MONTHYEAR05000443/LER-1999-002, :on 990921,determined That TS Actions Were Not Met.Caused by Personnel Error.Requirements of TS Were Subsequently Met by Completion of Test Required by TS October 1999
- on 990921,determined That TS Actions Were Not Met.Caused by Personnel Error.Requirements of TS Were Subsequently Met by Completion of Test Required by TS
ML20206E4761999-04-30030 April 1999 LER 99-S01-00:on 990408,contractor Employee Was Granted Temporary Unescorted Access to Seabrook Station Protected Area.Caused by Failure of Contractor Employee to Provide Accurate Info.Individual Access Revoked.With 05000443/LER-1998-014-01, :on 981222,on Automatic Reactor Trip Occurred While at 100 Percent Power.Caused by Auxiliary Switch Linkage Pin in Breaker 163,fell Out Preventing Linkage from Actuating Auxiliary Contact.Breaker 163 Switch Reinstalled1999-01-18018 January 1999
- on 981222,on Automatic Reactor Trip Occurred While at 100 Percent Power.Caused by Auxiliary Switch Linkage Pin in Breaker 163,fell Out Preventing Linkage from Actuating Auxiliary Contact.Breaker 163 Switch Reinstalled
ML20198P1831998-12-31031 December 1998 LER 98-S01-00:on 981214,incomplete pre-employment Screening Records Was Noted.Caused by Failure of Contractor Employee to Provide Accurate Info.Subject Contractor Employees Employment Was Terminated.With 05000443/LER-1998-012, :on 981120,unanticipated Isolation of FWIVs Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Separate Individual Was Assigned in CR to Perform Oversight Duties During Latest Plant Heatup & Power Ascension.With1998-12-21021 December 1998
- on 981120,unanticipated Isolation of FWIVs Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Separate Individual Was Assigned in CR to Perform Oversight Duties During Latest Plant Heatup & Power Ascension.With
05000443/LER-1998-011, :on 981120,inoperable Containment Penetration Overcurrent Protective Devices Were Noted.Caused by Inadequate Preparation & Review of Design Change.Class 1E Fuses Have Been Installed.With1998-12-21021 December 1998
- on 981120,inoperable Containment Penetration Overcurrent Protective Devices Were Noted.Caused by Inadequate Preparation & Review of Design Change.Class 1E Fuses Have Been Installed.With
05000443/LER-1998-010, :on 981113,plant Placed in Cold Shutdown Condition Due to Degraded Generator step-up Transformer Connection.Visual Insp of Damaged Transformer Connections Performed to Determine Cause of Event.With1998-12-14014 December 1998
- on 981113,plant Placed in Cold Shutdown Condition Due to Degraded Generator step-up Transformer Connection.Visual Insp of Damaged Transformer Connections Performed to Determine Cause of Event.With
05000443/LER-1998-009, :on 980915,noted Incomplete Digital Channel Operation Tests (Dcots) for CR & Containment on-line Purge (COP) Rms.Caused by Development of Incomplete Sps.Revised COP Dcot Sps to Check Isolation Relays.With1998-10-15015 October 1998
- on 980915,noted Incomplete Digital Channel Operation Tests (Dcots) for CR & Containment on-line Purge (COP) Rms.Caused by Development of Incomplete Sps.Revised COP Dcot Sps to Check Isolation Relays.With
05000443/LER-1998-007, :on 980619,inoperable PORV Channel Calibration Was Noted.Caused by Procedural Technical Inaccuracies.Porv Channel Calibration Surveillance Test Were Changed & Retested for Issues Identified on 9806191998-07-17017 July 1998
- on 980619,inoperable PORV Channel Calibration Was Noted.Caused by Procedural Technical Inaccuracies.Porv Channel Calibration Surveillance Test Were Changed & Retested for Issues Identified on 980619
05000443/LER-1998-006, :on 980611,plant Was Shutdown Due to Inoperability of Control Room Air Conditioning Subsystem. Caused by Inadequate Design of Subsystem.Assembled Task Force to Review History of Subsystem & Incorporated Mods1998-07-10010 July 1998
- on 980611,plant Was Shutdown Due to Inoperability of Control Room Air Conditioning Subsystem. Caused by Inadequate Design of Subsystem.Assembled Task Force to Review History of Subsystem & Incorporated Mods
05000443/LER-1998-005, :on 980501,inoperability of SG Steam Line Pressure Protection Channels Was Noted.Caused by Procedural Deficiencies.Revised Procedures to Ensure Correct & Consistent Interpretation of Record Traces1998-05-29029 May 1998
- on 980501,inoperability of SG Steam Line Pressure Protection Channels Was Noted.Caused by Procedural Deficiencies.Revised Procedures to Ensure Correct & Consistent Interpretation of Record Traces
05000443/LER-1998-003-01, :on 980217,class 1E 125 Vdc Battery Surveillance Testing Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Review of TS Requirements.Battery Performance Discharge Test Surveillance Procedure Will Be Revised1998-03-19019 March 1998
- on 980217,class 1E 125 Vdc Battery Surveillance Testing Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Review of TS Requirements.Battery Performance Discharge Test Surveillance Procedure Will Be Revised
05000443/LER-1998-002, :on 980103,potential Safety Injection Pump Runout Conditions,Occurred.Caused by Incorrect Test Equipment Assumptions.Safety Evaluation Performed to Support Revs to Surveillance Procedures1998-02-12012 February 1998
- on 980103,potential Safety Injection Pump Runout Conditions,Occurred.Caused by Incorrect Test Equipment Assumptions.Safety Evaluation Performed to Support Revs to Surveillance Procedures
05000443/LER-1997-018, :on 971216,CRACS Inoperability Was Noted.Caused by Liquid Refrigerant Carryover to Suction of Compressors. Event Evaluation Team Was Formed to Investigate Cracs Compressor Failures1998-01-15015 January 1998
- on 971216,CRACS Inoperability Was Noted.Caused by Liquid Refrigerant Carryover to Suction of Compressors. Event Evaluation Team Was Formed to Investigate Cracs Compressor Failures
05000443/LER-1997-017, :on 971118,inadequate Ssps Surveillance Testing Was Noted.Caused by Inadequacy of Internal Logic Test Scheme of Ssps as Supplied by Vendor.Ts 4.0.3 Was Entered & Revised Ssps Sps IX1680.921 & IX1680.9221997-12-18018 December 1997
