0 0 I bes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

G 1 2 1 29 1 0 I 3 1 51 40 240 0 5 [Pes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

188 40 280 1 0 1 30 1 lIles and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 109/19/06 1 AA I I I[e _205 1 40 092 109/19/06 1 AA I I Th~e H 2 I 0 0 1 0 40 tel 092 109/19/061 AA I [ibe. 1 10 1 0 0 132 40 1 260 0 115 1 1lbes and insulation exteriors,. scanned all accessible areas.

ilpe I I 1 1 21 0 1 2 1 100 1 40 1 220 1 0 1 40 1lbes and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

2 21 1 0 2 28 J 40 200 4 1 0 lges and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 1 09/19/06 FAA 1 110 14 1 139 40 I 260 81 0 les and insulation exteriors, scanned all accessible areas.

092 109/19/061 AA I ibe J 36 -3 092 09/19/061 AA I I Ibe I J 12 1 14 0 2 ENFRCON Services,is.



~- -


University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 26 - Unit 1-5 Radiochemistry Lab FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP- 13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-5 (Radiochemistry lab)

I Location


IRadiochemistry lab I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm.) (pRhr)

Number of measurements: 87 87 87 87 18 Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 45 4 285 54 0 Mean value of results: 9 0 149 7 0 Standard Deviation of results: 11 1 52 14 0 Degree of Freedom (2): 1.665 1.665 1.665 1.665 1.740 gc. value: 11 1 158 9 0 Guideline level: 1 00 20 5000 1 000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is g < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (1 as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-5 (Radioc.i.nistry lab)

FSS# Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Ird Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cps) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM A I fl I

  • A .7 *77 I loft 0
  • Nn n 053 053 09/070 09107/06 A AA 11Celn ceiting A 1) 45 4 _ 7 272 100 1 200 0 0 ...... .

A 1 0 0 1 49 100 200 0 0 hktially inaccessible (pipes) 053 09/07/061 AA 1 1 eln A 2 3 103 100 200 0 54 053 09/07/06 1AA Celn A 3 ND 103 100 200 0[-E 053 09/07/06 AA I Ceiling A 4 0 ND ND 164 100 220 0 1 053 09/07106 AA 1 Ceiling B 0 0 0 1 64 100 200 0 0 053 09/07/06 AA I Ceiling 7 59 100 200 0 0 Static on insulation partially inaccessible (pipes) 033 09/07/06 AA 1 Ceilina T 0 053 09/07/06 AA I I Ceilint 1 0 053 1 09/07/06 1 AA I I Ceiling I B 1 4 1 157 1 100 1180 1 0 0 053 09/07/06 1 AA I I ...... a C 0 31 4 5 59 1 100 t 200 1 0 1 7 Ceiling Ceiling C 1 16 3 4 2 7 1 2 4 053 09/07/06 AA 3 112 100 200 0 0 053 109/07/06 AA 1 ICeiling 144 100 180 0 0 D 1 0 0 T1 153 100 200 0 3 Ts -4 0053 W3 09/07/06 09/07/06 AA AA 1 [Ceiling Ceilin 7 176 too 200 0 0 A1 3 1 7 90 100 200 0 0 1

057 09/07/06 AA 1 N Wall I_ A 1 01_21 1

T-32 129 100 200 0 12 A 11 0 146 100 200 4 49 A 1 2 057 09/07/06 1 AA I I IN Wall 0 -F00 1 185 77d 100 t on 200

  • nn 0

f 0

dO Rpnvddl ,nlnrmn nt oi 057 B 0 0

-2 IN 12,02 :ý:2ý0O ý O 4'0 Removed door most ofrid 057 Bi~ -

16 0 ND ND 5 278 192 100 100 200 200 0

0 0

7 Removed door most of grid 057 109/07/06 1 AA I 1 0 0 1 200 100 220 0 0 N Wall C 1 0 2 202 100 0 220 0 0 N Wall 2 0 0 214 100 200 0 12 Includes penetration 057 109/07/06 1 AA N Wall o 0 1 0 2 7 1 0 21 0 0 020 48 1 220 0 9 om pp____urveed_

057 09/07/06 AA I N Wall D 2 0 0 2 060 09/08/06 AA I W Wall A 0 -ND -D 203 12020 2020 __ 9 __ IS.sme pipes (surveyed) 060 09/08/06 AA I W Wall A I 1 0 -1 174 100 200 0 51 Some pipes (surveyed) 060 09/08/06 1 AA I W Wall A 2 _0 0

060 09/08/06 AA 1 W Wall B 0 6 1 2 060 09/08/06 AA I W Wall B 1 2 3

-2 3 060 09/08/06 AA 1 W Wall 285 060 09/09/06 AA I W Wall 1 2 111 100 180 0 0 060 09/08/06 AA I W Wall 2 5 C 2 1 0 1 060 D) 0 20 2 3 156 100 200 0 0 060 1 2 163 100 200 3 0 0 1 103 100 220 0 0 0 1 208 100 200 0 51 1 W Wall E I 1 0 1 172 100 200 0 32 064 09/08/06 1 AA 1 S Walil S 260 1 3 100 200 0 0 064 09/08/06 AA I S Wall A 1 6 1 064 09/08/06 AA I S Wall A 2 064 064 09/08/06 09/08/06 AA I S Wall B 0 16 AA & B I I 0 064 09/08/06 AA I S Wall S Wall 1 2018 82891 100 10022 220 220 0 0 09 064 09/08/06 AA I S Wall B 2 -F1 TT 3 3 0 1 C 0 1-1 3 0 0 i ENERCONSeri-ej..

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-5 (Radiochemistry lab)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net hR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (epm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 064 09/08/06 AA 1 S Wall C 1 1 0 1 172 100 200 0 23 064 09/08/06 AA I S Wall C 2 20 2 3 206 100 220 3 0 064 09/08/06 AA I S Wall D 0 1 0 L 204 100 200 3 9 064 09/08/06 AA I S Wall D I 1 0 1 118 100 180 0 14 064 09/08/06 AA I SWaII D 2 6 1 2 154 100 200 0 23 065 09/08/06 AA l E Wall A 0 4 1 2 132 40 300 0 0 Concrete Wall, lpes 065 09/08/06 AA 1 JEWall A 1 0 1 2 111 40 290 1 3 1 0 Concrete Wall. Ibes 065 09/08/06 AA IE Wall 1 4 159 40 360 0 0 Concrete Wall, lpea 065 09/08/06 1 AA 1 1 JEWall 1 3 132 [ Concrete Wall, Thes 065 109/08/061 AA I I IE Wall B l 4 1 2 165 I Concrete Wall, lpes 065 09/08/06 AA I1 EWall B 2 14 4 196 40 390 0 1 0 Concrete Wall. lbes 065 109/08/06 AA I E Wall C 0 39 115 59 40 310 0 1 0 Concrete Wall 06 109/08/06 AA 1 E Wall C I 9 1 Is roes, Concrete 065 1 09108/061 AA I I lBWall C 1 2 29 1 5 Concrete 065 109/08/06 1 AA I I E Wall D 0 9 1 4 201 40 380 0 1 0 Wood. Concrete H Wall DI I 9 1 3 190 40 300 3 0 Wood. Concrete 1 EWalr 0 1 148 40 280 0 0 Concrete 066 109/09/061 AA I 1 Floor TO 1 3 066 09(09/06 AA I Floor A I T9 4 066 09/09/06 AA I I Floor A 1. 2 0 0 1 166 100 I 220 I 4 I 0 I 0 I A

A 3 29 10 3

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0 IOcrtial t reh trnc 066 109/09/06 1 AA I I Floor B 5 0 2 113 066 09/09/06 AA I I IFloor B 1 2 0 ND I ND 128 066 09/09/06 AA I Floor B 1 3 5 0 2 10-9 100 1 200 1 0 1 0 1 0 1rtial trench 066 09/09/06 AA B 1 4 5 0 7 I; Ion I an n Oi n lf*il Io~nh 14 0 4-066 09/09/06 C 1 3 101 100 200 0 1 0 J 0 1_________________________

066 1 09/09/06 AA I Floor C 2 2f9 24 4 5 100- 200 0 12 J 0 ________________________

066 09/09/06 AA I Floor C 3 3 1 5 164 100 200 0 1 25 0 ________________________

066 09/09/06 AA I 10 Floor B C

0 0I 14 1 3 96 100 200 __0 0 I 0 ________________________

066 09/09/06 AA I Floor 4 21 7 100

__ 220, 4- 0l0-I--4--.........

066 09/09/06 AA 1 Floor D 0 10 [ 3 7 100 200 0 0 1 0 I6'rtial trench 066 066 09/09/06 09/09/06 AA AA 1 Floor D 11 0 0 4

8[ 100 I18 Ii 0 1 0 1-0_I_ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 D 2I 19 TT 2 103 100 200 0 1 0 1 0 066 09/09/06 AA I . . ... .. . . ... ... i I it I

____5___ 152 10 200__ 0 1__0_1 0 ENERCON Seric-es, oi.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 27 - Sub-Unit 1-6-1 Robotics Lab Floor FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-6-1 (Robotics lab floor)

7. -


I -~->

~ I Location


Robotics lab floor

. - 'Thj~.~4'. ~

~ ~. ~ ~ ~ _ U Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2) (hR/br)

Number of measurements: N/A 20 20 20 20 Number of measurements needed (1): N/A 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: N/A 4 251 38 0 Mean value of results: N/A 1 171 14 0 Standard Deviation of results: N/A 1 44 14 0 Degree of Freedom (2): N/A 1.729 1.729 1.729 1.729 pvalue: N/A 1 188 20 0 Guideline level: N/A 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Is ýit < guideline? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes (1)as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services. inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-6-1 (Robotics lab floor)

- r r-~rT ,~, C - r C - -r - C -rr r C FSS # I Date I Class I Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Cor.Coord. Direct Scan Mn. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 134 11001/06061 GA I Floor 1 198 t00 220 0 0 Transformer I 134 10/01/06 GA I IFloor 134 10/01/06 GA I Floor E 0 220 134 10/01/06 GA I Floor G 0 182 80 0 0 134 10/01/06 GA I Floor 1 o00 T8-0 134 10/01/06 GA ~1 Floor A 0

7 142 82 100 I 1lo 23 13 0

0 Tr*neFn*er Rnom 2 82 100 1 180 13 0 Transformer Room 134 10/01/06 GA I Floor C 2 142 100 220 13 0 134 10/01/06 GA Floor -E -180 100 200 38 0 134 10/01/06 GA I Floor G 251 120 J 240 -23 0 134 10/01/06 GA I Floor 1 2 152 100 200o- 0 0 134 10101/06 GA I Floor A 4 148 1 100 220 8 0 134 10/01/06 GA Floor C 4 202 80 220 33 0 134 10/01/06 GA Floor E 4 100 200 is- 0 134 10/01/06 GA I Floor 4 1(M 120 3 0 134 10/01/06 GA I Floor T 92 60 180 18 0 134 10/01/06 GA I Floor A 170 1 100 200 0 134 10/01/06 GA I1I Floor C 208 100 2600 0 134 10/01/06 GA I Floor E _0 0 134 I G 0 T3 4 10/01/06 GA Floor -1 6 1' 2R15 00 Floor 6 150 80 1 200 1F3 Floor A 0 160 11/08/06 GA I I Floor C 0

-E 160 11/08/06 GA I Floor 0 4 G

160 11108/06 GA TI Floor 0 0 GA Floor -1 0 0 T

GA T Floor 2 0 GA T Floor 2 0 T Floor E 2 T Floor 6 2 0

160 160 T Floor T -2 4 4

T Floor 4 1 Floor 1 4 0 160 11/08/06 GA Floor 4 0 160 11/08/06 GA Floor G 4 0 11/08/06 GA T1 Floor IK 4 0 11/08/06 GA Floor 6 0 1 A 11/08/06 GA TI Floor -i6 0 B

160 11/08/06 GA Floor 6 E

Floor 6 160 1 1/08/06 1 GA 160 1108/06 GA Floor

~___ __1 ____ . ____.1 __ __1 __ __ L n

.I I.........6 ENERCON Senioes, ir*.





University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 28 - Sub-Unit 1-6-2 Robotics Lab West and South Walls Including Transformer Room South Wall FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-6-2 (Robotics lab west and south walls)

Unit Designator: 1-6-2 Class: GA I9Certainty %: 5I Location


Robotics lab west and south walls Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpmnl00cm2 ) (pR/hr)

Number of measurements: N/A 25 21 21 18 Number of measurements needed M: N/A 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: N/A 4 419 59 0 Mean value of results: N/A 0 121 8 0 Standard Deviation of results: N/A 1 122 15 0 Degree of Freedom (2): N/A 1.711 1.725 1.725 1.740 g value: N/A 1 167 14 0 Guideline level: N/A 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Is [t, < guideline? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes

() as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-6-2 (Robotics lab west and south walls)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 129 09/29/06 GA I S Wall A 0 119 60 160 0 0 0 129 09/29/06 GA I S Wall C 0 42 80 200 0 0 0 129 09/29/06_ GA I S Wall E 0 0 o80 180 0 8 0 129 09/29/06 GA 1 S Wait G 0 55 60 160 0 33 0 129 09/29/06 GA I SWall H 223 80 200 0 23 0 129 09/29/06 GA I SWall A T T8-0 60 0 59 _0 129 09/29/06 GA 1 S Wall C 2 0 60&o 160o -

129 09/29/06 GA I IS Wall E 2 T8-0 -0 -0 -0 129 09/29/06 GA 1ISj W ell G 2 0 60 180 0 0 0 129 09/29/06 GA S Wall H 272 80 220 0 0 0 131 09/30/06 GA WWall A _0 0 100 280 -0 131 09/30/06 GA I W Wall C 0 too 260 _0 0 131 09/30/06 1 GA I W Wall E 0 158 100 200 _0 _0 131 W Wall G 0 43 60 180 3 0 131 I W Wall A 2 296 80 220 8 0 131 09/30/06 1 GA I1 W Wall 2V 23 C 346 100 0 131 09/30/06 1 GA I W Wall E 123 80 200 -0 0 131 09/30/06 1 GA I W Wall G 2 110 80 21600 0 0 135 10/01/1 T1 SWe 37 80 180 0 18 pipe in trans room west wall 136 10/01/1 S Wall 30 100 180 0 Transformer room - South wall, wire mesh 136 10/01/06 1 GA T s wait 100 200 Transformer room - Southl wall wire mesh 156 11/08/06 1 GA I W Wall A 0 156 1 W Wall 0 4 156 156 11/08/06 1GA II W Wall W Wall E

-C G

0 0

0iI 156 11/08/061 GA I W Wall T 156 11/08/06 1 GA W Wall C T 156 11/08/06 GA W Wall E T 0 156 11/08/06 GA I W Wall T _0 162 11/08/06 GA 1 S Wall A 0 S Wall 162 11/08/06 GA I S Wall T S Wall 162 11/08/06 GA 1 W Wall W Wall

-C 4 162 11/08/06 GA 1 W Wall W Wl fv~

Wall 162 162 11108/06 11/08/06 GA GA T

1 W Wall W Wall C _____~~~~~ __)y_ I___{~

4-!!Wal 1  : I_______I~

ENERCON Services,ina.






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University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 29 - Sub-Unit 1-6-3 Robotics Lab East and North Walls Including Transformer Room East, West, and North Walls FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-6-3 (Robotics lab east and north walls)

Unit Designator. 1-6-3 Class:] GA Certainty %: I Location


jRobotics lab east and north walls Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/O00cm 2) (dpm/100cm2) (gR/hr)

Number of measurements: N/A 22 26 26 16 Number of measurements needed (1): N/A 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: N/A 4 354 59 0 Mean value of results: N/A 0 145 13 0 Standard Deviation of results: N/A 1 115 16 0 Degree of Freedom (2): N/A 1.721 1.708 1.708 1.753 g,, value: N/A 1 183 19 0 Guideline level: N/A 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Is gIt < guideline? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes

() as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-6-3 (Robotics lab east and north walls)

FSS N Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coard. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cp m) (cpm) DPM DPM 132 09/30/06 GA I E Wall A 0 120 80 200 0 0 132 09/30/06 GA 1 E Wall C 0 160 100 240 0 0 132 09/30/06 GA I E Wall E 0 100 80 220 0 0 132 09/30/06 GA I E Wall G 0 0 80 200 3 0 132 09/30/06 GA I E Wall A 2 1 0 80 180 0 0 132 09/30/06 GA I E Wall C 2 87 80 200 3 0 132 09/30/06 GA I E Wall E 2 35 80 180 28 0 132 09/30/06 GA 1 E Wall G 2 1 60 180 13 0 133 09/30/06 GA 1 N Wall A 0 24. 100 220 33 0 133 09/30/06 GA I N Wall C 0 275 120 260 8 0 133 09/30/06 GA I N Wall E 0 308 120 240 38 0 133 09/30/06 GA I N Wall G 0 286 100 240 0 0 133 09/30/06 GA I N Wall A 2 309 120 260 0 0 133 09/30/06 GA I N Wall C 2 242 100 220 13 0 1 133 09/30/06 GA I N Wall E 2 338 80 240 0 0 133 09/30/06 GA 1 N Wall G 2 354 120 260 0 0 136 10/01/06 GA 1 W Wall A 0 195 120 200 0 Transformer room - West wall 136 10/01/06 GA I W Wall C 0 165 100 200 3 Transformer room - West wall 136 10/01/06 GA I W Wall A 2 112 120 220 0 Transformer room - West wall 136 10/01/06 GA I W wait C 2 75 too 180 13 Transformer room - West wall 136 10/01/06 GA I N Wall A 0 0 100 100 23 Transformer room - North wall0 door 136 136 110/01/06 0/01/06 GA I N Wall A 2 60 80 180 33 Transformer room - North wall CA 1I E 136 10/01/06 GA E Wall A C 02ransformer 178 too 200 59 room - East wall 2

136 10/01/06 GA I IE Wall C 2ransformer 0 191 45 80 200 18 room - East wall 100 220 .

136 10/01/06 GA I E Wall A 2 97 100 200 13 38 Transformer room -- East wall room East wall 158 11/08/06 GA 1 E Wall A 0 0 158 11/08/06 GA 1 E Wall C 0 0 158 11/08/06 GA 1 E Wall E 0 0 158 11/08/06 GA I E Wall G 0 0 158 11/08/06 GA I E Wall A 2 0 158 11/08/06 GA I E Wall C 2 0 158 11/08/06 GA I E Wall E 2 0 156 11/08/06 GA I E Wall G 2 0 159 11/08/06 GA I N Wall A 0 4 162 11/08/06 GA 1 E Wail A 0 162 11/08/06 GA 1 NEW ai l 0EaI C 0 16 2 11/ 0 8 /0 6 GA 1 a NEW lI 4 0_ _ ~ I A 2 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ 0 16 2 11/ 08 /0 6 GA

_ _ _ E W aN_ ll I E Wa ll C 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

0__ E Wa ll ENERCON Services, inc.






>A2 _



University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 30 - Sub-Unit 1-6-4 Robotics Lab Ceiling FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP- 13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-6-4 (Robotics lab ceiling)



IRobotics lab ceiling

-r I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm]100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cm1 ) (giR/hr)

Number of measurements: N/A 29 29 29 N/A Number of measurements needed (): N/A 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: N/A 4 496 54 N/A Mean value of results: N/A 1 108 6 N/A Standard Deviation of results: N/A 1 86 13 N/A Degree of Freedom (2): N/A 1.701 1.701 1.701 N/A 4,value: N/A 1 135 10 N/A Guideline level: N/A 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? N/A Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? N/A Yes Yes Yes N/A Is ýta < guideline? N/A Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? N/A Yes Yes Yes N/A

6) as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-I for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-6-4 (Robotics lab ceiling)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net hR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling A 0 54 100 180 0 FTransformer Room 135 10/01/06 GA 1 Ceiling C 0 129 100 200 0 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling E 0 187 80 220 0 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling 0 0 105 80 200 0 135 10/01/06 GA 1 Ceiling 1 0 155 100 200 0 135 10/01/06 GA 1 Ceiling A 2 58 100 180 8 Transformer Room 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling C 2 77 80 200 0 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling E 2 49 100 180 0 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling G 2 45 100 200 13 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling 1 2 71 80 180 0 135 10/01/06 GA 1 Ceiling A 4 94 100 200 0 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling C 4 41 100 160 18 135 10/01/06 GA - Ceiling E 4 92 80 200 0 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling E 4 142 100 220 0 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling G 4 79 80 220 13 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling A 6 139 100 220 3 135 10/01/06 GA 1 -Ceiling C 6 127 80 200 0 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling E 6 496 1oo 200 0 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling G 6 75 80 200 43 135 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling 1 6 94 too 220 18 137 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling A 0 64 100 200 0 North side of beam 137 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling A 2 75 80 220 0 North side of beam 137 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling C 2 51 100 200 0 North side of beam 137 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling E 2 86 80 220 0 North side of beam 137 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling G 2 45 100 200 8 North side of beam 137 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling A 2 73 too 200 0 South side of beam 137 10/01/06 CA I Ceiling C 2 161 120 220 54 South side of beam 137 10/01/06 GA 1 Ceiling E 2 170 100 200 0 South side of beam 137 10/01/06 GA I Ceiling G 2 137 too 180 0 South side of beam 161 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling A 0 0 161 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling C 0 0 161 111/08/061 GA_ I Ceiling E 0 0 161 11/08/06 GA 1 ICeiling G 0 0 161 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling 1 0 0 161 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling A 2 0 161 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling C 2 4 16t 11/08/06 GA 1 Ceiling E 2 0 161 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling G 2 0 161 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling 1 2 0 161 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling A 4 0 161 1 11/08/06 1GA I Ceiling C 4 4 161 11108/06 GA I Ceiling E 4 0 161 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling G 4 0 161 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling 1 4 0 161 11/08/06 GA 1 Ceiling A 6 0 161 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling C 60 61 11/08/06 GA I CeilingE 60 161 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling G 64 161 ll1/08/06 GA 1 Ceiling 1 6 0 163 111/08/06 GA I Ceiling, A 13 ta 1Ceiling A 2 ___ IN side of beam I ICeiling C 12 1JN 0 side ofbean ENERCON Sermices, ne.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-6-4 (Robotics lab ceiling)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 163 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling E 2 0 N side of beam 163 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling G 2 0 N side of beam 163 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling A 2 4 S side of beam 163 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling C 2 0 S side of beam 163 11/08/06 GA I Ceiling E 2 0 S side of beam 163 11/08/06 GA 1 Ceiling G 2 0 S side of beam ENERCON Se-i-, in.



University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 31 - Unit 1-7 Offices, Restrooms, and Hallway FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

  • Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 1-7 (Offices, restrooms, and hallway)

I Location


Offices, restrooms, and hallway I I I~

Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100mc*) (gR/hr)

Number of measurements: N/A 30 30 30 30 Number of measurements needed (1): N/A 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: N/A 4 417 38 0 Mean value of results: N/A 1 188 8 0 Standard Deviation of results: N/A 2 105 12 0 Degree of Freedom (2): N/A 1.699 1.699 1.699 1.699 pt value: N/A 1 220 11 0 Guideline level: N/A 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Is gt < guideline? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes (1)as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-7 (Offices, restrooms, and hallway)

FSS # Date Class Flor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net IJR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 114 09/28/06 UN I Floor F 1 184 80 140 0 0 Grad Room 1 114 09/28/06 UN 1 Floor F 2 77 60 120 8 0 Grad Room 2 114 09/28/06 UN I Floor F 3 90 80 180 0 0 Grad Room 3 114 09/28/06 UN I Floor F 4 12 60 100 3 0 Grad Room 4 114 09/28/06 UN 1 Floor F 5 96 60 120 0 0 Grad Room 5 114 09/28/06 UN 1 Floor F 6 88 100 140 0 0 Grad Room 6 114 09/28/06 UN I Floor F 7 109 60 140 0 0 Grad Room 7 114 09/28/06 UN I Floor F 8 74 80 120 0 0 Grad Room 8 114 09/28/06 UN I Floor F 9 52 60 120 0 0 Grad Room 9 114 09/28/06 UN I Floor F 10 56 60 I00 33 0 Grad Room 10 114 09/28/06 UN i Floor F 11 417 120 220 23 0 Womano room 11 114 09/28/06 UN I Floor F 12 152 80 160 0 0 Woman6 room 12 114 09/28/06 UN I Floor F 13 337 100 160 0 0 Meob room 13 114 09/28/06 UN I Floor F 14 105 80 180 28 0 Me, room 14 1i4 09/28/06 UN 1 Floor F 15 83 100 180 0 0 W115 114 09/28/06 UN 1 Floor F 16 114 80 120 8 0 1l 16 114 09/28/06 UN I Floor F 17 158 100 140 0 0 I117 138 10/01/06 UN 1 Floor F 38 219 180 260 0 0 1829Dr 138 10/01/06 UN I Floor F 39 266 120 280 3 0 1930hr 138 10/01/06 UN I Floor F 20 247 120 260 33 0 20 hal I 138 10/01/06 UN I Floor F 21 212 120 260 0 0 20 Rall 138 10/01/06 UN I Floor FF 22 294 140 260 0 0 22 hall 138 11/01/06 UN I Floor F 23 247 120 240 8 0 23 hall 138 1 1/01/06 UN I Floor F 24 313 120 240 23 0 24 4al[

138 10/01/06 UN I Floor F 25 217 120 220 38 0 25 Calroom 138 10/01/06 UN I Floor F :26 242 100 220 0 0 26 Caelroomn 138 10/01/06 UN I Floor F 27 258 120 240 18 0 27 Calc room 138 10/01/06 UN I Floor F 28 1309 160 240 0 0 28 Director off 138 10/01/06 UN I Floor F 29 322 160 240 0 0 29 Director off 138 10/01/06 UN i Floor F 30 281 160 260 0 0 30 Director off 157 11/08/06 UN I Floor F 1 0 Grad Room 1 157 11/08/06 UN 1 Floor F 2 0 Grad Room 2 157 11/08/06 UN 1 ,Floor F 3 0 Grad Room 3 157 11/08/06 =UN I Floor F 4 0Grad Room 4 157 11i/08/06 UNT iFloor F 5 4Grad Room 5 157 157 11/08/06 1 UN 11/I I Floor Floor F

F fi F___

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4-1 0I 4

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Grad Room 7 157 Sl/I( Floor 4 Grad Room 8 157 11/08/06 1 UN I Floor 0 Grad Room 9 157 11/08/06 UN I Floor F to 0 Grad Room 10 157 11/08/06 Floor F II 0I nmthr n II 157 F 11 Imr 0I ro 11~'!~

11/08/06 1 Floor F 12 0 Woman§ room 12 157 11/08/06 T Floor FE '3]___ I .: 0 0

Menl room 13 157 11/08/06 UN Floor F 14 MenMroom 14 157 11/08/06 UN Floor F 15 T lill 15 157 11/08/06 UN I- Floor F 16 11 16 0

157 11/08/06 UN 11 Floor T 17 164 11/08/06 UN Floor F 18 164 11/08/06 UN I Floor T 19 0 I -1 bi119 164 11/08/06 UN II Floor F 20 4 M120 164 11/08/06 1 _ _ 1 _ _ _ 1_ 6212 Id:l 164 11/08/06 1___ 1112 ENERCONSoe,.i, b..

0 University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 1-7 (Offices, restrooms, and hallway)

FSS N Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (rpm) DPM DPM 164 11/08/06 UN I Floor F 23 4 IM123 164 11/08/06 UN 1 Floor F 24 0 fil1l24 164 11/08/06 UN I Floor F 25 0 Calc Room 25 164 11/08/06 UN I Floor F 26 0 Calc Room 26 164 11/08/06 UN 1 Floor F 27 0 Calc Room 27 164 11/08/06 UN 1 Floor F 28- - Directors room 28 164 11/08/06 UNl I Floor - F 29 0 1 Directors roomn29 164 11/08/06 UN II Floor F 30 1 1 1 0 1 Directors room 30 ENERCON Servies, h..







