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JAFNPP - Site Audit Requests - 1993 Annual Report Environmental Radiation in New York State
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1993
From: Condon W, Jason Huang, Salame-Alfie A, Wigley W
State of NY, Dept of Health, Bureau of Radiation Protection
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML070380534 (182)




1993 Annual Report Of Environmental Radiation Levels In New York State Prepared By Adela Salame-Alfie William Condon James Huang William Wigley New York State Department Of Health Bureau Of Environmental Radiation Protection Karim Rimawi, Ph.D., Director 2 University Place Albany, New York 12203

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Executive Summary This 1993 report is a continuation of the series of annual reports on Environmental Radiation in New York State prepared by the Department of Health (DOH) since 1982 and previously prepared by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC).

The environmental radiation surveillance program measures the level of radionuclides in environmental media to determine the normal levels of background radioactivity in several locations in the state and monitors the influence of human activities on these levels. Monitoring was performed around three operating nuclear power plant sites, several other reactors and industrial facilities which also use radioactive materials. The worldwide distribution of radionuclides from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests and the use of radioactive materials in energy generation, industry and medicine comprise the components of the man-made radiation environment.

Levels of fission products from previous atmospheric weapons testing continue to show a slow decrease with time.

Detectable low levels of radionuclides above normal background levels were measured in the environment near a number of facilities. The data did not indicate the facilities were exceeding limits for discharge to the environment as specified in the New York State Sanitary Code (10 NYCRR Part 16), or the appropriate Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations (6 NYCRR Part 380).

Table of Contents Pag~e Executive Summary Introduction I A. Types of Samples Collected 1 B. Sample Collection and Analysis 2 C. Types of Sampling Sites 4 II. Reporting of Sample Analysis Results 5 III. Results 7 A. Background Sites 7 B. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) 10 C. Ginna Nuclear Power Station 14 D. Indian Point Sites 17 E. Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL) and Kesselring Sites 19 F. NL Industries (DOE/NLI) 21 G. Nine Mile Point Sites 23 H. Self-Powered Lighting (SPL) 26 I. Cintichem (Cintichem/Union Carbide) 29 J. West Valley Demonstration Project Site 32 (DOE/WVDP/NFS)

K. Shoreham Nuclear Power Station 39 L. Non Routine Sites 42

1. EAD Metallurgical Inc., Tonawanda, Erie County 42
2. NRD, Inc., Grand Island, Erie County 42
3. Cornell University 46 i

List of Tables Table No. Pae I. Background Sites 7 II. Brookhaven National Laboratory Sites 10 III. Ginna Nuclear Power Station Sites 14 IV. Indian Point Sites 17 V. Knolls and Kesselring Sites 19 VI. NL Industries Sites 21 VII. Nine Mile Point Sites 23 VIII. Self-Powered Lighting Sites 26 IX. Cintichem Sites 29 X. West Valley Demonstration Project Sites 32 XI. Shoreham Sites 39 11

List of Figures Figure No. Page

1. Background Sampling Location and Major Nuclear Facilities 6
2. Fallout Fission Products in Milk (Cs-137 and Sr-90) 9
3. Brookhaven National Laboratory 12
4. HTO at Peconic River 13
5. Ginna Nuclear Power Sampling Sites 15
6. Indian Point Nuclear Power Plants Sampling Sites 18
7. Kesselring Site Sampling Sites 20
8. NL Industries Sampling Sites 22
9. Nine Mile Point Sampling Sites 24
10. Self-Powered Lighting Sampling Sites 27
11. H-3 Level at Yonkers Water District 28
12. Cintichem Sampling Sites (Formerly Union Carbide) 30
13. West Valley Demonstration Project Sampling Sites 33
14. West Valley Demonstration Project On-Site Sampling Sites 34
15. H-3 at Springville Dam 37
16. Sr-90 at Springville Dam 38
17. Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant Sampling Sites 40
18. EAD Metallurgical Inc. 43
19. Am-241 in Tonawanda Ash 44
20. Am-241 in Grand Island Sludge 45 iii

List of Data Tables Table No. Page

1. Radioactivity Levels In Air A8
2. Radioactivity Levels In Fallout A29
3. Radioactivity Levels In Milk A36
4. Radioactivity Levels In Water A50
5. Radioactivity Levels In Meat A107
6. Radioactivity Levels In Fish A108
7. Radioactivity Levels In Sediment Al 12
8. Radioactivity Levels In Vegetation Al 14
9. Radioactivity Levels In Ash A116
10. Radioactivity Levels In Sludge Al 17
11. Direct Environmental Radiation (TLD) Al 18 iv

List of Attachments and Appendix Attachments Page A. Minimum Detectable Level 47 B. Maximum Permissible Concentration 48 C. Commercial Power Reactors 49 D. Testing, Training, Research Reactors, Industrial Facilities & Misc. 50 Appendix Air Sampling Stations Al Fallout Sampling Stations Al Milk Sampling Stations Al Water Sampling Stations A2 Biological Sampling Stations A6 Sediment Sampling Stations A6 Vegetation Sampling Stations A7 Ash Sludge Sampling Station A7 Sludge Sampling Stations A7 1993 Data A8 - A119 v

I. Introduction The New York State Department of Health (DOH) measures the levels of radiation exposure and radioactive materials at locations subject to potential releases from certain facilities.

Measurements and samples are collected from other sites that serve as background for the measurements around the nuclear facilities. These measurements provide an indication of environmental levels in the sampling locations. This program is not intended to provide a complete mapping of environmental radiation levels in the state.

Data collected often show results to be less than the level of detection. While these results provide an indication of a source's compliance with the regulations, they are not useful in determining the actual low-level human exposure to man-made radiation.

The National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) estimates that the average U.S. resident is exposed to 360 millirems per year from all radiation sources (NCRP Report 93 Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States - 1987).

Radiation from natural sources in the environment contributes about 82 percent of this dose.

This includes radiation from the earth, cosmic rays from space, atmospheric radioactivity, radioactive elements within our bodies and within. the foods and water that we consume.

Indoor radon accounts for about 55 percent of the total (200 mrem/year). Human use of radiation, primarily medical use, contributes the remaining 18 percent of the annual estimated dose. DOH adopts the public health position that unnecessary exposure to radiation from man-made sources and radioactive materials releases to the environment should be as low as reasonably achievable.

A. Types of Samples Collected Various types of samples were collected to measure the distribution of radionuclides in the environment. Types of samples taken include air, water, milk, sediment, food, animals and fish, although not all are collected at each site. At some sites, thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) are also used to measure the direct environmental gamma radiation level.

The samples were not meant to directly monitor releases from the discharge points at specific facilities (e.g., a stack). The facility operator normally conducts such monitoring to meet requirements of the licensing agency. The environmental samples are intended to assess the impact at nearby locations and to evaluate trends over time.


B. Sample Collection and Analysis DOH personnel, local health units and, in some cases, the site operator collect samples. The New York State Department of Health's Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research (WCL&R) then analyzes these samples using a variety of equipment and appropriate methods for the specific sample type and radionuclides of interest. For some samples, the analysis follows radiochemistry procedures which extract and concentrate the radionuclides of interest. A brief description of how samples are collected and analyzed is given below. The WCL&R can provide more detailed information on sample preparation, analysis and quality assurance programs.

1. Water Samples usually consist of two liters in volume and are collected as grab samples or aliquots of continuous samples. Composite samples are made by mixing equal portions of several samples together to measure the average values over a longer time span. Samples are analyzed for gross alpha, gross beta, isotopic gamma (several radionuclides), Sr-90 or tritium activity (as tritiated water HTO). When gross alpha activity exceeds 15 pCi/liter, or gross beta activity exceeds 50 pCi/liter, gamma spectral analysis is performed to identify the particular radionuclides present in the sample.
2. Milk Two liter samples of milk are collected near facilities which may release fission products such as 1-13 1, Cs-137 or Sr-90. Analysis may include gamma spectroscopy, and specific measurements for beta emitters such as Sr-90 and tritium. Radiochemistry methods may also be used in the analysis for radionuclides such as Sr-90 or radioiodines.
3. Air Continuous air samplers are used to draw approximately one cubic foot of air per minute through the sampling media described below. Samplers normally run one to two weeks to allow a sufficient air volume to pass through the sampling medium.
a. Particulate Filters Paper filters are used to measure the activity of particulates in the air.

Gross beta activity is measured as a screening procedure. Composite samples are also analyzed using gamma spectroscopy.


b. Activated Charcoal Cartridges The Department uses activated charcoal to collect the various radioisotopes of iodine. Analysis is by gamma spectroscopy or radiochemical separation of 1-131 for beta/gamma coincidence counting. Chemical extraction of 1-129 and 1-125 precedes analysis using an intrinsic-germanium detector. The WCL&R uses this method for samples taken near the Cintichem facility.
c. Silica Gel Columns Airborne tritium (H-3 as tritiated water vapor HTO) is measured by passing air through a silica gel column. The H-3 activity of the absorbed water is measured using liquid scintillation counting.
4. Fallout Fallout samples are collected in buckets which are exposed to atmospheric precipitation and dust. These samples are analyzed for Sr-89 and Sr-90 activity at the Albany location and for tritium (HTO) at Elmsford, Westchester County.
5. Soil and Sediment Soil or sediment samples are collected from areas where the long-term deposition of radionuclides in soil or sediment is of interest. Analysis is usually by means of gamma spectroscopy.
6. Food or Vegetation Samples of local food or vegetation are collected near sites of interest to monitor radionuclide concentrations in edible material. Analysis is usually by gamma spectroscopy.
7. Animals and Fish Biological samples are used to monitor radionuclide concentrations in fish and/or animals (usually deer) near sites of interest. For deer samples, radionuclide concentrations of various fuel-cycle products, tritium, Pu-238, Pu-239 or 1-129 are measured in flesh, thyroid and lung tissue. Fish samples are analyzed as whole fish (meat plus bones with head and tail cut off) or may be separated into flesh and bone components which are then analyzed individually.


C. Types of Sampling Sites Sampling sites are generally of three types, i.e., background,' routine nuclear and nonroutine sites. A list of New York State sampling sites is shown in Appendix A.

1. Background Locations These are sites which should not be affected by the operation of facilities that release radionuclides to the environment. Samples taken at these locations should show normal concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclides plus any influences from weapons testing fallout and the buildup of radioactivity from the global use of nuclear energy.
  • 2. Routine Nuclear Sites These sites are used to measure the influence of specific facilities on radioactivity in the environment. A paired site may be chosen as a background location for the site of interest, e.g., a sampling site upstream from a facility's point of release to the stream may serve for a "background" sampling location.
3. Nonroutine Sites These locations are used for a specific purpose, and their inclusion in later reports will depend on circumstances associated with the particular location.


II. Reporting of Sample Analysis Results Sample results are reported in one of three ways. The following is an example for Sr-90.

Nuclide Concentration (pCi/1)

Sr-90 20 +/- 5 Sr-90 <8 Sr-90 Not Reportable or No Sample In the first example, a concentration value is given with the associated two standard deviation uncertainty limit. The limit implies that the actual value has a 95 percent probability of being within the interval 15 to 25 pCi/l.

In the second example, the concentration is reported as less than the minimum detectable level of 8 pCi/l. This level depends on several factors, some of which include sample quantity and type, instrument sensitivity, background activity and counting time. Typical minimum detectable levels for various radionuclides and sample types are given in Attachment A. The maximum annual average concentrations allowed by the New York State Sanitary Code, Part 16 in air and water discharges to unrestricted areas are given in Attachment B. These concentrations are also tabulated in the Department of Labor, Industrial Code Rule 38, the Department of Environmental Conservation Part 380, New York City Health Code, Article 175, and correspond to the values shown in the Code of Federal Regulations, 10 CFR Part 20.

In the third example, the sample could not be analyzed for some reason such as when the sample is damaged, lost or when correct sample information is not available or no sample was collected during the period.

Data for the various sites of interest are presented in Tables 1-10. Data are grouped by type of sample, by county and by date as shown below:

Table Radioactivity Data 1 Air 2 Fallout 3 Milk 4 Water 5 Meat 6 Fish 7 Sediment 8 Vegetation 9 Ash 10 Sludge 11 Direct Environmental Radiation (TLD) 5

A. BNLIShoreham B. SPL C. Indian Point D. Cintichem E. NLI F. KAPLIKesseiring G. Nine Mile Point H. Ginna I. EADINRD Lake George J. WVDP K. Millstone (CT)

ON' Albany1 SGeneva Walei An Mdk Fa-Lout ILD rFisher's Island]

Waler Figure 1 Background Sampling Location (1 - 7) and Major Nuclear Facilities (A - K)

IlI. Results A. Background Sites Background samples are collected from several sites statewide which are not expected to be influenced by discharges of radionuclides to the environment. These locations establish the normal levels of radionuclides in the environment. This includes natural sources and atmospheric fallout from nuclear weapons testing. Figure 1 shows the location of the background sites (1-7) and Table 1 gives the sample type and collection frequency. Data for these locations are included in the data tables of this report. This allows comparison to other locations of interest. The Empire State Plaza (ESP) is located in downtown Albany and is the location of the DOH Wadsworth Center Labs and Research (WCL&R) laboratories. Air and fallout samples in Albany are collected at the roof of the Albany County Health Department in Albany, New York.

Table I Background Sites Map Loc. Site Type Location Frequency 0101-001 Water Albany Co. DOH, ESP Weekly 0101-001 Milk Albany Co. DOH, ESP Weekly 1 0101-002 Air Albany Co. Health Dept. Weekly 0101-002 Fallout Albany Co. Health Dept. Weekly 3 0754-001 Water Chemung River Semiannual 1465-001 Water Lake Erie Semiannual 2 2226-001 Water Cape Vincent, St. Lawrence River Semiannual 2520-001 Water Genesee River Annually 4 3102-001 Water Niagara River Monthly 3154-001 Water Lake Ontario Semiannual 5 3402-001 Water Geneva Quarterly 4469-001 Water Massena, St. Lawrence River Semiannual 7 5650-001 Water Lake George Semiannual 6 2269-001 Water Black River Semiannual

1. Radioactivity in Air Analyses of air samples taken in Albany show that gross beta activity in air was within the typical range for background levels, typically from 0.005 (5E-3) to 0.02 (2E-2) pCi/m3 . The naturally occurring radionuclide Be-7 is measurable in quarterly composite samples.


2. Radioactivity in Milk Results for weekly milk samples collected from the cafeteria at the ESP show that K-40 contributes most of the radioactivity in the samples typically in the range 1100 to 1600 pCi/l. This year low levels of the fallout radionuclides Sr-90 and Cs-137 were measured. The Cs-137 values were below minimum detection levels except for one sample collected on 06/29/93 where the value was 17 + 12 pCi/l, which is about two to three times the minimum detection level of 6 to 8 pCi/l. Figure 2 shows the annual average levels of Cs-137 and Sr-90 for 1963 through 1993. Values for the radioiodines (1-125, 1-129, 1-13 1) are all below minimum detection levels.
3. Radioactivity in Water Background water samples show typical levels of radionuclides for drinking water or environmental samples. Gross alpha levels are typically below 2 pCi/liter and beta levels are typically below 4 pCi/liter. Tritium (HTO) is typically below 200 pCi/liter except one sample collected on (03/01/93 - 03/05/93) which was 600 + 150 pCi/1.

Fallout fission products were at or near minimum detectable levels.


LuJ5a Fj 40-30- =a.!

20-10 == ----=:

-= -= -=-===-

0 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 YEAR 20 18___Sr9O IN MILK 18 ALBANY, NY 16 14 I 12 i "i 10 1 4,


60 65 70 75 80 85 90 96 YEAR Figure 2 Fallout Fission Products in Milk 9

B. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Upton, Suffolk County This facility is operated by the U.S. Department of Energy. There are two research reactors on the site, the 60 thermal megawatt (MWt) High Flux Beam Reactor (HFBR) and the 5 MWt Medical Research Reactor (MRR). Other nuclear facilities include hot cells and storage areas for spent reactor fuel. Figure 3 shows the facility and some nearby sampling sites.

Table II shows information on these sites.

Table H Brookhaven National Laboratory Sites Map Loc. Site Type Location Frequency 1 5151-001 Air Southeast site boundary Weekly 3 5151-006 Water Peconic River east of site Monthly 5151-002 Fish Surrounding ponds Annually 5151-003 Fish Surrounding ponds Annually 5151-004 Fish Surrounding ponds Annually

1. Radioactivity in Air Results of gross beta activity in air were within the typical range for background levels of less than 0.02 pCi/m3 . Due to BNL reconstruction of their on-site sampling building in which our air sampler was kept, therefore, no air samples were collected after March 24, 1993.
2. Radioactivity in Milk There are no dairy farms operating on Long Island. Therefore, no milk samples were available.
3. Radioactivity in Water Monthly samples were collected from the Peconic River which is near this facility.

Gross alpha and gross beta activity were typical for background levels. Measurable levels of tritium were found to range between 600 to 3,600 pCi/1. Although some of the samples showed elevated tritium levels, the measured values were well below the EPA drinking water standard of 20,000 pCi/l. The most likely source of the tritium is movement of contaminated groundwater or surface runoff from the BNL site.

Figure 4 shows the average annual value of tritium measured in the Peconic River from 1974 to 1993.


4. Direct Environmental Radiation Values recorded by the TLD monitors were typical for normal background radiation levels at these locations, and are shown in Table 11 around the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station which is close to BNL.
5. Other Table 6 shows results for fish samples collected from several ponds near BNL. As in previous years, these samples show elevated levels of Cs-137 and Sr-90 compared to samples from other locations. The Sr-90 is found almost entirely in the skeleton while Cs-137 is distributed primarily in the flesh. The analysis was performed on the whole fish. A person consuming 26 kilograms of fish per year containing 300 pCi/kg of Cs-137 would receive a committed effective dose equivalent of only 0.4 mrem.


I i~



1 mile Figure 3 Brookhaven National Laboratory

7000 6 00 0 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

50 0 600000 5000..................


>3000 2000 1000 7072 74 7678 8082 84 86 88909294 YEAR Figure 4 HTO at Peconic River 13

C. Ginna Nuclear Power Station, Ontario, Wayne County Rochester Gas & Electric operates the R.E. Ginna nuclear power plant located on the shore of Lake Ontario. This facility houses a 420 electric megawatt (MWe) pressurized-water reactor that uses cooling water from Lake Ontario.

Figure 5 shows the site location and some nearby sampling points. Table III gives a description of the sampling sites.

Table IM Ginna Nuclear Power Station Sites Map Loc. Site Location Frequency 1 5857-001 Air South side of boundary Weekly 5857-002 Milk Farm 3 1/2 mi. SSE Monthly 2 5857-003 Milk Farm 1 mile SE Monthly 3 5857-004 Water Ontario filtration plant Weekly 4 5857-005 Water Discharge canal Monthly 5857-006 Water Upstream at Russell Station Monthly T TLD 3 Locations Quarterly

1. Radioactivity in Air Results for gross beta activity were within the normal range for background levels and 1-131 levels were below the minimum detectable level.
2. Radioactivity in Milk Results for monthly milk samples collected from nearby farms showed that naturally occurring K-40 contributes most of the radioactivity in the samples. Typically, low levels of Sr-90 were measurable while Cs-137 and 1-131 were below minimum detection levels. The Sr-90 concentrations are typical for the atmospheric fallout contribution and are found in milk samples taken throughout the state.
3. Radioactivity in Water Biweekly water samples were collected using a continuous water sampler at the Town of Ontario water filtration plant which takes its water from Lake Ontario. The gross alpha and gross beta activities were typical of background values. Monthly samples from the discharge canal (5857-005) showed minimum detectable levels of activity.


Figure 5 Ginna Nuclear Power Sampling Sites

4. Direct Environmental Radiation (TLD)

Values measured by the TLD monitors were typical of the normal background radiation levels for these locations, and are shown in Table 11.


D. Indian Point Sites, Buchanan, Westchester County Indian Point is located on the Hudson River shore near Peekskill. Two electric utilities have operating nuclear power plants at this site.

Consolidated Edison operates Unit 2 which houses an 873 MWe, pressurized-water reactor.

The initial reactor (Unit 1) at the site, also owned by Consolidated Edison, is awaiting decommissioning and is not operational. The New York Power Authority (NYPA) operates Unit 3, which is a 965 MWe, pressurized-water reactor. Both operating reactors obtain cooling water from the Hudson River.

Figure 6 shows the location of the site and some sampling locations in the vicinity. Table IV gives a description of the sampling sites.

Table IV Indian Point Sites Map Loc. Site T" e Location Frequency 1 5951-001 Air South side of site Weekly 2 5951-002 Water Verplank Weekly 3 5941-001 Water Discharge canal Quarterly 5941-002 Water Inlet canal Quarterly T TLD 4 locations Quarterly

1. Radioactivity in Air Air samples showed low levels of gross beta activity and levels of 1-131 were usually below detection levels.
2. Radioactivity in Milk Due to dairy farmers continuing to move out of this area, Hanover Farm is now out of business and no milk sample was collected.
3. Radioactivity in Water Water samples showed low levels of gross beta activity. Tritium levels were at typical background levels. The levels for other radioisotopes were low with most samples below minimum detectable levels.
4. Direct Environmental Radiation Table 11 shows the quarterly values for the TLD sites. The data are typical of the normal background level in this area.


FJones Point N

Travis 0

Charles Indian 0

Figure 6 Indian Point Nuclear Power Plants Sampling Sites 18

E. Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (KAPL), Schenectady, Schenectady County and Kesselring Site, West Milton, Saratoga County This facility operates at two separate sites. KAPL is on the shore of the Mohawk River, east of Schenectady, where a small test reactor and hot cell facilities are operated. The Kesselring site is where prototype naval training reactors are operated for the U.S. Navy. The Latham Water District, Colonie Filtration Plant, which is located about 7 miles downstream from KAPL, uses the Mohawk River as a water source.

Figure 7 shows the location of the Kesselring facility in Saratoga County. Table V provides information on sampling sites for both locations.

Table V KAPL & Kesselring Sites Map Loc. Site Tpe Location Frequency 1 4561-001 Air Site boundary E side Weekly 2 4561-002 Water Gloweegee Creek below site Monthly 0153-002 Water Colonie filtration plant Weekly

1. Radioactivity in Air Gross beta activity at this location was within the normal range for background levels and 1-131 was below minimum detection levels.
2. Radioactivity in Water Both locations show values typical of normal background levels for gross alpha, gross beta and tritium activity.


N kEESSEE 7 7 I" f* -

Figure 7 Kesselring Site Sampling Sites

F. NL Industries (DOE/NLI), Colonie, Albany County The NLI site is approximately 10 acres in size, located just north of the border between the Town of Colonie and the City of Albany. The plant was involved in the production of uranium products since the 1950s until it stopped its operation in 1980.

During 1987, the Department of Energy (DOE) purchased the plant and started the on-site clean-up and remedial activities to remove soil contaminated with uranium from nearby properties. The DOE temporarily stores the soil within the building until final disposal, in an approved low level radioactive waste disposal site, can be arranged.

Figure 8 shows the location of the facility.

Table VI NL Industries Sites Map Loc. Site Type Location Frequency 0153-001 Water Patroon Creek Semiannual

1. Radioactivity in Water Water samples were collected at Patroon Creek and the gross alpha and beta activities were typical of background values.


0I 12 1 MILE Figure 8 NL Industries Sampling Sites

G. Nine Mile Point Site, Scriba, Oswego County This site is located on the shore of Lake Ontario. Two electric utilities operate three nuclear power plants at the site.

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation operates both Nine Mile 1 (625 MWe) and Nine Mile 2 (1150 MWe). The New York Power Authority operates the Fitzpatrick unit (821 MWe).

All reactors take cooling water from Lake Ontario. Figure 9 shows the facility and some nearby sampling sites. Table VII provides information on the sampling sites.

Table VII Nine Mile Point Sites Map Loc. Site Ty~e Location Frequency 1 3767-001 Air ESE of site Weekly 3757-001 Milk Mexico 10 miles ESE Monthly 3758-001 Milk New Haven 5 miles SE Monthly 3767-002 Milk Scriba 5 miles SSW Monthly 3702-001 Water Oswego water T.P. Weekly 3702-003 Water Steam plant inlet, Oswego Monthly 3758-002 Water New Haven Dempster beach Monthly 2 3767-003 Water Inlet canal unit #1 Monthly 2 3767-006 Sediment Offshore Semiannual 3 3767-005 Fish Offshore Semiannual 3767-007 Vegetation New Haven Annually T TLD 4 locations Quarterly

1. Radioactivity in Air Results for gross beta activity were within the normal range for background levels.

1-131 concentrations were below the minimum detectable level.

2. Radioactivity in Milk Results for monthly milk samples collected from three nearby farms show that naturally occurring K-40 contributes most of the radioactivity in the samples.

Typically, low levels of Sr-90 were measurable while Cs-137 and 1-131 were below minimum detection levels. These concentrations are typical for atmospheric fallout and are found in milk samples taken throughout the state.


N Lake Ontario 93 P A S H J A FITIIPAIRICK NIAGARA M()IAwN 9I milt POINI 02 NUCIIAR SIAIION_---,ý NUE 0 Figure 9 Nine Mile Point Sampling Sites

3. Radioactivity in Water Monthly grab samples from Lake Ontario showed typical background values for gross alpha, gross beta and tritium. A composite sampler at the nearby City of Oswego water treatment plant also showed background levels.
4. Direct Environmental Radiation Values recorded by the TLD monitors were typical of the normal background radiation levels for these locations (Table 11).
5. Other Fish samples (Table 6) show that naturally occurring K-40 is responsible for most of the activity. Trace amounts of Cs-137 were detected in the sample.

Table 7 shows the results of sediment samples and Cs-137 was detected.

Several vegetable samples (Table 8) show typical background levels of activity.


H. Self-Powered Lighting (SPL), Elmsford, Westchester County Large quantities of tritium are used in the manufacture of various self-luminous devices at this location.

Figure 10 shows the facility location and some nearby sampling sites.

Table VIII provides information on the sampling sites.

Table VIII Self-Powered Lighting Sites Map Loc. Site Tye Location Frequency 1 5953-018 Air Across street from site Bi-Weekly 1 5953-018 Fallout Across street from site Weekly 5907-007 Water Yonkers filtration plant Weekly 2 5953-009 Water Trib.of Saw Mill River Weekly 3 5953-021 Water Pond West. Comm. College Monthly 5957-001 Water Kenisco Reservoir Monthly 5957-002 Water Pocantico Reservoir Monthly

1. Radioactivity in Air Air samples collected near the SPL show measurable levels of tritium (HTO). The 1993 range of results are 1.0 to 15.5 pCi/m3 compared to the 1992 results with a range of 2.0 to 64 pCi/m 3 .
2. Radioactivity in Water Water samples show measurable levels of tritium in samples collected near the SPL facility, but all samples were well below limit for release to the environment. Yonkers water treatment plant results were all below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guideline for tritium in drinking water (20,000 pCi/l.) Figure 10 shows the annual average tritium (H-3) level at the Yonkers water treatment plant from 1979 to 1993. Levels have fallen to below 300 pCi/l over this period.
3. Radioactivity in Fallout Weekly fallout (rainfall) samples were collected and results showed measurable levels of tritium. This sample was collected near the air sampler across the street from SPL.

Low levels of tritium are measurable in these samples.


Figure 10 Self-Powered Lighting Sampling Sites

3000 2500 150 00 ----- ... ........................................... ................................................. .......... ..............................................................

~1500 1 0 0.-...----.--.-- ..... ........ ... ........ ................................. ....................................................................................... ..... .

1000 . ...

................ ........... ....I................................................................................. ..

10 0 0 - ---.... ... .. . .

00 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 YEAR Figure 11 H-3 Level at Yonkers Water District 28

I. Cintichem (Formerly Union Carbide), Tuxedo, Orange County This facility, located in the Sterling Forest Industrial Park, contains a 5 MWt research reactor that once produced radioactive pharmaceuticals for use in medicine.

Figure 12 shows the location of the site and some of the nearby sampling points. Table IX provides information on the sampling sites.

Table 11 shows the location of the TLD monitors used to measure the external background radiation level.

In 1990 Cintichem shut down the reactor following the discovery of environmental contamination. The reactor and radioisotope processing hot cells were being decommissioned in 1993.

Table IX Cintichem Sites Map Loc. Site Type Location Frequency 1 3565-001 Air At NE site boundary Weekly 2 3565-002 Water Indian Kill Weekly 3 3565-098 Water Sterling Forest WTP Weekly T TLD 4 locations Quarterly

1. Radioactivity in Air Air samples showed low levels of gross beta activity, while 1-125, 1-129 and 1-131 were below minimum detection level.
2. Radioactivity in Milk Due to the fact that the farmer who previously supplied milk samples went out of business and Cintichem was being decommissioned, no milk samples were collected in 1993.
3. Radioactivity in Water Several water samples from Indian Kill were collected and showed HTO concentrations, which ranged from less than detectable levels to 11,100 pCi/l.


N 0

4 m


T ~

Figure 12 Cintichem Sampling Sites (Formerly Union Carbide)

4. Direct Environmental Radiation Data for the quarterly values for the TLD sites were typical of the normal background level in this area (Table 11).


J. West Valley Demonstration Project Site (WVDP/DOE) (Formerly Nuclear Fuel Services),

Ashford, Cattaraugus County The West Valley site is located about 35 miles south of Buffalo. The site is 3,345 acres in size and contains an inactive commercial low level radioactive waste burial site and a federally licensed burial site. The former Nuclear Fuels Services (NFS) reprocessing plant is also located on the site. This facility is now operated by Westinghouse for DOE as the West Valley Demonstration Project to investigate methods of encapsulation of high level radioactive waste for permanent disposal. DOE took over responsibility for this site in February 1982. The project will encapsulate the high level waste currently stored on the site from the previous NFS nuclear fuel processing activities, and in the process decontaminate the site.

Figure 13 shows the location of the site and some nearby sampling locations. Table X lists these sampling sites. Figure 14 shows the location of on-site sampling, which is also listed in Table X. Table 11 shows the results and location of TLD sites used to monitor external radiation levels.

