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Draft Section a Operating
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 10/03/2003
From: Gosekamp M
Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee
To: Conte R
Conte R
-RFPFR, 50-271/03-301
Download: ML033090626 (124)




Isolate Leaking RHR PiDe Weld and Determine Technical Specification Required Actions Failure Mode: N/A


P&ID G191172 I G191299 I G191301 Task Number: 2990100304 (A0 Task)

Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO - RO/SRO Only SE Only -

Sequence Critical: Yes - No -x-Time Critical: Yes - No X Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code: NIA Method of Testing: Simulation - Performance J -Discuss Setting: Classroom - Simulator X Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 24 minutes Evaluation Results:

Time Required:

dd3 Date Approved by:

Operafions Training Superintendent Date

r JPM-SRO Admin 1, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 2 of 5 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "DOyou understand the task?"

Read to the person beine evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions.

You are requested to "talk-throuPh" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifjmg or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

The plant is operating at full power. No equipment is out of service.

InitiatinP Cues:

A cracWleak has been reported by the RBAO to the Shift Manager on RHR-V10-49C. The leak is on the pump side of the valve (C RHR pump vent). The Shift Manager directs you to identi@ mechanical and electrical components to isolate, vent, and drain the pump, and determine Technical Specification LCO before and after leak isolation.

Task Standards:

P- 10-1C Breaker identified P-10-1C Pump Isolation Vent, Drain Vales identified MOV Breakers identified Correct Technical Specification LCO determined Required Materials:

Controlled Prints Technical Specifications Simulator Setup:

Any IC, need controlled prints, can be done in any setting with controlled prints available

JPM-SRO Admin 1, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 3 of 5 Evaluation Performance Step TIME START:

SATKJNSAT Step 1: Determine correct print for RHR system.

Standard: Operator determines G191172 is the RHR system print.


  • Step 2: Determine isolation boundaries.

Standard: The following valves identified to be shut: RHR-V10-69C, 47C, 13C Handwheel, 15C Handwheel SATKJNSAT

  • Step 3: Determine vent path.

Standard: The following valves identified to be open: RHR-V10-49C, 162C SATIUNSAT

  • Step 4: Determine drain path.

Standard: Either or both of the following valve(s) open: RHR-V10-22C, 21C; 12A open SATIUNSAT Step 5: Determine correct print for RHR pump motor breaker.

Standard: Operator reviews G191299 or CWD 1300.

Interim Cue: If the operator attempts to use procedure lineups, direct him to use controlled prints.


  • Step 6: Determine RHR Pump ccCBreaker.

Standard: 4 KV Bus 3 Compartment 5 SATKJNSAT Step 7: Determine correct print for RHR MOV 15/13.

Standard: Operator reviews G 191301 Sheet 2 of 2 or CWD 1263,1267 Interim Cue: If the operator attempts to use procedure lineups direct him to use controlled print,

PM-SRO Admin 1, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 4 of 5 SATKJNSAT Step 8: Determine RHR 13C/15C MOV power supplies.

Standard: MMC 9B,Cubicle 6G and 7J SATKJNSAT *Step 9: Determine Technical Specification LCO prior to leak isolation.

Standard: 3.7.A.8 due to failure to comply with 3.7.A.3 24 Cold Shutdown.


  • Step 10: Determine Technical Specification LCO after leak isolation..

Standard: RHR LPCI 3.5.A.3 - 7 days

  • Critical Step

PM-SRO Admin 1, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 5 of 5 TIME FINISH:

Terminating Cue: Mechanical and electrical boundaries identified and Technical Specification LCOs determined. Order of steps not critical. Control authority will determine order of steps.

Evaluator Comments:

System: WA's:

System Generic KIA's: 2.1.24 Ability to obtain and interpret station electrical and mechanical drawings (CFR: 45.12 145.13)

IMPORTANCE RO 2.8 SRO 3.1 2.1.12 Ability to apply technical specifications for a system.

(CFR: 43.2 143.5 145.3)


JPM-SRO Admin 1, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 1 of 1 Tear-Out Sheet Initial Conditions:

The plant is operating at full power. No equipment is out of service.

InitiatinP Cues:

A crack/leak has been reported by the RBAO to the Shift Manager on RHR-V10-49C. The leak is on the pump side of the valve (C RHR pump vent). The Shift Manager directs you to identify mechanical and electrical components to isolate, vent, and drain the pump, and determine Technical Specification LCO before and after leak isolation.

Valves shut for isolation Valves open for vent Valves open for drain ACB open for RHR pump BUS ACB open for MOVs MCC(s1 Technical Specification Required Actions:

Before Isolation After Isolation

VYNPS 3.7 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR 4.7 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS OPERATION at normal cooldown rates if the torus water temperature exceeds 120'F.

e. Minimum Water Volume

- 6 8 , 0 0 0 cubic feet

f. Maximum Water Volume

- 7 0 , 0 0 0 cubic feet

2. Primary containment 2. The primary containment integrity shall be integrity shall be maintained at all times demonstrated as required when the reactor is by the Primary critical or when the Containment Leak Rate reactor water temperature Testing Program (PCLRTP).

is above 212'F and fuel is in the reactor vessel except while performing low power physics tests at atmospheric pressure at power levels not to exceed 5 Mw(t) .

3. If a portion of a system
3. (Blank) that is considered to be an extension of primary containment is to be opened, isolate the affected penetration flow path by use of at least one closed and deactivated automatic valve, closed manual valve or blind flange.
4. Whenever primary 4. Verify leakage rate containment integrity is through each main steam required, the leakage line isolation valve is c23 scf/hr and that the from any one main steam line isolation valve combined maximum pathway shall not exceed leakage rate for all four 3 1 scf/hr at 44 psig (Pa), main steam lines is and the combined leakage c46 scf/hr when tested at 2 2 4 psig (Pt).

from all four main steam -

lines shall not exceed 62 scf/hr at 4 4 psig (Pa).

Amendment No. 48, M , 1-63, 1 7 8 147


b. Within the 24-hour period subsequent to placing the reactor in the Run mode following a shutdown, the containment atmosphere oxygen concentration shall be reduced to less than 4 percent and maintained in this condition.

Deinerting may commence 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to a shutdown.

8. If Specification 3.7.A.1 through 3.7.A.7 cannot be met, an orderly shutdown shall be initiated immediately and the reactor shall be in a cold shutdown condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
9. Drywell/Suppression 9. Drywell/Suppression Chamber d/p Chamber d/D
a. Differential a. The differential pressure between pressure between the drywell and the drywell and suppression chamber suppression chamber shall be maintained shall be recorded

>1.7 psi except as

- once per shift.

specified in 3.7.A.9.b and 3.7.A.9.c below.

b. The 11.7 psi b. The operability of differential the low pressure shall be differential established within pressure alarm 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of shall be verified achieving operating once per week.

pressure and temperature. The differential pressure may be reduced to c1.7 psi 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to commencing a cold shutdown.

c. The differential pressure may be reduced to c1.7 psi for a maximum of four hours (period to begin when the Amendment No. 50 151


2. From and after the date 2. Deleted.

that one of the Core Spray Subsystems is made or found to be inoperable for any reason, reactor operation is permissible only during the succeeding seven days unless such subsystem is sooner made operable, provided that during such seven days, the other Core Spray Subsystem and the LPCI Subsystems shall be operable.

3. From and after the date 3. Deleted.

that one of the LPCI pumps is made or found to be inoperable for any reason, reactor operation is permissible only during the succeeding seven days unless such pump is sooner made operable, provided that during such seven days, the LPCI and Containment Cooling Subsystem with the inoperable pump is not otherwise inoperable, and the other LPCI and Containment Cooling Subsystem and both Core Spray Subsystems shall be operable.

Amendment No. 27, 97,3 4 - 4 , M ,289, 213 100



Take Actions for Inadequate Shift Staffing Failure Mode: N/A


AP 0894 / TRM Section 6.1 Task Number: 34 100403 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO - RO/SRO Only X SE Only -

Sequence Critical: Yes - No 3-Time Critical: Yes - No X Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code: N/A Method of Testing: Simulation - Performance X Discuss Setting: Classroom - Simulator X Plant performance Expected Completion Time: 15 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS - FAIL- ime Required:


y/+h Date

JPM-SRO Admin 2, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 2 of 4 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "DOyou understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions.

You are requested to "talk-throuph" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

0200 today full power operations. You are the Shift Manager Initiating Cues:

The Chemistry Technician falls down the admin building stairs, compound fractures his right leg, and is transported to the hospital. Determine shift staffing required actions.

Task Standards:

0 Correct individuals identified 0 Event report initiated Required Materials:

A 0 0894 VYAPOF 0009.01 pages 1 & 2 Simulator Setup:

Any IC

JPM-SRO Admin 2, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 3 of 4 Evaluation Performance Steps TIME START:

SATNNSAT Step 1: Obtain procedure AP 0894 and review discussion section and administrative limits.

Standard: Operator obtains AP 0894 and reviews administrative limits.

SATIUNSAT Step 2: Operator refers to Table 1 and determines the Chemistrv Technician is a required position.

Standard: Table 1 reviewed - Chemistry Technician determined to be a required position.


  • Step 3: Notifies the Chemistry Department head.

Standard: Sam Wender: Phone 802-365-4177, phone number identified Pager 742-9073, may direct Security Shift Supervisor to Page Interim Cue: The actual home phone number or pager number must be found. The call should be simulated.

OP 353 1, Emergency Call-in, in the control room has the phone list. The list is not in any other E-Plan books for privacy reasons. When the operator opens OP 353 1, give him the phone list.


  • Step 4: Notifies the Operations Manager.

Standard: Chris Wamser: Phone 603-363-41 83, phone number identified Pager 742-9175; ,may direct Security Shift Supervisor to Page Cell Phone 802-380-0509 Interim Cue: The actual home phone number or pager number must be found. The call should be simulated.

JPM-SRO Admin 2, NRC 2003 Rev. X, W X X Page 4 of 4 SAT/UNSAT Step 5: Initiates an Event Report.

Standard: Operator initiates an Event Report.

Interim Cue: Do not allow the operator to do this on the computer (it would be real). Provide the operator with Hard Copy Forms.

~~ ~

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH:

Terminating Cue: VYAPOF 0009.01 filled out and simulated turned in.

Evaluator Comments:

System: WA's:

System Generic WA's: 2.1.5 Ability to locate and use procedures and directives related to shift staffing and activities (CFR: 41.10 143.5 / 45.12)


PM-SRO Admin 2, NRC 2003 Rev. X, J W X X Page 1 of 1 Tear-Out Sheet Initial Conditions:

0200 today full power operations. You are the Shift manager Initiatinp Cues:

The Chemistry Technician falls down the admin building stairs, compound fractures his right leg, and is transported to the hospital. Determine shift staffing required actions.

-~ ~

VERMONT YANKEE NI CLEAR PO 7ER STATION ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE AP 0894 REVISION 7 STAFFING AND OVERTIME LIMITS USE CLASSIFICATION: INFORMATION L PC Effective Affected Pages No. Date 1 07/31/02 3 of 5; Table 1 Pg 1 of 1 I Implementation Statement: NIA Issue Date: 0512 1/99

Dept. Mgr. Proc. No. AP 0894 PORC Rev. No. 7 Plant Mgr. IssueDate 05/21/99 Review Date 09/05/02 STAFFING AND OVERTIME LIMITS PURPOSE To identify the shift staffing and overtime requirements for all modes of plant operation and set forth the policy by which those requirements shall be satisfied.

The use classification of this procedure is Information Use.

DISCUSSION This procedure sets forth the minimum shift personnel required and contains certain administrative limits on overtime for key personnel.

Except during extended shutdown periods, the use of overtime should be considered on an individual basis and not for the entire staff on shift.

The Shift Supervisor is responsible for ensuring the minimum shift requirements are met on his assigned shift. Under no circumstances shall the Shift Supervisor voluntarily allow staffing to be less than required by Technical Specifications/Technical Requirements Manual and this procedure. Circumstances which are beyond the control of the Shift Supervisor shall require immediate actions to restore the shift complement as soon as possible and to make the notifications required by this procedure. "Circumstances which are beyond the control of the Shift Supervisor" are those which make shift personnel unable to perform their duties; for example, sickness, injury, fitness-for-duty issues.

The Shift Supervisor, or applicable Department Manager is responsible for ensuring the overtime limits are met during all modes of plant operation including refueling outages.

Department Managers of shift personnel are responsible for ensuring that work schedules for their shift personnel are established.

Station personnel are responsible for working assigned shift hours and for adhering to administrative requirements established by this procedure. Additionally, the individual employee is also responsible for tracking his/ her individual work hours and informing supervision if asked to work overtime which exceeds these guidelines.

It is recognized that unusual circumstances may arise requiring deviation from the overtime limits. Such deviations shall be authorized by the Plant Manager or the appropriate Superintendent or Shift Outage Manager. The paramount consideration in such authorization shall be that sigruficant reductions in the effectiveness of key personnel would be highly unlikely.

Plant management recognizes that during the transition from Eastern Daylight Time to Eastern Standard Time personnel on site will work an additional hour that day. This additional hour of work may cause personnel to exceed normal overtime limits, which has been evaluated and approved by Senior Management. Key Personnel are NOT required to initiate the "Justificationfor Excessive Overtime" form for this situation.

AP 0894 Rev. 7 Page 1of 5 DI #99-405


1. Table I Minimum Shift Staffing Requirements
2. Figure1 Dwg - Control Room
3. VYAPF 0894.01 Justification for Excessive Overtime REFERENCES
1. Technical Specifications (TS)/Technical Requirements Manual (TRM)
a. TS Section 6.1
b. TRM Section 6.1
2. Administrative Limits
a. An operator will be designated the Operator-at-the-controls (OATC) each shift.

He will remain in the OATC/limited time access area (see Figure 1)unless properly relieved by another licensed operator. His primary watch station is the OATC area, and time spent by the OATC in the limited time access area will be of short duration (<5min.).

b. In cases where it is appropriate to relieve individuals of their duties and allow them to leave site, the Shift Supervisor shall ensure that the individuals' replacement is on site before allowing the individual to leave. Should the individual leave site without the Shift Supervisor's authorization, that individual will be held accountable for his/her actions.
c. Key personnel who perform safetv-related functions shall adhere to the following limits (NRC Generic Letter 82-12):
1) An individual should not be permitted to work more than 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> straight (excluding shift turnover time).
2) An individual should not be permitted to work more than 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> in any 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period (excluding shift turnover time).
3) An individual should not be permitted to work more than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in any 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> period (excluding shift turnover time).
4) An individual should not be permitted to work more than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> in any 7 day period (excluding shift turnover time).
5) A break of at least eight hours (including shift turnover time) should be allowed between work periods.
3. Other
a. Agreement as to Wages, Working Conditions and Seniority between VYNPC and Local No. 300 IBEW (current edition)
b. NUREG 0737 Item I.A.1.3 C. NRC Generic Letter 82-12, dated 6/15/82
d. Department Training Programs AP 0894 Rev. 7 Page 2 of 5
e. NRC Generic Letter 83-14 dated 3/7/83; Definition of "Key Maintenance Personnel"
f. Letter, D.A. Reid to J.T. Herron, "Shift Staffing", dated 11/23/92 g- 10 CFR 50.54m
h. Letter VYNPC to USNRC, Reply to a Notice of Violation and Controls for Outage Overtime Inspection Report 93-14, dated 9/27/93.
i. Letter VYNPC to USNRC, Reply to a Notice of Violation and Controls for Overtime Inspection Report 94-20, dated 10/18/94
j. AP 0009, Event Reports
k. AP 3700, Fire Training DEFINITIONS
1. Key Personnel
a. Individuals responsible for correct operation or the performance of maintenance, repair, modification or calibration of safety-related structures, systems or components, and who are personally performing or immediately supervising the performance of such activities.
2. Safety-Related Functions
a. Activities which affect safety-related structures, systems, and components.
b. Structures, systems, and components that are relied upon to remain functional during and following design basis events to assure any of the following:

0 Reactor coolant pressure boundary integrity e The capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition 0 The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents that could result in potential offsite exposures comparable to the guidelines of 10 CFR 100.

c. Examples of safety-related work activities include:

e Maintenance work conducted on safety-related systems, structures, or components e Operations watchstanders (e.g., Shift Supervisors, Supervisory Control Room Operators, Shift Engineers, Reactor Operators, Auxiliary Operators, and personnel involved in fuel handling)

RP/ Chem technicians responsible for accident assessment 0 TS surveillance of safety-related systems, structures, or components AP 0894 Rev. 7 Page 3 of 5 LPC #I


1. The shift staff required in Table I shall be present and responsible to the Shift Supervisor at all times except as specified below.
2. The Department Manager is responsible for scheduling appropriate personnel to fulfill the shift requirements.
3. If at any time the Shift Supervisor is notified or aware that the shift staffing requirements of Table I cannot be met, he shall:

a, immediately contact the appropriate Department Supervisor/Manager to correct the deficiency as soon as possible,

b. immediately contact the Operations Manager,
c. initiate an Event Report per AP 0009,
4. If an individual, listed as Key Personnel, exceeds the Administrative Limits without prior approval/authorization detailed in Step 5:
a. immediately contact the appropriate Department Supervisor/Manager to correct the deficiency or obtain the necessary approvals per Step 5,
b. initiate an Event Report per AI' 0009.

