BSEP 17-0037, Submittal of Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2016

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Submittal of Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for 2016
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/25/2017
From: Wooten B
Duke Energy Progress
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
BSEP 17-0037
Download: ML17116A303 (58)


BrunswickNuclearP lant

(~ DUKE P.0.Box10429 ENERGY Sou thport

, NC 28461 Ap r il 25,2017 10CFR 50 .36a Se r ial

BSEP 17 -0037 U.S. Nuc lear Regu latoryComm ission ATTN : Documen t Con trol Desk Washing ton , DC 20555 -0001


Brunsw ickS team E lectric P lan t

, Unit No s. 1and2 Renewed Fac ili tyOpe ra ting LicenseNo s

. DPR -71 andDPR -62 Docke t No . 50 s -325and50 -324 Annua l Rad ioac t ive E ffluentRe lease Repo rt-2016 LadiesandGen tlemen :

Inacco rdancew i th 10CFR 50 .36aandTechn icalSpec if icat ion (TS )5.6

.3fo rtheBrunsw ick Steam E lectr icP lant(BSEP ),Un it No s

. 1and2 ,Duke Ene rgyP rogress, LLC,issubmi t tingthe enclosedRad ioactive E ff luen tRe lease Repo rtfo r2016 . Thisrepo rtcoversthepe r iodf rom Janua ry1 ,2016 ,th roughDecembe r31 ,2016 .

TS5 .5.1 ,110 ffsiteDose Ca lcu lation Manua l (ODCM )

, 11 requ ireschangestotheODCM be subm ittedaspa rtof

,o rconcu rren twith, theRad ioactive E f fluentRelease Repo r

t. TheODCM was no trev iseddu r ingth isrepo rtpe r iod .

No regu latorycomm itmen tsa recon tainedinth issubm i tta l.P leasere feranyques t ions rega rdingth issubm ittaltoM r

. LeeG rzeck , Manage r -Regu lato ryA ffa irs

,a t(910)457 -2487 .

S ince rely, fa;~&~

Bryan B .Woo ten D

i rector-O rgan izat iona lE f fec tiveness Brunsw ickS team E lectricP lan t MAT /ma t Enclosu re: Annua l Radioac t ive E ff luen tRe lease Repo rt-2016


. Nuc lear Regu lato ryComm ission Page2o f2 cc(withenc losu re):

U.S. Nuc learRegu latoryComm iss ion, Reg ion II ATTN :M s

. Ca the r ine Haney , Regional Admin istrato r

245Peach treeCen terA ve, NE, Sui te 1200 At lan ta, GA 30303 -1257 U.S. Nuc lear Regu latory Comm iss ion ATTN :M r. And rewHon (Ma ilStopOWFN 8G9A ) (E lec tronicCopy On ly) 11555Rockv il le P ike Rockv i lle

, MD 20852 -2738 U.S. Nuc learRegu la tory Comm iss ion ATTN :M s

.M ichelle P . Cat ts, NRC Sen iorResident Inspector 8470R iver Road Southpo rt, NC28461 -8869 Chair -No rth Ca rolina Uti lit ies Comm ission (Elec t ron icCopyOnly)

P.O. Box29510 Raleigh, NC 27626 -0510 swa tson@ncuc .ne t Mr

.W . LeeCo x,I ll,Sect ionCh ief (E lect ron icCopyOn ly


Radia t ion P rotectionSec tion North Ca rol ina Depa rtmen tofHea l th andHuman Se rvices 1645Ma l Se i rviceCen ter Raleigh, NC27699 -1645 lee.cox@dhhs

BSEP 17-0037 Enclosure Annua l Rad ioac tive E ff luen tRe lease Repo rt -2016

B runswickS teamE lectr icP lan t

Uni ts1and2 Annua lRadioac t ive E

ffluen tReleaseRepo rt Janua ry1,2016throughDecembe r31

,2016 Docke ts50-325and50-324

In t roduc tion The Annua l Radioac tive E f fluent Re lea se Repo r ti s pu rsuantto B run swick Steam E lect ricP lan t Technica l

Spec ificat ion5.6.3and ODCM Spe c ification7 .4.2.Thebe lowlisteda t ta chmen tstothisreportprovidetherequ ired info rma t ion. Inaddi tion,ifare v isiontothe ODCMha so ccur reddu r ingtherepo rtper iod,itisincludedpursuantto BrunswickSteamE le ctricP lantTe chn icalSpe ci ficat ion5 .5.1.

A ttachmen t1 Summa ryo f Ga seou sandL iquidE ff luents A

ttachmen t2 Supplemen talIn forma tion A

ttachmen t3 Sol idRad ioa c tive Wa s teD isposal A

ttachmen t4 MeteorologicalDa ta A

ttachmen t5 Unplanned O ffsi teRe leases A

ttachmen t6 Asse ssmen tofRad iat ionDo sefromRad ioact iveE f fluentsto Membe rsofthePub l ic A

ttachmen t7 Informa t iontoSuppo rttheNE IG round Wa terP rote c tionIni tiat ive A

ttachmen t8 Inope rableEqu ipmen t A

ttachmen t9 Summa ryofChange stothe O ffs iteDo seCa l culation Manua l A

ttachmen t10 Summa ryofChange stotheP roce ssCon t rolP rogram A

ttachmen t11 Summa ryof Ma jo r Mod i ficat ionstotheRad ioa c tive Wa steTreatmentSy stems A

ttachmen t12 Er ratatoaP reviou sYea r


Attachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE f fluen ts BrunswickSteamE lec tricPlan tUn its1&2 Per iod1/1/2016-12 /31/2016 ATTACHMENT 1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE f fluen ts Th isat tachmen tinc ludesasumma r yofthequanti tiesofradioacti vel iqu idandgaseousef fluen ts asou t

linedinRegu lato ryGuide1.21,Append ixB.


At tachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE ff luen ts Brunsw i ckSteamE lec tr icPlantUn i ts1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12/31/2016 GaseousEff luents -Summa t iono fAl lRe lea ses Uni ts Qtr1 Qt r2 Q tr3 Qt r4 Year A

.Fi ssionandA c tiva tion Gases

1. Tota lRelease Ci 5

.28E+01 2

.45E+01 4

.66E+01 5

.62E+01 1

.80E+02 2.A vg.Re leaseRate µC i

/sec 6

.71E+00 3

.12E+00 5

.86E+00 7

.07E+00 5

.70E+00 B

. Iodine-131

1. Tota lRelease Ci 9

.17E-04 6

.29E-04 9.73E-04 8

.52E-04 3

.37E-03 2.A vg.Re leaseRate µC i

/sec 1

.17E-04 7

.99E-05 1.22E-04 1

.07E-04 1

.07E-04 C

. Particu latesHalf-Li fe8day s

1. Tota lRelease Ci 3

.32E-04 2

.35E-04 2.65E-04 2

.96E-04 1

.13E-03 2.A vg.Re leaseRate µC i

/sec 4

.22E-05 2

.99E-05 3.34E-05 3

.72E-05 3

.57E-05 D

.T r itium

1. Tota lRelease Ci 1

.24E+02 6

.60E+01 1

.39E+02 1

.08E+02 4

.37E+02 2.A vg.Re leaseRate µC i

/sec 1

.58E+01 8

.39E+00 1

.75E+01 1

.36E+01 1

.38E+01 E

. Carbon- 14

1. Tota lRelease Ci 4

.58E+00 5

.80E+00 5

.98E+00 5

.80E+00 2

.22E+01 2.A vg.Re leaseRate µC i

/sec 5

.83E-01 7

.38E-01 7.52E-01 7

.30E-01 7

.01E-01 F

.G ro ssAlpha

1. Tota lRelease Ci 1

.03E-07 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 1

.03E-07 2.A vg.Re leaseRate µC i

/sec 1

.31E-08 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 3

.26E-09 Page1-2

At tachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE ff luents Brunsw i ckSteamE lec tr icP lantUn i ts1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 GaseousE f fluen ts -ElevatedRe leases-Con t inuous Mode Un its Qtr1 Q tr2 Qt r3 Qt r4 Year A

.Fi ssionandA c tiva tion Ga se s Ar-41 Ci 2

.83E+00 4

.84E+00 1

.36E+00 3

.78E-01 9

.41E+00 Kr-85m Ci 8

.89E-01 2.39E-01 2

.61E+00 1

.34E+00 5

.08E+00 Kr-87 Ci 1

.46E+00 4.35E-01 0

.00E+00 2

.84E-01 2

.18E+00 Kr-88 Ci 2

.29E+00 5.43E-01 0

.00E+00 8

.67E-01 3

.70E+00 Xe- 133 Ci 4

.53E-01 1.56E-01 2

.82E+00 9

.61E+00 1

.30E+01 Xe- 135m Ci 0

.00E+00 7.40E-01 6

.41E-01 3

.39E+00 4

.77E+00 Xe- 135 Ci 4

.26E+01 1

.59E+01 3

.46E+01 3

.66E+01 1

.30E+02 Xe- 138 Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 1

.47E+00 1

.47E+00 Totalfo rPeriod Ci 5

.05E+01 2

.29E+01 4

.20E+01 5

.39E+01 1

.69E+02 B

. Iodine s I-131 Ci 6

.54E-04 5.61E-04 7

.55E-04 6

.92E-04 2

.66E-03 I-133 Ci 4

.28E-03 3.75E-03 5

.09E-03 4

.42E-03 1

.75E-02 I-135 Ci 5

.52E-03 5.13E-03 6

.83E-03 5

.65E-03 2

.31E-02 Totalfo rPeriod Ci 1

.05E-02 9.44E-03 1

.27E-02 1

.08E-02 4

.34E-02 C

. ParticulatesHa lf-Li fe8day s Co- 60 Ci 3

.98E-06 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 3

.98E-06 Sr-89 Ci 3

.80E-05 1.16E-05 1

.46E-05 1

.43E-05 7

.85E-05 Ba- 140 Ci 5

.57E-05 6.59E-05 8

.26E-05 6

.84E-05 2

.73E-04 La-140 Ci 1

.03E-04 1.13E-04 1

.36E-04 1

.30E-04 4

.82E-04 Totalfo rPeriod Ci 2

.00E-04 1.91E-04 2

.33E-04 2

.13E-04 8

.37E-04 D

.T r itium H-3 Ci 2

.47E+01 2

.45E+01 5

.67E+01 3

.54E+01 1

.41E+02 E

. Carbon- 14 C-14 Ci 1

.83E+00 2

.32E+00 2

.39E+00 2

.32E+00 8

.86E+00 F

.G ro ss Alpha Totalfo rPeriod Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 Page1-3

At tachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE f fluents BrunswickS teamE lect ricPlantUnits1&2 Pe r iod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 GaseousE f fluents -ElevatedRe leases-Ba tch Mode*

Un its Qtr1 Q tr2 Q tr3 Q tr4 Year A

.Fi ssionandA c tiva tion Gases N/A Ci - - - - -

TotalforPe riod Ci - - - - -


. Iodine s N/A Ci - - - - -

TotalforPe riod Ci - - - - -


. ParticulatesHa lf-Li fe8day s N/A Ci - - - - -

TotalforPe riod Ci - - - - -


.T r itium N/A Ci - - - - -


. Carbon- 14 N/A Ci - - - - -


.G ro ssA lpha TotalforPe riod Ci - - - - -

  • B runsw ickS teamE le ctr icPlantUni ts1and 2dono tha veba tcheleva tedre leases Page1-4

At tachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE ff luents Brunsw ickS teamE lec tr icPlantUn i ts1&2 Pe r iod1 /1/2016-12/31/2016 GaseousE ff luen ts -G roundRe leases -Cont inuousMode Un its Qtr1 Qt r2 Qt r3 Qt r4 Year A