Table X West Valley Demonstration Project Sites Map Loc. Site TY"e Location Frequency 1 0451-001 Air NE of site 1 mile Weekly 2 0451-016 Milk N of site 1 mile Monthly 0451-017 Milk WNW of site 1.9 mile Monthly 0451-002 Water Swamp drainage Monthly 3 0451-004 Water Buttermilk Creek Monthly (At Fox Valley Rd. bridge) 0451-006 Water Erdman Brook on site Monthly 0451-007 Water Cattaraugus Creek Quarterly (At Bigelow bridge) 4 0451-035 Water Buttermilk Creek Monthly (At Thomas Corners Rd.)

5 0451-044 Water Cattaraugus Creek Monthly (At Felton bridge) 6 0451-053 Water Erdman Brook Monthly 7 0451-067 Water Brook near burial site Monthly 1459-042 Water Springville Dam Quarterly 0451-027 Vegetation Near site Annually 0451-026 Vegetation Background Site Annually 0451-026 Deer Near site Annually 1459-002 Fish Springville area Annually 1459-042 Fish Springville Dam Annually 0451-004 Sediment Buttermilk Creek Annually (At Fox Valley Rd.)

1459-042 Sediment Cattaraugus Creek Annually (At Springville Dam)

T TLD 7 locations Quarterly 32



.7 i

-4 7-



/ \

F' 0 IR A


1 rme Figure 13 West Valley Demonstration Project Sampling Sites 33

Figure 14 West Valley Demonstration Project On-Site Sampling Sites 34

1. Radioactivity in Air Gross beta activity at this location was within the normal range for background levels.
2. Radioactivity in Milk Results for monthly milk samples collected from a nearby farm showed that naturally occurring K-40 contributed most of the radioactivity in the samples. Low levels of Sr-90 were measurable while Cs-137 and 1-131 were below detection levels. The Sr-90 concentrations are typical for atmospheric fallout and are found in milk samples taken throughout the state.
3. Radioactivity in Water Water samples are collected on and around the West Valley site. The main water pathway leaving the site is Erdman Brook which flows into Buttermilk Creek. The water then flows into Cattaraugus Creek and then into Lake Erie. Cattaraugus Creek has a much larger flow rate and is the first offsite sample location.

On-site sampling locations show low levels of alpha, beta and tritium activity. The samples from the swamp drainage shows measurable fission product activity as it has over the years. Concentrations are well below the State Sanitary Code limits for release to uncontrolled areas (Attachment B).

Samples from Buttermilk Creek, downstream of the WVDP discharge point, show low levels of beta activity. Cattaraugus Creek shows occasional low levels of activity near the point where Buttermilk Creek flows into it.

Figures 15 and 16 show the trends in annual averages for tritium (HTO) and Sr-90 in Cattaraugus Creek at the Springville dam. Sr-90 levels ranged from <6 to 7 + 6 pCi/l.

These levels reflect atmospheric fallout and reconcentration via surface water runoff.

4. Direct Environmental Radiation (TLD)

Quarterly TLD values are typical for this area. The TLD near the new waste storage location shows high readings, as expected. Actual exposure to anyone on the site is much lower than the TLD results show since such people will not spend 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day at this location. In addition, workers at the site have individual personnel monitors, which determine their radiation doses.


5. Other Deer, fish and vegetable samples collected continue to show low levels of radioactivity. Naturally occurring K-40 exhibited the greatest activity.


',annn 25000 .......... ..........

20000 ..........

w 15000 . ... ............................ ..........................

CL) 10000 . ... ............................ ..........................

5000 . ... ........................... ..............


0 I il i -I 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 YEAR Figure 15 H-3 at Springville Dam 37

70 60 50 40 '. ......................... ...............................................................................................................................................

LU CL 30 I

_4........ -...... I-.-i---I ...................................................

U 20 10 .... .. . ..... ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ .............. ......

0 I-I i I I I90 I 92 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 92 YEAR Figure 16 Sr-90 at Springville Dam 38

K. Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Brookhaven, Suffolk County The Shoreham nuclear power plant is located in the Town of Shoreham on Long Island Sound. Its reactor was designed to operate at a power level of 849 MWe. The reactor was never operated at more than 5 percent of full power during initial testing and it has been shutdown since May 1991. The power reactor is being decommissioned under an agreement between New York State and the Long Island Lighting Company.

Figure 17 shows the Shoreham site and nearby sampling locations. Table XI provides information on the sampling sites.

Table XI Shoreham Sites Map Loc. Site Type Location Frequency 1 5128-001 Air 0.2 mile NNE Weekly 5128-003 Water Long Island Sound Semiannual 5128-004 Water Long Island Sound Semiannual 2 5128-008 Water Long Island Sound Monthly 5128-005 Fish Long Island Sound Semiannual 5128-006 Sediment Long Island Sound Semiannual 5128-007 Vegetation Near site Semiannual

1. Radioactivity in Air Gross beta activity of air samples collected at this location was within the normal range for background levels.
2. Radioactivity in Milk Due to close out of the dairy business in the Long Island area no milk sample was collected in 1993.
3. Radioactivity in Water Water samples collected from Long Island Sound showed fission product activity to be below minimum detection levels.
4. Direct Environmental Radiation Four locations near the Shoreham site showed quarterly readings typical for this area.


Long Island Sound f

Wading River Figure 17 Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant Sampling Sites

5. Other Fish samples (Table 6) show that naturally occurring K-40 is responsible for most of the activity. Other radionuclides were at typical background levels.

Sediment samples (Table 7) taken near the discharge point show typical levels.

Vegetation samples (Table 8) were obtained from nearby locations and showed only typical background levels of radioactivity.


L. Non-Routine Sites

1. EAD Metallurgical Inc., Tonawanda, Erie County From 1977 to 1983 this site produced Am-241 foils which were used in smoke detectors. The plant was closed in 1983 and attempts were made to remove residual Am-241 contamination so the building could be released for use. In 1984, contamination was discovered in the sewer lines leading from the EAD facility. The location of this site is shown on Figure 18. In 1993 NYSDOH and NYSDEC condcuted characterization of the contaminated building and grounds.

Samples collected from the sewage treatment plant showed Am-241 contamination in sewage sludge, incinerated sludge ash and at the nearby landfill. Ash had been disposed of at the landfill and was used as covering material. A program monitoring sewage sludge and ash which was instituted in 1984 was continued through 1993.

Table 9 shows the 1993 Am-241 data for ash samples collected in Tonawanda.

Concentrations were below the minimum detection level of 0.4 to 3 pCi/g. Figure 19 shows the long term data for ash samples. Table 10 shows the Am-241 data for sludge samples. Concentrations in sludge were below the minimum detection level of 0.2 to 1.7 pCi/g.

2. NRD, Inc., Grand Island, Erie County This facility currently manufactures smoke detector foils containing Am-24 1. Am-241 was discharged directly to the sanitary sewer system prior to 1984.

Following the discovery of the EAD problem, samples were collected in the Grand Island sewage treatment plant and measurable levels of Am-241 were found in the sludge. This plant disposed of the sludge in a local landfill. NRD installed a new treatment system for its waste water in 1984 and reduced the quantity of Am-241 released to the sanitary sewer. Table 10 shows the 1993 Am-241 data for sludge samples collected in Grand Island. Figure 20 shows the long-term data for sludge samples. The Am-241 levels have dropped from 1984 to 1989. Samples collected in 1993 were slightly higher than the results of the previous year, being in the range of about 1 to 84 pCi/g.

Beginning in 1990, the sludge from Grand Island was sent to Buffalo for incineration with Buffalo's sewage sludge. Several samples of ash from the Buffalo incinerator were analyzed but all Am-241 levels were below minimum detection levels. This is not unexpected since the volume of Buffalo's sludge is much greater than that from Grand Island. Any Am-241 present in Grand Island sludge will be diluted by the larger volume of Buffalo sludge.


Figure 18 EAD Metallurgical Inc.

200 45 ..................................................

40 .................... ............

35 ...................................................

Li 30 ............

-&4-- ........... ......................................................................................................................................... a --------------.....................................

0L 25 20 15 l i.... I....

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5 ......... ....... ... ...... I....

IL ii Id.. 61 I L,, Il IIl I 0 11I 1lll1 l 1l1l 11lllll I111llll IU llli i i umlllmujmfuulfuull II 1111111111111111111111 Il I II I I 11111 1 ll 8485 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 YEAR Figure 19 Am-241 in Tonawanda Ash 44

120 100- ........................ .....................

so-I 60 ................................................

....................................... I....................................................................

U 0.

40-20- I.....I................................................... * ---------

anio------ ......................................................... a ........

8 4 85II6II 84 85 86 I ll IIIIIIIIII1 87 7ill IIIIIII8ll 88

  • I I I I IIIII BI 89 I II* II IIIINI 90 I111k 0111111111111111111111111 J 1i~

91 l ii 1

'1,1 i,1I i1111 II W11IN 92 III IIIII 93 I

IIlJ liii IIII mE~

II YEAR Figure 20 Am-241 in Grand Island Sludge 45

3. Cornell University, Ithaca, Tompkins Co.

The Cornell University burial site is located off the main campus, adjacent to Snyder Road, close to Tompkins County Airport. This fenced-in site, operated between 1956 and 1978, is approximately 300' x 300' in size. Ninety-eight percent of the buried material was C-14 and H-3; the other 2 percent was short-lived fission products for crop and animal experiments.

Water samples were taken in the vicinity of Cornell University site (Tompkins County). Samples have been collected since 1966 from a stream, pond and private wells near the site and low to non detectable levels of activity were found over this time period. Results for 1993 show that low levels of H-3 were found near the burial site.


Attachment A Minimum Detectable Level*

Air (xlO" pCi/rn 3 )

Gross Beta 3.0 1-125 4.0 1-131 (isotopic scan) 8.0 1-131 (Beta/Gamma coincidence) 0.4 Fallout (pCi/m 2/day)

H-3 (pCi/1) 140.0 Be-7 150.0 Sr-89 0.6 Sr-90 0.5 ZrNb-95 20.0 Ru-106 80.0 Cs-137 20.0 Water & Milk (pCi/I)

Gross Alpha 0.8 Gross Beta 2.0 H-3 140.0 K-40 200.0 Co-60 7.0 Zn-65 30.0 Sr-89 0.6 Sr-90 0.5 ZrNb-95 10.0 Ru- 106 20.0 Sb-125 14.0 1-125 0.1 1-129 0.3 1-131 (isotopic scan) 9.0 1-131 (Beta/Gamma coincidence) 0.04 Cs- 134 6.0 Cs-137 6.0 Ba-140 17.0 Ra-226 0.04 Ra-228 0.9 Rn-222 9.0 Th-232 (Pb-212) 5.0 U-234 0.03 U-235, 236 0.01 U-238 0.01 Pu-238 0.02 Pu-239, 240 0.01

  • These are average values only. Actual values vary with the sample size and the background interferences.


Attachment B Maximum Permissible Concentration The maximum allowable USNRC yearly average concentration in air for discharges to unrestricted areas in pCi/m3 are:

Gross Beta varies with isotopes present Kr-85 300,000.00 Sr-90 30.00 Zr-95 4,000.00 Ru-106 3,000.00 1-125 80.00 1-131 100.00 Cs-134 1,000.00 Cs-137 2,000.00 Ba-140 4,000.00 Pu-238 0.07 Pu-239 0.06 Pu-240 0.06 The maximum allowable USNRC yearly average concentration in water for discharges to unrestricted areas in pCi/l are:

Gross Alpha varies with isotopes present Gross Beta varies with isotopes present H-3 3,000,000.00 Co-60 30,000.00 Zn-65 100,000.00 Sr-89 3,000.00 Sr-90 300.00 Zr-95 60,000.00 Nb-95 100,000.00 Ru-106 10,000.00 Sb-125 100,000.00 1-129 60.00 1-131 300.00 Cs-134 9,000.00 Cs-137 20,000.00 Ce- 144 10,000.00 U-234 3,000.00 U-235 3,000.00 U-238 4,000.00 Pu-238 5,000.00 Pu-239 5,000.00 Pu-240 5,000.00 USNRC: United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 48

Attachment C Commercial Power Reactors Start Up Facility Location Date Remarks James A. FitzPatrick, Lycoming, 1975 BWR,821 MW(e)

Nuclear Power Station Oswego Co.

Power Authority State of New York Robert E. Ginna Nuclear Brookwood, 1970 PWR,420 MW(e)

Power Station, Rochester Wayne Co.

Gas & Electric Corp.

Indian Point Nuclear Buchanan, Power Stations, Westchester Co.

Consolidated Edison Company of NY, Inc.

Unit No. 1 1962 PWR, 265 MW(e),

out of service for indefinite period.

Unit No. 2 1973 PWR, 873 MW(e)

The New York Power Authority Unit No. 3 1976 PWR, 965 MW(e)

Nine Mile Point Nuclear Lycoming Power Station, Niagara Oswego Co.

Mohawk Power Corp.

Unit No. 1 1969 BWR, 625 MW(e)

Unit No. 2 1987 BWR, 1150 MW(e)

Shoreham Nuclear Power Shoreham, 1985 BWR, 849 MW(e)

Station, Long Island Suffolk Co. Not operational Lighting Company in decommissioning process 49

Attachment D Testing, Training, Research Reactors, Industrial Facilities & Misc.

Start Up Facility Location Date Remarks Brookhaven National Upton, 1965 HFBR (High Flux Beam Laboratory Suffolk Co. Reactor), 60 MW (t) 1959 MRR (Medical Research Reactor), 5 MW (t)

Cornell Burial Site, Lansing, 1960 Burial of radioactive Cornell University Tompkins Co. waste from numerous research projects on campus.

Kesselring Site, General West Milton, 1955 Destroyer & submarine Electric Company Saratoga Co. prototype reactors.

Knolls Atomic Power Schenectady, 1951 TTR-l (Thermal Test Laboratory, General Schenectady Co. Reactor), Graphite Electric Company 10 kW(t).

NL Industries, Inc. Colonie, 1960 Fabrication of depleted Albany Co. uranium counter weights and shielding.

Decommissioned in 1980.

West Valley West Valley, 1966 Nuclear fuel reprocessing Demonstration Project Cattaraugus Co. plant storage of high level (Formerly Nuclear wastes, suspended operation Fuel Services, Inc.) in 1971.

1963 Burial site, solid radioactive wastes hipped mainly from facilities in north-east states buried in trenches. Suspended operation in 1975.


Attachment D (Continued)

Start Up Facility Location Date Remarks Self-Powered Lighting Elmsford, Large quantities of Inc. Westchester Co. tritium are used in mfg. of various self luminous devices.

Cintichem, Inc. Tuxedo 1961 USNR, 5MW(t) Pool Type (formerly Union Carbide Orange Co. light water research reactor Corp.) in decommissioning process.


NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Environmental Radiation in New York State 1993 ANNUAL REPORT Appendix A 1993 Data

Air Samplin2 Stations Site Number Location 0101-002 Albany Co., Roof of Albany County Health Department 0451-001 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, Near WVDP Site 3565-001 Orange Co., Tuxedo, Long Meadow Road 3767-001 Oswego Co., Scriba, County Route 29 and Lake Road 4561-001 Saratoga Co., West Milton 5128-001 Suffolk Co., Shoreham, Wading River 5151-001 Suffolk Co., Brookhaven, Upton 5159-001 Suffolk Co., Fishers Island WTP 5857-001 Wayne Co., Ontario, GINNA Plant 5951-001 Westchester Co., Cortlandt, NYU Tower 5953-018 Westchester Co., Greenburgh, Martin Building Fallout Sampling Stations Site Number Location 0101-002 Albany Co., Roof of Albany County Health Dept.

5953-018 Westchester Co., Greenburgh, Martin Building Milk Sampling Stations Site Number Location 0101-001 Albany Co., Albany Empire State Plaza, Cafeteria 0451-016 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, Near WVDP Site 0451-017 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, Near WVDP Site A-1

Milk Sampling Stations (Continued)

Site Number Location 3757-001 Oswego Co., Mexico 3758-001 Oswego Co., New Haven 3767-002 Oswego Co., Scriba 5857-002 Wayne Co., Ontario 5857-003 Wayne Co., Ontario Water Sampling Stations Site Number Location 0101-001 Albany Co., State Health Department Laboratory 0153-001 Albany Co., Colonie - NL Industries, Patroon Creek 0153-002 Albany Co., Colonie - Filtration Plant, Mohawk River 0451-002 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, Swamp Drainage 0451-004 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, Buttermilk Creek at Fox Valley Rd. Bridge (Upstream of WVDP Site) 0451-006 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, Erdman Brook leaving Site 0451-007 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, Cattaraugus Ck. at Bigelow Bridge (Upstream of WVDP Site) 0451-035 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, Buttermilk Ck. at Thomas Cor. Rd. Bridge (Downstream of WVDP Site) 0451-044 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, Cattaraugus Creek at Felton Bridge (Downstream of WVDP Site) 0451-053 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, Erdman Brook 0451-067 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, Brook NE of WVDP, Burial Area A-2

Water Sampling Stations (Continued)

Site Number Location 0754-001 Chemung Co., Chemung, Chemung River 1401-001 Erie Co., Buffalo, SUNYB 1459-042 Cattaraugus Co., Concord, Cattaraugus Creek at Springville Dam 1465-001 Erie Co., Locksley Park 2226-001 Jefferson Co., Cape Vincent, St. Lawrence River 2269-001 Jefferson Co., Watertown, Black River 3102-001 Niagara Co., Niagara Falls, West Branch of Niagara River 3154-001 Niagara Co., Olcott Beach, Lake Ontario 3402-001 Ontario Co., Geneva, Seneca Lake WTP 3565-002 Orange Co., Tuxedo, 150' Below Indian Kill Reservoir 3565-098 Orange Co., Tuxedo, Sterling Forest Water Treatment Plant 3702-001 Oswego Co., Oswego, City Water Supply 3702-003 Oswego Co., Oswego, Inlet - Steam Plant 3758-002 Oswego Co., New Haven, Dempster Beach Road 3767-003 Oswego Co., Scriba, Nine Mile Point Unit #1 Inlet 4469-001 St. Lawrence County, Massena, St. Lawrence at Massena 4561-002 Saratoga Co., Milton, Glowegee Creek at USGS Gauge Station 5128-003 Suffolk Co., Shoreham, Long Island Sound off Herod Point 5128-004 Suffolk Co., Shoreham, Long Island Sound at Mt. Misery Shoal 5128-008 Suffolk Co., Shoreham, Wading River Near Stone Jetty 5151-006 Suffolk Co., Brookhaven, Peconic River at Manorville A-3

Water Samplin2 Stations (Continued)

Site Number Location 5159-001 Suffolk Co., Southold, Fishers Island, Barlow Pond 5401-001 Tompkins Co., Ithaca, Cayuga Lake 5452-004 Tompkins Co., Dryden, Well Water 5452-013 Tompkins Co., Dryden, Well Water 5456-001 Tompkins Co., Lansing, Well Water 5456-002 Tompkins Co., Lansing, Well Water 5456-003 Tompkins Co., Lansing, Well Water 5456-007 Tompkins Co., Lansing, Well Water 5456-016 Tompkins Co., Lansing, Stream West of Burial Site 5456-017 Tompkins Co., Lansing, Stream East of Burial Site 5456-021 Tompkins Co., Lansing, Monitoring Well 5456-022 Tompkins Co., Lansing, Monitoring Well 5456-023 Tompkins Co., Lansing, Monitoring Well 5456-024 Tompkins Co., Lansing, Monitoring Well 5456-025 Tompkins Co., Lansing, Monitoring Well 5456-026 Tompkins Co., Lansing, Monitoring Well 5650-001 Warren Co., Bolton Landing, Lake George 5857-004 Wayne Co., Ontario, Filtration Plant 5857-005 Wayne Co., GINNA Station, Discharge Canal 5857-006 Wayne Co., Ontario, Upstream at Russell Station 5907-007 Westchester Co., Yonkers, WTP - Saw Mill River Intake A-4

Water Sampling Stations (Continued)

Site Number Location 5941-001 Westchester Co., Buchanan, Con Ed Discharge Area 5941-002 Westchester Co., Buchanan, Con Ed Intake Area 5951-002 Westchester Co., Cortlandt, Hudson River at Verplank Water Station 5953-009 Westchester Co., Elmsford, Tributary to Saw Mill River at SPL 5953-021 Westchester Co., Greenburgh, Pond at Westchester Community College 5957-001 Westchester Co., Mt. Pleasant, Kensico Reservoir 5957-002 Westchester Co., Mt. Pleasant, Pocantico Reservoir A-5

Biological Sampling Stations Site Number Location 0451-001 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, WVDP Area 0451-026 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, WVDP Site 1459-002 Erie Co., Concord, Springville Area 1459-042 Erie Co., Concord, Springville Dam Area 3767-005 Oswego Co., Nine Mile Point Off Shore 5128-005 Suffolk Co., Shoreham, Off Shore 2.9 Mi. NE 5151-002 Suffolk Co., Brookhaven, Surrounding Ponds 5151-003 Suffolk Co., Brookhaven, Surrounding Ponds 5151-004 Suffolk Co., Brookhaven, Surrounding Ponds 5857-007 Wayne Co., Ontario, Off Shore 5941-003 Westchester Co., Buchanan, Intake Screen Sediment Samplin2 Stations Site Number Location 0451-004 Cattaraugus Co., Ashford, Buttermilk Creek, Bottom Sediment 1459-042 Erie Co., Concord, Springville Dam, Bottom Sediment 3767-006 Oswego Co., Nine Mile Point, Bottom Sediment 5128-006 Suffolk Co., Shoreham, Bottom Sediment 5857-008 Wayne Co., Ontario, Ginna Shoreline 5941-004 Westchester Co., Buchanan, Bottom Sediment A-6

Vegetation Sampling Stations Site Number Location 0451-026 Cattaraugus Co., Background for WVDP Site 0451-027 Cattaraugus Co., Near WVDP Site 3767-007 Oswego Co., Nine Mile Point, Vicinity of Nine Mile Point 5128-007 Suffolk Co., Shoreham, Vicinity of Shoreham Site 5857-009 Wayne Co., Ontario, Vicinity of Ginna Site Ash Sampling Station Site Number Location 1403-001 Erie Co., Tonawanda, STP Slud2e Samplin2 Stations Site Number Location 1403-002 Erie Co., Tonawanda, STP 1464-001 Erie Co., Grand Island, STP A-7


  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930106 930331 BE7 6.3 +/- 1.2 E -2 930106 930331 CS134 < 7 E -4 930106 930331 CS137 < 7 E -4 930106 930331 RU106 < 4 E -3 930106 930331 SR90 < 8 E -5 930106 930331 ZRNB95 < 1.1 E -3 930331 930630 BE7 8.6 +/- 1.8 E -2 930331 930630 CS134 < 8 E -4 930331 930630 CS137 < 8 E -4 930331 930630 RU106 < 5 E -3 930331 930630 SR90 < 1.2 E -4 930331 930630 ZRNB95 < 1.6 E -3 930630 930929 BE7 7.2 +/- 1.9 E -2 930630 930929 CS134 < 8 E -4 930630 930929 CS137 < 9 E -4 930630 930929 RU106 < 5 E -3 930630 930929 SR90 < 6 E -5 930630 930929 ZRNB95 < 1.7 E -3 930929 931229 BE7 7.4 +/- 1.1 E -2 930929 931229 CS134 < 7 E -4 930929 931229 CS137 < 7 E -4 930929 931229 RU106 < 3 E -3 930929 931229 SR90 < 1.3 E -4 930929 931229 ZRNB95 < 1.1 E -3
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921230 930106 GB 1.00 +-0.16 E -2 921230 930106 1131 < 5 E -3 930106 930113 GB 1.7 +-0.2 E -2 930106 930113 1131 < 5 E -3 930113 930120 GB 1.30 +-0.17 E -2 930113 930120 1131 < 7 E -3 930120 930127 GB 1.21 +-0.17 E -2 930120 930127 1131 < 6 E -3 930127 930203 GB 1.41 +-0.17 E -2 930127 930203 1131 < 7 E -3 930203 930210 GB 1.47 /-0.18 E -2 930203 930210 1131 < 7 E -3 930210 930217 GB 1.03 +-0.15 E -2 930210 930217 1131 < 6 E -3 930217 930224 GB 1.19 /-0.16 E -2 930217 930224 1131 < 6 E -3 930224 930303 GB 1.41 +-0.16 E -2 A8

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLI DE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 930224 930303 1131 < 5 E -3 930303 930310 GB 1.29 /-0. 16 E -2 930303 930310 1131 < 8 E -3 930310 930317 GB 1.19 1-0.16 E -2 930310 930317 1131 < 6 E -3 930317 930324 GB 1.48+1-0. 18 E -2 930317 930324 1131 < 8 E -3 930324 930331 GB 7.5 +-1.4 E -3 930324 930331 1131 < 8 E -3 930331 930407 GB 5.7 +-1.2 E -3 930331 930407 1131 < 6 E -3 930407 930414 GB 5.7 /-1.2 E -3 930407 930414 1131 < 7 E -3 930414 930428 GB 7.7 +-0.9 E -3 930414 930428 1131 < 4 E '-3 930428 930505 GB 1.15 /-0.16 E -2 930428 930505 1131 < 7 E -3 930505 930512 GB 1.06 /-0.15 E -2 930505 930512 1131 < 7 E -3 930512 930519 GB 8.1 +-1.4 E -3 930512 930519 1131 < 7 E -3 930519 930526 GB 8.2 /-1.4 E -3 930519 930526 1131 < 7 E -3 930526 930602 GB 6.2 +-1.3 E -3 930526 930602 1131 < 1.1 E -2 930602 930609 GB 7.9 +-1.3 E -3.

930602 930609 1131 < 8 E -3 930609 930616 GB 8.3 +-1.4 E -3 930609 930616 1131 < 1.3 E -2 930616 930623 GB 9.0 +-1.5 E -3 930616 930623 1131 < 2 E -2 930623 930630 GB 1.20 /-0.17 E -2 930623 930630 1131 < 1.2 E -2 930630 930707 GB 1.08 /-0.16 E -2 930630 930707 1131 < 7 E -3 930707 930714 GB 1.28 /-0.16 E -2 930707 930714 1131 < 1 E -2 930714 930721 GB 7.7 /-1.3 E -3 930714 930721 1131 < 7 E -3 930721 930728 GB 6.0 +-1.2 E -3 930721 930728 1131 < 9 E -3 930728 930804 GB 1.10 +-0.17 E -2 930728 930804 1131 < 8 E -3 930804 930811 GB 1.05 +-0.15 E -2 930804 930811 1131 < 7 E -3 930811 930818 GB 1.44 +-0.19 E -2 A9

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 930811 930818 1131 < 1.1 E -2 930818 930825 GB 1.33 +-0.16 E -2 930818 930825 1131 < 9 E -3 930825 930901 GB 1.79 +-0.19 E -2 930825 930901 1131 < 8 E -3 930901 930908 GB 1.11 +-0.15 E -2 930901 930908 1131 < 8 E -3 930908 930915 GB 1.35 +-0.16 E -2 930908 930915 1131 < 7 E -3 930915 930922 GB 8.9 +-1.5 E -3 930915 930922 1131 < 7 E -3 930922 930929 GB 1.12 +-0.16 E -2 930922 930929 1131 < 1.1 E -1 930929 931006 GB 9.2 +-1.5 E -3 930929 931006 1131 < 7 E -3 931006 931013 GB 1.27 /-0.17 E -2 931006 931013 1131 < 1.3 E -2 931013 931020 GB 1.41 +-0.16 E -2 931013 931020 1131 < 6 E -3 931020 931027 GB 9.7 +-1.4 E -3 931020 931027 1131 < 6 E -3 931027 931103 GB 8.8 /-1.3 E -3 931027 931103 1131 < 6 E -3 931103 931110 GB 1.46 +-0.17 E -2 931103 931110 1131 < 7 E -3 931110 931117 GB 2.0 +-0.2 E -2 931110 931117 1131 < 1.1 E -2 931117 931124 GB 1.36 /-0.18 E -2 931117 931124 1131 < 6 E -3 931124 931201 GB 1.47 /-0.18 E -2 931124 931201 1131 < 6 E -3 931201 931208 GB 1.38 /-0.18 E -2 931201 931208 1131 < 7 E -3 931208 931215 GB 1.44 +-0.18 E -2 931208 931215 1131 < 6 E -3 931215 931222 GB 1.24 +-0.15 E -2 931215 931222 1131 < 5 E -3 931222 931229 GB 1.02 /-0.14 E -2 931222 931229 1131 < 7 E -3

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 921229 930330 BE7 7.4 +/- 1.0 E -2 921229 930330 CS134 < 5 E -4 921229 930330 CS137 < 5 E -4 A10

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 921229 930330 RU106 < 2. E -3 921229 930330 SR90 < 6 E -5 921229 930330 ZRNB95 < 1 E -3 930330 930629 BE7 1.06 /-0.13 E -1 930330 930629 CS134 < 5 E -4 930330 930629 CS137 < 5 E -4 930330 930629 RU106 < 3 E -3 930330 930629 SR90 < 9 E -5 930330 930629 ZRNB95 < 1.2 E -3 930629 930928 BE7 8.2 +/- 1.9' E -2 930629 930928 CS134 < 7 E -4 930629 930928 CS137 < 8 E -4 930629 930928 RU106 < 4 .E -3 930629 930928 SR90 < 6 E -5 930629 930928 ZRNB95 < 1.6 E -3 930928 931228 BE7 6.7 +/- 1.2 E -2 930928 931228 CS134 < 5 E -4 930928 931228 CS137 < 6 E -4 930928 931228 RU106 < 3 E -3 930928 931228 SR90 < 8 E -5 930928 931228 ZRNB95 < 1.2 E -3