- on 971118,inadequate Ssps Surveillance Testing Was Noted.Caused by Inadequacy of Internal Logic Test Scheme of Ssps as Supplied by Vendor.Ts 4.0.3 Was Entered & Revised Ssps Sps IX1680.921 & IX1680.922
05000443/LER-1997-014, :on 970923,non-conservative RHR Valve Low Pressure Open Permissive Bistable Setting Occurred.Caused by Acceptance of TS Surveillance Requirement for RHR Lpi.Tech Specs Will Be Revised1997-10-23023 October 1997
- on 970923,non-conservative RHR Valve Low Pressure Open Permissive Bistable Setting Occurred.Caused by Acceptance of TS Surveillance Requirement for RHR Lpi.Tech Specs Will Be Revised
05000443/LER-1997-013, :on 970728,turbine Gland Seal Condenser Exhaust Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitor Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Samplers Outlet Line Was Replaced W/Flexible Tubing1997-08-26026 August 1997
- on 970728,turbine Gland Seal Condenser Exhaust Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitor Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Samplers Outlet Line Was Replaced W/Flexible Tubing
05000443/LER-1996-009, :on 961212,surveillance PCCW Rate of Change Monitor Alarm Was Missed.Caused by Inadequate Review of Srs. Work Request Was Performed in Dec of 1996 That Verified Operability of PCCW Head Tank Rate of Monitor1997-08-0101 August 1997
- on 961212,surveillance PCCW Rate of Change Monitor Alarm Was Missed.Caused by Inadequate Review of Srs. Work Request Was Performed in Dec of 1996 That Verified Operability of PCCW Head Tank Rate of Monitor
05000443/LER-1996-008, :on 961212,potential Loss of Automatic Actuation of EFWS Discovered.Caused by Limiting Single Failure of B Train Ssps Was Not Considered in Design of Efws.Operability Determination Was Performed1997-07-18018 July 1997
- on 961212,potential Loss of Automatic Actuation of EFWS Discovered.Caused by Limiting Single Failure of B Train Ssps Was Not Considered in Design of Efws.Operability Determination Was Performed
05000443/LER-1996-004, :on 960627,EFWS Valve Closure Occurred.Caused by Insufficient 10CFR50.59 Refresher Training.Revised 10CFR50.59 Evaluation Procedure1997-07-16016 July 1997
- on 960627,EFWS Valve Closure Occurred.Caused by Insufficient 10CFR50.59 Refresher Training.Revised 10CFR50.59 Evaluation Procedure
05000443/LER-1997-012, :on 970613, C SG Was Inadvertently Drained from 38% Narrow Range Level to 13% Narrow Range Level.Caused by Inadequate Coordination of SG & FW Evolutions by CR staff.FW-V48 Was Closed & C Was Refilled1997-07-11011 July 1997
- on 970613, C SG Was Inadvertently Drained from 38% Narrow Range Level to 13% Narrow Range Level.Caused by Inadequate Coordination of SG & FW Evolutions by CR staff.FW-V48 Was Closed & C Was Refilled
05000443/LER-1997-011, :on 970611, a Train Containment Recirculation Sump Isolation Valve Encapsulation Tank Was Unable to Maintain Required Test Pressure.Caused by Design & Mfg Problems.Design Change Was Implemented1997-07-11011 July 1997
- on 970611, a Train Containment Recirculation Sump Isolation Valve Encapsulation Tank Was Unable to Maintain Required Test Pressure.Caused by Design & Mfg Problems.Design Change Was Implemented
05000443/LER-1997-010, :on 970605,containment Bldg Spray Penetration Check Valve Failed.Caused by Installation of Incorrect Disc Hanger in Noted Valves.Valve Discs CBS-V18 & CBS-V12 Have Been Modified1997-07-0303 July 1997
- on 970605,containment Bldg Spray Penetration Check Valve Failed.Caused by Installation of Incorrect Disc Hanger in Noted Valves.Valve Discs CBS-V18 & CBS-V12 Have Been Modified
05000443/LER-1997-009, :on 970531,identified Five Degraded Fuel Rods in Four Different Assemblies.Caused by Interaction Between Fuel Pellet & Cladding Which Caused Cladding Degradation. Replaced Four Degraded Fuel Assemblies1997-06-30030 June 1997
- on 970531,identified Five Degraded Fuel Rods in Four Different Assemblies.Caused by Interaction Between Fuel Pellet & Cladding Which Caused Cladding Degradation. Replaced Four Degraded Fuel Assemblies
05000443/LER-1997-008, :on 970510,automatic Reactor Trip & Feedwater Isolation Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Monitoring & Trending of Intermediate Range Channels.Improved Monitoring of IR Ni Channels1997-06-0909 June 1997
- on 970510,automatic Reactor Trip & Feedwater Isolation Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Monitoring & Trending of Intermediate Range Channels.Improved Monitoring of IR Ni Channels
05000443/LER-1997-007, :on 970425,discovered That Util Was Not in Compliance W/Requirements of App B to FOL for Seabrook. Caused by Lack of Commitment to Program Implementation. Established EP Program1997-05-27027 May 1997
- on 970425,discovered That Util Was Not in Compliance W/Requirements of App B to FOL for Seabrook. Caused by Lack of Commitment to Program Implementation. Established EP Program
05000443/LER-1997-005, :on 970314,misposition of Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors Was Discovered.Caused by Human & Misjudgement Errors.Design Change Was Implemented to Relocate MSLRMs Approx 24 Inches Upstream1997-05-27027 May 1997
- on 970314,misposition of Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors Was Discovered.Caused by Human & Misjudgement Errors.Design Change Was Implemented to Relocate MSLRMs Approx 24 Inches Upstream
05000443/LER-1997-006, :on 970407,determined That Potential Fuel Handling Accident in Containment Could Result in Radiological Consequences.Cause Due to non-conservative Assumptions.Evaluated CA Options1997-05-0707 May 1997
- on 970407,determined That Potential Fuel Handling Accident in Containment Could Result in Radiological Consequences.Cause Due to non-conservative Assumptions.Evaluated CA Options
05000443/LER-1996-007, :on 961206,EFS Flow Delivery Delays Were Noted. Caused Because Requirements of W Accident Analyses Were Not Met.Operability Determination Was Completed & Accident Analyses Were Revised1997-04-10010 April 1997
- on 961206,EFS Flow Delivery Delays Were Noted. Caused Because Requirements of W Accident Analyses Were Not Met.Operability Determination Was Completed & Accident Analyses Were Revised
