L-16-004, Sixth Six-Month Status Report in Response to March 12. 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049)

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Sixth Six-Month Status Report in Response to March 12. 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049)
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 02/26/2016
From: Belcher S
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
EA-12-049, L-16-004, TAC MF0841, TAC MF0961
Download: ML16057A103 (43)


{{#Wiki_filter:FENOC 76 South Main Street Akron. Ohio 44308 Samuel L. Belcher President and Chief Nuclear Officer February 26, 2016 L-16-004 10 CFR 2.202 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-001


Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR-66 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Docket No. 50-346, License No. NPF-3 FirstEnergv Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC's) Sixth Six-Month Status Report in Response to March 12. 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Reguirements for Mitigation Strategies for Bevond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049) (CAC Nos. MF0841 and MF0961) On March 12, 2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or Commission) issued an order (Reference 1) to FENOC. Reference 1 was immediately effective and directs FENOC to develop, implement, and maintain guidance and strategies to maintain or restore core cooling, containment, and spent fuel pool cooling capabilities in the event of a beyond-design-basis external event. Specific requirements are outlined in Attachment 2 of Reference 1. Reference 1 required submission of an initial status report 60 days following issuance of the final interim staff guidance (Reference 2) and an overall integrated plan pursuant to Section IV, Condition C. Reference 2 endorses industry guidance document Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 12-06, Revision 0 (Reference 3) with clarifications and exceptions identified in Reference 2. Reference 4 provided the FENOC initial status report regarding mitigation strategies. Reference 5 provided the FENOC overall integrated plan for Beaver Valley Power Station (BVPS), Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (DBNPS), and Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP). Reference 1 requires submission of a status report at six-month intervals following submittal of the overall integrated plan. Reference 3 provides direction regarding the content of the status reports. The purpose of this letter is to provide the sixth six-month status report pursuant to Section IV, Condition C.2, of Reference 1, that delineates

Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station L-16-004 Page 2 progress made in implementing the requirements of Reference 1. The attached reports for BVPS and DBNPS (Attachments 1 and 2, respectively) provide an update of milestone accomplishments since the last status report, including any changes to the compliance method, schedule, or need for relief/relaxation and the basis, if any. This letter contains no new regulatory commitments. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact Mr. Thomas A. Lentz, Manager - Fleet Licensing, at 330-315-6810. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on February 2^,2016. Respectfully, Samuel L. Belcher Attachments:

1. Beaver Valley Power Station Sixth Six-Month Status Report for the Implementation of Order EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events
2. Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Sixth Six-Month Status Report for the Implementation of Order EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events


1. NRC Order Number EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events, dated March 12, 2012.
2. NRC Interim Staff Guidance JLD-ISG-2012-01, Compliance with Order EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events, Revision 0, dated August 29, 2012.
3. NEI 12-06, Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies (FLEX) Implementation Guide, Revision 0, dated August 2012.
4. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC's) Initial Status Report in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated October 26, 2012.
5. FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company's (FENOC's) Overall Integrated Plan in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events (Order Number EA-12-049), dated February 27, 2013.

Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station L-16-004 Page 3 cc: Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) NRC Region I Administrator NRC Region III Administrator NRC Resident Inspector (BVPS) NRC Resident Inspector (DBNPS) NRC Project Manager (BVPS) NRC Project Manager (DBNPS) Director BRP/DEP (without Attachments) Site BRP/DEP Representative (without Attachments) Utility Radiological Safety Board (without Attachments)

Attachment 1 L-16-004 BeaverValleyPowerStationSixthSix-Month StatusReportfor the lmplementation of OrderEA-12-049, OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents Page1 of 6 1 lntroduction FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company (FENOC) developed an OverallIntegrated Plan(OlP)for BeaverValleyPowerStation,UnitNos.1 and2 (Reference 1 in Section8),documenting the diverseandflexiblestrategies(FLEX),in response to Reference 2. Thisattachment providesan updateof milestone accomplishments since the laststatusreport,including anychangesto the compliance method,schedule, or needfor relief/relaxation andthe basis,if any. The informationreportedpertainsto Unit No. 1 only. (UnitNo.2 compliance withReferen ce 2 was achievedand reportedby letterdatedDecember 21,2015.) 2 MilestoneAccomplishments Thefoflowingmilestone(s) havebeencompleted sinceJuly31,2015andarecurrentas of February12,2016. o Update5 wassubmitted o CompleteConstruction (FLEXstorage) o CompleteNearSiteStagingLocation(as needed) o lssueMaintenance procedures 3 MilestoneScheduleStatus Thefollowingprovidesan updateto Attachment 2of the OlP. lt providesthe activity statusof eachitemandwhetherthe expectedcompletion datehaschanged.Thedates are planning datessubjectto changeas designand implementation detailsare developed. The milestones relatedto BVPSUnitNo.2 wereremovedfromtheschedulebecause compliance withReference 2 wasachieved. Thereare no revisedmilestone targetcompletion dates.

Attachment 1 L-16-004 Page2 of 6 RevisedTarget Target Activity Status Gompletion Milestone CompletionDate (as of 21121161 Date SubmitFLEXIntegratedlmplementation Plan 02t28t13 Complete 6 MonthNRCStatusUpdates 08t28t16 Started Update 1 08t28t13 Complete Update 2 02t28t14 Complete Update3 08t28t14 Complete Update 4 02t27t15 Complete Update5 08t28t15 Complete Update6* 02t28t16 Started Update 7* 08t28116 NotStarted CompleteFLEXStrategyReview March-2O13 Complete Validation September-2016 Started Walk-throuqhsor Demonstrations-U nit 1* September-2016 Started GompleteStaffinqAnalvsis November-2014 Complete SubmitNEI12-01Phase1 StaffinsStudv April-2013 Complete SubmitNEI12-01Phase2 StaffinqStudv November-2014 Complete CompletePlantModifications November-2016 Started Targetplantmodifications April-2013 Complete Unit1 Modificationscomplete November-2016 Started Complete1R22outagemodifications November-2013 Complete Completeon-linemodifications September-2016 Started Complete 1 R23 outaqe modificafions Mav-2015 Complete Complete1R24outagemodificafions* November-2016 Started FLEXStorageGomplete October-2015 Complete CompleteBuildinq Desiqn March-2O15 Complete CommenceConstruction March-2O15 Complete CompleteConstruction October-2015 Complete River(UHS)AccessComplete October-2014 Complete Fence & Gate Modification Desi,gn February-2014 Complete NewFence& GateConstruction Auqust-2014 Complete SecuritvBarrierPipe PenetrationsDesron March-2014 Complete SecurityBarrierPipe Penetration Construction October-2014 Complete On-siteFLEXEquipment September-2016 Started ConfirmFLEX EquipmentReouirements November-2013 Complete FLEXEquipmentOrdered April-2015 Complete FLEX EquipmentDelivered-Unit1* September-2016 Started Off-site FLEX Equipment October-2015 Complete DevelopStrateqies withRRC*** June-2015 Complete Phase3 StfeAccess Strategiesin Place June-2015 Complete CompleteNearSrfeSfagrngLocation(as needed) October-2015 Complete ProceduresGomplete October-2016 Started PWROG rssues NSSS-specific quidelines June-2013 Complete

 /ssueBeaverVallevUnit 1 FSG"              October-2016     Started
 /ssue Maintenance Procedures              October-2015    Complete

Attachment 1 L-16-004 Page3 of 6 RevisedTarget Target Activity Status Completion Milestone CompletionDate (as of 2l,121161 Date Training Gomplete September-2016 Started Develop Traininq Plan December-2014 Complete lmplementUnit 1 Training* September-2016 Started Submit Gompletion Report January-2017** Not Started

   " Milestones addedasa resultof relief/relaxationfor Unit1 (Reference4)
  ** Submittal of completion reportoccursafterendof refueling  outage.
  ""*Regional  Response   Center(RRC)is nowcalledNational     SAFERResponse    Center  (NSRC) 4    Changesto ComplianceMethod Thereare no furtherchangesto the compliance        methodas documented       in the OIP (Reference   1) and   previous  updates.

5 Needfor Relief/Relaxation and Basisfor the Relief/Relaxation Refief/relaxation of the Referen ce 2 requirement for completion of fullimplementation for BeaverValleyPowerStationUnitNo. 1 (BVPS-1)untilthe completion of thefallof 2016refueling outagefor reactorcoolantpumpshutdown(RCP)sealinstallation was grantedon May20,2014(Reference 4). 6 Open Itemsfrom OverallIntegratedPlanand InterimStaff Evaluation Thefollowingtablesprovidea summaryof the openitemsdocumented in the OIPor the InterimStaffEvaluation (lSE)(Reference 3) andthe statusof eachitem. OverallInteqratedPlanOpenltem Status Ol 1. Finalizethe locationof the FLEXstorage Complete.(Described in building.Thedeployment routes,distances, and February-2014 statusreport timesprovidedin thisreportare boundedfor the and updatedin the currentlyproposedlocations butwillbe updatedas February-2015 statusreport.) necessary. Ol 2. Performcontainment evaluationbasedon the Complete.(Described in boundaryconditions describedin Section2 of NEI February-2015 statusreport.) [Nuclear Energy Institute]12-06.Basedon the resultsof thisevaluation, requiredactionsto ensure maintenance of containment integrity and required instrument functionwillbe developed. Ol 3. Modifythe RWST[refueling waterstorage Complete.(Described in tanklat eachunitto protectit fromtornadomissiles February-2014 statusreport.) or identifya boratedsourcethat is protectedfrom tornadosandcanbe utilizedto providecorecooling whensteamqenerators are notavailable. L-16-004 Page4 of 6 InterimStaff EvaluationOpen ltem Status[turbine driven Started. auxiliaryfeedwaterl pumpexhauststacksare adequately protected fromtornadomissilehazards. of thegenericconcern Complete. (Describedin associated withthe modelingof the timingand February-2014status report.) uniformityof the mixingof a liquidboricacid solutioninjectedintothe RCS[reactorcoolant systemlundernaturalcirculation conditions potentiallyinvolving two-phase flow. ISEConfirmatoryltem Status that primary andsecondary Complete. (Described in stagingareasfor the RRC[regionalresponse August-2015 statusreport.) centerlequipment havebeenselectedandwill meet the requirements of the applicable siteresponse plan. Confirmthatthe primaryandsecondary Complete.(Described in stagingareashavebeenidentified andthatthe plan August-2015 statusreport.) for the useof offsiteresourceswill complywith NEI12-06,Section6.2.3.4regarding the needto evaluatefor floodinghazard Thisconfirmation shouldincludea description of the methodsto be usedto deliverthe equipment to the site. Confirmthatthe locationof the storage Complete.(Described in andprotection buildingfor FLEXequipment has August-2015 statusreport.) beenidentified.Confirmthatthe FLEXstorage buildingis designed to withstand tornadomissiles at a levelequalto, or greaterthan,the plant'stornado missiledesignbasis. licensee's planfor the Complete.(Described in use of offsiteresources wouldprovidereasonable August-201 5 statusreport.) assurance thatthe planwillcomplywithNEI12-06, Section7.3.4resardinq hiqhwindhazards. licensee's planforthe Complete.(Described in useof offsiteresources wouldprovidereasonable August-201 5 statusreport.


assurance thattheplanwillcomplywithNEI12-06 Section8.3.4regarding snow,iceandextremecold hazards. licensee hasverifiedthat Complete.(Described in relianceon the NOTRUMP codefor the ELAP August-2015 statusreport.