University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 32 - Sub-Unit 2-1-1 Control Room Ceiling, East, and North Walls FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status-Decision Summary for Unit 2-1-1 (Control room ceiling, east, and north walls)

I Location


IControl room ceiling, east, and north walls I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm 2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm 2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) 0/r Number of measurements: 20 20 20 20 N/A Number of measurements needed 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 65 4 183 44 N/A Mean value of results: 9 0 38 9 N/A Standard Deviation of results: 16 1 52 14 N/A Degree of Freedom (2): 1.729 1.729 1.729 1.729 N/A ga value: 16 0 58 15 N/A Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 N/A Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Is jt1 < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A

() as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-I for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 2-1-1 (Control room ceiling, east, and north walls)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (rpm) DPM DPM 005 08/11/06 GA 2 Northern E Wall A 0 4 ND ND 0 0 120 0 0 4m2 area Includes vent duct 005 08/11/06 GA 2 Northern E Wall A *2 0 ND ND 0 0 120 0 44 4n2 area 005 08/11/06 GA 2 Northern E Wall C 0 8 ND ND 67 0 140 0 0 4m2 area 005 08/11/06 GA 2 Northern E Wall C 2 0 ND ND 54 0 140 0 2 4n2 area 006 08/11/06 GA 2 Southern E Wall A 0 0 ND ND 0 0 100 0 20 4m2 area 006 08/11/06 GA 2 Southern E Wall A 2 8 ND ND 0 0 100 4 30 4m2 area 006 08/11/06 GA 2 Southern E Wall C 0 4 ND ND 0 0 100 0 0 4n2 area 006 08/11/06 GA 2 Southern E Wall C 2 0 ND ND 0 0 100 0 2 4n2 area 008 08/12/06 GA 2 N Wall A 0 0 ND ND 57 0 120 0 29 4m2 area includes drainline 008 08/12/06 GA 2 N Wall A 2 0 ND ND 183 0 100 0 38 4m2 area includes drainliue 008 08/12/06 GA 2 N Wall C 0 0 ND ND 158 0 100 0 0 4m2area Oil 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling A 0 15 ND ND 0 0 140 0 0 4m2 oil 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling A 2 30 ND ND 62 0 120 0 1 4rn2 OIl 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling A 4 15 ND ND 17 0 120 0 0 4m2 011 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling C 0 10 ND ND 44 0 140 0 6 4m2 011 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling C 2 0 ND ND 30 0 140 0 0 4m2 Oil 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling C 4 0 ND ND 26 0 120 0 10 4m2 Oil 108/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling E I 30 ND ND 8 0 100 0 0 4m2 011I 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling E 4 0 ND ND 0 0 120 0 6 4mi2 011i 08/12/06 GA 2 COiling E 2 65 ND ND 64 0 120 0 1 4m2 ENERCON Sevisa, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 33 - Sub-Unit 2-1-2 Control Room Floor, South, and West Walls FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 2-1-2 (Control room floor, south, and west walls)




IhControl room floor, south, and west walls I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2) (gR/hr)

Number of measurements: 17 17 17 17 6 Number of measurements needed (" 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 6 0 53 39 0 Mean value of results: 1 0 8 7 0 Standard Deviation of results: 2 0 18 12 0 Degree of Freedom (2): 1.746 1.746 1.746 1.746 2.015 ji value: 2 0 16 12 0 Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is gie < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (1) as interpolated from NUJREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-i for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 2-1-2 (Control room floor, south, and west walls)

FSS # Date Class Floor Sorface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net jJR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpn) (cpm) DPM DPM 002 08/11/06 GA 2 Floor C 0 0 ND ND 0 0 100 0 2 0 44m2area 002 08/11/06 GA 2 Floor C 2 4 ND ND 0 0 100 0 11 0 4m2 area 002 08/11/06 GA 2 Floor C 4 4 ND ND 0 0 100 0 0 0 4m2 area 003 08/11/06 GA 2 Floor A 0 0 ND ND 0 0 60 0 0 0 4nm2area 003 08/11/06 GA 2 Floor A 2 0 ND ND 0 0 80 0 0 0 4i2 area 003 08/11/06 GA 2 Floor A 4 0 ND ND 0 0 80 0 34 0 4m2 area 004 08/11/06 GA 2 W Wall A 0 0 ND ND 0 0 80 0 0 4un2 area 004 08/11/06 GA 2 W Wall A 2 0 ND ND 0 0 100 0 0 1mn2area 004 00/11/06 GA 2 W Wall C 0 5 ND ND 0 0 80 0 0 4m2 area 004 08/11/06 GA 2 WVWall C 2 0 ND ND 0 0 80 0 39 4m2 area 004 08/11/06 GA 2 W Wall E 0 0 ND ND 0 0 80 0 2 4un2 area 004 08/11/06 GA 2 W Wall E 2 0 ND ND 0 0 80 0 0 4m2 area 004 08/11/06 GA 2 W Wall G 0 0 ND ND 0 0 80 0 0 4m2 area 009 08/12/06 GA 2 S Wall A 0 1 ND ND 53 0 100 0 15 4m2 area 009 0/12/06 GA 2 S Wall A 2 6 ND ND 51 0 120 0 15 4m2 area 009 08112/06 GA 2 SWaII C 0 0 ND ND 21 0 100 0 0 4m2area 009 08/12/06 GA 2 S Wall C 2 0 ND ND 14 0 120 0 0 4m2 area ENERCON Service, i6.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 34 - Sub-Unit 2-2-1 Lecture Briefing Room Ceiling, East, and North Walls FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

  • Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 2-2-1 (Lecture briefing room ceiling, east, and north walls)

Unit Designator: 1 2-2-1 I I Location


ILecture briefing room ceiling, east, and north walls I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm100cm2) (dpm/100cm 2 ) (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm100cm2 ) (iR/hr)

Number of measurements: 16 16 16 16 5 Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 39 3 443 69 2 Mean value of results: 16 0 71 9 1 Standard Deviation of results: 13 1 123 20 1 Degree of Freedom (2) 1.753 1.753 1.753 1.753 2.132 gvalue: 22 1 125 17 2 Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is ýi < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (1)as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 2-2-1 (Lecture briefing room ceiling, east, and north walls)

FSS # Date Class Flour Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coard. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 007 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling A 0 25 ND ND 0 0 100 0 0 4m2 area 007 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling A 2 5 ND ND 0 0 100 0 0 4m2 area 007 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling A 4 25 ND ND 0 0 100 0 0 4m2 area 007 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling C 0 0 ND ND 0 0 120 0 1 4m2 area 007 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling C 2 5 ND ND 15 0 120 0 10 4m2 area 007 08/12/06 GA 2 Ceiling C 4 10 ND ND 24 0 100 0 1 4m2 area 059 09/07/06 GA 2 E Wall A 0 17 222 40 200 0 0 1 East Wall, khter 059 09/07/06 GA 2 E Wall A 2 24 142 40 180 0 0 1 East Wall, Windows 059 09/07/06 GA 2 E Wall C 0 36 443 40 280 0 0 2 East Wall, khter 059 09/07/06 GA 2 E Wall C 2 36 161 40 220 0 0 1 East Wall, Windows 059 09/07/06 GA 2 E Wall E 0 5 121 40 180 0 0 2 East Wall, Eliter, Windows 061 09/08/06 GA 2 N Wall A 0 39 0 40 240 0 69 N. Wall, Blackboard 061 09/08/06 GA 2 N Wall A 2 9 12 40 280 3 46 B. Board, Window, Wall 061 09/08/06 GA 2 N Wall C 0 14 0 40 260 0 0 B. Board 061 09/08/06 GA 2 N Wall C 2 4 0 40 260 0 0 B. Board, Window, Door 061 09/08/06 GA 2 N Wall E 0 0 0 40 220 3 1 9 Door. Window, B. Board ENERCON S-rices, inc.



University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 35 - Sub-Unit 2-2-2 Lecture Briefing Room Floor, South, and West Walls FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 2-2-2 (Lecture briefing room floor, south, and west walls)

I Location


ILecture briefing room floor, south, and west walls I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (dpm/100cm 2 ) (dpmIOOcm 2) (pIR/hr)

Number of measurements: 15 15 15 15 10 Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 42 4 198 63 2 Mean value of results: 10 1 87 6 2 Standard Deviation of results: 13 2 57 18 0 Degree of Freedom (2): 1.761 1.761 1.761 1.761 1.833 g, value: 16 2 112 14 2 Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is gci< guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (1) as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 2-2-2 (Lecture briefing room floor, south, and west walls)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net PR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (epm) (epm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 055 09/07/06 GA 2 Floor A 0 5 82 40 180 0 0 2 055 09/07/06 GA 2 Floor A 2 11 78 40 200 0 0 2 055 09/07/06 GA 2 Floor C 0 0 80 40 200 0 0 2 055 09/07/06 GA 2 Floor C 2 11 41 40 160 4 0 2 055 09/07/06 GA .2 Floor E 0 0 126 40 200 4 0 2 058 09/07/06 GA 2 S Wall A 0 . 0 -82 40 210 0 0 1 South Wall, Blackboard 058 09/07/06 GA 2 S Wall A 2* 0 179 40 220 10 0 1 Blackboard, Window 058 09/07/06 GA 2 S Wall C 0 36 198 40 260 4 63 2 Blackboard, Wall 058 09/07/06 GA 2 S Wall C 2 42 136 40 210 4 0 1 Blackboard, Window 058 09/07/06 GA 2 S Wall E 0 11 113 40 200 0 0 2 S. Wall, B.B. Window 062 09/08/06 GA 2 W Wall A 0 0 59 40 280 0 0 West Wall, Window 062 09/08/06 GA 2 W Wall A 2 14 0 40 210 0 0 West Wall, Window 062 09/08/06 GA 2 W Wall C 0 14 77 40 280 0 31 West Wall, Window 062 09/08/06 GA 2 W Wall C 2 4 0 40 220 0 0 West Wall, Window 062 09/08/06 GA 2 W Wall E 0 0 48 40 240 0 0 West Wall, Window 063 09/08/06 GA 2 Floor A 0 4800 6400 Gamma Scans Over Floor, 100%

063 09/08/06 GA 2 Floor B 0 5000 6500 Gamma Scans Over Floor, 100%

063 09/08/06 GA 2 Floor C 0 4900 6500 N/A 063 09/08/06 GA 2 Floor D 0 5200 6700 N/A 063 09/08/06 GA 2 Floor E 0 5200 6800 N/A ENERCON Seroices, i.o.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 36 - Unit 2-3 Stairs, 2nd Floor Foyer, Fan Room, and Mechanical Room FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

  • Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 2-3 (Stairs, 2nd floor foyer, fan room, mechanical room)

Unit Designator: 1 2-3 I Class:1 UN Certainty 'X I Location


Stairs, 2nd floor foyer, fan room, mechanical room I Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cm 2) (dpm/100cmZ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (pR/hr)

Number of measurements: N/A 57 56 57 52 Number of measurements needed (1): N/A 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: N/A 8 401 123 0 Mean value of results: N/A 1 141 17 0 Standard Deviation of results: N/A 2 82 24 0 Degree of Freedom (2).: N/A 1.673 1.674 1.673 1.676 g,, value: N/A 2 159 22 0 Guideline level: N/A 20 5000 1 000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Is j.t* < guideline? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes

() as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2) from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 2-3 (Stairs, 2nd floor foyer, fan room, mechanical room)

FSS N Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net VR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 010 08/12/06 UN 2 Floor A 0 1 ND ND 154 0 160 0 6 0 Floor SW Comer 010 08/12/06 UN 2 W Wall A 1 0 127 0 61 0 Pipe End W Wall 010 08112/06 UN 2 Floor A 2 1 ND ND 156 0 120 0 0 0 Floor NW Comer 010 08/12/06 UN 2 SW Wall A 3 15 ND ND 94 0 140 0 0 0 Inside Vent Duct SW Wall 010 08/12/06 UN 2 W Wall A 4 15 ND ND 142 0 120 0 0 0 W Wall 010 08/12/06 UN 2 Floor A 5 6 ND ND 144 0 240 0 29 0 Floor Center 010 08/12/06 UN 2 Floor A 6 1 ND ND 111 0 120 0 10 0 Floor NE Comer 010 1 08/12/061 UN 1 2 Floor A 17 15 ND ND 179 0 1 160 0 I10 0 Floor SE Comer G II ND ND 97 1 0 140 0 1 0 0 IN Wall 140 120 4 010 1 08/12/061 UN 1 2 IS Wall IAK 1 10 107 120 0 010 08/12/061 UN 2 IE Wall A I I1 11 ND I ND 1111 0 T20 0 0 1 0 Inside Vent Duc E Wall 010 ( 2 E Wall A 12 8 1 24 0 Smear Too of Vent E Wall 014 f 2 Vent N/A M 0 0 90 220 0 0 0 Ventilation exhaust in South fan loft - South inside 014 08/15/06 UN 2 Vent M N/A 1 74 300 0 0 0 Ventilation exhaust in South fan loft - South outside 014 1 08/15/06 UN 2 Vent M NIA 7 0 200 8 0 0 Ventilation exhaust in South fan loft - East Inside 014 j08/15/061 UN 1 2 Vent M I N/A 0 0 178 1 90 350 0 23 0 Ventilation exhaust in South fan loft - East outside Vent M N/A 3 0 01 187 90 1 350 0 1 0 1 0 IVentilation exhaust in South fas leoft- Top outside IVent L m I N/A 20 0 1 0 90 220 4 13 0 Ventilation exhaust in South fan loft - Top inside Inside 014 1 08115/061 UN 1 2 Vent N/A 3 0 300 0 00 Ventilatjio exhaust in South fas loft - North

-3 T 00 32 Ventilation exhaust in South fan loft - North outside 014 1 08/15/061 UN 1 2 1Verit M - N/A 220 014 08115/06 UN 2 Vent M N/A 3 0 2 6 90 250 0 0 0 Ventilation exhaust in South fan loft - West Inside 112 09/28/06 UN 2 Floor F 1 143 1 80 1 120 1 0 1 27 1 0 IN1loft near fan room 112 09/28/06 UN 2 Floor F 2 176 60 140 0 0 0 I2 loft near h20 tanks 112 09/28/06 UN 2 Floor F 3 112 09/20/06 UN 2 Floor F 4 112 09/28/06 UN 2 Floor F 5 143 T 100 63 0 #5 loft near h20 mssain 112 09/28/06 UN 2 Floor F 6 61 80 120 4 2 0 #6 loft airduct 112 09/28/06 UN ?I 2 Floor 216 To0o 150 4 123 0 #7loftnearAiXC 112 09/28/06 UN1 2 Floor 242 200 8 0 017 #8 loft near HVAE 112 09/28/06 UN 2 Wall W 1 9 134 100 140 0 0 0 #9 loft wall near cir Im 112. 09/28/06 UN 2 Wall W I 1t 171 60 120 0 42 1 0 610 loft wall sear N 2 lWail 61 100 140 0 58 1 0 Ul Iloft wall 112 09/28/06 1 UN 2 Floor 94 10t0 140 0 1 0 0 1#12loft 3Rdstep down 112 09/28/06 UN 2 Floor F 13 1 109 1 120 160 4 0 0 'th step down 112 09/20/06 UN 2 Floor F 14 52 1 100 180 0 1 37 0 loor hall 112 09/28/06 UN 2 Floor F 15 107 1 100 160 1 0 1 32 -0 #1 lor sall 112 09/28/06 UN 2 Floor F 16 207 100 1 200 1 0 1 47 -0 # 162nd floor wall Floor F 17 -297-112 09/28/06 UN 2 Floor F 18 171 0 0 181I 2nd floor St. well 112 09/28/06 UN 2 Floor F 19 211 F 20 112 09/28/06 UN 2 Floor 286 100 160 0 27 0 #21 2nd floor 5th step down 112 09/28/06 UN 2 Floor 182 100 150 0 0 0 #22 2nd floor St. well 112 1 09/28/061 UN 1 2 Floor F 23 251 100 160 0 22 0 #23 2nd floor St. well F 24 268 120 200 0 58 0 #24 2nd floor 9th step Floor F 25 401 100 180 0 7 0 625 2nd floor l2th step Floor F 26 165 100 160 0 12 0 #26 2nd floor St. well Floor F 27 275 10 140 0 7 0 627 2nd floor St. well 112 109/28/061 UN 2 Floor F 28 107 80 130 0 58 0 #28 2nd floor St. well Floor F 29 76 60 130 87 0 # 29 2ud floor St. well 112 1 09/28/061 UN 1 2 Floor F 30 88 60 120 1 7 0 #30 2nd floor St. well 21 st ENERCON Servic,, i-o.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 2-3 (Stairs, 2nd floor foyer, fan room, mechanical room)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta BetaScan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct MIn. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpmn) (cpru) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 139 10/02/06 UN 2 Vent M 1 110 100 200 0 1 P fresh air intake 139 10/02/06 UN 2 Vent M 2 96 100 180 0 2 HVAC 020301 139 10/02/06 UN 2 Vent M 3 175 100 180 0 3 HVAC 020202 139 10/02/06 UN 2 Vent M 4 56 80 160. 0 4 HVAC 020201 139 10/02/06 UN *2 _Vent M 5 75 100 180 0 5 fresh air intake 165 11/00/06 UN I Floor F - 0 Fresh air intake I 165 11/08/06 UN I Floor F 2 4 21iVAC 020301 165 11/08/06 UN I Floor F 3 4 3 HVAC 020202 165 11/08/06 UN 1 Floor F 4 0 4 HVAC 020201 165 11/0t/06 UN I Floor F 5 14 5 Frsh air intake ENERCON Serviem, ito.



University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 37 - Unit 3-1 Building Exterior FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 3-1 (Building exterior)



Building exterior Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces. (dpml/00cm2) (dpm/100cm2) (dpm/100cm) (dpm/100cm2 ) (piRhr)

Number of measurements: N/A 36 36 36 36 Number of measurements needed  : N/A 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: N/A 4 875 20 1 Mean value of results: N/A 0 256 1 0 Standard Deviation of results: N/A 1 133 5 0 Degree of Freedom (2): N/A 1.690 1.690 1.690 1.690 4 value: N/A 0 294 2 0 Guideline level: N/A 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes is g, < guideline? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

FSS # ýDate assFloor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha. Alpha Beta Beta Scan Be~taSan Alph~a Beta Net pR Commnents Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Mln Scan max Direct Mi.. Ma. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpH) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 001 06/07/06 UN Ext BWall I N/A 0 0 E wall Ext N Wall 2 N/A 0 0 N wall Ext Ext N Wall N Wall 3[~i N/A 4 N/A

__ T 0 N wall N wall 0 0 001 06/07106 UN Ext Floor 5 N/A 0 N deck 6 N/A 0 Ewall 0

7 N/A 0 0 E deck 8 N/A 0 0 Ewall 9 NIA 0 1 S wall UN Ext Floor 10 N/A 0 0 S deck UN Exi II N/A 0 0 Swall 001 06/07/06 UN Exi 12 N/A 0 0 S wa[

13 N/A 0 0 S wall 001 06/07/06 UN Ext Floor 14 N/A 0 0 Deck SE drain 001 06/07/06 UN Ext Floor 15 N/A _0 Deck SSE draic Ext E Wall 16 N/A 0 0 E wall 001 06/07/06 UN Ext Floor 17 N/A 0 00 Loading dock 001 06107/06 UN Ext EWall 18 N/A 0 E wall EWall Ext 19 N/A 001 06/07/06 UN Ext N Wall 20 N/A 001 06/07/06 U-ON Effxt Exterior 21 N/A 0 0 Asphalt N N Wall 22 N/A 0 N wall 001 06/07/06 UN Ext N Wall 23 N/A 0 0 N wall 001 06/07/06 UN Ext Exterior 24 N/A 0 0 DoorwayF 001 06/07/06 UN Ext N Wall 25 N/A 0 0 N wall 001 06/07/06 UN Ext 26 N/A _0

_0 S wall 001 06107106 UN Ext 27 N/A -0 0w

_0 S wall 001 06/07/06 UN Ext S Wall 28 N/A 0 S wall

_0 001 06/07/06 UN Ext S Wall 29 N/A 4 wall N/A 0 001 06/07/06 UN Ext Exterior 30 0 Hatch S 021 08/19/06 UN Ext Roof A 0 ND 1 44 0 1 175 1 20 1 11m2 Ontop North Ret Tnk 021 08119/06 UN Ext Roof A 1 ND 227 0 200 0 0 1 1lm2 Ontop North Ret Tuk 021 08/19106 UN Ext Roof A 2 ND 1 8 ND 598 0 420 0 20 1hn2Ontop South Ret Tak 021 08/19/06 UN Ext A 3 16 Nnl a~x 0l al ND 0 0 1 021 4 ND 875 0 220 08/19/06 UN Ext A ND 235 0 160 0 0 1 1am2Under South Ret Ext Roof 365 -0 280 1am2Under North Ret Tok 126 09/30/06 UN Ext E Wall 233 80 Smears taken on survey FSS-0 126 09/30/06 UN Ext N Wall 306 220 Smears taken on survey FSS-(

126 09/30/06 UN Ext N Wall 3

-at- N Wall T Ext Floor 5 i 10------ stke nsuvyFS-0 6

~0 1Smearstaken on survey F55-001 OIIJ UN Ext IFloor 217 80 240 [ t Smears taken on survey FSS-001 219 1 80 260 1 1 11 0 ISmnears taken on survey FSS-001

0 0 University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 3-1 (Building exterior)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan BetaScan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpn) (cpn) DPM (cpm) (epm) DPM DPM 126 09/30/06 UN Ext Floor 17 239 80 220 0 -Smears taken on survey FSS-001 126 09130106 UN Ext E Wall 18 237 80 240 0 Smears taken on survey FSS-001 126 09/30/06 UN Ext E Wall 19 221 80 260 0 1Smears taken on survey FSS-001 126 09/30/06 UN Ext N Wall 20 229 80 240 0 Smears taken on survey FSS-001 126 09/30/06 UN Ext Exterior 21 258 80 240 0 Smears taken on survey FSS-001 126 09/30/06 UN Ext N Wall 22 244 80 260 0 Smears taken on survey FSS-001 126 09/30/06 UN Ext N Wall 23 76 80 240 0 Smears taken on survey FSS-001 126 09/30/06 UN Ext Exterior 24 231 80 220 0 Smears taken osi survey FSS-001 126 09/30/06 UN Ext N Wall 25 214 80 240 0 Smears taken on survey FSS-001 126 09/30/06 UN Ext S Wall 26 212 80 240 0 Smears taken on survey FSS-001 126 09/30/06 UN Ext S Wall 27 262 80 260 0 Smears taken on survey FSS-001 126 09/30/06 UN Ext S Wall 28 240 80 240 0 Ssears taken on survey FSS-001 126 09/30/06 UN Ext S Wall 29 239 80 220 - 0 Snsears m taken on survey FSS-001 126 09/30/06 UN Ext Exterior 30 1 214 80 240 0 Smears takenoun survey FSS-001 ENERCON Srri ies,us.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 38 - Unit 3-2 Retention Tanks and Valve Gallery FSS Statistical Summary and Survey Data UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Final Status Decision Summary for Unit 3-2 (Retention tanks and valve gallery)



[Retention tanks and valve alleryI Direct Alpha Removable Direct Beta Removable Gamma Results Alpha Results Results Beta Results Results All Surfaces (dpm]100cm 2 ) (dpm/100cm 2 ) (dpm/100cmZ) (dpm/100cm2 ) (iRlhr)

Number of measurements: 63 69 63 69 23 Number of measurements needed (1): 9 9 9 9 N/A Maximum value of results: 79 8 878 70 2 Mean value of results: 6 0 168 9 0 Standard Deviation of results: 12 1 124 15 1 Degree of Freedom (2): 1.671 1.669 1.671 1.669 1.717 g,,, value: 9 1 194 12 1 Guideline level: 100 20 5000 1000 5 Are there sufficient measurements? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is the max value < guideline level? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Is gh < guideline? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Does survey unit pass? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes as interpolated from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-2 (2)from NUREG/CR-5849 Table B-1 for the listed certainty %

ENERCON Services, inc.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 3-2 (Retention tankand valve gallery)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan MIn. Scan Max. Direct Min. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 015 08/16/06 AA Ext W Wall A 0 0 ND ND 0 0 140 0 70 Im2 W Wail S Retension Tank 015 08/16/06 AA Ext W Wall A 1 10 ND ND 117 0 120 2 0 lm2 W Wall S Retension Tank 015 08/16/06 AA Ext W Wall B 0 0 ND ND 154 0 140 2 0 1m2 W Wall S Retension Tank 015 08/16/06 AA Ext W Wall B 1 2 ND ND 412 0 140 0 0 1m2 W WallS Retension Tank 015 08/16/06 AA Ext N Wall A 0 22 ND ND 174 0 140 0 0 a1m2 N Wall S Retension Tank 015 08/16/06 AA Ext N Wall A 1 0 ND ND 101 0 140 0 5 hln2 N Wall S Retension Tank 015 08/16/06 AA Ext N Wall B 0 2 ND ND 128 0 160 2 0 lm2 N Wall S Retension Tank 015 08/16/06 AA Ext N Wall B 1 0 ND ND 181 0 140 0 0 Im2 N Wall S Retension Tank 015 08/16/06 AA Ext S Wall A 0 6 ND ND 457 0 160 0 0 Im2 S Wall S Retension Tank 015 08/16/06 AA Ext S Wall A 1 0 ND ND 161 0 180 0 19 lm2 S Wall S Retension Tank 015 08/16/06 AA Ext S Wall B 0 0 ND ND 130 0 180 0 38 lm2 S Wall S Retensiou Tank 015 08/16/061 AA I Ext IS Wall R B

I 1t~

nt 0

Nfl ND--

Nfl II--- ND I 570 10l2

- I4a O U I.,,? C Wall C nppcll SWl SRFnnTn TnL-015 08/16 A 0 2 ND ND 170 0 140 0 19 1m2 E Wall S Retention tank 015 08/16 A 1 0 ND ND Ilm2 E WallIS Retention tank 015 08/16/06 1 AA I Ext IE Wall B 0 0 ND ND E Wall S Retention tank 015 08/16/06 AA I Ext IE Wall B 1 0 ND ND 110 0 140 E Wall S Retention tank 016 08/17/06 AA I Ext Floor A A

I 0 0


22 Nfl ND I Nf ND 147 147 tt 0

I 0Of 200 It 0 1 It 0

I 1 2 Ir9Iln r 11m2 Floor -

n hn lnin m l South Retention tank 016 08/17/06 Al A 1 9 ND ND 156 0 140 0 0 2 1lm2 Floor - South Retention tank 016 08/17/06 B 0 26 ND ND 878 T 2 1nm2Floor - South Retention tank 016 08/17/06 AA I Ext Floor B 1 17 ND ND 195 2 1lm2 Floor - South Retention tank 016 08/17/061 AA IExt ICeiling A 0 5 ND ND 337 0 140 0 0 lm2 Ceilin - South retention tanI 016 08/17/06Aý Ext Ceiling OI A I1 5 ND I ND l101

.v 0 191 Ut In,? fl~ilino - Cn,,lh rptwntinn lm2 Ceilin- - Sut etnto Imnn u

016 b8/17/061 IA Et 0-120 0 0 .

