ML030710138 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Cook |
Issue date: | 01/02/2003 |
From: | Lanksbury R NRC/RGN-III/DRS/OLB |
To: | Bakken A American Electric Power Co |
References | |
50-315/02-301, 50-316/02-301 50-315/02-301, 50-316/02-301 | |
Download: ML030710138 (90) | |
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 Scenario No.: COOK02-02 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Examiners:
Initial Conditions: IC 991, 79% power Xenon Equilibrium, Tave 5670 F, 798ppm Boron, 8GWD Turnover: 2CD DG is tagged out for oil change. NRV-152 PZR PORV is isolated for leakage.
Start the Middle Hotwell pump and shutdown the North Hotwell pump for bearing work.
Event No. Malf. No. Event Event Type* Description 0 RCR19 to PORV NRV-152 leaks 10 gpm 10 1 N Swap Hotwell Pumps (Shutdown North and Start Middle) 2 CV16A I-RO QLC-451 VCT Level Transmitter fails high 100%
3 RX17J to i-BOP SG Pressure Channel MPP-240 Fails Low 0%
4a FW38 to C- Loss of condenser vacuum Ramp in over 15 45% BOP minutes to 45%
5 R Power reduction / Reduce Turbine Load 4b FW38 to Condenser vacuum degrades requiring a Reactor 100% Trip. Ramp in over 5 minutes to 100%
6 ED01 Major Loss of all AC power (345kv & 765kv lines)
ED25 causing entry into ECA-0.0 6a EG08A - 2 AB DG Speed Governor failure; DG will not Preload reach rated speed resulting in Incomplete Sequence.
7 FW48C - C- Turbine Driven AFW pump Fails to Auto Start Preload BOP 8 RC17A to C-RO Pressurizer PORV (NRV-151 will stick open @
50% 50% upon reactor trip.)
ki'I JI I1dbl kr)euactivity, k)flnstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Summary The BOP is directed to start the Middle Hotwell pump and shutdown the North Hotwell pump for bearing repairs. After the Hotwell pumps are swapped, the VCT Level Control channel QLC-451 will fail high causing a failure of auto makeup and the divert valve to fully divert to the HUT.
The RO will need to reposition The divert valve and manually maintain VCT level. The crew will address the failure with an Abnormal Operating Procedure and trip associated bistables.
When the VCT is stabilized, the SG Pressure Channel MPP-240 fails low. The BOP will be required to take manual control SG 24 Feedwater Regulating Valve FRV-240 to stabilize level.
The crew will address the failure with an Abnormal Operating Procedure, trip associated bistables, select an operable channel, and restore automatic control.
After SG level is restored a loss of Condenser Vacuum will occur. The crew will take actions to stabilize vacuum but will need to reduce power due to loss Feedwater Pump capacity.
After power has been reduced, the vacuum leak will worsen, requiring a reactor trip.
Upon the reactor trip a loss of all AC power will occur. The crew will enter ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power and take action to stabilize the plant. The BOP will need to manually start the TD AFW pump. A failed open (50%) Pressurizer PORV (NRV-151) will result in a Safety Injection Actuation.
The crew should proceed through ECA-0.0. and take actions to restore power.
Power will be made available via Emergency Power (Supplement 9). The crew will energize the vital buses, isolate the stuck PORV, and transition ECA-0.2, Loss of All AC Power Recovery with SI. The scenario ends after a CCP has been started or seal injection has been isolated.
Critical Tasks Establish AFW (Start TDAFWP)
Isolate Pressurizer PORV Restore Emergency Power Procedures E-0 Reactor Trip or Safety Injection ECA-0.0 Loss of All AC Power ECA-0.2 Loss of All AC Power Recovery with SI
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-02 Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 10 Event
Swap Hotwell Pumps (Start Middle and Stop North)
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Directs actions of 02-OHP 4021.054.001, Attachment 2, Operation of Hotwell (HW) and Condensate Booster (CB) Pumps to start the middle and stop the north HW pumps.
BOP Performs the following to swap HW pumps as directed:
- 1. Starts the Middle HW pump
- 2. Monitors HW discharge pressure
- 3. Directs operator to close Middle HW pump disch vent valve
- 4. Places the following switches in neutral:
Standby CB pump Standby TACW pump
- 5. Stops the North HW pump US/BOP Performs the following to restore condensate system alignment:
Directs operator to open North HW pump disch vent valve Places the following control switches in auto:
Standby CB pump Standby TACW pump Notifies chemistry of condensate system status/transient.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-02 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of 10 Event
QLC-451, VCT Level Transmitter Fails High Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Acknowledges and reports annunciator Panel #209, Drop 47, VCT LEVEL HI DIVERT TO HOLDUP TANKS.
US Enters and directs actions of 02-OHP 4022.013.017, VCT Instrument Malfunction procedure.
RO Performs the following as directed:
- 1. Places 2-QRV-303, VCT/Holdup tank inlet selector in the VCT position
- 2. Identifies 2-QLC-451 failure
- 3. Maintains VCT level >15% using boric acid blender in manual US Initiates actions to energize interposing relay associated with 2 QLC-451 failure per Attachment A of 02-OHP 4022.013.017.
US Refers to Tech Specs Boration Systems Flow Paths Operating (Action b). Identifies requirement to restore RWST flowpath (energize interposing relay) within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of 2-QLC-451 failure.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-02 Event No.: 3 Page 3 of 10 Event
SG Pressure Channel MPP-240 Fails Low Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP Recognizes and reports annunciators on Panel #214 which are indicative of a steam generator #24 water level control / pressure instrument failure (Drops 44, 42, 33).
BOP Places 2-FRV-240, SG 24 MFW Reg. Valve controller to manual, raises controller output to match feed flow with operable steam flow channel, and restores SG 24 level to program (may also place MFP AP controller in manual at this time).
US Enters and directs actions of 02-OHP 4022.013.012, Steam Generator Pressure Instrument Malfunction procedure.
BOP Performs the following actions as directed:
- 1. Restores SG 24 level using manual control of 2-FRV-240
- 4. Reports 2-MPP-240 has failed
- 5. Places 2-FS-542C selector switch in channel 2 position
- 6. Declares steam flow channel 2-MFC-140 inoperable
- 7. Nulls and returns 2-FRV-240 controller to auto
- 8. Returns MFP AP controller to auto US Initiates actions to trip bistables associated with 2-MPP-240 Steam Generator Pressure Instrument Failure per Attachment D-1 of 02 OHP 4022.013.012.
US Refers to the following Tech Specs (TS):
TS RTS Instrumentation (Table 3.3-1, *Action 7)
TS ESFAS Instrumentation (Table 3.3-3, *Action 14)
TS Remote Shutdown Instrumentation (Table 3.3-9)
- Identifies requirement to trip associated bistables within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of steam pressure channel failure.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-02 Event No.: 4a/4b Page 4 of 10 Event
Loss of Condenser Vacuum Condenser Vacuum Degrades Requiring A Reactor Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP Acknowledges and reports annunciators on Panel #218, Drops 12/13/14, CONDENSER A/B/C VACUUM LOW US Directs actions per 02-OHP 4024.218 Drops 12/13/14.
BOP Places the start-up steam jet air ejectors (SJAEs) in service:
- 1. Opens 2-SMO-401, steam to the start-up SJAEs
- 2. Opens start-up SJAE air off-takes:
2-SMO-405 2-SMO-406 2-SMO-407 US Directs actions to reduce turbine load by using either: (see NOTE) 02-OHP 4021.001.003, Power Reduction 02-OHP 4022.001.006, Rapid Power Reduction Response NOTE:
See either page 5 or 6 of 10 for actions associated with power / turbine load reduction BOP Dispatches operator to check the alignment of:
Steam Seals.
Air Ejectors Circulating Water Vacuum Breakers (including seal water flow)
Condenser Water Boxes (vented)
RO/BOP Monitors secondary plant parameters including:
Main condenser vacuum Main turbine load (MWe)
Main feedpumps condenser vacuum Main feedwater pump flow capability CREW Manually trips the reactor when condenser vacuum approaches 21" Hg.
Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-02 Event No.: 5 Page 5 of 10 Event
Power Reduction / Reduce Turbine Load Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Turbine Load Reduction per 02-OHP 4021.001.003, Power Reduction US Directs RO to commence Power Reduction in accordance with 02-OHP 4021.001.003.
i RO Commences power reduction:
Lowers turbine load (reactor power) using the load limiter.
Maintains Tave/Tref deviation within limits by boration and turbine load adjustments.
Ensures Axial Flux Difference (AFD) is maintained within target band by manual control rod movement as needed.
US Acts as reactivity manager by peer checking RO during blender operations and by verifying appropriate reactivity feedback.
T BOP Monitors and maintains main electrical generator temperatures within limits per:
02-OHP 4021.059.001, Generator Stator Cooling Water System 02-OHP 4021.080.003, Generator Hydrogen Gas System Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG- 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-02 Event No.: 5 Page 6 of 10 Event
Power Reduction / Reduce Turbine Load Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Turbine Load Reduction per 02-OHP 4022.001.006, Rapid Power Reduction Response US Directs RO to commence Rapid Power Reduction in accordance with 02-OHP 4022.001.006.
RO Commences power reduction:
Ensures control rods in auto or manually inserts rods.
Lowers turbine load (reactor power) using the load limiter or operating device.
US Acts as reactivity manager by peer checking RO and verifying appropriate reactivity feedback.
Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-02 Event No.: 6/7/8 Page 7 of 10 Event
Loss of All AC Power / 2AB Emergency Diesel Generator Failure Turbine Driven AFW Pump Fails to Auto Start Pressurizer PORV (NRV-151) Sticks Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Directs RO/BOP to perform the immediate actions of E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.
RO Performs the (primary) immediate actions of E-0:
- 1. Checks reactor trip
- 2. Checks safety injection status RO Performs the (secondary) immediate actions of E-0:
- 1. Checks turbine trip
- 2. Checks power to AC emergency buses:
Reports that all AC emergency buses are de-energized US Announces transition to ECA-0.0, Loss Of All AC Power and directs RO/BOP to perform immediate actions for ECA-0.0.
RO/BOP Performs the immediate actions of ECA-0:0:
Checks reactor trip / turbine trip US Ensures immediate actions are completed and directs subsequent actions of ECA-0.0.
- 1. Checks PRZ PORVs closed:
Attempts to manually close 2-NRV-151 (stuck open)
- 2. Checks letdown isolation valves closed 2-QRV-111 2-QRV-112
- 3. Checks excess letdown isolation valves closed 2-QRV-113 2-QRV-114
- 4. Places nuclear sampling isolate switches to ISOLATE:
Train A Train B Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-02 Event No.: 6/7/8 Page 8 of 10 Event Descriotion: Loss of All Ar Pnr -,r I 1 = .
C:'It, '......
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.. . . ~~~~~~~i, DieselI Generator F-ailure Turbine Driven AFW Pump Fails to Auto Start Pressurizer PORV (NRV-151) Sticks Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP Checks AFW flow > 240,000 PPH:
Manually starts the Turbine Driven AFW Pump Task #1 us Recognizes that both EDGs are not running and dispatches an operator to locally close 2-QCM-350, RCP seal water return outside containment.
RO/BOP, Resets SI RO/BOP Places the following equipment in pull to lock:
MDAFPs CCPs RHR pumps SI pumps CTS pumps CCW pumps NESW pumps Dispatches an operator to locally establish vital cabinet cooling US using Attachment C of ECA-0.0.
Identifies the status of the following off-site power sources:
Us Reserve power- UNAVAILABLE Emergency power (EP) - AVAILABLE US Directs Restoration of 4KV Power From EP using SUP.009 attachments to energize either pump bus first:
Attachment A - to energize Bus T21A from EP Attachment D - to energize Bus T21 D from EP NOTE: Bus T21A is preferred(MCC EZC-A) provides power to the stuck open PRZ PORV's block valve (2-NMO-151).
