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Letter from Jonathan M. Block to Administrative Judges Attaching New England Coalition'S Certificate of Disclosure, Transmittal Letter to the Parties, and List of Disclosures
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/2005
From: Block J
New England Coalition
To: Anthony Baratta, Carlin A, Rubenstein L
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Julian E
50-271-OLA, ASLBP 04-832-02-OLA, RAS 9216
Download: ML050270129 (30)


-R 14 cjq12/ g MATED GORRESPONDENM JONATHAN M. BLOCK ATTORNEY AT LAW 94 Main Street P.O. Box 566 Putney, VT. 05346-0566 802-387-2646 (vox)

-2667 (fax) January 20, 2005 Administrative Judge Alex S. Carlin, Chair Administrative Judge Lester S. Rubenstein Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4270 E. Country Villa Drive DOCKETED Washington, DC 20555-0001 Tuscon, AZ 85718 USNRC Administrative Judge AnthonyJ. Baratta January 21, 2005 (8:09 am)

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel OFFICE OF SECRETARY U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission RULEMAKINGS AND Washington, DC 20555-0001 ADJUDICATIONS STAFF Re: Docket No. 50-271-OLA/ASLB No. 04-832-02-OLA

Dear Administrative Judges:

This letter is to confirm to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel for this proceeding, that New England Coalition complied on this day with 10 CFR § 2.336 regarding the general discovery obligations of parties. Attached here to please find attached a copy of New England Coalition's Certificate of Disclosure, transmittal letter to the parties, and list of disclosures.

New England Coalition made its disclosures to all parties, whether the party has taken or not taken a position on any of New England Coalition's admitted contentions.

Respectfully submitted, zJonathan M. Block Counsel to New England Coalition cc: Anthony Z. Roisman, Esq., Sarah Hofimann, Esq.

Marisa Higgins, Esq., Brooke Poole, Esq., Robert Weisman, Esq.

Jay E. Silberg, Esq., John M. Fulton, Esq., DouglasJ. Rosinski, Esq.

Raymond Shadis, OCAA, Office of the Secretary, Matias Travieso-Diaz, Esq.

rienp/late sics= Y-o5 -

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of Docket No. 50-271 ENTERGY NUCLEAR VERMONT YANKEE, LLC and ENTERGY ASLBP No. 04-832-02-OLA NUCLEAR OPERATIONS, INC. (Operating License Amendment)

(Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station)

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of New England Coalition's initial discovery disclosures and certification of New England Coalition's initial discovery disclosures - declaration of Raymond G.

Shadis-- were served on the persons listed below by deposit in the U.S. mail, first class, postage prepaid, and where indicated by an asterisk by electronic mail, this 20th day ofJanuary, 2005.

Persons listed below with a '*' also received hard-copies of disclosed documents.

  • Administrative Judge *Administrative Judge Alex S. Karlin, Chair Lester S. Rubenstein Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4270 E Country Villa Drive Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Tuscon, AZ 85718 lesrrr( lesrrr()
  • Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Dr. Anthony J. Baratta U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001
  • Secretary Office of Commission Appellate Adjudication Att'n: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 secy(), hearingdocket(
  • Sarah Hofmann** *Brooke Poole, Esq.**

Special Counsel *Robert Weisman, Esq.

Department of Public Service *Marisa Higgins, Esq.

112 State Street - Drawer 20 Office of the General Counsel Montpelier, VT 05620-2601 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Sarah.Hofmann( Washington, D.C. 20555-0001, rmv(,

  • Anthony Z. Roisman Jay E. Silberg, Esq., Matias Travieso-Diaz, Esq.,

National Legal Scholars Law Firm Douglas Rosinski, Esq.

84 East Thetford Rd. Shaw Pittman, LLP Lyme, NH 03768 2300 N St., NW aroisman( Washington, DC 20037-1128 Jay.Silberg( John Fulton, Esq. *Raymond Shadis Assistant General Counsel New England Coalition Entergy Nuclear Operations P.O. Box 98 440 Hamilton Avenue Shadis Road White Plains, NY 10601 Edgecomb, ME 04556 C;-

/Jonathan M. Block Counsel to New England Coaltion 94 Main Street P.O. Box 566 Putney, VT 05346-0566 (802) 387-2646 JONATHAN M. BLOCK ATTORNEY AT LAW 94 Main Street P.O. Box 566 Putney, VT. 05346-0566 802-387-2646 (vox)

-2667 (fax) January 20, 2005 Jay E. Silbertg Esq., Matias Travieso-Diaz, Esq.

Shaw Pittman, LLP 2300 N St., NW Washington, DC 20037-1128 Brooke Poole, Esq., Robert Weisman, Esq.

Marisa Higgins, Esq.

Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Sarah Hofmann, Special Counsel Anthony Z. Roisman, Special Counsel c/o Vermont Department of Public Service 112 State Street - Drawer 20 Montpelier, VT 05620-2601 Re: Docket No. 50-271-OLA/ASLBP No. 04-832-02-OLA To Parties' Counsel:

Enclosed please find New England Coalition's disclosures pursuant to 10 CFR §2.336, a Certificate of Disclosure, a Certificate of Service, and a copy of a letter to the Board indicating our compliance.

Pursuant to 10 CFR § 2.336(a)(1), at this time the persons "upon whose opinion [NEC] bases its claims and contentions and may rely upon as a witness," are Arnold Gundersen and Paul Blanch. Their addresses and telephone numbers are:

Arnold Gundersen Paul M. Blanch 139 Killarney Drive 135 Hyde Road Burlington, VT 05401 West Hartford, CT 06117 802-865-9955 860-236-0326 As of this date, Mr. Gundersen and Mr. Blanch expect to rely upon the information in their possession included in the attached Disclosures as the bases for their respective opinions. If and when

JM Block transmitta/kettertoParties'Counseire:.I\EC' 10 CFR 2.336 dirclosurematerials January 20,2005) Page 2 of 2 additional relevant information comes into New England Coalition's possession, disclosure shall be made as required by 10 CFR § 2.336.

New England Coalition has provided lists of all documents produced in hard copy to the parties.

Voluminous documents, documents New England Coalition believes are already available to the parties, and public documents available from the NRC website and/or ADAMS have been listed as such but not provided to the parties in hard copy. There are no documents generated by New England Coalition for which it makes a proprietary claim. However, a report prepared for New England Coalition by John W.

Hubenthal (May 13, 2003) -on New England Coalition's disclosure list at number 40- is copyrighted material belonging to New England Coalition. As such, New England Coalition requests that parties who wish to make additional copies of the report request written permission from New England Coalition prior to doing so and agree to destroy all copies at the end of the proceedings in this matter.

New England Coalition has in its possession documents (e-mails and letters) that are privileged attorney-client material. New England Coalition understands that the Vermont Department of Public Service, Entergy and the NRC Staff have reached an agreement that this material is not subject to disclosure and that a privilege log for this material is not necessary. NEC concurs in that aspect of the agreement reached by DPS, Entergy and NRC Staff If a party upon whom disclosure is required wishes to come and view disclosed but not provided voluminous materials kept in New England Coalition's files, please call my office so we may schedule a mutually convenient time during normal business hours for such inspection. In the event a party viewing documents wishes to copy them, copies are available on a cash basis ($.10/single sided page) at the local printer with whom New England Coalition has an account Please call or e-mail me if you have trouble accessing any of the information described and I will try to assist in providing you with access to the information.

  • i erely,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

onathan M. Block Counsel for New England Coalition cc: Administrative Judge Alex S. Karlin Administrative Judge AnthonyJ. Baratta Administrative Judge Lester S. Rubenstein Office of the Secretary OCAA John M. Fulton, Esq.



1. VY Nuclear Power Corp., Preventive Maintenance Basis (M307), Rev. 6,"Cooling Tower" (n.d.) (Bates Stamped CT00977-CT00986) 10 pages.
2. E-mail, Goodwin, Scott, to O'Brien, Michael, re: TPI Addendum 1 Deliverable (December 18, 2002) (Bates Stamped CT00203) 1 page. Attached to the Goodwin email is a TPI Report excerpt, re: cooling tower study, (Bates Stamped CT00205-CT00207) 3 pages.
3. E-mail, Yasi, Dan to Engerbreth, Norman, re: Summary of Request for VY CT upgrade June 4, 2004) (Bates Stamped CT00208) 1 page.
4. E-mail, Thomas, George to Tessier, Mike, re: Cooling Tower Cost Estimate June 8, 2004).

