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Report 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3, Seismic Walkdown Report in Response to the 50.54(f) Information Request Re Fukushima Near-Term Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic for Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2. Part 10 of 15
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/2012
From: Delaney M
Stevenson & Associates
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML123620010 List:
RS-12-169 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev 3
Download: ML12361A093 (38)


Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 1 of 8 Status: [FY1 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC).Equipment ID No.: 2-5749 Equipment Class: (10) Air Handlers Equipment



COOLER, CUBICLE -2DG CW PMP CUB COOLER Project: Quad Cities 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

TB, 547.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgmrents and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

No 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Yes 3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Yes 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Yes 5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Not Applicable

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes C-475 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 2 of 8 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-5749 Equipment Class: (10) Air Handlers Equipment



COOLER, CUBICLE -2DG CW PMP CUB COOLER Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Overhead light fixtures judged to be acceptable.

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Yes Yes Yes Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: J. Griffith & M. Wodarcyk -8/8/2012 Evaluated by: B A James Griffith Date: 10/4/2012 Michael Wodarcyk 10/4/2012 C-476 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 3 of 8 Status: r N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-5749 Equipment Class: (10) Air Equipment



COOLE Handlers-R, CUBICLE -2DG CW PMP CUB COOLER C-477 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 4 of 8 Status: E-I N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-5749 Equipment Class: (10) Air Handlers-j C-478 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 5 of 8 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-5749 Equipment Class: (10) Air Handlers CLE -2DG CW F C-479 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 6 of 8 Status: ET 1 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-5749 Equipment Class: (10) Air Handlers LE -2DG (C-480 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 7 of 8 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-5749 Equipment Class: (10) Air Handlers C-481 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 8 of 8 Status: r N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-5749 Equipment Class: (10) Air Handlers C-482 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 1 of 9 Status: FY-jI N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-6705-23-1 Equipment Class: (3) Medium Voltage Switchgear Equipment



SWGR 23-1 Project: Quad Cities 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area): " TB, 639.00 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

No 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Yes 3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Yes 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Minor shrinkage cracks in floor and walljudged to be acceptable.

5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Yes Not Applicable

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes C-483 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 2 of 9 Status: TI N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-6705-23-1 Equipment Class: (3) Medium Voltage Switchgear Equipment



SWGR 23-1 Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Overhead light fixtures judged to be acceptable.

Masonry wall in vicinity restrained at top and judged to be acceptable.

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Yes Yes Yes Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: J. Griffith & M. Wodarcyk -8/7/2012 Evaluated by: James Griffith Date: 10/4/2012 Michael Wodarcyk 10/4/2012 C-484 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 3 of 9 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: Equipment Class: EaUioment Descriotion:

2-6705-23-1 (3) Medium Voltage Switchgear SWGR 23-1 Photos C-485 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 4 of 9 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-6705-23-1 Equipment Class: (3) Medium Voltage Switchgear C-486 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 5 of 9 Status: r N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-6705-23-1 Equipment Class: (3) Medium Voltage Switchgear C-487 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 6 of 9 Status: 1 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: Equipment Class: 2-6705-23-1 (3) Medium Voltage Switchgear Zvi ZuOU f-wua0UI.IIes-z U-1 a C-488 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 7 of 9 Status: Y] N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-6705-23-1 Equipment Class: (3) Medium Voltage Switchgear C-489 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 8 of 9 Status: Y-j N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-6705-23-1 Equipment Class: (3) Medium Voltage Switchgear UUIwO Win :3 C-490 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 9 of 9 Status: N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-6705-23-1 Equipment Class: (3) Medium Voltage Switchgear C-491 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 1 of 8 Status: Y N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100 Equipment Class: (4) Transformers Equipment



TRANSFORMER T28 4160V-480V Project: Quad Cities 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

TB, 647.50 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchorage 1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50%of SWEL items requiring such verification)?

No 2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?Yes 3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Yes 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors?Yes Minor.shrinkage cracks in floor judged to be acceptable.

