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MONTHYEARML17067A3622017-03-0707 March 2017 License Amendment Request; Mode 3 Applicability - Lpci/Sdc; NRC Pre-Submittal Teleconference - March 7, 2017 Project stage: Meeting ML17067A3722017-03-16016 March 2017 March 7, 2017, Summary of Public Pre-Submittal Teleconference Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC to Discuss Proposed License Amendment Request Regarding Residual Heat Removal System Operability in Mode 3 at Clinton Power Station, U Project stage: Meeting 2017-03-16
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Category:Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts
MONTHYEARML24127A0952024-05-0606 May 2024 License Renewal Public Scoping Meeting May 2024 ML24100A7672024-04-11011 April 2024 Meeting Slides - Preapplication with Constellation on Planned Fleet Alternative Request to Adopt OMN-2 ML24089A2612024-04-0909 April 2024 Slides - Constellation - Pre-Application Regarding Hooded Masks 4/9/2024 Meeting Slides (L-2024-LLM-0041) ML24029A1742024-01-30030 January 2024 Constellation Pre-Application January 30, 2024, Meeting Slides - Proposed Alternative to Utilize Code Case N-932, Alternative Requirements for Acceptance of Containment Base Metal Corrosion or Erosion ML23317A0712023-11-14014 November 2023 NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting on November 14th, 2023 - TSTF-591 and Selected 50.69 License Condition Updates (EPID L-2023-LLM-0098) (Slides) ML23255A1042023-08-11011 August 2023 Slides - Constellation - Pre-Application EP 9/18/2023 Draft CEG Presubmittal SG Performance Monitoring Plan Meeting Handout ML23172A2092023-06-28028 June 2023 LRA - NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides ML23172A2102023-06-28028 June 2023 CPS Lr Pre-Submittal Meeting Presentation ML23145A1342023-06-14014 June 2023 June 27, 2023, Clinton Power Station License Renewal Environmental Pre-application Public Meeting - Constellation Slides ML23165A0162023-06-14014 June 2023 June 27, 2023, Clinton Power Station License Renewal Environmental Pre-application Public Meeting - NRC Slides ML21314A4472021-11-10010 November 2021 Slides for Presubmittial Meeting for Proposed Alternative to Adopt ASME Code Case N-921 to Extend the Inservice Inspection Interval ML21194A1582021-07-13013 July 2021 And Lasalle Nuclear Generating Stations 2020 Annual Assessment Meeting Slides ML21021A0652021-01-21021 January 2021 NRC Pre-Application Meeting - Clinton One-Time Extension of the Containment Type a Leak Rate Test Frequency (Meeting Handout) ML20261G7322020-09-16016 September 2020 Pre-Submittal Slides Extend 120-month Isi/Ist Interval Under 50.55a ML20238B8662020-08-25025 August 2020 Hq Online EOC Slides ML20178A4202020-06-30030 June 2020 NEI Slides for June 30, 2020, Public Meeting on COVID-19 Response ML20175A8722020-06-23023 June 2020 Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection - U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - Four Element Risk-Informed Approach ML20170B0212020-06-23023 June 2020 NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting Byron Unit 2 One-Time Deferral of Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Penetration Nozzle (Rpvhpn) Inspections ML20163A6552020-06-16016 June 2020 6-16-20 Byron Unit 2 Steam Generator License Amendment Request Pre-Submittal Meeting (NRC) - Byron Unit 2 LAR for One-Time Deferral of Steam Generator Inspections ML20169A5592020-06-16016 June 2020 Steam Generator License Amendment Request Pre-Submittal Meeting (NRC) - Byron Unit 2 LAR for One-Time Deferral of Steam Generator Inspections (Rev 1) ML19318F9512019-11-20020 November 2019 Presentation Slides for November 20, 2019, Pre-Application Meeting - Request for Revision to Quality Assurance Program Internal Audit Frequency ML19317C9952019-11-12012 November 2019 In-Service Testing Supplemental Position Indication Relief Request NRC Pre-Application Meeting November 18, 2019 ML19161A2572019-06-0404 June 2019 BWR Fleet Msv/Srv - Testing Frequency Relief Request NRC Pre-Application Meeting June 4, 2019 ML19151A6602019-05-31031 May 2019 BWR Fleet Mssv/Srv Testing Frequency Relief Request NRC Pre-Application Meeting June 4, 2019 ML19022A2002019-01-23023 January 2019 Request for Use of ASME Code Case N-879 for Exelon Nuclear Power Plants ML18347B3142018-12-19019 December 2018 Bwrvip/Asme Relief Request Discussion December 19, 2018 ML18334A2162018-11-30030 November 