Ceiin B 0 1 0 140 0 0 Im2 Ceiling - South retention tank 016 08/17/06 1AA IExt Ciling! B 1 17 1m2 Ceiling - South retention tank 018 08/18/06 1 AA Ext IW Wall A 0 0 ND ND lh2 W Wall - North retention tanl Ext W Wall A 1 0 ND ND 105 0 140 0 0 lm2 W Wall - North retention tan]

Ext W Wal 9 ND ND 135 0 200 0 23 ha2 W Wall - North retention tank 018 1 08/18/061 AA Ext W Wal 0 ND lIr2 W Wall - North retention tank 018 08/18/06 AA Ext N Wall 0 ND lm2 N Wall - North retention tank B-1 018 08/18/06 AA Ext IN Wall A 1 0 ND ND 111 0 1 140 0 0 1hn2 N Wall - North retention tank 018 08/18/06 AA 0 0 ND ND 39 0 140 4 0 lIr2 N Wall - North retention tank 018 08/18/06 AA 1 0 ND ND 118 0 140 0 0 1n2 N Wall - North retention tank 018 08/18/06 AA Ext S Wall 0 0 ND ND 97 0 140 [ 0 hm2 S Wall - North retention tank 018 08/18/061 AA I Ext S Wall 1 4 ND ND 147 0 140 4 lIr2 S Wall - North retention tank 018 08/18/06 AA Ext S Wall B 0 0 ND ND 128 0 120 0 1 lm2 S Wall - North retention tank 018 08/18/06 AA Eat S Wall B 1 0 ND ND 145 0 120 0 1 0 ln2 S Wall - North retention tank 018 08/18/06 AA Ext E Wall A 0 0 150 0 140 lm2 E Wall - North retention tank 018 08/18/06 AA Ext E Wall A I 4 T24 160 Im2 E Wall - North retention tank 018 08/18/06 AA Ext E Wall B 1 0 1 9 A45 6- 140 0 1 28 1 Im2 E Wall - North retention tank 018 08/18/06 AA Ext E Wall B 1 4 019 08/18/06 AA Ext S Wall B 1 0 32 Penetration #1 S Wall - North retention tank 019 08/18/06 AA Ext S Wall B 1 0 Penetration #2 S Wall - North retention tank 019 019 08/18/06 08/18/06 AA AA Ext Ext S Wall S Wall B 1 S23 _ Penetratio A 0 0 0 Penetration #4 S Wall - North retention tank 019 08/18/06 AA Ext S Wall A 0 1 1 1 2 Penetration #5 S Wall - North retention tank 019 08/18/06 AA Ext S Wall 1 2j 22 IPenetration #6 5 Wall - North retention tank ND 0 lm2 Floor - North Retention tank 020 08/19/06 AA Ext Floor A I1 8 ND 1 0 I o2 Floor - North Retention tari 020 08/19/06 AA Ext Floor ND ND 231 0 0 lm2 Floor - North Retention tarl 020 08/19/06 A6 Ext 1 187 1 0 110 0 16 0 lm2 Floor - North Retention tan) 020 08/19/06 AA Ext D 59 0 120 0 0 lm2 Ceiling - North retention lank AA I Ext Ceilina D 40 [ 0 120 1.0 .lm2 0 1 Ceiling - North retention tank ENERCON Services, in,.

University of Washington More Hall Annex Final Status Survey Results - Unit 3-2 (Retention tankand valve gallery)

FSS # Date Class Floor Surface X Y Alpha Alpha Alpha Beta Beta Scan Beta Scan Alpha Beta Net pR Comments Coord. Coord. Direct Scan Min. Scan Max. Direct Mlin. Max. Wipe Wipe DPM (rpm) (cpm) DPM (cpm) (cpm) DPM DPM 020 08/19/06 AA Ext Ceiling B 0 3 ND ND 0 0 120 0 6 lm2 Ceiling - North reterlion tank 020 08/19/06 AA Ext Ceiling B 1 0 ND ND 39 0 120 0 57 lin2 Ceiling - North retention tank 077 09/12/06 AA Ext Floor A 0 2 0 0 234 150 240 0 0 0 Valve Gallery - Floor 077 09/12/06 AA Ext Floor B 0 6 0 0 205 160 220 0 3 0 Valve Gallery 077 09/12/06 AA Ext W Wall A 0 6 0 0 207 140 260 0 0 0 Valve Gallery - West Wall 077 09/12/06 AA Ext W Wall A 1 11 0 0 231 140 200 0 13 0 Valve Gallery 077 09/12/06 AA Ext N Wall A 0 2 0 0 212 120 180 0 0 0 Valve Gallery - North Wall 077 09/12/06 AA Ext N Wall A 1 2 0 0 42 100 140 0 0 0 Valve Gallery 077 09/12/06 AA Ext N Wall B 0 2 0 0 210 140 180 0 0 0 Valve Gallery 077 09/12/06 AA Ext N Wall B 1 6 0 0 157 120 180 0 0 0 Valve Gallery 077 09/12/06 AA Ext E Wall A 0 79 0 I 185 120 240 0 0 0 Valve Gallery - East Wall Includes Ladder 077 09/12/06 AA Ext E Wall A 1 2 0 0 172 120 180 0 18 0 Valve Gallery - Includes Ladder 077 09/12/06 AA Ext S Wall A 0 2 0 0 240 120 240 0 0 0 Valve Gallery - South Wall 077 09/12/06 AA Ext S Wall A 1 2 0 0 141 120 200 0 0 0 Valve Gallery 077 09/12/06 AA Ext S Wall B 0 20 0 0 238 140 210 0 0 0 Valve Gallery 077 09/12/06 AA Ext S Wall B 1 34 0 0 302 140 240 0 0 0 Valve Gallery 077 09/12/06 AA Ext S Wall A 0 29 0 0 253 100 240 0 13 0 Valve Gallery - Sunp 077 09/12/06 AA Ext Floor A 0 7800 0500 Valve Gallery - Gansina Scans Over Floor, 100%

077 09/12/06 AA Ext Floor B 0 7850 8300 Valve Gallery - Gamma Scans Over Floor, 100%

ENERCON Services, inc.

Layout of AWEST WALL Valve Galery Located Al between N &


University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 39 - Excavation Soil Sample Radiochemistry Analytical Results UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2


ATeedyne Technrlgles Company 2508 Quality Lane Knoxville,TN. 37931-3133 Cory DeWitt Enercon 4499 Old William Penn Highway Murnysville PA 15668, Report of Analysis/Certificate of Conformance 09/29/2006 LIMS #,: L29888 Project ID#- EN005-3EREG-06 Received' 09114/2006 DeiverY Date: 09/28/2006.

P.O. #: MCILVI001 Release #:

SDG #:

This is to certify that Teledyne Brown Engineering - Environmental Services located at 2508 Quality Lane, Knoxville, Tennessee, 3793 1, has analyzed, tested and documented- samples as specified in the applicable purchase order.

This also certifies that requirements of applicable codes, standards and specifications have been fully met and that any quality assurance documentation which verified conformance to the purchase order is on file and may be examined upon .request.

I herebycertify that the above statements are true and correct.

K th Jeter Operations Manager


Aleledyne Tezhno ngies.Company 25089 Quality Lane K0oxville, TN 37931-3133 Cory DeWitt Enercon 4499 Old William Penn Highway Murrysville PA 15668.

LIMS'# L29888 Project ID#: EN005-3EREG-06 Received, 09/14/2006 Delivery bate:- 0912812006 P.O.#* MCIL VIO01 SDG #:

Cross Refe ence Table.

Cliebt ID Labboratory ID. Station.ID(if applicable): -

wirI L29888-1I ....

W2,2 L2988"8-.2 S3 L2 9888-3

  • NI L29888-4 N

821l .. *... [ -L29888-5 __........

sW . L298886 _ _

! ss]_o_

_______ ...-. L29888&9 j __......... ...

SS91 1-29888-10,_ _

SS41 1,29988:41 I_____________


.s8 55...

"L29888-l8 j'L29888-12}I ........

ýý- ;j-Report of Analysis 09I!R/6 15.1 BROWN ENGINEEBING, TELEDYNE BWN INC..

09/29/06 15:17 ATxixd*-x Tmotocirpi L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt ENOO5-31ERtG-06 Sample ID- W1 ] Collect Start 08/29/2006 12-00 Matrix:. Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 09/14/2006  % Moisture: 6.44 LIMS Nurmber.: L29888-1

[ Activity :Uncertainty " Run i Aliquot I Aliquot 4 Reference  ! Count .1Count Count Radionoclide SOP# Cone 2 Sigmi D is # Volume Units Date Date I Time Units Flag Values BE-7 2007 4 5.12E41 pCi/g Dry ____ 397.18 1 gdry '08/29/06 12a00 t 09/20/061 1800 See 1 U iT NoT K-SI T 2007 i 6.70E+00 I 1.38E+00 I_ pCigDry 1 1 397.18 1 gdry 08/29/06 12:00 1 09/20/064. 1800 T Se&i F- I Yes.

CR-51 _ _ 2007 1 < _ I 7.77E-01 1 pCi/gDry i 1 397.18 1 gdxy 408/29/0612:00 09/20/061 1800 1 See 1U I [No 1 MN-54 2007 I < ' _ _ _ 5.68E-02 I pCi/gDry 1 1 397.18 1 gdry 1.08/29/06 12:00 1 09/20/064 1800 1 Sec IU I Noo CO-57 4 2007 1IF < [ 5.20E-02 pCi/gDry 397.18 1 gdry 108/29/06 12:001 09/20/061 1800 T Sec r U 7[NO-T C0-58 2007 <r 6.46F_-02 pCi/gDry 397.18 4 gdry I08/29/06 12:00 1 09120/061 1800 FSec i U j No i 4FE-59 2007 1 < 1_ 1.63",.1 , pCj/gDry j 397.18 J gdry Fn/29106 12.900 1 0M06118 0 1 Sec IU i No -1 CO-60 2007 , < 4.74F_-2 1 jpCi/gfry 397.18 gdry 08/29/06 12:00 p 09/20/06i 1800 See U i 1 No "65 [2007 < } 1.69,,.01 f pCi/gDry I 4 gdry 08/29/06 t2:00i 09/20/06!;397.18 1800 T Sec U 1. No

___9 ___ 2007 1 < ___ 1.69E01 {-0pCi/gDry _ 397.18 [ gdry 08/29/06 12:00-i 09/20/06i 1800 1 Se IU 1 NN

- 2007 i < 1 6.ASE4102 1 pCi/gDry 397.18' gdry 108/2910612:00 ! 09/20/061. 1800 [ Se IU 4 No .

~tR-103 T 2007 t < I !_6_E.2E-01 2 pCilgDry 1 i 397.18 gdry 408/29/06 12:00409/20/0618001 Sec  !

U _ 1No pRU-I069=J 2007 4 < I __ _ 1.291+-,-02 4 pCilgDry i 397.18 1 gdry I 08/29/06 12:00 1 09/20/061 1800 1 Sec [ U No ZRA- T52007 1 < I I 6.125-02 I pCi/gDry . 397.8 gdsy 408/29/0612:00 " 09/20/064 1800 1 Sdc [U 1 1 No RU SB-124 4: 2007 _______ 4_ _ 52911-/02 pC/gDry I I '397.18 [ ggdxy 408/29/0612:00

/No 1 09/20/06 1800 See 1=9

!SB-125M 4 2007 ____< ... J _ 6.158.-021 pCi/gDry 39718 4 gdry g" 108/29/06 12:00 1 09/20/064 1800 1 Sec [ U 1 No SB-]312 [. 2007 j, < I _F 3.41-01 pCifgDry 1Se!.... 397.18

  • gd0y 108/29/062100[ 09/20/06! 1800 U i No S-134 i 2007 < "i 65.E-02 1 pC'g-Dry . 1 397.18 "'dry108/29/06 12:00.. 09/20/061 1800 1 Sec 1U 1 No I1R-1371 2007 1_" < I 3.91E-01 T pCi/gDry II 397.18 1 gdry f08/29/06 12:00 1 09/20/061 1800 See IU I I No I

$CS-t4 I i 2007 _ _< i ._.....__ 5.6151-02 1 pCi/gDry I 397.18. 1 gdry 108/29/06 12:00 1 09/20/06i 1800 I Sec IU I No I I SB-124 2007 1 <_.... _ 2.59E1-01 2 pCi/gDry 297.18i 3 1 gdry 108/29/06.12:00 j 09/20/06! 1800 1 Sec U I No

iESt-125 2007 1_ < 1.658-01 pCi/g Dry { 397.18 1 gdry 108/29/06 12:00 T 09/20/061 1800 1 Sec IU 1 No '

1LA-143 2007  ! < 43.41E-01 PCi/gDty 1 1 397.18 1 gdry 108/29/06 1200 ! 09/20/061 1800 1 Sec U 4 . No I -

EB-1402 2007 51.68E--01 pCi/gDry 1 . 397.18 4 gdry 108,29/0612:00 1 09/20/064 1800 4 Scc: U 1 1 No I

,EU-14 - 2007 07 I_ <

I____ ____ 1.5421-0!

.0.i la5E-02 I pCi/g pCi/gDry Dry 14f 1 397.18 1 gdry gdry g 108/29/061200 4

.308/2910612:00 1 09/20/064 09/20/061 1800 11 Sec iUU 1I I No I 4No4 ICE- ___144 2007 1 _____ I____

3.52E-01 1: pCi/gDry I~ 397.18 gdry g 108/29/06 1200o 09/20/6,- 1800 ISec U1 1 1.No 4

'RA-226 i 2007 < 4 1-39L+00 pCi/gDry I" 397.18 4 gdsy! 08/29/0612:00 109/20/064 1800 i Sen U No

_ _.*_ _

  • _ _ _ _ _ ......... I _ _ _ _ ..... _ _:_ ..... _ _ _ _ _ _,__ _ _ . [ L.. __. .......L....

Flag Values U - Compound/Anadyte not deteted or lessthan 3 sigmia No Peak not identified in garmmaspwtkum

- Activity coneentration eteeds MDC and 3 signa; peak identified(gamma only) Yes =Peak identified in gamnna spectrum U" -. Com.pound/Analyt1enot detfcte4 Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma ... Results arexreportednan aos reeived basis High - Activity concentration nxoesds customer reporting value unless otherwise noted Spec - MDC.exceds csismner technical specficati-n L -MDC - MiniLonw Dct/stable Concentration H, - High recovery Page 1 of 22

.Bolded text indicates reportable value.

Report of Analysis ABRO WN ýENGINEERING, INC.

.09/29106 15:17 A Tedyn.Teehn~ogimo Ceepary L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN 005-3 EREG-06 SampleiD:: WI I Collect Start; 08/29/2006 12:00 Matric Soil (S)

Station: ColleatrStop: Volume:


Receive Date: 091142006  % Moisture: 6.44 LIMS.Number L29888-1 3Activity Uncertainty 1Run Aliquot IAliquot I Reference Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MfDC Units Volume flnits Date. Count Date I Count Time .1Count

'Units Flag Values TH-228 2007 2.05F-01 8.54E-02 pCi/p Dry 397.18 g dry 08/29106 12:00 09/20/06 1800 Sec + Yes ITH-232 I 2007J < 3.55E-01 I pCilgDry I 1 397.18 I gdry 08P/29/0612:00 .1 09/20/061 1800 I Sed U I I No I Flag Values U = ComporndiAsalyte not detected or less than 3 sigma No = Peaknot identified in gamma speitrum

+ = Activity concentration excceds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identi*tdc(gamnma onsy) Yes = Peak-identfijed in gamma spectrum Uti - Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not idonti flied,bt forted activity concentratign excceds MDC and 3 sigma Resulits are r-ported on an as received basis ffigb - Activity concentralin er-ceeds customer reparlingvnlue auless otlervwise noted Spec = MDC exceeds customc technical specification L - Low recovery MDC - Minimum Delectable Concentration H I-TighrecveIy Page 2 of 22 Bolded text indicates reportable value.


09/29/06 15:17 AmTelady, Cma.ry L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt ENOO5-3EREG-06 Sample ID: W2 2 Collect Start 08/29/2006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:



LIMS Number= L29888-2 Receive Date: 09/14/2006  % Moisture: 7.59 Activity Ucertainty Run Aliquot -Aliquot Reference ICount .1Count ICount Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date 1 Date rTime Units lagValue 13E-7 .... 2007 < .... i 1.00r-00O I pCi/g Dry "] 386.99 1 gdry "108/29/D6 12:001[ 09120/061 1800 1 "See U 1. r 1 K-40 !2007 1 .7.76E+001 1.67E+-007 1 pCi/g~r 5i .. - i 86.99 I g dr'y 08/29/06 12:00 J 09n201061 t800. ~~ Ys tCR'51 ... 2071 . I 1.HE-H00 I pCi/g Dry . 1" 386.99 1 g dry 108/29/06 12:00 1 09/20/061 1800 1 see 1U I I No I

_.MN _54. _ 2007 _ < 9.O5E-02 9.1 I pCi/g Dry 1 386.99 1 gdry 108/29/06 12:00 1 09/20/061 1800 1 Set i U I I No 1 CO-57 2007 < . 9.4302 pCi/g Dry 1. j 386.9 g dry 108/29/0612:00 1 09/20/061 1800 Sec I I Yeao CO-58 1 2007 I < I _ _ 1.21_

E01 pCi/gDry 1i 386.99T gdry i08/29/06 12:00 1 09/20/061 1800 ' Sec  ! U I I No FE-54. i2007 <. ... Iý 1 2.15.-1 2 " pCi/g Dry I 386.99 g dry t 08/29/0612:00 1 09/20/06i 1800 . See , U Ji No I IC0-5N 2007 . _< 8 8.68E-021 pCi/g Dry i 386.99 t g dy 08/29/06 12:00 i 09/20/06i 1800 Sec IUu I No _

5, 2007 < 1.61E-01 f pCi/gDry [ 386.99 gdry 08/29/06 12:00 1 09/20/06; 1800 S  ! U .. No

-- 2007 i _ < 9.32,E-0221 pCi/g Dry - 386.99 g dy 08/29/0612:00 1 09/20/06] 1800 1 Sec Uo C 2007 T < , 1.8F,0- pCi/g Dry I i 386.99 I2g dry 08129/061:00 19M21061 1800 ! See I U No

_ZR'95 I 2007 . < I 1.98E-01 1 pCig Dry i1 386-99: 1 g dry 108/29/06 12:00 1 09/20/061 1800 Sec U 1 No MO-99 1 2007 1 < L99E+02. pCi/gDry 1 386.99 J. gdry 108/29/0612:00 009/20/061 1800 See U I Nol j 2007R [ < _ 9_ &

9.1IE-0l pCi/gpry 1 1 386.99 1t gdry 101/29/06 12:00 :109/20/061 1800 SSee I U I No I 1RU__I06 [_ 2007 i < I 8 8.97E-01. pCi/gDry 1 T 386.99 1 gdry 108/29/0612:00 1 09/20/061 1800 1 Se9c U 1 " '1 No' MAG-I1OM 2007 < L8.95E+02 F pCi/gDry I i 386.99 I gdry 108/29/0612:00 1 09/20/061 1800 1 S=c i U 1 1 No I USB-124- 2007 < I ".01E-0 pCi/gDry 1  ? .1 386.99 d 08/29/0612:00 1 f 09/20/061 1800 1 See 1 U " 1 No I iR 2_E-01 pCi/g Dry . 3. 9 g dry 108/29/06 12:00 . 09/20/061 1800 ecN IS-125 2007 ! < ' 8.55E-01 pCi/gDry 1 386.99 " gdry 108/29/0612:00 09/20/06 1800 Se U I No I 1B-131 2007 _ < I 5.40E,-01 i pCi/g Dry i .1 386.99 i gdry 108/29/06 12:00 09/20/06i 1800 I See  ! U i No J C-134 1C-1:37- 2007 2007 T <.58_2

< I I 7.19E-02 T' pi/g Dry pCi/gDry l...... 1 386.99 1}

386.99. g g*rd dr~ 10&29/0612:00 08/29/06:12:00 ]"f 09/20/1061 09/20/061 1800 1800 1 See Sec . U U I J NoNo j t CS- 134 2007 _ < .... .. 58E,02 I pCi/g Dry I ' 386.99 gdry 109/20/06 1800 Sec U I No i

-08/29/0612:00 i[CS-.:74 1  !..2007 T < I .... :_ 7.19E-02 I pCilg Dry I 386.99 gdry i 08/29/0612:001 09/20/061 1800 [ Sec U I No 1:

2007 -< j1.23F,,,4 1 pCi/gDry I 386.99 gdry -108/29/0612:00 T 09/20/061 1800 1 See U T 1I4NOT1 SA-144 IJCE4 200 I____

_____126E.1Ip/gr F 369 gdy 0890620T92/61 1800-, F§Thr FI- TN-oT IE-IdL4 EU-152I 2007.I 2007 1 i "

1.2911+0 1 2.12E-01 pCi/g Dry 1I 1: pCi/g Dry F 1

I 38&.99 J.,dry 386.99 I gdry 108/29/06 12:00 1 09/20/061

.08/29/0612:00 1. 09/20/061 180ISc 1800 I Sec 1Ur I U I Io I No '

.EU-154 ' 2007 1 < 2.05"E-1 [ pCi/g Dry 3869 gdry 108/29/06 12:00 09/20/061 1800 i See I U Ni o I 1RA-226 2007 < I 271E+D0o I pCilgDry F "386.99 1 gdry 08/29/06 12:00 1 09/201061 1800 j See iU I No iTH-228 2007 1

. . I 1.62E-01 II _pCi/gDry i

386.99 I gdry 108/29/0612:00 09/20/061 1800 F See U.1 I Yes i

Flag Valuae No. = Peakhot idenitiied in gamma spectrum U = CompoundlAnalytesot detdctid or less than 3 sigma Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3.sigma; peak idenitiled(ganmua only) Yes =Pcakidenlified in gamma spectr*an U* Compound/Analyte nol detected. Peak.not identified, bat forced activity concmnxartion e*ceeds M.DC and 3 sigma

  • Resulis am rcporled on fin awtreceived basis High = Activity concetraation exceeds customer reporting value unless otherwis noted Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical apecificat!on L = Low recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration H = High recovery. Page oF 22 Bolded text indicates reportable valIue.


09/29106 15:17 AT.y.!enhnaoaiaa Canpqn L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3EREG-06 Sample ID: W2 2 Collect Start: 08/29/2006 12:00 Matrix: Sodl (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volutme.


Receive Date: 0911412006  % Moisture: 7-59 LIMS lumber. L29888-2 i Activity jUncertainty, Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference I Count :Count Count Radionuclide SOP#

IDC Cone 1 2Sigma Units. volume Units te I Time 1 Units FlagValues

,ado Sm . en n. ne TH]-232 2007 < 5-.9E-01 pCilg Dry 386.99 g dry 08/29/0612:00 09120/06 1800 Sec U _ No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected or less than 3 sigma No - Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak idcntified(garimem only) Yes -Peak identified in gamma spectrumrn U. = Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak n0otidentified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma **+* Results ore reported oe an asreceived basis High = Activity-concentration exceeds customer reporting value Rnlcsýsotherwiscnoted Spec, zf- MDC exceeds customer technical sptcification L LoW recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration H = High rcTovety Pe 4 of 22 Bolded .text indicates reportable value.

Report of Analysis 09/29/06 15:17 R p1r ~al BROWN 0,*

A T .IWd*


-7.0 in.ogi*iai Cmpa.

L29889 Enercon Cory.DeWitt EN005-3EREG-06 Sample 1D: S3 Collect Start: 08/2/006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: CollectStop,: Volume-.


Receive Date: 09/1412006 %Moisture: 6.84 LIMS Number: L29888-3S d SOP#ueActivity so Cone Unetit Unetinty MDC ui, I u

°.u' Aliquot Reference Count Count Cun.t Radonulid SOP#_ CIn 2 im. nt i# Vl Uis Dt Datel Timse Unit PingValues I BE-7 2007

.1 2007 II 7.64E+00

< I _ "

.795+0) 1I 9.39<E-01 pCi/g Dry I1 1I pCi/gDry I 401.64 40164 l gdry gdry . 08/28/0612:00D1 08/28/06 12:0 J 09/206i61 09/20/061 1800 11 Sec 1800 Sec i1 I U.) I Yes No1{ I C5-S IMN54 1 2007 2007 __<

<c i .nE+oo T pCi'gDry 1.145-01 T pCigDry Cgry rr 1T 401.64 108/28/06 401.64, 1 gdr-y 08/20612:00 1 09/2/o061 12:00 1 09/20/061 1800Io 1800 F Se Sec Iu U I No I I No l ICD-57 2007 j! _ < _ 9.40E-02 T pCi/gDry J 401.64 1 gddry. 8/2/06 12:001 09/20/061 1800 1 See I U: 1 j No J CD-58 I 2007 < _ _ I.2z.-o] TI. pCi/g Dry. 1 j 401.64 1 gdry 08/28/0612:00 I.09/20/061 100 j Sec IU : I No j FE_59 ._....<__2_07 I " ___7.-__ pCi/g Dry J 401.64 . gdry 08/2/06 12:00 1 09/20106, 1800 1 Sec 1 U 1ý INo 1; CO-60 I 2007 . < I 1 1.08-01 pCt/gDry j 401.64 J gdry 08/28/06 12:00 j 09/20/06" 18E0 1 Sec IU I No i _

" 2007 I < _ _ _ 2.34--01 :1 pCi/gDry I I 401.64 I gdry 108/28/0612+:00 1 09/20/061 18001:..1: Sec 1U I No I

-94 1 2007 1 < . V: 8.29-02 pCi/gDry 401.64 gdry 108/29/0612:00 1 09120/01 1800 T See I I I Nio M.-95 1: 2007 1 < _ I 1.43101 1 pCi/gDry f 1 40164 .F gdry 08/281/0612:00 709/201061 1800 1 See IU I_ I No I ZR-95 1 2007 I < Ti .785-Ol I pCi/gDry I* 1 401.64 I gdy 108/28/0612:00 1 09/20/061 1800 I Sec FiiI 1.tNo 17 MO91 2007 1 < 12.0+02 I pCrg Dry 1 40164 F gdry 108/28/0612:00 09/20/06i 100 T8e i U, I No]

RU-103 i 2007  ! < _ _ 1.38E-01 I pCi/gDry 1 40164 1.Se gdry I08/2/0612:001 . 09/20/061 1800 F I- 1 No J IRU-106 2007 1: < 7.015-01 I pC1/gDry 401.64 gdry 08/28/06 12:00 1 09/20/061 1800 See U : I No .1 IAG-I.1OM 2007 !_ _ 7 9.55E-,0'2 1 p~i/gI i 401.64. g dry j108128106 12:00i 09/20/06N 1800 1 See 1U I No0i.

SB-124 06 2007 < 1[ 9.54M-02 1 pCi/gDry 1 401.64- g dry j0&28/06 12:00 1 09/20/061 1800- .1 Sec ... No 1 i SB-125 2007 i < 1 1 2.32E-01 1 pCi/g.Dry 1 1 401.64 F g dry 08/28/0612:00 1 09/20/061 1800 ) Sec U 1 No 1 j]-131 T 2007 <:  !._ 6.68E-01 pCi/gDry 1 401.64 1 gdiy 108/28/0612:00. 1 09/20/06i 1800 1 See IU F No' 1 1CS-134 2007 1 < I_ I 7.49E-02 I pCi/gDry 1I 401.64: 1 g dry 108/28/06.12:00 1 09/201061 1800 I Sec 1U I No..

ICS-137 2007 J < _____ 1.07E.-01 I pCi/gDry 1 1 401.64 1.08/28/0612:00 g:dry [ 09/20/061 1800 1 See U I Nor

.BA-140 "- 2007 .. < 8.67E-01 1 pCi/gDry I ' 401L64 f gdry 08/28/0612:00 1 09/20/061 1800 -ti Se I No __-

LA-140 i. 2007 ;1 <

< 1  ! 4.27E-01 1 pCi/gDry I 401.64 1 gdry 08/28/06 12:00 1 092001061 1800 Sep U I No jCE-1 41 f 2007 F_ < i 2.41E-01 : pCi/gDry 11 401.64  ! gdry I 0828/0612:00 1 09/20/06 1800 Sec l U F--- " I No I ICE-144 1 2007 . < i 7.43E-01 I pCi/gDry 1 401.64 f gdry 108/28/0612:00'F 09/20/06! 1800  ! See I:UI No i iEU-152 F 2007 _ _ _ _ 1 2.25E-01 1 pCi/gDry I I 401.64 1 gdry 108/28/0612,00 F09/20/06f 180 Sec !U I No EU3154 F 2007 F < I .... 1.94E-01 i pCi/gDry 1 401.64 1 g dry 108/28/0612.M00 09/20/061 1800 See i U : No l RA-226.

..2007 L____i, < I . 2.46E÷00 I pCi/g Dry 1

L I 401.64 1 g dry 108/8/06 12:00 109/201061,

._________". A 1800. Sec IU

1. ,

I No

'_._'_' 1 U = Compound/Analyte not detected or less than 3 sigma No =Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ - Activity concentration exeeds MDCand 3 sigma; peakidcntificd(gamma only) Yes mPek identified in ganmra spectrum

.U. CompoandlAnalytc not.detected. Pe4anot identified, but forced activity concenlration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma ** Results arereported on an as Teceived basis, Hfigh ActiVity concentration exceeds customer reporting value unless otherwiseeoted Spe- = MDC exceeds custor 'ehnical spceification L = Low recoveryPaL = Low 3. 5of2 MDC - Minimutm Detectable Conc,/illtion Boded text High ndicovtery reo:baue Bohlded text indicates reportable valie.

