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Enclosure 2, Attachment 1, Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria, GE-NE-0000-0032-1827, Revision 0, Non-Proprietary, Dated April 2005
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2005
From: Mackiewicz J, Schrag M, Wu R
General Electric Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
DRF 0000-0036-2077, Class I, GE-NE-0000-0032-1827, Rev 0
Download: ML051360093 (23)


ENCLOSURE 2 GE Non-Proprietary Reports and Specifications

ENCLOSURE 2 ATTACHMENT 1 "Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria," GE-NE-0000-0032-1827, Revision 0, Non-Proprietary, dated April 2005

GE Nuclear Energy General Electric Company 175 CurtnerAvenue, San Jose, CA 95125 GE-NE-0000-0032-1827 DRF Section 0000-0036-2077 Revision 0 Class I April 2005 Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria Prepared by:

Richard Wu Jerzy Mackiewicz Manager:

Mike Schrag Structural Analysis &

Hardware Design


-, I 7

GE-NE-0000-0032- 1827 Non Proprietary Version Page 2 NON PROPRIETARY NOTICE This is a non proprietary version of the document GE-NE-0000-0032-1827P, which has the proprietary information removed. Portions of the document that have been removed are indicated by an open and closed bracket as shown here (( )).

IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING CONTENTS OF THIS REPORT Please Read Carefully The only undertakings of the General Electric Company (GENE) with respect to the information in this document are contained in the contract between EXELON and GENE, and nothing contained in this document shall be construed as changing the contract. The use of this information by anyone other than EXELON or for any purpose other than that for which it is intended, is not authorized; and with respect to any unauthorized use, GENE makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, and assumes no liability as to the completeness, accuracy, or usefulness of the information contained in this document, or that its use may not infringe upon privately owned rights.

Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1 827 Non Proprietary Version Page 3 Table of Contents

1. Scope ........................................ 4
2. Strain Gauge Acceptance Criteria Determination ........................................ 4
3. Accelerometer Acceptance Criteria Determination ........................................ 9
4. Pressure Gauge Acceptance Criteria Determination ....................................... 11
5. References ............................................... 13 List of Figure Figure 1 Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Sensors and Locations .14 Figure 1 Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Sensors and Locations (continued) .15 Figure I Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Sensors and Locations (continued) .16 Figure I Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Sensors and Locations (continued). 17 Figure 1 Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Sensors and Locations (concluded). 18 Figure 2 Weld Fatigue Factor Flow Diagram .19 Figure 3 Sample Criteria Calculation for Outer Hood Strain Gauge S-3 .20 Figure 4 Sample Criteria Calculation for Skirt Strain Gauge S-8 .21 Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer - Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1 827 Non Proprietary Version Page4

1. Scope The Quad Cities replacement steam dryer is instrumented with 9 strain gages, 27 pressure sensors and 6 accelerometers. The locations of these instrumentation sensors are listed in Table I and depicted in Figure 1.

The purpose of the strain gages is to confirm the structural integrity of the replacement dryer for long-term operation at extended power uprate (EPU) conditions. This document specifies the vibration acceptance criteria based on strain gage data measured during the in-plant power operation condition. If the measured strain amplitude is within the acceptance criteria, the dryer maximum stress intensity will be within the fatigue limit and fatigue crack initiation due to flow induced vibration will not occur during the power operation of the plant.

The accelerometers are used to detect the overall (rigid body) motion of the dryer:

translation and rotation. The actual accelerometer measurement consists of both the rigid body motion and the flexural motion. The rigid body motion should be in a lower frequency range, and the flexural motion should be in a higher frequency range. Acceptance criteria are developed for the flexural component of the acceleration. These accelerometer acceptance criteria may be used to supplement the strain gage criteria if the need arises.

The primary purpose of the pressure sensors is to measure the pressure loading on the dryer at the reactor operating environment. Two sets of fluid dynamic load definition are used in the design of the replacement dryer: Scale Model Testing (STM) new dryer load (Reference

1) and full-scale vulnerability load (Reference 2).

Acceptance criteria are developed for six of the 27 pressure gages: P3, P12, P20, P21, P24, and P27. The 4 gages next to the steam line nozzles (P3, P12, P20, and P21) are the most important for determining the loads acting on the dryer outer hoods. P24 is for determining the loads acting on the skirt and P27 is for determining the loads acting on the inner hoods.

The dynamic characteristics (vibration frequencies, modal shapes and modal damping) of the replacement dryer have been obtained from an impact hammer test conducted outside the reactor in an ambient environment (Reference 3). These results from the impact hammer test have been used to confirm and/or refine the reliability of the final finite element model used in developing the acceptance criteria reported herein.

