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Revised Final Status Survey Release Record, Unit 1 Pwst/Sst Area East, Survey Unit 12112, Revision 1
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 08/17/2022
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML22237A206 List:
Download: ML22237A211 (389)



Digitally signed by Robert F Yetter III Robert F Yetter DN: C=US, O=EnergySolutions, CN=Robert F Yetter III, Reason: I have reviewed this document III Location: your signing location here Date: 2022-08-17 17:42:09 Foxit PhantomPDF Version: 9.7.0 Digitally signed by Robert F_ Yetter Robert F_ DN: C=US, OU=EnergySolutions, CN=Robert F_

Yetter, Reason: I am the author of this document Yetter Location: your signing location here Date: 2022-08-18 08:53:36 Foxit PhantomPDF Version: 9.7.0




................................................................................................... 7

2. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................... 7
3. CLASSIFICATION BASIS .................................................................................................. 8
4. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO) ........................................................................... 9
5. SURVEY DESIGN .............................................................................................................. 13
6. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION........................................................................................ 20
7. SURVEY RESULTS............................................................................................................ 21
8. QUALITY CONTROL ....................................................................................................... 32
9. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS ............................................................................... 32
10. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS ..................................................................................... 34
11. CHANGES FROM THE SURVEY PLAN ....................................................................... 34
12. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT (DQA) ........................................................................ 34
13. ANOMALIES....................................................................................................................... 35
14. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 35
15. REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 36
16. ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................................ 36 ATTACHMENT 1 - FIGURE AND MAPS .......................................................................... 38 ATTACHMENT 2 - SCAN DATA ....................................................................................... 42 ATTACHMENT 3 - CONSULTATION TRIGGERS FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL SOIL CONTAMINATION ............. 50 ATTACHMENT 4 - SIGN TEST .......................................................................................... 52 ATTACHMENT 5 - QC SAMPLE ASSESSMENT.............................................................. 54 ATTACHMENT 6 - GRAPHICAL PRESENTATIONS ...................................................... 56 ATTACHMENT 7 - GEL LABS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS REPORTS .................... 63


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture.......................................................................... 10 Table 2 - Base Case DCGLs for Surface Soils (BcDCGLSS) ................................................................ 11 Table 3 - Base Case DCGLs for Subsurface Soils (BcDCGLSB) .......................................................... 11 Table 4 - Operational DCGLs for Surface Soils (OpDCGLSS) ............................................................. 12 Table 5 - Operational DCGLs for Subsurface Soils (OpDCGLSB) ....................................................... 12 Table 6 - Surrogate Ratios ...................................................................................................................... 13 Table 7 - Investigation Levels ................................................................................................................ 15 Table 8 - Systematic Sample Measurement Locations ........................................................................... 17 Table 9 - Synopsis of Survey Design ..................................................................................................... 19 Table 10 - Instruments and Detectors ..................................................................................................... 21 Table 11 - Synopsis of Scan Results....................................................................................................... 21 Table 12 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for Surface Soil Samples Comprising the Statistical Sample Population ................................................................................................................. 24 Table 13 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for Subsurface Soil Samples............................ 24 Table 14 - Surrogate Ratio Analysis Results ......................................................................................... 26 Table 15 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for QC Soil Samples ........................................ 30 Table 16 - Sum-of-Fractions for Individual Surface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs (Systematic) ............................................................................................................................................ 31 Table 17 - Sum-of-Fractions for Individual Subsurface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs

................................................................................................................................................................ 31 Table 18 - Sum-of-Fractions for Individual QC Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs ....... 31 Table 19 - Basic Statistical Properties of Systematic Sample Population .............................................. 32 Table 20 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for Investigation Surface and Subsurface Soil Samples ................................................................................................................................................... 33 Table 21 - Sum-of-Fractions for Investigation Surface and Subsurface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs ..................................................................................................................................... 34 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Class 1 and Class 2 Open Land Survey Units from Figure 2-7 of the LTP ............................ 8


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable AMCG Average Member of the Critical Group BcDCGL Base Case Soil DCGLs C/LT Characterization/License Termination CoC Chain-of-Custody cpm Counts per minute DCGL Derived Concentration Guideline Level DQA Data Quality Assessment DQO Data Quality Objective DRP Discrete Radioactive Particle EMC Elevated Measurement Comparison FOV Field of View FSS Final Status Survey GPS Global Positioning System HTD Hard to Detect HSA Historical Site Assessment IC Insignificant Dose Contributor ISOCS In Situ Object Counting System LBGR Lower Bound of the Gray Region LTP License Termination Plan MARSSIM Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration MDCR Minimum Detectable Count Rate NAD North American Datum NaI Sodium Iodide OpDCGL Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Level OpSOF Operational Sum-of-Fraction QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan (for Characterization and FSS)


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 QC Quality Control RE Radiological Engineer ROC Radionuclides of Concern SOF Sum-of-Fraction TEDE Total Effective Dose Equivalent TSD Technical Support Documents UBGR Upper Bound of the Gray Region VSP Visual Sample Plan ZNPS Zion Nuclear Power Station ZSRP Zion Station Restoration Project





Final Status Survey (FSS) was performed on this survey unit in August of 2021. Following the completion of this FSS, in November of 2021 a concrete foundation structure was found in the survey unit that did not meet the requirement that all remaining structures were to be below 588 grade. Excavations were performed to remove this concrete in March of 2022. This FSS was performed in March and April of 2022 following the completion of this work.

This FSS Release Record for Survey Unit 12112, Unit 1 PWST/SST Area East, has been generated for the Zion Station Restoration Project (ZSRP) in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-005, Final Status Survey Data Reporting (Reference 1) and satisfies the requirements of Section 5.11 of the Zion Station Restoration Project License Termination Plan (LTP) (Reference 2).

An FSS package (L1-12112A-F Plan #5) was developed in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001, Final Status Survey Package Development (Reference 3), the ZSRP LTP, and guidance from NUREG-1575, Revision 1, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) (Reference 4).

This open land survey unit has a MARSSIM classification of 1. The survey plan was designed based upon use of the Sign Test as the nonparametric statistical test for compliance. Both the Type I () and Type II () decision error rates were set at 0.05. Seventeen (17) systematic surface soil samples were acquired from the survey unit. In addition, surface scanning was performed on 100% of the total surface area in the survey unit. Numerous latch value readings were recorded in areas with elevated activity identified during the scans. Investigations were performed into the elevated readings. A detailed description of the investigations is included in Section 9. Investigation soil samples taken showed positive activity for Cs-137, with the highest Operational SOF (OpSOF) of 0.868. The analytical results for the systematic soil samples taken in Survey Unit 12112 indicate that the Sum-of-Fraction (SOF) for each sample, when compared to the Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (OpDCGL), was less than 1.0, with a maximum Operational SOF (OpSOF) of 0.144. The mean OpSOF for the systematic samples was 0.055. The mean SOF (BcSOF), when the analytical results were compared to the Base Case DCGLs (BcDCGL), was 0.014, which results in a dose assigned to the survey unit of 0.353 mrem/yr. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and survey unit 12112 is acceptable for unrestricted release.

2. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION Survey Unit 12112, the Unit 1 PWST/SST Area East, is a Class 1 open land survey unit and is 1,693 m2 in size. It is bounded on the west by survey unit 12113, the south by 12203D, the east by 10223, and the north by 12204C.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 The topography of the survey unit is mainly flat with some small dips and depressions. The soil is mostly loam.

The boundary of the survey unit was defined using a Global Positioning System (GPS) based on the Illinois State Plane System North American Datum (NAD) 1983 East. The reference coordinates associated with the sample locations in this survey unit are presented in Table 8.

3. CLASSIFICATION BASIS Survey unit 12112 was classified in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification (Reference 5).

The area encompassing this survey unit was classified in the Historical Site Assessment (HSA) as the Class 1 Survey Unit 10110. Subsequently, in the LTP, this area was split into 2 Class 1 survey units, 12112 and 12113.

Figure 1 - Class 1 and Class 2 Open Land Survey Units from Figure 2-7 of the LTP The initial Final Status Survey of 12112 was completed in May 2019 as a Class 1 survey unit.

This classification remains applicable to this survey design.

A Radiological Engineer (RE)/Characterization/Licenses Termination (C/LT) Supervisor performed a visual inspection and walk-down of the survey unit on 3/14/2022 prior to performing this FSS. The purpose of the walk-down was to assess the physical condition of the survey unit, evaluate access points and travel paths and identify potentially hazardous conditions. A final


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 classification assessment was performed in accordance with procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification as part of the survey design for FSS. The assessment confirmed that Survey Unit 12112 was correctly classified as Class 1.


FSS planning and design hinges on coherence with the Data Quality Objective (DQO) process to ensure, through compliance with explicitly defined inputs and boundaries, that the primary objective of the survey is satisfied. The DQO process is described in the LTP in accordance with MARSSIM. The appropriate design for a given survey is developed using the DQO process as outlined in Appendix D of MARSSIM.

The DQO process incorporated hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis. Hypothesis testing is a process based on the scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition. The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis. Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true, and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection. In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria. Rejection of the null hypothesis would indicate that residual activity within the survey unit does not exceed the release criteria.

Therefore, the survey unit would satisfy the primary objective of the FSS sample plan.

The primary objective of the FSS sample plan is to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in Survey Unit 12112 does not exceed the release criteria specified in the LTP and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).

ZionSolutions Technical Support Document (TSD)11-001, Potential Radionuclides of Concern during the Decommissioning of Zion Station (Reference 7), written in 2012, established the basis for an initial suite of potential ROC for the decommissioning of the Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS).

ZionSolutions TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Soil and Basement Fill Model Source Terms (Reference 8), completed in February 2017, was written to refine the initial selection of ROC for decommissioning at ZSRP. The list of ROC was evaluated using Containment Building(s) and Auxiliary Building concrete core analysis data to evaluate the dose significance of each radionuclide in the end state model. Section 4.4 of the TSD evaluated the results of the characterization data of surveys taken of soils. The following conclusion was reached: The results of surface and subsurface soil characterization in the impacted area surrounding Zion indicate that there is minimal residual radioactivity in soil. Essentially all of the soil results were reported as non-detectable. Other than Cs-137 at very low levels, and Co-60 at a concentration of 0.24 pCi/g in one sample, the results for all radionuclides were less than MDC. Therefore, the direct determination of radionuclide mixture fractions for initial suite radionuclides in soil is not technically


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 feasible due to the MDC biasing issues discussed above. Based on a generalized assumption that the contaminated water that caused concrete contamination would be similar to the source of soil contamination, the ROC and radionuclide mixture derived for the Auxiliary Building concrete was considered to be reasonably representative of soils for FSS planning and implementation.

The ROC for surface soils are listed in Table 1 below (From Table 5-2 of the LTP):

Table 1 - Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture Auxiliary Building Radionuclide  % of Total Activity (normalized)(1)(2)

Co-60 0.92%

Ni-63 23.71%

Sr-90 0.05%

Cs-134 0.01%

Cs-137 75.32%

(1) Based on maximum percent of total activity from Table 20 of TSD 14-019, normalized to one for the dose significant radionuclides (2) Does not include dose significant radionuclides for activated concrete (H-3, Eu-152, Eu-154).

A fundamental precursor to survey design is to establish a relationship between the release criteria and some measurable quantity. This is done through the development of DCGLs. The DCGLs represent average levels of radioactivity above background levels and are presented in terms of surface or mass activity concentrations. Chapter 6 of the LTP describes in detail the modeling used to develop the DCGLs for soils.

Surface soil is defined as soil residing in the first 0.15 m (6 inches) layer of soil. A subsurface soil category, which is defined as a layer of soil beginning at the surface but extending to a depth of 1 m is also assessed to allow for flexibility in compliance demonstration if contamination deeper than 0.15 m is encountered. Site-specific DCGLs for soil were calculated for both the 0.15 m and 1 m thicknesses. Based on characterization data and historical information, there are no expectations of encountering a source term geometry that is comprised of a clean surface layer of soil over a contaminated subsurface soil layer. ZionSolutions TSD 14-011, Soil Area Factors (Reference 9) and LTP Chapter 6, Section 6.8 provides the exposure scenarios and modeling parameters that were used to calculate the site-specific DCGLs for soils (referred to as BcDCGL in this Release Record).

At ZNPS, compliance is demonstrated through the summation of dose from four distinct source terms for the end-state (basements, soils, buried pipe and groundwater). Basements are comprised of the summation of four structural source terms (surfaces, embedded pipe, penetrations, and fill). When applied to soil, the DCGLs are expressed in units of activity per unit of mass (pCi/g).


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 The unity rule is applied when there is more than one ROC. The measurement results for each singular ROC present in the mixture are compared against their respective DCGL to derive a dose fraction.

The surface and subsurface soil BcDCGLs for the unrestricted release of open land survey units are listed in Tables 5-5 and 5-6 of the LTP and are provided in Table 2 and Table 3, respectively.

The Insignificant Contributor (IC) dose percentage of 10% was used to adjust the DCGLs in soils to account for the dose from the eliminated IC radionuclides.

Table 2 - Base Case DCGLs for Surface Soils (BcDCGLSS)

Surface Soil DCGL Radionuclide (pCi/g)

Co-60 4.26 Cs-134 6.77 Cs-137 14.18 Ni-63 3,572.10 Sr-90 12.09 Table 3 - Base Case DCGLs for Subsurface Soils (BcDCGLSB)

Subsurface Soil Radionuclide DCGL (pCi/g)

Co-60 3.44 Cs-134 4.44 Cs-137 7.75 Ni-63 763.02 Sr-90 1.66 Each radionuclide-specific Base Case DCGL is equivalent to the level of residual radioactivity (above background levels) that could, when considered independently, result in a Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) of 25 mrem per year to an Average Member of the Critical Group (AMCG). To ensure that the summation of dose from each source term is 25 mrem/yr or less after all FSS is completed, the BcDCGLs are reduced based on an expected, or a priori, fraction of the 25 mrem/yr dose limit from each source term. The reduced DCGLs, or Operational DCGLs can be related to the BcDCGLs as an expected fraction of dose based on an a priori assessment of what the expected dose should be based on the results of site characterization, process knowledge and the extent of planned remediation. The OpDCGL is then used as the DCGL for the FSS design of the survey unit (calculation of surrogate DCGLs, investigations levels, etc.). Details of the OpDCGLs derived for each dose component and the basis for the


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 applied a priori dose fractions are provided in ZionSolutions TSD 17-004, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Final Status Survey (Reference 10)

The OpDCGLs for the FSS of surface and subsurface soils are listed in Tables 5-7 and 5-8 of the LTP and are presented in Table 4 and Table 5, respectively.

Table 4 - Operational DCGLs for Surface Soils (OpDCGLSS)

Surface Soil DCGL Radionuclide (pCi/g)

Co-60 1.091 Cs-134 1.733 Cs-137 3.630 Ni-63 914.458 Sr-90 3.095 Table 5 - Operational DCGLs for Subsurface Soils (OpDCGLSB)

Subsurface Soil Radionuclide DCGL (pCi/g)

Co-60 0.881 Cs-134 1.137 Cs-137 1.984 Ni-63 195.333 Sr-90 0.425 In accordance with NUREG-1757, Appendix G, if the HSA indicates that there is no likelihood of substantial subsurface residual radioactivity, subsurface surveys are not necessary. The HSA as well as the results of the extensive characterization of subsurface soils in the impacted area surrounding the Zion facility have shown that there is minimal residual radioactivity in subsurface soil. Consequently, Zion proposes to perform minimal subsurface sampling during FSS.

Instrument DQOs included a verification of the ability of the survey instrument to detect the radiation(s) of interest at the required scan MDC, which for Class 1 Open Land survey units, is the a priori elevated measurement comparison DCGL (DCGLEMC). Survey instrument response checks were required prior to issuance and after the instrument had been used. Control and accountability of survey instruments was required to ensure the quality and prevent the loss of data.

As part of the DQOs applied to laboratory processes, analysis results were reported as actual calculated results. The actual recorded value was used as the recorded FSS result for


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 measurement and/or sample values that are less than MDC. Negative values were recorded as zero. For radionuclides less than MDC, the value representing the highest abundance was selected. Results were not reported as less than MDC. Sample report summaries included unique sample identification, analytical method, radionuclide, result, uncertainty, laboratory data qualifiers, units, and the observed MDC.

In accordance with the LTP, for laboratory analysis, MDCs less than 10% of the Operational DCGL were preferable while MDCs up to 50% of the Operational DCGL were acceptable. The maximum acceptable MDC for measurements obtained using field instruments was the a priori DCGLEMC, which was calculated using the methodology described in the LTP, Section

5. SURVEY DESIGN The level of effort associated with planning a survey is based on the complexity of the survey and nature of the hazards. Guidance for preparing FSS plans is provided in procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001 Final Status Survey Package Development.

The DQO process determined that Co-60, Ni-63, Sr-90, Cs-134 and Cs-137 would be the ROC in survey unit 12112. During FSS, concentrations for HTD ROC Ni-63 and Sr-90 are inferred using a surrogate approach. Cs-137 is the principal surrogate radionuclide for Sr-90 and Co-60 is the principal surrogate radionuclide for Ni-63. The mean, maximum and 95% Upper Confidence Level (UCL) of the surrogate ratios for concrete core samples taken in the Auxiliary Building basement were calculated in ZionSolutions TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Soil and Basement Fill Model Source Terms and are presented in Table 6. The maximum ratios will be used in the surrogate calculations during FSS unless area specific ratios are determined by continuing characterization.

Table 6 - Surrogate Ratios Auxiliary Building Ratios Mean Max 95%UCL Ni-63/Co-60 44.143 180.450 154.632 Sr-90/Cs-137 0.001 0.002 0.002 For the FSS of survey unit 12112, the surrogate OpDCGLs for Co-60 and Cs-137 were computed based on the maximum ratios from Table 6. The equation for calculating a surrogate DCGL is as follows:




1 2 3

[( ) + ( ) + ( ) + ( )]

2 3 Where: DCGLSur = Surrogate radionuclide DCGL DCGL2,3n = DCGL for radionuclides to be represented by the surrogate Rn = Ratio of concentration (or nuclide mixture fraction) of radionuclide n to surrogate radionuclide Using the OpDCGLs for surface soils presented in Table 4 and the maximum ratios from Table 6, the following surrogate calculations for surface soils were performed:

Equation 2 1

(137) = = 3.622 /

1 0.002

[(3.630 )+( )]

(137) 3.095 (90)

The surrogate Op DCGL for surface soils that was used for Cs-137 in this survey unit for direct comparison of surface soil sample results to demonstrate compliance is 3.622 pCi/g.

Equation 3 1

(60) = = 0.898 /

1 180.45

[(1.091 )+( )]

(60) 914.458 (63)

The surrogate OpDCGL for surface soils that was used for Co-60 in this survey unit for direct comparison of surface soil sample results to demonstrate compliance is 0.898 pCi/g.

Using the BcDCGLs presented in Table 2 and the maximum ratios from Table 6, the following surrogate calculations were performed:



(137) = = 14.15 /

1 0.002

[(14.18 )+( )]

(137) 12.09(90)

The surrogate BcDCGL for surface soils that was used for Cs-137 in this survey unit for calculating the DCGLEMC is 14.15 pCi/g.

Equation 5 1

(60) = = 3.51 /

1 180.45

[(4.26 )+( )]

(60) 3572.10 (63)

The surrogate BcDCGL for surface soils that was used for Co-60 in this survey unit for calculating the DCGLEMC is 3.51 pCi/g.

For this Class 1 open land survey unit, the Investigation Levels for area scanning and soil sample measurement results are those levels specified in LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-25 and are reproduced below in Table 7.

Table 7 - Investigation Levels Direct Investigation Classification Scan Investigation Levels Levels

>Operational DCGL or >MDCscan if Class 1 > Operational DCGL MDCscan is greater than Operational DCGL The MDCscan for the 2350-1/44-10 was calculated using the methodology of TSD-11-004, Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity (Reference 11) with the following parameters:

  • background count rate of 5500 counts per minute (cpm)
  • scan speed of 0.25 m/sec
  • distance from detector to surface of 2
  • isotopic mix of 95% Cs-137 and 5% Co-60 The calculated MDCscan value was 2.78 pCi/g, which was greater than the calculated Surrogate DCGLs, therefore the scan investigation level was set at the MDCscan of the 2350-1/44-10. The collimator was not used during the scan surveys.

The Sign Test was selected as the non-parametric statistical test. The use of the Sign Test did not require the selection or use of a background reference area, which simplified survey design and implementation. This approach was conservative since it included background Cs-137 as part of the sample set.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 The number of soil samples for FSS was determined in accordance with procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001 Final Status Survey Package Development. The relative shift (/) for the survey unit data set is defined as shift (), which is the Upper Bound of the Gray Region (UBGR), or the DCGL (SOF of 1) minus the Lower Bound of the Gray Region (LBGR) (SOF of 0.5), divided by sigma (), which is the standard deviation of the data set used for survey design. The optimal value for / should range between 1 and 3. The largest value the / can have is 3. If the /

exceeds 3, then the value of 3 will be used for /. For this survey design, a conservative estimate of the sample variability of 0.30 was used as the coefficient of variation to calculate /.

The calculated relative shift was 1.67. Both the Type I error, or value and the Type II error, or value was set at 0.05. The sample size from Table 5.5 of MARSSIM that equates to the Type I and Type II error of 0.05 for use with the Sign Test is an N value of 17.

VSP was used to generate the sample map, in accordance with ZS-LT-300-001-001. The map used was provided by the Survey Mapping/CAD Specialist, with coordinates based on the NAD standard topographical grid coordinate system. The number of samples generated by VSP for a systematic triangular grid was 17. The Prospective Power Curve generated by VSP showed adequate power for the survey design.

In accordance with Section of the LTP, the a priori DCGLEMC values were calculated for the gamma emitting ROC to ensure that the MDCSCAN of the selected instrument was sufficient to detect small areas of elevated activity in the survey unit. The calculations were:


  • To calculate the area bounded by the systematic samples: = = = 99.6 2 17
  • From the LTP, Table 5-16, the Area Factors for the next larger area, 100 m2 area were used:

o Cs-137 - 1.62 o Cs-134 - 1.44 o Co 1.29

  • The DCGLEMC is the Surrogate Base Case DCGL times the Area Factor:

o The DCGLEMC for Cs-137 = 1.62 14.15 = 22.92 /

o The DCGLEMC for Cs-134 - 1.44 6.77 = 9.75 /

o The DCGLEMC for Co 1.29 3.51 = 4.53 /

The calculated MDCSCAN, 2.78 pCi/g, is less than the DCGLEMC values calculated above, therefore, the spacing of the statistical systematic sampling and measurement locations was adequate to detect small areas of elevated radioactivity. No adjustment to the sample number was required.

The implementation of quality control measures as referenced by LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.9 and ZionSolutions ZS-LT-01, Quality Assurance Project Plan (for Characterization and FSS) (QAPP) (Reference 12) includes the collection of a soil sample for split sample analysis on 5% of the soil samples taken in a survey unit with the locations selected at random.

One (1) surface soil sample, L1-12112A-FQGS-057-SS was selected randomly for split


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 sample analysis for the FSS of this survey unit.

In accordance with Section of the LTP, a subsurface soil sample was taken at 10%

of the systematic surface soil sample locations in the survey unit with the location(s) selected at random. Locations L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB and L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB were selected for this survey unit.

The locations of the seventeen (17) systematic samples are listed in Table 8. Note, samples were numbered starting with 048. This is because 47 systematic samples were collected in previous FSS of this survey unit. A map of the systematic sample locations is included in Attachment 1.

Table 8 - Systematic Sample Measurement Locations NORTHING EASTING MEASUREMENT ID (meters) (meters)

L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS 641661.54 343772.39 L1-12112A-FSGS-049-SS 641670.83 343745.58 L1-12112A-FSGS-050-SS 641670.83 343756.31 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SS 641670.83 343767.03 L1-12112A-FSGS-052-SS 641670.83 343777.75 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SS 641680.12 343750.95 L1-12112A-FSGS-054-SS 641680.12 343761.67 L1-12112A-FSGS-055-SS 641680.12 343772.39 L1-12112A-FSGS-056-SS 641689.40 343756.31 L1-12112A-FSGS-057-SS 641689.40 343767.03 L1-12112A-FSGS-058-SS 641689.40 343777.75 L1-12112A-FSGS-059-SS 641698.69 343761.67 L1-12112A-FSGS-060-SS 641698.69 343772.39 L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS 641698.69 343783.11 L1-12112A-FSGS-062-SS 641707.97 343756.31 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SS 641707.97 343767.03 L1-12112A-FSGS-064-SS 641707.97 343777.75 ZSRP LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.1 states that soil samples will be collected during FSS to confirm the HTD to surrogate radionuclide ratios (Table 6). Ten percent (10%) of the FSS samples collected from open land survey units will be analyzed for HTD ROC. Only HTD radionuclides included as ROC (Ni-63 and Sr-90 for soils) will be analyzed in the FSS confirmatory samples. For soil samples with positive results for both a HTD ROC and the corresponding surrogate radionuclide (Cs-137 or Co-60), the HTD surrogate ratio will be derived and compared against the maximum ratio (see Table 6). The maximum ratios (Table

6) will be used unless specific survey information supports the use of a surrogate ratio that is specific to the area. In these cases, the survey unit-specific radiological data and the derived surrogate ratios will be submitted to the NRC for approval. If approved, then the survey unit-


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 specific ratios used and the survey data serving as the basis for the surrogate ratios will be documented in the release record for the survey unit.

In addition, LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.1 states that if levels of residual gamma radioactivity in an individual soil sample exceed an OpSOF of 0.1, then the sample(s) will be analyzed for HTD ROC.

Two (2) systematic soil samples and ten (10) investigation soil samples exceeded an OpSOF of 0.1. An additional four (4) soil samples were also chosen to be analyzed for HTD. Each sample was sent off-site (GEL Laboratories) for HTD analysis as specified in the FSS Sample Plan. The following samples were selected:

1. L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS
2. L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS
3. L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SS
4. L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB
5. L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB
6. L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS
7. L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB
8. L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS
9. L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS
10. L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB
11. L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS
12. L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB
13. L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS
14. L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS
15. L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS
16. L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS Table 9 provides a synopsis of the survey design for survey unit 12112.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Table 9 - Synopsis of Survey Design FEATURE DESIGN CRITERIA BASIS Survey Unit Area 1,693 m2 GPS measurements of area

  • = 0.30
  • UBGR = SOF of 1
  • LBGR = SOF of 0.5 Number of Surface Soil Samples 17 (Systematic)
  • Type I error = 0.05
  • Type II error = 0.05
  • / = 1.67 (MARSSIM Table 5.5)

(LTP Chapter 5, Section Grid Spacing 10.7 m

  • Co 1.091 pCi/g
  • Cs-134 - 1.733 pCi/g Operational DCGLs for Surface DCGLs
  • Cs-137 - 3.630 pCi/g Soils, (LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-7)
  • Ni 914.458 pCi/g
  • Sr 3.095 pCi/g HTD Analysis A minimum of two (2) soil samples (LTP Chapter 5, section 5.1) selected for HTD ROC analysis Measurement Operational DCGL (LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-25)

Investigation Level Scan Survey Area 100% (LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-24)

Coverage One (1) surface soil sample selected QC (LTP Chapter 5, Section 5.9) randomly for split sample analysis Number of Two (2) systematic surface soil sample (LTP Chapter 5, Section Subsurface Soil locations selected randomly




6. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION Survey instructions for this FSS were incorporated into and performed in accordance with FSS Sample Plan L1-12112-F Plan #5, which was developed in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001, Final Status Survey Package Development. The FSS unit was inspected and controlled in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-003, Isolation and Control for Final Status Survey (Reference 13).

For survey unit 12112, compliance with the unrestricted release criteria was demonstrated through a combination of surface scanning with a Ludlum Model 44-10 gamma detector and the sampling of surface soil for isotopic analysis. In accordance with the LTP Chapter 5, two (2) subsurface samples were obtained. Also, if during the performance of FSS, the analysis of a surface soil sample, or the results of a surface gamma scan indicated the potential presence of residual radioactivity at a concentration of 75% of the subsurface Operational DCGL, then a biased subsurface soil sample(s) would be taken to the appropriate depth within the area of concern as part of the investigation. This threshold was encountered during the FSS of survey unit 12112 during the surface scans. Numerous scan alarms were recorded during the gamma walkover survey. The areas showing activity above the Action Level were marked. QC gamma walkover scans were performed of these areas, and additional investigation soil samples were taken. A detailed discussion of these surveys/samples are included in Section 9 (Investigations and Results).

FSS field activities were conducted under FSS Sample Plan L1-12112-F Plan #5. A Field Log (ZS-LT-300-001-001 Attachment 14) was used to document field activities and other information pertaining to the performance of the FSS.

FSS field activities were projected to take four (4) working days to complete. Daily briefings were conducted to discuss the expectations for job performance and to review safety aspects of the job. The survey required field activities were performed during normal working hours starting on March 15, 2022 and concluding on April 19, 2022.

The seventeen (17) systematic surface soil sample locations were measured, using XY coordinates provided by VSP, from the southwest corner of the survey unit and marked with flags.

Gamma scans were performed on 100% of the surface area of the survey unit using a Ludlum 2350-1 paired with a Model 44-10 (2x 2) NaI detector operated in the rate-meter mode and using audio response. The probe was positioned within 2 to the ground and was moved at a scan speed of approximately 0.25 meters per second. Numerous areas of elevated activity were detected on the scans (see Section 9 for further discussion). Daily prior to use and daily following use, each detector was subjected to an Operational Response Check in accordance with procedure ZS-RP-108-004-011, Operation of the Ludlum Model 2350-1 Data Logger (Reference 14).

The Daily Operational Response Check compared the background response and the response to


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 check sources ranges established for normal background and detector source response to ensure that the detector was working properly.

The instruments and detectors used for this survey are presented in Table 10. The instruments and detectors were verified to be properly calibrated prior to use.

Table 10 - Instruments and Detectors Instrument/Detector Type Serial # Calibration Due Date Ludlum 2350-1/Ludlum 44-10 304708/PR321892 6/15/2022 Ludlum 2350-1/Ludlum 44-10 266656/PR311750 7/1/2022 Ludlum 2350-1/Ludlum 44-10 304712/PR372143 8/6/2022 In accordance with the survey design, seventeen (17) surface soil samples were collected at the designated systematic sample points. In addition, two (2) subsurface samples and one (1) QC sample were collected at the randomly selected systematic sample locations. Seventeen (17)

Investigation soil samples were collected at locations identified as elevated activity on the surface scans: thirteen (13) surface samples, one (1) QC surface sample and three (3) subsurface samples.

Sixteen (16) samples were selected for HTD radionuclide analysis.

7. SURVEY RESULTS One hundred percent (100%) of the surface of the survey unit was scanned for elevated radiation levels. Fifty (50) 1-m wide scan rows, as shown on the map in Attachment 1, were marked in the field and scanned with the 2350-1/44-10 using latching mode. Readings were recorded at approximately 10-meter intervals during the scans. Numerous elevated measurement locations were identified by surface scan. Table 11 provides an overview of the scan results. Complete scan results are provided in Attachment 2.