  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921229 930105 GB 89/-1.4 E -3 930105 930112 GB 2.1 /-0.2 E -2 930112 930119 GB 1.31 +-0.17 E -2 930119 930126 GB 9'.8 /-1.3 E -3 930126 930202 GB 1.42 /-0.16 E -2 930202 930209 GB 1.30 /-0.15 E -2 930209 930216 GB 1.39 +-0.16 E -2 930216 930223 GB 1.47. +/- 0.16 E -2 930223 930302 GB 1.45 +-0.17 E -2 930302 930309 GB 1.86 +-0.19 E -2 930309 930316 GB 1.32 +-0.16 E -2 930316 930323 GB 1.37 +-0.17 E -2 930323 930330 GB 5.0 +-1.1 E -3 930330 930406 GB 7.0 +-1.2 E -3 930406 930413 GB 9.1+/ 1.4 E -3 930413 930420 GB 1.28 +-0.16 E -2 930420 930427 GB 9.0 1-1.4 E -3 930427 930504 GB .1.26 +-0.17 E -2 930504 930511 GB 9.7 +-1.4 E -3 930511 930518 GB 6.4 +-1.3 E -3 930518 930525 GB 8.7 /-1.4 E -3 930525 930601 GB 6.6 /-1.3 E -3 930601 930608 GB 5..7 /-1.2 E -3 All

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 930608 930615 GB 1.11 /-0.16 E -2 930615 930622 GB 1.10 +-0.16 E -2 930622 930629 GB 8.9 +-1.5 E -3 930629 930706 GB 1.29 /-0.17 E -2 930706 930713 GB 1.21 1-0.17 E -2 930713 930720 GB 1.01 /-0.16 E -2 930720 930727 GB 1.04 +-0.16 E -2 930727 930803 GB 1.11 /-0.15 E -2 930803 930810 GB 1.04 /-0.14 E -2 930810 930817 GB 2.2 +-0.2 E -2 930817 930824 GB 1.46 +-0.17 E -2 930824 930831 GB 1.86 +-0.19 E -2 930831 930907 GB 1.06 +-0.14 E -2 930907 930914 GB 1.19 /-01.15 E -2 930914 930921 GB 9.4 /-1.3 E -3 930921 930928 GB 1.03 /-0.14 E -2 930928 931005 GB 7.9 +-1.2 E -3 931005 931012 GB 1.38 /-0.16 E -2 931012 931019 GB 1.82 +-0.18 E -2 931019 931026 GB 1.34 +-0.17 E -2 931026 931102 GB 9.6 +-1.4 E -3 931102 931109 GB 1.24 1-0.16 E -2 931109 931116 GB 1.9 +-0.2 E -2 931116 931123 GB 1.50 +-0.16 E -2 931123 931130 GB 1.68 +-0.17 E -2 931130 931207 GB 1.76 +-0.18 E -2 931207 931214 GB 1.91 /-0.19 E -2 931214 931221 GB 1.28 /-0.15 E -2 931221 931228 GB 1.11 /-0.14 E -2

    • SITE NUMBER: 3565-001 (ORANGE, TUXEDO)
  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 921231 930402 BE7 7.1 +/- 0.9 E -2 921231 930402 CS134 < 5 E -4 921231 930402 CS137 < 5 E -4 921231 930402 RU106 < 3 E -3 921231 930402 SR90 < 8 E -5 921231 930402 ZRNB95 < 9 E -4 930402 930702 BE7 1.0 +/- 0.2 E -1 930402 930702 CS134 < 1.2 E -3 930402 930702 CS137 < 1.3 E -3 930402 930702 RU106 < 6 E -3 930402 930702 SR90 < 3 E -4 930402 930702 ZRNB95 < 2 E -3 930702 931001 BE7 7.6 +/- 1.8 E -2 A12

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 930702 931001 CS 13 4 < 8 E -4 930702 931001 CS 137 < 8 E -4 930702 931001 RU 106 < 5 E -3 930702 931001 SR9 0 < 7 E -5 930702 931001 ZRNB95 < 1.6 E -3 931029 940107 BE7 7.7 +/- 1.3 E -2 931029 940107 CS 134 < 7 E -4 931029 940107 CS137 < 8 E -4 931029 940107 RU 106

  • 1.2 E -4 931029 940107 SR9 0
  • 1.2 E -4 931029 940107 ZRNB9 5
  • 1.2 E -3
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921231 930108 GB 1.85 /-0.19 -2 921231 930108 1125 < 8 -4 921231 930108 1129
  • 1.2 -3 921231 930108 1131
  • 1.3 -3 930108 930115 GB 1.16 +-0.16 -2 930108 930115 1125 < 1.9 -3 930108 930115 1129 < 2 -3 930108 930115 1131 < 2 -3 930115 930122 GB 1.65 /-0.19 -2 930115 930122 1125
  • 1.6 -3 930115 930122 1129
  • 1.7 -3 930115 930122 1131
  • 1.9 -3 930122 930129 GB 1.10 1-0.16 -2 930122 930129 1125 < 1 -3 930122 930129 1129 < 1.3 -3 930122 930129 1131 < 3 -3 930129 930212 GB 1.27 /-0.11 -2 930129 930212 1125 < 5 -4 930129 930212 1129 < 6 -4 930129 930212 1131 < 1.2 -3 930212 930219 GB 1.2 /-0.3 -2 930212 930219 1125 < 3 -3 930212 930219 1129 < 4 -3 930212 930219 1131 < 1.1 -2 930219 930226 GB 2.2 /-0.2 -2 930219 930226 1125 < 1 -3 930219 930226 1129
  • 1.3 -3 930219 930226 1131
  • 1.5 -3 930226 930308 NO SAMPLE 930226 930308 GB 1.07 /-0.13 -2 930308 930312 GB 6.3 +-1.4 -3 930308 930312 1125 < 2 -3 930308 930312 1129 < 3 -3 A13

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 930308 930312 1131 < 3 E -3 930312 930326 GB 1.16 +/- 0.11 E -2 930312 930326 1125 < 6 E -4 930312 930326 1129 < 7 E -4 930312 930326 1131 < 1.4 E -3 930326 930402 GB 5.5 +/- 1.3 E -3 930326 930402 1125 < 1.1 E -3 930326 930402 1129 < 1.7 E -3 930326 930402 1131 < 7 E -4 930402 930416 GB 5.6 +/- 0.8 E -3 930402 930416 1125 < 7 E -4 930402 930416 1129 < 1.1 E -3 930402 930416 1131 < 1.3 E -3 930416 930426 MALFUNCTION 930426 930430 MALFUNCTION 930521 930528 GB 8 +/- 4 E -3 930521 930528 1125 < 5 E -3 930521 930528 1129 < 8 E -3 930521 930528 1131 < 1.3 E -2 930528 930604 NO SAMPLE 930528 930604 1125 < 3 E -3 930528 930604 1129 < 2 E -3 930528 930604 1131 < 3 E -2 930604 930611 NO SAMPLE 930604 930611 GB 6.7 +/- 1.3 E -3 930611 930618 GB NO SAMPLE 930611 930618 1125 < 4 E -3 930611 930618 1129 < 3 E -3 930611 930618 1131 < 9 E -3 930618 930625 GB 1.29 /-0.18 E -2 930618 930625 1125 < 2 E -3 930618 930625 1129 < 2 E -3 930618 930625 1131 < 1.1 E -3 930625 930702 GB 1.14 +-0.17 E -2 930625 930702 1125 < 1.5 E -3 930625 930702 1129 < 2.0 E -3 930625 930702 1131 < 1 E -3 930702 930709 GB 1.34 +-0.17 E -2 930702 930709 1125 < 1.6 E -3 930702 930709 1129 < 2 B -3 930702 930709 1131 < 3 E -3 930709 930716 GB 1.22 +-0.17 E -2 930709 930716 1125 < 1.5 E -3 930709 930716 1129 < 2 E -3 A14

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 930709 930716 1131 < 1.2 E -3 930716 930723 GB 5.9 +/- 1.2 E -3 930716 930723 1125 < 1.7 E -3 930716 930723 1129 < 2 E -3 930716 930723 1131 < 1.1 E -3 930723 .930806 GB 1.02 /-0.11 E -2 930723 930806 1125 < 8 E -4 930723 930806 1129 < 1 E -3 930723 930806 1131 '< 2 E -3 930806 930813 GB 1.14 +-0.17 E -2 930806 930813 1125 < 2 E -3 930806 930813 1129 < 4 E -3 930806 930813 1131 < 7 E -4 930813 930820 GB 1.7 +-0.2 E -2 930813 930820 1125 < 2 E -3 930813 930820 1129 < 3 E -3 930813 930820 1131 < 2 E -3 930820 930827 NO SAMPLE 930820 930827 1125 < 1.3 E -3 930820 930827 1129 < 1.8 E -3 930820 930827 1131 < 1.2 E -3 930827 930903 GB 2.16 +-0.15 E -2 930827 930903 1125 < 6 E -4 930827 930903 1129 < 9 E -4 930827 930903 1131 < 1.1 E -3 930903 930910 GB 1.24 +-0.16 E -2 930903 930910 1125 < 1.2 E -3 930903 930910 1129 < 1.6 E -3 930903 930910 1131 < 2 E -3 930910 930917 GB 9.2 +/- 1.5 E -3 930910 930917 1125 < 1.3 E -3 930910 930917 1129 < 1.6 E -3 930910 930917 1131 < 3 E -3 930917 930924 GB 2.1 +/- 1.0 E -3 930917 930924 1125 < 1.1 E -3 930917 930924 1129 < 1.4 E -3 930917 930924 1131 < 1.5 E -3 930924 931008 GB 1.35 1-0.18 E -2 930924 931008 1125 < 6 E -4 930924 931008 1129 < 7 E -4 930924 931008 1131 < 1.3 E -3 931008 931015 GB 1.16 +-0.18 E -2 931008 931015 1125 < 1 E -3 931008 931015 1129 < 1.5 E -3 931008 931015 1131 < 2 E -3 A15

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 931015 931022 GB 1.24 +/- 0.16 E -2 931015 931022 1125 < 1.1 E -3 931015 931022 1129 <1.4 E -3 931015 931022 1131 <1.4 E -3 931022 931029 GB 1.06 +/- 0.15 E -2 931022 931029 1125 < 1.1 E -3 931022 931029 1129 <1.4 E -3 931022 931029 1131 < 2 E -3 931029 931105 GB 1.14 +/- 0.15 E -2 931029 931105 1125 < 1.1 E -3 931029 931105 1129 <1.3 E -3 931029 931105 1131 < 2 E -3 931105 931112 GB 2.0 +/- 0.2 E -2 931105 931112 1125 < 1.1 E -3 931105 931112 1129 <1.4 E -3 931105 931112 1131 <1.4 E -3 931112 931119 GB 1.8 +/- 0.2 E -2 931112 931119 1125 < 1.1 E -3 931112 931119 1129 <1.6 E -3 931112 931119 1131 <1.5 E -3 931119 931126 GB 1.8 +/- 0.2 E -2 931119 931126 1125 < 9 E -4 931119 931126 1129 <1.3 E -3 931119 931126 1131 <1.8 E -3 931126 931203 GB 1.56 +/- 0.18 E -2 931126 931203 1125 < 1.1 E -3 931126 931203 1129 <1.6 E -3 931126 931203 1131 < 2 E -3 931203 931210 GB 1.59 +/- 0.18 E -2 931203 931210 1125 < 1.1 E -3 931203 931210 1129 <1.6 E -3 931203 931210 1131 < 2 E -3 931210 940107 GB 1.61 +/- 0.10 E -2 931210 940107 1125 < 3 E -4 931210 940107 1129 < 4 E -4 931210 940107 1131 <1.4 E -3

    • SITE NUMBER: 3767-001 (OSWEGO, SCRIBA)
  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930107 930401 BE7 4.9 +/- 1.4 E -2 930107 930401 CS134 <7 E -4 930107 930401 CS137 <8 E -4 930107 930401 RU106 <4 E -3 930107 930401 ZRNB95 < 1.4 E -4 930401 930630 BE7 5.2 +/- 1.0 E -2 A16

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLI DE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 030401 930630 CS134 < 5 E -4 930401 930630 CS 137 < 5 E -4 930401 930630 RU106 < 3 E -3 930401 930630 ZRNB95 < 9 E -4 930630 930930 BE7 6 +/- 2 E -2 930630 930930 CS134 < 9 E -4 930630 930930 CS 137 < 9 E -4 930630 930930 RU106 < 5 E -3 930630 930930 ZRNB95 < 1.8 E -3 930930 931230 BE7 5.5 +-1.0 E -2 930930 931230 CS134 < 6 E -4 930930 931230 CS137 < 6 E -4 930930 931230 RU 106 < 3 E -3 930930 931230 ZRNB95 < 1 E -3

  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921224 930107 GB 7.6 /-0.9 E -3 921224 930107 1131 < 7 E -3 930107 930121 GB 9.8 /-1.0 E -3 930107 930121 1131 < 8 E -3 930121 930129 NO SAMPLE 930129 930205 GB NO SAMPLE 930129 930205 1131 < 1 E -2 930205 930225 GB 9.5 +-0.8 E .3 930205 930225 1131 < 9 E -3 930225 930304 GB 7.5 /-1.3 E -3 930225 930304 1131 < 1.6 E -2 930304 930312 GB 1.05 +-0.14 E -2 930304 930312 1131 < 8 E .3 930312 930326 GB 8.4 +-0.9 E -3 930312 930326 1131 < 6 E -2 930326 930401 GB 7.0 +-1.4 E -3 930326 930401 1131 < 7 E -2 930401 930408 GB 6.3 +-1.1 E -3 930401 930408 1131 < 3 930408 930416 GB 7.0 +-1.3 F -3 930408 930416 1131 < 2 F -2 930416 930422 GB 6.5 +-1.4 E -3 930416 930422 1131 < 1.9 E -2 930422 930506 GB 2.4 +-0.3 F -3 930422 930506 1131 < 4 F -3 930506 930513 GB 6.9 +-1.2 F -3 930506 930513 1131 < 1.1 E -2 930513 930520 GB 5.6 +-1.2 E -3 930513 930520 1131 < 3 E :2 A17

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 930520 930526 GB 6.0 /-1.3 E -3 930520 930526 1131 < 2 E -2 930526 930609 GB 5.1 /-0.7 E -3 930526 930609 1131 < 4 E -3 930609 930616 GB 6.0 /-1.2 E -3 930609 930616 1131 < 1 E -2 930616 930623 GB 9.2 1-1.5 E -3 930616 930623 1131 < 8 E -3 930623 930630 GB 6.4 +-1.3 E -3 930623 930630 1131 < 1.1 E -2 930630 930707 GB 9.6 +/- 1.4 E -3 930630 930707 1131 < 1.1 E -2 930707 930714 GB 1.12 /-0.15 E -2 930707 930714 1131 < 9 B -3 930714 930721 GB 5.0 +-1.1 B -3 930714 930721 1131 < 1 E -2 930721 930729 GB 7.0 1-1.3 E -3 930721 930729 1131 < 9 E -3 930729 930805 GB 6.6 +-1.4 E -3 930729 930805 1131 < 8 E -3 930805 930812 GB 1.00 +-0.16 B -2 930805 930812 1131 < 1 E -2 930812 930819 GB 1.18 +-0.16 B -2 930812 930819 1131 < 1 E -2 930819 930826 GB 1.05 +-0.15 B -2 930819 930826 1131 < 7 E -3 930826 930902 GB 1.01 /-0.15 B -2 930826 930902 1131 < 1.2 B -2 930902 930916 GB 8.9 +-1.1 E -3 930902 930916 1131 < 5 E -3 930916 930923 GB 7.2 /-1.5 B -3 930916 930923 1131 < 9 E -3 930923 930930 GB 5.6 /-1.3 B -3 930923 930930 1131 < 1.6 E -2 930930 931007 GB 7.5 +/- 1.5 E -3 930930 931007 1131 < 1.3 B -2 931007 931014 GB 1.05 +-0.17 B -2 931007 931014 1131 < 1.2 B -2 931014 931021 GB 1.23 +-0.17 E -2 931014 931021 1131 < 1 E -2 931021 931028 GB 6.7 +-1.4 E -3 931021 931028 1131 < 9 E -3 931028 931104 GB 5.6 +-1.4 B -3 931028 931104 1131 < 3 B -2 931104 931110 GB 1.0 +-0.19 B -2 931104 931110 1131 < 1.5 B -2 A18

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 931110 931118 NO SAMPLE 931118 931124 GB 2.1 +/- 1.6 E -3 931118 931124 1131 < 1.1 E -2 931202 931209 GB 8.7 +/- 1.4 E -3 931202 931209 1131 < 7 E -3 931209 931216 GB 8.7 +/- 1.3 E -3 931209 931216 1131 < 7 E -3 931216 931223 GB 7.6 +/- 1.2 E -3 931216 931223 1131 < 1 E -2 931223 931230 GB 1.11 +/- 0.14 E -2 931223 931230 1131 < 6 E -3

  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921230 930121 GB 9.8 +/- 0.8 E -3 921230 930121 1131 < 3 E -3 930121 930209 GB 9.0 +/- 0.8 E -3 930121 930209 1131 < 3 E -3 930209 930211 GB 2.0 +/- 0.4 E -2 930209 930211 1131 < 1.9 E -2 930211 930218 GB 9.7 +/- 1.3 E -3 930211 930218 1131 < 6 E -3 930218 930225 GB 1.08 +/- 0.14 E -2 930218 930225 1131 < 1.5 E -2 930225 930304 GB 1.48 +/- 0.16 E -2 930225 930304 1131 < 7 E -3 930304 930311 GB 1.21 +/- 0.15 E -2 930304 930311 1131 < 4 E -3 930311 930321 GB 1.23 +/- 0.12 E -2 930311 930321 1131 < 9 E -3 930321 930325 GB 1.00 +/- 0. 20 E -2 930321 930325 1131 < 1.2 E -2 930325 930408 GB 6.2 +/- i0 .8 E -3 930325 930408 1131 < 4 E -3 930408 930426 GB 6.3 +/- 0.7 E -3 930408 930426 1131 < 5 E -3 930426 930430 GB 1.3 +/- 0.2 E -2 930426 930430 1131 < 1 E -2 930430 930506 GB 9.2 +/- 1.5 E -3 930430 930506 1131 < 6 E -3 930506 930520 GB 8.3 +/- 0.9 E -3 930506 930520 1131 < 4 E -3 930520 930527 GB 7.7 +/- 1.3 E -3 930520 930527 1131 < 1 E -2 A19

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLI DE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 930527 930610 GB 5.9 +/- 0 .7 E -3 930527 930610 1131 < 4 E -3 930610 930621 GB NO SAMPLE 930610 930621 1131 < 4.0 E -3 930621 930706 GB 9.2 01

).9 E -3 930621 930706 1131 < 4 E -3 930706 930709 GB 2.0 01

).3 E -2 930706 930709 1131 < 1.8 E -2 930709 930716 GB 1.20+/ 0.15 E -2 930709 930716 1131 < 7 E -3 930716 930723 GB 5.4 +1- ..0 E -3 930716 930723 1131 < 5.0 E -3 930723 930730 GB 7.2 +1-: .3 E -3 930723 930730 1131 < 8 E -3 930730 930806 GB 8.2 +-1 .3 E -3 930730 930806 1131 < 8 E 0 930806 930813 GB 1.31+/ 0.16 E -2 930806 930813 1131 < 7 E -3 930813 930820 GB 1.26 +1 0.16

- E -2 930813 930820 1131 < 8 E -3 930820 930827 GB 1.43 0.16 E -2 930820 930827 1131 < 7 E -3 930827 930902 GB 1.13+/ 0.15 E -2 930827 930902 1131 < 5 E -3 930902 930913 GB 9.9 +/1 ..0 E -3 930902 930913 1131 < 5 E -3 930913 930917 GB 1.5 01.2 E -2 930913 930917 1131 < 1.2 E -2 930917 931001 GB 8.1 0/.9 E -3 930917 931001 1131 < 4 E -3 931001 931018 GB 1.16 - 0.09 E -2 931001 931018 1131 < 7 E -3 931018 931022 GB 1.14 - 0.19 E -2 931018 931022 1131 < 8 E -3 931022 931028 GB 1.00 - 0.14 E -2 931022 931028 1131 < 5 E -3 931028 931105 GB 8.7 1/

..1 E -3 931028 931105 1131 < 1.2 E -2 931105 931122 GB 1.31+/ 0.10 E -2 931105 931122 1131 < 4 E -3 931122 931203 GB 1.29+/ 0.12 E -2 931122 931203 1131 < 4 E -3 931203 931210 GB 1.26 - 0.15 E -2 931203 931210 1131 < 5 E -3 931210 931217 GB 1.45 - 0.15 E -2 931210 931217 1131 < 1 E -2 A20

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 931217 931224 GB 1.12 +/- 0.14 E -2 931217 931224 1131 < 4 E -3 931224 931231 GB 1.12 +/- 0.14 E -2 931224 931231 1131 < 7 E -3

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930330 930629 BE7 1.2 +/- 0.6 E -1 930330 930629 CS134 < 3 E -3 930330 930629 CS137 < 3 E -3 930330 930629 RU106 < 1.5 E -2 930330 930629 ZRNB95 < 6 E -3 930629 930928 BE7 5 +-2 E -2 930629 930928 CS134 <1 E -3 930629 930928 CS137 < 1.1 E -3 930629 930928 RU106 < 6 E -3 930629 930928 ZRNB95 < 2 E -3 930928 940104 BE7 6.8 +/- 1.2 E -2 930928 940104 CS134 < 7 E -4 930928 940104 CS137 < 7 E -4 930928 940104 RU106 < 4 E -3 930928 940104 ZRNB95 < 1.1 E -3
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 930310 930316 GB NO SAMPLE 930310 930316 1131 NO SAMPLE 930316 930323 NO SAMPLE 930316 930323 NO SAMPLE 930323 930330 NO SAMPLE 930323 930330 NO SAMPLE 930330 930406 NO SAMPLE 930330 930406 NO SAMPLE 930406 930413 NO SAMPLE 930406 930413 NO SAMPLE 930413 930420 NO SAMPLE 930413 930420 NO SAMPLE 930420 930427 NO SAMPLE 930420 930427 NO SAMPLE 930427 930504 NO SAMPLE 930427 930504 NO SAMPLE 930525 930528 NO SAMPLE 930525 930528 NO SAMPLE 930528 930602 NO SAMPLE 930528 930602 NO SAMPLE 930602 930608 NO SAMPLE A21

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLI DE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 930602 930608 NO SAMPLE 930608 930615 NO SAMPLE 930608 930615 NO SAMPLE 930615 930622 GB 8.5 11 .4 E -3 930615 930622 1131 < 1 E -2 930622 930629 GB 9.5+/1 .5 E -3 930622 930629 1131 < 1.1 E -2 930629 930706 GB 6.7+/ I .2 E,-3 930629 930706 1131 < 7 E -3 930706 930713 GB 9.5+1 1..5 E -3 930706 930713 1131 < 8 E -3 930713 930720 GB 6.0+/ 1..1 E -3 930713 930720 1131 < 1.2 E -2 930720 930728 GB 6.6 +/- I..3 E -3 930720 930728 1131 < 1.3 E -2 930728 930803 GB 8.5 +/- 1..6 E -3 930728 930803 1131 < 9.0 E -3 930803 930810 GB 1.08 - 0.16 E -2 930803 930810 1131 < 1.1 E -2 930810 930817 GB 1.00+/ 0.14 E -2 930810 930817 1131 < 8 E -3 930831 930903 GB 8 +/- 2 E -3 930831 930903 1131 < 2 E -2 930903 930908 GB 1.14 - 0.18 E -2 930903 930908 1131 < 1.3 E -2 930908 930914 GB 1.06+/ 0.17 E -2 930908 930914 1131 <1I E -2 930914 930921 GB < 1.1 E -2 930914 930921 1131 < 1.1 E -1 930921 930928 GB 1.15 - 0.16 E -2 930921 930928 1131 < 1 E -3 930928 931005 GB 7.0 +1- .3 E -3 930928 931005 1131 < 1.1 E -2 931005 931012 GB 5.6 +1- .2 E -3 931005 931012 1131 <1 E -2 931012 931015 GB 7 +-2 E -3 931012 931015 1131 < 1.4 E -2 931015 931020 GB 1.19 1 0.17 E -2 931015 931020 1131 < 1.1 E -2 931020 931026 GB 8.4 +-1 .4 E -3 931020 931026 1131 < 1 E -2 931026 931102 GB 6.6 +1- .1 E -3 931026 931102 1131 < 1.2 E -2 931102 931109 GB 1.10+/ 0.14 E -2 931102 931109 1131 < 1 E -2 931109 931116 GB 1.47 - 0.17 E -2 A2 2

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 931109 931116 1131 < 7 E -3 931116 931123 GB 9.9 +/- 1 .5 E -3 931116 931123 1131 < 9 E -3 931123 931130 GB 1.46 +/- 0.16 E -2 931123 931130 1131 < 7 E -3 931130 931207 GB 1.20 +/- 0.16 E -2 931130 931207 1131 < 8 E -3 931207 931214 GB 1.60 +/- 0.16 E -2 931207 931214 1131 < 7 E -3 931214 931217 GB 8 +/- 2 E -3 931214 931217 1131 < 2 E -2 931217 931222 GB 9.8 +/- 1.5 E -3 931217 931222 1131 < 1.4 E -2 931222 931228 GB 1.4 +/- 0.18 E -2 931222 931228 1131 < 1.1 E -2

    • SITE NUMBER: 5151-001 (SUFFOLK, UPTON)
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921231 930108 GB 7.5 +/- 1.2 E -3 930108 930115 GB 8.4 +/- 1.3 E -3 930115 930122 GB 1.14 +/- 0.15 E -2 930122 930129 GB 9.4 +/- 1.4 E -3 930129 930205 GB 1.27 +/- 0.16 E -2 930205 930211 GB 1.37 +/- 0.17 E -2 930211 930219 GB 8.6 +/- 1.2 E -3 930219 930225 GB 1.04 +/- 0.16 E -2 930225 930305 GB 1.31 +/- 0.14 E -2 930305 930312 GB 8.0 +/- 1.2 E -3 930312 930319 GB 1.20 +/- 0.15 E -2 930319 930324 GB 1.14 +/- 0.17 E -2
    • SITE NUMBER: 5857-001 (WAYNE, ONTARIO)
  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 921230 930402 BE7 5.6+/-1.1 E -2 921230 930402 CS134 <6 E -4 921230 930402 CS137 <6 E -4 921230 930402 RU106 <3 E -3 921230 930402 ZRNB95 <9 E -4 930402 930702 BE7 7.7+/-1.1 E -2 930402 930702 CS134 <6 E -4 930402 930702 CS137 <6 E -4 930402 930702 RU106 <3 E -3 930402 930702 ZRNB95 < 1.1 E -3 930702 931001 BE7 8.3 +/- 1.5 E -2 A23

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 930702 931001 CS134 < 7 E -4 930702 931001 CS137 < 8 E -4 930702 931001 RU106 < 4 E -3 930702 931001 ZRNB95 < 1.5 E -3 931001 931230 BE7 5.3 +/- 1.3 E -2 931001 931230 CS134 < 7 E -4 931001 931230 CS137 < 8 E -4 931001 931230 RU106 < 4 E -3 931001 931230 ZRNB95 < 1.2 E -3

  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921230 930108 GB 1.47 +-0.15 E -2 921230 930108 1131 < 5 E -3 930108 930115 GB 1.54 +-0.17 E -2 930108 930115 1131 < 8 E -3 930115 930123 GB 1.51 +-0.17 E -2 930115 930123 1131 < 8 E -3 930123 930129 GB 1.30 +-0.16 E -2 930123 930129 1131 < 5 E -3 930129 930205 GB 1.44 +-0.16 E -2 930129 930205 1131 < 7 E -3 930205 930212 GB 8.6 +-0.9 E -3 930205 930212 1131 < 6 E -3 930212 930219 GB NO SAMPLE 930212 930219 1131 NO SAMPLE 930219 930226 GB 1.83 +-0.17 E -2 930219 930226 1131 < 7 E -3 930226 930305 GB 9.7 1-0.9 E -3 930226 930305 1131 < 6 E -3 930305 930312 GB 1.42 +-0.16 E -2 930305 930312 1131 < 6 E -3 930312 930319 GB 1.30 +-0.15 E -2 930312 930319 1131 < 8 E -3 930319 930326 GB 1.09 +-0.14 E -2 930319 930326 1131 < 9 E -3 930326 930402 GB 8.7 +-1.3 E -3 930326 930402 1131 < 7 E -3 930402 930408 GB 7.7 +-1.4 E -3 930402 930408 1131 < 1 E -2 930408 930416 GB 6.7 +-1.1 E -3 930408 930416 1131 < 7 E -3 930416 930423 GB 7.6 /-1.2 E -3 930416 930423 1131 < 8 E -3 930423 930430 GB 1.09 /-0.15 E -2 930423 930430 1131 < 8 E -3 930430 930507 GB 9.9 +-1.4 E -3 A24

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 930430 930507 1131 < 9 E -3 930507 930514 GB 5.6 +-1.1 E -3 930507 930514 1131 < 9 E -3 930514 930521 GB 5.0 +-1.1 E -3 930514 930521 1131 < 8 E -3 930521 930528 GB 6.8 +-1.2 E -3 930521 930528 1131 < 1.1 E -2 930528 930604 GB 4.4 +-1.0 E -3 930528 930604 1131 < 1 E -2 930604 930611 GB 8.5 1-1.2 E -3 930604 930611 1131 < 7 E -3 930611 930618 GB NO SAMPLE 930611 930618 1131 < 9 E -3 930618 930625 GB 1.16 /-0.15 E -2 930618 930625 1131 < 7 E -3 930625 930702 GB 1.17 /-0.16 E -2 930625 930702 1131 < 1.5 E -2 930702 930709 GB 8.9 /-1.3 E -3 930702 930709 1131 < 7 E -3 930709 930716 GB 1.10 +-0.14 E -2 930709 930716 1131 < 7 E -3 930716 930723 GB 5.8 +-1.1 E -3 930716 930723 1131 < 7 E -3 930723 930730 GB 1.02 1-0.15 E -2 930723 930730 1131 < 8 E -3 930730 930806 GB 7.2 +-1.3 E -3 930730 930806 1131 < 1 E -2 930806 930813 GB 1.33 +-0.17 E -2 930806 930813 1131 < 1.1 E -2 930813 930820 GB 1.15 +-0.14 E -2 930813 930820 1131 < 7 E -3 930820 930827 GB 1.60 +-0.17 E -2 930820 930827 1131 < 7 E -3 930827 930903 GB 1.10 +-0.14 E -2 930827 930903 1131 < 7 E -3 930903 930910 GB 1.01 /-0.13 E -2 930903 930910 1131 < 6 E -3 930910 930917 GB 9.9 /-1.4 E -3 930910 930917 1131 < 7 E -3 930917 930924 GB 1.04 /-0.15 E -2 930917 930924 1131 < 8 E -3 930924 931001 GB 6.7 /-1.2 E -3 930924 931001 1131 < 7 E -3 931001 931008 GB 1.29 +-0.16 E -2 931001 931008 1131 < 9 E -3 931008 931015 GB 1.00 +-0.14 E -2 A2 5