. I Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-02 Event No.: 6/7/8 Page 9 of 10 Event
Loss of All AC Power I 2AB Emergency Diesel Generator Failure
-- in e flriv *_n Tu rb . A .F:W P .ni nm
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- c fn .A,,,÷,s JL . * ÷L I Pressurizer PORV (NRV-151) Sticks Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP Energizes T21A (T21D) emergency bus from EP as directed:
- 1. Checks T21A (T21D) bus -not faulted Critical 2. Places DG2AB(CD) supply to bus T21A(D) in pull to lock Task #2 3. Verifies breakers open with green targets:
Bus 2A(D) supply to bus T21A(D) 4KV supply to TR21 PHA(PHC)
- 4. Places the west (east) ESW pump in pull to lock
- 6. Ensures EP supply current to Unit 2 remains < 600 AMPS US Directs BOP to energize the remaining emergency buses from EP (using SUP.009) while US and RO continue recovery actions of ECA-0.0.
CREW Closes 2-NMO-1 51, PORV Block Valve when power is available (to stop LOCA to PRT)
Critical Task #3 BOP Energizes the remaining emergency buses from EP:
T21B T21C RO Performs the following recovery actions of ECA-0.0 as directed:
- 2. Checks the following equipment energized:
600V bus(es) associated with energized emergency bus Control room AHU Battery charger CRID inverters
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-02 Event No.: 6/7/8 Page 10 of 10 Event
Loss of All AC Power / 2AB Emergency Diesel Generator Failure Turbine Driven AFW Pump Fails to Auto Start Pressurizer PORV (NRV-151) Sticks Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Announces transition to ECA-0.2, Loss Of All AC Power Recovery With SI Required.
RO/BOP Performs the following actions of ECA-0.2 as directed:
- 1. Checks SI reset
- 2. Checks emergency valve alignment:
- 3. Closes either RCP thermal barrier isolation valve:
2-CCM-453 (Train A) 2-CCM-454 (Train B)
- 4. Establishes CCW:
Checks CCW Hx outlet valves closed Starts CCW pump Checks CCW Hx outlet valve for running pump open
- 5. Starts RHR pump
- 6. Starts Sl pump
- 7. Dispatches operator to locally close RCP seal injection filter isolation valves outside containment.
- 8. Starts CCP TERMINATE SCENARIO Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Task Elements Results
- 1 Cueing: SAT / UNSAT 9 Check AFW Flow.. .Verify TDAFP Manually Starts Turbine Running (ECA-0.0, Step 4, RNO)
Driven AFW Pump Performance Indicators:
- Manually starts the TDAFP from the control room.
9 AFW flow must be established before SG dryout occurs (<15% WR level).
Performance Feedback:
"* TDAFP speed rising
"* AFW flow > 240E3 PPH
- 2 Cueing: SAT / UNSAT
- Restore AC Power (ECA-0.0, Step 9.a, Restore Emergency Power RNO a.2)
Performance Indicators:
"* Restores emergency power (EP) to at least one 4KV emergency (pump) bus (i.e., T21A or T21 D).
"* Power should be restored prior to depressurizing intact SGs to 190 psig (ECA-0.0, Step 19).
Performance Feedback:
"* T21AorT21D bus energized
"* Power available to safeguards equipment.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Task Elements I \l.,
- TJ I ll.*
Pe n ".- C tAiIfc,
- to
- 3 Cueing:
Performance Indicators:
"* Closes 2-NMO-151, PORV Block Valve when power is available.
"* PORV must be isolated prior to transitioning to E-1 (from ECA-0.2).
Performance Feedback:
"* RCS pressure stabilizes
"* PORV block valve indicates closed Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
- 1. Reset to IC 991
- 2. Reset control rods and check group step counters
- 3. Place Master Annunciator Silence pushbutton lockout ring in LOCKOUT position
- 4. Advance chart recorder paper
- 5. Tagout CD EDG as follows:
imf EG1OB (start failure) mrf EGR14 (RO) tmrf EGR15 (RO) mrf EGR02 (RO) imf EG06B Place clearance tags on CD EDG control switches:
Stop-Run Output Breakers in PTL (2)
Load Test Breaker
- 6. Close NMO-152 and caution tag control switch
- 7. Go to RUN and acknowledge/clear alarms
- 8. Activate the following pre-load malfunctions:
RCR19, final value 10 (NRV-152 leaks 10 gpm)
FW48C (TDAFP fails to auto start)
- 9. Assign "RTB Open" to trigger El, Assign Imf ED01, Imf ED25, and Imf RCI7A @ 50%"
to trigger El (Continued on next page)
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Event #2
- 1. Trigger malfunction CV16A, final value 100 (QLC-451 fails hi) shortly after the crew accepts the watch.
Event #3
- 2. Trigger malfunction RX17J, final value 0 (MPP-240 fails lo) when the crew has recovered from VCT level instrument failure.
Event #4a
- 3. Trigger malfunction FW38, final value 45, ramp 15:00 (loss of condenser vacuum to 45% over 15 min.) when MTI is called to trip bistables for MPP-240.
Event #4b
- 4. Modify malfunction FW38, final value 100, ramp 5:00 (loss of condenser vacuum to 100% over 5 min.) when crew has demonstrated ability to reduce power.
Event #6/7/8
- 5. (Set up on Trigger El) Trigger malfunctions upon reactor trip:
ED01 (loss of offsite 345KV lines)
ED25 (loss of offsite 765KV lines)
RC17A, final value 50 (NRV-151 sticks 50% open)
(Continued on next page)
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Response to Crew's Requests:
- 1. If directed to energize interposing relay for QLC-451 then use:
Remote Function RPR157 to Trip
- 2. If directed to trip bistables for MPP-240 use:
Override ZLOSTMC2[6] to ON to simulate opening cabinet Door (Override Lights/Relays - RX Flux panel)
Remote Bistable RPR105 PS-534B RPRI04 PS-534A RPR035 FS-540A RPR036 FS-540B RPR039- FS-542B Override ZLOSTMC2[1] to ON to simulate lifting Test Rack Delete Override ZLOSTMC2[6] to simulate closing cabinet Door
- 3. If directed to locally close 2-QCM-350 then "SET CVVQCM350 0" (using ISD)
- 4. If directed to locally close 2-CCM-453 then "SET CCVCCM453 0" (using ISD)
- 5. If directed act as AEO to perform Attachment C of ECA-0.0 (Cabinet Cooling)
- 6. If directed to locally close seal injection valves (2-CS-31 1N, 311 S and 307) then activate remote functions:
CVR20 final value CLOSE CVR21 final value CLOSE
- 7. If directed to restore N train battery charger then EDR21 to train with power Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 Scenario No.: COOK02-03 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Examiners: Operators:
Initial Conditions: IC 993, 56% power, 8GWD burnup, Xenon equilibrium, 560 0 F, 857 ppm Boron Turnover: 2E MDAFW OOS for Oil Change. The 2W MFP is being returned to service following work on its condenser. Bring the 2W MFP online and then raise Power to 80% for next hold point.
Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description 1 N Place 2W Main FW Pump On-Line 2 CC01A, C-BOP 2E CCW pump Trips (2W CCW [Standby] Fails to CC02B - Auto Start)
Preload 3 RX02B to I-RO Loop 2 Hot Leg NTP-121 Temperature Transmitter 650OF Fails High 4 R Raise Turbine and Reactor Power 5 RX20A to I-BOP MFC-1 10 Main Steam Flow Transmitter Fails High 4e+6 on 21 SG 6 CV13A C-RO 2E Charging Pump Trip 7 RC10D to Major Loop 4 Cold Leg Primary Coolant System 600gpm 60% Leak inside Containment over 5 minutes 8 RP13A, C- Failure of Automatic Phase A Actuation RP13B - BOP Preload 9 RP19G, C-RO Slave Relay failures: High Head Charging SI RP20G - valves fail to align Preload 10 RP20B - C- Slave Relay failure: DG 2AB fails to auto start (&
Preload BOP High Head Charging Valve) kN*)or ral, [k)eaculvlty, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Summary The 2W MFP is rolling at 3500 RPM, all tests and lineups have been completed, ready to bring on line per step 4.6.19 of 02-OHP-4021-055-003 Attachment 4. After the West Main FW Pump is in Auto, the Component Cooling Water (CCW) pump will trip. The BOP will have to start the standby pump manually (auto start failure).
After the Crew has addressed the Tech Specs for CCW, the Loop 2 Hot Leg NTP- 121 Temperature Transmitter fails high. The rods will insert and power will have to be restored. The crew will need to enter an Abnormal Operating Procedure, defeat the failed channel, trip bistables, and restore rod control to auto. If required, the crew will be directed by the Shift Manager to raise power to 80%.
When the RCS Temperature has been restored or a short ramp has been performed, MFC-1 10, the #21 S/G Main Steam Flow transmitter will fail high. The BOP will need to take manual control of the Feedwater Regulating Valve FRV-210 and restore level. This failure will also raise FW pump speed (apparent steam flow rise tries to maintain a higher DP). The crew will need to enter an Abnormal Operating Procedure, trip bistables, and transfer to operable channel, and return to the FRV-2 10 to auto.
When the SG level has stabilized, the East CCP will trip, requiring the RO start the West CCP.
After 75 gpm Letdown has been restored, a 600 gpm Primary System Leak in Containment will occur requiring a Reactor Trip and SI.
On the SI, various slave relay failures will cause the High Head Charging SI injection flowpath to fail to align and the 2AB DG to fail to auto start. The RO will need to manually align the High Head Injection Valves and the BOP will need to manually start the 2AB DG. The auto Phase A Isolation will also fail requiring manual actuation to align Phase A equipment. The crew should progress through E-0 to E-1 to ES-1.2. The scenario will terminate once a cooldown is started per ES-1.2.
RP20B - Failure of the K609 coil prevents
- 1. Emergency diesel generator 2AB auto start
- 2. SI blackout interlock
- 3. K609-XI prevents QMO-226 from auto close, and prevents IMO-256 from auto open.
- 4. K609-X2 prevents IMO-140 from auto open and prevents NESW pump 2S from starting.
RP19G/RP20G - Failure of the K608-XI coil prevents
- 1. ICM-250/ICM-251 will not automatically open
- 2. IMO-1 10iMO-120 will not automatically open Critical Tasks Restore High Head Injection Trip RCPs Procedures E-0 Reactor Trip or Safety Injection E-1 Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant ES-1.2 Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-03 Event No.: 1 Page 1 of 11 Event
Place 2W Main FW PumD On-Line Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Reviews Steps of 02-OHP-4021-055-003, Placing a Main FW BOP Pump In Service, Attachment 4.
us Briefs crew on plan for placing FW Pump in service.
BOP Places West Main FW Pump On Line:
Verifies 2-RU-5, FW Differential Pressure Control has demand.
Raises 2-RU-4, Turbine Operating Device to match 2-RU-5.
Verifies East MFP Load lowers and West MFP Load rises.
Places 2-RU-4 in Auto.
Adjusts Bias if required to balance East and West MFP Flows.
BOP Completes Alignment of West MFP:
Directs AEO to Close West Feed Pump Bypass.
Adjusts 2-ARV-12 Main Steam to FPT as required.
Closes West MFP Steam Drain valves 2-DRV-417, 2-DRV-413, 2-DRV-415, and 2-DRV-419.
Verifies 2-WRV-979 West FPT Lube Oil Temp controller is maintaining 1 100 F to 120 0 F.
US Verifies Procedure complete and West MFP is operating properly.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-03 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of 11 Event
2E CCW Pump Trips (Standby CCW Pump 2W Fails to Auto Start)
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP Recognizes and reports CCW annunciators on Panel #204 indicative of CCW pump trip (Drops 84, 93).
BOP Recognizes and reports that running (2E) CCW pump has tripped and standby (2W) CCW pump failed to auto start.
BOP Manually starts 2W CCW pump in accordance with CCW ARPs.
(Note: May attempt 1 restart of 2E CCW pump per ARP.)
US Enters and directs actions of 02-OHP-4022.016.001, CCW Malfunction procedure.
