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Revision 14 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 14, Initial Test Program
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/19/2017
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17298A290 List:
Download: ML17298A358 (54)



Page 14.0 INITIAL TEST PROGRAM...................................................................................... 14.1-1


14.2 SPECIFIC INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT................................................................................. 14.2-1 14.2.1 Summary of Test Program and Objectives....................... 14.2-1 Preoperational Test Programs................... 14.2-1 Startup and Power Test Program.............. 14.2-2 14.2.2 Organization and Staffing................................................. 14.2-2 General Responsibilities............................. 14.2-2 Organization and Responsibilities............. 14.2-3 14.2.3 Test Procedures.................................................................. 14.2-8 Preoperational Test Procedures................. 14.2-8 Startup Test Procedures............................. 14.2-8 14.2.4 Conduct of Test Program................................................... 14.2-9 14.2.5 Review, Evaluation, and Approval of Test Results.......... 14.2-9 14.2.6 Test Records........................................................................14.2-10 14.2.7 Conformance of Test Programs with Regulatory Guides 14.2-10 14.2.8 Utilization of Reactor Operating and Testing Experiences in Development of Test Program................. 14.2-10 14.2.9 Trial Use of Plant Operating and Emergency 14.2.10 Procedures......................................................................... 14.2-10 14.2.10 Initial Fuel Loading and Initial Criticality...................... 14.2-10 14.2.11 Test Program Schedule..................................................... 14.2-11 14.2.12 Individual Test Descriptions............................................. 14.2-13 Summary of Preoperational Test Content and Sequence..................................................... 14.2-13 Startup Tests...............................................14.2-33 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)



Table 14.2-1 Startup Test Equipment as Supplied by Plant Test Engineering 14.2-2 List of Preoperational Tests 14.2-3 Startup Test Program Summary TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)



Figure 14.2-1 Station Operating Organization 14.2-2 General Electric Startup Interfac e with Station Operating Organization 14.2-3 General Plant Startup Test Program 14.2-4 General Electric Test and Completion Schedule 14.2-5 General Electric Test and Completion Schedule (Continued) 14.2-6 Power-Flow Map and Test Conditions QUAD CITIES UFSAR 14.1-1 14.0 INITIAL TEST PROGRAM

Chapter 14 was originally written using the pres ent and future tense. In accordance with an NRC letter providing guidance for implemen tation of 10 CFR 50.71 (D.G. Eisenhut letter dated December 15, 1980) this Section is not updated to incorporate new information.

Some editing has been performed to impr ove clarity and incorporate AEC Question responses not previously incorporated into the FSAR text.



This section is not applicable to the Quad Cities Station.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-1 14.2 SPECIFIC INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN FINAL SAFETY ANALYSIS REPORT 14.2.1 Summary of Test Program and Objectives Preoperational Test Programs

An extensive preoperational test program is planned for the reactor unit being started.

This program will start approximately 6 months before initial fuel loading. The actual duration of each test is short relative to th e entire 6-month program; the longest test, the control rod drive system checkout, takes a pproximately one month of testing. The multiplicity and the sequencing of the preoper ational tests dictate the length of the preoperational program.


Key systems are sequenced for completion and testing early enough to provide auxiliary services for testing and operation of other systems or for construction activities: e.g., electrical systems, demineralized wate r makeup, and cooling water systems.

After nuclear fuel is loaded in the reactor, all interconnected auxiliary systems are treated as potentially radioactive; in time, many of these systems will become sufficiently radioactive to impose restrictions and time limitations on maintenance work. Because of access limitations during normal operation, some components and systems cannot be observed for proper performance. Therefore, to avoid these difficulties all of the nuclear steam supply auxiliary systems are normally tested before fuel loading.

The preoperational test period is an import ant phase in the training of Commonwealth Edison Company (CECo) operators. Experien ce and understanding of plant systems and components is gained with a minimum of risk to the equipment or personnel. No

restrictions are imposed on either the operator s or the testing, except those required by interconnections with the other units on the site. This gives maximum opportunity to evaluate and train individual operators and to troubleshoot plant systems. In addition, plant equipment and systems are operated for a sufficient period of time to discover and correct any design, manufacturing, or installation errors.

Table 14.2-1 lists the special test equipment us ed for the preoperational testing. General Electric Company (GE) is responsible for its installation and removal.

[14.2-2] The test program will be conducted on syst ems and equipment to discover and permit correction of design, manufacturing, or insta llation errors and to demonstrate that the systems function per design and plant requireme nts. This program will produce data that will demonstrate the plant is ready for fuel lo ading and initial startup. Prerequisites for these tests are the completion of construction testing and availability of results and vendor equipment performance data (pump curves, etc.).

[14.2-3] A surveillance testing program is being establis hed to assure timely, periodic testing of structures, components, and systems affecting sa fety features incorporated into the plant.

[14.2-4] Written procedures for such testing will be prepared to assure proper conduct of the tests and appropriate review of test results.


QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-2 To facilitate administrative control, a mast er surveillance testing schedule is being established and will be maintained. Prior to initial plant startup, all startup and valve check lists for systems required to be operational will be completed. Startup and Power Test Program

The startup and power test program is performe d to assure that the plant is capable of operating safely and satisfactorily. Syst ems and components, which cannot be fully checked out in the preoperational test phase, ar e tested at power during this phase of the unit startup to confirm reactor parameters and characteristics determined by an extensive program of analysis and tests executed prio r to initial fuel loading. The nuclear characteristics of fuel and control rods are ca lculated with methods which are continuously compared with results of experiments in the Vallecitos Atomic Laboratory's critical facilities, including measurements of similar or identical components. In addition, startup tests and operating data from other boiling water reactors in commercial operation and other measurements throughout the nuclear in dustry are used to confirm the applicability of the analytical methods.


The tests listed in Sections, and will be conducted on

Quad Cities Unit 1 and the results will be cons idered in preparing the specific tests to be performed in Unit 2.

Tests which are unnecessary for Unit 2 are:, Control Rod Sequence; and, Calibration of Rods. Tests which will be modified depending on the Unit 1

results, to collect a limited amount of data are:, Radiation Measurements;, SRM Performance;, Recirculation Jet Pumps; and, Axial Power Distribution.

Since the Quad Cities Unit 1 design is essentia lly the same as Dresden Units 2 and 3, it is not necessary to perform the reactor stability ch eck on Quad Cities; however, the same test described in Dresden 2 FSAR Amendments 9 and 10 will be run on the Quad Cities plant.

[14.2-6] In addition, Quad Cities will run tests on a ll expected normal operational conditions of plant operation. A quarter decay ratio criterion is applied to process variables response in the assessment of reactor stability. At abnorm al, but possible operational conditions, such as natural circulation conditions resulting af ter two recirculation pump trips from the 75%

and 100% power levels, the quarter decay ratio cri terion does not apply. At these natural circulation conditions, tests will be made to demonstrate that the re actor variables satisfy the ultimate performance criteria of a decay ratio of less than unity.

14.2.2 Organization and Staffing General Responsibilities


General Electric will develop the wri tten test/startup documentation.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-3 General Electric will develop the preoperational test procedures for the systems which it has prime design responsibility.

General Electric will provide startup personne l and technical specialists for the overall direction of the preoperational and startup testing.

Sargent & Lundy (S&L) will develop the preoper ational test procedures for those systems for which it has prime design responsibility.

In addition, S&L will provide whatever necessary technical backup is required during the test and startup program for those systems for which it has prime design resp onsibility. Sargent & Lundy will prepare detailed flushing/cleaning diagrams and procedur es for all balance of plant piping systems.

Test Directors will be GE or United Engin eers and Constructors (UE&C) startup personnel as designated by the GE Operations Manager.

United Engineers and Constructors will pr ovide startup personnel for the writing, performance and support of the preoperational and startup tests as required.

Commonwealth Edison is responsible for prov iding a qualified operating staff for system operation during the actual execution of the test and startup program.

Commonwealth Edison Company, in conjunction wi th performance of the testing operation, will read instruments in the main control room , at local racks, or equipment mounted and enter the data on the preoperational test data sheets. Upon completion of the test, the GE

Test Director will make required calculatio n analyses, and after approval by the GE Operations Manager, transmit them to CECo. Organization and Responsibilities

General Electric will coordinate and is responsibl e for the overall test and startup program.