Attached to Thomas email is Tower Performance, Inc., "Vermont Yankee Cooling Tower Study - Addendum 1," (n.d.) (Bates Stamped CT00239-CT00241) 3 pages.

5. Marley Cooling Technologies, "Cooling Tower Fan Upgrade," Marley/Ecodyne Model 70-1 June 25, 2004) (Bates Stamped CT0021O-CT00212) 3 pages.
6. Email, Yasi, Dan to Yasi, Dan, re: FW: Marley Telecon on Cooling Tower Structural Issues June 23, 2004) (Bates Stamped CT00137-CT00140) 4 pages.
7. Fulkerson, Robert, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Technical Review of Cooling Tower Upgrade Design Studies," Submitted by TPI and S&W (February 18, 2003) (Bates Stamped CT00652-CT00659) 8 pages.
8. Project Definition Document,


Cooling Tower Fan/Motor Replacement, (n.d.) (Bates Stamped CT00010-CT0023) 14 pages.

9. VY EPU Cooling Tower Upgrade Economic Evaluation (May 20, 2003) (Bates Stamped CT00541-CT00569) 29 pages.

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10. E-mail, Routhier, Rick to Yasi, Dan, re: Bus 5 cables June 10, 2004) (Bates Stamped CT 00114). This Routhier email attaches a forwarded email from Alex Wonderlick to Chris Kowal and Chris Wamser re Bus 5 cables, 1 page.
11. E-mail, Yasi, Dan to Madden, Theodore, re: DRAFT Telecon Notes 040103, SRV Transients and ATWS Analyses (April 1, 2003) (Bates Stamped 008461-008462) 2 pages.
12. E-mail, Anvari, Jay to Sienel, Beth, re: Top Ten Action Plan (March 16, 2004) (Document #

A-184) 5 pages. Anvari email attaches document by Murphy, Leonard, SCH-1 Top Ten Reliability Action Plan (February 3, 2004) 4 pages.

13. E-mail, Hamer, Mike to Scholl, Larry, re: Mods List (April 4, 2004) (Document # A-231) 1 page. Attached to the Hamer email are the following documents:
a. Low Feedwater Suction Pressure Trip, 4 pages
b. AST Mods (Install SJAE Line Check Valve), 4 pages
c. Add Main Steam Safety Valve, 2 pages
d. Recirc Pump Runback (Feedwater Pump Trip), 4 pages
e. APRM Flow Controlled Trip Reference Card (A/M), 2 pages
f. NSSS/BOP Instruments (Main Steam High Flow Trip), 4 pages
g. 345 kv 381 Line Overload Relay Setting, 4 pages
h. Flow Induced Vibration Monitoring, 2 pages.
14. E-mail, Lukens, Larry to Pelton, David, re: MSIV LLRT Adverse Trend (May 6, 2004)

(Document # A-201) 1 page. Attached to the Lukens e-mail is CR-VTY-2004-0918, Adverse Trend Common Cause Analysis Report (May 5, 2004) 31 pages.

15. Position Paper Concerning the As-Found LLRT of V23-3 & V23-4, Ref: PP 7006, Primary Containment Leak Rate Testing Program (PCLRTP) R 2001-0901, 2 pages.
16. E-mail, Yasi, Dan to Hobbs, Brian, re: VY Water Systems - PUSAR Headings June 20, 2003)

(Bates Stamped 008240) 1 page.

17. Yankee Atomic Electric Company, VY Reactor Vessel Cyclic Limits, Table 1 and References (March 1988), 2 pages; Memorandum from E.J. Betti to S.R. Miller re: Recommendation for Tracking/Limiting Reactor Transient Events (December 14, 1987). Attached to Memo is the "Recommendation for Tracking/Limiting Reactor Transient Events for VY Nuclear Power Station" (November 13, 1987) and Table of Contents, 3 pages.
18. E-mail, Leach, Don to Nichols, Craig, re: Klaproth discussion (December 18, 2002) 1 page.

The following documents are attached:

a. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc, Vermont Yankee Power Uprate Project, Notes of Telecon, re: Status of Constant Pressure power Uprate Licensing Topical Report (CLTR) and NRC Review Process Issues, January 8, 2003), 2 pages.

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b. Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc, Vermont Yankee Power Uprate Project, Notes of Telecon, re: Debrief of GE/USNRC Phone call on CLTR licensing status, (anuary 16, 2003), 1 page.
c. Letter, GE Nuclear Energy to U.S. NRC January 14, 2003) re: NRC Approval SE for GE Licensing Topical Report NEDC-33004P, Constant Pressure power Uprate, Revision 2 (TAC No. MB 2510), 3 pages. Another copy of this letter is included, (Bates Stamped 005527--005529), 3 pages.
19. E-mail, Bruster, Laird to Felumb, Rhonda, re: VY Main Steam Comment Resolutions (February 18, 2003) (Bates Stamped 008315-008323) 9 pages.
20. E-mail, Traft, Allan to Felumb, Rhonda, re: WPS Resolutions (Bates Stamped 008070-008079) 10 pages.
21. E-mail, Wilverding, George to Devincentis, Jim and others, re: Meeting minutes BWR 2003-04, 03/18/03 (March 18, 2003) 1 page.
22. Entergy, Vermont Yankee Extended Power Uprate, Task Scope Document, Task T1006:

Individual Plant Evaluation (IPE)/IPEEE June 11, 2003) prepared by Michael Jacobs, Approved by Mark Palionis (Bates Stamped 004792-004798) 7 pages. The following documents are included in the IPE:

a. Riskman Model-Case Form, Model-Case ID: VY02, Rev 5, "VY02 Basecase Model with Modifications to CET Split Fraction Rules for Top Events VD and HR June 19, 2003)

(Bates Stamped 004799-004800) 2 pages.

b. Attachments 1-7 (Bates Stamped 004801-004808) 8 pages.
c. Attachment 2, IPE, Draft Task Report Review Checklist (n.d.) (Bates Stamped 004809) 1 page.
d. Memorandum, V.M. Anderson to Mark Palionis June 11, 2003), re: Review of VY EPU Shutdown Risk Impact (Bates Stamped 004810) 1 page. Attached to the Anderson memo is Appendix B, "Impact of 20% EPU on Shutdown Operator Action Response Times" (September 26, 2003) (Bates Stamped 004811-004826) 16 pages. All of these documents are repeated as Bates Stamped 004867-004883.
e. Attachment 3, IPE, Final Task Report Review Checklist (n.d.) (Bates Stamped 004827) 1 page.

£ Attachment 10, IPE, Final Task Report, Task Owner Checklist (n.d.) (Bates Stamped 004828) 1 page.

g. Entergy, VY EPU, Task Scope Document, Task T1006: IPE (draft) (n.d.) (Bates Stamped 004829-004835) 7 pages.
h. Entergy, VY EPU, Task Scope Document, Task: T1006: IPE June 11, 2003) (Bates Stamped 004836-004842) 7 pages.
i. Memorandum, V.M. Anderson to Mark Palionis (May 2, 2003), re: Review of ERIN Understanding of VY PRA Success Criteria (Bates Stamped 004843) 1 page. The following Tables labeled "Key Safety Functions and Minimum System Requirements For Success (Level 1)": are attached:

NEC Discovegy Disclosure Document List January 20, 2005) Page 4 of 24

i. Table 1, Initiating Event: General Transients (Bates 004844-004845) 2 pages.

ii. Table 2, Initiating Event: Small Loca (Bates Stamped 004846-004847) 2 pages.

iii. Table 3, Initiating Event: Medium Loca (Bates Stamped 004848-004849) 2 pages.

iv. Table 4, Initiating Event: Large Loca (Bates Stamped 004850-004851) 2 pages.

v. Table 5, Initiating Event: ATWS (Bates Stamped 004852004854) 3 pages.

vi. Table 6, Key Safety Functions and Minimum System Requirements for Success (Level 2) (Bates Stamped 004855-004857) 3 pages.