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 931008 931015 1131 < 7 -3 931015 931022 GB 1.79 +/- 0.17 -2 931015 931022 1131 < 6 -3 931022 931029 GB 9.6 +/- 1.3 -3 931022 931029 1131 < 1 -2 931029 931105 GB 9.3 +/- 1.2 -3 931029 931105 1131 < 8 -3 931105 931112 GB 1.43 +/- 0.15 -2 931105 931112 1131 < 1 -2 931112 931119 GB 1.40 +/- 0.19 -2 931112 931119 1131 < 1 -2 931119 931124 GB 1.5 +/- 0.2 -2 931119 931124 1131 < 1 -2 931124 931203 GB 1.24 +/- 0.13 -2 931124 931203 1131 < 6 -3 931203 931210 GB 1.51 +/- 0.17 -2 931203 931210 1131 < 9 -3 931210 931217 GB 1.39 +/- 0.15 -2 931210 931217 1131 < 6 -3 931217 931223 GB 9.2 +/- 1.4 -3 931217 931223 1131 < 8 -3 931223 931230 GB 9.5 +/- 1.3 -3 931223 931230 1131 < 8 -3

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 921230 930323 BE7 5.0 +/- 1.4 E -2 921230 930323 CS134 < 7 E -4 921230 930323 CS137 < 8 E -4 921230 930323 RU106 < 4 E -3 921230 930323 ZRNB95 < 1.3 E -3 930326 930526 BE7 6 +/- 2 E -2 930326 930526 CS134 < 8 E -4 930326 930526 CS137 < 8 E -4 930326 930526 RU106 < 5 E -3 930326 930526 ZRNB95 < 1.8 E -3 930924 931217 BE7 5.1 +/- 0.9 E -2 930924 931217 CS134 < 5 E -4 930924 931217 CS137 < 5 E -4 930924 931217 RU106 < 3 E -3 930924 931217 ZRNB95 < 9 E -4
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921230 930106 GB 8.4 +/- 1.4 E -3 921230 930106 1131 < 6 E -3 A26

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 930106 930114 GB NO SAMPLE 930106 930114 1131 NO SAMPLE 930114 930119 GB 1.38 +-0.12 E -2 930114 930119 1131 < 4 E -3 930119 930126 GB 8.7 +-1.4 E -3 930119 930126 1131 < 5 E -3 930126 930201 GB NO SAMPLE 930126 930201 1131 NO SAMPLE 930201 930208 GB 5.2 +-0.8 E -3 930201 930208 1131 < 4 E -3 930208 930217 GB 5.8 +-1.0 E -3 930208 930217 1131 < 6 E -3 930217 930223 GB 1.14 +-0.16 E -2 930217 930223 1131 < 6 E -3 930223 930301 GB 1.03 +-0.14 E -2 930223 930301 1131 < 8 E -2 930301 930308 GB 1.56 +-0.17 E -2 930301 930308 1131 < 5 E -3 930308 930323 GB 1.10 +-0.10 E -2 930308 930323 1131 < 5 E -3 930323 930409 GB 3.6 +-0.6 E -3 930323 930409 1131 < 4 E -3 930409 930414 GB 3.6 /-1.2 E -3 930409 930414 1131 < 7 E -3 930414 930419 GB 3.1 /-1.2 E -3 930414 930419 1131 < 6 E -3 930419 930428 GB 8.9 1-1.2 E -3 930419 930428 1131 < 5 E -3 930428 930504 GB 7.5 /-1.4 E -3 930428 930504 1131 < 1.2 E -2 930504 930510 GB 6.3 +-1.3 E -3 930504 930510 1131 < 7 E -3 930510 930518 GB 7.8 +-1.2 E -3 930510 930518 1131 < 5 E -3 930518 930526 GB 7.8 +-1.2 E -3 930518 930526 1131 <4 E -3 930924 931001 GB 8.9 +-1.4 E -3 930924 931001 1131 < 8 E -3 931001 931008 GB 9.0 +-1.4 E -3 931001 931008 1131 < 7 E -3 931008 931014 GB 9.1 +-1.5 E -3 931008 931014 1131 < 9 E -3 931014 931022 GB 8.4 +-1.1 E -3 931014 931022 1131 < 6 E -3 931022 931029 GB 2.0 /-0.8 E -3 931022 931029 1131 < 8 E -3 A2 7

TABLE 1 RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY IN PCI/M3 DATE DATE 931029 931104 GB 6.2 +/- 1.2 E -3 931029 931104 1131 < 1.5 E -2 931104 931112 GB 5.2 +/- 1.0 E -3 931104 931112 1131 < 1 E -2 931112 931124 GB 5.2 +/- 0.8 E -3 931112 931124 1131 < 6 E -3 931124 931203 GB 9.8 +/- 1.2 E -3 931124 931203 1131 < 6 E -3 931203 931210 GB 1.29 +/- 0.16 E -2 931203 931210 1131 < 6 E -3 931210 931217 GB 1.15 +/- 0.14 E -2 931210 931217 1131 < 6 E -3

  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921230 930114 HTO 9.8 +/- 1.0 E 0 930114 930126 HTO 1.0 +/- 0.5 E 0 930126 930208 HTO 5.5 +/- 0.7 E 0 930208 930223 HTO 4.5 +/- 0.7 E 0 930223 930308 HTO 2.8 +/- 0.7 E 0 930308 930409 HTO 3.3 +/- 0.5 E 0 930409 930419 HTO 2.0 +/- 0.9 E 0 930419 930504 HTO 5 +/- 2 E 0 930504 930518 HTO 5.3 +1- 1.1 E 0 930924 931008 HTO 1.55 +/- 0.14 E 1 931008 931104 HTO 5.4 +/- 0.7 E 0 A28


  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 921230 930127 SR89 0 921230 930127 SR90 -1 930127 930303 SR89 0 930127 930303 SR9 0 -1 930303 930331 SR89 1 930303 930331 SR9 0 -1 930331 930505 SR89 0 930331 930505 SR90 0 930505 930602 SR8 9 0 930505 930602 SR9 0 -1 930602 930630 SR89 0 930602 930630 SR9 0 -1 930630 930728 SR89 0 930630 930728 SR9 0 -1 930728 930902 SR8 9 0 930728 930902 SR9 0 -1 930902 930929 SR89 0 930902 930929 SR90 -1 930929 931027 SR89 0 930929 931027 SR9 0 -1 931027 931201 SR89 0 931027 931201 SR9 0 -1 931201 931229 SR89 0 931201 931229 SR9 0 -1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921230 930106 BE7 1.6 E 2 921230 930106 CS137 2 E 1 921230 930106 RU106 9 E 1 921230 930106 ZRNB95 2 E 1 930106 930113 BE7 1.8 E 2 930106 930113 CS137 2 E 1 930106 930113 HTO 1.2 E 2 930106 930113 RU106 1 E 2 930106 930113 ZRNB95 3 E 1 930113 930120 BE7 1.6 E 2 930113 930120 CS137 2 E 1 930113 930120 HTO 1.9 E 2 930113 930120 RU106 9 E 1 930113 930120 ZRNB95 2 E 1 930120 930127 BE7 1.4 E 2 930120 930127 CS137 1.9 E 1 930120 930127 HTO 1.1 E 2 A29

TABLE 2 RADIOACTIVITY IN FALLOUT 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/M2-DAY DATE DATE (HTO IN PCI/LITER) 930120 930127 RU106 7 930120 930127 ZRNB95 2 930127 930203 BE7 1.3 930127 930203 CS137 1.9 930127 930203 RU106 7 930127 930203 ZRNB95 2 930203 930210 BE7 1.3 930203 930210 CS137 1.9 930203 930210 RU106 7 930203 930210 ZRNB95 2 930210 930217 BE7 4 930210 930217 CS137 5 930210 930217 HTO 1.8 930210 930217 RU106 2 930210 930217 ZRNB95 6 930217 930224 BE7 3 930217 930224 CS137 3 930217 930224 HTO 1.8 930217 930224 RU106 1.4 930217 930224 ZRNB95 4 930224 930303 BE7 1.3 930224 930303 CS137 1.9 930224 930303 RU106 7 930224 930303 ZRNB95 2 930303 930310 BE7 1.3 930303 930310 CS137 1.7 930303 930310 RU106 6 930303 930310 ZRNB95 2 930310 930317 BE7 1.3 930310 930317 CS137 1.8 930310 930317 HTO 1.8 930310 930317 RU106 7 930310 930317 ZRNB95 2 930317 930324 BE7 1.3 930317 930324 CS137 1.8 930317 930324 HTO 1.4 930317 930324 RU106 7 930317 930324 ZRNB95 2 930324 930331 BE7 3 930324 930331 CS137 4 930324 930331 HTO 1.1 930324 930331 RU106 1.6 930324 930331 ZRNB95 5 930331 930407 BE7 1.4 930331 930407 CS137 1.9 930331 930407 HTO 1 A30

TABLE 2 RADIOACTIVITY IN FALLOUT 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/M2-DAY DATE DATE (HTO IN PCI/LITER) 930331 930407 RU106 7 930331 930407 ZRNB95 2 930407 930414 BE7 1.5 930407 930414 CS137 2 930407 930414 HTO 1.3 930407 930414 RU106 8 930407 930414 ZRNB95 2 930414 930428 BE7 +/- 3 930414 930428 CS137 4 930414 930428 HTO 1.3 930414 930428 RU106 1.4 930414 930428 ZRNB95 4 930428 930505 BE7 1.3 930428 930505 CS137 1.9 930428 930505 RU106 7 930428 930505 ZRNB95 2 930505 930512 BE7 1.8 930505 930512 CS137 2 930505 930512 RU106 1 930505 930512 ZRNB95 3 930512 930519 BE7 1.5 930512 930519 CS137 2 930512 930519 HTO 1.8 930512 930519 RU106 8 930512 930519 ZRNB95 3 930519 930526 BE7 1.4 930519 930526 CS137 2 930519 930526 RU106 7 930519 930526 ZRNB95 2 930526 930602 BE7 1.4 930526 930602 CS137 1.8 930526 930602 RU106 8 930526 930602 ZRNB95 2 930602 930609 BE7 1.6 930602 930609 CS137 2 930602 930609 HTO 1.7 930602 930609 RU106 9 930602 930609 ZRNB95 3 930609 930616 BE7 1.8 930609 930616 CS137 2 930609 930616 HTO 1.4 930609 930616 RU106 9 930609 930616 ZRNB95 3 930616 930623 BE7 1.5 930616 930623 CS137 1.8 930616 930623 HTO 1.7 A31

TABLE 2 RADIOACTIVITY IN FALLOUT 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/M2-DAY DATE DATE (HTO IN PCI/LITER) 930616 930623 RU106 7 930616 930623 ZRNB95 2 930623 930630 BE7 1.6 930623 930630 CS137 2 930623 930630 RU106 8 930623 930630 ZRNB95 2 930630 930707 BE7 1.7 930630 930707 CS137 2 930630 930707 RU106 9 930630 930707 ZRNB95 3 930707 930714 BE7 1.4 930707 930714 CS137 1.9 930707 930714 RU106 7 930707 930714 ZRNB95 2 930714 930721 BE7 1.4 930714 930721 CS137 1.9 930714 930721 HTO 1.8 930714 930721 RU106 8 930714 930721 ZRNB95 2 930721 930728 BE7 1.2 930721 930728 CS137 1.8 930721 930728 HTO 1.6 930721 930728 RU106 7 930721 930728 ZRNB95 2 930728 930804 BE7 2 930728 930804 CS137 3 930728 930804 HTO 1.4 930728 930804 RU106 1.2 930728 930804 ZRNB95 3 930804 930811 BE7 1.6 930804 930811 CS137 2 930804 930811 RU106 8 930804 930811 ZRNB95 3 930811 930818 BE7 1.3 930811 930818 CS137 1.8 930811 930818 HTO 1.8 930811 930818 RU106 7 930811 930818 ZRNB95 2 930818 930825 BE7 1.5 930818 930825 CS137 2 930818 930825 HTO 1.9 930818 930825 RU106 9 930818 930825 ZRNB95 2 930825 930901 BE7 1.5 930825 930901 CS137 2 930825 930901 HTO 1.8 A32

TABLE 2 RADIOACTIVITY IN FALLOUT 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/M2-DAY DATE DATE (HTO IN PCI/LITER) 930825 930901 RU106 < 9 E 1 930825 930901 ZRNB95 < 2 E 1 930901 930908 BE7 < 1.6 E 2 930901 930908 CS137 < 2 E 1 930901 930908 HTO 1.8 +/- 1.3 E 2 930901 930908 RU106 < 1 E 2 930901 930908 ZRNB95 < 3 E 1 930908 930915 BE7 < 2 E 2 930908 930915 CS137 < 3 E 1 930908 930915 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930908 930915 RU106 1.7 +/- 1.1 E 2 930908 930915 ZRNB95 < 3 E 1 930915 930922 BE7 < 1.6 E 2 930915 930922 CS137 < 2 E 1 930915 930922 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930915 930922 RU106 < 8 E 1 930915 930922 ZRNB95 < 3 E 1 930922 930929 BE7 < 2 E 2 930922 930929 CS137 < 3 E 1 930922 930929 HTO < 1.9 E 2 930922 930929 RU106 < 1.2 E 2 930922 930929 ZRNB95 < 3 E 1 930929 931006 BE7 < 1.5 E 2 930929 931006 CS137 < 2 E 1 930929 931006 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930929 931006 RU106 < 8 E 1 930929 931006 ZRNB95 < 3 E 1 931006 931013 BE7 < 1.6 E 2 931006 931013 CS137 < 2 E 1 931006 931013 HTO < 2 E 2 931006 931013 RU106 < 8 E 1 931006 931013 ZRNB95 < 3 E 1 931013 931020 BE7 < 1.3 E 2 931013 931020 CS137 < 1.9 E 1 931013 931020 HTO 2.8 +/- 1.5 E 2 931013 931020 RU106 < 7 E 1 931013 931020 ZRNB95 < 2 E 1 931020 931027 BE7 < 1.3 E 2 931020 931027 CS137 < 1.8 E 1 931020 931027 HTO < 2 E 2 931020 931027 RU106 < 7 E 1 931020 931027 ZRNB95 < 2 E 1 931027 931103 BE7 < 3 E 2 931027 931103 CS137 < 3 E 1 931027 931103 HTO < 1.7 E 2 931027 931103 RU106 < 1.5 E 2 A33

TABLE 2 RADIOACTIVITY IN FALLOUT 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/M2-DAY DATE DATE (HTO IN PCI/LITER) 931027 931103 ZRNB95 < 4 E 1 931103 931110 BE7 < 2 E 2 931103 931110 CS137 < 3 E 1 931103 931110 RU106 < 1.1 E 2 931103 931110 ZRNB95 < 3 E 1 931110 931117 BE7 < 1.4 E 2 931110 931117 CS137 < 2 E 1 931110 931117 HTO < 1.7 E 2 931110 931117 RU106 < 7 E 1 931110 931117 ZRNB95 < 2 E 1 931117 931124 BE7 < 1.8 E 2 931117 931124 CS137 < 3 E 1 931117 931124 HTO 2.0 +/- 1.3 E 2 931117 931124 RU106 < 1 E 2 931117 931124 ZRNB95 < 3 E 1 931124 931201 BE7 < 3 E 2 931124 931201 CS137 < 4 E 1 931124 931201 HTO < 1.4 E 2 931124 931201 RU106 < 1.5 E 2 931124 931201 ZRNB95 < 4 E 1 931201 931208 BE7 < 1.2 E 2 931201 931208 CS137 < 1.8 E 1 931201 931208 HTO < 1.4 E 2 931201 931208 RU106 < 7 E 1 931201 931208 ZRNB95 < 2 E 1 931208 931215 BE7 < 1.4 E 2 931208 931215 CS137 < 2 E 1 931208 931215 HTO < 1.5 E 2 931208 931215 RU106 < 7 E 1 931208 931215 ZRNB95 < 2 E 1 931215 931222 BE7 < 3 E 2 931215 931222 CS137 < 4 E 1 931215 931222 HTO < 2 E 2 931215 931222 RU106 < 1.4 E 2 931215 931222 ZRNB95 < 4 E 1 931222 931229 BE7 < 1.5 E 2 931222 931229 CS137 < 2 E 1 931222 931229 RU106 < 8 E 2 931222 931229 ZRNB95 < 2 E 1

  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921230 930106 HTO 1.85 +/- 0.15 E 3 930106 930114 HTO < 1 E 2 930114 930119 HTO NO SAMPLE A34

TABLE 2 RADIOACTIVITY IN FALLOUT 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/M2-DAY DATE DATE (HTO IN PCI/LITER) 930119 930126 HTO 2.3 +/- 1.0 E 2 930126 930201 HTO NO SAMPLE 930201 930208 HTO NO SAMPLE 930208 930217 HTO 2.6 +/- 1.5 E 2 930217 930223 HTO 7.2 +/- 1.6 E 2 930223 930301 HTO NO SAMPLE 930301 930308 HTO 8.3 +/- 1.5 E 2 930308 930323 HTO 5.2 +/- 0.7 E 2 930323 930409 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930409 930414 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930414 930419 HTO NO SAMPLE 930419 930428 HTO < 1.4 E 2 930428 930504 HTO NO SAMPLE 930504 930510 HTO NO SAMPLE 930510 930518 HTO NO SAMPLE 930518 930526 HTO NO SAMPLE 931002 931008 HTO NO SAMPLE 931008 931015 HTO 3.2 +1- 1.6 E 2 931015 931022 HTO 4.9 +/- 1.7 E 2 931022 931029 HTO NO SAMPLE 931029 931104 HTO 1.25 +/- 0.18 E 3 931104 931111 HTO 2-.16 +/- 0.19 E 3 931111 931118 HTO 6.8 +/- 1.4 E 2 931118 931202 HTO 3.0 +/- 1.3 E 2 931202 931209 HTO 3.6 +/- 1.5 E 2 931209 931216 HTO 5.6 +/- 1.7 E 2 A35


    • SITE NUMBER: 0101-001 (ALBANY, DOH LAB) 930104 CS137 < 7 E 0 930104 HTO < 1 E 2 930104 1125 < 1.2 E -1 930104 1129 < 2 E -1 930104 1131 < 5 E -2 930104 K40 1.27 +/- 0.17 E 3 930104 SR89 < 1.2 E 0 930104 SR90 1.8 +/- 0.6 E 0 930111 CS137 < 7 E 0 930111 1125 < 1.1 E -1 930111 1129 < 1.8 E -1 930111 1131 < 5 E -2 930111 K40 1.28 +/- 0.17 E 3 930119 CS137 < 7 E 0 930119 1125 < 1.3 E -1 930119 1129 < 2 E -1 930119 1131 < 1 E -1 930119 K40 1.40 +/- 0.16 E 3 930125 CS137 < 7 E 0 930125 1125 < 1.4 E -1 930125 1129 < 2 E -1 930125 1131 < 5 E -2 930125 K40 1.40 +/- 0.16 E 3 930201 CS137 < 9 E 0 930201 1125 < 1.4 E -1 930201 1129 < 1.9 E -1 930201 1131 < 6 E -2 930201 K40 1.3 +/- 0.2 E 3 930201 SR89 < 1.6 E 0 930201 SR90 1.6 +/- 0.4 E 0 930208 CS137 < 7 E 0 930208 1125 < 1.3 E -1 930208 1129 < 1.6 E -1 930208 1131 < 5 E -2 930208 K40 1.18 +/- 0.16 E 3 930217 CS137 < 8 E 0 930217 1125 < 1.1 E -1 930217 1129 < 1.6 E -1 930217 1131 < 6 E -2 930217 K40 1.23 +/- 0.18 E 3 930224 CS137 < 7 E 0 930224 1125 < 1.1 E -1 930224 1129 < 1.8 E -1 930224 1131 < 6 E -2 930224 K40 1.26 +/- 0.16 E 3 A36

TABLE 3 RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE 930301 CS137 < 9 E 0 930301 1125 < 1.3 E -1 930301 1129 < 2 E -1 930301 1131 < 5 E -2 930301 K40 1.31 +-0.18 E 3 930301 SR89 < 1.2 E 0 930301 SR90 1.9 +/- 0.6 E 0 930308 CS137 < 7 E 0 930308 1125 < 1.3 E -1 930308 1129 < 2 E -1 930308 1131 < 5 E -2 930308 K40 1.19 +-0.16 E 3 930315 CS137 < 7 E 0 930315 1125 < 1.2 E -1 930315 1129 < 1.9 E -1 930315 1131 < 5 E -2 930315 K40 1.31 /-0.17 E 3 930322 CS137 < 7 E 0 930322 1125 < 1.2 E -1 930322 1129 < 1.8 E -1 930322 1131 < 3 E -2 930322 K40 1.36 +-0.17 E 3 930329 CS137 < 7 E 0 930329 1125 < 1.1 E -1 930329 1129 < 1.7 E -1 930329 1131 < 3 E -2 930329 K40 1.20 +-0.16 E 3

ý930405 CS137 < 6 E 0 930405 HTO < 1 E 2 930405 1125 < 1.3 E -1 930405 1129 < 2 E -1 930405 1131 < 4 E -2 930405 K40 1.25 +-0.15 E 3 930405 SR89 < 1.3 E 0 930405 SR90 1.3 +/- 0.6 E 0 930412 CS137 < 6 E 0 930412 1125 < 1.2 E -1 930412 1129 < 2 E -1 930412 1131 < 3 E -2 930412 K40 1.36 +-0.15 E 3 930419 CS137 < 7 E 0 930419 1125 < 1.2 E -1 930419 1129 < 2 E -1 930419 1131 < 4 E -2 930419 K40 1.22 +-0.16 E 3 930426 CS137 < 6 E 0 A3 7

TABLE 3 RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE 930426 1125 < 1.2 E -1 930426 1129 < 2 E -1 930426 1131 < 3 E -2 930426 K40 1.38 +-0.15 E 3 930503 CS137 < 6 E 0 930503 1125 < 1.4 E -1 930503 1129 < 2 E -1 930503 1131 < 2 E -2 930503 K40 1.25 +-0.14 E 3 930503 SR89 < 3 E 0 930503 SR90 1.6 /-0.5 E 0 930510 CS137 < 8 E 0 930510 1125 < 1.4 E -1 930510 1129 < 3 E -1 930510 1131 < 3 E -2 930510 K40 1.38 +/- 0.17 E 3 930519 CS137 < 6 E 0 930519 1125 < 3 E -1 930519 1129 < 5 E -1 930519 1131 < 6 E -2 930519 K40 1.18 +/- 0.14 E 3 930526 CS137 < 7 E 0 930526 1125 < 3 E -1 930526 1129 < 5 E -1 930526 1131 < 7 E -2 930526 K40 1.26 1-0.16 E 3 930602 CS137 < 5 E 0 930602 1125 < 1.4 E -1 930602 1129 < 3 E -1 930602 1131 < 4 E -2 930602 K40 1.27 +-0.12 E 3 930602 SR89 < 1.8 E 0 930602 SR90 1.2 +/- 0.6 E 0 930607 CS137 < 7 E 0 930607 1125 < 3 E -1 930607 1129 < 5 E -1 930607 1131 < 5 E -2 930607 K40 1.30 +/- 0.17 E 3 930614 CS137 < 6 E 0 930614 1125 < 6 E -1 930614 1129 < 6 E -1 930614 1131 < 2 E 0 930614 K40 1.15 +-0.15 E 3 930629 CS137 1.7 +-1.2 E 1 930629 1125 < 3 E -1 930629 1129 < 5 E -1 A38

TABLE 3 RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE 930629 1131 < 9 -2 930629 K40 < 3 2 930712 CS137 < 7 0 930712 HTO 9.1 +/- 1.6 2 930712 1125 < 1.5 -1 930712 1129 < 2 -1 930712 1131 < 4 -2 930712 K40 1.29 +/- 0.16 3 930712 SR89 < 1.2 0 930712 SR90 1.4 +/- 0.7 0 930721 CS137 < 8 0 930721 1125 < 4 -1 930721 1129 < 6 -1 930721 1131 < 1.1 -1 930721 K40 1.37 +/- 0.18 3 930726 CS137 < 7 0 930726 1125 < 1.8 -1 930726 1129 < 2 -1 930726 1131 < 4 -2 930726 K40 1.29 +/- 0.15 3 930809 CS137 < 9 0 930809 1125 < 3 -1 930809 1129 < 5 -1 930809 1131 < 1 -1 930809 K40 1.33 +/- 0.19 3 930816 CS137 < 8 0 930816 1125 < 1.4 -1 930816 1129 < 2 -1 930816 1131 < 3 -2 930816 K40 1.25 +/- 0.18 3 930823 CS137 < 6 0 930823 1125 < 3 -1 930823 1129 < 5 -1 930823 1131 < 8 -2 930823 K40 1.19 +/- 0.14 3 930830 CS137 < 6 0 930830 1125 < 2 -1 930830 1129 < 5 -1 930830 1131 < 9 -3 930830 K40 1.33 +/- 0.14 3 930907 CS137 < 7 0 930907 1125 < 3 -1 930907 1129 < 4 -1 930907 1131 < 8 -2 930907 K40 1.20 +/- 0.17 3 930907 SR89 < 1.3 0 A39

TABLE 3 RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE 930907 SR90 1.2 +/- 0.5 E 0 930913 CS137 < 7 E 0 930913 1125 < 3 E -1 930913 1129 < 4 E -1 930913 1131 < 8 E -2 930913 K40 1.19 +/- 0.16 E 3 930920 CS137 < 9 E 0 930920 1125 < 1.4 E -1 930920 1129 < 2 E -2 930920 1131 < 7 E -2 930920 K40 1.5 +/- 0.2 E 3 930928 CS137 < 8 E 0 930928 1125 < 1.2 E -1 930928 1129 < 1.9 E -1 930928 1131 < 5 E -2 930928 K40 1.31 +/- 0.17 E 3 931004 CS137 < 1 E 1 931004 HTO < 1.6 E 2 931004 1125 < 1.3 E -1 931004 1129 < 1.9 E -1 931004 1131 < 4 E -2 931004 K40 1.1 +/- 0.2 E 3 931004 SR89 < 3 E 0 931004 SR90 1.7 +/- 1.1 E 0 931012 CS137 < 7 E 0 931012 1125 < 1.4 E -1 931012 1129 < 2 E -1 931012 1131 < 4 E -2 931012 K40 1.26 +/- 0.17 E 3 931018 CS137 < 1 E 1 931018 1125 < 1.3 E -1 931018 1129 < 2 E -1 931018 1131 < 3 E -2 931018 K40 1.1 +/- 0.2 E 3 931025 CS137 < 8 E 0 931025 1125 < 1.3 E -1 931025 1129 < 1.8 E -1 931025 1131 < 3 E -2 931025 K40 1.17 +/- 0.18 E 3 931101 CS137 < 7 E 0 931101 1125 < 1.2 E -1 931101 1129 < 1.8 E -1 931101 1131 < 5 E -2 931101 K40 1.22 +/- 0.16 E 3 931101 SR89 < 1.6 E 0 931101 SR90 2.1 +/- 0.5 E 0 A40

TABLE 3 RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE 931108 CS137 < 6 E 0 931108 1125 < 1.2 E -1 931108 1129 < 1.8 E -1 931108 1131 < 4 E -2 931108 K40 1.35 +/- 0.14 E 3 931115 CS137 < 7 E 0 931115 1125 < 1.1 E -1 931115 1129 < 1.7 E -1 931115 1131 < 3 E -2 931115 K40 1.33 +/- 0.15 E 3 931122 CS137 < 7 E 0 931122 1125 < 1.2 E -1 931122 1129 < 1.9 E -1 931122 1131 < 5 E -2 931122 K40 1.28 +/- 0.15 E 3 931129 CS137 < 7 E 0 931129 1125 < 2 E -1 931129 1129 < 4 E -1 931129 1131 < 7 E -2 931129 K40 1.27 +/- 0.16 E 3 931206 CS137 < 7 E 0 931206 1125 < 1.1 E -1 931206 1129 < 1.8 E -1 931206 1131 < 3 E -2 931206 K40 1.42 +/- 0.15 E 3 931206 SR89 < 2 E 0 931206 SR90 1.1 +/- 0.8 E 0 931213 CS137 < 1 E 1 931213 1125 < 1.2 E -1 931213 1129 < 1.9 E -1 931213 1131 < 4 E -2 931213 K40 1.2 +/- 0.2 E 3 931220 CS137 < 7 E 0 931220 1125 < 2 E -1 931220 1129 < 3 E -1 931220 1131 < 1 E -1 931220 K40 1.23 +/- 0.17 E 3 931227 CS137 < 6 E 0 931227 1125 < 2 E -1 931227 1129 < 4 E -1 931227 1131 < 1.1 E -1 931227 K40 1.37 +/- 0.13 E 3