General Electric will provide technical directi on for the CECo operating personnel who will operate the systems and equipment during the test and startup program.

Technical direction is defined as the authori ty to direct, through CECo Supervisory Staff and with their concurrence, the operation of the station during the startup and testing period as may be necessary for the safe and efficient execution of the program.

United Engineers & Constructors will provide su pervisory personnel to participate in the testing of those systems designated by the GE Operations Manager.

Commonwealth Edison Company will make av ailable a sufficient number of operating personnel for a period commencing at least 6 mont hs prior to scheduled date of fuel loading to assist in the Preoperational Test Program, and to carry out the fuel loading, test and startup operations. The normal CECo Operating Fo rce will be in place prior to fuel loading.

The GE Shift Supervisor will be assigned to take his shift at the same time and will be phased out at the end of the 100-hour warranty run. Figure 14.2-1 presents the normal

CECo Station operating organization.


QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-4 The startup organization and interrelationships between CECo and GE are shown in Figure 14.2-2. Sargent & Lundy and UE&C are not part of the startup organization.

However, one UE&C engineer will function as Radioactive Waste Disposal Supervisor.

[14.2-10] General Electric Project Manager

The GE Project Manager has overall respon sibility for all work on the project.

[14.2-11] General Electric Construction Manager

The GE Construction Manager has responsibility for all construction operations at the site. General Electric Operations Manager

The GE Operations Manager has overall respon sibility for the execution and completion of the testing and startup program from the be ginning of preoperational testing through acceptance of the plant by CECo. He is resp onsible to project management for completion of the project and responsible to Field Engi neering management for safety of the plant during the test program. General Electric Preoperational Test Engineer

The GE Preoperational Test Engineer is respon sible to the GE Operations Manager for the technical content, planning, and achievement of the Preoperational Test Program. He is responsible for the preparation of any supplem ents necessary for the Preoperational Test procedures. He is responsible for making a ssignments and coordinating the efforts of those personnel assigned as Test Directors. He is responsible for checking that all prerequisites for the performance of each Preoperational Te st have been satisfactorily checked out, including checking out the necessity for specia l test equipment and the instruction of all personnel involved in the particular Preoperatio nal Test procedure. He is responsible for the actual performance of the Preoperational Te st and the evaluation of the test results.

He recommends to the GE Operations Manag er the approval and acceptance of the Preoperational Test or defines the need for further testing.

Although reporting directly to the GE Oper ations Manager, he also assists the GE Operations Superintendent by providing operat ing and technical support as required. He is to provide on-shift support for GE Shift Supe rvisors during critical phases of the Fuel Loading and Sequence Test/Startup Programs. In the absence of the Operations

Superintendent, the Preoperational Test Engi neer is delegated his responsibilities.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-5 Test Directors

Each preoperational test will have a Test Directo r assigned to be responsible for the timely and satisfactory performance of that test. One individual will probably have this responsibility for several tests. The Test Dire ctor will be knowledgeable in necessary details of the system to be tested and the proposed test procedure. He will aid construction personnel in completing construction of a syst em and accomplishing the construction testing and accepting it for preoperational testing.

Test Directors for the preoperational testing program will be selected according to their background and experience. They may be UE&C or GE personnel. In general, the Test Directors will be selected from available site personnel as the site status phases from construction to ready-for-test.

Assignments for this function will be made by the Operations Manager. General Electric Operations Superintendent

The GE Operations Superintendent is responsibl e for the day-to-day operation of the plant.

He is responsible for detailed planning and schedu ling of startup activities. He is expected to have complete knowledge of all work in progress and the status of the plant at all times. He reports on operating problems and initiates co rrective action as requi red. He directs the activities of and issues instructions to the GE Shift Supervisors to implement the preceding functions.

When the Operations Manager is absent, the Op erations Superintendent acts for him. General Electric Day Shift Supervisor

The Day Shift Supervisor will aid the Operat ions Superintendent in accomplishing the startup program. The Day Shift Supervisor will perform special tasks and assignments as the need occurs during the startup in addition to relieving the Shift Supervisors and acting for the Operations Superintendent when required. General Electric Shift Supervisors

Around-the-clock shift coverage will commence se veral weeks prior to loading fuel and during certain Preoperational Test periods. When this around-the-clock shift coverage is started, the assigned Shift Supervisor will be responsibl e for all activities related to plant operation and safety on his shift. No work or activi ty on any system will be conducted without the expressed approval of the assigned GE Shift Su pervisor. The Shift Supervisor is to provide supervision and technical direction on all activities on this shift through his CECo counterpart. As a general principle, he will no t give instructions directly to CECo operators, but he is expected to do so if warranted by the circumstances. His primary contact will be with the CECo Shift Engineer.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-6 His duties and responsibilities include:

A. Knowing the work in progress and the status of systems and equipment;

B. Controlling access to all operational areas of the plant;

C. Approving any work or activities related to plant operation or safety;

D. Provision of technical direction and moni toring of all activities relating to plant operation and certain construction and ma intenance activities as well as those directly related to operations and testing;

E. Maintenance of the shift log book documenting activities during his shift;

F. Assisting with preparation and execut ion of preoperational test procedures and serving as test director if required; and

G. Operating the entire plant during his shift with the commencement of around-the-clock shift activities. General Electric Lead Te st Design and Analysis Engineer

The Lead Test Design and Analysis Engineer is responsible for planning and detailing the Startup Test Program beginning with fuel lo ading, including coordination and supervision of the Startup Test Preparation. He is respon sible for directing the activities of engineers assigned to him and for providing technical di rection as required to safely and efficiently accomplish startup testing. He is responsi ble for evaluation of or having test data evaluated, specifying further testing, or re commending approval of test results to the Operations Manager. General Electric Test Design and Analysis Engineer

A GE Test Design and Analysis Engineer will be assigned to each shift so that full shift coverage is provided during the test and startup operations. He will be technically responsible to and will receive his instruction s from the Lead Test Design and Analysis Engineer; however, while on shift duty he w ill report directly to the GE Shift Supervisor.

He will analyze test results as soon as possible as the test is being performed so that the GE Shift Supervisor can be advised as to the adequacy of the test being performed. General Electric Specialists

General Electric specialists such as radiochemi sts, physicists, et al, will be utilized as required for special duties or unusual proble ms. For example, a GE radiochemist will probably spend three to four weeks at the site during the initial startup operations to QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-7 check out primary water chemistry conformance.

Additional personnel may be assigned to work on the various test/startup op erations to acquire training. United Engineers & Constructors

United Engineers & Constructors will furnis h supervisory personnel as required to supervise the testing and startup equipment wi thin the scope of UE&C's responsibility.

United Engineers & Constructors personnel will function as test directors in accordance with assignments determined by the GE Preop erational Test Engineer and the UE&C Lead Startup Engineer.

United Engineers & Constructors will also accomplish the required

installation/construction testing. Commonwealth Edison Company

From the time that equipment and system s are transferred to CECo, CECo personnel will operate all equipment as required.

The CECo operating organization will function as nearly as possible in the manner

intended after plant acceptance.

As indicated previously, CECo personnel will pe rform work with technical direction from GE as required.

Activities utilizing CECo personnel include:

A. Flushing operations;

B. Preoperational testing of the plant;

C. Initial reactor fuel loading and low level and criticality testing;

D. Bringing the plant up to rated power;

E. Testing of the plant prior to plant acceptance; and

F. Calibration of nuclear instrumentation.

It is expected that CECo operating personne l will perform routine minor maintenance on equipment after satisfactory completion of preop erational testing. This is not intended to apply to the correction of contra ctor or vendor deficiencies, but it may include new problems which develop during equipment operation af ter test completion. Examples of such maintenance are lubrication, packing adjust ment and simple trouble shooting. Major repair or correction work will be accomplis hed by returning the equipment to UE&C.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-8 Appropriate records will be kept of all ma intenance and equipment operating history.

Maintenance and calibration of nuclear ins trumentation will be performed by CECo.

Commonwealth Edison Company will provide radi ation protection services as required for personnel involved in the startup of the plant.

14.2.3 Test Procedures

Changes or revisions to the test procedures w ill be developed by the organization which has prime design responsibility for that system.

