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Proposes to Report Net Effect PCT Identified in NRC SER as Model Assessment in Future 10CFR50.46 Reports,Until Notrump Evaluation Model Coding Changed & re-analysis Performed
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/11/1994
From: Dennis Morey
NUDOCS 9403170209
Download: ML20064H230 (1)


l 0 0 Souttwrn Nudey OrwCWJ company 1 Post oece Box 1295 Ermingnam. AMbama 3520t Tehect'ono 905) 868 5131 n

oen Morey Souther n Nut.letir Operilling ' Coniptiny vu urwwt ra% Fromt f4uch 11,1994 t% mtNm eintnc wwm Docket Nos. 50-348 10CFR50.46 50-364 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cornmission ATTN.: Docunient Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Joseph M. Farley Nuctoar Plant SafotyjnjectionlSI) To.JpoRrokorj,o_op o


By lotter dated Octob3r 29,1993, Southern Nuclear Operating Company reported a significant change to the Westinghouse NOTRUMP small break LOCA ovaluation model currently used in the licensing analysis Ior Fartoy Nuclear Plant. Since the change has boon determined to be a significant change to tt e model, the following addresses the requirement to propose a schedule for re-analysi;.

At the January 12,1994, meating between Westinghouse and the NRC, Westinghouse agrood to provide the NRC an addendum to WCAP-10354 P-A describing the Si model used in NOTRUMP, including Si to the broken loop. This addendum will reference the improved condensation model (COSI) described in WCAP-11767 and provide justification for application of this model to small break LOCA calculationt The NRC will be requestod to formally review the addendum to WCAP 10054. Since the NRC review may affect the changes to the NOTRUMP ovaluation model, Southern Nuclear proposes not to re analyze to address Si to the broken loop issue prior to completion of the NRC's review. In the interim, Southern Nuclear will track the Peak Cladding Temperature (PCT) change reported in the October 29,1993, jotter as a model assessment to the Farley calculated PCT. Once the NRC has completed review of the NOTRUMP addendum on Si to the broken loop, and,if resolution of this issue results in a chan0e to the NOTRUMP coding, Southern Nuclear willincorporate the new model at the next licensing action requiring re-analysis of the small break LOCA and for which NOTRUMP would be used as the Evaluatiun Model. Until the NOTRUMP ovaluation model coding is changed and a re analysis performed, Southern Nuclear proposes to report the net effect on PCT identified in the NRC's SER as a model assessment in future 10CFR50.46 reports.

If there are any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted,

})y , /

e Dave Morey #

REM / cit:5046COSI. DOC cc: Mr. S. D. Ebneter Mr. B. L. Siegel 4 mnnnn ' Qk l h-Mr. T. M. Ross 9403170209 940311 '

PDR ADOCK 05000348 P PDR