[extendedlossof AC power]analysisof Westinghouse plantsis limitedto theflowconditions priorto refluxcondensation initiation. Thisincludes specifying an acceptable definitionfor reflux condensation coolinq. L-16-004 Page5 of 6 ISEGonfirmatoryltem Status thattheapplication of the Complete. (Describedin WCAP-17601 analysis simulatingthe ELAP August-2015 status report.) transientis properlv established.,if the licensee continues to Complete.(Describedin creditSHIELDshutdown seals,as planned, (e.9., August-201 5 statusreport.) 1 gallonperminuteleakage/seal) in the ELAP analysesfor the RCSresponse, thenthe impactsof theWestinghouse 10CFRPart21 report, "Notificationof the PotentialExistenceof Defects Pursuant to 10CFRPart21:'datedJuly26,2013 (ADAMSAccession No.M1132114168) on the use of the lowsealleakageratein the ELAPanalysis areaddressed. thatif thesealsarechanged, the Complete. (Describedin acceptabilityof the sealsusedis addressed, and August-2015 status report.) the RCPsealleakageratesfor usein the ELAP analysisare iustified. 3.2.2.ASincethe RWSTsare notcurrently fully Complete.(Described in protected againsttornadomissiles,confirmthatthe February -2014 statusreport.) licenseehascompleted theirreviewto determine whetheror notthe RWSTwillneedto be further protected againstmissilehazards. Complete.(Described in adequateventilation for SFPlspentfuelpoollarea. Auqust-201 5 statusreport.) 3.2.3.AConfirmthatcontainment evaluations for all Complete.(Described in phasesare performed basedon the boundary February-2015statusreport.) conditions described in Section2 of NEI12-06. Basedon the resultsof thisevaluation, confirmthat requiredactionsto ensuremaintenance of containment integrity and requiredinstrument functionhavebeendeveloped. licensee hasclarified Complete.(Described in whythe Integrated Planstatedthe maximum August-2015 statusreport.) temperature of the Unit1/Unit2 AFW [auxiliary feedwaterl pumproomswouldreach115.91112.3 degreesFahrenheit ('F), respectively,while Calculation 8700-DMC-2312, described duringthe auditprocess,indicated thatthe maximum temperature wouldreach142.9"F. licensee hasprovided an Complete.(Described in analysisor calculation to demonstrate thatthe August-2015 status report.


dissipation of heatgenerated by the batteries via naturalcirculation willbe adequateto maintainthe temperatures in the batteryroomswithinacceptable levels. L-16-004 Page6 of 6 ISEConfirmatorvltem Status licensee hasaddressed Complete.(Described in howhydrogenconcentration in the batteryrooms August-201 5 statusreport.) willbe limitedto acceptable levels. licensee hascompleted Complete.(Described in a reviewof Unit1 AFW roomanddeveloped any August-201 5 statusreport.


plansrequired to maintain a suitable environment. 3.4.A Confirmthatthe licenseehasfullyaddressed Complete. (Describedin considerations (2)through(10)of NEI12-06, August-z}'l5 statusreport.


Section12.2,MinimumCapability of Off-Site Resources, whichrequireseachsiteto establish a meansto ensurethe necessary resources willbe availablefromoff-site. 7 PotentialInterimStaffEvaluationlmpacts Thereare no potentialimpactsto the ISEidentified at thistime. I References Thefollowingreferences supportthe updatesto the OIPdescribedin thisattachment. 1 . FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company's (FENOC's) OverallIntegrated Planin Response to March12,2012Commission OrderModifying Licenses withRegard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(OrderNumberEA-12-049), dated February 27,2013. 2 . NRCOrderNumberEA-12-049, OrderModifying Licenses withRegardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents, datedMarch12,2012. 3 . BeaverValleyPowerStation,Units1 and2 - InterimStaffEvaluation RelatedTo OverallIntegrated PlanIn Response To OrderEA-12-049 (MitigationStrategies), datedJanuary29,2014. 4 . NRCLetter,BeaverValleyPowerStation,Unit1 - Relaxation of the Schedule Requirements for OrderEA-12-049"lssuanceof Orderto ModifyLicenses with Regardto Requirements for MitigationStrategies for BeyondDesign Basis Externaf Events"(TACNo.MF0841), datedMay20,2014.

Attachment2 L-16-004 Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStationSixthSix-Month StatusReportfor the fmplementation of OrderEA-12-049, OrderModifying Licenses withRegardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents Page1 of 34 1 Introduction FirstEnergy NuclearOperating Company(FENOC) developed an OverallIntegrated Plan(OlP)for Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation(Reference 1 in Section8), documenting the diverseandflexiblestrategies (FLEX),in response to Reference2. Thisattachment providesan updateof milestone accomplishments sincethe laststatus report,includinganychangesto the compliance method,schedule, or needfor relief/relaxation andthe basis,if any. 2 MilestoneAccomplishments Thefollowingmilestone(s) havebeencompleted sinceJuly31,2015andare currentas of February12,2016. o Update5 wassubmitted o Submitted NuclearEnergyInstitute(NEl)12-01Phase2 StaffingStudy o CompleteBuildingDesign-EFWF [Emergency Feedwater Facility] o Developed strategieswithRRC[RegionalResponse Center(RRC)is nowcalled National SAFERResponse Center(NSRC)I o Phase3 SiteAccessStrategies in Place o CompleteNearSiteStagingLocation(as needed) o Develop TrainingPlan 3 MilestoneScheduleStatus Thefollowingprovidesan updateto Attachment 2of the OlP. lt providesthe activity statusof eachitemandwhetherthe expectedcompletion datehaschanged.Thedates are planningdatessubjectto changeas designand implementation detailsare developed. The followingmilestones replacedthe previousmilestones of FLEXStorageComplete: o FLEXStorageComplete - Emergency Feedwater Facility(EFWF) o Complete Building Design-EFWF

   . CommenceConstruction-EFwF o   CompleteConstruction-EFWF The revisedmilestone  targetcompletion datesdo not impactthe orderimplementation date.

Attachment 2 L-16-004 Page2 of 34 Target RevisedTarget Activity Status Gompletion Milestone Completion (as of 21121161 Date Date Submit FLEX IntegratedlmplementationPlan 02t28t13 Complete 6 Month NRC Status Updates 02t28t16 Started Update 1 08t28t13 Complete Update 2 02t28t14 Complete Update3 08128t14 Complete Update4 02t27t15 Complete Update 5 08t28t15 Complete Update 6 02t28116 Started Validation Mav-2016 Started Walk-throu,ghs or Demonstrations Mav-2016 Started GompleteStaffing Analysis October-2015 Complete SubmitNEI12-01Phase2 StaffinsStudv October-2015 Complete CompletePlantModifications Mav-2016 Started Targetplant modifications May-2013 Complete Modificationscomplete Mav-2016 Started Complete1Rl I outasemodifications June-2014 Complete* Completeon-linemodifications January-2016 Started March-2016 Complete1R19outasemodifications Mav-2016 Started CompleteCommunications Modifications Mav-2016 Started CompleteSFPLevellndication Modifications April-2016 Started FLEXStorageComplete- Emergency FeedwaterFaciliW(EFWF) Mav-2016 Started CompleteBuildinsDesisn-EFWF September-2015 Complete Commence Construction-EFwF June-2015 Complete Complete Construction-EFWF Mav-2016 Started On-siteFLEXEquipment February-2016 Started April-2016 ConfirmFLEX EquipmentRequirements October-2014 Complete FLEXEquipmentOrdered February-2016 Started FLEXEquipmentDelivered March-2016 Started April-2016 Off-siteFLEXEquipment Februarv-2016 Complete Develop Strate,gieswith RRC*** October-2015 Complete Phase3 S,feAccessStrateqies in Place October-2015 Complete CompleteNearSrfeSfagrngLocation(as needed) February-2016 Complete ProceduresComplete Mav-2016 Started PWROG r.ssuesNSSS-specific g uidelines Auoust-2013 Complete

 /ssue Davis-Besse   FLEX StrateqvGuidelines      May-2016            Started
 /ssueMaintenanceProcedures                       Mav-2016            Started TrainingComplete                                   May-2016            Started Develop Trainin,gPlan                         September-2015        Complete lmplement Traininq                               Mav-2016            Started SubmitGompletionReport                            July-2016**        Not Started
  • Modifications aretargetedfor 1R19andon-line; nonetargeted for 1R18.
    ** Submittalof completion reportoccursafterendof refuelingoutage.
    *"* Regional  Response Center(RRC)is nowcalledNational  SAFERResponse      Center(NSRC)

