3F1195-25, Submits Discussion in Response to Concerns Re Proposed TS Change Request to Extend Most Refueling Interval Surveillances to 24 Months.Revised Copies of Instrument Drift Studies Included in Original Submittal Attached Also

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Submits Discussion in Response to Concerns Re Proposed TS Change Request to Extend Most Refueling Interval Surveillances to 24 Months.Revised Copies of Instrument Drift Studies Included in Original Submittal Attached Also
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/28/1995
From: Beard P
3F1195-25, NUDOCS 9512050129
Download: ML20094R726 (78)


__ _ _ ___ .

Florida Power CORPORATION 00*

November 28, 1995 3F1195-25 Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Technical Specification Change Request No. 202, Supplement 1 24 Month Fuel Cycle Surveillance Extensions


FPC to NRC letter, 3F0595-01, dated May 31, 1995

Dear Sir:

On October 10, 1995 a teleconference was conducted between NRC Staff and Florida Power Corporation (FPC) Engineering and Licensing personnel to discuss FPC's proposed Technical Specification change request to extend most refueling interval surveillances to 24 months. During that teleconference several concerns were expressed with the techniques used by FPC to justify the increased surveillance interval. FPC provides the following discussion in response to those concerns.

Also, revised copies of the three instrument drift studies included in the original submittal are attached.

1. Provide justification that drift data is not time dependent.

FPC's primary setpoint methodology pertaining to instrument drift is to use vendor stated drift terms when available. This setpoint calculation methodology is in accordance with Instrument Society of America (ISA) ISA-S67.04, Part II, " Methodologies for the Determination of Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related Instrumentation." This standard endorses the use of vendor stated drift terms in lieu of drift terms derived from historical calibration data. Given this, if vendor stated drift data is available, it will be utilized and projected out to 30 months for development of string error and setpoint calculations. Use of historical drift data for determination of setpoints is a secondary method which is used only if vendor stated drift data is not available.

Vendor stated drift. data is available for all of the protection systems whose surveillance interval is being extended. This includes the following systems and associated CHANNEL CALIBRATION:

CRYSTAL d APLEX e 15760 W. Power Line Street . Crystal River . Florida 344284708 . (904) 7954486

" ~

9512050129 951128 PDR


ADOCK 05000302

, PDR _



U. S. Nuclear R:gulatory Commission

. 3F1195-25 Page 2 Reactor Protection System (RPS) Instrumentation (SR

Engineered Safeguards Actuation System (ESAS) Instrumentation (SR

Emergency Feedwater Initiation and Control (EFIC) System (SR

In cases where historical drift data is used for determining setpoints, FPC will perform a linear regression analysis'on the drift data from each drift '

study to indicate the instrument's drift trend. This will be accomplished by performing the analysis on the absolute value of the difference between as-left and as-found data. By using this technique, the tendency for the magnitude of the drift change as a function of time can be estimated. This' information will be used as one of the tools to determine if an instrument is exhibiting time dependent drift. It should be noted that the data for the independent variable (the calibration interval) may tend to be clumped  ;

around certain calibration intervals. This could result in no correlation in a regression analysis since the regression line will pivot around the major contributing calibration interval. This trend will be used in conjunction with plots of drift data versus calibration interval and drift data versus calibration date to aid in the evaluation of time dependency.

A 30 month drift term will be projected according to the following criteria:

a. If calibration data is spread over sufficient intervals to provide confidence in the results of the tools utilized above to establish time dependency, one of two methods will be applied:
1. If the results show instrument drift appears to be time dependent based on the regression analysis, a 30 month drift term will be '

projected utilizing the same method to project vendor stated drift terms as specified in ISA 67.04 Part II. The drift term for each period is random and independent. Given this, the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual drift periods will be used. FPC will utilize the average calibration interval as the period and the drift value for the average interval is assumed to be the 95%/95% tolerance value. In this case, the projected 30 month drift term would be derived as follows:

-30MO. DRIFT = (TOL)'+( 0 ( 0-AI) ya Al I Where AI - Average calibration interval of historical data, and TOL = 95%/95% Tolerance ii. If the results show instrument drift appears to be time independent, the calculated 95%/95% tolerance value will be used as the projected 30 month drift term.

U. S. Nuclear R:gulatory Commission 3F1195-25 Page 3

b. If the results of the tools utilized above do not provide sufficient confidence to establish time dependency, a 30 month drift term will be projected using the equation in 1.a.i above.
2. Justify the practice of omitting from the calculation drift data which did not meet the as-found acceptance criteria.

FPC has re-evaluated the treatment of outlier data. Drift studies are being revised such that data exceeding procedure as-found tolerances will be excluded from the data set only if it is a failure for reasons other  ;

than drift and it fails the Critical Values of T-Test (described on page 5 ~

of the attachment to the original submittal). A discussion documenting the ,

reason for removal of data will be incorporated in each drift study where l data is removed. The three drift studies included in this submittal have been revised based on the new data exclusion criteria. The revision of the other drift studies is continuing. Also, please note that this methodology change will cause a change in the drift study results reported in the Surveillance Interval Chances sdction of the attachment to the original i submittal from the middle of page 8 through the end of page 21. However, j since the methodology has been made more conservative, the final results l will be more conservative than those reported in the original submittal. l 1

3. What significance level was used in the Critical Values of T-Test? j FPC utilized the upper 5% significance level critical value, based on the appropriate sample size, to perform the Critical Values of T-Test.

4 Describe why multiple data points for a single instrument can be considered independent.

The concern with this issue is using all data points in a multi-point calibration for a single instrument. We agree that in many cases the drift data points from a multi-point calibration may not be independent.

These points would need to be independent to do a fully valid quantitative statistical analysis. Most of the instruments in the study have been replaced since original plant startup. This tends to reduce the available calibration data for these instruments and produces small data sets.

Engineering judgement dictates that all data points be utilized to ensure the sample size does not get too small and result in overly conservative drift values. Using worst case values, averaged values or single points of interest from calibrations may lead to overly conservative drift values, which, when used to develop setpoints, may cause them to be overly conservative. This could lead to system spurious actuations, reduced operating margin for plant operation, and setpoints near the limits of instruments ranges. Instead, FPC has adopted a methodology which uses statistical techniques, but is at least partially based on qualitative reasoning. During normal calibration prncess for most instruments, the instrument is loaded from 0% to 100% span and back to 0% again. Data is taken at 0%, 25%, 50% 75%,100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, and 0%; resulting in 9 data points. The FPC methodology averages the redundant data at 25%, 50%, and 75% span, leaving 5 data points which are normally included in the data base.

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U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission j 3F1195-25 )

Page 4 '

We believe, however, this practice is still conservative since the difference between as-left and as-found values is actually the sum of )

maintenance and test equipment error, temperature difference error, vibration effects, instrument readability, and journeyman technique, as  ;

i well as drift. These factors are already included as terms in channel  :

uncertainty. calculations, with the exception of journeyman technique.

  • FPC's methodology attributes all of these errors to drift. Note also that i FPC will continue to monitor instrument drift under the 24 month (nominal) J

. calibration cycle as described in FPC's response to Request 7 from NRC ]

l Generic Letter 91-04. If the methodology used in the drift studies is not i valid, it should be easily detectable by that program.  :

Additionally, FPC defends our practice of using all calibration data points  !

in the drift studies for the following reasons: j

a. Except on rare occasions, the equipment has performed within specified <

as-found tolerances. The drift data is bounded by the calculated J

i 95%/95%-tolerance interval based on the present calibration interval  ;

and we expect similar performance at a 30 month calibration interval.

Given this, there is no equipment performance reason to include l additional conservatism by reducing the sample size that would result '

in a larger 95/95 percent tolerance factor.

b. Monitoring of instrument performance over the calibrated span is l useful for the following reasons:
1. Evaluation of instrument performance near a point of interest (near a setpoint) enhances our capability to monitor and trend drift in that region. j

, 1

11. Evaluation of instrument performance at other regions could be

! useful in determining impending instrument failures.  ;

l l

! c. If worst case values were used, drift values determined for each l instrument type (make and model) would not be representative of their j true performance. Larger values of drift would be calculated due to l l other influences on the differences between the as-found and as-left i data because of such factors as maintenance and test equipment (M&TE),

temperature, and mechanical jarring. ,

I L d. When using worst case values, errors due to technique, measurement &

test equipment, physical jarring and temperature effects would be amplified. Any differences in as-found and as-left data as a result I of these influences could potentially be a significant contributor to I the calculated value of drift, when drift may not have been involved i- at all. If the worst case value is a result of these errors and not l drift, the instrument's calculated drift value will not truly be l representative of the equipment's drift performance.

l e. Other factors that can account for differences between as-left and as -

found data such as technique, measurement & test equipment and l- temperature effects are already included in our setpoint determination 1

l l l l l

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

. 13F1195-25 Page 5:


methodology. Utilizing worst case. data for drift determination would potentially be taking.these errors into account twice.

5. Questions regarding resistance temperature detector?(RTD) performance:
a. What industry groups have shown RTD drift is minimal and random? l 1

The principle study used for this evaluation was performed by the l Analysis and Measurement Services Corp. (AMS), and published as  !

NUREG/CR-5560, " Aging of- Nuclear. Plant . Resistance Temperature l Detectors," in June, 1990. In that study, laboratory testing of 1 thirty nuclear grade RTD's over a thirty month period checked for  !

drift and failures due to normal aging experienced as a result of  !

thermal cycling and calibration. Some failures were experienced, but l the majority of RTD's maintained a random pattern of drift within a 1 band of 10.2'C (10.11*F)..-These results are supported by the series of studies culminating in EPRI Report TR-103099, " Effects of ]

i Resistance Temperature Detector Aging on Cross Calibration l Techniques,_" published in June,1994. This repor i concluded that  :

"RTD's are inherently stable. and after' the initial burn-in period '

(months) the element attains a stable condition from which it may )

never drift sufficiently to exceed the accuracy requirements' set by ,

each facility for their, respective Reactor Coolant Systems." t i

b. What is the more ' rigorous methodology being used at Crystal. River 3 to  !

compare temperature strings? l Since danuary,1992', a program to trend the drift of primary plant  !

RTD's has been in place which checks the on-line performance of both

- theLT3 ,, and T,,tg sensors. As part of this program data is collected from an averaged sixteen minutes of plant computer data for; each- _

monitored RTD. The data is plotted once each week. Equivalent range I sensors are plotted together.. This trending program has been used to  ;

verify all primary plant RTD's are not exhibiting drift, but are i exhibiting stable performance. An RTD linear bridge miscalibration '

(=2*F) was rapidly identified by this trending program in 1994. -!

6. . Diset:ssion on as-found and as-left values  :

If as-found data is not - within the as-left tolerances 'specified in i calibration procedures, technicians are required to adjust the equipment to  :

satisfy the as-left acceptance criteria. Equipment whose data is not found within as-found tolerances is considered to be inoperable. The equipment 1 will not be considered operable until it is returned to within the as-left  !

tolerances of the procedure. _The following steps from SP-132, Engineered Safeguards Channel Calibration, are typical of those found in most  !

calibration procedures. 1 l


---,l, ,- it w-,a --e --p,

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! U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l 3F1195-25  :

Page 6 L "4.1.1 Transmitter Calibration  !

l-i E any "As Found" data is NOT within the tolerance specified on l the String Calibration Data Sheet, l THEN perform the following:

l 0 Circle the Out of Tolerance Reading in Red.

o Initiate a Precursor Card.

I o Consult with the I&C Supervisor and NSS00 to determine if a

Problem Report is required. (Reference ITS 3.3.5)' '

o Ensure a Problem Report is initiated if required. (Only 1 Problem Report is required per string.)



0 Fill out the Out-0f-Tolerance Log Sheet (Enclosure 19).

i 4.1.1l10 E the transmitter can not be calibrated to the required "As

' Left" tolerances, IUfB notify the I&C Supervisor and initiate a Work Request for repair / replacement."

should you need further information for your review, we will be happy to provide whatever we can.


!~ P. M. eard, Jr.

Senior Vice President Nuclear Operations Attachments PMB:AEF l xc: Regional Administrator, Region II l Senior Resident Inspector l NRC Project Manager i


U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l 3F1195-25 I Page 7 1



l P. M. Beard, Jr.' states that he is the Senior Vice President; Nuclear 0perations for Florida Power Corporation; that he is authorized on the part of said company  ;

to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the information attached  !

hereto; and that all such statements made and matters set forth therein are true i and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief.

i 0 l P. M. Beard, Jr. ,

Senior Vice President Nuclear Operations I

s P. M. Beard, Jr., personally known to me. Subscribed and sworn to befo e me, a )

Notary Public in and for the State and County above named, this day of ,

November, 1995. I l

LvAWE $.Sm W Am Notary Public (print) Not ry P blic (signature) ,

1 i

Notary Public, Stategf,,,FJgfdg,Q9gg ,, t,,,,

My Com My Commission Lxpirepas , mission

  • ,u i..n,Expires NotarvDec.18,1995 erokerage

i U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3F1195-25 i




CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE P. M. Beard, Jr. deposes and says that the following has been served on the

  • Designated State Representative and Chief Executive of Citrus County, Florida, by deposit in the United States mail, addressed as follows:

Chairman, Administrator, Board of County Commissioners Radiological' Health Services; of Citrus County Department of Health and Citrus County Courthouse Rehabilitative Services 1 Inverness, FL 34450 1323 Winewood Blvd. l Tallahassee, FL 32301 i A copy of Technical Specification Change Request No. 202, Supplement 1 FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION j

P.M. Beard, Jr.

Senior Vice President  !

Nuclear Operations l


LVA)DE E %I131 un Notary Public (print) t a' py Public (signature 7 Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires:

Notary Public, state of Florida at Large My Commission Empires oec. 18.'1995 Sonded thru Agent's Notary Brokerage

._. ~ .. ,- . - - ~ - . _ . - . . . - -

g.. Horida P wer Corporation - Crystal IUser Nuclear liant - lustrunnent Drih Study SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (6)





A. Surveillance procedure: SP-112.

B. Calibrated device included in the instrument Drift Data analysis:

DEVICE: Pressure Switch MANUFACTURER: Static "O"-Ring MODEL: 12N-K5-CM2 RANGE: .25 to 12 psig.

CALIBRATED SPAN: 11.75 psig.


1. " Confirm that instrument drift as detennined by "As-Found" and "As-Left" calibmtion

' data fmm surveillance and maintenance reconis has not, except on mre occasions, exceeded acceptable limitsfor a calibmtion interval. "

Per Refueling interval surveillance procedure, SP-ll2, " Calibration of the Reactor Protection System", the pressure switches listed above, have not exceeded acceptable "As-Found" surveillance procedure tolerances, for the surveillance intervals investigated, except as described below.

One raw calibration data point for BS-62-PS, on 4/2/94, was found to have exceeded the calibration procedure "As-Found" tolerance in the conservative direction. BS-62-PS has performed within i 0.6% during previous calibrations and BS-59,60 & 61-PS have not been found outside their "As-Found" tolerance during any calibration. Equipment operating l outside of the "As-Found" tolerance is considered a failure and will lead to replacement if unsatisfactory performance contiaues. The raw "As-Found" data has never exceeded the j ITS Allowable Value of 54 psig. Raw calibration data points which have exceeded "As- )

Found" tolerance: 1 of 16 or 6%.

2. " Con) inn that the values of dnftfor each instrument type, (make, model and mnge) and application have been 'detennined with a high probability and a high degree of ,

confidence. Provide a summary of the inethodology and assumptions used to detennine .

the mte ofinstrument dnft with time based upon historicalplant data. " \

Standard statistical methodologies were utilized in this DRIFT STUDY. The following  !

references were consulted to establish the techniques used in this evaluation.

