L-03-126, Emergency Preparedness Plan & Implementing Procedures
ML032380058 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Beaver Valley |
Issue date: | 08/22/2003 |
From: | Pearce L FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
A5.735B, L-03-126 EPP/IP 1.4, Rev 19 | |
Download: ML032380058 (65) | |
FENOC Beaver Valley Power Station Route 168 P. Box 4 FfrstEwrgy Nudear Operating Company Shippingport, PA 15077-0004 L William Pearce 724-682-5234 Site Vice President Fax: 724-643-8069 August 22, 2003 L 126 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001
Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 1 and No. 2 BV-1 Docket No. 50-334, License No. DPR-66 BV-2 Docket No. 50412, License No. NPF-73 Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Preparedness Plan and Implementing Procedures In accordance with 10 CFR Part 50.4, this letter forwards recent revisions of the Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Preparedness Plan Implementing Procedures to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The changes do not decrease the effectiveness of the Plan and the Plan, as changed, continues to meet the requirements of Appendix E of 10 CFR 50. Therefore, 10 CFR Part 50.54(q) requires that these changes be submitted for information only.
There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter. If there are any questions concerning this submittal, please contact Ms. Susan L. Vicinie, Manager, Emergency Preparedness at 724-682-5767.
Sincerely, William Pearce Enclosure 1 - Summary of Changes Enclosure 2 - Plan/Procedure revisions c: Mr. T. G. Colburn, NRR Senior Project Manager (w/o Enclosure 2)
Mr. D. M. Kern, NRC Sr. Resident Inspector (w/o Enclosure 2)
Mr. H. J. Miller, NRC Region I Administrator (2 copies)
Enclosure 1 Summary of Changes Revisions to Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Preparedness Plan Implementing Procedures The following is a brief summary of the changes made to the Emergency Preparedness Plan Implementing Procedures.
EPP/Implementine Procedures:
EPP/IP- 1.4 Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Revision 19 revised Attachment 2 (sections 1.2, 2.6 and the NOTE in section 1) to eliminate the requirement for "sign in" boards. The boards were used for accountability and a Fitness for Duty screen; however, these functions are achieved by other means and the boards have been determined to be unnecessary.
In addition, section 1.4.2 was revised to change "ERF Emergency Entrance" to "Emergency Response Facility."
EPP/IP 1.7 Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Teams Revision 12 revised sections 3.1.4 and to update the Fitness for Duty procedure number. Attachment 1 was changed to Attachment "A". This attachment was also revised to delete "during normal working hours" and to add, "when personnel are at the Site." Attachment 2 was replaced with a separate form, and step was revised to reference the new form.
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Beaver Valey Power Station Uift 1/2 EPPIIP 1.4 Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Document Owner Manager, Em ergency Preparedness Revision Number 19 Level Of Use General Skill Reference Safety Related Procedure Yes
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Beaver Valley Powoer Station P rocdur4um Tltle: Unit: Level Of Use.
1/2 General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation : Pare Numb:
- _ 19 ~ ~~~~~~~
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-EFFECTIVE INDEX Issue E'Rev. 0 OSC Approved 3-12-87 1 OSC Approved . 3-29-88 2 OSC Approved 3-22-90 Issue 9>Rev. 0 Non-Intent Revision '10-9-90 1 Non-Intent Revision 11-21-91
- - 2 Non-Intent Revision t 12-29-92 3 Non-Intent Revision 2-9-93 Rev. 5 OSC Approved 11i-10-93 6 OSC Approved 12-15-94 7 Non-Intent Revision . 10-6-95 8 Non-Intent Revision .12-1 9 Non-Intent Revision 4-3-96 10 Non-Intent Revision 6-17-97 Rev. Non-Intent Revision 1-1-98 12 Non-Intent Revision 4-1-98 13 Non-Intent Revision 12-31-99 14 Non-Intent Revision 01-23-01 15 Non-Intent Revision 8-8-01 16 Non-Intent Revision 12-12-01 17 Simple Change 8-15-02 Rev. 18 Simple Change 2-25-03 Rev. 19 Simple Change- 7-30-03 s-w,
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X T 3 . aD i- , . : :u m=T. :2 ~~Pwstdwe Number:S Beaver Valley Power Station- EPP/ 1.4
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General Skill Reference TaRevbion L Page Nus Technical Support Center Activation,, Operation and DeactivationJ TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Purpose B. References C. Responsibilities D. Action Levels/Precautions E. Procedure F. Final Condition G. Attachments
Beaver Valley Power Station :
_ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _E Number.PP /P 1.4 rit Unit: LIevel Of Use:
-1/2 General Sidll Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Relnsi7- PagNumbr
_. . - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 1 nf 44-A. PURPOSE This procedure provides guidance for the -Technical Support -Center. (TSC) staff in. the activation, operation and deactivation of the Technical Support Center.
B. REFERENCES 1.0 Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Preparedness Plan and Implementing Procedures.
2.0 Beaver Valley Power Station-Operating Manual. -
3.0 Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Appendix E.
4.0 NUREG-0654IFEMA-REP-1 "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants."
5.0 NRC Inspection Report 50-334 #81-27 (The concept of operations described in this EPPIIP were incorporated in response to finding.)
6.0 NUREG-1394 "Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) Implementation."
7.0 Condition Report #970716 Condition Report #00-2202 Condition Report #01-3198 Condition Report #01-6025 Condition Report #02-04166 Condition Report #01-1714-07 Condition Report #02-03660 Condition Report #03-02032-03 C. RESPONSIBILITIES The Technical Support Coordinator is responsible for insuing the actions outlined in this procedure are completed. The Emergency Director is responsible for insuring Attachment 4
'"Guidance for ERF Evacuation/Inaccessible" is implemented, if applicable. The TSC Computer Coordinator is responsible for ERDS activation per Attachment 9.
D. ACTION LEVELS/PRECAUTIONS 1.0 ACIION LEVELS NOTE NIJREG-1394 requires activation of the ERDS computer within one (1) hour of the declaration of any Alert or higher classification.
1.1 This procedure should be initiated upon any of the following:
1.1.1- At the direction of the Shift Manager, assuming the responsibilities of the Emergency Director.
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Beaver Valley Power Station .eEPP/1P 1.4 ' 4 I
fle: Unit level Of Use. I 1/2 General SIll Reference .
Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Re9i: ;Pag NwbWr 1.1.2 Declaration of an emergency condition equal to or greater than an Alert.
Operability of the TSC and EOF is checked as part of Operations Manual, Chapter 58.
Emergency activation of the TSC and EOF will include operability checks in addition to those mentioned above.
2.1 To ensure that appropriate and timely attention is paid to the in-plant and offsite aspects of the emergency condition, the Shift Manager should delegate supervision of in-plant activities and assume the responsibilities of the Emergency Director as set forth in the BVPS Emergency Preparedness Plan.
2.2 The Shift Manager must ensure that TSC activities and personnel associated with TSC activation do not interfere with operational and assessment actions.
2.3 The Technical Support Center will provide the following functions:
- Provide plant management and technical support to plant operations personnel during emergency conditions.
v Relieve the reactor operators of peripheral duties and communications not directly related to reactor system manipulations.
- Prevent congestion in the Control Room.
- Perform EOF functions for the Alert Emergency class and for the Site Area Emergency class and General Emergency class until the EOF is functional.
- Provide radiological briefings for personnel leaving the ERF during a declared emergency.
Procedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station EFF/IP1.4 Thie:
1/2 General Skill Reference U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eiini
- PapNmer.se Technical SupportCenter Activation, Operation and Deactivation Revwon: PageNumber.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __t1 = 31f 44 E. PROCEDURE 1.0 ACIVATION NOTE:
The TSC should be activated as soon as possile, but, in all cases, within one (1) hour of an ALERT or higher classification. BVPS will continue to maintain an ERO and notification system which will have the objective of meeting the 30160 minute response time criteria specified in NUREG-0654. -It is recognized that 100%:staff augmentation, within 30 minutesmay not be achievable under all circumstances. The Onsite staff shall be augmented as soon as reasonably achievable.
1.1 Upon declaration of an emergency condition equal to or greater than an ALERT or as directed by the Emergency Director (SM), the ERF Emergency Access Station procedure should be implemented (Attachment 2) 1.1.1 Security and the Technical Support Coordinator shall refer to Attachment I for instructions concerning the ERF ventilation.
1.1.2 If personnel are notified that the Site is inaccessible, refer to Attachment 4 "Guidance For ERP Inaccessible/Evacuation".
1.2 Upon notification of an Alert or higher emergency classification, the on-call Emergency Director shall do at least one of the following:
1.2.1 Proceed to the Control Room, or 1.2.2 Contact the SM via cell phone, direct ringdown phone, or other available communications, and 1.2.3 Obtain the information to complete the turnover status checlist with
-theon-duty SMIEmergency Director.