Changes are reviewed by the System Engineer and the Technical Staff Supervisor who forwa rd recommendations regarding approval to the CECo Station Superintendent or System Mechanical and Structural Engineer as applicable. When the test results indicate that a system modification is required to accomplish system design objectives, approval of the test results and final acceptance of the test procedure is withheld pending resolution of the system deficiency. Formal approval of required preoperational tests is a prerequisite to fuel loading, and formal approval of all startup tests is a prerequisite to acceptance of the unit.

[14.2-11] Preoperational Test Procedures

All preoperational testing will be conducted in accordance with an approved formal test procedure. The initial versions of these proc edures are reviewed by GE and CECo site and engineering personnel. The procedures are re vised based on review comments. Signatures of CECo engineering and site management are obtained, and the approved procedures are issued. If required, minor changes may be ma de to clarify a procedure or in some way facilitate the execution of a given test. These types of changes to an approved formal test procedure must be detailed in writing and a pproved by the GE Operations Manager and concurred with by the CECo Station Superintendent.


If significant changes in technical content are required because of design changes or oversight, a revised procedure or an addendum w ill be issued prior to conducting the test.

Such revised procedures or addenda will be re viewed in the same manner as the original test procedure. Startup Test Procedures

The startup test procedures are prepared by GE engineers assigned to the Test Design and Analysis Unit. Final review and approval of the procedures prior to implementation is made by the site startup organization consis ting of the GE Operations Manager and the Principal Test Design and Analysis Engineer , along with their CECo counterparts. They have the authority to revise the procedures , as necessary, provided the initial Test Specifications are not compromised.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-9 The startup procedures will be written, wi th individual detailed subsections.


14.2.4 Conduct of Test Program

The preoperational test procedur es are performed on an individual system by system basis to verify operation; while during operation sy stems will have to interface with each other.

These differences are factored into our startup test program for testing and verification of the design basis and operability of the overall plant.


After completion of the formal preoperational te st on a system or subsystem, the system or subsystem is turned over to GE and CECo for operation by UE&C. A blue tag to indicate turnover is affixed to system valves, ele ctrical breakers, etc., to prevent unauthorized maintenance or modification. Any such maintenanc e or modification must be done with the concurrence of GE and CECo and the system tu rned back to UE&C for the duration of the maintenance or modification period. Afterward s the system is turned back to GE and CECo for operating after a successful demonstration of functional operability.


14.2.5 Review, Evaluation, and Approval of Test Results

The completed tests will be signed by the people designated on the test cover sheet. These signatures indicate that a system is operable, subject to resolution of exception items noted.

The data will be evaluated by the test di rector and preoperational test engineer (with appropriate technical assistance) with specif ication for further testing or recommendation of approval. The signed copy of the test proc edure, including the approved test data, will be reissued as the approved preoperational test report. Resolution of preoperational test exceptions must be approved by the GE Operations Manager, the CECo Station Superintendent, the system mechanical and s tructural engineer, and a final cover sheet must be approved. Each test will be the respon sibility of a test director. Designated test directors will be either GE or UE&C startu p personnel. System-equipment operation and data recording will be by CECo personnel.


For the startup tests, the results are evaluated by the responsible GE and CECo personnel.

All data from the preoperational and startup te sts will be evaluated by the test director and preoperational test engineer to verify that results meet the specif ication and procedure requirements before acceptance of test. Resolution of test exceptions must be approved by the GE Operations Manager, the CECo Station Superintendent and the system mechanical and structural engineer.


Commonwealth Edison Company's system for ev aluating test results from preoperational and startup testing is as follows.


Each formal approved preoperational and sta rtup test is witnessed by a CECo Technical Staff Engineer who has been designated as Sy stem Engineer for the system which is being tested. System assignments are made in advance so that the System Engineer can QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-10 participate in the review and comment of the test procedure. He is responsible for following system construction and the supervision of da ta recording when the test is actually performed. Test results are evaluated by the System Engineer and the Technical Staff Supervisor who then makes a recommendat ion to the CECo Station Superintendent regarding final acceptance of the test.

14.2.6 Test Records

General Electric Company will prepare and main tain the test reports for the construction, preoperational and startup tests until th e plant is turned over to CECo.


Commonwealth Edison Company will prepare and maintain the test records after the plant has been turned over.

14.2.7 Conformance of Test Programs with Regulatory Guides

The initial test program information orig inally submitted to the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) did not address this topic.

14.2.8 Utilization of Reactor Operating and Te sting Experiences in Development of Test Program The initial test program information origina lly submitted to the AEC did not address this topic.

14.2.9 Trial Use of Plant Oper ating and Emergency Procedures

The initial test program information origina lly submitted to the AEC did not address this topic.

14.2.10 Initial Fuel Loading and Initial Criticality

Refer to Section for a discussion of the startup and power testing program including fuel loading and initial criticality. Refer to Sections and

for a listing of tests performed during the fuel loading and initial criticality phases.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-11 14.2.11 Test Program Schedule

The following key points were considered in developing the sequence and schedule of preoperational tests:


A. Systems are sequenced for early testing and placed in routine operation to provide necessary auxiliary services for other sy stems. Examples are plant electrical systems, instrument air, and makeup water supply systems.

B. Preoperational testing is coordinated wi th construction to permit fuel loading as early as possible, without compromising nuclear safety or impeding construction work still in progress on non-critical systems and areas.

C. Stricter controls of plant operat ion and maintenance work will be required following fuel loading. Preoperational test ing is performed before fuel loading on all systems which could consequently be exposed to radioactive contamination to minimize possible contamination problems.

D. Preoperational tests provide an import ant phase of the CECo operators' training program and are scheduled on key system s to permit maximum participation by all operators prior to AEC licensing examinations.

E. Temporary construction power may be re quired for initial tests at the beginning of the preoperational test program. Howe ver, the use of temporary power and improvised set-ups is to be avoided due to the possibility of costly errors and inconsistency with the ultimate objective of proving the final installation.

F. Electrical jumpers may be used to facilitate preoperational testing in some instances, but their use shall be minimized and controlled by proper identification of such jumpers and by log book records.

All jumpers shall be removed before fuel loading.

G. When the plant is ready for fuel lo ading, construction workers will be excluded from the reactor building and drywell, and strict control will be enforced over access to the control room, electrical equi pment rooms, service building, and the radioactive waste treatment building.

H. Commonwealth Edison will operate the plant and equipment (under the technical supervision of GE) during the preoperatio nal testing. However, some testing requirements actually precede the CECo resp onsibility. These will be categorized as Construction Tests and will be perfor med by subcontractors, despite the fact that they resemble preoperational tests in that they are defined by formalized procedures and data sheets and require formal reporting and acceptance.

Construction testing includes but is not limited to the following examples:

1. Containment final leak rate testing.
2. Cleaning and flushing.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-12 3. System hydrostatic tests.

4. Wiring continuity checks.
5. Megger and high potential tests.
6. Electrical system tests up to and including energizing e.g. checking grounding, relay checks, checking ci rcuit breaker operation and controls, continuity checks, megger tests, phasing check, high potential measurements, and energizing of buses.
7. Initial adjustment and bumping of motors.
8. Check control and interlock fun ctions of instruments, relays and control devices.
9. Calibrate instruments and ch eck or set initial trip set points.
10. Pneumatic test of instrument and service air system and blow out of lines.
11. Adjustments such as alignment, greasing, and tightening of bolts.
12. Surveillance of proper equipment operation during preoperational tests, as required. The primary purpose of this item is to cover those instances

where measurements such as the above are required to insure proper

operation, but are not obtainable unt il the entire system is operated during preoperational tests. Exampl es include measuring motor current and voltage; bearing, lubricating o il, cooling water seal temperatures; vibration; torque; rpm; etc. Th ese measurements are primarily of importance for protection of equipment, troubleshooting, or

supplementing installed instrumentation.

13. Check and adjust relief and safety valves.
14. Complete tests of motor-operat ed valves including adjusting limitorque switches and limit switches, checking all interlocks and controls, measuring motor current and operating speed, and checking leak tightness of stem packing and valve seat during hydrotests.
15. Complete tests of air operated va lves including checking all interlocks and controls, adjusting limit switches, measuring operating speed, checking

leak-tightness of stem packing and valve seat during hydrotest, checking for proper operation of controlle rs pilot solenoids, etc.