ML20137A8401997-03-14014 March 1997 LER 97-S01-00:on 970212,off-going Duty Firefighter Identified Firefighters Shift Key Ring Missing.Cause of Lost Firefighter Shift Key Ring Unknown.Lock Changed 05000443/LER-1997-004, :on 970206,remote Shutdown Sys Circuits Were Not Tested Completely.Caused by Procedural Technical Inaccuracies Resulting in Required Testing Not Performed. Operability Determination Was Completed1997-03-0707 March 1997
- on 970206,remote Shutdown Sys Circuits Were Not Tested Completely.Caused by Procedural Technical Inaccuracies Resulting in Required Testing Not Performed. Operability Determination Was Completed
05000443/LER-1997-002, :on 970128,discovered Containment Penetration Piping Overpressure Potential.Caused by Inadequate Original Design.Opened Vent Valve in SI Test Line & Sf Drain Line1997-02-12012 February 1997
- on 970128,discovered Containment Penetration Piping Overpressure Potential.Caused by Inadequate Original Design.Opened Vent Valve in SI Test Line & Sf Drain Line
05000443/LER-1997-003, :on 970113,failed to Perform Surveillance Turbine Trip on Reactor Trip.Caused by Lack of Specific Testing Requirements.Verified Operability of Turbine Trip on P-4 Interlock Circuits During Plant Trip1997-02-12012 February 1997
- on 970113,failed to Perform Surveillance Turbine Trip on Reactor Trip.Caused by Lack of Specific Testing Requirements.Verified Operability of Turbine Trip on P-4 Interlock Circuits During Plant Trip
05000443/LER-1997-001, :on 970109,identified That Certain Obstructions to Flow of Flood Water Off Site May Produce Flood Levels Exceeding Elevations Specified in Fsar.Caused by Misapplication of Design Inputs1997-02-10010 February 1997
- on 970109,identified That Certain Obstructions to Flow of Flood Water Off Site May Produce Flood Levels Exceeding Elevations Specified in Fsar.Caused by Misapplication of Design Inputs
05000443/LER-1996-010, :on 961125,response Time Testing of Main Steam Isolation & Reactor Trip Circuits Occurred.Cause of Event Not Determined.Operability Determinations for Sgpnrh & Prhpfr Have Been Completed1997-02-0505 February 1997
- on 961125,response Time Testing of Main Steam Isolation & Reactor Trip Circuits Occurred.Cause of Event Not Determined.Operability Determinations for Sgpnrh & Prhpfr Have Been Completed
05000443/LER-1996-009, :on 961212,discovered Missed Sureveillance on Primary Component Cooling Water (PCCW) Rate of Change Monitor Alarm.Cause Undeterminate.Successfully Verified Alarm Function of PCCW Rate of Change Monitor1997-01-10010 January 1997
- on 961212,discovered Missed Sureveillance on Primary Component Cooling Water (PCCW) Rate of Change Monitor Alarm.Cause Undeterminate.Successfully Verified Alarm Function of PCCW Rate of Change Monitor
05000443/LER-1996-007-03, :on 961206,EFW Flow Delivery Delays Occurred. Caused by Error in UFSAR Chapter 15 Accident Analyses. Determination Will Be Completed After Fwlb Analyses Is Updated1997-01-0606 January 1997
- on 961206,EFW Flow Delivery Delays Occurred. Caused by Error in UFSAR Chapter 15 Accident Analyses. Determination Will Be Completed After Fwlb Analyses Is Updated
05000443/LER-1996-006, :on 960816,discovered Missed Surveillance Re Verification of Time Constant of Nis Rate Trip Circuit. Caused by Procedural Inadequacy.Revised Procedures for Performing Analog Channel Operability Test1996-09-16016 September 1996
- on 960816,discovered Missed Surveillance Re Verification of Time Constant of Nis Rate Trip Circuit. Caused by Procedural Inadequacy.Revised Procedures for Performing Analog Channel Operability Test
05000443/LER-1996-003, :on 960521,Emergency Feedwater Pump Mechanical Seal Failure Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Predictive Maintenance Techniques.Seal Replaced,Inspected & Adjusted1996-09-12012 September 1996
- on 960521,Emergency Feedwater Pump Mechanical Seal Failure Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Predictive Maintenance Techniques.Seal Replaced,Inspected & Adjusted
05000443/LER-1996-005, :on 960715,determined Surveillance Interval for SI-V53 Had Been Exceeded.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedure Revised to Require Independent Confirmation That Surveillance Frequency Has Been Changed1996-08-0808 August 1996
- on 960715,determined Surveillance Interval for SI-V53 Had Been Exceeded.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedure Revised to Require Independent Confirmation That Surveillance Frequency Has Been Changed
05000443/LER-1996-002, :on 960207,inadequate SG Wide Range Water Level Channel Calibrations Occurred.Caused by Lack of Design Engineering Involvement in Original Surveillance Procedure Development.Procedures Will Be Revised1996-03-0808 March 1996
- on 960207,inadequate SG Wide Range Water Level Channel Calibrations Occurred.Caused by Lack of Design Engineering Involvement in Original Surveillance Procedure Development.Procedures Will Be Revised
05000443/LER-1995-007, :on 951103,MSSV Setpoint Testing Failed.Reset Four MSSVs to Required Setpoint & Retested Satisfactorily at Plant1995-12-0303 December 1995
- on 951103,MSSV Setpoint Testing Failed.Reset Four MSSVs to Required Setpoint & Retested Satisfactorily at Plant
05000443/LER-1995-006, :on 951030,unit Operated Above Maximum Thermal Power Level.Caused by Inadequate Procedure That Did Not Ensure That re-normalization Was Considered After Transmitter Recalibration.Revised Procedures1995-11-29029 November 1995
- on 951030,unit Operated Above Maximum Thermal Power Level.Caused by Inadequate Procedure That Did Not Ensure That re-normalization Was Considered After Transmitter Recalibration.Revised Procedures
05000443/LER-1995-005, :on 950731,util Failed to Comply W/Action Requirements in TS 3.3.1.Caused by Inadequate Job Scoping of Ni Calibr Work Package.Ceased All TS Related Work Removed from Refueling Outage to non-outage Period1995-10-13013 October 1995
- on 950731,util Failed to Comply W/Action Requirements in TS 3.3.1.Caused by Inadequate Job Scoping of Ni Calibr Work Package.Ceased All TS Related Work Removed from Refueling Outage to non-outage Period