    • SITE NUMBER: 0451-016 (CATTARAUGUS, ASHFORD) 930121 BA140 < 1.8 E 1 930121 CS137 < 1 E 1 A41

TABLE 3 RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE 930121 HTO < 1.2 E 2 930121 1131 < 9 E 0 930121 K40 9 +/- 2 E 2 930121 SR90 8 +/- 5 E -1 930225 BA140 < 1.4 E 1 930225 CS137 < 9 E 0 930225 HTO 3.6 +/- 1.4 E 2 930225 1131 < 7 E 0 930225 K40 1.22 +/- 0.18 E 3 930225 SR90 1.2 +/- 0.7 E 0 930325 BA140 < 1.5 E 1 930325 CS137 < 9 E 0 930325 HTO 2.4 +/- 1.2 E 2 930325 1131 < 8 E 0 930325 K40 1.17 +/- 0.19 E 3 930325 SR90 9 +/- 8 E -1 930416 BA140 < 1.1 E 1 930416 CS137 < 7 E 0 930416 HTO 3.3 +/- 1.4 E 2 930416 1131 < 6 E 0 930416 K40 1.22 +/- 0.16 E 3 930416 SR90 1.4 +/- 0.8 E 0 930518 BA140 < 1.1 E 1 930518 CS137 < 8 E 0 930518 HTO 4.3 +/- 0.2 E 3 930518 1131 < 5 E 0 930518 K40 1.27 +/- 0.17 E 3 930518 SR90 1.5 +/- 0.9 E 0 930624 BA140 < 1.2 E 1 930624 CS137 < 7 E 0 930624 HTO 2.4 +/- 0.2 E 3 930624 1131 < 7 E 0 930624 K40 1.31 +/- 0.15 E 3 930624 SR90 2.2 +/- 0.6 E 0 930728 BA140 < 4 E 1 930728 CS137 < 1.2 E 1 930728 HTO 6.2 +/- 1.5 E 2 930728 1131 < 4 E 1 930728 K40 1.2 +/- 0.3 E 3 930728 SR90 < 7 E -1 930825 BA140 < 1.2 E 1 930825 CS137 < 9 E 0 930825 HTO 6.6 +/- 1.7 E 2 930825 1131 < 6 E 0 930825 K40 9.0 +/- 1.9 E 2 930825 SR90 < 1.2 E 0 A42

TABLE 3 RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE 930928 BA140 < 1.1 E l 930928 CS137 < 6 E 0 930928 HTO 2.0 +/- 1.5 E 2 930928 1131 < 6 E 0 930928 K40 1.35 +/- 0.13 E 3 930928 SR90 1.0 +/- 0.9 E 0 931026 BA140 < 1.9 E 1 931026 CS137 < 1 E 1 931026 HTO 3.5 +/- 1.7 E 2 931026 1131 < 1.1 E 1 931026 K40 1.2 +/- 0.2 E 3 931026 SR9 0 2.4 +/- 0.5 E 0 931117 BA140 < 1.3 E 1 931117 CS137 < 7 E 0 931117 HTO 3.5 +/- 1.4 E 2 931117 1131 < 7 E 0 931117 K40 1.14 +/- 0.14 E 3 931117 SR9 0 < 7 E -1 931217 BA140 < 1.2 E 1 931217 CS137 < 8 E 0 931217 HTO 2.9 +/- 1.7 E 2 931217 1131 < 7 E 0 931217 K40 1.30 +/- 0.16 E 3 931217 SR9 0 1.9 +/- 0.7 E 0

    • SITE NUMBER: 0451-017 (CATTARAUGUS, ASHFORD) 930115 BA140 < 2 E 1 930115 CS137 < 9 E 0 930115 HTO <1.2 E 2 930115 1131 <1.4 E 1 930115 K40 6.5 +/- 1.9 E 2 930115 SR90 1.5 +/- 0.5 E 0 930219 BA140 <1.6 E 1 930219 CS137 < 7 E 0 930219 HTO 2.1 +/- 1.4 E 2 930219 1131 < 1 E 1 930219 K40 1.19 +/- 0.16 E 3 930219 SR90 1.9 +/- 0.6 E 0 930311 HTO 3.3 +/- 1.2 E 2 930311 SR90 4.0 +/- 1.4 E 0 930408 CS137 < 8 E 0 930408 HTO 6.5 +/- 1.5 E 2 930408 1131 <1.4 E 1 930408 K40 1.04 +/- 0.17 E 3 930408 SR90 1.9 +/- 0.4 E 0 930502 BA1 40 < 3 E 1 A43

TABLE 3 RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE 930502 CS137 < 7 E 0 930502 HTO 1.05 +/- 0.15 E 3 930502 1131 < 3 E 1 930502 K40 8.6 +/- 1.5 E 2 930502 SR90 1.2 +/- 0.5 E 0 930622 BA140 < 2 E 1 930622 CS137 < 8 E 0 930622 HTO 2.7 +/- 0.2 E 3 930622 1131 < 1.4 E 1 930622 K40 1.13 +/- 0.18 E 3 930622 SR90 1.8 +/- 0.5 E 0 930714 BA140 < 2 E 1 930714 CS137 < 7 E 0 930714 HTO 3.5 +/- 1.8 E 2 930714 1131 < 2 E 1 930714 K40 1.17 +/- 0.15 E 3 930714 SR90 < 7 E -1 930811 BA140 < 3 E 1 930811 CS137 < 1.1 E 1 930811 HTO 1.60 +/- 0.18 E 3 930811 1131 < 3 E 1 930811 K40 1.2 +/- 0.2 E 3 930811 SR90 2.5 +/- 0.9 E 0 930915 BA140 < 8 E 1 930915 CS137 < 6 E 0 930915 HTO 6.4 +/- 1.7 E 2 930915 1131 < 1.6 E 2 930915 K40 1.33 +/- 0.14 E 3 930915 SR90 1.5 +/- 0.5 E 0 931014 BA140 < 1.8 E 1 931014 CS137 < 6 E 0 931014 HTO 2.8 +/- 1.7 E 2 931014 1131 < 1.3 E 1 931014 K40 1.21 +/- 0.14 E 3 931014 SR90 1.5 +/- 0.5 E 0 931111 BA140 < 1.7 E 1 931111 CS137 < 7 E 0 931111 HTO 5.8 +/- 1.5 E 2 931111 1131 < 1.2 E 1 931111 K40 1.20 +/- 0.15 E 3 931111 SR90 1.0 +/- 0.9 E 0 931216 BA140 < 2 E 3 931216 CS137 < 7 E 0 931216 HTO 1.14 +/- 0.17 E 3 931216 1131 < 3 E 4 931216 K40 1.26 +/- 0.15 E 3 A44


    • SITE NUMBER: 3757-001 (OSWEGO, MEXICO) 930126 CS137 < 1 1 930126 HTO < 1 2 930126 1131 < 4 -1 930126 K40 1.3 +/- 0.2 3 930126 SR90 9 +/- 5 -1 930223 CS137 < 7 0 930223 1131 < 5 -1 930223 K40 1.33 +/- 0.16 3 930324 CS137 < 8 0 930324 1131 < 3 -1 930324 K40 1.12 +/- 0.17 3 930428 CS137 < 7 0 930428 HTO 4.4 +/- 1.3 2 930428 1131 < 3 -1 930428 K40 1.39 +/- 0.16 3 930428 SR90 < 6 -1 930518 CS137 < 9 0 930518 1131 < 1.9 -1 930518 K40 1.4 +/- 0.2 3 930630 CS137 < 1 1 930630 1131 < 5 -1 930630 K40 1.0 +/- 0.2 3 930720 CS137 < 7 0 930720 HTO 6.7 +/- 1.6 2 930720 1131 < 3 -1 930720 K40 1.33 +/- 0.17 3 930720 SR90 1.4 +/- 1.0 0 930810 CS137 < 7 0 930810 1131 < 2 -1 930810 K40 1.41 +/- 0.15 3 930831 CS137 < 7 0 930831 1131 < 3 -1 930831 K40 1.34 +/- 0.15 3 930929 CS137 < 9 0 930929 1131 < 2 -1 930929 K40 1.1 +/- 0.2 3 931027 CS137 < 7 0 931027 HTO 3.8 +/- 1.6 2 931027 1131 < 1.8 -1 931027 K40 1.28 +/- 0.16 3 931027 SR90 1.1 +/- 0.8 0 931116 CS137 < 1 1 931116 1131 < 3 -1 A45

TABLE 3 RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE 931116 K40 1.2 +/-0.2 E 3 931208 CS137 <7 E 0 931208 1131 <2 E-1 931208 K40 1.31 +/- 0.17 E 3

    • SITE NUMBER: 3758-001 (OSWEGO, NEW HAVEN) 930126 CS137 < 7 E 0 930126 HTO 2.8 +/- 1.5 E 2 930126 1131 < 3 E -1 930126 K40 1.28 +/- 0.17 E 3 930126 SR90 2.4 +/- 0.5 E 0 930223 CS137 < 7 E 0 930223 1131 < 3 E -1 930223 K40 1.09 +/- 0.16 E 3 930324 CS137 < 9 E 0 930324 1131 < 4 E -1 930324 K40 1.2 +/- 0.2 E 3 930428 CS137 < 7 E 0 930428 HTO 5.9 +/- 1.4 E 2 930428 1131 < 1.3 E -1 930428 K40 1.19 +/- 0.14 E 3 930428 SR90 2.4 +/- 0.5 E 0 930429 CS137 < 7 E 0 930429 HTO 2.2 +/- 1.5 E 2 930429 1131 < 3 E -1 930429 K40 1.13 +/- 0.17 E 3 930429 SR90 1.3 +/- 0.5 E 0 930518 CS137 < 9 E 0 930518 1131 < 2 E -1 930518 K40 1.26 +/- 0.19 E 3 930630 CS137 < 8 E 0 930630 1131 < 3 E -1 930630 K40 1.29 +/- 0.18 E 3 930720 CS137 < 7 E 0 930720 HTO 1.8 +/- 1.5 E 2 930720 1131 < 1.7 E -1 930720 K40 1.23 +/- 0.17 E 3 930720 SR90 2.9 +/- 0.7 E 0 930810 CS137 < 7 E 0 930810 1131 < 3 E -1 930810 K40 1.11 +/- 0.16 E 3 930831 CS137 < 8 E 0 930831 1131 < 3 E -1 930831 K40 1.15 +/- 0.18 E 3 930929 CS137 < 9 E 0 930929 1131 < 3 E -1 A46

TABLE 3 RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE 930929 K40 1.20 +/- 0.19 E 3 931130 CS137 < 8 E 0 931130 1131 < 3 E -1 931130 K40 1.30 +/- 0.16 E 3 931228 CS137 < 7 E 0 931228 1131 < 5 E -1 931228 K40 1.39 +/- 0.16 E 3

    • SITE NUMBER: 3767-002 (OSWEGO, SCRIBA) 930405 CS137 < 7 E 0 930405 1131 < 1.1 E -1 930405 K40 1.24 +/- 0.15 E 3 930503 CS137 < 8 E 0 930503 1131 < 1.8 E -1 930503 K40 1.21 +/- 0.17 E 3 930607 CS137 < 8 E 0 930607 1131 < 1.6 E -1 930607 K40 1.20 +/- 0.19 E 3 930706 CS137 < 1.3 E 1 930706 1131 < 3 E -1 930706 K40 1.3 +/- 0.3 E 3 930802 CS137 < 8 E 0 930802 1131 < 1.5 E -1 930802 K40 1.42 +/- 0.17 E 3 930907 CS137 < 9 E 0 930907 1131 < 3 E -1 930907 K40 1.39 +/- 0.19 E 3 931004 CS137 < 9 E 0 931004 1131 < 1.6 E -1 931004 K40 1.18 +/- 0.18 E 3 931101 CS137 < 9 E 0 931101 1131 < 3 E -1 931101 K40 1.3 +/- 0.2 E 3 931206 CS137 < 7 E 0 931206 1131 < 3 E -1 931206 K40 1.37 +/- 0.15 E 3
    • SITE NUMBER: 5857-002 (WAYNE, ONTARIO) 930121 CS137 < 8 E 0 930121 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930121 1131 < 1.9 E -1 930121 K40 1.25 +/- 0.17 E 3 930121 SR90 < 7 E -1 930223 CS137 < 1.1 E 1 930223 1131 < 4 E -1 930223 K40 1.2 +/- 0.2 E 3 A47

TABLE 3 RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK 1993 ENDING NUCLI DE ACTIVITY PC I/LITER DATE 930330 CS137 < 6 E 0 930330 1131 < 1.3 E -1 930330 K4 0 1.20 +-0.14 E 3 930526 CS 137 < 8 E 0 930526 1131 < 2 E -1 930526 K40 1.19 1-0.17 E 3 930629 CS137 < 7 EQ0 930629 1131 < 2 EQ0 930629 K4 0 1.38 1-0.15 E 3 930719 CS137 < 7 E 0 930719 HTO 4.7 +-1.5 E 2 930719 1131 < 2 E -1 930719 K40 1.26 1-0.17 E 3 930719 SR9 0 1.3 1-0.7 EQ0 930819 CS 137 < 8 EQ0 930819 1131 < 1.9 E -1 930819 K4 0 1.32 +-0.18 E 3 930915 CS137 < 8 EQ0 930915 1131 < 3 E -1 930915 K4 0 1.32 /-0.19 E 3 931029 CS 137 < 9 EQ0 931029 HTO 3.4 /-1.4 E 2 931029 1131 < 3 E -1 931029 K4 0 1.25 /-0.19 E 3 931029 SR9 0 < 7 E -1 931122 CS137 < 6 E 0 931122 1131 < 2 E -1 931122 K4 0 1.28 1-0.14 E 3 931216 CS 137 < 8 EQ0 931216 1131 < 3 E -1 931216 K40 1.28 +-0.16 E 3

    • SITE NUMBER: 5857-003 (WAYNE, ONTARIO) 930112 CS 137 < 7 EQ0 930112 1131 < 3 E -1 930112 K4 0 1.26 +-0.16 B 3 930219 CS 137 < 7 EQ0 930219 1131 < 7 E -1 930219 K4 0 1.44 +-0.16 E 3 930319 CS137 < 5 EQ0 930319 1131 < 7 E -1 930319 K4 0 1.34 +-0.13 E 3 930413 CS 137 < 7 EQ0 930413 1131 < 1.4 EE-1 930413 K40 1.26 +-0.16 B 3 930518 CS 137 < 5 EQ0 A4 8

TABLE 3 RADIOACTIVITY IN MILK 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE 930518 1131 < 3 E -1 930518 K40 1.18 +/- 0.12 E 3 930603 CS137 < 9 E 0 930603 1131 < 7 E -2 930603 K40 1.38 +/- 0.19 E 3 930715 CS137 < 7 E 0 930715 1131 < 3 E -1 930715 K40 1.29 +/- 0.15 E 3 930812 CS137 < 8 E 0 930812 1131 < 5 E -3 930812 K40 1.26 +/- 0.19 E 3 930909 CS137 < 7 E 0 930909 1131 < 2 E -1 930909 K40 1.37 +/- 0.16 E 3 931007 CS137 < 7 E 0 931007 1131 < 4 E -1 931007 K40 1.07 +/- 0.16 E 3 931221 CS137 < 7 E 0 931221 1131 < 5 E -1 931221 K40 1.43 +/- 0.15 E 3 A49


    • SITE NUMBER: 0101-001 (ALBANY, DOH LAB)
  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930104 930129 SR89 1.3 0 930104 930129 SR9 0 5 -1 930201 930226 SR89 2 0 930201 930226 SR9 0 6 -1 930301 930402 SR8 9 3 0 930301 930402 SR9 0 6 -1 930405 930430 SR89 4 0 930405 930430 SR9 0 8 -1 930503 930528 SR89 1.8 0 930503 930528 SR9 0 5 -1 930601 930702 SR8 9 3 0 930601 930702 SR9 0 5 -1 930706 930730 SR8 9 2 0 930706 930730 SR9 0 6 -1 930802 930903 SR89 4 0 930802 930903 SR9 0 1.1 0 930907 931001 SR89 2 0 930907 931001 SR9 0 6 -1 931004 931029 SR8 9 3 0 931004 931029 SR9 0 5 -1 931101 931126 SR89 3 0 931101 931126 SR9 0 7 -1 931129 931230 SR8 9 4 0 931129 931230 SR9 0 7 -1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 930104 930108 CS137 6 E 0 930104 930108 GA 9 E -1 930104 930108 GB 1.4 E 0 930104 930108 HTO 1.1 E 2 930104 930108 RU106 1.9 E 1 930104 930108 ZRNB95 6 E 0 930111 930115 CS137 6 E 0 930111 930115 GA 1 E 0 930111 930115 GB 1.4 E 0 930111 930115 HTO 1.2 E 2 930111 930115 RU106 2 E 1 930111 930115 ZRNB95 6 E 0 930119 930122 CS137 6 E 0 930119 930122 GA 1.3 E 0 930119 930122 GB 1.4 E 0 930119 930122 HTO 1.2 E 2 930119 930122 RU106 2 E 1 A50

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930119 930122 ZRNB95 < 6 0 930125 930129 CS137 < 6 0 930125 930129 GA < 1.2 0 930125 930129 GB < 1.7 0 930125 930129 HTO < 1.1 2 930125 930129 RU106 < 2 1 930125 930129 ZRNB95 < 6 0 930201 930205 CS137 < 7 0 930201 930205 GA < 9 -1 930201 930205 GB <1.7 0 930201 930205 HTO < 1.9 2 930201 930205 RU106 < 2 1 930201 930205 ZRNB95 < 8 0 930208 930212 CS137 < 6 0 930208 930212 GA < 9 -1 930208 930212 GB 2.2 +/- 1.9 0 930208 930212 HTO < 1.8 2 930208 930212 RU106 < 2 1 930208 930212 ZRNB95 < 7 0 930216 930219 CS137 < 7 0 930216 930219 GA < 1.1 0 930216 930219 GB 1.9 +/- 1.8 0 930216 930219 HTO 1.9 +/- 1.5 2 930216 930219 RU106 < 2 1 930216 930219 ZRNB95 < 7 0 930222 930226 CS137 < 6 0 930222 930226 GA < 1.7 0 930222 930226 GB < 1.7 0 930222 930226 HTO < 1.3 2 930222 930226 RU106 < 2 1 930222 930226 ZRNB95 < 7 0 930301 930305 CS137 < 5 0 930301 930305 GA < 1.3 0 930301 930305 GB < 1 0 930301 930305 HTO 6.0 +/- 1.5 2 930301 930305 RU106 < 1.8 1 930301 930305 ZRNB95 < 6 0 930308 930312 CS137 < 6 0 930308 930312 GA < 1.8 0 930308 930312 GB 1.9 +/- 1.7 0 930308 930312 HTO < 1.8 2 930308 930312 RU106 < 2 1 930308 930312 ZRNB95 < 7 0 930315 930319 CS137 < 6 0 930315 930319 GA < 1.6 0 930315 930319 GB 1.9 +/- 1.7 0 A51

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930315 930319 HTO 1.9 2 930315 930319 RU106 2 1 930315 930319 ZRNB95 6 0 930322 930326 CS137 5 0 930322 930326 GA 1.9 0 930322 930326 GB 2 0 930322 930326 HTO 1.4 2 930322 930326 RU106 1.9 1 930322 930326 ZRNB95 6 0 930329 930402 CS137 7 0 930329 930402 GA 1.8 0 930329 930402 GB 2 0 930329 930402 HTO 1.1 2 930329 930402 RU106 2 1 930329 930402 ZRNB95 8 0 930405 930409 CS137 6 0 930405 930409 GA 1.5 0 930405 930409 GB 2 0 930405 930409 HTO 9 1 930405 930409 RU106 2 1 930405 930409 ZRNB95 8 0 930412 930416 CS137 5 0 930412 930416 GA 1.6 0 930412 930416 GB 2 0 930412 930416 HTO 1.3 2 930412 930416 RU106 1.9 1 930412 930416 ZRNB95 6 0 930419 930423 CS137 6 0 930419 930423 GA 1.3 0 930419 930423 GB 2 0 930419 930423 HTO 1.4 2 930419 930423 RU106 2 1 930419 930423 ZRNB95 7 0 930426 930430 CS137 6 0 930426 930430 GA 9 -1 930426 930430 GB 2 0 930426 930430 HTO 1.4 2 930426 930430 RU106 2 1 930426 930430 ZRNB95 7 0 930503 930507 CS137 6 0 930503 930507 GA 1.3 0 930503 930507 GB 9 -1 930503 930507 HTO 1.8 2 930503 930507 RU106 2 1 930503 930507 ZRNB95 7 0 930510 930514 CS137 7 0 A52

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930510 930514 GA 1.3 930510 930514 GB 1.7 930510 930514 HTO 1.6 930510 930514 RU106 2 930510 930514 ZRNB95 7 930517 930521 CS137 6 930517 930521 GA 1.4 930517 930521 GB 1.4 930517 930521 HTO 1.3 930517 930521 RU106 2 930517 930521 ZRNB95 7 930524 930528 CS137 7 930524 930528 GA 1 930524 930528 GB 1.4 930524 930528 HTO 2 930524 930528 RU106 2 930524 930528 ZRNB95 8 930601 930604 CS137 7 930601 930604 GA 1.1 930601 930604 GB 1.7 930601 930604 HTO 1.7 930601 930604 RU106 2 930601 930604 ZRNB95 7 930607 930611 CS137 6 930607 930611 GA 1 930607 930611 GB 1.7 930607 930611 HTO 1.7 930607 930611 RU106 2 930607 930611 ZRNB95 8 930614 930618 CS137 6 930614 930618 GA 1.2 930614 930618 GB 1.5 930614 930618 HTO 1.5 930614 930618 RU106 2 930614 930618 ZRNB95 7 930628 930702 CS137 6 930628 930702 GA 1.2 930628 930702 GB 1.4 930628 930702 HTO 1.6 930628 930702 RU106 2 930628 930702 ZRNB95 8 930706 930709 CS137 6 930706 930709 GA 1.4 930706 930709 GB 1.5 930706 930709 HTO 1.8 930706 930709 RU106 2 A53

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930706 930709 ZRNB95 < 7 0 930712 930716 CS137 < 5 0 930712 930716 GA < 1.5 0 930712 930716 GB < 1.5 0 930712 930716 HTO < 1.7 2 930712 930716 RU106 < 1.9 1 930712 930716 ZRNB95 < 6 0 930719 930723 CS137 < 6 0 930719 930723 GA < 9 -1 930719 930723 GB < 1 0 930719 930723 HTO < 1.1 2 930719 930723 RU106 < 2 1 930719 930723 ZRNB95 < 6 0 930726 930730 CS137 < 6 0 930726 930730 GA < 1.7 0 930726 930730 GB 1.8 +/- 1.7 0 930726 930730 HTO < 1.5 2 930726 930730 RU106 < 2 1 930726 930730 ZRNB95 < 7 0 930802 930806 CS137 < 6 0 930802 930806 GA < 1.6 0 930802 930806 GB < 1.4 0 930802 930806 HTO 1.6 +/- 1.3 2 930802 930806 RU106 < 2 1 930802 930806 ZRNB95 < 7 0 930809 930813 CS137 < 7 0 930809 930813 GA < 1.2 0 930809 930813 GB < 1.2 0 930809 930813 HTO < 1.8 2 930809 930813 RU106 < 3 1 930809 930813 ZRNB95 < 9 0 930816 930820 CS137 < 6 0 930816 930820 GA < 1.4 0 930816 930820 GB < 1.2 0 930816 930820 HTO < 1.7 2 930816 930820 RU106 < 2 1 930816 930820 ZRNB95 < 8 0 930823 930827 CS137 < 8 0 930823 930827 GA < 1.4 0 930823 930827 GB < 1.1 0 930823 930827 HTO < 1.9 2 930823 930827 RU106 < 3 1 930823 930827 ZRNB95 < 9 0 930830 930903 CS137 < 6 0 930830 930903 GA < 1.4 0 930830 930903 GB < 1.2 0 A54

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930830 930903 HTO < 1.5 E 2 930830 930903 RU106 < 2 E 1 930830 930903 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930907 930910 CS137 < 3 E 0 930907 930910 GA < 1.8 E 0 930907 930910 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 930907 930910 HTO < 1.5 E 2 930907 930910 RU106 < 1.2 E 1 930907 930910 ZRNB95 < 4 E 0 930913 930917 CS137 < 6 E 0 930913 930917 GA < 1.8 E 0 930913 930917 GB < 1.5 E 0 930913 930917 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930913 930917 RU106 < 2 E 1 930913 930917 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930920 930924 CS137 < 7 E 0 930920 930924 GA < 1.6 E 0 930920 930924 GB < 1.5 E 0 930920 930924 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930920 930924 RU106 < 2 E 1 930920 930924 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930927 931001 CS137 < 6 E 0 930927 931001 GA < 1.8 E 0 930927 931001 GB < 1.5 E 0 930927 931001 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930927 931001 RU106 < 2 E 1 930927 931001 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0 931004 931008 CS137 < 7 E 0 931004 931008 GA < 1.6 E 0 931004 931008 GB < 1.2 E 0 931004 931008 HTO < 1.5 E 2 931004 931008 RU106 < 3 E 1 931004 931008 ZRNB95 < 9 E 0 931012 931015 CS137 < 6 E 0 931012 931015 GA < 1.8 E 0 931012 931015 GB < 1.2 E 0 931012 931015 HTO < 1.7 E 2 931012 931015 RU106 < 2 E 1 931012 931015 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 931018 931022 CS137 < 6 E 0 931018 931022 GA < 1.6 E 0 931018 931022 GB < 1.7 E 0 931018 931022 HTO < 1.8 E 2 931018 931022 RU106 < 2 E 1 931018 931022 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 931025 931029 CS137 < 9 E 0 A55

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 931025 931029 GA < 1.4 E 0 931025 931029 GB < 1.4 E 0 931025 931029 HTO < 1.4 E 2 931025 931029 RU106 < 3 E 1 931025 931029 ZRNB95 < 1.1 E 1 931101 931105 CS137 < 6 E 0 931101 931105 GA < 1.3 E 0 931101 931105 GB < 1.4 E 0 931101 931105 HTO < 1.7 E 2 931101 931105 RU106 < 2 E 1 931101 931105 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 931108 931112 CS137 < 7 E 0 931108 931112 GA < 1.6 E 0 931108 931112 GB < 1.4 E 0 931108 931112 HTO < 1.6 E 2 931108 931112 RU106 < 2 E 1 931108 931112 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 931115 931119 CS137 < 8 E 0 931115 931119 GA < 1.6 E 0 931115 931119 GB < 1.5 E 0 931115 931119 HTO < 1.6 E 2 931115 931119 RU106 < 3 E 1 931115 931119 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 931122 931126 CS137 < 6 E 0 931122 931126 GA < 1.2 E 0 931122 931126 GB < 1.2 E 0 931122 931126 HTO < 1.4 E 2 931122 931126 RU106 < 2 E 1 931122 931126 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 931129 931203 CS137 < 6 E 0 931129 931203 GA < 1.3 E 0 931129 931203 GB < 1.5 E 0 931129 931203 HTO < 1.4 E 2 931129 931203 RU106 < 2 E 1 931129 931203 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0 931206 931210 CS137 < 5 E 0 931206 931210 GA < 1.1 E 0 931206 931210 GB 1.9 +/- 1.7 E 0 931206 931210 HTO < 1.5 E 2 931206 931210 RU106 < 1.7 E 1 931206 931210 ZRNB95 < 5 E 0 931213 931217 CS137 < 5 E 0 931213 931217 GA < 8 E -1 931213 931217 GB 2.1 +/- 1.7 E 0 931213 931217 HTO < 1.5 E 2 931213 931217 RU106 < 1.8 E 1 A56

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 931213 931217 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0 931220 931224 CS137 < 6 E 0 931220 931224 GA < 8 E -1 931220 931224 GB 2.8 +/- 1.8 E 0 931220 931224 HTO < 2 E 2 931220 931224 RU106 < 1.9 E 1 931220 931224 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0 931227 931230 Cs137 < 7 E 0 931227 931230 GA < 1.1 E 0 931227 931230 GB < 1.5 E 0 931227 931230 HTO < 2 E 2 931227 931230 RU106 < 2 E 1 931227 931230 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 931119 GA < 7 E 0 931119 GB < 4 E 0 931120 GA < 8 E 0 931120 GB 5 +/- 4 E 0
  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930103 930130 HTO 1.5 E 2 930131 930227 HTO 1.9 E 2 930228 930327 HTO 1.3 E 2 930328 930501 HTO 1.4 E 2 930502 930529 HTO 1.3 E 2 930530 930626 HTO 1.6 E 2 930627 930731 HTO 1.6 E 2 930801 930828 HTO 1.4 E 2 930829 931002 HTO 1.3 E 2 931003 931030 HTO 1.4 E 2 931031 931127 HTO 1.6 E 2 931128 940101 HTO 1.6 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921227 930102 GA < 2 E 0 921227 930102 GB 2.7 +/- 1.6 E 0 930103 930109 GA < 1.7 E 0 930103 930109 GB 3.1 +/- 1.9 E 0 930110 930116 GA < 1.6 E 0 930110 930116 GB < 1.7 E 0 930117 930123 GA < 1.8 E 0 A57

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930117 930123 GB 2.5 +/- 1.9 E 0 930124 930130 GA < 2 E 0 930124 930130 GB 2.2 +/- 1.9 E 0 930131 930206 GA < 2 E 0 930131 930206 GB < 1.9 E 0 930207 930213 GA < 3 E 0 930207 930213 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930214 930220 GA < 2 E 0 930214 930220 GB 2.6 +/- 1.8 E 0 930221 930227 GA < 2 E 0 930221 930227 GB < 1.5 E 0 930228 930306 GA < 2 E 0 930228 930306 GB 2.1 +/- 1.7 E 0 930307 930313 GA < 2 E 0 930307 930313 GB 2.7 +/- 1.8 E 0 930314 930320 GA < 3 E 0 930314 930320 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930321 930327 GA < 1.8 E 0 930321 930327 GB 2.2 +/- 1.9 E 0 930328 930403 GA < 2 E 0 930328 930403 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 930404 930410 GA < 1.5 E 0 930404 930410 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 930411 930417 GA < 1.3 E 0 930411 930417 GB < 1.8 E 0 930418 930424 GA < 1.3 E 0 930418 930424 GB < 1.8 E 0 930425 930501 GA < 1.5 E 0 930425 930501 GB < 1.8 E 0 930502 930508 GA < 1.5 E 0 930502 930508 GB 2.1 +/- 1.8 E 0 930509 930515 GA < 1.7 E 0 930509 930515 GB < 1.5 E 0 930516 930522 GA < 1.6 E 0 930516 930522 GB 2.9 +/- 1.9 E 0 930523 930529 GA < 1.7 E 0 930523 930529 GB < 1.4 E 0 930530 930605 GA < 2 E 0 930530 930605 GB < 1.4 E 0 930606 930612 GA < 2 E 0 930606 930612 GB < 1.4 E 0 930613 930619 GA < 2 E 0 930613 930619 GB < 1.4 E 0 930620 930626 GA < 1.3 E 0 930620 930626 GB < 1.4 E 0 930627 930703 GA < 2 E 0 A58