I. Specialized electronic equipment m anufactured by General Electric NID will be checked and preoperationally tested by re presentatives of NID assisted by CECo personnel.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-13 J. Detailed test writeups will be prepar ed by GE or S&L depending upon system design responsibility. These writeups w ill be specific regarding intent, method, and operating requirements for completi ng the test and will include detailed blank data sheets to be completed during the test.

K. In general, tests will be performe d using permanently-installed instrumentation for the required data. Where it has not been possible to run pumps or similar

equipment for an extended period of time prior to the system preoperational test it will be necessary to install the us ual test thermometers, vibrameters, stroboscopes, or other test instrumentat ion to ensure safe operation of the equipment. Special instrumentation will be specified in the preoperational test procedure. Any test requiring artifici al simulation of a plant parameter will have the method to be used detailed in the procedure as well as the means for

assuring that the system is returned to normal.

L. Where the unit being tested shares components or systems with a unit either still under construction or in operatio n, the detailed preoperational test procedure will define the interactions and control procedures necessary to maintain operating continuity, system integrity, and plant safety without compromising test efficiency.

14.2.12 Individual Test Descriptions Summary of Preoperational Test Content and Sequence


The schedule showing the general sequence in which tests are generally conducted is shown in Figures 14.2-3, 14.2-4, and 14.2-5. This schedule is intended to be a guide only.

Deviation from it to facilitate the completion of the testing program will be at the discretion of the General Electric Operations Manager. See Table 14.2-2 for a list of the

preoperational tests. Electrical Systems

Adequate grounding of all major structures and electrical equipment must be demonstrated before the electrical system is energized and ro utinely operated. This test is performed by construction personnel rather than the customer.


The dc systems must be placed into service, as required, to provide auxiliary power to the plant in a safe manner. Other portions of the dc system may be completed as required.

Equipment in the reactor protection syst em and vital bus power supply will require functional preoperational testing to verify adequacy of design and installation. Other testing will be in the nature of construction test s on wiring and individual components such as the following:

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-14 A. Continuity and phasing checks,

B. Megger test on all control and power wiring,

C. Relay tests and adjustments,

D. Proper operation of transform er cooling and instrumentation,

E. Check circuit breaker operation,

F. High potential tests if required,

G. Calibration of meters, and

H. Proper operation of all controls,

These tests will be performed by construction personnel, but data sheets and formal test records are required.

Preoperational Test D-24, "Electrical Auxilia ry Power Systems" covers testing the emergency systems offsite ac auxiliary power su pply. The plant dc power systems are also covered in preoperational test D-24 as follows:


Part V: 250 Vdc system Part VI: 125 Vdc system Part VII: 48/24 Vdc system Makeup Water and Domestic Water Systems

The makeup and domestic water systems shou ld now be placed in service to provide demineralized water for cleaning, flushing, hydr otesting, and initial filling of plant systems.

[14.2-24] In testing the systems, all pumps, valves, controls and instruments should be checked individually. The system should then be operated under simulated normal conditions before charging resins and using chemicals.

This will reduce the risk of damaging or depleting the resins or using chemicals exce ssively before the system is in proper adjustment. Service Water System

One or two service water pumps will be placed in to service to provide cooling for the reactor and turbine building cooling water systems.

Instrumentation will be calibrated and placed in service. During initial operation of the pumps, they will be monitored for proper motor current, temperatures, and vibration and w ill be checked to verify delivery of the appropriate flow by using the manufacturers' cu rves and installed system instrumentation.


QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-15 Turbine Building Cooling Water System

This system will be cleaned, flushed, hydrotes ted, and filled with inhibited water, the relief valves will be checked, the pumps and valves will be tested, and the system will be placed in normal service. Although some equipment serviced by this system will not be installed or piped in at this time, the lines to this equipment will be valved closed and/or capped to permit the system to be placed into operat ion supplying cooling water for the earliest scheduled preoperational tests. The first re quirement is for service air compressors and then for various system pumps which will be used during cleaning and flushing.

[14.2-26] Fire Protection System

Test summary:


A. Operate diesel driven fire pumps and check performance; and

B. Check all interlocks, remote con trols, and automatic start features. Instrument Air and Service Air Systems

These systems are required as early as possible to permit normal operation of valves and instrumentation during performance of other system preoperational tests. Construction and installation should be completed on the cen tral portion of the system first, including air compressors, receivers, dryers, and main headers up to isolating block valves. Tests on compressors and dryers should be completed as soon thereafter as possible, without waiting for all air piping to be installed.


Test summary:

A. Check set points for compressor con trol: on, off, standby, start, mechanical unloading, and annunciator alarms.

B. Measure capacity of each compressor.

C. Check dryer performance. Condensate Demineralizer System

This test will cover the demineralizers, precoa t and body feed equipment, and holding pump and associated controls. Piping must be comp leted from the main inlet to the main outlet valves. Condensate pumps and piping are not required for this test.


QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-16 Test summary:

A. Check calibration of all instruments.

B. Check operation of all valves.

C. Check all controls for both automatic and remote control.

D. Verify proper operation of recycle pump.

E. Simulate filter aid operations with water flow, but without resin.

F. Simulate all phases of recharging with actual water and air flow, but without resin.

G. Simulate backwash of resins from demineralizers.

H. Pump precoat slurry and mixed power resins to demineralizers and backwash, if required (at least one charge should be cycled even if not required). Plant Heating Boiler

Standard acceptance tests will be performed to ve rify that the boiler capacity and heat rate meets specifications and that all auxiliary equipment and controls are working properly.

[14.2-30] Reactor Building Cooling Water System

This system is required before operation and testing can begin on the variable speed motor generator (M-G) sets, on the co ntrol rod hydraulic pumps, and in the radwaste building, as well as for cooling the process pumps which will be used for cleaning and flushing.


Test summary:

A. After hydrotest and flushing, fill system with demineralized water.

B. Operate pumps to verify proper performance.

C. Check operation of surge tank level controls and alarms.

D. Check interlocks, alarms, controls, and remote indicating devices. Use simulated inputs such as manometers, test pressu re signals, and temperature baths where cold system conditions would otherwise restrict the test.

The system will then be operated routinely to provide services for other preoperational tests.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-17 Reactor Vessel and Primary System Hydrotest (Construction Test

This test should be completed at the earliest possible date to permit installation and testing of control rod drive mechanisms and reactor internals.


Test Summary:

A. Hydrotest reactor, main steam lines, and recirculation loops.

B. Inspect all field welds to reactor vesse l nozzles piping and valves included in the limits of this hydrotest. Control Rod Hydraulic System

Test summary:


A. Calibrate instruments.

B. Check alarms, controls, and interlocks

C. Obtain pump performance data - e.g

., head, flow, suction pressure, bearing and cooling water temperatures, motor current and rpm.

D. Adjust flow control valves.

E. Check operation of proper valves fr om appropriate selector switches, interlocks, or trip signals, including:

1. Scram valves and scram solenoid pilot valves,
2. Backup pilot valves,
3. Scram dump volume drain and vent valves, and
4. Drive selection valves; with draw, insert, and settle control.

F. After drives are installed, adjust indi vidual flow control valves for proper drive speeds.

G. Monitor and record total system perf ormance data with all drives installed, including:

1. Cooling water flow,
2. Total system flow,
3. Flow return to reactor, QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-18 4. System pressures, and
5. Transient response of system du ring insert and withdraw operations, or following scrams. Drywell-Suppression System Leak Rate Measurement and Isolation Valves

Test summary:


A. Measure leakage across the seat (insid e the process line) of all isolation valves which open directly into the containment.

B. Leak check all penetrations added since the previous leak test.

C. Leak test electrical penetrations at 56 psig.

D. Measure leak rate of drywell and suppression chamber simultaneously at 56 psig. Fuel Pool Cooling

Test summary:


A. Calibrate all instrumentation.

B. Check alarms, controls and interlocks.

C. Fill pool with demineralized water.

D. Recirculate through heat exchanger s, bypassing filter-demineralizer.

E. Check operation of filter-deminer alizer valves, and precoat pumps.

F. Simulate resin sluicing operation to and from filter-demineralizer, using demineralized water only (and air as re quired). After satisfactory simulation and when general cleanliness of fuel p ool and reactor building warrants, charge resins and place filter-demineralizer into routine service, verify system flow rates from pump head-flow characteristic.