1.3 The Technical Support Coordinator shall inform the Emergency Director of TSC staffing (reference Attachment 5).-
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Procedure Nimbe.:
Beaver Valley Power Station EPPIP 1.4 Thfe niLvel Of Use
.n 12 Genral Skill R.fIre 1 Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation R IsaNw 19 t
14 of 44 NOTE:
Obtain the BVERS printout from the FAX machine in the TSC Communications Area.
1.3.1 Using the Beaver Valley Emergency Response System (BVERS) printout, determine staffing from personnel currently at the TSC, or via arrival times listed on the BVERS printout.
1.4 The Technical Support Coordinator shall inform the Emergency Director of the status of the following:
1.4.1 Emergency equipment is energized or operable. (Reference Attachment 5) 1.4.2 Security has:
- Secured the Emergency Response Facility.
- Isolated the ERF ventilation, per Attachment 1.
1.4.3 Radiation Protection has:
- Established Frisking Station (if required).
- Established TLD Issue Area.
1.5 Verify that the Radiological Controls Coordinator has initiated habitability surveys, if necessary. (Refer to Attachment 8 of this IP.)
Depending on the type of emergency or circumstances, the TSC may be activated without complete staffing or all available communications equipment.
1.6 Upon information provided by the Technical Support Coordinator, the Emergency Director, or designee, shall declare the Technical Support Center activated and inform the Shift Manager of the final transfer of responsibilities.
A formal activation announcement shall be made over the ERF page, the plant page party system, and the OperationslRadCon Headset Circuits. EPPAIP 1.3, "Turnover Status Checklist' should be used during the turnover process to assure accurate information is received.
Beaver Valley Power Station l NuUEm 1.4
'ride.-: :. Unit: Level Of Use:
-:1/2 General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation I 19 . o 44 2.0 OPERATION NOTE:
If actions are required in an eergency that are -immediately -needed to protect the public health and safety, and departs from the license -condition or Technical Specification, the action shall be approved, as a minimum by a licensed Senior Reactor Operator prior to taking the action, per 10 CFR 50.54 (x) and (y).
2.1 The Technical Support Center (TSC) is located in the Emergency Response Facility. Equipment and facilities required for implementation of the BVPS EPP are located in the TSC. T'his equipment includes;- computer systems for both Units, dedicated telephones providing access to Control Room data and the means for conversations with Operations personnel and dedicated headset circuits.
2.2 Technical Support Center equipment operation -shall be under the guidance set forth in the BVPS -EPP/1P 1.2, "Communications and Dissemination of Information", or other applicable procedures.
2.3 If access to the TSC becomes restricted due to radiological or other conditions,-
the Emergency Director and designated Emergency Coordinators should relocate per Attachment 4. All other TSC personnel will receive reporting instructions as the situation warrants. -
2.4 The functional responsibilities of the individual TSC personnel (Emergency Coordinators) are identified in Section 5 of the BVPS Emergency Preparedness Plan.
3.0 DEACTIVATION 3.1 The- Emergency Director may, upon satisfying the criteria of EPPIIP 6.2, "Termination of the Emergency and Recovery", declare the TSC deactivated.
The Technical Support Coordinator will be directed to coordinate the TSC deactivation. -Preparations should be made between the Shift Manager and the Emergency Director to transfer remaining responsibilities to the On-Shift or Recovery organizations.
3.2 After shifting responsibilities, inform the Shift Manager that the TSC has been deactivated. A formal announcement should be made to any remaining TSC staff and announced over the Operations and RadCon circuits, as a minimum.
Establh cntt wh te NRCA to oTaION: v Establish contact with thie NRC to obtain f E l d roval for ERDS link deactivation.-
Beaver Valley Power Station Ptoeu 1.4 Tinte Unit l Level Of Use:
1/2 lGeneral Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Revision: Page Nber 44 3.3 Upon deactivation, the Technical Support Coordinator should direct available personnel to dc-energize and restore emergency equipment, forms and any other items utilized during the emergency response.
F. FINAL CONDITIONS 1.0 The use of this procedure shall be terminated after the following conditions have been met.
1.1 All available records generated during the emergency response are forwarded to the Communications and Record Coordinator.
1.2 All functional equipment/supplies have been restored to preactivation status.
1.3 The TSC staff has been relieved of all duties associated with the operation of the TSC.
1.4 Normal operations have been restored or a recovery organization established.
Beaver Valley PowerStation Tit7le: -
Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation I:2 j
RisiO Levd Of Use:
P General Skill Reference Numbc A'TACHMENT 1 (Page 1 of 3)
ERF EMERGENCY VENTILATION ISOLATIONIACTIVATION RESPONSIBILITY Upon declaration of an ALERT or higher emergency classification, or at the direction of the Emergency Director, Security shall complete SECTION A and the Technical Support Coordinator, or
-designee, shall complete SECTION B.
If Security is unavailable or delayed, the-Technical;Support Coordinator, :or designee, shall also complete SECTION A.
SECTION A, Ventilation Isolation by Security
- -NOTE:
The ERF Ventilation System is isolated by Security personnel immediately after they have established the ERF Emergency Access Station.-
To manually isolate the ventilation system in the Emergency Response Facility, perform either step 1) or 2) of the following:
- 1) Flip the switch on Control Panel #5 (located in the EOF - Figure 1).' The switch is located on the lower right hand side of the HVAC panel and should be placed from the normal position to the Emergency System Mode Switch position (observe instructions posted on the panel).
- 2) Follow the same procedure in the Mechanical Room (Figure 1). ThMe switch and instructions are also located on the HVAC panel on the lower right hand side of the panel.
The switch closes the automatic dampers and allows for recirculating the air in the ERF.
Whether the switch is in the normal or emergency system mode switch position, the air is sent through a series of filters before circulating.
- 3) Record time Emergency Ventilation switch activated, and inform Technical SuPport Coordinator.
4)- If the ventilation system is not isolated/activated,-inform Technical Support Coordinator. The Technical Support Coordinator shall discuss the situation with the Engineering Coordinator, Emergency Director and Radiological Control Coordinator as to the need for surveys, sampling or ERF evacuation.
Beaver Valley Power Station PedeNu A Mae:unt: Level Of Use:
112 General Sldll Reference Technical Spport ente Uctiation r Oerati on: Pageand NumDeactiva bse.
Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation ReIsi Page Of 44bcr1 ATTACHMENT 1 (Page 2 of 3)
ERF EMERGENCY VENTILATION ISOLATIONIACTIVATION SECTION B, Startin Second Ventilation Fan by Tech Support CoordJDesignee The purpose of Section B is to start the second air handling Fan to ensure a positive pressure is maintained in the TSC and EOF during emergency use.
- 1) Locate the S-1 Air Handling Unit Panel in the Maintenance Area Mechanical Room Figure 1, (Across from the ERF Reproduction Room.)
- 2) Verify or place the S-1 air handling unit Fan No. I in Manual".
- 3) Verify or place the S-1 air handling unit Fan No. 2 in "Manual".
If S-1 air handling unit Fan No. is in service, go to step 5, if S-1 air handling unit Fan No. 2 is in J
service, go to step 4 and skip step 5).
- 4) Start the S-. air handling unit fan No. by pushing the start button.
- 5) Start the S-1 air handling unit fan No. 2 by pushing the start button.
- 6) Adjust the manual speed controller on the S-1 air handling unit Fan No. 1 to 8.75.
- 7) Adjust the manual speed controller on the S-1 air handling unit Fan No. 2 to 8.75.
- 8) Close doors to the TSC (including the Communications Area of the Ombudsman's Office) and EOF (i.e.: do not prop or block doors open).
- 9) Inform Emergency Director second ventilation fan has been started to maintain TSC and EOF positive pressure.
- 10) If the second fan does not start, the Technical Support Coordinator shall discuss the situation with the Engineering Coordinator, Emergency Director and Radiological Control Coordinator as to the need for surveys or sampling.
Beaver Valley
_____________________ Power Station EPP1Number EPP/IP 1.4
= - - 7 LUnit: Level Of Use:
.- : -- 1/2General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation 19 e b f44 ATTACHMENT 1 (Page 3 of 3)
ERF EMERGENCY VENTILATION ISOLATIONIACTIVATION SECTION C. Returning Ventilation System to One Fan (Normal) Service Rmp speedCAUTION:
downr Fant sopn s Ramp down Fan speed prior to sopping s econd Fan. -F:0 -;-l
- 1) Stop the S-1 air handling unit Fan No. 2 by pushing the stop button.
- 2) Place the S-1 air handling Unit Fan No. 2 in auto.