2018 Presentation Slides: Exelon BWR MSIV (Boiling-Water Reactor - Main Steam Isolation Valve) Leakage Optimization for NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting of December 6, 2018 ML18319A1272018-11-19019 November 2018 Slides for 11/19/18 Public Meeting - Exelon Fleet LAR for Common Language for TS 5.7 High Radiation Areas U-604453, Regulatory Conference Information2018-11-19019 November 2018 Regulatory Conference Information ML18054B3592018-02-27027 February 2018 Slide: NRC Pre-Submittal Meeting for Exelon Fleet LAR to Relocate TS Unit Staff Qualification ANSI Requirements to the QATR, February 27, 2018, Profile Info: Submitted by Frank Mascitelli ML17142A2382017-05-25025 May 2017 OEDO-17-00280 - Briefing Package for Drop-In Visit on June 9, 2017, by Senior Management of Exelon Generation Company, LLC with Chairman Svinicki, Commissioner Baran, and Commissioner Burns ML17067A3722017-03-16016 March 2017 March 7, 2017, Summary of Public Pre-Submittal Teleconference Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC to Discuss Proposed License Amendment Request Regarding Residual Heat Removal System Operability in Mode 3 at Clinton Power Station, U ML17067A3622017-03-0707 March 2017 License Amendment Request; Mode 3 Applicability - Lpci/Sdc; NRC Pre-Submittal Teleconference - March 7, 2017 ML16314E4812016-11-14014 November 2016 Part 37 Applicability to Reactor Vessels and Associated Structures, Systems, and Components While in Safstor Awaiting Active Decommissioning Activities - November 14, 2016 ML16244A2342016-09-0606 September 2016 OEDO-16-00547 - Briefing Package for Drop-In Visit on Sept 14, 2016, by Executives of Exelon Generation Company, LLC with Chairman Burns and Commissioners Svinicki, Baran, & Deputy Executive Director for Reactors, Michael Johnson (CAC No. a ML16189A4332016-07-12012 July 2016 July 12, 2016, Public Meeting with NRC - Exelon Decommissioning Licensing Action Submittal Plan ML16077A1562016-03-22022 March 2016 Fleet: Pre-application Teleconference with Exelon to Discuss a Potential License Amendment Request Regarding Operating Training Standards ML16075A3292016-03-16016 March 2016 OEDO-16-00165 - Briefing Package for Drop-In Visit on March 23, 2016, by Senior Management of Exelon Generation Company, LLC with the NRC Executive Director for Operations ML15342A3542015-12-0808 December 2015 License Amendment Request Extension of Secondary Containment - NRC Pre- Application Meeting December 9, 2015 ML15173A3812015-06-19019 June 2015 Regulatory Conference Supplemental Information ML14223A5742014-08-11011 August 2014 8/7/14 Clinton Power Station Annual Assessment Meeting Licensee Slides ML14220A2492014-08-0707 August 2014 8/7/2014 NRC Slides of Clinton Power Station Annual Assessment Meeting Cy 2013 ML14114A7402014-04-0909 April 2014 Application of GE Hitachi Simplified Stability Solution GS3 Pre-Submittal Presentation ML13184A3152013-07-0202 July 2013 EOC Public Meeting Presentation July 2, 2013 ML12265A1492012-09-21021 September 2012 Forthcoming Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC ML12111A1282012-04-19019 April 2012 End-of-Cycle Performance Assessment Meeting Presentation Slides ML1208701402012-03-27027 March 2012 Licensee Slides for Exelon Fleet Pre-Submittal Public Meeting 4-10-12 Licensed Operator Eligibility Requirements LAR ML1111905212011-04-28028 April 2011 Cy 2010 End-Of-Cycle Open House Presentation ML1111905312011-04-28028 April 2011 Cy 2010 End-of-Cycle Open House Presentation (Short) ML0919803632009-08-20020 August 2009 Summary of Licensing Counterparts Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, to Discuss Licensing Practices and Processes 2024-05-06
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Clinton Power StationLicense Amendment Request Mode 3 Applicability -LPCI/SDCNRC Pre-Submittal TeleconferenceMarch 7, 2017 1Agenda1*Objective of Meeting*Background and Need for Amendment*Schedule 2Objective*Present information to the NRC staff describing a proposed License Amendment Request (LAR) for Clinton Power Station (CPS) to resolve a CDBI violation concerning incapability of the residual heat removal (RHR) design to support Technical Specification (TS) operability requirements.*Obtain feedback from the NRC staff on the proposed LAR and gain an understanding of the NRC staff's expectations for the content of a high quality submittal.*Answer any questions from the NRC staff regarding the proposed LAR.