5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Not Applicable

6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Yes C-492 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 2 of 8 Status: F-I N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC), Equipment ID No.: 2-7100 Equipment Class: (4) Transformers Equipment



TRANSFORMER T28 4160V-480V Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

Yes 8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility, to avoid damage?10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Yes Yes Other Adverse Conditions
11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: J. Griffith & M. Wodarcyk -8/6/2012 Transformer has been replaced since SQUG walkdown.Evaluated by: ' .James Griffith Date: 10/4/2012 Michael Wodarcyk 10/4/2012 C-493 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 3 of 8 Status: r-Y N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100 Equipment Class: (4) Transformers Equipment



TRANSFORMER T28 4160V-480V Photos C-494 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 4 of 8 Status: N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100 Equipment Class: (4) Transformers 3A C-495 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 5 of 8 Status: T N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100 Equipment Class: (4) Transformers TPAMKlQl:FPMI C-496 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 6 of 8 Status: FYii N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100 Equipment Class: (4) Transformers C-497 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 7 of 8 Status: Y N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100 Equipment Class: (4) Transformers L4 C-498 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 8 of 8 Status: r N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100 Equipment Class: (4) Transformers Equipment



TRANSFORMER T28 4160V-480V C-499 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet I of 13 Status: Y- N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear Equipment



SWGR 28 Project: Quad Cities 2 SWEL Location (Bldg, Elev, Room/Area):

TB, 647.50 ft, ALL Manufacturer/Model:

Instructions for Completing Checklist This checklist may be. used to document the results of the Seismic Walkdown of an item of equipment on the SWEL. The space below each of the following questions may be used to record the results of judgments and findings.

Additional space is provided at the end of this checklist for documenting other comments.Anchora-ge

1. Is anchorage configuration verification required (i.e., is the item one of the 50% Yes of SWEL items requiring such verification)?
2. Is the anchorage free of bent, broken, missing or loose hardware?

Yes 3. Is the anchorage free of corrosion that is more than mild surface oxidation?

Yes 4. Is the anchorage free of visible cracks in the concrete near the anchors? Yes Minor shrinkage cracking in floor judged to be acceptable.

5. Is the anchorage configuration consistent with plant documentation? (Note: Yes This question only applies if the item is one of the 50% for which an anchorage configuration verification is required.)

Anchorage is shown on drawings 4E-2054A, Rev. I and 4E-2054D, Rev. G.6. Based on the above anchorage evaluations, is the anchorage free of Yes potentially adverse seismic conditions?

Interaction Effects 7. Are soft targets free from impact by nearby equipment or structures?

Yes C-500 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 2 of 13 Status: E-ZZ N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear EauiDment DescriDtion:

SWGR 28 8. Are overhead equipment, distribution systems, ceiling tiles and lighting, and masonry block walls not likely to collapse onto the equipment?

Yes 9. Do attached lines have adequate flexibility to avoid damage?Yes 10. Based on the above seismic interaction evaluations, is equipment free of potentially adverse seismic interaction effects?Yes Other Adverse Conditions

11. Have you looked for and found no adverse seismic conditions that could Yes adversely affect the safety functions of the equipment?

Trolley on top of switchgear free to roll; not pinned against movement.

Trolley place in middle of switchgear away from end stops to mitigate vibration effects due to hitting stop. See IR 1397866.Comments Seismic Walkdown Team: J. Griffith & M. Wodarcyk -8/6/2012 K. Hall & J. Kim -9/17/2012 Evaluated1-by: J. GriffithJ M. Wodarcyk Date: 10/4/12 Kevin Hall Julie Kim .--ii £< .f*10/5/12 C-501 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 3 of 13 Status: rY-Z N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear Equipment



SWGR 28 Photos C-502 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 4 of 13 Status: lZI N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear C-503 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 5 of 13 Status: FTj N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear C-504 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 6 of 13 Status: F N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear C-505 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 7 of 13 Status: EYII N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear C-506 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 8 of 13 Status: Y-] N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear C-507 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 9 of 13 Status: EZI N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear MW_(24Z C-508 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 10 of 13 Status: Y-1 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear MG_7245 MG_7246 C-509 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 11 of 13 Status: [1 N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear MG_7249 MG_7251 C-510 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 12 of 13 Status: Y-I N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear MG_7254 MG_7255 C-511 Quad Cities Generating Station Unit 2 12Q0108.40-R-002, Rev. 3 Correspondence No.: RS-12-169 Sheet 13 of 13 Status: r N U Seismic Walkdown Checklist (SWC)Equipment ID No.: 2-7100-28 Equipment Class: (2) Low Voltage Switchgear MG 7256 C-512