O 1. ISA-S67.04, Part I Standard, Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related Instrumentation DATE: Nevesaber 4,1995 Page 1 of 7 nLE: 4MRPS. SUM j l

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norida Power Corporation - Crystal hir Nuclear lht - In:trument Drift Study ,






2. ISA S67.04, Part II Recommended Practice, Methodologies for the Determination of Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related Instrumentation  ;
3. EPRI document TR-103335, " Guidelines for - Instrument Calibration  ;

Extension / Reduction Programs", Project 2409-21, final Report dated March 1994 l

4. American Society' of Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard E178-1980, (re- l approved 1989), " Standard Practice for Dealing With Outlying Observations."  ;
5. ANSI N15.15-1974, American National Standard Assessment of the Assumption of Normality
6. Probability and Statistics 4th Edition, Irwin Miller / John E Freund/ Richard A. Johnson The summary of the EPRI project observations, from section 9, " CONCLUSIONS" is as follows: 1 A. Instrument drift tends to increase with instrument span.

i B. Instrument drift tends to be bounded by a normal distribution.

C. Instrument drift rarely showed any significant indication of time dependency.

D. Instrument drift data often showed no bias for the direction of drift.

O E. OUTLIER checks are necessary to detect data errors.

The methods utilized in the drift study, can be summarized as follows:  ;

1 A. Instrument calibration data, ("As-Found" and "As-Left"), was obtained from, )'

(typically), five intervals of the appropriate refueling interval surveillance procedure.

The number of intervals may change if instruments have been replaced with a different type, etc. i B. A spread sheet computer program, which can be run on a personal computer was  !

utilized for ease of analysis. Florida Power Corporation utilizes Microsoft Excel, running under a Microsoft Windows environment. See the " SPREAD SHEET FORMAT" section below for an explanation of the spread sheet data and calculations. i C. The " RAW" "As Found" and "As Left" data was obtained from the associated Refueling interval surveillance procedure and entered onto the spread sheet.

D. Drift data information for an interval was obtained by subtracting the instruments previous calibration "As-Left" data from the current calibration "As-Found" data. l This difference was divided by the calibrated span and the drift data was expressed as a PERCENT OF SPAN.

A V;

r E. Drift data was ar.alyzed and the MEAN and STANDARD DEVIATION was determined.

CATEt humber 4,1995 Page 2 of 7 nLE: 4sunrs.scu

Hodda Power Corporation - Crystal her Nudear Piant - lastrument Drift Study SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (6) ,

REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM O REACTOR BUILDING IllGli PRESSURE b . j F. Outliers were identified by performing a statistical " critical values of T" test. The outlier criteria value was determined based on the number of total drift points.

Outliers could result from raw calibration data which has exceeded the surveillance procedure "As-Found" tolerance, procedural or personnel errors, M&TE problems, or other deficiencies or failures. "As-Found" data that exceeded procedural "As-Found" tolerances and was identified as an OUTLIER was evaluated for possible removal from the data set. If the unsatisfactory data was the result of an influence other than drift, the reason was documented and the outher removed from the data set.

G. The tolerance band for the data was calculated by multiplying each calculated STANDARD DEVIATION by the appropriate 95 %/95 % tolerance factor. This factor indicates a 95 % level of confidence, that 95 % of the instrument drift data is contained within the tolerance band.

H. Drift data was tested to verify the assumption that the data is " NORMAL". Either a D'-test or W-test was performed. If the drift data failed these tests, then a

" COVERAGE ANALYSIS" was performed. The coverage analysis requires drift data be analyzed to determine if the data is bounded by a normal distribution. A " DATA HISTOGRAM" was plotted, as well as a comparison table of the actual distribution S of the drift data versus the expected probability distribution to show drift ' data is (b normally bounded.

1 I. To evaluate time dependency, a regression analysis on the absolute value of drift data I was performed. The regression line was plotted with the absolute values of drift l versus interval (in months) to show a correlation between drift and calibration interval. The regression trend line was used as trend only and was not used to extrapolate the 30-month drift term. Also charted was drift data versus calibration,

("As-Found"), date. The charts were then evaluated to aid in the determination of the equipments tendency to exhibit time dependent drift.


The surveillance procedure data was arranged in a spread sheet format which displays the following information:

A. Instrument Tag Number / Channel /Descriptor, B. "As-Found" and " As-Left" calibration dates of the surveillance procedure, which are used to Calculate the calibration " INTERVAL"s, O C. Raw "As-Found" and "As-Left" device data, (voltage, pressure, etc.),

U l

DATE: Novennbar 4,1995 Page 3 of 7 nLE: #RBPS.S151

Florida Power Corporation - Cr>stal River Nucle:r Plant - lustrument Drin Study SURVEILLANCE REOUIRENf ENT - (6)


v .

D. " DRIFT DATA", (difference between " As-Found" and " As-Left" data divided by the calibrated SPAN of the instrument, expressed in PERCENT of SPAN),

E. " OUTLIER detection by critical values of T" test, F. Range, Calibrated Span, "As-Found" and "As-Left" tolerances, Instrument Error /Setpoint calculation number, device setpoint, Technical Specification Limiting ,

I Value, etc. is provided for reference.

G. Drift data statistical information: MEAN, STANDARD DEVIATION, OUTLIER CRITERIA, number of drift data points, number of OUTLIERS excluded,95 %/95 %  ;

"k" value, and the calculated i 95%/95% tolerance values. l l

H. The D'-test or W-test for " normal" data assumption is performed. If the data fails the i appropriate test, a drift data Histogram and coverage analysis is performed.


I. Regression analysis of the drift data which was used to allow chart the absolute value of drift versus interval with regression trend line.

l J. The projected 30-month drift term derived. l r3 1 d K. Drift data, surveillance interval, "As-Found" dates,195%/95.L tolerance values, I and zero % values were provided for charting.


l l

! One raw calibration data point for BS-62-PS, on 4/2/94, was found to have exceeded the l calibration procedure "As-Found" tolerance in the conservative direction. The T-Test l identified this data point as an OUTLIER.. Since the outlier identified in 1994 was from  !

l the last calibration performed, no subsequent data is available to demonstrate drift is not the cause. Based on this, the outlier was retained in the data set. It should be noted that BS-62-PS has performed within i 0.6% during previous calibrations and BS-59,60 & 61-l PS have not been found outside their " As-Found" tolerance during any calibration. ,

Equipment operating outside of the " As Found" tolerance is considered a failure and will l

i lead to replac'ement if unsatisfactory performance continues. The raw " As-Found" data has never exceeded the Tech. Spec. limit of 4 psig. Raw calibration data points which have exceeded "As-Found" tolerance: 1 of 16 or 6%. j

+95%/95% Tolerances:  !


+ 1.7%, + 0.19 psig

- 2.2%, - 0.26 psig i

dam November 4,1995 Page 4 of 7 t1Le 4sanPs.stst

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norida Power Corporation - Crystal her Nuclear Plant - Instrmuent Drin Study l SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (6) ]


3. "Confinn that the magnitude of instrument drift has been detennined with a high i pmbability and a high degree of confidence for a bounding calibration interval of 30 l monthsfor each instrument type, make, model number and mnge) and application that l l

perfonns a safety function. Provide a list of the channels by Technical Specsfication section that identifies these instrument applications. " i l The drift data calculations for each Surveillance Requirement, establishes the "*95%/95%"  !

Tolerance Factor. This calculated value indicates a 95% level of confidence, that 95% of l l the population, (instrument drift data), will be within the stated interval.

The following methodology was utilized to establish the projected 30-month drift term:

1) If drift data is determined to be time independent by using linear regression analysis, a graph of drift data versus calibration interval and a graph of drift data versus calibration ("As-Found") date, then the 95%/95% Tolerance values will be used as i the projected 30-month drift. I
2) If drift data is determined to be time dependent from the above method, then the 30- ,

month drift term will be projected as follows:

95%/95% tolerance value;* [ (AI/AI )2 + ((30-AI)/AI)2 ]

Where AI = Historical average calibration interval in months -

3) If drift data does not support the determination of time dependency (all data based on 18-month calibration), the 30-month drift term will be projected as follows:

95%/95% tolerance value * [ (AI/AI )2 + ((30-AI)/AI)2 jn i

Where AI = Historical average calibration interval in months  ;

i RESULTS The RB Pressure HIGH Pressure Switch Drift Data passed the W-TEST, (the data is

" normal"). Calibration data was clumped around 12 month and 18 month intervals allowing )

the slope of the regression line to pivot around a single data point. This reduced the I confidence that the negative slope of the regression line was in fact demonstrating time independent drift. Method 3 above was utilized to calculate a projected 30 month drift i term. j As indicated on page one, the Surveillance Requirement and instruments covered by this i p analysis, are as follows-V i DAM Nmmber 4,199s Page 5 of 7 nr.o vanPs.suu

n des re r c '-cryn. mi,.r me r n e-i am e pen se.ey l ,,


REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM l REACTOR BUILDING HIGH PRESSURE Surveillance Reanimment:, (6); Reactor Protection System, Initiation - Reactor Building Pressure - HIGH j Surveillance crocedure: SP-l l2.

Technical Specification Allowable Value: s 4 psig.  ;

Surveillance procedure setooint: 3.34 psig.

Tar Numbers: Channel "A": BS-59-PS, I

Channel "B": BS-60-PS, Channel "C": BS-61-PS, Channel "D": BS-62-PS Proiected 30-Month Drift Value BS-59404142-PT

+ 2.1%, + 0.25 psig

- 2.9%, - 0.33 psig

4. "Confinn that a comparison of the pmjected instrument drift ermn has been made with O the ulues of drift used in the sepint analysis. if this usults in revised setpoints to accommodate larger drift erwis, pmvide pmposed Technical Spec (fication changes to update trip setroints if the drift erna result in a nvised sqfety analysis to support existing setpoints, pmvide a summary of the updated analysis conclusions to confinn that the sqfety limits and sqfety analysis assumptions are not exceeded. "

The RPS Error Calculation includes 0.507 psig of margin in the development of the setpoint. The margin bounds the projected 30-month drift term derived above confirming that no changes are required to the Technical SpeciGcations or the safety analysis.

5. "Confinn that the pmjected instrument erwis caused by drift are acceptablefor contml  ;

i ofplantparameten to effect a sqfe shutdown. Licensees must confinn that the instrument ernes caused by drift will not qffect the capability to achieve sqfe shutdown. "

l The RPS Reactor Building Pressure Switches are utilized for inputs to A. RPS REACTOR BUILDING HIGH PRESSURE, (4 psig), Reactor Trip Actuation B. RPS REACTOR BUILDING HIGH PRESSURE, (4 psig), Alarm .

The pressure switches analyzed in this Drift study are not utilized for control of plant parameters, other than the RPS " TRIP" functions which was evaluated in (4) above.

l DA m hv.ms.r4,im Page 6 of 7 m.E: 4rRBPS. SUM

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Horida Power Corporation - Crystal River Nuclear 1%nt - lustruneut Drift Study SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (6)


[_3 V) .


, 6. "Confinn that all conditions and assumptions of the setpoint and safety analysis have been checked and are appmpnately reflected in the acceptance entena of plant sun'elliance pmceduresfor CilANNEL CllECKS, CilANNEL FUNCTIONAL TESTS and CilANNEL CALIBRATIONS."

Since the results of the drift study are bound by the setpoint analysis margin, the condition and assumptions of setpoint and safety analysis remain valid. The calculation for these .

reactor building pressure switches provide the required surveillance procedure setpoint,  !

"As-Left" and "As-Found" procedure tolerances. The revised " As-Left" and " As-Found" surveillance procedure tolerances, will be incorporated into the appropriate CHANNEL CHECKS, CHANNEL FUNCTIONALTEST or CH ANNEL CALIBRATION surveillance ,

l procedures, as required.

7. "Pmvide a summary desenption of the progmmfor monitoring and assessing the effects ofincreased calibmtion surveillance intervals on instrument dnft and its effect on safety.

The instrument " DRIFT PROGRAM" is an ongoing program which will monitor future i surveillance procedure "As-Found" and " As-Left" data, and will incorporate new data into

, the Drift Study spread sheets with the existing Drift Data. The revised Drift Data MEAN,


! compared with the existing Drift Data, to ensure the conclusions reached in this report .

remain valid.

l l

l l


,b-cam Neumber 4,1995 Page 7 of 7 FILE: 4#Ri!PS. SUM

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SP-112 S.R., (6)

BS-59,60,61 & 62-PS Reactor Building HIGH Patssure Nervemaswe Procedure: SP-II2 Cambrselen laserval Trdy Deth Does TAC NUMBER Duee (Memeks) Date Ouser Evatemelum BS-59-PS As Id 900/88 3300 RFS CHANNEL A As Found 4/3/90 18.1 3.210 -0.77%

PS CA B.3Al As14 4390 3320 DATAIS OK As Found 9/16/91 17.5 3300 -0.17%

As Id 11/8/91 3.280 DATAIS OK As Found 3/IO I8.2 3350 0.60 %

As Id 3/2493 3350 DATAIS OK As Found 4494 11.3 3320 -0.26%

As I.mit 4294 3320 DATAIS OK BNPS As 1A 900,18 3350 RFS CHANNEL B As Found 4G/90 18.1 3.290 -0.51%

PS CAR. 3A2 As14 4/3/90 3.290 DATAIS OK As Found 9/16/91 17.5 3.250 -034%

Asi d 11/E91 3330 DATA IS OK As Found 3/2493 18.2 3.430 0.85 %

As14 3/2493 3.430 DATAIS OK As Found 4494 123 3310 -1.02%

As Id 4294 3310 DATAIS OK BS.-61.PS As left 9/30/88 3.250 RPS CHANNEL C As Found 43/90 18.1 3.180 -0.60%

PS CAB. 3A3 As Id 4/3/90 3320 DATAIS OK As Found 9/16/91 17.5 3330 0.09 %

As left 11/8/91 3340 DATAIS OK As Found 3/2493 18.2 3.400 0.51 %

As left 3/2493 3.400 DATAIS OK As Found 4494 123 3340 4.51 %

As14 4294 3340 DATAIS OK BS-62-PS As Id 900/88 3340 RPS CHANNEL D As Found 4390 18.1 3380 034%

PS CAB. 3A4 As left 4/3/90 3300 DATAIS OK As Found 9/16/91 17.5 3.280 -0.17%

As id 11/8.91 3.270 DATAIS OK As Fou-J 3!2493 18.2 3.200 -0.60%

As left 3/24.93 3300 DATAIS OK

_ As Found 4294 12 3 3.8110 -1.87%

As left 4194 3 350 DATA IS OK Pressure Range: .25 to 12 pulg Mess: -0.28% Percesst ysig Pressere Symm: 11.75 ysig ss==d- d Devimeema- 0.65% +95%/95%: 1.7% 0.19 SP-Il2 Setyatue 334 ymig Nummber of Paines: 16 -95%/95%: -2.2% -026 TS I m value: .<=4 ymir Percent Oushers ExcInded: O Projected 30 Mouth DetR Value: 2.1% 0.25 SP-Il2 As Paume Tel: 0.19 ysig 1.62 % Ousmer CHeerta 2.443 -2.9% -0.33 SP-II2 As left Tel- 0.19 ymig I 62 % 95%/95% k: 2.954 Setymine Calruimebus 1-95-0003 Average laterval: 16.52 DATE: 1113/95 Page 1 of 3 nLE:HsRBPS.RPSM PSIG RB PRESS SMTCH DATA

8 -

f . . ,

V 's. C/

SP-112 S.R., (6) ,

BS-59,60,61 & 62-PS i Reacter Buiiding HIGH Perssuir b

o W-TEST DATA Coefadames ' Sorted Test this B terises # et Pts. Does Sorted Naumber of Paimes: 16 0.5056 -1.87% 0.85 % 1.38% I -0.77*$ -1.87%

Vertusse(sa2): 4.28E-05 03290 -1.02% 0 60 % 0.53 % 2 -0.17% -1.02%

Sa2: 6.42E-04 0.2521 -0.77% 0 51 % 032% 3_ 0.60 % -0.77%

B: 2.57*6 0.1939 -0 60*6 034% 0.18 % 4 4 26 % -0.60%

B^2: 6.59E-04 0.1447 -0.6J% 0 09 % 0.10 % 5 -0.51% 4 60 %

W = (Ba2 / S^2): 1.027 0.1005 -0.51% -0.17% 0.03 % 6 -034% -0.51%

CrtlicalW @95%: 0.887 0.0593 -0.51% -0.17% 0.02 % 7 0.85 % -0.51%

W Test: PASS 00196 -034% -0.26% 0.00 % 8 -I .02% 034%

CHART DATA 9 -0.60*6 0.85 %

Cathrmalen DdR 10 0.09*4 0.60 %

laterval Duen Zero 11 0.51 % 0.51 %

11 1.66 % -2.21% 0.00 % 12 4 51 % 0.34%

18 -0.77% 1.66 % -2.21 % 0.00 % 13 034% 0.09 %

17 4 17 % 1.66 % -2.21*6 0.00 % 14 0.17 % -0.17%

18 0.60*6 1.66 % -2.21% 0.00 % 15 -0.60% -0.17%

12 -0.26% 1.66 % -2.21% 0 00 % 16 -l.87% -0.26%

18 -0.51% l.66 % -2.21% 0.00 %

17 -034% 1.66 % -2.21 % 0.00 %

18 0 85 % 1.66 % -2.21% 0.00*6 12 -1.02% 1.66 % -2.21*6 0.00 %

18 -0 60 % 1.66 % -2.21% 0.00 %

17 0.09 % 1.66 % -2.21% 0.00 % [

18 0.51 % 1.66 % -2.21% 0.00 %

12 -0.51% I.66 % -2 21 % 0.00 %

18 0 34 % I.66 % -2.21% 0.00 %

17 -0.17% 1.66 % -2.21% 0.00*6 18 -0.60% 1.66 % -2.21 % 0.00 %

12 -l .87% 1.66 % -2.21% 0.00 %

19 1.66 % -2.21% 0.00 %

DATE: ItrW Page 2 of 3 rum poners.nrso esto as rarss swlica DATA

) A 6



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"((m Wt s

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n i

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U .  :

Surveillance Requirement,(6)

BS-59,60,61 & 62-PS ,

f t


4 psig RB Pressure High Pressure Switch Drift Data Absolute Vaine of Drift Data VS Interval Showing As- ' - Forecast.