NOTE The individual is responsible to inform his/her supervisor of required work which may cause the administrative limits to be exceeded when the assignment is made to allow ample time for the supervisor to obtain approval/ authorization.

5. If an individual, listed as Key Personnel, is required to work outside the Administrative Limits:
a. the responsible supervisor shall ensure the individual is physically fit to exceed the administrative limit, initiate the "Justificationfor Excessive Overtime" (VYAPF0894.01) and route it to the appropriate manager.
b. the responsible supervisor may obtain verbal approval from the Plant Manager, Operations Superintendent, Technical Services Superintendent, Maintenance Superintendent, Director of Design Engineering (or higher), or Outage Manager (during outages), prior to the occurrence with a written followup using VYAPF 0894.01.
c. the Plant Manager or applicable superintendent or Shift Outage Manager shall authorize overtime on VYAPF 0894.01.

AP 0894 Rev. 7 Page 4 of 5 DI #99-353


1. VYAPF 0894.01 transmitted to DCC. Authorized deviations (VYAPF 0894.01) shall be retained for NRC review, however, they are not considered QA Records.

AP 0894 Rev. 7 Page 5 of 5


Op. present on refueling floor during core alterations IAW Supervisor Control Technical Room Operator Senior Operator License Specifications.

Control Room Operator/ACRO Operator License OPS 2 1 Auxiliary Operator OPS 3 1 Bachelors Degree in Must be available Engineering or Science within 10 minutes of Shift Engineer or equivalent. Control Room.

Radiation Radiation Protection Protection Technician Training Technician Program Fire Brigade Normally filled by Commander AP 3700 OPS 1 1 Shift Engineer.

Fire Brigade AP 3700 ox/

SECURITY I 4 4 Normally fulfilled by 3 Aux Oper/ACRO.

1 Security Officer.

As approved by Duty and Call Technical Services Officer Superintendent 1 1 On call Per Training and sss responsible for Qualification Plan for maintaining minimum Security Force Security SECURITY Per Security Plan Per Security Plan staffing .

r_ll Must be available within 10 minutes of Control Room to Chemistry Chem. Technician fulfill communicator Technician Training Program responsibilities.

Table I AP 0894 Rev. 7 Page 1 of 1 LPC #1

JUSTl FICATlON FOR EXCESSlVE OVERT1ME Administrative Limit t o be Exceeded:

NOTE Justification is not required for the one hour of additional overtime caused from the transition from Eastern Daylight Time to Eastern Standard Time.

An individual should not be permitted t o work:

More than 1 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> straight (Excluding shift turnover time)

More than 1 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> in any 2 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> period (Excluding shift turnover time)

More than 2 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> in any 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> period (Excluding shift turnover time)

More than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> in any 7 day period (Excluding shift turnover time)

Without a break of a t least eight hours (Including shift turnover time) between work periods Date: Time:

The reason for exceeding the guidelines is as follows:


Supervisor VYAPF 0894.01 (Sample)

AP 0 8 9 4 Rev. 7 Page 1 of 1 RT No. 08.R04.152 DI #99-405

Overtime Authorized By:

Plant Manager/Superintendent/Director/Shift Outage Manager Forward t o DCC for retention VYAPF 0894.01 (Sample)

AP 0 8 9 4 Rev. 7 Page 2 of 1 RT No. 08.R04.152 DI #99-405



Determine if Equipment Can Be Removed From Service for Minor Unscheduled Maintenance Failure Mode: N/A


AP 0125 Task Number: 34200 103,34200303 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO - RO/SRO Only X SE Only -

Sequence Critical: Yes - No 3-Time Critical: Yes - No X Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code: N/A Method of Testing: Simulation - Performance Discuss Setting: Classroom - Simulator X Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 10 minutes Evaluation Results:

Perfonnance: PASS __ FAIL, Time Required:

Prepared by:

Date Reviewed by: 8h+3 Date Approved by: &d/ 6 3 Date

JPM-SRO Admin 3, NRC 2003 Rev. X, xX/XX Page 2 of 4 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsatll. Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "DOyou understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions.

You are requested to "talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

The plant is operating at full power. ORAM-Sentinel is out of service. A HPCI LCO is in progress.

Initiating Cues:

The Maintenance Manager has directed you to determine if diesel fire pump can be removed Erom service for PMS (battery replacement). Maintenance has personnel available to perform the work which is currently scheduled for next week. Per AP 0125 should the diesel fire pump be removed from service?

Task Standards:

Per A p 0125 Appendix B note, combinations marked on the SSC redundancy matrix by a black box should be avoided + NO Reauired Materials:

AP 0125 Simulator Setup:


JPM-SRO Admin 3, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 3 of 4 Evaluation Performance Step TIME START:

SATNNSAT Step 1: Obtain AP 0125 Section 4.2 initiation of work activities.

Standard: AP 0125 Section 4.2 obtained, Operator may review the discussion section.

SATKJNSAT Step 2: Perform Appendix B.

Standard: Operator refers to Appendix B of AP 0125.

SATNNSAT Step 3: Operator determines no de-energhation plan is rewired.

Standard: No de-energization plan is required.

SATNNSAT Step 4: Consider impact on plant safely with HPCI 00s / Appendix R /

Plant Configuration / External conditions.

Standard: HPCI 00s is noted.

Interim Cue: Appendix R Coordinator has determined necessary compensatory actions and will provide them to you, Weather is calm, no storms, no off sight electrical problems.


  • Step 5: With ORAM Sentinel 00s Figure 1 should be used for midance.

Standard: Operator refers to Figure 1 AP 0125 SATKJNSAT

  • Step 6: Using Figure 1 operator connects HPCI 00s with Diesel Fire Pump 00s and determines black box.

Standard: Intersection of HPCI / Diesel Fire Pump black box noted.


  • Step 7: Operator informs Maintenance that Diesel Fire Pump maintenance can not be performed.

Standard: Permission to perform maintenance not granted.

  • Critical Step

JPM-SRO Admin 3, NRC 2003 Rev. X, W X X Page 4 of 4 TIME FINISH:

Terminating Cue: Diesel Fire Pump maintenance not allowed.

Evaluator Comments:

System: KIA's:

System Generic WA's: 2.2.17 Knowledge of the process for managing maintenance activities during power operations (CFR: 43.5 / 45.13)


JPM-SRO Admin 3, NRC 2003 Rev. X, xx/xx Page 1 of 1 Tear-Out Sheet Initial Conditions:

The plant is operating at full power. ORAM-Sentinel is out of service. A HPCI LCO is in progress.

Initiating; Cues:

The Maintenance Manager has directed you to determine if diesel fire pump can be removed from service for PMS (battery replacement), Maintenance has personnel available to perform the work which is currently scheduled for next week. Per A p 0125 should the diesel fire pump be removed from service?

Diesel Fire Pump Maintenance: Allowed Not Allowed (circle one)


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE. SCOPE. AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 3 2.0 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................... 5 3.0 PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................ 5 4.0 PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................ 6 4.1. Work Activity Preparation ................................................................................................... 6 4.2. Initiation of Work Activities ................................................................................................ 7 4.3. Work Activity Completion Requirements ........................................................................... 8


AND COMMITMENTS .................................................................................. 10 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................ 12 7.0 ATTACHMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 12 AP 0125 Rev . 12 Page 2 of 12

1.0 PURPOSE, SCOPE, AND DISCUSSION 1.1. Purpose To provide administrative guidelines for:

1. Removal of power block equipment (also called asset) from operating service to allow the performance of maintenance, surveillance or modification.
2. Return of that equipment to service upon completion of the work activities.
3. Equipment made unavailable for any reason that is required to be logged by the Maintenance Rule Program (Figure 2).

1.2. Scope This procedure applies any time inspections are made or work is performed on any power block equipment. Work on security equipment or work that impacts plant security requires Security Shift Manager approval and is not within the scope of this procedure.

1.3. Discussion NUMARC 93-01 identifies that during the planning and scheduling phase and prior to authorizing the removal of Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs) from service, each planned maintenance activity that results in the removal of an SSC which supports a key plant safety function should be assessed for its impact on performance of the key plant safety function.

The assessment should take into account the current plant configuration as well as expected changes to plant configuration and is applicable regardless of plant mode (Le., should be considered during shutdownlrefueling operations as well as when the plant is on-line).

To ensure that Vermont Yankee meets the intent of the NUMARC guidance, VY has established an equipment removal from service methodology. This methodology includes, the development, review and application of a pre-analyzed, risk assessed, integrated work week schedule and the use of the ORAM-Sentinel risk monitor or of an SSC redundancy matrix to provide additional risk insights prior to the authorization for the release of work when the pre-analyzed schedule does not address the configuration of the plant due to schedule changes and/or emergent work. In addition, during the planningkcheduling and performance of work activities where SSCs are removed from service, the overall unavailability of any SSC which could provide a significant contribution to plant risk should be minimized.

The above methodology has been incorporated into the Operating Cycle System Scheduling Guideline, Limiting Condition of Operation (LCO) Maintenance Plan Guideline, Outage Guideline and this procedure. The continued use of the guidance provided within these documents provides the necessary elements to ensure Vermont Yankee's Risk Management Philosophy is achieved.

AP 0125 Rev. 12 Page 3 of 12

There are four different causes for the removal of plant equipment from operational service. These are briefly described as follows:

1. Surveillance - provides verification of the operability and/or the performance characteristics of plant equipment by testing its operation under specified conditions. Each surveillance test is conducted in accordance with an approved plant procedure.
2. Corrective Maintenance - maintenance performed on plant equipment to correct a malfunction or other non-conforming conditions. AP 002 1, AP 0047, AP 0049, AP 0050, AP 0053, and OP 0452 define the administrative control of corrective maintenance.
3. Preventive Maintenance (PMs) - maintenance initiated by a pre-planned program to detect, correct, or test for degraded conditions of plant equipment which could lead to equipment malfunction or failure. PMs may be controlled by the Maintenance or I/C Department's preventive maintenance programs, AP 0200 or AP 03 10 respectively. AP 0021 defines the administrative control of preventive maintenance. Performance of LCO-Maintenance shall be coordinated through the use of the LCO-Maintenance Guideline.
4. Modification - physical changes to plant equipment to improve performance characteristics, reliability, etc. A P s 0020, 0022, 6001, 6004,6008 and OP 0452 define the administrative controls for modifying and testing plant equipment.

An activity in any of the above classifications may or may not be sufficient reason to cause the affected plant equipment to be removed from operating status. However, when conditions are such that the equipment must be made inoperable, it is necessary to take proper precautions to ensure that:

1. The Shift Manager is made fully knowledgeable of the intended work scope (including initial work scope and significant changes) and the start and successful completion of the work activity,
2. The Shift Manager grants his permission to perform the work prior to initiating the work effort by:

NOTE The Shift Manager may find it beneficial to review the work plans using AP 0048 (or AP 0053, as applicable) for guidance to ensure all required critical attributes have been considered.

a. Ensuring that the plant safety or performance capability is not compromised, and, AP 0125 Rev. 12 Page 4 of 12
b. Ensuring that the maintenance or inspection activity can be safely performed under the existing plant operating conditions.
c. Inform the operating crew of the equipment degradation or inoperability as appropriate. Consider performing a pre-job brief per AP 0052 to ensure appropriate compensatory actions are in place and contingency planning is addressed for the duration of the repair effort. (ER950690-01)
3. Upon completion of work activities, the equipment has been returned to normal operating status including assurance of functional operability (testing) and verification of final equipment lineups. Refer to VYAPF 0155.02 for a list of systems requiring independent verification.

In accordance with AP 6002, Preparing 50.59 Evaluations, the results of an Applicability Determination (AD) has determined that an AD is not required for future changes provided the Procedure Scope is not changed. The basis for this conclusion is that this document is a managerial and an administrative monitoring process, subject to 10CFR5O Appendix B, that does not alter the design, performance requirements, operation, or control of systems, structures, or components (SSCs) and all changes are reviewed by QA prior to implementation.

2.0 DEFINITIONS 2.1. Non-Power Block Equipment - Structures, Systems and Components (SSCs) which are within or support the equipment listed in Appendix K of AP 0021 as long as that equipment is less than or equal to 440 volts &e., no 480 volt).

2.2. Power Block Equipment - All SSCs within the Owner Control Area unless exempted by the Non-Power Block Equipment definition.

3.0 PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1. Shift Manager (or CRS) - The Shift Manager authorizes all work and verifies that the equipment is properly returned to service. The SM also performs the duties of Work Management when Work Management is not available. The SM may also be responsible to determine any additional PMT requirements to be performed by the Operations Department. The SM is also responsible for determining if an activity constitutes an infi-equentlyperformed test or evolution.

3.2. Planner or Work Party - The planner or work party assigned to perform work activities is responsible to preplan the activities per AP 0048.

3.3. Work Week Manager - The Work Week Manager for the week the maintenance or work activity is to be performed is responsible for performing a risk assessment and/or the Maintenance Rule System Determination and for adding the work activity to the VY Weekly Work Schedule unless it is minor maintenance.

AP 0125 Rev. 12 Page 5 of 12

3.4. Operations Management - Operations Management is responsible for reviewing the work performed and the PMT completed and for preparation of an operational sequence when required for de-energization plans.

3.5. Operations Control Center - The Operations Center must prepare de-energization plans to the Shift Manager.

4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1. Work Activity Preparation 4.1.1. The planner or work party assigned to perform a work activity or to make an inspection on a piece of plant equipment, must preplan the work effort in accordance with AP 0048 or AP 0053. The WWWO must contain sufficient detail to: Define the problem, Explain what is intended to be done, Indicate if the equipment is to be removed from service.

4.1.2. The Work Week Manager for the week the maintenance or work activity is to be performed shall: Perform a risk assessment per AP 0172, Work Schedule Risk Management -

Online or AP 0173, Work Schedule Risk Management - Outages. Perform a Maintenance Rule System Determination using Figure 2. This assessment(s) shall be independent and in addition to the PRA and MR assessments performed by the Shift Manager or the duty CRS as described below. Add the work activity to the VY Weekly Work Schedule unless it is a: Minor Maintenance activity that has been determined to be non-PRA significant, or FIN work activity that is considered to have no impact on plant risk per AP 0053.

AP 0125 Rev. 12 Page 6 of 12

NOTE Throughout this procedure, the duty CRS may act as an alternate to the Shift Manager provided he has been granted verbal authority by the duty Shift Manager.

4.1.3. If the Shift Manager agrees that the equipment need not be removed from service and he has sufficient information to determine the scope of work, then: Inform the operating crew of the equipment degradation or inoperability as appropriate. Consider performing a pre-job brief per AP 0052 to ensure appropriate compensatory actions are in place and contingency planning is addressed for the duration of the repair effort, (ER950690-01) The Shift Manager authorizes the work to commence per AP 002 1, AP 0049, AP 0050, AP 0053, AP 6001, The work party then performs the work, The repair department informs the Shift Manager that the activity is completed per AP 0021, AP 0049, AP 0050, or AP 0053, The Shift Manager: Ensures equipment operability (to the extent necessary), Verifies final equipment lineups, 4.2. Initiation of Work Activities 4.2.1. If the Shift Manager agrees that the equipment needs to be removed from service, then: The Shift Manager performs Appendix A or B as required, The Shift Manager logs any Technical Specification equipment that is out of commission per AP 0152, The Shift Manager ensures a Risk Assessment is performed in accordance with AP 0172 or AP 0173 or both. The Shift Manager will ensure that any Maintenance Rule equipment that is out of service is logged per Appendix C, (Maint-Rule-9400 1) The Shift Manager will then authorize the work to commence per AP 0021, AP 0049, AP 0050, AP 0053, AP 6001, AP 0125 Rev. 12 Page 7 of 12

APPENDIX B CONDITIONS REQUIRED TO REMOVE POWER BLOCK NON-TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS REQUIRED EQUIPMENT FROM SERVICE Equipment may be removed from service for the performance of corrective or preventive maintenance provided the following actions are performed:

A. Prior to Removal of Equipment from Service

1. A planned evolution, which will remove from service or otherwise make inoperable any power supply (i.e., bus, MCC, or power distribution panel or lighting panel), must have a De-energization Plan written. The Operations Control Center prepares and presents it to the Shift Manager for implementation. (LER9512-02 and ER96- 1131)

NOTE An approved Operations Procedure may be Substituted for a De-energization Plan provided all the attributes are addressed in the procedure. If the procedure is adequate, then no additional actions in this section are required.

a. Operations Control Center prepares the De-energization Plan with the following attributes:

A step by step sequence for accomplishing the de-energization. A reference to a procedure section, which accomplishes the de-energization, is allowed.

