Information Notice 1994-50, Failure of General Electric Contactors to Full in at Required Voltage

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Failure of General Electric Contactors to Full in at Required Voltage
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/14/1994
From: Grimes B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
IN-94-050, NUDOCS 9407070279
Download: ML031060607 (26)









All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power



The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing this information

notice to alert addressees that some full-voltage magnetic reversing

controllers manufactured by General Electric Electrical Distribution & Control

(GE ED&C) contained contactors with incorrect coils that would not close the

contacts under degraded voltage conditions. It is expected that recipients

will review the information for applicability to their facilities and consider

actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems. However, suggestions

contained in this information notice are not NRC requirements; therefore, no

specific action or written response is required.

Description of Circumstances

In November 1993, at Nine Mile Point Unit 2, as a result of testing certain

motor operated valves (MOVs) in the high pressure core spray system, plant

personnel found that the controllers for four of the MOV motors would not pull

in (contactors would not close) at 80 percent of rated voltage as specified in

the procurement documents. In all, six CR209D type controllers in the same

Division III motor control center were affected. The licensee determined that

this condition could have prevented the system from performing its safety

function and reported the circumstances to the NRC in accordance with Part 21 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 21). These

controllers had a National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) rating.


Niagara Mohawk Power Company, the licensee for Nine Mile Point, purchased the

high pressure core spray system and the associated electrical components from

GE Nuclear Energy (GE NE). This included the motor control center which was

manufactured for GE NE by GE ED&C. The requirement in-the GE NE purchase

specification, that NEMA size 1, 2 and 3 controllers in the switchgear should

be capable of closing at 80 percent of rated voltage, was a plant interface


A test procedure performed during plant startup showed that the minimum

voltage at which the contactors in these controllers would pull in was greater


94 070279 Pod, C-e jq - 50 c 4 Ozfq

IN 94-50

July 14, 1994 than 80 percent of rated voltage, but the test procedure did not contain this

acceptance criterion and no corrective action was taken. Consequently, if a

design-basis accident occurred and system voltage was degraded, these

contactors may not have actuated and closed the contacts to operate the

affected valves. In this circumstance, the current drawn by the coils remains

high and may cause the control power fuse(s) to blow as happened during some

of the testing at Nine Mile Point Unit 2.

GE NE informed the NRC that the contactors for the six controllers at Nine

Mile Point Unit 2 had been assembled at the GE ED&C factory with standard

coils designed to close the contacts at 85 percent of rated voltage. The part

number for the standard coil is "15D222G22" which is the part number the

licensee reported stamped on the contactor coils. GE NE indicated that a

special coil with a 75-percent pull-in rating would have been needed to meet

the 80-percent pull-in rating specified in the procurement documents for the

affected NEMA size 2 contactors and that the part number for this special coil

would have been '55-523759G022." However, this part number is not (and was

not) listed in the applicable GE ED&C commercial catalog (currently Catalog

No. GEP-1260).

In the GE ED&C catalog, a two-digit suffix at the end of the part number for

NEMA-rated contactors, starters, or controllers, specifies the coil voltage

rating. At the time that the controllers for the affected MOVs were ordered, the suffix "22" indicated a standard coil for a voltage and frequency rating

of 115-120 Vac/60 hertz or 110 Vac/50 hertz that would pull in at 85 percent

of rated voltage. However, the suffix "22" is no longer used. Currently, this dual voltage and frequency rating is specified by the suffix "02" and

still refers to a standard coil designed to pull in at 85 percent of rated

voltage. The suffix "02" was formerly used to specify a nominal 120 Vac/60

hertz coil.

GE NE stated that, if a coil rated to pull in at 75 percent of rated voltage

is required, that requirement and the special coil part number or the coil

suffix to the catalog number of the contactor, starter, or controller being

procured from GE NE (if available) should be included in the procurement

documents sent to GE NE. GE NE also stated that GE ED&C does not normally

provide this information nor normally supply coils rated to pull in at

75 percent of rated voltage to its commercial customers. However, licensees

are responsible for ensuring that procurement documents specify or reference

applicable requirements and that purchased material and components conform to

the requirements in the procurement documents.