Table 11 - Synopsis of Scan Results Highest Action # of Scan Logged Level(1) Scan Investigation Samples Row Reading Alarms (cpm) (cpm) west 25m / east 10m, L1-12112A-FIGS-027-SS (at west alarm),

1 6734/8485 5300/5284 1/3 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS (at east alarm),

L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS (1m west of FIGS-029) 2 5826/8153 5300/5284 3/3 west 25m / east 10m L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS (at east alarm) 3 5933/8424 5300/5284 1/3 west 25m / east 10m L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS (at east alarm) 4 5759/7592 5233/5284 1/3 west 25m / east 10m, L1-12112A-FIGS-028-SS (at west alarm) 5 4935/8350 5233/5284 0/3 west 25m / east 10m 6 5134/9134 5233/5284 0/3 west 25m / east 10m L1-12112A-FIGS-030-SS (at east alarm) 7 5151/8516 5233/5284 0/3 west 25m / east 10m 8 5004/7967 5233/5284 0/3 west 25m / east 10m


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Table 11 (continued) - Synopsis of Scan Results Highest Action Scan Logged # of Scan Level(1) Investigation Samples Row Reading Alarms (cpm) (cpm) 9 4966/7776 5233/5284 0/3 west 25m / east 10m 10 5195/7286 5233/5284 0/4 west 25m / east 10m 11 5780 5871 0 12 5547 5871 0 13 5499 5871 0 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS to L1-12112A-FIGS-036-SS, 14 7931 5871 1 L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS, L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 15 5599 5871 0 16 5713 5871 0 17 5410 5871 0 18 5640 5871 0 19 5419 5871 0 20 5477 5871 0 21 5397 5528 0 22 5371 5528 0 23 5443 5528 0 24 5363 5528 0 25 5285 5416 0 26 5218 5416 0 27 5296 5416 0 28 5383 5416 0 29 5449 5648 0 30 5625 5648 0 31 5397 5648 0 32 5620 5648 0 33 5561 5648 0 34 4969 5322 0 35 5154 5322 0 36 5066 5322 0 37 4973 5322 0 38 5261 5322 0 39 5264 5322 0 40 5093 5322 0 41 5449 5551 0 42 5293 5551 0 43 5468 5551 0 44 5450 5551 0 45 5408 5551 0


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Table 11 (continued) - Synopsis of Scan Results Scan Highest Action # of Scan Row Logged Level(1) Alarms Investigation Samples (cpm)

Reading (cpm) 46 5549 5551 0 47 5246 5551 0 48 5468 5551 0 49 5341 5551 0 50 5519 5551 0 The action level is based on the measurement Minimum Detectable Count Rate (MDCR) plus Note 1:

background in accordance with the FSS plan Seventeen (17) systematic surface soil samples taken for non-parametric statistical testing, seventeen (17) investigation soil samples, two (2) QC soil samples, and two (2) subsurface soil samples were sent off-site to be analyzed by GEL Laboratories. Summaries of the sample analysis results for the systematic sample population are provided in Tables 12 and 13, respectively. The basic statistics for the systematic sample population are summarized in Table

19. The gamma spectroscopy results revealed twenty (20) samples with activity levels above MDA for Cs-137, one (1) sample with an activity level above MDA for Co-60 and no samples with activity levels above MDA for Cs-134. The concentration for Ni-63 and Sr-90 are inferred based on the maximum ratios as specified in Table 6. The mean of the gamma spectroscopic analysis results for the sample population indicated that Cs-137 was present at levels lower than the concentrations of Cs-137 expected to be found in off-site soil in the vicinity of the ZNPS as presented in ZionSolutions TSD 13-004, Examination of Cs-137 Global Fallout in Soils at Zion Station (Reference 15). The complete gamma spectroscopy reports are presented in Attachment 8.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Table 12 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for Surface Soil Samples Comprising the Statistical Sample Population Co-60(1) Cs-134(1) Cs-137(1) Ni-63(2) Sr-90(2)

MEASUREMENT ID (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS 9.59E-02 7.82E-03 1.19E-01 1.73E+01 2.38E-04 L1-12112A-FSGS-049-SS 2.11E-02 1.27E-02 4.98E-02 3.81E+00 9.96E-05 L1-12112A-FSGS-050-SS 0.00E+00 1.44E-02 7.84E-02 0.00E+00 1.57E-04 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SS 0.00E+00 2.92E-02 8.67E-02 0.00E+00 1.73E-04 L1-12112A-FSGS-052-SS 8.58E-03 8.68E-03 9.01E-02 1.55E+00 1.80E-04 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SS 0.00E+00 7.50E-02 2.35E-02 0.00E+00 4.70E-05 L1-12112A-FSGS-054-SS 3.07E-02 0.00E+00 1.54E-01 5.54E+00 3.08E-04 L1-12112A-FSGS-055-SS 1.98E-03 2.25E-02 0.00E+00 3.57E-01 0.00E+00 L1-12112A-FSGS-056-SS 1.71E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.09E+00 0.00E+00 L1-12112A-FSGS-057-SS 0.00E+00 2.55E-03 1.22E-01 0.00E+00 2.44E-04 L1-12112A-FSGS-058-SS 1.27E-02 3.96E-02 1.66E-01 2.29E+00 3.32E-04 L1-12112A-FSGS-059-SS 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 L1-12112A-FSGS-060-SS 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.77E-01 0.00E+00 3.54E-04 L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS 1.65E-04 2.05E-03 3.95E-01 2.98E-02 7.90E-04 L1-12112A-FSGS-062-SS 3.26E-02 4.08E-02 0.00E+00 5.88E+00 0.00E+00 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SS 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.31E-01 0.00E+00 4.62E-04 L1-12112A-FSGS-064-SS 1.25E-02 2.01E-02 1.85E-01 2.26E+00 3.70E-04 Note: (1) Bold font indicates ROC positively detected at concentration greater than MDC.

(2) Ni-63 and Sr-90 are inferred concentrations using the maximum HTD ratio.

Table 13 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for Subsurface Soil Samples Co-60(1) Cs-134(1) Cs-137(1) Ni-63(2) Sr-90(2)

MEASUREMENT ID (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 3.66E-03 0.00E+00 5.01E-02 6.60E-01 1.00E-04 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 0.00E+00 1.75E-02 1.54E-02 0.00E+00 3.08E-05 Note: (1) Bold font indicates ROC positively detected at concentration greater than MDC.

(2) Ni-63 and Sr-90 are inferred concentrations using the maximum HTD ratio.

The off-site laboratory, GEL Laboratories, processed a total of sixteen (16) systematic and investigation samples selected for HTD ROC analysis. Two (2) systematic and ten (10) investigation sample were selected for having an OpSOF > 0.1. The following samples were selected:

1. L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS
2. L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS
3. L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SS
4. L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB



5. L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB
6. L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS
7. L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB
8. L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS
9. L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS
10. L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB
11. L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS
12. L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB
13. L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS
14. L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS
15. L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS
16. L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS Calculations of the surrogate ratios listed in Table 6 for HTD radionuclides included as ROC (Ni-63 and Sr-90 for soils) are included in the following table. All analyses met the required MDC. Only Cs-137 was positively detected in the samples at a concentration greater than MDC.

Consequently, comparison of existing ratios verses the maximum ratios from Table 6 was not required. The results are provided in Table 14.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Table 14 - Surrogate Ratio Analysis Results Sample # L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 5.18E-02 3.23E-02 7.21E-02 No Cs-134 1.12E-01 4.22E-02 3.88E-02 No Cs-137 5.18E-02 3.23E-02 7.21E-02 Yes Ni-63 1.69E+00 6.65E+00 1.14E+01 No Sr-90 1.33E-02 1.87E-02 3.20E-02 No Sample # L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 -2.26E-02 3.07E-02 5.42E-02 No Cs-134 1.09E-02 3.81E-02 7.38E-02 No Cs-137 4.17E-01 8.60E-02 5.14E-02 Yes Ni-63 -8.18E-01 6.80E+00 1.18E+01 No Sr-90 1.66E-02 1.95E-02 3.30E-02 No Sample # L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SS Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 -1.25E-02 2.60E-02 4.70E-02 No Cs-134 -2.03E-03 2.50E-02 4.96E-02 No Cs-137 2.31E-01 5.12E-02 4.56E-02 Yes Ni-63 2.82E+00 4.06E+00 6.89E+00 No Sr-90 1.18E-02 2.06E-02 3.59E-02 No Sample # L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 3.66E-03 1.47E-02 3.14E-02 No Cs-134 0.00E+00 2.63E-02 3.09E-02 No Cs-137 5.01E-02 3.06E-02 2.87E-02 Yes Ni-63 2.10E+00 4.22E+00 7.23E+00 No Sr-90 5.50E-03 1.95E-02 3.54E-02 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Table 14 (continued) - Surrogate Ratio Analysis Results Sample # L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 -1.47E-03 1.51E-02 2.89E-02 No Cs-134 1.75E-02 1.51E-02 3.41E-02 No Cs-137 1.54E-02 1.57E-02 3.28E-02 No Ni-63 7.06E-01 3.99E+00 6.95E+00 No Sr-90 -2.12E-02 1.58E-02 3.45E-02 No Sample # L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 1.22E-02 2.03E-02 3.69E-02 No Cs-134 0.00E+00 3.45E-02 4.28E-02 No Cs-137 2.59E+00 9.84E-02 3.07E-02 Yes Ni-63 2.36E-01 6.47E+00 1.12E+01 No Sr-90 3.12E-03 1.77E-02 3.20E-02 No Sample # L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 9.41E-03 1.83E-02 4.01E-02 No Cs-134 1.09E-02 1.85E-02 3.87E-02 No Cs-137 9.33E-01 8.57E-02 3.62E-02 Yes Ni-63 -2.78E+00 6.20E+00 1.11E+01 No Sr-90 2.84E-02 2.49E-02 4.10E-02 No Sample # L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 7.86E-03 2.84E-02 6.33E-02 No Cs-134 2.57E-02 3.04E-02 6.75E-02 No Cs-137 2.85E+00 1.70E-01 4.84E-02 Yes Ni-63 6.06E+00 6.36E+00 1.07E+01 No Sr-90 1.78E-02 2.44E-02 4.17E-02 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Table 14 (continued) - Surrogate Ratio Analysis Results Sample # L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 1.26E-02 2.51E-02 5.92E-02 No Cs-134 7.22E-03 2.61E-02 5.55E-02 No Cs-137 3.12E+00 1.80E-01 4.40E-02 Yes Ni-63 1.67E+00 6.69E+00 1.15E+01 No Sr-90 2.89E-02 2.03E-02 3.22E-02 No Sample # L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 3.66E-03 1.24E-02 2.47E-02 No Cs-134 5.23E-03 1.51E-02 2.81E-02 No Cs-137 9.34E-01 5.92E-02 2.58E-02 Yes Ni-63 4.62E+00 5.57E+00 9.39E+00 No Sr-90 2.94E-02 2.38E-02 3.81E-02 No Sample # L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 5.36E-03 2.54E-02 5.28E-02 No Cs-134 -2.36E-03 2.62E-02 5.10E-02 No Cs-137 1.33E+00 1.07E-01 5.11E-02 Yes Ni-63 7.92E-01 6.54E+00 1.13E+01 No Sr-90 -1.82E-03 1.80E-02 3.34E-02 No Sample # L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 -7.77E-03 1.73E-02 3.15E-02 No Cs-134 1.33E-02 1.85E-02 3.90E-02 No Cs-137 5.21E-02 3.41E-02 3.52E-02 Yes Ni-63 4.02E+00 4.11E+00 6.87E+00 No Sr-90 9.40E-04 1.86E-02 3.54E-02 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Table 14 (continued) - Surrogate Ratio Analysis Results Sample # L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 -5.57E-03 2.26E-02 4.60E-02 No Cs-134 1.26E-02 3.01E-02 6.31E-02 No Cs-137 6.53E-01 9.07E-02 4.46E-02 Yes Ni-63 4.90E-01 5.36E+00 9.27E+00 No Sr-90 5.11E-03 1.85E-02 3.31E-02 No Sample # L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 4.27E-02 3.05E-02 5.40E-02 No Cs-134 2.32E-02 4.74E-02 5.89E-02 No Cs-137 5.26E-01 8.00E-02 4.03E-02 Yes Ni-63 3.22E+00 5.66E+00 9.67E+00 No Sr-90 1.58E-02 2.39E-02 4.09E-02 No Sample # L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 1.81E-03 2.26E-02 4.51E-02 No Cs-134 5.93E-03 2.28E-02 4.50E-02 No Cs-137 3.78E-01 5.40E-02 4.01E-02 Yes Ni-63 1.74E+00 5.87E+00 1.02E+01 No Sr-90 -1.31E-02 2.06E-02 4.01E-02 No Sample # L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS Result Uncertainty MDC ROC >MDC (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Co-60 2.55E-02 3.28E-02 6.01E-02 No Cs-134 0.00E+00 3.57E-02 5.72E-02 No Cs-137 9.04E-01 8.30E-02 4.62E-02 Yes Ni-63 7.68E-01 5.38E+00 9.40E+00 No Sr-90 1.40E-02 2.37E-02 4.12E-02 No The implementation of survey specific QC measures included the collection of one (1) systematic sample (L1-12112A-FQGS-057-SS) and one (1) biased sample (L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS) for split sample analysis. GEL Laboratories analyzed the designated QC samples. Gamma


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 spectroscopy results (summarized in Table 15) indicate that the concentration of Cs-137 was above MDC in one sample, and concentrations of Co-60 and Cs-134 were less than MDC in both samples. The concentration for Ni-63 and Sr-90 are inferred based on the maximum ratios as specified in Table 6.

Table 15 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for QC Soil Samples Co-60(1) Cs-134(1) Cs-137(1) Ni-63(2) Sr-90(2)

MEASUREMENT ID (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

L1-12112A-FQGS-057-SS 2.19E-02 5.03E-02 6.03E-02 3.95E+00 1.21E-04 L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS 4.34E-03 1.23E-02 3.10E+00 7.83E-01 6.20E-03 Note: (1) Bold font indicates ROC positively detected at concentration greater than MDC.

(2) Ni-63 and Sr-90 are inferred concentrations using the maximum HTD ratio.

The sample plan also directed that 5% of the survey unit area be surveyed for QC by gamma walkover scans, with the area to be selected by the RE.

Areas selected for the QC scan consisted of the sections of the rows that identified scan readings above the Action Level for the survey. QC scan surveys were documented on survey 22-0022.

The area covered was 130 m2, 7.7% of the survey unit.

The SOF or unity rule is the mathematical test used to evaluate compliance with radiological criteria for license termination when more than one radionuclide has been determined to be potentially present. The equation for the unity rule is:

Equation 6 C1 C2 Cn

+ +............ 1 DCGL1 DCGL2 DCGLn Where: Cn = concentration of radionuclide n DCGLn = DCGL of radionuclide n.

The results of the unity rule calculation for the ROC in the systematic sample population when compared against the OpDCGLs for surface soils for survey unit 12112 are provided in Table

16. The results of the unity rule calculation for the ROC for the subsurface samples are provided in Table 17 and the results for the QC sample are presented in Table 18.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Table 16 - Sum-of-Fractions for Individual Surface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs (Systematic)

Fraction of the OpDCGLs for Surface Soils MEASUREMENT ID OpSOF Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ni-63 Sr-90 L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS 8.79E-02 4.51E-03 3.28E-02 1.89E-02 7.69E-05 0.144 L1-12112A-FSGS-049-SS 1.93E-02 7.33E-03 1.37E-02 4.16E-03 3.22E-05 0.045 L1-12112A-FSGS-050-SS 0.00E+00 8.31E-03 2.16E-02 0.00E+00 5.07E-05 0.030 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SS 0.00E+00 1.68E-02 2.39E-02 0.00E+00 5.60E-05 0.041 L1-12112A-FSGS-052-SS 7.86E-03 5.01E-03 2.48E-02 1.69E-03 5.82E-05 0.039 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SS 0.00E+00 4.33E-02 6.47E-03 0.00E+00 1.52E-05 0.050 L1-12112A-FSGS-054-SS 2.81E-02 0.00E+00 4.24E-02 6.06E-03 9.95E-05 0.077 L1-12112A-FSGS-055-SS 1.81E-03 1.30E-02 0.00E+00 3.91E-04 0.00E+00 0.015 L1-12112A-FSGS-056-SS 1.57E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 3.37E-03 0.00E+00 0.019 L1-12112A-FSGS-057-SS 0.00E+00 1.47E-03 3.36E-02 0.00E+00 7.88E-05 0.035 L1-12112A-FSGS-058-SS 1.16E-02 2.29E-02 4.57E-02 2.51E-03 1.07E-04 0.083 L1-12112A-FSGS-059-SS 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.000 L1-12112A-FSGS-060-SS 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.88E-02 0.00E+00 1.14E-04 0.049 L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS 1.51E-04 1.18E-03 1.09E-01 3.26E-05 2.55E-04 0.110 L1-12112A-FSGS-062-SS 2.99E-02 2.35E-02 0.00E+00 6.43E-03 0.00E+00 0.060 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SS 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.36E-02 0.00E+00 1.49E-04 0.064 L1-12112A-FSGS-064-SS 1.15E-02 1.16E-02 5.10E-02 2.47E-03 1.20E-04 0.077 Systematic Measurements Number of Systematic Measurements = 17

  1. of Systematic Measurements with OpSOF > 1 = 0
  1. of Systematic Measurements with OpSOF > 0.1 (HTD Assessment) = 2 Max Individual Systematic Measurement OpSOF = 0.144 Mean Systematic Measurement OpSOF = 0.055 Table 17 - Sum-of-Fractions for Individual Subsurface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs Fraction of the OpDCGLs for Subsurface Soils MEASUREMENT ID OpSOF Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ni-63 Sr-90 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 4.15E-03 0.00E+00 2.53E-02 3.38E-03 2.36E-04 0.033 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 0.00E+00 1.54E-02 7.76E-03 0.00E+00 7.25E-05 0.023 Table 18 - Sum-of-Fractions for Individual QC Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs Fraction of the OpDCGLs for Surface soils MEASUREMENT ID OpSOF Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ni-63 Sr-90 L1-12112A-FQGS-057-SS 2.01E-02 2.90E-02 1.66E-02 4.32E-03 3.90E-05 0.070 L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS 3.98E-03 7.10E-03 8.54E-01 8.56E-04 2.00E-03 0.868


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Table 19 - Basic Statistical Properties of Systematic Sample Population Mean Median Max Min BcDCGL Avg. SOF Avg. Dose ROC Std. Dev.

(pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) per ROC Per ROC Co-60 1.37E-02 1.98E-03 9.59E-02 0.00E+00 0.024 4.26 3.22E-03 8.05E-02 Cs-134 1.62E-02 8.68E-03 7.50E-02 0.00E+00 0.020 6.77 2.39E-03 5.98E-02 Cs-137 1.10E-01 9.01E-02 3.95E-01 0.00E+00 0.104 14.18 7.79E-03 1.95E-01 Ni-63 2.48E+00 3.57E-01 1.73E+01 0.00E+00 4.311 3572.1 6.93E-04 1.73E-02 Sr-90 2.21E-04 1.80E-04 7.90E-04 0.00E+00 0.000 12.09 1.83E-05 4.57E-04 The mean BcSOF for survey unit 12112 is 0.014 which equates to a dose of 0.353 mrem/yr TEDE.

The mean of all identified isotopes is less than the Consultation Triggers for Residential and Commercial/Industrial Soil Contamination depicted in Table H.1 of NUREG 1757, Vol.1, Rev.

2 (MOU Table 1). The full table is included in Attachment 3 of this Release Record.

8. QUALITY CONTROL GEL laboratories processed two (2) split samples, L1-12112A-FQGS-057-SS and L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS using gamma spectroscopy analysis. The data was evaluated using acceptance criteria specified in ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-01. There was acceptable agreement between field split results. Refer to Attachment 5 for data and quality control analysis results.
9. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS QC scans were performed in survey unit 12112 in rows showing scan alarms. The results of these readings confirmed the elevated readings of the original scans. The latched locations from the initial scans were used to determine the locations for investigation samples.

QC scans were performed in the following areas of the survey unit:

1. Rows 1 to 4 in the west 10m section. The elevated area in the center of this row section was confirmed on the QC scan. Soil samples L1-12112A-FIGS-027-SS and L1-12112A-FIGS-028-SS were obtained. The results showed no activity above MDA for the ROC.
2. From rows 1 to 10 in the east 10m section, a 5m by 10 section was QC scanned. Latch readings above the ASP recorded on the initial scans were confirmed on the QC scans.

Two (2) investigations samples were taken in rows #1 and #6, L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS and L1-12112A-FIGS-030-SS. The results from the row #6 sample showed a small positive activity for Cs-137, 0.104 pCi/g. The results from the row #1 sample showed a positive activity for Cs-137 of 2.69 pCi/g. Three additional samples were taken to assess the extent of the activity in the vicinity of the row #1 sample. L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS taken 1m west of sample #29 showed a positive activity for Cs-137 of 0.523 pCi/g. L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS taken in row #2, 1m south of sample #29, showed a positive


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 activity for Cs-137 of 0.353 pCi/g. L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS taken in row #3, 2m south of sample #29, showed a positive activity for Cs-137 of 0.934 pCi/g.

3. Rows 13 to 16 in the center 10m section. The bounded elevated area in the center of this row section was confirmed on the QC scan. Soil samples L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS / L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB and L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS / L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB were obtained within the bounded area. The results showed no activity above MDA for the ROC. The surface samples showed activities of 2.85 and 1.36 pCi/g respectively, with the subsurface samples at 0.934 and 0.521 pCi/g. The bounding samples for the bounded area, L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS through L1-12112A-FIGS-036-SS, showed positive activity for Cs-137, with the highest at 0.651 pCi/g.

Table 20 - Summary of Gamma Spectroscopy Results for Investigation Surface and Subsurface Soil Samples Co-60(1) Cs-134(1) Cs-137(1) Ni-63(2) Sr-90(2)

MEASUREMENT ID (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

L1-12112A-FIGS-027-SS 2.33E-02 5.71E-03 0.00E+00 4.20E+00 0.00E+00 L1-12112A-FIGS-028-SS 7.45E-03 1.96E-02 1.75E-02 1.34E+00 3.50E-05 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS 0.00E+00 4.90E-02 2.69E+00 0.00E+00 5.38E-03 L1-12112A-FIGS-030-SS 0.00E+00 3.08E-02 1.04E-01 0.00E+00 2.08E-04 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS 0.00E+00 1.65E-02 2.85E+00 0.00E+00 5.70E-03 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS 2.26E-02 3.10E-03 1.36E+00 4.08E+00 2.72E-03 L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS 1.04E-02 5.65E-03 6.51E-01 1.88E+00 1.30E-03 L1-12112A-FIGS-034-SS 0.00E+00 2.53E-02 1.47E-01 0.00E+00 2.94E-04 L1-12112A-FIGS-035-SS 0.00E+00 2.55E-02 4.72E-02 0.00E+00 9.44E-05 L1-12112A-FIGS-036-SS 2.15E-02 3.34E-02 8.19E-02 3.88E+00 1.64E-04 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 7.21E-04 2.44E-02 5.23E-01 1.30E-01 1.05E-03 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 2.38E-03 5.07E-03 3.53E-01 4.29E-01 7.06E-04 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 3.68E-02 5.84E-02 9.34E-01 6.64E+00 1.87E-03 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 9.41E-03 1.09E-02 9.33E-01 1.70E+00 1.87E-03 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 3.66E-03 5.23E-03 9.34E-01 6.60E-01 1.87E-03 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 0.00E+00 1.33E-02 5.21E-02 0.00E+00 1.04E-04 Note: (1) Bold font indicates ROC positively detected at concentration greater than MDC.

(2) Ni-63 and Sr-90 are inferred concentrations using the maximum HTD ratio.


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Table 21 - Sum-of-Fractions for Investigation Surface and Subsurface Soil Samples, when compared to the OpDCGLs Fraction of the OpDCGLs for Surface and Subsurface MEASUREMENT ID Soils OpSOF Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ni-63 Sr-90 L1-12112A-FIGS-027-SS 2.14E-02 3.29E-03 0.00E+00 4.60E-03 0.00E+00 0.029 L1-12112A-FIGS-028-SS 6.83E-03 1.13E-02 4.82E-03 1.47E-03 1.13E-05 0.024 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS 0.00E+00 2.83E-02 7.41E-01 0.00E+00 1.74E-03 0.771 L1-12112A-FIGS-030-SS 0.00E+00 1.78E-02 2.87E-02 0.00E+00 6.72E-05 0.046 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS 0.00E+00 9.52E-03 7.85E-01 0.00E+00 1.84E-03 0.796 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS 2.07E-02 1.79E-03 3.75E-01 4.46E-03 8.79E-04 0.402 L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS 9.53E-03 3.26E-03 1.79E-01 2.05E-03 4.21E-04 0.195 L1-12112A-FIGS-034-SS 0.00E+00 1.46E-02 4.05E-02 0.00E+00 9.50E-05 0.055 L1-12112A-FIGS-035-SS 0.00E+00 1.47E-02 1.30E-02 0.00E+00 3.05E-05 0.028 L1-12112A-FIGS-036-SS 1.97E-02 1.93E-02 2.26E-02 4.24E-03 5.29E-05 0.066 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 6.61E-04 1.41E-02 1.44E-01 1.42E-04 3.38E-04 0.159 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 2.18E-03 2.93E-03 9.72E-02 4.70E-04 2.28E-04 0.103 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 3.37E-02 3.37E-02 2.57E-01 7.26E-03 6.04E-04 0.333 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1.07E-02 9.59E-03 4.70E-01 8.69E-03 4.39E-03 0.504 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 4.15E-03 4.60E-03 4.71E-01 3.38E-03 4.40E-03 0.487 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 0.00E+00 1.17E-02 2.63E-02 0.00E+00 2.45E-04 0.038


The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-004, Final Status Survey Data Assessment (Reference 16) for completeness and consistency. Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and sample collection were consistent with the DQOs. The sampling design had adequate power as indicated by the Retrospective Power Curve.

The analytical results of all samples were less than a SOF of one when compared to the Operational DCGLs.

Although MARSSIM states that the Sign Test need not be performed in the instance that no measurements surpass the DCGL, the test was conducted to demonstrate coherence to the


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 statistical principles of the DQO process. The Sign Test was performed on the data and compared to the original assumptions of the DQOs. The evaluation of the Sign Test results clearly demonstrates that the survey unit passes the unrestricted release criteria, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. The Sign Test is included in Attachment 4.

The preliminary data review consisted of calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation). All data was considered valid including negative values, zeros, values reported below the MDC, and values with uncertainties greater than two standard deviations. The mean and median values for each ROC were well below the respective Operational DCGLs. Also, the retrospective power curve shows that a sufficient number of samples were collected to achieve the desired power. Therefore, the survey unit meets the unrestricted release criteria with adequate power as required by the DQOs.

The data for Co-60 and Cs-137 is represented graphically through a frequency plot and a quantile plot. All graphical representations are provided in Attachment 6.

14. CONCLUSION Survey unit 12112 has met the DQOs of the FSS plan. The ALARA criteria for soils as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP were achieved. The EMC for soils was not needed for this survey unit and remediation was not required.

All identified ROC were used for statistical testing to determine the adequacy of the survey unit for FSS. Evaluation of the data shows that none of the ROC concentration values exceeds the Operational DCGL, therefore, in accordance with the LTP Section 5.10, the survey unit meets the release criterion.

The sample data passed the Sign Test. The null hypothesis was rejected. The Retrospective Power Curve showed that adequate power was achieved.

The mean BcSOF, when the analytical results were compared to the BcDCGLs, was 0.014, which results in a dose contribution from soil in survey unit 12112 of 0.353 mrem/yr. based on the average concentration of the ROC in samples used for non-parametric statistical sampling.

The conclusion of this Release Record is that survey unit 12112 is acceptable for unrestricted release.



1. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-005, Final Status Survey Data Reporting
2. Zion Station Restoration Project License Termination Plan (LTP)
3. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001, Final Status Survey Package Development
4. NUREG-1575, Revision 1, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM)
5. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification
6. Zion Station Historical Site Assessment (HSA)
7. ZionSolutions TSD 11-001, Potential Radionuclides of Concern during the Decommissioning of Zion Station
8. ZionSolutions TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Soil and Basement Fill Model Source Terms
9. ZionSolutions TSD 14-011, Soil Area Factors
10. ZionSolutions TSD 17-004, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Final Status Survey
11. ZionSolutions TSD 11-004, Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity
12. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-01, Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for Characterization and Final Status Survey
13. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-003, Isolation and Control for Final Status Survey
14. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-RP-108-004-011, Operation of the Ludlum Model 2350-1 Data Logger
15. ZionSolutions TSD 13-004, Examination of Cs-137 Global Fallout in Soils at Zion Station
16. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-004, Final Status Survey Data Assessment
1. Attachment 1 - Figure and Maps
2. Attachment 2 - Scan Data



3. Attachment 3 - Consultation Triggers for Residential and Commercial/Industrial Soil Contamination
4. Attachment 4 - Sign Test
5. Attachment 5 - QC Sample Assessment
6. Attachment 6 - Graphical Presentations
7. Attachment 7 - GEL Labs Certificate of Analysis Reports




FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Survey Unit 12112 Final Status Survey Boundaries and Systematic Sample Points


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Survey Unit 12112 Final Status Survey Scan Rows


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Survey Unit 12112 Composite Scan Map (with elevated reading latch locations and investigation sample locations)




FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS001 3/15/22 2:55 PM 6734 4577 5300 Yes 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS001 3/15/22 2:59 PM 5038 4577 5300 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS001 3/15/22 3:03 PM 5026 4577 5300 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS001 3/15/22 3:05 PM 4772 4577 5300 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS002 3/15/22 3:08 PM 5092 4577 5300 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS002 3/15/22 3:12 PM 5046 4577 5300 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS002 3/15/22 3:19 PM 5826 4577 5300 Yes 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS002 3/15/22 3:24 PM 5664 4577 5300 Yes 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS002 3/15/22 3:30 PM 5747 4577 5300 Yes 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS002 3/15/22 3:36 PM 5081 4577 5300 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS003 3/15/22 3:43 PM 5933 4577 5300 Yes 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS003 3/15/22 3:54 PM 5156 4577 5300 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS003 3/15/22 3:58 PM 4787 4577 5300 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS003 3/15/22 4:00 PM 4525 4577 5300 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS011 3/16/22 9:23 AM 5385 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS011 3/16/22 9:44 AM 5780 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS011 3/16/22 9:51 AM 5181 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS011 3/16/2022 9:54 5483 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS012 3/16/2022 9:58 5547 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS012 3/16/2022 10:04 5183 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS012 3/16/2022 10:08 5504 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS012 3/16/2022 10:14 5538 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS013 3/16/2022 10:21 5368 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS013 3/16/2022 10:28 5294 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS013 3/16/2022 10:33 5473 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS013 3/16/2022 10:37 5499 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS014 3/16/2022 10:40 5314 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS014 3/16/2022 10:44 4761 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS014 3/16/2022 10:49 7931 5107 5871 Yes 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS014 3/16/2022 10:55 5620 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS014 3/16/2022 11:00 5674 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS015 3/16/2022 13:25 5545 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS015 3/16/2022 13:30 5599 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS015 3/16/2022 13:34 4864 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS015 3/16/2022 13:36 5531 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS016 3/16/2022 13:38 5340 5107 5871 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS016 3/16/2022 13:43 4750 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS016 3/16/2022 13:50 5427 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS016 3/16/2022 13:54 5713 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS017 3/16/2022 13:58 5386 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS017 3/16/2022 14:03 5410 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS017 3/16/2022 14:07 4833 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS017 3/16/2022 14:09 5266 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS018 3/16/2022 14:12 5255 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS018 3/16/2022 14:17 4908 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS018 3/16/2022 14:21 5623 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS018 3/16/2022 14:26 5640 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS019 3/16/2022 14:31 5419 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS019 3/16/2022 14:35 5362 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS019 3/16/2022 14:40 4889 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS019 3/16/2022 14:42 5373 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS020 3/16/2022 14:44 4977 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS020 3/16/2022 14:48 4830 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS020 3/16/2022 14:53 5303 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS020 3/16/2022 14:58 5477 5107 5871 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS004 3/16/2022 10:15 5759 4515 5233 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS004 3/16/2022 10:22 4889 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS004 3/16/2022 10:28 4427 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS004 3/16/2022 10:30 4789 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS005 3/16/2022 10:37 4771 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS005 3/16/2022 10:43 4717 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS005 3/16/2022 10:46 4935 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS006 3/16/2022 10:52 5082 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS006 3/16/2022 10:57 5134 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS006 3/16/2022 10:59 4946 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS007 3/16/2022 13:27 5151 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS007 3/16/2022 13:32 5001 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS007 3/16/2022 13:34 4704 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS008 3/16/2022 13:37 4796 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS008 3/16/2022 13:43 5003 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS008 3/16/2022 13:49 5004 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS009 3/16/2022 14:13 4966 4515 5233 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS009 3/16/2022 14:19 4965 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS009 3/16/2022 14:22 4864 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS010 3/16/2022 14:24 5081 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS010 3/16/2022 14:29 5195 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS010 3/16/2022 14:36 4868 4515 5233 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS021 3/16/2022 9:55 5397 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS021 3/16/2022 10:07 5241 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS021 3/16/2022 10:22 5059 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS021 3/16/2022 10:31 4904 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS022 3/16/2022 10:44 4970 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS022 3/16/2022 10:56 4908 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS022 3/16/2022 11:10 5302 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS022 3/16/2022 13:39 5371 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS023 3/16/2022 14:02 5419 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS023 3/16/2022 14:12 5363 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS023 3/16/2022 14:22 4835 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS023 3/16/2022 14:28 5443 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS024 3/16/2022 14:50 4676 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS024 3/16/2022 15:00 5332 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS024 3/16/2022 15:09 5363 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS024 3/16/2022 15:11 5120 4788 5528 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS041 3/17/2022 9:54 5406 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS041 3/17/2022 10:00 5449 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS041 3/17/2022 10:10 4607 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS041 3/17/2022 10:13 5188 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS042 3/17/2022 10:15 4566 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS042 3/17/2022 10:19 5125 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS042 3/17/2022 10:24 5162 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS042 3/17/2022 10:28 5293 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS043 3/17/2022 10:33 5468 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS043 3/17/2022 10:37 5107 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS043 3/17/2022 10:42 4799 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS044 3/17/2022 10:44 5086 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS044 3/17/2022 10:48 4839 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS044 3/17/2022 10:52 5450 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS044 3/17/2022 10:58 5320 4810 5551 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS045 3/17/2022 14:59 5408 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS045 3/17/2022 15:05 5333 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS045 3/17/2022 15:09 4900 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS045 3/17/2022 15:11 5076 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS046 3/17/2022 15:13 5016 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS046 3/17/2022 15:17 4756 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS046 3/17/2022 15:21 5442 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS046 3/17/2022 15:25 5549 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS047 3/17/2022 15:29 4748 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS047 3/17/2022 15:33 5246 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS047 3/17/2022 15:37 5036 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS047 3/17/2022 15:39 4964 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS048 3/17/2022 15:41 4810 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS048 3/17/2022 15:45 4980 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS048 3/17/2022 15:49 5468 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS048 3/17/2022 15:53 5151 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS049 3/17/2022 15:58 5341 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS049 3/17/2022 16:02 5240 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS049 3/17/2022 16:06 4768 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS049 3/17/2022 16:08 4762 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS050 3/17/2022 16:10 4397 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS050 3/17/2022 16:14 4636 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS050 3/17/2022 16:17 5411 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR363452 304726 12112 GS050 3/17/2022 16:20 5519 4810 5551 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS001 3/17/2022 9:50 6220 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS001 3/17/2022 9:53 8485 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS001 3/17/2022 9:54 7207 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS002 3/17/2022 10:03 6116 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS002 3/17/2022 10:06 8153 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS002 3/17/2022 10:08 7895 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS003 3/17/2022 10:12 6664 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS003 3/17/2022 10:15 8424 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS003 3/17/2022 10:15 7836 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS004 3/17/2022 10:21 6107 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS004 3/17/2022 10:23 7592 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS004 3/17/2022 10:24 7541 4562 5284 Yes


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS005 3/17/2022 10:28 6261 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS005 3/17/2022 10:30 8350 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS005 3/17/2022 10:31 7518 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS006 3/17/2022 10:34 7511 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS006 3/17/2022 10:37 9134 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS006 3/17/2022 10:38 7256 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS007 3/17/2022 10:43 7266 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS007 3/17/2022 10:44 8516 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS007 3/17/2022 10:45 7700 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS008 3/17/2022 10:53 6389 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS008 3/17/2022 10:55 7967 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS008 3/17/2022 10:56 7450 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS009 3/17/2022 11:00 7061 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS009 3/17/2022 11:02 7776 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS009 3/17/2022 11:02 7689 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS010 3/17/2022 11:06 6351 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS010 3/17/2022 11:09 6571 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS010 3/17/2022 11:11 7286 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS010 3/17/2022 11:11 5391 4562 5284 Yes 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS035 3/17/2022 15:20 5062 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS035 3/17/2022 15:27 5154 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS035 3/17/2022 15:34 4791 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS035 3/17/2022 15:36 4927 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS036 3/17/2022 15:38 4522 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS036 3/17/2022 15:47 5040 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS036 3/17/2022 15:51 5066 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS036 3/17/2022 15:57 4936 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS037 3/17/2022 16:02 4973 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS037 3/17/2022 16:07 4623 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS037 3/17/2022 16:11 4621 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS037 3/17/2022 16:13 4395 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS038 3/17/2022 16:15 4534 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS038 3/17/2022 16:19 4864 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS038 3/17/2022 16:24 5261 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS038 3/17/2022 16:28 4604 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS039 3/17/2022 16:32 4755 4598 5322 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS039 3/17/2022 16:35 5264 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS039 3/17/2022 16:39 4756 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS039 3/17/2022 16:41 4518 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS040 3/17/2022 16:43 5080 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS040 3/17/2022 16:47 4785 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS040 3/17/2022 16:50 5093 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS040 3/17/2022 16:55 4588 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS034 3/17/2022 16:57 4803 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS034 3/17/2022 17:02 4582 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS034 3/17/2022 17:06 4969 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS034 3/17/2022 17:11 4782 4598 5322 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS029 3/18/2022 9:45 5257 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS029 3/18/2022 9:49 5449 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS029 3/18/2022 9:52 4298 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS029 3/18/2022 9:54 4396 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS030 3/18/2022 9:57 4830 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS030 3/18/2022 10:00 4544 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS030 3/18/2022 10:03 5325 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS030 3/18/2022 10:07 5625 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS031 3/18/2022 10:12 4896 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS031 3/18/2022 10:17 5361 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS031 3/18/2022 10:21 5324 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS031 3/18/2022 10:23 5397 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS032 3/18/2022 10:25 5409 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS032 3/18/2022 10:29 4863 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS032 3/18/2022 10:33 5120 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS032 3/18/2022 10:37 5620 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS033 3/18/2022 10:43 5561 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS033 3/18/2022 10:47 5107 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS033 3/18/2022 10:51 4507 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR311750 266656 12112 GS033 3/18/2022 10:53 4713 4900 5648 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS025 3/18/2022 9:42 5285 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS025 3/18/2022 9:47 4924 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS025 3/18/2022 9:52 4563 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS025 3/18/2022 9:54 4733 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS026 3/18/2022 9:57 4805 4684 5416 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Scan Avg Action Detector Detector M2350- Survey Logged Scan Location Date/Time Background Level Type ID 1 ID Unit Result Alarms (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS026 3/18/2022 10:01 4594 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS026 3/18/2022 10:04 4864 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS026 3/18/2022 10:08 5218 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS027 3/18/2022 10:21 5296 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS027 3/18/2022 10:26 4383 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS027 3/18/2022 10:29 4838 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS027 3/18/2022 10:39 3904 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS028 3/18/2022 11:01 5383 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS028 3/18/2022 11:05 5042 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS028 3/18/2022 11:09 4349 4684 5416 No 44-10 PR321892 304708 12112 GS028 3/18/2022 11:11 4848 4684 5416 No








Digitally signed by Robert F Yetter III DN: C=US, O=EnergySolutions, CN=Robert F Yetter III, Robert F Yetter IIIReason: I have reviewed this document Location: your signing location here Date: 2022-08-17 17:41:54 Foxit PhantomPDF Version: 9.7.0



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FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 QUANTILE PLOT FOR Co-60 Survey Unit: 12112 Survey Unit Name: Unit 1 PWST/SST Area East Mean: 1.37E-02 pCi/g Quantile Plot For Co-60 1.20E-01 1.00E-01 Concentration (pCi/g) 8.00E-02 6.00E-02 4.00E-02 2.00E-02 0.00E+00 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%



FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 QUANTILE PLOT FOR Cs-137 Survey Unit: 12112 Survey Unit Name: Unit 1 PWST/SST Area East Mean: 1.10E-01 pCi/g Mean: 1.10E-01 pCi/g Quantile Plot For Cs-137 4.50E-01 4.00E-01 3.50E-01 Concentration (pCi/g) 3.00E-01 2.50E-01 2.00E-01 1.50E-01 1.00E-01 5.00E-02 0.00E+00 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%



FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 HISTOGRAM FOR Co-60 Survey Unit: 12112 Survey Unit Name: Unit 1 PWST/SST Area East Mean: 1.37E-02 pCi/g Median: 1.98E-03 pCi/g ST DEV: 0.024 Skew: 2.829 Frequency Plot For Co-60 14 12 12 Frequency 10 8

6 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 0

1.60E-02 3.20E-02 4.80E-02 6.39E-02 7.99E-02 9.59E-02 Upper End Value (pCi/g)

Observation Observation Upper Value Frequency  %

1.60E-02 12 71%

3.20E-02 3 18%

4.80E-02 1 6%

6.39E-02 0 0%

7.99E-02 0 0%

9.59E-02 1 6%

TOTAL 17 100%


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 HISTOGRAM FOR Cs-137 Survey Unit: 12112 Survey Unit Name: Unit 1 PWST/SST Area East Mean: 1.10E-01 pCi/g Median: 9.01E-02 pCi/g ST DEV: 0.104 Skew: 1.228 Frequency Plot For Cs-137 10 9

8 7 6 Frequency 6 5 5 5

4 3

2 1 1 0 0 0

6.58E-02 1.32E-01 1.98E-01 2.63E-01 3.29E-01 3.95E-01 Upper End Value (pCi/g)

Observation Observation Upper Value Frequency  %

6.58E-02 6 35%

1.32E-01 5 29%

1.98E-01 5 29%

2.63E-01 0 0%

3.29E-01 0 0%

3.95E-01 1 6%

TOTAL 17 100%


FSS RELEASE RECORD - REV. 1 UNIT 1 PWST/SST AREA EAST SURVEY UNIT 12112 Prospective and Retrospective Power Curves for Survey Unit 12112 MARSSIM Sign Test (Pro\Retrospective) Power alpha=5% n=(17\17)\0.036) 1 Probability of deciding true mean or median < A.L.

0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 True OpSOF Mean or Median Prospective Power Retrospective Power




May 16, 2022 Mr. Gerry Wood Zion Solutions 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Re: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Work Order: 577879

Dear Mr. Wood:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on April 27, 2022. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GELs standard operating procedures.

Test results for NELAP or ISO 17025 accredited tests are verified to meet the requirements of those standards, with any exceptions noted. The results reported relate only to the items tested and to the sample as received by the laboratory. These results may not be reproduced except as full reports without approval by the laboratory.

Copies of GELs accreditations and certifications can be found on our website at

Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 1605.

Sincerely, Grace PM_SIGN_HERE Bodiford for Zachary Worsham Project Manager Purchase Order: 702793 Enclosures Page 1 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 (843) 5568171 Certificate of Analysis Report for ENRG080 Zion Solutions (702793)

Client SDG: 577879 GEL Work Order: 577879 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a Tracer compound
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma SpectroscopyUncertain identification Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis.

The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the U qualifier above.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Zachary Worsham.

Reviewed by USER_SIGN_HERE Page 2 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879001 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 11-APR-22 Receive Date: 27-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 5.49%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.163 +/-0.375 0.595 +/-0.377 13.4 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 1005 2259279 1 Americium-243 U -0.135 +/-0.217 0.692 +/-0.218 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U -0.0248 +/-0.214 0.496 +/-0.215 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0764 +/-0.231 0.648 +/-0.232 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U -0.0261 +/-0.225 0.521 +/-0.226 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.00714 +/-0.0194 0.0516 +/-0.0194 0.0801 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 0925 2259282 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.143 +/-0.138 0.486 +/-0.139 16.2 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 1005 2259280 3 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.165 +/-0.245 0.358 +/-0.246 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -6.09 +/-38.5 69.1 +/-38.5 652 pCi/g MP2 05/10/22 0421 2263242 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -4.90 +/-16.2 30.4 +/-16.4 1090 pCi/g GXR1 05/16/22 0603 2263984 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.155 +/-0.158 0.319 +/-0.173 pCi/g MXR1 04/29/22 1019 2259432 6 Antimony-125 U -0.00689 +/-0.0616 0.120 +/-0.0617 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.600 0.242 +/-0.606 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.176 +/-0.425 0.841 +/-0.433 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.246 +/-0.0967 0.102 +/-0.0992 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00173 +/-0.0346 0.0652 +/-0.0346 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0101 +/-0.0271 0.0547 +/-0.0275 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0177 +/-0.0285 0.0653 +/-0.0297 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0356 +/-0.0636 0.133 +/-0.0657 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0248 +/-0.0889 0.168 +/-0.0897 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U -0.00922 +/-0.0548 0.104 +/-0.0549 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.354 +/-0.105 0.0666 +/-0.109 pCi/g Lead-214 0.391 +/-0.124 0.184 +/-0.128 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00613 +/-0.0229 0.0422 +/-0.0231 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.01 +/-1.11 0.481 +/-1.41 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00634 +/-0.0191 0.0364 +/-0.0193 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0718 +/-0.0596 0.0544 +/-0.0600 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0207 +/-0.0244 0.0411 +/-0.0247 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 05/04/22 1406 2260638 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Page 3 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879001 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 74.3 +/-162 290 +/-163 458 pCi/g KXA1 05/07/22 0007 2261000 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.160 +/-3.24 5.65 +/-3.24 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 05/06/22 1503 2261003 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -1.29 +/-42.2 61.4 +/-42.2 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 05/11/22 1053 2260997 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U -2.92 +/-4.55 8.23 +/-4.55 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 05/13/22 0444 2260998 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 3.51 +/-3.26 5.43 +/-3.28 12.8 pCi/g AG2 05/09/22 0037 2260154 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/27/22 1831 2259219 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259279 43.1 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259279 52.6 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259282 79.7 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259280 85.4 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2263242 81.4 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2263984 81.8 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260638 82.5 (25%-125%)

Page 4 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879001 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260997 96.3 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260998 92.6 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2260154 99.7 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 5 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879002 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 12-APR-22 Receive Date: 27-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 5.38%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U -0.0966 +/-0.224 0.663 +/-0.225 13.4 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 1022 2259279 1 Americium-243 U 0.224 +/-0.443 0.749 +/-0.445 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U -0.0511 +/-0.226 0.589 +/-0.227 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0199 +/-0.298 0.697 +/-0.299 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.000 +/-0.226 0.337 +/-0.228 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0124 +/-0.0130 0.0449 +/-0.0130 0.0801 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 0925 2259282 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U 0.0177 +/-0.185 0.385 +/-0.185 16.2 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 1005 2259280 3 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.0983 +/-0.259 0.466 +/-0.260 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 8.05 +/-45.9 80.8 +/-46.0 652 pCi/g MP2 05/10/22 0437 2263242 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 3.12 +/-7.90 15.5 +/-8.03 1090 pCi/g GXR1 05/16/22 0615 2263984 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 UI 0.000 +/-0.196 0.110 +/-0.197 pCi/g MXR1 04/29/22 1020 2259432 6 Antimony-125 U -0.00852 +/-0.0379 0.0722 +/-0.0381 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.236 0.318 +/-0.401 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.592 +/-0.458 0.438 +/-0.461 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.253 +/-0.0871 0.0684 +/-0.0897 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0168 +/-0.0189 0.0415 +/-0.0204 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0439 +/-0.0324 0.0306 +/-0.0326 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0257 +/-0.0204 0.0474 +/-0.0236 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.00246 +/-0.0426 0.0800 +/-0.0427 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0227 +/-0.0760 0.108 +/-0.0767 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0175 +/-0.0444 0.0889 +/-0.0451 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.331 +/-0.0572 0.0471 +/-0.0638 pCi/g Lead-214 0.256 +/-0.0858 0.0615 +/-0.0884 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00196 +/-0.0178 0.0334 +/-0.0179 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.81 +/-0.902 0.324 +/-1.28 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00730 +/-0.0143 0.0262 +/-0.0147 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 UI 0.000 +/-0.0253 0.0575 +/-0.0443 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.00452 +/-0.0219 0.0402 +/-0.0219 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 05/05/22 1420 2260638 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 6 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879002 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 181 +/-184 303 +/-189 458 pCi/g KXA1 05/07/22 0023 2261000 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 1.29 +/-4.29 7.36 +/-4.29 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 05/06/22 1519 2261003 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 1.58 +/-29.5 42.6 +/-29.5 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 05/11/22 1110 2260997 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U -3.78 +/-4.41 8.04 +/-4.41 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 05/13/22 0501 2260998 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 3.68 +/-3.44 5.73 +/-3.46 12.8 pCi/g AG2 05/09/22 0053 2260154 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/27/22 1841 2259219 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259279 54.1 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259279 43.4 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259282 89.4 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259280 78.8 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2263242 79.1 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2263984 124 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260638 59 (25%-125%)

Page 7 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879002 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260997 94.8 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260998 94.3 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2260154 98.6 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 8 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879003 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 14-APR-22 Receive Date: 27-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 10.8%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.0432 +/-0.492 1.05 +/-0.494 13.4 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 1022 2259279 1 Americium-243 U -0.368 +/-0.570 1.65 +/-0.572 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U -0.0910 +/-0.402 1.05 +/-0.405 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0587 +/-0.405 0.986 +/-0.407 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.153 +/-0.575 0.967 +/-0.577 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0101 +/-0.0127 0.0425 +/-0.0127 0.0801 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 0925 2259282 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.0648 +/-0.150 0.445 +/-0.150 16.2 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 1005 2259280 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0782 +/-0.212 0.565 +/-0.212 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -80.0 +/-98.4 185 +/-98.4 652 pCi/g MP2 05/10/22 0453 2263242 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -130 +/-38.7 63.8 +/-71.2 1090 pCi/g GXR1 05/16/22 0616 2263984 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.235 +/-0.129 0.112 +/-0.131 pCi/g MXR1 04/29/22 1020 2259432 6 Antimony-125 U 0.0267 +/-0.0358 0.0765 +/-0.0379 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.235 0.310 +/-0.514 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.000 +/-0.646 0.422 +/-0.647 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.196 +/-0.107 0.0588 +/-0.108 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0194 +/-0.0241 0.0412 +/-0.0257 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0133 +/-0.0183 0.0370 +/-0.0193 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0170 +/-0.0158 0.0245 +/-0.0176 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0193 +/-0.0493 0.0828 +/-0.0501 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0708 +/-0.0562 0.130 +/-0.0649 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.00139 +/-0.0464 0.0886 +/-0.0464 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.336 +/-0.0570 0.0455 +/-0.0637 pCi/g Lead-214 0.363 +/-0.0851 0.0514 +/-0.0899 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00728 +/-0.0143 0.0253 +/-0.0147 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 5.88 +/-0.735 0.277 +/-0.930 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00486 +/-0.0132 0.0268 +/-0.0134 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0882 +/-0.0458 0.0271 +/-0.0464 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0270 +/-0.0209 0.0411 +/-0.0209 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 05/04/22 1406 2260638 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 9 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879003 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 129 +/-164 279 +/-167 458 pCi/g KXA1 05/07/22 0040 2261000 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.942 +/-3.71 6.51 +/-3.71 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 05/06/22 1536 2261003 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -0.777 +/-39.8 57.8 +/-39.8 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 05/11/22 1127 2260997 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U -2.40 +/-5.29 9.47 +/-5.29 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 05/13/22 0518 2260998 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 1.49 +/-3.49 5.99 +/-3.49 12.8 pCi/g AG2 05/09/22 0110 2260154 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/27/22 1841 2259219 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259279 35.1 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259279 34.2 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259282 92.7 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259280 68.1 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2263242 30.5 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2263984 83.6 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260638 75.5 (25%-125%)

Page 10 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879003 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260997 100 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260998 90.3 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2260154 99.8 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 11 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879004 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 19-APR-22 Receive Date: 27-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.82%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U -0.0487 +/-0.215 0.561 +/-0.216 13.4 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 1022 2259279 1 Americium-243 U -0.199 +/-0.192 0.674 +/-0.192 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.103 +/-0.283 0.491 +/-0.284 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.144 +/-0.232 0.740 +/-0.233 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.0874 +/-0.246 0.262 +/-0.246 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.00910 +/-0.0313 0.0599 +/-0.0313 0.0801 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 0925 2259282 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.0560 +/-0.130 0.385 +/-0.130 16.2 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 1005 2259280 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0117 +/-0.175 0.409 +/-0.175 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -2.91 +/-50.9 90.9 +/-50.9 652 pCi/g MP2 05/10/22 0509 2263242 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -0.592 +/-10.2 20.4 +/-10.2 1090 pCi/g GXR1 05/16/22 0643 2263984 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.372 +/-0.153 0.132 +/-0.157 pCi/g MXR1 04/29/22 1021 2259432 6 Antimony-125 U 0.0273 +/-0.0522 0.102 +/-0.0537 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.263 0.323 +/-0.446 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.000 +/-0.364 0.485 +/-0.368 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.222 +/-0.0875 0.0707 +/-0.0894 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0109 +/-0.0185 0.0387 +/-0.0192 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.933 +/-0.0857 0.0362 +/-0.114 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00941 +/-0.0183 0.0401 +/-0.0188 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0264 +/-0.0523 0.0950 +/-0.0537 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0117 +/-0.0654 0.130 +/-0.0656 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0131 +/-0.0460 0.0916 +/-0.0464 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.338 +/-0.0655 0.0498 +/-0.0716 pCi/g Lead-214 0.285 +/-0.0955 0.0695 +/-0.0983 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00571 +/-0.0164 0.0329 +/-0.0166 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 7.77 +/-0.802 0.406 +/-1.12 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00343 +/-0.0165 0.0301 +/-0.0166 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.105 +/-0.0461 0.0378 +/-0.0469 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0284 +/-0.0249 0.0410 +/-0.0254 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 05/04/22 1406 2260638 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 12 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879004 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 95.5 +/-132 226 +/-134 458 pCi/g KXA1 05/07/22 0056 2261000 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.105 +/-4.16 7.23 +/-4.16 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 05/06/22 1552 2261003 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 17.9 +/-45.2 64.5 +/-45.3 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 05/11/22 1143 2260997 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U -2.78 +/-6.20 11.1 +/-6.20 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 05/13/22 0534 2260998 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 4.12 +/-3.06 5.03 +/-3.09 12.8 pCi/g AG2 05/09/22 0126 2260154 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/27/22 1841 2259219 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259279 54 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259279 54.1 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259282 83 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259280 89.9 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2263242 53 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2263984 102 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260638 94.3 (25%-125%)

Page 13 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879004 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260997 94.3 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260998 71.7 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2260154 103 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 14 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879005 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-APR-22 Receive Date: 27-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 13.8%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U -0.525 +/-0.660 2.21 +/-0.665 13.4 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 1022 2259279 1 Americium-243 U -0.203 +/-0.287 0.937 +/-0.289 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.128 +/-0.360 0.384 +/-0.362 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0108 +/-0.799 1.78 +/-0.803 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U -0.0674 +/-0.298 0.778 +/-0.301 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.00822 +/-0.0187 0.0509 +/-0.0187 0.0801 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 0925 2259282 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.0126 +/-0.109 0.252 +/-0.109 16.2 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 1022 2259280 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0504 +/-0.117 0.346 +/-0.117 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -8.21 +/-33.1 59.8 +/-33.1 652 pCi/g MP2 05/10/22 0525 2263242 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 19.4 +/-32.0 79.3 +/-33.2 1090 pCi/g GXR1 05/16/22 0655 2263984 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.551 +/-0.253 0.183 +/-0.259 pCi/g MXR1 04/29/22 1021 2259432 6 Antimony-125 U 0.0677 +/-0.0621 0.128 +/-0.0694 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.362 0.578 +/-1.09 pCi/g Bismuth-212 1.04 +/-0.707 0.612 +/-0.713 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.816 +/-0.119 0.0814 +/-0.137 pCi/g Cesium-134 UI 0.000 +/-0.0590 0.0605 +/-0.0692 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 U -0.0215 +/-0.0254 0.0427 +/-0.0272 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00374 +/-0.0302 0.0593 +/-0.0302 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0393 +/-0.0643 0.125 +/-0.0668 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0174 +/-0.0963 0.188 +/-0.0966 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.139 +/-0.131 0.139 +/-0.132 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.881 +/-0.0970 0.0699 +/-0.125 pCi/g Lead-214 0.812 +/-0.131 0.0961 +/-0.149 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00706 +/-0.0228 0.0409 +/-0.0231 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 21.3 +/-1.45 0.425 +/-2.54 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00607 +/-0.0187 0.0346 +/-0.0189 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.256 +/-0.0667 0.0472 +/-0.0702 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0114 +/-0.0217 0.0416 +/-0.0217 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 05/04/22 1406 2260638 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 15 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879005 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 22.2 +/-141 265 +/-141 458 pCi/g KXA1 05/07/22 0113 2261000 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.180 +/-3.64 6.34 +/-3.64 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 05/06/22 1608 2261003 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -28.5 +/-62.5 92.0 +/-62.5 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 05/11/22 1200 2260997 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U -0.980 +/-4.63 8.20 +/-4.63 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 05/13/22 0550 2260998 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 1.39 +/-2.80 4.79 +/-2.80 12.8 pCi/g AG2 05/09/22 0142 2260154 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/27/22 1841 2259219 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259279 20.7 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259279 33.8 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259282 92 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2259280 92.1 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2263242 77.2 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2263984 125 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260638 66 (25%-125%)

Page 16 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: May 16, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 577879005 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260997 98.2 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2260998 89 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2260154 99.4 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 17 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: May 16, 2022 Client : Zion Solutions Page 1 of 9 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois


Mr. Gerry Wood Workorder: 577879 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 2259279 QC1205077681 577879001 DUP Americium-241 U 0.163 U 0.00388 pCi/g 0 N/A MP2 05/04/22 10:22 Uncert: +/-0.375 +/-0.288 TPU: +/-0.377 +/-0.289 Americium-243 U -0.135 U 0.0673 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.217 +/-0.473 TPU: +/-0.218 +/-0.474 Curium-242 U -0.0248 U 0.124 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.214 +/-0.348 TPU: +/-0.215 +/-0.349 Curium-243/244 U -0.0764 U -0.0460 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.231 +/-0.203 TPU: +/-0.232 +/-0.205 Curium-245/246 U -0.0261 U 0.000 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.225 +/-0.263 TPU: +/-0.226 +/-0.264 QC1205077682 LCS Americium-241 16.3 13.9 pCi/g 85.3 (75%-125%) MP2 05/04/22 09:59 Uncert: +/-1.83 TPU: +/-3.28 Americium-243 U 0.431 pCi/g (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-0.697 TPU: +/-0.702 Curium-242 U 0.000 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.313 TPU: +/-0.315 Curium-243/244 17.4 17.7 pCi/g 102 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-2.05 TPU: +/-4.03 Curium-245/246 U 0.357 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.612 TPU: +/-0.616 QC1205077680 MB Americium-241 U -0.0708 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 10:22 Uncert: +/-0.164 TPU: +/-0.165 Americium-243 U 0.0289 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.187 TPU: +/-0.187 Curium-242 U -0.0125 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.108 TPU: +/-0.108 Page 18 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 577879 Page 2 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 2259279 Curium-243/244 U -0.0872 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.165 TPU: +/-0.166 Curium-245/246 U 0.0600 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.169 TPU: +/-0.169 Batch 2259280 QC1205077684 577879001 DUP Plutonium-238 U -0.143 U 0.0957 pCi/g 0 N/A MP2 05/04/22 10:22 Uncert: +/-0.138 +/-0.252 TPU: +/-0.139 +/-0.253 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.165 U 0.0491 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.245 +/-0.220 TPU: +/-0.246 +/-0.220 QC1205077685 LCS Plutonium-238 U 0.189 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 10:22 Uncert: +/-0.258 TPU: +/-0.259 Plutonium-239/240 17.0 13.4 pCi/g 78.7 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-1.73 TPU: +/-2.48 QC1205077683 MB Plutonium-238 U 0.0501 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 10:22 Uncert: +/-0.188 TPU: +/-0.188 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.0342 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.190 TPU: +/-0.191 Batch 2259282 QC1205077690 577879001 DUP Neptunium-237 U -0.00714 U -0.0138 pCi/g 0 N/A MP2 05/04/22 09:25 Uncert: +/-0.0194 +/-0.0124 TPU: +/-0.0194 +/-0.0125 QC1205077691 LCS Neptunium-237 3.38 3.57 pCi/g 106 (75%-125%) MP2 05/04/22 09:25 Uncert: +/-0.302 TPU: +/-0.511 QC1205077689 MB Neptunium-237 U -0.0150 pCi/g MP2 05/04/22 09:25 Uncert: +/-0.0211 TPU: +/-0.0211 Batch 2263242 QC1205085831 577879001 DUP Plutonium-241 U -6.09 U -19.5 pCi/g 0 N/A MP2 05/10/22 05:57 Uncert: +/-38.5 +/-42.0 Page 19 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 577879 Page 3 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 2263242 TPU: +/-38.5 +/-42.0 QC1205085832 LCS Plutonium-241 493 504 pCi/g 102 (75%-125%) MP2 05/10/22 06:14 Uncert: +/-51.9 TPU: +/-121 QC1205085830 MB Plutonium-241 U -26.3 pCi/g MP2 05/10/22 05:41 Uncert: +/-31.6 TPU: +/-31.6 Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2259432 QC1205078065 577879001 DUP Actinium-228 U 0.155 0.340 pCi/g 6.34 (0% - 100%) MXR1 04/29/22 13:39 Uncert: +/-0.158 +/-0.151 TPU: +/-0.173 +/-0.154 Antimony-125 U -0.00689 U 0.0134 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0616 +/-0.0469 TPU: +/-0.0617 +/-0.0473 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 UI 0.000 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.600 +/-0.252 TPU: +/-0.606 +/-0.412 Bismuth-212 U 0.176 U 0.241 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.425 +/-0.431 TPU: +/-0.433 +/-0.432 Bismuth-214 0.246 0.279 pCi/g 12.8 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0967 +/-0.0796 TPU: +/-0.0992 +/-0.0841 Cesium-134 U 0.00173 U 0.0193 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0346 +/-0.0253 TPU: +/-0.0346 +/-0.0268 Cesium-137 U 0.0101 U 0.0270 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0271 +/-0.0232 TPU: +/-0.0275 +/-0.0263 Cobalt-60 U 0.0177 U 0.0210 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0285 +/-0.0278 TPU: +/-0.0297 +/-0.0294 Europium-152 U 0.0356 U -0.00445 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0636 +/-0.0403 TPU: +/-0.0657 +/-0.0403 Europium-154 U -0.0248 U -0.00615 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0889 +/-0.0748 TPU: +/-0.0897 +/-0.0749 Europium-155 U -0.00922 U 0.0674 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0548 +/-0.0611 TPU: +/-0.0549 +/-0.0615 Lead-212 0.354 0.318 pCi/g 10.6 (0%-20%)