Report of Analysis STELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC, 09129106 15:17 ATatutim, T.&dai..Cnpo L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt ENO5-3EPEG-06 Sample ID: S3 Station: Coilecd Start 08/128/006 12:00 Matrix; Soil (S)

Coilet Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 09/14/2006.  % Moisture: 6.84 L/MS Number: L29888-3 Activity 4Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot I Reference Count 1Countý Count Radionuclide SOP# I COne 2 Sigma MDC Units I Volume Units Date Date T Time Units Flag Values I .. Ie TH-228 2007 < 1.73E- pCi/gDry 401.64 g dry 08/28/06 12:00 09/20/06 1800 Sec U Yes TTH-232 - < 1! 6.30E-01 I pCi/gDry D; 401.64 1 gdry 08/28/06 12:00 1 09/20/061 1800 1 Sec U 1 Yes I Sample ID: N I Collect Start: 08/28/2006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume.

Descriptioir Receive Date: 09/14/2006  % Moisture:

LIMS Number- 1_29888-4 id cl*de Activity Uncertainty ' r. Run j Aliquot Aliquot: Reference Count. Count Count I Cone .! " " MDC Unitst # iDate j Date Time Units Fla Values TLE 4s NA 1I < I I .lA IUI I Flag Values U - Compound/Analyte not detected or lessthan 3 sigma No = Peak,notidentified in gamma spectrum

+ -. Activity concentration exeends MDC and 3 sigma; peak identifiLed(gammna oniy) Yes =Peak identified in gamma spectrum L" = CompoundlAnalyte not detected. Peak not identified, liut forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma ** Resuliý eortedr onan as received basis 1-ig - Activity concentration exceeds custonme reporting value unlessotherwise noted Spec MD i=exceeds customer technical spicification L L.w'ecovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration HI Higtrecovery Page 6 of 22 Bold ed teitindicates reportable value,

Report of Analysis VR1 BROWN ENGINEERINB, INC.

09/29/06 15:17 L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt FNfOrl5-3EREG-o6 Sample ID; N 2 Coflect-Slart: 08=282006 12:00 Matrix:: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 09/A412006 %Moisture:; 5.52


LIMS Number L29888-5 Radionuclide I

SOP#f Activity Cone 1 Uncertainty 2 Sigma MDC i Run it Aliqnot.

Volume jtiUnits Aliquot Date IReferene Count Date Count Time Count Un'ti Flag Values

".2007 1BE-7 1 . < l 8.98&-01 1 pCi/gDry 1 1 382.24 1 gdry 108/206 12:00 -09/20/061 1800 Sec I U I I No I i K-40 1 2007 8.12E1+001 1.83£+00 i. 1 pCi/gDry 1 382.24 1 gdry 108/28106 12:00 1 09/201061 1800 1 Sec.1+ 1 } Yes I.I

,CR- 51 2007 .1 cj 1.25E+05i pCi/gDry 1 1 382.24 1 gdry 108/28/06 12:00 i 09/201061 1800 j Sec j U i I No 1 1 IMN-54 2007 F < 01.07E--01 pCi/gDry 1 38224 i g dry 08/28/0612:00 1 09/20/06: 1800 See U __ No -

CO-57 22007 , 9.12E&02 pCi/gD,-ry 1 392.24 i g dry 08/28/06 12:00 1 09120/061 1800 l Sec, UI NoI CO-S8 2007 j "<  ! 1.32E<01 pCi/g~ry 1 1 38224 1 gdry F08/28/06 12:00ý j 09/20106 1800 1 Sea IU 1 1 No 1.

O FE-59 1 2007 .... < I _ ' 1.86E-0'0 pCiOg Dry I 382.24 I gdry 08128/06 12:00 1 09/20/061 1800 :1 Sec 1 U i " No I ICO-60 1 2007 _ < _ _ _ 9.49E-02 I pCbgDry 11 2.285_01 1. pCi/tg~ry 1 382.24I igdry o0/28/0612'00 1 09/20/061 1800 1 Sec FU 1 F No U

-**i 2007 I < 1 _ _ ] 382.24 1 gdry F0828/0612:00 09120/06j. 1800 1 Sec J 1.JNo 1N

'4. ~2007 1 < I I 9.292-02l F.pCi/gry 1 382.24 1 g dry I0180 .e 120 F092/6 10 ll IN 94 200 I I____

9.92E-0 J:pCi/gDry 'I I 382.24 1g dry 108129/06 12:00 1 09M2/061 1800 1 Sec IU I No I 7Z0R-95 1 2007 < i 1 1.48E-01 1 pCi/gDry 1. 382.24 1 gdry 0I8/28/06 12:00 F09/20/061 1800 1 Sec IU 1 1 No I IMZ-99 2007 < I 1.48E-+02 pCi/gDry 38224 gdry 11 08/28/06 12:00 09120/061. 1800 1 Sec IU 4 1 No I RU-103 2007. < I 13.08F.01 J pCi/g Dry 1 1 382.24 . gdry 108/28/06 12-00 1 09120/06; 1800 1. Sec JU 1. .t1N I I RU-106 2007 I < i 1 691F--01 j pCi/gDry I i 382.24 ik dry 08/28/06.12:00 j 09/20/061 1800 Sec U No 9 2 6 i AG-Il0M 2007 < *. 8.1IF-02 F pCi/g1ry i I 382724 .1 g dry F 108/28/06 12:00 0 / 0/0 ; 1800 1 See U 1 No. Ff iSB-t24 2007 1 < 1 1 1.05&-01 l pCi/gDry xi 382.24 gdry I08/28/06 12:00 i 09/20/06i 1800 1 Sec FW _ I Noe1 FSB-125 1. 2007 1 < I 2.59X-01( pCi/gory i1 38224 gdry 108/28/06 12:00 1.09120/061 1800 1 Sec I ___ /N o 1]1-13 2007 T < F [ 6.84E-01 1 pCi/goyrdry1 i 382.24 08/28/0612:00 1 09/20/061 1800 1 Sec i.U I N"'

.CS 134 I 2007 T < :i_I 8.63E-02 pCi/gDry i. 38224 F gduy 108/2870612:00 :09/20/o61 1800 1 Ser U I No 1 CS137 2007 j _ < 1.06"-0! 1 pCi/gDry 1.

i1 382.24 1 gdry: 108/2810612:00 P09/20/06j 1800 1 Sec T.U i No I iABA140 ..... [2007 1[ "___ < ______ . I.II*+00 I pCi/g~ry 1J 362.24 I .gryD [08/"28/06 12:00. 09/.20/06l 1800 iSec U I ____oI No TLA- 140 . i "_<__. . 22-01E02007T pCi/g.Dry 1 382.24 gdry 08/28/06 12:00 ! 09/20/061 1800 FSecTUj No F CE-t41 ,2007 1 < .2.57F-1 1 pCi/gDry ] . 382;24 . g1ry 08/28/06 12:00 09/20/061 1800 1 Sec U i. I No 2007 I 2CE-2144 6.8701 I pCi/gDry i 1 382.24 F g dry I08-28/0612:00*1 09/20/061 1800DI Sec I U I INo EU-152. 2007 1_ < 1 2.79E-01 I pCi/gDry F. 382.24 1 gdry 08/2810612:00 . 09/20/06" 1800 Sec U No I CU-154 2007 i < 1 i 1.897-01 1 pCi/g Dry I I 3g2.24 I gdry 108-28/0612:001 09/20/061 1800 1 Sec I U I iNo i RA-226 1 2007 1 < _ 1 21845+00 1.pCi/gDry .. " 382.241 j r.!08/2810612.00 109/20/061 18006 Se IIU" F No I-lag Values- , .;a.'5 U. Compotmd/Anslyte rot detectedorless than 3 sigma YeS = Peik idetifed hegamria spectrum

+ Activity concentration exeeids MDC and 3 sigmna;peak iddrltified(garnrna only)

U.* . Compouand/Anlyte not detected. Peak.oot identifierS, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC anu 3 sigma - Results am reportedon an as recived.basis High z Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value unless otherwise noted Spec MDC exceeds.custorner technical specification MDC-- Minimum Detctbhe Concentration L ow recovery Page 7 of 22 oH ttighdecovere Bolded text indicates reportable value.


09/29/06 15:17 A Teledy.e Ts:chinimogirCimpeny L29888 Enercon CoTyDeWiStt ENOO5-3EREcG-06 Sample ID: N 2 Collect Start 08/28/2006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (5)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 09114/2006:  % Moisture: 5.52 LIMS Number: L29888-5 Radi nuclide SOi -. Activity Uner-tainty Run Voum Aliquot U~~t Aliquot Reference j Count InetitCount U Count Cn ISOP 2USigna MDC Units ii nits Date Date Time Units Flag Values T14-228 2007 4.79E-01 2.11E-0I pCi/gDry 382.24 g dry 08/28/06 12-00 09/20/06 1800 Sec + Yes TH-232 2007 I 3.40E-01 L,73E-01 1pCi/gDry 382.24 1 gdry t08/28/06 12:00 1 09/20/061 1800 i Sec + i Yes j Flag Values.

U = Compoand/Analyte not detectedor less than 3 sigma No =,Peak not identified in gamma spectnru

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma~peak4identified, gamma only) Yes = Pea& identified in gamma spectrum:

U!, = Compound/Analytc not detected. Peak not identified, but.forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma ****Results are reported on an as received basis

.High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value; unless otherwise naoted Sped = MDC exceeds customer technical spocificatlon L = Low recovery Page 8, of 22 MDC - Minimrnum.Dtectable Concentration Bi t 1igi recoverty Boided text indicates reportable value.

-. 2 Report of Analysis .* TELEOYIE 0929/06 15:1 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.

A Tdiloynteu=ai6goi. *nrpny

ýL29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3EREG-06 Sample ID: WI-S Collect Sta*t 08/29/2006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume.


Receive Date: 09Z14/2006  % Moisture. 4.78 LIMS.Number L29888-6 Raincie-Activity iUncertainty iRun *Aliquiot Alqo Reference Con Count Count R SOP# Cone 2 Sigma MDC units Volume Units Date Date Imoe Units Flag Values BE-7 K-40 2007 1 2007 I 710E÷00

< " I_

1.45E+00 7.75E-0, 1 pCi/gDry pCigDry I "464.97 1 464.97 i

I gdry g dry 08/29/0612:00 09/21/06[

108/29/06 12:00 1 09/21/06!

1800 { See 180a I See U I

+ I IND IYesa I 4.

ICR-53 I 2007 7;20E+00 1 I_1.45_0 1.E0- I pCi/gDry  ! 464.97 gdry 08/29/06t2:00 09/21/061 1800 1 Sec I Nn

-U- I MN-54 1 2007 1 < i I 7.E-02E pCi/g Dry T 464.97 1 g dry 08/29/0612:00 1 09/21/061 1800 1 See U I. No I CO751 2007 _ < _, __ 7.67E-02 pCi/gDry i 464.97 gdry 108/29/0612:00 i 09061 1800- See U No I CO'58 2007 < _ _" " 9.95E-02 I pCi/g.Dry i. j 464.97 I gdry F08/29/06 12:00 1:09/211061 1800 i See.'"U 1 No I IFE-59 . i 2007 < . 1.85&0-l I pCi/gDry I I 464.97 1 gdry j08/29/06 12:00 I .09/21/061 1800 See IU :_ 1 No I -

ICO-60 I 2007 1 <: I I 5.92.-02 1 pCi/gDry 1 I1 464.97 1 .gdry 108/2910612:00 1 09/21/061 1800 1 Sc i . j I No II T 2007 t < . 1.62&-01 1 pCi/g Dry i 1 464.97 1 g dry: 08/29/0612:00 1 09/21/061 1800 See I U I I No 1:

42007 < 5.81I-02 pCi/g Dry Ti 464.97 d 108)29/06 12:00 09/2)/061 1.800 1See I U I I No 95 I 2007 1 < _ 1.06"-01 pCi/gDry T 46497 1 g try [0829/06 12:00 1 09/21/061 1800 1 See 1U No R

lZR-95 T 2007 < i L70E"-1 pCi/gDry .1 464.97 1 gdry i 08/29/06 12:00 1 09/211061 1800 1 Sec I U 1.

I No I

'M0-991 11 2007 1 < 1.61E+02 pCi/gDry  ! 464.97  ; g diy 108/29/0612:00 1 09/21/061 1800 See U1 ' 1 No. F RU-]03 2007 < 1 9.186-02 1 pCVgDry 464.97 1 gdry 08/29/0612:00 09/21/061 1800 See I U I 1 No -

1.RU-106 2007 < . _ _ 5.64&-01 pCi/g Dry 1 464.97 . gd 08/29/06 12:00 091211061 1800 I Sec 1 U 1 No I 2007 f 1AG-IOM < 6.74E-02 pCi/gDry T1 464.97  ! gdry ,i 08/29106.12-00 1 09/21/061 1800 i See U i No '

ISB-124 " 2007 ! < _ _ _I 8.08F..-02 I pCi/gDry . 464.97 J g dry 08/290612:00 1 09/21/061 1800 :Se U JI No I S.-1T25 2007 1 < ' _ _ _ 1.95-0 1 pCi/gDry 1I 464.97 1 gdry 108/29/0612:00 1 09/21/061 1800 I .Sec IU 1 I No 1 1-t3.1 2007 I 1.9.1 4.89-0 pCi/gDy 464.97 1 gdry 108/29/06 12:00 1 09/21/061 1800 1 See I1 I I NU -ý CS-134 T 2007 < ' 6.82<-42 1 pJ4i/gD . 464.97 1 g dry 08/29/06 12:00 I 09/21/061: 1800 1 See I ' No

,CS?137 1BA-140 2007 i 2007' I _

< 1 F7.82.-01 1 pCi/gDry 11 7.96F-02. I pCi/gDr0 T

464.97 464.97 j

1 gdry j08/29/0612:00 g dry 08/29/06 12:00 1 09/211061 F 09/21/06 1800 1800 I Se1 I U I See Ur i No I I No ILA-140 .... 2007 j < 1 3.64E-01 J1pCi/gDry 464.97 gdry i 08/29/0612:00 1.091i/06' 1800.1 See .U1* No i CE-141 2007 < 1" J 2.09E-01 pCi/g Dry 464.97 g dry i0/29/06 12:00.] 09/21/06j 1800 See  !,. I INo CE-144 1: 2007 <_ _ j 6.38E-01. I pCi/g Dry - 464.97 g dry 08/29/0612:00 1 09/21/061 1800 See . U I No t

  • EU-152ý 2007: I 2.17E-01 i pCi/gDry I . 464.97_71 gdry 108/29/06 12:00 :109/21/061 1800 F Sec IU __ No I EU-154 1 2007 I _ I _________ 3E-01. I pci/g Dry 1. *464.97 1 g dry 108/29/0612:00 I 009/21/061 2 1800 Sec U No -

RA-226 1 2007 1 < i 1.835+00. F pCi/gDry 1 1 464.97 1 g dry 108/29/06 12:00 T 09/21/061 1800 Se2 Uf 1. .

_ _ _...._ , ..._ . _ _ _ , _ _ _ . *. i - _ _... I I , I ... A)

Flag Values U, = Comrpound/Ahalytenot detected or less than 3 sigma*No = Pek not identifie in gemiaSpectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identifiedin gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Analyte nmdetected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma: c Results are reported on an us received basis High - Activity concentration exceeds customer.reporting value. unlestotherwise noled Spec = MDC exceeds customer fecuhica] specification L Lowi recovery MDC - Minimum Det*ctable Concentaition H - Highnicoavery Page 9 of 22 Bolded text in dicates reportable value.

Report of Analysis ~BROWNENGINEERING, HI[C.

09129106 l5:17 AT.ldy..TeuhngIqiestoapun L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3EREG-06 Sample ID: WI 5 CollectStart 08/29/2006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume,


Receive Date: 09/14/2006  % Moisture: 4.78 LIMS Number: U.9898-6 j Activity -Uncertainty Run. Aliquot Aliquot Reference Countj Count Time Count Unit, Flag Values Radionudide SOPH Cone 2 Sigmas MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date .

ýTI-228 2007 4.00E-01 1.73E-01 pCi/gDry 4-64.97 g dry 08/29/0612:00 09/21/06 1800 Sr + Yes 232I 2007 1. 4.04E-01I 1-23E-01 1 I pCi/gDry 464.97 I gdry 108/29/06 12-00 09/21/061 1800 ! Sec 4- 1 I Yes.

Flag Values U = Compoond/Analytt not detected or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in g8anma spectrum Yes =Peak ident gammaspoetrum Mit

+ Activity cont6ctration exceeds MDC and 3 sigea; peak identified(gamma only)

U* =- CompoUnd/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigrisa .*..Results are reported on an as received basis High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value unless otherWise noted Spec = MDC:exceeds, customer technical specificafion MDC Minimuim Det*ctable Concentration Boulded text indicates reportable value.



09/29106 15:17 ATe edy.reT.r.aotgtesCompary L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3ERBG-06 Sample ID: S 2 Collect Start 08/28/2006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date. 09/14/2006  % Moisture: 3.80 LIMS Number. L29888-7 Activity Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count i SOP# Cone Igma MDC , Units i Volume Units De Date Timt Units Rlag Values BE-7 2007 1 < 1 8.41F-01 pCi/gDry 1 4 414.73 1 9dry i0828/06 12:00 09121/061 100 i Sec U JiNo 1 F O 1 2007 i 8.07E+00 I 1.55E+00 I . pCi/gDry T 414.73 1: gdry F08128/06 1-00 1 09/2/060 1800 1 Sec I + I I Yes ICR-51 12007 ___ < . I 1.16E÷00 1 pCi/gDry 1 414.73 1 gdry 108/28/06 12:00 1 09/211061 1800, Scc I U i 1 No I

. 2007 < " I 8.60E-02 I pCi/g Dry 1 .1 414.73 I gdry 108/28/0612:00 1 09/21/061 1800 T Sec I U] I 1

No 1 CO-57 F 2007 i < _ I_ 8.04E-02 j pCilgDry 1 ] 414.73 1 g dry 108/28106 12:00 1 09/21/06F 1800 1 Sec I U No. I fCO-58 1 2007 . < 1 I 9.77E-02 1 pCi/gDry. I 1 414.73 j gdry 108/28/06 12:00 i 09/21/061 1800 1 Sec U I .. No I i FE-59 12007 1 < I .L87E,-01 I pCi/gDry 1 1 414.73 gdry 08/28/06 12:00 1 09/211061 1800 j Sec I U I1 No 1 i JpCi/g Dry 414.73 t g dry 50/28/06 12:00 1109/21/061:

09/21/061 1800 :Se U, I No j(O-60 zN65..........

..... o 20071T <

2007 I _________ i_ 1 6.64E-&02 1.51E-0 1 ipCi/gDry 1 414.73 F gdry 08/28/06 12:00 1800 1 Sec U, i No I

'13_94 2007 _ - I 1 8.21&E02 1 pCi/gD-ry i 1 414.73 -gdry 108/28/0612=00 109/21/061 1800 . See i U 1 1No 1 3 2007 1 < _ _ 1.04E-01 JpCigPry T 414.73 gdry to8/28/06 12-00 i9/21/06ý1 10 s ec I U 1No I W14 -95 2007 < i 1.68E-0:1 oCitgDry F 1 414.73 1gdry 10828/06 12:00. 109/2106; 1800 1 Sec U

-99 1 2007 71 F < . I 1.93E+02 I pCi/gD ry 1 414.73 1 gdry 108/28/06 12:00, 09/21/06[ 1800 Se e UI 1 1 No 1RU-103 1 2007 i < 7 1 1.24E-01 . pCi/gDry I1 ] gdry, 08/28/06 12:00 1 09/21/061 414,73_800 414.73 1800 1 Sec No IRU-106 1 2007 i < I_ 7.86E-01 I pCi/gDry F i 414.73 F gdry 108/28/06 12:00 i 09/21/061 1800 SeeT .T .. I AG-IIOM 1 2007 < I  :} 5.96E-02 1 pCi/gDry . 414.73 1 gdry 108/28/0612:00 109/21/061 1800 1 . Sec I TU _ No I SIS-124 . 2007 1 < f _ 9.09E-02 I pCi/g Dry i 414.73 i gdry 108/28/06 12:00 1 09/21/061 1800 See 7 U 1: 1 No ,

SB-125 2007 1 < I-C 2.OOE-01 1 pCi/gDry i 414.73 g dry i08/28/06"12:00 1 09/17/061 1800 1 Sc -i U i I No 1-131 .72007 " < 4.69E-01 1 pCi/g Dry 1r 414.73 gdry 08/28/06 12:00 09/21/061 1800 j1 Sec ; U _i -NoI

{CS--34 2007 __< __....... 1 -7.58E-02 J. pCi/gDry I 1 414.73 7 gdry 08/28/06.12:00 912/061 1800 I Sec I U FINo CS-137 1 2007 1 < ... ___... 6.88E-02 ý. pCi/gDry I 414.73 g dry'1028/06 12.00 F 09/21/061 18001- Sec I U I No I BA-140; 1 2007 1 < _ I 8.74E-01 1. pCi/gDry. T 414.73 1 gdry I08/28/06 12:00 1 09/211061 1800 1 See I U _ 1No I LA-140 1 2007 I 1 2.95E.-01 .1 pCi/g Dry. I I 414.73 1. g.dry 108/28/06 12:00 F09121/061 1800 ;1 Sec I U I I No I j CE-141. 1 2007 __< _ _ '_ 2.9101 1 pCi/gDry1 I 414.73 - gdry 108/28/0612:00 1 09/21/061 1800 1 Se IU Q 1 No I 1CE-144 i 2007 < 1 [ 6.11E-01 1 pCi/g Dry,00  ! 414.731 T . gdry 108/28/0612:006 09/21/061 1800 1 Sec I U No I:

EU-152 2007 < 1 1 2.42E-01 pCi/g Dry j 414.73 1 g dry i08/28/0612:00 j 09/21/06 1800 Sec I U No I

'EU-154 1 2007 < 1 1.68E-01 1 pCi/gDry I 414.73 1 gdy 108/28/06 12:00RF 09/21/06 ' 1800 I Sec U I 1 No 1 iRA-226

_ _ _ _ _. 1 2007 . <

..... _ _  ? 2.03E+00

__. pCi/gDry

_ 1 _414.73

_ 1 _gdry_ 108/28/0612:001

_ _ _ 09/21/061

._ _ 1800

_ _ 1 Sec

_ i_ U 1 No Flag Valuces Tj . Compound/Analyte not dcetectcd or less than 3 sigma N6 = Pe.eknot identified in gamma spectrum

+ - Activity concennration exceeds MDCand 3 sigrna peak identiified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in ganuna spectrun U* = Compound/Analyte not dctctn. PPek not idmnified, but foreed activity:eoncentratinnoxceedsMDC and Isigmna Results m'r reported on an as received basis High - ActiviLcyconcentration excreds customer reporting value unless otherwise noted Spec = MDC exceeds customertechnical specification L - Low ecovey Page II of 22 MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration H = High recovery Bolded text Indicates reportable value.

Report of Analysis -arT-BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.

09/29/06 15:17 AT.1.yr.T-h..14. C-openy L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3EREG-06 Sample ID: S 2 Collect Start 02O/2&O6 12:00 Matix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 09/1412006  % Moisture: 3.80 LIMS Number: L29888-7 Activity Uncertainty Run Aiiqoot Aliquot Reference Count 1 Count CountI Radionuclide SOP# Cone MDC 1 Units # u Units , Date Date I. Time Units Flag Values TH-228 2007 2.08E-01 1.0413-0t pC1i/gDry 414.73 g dry 08/28/06 12:00 09/21/06 1800 Sec + Yes TI1-232 2007 I 3.03E-01 I I..30E-01 I I pCi/g Dry I 414*3 I g dry 108/28106 12:00 1 09121/061 1800 1 Sec I -.. Yes Rag Values U - Componnd/AnalyLte not detected or lessthan 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrumti

+ - Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes - Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Ananyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity coneentrationexceeds MDC and 3 sigmai Results am reported on an as received basis HIgh = Activity concentralion.exceeds customer reporing value unless ober*scise noted:

Spc = MDC exceeds customcr technical specification L = Low recovery page I2 of 22 MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration H = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.

Report of Analysis low *" .TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INCG 09/29106 15:17 A'TeladynoTachnaogie*Canpiny L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt ENt05-3EREG-06 Sample ID: SS1 Collect Star 08/21/2006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:

Description* Receive Date: 09/14/2006  % Moisture: 6.59 LIMS Number-b L29888-4 R adionuclide, So n # } Activity ~

C e *lnceartainty 2 i m MD C j U nits Run V me Aliquot u n ts Aliquot 1),a e Reference Dt tI i e'; nt Cone 2 Sigma MC nt VohiaU is Dta Pate ITie~ Units Flag Values IBE-7 2007 _ <_ , _ 1.02E+00 i pCi/gDry 366.69 7 gdry 108/21/06 12:00] 09/22/061 1800 Sec 1U [

1K-40 2007 7.16E+O00 1.75E+00 1 '_ pCi/gDry I 366.69 i . gdry 08/21/0612:00.1 09/22/061 1800  ; Sec +Yes

+ I FCRN51 - 2007 < 1_ 1.565+00 1 pCi/gDry T /1 366.69._! gdry 1, R8/21/06 12-00 1 09/22/06 1800 1 Sc I [U I No 2007 1 20,MN-54 < I _ 7.53F-02 1 pCi/gDry, I ' 366.69 :1 gdry 108/21/0612:00 .1 09/22/061 1800 1,Sec UT No LCO-57: 2007 1 < I _ _ 1.02E-01 1 pCi/gDry 1i 366.69 1 gdry '08/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/06! 1800 1 Sec I U[ [ NoT CO-Sg

-! F 2007 1 <<_ __ _ 1.7_-01 pCi/gDry. T 1 366.69 f g dry' 08R.1/0612:00 1 09/22/061 1800 1 Sec U I No rnn FE-59 2007 ... [<: 1 3.25F-01 I pCi/gDry j. 1 366.69 1 gdry 108/2110612:00 1 *09n 061 1800 i Sec- -7W U - 1 No T 1 2007! 1. < 1.231-01 1 pCi/gDry I j 366.69  ; g d1' .1 0812 1116 12:00 1 :09/22J06i 1800 I Sec k.U i I No I t-652007 1 < i_ ... i 2.07E-01 pCi/gDry 366.69 1 gdry, 108/21206 12.00 1 09/-2/06 1800 I See , U1. INO 2007' I 7.63E-02 pC/gD 2 1 366.69 1 gdry 108/21/06 12:00 j 09/22/061 ID 1800 T U .: No7 11.9 2007 1 < i " 1.51E-01 j pCifgDry j I 366.69 gry j:08/21/06 12:00"1 09/22/06! 1800 1Sec" U 1 No I _

ýZMR_95. " 2007 1 < 1" { 2.35"-0.- 1 pCi/gDry T 1 366&69 gdry 108121/06 12-00 i 09/22/06! 1800 I Sec OI U No't

________ 2007 1 < _ _ 2-00E+03

1. 1:pCi/gDry I1 I 366.69 gdry .08/21/0622:00 1 09/22/06! 11806 1 Se1c T INn ! J iR-10 F"
2007 1 _<, 1506E101 1. pCi/gDry TI 36669' gdry j108/21/06 1200 [ /61 1800 I Sec U I No I RI--106 1 2007 j < 1 1 8.68E-01 [ pCi/gfDry I 1 366.69 T gdry 108/21/06 12.00 i 09/22/061 1800 t Sec UF1 I No= *.I

_A_-I!0M_ _ 1 2007 I < 1 I 9.74E-02 pCi/gDry :1 1 366.69 gdry 08/2t/06.t2:00 1 09/22/06! 1800 j Sec U f [ No T 1

$B-124 2007 < I _ I 1.32E-01 I pCilgDPry 1, 366.69 1 gdry '08/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/06! 1800 Sec. UU VNo I

[$125 122007 .I <___" 2.5SE-01 pCi/g Dry 1. j 366.69 T gdr 108/21/0612:00 1'09/22/061 1800 i Sec IU " N T

1-131 T 2007 . < 1.44L+00 pCi/gD 1 366.69 I g dry .08/21/06 12:00.. 09/22/06! 1800 Sec U [No [

ICS-134 T 2007 1 < i ' 1.08.-01 J pCi/gDry 366.69 1 gIdry 08/21/0612.00D. 09/22/06! 1800 Sec Ui NoD1 iCS-137 T 2007 1 1.72E--0i I 7 76E-02  ! i pCi/gDry 1 366.69r gdry 108/21/0612:00 T 09/22/06! 1800 F Sec ! + I Yes i BA-140 i 2007 .... - _..__ 2.04E+00G pCi/gDry ...366.69 1 gdry 08/21/06 12:00 1 09122/061 1800 1 Sec U T No I LA-140 1 2007 O 7 r.. < 1 _ 7.34F-01 I pCi/gflry I 366.69 1 &dry 108&21/06 12:00 1 09/22/061 1800 Bo Sec I U I* No I CE-141 1 2007 1 < i _ 3.S2E-01 . pCi/g Dry  ! 7 366.69. 1 gdry 108/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/061..800 i See 1 U I T.No 1

!CE-144 {- 2007 F  ! < .______ 8.80E-01 F pCi/gDry i [ 366.69 . gdry 108/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/06! 1800 1 See i UI I No I7 EU-132 . 2007 1 < F_ 3.17E-01 F pCi/gDry . 1 '366.69 I gAry 108/21/0612:00 1 09/22/06! 1800 1 Sec I U i , TNo I EU-.154 1 2007 1 1.95E-01 I pCi/g Dry, i 366.69 1 gdry 108/21/06.12:00 1 09/22061 1800 1 S... U I Nsr Sec Fj

'RA-226 i 2007

.... 2.50E+00 r

pCi/gOry 366.69 g dry 08/21106 12:00 09/22/06

.....  :+!*

1800, i  ;

I No Rlag Vlues U = Compound/Anrlyte not detected or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identilied*is gamma spectruom

+ -. Activity conceniration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; pak id'ntified(garrimaonly) Yes - Peak identified in gamana spectrum U* = Comrpound/Anatyte not deacted. Peak not idetified, but forced astlyity concentration excee ds MDC and 3 signma

  • Results are.reported onan as received basis High = Activity concarration exceeds customerreporting value unless otherwise noled Spec = MDC exceeds cusiomuncrichnieri specilicaion L Low recovery Page 13 of 22 MDC - Minimum Detectable Conccnt-ation H t Hightecovery Ilolded taXtindicates reportable value.