- 3) Adjust the manual speed controller on the S-1 air handling unit Fan No. to 7.0.
- 4) Adjust the manual speed controller on the S-1 air handling unit Pan No. 2 to 7.0.
- 5) Place the ERF Building Normal/Emergency Ventilation switch at panel CP-1 in the Maintenance Area Mechanical Room Figure 1 (across fom the ERP Reproduction Room) to the Normal position.
- 6) Confirmlabeledindicatorshavereverseddamper positions.
- 7) Inform the Engineering Coordinator and the Emergency Director.
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Beaver Valley Power Station Pocdure Number EPP/IP 1.4 Uni ieavI LevdOfUse:
-112 _I21Genial IINPae eea SMl kl References eeec : .
I' Revision: N Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation is o r I t
Pnocedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station E 1.4 fhide: T 7Unit: Lvel Of Use:
112 General Skdll Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Rv 1son. P -N11bo ATTACHMENT 2 (Page 1 of 4)
ERF EMERGENCYENTRANCE A. PURPOSE This procedure provides guidance for emergency support personnel for gaining access to the Emergency Response Facility (ERF).
~The RadCon Coordinator and Security Coordinator are responsible for insuring the actions outlined in this procedure are completed.
D. ACTION LEVELS/PRECAUTIONS 1.0 ACTION LEVELS 1.1- This procedure should be initiated upon any of the following:
1.1.1 At the direction of the Shift Manager assuming the responsibilities of the Emergency Director.
1.12 Declaration of an emergency condition equal to or greater than an emergency classification of ALERT.
2.0 PRECATIMONS 2.1 The ERF Emergency Entrance will provide the following functions:
-* Provide a controlled access location into the ERF.
- -Provide a location -for performing radiological monitoring of personnel entering the ERF (if appropriate).
1 Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure N=m.4
,nft Unit: Level Of IUse:
112 General Sldll Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation eniStion:
RC 12 of Ref PagofU44:kil 44umb ATTACHMENT 2 (Page 2 of 4)
If emergency personnel arrive at the ERF Building prior to Security/Radiation Protection set-up, they shall begin activation of their area. Upon Security/Radiation Protection set-up, announcements should be made on the ERF Page for personnel to obtain dosimetry. Radiation Protection may cross-reference sign-in logs to assure all personnel are signed in and possess dosimetry.
1.1 Security will secure all entrances to the ERF, except the Radiation Protection Check Area entrance at the ERF garage (Figure 1).
1.2 Radiation Protection will establish a Dosimetry Issue Station down the hall from the Radiation Protection Check Area entrance. All personnel entering the ERF Building will be required to wear a TLD (Figure 2).
1.2.1 Dosimetry should not be issued to individuals who have worn their assigned BVPS TLD when entering the ERF. The SecurityTLD issue log should be marked accordingly.
1.2.2 A RadCon Coordinator Assistant should make the following announcement on the ERF page system (PAX 7000).
"All emergency workers who have not processed in through Security and Radiation Protection should do so as soon as practical to ensure complete staff accountability and radiation dosimetry issue."
1.3 Radiation Protection will also establish a radiological monitoring station, if needed, in the Radiation Protection Check Area with appropriate radiological boundaries (Figure 2).
1.4 A RadCon Coordinator or Assistant shall make the following announcement:
"All ERF personnel leaving the ERF must receive a radiological briefing from the TSC RadCon Coordinator in the TSC prior to exiting the ERF'.
1.5 After the influx of TSCIEOF support staff, a RadCon Coordinator Assistant should make an accounting of those who normally have assigned dosimetry and who received ERF-EPP TLD's. The normal dosimetry should be pulled from the normal storage locations for return to the ERF Building as soon as practical.
Beaver Valley Power'Station:
____________________________________EPP/JP -Pf--Xd0tC er 1.4 lntle:- Unit I 7X 0Level Of Use
- i-:1/2 General Skill Reference Technical Support-Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation - Peiin aeNme ATTACHMENT 2 (Page 3 of 4) 2.0 OPERATION 2.1 Radiation Protection will determine the necessity of a self-frisk based on Radiation Protection/Operations evaluation of the potential for contamination due to a radiological release.
2.2 All personnel entering the Radiation Protection. Check area will remain within the radiological boundaries until monitored, if necessary.
2.3 If contamination is detected, Radiation Protection should be notified. They will evaluate the extent of the contamination, and direct decontamination in the Decontamination Room, if necessary. (Refer to BVPS BPM Chapter 3, RP 2.3
'Decontamination Control" for additional guidance.)
The Decontamination Room showers drain to a holding tank buried outside the ERP. Tank level indicator panels are located in the front entrance to the ERF, and the Service Dock Area by the roll-up door.
2.4 If no contamination is detected, personnel may exit the Radiation Protection Check Area at the designated point, by using the card reader on the wall beside the door (BVPS ID required) or contacting one of the phone numbers listed on the wall, and continue to the Sign-in Sheets.
2.5 Personnel who do not have an ID card to access the card reader must call one of the phone numbers listed on the wall to gain access.
2.6 Personnel shall obtain dosimetry from Radiation Protection, or notify Radiation Protection their assigned BVPS TI) is being worn, and then continue to their appropriate emergency response positions.
3.0 DEACTIVATION 3.1 Upon decision by the Emergency Director/Emergency Recovery Manager to terminate the use of the ERF Emergency Entrance, the RadCon Coordinator and Security Coordinator will direct the deactivation process.
3.2 Upon deactivation and prior to the return of normal building access, the RadCon Coordinator will assure that all radiological boundaries and equipment are properly removed, and surveys are conducted to confirm that the Radiation Protection Check Area (and Decontamination Room, if necessary) are below 5000 dpm/l00 cm 2 . Areas that cannot be readily decontaminated to acceptable levels shall be isolated and access controlled until decontamination efforts are satisfactorily completed.
3.3 Upon deactivation, the Security Coordinator will assure the re-establishment of normal building access.
Ptcure Number.
Beaver Valley Power Station I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
EPP)) 14 ltle: Unit: Level Of Use:
1/2 General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation 19 P 14 of 44 i_
ATTACHMENT 2 (Page 4 of 4)
IF. FINAL CONDITIONS 1.0 The use of this procedure shall be terminated after the following conditions have been met:
1.1 All records generated during the emergency response are forwarded to the proper personnel for review and then forwarded to Emergency Preparedness.
1.2 All functional equipment/supplies have been restored to pre-activation status.
1.3 All contaminated waste has been properly packaged and transported to Radiological Waste Disposal.
- -Beaver Valley Power Station -: : edure l 4 rTide: Unit: : f Use Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation
- 7 - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~19; 15 of 44
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Beaver Valley Power Station TechnalS Use:
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Gencra Ssill Refuane=c J
Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Reiin PagMRODbw I9 I18 of 44 -
_______________________________________IEPPIJP Beaver Valley Power-Station - ocdrNub:
Unit 1L4 Level Of Use:
I- = -;- General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation ii e Numbe4_
AITACHMENT 3 (Page 1 of 1)
- 3. Energize TSC trend pen recorders.
- 4. Perform system check on IPC and SPDS or ERFCS according to OM Chapter 58 and verify activation on HDSR.
- 5. Clear computer's OJ, log, and high speed line printer.
- 6. Identify key groups at direction of computer coordinator.
- 7. Activate trend pen recorders utilizing representative points from key groups.
Identify point names and ranges with grease pencil on recorder faces. (U2 Only)
- 8. Initiate one standard trend log for each key group and activate and initiate collection.
- 9. Assign key groups to their respective logs.
- 11. Display PSSD iconic on SPDS monitor.
- 12. Monitor group display for point alarms or abnormal trends and values, and alert key personnel.
- 13. Modify displays, trend pens, standard trend logs, and spare group assignments to support needs of TSC and EOF personnel.
- 14. Periodically provide logs and appropriate summaries.
- 15. Upon termination return system to normal operating status, and return console keys to the TSC key cabinet.
Beaver Valley Power Station - Pdumr -- I
. Sub.
PP J .
cI Of Use Sl Reference UGeneral Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Revisio: Pap Numner I ^ I n_
Beaver Valley Power Station -- edeNumEpp/p1.4 Title_ Unit Level Of Use:
1/2 General SIll Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation - ii:9 Pag Number.
ATT ACHMENT 4 (Page 1 of 3)
Although the ERF Building is a radiologically hardened facility, other hazards (fire, toxic gas, flooding, loss of power, loss of internal ventilation control, etc.) may cause evacuation of the ERF, or result in ERF inaccessibility to emergency response personnel.
1.0 : The following is guidance for Emergency Response Organization personnel in the event of ERF evacuation or inaccessibility.