The six controllers whose contactors would not close under the degraded

voltage conditions required in the purchase specification had been installed

at Nine Mile Point Unit 2 during initial plant construction. Because test

procedures failed to verify that the contactors would close at the minimum

expected voltage for design basis conditions, this condition remained

uncorrected for several years. Testing these or other electromagnet-operated

devices at minimum expected voltage (and under certain circumstances, maximum

expected temperature) should detect incorrect or inadequately wound coils and

also coils that are degraded. GE ED&C stated that all of their contactors with

standard coils are tested at 85 percent of rated voltage. However, that

IN 94-50

July 14, 1994 testing may not verify individual plant requirements. Further, not all

manufacturers of electromagnet-operated devices test all production units.

Some manufacturers may test on a random sample basis and only at nominal or

rated voltage. The licensee for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 has replaced the

controllers in the four affected MOYs with Gould controllers designed to pull

in at 75 percent of rated voltage.

The condition described above may affect other plants. In NRC Generic Letter 89-10, "Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing and Surveillance," the NRC

requested licensees and holders of construction permits to conduct reviews

and verifications of the design and performance of certain MOYs and to take

appropriate corrective actions. As part of their response to GL 89-10, some

licensees have found that the degraded voltage condition for certain MOYs is

less than 80 percent of rated voltage, which is lower than the capability of

the GE standard 85 percent coil. Contactors that are not designed to close at

the appropriate degraded voltage and tested to verify that capability may be

unable to operate those MOVs if degraded voltage conditions occur.

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Operating Reactor Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: Kamalakar Naidu, NRR

(301) 504-2980

Stephen Alexander, NRR

(301) 504-2995 Leonard Cheung, RI

(610) 337-5296 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

a. -'- Attachment

IN 94-50



Information Date of

Notice No. Subject Issuance Issued to

94-49 Failure of Torque 07/06/94 All holders of OLs or CPs

Switch Roll Pins for nuclear power reactors.

94-48 Snubber Lubricant 06/30/94 All holders of OLs or CPs

Degradation in High- for nuclear power reactors.

Temperature Environments

94-13, Unanticipated and Unin- 06/28/94 All holders of OLs or CPs

Supp. 1 tended Movement of Fuel for nuclear power reactors.

Assemblies and other

Components due to Improper

Operation of Refueling


94-47 Accuracy of Information 06/21/94 All U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

Provided to NRC during Commission Material

the Licensing Process Licensees.

94-46 NonConservative Reactor 06/20/94 All holders of OLs or CPs

Coolant System Leakage for nuclear power reactors.


94-45 Potential Common-Mode 06/17/94 All holders of OLs or CPs

Failure Mechanism for for nuclear power reactors.

Large Vertical Pumps

94-44 Main Steam Isolation 06/16/94 All holders of OLs or CPs

Valve Failure to Close for nuclear power reactors.

on Demand because of

Inadequate Maintenance

and Testing

94-43 Determination of Primary- 06/10/94 All holders of OLs or CPs

to-Secondary Steam for pressurized water

Generator Leak Rate reactors.

94-42 Cracking in the Lower 06/07/94 All holders of OLs or CPs

Region of the Core for boiling-water reactors

Shroud in Boiling-Water (BWRs).


OL = Operating License

CP = Construction Permit

IN 94-50

July 14, 1994 testing may not verify individual plant requirements. Further, not all

manufacturers of electromagnet-operated devices test all production units.

Some manufacturers may test on a random sample basis and only at nominal or

rated voltage. The licensee for Nine Mile Point Unit 2 has replaced the

controllers in the four affected MOVs with Gould controllers designed to pull

in at 75 percent of rated voltage.