05000443/LER-1995-003, :on 950630,inadequate Area Temp Monitoring Surveillances Occurred.Cause Presently Under Investigation. Recalibration Performed & Alarm Setpoint Reset1995-07-31031 July 1995
- on 950630,inadequate Area Temp Monitoring Surveillances Occurred.Cause Presently Under Investigation. Recalibration Performed & Alarm Setpoint Reset
05000443/LER-1995-004, :on 950630 & 0701,non-compliance W/Tech Spec Surveillance Requirements for Inoperable Afd Monitor Alarm Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Afd Monitored & Logged on Hourly Basis1995-07-31031 July 1995
- on 950630 & 0701,non-compliance W/Tech Spec Surveillance Requirements for Inoperable Afd Monitor Alarm Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Afd Monitored & Logged on Hourly Basis
05000443/LER-1995-002, :on 950618,manual Reactor Trip Initiated After Power Lost to Both Turbine EHC Pumps.Caused by Inadequate Design for 13.8 Kv non-safety Related Transformer.Trip Critical Transformers Replaced1995-07-18018 July 1995
- on 950618,manual Reactor Trip Initiated After Power Lost to Both Turbine EHC Pumps.Caused by Inadequate Design for 13.8 Kv non-safety Related Transformer.Trip Critical Transformers Replaced
05000443/LER-1995-001, :on 950608,overtemperature Delta T & Overpower Delta T Channel Calibr Inadequate.Verified Proper Overlap & Performed Continuity Checks of Above Sections of Wiring1995-07-0707 July 1995
- on 950608,overtemperature Delta T & Overpower Delta T Channel Calibr Inadequate.Verified Proper Overlap & Performed Continuity Checks of Above Sections of Wiring
05000443/LER-1994-019, :on 940124,voluntary LER for Electrical Relay Failures Occurred.Caused by Damaged Roller Bearings on Relay Coil Assembly.Replaced All Installed GE Hea Relays W/Electroswitch LOR-11995-02-27027 February 1995
- on 940124,voluntary LER for Electrical Relay Failures Occurred.Caused by Damaged Roller Bearings on Relay Coil Assembly.Replaced All Installed GE Hea Relays W/Electroswitch LOR-1
05000443/LER-1994-010, :on 940603,identified Portions of RCP Turning Vane Cap Scew (Tvcs) & Two Tvcs Locking Cups in Rv.Original Equipment Design Did Not Adequately Consider Flow Induced Vibration of Locking Cup.Tvcss Replaced1995-01-16016 January 1995
- on 940603,identified Portions of RCP Turning Vane Cap Scew (Tvcs) & Two Tvcs Locking Cups in Rv.Original Equipment Design Did Not Adequately Consider Flow Induced Vibration of Locking Cup.Tvcss Replaced
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEAR05000443/LER-1999-002, :on 990921,determined That TS Actions Were Not Met.Caused by Personnel Error.Requirements of TS Were Subsequently Met by Completion of Test Required by TS October 1999
- on 990921,determined That TS Actions Were Not Met.Caused by Personnel Error.Requirements of TS Were Subsequently Met by Completion of Test Required by TS
ML20217C8491999-10-0505 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 64 to License NPF-86 ML20212L1231999-10-0101 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 63 to License NPF-86 ML20217H2841999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for Seabrook Station. with ML20212D0841999-09-17017 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 62 to License NPF-86 ML20212D1461999-09-17017 September 1999 SER Accepting Request to Use Proposed Alternative to Certain Weld Repair Requirements in ASME Boiling & Pressure Vessel Code ML20212B8671999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Seabrook Station. with ML20216F5141999-08-31031 August 1999 Rept on Status of Public Petitions Under 10CFR2.206 ML20210Q1731999-08-12012 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 61 to License NPF-86 ML20210Q7581999-08-11011 August 1999 SER Approving Proposed Merger of CES & Bec,Which Will Create New Parent Company of Canal ML20210R9781999-08-0606 August 1999 ISI Exam Rept of Seabrook Station, for RFO 6,period 3 ML20210J8681999-08-0303 August 1999 SER Approving License Transfer from Montaup Electric Co to Little Bay Power Corp & Approval of Conforming Amend for Seabrook Station Unit 1 ML20210R6001999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Seabrook Station, Unit 1.With ML20210H1151999-06-30030 June 1999 Naesc Semi-Annual Fitness-for-Duty Rept for 990101-0630 ML20209H1371999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for Seabrook Station, Unit 1.With ML20195G5391999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for Seabrook Station, Unit 1.With ML20195C0491999-05-25025 May 1999 Offshore Intake Seal Deterrent Barrier Design ML20206N1751999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Seabrook Station, Unit 1.With ML20206E4761999-04-30030 April 1999 LER 99-S01-00:on 990408,contractor Employee Was Granted Temporary Unescorted Access to Seabrook Station Protected Area.Caused by Failure of Contractor Employee to Provide Accurate Info.Individual Access Revoked.With ML20196L2081999-04-19019 April 1999 Rev 01-07-00 to RE-21, Cycle 7 Colr ML20205K5441999-03-31031 March 1999 Decommissioning Update ML20205L8141999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for Seabrook Station. with ML20205C1981999-03-24024 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Concluding That Proposed Relief Request IR-8,Rev 1,provides Acceptable Alternative to ASME Code Requirements.Recommends Authorization of Proposed Alternative Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) ML20204E3461999-03-12012 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 60 to License NPF-86 ML20207F4941999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for Seabrook Station. with ML20202C2851999-01-21021 January 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 59 to License NPF-86 05000443/LER-1998-014-01, :on 981222,on Automatic Reactor Trip Occurred While at 100 Percent Power.Caused by Auxiliary Switch Linkage Pin in Breaker 163,fell Out Preventing Linkage from Actuating Auxiliary Contact.Breaker 163 Switch Reinstalled1999-01-18018 January 1999