- Control Room Alternate EOF (JPIC)
TSC Operations Coordinator
- Control Room -Alternate EOP (JPIC)
RadCon Coordinator
- Control Room Alternate EOF (JPIC)
Maintenance Coordinator $ Control Room Alternate EOF (JPIC)
Comm & Records Coord.
- Control Room Alternate EOF (JPIC)
Chemistry Coordinator Unit 1 Cold Lab Alternate EOF (JPIC)
Engineering Coordinator -SEB- Alternate EOF(JPIC)
Technical Support Coordinator SEB Alternate EOF(JPIC)
TSC Engineers SEB Alternate EOF (JPIC)
Document Support SEB Alternate EOF (JPIC)
Security Representative + Alternate EOF (JPIC Alternate EOF (JPIC)
Computer Coordinator Alternate EOF (JPI) Alternate EOF(JPIC)
Operations Communicator Alternate EOF (JPIC) :Alternate EOF (JPIC)
Telecommunications SEB Alternate EOF(JPIC)
EA&DP Coordinator Alternate EOF(1PIC) Alternate EOF(1PIC)
+ The Security Coordinator will remain in CAS while ERF Security personnel relocate per EPP/IP 1.6.
- These personnel should relocate to the unaffected Unit's SM Office.
-i Procdmr Numbs:
Beaver Valley Power Station EPP/ P 1.4 UnIde ui L Us 1/2 Gervti Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Re 22 of 44umr I-ATTACHMENT 4 (Page 2 of 3)
Upon determination that ERF personnel must be evacuated during an emergency condition, the Emergency Director, in conjunction with the RadCon Coordinator and the TSC Security Coordinator, shall assign appropriate personnel to conduct a search of the building to assure that all personnel are evacuated.
EOF personnel shall report to the Alternate EOF per EPP/IP 1.6.
2.1 Personnel listed in Table I shall turnover their responsibilities to Control Room or OSC personnel and report to their designated locations.
2.2 All other ERF personnel shall relocate to the SEB first floor or relocate to another area (alternate onsite work location or assembly area).
2.2.1 Upon relocation, the Engineering Coordinator, Chemistry Coordinator and EA&DP Coordinator shall call the Emergency Director in the Control Room and relay a phone number where they can be contacted. I 2.2.2 Personnel may also be dismissed from the Site, as directed by the appropriate Coordinator.
2.3 The evacuation location may be changed per the Emergency Director, or appropriate Coordinator, dependent on the cause of the evacuation or the loss of specific equipment.
3.0 ERF Inaccessible NOTE:
This would most likely be a non-daylight work hour event, since during daylight work hours, personnel onsite would be able to access onsite Emergency Facilities.
3.1 Upon notification of an emergency classification with the Site inaccessible, only those TSC positions listed in Table I should report to the Alternate EOF and determine the requirements for Site access and the necessity for additional personnel response (assistants, communicators, engineers, etc.).
. . : - .: < -; - ~~~~~~~~~~Pcedure Number.
Beaver Valley Power Station Tide: Unit: Level Of Use:
1/2 General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation RCvion: PageNumber ATTACHMENT 4 (Page 3 of 3)
GUIDANCE FOR ERF EVACUATIONAINACCESSIBLE 4.0 Site Accessible 4.1 Upon the Site becoming accessible, the Emergency Director/Emergency Recovery Manager shall call the Control Room SMED for a turnover, if the emergency has not been terminated.
4.2 Upon completion of the turnover, the TSC Emergency Director/Emergency Recovery Manager shall report to the TSC/EOF, conditions permitting (radiological, toxic gas, etc.).: He will then call the Control Room SM for an update, receive a staffing and equipment operability update, and brief the TSC and EOF over the ERF Building page system.
INTENTIONALLY BLANK Beaver Valley Power Station :0:XeAd I-mcd-r
Unit: Level Of Use Echical Support
- Center Activation, Operation Deciv
-nd n .2 s GeneraSkillRefeence Pe Technical SupportCenter Activation, Operation and Deactivation 0 ReAsion: a
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Beaver Vz 1
Unit Level Of Use:
1/2 General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation -=t=7o4 R Pag ATTACHMENT 5 (Page 1of 3)
This checklist is provided to aid the Technical Support Coordinator in determining the state of readiness of the TSC for activation. It is not intended to replace any portion of this IP.
TC Epnergine erin e a e to bN O TE:-
TSC Engineering personnel are to begin completion of this attachment as they arrive in the TSC.
Verified Complete By Time - Task
______________ -_X_____ -_- B adges, etc.
2.- Review Page 2 of this Attachment to determine
-___ __ _ _ _equipment operability. -
- 3. Review Page 3 of this Attachment to determine TSC
_ _ _ _ __ __S__ _ __ taffin g .
- 4. Confirm with Security that the ERF Emergency
___________ _______ Entrance hhs been staffed.
- 5. Confirm with RP that the RadCon Frisker Station has a __
______________ -_ -___ been established.
_ __-_ _ _ _ established.
- 7. Perform Section B, "Starting Second Ventilation Fan by Tech Support CoordiDesignee" of Attachment 1,
___-____-___i__________ "ERF-Emergency Ventilation IsolationtActivation".
-- Confirm with Security/Engineering that the ERF
___ __ ___ _v -_ __-_ ventilation system has been isolated. :--
9 Request the Engineering Coordinator to contact the STA and inform him that the TSC is being prepared
_-_=___- _ and to obtain a turnover from the STA.
- 10. Confirm with the Computer Coordinator that the IPCIERFCSISPDSiTrend Pens and ERDS computer
=_____________-:___-__- systems are operational and available.
- 11. Confirm with the EA&DP Coordinator that the MDASIARERAS Systems, or alternates, are
______=_X operational and available.
.r Beaver Valley Power Station Pro nub e .
Title Unit Level Of Use 112 General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Revision: Page Numbe.
ATTACHlMENT 5 (Page 2 of 3)
B. ADDITIONAL Verified Complete By Time Task
- 1. Set up headsets at TSC Command Table.
- 3. Power up Xerox and drawing reproduction equipment.
- 4. Assign individual to TSC EMA Liaison phone to support BVPS personnel located at OEMA (Approximately 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> travel time prior to arrival at OEMA).
- 5. Update the "Engineering Activities" board.
Verified SUGGESTED Complete By Time Operable Equipment
- 1. Audio communications (Headset circuits and/or direct dial phones) to Control Room.
- 2. Kmergency elephone system (ETS) phones
- 3. PAX and Bell Phone Lines
- 4. Radio Communications Link-Radiation Monitorin Conunents/Exceptions:
TSC READY FOR ACTIVATION I TSC Coordinator: l Time: I Date: - -I
Beaver Valley Power Station
_____________________________________ Pr-c-dureNumer.
EPPIIP 1.4 ftie: Unit Level Of Use:
/2 7General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Rcvision PW Numbe.
19 - 29 of 44 I II I 0 :A1TACHMENT
- 5 (Page 3 of 3)
Verified Complete Time Task
- By-
- 1. Retrieve the BVERS Call Response Report from the ERF FAX (TSC Communications Area) and determine if all TSC Primary Responder positions have been filled for TSC activation (May not be necessary for events that occur during normal working hours since personnel may staff facilities prior to report printout.).
- 2. Review TSC staffing. Inform the ED when sufficient TSC staff members have arrived. Depending on the emergency conditions, personnel necessary for the TSC may vary. Listed below is the suggested minimum staffing.
- Required By E-Plan
- Emergency Director
- EA&DP Coordinator
- Communications & Records Coord Communications Assistant Communications Assistant Nuclear Engineer Electrical Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Chemistry Coordinator ADDITIONAL ONE-HOUR RESPONDERS Communications Assistant 0
Computer Coordinator 0
Technical Support Coordinator -
S Communications Assistant S
Rad Control Coordinator Maintenance Coordinator Engineering Coordinator I TechnicalSupportCoordinator : Time: F Date: I
INTENTIONALLY BLANK t : - - . : -7 ~~~~~~~~~~~-
Beaver Valley Power Station - 1.4
'rde: Unit Lee Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation - viston: ng Nmer-ATTACHMENT 6 (Page 1 of 1)
This checklist is provided as an aid for the Computer Coordinator in the ormance of hisher duties. It is not intended to replace any porton of this 1P. i Perf o h NOTE ofi NUREG-1394 requires activation of the ERDS computer within one (1) hour of the declaration of any Alert or higher classification.
ERDS Activation:
- 1. ActivateERDSperAttachment9.
Functional Check of IPC Hardware
- 2. Check that time is updating.
- 3. Check High Speed Printer (#4) has adequate paper.
System Activation
- 1. Get Key from breakglass box in TSC.