j. Memorandum, V.M. Anderson to Mark Palionis (May 23, 2003), re: Review of VY EPU Operator Action Screening (Bates Stamped 004858-004859) 2 pages. Attached to the Anderson memo is a table summarizing operator action screening for VY EPU Risk Assessment (September 26, 2003) (Bates Stamped 004860-004866) 7 pages.
k. Attachment D with Figures 11 and 12, Annual Capacity Factors, and Figure 13, 3-Year AVG. Capacity Factor vs. Time (Bates Stamped 004884-004887) 4 pages.
23. E-mail, Nichols, Craig to Thayer, Jay, re: J[ay]T[hayer]/D[on]L[each] discussion with John Zwolinski - 12/11/02, (December 17, 2002), (Bates Stamped 005367-005368) (his Nichols e-mail attaches a previous e-mail from Don Leach to Jay Thayer and others and requests comments on that message from the recipients.) 2 pages.
24. E-Mail, Nichols, Craig to Thayer, Jay and others, re: notes from NRC Kickoff meeting, (December 17, 2002), (Bates Stamped 005364-005366). This Nichols e-mail attaches a previous e-mail from Leach, Don to Hobbs, Brian, (same date), re: Basis for Control Room Leakage and requests comments on that message. This Leach e-mail contains "critical notes/actions [from] the meeting" and attaches a previous e-mail from Hobbs, Brian to Perez, Pedro and others, (December 16, 2002), (same subject). This Hobbs e-mail attaches a previous e-mail from Perez, Pedro to Rogers, James and others, (same date and subject) 3 pages.
25. E-mail, Nichols, Craig to Hobbs, Brian, re: FW: ENVY News, Thursday, December 19, 2002.doc, (December 19, 2002), (Bates Stamped 005515-005518). This Nichols e-mail attaches a previous e-mail from Nichols, Craig to Dick, Michael J., (same date and subject) 4 pages.
26. E-mail, Nichols, Craig to Hobbs, Brian, re: FW:CLTR + San Jose, January 2, 2003), (Bates Stamped 005110-005111) This Nichols e-mail attaches a previous email from Dick, Michael to Nichols, Craig, (December 20, 2002), (same subject). This Dick e-mail attaches a previous e-mail from Nichols, Craig to Hoang, Hoa X. and others, (same date and subject) 2 pages.
27. E-mail, <> to Hobbs (and others), re: 2-11-02 POD Minutes, (February 11, 2002), (Bates Stamped 008516-008520). This e-mail attaches a previous e-mail from Hobbs, Brian to Nichols, Craig and others (same date and subject) 5 pages.
28. Letter, Entergy to GE Nuclear, January 15, 2003), GE and NRC at impasse on CLTR, (Bates Stamped 005369) 1 page.

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29. Entergy, EPU Cooling Tower Thermal Performance Study for VY Nuclear Power Station, Rev. 0 (February 2003), prepared for ENVY by S&W 16 pages.
30. VY EPU Project, C.J. Nichols to Distribution, re: Project Status Report (November 2003) 4 pages.
31. VY Piping Flow Accelerated Corrosion Inspection Program (PP 7028), 2002 Refueling Outage Inspection Report, RFO 23 (Fall 2002) 14 pages.
32. NRC Preliminary OE Report - Reactor Steam Dryer Found Damaged at Quad Cities Unit 2 (n.d.) 2 pages.
33. VY - Engineering Department Memorandum, Enrico Betti to File UND2002-042 07, re:

Condenser Long Term Plan (February 7, 2002) 16 pages. Attached to memo are Addendum A: Summary of Elliot Gage Testing Tube Schedule, 18 pages and Addendum B: Elliot Gage Testing Data, 19 pages.

34. Larry Roit, "Record of the Nineteenth Eddy Current Inspection For the Main Condenser at Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant," RFO-23 (October 2002), Reviewed by J. Zalewski, 11 pages.
35. D.O. Henry, "Report of In-Vessel Examination Performed for VY Nuclear Power Plant,"

RFO 18 (March/April 1995), Reviewed by MJ. Anderson, 12 pages.

36. Andrew W. Clay, "Reactor, In Vessel Services Report," Final Report for VY Nuclear Power Station, RFO 23 Outage (October 2002), Reviewed by Terry M. Hofer, Approved by Mark E.

Michaels, 9 pages.

37. Entergy, "EPU Cooling Tower Evaporative Loss Study for VY Nuclear Power Station,"

Prepared by S&W (February 2003) 16 pages.

38. Carl K. Kuester, 'WY Nuclear Plant Condenser Evaluation" (November 1999) 31 pages.
39. Quad Cities 2002-004, Report Details, re: Reactor Safety, 3 pages. This report is supposed to be available at

and listofrpts body.html#quad.

However, these websites are no longer available. Therefore, NEC has attached a hard copy from Docket No. 6812, DPS Response to Entergy's Second Set of Information Requests, 3 pages.

40. John W. Hubenthal, 'WY Cooling Tower Review," (May 13, 2003) (prepared specially for NEC) 23 pages.
41. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (December 6, 2000) 47 pages.

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42. Viewgraph, "GE Power Uprate Experience," (March 19, 2002), 1 page.
43. Spread Sheet, Prepared from NRC sources including NUREG-1603, Individual Plant Examination Database, 1 page.
44. Memorandum, Barry J. Elliot to William H. Bateman, re: Authorization for Presentation of Technical Paper (April 9, 2003) 14 pages. (Attached paper: V.N. Shah and Y.Y. Liu, Entergy Technology Division, Argone National Laboratory, B.J. Elliot, Materials & Chemical Engineering Branch, Division of Engineering, NRC, "Effective Approaches For Managing Aging Effects IN BWR Reactor Coolant System Components For License Renewal,"

(February 2003). Presented at the 2--3 ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping Conference July 20-24, 2003)).

45. Letter, VY Nuclear Power Corp. to U.S. NRC, re: VY Nuclear Power Station License No.

DPR-28 (Docket No. 50-271) Alternative Feedwater Nozzle Inspection January 22, 2001) 4 pages.

46. BWR Vessel & Internals Project, "Vessel Internals Inspection Summaries for Spring 2001 Outages," (une 10, 2002) 9 pages.
47. U.S. NRC, "Independent Safety Assessment of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company,"

(October 1996) 4 pages.

48. Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee Business Plan, Rev. 1 (April 2003). 21 pages.
49. "Attachment 7, VY Nuclear Power Station, Proposed Technical Specification Change No.

263, EPU, Justification for Exception to Large Transient Testing," Docket No. 50-271, BVY 03-80 (n.d.) 9 pages.

50. UFSAR, "Alternate Cooling System," Rev. 18-1, 10.8-4 of 10 (n.d.) (Bates Stamped CT00663-CT00670) 8 pages.
51. "Cooling Tower Status Report" June 16, 2004) (Bates Stamped CT00083-CT00086) 4 pages.
52. E-mail, Walker, Fred to Yasi, Dan and others, re: Cooling Tower Scope Task Status Report 6-9-04 June 9, 2004). A status report is attached to the Walker email (Bates Stamped CT00116-CT00119) 4 pages.
53. E-mail, Goodwin, Scott to Fitzpatrick, Jim, re: FW: FW: Summary of Request for VY CT upgrade June 8, 2004). Attached to the Goodwin email is an email from Dan Yasi to James Callaghan and others. Attached to the Yasi email is an email from Norman Engebreth to Dan Yasi. Attached to the Engebreth email, S&W, "Cooling Tower Fan Upgrade," Marley /

Ecodyne Model 70-1 June 25, 2004) (Bates Stamped CT00234- CT00238) 5 pages.

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54. "VY Feasibility Study For EPU," Sec. 5.8- (n.d.) (Bates Stamped CT00645-CT00647) 3 pages.
55. "Schedule" [for cooling tower work] (n.d.) (Bates Stamped CT00231-CT00233) 3 pages.
56. Letter, Clifford J. Anderson, U.S. NRC to Jay K. Thayer, ENVY, re: VYNPS - NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000271/2003005 Ouly 30,2003) 32 pages.
57. VY Nuclear Power Station EPU Feasibility Study (une 28, 2002), Prepared by Brian R. Hobbs and Michael E. Jacobs, Docket No. 6812, Appendixes A-E attached, 115 pages.
58. E-mail, Jacobs, Michael to <>, re: Reactor Vessel Loads (March 7, 2003)

(Bates Stamped 005617-005618) 2 pages.

59. E-mail, Devincentis, Jim to Thomas, George, re: Final, Qa'd Calc from MPR (March 14, 2003)

(Bates Stamped 005606-005608) 3 pages.

