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Byron/Braidwood Nuclear Stations, Revision 16 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 14, Initial Test Program
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Site: Byron, Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/15/2016
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML16357A264 List: ... further results
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B/B-UFSAR 14.0-i REVISION 7 - DECEMBER 1998 CHAPTER 14.0 - I NITIAL TEST PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 14.0 INITIAL TEST PROGRAM 14.1-1 14.1 SPECIFIC INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN PSAR 14.1-1 14.2 SPECIFIC INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN UFSAR 14.2-1 14.2.1 Summary of Test Program and Objectives 14.2-1 14.2.2 Organization and Staffing 14.2-1 14.2.3 Test P rocedures 14.2-4 14.2.4 Conduct of Test Program 14.2-4 14.2.5 Review, Evalua tion, and Approval of Test Results 14.2-5 14.2.6 Test R ecords 14.2-6 14.2.7 Conformance of T est Programs with Regulatory Guides 14.2-6 14.2.8 Utilization of React or Operating and Testing Experiences in Development of Test Program 14.2-6 14.2.9 Trial Use of Plant Operating and Emergency Procedures 14.2-6 14.2.10 Initial Fuel L oading and Initial Criticality 14.2-7 Fuel Loading 14.2-7 Postloading Tests 14.2-10 Low Power Testing 14.2-11 Power Level Escalation 14.2-12 14.2.11 Test Program Schedule 14.2-12 14.2.12 Individual Test Description 14.2-13 Preoperational Test Abstracts 14.2-14 Startup Test Abstracts 14.2-14 14.3 ADDITIONAL TESTI NG FOR THE UNIT 1 STEAM GENERATORS

14.3.1 Summary of Test Program and Objectives 14.3-1 14.3.2 Organization and Staffing 14.3-1 14.3.3 Test P rocedures 14.3-1 14.3.4 Conduct of Test Program 14.3-1 14.3.5 Review, Evalua tion, and Approval of Test Results 14.3-2 14.3.6 Test R ecords 14.3-2 14.3.7 Conformance of T est Programs with Regulatory Guides 14.3-2 14.3.8 Development of t he Test Prog ram 14.3-2 14.3.9 Individual Test Description 14.3-2

B/B-UFSAR 14.0-ii REVISION 5 - DECEMBER 1994 CHAPTER 14.0 - I NITIAL TEST PROGRAM LIST OF TABLES NUMBER TITLE PAGE 14.2-1 Typical Form at - Preoperational Test Procedure 14.2-15 14.2-1a Typical Format - Initial Startup Test Procedure 14.2-17 14.2-2 Excore Nucle ar Instrumentation (Preoperational Test) 14.2-18 14.2-3 Deleted 14.2-19 14.2-4 Auxiliary Startup Instrumentation 14.2-20 14.2-5 Seismic Inst rumentation 14.2-21 14.2-6 Reactor Protection 14.2-22 14.2-7 Engineered Safety Features 14.2-23 14.2-8 Area Radiation Monitors 14.2-24 14.2-9 Process Radiation Monitors 14.2-25 14.2-10 Communication System 14.2-26 14.2-11 Auxiliary Power System 14.2-27 14.2-12 Instrument Power System 14.2-28 14.2-13 D-C Power 14.2-29 14.2-14 Vital Bus Indepe ndence Verific ation 14.2-30 14.2-15 Essential Service Water System (Byron) 14.2-31 14.2-15 Essential Service Water System (Braidwood) 14.2-32 14.2-16 Component Cooling System 14.2-33 14.2-17 Residual Heat Removal System 14.2-34 14.2-18 Containment Spray System 14.2-35 14.2-19 Auxiliary Feedwater System 14.2-36 14.2-20 Primary Sampling System 14.2-37 14.2-21 Leak Detection System 14.2-38 14.2-22 Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System 14.2-39 14.2-23 Fuel Handling and Transfer Systems 14.2-40 14.2-24 Radioactive Waste Gas 14.2-41 14.2-25 Byron Diesel Generators 1A, 1B, and 2A 14.2-42 14.2-25a Byron Diesel G enerator 2B and Braidwood Diesel Generators 14.2-43 14.2-26 Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer System 14.2-44 14.2-27 ECCS - Expansion and Restraint 14.2-45 14.2-28 ECCS - Safety Injection Pumps 14.2-46 14.2-29 ECCS - Centrifugal Charging Pumps 14.2-47 14.2-30 ECCS - RHR Pumps 14.2-48 14.2-31 ECCS - A ccumulators 14.2-49 14.2-32 ECCS - Recircu lation Phase 14.2-50 14.2-33 ECCS - Safety Injection Pumps 14.2-51 14.2-34 ECCS - C heck Valve Ope rability 14.2-52 14.2-35 Auxiliary Bu ilding HVAC 14.2-53 14.2-36 Control Room HVAC 14.2-54 14.2-37 Diesel-Generator Room Ventilation System 14.2-55 14.2-38 ESF Switchge ar HVAC 14.2-56

B/B-UFSAR 14.0-iii LIST OF TABL ES (Cont'd)

NUMBER TITLE PAGE 14.2-38a Miscellaneous Electric Equipment Room HVAC 14.2-57 14.2-39 Containment Purge 14.2-58 14.2-40 Hydrogen Rec ombiner 14.2-59 14.2-41 Containment Ventilation 14.2-60 14.2-42 Main Steam Isolation Valves 14.2-61 14.2-43 Pressurizer Relief Tank 14.2-62 14.2-44 Reactor Coolant Pumps 14.2-63 14.2-45 Reactor Coolant Isolation Valves 14.2-64 14.2-46 CVCS - RCP Seal Water Supply 14.2-65 14.2-47 CVCS - Charging and Letdown 14.2-66 14.2-48 CVCS - Reactor Makeup Control 14.2-67 14.2-49 CVCS - P urification 14.2-68 14.2-50 Primary Safety and Relief Valves 14.2-69 14.2-51 Steam Generator Safety and Relief Valves 14.2-70 14.2-52 Pressu rizer 14.2-71 14.2-53 Steam Ge nerator 14.2-72 14.2-54 Reactor Coolant System Expansion and Restraint 14.2-73 14.2-55 (Deleted) 14.2-74 14.2-56 Containment Leak Rate 14.2-75 14.2-57 Reactor Coolant System Hydrostatic 14.2-76 14.2-58 Integrated Hot Functional Heatup 14.2-77 14.2-59 Integrated H ot Functional At Temperature 14.2-78 14.2-60 Integrated Hot Functional Testing Cooldown 14.2-79 14.2-61 Reactor Cont ainment Crane and Hoists 14.2-80 14.2-62 Initial Core Load (Startup Test) 14.2-81 14.2-63 Control Rod Drives 14.2-83 14.2-64 Rod Position Indicators 14.2-84 14.2-65 Reactor Trip Circuit 14.2-85 14.2-66 Rod Drop Measurements - Byron Unit 1 14.2-86 14.2-66a Rod Drop Measure ments - Byron Unit 2; Braidwood Units 1 and 2 14.2-87 14.2-67 Incore Flux Monitor System 14.2-88 14.2-68 Nuclear Inst rumentation 14.2-89 14.2-69 Reactor Coolant System Pressure 14.2-90 14.2-70 Reactor Coolant System Flow 14.2-91 14.2-71 Pressurizer Ef fectiveness 14.2-92 14.2-72 Water Ch emistry 14.2-93 14.2-73 Radiation Surveys 14.2-94 14.2-74 Effluent Radiation Monitors 14.2-95 14.2-75 Initial Crit icality 14.2-96 14.2-76 Power As cension 14.2-99 14.2-77 Moderator Te mperature Reactivity Coefficient Measurement 14.2-100 14.2-78 Control Rod Re activity Worth M easurement 14.2-101


NUMBER TITLE PAGE 14.2-79 Boron Reactivity Worth Measurement 14.2-102 14.2-80 Flux Distribution Measurements 14.2-103 14.2-81 Pseudo Rod E jection 14.2-104 14.2-82 Power Reacti vity Coefficient Measurement 14.2-105 14.2-83 Core Performance Evaluation 14.2-106 14.2-84 Flux Asymmetry Evaluation 14.2-107 14.2-85 Full-Power Plant Trip 14.2-108 14.2-86 Shutdown From Outside the Control Room 14.2-109 14.2-87 Loss of Offsite Power 14.2-110 14.2-88 10% Load Swing 14.2-111 14.2-89 50% Load Reduction - Byron Unit 1 14.2-112 14.2-89 50% Load Reducti on - Byron Unit 2 Braidwood Units 1 and 2 14.2-113 14.2-90 RTD Cross-Calibration 14.2-114 14.2-91 Turbine Trip From 25% Power 14.2-115 14.3-1 Containment Pressure Test/Integrated Leak Rate Test 14.3-4 14.3-2 Steam Generator Blowdown Flow Rate Measurement 14.3-5 14.3-3 Recirculatio n Pumps Performance Test 14.3-6 14.3-4 Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Verification 14.3-7 14.3-5 Steam Genera tor Thermal Expansion Test 14.3-8 14.3-6 Load Reduction Test 14.3-9 14.3-7 Steam Generator Level Control Test 14.3-10 14.3-8 Steam Genera tor Moisture Carryover Test 14.3-11 14.3-9 Feedwater System Test 14.3-12 14.3-10 Steam Genera tor Thermal Performance Test 14.3-13 14.3-11 Reactor Cool ant System Flow Ve rification 14.3-14 14.3-12 Plant Performance Baseline Data 14.3-15 14.3-13 Calibration of Steam Flow Tr ansmitters 14.3-16 14.3-14 Loose Parts Monitor Baseline Impact Data 14.3-17 14.3-15 Steam Generator Steady State Pipe Vibration (Visual In spection - Inside and Outside Contai nment) 14.3-18 14.3-16 Steam Generator Inservice Leakage Inspections 14.3-19

B/B-UFSAR 14.0-v CHAPTER 14.0 - I NITIAL TEST PROGRAM LIST OF FIGURES NUMBER TITLE 14.2-1 Pre-operatio nal/Startups Test Schedule (Unit 1)

B/B-UFSAR 14.1-1 REVISION 5 - DECEMBER 1994 CHAPTER 14.0 - I NITIAL TEST PROGRAM 14.1 SPECIFIC INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN PSAR This section is not applicable to the Byron/Braidwood UFSAR.


1. Title and Approval Sheet
2. Index
3. Test Objectives The test objective is a clear and concise statement of the purpose of the test.
4. Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria consists of appr opriate standards against which the succ ess or failure of the test may be judged. 5. References The reference sources us ed to prepare the test are provided.

6. Prerequisites Those conditions or requiremen ts such as prior testing or calibration that must be accom plished prior to testing are specified.
7. Initial Conditions The plant conditions that must be achieved at the commencement of the test are specified.
8. Special Precautions Those precautions to be observed during the procedural portion of the t est are set forth.
9. Test Procedure

The procedure consists of a detailed set of steps to be followed in accompli shing the test.

10. System Restoration The system condition to be obtained at the conclusion of the test is specified.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-16 TABLE 14.2-1 (Continued)


11. Data Sheets Data sheets provide the mean s of recording information required to be obtained during the test.
12. Test Evaluation The test results are reviewed by the station staff who identify apparent deficiencies, determine whether additional testing is required, and ensure the test res ults are complete and meet the acc eptance criteria.
13. Appendices Appendices are provi ded in the test co pies to record significant events that occur during the test, verify operating procedures, perform complex data reductions and list miscellaneous i nformation helpful f or test execution.

14 Attachments

A section is provided for at tachment of supp orting test documents.



(A short description of the intent and a pplicability of the test.)


(References, including reference to Technical Specifications.)


(A list of procedure s or actions to be compl eted prior to the test.)


(Used to alert the cognizant eng ineer of important measures which should be taken to protect equipment and personnel. Also included are li mitations on p arameters being controlled and a ppropriate corrective measures to return to normal are s pecified.)


(A step-by-step inst ruction necessary to perform the test.)


CRITERIA (Those standards by which th e test is to be judged against. Detailed referencing of the criteria is included.)

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-18 TABLE 14.2-2 EXCORE NUCLEAR I NSTRUMENTATION (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core loading at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure and during hot functional testing while heating up and cooling down.

Test Objective

To verify instrument alignme nt and source range detector response to a ne utron source.

Test Summary

Prior to core loading the nuclear instruments will be aligned.

All channels will be checked to verify h igh level trip functions, alarm setpoints, audible count rates where applicable, and operation of strip chart recorders and any auxiliary equipment.

Acceptance Criteria

The nuclear instruments are alig ned and respond to a source of neutrons and trip, alarm and indicate in accordance with Technical Specification B.2.2.1 and UFSAR Se ctions 7.5 and 7.7.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-19 TABLE 14.2-3 INCORE THERMOCOUPLE SYSTEM (Preoperational Test)

Deleted (See T able 14.2-90)*

  • Upgraded thermocouple s ystem will be tested.


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to and during init ial core loading operations.

Test Objective

To verify response of each t emporary startup source range channel to a neutron source prior to core loading.