Identification of loads which are impacted by the de-energization of the power supply. This can be in the form of a drawing that identifies the loads.

Any unusual or abnormal indications and plant responses anticipated as a result of the de-energization process.

Identification of any Appendix R lights that are affected, and what compensatory actions required by OP 4800. VYOPF 4800.07 will be referred to prior to de-energizing the source of power to any lighting panel.

Expected outage duration.

Major work expected to be completed under the plan.

Appendix B AP 0125 Rev. 12 Page 1 of 4

APPENDIX B (Continued)

7) Initial conditions to be satisfied prior to de-energization.
8) A step-by-step sequence for accomplishing the re-energization.
b. The De-energization Plan will be reviewed by an independent reviewer assigned by the OCC Supervisor. The independent reviewer must ensure that the attributes described in steps A. 1.a.1) through 8) above have been properly included in the sequence.
c. Once the sequence is found to be satisfactory, the preparer and reviewer sign the plan, and can then present it to the Duty Shift Manager with the work package for implementation.
2. The Shift Manager evaluates the work activity, and based on consideration of the following, that removing the equipment from service will not compromise plant safety or performance. (VYB 880261 and Maint-Rule-94001):
a. Affect on other plant equipment, including equipment that is out of service already.

NOTE EMPAC Asset Record or the applicable plant program documents may be used for impact review.

b. Affect any plant programs.
1) If the affected equipment is listed in Appendix El, Index of Safe Shutdown Components, of the Safe Shutdown Capability Analysis, verify that an assessment has been performed by the Appendix R Coordinator to determine if compensatory actions are required. (Memo VYE 98/213)
c. Expected changes in plant configuration due to the work activity.
d. Conditions external to the plant such as adverse weather or offsite electrical power supply maintenance activities or casualties.
e. Interaction other ongoing tests or maintenance activities.

Appendix B AP 0125 Rev. 12 Page 2 of 4

APPENDIX B (Continued)

NOTE Use of ORAM-Sentinel per AP 0172 (Online) or AP 0173 (Outages) provides additional guidance for this evaluation. If ORAM-Sentinel is unavailable, the SSC Redundancy Matrix (Figure 1) provides additional guidance for this evaluation during power operations. Configurations which remove from service or degrade those systedequipment combinations identified on the Matrix with a Black Box or an "X" should be avoided.

f. The Shift Manager will ensure that the out of service time for those SSCs identified in Figure 2 are minimized to the extent practical during any tagging, work, and return to service activities.
3. Shift Manager reviews the following prior to removal of equipment from service:

(INS90 1OOP4 and LER950 1S 1-03).

a. The Administrative Limits of the applicable operating procedures.
b. Determine if any alternate testing is required or desirable.
c. If alternate testing is not required or desired, consider how alternate equipment operability will be ensured. For example:
1) Verification of control board lineup
2) Verification of other Technical Specification operability
3) Verification of alternate testing completed on surveillance schedule.
4) Visual check of alternate systems
4. When releasing plant equipment for various activities, the Shift Manager shall determine if the activity constitutes an infrequently performed test or evolution (IPTE) and recommend, to the Operations Manager, that additional controls, be implemented as required per AP 6100.

During backshift, the Shift Manager may contact the primary DCO to recommend that a Management Designee be appointed to oversee the balance of the evolution (SOER9 101OP 1).

Appendix B AP 0125 Rev. 12 Page 3 of 4



Determine Emergency Plan Allowed Radiation Exposure Failure Mode: N/A


OP 3507 Task Number: 34403403 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO - RO/SRO Only SE Only -

Sequence Critical: Yes - No 3-Time Critical: Yes - No X Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code: N/A Method of Testing: Simulation - Performance X Discuss Setting: Classroom _ . Simulator X Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 15 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS- F Time Required:

Prepared by:

Operations TraiBing dd3 Date Reviewed by: r SRO LicensaCertified Reviewer Approved by: w Operations Training Superintendent Date

JPM-SRO Admin 4, NRC 2003 Rev. X, X W X X Page 2 of 4 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "DOyou understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions.

You are requested to "talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifjmg or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

A Site Area Emergency has been declared due to an ATWS. Reactor building ARMShave increased by a factor of 100. ARM 2 RB-252 by the elevator is reading 1000 m r h . ARM 4 RB-252 by TIP room is reading 1000 m r h . Airborne radiation levels at this time are not above normal.

Initiating Cues:

You are the Plant Emergency Director (PED). Shutting CRD 56 is the only available method for driving control rods in. Time estimate for shutting CRD 56 is 3 minutes for one operator.

Task Standards:

0 Determine the allowed dose for this task 0 Determine if the M A 0 should be sent to perform this task, 3507.02 filled out 0 Determine the RBAO Emergency radiation exposure limit and if CRD56 can be shut Required Materials:

OP 3507 VYOPF 3507.02 pages 1 & 2 VYOPF 3544.02 Completed by on shift RP technician and provided to the PED if he asks for it Simulator Setup: Any IC

JPM-SRO Admin 4, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 3 of 4 Evaluation Performance Step TIME START:

SATNNSAT Step 1: PED locates OP 3507, Emergency Radiation Exposure Control, reviews Discussion Section, PrecautionsLirnitations.

Standard: Correct procedure located and used, precautiodlimitations reviewed.

SAT/UNSAT Step 2: PED determines that 5 REM TEDE is authorized for Plant Emergency Personnel.

Standard: Appendix A limits exposure to 5 REM SATNNSAT

  • Step 3: PED plans/determines dose.

Standard: (3 min)(l000 mr/hr)(lhr/60 min) = 50 mr SATWNSAT Step 4: PED limits exposure to RBAO to Appendix A limits.

Standard: Appendix A allows 5 rem.

SATNNSAT Step 5: PED verifies operator satisfies considerations of Appendix A Note 1.

Standard: PED checks RBAO against 7 criteria of the note.

Interim Cue: If asked the RBAO is male, 58 years old, volunteers for the task, has a lifetime exposure of 5 REM, is aware of the risks, is strong and in good physical condition, has shut CRD 56 before.


  • Step 6: PED fills out VYOPF 3507.02, briefs the RBAO and directs him to shut CRD 56.

Standard: VYOPF 3507.02 page 1 completed, RBAO briefed and signs for brief.

RBAO sent to shut CRD 56 Interim Cue: If asked provide completed VYOPF 3544.02 which was performed by the on shift Rp technician.

The RBAOs name is John DOE, his SS # is 123-45-6789, and the evaluator should sign for the briefing as the RBAO

JPM-SRO Admin 4, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 4 of 4

  • Critical Step TIME FINISH:

Terminating Cue: RBAO sent into reactor building to shut CRD 56.

Evaluator Comments:

System: #A's:

System Generic WA's: 2.3.4 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits and contamination controlhcluding permissible levels in excess of those authorized (CFR: 43.4 / 45.10)


JPM-SRO Admin 4,NRC 2003 Rev. X, W X X Page 1 of 1 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

A Site Area Emergency has been declared due to an ATWS. Reactor building ARMS have increased by a factor of 100. ARM 2 RB-252 by the elevator is reading 1000 mr/hr. ARM 4 RB-252 by TIP room is reading 1000 mdhr. Airborne radiation levels at this time are not above normal.

Initiatine Cues:

You are the Plant Emergency Director (PED). Shutting CRD 56 is the only available method for driving control rods in. Time estimate for shutting CRD 56 is 3 minutes for one operator.


TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................................................... 3 ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 4 REFERENCES AND COMMITMENTS......................................................................................................... 4 PRECAUTIONSLIMITATIONS..................................................................................................................... 4 PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................... 5 A. Emergency Radiation Exposure Control .................................................................................. 5 B. Personnel Dosimetry Record-Keeping and Emergency Center Habitability........................... 6 C. Administration of Potassium Iodide (KI) ................................................................................. 8 FINAL CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 9 OP 3507 Rev. 30 Page 2 of 9

PURPOSE To specify emergency worker dose guidelines, including emergency center habitability, and the methods to administer emergency personnel dosimetry and related record keeping.

DISCUSSION During a plant emergency, abnormally high levels of radiation and/or radioactivity may be encountered. These levels may range from slightly above those experienced during normal plant operation to life-endangering levels of several hundred Rem in a short period of time (e.g.,

spent fuel cask accident, loss of coolant accident or a spent fuel pool immersion). Under all emergency situations care should be taken to minimize personnel exposures from external and/or internal sources of radiation.

If tasks are being conducted within areas that show no significant increase in general area dose rates from normal plant radiological conditions and dose commitment to any individual of less than 1 rem is required, then the normal work process will be used to control radiation exposure of personnel. If tasks are being conducted within areas that show a significant increase in general area dose rates from normal plant radiological conditions or an individual dose commitment of 1 rem or greater is required, then the emergency dose control process will be used to control radiation exposure of personnel. (EPEX93RP 1)

Specific exposure guidelines for entry or re-entry into plant areas under emergency conditions are defined in Appendix A. Initially, the Shift SupervisorPlant Emergency Director (until relieved by the TSC Coordinator) shall authorize emergency dose guidelines consistent with these depending on the emergency. Exposure to individuals providing emergency functions will be consistent with the limits specified in Appendix A with every attempt being made to keep exposures below these limits in accordance with the principles of ALARA. The Radiation Protection staff personnel will assist with the coordination of emergency dose commitments as needed.

The Radiation Protection (RP) Manager, is responsible for developing emergency radiological protection programs for plant staff support personnel. Emergency Kits are provided with self-reading dosimeters. Each member reporting to the site will be provided a TLD badge.

Dose records will be maintained at each center based upon the results of either Electronic Alarming Dosimeters or self-reading dosimeters. This information will be cross-referenced with TLD badge data, as soon as they can be processed by a qualified TLD processing facility.

Guideline action levels for continuous habitability of all emergency centers are presented in Appendices A and B.

In accordance with AP 6002, Preparing 50.59 Evaluations, the results of an Applicability Determination (AD) has determined that an AD is not required for future changes provided the scope of the procedure or program is not revised to include a different type of activity. The basis for this conclusion is that document is an Emergency Implementing Procedure and is subject to 10CFR50.54(q) to determine if the changes decrease the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan if they have the potential to affect our ability to meet the standards of 10CFR50.47(b) and the requirements of 10CFRSO Appendix E.

OP 3507 Rev. 30 Page 3 of 9


1. Appendix A Emergency Dose Limits
2. AppendixB Emergency Center Habitability and Protective Action Criteria
3. VYOPF 3507.01 Personnel Exposure Log
4. VYOPF 3507.02 Emergency Radiation Exposure Briefinmebriefing
5. VYOPF 3507.03 Potassium Iodide Administration Record
6. Figure 1 Line Diagram of EOF HEPA Ventilation REFERENCES AND COMMITMENTS
1. Technical Specifications and Site Documents
a. None
2. Codes, Standards and Regulations
a. None
3. Commitments
a. 10 CFR 20
b. NCRP Report #116 C. 10 CFR 50 App. E
d. Information Notice No. 84-40
4. Supplemental References
a. EPA 400-R-92-001,Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents, Revised 1991
b. DP 0530, Radiation Protection Data and Information Logging, VYDPF 0530, Report #0028
c. OP 3544, Operation of the Operations Support Center (OSC)
d. OP 3508, On-Site Medical Emergency Procedure
e. AP 6807, Collection, Temporary Storage and Retrieval of QA Records PRECAUTIONS/LIMITAT10NS
1. During any emergency involving radiological hazards, personnel radiation exposure should be minimized consistent with the nature of the emergency response required.

OP 3507 Rev. 30 Page 4 of 9

PROCEDURE A. Emergency Radiation Exposure Control

1. Normal Plant Radiological Conditions NOTE This section applies for tasks being conducted within areas that show no significant increase in general area (TEDE) dose rates from normal plan radiological conditions and each individual's dose commitment requirement is less than 1 rem.
a. An RP Representative or designated individual shall plan and control radiation exposure of personnel in accordance with the normal work process to ensure exposures are maintained within administrative limits.
2. Off-Normal Plant Radiological Conditions NOTES e This section applies for tasks being conducted within areas that show a significant increase in general area dose rates fiom normal plant radiological conditions which may result in any individual dose commitment of 1 rem or greater.

e Upon indication of off-normal Plant radiological conditions, Plant Emergency Personnel will immediately be authorized an Emergency Dose Limit of 4.5 Rem TEDE. Authorization to the 10 Rem limit (Protecting Valuable Property) 25 or 75 REM limit (Lifesaving or Protection of a Large Population) may only be made with the joint concurrence of the Shift SupervisorRlant Emergency Coordinator or TSC Coordinator and the senior Radiation Protection representative.

a. An RP Representative or designated individual shall:
1) Plan and control radiation exposure of personnel using VYOPF 3507.02, Emergency Radiation Exposure Briefing and Debriefing form.
2) Limit radiation exposure of personnel in accordance with the guidance contained in Appendix A.

OP 3507 Rev. 30 Page 5 of 9




Note: SSPED or TSC Coordinator approval required 1 RADIOLOGICAL BRIEFING I Known or Anticipated RadiatiodContaminatiodAirborneLevels:

Maximum Stay Time/Allowable Dose:

Required Dosimetry: Self-Reading 0 Multibadge Portable Dose Ion Chamber Teletector 0 Rate Meter: Neutron Meter 0Other (Specify)

Respiratory Protection: SCBA Respirator Protective Clothing: Full 0 Other (Specify)

(1 KINeeded? YESO N O 0 I Special Instructions: (Specify)

NAME (PRINT) SSN SIGNATURE VYOPF 3507.02 OP 3507 Rev. 30 Page 1 of 2



Job Completed: YES c] NO 0 Comments/Status (If applicable):

Actual RadiatiodContaminatiodAirborne Levels Found:

Observed Personal Hazards:

Post-Entry Exposure TLD and Dosimetry 0 Body Count 0 Follow-up: Other Bio-assay (Specifjr)




OR SSPED VYOPF 3507.02 OP 3507 Rev. 30 Page 2 of 2

APPENDIX A EMERGENCY DOSE LIMITSa (refer to Notes 1 and 2 )

Dose Limit (refer to Note 3) Work Activity Condition I (TEDE)

' 5Rem All 1 Maintain ALARA and to extent practicable limit emergency workers to these limits 10 Rem Protecting Valuable Property Lower dose not practicable 25 Rem Lifesaving or Protection of Large Lower dose not practicable Population

~~ ~ ____ ~

75 Rem Lifesaving or Protection of Large Only on a voluntary basis to Population persons fully aware of the risks involved NOTES

1. For emergency dose limits the following considerations should be made:
a. Declared pregnant women will not be allowed to participate.
b. The use of volunteers for exposures during emergency actions is desirable. Older workers with low lifetime accumulated effective dose should be given priority.

C. The individual's awareness of the biological consequences that such an exposure can have, including the risks associated with exposure of a developing embryo/fetus for female workers.

d. All practical protective measures to limit such an exposure.
e. Concurrence of individual(s) involved (i.e., voluntary risk acceptance).
f. The probability of success should be balanced against the expected exposure limit.
g. The individual's familiarity with the task and speed with which the individual can conduct the task.
2. After the emergency has been concluded, doses received by emergency workers are required to be accounted in accordance with 10 CFR Part 20 occupational dose limits.
3. Emergency dose limits for the lens of the eye and for any organ (including skin and extremities) are three and ten times the listed values, respectively.

a EPA 400-R-92-001, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Appendix A Nuclear Incidents, Revised 1991. OP 3507 Rev. 30 Page 1 of 1


NAME OF OSC TEAM MEMBERS Work Coordinator (if applicable)

Team Members:





Manpower Status Board updated at completion of job: 0 OSC COORDINATORS FINAL INITIALS:

Top Copy: Assigned Team Second Copy: Manpower Status Board Third Copy: OSC Dispatcher VYOPF 3544.02 OP 3544 Rev. 3 Page 1 of 1



PAR Based on Plant Conditions (Evacuate)

Failure Mode: N/A


OP 35 11, Off-Site Protective Action Recommendations, Rev 1 1 Task Number: 3441703,34470603 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO - RO/SRO Only & SE Only -

Sequence Critical: Yes - No x -

Time Critical: Yes X No Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation - Performance X Discuss Setting: Classroom - Simulator X Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 15 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS _ . FAIL _. Time Required:

Prepared by:

Date Reviewed by: Y SRO ficensedCertified Reviewer Approved by: && - '4-M&

6perations Training Superintendent hl!/li3 Date

JPM-SRO Admin 5, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 2 of 6 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "DOyou understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions.