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930627 930703 GB 2.5 +/- 1.8 E 0 930704 930710 GA < 1.9 E 0 930704 930710 GB < 1.2 E 0 930711 930717 GA < 2 E 0 930711 930717 GB 1.9 +-1.7 E 0 930718 930724 GA < 2 E 0 930718 930724 GB 1.9 1-1.7 E 0 930725 930731 GA < 2 E 0 930725 930731 GB < 1.2 E 0 930731 930807 GA < 2 E 0 930731 930807 GB < 1 E 0 930808 930814 GA < 2 E 0 930808 930814 GB 1.7 +-1.4 E 0 930815 930821 GA < 2 E 0 930815 930821 GB < 1 E 0 930822 930828 GA < 2 E 0 930822 930828 GB 2.1 +-1.5 E 0 930829 930904 GA < 2 E 0 930829 930904 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 930905 930911 GA < 2 E 0 930905 930911 GB 3.4 +/- 1.9 E 0 930912 930918 GA < 3 E 0 930912 930918 GB < 1.7 E 0 930919 930925 GA < 2 E 0 930919 930925 GB 2.3 +-1.7 E 0 930926 931002 GA < 3 E 0 930926 931002 GB 1.8 +-1.7 E 0 931003 931009 GA < 2 E 0 931003 931009 GB < 1.4 E 0 931010 931016 GA < 2 B 0 931010 931016 GB < 1.4 E 0 931017 931023 GA < 2 B 0 931017 931023 GB < 1.4 E 0 931024 931030 GA < 2 E 0 931024 931030 GB 3.0 +/- 1.8 B 0 931031 931106 GA < 2 E 0 931031 931106 GB < 1.4 E 0 931107 931113 GA < 2 E 0 931107 931113 GB < 1.4 E 0 931114 931120 GA < 2 E 0 931114 931120 GB 3.7 +/- 1.9 E 0 931121 931127 GA < 1.4 E 0 931121 931127 GB 5 +-2 E 0 931128 931204 GA 4 +-3 E 0 931128 931204 GB 4.4 +/- 1.9 E 0 931205 931212 GA < 2 E 0 A5 9

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLI DE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 931205 931212 GB 3.1 +/- 1.8 E 0 931212 931218 GA < 1.3 E 0 931212 931218 GB 3.7 +/- 1.9 E 0 931219 931225 GA < 1.4 E 0 931219 931225 GB 1.7 +/- 1.6 E 0 931226 940101 GA < 1.4 E 0 931226 940101 GB < 1.4 E 0

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930113 930311 C060 < 8 E 930113 930311 CS134 < 5 E 930113 930311 CS137 < 6 E 930113 930311 RU106 < 3 E 930113 930311 SR9 0 1.91 +/- 0.06 E 930414 930609 CO60 < 8 E 930414 930609 CS134 < 5 E 930414 930609 CS137 < 6 E 930414 930609 RU106 < 2 E 930414 930609 SR9 0 4.08 +/- 0.13 E 930714 930908 C060 < 8 E 930714 930908 CS134 < 5 E 930714 930908 CS137 < 6 E 930714 930908 RU106 < 3 E 930714 930908 SR9 0 4.56 +/- 0.15 E 931013 931229 C060 < 1 E 931013 931229 CS134 < 6 E 931013 931229 CS137 < 7 E 931013 931229 RU106 < 3 E 931013 931229 SR9 0 4.44 +/- 0.15 E
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930113 GA 1.6 +/- 0.7 E 1 930113 GB 8.5 +0- 0.7 E 1 930113 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930210 GA 3.0 +/- 1.3 E 1 930210 GB 4.6 +/- 0.3 E 2 930210 HTO 4.2 +/- 1.4 E 2 930311 GA 3.7 +/- 1.4 E 1 930311 GB 4.9 +/- 0.2 E 2 930311 HTO 5.1 +/- 1.5 E 2 930414 GA 6 +/- 2 E 1 930414 GB 7.2 +/- 0.3 E 2 930414 HTO 4.5 +/- 1.3 E 2 930512 GA 8 +/- 2 E 1 A60

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930512 GB 7.8 +/- 0.4 E 2 930512 HTO 5.9 +/- 1.6 E 2 930609 GA 5.6 +/- 2.0 E 1 930609 GB 6.6 +/- 0.3 E 2 930609 HTO 2.7 +/- 1.5 E 2 930714 GA 9 +/- 2 E 1 930714 GB 8.0 +/- 0.4 E 2 930714 HTO 5.4 +/- 1.4 E 2 930811 GA 5.0 +/- 1.6 E 1 930811 GB 8.4 +/- 0.4 E 2 930811 HTO 2.8 +/- 1.6 E 2 930908 GA 4.5 +/- 1.6 E 1 930908 GB 8.6 +/- 0.4 E 2 930908 HTO 1.9 +/- 1.4 E 2 931013 GA 2.6 +/- 1.4 E 1 931013 GB 7.8 +/- 0.4 E 2 931013 HTO 3.6 +/- 1.7 E 2 931201 GA < 2 E 0 931201 GB 6.6 +/- 0.3 E 2 931201 HTO < 2 E 2 931229 GA 1.7 +/- 0.7 E 1 931229 GB 8.7 +/- 0.3 E 2 931229 HTO 2.3 +/- 1.4 E 2

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930115 930330 C060 < 8 E 0 930115 930330 CS134 < 5 E 0 930115 930330 CS137 < 6 E 0 930115 930330 RU106 < 2 E 1 930115 930330 SR90 8 +/- 7 E -1 930413 930706 C060 < 9 E 0 930413 930706 CS134 < 5 E 0 930413 930706 CS137 < 6 E 0 930413 930706 RU106 < 3 E 1 930413 930706 SR90 < 6 E -1 930706 930928 C060 < 8 E 0 930706 930928 CS134 < 5 E 0 930706 930928 CS137 < 6 E 0 930706 930928 RU106 < 3 E 1 930706 930928 SR90 < 6 E -1 930928 940104 C060 < 8 E 0 930928 940104 CS134 < 5 E 0 930928 940104 CS137 < 6 E 0 930928 940104 RU106 < 3 E 1 A61


  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 930105 930202 GA < 2 E 0 930105 930202 GB 2.7 +/- 1.9 E 0 930105 930202 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930216 930302 GA < 3 E 0 930216 930302 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930216 930302 HTO < 1.2 E 2 930302 930330 GA 6 +/- 5 E 0 930302 930330 GB 5 +/- 2 E 0 930302 930330 HTO < 1.4 E 2 930413 930427 GA 9 +/- 7 E 0 930413 930427 GB 1.2 +/- 0.3 E 1 930413 930427 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930427 930525 GA < 1.7 E 0 930427 930525 GB 2.0 +/-1.9 E 0 930427 930525 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930427 930601 GA < 3 E 0 930427 930601 GB < 1.7 E 0 930427 930601 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930525 930706 GA < 4 E 0 930525 930706 GB 4 +/- 3 E 0 930525 930706 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930706 930803 GA < 3 E 0 930706 930803 GB 2.4 +/- 1.7 E 0 930706 930803 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930803 930831 GA 5 +/- 2 E 0 930803 930831 GB 6.5 +/- 1.1 E 0 930803 930831 HTO < 1.7 E 2 930928 931026 GA < 3 E 0 930928 931026 GB 2.8 +/- 1.6 E 0 930928 931026 HTO < 1.5 E 2 930914 931028 GA < 5 E 0 930914 931028 GB 6 +/- 2 E 0 930914 931028 HTO < 2 E 2 931026 931123 GA < 1.1 E 0 931026 931123 GB < 1.5 E 0 931026 931123 HTO < 1.4 E 2 931207 940104 GA < 1.3 E 0 931207 940104 GB 4.6 +/- 1.8 E 0 931207 940104 HTO < 1.5 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930121 GA < 1.4 E 0 930121 GB 2.4 E +/- 1.8 E 0 A62

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930121 HTO 1.1 E 2 930416 GA 3 E 0 930416 GB 5 +/- 2 E 0 930416 HTO 1.3 E 2 930728 GA < 4 E 0 930728 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 930728 HTO < 1.2 E 2 931026 GA < 3 E 0 931026 GB 1.9 +/- 1.6 E 0 931026 HTO < 2 E 2

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930106 930331 C060 < 8 E 930106 930331 CS134 < 5 E 930106 930331 CS137 < 6 E 930106 930331 RU106 < 3 E 930106 930331 SR9 0 2.27 +/- 0.13 E 930407 930630 C060 < 1 E 930407 930630 CS134 < 6 E 930407 930630 CS137 < 7 E 930407 930630 RU106 < 3 E 930407 930630 SR90 2.72 +/- 0.15 E 930630 930929 CO60 < 1 E 930630 930929 CS134 < 6 E 930630 930929 CS137 < 7 E 930630 930929 RU106 < 3 E 930630 930929 SR9 0 3.78 +/- 0.17 E 930929 931229 CO60 < 9 E 930929 931229 CS134 < 6 E 930929 931229 CS137 9 +/- 7 E 930929 931229 RU106 < 3 E 930929 931229 SR9 0 1.76 +/- 0.12 E
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 930106 930203 GA 9 +/- 7 E 0 930106 930203 GB 7.0 +/- 0.6 E 1 930106 930203 HTO 9.7 +/- 1.4 E 2 930210 930303 GA < 5 E 0 930210 930303 GB 2.9 +/- 0.4 E 1 930210 930303 HTO 2.7 +/- 1.2 E 2 930303 930331 GA 3.1 +/- 1.1 E 1 930303 930331 GB 9.4 +/- 0.7 E 1 930303 930331 HTO 1.10 +/- 0.16 E 3 930407 930428 GA 3.2 +/- 0.9 E 1 A63

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930407 930428 GB 1.50 +/- 0.09 930407 930428 HTO 2.2 +/- 0.2 930428 930602 GA < 4 930428 930602 GB 4.9 +/- 0.8 930428 930602 HTO 1.6 +/- 1.4 930602 930630 GA < 8 930602 930630 GB 5.8 +/- 0.9 930602 930630 HTO 2.5 +/- 1.3 930630 930804 GA < 7 930630 930804 GB 2.25 +/- 0.17 E 2 930630 930804 HTO 3.3 +/- 0.2 E 3 930804 930901 GA 1.2 +/- 0.5 E 1 930804 930901 GB 6.6 +/- 0.5 E 1 930804 930901 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930908 930929 GA < 1 E 1 930908 930929 GB 1.53 +/- 0.15 E 2 930908 930929 HTO 3.0 +/- 0.2 E 3 930929 931103 GA 7 +/- 6 E 0 930929 931103 GB 1.60 +/- 0.14 E 2 930929 931103 HTO 2.4 +/- 0.2 E 3 931103 931201 GA < 5 E 0 931103 931201 GB 3.1 +/- 0.7 E 1 931103 931201 HTO < 2 E 2 931201 931229 GA 8 +/- 4 E 0 931201 931229 GB 5.0 +/- 0.5 E 1 931201 931229 HTO 9.4 +/- 1.6 E 2

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930121 930416 C060 9 E 0 930121 930416 CS134 6 E 0 930121 930416 CS137 7 E 0 930121 930416 RU106 3 E 1 930121 930416 SR9 0 7 E -1 930728 931026 C060 9 E 0 930728 931026 CS134 6 E 0 930728 931026 CS137 6 E 0 930728 931026 RU106 3 E 1 930728 931026 SR9 0 9 E -1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930121 GA < 4 E 0 930121 GB 2.5 +/- 1.8 E 0 930121 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930416 GA < 4 E 0 A64

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930416 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930416 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930728 GA < 4 E 0 930728 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 930728 HTO 1.4 +/- 1.2 E 2 931026 GA < 6 E 0 931026 GB < 4 E 0 931026 HTO < 2 E 2

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930105 930330 C060 < 1.2 E 1 930105 930330 CS134 < 9 E 0 930105 930330 CS137 < 9 E 0 930105 930330 RU106 < 4 E 1 930105 930330 SR90 1.4 +/- 0.5 E 0 930413 930706 C060 < 8 E 0 930413 930706 CS134 < 5 E 0 930413 930706 CS137 < 6 E 0 930413 930706 RU106 < 2 E 1 930413 930706 SR90 1.5 +/- 0.6 E 0 930706 930928 C060 < 8 E 0 930706 930928 CS134 < 5 E 0 930706 930928 CS137 < 6 E 0 930706 930928 RU106 < 2 E 1 930706 930928 SR90 2.7 +/- 0.5 E 0 930928 940104 C060 < 9 E 0 930928 940104 CS134 < 5 E 0 930928 940104 CS137 < 6 E 0 930928 940104 RU106 < 3 E 1 930928 940104 SR90 1.7 +/- 0.6 E 0
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 930105 930202 GA < 5 E 0 930105 930202 GB 1.1 +/- 0.3 E 1 930105 930202 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930202 930302 GA < 2 E 0 930202 930302 GB 6 +/- 2 E 0 930202 930302 HTO < 1.4 E 2 930302 930330 GA < 2 E 0 930302 930330 GB 8 +/- 3 E 0 930302 930330 HTO < 1.5 E 2 930413 930427 GA 1.3 +/- 0.8 E 1 930413 930427 GB 1.3 +/- 0.3 E -1 930413 930427 HTO < 1.9 E 2 A65

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930427 930525 GA < 2 E 0 930427 930525 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930427 930525 HTO < 1.5 E 2 930525 930706 GA < 5 E 0 930525 930706 GB 1.0 +/- 0.5 E 1 930525 930706 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930706 930803 GA < 3 E 0 930706 930803 GB 9 +/- 2 E 0 930706 930803 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930803 930831 GA 4 +/- 2 E 0 930803 930831 GB 1.05 +/- 0.13 E 1 930803 930831 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930914 930928 GA 1.5 +/- 1.0 E 1 930914 930928 GB 2.3 +/- 0.6 E 1 930914 930928 HTO 4.2 +/- 1.7 E 2 930928 931026 GA < 3 E 0 930928 931026 GB 7 +/- 2 E 0 930928 931026 HTO < 1.5 E 2 931026 931123 GA < 1.2 E 0 931026 931123 GB 7 +/- 2 E 0 931026 931123 HTO < 1.4 E 2 931123 940104 GA 1.0 +/- 0.5 E 1 931123 940104 GB 1.2 +/- 0.3 E 1 931123 940104 HTO 1.8 +/- 1.4 E 2

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930105 930302 C060 < 7 E 0 930105 930302 CS134 < 5 E 0 930105 930302 CS137 < 5 E 0 930105 930302 RU106 < 2 E 1 930105 930302 SR90 < 6 E -1 930406 930629 C060 < 8 E 0 930406 930629 CS134 < 5 E 0 930406 930629 CS137 < 6 E 0 930406 930629 RU106 < 3 E 1 930406 930629 SR90 < 8 E -1 930629 930928 C060 < 9 E 0 930629 930928 CS134 < 6 E 0 930629 930928 CS137 < 7 E 0 930629 930928 RU106 < 3 E 1 930629 930928 SR90 < 5 E -1 930928 931228 C060 < 8 E 0 930928 931228 CS134 < 5 E 0 930928 931228 CS137 < 6 E 0 A66


  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 930105 930202 GA < 4 930105 930202 GB 5 +/- 2 930105 930202 HTO < 1.6 930209 930302 GA < 5 930209 930302 GB 3 +/- 2 930209 930302 HTO < 1.2 930302 930330 GA < 4 930302 930330 GB 8 +/- 3 930302 930330 HTO < 1.4 930406 930427 GA < 7 930406 930427 GB 9 +/- 2 930406 930427 HTO 2.0 +/- 1.5 930601 930629 GA < 4 930601 930629 GB 5 +/- 3 930601 930629 HTO < 1.4 930629 930803 GA < 4 930629 930803 GB 5 +/- 2 930629 930803 HTO < 1.9 930803 930831 GA < 3 930803 930831 GB 4.7 +/- 1.9 930803 930831 HTO < 1.8 930907 930928 GA < 5 930907 930928 GB 7 +/- 5 930907 930928 HTO < 1.9 930928 931102 GA < 1.5 930928 931102 GB 5 +/- 2 930928 931102 HTO < 1.9 931102 931130 GA < 1.5 931102 931130 GB 6 +/- 2 931102 931130 HTO < 2 931130 931228 GA 3+/--2 931130 931228 GB .3.3 +/- 1.6 931130 931228 HTO < 1.6
  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930121 930324 C060 < 7 E 0 930121 930324 CS134 < 4 E 0 930121 930324 CS137 < 5 E 0 930121 930324 RU106 < 2 E 1 930121 930324 SR90 6.3 +/- 0.7 E 0 A67

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930416 930624 CO60 < 9 E 0 930416 930624 CS134 < 5 E 0 930416 930624 CS137 < 6 E 0 930416 930624 RU106 < 3 E 1 930416 930624 SR9 0 1.04 +/. - 0.09 E 1 930728 930928 CO60 < 8 E 0 930728 930928 CS134 < 5 E 0 930728 930928 CS137 < 6 E 0 930728 930928 RU106 < 2 E 1 930728 930928 SR9 0 1.09 +/ - 0.09 E 1 931026 931217 CO60 < 7 E 0 931026 931217 CS134 < 5 E 0 931026 931217 CS137 < 5 E 0 931026 931217 RU106 < 2 E 1 931026 931217 SR9 0 7.9 +/- 0.9 E 0

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930121 GA < 3 930121 GB 1.3 +/- 0.3 930121 HTO < 1.2 930311 GA < 1.8 930311 GB 3.0 +/- 1.1 930311 HTO 2.9 +/- 1.3 930324 GA < 4 930324 GB 2.6 +/- 0.5 930416 GA 1.2 +/- 0.9 930416 GB 2.8 +/- 0.7 930416 HTO < 1.4 930518 GA < 5 930518 GB 1.6 +/- 0.5 930518 HTO 2.0 +/- 1.6 930624 GA < 5 930624 GB 2.1 +/- 0.6 930624 HTO < 1.5 930728 GA < 7 930728 GB 2.7 +/- 0.7 930728 HTO 1.7 +/- 1.3 930805 GA < 7 930805 GB 1.4 +/- 0.5 930805 HTO < 1.8 930928 GA < 4 930928 GB 2.8 +/- 0.4 930928 HTO LAB ACC.

931026 GA < 6 931026 GB 2.3 +/- 0.6 931026 HTO < 2 A68

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 931117 GA 5 +/- 4 E 0 931117 GB 2.0 +/- 0.3 E 1 931217 GA < 1.6 E 0 931217 GB 1.3 +/- 0.3 E 1 931217 HTO < 2 E 2

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930121 GA < 1.6 0 930121 GB 4 +/- 2 0 930121 HTO < 1.3 2 930311 GA < 3 0 930311 GB 3 +/- 2 0 930311 HTO 2.3 +/- 1.2 2 930324 GA < 1.6 0 930324 GB 4 +/- 2 0 930416 GA < 2 0 930416 GB 7 +/- 2 0 930416 HTO < 1.5 2 930518 GA < 3 0 930518 GB 6 +/- 2 0 930518 HTO < 1.9 2 930624 GA < 4 0 930624 GB 7 +/- 5 0 930624 HTO 1.6 +/- 1.4 2 930728 GA < 8 0 930728 GB 1.3 +/- 0.5 1 930728 HTO < 1.3 2 930825 GA < 5 0 930825 GB 7 +/- 4 0 930825 HTO < 1.9 2 930928 GA < 3 0 930928 GB 5 +/- 2 0 930928 HTO < 1.8 2 931026 GA < 3 0 931026 GB 2.8 +/- 1.7 0 931026 HTO < 2 2 931117 GA 4 +/-3 0 931117 GB 7 +/-2 0 931217 GA < 8 -1 931217 GB 2.0 +/- 1.7 0 931217 HTO 2.5 +/- 1.6 2 A69


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930427 CS137 < 5 E 0 930427 GA < 1 E 0 930427 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930427 RU106 < 2 E 1 930427 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 931122 CS137 < 6 E 0 931122 GA < 1.7 E 0 931122 GB < 1.2 E 0 931122 RU106 < 2 E 1 931122 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930909 CO60 < 3 E 0 930909 CS137 < 3 E 0 930909 GA < 1 E 1 930909 GB 1.31 +/- 0.18 E 2 930909 HTO 3.5 +/- 1.5 E 2 930909 SB124 4.3 +/- 1.9 E 1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930121 C060 < 7 E 0 930121 CS134 < 4 E 0 930121 CS137 < 5 E 0 930121 GA < 3 E 0 930121 GB 2.7 +/- 1.9 E 0 930121 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930121 RU106 < 1.9 E 1 930121 SR9 0 < 6 E -1 930416 C060 < 1 E 1 930416 CS134 < 6 E 0 930416 CS137 < 7 E 0 930416 GA < 4 E 0 930416 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 930416 HTO < 1.4 E 2 930416 RU106 < 3 E 1 930416 SR9 0 7 +/-6 E -1 930728 CO60 <8 E 0 930728 CS134 < 5 E 0 930728 CS137 < 6 E 0 A70

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930728 GA < 4 E 0 930728 GB 3.1 +/- 1.9 E 0 930728 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930728 RU106 < 2 E 1 930728 SR90 < 6 E -1 931026 CO60 < 1.4 E 1 931026 CS134 < 1 E 1 931026 CS137 < 1 E 1 931026 GA < 3 E 0 931026 GB < 1.4 E 0 931026 HTO < 2 E 2 931026 RU106 < 4 E 1 931026 SR90 < 6 E -1

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930510 GA <1.5 E 0 930510 GB 2.1 +/- 1.9 E 0 931115 GA <1.6 E 0 931115 GB < 1.5 E 0
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930503 CS137 <6 E 0 930503 GA < 1.9 E 0 930503 GB 2.0 +-1.5 E 0 930503 RU106 <2 E l 930503 ZRNB95 <7 E 0 930927 CS137 < 7 E 0 930927 GA < 2 E 0 930927 GB 2.6 +/- 1.9 E 0 930927 RU106 <2 E l 930927 ZRNB95 <7 E 0
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930513 GA < 1.5 E 0 930513 GB < 1.7 E 0 930927 GA < 1.7 E 0 930927 GB < 1.5 E 0 A71


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930212 GA < 1.4 E 0 930212 GB 2.8 +/- 1.9 E 0 930212 HTO < 1.2 E 2 930414 GA < 2 E 0 930414 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930414 HTO 2.3 +/- 1.4 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930511 GA < 1.9 E 0 930511 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 931119 GA < 3 E 0 931119 GB 1.9 +/- 1.5 E 0
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930406 GA < 6 E 0 930406 GB < 5 E 0 930406 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930908 GA < 5 E 0 930908 GB < 4 E 0 930908 HTO 1.6 +/- 1.3 E 2 931104 GA < 5 E 0 931104 GB < 3 E 0 931104 HTO < 1.7 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930108 GA < 8 E -1 930108 GB < 1.4 E 0 930108 HTO < 1.2 E 2 930108 1125 < 3 E -1 930108 1129 < 5 E -1 930108 1131 < 1.3 E -1 A72

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930115 GA < 1.2 E 0 930115 GB < 1.4 E 0 930115 HTO < 1 E 2 930115 1125 < 5 E -1 930115 1129 < 8 E -1 930115 1131 < 3 E -1 930122 GA < 1.1 E 0 930122 GB 2.3 +/- 1.8 E 0 930122 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930122 1125 < 3 E -1 930122 1129 < 4 E -1 930122 1131 < 1 E -1 930129 GA < 1.1 E 0 930129 GB < 1.7 E 0 930129 HTO < 1 E 2 930129 1125 < 4 E -1 930129 1129 < 5 E -1 930129 1131 < 1.4 E -1 930212 GA < 9 E -1 930212 GB 5 +/- 2 E 0 930212 HTO 4.8 +/- 1.6 E 2 930212 1125 < 3 E -1 930212 1129 < 4 E -1 930212 1131 < 1.6 E -1 930219 GA < 3 E 0 930219 GB 1.4 +/- 0.3 E 1 930219 HTO 5.4 +/- 0.3 E 3 930219 1125 < 4 E -1 930219 1129 < 5 E -1 930219 1131 < 3 E -1 930226 GA < 1.8 E 0 930226 GB < 1.7 E 0 930226 HTO 1.6 +/- 1.3 E 2 930226 1125 < 3 E -1 930226 1129 < 5 E -1 930226 1131 < 1.5 E -1 930308 GA < 1.7 E 0 930308 GB < 1.5 E 0 930308 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930308 1125 < 3 E -1 930308 1129 < 4 E -1 930308 1131 < 1.8 E -1 930312 GA < 1.6 E 0 930312 GB 5 +/- 2 E 0 930312 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930312 1125 < 3 E -1 A73

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930312 1129 < 5 -1 930312 1131 < 1 -1 930326 GA < 1.7 0 930326 GB < 1.8 0 930326 HTO < 1.1 2 930326 1125 < 3 -1 930326 1129 < 4 -1 930326 1131 < 1.3 -1 930402 GA < 1.2 0 930402 GB < 2 2 930402 HTO < 1 2 930402 1125 < 4 -1 0

930402 1129 < 6 -1 930402 1131 < 1.6 -1 930416 GA < 1.2 0 930416 GB < 2 930416 HTO < 1.7 2 930416 1125 < 4 -1 930416 1129 < 6 -1 2

930416 1131 < 8 -2 930426 GA < 8 -1 930426 GB 2.6 +/- 1.9 0 930426 HTO < 1.4 2 930426 1125 < 3 -1 930426 1129 < 6 -1 930426 1131 < 1.5 -1 930430 GA < 8 -1 930430 GB < 2 0 930430 HTO < 1.8 2 930430 1125 < 4 -1 930430 1129 < 7 -1 930430 1131 < 2 -1 930514 GA < 1.2 0 930514 GB 3.0 +/- 1.9 0 930514 HTO < 1.7 2 930514 1125 < 4 -1 930514 1129 < 7 -1 930514 1131 < 1.6 -1 930521 GA < 1 0 930521 GB < 1.4 0 930521 HTO 3.5 +/- 1.5 2 930521 1125 < 4 -1 930521 1129 < 7 -1 930521 1131 < 1.2 -1 930528 GA < 2 0 930528 GB 5 +1- 2 0 A74

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930528 HTO < 2 E 2 930528 1125 < 4 E -1 930528 1129 < 6 E -1 930528 1131 < 1.3 E -1 930604 GA < 1 E 0 930604 GB < 1.8 E 0 930604 HTO < 2 E 2 930604 1125 < 4 E -1 930604 1129 < 7 E -1 930604 1131 < 1.8 E -1 930611 GA < 1 E 0 930611 GB 1.9 +/- 1.8 E 0 930611 HTO < 1.4 E 2 930611 1125 < 5 E -1 930611 1129 < 7 E -1 930611 1131 < 5 E -1 930618 GA < 1.2 E 0 930618 GB < 1.8 E 0 930618 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930618 1125 < 5 E -1 930618 1129 < 8 E -1 930618 1131 < 4 E -1 930625 GA < 1.3 E 0 930625 GB < 1.4 E 0 930625 HTO < 1.5 E 2 930625 1125 < 4 E -1 930625 1129 < 7 E -1 930625 1131 < 1.4 E -1 930702 GA < 3 E 0 930702 GB < 1.4 E 0 930702 HTO 5.6 +/- 1.5 E 2 930702 1125 < 4 E -1 930702 1129 < 7 E -1 930702 1131 < 6 E -1 930709 GA 6 +/- 5 E 0 930709 GB 10 +/-3 E 0 930709 HTO 3.9 +/- 1.4 E 2 930709 1125 < 4 E -2 930709 1129 < 6 E -2 930709 1131 < 1.9 E -1 930716 GA < 3 E 0 930716 GB 6 +/- 4 E 0 930716 HTO 4.5 +/- 1.4 E 2 930716 1125 < 4 E -1 930716 1129 < 7 E -1 930716 1131 < 1.8 E -1 A75

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930723 GA < 6 E 0 930723 GB < 3 E 0 930723 HTO 5.6 +/- 1.5 E 2 930723 1125 < 6 E -1 930723 1129 < 7 E -1 930723 1131 < 9 E -2 930806 GA < 4 E 0 930806 GB 5 +/- 2 E 0 930806 HTO 3.1 +/- 1.5 E 2 930806 1125 < 6 E -1 930806 1129 < 1 E 0 930806 1131 < 1.9 E -1 930813 GA < 3 E 0 930813 GB 8 +/- 2 E 0 930813 HTO 7.5 +/- 1.6 E 2 930813 1125 < 6 E -1 930813 1129 < 9 E -1 930813 1131 < 9 E -2 930820 GA < 3 E 0 930820 GB 4.0 +/- 1.9 E 0 930820 HTO 6.0 +/- 1.6 E 2 930820 1125 < 4 E -1 930820 1129 < 6 E -1 930820 1131 < 1.5 E -1 930827 GA < 3 E 0 930827 GB 7 +/- 2 E 0 930827 HTO 4.8 +/- 1.6 E 2 930827 1125 < 2 E -1 930827 1129 < 4 E -1 930827 1131 < 1.4 E -2 930903 GA < 7 E 0 930903 GB 7 +/- 4 E 0 930903 HTO 2.9 +/- 0.2 E 3 930903 1125 < 4 E -1 930903 1129 < 6 E -1 930903 1131 < 2 E -1 930910 GA < 3 E 0 930910 GB 3.7 +/- 1.8 E 0 930910 HTO 5.8 +/- 0.3 E 3 930910 1125 < 4 E -1 930910 1129 < 5 E -1 930910 1131 < 1.7 E -1 930917 GA < 4 E 0 930917 GB 6 +/- 2 E 0 930917 HTO 9.3 +/- 0.4 E 3 930917 1125 < 4 E -1 A76