Test Summary Two separate temporary source range detectors will be installed in the core during c ore loading operatio ns. An additional channel will serve as a spare to the oth er two channels. During the core loading operations the se detectors will be relocated at specific loadin g steps to provi de the most meaningful neutron cou nt rate. The response of each channel to a neutron source will be verif ied prior to core loading.

Acceptance Criteria

Each temporary s ource range channel resp onds to a neutron source by indicating a positive change in count rate as the neutron level is increased n ear its associated detector.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-21 TABLE 14.2-5 SEISMIC INSTRUMENTATION (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, RCS at ambient tempe rature and pressure.

Test Objective

To demonstrate o perability of the seis mic instrumentation.

Test Summary The equipment to be test ed will be the t riaxial acceleration sensor at the free field loc ation; four more triaxial acceleration sensors located at counti ng room of auxiliary building; containmen t wall; base slab of containment; and, operation floor of c ontainment. Furth er equipment to be tested, located in t he auxiliary electri cal equipment room, is the time-history accel erograph, triaxial pla y back system, triaxial response spectrum analy zer (also known as a recorder), and the seismic warning panel. There are also three peak recording accelerometers locat ed on SI piping in containment, auxiliary building essential ser vice water return piping, and on an accumulator tank which, due to their n ature, are not testable.

Acceptance Criteria

The instrumentation is aligned and operable in accordance with Subsection 3.7.4.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-22 TABLE 14.2-6 REACTOR PROTECTION (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, RCS at ambient tempe rature and pressure.

Test Objective

To verify operation of the reactor pro tection channels from each protection sensor t hrough to tripping of the reactor trip


Test Summary

Prior to core loading the operat ion of the react or trip system will be verified und er all conditions of logic utilizing outputs or simulated outputs from each of the nuclear and process and other protec tion sensors. It wi ll demonstrate that both Train A and Train B are independent and a loss of one train will not a ffect the other. Th e individual protection channels will be tested to check the redundance of the systems and to demonstrate safe failure on loss of power. The protection channels wi ll be verified through to tripping of the reactor trip bre akers. The trip tim e of each reactor protection signal wi ll be measured from the output of the sensor to tripping of the reactor trip breaker.

Verification that the control rod drive mechanis ms will unlatch upon opening of the tr ip breakers will be part of the Initial Criticality Procedure. Other items such as simulated trip signals, bypass breaker operation, interlocks, rod blocks, and turbine runbacks are verified in the Reactor Protection Preoperational Test.

Acceptance Criteria

The reactor protection system operates in accordance with Section 7.2.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-23 TABLE 14.2-7 ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, RCS at ambient tempe rature and pressure.

Test Objective

To verify operation of the safeguards logic systems for all conditions of trip logic.

Test Summary Prior to core loading the operat ion of the Eng ineering Safety Features will be demonst rated. It will incl ude actuation of containment systems, emergency core cool ing systems (ECCS), habitability systems , fission product re moval, and control systems. It will demonstrate re dundancy, coinci dence, and safe failure on loss of p ower. The trip time of each reactor protection signal wi ll be measured from the output of the sensor to tripping of the reactor trip breaker.

Acceptance Criteria The safeguards logic s ystem operates in acco rdance with Section 7.3.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-24 TABLE 14.2-8 AREA RADIATI ON MONITORS (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load.

Test Objective

To demonstrate that ar ea radiation monitors function properly.

Test Summary The preoperational test will include ope ration of the check sources, annunciation and alarm on high radiat ion, test of indicating and recording features, and functioning of interlocks, if applicable.

Acceptance Criteria The area radiation monitors alarm and indicate high radiation setpoint exceeded and interlock setpoint exceeded conditions.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-25 TABLE 14.2-9 PROCESS RADIATION MONITORS (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load.

Test Objective

To demonstrate that pr ocess radiation monitors function properly.

Test Summary The preoperational test will include ope ration of the check sources, annunciation and alarm on high radiation, tests of indicating features, and fun ctioning of interlocks, if applicable. This wi ll include effluent moni tors with isolation functions.

Acceptance Criteria The process radiation monitors alarm a nd indicate high radiation setpoint e xceeded and interlock setpoint exceeded conditions.


B/B-UFSAR 14.2-27 REVISION 1 - DECEMBER 1989 TABLE 14.2-11 AUXILIARY POWER SYSTEM (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, auxi liary power system pow ered from offsite power supplies.

During preoperational testing of the AP system, the reserve feed breakers, 1 414, 1424, 2414 and 24 24, (unit cross-ties), will be deenergized.

Test Objective To verify proper operation of the auxiliary power transformers, breakers, switchgear, and other components.

Test Summary

Prior to core loading the auxili ary power system will be tested and verified that all interlocks, protective f eatures, alarms, and indications are oper ational. It will demonstrate that a loss of offsite powe r will transfer to onsite power and function as per its design capab ilities. Tests of the vital buses will be performed as early as the nece ssary components become available for t esting, but not during the period when electrical separation requirements are in effect for Unit 1 operation and Unit 2 construct ion. It will al so demonstrate that the two ESF Divisions 11 and 12 are completely

independent. Voltages and proper phase rotations will be demonstrated to perform as per i ts design. Full accident load testing will be perf ormed using the sy stem auxiliary transformer, reserve feed, and diesel-ge nerator. During full load accident testing, voltage readings of the offsite power source and voltage r eadings of the vital buses will be taken.

The voltage levels at the vital buses are pred icted throughout the anticipated range of voltage variation of the offsite power source by an enginee ring analysis. Unit 1 readings will be taken at a threshold level equ al to 30% of sta rtup loading, include transient reco rdings for both safety and nonsafety motors, and at an initial minimum steady-state l oading. Unit 2 readings will only be taken at 3 0% loading in order to verify transformer tap selection.

Acceptance Criteria Each 480V or 4-kV auxiliary po wer bus can be supplied with power in accordance with Subsection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-28 TABLE 14.2-12 INSTRUMENT POWER SYSTEM (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite Prior to core load, RCS at ambient temperatu re and pressure, instrument power buses powered from their no rmal power supplies.

Test Objective

To demonstrate proper operation of the instrument power system including the inverters and constant vol tage transformers.

Test Summary

A preoperational test will d emonstrate that the instrument power buses can be s upplied from the appropriate power sources. It will demonstrate the capability of the inverters to transfer to the alternate power source on loss of normal power and maintain an uninterr upted source of power to the instrument bus. The inv erters and con stant voltage transformers will be verified to maintain the proper voltage and frequency output w hile varying the voltage input and loading. Setpoints of associated alar ms, relays, and instrumentation will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria

The instrument power s ystem supplies power to the instrument power buses in accor dance with Subse ction

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-29 REVISION 1 - DECEMBER 1989 TABLE 14.2-13 D-C POWER (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, RCS at ambient temperatu re and pressure, battery chargers are p owered from their normal power supplies.

Test Objective

To verify proper operation of the batteries, b attery chargers, switchgear and alarms of the 125-Vdc system.

Test Summary

A preoperational test will be run on the 125-Vdc system including the batteries, charger s, and distribut ion centers.

The battery capacity w ill be verified wi th the batte ry charger electrically disconnec ted. Individual c ell voltage readings will be taken at periodic interv als during the c apacity test to ensure that individual cell limi ts are not e xceeded. A performance test will be conducted on the battery chargers to verify its voltage regulation. Each battery charger will be demonstrated to be capable of charging i ts associated battery within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> while simultaneously sup plying the largest combined demands of the expected steady-state lo ads under all normal plant ope rating conditions. The test will verify the proper settings of the low volta ge alarm, high d-c output voltage trip of ac i nput breaker, ac fail alarm, bus undervoltage alarm, gr ound detector alar m, and breaker trip alarms.

Acceptance Criteria

Each battery can carry its design load in accordance with Subsection 8.3.2.


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to plant operation.

Test Objective

To verify the existence of i ndependence among redundant onsite power sources and th eir load groups.

Test Summary The plant electric power distr ibution system, not necessarily including the switchyard and unit and system auxiliary transformers, will be isolated from the offsite transmission network. The onsite electric power system will then be functionally tested su ccessively in the various combinations of power sources and load g roups with all d-c a nd onsite a-c power sources for one load g roup at a time com pletely disconnected.

Each test will inclu de injection of simulate d accident signals, startup of the diese l generator and load group under test, sequencing of loads, and the functional perf ormance of the loads. Each test will be of sufficient duration to achieve stable operating conditi ons. During each test the d-c and onsite a-c buses and r elated loads not u nder test will be monitored to verify ab sence of voltage at th ese buses and loads.

Acceptance Criteria

Each redundant o nsite power source and its load group are independent of any o ther redundant load group in accordance with Subsection 8.1.1.


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, prior to and during integrated hot functional testing.

All loads supplied by the system shall be functional.

Test Objective

To verify acceptable service water flow to all components cooled by the system.

Test Summary

The essential service water system will be operationally checked to verify pr essures and flows. Serv ice water flow will be verified to all c omponents in the system. Functional operation of pump discharge stra iners will also be verified.

Operation will be de monstrated from normal and emergency power sources. Pump head and flow character istics will be determined. Controls, interlocks, and i nstrumentation will be demonstrated. During hot functional testing the system will be verified to maintain adequate component temper atures. At Byron, proper operat ion of cooling tower fans and tower level control in normal and backup modes will be verified.

The adequacy of NPSH and the absence of vortexing over the range of basin levels an ticipated in Byron's essential service water cooling towers will be demonstrated.

Byron's essential serv ice water cooling towers will be tested during the residual heat removal (RHR sy stem) phase of the plant cooldown from the integrated h ot functional test. This will be a part-load te st, together with an extrapolation, to prove full-load powe r performance.

Acceptance Criteria The essential service water system suppl ies water to all components in the system und er all modes of operation in accordance with Subs ection


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, prior to and during integrated hot functional testing. All loads su pplied by the system shall be functional.

Test Objective

To verify acceptable service water flow to all components cooled by the system.

Test Summary

The essential service water system will be operationally checked to verify pr essures and flows. Serv ice water flow will be verified to all c omponents in the system. Functional operation of pump discharge stra iners will also be verified.

Operation will be de monstrated from normal and emergency power sources. Pump head and flow character istics will be determined. Controls, interlocks, and i nstrumentation will be demonstrated. During hot functional testing the system will be verified to maintain adequat e component temperatures.

Acceptance Criteria

The essential service water system suppl ies water to all components in the system und er all modes of operation in accordance with Subs ection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-33 REVISION 1 - DECEMBER 1989 TABLE 14.2-16 COMPONENT COOLING SYSTEM (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, prior to and during integrated hot functional testing.

All loads supplied by the system shall be functional, essential service water system shall be functional.

Test Objective

To verify that adequ ate cooling is suppl ied to each component including containment penetratio ns and that te mperature limits are maintained.

Test Summary

The component cooling su pply to the various components in the system will be adjuste

d. During hot f unctional testing and during cooldown, data will be taken to v erify that adequate cooling is supplied to each component and that temperature limits are maint ained. For those penetr ations not cooled by the component system, a representative sampl e of the concrete surface temperatures w ill be measured and evaluated. Pump characteristics will be determined, valve operation demonstrated, and system control, indication, and alarm functions verified.

Automatic start feature of the standby C CS pump will be verified. Automatic isolation of the RCS pump thermal barrier cooling lines on high fl ow will be demon strated. Automatic closure of valves on Phase A and Phase B isola tion will be demonstrated. Auto isolation feature of the surge tank atmospheric vent wil l be demonstrated.

Acceptance Criteria

The component cooling sy stem supplies cooling to all components in the system in accorda nce with Subsection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-34 TABLE 14.2-17 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, prior to and during integrated hot functional testing and during ECCS full flow testing, R CS will be at various temperatures and pressures.

Test Objective

To verify adequate flow in all modes of operation.

Test Summary

The residual heat removal (R HR) system will be operationally checked prior to initial core load by verify ing pressures and flows for the various flow paths.

During the co oldown phase of hot functional testing, the cooldown capabil ity of the system will be demonstrated.

Pump characteristics will be determined, valve interlocks and controls ve rified, and system control and alarm functions verified.

Use of the residual heat removal system for the refueling mode will be tested by ve rification of the following operating procedures during performanc e of the RHR preoperational testing: preparation for refueling, pumping from the refueling cavity to the RWST, and pumping from the ref ueling cavity to the recycle holdup tanks.

Plant startup and isolation of RHR from the RCS will be tested du ring heatup for hot functional testing by monitorin g reactor coolant temperature and pressure. Plant shutdown and initiation of RHR will be tested during the cooldown ph ase of hot functio nal testing by reducing the temperature and pressure of the reactor coolant.

Testing for RHR pump a utomatic start on a safety injection signal will be perform ed during logic testin g of the RHR pumps and preoperational testing of the ECC system.

RHR miniflow recirculation and proper operati on of the miniflow line isolation valve will be tested during logic and integrated testing of RHR. RHR pump curve data, vibration data , running current, etc. will be taken while on recirculati on. Operation of RHR on miniflow recirculation will al so be tested during ECCS preoperational te sting. RHR pump a utomatic suction switch over to the containment sump will be t ested as part of the valve logic testing of the safety injection system.