G. Check level alarms in pool and surge tanks against actual changes in level. Fuel Handling Equipment

Equipment covered in this category will be tested with dummy fuel or blade guide assemblies through dry run simulations of the required operations. This is not one QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-19 coordinated test of a system, but consists of m any separate operations using different pieces of equipment. The equipment is tested on th e operating floor, in the fuel storage pool, and both over and in the reactor vessel.

[14.2-36 Test summary:

A. Tests in the storage pool involve:

1. Installation of fuel pool gates, filling pool with water, and checking gates for leakage.
2. Check of the fuel preparation machine with a dummy fuel assembly. This will also check auxiliary tools such as channel handling tool and channel bolt wrench.
3. Setting up inspection scope and checking with dummy fuel assembly.
4. Checking fixed lights and move able underwater lights to assure adequate visibility for fuel and blade handling and transfer operations.
5. Checking the underwater vacuum cleaner.
6. Operating the refueling platform over storage pool. Checking all equipment on the refueling platform. Transferring fuel assemblies and control blades between storage racks with the grapple.

Checking all grapple controls and interlocks.

7. Using the jib crane to transpo rt dummy fuel assemblies from new fuel storage pool.

B. Tests over Reactor Vessel:

1. Set service platform assembly on vessel flange. Mount jib crane on service platform and use for installing, removing, or shuffling dummy fuel

assemblies and control blades.

2. Raise water level in reactor well and check leak-tightness of vessel to drywell seal and drywell to pool seal. Lower wa ter level and check ability of fuel pool cooling system to drain these seals or associated low points.
3. Verify best procedural methods and tools for:
a. Removal and replacement of steam dryer,
b. Removal and replacement of steam separator head,
c. Removal and replacement of fuel support castings and control rod blades,
d. Removal and replacement of in-core flux monitor strings, and
e. Removal and replacement of jet pump nozzles and risers (under water).

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-20 4. Transfer dummy fuel assemblies and control blades between the storage pool and the reactor vessel, simulating a refueling operation.

5. Obtain representative values of the time required to do all operations normally in the critical path of a refueling outage. Control Rod Drive

Control rod hydraulic system and manual (e lectrical) control system tests shall be completed before beginning tests of individual control rod drive mechanisms. All internals must be in reactor, including guide tubes and thermal sleeves. Install blades and dummy fuel assemblies. The following tests are required on individual drives.


Test summary:

A. Insertion

- continuous and by notch.

B. Withdraw

- continuous and by notch.

C. Stroke timing.

D. Friction measurements.

E. Scram time measurements.

F. Multiple scram time measurements.

G. Check proper position indication and in/out limit lights.

H. Repeat those tests in the hydraulic system and manual control system which are required to verify total system performance.

I. Test safety circuit in conjunction with control rod system to verify scram signals and rod withdrawal interlocks from all safety circuit sensors. Reactor Cleanup Demineralizer System

The system may be flushed, cleaned and init ially checked out while the reactor vessel is empty for the installation of drive mechanism s, by supplying it with condensate and routing the discharge either to radwaste or to the hotwell. However, the system cannot be completely checked during the preoperational phase because full temperature and pressure conditions are required in the reactor for "norma l" system operation to complete the tests.


QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-21 Test summary (not necessarily in chronological order):

A. Check operation of cleanup recircula tion pumps by pumping first to the hotwell or radwaste. Do not pump to reactor unt il filter-demineralizers are fully checked out to prevent injecting poor qua lity water into the reactor.

B. Check operation of filter-demineraliz ers and all associated equipment. Perform all required operations, such as prec oating, normal operation, standby recirculation, filter aid addition, and backwas hing. Be sure that system is set up so that filter break through will not dump impurities into the reactor (preferably routed to radwaste for initial filter operation).

C. Check sluicing of sludge and resins to radwaste system.

D. Check operation of filter-deminera lizer and all associated equipment.

E. Check operation of all valve and pump interlocks by simulated signals to appropriate instrumentation.

F. Check calibration and alarm or trip inte rlock set points of all instrumentation.

G. After system is proven to be oper ational in all modes of operation which are possible to demonstrate without pressure or temperature in the reactor, charge filter-demineralizers and plac e the system in normal service when water is in the reactor during preoperational testing. Residual Heat Removal System

Test requires water in the rea ctor vessel. System may not be sufficiently complete at the time of reactor vessel hydrotest to do preoper ational test at that time, but performance tests on the pumps will be accomplished at that time.


Test summary:

A. Calibrate all instrumentation and check set points.

B. Check operation of all motor-operated valves.

C. Check interlocks in valve and pump control circuits.

D. Measure system pressures where possi ble and determine flow rates from pump characteristics curve for various modes of operation; shutdown cooling, LPCI containment spray, test and vessel head cooling.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-22 Standby Liquid Control System

All portions of this test, except the actual pu mping rate into the reactor (Item E. below) may be done at any time regardless of the stat us of the reactor vessel (full or empty, head on or off).


Test summary:

A. Calibrate instruments and check set points.

B. Fill the neutron absorber tank with demineralized water and operate the injection pumps, recirculating to the neutron absorber tank.

C. Check the set point of the pump discharge relief valves.

D. Check the control circuits for neutron absorber injection valves thoroughly before connecting to the valves (use a dummy resistance to simulate the valve).

E. Fire the injection valves and measur e pumping rates into the reactor. Replace the firing cartridge and valve internals.

F. Check interlocks with the cleanup filter-demineralizer system; this ensures isolation when the standby liquid control system is actuated.

G. Check operation of neutron absorber t ank temperature controls and air sparger.

H. Fill the test tank with demineraliz ed water and operate the neutron absorber injection pumps in simulated test mode , recirculating to the test tank.

I. After the system has been demonstrate d by the foregoing tests, add the required amount of neutron absorber material to the neutron absorber tank. Mix and sample. This should be done very shortly before fuel loading. Reactor Vessel Components

These items may be tested more appropriatel y during the performance of other tests.

[14.2-41] Test summary:

A. Calibrate and test reactor vessel O-ring detection instrumentation.

B. Set reactor vessel stabilizers.

C. Check all reactor vessel thermocouples.

D. Check stud tensioner operation.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-23 Reactor Vessel Instrumentation

This test will include reactor temperature detectors; flange leak detection; stabilizer adjustments; and pressure, level, and flow instrumentation not included in the safety circuit tests.


Test summary:

A. Calibrate all instrumentation.

B. Check response of thermocouples with temperature baths.

C. Check proper installation of reactor vessel stabilizers. Reactor Vessel Safety and Relief Valves

Test summary:


A. Safety valves will be installed as rece ived from the factory; where set points were adjusted, verified, and indicated on the valve.

B. Calibrate reactor pressure sensors and verify proper operation of air-operated valves from test pressure signal to the pressure sensors.

C. Check operation of vacuum breaker valves. Reactor Recirculation System

This test will determine recirculation l oop (recirculation pumps and jet pumps) characteristics to the degree possibl e with cold water conditions.


Test summary:

A. Operate all recirculation loop valves and verify that seat leakage is small enough to permit pump maintenance work.

B. Calibrate loop instrumentation and check controls and interlocks.

C. Operate recirculation pumps and M-G sets at reduced speed.

D. Check flow control transient operatio n within the range permitted by cold water and atmospheric pressure in reactor.

E. Using special instrumentation, dete rmine jet pump characteristics under both normal and abnormal conditions.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-24 Core Spray System

Test summary:


A. Calibrate all instrumentation.

B. Check alarms, controls and interloc ks including complete verification of automatic system starting controls.

C. Operate pumps by recirculating to th e suppression chamber in the test mode.

Verify pump and system performance fr om manufacturer's head-flow curves and measured system pressures.

D. Check operation of all motor-operated valves.

E. With valves closed and locked out of service, initiate sy stem automatically and verify pump start.

F. With pumps locked out of service, in itiate system automatic ally and verify that valves open. Repeat for system in test configuration.

G. Isolate pump suction from torus and route to receive pump supply directly from condensate storage tank. Spray into reacto r vessel. Verify proper flow rate and observe spray pattern. This will also be repeated with suction from suppression chamber.

H. Simulate the accident condition simu ltaneously with a power failure and observe proper sequential operation of system pumps and valves. This test is run concurrently with the containment coo ling system automatic operation test (Section, item F) and the di esel generator automatic starting test (Section, item E).