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930917 1129 < 5 E -1 930917 1131 < 3 E -1 930924 GA < 4 E 0 930924 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 930924 HTO 5.9 +/- 1.6 E 2 930924 1125 < 4 E -1 930924 1129 < 5 E -1 930924 1131 < 2 E -1 931001 GA 8 +/- 6 E 0 931001 GB 1.8 +/" 0.3 E 1 931001 HTO 1.11 +/- 0.04 E 4 931001 1125 < 4 E -1 931001 1129 < 5 E -1 931001 1131 < 1.8 E -1 931008 GA < 5 E 0 931008 GB 6 +/- 2 E 0 931008 HTO 6.1 +/- 1.5 E 2 931008 1125 < 3 E -1 931008 1129 < 5 E -1 931008 1131 < 1.3 E -1 931015 GA < 1.7 E 0 931015 GB < 1.7 E 0 931015 HTO < 1.8 E 2 931015 1125 < 4 E -1 931015 1129 < 5 E -1 931015 1131 < 9 E -2 931022 GA < 2 E 0 931022 GB < 1.4 E 0 931022 HTO < 1.9 E 2 931022 1125 < 4 E -1 931022 1129 < 6 E -1 931022 1131 < 1.3 E -1 931029 GA < 1.7 E 0 931029 GB < 1.4 E 0 931029 HTO < 1.3 E 2 931029 1125 < 4 E -1 931029 1129 < 5 E -1 931029 1131 < 2 E -1 931105 GA < 1.7 E 0 931105 GB < 1.4 E 0 931105 HTO < 1.8 E 2 931105 1125 < 3 E -1 931105 1129 < 4 E -1 931105 1131 < 1.4 E -1 931112 GA < 1.7 E 0 931112 GB 2.1 +/- 1.8 E 0 A77

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 931112 HTO < 1.7 E 2 931112 1125 < 3 E -1 931112 1129 < 5 E -1 931112 1131 < 1.2 E -1 931119 GA < 1.8 E 0 931119 GB 1.8 +/- 1.6 E 0 931119 HTO < 1.4 E 2 931119 1125 < 5 E -1 931119 1129 < 8 E -1 931119 1131 < 1.2 E -1 931126 GA < 1.2 E 0 931126 GB 1.8 +/- 1.7 E 0 931126 HTO < 1.5 E 2 931126 1125 < 3 E -1 931126 1129 < 5 E -1 931126 1131 < 1.6 E -1 931203 GA < 1.1 E 0 931203 GB < 1.4 E 0 931203 HTO < 1.5 E 2 931203 1125 < 3 E -1 931203 1129 < 5 E -1 931203 1131 < 1.4 E -1 931210 GA < 9 E -1 931210 GB 4.0 +/- 1.9 E 0 931210 HTO < 1.6 E 2 931210 1125 < 3 E -1 931210 1129 < 5 E -1 931210 1131 < 1.7 E -1

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930108 CS137 < 6 E 0 930108 GA < 9 E -1 930108 GB < 1.4 E 0 930108 RU106 < 2 E 1 930108 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0 930115 CS137 < 6 E 0 930115 GA < 1.3 E 0 930115 GB < 1.4 E 0 930115 RU106 < 2 E 1 930115 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930122 CS137 < 6 E 0 930122 GA < 1.2 E 0 930122 GB < 1.5 E 0 930122 RU106 < 1.9 E 1 A78

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930122 ZRNB95 < 6ý E 0 930129 CS137 < 6 E 0 930129 GA < 1.1 E 0 930129 GB < 1.7 E 0 930129 RU106 < 2 E 1 930129 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930212 CS137 < 6 E 0 930212 GA < 9 E -1 930212 GB 2.5 +/- 1.8 E 0 930212 RU106 < 2 E 1 930212 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930219 CS137 < 6 E 0 930219 GA < 1.2 E 0 930219 GB < 1 E 0 930219 RU106 < 2 E 1 930219 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930226 CS137 < 6 E 0 930226 GA < 1.2 E 0 930226 GB 1.6 +/- 1.4 E 0 930226 RU106 < 2 E 1 930226 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930308 CS137 < 7 E 0 930308 GA < 1.7 E 0 930308 GB < 1.5 E 0 930308 RU106 < 2 E 1 930308 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930312 CS137 < 6 E 0 930312 GA < 1.8 E 0 930312 GB < 1.5 E 0 930312 RU106 < 2 E 1 930312 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0 930326 CS137 < 7 E 0 930326 GA < 2 E 0 930326 GB < 1.8 E 0 930326 RU106 < 2 E 1 930326 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930402 CS137 < 6 E 0 930402 GA < 1.7 E 0 930402 GB < 2 E 0 930402 RU106 < 2 E 1 930402 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930416 CS137 < 6 E 0 930416 GA 1.9 +/- 1.7 E 0 930416 GB < 2 E 0 930416 RU106 < 2 E 1 930416 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 A7 9

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930426 CS137 < 6 E 0 930426 GA < 7 E -1 930426 GB < 1.7 E 0 930426 RU106 < 2 E 1 930426 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930430 CS137 < 7 E 0 930430 GA < 7 E -1 930430 GB < 2 E 0 930430 RU106 < 2 E 1 930430 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930514 CS137 < 7 E 0 930514 GA < 1.2 E 0 930514 GB 2.0 /-1.8 E 0 930514 RU106 < 3 E 1 930514 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930521 CS137 < 6 E 0 930521 GA < 1 E 0 930521 GB 2.7 1-1.8 E 0 930521 RU106 < 2 E 1 930521 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930528 CS137 < 6 E 0 930528 GA < 1 E 0 930528 GB < 1.7 E 0 930528 RU106 < 2 E 1 930528 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930603 CS137 < 6 E 0 930603 GA < 9 E -1 930603 GB < 1.7 E 0 930603 RU106 < 2 E 1 930603 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0 930611 CS137 < 7 E 0 930611 GA < 1.1 E 0 930611 GB < 1.7 E 0 930611 RU106 < 2 E 1 930611 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930618 CS137 < 7 E 0 930618 GA < 1.1 E 0 930618 GB 2.1 +/- 1.8 E 0 930618 RU106 < 3 E 1 930618 ZRNB95 < 1.1 E 1 930625 CS137 < 6 E 0 930625 GA < 1.3 E 0 930625 GB < 1.4 E 0 930625 RU106 < 2 E 1 930625 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930702 CS137 < 6 E 0 A8 0

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930702 GA < 1.3 E 0 930702 GB 2.7 +/- 1.8 E 0 930702 RU106 < 2 E 1 930702 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930709 CS137 < 7 E 0 930709 GA < 1.7 E 0 930709 GB < 1.5 E 0 930709 RU106 < 2 E 1 930709 ZRNB95 < 9 E 0 930716 CS137 < 6 E 0 930716 GA < 1.8 E 0 930716 GB < 1.5 E 0 930716 RU106 < 2 E 1 930716 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930723 CS137 < 6 E 0 930723 GA < 1.9 E 0 930723 GB < 1.4 E 0 930723 RU106 < 2 E 1 930723 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930806 CS137 < 6 E 0 930806 GA < 1.5 E 0 930806 GB < 1.5 E 0 930806 RU106 < 2 E 1 930806 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930813 CS137 < 6 E 0 930813 GA < 1.5 E 0 930813 GB < 1.2 E 0 930813 RU106 < 2 E 1 930813 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930820 CS137 < 5 E 0 930820 GA < 1.3 E 0 930820 GB < 1.1 E 0 930820 RU106 < 1.9 E 1 930820 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0 930827 CS137 < 5 E 0 930827 GA < 1.3 E 0 930827 GB < 1.4 E 0 930827 RU106 < 1.9 E 1 930827 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0 930903 CS137 < 6 E 0 930903 GA < 2 E 0 930903 GB 2.1 +/- 1.7 E 0 930903 RU106 < 2 E 1 930903 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930910 CS137 < 6 E 0 930910 GA < 1.4 E 0 A81

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930910 GB < 1.3 E 0 930910 RU106 < 2 E 1 930910 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930917 CS137 < 6 E 0 930917 GA < 1.1 E 0 930917 GB < 1.6 E 0 930917 RU106 < 2 E 1 930917 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930924 CS137 < 7 E 0 930924 GA < 1.6 E 0 930924 GB < 1.5 E 0 930924 RU106 < 2 E 1 930924 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 931001 NO SAMPLE 931008 CS137 < 6 E 0 931008 GA < 1.8 E 0 931008 GB 2.6 +/- 1.7 E 0 931008 RU106 < 2 E 1 931008 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 931015 CS137 < 6 E 0 931015 GA < 1.5 E 0 931015 GB < 1.7 E 0 931015 RU106 < 2 E 1 931015 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 931022 CS137 < 6 E 0 931022 GA < 2 E 0 931022 GB < 1.5 E 0 931022 RU106 < 2 E 1 931022 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 931029 CS137 < 6 E 0 931029 GA < 1.6 E 0 931029 GB < 1.4 E 0 931029 RU106 < 2 E 1 931029 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0 931105 CS137 < 7 E 0 931105 GA < 1.6 E 0 931105 GB < 1.4 E 0 931105 RU106 < 2 E 1 931105 ZRNB95 < 9 E 0 931112 CS137 < 6 E 0 931112 GA < 1.6 E 0 931112 GB < 1.5 E 0 931112 RU106 < 2 E 1 931112 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 931119 CS137 < 7 E 0 931119 GA < 1.9 E 0 A8 2

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 931119 GB < 1.4 E 0 931119 RU106 < 3 E 1 931119 ZRNB95 < 9 E 0 931126 CS137 < 6 E 0 931126 GA < 1.2 E 0 931126 GB 3.9 +/- 1.9 E 0 931126 RU106 < 2 E 1 931126 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 931203 CS137 < 7 E 0 931203 GA < 1 E 0 931203 GB < 1 E 0 931203 RU106 < 2 E 1 931203 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 931210 CS137 < 6 E 0 931210 GA < 9 E -1 931210 GB < 1.5 E 0 931210 RU106 < 1.9 E 1 931210 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0

    • SITE NUMBER: 3702-001 (OSWEGO, OSWEGO W.T.P.)
  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930104 930129 CS137 < 5 E 0 930104 930129 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930104 930129 RU106 < 2 E 1 930104 930129 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930201 930226 CS137 < 7 E 0 930201 930226 HTO 2.8 +/- 1.6 E 2 930201 930226 RU106 < 3 E 1 930201 930226 ZRNB95 < 1.2 E 1 930301 930402 CS137 < 6 E 0 930301 930402 HTO < 1.7 E 2 930301 930402 RU106 < 2 E 1 930301 930402 ZRNB95 < 1 E 1 930405 930430 CS137 < 6 E 0 930405 930430 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930405 930430 RU106 < 2 E 1 930405 930430 ZRNB95 < 1 E 1 930503 930528 CS137 < 6 E 0 930503 930528 HTO < 1.5 E 2 930503 930528 RU106 < 2 E 1 930503 930528 ZRNB95 < 1 E 1 930601 930702 CS137 < 6 E 0 930601 930702 HTO < 1.2 E 2 930601 930702 RU106 < 2 E 1 930601 930702 ZRNB95 < 1 E 1 A83

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930706 930730 CS137 < 6 930706 930730 HTO < 1.8 930706 930730 RU106 < 2 930706 930730 ZRNB95 < 1.1 930802 930903 CS137 < 7 930802 930903 HTO < 1.4 930802 930903 RU106 < 3 930802 930903 ZRNB95 < 1.2 930907 931001 CS137 < 6 930907 -931001 HTO < 1.3 930907 931001 RU106 < 2 930907 931001 ZRNB95 < 1.2 931004 931029 CS137 < 6 931004 931029 HTO 1.8 +/- 1.3 931004 931029 RU106 < 2 931004 931029 ZRNB95 < 1.1 931101 931203 CS137 < 7 931101 931203 HTO 1.6 +/- 1.4 931101 931203 RU106 < 3 931101 931203 ZRNB95 < 1 931206 931230 CS137 < 6 931206 931230 HTO < 1.6 931206 931230 RU106 < 2 931206 931230 ZRNB95 < 1

  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 930104 930108 GA < 1.5 930104 930108 GB 2.3 +/- 1.7 930111 930115 GA < 1.7 930111 930115 GB 2.4 +/- 1.5 930119 930122 GA < 2 930119 930122 GB 1.8 +/- 1.5 930125 930129 GA < 1.7 930125 930129 GB 2.5 +/- 1.9 930201 930205 GA < 1.7 930201 930205 GB 2.8 +/- 1.9 930222 930226 GA < 3 930222 930226 GB 2.2 +/- 1.8 930301 930305 GA < 2 930301 930305 GB 2.5 +/- 1.5 930308 930312 GA < 3 930308 930312 GB 2.8 +/- 1.8 930315 930319 GA < 2 930315 930319 GB < 1.8 930322 930326 GA < 4 930322 930326 GB 3 +/- 2 A84

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930329 930402 GA < 3 E 0 930329 930402 GB < 2 E 0 930405 930409 GA < 3 E 0 930405 930409 GB < 2 E 0 930412 930416 GA < 3 E 0 930412 930416 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930419 930423 GA < 1.3 E 0 930419 930423 GB < 2 E 0 930426 930430 GA < 1.4 E 0 930426 930430 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930503 930507 GA < 1.6 E 0 930503 930507 GB < 1.9 E 0 930510 930514 GA < 2 E 0 930510 930514 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 930524 930528 GA < 1.8 E 0 930524 930528 GB < 1.5 E 0 930601 930604 GA < 1.7 E 0 930601 930604 GB < 1.7 E 0 930607 930611 GA < 1.7 E 0 930607 930611 GB 2.8 +/- 1.9 E 0 930614 930618 GA < 1.8 E 0 930614 930618 GB < 1.4 E 0 930621 930625 GA < 1.6 E 0 930621 930625 GB 3.0 +/- 1.9 E 0 930628 930702 GA < 1.9 E 0 930628 930702 GB < 1.4 E 0 930706 930709 GA < 3 E 0 930706 930709 GB 2.1 +-1.8 E 0 930712 930716 GA < 3 E 0 930712 930716 GB 2.4 +-1.9 E 0 930719 930723 GA < 1.7 E 0 930719 930723 GB 1.8 +/- 1.7 E 0 930726 930730 GA < 3 E 0 930726 930730 GB < 1.4 E 0 930802 930806 GA < 2 E 0 930802 930806 GB 2.2 +/- 1.8 E 0 930809 930813 GA < 2 E 0 930809 930813 GB < 1.2 E 0 930823 930827 GA < 2 E 0 930823 930827 GB 2.5 +-1.8 E 0 930831 930903 GA < 3 E 0 930831 930903 GB 3.1 /-1.8 E 0 930907 930910 GA < 3 E 0 930907 930910 GB 1.6 +-1.5 E 0 930913 930917 GA < 1.6 E 0 930913 930917 GB 2.8 +/- 1.7 E 0 A8 5

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930920 930924 GA < 3 930920 930924 GB 2.1 +/- 1.8 930925 931001 GA < 2 930925 931001 GB < 1.5 931004 931008 GA < 3 931004 931008 GB 3.7 +/- 1.9 931013 931015 GA < 2 931013 931015 GB 2.9 +/- 1.8 931018 931022 GA < 3 931018 931022 GB 3.1 +/- 1.7 931025 931029 GA < 3 931025 931029 GB < 1.4 931101 931105 GA < 2 931101 931105 GB < 1.4 931108 931112 GA < 2 931108 931112 GB 2.5 +/- 1.8 931122 931126 GA < 2 931122 931126 GB 2.3 +/- 1.8 931129 931203 GA < 1.7 931129 931203 GB < 1.4 931206 931210 GA < 1.6 931206 931210 GB 4 +/- 2 931213 931217 GA < 1.2 931213 931217 GB 3.1 +/- 1.9 931227 931230 GA < 1.4 931227 931230 GB 3.6 +/- 1.8

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 921230 930331 HTO 2.0 +/- 1.2 E 2 930331 930630 HTO 2.6 +/- 1.5 E 2 930630 930930 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930930 931230 HTO < 1.9 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921231 930201 CS137 7 E 0 921231 930201 RU106 3 E 1 921231 930201 ZRNB95 1 E 1 930201 930301 CS137 7 E 0 930201 930301 RU106 3 E 1

.1 930201 930301 ZRNB95 E 1 930301 930331 CS137 6 E 0 930301 930331 RU106 2 E 1 930301 930331 ZRNB95 8 E 0 930331 930430 CS137 6 E 0 A86

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930331 930430 RU106 2 930331 930430 ZRNB95 8 930430 930601 CS137 7 930430 930601 RU106 2 930430 930601 ZRNB95 9 930601 930630 CS137 6 930601 930630 RU106 2 930601 930630 ZRNB95 8 930630 930730 CS137 7 930630 930730 RU106 3 930630 930730 ZRNB95 1.1 930730 930831 CS137 6 930730 930831 RU106 2 930730 930831 ZRNB95 8 930831 930930 CS137 6 930831 930930 RU106 2 930831 930930 ZRNB95 8 930930 931101 CS137 6 930930 931101 RU106 2 930930 931101 ZRNB95 9 931101 931130 CS137 6 931101 931130 RU106 2 931101 931130 ZRNB95 9 931130 931230 CS137 5 931130 931230 RU106 1.9 931130 931230 ZRNB95 7

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930107 930414 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930414 930610 HTO 1.3 +/- 1.1 E 2 930706 930913 HTO < 1.6 E 2 931018 931209 HTO < 1.6 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930107 GA < 1.6 E 0 930107 GB 2.9 +/-1.8 E 0 930414 GA < 5 E 0 930414 GB 2.4 +/- 0.4 E 1 930505 GA < 3 E 0 930505 GB < 9 E -1 930607 GA < 2 E 0 930607 GB 2.3 +/-1.9 E 0 930706 GA <3 E 0 930706 GB 1.9 +/-1.8 E 0 A87

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930803 GA <4 E 0 930803 GB 3.5 +/-1.9 E 0 930913 GA <3 E 0 930913 GB 3.2 +/-1.9 E 0 931018 GA <2 E 0 931018 GB 3.2 +/-1.8 E 0 931110 GA <3 E 0 931110 GB < 1.4 E 0 931209 GA < 1.5 E 0 931209 GB 2.0 +/- 1.7 E 0

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 921231 930331 HTO 2.1 +/- 1.2 E 2 930331 930630 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930630 930930 HTO 1.7 +/- 1.4 E 2 930930 931230 HTO < 2 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921231 930201 CS137 921231 930201 RU106 921231 930201 ZRNB95 930201 930301 CS137 930201 930301 RU106 930201 930301 ZRNB95 930301 930331 CS137 930301 930331 RU106 930301 930331 ZRNB95 930331 930430 CS137 930331 930430 RU106 930331 930430 ZRNB95 930430 930601 CS137 930430 930601 RU106 930430 930601 ZRNB95 930601 930630 CS137 930601 930630 RU106 930601 930630 ZRNB95 930630 930730 CS137 930630 930730 RU106 930630 930730 ZRNB95 930730 930831 CS137 930730 930831 RU106 930730 930831 ZRNB95 930831 930930 CS137 930831 930930 RU106 A88

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930831 930930 ZRNB95 < 9 E 0 930930 931101 CS137 < 6 E 0 930930 931101 RU106 < 2 E 1 930930 931101 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 931101 931130 CS137 < 6 E 0 931101 931130 RU106 < 2 E 1 931101 931130 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 931130 931230 CS137 <5 E 0 931130 931230 RU106 < 2 E 1 931130 931230 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930322 CS137 6 E 0 930322 GA 3 E 0 930322 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930322 RU106 2 E 1 930322 ZRNB95 6 E 0 931006 CS137 6 E 0 931006 GA 4 E 0 931006 GB 5 +/- 2 E 0 931006 RU106 2 E 1 931006 ZRNB95 7 E 0
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930131 NO SAMPLE 930226 NO SAMPLE 930321 GA < 5 E 0 930321 GB < 2 E 0 930321 HTO <1.4 E 2 930426 GA < 1.1 E 0 930426 GB < 2 E 0 930426 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930527 GA < 2 E 0 930527 GB <1.6 E 0 930527 HTO < 2 E 2 930706 GA < 3 E 0 930706 GB <1.6 E 0 930706 HTO
  • 1.7 E 2 930723 GA
  • 1.7 E 0 930723 GB < 1 E 0 930723 HTO <1.5 E 2 930902 GA < 2 E 0 A89

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930902 GB 2.1 +/- 1.5 E 0 930902 HTO < 1.4 E 2 930917 GA < 3 E 0 930917 GB < 1.6 E 0 930917 HTO < 1.6 E 2 931022 GA < 2 E 0 931022 GB 2.0 +/- 1.7 E 0 931022 HTO < 1.9 E 2 931105 GA < 2 E 0 931105 GB < 1.4 E 0 931105 HTO < 1.7 E 2 931203 GA < 3 E 0 931203 GB 2.6 +/- 1.9 E 0 931203 HTO < 1.4 E 2

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930518 CS137 < 9 E 0 930518 HTO < 1.5 E 2 930518 RU106 < 3 E 1 930518 ZRNB95 < 1.1 E 1 931011 CS137 < 9 E 0 931011 HTO < 1.8 E 2 931011 RU106 < 3 E 1 931011 ZRNB95 < 1.1 E 1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930518 CS137 < 1 E 1 930518 HTO < 1.5 E 2

< 3 E 1 930518 RU106 930518 ZRNB95 < 1.1 E 1 931011 CS137 < 9 E 0 931011 HTO < 1.8 E 2 931011 RU106 < 3 E 1 931011 ZRNB95 < 1 E 1

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930205 930315 HTO < 2 E 2 930506 930617 HTO < 1.1 E 2 930812 930907 HTO < 1.6 E 2 931005 931208 HTO < 1.6 E 2 A90


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930205 CS137 < 6 E 0 930205 RU106 < 2 E 1 930205 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930315 CS137 < 5 E 0 930315 RU106 < 1.9 E 1 930315 ZRNB95 < 6 E 0 930506 CS137 < 7 E 0 930506 RU106 < 3 E 1 930506 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930617 CS137 < 6 E 0 930617 RU106 < 2 E 1 930617 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930812 CS137 < 7 E 0 930812 RU106 < 2 E 1 930812 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 930907 CS137 < 7 E 0 930907 RU106 < 2 E 1 930907 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 931005 CS137 < 6 E 0 931005 RU106 < 2 E 1 931005 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 931112 CS137 < 7 E 0 931112 RU106 < 3 E 1 931112 ZRNB95 < 9 E 0 931208 CS137 < 7 E 0 931208 RU106 < 2 E 1 931208 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930122 GA < 1.3 E 0 930122 GB 3.8 +/- 1.9 E 0 930122 HTO 3.6 +/- 0.2 E 3 930222 GA < 1.5 E 0 930222 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930222 HTO 3.2 +/- 0.2 E 3 930322 GA < 1.4 E 0 930322 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930322 HTO 1.23 +/- 0.18 E 3 930419 GA < 1.1 E 0 930419 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 930419 HTO 2.07 +/- 0.18 E 3 930728 GA < 2 E 0 A91

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930728 GB 6 +/- 2 E 0 930728 HTO 8.4 +/- 1.5 E 2 930823 GA 1.4 +/- 1.2 E 1 930823 GB 7.1 +/- 0.9 E 1 930823 HTO 3.1 +/- 0.2 E 3 930922 GA 3 +/- 2 E 0 930922 GB 1.4 +/- 0.3 E 1 930922 HTO 1.54 +/- 0.18 E 3 931013 GA < 3 E 0 931013 GB 2.3 +/- 0.3 E 1 931013 HTO 1.46 +/- 0.18 E 3 931119 NO SAMPLE 931222 GA < 1.1 E 0 931222 GB 2.8 +/- 1.6 E 0 931222 HTO 6.0 +/- 1.7 E 2

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930104 GA < 8 -1 930104 GB 3.5 +/- 1.8 0 930104 HTO < 1.1 2 930216 GA < 4 0 930216 GB < 5 0 930216 HTO 2.9 +/- 1.6 2 930315 GA < 1.3 0 930315 GB < 1.5 0 930315 HTO < 1.9 2 930416 GA < 1.2 0 930416 GB < 2 0 930416 HTO < 1.7 2 930601 GA < 9 -1 930601 GB 4 +/- 2 0 930601 HTO < 2 2 930712 GA < 1.4 0 930712 GB 2.1 +/- 1.8 0 930712 HTO < 1.7 2 930824 GA < 1.7 0 930824 GB 4.5 +/- 1.9 0 930824 HTO < 1.9 2 930928 GA < 1.4 0 930928 GB 2.2 +/- 1.8 0 930928 HTO < 1.7 2 931220 GA < 7 -1 931220 GB 6 +/- 2 0 931220 HTO < 2 2 A92


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930511 GA < 3 E 0 930511 GB 2.5 +/- 1.7 E 0 931012 GA < 4 E 0 931012 GB 2.1 +/- 1.7 E 0
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930420 GA < 3 E 0 930420 GB < 1.2 E 0 930420 HTO < 1.3 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930420 GA < 8 E 0 930420 GB < 4 E 0 930420 HTO < 1.3 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930818 GA < 3 E 0 930818 GB < 1.1 E 0 930818 HTO < 1.9 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930421 GA < 1.6 E 0 930421 GB < 1.2 E 0 930421 HTO < 1.2 E 2 930816 GA < 3 E 0 930816 GB 3.6 +/- 1.8 E 0 930816 HTO < 2 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930830 GA < 2 E 0 930830 GB < 1.6 E 0 930830 HTO < 1.9 E 2 A93


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930420 GA < 9 E 0 930420 GB < 7 E 0 930420 HTO < 1.3 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930415 GA < 3 E 0 930415 GB 3.4 +/- 1.8 E 0 930415 HTO < 1.3 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930514 GA < 1.9 E 0 930514 GB < 1.2 E 0 930514 HTO < 1.2 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 931214 BA133 < 6 E 0 931214 C060 < 4 E 0 931214 CS134 < 4 E 0 931214 CS137 < 4 E 0 931214 GA 1.0 +/- 0.6 E 1 931214 GB 2.7 +/" 0.4 E 1 931214 HTO 5.1 +/- 0.3 E 3 931214 U235 < 4 E 1 931214 U238 < 2 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 931214 BA133 <6 E 0 931214 CO60 <5 E 0 931214 CS134 <4 E 0 931214 CS137 <4 E 0 931214 GA <3 E 0 931214 GB 1.6 +/-0.3 E l 931214 HTO 2.8 +/-0.2 E 3 931214 U235 <3 E 1 A94


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 931214 BA133 <5 E 0 931214 CO60 <4 E 0 931214 CS134 <3 E 0 931214 CS137 < 4 E 0 931214 GA < 4 E 0 931214 GB 7.2 +/- 0.9 E 1 931214 HTO 4.8 +/-0.3 E 3 931214 U235 <2 E 1 931214 U238 <7 E 1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 931214 GA < 3 E 0 931214 GB 3.7 +/- 1.8 E 0 931214 HTO < 2 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 931214 GA 1.2+- 0.9 E 1 931214 GB 1.0 +/-0.5 E 1 931214 HTO <2 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 931214 GA < 7 E 0 931214 GB 3.6 +/- 0.7 E 1 931214 HTO 2.3 +/- 1.6 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930707 GA < 1.3 E 0 930707 GB < 1.5 E 0 931105 GA < 1.2 E 0 931105 GB < 1.4 E 0 A95


  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 921231 930129 CS137 < 6 E 0 921231 930129 HTO < 1.9 E 2 921231 930129 RU106 < 2 E 1 921231 930129 ZRNB95 < 1 E 1 930129 930305 CS137 < 7 E 0 930129 930305 HTO 4.0 +/- 1.6 E 2 930129 930305 RU106 < 2 E 1 930129 930305 ZRNB95 < 1 E 1 930305 930402 CS137 < 7 E 0 930305 930402 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930305 930402 RU106 < 3 E 1 930305 930402 ZRNB95 < 1.6 E 1 930401 930423 CS137 < 7 E 0 930401 930423 HTO 2.5 +/- 1.4 E 2 930401 930423 RU106 < 3 E 1 930401 930423 ZRNB95 < 1.6 E 1 930507 930528 CS137 < 6 E 0 930507 930528 HTO 1.8 +/- 1.3 E 2 930507 930528 RU106 < 2 E 1 930507 930528 ZRNB95 < 1 E 1 930605 930625 CS137 < 6 E 0 930605 930625 HTO 1.7 +/- 1.2 E 2 930605 930625 RU106 < 2 E 1 930605 930625 ZRNB95 < 9 E 0 930625 930730 CS137 < 6 E 0 930625 930730 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930625 930730 RU106 < 2 E 1 930625 930730 ZRNB95 < 1.1 E 1 930806 930903 CS137 < 6 E 0 930806 930903 HTO 2.0 +/- 1.5 E 2 930806 930903 RU106 < 1.3 E 1 930806 930903 ZRNB95 < 6 E -1 930903 931001 CS137 < 6 E 0 930903 931001 HTO < 1.4 E 2 930903 931001 RU106 < 2 E 1 930903 931001 ZRNB95 < 1 E 1 931001 931022 CS137 < 7 E 0 931001 931022 HTO < 1.4 E 2 931001 931022 RU106 < 3 E 1 931001 931022 ZRNB95 < 1.3 E 1 931101 931202 CS137 < 6 E 0 931101 931202 HTO 4.9 +/- 1.5 E 2 931101 931202 RU106 < 2 E 1 A96

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 931101 931202 ZRNB95 < 1 E 1 931202 931230 CS137 < 6 E 0 931202 931230 HTO 2.5 +/- 1.4 E 2 931202 931230 RU106 < 2 E 1 931202 931230 ZRNB95 < 9 E 0

  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921231 930108 GA < 1.7 E 0 921231 930108 GB < 1.4 E 0 930108 930115 GA < 2 E 0.

