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Submittal of Updated Safety Analysis Report (Usar), Revision 35
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/18/2018
From: Sharp S
Northern States Power Company, Minnesota, Xcel Energy
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML18155A439 List:
Download: ML18155A440 (17)


Section 1, 12 and Appendix I Contains SUNSI Withhold form Public Disclosure in accordance with 1 OCFR 2.390 1717 Wakonade Drive Welch, MN 55089 800.895.4999

  • fl Xcel Energy* RESPONSIBLE BY NATURE May 18, 2018. U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 Dockets 50-282 and 50-306 Renewed License Nos. DPR-42 and DPR-60 Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR) Revision 35 L.:.Pl-18-018 10 CFR 50.71 (e) Pursuant to 10CFR 50.71(e) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG) specific exemption granted May 22, 2006 (ADAMS Accession Number ML061110032), Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, doing business as Xcel Energy (hereafter "NSPM"), by this letter submits USAR page revisions for the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP), Units 1 and 2. Enclosure 1, Information Regarding Changes to the USAR, identifies those changes made based on approved license amendments, changes made under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59, 10 CFR 50.46, and editorial changes including deletion of particular information and the basis for that deletion.

Enclosure 2, Updated Safety Analysis Report, is a CD-ROM containing USAR Revision 35 in its entirety.

This revision was made pursuant to 10 CFR 50.71 (e), using the guidance of NEI 98-03, Rev. 1, "Guidelines for Updating Final Safety Analysis Reports." NSPM requests that USAR Revision 34 be destroyed or marked superseded.

Enclosure 3, Report Consistent with 10 CFR 54.37(b ), contains a report consistent with 1 O CFR 54.37(b) which describes how the effects of aging of newly-identified structures, system, or components will be managed, such that the intended functions described in 10 CFR 54.4 will be effectively maintained during the license renewal period of extended operation.

Enclosures 4, Additional information regarding changes to PINGP Fire Protection Program since May 3, 2017, identify changes made to Fire Protection Program documents that are incorporated in the USAR by reference.

1:;:{p rJ(((( J If there are any questions or if additional information is needed, please contact Ms. Pamela Johnson at 651-267-6829 Summary of Commitments This letter contains no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.

I certify that the information presented herein accurately presents changes made since the last updating submittal up through April 5, 2018. -1~-:f~ Site Vice President, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Northern States Power Company -Minnesota Enclosures (4) cc: Administrator, Region Ill, USNRC Project Manager, PINGP, USNRC Resident Inspector, PINGP, USNRC ENCLOSURE 1 Information Regarding Changes to the USAR 5 pages to follow ENCLOSURE 1 INFORMATION REGARDING CHANGES TO THE USAR Changes were made to the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR) which is identified in the following list by their input numbers (with which side-barred changes are denoted).

Note that USAR Input Numbers can be searched on the USAR CD-ROM, Enclosure 2, to locate each change . . USAR Input Revised Basis Description No. Section This change reflects EC 23906 which 01496158 7 50.59 Screening upgraded the steam generator narrow range 5073, Rev.a *1evel channels to be RG 1.97 compliant per NRC SER dated November 30, 2015. 50.59 Screening This change reflects EC 25498 which 01512064 1, 6, 7 installed two new radiation monitors .5149, Rev. 1 designated as 1R-10 and 2R-10. This change reflects the updated generic 50.59 Screening PWROG analysis and procedural guidance 01520694 14 (ERG) to improve the margin for available 5243, Rev. 0 CST water (Ref. CN-LIS-09-87) during natural circulation cooldowns.

This change reflects EC 25820 which replaced the Unit 1 Containment Fan Coil Units' coils with coils having a different heat 50.59 Screening transfer rate. For convenience, this USAR 01521484 5,6 change was implemented along with USAR 5071, Rev. 2 changes 01544428 and 0154453. The combined Section 5 markup for 01521484, 01544428 and 01544531 is included with the record for 01544531.