You are requested to "talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

A failure to SCRAM and a loss of cooling accident has occurred. All ECCS systems responded as expected. The following plant data is available:

0 Rx water level us -30" and stable 0 Containment RAD level is 10OOOEuhr and increasing 0 Torus pressure is 4 psig and steady 0 Containment isolation valves AC-6 and AC-6B have failed to close 0 Stack high range monitor RM17-155 is alarming 0 The Shift Manager has declared a General Emergency and the EOF has not yet been named. A stack release is in progress.

Initiating Cues:

Determine the Protective Action Recommendation based on plant conditions per OP 351 1, and provide to the Shift Manager for approval.

Task Standards:

PAR and VYOPF 35 11.01 complete Required Materials:

JPM-SRO Admin 5, NRC 2003 Rev. X, xx/xx Page 3 of 6 Simulator Setup:

Any IC, in RUN NOTE: MET DATA is variable in the simulator and may be different in the same IC from day to day. Evaluators should verify correct wind direction and down wind towns prior to JPM.

JPM-SRO Admin 5, NRC 2003 Rev. X, Page 4 of 6 Evaluation Performance Step TIME START:

SATKJNSAT Step 1: Obtain Procedure OP 3511, S-,tion 1 and review precautions.

Standard: Operator obtains and reviews procedure.

SATAJNSAT Step 2: Utilize Figure 1(OP 3511) to determine the appropriate protective action recommendation based on plant conditions, and record on VYOPF 3511.01.

Standard: Operator obtains Figure 1 of OP 351 1 and VYOPF 351 1.01 from OP 3511.


  • Step 3: Determine wind direction from meteoroloPica1 data.

Standard: Operator records current upper wind direction on Figure 1. (Any method of data acquisition from Appendix I of 35 13 is acceptable)

Interim Cue: MET DATA is variable in the simulator and may be different in the same IC from day to day.

Evaluators should verify correct wind direction and down wind towns prior to JPM.


  • Step 4: Determine from initial conditions that substantial core damage is in progress.

Standard: Operator answers yes to substantial core damage decision block on Figure 1 of OP 351 1 due to containment rads > 5000 R/hr SATNNSAT

  • Step 5: Determine from initial conditions that containment failure has occurred and a release is underwav.

Standard: Operator answers yes to containment failure projected or release underway decision block on Figure 1 of OP 351 1 due to AC-6 and 6a failure to close.


  • Step 6: Determine that a puff release is not underwav.

Standard: Operator answers no to is a puff release underway? decision block on Figure 1 of OP 3511.

JPM-SRO Admin 5, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 5 of 6 SAT/UNSAT

  • Step 7: Determine P A R of evacuation for Vernon, Hinsdale and appropriate down wind towns and complete VYOPF 3511.01 Standard: Operator determines correct PAR and completes VYOPF 35 11.01 using TableIIIofOP3.511.

SATLJNSAT Step 8: Review PAR with SM (Senior Manger in chawe) for approval.

Standard: Operator requests approval of PAR from Shift Manager.

Interim Cue: The Shift Manger states that he will complete the remainder of the procedure.

  • Critical Step

JPM-SRO Admin 5 , NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 6 of 6 TIME FINISH:

Terminating Cue:

Evaluator Comments:

System: WA's:

System Generic WA's: 2.4.29 Knowledge of the emergency plan (CFR: 43.5 / 45.11)


JPM-SRO Admin 5, NRC 2003 Rev. X, xX/XX Page 1 of 1 EXAMINEE HANDOUT Initial Conditions:

A failure to SCRAM and a loss of cooling accident has occurred. All ECCS systems responded as expected. The following plant data is available:

e Rx water level us -30 and stable Containment RAD level is 1 OOOOR/hr and increasing e Torus pressure is 4 psig and steady e Containment isolation valves AC-6 and AC-6B have failed to close e Stack high range monitor RM17-155 is alarming The Shift Manager has declared a General Emergency and the EOF has not yet been named. A stack release is in progress.

Initiating Cues:

Determine the Protective Action Recommendation based on plant conditions per OP 35 11, and provide to the Shift Manager for approval.


TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................................................... 3 ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 4 REFERENCES AND COMMITMENTS......................................................................................................... 4 PRECAUTIONS/LIMITATIONS..................................................................................................................... 5 PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................... 6 I. Protective Action Recommendation Based on Plant Conditions ............................................ 6 IT. Protective Action Recommendation Based on Radiological Dose Information ..................... 8 FINAL CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................................... 10 OP 351 1 Rev. 12 Page 2 of 10

PURPOSE To specify the criteria that is utilized for making a Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) to the appropriate Emergency Planning Zone States.

DISCUSSION Responsibilities:

1. Shift Supervisor/Plant Emergency Director (SSPED):

Authorizes the initial Protective Action Recommendation to the State authorities until relieved by the TSC Coordinator or Site Recovery Manager.

2. Technical Support Center (TSC) Coordinator:

Authorizes Protective Action Recommendation to the State authorities until relieved by the Site Recovery Manager.

3. EOF Coordinator/RadiologicalAssistant:

Evaluates radiological data used to determine the appropriate Protective Action Recommendation and provides recommendation to the Site Recovery Manager at the EOF/RC.

4. Site Recovery Manager (SRM):

The cognizant individual with the overall responsibility and authority to provide the appropriate Protective Action Recommendation to the State authorities.

The decision making process to determine the Protective Action Recommendation for the plume exposure emergency planning zone is based on two criteria. The criteria include the consideration of plant conditions at the General Emergency classification, and projected and measured radiological doses in the environment.

For a Protective Action Recommendation based on plant conditions at the General Emergency classification, information is obtained on in-core fuel conditions, fission product inventory in containment, containment integrity, and release conditions. This information is then utilized to determine the appropriate Protective Action Recommendation (i.e., shelter or evacuation) based upon the guidance contained in Figure 1.

For a Protective Action Recommendation based on release of radioactivity, the appropriate information concerning projected and measured dose rates in the environment is utilized. Determination of the population at risk is based upon meteorological data (wind speed, wind direction, and stability class). The exposure time is based upon available information such as plant conditions or type of accident. In the event that this cannot be readily approximated, a default release duration estimate is utilized. The projected and measured dose is calculated from this information.

OP 3511 Rev. 12 Page 3 of 10

The projected or measured dose is then utilized to determine the appropriate Protective Action Recommendation based upon Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidance.

In accordance with A p 6002, Preparing 50.59 Evaluations, the results of an Applicability Determination (AD) has determined that an AD is not required for future changes provided the procedure scope is not changed. The basis for this conclusion is that this document is a managerial and an administrative monitoring process, subject to 10CFR50 Appendix B, that does not alter the design, performance requirements, operation, or control of Systems, Structures, or Components (SSCs).


1. VYOPF 3511.01 Protective Action Recommendation Worksheet
2. VYOPF 35 11.02 Deleted
3. Table 1 Deleted
4. Table 2 Deleted
5. Table 3 General Emergency Protective Action Guidelines Based on Plant Conditions
6. Table 4 Dose Projection Protective Action Guidelines - Towns 10 Miles Downwind
7. Table 5 Dose Projection Protective Action Guidelines - Towns 5 Miles Downwind
8. Figure 1 Flow Chart - General Emergency Protective Action Recommendations REFERENCES AND COMMITMENTS
1. Technical Specifications and Site Documents
a. None
2. Codes, Standards, and Regulations
a. NUREG 0654, Rev. 1, "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of the Radiological Emergency Response Plans at Nuclear Power Plants."
3. Commitments
a. None
4. Supplemental References
a. EPA 400-R-92-001 , "Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Accidents.", October 1991
b. USNRC IE Notice 83-28, "Criteria for Protective Action Recommendations for General Emergencies", May 4, 1983
c. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan OP 3511 Rev. 12 Page 4 of 10
d. YAEC Memorandum J.G. Pari110 to S.R. Miller, "Monitor Indications for Failed Fuel", dated 6/27/95, REG 110/95
e. A p 3 125, Emergency Plan Classification and Action Level Scheme
f. OP 3504, Emergency Communications
8. OP 35 13, Evaluation of Off-Site Radiological Conditions
h. OP 3540, Control Room Actions During an Emergency
1. OP 3542, Operation of the Technical Support Center (TSC)
j. OP 3544, Operation of the Operations Support Center (OSC)
k. OP 3546, Operation of the Emergency Operations FacilityAXecovery Center (EOF/RC)
1. OP 3547, Security Actions During an Emergency
m. AP 6807, Collection, Temporary Storage and Retrieval of QA Records PRECAUTlONS/LIM lTATl0NS
1. Emphasize to States' representatives that no compensation in the recommendation is made for the time to implement and complete protective actions.
2. An immediate Protective Action Recommendation based on General Emergency classification level must be implemented as delineated in Section I of this procedure.

3, A Protective Action Recommendation is reviewed against protective action actually implemented prior to re-issuing an updated recommendation.

4. If possible and if time permits, confer with the appropriate State and Federal authorities to ensure that questions on protective actions to be applied are answered prior to formal recommendation.

OP 351 1 Rev. 12 Page 5 of 10

PROCEDURE NOTES e If a Protective Action Recommendation (shelter or evacuation) is warranted, ensure that a General Emergency has been declared, consistent with AP 3 125.

e A Protective Action Recommendation is approved by the senior manager in charge of emergency activities at the time the recommendation is made. This person reviews and approves the recommendation, then transmits it to the states.

e Section I or 11may be performed out of sequence and independent of each other.

I. Protective Action Recommendation Based on Plant Conditions A. Immediate actions by the senior manager in charge or designated alternate (General Emergency Declared)

NOTES e Initial notification of the General Emergency based on plant conditions, with determined Protective Action Recommendation, must be initiated to state authorities within 15 minutes.

0 A Protective Action Recommendation becomes valid and the 15-minute clock begins when the senior manager in charge of emergency activities at the time the recommendation is made approves and signs VYOPF 35 11.01.

e Initial notification of the General Emergency based on plant conditions, with determined Protective Action Recommendation, should not be delayed due to performing dose projections or awaiting their results.

e Two individuals should be assigned to formulate the PAR independently to ensure accuracy.

1. Use Figure 1 and Table 3 (ER2000-1363) to determine the appropriate Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) based on plant conditions.
a. If the actual or potential release pathway is a stack release, use the upper wind direction.
b. If the actual or potential release pathway is a ground release, use the lower wind direction.

OP 3511 Rev. 12 Page 6 of 10

c. If the actual or potential release pathway is a multiple release (stack and ground), use both the upper and lower wind direction.
2. If available, a second individual should independently verify the PAR. The verification may be performed by the individual who is approving the PAR (PED, TSC Coordinator, or Site Recovery Manager).

NOTE Any prior protective action recommendations that are still in effect shall be included with updated information and documentation (VYOPF 3511.01).

3. Record appropriate PAR information in Section I of VYOPF 35 11.01.
4. Review PAR with the Site Recovery Manager or senior manager in charge to obtain approval.
5. Transmit approved PAR to State authorities as delineated in OP 3540 (PED or TSC Coord.) (use VYOPF 3540.06) or OP 3546 (Site Recovery Manager) (use VYOPF 3546.02).
6. Forward completed VYOPF 35 11.01 to the Site Recovery Manager or senior manager in charge.

B. Subsequent Actions

1. Continue to obtain updated information on plant conditions.
2. If significant changes occur with plant or meteorological conditions, repeat steps in Section I.A. to re-evaluate Protective Action Recommendation.

OP 3511 Rev. 12 Page 7 of 10



) OF SUBSTANTW CORE DAMAGE MAY INCLUDE Significant Radioadbe Inventory h Rimary Cofitainment CwRainmentmdktton monitor readlngs >5000Whr Loss of crftical Functions for Core Fmte&n Reactor wafer level <TAF EGGS not amitable to malntafn core cooling (2) INDICATORS OF CONTAINMENT FAILURE MAYINCLUDE:

- D w l l PIBSSUIBs42 pdg and hUBaShg

- PGlS Failure to Isdate Cwrtalnment


- Increasingand EJeMfedStadctllgh Range Monitor Readhgs

-- Measurable Redkition Levels AboveBadcgmund'atw Bey& Site Boundary Exb-emelyHigh and Increasing Reactor Building ARM Readings (4) INDICATORS OFA PUR RELEASE MAY INCLUDE

- Predlc$ble Release Durationfor ShortTme Ped& ( 8 . 5 ~Release

~ Duration<lHwr)

- Controlled Release Where the Timlng of the Duration Is Known Figure 1 OP 3511 Rev. 12 Page 1 of 1

TABLE 3 GENERAL EMERGENCY PROTECTIVE ACTION GUIDELINES BASED ON PLANT CONDITIONS WIND IS FROM: TOWNS 5 MILES DOWNWIND Sector A Vernon Bernardston (348" - 11") Hinsdale Northfield North Guilford Sector B Vernon Bernardston (12" - 33") Hinsdale Northfield NorthNorthEast Guilford Sector C Vernon Bernardston (34" - 56") Hinsdale Northfield NorthEast Guilford Sector D Vernon Guilford (57" - 78") Hinsdale Bernardston EastNorthEast Sector E Vernon Brattleboro (79" - 101") Hinsdale Guilford East Bernardston Sector F Vernon Brattleboro (102" - 123") Hinsdale Guilford EastSouthEast Sector G Vernon Brattleboro (124" - 146") Hinsdale Guilford SouthEast Sector H Vernon Brattleboro (147" - 168") Hinsdale Guilford SouthSouthEast Sector J Vernon Brattleboro (169" - 191") Hinsdale Guilford South Winchester Sector K Vernon Winchester (192" - 213") Hinsdale SouthSouthWest Sector L Vernon Winchester (214" - 236") Hinsdale Southwest Sector M Vernon Winchester (237" - 258") Hinsdale WestSouthwest Sector N Vernon Winchester (259" - 281") Hinsdale Northfield West Sector P Vernon Winchester (282" - 303") Hinsdale Northfield WestNorthWest Sector 0 Vernon Winchester (304" - 526")

Northwest Sector R I Vernon Northfield Bernardston Winchester (327" - 347") Hinsdale Northfield NorthNorthWest Bernardston Table 3 OP 351 1 Rev. 12 Page 1 of 1


ROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS SECTION I: PLANT CONDITIONS SECTION 11: RADIOLOGICAL DOSE (Fill in with appropriate letter designation for (Fill in with letter designation for affected towns) affected towns from Table 3) E= Evacuate OR S= Shelter in Place (Check if appropriate)

OR NO PARS Based on Radiological Dose E= Evacuate VERMONT TOWNS VERMONT TOWNS Brattleboro Brattleboro Dummerston Guilford Guilford Vernon Halifax Vernon NEW HAMPSHIRE TOWNS NEW HAMPSHIRE TOWNS Hinsdale Winchester Chesterfield Hinsdale MASSACHUSETTS TOWNS Richmond Swanzey Bernardston Winchester Northfield MASSACHUSETTS TOWNS Bernardston Colrain Gill Performed By: Greenfield Leyden Verified By: Northfield Warwick The following was used (Check as applicable):

[7Nomogram OODPS UMETPAC OField Data Performed By:

Verified By:

(The following information to be filled in by Senior Manager in charge or designated alternate)

Approved By: (Time/date)

OPED O T S C Coordinator USite Recovery Manager (Check one)

Transmit approved PAR to State Authorities as delineated in OP 3540 (PED or TSC Coordinator using OP 3540.06) or OP 3546 (Site Recovery Manager using OP 3546.02)

VYOPF 3511.01 OP 3511 Rev. 12 Page 1 of 1

JPM-RO Admin 1, NRC 2003 Rev. X, W f X Page 1 o f 4 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Isolate Leaking RHR Pipe Weld Failure Mode: N/A


P&ID G191172 / G191299 / G191301 Task Number: 2990100304 ( A 0 Task)

Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO - RO/SRO Only X SE Only -

Sequence Critical: Yes - No -x-Time Critical: Yes - No X Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code: N/A Method of Testing: Simulation - Performance X Discuss Setting: Classroom - Simulator & Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 15 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS - FAIL - Time Required:

hu3 Date



JPM-RO Admin 1, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 2 of 4 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "DOyou understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions.

You are requested to "talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifymg or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

The plant is operating at full power. No equipment is out of service.