- on 981222,on Automatic Reactor Trip Occurred While at 100 Percent Power.Caused by Auxiliary Switch Linkage Pin in Breaker 163,fell Out Preventing Linkage from Actuating Auxiliary Contact.Breaker 163 Switch Reinstalled
ML20202E8241998-12-31031 December 1998 Naesc Semi-Annual Fitness-for-Duty Rept for 980701-981231 ML20198P1831998-12-31031 December 1998 LER 98-S01-00:on 981214,incomplete pre-employment Screening Records Was Noted.Caused by Failure of Contractor Employee to Provide Accurate Info.Subject Contractor Employees Employment Was Terminated.With ML20199E6731998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1998 for Seabrook Station, Unit 1.With 05000443/LER-1998-011, :on 981120,inoperable Containment Penetration Overcurrent Protective Devices Were Noted.Caused by Inadequate Preparation & Review of Design Change.Class 1E Fuses Have Been Installed.With1998-12-21021 December 1998
- on 981120,inoperable Containment Penetration Overcurrent Protective Devices Were Noted.Caused by Inadequate Preparation & Review of Design Change.Class 1E Fuses Have Been Installed.With
05000443/LER-1998-012, :on 981120,unanticipated Isolation of FWIVs Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Separate Individual Was Assigned in CR to Perform Oversight Duties During Latest Plant Heatup & Power Ascension.With1998-12-21021 December 1998
- on 981120,unanticipated Isolation of FWIVs Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Separate Individual Was Assigned in CR to Perform Oversight Duties During Latest Plant Heatup & Power Ascension.With
05000443/LER-1998-010, :on 981113,plant Placed in Cold Shutdown Condition Due to Degraded Generator step-up Transformer Connection.Visual Insp of Damaged Transformer Connections Performed to Determine Cause of Event.With1998-12-14014 December 1998
- on 981113,plant Placed in Cold Shutdown Condition Due to Degraded Generator step-up Transformer Connection.Visual Insp of Damaged Transformer Connections Performed to Determine Cause of Event.With
ML20196F5741998-12-0202 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Concluding That Licensee Has Established Acceptable Program to Verify Periodically design-basis Capability of safety-related MOVs at Seabrook ML20198B8661998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for Seabrook Station, Unit 1.With ML20195D0311998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for Seabrook Station, Unit 1.With 05000443/LER-1998-009, :on 980915,noted Incomplete Digital Channel Operation Tests (Dcots) for CR & Containment on-line Purge (COP) Rms.Caused by Development of Incomplete Sps.Revised COP Dcot Sps to Check Isolation Relays.With1998-10-15015 October 1998
- on 980915,noted Incomplete Digital Channel Operation Tests (Dcots) for CR & Containment on-line Purge (COP) Rms.Caused by Development of Incomplete Sps.Revised COP Dcot Sps to Check Isolation Relays.With
ML20154H5291998-10-0808 October 1998 Special Rept:On 980928,meteorological Monitoring Instrumentation Channel Inoperable for Period Greater than 7 Days.Caused by Vendor to Follow Std Industry Practice for Calibr of Instrumentation.Instruments Installed ML20154M8421998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for Seabrook Generating Station,Unit 1.With ML20151V5951998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1998 for Seabrook Station, Unit 1.With ML20237B4501998-07-31031 July 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1998 for Seabrook Station 05000443/LER-1998-007, :on 980619,inoperable PORV Channel Calibration Was Noted.Caused by Procedural Technical Inaccuracies.Porv Channel Calibration Surveillance Test Were Changed & Retested for Issues Identified on 9806191998-07-17017 July 1998
- on 980619,inoperable PORV Channel Calibration Was Noted.Caused by Procedural Technical Inaccuracies.Porv Channel Calibration Surveillance Test Were Changed & Retested for Issues Identified on 980619
05000443/LER-1998-006, :on 980611,plant Was Shutdown Due to Inoperability of Control Room Air Conditioning Subsystem. Caused by Inadequate Design of Subsystem.Assembled Task Force to Review History of Subsystem & Incorporated Mods1998-07-10010 July 1998
- on 980611,plant Was Shutdown Due to Inoperability of Control Room Air Conditioning Subsystem. Caused by Inadequate Design of Subsystem.Assembled Task Force to Review History of Subsystem & Incorporated Mods
ML20236M3591998-06-30030 June 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1998 for Seabrook Station, Unit 1 ML20236R1781998-06-30030 June 1998 Naesc Semi-Annual Fitness-for-Duty Rept for 980101-0630 ML20249C6421998-06-24024 June 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 58 to License NPF-86 ML20249B0601998-06-16016 June 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 57 to License NPF-86 ML20237A4871998-06-0303 June 1998 North Atlantic Seabrook Station 1998 Exercise on 980603 ML20248M2951998-05-31031 May 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1998 for Seabrook Station, Unit 1 05000443/LER-1998-005, :on 980501,inoperability of SG Steam Line Pressure Protection Channels Was Noted.Caused by Procedural Deficiencies.Revised Procedures to Ensure Correct & Consistent Interpretation of Record Traces1998-05-29029 May 1998
- on 980501,inoperability of SG Steam Line Pressure Protection Channels Was Noted.Caused by Procedural Deficiencies.Revised Procedures to Ensure Correct & Consistent Interpretation of Record Traces
[Table view] |
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'd '
i North Nonh Atlantic Energy Service Corporation A-P.O. Box 300 Atlantic seatreet, Ni103874 I
(603) 474-9521 The Northeast Utilities System February 10,1997 Docket No. 50-443 NYN-97015 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn.: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Seabrook Station Licensee Event Report (LER) 97-001-00 Seabrook Station Design Basis Flooding Analysis Enclosed, please find Licensee Event Report (LER) No. 97-001-00 for Seabrook Station. This submittal documents a condition reported on January 9,1997, pursuant to 10CFR50.72(bXIXii)(B).