- 2. Open TSC emergency cabinet (Key #1) get the following supplies:
- a. Speed Memos & status charts'-
- b. Arm bands/Badges
- c. Pens, paper, etc. (misc. supplies)
- a. Call up a point summary
- b. Select points & ranges (operations assistance)
- c. Activate standard trend logs --
- 4. System Surveillance
- a. Alanns-acknowledge & generate speed memo's or inform Operation Coordinator.
- b. Displays-view for changes in critical parameters (SPDS also)
- c. Analog trends-watch for and ate changes
Beaver Valley Power Station Pre/ub1.4 no~e I it EPP/ 1.
VLUpsw LzV= VI use: F 14/2 1General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Revision: Page Number ,,
_ _ I L _I I
~~~~~Procdze Numbwr:
Beaver ValleyPower Station -
- : v r ss . rv ff * -
- edu eP /I1.4 z: Thie: ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Unit:
evel Of Use:
1/2 General Skill Reference G
Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Revision: Page Number-
' - ~~~
9 ~~~~~~~~1 33 of 44 ATTACHMENT 7 (Page 1 of 1)
This- checklist is provided as an aid for the Communications and Records Coordinator in the performance of his/her duties. It is not intended to replace any portion of this IP.
- Beaver Valley Emergency Response System (BVERS) Operator (Initial Notifications):
- Call to confirm Initial Notification FAX:
- Follow-up Notification Forms:
- Near Site Assembly Area Communicator (Warehouse PAX 7953f79507957):
INTENTIONALLY BLANK I: X 7 = R A . , a, ss ;:~~~~~~~~~~Procedure Nuber
- . Beaver Valley Power Station : -c er X
itler =r7 . r 7 7- - ; ' 7 Unit Level Of Use:
. a 1/2 IGeneral Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation 1 t 19 . ~35of-44 ATTACHMENT 8 (Page 1 of 2)
This checklist is provided as an aid for the Radiological Controls Coordinator in the performance of his/her duties. It is not intended to replace any portion of this I'. -
Verified Complete Time Task
_________ -- 0
_ 1. Establish communications with the OSC and EA&DP.
- 2. Identify significant radiological conditions (both initiating
-- ________ ________ conditions and current status).
_ __X_'_-_ ' 3.- Update the ED.
'_____:4. Establish a Dosimetry Issue Station near Security sign-in.
- 5. Start the continuous air samples in the EOF hallway and adjust the alarm level following radon daughter equilibrium.
- 6. Set-up and start the area radiation monitors in the EOF
-___ '__ hallway.
- 7. Post signs at the Radiation Protection's Check Area entrance at the ERF garage indicating the whole body frisking is / is
___ '_ ' not required upon entering the ERF Building.
______ _ _ _ ~' '-8. Initiate Habitability Surveys (if applicable).
Emergency Response Facilities Habitability-- Other Than CR (OSC, TSC, HOF)X IF the results of radiation surveys at emergency response facilities other than the Control Room indicate radiation levels of:
* >15.0 mrem/hr DDE or a projected dose in 30 days in excess of 5 rem DDE, and/or,
' -- *gross airborne activity (less noble gases) in excess of 5 DAC, or projected exposure in a week in excess of 40 DAC-hours for isotopic mix less noble gases, and/or,
- -gross -airborne activity 0ess noble gases) that are projected to cause thyroid exposures in excess of 30 rem -within 30 days.
IRadCon Coordinator: - ' Time: - Date: '
Beaver Valley Powerbeaver Staon ey~ower va; . btatlon .IEPP/lP Procedure Number. 1.4 mntL- Unit: - IIevOf Us 1/2 I Genena Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Revision: Page Numbr ATIACEMENT 8 (Page 2 of 2)
Verified Complete Time Task By THEN evacuate personnel in excess of minimum staffing requirements. Declared pregnant workers and minors should be evacuated under the habitability criteria established for assembly areas. Implement stay time controls (based on emergency exposure criteria as necessary in accordance with EPP(IP 5.3) for personnel remaining at the facility. Implement respiratory protection if the gross airborne activity (less noble gases) is in excess of 10 DAC, or if projected exposure in a week will be in excess of 80 DAC-hours for isotopic mix less noble gases. Make preparations for the activation of alternate facilities. Activate these facilities as soon as possible, but so that they will not have an adverse impact on the emergency response.
- ERP Areas
- If radiological controls are necessary outside the ERF building, notify the Emergency Director TSC Radiation Protection and Security personnel to limit ERF personnel access/egress to the ERF, as appropriate (i.e.: restrict access, respirators, anti-C's, etc.). Provide an ERF Building Page announcement concerning restrictions, including a statement that all personnel leaving the ERF need to receive a radiological briefing from the TSC Radiological Coordinator (See Step 1.5).
Notify the OSC-RP of ERF radiological conditions and accessibility.
I RadCon Coordinator: I Time: IDate:
Beaver Valley Power Station :
__________________________________________EPPIIP ProldreNlanez 1.4 tle:
Technical Support Center Activation, Operation' and Deactivation :
j unit 12 Revision:
- Number Level Of Use:
General Skill Reference Pag A9 17 of 44 AlTACIRMENT 9 (Page I of 3)
If the ERDS Computer cannot be activated for any reason, contact the BVPS Computer Maintenance Section for corrective action. Inform the Emergency Director the ERDS data link is out of service and backup phone communications with the NRC should be established.
-Obtain keys to TSC cabinet #1 (if not already open), enter cabinet and obtain "username" and password" from envelope on inside of cabinet door.
Before attempting to power on the equipment, verify that the unit is powered off -- not just in the screen saver mode. The NCD19C X terminal has a built-in screen saver facility. This screen saver facility will dim the display screen monitor if the keyboard or mouse has not been used for an extended period of time. If the X terminal is in screen saver mode, moving the mouse or pressing any key on the keyboard will cause the display monitor to be refreshed. If the display monitor remains blank after moving the mouse, then the NCD19C X terminal is either brokenDor powered off.
- 2. If not already powered on, turn on the NCD19C X terminal using the power switch located on the rear of the NCD19C base unit.
If the DECwindows logon message does not appear after approximately 30 seconds, then the unit is broken; has been disconnected from the network; or the MicroVAX- 3100 computer is not operational. Contact the BVPS Computer Maintenance Section to take corrective action.
Beaver Valley Power Station
___________________________________~ Procedwe Numbcr
~ EPP/1P 1.4 Inth~ Unit ILelOf Use:
1/2 1 General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation 9 Pae oNumb:
ATTACHMENT 9 (Page 2 of 3)
- 3. If not already powered on, turn on the RP LaserJet IP laser printer using the power switch located on the right side of the unit.
After turning on power to the RP LaserJet HIP, the printer will perform a series of power-on self tests. If the power-on self tests successfully completes, all indicator lights on the operator panel will be off except the ONLINE indicator, and the status display will read "00 READY LFITER". If any other indication is present on the printer, then the power-on self tests were not successfully completed and you will be unable to make hard copies of the screen displays. In either case, proceed with the activation procedure.
- 4. Select the "Username" window, enter information from card in TSC Cabinet #1 and press <RETURN>.
- 5. Select the "Password" window, enter the current password from the card in TSC Cabinet #1 and press <RETURN>.
CORRECT USER NAME/PASSWORD ENTERED: If the correct Username and password were entered, then the logon message will automatically be removed from the display screen. The R*TIME/X MS application will be started and the initialized MVH display window with the "TOP MENU",
"SCREEN UP",- SCREEN DOWN", and PREV SCREEN" function buttons will be displayed on the NCD19C X terminal (approximately 1 minute).
- 6. Move the pointer to the dash in the upper left corner of the control menu box of the MMI display menu. Using the mouse, click once and select "lower" from the pop-up menu.
IMinimize NOTE:
Do Not close "Session Manager" icon. This will terminate the ERDS link.
the icon, if necessary, and put in lower portion of screen.
- 7. Position pointer to the lower left hand comer, double click on the "BVERDS" icon.
Beaver-Valley Power Station - -rd EPP11P 1.4 lnu-itl U Us:
Technical Support Center Activation, Operation X:12 nd Deact n - GeneralSkillRefrence Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation, : - emgeub
- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~19 - 9 444 ATTACHMENT 9 (Page 3 of 3)
- 8. Position pointer to "Applications" from the pop-up Session Manager menu.
Click on "Applications" and select "DECterm" from the pop-up menu.
- 9. Type in ERD, leave a space and "I' or "2" depending on the affected unit. Hit return and follow screen prompted instructions to activate link.