Initiating Cues:

A cracwleak has been reported by the RBAO to the Shift Manager on RHR-VlO-49C. The leak is on the pump side of the valve (C RHR pump vent). The Shift Manager directs you to identify mechanical and electrical components to isolate, vent, and drain the pump Task Standards:

P 1C Breaker identified P-10-1C Pump Isolation Vent, Drain Vales identified MOV Breakers identified No steps are sequence critical, the control authority will determine the tagging sequence Required Materials:

Controlled Prints/CWDs Simulator Setup:

Any IC, need controlled prints, can be done in any setting with controlled prints available

JPM-RO Admin 1, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 3 o f 4 Evaluation Performance Step TIME START:

SATLJNSAT Step 1: Determine correct print for RHR svstem.

Standard: Operator determines G191172 is the RHR system print.


  • Step 2: Determine isolation boundaries.

Standard: The following valves identified to be shut: RHR-V10-69C, 47C, 13C Handwheel, 15C Handwheel SAT/UNSAT

  • Step 3: Determine vent path.

Standard: The following valves identified to be open: RHR-V10-49C, 162C SATNNSAT

  • Step 4: Determine drain path.

Standard: Either or both of the following valve(s) open: RHR-V10-22C721C; 12A open.

SATNNSAT Step 5: Determine correct print for RHR pump motor breaker.

Standard: Operator reviews G191299 or CWD 1300.

Interim Cue: If the operator attempts to use procedure lineups, direct him to use controlled prints.


  • Step 6: Determine RHR Pump CyBreaker.

Standard: 4 KV Bus 3 Compartment 5 SATKJNSAT Step 7: Determine correct print for RHR MOV 15/13.

Standard: Operator reviews G 191301 Sheet 2 of 2 or CWD 1263, 1267.

Interim Cue: If the operator attempts to use procedure lineups direct him to use controlled print.

SATKJNSAT Step 8: Determine RHR 13C/15C MOV power supplies.

Standard: MMC 9B,Cubicle 6G and 75

  • Critical Step

JPM-RO Admin 1, NRC 2003 Rev. X, xx/xx Page 4 of 4 TIME FINISH:

Terminating Cue: Mechanical and electrical boundaries identified.

Evaluator Comments:

System: KIA's:

System Generic WA's: 2.1.24 Ability to obtain and interpret station electrical and mechanical drawings (CFR: 45.12 / 45.13)


JPM-RO Admin 1, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 1 of 1 Tear-Out Sheet Initial Conditions:

The plant is operating at full power. No equipment is out of service.

Initiating Cues:

A cracWleak has been reported by the RBAO to the Shift Manager on RHR-V10-49C. The leak is on the pump side of the valve (C RHR pump vent). The Shift Manager directs you to identify mechanical and electrical components to isolate, vent, and drain the pump Valves shut for isolation Valves open for vent Valves open for drain ACB open for RHR pump ACB open for MOVs MCC(s)



Perform Emergency in Functional Test Failure Mode: N/A


OP 0105 Task Number: 2010070101 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO _ . RO/SRO Only SE Only __

Sequence Critical: Yes - No -x-Time Critical: Yes - No X Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code: N/A Method of Testing: Simulation - Performance X Discuss Setting: Classroom - Simulator X Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 10 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS- FAIL Time Required:

Prepared by: fhd3 Date Reviewed by:

SROhensedCertified Reviewer Approved by:


?. w a -

Opetations Training Superintendent

JPM-RO Admin 2, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 2 of 4 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat'l classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "DOyou understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions.

You are requested to "talk-throurrh" the procedure, stating the parameters you are veri@ng or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

All control rods are fully inserted. Rod Sequence A-2 is latched on the RWM. Reactor assembly is complete.

Initiating Cues:

The Shift manager directs you to perform the RMCS "emergency in" functional test in accordance with OP 0105 Phase lA, Step 15.

Task Standards:

Emergency-in functional test completed, all control rods at "00" Required Materials:

VY Simulator, VYOPF 0105.02, OP 0105 Simulator Setup:

Simulator; Any IC; all rods in; reactor mode switch in START and Hot STBY; RWM latched to sequence A-2; A-2 Sequence on CRP 9-5

JPM-RO Admin 2, NRC 2003 Rev. X, xX/XX Page 3 of 4 Evaluation Performance Step TIME START:


  • Step 1: Select and pull a control rod in Group I to position 48.

Standard: Operator identifies any control rod in Group 1 and withdraws it to position 48.


  • Step 2: Go to notch override AND rod out for 3 to 5 seconds.

Standard: Notch override AND notch out held for 3 to 5 seconds.

SATRJNSAT Step 3: Verifv computer tvpes coupling check SAT.

Standard: Operator checks alarm typer - CUP Check SAT SATAJNSAT Step 4: Observe rod remains at position 48.

Standard: Operator observes control rod remains at position 48.


  • Step 5: Using the emerpencv in switch continuouslv insert the control rod to position 00.

Standard: Control rod is driven continuously to position 00 using the emergency in switch.

Interim Cue: If the operator responds to the control rod drift alarm with the ARS, inform him another operator will address the control rod drift alarm.

SATAJNSAT Step 6: Note completion of Step on VYOPF 0105.02.

Standard: Operator initials completed step.

SAT/UNSAT Step 7: Report satisfactory completion of emergency in functional test to the Shift Manager.

Standard: Shift Manager informed of satisfactory emergency functional test.

  • Critical Step

JPM-RO Admin 2, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 4 of 4 TIME FINISH:

Terminating Cue: VYOPF 0105.02 initialed for SAT emergency in functional test.

Evaluator Comments:

System: WA's:

System Generic WA's: 2.2.1 Ability to perform pre-startup procedures for the facility including operating those controls associated with plant equipment that could affect reactivity (CFR: 45.1)


JPM-RO Admin 2, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 1 of 1 Tear-Out Sheet Initial Conditions:

All control rods are fully inserted. Rod Sequence A-2 is latched on the RWM. Reactor assembly is complete.

Initiating Cues:

The Shift manager directs you to perform the RMCS emergency in functional test in accordance with OP 0105 Phase lA, Step 15.

VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER STATION OPERATING PROCEDURE OP 0105 REVISION 10 REACTOR OPERATIONS USE CLASSIFICATION: CONTINUOUS L PC Effective Affected Pages No. Date 1 10/23/02 VYOPF 0105.01 Pg 5 of 8 2 10/24/02 VYOPF 0105.01 Pg 1 of 8 3 10/24/02 VYOPF 0105.01 Pg 5 of 8 4 10/26/02 46,79,80,106,118 & 123 of 137 5 10/28/02 43 of 137 6 12/19/02 VYOPF 0105.13 Pg 1 of 1 7 02/25/03 129 of 137 8 07/31/03 96 of 137 9 08/05/03 90 of 137


Implementation Statement: N/A Issue Date: 10/18/02 OP 0105 Rev. 10 Page 1 of 137

TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................................... 3 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................. 3 ATTACHMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 4

1. PHASE 1 From Cold Shutdown to Reactor Critical. RCS <212"F ......................... 5 A. Reactor Criticality ...................................................................................... 14
2. PHASE 2 Reactor Power Increase to 1% Bypass Valves ...................................... 23 A. Preparation Before Turbine Generator Operation...................................... 28 B. Continuing Reactor S/U, When Chemistry Samples are Sat ..................... 31 C. Starting a Reactor Feed Pump .................................................................... 37 D. Turbine Chest Warmup .............................................................................. 41
3. PHASE 3 Turbine Startup and Synchronization.................................................... 49 A. Turbine Startup and Synchronization of the Generator ............................. 53 B. Turbine Startup .......................................................................................... 54 C. Generator Synchronization and Loading ................................................... 62
4. PHASE 4 Reactor Power Increase to Full Rated Power........................................ 68 A. Increasing Reactor Power .......................................................................... 73 B. Starting an Additional Reactor Feed Pump ............................................... 83
5. PHASE 5 Reactor Power Decrease (From Rated Power to Mode Switch in Shutdown) .............................................................................................................. 90 A. Decreasing Reactor Power ......................................................................... 96 B. Removing Turbine Generator fi-om the Line ........................................... 107 C. Continuing Power Reduction ................................................................... 115
6. PHASE 6 Mode Switch in Shutdown to Cold Shutdown .................................... 135 FINAL CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................. 137 OP 0105 Rev. 10 Page 2 of 137

PURPOSE To provide Operations Department personnel with the instructions necessary to prepare the plant for, and to achieve; 1) plant startup from all rods inserted to normal full power operations, 2) plant shutdown from normal full power operations to all rods inserted with reactor coolant temperature <212"F, 3) Reactor heatup with MSIVs closed, 4) plant shutdown without the startup transformers, 5 ) hot standby behind the MSIVs, and 6) Insequence Critical testing.

DISCUSSION Each order to commence a reactor startup from any shutdown condition is issued by the General Manager, Plant Operations or his designated alternate. The Shift Manager, upon receipt of such orders, schedules the startup of various components and systems to meet the startup and load schedules, and issues these orders to the Control Room Supervisor.

It is the intent of this procedure to outline the many steps required to achieve a safe reactor startup, plant startup, maneuvering at power, plant shutdown, reactor shutdown, and shutdown operations. The sequence of steps phase to phase, or section to section specified may be altered and/or performed concurrently at the discretion of the Shift Manager and the Control Room Supervisor to suit existing plant conditions. A variance is a step that is omitted, or, if going from one phase to another without all the steps of the previous phase being completed.

Any variance shall be documented on the Variance form and approved by the Shift Manager and the CRS on VYOPF 0105.09.

Instructions are also provided for:

Appendix "A", Reactor Heatup with MSIVs Closed Appendix I I B I I , Plant Shutdown Without the Startup Transformers.

Appendix "C", Hot Standby Behind the MSIVs.

Appendix "D", In-sequence Critical Procedure.

Appendix "E", Startup Event Line Appendix 'IF", Shutdown Event Line VYOPF 0105.09, Procedure Variance Form.

Following Plant Shutdowns after long operating cycles, or Startups after extended or refueling outages, the potential exists for significant conditions to exist which could jeopardize plant safety margins. These evolutions may be designated as Infrequently Performed Test or Evolutions (IPTEs) and a Management Designee assigned by the General Manager, Plant Operations to provide line management authority and be responsible for the safe conduct of the evolution. Further details for conducting IPTEs and responsibilities of the Management Designee are addressed by AP 6100. (SOER91010Pl)

OP 0105 Rev. 10 Page 3 of 137

Event Lines outlining the major evolutions required to startup and shutdown the reactor have been developed (Appendix E and F). The Event Lines do not provide procedural guidance, OP 0105, Reactor Operations procedure does. The Event Lines were not developed to be used as a procedure in the way the EOP flowcharts are utilized. On Startup and Shutdown Event Lines, as the evolutions are completed, the boxes are checked off. The Event Lines will be used during the turnover process as an outline. Thus Event Lines provide an overview for both plant and shift management of the major evolutions required to startup and shutdown the plant. Certain evolutions not performed by the Operations Department are included on the Event Lines for information only. These evolutions are in brackets and include both surveillance and maintenance activities.

RTP means Rated Thermal Power, 1593 MWT, as defined by Tech Specs.


1. Appendix A Reactor Heatup With the MSIVs Closed
2. Appendix B Shutdown With Startup Transformers Out of Service
3. Appendix C Hot Standby Behind the MSIVs
4. Appendix D In-Sequence Critical Procedure
5. Appendix E Startup Event Line
6. Appendix F Shutdown Event Line
7. VYOPF 0105.01 Reactor Startup Prerequisite List
8. VYOPF 0105.02 Reactor Startup To Criticality Check Sheet
9. VYOPF 0105.03 Reactor Criticality Check Sheet, Regular and In-Sequence
10. VYOPF 0105.04 Reactor and Generation Systems Heatup To Low Power Prerequisite List
11. VYOPF 0105.05 Reactor and Generation Systems Heatup To Low Power Check Sheet
12. VYOPF 0105.06 Increasing Power Check Sheet
13. VYOPF 0105.07 Decreasing Power/Shutdown Check Sheet
14. VYOPF 0105.08 In-Sequence Critical Prerequisite List
15. VYOPF 0105.09 Procedure Variance Form
16. VYOPF 0105.10 Shutdown With S/U Transformers Out of Service Check Sheet
17. VYOPF 0105.11 Hot Standby Behind the MSIVs Check Sheet
18. VYOPF 0105.12 Deleted
19. VYOPF 0105.13 Plant Operating Parameters
20. Figure 1 Turbine Trip Logic
21. Figure 2 Speed Load Changer Setting OP 0 105 Rev. 10 Page 4 of 137
1. PHASE 1 From Cold Shutdown to Reactor Critical, RCS <212"F REFERENCES AND COMMITMENTS
1. Technical Specifications and Site Documents
a. All Tech. Spec. Sections apply.
b. TRM Section 3.6.B/4.6.B
c. Tech. Spec. Amendment No. 190, Reactor Coolant System Chemistry
d. Tech. Spec. Amendment No. 193, RETS
e. VYNPS UFSAR, Section 13.6
2. Codes, Standards, and Regulations
a. 10CFR50, Appendix J
3. Commitments
a. NVY94084 03, "RE: BVY 94-90, Encl. A; Thermal Hydraulic Stability -

Develop Procedures to Provide Operations Guidance"

b. INS9424-0 1, Review OP 01 12 And Other Procedures Associated With 10-4-94 Hot Shutdown As Detailed On Section 2.3, Pages 6-7 C. ER 9508-01, PCIS Actuation Due To High Steam Line Flow. S.T. Rec.1 -

Address Procedural Issues RE: Reset of MTS-2 (OP 2160)

d. LER93 170P1, Bypass Valves Opened With MSIV Low Condenser Vacuum Isolation Bypassed
e. CAR930690P4, Revise OP 0101 As Detailed in Recommendation 3 - Initiation of Containment Inerting After Transfer of Mode Switch To RudAlso Revise VYOPF 0101.01
f. UND95020, Revise OP 0 102 To Ensure Thermal Limits Are Verified After Change In Reactor Power. Include Rec.'s in 10/3/94 FJH Memo Regarding Scaling Factor With 3D Monicore UnavailableILimiting CR Pattern UND97028 03, Revise OP 0105 and OP 0109 To Address Recs. In J. Brooks' Memo Dated 12/9/97 RE: Performance of a Full Core Scram While Shutting Down
h. UND97058-01, Revise OP 0105 to Include a Maneuvering at Power Section to Address Crew F Concerns
1. VYB91043OP2, Ensure MOO Dir 84-01, Reactor Shutdown Procedure Continues to be Properly Implemented
j. UND92 170P1,Memo, R.D. Pagodin to D.A. Reid, "Evaluation of Mode Switch Concerns", dated 3/16/92
k. SER93060P 1, Unplanned Reactor Coolant System Heatup During Refueling Outage
1. SOER91010P1, Memo, D.A. Reid to Dist., "SOER 91-01 Implementation", dated 1/2/92
m. LER 9508-01, PCIS Actuation Due To High Steam Line Flow. S.T. Rec. 1 -

Address Procedural Issues RE: Reset of MTS-2 (OP 2160)

Phase 1 OP 0105 Rev. 10 Page 5 of 137

n. ER970 191-0 1, Reactor Vessel Flange Temperature Not Recorded On Form VYAPF 0105.03. Per Rec.1, Revise Form To Eliminate Possibility Of Form Appearing To Be Complete W/Info Pre-typed In Data Blocks.
0. ER970839 03, RE: Modify Reactor Feedwater System Operating Procedures P. ER981351-01, Include HPCI and RCIC Under ECCS Systems Reactor Startup Prerequisite List
9. ER98 1423-06, Revise OP 0 105 to Reference Annunciator 5-K-8 Clearing Prior to Reaching 30% CTP
r. ER950543-03, Control Rod Drive 30-19 Rod Position S. UND97039 01, Change 26 Mlbs to 27.0-27.5 Mlbs for OP 0105 and 27.5-29.0 for All Other Procedures per Response to UND97039
t. NVY96 175-06, Consider Exercising the Stability Monitor During Startups U. ER981421-01, Add AOG Rupture Disc to Startup Pre-Requisites. See Part 4 of ER.

V. NVY99004 02, Re Tech Spec Amendment 165, Re Primary Containment Isolation Valves (PCIS). Review all procedures impacted by the amendment and revise as necessary. Ensure that control room communications is (or will be) immediately available.