The condition described above may affect other plants. In NRC Generic Letter 89-10, "Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing and Surveillance," the NRC

requested licensees and holders of construction permits to conduct reviews

and verifications of the design and performance of certain MOVs and to take

appropriate corrective actions. As part of their response to GL 89-10, some

licensees have found that the degraded voltage condition for certain MOVs is

less than 80 percent of rated voltage, which is lower than the capability of

the GE standard 85 percent coil. Contactors that are not designed to close at

the appropriate degraded voltage and tested to verify that capability may be

unable to operate those MOVs if degraded voltage conditions occur.

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.Odg~nahs1gnedbW

Brian K.Grime

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Operating Reactor Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: Kamalakar Naidu, NRR

(301) 504-2980

Stephen Alexander, NRR

(301) 504-2995 Leonard Cheung, RI

(610) 337-5296 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

  • See Drevious concurrence I


NAME KNaidu* SAlexander* GCwalina* LNorrholm* CERossi*

DATE 02/03/94 06/02/94 02/04/94 0 02/04/94 .02/07/94 OFFICE TECHED C/EELB:DE OGCB:DORS C/OGCB:DORS 0

NAME RSanders* CBerlinger* JBirmingham* RDennig* rKGrimes

DATE j06/14/94

-- ---


06/09/94 06/22/94 ALir- ITL~~iar


06/22/94 QA CA TLI

/94 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY uUtluritri 1 114MME; ZrtUV. 111


IN 94-XX

June XX, 1994 This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact

one of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate Office of

Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Operating Reactor Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: Kamalakar Naidu, NRR

(301) 504-2980

Stephen Alexander, NRR

(301) 504-2995 Leonard Cheung, Region I

(610) 337-5296



List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

  • See previous concurrence


NAME KNaidu* SAlexander* GCwalina* LNorrholm* CERossi*

DATE 02/03/94 06/02/94 02/04/94 02/04/94 02/07/94 OFFICE l TECHED C/EELB:DE OGCB:D D/DORS:NRR

NAME RSanders* CBerlinger* JBi am BKGrimes

DATE 1 06/14/94 I 06/09/94 06/4U/94 06/21/94 06/ /94 WI I PFTrTAI DFrnDn



UFI Ivva



VIrIs i R


"'e IN 94-XX

May XX, 1994 temperature) woul not only fail to detect an incorrect coil, but may also

fail to detect inad uately wound or degraded coils, even if the correct coils

were ordered and coil of the correct part number were received. Although GE

ED&C has stated that al of their contactors with standard coils are tested at

85 percent of rated volta , this may not verify individual plant require- ments. Also, not all manufaturers of electromagnet-operated devices test all

production units. Some testihq is on a random sample basis and then only at

nominal or rated voltage. Niag'aa Howhawk has since replaced the GE

controllers for HPCS loads that m t operate in an accident (the four MOVs)

with the type of Gould controllers ed elsewhere in the plant that are

designed to pull in at 75 percent of ated voltage.

In addition, in NRC Generic Lett 89-10, "Safety-Related Motor-Operated

Valve Testing and Surveillance," the NRC equested licensees and holders of

construction permits to conduct reviews a verifications of the design and

performance of certain MO s and to take app priate corrective actions. As

part of their response to GL 89-10, some lic sees have found that the

degraded voltage condition for certain MOYs is less than 80 percent of rated

voltage. Various conditions have been discover that could render safety

systems inoperable under degraded voltage conditi ns, including excessive

voltage drop over long cable runs and power supply r control power trans- former taps set incorrectly. Contactors that are n designed to close at the

minimum voltage expected and tested to verfiy that ca ability may be unable to

operate those MOVs if degraded voltage conditions occu

This information notice requires no specific acti or written response.