09/29/06:15:17 ATeedyne7er.hnelogiZ-cnp.y L29888 Enetcon Cory DeWitt EN005-3EREG-b6 Sample ID: SSI Collect Start 08/21/2006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Stado.o: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Dae: 09/14/2006  % Mojsture: 6.59 LIMS "Number. L29888-8 RadiuSOP#id Activity Uncertainty Run. Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count i RadS Cclideon 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume units Date Date Time FlagValues TH-228 2007 < 1.65E-01I pCi/g Dry 366.69 g dry 08/21/06 12:00 09/22/06. 1800 Sec. U Yes TH-232 1 2007 1 < 1 5.85E-01. I pCi/g Dry J. 366.69 I gdry 108/21106 12:00 09/22t061 1800 j Sec j U J 7N I 1" Flag Values U = CompoundlAnalytc not-detvcind or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ - Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak idestified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identihicd in gamma spectrum

= Cornpound/Anilyte not detected- Peak notidentified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma *xa* Results are reported on an as received basis High - Activity conccenration exceeds ucMtoone= reporting vaJue unless otherwise noted Spec - MDC exceeds customer technical specification L Low recovery MDC -Mininuis Detectable Concentration H = High recovery Page 14 of 22.

Bolded text indicates reportaible value;


09/29/06 15:17 AT,.iot Tee eaje Cuntan L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3EREG-06 Sample ID: SSIO Collect Start; 08/2,1/2006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date- 09/14/2006  % Moisture: 4.00 LIMS Number L29888-9 Ru Alquot Aliquot Reference Dat JCoutDate Count Time Coun Unite Flag Values Radionuclde 'SO SO41Activity Cone [Uncertainty 2 Sigma, MDC Units Volume Units I__ _ _ _I . ... I BE-7 1 2007 1_ <_ 1 _ 1 1;27400 0 pCi/gDry 1 1 434.25 ] g dry 108/21/06 12:00 1 09/2/06! -1800 1 Sec j U I [No I K-40 7 2007 1 7.61E+00 1.56E+00 i- pCi/g Dry 1 T 434.25 1 gdry T08/2110612:00 .1 0922/061 1800 1 Sec I -. yes I CR-.51 2007 1 < _ _  ! 1.36E+00 1 pCi/gDry 1ý 434.25 1 gdry 08/21/06 12:00 7 09/22/061 1800 1 Sec. U 1 1.No I MN-54 1 2007 _<  ; _ 1L.08E-01 pQ~ggDry [ T 434.25 1 gdry 08/21/0612:00 09/22/061 1800 Sec.i U I I No :l CO-57 . 2007 1 < i 1 8.76F-02 j pCi/gDry 1T 43425 1 gdcry 108/21/06 12:00 1 09/221061 1800T Sec .1 U i 1 No 1, CO.-58 T 2007 _ !'C<" __ 6.80E-02 ipCi/gDry J. _434-25 1 gdry 108/21/0612:00 1 09/22/061 1800 1 Sc 1UI I No 'I fE-59 i 2007 <

<._____ i _ 3.03R-01 I pCi/gDry 1 434.25 1 gdry 108/21/06 12:00 1 09/221061 1800 1 Sec -1U i I No I jCO6.-60 2007, 1 < I 7.70E-02 1 pCi/gDry 1 1 434.25 j gdry [08/21/06 12:00 1 09n22061 1800 T Sec [UiU i No I A 94"-65 1 2007 1 < 1 I 1.57E-01 [. pCi/gDry ] [ 434.25 1 gdry 108/21/0612:00 1 09/22/061 1800 T. Se I U .No

,94 1 2007 1 < _ 8.72E-02 1ýpCi/gDry [ 43425 gdry  !.08/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/061 1800: 1 Sec U U I No 1 NW -95 2007 T 1.08-1 7 pCi/gDr, 7fT 43425 gdry  ![08/2110612:00 1 09/22/06! 1800 T Sec L

__-_____-95 _ _ 2007. < I* _ _ 2.05,-01 1 pCt/g Dry i 434.25 g dry 08/21106 12:00 7 09/22/061 1800  ! Sec Ui No 1MO-99 i. 2007 1 < " 1.88E+03 pCi/gDry 1 1 434.25.i gdry 108/21/06.12:00i 09/22/061 1800I Sec U I 1No RU-103 1 2007 I ..... < 1.38E-01 1 pCi/gDry 1 1 434.25 : g dry 08/21/06.12:00 I 09/22/061 1800. j Sec. [ U 1j No I Fi -106 2007 1 < I_ _ (_. 8.49E,-011 pCi/gDry 434.25 i g dry 08/21/06 12:00 09/2Z'06! 1800 2 Sc i U 1 T! No ..-

AG-Ib0M 1 2007 I < I I 6.20E-02 1 pCi/gDry. 1 434.25 1 gdry [08/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/061 1800 1 Se t UI TNo I SB-124 1 2007 1 <. 1 _ I.1E-01 I pCi/gDry T i. 43425 I gdry 108/21/06 12:00 1 09/22061 1.800 1 Sec U 1 I No "

SB-125 2007 1 < ___" 1.84E-01 1 pCi/g1Dr T 43425 1 g.dry 08/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/06! 1800 1 Sec I U. i' No 1ý13.1 2007 l4< __,, 1.26E+00 pCi/gDry . 1i. 434.25 gdry [08/21/06 F2:00 09=02/01 1800 1 Sac i " NoI T§-t34 i 2007 1 < .I 8.491-02 I pqtgDDy, I 434-25 . gdry I08/21106 12:00 1 09/22/06! 1800  ! Sec j U I No V CS-137 2007  ! < 1 7.48E-D2 !. pC'lgDry I 43425 1 gdry 0&/21/06 12:00 ) 09/22/06! 1800 i Sec j U No0 1 IBA-140. i 2007 I < 1 1.69E+00 pCi/ggDry I I 4342, £ dry [08/21/06 12:00 09/22/06! 1800 I Sec I U I No i LA-140 2007 . . _____ .5.63F-01 pCi/gDr 434.25 1 gdry 108/21/0612:00 1 09/22/061 1800 Scc U I No jCE1. 2007 _ < i 2.90&101 1 pCi/g Dry 1 43425 gdry 108/21/0612:00 j 09/22/06! 1800 I Sec i U i No I CE-144 2007 I < _ __ 7.35F-01 pCi/gDry 1 4325 L I5 g dry [08/21/0612-00 I 09/22/061 1800 ! Sec 1 U I No i iEU-152  : 2007 1 < " 2.23E-01 pCi/g Dry 4 43425 I g dry 108/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/061 1800 i Sec i U i No IEU-154 2007 I 1.6711-01 pCi/gDry I 43425 i gdry 08/21/06 12:00 1 .09/22/061 1800 Sec U I No RA-226 1 2007 I. _ _

< i I 2.16E+00 I pCi/gDry 1

I 1

7 434.25

_ _ +,It 1 g dry [08/21/0612:001 09/22/06j 1800 Sec

.1 U I[..

I. ,l i No [

Flag Values No =Pea not ideatificdin garmmaspectrrm U - Compound/Analyte not detected or less than 3 sigma

+ Activity concentraton cxe,-eds MDC and3 sigma; peak identilied(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U. Compoand/Analyte not detected. Peakmnot identified, but forced activity conentration enxctds.MDC and 3 sigma sean Results are reported on an as received basis High - Activity cenceatration exeedsgustomerr reporting value, unless otherwise noted Spec = MDC exceedscustomer technical specificadon L Low recovery Page 15 ef 22 MDC -lMinimme DetectableCncentration.

H High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable valuc.


09429106 15:17 Altedyna TohnologlesCempany L29898 Eatecon Cory DeWitt EN005-3EREG-06 Sample ID: SSI0. Collect Start: 08/21/2006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 09114/2006 %Moisture: 4.00 LIMS Number: L29888-9 Activity e Uncertainty I Run Aliquot Aliquot Refernce Count I Count Count Radionuclide Coe 2 Sig . MDC U Volu Units Date Date Time Units. Flog Values STH-228 2007 < 1.63E-01 pCi/g Dry 434.25 gdry 08/21/06 12:00 09/22106 1800 Sec U Yes I 2007 1TH-232 1I< 4.83&01 1 pCi/g Dry 1 434.25 1 g dry i08/2106 12100 :1 09/22/061 1800 . Sec U i I No I Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected or less than 3. sigma No = Peak not idcntified'in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gansmna only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Anatyte not detecte& Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration cxccs MDC and 3 sigma **Results are reported on an at mcceived basis High - Activity concentration exceeds cnstomer reporting vadlue unless otherwvise noted Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical spQcifitation L - Low recovery Page 16 of 22 MDC - Mininmu Detectable Coocentration H = High recovery Dolded text indicates reportable value.


09729/06 15:17 ATel4e.tne TW-Iagiss C-pany L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3EREG-06 Samplel D: SS11 Collect Start 08/21Y200612:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station:. Collect Stop: Volume:

Description- Receive Date: 09114/2006 %Moisture, 4.19 LIMS Number L29888-10.

Activity Uncertainty . Run 1 Aliquot gi Reference 20 C Count Count Raincld O Conc i Sigmax MDC Uit # Voue Iunits Date Date ITime Units Fa8ale BE-5 i 2007 < I 1.49B+00 1 pCi/gDry 1 ' 298.89 i gdry. 08/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/061 1800 Sec . U 1 FT No .

K-40 2007 1 9.60E+00 I 2.12E+00 I. pCi/gDry gdy 108/21/0612:00 09/22/061 1800 1.

Sec T298.89 1 Yes I

{COI 2007 [ 2.60E,-01 pCi/gDy 298.89 1 g dry 108/21/06 12:00 0922/061 1800 1 Sec +U Ye C-CO51 MNFE594. .2007 "12007 !1

C58F2007 <

'< . F F

i _..

___ __ _ .1.0E+0-01 1 i 4.046E-.01 11___

.111-01t I pCi/g pCi/gDry Dry ,

pti/gDry -T. F 298.89 298.89 1j Zgdry gdry 108/21/06 j108/fi2 12:00]


./6126 09t6..2/06[180 09/22/061 t -09F22-/09F1-0 1800 I[IBO IgOOT See Sec iUF U [ -

1 ii NWFJ No NOINo I j F-7 M 1 2007 1 < I _____T 4.0E-.01 I pCi/g Dry FT 298.89 gy r. 108&21/06 12;001 09/22/061 1800 1. Sec I ITNo It T

CO-50 2007 <___ _____ 1.60E-01 (pCi/g Dry 1 299.89 gdry g 108/21/06 12:00 109/22/061 .1800 T Sec U __ I No I C.O65 2007 < T3.53-01. 1, pCi/g Dry F -'.298.89 1 gdry 08/21/0612.00 1 09/22/06! 1800 1, Sec I i No I.

)4 2007 I < 9.49r-2 pCi/g Dry 1 29889 g dry 08/21/06.12:00 1 D9/22/06 1800 Sec . U I No T

95 2007 < i L48E-_01 pCi/gDry 298.89 g dry .08/21/06 12:00 09/22/061 1800 Seac 1 FNoI

-R-95 "2007 M-99 12007 : << Tt .... T 3.01E-01 1 1pCi/g1ry T 2.65+03 Dr pCi/gDry. 11 298.89 i gdryy gy 108/21/0612:00 09/2 2061 08/21/0612:00 1 09/22/06 1800 - Sec 1800 ii U. J" FNo 1 RU___I03 ____ . 2007 1 '< ,T .......... T 1.70E1 1 pCT/gDry F 298.89 1 gdry 108/21/06 12:00 t 09/22/061. 1800 Sec IU 1 No MU _106 .... 1 2007 j < 1.33E+03 2 1 pCi/gDry FI 298.89 1 gdry 108/21/0612:00109/22/061 1800 1 Sec I Ui 1Fo.[


  • 2007 1 . .T t.370E-01 1 1 pCi/gDry T 1 298.89 1_ g dry 108/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/061 18-0 1 See IU 1 T No.1 SB-124 . 1. 2007 1 < 1 pCi/g1ry T 298.89 gdry 08/21/062:00 191.82-01 09/22/061. 1800 1 Sec FU INoI iSB-25 12007 I < 3.03F-,01 1 pCi/g Dry 1i 298.89 gdryI 08/21/0612:00- 09/22/06' 1800I Sec ]U " No .

1-131 1 2007 1 < I 1.47E+00 pCi/gDry " 29.89 I g dry I08/21/0612:00 1 09/22/061 1800 1See U 1' T No IS

  • CS-1104 2007 < 1.I.0538E-01 1 pCi/gDry 1 .298.89 1. gdry .108/21/06 12:00 09t22/061 1800 1 Sec U I No.

I S-137 2007 I 2.955-0 1 1.348-0 E1 pCi/gDry 1.i .298.89 1 gdry I08/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/061 1800 1 Sec UYes

+ i I IBA-1I40 " .... 1 2007 1: . 2.18E+00 pti/gDry.1 ___ 1 2"98.89 g dry '08/21/06 12:00

.... I0/'206l 1800 Sec U [ No .

}= 2007 1 I6.425-11 i F 8gdry i08/'21/0612:00 F 09/22/061 1800 I .Sec U I 1Noo l.AI

=140 SB.-1415i 2007

< 1< 1 3.83E-01 FI pCi/g~ry pCi/gDty I 1

1 298.89 298.89 F gdry 108/21/06 12:00 ! 09/22/06j 1800 5 . .Sec I. U I .

_1-13-1 ____ 2007 F < _ _ 9.77F_01. pCi/g1ry 11 298.89 F gdry F08/21/0612:00 F09/22/a061 1800 1 Sec IU No I IEU-I.52

________PR I ý2007 _ i __

1 ________ 2.975-01


F pCi/g Dry i. 1 298.89 298._

i 1

gdry g _dry_ .08/21/06 082M 12:00 Vo9/22/06.1800 12:00_ 1 80j 1 Sec U F I No 19V6N j EU-154 I 2007 " << F2.251-01 I pCi/g Dry. " 298.89 . g dry 08/21/06 12:00 F09/22/061. 1800 I Sec 1U F 1 No F RA-22,6= I 2007 _____< _ 1 '._ 3.365+00 F pCi/g Dry l I- 2.98.89 8 dry 08/21/06 12:00 I 09P-V061 1800G Sec IUF No F I Flag Values U = Compound.Analyte not detected or less than 3 .sigma No = Peak hat identiied in gamma spectrun

+ Activity concentration exce*ds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(ginra only) Ye = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* Cocpound/Analyte noitdetected. Peak notiderntifed, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDCand 3. sigma "* Results am reported en an asreceived basis High Activity concentration exceeds cumsme reporting value unless othenrviseoted Spec MDC exceeds castomer tecbnipea] spacificatioa L = Lighrecovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration t High eovte y rf Pago 17 22 u

Bold'ed text indicates reportable"value..

Report of Analysis BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.

09/29106 15:17 ATetlyot Tarnolugino Cmpany L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3EREG-06 Sample ED: SSll Collec*StaSt 08/21/2006 12:00 Matrix Soil (S)

SDacrion: Collect Stop: Volume::

DescripSion: Receive Date: 09/14/2006  % Moisture: 4.19 LIMS Numbr-: L29888-10 Radionuclide

  • 0,oo.0 so j c~0 i s,-2 MDC *#oo Volume UnlOit SOP#

Activity Coote

  • ,Untertainty Sigma. MCnisDt RUB Aliquot Aliquot Units Date Da*te Reference Count te Time' Un0°*itsV Count Te 1 Count 1 Flag Values. I Ti-228 2007 3.21 E-01 2.08E-01 pCi/g Dry 298.89 g dry 0M/21/06 12:00 09/22/06 1800 See + Yes TH-232 2007 1 < I 7.41E-01 pCi/gDry 1 298.89 gdry [08/21/06 12:00 i 09/22/061 1800 Sec 1U i I No 1 Hag Values U = Compousd/rAnrlyte naodetected or less than 3 sigma . No = Peak not identified :ingamma spectnrum

+ Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peals ideonfified(ganuna only) Yes Peak identifiedin gamma spectrim U* Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentratian exceeds MDC and 3 sigma **Results are reported on a as received basis High Activity concantration exceeds customer reporting value un)ess ot*Fwjse noted Spec = MDC exceeds customer tcchnical spacification L, = tow recovery MDC -Minimum Detestable Concentration L Low

- recovery

, Page l8 of 22 H = Hign recovery Bolded text indieatus reportable value.

- .,L.

Report of Analysis 09/29/06 15:17 WBROWN ENGINEERING. INC."4w~hv.ogiaa epae L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-31EREG-m06 Sample ID: SS4 Collect Start 08/21/2006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive.Date: 09114/2006  % Moisture: 2O00 LAIMS Number; L29888-1 I Radionuclide SOP# II Activity Cone !Uncertainty 2 Siga Units UDC Run u Aliquot Volume Airjuot AUnits IReference Dat Count Date ICount Time count Units Flag Values BE-7 17 < ' I 8.54E-01 pCiSgDry 467.55 1 g dry 108/21/06 12:00 09/22/061 1800 I Se= I U . No F_

K-40 12007 8.86E+00 I 1.62E+00 1 pC/gDrz C T I 467.55 1 gdry 108/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/06" 1800 1 See + i I Yes -:

4CR-5l 1 2007 1 < F _ 1.41E+00 1 pCi/gDry... 1 467.55 1 gdry ;08/21/06 12:00 i 09/22/061 1800

  • Sec V1U No I M-54 . 2007 1 < 1 9.57&-02' pCi/gDry T 467.55 I gdry 108/21106 12:00 1 09/22/06! 1800 F See v 1 U No I' U .1 No Ii No CO-57 1 2007 1 < _" I &74E-O01 1 pCi/gDry i 467.55 i gdry !08/21/0612:00 -, 09/22/061 1800 T Sec 1800 F Sec i U I CO-58 2007 1 < t. 120E-01 I pCi/gDry; 1 467.55 j 08/21/06 12:00 09)22/06! Sec 4 U 1 467.55 1 ggdry dry 108/21/0612:00 09/22/06' 1800 No FE-59 F 2007 3" 3 2.43E-01. pCilg Dry 1 467.55 ' g dry 08/21/06 12:00 09/22J06], 1800 Sec U I No 2.46F-01 I pCi/gDry Ii 1T

,CO-60 2007 2007 1 < 1.19"01. pCi/gDry I 467.55 gdry 108/21/0612:00 09/22/061 1800 See U 1 1 No 1

'65 O *_ 2007 1 <: 1 1 7.58,-02 tpCigDry 1 1 6.755 I gdry 08/21/0612:00 09/22/061 18 1 Sec I U 1 No I 95 2007 1 1.30-01 1 pCi/gDryT . 467.55 I gdry 08/21/0612:00 09/22/061 1800 3 See .- U I I No i ZR-95 F 2007 i <' 7 . _ 1.558E-1 I pCi/g<Dry T 467.55  ! gdry 108/21/0612-00. F09/22/063 1800 l See UU1 No I MO-99 2007 1 < i__. _ 1.90E+03 1 pCidgDry T 1; 467.55 1 gdry 108/21/06 12:00 7 09/22/061 1800 1 See ! U I NoTl RU-103 1 2007 1 < -.. 1.3,-01 3.p*Ci/g Dry T - 467.55r g dry 108/21/0612:00 1 09/22/061 1800z I See U i No i R.U-106 1 2007 3 < 1 7.57-01I pCi/gDry. 1 467.55:. gdry 108/21/06.12:00 j 09/22/061 1800 I Sec I U I I No i AG-ITOM 2007 r < _ _ _ 8.031-02 pCi/g Dry 3 467.55 1 gdry 108/21/0612:00 1 09/22/06! 1800 See U 3 No 3 SBOB124 2007 < 11.04E-01 i: pCi/g Dry 1 467.55 11 gdry 08/21/06 12:00 ! 09/22/06i 1800, Sec U I' I No 3SB-125 2007 1 < " 2.31E-01 1ý pCi/gDr-y

  • 1 467.55, F gdiry 108121/06.12:00 1 09122/061 1800 1 Sec U 1No IF 3

1-131 2007 I < j 1.23E+00 pCi/gDry . 1 467.55 j g'dry 108/21/0612:00 1 09/22/061 1800 3 Sec U IF 1FNo CS*134 1 .2007 1 < 1 7.558-02 1 pCt/gDry 1 467.55 1 gdry ;08/21/0612:00 1 09/22/06i 1800 1 Sec UT4 No I

.CS-13-- F 20"07 .T < i9.08--2 I pCi/gDry 1 1 467.55. F gdry 108/21/0612:00 1 09/22=06 1800 1 Sec .. U7] ] No 1 BA--*40" F 2007 1 < 1.79E+001..f pCi/gDry I 1 467-55 F gdry 308/21/0612:00 09/22/061 1800 3 See i U 1NT LA-140 2007 1 < j 3 3.985-01 pCi/gfry D 1 1 467.55 F gdry 108/21/0612:001 09/22/061 1800 See I U NoI CE-141 i 2007  ! 4< I I 2.96F_01 1 pCi/gDry 1 1 467.55 1 gdry 108/2t/Q6]2:00 T 09/22/061 1800 1 See !U I No I77 CE-144 3 2007 1 < 3  ! 6.881-01 F pCilgDry'
  • 467.55 IN gdry 08/21/0612:00 3 09/22/061 1800 U1 1SecNo .

EU-152 2007  ! < I _ 2.435-01 pCi/gDry i 467.55 gdry i08/2106 12:00J 09122/06) 1800 iSe 1No U

,EIU1 4 1 2007"  ! <1 1.78-0i1" I pCi/gDry 467.55 g dry !08/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/063 1800 I Sec 1U3 i No I RA-226 i .2007 I < i " 2.54E+00 3 pCi/gDry " 467.55 gdry.. 08/21/06 12:00 1 09/22/06' 1800, 1 See i U i No Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected or less than.3 sigma No. =Peak not identified In gammaspectrim,

+ = Activity concenla-Jon exceeds MDC and 3 signa; peak identiie*r(gammra only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U- = Compound/Analyte not detected. Peal; not identified,'but forced activity concentmtion excecds MDCand.3 sigma. *C** Results are reported on an as received basis High - Activity concentrationexceeds cuslomer repbiting value unless otherwise noted Spec = MDC exceeds customer technicalfspecifiestion.

  • L = Low recovcry Page 19 of 22 M4DC-Minimum Detecrable Concentration H1 High recdverp Bolded txext indicates reportable value.


Report of Analysis SHOWN ENGINEERI NG, INC.

09/29/06 15:17 ATdIje.cpýheo.orioteOpOy L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt ENO05-3EREG-06 SampleID: SS4 Collect Start 08/21/2006 12:00 Matr**r Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume"


Receive Date: 09/14/2006:  % Moistire: 2.00 LIMS Number-. L29888AI1 Activity .Uncertainty I Run Aliquot, Aliquot Reference Count Count Count SOP# Cne 2 Sigma nRadionuclide MDC Units Volume Units I Date Date Time Units Flag Values TH-228 2007 2.41E-01 1.28E-01 pCi/g Dry 467.55 g dry. %)8/21/06 12:00 09/22W06 1800 Sec + Yes

-T14-232 ' 2007 1 < . 4.65E-01 I pCi/gDty " 467.55 1 g dry 108/21/0612:00 I 09/22/061 i800 I See U 1.. No 1 Flag Values No not identified in gamma spectrum P=encak U Comnpound/Analytt not detected or less than 3 sigma

+ = Activity conceentratiowxceeds MDC and 3.sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes =*Pea1 identified in gamma spectrum U* CompoundlAnalyte not detected. Peak not identified, but oromed activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Results armc-portedion an as.received basis High f Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value unless otherwise noted Spec, = MDC exceeds:ciistomcr technical specification L = LOW, recovery Page 20 of 21 MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration H = Highr.mcovyry Bolded text indicates reportable value.


09/29/06 15:17 A TeladynaTehntoVianC-npany L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt ENoo5-muEG-o6 Sample ID.: S8 Collect Start 08121120106 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date.: 09/14/2006 %Moisture: 4.70 LIMS Number L29888-12 Count Radionulidone  : 2007 Ativty Uncertainty ia MDC" . _ Unis I#Run I Aliquot Volum Aliquot Units Reference Date; Count Date Count Time r Units nag

__ Values ___

2do0i 1y4E+0 1.04E40 pCl gDry 1 383.71 gdry 10821106"12:00 __09122J061 100 _S.. _ U J No ]

K-40 . 2007 6.85E+00 i 1.80E+00 i p:i/gDry I i 383.71. 1 gdry... 108/21/0612:00 1 09/221061 1800 1 Sec + Yes

',/'-OR-51 2007 "

2. < I . L5IE+00 I pCi/g Dry f 383.71 g dry. 10821/06 12:00 09/22/061 1800 1 Sec U. j: No I lMNvt54 2007 < _ -.07E-01 pCi/gDrY 1 383.71 gdry 1.08/21/06 12:00 09/22/061 1800 Sec. U I No C0-57 - 2007 _ < [ 1.02F,,-01 I pCi/g.Dry { 383.71 1 gdry 108/21/06 12:00 109/22/061 1800 Sec rU . No i.