W. ER97178 1 02, Evaluate Adding a Caution Statement to OP 0105 Regarding Operation with High Rod Lines.

X. ER99003 1-02, FCV-4 Not in AutoBal as Required by OP 0105 Y. ER991995 01, Evaluate and Correct Procedural Guidance on Feed System High Path Flushfor Startups Z. ER99 1941-07, Revise OP 0 105 Reactor Operations To Include Guidance Noted on the Original Hard Copy ER.

aa. ER2000-1386-02, Add Installation and Removal of Extinguishers from the Heater Bay to the Shutdown and Startup Checklists ab. SEN 208 01, Revision to OP 0105 Checklist Additions ac. ER2000-1448-0 1, Add Note to Procedure Regarding Responsiveness of Recirc Master Controller ad. ER2001-08 19-01, Positively Control CIV Bleader Valves by 2nd Verification and Signoffs ae. ER-2001-1353-01, Revise OP 0105 to Delete Requirement for Performing HPCI and RCIC Surveillance Testing Prior to Reaching 20% RTP af. ER-2001-2151 02, Review OP 0105 and OP 0150 ag. ER-2001-1839105, Revise AP 0105 ah. UND-2001-137-01, Procedure Revisions for Process Computer ERFIS Software Changes ai. UND-2001-198-02, Change OP 0105 and OP 2170 aj. UND-2002-011-01, Review OP 0105 to Specify Required Indicator to Determine When RPV Temperature <212F. Specify Desired Cooldown Rate Range for Normal Cooldowns ak. ER-200 1-0542-01, Consider Adding Admin Controls to Perform Instrumentation Surveillances When Shutting Down or After a Scram Within 12 Hours of Entering Startup or Refuel Mode Where IRM and APRM-Setdown Function is Required a1. UND-2001-145-86, Revise AP 0105 Startup Prerequisite Checklist to Include Valve Lineups am. ER-2002-1231 01, Revise OP 0105 to Add a CautiodStatement to the RHR-46 AiB Leakage Test Steps Phase 1 OP 0105 Rev. 10 Page 6 of 137

4. Supplemental References
a. BVY 94-91, "Response To NRC Generic Letter 94-02", dated 9/9/94
b. NRC Letter SSINS-0200, "Average Reactor Power", dated 8/22/80 C. Memo, J.W. Durborow to Assessment Coordinator, "PTR88030P6", dated 6/16/89 (PTR8803OP9)
d. SURV9012901, Procedure Changes for Vessel Level Control and Acceptable RWCU HX Inlet Temperature
e. SOER 94-01, "Nonconservative Decisions and Equipment Performance Problems Result in a Reactor Scram, Two Safety Injections and Water Solid Conditions",

dated 8/5/94

f. GESIL-357, Control of Reactor Vessel TemperatureIPressureDuring Shutdown
g. IEC-8 1- 11, Decay Heat Removal During Shutdown
h. INF92039, Unplanned Return to Criticality During Reactor Shutdown
1. GESIL-548, Increased Containment Oxygen Concentration During RCIC System Operation
j. DWG 5920-3773, Reactor Assembly for Nuclear Boiler
k. DWG 5920-0576, Shroud Head and Separators
1. GEK-5585, General Electric Turbine Manual Volumes I, 11, and I11
m. DWG G191279, Logic Turbine Gen Interlock
n. GEK 72 173 Electrical Pressure Regulator Pump Unit
0. PTR 88-03, "Low Power Scram Due to BPOJ Control", dated 7/3/88 P. LER 90-04, "RxScram Due to Pressure Control Failure", dated 4/20/90
4. Letter, G.E. to VY "Differential Expansion Detector Rotor Short - Red Band Setpoint", dated 6/19/91
r. SOER 84020P5, Procedures for Bypassing the Rod Worth Minimizer S. Memo, RAPIJSC to SRM, VYS 132/95, "HPCI Steam Admission Valve (V23-14)

Short Term Recommendations"

t. Safety Evaluation for Pressure Locking of V23-14, No. 95-61 U. LER 91-1 1, "Inadvertent Group 6, PCIS Actuation Due to an Incomplete Procedure, dated 5128191 V. NRC Information Notice 92-39, Unplanned Return to Criticality During Reactor Shutdown W. SOER 8802, Premature Criticality Events During Reactor Startup X. GESIL Service Information Letter (SIL) 25 1 RxBottom Heat Coolant Temp and SIL 25 1, Supplement 1 Y. ADMINLETTER9703, Plant Restart Discussions Following Natural Disasters
2. Tech. Spec. Review/Clarification SR 94-69; PM 1534 Rev. 1, File number TSIMemo aa. SER 9520, High Power Scram Setpoints Above Design Value During Power Ascension ab. GESIL-292, Inadvertent Control Rod Withdrawal ac. ER980448, Turbine Trip Due to High Moisture Separator Level During Planned Shutdown ad. EDCR 97-422, Cycle 20 Reload ae. LER 98-1 1, HPCI and RCIC System Low Steam Supply Pressure Isolation Function Bypassed During Startup Contrary to Tech Spec Requirements af. SER 95-13, Reactivity Excursion During Low Power Physics Testing Phase 1 OP 0105 Rev. 10 Page 7 of 137

ago BMO 97-03 Rev. 1, Technical Specification for Offsite Power ah. SEN 185, Recurring Event, Inappropriate Continuous Control Rod Withdrawn From Subcritical Condition. Review For Applicability to VY ai. ER990094, Reactor Operating Pressure Control Boundaries aj. Letter, R. Swanson to K. Bronson "Turbine Generator Turning Gear Operation" SYSENG 99-0169 dated 10/14/99 ak. MM 99-034, Feedwater Pump Min-Flow Trip Logic Modifications a1. VY/LIC 02-08: Licensing Position on Starting-Up in RHRSW LCO am. AP 0019, Control of Temporary and/or Portable Materials an. AP 0052, Pre-Job Briefing ao . OP 0109, Plant Restoration aP. AP 0145, Equipment Cycle Record Keeping aq- DP 0158, Electric Meter Readings, Control Room Recording Demand Meter Tapes, and Seven Day Voltage Recorders ar. AP 0167, Operability Determinations as. OP 1411, Core Verification at. OP 2001,Crossflow Ultrasonic Flow Meter Data Collection, Analysis and Implementation au. OP 21 10, Reactor Recirculation System av. OP 2 111, Control Rod Drive System aw. OP 21 12, Reactor Water Cleanup System ax. OP 21 15, Primary Containment aY* OP 21 17, Standby Gas Treatment az. OP 21 19, Nitrogen Supply System ba. OP 2120, High Pressure Coolant Injection System bb. OP 2121, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System bc. OP 2 124, Residual Heat Removal System bd. OP 2126, Diesel Generators be. OP 2134, Reactor Protection System bf. OP 2142,4 KV Electrical System bg. OP 2143,480 and Lower Voltage AC System bh. OP 2144, 120/240 VAC Vital Bus bi . OP 2150, Advanced Off Gas System and Air Evacuation Equipment bj. OP 2 160, Turbine Generator Support Systems Operation bk. RP 2 161, Generator HydrogerdSeal Oil and Core Monitor Systems bl. RP 2162, Stator Cooling Water System bm. RP 2 163, Lube Oil Purification bn. RP 2 171, Condensate Demineralizer System bo. OP 2172, Feedwater System bP. OP 2 180, Circulating Water/Cooling Tower Operation bq. OP 2182, Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water br. RP 2183, Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water bs. OP 2184, Normal Fuel Pool Cooling System bt. OP 2 191, Containment Air System bu. RP 2 193, Isolated Phase Bus Cooling Operation bv. OP 2402, Limiting Control Rod Patterns bw. OP 2404, Determination and Implementation of Rod Movement Sequences bx . OP 261 1, Stack Effluent Sampling and Analysis Phase 1 OP 0105 Rev. 10 Page 8 of 137

by* OT 3 100, Scram Procedure bz. OT 3 113, Reactor Low Level ca. OT 3 114, Reactor High Level cb. OT 3 117, Reactor Instability cc. OT 3 1 18, Recirculation Pump Trip cd. OT 3 120, Condenser High Back Pressure ce. OT 3 122, Loss of Normal Power cf. ON 3 144, Control Rod Uncoupled cg. ON 3 156, Loss of Shutdown Cooling ch. OT 3 166, Mispositioned Control Rod ci . OP 4030, Type B and C Primary Containment Leak-Rate Testing cj. OP 4102, Refuel Outage/Fuel Movement Periodic Tests ck. OP 4 103, Fire Protection Equipment Surveillance cl . OP 41 10, Reactor Recirc System Surveillance cm. OP 41 11, Control Rod Drive System Surveillance cn. OP 41 13, Main and Auxiliary Steam System Surveillance co. OP 4120, High Pressure Coolant Injection System Surveillance CP. OP 412 1, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Surveillance cq. OP 4122, Auto Blowdown System Surveillance cr. OP 4124, Residual Heat Removal and RHR Service Water System Surveillance cs. OP 4160, Turbine Generator Surveillance ct. OP 41 8 1, Service WatedAlternate Cooling System Surveillance cu. OP 4400, Calibration of the Average Power Range Monitoring System to Core Thermal Power cv. OP 4401, Core Thermal Hydraulic Limits Evaluation cw. OP 4424, Control Rod Scram Testing and Data Reduction cx . OP 4430, Reactivity AnomaliedIn-Sequence Critical CY. OP 4450, Rod Worth Minimizer Surveillance cz . OP 4612, Sampling and Treatment of the Reactor Water System da. OP 4617, Calculation of Chemistry Controlled Setpoints db . OP 5399, I/C Calibration of Important Computer Analog Inputs dc. AP 6100, Infrequently Performed Tests or Evolutions dd. AP 6807, Collection, Temporary Storage and Retrieval of QA Records de. PP 7006, Primary Containment Leak Rate Testing Program Phase 1 OP 0 105 Rev. 10 Page 9 of 137


1. With reactor power below 20%, the RWM is required to be operable. However, it may be bypassed if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
a. Notification of the Superintendent, Reactor Engineering.
b. Authorization obtained from the Operations Manager or General Manager, Plant Operations.

C. At least 12 control rods are withdrawn.

d. A second licensed operator is monitoring and documenting further rod motion.
e. The rod select template is in place.
2. If the air lock is opened during periods when primary containment intepty is not required, the air lock must be leak-rate tested at the end of the period prior to primary containment integrity being required.
3. If the air lock is opened when primary containment integrity is required, the airlock must be leak-rate tested within 5 days from the time the outer airlock door is opened. If the airlock is opened more frequently than once every 5 days, then the airlock must be closed and leak-rate tested at least once every 5 days. (Tech. Spec. requires testing within 7 days per PP 7006.)
4. If the reactor startup or in-sequence critical is the first following a refueling outage AND will be used by Reactor Engineering (RE) to perform a shutdown margin calculation, the moderator temperature must be less than 210°F (OP 4430).
5. With the reactor pressure vessel head not installed:
a. The Control Room shall notify the CRS, or in his absence, the RP Technician on the refuel floor of any intended rod motion.
b. If core verification has not been completed or if performing the strongest control rod withdrawal subcritical check, then all personnel shall be out of line of sight of the open vessel when withdrawing a control rod from a cell with fuel installed.
c. All personnel shall be clear of the refuel floor when two (2) or more control rods are withdrawn from cells with fuel installed.

Phase 1 OP 0105 Rev. IO Page 10 of 137

6. When opening a manual containment isolation valve that is within the primary containment boundary as defined by PP 7006, Primary Containment Leak Rate Testing Program, when primary containment integrity is required, either enter the TS LCO (TS 3.7.A.8) or apply all of the following administrative controls:

0 Station a dedicated operator with no concurrent duties in the immediate vicinity of the valve controls to rapidly close the valve when directed by the control room.

e Establish communication with the control room that is immediately available using either Gaitronics, sound powered phones, radios, telephones or other means.

These administrative controls will ensure the manual containment isolation valve can be rapidly closed when primary containment isolation is required during accident conditions (NVY99004-02).

7. The following temperature indications may be used when identifying the area to the right of the curves on Tech. Spec. Figures 3.6.2 and 3.6.3:

0 For Bottom Fluid Temperature utilize Vessel Bottom Head Drain Temp on the PLC 2-166, WV/SVRV screen on CRP 9-21 or ERFIS pt. S026.

0 For Bottom Head Surface Temperature utilize Vessel Bottom Head on the PLC 2-166, RPV/SV/RV screen on CRP 9-21 or ERFIS pt. S028.

0 For Downcomer Region Fluid Temperature:

0 If recirculation loop(s) is in operation utilize Recirc Loop Temp on TR-2-165 C W 9-4 or 0 If RCU is in service utilize RWCU Inlet Temperature (B023) or 0 If RCU is in service and RWCU inlet temperature is not available, utilize Vessel Bottom Drain Temp on the PLC 2-166, RPV/SV/RV screen on CRP 9-21 or ERFIS pt. S026.

0 For Flange Region Outside Surface Temperature utilize Rx Vessel Temp Flange on TR-2-3-90 on CRP 9-4 or Vessel Head Flange Temperature on the PLC 2-166 RPV/SV/RV screen on C W 9-21 or ERFIS pt. S024.

8. The following pressure indications may be used when identifying the area to the right of the curves on Tech. Spec. Figures 3.6.2 and 3.6.3.

0 Reactor Pressure-Widemarrow Range on PR-6-96 on CRP 9-5 0 Reactor Pressure (B025) 0 Reactor Pressure 56B on LWPR-2-3-68B on CRP 9-3 (B048) 0 Reactor Pressure 56A on LWPR-2-3-68A on C W 9-4 (B049)

9. To prevent cold water stratification in the reactor vessel bottom head and the resultant thermal shock, neither core flow nor reactor power should be increased if the difference between the bottom vessel drain and steam dome saturation temperature is greater than 145°F. Refer to OP 21 10 if this condition develops.

Phase 1 OP 0105 Rev. IO Page 11 of 137

10. During the approach to critical, the potential for unexpectedly high notch worths exists.

These high notch worths could result in short reactor periods and subsequent reactor scrams. The use of notch override magnifies this problem and its use shall be avoided when the SRMs have reached a fourth doubling. The use of notch override may not be resumed until the reactor reaches the point of adding heat. Anticipated high worth notches have been noted on the sequence by Reactor Engineering and single notch withdrawal is recommended where noted. However, high worth notches are not necessarily limited to those noted on the sequence, so judgment and caution must be exercised when applying notch override and while approaching critical. (SEN 185)

11. Potential increased sampling frequency must be evaluated by the Chemistry Department following each shutdown, startup or power level change exceeding 25% of rated thermal power in one hour (ODCM Table 4.3.1).
12. Avoid activities that can distract Control Room personnel involved with the reactor startup (e.g., shift turnover and surveillance testing) during the approach to criticality.

(SOER 8802)


1. A nuclear instrument response test will be initiated when a control rod is withdrawn following each refueling outage or after maintenance (refer to OP 41 11).
2. If operating with normal system configuration (both recirc loops and RWCU running),

the RWCU inlet temperature and both recirculation loop temperatures are expected to be equal; therefore, using any of these three indications is acceptable to meet the requirements of Tech. Spec. 3.6.A.1 and 3.6.A.2.

3. Chemistry limits for reactor water, feedwater, condensate and control rod drive system will be within the applicable guidelines of OP 4612.
4. If startup follows a scram or a refueling outage, ensure that scram response times meet the requirements of T.S. Section 3.3.
5. If this reactor startup is the first following a refbeling outage or other extended outage, a Management Designee, should be assigned by the General Manager, Plant Operations to be responsible for providing overall senior line management authority for the safe conduct of the startup as an Infrequently Performed Test or Evolution (IPTE) detailed in AP 6100. The Management Designee duties and responsibilities shall include the following in addition to those detailed specifically in A p 6 100 (SOER9101OP 1):
a. Briefing operating crew(s) and test personnel on management's expectations.
b. Establishing the appropriate level of oversight required for the activity.
c. Maintaining awareness of mid-evolution changes, problems, or other off-normal unexpected conditions.

Phase 1 OP 0105 Rev. 10 Page 12 of 137

d. Ensuring proper operational staffing is maintained and organizational responsibilities are clear.
e. Ensuring sufficient training of operating crew(s) and test personnel is provided.
6. If this is a restart following any natural phenomena which causes the plant to shutdown, request Vermont Yankee Emergency Planning personnel to confirm that offsite emergency preparedness infrastructure can support the reactor restart.


7. Reactor and Generator Systems Heatup to Low Power Prerequisites (VYOPF 0105.04) must be completed prior to plant pressurization.

Phase 1 OP 0105 Rev. 10 Page 13 of 137

13. Start the idle recirc pump(s) per OP 21 10 if applicable.
  • NOTE Multiple rod blocks are indicative of RWM hardware/software failure.
14. Monitor the RWM for multiple rod blocks. *
15. Perform RMCS "Emergency In" Functional Test as follows: *
a. Select and pull a control rod in Group 1 to position 48.
b. Perform a coupling check per the following:

NOTE If the 48 disappears, the rod display window goes dark and the rod drift and over-travel alarms are received. the control rod is uncouded.