Detailed descriptions of the development of the acceptance criteria are given in the following.

2. Strain Gauge Acceptance Criteria Determination Two levels of strain measurement acceptance criteria will be developed for the Quad Cities replacement steam dryer in-plant power tests: Level A and B.

Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

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For the steam dryer, the structural responses are multi-dimensional (multi-axial), and the strain gages may not be located at the maximum stress location. The procedure and assumptions used to determine the strain measurement acceptance criteria are described in the following for strain gages located on components above the water line and on components below the water line, respectively.

(A) Strain gages located on components above the water line (SI, and S-3 through S-9)

Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1827 Non Proprietary Version Page6 The fluid dynamic loads on these components are primarily acoustic in nature with distinct frequency spectra. The structure will respond at these distinct forcing frequencies.

The basic steps to establish the acceptance criteria are as follows:


(B) Strain gage located on drain channel below the water line (S-2).

The finite element model of the dryer uses a super element to model the skirt below the water line. This super element is used to appropriately account for hydrodynamic effects of the water on the skirt. Due the used of this super element, the strain time histories at the Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1827 Non Proprietary Version Page7 gauge locations below the water line are not explicitly available. Thus a different method is required to determine the strain criteria for the underwater gauges.

The basic steps to establish the acceptance criteria for underwater gauges are as follows:


Based on the procedure as described in the previous Section, the maximum allowable vibration strain levels for the nine strain gages are listed in Table 1 for Level A criteria and in Table 2 for Level B Criteria.

Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1 827 Non Proprietary Version Page8 Table 1 Strain Gage Acceptance Criteria Level A Sensor Sensor Allowable Strain Allowable Strain Criteria Location ID microstrain microstrain Strain on Dryer (peak-to-peak) (peak-to-peak) microstrain SMT Loads In-Plant Loads (peak-to-peak)

Skirt S-1 Drain Channel S-2 Outer Hood S-3 Outer Hood S4 Closure Plate S-5 Tie Bar S-6 Vane Cap S-7 Curved Part Skirt S-8 Outer Hood S-9 These low values indicate that the strain gauges are not optimally located.

Thus, any noise contamination of the signal can give rise to inappropriate conclusions. These numbers should be used with caution.

Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1 827 Non Proprietary Version Page9 Table 2 Strain Gage Acceptance Criteria Level B Sensor Location Sensor Allowable Strain Allowable Strain Criteria on Dryer ID microstrain microstrain Strain (peak-to-peak) (peak-to-peak) microstrain SMT Loads In-Plant Loads (peak-to-peak)

Skirt S-I Drain Channel S-2 Outer Hood S-3 Outer Hood S-4 Closure Plate S-5 Tie Bar S-6 Vane Cap S-7 Curved Part Skirt S-8 Outer Hood S-9 These low values indicate that the strain gauges are not optimally located.

Thus, any noise contamination of the signal can give rise to inappropriate conclusions. These numbers should be used with caution.

3. Accelerometer Acceptance Criteria Determination The procedure and assumptions used to determine the accelerometer acceptance criteria are almost identical to that for the strain gauge as described in the previous section except that for the accelerometer acceptance criteria, the acceleration information are processed.

For accelerometers located on components above the water line (A-1 through A4), the acceleration time history at the accelerometer location is processed to find the maximum acceleration value. Then, the same stress normalization factor as defined previously for the Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032- 1827 Non Proprietary Version Page lo strain criteria is applied to the maximum acceleration to arrive at the accelerometer acceptance criteria.

For accelerometers located on components below the water line (A-5 through A-6), the modal accelerations are calculated at each of the accelerometer locations. Then, the same stress normalization factor as defined previously for the strain criteria is applied to the modal acceleration to arrive at the accelerometer acceptance criteria.

The actual accelerometer measurement consists of both the rigid body component (lower frequency) and the flexural component (higher frequency). These accelerometer acceptance criteria are determined only from the flexural component of the acceleration. These accelerometer acceptance criteria may be used as a conservative supplement the strain gage criteria if the need arises, and meeting these criteria may be overly conservative.

