Information Notice 1991-50, a Review of Water Hammer Events After 1985

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a Review of Water Hammer Events After 1985
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/20/1991
From: Rossi C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
IN-91-050, NUDOCS 9108140097
Download: ML031190397 (12)






All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power



This information notice is'intended to alert addressees to a U.S. Nuclear

Regulatory Commission (NRC) evaluation of water hammer events between

January 1986 'And March 1990. It is expected that recipients will review the

information for applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as

appropriate, to avoid similar problems. However, suggestions contained in this

information notice do not constitute NRC requirements; therefore, no specific

action or written response is required.


The NRC originally addressed water hammer in Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-1, reviewing 148 reported events from 1969 to 1980. The NRC considered this USI

resolved with the issuance of "Evaluation of Water Hammer Occurrence in Nuclear

Power Plants," NUREG-0927, Revision 1, in March 1984. 'The NRC concluded that

cost-benefit considerations did not support new requirements'to reduce the

number of water hammer events. However, the'NRC included guidelines on mea- sures to prevent-and reduce water hammer.

After the-event at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1, in

November 1985, the NRC reassessed the occurrence of water hammer, reviewing

40 events from 1981 to 1985. In the reassessment, the NRC confirmed the

original conclusions that new or additional requirements to reduce the number

of water hammer events-were not cost-effective. The frequency of water hammer

events had decreased significantly since the'initial review. The NRC identi- fied no new causal mechanisms for water hammer.

Description of Circumstances


The NRC evaluated'water hammer events that have occurred since January 1, 1986.

The staff searched NRC -databases from January 1986'through March 1990 and found

about a dozen reports of water hammer events or events related to the water

hammer phenomenon. In February 1991, the staff documented its findings in "A

Review of Water Hammer Events After 1985," AEOD/E91-01. A copy of this


IN 91-50.

August 20, 1991 report is available in the NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L Street N.W.,

Washington, D.C. The staff reviewed each of these reports to identify new

physical phenomena, common mode aspects, and ways to prevent situations that

could result in water hammer. The following events at Dresden Units 2 and 3, South Texas Unit 1, Trojan, and Susquehanna Unit 2 exhibit characteristics not

emphasized in previous studies and offer lessons beyond implementing the

guidance in NUREG-0927, Revision 1. In addition, a recent event at Big Rock

Point 1 involved damage to a gate valve. Such damage has not been previously

identified in a nuclear power plant. -

Big Rock Point 1: On May 28, 1991, while the reactor was operating at 97X of

full power, thl licensee was performing a routine surveillance test of the

emergency core spray (ECS) injection valves. After successfully testing both

injection valves in the primary ECS system and the upstream injection valve in

the backup ECS system, a signal to open the downstream injection valve was

generated. A few seconds after the valve started to open, a reactor operator

at the valve heard a water hammer and observed movement of the 4-inch piping

that continued for several seconds. The water hammer bent one pipe hanger, partially pulled a bolt for another from the wall, and misaligned or damaged

switches attached to the valve operators.

The backup ECS system is intended to deliver water from the fire suppression

system at 150 psi to the reactor vessel after it has been depressurized follow- ing a loss of coolant accident. Fire water would be delivered to a nozzle

located within the reactor vessel. The elevation of this nozzle is slightly

higher than the elevation of the nozzles for the piping which connects the

reactor vessel to the steam drum. The length of backup ECS piping from where

it penetrates the head of the reactor vessel to the nearest injection valve is

approximately 60 feet. This piping is routed horizontally and vertically

upwards. An 18-foot section of horizontal piping has a rise in excess of

4 inches in the downstream direction and thus acts as a water trap. The

-upstream side of the injection valve nearest to the reactor vessel connects to

a short pipe spool, a check valve, another short pipe spool, and the upstream

injection valve. A short length of 1-inch pipe connects to the bottom of the

upstream spool and terminates at a blind flange with an eighth-inch hole. The

pipe serves to demonstrate that the check valve is not leaking.