If you have any questions and the information in this not ce, please contact

one of the persons listed below or the appropriate Office f Nuclear Reactor

Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Operating Reactor Sup ort

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulati n

Technical contacts: Kamalakar Naidu, NRR

(301) 504 2980

Stephen Alexander, NRR

(301) 504-2995 Leonard Cheung, Region I

(610) 337 5296 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

  • See previous concurrence


NAME KNaidu* SAlexander* GCwalina* LNorrholm* CERossi*

DATE [02/03/94 106/02/94 I02/04/94 02/04/94 J02/Q7/94 OFFICE TECHED _ C/EELB:DE OGCB:DORS jC/OGCB:DORS D/DORS:NRR 1 NAME jJA > }CBerlinger* JBirmingham BKGrimes

DATE 06//4/94 106/09/94 106/ /94 06/


/94 L(LI






UrrL~LAL -----


IN 94-XX

May XX, 1994 Also, not all manufacturers of electromagnet-operated devices test all

production units. Some testing is on a random sample basis and then only at

nominal or rated voltage. Niagara Mowhawk has since replaced the GE

controllers for HPCS loads that must operate in an accident (the four MOVs)

with the type of Gould controllers used elsewhere in the plant that are

designed to pull in at 75 percent of rated voltage.

In addition, in NRC Generic Letter 89-10, "Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve

Testing and Surveillance," the NRC requested licensees and holders of

construction permits to conduct reviews and verifications of the design and

performance of certain MOVs and to take appropriate corrective actions. As

part of their response to GL 89-10, some licensees have found that the

degraded voltage condition for certain MOVs is less than 80 percent of rated

voltage. Various conditions have been discovered that could render safety

systems inoperable under degraded voltage conditions, including excessive

voltage drop over long cable runs and power supply or control power trans- former taps set incorrectly. Contactors that are not designed to close at the

minimum voltage expected and tested to verfiy that capability may be unable to

operate those MOVs if degraded voltage conditions occur.

This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions and the information in this notice, please contact one

of the persons listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor

Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Operating Reactor Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: Kamalakar Naidu, NRR

(301) 504 2980

Stephen Alexander, NRR

(301) 504-2995 Leonard Cheung, Region I

(610) 337 5296 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

  • See previous concurrence o oi6eso



NAME KNaidu* SAlexande GCwalina* LNorrholm* CERossi*

DATE 02/03/94 X /07/94 02/04/94 02/ 02/07/94 OFFICE TECHED CB:DORS C/OGCB:DORS D/DORS:NRR

NAME RSanders* C rli er JBirmingham AKugler BKGrimes

DATE 01/28/94 ii /94 05/ /94 05/ /94 05/ /94 OFFICIAL




IN 94-XX

March XX, 1994 voltage condit o It was determined that the contactor coils do not conform

to paragraph 4.1.2. of Purchase Specification 21A9301AZ in which GE specifies

the technical require nts of the size 1, 2 and 3 contactors in the HPCS

switchgear. This parag ph states that the coils of the contactors should be

capable of pulling in wit no more than 80 percent of the rated voltage

applied. GE informed the that coils designed to pull in at 75 percent of

the rated voltage are availab e for its NEMA Size 2 contactors. NMP2 has

since replaced the GE NEMA Siz 2 contactors.

The contactors with coils that we unable to pull in at degraded voltage

conditions as required by the purch e specifications had been installed to

operate safety-related MOVs during intial construction. This condition

remained undetected for many years an ould exist at other plants. This

situation could have beeen avoided if ( the coil catalog specification had

been compared to the purchase specificati and the appropriate coil had been

chosen as part of the review for the suita lity of application required by

Appendix B of Title 10 of the Code of Federa Regulations, Part 50, (10 CFR

Part 50, Appendix B), Criterion III, "Design ntrol," and (2)the correct

coils were verified to be installed and then be ch tested to verify

performance at degraded voltage conditions in ac rdance with Criterion VII of

10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, "Control of Purchased quipment and Services."