Page 20 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 577879 Page 4 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2259432 Uncert: +/-0.105 +/-0.0624 TPU: +/-0.109 +/-0.0679 Lead-214 0.391 0.257 pCi/g 41.2 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.124 +/-0.0915 TPU: +/-0.128 +/-0.0941 Niobium-94 U 0.00613 U -0.00776 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0229 +/-0.0190 TPU: +/-0.0231 +/-0.0193 Potassium-40 9.01 9.15 pCi/g 1.55 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-1.11 +/-1.04 TPU: +/-1.41 +/-1.30 Silver-108m U -0.00634 U -0.00565 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0191 +/-0.0168 TPU: +/-0.0193 +/-0.0170 Thallium-208 0.0718 0.0945 pCi/g 27.2 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0596 +/-0.0517 TPU: +/-0.0600 +/-0.0525 QC1205078066 LCS Americium-241 485 546 pCi/g 113 (75%-125%) MXR1 04/29/2215:50 Uncert: +/-11.8 TPU: +/-60.8 Actinium-228 U -0.834 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.19 TPU: +/-2.22 Antimony-125 U 0.184 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.41 TPU: +/-1.41 Bismuth-211 U -1.19 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.55 TPU: +/-2.61 Bismuth-212 U 0.482 pCi/g Uncert: +/-5.56 TPU: +/-5.56 Bismuth-214 U 0.460 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.797 TPU: +/-0.825 Cesium-134 U 0.202 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.510 TPU: +/-0.518 Cesium-137 158 151 pCi/g 95.8 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-3.11 TPU: +/-12.9 Cobalt-60 77.1 73.5 pCi/g 95.3 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-2.65 TPU: +/-7.23 Europium-152 U -0.330 pCi/g Page 21 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 577879 Page 5 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2259432 Uncert: +/-1.18 TPU: +/-1.19 Europium-154 U 0.391 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.890 TPU: +/-0.908 Europium-155 U -0.118 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.905 TPU: +/-0.907 Lead-212 U 0.243 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.623 TPU: +/-0.633 Lead-214 U 0.0629 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.937 TPU: +/-0.938 Niobium-94 U 0.0563 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.363 TPU: +/-0.364 Potassium-40 U -0.114 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.09 TPU: +/-2.09 Silver-108m U -0.138 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.446 TPU: +/-0.451 Thallium-208 U 0.252 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.405 TPU: +/-0.421 QC1205078064 MB Actinium-228 U -0.0164 pCi/g MXR1 04/29/2210:24 Uncert: +/-0.0567 TPU: +/-0.0572 Antimony-125 U 0.00304 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0255 TPU: +/-0.0256 Bismuth-211 U -0.0332 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0683 TPU: +/-0.0699 Bismuth-212 U 0.00745 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.216 TPU: +/-0.216 Bismuth-214 U 0.0169 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0464 TPU: +/-0.0470 Cesium-134 U 0.00483 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.00874 TPU: +/-0.00902 Cesium-137 U 0.00161 pCi/g Page 22 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 577879 Page 6 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2259432 Uncert: +/-0.00858 TPU: +/-0.00861 Cobalt-60 U 0.00271 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0134 TPU: +/-0.0135 Europium-152 U -0.00126 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0258 TPU: +/-0.0258 Europium-154 U 0.0126 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0317 TPU: +/-0.0322 Europium-155 U -0.0148 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0213 TPU: +/-0.0224 Lead-212 U 0.00112 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0363 TPU: +/-0.0363 Lead-214 U -0.0135 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0247 TPU: +/-0.0255 Niobium-94 U -0.00505 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0101 TPU: +/-0.0103 Potassium-40 U -0.0277 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.164 TPU: +/-0.165 Silver-108m U 0.00412 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.00887 TPU: +/-0.00906 Thallium-208 U 0.00597 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0194 TPU: +/-0.0194 Batch 2263984 QC1205087591 577879001 DUP Nickel-59 U -4.90 U -93.6 pCi/g 0 N/A GXR1 05/16/22 06:57 Uncert: +/-16.2 +/-31.6 TPU: +/-16.4 +/-53.5 QC1205087592 LCS Nickel-59 531 470 pCi/g 88.5 (75%-125%) GXR1 05/16/22 07:25 Uncert: +/-55.2 TPU: +/-72.0 QC1205087590 MB Nickel-59 U -2.71 pCi/g GXR1 05/16/22 06:56 Uncert: +/-10.1 TPU: +/-10.2 Rad Gas Flow Page 23 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 577879 Page 7 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gas Flow Batch 2260638 QC1205080386 577879005 DUP Strontium-90 U -0.0114 U 0.00127 pCi/g 0 N/A KP1 05/04/22 14:06 Uncert: +/-0.0217 +/-0.0231 TPU: +/-0.0217 +/-0.0231 QC1205080387 LCS Strontium-90 1.79 2.12 pCi/g 118 (75%-125%) KP1 05/06/22 12:29 Uncert: +/-0.116 TPU: +/-0.403 QC1205080385 MB Strontium-90 U 0.00267 pCi/g KP1 05/04/22 14:06 Uncert: +/-0.0231 TPU: +/-0.0231 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 2260154 QC1205079361 577879001 DUP Technetium-99 U 3.51 U 2.66 pCi/g 0 N/A AG2 05/09/22 02:15 Uncert: +/-3.26 +/-2.57 TPU: +/-3.28 +/-2.59 QC1205079362 LCS Technetium-99 94.9 89.4 pCi/g 94.2 (75%-125%) AG2 05/09/22 02:32 Uncert: +/-5.10 TPU: +/-11.5 QC1205079360 MB Technetium-99 U 3.30 pCi/g AG2 05/09/22 01:59 Uncert: +/-2.53 TPU: +/-2.56 Batch 2260997 QC1205081241 577879001 DUP Iron-55 U -1.29 U -61.1 pCi/g 0 N/A TXJ1 05/11/22 12:33 Uncert: +/-42.2 +/-71.8 TPU: +/-42.2 +/-71.8 QC1205081242 LCS Iron-55 496 454 pCi/g 91.4 (75%-125%) TXJ1 05/11/22 12:50 Uncert: +/-41.7 TPU: +/-77.3 QC1205081240 MB Iron-55 U 10.5 pCi/g TXJ1 05/11/22 12:17 Uncert: +/-26.7 TPU: +/-26.7 Batch 2260998 QC1205081244 577879001 DUP Nickel-63 U -2.92 U 0.666 pCi/g 0 N/A TXJ1 05/13/22 06:23 Uncert: +/-4.55 +/-4.79 TPU: +/-4.55 +/-4.80 QC1205081245 LCS Nickel-63 245 258 pCi/g 106 (75%-125%) TXJ1 05/13/22 06:40 Page 24 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 577879 Page 8 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 2260998 Uncert: +/-11.8 TPU: +/-49.2 QC1205081243 MB Nickel-63 U 0.668 pCi/g TXJ1 05/13/22 06:07 Uncert: +/-4.73 TPU: +/-4.74 Batch 2261000 QC1205081247 577879001 DUP Tritium U 74.3 U 71.8 pCi/g 0 N/A KXA1 05/07/22 01:46 Uncert: +/-162 +/-164 TPU: +/-163 +/-165 QC1205081249 LCS Tritium 1860 1590 pCi/g 85.6 (75%-125%) KXA1 05/07/22 02:19 Uncert: +/-273 TPU: +/-458 QC1205081246 MB Tritium U 86.4 pCi/g KXA1 05/07/22 01:29 Uncert: +/-128 TPU: +/-130 QC1205081248 577879001 MS Tritium 2580 U 74.3 2290 pCi/g 88.7 (75%-125%) KXA1 05/07/22 02:02 Uncert: +/-162 +/-374 TPU: +/-163 +/-655 Batch 2261003 QC1205081255 577879001 DUP Carbon-14 U -0.160 U -2.14 pCi/g 0 N/A KXA1 05/06/22 16:41 Uncert: +/-3.24 +/-2.96 TPU: +/-3.24 +/-2.96 QC1205081257 LCS Carbon-14 107 94.9 pCi/g 88.3 (75%-125%) KXA1 05/06/22 17:13 Uncert: +/-5.65 TPU: +/-8.97 QC1205081254 MB Carbon-14 U -0.726 pCi/g KXA1 05/06/22 16:24 Uncert: +/-3.09 TPU: +/-3.09 QC1205081256 577879001 MS Carbon-14 128 U -0.160 121 pCi/g 94.6 (75%-125%) KXA1 05/06/22 16:57 Uncert: +/-3.24 +/-6.80 TPU: +/-3.24 +/-11.2 Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

    • Analyte is a Tracer compound Page 25 of 40 SDG: 577879

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 577879 Page 9 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time

< Result is less than value reported

> Result is greater than value reported BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low FA Failed analysis.

H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower.

L Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Actual value is expected to be higher.

M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/CL and < RDL N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UL Not considered detected. The associated number is the reported concentration, which may be inaccurate due to a low bias.

X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative.

^ RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

    • Indicates analyte is a surrogate/tracer compound.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 26 of 40 SDG: 577879

Page 27 of 40 SDG: 577879 Page 28 of 40 SDG: 577879 Page 29 of 40 SDG: 577879 List of current GEL Certifications as of 16 May 2022 State Certification Alabama 42200 Alaska 17018 Alaska Drinking Water SC00012 Arkansas 880651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 2940 Colorado SC00012 Connecticut PH0169 DoD ELAP/ ISO17025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P3301500283, P3301500253 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SDWA 967 Hawaii SC00012 Idaho SC00012 Illinois NELAP 200029 Indiana CSC01 Kansas NELAP E10332 Kentucky SDWA 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana Drinking Water LA024 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (AI33904)

Maine 2019020 Maryland 270 Massachusetts MSC012 Massachusetts PFAS Approv Letter Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC00012 Nebraska NEOS2613 Nevada SC0001220224 New Hampshire NELAP 2054 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC00012 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SDWA 45709 North Dakota R158 Oklahoma 2019165 Pennsylvania NELAP 6800485 Puerto Rico SC00012 S. Carolina Radiochem 10120002 Sanitation Districts of L 9255651 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 Texas NELAP T1047042352220 Utah NELAP SC00012202136 Vermont VT87156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 Page 30 of 40 SDG: 577879

Radiochemistry Technical Case Narrative Zion Solutions SDG #: 577879 Product: Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 28 Analytical Batch: 2259279 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2259219 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB 1205077680 Method Blank (MB) 1205077681 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205077682 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Alphaspec Pu, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 28 Analytical Batch: 2259280 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2259219 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS Page 31 of 40 SDG: 577879

577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB 1205077683 Method Blank (MB) 1205077684 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205077685 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments Samples 1205077684 (L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SSDUP), 1205077685 (LCS), 577879001 (L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS), 577879003 (L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS) and 577879005 (L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB) did not meet the resolution requirement of having a full width half maximum of 100 keV or less for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peaks are within the tracer region of interest. The tracer peak centroid for samples 1205077683 (MB), 1205077684 (L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SSDUP), 1205077685 (LCS), 577879002 (L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS) and 577879004 (L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB) are greater than 50 keV from the expected library energy value for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peaks are within the tracer region of interest.

Product: Alphaspec Np, Solid Analytical Method: ASTM C 1475-00 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-069 REV# 0 Analytical Batch: 2259282 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2259219 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB 1205077689 Method Blank (MB) 1205077690 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205077691 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Page 32 of 40 SDG: 577879

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2259219 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List)

Analytical Method: DOE HASL 300, Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 2259432 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2259219 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB 1205078064 Method Blank (MB) 1205078065 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP)

Page 33 of 40 SDG: 577879

1205078066 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Qualifier Information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample Client Sample Results are considered a false UI positive due Actinium-228 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS to high counting uncertainty.

Bismuth-211 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS Bismuth-212 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS Results are considered a false UI Bismuth-212 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB positive due to high peak-width.

Results are considered a false UI Bismuth-211 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS positive due to low abundance.

Bismuth-211 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS Bismuth-211 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB Bismuth-211 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB Bismuth-211 1205078065 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS(577879001DUP)

Cesium-134 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB Thallium-208 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS Page 34 of 40 SDG: 577879

Product: Gamma Ni59, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1 Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 2263984 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2259219 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB 1205087590 Method Blank (MB) 1205087591 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205087592 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: GFPC, Sr90, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 22 Analytical Batch: 2260638 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2259219 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB 1205080385 Method Blank (MB) 1205080386 577879005(L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205080387 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Page 35 of 40 SDG: 577879

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Technical Information Recounts Sample 1205080387 (LCS) was recounted due to high recovery. The recount is reported. Sample 577879002 (L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS) was recounted due to a suspected false positive. The recount is reported.

Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 23 Analytical Batch: 2263242 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2259219 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB 1205085830 Method Blank (MB) 1205085831 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205085832 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Technical Information Sample Re-prep/Re-analysis Samples were reprepped due to low recovery. The re-analysis is being reported.

Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments Samples 1205085831 (L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SSDUP), 577879001 (L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS), 577879003 (L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS) and 577879005 (L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB) did not meet the resolution requirement Page 36 of 40 SDG: 577879

of having a full width half maximum of 100 keV or less for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peaks are within the tracer region of interest. The tracer peak centroid for samples 1205085830 (MB), 1205085831 (L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SSDUP), 577879001 (L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS),

577879003 (L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS) and 577879005 (L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB) are greater than 50 keV from the expected library energy value for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peaks are within the tracer region of interest.

Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-059 REV# 5 Analytical Batch: 2260154 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB 1205079360 Method Blank (MB) 1205079361 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205079362 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 13 Analytical Batch: 2260997 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2259219 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS Page 37 of 40 SDG: 577879

577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB 1205081240 Method Blank (MB) 1205081241 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205081242 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 2260998 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2259219 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB 1205081243 Method Blank (MB) 1205081244 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205081245 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 24 Analytical Batch: 2261000 Page 38 of 40 SDG: 577879

The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB 1205081246 Method Blank (MB) 1205081247 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205081248 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Matrix Spike (MS) 1205081249 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint C14, Solid Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 16 Analytical Batch: 2261003 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 577879001 L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS 577879002 L1-12201D-AJGS-807-SS 577879003 L1-10202C-AJGS-808-SS 577879004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 577879005 L1-12103A-FIGS-006-SB 1205081254 Method Blank (MB) 1205081255 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205081256 577879001(L1-10201D-AJGS-803-SS) Matrix Spike (MS) 1205081257 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Certification Statement Page 39 of 40 SDG: 577879

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative.

Page 40 of 40 SDG: 577879

June 17, 2022 Mr. Gerry Wood Zion Solutions 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Re: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Work Order: 581937

Dear Mr. Wood:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on April 27, 2022. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GELs standard operating procedures.

Test results for NELAP or ISO 17025 accredited tests are verified to meet the requirements of those standards, with any exceptions noted. The results reported relate only to the items tested and to the sample as received by the laboratory. These results may not be reproduced except as full reports without approval by the laboratory.

Copies of GELs accreditations and certifications can be found on our website at

Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 1605.

Sincerely, PM_SIGN_HERE Zachary Worsham Project Manager Purchase Order: 702793 Enclosures Page 1 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 (843) 5568171 Certificate of Analysis Report for ENRG080 Zion Solutions (702793)

Client SDG: 581937 GEL Work Order: 581937 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a Tracer compound
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma SpectroscopyUncertain identification Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis.

The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the U qualifier above.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Zachary Worsham.

Reviewed by USER_SIGN_HERE Page 2 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: June 17, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 581937001 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 19-APR-22 Receive Date: 27-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 10.6%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.208 +/-0.330 0.457 +/-0.333 13.4 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 0847 2274482 1 Americium-243 U -0.109 +/-0.232 0.603 +/-0.232 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.000 +/-0.152 0.227 +/-0.153 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0785 +/-0.182 0.539 +/-0.183 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.0523 +/-0.196 0.330 +/-0.196 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.0159 +/-0.0326 0.0576 +/-0.0327 0.0801 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 1350 2274485 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.0572 +/-0.242 0.645 +/-0.243 16.2 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 0847 2274483 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0572 +/-0.242 0.645 +/-0.243 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 18.2 +/-52.2 90.3 +/-52.4 652 pCi/g MR2 06/16/22 1925 2274484 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 3.88 +/-29.9 59.4 +/-29.9 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 06/17/22 1058 2276693 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.365 +/-0.175 0.145 +/-0.177 pCi/g RYH1 06/12/22 0752 2274650 6 Antimony-125 U 0.0130 +/-0.0550 0.107 +/-0.0553 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.332 0.500 +/-0.959 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.0920 +/-0.360 0.642 +/-0.363 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.769 +/-0.117 0.0696 +/-0.139 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0232 +/-0.0474 0.0589 +/-0.0486 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.526 +/-0.0800 0.0403 +/-0.0961 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0427 +/-0.0305 0.0540 +/-0.0362 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0593 +/-0.0594 0.105 +/-0.0654 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0486 +/-0.0567 0.128 +/-0.0609 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0483 +/-0.0619 0.120 +/-0.0658 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.547 +/-0.0761 0.0613 +/-0.0867 pCi/g Lead-214 0.713 +/-0.120 0.0869 +/-0.133 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0123 +/-0.0207 0.0411 +/-0.0215 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.1 +/-1.02 0.316 +/-1.39 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00628 +/-0.0172 0.0317 +/-0.0174 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.177 +/-0.0516 0.0328 +/-0.0544 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0158 +/-0.0239 0.0409 +/-0.0240 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 06/16/22 1700 2275151 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Page 3 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: June 17, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 581937001 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 13.8 +/-140 253 +/-140 458 pCi/g KXA1 06/15/22 1806 2274255 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -3.30 +/-2.73 4.92 +/-2.73 8.96 pCi/g CM3 06/15/22 2341 2274242 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -64.6 +/-88.9 132 +/-88.9 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 06/16/22 0809 2275074 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 3.22 +/-5.66 9.67 +/-5.69 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 06/17/22 0623 2275076 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.268 +/-4.65 8.13 +/-4.65 12.8 pCi/g AG2 06/12/22 1541 2274253 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/27/22 1831 2274434 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274482 62.1 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274482 96.5 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274485 47.4 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274483 86 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274484 86 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2276693 91.8 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2275151 73.1 (25%-125%)

Page 4 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: June 17, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 581937001 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2275074 99.3 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2275076 78.4 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2274253 95 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 5 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: June 17, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 581937002 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 19-APR-22 Receive Date: 27-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 10.9%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.228 +/-0.342 0.532 +/-0.345 13.4 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 0847 2274482 1 Americium-243 U 0.238 +/-0.357 0.581 +/-0.360 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.0783 +/-0.220 0.235 +/-0.221 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0191 +/-0.199 0.416 +/-0.200 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U -0.0171 +/-0.147 0.342 +/-0.148 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.00461 +/-0.0260 0.0562 +/-0.0260 0.0801 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 1350 2274485 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.00824 +/-0.295 0.681 +/-0.296 16.2 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 0847 2274483 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0494 +/-0.209 0.557 +/-0.209 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -38.6 +/-42.1 77.8 +/-42.1 652 pCi/g MR2 06/16/22 1941 2274484 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 3.62 +/-12.0 32.1 +/-12.1 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 06/17/22 1058 2276693 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 UI 0.000 +/-0.184 0.289 +/-0.310 pCi/g RYH1 06/12/22 0753 2274650 6 Antimony-125 U 0.0175 +/-0.0543 0.0943 +/-0.0549 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.336 0.474 +/-0.970 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.654 +/-0.558 0.436 +/-0.562 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.588 +/-0.121 0.0734 +/-0.130 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00593 +/-0.0228 0.0450 +/-0.0229 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.378 +/-0.0540 0.0401 +/-0.0623 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00181 +/-0.0226 0.0451 +/-0.0226 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0138 +/-0.0540 0.0995 +/-0.0544 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0708 +/-0.0652 0.109 +/-0.0729 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U -0.0186 +/-0.0513 0.102 +/-0.0520 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.524 +/-0.0811 0.0559 +/-0.0935 pCi/g Lead-214 0.721 +/-0.122 0.0692 +/-0.135 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00589 +/-0.0183 0.0342 +/-0.0185 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.9 +/-0.963 0.305 +/-1.51 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.000946 +/-0.0154 0.0289 +/-0.0154 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.125 +/-0.0655 0.0408 +/-0.0664 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0131 +/-0.0206 0.0401 +/-0.0206 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 06/16/22 1658 2275151 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 6 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: June 17, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 581937002 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U -31.5 +/-144 269 +/-144 458 pCi/g KXA1 06/15/22 1823 2274255 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 0.831 +/-2.90 4.98 +/-2.90 8.96 pCi/g CM3 06/16/22 0003 2274242 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -90.7 +/-70.1 107 +/-70.1 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 06/16/22 0825 2275074 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 1.74 +/-5.87 10.2 +/-5.88 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 06/17/22 0639 2275076 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -1.19 +/-3.74 6.61 +/-3.74 12.8 pCi/g AG2 06/12/22 1557 2274253 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/27/22 1831 2274434 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274482 71.2 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274482 90.9 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274485 49.6 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274483 94.9 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274484 94.9 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2276693 101 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2275151 82.5 (25%-125%)

Page 7 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: June 17, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 581937002 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2275074 97.2 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2275076 74.4 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2274253 96.7 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 8 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: June 17, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 581937003 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 19-APR-22 Receive Date: 27-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 10.5%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.0809 +/-0.223 0.386 +/-0.223 13.4 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 0848 2274482 1 Americium-243 U 0.0944 +/-0.238 0.430 +/-0.238 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U -0.0316 +/-0.140 0.364 +/-0.140 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.00251 +/-0.186 0.413 +/-0.186 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.0596 +/-0.168 0.179 +/-0.168 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.0128 +/-0.0295 0.0519 +/-0.0296 0.0801 pCi/g MR2 06/16/22 1342 2274485 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U 0.0967 +/-0.466 0.934 +/-0.467 16.2 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 0847 2274483 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.124 +/-0.241 0.761 +/-0.242 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -1.19 +/-48.3 85.2 +/-48.3 652 pCi/g MR2 06/16/22 1957 2274484 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -10.5 +/-23.2 41.7 +/-23.7 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 06/17/22 1140 2276693 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.574 +/-0.218 0.135 +/-0.225 pCi/g RYH1 06/12/22 0754 2274650 6 Antimony-125 U -0.00624 +/-0.0542 0.106 +/-0.0543 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.423 0.543 +/-1.38 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.448 +/-0.326 0.702 +/-0.386 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.828 +/-0.122 0.0709 +/-0.140 pCi/g Cesium-134 UI 0.000 +/-0.0357 0.0572 +/-0.0483 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.904 +/-0.0830 0.0462 +/-0.111 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0255 +/-0.0328 0.0601 +/-0.0349 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0137 +/-0.0608 0.118 +/-0.0612 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.111 +/-0.132 0.182 +/-0.141 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0167 +/-0.0661 0.131 +/-0.0666 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.616 +/-0.0879 0.0697 +/-0.106 pCi/g Lead-214 1.04 +/-0.153 0.0843 +/-0.178 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0135 +/-0.0214 0.0432 +/-0.0223 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.7 +/-1.04 0.387 +/-1.58 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00149 +/-0.0194 0.0382 +/-0.0194 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.187 +/-0.0592 0.0385 +/-0.0612 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0140 +/-0.0237 0.0412 +/-0.0238 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 06/16/22 1658 2275151 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 9 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: June 17, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 581937003 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U -55.8 +/-132 252 +/-132 458 pCi/g KXA1 06/15/22 1839 2274255 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 3.81 +/-3.68 6.16 +/-3.69 8.96 pCi/g CM3 06/16/22 0025 2274242 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -37.6 +/-111 162 +/-111 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 06/16/22 0842 2275074 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 0.768 +/-5.38 9.40 +/-5.38 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 06/17/22 0655 2275076 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.558 +/-3.50 6.14 +/-3.50 12.8 pCi/g AG2 06/12/22 1613 2274253 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/27/22 1831 2274434 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274482 94.7 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274482 82.5 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274485 42 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274483 79 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274484 79 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2276693 90.1 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2275151 111 (25%-125%)

Page 10 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: June 17, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 581937003 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2275074 99.9 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2275076 73.1 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2274253 96.1 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 11 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: June 17, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 581937004 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 19-APR-22 Receive Date: 27-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.82%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.134 +/-0.238 0.360 +/-0.239 13.4 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 0848 2274482 1 Americium-243 U -0.112 +/-0.127 0.434 +/-0.128 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.000 +/-0.133 0.198 +/-0.134 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0397 +/-0.180 0.453 +/-0.180 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.000 +/-0.121 0.180 +/-0.122 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0160 +/-0.0195 0.0495 +/-0.0195 0.0801 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 1350 2274485 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.0512 +/-0.266 0.671 +/-0.266 16.2 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 0847 2274483 3 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.00365 +/-0.261 0.585 +/-0.261 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -26.7 +/-34.6 63.5 +/-34.6 652 pCi/g MR2 06/16/22 2013 2274484 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -9.41 +/-15.3 24.2 +/-15.9 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 06/17/22 1140 2276693 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.398 +/-0.181 0.121 +/-0.185 pCi/g RYH1 06/12/22 0755 2274650 6 Antimony-125 U -0.0348 +/-0.0541 0.0959 +/-0.0564 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 U 0.124 +/-0.587 0.211 +/-0.603 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.695 +/-0.481 0.408 +/-0.485 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.411 +/-0.107 0.0680 +/-0.113 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0304 +/-0.0250 0.0443 +/-0.0287 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.941 +/-0.0775 0.0371 +/-0.114 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00380 +/-0.0177 0.0374 +/-0.0178 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0215 +/-0.0495 0.100 +/-0.0504 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0334 +/-0.0897 0.0907 +/-0.0910 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0717 +/-0.0474 0.101 +/-0.0577 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.411 +/-0.0680 0.0470 +/-0.0759 pCi/g Lead-214 0.477 +/-0.115 0.151 +/-0.121 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00445 +/-0.0166 0.0324 +/-0.0167 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 7.49 +/-0.857 0.382 +/-1.13 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00694 +/-0.0174 0.0345 +/-0.0177 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0832 +/-0.0477 0.0339 +/-0.0483 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0277 +/-0.0255 0.0418 +/-0.0260 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 06/17/22 0807 2275151 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 12 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: June 17, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 581937004 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U -88.6 +/-149 289 +/-149 458 pCi/g KXA1 06/15/22 1855 2274255 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 5.25 +/-4.00 6.62 +/-4.02 8.96 pCi/g CM3 06/16/22 1239 2274242 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -21.8 +/-64.5 94.8 +/-64.5 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 06/16/22 0858 2275074 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 2.64 +/-5.50 9.44 +/-5.52 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 06/17/22 0711 2275076 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 2.81 +/-4.69 7.98 +/-4.70 12.8 pCi/g AG2 06/12/22 1630 2274253 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/27/22 1831 2274434 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274482 97.7 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274482 87.6 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274485 93.2 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274483 103 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2274484 103 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2276693 91 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2275151 56.6 (25%-125%)

Page 13 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: June 17, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 581937004 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2275074 97.3 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2275076 75.7 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2274253 98.3 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 14 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: June 17, 2022 Client : Zion Solutions Page 1 of 9 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois


Mr. Gerry Wood Workorder: 581937 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 2274482 QC1205109195 581937001 DUP Americium-241 U 0.208 U 0.0620 pCi/g 0 N/A MR2 06/16/22 09:15 Uncert: +/-0.330 +/-0.278 TPU: +/-0.333 +/-0.278 Americium-243 U -0.109 U 0.177 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.232 +/-0.262 TPU: +/-0.232 +/-0.264 Curium-242 U 0.000 U 0.0746 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.152 +/-0.210 TPU: +/-0.153 +/-0.210 Curium-243/244 U -0.0785 U -0.0738 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.182 +/-0.171 TPU: +/-0.183 +/-0.171 Curium-245/246 U 0.0523 U 0.0676 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.196 +/-0.190 TPU: +/-0.196 +/-0.190 QC1205109196 LCS Americium-241 15.0 15.0 pCi/g 100 (75%-125%) MR2 06/15/22 08:49 Uncert: +/-1.79 TPU: +/-3.08 Americium-243 0.715 pCi/g (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-0.489 TPU: +/-0.503 Curium-242 U 0.000 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.144 TPU: +/-0.145 Curium-243/244 16.0 14.9 pCi/g 93.4 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-1.79 TPU: +/-3.06 Curium-245/246 U 0.0628 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.236 TPU: +/-0.236 QC1205109194 MB Americium-241 U 0.127 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 08:49 Uncert: +/-0.252 TPU: +/-0.253 Americium-243 U 0.233 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.250 TPU: +/-0.253 Curium-242 U 0.000 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0893 TPU: +/-0.0897 Page 15 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 581937 Page 2 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 2274482 Curium-243/244 U -0.0735 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.139 TPU: +/-0.140 Curium-245/246 U 0.0509 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.143 TPU: +/-0.144 Batch 2274483 QC1205109198 581937001 DUP Plutonium-238 U -0.0572 U 0.0423 pCi/g 0 N/A MR2 06/15/22 08:48 Uncert: +/-0.242 +/-0.429 TPU: +/-0.243 +/-0.430 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0572 U -0.289 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.242 +/-0.330 TPU: +/-0.243 +/-0.331 QC1205109199 LCS Plutonium-238 U 0.0622 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 08:48 Uncert: +/-0.389 TPU: +/-0.389 Plutonium-239/240 15.7 16.8 pCi/g 107 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-2.71 TPU: +/-4.08 QC1205109197 MB Plutonium-238 U -0.0295 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 08:47 Uncert: +/-0.375 TPU: +/-0.375 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.127 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.222 TPU: +/-0.223 Batch 2274484 QC1205109201 581937001 DUP Plutonium-241 U 18.2 U -6.16 pCi/g 0 N/A MR2 06/16/22 20:45 Uncert: +/-52.2 +/-51.5 TPU: +/-52.4 +/-51.5 QC1205109202 LCS Plutonium-241 556 510 pCi/g 91.7 (75%-125%) MR2 06/16/22 21:01 Uncert: +/-60.6 TPU: +/-126 QC1205109200 MB Plutonium-241 U -26.2 pCi/g MR2 06/16/22 20:29 Uncert: +/-45.4 TPU: +/-45.4 Batch 2274485 QC1205109204 581937001 DUP Neptunium-237 U 0.0159 U -0.00194 pCi/g 0 N/A MR2 06/16/22 13:42 Uncert: +/-0.0326 +/-0.0157 Page 16 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 581937 Page 3 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 2274485 TPU: +/-0.0327 +/-0.0157 QC1205109205 LCS Neptunium-237 3.65 3.79 pCi/g 104 (75%-125%) MR2 06/15/22 13:50 Uncert: +/-0.302 TPU: +/-0.544 QC1205109203 MB Neptunium-237 U 0.00253 pCi/g MR2 06/15/22 13:50 Uncert: +/-0.0388 TPU: +/-0.0389 Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2274650 QC1205109545 581937001 DUP Actinium-228 0.365 0.567 pCi/g 43.2 (0% - 100%) RYH1 06/13/22 09:12 Uncert: +/-0.175 +/-0.192 TPU: +/-0.177 +/-0.200 Antimony-125 U 0.0130 U 0.0361 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0550 +/-0.0510 TPU: +/-0.0553 +/-0.0536 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 UI 0.000 pCi/g 24.7 N/A Uncert: +/-0.332 +/-0.392 TPU: +/-0.959 +/-1.22 Bismuth-212 U 0.0920 0.852 pCi/g 28.1 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.360 +/-0.555 TPU: +/-0.363 +/-0.560 Bismuth-214 0.769 0.670 pCi/g 13.9 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.117 +/-0.112 TPU: +/-0.139 +/-0.125 Cesium-134 U 0.0232 U 0.0404 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0474 +/-0.0395 TPU: +/-0.0486 +/-0.0437 Cesium-137 0.526 0.654 pCi/g 21.6 * (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.0800 +/-0.0748 TPU: +/-0.0961 +/-0.0915 Cobalt-60 U 0.0427 U -0.00199 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0305 +/-0.0205 TPU: +/-0.0362 +/-0.0205 Europium-152 U -0.0593 U 0.0785 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0594 +/-0.0569 TPU: +/-0.0654 +/-0.0675 Europium-154 U 0.0486 U 0.0501 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0567 +/-0.0848 TPU: +/-0.0609 +/-0.0879 Europium-155 U 0.0483 U 0.0249 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0619 +/-0.0586 TPU: +/-0.0658 +/-0.0597 Lead-212 0.547 0.470 pCi/g 15.1 (0%-20%)