BOP Performs the following actions as directed:
- 1. Ensures at least one CCW pump is running
- 2. Checks CCW surge tank level stable
- 4. Checks CCW Hx outlet temperature normal SRO Declares 2E CCW Pump inoperable and refers to Tech Spec, Component Coolingq Water System. Enters action statement to restore 2E CCW pump to operable status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> (or be in HSB w/i next 6 hrs and CSD w/i following 30 hrs).
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-03 Event No.: 3 Page 3 of 11 Event
Loop 2 RCS Hot Leg Temperature Transmitter (NTP-121) Fails High Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Recognizes and reports annunciators on Panel #211 which are indicative of a RCS RTD failure.
RO Places rod control in manual after verifying no runback in progress.
US Enters and directs actions of 02-OHP 4022.012.003, Continuous Control Bank Movement procedure.
RO Performs the following as directed:
- 1. Checks for no turbine runback
- 2. Ensures control rods are in manual with no rod motion
- 3. Checks rod position above low-low rod insertion limit
- 4. Checks axial flux difference (AFD) within target band
- 5. Initiates restoration of equilibrium conditions using either:
"* Control rod movement
"* Turbine load adjustment
- 6. Identifies failed RTD channel US Enters and directs actions of 02-OHP 4022.013.007, RCS RTD Instrument Malfunction procedure.
RO 1. Ensures control rods are in manual.
- 2. Checks and reports the following conditions:
- Reactor critical
- Tavg > 551OF 0 Tavg-Tref deviation alarm reset
- 3. Reports Loop 2 as failed RCS temperature channel and aligns the following switches:
"* Tavg defeat switch to Loop 2 position
"* AT defeat switch to Loop 2 position
"* AT/OPAT/OTAT recorder switch to Loop 1, 3, or 4 Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set_._1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-03 Event No.: 3 Page 4 of 11 Event
Loop 2 RCS Hot Leg Temperature Transmitter (NTP-121)
Fails High Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Initiates actions to trip bistables associated with RCS loop 2 RTD failure per Attachment B of 02-OHP 4022.013.007.
US Refers to Tech Specs RTS Instrumentation (Table 3.3-1, Action 6) and ESFAS Instrumentation (Table 3.3-3, Action 14). Identifies requirement to trip associated bistables within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of Loop 2 RCS RTD failure.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NURIEG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-03 Event No.: 4 Page 5 of 11 Event
Raise Turbine and Reactor Power (if required)
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Calculates primary water addition per 02-OHP 4021.005.001, Attachment 6, Boration or Dilution Volume Determination.
Reviews RO Briefs crew on reactivity plan for power escalation.
us Reviews reactivity plan USDirects RO to commence Power Escalation in accordance with US 02-OHP 4021.001.006.
RO Commences power escalation:
Raises turbine load (reactor power) using the load limiter.
Maintains Tave/Tref deviation within limits by dilution and turbine load adjustments.
Ensures Axial Flux Difference (AFD) is maintained within target band by manual control rod movement as needed.
US Acts as reactivity manager by peer checking RO during blender operations and by verifying appropriate reactivity feedback.
BOP Monitors and maintains main electrical generator temperatures within limits per:
02-OHP 4021.059.001, Generator Stator Cooling Water System 02-OHP 4021.080.003, Generator Hydrogen Gas System Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-03 Event No.: 5 Page 6 of 11 Event
SG #21 Main Steam Flow Transmitter (MFC-110)
Fails High Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP Recognizes and reports annunciators on Panel #213 which are indicative of a steam flow instrument failure (Drop 11, 13).
Places 2-FRV-21 0, SG 21 MFW Reg. Valve controller to manual, BOP lowers controller output to match feed flow with operable steam flow channel, and restores SG 21 level to program.
US Enters and directs actions of 02-OHP 4022.013.014, Steam Flow Instrument Malfunction procedure.
BOP Performs the following actions as directed:
- 1. Restores SG 21 level using manual control of 2-FRV-210
- 3. Reports 2-MFC-1 10 has failed
- 4. Places 2-FS-512C selector switch in channel 2 position
- 5. Nulls and returns 2-FRV-21 0 controller to auto
- 6. Returns MFP AP controller to auto us Initiates actions to trip bistables associated with 2-MFC-1 10 Steam Flow Failure per Attachment A-1 of 02-OHP 4022.013.014.
us Refers to Tech Specs -RTSInstrumentation (Table 3.3-1, Action 7) and ESFAS Instrumentation (Table 3.3-3, Action 14). Identifies requirement to trip associated bistables within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of steam flow channel failure.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-03 Event No.: 6 Page 7 of 11 Event
2E Centrifugal Charging Pump (CCP) Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports annunciators on Panel #207, #208 and RO
- 209 which are indicative of a charging pump failure.
RO Recognizes and reports that running (2E) CCP has tripped.
Directs RO to start the 2W CCP per annunciator response(s):
"* 02-OHP 4024.208 Drop 20, Charging Flow < Min Set Point
"* 02-OHP 4024.209 Drop 12, E CCP Motor Overload Trip RO Performs the following as directed:
"* Starts 2W CCP
"* Adjusts charging and seal injection flow as necessary
"* Places normal letdown back in service in accordance with 02 OHP 4021.003.001, Attachment 13.
us Declares 2E CCP inoperable and refers to Tech Specs (TS):
"* TS, Charqing Pumps - Operating
"* TS 3.5.2, ECCS Subsystems - Tavq > 350OF Enters action statements to restore 2E CCP to operable status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.
Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-03 Event No.: 7/8/9/10 Page 8 of 11 Event
Small Break LOCA inside Containment Containment Isolation Phase A - Auto Failure ECCS Slave Relay Failures 2AB EDG Slave Relay Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Determines that a loss of reactor coolant is occurring based RO/US on the following:
Pressurizer and VCT level change Charging and letdown flow mismatch Containment radiation monitoring trend Containment pressure rise Containment sump level rise US Enters and directs actions of 02-OHP 4022.002.020, Excessive Reactor Coolant Leakage procedure.
RO Performs the following actions as directed:
- 1. Manually raises charging flow to maintain pressurizer level
- 2. Manually adjusts seal injection flow (6-12 gpm / each RCP)
- 3. Reduces/isolates letdown flow to maintain pressurizer level
- 4. Attempts to determine RCS leak rate US Directs RO/BOP to manually trip the reactor and initiate safety injection and perform the immediate actions of E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection (based on RCS leak rate beyond charging system capability per 02-OHP 4022.002.020).
RO/BOP Performs the immediate actions of E-0:
- 1. Checks reactor trip
- 2. Checks turbine trip
- 3. Checks power to AC emergency buses
- 4. Checks safety injection status us Ensures immediate actions of E-0 are completed Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-03 Event No.: 7/8/9/10 Page 9 of 11 Event Desicription: Small Break LOCA inside Containment Containment Isolation Phase A - Auto Failure ECCS Slave Relay Failures 2AB EDG Slave Relay Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior mi, suL*
suUeue[L acuons O0 1:-U.
RO/BOP Reviews E-0 Foldout Page Criteria.
Manually starts 2AB Emergency Diesel Generator.
BOP BOP Manually controls AFW flow to maintain SG narrow range levels 13% - 50% once one SG narrow range level is > 13%.
RO Reports that not all ECCS pumps are running - 2E CCP off due to previous failure.
RO Reports that both CCW pumps are not running - 2E CCW pump off due to previous failure.
US/RO Manually opens high head safety injection valves:
2-IMO-256, BIT Inlet Critical 2-1CM-250, BIT Outlet Task #1 2-1CM-251, BIT Outlet US/RO Manually actuates Containment Isolation - Phase A.
CREW Manually stops all Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCPs) when RCS pressure is less than 1300 psig.
Critical Task #2 Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-03 Event No.: 7/8/9/10 Page 10 of 11 Event
Small Break LOCA inside Containment Containment Isolation Phase A - Auto Failure ECCS Slave Relay Failures 2AB EDG Slave Relay Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO/BOP Performs manual actions of E-0 Attachment A (for Train A components which failed to start/reposition) as directed by US.
CREW Completes all actions of E-0 through step 23 (Check If RCS Is Intact).
US Announces transition to E-1, Loss Of Reactor Or Secondary Coolant (at step 23 of E-0).
RO/BOP Reviews E-1 Foldout Page Criteria.
US Directs actions of E-1, Loss Of Reactor Or Secondary Coolant.
BOP Maintains SG narrow range levels 26% - 50%.
RO/BOP Performs the following as directed:
- 1. Resets both trains of Safety Injection
- 3. Stops running Emergency Diesel Generators (EDG)
- 4. Dispatches operator to secure EDG jacket water pumps
- 5. Opens control air valves to containment
- 6. Directs chemistry to initiate post accident sampling US Announces transition to ES-1i.2, Post LOCA Cooldown And Depressurization (at step 12 of E-1).
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 1 Scenario No.: Cook 02-03 Event No.: 7/8/9/10 Page 11 of 11 Event
Small Break LOCA inside Containment Containment Isolation Phase A - Auto Failure ECCS Slave Relay Failures 2AB EDG Slave Relay Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO/BOP Reviews ES-1.2 Foldout Page Criteria.
RO Trips all pressurizer heaters CREW Initiate RCS cooldown to cold shutdown.
r M rriVII'iiMI " '-LNAMIU Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Task Elements Results
- 1 Cueing: SAT/UNSAT Check ECCS Flow: BIT - Flow Indicated (E-0, Step Manually open high 12.a) head safety -OR injection valves Check Systems In Proper Emergency Alignment:
ECCS Monitor lights - Proper Status (E-0, Step 15.c)
Performance Indicators:
Manually open BIT (outlet/inlet) valves to establish at least one train of high head safety injection flow.
Must be performed while in E-0 before transitioning to E-1.
Performance Feedback:
BIT flow is indicated to at least one train (as indicated by flow on two cold leg BIT injection flowmeters)
- 2 Cueing: SAT I UNSAT
- RCS pressure - less than 1300 psig AND CCPs or Manually trip all SI pumps - at least one running Reactor Coolant E-0, Foldout Page, Step 1 Pumps E-0, Step 19 E-1, Foldout Page, Step 1 E-1, Step I Performance Indicators:
Manually stop all Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCPs) when RCS pressure is less than 1300 psig.
RCPs must be tripped within 5 minutes of the trip criteria being met.
Performance Feedback:
RCP ammeters - zero current RCP trip low flow alarms - lit RCS loop flow meters - flow lowering Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NURLEG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
- 1. Reset to IC 993
- 2. Reset control rods and check group step counters
- 3. Place Master Annunciator Silence pushbutton lockout ring in LOCKOUT position
- 4. Advance chart recorder paper
- 5. Tagout 2E MDAFP as follows:
"* Place control switch in pull-to-lock
"* Place clearance tag on control switch
"* Activate remote function FWR61, final value RO
- 6. Go to RUN and acknowledge/clear alarms
- 7. Activate the following pre-load malfunctions:
CC02B (2W CCW pump fails to auto start)
RP13A (phase A isol./ train A auto failure)
RP13B (phase A isol./ train B auto failure)
RP19G (ECCS slave relay failure)
RP20G (ECCS slave relay failure)
RP20B (AB EDG slave relay failure)
(continued on next page)
Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Event 2
- 1. Trigger malfunction CCOIA (2E CCW pump trip) after crew has placed Main Feedwater pump in service.
Event 3
- 2. Trigger malfunction RX02B, final value 650 (NTP-121 fails hi) after crew has recovered from CCW pump trip.
Event 5
- 3. Trigger malfunction RX20A, final value 4e+6 (MFC-1 10 fails hi) after crew has completed an appropriate power change.
Event 6
- 4. Trigger malfunction CV1 3A (2E CCP trip) after crew has recovered from steam flow instrument failure.
Event 7
- 5. Trigger malfunction RCIOD, final value 60, ramp 5:00 (SB LOCA) after crew has restored charging flow and at least 75 gpm of letdown.
(continued on next page)
Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Response to Crew's Requests:
- 1. If directed to monitor 2West Main Feed Pump report that all parameters are in tolerance and the Pump is running fine.
If directed to close 2-FW-105W, West Feed Pump Discharge Bypass wait 1 minute and report that the valve is Closed.