60. VY Nuclear Power Station EPU Feasibility Report Matrix July 2, 2003) (Bates Stamped 005491-005502) 12 pages.
61. E-mail, Garozzo, Joseph to Jacobs, Michael, re: Recirculation Drive Flow Correlation to Core Flow (April 1, 2003) (Bates Stamped 005619) 1 page.
62. E-mail, Perez, Pedro to Oliver, Bob, re: GE Letter Material (February 12, 2003) (Bates Stamped 005452) 1 page.
63. E-mail, Oliver, Bob to <ha.tran(>, re: FW: GE loads from Task 304 RIPD Analysis January 20, 2003) (Bates Stamped 005453) 1 page.
64. E-mail, Jacobs, Michael to Felumb, Rhonda, re: FW: Shroud Support (March 13, 2003) (Bates Stamped 005443-005445) 3 pages.
65. E-mail, Garozzo, Joseph to Nichols, Craig, re: Additional EPU Related Calculation (May 20, 2003) (Bates Stamped 005016-005051) 36 pages.
66. Resolutions to Entergy Comments on SW T0406 (n.d.) (Bates Stamped 008464-008466) 3 pages.
67. Table, re: Comments (n.d.) (Bates Stamped 008467-008468) 2 pages.
68. E-mail, Bruster, Laird to Felumb, Rhonda, re: TBCCW IVF / WPS Rev 0 and VY comment resolution sheet - WPS (May 5,2003) (Bates Stamped 008357-008364) 8 pages.
69. EPU Parameter Changes (August 29, 2002) 23 pages.

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70. Summary of Inspections Conducted by NRC at VY from 1988 to date January 2, 2004) 38 pages.
71. Four Images That Illustrate Cooling Issues June 29, 2004) 4 pages.
72. E-mail, Jacobs, Michael to Dick, Michael, re: Time Histories of Loads (March 11, 2003) (Bates Stamped 005623) 1 page.
73. "Seismic Analysis For Wooden Frames Surrounding Cooling Tower (VYPS)," Prepared by T.Y. Lin, Kulka, Yang & Associate Structural Engineering (September 5, 1969) (Bates Stamped CT03056-CT03112) 56 pages.
74. Technical Evaluation No. TE 2001-047,


Refuel Outage 22, Condenser Steam Space Inspection, Evaluation, and Repair Recommendations, approved by E. Betti (August 6, 2001) 16 pages.

75. Letter from Joseph Zalewski to Thomas Marstaller, (November 28, 2001). Attached to Zalewski letter: "Record of The Eighteenth Eddy Current Inspection For the Main Condenser at VY Nuclear Plant, Vernon, VT, RFO - 22, May 2001, Volume I, Inspection Results, 21 pages.
76. VY Piping Flow Accelerated Corrosion Inspection Program, 1999 Refueling Outage Inspection Report, (February 2000), Prepared by James C. Fitzpatrick, Reviewed by Joseph D.

Fortier, Approved by Scott D. Goodwin, 18 pages.

77. Vermont Yankee Event Reports: ER-95-0653 (November 8, 1995) (Bates Stamped CT0393 1-CT03939) 33 pages; ER-98-0759 (April 8, 1998) (Bates Stamped CT03793-CT03799) 7 pages; ER-98-0937 (April 22, 1998) (Bates Stamped CT03790-CT03792) 3 pages; ER-97-1740 (December 16, 1997) (Bates Stamped CT03800-CT03801) 2 pages; ER-98-0961 (April 23, 1998) (Bates Stamped CT03775-CT03789) 15 pages; ER-98-1109 (May 5, 1998) (Bates Stamped CT03675-CT03707) 33 pages.
78. Letter, George E. Apostolakis, Chairman to Richard A. Meserve, Chairman, U.S. NRC, re:

Duane Arnold Energy Center Extended Power Uprate (October 17, 2001) 3 pages.

79. VY - Engineering Department Memorandum, Donald E. Johnson to Distribution,


Main Condenser Tube Staking (April 15, 2003) 10 pages.

80. VY Nuclear Power Corp., Job No. 57A-11960-H, "Calculations of Assessment &

Modification" (n.d.) (Bates Stamped CT01949-CT-02030) 82 pages.

Documents in NEC's possession that are available on the NRC Website

1. NRC Information Notice 2002-26, Supplement 1 July 21, 2003) (ADAMS Accession Number ML0319804340).

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2. ISI Summary Report to the NRC, BVY 01-66 (August 2001) (ADAMS Accession Number ML0123500870).
3. ISI Summary Report to the NRC, BVY 03-02 January 9, 2003) (ADAMS Accession Number ML0301300110).
4. NRC (VY) Integrated Inspection Report, 05000271/2003005 July 30, 2003) (available at body.html).
5. VY/NRC Event Notification 39250 (October 10, 2002) and Retraction (October 11, 2002)

(attachments to 10 CFR 2.206 filed by NEC on October 15, 2002) (ADAMS Accession Number ML023470147).

6. Quad Cities Daily OE Report (March 29, 2002) (available under Region 3 at ).
7. Morris P A, "Issuance of License DPR-28 to Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp" (3/21/1972), 42 pages (Accession Number: ML011620261).
8. Ziemann D L, "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 11 including Change 22, incorporating (1) removal of limiting conditions for operation and surveillance requirements relative to the low pressure coolant injection system recirculation loop section logic."

(12/3/74), 31 pages (Accession Number: ML011590474)

9. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 12 including Change 23, incorporating (1) a change in the limiting safety system settings of the total peaking factor for the reload core, (2) a deletion of the limiting safety system setting." (12/3/74), 55 pages (Accession number ML1i 1590501).
10. , "Vermont Yankee, Issuance of Amendment 9 To Facility License DPR-28.

Amendment limits condition for operation to the off-gas system isolation Instrumentation and associated surveillance requirements." (10/23/1974), 28 pages (Accession Number:


11. Skovholt D J, "Vermont Yankee, Changes 13 and 15 to the Technical Specifications of Facility Operating License DPR-28." (4/10/1974) 74 pages (Accession Number: ML011590289).
12. , "Vermont Yankee - Change No. 15 to Facility License DPR-28, replacing TS Sections 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7." (1/28/1974) 78 pages (Accession Number:


13. Boyd R S, "Vermont Yankee - Change 2 to Facility Operating License DPR-28, clarifying a number of requirements." (8/1/1972), 21 pages (Accession Number: ML011580449).

NEC Discovey Disclosure Document List Uanuary 20,2005) Page 10 of 24

14. , "Vermont Yankee - Change 1 to Facility Operating License DPR-28, permitting two of the reactor protection system scrams to be bypassed when the isolation valves for the reactor main steamlines are closed rather that only when the reactor pressure is below...." (7/24/1972), 3 pages (Accession Number: ML011580451).
15. Reid R W, "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 39 to Facility Operating License DPR-28, modifying the TSs relating to the replacement of 192 of 368 fuel assemblies in the reactor core." (9/30/1977), 55 pages (Accession Number: ML011620011).
16. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 33 to Facility Operating License DPR-28, revising the pressure-temperature limitations in order to comply with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix G, 'Fracture Toughness Requirements'." (3/23/1977), 17 pages (Accession Number: ML011590377).
17. . "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 27, relating to the replacement of valve position limiters with inline orifices." (8/22/1976), 20 pages (Accession number:


18. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 25, modifying the Technical Specifications relating to the replacement of 136 of 368 fuel assemblies in the reactor core of VYNPS Constituting refueling of the core for cycle 4 operation." (8/2/1976), 52 pages (ML011590542).
19. , "Vermont Yankee - Order for Modification of License and Safety Evaluation." (2/13/1976), 25 pages (Accession number: ML011580280).
20. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 18 including Change 29, revising provisions in the facility Technical Specifications to permit operation of the facility and forwarding Environmental Impact Appraisal and Negative Declaration." (11/12/75), 99 pages (Accession number ML011590491).
21. , "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, License DPR-28, Amendment 17." (11/5/75), 19 pages (Accession number ML011590311).
22. Ziemann D L, "Vermont Yankee - Request that the Federal Register Publish the Enclosed Notice of Proposed Issuance of an Amendment to Facility Operating License DPR-28."

(7/15/75), 30 pages (Accession number ML011590360).

23. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 13 to Facility Operating License DPR-28, authorizing operation at 100 percent of rated power level with three of the four relief valves operable." (5/21/75), 16 pages (ML011590462).