- 10. While link is activating "Link Status" will change from "Offline" to "Attempting Connection" to "Modem Connected" to "Online". Additionally, Link Status will change from "Offline" to 'Connect Modem" to "Connect ERDS" to "Sending Data" or 'Waiting".
- 11. Position pointer to the dash in the upper left comer of the control menu box of the DECterm window. Using the mouse, click once and select "Minimize" from the pop-up menu. -
If both ERDS links need to be activated due to a site emergency declaration or Alert or higher, repeat steps 8 thru 11 for the opposite unit.
- TV , . ~~~~~~~~~~~PocedueNumbar:
Beaver Valley o s t Power Station - EPP 1 TIntle Unit LevdOf Use.
-1/2 General SIll Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Resiow: Page Numbw 40~~
Beaver Valley Power Station -O dUYNUmbPJl 1.4
-Ltve X Xi 0X : - . : Unit : lcl Of Use:
= 112General Skill Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Aeiin Page9 41 ofe4
-:0 . :0 ::; f:: e-:: ;:: X -AlTACHMIEN1 10 (1of 3)
A5.715DV NRC/BVPS TECHNICAL INFORMATION FLOW I A. PURPOSE This attachment will define NRC/BVPS information flow responsibilities and provide technical information sheets to be utilized during emergency situations.
This Attachment is to be utilized in the event that the Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) is not operational.
B. RESPONSIBILITIES The overall responsibility for this attachment rests with the Emergency Director (Shift Manager until the TSC is activated). Individual responsibilities are determined by the location of the NRC dedicated line and the type of information required. These individual responsibilities are listed below:
Control Room-NRC/ENS phone - Personnel will be used from the unaffected Unit's supervisory personnel or an assigned designee, until properly relieved by the appropriate TSC Personnel. -
- TSC/EOF-NRC/ENS phone - Designated personnel from the Operations Communicators emergency response group. This will= terminate Control Room personnel's responsibility. -
- TSC/EOF-NRC/HPN line - Designated personnel from RadCon and EA & DP.
Unless warranted by the initiating condition or requested by the NRC, the NRC/BPN
- line will not be manned at the Unusual Event. -If required, personnel will be assigned by the RP Operations Center Coordinator.
~~~~Poeure Number.
Beaver Valley Power Station . EPPIP 1.4
'itirU.nit Level Of Use.
1/2 General Sldll Reference Technical Support Center Activation, Operation and Deactivation Revision: Pap Number I I - 47 f 44 I-T NRC/BVPS TECHNICAL INFORMATION FLOW ATTACHMENT 10 (2 of 3)
The Shift Manager (Emergency Director) will determine if these data sheets are applicable at the Unusual Event Classification. The data sheets shall be completed for all Alert and above declarations if the ERDS is not operational.
1.0 Preliminary information from the licensee (before establishment of the NRC/HPN) is provided via the NRC/ENS and includes both reactor safety and radiation protection data.
2.0 Once the NRC/HPN is established, the BPN is the primary means of communicating radiological data, and the ENS is the primary means of communicating reactor safety related information to NRC.
D. PROCEDURE 1.0 Technical Data Sheets 1.1 Information sheets concerning plant parameters and Control Room status will be utilized by those personnel manning the NRC/ENS lines.
1.1.1 For Unit #1 actual events, EPP-IP-1.4.F01 may be completed using the IPC Trend Functions and request support from Computer Coordinator. Type GRPPRN to activate group print function. Enter Group Name NRC Infor I (Group 1) or NRCINF02 (Group 2) followed by a <c>. Select appropriate function key (Fl through F4) to select printer location. Obtain printout from appropriate printer to relay to NRC.
Beaver Valley Power Station -PP/ E P I-14
- Unit: Level Of Use:
- 112 General Skill Reference Technical SupportCenterActivation,Operation andDeactivation - ' Numbr
- -
- : : , u ~~~~~~~~9_43 of 44 NRCIBVPS TECHNICAL INFORMATION FLOW ATTACHMENT 10 (3 of 3)
A5.715DV 1.1.2 For Unit #2, EPP-IP-1.4.E02 may be completed using the ERFCS group pushbuttons 71 and 72 (GPO71, GP072), request support from Computer Coordinator. These pushbuttons mimic the attachments for operational data. Data may be acquired commencing with the Group 71 pushbutton and using the page down feature prior to using the Group 72 pushbutton and its associated page down feature.-
ATTACHMENT 10 should be completed once per hour (1/Hr.) unless requested differently by the NRC.
1.2 Information sheets concerning dose projections, in-plant surveys, offsite surveys
- 0 0and protective action-recommendations (EPP-IP-1.4F01 and EPP-IP-1.4.P02) will be utilized by those personnel manning the NRC/HPN line.
2.0 Maintaining the ENS and HPN 2.1 The ENS and HPN lines are tested monthly with any deficiencies noted and reported to the appropriate parties.
2.2 The ENS system is exercised each morning by the Headquarters Operation Officers placement of a call to BVPS to collect status information.
E. FINAL CONDITIONS Use of this attachment is to be terminated at the direction of the NRC Operations Center.
INTENTIONALLY BLANK A5.735B Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1/2 EPP/[P 1.17 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Document Owner Manager, Emergency Preparedness Revision Number 12 Level Of Use - - General Skill Reference Safety Related Procedure -Yes CONTROLLED BVPS -UNIT 3
Beaver Valley.Power Station
___________________________________ PoedeNumer EPPIIP 1.7 llte: Uv7 ; d : Levenit L:; lROf :
7 Use:
112 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision: Page Number
_ 12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
fi TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE ................................. 1 2.0 SCOPE ................................. 1
AND COMMIMENTS ................................ 1-.i 3.1: ~~~~R f r n e ............................. ............
References.l T fX I.............
3.2 Commitments 1.................
4.0 RECORDS AND FORMS .. 2 4.1 Records ......... . 2 4.2 Forins ... ,;2 5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES . ... 2 5.1 Manager, Emergency Preparedness ..............................-. 2 5.2 ERO Members.2 .......... . . .
- 5.3 BVPS Emergency Response Organization.2 5.4 Emergency Preparedness Personnel .3 6.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ................................ 3 6.1 Precautions ............. _ . _. .. 3 6.2 Limitations..3:
7.0 PREREQUISITES ..................... _. . . .3 8.0 PROCEDURE ............. .. 3 8.1 ERO Team Response Assignments/Responsibilities .................................................-. 3 8.2 Beeper/Responsibility Assignments and Transfers ................................................. 4 8.3 ERO Activation ................... 5 8.4 ERO Response During Working and Non-working Hours ............................................. 8 ATrACHMENT ERO AEXPECTATIONS. .................................................. 1
Beaver Valley Power Station Pr-c-dure ~~EPP/IP- 1.7
Unt Level Of Use: R EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION ERO) T -- :1/2 GeneralSIMReference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZ;ATION RO) TEAMS ~-:Rvso: a:ubr 12 1l of 4 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This procedure provides the guidance for maintaining the Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Response Organization (ERO) and ERO augmentation.
2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure describes the Beaver Valley Power Station (BVPS) Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Teams including: designations, assignments, responsibility, transfers, overall coordination and ERO expectations.
AND COMMITMENTS 3.1 References 3.1.1 Beaver Valley Power Station Emergency Preparedness Plan.
3.1.2 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1 -"Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants."
4 3.1.3 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Appendix E.
) 3.1.4 NOP-LP-1002 "Fitness-For-Duty".
3.1.5 Condition Reports 004309 01-6025 02-00444-6 02-10225-1 03-02032-06 03-02103-03 03-02034-03 03-02034-10 03-02103-02
,.~ 3.2 Commitments 3.2.1 None
Beaver Valley Power Station
_ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~r Rocdur Numb=
E P P IP Tine: Unit 0 Lvel Of Use: a 1/2 General Skill Refrence EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revisimn Page Number
___________________________________________________________I o 4 -,
4.0 RECORDS AND FORMS 4.1 Records 4.1.1 None 4.2 Forms 4.2.1 EPP-IP-1.7.F01, On-Call ERO Response Team Transfer Form 5.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 5.1 Manager. Emergency Preparedness 5.1.1 Is responsible for the overall coordination of the ERO Teams and the associated Call-List.
5.2 ERO Members (assigned to a dedicated response team (Red, White, Blue) or ERO Pool personnel (Green))
5.2.1 Are responsible for the actions described in this procedure.
5.3 BVPS Emergency Response Organization 5.3.1 Will consist of three (3) dedicated response teams, each with required designated Primary and Secondary responders, supplemented by designated support (call-tree) personnel. The teams will be identified by colors (i.e., Red, White, Blue). Primary Responders Shall report to their emergency facility as soon as possible, and in all instances, within one (1) hour of notification of an Alert, or higher, emergency classification. Secondary Responders Shall report to their emergency facility as soon as possible, and in all instances, within two (2) hours of notification of an Alert, or higher, emergency classification. Designated Support (call-tree) Personnel Are to report to their emergency facilities as soon as possible following notification.