' This change reflects a new inspection method for special lifting devices. In lieu of 50.59 Evaluation the surface NOE defined in ANSI N14.6-01521758 12 1978, volumetric NOE using acoustic 1129, Rev. 0 emission techniques is now used supplemented by ultrasonic (UT) techniques as needed. Page 1 of 5 '

Enclosure 1 -USAR Changes . USAR Input Revised Basis Description No. Section This change updates and clarifies descriptions of the metal fatigue calculations 50.59 Screening which have already been incorporated into 01527524 App L 5224, Rev. 0 the design bases. The information being revised is based upon information in USAR Section 4.1.4 and the table of license renewal commitments in App L.5. Applicability This editorial change replaced the word 01528294 7 Determination 2289, Rev. 0 "Badkup" with "Backup".

This change reflects EC 27321 which 01528499 10 50.59 Screening changed the lowest start setpoint of the 5233, Rev. 0 standby station air compressor from 90 psig to 86 psig. This change reflects reactor vessel 01528803 3 50.59 Screening calculation updates for improved mid grid 5239, Rev. 0 fuel design. The calculations were revised under EC 26847. 01532406 4 50.59 Screening This change reflects EC 26565 which 5205, Rev.a replaced the 12 Reactor Coolant Pump. NRG SER dated This change reflects the incorporation of 01533095 6 6/16/16 for TSTF-523, Revision 2, "Generic Letter LA 217/205 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation" into the PINGP Technical Specifications.

50.59 Screening This change reflects replacement steam 01536995 4 5293, Rev. 0 generators' stress & fatigue analysis report revision performed under EC 19568. ' This change corrects the error documented 50.59 Screening by CAP 01538994 that a USAR figure 01540080 7 2098, Rev.a showed a seismic accelerometer previously removed from service and did not show an seismic accelerometer that is in service. Applicability Determination This change incorporates a new BEACON 2386, Rev. 0, 01541376 7, 14 50.59 Screening WCAP and Advanced Nodal Code (ANG) 5325, Rev. 0, references.

and LA211/199 Page 2 of 5 Enclosure 1 -USAR Changes USAR Input Revised Basis Description No. Section 50.59 Screening This change reflects EC 27 440 which 01544103 14 5318, Rev. 1 processed a new calculation supporting natural circulation cooldown.

This change reflects EC 27918 under which the Unit 1 CFCU Proto-HX model was revised due to discovery of an input error. Applicability For convenience, this USAR change was 01544428 5 Determination implemented along with USAR changes 2441, Rev. 0 01521484 and 01544531.

The combined Section 5 markup for 01521484, 01544428 and O 1544531 is included with the record for 01544531.

This change reflects EC 27919 "U2 Vacuum Breaker Capability." The EC documents the development of a heat exchanger modeling the Unit 2 CFCU's with new replacement coils in order to evaluate the Unit 2 Containment Vacuum Breaker capability.

01544531 5 50.59 Screening This is similar to what was done for the 5342, Rev.a replacement Unit 1 CFCU coils by EC25820. For convenience, this USAR : change was implemented along with USAR changes 01521484 and 01544428.

The combined Section 5 markup for 01521484, 01544428 and 01544531 is included with the record for O 1544531 . 50.59 Screening This activity revised the description of the 01546878 10 Station Air Compressors to include being 5354, Rev. 0 able to run independently in Auto mode. Applicability This editorial change corrects an equipment 01549825 App I Determination 2549, Rev.a identification number. This change reflects license amendments LA 213/201, regarding revision to Technical Specification 01551325 6, 10 Applicability 3.5.3, "ECCS -Shutdown".

The Determination amendments changed Mode Applicability to 2581, Rev. 0 eliminate the potential for non-conservative plant operation.