.Fi ssionandA c tiva tion Ga se s Kr-85m Ci 0

.00E+00 1

.85E-01 5

.65E-02 5

.87E-02 3

.00E-01 Xe- 133 Ci 9

.64E-02 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 9

.64E-02 Xe- 135 Ci 1

.65E+00 9

.15E-01 3

.70E+00 1

.14E+00 7

.41E+00 Xe- 138 Ci 5

.54E-01 5

.54E-01 8

.23E-01 1

.07E+00 3

.00E+00 Totalfo rPeriod Ci 2

.30E+00 1

.65E+00 4

.58E+00 2

.26E+00 1

.08E+01 B

. Iodine s I-131 Ci 2

.14E-04 3

.85E-06 1

.23E-04 2

.29E-05 3

.64E-04 I-133 Ci 6

.34E-04 0

.00E+00 1

.14E-03 1

.37E-04 1

.91E-03 I-135 Ci 8

.52E-04 0

.00E+00 2

.12E-03 1

.71E-04 3

.14E-03 Totalfo rPeriod Ci 1

.70E-03 3

.85E-06 3

.39E-03 3

.31E-04 5

.42E-03 C

. Particulate sHalf-L ife8day s Co- 60 Ci 5

.62E-07 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 5

.62E-07 La-140 Ci 5

.92E-08 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 5

.92E-08 Totalfo rPeriod Ci 6

.21E-07 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 6

.21E-07 D

.T r itium H-3 Ci 8

.49E+01 3

.00E+01 6

.50E+01 5

.46E+01 2

.35E+02 E

. Carbon- 14 C-14 Ci 9

.17E-01 1

.16E+00 1

.20E+00 1

.16E+00 4

.43E+00 F

.G ro ss Alpha Totalfo rPeriod Ci 1

.03E-07 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 1

.03E-07 Page1-5

Attachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE ffluents BrunswickS teamE lect ricPlantUnits1&2 Pe r iod1/1/2016-12 /31/2016 GaseousE ff luents -GroundRe leases -Ba tch Mode*

Units Q tr1 Q tr2 Q tr3 Q tr4 Year A

.Fi ssionandA c tiva tion Gases N/A Ci - - - - -

TotalforPe riod Ci - - - - -


. Iodine s N/A Ci - - - - -

TotalforPe riod Ci - - - - -


. ParticulatesHa lf-Li fe8day s N/A Ci - - - - -

TotalforPe riod Ci - - - - -


.T r itium N/A Ci - - - - -


. Carbon- 14 N/A Ci - - - - -


.G ro ssA lpha TotalforPe riod Ci - - - - -

  • B runsw ickS teamE le ctr icPlantUni ts1and 2dono thaveba tchgroundreleases Page1-6

At tachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE ff luents Brunsw i ckSteamE lectr icPlantUn i ts1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 GaseousE ff luents -M ixed- ModeRe leases -Continuous Mode Uni ts Qtr1 Qt r2 Q tr3 Qt r4 Year A

.Fi ssionandA c tiva tion Ga se s None Ci - - - - -

TotalforPe riod Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 B

. Iodine s I-131 Ci 4

.92E- 05 6

.41E-05 9

.54E-05 1

.37E-04 3

.46E-04 I-133 Ci 4

.10E- 04 5

.39E-04 6

.65E-04 1

.19E-03 2

.80E-03 I-135 Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 1

.55E-04 1

.55E-04 TotalforPe riod Ci 4

.59E- 04 6

.03E-04 7

.60E-04 1

.48E-03 3

.30E-03 C

. ParticulatesHa lf-L ife8day s Cr-51 Ci 4

.73E- 05 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 4

.73E-05 Mn- 54 Ci 8

.05E- 06 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 8

.05E-06 Fe- 59 Ci 1

.96E- 06 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 1

.96E-06 Co- 58 Ci 6

.88E- 06 4

.50E-06 1

.32E-06 4

.42E-06 1

.71E-05 Co- 60 Ci 6

.40E- 05 3

.98E-05 3

.09E-05 7

.84E-05 2

.13E-04 Zn- 65 Ci 1

.10E- 06 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 1

.10E-06 Zr-95 Ci 7

.29E- 07 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 7

.29E-07 Nb- 95 Ci 6

.77E- 07 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 6

.77E-07 TotalforPe riod Ci 1

.31E- 04 4

.43E-05 3

.23E-05 8

.28E-05 2

.90E-04 D

.T r itium H-3 Ci 1

.44E+01 1

.15E+01 1

.77E+01 1

.83E+01 6

.19E+01 E

. Carbon- 14 C-14 Ci 1

.83E+00 2

.32E+00 2

.39E+00 2

.32E+00 8

.86E+00 F

.G ro ssA lpha TotalforPe riod Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 Page1-7

Attachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE f fluents Brunsw ickS teamE lect ricPlantUnits1&2 Pe r iod1/1/2016-12 /31/2016 GaseousE ff luen ts -Mixed- ModeReleases -Ba tchMode*

Un its Q tr1 Q tr2 Qtr3 Qt r4 Year A

.Fi ssionandA c tiva tion Gases N/A Ci - - - - -

TotalforPe riod Ci - - - - -


. Iodine s N/A Ci - - - - -

TotalforPe riod Ci - - - - -


. ParticulatesHa lf-Li fe8day s N/A Ci - - - - -

TotalforPe riod Ci - - - - -


.T r itium N/A Ci - - - - -


. Carbon- 14 N/A Ci - - - - -


.G ro ssA lpha TotalforPe riod Ci - - - - -

  • B runsw ickS teamE le ctr icPlantUni ts1and 2donothaveba tch m ixed-moderelea ses Page1-8

Attachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE f fluents Brunsw ickS teamE lectr icP lan tUn its1&2 Period1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 LiquidE ff luents-Summa t iono fA llReleases-D i schargeCanal Units Qt r1 Qt r2 Qt r3 Qt r4 Year A.F issionandA c tivat ionProdu c ts

1. To talRe lea se Ci 5.83E-04 1.26E-03 2

.69E-03 2

.37E-03 6

.90E-03 2.A vg.D i lutedCon c. µCi/ml 1.66E-12 2.58E-12 5

.11E-12 5

.05E-12 3

.76E-12 B.T r itium

1. To talRe lea se Ci 7

.73E+01 7.01E+01 1

.04E+02 1

.03E+02 3

.54E+02 2.A vg.D i lutedCon c. µCi/ml 2.20E-07 1.44E-07 1

.97E-07 2

.20E-07 1

.93E-07 C.D issolved&En tra ined Gases

1. To talRe lea se Ci 3.78E-04 4.26E-04 4

.77E-04 7

.04E-04 1

.99E-03 2.A vg.D i lutedCon c. µCi/ml 1.08E-12 8.72E-13 9

.06E-13 1

.50E-12 1

.08E-12 D.G ro ssA lpha

1. To talRe lea se Ci 0

.00E+00 0.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 2.A vg.D i lutedCon c. µCi/ml 0

.00E+00 0.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 E. Volumeo fL iquid Wa ste

1. Con tinuou sReleases l iters 2

.25E+08 6.59E+07 1

.44E+08 1

.04E+08 5


2. Ba tchRe lea se s l iters 2

.57E+06 3.39E+06 4

.87E+06 3

.69E+06 1

.45E+07 F. Volumeo fD i lut ion Wa te r

1.A l lRe lea ses l iters 3

.51E+11 4.89E+11 5

.27E+11 4

.70E+11 1

.84E+12 Exc ludestri tium,d isso lvedanden tra inednob lega ses,andg rossalpha Page1-9

Attachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE f fluents B

runsw ickS teamE lect ricPlantUnits1&2 Period1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 LiquidE ffluents-Summa tiono fAl lRe leases-Ma rshA rea Units Qt r1 Q tr2 Qt r3 Q tr4 Year A.F issionandA c tivat ionP rodu ct s

1. To talRe lea se Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 2.A vg.D i lutedCon c

. µCi/ml 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 B.T r itium

1. To talRe lea se Ci 5.51E-02 2.74E-02 2

.47E-02 7.40E-02 1

.81E-01 2.A vg.D i lutedCon c

. µCi/ml 1.09E-06 5.41E-07 4

.81E-07 1.44E-06 8

.88E-07 C.D issolved&En trained Ga ses

1. To talRe lea se Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 2.A vg.D i lutedCon c

. µCi/ml 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 D.G ro ssA lpha

1. To talRe lea se Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 2.A vg.D i lutedCon c

. µCi/ml 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 E. Volumeo fL iquid Wa ste

1. Con tinuou sRelease s l iters 5

.07E+07 5

.07E+07 5.13E+07 5

.13E+07 2


2. Ba tchRe lea ses l iters 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 F. Volumeo fD i lut ion Wa ter 1.A l lRe lea ses l iters 5

.07E+07 5

.07E+07 5.13E+07 5

.13E+07 2

.04E+08 Exc ludestri tium,d isso lvedandentra inednob lega ses,andg rossalpha Page1- 10

At tachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE ff luents Brunsw ickSteamE lectr icPlantUn i ts1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 L

iquidEffluents-Con t inuous Mode-D ischa rgeCana l Uni ts Qtr1 Qt r2 Qt r3 Qt r4 Year A

.FissionandA c tivat ionProdu cts None C i - - - - -

Tota lforPe riod C i 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 B

.Tr itium H-3 C i 1

.47E- 02 1

.77E-02 9

.13E-03 4

.71E-03 4

.62E- 02 C

.Dissolved&Entrained Ga ses None C i - - - - -

Tota lforPe riod C i 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 D

.Gro ssAlpha Tota lforPe riod C i 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 Page1- 11

At tachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE ff luents B

runswickS teamE lectr icPlantUn i ts1&2 Pe r iod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 Liqu idE f fluents-Con tinuous Mode-Ma rshA rea Un its Qtr1 Qt r2 Qt r3 Qt r4 Year A

.FissionandA c tivat ionProduct s

None Ci - - - - -

Tota lforPeriod Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 B

.Tr itium H-3 Ci 5

.51E- 02 2

.74E-02 2

.47E-02 7

.40E-02 1

.81E- 01 C

.Dissolved&Entrained Gase s

None Ci - - - - -

Tota lforPe riod Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 D

.Gro ssAlpha Tota lforPe riod Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 Page1- 12

At tachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE ff luents B

runswickS teamE lec tr icPlantUn i ts1&2 Pe r iod1 /1/2016-12/31/2016 L

iquidEf fluents-Ba tch Mode-D ischargeCana l Units Qtr1 Qt r2 Qt r3 Qt r4 Yea r


.FissionandA c tivat ionProduct s

Mn- 54 Ci 1

.78E-06 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 1

.78E-06 Co- 60 Ci 1

.61E-04 1

.58E-04 5

.03E-04 1

.00E-04 9

.22E-04 Zn-65 Ci 1

.14E-05 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 1

.14E-05 Sr-87m Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 2

.65E-06 2

.65E-06 Y-91m Ci 3

.53E-07 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 3

.53E-07 Te-131m Ci 7

.87E-07 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 7

.87E-07 I-131 Ci 2

.13E-04 3

.85E-04 4

.40E-04 6

.58E-04 1

.70E-03 I-132 Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 9

.40E-06 0

.00E+00 9

.40E-06 I-133 Ci 1

.86E-04 7

.09E-04 1

.09E-03 1

.29E-03 3

.28E-03 I-134 Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 5

.59E-04 0

.00E+00 5

.59E-04 I-135 Ci 2

.44E-06 9

.09E-06 7

.68E-05 3

.20E-04 4

.08E-04 Cs-134 Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 1

.88E-06 1

.88E-06 Cs-137 Ci 6

.11E-06 2

.46E-06 6

.74E-06 1

.60E-06 1

.69E-05 TotalforPe riod Ci 5

.83E-04 1

.26E-03 2

.69E-03 2

.37E-03 6

.90E-03 B

.Tr itium H-3 Ci 7

.73E+01 7

.01E+01 1

.04E+02 1

.03E+02 3

.54E+02 C

.Dissolved&En trained Gase s

Kr-89 Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 5

.10E-05 5

.10E-05 Xe-133 Ci 8

.79E-05 1

.08E-04 9

.63E-05 2

.71E-04 5

.63E-04 Xe-135m Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 4

.88E-06 4

.09E-06 8

.97E-06 Xe-135 Ci 2

.90E-04 3

.18E-04 3

.76E-04 3

.78E-04 1

.36E-03 TotalforPe riod Ci 3

.78E-04 4

.26E-04 4

.77E-04 7

.04E-04 1

.99E-03 D

.Gro ssA lpha TotalforPe riod Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 Page1- 13