1) Attempt to pull the rod beyond position 48 by going to NOTCH OVERRIDE and ROD OUT for 3 to 5 seconds.
2) Verify the coupling check on the computer printout and observing a settle position of 48 on the rod position display.
3) If the coupling check is unsatisfactory, insert the control rod and refer to ON 3 144, Control Rod Uncoupled.
c. Continuously insert the same control rod to position 00 with the Emergency In switch.
d. Note completion of this test on VYOPF 0105.02.
16. Limit reactor vessel pressure/temperature to the right of the curves on Figure 3.6.3 in Tech. Specs. See Administrative Limits. *
17. If HPCI/RCIC overspeed testing will be performed, verify or request maintenance uncouple HPCYRCIC for overspeed testing per OP 4120/4121.
18. If required, hold inter-department precriticality briefing. Attendees should include the following:

0 Operations e Radiation Protection 0 Chemistry e Reactor Engineering Phase 1A OP 0105 Rev. 10 Page 16 of 137

REACTOR STARTUP TO CRITICALITY CHECK SHEET Date NOTE If a step on these sheets can not be completed at this time due to plant conditions, a variance will

, b e initiated. On the initial line on the check o f f sheet a "V" will be placed indicating the step was not completed. A variance form will be filled out by the SM and the step that was bypassed will be tracked until it has been comnleted.

Corresponding Initials Time/Da t e Procedure Step Phase 1 S e c t i o n A

1. Admin. Limits, Precautions reviewed and Prerequisites satisfied. /

3 . Primary containment established per OP 2115. /

4. Mode switch in STARTUP. /
5. IRMs selected for recording and on Range 1. /
6. Computer Suspended Alarm Summary and Alarm Summary demanded and reviewed. /

7.a & b I1Resetl1pushbuttons depressed and released. /

7.c Any INBD or OUTB isolation signal reset. /

9. Shutdown cooling secured per OP 2124. /
10. Reactor water level being maintained between 155 and 165 inches. /
11. Reactor vessel water level reference leg back-fill system operating per OP 2111. /

13, Both recirc pumps operating satisfactorily. /

14. RWM proper operation verified. /
15. Reactor manual control switch "Emergency In" Functional Test satisfactory. /

VYOPF 0105.02 OP 0105 Rev. 10 Page 1 of 3

JPM-ROAdmin3,NRC2003 Rev.0, 08/03 Page 1 of 4 VERMONT YANKEE JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE WORKSHEET Task Identification:


Preparation of Control Room Shift Turnover Checklist Failure Mode: HPCI Flow control setpoint tape not properly set


AP-0152 Task Number: 2990030301 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO - RO/SRO Only - SE Only ___

Sequence Critical: Yes __ No Time Critical: Yes - No Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code:

Method of Testing: Simulation - Performance X Discuss Setting: Classroom - Simulator X Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 15 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS - Time Required:

Prepared by:

Date Reviewed by:

P O LicensedKertified Reviewer


Date Approved by:

6:erations M Z L G W&C Training Superintendent A&- Date

JPM-ROAdmin3,NRC2003 Rev.O,08/03 Page 2 of 4 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or "Unsat'l. Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "DOyou understand the task?"

Read to the person being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform all actions.

You are requested to "talk-through"the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifying or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions: Full power operation, no equipment out of service Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to complete the control room shift turnover checklist VYAPF.O1 Task Standards: Checklist completed: HPCI flow control setpoint identified as unsat and corrected Required Materials: VYN Simulator Simulator Setup: Any full power IC HPCI flow control setpoint tape dialed down to 3000 GPM

JPM-ROAdmin3,NRC2003 Rev.O,08/03 Page 3 of 4 TIME START:

SATRJNSAT Step 1: Obtain AP 0152 and review procedure Standard: AP 0152 obtained and reviewed SAT/UNSAT *Step 2: Obtain VYAPF 0152.01 Standard: Operator copies form from forms draw or copies form from procedure Interim Cue: Provide the operator with the attached VYAPF 0152.01 when satisfied that he could find it SAT/UNSAT Step 3: Check mark box as each systedcomponent is verified lined up correctly Standard: Check mark in each box for each system or component on the check sheet except HPCI SATRJNSAT *Step 4: HPCI flow control identified as not properly set Standard: HPCI flow control mark NO and explained in the remarks SAT/UNSAT *Step 5: HPCI setpoint tape mispositionine reported to the CRS and permission to correctly position requested Standard: Report and request made to CRS Interim Cue: If asked, as the CRS direct the HPCI setpoint tape reset to the proper position SATRJNSAT *Step 6: HPCI setpoint tape reset to correct position Standard: HPCI setpoint tape set to 4250 GPM

JPM-ROAdmin3,NRC2003 Rev.O,08/03 Page 4 of 4 SATKJNSAT Step 7: Check mark placed over HPCI NO and remark entry Standard: NO written over the check mark and a new remark made documenting the resetting of the HPCI setpoint tape Interim Cue: If asked the CRS will write the event report TIME FINISH:

Terminating Cue: Check list completed, and turned into the CRS HPCI setpoint tape set to 4250 GPM Evaluator Comments:

System Generic WAs: 2.1.3 Knowledge of shift turnover practices.

(CFR: 41.10 /45.13)

IMPORTANCE RO 3.0 2.1.3 1 Ability to locate control room switches / controls and indications and to determine that they are correctly reflecting the desired plant lineup.

(CFR: 45.12)


JPM-ROAdmin3,NRC2003 Rev.O,08/03 Page 1 of 1 Tear-Out Sheet Initial Conditions: Full power operation, no equipment out of service Initiating Cues: The CRS directs you to complete the control room shiA turnover checklist VYAPF.01


Effective Date 03/03/03 VYAPF 0152.05 Pg 1 of 1 Affected Pages 4 & 8 of 9; VYAPF 0152.01 Pg 1 of 1; VYAPF 0152.03 Pg 1 of 1 6of9 5 of9 5 0712 1/03 VYAPF 0152.01 Pg 1 of 1 Implementation Statement: N/A I Issue Date: 02/11/2003 AP 0152 Rev. 22 Page 1 of 9

TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 PURPOSE. SCOPE. AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 3 2.0 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES................................................................................................ 3 4.0 PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................ 4 4.1. Conduct of Control Room Shift Turnover ........................................................................... 4 4.2. Preparation of the Control Room Shift Turnover Checklist ................................................ 4 4.3. Auxiliary Operator Shift Turnover Procedure ..................................................................... 6 4.4. Shift Briefing (Use VYAPF 0152.01/0152.03) (INPO 930P1) .......................................... 7


............................................................................................................................... 8 6.0 FINAL CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................. 9 7.0 ATTACHMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 9 AP 0 152 Rev. 22 Page 2 of 9

1.o PURPOSE, SCOPE, AND DISCUSSION 1.1. PURPOSE To provide a positive means of accomplishing the necessary transfer of knowledge concerning the status of systems essential to the prevention of operational transients and accidents between the offgoing and oncoming shifts.

1.2. SCOPE This procedure contains the Administrative Controls for performing the shift turnover and associated checklists.

1.3. DISCUSSION The Control Room Shift Turnover Checklist is available to the oncoming shift so that the status of the plant can be ascertained at one location in the Control Room on a concentrated form with the minimum set of parameters easily available to operators. The checklist provides Confirmation of the proper configuration of all systems essential to the prevention and mitigation of operational transients and accidents by a detailed control board surveillance. Acceptance Criteria, which may be Tech. Specs., Admin. or operational limits, are specified. The checklist also documents the necessary reviews by shift personnel. The control room and auxiliary operator turnover sheets are available for the off-going operators to be able to capture and turn over all pertinent information about their watch station.

Any systems/componentsthat are inoperable are so noted and listed with the applicable Tech.

Spec. Technical Requirements Manual, or ODCM paragraph on the Tech. Spec./Technical Requirements Manual SystemsKomponents Inoperable form.

A shift briefing shall be conducted by the Control Room Supervisor for all shift Operations personnel, the shift Chemistry Technician and the shift Radiation Protection Technician using VYAPF 0152.03 as a guide. The briefing shall be conducted after assuming the watch but prior to the start of operator rounds. Items discussed shall include planned evolutions, pertinent night orders, unusual conditions and general shift routine.

2.0 DEFINITIONS 2.1. None 3.0 PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1. None AP 0 152 Rev. 22 Page 3 of 9

4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1, Conduct of Control Room Shift Turnover 4.1.l. Utilizing the Control Room Shift Turnover Checklist, the Control Room Turnover Sheet, VYAPF 0152.04 and the Tech. Spec. Systems/ComponentsInoperable sheet as a guide, the respective oncoming and offgoing Control Room personnel will review the overall plant status.

4.1.2. A Control Room panel walkthrough will be conducted for a general review of the panels by the offgoing Control Room personnel with their relief.

4.1.3. A review of significant items entered in the Operator's Log that are not recorded on the Shift Turnover Checklist or any other noteworthy conditions will be conducted by the oncoming Control Room personnel.

4.1.4. Offgoing Control Room personnel turn over keys to oncoming shift. (ER970035-02) 4.1.5. The offgoing Control Room personnel may leave after completing these steps.

4.1.6. The Shift Manager, Control Room Supervisor, Shift Technical Advisor, Control Room Operator and Alternate Control Room Operator (if assigned to the Control Room), will complete their reviews of other Control Room documents listed on the Control Room Shift Turnover Checklist. Logs and logbooks will be reviewed back to their last working shift and then the checklist will be initialed in the spaces provided.

4.1.7. All Control Room duty shift personnel shall initial the checklist in the appropriate space to document that the minimum required Control Room shift complement is present.

4.1.8. The Control Room Turnover Sheet, VYAPF 0152.04, will normally be filled out by the offgoing BOP operator with input from all control room watchstanders. The Shift Manager may designate any Control Room watchstanders to fill out the form depending on plant conditions/evolutions in progress at the time.

4.2. Preparation of the Control Room Shift Turnover Checklist 4.2.1. Control Panel Status Section ofVYAPF 0152.01 This section should be completed prior to reactor startup and at the beginning of each shift, while operating, by the duty CRS or as designated by him. A check mark in the appropriate space indicates that the parameter or component is within the allowable condition or specified limit.

AP 0152 Rev. 22 Page 4 of 9 LPC #2

I NOTE I For any entries made in the REMARKS section, indicate the time of the entry and the appropriate information. Then sign the entry with your initials. If the parameter or component is not within the allowable condition or limit, place a "NO" in the appropriate block and provide an explanation in the "REMARKS" section. If the status changes during the shift: place a check mark or "NO" in the appropriate block on top of the previous entry and provide an explanation in the "REMARKS" section.

4.2.2. Document Review Requirements Section of VYAPF 0152.01 Each Control Room shift individual is responsible for reviewing the information indicated at the beginning of each shift. The oncoming CRS shall review the Operations surveillance schedule to ensure required surveillances are scheduled and can be completed before the "DROP DEAD" date. (ER960669-04) When plant conditions do not support the performance of a surveillance, notify the Operations Department Test Coordinator to implement the "98 DF Surveillance (Deferred)" per AP 4000. The oncoming CRS shall ensure that a11 necessary equipment needed to perform operations activities scheduled for the shift are identified, located and ready for use several hours (if possible) before the activity is scheduled.

(ER 2003-0377-01) When the reviews are completed, initial the appropriate block in the "REVIEWS COMPLETED" section. If there are more shift individuals available than separate blocks or in the case of midshift reliefs, divide the appropriate blocks so that each individual can document completion of the requirements. An ACRO not assigned to the Control Room will not initial the blocks.

4.2.3. Remarks Section of VYAPF 0152.01 Place any information here that will amplify or clarify any information recorded in the other sections of this form. At midnight carry forward any appropriate information to the next day's checklist.

AP 0 152 Rev. 22 Page 5 of 9 LPC #4


Reviews Completed:

06-18 SHIFT 18-06 SHIFT NOTE 1 : STA walkthrough to include status check of the Control Room Pyrotronics Panel.

NOTE 2: In the event minimum shift staffing levels cannot be met, actions to be initiated are specified in AP 0894.

VYAPF 0152.01 NOTE 3 : Control Room staff shall contact VELCO whenever abnormal yard conditions exist. (CAR910370Pl) AF' 0 152 Rev. 22 Page 1 of 1 LPC #5



Control Room Emergency Communications Check Failure Mode: N/A


OP 3506 Task Number: 2857080101 Task Performance: AO/RO/SRO - RO/SRO Only X SE Only -

Sequence Critical: Yes - No 3-Time Critical: Y e s - No X Individual Performing Task:


Date of Evaluation:

Activity Code: N/A Method of Testing: Simulation - Performance X Discuss Setting: Classroom - Simulator X Plant Performance Expected Completion Time: 15 minutes Evaluation Results:

Performance: PASS- F Time Required:

8//9d?3 SRO Licensedkerti fied Reviewer Date I Approved by: da&3 dperations Training Swerintendent Date

JPM-RO Admin 4,NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 2 of 6 Directions:

Discuss the information given on this page with the operator being evaluated. Allow time for him to ask questions before beginning performance of the task. As each performance step is performed, evaluate the performance of that step by circling either "Sat" or YJnsat". Comments are required for any "Unsat" classification. If a step is preceded by an asterisk (*), it is a critical step. If a critical step is skipped or performed unsatisfactorily, then the individual has failed the Job Performance Measure.

After providing the initiating cue, ask the individual "DOyou understand the task?"

Read to the Derson being evaluated:

Before starting, I will explain the initial conditions, provide the initiating cues and answer any questions you have.

This JPM will be performed in the Simulator and you are to perform the actions.

You are requested to "talk-through" the procedure, stating the parameters you are verifjhg or checking and the steps you are performing.

Inform me upon completion of this task.

Initial Conditions:

Power operation Initiating Cues:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform the emergency communications check in accordance with OP 3506 Section A. Tri-State Mutual Aid and Southwest Fire and Mutual Aid and Tri-State Fire and Mutual Aid testing was completed yesterday.

Task Standards:

Each required agency contacted, form completed Required Materials:

Simulator E-Plan Procedures VYOPF 3506.01, Pages 1 & 2, Step C marked complete already Simulator Setup:

Any IC Booth operator to respond for agencies called and AOs

JPM-RO Admin 4, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 3 of 6 Evaluation Performance Step TIME START:

SATRJNSAT Step 1: OP 3506 obtained and reviews discussion section Standard: Discussion section reviewed.


  • Step 2: Lift handset, dial 213. Inform the Vermont State Police who you are, and that you are testing the nuclear alert system. Request call back. Hang up.

Standard: Vermont State Police notified, call back completed.

Interim Cue: All calls made on the orange phone in the simulator go to the instructor booth. Simulator operator call back as Vermont State, Mass or N H Police if asked to.

SATLJNSAT Step 3: Record successful Vermont test on 3506.01.

Standard: Vermont marked yes on 3506.01 (2)


  • Step 4: Lift handset, dial 210. Inform the Massachusetts State Police who you are, and that you are testing the nuclear alert system. Request call back. H a w UP.

Standard: Massachusetts State Police notified, call back completed.

SATLJNSAT Step 5: Record successful Massachusetts test on 3506.01.

Standard: Massachusetts marked yes on 3506.01 (2)


  • Step 6: Lift handset, dial 212. Inform the New Hampshire State Police who you are, and that you are testing the nuclear alert system. Request call back. Hang UP.

Standard: New Hampshire State Police notified, call back completed.

SAT/UNSAT Step 7: Record successful New Hampshire test on 3506.01.

Standard: New Hampshire marked yes on 3506.01 (2)

PM-RO Admin 4, NRC 2003 Rev. X, XX/XX Page 4 of 6 SATNNSAT

  • Step 8: Lift handset, dial 111. Inform all three states of group call test.

Standard: All three states respond to group call.

Interim Cue: Tell operator in simulator 111 = 11 SATNNSAT Step 9: Record successful proup call on 3506.01.

Standard: Group call marked yes on 3506.01 SATNNSAT Step 10: NRC FTS phone handset lifted and dial tone listened for.

Standard: Handset lifted, dial tone heard.


  • Step 11: Dial NRC using all 11 digits.

Standard: NRC dialed.

Interim Cue: Ensure number on the Simulator phone base is called and NOT the real NRC number (4050 simulator). Simulator booth operator VY Control to NRC button.

SATNNSAT Step 12: State name, location, and fact of testing NRC ENS. Reauest call back at 4262.

Standard: NRC called and call back requested. NRC marked yes on 3506.01(2).