Page 3 of 5 Enclosure 1 -USAR Changes USAR Input Revised Basis Description No. Section Applicability This editorial change corrects an inaccurate 01551562 App D Determination 2575, Rev.a Table D.4-1 heading. Applicability This editorial change corrects 01558038 14 Determination miscellaneous formatting errors and 2631, Rev. 0 misspellings.

This editorial change reflects CLB regarding Applicability surveillance of fuel assembly bulge joints 604000000010 10 Determination and adds a sentence to note that RCS

  • 2576, Rev. 0 sulfate limits are based on the EPRI PWR Primary Water Chemistry Guidelines.

Clarifies that the codes and testing standards described for ECCS valves, including a 30 minute hydro test, represent Applicability original design requirements.

The change 604000000023 6 Determination also states that acceptable equivalent 3220, Rev. 0 modern standards for design, fabrication, and testing of valves may be used for replacement components or system modifications in accordance with site design change processes.

604000000027 App K 50.59 Screening This change reflects a new containment 5399, Rev.a integrity analysis. ( This change updates Appendix L.2.28 by Applicability . removing the revision number from referenced ASME Section XI Code Case N-604000000035 App L Determination 729. This is acceptable as the applicable 2868, Rev. 1 Code Case revision is controlled by site ISi program. 1 OCFR50.54(q)

This editorial change clarifies R-15 use and 604000000040 9 Review # 2007 -removes reference to MIDAS, which is no 0050 longer in use. Applicability This editorial change adds vertical axis units 604000000061.

14 Determination 2753, Rev. O to Fig 14.6-14. 50.59 Screening This change reflects EC 6DOC00019607 604000000073 4 which implements Leak Before Break for the 4915, Rev. o SI and RHR branch lines of piping. Page 4 of 5 Enclosure 1 -USAR Changes USAR Input Revised Basis Description No. Section Applicability This editorial change adds a reference to 604000000080 6 Determination 2862, Rev. 0 Sec 14.9 in Sec 6.4. License This change reflects a new spent fuel pool 604000000121 10 Amendment 11/30/2017 criticality safety analysis.

This change reflects EC 6DOC00028471 . 50.59 Screening which removed the safety related active 604000000150 10 isolation function from the CL Strainer 5481, Rev. 2 Backwash Valves and downgraded the backup air supply for those same valves. This editorial change is based on LA 206/193 for application of AST, dated 604000000160 12 Editorial 1/22/2013.

The USAR discussion is. updated to reflect PINGP's actual commitments as related to reactor vessel head and upper internals movements.

This change is editorial as it is based on LA 206/193 (1/22/2013) and LA 166/156 (9/10/2004).

The USAR discussion better 604000000161 14 Edi,orial describes PINGP's actual commitment language as related to administrative controls for containment closure during fuel handling operations.

Summaries of evaluations prepared under the provisions of 1 OCFR 50.59 were submitted separately under letter from Scott Sharp to Document Control Desk, L-Pl-17-051, "50.59 Evaluation Summary Report", dated December 28, 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML 17362A148)

Page 5 of 5 ENCLOSURE 2 Updated Safety Analysis Report, Revision 35 Updating Instruction CD-ROM 2 pages to follow )

ENCLOSURE 2 UPDATED SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT (USAR) Updating Instructions A complete -copy of USAR Revision 35 is included on the enclosed CD-ROM. Contact Northern States Power Company, a. Minnesota corporation (NSPM), at 651-267~6829 if you require additional assistance.