At tachmen t1 Summa ryo f GaseousandL iquidE ff luents Brunsw i ckSteamE lec tr icPlantUn i ts1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12/31/2016 L

iquidEf fluents-Ba tch Mode-Ma r shA rea Un its Qtr1 Qt r2 Qt r3 Qt r4 Year A

.FissionandA c tivat ionProduc ts None Ci - - - - -

Tota lforPe riod Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 B

.Tr itium H-3 Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 C

.Dissolved&Entrained Ga ses None Ci - - - - -

Tota lforPe riod Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 D

.Gro ssAlpha Tota lforPe riod Ci 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 0

.00E+00 Page1- 14

At tachmen t2 Supp lementalInformat ion B

runsw ickS teamE lect ricPlan tUnits1&2 Period1/1/2016-12 /31

/2016 ATTACHMENT 2 Supp lementalInformat ion Th isa ttachmen tinc ludessupp lementalin formationtothegaseousandl iqu ide ff luen tsrepor t.


A ttachmen t2 Supp lemen talIn fo rma tion Brunsw i ckS teamE lectr i cP lan tUn its1&2 Pe riod1 /1/2016-12 /31 /2016 I. Regu la toryL imits-Pe rUn it A. Noble Gases-A irDose

1. Ca lenda r Qua rter GammaDo se =5 mRAD
2. Ca lenda r Qua rterBe taDo se =10 mRAD
3. Ca lenda rYea r GammaDo se =10 mRAD
4. Ca lenda rYea rBe taDo se =20 mRAD B.L iquidE ffluen ts-Dose
1. Ca lenda r Qua rterTo talBodyDo se =1 .5 mREM
2. Ca lenda r Qua rterO rganDo se =5 mREM
3. Ca lenda rYea rTo talBodyDo se =3 mREM
4. Ca lenda rYea rO rganDo se =10 mREM C. GaseousE ffluen ts -Iod ine-131&133 ,T rit ium ,andPa r ticulates withHa lf-l ives>8days
1. Ca lenda r Qua rterO rganDo se =7 .5 mREM
2. Ca lenda rYea rO rganDo se =15 mREM I

I. Max imumPe rmissibleE ffluen tConcen trations A. GaseousE ffluen ts

1. In forma tionfound in O ffs iteDo seCa lculation Manua l B.L iquidE ffluen ts
1. In forma tionfound in10CFRPa rt20 ,Append ixB,Tab le2 ,Co lumn2 II I. Ave rageEne rgy (notapp licable )

IV. Measu remen tsandApp roxima t ionso fTo talRad ioactiv ity Analy se so fspe ci ficrad ionu cl ide sinse le c tedo rcompo s itedsamp lesa sde scr ibedintheODCM a reused tode term inetherad ionu c lidecompo s itiono fthee f fluent. Asumma ryde scr ipt ionofthe me thodu sedfo r

est ima ting ove ra lle rro rs a sso ciated w ith rad ioact iv ity mea suremen t si sp rov ided as par to fthis at ta chmen t.

V. Ba tchRe leases A.L iquidE ffluen ts Jan-Jun Ju l-Dec

1. To talNumbe ro fBa tchRe lea ses = 100 123
2. To talT ime(m in)fo rBa tchRe lea ses = 2.35E+05 1


3. Ma ximumT ime(m in)fo raBa tchRe lea se = 3.01E+04 4

.14E+04 4.A verageT ime(m in )fo rBa t chRe lea ses = 2.35E+03 1

.56E+03 5.M inimumT ime(m in )fo raBa tchRe lea se = 7.00E+00 1

.00E+01 6.A verage D i lu t ion Wa ter F low Du r ing = 6.70E+05 8

.04E+05 Re lea se(gpm )

B. GaseousE ffluen ts Jan-Jun Ju l-Dec

1. To talNumbe ro fBa tchRe lea ses = N/A N/A
2. To talT ime(m in)fo rBa tchRe lea ses = N/A N/A
3. Ma ximumT ime(m in)fo raBa tchRe lea se = N/A N/A 4.A verageT ime(m in )fo rBa t chRe lea ses = N/A N/A 5.M inimumT ime(m in )fo raBa tchRe lea se = N/A N/A V

I. Abno rma lRe leases SeeA ttachmen t5 ,Unp lanned O f fsi teRe lea se s.


Attachmen t2 Supp lemen talIn fo rma tion B runsw ickS teamE lec tri cP lan tUn i ts1&2 Period1 /1 /2016-12 /31 /2016 Carbon- 14 In Regu latory Gu ide 1 .21 , Re v ision 2 ,Mea suring ,E va lua ting, and Repo r ting Rad ioa ct ive Ma te rialin Liqu id and Gaseou sE f fluen t sand So lid Wa ste

,the NRCre commend sU clearpowe rp lant se valuate whe ther C- 14i sa "pr in cipalrad ionu c lide "inga seou se ff luents,andi fso ,repo rttheamoun to fC -14re lea sed.Imp ro vemen t so ve rthe yearsine f fluen t managemen tp ra cticesandfue lpe rforman ceha vere sultedinade c rea seinga seou sradionu cl ide (non -C -

14 )con cen tration s,andachangeinthed i s tributiono fga seou srad ionu c lide srelea sedtotheenv ironmen t.A s are sult, manys ite sshow C- 14ha sbe comea"p rin c ipalrad ionu c lide "forthegaseou se f fluentpa thway ,a sde finedin Regula tory Gu ide1 .21, Rev .2 .A l thoughcomm ittedto Regu latory Gu ide1 .21, Re v.1 ,theB run swi ckS teamE le c tric P

lan t2016ARERRcon tainse s tima te sof C- 14rad ioac t i v ityre lea sedin2016,ande stima teso fpub licdo sere sult ing fromtheC -

14e ffluen t.

Becau sethedo secon tributiono f C- 14froml iqu idrad ioa ct ive wa stei s mu chle ssthantha tcon tribu tedbyga seou s radioa ct ive wa ste,eva lua t iono fC -14inliquidrad ioa c tive wa steisno trequ i red(Re f. Reg . Guide1 .21 , Rev.2 ). The quantityo fga seou s C- 14re lea sedtotheenv ironmen tcanbee s tima tedbyu seo fa C- 14sou rcete rmsca l ingfa ctor basedonpowe rgene rat ion(Re f.Reg . Guide1 .21 ,Rev .2 )

. TheB run swickS teamE le ctr i cPlantUpda tedF inalSa fety Analysi s Repo rt(UFSAR )s tate sthe C- 14relea sera tef romaBWRi sapp roxima tely9 .5 C i

/yrpe run ita ssum ing80%

p lan tcapa c ityfa ctor,o r 292 E f fe cti ve Fu l l Powe r Day s(EFPD )

. S in ce B run swick S team E lectricP lan t ha stwo reactors,theto ta lrelea sera tewou ldbe19 .0C i/yr. Th isva luewa ssca ledu singac tualEFPDo f319 .70fo rUn i t1and 361.28fo rUn it2in201 6tog iveato talreleasera teo f2.22E+01C i/yr.

Publ i cdo see stima tesf roma irborne C- 14a repe r fo rmedu singdo se mode lsinRegu la tory Guide1 .109. Thedo se model sanda ssump t ion su seda redo cumen tedintheB run sw ickS teamE le c tricP lant ODCM 3 .3

.3 , Ca rbon-14. The est ima ted C- 14do seimpa c tonthe ma ximumo rgando sef roma irbornee ff luen tsre lea sedf rom B run swick S team E

le ctr i cP lantin2016i swe llbe lowthe10CFR50 ,Append i xI,ALARAde signob je ctive(i.e.,15 m rem /yrpe runit).

Basedonthe2016Land Use Cen sus,thec rit i calrecep tori slo catedinthesou thse cto ra t1.7m i le sw i thaga rden .

Therea reno mea to rm ilkpa thway sw i thin5 m i le s. Regu lato ry Gu ide1 .109 me thodo logywa su sedtode terminethe dosetoth isc rit i calre cepto r

. Thebonedo sefo r2016wa s2 .04E+00 m remandtheto talbodydo se wa s4.09E -01 mrem .

Units Yea r 1

. C- 14A ct i vi tyRe lea sed C i 2.22E+01 2

. C- 14To talBodyDo se mREM 4.09E- 01 3

. C- 14 O rganDo se mREM 2.04E+00 Re cep torLo cation1 .7m ilesS CriticalAgeCH ILD CriticalO rganBONE Page2-3

At tachmen t2 Supp lemen talIn fo rma tion Brunsw i ckS teamE lec t ri cP lan tUn its1&2 Pe riod1 /1/2016-12 /31 /2016 Discuss iono fl iqu idre leasef romtheBSEPSewageT rea tmen tP lan t In a cco rdan ce w iththe B runsw i ck S team E le ctr icP lan t(BSEP ) Na tiona l Po l lu tan tD ischa rge E limina t ion Sy stem (NPDES ) Pe rm i t Numbe r NC0007064the de can tfromthe BSEP Sewage T rea tmen tP lan ti sre lea sedto Ou tfal l

Numbe r004 . Ou tfall Numbe r004d i scha rge stothed ischargecana l wh i chi sade s igna tedre lea sepo int

. TheBSEP sewagede canti ssamp led mon thlyfo rgammaandt r itiumana ly s i s

. On De cembe r11 ,2013the mon thlye ffluen t samp lecon tainedt r it ium ,the rewa snode te ctab legammaa ctiv ity . Cond itionRepo rt(CR )651320wa sgene ratedand dai lysamp ling wa sinit ia tedfo re ff luen ta ccoun tab i li ty.Inpu tstothesy stem we resamp ledandi t wa sd isco veredtha t tr it ia tedg roundwa teri sleak ingin tothe Numbe r6l i fts tat ion. Thesou rceo ftritiumi sf romp re-existingg roundwa te r con tam inationinthegene rala reasu rround ingthe Numbe r6l ifts tation . Regu la to ry A ffairscon fi rmedth is wa sno t repo rtable pe r NE I 07-07 g roundwa te rrepo rt ing . App roxima tely 1 .29E+06 ga l lon scon taining 4 .62E-02cu r ie so f tr it iumwa sre lea sedin2016tothed i scha rgecana l.

D iscuss iono fliqu idre leasesf romtheS to rmD ra inCo llec to rBas in(SDCB )

Duringpe riod so fheavyra in,thecon ten t so ftheSDCB maybere lea sedtothed ischa rgecana lina ccordan ce w ith regu latoryrequ iremen tstop ro te c tp lan tpe rsonne landequ ipmen t. TheSDCB wa sre lea sedd ire ct lytothed ischa rge cana lon21o cca sion sin2016duetoheavyra in s

. App roxima tely6 .74E+06ga l lon scon taining 3 .55E -01cu rie so f tr it iumwe rere lea sed . The rewa snode te ctab legammarad ioa ct i vi ty .