Page 17 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 581937 Page 4 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2274650 Uncert: +/-0.0761 +/-0.115 TPU: +/-0.0867 +/-0.123 Lead-214 0.713 0.914 pCi/g 24.6 * (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.120 +/-0.142 TPU: +/-0.133 +/-0.163 Niobium-94 U 0.0123 U 0.00151 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0207 +/-0.0203 TPU: +/-0.0215 +/-0.0203 Potassium-40 11.1 11.4 pCi/g 2.41 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-1.02 +/-1.14 TPU: +/-1.39 +/-1.62 Silver-108m U -0.00628 U -0.00168 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0172 +/-0.0177 TPU: +/-0.0174 +/-0.0177 Thallium-208 0.177 0.164 pCi/g 7.75 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.0516 +/-0.0609 TPU: +/-0.0544 +/-0.0625 QC1205109546 LCS Americium-241 485 512 pCi/g 106 (75%-125%) RYH1 06/12/2209:13 Uncert: +/-7.54 TPU: +/-41.9 Actinium-228 U 0.383 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.83 TPU: +/-1.84 Antimony-125 U -0.358 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.27 TPU: +/-1.28 Bismuth-211 U 1.07 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.32 TPU: +/-2.37 Bismuth-212 U 3.51 pCi/g Uncert: +/-4.74 TPU: +/-5.01 Bismuth-214 U 1.05 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.02 TPU: +/-1.13 Cesium-134 U -0.0622 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.445 TPU: +/-0.446 Cesium-137 158 152 pCi/g 96.6 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-2.82 TPU: +/-13.9 Cobalt-60 77.2 73.3 pCi/g 95 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-2.43 TPU: +/-6.68 Europium-152 U 0.0246 pCi/g Page 18 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 581937 Page 5 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2274650 Uncert: +/-1.11 TPU: +/-1.11 Europium-154 U -0.320 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.655 TPU: +/-0.671 Europium-155 U -0.0987 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.999 TPU: +/-1.00 Lead-212 U 0.364 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.538 TPU: +/-0.563 Lead-214 U -0.262 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.844 TPU: +/-0.852 Niobium-94 U 0.266 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.326 TPU: +/-0.348 Potassium-40 U 0.332 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.06 TPU: +/-2.07 Silver-108m U 0.0641 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.412 TPU: +/-0.413 Thallium-208 U 0.257 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.390 TPU: +/-0.408 QC1205109544 MB Actinium-228 U 0.0343 pCi/g RYH1 06/12/2209:11 Uncert: +/-0.0564 TPU: +/-0.0586 Antimony-125 U 0.00357 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0287 TPU: +/-0.0288 Bismuth-211 U 0.00128 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0808 TPU: +/-0.0808 Bismuth-212 U 0.0719 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.177 TPU: +/-0.180 Bismuth-214 U -0.0236 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0326 TPU: +/-0.0343 Cesium-134 U 0.00836 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0144 TPU: +/-0.0149 Cesium-137 U 0.0123 pCi/g Page 19 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 581937 Page 6 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2274650 Uncert: +/-0.0132 TPU: +/-0.0144 Cobalt-60 U 0.00915 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0152 TPU: +/-0.0158 Europium-152 U -0.00893 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0300 TPU: +/-0.0303 Europium-154 U 0.0310 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0427 TPU: +/-0.0451 Europium-155 U 0.00637 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0245 TPU: +/-0.0247 Lead-212 U 0.0321 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0330 TPU: +/-0.0362 Lead-214 U 0.0264 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0456 TPU: +/-0.0472 Niobium-94 U 0.00316 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0135 TPU: +/-0.0136 Potassium-40 U 0.101 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.179 TPU: +/-0.185 Silver-108m U 0.000572 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.00921 TPU: +/-0.00922 Thallium-208 U 0.00907 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0125 TPU: +/-0.0132 Batch 2276693 QC1205113363 581937001 DUP Nickel-59 U 3.88 U 4.23 pCi/g 0 N/A TXJ1 06/17/22 12:13 Uncert: +/-29.9 +/-17.1 TPU: +/-29.9 +/-17.2 QC1205113364 LCS Nickel-59 1170 1090 pCi/g 93.4 (75%-125%) TXJ1 06/17/22 12:13 Uncert: +/-157 TPU: +/-190 QC1205113362 MB Nickel-59 U 6.25 pCi/g TXJ1 06/17/22 11:59 Uncert: +/-29.0 TPU: +/-29.1 Rad Gas Flow Page 20 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 581937 Page 7 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gas Flow Batch 2275151 QC1205110453 581937001 DUP Strontium-90 U 0.0158 U 0.0281 pCi/g 0 N/A KP1 06/16/22 17:00 Uncert: +/-0.0239 +/-0.0253 TPU: +/-0.0240 +/-0.0258 QC1205110454 LCS Strontium-90 1.79 2.10 pCi/g 117 (75%-125%) KP1 06/16/22 16:58 Uncert: +/-0.140 TPU: +/-0.402 QC1205110452 MB Strontium-90 U 0.00459 pCi/g KP1 06/17/22 08:08 Uncert: +/-0.0234 TPU: +/-0.0234 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 2274242 QC1205108649 581937001 DUP Carbon-14 U -3.30 U 0.648 pCi/g 0 N/A CM3 06/16/22 01:31 Uncert: +/-2.73 +/-2.79 TPU: +/-2.73 +/-2.79 QC1205108651 LCS Carbon-14 116 106 pCi/g 91.6 (75%-125%) CM3 06/16/22 02:15 Uncert: +/-5.26 TPU: +/-9.41 QC1205108648 MB Carbon-14 U 0.605 pCi/g CM3 06/16/22 01:09 Uncert: +/-2.81 TPU: +/-2.82 QC1205108650 581937001 MS Carbon-14 122 U -3.30 102 pCi/g 84.2 (75%-125%) CM3 06/16/22 01:53 Uncert: +/-2.73 +/-5.36 TPU: +/-2.73 +/-9.25 Batch 2274253 QC1205108679 581937001 DUP Technetium-99 U -0.268 U 0.819 pCi/g 0 N/A AG2 06/12/22 17:03 Uncert: +/-4.65 +/-3.28 TPU: +/-4.65 +/-3.28 QC1205108680 LCS Technetium-99 102 86.7 pCi/g 84.8 (75%-125%) AG2 06/12/22 17:19 Uncert: +/-5.73 TPU: +/-11.5 QC1205108678 MB Technetium-99 U 0.601 pCi/g AG2 06/12/22 16:46 Uncert: +/-3.31 TPU: +/-3.31 Batch 2274255 QC1205108682 581937001 DUP Tritium U 13.8 U 41.3 pCi/g 0 N/A KXA1 06/15/22 19:27 Page 21 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 581937 Page 8 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 2274255 Uncert: +/-140 +/-140 TPU: +/-140 +/-141 QC1205108684 LCS Tritium 1830 1490 pCi/g 81.4 (75%-125%) KXA1 06/15/22 19:59 Uncert: +/-238 TPU: +/-419 QC1205108681 MB Tritium U -33.8 pCi/g KXA1 06/15/22 19:11 Uncert: +/-132 TPU: +/-132 QC1205108683 581937001 MS Tritium 2270 U 13.8 1780 pCi/g 78.4 (75%-125%) KXA1 06/15/22 19:43 Uncert: +/-140 +/-293 TPU: +/-140 +/-508 Batch 2275074 QC1205110316 581937001 DUP Iron-55 U -64.6 U -38.2 pCi/g 0 N/A TXJ1 06/16/22 09:30 Uncert: +/-88.9 +/-63.1 TPU: +/-88.9 +/-63.1 QC1205110317 LCS Iron-55 1520 1420 pCi/g 93.1 (75%-125%) TXJ1 06/16/22 09:47 Uncert: +/-92.7 TPU: +/-227 QC1205110315 MB Iron-55 U -5.63 pCi/g TXJ1 06/16/22 09:14 Uncert: +/-57.6 TPU: +/-57.6 Batch 2275076 QC1205110322 581937001 DUP Nickel-63 U 3.22 U -1.05 pCi/g 0 N/A TXJ1 06/17/22 07:44 Uncert: +/-5.66 +/-5.45 TPU: +/-5.69 +/-5.45 QC1205110323 LCS Nickel-63 280 300 pCi/g 107 (75%-125%) TXJ1 06/17/22 08:00 Uncert: +/-13.4 TPU: +/-57.0 QC1205110321 MB Nickel-63 U 4.52 pCi/g TXJ1 06/17/22 07:28 Uncert: +/-5.17 TPU: +/-5.24 Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

    • Analyte is a Tracer compound Page 22 of 37 SDG: 581937

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 581937 Page 9 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time

< Result is less than value reported

> Result is greater than value reported BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low FA Failed analysis.

H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower.

L Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Actual value is expected to be higher.

M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/CL and < RDL N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UL Not considered detected. The associated number is the reported concentration, which may be inaccurate due to a low bias.

X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative.

^ RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

    • Indicates analyte is a surrogate/tracer compound.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 23 of 37 SDG: 581937

Page 24 of 37 SDG: 581937 Page 25 of 37 SDG: 581937 Page 26 of 37 SDG: 581937 List of current GEL Certifications as of 17 June 2022 State Certification Alabama 42200 Alaska 17018 Alaska Drinking Water SC00012 Arkansas 880651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 2940 Colorado SC00012 Connecticut PH0169 DoD ELAP/ ISO17025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P3301500283, P3301500253 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SDWA 967 Hawaii SC00012 Idaho SC00012 Illinois NELAP 200029 Indiana CSC01 Kansas NELAP E10332 Kentucky SDWA 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana Drinking Water LA024 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (AI33904)

Maine 2019020 Maryland 270 Massachusetts MSC012 Massachusetts PFAS Approv Letter Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC00012 Nebraska NEOS2613 Nevada SC0001220224 New Hampshire NELAP 2054 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC00012 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SDWA 45709 North Dakota R158 Oklahoma 2019165 Pennsylvania NELAP 6800485 Puerto Rico SC00012 S. Carolina Radiochem 10120002 Sanitation Districts of L 9255651 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 Texas NELAP T1047042352220 Utah NELAP SC00012202136 Vermont VT87156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 Page 27 of 37 SDG: 581937

Radiochemistry Technical Case Narrative Zion Solutions SDG #: 581937 Product: Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 28 Analytical Batch: 2274482 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2274434 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1205109194 Method Blank (MB) 1205109195 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205109196 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Technical Information Recounts The Am-243 traced portion of sample 1205109195 (L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SSDUP) was recounted due to a peak shift. The recount is reported. The Cm-244 traced portion of samples 1205109194 (MB), 1205109195 (L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SSDUP) and 581937003 (L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS) were recounted due to a peak shift.

The recounts are reported.

Product: Alphaspec Pu, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 28 Analytical Batch: 2274483 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Page 28 of 37 SDG: 581937

Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2274434 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1205109197 Method Blank (MB) 1205109198 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205109199 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments The tracer peak centroid for sample 1205109197 (MB) is greater than 50 keV from the expected library energy value for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peak is within the tracer region of interest.

Product: Alphaspec Np, Solid Analytical Method: ASTM C 1475-00 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-069 REV# 0 Analytical Batch: 2274485 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2274434 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1205109203 Method Blank (MB) 1205109204 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205109205 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Page 29 of 37 SDG: 581937

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Technical Information Recounts Samples 1205109204 (L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SSDUP) and 581937003 (L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS) were recounted due to high MDCs. The recounts are reported.

Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2274434 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments Samples 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS),581937002(L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS),

581937003(L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS) and 581937004(L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB) data transferred from batch number 2259217. Samples 581993001 and 581993002 data transferred from batch number 2267392.

Product: Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List)

Analytical Method: DOE HASL 300, Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 2274650 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Page 30 of 37 SDG: 581937

Preparation Batch: 2274434 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1205109544 Method Blank (MB) 1205109545 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205109546 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Duplication Criteria between QC Sample and Duplicate Sample The Sample and the Duplicate, (See Below), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement; however, they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with the value listed below.

Sample Analyte Value 1205109545 (L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SSDUP) Cesium-137 RPD 21.6* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 1.89 (0-3)

Lead-214 RPD 24.6* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 1.87 (0-3)

Qualifier Information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample Client Sample Results are considered a false UI Actinium-228 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS positive due to low abundance.

Bismuth-211 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS Bismuth-211 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS Bismuth-211 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS Bismuth-211 1205109545 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS(581937001DUP)

Cesium-134 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS Page 31 of 37 SDG: 581937

Product: Gamma Ni59, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1 Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 2276693 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2274434 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1205113362 Method Blank (MB) 1205113363 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205113364 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Preparation Information Preservation Information Samples were analyzed, un-preserved, as received per project manager instructions.

Product: GFPC, Sr90, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 22 Analytical Batch: 2275151 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2274434 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS Page 32 of 37 SDG: 581937

581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1205110452 Method Blank (MB) 1205110453 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205110454 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Technical Information Recounts Sample 1205110452 (MB) was recounted due to a suspected blank false positive. The recount is reported.

Sample 581937004 (L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB) was recounted due to a suspected false positive. The recount is reported.

Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 23 Analytical Batch: 2274484 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2274434 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1205109200 Method Blank (MB) 1205109201 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205109202 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments Page 33 of 37 SDG: 581937

The tracer peak centroid for sample 1205109200 (MB) is greater than 50 keV from the expected library energy value for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peak is within the tracer region of interest.

Product: Liquid Scint C14, Solid Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 16 Analytical Batch: 2274242 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1205108648 Method Blank (MB) 1205108649 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205108650 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Matrix Spike (MS) 1205108651 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Technical Information Recounts Sample 581937004 (L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB) was recounted to verify sample results. Recount is reported.

Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-059 REV# 5 Analytical Batch: 2274253 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1205108678 Method Blank (MB) 1205108679 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP)

Page 34 of 37 SDG: 581937

1205108680 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 24 Analytical Batch: 2274255 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1205108681 Method Blank (MB) 1205108682 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205108683 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Matrix Spike (MS) 1205108684 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 13 Analytical Batch: 2275074 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2274434 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification Page 35 of 37 SDG: 581937

581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1205110315 Method Blank (MB) 1205110316 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205110317 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 2275076 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2274434 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 581937001 L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS 581937002 L1-12112A-FIGS-038-SS 581937003 L1-12112A-FIGS-039-SS 581937004 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SB 1205110321 Method Blank (MB) 1205110322 581937001(L1-12112A-FIGS-037-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205110323 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Preparation Information Preservation Information Samples were analyzed, un-preserved, as received per project manager instructions.

Page 36 of 37 SDG: 581937

Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative.

Page 37 of 37 SDG: 581937

August 10, 2022 Mr. Gerry Wood Zion Solutions 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Re: Zion Solutions Work Order: 587450

Dear Mr. Wood:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on April 07, 2022, July 06, 2022, July 11, 2022, June 09, 2022 and June 30, 2022. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GELs standard operating procedures.

Test results for NELAP or ISO 17025 accredited tests are verified to meet the requirements of those standards, with any exceptions noted. The results reported relate only to the items tested and to the sample as received by the laboratory. These results may not be reproduced except as full reports without approval by the laboratory.

Copies of GELs accreditations and certifications can be found on our website at

Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 1605.

Sincerely, PM_SIGN_HERE Zachary Worsham Project Manager Purchase Order: 702793 Enclosures Page 1 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 (843) 5568171 Certificate of Analysis Report for ENRG080 Zion Solutions (702793)

Client SDG: 587450 GEL Work Order: 587450 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a Tracer compound
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma SpectroscopyUncertain identification Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis.

The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the U qualifier above.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Zachary Worsham.

Reviewed by USER_SIGN_HERE Page 2 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10201C-FSGS-211-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450001 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-JUN-22 Receive Date: 09-JUN-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.85%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.238 +/-0.192 0.384 +/-0.221 pCi/g RXF2 07/29/22 0525 2295332 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.285 +/-0.933 0.344 +/-0.937 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.268 +/-0.635 1.09 +/-0.647 pCi/g Bismuth-214 UI 0.000 +/-0.165 0.244 +/-0.229 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00983 +/-0.0363 0.0740 +/-0.0366 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0931 +/-0.0758 0.0722 +/-0.0762 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0144 +/-0.0395 0.0883 +/-0.0400 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0370 +/-0.0874 0.178 +/-0.0890 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0266 +/-0.103 0.222 +/-0.104 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.375 +/-0.0992 0.0971 +/-0.103 pCi/g Lead-214 0.361 +/-0.195 0.220 +/-0.198 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.11 +/-1.28 0.779 +/-1.48 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.118 +/-0.0588 0.0694 +/-0.0598 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.00507 +/-0.0115 0.0202 +/-0.0115 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/03/22 1826 2295040 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 3.98 +/-6.71 11.4 +/-6.75 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 1638 2295673 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 06/10/22 1300 2295002 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295040 71.7 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295673 80.2 (25%-125%)

Page 3 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10201C-FSGS-211-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450001 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 4 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10201C-FSGS-212-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450002 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 06-JUN-22 Receive Date: 09-JUN-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.53%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.442 +/-0.286 0.454 +/-0.351 pCi/g RXF2 07/29/22 0727 2295332 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.378 0.568 +/-0.621 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.403 +/-0.663 1.18 +/-0.688 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.428 +/-0.183 0.0981 +/-0.187 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0106 +/-0.0421 0.0833 +/-0.0424 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 UI 0.000 +/-0.0866 0.0672 +/-0.0870 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0325 +/-0.0284 0.0447 +/-0.0321 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00425 +/-0.0790 0.158 +/-0.0791 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0161 +/-0.116 0.239 +/-0.116 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.337 +/-0.119 0.100 +/-0.122 pCi/g Lead-214 0.389 +/-0.137 0.0976 +/-0.141 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.12 +/-1.27 0.577 +/-1.47 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.188 +/-0.0881 0.0522 +/-0.0897 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0236 +/-0.0178 0.0296 +/-0.0183 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/03/22 1826 2295040 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 5.22 +/-6.47 10.9 +/-6.54 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 1709 2295673 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 06/10/22 1300 2295002 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295040 67.1 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295673 81 (25%-125%)

Page 5 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10201C-FSGS-212-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450002 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 6 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10201D-FSGS-205-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450003 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 14-JUN-22 Receive Date: 30-JUN-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 9.07%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.168 +/-0.123 0.126 +/-0.124 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/22 1624 2295333 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.249 0.225 +/-0.254 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U -0.175 +/-0.320 0.568 +/-0.330 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.210 +/-0.0894 0.0778 +/-0.0914 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0421 +/-0.0461 0.0653 +/-0.0500 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0118 +/-0.0392 0.0399 +/-0.0392 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00480 +/-0.0239 0.0472 +/-0.0240 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.000947 +/-0.0485 0.0998 +/-0.0485 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.00908 +/-0.0586 0.130 +/-0.0588 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.287 +/-0.0691 0.0550 +/-0.0731 pCi/g Lead-214 0.215 +/-0.0902 0.144 +/-0.134 pCi/g Potassium-40 4.54 +/-0.854 0.635 +/-0.947 pCi/g Thallium-208 U 0.0192 +/-0.0412 0.0370 +/-0.0412 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0233 +/-0.0114 0.0212 +/-0.0114 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/03/22 1826 2295040 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 0.555 +/-6.01 10.3 +/-6.01 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 1740 2295673 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 06/30/22 1512 2295002 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295040 74 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295673 88.6 (25%-125%)

Page 7 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10201D-FSGS-205-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450003 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 8 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10201D-FSGS-213-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450004 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 14-JUN-22 Receive Date: 30-JUN-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 5.74%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.345 +/-0.187 0.244 +/-0.190 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/22 1624 2295333 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.131 +/-0.620 0.247 +/-0.631 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.131 +/-0.353 0.763 +/-0.358 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.334 +/-0.127 0.102 +/-0.131 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0108 +/-0.0332 0.0685 +/-0.0336 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0376 +/-0.0628 0.0495 +/-0.0629 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00623 +/-0.0249 0.0514 +/-0.0251 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0418 +/-0.0677 0.136 +/-0.0704 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0207 +/-0.0929 0.186 +/-0.0934 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.348 +/-0.0854 0.0653 +/-0.0898 pCi/g Lead-214 0.449 +/-0.134 0.213 +/-0.138 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.33 +/-1.16 0.307 +/-1.37 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0764 +/-0.0484 0.0305 +/-0.0489 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0214 +/-0.0221 0.0390 +/-0.0221 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/03/22 1826 2295040 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U -1.41 +/-8.19 14.2 +/-8.19 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 1810 2295673 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 06/30/22 1512 2295002 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295040 48.6 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295673 59.8 (25%-125%)

Page 9 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10201D-FSGS-213-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450004 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 10 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10202C-FSGS-204-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450005 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 15-JUN-22 Receive Date: 30-JUN-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 4.13%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.350 +/-0.195 0.370 +/-0.253 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/22 1625 2295333 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.331 0.438 +/-0.478 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.000 +/-0.879 0.776 +/-0.884 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.355 +/-0.121 0.0987 +/-0.125 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00454 +/-0.0298 0.0600 +/-0.0298 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0355 +/-0.0380 0.0504 +/-0.0381 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0135 +/-0.0297 0.0559 +/-0.0303 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0407 +/-0.0693 0.147 +/-0.0718 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0136 +/-0.0859 0.173 +/-0.0861 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.345 +/-0.0798 0.0618 +/-0.0849 pCi/g Lead-214 0.273 +/-0.120 0.0948 +/-0.122 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.2 +/-1.27 0.362 +/-1.58 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0954 +/-0.0573 0.0425 +/-0.0579 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0594 +/-0.0169 0.0322 +/-0.0169 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/03/22 1826 2295040 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 2.92 +/-7.01 11.9 +/-7.03 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 1841 2295673 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 06/30/22 1505 2295002 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295040 57.8 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295673 74.8 (25%-125%)

Page 11 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10202C-FSGS-204-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450005 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 12 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10202C-FSGS-211-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450006 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 15-JUN-22 Receive Date: 30-JUN-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 3.92%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.200 +/-0.235 0.219 +/-0.236 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/22 1627 2295333 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.316 0.494 +/-0.600 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.125 +/-0.407 0.841 +/-0.411 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.291 +/-0.133 0.112 +/-0.135 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0223 +/-0.0227 0.0574 +/-0.0249 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0450 +/-0.0346 0.0788 +/-0.0403 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00544 +/-0.0278 0.0637 +/-0.0279 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0292 +/-0.0767 0.134 +/-0.0779 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.00114 +/-0.0993 0.206 +/-0.0993 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.313 +/-0.104 0.0949 +/-0.108 pCi/g Lead-214 0.403 +/-0.115 0.0727 +/-0.120 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.89 +/-1.36 0.355 +/-1.67 pCi/g Thallium-208 U 0.0285 +/-0.0631 0.0575 +/-0.0631 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0249 +/-0.0167 0.0297 +/-0.0167 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/03/22 1826 2295040 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U -0.0700 +/-6.67 11.5 +/-6.67 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 1912 2295673 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 06/30/22 1505 2295002 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295040 74 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295673 82.4 (25%-125%)

Page 13 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10202C-FSGS-211-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450006 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 14 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10202D-FSGS-216-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450007 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 14-JUN-22 Receive Date: 30-JUN-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.73%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.465 +/-0.149 0.0977 +/-0.155 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/22 1638 2295333 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.384 0.553 +/-0.628 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.0658 +/-0.400 0.807 +/-0.401 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.373 +/-0.127 0.0855 +/-0.131 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00491 +/-0.0269 0.0550 +/-0.0270 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0742 +/-0.0484 0.0527 +/-0.0488 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0157 +/-0.0260 0.0488 +/-0.0270 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0358 +/-0.0598 0.130 +/-0.0620 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0581 +/-0.0879 0.201 +/-0.0918 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.305 +/-0.0912 0.0840 +/-0.0946 pCi/g Lead-214 0.393 +/-0.139 0.0869 +/-0.143 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.74 +/-1.15 0.568 +/-1.42 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.134 +/-0.0618 0.0424 +/-0.0629 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0217 +/-0.0191 0.0344 +/-0.0191 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/03/22 1826 2295040 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 3.55 +/-6.60 11.2 +/-6.63 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 1943 2295673 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 06/30/22 1501 2295002 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295040 46.2 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295673 81 (25%-125%)

Page 15 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10202D-FSGS-216-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450007 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 16 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10202D-FSGS-215-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450008 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 14-JUN-22 Receive Date: 30-JUN-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.29%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.435 +/-0.224 0.193 +/-0.227 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/22 1659 2295333 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.414 0.576 +/-0.647 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.000 +/-0.516 0.639 +/-0.527 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.391 +/-0.115 0.0795 +/-0.120 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0119 +/-0.0310 0.0658 +/-0.0315 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0166 +/-0.0289 0.0623 +/-0.0299 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0186 +/-0.0223 0.0613 +/-0.0239 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00573 +/-0.0620 0.121 +/-0.0621 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0260 +/-0.0771 0.151 +/-0.0780 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.258 +/-0.0848 0.0633 +/-0.0874 pCi/g Lead-214 0.394 +/-0.150 0.0986 +/-0.154 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.41 +/-1.32 0.662 +/-1.60 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.110 +/-0.0519 0.0454 +/-0.0527 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0154 +/-0.0198 0.0334 +/-0.0200 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/03/22 1826 2295040 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 2.64 +/-5.85 9.94 +/-5.87 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 2014 2295673 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 06/30/22 1501 2295002 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295040 67.1 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295673 83.3 (25%-125%)

Page 17 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-10202D-FSGS-215-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450008 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 18 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12201D-FSGS-309-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450009 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 27-JUN-22 Receive Date: 06-JUL-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 1.55%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.358 +/-0.142 0.128 +/-0.147 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/22 1659 2295333 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.570 0.247 +/-0.577 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.000 +/-0.383 0.457 +/-0.390 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.225 +/-0.109 0.0895 +/-0.110 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0168 +/-0.0255 0.0556 +/-0.0266 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0718 +/-0.0272 0.0348 +/-0.0279 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00766 +/-0.0301 0.0582 +/-0.0303 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0563 +/-0.0514 0.0907 +/-0.0575 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0972 +/-0.0960 0.207 +/-0.106 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.215 +/-0.0912 0.0659 +/-0.0928 pCi/g Lead-214 0.384 +/-0.122 0.185 +/-0.126 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.2 +/-1.21 0.395 +/-1.53 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0838 +/-0.0589 0.0440 +/-0.0594 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0227 +/-0.0175 0.0310 +/-0.0175 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/03/22 1826 2295040 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 0.210 +/-8.00 13.8 +/-8.00 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 2044 2295673 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 07/06/22 1153 2295002 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295040 71.7 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295673 64.7 (25%-125%)

Page 19 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12201D-FSGS-309-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450009 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 20 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12201D-FSGS-315-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450010 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 27-JUN-22 Receive Date: 06-JUL-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 2.43%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.335 +/-0.202 0.378 +/-0.254 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/22 1703 2295333 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.342 0.512 +/-0.542 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.152 +/-0.417 0.849 +/-0.422 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.201 +/-0.117 0.0966 +/-0.119 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00482 +/-0.0330 0.0685 +/-0.0331 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.104 +/-0.0458 0.0521 +/-0.0467 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0100 +/-0.0354 0.0754 +/-0.0357 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00131 +/-0.0686 0.127 +/-0.0686 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.00217 +/-0.0967 0.175 +/-0.0967 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.340 +/-0.0746 0.0705 +/-0.0797 pCi/g Lead-214 0.333 +/-0.124 0.0905 +/-0.127 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.68 +/-1.20 0.487 +/-1.47 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0984 +/-0.0445 0.0393 +/-0.0453 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0213 +/-0.0208 0.0349 +/-0.0212 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/03/22 1826 2295040 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U -0.168 +/-8.02 13.8 +/-8.02 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 2115 2295673 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 07/06/22 1153 2295002 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295040 50.9 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295673 64.7 (25%-125%)

Page 21 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12201D-FSGS-315-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450010 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 22 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12201E-FSGS-207-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450011 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 29-JUN-22 Receive Date: 11-JUL-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 2.27%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.173 +/-0.151 0.346 +/-0.171 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/22 1704 2295333 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.188 +/-0.566 0.227 +/-0.572 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.206 +/-0.382 0.836 +/-0.393 pCi/g Bismuth-214 UI 0.000 +/-0.111 0.182 +/-0.163 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0129 +/-0.0346 0.0726 +/-0.0351 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0133 +/-0.0251 0.0565 +/-0.0259 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00902 +/-0.0240 0.0471 +/-0.0243 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0197 +/-0.0647 0.113 +/-0.0654 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0231 +/-0.110 0.232 +/-0.110 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.203 +/-0.0946 0.0630 +/-0.0962 pCi/g Lead-214 0.310 +/-0.108 0.163 +/-0.111 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.59 +/-1.33 0.462 +/-1.56 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0682 +/-0.0571 0.0516 +/-0.0575 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.00601 +/-0.0230 0.0403 +/-0.0230 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/05/22 1833 2295040 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 0.628 +/-5.90 10.1 +/-5.90 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 2146 2295673 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 07/12/22 0928 2295002 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295040 48.6 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295673 89 (25%-125%)

Page 23 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12201E-FSGS-207-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450011 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 24 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12201E-FSGS-208-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450012 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 29-JUN-22 Receive Date: 11-JUL-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 2.2%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.223 +/-0.134 0.297 +/-0.169 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/22 1737 2295333 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.362 +/-0.172 0.406 +/-0.240 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.0155 +/-0.299 0.615 +/-0.299 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.158 +/-0.102 0.0890 +/-0.102 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0103 +/-0.0289 0.0612 +/-0.0293 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.00964 +/-0.0234 0.0510 +/-0.0238 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0211 +/-0.0265 0.0664 +/-0.0282 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.00180 +/-0.0599 0.118 +/-0.0599 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.00940 +/-0.0643 0.137 +/-0.0644 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 UI 0.000 +/-0.0788 0.138 +/-0.148 pCi/g Lead-214 0.184 +/-0.147 0.0838 +/-0.148 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.9 +/-1.32 0.500 +/-1.70 pCi/g Thallium-208 U 0.0274 +/-0.0541 0.0442 +/-0.0542 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0248 +/-0.0201 0.0408 +/-0.0201 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/09/22 1813 2295041 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U -0.198 +/-6.40 11.0 +/-6.40 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 2217 2295673 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 07/12/22 0928 2295002 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295041 50.9 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295673 82.4 (25%-125%)