Revision 35 (CD-ROM) File name Size .Disclosure status (000)-USAR.pdf 599 KB Non-proprietary (001) -USAR SECTION 01.pdf 6,140 KB . Non-proprietary . (002) -USAR SECTION 02.pdf 6,529 KB Non-proprietary (003)-: USAR SECTION 03.pdf 1,358 KB Non~proprietary (004) -USAR SECTION 04:pdf 4,351 KB. Non-proprietary (005) -USAR SECTION 05.pdf 4,891 KB

  • Non-proprietary (006) -USAR SECTION 06.pdf 5,275 KB Non-:Proprietary (007) -USAR SECTION 07.pdf 4,087 KB Non-proprietary (008) -USAR SECTION 08.pdf 2,715 KB Non-proprietary (009) -USAR SECTION 09.pdf 5,204 KB Non-proprietary (010) USAR SECTION 10.pdf 14,839 KB Non-proprietary (011) -USAR SECTION 11.pdf 11,496 KB Non-proprietary (012) -USAR SECTION 12,pdf 6,209 KB Non-proprietary (013) -USAR SECTION 13.pdf. 152 KB Non-proprietary (014) -USAR SECTION 14.pdf 12,065 KB Non-proprietary (015).:...

USAR SECTION APP D.pdf 288 KB Non-proprietary Page 1 of 2 Enclosure 2 File name (016) -USAR.SECTION APP E.pdf . . (017) -USAR SECTION APP F.pdf (018) -USAR SECTION APP G:pdf (019) -USAR SECTION APP H.pdf (020) -USAR SECTION APP l.pdf (021)-USAR SECTION.APP J.pdf (022) -USAR SECTION APP K.pdf Size 9,803 KB 5,848KB 7,002 KB 1,934 KB 10,346 KB 934 KB 411 KB NSPM Di*sclosure status Non-proprietary Non-:proprietary Non-proprietary Non-proprietary Non-proprietary.


  • Non-proprietary (023) -USAR SECTION APP L.pdf 475 KB
  • Non:-proprietary Section 1 redacted files 5,451 KB Withhold under 1 OCFR 2.390 Section 12 redacted files 3,311 KB Withhold under 1 OCFR2.390 Appendix I redacted files 1,947KB Withhold under 1 OCFR 2.~90 Page 2 of 2 (

ENCLOSURE 3 Report Consistent with 10 CFR 54.37(b) 2 pages to follow ENCLOSURE 3 Report Consistent with 10 CFR 54.37(b) This summary report is in lieu of adding a level of detail to the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) Updated Safety Evaluation Report (USAR) that is greater in the remainder of the USAR, including the License Renewal Supplement in Appendix L. The contents of this report are consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 54.37(b) and the guidance of Regulatory lssye Summary (RIS) 2007-16, "Implementation of the Requirements of 10 CFR 54.37(b) for Holders of Renewed Licenses" (ADAMS Accession Number ML 100250279).

  • A review of engineering changes, equipment list changes, USAR changes, changes to equipment credited to 1 (:) CFR 54.4(aH3) regulated events, and changes to time limited aging analyses (TLAA) was conducted for the review period from December 5, 2015 to November 20, 2017. These changes were reviewed to identify components installed before June 27, 2011 that had not previously been screened or screened incorrectly for being in scope of License Renewal Aging Management.

From the review process, all but one newly identified component was found to already have been subject to existing Aging Management Programs (AMPs) in accordance with applicable aging management tables in PINGP's License Renewal Application (LRA). With the conclusion of this review, all aging effects requiring management are being managed to ensure License Renewal intended functions are effectively maintained throughout the period of extended operation.

  • The one "newly identified" component that did not fall into an existing category (component type/material/environment combination) in jts associated system (Fire Protection)

Table 3.3.2-9 in PINGP's LRA was 058-281 (122 DD FIRE PMP CLG WTR DISCH TO HX PRV STRNR). The impact on existing aging *management programs are discussed below. The table provided in the LRA is not actually being revised. However, the table below indicates the changes that would have been required to address this newly identified component in LRA 3.3.2-9. Aging Management discussion of filter/strainer 058-281: Bronze filter/strainer 058-281 is in the Fire Protection System. Its internal environment is raw water, and its external environment is plant indoor air -uncontrolled.