The backup ECS piping normally contains noncondensible gases and saturated

steam and water at 1350 psi. The relative concentrations of these constituents

depend on the temperature distribution in the piping, the length of time that

the reactor has been at power, and the number of surveillance tests that have

been performed since the last startup. On May 28, 1991, conditions in the pipe

led to acceleration of a slug of water that struck the gate of the downstream

injection valve as it was opening during the surveillance test. The impact was

great enough to leave imprints of the valve seats on both sides of the gate and

to cause some cracking of the gate. Leakage of the valve prior to the event

and consequent steam cutting of the upstream side of the gate and seat. may have

contributed to the event. The licensee's corrective actions included changing

the slope of the horizontal section of piping, so that it will drain back to

the reactor, and repairing the valves, valve operators, and pipe hangers.

IN 91-50

August 20, 1991 Dresden'Unit 2:. A series of events occurred in the high pressure coolant

injection THPCI) system at Dresden Units 2 and 3 over several months. They are

discussed in 'order of occurrence to enhance the understanding of

system'valve positions. This' event is also'discussed, but in less detail, in

NRC Information Notice No. 89-80,'"Potential for Water Hammer, Thermal Strati- fication, and Steam Binding in High-Pressure-Coolant I.njection Piping,"

December 1, 1989. On October'31 1989, while the plant was operating at'100

percent full power, the licensee declared an unusual event and began an orderly

shutdown because time had expired for the limiting condition of operation (LCO)

with the HPCI system inoperable. During the 5 months before taking this

action, the licensee had.observed high temperatures in the piping at the HPCI

pump discharge.and between two motor-operated valves (MOVs)*(Points A and

B on Figure 1 showing the normal.configuration) near the interface between the

HPCI system and the feedwater'system. During this time, the licensee concluded

that feedwater was -leaking back through.feedwater isolation check valve No. 7 and thehnormally closed IPCI.injection MOV No.-8, found deficiencies in about

one-half'of the pipe supportst(16/34), and concluded that steam voids could

form.: On October 23, the licensee declared the HPCI system inoperable. To

correct the.problem temporarily, the licensee realigned the HPCI system valves

to open MOV No. 8 and close MOV No. 9 to serve as the normally closed HFCI

injection valve. In a later inspection, the licensee found a bent stem and

erosion of the.disc and the seat in MOV No. 8. In the realignment, the nor- mally closed MOV;No. 10.becomes feedwater pressure. If MOV No. 10

is not fully closed', theh the open MOV No. 15 in the HPCI test return line to

the condensate storage tank (CST) allows a conditi'on conducive to water hammer

when check valve No.' 7 is'leakin'g. This alignment permits. hot pressurized

feedwater to flow in.a cold low pressure test system (LER 50-237/89-29-01),

Dresden Unit 3:! On October 31, 1989, while the plant was operating at

100 percent tull power, the licensee declared the HPCI system inoperable, having found conditions similar to.those-at Unit 2 described above: similarly

elevated temperatures., deficiencies in about one-half of the pipe supports

(21/40), and valves.that'could'be leaking. The licensee found the discharge

piping in the steam tunnel to be insulated, contrary to'the original con- struction documentation. Initially, the licensee revised the alignment of the

HPCI system as it had at Unit 2, to open MOV No. 8 and close MOV No. 9. The

licensee later determined that feedwater was leaking back through MOV No. 10.

Accordingly, the licensee closed MOV No. 15 to return the HPCI system to

operable status.,-"In a later inspection', the licensee identified damage in the

seating surfaces tin MOVs No. B'and 10 and check.valve No..7 to confirm feed- water back leakage. Closure of MOV No. 15 offers protection from a potential

water hammer condition thatcould develop if MOV No. 10 does not fully close

when check valve No..7'!is,1eaking (also LER 50-237/89-29-01).

Dresden Unit 2: On March 19, 1990, while the plant was operating at 96 percent

full power, the licensee was conducting HPCI system surveillance. Before

testing, the'valve alignment corresponded to that described above for the

short-term correction-to the October 23, 1989 event; i.e.,.MOV No. 8 was open

and MOV No. 9 was closed. To conduct certain tests,.the licensee temporarily

closed MOV No.'8 to isolate the HPCI system from the feedwater system, even

though both MOV No. 8`and chepk valve.No. 7 were still leaking. After complet- ing the routine surveillance tests, including a test of MOV No. 10, the

IN 91-50.