I. Simulate component failures by lo cking a selected pump out-of-service and initiating the system. Verify that the simulated failure condition is detected and the next pump is automatically started. High Pressure Coolant Injection and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Systems

These tests will test the functional capability of all portions of the systems to operate under simulated accident conditions and under variou s failure modes. Final full capacity testing of the HPCI and RCIC systems may be deferred until adequate steam supply is available.


QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-25 Radioactive Waste Disposal System

After fuel is loaded in the reactor, all drains from the reactor, fuel pool or interconnecting auxiliary system must be considered to be pote ntially radioactive. Therefore, most of the Radioactive Waste Disposal System must be te sted and operational before fuel loading.

The solid waste handling system need not be operational before fuel loading.


Test summary:

A. Calibrate instrumentation.

B. Check all controls and interlocks.

C. Check all air-operated valves.

D. Check pumps and tanks, including:

1. Clean tanks mechanically,
2. Fill with demineralized water,
3. Check pump operation in recirculation, wherever possible, and
4. Simulate operations associated with the particular tank, such as draining or filling, recirculating, sampling, and pr ocessing to a filter, demineralizer, another tank, or discharge to the river.

E. Check Filter-demineralizer and fuel pool including:

1. Check operation of filter components without precoat material, using the demineralized water only, until system operation is acceptable;
2. Perform all required operations such as precoating, normal operation, recirculation, filter aid addition and backwashing;
3. Add diatomaceous earth or Solkaflo c precoat and repeat the operations in Step E.2.

F. Check Demineralizers including:

1. Transfer fluids from waste collector to waste sample tank through filter and demineralizer;
2. Check operation of all components including bypass circuit; and
3. Check instrument and level gage indications.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-26 G. Check Spent Resin System including:

1. Simulate transfer of sludge and resi ns from the fuel pool, waste, condensate, and cleanup demineralizers to the waste sludge tank and phase separator


2. Verify cleanup and condensate slud ge and resin transfer capability by actual transfer of materials (perform near en d of test program with little or no radioactivity present, or devise means of catching and reclaiming resins); and
3. Verify capability to pump spent sludge resin mixture to centrifuge; and
4. Verify capability of centrifuges to operate at design capacity and fill hoppers.

H. Check Sumps, (Drywell, Reactor, Turb ine, and Radwaste Buildings) including:

1. Fill sumps with water;
2. Check operation of sump pumps and proper functioning of level controls, including isolation valves on containment; and
3. Verify discharge to proper collection tank in radwaste with no back flow or leakage enroute.

I. Check Solid Waste Handling, storage and disposal including:

1. Check loading operations fr om mixer and centrifuge hoppers;
2. Check drum handling, loading, capping and transfer to storage (Use sand, drying material and filter aid mate rial to represent solid wastes.);
3. Check drum removal for offsite shipment; and
4. Check baler. NID Instrumentation Systems

This includes the following systems:


A. Source range monitor(SRM)/intermedi ate range monitor(IRM) Chamber Drives.

B. Source range monitoring system.

C. Intermediate range monitoring systems.

D. Average power range monitoring system.

E. Local power range monitoring systems.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-27 F. Incore flux monitor calibration.

G. Area radiation monitoring system.

H. Environs station monitors.

I. Process monitors: off-gas , and air ejector monitors.

The following types of preliminary testing ar e required (where applicable) prior to fuel loading.

Test summary:

A. Install dummy incore string in several positions in the core.

B. Check continuity and resistance to ground of signal and power cable.

C. Check response and calibration of a ll channels with simulated input signals.

D. Check alarm and trip set points.

E. Check chamber response to bugging sources.

F. Check all interlocks with the reacto r safety circuit and control rod electrical control system.

G. Check operation and position indication of all SRM/IRM chamber drives.

H. Using dummy TIP chamber, insert calibra tion probe in all incore string tubes.

Verify capability to insert more than one calibration probe in a particular incore string.

I. Install all incore, SRM and IRM chambe rs and verify final system operability.

J. Install, calibrate, and bug temporar y neutron monitoring instrumentation.

K. The environs monitoring stations hav e been in service for 12 months collecting background radiation data and will remain in service continuously. The plant area radiation monitoring system will be in service prior to power operation.

Radiation levels will be observed from the beginning of fuel loading until

completion of 100% power testing. A comprehensive radiation survey will be conducted in the plant prior to loadin g and at various steps in the power ascension program as required by the startup test program.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-28 Reactor Protection System

Test summary:


A. Operate M-G sets with a resistance lo ad to check capacity and regulation.

B. Energize buses; check contro ls and power source transfer.

C. Check relay operation; pick up and drop out voltages.

D. Check each safety sensor for operation of proper relay.

E. Using test signals, verify scram setpoi nts. Recheck, or perform the reactor level check with water in the reactor vessel me asuring the actual water level against a suitable reference point such as the vessel flange.

F. Check all positions of the reactor mo de switch for proper interlocks and bypass functions.

G. Check all control rod permissive interlocks for proper function.

H. Check automatic closing of all is olation valves from proper signal.

I. Check initiation of core spray, containment spray, RCIC, and emergency ventilation systems by the proper signals. Rod Worth Minimizer

After the control rod drive system is oper ational, withdraw control rods in various sequences to expose the rod worth minimizer to simulated operational conditions. These withdrawal patterns should simulate the cond itions required for the following operations:

[14.2-50] A. Check all programmed normal rod withdrawal sequences for satisfactory performance.

B. Check different short term sequenc es within the sequenced rod groups for satisfactory performance.

C. Attempt improper rod withdrawal and insertion at various points in the withdrawal sequence, and verify that the action is blocked.

D. Determine capability to insert drive mechanisms out of sequence to the extent permitted by the rod worth minimizer.

Insertion of two rods out of sequence should be possible.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-29 E. Check all alarms by simulated or actual error conditions:

1. Low power alarm,
2. Printing,
3. Computer error,
4. Input/output error,
5. Select error,
6. Select block,
7. Insert block, and
8. Withdraw block.

F. Check all displays and information printout including:

1. Group identification,
2. Withdrawal error readout,
3. Insertion error readout, and
4. Printout rod position from scan and from memory for several rod withdrawal patterns. Diesel-Generator

One diesel generator must be operational before fuel is loaded in the reactor, to provide maximum reliability of power supply.


Test summary:

A. Conduct megger and high potential tests.

B. Calibrate instrumentation.

C. Check operation of diesel-generator auxiliaries.

D. Check automatic start of diesel-gener ator, closing of breaker, and load pickup.

E. Simulate design basis accident and de monstrate capability of diesel-generator to pick up core spray, containment spray, emergency ventilation and associated loads in sequence.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-30 F. Perform a simulation of power fa ilure with normal reactor shutdown and demonstrate capability of the diesel-generat or to pick up normal shutdown loads.

G. Operate the diesel-generator at full rated load for 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> to demonstrate load carrying capability. Operate for two ho urs at 10% overload (110% of rated). Drywell Ventilation

Test summary:


A. Calibrate all thermocouples and temperature alarms.

B. Operate all cooler fans.

C. Check proper flow distribution under normal conditions, i.e. seven coolers in operation and drywell closed.

D. Verify adequate cooling of the recircu lation pump motors to the extent possible under pump cold water speed limitations.

E. Verify adequacy of drywell ventilati on system during system expansion tests with primary system at rated temperat ure and both recirculation pumps in operation. Emergency Ventilation and Reactor Building Leak Rate Test

Test summary:


A. Calibrate instrumentation. Ch eck all controls and interlocks.

B. Check operation of preheater equipment.

C. Operate blowers and verify design flow capability.

D. Operate blowers until equilibrium nega tive pressure is achieved inside the reactor building. Evaluate building leak ti ghtness from air volume flow rate and measured pressures and temperatures.

All other ventilation equipment should be out of service during these tests.

E. Determine efficiency of charcoal filt ers by injecting freon into the flow stream and sampling the filter effluent.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-31 Balance of Plant ~ Auxiliary Systems

In general, conventional performance tests w ill be utilized for testing of these systems.

These tests will be formalized and documented to a greater extent than might be done in a conventional power plant to provide the nece ssary control and assurance of equipment or system operability before radioactive contam ination or radiation exposure becomes a potential problem.