2.00% - Regerssion Line -

a .

fi 1.50% - _

i n

E 3 $ 1.00% -

$<X e a

E a kAg0 = ' .50% - E a am e

e 0.00% -

-0.50 % . . . , , ,

0 5 le 15 20 25 30 laterval (Months)


- - -- . . . . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - , - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . - _ _-- . .---...--v4- , - - - .yr . --+ - - - .


(- ~

s (3) .

Surveillance Requirement, (6)

BS-59,60,6i & 62-PS 4 psig RB Pressure High Pressure Switch Drift Data M%M% ham Drift Data VS Inten'al 2.00% - -

i. v.


1.50% - l 1.00% -- 8 9.50% - E

E Q -

I 0.00% -[ ^ 00%

g"]:s n a m

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i a g -0.50% -j m ,

-1.00% -- a

-1.50% --

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11 12 13 14 15 - 16 17 18 19 i

Calibration latenal (Months) caTE: Simes Page1ofI ,an a.,,,,,mg ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,, ,,,,w t

f\ ( 's ~

J V) .

y Surveillance Requirement, (6) >

BS-59,60,61 & 62-PS i

4 psig RB Pressure High ,

Pressure Switch Drift Data >

Drift Data VS "As-Found" Date i

1.00% - -

a a .

0.50% -- E a

a 0.00% -- ^00% .


- . E

= .

m i i{

a5 .

m e a k =g -0.50% -- e a

    • w  : a

-1.00 % -- m

-1.50% -

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-2.00% . . . . .

1/1/90 1/1/91 1/1/92 1/1/93 1/1/94 1/1/95 Date of Calibration onn. s trn, Page1ofI ru44mmesma e e osin een va aan

Surveillance Requirement, (6)

BS-59,60,61 & 62-PS  ;

. 4 psig RB Pressure High ,

Pressure SwWh Drift Data Absolute Value of Drift I;ata VS "As-Found" Date  ;

i 2.00%  :

! E 1.80% -:  ;

i 1.60% -~  :

I 1.40% -[

? 1.20% -

31  :

a .  ;

6 E

a gS = 1.00 % -[ +

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a a m  ;

0.40% -[

m 0.20% -[ g



0.00 %

'l '""'"

";" i""''''i""'""'l  !

1/1/90 1/1/91 1/182 1/1/93 1/184 1/1/95 ,

Date of Calibration l

oats m u., Page1of1 ran wanersma esse nas oner earn vs ears

Ilarida rower Ccrporreion - Crystai her Nuclear 1%nt - lutnnuent Drift Study SURVELLLANCE REOUIRENf ENT - (3)




A. Surveillance procedure: SP-161C.

B. Calibrated devices included in the individual instrument Drift Data analysis:

1. DEVICE: Pressure Transmitter MANUFACTURER: Rosemount MODEL: Il54GP9RA RANGE: 0 to 3000 psi SPAN: 0 to 3000 psi TAG NUMBERS: RC-158-PT & RC-159-PT DEVICE 30-MONTH DRIFT VALUE: i 0.2% URL. (Upper Range Limit), for 30 .

months, from vendor manual; or i ( 3000/3000 x 0.2%2 )ir2 or 0.2 %).  ;

2. DEVICE: Current To Voltage Converter MANUFACTURER: Foxboro MODEL: 2Al-12V INPUT SPAN: 4 to 20 mA DC OUTPUT SPAN: 0 to 10 volts DC TAG NUMBERS: RC-158-PY-1 & RC-159-PY1 DEVICE DRIFT VALUE:' None Stated  ?
3. DEVICE: Voltage Buffer l MANUFACTURER: Foxboro MODEL: N2AO-VAI INPUT SPAN: 0 to 10 volts DC OUTPUT SPAN: 0 to 10 volts DC )


4. DEVICE: Pressure Indicator j


. MODEL: RY I INPUT SPAN: 0 to 10 volts DC ,

INDICATING RANGE: 0 to 3000 psig i TAG NUMBERS: RC-158-PI-2 & RC-159-PI-2 DEVICE DRIFT VALUE: None Stated O

DATD November 4.1995 Page 1 of 9 rii.e ucriarin. sol

.. ..-_.m.. m_ _ - . . . . _ _ . . . _ . -. _. . . _ __-_..__ ___. ..._ -_

1lorida P4wer Curporatmu - Crptal Rher Nudeur Plust - lustnuuent Drin Saudy SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - G)  !


l 5. DEVICE: Pressure Recorder  :


l MODEL: . N227P-1R6-CS-N/SRC

! INPUT SPAN: 0 to 10 volts DC ,

INDICATING RANGE: 0 to 3000 psig .  !



1. "Cortfinn that inrtrument drift as detennined by "As-Found" and "As-Left" calibmtion data fmm surveillance and maintenance records has not, except on mre occasions,  :

exceeded acceptable limitsfor a calibration interval. " ,

Per Refueling interval surveillance procedure, SP-161C, " Remote Shutdown Instrument Calibration", the components listed on the preceding page have not exceeded acceptable i

" As-Found" surveillance procedure tolerances, for the surveillance intervals investigated. l O -

INDICATOR LOOP: Raw calibration data points which have exceeded "As-Found" tolerance: 0 of 40.

RECORDER LOOP: Raw calibration data points which have exceeded "As-Found"  !

tolerance: 0 of 25. j

2. "Confinn that the values ofdriftfor each instrument type, (make, model and mnge) and application have been detennined with a high probability and a high degree of .l confidence. Pmvide a summary of the methodology and assumptions used to detennine the mte ofinstrument drift with time based upon histon'calplant data. "

Standard statistical methodologies were utilized in this DRIFT STUDY. The following i references were consulted to establish the techniques used in this evaluation.


1. ISA-S67.04, Part I Standard, Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related Instrumentation
2. ISA-S67.04, Part II Recommended Practice, Methodologies for the Determination of Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related Instrumentation -!
3. EPRI document TR-103335, "Guidelinec for Instrument Calibration l Extension / Reduction Programs", Project 2409-21, final Report dated March 1994 l

~4. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard E178-1980,-(re- )

approved 1989), " Standard Practice for Dealing With Outlying Observations."  ;

5. ANSI N15.15-1974,- American National Standard Assessment of the Assumption of l Normality l 1

DATE: Neemeer 4,1995 Page 2 of 9 m.E: RCPI&PIR. SUM

!1orida Powir Ctrpuration - Crystal River Nuclear PLust - lustrunnent Drift Study SURVEILLANCE REOUIREN1ENT - (3)

(") -


6. Probability and Statistics 4th Edition, Irwin Miller / John E Freund/ Richard A. Johnson l The summary of the EPRI project observations, from section 9, " CONCLUSIONS" is as follows: ,

A. Instrument drift tends to increase with instrument span.  !

B. Instrument drift tends to be bounded by a normal distribution.

C. Instrument drift rarely showed any significant indication of time dependency.

D. Instrument drift data often showed no bias for the direction of drift. >

E. OUTLIER checks are necessary to detect data errors.

The methods utilized in the drift study, can be summarized as follows:

4 A. Instrument calibration data, = ("As-Found" and "As-Left"), was obtained from, 3

[d (typically), five intervals of the appropriate refueling interval surveillance procedure.

The number of intervals may change if instruments have been replaced with a different type, etc.

i B. A spread sheet computer program, which can be run on a personal computer was utilized for ease of analysis. Florida Power Corporation utilizes Microsoft Excel, running under a Microsoft Windows environment. See the t' SPREAD SHEET FORMAT" section below for an explanation of the spread sheet data and calculations.

C. The " RAW" "As Found" and "As Left" data was obtained from the associated Refueling interval surveillance procedure and entered onto the spread sheet.

D. Drift data information for an interval was obtained by subtracting the instruments previous calibration "As-Left" data from the current calibration "As-Found" data.

This difference was divided by the calibrated span and the drift data was expressed as a PERCENT OF SPAN.

E. Drift data was analyzed and the MEAN and STANDARD DEVIATION was determined.

F. Outliers were identified by performing a statistical " critical values of T" test. The

,.s outlier criteria value was determined based on the number of total drift points.

,(v) Outliers could result from raw calibration data which has exceeded the surveillance procedure "As-Found" tolerance, procedural or personnel errors, M&TE problems, or other deficiencies or failures. "As-Found" data that exceeded procedural "As-Found" tolerances and was identified as an OUTLIER was evaluated for possible DATF.: Nemalier 4,1995 Page 3 of 9 FILE: RCPIAPIR.St:M

Hurida P4wer Corpuration - Crptal her Nwlear liant - Imtnnuent Drift Study SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (3)

A POST ACCIDENT MONITORING V . RCS PRESSURE (WIDE RANGE) removal from the data set. If the unsatisfactory data was the result of an influence other than drift, the reason was documented and the outlier removed from the data set.

G. The tolerance band for the data was calculated by multiplying each calculated STANDARD DEVIATION by the appropriate 95 %/95 % tolerance factor. This factor indicates a 95 % level of confidence, that 95 % of the instrument drift data is contained within the tolerance band.

H. Drift data was tested to verify the assumption that the data is " NORMAL". Either a D'-test or W-test was performed if the drift data failed these tests, then a

" COVERAGE ANALYSIS" was performed. The coverage analysis requires drift data be analyzed to determine if the data is bounded by a normal distribution. A " DATA HISTOGRAM" was plotted, as well as a comparison table of the actual distribution of the drift data versus the expected probability distribution to show drift data is normally bounded.

I. . To evaluate time dependency, a regression analysis on the absolute value of drift data q was performed. The regression line was plotted with the absolute values of drift b versus interval (in months) to show a correlation between drift and calibration interval. The regression trend line was used as trend only and was not used to extrapolate the 30-month drift term. Also charted was drift data versus calibration,

- ("As-Found"), date. The charts were then evaluated to aid in the determination of the equipments tendency to exhibit time dependent' drift.

SPREAD SHEET FORMAT The surveillance procedure data was arranged in a spread sheet format which displays the following information:

A. Instrument Tag Number / Channel /Descriptor, B. "As-Found" and "As-Left" calibration dates of the surveillance procedure, which are used to Calculate the calibration " INTERVAL"s, C. Raw "As-Found" and "As-Left" device data, (voltage, pressure, etc.),

D. " DRIFT DATA", (difference between " As-Found" and " As-Left" data divided by the calibrated SPAN of the instrument, expressed in PERCENT of SPAN),


.() E. " OUTLIER detection by critical values of T" test, dam Nmmber 4,1995 Page 4 of 9 nixt acriarm. sos

I Horida Power Corporadou - Crystal IUver Nuclett Plant - lustrusuent Drift Seldy

~ ~




F. Range, Calibrated Span, " As-Found" and "As-Left" tolerances, instrument  !

Error /Setpoint calculation number, device setpoint, Technical Specification Limiting l Value, etc. is provided for reference.  !

G. Drift data statistical information: MEAN, STANDARD DEVIATION, OUTLIER  :

CRITERIA, number of drift data points, number of OUTLIERS excluded, 95 %/95 % l "k" value, and the calculated i 95%/95% tolerance values. l H. The D'-test or W-test for " normal" data assumption is performed. if the data fails the  ;

appropriate test, a drift data Histogram and coverage analysis is performed. l I. Regression analysis of the drift data which was used to allow chart the absolute value l of drift versus interval with regression trend line. .1 2

J. The projected 30-month drift term derived.

K. Drift data, surveillance interval, "As-Found" dates, i95%/95% tolerance values, and zero % values were provided for charting.


d RESULTS INDICATOR LOOP: Three OUTLIERS were identified. However, the OUTLIERS do not exceed the "As-Found" procedure tolerance. Hence, these OUTLIERS are ACCEPTABLE and will n01 be removed from the Drift Data. Raw calibration data points which have exceeded "As-Found" tolerance: 0 of 40.

RECORDER LOOP: No OUTLIERS were identified. Raw calibration data points which have exceeded "As-Found" tolerance: 0 of 25.

+95%/95% Tolerances:

RC-158/159-PI-2 RC-158-PIR j

+ 0.70%, 20.9 psig +1.32%, 39.5 psig

- 0.61%, -18.4 psig - 1.07%, -32.0 psig

3. "Confinn that the magnitude of instrument drVt has, been determined with a high pmbability and a high degree of confidence for a bounding calibration interval of 30 l

. monthsfor each instrument type, (make, model number and mnge) and application that i perfonns a sqfety function. Pmvide a list of the channels by Technical Specification section that identifies these instrument applications. "


.; i b

- dam November 4,1995 Page 5 of 9 n tr.: ace m rin.s e t I

11orida rJwer Corporation - Crystal Eirer Nuderr Itmt - instrument Drin Study SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (3)


The drift data calculations for each Surveillance Requirement, establishes the "i95 %/95 %"

Tolerance Factor. This calculated value indicates a 95% level of confidence, that 95% of the population, (instrument drift data), will be within the stated interval.  !

The following methodology was utilized to establish the projected 30-month drift term:

If drift data is determined to be time independent by using linear regression analysis,

1) ,

a graph of drift data versus calibration interval and a graph of drift data versus '

calibration ("As-Found") date, then the 95%/95% Tolerance values will be used as  :

the projected 30-month drift.