930108 930115 GB 3.3 +/- 1.9 E 0 930115 930122 GA < 1.8 E 0 930115 930122 GB 2.1 +/- 1.8 E 0 930122 930129 GA < 1.6 E 0 930122 930129 GB 2.2 +/- 1.9 E 0 930129 930205 GA < 1.7 E 0 930129 930205 GB 2.0 +/- 1.9 E 0 930205 930212 GA < 1.6 E 0 930205 930212 GB 2.6 +/- 1.9 E 0 930212 930219 GA < 3 E 0 930212 930219 GB 6 +/- 2 E 0 930226 930305 GA < 3 E 0 930226 930305 GB 2.4 +-1.8 E 0 930305 930312 GA < 2 E 0 930305 930312 GB 2.9 +-1.8 E 0 930312 930319 GA < 4 E 0 930312 930319 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 930319 930326 GA < 1.7 E 0 930319 930326 GB 3 +-2 B 0 930326 930402 GA 5 /-4 B 0 930326 930402 GB < 2 E 0 930402 930409 GA < 1.5 B 0 930402 930409 GB < 2 E 0 930409 930416 GA < 1.4 B 0 930409 930416 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930416 930423 GA < 1.8 B 0 930416 930423 GB 3 +/- 2 E 0 930501 930507 GA < 3 B 0 930501 930507 GB 2.3 1-1.9 E 0 930507 930514 GA < 2 E 0 930507 930514 GB 3.0 +-1.9 B 0 930514 930521 GA < 1.9 B 0 930514 930521 GB 2.3 +/- 1.8 E 0 930521 930528 GA < 1.8 E 0 930521 930528 GB 2.4 +/- 1.8 B 0 930528 930604 GA < 2 E 0 A9 7

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930528 930604 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 930604 930611 GA < 2 E 0 930604 930611 GB < 1.8 E 0 930611 930618 GA < 1.9 E 0 930611 930618 GB < 1.4 E 0 930618 930625 GA < 1.9 E 0 930618 930625, GB 2.0 +/- 1.8 E 0 930625 930702 GA < 1.6 E 0 930625 930702 GB 2.7 +/- 1.6 E 0 930702 930709 GA < 1.9 E 0 930702 9379 GB 1.9 +/- 1.5 E 0 930709 930716 GA < 1.8 E 0 930709 930716 GB 3.1 +/- 1.6 E 0 930716 930723 GA < 2 E 0 930716 930723 GB 7 +/- 2 E 0 930723 930730 GA < 1.9 E 0 930723 930730 GB < 1 E 0 930730 930806 GA < 1.8 E 0 930730 930806 GB 1.8 +/- 1.5 E 0 930806 930813 GA < 1.8 E 0 930806 930813 GB < 1 E 0 930813 930820 GA < 3 E 0 930813 930820 GB 2.2 +-1.8 E 0 930820 930827 GA < 2 E 0 930820 930827 GB 2.2 /-1.8 E 0 930827 930903 GA < 2 E 0 930827 930903 GB 2.0 +-1.8 E 0 930903 930910 GA < 2. E 0 930903 930910 GB 2.5 +-1.9 E 0 930910 930917 GA < 3 E 0 930910 930917 GB 3.0 +-1.8 E 0 930917 930924 GA < 3 E 0 930917 930924 GB 2.7 +-1.8 E 0 930924 931001 GA < 3 E 0 930924 931001 GB 1.9 /-1.7 E 0 931001 931008 GA < 3 E 0 931001 931008 GB 2.4 +-1.7 E 0 931008 931015 GA < 4 E 0 931008 931015 GB 2.3 +-1.6 E 0 931015 931022 GA < 4 E 0 931015 931022 GB 2.1 +-1.6 E 0 931101 931108 GA < 3 E 0 931101 931108 GB 2.8 +-1.6 E 0 931105 931112 GA < 3 E 0 931105 931112 GB 2.3 +-1.5 E 0 931112 931119 GA < 3 E 0 A98

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 931112 931119 GB < 1 E 0 931119 931124 GA < 1.6 E 0 931119 931124 GB < 1.5 E 0 931124 931202 GA < 1.6 E 0 931124 931202 GB 4 +/- 2 E 0 931202 931210 GA < 1.6 E 0 931202 931210 GB 2.0 +/- 1.8 E 0 931210 931217 GA < 1.4 E 0 931210 931217 GB 2.1 +/- 1.6 E 0 931217 931223 GA < 1.3 E 0 931217 931223 GB 1.8 +/- 1.6 E 0 931223 931230 GA < 1.4 E 0 931223 931230 GB < 1.3 E 0

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 921229 930330 HTO 2.9 +/- 1.7 E 2 930330 930630 HTO 2.7 +/- 1.2 E 2 930630 930921 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930929 931229 HTO < 1.6 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921229 930203 CS137 6 921229 930203 RU106 2 921229 930203 ZRNB95 8 930203 930302 CS137 5 930203 930302 RU106 1.9 930203 930302 ZRNB95 7 930302 930330 CS137 6 930302 930330 RU106 2 930302 930330 ZRNB95 8 930330 930428 CS137 7 930330 930428 RU106 2 930330 930428 ZRNB95 9 930428 930602 CS137 6 930428 930602 RU106 2 930428 930602 ZRNB95 1 930602 930630 CS137 6 930602 930630 RU106 2 930602 930630 ZRNB95 930630 930728 CS137 5 930630 930728 RU106 2 930630 930728 ZRNB95 8 930728 930901 CS137 6 930728 930901 RU106 2 A99

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930728 930901 ZRNB95 9 E 0 930901 930929 CS137 7 E 0 930901 930929 RU106 2 E 1 930901 930929 ZRNB95 1 E 1 930929 931103 CS137 5 E 0 930929 931103 RU106 2 E 1 930929 931103 ZRNB95 1.4 E 1 931103 931201 CS137 6 E 0 931103 931201 RU106 2 E 1 931103 931201 ZRNB95 8 E 0 931201 931229 CS137 6 E 0 931201 931229 RU106 2 E 1 931201 931229 ZRNB95 1 E 1

  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 921228 .930329 HTO 2 E 2 930329 930628 HTO 1.6 E 2 930628 930927 HTO 1.3 E 2 930927 931228 HTO 1.6 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921228 930201 CS137 7 921228 930201 RU106 3 921228 930201 ZRNB95 1.1 930201 930222 CS137 6 930201 930222 RU106 2 930201 930222 ZRNB95 1 930301 930329 CS137 7 930301 930329 RU106 2 930301 930329 ZRNB95 1 930329 930426 CS137 5 930329 930426 RU106 2 930329 930426 ZRNB95 8 930426 930601 CS137 5 930426 930601 RU106 2 930426 930601 ZRNB95 8 930601 930628 CS137 7 930601 930628 RU106 2 930601 930628 ZRNB95 1.1 930628 930802 CS137 8 930628 930802 RU106 3 930628 930802 ZRNB95 1 930802 930830 CS137 6 930802 930830 RU106 2 A100

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 930802 930830 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930830 930927 CS137 < 7 E 0 930830 930927 RU106 < 2 E 1 930830 930927 ZRNB95 < 9 E 0 930927 931101 CS137 < 5 E 0 930927 931101 RU106 < 1.8 E 1 930927 931101 ZRNB95 < 7 E 0 931101 931129 CS137 < 6 E 0 931101 931129 RU106 < 2 E 1 931101 931129 ZRNB95 < 9 E 0 931129 931228 CS137 < 5 E 0 931129 931228 RU106 < 2 E 1 931129 931228 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0

  • SAMPLE TYPE: CONTINUOUS 921230 930106 HTO < 1.1 E 2 930106 930114 HTO < 1 E 2 930114 930119 HTO < 1 E 2 930119 930127 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930127 930201 HTO NO SAMPLE 930201 930208 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930208 930217 HTO 3.7 +/- 1.6 E 2 930217 930223 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930223 930301 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930301 930308 HTO 5.2 +/- 1.4 E 2 930308 930323 HTO < .1.4 E 2 930323 930409 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930409 930414 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930414 930419 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930419 930428 HTO < 1.4 E 2 930428 930504 HTO < 1.7 E 2 930504 930510 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930510 930518 HTO < 1.2 E 2 930518 930526 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930924 931001 HTO < 1.5 E 2 931001 931008 HTO < 1.5 E 2 931008 931014 HTO < 1.9 E 2 931014 931022 HTO < 1.9 E 2 931022 931029 HTO < 1.4 E 2 931029 931104 HTO < 1.8 E 2 931104 931112 HTO < 1.6 E 2 931112 931124 HTO 2.6 +/- 1.3 E 2 931124 931210 HTO < 1.7 E 2 931210 931217 HTO < 2 E 2 A101


  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 921231 930331 CS137 < 6 E 0 921231 930331 HTO < 1.7 E 2 921231 930331 RU106 < 3 E 1 921231 930331 ZRNB95 < 1.7 E 1 930401 930630 CS137 < 6 E 0 930401 930630 HTO < 1.8 E 2 930401 930630 RU106 < 2 E 1 930401 930630 ZRNB95 < 1.3 E 1 930630 930930 CS137 < 7 E 0 930630 930930 HTO 1.8 +/- 1.4 E 2 930630 930930 RU106 < 3 E 1 930630 930930 ZRNB95 < 1.7 E 1 930930 931230 CS137 < 5 E 0 930930 931230 HTO 2.3 +/- 1.5 E 2 930930 931230 RU106 < 2 E 1 930930 931230 ZRNB95 < 1.5 E 1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 921231 930331 CS137 < 6 E 0 921231 930331 HTO 1.9 +/- 1.5 E 2 921231 930331 RU106 < 2 E 1 921231 930331 ZRNB95 < 1.5 E 1 930401 930630 CS137 < 6 E 0 930401 930630 HTO < 1.7 E 2 930401 930630 RU106 < 3 E 1 930401 930630 ZRNB95 < 1.3 E 1 930630 930930 CS137 < 6 E 0 930630 930930 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930630 930930 RU106 < 3 E 1 930630 930930 ZRNB95 < 1.8 E 1 930930 931230 CS137 < 6 E 0 930930 931230 HTO < 1.7 E 2 930930 931230 RU106 < 2 E 1 930930 931230 ZRNB95 < 1.6 E 1 A102


  • SAMPLE TYPE: COMPOSITE 930106 930126 CS137 < 6 E 0 930106 930126 HTO < 1.9 E 2 930106 930126 RU106 < 2 E 1 930106 930126 SR89 < 1.3 E 0 930106 930126 SR90 < 5 E -1 930106 930126 ZRNB95 < 9 E 0 930201 930223 CS137 < 7 E 0 930201 930223 HTO < 1.9 E 2 930201 930223 RU106 < 3 E 1 930201 930223 SR89 < 2 E 0 930201 930223 SR90 < 7 E -1 930201 930223 ZRNB95 < 1.1 E 1 930301 930323 CS137 < 6 E 0 930301 930323 HTO < 1.7 E 2 930301 930323 RU106 < 2 E 1 930301 930323 SR89 < 4 E 1 930301 930323 SR90 < 6 E -1 930301 930323 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 930409 930428 CS137 < 6 E 0 930409 930428 HTO < 1.6 E 2 930409 930428 RU106 < 2 E 1 930409 930428 SR89 < 4 E 0 930409 930428 SR90 < 7 E -1 930409 930428 ZRNB95 < 9 E 0 930504 930526 CS137 < 5 E 0 930504 930526 HTO < 1.4 E 2 930504 930526 RU106 < 2 E 1 930504 930526 SR89 < 2 E 0 930504 930526 SR90 < 5 E -1 930504 930526 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 931001 931029 CS137 < 6 E 0 931001 931029 HTO < 1.5 E 2 931001 931029 RU106 < 2 E 1 931001 931029 SR89 < 3 E 0 931001 931029 SR90 < 5 E -1 931001 931029 ZRNB95 < 1 E 1 931104 931124 CS137 < 6 E 0 931104 931124 HTO 1.7 +/- 1.4 E 2 931104 931124 RU106 < 2 E 1 931104 931124 SR89 < 3 E 0 931104 931124 SR90 < 8 E -1 931104 931124 ZRNB95 < 8 E 0 931203 931217 CS137 < 6 E 0 A103

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 931203 931217 HTO <1.6 E 2 931203 931217 RU106 <2 E 1 931203 931217 SR89 <4 E 0 931203 931217 SR90 <8 E-1 931203 931217 ZRNB95 <1 E 1

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930106 GA < 3 0 930106 GB < 3 0 930114 GA < 1.8 0 930114 GB 1.5 +/- 1.4 0 930119 GA < 3 0 930119 GB 2.1 +/- 1.7 0 930126 GA < 1.7 0 930126 GB 2.9 +/- 1.9 0 930201 GA < 5 0 930201 GB 1.4 +/- 0.5 1 930208 GA < 3 1 930208 GB 4 +/- 2 1 930217 NO SAMPLE 930223 GA < 3 1 930223 GB 3.1 +/- 1.9 1 930301 NO SAMPLE 930308 GA < 8 1 930308 GB 7 +/- 5 1 930323 GA < 3 1 930323 GB 2.2 +/- 1.9 1 930409 GA < 2 0 930409 GB 4 +/- 2 0 930414 GA < 2 0 930414 GB < 2 0 930419 GA < 2 0 930419 GB 3 +-2 0 930428 GA <1 0 930428 GB 3 +-2 0 930504 GA < 1.6 0 930504 GB 3.5 +/- 1.6 0 930510 GA < 1.3 0 930510 GB 2.3 +/- 1.9 0 930518 GA < 3 1 930518 GB 4.0 +/- 1.9 1 930526 GA < 2 1 930526 GB 4 +/- 2 1 931001 GA < 5 1 931001 GB < 3 1 931008 GA < 3 1 A104

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 931008 GB 4 +/- 2 931014 GA 6 931014 GB 4 931022 GA < 3 931022 GB < 1.7 931029 GA < 5 931029 GB < 3 931104 GA < 3 931104 GB < 1.4 931112 GA < 1 931112 GB 1.2 +/- 0.4 931124 GA < 3 931124 GB 4.1 +/- 1.9 931203 GA < 2 931203 GB 3.8 +/- 1.9 931210 GA < 1.5 931210 GB 2.5 +/- 1.8 931217 GA <1 931217 GB 4 +-2

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930106 HTO 2.5 +/- 1.1 930114 HTO 2.9 +/- 1.1 930119 HTO 3.9 +/- 1.1 930126 HTO 2.8 +/- 1.0 930201 HTO 4.7 +/- 1.5 930208 HTO 4.6 +/- 1.5 930217 HTO 4.0 +/- 1.5 930223 HTO 3.2 +/- 1.5 930301 HTO 5.1 +/- 1.4 930308 HTO 8.3 +/- 1.5 930323 HTO 2.6 +/- 0.6 930409 HTO 2.3 +/- 1.2 930414 HTO 3.9 +/- 1.3 930419 HTO 3.6 +/-1.4 930428 HTO 2.9 +/- 1.3 930504 HTO 5.4 +/- 1.6 930510 HTO 4.3 +/- 1.5 930518 HTO 5.7 +/- 1.4 930526 HTO 1.72 +/- 0.18 931001 HTO 3.8 +/- 1.5 931008 HTO 4.8 +/- 1.4 931014 HTO 5.0 +/- 1.7 931022 HTO 3.5 +/- 1.6 A105

TABLE 4 RADIOACTIVITY IN WATER 1993 STARTING ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/LITER DATE DATE 931029 HTO 3.7 +1- 1.3 E 2 931104 HTO 2.7 1.5 E 2 931112 HTO 3.7 1.5 E 2 931124 HTO 4.0 +1- 1.4 E 2 931203 HTO 3.1 +1- 1.3 E 2 931210 HTO 2.7 +1- 1.4 E 2 931217 HTO 3.4 +1- 1.6 E 2

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930126 HTO < 1 E 2 930223 HTO NO SAMPLE 930409 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930504 HTO < 1.7 E 2 931014 HTO < 1.9 E 2 931112 HTO < 1.6 E 2 931217 HTO < 2 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930126 HTO < 1 E 2 930223 HTO < 1.7 E 2 930409 HTO < 1.3 E 2 930504 HTO < 1.8 E 2 931014 HTO < 1.7 E 2 931112 HTO < 1.6 E 2 931217 HTO < 1.9 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930126 HTO < 1 E 2 930223 HTO NO SAMPLE 930409 HTO NO SAMPLE 930504 HTO < 1.8 E 2 931014 HTO < 1.7 E 2 931112 HTO < 1.6 E 2 931217 HTO < 2 E 2 A106


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB (DEER MEAT) 931127 CS134 < 2 E 1 931127 CS137 < 2 E 1 931127 HTO 1.9 +/- 1.4 E 2 931127 1129 < 1.2 E 1 931127 K40 3.3 +/- 0.5 E 3 931127 PU238 < 1.7 E -2 931127 PU239 < 3 E -2 931127 RU106 < 1 E 2 931127 SR90 < 1.7 E 0 931202 CS134 < 1.1 E 1 931202 CS137 2.4 +/- 1.3 E 1 931202 HTO < 1.9 E 2 931202 1129 < 1.6 E 1 931202 K40 2.1 +/- 0.3 E 3 931202 PU238 < 1.7 E -2 931202 PU239 < 8 E -3 931202 RU106 < 6 E 1 931202 SR90 < 1.8 E 0 A107


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930615 CS134 < 1.6 E 1 930615 CS137 < 1.9 E 1 930615 K40 3.1 +/- 0.4 E 3 930615 RU106 < 8 E 1 930615 SR90 5.1 +/- 1.0 E 0
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930615 CS134 < 1.7 E 1 930615 CS137 < 2 E 1 930615 K40 2.6 +/- 0.4 E 3 930615 RU106 < 8 E 1 930615 SR9 0 1.95 +/- 0.18 E 1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 931007 CS134 < 1.5 931007 CS137 2.5 +/- 1.8 931007 K40 2.6 +/- 0.4 931007 RU106 < 8 931007 SR9 0 7 +/- 2 931025 CS134 < 1.3 931025 CS137 < 1.6 931025 K40 2.9 +/- 0.4 931025 RU106 < 7 931025 SR9 0 1.56 +/- 0.15 931026 CS134 < 4 931026 CS137 < 5 931026 K40 2.8 +/- 1.0 931026 RU106 < 2 931026 SR9 0 1.8 +/- 0.5 931027 CS134 < 3 931027 CS137 < 4 931027 K40 2.7 +/- 0.8 931027 RU106 < 1.6 931027 SR9 0 7 +/- 3 A108


    • SITE NUMBER: 3767-005 (OSWEGO, 9MI PT.


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930617 CS134 < 1 E 1 930617 CS137 1.6 +/- 0.9 E 1 930617 K40 2.7 +/- 0.2 E 3 930617 RU106 < 4 E 1 930921 CS134 < 1.3 E 1 930921 CS137 < 1.5 E 1 930921 K40 2.2 +/- 0.4 E 3 930921 RU106 < 6 E 1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930510 CS134 < 1 E 1 930510 CS137 < 1 E 1 930510 K40 3.4 +/- 0.3 E 3 930510 RU106 < 5 E 1 930511 CS134 < 1.3 E 1 930511 CS137 < 1.3 E 1 930511 K40 1.9 +/- 0.2 E 3 930511 RU106 < 4 E 1 930512 CS134 < 1.1 E 1 930512 CS137 < 1.4 E 1 930512 K40 3.0 +/- 0.3 E 3 930512 RU106 < 5 E 1 930513 CS134 < 1.1 E 1 930513 CS137 < 1.3 E 1 930513 K40 3.9 +/- 0.3 E 3 930513 RU106 < 5 E 1 931004 CS134 < 1.2 E 1 931004 CS137 < 1.2 E 1 931004 K40 2.0 +/- 0.2 E 3 931004 RU106 < 5 E 1 931005 CS134 < 1 E 1 931005 CS137 < 1 E 1 931005 K40 3.1 +/- 0.3 E 3 931005 RU106 < 4 E 1 931008 CS134 < 9 E 0 931008 CS137 < 1.1 E 1 931008 K40 3.4 +/- 0.3 E 3 931008 RU106 < 4 E 1 931009 CS134 < 1.1 E 1 931009 CS137 < 1 E 1 931009 K40 1.6 +/- 0.2 E 3 A109


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930823 SR9 0 1.47 +/- 0.07 E 2 930823 RU106 < 1.1 E 2 930823 CS134 < 1.9 E 1 930823 CS137 1.4 +/-0.2 E 2 930823 K40 2.9 +/-0.4 E 3
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 920825 RU106 < 1.4 E 2 930825 SR90 2.52 +/- 0.10 E 2 930825 CS134 < 2 E 1 930825 CS137 5.1 +/- 0.3 E 2 930825 K40 2.9 +/- 0.6 E 3
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930824 SR90 2.85 +/- 0.11 E 2 930824 RU106 <1.6 E 2 930824 CS134 <3 E 1 930824 CS137 1.5 +/- 0.3 E 2 930824 K40 < 6 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930917 CS134 < 1.1 E 1 930917 CS137 < 1.3 E 1 930917 K40 2.4 +/- 0.3 E 3 930917 RU106 < 5 E 1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930617 CS134 < 1.8 E 1 930617 CS137 < 2 E 1 930617 K40 2.2 +/- 0.5 E 3 930617 RU106 < 8 E 1 A11O


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930617 CS134 < 3 E 1 930617 CS137 < 4 E 1 930617 K40 2.1 +/- 0.8 E 3 930617 RU106 < 1.7 E 2 All


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930608 BE7 1.3 +/-0.5 E 3 930608 CO60 < 1 E 1 930608 CS137 3.3 +/- 0.9 E 1 930608 K40 1.40 +/- 0.06 E 4 930608 RA226 7.9 +-0.4 E 2 930608 TH232 8.9 +/-0.7 E 2 930608 U235 < 7 E 1 930608 U238 1.4 +/-0.2 E 3
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930624 BE7 7 +/- 4 E 2 930624 C060 < 9 E 0 930624 CS137 2.06 +/- 0.16 E 2 930624 K40 1.24 +/- 0.05 E 4 930624 RA226 7.2 +/- 0.4 E 2 930624 TH232 8.3 +/- 0.6 E 2 930624 U235 < 7 E 1 930624 U238 1.0 +/- 0.2 E 3
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930427 CO60 3.8 +/- 1.4 E 1 930427 CS137 4.3 +/- 0.3 E 2 930427 K40 1.96 +/- 0.08 E 4 930427 RA226 6.5 +/- 0.4 E 2 930427 TH232 9.1 +/- 0.7 E 2 930427 U235 < 7 E 1 930427 U238 7 +/- 2 E 2 931025 BE7 1.0 +/- 0.8 E 2 931025 C060 1.8 +/- 0.7 E 1 931025 CS137 2.48 +/- 0.16 E 2 931025 K40 1.87 +/- 0.07 E 4 931025 MN54 1.9 +/- 0.7 E 1 931025 RA226 7.6 +/- 0.4 E 2 931025 TH232 9.6 +/- 0.6 E 2 931025 U235 < 9 E 1 Al12

TABLE 7 RADIOACTIVITY IN SEDIMENT 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/KG DATE 931025 U238 2.0 +/- 0.3 E 3 931025 ZR95 2.9 +-1.5 E 1

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930602 C060 < 7 E 0 930602 CS137 < 7 E 0 930602 K40 2.3 +/- 0.3 E 3 930602 RA226 1.1 +/- 0.2 E 2 930602 TH232 1.4 +/- 0.4 E 2 930602 U235 < 5 E 1 930602 U238 < 1.4 E 2
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 931008 BE7 1.8 +- 0.9 E 2 931008 C060 < 7 E 0 931008 CS134 1.1 +9- 0.6 E 1 931008 CS137 4.9 +/- 0.8 E I 931008 K40 1.28 +/- 0.05 E 4 931008 RA226 2.8 +/- 0.2 E 2 931008 TH232 2.5 +/- 0.3 E 2 931008 U235 < 1.3 E 2 931008 U238 2.0 +/- 0.6 E 3
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930617 C060 9.3 +/- 1.3 E 1 930617 CS134 4.5 +0- 0.8 E 1 930617 CS137 2.01 +/- 0.07 E 3 930617 K40 1.95 +/- 0.07 E 4 930617 RA226 4.1 +/- 0.3 E 2 930617 TH232 5.3 +/- 0.5 E 2 930617 U235 5+/-4 E 1 930617 U238 7.3 +/- 1.4 E 2 Al 13


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930907 CO60 < 1.4 E 1 930907 CS134 < 8 E 0 930907 CS137 < 1 E 1 930907 K40 2.3 +/- 0.2 E 3 930907 RU106 < 4 E 1 930908 C060 < 1.3 E 1 930908 CS134 < 8 E 0 930908 CS137 < 1 E 1 930908 K40 2.2 +/- 0.2 E 3 930908 RU106 < 4 E 1 931005 CO60 < 1.4 E 1 931005 CS134 < 1.1 E 1 931005 CS137 < 1.1 E 1 931005 K40 7 +/- 2 E 2 931005 RU106 < 4 E 1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930910 CO60 < 1.4 E 1 930910 CS134 <9 E 0 930910 CS137 < 1.1 E 1 930910 K40 1.5 +/- 0.2 E 3 930910 RU106 <4 E 1 930922 C060 < 1.3 E 1 930922 CS134 <1 E 1 930922 CS137 <1 E 1 930922 K40 2.2 +/- 0.2 E 3 930922 RU106 <4 E 1 931019 CO60 < 1.4 E 1 931019 CS134 <9 E 0 931019 CS137 < 1.1 E 1 931019 K40 1.1 +/- 0.2 E 3 931019 RU106 <4 E 1
    • SITE NUMBER: 3767-007 (OSWEGO, NEAR 9MI PT.)
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930913 CO60 < 3 E 1 930913 CS134 < 1.6 E 1 930913 CS137 < 1.9 E 1 930913 K40 1.7 +/- 0.4 E 3 930913 RU106 < 7 E 1 Al 14

TABLE 8 RADIOACTIVITY IN VEGETATION 1993 ENDING NUCLIDE ACTIVITY PCI/KG DATE 930914 C060 < 3 E 1 930914 CS134 < 2 E 1 930914 CS137 < 2 E 1 930914 K40 2.1 +/- 0.5 E 3 930914 RU106 < 8 E 1

  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930818 C060 < 2 E 1 930818 CS134 < 1.4 E 1 930818 CS137 < 1.9 E 1 930818 K40 1.9 +/- 0.4 E 3 930818 RU106 < 7 E 1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 931003 CO60 1.8 E 1 931003 CS134 1.4 E 1 931003 CS137 1.4 E 1 931003 K40 6 +/- 3 E 2 931003 RU106 5 E 1 931011 C060 1.4 E 1 931011 CS134 <1 E 1 931011 CS137 <1 E 1 931011 K40 2.0 +/- 0.2 E 3 931011 RU106 < 4 E 1 A115


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930120 AM241 < 9 E -1 930224 AM241 < 3 E 0 930331 AM241 < 3 E 0 930428 AM241 < 1.6 E 0 930526 AM241 < 1.3 E -1 0

930630 AM241 < 2 E -1 0

930728 AM241 < 1.7 E 0 930831 AM241 < 1.7 E 0 930929 AM241 < 4 E 931027 AM241 < 8 E Al16


  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930120 AM241 < 4 E -1 930331 AM241 < 1.2 E 0 930428 AM241 < 1.1 E 0 930526 AM241 < 1.7 E 0 930630 AM241 < 8 E -0 930728 AM241 < 8 E -1 930831 AM241 < 1.2 E 0 930929 AM241 < 3 E -1 931027 AM241 < 2 E -1 931124 AM241 < 7 E -i 931222 AM241 < 3 E -1
  • SAMPLE TYPE: GRAB 930115 AM241 1.10 +/- 0.09 E 1 930211 AM241 < 3 E 0 930224 AM241 < 1.4 E 0 930319 AM241 4.7 +/- 0.5 E 1 930416 AM241 4.5 +/- 0.5 E 1 930526 AM241 8.4 +/- 1.0 E 1 930617 AM241 3.0 +/- 0.3 E 1 930716 AM241 1.8 +/- 0.2 E 1 930819 AM241 LAB ACCIDENT 930909 AM241 2.12 +/- 0.11 E 1 931021 AM241 2.14 +/- 0.11 E 1 931115 AM241 2.5 +/- 0.3 E 1 931124 AM241 < 1.2 E 0 931209 AM241 1.82 +/- 0.16 E 1 Al17

TABLE 11 DIRECT ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION (TLD) 1993 mR/Standard Quarter 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH LOCATION QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER QUARTER Albany County Voorheesville 12.7 12.4 14.2 15.7 Cattaraugus County Ashford Fox Valley Road 13.3 14.4 11.8 16.9 Dutch Hill & Schwartz 12.6 14.7 14.0 16.7 Thomas Corner Road 13.0 14.6 14.6 ---

Dutch Hill Road 12.3 13.8 14.3 15.9 Route 240 10.7 13.4 12.6 16.2 Thomas Corner Road (1/2 mi from Rt.240) 11.3 13.4 13.7 13.7 Heinz Road 12.6 15.2 15.3 16.6 Rock Spring Road 14.4 16.7 17.3 18.3 Fence at Waste Area 454 524 542 585 Concord Springville 12.0 15.0 13.9 17.8 Orange County Tuxedo Long Meadow Road 12.3 13.7 14.7 15.7 Air Sampler N of Plant 12.1 13.8 13.4 14.4 Laurel Ridge 12.8 15.0 15.1 16.0 Maintenance Garage 12.8 13.0 14.2 14.9 Oswego County Nine Mile Point Meteorological Tower 10.5 10.6 11.3 12.7 Co.Rt.29 & Miner Rd. 10.9 11.7 11.7 12.7 Miner Road 11.0 --- 12.8 ---

County Rt.lA & 29 (at Air Sampler) 11.6 11.7 12.3 13.7 Lakeview Road 10.7 11.8 12.6 13.4 Al18


Training Center --- 13.3 --- 14.8 Parking Lot 12.2 11.4 12.8 13.5 Webster Sub-Sta. 11.4 11.1 13.0 13.2 Westchester County Indian Point Broadway & Bleakly 12.7 11.6 11.7 13.1 NYU Tower 11.9 11.2 ......

Factory St. Sub-Sta. 12.3 11.2 12.5 12.4 Old Dump 12.2 12.2 12.5 13.0 Suffolk County Shoreham End of Sound Road 10.2 10.7 11.7 11.7 Danby Res. 14.7 12.6 13.2 13.7 Randell Road 13.1 11.0 10.8 12.7 Defence Hill Road 11.8 --- 11.1 ---

Al 19

State of New York George E. Pataki, Governor Department of Health Barbara A. DeBuono, M.D., M.P.H., Commissioner