- 2. If required, Prompt Crew as Shift Manager to Restore Reactor Power/Temperature while waiting for bistables to be tripped.
If directed to trip bistables for NTP-121 (L2 RTD) use:
Override ZLOSTMC2[7] to ON to simulate opening cabinet Door (Override Lights/Relays - RX Flux panel)
Remote Bistable RPR123 TS-421C RPR124 TS-421D RPR125 TS-421G RPR126 TS-421H RPR127 TS-422D RPR128 TS-422G Override ZLOSTMC2[2] to ON to simulate lifting Test Rack Delete Override ZLOSTMC2[7] to simulate closing cabinet Door Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I
Response to Crew's Requests: (continued)
- 3. If directed to trip bistables for MFC-110 use:
Override ZLOSTMC2[6] to ON to simulate opening cabinet Door (Override Lights/Relays - RX Flux panel)
Remote Bistable RPR021 FS-512B RPRO17 FS-510A RPRO18 FS-510B Override ZLOSTMC2[1] to ON to simulate lifting Test Rack Delete Override ZLOSTMC2[6] to simulate closing cabinet Door
- 4. If directed to stop all ice condenser AHUs then activate remote function:
. CHRO1, final value OFF
- 5. If directed to secure EDG jacket water pumps then modify remote functions as follows:
EGR 03, select OFF then AUTO EGR 04, select OFF then AUTO Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D £n*n*rln N* rl'lln*
Facility: Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 Scenario No.: COOK02-04 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Examiners: Operators:
Initial Conditions: IC 992, 98% power, 8GWD, 753 ppm Boron, Equilibrium Xenon Turnover: Plant is at 98% reducing power to remove 2E MFP from service due to oil leak. 2E MDAFW OOS for breaker repairs.
Event No. Malf. No. Event Event Type* Description 1 N Place Main FW Pumps on Main Steam 2 R Reduce Reactor Power and Turbine Load 3 RX05A to I-RO PZR Level Channel NLP-151 Fails High (fail to 100% 100% over 5 minutes) 4 ED07B C-RO PZR HTR Transformer Fails (21 PHC fails) 5 101ACRAl C-BOP Loss of Main Control Room North Air Handling (Global) Unit 6 RX21C to I-BOP SG 22 FW Flow Transmitter FFC-220 Fails High 4E+6 7 ED10A C-BOP Loss of Instrument Bus CRID I (Disable Train A SSPS) 8 RP01A C-RO Failure of Reactor to Automatically Trip RP01B 9 FW01B at Major SG 22 FW Line Rupture Inside Containment 20% (ramp to 20% over 5 minutes - 4M Ibm/hr) 10 RP16B preload C-BOP Containment Spray Failure to Auto Actuate kIJJ i Ijdnn
,, krx)edULIVILy, kI)nstrument, (U)omponent, (M)ajor Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Summary Plant is at 98% reducing power to remove 2E MFP from service due to oil leak.
The crew will need to place the Main FW Pumps on Main Steam and then continue the power reduction.
After a short ramp, the Pressurizer Level Controlling Channel NLP- 151 will fail high. The RO will have to manually control level. The crew will need to implement an Abnormal Operating Procedure, trip bistables, select an operable channel, and restore Pressurizer Level controller to auto.
When the operable channel is selected, a failure of the PZR HTR Bus T2 1PHC will occur. The PZR SCR heater control will need to be transferred to T21PHA.
After the crew has addressed the failed Pressurizer channel, the North Control Room Air Handling Unit will trip. The crew will need to investigate the cause, start the South Air Handling Unit, and refer to Technical Specifications.
After the South Control Room Air Handling Unit is started, the #22 S/G FW Flow Transmitter FFC-220 will slowly fail high. The BOP will need to take manual control of the Feedwater Regulating Valve'FRV-220 to restore level. The crew will need to implement an Abnormal Operating Procedure, trip bistables, transfer to operable channel, and return FRV-220 to auto.
After the loss of the FW Flow Transmitter is addressed, Instrument Bus CRID I trips causing a loss of instrumentation, Train A SSPS Output, a FW Isolation and a subsequent Reactor Trip signal. The Reactor will not automatically trip and must be tripped by the RO.
The trip will cause a FW line break on the #22 SG requiring a Safety Injection.
All Train A SSPS equipment will need to be manually started or repositioned due to the loss of the CRID.
Additionally, Train B Containment Spray actuation will fail requiring manual initiation.
The crew should progress from E-0 to E-2. The scenario will terminate once a transition is made to ES-1. 1 SI Termination.
Critical Tasks Trip Reactor Actuate Containment Spray Isolate Faulted Steam Generator Procedures E-0 Reactor Trip or Safety Injection E-2 Faulted Steam Generator Isolation
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-04 Event No.: 1 Page I of 10 Event
Place Main FW Pumps on Main Steam Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Directs BOP to place MFP's on Main Steam as per 02-OHP-4021 001-003 Power Reduction Steps 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 NOTE:
Performs the following for Each Main FW Pump BOP Places MFP on Main Steam:
Checks LP Turbine Inlet Pressure Recorder to determine Inlet pressure is -70 psig.
Raises MS Controller 2-RU-55/56 until 2-ARV-11/12, Bypass Steam to FPT High Flow Reg Valve opens.
Raises controller setpoint to 15 psig above LP Turbine Inlet Pressure (-85 psig)
Verifies Pressure on 2-API-1 1/12 West MFP Turbine Steam Stop/Inlet Pressure is stable about 15 psig above LP Turbine Inlet Pressure.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-04 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of 10 Event
Reduce Turbine Load and Reactor Power Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Calculates boric acid addition per 02-OHP 4021.005.001, Attachment 6, Boration or Dilution Volume Determination.
RO Briefs crew on reactivity plan for power reduction.
us Reviews reactivity plan Directs RO to commence Power Reduction in accordance with US 02-OHP 4021.001.003.
RO Commences power reduction:
Lowers turbine load (reactor power) using the load limiter.
Maintains Tave/Tref deviation within limits by boration and turbine load adjustments.
Ensures Axial Flux Difference (AFD) is maintained within target band by manual control rod movement as needed.
US Acts as reactivity manager by peer checking RO during blender operations and by verifying appropriate reactivity feedback.
BOP Monitors and maintains main electrical generator temperatures within limits per:
02-OHP 4021.059.001, Generator Stator Cooling Water System 02-OHP 4021.080.003, Generator Hydrogen Gas System Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-04 Event No.: 3 Page 3 of 10 Event
Pressurizer Level Channel (NLP-151) Fails High Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Recognizes and reports annunciators on Panel #208 (Drops 3 and
- 1) indicative of a pressurizer (PRZ) level instrument failure.
RO Places 2-QRV-251, Charging Flow Controller OR PRZ Level Controller to manual and manually adjusts output to restore charging header flow and seal injection to normal.
us Enters and directs actions of 02-OHP 4022.013.010, Pressurizer Level Instrument Malfunction procedure.
RO Performs the following actions as directed:
- 1. Restores PRZ level using 2-QRV-251 or level controller
- 2. Reports 2-NLP-151 has failed
- 3. Ensures PRZ level control is in manual
- 4. Places PRZ Level CTRL selector switch in Ch 2 & 3 position
- 5. Places PRZ Level REC selector switch in 2 or 3 position
- 6. Nulls and returns 2-QRV-251 and PRZ Level Controller back to auto US Initiates actions to trip bistables associated with 2-NLP-151 PZR Level Failure per Attachment A of 02-OHP 4022.013.010.
US Refers to Tech Specs (TS):
"° TS RTS Instrumentation (Table 3.3-1, *Action 7)
"* TS Remote Shutdown Instrumentation
- Identifies requirement to trip associated bistables within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of pressurizer level channel failure.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-04 Event No.: 4 Page 4 of 10 Event
Pressurizer Heater Transformer (TR21 PHC) Fails Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports annunciators on Panel #208 (Drops 46 RO and 50) indicative of a pressurizer (PRZ) heater power supply failure.
US/RO Reenergizes PRZ control (cycling) group heaters per OHP 4024.208 Drop 46 annunciator response, as follows:
"* Opens breaker CB21PHC6
"* Closes breaker CB21 PHA6 RO Monitors PRZ pressure response and ensures normal PRZ heater operations for PHA supplied heaters.
us Refers to Tech Specs (TS):
- TS 3.4.4 Pressurizer (Action a) due to a loss of 1 train of pressurizer heaters.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUR-EG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-04 Event No.: 5 Page 5 of 10 Event
Loss of Main Control Room North Air Handling Unit Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP Recognizes and reports annunciator on Panel #203 (Drop 23) indicative of the loss of the North Control Room Air Handling Unit.
US/BOP Starts the South Control Room Air Handling Unit per OHP 4024.203 Drop 23 annunciator response by placing the South Ctrl Room Air HDLG Unit to RUN.
(May attempt 1 restart of the North Control Room Air Handling Unit per ARP)
US Refers to Tech Specs (TS):
- TS Control Room Emercjency Ventilation System (Action a) due to a loss of 1 heating and cooling system.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-04 Event No.: 6 Page 6 of 10 Event
SG 22 Feedwater Flow Transmitter (FFC-220) Fails High Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Recognizes and reports annunciators on Panel #213 (Drop 34)
BOP which are indicative of a feedwater flow instrument failure.
BOP Places 2-FRV-220, SG 22 MFW Reg. Valve controller to manual, raises controller output to match the operable feed flow channel with steam flow, and restores SG 22 level to program.
Us Enters and directs actions of 02-OHP 4022.013.015, Feedwater Flow Instrument Malfunction procedure.
BOP Performs the following actions as directed:
- 1. Restores SG 22 level using manual control of 2-FRV-220
- 2. Reports 2-FFC-220 has failed
- 3. Places 2-FS-520-C selector switch in channel 2 position.
- 4. Nulls and returns 2-FRV-220 controller to auto.
Initiates actions to trip bistables associated with 2-FFC-220 FW US Flow Failure per Attachment B-1 of 02-OHP 4022.013.015.
US Refers to Tech Specs RTS Instrumentation (Table 3.3-1, Action 7). Identifies requirement to trip associated bistables within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of steam flow channel failure.
Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit2 I NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-04 Event No.: 7/8 Page 7 of 10 Event
Loss of Instrument Bus (CRID I) / Failure of Automatic Reactor Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior CREW Recognizes the need to manually trip the reactor (feedwater isolation occurs on SGs 21 and 24).
CREW Manually opens reactor trip breakers in response to (either):
9 Multiple parameters approaching reactor trip Critical 0 Failure of reactor to trip automatically (ATWS setpoint alarms)
Task #1 Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-04 Event No.: 9/10 Page 8 of 10 Event
Feed Line Rupture Inside CNTMT I Automatic CNTMT Spray Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Directs RO/BOP to perform the immediate actions of E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.
RO/BOP Performs the immediate actions of E-0:
- 1. Checks reactor trip
- 2. Checks turbine trip
- 3. Checks power to AC emergency buses
- 4. Checks safety injection status US Ensures immediate actions of E-0 are completed US Directs subsequent actions of E-0.
CREW If the crew identifies the faulted SG prior to entering E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation they may take the following actions in accordance with OHI-4023, EOP Users Guide:
"* Isolates feedwater to 22 Steam Generator
"* Closes Steam Generator Stop Valves US/RO 1. Manually actuates CNTMT Spray (Train B will actuate)
- 2. Manually aligns/starts CNTMT Spray Train A:
- Opens 2-IMO-210, 2E CTS Pump Discharge Valve Task #2
- Opens 2-1MO-211, 2E CTS Pump Discharge Valve
- Opens 2-1MO-202, Spray Additive Tank Outlet Valve
- Starts 2E Containment Spray Pump RO Stops all Reactor Coolant Pumps RO/BOP Places Distributed Ignition System (DIS) in service:
- 1. Dispatches operator to stop all ice condenser AHUs
- 2. Starts all hydrogen igniters Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-04 Event No.: 9/10 Page 9 of 10 Event
Feed Line Rupture Inside CNTMT / Automatic CNTMT Spray Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP Manually controls AFW flow to maintain SG narrow range levels 13% - 50% once one SG narrow range level is greater than 13%.