If drift data is determined to be time dependent from the above method, then the 30- l 2) month drift term will be projected as follows:

95%/95% tolerance value * [ (Al/AI )2 + ((30-AI)/AI)2 jv2 I

Where AI = Historical average calibration interval in months If drift data does not support the determination of time dependency (all data based on l O 3)

\M 18-month calibration), the 30-month drift term will be projected as follows: l l

95%/95% tolerance value * [ (Al/AI )2 + ((30-AI)/AI)2 ]"2 i Where AI = Historical average calibration interval in months I

1 RESULTS INDICATOR LOOP: The RC Wide Range Pressure Indicators drift data, did not pass the .

W-TEST. However, a " COVERAGE ANALYSIS" was performed on the data, including l l

a " DATA HISTOGRAM" chart and also a " NORMAL DISTRIBUTION" comparison. A l

review of the drift data histogram, indicates a high " kurtosis", (large peak), at 0% drift, (27 of 40 Drift Data points), which virtually assure that the data will fail a normality test.

l The " Actual" coverage distribution envelopes the " Expected Value", from 0 to 1.5 sigma.  ;

However, the " Actual" Histogram distribution is slightly smaller than the " Expected Value", at 2 sigma, (90% vs 95.45%, a difference two drift data points). The " Actual" l again envelopes the " Expected" at 3.5 sigma, (100% vs 99.95%) and above. For th

, l purposes of this drift study, the drift data will be considered " normal".

[D The regression analysis chart indicates slight time dependent drift, however other as charts indicate that the drift data is neither calibration interval dependent nor time, (age),

l dependent. Based on this, the projected 30-month drift term has been derived usinl (2) above and is as follows:

Page 6 of 9 ritt: ncriarin.sust DATE: November 4,1995 -

- . , .- . - - . ~ --- - . . - . . . . . . _ . - _ _ - ..-

Horids rowsr Corporation - Crystal River Nuclear ihnt - Instrument Drift Stzdy  ;



Protected 30-Month Drift Value B_C-158/159-PI-2

+ 1.20%, 35.78 psig

- 1.10%, -31.50 psig RECORDER LOOP: The RC Wide Range Pressure Recorder Drift Data, passed the W-TEST, (the data is." normal").

l The Regression analysis chart indicates slight time dependent' drift,1;*ever other  ;

associated charts indicate that the Drift Data is neither calibration interval ciec:ndent nor time, (age), dependent. Based on this, the projected 30-month drift term has been derived

, using method (2) above and is as follows:

Proiected 30-Month Drift Value RC-158-PIR

+ 2.70%, 81.02 psig

- 2.20%, -65.66 psig As indicated on page one, the Surveillance Requirement and instruments covered by this analysis, are as follows:

Surveillance Reautrement:, (3); Post Accident Monitoring -- RCS Pressure -

Wide Range.

Surveillance procedure: SP-161C.

Technical Specification Allowable Value: None, since this is Post Accident Monitoring instrumentation only.

Surveillance Procedure Setooint: No setpoints are associated with this Post Accident Monitoring Instrumentation. l Tar Niembers: RC-158-PT, RC-158 PY-1, RC-158-PY3 & RC-158-PI-2 & RC-158-PIR RC-159-PT, RC-159-PYI, RC-159-PY3, RC-159-PI-2 I

4. "Confinn that a companson of the prvjected instrument drVt errors has been made with l 1

the values of drVt used in the setpoint analysis. If this results in revised setpoints to accommodate larger drVt errors, provide proposed Technical Specification' changes to l update inp setpoints. if the drVI errors result in a revised safety analysis to support l existing setpoints, provide a summary of the updated analysis conclusions to confinn that  !

the sqfety limits and safety analysis assumptions are not exceeded. "

l DATL November 4,199s Page 7 of 9 rite ucriarin.stai


. e P

, - Horida Power C rpurrtion - Crystal Rhar Nucleur Plant - Imtrument Drift Study SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (3)

I[ i POST ACCIDENT MONITORING V , RCS PRESSURE (WIDE RANGE) i These Post Accident Monitoring, (PAM), indicators have no setpoints, hence no setpoint analysis changes will be required. *

5. "Confinn that the projected instrument errors caused by dnft are acceptablefor control ofplantparameters to effect a safe shutdown. Licensees must confinn that the instrument errors caused by dnft will not affect the capability to achieve safe shutdown. "

Per the Instrument Accuracy Calculation, (188-0020, Rev. 7), and FPC drawing,205-047 RC-02, the RCS Wide Range Pressure loops input to:

1 A. RCS Wide Range Pressure Recorder at MCB (RC-158-PT loop only). I B. RCS Wide Range Pressure Indicators at MCB.

C. RCS Wide Range Pressure Indicators at RSP.

D. RCS Wide Range Pressure to RECALL.

E. RCS Wide Range Pressure to ATWS-DSS.

With the exception of the outputs to ATWS-DSS, all the above functions are recording and

/'3 indication only. Per the methodology utilized in the revised Instrument Accuracy O'. Calculation, a new ATWS-DSS setpoint has been provided, and incorporated into the associated surveillance procedures.

The instruments associated with this surveillance requirement will not produce results that adversely affect safe shutdown of the plant for the following reasons:

1) The string accuracy calculation develops post accident errors that are significantly larger than the projected 30 month drift terms derived in this drift study.
2) Readability (% of minor division) of RC-158-PIR is 25 psig and readability of RC- )

158/159-P12 is i 50 psig. Technicians can only record readings in these increments implying readability is a major contributor to the differences between " As-Found" and "As-12ft" data.

3) Other factors that can influence the difference between "As-Found" and "As-Left" data such as M&TE, temperature effects, vibration, power supply effects and normal humidity / radiation effects are already taken into account in the string accuracy calculation.
4) Equipment performance has produced no occurrences of data being found outside i procedure " As-found" tolerances. Based on this, it is expected that the equipment will

/G continue to perform satisfactorily as orescribed by the surveillance procedures.

U dam November 4,1995 Page 8 of 9 MI,E: RCP!& PIR. SUM

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, Horida PIwer Corsmration - Crptal her Nuclear Pt.mt - Instrmuent Drin Study f SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (3) l' l '("] POST ACCIDENT MONITORING RCS PRESSURE (WIDE RANCdl i A./ ~

t t

6. "Confinn that all conditions and assumptions of the setpoint and safety analysis have ,

been checked and are appmpdately reflected in the acceptance entena of plant i surveillance pmceduresfor CHANNEL CHECKS, CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TESTS 'i and CHANNEL CALIBRATIONS. "

Engineering has revised and upgraded the Instrument Accuracy Calculation, (188-0020, .

Rev.'7), for these PAM devices. The majority of string devices have no 30-month drift error terms. However, revised "Ai-Left" and "As-Found" calibration tolerances and the j revised ATWS-DSS setpoints will be incorporated into the appropriate CHANNEL  !

CHECK, CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST and CH ANNEL C A L1BRATION surveillance l procedcres, as required. 1

7. "Pmvide a summary desenption of the pmgmm for monitonng and assessing the effects ofincreased calibmtion surveillance intervals on instrument dnft and its effect on sqfety. "

The instrument " DRIFT PROGRAM" is an ongoing program which will monitor future surveillance procedure "As-Found" and " As-Left" data, and will incorporate new data into the Drift Study spread sheets with the existing Drift Data. The revised Drift Data MEAN, STANDARD DEVIATION, i 95%/95% TOLERANCE INTERVALS, etc., will be s compared with the existing Drift Data, to ensure the conclusions reached in this report remain valid.

1 l

l i

DAM Nmmler 4, im Page 9 of 9 nix: ncriarin.stu

. a v v, b v SP-161C SR (3)

RC-158-PIR RCS PRESSURE INDICATION-WIDE RANGE SP-161C Caubrselan Interval Hve Point Data Drift Dats & Outlier Evaluatinet TAG NUMBER Date (Mentha) 0% 25 % 50 % 75 % 100 % C% 25 % 50 % 75 % 100%

RC-156-PIR (PEN) As Left 9/2/89 0 750 1525 2250 3000 RC-158-PT Replaced 9-89 As Found 3/30 S 0 6.9 0 750 1500 2250 3000 0.00'6 0.00 % -0.43% 0.00 % 0.00 %

As LeR 5/27SO 9 757.5 1500 2245 3000 DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK 4-20-94 As-Found & As-lea ' As Found 1 Inst 17.4 25 - 770 1530 2270 3000 0.53 % 0.42 % l.00*6 0.83 % 0.00 %

Data Taken at %.7% Vs As Lea i10/91 10 760 1510 2260 3000 DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK 100%. Data Extrapolated To As Found 6/2982 7.7 2 760 1515 2250 3000 -0.27% 0.00 % 0.17% -033% 0.00*6 100% To Be Consistent AsExR 6/29S 2 2 760 1515 2250 3000 DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK With Prnious Data. As Found 4/5S3 92 0 750 1500 2250 3000 -0.07% -033% -0.50's 0.00 % 0.00 %

As Left 4/5S3 0 750 1500 2250 3000 DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATAIS OK As Found 4/20S4 12.5 25 775 1525 2250 3000 0.83 % 0.83 % 0.83 % 0.00 % 0.00 %

As14R 4/20 S4 25 775 1525 2275 3000 DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK RC-ISS-PIR(PEN) Range- O to 3000 peig Mean: 0.12% Percent peig SP-161C As Found Tat: 50 paig 1.67 % Standard Deviation: 0.45% +95%.25%: 132% 39.5 SP-161C As left Tel: 30 paig 1.00 % Nuanber of Paints: 25 -95%/95%: -1.07% -320 Imer Accuracy Calcidation: 158-4929, Rev. 7 OutBers Enchaded: O l Projected 34W. Drm Vetue- 2.7% 8I.02 Outher Criteria 2.663 -2.2% -65 66 95%/95% k: 2.631 Average Interval: 10.74 W-TEST DATA CoefEcsenta Sorted Test Data Btensa # of Pts. Data Sorted # of Pts. Data Sorted Namiber of Points: 25 0.4450 -0.83% l.00 % 0.82 % 1 0.00 % -0.83% 14 -0.50'6 1.00 %

Variance (s^2): 2.05E-05 03069 -0.50% 0.83 % 0.41 % 2 0.53 % -0.50*6 15 0.83 % 0.83 %

S^2: 4.91 E-04 0.2543 -033% 0.83 % 030% 3 -0.27% -033% 16 0.00 % 0.83 %

B: 2.14E-02 0.2148 -033% 0.83 % 025% 4 -0.07% -033% 17 0.83 % 0.83%

B^2: 4.56E-04 0.1822 -0.27% 0.83 % 0.20 % 5 0.83 % -0.27% 18 -033% 0.83 %

W = (B^2 / S^2): 0.929 0.1539 -0.07% 0.53 % 0.09 % 6 0.00 % -0.07% 19 0.00 % 0.53'6 CriticalW @ 95%: 0.918 0.1283 0.00 % 0.42 % 0.05 % 7 0.42 % 0.00 % 20 0.00 % 0.42%

W Test: PASS 0.1046 0.00 % 0.17% 0.02 % 8 0.00 % 0.00 % 21 0.00 % 0.17%

0.0823 0.00'6 0.00 % 0.00 % 9 -033% 0.00*6 22 0.00 % 0.00%

0.0610 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 10 0.83 % 0.00 % 23 0.00 % 0.00 %

0.0403 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 11 4.83 % 0.00. 24 0.00 % 0.00'6 0.0200 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 12 1.00 % 0.00 % 25 0 00 % 0.00 %

I3 0 17'6 0.00 %

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SP-161C SR (3)

RC-158-PIR RCS PRESSURE INDICATION -WIDE RANGE Chart Data Calibration Interval Five Point Die Dets 8% 25 % 50 % 75 % 100 % 95%/95% IJanits Zero %

6 132% -1.07% 0.00 %

7 0.00 % 0.00 % -0.83% 0.00 % 0.00 % 132% -1.07% 0.00 %

17 0.53 % 0.42 % I.00*6 0.83 % 0.00 % 'I32% -1.07% 0.00 % ,

8 -0.27% 0.00 % 0.17% -033% 0.00'4 132% -1.07% 0.00 %

9 -0.07% -033% 4.50 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 132% -1.07% 0.00 %

12 0.83 % 0.83 % 0.83 % 0.00'6 0.00*6 132% -1.07% 0.00 %

18 132%. -1.07% 0.00 %

7 0.00's 0.00 % Regression Statistics 7 0.00 % 0.00 %

7 -0.83% 0.83 % Multiple R 0.4746537 7 0.00 % 0.00. R Square 0.2252 % I3 7 0.00 % 0.00*6 Adjusted R Square 0.19161335 8 -0.27% 0.27 % Standard Error 0.00322229 8 0.00 % 0.00 % Observations 25 8 0.17% 0.17%

8 -033% 033% Analysis of Variance 8 0.00*6 0.00*6 df Sum of Squares Mean Square F Significance F 9 -007% 0.07 % Regression 1 6.94503E-05 6.94503E-05 6.688763566 0.016509311 9 -033% 0.33 % Residual 23 0.000238812 1.03831E-05 9 -0.50% 0.50's Total 24 0.000308262 9 0.00 % 0.00 %

9 0.00 % 0.00 % Coefficients Standard Enor t Statistic P-value Inwer 95% 1Ipper 95%

12 0.83 % 0.83 %

12 0.83 % 0.83?6 Intercept -0.0015473 0.001913848 -0.808485988 0.426752901 -0.00550641 0.002411771 12 0.83 % 0.83% xl 0.04 % 0.00016783 2.586264404 0.016t"9175 8.68703E-05 0.000781234 12 0.00 % 0.00*6 12 0.00 % 0.00 %

17 0.53 % 0.53 %

17 0.42 % 0.42 %

17 1.00 % l.00's 17 0.83% 0.83% ,

17 0.00'4 0.00 %

1 4.11%

2 -0.07%

3 -0.02%

4 0.02*6 5 0 06 %

6 0.11*.

7 0.15'.

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SP-161C Surveillance Requiressent,(3)

RC-158-PER i

i Reactor Coolant Pressure Indication Transmiitter/ Rack / Recorder Drift Data Absolute Value of Drift Data VS laterval  ;

Showing Regression Foncast  !

5.00 % -

4.00% - g, g, 3.00% -

2.00 % -

1.M% -- E E I F '

s E E 0.00% - _





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 l Intenal (Months)

.,m. Pagei . . ._


O O O.

RC-158-PIR Reactor Coolant Pressine Indication ,

Transanitter/ Rack / Recorder Drift Data Drift Data Vs latenal 95%/95% Tolerance 0.015 --

1.32 %

0.01 -- E .

i E

0.005 -- - E E

0-- B = * % * "-

5 i .

-0.005 - ; E


E r j 4.01 -


-0.015 l l  ; l l l l i i l i l l l 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 Calibration Intenval (Months) on.: ms:ss Page1ofI rar ec m em enas m e o w v on u vs ar m vat


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SP-161C Surveillance Requirement, (3)

RC-158-PIR  !

t I


Reactor Coolant Pressure ladication  ;

Tramanitter/ Rack / Recorder Drift Data l Drift Data VS "As-Found" Date  !

1.00% - a 0.80% -- l

i 0.60% - i i
a 0.40% - a

.i 0.20% - ,

i 0.00% - e 0.00 % a  !

u -

0.20% -:

a a a 1

-0.40% --I ,


-0.60% -2 , j

-0.80% -- ,

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t i

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SP-161C ,

Surveillance Requircament, (3)

- RC-158-PIR ,



Reactor Coolant Pressere Indication ,

Transmutter/ Rack / Recorder Drift Data ,

Absolute Value of Drift Data VS "As-Foemd" Date t

1.00% - -


. i 0.90% -[ )

a a e >

0.80% -[ .

i 0.70% -:  ;

0.60% -

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i 0.10% -: - E ,

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Date of Calibration i

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J G SP-161C SR (3)

RC-158/159-PI-2 RC PRESSURE INDICATION-WIDE RANGE SP-161C Calibration Interval Five Point Data Drift Data & Outher Evahastinet TAG NUMBER Date (Manths) 9% 25 % - 50% 75 % 100 % 8% 25 % 50 % 75 % 198 %

RC-158-PI-2 AsixR 9/2/89 0 750 1500 2275 3000 RC-158-l'l' Replaced 9-89 As Found 3/3060 6.9 0 750 1500 2250 3000 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00's -0.83% 0 00 %

AsLea- 5/27N0 0 750 1500 2250 3000 DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATAIS OK OUTLIER DATA IS OK 4-20-94 A>Found & As-LeR As Found linSI 17.4 0 760 1520 2275 3000 0.00 % 0.33 % 0.67 % 0.83 % 0.00*6 Data Taken at 96 7% V: AsIxR 11n/91 0 750 1500 2260 3000 DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK OUTLigR DATA IS OK 100%. Data Extrapolated To As Found 6/29 S 2 7.7 0 745 1505 2255 3000 0.00 % -0.17% 0.17% -0.17% 0.00 % .'

