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Expresses Opinions on Renewal of Nuclear Reactor Licenses Re Plant & Support Renewal Application of Bg&E.Requests That NRC Revise Procedures to Allow Sufficient Time for Public to Review,Evaluate & Respond to Info
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/24/1999
From: Batton W
To: Shirley Ann Jackson, The Chairman
Shared Package
ML20210D096 List:
NUDOCS 9907270143
Download: ML20210D174 (2)



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1936 Merntt Boulevard hmc 24.1999 Baltimore. Maryland 21222-4628 (410) 288-5650

Dear Dr. Jackson:

We wnte to express our opinions on the renewal of the nuclear reactor licenses for the Calvert Cliffs Power Plant. We have spent several months reviewing this issue. We heard from representatives of the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BG&E) and the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). Our members debated the issue at length and have reached a consensus. Based on our first hand experiences with BG&E we trust that they can, and uiii. continue to operate the plant safely and responsibihty. We were unable to identify any reasons to deny the license renewal. We therefore wish to express our support for the renewal application of BG&E.

With five nuclear plants m Pennsylvama two in Virgmia, and two in New Jersey. we do have so nc concerns about the renewal process. The proximity of the Bree Mile Island ITMI) facility to our arca has made us very aware of our vulnembility to plants outside our influence. With no realistic !cgal cr political standing outside of Maryland, we 'nust rely upon the auspices of your Commission to protect our communities from incompetent ( r irrc spc.nsible nuclear piant operators.

During our examination of this issue ne have come to believe that the renewal process needs improvement.

The regulatory specifications seem to lac c specificity to the point of goim; from objective to subjecuve criteria. " Appropriate" and " reasonable" cannot be considered objective, tangible measurements. We strongly urge you to pr"de clear, specific, and measumble critena for cil technical, structural. operational and engineering factors relevant to tht operation of nuclear facilities.

We are also disturbed by the a ';&;.f t me allowed for public comnient and the scheduling J that input  ;

period. It is our understanding that th pablic was gis en 30 days to comment on what took many mon'.hs to develop. and that the information i remted for public comment was amended after the public cc.mment period was closed. We sigorously urge you to resise the procedures to allow sufficient time for the public j

to resiew, evaluate. and respond to the information developed by your agency through the application l process.

Thank you for y our time and consideration in this matter.


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\tr. William C. Batton. President Cc: U.S. Senator Paul Sarb;mes U.S. Senator Bartsara Mikulski U.S. Congressman Robert Ehrlich Baltunore County Execuine Dutch Ruppersberger Nianland State Senator Norman Stone Baltuncre County Councilman John Ols/cu ski Alanland State Deleg;ue John Anuck Manland State Delegate Joseph Mimuck Manland State Delegate Jacob Mohorovie 9907270143 990722 PDR ADOCK 05000317 p PM s.

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The New 7th Cemccrnic T : :,;  ;

1936 Merritt Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21222-4628 (410) 288-5650 June 25,1999 De Honorable Norman R. Stone, Jr.

6905 Dunmanway Daltimore, MD 21222 - 5194

Dear Senator Stone,

We have enclosed a copy of a letter we are t:nding to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The !ctter outiines our position on the renewal of the u.elair reactor licenses for the Calvert Cliffs Power Plant.

We spent several months revi wing the issue before reaching this position. We would appreciate your consideration of our views. We sincercly hope that you will concur with our conclusions arul use the resources of your office to encourn!'c the NRC to act on our recommendations.

Thank y ou for your time an i ec sid : ration in this important matter.


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William C. Barton, Presidt 't l

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