NEC Discovegy Disclosure Document List January 20, 2005) Page 11 of 24

24. Fairtile M B, "Vermont Yankee, License Amendment 128 re Revision of Surveillance Testing Requirements of Certain Engineering Safeguards." (3/4/91), 43 pages (Accession number:


25. _"Vermont Yankee, Issuance Of Amendment No. 127 To Facility Operating License No. DPR -28. Expiration Date Change." (12/17/90), 14 Pages (Accession number ML011650078).
26. __, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Issuance Of Amendment No. 124 To Facility Operating License No. DPR-28 Re Generic Letter 89-14." (7/2/90), 13 pages (Accession number: ML011650189).
27. , "Vermont Yankee, License Amendment 116 re Elimination of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits." (9/15/89), 28 pages (Accession number: ML011710038).
28. , "Vermont Yankee. Notice of Issuance of Amendment 114 to Facility Operating License DPR-28 Re ECCS and SLC Systems." (7/21/1989), 33 pages (Accession Number: ML011640309).
29. , "Vermont Yankee. Notice of Issuance of Amendment 112 to Facility Operating License DPR-28. Add Limiting Conditions of Operation and Surveillance Requirements for RPS Power Protection Equipment." (6/2/89), 18 pages (Accession number ML011640366).
30. Rooney V L, "Vermont Yankee, License Amendment 106 re Logic System Functional Test Interval." (8/9/1988), 25 pages (Accession Number: ML011640052).
31. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 96 to Facility Operating License DPR-28 re Technical Specifications (MS) to Complete the TS Requirements for the Listed NUREG-0737 Activities, per GL 83-36." (8/11/86), 24 pages (Accession number ML011620494).
32. , "Vermont Yankee, License Amendment 95 re Changes to Reporting Requirements Due to Rule Change in 10 CFR 50.72 and 50.73." (8/11/86), 28 pages (Accession number ML011640213).
33. Muller D R, "Vermont Yankee. Bi-Weekly Notice Memo. Notice of Issuance of Amendment 94 to Facility Operating License DPR-28. Permit extended Reactor Operation with one Recirculation Loop out of service." (8/8/86), 55 pages (Accession number ML011640224).
34. Rooney V L, "Vermont Yankee, License Amendment 93, revising Technical Specifications to accommodate shifts in transition temperature for the reactor pressure vessel materials that were induced by radiation damage." (6/24/86), 13 pages (Accession number ML011650226).

NEC Dircovey Disclosure Document List January 20, 2005) Page 12 of 24

35. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 91 to Facility Operating License DPR-28, revising TSs to provide an iodine spike limit for the reactor coolant concentrations, and to limit the opening of two purge and vent valves (V16-19-7 and 7a)." (10/28/85), 15 pages (ML011580507).
36. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 90 to Facility Operating License DPR-28, revising the Technical Specifications, as listed." (10/9/85), 34 pages (Accession number: ML011580509).
37. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 88 to Facility Operating License DPR-28, revising the Technical Specifications to raise the suppression pool temperature limit during normal operation from 90 F to 100 F." (6/6/85), 10 pages (Accession number:


38. , "Vermont Yankee. Notice of Issuance of Amendment 86 to Facility Operating License DPR-28. Revision of (TS) reflecting a change from 120% to 140% in the Main Stream Line High Flow Setpoint." (2/21/85), 11 pages (ML011580414).
39. , "Vermont Yankee, License Amendment 84 re Change in the Main Steam Line Low Pressure Isolation Setpoint." (12/4/1984), 15 pages (Accession number: ML011620432).
40. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 83 to Facility Operating License DPR-28, authorizing changes to the Technical Specifications." (10/9/84), 126 pages (Accession number: ML011580201).
41. , "Vermont Yankee, License Amendment 78 re Disconnectting of Electrical Input to the Local Power Range Monitors During Refueling Outages." (4/11/83), 16 pages (ML011620498).
42. , "Vermont Yankee, License Amendment 76 re Scram Discharge System Modifications and the Limiting Conditions of Operation and Surveillance Requirements."

(3/28/83), 23 pages (Accession number: ML011620511).

43. , "Vermont Yankee, License Amendment 73 re Scram Discharge Volume Vent and Drain Valve Surveillance." (11/29/82), 61 pages (Accession number: ML011620348).
44. No author credited, "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Proposed Technical Specification Change No.224 Reactor Power Distribution Limits Applicability." (11/5/99), 22 pages (Accession number ML993160154).
45. Croteau R P, "Vermont Yankee, Issuance of Amendment 177 to Operating License DPR-28 re High Pressure Core Cooling Systems." (10/1/99), 20 pages (Accession number:


NEC Discovegy DisclosureDocument List January 20, 2005) Page 13 of 24

46. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 173 re: Low Power Scram Bypass (TAC NO.MA5970)." (8/13/99), 15 pages (ML011690023).
47. , "Vermont Yankee, License Amendment 171 re Replacement of Administrative Controls Section of Technical Specifications." (7/19/1999), 43 pages (Accession number:


48. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 69 re: proposed changes to the Technical Specifications involving the Station Service Water and Residual Heat Removal Service Water systems." (3/11/99), 15 pages (Accession number: ML011650681).
49. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 168 regarding relocation of certain fire protection requirements from the Technical Specifications." (2/24/99), 38 pages (Accession number ML011660117).
50. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 164 to Facility Operating License DPR-28 re: proposal of number of minor corrections or clarifications which enhance the clarity of the Technical Specifications without changing meaning or application." (1/5/99), 80 pages (Accession number: ML011700245).
51. , "Vermont Yankee - Issuance of Amendment 160 regarding change to the safety and relief valve setpoint tolerance and power operation with an inoperable safety relief valve."

(4/15/98), 15 pages (Accession number: ML011650561).

52. Jabbour K N, "Vermont Yankee, License Amendment 151 re Incorporation of 10 CFR 20 Standards for Protection Against Radiation." (6/19/97), 32 pages (Accession number ML011650351).
53. Peifer M, "Duane Arnold - License Amendment Request (TSCR-056): "Elimination of License Condition 2.C.(2)(b) for Performance of Large Transient Tests for Extended Power Uprate."

(2/27/2004), 16 pages (Accession number: ML040690708).

54. Ring M, "Exelon Generation Company, Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3, Personnel Performance Related to Non-routine Evolutions and Events; Post-Maintenance Test and Other Activities" on 01/01/2004 - 03/31/2004,. (4/30/2004), 67 Pages, Accession Number: ML041210935 IR 05000237-04-002 & 05000249-04-002.
55. Houston B, "Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 - Supplemental to Amendment Request for Extended Power Uprate." (5/7/2004), 54 pages, Accession Number:


56. Houston B, 'Waterford, Unit 3 - Supplement to Amendment Request NPF-38-249, Extended Power Uprate" (5/13/2004), 33 pages, Accession Number: ML041380145. Estimated Page Count: 33

NEC Discovegy DisclosureDocument List January 20, 2005) Page 14 of 24

57. Kalyanam N, NRC, ": Waterford, Unit 3, Request for Additional Information, Revision to Facility Operating License & Technical Specifications - Extended Power Uprate Request

"(3/26/2004), 6 pages,

58. Accession Number: ML041210245
59. Pearce L W Letter, License-Application for Facility Operating License (Amend/Renewal)

DKT 50, Technical Specification, 6/2/2004, pages 479, Accession Number: ML041560461

60. "Indian Point, Unit 3, Stretch Power Uprate License Amendment Request Package, Attachment 1 Through 3, Figure 6.3-83," (6/3/2004), Estimated Page Count: 538
61. Accession Number: ML041620616
62. Kalyanam N, Letter, License-Operating Amendment DKT 50 Safety Evaluation, (6/16/2004), Estimated Page Count: 14 Accession Number: ML041700466
63. O'Neil E T, "Brunswick, Unit 1, Extended Power Uprate Implementation Test Report - Phase 2" (6/17/2004), Estimated Page Count: 17, Accession Number: ML041750274
64. Tulon T J, "LER 04-004-00 for Quad Cities, Unit 2 re: Main Steam Safety/Relief Valve As-Found Setpoint Outside of Technical Specification Allowed Value Due to Vibration."