August 20, 1991 licensee began a quarterly valve timing test of the

HPCI pump discharge valve

MOY No. 9. The licensee heard banging noises and observed

pipe movement. The licensee terminated the timing test, HPCI pump discharge

to the pretest configuration, and monitored the noises restored system valves

and movement

ceased about one and a half hours later (also LER 50-237/89-29-01). until they

Subsequent valve manipulation and HPCI pump discharge

ment led the licensee to conclude that the root cause pipe temperature measure- feedwater that had leaked back through the HPCI test of the event was

licensee postulated that this valve did not fully close return MOY No. 10. The

required manipulations. This valve did not have a after one of the

the stroke after initiation, and the limit switch wasseal-in feature to complete

switch in the open direction until the valve was 25 set to bypass the torque


limit switch also controlled illumination of the "valve open. This same

light in the control room. Consequently, the "valve closed" indication

illuminated over the part of the valve stroke for which closed" light would be

was bypassed. Thus, a control room operator who removed the open torque switch

the light indicated the valve was closed would leave a closure signal when

25 percent open. Accordingly, the licensee revised the valve approximately

to maintain the closure signal for 30 seconds after the appropriate procedures

illuminates. the "valve closed" light

In addition, the licensee revised the valve alignment

protect against backleakage through MOY No. 10 by closing of the HPCI system to

MOY No. 15.

South Texas Unit 1: On November 5, 1987, before the

criticality, the licensee, Houston Lighting & Power, plant attained initial

the auxiliary feedwater (AFW) system inoperable when declared the A train of

vent line in the pump discharge piping was severed a one-inch double valve

failure occurred three days later in a double valve completely. A second


D pump discharge line. In making the initial assessment, tap in the

attributed the cause as water hammer resulting from the licensee

system. The licensee continued to note vibrations improper venting of the

in the AFW system. During

later testing, the licensee found that pressure pulsed

valves were in highly throttled positions. The resulting when the flow control

hydraulic and structural resonances was sufficient combination of both


licensee made design changes to eliminate this problem cause the damage. The

(LER 498/87-016-01).

an: On May 12, 1987, while the plant was in a

licensee, the Portland General Electric Company, wasrefueling outage, the

transferring water from

the pressurized A accumulator (583 psig) to the depressurized

prepare for maintenance on the A accumulator. This D accumulator to

cussed from a different perspective in NRC Information event has also been dis- Hammer and Possible Piping Damage Caused by Misapplication Notice No. 88-13, "Water

Metal Diaphragm Globe Valves," April 18, 1988. The of Kerotest Packless

nozzle-to-pipe weld in the

A accumulator one-inch fill line ruptured, spilling

water. The licensee repaired the line, satisfactorily 2000 gallons of borated

again aligned the system for the transfer. The licenseehydrotested it, and

system for operations, but no controls were on the had not released the

had been released. This time, differential pressure system because the clearance


the transfer was started, the licensee heard loud noises, about 650 psig. When

tion, checked the arrangement of the valves and restarted stopped the opera- the transfer. After

IN 91-50

August 20, 1991 one more cycle of this sequence of events, the nozzle-to-pipe weld in the

A accumulator fill line ruptured again.

The licensee performed metallurgical analysis of the accumulator nozzle welds

after each failure and found that the ruptures resulted from low cycle, high

stress fatigue cracking. This cracking resulted from excessive flow back

through the packless diaphragm globe valve in the A accumulator fill line.

This backflow imposed a high differential pressure across the valve, causing

the valve disc to vibrate. The licensee concluded that operator error and

insufficient procedures had-contributed to this failure. The operators had

failed to follow procedures and to determine the causes of the loud noises

before proceeding., The licensee had a procedure for transferring water through

  • the sample lines but not through the fill lines.