RO Manually starts ECCS pumps (Train A):
"* 2E RHR pump
"* 2N Sl pump RO Manually aligns Train A emergency safeguard systems:
"* CCW
"* ECCS RO Attempts to manually actuate Train A - Phase A Containment /
Containment Ventilation Isolation RO/BOP Performs manual actions of E-0 Attachment A (for Train A components which failed to start/reposition) as directed by US.
Closes all Train A - SGSV Dump valves BOP Completes all actions of E-0 through step 21 (Check If SG CREW Secondary Pressure Boundaries Are Intact).
Us Announces transition to E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation (at step 21 of E-0).
US Directs actions of E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation.
US/BOP Identifies 22 steam generator as faulted Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No,: Cook 02-04 Event No.: 9/10 Page 10 of 10 Event
Feed Line Rupture Inside CNTMT / Automatic CNTMT Spray Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US/BOP Manually closes the following valves for SG 22:
- 2-FMO-221, TDAFP discharge Critical 0 2-FMO-222, MDAFP discharge Task #3 0 2-MCM-221, TDAFP steam supply
- 2-DCR-302, blowdown sample valve NOTE: The following should be checked closed
"* 2-FRV-220, feedwater reg. Valve
"* 2-FMO-202, feedwater isolation valve
"* 2-MRV-220, SG Stop Valve
"* 2-MRV-223, PORV
"* 2-DCR-320, blowdown isolation valve Closes 2-DRV-407, SG stop valve drain valve BOP RO/BOP Performs the following as directed:
"* Resets containment isolation phase A
"* Directs chemistry to sample all SGs for activity CREW Determines that ECCS flow should be reduced Announces transition to ES-1.1 Sl Termination (at step 8 of E-2).
us TERMINATE SCENARIO Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Task Elements Results
- 1 Cueing: SAT /UNSAT Symptoms which require a reactor trip (i.e.,
Manually Trip Reactor loss of feedwater flow to SGs)
Challenge to multiple reactor trip instrumentation setpoints (i.e.):
Lo SG Level with FF/SF mismatch Lo-Lo SG level RX TRIP BKR TRAIN A/B UV TRIP (ATWS) alarms Performance Indicators:
Manually open at least one reactor trip breaker from the control room.
Reactor trip breaker must be opened prior to exceeding the RCS pressure safety valve limit of 2485 psig).
Performance Feedback:
RPIs indicate rods - fully inserted Rod bottom lights - lit Neutron flux - lowering
- 2 Cueingq: SAT/UNSAT Containment pressure > 2.9 psig:
Actuate Containment
- E-0, step 5, Check CTS not required Performance Indicators:
"* Manually actuate Train B CTS or manually align and start Train A CTS.
"* One train of CTS must be in service prior to exceeding a Red Path on the Containment (Z) CSFST (containment pressure of 12 psig).
Performance Feedback:
- Flow is indicated on at least one train of Containment Spray Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Task Elements Results
- 3 Cueing:
SAT / UNSAT E-2, steps 1, 2 and 5 Isolate Faulted Steam Steam generator pressure lowering Generator RCS temperature lowering Performance Indicators:
"* Isolate SG 22 by closing:
MFW valves AFW valves TDAFP steam supply valves SG Stop valve SGBD sample valves
"* SG 22 must be isolated before transitioning out of E-2 Performance Feedback:
RCS cooldown stops Depressurization of intact SGs stop Feedwater flow to affected SG stops Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I
- 1. Reset to IC 992
- 2. Reset control rods and check group step counters
- 3. Place Master Annunciator Silence pushbutton lockout ring in LOCKOUT position
- 4. Advance chart recorder paper
- 5. Tagout 2E MDAFP as follows:
Place control switch in pull-to-lock Place clearance tag on control switch Activate remote function FWR61, final value RO
- 6. Go to RUN and acknowledge/clear alarms
- 7. Activate the following pre-load malfunctions:
RP01A (Reactor Trip / Train A auto failure)
RP01B (Reactor Trip / Train B auto failure)
RP16B (CTS / Train B auto failure)
- 8. Assign "PRZLevelSel23" to trigger E3, Assign "lmf ED07B" to trigger E3
- 9. Assign "RTB Open" to trigger El, Assign "lmf FW01 B @ 20% over 5 minute ramp" to trigger El (continued on next page)
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Event #3
- 1. Trigger malfunction RX05A, initial value 54, final value 100, ramp 5:00 (NLP-151 fails hi over 5 min.) after crew has demonstrated ability to lower power.
Event #4
- 2. (Set on Trigger E3) Trigger malfunction ED07B (PZR heater transformer fails) when an operable PZR level channel is selected.
Event #5
- 3. Trigger Global malfunction 101ACRAI (Loss of Control Room North Air Handling Unit) after crew has recovered from the PZR level instrument and heater power supply failure.
Event #6
- 4. Trigger malfunction RX21C, final value 4,000,000 (FFC-220 fails hi) after the crew has restored control room ventilation.
Event #7
- 5. Trigger malfunction ED10A (Loss of CRID 1) after the crew has recovered from the feedwater flow instrument failure.
Event #9
- 6. (Set on Trigger El) Trigger malfunction FW01B, final value 20, ramp 5:00 (SG22 FW line rupture over 5 min.) upon reactor trip.
(continued on next page)
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Response to Crew's Requests:
- 1. If directed to trip bistables for NLP-151 use:
Override ZLOSTMC2[6] to ON to simulate opening cabinet Door (Override Lights/Relays - RX Flux panel)
Remote Bistable RPR041 LS-459A Override ZLOSTMC2[1] to ON to simulate lifting Test Rack Delete Override ZLOSTMC2[6] to simulate closing cabinet Door
- 2. Ifdirected to trip bistables for FFC-220 use:
Override ZLOSTMC2[6] to ON to simulate opening cabinet Door (Override Lights/Relays - RX Flux panel)
Remote Bistable RPR023 FS-520A RPR024 FS-520B Delete Override ZLOSTMC2[6] to simulate closing cabinet Door
- 3. If contacted to locally check CRID I inverter, then report CRID I is on alternate (DC) power supply.
- 4. If contacted to locally place 2CD1 battery charger in service then activate remote function EDR75, final value 2CD1.
- 5. Ifcontacted to locally check 2CD2 battery charger, then report charger has lost power supply.
- 6. Ifdirected to stop all ice condenser AHUs then activate remote function CHR01 to OFF.
- 7. If directed to secure EDG jacket water pumps then modify remote functions as follows:
EGR 03, select OFF then AUTO EGR 04, select OFF then AUTO Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 Scenario No.: COOKO2-05 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Examiners: Operators:
Initial Conditions: IC990, 99.8% power, 8GWD, 752 ppm Boron, Equilibrium Xenon, Turnover: Swap NESW Pumps, reduce power to remove 2W MFP from service due to a clogging condenser. 2W MDAFW OOS Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description 1 N Start South NESW Pump and Stop the North NESW pump.
2 R Reduce Reactor Power and Turbine Load 3 SW08B to C- 2E Essential Service Water Pump Right Strainer 75%, BOP Clogged (fails to auto backwash) {ZDI101S2E to Manual}
4 RX17C to I-BOP S/G 21 Pressure Transmitter MPP-212 Fails High 100%
5 RX04A to I-RO Pressurizer Pressure Channel NPP-151 Fails High 100%
6 RC17C to C-RO Pressurizer PORV NRV-153 Fails Open.
7 RC01A at Major Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident on Loop 1 50%
8 RP19D - C-RO Slave Relay Failure: 2E RHR and SI Pumps Fail to Preload Auto Start 9 RH01B C- 2W RHR Pump Trips 15 minutes after SI BOP (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Summary The crew is directed to start South NESW Pump and shutdown the North NESW pumps. After NESW Pumps have been swapped, the crew is required to reduce power due to a clogging condenser on the West MFP.
The first event will be a clogged strainer on the 2E Essential Service Water Pump. The Strainer will fail to swap automatically to the standby strainer and backwash. The BOP will be required to select the correct strainer and manually backwash.
Next SG 21 Pressure Channel MPP-212 will fail high, requiring the BOP to take manual control and close the SG PORV valve. The crew should implement an Abnormal Operating Procedure, stabilize the plant, trip bistables, and declare SG PORV Radiation Monitor Inoperable.
The controlling Pressurizer Pressure channel NPP- 151 will fail high. The RO will need to take manual control of the Pressurizer Pressure controller and restore pressure. The crew should implement an Abnormal Operating Procedure, stabilize the plant, trip bistables, select an operable channel, and restore pressure control to auto.
A short time later Pressurizer PORV NRV- 152 will open and fail to fully close. The block valve for NRV-152 will need to be manually closed.
Shortly after the PORV failure, a LOCA will develop resulting in a large break LOCA. The plant will trip and Safety Injection will actuate. As the crew performs the actions of E-0 they will note that the 2E RJIR. and SI pumps failed to auto start on the SI due to a slave relay K6 10 failure. The crew will transition to E-1 and to ES-1.3 to align for cold leg recirculation. The 2W RHR will trip 15 minutes into the event. The crew will have to align ECCS to the recirculation sump without the 2W RHR pump. The scenario will terminate when the crew has aligned ECCS for cold leg injection.
Failure of the K610 coil prevents the following equipment from operating automatically during a Safety Injection:
(2 98367)
- 1. Safety Injection Pump 2N Will Not Automatically Start
- 2. Residual Heat Removal Pump 2E Will Not Automatically Start
- 3. Charging Pump 2E Will Not Automatically Start
- 4. Component Cooling Pump 2E Will Not Automatically Start
- 5. Will Not Energize K610-XI & K610-X2 which:
"* Prevents ESW Pump 1W From Automatically Starting
- Prevents Damper HV-ACRDA4 From Automatically Closing
- Prevents Fans HV-AES1, 2HV-ACRF1 & IHV-ACRFI From Automatically Starting Critical Tasks Establish Low Pressure SI (RHR)
Establish Cold Leg Recirculation Procedures E-0 Reactor Trip or Safety Injection E-1 Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant ES-1.3 Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: I Page 1 of 14 Event
Start South NESW Pump and Stop the North NESW pump Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Directs BOP to start the South NESW Pump and shutdown the North NESW pump as per 12-OHP-4021-0202-002, Attachment 1 "Placing An Additional NESW Pump In Service Or Removing A Pump From Service."
BOP Starts South NESW pump after verifying its discharge valve 2 WMO-902 is open.
BOP 0 Stops the North NESW Pump after closing the discharge valve 2-WMO-901.
0 Re-opens North NESW Pump discharge valve.
US/BOP Notifies Chemistry of NESW alignment change.
Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of 14 Event
Reduce Turbine Load / Reduce Reactor Power Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Calculates boric acid addition per 02-OHP 4021.005.001, Attachment 6, Boration or Dilution Volume Determination.
RO Briefs crew on reactivity plan for power reduction.
US Reviews reactivity plan.
US Directs RO to commence Power Reduction in accordance with 02-OHP 4021.001.003.
RO Commences power reduction:
Lowers turbine load (reactor power) using the load limiter.
Maintains Tave/Tref deviation within limits by boration and turbine load adjustments.
Ensures Axial Flux Difference (AFD) is maintained within target band by manual control rod movement as needed.
US Acts as reactivity manager by peer checking RO during blender operations and by verifying appropriate reactivity feedback.
BOP Monitors and maintains main electrical generator temperatures within limits per:
02-OHP 4021.059.001, Generator Stator Cooling Water System 02-OHP 4021.080.003, Generator Hydrogen Gas System Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 3 Page 3 of 14 Event
2E ESW Pump Strainer Clogged (fails to auto backwash)
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Recognizes and reports Panel #204, Drop 55, EAST ESW PUMP STRAINER DP HIGH alarm.
US/BOP Identifies that the 2E ESW pump strainer failed to automatically backwash.
BOP Manually backwashes the 2E ESW pump strainer per 02-OHP 4024-204, Drop 55:
, May elect to have U-1 start the 1W ESW pump.