Interim Cue: Ensure call back is simulator phone extension and NOT the real control room (4262 NRC button in booth)

(Step left for Step 13: Contact the Keene dispatcher usinp the followinp messape:

continuity) KCE-579, this is KCP-596, Remote 2.

After Keene responds, inform them that you are performing a radio check. After check is performed report Thank you, KCP-596, Remote 2 clear.

Standard: Completed previously, unable to perform in the simulator.

JPM-RO Admin 4, NRC 2003 Rev. X, W X X Page 5 of 6 (Step left for Step 14: Contact the Shelburne dispatcher using the followinp message:

continuity) Shelburne Control, this is KCP-596, Remote 2.

After Shelburne responds, inform them that you are performinp a radio check. After check is performed report Thank you, KCP-596, Remote 2 clear Standard: Completed previously, unable to perform in the simulator.


  • Step 15: Turn the Pape Sys Volume and Alarm Tone Select switch to the ALERT position. Make the followinp announcement over the Gaitronics :

ccAttentionall personnel, attention all personnel, the following is a test of the Emergency Alert and the Emerpency Evacuation Alarms, please disregard. Repeat the announcement.

Standard: Announcement made.


  • Step 16: Turn the Alarm Tone Control switch to the ON position for three seconds, then return the switch to the OFF position.

Standard: Alarm Tone Control turned ON for 3 seconds and then OFF.

SAT/UNSAT Step 17: Turn the Page Sys Volume and Alarm Tone Control Select switch to the OFF position.

Standard: Page Sys Volume and Alarm Tone Control switch in OFF.


  • Step 18: Turn the Paee Sys Volume and Alarm Tone Control Select switch to the EVACUATION position.

Standard: Page Sys Volume and Alarm Tone Control switch in EVACUATE.


  • Step 19: Turn the Alarm Tone Control switch to the ON position for three seconds, then return the switch to the OFF position.

Standard: Alarm Tone Control switch ON for 3 seconds and then OFF.


  • Step 20: Make the followine announcement over the page system:

Testing of the Emerpency Alert and the Emerpency Evacuation Alarms is complete. Regard all further alarms Standard: Announcement made.

JPM-RO Admin 4, NRC 2003 Rev. X, X X / X X Page 6 of 6 SATiUNSAT Step 21: Turn the Page Sys Volume and Alarm Tone Control switch to the OFF position.

Standard: Page Sys Volume and Alarm Tone Control Select switch in OFF.


  • Step 22: Contact the on shift Auxiliary Operators and verify that they heard both the alarm announcements and alarm signals.

St 3ndard: AOs contacted.


Interim Cue: When AOs are paged, the simulator operator will report both aiiiouiicements heard.

SATAJNSAT Step 23: Route VYOPF 3506.01 to the Sk ift 17 .' ;-,.w for review.

' 7 S tmdard: Form completed and turned into the Shift l:aiiager.

  • Critical Step Terminating Cue: 3506.01 completed and turned into the Shift Supervisor.

Evaluator Comments :

System: KIA's:

System Generic WA's: 2.4.43 Knowledge of emergency commun icat' and techniques (CFR: 45.13)


JPM-RO Admin 4, NRC 2003 Rev. X, xx/xx Page 1 of 1 Tear-Out Sheet Initial Conditions:

Power operation Initiatiw Cues:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform the emergency communications check in accordance with OP 3506 Section A. Tri-State Mutual Aid and Southwest Fire and Mutual Aid and Tri-State Fire and Mutual Aid testing was completed yesterday.


TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................................................... 3 ATTACHMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 4 REFERENCES AND COMMITMENTS......................................................................................................... 5 PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................................................................. 6 PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................... 6 A. Control Room Emergency Communications Check (Operations) .......................................... 6 B. Quarterly Emergency Equipment Check (RP) ....................................................................... 10 C. Quarterly Brattleboro Memorial Hospital Emergency Equipment Check (RP).................... 11 D. Quarterly Post Accident Sample Equipment Check (RP) ...................................................... 12 E. Quarterly Chemistry Emergency Equipment Check .............................................................. 12 F. Vermont Yankee Public Notification System Preventive Maintenance. Testing. and Reporting.,............................................................................................................................... 13 G. Emergency Response Telephone Number Check .................................................................. 13 H. TSC/EOF FTS and NAS Phone Test ..................................................................................... 14 I. Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures and Status Form Book Updates ........................ 14 J. Power Fail Phone Test ............................................................................................................ 15 FINAL CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................................... 16 OP 3506 Rev. 43 Page 2 of 16

PURPOSE To ensure that emergency radiological and communication equipment is periodically inventoried and maintained in an operable condition by assigned plant personnel.

No required Tech. Spec. surveillances are covered in this procedure.

DISCUSSION The Operations Department shall conduct scheduled tests of emergency communications equipment as follows:

1. Test of the Nuclear Alert System (NAS) orange phone.
2. Test of the Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency and General Emergency Alarms.
3. Test of the Southwest Fire Mutual Aid and Tri-State Mutual Aid radio (Deskon 11).
4. Test of the NRC Emergency Telecommunications System phones.

A Radiation Protection (RP) Technician shall be assigned to perform the following:

1. Physical inventory of Emergency Equipment Kits and Cabinets contents as listed on VYOPF 3506.02 and VYOPF 3506.06 on a scheduled basis and subsequent to each usage.
2. Physical inventory of Emergency Kit equipment contents at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital (BMH) as listed on VYOPF 3506.03.

A Chemistry Technician shall be assigned to perform the following:

1. Physical inventory of the Liquid PASS Sampling kit and the Plant Vent Stack PASS Sampling kit as listed on VYOPF 3506.05 on a scheduled basis and subsequent to each usage.

Quarterly, the Emergency Planning Manager (EPM) will ensure that Emergency Response phone numbers are updated via VYOPF 3506.13.

Monthly, the EPM will ensure the FTS phones in the Technical Support Center (TSC) and the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), and the NAS phones in the EOF are tested via VYOPF 3506.08.

OP 3506 Rev. 43 Page 3 of 16

I e

- NOTES The quantities listed in this procedure are to be considered the minimum required. Quantities above those listed are acceptable.

e Pens, pencils and scratch paper are readily available and therefore will not be maintained in the EOF and TSC kits.

Preventive maintenance and testing of the Public Notification System (PNS) utilized within the Vermont Yankee Emergency Planning Zone is conducted by Northeast Mountain Radio of Rutland, VT, as follows:

1. Monthly preventive maintenance on 2 1 sirens and 10 generators.
2. Annual siren receiver sensitivity and full decoder tests.
3. Preparation of annual maintenance testing program summary report.

Per Surveillance Test No. 4000, the power fail phone system in Vernon and Brattleboro is tested on a semi-annual basis.

In accordance with AP 6002, Preparing 50.59 Evaluations, the results of an Applicability Determination (AD) has determined that an AD is not required for future changes, provided the scope of the procedure or program is not revised to include a different type of activity. The basis for this conclusion is that this document is an Emergency Implementing Procedure and is subject to 10CFR50.54(q) to determine if the changes decrease the effectiveness of the Emergency Plan and if they have the potential to affect our ability to meet the standards of 10CFR50.47@) and the requirements of 10CFRSO Appendix E.


1. VYOPF 3506.01 Control Room Monthly Emergency Communications Checklist
2. VYOPF 3506.02 Emergency Equipment Checklist
3. VYOPF 3506.03 Brattleboro Memorial Hospital Emergency Equipment Checklist
4. VYOPF 3506.04 Deleted
5. VYOPF 3506.05 Chemistry Emergency Equipment Readiness Check
6. VYOPF 3506.06 Post Accident Sampling Kits (RP)
7. VYOPF 3506.07 Procedure/Form Copy Update Worksheet
8. VYOPF 3506.08 TSC/EOF FTS and NAS Phone Checklist
9. VYOPF 3506.09 EOF Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures and Status Forms Book Update
10. VYOPF 3506.10 OSC Documentation Change Tracking Form
11. VYOPF 3506.11 Control Room Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures and Status Forms Book Update OP 3506 Rev. 43 Page 4 of 16
12. VYOPF 3506.12 TSC Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures and Status Forms Book Update
13. VYOPF 3506.13 Emergency Response Telephone Number Check REFERENCES AND COMMITMENTS
1. Technical Specifications and Site Documents
a. None
2. Codes, Standards, and Regulations
a. None
3. Commitments
a. ER98 1874-02
4. Supplemental References
a. VYP:3 17, Purchasing Policy
b. Vermont Yankee EPZ Public Notification System Guide, JPS Communications, InC.

C. YA-NOG-9 101, Procedure for Operation of the Nuclear Alert System (NAS)

d. AP 0156, Notification of Significant Events
e. AP 0506, Personnel Monitoring
f. AP 0525, Dosimetry Processing g* RP 0537, Contamination Events
h. AP 0546, Planned Special Exposures
i. DP 252 1, Operation and Calibration of the Eberline Mobile Continuous Air Monitor
j. OP 261 1, Stack Effluent Sampling and Analysis
k. AP 3125, Emergency Plan Classification and Action Level Scheme
1. OP 3504, Emergency Communications
m. OP 3507, Emergency Radiation Exposure Control
n. OP 3508, On-Site Medical Emergency Procedure
0. OP 35 10, Off-Site and Site Boundary Monitoring P. OP 35 11, Off-Site Protective Action Recommendations
9. OP 35 13, Evaluation of Off-Site Radiological Conditions
r. OP 3524, Emergency Actions to Ensure Initial Accountability and Security


S. OP 3525, Radiological Coordination

t. OP 3533, Post Accident Sampling of Reactor Coolant U. OP 3534, Post Accident Sampling of Plant Stack Gaseous Releases V. OP 3540, Control Room Actions During an Emergency W. OP 3541, Activation of the Technical Support Center (TSC)

X. OP 3542, Operation of the Technical Support Center (TSC)

Y. OP 3544, Operation of the Operations Support Center (OSC)

OP 3506 Rev. 43 Page 5 of 16

Z. OP 3545, Activation of the Emergency Operations FacilityRecovery Center (EOFRC) aa. OP 3546, Operation of the Emergency Operations Facility/Recovery Center (EOF/RC) bb . OP 3547, Security Actions During an Emergency cc. OP 4533, Airborne Radioactivity Concentration Determination dd. DP 4562, Calibration and Operation of the SAM-2 ee. DP 4579, Respiratory Protection Equipment Inspection and Maintenance ff. AP 6807, Collection, Temporary Storage and Retrieval of QA Records gg. PP 70 19, Severe Accident Management Program PREREQUISITES

1. Apparatus required:
a. Fresh batteries for equipment as required.
b. Recently calibrated and operable survey meters.

C. New seals.

2. Obtain necessary copies of VYDPF 4579.01 and 4579.04 for use in VYOPF 3506.02.

PROCEDURE A. Control Room Emergency Communications Check (Operations)

(Use VYOPF 3506.01)

1. Monthly, the Operations Department shall test the Nuclear Alert System by contacting, and requesting a callback from, each of the three states (Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts) using the following procedure:

NOTE This number initiates a call to each of the three State Police agencies.

However, no audible ringing is present at the transmit station. The station receiver will continue to ring until it is answered even if the transmit station is recradled.

a. Lift handset and dial 213 for VT, 210 for MASS, 212 for NH.
b. Advise each State Police agency that answers of the test of the Nuclear Alert System, and record the results on VYOPF 3506.01.
c. Test the Group Call capability with the three State Police agencies by lifting handset and dialing 111.

OP 3506 Rev. 43 Page 6 of 16

d. Notify the following if any part of the system fails to operate:
1) Communications Department, National Grid, Westboro:


2) ISO-New England: (Weekends and Off-hours in place of Westboro) 1-4 13-53 5-4384
3) Emergency Planning Manager (EPM):

Ext. 4160

e. Notify the affected state Emergency Management office if any part of the system fails to operate:
1) Mass. Emergency Management:


2) New Hampshire Emergency Management:


3) Vermont Emergency Management:

1-802-244-8721 or 1-800-347-0488

2. Monthly the Operations Department shall test the NRC FTS ENS phone in the Control Room as follows:
a. Lift the receiver and listen for the dial tone.
b. After receiving a dial tone, dial the first number listed below (or on the sticker located on the telephone base) using all 11 digits. If the first number is busy, proceed with the second number.

1-301-816-5100 1-301-95 1-0550

c. State your name, location, and the fact that you are testing the NRC ENS.

Request that the NRC staff member call back at 700-66 1-4323.

OP 3506 Rev. 43 Page 7 of 16

~~ -

3. Monthly, the Operations Department shall test the Southwest Fire Mutual Aid and Tri-State Fire Mutual Aid radio (Deskon II) by contacting the Keene and Shelburne dispatchers as follows:

NOTES e The Deskon II phone unit is provided with both a handset and a speaker-microphone. With the handset on hook", messages may be transmitted by holding the TRANSMIT bar depressed and speaking into the speaker-microphone. With the handset "off hook", messages may be sent by holding the transmit bar on the handset depressed while speaking into it. The red signal light on the control unit will illuminate each time either transmit function is selected.

e If unable to contact Keene by radio, call (603) 352-1291.

a. Contact the Keene dispatcher using the following message:
1) "KCE-579, this is KCP-596, Remote 2"
2) After Keene responds, inform them that you are performing a radio check.
3) After check is performed report "Thank you. KCP-596, Remote 2 clear".

NOTE If unable to contact Shelburne by radio, call (413) 625-8200.

b. Contact the Shelburne dispatcher using the following message:
1) "Shelburne Control, this is KCP-596, Remote 2".
2) After Shelburne responds, inform them that you are performing a radio check.
3) After check is performed report "Thank you. KCP-596, Remote 2 clear".
c. If either mutual aid radios communications systems malfunction, notify the I/C Department.

OP 3506 Rev. 43 Page 8 of 16

4. Monthly, the Operations Department shall test the Unusual Event/Alert, Site AredGeneral Emergency Alarms using the following procedure:

NOTE Whenever the Evacuate-Off-Alert selector switch is activated, the page svstem volume is increased.

a. To test the Alert Alarm (used for Unusual Event and Alert emergencies) and the Evacuation Alarm (used for Site Area and General Emergencies),

perform the following:

turn the Page Sys Volume and Alarm Tone Select switch to the ALERT position, make the following announcement over the Gaitronics:

"Attention all personnel, attention all personnel, the following is a test of the Emergency Alert and the Emergency Evacuation Alarms, please disregard." Repeat the announcement.

turn the Alarm Tone Control switch to the ON position for three seconds, then return the switch to the OFF position, turn the Page Sys Volume and Alarm Tone Control Select switch to the OFF position, turn the Page Sys Volume and Alarm Tone Control Select switch to the EVACUATION position, turn the Alarm Tone Control switch to the ON position for three seconds, then return the switch to the OFF position, make the following announcement over the page system:

"Testing of the Emergency Alert and the Emergency Evacuation Alarms is complete. Regard all further alarms."

turn the Page Sys Volume and Alarm Tone Control Select switch to the OFF position.

b. Contact the on shift Auxiliary Operators and verify that they heard both the alarm announcements and alarm signals.
c. If any alarm malfunctions, notify the I/C Department and initiate corrective action.

OP 3506 Rev. 43 Page 9 of 16


1. Successful Test with Vermont (213) Yes 0 No Callback from Vermont successful 0 Yes No
2. Successful Test with New Hampshire (212) Yes No Callback from New Hampshire successful 0 Yes No
3. Successful Test with Massachusetts (210) 0 Yes 0 No Callback from Massachusetts successful 0 Yes 0 No
4. Successful Group Call Test with VT/NH/MA(111) 0 Yes No
5. If the test is unsuccessful, note the nature of the discrepancy and the individuals, and agencies contacted.

B. NRC ENS Phone Test

1. Successful Test with the NRC 0 Yes 0 No
2. Callback from the NRC successful 0 Yes 0 No
3. If unsuccessful, report the loss as directed per AP 0156.

C. Southwest Fire Mutual Aid and Tri-State Mutual Aid Radio Tests

1. Successful test with Keene Dispatcher 0 Yes 0 No
2. Successful test with Shelburne Dispatcher Yes No I/C Department notified of the following discrepancies:

VYOPF 3506.01 OP 3506 Rev. 43 Page 1 of 2


D. Emergency Alert and Emergency Evacuation Alarms

1. Emergency Alert Alarm Test Heard by Auxiliary 0 Yes No Operators
2. I / C Department notified of the following discrepancies:

Testing Performed By /

Operator (Print/Sign) Date Reviewed By /

Shift Supervisor (Print/Sign) Date Reviewed By /

EPC (Print/Sign) Date VYOPF 3506.01 OP 3506 Rev. 43 Page 2 of 2