Acceptance Criteria

The RHR system operates in accordance wi th Subsection 5.4.7.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-35 TABLE 14.2-18 CONTAINMENT SPRAY SYSTEM (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, and during ECCS full flo w testing period.

Test Objective

To verify that the containment spray s ystem can deliver water at proper flow and p ressure to the conta inment spray headers. Test Summary All modes of containment spray p ump operation will be tested to verify flow paths and pump flow and pressure characteristics.

System response to a c ontainment high-high-h igh pressure signal will be demonstrated.

Spray nozzles will be tested using hot air injected into th e nozzles and infr a-red thermography or alternative methods to verify proper noz zle flow. Water injection through the spray nozzles is not pla nned. Spray pump "Head vs. Flow Curves" will be obtained whil e the pumps are in a recirculation mode back to the refueling water storage tank. Valve ope rability, interlocks, and indication will be verified. The paths for the air flow test of the containment spray nozzles will ove rlap the water flow test paths of the pumps at the connect ing spool pieces.

The spray additive tank will be filled with demineralized water and with the containment spray p umps operating a djustment of valves CS018A or CS0 21A and CS018B or CS021B will be made to yield 55 gpm flow across the respective flow indicator, corrected for specific gravity to simulate a 30% NaOH solution.

Acceptance Criteria

The containment spray system operates in accordance with Subsections and

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-36 TABLE 14.2-19 AUXILIARY FEEDWATER SYSTEM (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, prior to and during integrated hot functional testing, and during ECCS full fl ow testing, RCS will be at various temperatures and pressures.

Test Objective

To verify the ability of the auxiliary feedw ater system to respond to a feedwat er demand under any plant condition.

Test Summary

The auxiliary feedwater system will be t ested prior to hot functional testing to verify pump performance over extended

periods on recirculati on, and at various flo w rates. Motor and diesel-driven pumps will be verified to start under any safeguard situation under any po ssible control lin eup, includi ng restart capability, from any c ontrol station, follow ing a protective trip. Control l ogic and interlocks for both manual and automatic operation and protective features for motor- and diesel-driven pumps and all power-operated valves will be verified for setpoint, indication, and alarms.

All motor- and diesel-dr iven pumps will be tested for five consecutive, successful cold starts per pump.

All motor-operated val ves will be verifi ed to position or reposition to the required lin eup from any plant condition, safeguard situation or suction requireme nt. Air-operated valves will be verified to position or r eposition to the required lineup from a ny plant condition, safeguard situation, suction requirement, or loss of power. Essential service water booster pumps attached to the diesel prime movers will be verified for flow and cooling requirements of the engine and cubicle cooler. All flow limiting devic es will be verified by line flow checks and identification tab data.

Acceptance Criteria

The auxiliary feedwater system supplies feedwater in accordance with Subsection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-37 TABLE 14.2-20 PRIMARY SAMPLING SYSTEM (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

During hot funct ional testing, prior to and duri ng integrated hot functional testing, RCS will be at various t emperatures and pressures.

Test Objective

To demonstrate that samp les may be taken from the primary system.

Test Summary

Liquid and gas sampl e from primary systems will be sampled in normal operating and accident modes. Containment air samples

will be obtained in the accident mode.

Acceptance Criteria The process sampling system op erates in acco rdance with Subsections

1 and

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-38 TABLE 14.2-21 LEAK DETECTION SYSTEM (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, RCS shall be at ambient temperatures and pressure.

Test Objective

To ensure the containment sump and reactor c avity sump leak detection systems are functional.

Test Summary

Reactor cavity sump and containment sump level and flow monitoring instrumentation s hall be functionally tested to verify proper operation.

Acceptance Criteria The leak detection system op erates in accordance with Subsection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-39 TABLE 14.2-22 FUEL POOL COOLING AND CLEANUP SYSTEM (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, RCS shall be at ambi ent temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To ensure the proper operati on of all equipment, controls, interlocks and a larms associated with the fuel pool cooling and cleanup system. To en sure the operation of the skimmer loop.

To perform a spent f uel pool leak inspec tion using the leak detection sight glasses and measure any leakage detected. To demonstrate flow through the spent fuel pool dem ineralizers and heat exchang er loops.

Test Summary Tests will be performed to verify flow t hrough the spent fuel pool demineralizers, heat exch anger loops plus the loop from the refueling water storage tanks through the spent fuel pool demineralizers and filters and back to t he refueling water storage tanks. The line from the refueling water storage tank to the fuel cask fill wi ll also be tested.

The spent fuel pool will be filled u sing the refueling wat er storage tank and the refueling water purifica tion pumps. Alarm s etpoints will be checked and valves, in struments and controls tested. The leakage detection system will be used to measure any leakage detected. The antisiphon de vice will be tested using a low point drain on the heat exchangers.

Acceptance Criteria

The fuel pool cooling and cleanup system operates in accordance with Subsection 9.1.3.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-40 TABLE 14.2-23 FUEL HANDLING AND TRANSFER SYSTEMS (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, RCS shall be at ambi ent temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To demonstrate f unctioning of the fuel transfer syst em and of the fuel handling tools.

The fuel handling system consi sts of the fuel building equipment crane, spent fuel pit bridge and h oists, and manipulator crane.

The fuel transfer system consists of the transfer cart and upenders.

Test Summary

All components, including special handling tools, will be tested prior to first use on new fue

l. These tests will be conducted using dummy fuel a ssemblies to ver ify interlocks, setpoints, indexing, load ca pacity, and othe r indications.

The spent fuel pit bri dge and hoists and the manipulator crane will be statically tested at 125% of rat ed load. They will be tested operationally at 100% of rated lo ad and index ed using the dummy fuel assembl ies. Special handling tools will be statically tested at 125% of rated load and operationally tested at 100% of rated load using a dummy fuel assembly. The fuel transfer system will be t ested at 100% of rated load using a dummy fuel assembl

y. The fuel building equipment crane (fuel cask handling crane) will be verified to stati cally withstand 125% of rated load and to operat ionally withstand 100% of rated load.

Acceptance Criteria

The fuel handling equipment will transfer fuel assemblies in accordance with Subs ection 9.1.4.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-41 TABLE 14.2-24 RADIOACTIVE WASTE GAS (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load and for plant degassing capabilities during startup testing.

Test Objective

To verify system operation. (So me sections of the test will be performed during the startup t est for reactor coolant system degassing.)

Test Summary

Tests will be performed to demonstrate gas transfer from vent header to gas decay ta nks and to verify valve operation, and interlocks. Alarms and pressure setpoints will be checked.

Acceptance Criteria

The radioactive waste gas system and its com ponents operates in accordance with Table 11.3-1 for compres sor suction pressure, discharge pressure, and normal operating temperature, and Subsection for switchover pressure on the gas decay tanks and backup waste gas c ompressor auto-start pressure.

BYRON-UFSAR 14.2-42 TABLE 14.2-25 BYRON DIESEL GENERAT ORS 1A, 1B, AND 2A (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load.

Test Objective

To demonstrate that ea ch diesel generator can start and assume its rated load and to verify operation of alarms, indications, controls, and sa fety features.

Test Summary

Each diesel will be started and loaded a number of times under normal and simul ated accident conditions to prove conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.

108, Revision 1, R egulatory Positions C.2.a, parts (1), (3), (4), (6), and (9), an d C.2.b during this test. Conformance to Regulatory Position C.2.a, parts (2), (5), (7), and (8) will be de monstrated in ot her preoperational tests or in plant surveillance.

Data collec ted during this test to prove co nformance includes v oltage, frequency, and current.

Acceptance Criteria

Each diesel generator will be tested to prove conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.108, Revision 1, Regulato ry Positions C.2.a, parts (1), (3), (4), (6), and (9), and C.2.b.


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load.

Test Objective

To demonstrate that ea ch diesel generator can start and assume its rated load and to verify operation of alarms, indications, controls, and sa fety features.

Test Summary

Each diesel will be started and loaded a number of times under normal and simul ated accident conditions to prove conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.

108, Revision 1, R egulatory Positions C.2.a, parts (1), (3

), (4), (5), (6), (8

), (9), and C.2.b during this test. C onformance to Regula tory Position C.2.a, part (2) will be demonstrated in the ECCS full flow test (Table 14.2-33). Data collec ted during this test to prove conformance includes voltage, frequency, and current.

Acceptance Criteria Each diesel generator will be tested to prove conformance to Regulatory Guide 1.108, Revision 1, Regulato ry Positions C.2.a, parts (1), (3), (4), (5), (6), (8), (9), and C.2.b.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-44 TABLE 14.2-26 DIESEL FUEL OIL TRANSFER SYSTEM (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load.

Test Objective

To demonstrate that di esel fuel oil can be delivered to each diesel day tank.

Test Summary Tests will be conducted to demonstrate that diesel fuel oil can be received, and stored, in the diesel fuel oil storage tanks.

Alarms, controls and indicat ions will be checked.

Demonstration of the abi lity of the system to supply fuel for an adequate time to operating engines will be accomplished.

Acceptance Criteria

The diesel fuel oil tr ansfer system will rec eive, store, and deliver fuel oil to ea ch diesel generator.

Each diesel fuel oil transfer pump will deliver fuel oil to each diesel generato r in excess of the maximum demand, as indicated in S ubsection 9.5.4.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-45 TABLE 14.2-27 ECCS - EXPANSION AND RESTRAINT (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core loads during integrated hot func tional testing at specific steps durin g plant heatup and cooldown.

Test Objective

To verify ECC systems can expa nd unrestricted wi th acceptable clearances.

To confirm acceptabi lity of system piping movements under system heatup and cooldown conditions and during steady-state operation.

Test Summary

During heatup to opera ting temperature s elected points on components and p iping of the ECC system are checked at various temperatures to verify that they can exp and unrestricted with acceptable clearance.

Baseline data is established at cold plant condition for ma king measurement d uring heatup. Any potential points of interference det ected during heatup will be corrected prior to i ncreasing temperature.

Following cooldown to ambient temperatu re, the piping and c omponents will be checked to confirm t hat they return to their approximate baseline position to verify unrestricted movement during cooldown.

Acceptance Criteria The ECC system components and piping can exp and to operation temperature and return to ambient unrestrict ed in accordance with the response to Question 110.37.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-46 TABLE 14.2-28 ECCS - SAFETY INJECTION PUMPS (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load w ith reactor vessel o pen and flooded and reactor coolant system at essentially am bient pressure and temperature conditions.

Test Objective

To demonstrate s ystem and component ca pability by injecting water from the r efueling water storage t ank into the reactor vessel through various combinations of i njection lines and Safety Injecti on (SI) pumps.

Test Method

The reactor vessel will be open with pro vision made to remove excess water. S eparate flow tes ts will be made for each pump to check proper runout rates, proper flow balancing in branch injection headers, a nd capability for su stained operation. Data will be taken to determine pump head and fl ow. Pumps will be run on miniflow paths to determine a second point on the head flow characteristic curve.

These tests will be conducted wi th water in the reactor vessel below the nozzles to simulat e discharging to atmospheric pressure.

Acceptance Criteria The SI pumps inject water into the vessel in accordance with Section 6.3.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-47 TABLE 14.2-29 ECCS - CENTRIFUG AL CHARGING PUMPS (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the reactor vessel o pen and flooded and reactor coolant system at relatively amb ient pressure and temperature conditions.

Test Objective

To demonstrate s ystem and component ca pability by injecting water from the r efueling water storage t ank into the reactor vessel using var ious combinations of injection lines and charging pumps.

Test Method

The reactor vessel will be open with provisions made to remove excess water. S eparate flow tes ts will be made for each pump to check proper runout rates, proper flow balancing in branch injection headers, a nd capability for su stained operation. Data will be taken to determine pump head and fl ow. Pumps will be run on miniflow paths to determine a second point on the head flow characteristic curve.

These tests will be conducted wi th water in the reactor vessel below the nozzles to simulat e discharging to atmospheric pressure.

Acceptance Criteria The pumps should operate accordi ng to Table 6.

3-1, for pump capability.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-48 TABLE 14.2-30 ECCS - RHR PUMPS (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the reactor vessel o pen and flooded and reactor coolant system at essentially am bient pressure and conditions.

Test Objective

To demonstrate s ystem and component ca pability by injecting water from the R efueling Water Storage t ank into the reactor vessel using var ious combinations of injection lines and Residual Heat Remova l (RHR) pumps.

Test Method

The reactor vessel will be open with provisions made to remove excess water. S eparate flow tes ts will be made for each pump to check proper runout rates and capab ility for sustained

operation. Data will be taken to determine pump hea d and flow.

Pumps will also be r un on miniflow pat hs to determine a second point on the head fl ow characteristic cu rve. Tests will be conducted on valves associated with the RHR portion of the SI system to verify that va lves installed f or redundant flow paths operate as designed, that the proper seq uencing of valves occurs on initiation of safety injection signal, and that the fail position on loss of air for each air operated valve is as specified. Proper o peration of the cent rifugal charging pumps and safety injection p umps while aligned to take suction from the RHR pumps discharge will be test ed as part of the full flow emergency core cooling test.