Should you require further infonnation regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Allen L. Legendre, Jr.,
Nuclear Licensing Supervisor, at (603) 773-7773.
__. M' _ _
11 sam A. DiPr to Station Director L
II. J. Miller, Regional Administrator g
A. W. De Agazio, NRC Project Manager, Seabrook Station J. B. Macdonald, Senior Resident Inspector, Seabrook Station INPO I
Records Center 700 Galleria Parkway l
Atlanta, GA 30339 k
9702200170 970210 PDR ADOCK 05000443 s
EXMRES 04/30/98 fN O A'T o R70"U $
col f 1 N SO S
E RTED L t'tc""'?o^"Anff! "Ta#t tom!Nfe",Vaat$ ^na o
LICENSEE EVENT REPORT (LER) 15 N W ',"UcW;"",yg,g f'88= '#o"F'n,Ta^g"g NEc'sD/ElossrIET'idoTuNr"Y. "'EssIST"oN"S$Es$.'""
(See reverse for required number of digits / characters for each block)
FACIUTY IEAINE til vvvat i igunawan (Zi FAGE (3)
Seabrook Station 05000443 1 of 4 mum Seabrook Station Design Basis Flooding Analysis v
Eveni DATE (D)
LER NUMutn (5) ntruni DATE (7)
01 09 97 97 001 00 02 10 97
'^="^"a DocuiNUuven urtnA IING TN15 ni;run : 15 56-i.i Itu PUR5U LNT TO THE RtuG AMiX 5 OF 10 CFR B: (Check one or more) (11)
MODE (9) j l
20.2201(b) 20.2203(a)(2)(v) bo./J(a)(2)(i) 50./3(a)(2)(vni) ruwen 20.2203(a)(1) 20.2203(a)(3Hi) y' 50.73(a)(2)(n) 50.73(a)(ZHx)
LEVE 00) 100 20.2203(aH2Hi) 20.2203(aH3Hn) so.73(a)(2Hin) 73.71 l
,7 q,g 20.2203(aH2Hn) 20.2203(a)(4) 50.73(aH2)(iv)
OTHER 20.2203(a)(2Hin) 50.35(c)(1) 50./3(a)(2)(v)
Specify en Abstract below or m NRC Form 366A 20.2203(a)(2)(sv) bO.35(cH2) 50.73(a)(2Hvu)
NAML TELEPHONE NUMBER (IfElude Ate #.,Odel Allen L. Legendre, Jr., Nuclear Licensing Supervisor (603) ~n3-7773 l
.a I UPPLEMENTAL ntruRT LArtt,s tv (14)
EXPEY i tu MUNIH DAY YLAR sUBMisslON yg3 gg (if yes, complete EXPECTED sVBMISSloN DATE).
1 AB iTRACT (Limit to 1400 spaces, i.e., approximately 1 b single-spaced typewntten lines) (15)
The Seabrook Station design basis flood analysis is documented in Section 2.4 of the Updated Safety Analysis R: port (UFSAR).
The UFSAR addresses two flooding scenarios: a probable maximum hurricane (PMH)/ Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) event and local intense probable maximum precipitation (PMP).
...a limiting event identified in the UFSAR is the PMH/PMF event which was analyzed to produce flood levels on the Se: brook Station site to an elevation of 21' mean sea level (msl) or less. Flooding associated with the PMH/PMF occurs primarily as a result of waves overtopping the vertical seawall. A critical assumption in the i
an: lysis is that the flood water will flow off the site via several flow paths that are specified in the UFSAR. North Atirntic has identified that certain obstructions to the flow of flood water off the site may produce site flood levels exceeding the elevations specified in the UFSAR. This condition was reported to the NRC on January 9,1997, pursuant to 10CFR50.72(b)(1)(ii)(B), as a condition that is outside the design basis of the plant. An operability d;t:rmination was performed to provide the basis for continued operation. Modifications to the flow obstructions will be implemented and the flooding analyses will be updated. The cause of this event has been determined to be e misapplication of design inputs and inadequate independent review, i
NRC FORM 366 (4-95)
PAGE (3) 05000443 YEAR SEQUENTIAL 3EVISION Seabrook Station NUMBER NUMDER 2 of 4 j
97 001 00 TEXT (11 more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A) (17) 1.
Descriotion of Event Tha Seabrook Station design basis flood analysis is documented in Section 2.4 of the Updated Safety An lysis Report (UFSAR). The UFSAR addresses two flooding scenarios: a probable maximum hurricane (PMH)/ Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) event and localintense probable maximum precipitation (PMP). The limiting event identified in the UFSAR is the PMH/PMF event which was analyzed to produce flood levels on th3 Seabrook Station site to an elevation of 21' mean sea level (msl) or less. Flooding associated with the PMH/PMF occurs primarily as a result of waves overtopping the vertical seawall. An important assumption in the analysis is that the flood water will flow off the site via several flow paths that are specified in the UFSAR. North Atlantic has identified as discussed below that certain obstructions to the flow of flood water off the site may produce site flood levels exceeding the elevations specified in the UFSAR. This condition w s reported to the NRC on January 9,1997, pursuant to 10CFR50.72(b)(1)(ii)(B), as a condition that is outside the design basis of the plant.