0 Places strainer control in MANUAL
- Places backwash selector in RIGHT STN GATE CLOSED
- Depresses manual BACKWASH pushbutton US/BOP Ensures DP high alarm clears and initiates/discusses need for a condition report to address failure of auto backwash.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG- 102 1, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Oip-Test No.: Set__._2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 4 Page 4 of 14 Event
SG 21 Pressure Transmitter (MPP-212) Fails High Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP Recognizes and reports annunciators on Panel #214 which are indicative of a steam pressure instrument failure and a SG PORV being open (Drops 21, 44).
BOP Manually closes 2-MRV-213, SG 21 PORV.
Monitors thermal/reactor power indications to detect potential RO effects of additional steam flow.
Enters and directs actions of 02-OHP 4022.013.012, Steam US Generator Pressure Instrument Malfunction procedure.
BOP Performs the following actions as directed:
- 2. Reports 2-MPP-212 has failed
- 3. Ensures 2-MRV-213, SG 21 PORV in manual Declares 2-MRA-2601, Loop 1 Steam Line Radiation Monitor US inoperable.
Initiates actions to trip bistables associated with 2-MPP-212 Steam US Generator Pressure Instrument Failure per Attachment A-3 of 02 OHP 4022.013.012.
US Refers to Tech Specs ESFAS Instrumentation (Table 3.3 3, *Action 14) and Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation (Table 3.3-6, Action 22B)
- Identifies requirement to trip associated bistables within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of steam pressure channel failure.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG- 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 5 Page 5 of 14 Event
Pressurizer Pressure Channel (NPP-151) Fails High Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Recognizes and reports annunciators on Panel #208 indicative of a pressurizer (PRZ) pressure instrument failure (Drops 6, 7, 8).
RO Places PRZ pressure master controller OR both PRZ spray valve controllers (2-NRV-163 and 164) to manual and lowers controller output to close spray valves.
US Enters and directs actions of 02-OHP 4022.013.009, Pressurizer Pressure Instrument Malfunction procedure.
May enter Technical Specification 3.2.5 DNB and Tave Operatinq Parameters if Pressure lowers to <2200 psig.
RO Performs the following actions as directed:
- 1. Restores PRZ pressure using manual control of EITHER:
- PRZ pressure master controller
'Both PRZ spray valve controllers
- 2. Reports 2-NPP-151 has failed
- 3. Ensures PRZ pressure master controller is in manual
- 4. Places PRZ Press Ctrl selector switch in Ch 2 & 3 position
- 5. Places the following recorder switches in Ch 2, 3 or 4 position:
- PRZ Press Rec selector
- Delta T selector
- Overpower Delta T selector
- Overtemp Delta T selector
- 6. Verifies 2-QMO-225, E CCP Leakoff is open
- 7. Dispatches Aux operator to open breaker from 2-QMO-225
- 8. Checks 2-NLP-151, PRZ Level Channel 1 and 2-NLI-151, PRZ Level Cold Calibration instruments for failure
- 9. Nulls and returns the following controllers to auto:
- Both PRZ spray valve controllers
- PRZ pressure master controller US Declares the 2E Centrifugal Charging Pump inoperable.
US Initiates actions to trip bistables associated with 2-NPP-151 PZR Pressure Failure per Attachment A of 02-OHP 4022.013.009.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 5 Page 6 of 14 Event
Pressurizer Pressure Channel (NPP-151) Fails High Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Refers to Tech Specs (TS):
0 TS RTS Instrumentation (Table 3.3-1, *Action 6) 0 TS ESFAS Instrumentation (Table 3.3-3, *Action 14)
- TS Remote Shutdown Instrumentation
- TS 3.5.2 ECCS Subsystems 0 TS Rx Control Systems Charging Pumps - Operating
- Identifies requirement to trip associated bistables within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of pressurizer pressure channel failure.
Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 6 Page 7 of 14 Event
Pressurizer PORV (NRV-153) Fails Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Recognizes and reports annunciators on Panel #208 (Drop 23, 24, 45 and 8) indicative of a pressurizer PORV opening.
US/RO Isolates failed open PORV per 02-OHP 4024.208, Drop 23:
"* Attempts to manually close 2-NRV-153 PRZ PORV
"* Manually closes 2-NMO-153, 2-NRV-153 PRZ PORV Block Valve US Declares 2-NRV-153 inoperable, refers to Tech Spec 3.4.11 RCS Relief valves - Operating and complies with Action b:
- Within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> close and remove power from the PORV block valve (2-NMO-1 53).
May enter Technical Specification 3.2.5 DNB and Tave Operating Parameters if Pressure lowers to <2200 psig.
RO Monitors PRZ pressure control system and ensures pressure returns to normal conditions (-2235 psig).
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG- 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
A-'ppendix LD Actions
- m* i 0
/penlxUOperator l*nrrn nm=M0 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 7/8/9 Page 8 of 14 Event
Large Break LOCA 2E RHR Pump and 2N SI Pump Fails to Auto Start 2W RHR Pump Trips (after 15 minutes)
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Recognizes automatic reactor trip/safety injection and directs RO/BOP to perform the immediate actions of E-0, Reactor Trip and Safety Injection.
RO/BOP Perform the immediate actions of E-0:
- 1. Checks reactor trip
- 2. Checks turbine trip
- 3. Checks power to AC emergency buses
- 4. Checks safety injection status US Ensures immediate actions of E-0 are completed RO/BOP Reviews E-0 Foldout Page Criteria.
us Directs subsequent actions of E-0.
RO Performs the following actions as directed:
0 Checks CTS actuated 0 Checks cntmt isol phase B actuated
- Stops all RCPs
- Verifies CEQ fans running 0 Verifies CEQ fan suction dampers open
- Verifies CEQ fan CCW valves open
- Dispatches operator to locally secure ice condenser AHUs
BOP Manually controls AFW flow to maintain SG narrow range levels 13% [24%] - 50% once one SG narrow range level is > 13% [24%].
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG- 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 7/8/9 Page 9 of 14 Event
Large Break LOCA 2E RHR Pump and 2N SI Pump Fails to Auto Start 2W RHR Pump Trips (after 15 minutes)
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Checks all ECCS pumps running and manually starts:
- 2E RHRpump Critical 0 2N SI pump Task #1 BOP/RO Obtains Attachment A of E-0 and performs the following:
"* Places 2-HV-ACRF-1, (non-running) control room pressurization fan in stop
"* Places 2-HV-ACR-DA-1, c/r vent intake damper to ISOL
"* Places cntmt hydrogen sample bypass switches to bypass:
Train A Train B CREW Completes all actions of E-0 through step 23 (Check If RCS Is Intact).
US Announces transition to E-1, Loss Of Reactor Or Secondary Coolant (at step 23 of E-0).
RO/BOP Reviews E-1 Foldout Page Criteria (see NOTE regarding cold leg switchover criteria).
When RWST level lowers to < 25% then the crew must immediately Transition to ES-1.3, Transfer To Cold Leg Recirculation.
See Page 10 of 13 for applicants actions or behavior associated with ES-1.3, Transfer To Cold Leg Recirculation.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 7/8/9 Page 10 of 14 Event DEescription: Large Break LOCA 2E RHR Pump and 2N SI Pump Fails to Auto Start 2W RHR Pump Trips (after 15 minutes)
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Directs actions of E-1, Loss Of Reactor Or Secondary Coolant.
RO/BOP Acknowledges Annunciator 206, Drop 50, RHR PUMPS MOTOR OVERLOAD TRIP and reports 2W RHR pump trip.
BOP Maintains SG narrow range levels 26% - 50%.
RO/BOP Performs the following as directed:
- 1. Resets both trains of Safety Injection
- 2. Stops running Emergency Diesel Generators (EDGs)
- 3. Dispatches operator to secure EDG jacket water pumps US/RO Identifies and reports that the 2W RHR pump has tripped:
, Recognizes Train B has lost recirculation capability 0 Verifies at least one train of cold leg recirculation capability exists
RO/BOP Performs the following as directed
- 1. Opens control air valves to containment
- 2. Directs chemistry to initiate post accident sampling US Check if transfer to cold leg recirculation is required (RWST
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 7/8/9 Page 11 of 14 Event
Large Break LOCA 2E RHR Pump and 2N SI Pump Fails to Auto Start 2W RHR Pump Trips (after 15 minutes)
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Applicants actions or behavior associated with ES-1.3, Transfer To Cold Leg Recirculation.
US Announces transition to ES-1.3, Transfer To Cold Leg Recirculation when RWST level <.25% per:
- E-0, Foldout Page, Criteria 3
- E-1, Foldout Page, Criteria 5 9 E-1, Step 13.
US Directs actions of ES-1.3,. Transfer To Cold Leg Recirculation RO/BOP Checks CCW return flow on each RHR Hx at 3000-3500 gpm.
RO/BOP Checks the following prior to switching over to cold leg recirc:
"* RWST level <20%
"* Cntmt water level > MIN RECIRC LEVEL
-T US/RO Directs/Performs switchover as follows:
NOTE: If RWST level < 9% then stop CCPs and Si pumps.
Critical I. Stops and locksout East CTS pump Task #2 2. Stops and locksout East RHR pump
- 4. Initiates valve closure:
- 2-IMO-310, East RHR pump suction
- 5. Stops and locksout West CTS pump
- 6. Stops and locksout West RHR pump
- 8. Initiates valve closure:
"* 2-IMO-320, West RHR pump suction
"* 2-IMO-225, West CTS pump suction from RWST Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 7/8/9 Page 12 of 14 Event
Large Break LOCA 2E RHR Pump and 2N SI Pump Fails to Auto Start 2W RHR Pump Trips (after 15 minutes)
I Time Position, Applicant's Actions or Behavior US/RO Continues to direct/perform switchover as follows:
- 9. Restores control power to 2-ICM-305, Recirc sump to east Critical RHRICTS pumps Task #2 10. Checks 2-ICM-305 open interlock:
- 2-IMO-310 fully closed
- 2-IMO-215 fully closed
- 11. Opens 2-ICM-305
- 12. Starts:
- East RHR pump
- East CTS pump
- 13. Restores control power to 2-ICM-306, Recirc sump to west RHR/CTS pumps
- 14. Checks 2-ICM-306 open interlock:
- 2-IMO-320 fully closed
- 2-IMO-225 fully closed
- 15. Opens 2-ICM-306
- 16. May attempt to start the West RHR pump (1 restart allowed)
- 17. Starts the West CTS pump
- 19. Resets CTS actuation
- 20. Closes spray additive tank valves:
- 2-IMO-202, outlet valve
- 2-IMO-204, outlet valve
- 2-IMO-212, eductor supply valve
- 2-IMO-222, eductor supply valve I
US Directs BOP to perform Attachment A, Splitting CCW Trains while continuing with ES-1.3 procedure body steps.
Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 7/8/9 Page 13 of 14 Event
Large Break LOCA 2E RHR Pump and 2N SI Pump Fails to Auto Start 2W RHR Pump Trips (after 15 minutes)
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP Independently performs the following actions of Attachment A:
- 1. Checks both CCW pumps running
"* 2-CMO-412
"* 2-CMO-414
- 3. Checks east CCW pump running
- Checks east CCW train valves open:
2-CMO-415, east CCW hx outlet to misc services 2-CMO-41 1, CCW suction header crosstie
- Closes west CCW train valves:
2-CMO-416, west CCW hx outlet to misc services 2-CMO-413, CCW suction header crosstie
2-CMO-419 (EAST Hx) 2-CMO-429 (WEST Hx)
US/RO Continues to directlperform switchover as follows:
Critical "* 2-WMO-712, to east hx Task #2 "* 2-WMO-714, from east hx
- 2-WMO-716, to west hx
- 2-WMO-718, from west hx
- 2-IMO-910
- 2-IMO-911
- 23. Checks RWST level < 11 %
- 24. Closes SI pump discharge crosstie valves:
- 2-IMO-270
- 2-IMO-275
- 2-IMO-262
- 2-IMO-263 Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG- 1021, Revision 8, Supplement I
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-05 Event No.: 7/8/9 Page 14 of 14 Event
Large Break LOCA 2E RHR Pump and 2N SI Pump Fails to Auto Start 2W RHR Pump Trips (after 15 minutes)
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior USIRO Continues to directs/perform switchover as follows:
- 26. Resets and closes CCP leakoff valves:
- 2-QMO-225 Task #2 0 2-QMO-226
- 28. Establishes crosstie between SI pump/CCP suction:
- Opens 2-IMO-361
- Opens 2-IMO-362
- Checks open 2-IMO-360
- 30. Isolates RWST:
"* Restores power and closes 2-IMO-390, RHR pump suction from RWST
" Restores power and closes 2-IMO-261, SI pump suction from RWST
"* Closes CCP suction from RWST valves:
2-IMO-910 2-IMO-911
TERMINATE SCENARIO Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Task Elements Results
- 1 Cueing: SAT I UNSAT
- Check ECCS Pumps ALL running (E-0, Step 11)
Manually starts e Check RHR Hx Flow Indicated (E-0, Step 12.e) 2E RHR pump
- Check Cold Leg Recirc Capability (E-1, Step 11)
(one low-head ECCS pump) Performance Indicators:
"* Starts the 2E RHR pump and ensures at least one train of low-head ECCS available for cold leg recirculation.