Acceptance Criteria

The RHR portion of t he emergency core co oling system (ECCS) operates in accordance with Section 6.3.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-49 TABLE 14.2-31 ECCS - ACCUMULATORS (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the reactor vessel open and in a cold condition.

Test Objective

To demonstrate proper system actuation and to verify that the flow rate is as expected for the test conditions.

To demonstrate that the accumulator isolation valves will open under the maximum diff erential pressure condit ion of zero RCS pressure and maximum expected accumulator prec harge pressure.

Test Method

Each accumulator will be filled with water from the RWST and pressurized to the maximum expected accumulator pressure with the MOV on the dischar ge line closed. The valve is then opened

and the accumulator allowed to d ischarge into the reactor vessel with the reactor cold and the vessel head removed. Provisions will be made to remove exce ss water. Proper

operation of the nitrogen fill, vent valves, a ccumulator drains and accumulator makeup will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria

Motor-operated valves and check valves are free to open.

Blowdown response is in accordance with Section 6.3.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-50 TABLE 14.2-32 ECCS - RECIRCU LATION PHASE (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the reactor vessel o pen and flooded and reactor coolant system at essentially am bient pressure and temperature conditions.

The containme nt recirculation sump will be filled and the refueling cavity will be flooded.

Test Objective

To demonstrate r ecirculation mode of emergency core cooling system (ECCS) op erations under conditions of full flow, discharging to an op en reactor vessel.

Reactor coolant system back pressure will be only that created by the height of water above the vessel nozzles.

Test Method Demonstrate that the RHR pumps can take suct ion from the containment sump to verify vortex control and that acceptable pressure drop occurs across scre ening and suction lines and valves. The test will be initiated by starting an RHR pump while a valve (in a te mporary line from the refueling cavity to the sump) is opened to maintain level in the sump. To avoid RCS contaminations, the sump water may be discharged to external drain or other systems.

Acceptance Criteria

The available net positi ve suction head of t he RHR pump is in accordance with Section 6.3.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-51 TABLE 14.2-33 ECCS - SAFETY INJECTION PUMPS (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the reactor vessel o pen and flooded and reactor coolant system at essentially am bient pressure and temperature conditions.

Test Objective

To demonstrate s ystem and component ca pability by injecting water from the r efueling water storage t ank into the reactor vessel through various combinations of i njection lines and Safety Injecti on (SI) pumps.

Test Method

The initial condition for the full flow ECCS test will be an "at power" line up.

The discharge and s uction lines to the centrifugal charging p umps will be in the normal "at power" configuration. An "s" signal will be manual ly initiated. At this point, the automatic suction switchover to the RWST and the automatic isolation of the miniflow bypass and normal charging lines w ill be verified.

The head will be removed from the ve ssel and the refueling boot installed allowing the ECCS to flood the ref ueling cavity. A temporary line and thr ottle valve will be installed between the refueling cavity and the containment recirculation sumps. Upon

reaching the auto switchover level alarm in the RWST, the automatic suction switchover for the RHR pumps f rom the RWST to the containment recirc ulation sumps will be verified. The containment recirculation sumps will be kept full by manual operator actions with the thro ttle valve in the temporary installed line between t he refueling cavity and the sumps. The suction for the chargi ng pumps and SI pu mps will be realigned by manual operator action to t he discharge of the RHR pumps.

Pump parameters will be monitored to e nsure high pressure injection systems function as designed with the suction aligned to the RHR discharge.

Acceptance Criteria

The SI pumps inject water into the vessel in accordance with Section 6.3.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-52 TABLE 14.2-34 ECCS - CHECK V ALVE OPERABILITY (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load w ith the reactor cool ant system hot and pressurized.

Test Objective

To verify that check valves in the emerg ency core cooling system are f unctional.

Test Summary

Back leakage tests w ill be performed on cold and hot leg injection lines' series check va lves. Flow tests will be performed using the sa fety injection pum ps to verify the operability of those check valves which experience higher-than-ambient temperatures at this higher temperature.

During this test, the injection ability of t he safety injection pumps to inject small amounts of water into the primary system conditions will be verified. Also the c apability of the safety injection to deliver under a ccident conditions will be verified by pump and system h ead-capacity curves with out subjecting the system to extreme thermal shocks.

Each accumulator injection tra in will be tested by decreasing RCS pressure and tempe rature until accum ulator check valves operate, as indicated by a drop in the accumulat or water level.

Acceptance Criteria Each check valve operates in accordance with Section 6.3.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-53 TABLE 14.2-35 AUXILIARY BUILDING HVAC (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

With the RCS at ambient temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To demonstrate o peration of the auxiliary building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, including the

fire protection interface.

Test Summary

The system will be o perated to verify air flow, motor currents, instrument setpoints, and to c heck alarms.

The system will be operated to verify ope ration of dampers, fan s, and equipment interlocks. The system will be operated to verify that the auxiliary building and the fuel hand ling building are maintained at negative pressure with respect to atmosphere.

The fire protection syst em interlocks with t he HVAC system will be verified.

The system will be d emonstrated capable of maintaining ESF equipment within its design te mperature range by measuring air and cooling water temp eratures and flows and making engineering extrapolations to postaccident desig n heat loads.

Acceptance Criteria The auxiliary building HVAC system suppl ies ventilation in accordance with Subsec tions, 6.5

.1.1.2, and, respectively, and testing of H VAC system filter units will be in accordance with R egulatory Guide 1.52 (with comments and exceptions as stated in Appendix A, Item A1.52).

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-54 TABLE 14.2-36 CONTROL ROOM HVAC (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

With the RCS at ambient temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To demonstrate opera tion of the control room heating and ventilation system, including the fire protect ion interface.

Test Summary

The system will be operated to verify air flows, motor currents, instrument setpoints, and to check alarms. The system will be operated to verify operat ion of dampers, fans, and equipment interlocks with high radiation or ESF signals.

The system will be o perated to verify that the control room is maintained at positive pressure. The fire protection system interlocks with the HVAC sys tem will be verified.

The system will be d emonstrated capable of maintaining ESF equipment within its design te mperature range by measuring air and cooling water temp eratures and flows and making engineering extrapolations to postaccident desig n heat loads.

Acceptance Criteria

The control room HVAC sy stem supplies ventilat ion in accordance with Subsections 9.4.1 and 6

.,, and 6.4 respectively, and testing of t he makeup air filt er unit is in accordance with Regu latory Guide 1.52 (with comments and exceptions as stated in Appendix A, Item A1.52).


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the RCS at ambie nt temperature and pressure and the diesel generato rs available for operation.

Test Objective

To demonstrate o peration of the dies el-generator room ventilation system, including the fire protect ion interface.

Test Summary

The system will be operated to verify air flows, motor currents, instrument s etpoints, and alarms.

The system will be operated to verify t he operation of damp ers, fans, and equipment interlocks. The fire protection system interlocks with the HVAC system will be verified.

The system will be d emonstrated capable of maintaining ESF equipment within its design te mperature range by measuring air and cooling water temp eratures and flows and making engineering extrapolations to postaccident desig n heat loads.

Acceptance Criteria

The diesel-generator v entilation system suppli es ventilation in accordance with Subs ection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-56 REVISION 11 - DECEMBER 2006 TABLE 14.2-38 ESF SWITCHGEAR HVAC (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the RCS at ambie nt temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To demonstrate operation of the engineered saf ety feature (ESF) switchgear heating and ventilation system, including the fire protection interface.

Test Summary

The system will be operated to verify air flows, motor currents, instrument s etpoints, and alarms.

The system will be operated to verify ope ration of dampers, fan s, and equipment interlocks. The fire protection system interloc ks with HVAC system will be verified.

The system will be d emonstrated capable of maintaining ESF equipment within its design te mperature range by measuring air and cooling water temperature and flows and maki ng engineering extrapolations to postaccident desig n heat loads.

Acceptance Criteria

The ESF switchgear HVAC system suppl ies ventilation in accordance with Subsecti on


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the RCS at ambie nt temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To demonstrate o peration of the misc ellaneous electric equipment room ventilation system, including the fire protection system interface.

Test Summary

The system will be operated to verify air flows, motor currents, and alarms. The s ystem test will verify the operation of dampers and equ ipment interlocks. The fire protection system in terlock with the HVAC system will be verified.

The system will be d emonstrated capable of maintaining ESF equipment within its design te mperature range by measuring air and cooling water temp eratures and flows and making engineering extrapolations to postaccident desig n heat loads.

Acceptance Criteria

The miscellaneous electric equip ment room HVAC system supplies ventilation in accordance wi th Subsection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-58 REVISION 5 - DECEMBER 1994 TABLE 14.2-39 CONTAINMENT PURGE (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the RCS at ambie nt temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To demonstrate proper operation of the containment purge system, including fire prote ction interfaces.

Test Summary

The system will be o perated to verify flows, motor currents, instrument setpoints, and alarms.

The system will be operated to verify the operation of dampers and equip ment interlocks. The fire protection system interlocks with the HVAC system will be verified.

The system will be d emonstrated capable of maintaining ESF equipment within its design te mperature range by measuring air and cooling water temp eratures and flows and making engineering extrapolations to postaccident desig n head loads.

Acceptance Criteria

The containment purge sy stem supplies ventilat ion in accordance with Subsections, 9.4.

9, 9.4.10, and Tables 9.4-25 and 9.4-26. Filter testing wi ll be done in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.140 (with comments and exceptions as stated in Appendix A, Section A1.140).

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-59 TABLE 14.2-40 HYDROGEN RECOMBINER (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the RCS at ambie nt temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To demonstrate o peration of the post-LOCA hydrogen control system recombiner.

Test Summary

The hydrogen recombiner system is operat ed to demonstrate proper flows and to ve rify design power to the heate r units of the recombiner.

Acceptance Criteria The hydrogen recombi ner system operates in accordance with Subsection 6.2.5.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-60 TABLE 14.2-41 CONTAINMENT VENTILATION (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the RCS at ambie nt temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To demonstrate conta inment ventilation system operation.

Test Summary The following subsyste ms are contained in the containment ventilation system: r eactor containment fan coolers, control rod drive mechanism ventilation, reactor cavity ventilation and containment charcoal filtration. These systems will be operated to verify air flows , instrument setpoints, and alarms. The system test also verify ope ration of dampers, fans, and equi pment interlocks.

The system will be d emonstrated capable of maintaining ESF equipment within its design te mperature range by measuring air and cooling water temp eratures and flows and making engineering extrapolations to postaccident desig n heat loads.

Acceptance Criteria

The containment ventilation syst em supplies ve ntilation in accordance with Subsec tions, 3.1.2


12,, and 9.4.8.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-61 TABLE 14.2-42 MAIN STEAM ISOLATION VALVES (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, prior to and during integrated hot functional testing with the RCS at n ormal operating temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To verify operation of the main steam is olation valves.

Test Summary

Operation of the main steam isol ation valves will be verified at hot conditions at pressure. The clos ure time of each valve will be measured.

Functional tests will be performed on the main steam isolation valve (MSIV) hydrau lic units. Local and remote alarms, indic ators, and actuation circu its will be tested.

Acceptance Criteria

Hydraulic circuits f unction and MSIV clo sure times are in accordance with Subsections and


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core loading, prior to and duri ng integrated hot functional testing w ith the RCS at vario us temperatures and pressures.

Test Objective

To place the reactor coolant pumps in service.

Test Summary

Vibration sensors on the react or coolant pumps w ill monitor the amplitude of vibration during startup and op eration. The pump motors will be tested to verify power supply voltage and power requirements. The pump direction of r otation, flow, and

pressure characteristics will be verified. Lubrication, cooling flow, and seal w ater flow will be ch ecked. Interlocks, controls, and indicators will be tested. The antirotation device for each reac tor coolant pump w ill be checked.

Acceptance Criteria Flow and pressure parameters c an be maintained d uring 240 hours0.00278 days <br />0.0667 hours <br />3.968254e-4 weeks <br />9.132e-5 months <br /> of full flow operation.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-64 TABLE 14.2-45 REACTOR COOLANT ISOL ATION VALVES (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core loading and duri ng integrated hot functional testing (IHF) with the RCS at va rious temperatures and pressures.

Test Objective

To determine the opening and clo sing times of the main coolant isolation valves during IHF.

To perform a logic test of the associated alarms, ind ications, and interlocks.

Test Summary

To verify the control interloc ks and indications for each isolation valve. Ea ch valve will be verified to cycle.

Acceptance Criteria The main coolant isolation val ves and interlocks operate in accordance with Subs ection 7.6.8.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-65 TABLE 14.2-46 CVCS - RCP S EAL WATER SUPPLY (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core loading, prior to and duri ng integrated hot functional testing w ith the RCS at vario us temperatures and pressures.

Test Objective

To establish flow to the reactor coolant pum p seals and to verify flow at tempera ture and pressure.

Test Summary

Design flow to and f rom the reactor cool ant pump seals will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria RCP seal water flows are in ac cordance with Table 9.3-2.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-66 TABLE 14.2-47 CVCS - CHARGING AND LETDOWN (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core loading, prior to and duri ng integrated hot functional testing w ith the RCS at vario us temperatures and pressures.