During a site walkdown conducted in support of the 10CFR50.54(f) review effort an engineer identified obs+ ructions to off site flow, in the form of concrete curbing and fence anchoring (steel plate) located around th3 site perimeter, especially on the east and south sides, which were not considered in the original PMH/PMF analysis. A new building, the Mechanical Maintenance Storage Facility, was also identified as pr:senting a minor obstruction to the flow of water off site. These obstructions could impede the floodwater flow off the site during the design PMH/PMF condition and could result in site water levels exceeding the 21' msl elevation and exceeding door elevations which are at 21.5' msl. Maintaining site water level below an clevation of 21.5' ensures that flood water ingress will not occur in any structures containing safety related systems and components.
Th3 PMP ana ysis is not affected by the obstructions.
Cause of Event
Tha cause of this event has been determined to be a misapplication of design inputs and inadequate ind: pendent review as discussed below. The flow obstructions were installed after the original flood analysis through several plant design change evolutions as follows:
Th3 security barrier plate, attached to the seawall fence, was on the original fence design detail provided on Dr wing 101056 revision 4 ( date of revision 5/2/84). This revision provided typical and specific details for tha installation of security fencing. The barrier plate was added since the fence fabric and bottom rail could not be embedded in the pavement as per typical fence detail. The location of the fence was considered in th3 site flood analysis which was completed on 11/4/82. The addition of the plate to the fence at the seawall is en original detail which was developed by the architect / engineer after the flood analysis was completed.
Tha engineer who performed the flood analysis was not aware at the time that special details would be j
PAGE (3) 05000443 YEAR SEQUENTIAL REVISION Seabrook Station NUMBER NUMBER 3 of 4 97 001 00 TEXT (11more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A) (17) d:veloped for the fence at the seawall. It is not possible to interview the people involved in the development of f nce details but it is evident that no correlation was made to the FSAR flood analysis parameters.
Tha addition of the concrete curbing was the result ci the need for enhancement to the site security system.
Thn use of readily available concrete curbing allowed for a cost effective, timely and easily implemented modification. Design change, DCR 89-0078 CA 20, installed 8" high concrete curbing at various locations on ths plant perimeter. Review of DCR 89-0078 indicates that the effect on site flooding was not considered by th3 originator or the interdiscipline review groups.
Per discussion with applicable reviewers it was deti:rmined that the effects on flooding were not recognized, most likely because onsite drainage was not effseted, and the offsite drainage assumption for flooding due to the PMH/PMF were not well known.
Tha effect on PMH/PMF flooding flowpaths by the installation of the Mechanical Maintenance Storage Facility was not recognized by originator of minor modification MMOD 95-0585 or by interdiscipline rsviewers. The location of this facility has a very minor effect on the site flood analysis. The effects of on-sits drainage were factored into the building location and layout.
i 111. Analvsis of Event Tha PMH/PMF event is discussed in Section 2.4 of the Seabrook Station UFSAR. The design basis event discribed in the UFSAR represents a combination of limiting assumptions and conditions. It is highly improbable that these assumptions and conditions would manifest themselves and result in the design basis flood levels specified in the UFSAR. Seabrook Station is not currently susceptible to hurricane conditions as the hurricane season for the Northeastern United States falls between June and November.
IV Corrective Action An operability determination was performed to provide the basis for continued operation. The operability detarmination documented that Seabrook Station is not currently susceptible to a burricane or PMH/PMF conditions as the hurricane season for the Northeastern United States falls between June and November.
A design change will be implemr.nted to modify the barr:er plate attached to tha seawall fence and curbing cs deemed applicable by site flomi calculations. Ary required design changet, will be reflected in changes to tha UFSAR as required.
The site flooding analysis will be revised to include the effects of the Mechanical Maintenance Storage Fecility and to document the seawall barrier plate and security enhancements.
An item will be added to the Mechanical Engineering interdiscipline Review Evaluation, contained in the Design Change Manual (Fomi 4-1E), to evaluate the effect of plant changes, especially near the site perimeter, on the site flood analysis.
PAGE (3) 00000443 YEAR SEQUENTIAL REVISION Seabrook Station NUMBER NUMBER 4 of 4 97 001 00 TEXT (1f more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Fxm 366A) (17) i V,
Additional Information
i None l
Similar Events
1 i
Tha event has some elements in common with several recent Adverse Condition Reports (ACRs) concerning inTdequate 10CFR50.59 screenings and evaluations. The corrective actions for these ACRs include additional trrining on 10CFR50.59 evaluations, increased detail in the 10CFR50,59 evaluation process, and enhanced software tools to aid in UFSAR and licensing basis searches. These actions will minimize the potential for l
r:currence of this type of event.