100% To Be Consistent As LeR 6/29N2 5 745 I505 2255 3000 DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK  !

With Prenous Data. As Found 4/5S3 9.2 0 750 1500 2250 3000 -0.17% 0.17% 0.17% -0.17% 0.00 %

As1xR 4/5N3 0 750 1500 2250 3000 DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK As Found 4/20/94 12.5 0 750 1500 2250 3000 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % i AsIxR 4/20/94 0 750 1500 2250 3000 DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK RC-159-PI-2 AsIxR 5/27N0 0 725 1490 2250 3000 RC-15 APT Replaced 5-90 As Found 1IGMi 17.4 0 750 1500 2250 3000 0.00 % 0.83 % 0.33 % 0.00 % 0.00 %

4-20-94 As-Found & As-LeR Aslen i10/91 0 750 1500 2250 3000 DATAIS OK OUTLIER DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK Data Taken at 96 7% Vs As Found 4/5/93 16.9 0 750 1500 2250 3000 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 %

100*4. Data Extrapolated To AslxR 4/5s3 0 750 I500 2250 3000 DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK 100% To Be Consistent As Found 4/20.94 12.5 0 750 1500 2250 3000 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 %

With Prenous Dets. AsIeR 4.70/94 0 750 1500 2250 3000 DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK RC-158/159-PI-2 Range: 01o3000 peig Mean: 0.04 % Percent peig Span: 3000 psig Standard Deviation: 0.27 % +95%/95%: 0.70 % 20.9 SP-1IlC As Found Tel: 75 peig 2.50 % Nussber of Points: 40 95%/95%: -0.61 % -l 8.4 SP-161C As 1xit TeL: 50 peig 1.67 % Ousers Escluded: 0 l Pr=><=d n m pratv=he 1.2% 35.78 Imop Accuracy Calculation: 188-8029, Rev. 7 Outlier Criteria: 2.866 -1.1 % -31.50 95*/./95% k: 2.445 Average Interval: 12.6 om. s tirs, Page l of 5 ra.: yicmest ranswic-isa.tse riz onra t

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% ,y SP-161C - SR3 f.17 2(3)

RC-150/159-PI-2 RC PRESSURE INDICATION-WIDE RANGE "r _ Dets 7. " , observed Ilhe Frequency e fort-d eum 7. _ L

-4.00 -1.03% 0.0% 0.05 0 00 % -1.03% 0 0.000 0% 0.00 %

-3.75 -0.% % 0.0% 0.13 0.01 % -0.%% 0 - 0.250 19.74 % - 72.50*6-

-3.50 -0.90*6 2.5% 033 0.02 % -0.90% 1 0.500 - 3829% 72.50 %

-3.25 -0.83% 0.0% 0.76 0.05 % -0.83% 0 0.750 54.67 % 72.50 %

-3.00 -0.76% 0.0% 1.65 0.11 % 0.76 % 0 1.000 - 68.27% 90.00 %

-2.75 -0.70% 0.0% 339 0.23 % 0.70 % 0 1.500 86.64 % 90.00 %

-2.50 -0.63% 0.0% 6.54 0.44 % -0.63% 0 2.800 95.45 % 30.00 %

-2.25 -0.56% 0.0% -1I.84 0.79 % -0.56% - 0 2.500 - 98.76 % - 92.50 %

-2.00 0.49 % 0.0% 20.14 135% -0.49% 0 3.000 99.73 % 97.50 %

-1.75 -0.43% 0.0% 32.18 2.16% -0.43% 0 3.500 99.95 % 100 00 %

-1.50 -036% 0.0% 4831 3.24 % 036% 0 4.000 99.9994 % 100.00 %

-125 -029% 0.0% 68.13 4.57 % -0.29% 0 Expected Value Acommi

-1.00 -0.23% 12.5 % 90.26 6.05 % -023% 5

-0.75 -0.16% 0.0% 11232 7.53 % -0.16% 0

-0.50 -0.09% 0.0% 13132 8.80 % -0.09% 0

-0.25 -0.03% 67.5 % 14423 9.67 % -0.03% 27 0.00 0.04% - 0.0% 148.81 9.97 % 0.04 % 0 0.25 0.11 % 5.0% 144.23 9.67 % 0.11 % 2 0.50 0.18% 0.0% I3132 8.80 % 0.18 % 0 0.75 0.24 % 0.0% 11232 7.53 % 0.24 % 0 1.00 0.31 % 5.0% 90.26 6.05 % 031% 2 1.25 038% 0.0% 68.13 4.57*4 038% 0 1.50 0.44 % 0.0% 4831 324% 0.44 % 0 1.75 0.51*6 0.0% 32.18 2.16% 0.51 % 0 2.00 0.58 % 0.0% 20.14 135% 0.58% 0 2.25 0 64 % 2.5% II.84 0.79 % 0.64 % 1 2.50 0.71% 0.0*6 6.54 0.44 % 0.71 % 0 2.75 0.78 % 5.0% 339 023% 0.78 % 2 3.00 0.85 % 0.0% 1.65 0.11 % 0.85 % 0 325 0.91 % 0.0% 0.76 0.05 % 0.91 % 0 3.50 0.98 % 0.0% 033 0.02 % 0.98 % 0 3.75 1.05 % 0.0*6 - 0.13 0.01 % l.05% 0 4.00 1.11 % 0.0% 0.05 0.00 % 1.11 % 0 100.0 % 1,491.95 100.00 % 40 t

i l

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SP-161C SR 3 3.17.2 (3)


7 0.00*6 0.00*6 Regression Statistics 7 0.00 % 0.00?6 .

7 0.00 % 0.00'6 Multiple R 0.1296 7 -0.83% 0.83*6 R Square 0.0168 7 0 00*6 0.00 % Adjusted R Square -0.0091 8 0.00 % 0.00 % Standard Error 0.0024 8 0.17 % 0.17% Observations 40.0000 8 0.17% 0.17*4 8 -0.17% 0.17% Analysis of Variance 8 0.00'4 0.00'4 df Sum of Square Mean Square F Significance F 9 -0.17% 0.17*6 Regressson 1 3.8%35E-06 3.8%35E-06 0.649254689 0.425392984 9 0.17% 0.17% Residual 38 0.000228048 6.00127E-06 9 -0.17% 0.17'6 Total 39 0.000231944 9 -0.17'4 0.17% ,

9 0.00 % 0.00 % Coefficients StaM Frmr t Statistic P-value Iower 95% Upper 95%

12 0.00's 0.00's 12 0.00 % 0.00 % intercept 0.00028761 0.001255616 0 229061288 0.820018274 -0.00225425 0.002829476 12 0.00 % 0.00 % x1 7.6605E-05 9.50711E-05 0.80576342 0.425265142 -0.000115857 0.000269066 12 0.00*6 0.00 %  ;

12 0.00 % 0.00 %

12 0.00'4 0.00'6 12 0.00 % 0.00*6 12 0.00 % 0.00*4 i 12 0.00*6 0.00*6 12 0.00 % 0.00 %

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SP-161C Surveillance Requirennent,(3) . '

RC-158/159-PI-2 l l

l Reactor Coolant Pressure Indication Transanitter/ Rack / indicator Drift Data Absolute Vahme of Drift Data VS Interval  ;

Showing Regression Forecast l

0.90% --

E a  !

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i 0.50% -

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SP-161C Surveillance Requirement, (3)

RC-158/159-PI-2 Reactor Coolant Pressere Indication Transmutter/ Rack / Indicator Drift Data Drift Data Vs laterval 95%/95% Tolerance 1.00% - ,

- t m

0.80% -: j 0.70 % g 0.60% -[.

t 0.40% --

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SP-161C Surveillance Requirement, (3)

RC-158/159-PI-2 I

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j Transasitter/ Rack / Indicator Drift Data Drift Data VS "As-Foned" Date 1.00%  :

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SP-161C Surveillance Requirement, (3)

RC-158/159-PI-2 Reactor Coolar_t Pressure Indication ,

Transenetter/ Rack / Indicator Drift Data Absolute Value of Drift Data VS "As-Found" Date 9.90% - .

a m 0.80% -;

,. . t 0.70% --

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Horida Pzwer Corporation - Crystal River Nuclear Pl.uit - Instnuneut Drift Study SERVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (1)



' C./


A. Surveillance procedure: SP-132.

B. Calibrated device.s included in the instrument loop drift data analysis:

, 1. DEVICE: Pressure Transmitter.

! MANUFACTURER: Rosemount.


RANGE: 0 to 3000 psig.

CALIBRATED SPAN: 0 to 2500 psig.

TAG NUMBERS: RC-3A-PT3, RC-3A-PT4 & RC-3B-PT3 i DEVICE 30-MONTII DRIFT VALUE: 0.2% of URL, (from vendor manual), or

( 0.2% x 3000/2500) = i 0.24%.


2. DEVICE: Buffer Amplifier. l MANUFACTURER: Bailey Meter Company.

MODEL: 6621670Al241. j INPUT SPAN: 1 to 5 volts DC = 0 to 2500 psig '

OUTPUT SPAN: 0 to 10 volts DC = 0 to 2500 psig TAG NUMBERS: RC-3A-PY3, RC-3A-PY4-1, RC-3B-PY3 p/

( DEVICE DRIFT VALUE: 0.1% Full Scale, (30 days, from B&W Calc. 183-0001, Rev. 4).

l l

I i

oxrE: November 3,1995 Page 1 of 9 nu:: isens.scsi

l Horid2 Power Corporation - Crptal IUter Nuclear Picat - Imtruiuent Drift Study t




1. "Codan that instrument drift as detennined by "As-Found" and "As-Left" calibmtion data fmm surveillance and maintenance reconis has not, except on mre occasions, exceeded acceptable limitsfor a calibmtion interval. "

ESAS Channel Functional Test (SP-130) has been revised to allow bistable calibration to i be checked and adjusted as necessary each quarter. Any bistable instrument drift will be ]

detected and corrected during the performance of SP-130 and is therefore omitted from this drift study.

Per Refueling interval surveillance procedure, SP-132, " Engineered Safeguards Channel Calibration", the components listed on the preceding page, have not exceeded acceptable, "As-Found" surveillance procedure tolerances, for the surveillance intervals investigated, except as indicated below.

' For RC-3A-PT3, the 75 % and 100% raw " As-Found" calibration data points for 10/14/88, were found to have exceeded the calibration procedure " As-Found" tolerance. For RC-3A-PT4, the 100% raw "As-Found" calibration data point for 10/15/88, was found to have exceeded the calibration procedure "As-Found" tolerance. . Raw calibration data points which have exceeded "As-Found" tolerance:' 3 of 75 or 4%. These occurrences are considered to be rare occasions where equipment was performing outside the acceptance criteria of procedure tolerance.

2. "Co$nn that the values ofdriftfor each instrument type, (make, model and mnge) and :

application have been.detennined with a high pmbability and a high degree of

' coQdence. Pmvide a summary of the methodology and assumptions used to detennine the mte ofinstnament drift with time based upon histon*calplant data. "

Standard statistical methodologies were utilized in this DRIFT STUDY. The following i'

. references were consulted to establish the techniques used in this evaluation.

1. ISA-S67.04, Part I Standard, Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related Instrumentation _  ;
2. ISA-S67.04, Part II Recommended Practice, Methodologies for the Determination of ~ l Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related Instrumentation
3. EPRI document TR-103335, " Guidelines for Instrument - Calibration i

_ Extension / Reduction Programs", Project 2409-21, fmal Report dated March 1994 i

4. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard E178-1980, (re-approved 1989), " Standard Practice for Dealing With Outlying Observations."
5. - ANSI N15.15-1974, American National Standard Assessment of the Assumption of '


6. Probability and Statistics 4th Edition, Irwin Miller / John E Freund/ Richard A. Johnson O

oars: %=i e 3,1995 Page 2 of 9 nLE: 1500#Rs.St'M l

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., Nrida Power Carporation - crygal lunr Nuclear Ptart - lustrunnent Drift Study l



The summary of the EPRI project observations, from section 9, " CONCLUSIONS" is as follows:

. A. Instrument drift tends to increase with instrument span.

. B. Instrument drift tends to be bounded by a normal distribution.'

- C. Instrument drift rarely'showed any significant. indication of time dependency.

D. . Instrument drift data often showed no bias for the direction of drift.  !

E. OUTLIER checlis are necessary to detect data errors.

I The methods utilized in the drift study, can be summarized as follows.

l A. Instrument calibration data, ("As-Found" and "As-Left"), was obtained from,

_l (typically), five intervals of the appropriate refueling interval surveillance procedure.

The number of intervals may change if instruments have been' replaced with a different type, etc.

B. A spread sheet computer program, which can be run on a personal. computer was utilized for ease of analysis. Florida Power Corporation utilizes Microsoft Excel, Lrunning under a Microsoft Windows environment. See the " SPREAD SHEET FORMAT" section below for an explanation of the spread sheet data and calculations. )

'l C. The " RAW" "As Found" and "As Left" data was obtained from the associated i Refueling interval surveillance procedure and entered onto the spread sheet.

D. . Drift data information for an interval'was obtained by subtracting the instruments previous calibration "As-Left" data from the current calibration "As-Found" data.

This difference was divided by the calibrated span and the drift data was expressed :


E. Drift data was analyzed and the MEAN- and' STANDARD DEVIATION was determined.

I F. Outliers were identified by performing a statistical " critical values of T" test. The outlier criteria value was determined based on the number of total drift points.

Outliers could result from raw calibration data which has exceeded the surveillance procedure "As-Found" tolerance, procedural or personnel errors, M&TE problems, or other deficiencies or failures. "As Found" data that exceeded procedural."As-

<- Found" tolerances and was identified as an OUTLIER was evaluated for possible removal from the data set. If the unsatisfactory data was the result of an influence j


other than drift, the reason was documented and the outlier removed from the data j set.

omm her3,I m . Page 3 of 9 ru.ra isowns.suu 1

.t c-, , ,- ,,.<,---J , - --- .- ,, ,, ,, i

a. .

. Ilarida I*ower Ctrporation - Crystal River Nuclear liant - Instruutent Drin Study SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (1) fO d .-

ENGINEERED SAFEGUARDS ACTUATION SYSTEM ECS PRESSURE LOW G. The tolerance band for the data was calculated by multiplying each calculated STANDARD DEVIATION by the appropriate 95 %/95 % tolerance factor. This factor indicates a 95 % level of confidence, that 95 % of the instrument drift data is contained within the tolerance band.-

H. Drift data was tested to verify the assumption that the data is " NORMAL". Either a D'-test or. W-test was performed. If the drift data failed these tests, then a

" COVERAGE ANALYSIS" was performed. The coverage analysis requires drift data be analyzed to determine if the data is bounded by a normal distribution. A " DATA HISTOGRAM" was plotted, as well as a comparison table of the actual distribution of the drift data versus the expected probability distribution to show drift data is normally bounded.

I. To evaluate time dependency, a regression analysis on the absolute value of drift data was performed. The regression line was plotted with the absolute values of drift versus interval (in months) to show a correlation between drift and calibration interval. The regression trend line was used as trend only and was not used to extrapolate the 30-month drift term. Also charted was drift data versus calibration,

("As-Found"), date. The charts were then evaluated to aid in the determination of the equipments tendency to exhibit time dependent drift.