Beaver ValleyPower Station t-ProcdureNum
= i-X EPP/IP 1.7 1 Unit Level Of Use:
General Skill Reference Page Number J ERO Personnel Not Assigned to One of the Three (3) Dedicated Response Teams 5.3.1A.1 Will be assigned to the ERO Team Pool, and shall report as soon as possible following notification. The Team Pool will also be identified by color (Green).
5.4 EmergencvPrevarednessPersonnel; 5.4.1 Initial team assignments will be determined by Emergency Preparedness personnel.
ERO response team transfers shall be approved by the Manager, EP. Temporary transfers are described in Section E.3 of this procedure.
6.1 Precautions 6.1.1 None 6.2 Limitations 6.2,1 None 7.0 PREREQUISITES 7.1 This IP remains in effect at all times to ensure a full state of readiness is maintained.
7.2 All ERO personnel shall be aware of the requirements stipulated in this procedure.
7.3 Transfers of ERO personnel responsibility shall follow the guidance provided in this procedure.
8.0 PROCEDURE 8.1 ERO Team Response Assignments/Responsibilities 8.1.1 Dedicated Response Teams will rotate between the following response categories: On-Call, Stand-By and Back-Up. On-Call responders are those personnel who shall respond immediately when notified. An On-Call team shall consist of Primary Responders. Secondary Responders, and designated support personnel. Stand-By responders have no response responsibility for the week that they are designated as Stand-By. A Stand-By team shall consist of Primary Responders, Secondary Responders, and designated support personnel.
Beaver Valley,Power Station EPrcci um IP 1 .7
- 1/2 Genreral Skill Referece EMIERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATON (ERO) TAMS Rgso aoNumbw 1 12 A of 14~~~~~~~~~~g~ Back-Up responders are the designated relief personnel (12-hour shifts) for the On-Call responders. A Back-Up team shall consist of Primary Responders, Secondary Responders, and designated support personnel.
8.1.2 ERO Response Teams shall rotate weekly. Rotation assignments shall be as follows (ERO Rotation Calendar available on BVWeb, EPP Web Page):
- On-Call to Stand-By
- Stand-By to Back-Up
- Back-Up to On-Call Rotation shall occur every Monday at 0800 hours0.00926 days <br />0.222 hours <br />0.00132 weeks <br />3.044e-4 months <br />.
8.1.3 On-Call Team Fitness For Duty (FFD) requirements. Personnel designated 'On-Call" Primary and Secondary Responders shall adhere to Fitness For Duty (FFD) requirements per NOP-LP-1002. Personnel conducting a call-out must ask the individual "If they have consumed alcohol within the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />." Personnel responding to a call-out must meet FFD requirements. If deemed necessary, FFD, testing shall be conducted prior to beginning ERO duties.
8.1.4 ERO personnel shall adhere to the ERO Expectations (Attachment A).
8.2 BeeperIRes~onsibility Assiggments and Transfers 8.2.1 All personnel assigned to an ER0 position as either a Primary or Secondary responder shall be assigned a beeper unless otherwise noted.
8.2.2 On Call personnel arranging transfer of ERO responsibility shall notify Emergency Preparedness per Form EPP-IP-1I.7.F01.
8.2.3 Transfer of assignment responsibility for On-Call Team Responders shall fall into three (3) categories.
NOTE: Individuals shall consult the ERO Call-list to determine the identity of qualified personnel for their ERO position for On Call transfer of responsibility. The ERO Call-List is distributed in paper format and is also available on the Emergency Preparedness Web page (most current list).
Beaver Valley Power Station Procedime Number 1.7
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EPP/1P Tile. Unit Level Of Use:
General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision: P Number NOTE: If personnel in the On-Call category will not be available for any portion of their one week rotation, they shall arrange for a qualified replacement from the GREEN or Stand-by Team prior to requesting a replacement from the Back-up Team. On-Call Team personnel who will be unavailable to respond for a period of less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shall do the following:-
NOTE: Emergency Preparedness DOES NOT need to be informed when a transfer of
[N: responsibilities for less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> occurs. -Ensure their position is covered by another qualified individual for that ERO position On-Call Team personnel who will be unavailable to respond for a period of greater than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> shall do the following: Ensure their position is covered by another qualified individual for that ERO position by completing form EPP-IP-1.7.F01, "On-Call ERO Response Team Transfer Form"' Mail (or FAX @ PAX 5777) form EPP-IP-1.7.F01, to the Manager, Emergency Preparedness. If during off-normal working hours, contact Emergency Preparedness and provide the information on EPP-IP-1.7.FO1.
Mail (or FAX) a completed document to the Manager, Emergency Preparedness., On-Call Team personnel who will be unavailable to respond due to sudden illness (NOI&I) or personal emergency should attempt to locate a replacement. If a replacement can not be located, contact Emergency Preparedness.
8.2.4 All personnel assigned beepers are responsible for maintaining operability of that beeper (i.e., changing batteries when necessary). Personnel shall keep their beepers "ont at all times (and in the audible mode when appropriate) and respond accordingly to ALL beeper activations.
8.3 ERO Activation 8.3.1 Beaver Valley Emergency Response System (BVERS) Notification NOTE:, BVERS is a computer aided Voice Mail system that will be used to activate the NOTE: ERO Beepers Ind'accept personnel call backs. X Beepers will be activated for ERO notifications with the following Actual Event -
On-Call ERO Team phone: 724-643-4370 (or 330-315-4380).
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Beaver Valley Power Station
__________________________________________EPP/IP :!ocedu Number 1.7
unit: Level Of Usw l2 _ General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS ev P Number.
1 12 6of 14 1,4~~~~~~~~ Only On-Call ERO Team personnel shall call back into BVERS by dialing 724-6434370/330-315-4380, as required. Beeper Holder Response Upon calling into BVERS, you will be prompted to enter your Plant Photo I.D. number (e.g.: 0123). Dataentry requiresa touch tone phone. BVERS will then ask you to verify the number by pressing "9" (yes) or "6" (no). A message will be provided at this time stating the Unit, time and emergency classification declared and the basis for the declaration.
NOTE: BVERS will have information on all qualified ERO personnel programmed into its data base, and will know who you are and for which ERO position you are currently qualified by your LD. entry. Personnel calling into BVERS will either access the system immediately, or receive a busy signal. Personnel calling back should be able to access the system within a few minutes. BVERS will ask the following questions:
- BVERS will ask if you understand the message by pressing "9" (yes) or "6" (no).
- BVERS will ask if you are Fit For Duty and ask you to acknowledge by pressing "9" (yes) or "6" (no).
- BVERS will ask if you are able to respond and ask you to acknowledge by pressing "9" (yes) or "6" (no).
- BVERS will ask you to enter your Estimated Time of Anival in minutes (enter your travel time from your location to your emergency facility).
- BVERS will then terminate the connection. BVERS will print out reports for the Control Room, Emergency Response Facility, and Joint Public Information Center identifying those personnel who have called in. The ERO Team designated as Back-Up does not need to call-in but shall report 12-hours after emergency declaration, unless otherwise notified. If BVERS determines that a specific ERO position has not been staffed, it will activate the individual Beepers for all personnel in that specific ERO position with the following display: 724-643-4370 or 330-315-4380
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Beaver. vValley t r Power osStation
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_ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E P P /P 1.7
-1 Tide: Unit: Level Of Use:
.== tGeneral Skill Reference I'N EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision: PageNnmbr 12 7 of 1 - Any ERO Beeper Holder receiving a Beeper Code of 724-643-4370 or 330-3154380 SHALL call Into BVERS, answer the questions requested
- and report to their designated emergency facility. -(This assumes that the On-Call individual is unable-to respond.) If the ERO position has been filled, any other personnel calling in to respond to the position will be informed that there are no positions available. If the On-Call individual becomes available, he/she shall call into BVERS and report to their emergency facility. If BVERS determines that a specific ERO position has still not called in, BVERS will perform the following notifications for personnel in that specific ERO position:
- Call the individual PAX phone numbers of personnel in that specific position,
- l.; Call the individual Home phone numbers -of personnel in that specific position, and
_N -
- - Again, activate the individual Beepers for personnel in that specific ERO
X; :* This will continue until the ERO position is filled.