Test Objective

To demonstrate the c harging and letdown functions of the chemical and volume co ntrol system (CVCS).

Test Summary

Tests will be performed to d emonstrate that the CVCS can maintain a programmed water level in the pressurizer during heatup and cooldown of t he reactor coolant system. Charging flow into the RCS will be demo nstrated using b oth centrifugal charging pumps and the positive displacement pump. Flow to the reactor coolant system via auxiliary p ressurizer spray line will be verified. T he automatic diversion of letdown flow and automatic switch of charging pump suction on volume control tank levels will also be verified.

Acceptance Criteria

The CVCS maintains programmed le vel in the pre ssurizer during heatup and cooldown and normal operation of the reactor coolant system in accordance with Subsection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-67 TABLE 14.2-48 CVCS - REACTOR MAKEUP CONTROL (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core loading, prior to and duri ng integrated hot functional testing w ith the RCS at vario us temperatures and pressures.

Test Objective

To demonstrate the b oration and dilution functions of the chemical and volume co ntrol system (CVCS).

Test Summary

Operations will be c onducted with the CVCS to check out blending operations and verify flows in the different modes of boration and dilution. Prop er operation of the batching controls and totaliz er, auto makeup, dilution, alternate dilution, boration, and manual modes will be demonstrated.

Acceptance Criteria

Flows through the CVCS piping and operation both in manual and auto mode are in accordance with Subsection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-68 TABLE 14.2-49 CVCS - PURIFICATION (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load during hot functional testing at temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To verify operation of the purification function of the chemical and volume co ntrol system (CVCS).

Test Summary

During hot funct ional testing with the demineralizers charged with resin, operatio n of the purification system will be demonstrated by veri fication of flow, pressure drops, and temperature.

Acceptance Criteria

The CVCS purification is in accordance with Subsection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-69 TABLE 14.2-50 PRIMARY SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVES (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load and during integrated hot functional testing.

Test Objective

To verify the setpoi nts and measure the seat leakage of the pressurizer safety val ves. To verify pr oper actuation and operation of the power operated reli ef valves.

Test Summary

Setpoint verification and seat l eakage will be d etermined on site by bench testin g for the pressurizer safety valves.

Three specific featu res of the power o perated relief valve logic will be tested.

They are the low temperature control, valve response time and enable functions fro m the pressurizer pressure transmitters.

Acceptance Criteria The valve setpoints are in a ccordance with Technical Specifications.


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core loading, prior to and duri ng integrated hot functional testing w ith the RCS at vario us temperatures and pressures.

Test Objective

To verify setpoints of the steam generator pressure relief and safety valves.

Test Summary

The setpoints of safety valves will be verif ied from in-plant tests at pressure and temperatur

e. Setpoints wi ll be checked by using a pressure assist device which adds to the force due to pressure. Once the valve leaves the sealed position, the assist device will be vented, allowing t he valve to reseat immediately. Main steam power-operated relief v alves will be set during instrument alignment and verified by plant transient tests. Local and remote alarm s, indicators, and actuation circuits will be tested for the power-operat ed relief valves.

Safety and relief valve capacities will be verified from vendor certification data due to the large amounts of steam flow and severe conditions involved.

Acceptance Criteria

The alarms, indicators, and actu ation circuits f or the power operated relief valves, and steam generator reli ef and safety valve setpoints, are in accordance with the Westinghouse Precautions, Limitations, and Se tpoints document, and Subsection 10.3.1.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-71 TABLE 14.2-52 PRESSURIZER (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core loading, prior to and duri ng integrated hot functional testing w ith the RCS at vario us temperatures and pressures.

Test Objective

To demonstrate the c apability of the pre ssurizer to control the reactor coolant system pressure.

Test Summary

Prior to hot functional testing, the pre ssurizer heaters and spray functions will be checked. Duri ng hot functional testing, the pressure controll ing capability will be demonstrated. Pressur izer spray flow and bypass spray flow controls will be tested.

Acceptance Criteria

The heaters, power-ope rated relief valves, and spray valves function at the setpoints spec ified in the W estinghouse Precautions, Limitations, and Setpoints document.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-72 TABLE 14.2-53 STEAM GENERATOR (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

At ambient conditions and duri ng hot functional testing during heatup and at temperature.

Test Objective

To demonstrate the o perability of instru mentation and control systems, the ability to cooldown the pla nt using the steam generators to dump steam, and the functioning of the blowdown system. Test Summary

The steam generator level and pressure and f low instruments will be aligned and op erable prior to he at up. During heatup and at temperature the instrumentation and c ontrol systems of the steam generators are check ed under operating conditions.

The ability to cooldown the plant us ing the steam ge nerators to dump steam will be demonstrated. The steam generator blowdown system will be opera tionally tested.

Acceptance Criteria

The steam generator level alarm trip and control setpoints function at the values s pecified in the Westingh ouse Precautions, Limitations, and Set points document.


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

During hot functional te sting prior to core load.

Test Objective

To verify that components an d piping of the reactor coolant system can expand unrestricted with ac ceptable clearances.

Test Summary Baseline data will be taken at cold plant co nditions prior to heatup. During the he atup to operating temperatures, selected points on components, pi ping, and snubbers w ill be checked at various temperatures to verify that they can expand unrestricted with acceptable clearanc es. Any potential poi nts of interference detected during the heatup will be corrected prior to increasing the temperature. Foll owing cooldown to ambi ent temperature, the piping and components wi ll be checked to confirm that they return to their approximate baseline po sitions to verify unrestricted movement during cooldown.

Acceptance Criteria

The piping and compo nents are verified to expand without restricted movement.


Table 14.2-55 has been deleted intentionally

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-75 TABLE 14.2-56 CONTAINMENT LEAK RATE (Preoperational Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the RCS at ambie nt temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To verify components structu res and systems used for the containment isolation.

Test Summary

Type A, B, and C leak rate tests will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of 10 C FR 50 Appendix J.

Acceptance Criteria The leak rates L a are in accordance wi th Subsection


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load following h ydrostatic testing of primary and secondary systems wi th essentially all a ssociated systems preoperational testi ng completed.

Test Objective

To demonstrate abili ty to heat primary system to normal operating temperature and pressure.

Test Summary

The reactor coolant syst em will be taken to normal operating temperature and pres sure using reactor coolant pump heat input. Tests will be performed to dem onstrate operation of excess letdown and seal water flow paths and letdown flow rates. Thermal expans ion checks including snubbers will be conducted.

Acceptance Criteria Preoperational tests to be performed d uring plant heatup are accomplished and the reactor c oolant system ta ken to normal operating temperature and pres sure in accordance with the Westinghouse NSSS Startup Manual and the Westinghouse Precautions, Limitations, and Setpoint document.


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load, RCS at hot no-load temperature a nd pressure using RCP heat input a nd steam dumping to main tain temperature.

Essentially all preope rational tests com plete on associated systems. Test Objective

To verify proper operation of instrumentatio n, controls and alarms, and provide de sign operating c onditions for testing auxiliary systems to maintai n the RCS at hot no-load temperature with full RCS flow for subsequen t internals vibration inspections.

Test Summary The reactor coolant system will be maintained at the hot no-load operating te mperature and pressure using reactor coolant pump heat in put as required.

Tests will be conducted to demonstrate the r esponse of the system to changes in pressurizer level. Steam gene rator level instrumentation response to level changes will be demonstrated.

Equipment used for maintaining the plant in hot shutdown outside the control room will be verified.

Acceptance Criteria

Preoperational tests to be performed w hile the p lant is at temperature and pressure are performed and reviewed.

The pressurizer level control system, st eam generator level instrumentation, steam generator levels, and hot shutdown conditions can be maintained in acco rdance with the Westinghouse Precautions, Limita tions, and Setpo ints document.


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the RCS at normal no-load temperature and integrated hot fun ctional testing at tem perature completed.

Test Objective

To demonstrate the a bility to cooldown t he plant from normal operating temperature and pressu re to cold shu tdown conditions.

Test Summary

The plant will be taken from hot to cold con ditions using steam generator steam dump and the res idual heat removal system as applicable. The thermal con traction of piping systems including snubbers will be m onitored. Auxiliary systems required for cooldown will be operationally demonstrated.

Acceptance Criteria

The preoperational tests required to be performed during cooldown of the RCS are completed and reviewed.

Steam dump and r esidual heat rem oval systems cool the plant from hot no-load temperature to cold shutdown conditions in accordance with Subs ection

Thermal contraction of p iping systems, and a uxiliary systems required for cooldown, are in ac cordance with Subsection


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Prior to core load with the RCS at ambie nt temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To verify operation of reactor containment polar crane, main hoist, and auxil iary hoist used for hand ling reactor equipment.

Test Summary

Tests will be performed to demonstrate the f unctioning of polar crane and hoists used to handle reactor equipmen

t. Protective interlocks will be verif ied for proper operation.

Acceptance Criteria The polar crane and hoists opera te in agreement with the crane rating.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-81 TABLE 14.2-62 INITIAL CORE LOAD (Startup Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites

All systems necessary to support fuel loading sh all be operable with appropriate preop erational tests comple ted, reviewed, and approved.

Test Objective

To assemble the reactor core in the vessel in a cautious and deliberate manner to pre clude inadvertent criticality.

Test Summary

Initial fuel loading will be conduct ed as described in Subsection

In addition to t he summary offered in Subsection, the following items will be carried out prior to or during the performance of the test:

a. A response check of the nuclear instruments to a neutron source will be condu cted within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> of fuel loading.
b. Boron samples to determi ne boron conce ntration will be taken at least once every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> t hroughout the core loading program.
c. Continuous voice commu nication links will be maintained between the control room and fuel loading personnel throughout the core loading program.
d. Prior to core loading the radiation monitoring system and associate d ventilation interlocks will be aligned, calibrated and placed in service.

Prior to core loading the plant nuclear instrumentation will be calibrated and placed in service. Prior to c ore loading containment evacuation alarms will be installed and satisfactorily tested, evacuation procedures will be explained and alarms demonstrated to all personnel involved.

Throughout core loading containment evacuation alarms will be verified operable at least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-82 TABLE 14.2-62 (Cont'd)


e. RCS boron concentrat ion shall be increased immediately in accordance with Plant Emergency Procedures if the RCS bo ron concentration decreases to a value lower than th at required by Technical Specifications, or if af ter fuel movement has ceased, the nuclear moni toring channels indicate that the reactor is crit ical or continues to approach criticality. Conce ntrated boric acid from the boric acid tanks shall be added to the vessel through the emergenc y boration valve and the RCS charging pumps. Boration shall continue until the required shutdown status is achieved. Containment evacuation will be carried out in accordance with evacuation procedures.

Acceptance Criteria The initial core loading is co mpleted in accordance with Subsection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-83 TABLE 14.2-63 CONTROL ROD DRIVES (Startup Test)

Plant Conditions or Prerequisites

Prior to initial criticality, RCS at 350 psig with control rods fully inserted.

Test Objective

To check the controlling feature s, verify setpoints, and to verify rod speeds an d sequencing of power to the rod drives.

Test Summary

During rod withd rawal, following core lo ading and installation of the control r od drive mechanisms, o peration of the control rod drive mechanisms will be verified under co ld (pumps off) conditions and plant hea tup (pumps on) conditions.

Acceptance Criteria

The control rod drive me chanisms operate over the full range of travel and that rod spee ds are in accordance with Subsections and

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-84 TABLE 14.2-64 ROD POSITION INDICATORS (Startup Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Prior to initial criticality, RCS at hot shutdown no load

operating temperature and pressure.

Test Objective

To verify that the digital rod position indication system operates as designed.

Test Summary

Following core loading and installation of the rod mechanisms, the control rods will be operated over their f ull range of travel. The rod position indi cators will be checked for accuracy over the rod full travel range. Also bank insertion alarms, deviation alarms and r od bottom setpoints and alarms will be demonstrated to be within limits specified in the FSAR.

Acceptance Criteria

The control rod position indicators are checked for accuracy in accordance with Subs ection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-85 TABLE 14.2-65 REACTOR TRIP CIRCUIT (Startup Test)

Plant Conditions or Prerequisites

Prior to initial criticality. R eactor protection preoperational testing completed, a ssociated systems av ailable to support reactor trip s ignal generation.

Test Objective

To verify the reactor protection circuits in the various modes of tripping.

Test Summary

Operational testing will be co nducted to verify the reactor protection circuits in the various modes of tripping, including manual reactor trip up to the tripping of the reactor trip breakers.

Acceptance Criteria

The reactor trip circuits operate in accordance with Subsection The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that the various reactor trip cir cuits are operational.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-86 TABLE 14.2-66 ROD DROP MEASUREMENT S - BYRON UNIT 1 (Startup Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Core loading has been comple ted and prior to initial criticality with various RCS tem peratures, pressures and flow condition.

Test Objective

To measure rod d rop times at cold no-f low, cold full-flow, hot no-flow, and hot full-flow p lant conditions following core loading. Test Summary

The drop time for each control rod w ill be measured at cold no-flow, cold full-flow, hot no-flow, and hot f ull-flow conditions.