SPREAD SHEET FORhiAT The surveillance procedure data was arranged in a spread sheet format which displays the following information:

A. Instrument Tag Number / Channel /Descriptor, B. "As-Found" and "As-Left" calibration dates of the surveillance procedure, which are used to Calculate the calibration " INTERVAL"s, C. Raw "As-Found" and "As-Left" device data, (voltage, pressure, etc.),

D. " DRIFT DATA", (difference between " As-Found" and " As-Left" data divided by the calibrated SPAN of the instrument, expressed in PERCENT of SPAN),

E. " OUTLIER detection by critical values of T" test, F. Range, Calibrated Span, "As-Found" and "As-Left" tolerances, Instrument Error /Setpoint calculation number, device setpoint, Technical Specification Limiting Value, etc. is provided for reference.

o n % .ua e3.1995 Page 4 of 9 HLE: 1500#Bs. SUM 1


, Morids P;mr Crrpuration - Crpfal Riter Nuclear PLmt -- Imtmment Drift Sardy SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (1 y ENGINEERED SAFEGUARDS ACTUATION SYSTEM

) ,

RCS PRESSURE LOW G. Drift data statistical information: MEAN, STANDARD DEVIATION, OUTLIER CRITERIA, number of drift data points, number of OUTLIERS excluded,95%/95%

"k" value, and the calculated i 95%/95% tolerance values.

H. The D'-test or W-test for " normal" data assumption is performed. If the data fails the appropriate test, a drift data Histogram and coverage analysis is performed.

I. Regression analysis of the drift data which was used to allow chart the absolute value of drift versus interval with regression trend line.

J. The projected 30-month drift term derived.

K. Drift data, surveillance interval, "As-Found" dates, 95%/95% tolerance values, and zero % values were provided for charting.


For RC-3A-PT3, the 75% and 100% raw " As-Found" calibration data points for 10/14/88, were found to have exceeded the calibration procedure "As-Found" tolerance. Using the ,

,, Critical Values of T-Test, the data points were determined to be OUTLIERS, the result of 1


a failure other than drift and removed from the data set. Once the OUTLIERS were emoved from the drift data, the 50% drift data of 10/15/88 was identified as an l

OUTLIER. Since this data point was not initially identified as an OUTLIER, it was retained in the data set. Also the raw calibration data for this point was within the procedure .

calibration tolerance. (NOTE: Transmitter RC-3A-PT3 caused outliers in all drift data j studies for both ESAS functions: RCS LOW PRESSURE 1500 psig bistable and RCS LOW-LOW PRESSURE 900 psig bistable). For RC-3A-PT4, the 100% raw " As-Found" calibration data point for 10/15/88, was found to have exceeded the calibration procedure  !

"As-Found" tolerance. Using the Critical Values of T-Test, the data point was determined to be an OUTLIER, the result of a failure other than drift and removed from the data set.

(NOTE: Transmitter RC-3A-PT4 caused outliers in all drift data studies for both ESAS functions: RCS LOW PRESSURE: 1500 and 1700 psig bistables and RCS LOW-LOW PRESSURE: 900 & 500 psig bistables).

The calibration on 10-14/15-88 produced a lower than expected span for RC-3A-PT3 and RC-3A-PT4. Excluding the three data points in question, the average drift value for the intervals investigated was 0.17%. The three data points excluded were over 9 times larger than this average. It is unlikely that the instruments would drift this much for only one interval since 1987. Since subsequent calibrations did not produce similar results, it was concluded that an influence other than drift caused the large difference between as-left and as-found data.

Raw calibration data points which have exceeded "As-Found" tolerance: 3 of 75 or 4%.

('~ ') These occurrences are considered to be rare occasions where equipment was performing outside the acceptance criteria of procedure tolerance.

DATE: November 3.1995 Page 5 of 9 rnx: isoons.suu

.- - ..---. - .- - - . - - . .. . -, ~ - - - . .. . - . . - - .

Dorida Power Corporation - Crystal her Nuclear Plant - Instrument Drift Study



+95%/95% Tolerances:

Transmitter & Buffer /Amo

+ 0.55%, + 13.7 psig

- 0.62%, - 15.4 psig

3. "Confinn that the magnitude of instrument digt has been determined with a high pmbability and a high degree of confidencefor a bo:tnding calibmtion interval of 30 .

monthsfor each instmment type, make, model number and range) and application that '

perfonns a sqfety function. Pmvide a list of the channels by Technical Specification section that identifies these instrument applications. "  ;

The drift data calculations for each Surveillance Requirement, establishes the "*95%/95%"  ;

Tolerance Factor. This calculated value indicates a 95% level of confidence, that 95% ot' the population, (instrument drift data), will be within the stated interval. l The following methodology was utilized to establish the projected 30-month drift term:  ;

1) If drift data is determined to be time independent by using linear regression analysis, a graph of drift data versus calibration interval and a graph of drift data versus -

(' calibration ("As-Found") date, then the 95%/95% Tolerance values will be used as the projected 30-month drift.

2) If drift data is determined to be time dependent from the above method, then the 30-

- month drift term will be projected as follows:  ;

95%/95% tolerance value * [ (Al/Al ): + ((30-AI)/AI)2 )"

Where AI = Historical average calibration interval in months 3)' If drift data does not support the determination of time dependency (all data based on 18-month calibration), the 30-month drift term will be projected as follows:

95%/95% tolerance value * [ (Al/AI )2 + ((30-AI)/AI) ]"

Where AI = Historical average calibration interval in months i


i The Loop drift data, (Transmitter / Buffer Amp), did not pass the D'-TEST. However, a

" COVERAGE ANALYSIS" was performed on the data, including a " DATA HISTOGRAM" l chart and also a " NORMAL DISTRIBUTION" comparison. The " Actual" caverage i distribution envelopes the " Expected Value", from 0 to 4 sigma. Therefore, for the purposes l J of this Drift Study, the drift data is considered " normal". The associated charts indicate that j the drift data is neither calibration interval dependent nor time, (age), dependent. Since  !

ours: Nov b.c 3,1995 Page 6 of 9 mx: isouns.snt


_ . _ . _ . . . _ _ , _ _ _ _ .. _ _. ...._.m ..-__._._..._~m..-. _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . - . _ . ,

Horida Power Ctrpuratics - Crystal her Nuclear Plant - Instruinent Drin Study SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (1)

ENGINEERED SAFEGUARDS ACTUATION SYSTEM l RCS PRESSURE LOW the drift data does not appear to be time dependent, the 95%/95% Tolerance values are [

. assumed to be the limits of the predicted 30-month drift values.

As indicated on page one, the Surveillance Requirement and instruments covered by this  !

analysis, are as follows:



Surveillance Reauirement:, (1); ESAS Initiation -- RCS Pressure Low.  !

Surveillance procedure: S P-132.  ;

Technical Specification Allowable Value: 21500 psig. i Surveillance Procedure Setooint: 1540 psig.

Tae Numbers: Channel "1" RC-3 A-PT3 & RC-3 A-PY3.

Channel "2": RC-3 A-PT4 & RC-3 A-PY4-1, Channel "3" RC-3B-PT3 & RC-3B PY3.  ;

I Proiected 30-Month Drift Value Transmitter & Buffer /Amo  !

dp + 0.55%, + 13.7 psig

- 0.62%, - 15.4 psig .




4. "Confinn that a comparison of the pmjected instrument dnft errors has been made with j the values of dnp used in the setpoint analysis. If this results in revised setpoints to l accommodate larger drift ermrs, pmvide pmposed Technical Specsfication changes to l update trip setpoints. If the drift ermrs result in a revised safety analysis to support existing setpoints, pmvide a summary of the updated analysis conclusions to confinn that the sqfety limits and sqfety analysis assumptions are not exceeded. "

i The projected 30-month drift terms for the l'ow RCS pressure bistables will not be i considered, since the Bistable will be checked and adjusted per the Channel Functional Test at quarterly intervals.

The instrument accuracy calculation for this surveillance requirement includes vendor stated 30-month drift terms in the development of setpoints. This method is endorsed by ISA-S67.04 part II, which is FPC's methodology for the development of safety system setpoints.

Due to this, the results of this drift study will not be utilized to provide drift values for the determination of setpoints and therefore no changes to the Technical Specifications or safety analysis will be required.

O  !

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om Noven6er 3.1995 Page 7 of 9 nam isowns.svu  !


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" Horida l*:wer Cerporation - Crystal her klear the - Imtruuent Drih Study SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (1) '



5. " Con) inn that the pmjected instrument erwrs caused by dMt are acceptablefor control ofplantpammeters to effect a safe shutdown. Licensees must confhm that the instrument erwis caused by d4t will not qffect the capability to achieve safe shutdown."

The instrument accuracy calculation for this surveillance requirement includes vendor stated 30-month drift terms in the development of string accuracies. Based on this, the results of this drift study were not used in the calculation.

Per the instrument error calculation,189-0014, Rev. 4, the ESAS RC Pressure transmitters  !

are utilized for inputs to: )

l A. ESAS LOW PRESSURE, (1540 psig), HPI Actuation l B. ESAS LOW-LOW PRESSURE, (540 psig) LPI Actuation j C. ESAS HPI BYPASS PERMIT, (1700 psig).


E. ESAS LPI BYPASS PERMIT, (900 psig). j F. . ESAS LPI BYPASS REMOVAL, (925 psig). j G. HPI NOT RESET - NOT BYPASSED Alarm, (1640 psig), i H- LPI NOT RESET - NOT BYPASSED Alarm, (710 psig).


( J. LOW RCS PRESSURE Alarm, (1550 psig). 1 K. CFT ISO VLV NOT CLOSED Alarm,-(715 psig).

L. CFT ISO VLV NOT CLOSED Alarm, (700 psig). l M. LTOP EVENT IN PROGRESS Alarm, (500 psig). I N. DHR ACI VLV POSITION Alarm, (200 psig)- j O. Pressure recorders & indicators. j P. Reactor Vessel Level, (RCITS).

Q. T-SAT monitors.

R. RCS PRESSURE Outputs to RECALL, Plant Computer, etc.  !

6. "Conynn that all conditions and assumptions of the setpoint and safety analysis have j been checked and are appmpnately repected in the acceptance entena of plant l surveillance pmceduresfor CHANNEL CHECKS, CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TESTS j and CHANNEL CALIBRATIONS."

The setpoint analysis includes vendor stated 30 month drift. This drift study will not affect ,

the conditions and assumptions of setpoint safety analysis. The calculation for these RCS

- Pressure loop devices provide the required surveillance procedure setpoint, " As-Left" and "As-Found" procedure tolerances. The revised "As-Left" and "As-Found" surveillance procedure tolerances, will be incorporated into the appropriate CHANNEL CHECKS, CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST or CHANNEL CALIBRATION surveillance procedures, as required.

O DATE: November 3,1995 Page 8 of 9 m.E: 150WBS.StlM j

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, Hodda l'ower Corporation - Crystal hr Nuclear I'laut - Instrument Drin Study SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENT - (1)



7. "Pruide a summary desenption of the pmgmin for monitonng and assessing the effects l ofincreased calibmtion surveillance intervals on instrument drift and its effect on safety.

The instrument " DRIFT PROGRAM" is an ongoing program which will monitor future surveillance procedure " As-Found" and " As-Left" data, and will incorporate new data into the Drift Study spread sheets with the existing drift data. The revised drift data MEAN, STANDARD DEVIATION, 95 %/95% . TOLERANCE INTERVALS, etc., will be compared with the existing drift data, to ensure the conclusions reached in this report i remain valid.

I l


1 l

l I

O l l

i ourE: Nmmber 3.1995 Page 9 of 9 ni.r. isowns.suu  !


.g ,

D d- .

SP-132 S.R., (1)

RC-3A-PT3/RC-3A-PY3, RC-3B-PT3/RC-3B-PY3 & RC-3A-PT4/RC-3A-PY4-1 1500 psig RC Perssille LOW -

Surseessace Procedure: SP-132 CmBbratism laterval Five Point Data Drift Data & Outlier Evaluathem.

TAG NUMBER Date (Menths) 8% 25 % 50 % 75*4 100 % 0% 25 % 50 % 75*4 180 %

RC-3A-FT3/RC-3A.PY3 As left 10/6/87 0.0111 2.5172 5.0242 7 5114 10.0054 RC-1 TEST CAB.1 As Found 10/14/88 12.3 -00047 2.4573 4.9077 i 7.3553 l 9.9951 -0.16% 0.60 % -I .17% -I.56% -2.08%

1500 PSIC BISTABLE LOOP As left 10/15/88 0.0101 2.5114 5.0149 7.5044 10.0153 DATAIS OK DATAIS OK OUTilER OUTLIER OllTLIER As Found 3/20/90 17.1 0.0200 2.5100 5 0200 7.5100 10.0100 0.10*4 -0.01% 0 05 % 0.06 % -0.05%

As left 6/1/90 0.0160 2.5090 5.0070 7.5020 10.0070 DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATAIS OK As Found 10/22SI 16.7 0.0060 2.4830 4.9900 7.4990 9.9990 -0.10% -0.26% -0.17% -0.03% -0.08%

X neoved -1%ed MAR As left 6/2962 -0.0062 2.5053 5.0003 7.4951 10.0004 DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK me "As Feemnds" taken- As Found 3/1663 8.5 -0.0180 2.4850 4.9930 7.5030 9.9820 -0.12% -0.20% -0.07% 0.08% -0.18%

As left 3/l8/93 0.0180 2.4850 4.9930 7.5030 9.9820 DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK As Found 9/I3/94 17.9 0.0250 2.4780 4.9740 7.4740 9.9820 0.43 % -0.07*4 -0.19% -0.29% 0.00 %

As left 9/13/94 0.0250 2.4780 4.9740 7.4740 9.9820 DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK RC-3A-FT4/RC-3A-PY41 As left 10/1/87 0.02I2 2.5147 4.9990 7.4308 9.9816 RC-2, TEST CAB. 2 As Found 10'15/88 12.5 0.0069 2.4990 4.9864 7.4532 l 9.8230 l -0.14% -0.16*4 -0.13% -0.28% -1.54%

1598 PSIG BISTABLE LOOP As left 10/15/88 0.0141 2.5135 5.0155 7.4987 9.9930 DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK 01Trl.IER As Found 3/2490 17.1 0.0050 2.4980 4.9850 7.4830 9.9972 -0 09 % -0.15% -0.31% -0. I 6% 0.04 %

As left 6/ ISO 0.0150 2.5080 5.0050 7.5020 9.9900 DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK As Found 10/23SI 16.7 0.0500 2.5490 5.0550 7.5550 10.0440 0.35 % 0.41 % 0.50 % 0.53 % 0.54 %

X smoved - Flood MAR As left 6/29 S 2 0.0050 2.5090 5.0040 7.4970 9.9950 DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK ses "As Foumes" tahem- As Found 3/18/93 8.6 -0.0160 2.4890 4.9920 7.4920 9.9840 -0.21% -0.20% -0.12% -0.05% -0.1t**

As left 3/19/93 -0.0160 2.4890 4.9920 7.4920 9.9840 DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK As Found 4'2394 13.2 0.0020 2.4900 4.9890 7.4780 9.9740 0.18% 0.01% -0.03% 0.14% -0.10%

As left 4/2364 0.0010 2.5060 5.0000 7.4950 9.9910 DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK RC-3B-PT3/RC-38-PY3 As left 10/4/87 0.0011 2.5000 5.0055 7.4917 9.9803 RC-3, TEST CAB 3 As Found 10/17/88 12.5 0.0060 2.4975 4.9964 7.4913 9.9936 -0.07% -0.02*6 -0.09% 0.00 % 0.13%

1500 PSIG BISTABLE 120P As left 10/17/88 0.0051 2.5036 5.0042 7.5024 10.0051 DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK As Found 3/20/90 17.1 -0.0080 2.5020 5.0090 7.5040 10.0020 -0.03% -0.02% 0.05 % 0 02 % -0.03%

As last 6/I/90 0.0060 2.5090 5.0240 7.5210 10.0240 DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK As Found 10/2491 16.8 0.0060 2.5190 5.0380 7.5380 10 0310 0.00 % 0.10% 0.14% 0.17% 0 07 %

As left 10/2491 -0.0010 2.4980 5.0070 7.5130 10.0020 DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK As Found 3/19/93 16.8 -0.0040 2.5250 5.0360 7.5380 9.9300 -0.03% 0.27 % 0.29 % 0.25 % 0.72 %

As left 4/1/93 0.0170 2.5320 5.0320 7.5270 to 0150 DATAIS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATAIS OK DATAIS OK As Found 9/14/94 17.5 0.0140 2.5340 5.0300 7.5240 10.0120 -0 03 % 0.02 % -0.02% -0.03% -0.03%

As left 9/14.94 0.0080 2.5110 50080 7.5030 9.9910 DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK DATA IS OK Pressure Range: 0 to 2500 yeig SP-132 Veits DC Percent ymig Mena: -0.03% Percent Veits DC past Pressure Symm: 2500 psig /- As Found Tel: 0.13 1.30 % 32.5 u-a--d Deventium. 0.25 % +95%/95%: 0.55 % 0 055 13.7 Output Range: 0 to 10 volts DC +/- As leR Tel: 0.04 0.40*4 10.0 Namsher of Palmis: 75 -95%/95%: -0.62% -0062 -15 4 Output Symm: 10 seats DC Outhern Exetuded: 3 l Percense pair Setyeint Calculation: 139-8014, Rev. 4 Outher Criteria 3.107 rr.g.,e.d se nee. p,wt v.a 0.55 % 13.7 i l 95%/95% k: 2.299 l -0 62 % -15.4 is.n,- m3m Page 1 of 7 nt.: ins asisnis ePsictooramwrom


0  %) .