8.3.2 ERO Voice Mail System (ERO-VMS) Notification NOTE: The ERO-VMS is a typical voice mail system that is used to activate the ERO Beepers and accept personnel call backs In the event that the primary BVERS system is unavailable. The ERO-VMS utilizes the ERF switch and has remote
-accessing features. There is only one beeper call back number for ERO-VMS. -Beepers will be activated for IRO notifications with the following Beeper Codes:
- Actual events "9999995080"
- Actual events- Site Inaccessible '00005080" Only On-Call ERO Team personnel shall call back Into the ERO-VMS by dialing 724-682-5080 (PAX 5080). - __- -:
. '.,_" k, ERO-VMS call-back number is listed on the ERO Call-List.
. - N-Ar
Beaver Valley. Power Station EPP/ P 1.7 Tzt Unit: Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision: P14e Numben Beeper Holder Response The ERO-VMS will inform you that an emergency has been declared and ask that you provide the following information. If you have not consumed alcohol in the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />, (personnel must verbally provide this information at the sound of the tone):
- Your name (please spell last name)
- ERO position
- Estimated time of arrival (Time of Day, i.e., 2145 Hrs., 0115 Hrs.) If you have consumed alcohol in the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />, contact an alternate for your emergency position.
NOTE: ERO-VMS has a maximum of 4 incoming lines. As a line becomes available, the next call received will be answered. If no lines are available, a busy signal will be received.
8.4 ERO Response During Working and Non-working Hours 8.4.1 Response During Working Hours "On-Call" ERO Personnel (Primary, Secondary and designated Support (Call-Tree) personnel SHALL respond as follows: Primary and Secondary responders SHALL call the Beaver Valley Emergency Response System (BVERS) prior to responding to their emergency location (This includes personnel onsite). ALL "On-Call" ERO personnel SHALL respond to their emergency facility. Determine manpower needs and supplement, as necessary. All Other ERO Personnel SHALL report to their emergency facility. Take direction from the "On-Call" ERO personnel.
8.4.2 Response During Non-Working Hours "On-Call" ERO Personnel Beeper Holders SHALL call the Beaver Valley Emergency Response System (BVERS) and respond to their emergency location.
Beaver Valley Power Station Prer EPPIPAt7 fltle - -- : -f- ~Mt Level Of Us:
112 General Skill RefereTce EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS- Revwo Pe NX I o.9 of 14
- Determine manpower needs and "call-out" additional personnel, if necessary.
8A.2.2 All Other ERO Personnel-- Beeper Holders SHAIL remain alert for further instructions (call-out, shift rotation, etc.). All other ERO personnel will be called-out, if necessary.
Beaver Valley Power Station ,.wcom r 1.7N Unit mum 1/2
{LvelOf Use General Skill Reference K
Beaver-Valley Power Station 1.7
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EPP/IP Tide. Unit: Level Of Use:
- .- :General SIll Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Revision: =:ge Nm -
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 2 1 f 4 ATTACHMENT A X Page 1 of 4 ERO EXPECTATIONS Duty ExpectationsfPager Response Expectations
- All ERO personnel shall understand, and adhere to, the requirements of procedure EPP/IP 1.7, Emergency Response Organization (ERO) Teams.
-within the Pager Service Area (located on the EPP Webpage/ERO Info) and respond appropriately to messages. The following are some unacceptable responses for NOT responding to Pager messages:
- Pager left in vibrate when not being worn-
- Pager left in other location too far to hear audible alarm (i.e.: bathroom, shower, etc.)
- Weak/dead battery
- All ERO notifications initiated by BVERS shall display one of the following messages:
- 1) "Actual Event-On-Call ERO Team call 724-682-4730", or,
- 2) "This is a Drill-On-Call ERO Team call 724-682-4730" (An alternatephone number that may be displayedforBVERS is 330-3154380)
- When the above messages are displayed, ALWAYS call the number provided.
- These are the ONLY two alpha messages initiated by BVERS that require ERO response (other alpha messages are for information, or non-ERO response).
- Only On-Call ERO personnel are to initially call-n to BVERS.
- If only the BVERS phone number (724-6824730 or 330-3154380) is displayed (BVERS searching to fill a specific ERO position), then any individual receiving this message shall call-in, respond and upon being accepted, report for your position as required.
- For an actual event, or Drill/Exercise, a BVERS Pager message shall be followed by a LOTUS NOTES alpha-numeric message describing the event and emergency declaration time.
- Upon notification, On-Call ERO personnel shall report to their ERO positions as soon as possible, but no later than their assigned response times from the time of the emergency declaration (this includes allowing for Facility activation time).
Beaver Valley Power Station [hank Uit:
NmJ Level Of Use.
1/2 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Ris Page Numbe
__ _ _ _ ~~~~ 1,2 12 of 14 -,I ATTACHMENT A Page 2 of 4 ERO EXPECTATIONS I Duty Expectations/Pager Response Expectations (cont.)
- On-Call ERO personnel are expected to maintain response times to their respective emergency response facilities (1 or 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> from the time of event declaration, not the time of Pager activation).
- For actual events, personnel are to respond appropriately when notified by Pager (via BVERSALotus Notes), Plant Page Party System, phone or BVERS phone call. (i.e.: take cover, report to emergency facilities, report to alternate facilities, etc.).
- For Drills or Exercises, personnel are to respond appropriately when notified by Pager (BVERSALotus Notes), Plant Page Party System, phone or BVERS phone call (i.e.: take cover, report to emergency facilities, report to alternate facilities, call-in Drill/OST only).
- In the event alphanumeric messaging is not available, ERO Pagers will be activated with one of these message codes:
- 1) 9999995080 (Actual Event/Site Accessible), On-Call ERO personnel report to their assigned emergency facilities.
- 2) 0000005080 (Actual Event/Site Inaccessible), On-Call ERO Managers/Coordinators report to the Alternate EOF per procedure.
- The ERO call-back phone number for this response is 724-682-5080.
- For actual events occurring when personnel are at the Site, all ERO personnel are expected to report to their appropriate emergency facility to support the On-Call Team (only On-Call ERO personnel call-in to BVERS).
- ERO personnel are not to call the Control Room upon notification of an emergency, unless specifically requested.
- On-Call ERO personnel are expected to have their FirstEnergy ID Badge and Dosimetry when reporting to their respective facilities.
- If an On-Call ERO member becomes incapable of performing their ERO duties, they are to contact another qualified person for that position and transfer On-Call responsibility. (Notification to EPP personnel of the transfer is per EPP/IP 1.7.).
Beaver Valley Power Station . EPPr 1.7 rile: W Level OfUse:
- - h- I. ; : U =: :.; Adt 003 ^ 0 0 4 1/2 Geniral Sill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS Roime-
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- -00Page3of`4 ERO EXPECTATIONS Duty ExpectationsfPager Response Expectations (cont.)
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- Emergency Facility Leads should define their expectations -for- their Team while remaining cognizant of Facility activation timing requirements (i.e.: delegate activities, maintain overview of events, involve the Team in response, etc.).
- ERO personnel must provide information, not just data points, to each other and the Facility Lead, i.e.:
- Explain the meaning of a data point provided to the Team (i.e.: DIG #1 tripped off vs. DIG #1 tripped off and was the only remain power supply)
- ERO communications shall use three-way communications and noun descriptors.
- Following Actual Events, DrillslExercises or staffing of Emergency Facilities to provide plant support, each Emergency Facility SHALL conduct and document a critique.
- A Condition Report will be written for each Delta (Area For Improvement) as deemed necessary by the Facility Lead. =
- The person presenting the comment warranting the Condition Report SHALL write the Condition Report.
- Each Delta presented, whether a Condition Report was warranted or not, SHALL have the presenters name written beside the comment.
- Emergency Preparedness will be notified of each Condition Report written.
- Facility equipment, procedure or supply challenges that occur during Actual Events, Drills or Exercises SHOUID have a resolution attempted during the Actual Event, Drill or Exercise, not simply commented upon during the critique.
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Beaver Valley Power Station
___________________________________________EPP/IPl Proced Number 11.7 Tnft Unit L Of Use II1/2 General Skill Reference EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION (ERO) TEAMS R -- Page Numb=
_ __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 214 of 14 W AITACHMENT A Page 4 of 4 ERO EXPECTATIONS ERO Training and Drill Participation Expectations
- Attend appropriate Initial ERO Classroom Training for assigned position.
- Attend appropriate Continuing ERO Classroom Training for assigned position.
- Attend assigned ERO Team Drills/Exercises (Drill participation for key ERO positions is tracked as a NRC Performance Indicator.)
- Managers and supervisors shall ensure that each ERO member under their supervision remains fully qualified at all times to respond to an emergency.
- Ensure ERO participation in training and Drills is documented.
- Participate in Drill/Exercise critiques and identify areas for improvement and strengths sr appropriate corrective actions can be taken.
- Ensure their emergency response facility is in a state of readiness prior to leaving the facility.