The licensee developed a model for dynamic analysis and found that the backflow

through the fill line resulted in theload on the nozzle-to-pipe weld being far

greater than the pipe's failure threshold. During a backflow test using a

similar packless globe valve, the licensee found that the pipe would fail at a

flow of about 70 gpm. The licensee revisecI operating procedures to prohibit

water transfer between the accumulators antI developed an operation improvement

plan (LER 344/87-013-01). _ -

Susquehanna Unit 2: On October 12, 1986, while the plant was shut down, a

water hammer occurred. This event is discussed in more detail in NRC Informa- tion Notice No. 87-10, "Potential for Water Hammer During Restart of Residual

Heat Removal Pumps," February 11, 1987. The licensee, the Pennsylvania Power

and-Light Company, had established a temporary-pathway from the B recirculation

loop to the-condenser for control of reactor water level while the residual

heat removal (RHR) system was in service. With the D RHR pump running, the

licensee started the B RHR pump and then stopped the D RHR pump. However, at

approximately the same time, the outboard isolation valve in the letdown line

from the B recirculation loop to the suction of the B RHR pump closed automati- cally, tripping the pump. To compensate for the resulting loss of shutdown

cooling, the licensee established alternate cooling using the control rod drive

cooling system and the reactor water cleanup system. The licensee reset the

logic and reopened the valve to the B RHR pump suction without filling and

venting the system. The system had partially drained to the condenser through

the temporary pathway and a water hammer resulted when the suction valve was

opened. To prevent water hammer from occurring in the future, the licensee

reviewed this event and two previous similar events and revised procedures for

reestablishing RHR service (LER 388/86-015-01).

Other Plants: Other water hammer events are discussed in the following re- ports. These events resulted from causes similar to those discussed in the USI

assessment and reassessment.


Palisades Accumulator Injection NRC Inspection Report 255/90-14 Oconee 3 Main Steam LER 50-287/89-02 Waterford 3 Steam Generator Blowdown LER 50-382/89-15 ANO 2 Steam Supply to AFW LER 50-368/88-23 Indian Point 3 Feedwater LER 50-286/88-02 Oyster Creek Isolation Condenser LER 50-219/88-21 Shearon Harris 1 Steam Generator Blowdown LER 50-400/87-29-01

IN 91-50

August 20, 1991 Discussion:

These water hammer events occurred at both boiling water reactor (BWR)

pressurized water reactor (PWR) plants. In BWRs, the events occurred and

RHR (shutdown cooling mode), isolation condenser, and HPCI systems. in the

In PWRs, the events occurred in the feedwater, main steam, auxiliary feedwater

steam generator blowdown, and accumulator systems. These systems have (AFW),

associated with water hammer in previous studies. been

Some aspects differ between these events, such as the location of the

hammer. For example, the accumulator fill lines and injection lines water

and the

AFW vent lines were not previously recognized as typical sites of water

However, the physical phenomena involve the previously identified mechanismshammer.

formation of steam voids and fluid transfer between high and low pressure of

systems. The licensees have cited a number of causes for these events, ing improper filling and venting, the overly rapid stroking of valves, includ- of guidance about system configuration, accumulating water at low points, a lack

depressurizing a system to cause local flashing, and bypassing steam

Such causes were addressed in NUREG-0927, Revision 1. traps.

These events illustrate the complex nature of water hammer events and

namic interactions. The events at Dresden Units 2 and 3 point out the hydrody- that is necessary in altering system alignment during operation or to care

testing. Such alignments can increase the susceptibility to water hammer.perform

Details of component operability and control features may easily

when the immediate goal is to find a means to continue operation. be overlooked

This information notice requires no specific action or written response.