(6/18/2004), Estimated Page Count: 4,

65. Accession Number: ML041760248
66. Masnik M T, "NUREG-1437 Supp 16, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, Supplement 16 Regarding Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units I and 2, Final Report."
67. (6/30/2004), Estimated Page Count: 574, Accession Number: ML041880213
68. Wilson J, "NUREG-1437, Suppl 17, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Regarding Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3, Final Report." (6/30/2004)
69. Estimated Page Count: 539,Accession Number: ML041890266
70. Kuo P T, NRC, "Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 (Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Exelon) - Section 1 - Introduction and General Discussion" (7/1/2004), Estimated Page Count: 31, Accession Number: ML042050493
71. Kuo P T, NRC, "Section 2 - Scoping and Screening Methodology for Identifying Structures and Components Subject to Aging Management Review, and Implementation Results"(7/1/2004), Estimated Page Count: 315, Accession Number: ML042050500

NEC Discover Disclosure Document List January 20, 2005) Page 15 of 24

72. Kuo P T, NRC, "Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of the Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 (Exelon Generation Company, LLC (Exelon) - Section 4 -Time-limited Aging Analyses" (7/1/2004), Estimated Page Count: 57, Accession Number: ML042050503
73. Venable J E, Letter, "License-Application for Facility Operating License (Amend/Renewal)

DKT 50

74. Availability: Publicly Available" (7/14/2004), Estimated Page Count: 179, Accession Number:


75. Fredrickson P E, "IR 05000325-04-003 and IR 05000324-04-003 on 03/21/2004 -

06/19/2004 for Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2; Maintenance Effectiveness, Permanent Plant Modifications, and Other Activities"(7/19/2004), Estimated Page Count: 32, Accession Number: ML042020012

76. Ring M A, NRC, "IR 05000254-04-005, IR 05000265-04-005 on 04/01/2004-06/30/2004 for Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units I & 2; Event Followup" (7/20/2004), Estimated Page Count: 36, Accession Number: ML042030148
77. Abney T E, "Letter Transmitting Browns Ferry, Units 2 and 3 - Proposed Technical Specifications (TS) Change TS - 418 - Request for License Amendment Extended Power Uprate (EPU) Operation (6/25/2004), Estimated Page Count: 277, Accession Number:


78. Desai D, Hinds C, Lu J, Pappone D, Pinsker A, Prado E, Sundaram S, Wu R, "Browns Ferry, Units 2 and 3 - Engineering Report, Steam Dryer Analysis for Extended Power Uprate Conditions" (4/30/2004), Estimated Page Count: 94, Accession Number: ML041840413
79. Peifer M, "Duane Arnold, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request (ISCR-056): "Elimination of License Condition 2.C.(2)(b) for Performance of Large Transient Tests for Extended Power Uprate." (8/9/2004), Estimated Page Count: 20, Accession Number: ML042240241
80. Peifer M, "Duane Arnold - Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request (TSCR - 056): "Elimination of License Condition 2.C.(2)(b) for Performance of Large Transient Tests for Extended Power Uprate" (8/9/2004), Estimated Page Count: 20, Accession Number: ML042300419
81. O'Neil E T," Brunswick, Units 1 and 2 - Report of 10CFR50.59 Evaluation and Commitment Changes"( 8/27/2004), Estimated Page Count: 39, Accession Number: ML042440266
82. Reynolds S A, "IR 05000461-04-007, 07/15/2004 - 07/26/2004; Clinton Power Station.

Special inspection for Clinton Power Station July 13, 2004, reactor automatic shutdown and July 14 level transient" (9/3/2004), Estimated Page Count: 29, Accession Number:


NEC Discovegy Disclosure Document List January 20, 2005) Page 16 of 24

83. , Exelon Nuclear, "09/23/2004 Meeting Presentation, Extended Power Uprate (EPU) Vibration Assessment and Vulnerability Review (9/23/2004), Estimated Page Count:

57, Accession Number: ML042730260

84. Abney T E, "Browns Ferry, Unit 1- Proposed Technical Specifications Change TS - 431 -

Request for License Amendment - Extended Power Uprate Operation" (6/28/2004),

Estimated Page Count: 269,

85. Accession Number: ML041840109
86. Schaefer K T, "Browns Ferry, Unit 1, Proposed Technical Specifications Change TS-431, Extended Power Uprate UFSAR Review Matrix, Enclosure 6" (6/30/2004), Estimated Page Count: 183, Accession Number: ML041840116
87. Peters K, "Waterford Steam Electric Station, Supplement to Amendment Request NPF 249, Extended Power Uprate"( 10/8/2004), Estimated Page Count: 28, Accession Number:


88. , First Energy Nuclear Operating Co, "Beaver Valley Power Station Extended Power Uprate Licensing Report," Revision 0, (9/30/2004), Estimated Page Count:

899,Accession Number: ML042920317

89. DeBlasio J, "Beaver Valley Power Station Extended Power Uprate Licensing Report, Supplemental Information"( 9/30/2004), Estimated Page Count: 116, Accession Number:


90. Simpson P R, "Amendment to the Application for Renewed Operating Licenses for Dresden and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Stations" (3/5/2004), Estimated Page Count: 103, Accession Number: ML040711186
91. Mendiola A J, "Dresden Units 2 & 3 and Quad Cities Units 1 & 2, Amendments, Main Steam Line Relief Valves and Associated Relief Requests. TAC Nos. MC1792, MC1793, MC1794, and MC1795 (10/19/2004), Estimated Page Count: 39, (Accession Number: ML042600563
92. ,Exelon Nuclear, "10/25/2004 - Extended Power Uprate (EPU) Vibration Assessment and Vulnerability Review" (10/25/2004), Estimated Page Count: 53, Accession Number: ML043010209
93. Mitchell T G, "Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, Supplement to Amendment Request NPF-38-249, Extended Power Uprate" (10/21/2004), Estimated Page Count: 20, Accession Number: ML043010238
94. Ring M A, NRC. "IR 05000254-04-009; 05000265-04-009; on 07/01/2004 - 09/30/2004; Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 & 2; Problem Identification and Resolution,

NEC Discovey Disclosure Document list January 20, 2005) Page 17 of 24 Event Followup; Other Activities" (10/29/2004), Estimated Page Count: 56, Accession Number: ML043060312

95. Auluck R, Kim T J, NUREG-1 796, [1:21 Cover - Chpt 2, "Safety Evaluation Report: Related to the License Renewal of Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 & 3 and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 & 2." (10/31/2004), Estimated Page Count: 368, Accession Number: MIL043060582
96. Auluck R, Kim T J, NUREG-1 796, [2:2] Chpt 3 - End, "Safety Evaluation Report: Related to the License Renewal of Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 & 3 and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 & 2." (10/31/2004), Estimated Page Count: 603, Accession Number:


97. Mitchell T G, "Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 - Extended Power Uprate" (11/8/2004), Estimated Page Count: 27, Accession Number: ML043200122
98. Dodds R A, "Waterford, Unit 3 - Supplement to Amendment Request NPF-38-249 Extended Power Uprate" (11/16/2004), Estimated Page Count: 54, Accession Number: ML043270472
99. Dodds R A, 'Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, Supplement to Amendment Request NPF-38-249 Extended Power Uprate" (11/19/2004), Estimated Page Count: 25, Accession Number: ML043280359 100. Simpson P R , "Request for Changes Related to Technical Specifications Section 3.4.9, "Reactor Coolant System Pressure-and Temperature (PIT) Limits." (11/4/2004), Estimated Page Count: 36, Accession Number: ML043360164 101. Mehta A R, Tilly LJ, "Attachment 5, GE-NE-0000-0002-9629-OlRla, "Pressure-Temperature Curves for Exelon Dresden Unit 2," Revision 1."(5/31/2004), Estimated Page Count: 189, Accession Number: ML043360173 102. Tilly L J, "GE-NE-0000-0002-9600-OlR2a, "Pressure-Temperature Curves for Exelon Dresden Unit 3," Revision 2." (5/31/2004), Estimated Page Count: 209, Accession Number:

ML043360180 103. Tilly L J , "Attachment 5, GE-NE-0000-0002-9600-02R2a, "Pressure-Temperature Curves for Exelon Quad Cities Unit I," Revision 2" (5/31/2004), Estimated Page Count: 188, Accession Number: ML043360204 104. Tilly L J, "GE-NE-0000-0002-9600-03R3a, "Pressure-Temperature Curves for Exelon Quad Cities Unit 2," Revision 2." (5/31/2004), Estimated Page Count: 188, Accession Number:


NEC Discovey Disclosure Document list (January 20, 2005) Page 18 of 24 105. , Exelon Nuclear, "December 2, 2004, meeting with Exelon re Generator Rotor and Steam Dryer Meeting" (12/2/2004), Estimated Page Count: 37, Accession Number:

ML043440071 106. Abney T E, "Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 1 - Technical Specifications Change TS 428 -

Update of Pressure Temperature Curves." (12/6/2004), Estimated Page Count: 30, Accession Number: ML043440227 107. Tilly L J, "Nonproprietary Revision 0 to NEDO-33112, "Pressure-Temperature Curves For TVA Browns Ferry Unit 1." (1/31/2004), Estimated Page Count: 139, Accession Number:

ML043440231 108. , PSEG, "Design Change Package 80062466 Revision I Extended Power Uprate Piping Vibration Monitoring Installation Package, 10/19/2004." (10/19/2004), Estimated Page Count: 156, Accession Number: ML050060054 109. , PSEG, "Design Change Package 80062466 Revision 3 Extended Power Uprate Piping Vibration Monitoring, Installation Package, 12/23/2004." (12/23/2004), Estimated Page Count: 174, 110. Accession Number: ML050060114 111. . NRC, "NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan, Section 14.2.1, Draft Revision 0, Generic Guidelines for Extended Power Uprate Testing Programs." (12/31/2002), Estimated Page Count: 21, 112. Accession Number: ML023440030 113. Roberts C C, "Licensing Topical Report, Constant Pressure Power Uprate. (7/31/2003),

Estimated Page Count: 213, Accession Number: ML032170332 114. Simpson P R, "Dresden, Units 2 and 3, Request for Changes Related to TS Section 3.4.9, Reactor Coolant System Pressure & Temperature (P/I) Limits, Attachment 1 - Appendix G" (2/27/2003), Estimated Page Count: 203, Accession Number: ML030660089 115. Simpson P R, "Dresden, Units 2 and 3, Request for Changes Related to TS Section 3.4.9, Reactor Coolant System Pressure & Temperature (P/T) Limits, Section 1.0 - Appendix G" (2/27/2003), Estimated Page Count: 175, Accession Number: ML030660091 116. Peifer M A, " Technical Specification Change Request (TSCR-059): "Adoption of Generic Letter 96-03: 'Relocation of Pressure Temperature Limit Curves & Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits" (2/28/2003), Estimated Page Count: 61, Accession Number: ML030710261 117. Anderson R N, Casillas J L, Pappone D C, "Engineering Evaluation of Impact on Transient &

Safety Analyses of Reducing Low Pressure Isolation Setpoint Analytical Limit to 785 psig

NEC Discovery Disclosun Document List January 20, 2005) Page 19 of 24 Dresden Units 2 & 3 and Quad Cities Units 1 & 2" (1/31/2003), Estimated Page Count: 34, Accession Number: ML030930068 118. Cooper E R, Harrison J, Spencer D C, "Safety Analysis Report for Clinton Power Station Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus" (4/30/2003), Estimated Page Count: 91, Accession Number: ML031270133 119. O'Neil E T, "Extended Power Uprate Cycle 16 Startup Test Report - Implementation Test Report - Phase 1" (5/12/2003), Estimated Page Count: 26, Accession Number: ML031410109 120. Jury K R, "Commnitments for Resolution of Steam Dryer Degradation Issue" (6/27/2003),

Estimated Page Count: 7, Accession Number: ML031900155 121. Ring M A, "IR 05000254-03-005, 05000265-03-005; on 04/01/03 - 06/30/03, for Exelon Nuclear; Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station; Units 1 & 2; Operability Evaluations, Surveillance Testing Accession" (7/17/2003) Estimated Page Count: 51, Accession Number:

ML-031980621 122. Simpson P R, "Quad Cities, Units land 2, Response to Request for Additional Information -

License Renewal Environmental Report" (7/17/2003), Estimated Page Count: 131, Accession Number: ML032040302 123. Alexion T W, " Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2, Issuance of Amendment No. 249, Extending the Allowable Outage Time for the Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) From 72 Hours to a Maximum of 14 Days" (8/8/2003), Estimated Page Count: 25, Accession Number:

ML032240050 124. Henry D 0, Liu L K, LynchJ, Pappone D C, Patel M R, Sundaram S, ": Technical Assessment of Quad Cities Unit 2, Steam Dryer Failure - Determination of Root Cause & Extent of Condition" (8/31/2003), Estimated Page Count: 154, Accession Number: ML032340379 125. Branlund B J, O'Connor M C, Tilly L J, "Revised Non-Proprietary GE Report GE-NE-A22-00100-08-Ola-R2, Pressure-Temperature Curves for Duane Arnold Energy Center" (8/18/2003), Estimated Page Count: 144, Accession Number: ML032390387 126. Abney T E, "Browns Ferry, Units 2 and 3, Technical Specifications Change TS-441, Update of Pressure-Temperature (P-T) Curves" (8/7/2003), Estimated Page Count: 37, Accession Number: ML032540366 127. Sumner H L, "Edwin I. Hatch, Units I and 2, Issuance of Amendment Nos. 238 and 180, Respectively, Revising the Renewal Facility Operating License and the TSs to Reflect the Increased Licensed power Level" (9/23/2003), Estimated Page Count: 1, Accession Number:


NEC Discovey Disclosure Document List January 20, 2005) Page 20 of 24 128. Abney T E, "Browns Ferry, Units 2 and 3 - Technical Specification (TS) Change TS-441, Revision 1 - Update of Pressure-Temperature (P-T) Curves" (9/18/2003), Estimated Page Count: 41, Accession Number: ML032750278 129. Branlund B J, Frew B D, Tilly L J, ""Pressure-Temperature Curves for TVA Browns Ferry, Unit 2." (8/31/2003), Estimated Page Count: 135, Accession Number: ML032750349, 130. Branlund B J, Frew B D, Tilly LJ, "Revision 1 to GE-NE-0000-0013-3193-02a-Rl, "Pressure-Temperature Curves for TVA Browns Ferry, Unit 3." (8/31/2003), Estimated Page Count:

135, (Accession Number: ML032750393 131. Lara J F, "IR 05000237-03-008 (DRS) IR 05000249-03-008 (DRS) on 08/11/03 - 08/29/03; Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 & 3; Safety Systems Design and Performance Capability." (10/10/2003), Estimated Page Count: 46, Accession Number: ML032870045 132. Wheeler D, "NUREG-1437, Suppl 16 - Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Re: Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2" (11/30/2003), Estimated Page Count: 365, Accession Number: ML033020456 133. Peifer M A, "Duane Arnold - Report of Facility Changes, Tests, and Experiments, Fire Plan Changes and Commitment Changes." (10/20/2003), Estimated Page Count: 22, Accession Number: ML033010437 134. Ring M A, "IR 05000254-03-009, IR 05000265-03-009; on 07/01/03-09/30/03, for Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 & 2; Surveillance Testing, Problem Identification and Resolution, and Event Followup" (10/27/2003), Estimated Page Count 57, Accession Number: ML033040094 135. Vanover D E, "Email Providing Draft Responses to Request for Additional Information."

(7/22/2003), Estimated Page Count: 126, Accession Number: ML032030227 136. Banerjee M, "Dresden, Units 2 and 3, Amendment, Reactor Coolant System Pressure and Temperature Limits" (11/26/2003), Estimated Page Count: 21, Accession Number:

ML033210419 137. Tulon T J, "Quad Cities, Unit 1 - Transmittal of Lost Parts Analysis and Associated Operability Evaluation" (11/28/2003), Estimated Page Count: 24, Accession Number:

ML033381214 138. Simpson P R, "Dresden, Units 2 & 3, and Quad Cities, Units 1 & 2 - Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request for Main Steam Line Low Pressure Isolation Setpoint" (12/5/2003), Estimated Page Count: 61, Accession Number: ML033510089 139. Maher W D, "Email - Draft Quad Cities SAMA RAI Responses" (6/30/2003), Estimated Page Count: 105, Accession Number: ML031960554

NEC Discover DisclosureDocument List January 20, 2005) Page 21 of 24 140. Douet J R, "Waterford, Unit 3, Supplemental Information Extended Power Uprate - Power Ascension Testing" (1/29/2004), Estimated Page Count: 47, Accession Number:

ML040340728 141. Peifer M, "Duane Arnold - License Amendment Request (TSCR-056): "Elimination of License Condition 2.C.(2)(b) for Performance of Large Transient Tests for Extended Power Uprate" (2/27/2004), Estimated Page Count: 16, Accession Number: ML040690708 142. , "Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, License Amendment, Issuance of Amendment, Re: Reactor Pressure Vessel Fracture Toughness and Material Surveillance Requirements (TAC Nos. MB8119 and MB8379)." (3/29/2004), Estimated Page Count: 22, Accession Number: ML040620036 143. Brothers M H, "Hope Creek, Request for Change to Technical Specifications Pressure/Temperature Limits" (3/31/2004), Estimated Page Count: 50, Accession Number:

ML040990522 144. Name: Kalyanam N, "Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 - RAI related to revision to facility operating license and TSs - extended power uprate request", (4/8/2004), Estimated Page Count: 7, Accession Number: ML041000514 145. Ainger K A, "Additional testing information supporting license amendment request to permit uprated power operation at Dresden & Quad Cities Nuclear Power Stations" (9/27/2001),

Estimated Page Count: 10, Accession Number: ML012760077 146. , NRC/ACRS, "Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena Subcommittee Duane Arnold Energy Center Power Uprate Request.