Manuf acturer Data I
l None' i
I 1
| | Reporting criterion |
05000443/LER-1997-001, :on 970109,identified That Certain Obstructions to Flow of Flood Water Off Site May Produce Flood Levels Exceeding Elevations Specified in Fsar.Caused by Misapplication of Design Inputs |
- on 970109,identified That Certain Obstructions to Flow of Flood Water Off Site May Produce Flood Levels Exceeding Elevations Specified in Fsar.Caused by Misapplication of Design Inputs
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000443/LER-1997-002, :on 970128,discovered Containment Penetration Piping Overpressure Potential.Caused by Inadequate Original Design.Opened Vent Valve in SI Test Line & Sf Drain Line |
- on 970128,discovered Containment Penetration Piping Overpressure Potential.Caused by Inadequate Original Design.Opened Vent Valve in SI Test Line & Sf Drain Line
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000443/LER-1997-003, :on 970113,failed to Perform Surveillance Turbine Trip on Reactor Trip.Caused by Lack of Specific Testing Requirements.Verified Operability of Turbine Trip on P-4 Interlock Circuits During Plant Trip |
- on 970113,failed to Perform Surveillance Turbine Trip on Reactor Trip.Caused by Lack of Specific Testing Requirements.Verified Operability of Turbine Trip on P-4 Interlock Circuits During Plant Trip
| | 05000443/LER-1997-004, :on 970206,remote Shutdown Sys Circuits Were Not Tested Completely.Caused by Procedural Technical Inaccuracies Resulting in Required Testing Not Performed. Operability Determination Was Completed |
- on 970206,remote Shutdown Sys Circuits Were Not Tested Completely.Caused by Procedural Technical Inaccuracies Resulting in Required Testing Not Performed. Operability Determination Was Completed
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000443/LER-1997-005, :on 970314,misposition of Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors Was Discovered.Caused by Human & Misjudgement Errors.Design Change Was Implemented to Relocate MSLRMs Approx 24 Inches Upstream |
- on 970314,misposition of Main Steam Line Radiation Monitors Was Discovered.Caused by Human & Misjudgement Errors.Design Change Was Implemented to Relocate MSLRMs Approx 24 Inches Upstream
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) | 05000443/LER-1997-006, :on 970407,determined That Potential Fuel Handling Accident in Containment Could Result in Radiological Consequences.Cause Due to non-conservative Assumptions.Evaluated CA Options |
- on 970407,determined That Potential Fuel Handling Accident in Containment Could Result in Radiological Consequences.Cause Due to non-conservative Assumptions.Evaluated CA Options
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000443/LER-1997-007, :on 970425,discovered That Util Was Not in Compliance W/Requirements of App B to FOL for Seabrook. Caused by Lack of Commitment to Program Implementation. Established EP Program |
- on 970425,discovered That Util Was Not in Compliance W/Requirements of App B to FOL for Seabrook. Caused by Lack of Commitment to Program Implementation. Established EP Program
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000443/LER-1997-008, :on 970510,automatic Reactor Trip & Feedwater Isolation Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Monitoring & Trending of Intermediate Range Channels.Improved Monitoring of IR Ni Channels |
- on 970510,automatic Reactor Trip & Feedwater Isolation Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Monitoring & Trending of Intermediate Range Channels.Improved Monitoring of IR Ni Channels
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000443/LER-1997-009, :on 970531,identified Five Degraded Fuel Rods in Four Different Assemblies.Caused by Interaction Between Fuel Pellet & Cladding Which Caused Cladding Degradation. Replaced Four Degraded Fuel Assemblies |
- on 970531,identified Five Degraded Fuel Rods in Four Different Assemblies.Caused by Interaction Between Fuel Pellet & Cladding Which Caused Cladding Degradation. Replaced Four Degraded Fuel Assemblies
| 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition | 05000443/LER-1997-010, :on 970605,containment Bldg Spray Penetration Check Valve Failed.Caused by Installation of Incorrect Disc Hanger in Noted Valves.Valve Discs CBS-V18 & CBS-V12 Have Been Modified |
- on 970605,containment Bldg Spray Penetration Check Valve Failed.Caused by Installation of Incorrect Disc Hanger in Noted Valves.Valve Discs CBS-V18 & CBS-V12 Have Been Modified
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(x) 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000443/LER-1997-011, :on 970611, a Train Containment Recirculation Sump Isolation Valve Encapsulation Tank Was Unable to Maintain Required Test Pressure.Caused by Design & Mfg Problems.Design Change Was Implemented |
- on 970611, a Train Containment Recirculation Sump Isolation Valve Encapsulation Tank Was Unable to Maintain Required Test Pressure.Caused by Design & Mfg Problems.Design Change Was Implemented
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000443/LER-1997-012, :on 970613, C SG Was Inadvertently Drained from 38% Narrow Range Level to 13% Narrow Range Level.Caused by Inadequate Coordination of SG & FW Evolutions by CR staff.FW-V48 Was Closed & C Was Refilled |
- on 970613, C SG Was Inadvertently Drained from 38% Narrow Range Level to 13% Narrow Range Level.Caused by Inadequate Coordination of SG & FW Evolutions by CR staff.FW-V48 Was Closed & C Was Refilled
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(7)(x) | 05000443/LER-1997-013, :on 970728,turbine Gland Seal Condenser Exhaust Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitor Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Samplers Outlet Line Was Replaced W/Flexible Tubing |
- on 970728,turbine Gland Seal Condenser Exhaust Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitor Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Samplers Outlet Line Was Replaced W/Flexible Tubing
| | 05000443/LER-1997-014, :on 970923,non-conservative RHR Valve Low Pressure Open Permissive Bistable Setting Occurred.Caused by Acceptance of TS Surveillance Requirement for RHR Lpi.Tech Specs Will Be Revised |
- on 970923,non-conservative RHR Valve Low Pressure Open Permissive Bistable Setting Occurred.Caused by Acceptance of TS Surveillance Requirement for RHR Lpi.Tech Specs Will Be Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000443/LER-1997-016-01, Forwards LER 97-016-01 Re Event That Occurred on 971105 at Station.Ler Is Being Submitted to Retract LER 97-016-00, Which Was Determined to Be Unreportable | Forwards LER 97-016-01 Re Event That Occurred on 971105 at Station.Ler Is Being Submitted to Retract LER 97-016-00, Which Was Determined to Be Unreportable | | 05000443/LER-1997-017, :on 971118,inadequate Ssps Surveillance Testing Was Noted.Caused by Inadequacy of Internal Logic Test Scheme of Ssps as Supplied by Vendor.Ts 4.0.3 Was Entered & Revised Ssps Sps IX1680.921 & IX1680.922 |
- on 971118,inadequate Ssps Surveillance Testing Was Noted.Caused by Inadequacy of Internal Logic Test Scheme of Ssps as Supplied by Vendor.Ts 4.0.3 Was Entered & Revised Ssps Sps IX1680.921 & IX1680.922
| | 05000443/LER-1997-018, :on 971216,CRACS Inoperability Was Noted.Caused by Liquid Refrigerant Carryover to Suction of Compressors. Event Evaluation Team Was Formed to Investigate Cracs Compressor Failures |
- on 971216,CRACS Inoperability Was Noted.Caused by Liquid Refrigerant Carryover to Suction of Compressors. Event Evaluation Team Was Formed to Investigate Cracs Compressor Failures
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) |