CO-58 2007 1 < i 1.41E-01 1 pCi/gDry - 383171 1 gdry !08121/0612:00 i 09/22/061 1800 1 Sec U I No FE-59 i 2007 1 <_ _ _ _ 3.47E-01.I pCi/g Dry 1 383.71 gdry 08121/0612:00 1 09/22/061 1800 1 Sec t u1 F 1 No I CO-60 1 2007 T < I I 6.481r-02 1 pCi/g Dry 1 383.71 gdry 108/21/06512:00 I 09/22/061 1800: :i; See 1 1U 1 1 No I 55 2007 * < i I L83F-01 I pCi/gDry 1 1 383.71 I gdry 108/21/0612:00 1 09/221061 .1800 1 Sec  ! U I I No

4. 2007 1 < [ 1_7.96E-02 I pCi/g Dry 1 " 383.71 i gdry .108/21/0612.00 09/22/061 1800 1Sec 1U No 1 1 2007 < F 1.78E1-01 pCi/gDry 1. 383.71 1 g dry 108/21/0612:00 1 09/22/061 1800 i Sec IU I No I ZR-99 2007 1 _ < .... 72.1E03 pCi/gDry 1. 1 383.71 gdry 108/21/0612:00-1 09/22/061 1800 - Sec U I I No MO-99 . 2007 < 1 1 2.81E+03 1 ' pCi/g Dry. 383.71 g dry 108/21/0612:00 - 09/221061 1800 i Sec :I U i No 1
RU106 2007 < .3F-01 1 pCi/g Dry 1 1 383.71 j g dry 108/2110612:00 09/22/061 1800 1 Seo 1U I No 1 RUG-110M6 2007 I < T8.87F,20 D39" ý pCi/g pSecDry - 383.71 gdiy 108/21/06 12:00 T 09/22061 1800 i U " No '

'RB-106 2007 1 1 _._1__ 0- 1 pCi/gDry 1 i 383.71 1 gdry 108/21/0612:00 T 09/221061 1800 1 See i U I No 1 B--125_ 2007 <  : 8.87E&-01 1 pCi/gDry i 1 383.71 1 g dry 108/21/0612:001 09/22/061 1800 I Sec I U FNo I S~1- OM 2007 1 < _ 1.2iE+00 . pCi/g~ry I 383.71 1 gd R108/21/0612:00. 09/221061 1800 i Sec 1U I I No I

.- 134 1 2007 < _ 1 6.68-10E I pCi/gDry 1. 383.71 g dry 108/21/06 12:00 09/22/061 1800 I See U I I No I CS-13. 2007 I_ _ _ _ _ 6.68.7-02 pCilgDry 1F 383.71 1 g dry 108/21/06 12:0011 09/22/061 1800 1 See UT No 1 SB-140 2007 . 1 2.18E-00 I pCi/gDry - 383.71 gdr, 08/21/061200 09/22/061 1800 I Sec U No I 1-1431 2007 < .... I ........ 1.12E,+00 I pCi/gDry. I. 383.71 gdry 1 0 8 /2 1 /0 6 12:00 1 09/221061 1800 " See I U 1 1 No I 20071 < 3.23E-01 :CE-14 pCi/gDry 1. 1 383.71 g dry 108/21/0612:00 I 09/22/061 1800 F Sec 1U 1 1 No I SEU-I44 2 2007: < 8.1Z -01 pCi/gDry FI 383.71 I g dry 108121/0612:00 109/22/061 1800 Sec IU No 1 IEU-t52

______________ 2007 2007_ <

< . ____ I 2.18E_0-8.01E-01 I pCi/gDry pCi/g Dry I t17 383.71 383.71 1 ggdry dry 108/21/0612-00 108/21/06 I 09/22/061 1200 ;' 09/221061 1800 1Sec 1800 i See jI U U 1 1I No No i I EU-152 200 _____ 3.

1927E+01 i pCi/g~ry 1. 383.71 1 g dry 108/2110612:00 1 09122/061 1800 Sec I U. 1 INol1

_RA-226 12_007 ' < i _2.73E+00 I _38_3_.7_

pCgDry g&dry 108_21/06_12:00 1 0922/061 _See 180_0 i u_ I No 1:_

T14-228 1 2007 1 3,011 f 1.5213-01 1 1 pCi/g Dry F 383.71 gdry.' 108/21/0612:00 1 09/22/061 1800 1 Sec i + I*. YC*ye

_- _- _ ... , . _ I i _ _ _ I . .. . L _,

_1 i I I 1 .i _.

Flag Values No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum U = Compound/Ahalyte not detected or less than 3 sigma

+ Activity. concentration excceds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma speqtrum U- Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not idcntifiedl but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma kasults ae reporfd on an as-received basis Hig, = Activity concentrationexceeds customer reporting value unleas otherwise noted-Spec. = MDC ex'eeds customer technical specification L - Low recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Caocentration H = High.recovery Pag 21 of 22 Bolded text indicates reportable value.

Report of Analysis eBRO 09/29/06 15:17 3 WNENGINEERING, INC.

ATdtdy.. SeT eata*.r.p.ny L29888 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-ý3EREG-06 Sample ID,. SSS Collect Start 08/21/2006 12:00 Matrix: Soil (S)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 09/1412006  % Moisture: 4.70 LIMS'Number: L29888-12 Activit2 Uncertainty I Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference Coy1t I0 Count Count Se Radionuclide SOP#f Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Uts Date Date Tine. Units riagValIe.

TH-232 2007 < 5.36E-,01 pCilg Dry 383.71 g dry 08/21/06 12:-00 09/22/06 1800 See U Ye Flag Values U - Compound/Analytl not deleeted or less than 3 sigmar No Peak notidentified in gamma speerm

+ - Activity concenlration exceeds MDC and 3 sigmnapeak identified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gammaspanrm U* - Compoand/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceedsMDC and 3 sigma Pesullt are reported on an as received basis R*C*

High = Activity oaneentralion exceeds customer reporting value unless otherwise noted Spce - hMC exceeds customer technical specification L - Low recovery Page 2 of 22 MDC - Minimum DctectableConcentratian H High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 0 - Bioshield Concrete Characterization Analytical Results UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2


ATeledyne Technologies Company 2508 Quality Lane Knokville, TN 37931-3133.

MAY 3 0 2006 Cory DeWitt Enercon 4499 Old William Penn Highway Murrysville P*A 1566*

Report of Analysis/Certificate of Conformance, 05130/2006l LIMS #: L28599 Project ID#. EN005-3P61-06 Received: 05/10/2006 Delivery Date: 05/24/2006 PO. #:: MCIL VI00 i Release #:


This is to certify that Teledyne Brown Engineering - Efivironmental Services located at 2508 Quality Lane, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37931, has analyzed, tested and documented samples as specified in the applicable purchase order, This also certifies that requirements of applicable codes, standards and specifications have been fully met and that any quality assurance documentation which verified conformance to the purchase order is on file and may be examined upon request.

I hereby certifý that the above statements are true and correct.

Ke'th Jeter N Operations Manager-/

Cross Reference Table

.Client ID Laboratory ID Station ID(if applicable)ý W4__ ___ ______

W5 1,28599-2 _

W7" ______ L28599-4 W8 L2859975 . ___.....

W9 L28599-6 _

. .... . w. ________ _ I L28599-8 r1 L28599-7. ... _....._ _

Report o.W alysis TELEDYNE 0 BROWN ENGINLERING, INC, 05/3.0/06:16:32 .A~eledyfola Tchnologids Comupany L28599 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-31P61-06 Sample ID, W4 Collect Start: 05/02/2o06 09G30 Matrix: Solids (SD)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 05/10/2006  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L28599-1 Radionuclide so#IAtvt-Uncertainty. I So Itt 2 sigma MDC Units Run Aliquot Aliqu nits t - Reference Date ICount D.. Time T Count

-Count Units I Flag Values c-14

___012-W0_1 <_1 141-3 1 2003 1 .4.87E-04 i 4,61,E-06 8.95E-07: uci/g _____2.007 I gwet _ I 05/26/06 50  ! M I u _ _

1. uci/g 12.0076 I BE-7 1! 2007 1 <  ! I 1.10E-0S 1I uci/g '238.51 g wet 1 gwet

_ 05/271061 gwet 105/02/06 09:30 F 05/19/06[

50 1: M I+ I 1I05/02/0609:30 I No T

-40. 2007 1 < _ _ I 4.52E-06 uci/g 1 238.51, 05/19/061 900 900 Sec '1

" Sec I Io CRK-0 1 2007 1 < I. ... . 41.19E-06 1 uci/g [ :238,51 I105/02/0609:30I gwet 05/19/06 900 1 sec l _____ o--T

.MN-54 152007 1 < I I 1.51E-06 1 uci/g 238.51 1 gwet 105/02/0609:30 F 05/19/06J 900 :1 Sec Jl0 1 ViS--

CO-57 1 2007 1 < _  ! 21.2E1-0 I uci/g 238.51

1 g wet 105/02/06 09:30 05/19/061 900 1 Scc I IU'&o IF CO-584 2007 1_ < 1.512E-06 1 FEC-59' 2007 <

1360E-06 uci/g .238.51 . gwet 105/02/0609:30 1 05/19/061 900 1: See J U _ I No I 1 uci/g 238.51 . .gwet,,

,0/26 09:30 F 0519/06 900 " See (Ut .

CO-60 1 2007..4.31E-05 1.36E-06 I ... uig .. .. 238.51 gwet 105/02/060930 105/19/061 900 Sec I I -es-N-65, 2007 1 <I 6.29E-06 1 uci/g 1 .238.51.1 gwet 105/02/0609:30 1 05/19/061

__ 900 1. Sec iu* I INn.1o NB3-94 2007 1 < I I 1.27E-06 uci/g i I 238.51 gwet, 05/0210609:30 1 05/19/061 900 1 Sec IUI N-fi-N -

ZB-95 T"06 < I I i.66E-06 I uci/g .1 238.51 I g wet 105/02/06 09:30 1 05/19/06! 900. 1 "Sec I U# I InN ZR-95 2007T < 1 _ 3.04E-06 1 uci/g i1 , 238.51 1 gzwet 105/02/06 09:30 1 05/19/061 900 I Sec fIUI Ii MO-99 7 200 TT < 1,[ 7.54E-04 1 .uci/g 1 1 238.51 1 g wet 105/02/06 09:30 1 05/19/061 900 1 Sec I-U1 t RU-103 1 2007 1 INo

< 1 1 1.439-06 F uei/g 1 1 238.51 1 gwet 105/02/0609:301 05/19/061 90 Sec lul . N--

AG-106 1:2007 1 < 7.54 3E-0.4 uci/g 1 I 1 238.51 g wet 105/02/06 09:30 1 05/19/061 900 1 See IUF [i No 11 SB-124106__ E2::@07 < 1.43E06 ui/g :23 238.51 11 05/19/061 1.917E-065 1 11 g wet 105/02/06 09-30 09:30

____________ ___.2007_1 uci/g 8.5 1 gwet/0 05/19/061 90 900 11Sec Se 1U UFI I I No S'.B-125 j 2007 1_.... < , .. 82E'06. uci/g i g wet 1 05/19/061 238.51 105/02/06 09:30 900 1 Sec IU I I No F 11-131. 1 2007 4.569E-06 I uci/g 1 238.51 1 gwet, CS-134

__< __ _ 105/02/06 09:30 1 05/19/06i 900 I Sec IU*d i NoF 1z 2007 __<  : 1.15E-,06 f uci/g I i 238.51 g wet 105/02/06 09:30 1 05/19/061 900 Set I I iNo-CS-1371 2007 < 1.415E-061 uci/g II 105/02/06 09:30 I 05/19/061

_ 238.51 gwet w 900 [1Seec ITU I No.. ,"

CA-140 F 2007 F < 1 1..02E-05 F 1 238.51. I gwet 105/02/0609:30 1 05/19/061 900 F Sec TWU 1 NoF LA-140 F 2007 F < I _ .1.44E-06 I uci/g 1. 1 238.51 1 gwet 105/02/06 09:30 1 05/19/061 900 1 See IU I NoFI CE-]I F12007" 1 < _ ____ 1.82E-06 1 uci/g 1 f 238.51. F g wet [05/02/06 09:30 :1'05/19/061 900 F Sec IU I I No CE-144 I 2007 F < 1 :1 5.76E-06 I uci/g Il [ 238.51 1 gwet105/02/0609:30 1 05/19/06! 900 1 Sec I U1 I 'fNo EU-152 .... ... I....2007 ..?....

1 1.37E-04.1

....... . 4,01E-06

. .,I  : . . 1 uci/" I, I 238,51. Ii............

g-wet 105/02/06 09:30 1 05/19/061 900 Sec 11+ .I T-ýf"

...... .:1 1 i 1".


Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte got detected or. less than 3.sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity:concentration exceeds MDC and.3.sigma; peak identified(gamma only)

U* = Compound/Anialyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds.MDC and 3.sigma Yes = Peak~identified ingamma spectrum

  • Results~are reported on an as received. basis High = Activity concentration. exceeds customer reporting value.

Spec* MPDCexqecds.customer technical specification unless otherwise noted.

L = Lw recovery H-1. 1Hi-gh recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration Page I of 16 B3olded.text:indicates reportable value.

Repoit oq aiysis .


05/30106 16:32 A Teledyte Technologies Company L28599 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3 P61-06 Sample ID:. W4 Collect Start: 05/0212006 09:30 Matrix' 'Solids  :(SD)

Station: Collect Stop. Volume:

Description; Receive Date, 05/10/2006 %Moisture:

LIMS Number; L28599-1 IActivity IUncertainty IRun IAliquo Aliquot Reference I Count count count Radionuclide SOPff Cone 2 Sigma MDC Units Volume Units Date. Date Time Units FlagValues EU-154 . .2007 7.31E-06 L,71E-06 uci/g 238.51 gwet: 05/02/06 09:30 05/19/06 900 See + Yes RA-226 1i. 2007... I 2.03&K05 I uci/g 1 1 *238.51 1 g.wet. 105/02/06 09:30 1 05/19/061 900 I..See U I I io.7 TH-228 I 2007 I < 1.63E-06 . uci/g 1 I 238.51 1 gwet 105/02/06,09:30 I 05/19/061 900 I See IU I I No

{TIH-232 '12007 I I " 5.591-06 . uci/g I 1 .238.51I g wet. 1 05/02/06 09:30 ] 05/19/061 900 1 Sec IU I I No I Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected or less than 3 sigma No. = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration.exceeds.MDC and3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes. =Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* - Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but rorced activity concentration exceeds. MDC and 3 sigma **** Results are reported as received basis Highb = Activity:concentration exceeds customer reportingvalue unless otherwise noted Spec = MDC exceeds~customer technical Specification L Low recovery L Lo recveiyPage 2 of 16 MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration 1- = High recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.

Report .0"/0 16 c~rialyslis TELEDYNE 1 BROWN ENGINLERING, INC.,

,05/30/06 16:32 A TeledyqeaTechnologies Company.

L28599 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3P,61-06 Sample ID:: W5 Collect Start: 05/02/2006 10:00 Matrix: Solids (SD)

Station:: Collect Stop:. Volume:


-eceive Date: 05/I 012006  % Moisture:

LIMS Number, L28599-2:

Radionuclide So FActiVity onc Uncertainty Sigma MDC IRun -Aliquot Units jiAliquot 1z Reference atets Count 1Count fCoun~t Flag Values C 2OP DC nit Volume unit Dae Date. Time 'nt C-14 032-80 1 i.12E-05 SSE.507]. " uei/g 1 218705 1; gwet 1: I 05/27/061 50 i M I+ I H-3 .2003 T 5 05E-04 1 3691E-06 I uci/g .... 1 2.8705 1 gwet 1. ........ 1ý05/27/061 50. M l +MV BE-7 _ _ 2007 .. -]

.......... 1I 8.35E-06' uci/g 1..' _ 1 269.48 F gwet F05/02/06 10:00 1ý05/19/061 900 1 See IU I I No I K-40 120071 < 1.'.5,77E&06 1 uci/g 1 _ 1 269.48 1 gwet. 105/02/06 10:00 1.05/19/061 900 I Sec IU* I INo l CR-51 '"2007 1 < 1 1 9,42E-06 1 uci/g 1 1 269.48 T gwet, r1o05/02/06 10.00 1 05/19/061 900 1 See TTUI U _I _ No I MN-54 1. 2007 . < ] ] 1.14E-06 I uci/g 11t 2.69.48.T gwet 1.05/02/06 10:00 1:05/t19061 900 1 See UTI 1 1 o0.

CO-57 F 2007 T < T [ 1.50E-06 I uci/g , 269.48 T gwet 105/02/06 10:00 1:05/19/061 900 1 Sec ,I*. 1 1. No"I CO-58 . , 2007 1 ..... < " __.... 1.27E&06 uci/g 1 269.48 T gwet 1.05/02/06 10:00 1 05/19/061 900 1 Sec. 1U I I No 1 FE-59 2007 . < 1I "_[_ 2.87E-06 uci/g 1 269.48 1 gwet. 1*05/02/06 10:00 !i 05/19/061 900 1 See Ul I.... No I CO-60 2007' 1 4.49E-05 1 1,23E-06 'I_....... _ uci/g . 1 269,48 1 gwet !05/02/06 10:00 1 05/191061 900 See + . I Yes I ZN-65 F 2007 "1_ <_ i .... ..1: 4476E-06 1 uci/g . 1 269.48 1 g wet [05/02/0610:00 05/19/061 900 1Sec 1]W _ No____.....

NB-94 F 2007 < 1_ _ - 9.71E-07 I uci/g i 1 269.48 F gwet 105/02/0610:00 I 05/191061 900 1 See I U I No NB-95 1 2007 F < T_ ;1.24E-06 I .uci/g. 1. 269.48 F gwet .05/02/0610:00 1 05/19/061 900 1 See .I U 1 1 No F ZR-95 1F2007 " <. I _ 2.31E-06 I uci/g 1: 1 269.48 F gwet 105/02/06 10:00 .1 05/19/061 900 1 See I U I I No I MO-99: 2007 f < F_' 5.79E-04 I uci/g Ii_ 1 269.48 1 gwet 1:05/02/06 10:00 1 05/19/061 900 1 Sec I u I INo .F..

RU-103 . 2007 1 < I f 1.1,08E-06 I uci/g 1- 1 269.48 1. g wet I05/02/06 10:00 1 05/19/061 9001 sSIc UAI F'No I RU- 106 2007 1 < I_ 9.07E-06 1 uci/g 1o 269.48 1 g wet. 1:05/01/06 10:00 Il 05/19/06! 900 I Sec i U0 ..... 1 No 1 AG-I1OM 1 2007 1 < ____' 1.03E&06 uci/g I i 269.48 .1 gwet 105/02/06 10:00 j 05/19/06! 900 1 S.c-C U] __" INo. I SB-124 F 2007 1 < [ 1.07E-06 I uci/g  :- 1 269.48 1. gwet 105/006 10:.00 . 05/19/061 900 1: See U I I No I SB-125 . 2007 F < 1 _: 2.27E-06 t uci/g T 1 269.48 i. g wet 105/02/06 10:00 1:05/19/06; 900. 1 See [ i I No:

.-131 .... ...1 2007 1: .......... I 3.57E-06 I uci/g  :. 269.48 1 gwet 105/02/06.10:00 - 05/191061 900 1 See i.U .I, I No i CS-134 f 2007 1 < . 1 8.98E-07 I uci/g :F 269.48 1 gwet 1-05/02/06 10:00 1 05/19/061 900 1 See rU I No I C8-1 37 1! 20071 < [ I 1.08i-06 I uci/g .F 269.48 F- gwet 105/02/06 10:00. F05/19/061 900 1 See I U I I No F-BA-I40 1 2007 1 < 1 I 8.018E-06 1 uci/g 1 1 269.48 1: gwet 105/02/06 10:00 F05/191061 900 1 Sec I U I I NI LA-140 1; 2007 1 < I_ _ 9.93E-07 1 uci/g I '269.48 F g~wet 105/02/06 10:00 1 05/19/061 90051 See I U I.. I No I CE-141 1 2007 1 < 1"1.42E-,06 I uci/g I , 269,48 1 g wet 105/02/06 10:00 F05/19/06! 900 1 Sec U] I [ No:!F CE-144 1! 20071 <tc 4.48E-06 1 uci/g _ _ F 269.48 1 gw*et 105/02/06-:60.1 05/191061 900 1 See IU _ " No V EU-152 I 2007 1.05E-04 1 3.10E-06 __[ __ uci/g 1 1 269.48 ggwet. 105/02/06 10:00 05/19/46. 900 Seec i+ 1Yes I Flag Values U - Compound/Analyte: not detected.or less than 3,sigma No = Peak not identified in gammaspectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and3, sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* Compound/Analyte.not detectedý Peak not idcntified, but forced activityconcentration exceeds:MDC and 3 sigma *** Results arereported on an as received. basis High. = Activityconcenttation,exceeds dustonmet reporting vialue unless otherwise noted Spec. = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration H = High recovery Page 3 of 16 Bolded text Indicates reportable value,

Report *Jialysis P'*


o0530/0.616:32 A Teledyne Tochn ologies Company L28599 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3P61-06 Sample ID: W5 Collect Start: 05/02/2006 10:00 Matrix: Solids (SD)

Station: Collect Stop; Volume:


Receive Date: 05/10/2006  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L28599-2 Radionuctide I Activity. Uncertainty I[Run Aliquot Aliquot I Reference I Count . Count Count

[ ..5E- 4 . SOP# i Cone

  • 2 Sigma MDC I Units :l.. # Volume Units Date I Date I Time Units FlagValues EJ-154 20.07 3.02E-06 uci/g 269,48 g wet 05/02/06:10:00 05/19/06'6 900 See U# No RA-226 2007 <. I 1.59E-05;1 uci/g I T 269.48 I wget 1 05/02/06 10:00 1 05/19/06T 900 I Sec U I . No "

T1_1-228 I 2007 1 I. I 1.34E-06 I uci/g I 269.48C 1 gWet 1:05/02/06 10:00 I 05/19/061: 900 sec ' U " I No "

TH-232 " 2007 [. I. I 4.56E-06 :1 uci/g I I 269.48 I gwet 705/02/06 10:00 1 05/19/061 900 1 See I U I. I -Ný'o Flag Values:

U = Compound/Analyte notdetectetd or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in~gamma spectrum!

+ = Activity.concentration. exceeds MDC and 3.sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma:spectrum U* Compound/Analyte not detected,. Peak notaidentified,cbutor~ed actiyity concentration exceeds MDCG and 3 sigma *** Results are reported on an as received basis High = Activityconcentration exceeds customer reporting value unless otherwise noted' Spec = MDC -exceeds custormer technicat specification L = LowretoyPry. MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration H = High.recovery Page 4 of 16 Bolded ,extindicates reportable value.

  • Re .port o9inalysis.


A0Tg!odyn'Teehnologies Comporty, L28599, Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3P61-06 Sample ID: W6 Collect Start: O5/02/2006 10:30 Matrix:. Solids (SD)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


ReceiveDate: 05/10/2006  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L28599-3 Aivt t Alqu t eferenceý ae t " ' [i aActiity Uncertainty Run Aiqut Aiquot eI I Count. ICount Count.

Radionuclide SOP# Conc 2 Sigma MDC Units # volume. UnitsL Date Date Time Units Flag Values C14 ............. ..... 032-80 9.21E(-06F 6.58E-07FI_ _ uci/g I 2.165 lg'wet 1 05/27/061 5o0 M 1+ ____ t H-3 I

  • 2003 I 2.79E_-04 1 3.39E-06 F " F uci/g ]: 2:165 F gwet F 1 05/27/06! 50 F M 1'" ___"_

BE--7 1 2007 ... 1 __..... 4.59E-06, I uci/g 1. ' 244.93 1 gwet [05/02/06 10:30 1:05/1.9/061 900 1"Secc T"i'_ " F _I&F K40 . z"207 '1 < F 1____ 2.65E-06 ' uci/g. 1__T 244.93 1 gwet [05102/06 10:30 1:05/19/061 900 F &Sec I U 1: [ Yes I CR-51 :2007 1 < I _ _ 4.84E-06 uci/g 1 244.93 1F gwet f _05/02/06 10:30 1 05/19/061 900 1 See, I U:I _ No.

MN-54 1 2007 i. < I_ _ 5.85E-07 1 uci/g. .I .. 244.93 F gwet V[0502/06 10:30 1 05/19/061 900 1 Sec I UI U _ No, I CO-57 "  ! 2007 ,I <________ ______ _ 7.87E-07 1 uci/g ____ 244.93 gwet 105/02/06 10:30 [ 0519/06! . 900 I Sece I-U* [ FNo F CO-58. 1 2007 '1.... < I " I 6.98E:07 uci/g 1 244.93 Fg wet ý05/02/06.10:30 1 05/19/061 900 See 'l UI U1  : No I FE&59 1. 2007 1 <: ..... 1.301E-06 i uci/g 1: 1 244.93 1 gwet 105/02/06 10:30 1:05/19/061 900 F Sec T' U I . N61I CO-60 1 2007 1 8.01E-061I5.54E-07 I...... I uci/g 1. 1 244.93 F g.wet F.05/02/06 10:301*: 05/19/061 900 I Sec IV+ 1 I .IYes 1 ZN-65 1 2007 F < ' _1_" _I 2.40]E-06 F uci/g I 244.93 F1gwet [05/02/0610:301 05/19/061 900 1 Sec IUll * [No I NB-94 1 2007. 1 < t F 4.80E-07 I uci/g I F 244,93 F g'wet 105102/06 10:30 1 05/19/06. 900 .1 Sec F .UI . _ ___-' --

NB-95: 1 2007 F <. F " " 6.84&-07 1 uci/g 1 F 1_ 244.93 F: g wet 1F05/02/06 10:30 1 05/19/061 9001 Sec': I] " FNo I ZR-95 1 2007 F < _ _ _I 1.22E-06 I uci/g . __ F 244.93 F g wet 105/02/06 10:30 1:05119/061 900 1 See I ]U: I I No I MO-99 " 2007 1 < '_.... l, 3.25E-04 1 uci/g F F 244.93 F g'wet 105/02/06 10:30 I. 0511.9/061 900 1 Sec. I UW ______No1 RU-103 . 2007 1 < F _ I 5.91E-07 I uci/g T, I 244.93 1 . gwet 105/02/06 10-30 F 05/19/061 900 Sec I U 1 F1 No I 11 *2007 F 244.93 NOIT-.V F1 gwet gwet.1 05/02/06<1030 F 05/19/06 RU-t06 2007 .! 1 AG-l.0M 1 .< _

<_______ _________1 I 4.731106 5.14E-07 1 Uci/g uci/g i 244.93 105/02/06 10:30- 0519/061

900 900 See 1Sec U ..

u: l i SB&.124 , 1 '2007 I < 1 I 5;47E-07 I uci/g F1, F 244.93 F! gwet 105/02/06 10:30 1 05/19/061 900 I Sec F'U 1 .1No I S131245 1 2007 < I_ 1.097-06 1 uci/g F 1 244.93 1 gwet 105/02/06 10:30 t 05/19/061 900 1 Sec FUTU I I.No I 1-131 2007 I < I ___"_.... 11.89E-06 I uci/g 1: I 244.93 I gwet. 105/02/06 10:30 5I7 05/19/061 900 1 Sec IU 1 _ 1No1 CS-134 12007 1 < I _ "_ 4.889E-07 1 uci/g 1 F 244.93 1 gwet 105/02/0610:30 I 05/19/061 900 1 See I U I I No-I CS-134 2007 1 < I ....... I 5.4521-07 '1 uci/g F1 F 244.93 1 gwet 1.05/02/06 10:30 .1 05/19/061 900 1 Sec L I Ia. -

. 2007 2007141

- < _- 4.234E-06 1 ucilg.: F 244.93 1 gwet :105/02/06 10:30 T 05/19/061 900 1 SecI *U I No I LA-140 I 2007 1 < 1_1 7.09E-07 1 ueig I i 244.93: gwet 105/02/06 10:30 1 05/19/061 900 1 Sec IU i IN%

CE-141 -',2007 1 < _ __ 7,32E-07 I uci/g  : -. 244.93 1 gwetl 05/02/06 10:30 I. 05/19/061 900 ' Sec. 0U I No 1.

