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1- Impacts on RG 1.183 for Workshop2
Person / Time
Site: Nuclear Energy Institute
Issue date: 02/13/2024
From: Broadbent G, Lafountain S, Markivich A, Pimentel F
- No Known Affiliation, Dominion Energy Co, Nuclear Energy Institute, Southern Nuclear Company
To: David Garmon-Candelaria
Download: ML24043A119 (23)


©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute Greg Broadbent, Senior Staff Engineer -

Corporate Nuclear Analysis, Entergy (Retired)

Sam Lafountain, Lead Engineer, Southern Nuclear Alex Markivich, Engineer III, Dominion Energy Frankie Pimentel, Sr. Project Manager -

Engineering & Risk, NEI February 13, 2024 Impact of SAND2023-01313 on Source Terms and Radiological Consequence Analyses

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 2 Increased Release Fractions can have wide-ranging impacts on plant safety analyses Examples will include results from Dose Impacts for 2 BWRs (Mark I and Mark III) 2 PWRs (large dry and subatmospheric)

Examples of Impacts

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 3 What is changed?

RG 1.183 Rev. 1 and SAND2023-01313 release fractions and durations Longer release durations necessitate changes to spray removal effectiveness or duration Worst-case X/Q corresponding to period of highest release Assessment of pool scrubbing for BWRs, as described in SAND2023-01313 Table 5-16 What was NOT changed Core inventory (Ci/MW)

Dose Evaluation Changes

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 4 Example 1: BWR/6, Mark-III Containment BWR/6, Mark-III Containment Standard Leakage Paths

  • Containment leakage
  • No credit for MSL deposition past the outboard MSIV
  • Credit for MSIV Leakage Control System initiation at 20 minutes 99% SGTS filters, ~1 hour holdup

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 5 Example 1: BWR/6, Mark-III - Model Changes

Drywell-Containment Mixing Current RG 1.183, Rev. 0 accepted uniform mixing after 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Changed to only credit 2000-cfm hydrogen purge system for entire period See Resolution to Comment 6-5 from the BWROG

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 6 Example 1: BWR/6, Mark-III Containment - Results 9.71 6.20 4.11 6.62 5.81 4.49 4.56 4.16 2.90 8.15 6.44 5.50 5.1 4.41 3.55 0

2 4

6 8

10 12 Exclusion Area Boundary Low Population Zone Control Room Dose (Rem TEDE)

Location Offsite & Control Room Doses Reg Guide 1.183 Rev. 0 Rev. 1 Rev. 1 w/pool SAND2023-01313 SAND2023-01313 w/pool

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 7 Example 1: BWR/6, Mark-III Containment - Conclusions

Impact of New Mixing Guidance Higher drywell activities for longer time MSIV leakage pathway more significant Lower containment activities Spray less effective CMT Leakage not as significant

Spray Effectiveness Longer Credit for higher effectiveness was a significant benefit

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 8 Current Licensing Basis Removal Mechanisms:

  • Drywell (DW) spray
  • Condenser credited for aerosol removal and holdup of MSIV leakage ECCS leakage pulled into RB and processed by Standby Gas Treatment MCR - Leakage from Condenser into Turbine Building (TB) and into MCR via unfiltered inleakage with no dispersion in Environment (MCR in TB)

For offsite doses - No credit for holdup in TB No other input changes were made to offset dose increases due to guidance changes Example 2: BWR-4, Mark-I LOCA Modeling

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 9 Example 2: BWR-4, Mark I LOCA Results

  • CLB - Current Licensing Basis
  • Rev. 1 - Rev. 1 RFs and timing; DW spray credit removed; MSL and Condenser removal aligned with A-5.6.1
  • SAND2023 - SAND2023 RFs and timing; removal credits same as Rev. 1 case
  • SAND2023_Scrub - SAND2023 case but release to DW airspace limited to SAND2023 Table 5-16 Excluding SP Inventory fractions (no DW spray)

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 10 Example 2: BWR/4, Mark I Containment - Conclusions

Impact of Higher RFs Substantial increase in dose significant nuclides (e.g., Iodines) drives doses up

Impact of More Conservative Aerosol Removal Modeling Inability to credit DW spray with the Rev. 1 MSL aerosol removal models leads to higher concentrations in DW as source for MSIV leakage Lower aerosol removal in Condenser leads to higher concentration leakage

Pool scrubbing is a large benefit based on SAND2023 showing most radionuclides are scrubbed by the Pool rather than released directly to the DW

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 11 Leakage Pathways:



RWST Backleakage Containment spray credited; terminated at 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in CLB (or at decontamination factor cutoffs)