While most of the preoperational tests in th is category will be primarily individual component tests, instrument calibration, or checking of controls and interlocks, the following systems will require somewhat more extensive simulation of normal operation conditions or more attention to detail in pe rformance of the component tests in order to minimize later difficulties. The performanc e of extensive preoperational tests on the Nuclear Steam Supply systems provides additi onal time in a coordinated construction schedule which must be used to advantage in pre-checking the turbine-generator and associated auxiliary systems. Circulating Water System

Test summary:

A. Check operation of butterfly valves.

B. Check operation of circulating wate r pumps, verifying that design flow is obtained.

C. Operate condenser vacuum priming and backwash valves.

D. Calibrate all remote instruments. Condensate and Feedwater Systems

These systems are not required for initial fu el loading but certain phases of other preoperational tests require these systems fo r completion. Filling the reactor vessel and refueling well is easier if the condensate and feedwater system is used.

Test summary:

A. Calibrate instrumentation.

B. Check all controls, alarms, and interlocks.

C. Operate all remotely-operated valves.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-32 D. Check performance of condensate and feedwater pumps recirculating to the hotwell through the 6-inch connection down stream from high pressure feedwater heaters. Initial operation should bypa ss the condensate filter-demineralizers and flow to the reactor should be blocked.

E. Check operation of minimum flow recirculation valves and controls.

F. Check hotwell high level reject and lo w level makeup controls and valves.

G. Check operation of feedwater flow contro l valves. If an actual level signal is not available from the reactor vessel, use simulated signals. Feedwater Heater Instrumentation

This test is not required before fuel loading.

Access to key valves and instrumentation will be restricted after nuclear steam is available, so these components must be tested before power operation.

Test summary:

A. Calibrate instrumentation.

B. Check response of level instruments with supply of demineralized water to the heaters and flash tanks.

C. Check all controls, alarms, and interlocks.

D. Check proper operation of valves from level and turbine trip signals. Off-Gas System

Gases from nuclear steam will restrict access to off-gas equipment, so these tests must be done before power operation.

Test summary:

A. Calibrate instrumentation.

B. Check controls, alarms, and interlocks.

C. Check operation of valves from manual control switches and automatic trip signals.

D. Check proper operation of mechanica l equipment in off-gas and 310-foot chimney sampling and monitoring system.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-33 Turbine Generator and Auxiliaries

Turbine-generator and auxiliary systems preoper ational tests will consist essentially of individual component tests. In most cases, coordinated system test s are prevented by the lack of steam flow or associated sustained sources of pressure, temperature, energy, or other effects of normal system operation.

The objective of preoperational tests on these turbine-generator auxiliary systems is to obtain preliminary indication of acceptable system performance before radiation makes test ob servation or performance cumbersome and before radioactive contamination makes mainte nance or delivery correction difficult. Test procedures will be prepared by S&L based on requirements and instructions obtained from GE Large Steam Turbine Generator(LSTG) Depa rtment. Systems in the following list are covered in this category.


A. Turbine oil system,

B. Lube oil purification,

C. Steam seal,

D. Gland exhaust,

E. Hydrogen and carbon dioxide,

F. Stator cooling,

G. Turbine control system including control valves,

H. Generator seal oil system, and

I. Main and spare exciters. Ventilation: Reactor, Radwaste, and Turbine Buildings

Proper operation of supply and exhaust fans, dampers and controls is required in the

reactor building and radwaste buildings before fu el loading. Balancing of air flows must be checked to confirm that contamination contro l requirements are met. Ventilation systems in other buildings may be checked after fuel loading.

[14.2-56] Startup Tests

The Quad Cities Station startup test program is summarized on Table 14.2-3 and Figure

14.2-6. All of the startup tests to be performe d along with the corresponding test conditions are listed on Table 14.2-3. Figure 14.2-6 is a power-flow map which also defines the test conditions as listed on Table 14.2-3. It should be noted that Phase I consists of the

preoperational tests which can be performed prior to fuel loading.


QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-34 Fuel Loading and Tests at Atmospheric Pressure

The initial fuel loading and the following test s are performed at atmospheric pressure, with the reactor pressure vessel open:


A. Chemical and radiochemical tests ar e conducted to establish water conditions prior to initial operation and to maintain these throughout the test program.

Chemical and radiochemical checks ar e made at primary coolant, off-gas exhaust, waste and auxiliary system samp le locations. Base or background radioactivity levels are determined at this time for use in fuel assembly failure detection and long range activity buildup studies.

B. Control rod drive system tests are perfor med on all drives prior to fuel loading to assure proper operability and to measur e and adjust operating speeds. Drive line friction and scram times are determ ined for all drives at zero reactor pressure. Functional testing of each dr ive is performed with dummy fuel just prior to and then following the fuel loading in each cell.

C. Radiation Measurements are made pr ior to nuclear operation to establish base levels in the plant and the nearby environs.

D. Fuel Loading is then begun, a ccording to detailed, step-by-step written procedures. The core is assembled in sections to the full-sized core.

E. Shutdown margin will be demonstrated pe riodically during fuel loading to insure that the reactor is subcritical by more than a specified amount with the strongest single control rod withdrawn. The shut down margin requirement is a limitation on the amount of reactivity which can be loaded into the core. The magnitude of

the margin is chosen with consideration for credible reactivity changes after the test, and for the accuracy of measurement. The test has three parts: the

analytical determination of the stronges t control rod, the calibration of an adjacent control rod, experimentally or analytically, and the demonstration of subcriticality with the strongest rod fully withdrawn and the second at a position equal to the margin. This demonstration will be made for the fully loaded core, and with selected smaller core loadings.

F. The specified control rod sequences are evaluated to verify that the stated criteria of safety, simplicity, and operat ing requirements are met during routine cold startups. The preselected sequence may be modified if necessary to meet criteria. A small number of nonstandard arrays will be utilized to check out the operation of the rod worth minimizer.

G. The performance of the source range monitors will be evaluated based on data taken with the installed source range mo nitoring instrumentation and installed operational sources. The SRM System w ill be calibrated to reactor power and its performance will be compared to stated criteria on noise, signal-to-noise ratio and response to change in core reactivity.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-35 H. Calibration of the intermediate rang e monitors is performed to provide a power level calibration for the intermediate r ange monitors adequate for this phase of the test program.

I. As plant process variable signals beco me available to the computer, verifications will be made of these signals and of the computerized systems performance calculations. Heatup from Ambient to Rated Temperature and Pressure

Following satisfactory completion of the core loading and low power test program, the core components are visually verified for proper installation, and the additional in-vessel hardware is installed. This includes specia l monitoring instrumentation, and the steam separator and dryer assemblies. The reactor he ad is installed, followed by a hydrostatic test to assure satisfactory sealing of the ve ssel head. The drywell head is installed and shield plugs placed over it. A sequence of tests is performed to confirm a number of the nuclear steam supply system characteristic s, as the temperature and pressure are increased. Sufficient tests are performed at each incremental step increase in power or change in pressure, and the tests and operatin g procedures are evaluated, to assure that the succeeding change in operating conditions c an be made safely. The following tests are conducted this phase of the startup.


A. IRM calibration is improved by using data obtained from heatup rates observed during nuclear heating.

B. SRM performance is determined in the power overlap region with the IRM system. The SRM system is recalibrate d by comparison to the IRM system readings in the region.

C. Reactor vessel temperatures will be monitored during heatup and cooldown to determine that temperature differences are not excessive.

D. System expansion checks are made du ring heatup to verify freedom of major equipment and piping to move.

E. Control rod drive system tests will be made by measuring scram times on a selected number of drives at two interm ediate pressures and by performing scram time and drive line friction tests on a representative set of drives at rated reactor pressure and on a selected numbe r of drives without accumulators at rated reactor pressure.

F. Control rod sequence to be used duri ng the heatup will be checked periodically for satisfactory performance.

G. Radiation measurements will be made periodically during nuclear heating and a complete survey will be made at rated temperature.

H. Temperature coefficient of re activity tests will be performed.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-36 I. Process computer functions will be veri fied as more sensed variables come into useful range.

J. Core performance evaluations are made near or at rated temperature and pressure. This includes a reactor he at balance at rated temperature. Power Escalation to 100% Power

Reactor power will be increased to 100% power in increments of approximately 10% with major testing at 50, 75, and 100% power. The turbine will be placed in service and tested during this phase. The test program will incl ude the following (but not necessarily at each increment of power):


A. Chemical and radiochemical tests are continued.

B. Radiation measurements of limited ex tent are made at 25% of rated power and complete surveys are made at 50, 75, and 100% power.

