IR 05000327/1986003
ML20151T401 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Sequoyah, 05000357 ![]() |
Issue date: | 01/29/1986 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20151T394 | List: |
References | |
50-327-86-03, 50-327-86-3, 50-328-86-03, 50-328-86-3, IEB-79-18, NUDOCS 8602100263 | |
Download: ML20151T401 (4) | |
.h REGION ll g
'S ATLANTA. GEORGI A 30323 T,*****f
FEB 0 31986 l
- Report Nos.: 50-327/86-03 and 50-328/86-03
Licensee: Tennessee. Valley Authority 6N38 A Lookout Place
1101 Market Street
. Chattanooga, TN - 37402-2801
Docket Nos.:
50-327 and 50-328 License Nos.:
Facility Name:
Sequoyah 1 and 2 Inspection Conducted: Ja uary -6-8,1986
/ - N ~hd Inspector':
W. M. Sartor Date Signed
- Approved by:
/ //k84-T. R. Decker,- Section -Chief
Dhte Signed Division of_ Radiation Safety?and Safeguards SUMMARY
' Scope: This. special,- unannounced inspection entailed 24 inspector-hours on site in the areas of. Radiological Emergency Preparedness as reflected in Section V of-the Sequoyah. Nuclear Performance Plan.
'Results: Of the areas inspected no violation or deviations were identified.
.4 PDR O
Persons Contacted Lic'nsee Employees e
- G. B. Kirk, Compliance Supervisor
- P. R. Wallace,-Plant Manager
- L. M. Nobles,- Superintendent (Operations & Engineering)
J. M. Anthony, Operations Group Supervisor
- D. L. Cowart, Quality Surveillance Supervisor
- R. ~J. Griffin, NSRS Site Representative
- T. H. Youngblood, Project Engineer (REP)
- E. Whitaker, Licensing Engineer
- W.
S. Wilburn, Technical Services B.-Patterson, Maintenance Supervisor R. Mooney, Supervisor, Post Mod Unit R. D. Moore, Systems Engineer
'J. M. Qualls, Shift Engineer H. J. Ricks, Shift Engineer Other licensee employees contacted included engineers, technicians, operators, security force members, and office personnel.
NRC Resident Inspectors K. Jenison
- Attended exit interview 2.
Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on January 8,1986, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above.
The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection findings.
No dissenting comments were received from the licensee.
The -licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspection.
Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters (Closed) Violation 50-327, 328/85-13-02, Failure to Provide Protective Action Recommendations Consistent with Federal Guidance.
TVA's letter of response dated June 3,1985, for this violation had been reviewed and was determined to be acceptable by Region II. The corrective actions.were reviewed.during inspection 50-327, 328/85-41, and were found to be adequate to date, however the item was not closed because the required n
training was not scheduled to be completed until December 31, 1985. During the current inspection, the inspector verified that the required training
had been completed as committed to by the licensee. The inspector reviewed training records and lesson plans, held discussions with training ;.ersonnel, and conducted interviews with two shift supervisors involving
classifications of emergencies and protective action decision-making. No
discrepancies were noted and this item is therefore closed.
Changes to the Emergency Preparedness Program (82204)
Pursuant to '10 CFR 50.47(b)(16),10 CFR 50.54(q), and 10 CFR, Appendix E, t
Sections IV and V, selected areas were reviewed to determine whether recent changes had been made to the program and whether these changes affected the
overall state of emergency preparedness.
The areas evaluated were taken
.from - Section 5.0, Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP), Sequoyah Nuclear Performance Plan.
Discussions were held with licensee personnel to verify the status of the REP assessment as presented in the Sequoyah Nuclear Performance Plan.
- I Discussions revealed that the full time REP Project Engineer position
appears to be effective in working with management on site and coordinating l
with offsite TVA and non-TVA organizations.
The reference to the REP program review in October 1984, the REP project engineer's role in drills and exercises and the implementation of a system to track program requirements were not significant to the REP program from a regulatory perspective, rather they were aids to the REP project engineer in the performance of his responsibilities.
The inspector reviewed REP Implementing Procedure IP-10, " Medical Emergency
Procedure" and verified that it was contained in the licensed operator requalification module as indicated by the licensee. During the inspection, nothing was identified that conflicted with the adequacy of the REP training j
program, the licensee's audit of the 1984 and 1985 exercises, and the revised REP Implementing Procedure IP-5, " General Emergency" as previously identified in inspection report 50-327, 328/85-41.
I No violations or deviations were identified.
Dose Calculation and Assessment (82207)
Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.47(b)(9), this area was inspected to determined whether there was an adequate method for assessing tne consequences of an actual or potential radiological release.
The emergency organization supporting dose calculation and assessment had changed.
TVA's Radiological Dose Assessment Staff had been permanently consolidated as an integral function into the Central Emergency Control Center (CECC) in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
This function was located in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, prior to June 1985. This reorganization and the
respective assignment of responsibility for dose calculations and assessment appeared to be adequately provided for in the September 30, 1985, Sequoyah
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Nuclear Flant ' Radiological Emergency Plan. The demonstrated effectiveness of this. transfer of responsibility to the CECC will be further evaluated during Sequoyah's annual emergency exercise scheduled for the week of July 7, 1986.
No violations or deviations were identified.
IE Bull'etin (92703)
IE Bulletin 79-18: Audibility of alarms in high-noise areas.
The inspector reviewed the work plans and held discussions with licensee personnel responsible for the systems engineering involved in resolving the high-noise area audibility deficiencies.
The inspector randomly selected four sirens and six strobe lights (approximately 25?J of the new installations) from the drawing showing the installations made as a result of the engineering change notices issued to correct the deficiencies. All sirens and strobe lights were found to be located as shown and appeared to be functional.
The licensee representative stated that a systems test verifying the effectiveness of these alarms will be performed during the next operating period. Accordingly, item 79-BU-18 will be closed based on the installation of the alarms.
An inspection followup item 50-327, 328/86-03-01 is opened to provide for an evaluation of the licensee's system test to determine the effectiveness of the modified alarm system in high noise areas.