3BackgroundDecember 2016 NRC CDBI Inspection*Green finding and associated Non-cited Violation (NCV) for failure to promptly identify that the incapability of the RHR design to support TS operability requirements was a condition adverse to quality. *Specifically, when reactor coolant temperature is greater than 150°F, RHR cannot be realigned from SDC mode of operations to provide the TS required functions of the emergency core cooling system. *CPS captured this issue in the Corrective Action Program (CAP) both prior to, and subsequent to the inspection. The planned corrective action, as documented in NRC Inspection Report 05000461/12016009, was to submit an LAR to align TS requirements with the design capabilities.
4Background (cont.)CPS Design*TS 3.5.1(1)requires all low pressure ECCS injection/spray systems to be OPERABLE in Modes 1, 2, and 3. *By design, the suppression pool suction valve on the ECCS Loop that is supporting SDC operations must be shut, otherwise the reactor coolant would drain to the suppression pool. The suppression pool suction valve does not automatically realign on a LPCI signal. *In addition, the suppression pool suction valve is not capable of opening for manual realignment, due to both water hammer and pressure locking/thermal binding concernswhich have not been analyzed above 150 °F.(1)TS 3.5.1, ECCS -Operating 5Background (cont.)TS History*Prior to implementing NUREG-1434 Improved Tech Specs (ITS) in 1994, the CPS TS 3.5.1 recognized the required LPCI inoperability, and annotated Mode 3 applicability with a Note that stated:One LPCI subsystem of the RHR system may be aligned in the shutdown cooling mode when reactor vessel pressure is less than the LPCI cut-in permissive set point.*ITS did not include this site-specific Mode 3 note, and therefore it was removed in the CPS ITS conversion. Instead, ITS provided a new note in the Surveillance Requirements for TS 3.5.1, and a similar note in TS 3.5.2, TS, TS, and TS pressure coolant injection (LPCI) subsystems may be considered OPERABLE during alignment and operation for decay heat removal with reactor vessel pressure less than the residual heat removal cut-in permissive pressure in MODE3, if capable of being manually realigned and not otherwise inoperable.(2)TS 3.5.2, ECCS -Shutdown; TS, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Containment Spray System; TS, FeedwaterLeakage Control System (FWLCS); and TS, Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Suppression Pool Cooling 6Background (cont.)TS History (cont.)*CPS implemented the new TS 3.5.1, TS 3.5.2, TS, TS, and TS with the same interpretation as the pre-ITS TSs. That is, the station considered the new note to be an allowance to consider LPCI operable, if capable of being realigned. *However, since the suppression pool suction valve is not capable of opening for manual realignment (i.e., as previously discussed), CPS is not able to implement the ITS Note, and therefore, declares LPCI inoperable during decay heat removal in Mode 3 with reactor pressure less than the cut-in permissive.*The current NRC interpretation of the ITS LCO and associated Note is that the systems are required to be OPERABLE, and failure to implement the Note (i.e., declaring LPCI inoperable) constitutes entry into the ACTIONS for operational convenience.
7Proposed Resolution*The NRC issued a similar Green Finding and associated NCV to LaSalle County Station (LSCS) in 2012. In response to that Finding/NCV, LSCS submitted, and the NRC approved an LAR in October 2015 that deleted this Note [ML15244B410]. *The proposed change will delete the ITS Note from CPS TS 3.5.1, TS 3.5.2, TS, TS, and TS*The proposed CPS TS change will also reinstate the pre-ITS Note to the Applicability for TS 3.5.1, TS, TS, and TS Low pressure coolant injection (LPCI) subsystem may be inoperable during alignment and operation for decay heat removal with reactor steam dome pressure less than the residual heat removal cut-in permissive pressure in MODE 3.
8Schedule*Submit license amendment request on, or before 05-May-2017*Request review and approval in 12 months.