"* Must be performed prior to ES-1.3, Step 6.g "Check At Least One RHR Pump - Running On Recirculation Sump."
Performance Feedback:
- 2E RHR pump red run light lit
- 2E RHR pump current indicated
- 2E RHR pump flow indicated
- 2 Cueing: SAT /UNSAT
- E-0 Foldout Page, Criteria 3 (switchover criteria)
Establish Cold Leg
- E-0 Foldout Page, Criteria 5 (switchover criteria)
Recirculation Flow
- E-1, Step 13, Check For Transfer To CL Recirc.
Performance Indicators:
- At least one train of ECCSICTS running aligned to the containment sump.
Performance Feedback:
- At least one train of ECCSICTS pumps running I indicating flow with suction aligned to Recirc Sump.
Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
- 1. Reset to 10 990
- 2. Reset control rods and check group step counters
- 3. Place Master Annunciator Silence pushbutton lockout ring in LOCKOUT position
- 4. Advance chart recorder paper
- 5. Tagout 2W MDAFP as follows:
Place control switch in pull-to-lock Place clearance tag on control switch Activate remote function FWR62, final value RO
- 6. Go to RUN and acknowledge/clear alarms
- 7. Activate the following pre-load override/malfunction:
ZDI101S2E, final value Manual (2E ESW strainer control switch)
RP19D (ECOS slave relay failure)
- 8. Assign file TrnASI {RP:K603(1) == -1} to trigger El Assign Malfunction RHOIB with a 15 minute delay to trigger El (continued on next page)
Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Event #3
- 1. Trigger malfunction SW08B, final value 75 (2E ESW strainer clogged) after crew has demonstrated ability to lower power.
Event #4
- 2. Trigger malfunction RX17C, final value 1200 (MPP-212 fails hi) after crew has manually backwashed the ESW strainer.
Event #5
- 3. Trigger malfunction RX04A, final value 2500 (NPP-151 fails hi) after crew has recovered from the SG pressure instrument failure.
Event #6
- 4. Trigger malfunction RC17C, final value 50 (NRV-153 fails open) after crew has recovered from the PRZ pressure instrument failure.
Event #7
- 5. Trigger malfunction RC01A, final value 50 (LB LOCA - loop 1) after crew has recovered from the failed open PRZ PORV.
Event #9
- 6. (Set on Trigger El)Trigger malfunction RHOIB (2W RHR pump trip) 15 minutes after Si actuation.
(continued- on next page)
Cook Plant Unit I &,Unit 2 NUREG- 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Response to Crew's Requests:
(Note: Do NOT remove malfunction - backwashing will NOT remove clog, the crew must select the left strainer)
If contacted to start the Unit I West ESW pump use:
Mrf SWRO2 to Start
- 2. Ifdirected to trip bistables for MPP-212 use:
Override ZLOSTMC2[9] to ON to simulate opening cabinet Door (Override Lights/Relays - RX Flux panel)
Remote Bistable RPRO96 PS-516C RPR097 PS-516D Override ZLOSTMC2[4] to ON to simulate lifting Test Rack Delete Override ZLOSTMC2[9] to simulate closing cabinet Door (continued on next page)
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Response to Crew's Requests:
- 3. Ifdirected to trip bistables for NPP-151 use:
Override ZLOSTMC2[6] to ON to simulate opening cabinet Door (Override Lights/Relays - RX Flux panel)
Remote Bistable RPR076 PS-455A RPR077 PS-455B RPR078 PS-455C RPR079. PS-455D RPRI17 TS-411C RPRI18 TS-411D Override ZLOSTJMC2[1l to ON to simulate lifting Test Rack Delete Override ZLOSTMC2[9] to simulate closing cabinet Door
- 4. If contacted to remove power from 2-QMO-225, then activate global malfunction (YG) 101QM0225 for breaker 2-ABV-D-5C.
- 5. If contacted to remove power from 2-NMO-153, then activate global malfunction (YG) 101 NMO153 for breaker 2-EZC-D-3D.
- 6. Ifdirected to stop all ice condenser AHUs then activate remote function CHROI to OFF.
- 7. If contacted to restore power to 2-QMO-225, then delete global malfunction (YG) 101QM0225 for breaker 2-ABV-D-5C.
- 8. If directed to secure EDG jacket water pumps then modify remote functions as follows:
EGR 03, select OFF then AUTO EGR 04, select OFF then AUTO Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
-Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 Scenario No.: COOK02-06 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Examiners: Operators:
Initial Conditions: IC994, 79% power, 8GWD, Xenon Equilibrium, Tave 5670 F Turnover: Raise Power to 100%.Maintain 120 gpm letdown due to elevated lithium in RCS.
2AB DG has been running at 3500KW on Bus T21A for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. Synchronize to T21B as per step 4.27 and then unload and shutdown to complete surveillance. 2W MDAFP OOS.
Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description 0 CV013B 2W Centrifugal Charging Pump Trip (fail to start) 1 N Synchronize 2AB EDG to T21B, Unload, and
_ _Shutdown 2 R Raise Reactor Power and Turbine Load 3 RX04A to I-RO Pressurizer Pressure Channel NPP-1 51 Fails Low 1700 4 CV04C C-RO 75 gpm Letdown Orifice Isolation Valve QRV-162 Fails Closed 5 RX18 to 0 I-BOP Main Steam Turbine Bypass Header Pressure UPC 101 Fails Low (Steam Input to FWP Delta-P) 6 RX04C to Major PZR Pressure Channel NPP-1 53 Fails Low, 1700 (generating Reactor Trip and SI Signals) 7 RP01A, C-RO Reactor Fails to Automatically Trip RP01B, Preload 8 TC03 - C-BOP Turbine Fails to Automatically Trip Preload 9 ED05H C-BOP Loss of 4KV Bus T21 D (Loss of E CCP and E MDAFP) on the Reactor Trip 10 FW46C C-BOP Turbine Driven AFW pump Trips on Reactor Trip Loss of Heat Sink criteria established kU-J)urmal, kR*)eactlvlty, (t)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I
Summary The Scenario begins at 79% raising to 100% following a forced outage. The power escalation is on hold pending the completion of the 2AB DG Operability Test. Once the BOP reduces DG load, ties the DG to T21 B bus, and shuts down the DG, a relief operator will complete the paperwork and the power escalation may resume.
After the power change, NPP-1 51 Pressurizer Pressure Channel fails low. The RO will need to take manual control. The crew will implement an Abnormal Operating Procedure, trip bistables, select an operable channel, and restore pressure control to automatic.
The letdown orifice valve will fail closed as bistables are being tripped. The RO will need to restore Letdown through a different valve.
After letdown is restored, the Main Steam Turbine Bypass Header Pressure UPC-1 01 Fails Low (Steam Input to FWP Delta-P) fails low causing the FW pumps to slow down. The BOP will need to take manual control of FW Pump Speed to establish the proper DP to continue feeding the SGs.
On the failure of NPP-1 53, a SI signal is generated. The automatic Reactor Trip fails requiring the RO to manually trip the Reactor. The automatic Turbine Trip fails requiring the BOP to manually trip the Turbine.
On the Reactor trip, a fault occurs on bus T21 D and, separately, the TDAFP trips on mechanical overspeed. The BOP must shutdown the CD DG to prevent the cyclic loading attempts.
The crew will implement E-0 and transition to FR-H. 1 loss of Heat Sink within the first few steps. Once FR-H. 1 is implemented, the crew will be required to trip the RCPs and initiate feed and bleed. The crew will direct actions to restore FW and should dispatch an operator to reset and start the TDAFP. The scenario will terminate once flow is restored to the SGs.
Critical Tasks Trip Reactor Establish RCS Feed and Bleed Procedures E-0 Reactor Trip or Safety Injection FR-H. I Response to Loss of Heat Sink
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-06 Event No.: 1 Page I of 9 Event
Synchronize 2AB EDG to T21B, Unload, and Shutdown Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US/BOP Reviews 02-OHP-4030-STP-027AB, AB Diesel Generator Operability Test (Train B) Attachment 1.
US Directs BOP to Synchronize EDG to Bus T21B as per step 4.27 BOP Synchronize EDG to Bus T21 B as follows:
Lower load to 2750 kW for 10 minutes.
Lower Load to 1750 kW for 10 Minutes Lower Load to 900 kW Place DG2AB 4KV CB T21B4 Sync Selector in MAN Place DG2AB 4KV CB T21 B4 to CLOSE Place DG2AB Synchronize Master Close in CLOSE when sync is at 12 o'clock.
Place DG2AB 4KV CB T21 B4 Sync Selector in OFF Open DG2AB 4KV CB T21A11.
US Directs BOP to Shutdown 2AB as per step 4.27.11 through 4.29 BOP Shutdown 2AB as follows:
Lower load to 500 kW for 10 minutes.
Open DG2AB 4KV CB T21B4.
Adjust DG2AB Speed to 60Hz.
Run DG for 2 minutes unloaded.
Stop DG2AB by placing DG2AB Stop-Run Switch to STOP.
US/RO Independently verify that DG2AB 4KV CB's T21Al1 and T21B4 are open.
BOP Turnover DG Surveillance to relief operator.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG- 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-06 Event No.: 2 Page 2 of 9 Event
Raise Turbine Load I Raise Reactor Power Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Calculates primary water addition per 02-OHP 4021.005.001, Attachment 6, Boration or Dilution Volume Determination.
RO Briefs crew on reactivity plan for power escalation.
US Reviews reactivity plan US Directs RO to commence Power Escalation in accordance with 02-OHP 4021.001.006.
RO Commences power escalation:
Raises turbine load (reactor power) using the load limiter.
Maintains Tave/Tref deviation within limits by dilution and turbine load adjustments.
Ensures Axial Flux Difference (AFD) is maintained within target band by manual control rod movement as needed.
US Acts as reactivity manager by peer checking RO during blender operations and by verifying appropriate reactivity feedback.
BOP Monitors and maintains main electrical generator temperatures within limits per:
02-OHP 4021.059.001, Generator Stator Cooling Water System 02-OHP 4021.080.003, Generator Hydrogen Gas System Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-06 Event No.: 3 Page 3 of 9 Event
Pressurizer Pressure Channel (NPP-151) Fails Low Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Recognizes and reports annunciators on Panel #208 indicative of a pressurizer (PRZ) pressure instrument failure (Drops 8, 9, 10).
US Enters and directs actions of 02-OHP 4022.013.009, Pressurizer Pressure Instrument Malfunction procedure.