Page 25 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12201E-FSGS-208-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450012 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 26 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12205A-FSGS-311-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450013 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 23-JUN-22 Receive Date: 06-JUL-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 4.32%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.363 +/-0.148 0.131 +/-0.152 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/22 1740 2295333 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.872 0.201 +/-0.873 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.263 +/-0.642 0.692 +/-0.643 pCi/g Bismuth-214 UI 0.000 +/-0.147 0.0902 +/-0.148 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0410 +/-0.0301 0.0588 +/-0.0355 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.00897 +/-0.0482 0.0509 +/-0.0482 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00453 +/-0.0208 0.0417 +/-0.0209 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0349 +/-0.0539 0.110 +/-0.0562 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0184 +/-0.0707 0.153 +/-0.0712 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.191 +/-0.102 0.0643 +/-0.103 pCi/g Lead-214 0.272 +/-0.107 0.148 +/-0.109 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.6 +/-1.20 0.470 +/-1.54 pCi/g Thallium-208 U 0.0294 +/-0.0305 0.0660 +/-0.0333 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0182 +/-0.0243 0.0416 +/-0.0246 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/09/22 1813 2295041 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U -0.117 +/-6.23 10.8 +/-6.23 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 1825 2295678 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 07/06/22 1150 2295010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295041 43.9 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295678 75.7 (25%-125%)

Page 27 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12205A-FSGS-311-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450013 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 28 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12205A-FSGS-312-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450014 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 23-JUN-22 Receive Date: 06-JUL-22 Collector: Client Moisture: .282%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.190 +/-0.149 0.272 +/-0.173 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/22 1740 2295333 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.101 +/-0.462 0.143 +/-0.468 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.524 +/-0.504 0.536 +/-0.507 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.221 +/-0.0888 0.0747 +/-0.0910 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0248 +/-0.0259 0.0602 +/-0.0283 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U -0.0139 +/-0.0228 0.0420 +/-0.0237 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0157 +/-0.0222 0.0399 +/-0.0233 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0124 +/-0.0536 0.0994 +/-0.0539 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0404 +/-0.0776 0.179 +/-0.0798 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.198 +/-0.0796 0.0591 +/-0.0812 pCi/g Lead-214 0.307 +/-0.0880 0.145 +/-0.0914 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.2 +/-1.25 0.267 +/-1.59 pCi/g Thallium-208 U 0.0334 +/-0.0431 0.0397 +/-0.0432 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.00904 +/-0.0164 0.0323 +/-0.0164 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/09/22 1813 2295041 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 2.23 +/-6.64 11.4 +/-6.65 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 1857 2295678 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 07/06/22 1150 2295010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295041 97.1 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295678 68.6 (25%-125%)

Page 29 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12205A-FSGS-312-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450014 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 30 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450015 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.17%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.333 +/-0.152 0.149 +/-0.155 pCi/g RXF2 07/29/22 0913 2295332 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.233 0.308 +/-0.410 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.307 +/-0.299 0.607 +/-0.330 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.267 +/-0.0955 0.0582 +/-0.0982 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0204 +/-0.0235 0.0512 +/-0.0253 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.112 +/-0.0422 0.0388 +/-0.0432 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0518 +/-0.0323 0.0721 +/-0.0402 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0242 +/-0.0453 0.0942 +/-0.0467 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0384 +/-0.0701 0.121 +/-0.0722 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.302 +/-0.0556 0.0447 +/-0.0614 pCi/g Lead-214 0.267 +/-0.0844 0.0650 +/-0.0873 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.18 +/-0.968 0.440 +/-1.31 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0685 +/-0.0526 0.0332 +/-0.0529 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0133 +/-0.0187 0.0320 +/-0.0189 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/09/22 1813 2295041 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 1.69 +/-6.65 11.4 +/-6.66 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 1928 2295678 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/08/22 0925 2295010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295041 69.4 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295678 74 (25%-125%)

Page 31 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450015 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 32 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450016 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 9.65%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.318 +/-0.231 0.187 +/-0.233 pCi/g RXF2 07/29/22 0914 2295332 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.375 0.495 +/-0.672 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.721 +/-0.746 0.758 +/-0.749 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.429 +/-0.141 0.0995 +/-0.146 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0109 +/-0.0381 0.0738 +/-0.0385 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.417 +/-0.0860 0.0514 +/-0.0926 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0226 +/-0.0307 0.0542 +/-0.0324 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0419 +/-0.0680 0.131 +/-0.0706 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0141 +/-0.0941 0.189 +/-0.0943 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.417 +/-0.0883 0.0699 +/-0.0939 pCi/g Lead-214 0.441 +/-0.136 0.100 +/-0.141 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.5 +/-1.25 0.615 +/-1.63 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.141 +/-0.0645 0.0477 +/-0.0658 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0166 +/-0.0195 0.0330 +/-0.0198 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/09/22 1813 2295041 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U -0.818 +/-6.80 11.8 +/-6.80 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 2000 2295678 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/08/22 0925 2295010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295041 74 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295678 71.7 (25%-125%)

Page 33 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450016 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 34 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450017 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 11.5%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.489 +/-0.147 0.114 +/-0.155 pCi/g RXF2 07/29/22 1016 2295332 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.335 0.366 +/-0.729 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.000 +/-0.369 0.378 +/-0.381 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.505 +/-0.0906 0.0623 +/-0.102 pCi/g Cesium-134 UI 0.000 +/-0.0345 0.0428 +/-0.0452 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 2.59 +/-0.0984 0.0307 +/-0.261 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0122 +/-0.0203 0.0369 +/-0.0211 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0560 +/-0.0527 0.0895 +/-0.0586 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0374 +/-0.0704 0.118 +/-0.0725 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.502 +/-0.0830 0.0583 +/-0.0922 pCi/g Lead-214 0.513 +/-0.122 0.0713 +/-0.129 pCi/g Potassium-40 13.9 +/-0.819 0.261 +/-1.49 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.143 +/-0.0352 0.0312 +/-0.0376 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.00312 +/-0.0177 0.0320 +/-0.0177 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/09/22 1813 2295041 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 0.236 +/-6.47 11.2 +/-6.47 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 2032 2295678 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/08/22 0925 2295010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295041 90.2 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295678 74 (25%-125%)

Page 35 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450017 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 36 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450018 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.7%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 UI 0.000 +/-0.158 0.308 +/-0.215 pCi/g RXF2 07/29/22 1208 2295332 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.401 0.483 +/-0.567 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.410 +/-0.395 0.876 +/-0.438 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.228 +/-0.118 0.0907 +/-0.119 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0257 +/-0.0304 0.0675 +/-0.0326 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 2.85 +/-0.170 0.0484 +/-0.293 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00786 +/-0.0284 0.0633 +/-0.0286 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0133 +/-0.0756 0.152 +/-0.0759 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0489 +/-0.0937 0.182 +/-0.0964 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.331 +/-0.0878 0.0687 +/-0.0919 pCi/g Lead-214 0.317 +/-0.146 0.110 +/-0.148 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.64 +/-1.19 0.479 +/-1.51 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0986 +/-0.0616 0.0442 +/-0.0621 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0178 +/-0.0244 0.0417 +/-0.0246 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/09/22 1813 2295041 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 6.06 +/-6.36 10.7 +/-6.45 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 2104 2295678 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/08/22 0931 2295010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295041 43.9 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295678 80.2 (25%-125%)

Page 37 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450018 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 38 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450019 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.69%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.143 +/-0.157 0.277 +/-0.170 pCi/g RXF2 07/29/22 1250 2295332 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.646 0.285 +/-0.654 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.301 +/-0.309 0.611 +/-0.310 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.222 +/-0.172 0.0909 +/-0.173 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00722 +/-0.0261 0.0555 +/-0.0263 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 3.12 +/-0.180 0.0440 +/-0.334 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0126 +/-0.0251 0.0592 +/-0.0257 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0503 +/-0.0771 0.131 +/-0.0805 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0253 +/-0.0775 0.154 +/-0.0784 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.265 +/-0.114 0.0838 +/-0.116 pCi/g Lead-214 0.453 +/-0.136 0.182 +/-0.141 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.1 +/-1.27 0.556 +/-1.55 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.106 +/-0.0656 0.0477 +/-0.0663 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0289 +/-0.0203 0.0322 +/-0.0210 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/09/22 1813 2295041 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 1.67 +/-6.69 11.5 +/-6.70 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 2135 2295678 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/08/22 0931 2295010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295041 116 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295678 66.4 (25%-125%)

Page 39 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450019 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 40 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450020 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.27%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 UI 0.000 +/-0.152 0.163 +/-0.156 pCi/g RXF2 07/29/22 1250 2295332 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.303 0.426 +/-0.412 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.968 +/-0.342 0.545 +/-0.355 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.237 +/-0.107 0.0953 +/-0.110 pCi/g Cesium-134 U -0.00236 +/-0.0262 0.0510 +/-0.0263 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 1.33 +/-0.107 0.0511 +/-0.164 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00536 +/-0.0254 0.0528 +/-0.0255 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0191 +/-0.0687 0.124 +/-0.0693 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0595 +/-0.0755 0.123 +/-0.0803 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.284 +/-0.0995 0.0798 +/-0.102 pCi/g Lead-214 0.221 +/-0.110 0.0963 +/-0.111 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.7 +/-1.07 0.462 +/-1.50 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0930 +/-0.0609 0.0530 +/-0.0615 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.00182 +/-0.0180 0.0334 +/-0.0180 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/09/22 1814 2295041 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 0.792 +/-6.54 11.3 +/-6.55 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 2207 2295678 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/08/22 0931 2295010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295041 76.3 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295678 76.2 (25%-125%)

Page 41 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450020 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 42 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450021 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.74%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.266 +/-0.180 0.293 +/-0.217 pCi/g RXF2 07/29/22 1251 2295332 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.604 0.273 +/-0.609 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.541 +/-0.582 0.636 +/-0.584 pCi/g Bismuth-214 UI 0.000 +/-0.0974 0.177 +/-0.161 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0126 +/-0.0301 0.0631 +/-0.0306 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.653 +/-0.0907 0.0446 +/-0.107 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00557 +/-0.0226 0.0460 +/-0.0228 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00884 +/-0.0597 0.125 +/-0.0598 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0329 +/-0.0914 0.195 +/-0.0926 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.288 +/-0.0995 0.0620 +/-0.102 pCi/g Lead-214 0.362 +/-0.135 0.183 +/-0.138 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.44 +/-1.23 0.470 +/-1.51 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0688 +/-0.0486 0.0461 +/-0.0490 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.00511 +/-0.0185 0.0331 +/-0.0185 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 08/09/22 1814 2295041 2 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 0.490 +/-5.36 9.27 +/-5.36 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 2239 2295678 3 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CM2 04/08/22 0931 2295010 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, 2 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 3 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295041 85.5 (25%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2295678 78.4 (25%-125%)

Page 43 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: August 10, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 587450021 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 44 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: August 10, 2022 Client : Zion Solutions Page 1 of 8 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois


Mr. Gerry Wood Workorder: 587450 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2295332 QC1205149656 587450001 DUP Actinium-228 U 0.238 0.393 pCi/g 2.34 (0% - 100%) RXF2 07/29/22 12:52 Uncert: +/-0.192 +/-0.175 TPU: +/-0.221 +/-0.179 Bismuth-211 U 0.285 U 0.198 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.933 +/-0.669 TPU: +/-0.937 +/-0.673 Bismuth-212 U 0.268 U 0.305 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.635 +/-0.366 TPU: +/-0.647 +/-0.392 Bismuth-214 UI 0.000 UI 0.000 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.165 +/-0.111 TPU: +/-0.229 +/-0.200 Cesium-134 U 0.00983 U 0.0115 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0363 +/-0.0274 TPU: +/-0.0366 +/-0.0279 Cesium-137 0.0931 0.124 pCi/g 28.5 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0758 +/-0.0515 TPU: +/-0.0762 +/-0.0525 Cobalt-60 U 0.0144 U 0.0111 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0395 +/-0.0266 TPU: +/-0.0400 +/-0.0271 Europium-152 U 0.0370 U 0.0312 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0874 +/-0.0555 TPU: +/-0.0890 +/-0.0574 Europium-154 U 0.0266 U 0.0558 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.103 +/-0.0684 TPU: +/-0.104 +/-0.0730 Lead-212 0.375 0.309 pCi/g 19.2 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0992 +/-0.0791 TPU: +/-0.103 +/-0.0832 Lead-214 0.361 0.293 pCi/g 21.1 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.195 +/-0.0955 TPU: +/-0.198 +/-0.0986 Potassium-40 8.11 8.52 pCi/g 4.92 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-1.28 +/-1.12 TPU: +/-1.48 +/-1.38 Thallium-208 0.118 0.0550 pCi/g 72.9 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0588 +/-0.0425 TPU: +/-0.0598 +/-0.0428 QC1205149657 LCS Americium-241 485 525 pCi/g 108 (75%-125%) RXF2 07/29/22 12:52 Page 45 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 587450 Page 2 of 8 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2295332 Uncert: +/-5.50 TPU: +/-40.4 Actinium-228 U -0.586 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.82 TPU: +/-2.83 Bismuth-211 U -1.39 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.77 TPU: +/-2.84 Bismuth-212 U -5.01 pCi/g Uncert: +/-7.08 TPU: +/-7.45 Bismuth-214 U 0.845 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.51 TPU: +/-1.56 Cesium-134 U -0.569 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.568 TPU: +/-0.625 Cesium-137 157 164 pCi/g 105 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-3.65 TPU: +/-16.3 Cobalt-60 74.7 73.2 pCi/g 98 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-3.00 TPU: +/-6.47 Europium-152 U 0.497 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.30 TPU: +/-1.32 Europium-154 U -0.385 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.889 TPU: +/-0.907 Lead-212 U -0.530 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.706 TPU: +/-0.746 Lead-214 U 1.05 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.997 TPU: +/-1.11 Potassium-40 U -0.744 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.57 TPU: +/-2.59 Thallium-208 U -0.568 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.572 TPU: +/-0.629 QC1205149655 MB Actinium-228 U -0.0212 pCi/g RXF2 07/29/2212:51 Uncert: +/-0.0665 TPU: +/-0.0672 Bismuth-211 U -0.0972 pCi/g Page 46 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 587450 Page 3 of 8 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2295332 Uncert: +/-0.105 TPU: +/-0.114 Bismuth-212 U -0.00458 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.172 TPU: +/-0.172 Bismuth-214 U 0.0382 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0773 TPU: +/-0.0793 Cesium-134 U 0.00687 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0204 TPU: +/-0.0206 Cesium-137 U -0.0142 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0151 TPU: +/-0.0165 Cobalt-60 U 0.00749 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0124 TPU: +/-0.0128 Europium-152 U -0.0104 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0363 TPU: +/-0.0366 Europium-154 U 0.0105 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0183 TPU: +/-0.0190 Lead-212 U -0.0137 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0345 TPU: +/-0.0351 Lead-214 U -0.0465 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0394 TPU: +/-0.0448 Potassium-40 U 0.0106 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.299 TPU: +/-0.299 Thallium-208 U -0.0178 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0187 TPU: +/-0.0204 Batch 2295333 QC1205149659 587450003 DUP Actinium-228 0.168 0.178 pCi/g 5.68 (0% - 100%) MJH1 07/28/2221:05 Uncert: +/-0.123 +/-0.148 TPU: +/-0.124 +/-0.149 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 U 0.120 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.249 +/-0.0250 TPU: +/-0.254 +/-0.0268 Bismuth-212 U -0.175 U -0.199 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.320 +/-0.291 TPU: +/-0.330 +/-0.305 Page 47 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 587450 Page 4 of 8 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2295333 Bismuth-214 0.210 U 0.0875 pCi/g 36.9 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0894 +/-0.130 TPU: +/-0.0914 +/-0.136 Cesium-134 U 0.0421 U 0.00150 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0461 +/-0.0185 TPU: +/-0.0500 +/-0.0185 Cesium-137 U 0.0118 0.0260 pCi/g 42.3 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0392 +/-0.0227 TPU: +/-0.0392 +/-0.0229 Cobalt-60 U -0.00480 U 0.00821 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0239 +/-0.0177 TPU: +/-0.0240 +/-0.0181 Europium-152 U 0.000947 U 0.0171 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0485 +/-0.0541 TPU: +/-0.0485 +/-0.0547 Europium-154 U 0.00908 U 0.0152 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0586 +/-0.0577 TPU: +/-0.0588 +/-0.0581 Lead-212 0.287 0.134 pCi/g 72.7 * (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.0691 +/-0.0690 TPU: +/-0.0731 +/-0.0699 Lead-214 0.215 0.289 pCi/g 29.5 * (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.0902 +/-0.0755 TPU: +/-0.134 +/-0.0790 Potassium-40 4.54 5.30 pCi/g 15.5 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.854 +/-0.925 TPU: +/-0.947 +/-1.04 Thallium-208 U 0.0192 0.0438 pCi/g 16.8 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0412 +/-0.0357 TPU: +/-0.0412 +/-0.0359 QC1205149660 LCS Americium-241 485 521 pCi/g 108 (75%-125%) MJH1 07/28/2221:02 Uncert: +/-10.7 TPU: +/-60.1 Actinium-228 U -2.05 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.10 TPU: +/-2.31 Bismuth-211 U 0.128 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.76 TPU: +/-2.77 Bismuth-212 U 7.86 pCi/g Uncert: +/-5.67 TPU: +/-6.73 Bismuth-214 U 0.345 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.872 TPU: +/-0.886 Page 48 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 587450 Page 5 of 8 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2295333 Cesium-134 U 0.0206 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.520 TPU: +/-0.520 Cesium-137 157 154 pCi/g 98.3 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-3.09 TPU: +/-13.6 Cobalt-60 75.1 74.5 pCi/g 99.3 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-2.68 TPU: +/-7.81 Europium-152 U 0.119 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.47 TPU: +/-1.47 Europium-154 U 0.290 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.871 TPU: +/-0.881 Lead-212 U 0.499 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.683 TPU: +/-0.721 Lead-214 U -0.465 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.02 TPU: +/-1.04 Potassium-40 U -0.968 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.63 TPU: +/-1.69 Thallium-208 U 0.131 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.431 TPU: +/-0.435 QC1205149658 MB Actinium-228 U 0.0117 pCi/g MJH1 07/28/2217:42 Uncert: +/-0.0872 TPU: +/-0.0874 Bismuth-211 U 0.0210 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.232 TPU: +/-0.232 Bismuth-212 U 0.0618 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.242 TPU: +/-0.244 Bismuth-214 U -0.00876 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0405 TPU: +/-0.0407 Cesium-134 U -0.0193 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0178 TPU: +/-0.0199 Cesium-137 U 0.0114 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0183 TPU: +/-0.0191 Page 49 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 587450 Page 6 of 8 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2295333 Cobalt-60 U 0.00413 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0148 TPU: +/-0.0150 Europium-152 U 0.0258 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0483 TPU: +/-0.0498 Europium-154 U 0.0189 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0261 TPU: +/-0.0275 Lead-212 U 0.0163 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0319 TPU: +/-0.0328 Lead-214 U -0.0253 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0456 TPU: +/-0.0470 Potassium-40 U 0.0234 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.279 TPU: +/-0.279 Thallium-208 U -0.00342 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0216 TPU: +/-0.0216 Rad Gas Flow Batch 2295040 QC1205149167 587450001 DUP Strontium-90 U -0.00507 0.0774 pCi/g 228* (0% - 100%) KP1 08/09/22 19:01 Uncert: +/-0.0115 +/-0.0263 TPU: +/-0.0115 +/-0.0298 QC1205149168 LCS Strontium-90 1.67 1.81 pCi/g 108 (75%-125%) KP1 08/03/22 18:25 Uncert: +/-0.113 TPU: +/-0.342 QC1205149166 MB Strontium-90 U -0.00293 pCi/g KP1 08/03/22 18:25 Uncert: +/-0.0115 TPU: +/-0.0115 Batch 2295041 QC1205149170 587450012 DUP Strontium-90 U -0.0248 U -0.00579 pCi/g 0 N/A KP1 08/09/22 18:13 Uncert: +/-0.0201 +/-0.0222 TPU: +/-0.0201 +/-0.0222 QC1205149171 LCS Strontium-90 1.67 1.66 pCi/g 99.5 (75%-125%) KP1 08/09/22 18:13 Uncert: +/-0.0902 TPU: +/-0.310 QC1205149169 MB Page 50 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 587450 Page 7 of 8 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gas Flow Batch 2295041 Strontium-90 U 0.00486 pCi/g KP1 08/09/22 18:13 Uncert: +/-0.0182 TPU: +/-0.0182 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 2295673 QC1205150420 587450003 DUP Nickel-63 U 0.555 U 4.38 pCi/g 0 N/A TXJ1 08/04/22 23:19 Uncert: +/-6.01 +/-6.85 TPU: +/-6.01 +/-6.90 QC1205150421 LCS Nickel-63 427 447 pCi/g 105 (75%-125%) TXJ1 08/04/22 23:49 Uncert: +/-14.2 TPU: +/-84.1 QC1205150419 MB Nickel-63 U -0.145 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 22:48 Uncert: +/-6.37 TPU: +/-6.37 Batch 2295678 QC1205150427 587450013 DUP Nickel-63 U -0.117 U -2.66 pCi/g 0 N/A TXJ1 08/04/22 23:42 Uncert: +/-6.23 +/-5.41 TPU: +/-6.23 +/-5.41 QC1205150428 LCS Nickel-63 402 368 pCi/g 91.7 (75%-125%) TXJ1 08/05/22 00:14 Uncert: +/-12.5 TPU: +/-69.3 QC1205150426 MB Nickel-63 U 1.39 pCi/g TXJ1 08/04/22 23:10 Uncert: +/-5.20 TPU: +/-5.21 Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

    • Analyte is a Tracer compound

< Result is less than value reported

> Result is greater than value reported BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low FA Failed analysis.

H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower.

L Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Actual value is expected to be higher.

Page 51 of 100 SDG: 587450

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 587450 Page 8 of 8 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/CL and < RDL N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UL Not considered detected. The associated number is the reported concentration, which may be inaccurate due to a low bias.

X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative.

^ RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

    • Indicates analyte is a surrogate/tracer compound.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 52 of 100 SDG: 587450

Page 53 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 54 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 55 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 56 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 57 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 58 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 59 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 60 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 61 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 62 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 63 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 64 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 65 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 66 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 67 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 68 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 69 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 70 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 71 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 72 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 73 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 74 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 75 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 76 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 77 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 78 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 79 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 80 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 81 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 82 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 83 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 84 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 85 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 86 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 87 of 100 SDG: 587450 Page 88 of 100 SDG: 587450 Zachary Worsham From: Gerald Wood-ext <>

Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2022 5:02 PM To: Zachary Worsham Cc: Team Worsham


samples needing additional analysis

[EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Hello Zac, Please analyze the following samples on a 10 day TAT, if any of the requested analysis cannot be executed on a 10 day TAT please let me know.

The Sr90 and Ni63 MDAs are listed as well as the other nuclides we more typically request.

The following samples in GEL custody will need 5 ROC Soil analysis:

L110201CFSGS211SS L110201CFSGS212SS L110201DFSGS205SS L110201DFSGS213SS L110202CFSGS204SS L110202CFSGS211SS L110202DFSGS216SS L110202DFSGS215SS L112201DFSGS309SS L112201DFSGS315SS L112201EFSGS207SS L112201EFSGS208SS L112205AFSGS311SS L112205AFSGS312SS L112112AFSGS048SS L112112AFSGS061SS L112112AFIGS029SS L112112AFIGS031SS L112112AQIGS031SS L112112AFIGS032SS L112112AFIGS033SS 5 ROC (soil)

Nuclide MDA (pCi/gm)

K-40 --

Bi-211/212/214 --

Pb212/214 --

Ac-228 --

1 Page 89 of 100 SDG: 587450

Ti-208 --

Co-60 1.091E-01 Cs-134 1.733E-01 Cs-137 3.630E-01 Eu-152 8.700E-01 Eu-154 8.000E-01 Ni-63 1.953E+01 Sr-90 4.250E-02 B/R, Gerry W.

Gerald L. Wood ZSRP Site Closure Team Zion Nuclear Power Station 518.683.8849 2

Page 90 of 100 SDG: 587450

List of current GEL Certifications as of 10 August 2022 State Certification Alabama 42200 Alaska 17018 Alaska Drinking Water SC00012 Arkansas 880651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 2940 Colorado SC00012 Connecticut PH0169 DoD ELAP/ ISO17025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P3301500283, P3301500253 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SDWA 967 Hawaii SC00012 Idaho SC00012 Illinois NELAP 200029 Indiana CSC01 Kansas NELAP E10332 Kentucky SDWA 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana Drinking Water LA024 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (AI33904)

Maine 2019020 Maryland 270 Massachusetts MSC012 Massachusetts PFAS Approv Letter Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC00012 Nebraska NEOS2613 Nevada SC0001220225 New Hampshire NELAP 2054 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC00012 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SDWA 45709 North Dakota R158 Oklahoma 2019165 Pennsylvania NELAP 6800485 Puerto Rico SC00012 S. Carolina Radiochem 10120002 Sanitation Districts of L 9255651 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 Texas NELAP T1047042352220 Utah NELAP SC00012202136 Vermont VT87156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 Page 91 of 100 SDG: 587450

Radiochemistry Technical Case Narrative Zion Solutions SDG #: 587450 Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2295002 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 587450001 L1-10201C-FSGS-211-SS 587450002 L1-10201C-FSGS-212-SS 587450003 L1-10201D-FSGS-205-SS 587450004 L1-10201D-FSGS-213-SS 587450005 L1-10202C-FSGS-204-SS 587450006 L1-10202C-FSGS-211-SS 587450007 L1-10202D-FSGS-216-SS 587450008 L1-10202D-FSGS-215-SS 587450009 L1-12201D-FSGS-309-SS 587450010 L1-12201D-FSGS-315-SS 587450011 L1-12201E-FSGS-207-SS 587450012 L1-12201E-FSGS-208-SS The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments Data transferred from batches 2276388,2284255, 2284251, 2286088 and 2288317.

Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2295010 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 587450013 L1-12205A-FSGS-311-SS 587450014 L1-12205A-FSGS-312-SS Page 92 of 100 SDG: 587450

587450015 L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS 587450016 L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS 587450017 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS 587450018 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS 587450019 L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS 587450020 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS 587450021 L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments Data transferred from 2286097,2251286 and 2251288.

Product: Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List)

Analytical Method: DOE HASL 300, Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 2295332 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batches: 2295002 and 2295010 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 587450001 L1-10201C-FSGS-211-SS 587450002 L1-10201C-FSGS-212-SS 587450015 L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS 587450016 L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS 587450017 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS 587450018 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS 587450019 L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS 587450020 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS 587450021 L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS 1205149655 Method Blank (MB) 1205149656 587450001(L1-10201C-FSGS-211-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205149657 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this Page 93 of 100 SDG: 587450

report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Qualifier Information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample Client Sample Results are considered a false UI positive due Bismuth-211 587450019 L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS to high counting uncertainty.

Bismuth-211 587450021 L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS Results are considered a false UI Actinium-228 587450020 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS positive due to high peak-width.

Bismuth-212 587450017 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS Cesium-137 587450002 L1-10201C-FSGS-212-SS Results are considered a false UI Actinium-228 587450018 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS positive due to low abundance.

Bismuth-211 587450002 L1-10201C-FSGS-212-SS Bismuth-211 587450015 L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS Bismuth-211 587450016 L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS Bismuth-211 587450017 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS Bismuth-211 587450018 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS Bismuth-211 587450020 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS Bismuth-214 587450001 L1-10201C-FSGS-211-SS Bismuth-214 587450021 L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS Bismuth-214 1205149656 L1-10201C-FSGS-211-SS(587450001DUP)

Cesium-134 587450017 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS Page 94 of 100 SDG: 587450

Product: Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List)

Analytical Method: DOE HASL 300, Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 2295333 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batches: 2295002 and 2295010 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 587450003 L1-10201D-FSGS-205-SS 587450004 L1-10201D-FSGS-213-SS 587450005 L1-10202C-FSGS-204-SS 587450006 L1-10202C-FSGS-211-SS 587450007 L1-10202D-FSGS-216-SS 587450008 L1-10202D-FSGS-215-SS 587450009 L1-12201D-FSGS-309-SS 587450010 L1-12201D-FSGS-315-SS 587450011 L1-12201E-FSGS-207-SS 587450012 L1-12201E-FSGS-208-SS 587450013 L1-12205A-FSGS-311-SS 587450014 L1-12205A-FSGS-312-SS 1205149658 Method Blank (MB) 1205149659 587450003(L1-10201D-FSGS-205-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205149660 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Duplication Criteria between QC Sample and Duplicate Sample The Sample and the Duplicate, (See Below), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement; however, they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with the value listed below.

Sample Analyte Value 1205149659 (L1-10201D-FSGS-205-SSDUP) Lead-212 RPD 72.7* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 2.96 (0-3)

Lead-214 RPD 29.5* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 0.939 (0-3)

Qualifier Information Page 95 of 100 SDG: 587450

Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample Client Sample Results are considered a false UI positive due to high counting Bismuth-211 587450009 L1-12201D-FSGS-309-SS uncertainty.

Bismuth-211 587450013 L1-12205A-FSGS-311-SS Bismuth-212 587450005 L1-10202C-FSGS-204-SS Bismuth-214 587450013 L1-12205A-FSGS-311-SS Results are considered a false UI Bismuth-212 587450008 L1-10202D-FSGS-215-SS positive due to high peak-width.

Bismuth-212 587450009 L1-12201D-FSGS-309-SS Results are considered a false UI Bismuth-211 587450003 L1-10201D-FSGS-205-SS positive due to interference.

Results are considered a false UI Bismuth-211 587450005 L1-10202C-FSGS-204-SS positive due to low abundance.

Bismuth-211 587450006 L1-10202C-FSGS-211-SS Bismuth-211 587450007 L1-10202D-FSGS-216-SS Bismuth-211 587450008 L1-10202D-FSGS-215-SS Bismuth-211 587450010 L1-12201D-FSGS-315-SS Bismuth-214 587450011 L1-12201E-FSGS-207-SS Lead-212 587450012 L1-12201E-FSGS-208-SS Product: GFPC, Sr90, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 22 Analytical Batch: 2295040 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2295002 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 587450001 L1-10201C-FSGS-211-SS 587450002 L1-10201C-FSGS-212-SS 587450003 L1-10201D-FSGS-205-SS 587450004 L1-10201D-FSGS-213-SS 587450005 L1-10202C-FSGS-204-SS 587450006 L1-10202C-FSGS-211-SS 587450007 L1-10202D-FSGS-216-SS 587450008 L1-10202D-FSGS-215-SS 587450009 L1-12201D-FSGS-309-SS Page 96 of 100 SDG: 587450

587450010 L1-12201D-FSGS-315-SS 587450011 L1-12201E-FSGS-207-SS 1205149166 Method Blank (MB) 1205149167 587450001(L1-10201C-FSGS-211-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205149168 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Preparation Information Homogenous Matrix Samples were non-homogenous matrix. Samples are sandy with various sized particles.