Discuss iono fl iqu idre leasesf romtheS to rmD ra inS tab ilizationPond(SDSP )In f iltra tion OnAugu s t22 ,2014 wa ter wa sfoundf low ingf romtheS torm D rainS tab ilizat ionFa c il ity(SDSF )ou tfal lp ipein tothe inta kecana l whenape rm i ttedre lea se wa sno tinp rog ress. The wa te r wa sana ly zedandfoundtocon taint rit ium .

Cond it ion Repo rt704775 wa sgene ra tedandda i lysamp ling wa sin i tia tedfo re ff luen ta ccoun tab il ity. Sub sequen t inve stigationde te rm inedthe wa te r wa sin f iltra tingth roughthes ideo fthef irstco lle ct ionbo xinthe d rainagel ine loca tednea rtheSDSPd ischa rge we i r

. Thep ipewa srepa iredbyin stallingaf ibe rg la ssline rin sidethee xistingou tfal l

p ipeandsea lingtheo riginalp ipe /

line rin te r fa ce . Th isrepa ir wa scomp le tedin2015 . Nore lea se sfromth ispa thway occu rred in2016duetothesu cce ssfulrepa i r.

Discuss iono fliqu idre leasesf romtheS to rmD rainS tab iliza tionFac il i ty(SDSF )

TheSDSFco l le ctsra inwa te r

, wa te rfrom m isce llaneou slowvo lumed rain sonp lan ts i te, wa terfromthe G roundwa ter Extra c tion Sy s tem , and wa terf romthe Un it 1 CST Remed iation Fa cili ty. T rea tmen t con sistso ffilt ra t ion and evapo rat ion . Whensu ffi c ient wa te rha sa ccumu latedinthepondi ti srelea sedin tothein ta kecana l whe rei tisd rawn intothep lan tcircu lat ingandse rvice wa te rsy stemande ven tuallyre lea sedin tothed ischa rgecana l. The re we re14 SDSFre lea se sin2016. App ro xima te ly8 .95E+07ga l lon scon ta ining 5 .33E+00cu rie so ft rit ium we rere lea sedf rom theSD SF. The rewa snode tectablegammarad ioa ct ivity.

Discuss iono f wa te revapo ra tionf romtheS to rmD ra inS tab iliza tionPond(SDSP )

It wa sca l culatedtha t5.96E+07ga l lon so ft r itiated wa ter wa sre lea sedv iaevapo rationf romtheSDSPin2016.Th is y

ield s2 .19E -01cu rieso ft r it iumre lea sedtothea tmo sphe rea sag roundre lease . Thenea restre siden ttothepondi s intheno r thwe stse c tora tapp ro xima tely0 .3 m i le s

. The ma ximume xpo sedind ividua lsa ttha tlo cationre ceiveda calcula teddo seo f6 .70E -05m remv iatheinha lationpa thwayin2016. On lyinha lationdo se wa sde te rminedbe cau se thee xpo sedind ividua lsdono tha veaga rdenanda lsodono tha veany m ilkor mea tan ima lsa tth islo cat ion .


Attachmen t2 Supp lemen talIn fo rma tion Brunsw i ckS teamE lec tri cP lan tUn i ts1&2 Pe riod1 /1 /2016-12 /31 /2016 Discuss iono f wa terevapo ra tionf romtheS to rmD rainS tab i liza tionFac i lity(SDSF )

It wasca lcula tedtha t4.93E+06ga l lon so ft r itia ted wa ter wa sre lea sedviaevapo rat ionf romtheSDSFin2016.Th i s

y ields3 .68E -01cu rie softrit iumre lea sedtothea tmo sphe rea sag roundrelea se. Thenea re stres iden ttothepondi s intheno rthno r thwe s tse ctora tapp roxima tely0 .5 m i le s. The ma ximume xposedind iv idua lsa tthatlo cat ionr ece ived aca lcula ted do se o f2 .37E -04 m rem v iatheinha lation pa thwayin 2016. On lyinha lation do se wa s determ ined becau sethee xpo sedind ividual sdono thaveaga rdenanda l sodono thaveany m i lko r mea tanima lsa tth i slo ca tion.

Discuss iono fl iqu idre leasesf romthe Ma rshtoNancy sC reek Samp le sa rerou tinelyana ly zedf romthe ma rsha rea stha td rainin to Nan cys Creekdu ringfa ll ingtide s. The ma rsh areasa rea lloncompanyownedp rope r ty. The ma rshlandi sunde rtheinfluenceo fh ighandlowt ide sandre lea ses to Nan cy s C ree k, whichi so f f s ite. Th iscon sti tute sare lea sepo intfore va lua t ion. Thesamp l ingp rogramcon s istsof weeklysamp l ingandana ly s i sate igh tlo cations. A l lgammaana ly sespe r fo rmedin2016we relessthantheLowe r L

im i to f De tection(LLD ). Somet ri tiumana ly ses we reg rea terthantheLLD. Thea veraget rit iumcon centrationea ch month,twoh ight ide spe rday ,thea reao fthe ma rsha th ight ide ,theday sinthe mon th ,andacon servativefa ctorof2 wereu sedtoca l culatedtheamoun to ftrit iumre lea sedea ch mon th.In2016,i t wasca lcu la tedtha t5.39E+07ga l lon s werere lea sedto Nan cysC ree kcon taining1 .81E -01cu r ie so ft ri tium. Th isyieldedaTo tal Bodydo seo f2 .20E-03 mremtoanadu ltfromea tingf ishandinve rtebrate(sh rimp ,crab s,et c


Discuss iono fliqu idre leasesf romtheS to rmD rainS tabiliza tionPond(SDSP )

The SDSPco l le ctsra inwa tera sit s onlyinpu tsou rce . T rea tmen tfromth islo cationcon sis tso f sed imen tat ion ,

evapo ration ,andt ran spi ration. Whensu ff i c ien twa te rha sa ccumu latedinthepond ,iti srelea sedin tothein takecana l wherei ti sd rawnin tothec i rcula t ingandse rv ice wa tersy stemandeven tual lyre lea sedin tothed ischargecana l.

There we re7SDSPre lea sesin2016. App roxima te ly4.49E+07ga l lons we rerelea sedin2016con taining0 .00E+00 cur ie so ftrit ium . The rewasnode tectablegammarad ioa c tivity.


At tachmen t2 Supp lemen talIn forma t ion B runsw ickS teamE lect r icP lan tUn i ts1&2 Pe r iod1 /1/2016-12 /31 /2016 Ove ra llEs t ima teo fE rror fo rE f fluen tRad ioac tivityRe leaseRepo rted Thee s timatedpe rcentageo fo verallerrorfor Gaseouseffluentreleaseda taa tB runswick S team Electr icPlant is l

istedbelow . Thesevaluesw erede ri vedbyta k ingthesqua rerooto fthesumo fthesqua resofthedisc reteindiv idua l

es timatesofe r ror.

1. FissionandA ct ivat ion Ga ses = +/-25%
2. Particu latesandIod ine = +/-25%
3. Tri tium = +/-15%

Theestimatedpe rcentageo fo verallerrorforLiqu ide f fluentreleaseda taatB run swick S team Elec tr icPlan ti slis ted be low. The sevalues werede r i vedbyta kingthesqua reroo tofthesumo fthesqua resofthed i screteindiv idua l

es timatesofe r ror.

1. Fission and A ct ivat ion P roducts and = +/-17%

D issolvedandEn tra inedNob le Gase s

2. Tri tium = +/-23%
3. Gro ssAlpha = +/-32%

Ove rallEs tima teo fE r ro rforSo lid Was teRad ioac t iv i tyRepo rted The est imated pe rcentage ofo ve ra lle r rorfo r So lid Wa ste data atB runsw i ck S team Elect ricPlant has been de terminedtobe+/-10% .


Attachmen t2 Supp lemen talIn forma tion B

runsw ickS teamE lec t r icP lantUn its1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 Summa ryo fChangesinLandUseCensusA ffectingE f f luentDoseCa lcu lat ions The2016Land UseCen suswa sper formedJune27 -29,201 6

. There su lts we recert if iedand madea vailablefo ruse onJu ly21,2016. Thefol low inga rechange store sidences

,ga rdens,and mi lkanimalsf romthep rev iou syea r Residences Nochange stonearestresiden ceinea chse c tor.

Garden s Thega rdenintheNse cto ra t1 .1mileswa sreplacedbyaga rdena t1.0m i les Thega rdenintheSse ctora t1 .8miles wa srep lacedbyaga rdena t1.7m iles Thega rdenintheSSWse ctora t1.9 mile swa sreplacedbyaga rdenat1.7 mi les.

Thega rdenintheSWse ctora t1 .4 m ile swa sno longe rpresentandreplacedbyaga rdena t2.2 m i les.

Thega rdeninthe WNWse ctora t1.1 mileschangedadd ressesbu tremainsat1.1 m i

le s M

ilkAn imals No m i lkanimalwaspresentw ithin5 mile sinea chse c tor.

Environmenta l Mon itor ingLo cat ions Nochange stoenvi ronmen tal mon i tor inglo ca tionsinea chse c tor.


At tachmen t3 SolidRad ioactive WasteD isposa l

B runswickS teamE lec tr icP lan tUn its1&2 Period1/1/2016-12 /31

/2016 ATTACHMENT 3 Sol idRad ioactive WasteDisposal Th isat tachmen tincludesasumma r yo ftheso l id wasteshippedoff-si tefo rbu ria land

/ordisposa l

inc lud ing:

  • Containervo lume
  • Tota lCu r iecon ten t
  • Pr incipalRad ionuc lides
  • Source/Typeo fwas te
  • Sol idif icationagen to rabsorbent
  • Typeo fsh ippingcon ta iner
  • Numbe ro fsh ipments
  • Otherrelevan tinfo rma t ionasnecessa ry Page3-1

Attachmen t3 So lidRad ioac t ive Was teD isposa l B

runsw ickS teamE lectr i cP lantUn its1&2 Pe r iod1 /1 /2016-12 /31/2016 Burial Total Typeo f Numbe ro f Numbe rof Waste Con ta ine r So l idi fication Volume Act ivity Was teSh ipped Shipmen ts Con ta iners Class Type Agent 3 (m) (Curies) 1

. Was tef romL iqu idSys tems a

. Spen tRe s ins,F ilters, TypeA 11 11 A N/A 54.1 5

.94E+01 S

ludge s(dewa tered ) GDP b

. Spen tRe s in s

,F i l

te rs, 4 4 B Type B N/A 7.22 3

.19E+02 S

ludge s(dewa tered )


. So lidi fied( cemen t)A cids

,Oily 0 - - - - - -

Wate r 2

. D rySo l id Was te a

. D ryAc t ive Wa ste( compa c ted TypeA 52 52 A N/A 2230 9

.85E- 01

&non- compa c ted ) GDP b

. I rradiatedComponen ts 3 3 C TypeB N/A 4.73 3

.14E+04 TypeA c

. Othe r Wa s te (o i l

/s ludge) 7 7 A N/A 95.5 4

.64E- 01 GDP 3

. To talSo l id Was te 77 77 - - - 2391.55 3

.18E+04 NOTE: Total Activ ityde term inedb yest imate

.Solid Was tel istedabo vesh ippedfo rproce s singtova rious was teproce ssingservi ce sordirec tl y

sh ippedtoli censedd ispo salfaci l

ity Page3-2

Attachmen t3 So lidRad ioac t ive WasteD isposa l Brunsw ickS teamE lec tr icP lan tUn i ts1&2 Pe r iod1 /1 /2016-12 /31 /2016 Typeo f Was teSh ipped Radionuc lide %Abundance 1

. Wastef romL iquidSys tems a

. Spen tRe sins,Fi lters,Sludges Fe-55 1.65E+01%

(dewa tered ) Mn- 54 3.28E+00%

Co- 58 1.59E+00%

C la ssA&Bcomb ined Co- 60 6.67E+01%

N i-63 4.35E+00%

Zn-65 3.53E+00%

Cs-137 1.99E+00%


. So lid ified( cemen t)A c id s

,Oily Wate r N/A N

/A 2

. DrySo l id Was te a

. D ryAc t ive Wa s te( compa c ted&non- H- 3 1.84E+00%

compa c ted ) Fe-55 3.95E+01%

Mn- 54 2.40E+00%

Co- 60 4.68E+01%

N i-63 4.58E+00%

Cs-137 1.45E+00%


. I rradiatedComponen t s Fe-55 3.06E+01%

Co- 60 6.04E+01%

N i-63 6.81E+00%

Ta-182 1.47E+00%

c. O ther Wa ste(oi l/sludge) H- 3 2.78E+00%

Mn- 54 1.60E+00%

Fe-55 4.25E+01%

Co- 60 4.40E+01%

N i-63 5.08E+00%

Cs-137 2.00E+00%


Attachmen t4 MeteorologicalData B

runsw i ckS teamE lec t r icPlantUnits1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 ATTACHMENT 4 MeteorologicalData Th isa ttachmentinc ludesasumma ryof me teoro logica ljointfrequen cyd ist ribu tionso fwindspeed w

indd irect ion

,anda tmosphe rics tabil i

ty(hou rsofoccurrence).