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please If

of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate NRR project contact one


ares E. Rossi, Director

Division of Operational Events Assessment

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical Contacts: Earl J. Brown, AEOD

(301) 492-4491 C. Vernon Hodge, NRR

(301) 492-1861 Attachments:

1. Figure 1. High Pressure Coolant Injection System Normal

Valve Configuration

2.' List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

Attachment I

IN 91-50

August 20, 1991. FEEDWATER



CST Condensate

Storage Tank

Figure 1

High Pressure Coolant Injection System Normal

Valve Configuration

Attachment 2 IN 91-50



Information I Date of

Notice No. Subject Issuance Issued to

91-49 Enforcement of Safety 08/15/91 All Nuclear Regulatory Com- Requirements for Radiog- mission (NRC) licensees

raphers authorized to use sealed

sources for industrial


91-48 False Certificates of Con- 08/09/91 All holders of OLs or CPs

formance Provided by West- for nuclear power reactors.

inghouse Electric Supply

Company for Refurbished Com- mercial-Grade Circuit


91-47 Failure of Thermo-Lag 08/06/91 All holders of OLs or CPs

Fire Barrier Material to for nuclear power reactors.

Pass Fire Endurance Test

89-56, Questionable Certification 07/19/91 All holders of OLs or CPs

Supp. 2 of Material Supplied to for nuclear power reactors.

the Defense Department by

Nuclear Suppliers

91-46 Degradation of Emergency 07/18/91 All holders of OLs or CPs

Diesel Generator Fuel Oil for nuclear power reactors.

Delivery Systems

91-45 Possible Malfunction of 07/05/91 All holders of OLs or CPs

Westinghouse ARD, BFD, and for nuclear power reactors.

NBFD Relays, and A200 DC

and DPC 250 Magnetic Con- tactors

91-44 Improper Coptrol of 07/08/91 All nuclear fuel facilities.

Chemicals in Nuclear Fuel


91-43 Recent Incidents Involving 07/05/91 All holders of OLs or CPs

Rapid Increases in Primary- for pressurized-water

to-Secondary Leak Rate reactors (PWRs).

OL = Operating License

CP = Construction Permit

IN 91-50

August 20, 1991 Discussion:

These water hammer events occurred at both boiling water reactor (BWR) and

pressurized water reactor (PWR) plants. In BWRs, the events occurred in the

RHR (shutdown cooling mode), isolation condenser, and HPCI systems. In PWRs, the events occurred in the feedwater, main steam, auxiliary feedwater (AFW),

steam generator blowdown, and accumulator systems. These systems have been

associated with water hammer in previous studies.

Some aspects differ between these events, such as the location of the water

hammer. For example, the accumulator fill lines and injection lines and the

AFW vent lines were not previously recognized as typical sites of water hammer.

However, the physical phenomena involve the previously identified mechanisms of

formation of steam voids and fluid transfer between high and low pressure

systems. The licensees have cited a number of causes for these events, includ- ing improper filling and venting, the overly rapid stroking of valves, a lack

of guidance about system configuration, accumulating water at low points, depressurizing a system to cause local flashing, and bypassing steam traps.

Such causes were addressed in NUREG-0927, Revision 1.

These events illustrate the complex nature of water hammer events and hydrody- namic interactions. The events at Dresden Units 2 and 3 point out the care

that is necessary in altering system alignment during operation or to perform

testing. Such alignments can increase the susceptibility to water hammer.

Details of component operability and control features may easily be overlooked

when the immediate goal is to find a means to continue operation.

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact one

of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate NRR project manager.

Original Signid by

Charles E. Rossi

Charles E. Rossi, Director

Division of Operational Events Assessment

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical Contacts: Earl J. Brown, AEOD

(301) 492-4491 C. Vernon Hodge, NRR

(301) 492-1861 Attachments:

1. Figure 1. High Pressure Coolant Injection System Normal

Valve Configuration

2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices



CZE! '> CHBerlinger

08//_191 07/12/91


CVHodge EBrown JERosenthal TMNovak TechEd

05/13/91 06/24/91 06/26/91 06/26/91 05/13/91 DOCUMENT NAME: IN 91-50

IN 91-XX

.- July xx, 1991

-- K> \_- Discussion:

These water hammer events occurred at both boiling water reactor (BWR) and

pressurized water reactor (PWR) plants. In BWRs, the events occurred in the

RHR (shutdown cooling mode), isolation condenser, and HPCI systems. In PWRs, the events occurred in the feedwater, main steam, auxiliary feedwater (AFW),

steam generator blowdown, and accumulator systems. These systems have been

associated with water hammer in previous studies.