September 26, 2001, pages 1-177." (9/26/2001), Estimated Page Count: 180, Accession Number: ML012770209 147. Hopkins J B, "Clinton Power Station Unit 1, Request for Additional Information" (11/14/2001), Estimated Page Count: 11, Accession Number: ML013110260 148. Putnam K S, "Duane Arnold Energy Center - Cyclic Report of Facility Changes, Tests, and Experiments, Fire Plan Changes, and Comnuitment Changes" (11/20/2001), Estimated Page Count: 79, Accession Number: ML013330315 149. Keenan J S, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Request for License Amendments - Extended Power Uprate" (11/30/2001), Estimated Page Count: 147, Accession Number: ML013390502 150. Jury K R, "Clinton Power Station, Unit 1, Additional Mechanical Systems Information Supporting License Amendment Request to Permit Uprated Operation at Clinton Power Station" (12/7/2001), Estimated Page Count: 81, Accession Number: ML013520442

NEC Discovey Disclosure Document List January 20, 2005) Page 22 of 24 151. , "Dresden, Units 2 & 3, Safety Evaluation, Amendments 191 & 185 re Extended Power Uprate", (12/21/2001), Estimated Page Count: 167, Accession Number:

ML013540187 152. Jury K R, " Additional Information Supporting the License Amendment Request to Permit Uprated Power Operation at Clinton Power Station" (11/30/2001), Estimated Page Count 11, Accession Number: ML013540343 153. Ainger K A, "Dresden, Units 2 & 3 & Quad Cities, Units 1 & 2, Revision to Proprietary Designation - Additional Testing Information Supporting License Amendment Request to Permit Uprated Power Operation" (10/17/2001), Estimated Page Count: 14, Accession Number: ML020160263 154. Jury K R, "Dresden, Units 2 and 3 and Quad Cities, Units 1 and 2, Revision to Proprietary Designation - Additional Plant Systems Information Supporting the License Amendment Request to Permit Uprate Power Operation" (12/17/2001), Estimated Page Count: 36, Accession Number: ML020230250 155. Ainger K A, "Clinton, Unit 1 Non-Proprietary Safety Analysis Report Supporting the License Amendment Request to Permit Uprated Power Operation" (10/23/2001), Estimated Page Count: 68, Accession Number: ML020320020 156. Ainger K A, "Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Letter" (10/23/2001), Estimated Page Count: 68, Accession Number: ML020320037 157. Jury K R, "Clinton, Unit 1 - Additional Testing Information Supporting the License Amendment Request to Permit Uprated Power Operation" (1/15/2002), Estimated Page Count: 14, Accession Number: ML020350458 158. , NRC/ACRS, "Transcript of ACRS Combined Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena/Future Plant Designs: Subcommittee Meeting OPEN SESSION, February 13, 2002, Pages 1-327/361-375 [Closed Session Pp 328-3601 in Rockville, MD" (2/13/2002),

Estimated Page Count: 153, Accession Number: ML020670600 159. Putnam K S, "Duane Arnold Energy Center Startup Test Report for Extended Power Uprate -

Phase I" (3/4/2002), Estimated Page Count: 33, Accession Number: ML020730035 160. Swafford P, "LER 02-001-00 for Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2 re Unit 2 Isolation Condenser Time Delay Relay Surveillance Failures Due to Setpoint Tolerances Specified with No Margin" (3/19/2002), Estimated Page Count: 5, Accession Number: ML020910644 161. Jury K R, "Dresden, Unit 2 - Power Uprate Ascension Test Report" (3/25/2002), Estimated Page Count: 23, Accession Number: ML021010157

NEC Dircovey Disclosure Document List January 20, 2005) Page 23 of 24 162. NRC/ACRS, "Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards 492nd Meeting: Open Session, Closed Session on Pages 1-48/60-226, Estimated Page Count: 217, Accession Number: ML021370464 163. , "Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Extended Power Update - Presentation to the Advisory Committee On Reactor Safeguards" (5/2/2002), Estimated Page Count: 84, Accession Number: ML021370484 164. Krich R M, "Letter regarding Additional Testing Information Supporting the License Amendment Request to Permit Uprated Power Operation at Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 2 and 3 and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2" (5/18/2001) Estimated Page Count: 14, Accession Number: ML011450195 165. VanMiddlesworth G D, "Duane Arnold Energy Center - Response to Request for Additional Information to Technical Specification Change Request TSCR-042 for Extended Power Uprate" (6/11/2001), Estimated Page Count: 9, Accession Number: ML011690258 166. Ring M A, "IR 05000254-02-007, 05000265-02-007; Exelon Generation Company, LLC; on 07/01-09/30/2002, Quad Cities Station; Units 1 & 2. Maintenance Effectiveness, Operability Evaluations, Identification and Resolution of Problems, and Event Follow-up" (10/28/2002),

Estimated Page Count: 42, Accession Number: ML023030121 167. Tulon T J, 10 CFR 50.59 Summary Report" (1/3/2003), Estimated Page Count: 23, Accession Number: ML030150598 168. Simpson P R, "Dresden, Unit 3, Power Uprate Ascension Test Report" (1/23/2003),

Estimated Page Count: 22, Accession Number: ML030310253 169. VanMiddlesworth G D, "Duane Arnold - Technical Specification Change Request (TSCR-042): "Extended Power Uprate " (11/16/2000), Estimated Page Count: 47, Accession Number: ML003771301.

170. Vermont Public Service Board Order, Docket 6812, (September 8, 2004) 5 pages. Available at: Documents presumptively available to or in the possession of the parties

1. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Updated Final Safety Analysis Report [UFSAR],

Docket 50-271 (Current).

NEC Discovey Disclosure Document list January 20, 2005) Page 24 of 24 Documents in possession of NEC but too voluminous to reproduce1

1. Entergy Nuclear Northeast Vermont Yankee, 'Design Basis Document for Service Water Systems, Service Water, Residual Heat Removal Service Water, and Alternate Cooling Systems," (February 4, 2004) (Bates Stamped CT00671-CT00791 and CT04328-CT04437) approximately 400 pages.

Respectfully submitted:

Jonathan M. Block Counsel for New England Coalition 94 Mains Street P.O. Box 566 Putney, VT 05346-0566 (802) 387-2646 cc: Service List

' Any party or its representative may schedule an appointment to come to view and copy these documents at the office of NEC's counsel.


(Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station) January 19, 2005 CERTIFICATE OF DISCLOSURE 1, Raymond G. Shadis, state:

1. My name is Raymond G. Shadis. The New England Coalition has employed me in the position of Staff Technical Advisor since 1998. My duties include assaying and addressing environmental and safety issues at New England's five operating and four decommissioning nuclear reactors. The New England Coalition Board of Trustees has assigned me overall responsibility for interactions with regulators and reactor owners and operators such as Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee. In that capacity, I am directing, with assistance of counsel, New England Coalition's participation in the above captioned case.
2. To the best of my knowledge, as of the date of this disclosure, all materials relevant to New England Coalition's accepted contentions in this docket have been disclosed pursuant to 10 C.F.R. §2.336, and the disclosures are as accurate and complete as New England Coalition is able to make at this time.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on January 19, 2005.

Raymond G. Shadis Staff Technical Advisor for New England Coalition P.O. Box 98 Edgecomb, ME 04556-0098 (207) 882-7801