CE-144 ]' 2007 .< 2,42E-06 i uci/g .. ____ 244.93 1 gwet 05/02/06 10:30 F 05/19/061 900 1 Sec U I __ No 1" EU-152 i 2007 1.80E-05, 9.30E-07 I. _ uci/g  : 244.93 'g.wet: 05/02/06 10:30F 05/19106i 900 I Sec + _

+i -_-_---

Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected or less than.3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma, peak idcntified(gamma only) Yes = Peak:identified in gamma spectrum U = Compound/Analyte not.detected :Peak.not.identified, but forced activity concentration.exceeds MDC and 3 sigma

  • Resultsarereportedon an asreeeivedbasis High = Activity concentration:exceeds.eustome- value: unlessotherwise reporting noted Spec = MDC exceeds.customer technical specification L = Low recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration H = High recovery -Page 5 of 1.6 Bolded.text indicates reportable value. -


05/30/06 16:32 ATeledyne acthologias Company L28599 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN0053P6.1-06 Sample ID: W6 Collect.Start: 05/0212006 10:30 Matrix: Solids (SD)

Station::. Collect Stop: Volume:


ReceiveDate: 05/10/2006  % Moisture:

LIMS Number', L28599-3 Acvity Uncertainty I Run Aliquot Aliquot I Reference C te Count, Count RadionuAlide SOP# Cotn 2 Sigma MDC I Units R Volume Units Date Date: Time Units FaVlu ERa-'154 d 2007 Cn< .l58E-06 uci/g 244.93 g Wet 05/02/06 i0:30 05/19/06 900 Sec U* No RA-226 2007 1 < "  : 8.59E-06 I uci/g 1I 244.93 I gwet 105/02/06 10:30 I 05/19/061 900 I See UI I . . I1o I TH-228 I 2007 < I 661E-07

.1 l ucilg I 244,93 1 gwet 105/02/06 10:30 I 05/19/061 900 sec ' U I YesK TH-232 I 2007 <r 2.43E-06 I ucilg I 244.93 I g wet 105/02/06:10:30 I 05/19/061 900 1: See IU :1No I Flag.Values U Compound/Analyte not detected or less than 3 sigma No = Peak notidentified in gamma spectrum

+ Activity concentration exceeds: MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes: - Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Analyte not detected, Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma **** Results are reported on an as received basis High = Activity concentration exceeds customerreporting value unless otherwise noted Spec MDC exceeds customer.technical specification L = Low. recovery Page 6 of 16 MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration H = High recovery Bolded text indicatesrreportable value.

0Report Apinalysies 05/30/0616 32BROWN 01632 TELEDYNE ENGiNEERING,+ INC.

ATeledyne Tachnologies Company L28599 Enercon Cory PdWit EN.005-3P61-06.

Sample ID: W7 Collect Start:. 05/02/2006'11,:00 Matrix: Solids: (SD)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:.


Receive Date: 05/10/2006 %0Moisture:

LIMS Number: :L28599-4 Radionuclide

.Activity, SOP* Con Uncertainlty 2Sigma MDC i

ItUnitsUnits Run -Aliquot.I AVolume Aliquot I o l Reference Date Count, Date Count Time


Units Flag Values C7I14 1 032-80: 1 L~~~~~~~~~~0/701 2.24E-06 1 _

5.97M-07 1__1 _ _ __ _


_ .1 _

1_ 1.9631 1

g wet I_ 05127/061. . I

__50 50 T M M I +__

+ 1 1 113 1 200311 1.89E--04 1 2w97E-06 1 1 uci/g: I 1_ 1.9631 1 gwet " " 11 05/27/061: 50: 1 M: I + I. 1 1313-7 12007 1 < ... _...... 1 2.43E-06 I Uci/g I 1 257,61 1 gwet 1'05/02/06: 1:00 1 05/19/061. 1800 I See IU I I No l K-40 _ _ 1 2007" 2.44E-06 1: 12613-06 1 . uci/g I. 1 257.61 1 gwet 1;05/02/06 1.1:00 105/19/06 1800 1 See I+ 1: YeT CR-51 1 2007 1 < 1 1 2.74E-06:6 : uci/g 1 1257.61 1 gwet 105102/06 11:00 . 05/19/061t 1800 11 See I U 1: 1 No]

MN-54 1 2007 1 < _ _ 3.14_*-07 1 uti/g r1 257'61 g wet 1,05/02/06 11:00 1 05/19/061 1800 1 Sec Iu __.... No1 CO-57 . 2007 1 < 1 1 4.22E-07 .1 uci/g 1 257.61 1 wet 105/02/06 11:00. 1 05/191061. 1 6 1 Sec I No 1 *o58 2007 _ _ 1 3.62E-07 I uci/g _. 1. 257.61 1 gwet 105/02/06 1.:00 1 05/19/061: 1800 1 See I U* I No I FE-59 . 2007 1 < 1 + I 7.60F-07 ..

I uci/g, . i.

I 257461 257.61 I ýgwet 105/02/0611:00 gwet 1:05/02/06 1:00 1 05/19/06i: 1800 T See c IU' 1Y-No I1 CO-60 2007 1 5.12Ei-06 1ý 2.83E-07 "____ "_ uci/gk _ _ I 1 05/19/061. 1800 :1 Set + 1:l -"

ZN-65 T 2007 11 1.33E-06. I uci/g 1 ,1 257.61 1 gwet 105/02/06 11:00 05/19/061: 1800 i See I U* I._ . No' NB-94 T oo7 < T I1 2.54E-07 1 uci/g 1 1 257.61 1 gwet* 105/02/0611:00 1 05/19/061: 1:800 1 See I U I: I No I NB-95 120071 < T[ _ __ 3.68E-07 1.I uci/g " 1 1, 257.61 1 gwet 105/02/06 11:00 1 05/19/061: 1800 1 Sec " U 1, 1 NoTI ZR-95 1 2007 i Z

< . I. 6.45E-07 I uci/g, 1 .J1 257.61 F gwet 1.05/02/06 11:00 1 05/1--9-/-061--7-800 1 Sec I. U 1: I No I MO-99 1 2007 < I' I 1.64E.04 0 I uci/g1 " __ 1 257.61 F gwet 1:05/02/0611:00 105/19/0*61 800!F Sec FUL-_: _ No 1.

RU4-03 F 2007 1 < I I 3.33E-07 .1 ucig 1I 1257.61 F 1. gwet 105/02/06 11:00 1 05/19/061: 1800 F See IU 1. I No .:

RU-106 F 2007 1 < I I 2.61E-06 I uci/g 1 1:1 257.61 ggwet 105/0210611:00 1 05*/9/061 1800 1 Sec" i.Ul _ I No I AG-1tlM F 2007 I <1 . 2.71 E-071 uci/g 1 1 257.61 g wet 1ý05/02/0611:00  ! 05/19/061: 1.800 i Sec: iU i _ F;NoI SB-124 r 2007 I < _ I 2.85E-07 F1 uci/g, 1 i 257.61 gwet 105/02/06 11::00 i 05/19/061 1.800 1 See IFU I., FNo I S13-1,25 1 2007 1 < F I 6.32E-07 F uci/g I1 257.61 gwet 105/02/06 11:00 1 05/19/061. 1800 1 See Uif I 1-13 1 .. 2007 F'_ ___ < I 9.48E&07 1 uci/gL I _ . 257.61 Igwet 105/02/06 11:00 1 05/19/061 1800 . Sec KUI [No-CS-134 1 20076F1 1 < . 1 2.50E-07 I uci/g 1 I 257.61 1 gwet 105/02/06 11:00 r: 05/19/061: 1800 .1 See IrU I No I CS-13.7 _ 2007 F < F .... . F 2.78E,-07 F uci/g 1 T 257.61 F gwet 105/02/06 11:00 1 05/19/061 1800 1 Sec F lU. _____

BA-i.40 1 2007 F < _.31E-06 2.I 1 UCi/g Fd 1 257.61 1 gwet 1FD5/02/06 11:00 'r /19/06171800 1 Sec iU __' I No-LA-140 1 2007 1 < 1 1 3.19E-07 I uci/g F 1 257.61 1 g wet 105/02/06 11:00 1 .05/19/061 1800 1 .Sec I u] : 1 No CE-141 1 2007 1 < F_ 4.04E-07 I uci/g: I_ 1 257.61 I gwet 105/02/0611:00 1 05/19/061. 1800 1 See I U V" I 'No 1 CE-_44__ 2007 F_ 1.31E-06 IIE uci/g.. 1 1 257.61 I gwet 105/02/0611:00 IF05/19/061 1800 1 Sec 1T U I I No I

_____ 1 2007 1 1.45E-05 I 4.86E3-07 Fr _ _ 1 Udi/g 1 257.61 I gwet 105/02/06 11:00 F 05/19/06 1800 1 Sec . 1, IYes I Flag Values U "=' Compound/Analyte not detected or lessythan 3 sigma No =Peak~not identifiedin gamma spectrum

+- Activity, concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma'; peakidentified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak notidentifled, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Results. are reported on an as.received basis High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value unless otherwise noted Sper = MDC exceeds customer technical specification:

L = Low recovery MDCG- Minimum Detectable Concentration H High recovery Page 7 of 16 Bolded teXt.indicates ,reportable. value..


05/30/06 16:32 ATeledyne Technologies Company.

L28599 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3P6,1-06; Sample ID: W7 Collect Start: 05/02/200611"00 Matrix: Solids (SD)

Station:'. Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 05/10/2006  % Moisture:

.LIMS Number:: L28599-4 I ciiy Uncertait Run! Aliquot Aliquot Reference :1Count -Count count E 1Radnuclide.SOP#. Cone 'ina MDC I units  :# Volume Units IDate Date Time Units Flag Values EU-154 2007 - 8.52E-07 ui0g/ 257.61 g wet 05/02/06 11:00 05/19/06 1800 See U* No RA-226 I 2007 <".1 [1 1:4.48E-06 [ uei/g . 1 257.61 gwet 05/02/06 1 1;

00 05/19/061 1800 1; See I U I I iNO I TIH--228 2007F F 4,57E-07 r 2.50E-07 I I uci/g i 257.6
1 9g wet. 05/02/06 11:00 1 05/19/061 1800 [ See I + I 1Yes I TH-232 . 2007 1 < F I 1.19E-06 I uci/g 1 1 257.61 1 g wet :105/02/06 11:00 I105/19/061
  • N 1800 i.8.6.

I SeeSe

.UI I. II Noo... I Flag Values U Compound/Analytemnot detected or less than 3 sigma No =.Peak not,identifiedin gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma;Tpeak identified(gamma only): Yes = Peak identified in gamma spectrum:

U* = CompoundlAnalyte hot detected, Peaknot identifiedi but.forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma Results are reported on received basis High = Activity concentration exceeds customer-reporting value unless otherwise noted Spec = MDC.exceeds customer technical, specification L = Low recovery Page 8 of 16 MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentration 1-1 High recovery.

Bolded text i.ndicates reportable~value..

Report. 0530 O aly 'is.



ATuiadyne Technologies.Company L28599 Enercon Cory DeWitt ENO05-3P61-06 Sample ID: W8 Collect Start: 05/021200611:30 Matrix: Solids (SD)

Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive hate: 05110/2006  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L28599-5 u e ... . Activity lUnertainty i Run Aliquot .AliquotI Reference I Count. Count Count.

RadionuclideSOP# Cone j 2 Sigma MDC j Units it Volume Units Date Date T Time Units Flag Values C-14 " 032-80 . 1.65E-06 5.55E'07-F .. ... I uci/g " I 2.0802 gwet _ _ __ 0 5/27/061 50 f M F F F 1I-I-3 BE-7 2003 :1 2007:1 1.47E,-04 2.56E-068 1 " ......

1 1__2.23E-06 I uci/g:.


" 1" .2.0802 1 229.23 g wet '1.... 1 05/27/061 105/02/0611:301 05/1I9/06 50 1501 1 M Sec i +

FU+ 1gwt FNo F-

.1 K-40 1 2007 1i 6.31E-06 1 1,87E-06. F_ I uci/g !229.23. 'gwet 05/02/06 11:30 P05/19/06! 1501 1 -Sec CR-51 2007 1 6 "061 .870 2.76E06 i uci/g I I 229.23 gwet 105/02/06 11:30 1 05/19/061 1501 1 See - U _ . No I fMN=54__

CO-57 1' 2007 "

1 2007 T 2<.



____ 3.42E-07

{ 4.39E-07 2


uci/g uci/g F ___

11 229.23' 229.23 1 gw*et.

gwet 105/02/06 11230 105/02/06 11:30 1 05/19/06!

1 05/19/061 1501 1501 1

1 Sec See r.1 t U* I

[__ 1Nol1

[No I 0N-58 1 2007 . <

<. ....... 13,88E-07 I uci/g 1 229.23 F gwet. 105/02/06 11:30 1 05/19/06 1501 1 See VLlI I No I FE-597 2007 F l_I6.66E-07 4"< 1 uci/g I1 1 229.23 1 g wet 105/02/06 11:30 1 05119/06.1. 1501 1 See I...I No I

CO-60 1 2007 12.33E-06< 2.59E-07 388E07 I uci/g l. F 229.23 1 gwet 105/02/06 11:30 1 05/19/061 1501 1 See. I '_ ,Ys1 No

-CN--60' ___ _ 2007'ý 2.33E-0

< 6 1 2uci/g 1F23E-06 _I 229.23 I g wet 105/02/06 11:30 F 05/19/06! 1501 1 Sec I +*I_.,, VNOT NB-94 2007 1 < F ......... 2.88E-07 1 uci/g 1 _ F 229.23. 1 gwet 105/02/06 11:30 F05/19/061 1501 Se [U .1No .

  • _NB-95 i_ 2007 _ < 1_ 1: 3.68E-07 1 uci/g F T__2_2F 229.23 g wet ,05/02/06 11:30 .1.05/19/061 1501 Sec I U NoV 1 ZIN-95 1 2007 1 < 1_ _ 5;93E-07 uci/g __ 1 229.23, 2 = g wet 105/02/06 11:30 1 05/19/06! 1501 See I U TN' -

MO-99 2007 i < 1 .__.1.49E-04 i uci/g r F 229.23 I g wet 1 05/02/06 11:30 J 05/19/061 1501 1 Sec [.U '_. .No l U-103._ 1 2007 1.... < I "_ .l: 2.94E-07 1 uci/g F F 229.23 :1. g wet 105/02/06.11:30 1 05/191061 i50i 1 See IU _ .1No I RU-I06 1" 2007 ' < l 1 2.44E-06 [ uci/g 1 1 229.23 I gwet 105/02/06 11:30 F 05/19/061 1.501 1 Sec I U _ ._No I_

RUG-II0M3_ 2007 1 1i 2.94&07"

-1 229.23 1 gwet 105/02/06

_ 11:30

_No_ T105/19/061_!50i_ See tFUF___

RU SB-124

_________ 2007 21.007 1

< I

. 1: 2.4406-0 307E-07 28 1 uci/g uci/g F .229.23 &~wet 105/02/ 06 1 1:30 1 05/19/061 1501 1 Sec UT 1_ .1 No 1 1 F F 229.23 1 g wet 105/02/06 11:30 1 05/19/061 1501 1 Sec IUU" __ I No 1 SB-125 1 20071 Z

< . 1 5.62E007 1 uci/g F_ 1 229.23 1 gwet 105/02/06:11:30 1 05/19/061 1501 1 Sec U I I1No I 1-131 1 2007 1 < I9.8E-07 12h 1 uci/g I_ 229.23 I g.wet 105/02/06 11:30 ' 05119)/061 1501 1 Sec .i-U iI No 1 1CS-134 2007 < _ 2.70E-07 9 i uci/gIr _.6/ 229.23 1 gwet 105/02/06,11:30 1 05/19/061 1501 1 See U I I No .1 CS-137 . 2007 1 < I I 3.OE-07 i uci/g I F 229.23 1 'gwet 1:05/02/06 11:30 1 05/19/0.61 1501 I See I U I I No-BA-140. ". 2007 i < 1 2.26E-06, I uci/g  ! 229.23 i gwet 1%05/02/06.1:30 1 05/19/06i 1501 1 See 1 FUI .... 1No. I

,LA_140. "_ 1_ 2007 1 < IF_ 2.78E&07 jl' uci/g "1 229.23 1 gwet 1:05/02/06;11:30 j 05/19/061 1501 "1 se U I I No 1 C1-141 12007 I < 1. i 3.93E-07 1 uci/g I 1 :229.23" 1 gwet 105/02/06.1:1:30 1 05/19/06 1501 1 S1ec r __o _ 1 No 1 CE-14 *! 2007 1 < 1_ 1.34E-06 I: uci/g. J 1 229.23. 1 gwet 105/02/06:11:301 05/19/061 1501 1. Sec IuU I No[

EU"152 "__1 2007


1 8.51E-06 I 5.11E-07

__. ....__ 1 ..... I 1 uci/g F229.23 2 1 . gwet 105/02/06 11:30 1 05/19/066 1501 F. See ____ i+ ;i-s IIIi....

... .I: iI"II . .. ...... .III ....

i....Iii I .. ] [ _ _ .__]..i......

I, .1 .

Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected or less than 3 sigma No Peak not~identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds.MDC and,3 ýsigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes =Peak.identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Analyte not detected. Peaknot identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma

  • Results are reported on anas received basis High = Activity concentration exceedsecustomer teporting value, unless otherwisenoted Spec =F MDC exceeds customer technical specification, L = Low recovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration U-I High recovery Page 9 of 16 Bolded text indicates. repoltable value.

.* *TELEDYNE'S Report #9 nalysis 0 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.

05/30/06 16:32 ATeledyne Teohnalogies Company L28599 Enercon Cory DeWitt ENOQ,5-3.P6 1-06

.Sample ID: W8 Collect Start: 05/02/2006 11:30 Matrix:. Solids. (SD)

Station: Coliect.Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 05/10/2006  % Moisture:;

LIMS Number: L28599-5:

SOP# " .1Activity Y Uncertainty Run Aliquot Aliquot. Reference Count Count, Count.

Radionuclide Cone 2 Sigma MDC Unitsi . Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values EU-!54 2007 < 8.83E-07 uci/g 229.23 gwet 05/02/06 11:30 05/19/06 1501 ýSec U*P: No RA-226 2007 .! < '" i47 1;0 c/  : . . 1...229.23 ] gw t: *1:05/02/06 i1t:30 [ ý05/19/06i .. 1501 i See" U ] I No I 8 ..... ..... 2007 TI-i-228 20073I .51.E-07 I uci/g . . I 229.23 1 g wet 105/02/06

. ... 11:30 005/19/06. I1501

'150 I1 Sec Se IU U 1 .I.. 1YO Vm222007 j < 1.32E-06 uig29.3 1g~wet 1,05/02/06 11:30 1L05/19/06i 1501 1 See 11.U, No Flag Values U - Compound/Analyte not detected oruless than.3 sigma No. = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and'3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes. = Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Analyte.not detected. Peak not identified, but forced!activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma

  • Results are reported on an-as received basis High Activity concentration.exceeds .customer reporting value unless otherwise noted Spec. = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L = Low recovery Page 10. of 16 M.DC " Minimrurm.Detectable Concentration 1- :High recovery Bol.ded text indicates reportable value.

Repeot 1 naysis "05130/0616:32 TELEDYNE0 BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.

A Teledyne Technulogies Company L28599 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3P61-06 Sample ID: W9 . CollectStart: 05/02/2006:12:30. Matrix:. Solids (SD)

Station: .Collect3Stop: Volume:


Receive Date': 05/10/2006.  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L28599-6.

Radionuclide.. .. ~~on SOPff Activity Conc Uncertainty 1

2 ..Sig Sigma . .. . MDC U


' Run j Aliquot

. V oUnits Aliquot:

.olume Reference

,, Date Count Dateae Count.

i e Count Units U iS Flag Values C-14 F.032-80 81 1.25E-06 1 6.32E-07  : r uci/g 1.7925 1 g.wet f :105/27/061 50 m M + I.

H-I-3 2003 1T.23E-04 1 2.57E&06 1 ......... uci/g I 1.7925 g wet F 1:05/27/061 50 1 M I+ 1 11 BE-7 2007 1 _! .< _. 1.72E-06. 'uci/g 1 1203.66 1 g wet  ! 05/02/06 12:30 1:05/19/061 1800. 1" Sec I U I " I No .

K-40 1 2007 T 7.08E-06 i 1.89E-06 _____ uci/g . " 203.66 I g wet 105/02/06 12:30 :1 05/19/061 1800 F Sec I + I 1Yes I CR-51 1: 2007 ,1 < 1_ _ 1;90E&06 uci/g 203.66 1 gwet: 1'05/02/06 12:30 [ 05119/061 1800 [ Sec I U . N MN454 . 2007 < 1_. 2.15E-07 uci/g I1 .1 203.66 1 gwet 105/02/06 12:30 1 05/19/061 1800 1 See I U I No CO-57 . 2007 T I l_

1. 3,02E-07 1 uci/g 1 1 203.66 1 gwet [05/02/06 12:30 :1 05/19/061 1800 1 Sec 'I U* ___"1 No F CO-58 I 2007 T < 2.23E-07 1F ucig .1 1 203.66 1 g wet 105/02/06 1.2:30 1 05/19/061 1800 1 Sec I U I I No ]-

FE-59 1 2007 1 < 1 F 4.51E-07 I uci/g I_ 1 .203.66 1 g9wet 105/02/06.12:30 1 05/19/061 '1800 1 sec lu I- _ 1No CO-60 F 2007 1 9.15E-071 1.50E-07 1F...... F uci/g I 1 203.66 g.wet 105/02/06 12:30 1 05/19/06 1800"1 Sec I + I IYes ZN-65 2007 1 1 1 F 9.04E-07 1. uci/g 1 1 203.66. g wet r05/02/06 12:30. 1 05/19/06[ 1800 1 See "1 u* I . No T 1NB 1 NB-95 94 * ;2007, 2007 T __

1I FF1.86E-07 1 .uci/g _ 1 203.66 1 g:wet 105/02/0612:30, 1 05/19/061 1800 1 Sec t UN.I U[ ....

_ _ 2.60E-07 1 uci/g I. 1 203.66 j gwet 105/02/06.12:30 i 05/19/061 1800 1. See I U 1 .. :1No

[ZR-95 ' " I2007 i _ _ 4.85E-07 4203.66 i uci/g... t. il I gwet 105/02/06 12:30 1 05/1.9/061 1800 i: Sec I"U __" FNi MO799 -. 2007 1 < t I1.15E-04 ý. uci/g 1 . 203.66 1 gwet !05/02/06 12:30 1 05/19/061 1800 1 See " I _U___ N .I RU-103 [2007 F < 1 2.26E&07 1 uci/g 1 1 .203.66 1 gwet 105/02/06.12:30 1 05/19/061 1800 1T See I UI itNo_ ..

RU-106 F 2007 F1 < "_1 1.69E&66 1 uci/g 1 1 203.66 1 gwet :05/02/06 12:30: 1 05119/061 1800 __U INoNoSecl "

AG-I IOM [ 2007 F < 1 F 1.96E-07 I1 uci/g 1 1 203.66[ gwct 105/02106 12:30 1 05/19/061 1800.1 Sec ITU __ No -

SB-124 12007 [..... ]. F 2.38E-07 I uci/g 1 1 203,661 g Wet 105/02/06.12;:30. ] 05/19/061 1800 1 See 1u NI S1-125 1 2007 F < 1 5.09-07 ), uci/g I 1 203.66 1 zg wet 105/02/0612:30: 1 051199/06 1800 1 Sec I 1- .No 1-131 2007 <_____,1[ 1 7.74E :1 uci/g 1 1 203.66 F gwet 105/02/06 12:30. 1 05/19/061 1800 1 Sec [o NO CS-134 2007 F [ 1 2,25E-07 uci/g _ 1 203.66  !; gwet F%05/02/06: 12301 05/19/061 1800 1 See iU 1! 1 No -


  • 2007"F Z

< I 1.97E-07 I F uci/g.

g __ 203.66 1 gwet [:05/02/06.12:30:1 05/19/061 1800 1 Sec, U i I[No I BA-140 12007 < i 11E-06 6 1 uci/g , 203.66. gwet 1:05/02/06:12:30 1 05/19/061 1800 1 Sec ["I _ ":N-0 [-

LA-140 1 2007 1 < 1 I 4.03E-07 I uci/g 1. 203.66 :g wet 105/02/06 12:30 1 05/1910611 1800:1 See I U I I__o I:"

._CE-141 1 2007 1 < I 3.17E-07 I uci/g 1_  : 203.66 1 gwet [:05/02/06 12:30 1 05/19/061 1:800 1 Se1 [WI _ No I CE- 144 11 2007 [ < 1.

[ F 9.22E-07 *I uci/g 1... 1 203.66 1 gwet [05/02/06 12:301 05/19/061: 1800 1 See I.U I ' I'_

No I EU-152

__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ FI 1 2007 1 5.72E-06 1 3,46E-07 I . ... .

1 1 uci/g


1 ...... :.1... 203.66 I ..........


gwet [05/02/06 12:30 1 05/19/061:

.... . .,F 1800 1 See I.+ I I__ __ _ __

I Yes Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte~not detected or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ =. Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes = Peak identified ingamma spectrum

= Compoind/Analyte not detected., Peak not identified, but forcedtactivity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma *** Results are reported on an as received basis High - Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value unless otherwise noted Spec = MDC exceeds customer L Low. recovery, Page 1.1 of 16 MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration H = High.recovery Bolded text indicates reportable value.

Report Analysis A

  • " 9


05/30/06 16:32 ATeledyne Technalogies Company L28599 Enercon Cory DeWitt ENO05-3P6,1-06 Sample ID: W9 Collect Start: 05/02/2006 12:30 Matrix: Solids (SD)

Station, Collect Stop: Volume:

Description" Receive Date: .05/10/2006 %Moisture:

LIMS Number: L28599-6 Activity Uncertainty. Run. Aliquot Aliquot Reference Count Count Count Radionuclide SOP# Cone 2 sigma MDC Units # Volume Units Date Date Time Units Flag Values EU-154 2007 < 6.11E-07 uci/g "203.66. ýgwet 05/02/06 12:30 05/19/06 1800: Sec U* No RA-226 1 2007 < 1 '3.55E-06 i uci/g . 203.66 I gwet 105/02/06:12:30 I 05/19/061 1800 1 Se* IU I I No I

!TH-228 . 2007 I 3.88E-07 i 1.93E-07 uci/g I 203,66 gwet 105/02/0612:301 05/19/061 1800 1: Sec I"'¥'+ Yes I ITH-232. 2007 < 8I18E-07 i ucilg . 203.66 .gwet 105/02/0612:30 1 05/19/061 1800 1 Sec I U I No I Flag Values U . Compotnd/Analyte'not detected or less.than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified:in gamma spectrum

  • ÷Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamma only)* Yes - Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Analytenotcdetected, Peak.not identified, butforced aciv ty concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma ****Results are reported on an as received basis High = Activity concentration exceeds customerreporting value :unless otherwise-noted Spec MDC exceeds customer techneial.spedificationh L = Lowrecovery Page 12 of 16 MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration
H = High recovery Bulded text indicates reportable value.

Report #nnalysis05/3/06.6:32BROWN TELEDYNE 0 ENGINEERING, INC.

05/30/06-16-32 ATeledyne Techhologies Company L28599 Enercon Cory DeWitt EN005-3P61-06 Sample ID: W11.0 CollectStart: 05/02/200601:00 Matrix: Solids. (SD)?

.Station,: Collect Stop: Volume:

Descriptiont Receive. Date: 05/10/2006  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L28599-7 Radionuclide UP Activity......

Cone Uncertainty 2Sigma . MDC [ aUnitsRun Aliquot, Volume VtsR Aliqupt Units, Reference

.Date count.

Date Count Time: Count:

Units lgVle Flog Values C-.i4 1 032-80 1 1.46E-06F11 4.36E1-07..] _" _ uci/g __"_ F 2.6671 1 g wet I_05/27/061 50 . M I - I_ _ .

H-3 . 2003 F 2.52E-040T 2190E.06' . f I uci/g F F 2.6671 1 gwet I 1 05/27/061. 50 1 M  ! +.___ I:

BE-7 1"2007 I *< . 3.21E06 I.. uci/g FF 251.55 1 g wet 105/02/0601:00 1 05/19/061 1440 1 Sec: 1. 1 N; I...

K-40 12007 " < . 1.53E&06 I uci!g F F.251.55. g.wet 105/02/0601:00 1 05/19/06 1440 1 Sec; I U _I I Ysl CR-5i 1 2007 F 1 :3.58E-06 I uci/g i F 251.55 1 gwet 105/02/06 01:005F005119/061 14401 Sec u 1 Ul NoY MN54 12007 < F4.46V-07 1 uci/g 1 251.55 g-wet 1:95/02/06 01:00 F 05/19/061 1440 1 Sec: 1IU. ! No CO-57 I 2007 F < :1_ 6.05E-07 1 uci/g i 25.1.55  ; g wet 105/02/0601;00 1 051191061 14401 Sec [ U*] _ I No L.