Attachmen t4 Me teorologica lDa ta B

runsw ickS teamE lectricP lan tUn i ts1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12 /31 /2016 G

roundRe leases Wind Hou rsof Occurrence S

tabi li ty Speed Sector C


.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.51-7

.50 1 1 2 5 9 13 8 0 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 0 7.51-12

.50 1 1 3 17 20 4 1 1 1 10 51 15 0 0 0 3 A


.50 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 4 0 0 0 0 18.51-25

.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75-3

.50 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 3.51-7

.50 9 9 8 7 9 6 11 8 1 1 3 7 9 7 8 4 7.51-12

.50 1 11 6 17 11 4 0 2 6 24 76 37 0 0 1 6 B


.50 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 6 0 0 0 1 18.51-25

.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75-3

.50 1 3 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 4 3 1 2 3.51-7

.50 18 20 14 25 11 18 19 9 4 4 9 18 11 14 9 8 7.51-12

.50 10 30 17 17 12 2 2 5 2 22 52 58 0 0 2 10 C


.50 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 6 0 0 0 0 18.51-25

.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75-3

.50 16 12 17 15 7 8 14 7 6 3 7 17 31 23 25 27 3.51-7

.50 159 245 116 144 54 51 51 29 35 35 133 192 66 41 50 138 7.51-12

.50 43 150 58 70 35 1 1 0 6 36 289 318 9 0 31 40 D


.50 7 5 1 1 4 2 1 4 1 15 23 20 0 0 0 7 18.51-25

.00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 25+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page4-2

Attachmen t4 Me teorologica lDa ta Brunsw ickS teamE lectricP lan tUn i ts1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12 /31 /2016 GroundRe leases Wind Hou rsof Occurrence S

tabi lity Speed Sector C


.50 89 60 27 26 14 23 16 12 18 10 17 53 62 62 46 47 3.51-7

.50 122 130 21 53 14 13 25 35 45 24 95 178 34 8 30 56 7.51-12

.50 1 11 2 3 1 0 0 2 23 38 70 56 0 1 1 14 E


.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 9 1 0 0 0 1 18.51-25

.00 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 25+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75-3

.50 143 48 11 6 2 3 4 3 13 5 18 41 49 40 57 85 3.51-7

.50 30 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 8 2 13 18 0 0 9 10 7.51-12

.50 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F


.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.51-25

.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.75-3

.50 106 19 2 1 3 1 0 1 4 3 8 22 43 46 46 94 3.51-7

.50 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 5 7.51-12

.50 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G


.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.51-25

.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page4-3

Attachmen t4 Me teorologica lDa ta Brunsw ickS teamE lectricP lan tUn i ts1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12 /31 /2016 E

levatedRe lea ses Wind Hou rsof Occurrence S

tabi li ty Speed Sector C



.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3


.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7


.50 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 A



.50 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 4 0 0 1 4 18


.00 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 25+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0


.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3


.50 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 7


.50 3 2 7 4 8 5 3 3 3 5 4 7 4 4 0 2 B



.50 3 1 1 8 3 0 0 0 2 1 21 11 1 2 6 6 18


.00 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 1 0 0 1 2 25+ 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3


.50 2 2 1 3 2 10 3 3 3 0 1 3 3 1 1 2 7


.50 6 9 11 18 16 2 7 6 3 5 13 14 7 8 0 8 C



.50 9 8 9 9 7 0 0 1 1 4 14 23 1 2 7 7 18


.00 4 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 5 0 0 2 4 25+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0


.50 2 1 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 5 1 0 1 3


.50 14 18 6 14 19 9 8 13 12 7 13 17 16 6 12 12 7


.50 47 77 45 39 27 10 6 5 7 24 44 101 43 16 18 48 D



.50 63 151 82 98 20 1 3 1 5 33 114 131 32 44 37 61 18


.00 22 39 7 22 4 0 0 0 5 16 94 55 1 12 27 13 25+ 10 10 1 4 0 0 0 0 9 7 8 1 0 0 2 2 Page4-4

Attachmen t4 Me teorologica lDa ta Brunsw ickS teamE lectricP lan tUn i ts1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12 /31 /2016 E

leva tedRe lea ses Wind Hou rsof Occurrence S

tabi lity Speed Sector C



.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3


.50 2 1 6 2 2 1 3 5 6 3 3 5 10 3 5 2 7


.50 8 14 14 21 14 8 5 9 16 19 12 42 55 14 15 12 E



.50 67 98 32 24 8 6 8 8 3 14 46 87 21 29 19 28 18


.00 7 19 5 6 3 1 4 11 15 52 54 49 3 9 33 23 25+ 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 18 20 16 4 0 0 5 4 0


.50 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 3


.50 1 2 0 1 3 3 1 4 2 2 3 4 14 6 3 1 7


.50 12 9 7 15 8 5 5 2 9 13 7 17 21 12 6 9 F



.50 16 24 19 19 2 1 1 1 5 14 15 29 7 15 13 8 18


.00 10 9 6 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 9 9 0 13 14 25 25+ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0


.50 2 4 3 0 1 0 0 2 2 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 3


.50 6 9 2 7 5 4 4 1 6 7 4 11 8 4 6 12 7


.50 13 20 15 18 13 11 14 14 12 8 8 27 16 13 18 11 G



.50 15 32 22 13 1 0 5 3 8 10 7 31 14 22 16 11 18


.00 5 8 5 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 14 5 9 25+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Page4-5

At tachmen t5 Unplanned Offs iteReleases Brunsw ickSteamE lect ricPlan tUnits1&2 Per iod1/1/2016-12 /31

/2016 ATTACHMENT 5 Unplanned Offs iteReleases Th isattachmentinc ludes asumma r yo fthe unplanned of fsi tere leases o f gaseous andliqu id rad ioact iveef fluen ts.


At tachmen t5 Unp lanned O ffs iteReleases B

runsw i ckSteamE lect ricPlantUn i ts1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 B

run swi ckS teamE lec tr icP lan tdidno texper ienceanyunplannedo ffs itegaseou sorl iqu ide ff luen tre lea sesin2016.


Attachmen t6 Assessmen to fRad iat ionDosef romRad ioact iveE ffluentsto Membe rsofthePub lic Brunswi ckSteamE lect ricPlantUn its1&2 Per iod1/1/2016-12 /31 /2016 ATTACHMENT 6 Assessmen to fRad iat ionDosef romRad ioact iveE ffluentsto Membe rsofthePub lic


inc ludesfue lcycledoseca lcu lationresults)

Thisattachmen tincludesanassessmen tofradiat iondosestothe max imumexposed membe rof thepub li cduetorad ioact iveliquidandgaseouse ff luen tsre leasedfromthes itefo reachca lendar quarte rfo rtheca lendaryea ro fthereportaswe l lastheto taldosefo rthecalendaryear.

Thisa t tachmen ta lsoincludes an assessmen tofrad iation do sestothe max imum exposed membe rofthepub licfroma l lu ran iumfue lc yc lesou rces w ith in8kmo fthes i teforthecalenda r yearofthi srepor ttoshowcon formancew i th40CFRPa r t190 .

Methodsfo rcalculat ingthedosecon tr ibut ionfroml iquidandgaseouse f fluentsaregiveninthe Of fsi teDoseCa lcula tion Manua l(ODCM ).


Attachmen t6 Assessmen to fRad iationDosef romRad ioac tiveE ff luentsto MembersofthePub l ic Brunswi ckSteamE lect ricPlantUnits1&2 Pe r iod1/1/2016-12 /31/2016 GaseousE f fluents DoseSumma ry Uni ts Qt r1 Q tr2 Qt r3 Q tr4 Yea r


.Noble Gases

1. Max imum Be taAi r mRAD 1.43E-03 1

.06E-03 2.60E-03 1

.64E-03 6

.73E-03 (a

)L imit mRAD 2.00E+01 2

.00E+01 2

.00E+01 2

.00E+01 4

.00E+01 (b

) %o fLimit 7.16E-03 5

.31E-03 1.30E-02 8

.20E-03 1


2. Max imum GammaA i r mRAD 2.27E-03 1

.77E-03 3.20E-03 2

.81E-03 1

.00E-02 (a

)L imit mRAD 1.00E+01 1

.00E+01 1

.00E+01 1

.00E+01 2

.00E+01 (b

) %o fLimit 2.27E-02 1

.77E-02 3.20E-02 2

.81E-02 5

.02E-02 Recep torLo ca tion0.7miles ENE B

.Iodine ,H-3,&Pa rt iculates

1. Max imum O rganDo se mREM 1.18E-02 6

.14E-03 1.13E-02 9

.52E-03 3

.88E-02 (a

)L imit mREM 1.50E+01 1

.50E+01 1

.50E+01 1

.50E+01 3

.00E+01 (b

) %o fLimit 7.84E-02 4

.10E-02 7.56E-02 6

.34E-02 1

.29E-01 Recep torLo ca tion4.75m i les NE Cr it ica lAgeINFANT Cr it ica lO rganTHYRO ID Page6-2

At tachmen t6 Assessmen to fRad ia tionDosef romRad ioact iveE ffluentsto Membe rso fthePub lic B

runswi ckS teamE lect ricPlantUn its1&2 Period1/1/2016-12 /31/2016 LiquidE ff luentsDoseSumma r y Uni ts Q tr1 Qt r2 Qt r3 Qt r4 Year A