Spray duration modified to cover longer in-vessel release duration ESF leakage outside containment is filtered prior to release RWST back-leakage release included separate from ESF leakage Example 3: PWR, Large Dry Containment

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 12 Example 3: PWR, Large Dry Containment CLB - Current Licensing Basis Rev1_2hrSpray - Rev. 1 RFs and timing (2 hrs of cont. spray)

Rev1_ExtSpray - Cont. spray extended to cover in-vessel release SAND2023 - Use of RFs and timing from SAND2023 (2 hrs of cont. spray)

SAND2023_ExtSpray - Cont. spray extended to cover in-vessel release SAND23_HalRF - Halogen release capped at 100%

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 13 Sub-atmospheric containment depressurization profile is:

< 2.0 psig at 1.0 hr (after event initiation)

< 0.0 psig at 6.0 hr i.e., TS containment leakage rate of 0.1% vol/day from 0.0 to 1.0 hrs and 0.04% vol/day from 1.0 to 6.0 hrs ECCS Leakage outside containment is unfiltered prior to release 30,000 cc/hr total ECCS leakage with 10% flashing fraction RWST back-leakage release included separate from ESF leakage External shine contributions were not re-evaluated No other input changes were made to offset dose increases due to guidance changes Example 4: 3-Loop, PWR, Subatmospheric Containment

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 14 Example 4: 3-Loop, PWR, Subatmospheric Containment

  • CLB - Current Licensing Basis
  • Rev. 1 - Rev. 1 RFs and timing
  • SAND2023 - Use of RFs and timing from SAND2023
  • SAND2023_HalRF -Use of RFs and timing from SAND2023; Halogen release capped at 100%

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 15 PWR Conclusions

Timing Impacts Much longer in-vessel release durations for SAND2023 (and Rev. 1) can be beneficial If spray is credited, plants may need to extend spray duration to cover the longer in-vessel release duration

RF Impacts SAND2023 RFs drive doses higher than current RFs Could potentially result in reductions in operational flexibility (e.g., lower allowable ESF leakage)

Current guidance (separate leakage runs modeling all iodine release) results in total iodine releases above 1.0

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 16 Proposed Updates to RG 1.183 R1

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 17 NRC Supplemental Work (ML24005A089)

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 18 NRC Supplemental Work (ML24005A089)

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 19 Proposed Updates to RG 1.183 R1

Proposed approach: Rev. 2 would contain three (3) MHA LOCA RF tables containing separate Pool, Containment atmosphere, and Steam Line RFs instead of a single table (e.g., current Table 1)

How are the steam line release fractions identified in ML24005A089 intended to be applied in the downstream dose consequence codes?

Released over the course of the in-vessel release duration, fully released into the steam line source volume at the start of the in-vessel period, or something different altogether?

What is intended in guidance/application space with respect to the information in the red box (see previous slide) discussing potentially keeping concentration constant after the early in-vessel period?

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 20 Proposed Updates to RG 1.183 R1

MSL and Condenser Deposition RG 1.183, Rev. 1, presents 3 acceptable models for MSL / Condenser aerosol deposition NRC supplemental work has suggested RFs into MSLs directly based on MELCOR modeling that includes deposition between RPV and inboard MSIV Will the Rev. 1 MSL and Condenser deposition models apply downstream of the inboard MSIV or will updates be made to these models?

Natural Deposition in Containment Rev. 0 points to NUREG/CR-6189 (Powers) as an acceptable model (built into RADTRAD and used widely across the industry)

Rev. 1 states that NUREG/CR-6189 is no longer directly applicable without adjustment and provides no acceptable aerosol natural deposition model Given the information available in MELCOR modeling already performed, will an updated acceptable containment natural deposition model be provided in Rev. 2?

Alternatively, an acceptable method of adjusting the NUREG/CR-6189 correlations would be beneficial and avoid each licensee developing their own for Staff review

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 21 Proposed Updates to RG 1.183 R1

RF iodine releases greater than 1.0 Current wording from RG 1.183, Rev. 1, Appendix A:

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 22 Proposed Updates to RG 1.183 R1 Proposed wording for RG 1.183, Rev. 2:

Add to Position A-4.1: " the primary containment sump water (in PWRs) or suppression pool (in BWRs) at the time of release from the core. Given the release fractions in Tables 1 and 2, this guidance, combined with the guidance in A-2.1, would lead to release fractions of >1.0 being analyzed for certain nuclide groups. Licensees need not consider total releases that exceed 1.0 if justification is provided that the split between the containment airspace and the pool is conservative. In lieu of this deterministic approach..."

©2024 Nuclear Energy Institute 23 Questions/Comments/Discussions