SP-132 S.R., (1)

RC-3A-PT3/RC-3A-PY3, RC-38-PT3/RC-3B-PY3 & RC-3A-PT4/RC-3A-PY4-1 1500 psig RC Pressure LOW F-TEST DATA I T termes i Ttenus # et Pts- Duen Sorted # of res. Does Sorted m - Nummber ef reemes: 72 1 4.14E-01 37 -1.50E-04 1 -0.16% -l .17% 37 -031% -0.03%

(n +1)/ 2: 36.5 2 2.48E-01 38 -4.50E-04 2 0.10% -0.72% 38 0.50% -0.03%

Vasimace (s*2): 6.42E-06 3 2.01E 01 39 -7.50E-04 3 -0.10*4 -0.60% . 39 -0.12% -0.03%

S*2: 4 56E-04 4 9.9 t E42 40 -1.05E-03 4 -0.12% 431% 40 -0.03% -0.03%

S: 2.13E-02 5 9.13E42 41 -131 E-03 3 0.43 % -0.29% 41 -0 09 % -0.03%

T: 3.25 6 8.42E-02 42 -137E-03 6 -0.14% -0.28% 42 0.05 % -0.02%

F = T / S: 152.22 7 7.67E 02 43 -130E-03 7 -0.09% 0.26 % 43 0.14% -0 02*6 Ft: 166.60 8 5.99E-02 44 -1.20E-03 8 035% -0.21% 44 0.29 % -0.02%

W2: 174.90 9 5.58E-02 45 -1 19E-03 9 -0.21% -0.20% 45 -002% -0.0196 D* Test: FAIL 10 5 30E42 46 -3.80E-04 10 0.18% -0.20% 46 0 06 % 0 00 %

  • 11 4.85E-02 47 0.00E+00 11 -0.07% -0.19% 47 -0.03% 0.00 %

12 4.5 t E-02 48 0.00E+00 12 -0.03% 4 18% 48 0.08 % 0.00 %

13 3.99E-02 49 1.25E-03 13 0.00 % 0.17% 49 -0.29% 00l*6 14 3.56E-02 50 2.16E-03 14 -0.03% 0 16 % 50 -0.28% 0.02%

15 338E-02 51 2.90E-03 15 -0.03% 0.I6% SI -0.16% 0.02%

16 3.22E-02 52 6.51E43 16 -0.60% -0 16 % 52 0.53% 0.04 %

17 3.02E-02 53 7.92E-03 17 -0 01% -0.15% 53 -0.05% 0.05%

18 2.65E-02 $4 8.92E-03 18 -0.26% 4 14 % $4 -0.14*6 0.05*6 19 2.45E-02 55 1.04E-02 19 -0.20*6 -0.14% 55 0.00 % 0 06 %

20 2.08E-02 56 137E-02 20 0.07 % -0.13% 56 0 02% 0.07%

21 1.86E-02 57 1.62E-02 21 -0.16% -0.12% 57 0.17*6 0.08 %

22 1.71E-02 58 2.13 E-02 22 -0. I 5% 412% 58 0.25 % 0.10 %

23 1.48E-02 59 2.25E-02 23 0.41 % 4 11 % 59 -0 03 % 0.10*6 ~

24 1.25 E-02 60 3.13E-02 24 -0.20% -0.10% 60 -005% 0.13%

25 1.15 E-02 61 3.43E-02 25 0 01 % 410% 61 -0 08% 0.14%

26 9.56E-03 62 434E-02 26 4 02 % 4 09 % 62 -0.18% 0.17%

27 8 64E-03 63 4.77E-02 27 4 02% 0 09 % 63 0.00 % 0.18 %

28 6.SOE-03 64 6.85E42 28 0.10% -0.08% 64 0.04 % 0.25 %

29 5 47E-03 65 7.69E-02 29 0.27*6 -0 07 % 65 0.54 % 0.27 %

30 4.62E-03 66 8.55E 02 30 0.02% 4 07 % 66 411% 0.29 %

31 3 85E-03 67 1.07E-01 31 -1.17% -0 07 % 67 410% 0.35 %

32 239E-03 68 1.29E-01 32 0 05 % 4 05 % 68 0.13% 0.41 %

33 1.75 E-03 69 I.40E-01 33 -0.17% 4 05 % 69 0 03% 0.43's 34 7.75E-04 70 1.67E-Oi 34 -0 07 % -0 03 % 70 0.07*. 0.50 %

35 4 50E-04 71 1.83E-01 35 4 19 % 0 03 % 71 4 72 % 0.53 %

36 1.50E-04 72 192 E-01 36 -0 13 % -0 03*6 72 -0 03 % 0 54 % .

i Dese: IISMs Page 2 of 7 Fue: psowns.EsFpsee PSIC wor DIUFT DATA

n () f%. =, t

,Y Y SP-132 S.R., (1)

RC-3A-PT3/RC-3A-PY3, RC-3B-PT3/RC-3B-PY3 & RC-3A-PT4/RC-3A-PY4-1 1500 psig RC Pressure LOW CHART DATA l l l l Cambraelen Five Palet DHet Data laterval 9% 25 % $9% 75 % 100 % 95%/95% Vahme Zere 8 0.55 % 0.62 % 0.00 %

12 -0.16% -0.60% -l .17% 0.55 % -0.62*6 0.00 %

17 -

0.10 % -0.0l% 0.05 % 0.06 % 0.05 % 0.55 % -0.62% 0.00 %

17 -0.10% -0.26% -0.17% -0.03% -0.08% 0.55 % -0.62% 0.00 %


9 -0.12% ' -0.20% -0.07% 0.08 % -0.18% 0.55 % -0.62% 0.00 % '

18 0.43 % -0.07% -0.19% -0.29*6 0.00*6 0.55 % -0 62 % 0.00 %

12 -0 14 % -0.16% 4.13% -0.28% 0.55 % -0.62% 0.00 %

17 -0.09*6 -0.15% -0.31% 0.16% 0.04 % 0.55 % -0.62% 0.00 %

17 0.35% 0.41 % 0.50% 0.53 % 0.54% 0.55 % -0.62% 0 00 %

9 -0.21 % 0.20 % -0.12% 4 05% -0.11% 0.55 % -0.62% 0.00 %

13 0.I8% 0.01 % -0.03% 0.14 % 0.10 % 0.55 % -0.62% 0.00 %

12 0.07 % -0.02% -0.09% 0.00 % 0.13% 0.55 % -0 62 % 0.00 %

17 -0.03% 0.02 % 0.05 % 0.02 % -0.03% 0.55 % 0.62% 0.00 %

17 0.00 % 0.10% 0.14% 0.17 % 0.07 % 0.55 % -0.62% 0 00 %

17 -0.03% 0.27 % 0.29 % 0.25 % -0.72% 0.55% -0 62 % 0.00 %

17 4 03 % 0.02 % -0.02% -0.03% -0.03% 0.55% -0.62% 0.00 %

19 0.55 % -0.62% 0.00 %

e tw: a som Page 3 of 7 en. um es.rsrnmrsmisorpairrom

_ - - _ _ _ _ _ - - . _ - _ - - . . _ -- -._ =


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i (J SP-132 S.R., (1)

RC-3A-PT3/RC-3A-PY3, RC-3B-PT3/RC-38-PY3 & RC-3A-PT4/RC-3A-PY4-1 1500 psig RC Pressure LOW B1m Fregerary 7."---, ( M eerve4 HISTOGRAM DATA

-4.000 -l.05?6 0% 0.053 0*6 -1.05% 0 t for th 7 _. A

-3.750 0.98 % 0% 0.139 0% -0.98% 0 0.000 0% 25.35 %

-3.500 -0.92% 0*6 0.345 0% -0.92% 0 0.250 19.74 % 45.07 %

-3.250 -0.86% 0% 0.808 0% -0.86% 0 0.500 38.29*6 67.61 %

-3.000 -0.79% 0% 1.750 0*6 -0.79% 0 0.750 54 67 % 78.87 %

-2.750 -0.73% l% 3.590 0% -0.73% 1 1.000 68.27 % 84.51 %

-2.500 0.67 % 0% 6.920 0% -0.67% 0 1.500 86.64 % 90.14 %

-2.250 -0.60% 1% 12.531 1% 0.60*6 1 2.889 95.45 % 95.77 %

-2.000 -0.54% 0% 21.316 1% -0.54% 0 2.500 98.76 % 98.59 %

-l.750 -0.48% 0*6 34 063 2% -0.48% 0 3.000 99.73 % 100.00 %

-1.500 -0.41% 0% 51.134 3% -0.41% 0 3.500 99.95 % 100.00*4

-l.250 -0.3 5% 3% 72.111 5% -0.35% 2 4.000 99.9994 % 100.00 %

.l.000 -0.29% 3% 95.531 6% -0.29% 2 Expected Value Actual

-0.750 0.22 % 8*6 I ts.890 8% -0.22% 6

-0.500 -0.16*6 17*6 138.997 9% -0. I 6% i2

-0.250 -0.10% 11 % 152.658 10 % -0.10*4 8 0.000 -0.03*6 25 % 157.504 10*4 4 03*4 IS a.250 0.03 % 8% 152.658 10*6 0.03 % 6 0.500 0.09 % 6% 138.997 9*6 0.09*6 4 0.750 0.16*6 3% 118.890 8% 0.16% 2 1.0% 0.22 % 3% 95.531 6% 0.22 % 2 1.250 0.28% I ?'. 72.111 5% 0.28% I 1.500 0.35 % l*6 51.134 3% 0.35 % i 1.750 0.41 % 3% 34.063 2% 0.41 % 2 2.000 0.47% 3% 21.316 l% 0.47 % 2 2.250 0.54% 1% 12.531 1% 0.54 % 1 2.500 0 60 % 0*6 6.920 0% 0.60 % 0 2.750 0.66 % 0% 3.590 0% 0.66 % 0 3.000 0.73 % 0% 1.750 0% 0.73 % 0 3.250 0.79 % 0% 0.801 0% 0.79 % 0 3.500 085% 0% 0.345 0% 0.85 % 0 3.750 0.92 % 0% 0.139 0*6 0.92 % 0 4.000 0.98*6 0*6 0.053 0*4 0.98% 0 100*6 1579 100 % 78 the: sim,s Page 4 of 7  % nmensmi ,smoo,am ,

. . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ~ . _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . . _

m n m. . 1 SP-132 S.R., (1) ~

RC-3A-PT3/RC-3A-PY3, RC-3B-PT3/RC-3B-PY3 & RC-3A-PT4/RC-3A-PY4-1 1500 psig RC Parssure LOW ReBressmn Staushes 8.5 '0.12%

- 0.12%

8.5 -0.20% 0.20 % Multiple R 0.02344 8.5 -0 07 % 0.07 % R Square 0.055 %

8.5 0.08* . 0.08*4 Adjusted R Square 0.0137 8.5 -0. I 8% 0,I8% Standard Error 0.001 %

86 -0.21% 0.21 % Observauens 72 86 -0.20% 0.20 % l 8.6 0.I2% 0.12% Analysis of Variance 8.6 -0.05% 0.05 % df urn of Square Mean Square F- Signifim F 86 -0.11% 0.11*6 Regression i 1.4793E47 I.47928E-07 0.03849716 0.8450167 123 0.16*4 0.16% Residual 70 0.00026898 3.84256E-06 12.3 0 60 % 0.60 % Total 71 0.00026913 123 -I .17% 1.17 %

123 0.07 % 0.07% Ceefficiet Standard Erro t Statutic P-value Iower 95% 1 W 95*6 12.5 -0.02% 0.02 %

12.5 -0.09*6 0.09 % Intercept 0.00189 0.00111875 1.686457719 0 09609739 -0.0003445 0.00411799 12.5 0.00*6 0.00*. x1 -0.00l*6 7.3712E-05 0 1 % 20694 0.84500871 -0.0001615 0.00013255 12.5 0.13% 0.13%

12.5 -0.14% 0.14%

12.5 -0.16% 0.16%

12.5 0.13 % 0.13%

12.5 -0.28% 0.28 %

13.2 0.18% 0.18%

13.2 0.01 % 0.01 %

13.2 -0.03% 0.03 %

13.2 414% 0.14%

13.2 -0.10% 0.10 %

16.7 -0.10% 0.10%

16.7 -0.26*v Ol6%

16.7 -0.17% 0.17%

16.7 -0 03 % 0.03 %

16.7 -0.08% 0.08%

16.7 035's 035%

16.7 0.41 % 0.41 %

16.7 0.50 % 0.50*6 16.7 0.53 % 0.53 %

16.7 0.54 % 0.54 % i 16 8 0.00's 0.00 %

16 8 0.10% 0. I 0*.

16.8 0.14% 0.14%

16.8 0.17*6 0.17*6 16.8 0.07% 0.07 %

16.8 -0 03*4 0.03 %

16 8 0.27*s 0.27's 16 8 0 29 % 0.29*4 16 8 0.25 % 0.25 %

16 8 -0.72*. 0 72*.

Iv i -n n i*. o n **.

..i. Page 5 of 7 re. psesses rsrpsee rsio loor part DATA

(3 O O

  • i

%) G V ,

SP-132 S.R., (1)

RC-3A-PT3/RC-3A-PY3, RC-3B-PT3/RC-3B-PY3 & RC-3A-PT4/RC-3A-PY4-1 1500 psig RC Pressu8e LOW 17.1 -0.02% 0.02%

17.1 0.05 % 0.05 % ,

17.1 0 02 % 0.02 %

17.1 4 03% 0.03 %

17.1 0.10 % 0.10*6 i 17.1 4 09 % 0.09 %

17.1 -0.01% 0.01%

17.1 -0.15% 0.15% '

17.1 0 05 % 0.05%

17.1 -0.31*6 0.31% i i

17.1 0.06's 0 06 %

17.1 -0.16% 0.16'4 17.1 -0.05% 0.05 %


17.1 0.04'4 0.04 % ,

17.5 -0.03% 0.03 %

17.5 0.02 % 0.02%

17.3 -0.02% 0.02%

17.5 -0.03% 0.03 %

17.5 -0.03*6 0.03 %

17.9 0.43 % 0.43 %

17.9 -0.07% 0.07 %

17.9 -0.19% 0.19's 17.9 -0.29% 0.29 %

17.9 0.00's 0.00*6 1 0.19%

2 0.19%

3 0.18's 4 0.18*4 5 0.I8*6 6 0.18%

7 0.I8% #

8 0.18*-6 ~

9 0.18% i i

10 0.17%

11 0.17's __

12 0.17*.