All rods falling outside the two-sig ma limit will be retested a minimum of three additional times each. The drop time will be measured from the decay of the stationary gripper coil voltage until the rod enters the top of the dashpot.

The RCCA drop traces will confirm prop er operation of the decelerating devices.

Acceptance Criteria

The rod drop time is verified to be less than the maximum value specified in S ubsection


Plant Condition or Prerequisites Core loading has been completed and prior to initial criticality with RCS at or near op erating temperature, p ressure, and flow conditions.

Test Objective To measure rod drop times at hot full-flow plant conditions following core loading.

Test Summary

The drop time for each control rod will be measured at hot, full-flow conditions. All r ods falling outside the two-sigma limit will be retested a minimum of three additional times each. The drop time will be measured from the d ecay of the stationary gripper coil voltage until the rod enters the top of the dashpot. The RCCA drop traces w ill confirm proper operation of the decelerating devices.

Acceptance Criteria

The rod drop time is verified to be less than the maximum value specified in S ubsection


Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Initial core loading has been completed and the plant is at hot standby prior to initial criticality for initi al system checkout.

Test Objective

To verify indexing a nd to ensure free passag e of detectors into all positions.

Test Summary

Following core loading and insertion of the detector thimbles, the system will be o perationally checked out by ensuring the free passage of detectors into all ins ertion thi mbles. During physics measurements t he system is opera tionally checked while obtaining flux maps.

Acceptance Criteria

The incore flux moni tor system operates in accordance with Subsection


Plant Condition or Prerequisites

After core loading, du ring startup prior to power escalation, during power escalat ion, at or near full power, and after shutdown from po wer operation.

Test Objective

To verify overlap between th e source, intermed iate and power range channels, and to verify alarm and prot ective functions.

Test Summary

Data will be taken to verify overlap bet ween source and intermediate, and between interm ediate and power range channels after initial criticality and du ring power esc alation. This data will be col lected until the ove rlaps are firmly established. Alarm and protective functions w ill be verified.

During low power escal ation, the power range detector currents will be monitored an d compared with the intermediate range currents to verify res ponse of the power ran ge detectors. The power range nuclear chan nels will be cal ibrated to reactor thermal output based on measurement of secondary plant feedwater flow, feedwater temp erature, and s team pressure.

Acceptance Criteria

Approximately 1 1/2 deca de overlap is ob served between source, intermediate, and power range channels, during power escalation to full power, and t rip setpoints are in accordance with the Technical Specifications.


Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Following core load and installation of the reactor vessel head and vessel head stud torquing.

Test Objective

To verify that there is no leakage past the reactor vessel head and seal.

Test Summary

A pressure test will be performed foll owing core loading, installation of the re actor vessel head, and torquing of the reactor vessel head studs.

Acceptance Criteria The pressure test indicates no leakage past the reactor vessel head and seal.


Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Following core loading with the RCS in hot standby, all RCPs available.

Test Objective

To determine reactor coolant flow and fl ow coastdown times.

Test Summary At hot standby c onditions following core loading, measurements of loop elbow di fferential pressure drops are made at normal flow conditions. The loop e lbow differential pressure drops are compared to P vs. flow curves to determine actual loop flows. Actual flows w ill be compared to their required minimum and maximum flows. It will be v erified flow c oastdown times are in accordance with accid ent analysis assumptions.

Vibration monitoring of the reactor coolant pumps will be done using two IRD pickups mounted to the motor suppo rts (90 degrees apart in the horizontal plan e). In addi tion, baseline vibration data on the pumps will be obtained usi ng a portable IRD vibration measurem ent unit. These have been taken at bearing points on th e motor (in three di rections, where possible) during the preoperational test.

Acceptance Criteria

The coastdown times are verified conservative with respect to Subsection

The total RCS flow rate as determined by elbow tap P prior to criticality must be equal to or greater than 339,840 gpm, which is 90% of the th ermal design flow.


Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Following core loading with the RCS in a hot shutdown condition.

Pressurizer heaters and spray available.

Test Objective

To demonstrate the ability of the pressurizer heaters to maintain and increase system pr essure, and of the spray system to reduce system pressure.

Test Summary

At hot no load temperature and pressure, the effectiveness of the pressurizer heaters in maintaining and increasing system pressure will be demonstrated.

The heaters will be energized and the pressure compared to the predicted press ure rise. The ability of the s pray system to reduce sy stem pressure will be demonstrated. The s pray valves are opened and the pressure decrease compared to the exp ected pressure decrease.

Acceptance Criteria The pressurizer is able to maintain, inc rease, or lower system pressure in accordance w ith Subsection 7.7.1.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-93 TABLE 14.2-72 WATER CHEMISTRY (Startup Test)

Plant Condition of Prerequisites

Prior to heatup following core load, prior to criticality, at criticality, and dur ing power level chan ges at approximately 30%, 50%, 75%, and 100% reactor power.

Test Objective

Chemical analyses of the react or coolant are performed to verify that plant chemistry is within specific ation and can be maintained within specification.

Test Summary

Water for reactor coolant sy stem fill and makeup will be analyzed for chloride, fluoride, suspended solids, silica, aluminum, calcium, a nd magnesium in order to verify coolant purity. Sampling ability and analysis te chniques will be demonstrated.

The ability to control RCS h ydrogen, oxygen, and pH concentrations will be demonstrated.

Acceptance Criteria

Water chemistry is in accordance with Westinghouse PWR guidelines.


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

At steady-state cond itions during power escalation.

Test Objective

To determine dose levels at pr eselected points t hroughout the plant and to ascertain the effectiveness of radiation shielding.

Test Summary Radiation surveys will be ma de during power escalation to determine dose levels at preselected points throughout the plant due to neutron and gam ma radiation. Instrum ents used will be calibrated to known sources and the calibration re-checked following the survey.

Surveys will be condu cted at steady-state conditions at approximat ely 3% to 10%, 48% to 52%, and 90% to 100% power.

Acceptance Criteria

Gamma radiation dose levels are in acc ordance with Table 12.3-2. Neutron radia tion measurements taken during these surveys will be used to construct a set of "Neutron Dose Maps."


Plant Condition or Prerequisites

During or prior to low er power tests and dur ing power escalation.

Test Objective

To verify proper operation of process and effl uent radiation monitors using radio active samples.

Test Summary Process, effluent, and failed fuel monitors will be checked for proper response at 30% and 100% power.

Samples will be verified by laboratory analysis or using source assay values.

Acceptance Criteria The monitors are accurate within

+/-20% of the analyzed sample activity.

Note: Area radiation monitors are covered by a preoperational test.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-96 TABLE 14.2-75 INITIAL CRITICALITY (Startup Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Plant at hot standby, and RCS boron concentration consistent with the shutdown margin requirements of technical specifications. Nuclear ins trumentation aligned, and conservative reactor t rip setpoints made.

Test Objective

To bring the reactor cri tical for the first time.

Test Summary

All rods will be withdrawn except the last con trolling bank, which is left partially inserted for control after criticality is achieved. The all-rods-out boron c oncentration will be measured.

The following procedure limitations will be ob served prior to and during the perform ance of the approa ch to critical test:

a. A neutron count rate of at lea st 1/2 count per second must be observed on the source range instrumentation channels with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 2.
b. Predictions of critical boron concentration and control rod position s will be provided by the vendor in the initia l core loading nuclear design report. During the approach to i nitial criticality, RCC bank withdrawal and RCS boron concentration reduction will be accomp anied by nuclear monitoring using inverse count rate ratio plots through which criticality can be predicted.

If nuclear monitoring data indicate that criticality will be achieved before the RCC banks are fully withdrawn, further b ank withdrawal will be terminated.

Bank withdrawal may be r esumed after it has been verified that a continuation will not result in reducing the shutdown margin to a value less than Technical Specificat ions requirements.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-97 TABLE 14.2-75 (Cont'd)


If, during RCS b oron dilution, the nuclear monitoring data indicate a significant departure from expected response, dilution will be terminated until the source of the unexpected response is corrected, or understood and considered not to adversely affect the saf ety of continued operations.

c. The following reactivity addition sequence will be used to assure t hat criticality will not be passed through on a period shor ter than approximately 30 seconds: Nuclear monitoring data will be analyzed concurrent with RCS boron dilution to permit accurate predictions of the con ditions under which criticality is expec ted to occur.

If, during RCS b oron dilution, the nuclear monitoring data indicate a significant departure from expected response, dilution will be terminated until the source of the unexpected response is corrected, or understood and considered not to adversely affect the saf ety of continued operations.

When the inverse count rate ratio (ICRR) from any nuclear monitoring channel reaches approximately 0.1 (0.3 was used at Byr on Unit 2 an d Braidwood Units 1 and 2 based on B yron Unit 1 testing experience), the RCS dilutio n rate will be reduced to approximately 30 gpm, and nuclear monitoring ICRR data will be obta ined and r enormalized to

1.0. Dilution

at this new rate will be continued until criticality is achieved.

If criticality will be a chieved by withdrawing control rods, the foll owing will be followed:

When the ICRR reaches approximately 0.3 (after renormalization), the di lution will be terminated and approximately 15 to 30 minutes of waiting will be undertaken to per mit RCS mixing. C ontrol bank D will then be withdra wn incrementally until criticality is achieved.

Control bank D w ill be positioned as required to achieve a stable startup rate of approximately 0.1 to 0.2 decades per minute and to all ow the neutron flux level to increase u ntil approximately 1 x 10

-8 amp is indicated on the interm ediate range nuclear channels.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-98 TABLE 14.2-75 (Cont'd)


Control bank D position will be adjusted as required to maintain critica lity at the flux level established until the re activity effects of RCS mixing are n egligible.

Acceptance Criteria

The plant is critica l with the flux level at approximately 1 x 10-8 amps on the intermedia te range nuclear channels.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-99 TABLE 14.2-76 POWER ASCENSION (Startup Tests)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites

The reactor is critical at the nominal no-lo ad values. Reactor power is in the zero p ower testing ran ge with control banks positioned near the hot zero power i nsertion limit.

Test Objective

To conduct low power physics testing and testing at various power level plateaus while incre asing power to 100%.

Test Summary

Following initial criticality, low power physics testing will be accomplished. At approximate ly 30%, 50%, 75%, 90% and 100%

reactor power, the unit will be held for other systems testing.

Acceptance Criteria

The plant is taken to approxim ately 100% power a nd all startup tests completed and reviewed.


Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Reactor is critical with neutron flux le vel in a predetermined range for zero power physics testing.

RCS temperature and pressure at a hot no-load value.

Test Objective

To obtain the isothermal tempe rature coefficie nt of reactivity.

Test Summary

At normal no load temperature with no nuclea r heating, reactor coolant system cooldown and heatup will be accomplished using steam dump and r eactor coolant pump oper ation as required. An approximate 3

°F change in temperature will be initiated and, during these cha nges, reactivity and pri mary system temperature will be recorded. F rom these data the i sothermal temperature coefficient will be determined, from which the moderator temperature coefficient will be inferred.

Acceptance Criteria

The isothermal and mod erator temperature coe fficients are in agreement with the nuc lear design report.


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Reactor is critical with the neutron flux le vel in the zero power physics testing range.

RCS temperature and pr essure are at hot no-load values.

Test Objective

To determine selected rod wort hs by differential individual and bank integral rod worth measurements, and to verify rod worth for shutdown capability.

Test Summary

Under zero power conditions at approximately operating temperature and pressure, the nuclear design predictions for rod cluster control assembly (RCCA) banks' different ial worth will be validated. The validati on will be made from boron concentration sampling data, RCCA bank positio ns and recorder traces of reactivity. From this data the integral RCCA ba nk worths will be determined. The minim um boron concentration for maintaining the reactor shutdown with the most reactive RCCA stuck in the full out position will be determined. The de termination will be made from analysis of bor on concentration and RCCA worths.

Acceptance Criteria

The control rod reactivi ty worths are in agr eement with those given in the nuclear design report where such worths can be safely and pract icably demonstrated by testi ng. Overall shutdown margin for the plant will be verified, if individual shutdown bank worths cannot be fully esta blished by testi ng, to conform to the nuclear design report.


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

Reactor is critical wi th the neutron flux level in the zero power physics testing range. RCS temperature and pressure are at hot no-lo ad values.

Test Objective

To determine the differe ntial boron reac tivity worth.

Test Summary

The reactor coolant boron concen tration will be increased or decreased and the control ro ds inserted or w ithdrawn to maintain the moderator average temperature and reactor power level constant. The resultant accumulated change in core reactivity correspondi ng to the successive rod movements will be used with the change in boron concentrati on to determine the differential boron worth.

Acceptance Criteria The differential boron r eactivity is wit hin values used in Subsection


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

The reactor is critical at less than 5% power.

Test Objective

To measure the react or core flux distributio n with normal rod patterns.

Test Summary Flux distribution measuremen ts will be made with normal rod patterns and reactor power at approximately 3% to 5%. Flux mapping will be accomplished using the incore flux monitoring system.