This information notice requires no specific action written response. If

you have any questions and the information in this not ce, please contact one

of the technical contacts listed below or the appropria Office of Nuclear

Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Operating Re tor Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regula on

Technical contact: Kamalakar R. Naidu, NRR

(301) 504 2980

Stephen D. Alexander, NRR

(301) 504 2995 Leonard S. Cheung, Region I

(215) 337 5296 Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

  • See previous concurrence


NAME KNaidu* GCwalina LNorrholm CERossi Ray Sanders

DATE 2/3/94 2/4/94 2/4/94 2/7/94 1 /28 /94 I /94 COPY YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO NO YES NO


NAME BGrimes


r -- a ---- -- prn

fhtsnb G:\NAIDU/GE




IN 94-XX

May XX, 1994 This infor atio otice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any ques ons and the information in this notice, please contact one

of the persons list below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor

Regulation (NRR) proj t manager.

rian K. Grimes, Director

Dvision of Operating Reactor Support

Of ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: Kamalakar Naidu, NRR

(301) 504 2980

Stephen Alexander, R

(301) 504-2995 Leonard Cheung, Region

(610) 337 5296 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

  • See previous concurrence


NAME KNaidu* SAlexand S GCwalina* LNorrholm* CERossi*

DATE 02/03/94 0516A94 02/04/94 0 2/04/94 02/07/94 OFFICE TECHED C/EELB:DE OGCB:DORS _ C/OGCB:DORS D/DORS:NRR

NAME RSanders* CBerlinger JBirmingham AKugler BKGrimes

DATE 01/28/94 05/ /94 05/ /94 05/ /94 05/ /94 UII-ILIAL KLUUKU LUUFY UUUUMthl NAM: tN1WK03.-bUR

N~ \ VIN 94-XX

March xx, 1994 This information not requires no specific action or written response. If

you have any questions nd the information in this notice, please contact one

of the persons listed betbw or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor

Regulation (NRR) project mipager.

Briad K. Grimes, Director

Diviston of Operating Reactor Support

Office f Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contacts: Kamalakar Naidu, NRAR Leonard Cheung, Region I

(301) 504 2980 \\ (215) 337 5296 Stephen Alexander, NRR

(301) 504-2995 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Information Not ices

4^e __ .^. ^-l ae

bee previOub IuncIILuEIVII'


NAME KNaidu* GCwalina* LNorrholm* CERossi*

DATE 02/03/94 02/04/94 0 2/04/94 02/07/94 TECHED C/EELB:DE:NRR OGCB:DORS:NRR C/OGCB:DORS:NRR D/DORS:NRR

RSanders CHBerlinger JLBirmingham AJKugler BKGrimes

01/28/94 03/ /94 03/. 9403/ /94 03/ .94 l~ILftLIT unurU. i-nIkTArTD -1I R


a I

IN 94-XX

March xx, 1994 This in rmation notice requires no specific action or written response. If

you have questions and the information in this notice, please contact one

of the persb s listed below or the appropriate Office of Nuclear Reactor

Regulation (R) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Director

Division of Operating Reactor Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Technical contact: Kamilakar R. Naidu, NRR


Stepheh.D. Alexander, NRR

(301) 504-2995 Leonard S.t Cheung, Region I

(215) 337-'296 Attachment:

List of Recently Issued NRC Infor ation Notices

  • See previous concurrence


NAME KNaidu* GCwalina* LNorrholm* CERossi*

DATE 02/03/94 102/04/94 002/04/94 02/07/94 TECHED I OGCB:WORS:JIRRjl C/OGCB:DORS:NRR I D/DORS:NRR

Rianders JL.iI AJKugl er I ______ ______

101/28/94 1 03/ /;94 1 03/ /94 1 03/ /941 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY DOCUMENT NAME:



e00 g o , g o e0-5ZS.4Ad~

IN 94-XX

> <_March XX, 1994 Page JLof 2 raded voltage conditions; It was determined that the contactor coils do

not nform to paragraph of Purchase Specification 21A9301AZ in which

GE spe fies the technical requirements of the size 1, 2 and 3 contactors in

the HPCS itchgear. This paragraph states that the coils of the contactors

should be c able of pulling in with no more than 80 percent of the rated

voltage appi . GE informed the NRC that coils designed to pull in at 75 percent of the ated voltage are available for its NEMA Size 2 contactors.