Since no bronze filter/strainer housings were listed in PINGP's License Renewal Application in the Fire Protection System (LRA Table 3.3.2-9), 058-281 was determined to be a newly identified SSC that would have been subject to an aging management review or evaluation of time-limited aging analysis in accordance.with 10 CFR 54.21. 10 CFR 54.37(b) states that the FSAR update IAW 10 CFR 50.71(e) must describe how the effects of aging will be managed such that the intended Page 1 of 2 Enclosure 3 NSPM function(s) in 10 CFR 54.4(b) will be effectively maintained during the period of extended operation.

In the case of 058-281, its internal surfaces aging effects will be managed by the Fire Water Aging Management Program. Bronze was found to be not susceptible to selective leaching during License Renewal implementation.

Therefore, 058-281 will not be added to the Selective Leaching of Materials AMP. Bronze Filter/Strainer Housings will be

  • added to PINGP's Fire Water Aging Management Program. Component Type If the actual LRA Table 3.3.2-9 were updated for the material and environment combinations of 058-281, the addition would look like the following table entry below. Summary of Addition to LRA Table 3.3.2-9 Intended Material Environment Aging Effects Aging Function Requiring Management Management Program Filter/Strainer Pressure Bronze Plant Indoor Air None None Housings Boundary -Uncontrolled (External)

Loss of Material -Fire Water System Crevice Corrosion Program Loss of Material -Fire Water System Filter/Strainer Pressure Raw Water Fouling Program Housings Boundary Bronze (Internal)

Loss of Material -Fire Water System MIC Program Loss of Material -Fire Water System Pitting Corrosion Program Page 2 of 2 ENCLOSURE 4 Additional information regarding changes to PINGP Fire Protection Program since May 3, 2017 2 pages to follow ENCLOSURE 4 Additional information regarding changes to PINGP Fire Protection Program since May 3, 2017 F5 Appendix E No changes F5 Appendix F The fol/owing changes were issued in rev 34 of F5 Appendix F (issued 11/9/17 in 6PCR01509780)

Figure 1.1-1: Clarification that ceiling of 121 MDFP room is a F5 Appendix K required fire barrier. Section 3.0: Deluge system protecting 2M transformer changed from manually actuated to automatic deluge system actuated by linear heat detection and added description of

  • incipient

_detection system. Section 4.2.1: Deluge system protecting 2M transformer changed from manually actuated to automatic deluge system. Table 6-1: Fire Area 5; 14, 21, 70, 89, 94 and 131 -updated combustible loading and fire loading. Fire Area 18 -added incipient detection system. Fire Area 28e -updated to list linear heat detection and automatic deluge system DA-10 which protects *the 2M transformer.

Table 6-3: DM-4 changed to DA-10 (2M transformer deluge system) in the list of fire protection systems. Revised to show Carbon Dioxide system is actuated by multi-criteria detectors.

Page 1 of 2 r Enclosure 4 (Continues)

F5 Appendix K The following changes were issued in rev 24 of F5 Appendix K (issued 11/9/17 in 6PCR01509782)

Section 5.0: Removed the quoted section from operating license and referenced the license condition.

Revised quoted section from the QATR for consistency.

Section 6.1: Added clarification note to issue separate fire impairments for equipment issues. Section 7.1: Added description of incipient detection system. Section 7.2: Added functional requirements for incipient detection system. Section 7.6: Deluge system protecting 2M transformer changed from manually actuated to automatic deluge system actuated by linear heat detection.

Section 7.9: Added clarification that detection zones 12 and 14 must be functional for CO2 to be functional.

Added conditions that must be met when the fire watch must leave the relay room for personnel safety. Section 7.16: Added clarification on how to administratively control the Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Room trench covers and added a description of electrical raceway fire barriers.

Section 7 .17: Added clarification that all electrical raceway fire barriers are required by F5 Appendix K. Section 8.4: Added a surveillance requirement to test the incipient system annually.

Table 1: Updated to change columns that show detectors required pre and post modification to columns that show high voltage and low voltage detection systems. Attachment 4: Added attachment as an administrative aid for logging fire impairments.

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