L-16-004 Page3 of 34 4 Changesto ComplianceMethod Thefollowing changesto thecompliance methodas documented in the OIP (Reference 1) arebeingmade.Thechangesdo notimpactcompliance withNuclear EnergyInstitute(NEl)12-06. Thefollowingdiscussion detailschangesto the copingstrategies plannedfor the Davis-BesseNuclearPowerStation(DBNPS) OIP: o OIPOpenltem(Ol 1)- Finalize locations for FLEXstoraoebuildinss. Deployment routes,distances, andtimescontained in the submittal are bounded for the currently proposed locations butwillbe updatedas necessary:As previously reported, a separateFLEXstoragebuildinghasbeeneliminated from the FLEXmitigation strategies.Construction of a newEmergency Feedwater Facility(EFWF)is in progress.Thisnewlyconstructed buildingwillbe usedfor FLEXstorage,andthe milestones in Section3 havebeenadjustedto reflectthat the construction pertainsto the EFWF.Thischangeconsidered howthe diverse locations for the storagebuildings areadequately protected. In particular, it addressed whetherthe chosenlocations areeitheradjacentto existingrobust structures or are in lowersectionsof buildings thatminimize the probability that missiles willdamageall mitigation equipment andif storedequipment wouldbe tieddown. Ratherthanutilizinga separate,newlyconstructed FLEXstorage building(usedsolelyfor FLEXstorage), thefollowing primary(N)FLEX equipment withthe associated cables,hoses,connections andfittingswillbe storedin otherrobuststructures (auxiliarybuildingor newlyconstructed EFWF) constructed to withstand designbasishighwind,missile(airborne object), seismic,flooding,andambienttemperature/snow/ice eventsor storedin diverse locations consistent withthe requirements of NEI 12-06.The FLEXN andthe N+1FLEXreactorcoolantsystem(RCS)chargingpumpswillbe storedin the auxiliary building.The Phase2 FLEXN 480volt(V)TurbineMarinegenerator, N alternatelow pressure (Alt feedwater LP EFW pump, N spentfuel pool (SFP) makeup/spray pump,andthe N emergency feedwater tank(EFWT) replenishment pumpwillbe storedin the EFWF.The FLEXN debrisremoval equipment willbe storedin a diverselocationwithinthe protected area approximately 1,500feet(ft)fromthe commercial building(SB-7)thatwillstore the FLEXN+1debrisremovalequipment, withthe containment andauxiliary buildingslocatedbetweenthe two locations actingas a barrieragainstmissiles for at leastoneof the debrisremovaltrucks.The EFWFandauxiliarybuilding storagelocations willhavea restraintsystemto preventFLEXequipment interactions withinstalled plantor FLEXcomponents duringa safeshutdown earthquake (SSE).No components willbe stackedor storedat a raised elevation thatcouldcauseinterference withthe deployment of any FLEX equipment.Whiledeployment timeto locationsinsidethe protected areaare decreased by a few minutes,deployment timesto the areasoutsidethe protected areaare increased by a few minutes.Actualdeployment timeswillbe confirmed duringstrategyvalidation in accordance with industry guidance. L-16-004 Page4 of 34 OIPOpenltem(Ol 2) - Finalizethe strateoyfor providinq a protected sourceof boratedwaterto supportFLEXstrateqies:FENOCidentified two sourcesof boratedwaterin responseto OIPOl 2, the boratedwaterstoragetank(BWST) andthe cleanwastereceivertank(CWRT).At thetime,FENOCidentified that the BWSTinventory couldnot be creditedfor mitigation followinga highwindor tornadoeventandthe CWRT,the creditedboratedwatersourcefollowinga high windevent,couldnotbe creditedfor mitigation followinga seismicevent. FENOCdetermined throughpreliminary evaluation thatthe CWRTin Room124 providesa protected sourceof boratedwaterfor all externalevents.The DBNPS FLEXchargingstrategywillutilizea fullyrobusttankfor the N capability (CWRT), witha fullyrobustCWRTFLEXboosterpump/charging pumpcombination. The chargingstrategyalsoemploysN+1capability by utilizing the BWSTwitha fullyrobustBWSTFLEXboosterpump/charging pumpcombination. The chargingstrategyincludesdiversityof suctionconnections anddischarge connections for eachcharging pump. Boththe BWSTand CWRTcanestablish suctionfromeitherthe BWST(via valveDH210in Room100)orthe CWRT(viavalveWCSOS in Room124).The suctionhoseis 3-inchhoseequippedwithcamlockconnectors for easeof installation. Boththe BWSTand CWRTcanestablishdischarge to eitherhighpressure injection (HPl)Train1 (viavalveHP212inRoom105)or HPITrain2(via valve HP214in Room115).Thedischarge hoseis 1.S-inch highpressure hose equipped with1.S-inch hammerunionfittingsto accommodate the highpressure. o InterimStaffEvaluation (lSE)Confirmatory ltem3.1.3.1.A - Confirmthatthe chosenstoraqelocations are sufficiently separated in distanceandaxiallyfrom the typicaltornadopathas compared to the localtornadodatafor tornadowidth: The changediscussed in Ol 1 above,considered the predominant pathof tornadosin the geographical location.NEI 12-06Section7.3.1specifies that FLEXequipment maybe storedin diverselocations considering high wind hazardsto providereasonable assurance thatN setsof FLEXequipment will remaindeployable.Basedon tornadowidthsfromthe NationalOceanicand Atmospheric Administration StormPrediction Centerfor 1950-2011, 1,200ft shouldbe considered as the minimumseparation distancefor whichfurther analysisis not requiredbecauseDBNPSis locatedwithinRegion1 of NEI 12-06 Figure7-2. Thediverselocationshouldalsoconsiderthe "typical" tornadopath for the site. As statedabove,the FLEXdebrisremovalequipment willbe stored in diverselocations, SB-7andoutside.Theselocations areapproximately 1,500ft apart,withthe containment andauxiliarybuildingslocatedbetweenthe two locations actingas a barrieragainstmissilesin a north-south arrangement. Withthe "typical"tornado path beingfromthe west-southwesterly directionfor DBNPS,theselocations willprovidefor protection of at leastoneof the debris L-16-004 Page5 of 34 removaltrucks.Basedon NEI 12-06,Revision0, thisis an alternate approach becausethe N FLEXequipment consistsof a combination of bothdebrisremoval vehiclesin orderto be protected fromall hazards.Consistent withthe alternate approach, the allowedoutagetimefortheequipment willbe 45 days,whichis consistentwiththe revisionto NEI 12-06(Revision 2). FLEXEquipment Storaoe- EFWFFunctional Description. As described in Ol 1 above,construction of a newEFWFis in progress.Engineering Change Package(ECP)13-0195installs the newEFWF,whichsupports the DBNPS FLEXmitigation strategy.The buildingstructureis designedto provide protectionfromseismicevents,flooding,stormswithhighwinds,snow,ice, extremecoldandextremeheat.A missile(airborne object)barrierdoorprotects the 1O-ftdeployment opening. The EFWFincludes a 290,000gallondedicated watersource,a 6,000gallon dieselfueloil tank(DFOT),connection pointsandstoragefor someN FLEX equipment.A soundpoweredphoneis beingincludedin thefacilityfor operator communications withthe controlroom.Twosatellitephoneantennasandcable areto be maintained in a storagelockerwithinthe EFWFfor deployment and connection in the EFWFto supportsatellitecommunications fromthe control room. The N Alt LP EFWpumpand N 480VTurbineMarinegenerator areto be staged in the EFWFin theirdeployment locations.Primaryconnection pointsfor these components willbe withinthe EFWF.The DFOTwillprovidefuelto the N 480V TurbineMarinegenerator and refuelingcapability to the N Alt LP EFWpump. The N EFWTreplenishment pump,N SFPmakeup/spray pump,and suction/discharge hosesareto be storedin the EFWFfor deployment. The earliestdeployment is at 16 hoursintotheeventto replenish the 290,000gallon EFWT.The replenishment connection pointis to be locatedwithinthe EFWF. The SFPmakeup/spray pumpwillbe deployedas required. o MaintainSFPCoolinqPhase2 Strategv- Useand Description of Emergency Feedwater (EFW) System.The OIPdescribedusingthe BWST,if available, or the intakecanal,if the BWSTis notavailable, as a suctionsourcefor makeupto the SFPduringPhase2. TheEFWT,whichis partof the EFWsystem,willalso be usedto supportthisstrategy. ECP13-0196installs the newEFWsystemandsupports the DBNPSFLEX Phase1 mitigation strategy.The EFWsystemprovidesan emergency sourceof waterto the steamgenerators (SGs)in the eventof a lossof normalandauxiliary feedwaterflowto providecorecoolingfor all externalhazards. The EFWsystemincludesa 290,000gallondedicated watersource(EFWT),a 6,000gallonDFOT,anda high-head diesel-driven pumpto provideinventory to L-16-004 Page6 of 34 SG1and,withoperator action,the abilityto crossconnectandsupplyinventory to SG2for all events. EFWsystempipingtiesintothe existingauxiliary feedwater(AFW)system auxiliarybuilding.Thesystempipingincludes: o Primarysuctionanddischarge connection pointsfor the FLEXAlt LP EFW pumpinsidethe EFWF. o Alternatedischarge connection pointfor the FLEXAlt LP EFWpump insidetheauxiliary building. o A connection pointinsidethe auxiliary building for SFPmakeup. o A connection pointinsidetheauxiliary building for RCSmakeupfrom EFWTin Modes5 and6 withSG heattransfernotavailable. Alternateto NEI12-06Section11.2,Equipment Desisn:RCScharging pumps andboosterpumpswillbe seismically mountedin theirdeployment location insidethe auxiliarybuilding(robuststructure).Eachpumpcandrawsuctionfrom eitherthe BWSTor the CWRTanddischarge to HPITrain1 or HPITrain2. The CWRTis robust(asdescribedin Ol 2 above),andthe BWSTis protected against allhazardsexcepthighwindevents.Basedon NEI12-06,Revision0, thisis an alternateapproachbecausethe FLEXequipment is notportable;however,it is pre-staged anddeployable fromthatlocation. Alternateto NEI12-06Section11.3.Equipment Storaqe:Thedebrisremoval truckswillbe locatedin diverselocations, but neitheris protected fromall hazards.In the aggregate, a debrisremovaltruckis available followinganyone externalevent. Basedon NEI 12-06,Revision0, thisis an alternate approach becausethe N FLEXequipment in thiscaseconsistsof a combination of both trucksin orderto be protectedfromall hazards. Alternateto NEI12-06Section11.5.Maintenance andTesting:The N+1Alt LP EFWpump,N+1EFWTreplenishment pump,SFPmakeup/spray, anddebris removalequipmentare not protectedagainstall hazards;therefore,maintenance on N equipment willbe completed in 45 daysor N+1equipment willbe movedto robuststorage.Basedon NEI 12-06,Revision0, thisis an alternate approach becausethe N FLEXequipmentis protectedfrom allhazardswhilethe N+1 FLEXequipment is not. Consistent withthe alternate approach, the allowed