Table 3 Accelerometer Acceptance Criteria Level A Sensor Location Sensor Acceleration Acceleration Criteria on Dryer ID G (peak-to-peak) G (peak-to-peak) Acceleration

_ SMT Loads In-Plant Loads G (peak-to-peak)

Tie Bar 5 End at A-1 Hood Bank A Top Corner Tie Bar 5 End at A-2 Hood Bank F Top Corner Tie Bar I End at A-3 Hood Bank F Top Corner Tie Bar I End at A-4 Hood Bank A Top Corner Skirt Bottom at A-5 90 deg Skirt Bottom at A-6 270 deg I Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1827 Non Proprietary Version Page 11 Table 4 Accelerometer Acceptance Criteria Level B Sensor Location Sensor Acceleration Acceleration Criteria on Dryer ID G (peak-to-peak) G (peak-to-peak) Acceleration SMT Loads In-Plant Loads G (peak-to-peak)

Tie Bar 5 End at A-1 Hood Bank A Top Corncr Tie Bar 5 End at A-2 Hood Bank F Top Comer Tie Bar I End at A-3 Hood Bank F Top Comer Tie Bar I End at A4 Hood Bank A Top Corner .

Skirt Bottom at A-5 90 deg Skirt Bottom at A-6 270 deg _

4. Pressure Gauge Acceptance Criteria Determination The primary purpose of the pressure sensors is to measure the pressure loading on the dryer at the reactor operating environment.

During the design stage of the replacement dryer, two sets of fluid dynamic load definition are used: Scale Model Testing (STM) new dryer load (Reference 1) and full-scale vulnerability load (Reference 2).

The pressure gauge acceptance criteria will be used to compare the two design loads against the actual plant measure pressure data. Acceptance criteria are developed for six pressure Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- InstrumentationAcceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1827 Non Proprietary Version Page 12 gages: P3, P12, P20, P21, P24, and P27. The four gages next to the steam line nozzles (P3, P12, P20, and P21) are the most important for determining the loads acting on the dryer outer hoods. P24 is for determining the loads acting on the skirt and P27 is for determining the loads acting on the inner hoods. The pre-test predicted SMT and in-pant pressure loads (design loads) are given in Reference 9.

The acceptance criteria for the pressure sensor. data are:



Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- InstrumentationAcceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1827 Non Proprietary Version Page 13

5. References
1. Continuum Dynamics, Inc. 2005. Quad Cities 2 New Dryer SMT Loads. C.D.I.

Technical Note No. 05-04

2. Continuum Dynamics, Inc. 2005. Quad Cities 2 New Dryer Vulnerability Loads.

C.D.I. Technical Note No. 05-03.

3. "Test and Analysis Report Quad Cities New Design Steam Dryer #1 Experimental Modal analysis and Correlation with Finite Element Results" LMS, April22, 2005.
4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Appendix I, Fig. 1-9.2.2 and Table 1-9.2.2, 1995 Edition.
5. "Fatigue Stress Threshold Criteria for use in the Exelon Replacement Steam Dryer",

GENE 0000-0034-8374, October 2004.

6. " Mechanical Engineering Design". J. E. Shigley and L. D. Mitchell, McGraw Hill, Inc. 1983, page 431.
7. "Recommended Weld Quality and Stress Concentration Factors for use in the Structural Analysis of the Exelon Replacement Steam Dryer", GENE 0000-0034-6079, February 2005.
8. "Quad Cities Units 1 and 2 Replacement Steam Dryer Analysis Stress, Dynamic, and Fatigue Analyses for EPU Conditions" GENE 0000-0034-3781, April 2005.
9. Continuum Dynamics, Inc. April 2005. "Pretest Predictions for New Dryer Loads for Quad Cities". C.D.I. Technical Memorandum No. 05-17.

Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1 827 Non Proprietary Version Page 14 Figure 1 Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Sensors and Locations Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1827 Non Proprietary Version Page 15 Figure 1 Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Sensors and Locations (continued)

Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1 827 Non Proprietary Version Page 16 Figure 1 Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Sensors and Locations (continued)

Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1 827 Non Proprietary Version Page 17 1]

Figure 1 Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Sensors and Locations (continued)

Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032- 1827 Non Proprietary Version Page 18 Figure 1 Replacement Steam Dryer Instrumentation Sensors and Locations (concluded)

Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1 827 Non Proprietary Version Page 19 Nomenclature: t,, =Nominal plate thickness t = Throat width at a single Fillet (see Figure 2)

= Sun of two throat widths at a double fillet Figure 2 Weld Fatigue Factor Flow Diagram Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1827 Non Proprietary Version Page 20 Figure 3 Sample Criteria Calculation for Outer Hood Strain Gauge S-3 Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer - Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria

GE-NE-0000-0032-1 827 Non Proprietary Version Page 21 Figure 4 Sample Criteria Calculation for Skirt Strain Gauge S-8 Quad Cities Replacement Steam Dryer- Instrumentation Acceptance Criteria