Acceptance Criteria The flux distribution is within values used in Subsection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-104 TABLE 14.2-81 PSEUDO ROD EJECTION (Startup Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Reactor is critical wi th the neutron flux level in the zero power physics testing range. RCS temperature and pressure are at hot no-load v alues. Testing will be repeated at 30% reactor power. Test Objective

To verify hot channel factors and rod worth with a rod cluster control assembly (RCCA) withdrawn from i ts bank position.

Test Summary

Incore measurements will be made with the most reactive RCCA withdrawn from its b ank position to determin e the resulting hot channel factors. The worth of the most reac tive RCCA will be verified to be conservative wi th respect to the accident analysis. Measureme nts will be made u sing the incore flux monitoring system. Te sts will be run at hot zero power and at approximately 30% reactor power.

Acceptance Criteria q T F hot channel factors and rod worths are less t han the values given in Table 15.4-3.


Note: This test is performe d on Byron Unit 1 only.

Performance of this test on Byron Unit 1 provides the necessary design information for all four Byron and Braidwood units with regard to this specific event. Nuclear desi gn parameters for the three remaining units will be verified by additional startup tests such as control rod bank worth s, boron worth, and core flux distribution.


Plant Condition or Prerequisites

During power level c hanges at approximat ely 30%, 50%, 75%, and 90% reactor power.

Test Objective

To verify the power co efficient of reactivity.

Test Summary During power lev el changes when the reac tivity effects of xenon can be adequately accounted for, measurements will be made of

reactor power and asso ciated reactivity changes as follows:

Reactor thermal power wi ll be determined using calorimetric data.

Associated reactiv ity changes will be measured by t he response of T avg and delta T recorders.

The power coefficient of reactivity will be ve rified from these measurements.

Acceptance Criteria

The absolute value of the differ ence between the absolute value of the measured power coefficient verifi cation factor and the absolute value of the predicted power coeffi cient verification factor is less than or equal to 0.5 de grees Fahrenheit per percent power.


Plant Condition or Prerequisite

At approximately 30%, 50%, 75%, 90%, and 100% reactor power.

Test Objective

To verify that core performance margins are within design predictions for expected normal and abnormal rod configurations.

Test Summary Incore data will be obta ined at steady-state power levels of approximately 30%, 50%, 75%, 90%, and 10 0% reactor power.

Acceptance Criteria

The core performance m argins are within values used in Section 4.4.


Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Reactor power at approxi mately 50% power.

Test Objective

To verify that core performance margins are within the plant Technical Specification limits as an RCCA is inserted into the core from its normal bank po sition, and to d etermine the response of excore nuc lear detectors und er asymmetric power distributions.

Test Summary

A pseudo rod drop test will be performed at approximately 50%

reactor power. A slow RCS dilution will be performed with the selected RCCA stepped fu lly into the core.

Acceptance Criteria

The DNBR will be demonstrated to be in accordance with Subsection


Note: This testing is p erformed on Byron Unit 1 only. The design confirmation obtained fr om this test applies to the other three Byron and Braidwood units, w hich have identical designs.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-108 TABLE 14.2-85 FULL-POWER PLANT TRIP (Startup Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Plant at normal steady s tate full power condition with the electrical loads aligned for normal full power operation.

Test Objective

To verify the ability of the p rimary and secondary plant and the plant automatic control syst ems to sustain a tri p from 100%

power and to bring t he plant to a stable condition following the transient.

Test Summary

The plant will be brought to normal steady-s tate full power conditions with the el ectrical loads aligned for normal full power operation. The plant will be tripped by m anual trip of the generator breakers or by initiation of an automatic trip of the generator ma in breakers.

The parameters to be monitored will in clude nuclear flux; reactor coolant loop temperature; pres surizer pressure and level; steam generat or level, steam flow, and feed flow; turbine trip operation; reactor trip bre aker operation; and controlling group rod position indication. The parameters will be selected to determi ne the response of the plant control systems.

Acceptance Criteria The acceptance criteria that must be met to successfully complete the turbine test are:

a. the pressurizer safety valves shall not lift; b. the steam generator safe ty valves shall not lift; c. safety injection shall not be initiated; and, d. no unacceptable water hammer in the steam generators and/or feedwater system shall occur.


Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Above 10% reactor power.

Test Objective

To demonstrate that the plant can be mai ntained in h ot standby from outside the control room.

Test Summary

Data will be obtained at locat ions outside t he control room to verify that the plant has achieved hot standby status and that the plant can be maintained at s table hot standby conditions for at least 30 minute

s. Also, data will be obtained at locations outside of the control room to demonstrate a

potential capability for cold shutdown by pa rtially cooling down the plant from the hot standby condition.

Acceptance Criteria Data obtained from outside t he control room demonstrates:

1. The plant is tripped and in a stable hot standby condition for at least 30 minutes.
2. The potential for cold shutdown from the hot standby condition:
a. Reactor coolant temperat ure and pressure can be lowered to permit operat ion of the core decay heat removal system.
b. Operation of the decay heat removal system can be initiated and controlled.
c. A heat transfer path to the ultimate heat sink can be established.
d. Reactor coolant temper ature can be reduced approximately 50

° F using the decay heat removal system at a rate in acco rdance with the Technical Specifications.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-110 REVISION 5 - DECEMBER 1994 TABLE 14.2-87 LOSS OF OFFSITE POWER (Startup Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Above 10% reactor po wer with offsite p ower unavailable and emergency diesels available.

Test Objective

To demonstrate s tarting of emergency die sels, stripping of vital buses, and seque ncing loads on vital bus es following a trip of the plant without an ava ilable offsite s ource of power.

Test Summary

At above 10% power, a generator trip will be initiated without an offsite source of power being available. Starting of the emergency diesels, s tripping of vital bu ses, and sequencing of emergency loads on the vital buses will be demonstrated. The test will be of suff icient duration to ensur e that the necessary equipment, controls and indication are avail able following the loss of nonemergency a-c power to remove dec ay heat from the core using only emergency power supplies.

Acceptance Criteria

The plant is shown to respond to a plant trip concurrent with loss of offsite power in accordance with Subsection

The duration of the lo ss of nonemergency a-c power will be at least 30 minutes.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-111 TABLE 14.2-88 10% LOAD SWING (Startup Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites

During power esc alation at 35%, 75% and 100% r eactor power.

Test Objective

To demonstrate automatic plant response to a +

10% step load change.

Test Summary Demonstrate plant response to a 10% load reducti on from 35%, 75%, and 100% reactor power.

A 10% load increase from the respective lower pow er levels will then be performed.

Initiation of the load swing will be accomplished with the DEH turbine generator cont rols. The test will be conducted with the major control sy stems in automatic.

Acceptance Criteria

a. Reactor and turb ine will not trip.
b. Unacceptable lev els of water hammer wi ll not occur in the steam generator or feedw ater system due to the 10%

load change.

c. Steam generator safety valves do not lift.
d. Pressurizer safety v alves do not lift.
e. No manual intervention w ill be required to bring plant conditions to steady state.
f. Plant variab les (i.e., T ave , pressurizer pressure, feed flow, steam flow, steam gen erator level, pressurizer level) will not incur sustained or diverging oscillations.
g. Nuclear power oversh oot (undershoot) will be less than 3% for turbine load in crease (decrease).

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-112 TABLE 14.2-89 50% LOAD REDUCTION -

BYRON UNIT 1 (Startup Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Reactor power will be at 75% and at 100%.

Test Objective

To demonstrate m anual and automatic plant response to a 50%

step load reduction.

Test Summary Demonstrate plant response to a 50% step load reduction from 75% and 100% reactor power. With plant systems in their automatic modes of c ontrol, the 50% load red uction is initiated from the turbine control panel.

Acceptance Criteria

a. Reactor and turb ine do not trip.
b. Unacceptable l evels of water ham mer do not occur in the steam generator or feedw ater system due to the 50%

load rejection.

c. Steam generator safety valves do not lift.
d. Pressurizer safety v alves do not lift.
e. No manual intervention is required to bring plant conditions to steady state.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-113 TABLE 14.2-89 (Cont'd) 50% LOAD REDUCTION -

BYRON UNIT 2 BRAIDWOOD UNITS 1 and 2 (Startup Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites Reactor power will be at 100%.

Test Objective

To demonstrate m anual and automatic plant response to a 50%

step load reduction.

Test Summary

Demonstrate plant response to a 50% step load reduction from 100% reactor power. With pl ant systems in t heir automatic modes of control, the 50% load reduction is init iated from the turbine control panel.

Acceptance Criteria

a. Reactor and turb ine do not trip.
b. Unacceptable l evels of water ham mer do not occur in the steam generator or feedw ater system due to the 50%

load rejection.

c. Steam generator safety valves do not lift.
d. Pressurizer safety v alves do not lift.
e. Some minimal manual intervention may be required to bring plant conditions to steady state.

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-114 TABLE 14.2-90 RTD CROSS-CALIBRATION (Startup Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites

RCS in hot shutdown and hot standby conditions with all RCPs running prior to ini tial criticality.

Test Objective

To provide data for the wide range RTDs, narrow range RTDs, and incore thermocouple ca libration and to compa re the incore thermocouples to the average rea ctor coolant s ystem temperature.

Test Summary

At various plant tempe ratures, the average R TD temperature will be compared to each RTD and inco re thermocouple temperature to provide correction f actors for their calibration.

Acceptance Criteria

The incore thermocou ple and RTD correcti on factors are determined and their accuracy is check ed in accordance with Subsection

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-115 TABLE 14.2-91 TURBINE TRIP F ROM 25% POWER (Startup Test)

Plant Condition or Prerequisites

Plant at 25% +

3% or normal steady-s tate full power condition with the auxiliary electrical loads supplied f rom the unit auxiliary transformer.

Test Objective

To verify the ability of the p rimary and secondary plant and the plant automatic control syst ems to sustain a trip from 25%

power without the turbine bypass to condenser system available, and to bring the plant to a st able condition following the transient.

Test Summary

The plant will be brought to normal 25% steady-state power conditions with the au xiliary loads supplied from the unit auxiliary transformer. The plant will be tripped by manually tripping the turbine from the turbine co ntrol station.

The parameters to be monitored will in clude nuclear flux; reactor coolant loop temperature; pres surizer pressure and level; steam generat or level, steam flow, and feed flow; turbine trip operation; reactor trip bre aker operation; and controlling group rod position indication. The parameters will be selected to determi ne the response of the plant control systems.

Acceptance Criteria The acceptance criteria that must be met to successfully complete the turbine test are:

a. The pressurizer safety valves shall not lift;
b. The pressurizer power-op erated valves sh all operate as designed to remove energy;
c. The steam generator powe r-operated valves shall operate as designed to remove energy;

B/B-UFSAR 14.2-116 TABLE 14.2-91 (Cont'd)


d. Safety injection shall not be initiated; and, e. No unacceptable water hammer in the steam generators and/or feedwater system shall occur.


Note: This design ver ification test is run only on Byron Unit 1.

The specific compone nts and systems in volved will be individually tested on subsequent units.

B/B-UFSAR 14.3-1 REVISION 7 - DECEMBER 1998 14.3 ADDITIONAL TESTI NG FOR THE UNIT 1 STEAM GENERATORS This section describ es the test program for the replacement Unit 1 steam generators. A lthough this program is not within the scope of the initial test progra m, it is included in the UFSAR because the tests are similar in scope to many of the tests described in Section 14.2.

14.3.1 Summary of Test Program and Objectives Commonwealth Edison conducted a comprehe nsive test program following replacement of the Unit 1 steam generators that

demonstrated that modified s tructures, systems, and components perform satisfactorily in service. The principal objective was to provide assurance that the modification was properly designed and constructed and was ready to operate in a ma nner that would not endanger the health and safety of the public.

14.3.2 Organization and Staffing

A team representing a cross-section of stati on, corporate, and vendor personnel managed and exe cuted the testing following replacement of the Unit 1 steam generators. The test program was established in accordance with the Quali ty Assurance Program as outlined in the QA Top ical Report refere nced in Chap ter 17.0.

The Quality Assurance activities related to the steam generator replacement project were the responsibility of Quality and Safety Assessment Department.

This included au dit and surveillance functions as well as other res ponsibilities related to 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, in accordance with t he Commonwealth Edison Quality Assurance Manual.

When required, v endors provided technical assistance during testing. The authority and responsibility of each organizational unit involved in the test program was as specified in the Quality Assurance Program.

14.3.3 Test Procedures

Test procedures were developed using sta tion administrative programs. Individual test p rocedures specified prerequisites, data to be obtained, and requirements and acceptance criteria to

be fulfilled. All t est procedures a nd results were reviewed and approved as required by the QA Topical Report.

14.3.4 Conduct of Test Program

Tests were conducted u sing station administr ative programs. The test program was conducted using detailed written procedures that included provisions for assuring that prerequisites have been completed. Data were examined as each test proceeded, and out-of-tolerance conditions were recorded and described in adequate

B/B-UFSAR 14.3-2 REVISION 7 - DECEMBER 1998 detail to permit post-test analy sis. Such data were evaluated during post-test review and resolved within the Quality Assurance program. 14.3.5 Review, Eval uation, and Approv al of Test Results Test results were reviewed a nd approved in a ccordance with station procedures and t he QA Topical Report.