RO Performs the following actions as directed:
- 1. Restores PRZ pressure using manual control of EITHER:
- PRZ pressure master controller
- Both PRZ spray valve controllers
- 2. Reports 2-NPP-151 has failed
- 3. Ensures PRZ pressure master controller is in manual
- 4. Places PRZ Press Ctrl selector switch in Ch 2 & 3 position
- 5. Places the following recorder switches in Ch 2, 3 or 4 position:
- PRZ Press Rec selector
- Delta T selector
- Overpower Delta T selector
- Overtemp Delta T selector
- 6. Verifies 2-QMO-225, E CCP Leakoff is open
- 7. Dispatches Aux operator to open breaker from 2-QMO-225
- 8. Checks 2-NLP-151, PRZ Level Channel 1 and 2-NLI-151, PRZ Level Cold Calibration instruments for failure
- 9. Nulls and returns the following controllers to auto:
"* Both PRZ spray valve controllers
"* PRZ pressure master controller US Declares the 2E Centrifugal Charging Pump inoperable.
US Initiates actions to trip bistables associated with 2-NPP-151 PZR Pressure Failure per Attachment A of 02-OHP 4022.013.009.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG- 1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-06 Event No.: 3 Page 4 of 9 Event
Pressurizer Pressure Channel (NPP-151) Fails Low Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US Refers to Tech Specs (TS):
"* TS RTS Instrumentation (Table 3.3-1, *Action 6)
"* TS ESFAS Instrumentation (Table 3.3-3, *Action 14)
"* TS Remote Shutdown Instrumentation
"* TS Rx Control System Charging Pump - Operating
- Identifies requirement to trip associated bistables within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of pressurizer pressure channel failure.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-06 Event No.: 4 Page 5 of 9 Event
75 GPM Letdown Orifice Valve (QRV-162) Fails Closed Time Position L Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO Identifies and reports rise in pressurizer (PRZ) level due to reduction in letdown flow (of 75 gpm) as a result of 2-QRV-162 failing closed.
U*/I'c*U Isolates letdown and minimizes charging flow to that amount required for seal injection.
US Directs RO to restore normal 120 gpm letdown (using 2-QRV-161, 75 gpm letdown orifice) per 02-OHP-4021-003-001, Attachment 13.
RO Restores normal letdown per Attachment 13 as follows:
- 1. Places 2-QRV-302 in divert position
- 2. Checks/adjusts charging flow to > 75 gpm
- 3. Verifies orifice isolations closed (QRV-160, 161 and 162)
- 4. Opens 2-CRV-470, CCW from letdown hx outlet controller
- 5. Verifies open letdown isolation valves:
- 2-QCR-300, CVCS letdown cntmt isol
- 2-QCR-301, CVCS letdown cntmt isol
- 2-QRV-1 11, RC letdown to regen hx
- 2-QRV-1 12, RC letdown to regen hx
- 6. Adjusts 2-QRV-301, letdown pressure controller to 50% output
- 7. Opens 2-QRV-161, 75 gpm letdown orifice isolation
- 8. Adjusts 2-QRV-301 to maintain 160 - 350 psig on 2-QPC-301
- 9. Places 2-QRV-301 in auto (if desired)
- 10. Nulls and returns 2-CRV-470 controller to auto
- 11. Adjusts charging flow as required to maintain PRZ level
- 12. Places PRZ level control in automatic if desired)
- 13. Places 2-QRV-302 in normal (demineralizer) position when letdown temperature is stable.
Note: RO should continue, placing the 45 gpm letdown orifice in service as follows:
- 14. Adjusts 2-QRV-301, to lower letdown pressure to -160 psig.
- 15. Raises charging flow to match expected letdown flow.
- 16. Opens 2-QRV-160, 45 gpm letdown orifice isolation
- 17. Adjusts 2-QRV-301 to control letdown pressure 160-350 psig.
- 18. Places 2-QRV-301 in auto (if desired)
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-06 Event No.: 5 Page 6 of 9 Event
Main Steam Turbine Bypass Header Pressure UPC-101 Fails Low (Steam Input to FWP Delta-P)
Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP Recognizes and reports annunciators on Panel #216, 213, and 214 and indications which are indicative of a failure affecting main feedwater to all steam generators (SGs):
"* All SG levels lowering
"* All feedwater regulating valves opening
"* Main feedwater pumps speed lowering BOP Places MFP differential pressure controller in manual and raises output (raise MFW discharge pressure / flow) to match feedwater flow with steam flow and restore SG levels to program.
CREW Identifies that 2-UPC-1 01, main steam bypass header pressure instrument has failed low affecting actual low side pressure input to the MFP differential pressure controller.
BOP Monitors/adjusts MFP differential pressure to restore SG levels to program.
RO Monitors thermal/nuclear power during feedwater transient.
Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-06 Event No.: 6/7/8/9/10 Page 7 of 9 Event
PZR Press Channel (NPP-153) Fails Low - Reactor Trip Signal Reactor Fails To Automatically Trip Turbine Fails To Automatically Trip Loss of 4KV Bus T21 D On Reactor Trip Turbine Driven AFW Pump Trips On Reactor Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior CREW Recognizes the need to manually trip the reactor (2/4 PRZ pressure channels failed low).
CREW Manually opens reactor trip breakers in response to (either):
"* PRZ pressure < reactor trip/safety injection setpoints Critical "* Failure of reactor to trip automatically (ATWS alarms)
Task #1 US Directs RO/BOP to perform the immediate actions of E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.
RO Performs the (primary) immediate actions of E-0:
- 1. Checks reactor trip
- 2. Checks safety injection status BOP Performs the (secondary) immediate actions of E-0:
- 1. Recognizes turbine failed to automatically trip:
- Manually actuates turbine trip
- Trips CD EDG or places T21 D8 in PTL to prevent cyclic loading attempts US Ensures immediate actions of E-0 are completed US Directs subsequent actions of E-0.
Announces transition to FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary US/BOP Heat'Sink per E-0, Step 7.a. - RNO (SG narrow range levels off scale low and no AFW flow).
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-06 Event No.: 6/7/8/9/10 Page 8 of 9 Event
PZR Press Channel (NPP-153) Fails Low - Reactor Trip Signal Reactor Fails To Automatically Trip Turbine Fails To Automatically Trip Loss of 4KV Bus T21 D On Reactor Trip Turbine Driven AFW Pump Trips On Reactor Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO/BOP Reviews foldout page for FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink.
US Directs actions of FR-H.1, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink..
- Recognizes no CCPs available
"* Trips all RCPs
"* Goes to Step 18 of FR-H.1 (RCS Bleed and Feed)
CREW Initiates RCS bleed and feed:
Task #2
- South SI pump running
- ECCS monitor lights in proper status
- 3. Establishes RCS bleed path
- Checks PRZ PORV block valves energized and open
- Places all (3) PRZ PORV switches to open position
- 4. Resets SI
- 5. Resets containment isolation phase A
- 6. Opens control air to containment valves:
- 2-XCR-100
- 2-XCR-101
- 2-XCR-102
- 2-XCR-103
- 7. Checks bleed path:
- All 3 PRZ PORVs open
- All 3 PRZ PORV block valves open
- 8. Perform E-0, Steps 5 - 17 (as time permits)
US/BOP Continues attempts to establish secondary heat sink:
Dispatches operator to reset TDAFP mechanical overspeed.
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Appendix D Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: Set 2 Scenario No.: Cook 02-06 Event No.: 6/7/8/9/10 Page 9 of 9 Event
PZR Press Channel (NPP-153) Fails Low - Reactor Trip Signal Reactor Fails To Automatically Trip Turbine Fails To Automatically Trip Loss of 4KV Bus T21 D On Reactor Trip Turbine Driven AFW Pump Trips On Reactor Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior US/BOP Relatches and restarts TDAFP BOP Restores AFW flow to the SGs from the TDAFP.
TERMINATE SCENARIO Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Task Elements Results
- 1 Cueing: SAT/ UNSAT
"* Challenge to multiple reactor trip setpoints:
Manually Trip Low PRZ pressure reactor trip Reactor Low PRZ pressure safety injection
"* RX TRIP BKR TRAIN A/B UV TRIP (ATWS) alarms Performance Indicators:
"* Manually open at least one reactor trip breaker from the control room.
"* Must be performed prior to:
SG Dryout (<15% wide range level)
Exceeding RCS safety valve limit (2485 psig)
Performance Feedback:
"* RPIs indicate rods - fully inserted
"* Rod bottom lights - lit
"* Neutron flux - lowering
- 2 Cueing: SAT/ UNSAT
- Enters FR-H.1 at Step 7 of E-0 (Check AFW Flow)
Establish RCS
- Commences bleed and feed actions from Step 7 Bleed (and Feed) when it has been determined that no CCPs are running.
Performance Indicators:
"*Stops all RCPs (extends time to SG dryout)
"* Opens all PRZ PORVs (establishes bleed path)
"* Must be performed prior to SG Dryout (<15%
wide range level)
(Note: RCS Feed initiatedby automatic SI)
Performance Feedback:
"* PRZ PORV red lights lit
- PRZ PORV tailpipe temperatures rising
"* PRT pressure/temperature/level rising Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I
- 1. Reset to IC 994
- 2. Reset control rods and check group step counters
- 3. Place Master Annunciator Silence pushbutton lockout ring in LOCKOUT position
- 4. Advance chart recorder paper
- 5. Tagout 2W MDAFP as follows:
Place control switch in pull-to-lock Place clearance tag on control switch Activate remote function FWR62, final value RO
- 6. Go to RUN and acknowledge/clear alarms
- 7. Activate the following pre-load malfunctions:
CV013B (2W CCP fails to start)
RP01A (Auto reactor trip / train A failure)
RP01 B (Auto reactor trip / train B failure)
TC03 (Main turbine auto trip failure)
- 8. Assign "RTB Open" to trigger El, Assign Imf ED05H and Imf FW46C to trigger El (continued on next page)
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I
Event #3
- 1. Trigger malfunction RX04A, final value 1700 (NPP-151 fails lo) after crew has demonstrated ability to raise power.
Event #4
- 2. Trigger malfunction CV04C, final value 0 (QRV-162 fails closed) when the final bistables are being tripped for PZR pressure instrument failure.
Event #5
- 3. Trigger malfunction RX18, initial value 850, final value 0, ramp 1:00 (UPC-101 fails lo over 1 min.) after the crew restores normal letdown.
Event #6
- 4. Trigger malfunction RX04C, final value 1700 (NPP-153 fails lo - RT/SI signal) after the crew recovers from the feedwater transient.
Events #9/10
- 5. (Set up on Trigger EI)Trigger the following malfunctions when the reactor trip is tripped manually:
"* ED05H (Loss of 4KV Bus T21D)
"* FW46C (TDAFP trip)
(continued on next page)
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Response to Crew's Requests:
- 1. Act as the Local DG Operator as required.
After the DG has been secured, be sure to reset the Jacket Water Pump by modify remote function EGR 03, select OFF then AUTO.
After DG has been secured, report as an extra RO to complete the DG paperwork.
- 2. Ifdirected to trip bistables for NPP-151 use:
Override ZLOSTMC2[6] to ON to simulate opening cabinet Door (Override Lights/Relays - RX Flux panel)
Remote Bistable RPR076 PS-455A RPR077 PS-455B RPR078 PS-455C RPR079 PS-455D RPRI17 TS-411C RPR118 TS-411D Override ZLOSTMC2[1] to ON to simulate lifting Test Rack Delete Override ZLOSTMC2[6] to simulate closing cabinet Door (continued on next page)
Cook Plant Unit I & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement 1
Response to Crew's Requests:
- 3. Ifdirected to remove power from 2-QMO-225, then activate global malfunction (YG) 101 QM0225 for breaker 2-ABV-D-5C.
- 4. If contacted as chemistry regarding loss of normal letdown, then request 120 gpm normal letdown should be placed in service ASAP due to elevated lithium.
- 5. Ifdirected to locally reset the TDAFP mechanical overspeed device, delay/wait until RCS bleed and feed has been initiated (all PRZ PORVs open), then delete malfunction FW46C and reportto the control room that the TDAFP mechanicaloverspeed device has been reset locally.
- 6. Ifdirected to stop all ice condenser AHUs then activate remote function CHR01 to OFF.
- 7. If directed to secure EDG jacket water pumps then modify remote functions as follows:
03, select OFF then AUTO EGR 04, select OFF then AUTO Cook Plant Unit 1 & Unit 2 NUREG-1021, Revision 8, Supplement I