.Batch&Con tinuousMode

1. Ma ximum OrganDose mREM 4

.77E-05 4.38E-05 8.51E-05 7.53E-05 2

.52E- 04 (a

)Limit mREM 1

.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 1.00E+01 2

.00E+01 (b

) %ofLimit 4

.77E-04 4.38E-04 8.51E-04 7.53E-04 1

.26E- 03

2. Ma ximumTo ta lBodyDose mREM 3

.13E-05 1.93E-05 3.72E-05 2.63E-05 1

.14E- 04 (a

)Limit mREM 3

.00E+00 3.00E+00 3.00E+00 3.00E+00 6

.00E+00 (b

) %ofLimit 1

.04E-03 6.43E-04 1.24E-03 8.78E-04 1

.90E- 03 Cr it ica lAgeADULT Cr it ica lOrgan THYROID Page6-3

Attachmen t6 Assessmen to fRad ia t ionDosef romRad ioac tiveE ff luen tsto Membe rso fthePub lic Brunsw ickS teamE lec tricP lan tUn its1&2 Period1 /1/2016-12 /31 /2016 40CFRPa r t190U ran iumFue lCyc leDoseCa lcu la tionResu lts Ina cco rdance w i ththerequ i remen t so f40CFR Pa rt190 ,theannua ldo secomm itmen ttoany membe rofthegene ral publ icsha l lbeca lculatedtoa ssuretha tdo sesa relimitedto25 m i ll iremstotheto talbodyo ranyo rgan w i ththe exceptiono fthethy ro idwh ich isl imitedto75 m i ll irems . Thefue lcy c ledo sea sse ssmen tforB run sw ickSteamE le c tric P

lantin c lude sliquidandga seou se f fluentdo secon tr ibution sfromB run swickS teamE lect ricP lantandd ire ctanda ir-scat terdo sef romtheon s iteISFS IandTu rbineBu ildings. Noo theru raniumfue lcy clefa ci l

itycon tributess ignif icantly tothe ma ximume xpo sed indiv idual.Alsoin cludedi sdo sef romCa rbon- 14,evapo rat iono ftr itiumf rombo ththeSDSP andSDSF ,and ma rshre lease scontainingtrit iumto Nan cysC reek(Re f

.A ttachmen t2 ,Supp lemen talInfo rma t ion,o f thisrepo rtforfu r the rinfo rma t ion)

.Thecomb ineddosetoa ma ximume xpo sedind iv idua lfrome f fluen tre lea se sand d

irectanda ir-scatterdo sei sbe low40CFRPa rt190l im i t sa sshownbythefo llow ingsumma ry.

No te:The40CFRPa rt190e f fluen tdo seana lysi stothe ma ximume xpo sedind iv idualf romliquidandga sreleasesdoesno tinc ludethedo sef rom nob lega ses(


.,tota lbod yands k in)duetothelowsigni ficancecompa redtootherdosepathwa ys.

40CFRPa rt190E ffluen tDoseSumma r y A. Ga seou sE ff luen tDo se D

. SDSPE vapo rationH- 3Dose

1. Lo cat ion 4.75 m ile sNE 1. Lo cat ion 0.30 m ilesNW 2.C ri ticalAge INFANT 2.C ri ticalAge TEEN 3.C ri ticalO rgan THYRO ID 3.C ri ticalO rgan N/A 4.O rganDo se(mREM ) 3.88E- 02 4.O rganDo se(mREM ) 6.70E- 05
5. To ta lBodyDo se(mREM ) 8.84E- 03 5. TotalBodyDo se(mREM ) 6.70E- 05 B.L iquidE ffluentDo se E

. SDSFEvapo ra t ionH- 3Do se

1. Lo cat ion 0.10 m ile sSW 1. Lo cat ion 0.50 m ilesNNW 2.C ri ticalAge ADULT 2.C ri ticalAge TEEN 3.C ri ticalO rgan THYRO ID 3.C ri ticalO rgan N/A 4.O rganDo se(mREM ) 2.52E- 04 4.O rganDo se(mREM ) 2.37E- 04
5. To ta lBodyDo se(mREM ) 1.14E- 04 5. TotalBodyDo se(mREM ) 2.37E- 04 C. Ca rbon- 14Do se F

. Nan cysC ree k Ma rsh H- 3Do se

1. Lo cat ion 1.70 m ile sS 1. Lo cat ion Nan cy'sC ree k 2.C ri ticalAge CH ILD 2.C ri ticalAge ADULT 3.C ri ticalO rgan BONE 3.C ri ticalO rgan N/A 4.O rganDo se(mREM ) 2.04E+00 4.O rganDo se(mREM ) 2.20E- 03
5. To ta lBodyDo se(mREM ) 4.09E- 01 5. TotalBodyDo se(mREM ) 2.20E- 03 Page6-4

A ttachmen t6 Assessmen to fRad ia tionDosef romRad ioac t iveE ffluen tsto Membe rso fthePub lic Brunsw i ckS teamE lec tri cP lan tUn its1&2 Pe riod1 /1 /2016-12 /31 /2016 D

ire ctanda ir- sca tte rrad ia t iondo secon t r ibu tion sf romtheon siteISFS Iand Tu rbine Bu ilding sa reshowninp lan t ope rating manua l0PLP- 36,10CFR72 .212Repo rt,rev ision4. The ma ximumdo sera tetothenea re strealind ividual fromtheISFS IandTu rbineBu ilding si scon serva t ive lyca l cula tedtobele ssthan14 .8m rem /y r. Thebe lowe xce rpt fromp lan tope rating manua l0PLP- 36 ,10 CFR72 .212 Repo rt

,rev ision4,A tta chmen t1 ,i sp rov idedtodo cumen tthe methodu sedtoca l cu la tethedo sef romtheon s iteISFS I and Tu rbine Bu ild ingsa sle ssthan14 .8m rem/ yrtothe nea re strea lind ividua l.

5.2.2Dosef romNo rma l Ope ra t ionsandAn ticipated Occu rrences 4.Rad ia t ionf romP lant Ope ra tions Offs ite d irect do se mea su remen ts a re ob tained and ana lyzedin a cco rdan ce w iththe Rad iological En v i ronmen tal Mon i to r ing P rog ram(REMP )andsubm ittedannua llytothe NRC .A spa r to fthe REMP ,

twor ing so fs tation sa re e stab lishedfo r mon itor ing d ire c tionrad iat ion . Theinne rring o fs tat ion si s estab lishedinthegene rala reao fthes itebounda ry.Theou terringo fsta tion sislo cateda td is tan ce sof8 kmo rg rea te rfromthes ite(Re f.[7 .5.16 ]

). En vironmen talda taone xte rna lrad iatione xpo suredoe sno t ind ica teas ignif ican th ighe re xpo surera tefo rtheinne rr ingve rsu stheou terring .Th isdemon strate stha t nod isce rnibleo f f-sitee xpo sureo c cu rsa sare sultofplan tope rat ion s(Re f.[7 .6.2]

,[7 .6.3 ]


For con serva t ism , an app roa chista kenfo r quan t ifyingthe p lant con tributionto d i re c t do se a tthe con trolleda reabounda ry.The ODCMTLDsamp lepointa longe i the rtheinne ro rou terringo fs tation s wi ththeh ighe stdo seread ingfo rea chqua rterwa su seda sabound ingind ica tordo se.

Therea ldo secon tr ibu t ionf romd irectrad ia t ionsou rce sdu r ingp lantope ration sa t BSEPi t ta kena t 14.8 m rem /yea r.

Do secon t ribu t ion sf rom Ca rbon- 14inga seou se ff luen t shavebeende term inedf rom ODCM3 .3.3 , Ca rbon- 14. The ma x imumdo sera tetothenea re strea lind iv idua lf romthere lea seo fCa rbon- 14inga seou se ffluen t si scon se rvat i vely ca lcu latedto bele ssthan2 .04E+00 m rem / yr ba sed on 2 .22E+01 Cu r ie sre lea sedin 2016 (Re f.A ttachmen t2 ,

Supp lemen talIn forma tion ,o fthi srepo rt).

Do secon tr ibu tion sf rom e vapo ra tion o fthe S torm D rain S tab iliza t ion Pond(SDSP ) have been de terminedf rom ODCM 3 .3.2 ,I -131 ,I- 133 , Pa rticu la te s,andT ritium ,equa tion3 .2- 19. The ma ximumdo sera tetothenea re s trea l ind ividua lf rom e vapo ra t iono ft rit iuminthe SDSPiscon se rva t ive lyca lcu latedtobele ssthan6 .70E -05 m rem /yr basedon2 .19E -01Cu rie sre lea sedin2016(Re f.A tta chmen t2 ,Supp lemen ta lIn fo rma t ion ,o fth i srepo rt


Do secon tr ibu t ion sf rom e vapo ra tiono fthe S torm D rain S tab il iza t ion Fa cility(SDSF )havebeende terminedf rom ODCM3 .3.2,I- 131 ,I- 133 , Pa rticu la te s,andT ritium ,equa tion3 .2- 19. The ma ximumdo sera tetothenea re s trea l ind ividua lfrome vapo rationo ftritiumintheSDSFi scon serva t i ve lyca l cula tedtobe le ssthan2 .37E -04m rem /yrba sed on3 .68E -01Cu rie sre lea sed in2016(Re f.A tta chmen t2 ,Supp lemen ta lIn fo rma tion ,o fth isrepo r t) .

Do secon t ribu t ion sf rom ma rshre lea se sto Nan cysC ree kfrom ODCM2 .1 .5 , Ma rsh Re lea se s. The ma x imumdo se ratetothenea re strea lind ividua lf rom ma rshre lea se sto Nan cys C ree ki scon se rva tivelyca l cula tedtobelessthan 2.20E -03 m rem /yrba sedon1 .81E -01 Cu rie sre lea sedin2016(Re f.A t ta chmen t2 ,Supp lemen talIn forma t ion ,ofth is repo r t).

Total do sef roml iqu id and ga seou se ff luen t sf rom B run swi ck S team E le ctricP lan t andthe add itional pa thway s men t ionedabovei scon serva ti velye stima tedtobelessthan 17m rem /yrfo rto talbodyando rgan .I ti sre cognized summ ingdo sefo rd i ffe ren to rgan sandageg roup si sno ten t ire lya ccu ra te . Howe ve r,thesumo ftheo rganandage spe cificdo se sw il la lway sbele ssthanthesumo fthe ma x imumso fea ch . The re fo re,summ ingthe ma x imumva lue s ofea chp rov ide sthe mo stcon se rva t iveva luetoen su recomp lian ce w ith40 CFR190 . Thedo sef roma llpa thway s relatedtoope rationo fB run sw i ck S team E le ctr i cP lan t mee t sthe40 CFR Pa r t190requ iremen t so fanannua ldo se comm itmen ttoany membe ro fthegene ra lpub lico fle ssthan25 m remto ta lbodyo ranyo rganand75 m remtothe thy roid.


At tachmen t7 Info rma tiontoSuppo rttheNE IG round WaterPro tect ionIn i tia tive B

runsw i ckSteamE lect ricPlan tUnits1&2 Per iod1/1/2016-12 /31

/2016 ATTACHMENT 7 Info rma tiontoSuppo rttheNE IG round WaterPro tect ionIn i tia tive Thisat tachmentincludes a summa ryof volunta ryrepo r ts madein accordance w iththe NEI Ground Wa terPro tect ionIni tiat iveandasumma ryo fgroundwaterwe llsampleda ta.


Attachmen t7 In fo rma tiontoSuppo rttheNE IG round Wa te rP ro tec t ionIn itiative Brunsw i ckS teamE lec t ri cP lan tUn its1&2 Pe riod1 /1 /2016-12 /31 /2016 TheB run sw ickS teamE le c tricP lan tg roundwa te rsamp lingandana lys i sp rog ramisas ign if icantsu rve i l

lan cep rogram .