NMP2 has since re laced the GE NEMA-Size 2-cantagtors.

TheQnidriZ49 sxArdzhe con '9l1!--that

h t were unable to pull in at

degraded voltage condi ions and that did not mcet the purchase specifications

had been installed to op ate safety-related MOVs during initial construction, and.thet fhis condition re ined undetected for many years and could exist at

other plants. This situatio could have beeen avoided if (1)the coil catalog

specification had been compare to the purchase specification and the

appropriate coil had been chose as part of the review for the suitability of

application required by Appendix of Title 10 of the Code of Federal

Regulations, Part 50, (10 CFR Part 0, Appendix B), Criterion III, "Design

Control," and (2)the correct coils re verified to be installed and then

bench tested to verify performance at graded voltage conditions in

accordance with Criterion VII of 10 CFR art 50, Appendix B, 'Control of

Purchased Equipment and Services."

This information notice requires no specifi c ction or written response. If

you have any questions and the information in is notice, please contact one

of the technical contacts listed below or the a ropriate Office of Nuclear

Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes, Direc or

Division of Opera ng Reactor Support

Office of Nuclear Reactor egulation

Technical contact: Kamalakar R. Naidu, NRR

(301) 504 2980

Stephen D. Alexander, NRR

(301) 504 2995 Leonard S. Cheung, Region I

(215) 337 5296 Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

  • See previous concurrence waves =


NAME KNaidu* aw a L m Ray Sanders

DATE 2/3/94 8 94 /9 1 /28 /94 / /94 COPY YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO NO YES NO


NAME BGrimes



IN 94-XX

March XX, 1994 deg ded voltage conditions. It was determined that the contactor coils do not

con to paragraph of Purchase Specification 21A9301AZ in which GE

specifie the technical requirements of the size 1, 2 and 3 contactors in the

HPCS switc ear. This paragraph states that the coils of the contactors

should be ca ble of pulling in with no more than 80 percent of the rated

voltage applie GE informed the NRC that coils designed to pull in at 75 percent of the ted voltage are available for its NEMA Size 2 contactors.

NMP2 has since re aced the GE NEMA Size 2 contactors.

The NRC is concerned hat contactors with coils that were unable to pull in at

degraded voltage condi ons and that did not meet the purchase specifications

had been installed to op rate safety-related MOVs during initial constuction, and that this condition reained undetected for many years and could exist at

other plants. This situat n could have beeen avoided if (1)the coil

catalogue specification had en compared to the purchase specification and

the appropriate coil had been hosen as part of the review for the suitability

of application required by Appe ix B of Title 10 of the Code of Federal

Regulations, Part 50, (10 CFR Pa 50, Appendix B), Criterion III, "Design

Control," and (2)the correct coi were verified to be installed and then

bench tested to verify performance t degraded voltage conditions in

accordance with Criterion VII of 10 R Part 50, Appendix B, "Control of

Purchased Equipment and Services."

This information notice requires no spec fic action or written response. If

you have any questions and the informati in this notice, please contact one

of the technical contacts listed below or e appropriate Office of Nuclear

Reactor Regulation (NRR) project manager.

Brian K. Grimes Director

Division o Operating Reactor Support

Office of Nuclear R ctor Regulation

Technical contact: Kamalakar R. Naidu, NRR

(301) 504 2980

Stephen D. Alexander, NRR

(301) 504 2995 Leonard S. Cheung, Region I

(215) 337 5296 Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices


NAME KNaft . GC Ut a LNorrholm CERossi f4yr~z r42 DATE 2/ 4 / /94 / /94 I/Z4'/94 / /94 COPY YES NO YES NO I YES NO YES NO NO YES NO


NAME BGrimes


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