outagetimefor the equipment willbe 45 days,whichis consistent withthe revisionto NEI 12-06(Revision 2) Alternateto NEI12-06Section11.2.Equipment Design:By letterdated May 18,2015(ADAMSAccessionNo.ML15125A442), the NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC)endorsedthe NEIproposedalternate approach thatprovides an acceptable alternativefor demonstrating compliance withthe intentof the N+1 provisions of Section3 of NEI 12-06,Revision0, withrespectto hosesand cabfes.NEI 12-06,Revision0, requiresa fullextraset. FENOCintendsto follow L-16-004 Page7 of 34 thealternate described in Method1: Provideadditional hoseor cableequivalent to 10 percent of the totallengthof eachtype/size of hoseor cablenecessary for the N capability.Foreachtype/sizeof hoseor cableneededfor the N capability, at leastonespareof the longestsinglesection/length mustbe provided. o FLEXPortableLiqhtinsStrateoy:The portablelightingrequirements for manual valveoperation, deployment andconnection of FLEXsupportequipment that mustbe accessedduringELAPconditions havebeenreviewed, anda portable lightingstrategyhasbeendeveloped. Thestrategyfor deployment is partof FLEXSupportGuideline (FSG) DB-OP-02705, lnitialAssessment andFLEX EquipmentStaging.Attachments12 and13 havebeencreatedto providethe instructions for portablelightingoptionsandstoragelocations to be implemented as requiredbasedon the initialassessments. Attachment 12 is specificto non-radiologically controlled areas,andAttachment 13 is to radiologically specific controlled areas.AppendixR batterylightsare locatedthroughout the plantand havean expectedminimumlifeof 8 hours.Personallighting,portablebattery floodlighting,andgenerator-powered floodlightingis stagedin the auxiliary buildingand EFWF(bothrobuststructures). Thevarietyof lightingoptions allowsfor a gradedapproachto minimizeimpactson the FLEXresponse timeline initiallyandto improveon lightingconditions as moreresources become available as mitigation of the eventcontinues.Thetablebelowillustrates the number,types,andstoragelocations for the lightingthatsupportsthe lighting strategy.The lightinginventory and locations havebeenreviewed to determine adequacy for manualvalveoperation, deployment, andconnection of FLEX supportequipment. Room Room428 Room Room303 512 (Low 100 Room (Mechanical (Gontrol Voltage (BWST 124 Penetration Room Fan Switchgear Room Equipment Tunnell (cwRT 1) Room3) Storaqe) Allev Room 2) EFWF 320 MinersLiohts 8 MinersLights Batteries 16 MinersLights BattervCharqer 4 Portable 6 hour BatteryFlood Liqht 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SmallFlood Liqhts 1 1 1 1 1 1 LargeFlood Liqhts 1 1 1 1 FloodLight Tripods 2 2 2 1 1 2 Extension Cord-100ft 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Portable Generator 1 1 1 1 L-16-004 Page8 of 34 5 Needfor Relief/Relaxation and Basisfor the Relief/Relaxation As indicatedby the revisedprojectmilestones, the projecthasexperienced delayswith the implementation of on-linemodifications andFLEXequipment delivery.Project actionsarefocusedon the completion of the remaining implementation activities to supportthe ordercompliance date. However, basedon currentprolectstatus,a request for schedulerelief/relaxation is planned. 6 Open ltemsfrom OverallIntegratedPlanand InterimStaff Evaluation Thefollowingtablesprovidea summaryof the openitemsdocumented in the OIPor the InterimStaffEvaluation (lSE)andthe statusof eachitem. OverallIntegratedPlanOpenltem Status Ol 1. Finalize locations for FLEXstoragebuildings. Complete.Described in Deployment routes,distances andtimescontained Section4 above. in the submittalare boundedfor the currently proposedlocationsbutwillbe updatedas necessary. Ol 2. Finalizethe strategyfor providing a protected Complete.(Described in sourceof boratedwaterto supportFLEXstrategies. August-2014 statusreportand updatedin February-2015 statusreport.) Update.Described in Section4 above. Ol 3. Determine if a mobileboration unitand/or Complete.(Described in waterpurification unitis requiredto supportthe August-2014 statusreport. ) FLEXstrateqies. InterimStaff EvaluationOpenltem Status Verifythe following withrespectto reactor Complete.Described in coolantpump(RCP)seals: Section6a below. (1)the DBNPS[Davis-Besse NuclearPower Stationlplantcondition duringan ELAP [extended lossof all alternatingcurrentpower]is boundedby the sealleakagetestconditions with respectto relevantparameters. (2)the pop-open failuremechanism resulting from hydraulicinstability thatis discussed in WCAP-16175-P andWCAP-17601-P wouldnot occuror wouldbe boundedby theassumed leakagerate. (3)a basisfor the assumedleakagerateof 2 gpm lsallonsperminutelis iustified in liqhtof L-16-004 Page9 of 34 InterimStaff EvaluationOpen ltem Status recommendations for a largervalueof leakage for similarly designed RCPsandsealsdiscussed in WCAP-16175-P andWCAP-17601-P. (a)the modelingof the pressure-dependence of the sealleakagerateis justified. (5)the sealdesignperformance understresses inducedby the cooldownof the RCS[reactor coolantsystemlis iustified. gaps Complete. Describedin and recommendations applicable to thegenerically Section6a below. developed mitigating strategies proposed for DBNPSareaddressed (e.g.,thosedocumented in WCAP-17792-P (transmittal letterlocatedat ADAMSAccessionNo.ML14037A237) andthe appropriate revisionof the PWROG's[Pressurized WaterReactorsOwnersGrouplCoreCooling Management InterimPositionPaper). revisedsequence of events Complete.Described in that is consistent withthefinalELAPanalysesis Section6a below. developed. of thegenericconcern Complete.Described in associated withthe modelingof the timingand Section6a below. uniformity of the mixingof a liquidboricacid solutioninjectedintothe RCSundernatural circulation conditions potentially involvingtwo-phaseflow. ISEGonfirmatoryltem Status Confirmthatthediesel-driven service Complete.Described in waterpumpshavedeployment andstorageplans Section6a below. developed in accordance withthe provisions of NEI lNuclearEnerqvInstitutel 12-06. thatthe routesthatplant Complete.Described in operators willhaveto accessto deployandcontrol Section6a below. the strategywillonlyrequireaccessthrough seismically robuststructures. Confirmthat,if poweris required to Complete.Described in operatethe storagebuildingdoors,eitherpower Section6a below. supplieswillbe available to operatethe doorsor the doorswillbe equipped withmanualoverrides to permitmanualdooropening. provided for Complete.Described in criticalactionsto performuntilalternateindications Section6a below. can be connected andon howto controlcritical L-16-004 Page10of34 ISEGonfirmatoryltem Status equipment withoutassociated control power. Confirmthe RRC[regional response Complete.Describedin center*llocalstagingarea,evaluation of access Section6a below. routes,andmethodof transportation to the site. Confirmthatthe licensee hasidentified the Complete.Described in warningtimeand persistence of the external Section6a below. floodinghazard. licensee plansto Complete.Described in conformto deployment consideration 1 and2 of NEI Section6a below. 12-06,Section6.2.3.2. chosenstoragelocationsComplete.(Described in aresufficientlyseparatedin distanceandaxially August-2014 statusreport.) fromthetypicaltornadopathas compared to the Update:Described in Section4 localtornadodatafor tornadowidth. above. thatreliance on the Complete.Described in RELAP5/MOD2-B&W codein the ELAPanalysisfor Section6a below. BabcockandWilcox[B&W plantsis limitedto the flowconditions priorto boiler-condenser cooling initiation. thatthe licensee has: Complete.Described in (1) ldentified the specificanalysiscase(s)from Section6a below. WCAP-17792-P thatare beingreferenced as the basisfor demonstrating the acceptability of the mitigatingstrategies for DBNPS,and (2) Providedjustificationthatthe analysesfrom WCAP-17792-P thatare beingcreditedfor DBNPSareadequately representative of the actualplantdesign,FLEXequipment, and plannedmitiqatinq strategies. thecontinuity of natural Complete.Described in circulationby demonstrating the adequacy of the Section6a below. modelingof operatoractionsassociated with primary-to-secondary heattransfer. thateither: Complete.(Described in (1)closureof valveMU38willnotbe creditedin the August-201 5 statusreport.) ELAPanalysis for DBNPS,or (2) procedures to closevalveMU38priorwillbe implemented to provideassurance thatits closurecan be creditedin the ELAPanalvsis. basisfor thedecayheat Complete.Described in modeling assumptions present in theanalysis Section6a below. creditedfor DBNPSin WCAP-17792-P, whichwas notavailable to the staffduringtheaudit. Confirmthat the cooldowndirectedby the Complete. Describedin DBNPSmitisatinsstrategvis consistentwith the Section6a below. L-16-004 Page11of 34 ISEConfirmatorvltem Status capabilitvof the atmosphericvent valves.'s hydraulic analysis Complete.Described in supportsthatinjectingboratedwaterintothe RCS Section6a below. within6 hoursafterthe eventis initiated will maintain subcritical itv. adequate shutdown marginfor Complete.Describedin ELAPscenarios: Section6a below. (1)withthe highestapplicable reactorcoolant systemleakage,and (2)withno reactorcoolantsystemleakage.In addition,confirmthatcorereloadcalculation procedures wouldensurethattheseshutdown margincalculations remainbounding forfuture fuel cvcles. thatadequate RCSventing Complete.Described in capability existsto supportthe ELAPmitigating Section6a below. strategyfor DBNPS. pressure and Complete.Described in temperature afteran eventinitiatedin Modes1 Section6a below. through4 willstayat acceptable levelsduring Phases1, 2, and3 andthatno additional installed equipment or operatoractionsare requiredto maintaincontainment inteqritv. to thesite's Complete.Described in communications svstemshavebeencompleted. Section6a below. between the Started. Integrated Planstatedsizeof the Phase2 FLEX 480v[volt]portableDGs[dieselgenerators] (500kW [kilowatt])andthe statedsizeof the Phase2 FLEX 480vportableDGsin response to the sizingaudit question(600kW). 3.4.A Confirmthatthe licenseehasfullyaddressed Complete.Described in considerations (2)through(10)of NEI12-06, Section6a below. Section12.2,MinimumCapability of Off-Site Resources, whichrequireseachsiteto establisha meansto ensurethe necessary resources will be available fromoff-site.