Wel lsa rein stal leda roundtheS torm D rainS tabiliza t ionPond(SDSP ),intheP rote c tedA rea(PA )

,andth roughou tthe Owne r Con trol ledA rea(OCA ). Thewe llsl istedinthe ODCMa reco l le cteda spa rtofthe Rad iologica l En vi ronmen tal Moni to ringP rog ram(REMP )andrepo rted intheAnnua lRad iolog icalEn v i ronmen tal Ope rat ing Repo rt(AREOR) .The moni to ring we l ls no tde scribedinthe ODCMa rel istedbe low . Thel i s tcon s istso fsha llowandin termed iate we llsin d

ifferen tlo cat ion saroundthe OCAandPA . Theya reu sedtoeva luateg roundwa ter mo vemen tandfo rremed iat iono f theUn it1Conden sateS to rageTan k(CST )lea kandtheSDSP .

Uni t1CST G roundwa ter We lls-Thein ve st iga t ionin tog roundwa terimpa ctsre su l tingfromtheDe cembe r2010Un it1 Conden sa te StorageTan klinelea kre sultedinthein s tallat iono fnume rou s mon i to r ing/re covery we lls

.Twoo fthe se wel ls(U1CSTREM- 07BCHandU1CSTREM- 09BCH)a rein stalledintheCa s tleHayneaqu i fer(grea terthan70 'be low groundsu r fa ce)toinve st iga te and mon itor po ten tialimpa c t stothe aqu i fe r

. Ten o fthe se wells(U1CSTREM- 05, U1CSTREM- 02B , U1CSTREM- 08 /GWM- 17 , U1CSTREM- 09B, U1CSTREM -15

/GWM- 15

, U1CSTREM- 21B ,

U1CSTREM- 22B , U1CSTREM- 27B , MW- 01B ,and MWPA- 111B /GWM- 01 )arein sta lledintheden sesandun i t(45 '-

70'be lowg roundsu rfa ce )toinve s tiga teand mon i to rimpa c tstoth isf lowzonecomp r isedo fna t ive ma terialbenea th thep lan te xcava t ionba ckfi ll.Th reeo fthe seden sesand we llsa recu r ren t lybe ingu seda sre cove ry we l l saspa rto f the g roundwa te rremed iation e ffort(GWM -01, GWM- 15, GWM- 17). Twen ty- fouro fthe se we lls(U1C STREM-02C/GWM- 01, U1CSTREM- 09C , U1CSTREM- 10 /GWM- 04, U1CSTREM- 11, U1CSTREM- 12, U1CSTREM- 13/GWM-13, U1CSTREM- 14/GWM- 15, U1CSTREM- 16 /GWM- 16, U1CSTREM- 18/GWM- 18, U1CSTREM- 19/GWM- 19 U1CSTREM- 21C , U1CSTREM- 22C /GWM- 07, U1CSTREM- 23/GWM- 11 , U1CSTREM- 24/GWM- 22, U1CSTREM-25/GWM- 21,U1CSTREM- 26/GWM- 06,U1CSTREM- 27C /GWM- 05 ,U1CSTREM- 28/GWM- 03,U1CSTREM- 29/GWM-02, U1CSTREM- 30/GWM- 08, U1CSTREM- 31/GWM- 09, U1CSTREM- 32, U1CSTREM- 33/GWM- 10

, and MWPA-112C /GWM- 12)a rein stalledinthe p lan te xca vation ba ckfi ll(upto 45 ' be low g roundsu r fa ce

)toinve stigate and moni to rimpa ctstoth isf lowzone whe rethelea ko ccu rred.F i fteeno fthe se we l l sa recu rrentlyu seda sre co ve rywe lls aspa rto ftheg roundwa te rremed ia t ione ffort.

Wel lsa retyp icallysamp ledqua rterlyo rsem i- annua lly . G round wa tersamp le sa reregu lar lyana ly zedfo rt r it iumand a

llwe llsa reana lyzedfo r gammaem itte rs. Nogammaem i tters,o therthanna tu ra llyo ccurr ingrad ionu clide s, were identif ied inwe l lsamp le sdu ring2016.

Resultsf romsamp l ingdu ring2016a reshowninthetab lebe low .

Noe ven ts mee tingthec riteriafo rvo lun taryno tif i cationpe r NE I07- 07,Indu stry G round Wa te rP rotectionIn it iat ive, occurreda tB run swickS teamE le ctr icP lan tin 2016 .

Keytobe lowtab le.

No tschedu ledtobesamp led,no tsamp ledduetoin suff icien t NS -

vo lume inwe ll,o rwe ll ina cce ssibledu r ingou tage .


l - p ico curie spe rlite r.

<LLD - le ssthan lowe rl im ito fde tec tion ,typically250C i/


theEnv ironmen ta lP rote ctionAgen cyd rin k ingwa te rs tanda rdfo r 20,000C i/

l -

trit ium . Th iss tanda rdapp l ie son lytowa teru sedfo rd r in k ing .

the10CFRPa rt20 ,Append i xB ,Tab le2 ,Co lumn2 ,E ff luen t 1,000,000C i/l -

Con cen trationL im itfo rtrit ium .


At tachmen t7 Info rma tiontoSuppo rttheNE IG round Wa te rP rotec tionIn itiative BrunswickS teamE lec tri cPlantUn its1&2 Pe riod1 /1/2016-12 /31 /2016 BrunswickShallowWe llsfo rPlantSite Numbe rof Numbe rof AverageH- 3 M inimumH- 3 Max imumH- 3 Depthof Posi tiveH- 3 We llName Samplesin Act ivity Activ ity Act ivi ty Wel l

Samplesin 2016 (pCi

/L) (pCi/L

) (pC i/L) (

ft) 2016 ESS-2C 4 4 9.27E+03 5.74E+03 1

.35E+04 27 ESS-3C 2 2 8.54E+02 7.50E+02 9

.58E+02 14 ESS-12C 1 1 3.01E+02 3.01E+02 3

.01E+02 15 ESS-13C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 25 ESS-16 4 4 1.34E+03 1.15E+03 1

.75E+03 27 ESS-17C 4 4 6.90E+03 5.94E+03 7

.74E+03 26 ESS-18C 4 4 4.02E+03 4.01E+02 1

.24E+04 20 ESS-19C 2 2 1.20E+05 1.02E+05 1

.37E+05 20 ESS-20C 4 4 1.65E+04 9.01E+03 2

.48E+04 20 ESS-21C 1 1 5.39E+02 5.39E+02 5

.39E+02 20 ESS-22C 2 2 2.60E+04 1.52E+04 3

.68E+04 20 ESS-23C 2 2 8.47E+04 7.24E+04 9

.69E+04 23 ESS-24C 4 4 2.50E+03 2.09E+03 2

.68E+03 18 ESS-25C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 22 ESS-26C 2 2 2.05E+04 2.58E+03 3

.85E+04 15 ESS-27C 2 2 1.24E+05 1.05E+05 1

.43E+05 16 ESS-28C 2 2 3.25E+02 3.18E+02 3

.32E+02 23 ESS-29C 2 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 28 ESS-30C 2 1 4.69E+02 4.69E+02 4

.69E+02 15 ESS-31C 2 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 15 ESS-38C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 15 ESS-39C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 20 ESS-40C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 30 ESS-41C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 27 ESS-42C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 30 ESS-44C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 15 ESS-45C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 21 ESS-46C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 18 ESS-48C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 18 ESS-49C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 19 ESS-50C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 22 ESS-51C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 22 ESS-54C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 24 ESS-55C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 38 ESS-56C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 32 ESS-58C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 18 Page7-3

At tachmen t7 Info rma tiontoSuppo rttheNE IG round Wa terP rotec tionIn itiative Brunsw ickS teamE lec tricP lantUn i ts1&2 Pe riod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 BrunswickSha l lowWellsforPlantS ite -cont inued Numbe rof Numbe rof AverageH- 3 M inimumH- 3 Max imumH- 3 Depthof Posi tiveH- 3 We llName Samplesin Act ivity Act ivi ty Act ivi ty Wel l

Samplesin 2016 (pCi

/L) (pC i/L) (pC i/L) (

ft) 2016 ESS-59C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 18 ESS-60C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 19 ESS-67C 1 1 7.98E+02 7

.98E+02 7

.98E+02 25 ESS-68C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 19 ESS-69C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 30 ESS-70C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 18 ESS-71C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 19 ESS-72C 2 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 18 ESS-73C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 15 ESS-74C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 25 ESS-201C 4 4 1.78E+04 6

.33E+03 2

.38E+04 19 ESS-202C 4 4 3.82E+04 6

.34E+03 5

.73E+04 19 ESS-203C 4 4 2.29E+03 1

.31E+03 2

.81E+03 19 ESS-STAB 2 2 2.74E+03 1

.37E+03 4

.10E+03 31 ESS-NC-4A 2 2 5.77E+03 4

.08E+03 7

.46E+03 17 MW-1 1 1 7.84E+02 7

.84E+02 7

.84E+02 24 MW-2 2 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 24 MW-3 2 2 4.43E+02 3

.59E+02 5

.26E+02 26 MWPA-100C 2 2 9.27E+02 5

.44E+02 1

.31E+03 30 MWPA-101C 2 2 8.43E+02 5

.66E+02 1

.12E+03 29 MWPA-102C 2 2 6.78E+02 4

.16E+02 9

.39E+02 30 MWPA-103C 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 30 MWPA-104C 4 4 4.12E+03 2

.40E+03 4

.83E+03 29 MWPA-105C 2 2 1.12E+03 7

.68E+02 1

.48E+03 30 MWPA-106C 2 2 5.18E+02 4

.49E+02 5

.86E+02 29 MWPA-107C 4 4 1.86E+03 1

.42E+03 2

.07E+03 29 MWPA-108C 4 4 6.65E+02 5

.41E+02 7

.90E+02 29 MWPA-109C 2 2 8.35E+02 7

.15E+02 9

.55E+04 29 MWPA-110C 4 4 1.23E+03 1

.10E+03 1

.45E+03 29 MWPA-113C 3 3 1.20E+03 1

.02E+03 1

.37E+03 25 MWPA-114C 4 4 1.81E+03 8

.96E+02 2

.61E+03 30 MWPA-115C 5 5 2.41E+03 1

.92E+03 3

.37E+03 34 MWPA-116C 2 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 30 MWPA-117C 2 2 6.77E+02 6

.37E+02 7

.16E+02 30 MWPA-118C 2 2 8.37E+02 7

.22E+02 9

.51E+02 30 Page7-4

A t tachmen t7 Info rma tiontoSuppo rttheNE IG round Wa te rP rotec tionIn i tiative Brunswi ckS teamE lec tr i cP lantUn its1&2 Pe r iod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 B

runsw ickIn te rmed iateWel lsfo rPlantSi te Numbe rof Numbe rof AverageH- 3 Min imumH- 3 Max imumH- 3 Depthof PositiveH- 3 We llName Samplesin Activity Act ivi ty Act ivi ty Wel l

Samp lesin 2016 (pC i

/L) (pC i/L) (pC i/L) (

ft) 2016 ESS-2B 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 58 ESS-3B 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 52 ESS-18B 4 4 5.06E+02 4

.03E+02 6

.77E+02 23 ESS-19B 4 4 1.67E+04 1

.03E+04 2

.15E+04 42 ESS-20B 4 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 43 ESS-22B 4 4 2.12E+03 1

.65E+03 2

.48E+03 76 ESS-38B 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 55 ESS-39B 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 55 ESS-51B 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 45 ESS-52B 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 51 ESS-53B 1 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 76 MWPA-104B 4 4 8.72E+03 7

.80E+03 9

.40E+03 59 MWPA-107B 4 4 1.18E+04 1

.00E+04 1

.57E+04 60 Page7-5

Attachmen t7 Info rma tiontoSuppo rttheNE IG round Wa te rP rotectionIn it ia t ive Brunsw i ckS teamE lec tri cP lantUn its1&2 Pe riod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 BrunswickUn it1CSTGroundwa ter We lls Numbe rof Numberof AverageH- 3 M inimumH- 3 Max imumH- 3 Posi tiveH- 3 Dep thof We ll We llName Samp lesin Act ivity Act ivity Act ivi ty Samp lesin (