C. IRM calibration final adjustments will be made.

D. Main steam isolation valve functio nal and operational tests will be made as reactor power is increased.

E. RCIC system tests to determine the sy stem performance in regard to flow rate and leak tightness will be made at a low power level.

F. HPCI system tests will be made to demonstrate proper performance of the system including the steam turbine driven pumping system.

G. Recirculation pump trips and their e ffects on the jet pumps and the reactor will be tested periodically during power increase.

H. Flow-control capabilities will be de termined at specified power levels.

I. Turbine trip tests will be made to de termine the effects of turbine trips on the reactor and the auxiliaries of the unit.

J. Generator trip tests will be performe d to determine speed and reactor response.

K. Pressure regulator tests will be made to determine the response of the reactor and the turbine governor system. Regu lator settings will be optimized using data from this test.

L. Bypass valve measurements will be pe rformed by opening a turbine bypass valve and recording the resulting reactor transie nts. Final adjustments to the bypass valves will be made.

M. Feedwater pumps will be used to change reactor subcooling and the resulting transients will be measured to determine system response.

QUAD CITIES - UFSAR 14.2-37 This test will be performed at 75%

power and 100% core flow. At these conditions, one of the two operating feedwater pumps will be turned off and the

standby feedwater pump will be brought to speed automatically to return the system to approximately the same condit ions that existed when the transient was initiated.

N. Flux response to rods will be dete rmined in both equilibrium and transient conditions. Steady-state noise will be measured as will the flux response to control rod motion. Power-void loop stab ility will be verified from this data.

O. Main steam relief valves will be functionally tested.

P. LPRM calibrations which include use of the TIP system, will be made at 50, 75, and 100% of rated power. Each local po wer range monitor will be calibrated to read in terms of local fuel rod surface heat flux.

Q. APRM calibrations will be performe d after making significant power level changes. Reactor heat balances will form the bases of these calibrations of the

average power range monitors.

R. Core performance evaluations will be made periodically to assure that the core is operating within allowable limits on maximum local surface heat flux and minimum critical heat flux ratio. Th is test includes reactor heat balance determinations.

S. Calibration of rods will be performe d to obtain reference relationships between control rod motion and rea ctor power and steam flow in the specified control rod sequence.

T. Axial power distribution measurements will be made with the traversing in-core probe system after significant changes in power, control rod pa ttern, or flow rate.

The TIP system will supply data for core performance evaluations and LPRM


U. Process computer functions will be veri fied as sensed variables come into range during the ascension to and at rated power.

V. The loss of auxiliary power test as show n on the schedule is test No. 31 as listed on Table 14.2-3. The purpose of this test is to demonstrate proper performance

of the reactor, and the plant electrical equipment and systems during the loss of

auxiliary power transient. The proper sw itching of the auxiliary power source from the main generator will be demons trated at about 10% electrical power.

The proper performance of the reactor and the plant electrical systems will be demonstrated for loss of main generato r and offsite power with the main generator at 100% electrical power.

[14.2-61] W. The vibration of the various instru mented reactor vessel internal components will be detected by sensors mounted directl y on those components. The vibration signals from these sensors will be amp lified and displayed by an oscillographic recorder and also recorded on magnetic tape. These tests will be performed as part of the power ascension program at 50, 75, and 100% power.


(Sheet 1 of 1)


Table 14.2-1


1. 4 each Proportional counters, Type NA08 2. 4 each Dunking chambers 3. - Control rod blade guides (complete set) 4. 1 each 30-channel event recorder 5. 4 each Linear displacement transducers 6. 1 each Portable test pump 0-3000 psi range 7. 1 each Vibrometer 8. 1 each Dial test indicator 9. 1 each Hand tachometer 0 - 800 rpm 10. 1 each Hand-held direct-reading pyrometer 11. 1 each Electronic stroboscope

(Sheet 1 of 2)


Table 14.2-2


A-1 Drywell Leak Rate A-2 RPV Components A-3 Safety & Relief Valves A-5 CRD Hydraulic A-6 CRD Manual Control A-7 Recirculation System A-8 RCIC System A-9 RHR System A-10 Reactor Water Cleanup System A-11 Standby Liquid Control System A-12 Core Spray System A-15 Fuel Pool Cooling & Cleanup System A-16 Refueling & Support Equipment A-20 HPCI System

B-1 T-G Lube Oil B-2 T-G EHC System B-3 T-G, Drains, Extraction & Steam Seal B-4 Generator Cooling B-5 Generator Excitation

C-1 Condenser & Aux C-2 Condensate & Feedwater C-3 Circulation Water C-4 Service Water C-5 Condensate Demineralizer C-6 Make-Up Water System C-7 Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water System C-8 Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water System C-9 Instrument & Service Air C-11 Heating Boiler C-12 Reactor Building Heating & Ventilation System C-13 Drywell Cooling System C-16 & C-17 Radwaste Disposal System (Sheet 2 of 2)


Table 14.2-2 (Continued)


D-8 Standby Diesel Generator D-9 Public Address System D-11 Feedwater Control System D-12 Reactor Protection System D-13 Neutron Monitoring System D-14 T.I.P. Calibration D-15A Main Steam, Radiation Mon.

D-15B Reactor Bldg. Heating & Ventilation Mon.

D-15C Crane, Mon.

D-15D Process Liquid, Mon.

D-16 Area Rad. Mon.

D-17A Stack Gas Mon.

D-17B Off Gas Mon.

D-17C Flux Tilt Mon.

D-18 Environs Mon.

D-19 Rod Position Info.

D-22 Rod Worth Minimizer D-23 Process Computer D-24 Elect. Aux. Power (Sheet 1 of 4)


Table 14.2-3



PhaseII III IV V Test No.

Startup Test Title Open Vessel Heatup Percent Power Warranty 100% 10% 25% 50% 75% 100% 1 Chemical and Radiochemical 1[Note 1] 2 3 4 7 10 14 2 Radiation Measurements 1 2 4 7 14 14 3 Fuel Loading 1 4 Shutdown Margin 1 5 Control Rod Drives 1 2 14 6 Control Rod Sequences 1 2 7 Calibration of Rods 7 14 8 (Not Used In this Plant) 9 SRM Performance 1 2 10 IRM Calibration 1 2 11 LPRM Calibration 3 4 7 10 14 (Sheet 2 of 4)


Table 14.2-3 (Continued)



II III IV V Test No.

Startup Test Title Open Vessel Heatup Percent Power Warranty 100% 10% 25% 50% 75% 100% 12 APRM Calibration 3 4 7 10 14 14 13 Process Computer 1 2 3 14 14 RCIC System 2 15 HPCI System 2 16 Reactor Vessel Temperature 2 17 System Expansion 2 18 Axial Power Distribution 4 7 10 13, 14 19 Core Performance Evaluation 2 3 4 7 8, 10, 11 13, 14, 15 14 20 Elec. Output and Heat Rate 14 21 Flux Response to Rods 4 7 10 14 22 Pressure Regulator 4 8, 10 14 (Sheet 3 of 4)


Table 14.2-3 (Continued)



II III IV V Test No.

Startup Test Title Open Vessel Heatup Percent Power Warranty 100% 10% 25% 50% 75% 100% 23 FW Syst: FW Pump Trip 10 Water Level STpt. chg. 4 10, 11 14, 15 24 Bypass Valves 4 10, 11 14, 15 25 Main Steam Isolation: Each Valve 4 10 14 All Valves 10 26 Relief Valves 4 27 Turbine Trip 7 14 28 Generator Trip 6 14 29 Flow Control 7 10 13, 14 (Sheet 4 of 4)


Table 14.2-3 (Continued)



II III IV V Test No.

Startup Test Title Open Vessel Heatup Percent Power Warranty 100% 10% 25% 50% 75% 100% 30 Recirc. System: Trip One Pump 7 14 Trip Both Pumps 10 14 Flow Calib. 4 7 10 14 31 Loss of T-G and Offsite Power 3 14 32 Recirculation Loop Control 2 7 94 Temperature Coefficient 2 95 Half Control Density Critical 1 96 Gadolinia Worth 16[Note 2]

Note 1 Test conditions for each test and power combination refer to Figure 14.

2-6 Power Flow Map and Test Conditions.

Note 2 Test #96 is performed at 95%

power (Refer to Figure 14.2-6).