13 0.17*6 14 0.17%

IS 0.17 %

16 0.17%

17 0.16%

IB 0.16 %

19 0.16*.

20 0.16% 3 21 0.16*6 22 0.16's 23 0.16'6 24 0.15*.

25 0.15%

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m ,

t SP-132 S.R., (1)

RC-3A-PT3/RC-3A-PY3, RC-3B-PT3/RC-38-PY3 & RC-3A-PT4/RC-3A-PY4-1 1500 psig RC Perssure LOW 26 0.15%

27 0.15%

28 0.15% i 29 0.l5%  !

30 0.15%

I t

i i

i I

t I

t t

a r


% wws Page 7 of 7 ris.: tismiutmiisse esso toor ostirr DATA I

o o Surveillance Requirement,(1) o':

RC-3A-PT3/RC-3A-PY3, RC-3B-PT3/RC-3B-PY3 & RC-3A-PT4/RC-3A-PY4-1 1500 psig RC Pressure LOW Transmitter /BufferAmp Drift Data Absolute Value of Drift Data VS Inten al Showing Regression Forecast 1.20% - ,

1.00% -

0.80% - Regression Line m I i

0.60% - a '

I E '

0.40% -

n i 0.20% - E a

[Em i


1 1e8 eu 0.00 % . .

~! . - . . .

i 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 Interval (Months) l can stan Page1 enamoossomsenamssam Tx a sumn ame i


Surveillance Requirement, (1)

RC-3A-PT3/RC-3A-PY3, RC-3B-PT3/RC-3B-PY3 & RC-3A-PT4/RC-3A-PY4-1 1500 psig RC Pressure LOW .

Transnaitter/BufferAusp Drift Data 95%/95% Value Drift Data VS Interval T 0.60%  :

. 0.55 %

I 0.40% -, e a 0.20% - a 0.00% -: g g-0.00% g- - a


S 'g i a


-0.20% --  %


's a Y2

-0.40% -



-0.60% -: -0.62%

-0.80% -:

-1.00 % --


7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Calibration Interval (Months)


O O O' ,

l SurveiHance Requirement, (1)

RC-3A-PT3/RC-3A-PY3, RC-3B-PT3/RC-3B-PY3 & RC-3A-PT4/RC-3A-PY4-1 3

1500 psig RC Pressure LOW ,

Transmitter / Buffer Aimp Drift Data Drift Data VS "As-Found" Date -

0.60 % - -

l E '

0.40% - ,


0.20% -[ m

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0.00% -[ g l

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-0.60% - a b g

-0.80% -


-1.00% -

1/1/B8 12/31/88 12/31/89 12/31/90 1/1/92 12/31/92 12/31/93 1/1/95 Date of Calibration r.

tost 6 :I e ** Page1ofI FILE:l1500NRS.ESFl LOOP DRIFT DATA VS DATE .

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SurveiHance Requirement, (1)

RC-3A-PT3/RC-3A-PY3, RC-3B-PT3/RC-3B-PY3 & RC-3A-PT4/RC-3A-PY4-1 1500 psig RC Pressure LOW ,

Transmitter /Beffer Amp Drift Data Absolute Value of Drift Data VS "As-Found" Date 1.20% --

- m 1.00% - ;

0.80% -  ;

m Y 0.60% -- a



0.40% - '


. , i 0.20% - ; , l m E E a a l ' =

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SP-132 S.R., (1)

RC-3-BT1, RC-3-BT2 RC-3-BT3 1500 psig RC Pressure LOW -

7 SP-132 Calibration Interval Trip l Drift Data TAG NUMBER Date (Months) Data Outlier Evaluation RC-3-BTI As Left 10/6/87 6.1594 RC-3A-PT3 As Found 10/15/88 12.3 6.1602 0.01 %

RC-1. TEST CAB.1 As Left 10/15/88 6.1602 DATA IS OK As Found 3/20/90 17.1 6.2529 0.92 %

As Left 6/1/90 6.1570 OUTLER As Foun3 10/22/91 16.7 6.1560 0.01%

X moved - Flood MAR - As Lett 6/29/92 6.1610 DATA IS OK no "As Founds" taken. As Found 3/16/93 8.5 6.1600 0.01 %

As Left 3/18/93 6.1600 DATA IS OK As Found 9/13/94 17.9 6.1560 -0.04%

As left 9/13/94 6.1600 DATA IS OK RC-3-BT2 As Left 10/1/87 6.1613 RC-3A-PT4 As Found 10/15/88 12.5 6.1359 -0.25%

LTC-2, TEST CAB.2 As Left 10/15/88 6 1633 DATA IS OK As Found 3/20/90 17.1 6.2589 9.95 %

As Left 6/1/90 6.1610 OUTLIER As Found 10/23/91 16.7 6.1590 -0.02%

X moved - Flood MAR- As left 6/29/92 6.1660 DATA IS OK no "As Founds" taken. As Found 3/18/93 8.6 6.1670 0.01% ,

As lxil 3/19/93 6.1670 DATAIS OK As Found 4/23/94 13.2 6.1850 0.18 %

As Left 4/23/94 6.1680 DATA IS OK RC-3-BT3 As Left 10/4/87 6.1518 RC-38-PT3 As Found 10/17/88 12.5 6.1438 -0.08%

C C-3, TEST CAR. 3 As left 10/17/88 6.1603 DATA IS OK As Found 3/20/90 17.1 6.1880 0.28%

As Left 6/1/90 6.1560 DATA IS OK As Found 10/24/91 16.8 6.1510 -0.05%

As Left 10/24/91 6.1590 DATA IS OK As Found 3/19/93 16.8 6.1610 0.02 %

As Left 4/1/93 6.1580 DATA IS OK As Found 9/14/94 17.5 6.1600 0.02 %

As Left 9/14/94 6.1600 DATA IS OK DATetis,s Page 1 of 5 rite itsoosas.Esrlisee PSIG BISTABLE DRIFT DATA

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SP-132 S.R., (1) f l RC-3-BT1, RC-3-BT2 RC-3-BT3 1500 psig RC Pressure LOW psig Mean: 0.069 % Percent Volts DC psig Pressure Range: 0 to 2500 psig Standard Deviation: 0.262 % +95%/95%: 0.86 % 0.086 21.5 Pressure Span: 2500 Volts DC Nussber of Points: 15 -95%/95%: -0.72% -0 072 -l80' Output Range: 0 to 10 Volts DC Outliers Excluded: Projected 30 Month Drift Value: 1.2% 0.123 30.87 Output Span: 10 1 psig Outlier Criteria: 2.409 -1.0% -0.104 -25.89 SP-132 Setpoint: 1540 '

SP-132 Setpoint: 6.160 Volts DC 95%/95% k- 3.012 TS lisaiting value: >=1500 psig Percent psig SP-132 As Found Tel: 0.06 Volts DC 0.60 % 15 Average laterval: 14.75 SP-132 As Isft Tel: 0.01 Volts DC 0.10 % 2.5 Scepokie Cuculatten: 189-0014. Rev. 4 W-TEST DATA Coefficients. Sorted Test Data B ternas # of Pts- Data Sorted 0.5251 -0.25% 0.92 % 0.62 % 1 0.01% -0.25%

Neinber of Points: 14 6.87E-06 0.3318 -0.08% 0.28% 0.12 % 2 0.92 % -0.08%

Variance (s^2):

S^2: 8.93E-05 0.246 -0.05% 0.18 % 0 06 % 3 -0.01% -0.05%

B: 0.81 % 0.1802 -0.04% 0.02 % 0.01% 4 -0.01% -0D4%

B^2: 6.53E-05 0.124 -0.02% 0.02 % 0.00 % 5 -0.04% -0.02%

0.732 0.0727 -0.01% 0.01% 0.00 % 6 -0.25% -0.01%

W = (B^2 / S^2):

0.874 0.024 -0.01% 0.01% 0.00 % 7 -0.02% -0.01%

CriticalW @ 95%:

W Test: FAIL 8 0.01% 0.92 %

9 0.18 % 0.28 %

CHART DATA Calibration Drift '.0 -0.08% 0.18 %

Interval Data 95%/95% Value Zero % 11 0.28% 0.02 %

8 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 % 12 _ -0.05% 0.02 %

12 0.01% 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 % 13 0.02 % 0.01 %

17 0.92 % 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 % 14 0 02 % 0.01%

17 -0.01% 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 % 15 9 -0.01% 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 %

18 -0.04% 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 %

12 -0.25% 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 %

17 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 %

17 -0.02% 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 %

9 0.01% 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 %

13 0.18 % 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 %

12 -0.08% 0.86*4 -0.72% 0.00 %

17 0.28 % 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 %

17 -0.05% 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 %

17 0.02 % 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 %

17 0.02 % 0.86 % -0.72% 0.00 %

19 0.86 % -0.72% 0 00 %

enae e a e ,* Page 2 of 5 FILE:Il5ee#BSESFil500 PSIG BISTABLE DRIFT DATA

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SP-132 S.R. 3 3.5 3,(1)

RC-3-BTI, RC-3-BT2 RC-3-BT3 1500 psig RC Pressure LOW Histogram Data Probability Observed Bin Frequency t for t-sigma Proportion 4.00 -0.98% 0.0% 0.05 0.0% -0.98 % 0 0.000 0*4 0.00 %

-3.75 -0.91% 0.0% 0.13 0.0% -0.91% 0 0.250 19.74 % 35.71 %

-3.50 -0.85% 0.0% 0.33 0.0% -0.85% 0 0.500 38.29 % 71.43 %

-3.25 -0.78% 0.0% 0.77 0.1% -0.78% 0 0.750 54.67 % 85.71 % *

-3.00 -0.72% 0.0% 1.69 0.1% -0.72% 0 1.000 68.27 % 85.71 % Additional Pt

-2.75 -0.65% 0.0% 3.47 0.2% -0.65% 0 1.500 86.64 % 92.86 % 1

-2.50 -0.59% 0.0% 6.69 0.4% 4).59% 0 2.000 95.45 % 92.86 % 100.00 %

-2.25 -0.52% 0.0% 12.11 0.8% -0.52% 0 2.500 98.76 % 92.86 %

-2.00 -0.45% 0.0% 20.60 1.3% -0.45% 0 3.000 99.73 % 100.00 %

-1.75 -0.39% 0.0% 32.92 2.2% -0.39% 0 3.500 99.95 % 100.00 %

-1.50 -0.32% 0.0% 49.43 3.2% -0.32% 0 4.000 99.9994 % 100.00 %

-1.25 -0.26% 7.1% 69.70 4.6% -0.26% 1 Expected Value Actual

-1.00 -0.19% 0.0% 92.34 6.0% -0.19*4 0

-0.75 0.13% 7.1% 114.92 7.5% -0.13% I

-0.50 -0.06% 35.7 % 134.35 8.8% -0.06% 5

-0.25 0.00 % 28.6 % 147.56 9.7% 0.00 % 4 0.00 0.07 % 0.0% 152.24 10.0 % 0.07 % 0 0.25 0.13% 7.1% 147.56 9.7% 0.13% 1 0.50 0.20 % 0.0% 134.35 8.8% 0.20 % 0 0.75 0.27% 7.1% 114.92 7.5% 0.27 % 1 1.00 0.33 % 0.0% 92.34 6.0% 0.33 % 0 1.25 0.40% 0.0% 69.70 4.6% 0.40 % 0 l.50 0 46 % 0.0% 49.43 3.2% 0.46 % 0 l.75 0.53 % 0.0% 32.92 2.2% 0.53 % 0 2.00 0.59 % 0.0% 20.60 1.3% 0.59 % 0 2.25 0.66 % 0.0% 12.11 0.8% 0.66 % 0 2.50 0.72 % 0.0% 6.69 0.4% 0.72 % 0 2.75 0.79 % 0.0% 3.47 0.2% 0.79 % 0 3.00 0.86 % 7.1% 1.69 0.1% 0.86 % 1 3.25 0.92 % 0.0% 0.77 0.1% 0.92 % 0 3.50 0.99 % 0.0% 0.33 0.0% 0.99 % 0 3.75 1.05 % 0.0% 0.13 0.0% l.05 % 0 4.00 1.12 % 0.0*4 0.05 0.0% l.12 % 0 1.00 1526.39 1.00 14.00 DM E: Iwm Page 3 of 5 FILE: il500*BS.ESF11500 PSIG BISTABLE DRIIT DATA

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SP-132 S.R., (1)

RC-3-BT1, RC-3-BT2 RC-3-BT3 1500 psig RC Pressure LOW 9 -0.01% 0.01% Regression Statistics 9 0.01% 0.01%

12 0.01% 0.01% Multiple R 0.249 12 -0.08% 0.08 % R Square 0.062 12 -0.25% 0.25 % Adjusted R Square (0.016) 13 0.18% 0.18% Standard Error 0.002 .

17 -0.01% 0.01% Observations 14.000 17 -0.02% 0.02 %

17 -0.05% 0.05 % Analysis of Vanance 17 0.02 % 0.02 % df Stun of Squares Mean Square F Significance F 17 0.28 % 0.28 % Regression 1 4.811 IE-06 4.811 I E-06 0.79 0.39 17 0.02 % 0.02 % Residual 12 7.26412E-05 6.05343E-06 17 0.92 % 0.92 % Total 13 7.74523E-05

  • I8 -0.04% 0.04 %

1 -0.12% Coeflicients Standard Error t Statistic P-value Imer 95% Upper 95%

2 0.10 %

3 0.08% Intercept -1.35E-03 3.10E-03 4.43 67.15 % -8.10E-03 5.41E-03 4 -0.06% x1 1.85E-M 2.08E-M 0.89 38.89 % -2.67E-04 6.37E-M S -0.M %

6 -0.02%

7 -0.01%

8 0.01%

9 0.03 %

10 0.05 %

11 0 07 %

12 0.09 %

13 0.11 %

14 0.12 %

15 0.14 %

16 0.16 %

17 0.18%

18 0.20 %

19 0.22 %

20 0.24 %

21 0.25 %

22 0.27 %

23 0.29*/.

24 0.31 %

25 0.33 %

26 0 35 % ,


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Surveillance Requirennent,(1)  ;

RC-3-BT1, RC-3-BT2 RC-3-BT3 i

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1500 psig RC Pressure LOW Bistable Drift Data i Absolute Vahme of Drift Data VS Interval Showing Regression Forecast 2.00% -

Regression Line m '

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- ir 5mm ,7 MS e e e s s a 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Interval (Months)


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Surveillance Requirement,(1)

RC-3-BTI, RC-3-BT2 RC-3-BT3 '

I .:

1500 psig RC Pressure LOW Bistable Drift Data Drift Data VS Interval - '

95%/95% Tolerance I.00% -- -e  !

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0.60% -[

0.40% -[


  • 9.20% -: a Y  : Y2 0.00% -[ # 0.00 %

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-0.40% -

-0.60% -[

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i l l l l l l l l  ; l 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Calibration Interval (Months)

P as s 3 3 t a s v5 Page1ofI FILE:l1509#B&E5F] BISTABLE DRIFT DATA VS LNTERVAL t


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s s sg - e Surveillance Require nent, (1) i RC-3-BTI, RC-3-BT2 RC-3-BT3 i

1500 psig RC Pressure LOW . i Bistable Drift Data Drift Data VS "As-Found" Date 1.00% --

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a 0.00% - 0.00 % E E a m ,

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SurveiMance Requirement, (1)  ;

RC-3-BT1, RC-3-BT2 RC-3-BT3 1500 psig RC Pressure LOW ,

Bistable Drift Data  :

Absolute Value of Drift Data VS "As-Found" Date 1.00% --

0.90% - -

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0.70% -[

0.60% -

. t Y 0.50% -- ,

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