  • Regional Response Center (RRC)is nowcalledNational SAFERResponse Center (NSRC) 6a Responses lsEor
1. DBNPShasFlowserve N-9000three-stage RCPmechanical an seals. Following ELAP,the RCPswilllosesealinjectionandcomponent coolingflow. Sincethe L-16-004 Page12of 34 RCPsealslimitthe leakageof reactorcoolantalongthe pumpshaft,RCSat cold legtemperature willbeginto enterthe seals. Sealfailurescanoccuras a result of the overheating of the sealselastomer components anda highrateof two-phaseflowacrossthe sealfaces.

Stationblackouttestingwas performed by Flowserve.Thesealleakagefor DBNPSis assumed to be2 gpmandis boundedby Flowserve testingresults. Thefollowingis the expectedtimelineandcoldlegtemperatures for bothSG loops: Loop1: Feedwaterwill be provided to SG1within10 minutes.Analysis shows thatthiswillresultin Loop1 Tconreaching570"F at approximately 500seconds afterthe eventbegins,and it willincreaseto a maximumof 580'Fat approximately 620seconds.TcoH willdecreasewhenfeedbeginsandwilldrop below570'Fat approximately 660seconds.lt willcontinueto decreaseandwill stabilizeat <560"Fby approximately 870seconds.Basedon this,Loop1 TcoH willexceed570"Ffor approximately 160secondsandwilldecreasefrom570"F to 560"Fin approximately 210seconds. Loop2. Forsealperformance evaluation, it willbe assumedthatfeedwater will be restoredto SG2at 90 minutesafterthe eventbegins.Analysisshowsthat Loop2 Tcobwillincreaseand reach570"Fat approximately 500secondsafter the eventbegins.TcoH willcontinueto increaseandwillstabilizeat approximately 600"Fat approximately 1,000seconds.Assumingfeedwateris supplied g0 to SG2in minutes, Tcordwillimmediately beginto decrease andwill fallbelow570'Fwithina few minutesafterfeedwater begins.Loop2 Tcoro will stabilizeat <560"Fapproximately 10 minutesafter feedwater is restored.Based on this,Loop2 TcoH willexceed570'Ffor approximately t hour. The cooldown ratefrom600"Fto 560'Fwillbe rapid;at approximately 4"F per minute. Basedon analysisperformed by Flowserve, assumingcontrolled bleedoff is isolatedwithin10 minutesandfeedwater flowis suppliedto SG2within 90 minutesafterthe ELAP,DBNPSis boundedby Flowserve's sealleakage conditions. (Referto the DBNPSFLEXtimelineprovided at theendof this report.) 2 . "Popping-open" of sealscanbe causedby unstable phasechangesand increased axialsealfrictionduringshaftmovement whensealinjection and component coolingwaterfloware lost. Stationblackouttestingperformed by Flowserve showsthe leakagerateto be boundedby the DBNPS assumed leakagerateof 2 gpm. 3 . Theassumedleakagerateof 2 gpmis justifiedbasedon testingandanalysis performed by Flowserve, assumingcontrolled bleedoff is isolatedwithin 10 minutesandfeedwater flowis suppliedto SG2within90 minutesafterthe ELAP. L-16-004 Page13 of 34 4 . Sincethe testpressure was maintained in excessof 2,400psiduringFlowserve's testing,the pressureis indicative of plantconditions; therefore, the sealleakage rateisjustified. 5 . Flowserve hasdonetestingon the N-9000sealsat cooldownratesup to 130'F/hrwithno signsof distressor increased leakagefromthe seals. Flowserve completed a reviewof the DBNPSELAPscenarioandconcluded that the DBNPSstrategyis boundedby the Flowserve testing.The reviewresults weremadeavailable to the NRCfor review. l s Eo t 3 . 2 . 1 . 4 . A The analysespresentedin WCAP-17792, EmergencyProcedureDevelopment Strategiesfor the ExtendedLossof AC PowerEventfor AIIDomesticPressurized WaterReactorDesigns, for the B&W-designed plantsfocusedon evaluationof the plant responsein an ELAPeventif no reactorcoolantsystem(RCS)makeupis available. Basedon the resultsof thoseanalyses, a strategy(thatis, asymmetric cooldown) was developed to extendthetimeavailableuntillossof single-phase naturalcirculation occurs.Thatstrategyis intendedto delaythe onsetof the boiler-condenser cooling (BCC)modefor as longas possible, untila makeupsourcebecomes available. The recommendations thatare presented in WCAP-17792 for the B&Wplantsare associated withthe needto restorean RCSmakeupcapability andthe performance of an asymmetric cooldownto extendthetimeavailable to do so. The DBNPS ELAP mitigation strategies are basedon recovering an RCSmakeupcapability as earlyas possibleafterinitiation for of an ELAPevent.Thetimelines operator actions showthat recovering makeupcan be accomplished beforeit becomesnecessary to initiatean asymmetric cooldown.However, as a contingency, FENOC plansto implement a new Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP)DB-OP-02700, StationBlackouf, which providesguidancefor performing an asymmetric cooldown, if necessary,basedon the resuftsandtimingpresented in WCAP-17792. TheWCAP-17792 recommendations associated withrecovering makeupandperformance of an asymmetric cooldownareto be implemented. The PWROGCoreCoolingPositionPaper,Revision0, providedas AppendixD of WCAP-17792,identifies severalgapsand recommendations. Theyare presented in boldfontbelow,withthe DBNPSresponse to each. SectionlV, SecondaryCooling,PartA, InitialSG FeedCapability,Page13,Gaps for all plants: o lf a utility intendsto credit use of the AlternateLow PressureFeedwater[or Alt LP EFW pump to maintainSG inventorywithout creditingthe steam (diesel)drivenAFWEFWpump runningat the start of the event...theutility must demonstratecapabilityto establishflow from the AlternateLow L-16-004 Page14 of 34 PressureFeedwater[or Alt LP EFWJpump prior to the plantspecifictime to SG dryout. o lf a portionof the installedAFWEFWsystemcannotbe creditedat the beginningof the event...theutility must demonstratecapabilityto restore AFWEFWflow prior to the plant specifictime to SG dryout. DBNPScreditsthe diesel-driven EFWpumpat the startof the event,andthereis no portionof the EFWsystemthatcannotbe creditedat the beginning of the event. Neitherof thesegapsapplyto DBNPS. SectionlV, SecondaryCooling,Part B, AlternateLow PressureFeedwater[or Alt LP EFVVI PumpRequirements, Page14,PWROGRecommendations:

   . The AlternateLow PressureFeedwater[or Alt LP EFW pump meetsor exceedsthe following:

Flow- matchesdecayheat I hour aftera reactortrip, and most limitingof the following,[Note: t hour is a conseruative sizing requirement,not an action-timerequirement] Pressure- sufficientto restorenormal SG level at an elevatedRCS temperaturerequiredto maintainthe reactorsubcriticalprior to RGS borationor significantxenon build-inassumingRCScooldownis initiatedI hour afterthe reactortrip (usingassumptionsfrom SectionV.B of this document),[Note:the referenceto "assumptions in SectionV.B" is misleading.Thereare no "assumptions"statedin that section. lt presentsa discussionrelatedto boration requirements,includingthe allowanceto creditxenon in order to supportan earlierinitiationof RCScooldownthan might be allowed if no creditfor xenonwere taken.l Pressure- sufficientto restore normal SG level at the target SG pressureto preventCLA/SIT/CFT [Gold Leg Accumulator/Safety lnjectionTank/CoreFloodTankl nitrogeninjectioninto the RCS. DBNPScalculation C-ME-050.05-001 , EmergencyFeedwaterStorageTankCapacity for DecayHeatand Sensrb/e HeatRemoval,showsthatapproximately 280gpm of EFW flowis requiredto removedecayheatat t houraftera reactortrip. Preliminary analysis of the DBNPSAlt LP EFWpumpperformance indicatesthatit canprovidethisflowto the SGswiththe SGsat a pressureof approximately 250poundspersquareinch gauge(psig),whichcorresponds to a SG saturation temperature of approximately 400'F. Thisis the targetSG pressure/temperature for useof theAlt LP EFWpump. ThisSG temperature wouldcorrespond to an RCStemperature, undernatural circulationconditions, of approximately 400420"F.Calculation C-NF-062.02-048, Davis-Besse Cycle20 ELAPShutdownMarginAnalysis,showsthat the combinationof 100percentfull powerboron(thatis,the existingboronconcentration at the timeof the trip),andconservative creditfor 200 partsper millionboron(ppmB)equivalent xenon worth,(thatis,a conservative valuefor the xenonthatwouldexistat all timesup to 25 hoursafterthetrip,withoutcreditingany"build-in" of xenon),willensurethe reactor remainssubcritical downto an RCStemperature below400"F. Thisdemonstrates that theAlt LP EFWpumpwillbe ableto providesufficient flowto the SGsto removethe L-16-004 Page15of34 decayheatloadthatwillexistat t hourafterthe reactortrip,and at an RCS temperature thatwillmaintainthe reactorsubcritical for at least25 hoursafterthe reactortripwithoutboration.As notedabove,thisis nota commitment to be ableto coolthe RCSandestablish feedusingtheAlt LP EFWpumpwithint hourafterthe reactortrip. In addition, for prudentreactivity control,the plantwillnot be cooleddown to allowfeedingwiththe Alt LP EFWpumpuntilmakeuphasbeenrestoredanda more conservative boronconcentration hasbeenestablished. The conditions discussed abovearesimplythe basesfor establishing thecapability of theAlt LP EFWpump.The actualperformance of theAlt LP EFWpumphasbeenconfirmedusingProtoflow modeling of the pumpandtheflowpathto the SGs. To addressthethirdbulletrelatedto the SG pressurerequiredto preventCFTnitrogen injection,theguidance in WCAP-17792, Appendix D, wasusedto determine the RCS pressurethatwouldallownitrogeninjection.Thatguidanceusesthe ideal gas lawto determine the CFTnitrogenpressurewhenall of the liquidinventory hasbeeninjected. Usingthatapproach, the RCSpressurewouldhaveto be reducedbelow200 psigto allowCFTnitrogento injectintothe RCS. To coolthe RCSlowenoughto allowits pressureto be reducedto lessthan 20Apsig(thatis, an RCStemperature of approximately 380"F),the SG pressurewouldhaveto be reducedto below200psig. Thispressureis lowerthanthe targetSG pressurediscussed above(approximately 250psig).Therefore, the criterionidentified in the thirdbulletaboveis not limitingin establishing theAlt LP EFW pump's capability. SectionlV, SecondaryCooling,PartC, DetermineTargetSteamGenerator Pressurefor PlantGool Down,1) NitrogenInjectionfrom the GLAs/SlTs/CFTs, Page15,Gapfor GEand B&W NSSS[nuclearsteamsupplysystem]design plants: o CE and B&W plantsshould determinethe targetSG pressuresetpointto prevent[nitrogen]injectionfrom SlTs/CFTs.. . . For the B&W plants,a targetSG pressurewas set that implicitlyprecludesnitrogenintrusion,but this valuecould further be optimizedto maximizeCFTinventoryuse. As presented above,the targetSG pressureto preventCFTnitrogeninjection wouldbe approximately 200 psig. Thiswouldmaximize the CFTinventory injectedintothe RCS. However, subsequent to the preparation of thisPositionPaperin November of 2012, the PWROGdeveloped document WCAP-17792. WCAP-17792, AppendixC, Design SpecificAnalysesfor B&WDesignPlants,presentsthe resultsof variousanalysesthat wereprepared to addressissuessuchas thisgap. Specifically, SectionC.2,Low PressureELAPBoration/Depressurization Strategies for B&WDesignPlants,evaluated RCSventingstrategies to determinehowto maximize CFTinventoryuse. Those analysesshowedthatthe available vent paths are inadequate to reduceRCSpressure lowenoughto achievea meaningful injection fromthe CFTs. Specifically, the analyses showedthatthe maximumCFTinjection wasachievedby usingthe power-operated reliefvalve(PORV)to ventthe RCS. Howeverthe totalprimaryinventory discharged throughthe PORVexceededthe inventory subsequently injectedby the CFTs. This represents a net lossof RCSinventory, furtherchallenging the abilityto maintain adequatecorecooling.The conclusion of theseanalysesis thatCFTscannotprovide L-16-004 Page16 of 34 effectiveRCSinventory makeupor borationin B&W-designed plants.Sinceachieving a meaningful CFTinjectionis notfeasible,the useof its inventory cannotbe maximized. Therefore, CFTinjectionis notpartof the DBNPSFLEXstrategy,andthereis no value in havingdetermined the optimizedtargetSG pressurevalueto maximize the CFT inventoryuse. SectionlV, SecondaryGooling,PartC, DetermineTargetSteamGenerator Pressurefor PlantGool Down,2) SteamGeneratorPORV(ADV)Size,Page16, Gapsfor all plants: o Plantsmust verify the abilityto performtheir proposedELAPcore cooling strategyto includereviewof adequatesteamreliefcapabilityat all phases of the approach,and adequatecontrol of plant parametersduring all phasesof the approachwhichwill be laborand communicationintensiveif utilizinglocalcontrolfor multipleSGs. The multipleSG approachmay requireadditionalFLEXequipmentand/orplantmodificationsto assistwith plant control (suchas portableor installedair suppliesfor steamrelease capability).lf local controlof SG feed and/orsteamreliefis required,this approachshould demonstrateadequatemanpowerand communications. Otherwise,capabilityto maintaincontrol of SG feed and steamrelieffrom the control room will be required. Steamreliefcapability:UpdatedFinalSafetyAnalysisReport(UFSAR)Section10.4.4, TurbineBypassSystem,documents thateachSG atmospheric ventvalve(AW) hasa capacityof 5 percentof totalsteamflowat ratedNSSSoutput.Thistranslates to: 0.05X2772 MWt= 138.6MWtX 3,412,141 Btu/Hr/ MWt= 4.73E8Btu/Hrat approximately 980psig