Some aspects differ between these events, such as the location of the water

hammer. For example, the accumulator fill lines and injection lines and the

AFW vent lines were not previously recognized as typical sites of water hammer.

However, the physical phenomena involve the previously identified mechanisms of

formation of steam voids and fluid trdnsfer between high and low pressure

systems. The licensees have cited a number of causes for these events, includ- ing improper filling and venting, the overly rapid stroking of valves, a lack

of guidance about system configuration, accumulating water at low points, depressurizing a system to cause local flashing, and bypassing steam traps.

Such causes were addressed in NUREG-0927, Revision 1.

However, these events exhibit the following new characteristics:

(1) Hydrodynamic interactions of systems or trains that can produce water


(2) System realignments involving changing the position of MOVs that can

introduce complex issues concerning component operability and water


(3) The energization of RHR pumps in BWR plants that has resulted in a

number of isolation valve closures followed by water hammer and a

loss of shutdown cooling

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact one

of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate NRR project manager.

Charles E. Rossi, Director

Division of Operational Events Assessment

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical Contacts: Earl J. Brown, AEOD

(301) 492-4491 C. Vernon Hodge, NRR

(301) 492-1861 Attachments:

1. Figure 1. High Pressure Coolant Injection System Normal

Valve Configuration

2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices


Document Name: WATHAM 0503 CERossi CHBerlinger

07/ /91 07/f~491


CVHodge EBrown JERosenthal TMNovak TechEd

05/13/91 06/24/91 06/26/91 06/26/91 05/13/91

IN 91-XX

June xx, 1991 Discussion:

These water hammer events occurred at both boiling water reactor (BWR) and

pressurized water reactor (PWR) plants. In BWRs, the events occurred in the

RHR (shutdown cooling mode), isolation condenser, and HPCI systems. In PWRs, the events occurred in the feedwater, main steam, auxiliary feedwater (AFW),

steam generator blowdown, and accumulator systems. These systems have been

associated with water hammer in previous studies.

Some aspects differ between these events, such as the location of the water

hammer. For example, the accumulator fill lines and injection lines and the

AFW vent lines were not previously recognized as typical sites of water hammer.

However, the physical phenomena involve the previously identified mechanisms of

formation of steam voids and fluid transfer between high and low pressure

systems. The licensees have cited a number of causes for these events, includ- ing improper filling and venting, the overly rapid stroking of valves, a lack

of guidance about system configuration, accumulating water at low points, depressurizing a system to cause local flashing, and bypassing steam traps.

Such causes were addressed in NUREG-0927, Revision 1.

However, these events exhibit the following new characteristics:

(1) Hydrodynamic interactions of systems or trains that can produce water


(2) System realignments involving changing the position of MOVs that can

introduce complex issues concerning component operability and water


(3) The energization of RHR pumps in BWR plants that has resulted in a

number of isolation valve closures followed by water hammer and a

loss of shutdown cooling

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact one

of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate NRR project manager.

Charles E. Rossi, Director

Division of Operational Events Assessment

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical Contacts: Earl J. Brown, AEOD

(301) 492-4491 C. Vernon Hodge, NRR

(301) 492-1861 Attachments:

1. Figure 1. High Pressure Coolant Injection System Normal

Valve Configuration

2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices


Document Name: WATHAM 0503 9 CERossi CHBerlinger

~06/ /9,1 06/ /91


CVHodge EBrown JERosenthal /u~I vak TechEd

05/13/91 06/ /91 06 2&91 6/a(/91 05/13/91

1 , - I _


04; 4 IDlvs'Uion of Operational Events Assessment

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical Contacts: Earl J. Brown, AEOD

(301) 492-4491 C. Vernon Hodge, NRR

(301) 492-1861 Attachments:

1. Figure 1. High Pressure Coolant Injection System Normal

Valve Configuration

29 'lit

3. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices


'CERossi CHBerlinger


CVHodge EBrown £ JER senthal TMNovak TechEd Jma A

05/13/91 95bt/91 0O6 W91 05/ /91 05/13 /91 Kzq/