14.3.6 Test Results The test procedures and test data are retained and maintained in accordance with the Quality Assurance pr ogram described in Chapter 17.0. The original test recor ds were reviewed for completeness, identified, and indexed to estab lish them as part of a permanent recor

d. These records in clude data sheets completed during testing.

14.3.7 Conformance of T est Programs with Regulatory Guides

Appendix A to the UFSAR identi fies those appli cable Regulatory Guides and describes the degree of c onformance to each.

14.3.8 Development of the Test Program The modification test pr ogram was developed ba sed on inputs such as the current l icensing basis requireme nts, the FSAR initial test program, procedures prepared for other util ities performing similar testing, and documents associated with the steam generator repl acement project.

A sequencing document was written to guide and c oordinate plant events and testing.

The document served as an interface procedure for mode, temperature, and power changes to ensure requirements were me t prior to proceedin

g. The procedure sequenced the modifica tion and surveillance testing necessary to return to full p ower following the outage.

14.3.9 Individual Test Description

Test abstracts for i ndividual tests that wer e conducted following steam generator replacem ent are provided in Tabl es 14.3-1 through 14.3-16.

All requirements for demonstrati ng operability of the systems, structures and components associated with th e replacement steam generators, which are based on utility experie nces, applicable codes, regulatory guid es, regulations, stand ards, and vendor specifications, were i ncluded in the pro cedures for the test program. It is not Commonwealth Edison's intention to include all these requirements in the test summaries t hat follow. These summaries are meant only to outl ine the major ob jectives of any particular test.

B/B-UFSAR 14.3-3 REVISION 7 - DECEMBER 1998 The test abstracts listed descri be the intended testing program for both the Byron a nd Braidwood Stations.

The Byron Station Unit 1 program is complete and the Braid wood Station Unit 1 program is still in pr ogress. The compl eted testing was conducted in accorda nce with descriptions contained in the abstracts. Any except ions to the abstra ct descriptions were properly documented and dispositioned.


Test Objective

To demonstrate the o perability of the primary containment structure and containment liner following restoration of the temporary constructi on opening used duri ng the Unit 1 steam generator repl acement project.

Test Summary

A containment pressure test is required by A SME Section XI, 1992 Edition, 1992 Addenda, A rticle IWL-5210 follow ing repairs or replacement of concrete containments. An in tegrated leak rate test is required by ASME Section XI, 1992 Edition, Articles IWL-5230 and IWE-5221 following repair or replacement of the containment meta llic liner.

During the conta inment pressure test, cr ack mapping is performed in the area of the temporary construction op ening concrete placed during repair/replacement activities. Visua l examination is conducted prior to start of pressurization, at peak accident pressure, and following completion of depres surization per ASME requirements.

Acceptance Criteria The maximum measured i ncrease of the width of a crack on the outside surface of conta inment during the test is less than 0.060 inch; and there also m ust be no indication of gross deformation.


Test Objective

To measure the s team generator blowd own flow rate.

Test Summary The total steam generator blowdo wn flow rate was measured.

Additionally, the steam generator blowdown flow rate for each flow path for each steam gener ator was establi shed and then measured.

Acceptance Criteria The steam generator blowdown flow meets minimum flow requirements for both total flow and flow thr ough each steam generator blowdown flow path.


Test Objective

To obtain selected initial p ump data for the wet lay-up recirculation pumps and verify the pumps' capability to recirculate the steam generator water invent ory in a cold shutdown condition.

Test Summary

There is one wet lay-up recircul ation pump installed per steam generator. Data were collected to determine the recirculation rate of the steam genera tor water inventory, as well as to obtain baseline pump performance data.

Acceptance Criteria

Each recirculation pump must have the ca pability to recirculate the associated steam g enerator secondary sid e water inventory at least once per eight hours.

Pump performance is ve rified to agree with the manufacturer's pump curve.


Test Objective

To verify that Auxiliary Feedwat er (AF) system f low capability to the Unit 1 steam generators has not been adversely affected by the modified configurati on of the AF system piping, including the modifications in the valve inter nal trim to the AF flow control valves (1AF005A-H).

Test Summary

Both AF trains were te sted to verify that adequate flow was delivered to various combinations of steam gen erators with the control valves failed op en. The flow control valves also were tested to demonstrate flow control. T he data verified pump performance for each AF train and that the AF system was capable of delivering flow in accordance with the requir ements of the Chapter 15 acc ident analyses.

Acceptance Criteria The performance data (di fferential pressure vs.

pump flow) of the motor-driven AF pump and the diesel-driven AF pump are within the bounds of the specified test limits. The suction pressure for both pumps is within the specified limits.

During single and dual branch line testing, final branch line flows (i.e., flows through i ndividual AF flow control valves), recirculation flow, and suction pressure are within specified limits. Flow control va lves demonstrate the ability to control flow and no external l eakage is observed.


Test Objective

To verify by visual observation, measurement, and evaluation (as applicable) that specified steam gen erator components (e.g., the steam generator upper lateral restraints, snubbers, and lower lateral restraint) and specified portions of the feedwater, main steam, and steam generat or blowdown system p iping and components are free to expand without restriction of movement.

Test Summary

Verification was accomplished at designated reactor coolant system (RCS) tem perature plateaus. Veri fication included visual observation and/or mea surement (as appropria te) and engineering evaluation. Visual observat ion and/or measu rements (as applicable) were accomplished at ambient temperature (RCS temperature less than or equal to 140

°F) and at the following RCS temperature plateaus: 170

°F, 340 °F, 450 °F, and 557

°F. Temperature was held f or a minimum of four hours prior to observation. In addition, lin es that were walked down were visually verified to preclude interference w ith surrounding equipment, supports, restraints and structur es. Following any support adjustment, inspecti ons were performed in accordance with station programs.

Acceptance Criteria

The equipment, piping, a nd components addressed in the procedure are verified to expand during heatup wit hout obstruction or restriction. All piping and components shal l not cause interference with surrounding eq uipment, supports, restraints and structures. Thermal movements for each support, restraint, and/or component shall be within the a nticipated ranges or evaluated as acceptable on a t hermal expansion problem sheet.


Test Objective

To demonstrate the abili ty of the plant to s ustain a rapid load reduction.

Test Summary

Plant stability was veri fied at a specif ied power level.

Recording equipment was set up for vario us plant parameters, with an emphasis on steam generator parameters.

The turbine control system was set up for a 10% and a 25

% turbine load decrease. The load change was initia ted, plant parameters were monitored, and results were evaluated.

Acceptance Criteria

Plant parameters, partic ularly the steam generat or levels and the feedwater system response, stabi lize without s ignificant manual intervention, and none of the following occur: reactor trip, turbine trip, safety injection initiation, or pressurizer or steam generator safety valve actuation.


Test Objective

To demonstrate the ability of the steam generator level control system to respond to a mismatch between stea m generator level and setpoint and the ability of the feedwater pump m aster controller to respond to a small differ ential pressure transient.

Test Summary

The test for the steam generat or level/setpoint mismatch is conducted in Mode 1 at power levels of approximately 50% and 75%.

For each steam generator, a -5%

level setpoint change was initiated and the response of the level cont rol system was monitored. A +5% le vel setpoint change was then initiated and the response of the level co ntrol system was monitored.

The test for the feedwater pump controller respo nse was conducted in Mode 1 at a power level of approxim ately 50%. The feedwater pump speed control t esting was initiated by a manual perturbation of approximately +25 psid (d ifference between feedwater header and steam header pressure). Plant parameters were monitored and results were evaluated.

Acceptance Criteria Steam generator narrow range level aut omatically adjusts to within specified limits of the new level set point following a level setpoint c hange. Steam generator narrow range levels stabilize within specified limits of their set point following a feedwater pump s peed transient.


Test Objective

To demonstrate the capability of the steam separators to maintain steam quality in accor dance with design.

Test Summary

Moisture carryover was d etermined by injecting radioactive tracer (Na-24) into the feedwat er system and analyz ing samples from the condensate system.

Acceptance Criteria The average moisture c arryover is less than or equal to design specification at nominal full power.


Test Objective

To monitor and colle ct data on the steam generator water level control system during pl ant evolutions and at steady state power levels.

Test Summary

Data were collected during t he following con ditions: 1) synchronization of the main generator to the grid, 2) transfer from the bypass feedwater regulating valves to the main feedwater regulating valves, and 3) steady-sta te power levels of approximately 30%, 50%, 75% and 100%. At steady-state power levels, feedwater pump turbine speed was adj usted to obtain optimum feedwater regu lating valve posit ions. Collected data were then compared with design values.

Acceptance Criteria The actual steam generator levels and feedwater to steam header differential pressure are with in specified limits of the programmed values. The main feedwater regulating valve positions are between the maximum and mini mum valve position curves specified for the test.

The main feedwa ter pump turbine speed is less than the design limit.


Test Objective

To verify the performance of the Unit 1 steam generators at or near full power operation.

Test Summary

Precision measurements are made to obtain values for steam pressure, reactor power, feedwater flow, and reactor coolant

system temperature. T hese are used to calcu late full power steam generator pressure for comparison with the m anufacturer's design performance value. The calculations correct for actual power and temperature conditions during the test.

Acceptance Criteria

For each steam generator, the fu ll-power steam generator pressure is greater than or equal to the manufacturer's specified steam pressure at the biased h ot leg temperature.


Test Objective

To verify the calibration of the RCS flow transmitters and indications. To ver ify RCS flow rate is near predicted values.

Test Summary

Flow transmitters were calibrated prior to heatup. A calibration check and flow measure ment was performed in Mode 3. A flow indication check was p erformed prior to exceeding 30% power.

Flow measurements using the surveillance proce dure were performed between 65% and 75% powe r, and above 90% pow er. Transmitter calibration was perfor med as necessary.

Acceptance Criteria

The RCS flow rates are greater than minimum re quirements and less than maximum design flows.


Test Objective

To collect steady-st ate baseline data at var ious power levels and to verify that the selected indications are consistent with plant conditions.

Test Summary

Steady-state baseline data are collected and reviewed. The data include pressures, lev els, temperatures, flo ws, and power level indications, with emphasis on parameters related to the replacement steam generators.

Acceptance Criteria For the final ev aluation of RCS T power, each RCS T power indication is within s pecified limits of the calorimetric power.


Test Objective

To verify the calibration of the steam flow transmitters.

Test Summary Data were collected at power levels of a pproximately 0%, 30%, 50%, 75%, and 100% a nd used to verify proper scaling of steam generator steam flow i nstrumentation.

Transmitter recalibrations were performed to no rmalize steam flow with feedwater flow.

Acceptance Criteria For the final test per formance for e ach steam flow transmitter, the difference between t ransmitter steam flow and actual steam flow is within the specified limits.


Test Objective

To record the sensor response of the loose parts monitoring (LPM) system to impacts of known m asses and to record the normal broadband background noise frequ ency response of the LPM system during plant operation.

Test Summary

While in cold shutdown, the sensor respo nse to impacts from 1/4-lb, 3-lb, and 30-lb hammers was reco rded to measure LPM system response. LPM baseline (broadband ba ckground noise) data were collected at ap proximately 0%, 30%, 50%, 75%, and 100%


Acceptance Criteria

There are no acceptance criteria for this test since it is a baseline data collection activity only.


Test Objective

To inspect the steady state pipe vibration level of 1) the steam generator primary head drain piping for each steam generator, 2) the main feedwater piping inside containment from each of the four containment penetrations to the respective secondary shield wall, and 3) the modified main f eedwater piping installed outside the containment.

Test Summary The procedure required a visual inspection and at least one local hand-held measurement taken to document syst em response at the location of maximum displaceme nt (i.e., a peak-to-peak displacement amplitude measurement). 1) Ste am generator primary head drain piping vibration testing is performed in Mode 3; 2)

Main feedwater p iping inside containment vebration testing is performed in Mode 1 with the p lant at 90-100%

power; 3) Main feedwater piping outside conta inment vibrati on testing is performed in Modes 1 and 2/3.

Acceptance Criteria The piping is qualified for stea dy-state vibration by a separate engineering evaluation in accordance with the criteria contained in EMD-052640, "Criteria for Qualification of Piping Steady State Vibration."


Test Objective

To inspect plant pressure boun dary components involved with the replacement of the Unit 1 steam generato rs for leakage in conjunction with existing plant surveillance procedures for nonroutine visual exam ination (VT-2) of ASME Class 1, 2, and 3 components at normal operating pressures.

Test Summary

The procedure required a visual inspection of piping components to verify structural integrity. The ins pections were specified by ASME Code Case N-416-1, " Alternate Pressure Test Requirements for Weld Repairs or Installation of Replacement Items by Welding, Class 1, 2 and 3."

Hydrostatic testing was used for small sections of the steam genera tor wet layup system.

Acceptance Criteria The replacement Unit 1 steam generators and all pressure boundary piping associated with t he replacement activities are leak tight and show no indications of degra ded or abnormal cond itions. The specific acceptance criteria that must be met to successfully complete the inservice leakage test program are documented in station surveillance procedures.


.-and are reforenced to the dat.e of INTEGRITY Commercial Operation.