(MWt megawatt thermal;Btu/Hr= Britishthermalunitper hour) DBNPScalculation C-ME-050.05-001 showsthatthe decayheatgeneration rateat 1.7minutesafterthe reactortripis approximately 4.14E8Btu/Hr.Thismeansthat within1.7minutesafterthe reactortrips,oneAW hasan energyremovalcapacityin excessof the decayheatloadthatwillexist.Additionally, calculation C-NSA-083.01-006, Atmospheic Vent ValveSfeam Flow Capacity, the calculated energyremovalrateof oneAW at reducedsteampressures.Thatcalculation determined thatoneAW willpassenoughsteamto remove1.1E8Btu/Hrat 200psig SG pressure.Thatenergyremovalratecorresponds to the decayheatgeneration rate at approximately 2.8 hoursaftera reactortrip(asshownin calculation C-ME-050.05-001). Theplantcooldown willnotevenhavebegunby 2.8 hours,andthe RCStemperature corresponding to a 200psigSG pressure(thatis,approximately 380"F)couldnotbe achieved earlierthanapproximately 10 hoursafterthereactortrip, by whichtimethe decayheatgeneration ratewill be lessthan8.0E7(thatis,the decay heatgeneration ratewilldecreasemorerapidlythanthe SG pressurecanbe reduced by plantcooldown).Thisdecayheatgeneration rateis lessthanthe energyremoval capacityof oneAW. Thissupportsthe conclusion thatevenat reducedSG pressures, oneAW canpassmoresteamflowthanrequiredto removethe decayheatloadthat willexist. In addition,DBNPSFLEXstrategies usebothSGsandbothAWs for plant L-16-004 Page17of 34 cooldown, whichprovidesan energyremovalcapability of morethantwicethe decay heatgeneration rate. The DBNPSFLEXstrategyis to usebothSGsand bothAWs to cooldown. TheAWs are in closeproximity in the sameplantarea. Becauseof the easyaccessto both AWs, and becauseof the relatively slowcooldownratethatwillbe used,oneoperator willbe capableof controlling bothAWs locally.Manningandcommunications, including the useof sound-powered phonesat theAW location, areadequateto supportthisstrategy. o To support use of the AlternateLow PressureFeedwater[or Alt LP EFVVI strategy,plantsmust determineif the steamreleasecapabilityfor one SG via PORV(s)/ADV(s) is adequateto releasethe flow to match decay heat one hour after reactortrip, at the target SG pressure. lf flow is not adequate,the plantwill needto raisethe SG targetpressureor ensurethe strategyand plant configurationallow feedingand steamingadditional SGs. lf local control is requiredto implementthe strategy,it may be desiredto utilizeone SG as the secondaryheatsink to simplify operator actionsand communications. ThetargetSG pressure for useof the Alt LP EFWpumpwillbe approximately 25Apsig. Calculation C-ME-050.05-001 showsthatthe decayheatgeneration rateat one hour afterreactortripwillbe approximately 1.47E8Btu/Hr. As stated above, bothSGsand bothAWs willbe usedfor plantcooldown.The combined energyremovalcapability of bothAWs, at 200 psigSG pressure, is >2E8Btu/Hr,whichsignificantly exceedsthe decayheatgeneration rateat one hourafterthe reactortrip. Localcontrolwillbe usedto implement the strategy.However, dueto DBNPSplant configuration, thisdoesnotundulychallenge operatoractionsor communications. The suggestion to useoneSG to simplifyoperatoractionsandcommunications wouldnot be an enhancement to plantcontrol.Analysesperformed afterthisrecommendation was made,anddocumented in WCAP-17792, showthatthe useof one SG for cooldownis notdesirable.The useof oneSG wouldresultin an asymmetric plant cooldown, whichhasthe potential to causevoidingin the idleloophot leg,high temperatures at the RCPsealsin the idleloop,lowerRCScooldownrates,or some combination of theseconditions.Any of theseconditions andto a greater individually, extentif combined, willcomplicate delaythe plantcooldownand and potentially depressurization, andwillnot"simplifyoperatoractionsandcommunications," as was intended by thisrecommendation. SectionV, Subcriticalityand PrimarySystemInventory,Part H, Further Considerations, Page23,Gapsfor all plants: o RCSvent capabilityis requiredunlesseitherof the followingis conducted: o A plantspecificanalysisdemonstratesthe AlternatePrimary Makeup/Boration Sourceboron concentrationis sufficientlyhigh such that the requiredRCSborationvolumecan be injectedinto the L-16-004 Page18of34 RCSavailablevolumewithoutcreditingan RGSvent path(e.9.,high or low pressurepumpwith a very high boron concentrationsource). o A thermal-hydraulic code/modelanalysisdemonstrates the required amountof CLAs/SlTs/CFTs boratedwatervolumewill be injectedto maintainthe reactorsubcriticalwithoutcreditingan RCSvent path.

      ... Evenif a high pressurepump borationstrategyis selectedthat may not needventing,the capabilityto vent providesa backupborationstrategy with low pressureoptions.

FENOCperformed a plantspecificanalysis,documented in calculation C-NF-062.02-048, thatshowsthe RCScooldown contraction volumealone,withno creditfor ventingor RCSleakage,providesthe volumenecessary to boratethe RCSto maintaina 1 percent shutdownvaluewiththe boronconcentration of the availablewater sources.The DBNPSstrategyincludesthe useof positive-displacement FLEX chargingpumpsthatcandischargeintothe RCSat pressures thatwill existin an ELAP event.Thisinformation showsthatDBNPSdoesnotneedto ventin orderto ensure thatthe requiredRCSboronconcentration canbe maintained duringplantcooldown. As suggested by the lastbullet,althoughnot requiredfor any FLEXstrategy,DBNPS willhavesomelimitedabilityto ventthe RCS. However, the statement thatthismay provide"a backupborationstrategywithlowpressureoptions"is notvalidfor DBNPS. No lowpressurepumpedborationoptionsexist,and,as discussed previously, analyses haveshownthatthe CFTsdo notprovidesuchan option.

  . More analysiswork is neededto prove the ReactorVessel Headvent path is effective....lt is anticipatedthat the analysisresultswill in most, if not all cases,show that the GLAs/SlTs/GFTs        volume is sufficientwhen an RGS vent is availableand furthercooldownis performedto injectthe remaining boratedwater volume. lt may be simplerto credit the high pressurepump for borationrequirementsto avoidthe uncertaintiesin using the lower pressureoptions.