2016 (pCi

/L) (pCi

/L) (pC i/L) 2016 GWM-01 72 57 3.97E+03 <LLD 7

.83E+03 61 GWM-02 85 85 2.24E+04 1

.75E+04 3

.28E+04 45 GMW-06 7 7 1.06E+03 6

.58E+02 1

.30E+03 45 GWM-08 82 81 6.93E+03 <LLD 1

.38E+04 45 GWM-09 80 32 1.67E+03 <LLD 2

.94E+03 46 GWM-10 84 84 1.02E+04 4

.87E+03 1

.54E+04 45 GWM-11 82 82 8.09E+03 3

.76E+03 1

.22E+04 45 GWM-12 65 64 8.62E+03 <LLD 1

.76E+04 33 GMW-13 77 77 6.20E+04 3

.98E+03 3

.13E+05 44 GWM-14 65 65 9.68E+04 1

.80E+04 3

.08E+05 44 GMW-15 66 66 1.73E+04 9

.62E+03 5

.48E+04 59 GWM-16 67 67 2.18E+05 8

.37E+03 2

.76E+05 40 GMW-17 66 16 2.51E+03 <LLD 3

.12E+03 68 GWM-18 72 72 3.43E+05 2

.17E+04 5

.33E+05 29 GMW-19 57 57 3.86E+04 1

.86E+04 5

.21E+04 40 GMW-20 66 66 1.60E+04 3

.89E+03 2

.84E+04 45 GMW-21 70 70 2.43E+04 1

.01E+04 5

.03E+04 45 GWM-22 92 92 2.23E+04 1

.57E+04 3

.02E+04 29 MW-1 13 8 8.23E+02 <LLD 1

.68E+03 24 MW-1B 12 9 1.40E+03 <LLD 3

.86E+03 45 U1CSTREM-02B 10 2 5.02E+02 <LLD 6

.66E+02 68 U1CSTREM-05B 10 6 4.14E+02 <LLD 5

.37E+02 65 U1CSTREM-07BCH 12 8 1.45E+03 <LLD 4

.33E+03 85 U1CSTREM-09B 11 8 3.03E+03 <LLD 3

.97E+03 68 U1CSTREM-09BCH 11 6 7.71E+02 <LLD 1

.35E+03 85 U1CSTREM-09C 11 10 4.25E+03 <LLD 7

.02E+03 45 U1CSTREM-10C 11 8 9.17E+02 <LLD 2

.96E+03 45 U1CSTREM-11C 12 1 3.19E+02 <LLD 3

.19E+02 40 U1CSTREM-12C 10 5 6.75E+03 <LLD 2

.72E+04 34 U1CSTREM-21B 11 7 1.65E+03 <LLD 2

.11E+03 69 U1CSTREM-21C 11 8 2.71E+03 <LLD 3

.66E+03 45 U1CSTREM-22B 11 0 <LLD <LLD <LLD 69 U1CSTREM-27B 11 4 5.27E+02 <LLD 6

.00E+02 68 U1CSTREM-27C 10 7 1.40E+03 <LLD 3

.08E+03 45 U1CSTREM-28C 11 11 9.76E+03 9

.64E+02 2

.42E+04 45 U1CSTREM-32C 11 7 9.79E+02 8

.13E+02 1

.15E+03 45 Page7-6

Attachmen t8 Inope rableEquipmen t BrunswickSteamE lect ricPlantUnits1&2 Per iod1/1/2016-12 /31/2016 ATTACHMENT 8 Inope rableEquipmen t Th isat tachmen tincludesanexplanat ionofinope rab leinstrumentsre latedtoe ff luent moni tor ingin ex cessofal lowedt imedef inedbyl icens ing basesandan exp lana tion ofl iqu id hold

-up tanks ex ceed ing10Cu r iestota lac tiv ity(exc ludingtr it iumandd i ssolvedorentra inednoblegases).


Attachmen t8 Inope rableEqu ipmen t B

runsw ickS teamE lectricP lan tUn its1&2 Period1 /1/2016-12 /31 /2016 Brunsw ick Steam E lect ricP lante xperiencedth ree(3 )in stan ceso finope rab le equ ipmen tre levantto e f fluent moni tor ingine xce sso f ODCMSpe ci fica tion7.3.0 limi tsdu r ing201 6. De tai lsofea charede scr ibedbe low.

Brunsw ick Steam Ele ct ricPlante xperiencednoL iquid Hold- UpTan ke xceedingthe10 Cu rielimitof ODCMS7 .3.6 dur ing2016.

ODCM#f rom Comple tion Ti tle De scr iption Tab le7.3.2-1 Time MainConden serO f f- Of f- gas H2 /O2 ana ly zer 1- OG- AIT-4324 wa s made Ga sTreatment inope rablefo r EC88820on2 /2/16a t08:13pe rLCO O -1 SystemE xp losive 16-00095 .1 -OG- AIT-4324 wa s notre stored by 3/3/16 at 5 30Day s Ga s Moni tor ing 08:13duetowo rkfo rana lyze r modif icat ionpe rEC88820.

Sy s tem-Hyd rogen Referen ceNCR02023181.

Moni tor ODCM#f rom Comple tion Ti tle De scr iption Tab le7.3.2-1 Time MainConden serO f f- Of f- gas H2 /O2 ana lyze r 1- OG- AIT-4284 wa s dec la red Ga sTreatment inope rable duetofa i l

ing 1MST -

RGE21Q on 3 /24/16 A t SystemE xp losive 18:00 pe r LCO O-1 -

16- 00245 . 1 -OG- A IT- 4284 wa s not 5 30Day s Ga s Moni tor ing restoredby4 /23/16a t18 :00 .

Sy s tem-Hyd rogen Referen ceNCR02023191.

Moni tor ODCM#f rom Comple tion Ti tle De scr iption Tab le7.3.2-1 Time MainConden serO f f- Uni t2 O ff Ga s H2 /O2 Ana ly zer2- OG- AIT-4284wa staken Ga sTreatment outo fse rvice and madeinope rable on 7 /18/16 at 0819.

SystemE xp losive 2-OG- AIT- 4284 wa snotres toredby8 /17/16a t0819dueto 5 30Day s Ga s Moni tor ing workfo rana lyzer mod i ficationpe rEC88820.

Sy s tem-Hyd rogen Referen ceNCR02054350.

Moni tor Page8-2

At tachmen t9 SummaryofChangestothe O f fsi teDoseCa lcu lat ion Manual Brunsw ickSteamE lec tri cP lan tUnits1&2 Per iod1/1/2016-12 /31

/2016 ATTACHMENT 9 SummaryofChangestothe O f fsi teDoseCa lcu lat ion Manual Th isa ttachmen tinc ludesasummaryofchangestothe ODCMandRad io log ica lEff luen tContro ls.


At tachmen t9 Summa ryofChangestothe O f fsiteDoseCa lcula tion Manua l B

runswickSteamE lec t r icPlantUnits1&2 Per iod1/1/2016-12 /31/2016 ODCMRev is ion 37 TheB run swi ckSteamEle ctr icP lan t ODCMwasnotrev isedin2016. The mo stre centre vis ioni s37.


A ttachment10 Summaryo fChangestotheP rocessCon tro lProg ram Brunsw ickSteamE lec tr icPlantUnits1&2 Per iod1/1/2016-12/31/2016 ATTACHMENT10 Summaryo fChangestotheP rocessCon tro lProg ram Th isa ttachmen tinc ludesasummaryofchangestothePCP .


A ttachmen t10 Summa ryo fChangestotheP rocessCon tro lProgram Brunsw i ckSteamE lect ricPlantUnits1&2 Per iod1/1/2016-12 /31/2016 TheB run swi ckS teamE lec tr icP lant PCPwasnotrev ised in2016. The mos tre cen trev is ioni s5.


A ttachment11 Summaryo f Ma jorModif icationstotheRad ioactive Was teTrea tmen tSystems B

runswickS teamE lec tr icPlantUnits1&2 Period1/1/2016-12/31/2016 ATTACHMENT11 Summaryo f Ma jor Mod if ica t ionstotheRad ioactive WasteT reatmentSystems Th isat tachmentinc ludesadescrip tiono fma jo r modi fica tionstotherad ioac tive was te t reatmen t

sy stemstha tareant icipa tedtoaf fecte f fluentre leases.


A ttachmen t11 Summa ryo f Majo rMod if icationstotheRad ioac t ive Was teT reatmentSys tems BrunswickS teamE lectr icP lantUnits1&2 Period1/1/2016-12 /31/2016 No ma jor mod if ica tionstoBrun swi ckSteamE lec tr icPlan tliqu id,gaseous

,sol id,or mob i

lerad ioa ctivewas tet rea tmen t

sy stemso ccu rredin2016.


A ttachment12 E

rra tatoaP reviousYear'sARERR B

runsw ickSteamE lec tr icP lan tUnits1&2 Per iod1/1/2016-12/31/2016 ATTACHMENT12 E

rra tatoaP reviousYear'sARERR Th isa ttachmen tinc ludesanyamendedpagesfromap reviousyea r'sARERR.


Attachmen t12 E

r ratatoaP rev iousYea r'sARERR Brunsw ickSteamE lect ricP lantUn i ts1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 Thefollowingcon ta insamendedpage stothe Brunswick Steam Elec tr icP lan t 2015ARERR . Amendedpage sa re ident i

fiedw ith"Amendmen t#"onpage . Spec if icchange sareident if iedwithchangebarsinr igh t ma rgin TheB runswi ck S team Ele ctr icPlant2015ARERR Amendmen t#1requ i re sthefo l

lowingchangefrom A t tachmen t3 Page3-2 :

Brun sw ickS teamE lec tr icPlan t2015ARERRa ssubm i tted:


. To talSol id Was te 81 - - - - 3750 3.50E+01 Brun sw ickS teamE lec tr icPlan t2015ARERRAmendmen t#1a srev ised:


. To talSol id Was te 81 - - - - 3741.2 3.50E+01 Page12-2

Attachmen t12 ErratatoaP rev iousYea r'sARERR B

runsw i ckSteamE lectr i cP lantUn its1&2 Per iod1 /1/2016-12 /31/2016 Attachmen t3 SolidRad ioac t ive Was teD isposa l B

runsw i ckSteamE lectr i cP lantUn its1&2 Per iod1 /1/2015-12 /31/2015 Burial Total Typeo f Numbe ro f Numbe rof Waste Con ta ine r So l idi fication Volume Act ivity Was teSh ipped Shipmen ts Con ta iners Class Type Agent 3 (m) (Curies) 1

. Was tef romL iqu idSys tems a

. Spen tRe s ins,F i lters, TypeA 8 - A N/A 21.2 3

.26E+01 S

ludge s(dewa tered) GDP b

. So lidi fied( cement)A cids

,Oily 0 - - - - - -

Wate r 2

. D rySo l id Was te a

. D ryAc t ive Wa s te( compa c ted TypeA 73 - A N/A 3720 2


&non- compa c ted) GDP b

. I rradiatedComponen ts 0 - - - - - -


. To talSo l id Was te 81 - - - - 3741.2 3

.50E+01 NOTE: Total Activ ityde te rm inedb yest imate.Sol id Was teli stedabo vesh ippedfo rproce s singtovar ious was teproce ssingserv icesordire ctl y

sh ippedtoli censedd isposalfaci l


. No WasteClassBor Was teC la ssCshipmentswere madein2015 Page3-2 Brun sw ickSteamE le c tr icPlant2015ARERRAmendmen t#1 Page12-3