CO-58 . 2007 F < F_ _ 15,07E-07 1 uci/g. IF 251.55 1 gwet 105/02/0601:00 1 05/19/061: 1440 1 Sec; L 11U j ] No :1 F 105/02/0601:00 F05/19/06 11 gwet FE-59 . 1 2007 [ < 1.. ' 1 1.01E-06 II uci/g -1 25.1.55 1440 1 Sec . ]._U _ I No I

.CO-60 1 '.2007 '] .39F.06 3.99E-071 _ _"__" uci/g F _ F 251.55 g~wet 105/02/0601:00 1 05/19/061 1440 1 See IV ..... -Y--

ZN-65 1 2007 1 < F&

13 ....... I71.77E-06 I uci/g F 1 251.55 1 gwet 105/02/0601:00 1 05/19/061 1440 1 Secý F*.f--I "1__

NB-94 "2007 F < F1 I 3.82E-07 I uci/g 1 . 1 251.55 1 g wet 105/02/06 01:00 1 05/19/061 14401 Sec Iul _ I_--

NB-95 1 2007 1 < _ _ IS.00E-07A LI 'uci/g F _ 251.5 I gwet .05/02/06.01:00 F05/19/06 1440 1'Sec U] 1.No 1 ZR-95 . . I 2007 F < I_ _ I.8.46E-07 I uci/g 1 I 251.55 1 g wet 105/02/06 01:00 F 05/19/061 1440 1 Sec -U _" INo "

M3-995 2007 F.. < 1_ _ 12.44E04 i uci/g: __ 1 25)1.55 1 gwet 105/020601.:00 F 05/19/061 1440 1 .Sec [ ]U _ 1 No I RU-103 '2007 I* I 4.42E-07 uci/g 1 251.55 1 gwet 05/02/0601:00.05/19/061 1440 . Sec IU I ._INo-I U-106 1 2007 1_- I I 3.48E-06 i uci/g 1 251.55 1 gwet 105/02/06 01:00 440 1 See

'.05/19/061 U I No.

AG-10M 2007 < . _ Ii 3.94E-07 I uci/g F F 251.55 1 gwet 105/02/0601:00 05/19/061 1440 1 See I I 1 NoW RSB-124 1 2007 ' _ 1:<4,23E-07 I uci/g F. I 251.551 gwet 105/02/0601:00 F 05/19/061 1440 1 Sec IUI . Nol B-125 ,1 2007 1 <. .1 - I 8.75E-07 I uci/g F F 251.55 I: g wet 105/02/06 01-00 1 05/19/061 1440T1 See I U IT1 No I 1-13:1 2007 1 < 1.35E-06

.1 I uci/g _ _ F 251.55 1 gwet 105/02/0601:00 1 05/19/061 1440 1 Sec IU 1 1.NoT CS-134 1"2007 1 < I 1: 3.64F-07 I uci/g F 1 251.55 1 g wet 105/02/06 01:00 [ 05/19/061 1440 1 Se1 No I CS-13M [_ 2007 1 < F !_ 4.23E-07 I uci/g F_ 251.55 1. g.wet 105/02/06 01:00 1 05/19/061 1440 1 1 See 1 1 No

.BA-_140 1_2007_ 1 < 1:_3.10E-06 uci/g 1_ 1 251.55 " gwet. 105/02/0601:00 1:05/19/061 1440 I See . UT No I LA-140 I. 2007 ;1 < I _ _ _ 5,16E-071 uci/g F i 25:1.55 1 g wet 105/02106 01:00 1. 05/19/061' 1440 1 Sec I U 1 1lNo I CE-141 1 2007 1 < 1 7 . 5.45E-07 I uci/g F 1 251.55 1 gwet 05/02/06 01:00 F105/19/061 14401 Sec l ' I[.LNo C-144 ".... 1......

2007] <_______1__ 1 1.76E-06 I. uci/g F 251.551 .. gwet..05/02/06 01:00 1 05/19/06 1440 1: Sec I U-I I No EU-152 1.'2007 251.55 1 g.wet I 05/02/06 01:00. I 05/19/061 1440 1 Sec 1+

,. _________________ . .. I............ , 1 __,1.75E-05 1 7.31E-07 1

________ I.... ._______________,___I .


. [1 ____ 1I _______ I 7 1 mIIIIIIZ...... . . . . ,,.".,I,,,ii'i'1,IIIIIi. I .....____ I Yes]T Flag. Values U = Compound/Analyte not-detected or less than 3sigma No, = Peaknot identified ingainmia spectrum

+ = Activity concentration %exceedsMDC and'3:sigma; peak identified(gamma only) Yes. = Peakidentified in gunma spectrum U* = Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma

  • Results arereported on an asreceivedbasis High = Activity concentration exceeds.customer reporting value unless otherwise noted Spec = MDC exceeds. customer technical specification L Low recovery MDC - MinimuumDetectable Concentration H = Highrecovery. :Page 13 of 16 Bold-ed text indicates reportable value.
  • ,djj TELEDY¥NE 9

ýReport, 9O alysis BBOWN.ENGINEERING, INC.

05/30/06.16:32 A Teledyne Technologies Compeny L28599 Enercon Cory De.itt EN005-3 P61-06 Sample ID W: Collect'Start: 05102/2006 01:00. Matr -Solids . . (SD)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:


Receive Date: 05/10/2006  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L2.8599-7

.... ........ eActivityUncertainty Run Aliquot'Aliquot Reference "ount Count Count uclideCone 2 Sigma MDC Units 7 Volume Units Date :Date Time Units. Flag Values EU-154 2007 < 1.22E-06 uci/g 251.55 gwet 05/02/06 01:00 05/19/06 1440 Sec, U* No RA-226  ;.2007 < . 6.32E-06 I uci/g 1: 251.55 ' gwet I05/0210601:00 I 05/19/061 1440 Sec  : U If [No TH-228 I 2007 6.33E-07  ! 2.65E-07: I  : ucilg 251.55 i gwet [05/02/0601:00 i 05/19/061 14401 Sec " + I Yes1 TH-232 . 2007 ' 1.66E-06 ucilg 1 2511.55 I gwet. 105/02/06 01:00 1 05119/061 1440- I Sec IUi ] No T Flag Values U Compound/Analyte-not detected orless than 3 sigma No =Peak not-identified in gammna.spectrumn

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma;:peak identified(gamma only) Yes - Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* = Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma ****Results are reported on an as received basis

  • High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value unless otherwise noted Spec = MDC exceeds customer technical specification L Low recovery Page 14 of 16 MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration 1-1 = High recovery Bolded: text.indicates reportable value..

0 'Repor 0- -wlysisTE .LEDYNE@0 3Repor6t na2ysis BROWN ENGINLERING, INC.

.05/30/06 16:32 ATeledyne Technologies Company L28599 Enercon Cory.DeWitt EN005-31P61-06.

Sample ID:ý Wlt CollectStart: 05/02/2006.0130 Matrix: Solids (SD)

Stati.on:: Collect Stop4 Volume:


Receive Date: 05/10/2006  % Moisture:

LIMS Number: L28599-8 Radionuclide SOP# I[ Activity f

Con lUncertainty 2 Sigma I I MDCUnits Run Aliquqt Aliquota[ Reference Count Cout Time. unt its Flag Values

.C-14 f. 032-80 ;, 9.29BE-06 It 6127B-07 VI. +- II

..... i uci/g I I 2.3037= I g wet 05/27/061 I M H-3 12003 "682E-04 T 1m05/27/061 . 50 5,07E-06 1...... 1 uci/g Ii ý 2.3037 gwet 50 1 M ___

BE-7 1 2007 ... < ___..... I 8,<0E-06 I ucilg _ 1 271.4 gwet 105/02/06 01:30 1 05/19/061 1200 1 See l l o-_-F--

K-40 I---2-007 t < ......... "5.43E-061 1 ucl/g 1 1 271.4 1 gwet 105/02/0601"30 1 05/19/061 1200 1 Sec. IU* I I No ,

CR-51 1_ 2001 d .< :_

8.86E&06 -1I 1 1 05/19/061 1 2007 1

_ _ 1 -ui/g 271A4 gwet 105/02/06 01:30 1200 1 Sec, l U " I No I MN-54 < T I 1.09E-06 1 ucilg. 1 .1 271.A4 gwet 105/02/0601:301 05/19/061 1200 1 See: IU I [N CO-57 _ _ _ 2007 :1. < i_ _ 1.44<-06 uci/g 1 11 271.4 1 gwet 105/02/0601:301 05/19/061 1200 1 See I U*1 I No--

CO-58_'___ ..........

_I 2007 1 < _ I*1.22F,-06 1 uci/g 1: [T 271.4 I gwet 105/02/0601:30 1 05/19/061 1200 I Sec I. U I I NoIt FE-59 2007 1.. <. 1 ...

_ 1:_. 2.61E-06 I uci/g I. I 271.4 1 gwet. I 05/02/06 01:30 1 05/19/061 1200 See IU I NOTI ICO-60 1 2007 A 4.42E,-O5 I L08E-06 I I uci/g -1 1 271.4 1 g wet 105/02/06 01:30 1 05/19/061 1200 Sec I + I Yes I ZN-65 1 2007 .1 < I I 4.,47E-06 7 1uci/g 271.4 1 gwet 105/02/06 01.:30 [ 05/19/061 1200 Sec [ U* I 1No I NB-94 1 2007 __ <_ _ _ I U88619-07 I uci/g _ -- 271.4 gwet 105/02/0601:30 1 .05/19/061 1200 1 Sec VU I No I 1NB-95 1 2007 1__<. _,__11.17.E-06 . 1 uci/g F F 271.4 1 gwet 105/02/06 01:30 F05/19/06 1200 *I See. I U i."No ...

ZR-95 1 2007 1 < F_ _ 2.19E-06 1 uci/g " F 271.4 1 g wet 105/02/06 01:30 F05/19/061 1200 1 Sec IUI 1No I MO-99 1 2007 1 < 1I 1 5.80E-04 l uci/g [1 271.4 1 gwet 105/02/06 01:30 1 05/19/061 1200 1 Sec IU i I.No I "RU-103 1 2007 1 .< J_ _ 1.03E:06 1 uci/g F F 271.4 g wet 105/02/06 01:30 [ 05/19/061 1200 1 Sec IU I RIU-.106 . 2007 1 ' 1 uci/g No I

< _- 8.331 -06 [1 271.4 1, ' gwet I05/02/06 01:30 1 05/1.9/06 1200 Sec UT _ 1TN1 AG-I IOM 1 2007 1 < 1 1. 9,41E-07 1 uci/g I I 271.4 1 gwvet 05/02!0601:30 F05/19/061 .1200 1 Sec I-U I NoI SB-124 . 2007 1 < lt 9.729-07 1 uci/g *F 271.4 1 gwet 105/02/0601300 05/19/06 12QO 1 sec U "l Noo1 SB-125 2007 '1 . < _ _ __ 2,06E-06 T uci/g F 271.4 I giWet 105/02/0601:30 . 05/19/061 1200 Sec VW U ____ i No 1-131 1 2007 i1 < ...... 1I 3.42E-06 I uci/g f 271.41 gwet 105/02/06 01:30 05/19/061 1200 1 . Set 1U. ',,1 1 No]I CS-134 1! 2007 1 < F . 8.16E-07 I uci/g I 271.4 11 gwet 105/02/0601:30 1 05/19/061 1200 1 Sec 'U I F7

.1CS-137 1"2007 < _ _ 916 9,75E-07 1 uci/g " 271.4 I gwet 105/02/06:01:30 F 05/19/06i 1200 1 Sec IU I lNo I 1BA-140 1 2007 1 < I 7.581&06 1 uci/g I 271.4 1 .gwet 105/02/06 01:30 1 05/19/061 1200. 1 See 1 U l1 No1 CE-140 1 I 2007 ý1.02E-06 < _ _ 1 T uci/g 1 . 271.4 1 , gwet 105/02/0601:3.0 1 05/19/061 1200 1 Sec IU-l ' NoI C-141 1 20071 < I

  • I 1.341E-06 I uci/g 1 1 271.4 I gwet. 105/02/06 01:30 1 05/19/06 1200 1 Sec UF _... I No, I CE*-144 1 2007 ' < 11 1 4.18E-06 I uci/g I11 271.4 1 g'wet 1,05/02/06:01:30. 1 05/19/061 1200 1 See IU 1 No I EIJ-152 1 2007 1 1.291E-04 1 2.85E-06 1 _ _ uci/g 1 271.4 1 gwet 105/02/06 01:30 1 05/.19/061 1200 F See ]+ I !I-Yes--

Flag Values U - Compound/Analyte not detected or less than 3 sigma No = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MOC and 3 sigma' peak identified(gamma only) Yes -=Peak identified ingamma spectrum U* = Compound/Analyte not detected, Peaknot identified, but forced:activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma

  • Results arereportedonman as receiyedbasis High - Activityconcentration exceeds.custorner reporting value unless otherwise noted Spec - .MDC exceeds custonier technical specification L = Low recoveryr MDC - Minimum.DetectableConcentration 1 = High rccovery Page, 15 of 16 Bolded text indicates reportable value.

0 Report *knalysis 05/-30/0616:32



ATeledyne Technologies Company L28.599 Enercon.

Cory DeWitt, EN005-3P617-06 Sample ID: WI . Collect Start: 05/02/2006 01:30 Matrix: Solids (SD);:

DStation: Collect Stop: Volume:

Description.- Receive Date: 05/10/2006  % Moisture; LIMS.Number: L28599-8 1Activity Radionuclide SOP Conc

!Uncertainty 2Sigma IR4un I MDC ....... Units j N Aliquo Volume o Aliquot 1I . Reference

. Count Date Count 1 Time Count Units Flag Values EU-154 2007 < 2.89EA06 uci/g 271.4 -g wet 05/0210601.:30 05/19/06 1200 Sec U* No RA-226 2007 I I .5oE-05 uci/g .. I 271.A4 g.wet 105/0210601:30 ] 05119/061 1200 1 Sec: IU I I No I.

TH-228 2007 I < I 1.27E-06 uci/g 1 1 271.4. 1 .g.wet "f05/02/06:01:.30 1 05/19/061, 1200 1 See :U I No I ITHT1232 2007 < 1 3.97E-06 I uci/g -1 271.4 1 gwet 105/02/06 01:30 1 05/19/061 1200 1 See IU I I No I Flag Values U = Compound/Analyte not detected.or less than 3 sigma No, = Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+ = Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gamnma only) Yes =Peak: identified in gammawspectrurn U* = Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak.not identified,.but forced: activity.concentration exceeds MDC and'3 sigma

  • Results arereported on an as rcceivedwbasls High = Activity concentration exceeds customer reporting value unless otherwise noted Spec MDC exceeds customer technical specification L - Low recovery: MDC - Minimum Detectable.Concentration H = H-ligh recovery Page 16 of 16 Bolded .text indicates repo!rtable value.

Chain of Custody Record

)~g~ C~ j9~

Services, Inc.

LaboratoryLaborator Contact...

COntact P T Dwit Corey Dewitt. Site C*ontact: Dan Jordan Dae Date: 59/2006 COC No: 0004 Name:, Teledyne'Brown Engineering Tel/Fax: 724-733.8711: Lab


Rebecca Charles Carrier FedEx Page I of I Address: SapeRciigAnalysis Turnaround Time JbN 09 2508 Quality Lane 0 Other. (Specify)i days Xnoxville:TN3.7931 "300Daye S _ __o.

Phone: 865-934*0379 021 Days: SDQNo.,

FAX. 14 Days: a ,

Project: VUnversityyofWaahiington 7 Days P0#:" MCILVI0I1 z; Sample Sample Sample: "of 1~~

Sample Identification Date Time *Type Matrix coot L , Sample SpeificNotes:

W4 511/2006 9:30 AM Concrete Solid 1. X x .x x x x . x :NI W5 5/2/2006 10:00 AM Concrete Solid 1 x x x x N W6 5/2=2006 10:30,AM Concrete Solid I x x x *: N W7 5/2/2006 111:00 AM Concrete Solid 1 X Ix x x INN _X V8 5/V/2006 11:30AM Concrete Solid 1 x

,x xxx *. N W9 5/2/2006 12:M0.PM Concrete Solid .1 X X X xxX N W10 51212006 1:00AM Concrete Solid 1 x x xX X NI Wit 5/2/2006 1:30 AM Concrete Solid 1 N I Preservation Used. I.= Ice, 2= HCl, 3=1004, 4=100340, 5NaO1, 6= Other N-None

=, ,

Possible HazardIdentaficaton. .posalf

.le fee y be assess iwn are rtetaindilnger* han I nmonth)

[O.Non-Hazard .3 Flammable 0 skin inlrritant 03 Poison 8 0 Unknown 13 Return to CIent EMDlsposal by Lab 21 Archlve fbr 30 Months / Weeks / XDays (circle one).

Special.Iaistructions/QCRequlrements & Comments: Email results toDan Jordanatdjordsn@enacon.coim. Phone 804-384-8081. BillProject.using arefereioe. is CoreyDowitt at Phone 724-733-8711.

Relinqoished by: Dan Jordan Company:. non Date/Time: 19-06 Rceiyed y:, Company: Il Date/Time:

_ 4,0OPM b Y,,j "v" .4 /o 6C(_ /__I.. 0 Relinqaished by: Company-. DatelTime: Received by: Company: Date/Time:.

Relinquished :by: Company: jDate/Time:. Recived by: Company: Date/lTimc:

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 41 - Final Bioshield Analysis for Hard to Detect Radionuclides UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Co/Eu to Hard-to-Detect Nuclide Ratio Analysis Regulatory Guide 1.86 Criteria Removable 0-y' Co/Eu Total H-3 Total 2 dpmrrlOOcm2 dpm/100cm dpm/1OOcm2 1000 5000 5000 Reduced Total Criteria Reduced -y f Derived H-3 dpm/1O0cmM2 dpm/1OOcm2 Unity Value

__ '....7 ____ 3160 0.97 Reduced Removable Criteria Removable P-y Derived H-3 dpm/100cm2 dprn/m00cm2 Unity Value 34PO~>~ 632 0.97 HTD Sample Analysis Ratio Co/Eu (pCi/g)

T (pCi/g)

HTD HTD to Co/Euo Co-60 Eu-152 Eu-154 H-3 C-14 Ratio 1.06E+00 3.62E+00 nd 8.70E+00 nd 1.86>


12/0.1/06 16:13 ATodyoThatnologios Company L30509 Enercon Cory DeWitt ENOO5-3EREG,-06A Sample: D: 'W13. Collect Start: 1.1/08/2006 M7M.30 Matrix: ,Solids (SD)

Station: Collect Stop: Volume:,

Desctiptionw; ReceivoDate;I 1.1/16/2006. %Moisture:

LIMS Number. L30509-14 Radionuclide Sop#

Activity Coup Uncertainty 2Signa MDC IRun Units 1, Aliquot Vole, fAllqtsot units Reference Date jCount Date Count Count Unitsime Flag Values C-14 20031 < I '9.38E-01 7..... 1 pCl/g 1 517033 F gwet 1 ___ .... 112/01/061 101 M' VUi.Speo.

H-3 F 2003 1 8.7066+001 i.01E+00 I I pCl/g [. 5.7033 F gweti. 1 1 12101/061 10 1 M 1+ I BE-7 I 2007 I < I _ 3,21E-01 1 pCi/g I [ 414.37 1 g dry 111/08/06.17:301 1fI/28/061 23400 1 See U I I NoF K-40 1 2007 1 4.54B.+00 f 4.36E-013 - . ... I pCVg. I 1 44137 F gdry 111/08/0617:30 234001 Se11/28/06 Sec I+ . I Yes F' 2007 TCR-51 F < I I 4.10E.01 I pCilg I 1 414.37 F gdry 11/08/06 17:30]1 11/28/061 23400 1 Se I U" INo I MN-544 2007 F < I_ F3.56Eý02 Ii pCi/g 1 : . 41437 1 g dry 111/08106 17.30 1 11/28/061 23400: Seo U1V [NF CO-57 1 2007 F < _ _ I 7,19E-02 pCilg . 1 " 414.37 - gd.. 1108106 17:30 1 1/28/061 23400 1 Se I'U* I I No CO-58 F 2007 F < I__ 1.3.94&02 F pCl/g 1 i1 414.37- 1 g dry 111/08/06 17:30 1 11/28/061 23400 1 se§ IU I 1i T:

FE-59 F 2007 F < I "I fl18.44 -02 F pCi/g .1 1 414.37 1 gdry 111/08/0617:30 1 11/28/061 23400 :1 See IU I l INo CO-60 1 2007 1 1.06E+00 1 4,011E-02 I 1F pCi/g I 1I 414,37 1 gdry 111108/06 1730 1 11/28/061 23400. 1 See. I+! Yesl ZN-65 I 2007 1 < .F I 8.351-02:F pCi/g 1 1: 414.37 1 g dry 111/08/06 17:30 1 11/28/061 23400 1 Sec I U I j NoI NB-94 1 2007 1 < F 1__.19%-02 I pC/g 1 1. 414.37 1 gdry 1I1/08/06 17:301 I11/28/061 23400 1. Sec lU- 1 No I NB-95 1 2007 1 < F I 4.19E-02 F pCvg 1i1 414.37 I dry 111/08/06 17:30 1 11/28/061 23400: 1 Sec I I NO I ZR-95; 1 2007 1 <1 I 7.251E-02 1 pCi/g .1 1F 414.37 dryf 11/08/06 17:301 11/28/061 23400. 1 Sec 1 Iol


.MO-99 1 .2007 <: F _ I 3.691+01 1 pClg 1 F 414.37 1 gdry 11/08/06 1730 1 11/28/061, 23400' I See i1U :1 io RU-103 1 2007 1 < I I 4.13r1-02 I pCvg. 1i 414.37 1 gdry 1111/0806 17:30 1 1.1/281061 23400 1 See. IU-I . rNoI RU106 :2007 1 1 3,06E-01

.. 6< . pCi/g 1 F 414.37 1 gdry 111/08/06 17:30 1 11/28/061. 23400 1 Sec I"U I I No I AG-I104M 1 2007 1 < 1 1"3.41E-02 1 pCi/g 1 1 414.37 1 g dry 111/08/0617:30. 1 11/281061 23400 1 See I i7 'INo I SB-124 1 2007 1 < I I13.58E-02 pCi/g :1 1 414.37 1 gddry 111/08/06 1730 F 11/28/061 23400'1 U I i No l SB-125 12007 1 4 1 8.65E-02 1.pCi/g1 414.37 1 gdry 111/08/06 1.7:30 1 11/28/061 23400 1 Seod ITUI 1 I NoI 1-131 1 2007 1 < '1 "_ 1 1.59E-.01 1 pCig. 11 414.37 1 gdr T11/08/0617:30 F 11/28/061 23400 F See I U I I No CS-134 1 2007 1 < 1 1 2.89E,-02 1 pCvg 1 1 414.37 1 gdry 111/08/06 17:30 1 .1/28/061 23400 1' Sec I U"'I I No CS-137 1 2007 1 < 1.7 173.54F-,02 I pCi/g 1 I 414.37 1 g dry I 11/08!06 17:301 IF1/28/061 234001 See. IU I Spec'I No I BA-140 [ 2007 1 <. ..... 1 315E_-01 I pCiig 11. 1 414.37 1 g.dry 111/08/06 17130 F 11/28/061. 23400 F Sec .. U I INo LA-140 1 2007 1 < 1 1 96.835-02. I pCi/g 1 1: 414.37 1 :g dry. 111/08/06 17:30 1 11/28/061, 23400 F Sa I uI I No I CE-141 1 2007 1 < _ 1I 7.731-02. I pCi/g 1 1. 414.37 1 gdry 111/08/06 17:30 111/28/06: 23400 1 Sec I U I I.No CE-i44 1 2007 1 < 1 I 236E-01. 1 pCi/g 1I. 414.37 1 g dry 111/08/06 17:30 1 H/28/061 23400 f Sec I U I I NoFI EU-152 I .2007 1 3.621E+001 1.41E-01: I I pCivg 1 1 414.37 1 gdry 111/08/06 17:30 1 11/28/061 23400 1 Sec F FF IYs FlagValuesI ....... I...... . . .

U 1 Compound/Analyte not detected or less Ihan 3.sigma. No Peak not identified in gamma spectrum

+: - Activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identified(gainma only) Yes =Peak ideotilied ingamma spectrum U* - Compound/Analyte not detected. .Peak not identified,.but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma

  • Results are reported on ti as received.basis High - Activity~concentration exceedscustomer reporting value unless otherwise noted Spec = MDCexceeds customer technical specificaltin L - Lowrecovery MDC - Minimum Detectable Concentration H gb eish:Pcovefy Page I of 2 Bolded: text indicates reportable value.

0 Report of Analysis . !b TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, INC.

12101106 16:13 ATIodyno Taotntologies Company L30509 Enercon Cory DeWitt ENOO5-3ERIEG-06A.

SampleoU; W13 CollectStart ;11/08/2006 17:30 Matrix:. Solids (SD)

Station:. Collect Stop: Volume:

Descrption, .Receive Date: 11/16/2006  % Moisture:.

LIMS Number: L30509-.1 Activity Sne:

U i iga ttCtlns Mt UFlag Run Aliquot Aliquot Reference 'Count:

Date Time T Count.

Units Values Radionuci.deSti EU-t54 2007 LZ"E-01 pCi/g 414.37 gdry 11/08/06 17:30 11/28/06 23400 Sec U* No R226 07 < 7.69E-01 I pCi/g 1 1 414.37 11 dr 111/616/9: 0:30 I11/8/6 .240 1 Sec IU I IYes I 207 I 6.48ro1.,1 2TH-228 5.i0E-02 I [ pCi/g I I 414.37 1 gdry 111/08/0617:30 1 .11/28/061 23409 I See I+ I I YesI TH-232 .1.2007 [ 5,471-01 .. 8.63E-02 1 I pClg 1 1 414.37 I gdry I11108/061.7:30 I. il/28/061 23400 1 Sec I" + IYes I Flag Values U Compound/Analyte not detected or less than 3 sigma No -Peak not identified in ganuna spectrum

+ Activitylconcentration exceeds MDC and 3 sigma; peak identilied(gamma only) Yes -.Peak identified in gamma spectrum U* Compound/Analyte not detected. Peak not identified, but forced activity concentration exceeds MDC and 3sigma

  • Results am teported on an as received basis High = Activity oncenttatlon exceeds-custormer reportinglyalue unless otherwise noted Spec MDC exceeds customer technicat specification.

L. Low recovery,Page 2 of 2 MDC -Minimum Detectable Concentratlon H = High recoVery B.eolded text indicates reportable value.

University of Washington More Hall Annex D&D, Project 10492 Attachment 42 - Summary of Air Sample Results UW-MCP-OP-13, Rev. 2

Summary of Air Sample Results University of Washington Nuclear Reactor D&D Breathing Zone Air Samples DAC Alpha 7.OOE-12 Beta 8.00E-09 Alpha Average 1.09E-13 Max 6.39E-13

%DAC= 2% 9%

Beta Average 7.89E-1 1 Max 4.80E-10

%DAC= 1% 6%

General Area Air Samples DAC Alpha 7.00E-12 Beta 8.00E-09 Alpha Average 2.97E-14 Mx 1.51E-12

% DAC= 0% 22%

Beta Average 3.75E-1 1 MaxI 4.72E-09

%DAC= I 0% 59%


" All values listed in pCi/ml

" DAC values derived from 10CFR20 Appendix B Table 1, Column 3.

DAC Relation to ALl The derived air concentration (DAC) values are derived limits intended to control chronic occupational exposures. The relationship between the DAC and the ALl is given by:

DAC=ALI(in pCi)/(2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> per working year x 60 minutes/hour x 2 x 104 ml per minute)=[ALI/2.4x1 09] pCi/ml, where 2x1 04 ml is the volume of air breathed per minute at work by "Reference Man" under working conditions of "light work." (10 CFR 20 Appendix B, pg 357, January 2006)

In other words, a worker must breathe an air concentration at a level of 10% of the DAC for 2000 hours0.0231 days <br />0.556 hours <br />0.00331 weeks <br />7.61e-4 months <br /> to receive 10% of the ALl for a given nuclide.