FENOCdoesnotintendto creditthe headventpath.Thedesignof the DBNPShead-to-hotlegventlinediffersfromothersin the industry, and it doesnot providethe direct vent path to containment thatthe headvent pathprovides in otherplants.Additionally, the statements analysisresultsfor injection relatedto the anticipated of the CFTvolume wereshownto be incorrect for B&W-designed plants. Subsequent analyses, documented in WCAP-17792, showthatthe amountof ventingthatwouldbe requiredin orderto causea significant CFTinjection wouldresultin excessive and undesirable RCSinventory loss. As a result,the useof ventingand CFTinjection waseliminated as a viablestrategyfor B&Wplants. As suggested above,it is simplerfor the DBNPS strategyto credita highpressurepumpfor borationrequirements to avoidthe uncertainties in usingthe lowerpressureoptions. o Vent mass and energyreleaseimpactson containmentresponsewill need to be consideredon a plantspecificbasis. Preliminaryanalysisindicates the significanceis low. L-16-004 Page19 of 34 FENOCdoesnotplanto ventcontainment to enhanceborationin a Mode1 ELAP event. Dueto the largevolumeof the DBNPScontainment, evenmoderatelevelsof ventingthroughthe available ventpathswouldnotresultin containment pressures that couldchallenge containment integrity. rsEor A sequenceof eventshasbeenpreparedand mayneedto be revisedbasedon the resultsof the outstanding calculations, verification andvalidation processes andany changesthatmaybe requiredfor theexistingECPsto accommodate A installation. copyof the currentDBNPSFLEXtimelineis provided at the end of thisreport. rsEot Basedon AREVAANP-3288,Responsefo BoronMixing/ssuesfor B&W-Designed Plants,at no timeduringthe transientanalyzed didthe loopflowratedecreasebelow the singlephasenaturalcirculation flowrate. Basedon the resultsof the analysis,it wasconcluded thatthe B&W-plant responses meetthe boronmixingrequirements to delaycreditfor increases in boronconcentration by one hour. t s E c t 3 . 1 . .11. A Thisconfirmatory itemwas basedon originalstrategythatportableservicewaterpumps wouldbe usedin Phase2. Thishaschanged, andportable servicewaterpumpswillbe partof Phase3 andwillbe providedby NSRC. rsEcr The EFWFis beingconstructed to be seismically robustand is designedwithstorage for the Phase2 N 480VTurbineMarinegenerator, the N Alt LP EFWpump,the N SFP makeup/spray pump,andthe N EFWTreplenishment pump. RCScharging pumpsare stagedin the existingauxiliarybuilding(seismically robust).Connections to systems are in closeproximity to stagedlocations and insideseismically robuststructures. PortableFLEXequipment in thesestructures will be appropriatelytieddown. Routes thatplantoperators willhaveto accessto deployand controlthe strategywillinclude goingoutsideto accessthe EFWF.The EFWFis locatedin closeproximity to the auxiliarybuildingandwillhavea protected accessdooron the northendof the building andthe southendof the building.Additionally, a missile(airborne object)barrierdoor willbe locatedon the northendof the building. rsEcr It hasbeenconfirmed thatno powerwill be requiredto operatedoorsin the storage buildings. L-16-004 Page20 of 34 t s Ec t 3 . 1. 1. 3 . A FENOChasidentified the listof required instruments. Basedon thislist,the location andterminal points neededfor the localinstrument readingshavebeenidentified and documented. Operations hasbeenprovidedwiththe instructions for acquiringlocalinstrument readings as wellas identifying anddocumenting equipment necessary for providing powerandacquiring measurements fromtheseinstruments. lt alsoprovidesguidance for converting localreadingsto processparameters (forexample,conversion from milliamp outputto systempressure). DraftFSGDB-OP-02704, ExtendedLossof AC PowerDC LoadManagement, provides thedirection thatif at anytimeall DC poweris lost(electrical distribution panelsD1P, D1N, D2Pand D2N),theninitiateDB-OP-02707, Lossof DC Power.FSG DB-OP-02707 willthenprovideguidancevia individual attachments for the local instrument readingsby parameter.DB-OP-02707 is stillbeingdrafted,andthe attachments willbe developed basedon the instructions mentioned above. t s E c t 3 . 1. 1. 4 . A PerRevision 1 of the SAFERResponse Planfor DBNPS,Appendix 5E, DBNPS StagingArea(SA)Information, SA C (Fremont Airport)andSA D (Wood County Regional Airport)havebeenidentified alongwithprimaryandalternate travelroutes.In addition, the SAFERResponsePlanincludes provisions for using helicoptersfor delivering equipmenUmaterial. Stepsare in the SAFERprocedure to ensurethatthe helicopter landingzoneis set up,lightedanda debriswalkdownhasbeenperformed priorto puttingaircraftin the area. rsEcr 3.1.2.A ProcedureRA-EP-02870, providesthe measuresto be takenif the StationIsolation, DBNPSis likelyto, or has,becomeisolated, typicallycausedby adverseweather conditions suchas snowstorms,icestormsandflooding. Additionally, the externalfloodinghazardevaluation is supported by thefollowing calculations, whichhavebeenmadeavailable for NRCreview.FLEXN equipment will be stagedin locations protected fromdesignbasisfloodlevels. C-CSS-020.1 3-009,All-Season ProbableMaximumPrecipitation Analysisfor Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station C-CSS-020.13-01 0, Cool-Season Precipitation and SnowmeltAnalysisfor Davis-BesseNuclearPower Station C-CSS-020.13-011 , ProbableMaximumFloodAnalysisfor Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station L-16-004 Page21 of 34 o C-CSS-020.13-012, DamAssessment, lce Jam,and ChannelMigrationfor Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station C-CSS-020.13-013, LocallntenseProbableMaximumPrecipitation Analysisfor Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station C-CSS-020.13-014, Effecfsof LocallntenseProbableMaximumPrecipitation Analysisfor Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station C-CSS-020.13-015, Sife-specificWindand PressureFieldAnalysisfor Davis-BesseNuclearPower Station C-CSS-020.13-016, Su4geand SeicheScreeningfor Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station c-css-020. 13-017 , Su4geand SeicheAnalysisfor Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station c-css-020.13-01 8, TsunamiScreening/Analysisfor Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station C-CSS-020.13-019, ProbableMaximumFloorG/S Analysisfor Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station C-CSS-020.13-020, LocallntensePrecipitation GIS Analysisfor Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station C-CSS-020.13-021, Su4geand SerbheCalibration for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station o C-CSS-020.13-022, CombinedEventslncludingWindWaveAnalysisfor Davis-BesseNuclearPower Station o C-CSS-020. 13-023,Surgeand SeicheG/S Analysisfor Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station l s Ec t 3 . 1 . 2 . 2 . A By letterdatedFebruary25,2015,FENOCsubmitted to the NRCa revisionto the DBNPSFloodHazardReevaluation Repoft (ADAMS Accession No. ML150574023). Thefloodhazardreevaluation reportevaluated applicablefloodinghazards for DBNPS. Twoof the postulated reevaluated floodhazardevents,the probablemaximumstorm surge(PMSS)andthe localintenseprecipitation (LlP)events,resultedin maximum floodwaterelevations higherthanthe previously calculated for DBNPS.These postulated floodingeventsare considered beyond-design-basis events.The reevaluated floodlevelsare smallincreases withshortdurations.Theselowprobability eventswouldlikelybe identified in advanceby meteorological forecasting.Current plantprocedures addressing floodingat the siteprovideactionsto be takenin the event floodingis imminent or hasoccurred at or nearthe DBNPSsite. The procedures definelakewaterlevelsfor procedure entry, The on-calldutyteamand Emergency Response Organization (ERO)are mobilized, andthe shiftmanager ensuresffoodbarriersare in place. Procedure RA-EP-02880, lnternalFlooding, addresses floodingto the servicewaterpumproom,component coolingwaterpump roomandemergency corecoolingsystemrooms(safeshutdownequipment). L-16-004 Page22 of 34 Reviewof the applicable floodingprocedures determined thatthereis procedural guidancethatcanbe implemented in advanceof a floodemergency; stationpersonnel and EROare properlynotifiedandmobilized by appropriate floodingtriggerpoints;and thatplantshutdown is included in procedurally specified decisions. Thetravelroutesfor gettingequipment fromthe NSRCwerewalkeddownby personnel fromthe NSRC.Thestagingareashavebeenidentified for deliveryof equipment, and the locationfor deployment of the portableequipment hasbeendetermined. lsEcr Initially,therewereplansto analyzethe BCCmodeof operation for potentialcreditin FLEXcorecoolingstrategies.However, the directionchanged,as reflected in the folfowing statement madein WCAP-17792, AppendixC, SectionC.4.2.1."Later,as agreeduponby the PWROG,the direction for addressing this[issue]was alteredto moredirectlyavoidenteringBCC." As a resultof thisdecision,analysesdocumented in WCAP-17792 focusedon determining whenBCCwouldbeginand identifying the actionsnecessary to preventit. Thatworkledto DBNPSstrategies andsupporting technicalanalysesthatdo not involvethe useof anycodeto analyzeperformance in the BCCmodeof operation. DBNPSstrategies do not relyuponoperationin, or recovery from,the BCCmode. f s Ec r 3 . 2 . 1 . 1 . 8

1. WCAP-17792, Appendix C, DesignSpecific Analyses for B&WDesignPlants, presentsthe analysesthatwereperformedto developa basisfor someof the ELAPmitigation strategies for B&Wplants.

The DBNPSFLEXstrategywill restorean RCSmakeupcapability, usinga FLEX chargingpumpwitha capacityof approximately 60 gpm,within2.5 hoursafter eventinitiation.WCAP-17792, AppendixC, SectionC.6,AlternateMake-up Restoration, determined that,for DBNPS[thatis, "RaisedLoop"(RL)plant], assuming9 gpmof totalleakagefromthe RCS,restoration of makeupat a rate of 50 gpm,by 6 hoursaftereventinitiation, wassufficient to keepthe RCSloops filledwithwaterandto maintainnaturalcirculation for the durationof the event. In addition,SectionC.5,Calculation for Timeto Lossof HeatTransfer,produced a set of curvesshowing"Timeto Lossof HeatTransfer"versus"Pressurizer LevelRateof Change."Thesecurvesadjustthe timeavailable for restoration of makeupto accountfor bothhigherand lowerRCSleakrates. Information from thesecurvesis alsoincorporated intothe DBNPSstrategy to trigger the initiation of an asymmetric cooldownto prolongnaturalcirculation in one RCSloopif the alternatemakeupcapability is delayedor insufficient. The resultsfromSectionC.4,Development of OperatorGuidanceRegarding Preventing or Recovering FromRCSRefluxCoolingBehavior for B&WDesign Plants,are usedas the basisfor directingan asymmetric cooldown.Performing L-16-004 Page23 of 34 an asymmetric cooldownis notthe DBNPSstrategyfor thisevent,but it can be usedas a contingency, for addedflexibility,if the plannedmitigation strategy (thatis, restoration of RCSmakeup)cannotbe performed.

2. Theanalyses discussed above,whicharethebasesfor someof the DBNPS FLEXstrategies,havebeenreviewedto verifythattheyare adequately representative of DBNPSand its FLEXequipment andstrategies.The information presented in Part1, above,showsthatthe actualstrategytimelines andequipment capabilities providemarginrelative to thevaluesusedin or producedby the analyses.In additionto the conservatisms clearlyshownin the response to Part1, the set of "Timeto Lossof HeatTransfer" curvesthatare providedin WCAP-17792, SectionC.5,weredeveloped usinga very conservative assumption thatthe pressurizer is emptywhenlevelindication goes off-scalelow. In fact,the lowerlevel-sensing tap is morethan46 inchesabove the bottomof the pressurizer. Thatadditional volumeprovidessignificant conservatism in the timesderivedfromthe curves.The reviewof the credited analysesconcluded thatthe inputsandassumptions usedin thoseanalysesare eitherrepresentative, conservative, or hadno impacton resultsandconclusions.

rsEcr 3.2.1 .1.C Naturalcirculation is an empirically provencapability of B&W-designed plants.UFSAR Section15. presentsthe evaluation of a mainfeedwaterlinebreak,which includes:a lossof all mainfeedwater, planttrip,lossof off-siteAC power,and initiation of AFWflowto the SGs. In thatscenario, the RCScooldown to the pointof placingthe decayheatremovalsystemintooperationis accomplished by manuallyoperating the AWs andwithfeedwaterbeingsuppliedby theAFWsystemat the capacityof a single AFWpump.Withno off-siteAC poweravailable, the RCPscannotbe operated, and the cooldown wouldusenaturalcirculation in the RCS. Thisis essentially the same scenarioas an ELAPevent.The EFWpumphasessentially the samecapacityas an AFWpump,andthe preliminary resultsof analyses(thatarestillin progress) showthat the EFWpumphashighercapacitythanrequiredto establishandmaintaina SG level for decayheatremoval.A FLEXRCSmakeupcapability will be established priorto the development of voidingor two-phase conditions in the RCS,whichcouldimpactnatural circulation.Basedon thisinformation, the existingUFSARanalysisdemonstrates the abilityto maintainnaturalcirculation in the RCS,andprimary-to-secondary heat transfer,underconditions essentially the sameas willexistfor an EIAP event. fn addition,UFSARSection15.2.5presentsthe resultsof a lossof all four RCPsat power.Thatsectionevaluated the naturalcirculation capability of the RCS,and it concluded thatthe naturalcirculation capability exceeds the flowrate requiredfor decay heatremoval.Furthermore, a testwas runin 1978(thatis,TP800.04, Natural Circulation 7-esf) as partof originalplantstart-uptestingto determinethe natural circulationcapability of the plant.Thattestshowedthat,withSG levelslowerthanwill be usedin an ELAPevent,a naturalflowrateof greaterthan4.5 percentof fullflow couldbe achieved.Thisflowis adequate to removesignificantly moredecayheatthan willexistin an ELAPevent. L-16-004 Page24 of 34 Basedon theaboveinformation, withthe availability of FLEXRCSmakeup,EFWand the AWs, operatoractionsto control primary-to-secondary heattransferandmaintain naturalcirculationhavebeendemonstrated withinexistinganalysesand planttest results.As a result,no newanalysesor modelingof operatoractionswereneededto validatetheadequacy of plannedoperator actionsfor maintaining naturalcirculation andprimary-to-secondary heattransferin an ELAPevent. lsEct A reviewof WCAP-17792 determined thatit doesnotcontainanyspecificdiscussion or statements relatedto the decayheatmodelingassumptions thatwereused. In some cases,it statesthatthe analysespresented are extensions of, or usedthe same assumptions as,the analysespresented in WCAP-17601, ReactorCoolanfSysfem Responsefo the ExtendedLossof AC PowerEventfor Westinghouse, Combustion Engineeringand Babcock& WilcoxNSSSDesrgns.Forthesecases,the decayheat modelingassumptions arethe sameas statedin WCAP-17601 , whichare considered to be applicable andconservative for DBNPS.However, as discussed below,decayheat modefing assumptions did notplaya rolein theWCAP-17792 analyses. The analysespresentedin WCAP-17792 evaluatedthe effectiveness of potential mitigatingactionsthatare notdirectlyassociated withdecay heat removal. The analysesassumedthatthe planthasbeenstabilized followingthe initiation of an ELAP event,withdecayheatalreadybeingremovedvia primary-to-secondary heattransfer. The actionsthatwereevaluatedwouldaffectotheraspectsof the event,notdecayheat removal. Forthe B&Wplantdesign,post-tripstabilization andsuccessful mitigation of an EIAP eventrequirean EFWsystemanda steamreleasepaththatarecapableof removing decayheat,via primary-to-secondary heattransfer,followingthe reactortrip. Analyses are beingperformed to demonstrate thatthe DBNPSEFWsystemandAWs provide thiscapability.The preliminary resultsof analysesshowthatthe decayheatremoval capacityof the EFWsystemandthe AWs exceedsa conservative decayheat generationratewithina few minutesafterthe reactortrips. As longas decayheatis beingremovedvia the SGs,the effectiveness of the actions evaluatedin WCAP-17792 is independent of the decay heat rate. With the continued decreasein the decayheatgeneration rateovertime,by the timethe actionsevaluated in WCAP-17792 couldbe performed, the decayheatremovalcapability of the DBNPS EFWsystemwillsignificantly exceedthe decayheatgeneration rate. Becauseof this, the resultswouldnot be affectedby the relatively smallchangesthatmightresultfrom variationsin decayheatmodelingassumptions. Basedon the above,decayheat modelingassumptions did notplaya rolein the analysespresented in WCAP-17792, whichis consistent withthefactthattheyare notdiscussedin thatdocument. L-16-004 Page25 of 34 rsEcr UFSARSection10.4.4,TurbineBypassSystem,documents thateachSG AW hasa capacityof 5 percentof totalsteamflowat ratedNSSSoutput.Thistranslates to: 0.05X 2772MWt= 138.6MWtX 3,412,141 BtulHr/ MWt= 4.73E8Btu/Hrat approximately 980psig DBNPScalculation C-ME-050.05-001 showsthatthedecayheatgeneration rateat 1.7minutesafterthe reactortripis approximately 4.14E8Btu/Hr.Thismeansthat within1.7minutesafterthe reactortrips,oneAW hasan energyremovalcapacityin excessof thedecayheatgeneration rate. In addition, calculationC-NSA-083.01-006 calculated the energyremovalrateof oneAW at reducedsteampressures.That calculation determined thatoneAW willpassenoughsteamto remove1.1E8Btu/Hrat 200 psigSG pressure, whichis approximately the targetSG pressurefor termination of the RCScooldown.An energyremovalrateof 1.1E8Btu/Hrcorresponds to the decay heatgeneration rateat approximately2.8 hoursaftera reactortrip(asshownin calculation C-ME-050.05-001). The plant cooldown willnothavebegunby 2.8 hours, andthe RCStemperature corresponding to a 200psigSG pressure(thatis, approximately 380'F)couldnot be achievedearlierthanapproximately 10 hoursafter the reactortrip,by whichtimethe decayheatgeneration ratewillbe lessthan8.0E7 (thatis, lessthantheenergyremovalcapacityof oneAW). Calculation C-ME-050.05-001 alsoshowsthatthe decayheatgeneration rateat t hour afterreactortripwillbe approximately 1.47E8Btu/Hr.Usingthe sametechnique that wasappliedin calculation C-NSA-083.01-006, it is determined thattheenergyremoval rateof oneA\N, ata reducedSG pressureof 400 psig,is morethan2.0E8Btu/Hr, whichexceedsthe decayheatgeneration rateat t hourafterreactortrip. The RCS cooldownwillnot havebegunat one hourafterthetrip. By the timethe RCScan be cooledlowenoughto producea SG pressureof 400 psig(thatis, approximately 470'F), the decayheat generation ratewillbe lessthan 1.47E8Btu/Hr,andone AW's capacity of 2.0E8Btu/Hrwillprovideevenmoremarginfor decayheatremoval. Thisinformation supportsthe conclusion thatoneAW canpassmoresteamflowthan requiredto removethe decayheatloadthatwillexistat anytimeduringthe initialpost tripplantstabilizationandsubsequent RCScooldown.In addition, the DBNPSFLEX strategyusesbothSGsandbothAWs for plantcooldown, whichprovidesan energy removalcapability of morethantwicethe decayheatgeneration rate. rsEcr Hydraulic analysiswas not requiredto supportthatinjecting boratedwaterintothe RCS within6 hoursaftertheeventis initiated willmaintainsubcriticality. Calculation C-NF-062.02-048, Davis-Besse Cycle20 ELAPShutdownMarginAnalysis,illustrates thatborationis not requireduntila cooldownis commenced.The RCSis maintained at the post-tripstabilization temperature of approximately 560"F. At this temperature, L-16-004 Page26 of 34 subcriticality willbe maintained, withoutcreditforboration.The DBNPSFLEXstrategy doesnotcommence an RCScooldown untilboration throughRCScharging pumpsis established. Thestrategy timelineshowsRCScharging capability 2.5 hoursfollowing declaration of an ELAP.The strategytimelineshowsthe initiation of RCScooldownat 4.5 hours.(Referto the DBNPStimelineprovided at theendof thisreport.) t s E c t 3 . 2 . .18 B Calculation C-NF-062.02-048 addresses thisissue.Thiscalculation is basedon using the FLEXmakeuppumpanda watersourcewitha concentration of at least 2,600ppmB.Thatconcentration willbe availabbfromeitherthe BWST,whichhasa Technical Specification minimumconcentration requirement of 2,600ppmB,or the CWRT,whichwill be requiredby FLEX procedures to containan adequateinventory of waterat a minimumconcentration of 2,600ppmB.Thiscalculation showsthatthe RCS cooldowncontraction volume (that is,the amountof RCS volumetric contraction during cooldown) willallowadequateboroninjection to maintaina 1 percentshutdownvalue (SDV)at alltimesduringthe cooldown, at alltimesin corelife,withno creditfor xenon reactivity.Forconservatism, thiscalculation assumesno RCSleakageand no RCS venting.Any RCSleakageor ventingwillincrease the makeupvolumerequired, which willfurtherincreasethe boronconcentration and resulting SDV. Therefore, this calculation willboundall ELAPRCSleakagescenarios. FENOCintendsto institutionalize the performance of thiscycle-specific calculation by requiring inclusion of a cycle-specific verificationof adequateELAPboration capability/SDV in corereloadcalculation procedure NOBP-NF-1103, FuelCycle Process Reports, Verifications,and Evaluations. rsccr3.2.1.8.c Calculation C-NF-062.02-048 is basedon usingthe FLEXmakeuppumpanda water sourcewitha concentration of at least2,600ppmB. Thatconcentration is available fromeitherthe BWST,whichhasa Technical Specificationminimum concentration requirement of 2,600ppmB,or theCWRT,whichwillbe required by FLEXprocedures to containan adequateinventory of waterat a minimumconcentration of 2,600ppmB. Thiscalculation showsthatthe RCScooldowncontraction volume(thatis,the amount of RCSvolumetric contraction duringcooldown) willallowadequateboroninjection to maintaina 1 percentSDVat all timesduringthe cooldown, at all timesin corelife,with no creditfor xenonreactivity.Forconservatism, thiscalculation assumesno RCS leakageandno RCSventingto provideadditional borationvolume.Calculation C-NF-062.02-048 providesthe basisfor concluding thatDBNPSdoesnot needto performRCSventingto ensureadequateshutdownmarginduringan ELAPeventand the associated plantcooldown. lsEcr 3.2.3.A Cafculation C-NSA-060.05-01 8, FLEXMode1 Containment ResponseAnalysisDueto 10gpmRCS Leak,evaluated the response of containment pressureandtemperature in L-16-004 Page27 of 34 an ELAPevent,initiated fromModes1 -4, with10 gpmRCSleakage.Thatcalculation determined thatthe resultingcontainment conditions, 100hoursaftereventinitiation, wouldbe 8.4psigand 179"F. The 10gpmassumedleakagerateboundsthe9 gpm totalRCSleakage(thatis,2 gpmper RCPseal,plus1 gpmpre-existing RCSleakage) thatwas usedin otherElAP-related analyses,including thosepresented for B&Wplant designsin WCAP-17792. Thecalculation alsoincludedheatinputto containment from the RCS. Thevaluesof pressureandtemperature identifiedin thiscalculation do not requireanyadditional installedequipment or operatoractions.Thedurationanalyzed provides marginbeyondthetimewhenNSRCequipment willbecomeavailable.That equipment willallowrestoration of functions suchas containment aircooling. Calculation C-NSA-060.05-018 wasmadeavailable for NRCreview. tsE ct An overviewof the ECPsis providedbelow. ECP 14-0645FLEXCommunications - SatellitePhoneInstallation: Thismodification willinstalltwo satellitephonesin the controlroom. Oneis for NRCinterfaces andthe otheris for state,local,andotheremergency interfaces.The poweris from 120V alternating current(AC)InverterDistribution PanelY5005Bto the antennaplug enclosurein the EFWF.The inputpowerfor the inverterfollowinga BDBEEis 125V BatteryD5005D.Thebatteryis to be sizedto powerthefull loadof the inverterand additional directcurrent(DC)loadsfor up to eighthours.Withineighthours,AC power is restoredfollowingdeployment of the FLEX480Vgenerator.The installation of the battery,batterycharger,DC switchboard, inverterand inverterdistribution panelis basedon ECP13-0195-008. Thisis a stand-alone satellitetelephone systemthatdoes not impactthe existingstationcommunication system.Deployment of the systemis addressed in ECP 14-0738, lmplement FLEXat Davis-Besse. ECP14-0646SoundPoweredModifications to SupportFLEX:Thismodification installs additional soundpoweredphonejackboxesin the auxiliary buildingRooms100and 124nearthe RCSpumpsthatare beinginstalledby ECP13-0463.A soundpowered phoneanda controlroomsoundpoweredphonedisconnect willbe locatedin the EFWF. Closingthisdisconnect willallowsoundpoweredphoneusein the control room. A storageboxwillalsobe installedin the controlroomnearthe EFWsystem PanelC5732.The additional phonejacksdo not impactthe operation of the existing soundpoweredphone jacks usedfor safeshutdown. ISECI 3.4.A NEffetterdatedSeptember 11, 2014,regarding NSRCoperational status,providedthe programmatic aspectsand implementation plansfor the SAFERprogramto be in conformance withthe applicable portions of NEI 12-06,DiverseandFlexibleCoping Strategies (FLEX)Implementation Guide,Revision0, datedAugust2012.The NSRCs willalsomaintainon filean operational checklistannotating the specificcriteriathatwill be validated for eachindividual licenseeto supportan operational status.TheDBNPS SAFERResponsePlanwas madeavailablefor NRCreview. L-16-004 Page28 of 34 7 PotentialInterimStaff Evaluationlmpacts FENOCis makingchangesto the compliance methodas documented in the OIP (Reference1). Somealternateapproaches are beingtaken,andthereis a potential impacton the lSE. 8 References Thefollowingreferences supportthe updatesto the OIPdescribedin thisattachment.

1. FirstEnergyNuclearOperating Company's (FENOC's)OverallIntegrated Planin Response to March 12,2012 Commission Order Licenses Modifying with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-Basis External Events(OrderNumberEA-12-049), datedFebruary 27,2013.
2. NRCOrderNumberEA-12-049, OrderModifying LicenseswithRegardto Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis ExternalEvents, datedMarch12,2012.

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