Quality Control (QC) Information Duplication Criteria between QC Sample and Duplicate Sample The Sample and Duplicate, (See Below), did not meet the duplication criteria due to the non-homogenous matrix of the samples.

Sample Analyte Value 1205149167 (L1-10201C-FSGS-211-SSDUP) Strontium-90 RPD 228* (0.0%-100.0%)

Technical Information Negative > 3 sigma TPU Sample results were more negative than the three sigma TPU. The background control charts were examined and the detectors were determined to be fully functional.

Sample Analyte Value 587450003 (L1-10201D-FSGS-205-SS) Strontium-90 Negative Result > 3 sigma value 587450005 (L1-10202C-FSGS-204-SS) Strontium-90 Negative Result > 3 sigma value Recounts Sample 587450011 (L1-12201E-FSGS-207-SS) was recounted due to results more negative than the three sigma TPU. The second count is reported. Sample 1205149167 (L1-10201C-FSGS-211-SSDUP) was recounted due to a suspected false positive. The recount is reported.

Product: GFPC, Sr90, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 22 Analytical Batch: 2295041 Page 97 of 100 SDG: 587450

Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batches: 2295002 and 2295010 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 587450012 L1-12201E-FSGS-208-SS 587450013 L1-12205A-FSGS-311-SS 587450014 L1-12205A-FSGS-312-SS 587450015 L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS 587450016 L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS 587450017 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS 587450018 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS 587450019 L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS 587450020 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS 587450021 L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS 1205149169 Method Blank (MB) 1205149170 587450012(L1-12201E-FSGS-208-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205149171 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Preparation Information Procedure Variations Per Group Leader instructions, some variations were necessary to analyze difficult matrix. (Variations follow) 1205149170 (L1-12201E-FSGS-208-SSDUP), 587450012 (L1-12201E-FSGS-208-SS), 587450013 (L1-12205A-FSGS-311-SS) and 587450018 (L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS). Additional clean up steps required.

Samples were out of calibration range after initial column work. 1205149170 (L1-12201E-FSGS-208-SSDUP),

587450012 (L1-12201E-FSGS-208-SS), 587450013 (L1-12205A-FSGS-311-SS) and 587450018 (L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS).

Homogenous Matrix Samples were non-homogenous matrix. sandy Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 2295673 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2295002 Page 98 of 100 SDG: 587450

The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 587450001 L1-10201C-FSGS-211-SS 587450002 L1-10201C-FSGS-212-SS 587450003 L1-10201D-FSGS-205-SS 587450004 L1-10201D-FSGS-213-SS 587450005 L1-10202C-FSGS-204-SS 587450006 L1-10202C-FSGS-211-SS 587450007 L1-10202D-FSGS-216-SS 587450008 L1-10202D-FSGS-215-SS 587450009 L1-12201D-FSGS-309-SS 587450010 L1-12201D-FSGS-315-SS 587450011 L1-12201E-FSGS-207-SS 587450012 L1-12201E-FSGS-208-SS 1205150419 Method Blank (MB) 1205150420 587450003(L1-10201D-FSGS-205-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205150421 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 2295678 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2295010 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 587450013 L1-12205A-FSGS-311-SS 587450014 L1-12205A-FSGS-312-SS 587450015 L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS 587450016 L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS 587450017 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS 587450018 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS 587450019 L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS 587450020 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS 587450021 L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS 1205150426 Method Blank (MB) 1205150427 587450013(L1-12205A-FSGS-311-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205150428 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

Page 99 of 100 SDG: 587450

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative.

Page 100 of 100 SDG: 587450

April 12, 2022 Mr. Gerry Wood Zion Solutions 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Re: Zion Solutions Work Order: 575806

Dear Mr. Wood:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on April 07, 2022. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GELs standard operating procedures.

Test results for NELAP or ISO 17025 accredited tests are verified to meet the requirements of those standards, with any exceptions noted. The results reported relate only to the items tested and to the sample as received by the laboratory. These results may not be reproduced except as full reports without approval by the laboratory.

Copies of GELs accreditations and certifications can be found on our website at

Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 1605.

Sincerely, PM_SIGN_HERE Zachary Worsham Project Manager Purchase Order: 702793 Enclosures Page 1 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 (843) 5568171 Certificate of Analysis Report for ENRG080 Zion Solutions (702793)

Client SDG: 575806 GEL Work Order: 575806 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a Tracer compound
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma SpectroscopyUncertain identification Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis.

The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the U qualifier above.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Zachary Worsham.

Reviewed by USER_SIGN_HERE Page 2 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806001 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.17%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.285 +/-0.168 0.331 +/-0.213 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1429 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.496 0.461 +/-0.570 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.475 +/-0.492 0.654 +/-0.494 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.186 +/-0.113 0.100 +/-0.114 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00782 +/-0.0284 0.0595 +/-0.0286 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.119 +/-0.0680 0.0492 +/-0.0690 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 0.0959 +/-0.0376 0.0328 +/-0.0383 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.00502 +/-0.0673 0.134 +/-0.0673 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0206 +/-0.0768 0.155 +/-0.0774 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.234 +/-0.118 0.0836 +/-0.119 pCi/g Lead-214 0.223 +/-0.180 0.0937 +/-0.181 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.67 +/-1.17 0.412 +/-1.39 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.107 +/-0.0513 0.0456 +/-0.0523 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 3 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806001 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 4 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-049-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806002 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.35%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.357 +/-0.201 0.212 +/-0.205 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1429 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.366 0.297 +/-0.374 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.642 +/-0.521 0.423 +/-0.525 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.344 +/-0.117 0.107 +/-0.120 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0127 +/-0.0293 0.0637 +/-0.0298 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0498 +/-0.0507 0.0532 +/-0.0509 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0211 +/-0.0341 0.0789 +/-0.0354 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.000 +/-0.0546 0.117 +/-0.000 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.00230 +/-0.0838 0.180 +/-0.0838 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.309 +/-0.0985 0.0827 +/-0.103 pCi/g Lead-214 0.321 +/-0.133 0.206 +/-0.198 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.72 +/-1.32 0.409 +/-1.64 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0890 +/-0.0663 0.0458 +/-0.0667 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 5 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-049-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806002 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 6 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-050-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806003 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 9%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.482 +/-0.248 0.173 +/-0.252 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1429 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.853 0.241 +/-0.856 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.243 +/-0.467 0.647 +/-0.467 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.320 +/-0.109 0.197 +/-0.183 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0144 +/-0.0261 0.0574 +/-0.0269 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0784 +/-0.0331 0.0454 +/-0.0337 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00784 +/-0.0280 0.0551 +/-0.0282 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0381 +/-0.0565 0.0919 +/-0.0592 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.00312 +/-0.0862 0.180 +/-0.0862 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.347 +/-0.0958 0.0728 +/-0.100 pCi/g Lead-214 0.408 +/-0.117 0.207 +/-0.122 pCi/g Potassium-40 12.4 +/-1.37 0.369 +/-1.79 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.144 +/-0.0507 0.0443 +/-0.0522 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 7 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-050-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806003 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 8 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806004 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.53%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.287 +/-0.167 0.153 +/-0.169 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1429 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.330 0.498 +/-0.445 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.501 +/-0.496 0.701 +/-0.498 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.296 +/-0.117 0.111 +/-0.119 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0292 +/-0.0333 0.0742 +/-0.0359 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0867 +/-0.0605 0.0523 +/-0.0610 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00879 +/-0.0335 0.0664 +/-0.0338 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0351 +/-0.0764 0.124 +/-0.0781 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0435 +/-0.106 0.230 +/-0.108 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.412 +/-0.0900 0.0774 +/-0.0975 pCi/g Lead-214 0.237 +/-0.120 0.111 +/-0.121 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.13 +/-1.32 0.682 +/-1.57 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.117 +/-0.0589 0.0508 +/-0.0597 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 9 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806004 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 10 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-052-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806005 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.8%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.340 +/-0.167 0.162 +/-0.170 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1430 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.299 0.452 +/-0.492 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.000 +/-0.621 0.525 +/-0.623 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.197 +/-0.0808 0.0740 +/-0.0828 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00868 +/-0.0208 0.0468 +/-0.0212 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0901 +/-0.0496 0.0467 +/-0.0502 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00858 +/-0.0245 0.0536 +/-0.0249 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00109 +/-0.0557 0.103 +/-0.0557 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.00378 +/-0.0644 0.131 +/-0.0644 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.324 +/-0.0775 0.0619 +/-0.0820 pCi/g Lead-214 0.309 +/-0.109 0.0956 +/-0.112 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.99 +/-1.16 0.554 +/-1.42 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.125 +/-0.0420 0.0304 +/-0.0435 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 11 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-052-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806005 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 12 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806006 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.05%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.388 +/-0.237 0.434 +/-0.297 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1430 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.389 0.525 +/-0.479 pCi/g Bismuth-212 1.10 +/-0.987 0.913 +/-0.993 pCi/g Bismuth-214 U 0.163 +/-0.186 0.220 +/-0.201 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0750 +/-0.0497 0.0882 +/-0.0605 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0235 +/-0.0411 0.0895 +/-0.0425 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0105 +/-0.0246 0.0478 +/-0.0250 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0407 +/-0.0742 0.121 +/-0.0765 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0613 +/-0.129 0.280 +/-0.132 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.284 +/-0.128 0.0982 +/-0.131 pCi/g Lead-214 0.221 +/-0.141 0.115 +/-0.143 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.3 +/-1.49 0.630 +/-1.77 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.136 +/-0.0691 0.0633 +/-0.0704 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 13 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806006 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 14 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-054-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806007 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.06%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.434 +/-0.165 0.130 +/-0.171 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1431 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.142 +/-0.555 0.192 +/-0.562 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.389 +/-0.289 0.634 +/-0.340 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.223 +/-0.111 0.0637 +/-0.113 pCi/g Cesium-134 U -0.0161 +/-0.0228 0.0369 +/-0.0240 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.154 +/-0.0448 0.0359 +/-0.0469 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0307 +/-0.0269 0.0589 +/-0.0304 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00121 +/-0.0485 0.0849 +/-0.0485 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.00623 +/-0.0552 0.107 +/-0.0553 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.380 +/-0.0753 0.0520 +/-0.0813 pCi/g Lead-214 0.331 +/-0.107 0.142 +/-0.110 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.51 +/-0.918 0.297 +/-1.32 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.109 +/-0.0414 0.0316 +/-0.0426 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 15 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-054-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806007 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 16 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-055-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806008 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.35%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.350 +/-0.195 0.132 +/-0.198 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1436 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.185 +/-0.613 0.240 +/-0.619 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.590 +/-0.790 0.651 +/-0.792 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.180 +/-0.145 0.105 +/-0.146 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0225 +/-0.0269 0.0601 +/-0.0288 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 UI 0.000 +/-0.0533 0.0442 +/-0.0535 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00198 +/-0.0261 0.0554 +/-0.0261 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0580 +/-0.0516 0.121 +/-0.0581 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0156 +/-0.0605 0.123 +/-0.0609 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.346 +/-0.0933 0.0717 +/-0.0977 pCi/g Lead-214 0.339 +/-0.130 0.173 +/-0.133 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.06 +/-1.12 0.318 +/-1.40 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.118 +/-0.0533 0.0378 +/-0.0543 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 17 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-055-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806008 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 18 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-056-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806009 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.32%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.446 +/-0.189 0.127 +/-0.195 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1432 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.329 0.416 +/-0.490 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.336 +/-0.304 0.705 +/-0.341 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.292 +/-0.100 0.0991 +/-0.103 pCi/g Cesium-134 U -0.0190 +/-0.0282 0.0523 +/-0.0295 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 UI 0.000 +/-0.0481 0.0369 +/-0.0482 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0171 +/-0.0210 0.0526 +/-0.0225 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0301 +/-0.0621 0.102 +/-0.0637 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0258 +/-0.0674 0.138 +/-0.0685 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.335 +/-0.0732 0.0563 +/-0.0786 pCi/g Lead-214 0.288 +/-0.119 0.0792 +/-0.122 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.6 +/-1.20 0.419 +/-1.69 pCi/g Thallium-208 U 0.0205 +/-0.0471 0.0603 +/-0.0471 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 19 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-056-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806009 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 20 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-057-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806010 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.23%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.328 +/-0.188 0.202 +/-0.190 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1432 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.438 0.530 +/-0.668 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.319 +/-0.435 0.959 +/-0.459 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.363 +/-0.113 0.0863 +/-0.119 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00255 +/-0.0305 0.0659 +/-0.0305 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.122 +/-0.0710 0.0642 +/-0.0720 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0188 +/-0.0359 0.0642 +/-0.0369 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00520 +/-0.0568 0.120 +/-0.0569 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.00578 +/-0.126 0.254 +/-0.126 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.336 +/-0.0941 0.0642 +/-0.0980 pCi/g Lead-214 0.399 +/-0.159 0.0763 +/-0.162 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.19 +/-1.36 0.146 +/-1.57 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.106 +/-0.0506 0.0439 +/-0.0517 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 21 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-057-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806010 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 22 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FQGS-057-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806011 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.25%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.394 +/-0.174 0.336 +/-0.252 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1433 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.400 0.469 +/-0.612 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.000 +/-0.633 0.594 +/-0.636 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.340 +/-0.109 0.184 +/-0.190 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0503 +/-0.0424 0.0680 +/-0.0483 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0603 +/-0.0370 0.0831 +/-0.0462 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0219 +/-0.0303 0.0709 +/-0.0319 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.00711 +/-0.0610 0.113 +/-0.0611 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0448 +/-0.0988 0.177 +/-0.101 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.387 +/-0.0828 0.0556 +/-0.0892 pCi/g Lead-214 0.367 +/-0.145 0.0837 +/-0.148 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.77 +/-1.22 0.559 +/-1.48 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.118 +/-0.0695 0.0442 +/-0.0702 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 23 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FQGS-057-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806011 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 24 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-058-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806012 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.54%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.281 +/-0.189 0.151 +/-0.191 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1433 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.107 +/-0.555 0.197 +/-0.564 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.465 +/-0.570 0.576 +/-0.572 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.294 +/-0.0957 0.165 +/-0.166 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0396 +/-0.0233 0.0467 +/-0.0296 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.166 +/-0.0563 0.0451 +/-0.0585 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0127 +/-0.0277 0.0598 +/-0.0283 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0252 +/-0.0593 0.109 +/-0.0605 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0299 +/-0.0691 0.152 +/-0.0704 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.284 +/-0.105 0.0677 +/-0.108 pCi/g Lead-214 0.380 +/-0.106 0.162 +/-0.111 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.2 +/-1.05 0.391 +/-1.40 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.100 +/-0.0511 0.0378 +/-0.0519 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 25 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-058-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806012 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 26 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-059-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806013 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.53%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.275 +/-0.178 0.134 +/-0.180 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1433 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.486 0.196 +/-0.495 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.383 +/-0.422 0.483 +/-0.423 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.363 +/-0.0984 0.0754 +/-0.103 pCi/g Cesium-134 U -0.0110 +/-0.0196 0.0350 +/-0.0202 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 UI 0.000 +/-0.0317 0.0316 +/-0.0318 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0133 +/-0.0170 0.0291 +/-0.0180 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0123 +/-0.0494 0.105 +/-0.0497 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0378 +/-0.0775 0.173 +/-0.0794 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.261 +/-0.0770 0.0589 +/-0.0801 pCi/g Lead-214 0.357 +/-0.0894 0.158 +/-0.0943 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.72 +/-1.06 0.323 +/-1.40 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.110 +/-0.0422 0.0333 +/-0.0433 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 27 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-059-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806013 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 28 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-060-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806014 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.84%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 U 0.253 +/-0.195 0.322 +/-0.227 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1434 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.0454 +/-0.639 0.202 +/-0.653 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.553 +/-0.542 0.551 +/-0.544 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.260 +/-0.105 0.172 +/-0.159 pCi/g Cesium-134 U -0.00545 +/-0.0266 0.0534 +/-0.0267 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.177 +/-0.0506 0.0452 +/-0.0526 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0113 +/-0.0335 0.0619 +/-0.0339 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0398 +/-0.0523 0.0971 +/-0.0554 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0181 +/-0.0705 0.156 +/-0.0710 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.428 +/-0.114 0.0719 +/-0.120 pCi/g Lead-214 0.421 +/-0.130 0.192 +/-0.135 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.85 +/-1.23 0.421 +/-1.59 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.145 +/-0.0488 0.0417 +/-0.0503 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 29 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-060-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806014 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 30 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806015 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 9.65%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.389 +/-0.200 0.149 +/-0.204 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1434 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.384 0.533 +/-0.628 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.147 +/-0.359 0.745 +/-0.366 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.388 +/-0.131 0.0951 +/-0.135 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00205 +/-0.0319 0.0619 +/-0.0319 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.395 +/-0.0825 0.0534 +/-0.0889 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.000165 +/-0.0251 0.0533 +/-0.0251 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0144 +/-0.0645 0.134 +/-0.0648 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0202 +/-0.0634 0.108 +/-0.0641 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.378 +/-0.101 0.0786 +/-0.106 pCi/g Lead-214 0.394 +/-0.140 0.0960 +/-0.143 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.0 +/-1.29 0.409 +/-1.68 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0772 +/-0.0525 0.0373 +/-0.0529 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 31 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806015 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 32 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-062-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806016 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 9.08%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.549 +/-0.179 0.135 +/-0.185 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1434 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.376 0.486 +/-0.502 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.343 +/-0.412 0.919 +/-0.441 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.381 +/-0.111 0.0845 +/-0.117 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0408 +/-0.0349 0.0814 +/-0.0396 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 UI 0.000 +/-0.0805 0.0584 +/-0.0810 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0326 +/-0.0301 0.0780 +/-0.0336 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0504 +/-0.0643 0.110 +/-0.0684 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.117 +/-0.0898 0.234 +/-0.105 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.411 +/-0.0858 0.0634 +/-0.0925 pCi/g Lead-214 0.263 +/-0.136 0.0862 +/-0.138 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.9 +/-1.48 0.571 +/-1.75 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.110 +/-0.0689 0.0532 +/-0.0697 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 33 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-062-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806016 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 34 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-064-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806017 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.81%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.368 +/-0.158 0.163 +/-0.162 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1435 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.593 0.198 +/-0.600 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.479 +/-0.440 0.585 +/-0.443 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.440 +/-0.110 0.0785 +/-0.119 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0201 +/-0.0244 0.0551 +/-0.0261 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.185 +/-0.0508 0.0346 +/-0.0546 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0125 +/-0.0250 0.0552 +/-0.0257 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00961 +/-0.0466 0.0931 +/-0.0468 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0117 +/-0.0942 0.157 +/-0.0944 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.430 +/-0.0749 0.0541 +/-0.0911 pCi/g Lead-214 0.397 +/-0.0937 0.172 +/-0.100 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.2 +/-1.25 0.433 +/-1.58 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.139 +/-0.0703 0.0402 +/-0.0717 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 35 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-064-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806017 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 36 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-027-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806018 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.15%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.335 +/-0.257 0.206 +/-0.259 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1609 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.333 0.478 +/-0.517 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.171 +/-0.390 0.820 +/-0.398 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.288 +/-0.111 0.0958 +/-0.115 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00571 +/-0.0293 0.0604 +/-0.0294 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 UI 0.000 +/-0.0709 0.0514 +/-0.0712 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0233 +/-0.0303 0.0726 +/-0.0321 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00489 +/-0.0604 0.124 +/-0.0605 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0368 +/-0.0698 0.169 +/-0.0718 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.284 +/-0.104 0.0770 +/-0.106 pCi/g Lead-214 0.313 +/-0.121 0.0828 +/-0.123 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.8 +/-1.33 0.601 +/-1.62 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0814 +/-0.0453 0.0509 +/-0.0460 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 37 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-027-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806018 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 38 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-028-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806019 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.25%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.256 +/-0.194 0.173 +/-0.196 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1610 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.111 +/-0.728 0.298 +/-0.740 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.404 +/-0.360 0.836 +/-0.405 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.265 +/-0.132 0.103 +/-0.134 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0196 +/-0.0287 0.0657 +/-0.0301 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0175 +/-0.0432 0.0523 +/-0.0432 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00745 +/-0.0362 0.0778 +/-0.0363 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0248 +/-0.0668 0.127 +/-0.0678 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0732 +/-0.105 0.242 +/-0.110 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.442 +/-0.127 0.0789 +/-0.134 pCi/g Lead-214 0.431 +/-0.141 0.222 +/-0.146 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.5 +/-1.40 0.427 +/-1.76 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0841 +/-0.0697 0.0603 +/-0.0700 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 39 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-028-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806019 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 40 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806020 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 11.5%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.453 +/-0.227 0.199 +/-0.231 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1610 2251400 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.708 0.324 +/-0.721 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.210 +/-0.392 0.819 +/-0.404 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.448 +/-0.134 0.0990 +/-0.139 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0490 +/-0.0444 0.0690 +/-0.0498 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 2.69 +/-0.166 0.0489 +/-0.276 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.000237 +/-0.0245 0.0523 +/-0.0245 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0260 +/-0.0749 0.139 +/-0.0758 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0614 +/-0.0764 0.135 +/-0.0814 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.339 +/-0.121 0.103 +/-0.124 pCi/g Lead-214 0.610 +/-0.163 0.215 +/-0.170 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.2 +/-1.30 0.598 +/-1.68 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.137 +/-0.0667 0.0531 +/-0.0677 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0925 2251286 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 41 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806020 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 42 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-030-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806021 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 15.7%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.740 +/-0.337 0.284 +/-0.344 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1142 2251403 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.0680 +/-1.12 0.397 +/-1.15 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.694 +/-0.743 0.997 +/-0.745 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.812 +/-0.185 0.139 +/-0.197 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0308 +/-0.0426 0.0904 +/-0.0449 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.104 +/-0.0605 0.123 +/-0.0770 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0195 +/-0.0355 0.0657 +/-0.0366 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0288 +/-0.103 0.193 +/-0.104 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0213 +/-0.129 0.267 +/-0.129 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.933 +/-0.151 0.103 +/-0.173 pCi/g Lead-214 0.887 +/-0.224 0.343 +/-0.236 pCi/g Potassium-40 21.6 +/-2.05 0.634 +/-2.89 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.273 +/-0.0821 0.0703 +/-0.0853 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0931 2251288 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 43 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-030-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806021 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 44 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806022 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.7%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.403 +/-0.218 0.336 +/-0.286 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1143 2251403 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.388 0.482 +/-0.586 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.434 +/-0.349 0.797 +/-0.402 pCi/g Bismuth-214 U 0.132 +/-0.0794 0.169 +/-0.0999 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0165 +/-0.0230 0.0538 +/-0.0242 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 2.85 +/-0.166 0.0438 +/-0.286 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00517 +/-0.0208 0.0414 +/-0.0209 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0731 +/-0.0799 0.128 +/-0.0866 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0965 +/-0.0899 0.201 +/-0.100 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.355 +/-0.104 0.0890 +/-0.108 pCi/g Lead-214 0.347 +/-0.141 0.115 +/-0.144 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.5 +/-1.18 0.391 +/-1.60 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0989 +/-0.0556 0.0390 +/-0.0563 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0931 2251288 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 45 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806022 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 46 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806023 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.69%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.490 +/-0.263 0.182 +/-0.267 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1143 2251403 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.470 +/-0.226 0.496 +/-0.312 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.939 +/-0.393 0.524 +/-0.403 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.218 +/-0.103 0.102 +/-0.104 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0123 +/-0.0305 0.0628 +/-0.0311 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 3.10 +/-0.185 0.0506 +/-0.318 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00434 +/-0.0214 0.0489 +/-0.0215 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0107 +/-0.0773 0.152 +/-0.0775 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.00851 +/-0.0743 0.152 +/-0.0744 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.335 +/-0.146 0.0841 +/-0.149 pCi/g Lead-214 0.193 +/-0.158 0.128 +/-0.159 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.7 +/-1.23 0.398 +/-1.61 pCi/g Thallium-208 UI 0.000 +/-0.0655 0.0547 +/-0.0657 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0931 2251288 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 47 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806023 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 48 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806024 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.27%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.414 +/-0.202 0.117 +/-0.207 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1301 2251403 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.440 0.346 +/-0.444 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.286 +/-0.403 0.887 +/-0.424 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.345 +/-0.128 0.0882 +/-0.131 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00310 +/-0.0289 0.0573 +/-0.0289 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 1.36 +/-0.130 0.0509 +/-0.170 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0226 +/-0.0303 0.0707 +/-0.0321 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00545 +/-0.0783 0.163 +/-0.0784 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0254 +/-0.104 0.223 +/-0.105 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.464 +/-0.118 0.0878 +/-0.126 pCi/g Lead-214 0.237 +/-0.160 0.201 +/-0.193 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.9 +/-1.35 0.406 +/-1.74 pCi/g Thallium-208 U 0.0515 +/-0.0886 0.0576 +/-0.0887 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0931 2251288 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 49 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806024 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 50 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806025 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.74%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.357 +/-0.207 0.177 +/-0.209 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1302 2251403 1 Bismuth-211 U 0.506 +/-0.245 0.512 +/-0.337 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.0366 +/-0.368 0.761 +/-0.369 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.225 +/-0.125 0.0895 +/-0.126 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00565 +/-0.0297 0.0612 +/-0.0299 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.651 +/-0.102 0.0559 +/-0.116 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0104 +/-0.0279 0.0640 +/-0.0283 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0267 +/-0.0825 0.138 +/-0.0834 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.00336 +/-0.101 0.186 +/-0.101 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.338 +/-0.119 0.0924 +/-0.123 pCi/g Lead-214 U 0.134 +/-0.196 0.136 +/-0.196 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.54 +/-1.25 0.421 +/-1.54 pCi/g Thallium-208 U 0.0389 +/-0.0805 0.0545 +/-0.0806 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0931 2251288 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 51 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806025 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 52 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-034-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806026 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.96%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.338 +/-0.152 0.145 +/-0.156 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1302 2251403 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.321 0.404 +/-0.484 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.220 +/-0.294 0.655 +/-0.311 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.336 +/-0.0857 0.0737 +/-0.0903 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0253 +/-0.0224 0.0535 +/-0.0253 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.147 +/-0.0529 0.0307 +/-0.0543 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0122 +/-0.0228 0.0418 +/-0.0235 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00336 +/-0.0509 0.0943 +/-0.0509 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0507 +/-0.0691 0.118 +/-0.0730 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.377 +/-0.0790 0.0556 +/-0.0853 pCi/g Lead-214 0.287 +/-0.117 0.0714 +/-0.119 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.96 +/-1.07 0.387 +/-1.48 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0823 +/-0.0521 0.0301 +/-0.0526 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0931 2251288 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 53 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-034-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806026 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 54 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-035-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806027 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.03%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.257 +/-0.165 0.177 +/-0.166 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1303 2251403 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.317 0.333 +/-0.380 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.232 +/-0.374 0.694 +/-0.389 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.155 +/-0.0835 0.143 +/-0.110 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0255 +/-0.0411 0.0570 +/-0.0428 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0472 +/-0.0287 0.0652 +/-0.0360 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00442 +/-0.0235 0.0471 +/-0.0236 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00306 +/-0.0594 0.104 +/-0.0594 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0306 +/-0.0763 0.165 +/-0.0776 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.241 +/-0.0862 0.0687 +/-0.0883 pCi/g Lead-214 0.166 +/-0.115 0.0683 +/-0.116 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.09 +/-1.05 0.386 +/-1.33 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0696 +/-0.0649 0.0391 +/-0.0653 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0931 2251288 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 55 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-035-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806027 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 56 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-036-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806028 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.59%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.507 +/-0.185 0.377 +/-0.298 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/22 1303 2251403 1 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.238 0.408 +/-0.335 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.470 +/-0.337 0.793 +/-0.400 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.219 +/-0.109 0.0852 +/-0.111 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0334 +/-0.0189 0.0543 +/-0.0244 0.173 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0819 +/-0.0483 0.0463 +/-0.0488 0.363 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0215 +/-0.0226 0.0563 +/-0.0247 0.109 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0257 +/-0.0533 0.0985 +/-0.0546 0.869 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0445 +/-0.0777 0.138 +/-0.0803 0.799 pCi/g Lead-212 0.385 +/-0.0813 0.0593 +/-0.0877 pCi/g Lead-214 0.187 +/-0.0862 0.0854 +/-0.0876 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.2 +/-1.23 0.272 +/-1.69 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0616 +/-0.0510 0.0352 +/-0.0513 pCi/g The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0931 2251288 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE HASL 300, Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Page 57 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 12, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Solutions Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-036-SS Project: ENRG08001 Sample ID: 575806028 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 58 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: April 12, 2022 Client : Zion Solutions Page 1 of 7 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois


Mr. Gerry Wood Workorder: 575806 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2251400 QC1205061399 575806001 DUP Actinium-228 U 0.285 0.291 pCi/g 12.9 (0% - 100%) RXF2 04/11/22 16:10 Uncert: +/-0.168 +/-0.146 TPU: +/-0.213 +/-0.149 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 U 0.0433 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.496 +/-0.623 TPU: +/-0.570 +/-0.627 Bismuth-212 U 0.475 U 0.00661 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.492 +/-0.341 TPU: +/-0.494 +/-0.341 Bismuth-214 0.186 0.251 pCi/g 29.7 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.113 +/-0.105 TPU: +/-0.114 +/-0.108 Cesium-134 U 0.00782 U 0.0195 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0284 +/-0.0325 TPU: +/-0.0286 +/-0.0337 Cesium-137 0.119 0.121 pCi/g 1.58 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0680 +/-0.0553 TPU: +/-0.0690 +/-0.0563 Cobalt-60 0.0959 0.0477 pCi/g 67 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0376 +/-0.0396 TPU: +/-0.0383 +/-0.0398 Europium-152 U -0.00502 U 0.0465 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0673 +/-0.0525 TPU: +/-0.0673 +/-0.0567 Europium-154 U -0.0206 U 0.0882 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0768 +/-0.161 TPU: +/-0.0774 +/-0.166 Lead-212 0.234 0.416 pCi/g 56 * (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.118 +/-0.0807 TPU: +/-0.119 +/-0.0878 Lead-214 0.223 0.239 pCi/g 7.1 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.180 +/-0.116 TPU: +/-0.181 +/-0.118 Potassium-40 8.67 9.16 pCi/g 5.51 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-1.17 +/-1.19 TPU: +/-1.39 +/-1.45 Thallium-208 0.107 0.104 pCi/g 2.47 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0513 +/-0.0474 TPU: +/-0.0523 +/-0.0484 QC1205061400 LCS Americium-241 485 540 pCi/g 111 (75%-125%) RXF2 04/11/22 16:11 Page 59 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575806 Page 2 of 7 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2251400 Uncert: +/-11.8 TPU: +/-46.6 Actinium-228 U 0.137 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.95 TPU: +/-1.95 Bismuth-211 U 0.753 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.46 TPU: +/-2.48 Bismuth-212 U -3.17 pCi/g Uncert: +/-4.92 TPU: +/-5.13 Bismuth-214 U 0.213 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.689 TPU: +/-0.696 Cesium-134 U 0.0744 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.482 TPU: +/-0.484 Cesium-137 158 152 pCi/g 96.3 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-2.85 TPU: +/-14.0 Cobalt-60 77.6 76.1 pCi/g 98 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-2.51 TPU: +/-6.71 Europium-152 U -0.283 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.15 TPU: +/-1.16 Europium-154 U 0.603 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.733 TPU: +/-0.784 Lead-212 U 0.320 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.568 TPU: +/-0.587 Lead-214 U 0.531 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.886 TPU: +/-0.919 Potassium-40 U 2.65 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.73 TPU: +/-2.12 Thallium-208 U -0.0532 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.360 TPU: +/-0.361 QC1205061398 MB Actinium-228 U -0.0346 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/2216:10 Uncert: +/-0.0833 TPU: +/-0.0848 Bismuth-211 U 0.0277 pCi/g Page 60 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575806 Page 3 of 7 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2251400 Uncert: +/-0.111 TPU: +/-0.112 Bismuth-212 U 0.123 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.178 TPU: +/-0.187 Bismuth-214 U -0.0102 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0437 TPU: +/-0.0440 Cesium-134 U -0.0121 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0216 TPU: +/-0.0223 Cesium-137 U -0.000420 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0206 TPU: +/-0.0206 Cobalt-60 U 0.00887 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0230 TPU: +/-0.0234 Europium-152 U 0.0341 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0432 TPU: +/-0.0459 Europium-154 U -0.00573 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0589 TPU: +/-0.0590 Lead-212 U -0.000740 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0380 TPU: +/-0.0380 Lead-214 U -0.00333 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0432 TPU: +/-0.0432 Potassium-40 U -0.0152 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.229 TPU: +/-0.229 Thallium-208 U 0.0161 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0201 TPU: +/-0.0215 Batch 2251403 QC1205061414 575806021 DUP Actinium-228 0.740 0.831 pCi/g 11.6 (0% - 100%) RXF2 04/11/2213:30 Uncert: +/-0.337 +/-0.242 TPU: +/-0.344 +/-0.454 Bismuth-211 U 0.0680 UI 0.000 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-1.12 +/-0.412 TPU: +/-1.15 +/-1.16 Bismuth-212 U 0.694 1.29 pCi/g 26 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.743 +/-0.695 TPU: +/-0.745 +/-0.706 Page 61 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575806 Page 4 of 7 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2251403 Bismuth-214 0.812 0.737 pCi/g 9.65 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.185 +/-0.149 TPU: +/-0.197 +/-0.163 Cesium-134 U 0.0308 U 0.0183 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0426 +/-0.0374 TPU: +/-0.0449 +/-0.0384 Cesium-137 U 0.104 0.115 pCi/g 7.14 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0605 +/-0.0441 TPU: +/-0.0770 +/-0.0452 Cobalt-60 U -0.0195 U -0.0209 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0355 +/-0.0373 TPU: +/-0.0366 +/-0.0385 Europium-152 U 0.0288 U -0.0503 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.103 +/-0.0762 TPU: +/-0.104 +/-0.0796 Europium-154 U 0.0213 U -0.0237 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.129 +/-0.128 TPU: +/-0.129 +/-0.129 Lead-212 0.933 0.763 pCi/g 20.1 * (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.151 +/-0.120 TPU: +/-0.173 +/-0.135 Lead-214 0.887 0.855 pCi/g 3.65 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.224 +/-0.150 TPU: +/-0.236 +/-0.164 Potassium-40 21.6 21.8 pCi/g .553 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-2.05 +/-1.53 TPU: +/-2.89 +/-2.65 Thallium-208 0.273 0.175 pCi/g 43.6 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0821 +/-0.0634 TPU: +/-0.0853 +/-0.0653 QC1205061415 LCS Americium-241 485 586 pCi/g 121 (75%-125%) RXF2 04/11/2214:08 Uncert: +/-17.5 TPU: +/-73.0 Actinium-228 U 1.95 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.61 TPU: +/-2.76 Bismuth-211 U 3.30 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.80 TPU: +/-3.19 Bismuth-212 U 3.30 pCi/g Uncert: +/-5.49 TPU: +/-5.69 Bismuth-214 U 0.552 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.863 TPU: +/-0.899 Page 62 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575806 Page 5 of 7 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2251403 Cesium-134 U -0.574 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.503 TPU: +/-0.568 Cesium-137 158 151 pCi/g 95.9 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-3.38 TPU: +/-12.7 Cobalt-60 77.6 76.2 pCi/g 98.2 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-2.88 TPU: +/-7.99 Europium-152 U 0.139 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.30 TPU: +/-1.30 Europium-154 U 1.20 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.870 TPU: +/-1.03 Lead-212 U 0.389 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.758 TPU: +/-0.779 Lead-214 U 0.262 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.03 TPU: +/-1.04 Potassium-40 U 0.701 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.72 TPU: +/-1.75 Thallium-208 U -0.342 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.420 TPU: +/-0.448 QC1205061413 MB Actinium-228 U 0.0135 pCi/g RXF2 04/11/2213:30 Uncert: +/-0.0570 TPU: +/-0.0573 Bismuth-211 U -0.0282 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0920 TPU: +/-0.0929 Bismuth-212 U -0.0160 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.248 TPU: +/-0.248 Bismuth-214 U -0.00813 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0369 TPU: +/-0.0371 Cesium-134 U 0.0180 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0189 TPU: +/-0.0206 Cesium-137 U 0.0128 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0155 TPU: +/-0.0166 Page 63 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575806 Page 6 of 7 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2251403 Cobalt-60 U -0.00444 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0132 TPU: +/-0.0134 Europium-152 U 0.00476 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0305 TPU: +/-0.0305 Europium-154 U 0.0397 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0389 TPU: +/-0.0429 Lead-212 U 0.0458 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0407 TPU: +/-0.0458 Lead-214 U 0.00548 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0360 TPU: +/-0.0361 Potassium-40 U 0.0353 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.261 TPU: +/-0.262 Thallium-208 U 0.00574 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0167 TPU: +/-0.0167 Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

    • Analyte is a Tracer compound

< Result is less than value reported

> Result is greater than value reported BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low FA Failed analysis.

H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower.

L Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Actual value is expected to be higher.

M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/CL and < RDL N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Sample results are rejected Page 64 of 79 SDG: 575806

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575806 Page 7 of 7 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UL Not considered detected. The associated number is the reported concentration, which may be inaccurate due to a low bias.

X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative.

^ RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

    • Indicates analyte is a surrogate/tracer compound.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 65 of 79 SDG: 575806

Page 66 of 79 SDG: 575806 Page 67 of 79 SDG: 575806 Page 68 of 79 SDG: 575806 Page 69 of 79 SDG: 575806 Page 70 of 79 SDG: 575806 Page 71 of 79 SDG: 575806 Zachary Worsham From: Gerald Wood-ext <>

Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2022 6:14 AM To: Zachary Worsham


RE: [EXTERNAL] Soil Sample ID Issues - Please Advise

[EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Zac, It looks like 49 is correct for the 12112, since 39 was taken last year. The date and time is 3/21/22 0941. If that is what is on the bag , please log it as 49.

The 802SB should be 801SB, typo on the CoC typists part.

Thank you, Gerry W.

Gerald L. Wood ZSRP Site Closure Team Zion Nuclear Power Station 518.683.8849 From: Zachary Worsham [1]

Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 11:42 AM To: Gerald Woodext <>


[EXTERNAL] Soil Sample ID Issues Please Advise EXTERNAL: This message is from a NONEnergySolutions sender, please ensure it is from a legitimate source.

DO NOT click links or open attachments if sender is unknown or the message seems suspicious in any way.

Hey Gerry, It looks like we had a couple sample ID discrepancies with the soil samples that came in late last week.

One COC lists L112112AFSGS049SS, but the sample was labeled as L112112AFSGS039SS.

Another COC lists L112205AAJGS802SB, but the sample was labeled as L112205AAJGS801SB Both sets of collect dates/times on the containers matched what was listed on the COCs, so the lab left the sample IDs in the report as what was identified on the COCs. Please let me know if I need to make any changes to the sample IDs before these reports are reported later today or tomorrow.


1 Page 72 of 79 SDG: 575806

Zac Zac Worsham Project Manager 2040 Savage Road, Charleston, SC 29407 l PO Box 30712, Charleston, SC 29417 Office Direct: 8433004224 l Office Main: 8435568171 l Fax: 8437661178 EMail: l Website: Analytical Testing CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are the property of The GEL Group, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights, including without limitation copyright, are reserved. The proprietary information contained in this e-mail message, and any files transmitted with it, is intended for the use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this e-mail in error and that any review, distribution or copying of this e-mail or any files transmitted with it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original message and any files transmitted. The unauthorized use of this e-mail or any files transmitted with it is prohibited and disclaimed by The GEL Group, Inc. and its affiliates..

2 Page 73 of 79 SDG: 575806

List of current GEL Certifications as of 12 April 2022 State Certification Alabama 42200 Alaska 17018 Alaska Drinking Water SC00012 Arkansas 880651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 2940 Colorado SC00012 Connecticut PH0169 DoD ELAP/ ISO17025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P3301500283, P3301500253 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SDWA 967 Hawaii SC00012 Idaho SC00012 Illinois NELAP 200029 Indiana CSC01 Kansas NELAP E10332 Kentucky SDWA 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana Drinking Water LA024 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (AI33904)

Maine 2019020 Maryland 270 Massachusetts MSC012 Massachusetts PFAS Approv Letter Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC00012 Nebraska NEOS2613 Nevada SC0001220211 New Hampshire NELAP 2054 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC00012 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SDWA 45709 North Dakota R158 Oklahoma 2019165 Pennsylvania NELAP 6800485 Puerto Rico SC00012 S. Carolina Radiochem 10120002 Sanitation Districts of L 9255651 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 Texas NELAP T1047042352220 Utah NELAP SC00012202136 Vermont VT87156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 Page 74 of 79 SDG: 575806

Radiochemistry Technical Case Narrative Zion Solutions SDG #: 575806 Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251286 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575806001 L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS 575806002 L1-12112A-FSGS-049-SS 575806003 L1-12112A-FSGS-050-SS 575806004 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SS 575806005 L1-12112A-FSGS-052-SS 575806006 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SS 575806007 L1-12112A-FSGS-054-SS 575806008 L1-12112A-FSGS-055-SS 575806009 L1-12112A-FSGS-056-SS 575806010 L1-12112A-FSGS-057-SS 575806011 L1-12112A-FQGS-057-SS 575806012 L1-12112A-FSGS-058-SS 575806013 L1-12112A-FSGS-059-SS 575806014 L1-12112A-FSGS-060-SS 575806015 L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS 575806016 L1-12112A-FSGS-062-SS 575806017 L1-12112A-FSGS-064-SS 575806018 L1-12112A-FIGS-027-SS 575806019 L1-12112A-FIGS-028-SS 575806020 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251288 Page 75 of 79 SDG: 575806

The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575806021 L1-12112A-FIGS-030-SS 575806022 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS 575806023 L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS 575806024 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS 575806025 L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS 575806026 L1-12112A-FIGS-034-SS 575806027 L1-12112A-FIGS-035-SS 575806028 L1-12112A-FIGS-036-SS The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List)

Analytical Method: DOE HASL 300, Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 2251400 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251286 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575806001 L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS 575806002 L1-12112A-FSGS-049-SS 575806003 L1-12112A-FSGS-050-SS 575806004 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SS 575806005 L1-12112A-FSGS-052-SS 575806006 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SS 575806007 L1-12112A-FSGS-054-SS 575806008 L1-12112A-FSGS-055-SS 575806009 L1-12112A-FSGS-056-SS 575806010 L1-12112A-FSGS-057-SS 575806011 L1-12112A-FQGS-057-SS 575806012 L1-12112A-FSGS-058-SS 575806013 L1-12112A-FSGS-059-SS 575806014 L1-12112A-FSGS-060-SS 575806015 L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS 575806016 L1-12112A-FSGS-062-SS 575806017 L1-12112A-FSGS-064-SS 575806018 L1-12112A-FIGS-027-SS 575806019 L1-12112A-FIGS-028-SS Page 76 of 79 SDG: 575806

575806020 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS 1205061398 Method Blank (MB) 1205061399 575806001(L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205061400 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Duplication Criteria between QC Sample and Duplicate Sample The Sample and the Duplicate, (See Below), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement; however, they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with the value listed below.

Sample Analyte Value 1205061399 (L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SSDUP) Lead-212 RPD 56* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 2.41 (0-3)

Qualifier Information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample Client Sample Results are considered a false UI positive due to high counting Bismuth-211 575806003 L1-12112A-FSGS-050-SS uncertainty.

Bismuth-211 575806013 L1-12112A-FSGS-059-SS Bismuth-211 575806017 L1-12112A-FSGS-064-SS Bismuth-211 575806020 L1-12112A-FIGS-029-SS Bismuth-212 575806005 L1-12112A-FSGS-052-SS Bismuth-212 575806011 L1-12112A-FQGS-057-SS Cesium-137 575806008 L1-12112A-FSGS-055-SS Cesium-137 575806009 L1-12112A-FSGS-056-SS Cesium-137 575806013 L1-12112A-FSGS-059-SS Cesium-137 575806016 L1-12112A-FSGS-062-SS Cesium-137 575806018 L1-12112A-FIGS-027-SS Results are considered a false UI Bismuth-211 575806002 L1-12112A-FSGS-049-SS positive due to interference.

Page 77 of 79 SDG: 575806

Results are considered a false UI Bismuth-211 575806001 L1-12112A-FSGS-048-SS positive due to low abundance.

Bismuth-211 575806004 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SS Bismuth-211 575806005 L1-12112A-FSGS-052-SS Bismuth-211 575806006 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SS Bismuth-211 575806009 L1-12112A-FSGS-056-SS Bismuth-211 575806010 L1-12112A-FSGS-057-SS Bismuth-211 575806011 L1-12112A-FQGS-057-SS Bismuth-211 575806015 L1-12112A-FSGS-061-SS Bismuth-211 575806016 L1-12112A-FSGS-062-SS Bismuth-211 575806018 L1-12112A-FIGS-027-SS Product: Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List)

Analytical Method: DOE HASL 300, Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 2251403 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251288 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575806021 L1-12112A-FIGS-030-SS 575806022 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS 575806023 L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS 575806024 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS 575806025 L1-12112A-FIGS-033-SS 575806026 L1-12112A-FIGS-034-SS 575806027 L1-12112A-FIGS-035-SS 575806028 L1-12112A-FIGS-036-SS 1205061413 Method Blank (MB) 1205061414 575806021(L1-12112A-FIGS-030-SS) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205061415 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Quality Control (QC) Information Page 78 of 79 SDG: 575806

Duplication Criteria between QC Sample and Duplicate Sample The Sample and the Duplicate, (See Below), did not meet the relative percent difference requirement; however, they do meet the relative error ratio requirement with the value listed below.

Sample Analyte Value 1205061414 (L1-12112A-FIGS-030-SSDUP) Lead-212 RPD 20.1* (0.00%-20.00%) RER 1.52 (0-3)

Qualifier Information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample Client Sample Results are considered a false positive UI Thallium-208 575806023 L1-12112A-QIGS-031-SS due to high counting uncertainty.

Results are considered a UI false positive Bismuth-211 575806024 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SS due to interference.

Results are considered a UI false positive Bismuth-211 575806022 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SS due to low abundance.

Bismuth-211 575806026 L1-12112A-FIGS-034-SS Bismuth-211 575806027 L1-12112A-FIGS-035-SS Bismuth-211 575806028 L1-12112A-FIGS-036-SS Bismuth-211 1205061414 L1-12112A-FIGS-030-SS(575806021DUP)

Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative.

Page 79 of 79 SDG: 575806

April 21, 2022 Mr. Gerry Wood Zion Solutions 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Re: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Work Order: 575820

Dear Mr. Wood:

GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) appreciates the opportunity to provide the enclosed analytical results for the sample(s) we received on April 07, 2022. This original data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GELs standard operating procedures.

Test results for NELAP or ISO 17025 accredited tests are verified to meet the requirements of those standards, with any exceptions noted. The results reported relate only to the items tested and to the sample as received by the laboratory. These results may not be reproduced except as full reports without approval by the laboratory.

Copies of GELs accreditations and certifications can be found on our website at

Our policy is to provide high quality, personalized analytical services to enable you to meet your analytical needs on time every time. We trust that you will find everything in order and to your satisfaction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (843) 556-8171, ext. 1605.

Sincerely, Grace PM_SIGN_HERE Bodiford for Zachary Worsham Project Manager Purchase Order: 702793 Enclosures Page 1 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 (843) 5568171 Certificate of Analysis Report for ENRG080 Zion Solutions (702793)

Client SDG: 575820 GEL Work Order: 575820 The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

  • A quality control analyte recovery is outside of specified acceptance criteria
    • Analyte is a Tracer compound
    • Analyte is a surrogate compound U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma SpectroscopyUncertain identification Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the Certificate of Analysis.

The designation ND, if present, appears in the result column when the analyte concentration is not detected above the limit as defined in the U qualifier above.

This data report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with GEL Laboratories LLC standard operating procedures. Please direct any questions to your Project Manager, Zachary Worsham.

Reviewed by USER_SIGN_HERE Page 2 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820001 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.34%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U -0.0273 +/-0.235 0.545 +/-0.237 13.4 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 1958 2251963 1 Americium-243 U 0.501 +/-0.610 0.818 +/-0.620 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U -0.101 +/-0.304 0.853 +/-0.305 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.108 +/-0.250 0.740 +/-0.251 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U -0.0346 +/-0.298 0.691 +/-0.300 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0110 +/-0.0298 0.0795 +/-0.0299 0.0801 pCi/g BV1 04/16/22 1145 2251967 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.0216 +/-0.358 0.757 +/-0.360 16.2 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 0909 2251965 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0432 +/-0.360 0.847 +/-0.362 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 11.7 +/-63.6 112 +/-63.7 652 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1256 2251966 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -32.8 +/-30.2 49.7 +/-33.8 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 1159 2251372 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.301 +/-0.106 0.105 +/-0.110 pCi/g RXF2 04/13/22 1441 2251423 6 Antimony-125 U -0.0172 +/-0.0319 0.0616 +/-0.0329 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.367 0.120 +/-0.378 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.381 +/-0.363 0.389 +/-0.364 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.198 +/-0.0725 0.0574 +/-0.0747 pCi/g Cesium-134 UI 0.000 +/-0.0263 0.0309 +/-0.0312 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0501 +/-0.0306 0.0287 +/-0.0309 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00366 +/-0.0147 0.0314 +/-0.0147 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.00557 +/-0.0355 0.0674 +/-0.0356 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0350 +/-0.0601 0.0941 +/-0.0622 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.00551 +/-0.0365 0.0747 +/-0.0366 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.338 +/-0.0490 0.0351 +/-0.0560 pCi/g Lead-214 0.360 +/-0.0833 0.114 +/-0.0882 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00617 +/-0.0129 0.0267 +/-0.0132 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.2 +/-0.801 0.227 +/-1.21 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00153 +/-0.0106 0.0212 +/-0.0106 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.111 +/-0.0379 0.0240 +/-0.0392 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.00550 +/-0.0195 0.0354 +/-0.0195 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 04/15/22 1700 2251381 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Page 3 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820001 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U -0.244 +/-164 300 +/-164 458 pCi/g KXA1 04/15/22 2349 2251179 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -1.31 +/-2.83 5.11 +/-2.83 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 04/19/22 1532 2251197 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 22.0 +/-67.7 108 +/-67.8 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 2006 2251384 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 2.10 +/-4.22 7.23 +/-4.23 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 04/21/22 0038 2251385 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.438 +/-3.99 6.99 +/-3.99 12.8 pCi/g AG2 04/17/22 0340 2251703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0857 2251293 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 50.1 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 43.3 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251967 57.1 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251965 60.9 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251966 60.9 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251372 90.1 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251381 87.3 (25%-125%)

Page 4 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820001 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251384 95.2 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251385 98.3 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2251703 94.2 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 5 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820002 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 5.29%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.0491 +/-0.273 0.523 +/-0.274 13.4 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 1958 2251963 1 Americium-243 U 0.00301 +/-0.223 0.496 +/-0.224 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.000 +/-0.171 0.254 +/-0.172 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0224 +/-0.193 0.447 +/-0.194 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.000 +/-0.176 0.262 +/-0.177 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.00533 +/-0.0119 0.0293 +/-0.0119 0.0801 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1332 2251967 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U 0.175 +/-0.646 1.09 +/-0.649 16.2 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 0909 2251965 3 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.987 +/-1.12 1.37 +/-1.14 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 45.3 +/-80.4 138 +/-81.5 652 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1312 2251966 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 UI 0.000 +/-121 97.6 +/-125 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 1159 2251372 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.349 +/-0.114 0.0889 +/-0.119 pCi/g RXF2 04/13/22 1441 2251423 6 Antimony-125 U 0.0124 +/-0.0341 0.0697 +/-0.0346 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.194 0.242 +/-0.291 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.246 +/-0.199 0.445 +/-0.229 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.244 +/-0.0775 0.0479 +/-0.0804 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0175 +/-0.0151 0.0341 +/-0.0171 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0154 +/-0.0157 0.0328 +/-0.0172 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00147 +/-0.0151 0.0289 +/-0.0151 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.00598 +/-0.0392 0.0738 +/-0.0393 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0337 +/-0.0493 0.0836 +/-0.0517 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0187 +/-0.0333 0.0705 +/-0.0344 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.255 +/-0.0558 0.0423 +/-0.0597 pCi/g Lead-214 0.171 +/-0.0705 0.0604 +/-0.0719 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00672 +/-0.0142 0.0279 +/-0.0145 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 7.25 +/-0.684 0.296 +/-0.949 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.00516 +/-0.0113 0.0233 +/-0.0116 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.118 +/-0.0319 0.0222 +/-0.0335 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.0212 +/-0.0158 0.0345 +/-0.0158 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 04/15/22 1700 2251381 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 6 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820002 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 182 +/-157 256 +/-162 458 pCi/g KXA1 04/16/22 0005 2251179 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.285 +/-3.27 5.79 +/-3.27 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 04/19/22 1548 2251197 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 31.3 +/-73.4 116 +/-73.5 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 2023 2251384 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 0.706 +/-3.99 6.95 +/-3.99 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 04/21/22 0054 2251385 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.913 +/-3.74 6.46 +/-3.74 12.8 pCi/g AG2 04/17/22 0356 2251703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0857 2251293 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 59.3 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 70 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251967 53.7 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251965 47.9 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251966 47.9 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251372 89.2 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251381 104 (25%-125%)

Page 7 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820002 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251384 96.4 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251385 96.1 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2251703 98.4 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 8 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820003 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.22%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U -0.275 +/-0.430 1.16 +/-0.430 13.4 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 1958 2251963 1 Americium-243 U 0.261 +/-0.415 0.574 +/-0.419 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.000 +/-0.234 0.349 +/-0.236 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0510 +/-0.226 0.588 +/-0.227 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.241 +/-0.412 0.361 +/-0.416 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.00444 +/-0.0134 0.0310 +/-0.0134 0.0801 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1332 2251967 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.178 +/-0.725 1.80 +/-0.726 16.2 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 0909 2251965 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.266 +/-0.428 1.41 +/-0.430 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -33.3 +/-62.8 116 +/-62.8 652 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1328 2251966 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -15.2 +/-29.2 50.4 +/-30.0 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 1200 2251372 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.390 +/-0.225 0.169 +/-0.227 pCi/g RXF2 04/13/22 1441 2251423 6 Antimony-125 U 0.0273 +/-0.0561 0.113 +/-0.0575 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.718 0.201 +/-0.728 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.360 +/-0.396 0.798 +/-0.430 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.283 +/-0.101 0.159 +/-0.165 pCi/g Cesium-134 U -0.00203 +/-0.0250 0.0496 +/-0.0250 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.231 +/-0.0512 0.0456 +/-0.0559 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.0125 +/-0.0260 0.0470 +/-0.0266 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0190 +/-0.0542 0.109 +/-0.0549 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0527 +/-0.0785 0.168 +/-0.0822 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U -0.0104 +/-0.0452 0.0830 +/-0.0454 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.369 +/-0.0761 0.0558 +/-0.0830 pCi/g Lead-214 0.502 +/-0.111 0.162 +/-0.120 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0242 +/-0.0229 0.0478 +/-0.0255 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.87 +/-1.02 0.415 +/-1.32 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.0121 +/-0.0173 0.0356 +/-0.0181 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.119 +/-0.0564 0.0357 +/-0.0576 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0118 +/-0.0206 0.0359 +/-0.0207 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 04/15/22 1700 2251381 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 9 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820003 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 146 +/-169 285 +/-172 458 pCi/g KXA1 04/16/22 0022 2251179 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.273 +/-3.34 5.90 +/-3.34 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 04/19/22 1604 2251197 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -21.6 +/-69.6 114 +/-69.6 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 2039 2251384 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 2.82 +/-4.06 6.89 +/-4.09 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 04/21/22 0110 2251385 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.569 +/-3.75 6.50 +/-3.75 12.8 pCi/g AG2 04/17/22 0412 2251703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0857 2251293 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 51.2 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 47.3 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251967 56.3 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251965 53.1 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251966 53.1 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251372 87.5 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251381 97 (25%-125%)

Page 10 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820003 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251384 94.3 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251385 97.4 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2251703 99.7 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 11 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820004 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 5.67%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U -0.101 +/-0.234 0.695 +/-0.236 13.4 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 1958 2251963 1 Americium-243 U 0.0758 +/-0.340 0.664 +/-0.340 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.106 +/-0.299 0.319 +/-0.299 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0500 +/-0.221 0.577 +/-0.222 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.000 +/-0.222 0.330 +/-0.223 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0129 +/-0.0253 0.0705 +/-0.0254 0.0801 pCi/g BV1 04/16/22 1145 2251967 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.0762 +/-0.322 0.859 +/-0.324 16.2 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 0909 2251965 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.146 +/-0.466 1.24 +/-0.467 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -9.62 +/-48.1 86.6 +/-48.1 652 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1344 2251966 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -1.62 +/-14.9 30.8 +/-14.9 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 1200 2251372 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.359 +/-0.129 0.0869 +/-0.134 pCi/g RXF2 04/13/22 1442 2251423 6 Antimony-125 U -0.00322 +/-0.0368 0.0672 +/-0.0368 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 U 0.00916 +/-0.372 0.136 +/-0.387 pCi/g Bismuth-212 UI 0.000 +/-0.453 0.302 +/-0.457 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.215 +/-0.0662 0.0966 +/-0.119 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00523 +/-0.0151 0.0281 +/-0.0153 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.934 +/-0.0592 0.0258 +/-0.102 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00366 +/-0.0124 0.0247 +/-0.0125 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0270 +/-0.0408 0.0729 +/-0.0426 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0100 +/-0.0418 0.0762 +/-0.0421 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U -0.00169 +/-0.0417 0.0803 +/-0.0417 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.299 +/-0.0500 0.0400 +/-0.0555 pCi/g Lead-214 0.343 +/-0.0907 0.0997 +/-0.0948 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00278 +/-0.0111 0.0215 +/-0.0112 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.77 +/-0.722 0.247 +/-1.21 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.000930 +/-0.0115 0.0225 +/-0.0115 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0804 +/-0.0317 0.0246 +/-0.0325 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0294 +/-0.0238 0.0381 +/-0.0244 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 04/15/22 1700 2251381 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 12 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820004 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U -0.626 +/-128 236 +/-129 458 pCi/g KXA1 04/16/22 0038 2251179 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -1.38 +/-3.07 5.53 +/-3.07 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 04/19/22 1620 2251197 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 23.2 +/-68.1 108 +/-68.2 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 2055 2251384 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 4.62 +/-5.57 9.39 +/-5.63 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 04/21/22 0127 2251385 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.839 +/-4.87 8.56 +/-4.87 12.8 pCi/g AG2 04/17/22 0428 2251703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0857 2251293 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 56.2 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 50 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251967 61.2 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251965 73.4 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251966 73.4 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251372 90.5 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251381 80 (25%-125%)

Page 13 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820004 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251384 97.3 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251385 78.4 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2251703 97.8 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 14 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820005 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 5.11%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U -0.169 +/-0.509 1.43 +/-0.513 13.4 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 1958 2251963 1 Americium-243 U 0.219 +/-0.525 0.951 +/-0.528 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U -0.0277 +/-0.239 0.554 +/-0.241 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.333 +/-0.537 1.71 +/-0.541 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.240 +/-0.410 0.359 +/-0.415 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.00933 +/-0.0212 0.0578 +/-0.0212 0.0801 pCi/g BV1 04/16/22 1145 2251967 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.0521 +/-0.292 0.736 +/-0.293 16.2 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 0909 2251965 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0521 +/-0.292 0.736 +/-0.293 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 32.1 +/-53.7 91.9 +/-54.3 652 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1400 2251966 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -116 +/-51.1 80.8 +/-74.1 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 1200 2251372 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.271 +/-0.169 0.129 +/-0.171 pCi/g RXF2 04/13/22 1442 2251423 6 Antimony-125 U 0.0268 +/-0.0402 0.0821 +/-0.0420 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.406 0.154 +/-0.412 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.186 +/-0.226 0.481 +/-0.242 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.226 +/-0.0763 0.0536 +/-0.0786 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0133 +/-0.0185 0.0390 +/-0.0195 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0521 +/-0.0341 0.0352 +/-0.0344 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0.00777 +/-0.0173 0.0315 +/-0.0176 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0153 +/-0.0447 0.0815 +/-0.0453 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0324 +/-0.0648 0.108 +/-0.0665 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0219 +/-0.0375 0.0788 +/-0.0388 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.360 +/-0.0579 0.0414 +/-0.0656 pCi/g Lead-214 0.330 +/-0.0835 0.122 +/-0.0878 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00109 +/-0.0141 0.0274 +/-0.0141 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 8.25 +/-0.785 0.302 +/-1.15 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.0120 +/-0.0119 0.0254 +/-0.0131 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0885 +/-0.0372 0.0324 +/-0.0379 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.000940 +/-0.0186 0.0354 +/-0.0186 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 04/15/22 1700 2251381 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 15 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820005 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 8.71 +/-144 262 +/-144 458 pCi/g KXA1 04/16/22 0054 2251179 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -1.39 +/-2.53 4.58 +/-2.53 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 04/19/22 1636 2251197 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 3.82 +/-68.2 110 +/-68.2 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 2112 2251384 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 4.02 +/-4.11 6.87 +/-4.18 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 04/21/22 0143 2251385 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.708 +/-3.90 6.75 +/-3.90 12.8 pCi/g AG2 04/17/22 0444 2251703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0857 2251293 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 23.4 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 51.5 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251967 76.3 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251965 74 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251966 74 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251372 91 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251381 80 (25%-125%)

Page 16 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820005 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251384 97.7 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251385 103 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2251703 97.2 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 17 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820006 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 23-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 7.49%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.0767 +/-0.216 0.230 +/-0.216 13.4 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 1958 2251963 1 Americium-243 U 0.315 +/-0.598 1.03 +/-0.602 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.000 +/-0.246 0.366 +/-0.247 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0364 +/-0.161 0.420 +/-0.162 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.000 +/-0.256 0.381 +/-0.257 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0216 +/-0.0158 0.0401 +/-0.0158 0.0801 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1332 2251967 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U 0.114 +/-0.318 0.343 +/-0.319 16.2 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 0909 2251965 3 Plutonium-239/240 U 0.160 +/-0.394 0.652 +/-0.395 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 22.7 +/-41.5 71.2 +/-41.8 652 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1416 2251966 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -4.66 +/-27.6 56.7 +/-27.7 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 1319 2251372 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.321 +/-0.105 0.150 +/-0.108 pCi/g RXF2 04/13/22 1442 2251423 6 Antimony-125 U -0.0203 +/-0.0444 0.0835 +/-0.0454 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.220 0.330 +/-0.423 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.403 +/-0.287 0.640 +/-0.342 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.309 +/-0.0974 0.0633 +/-0.102 pCi/g Cesium-134 U -0.000521 +/-0.0196 0.0401 +/-0.0196 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 UI 0.000 +/-0.0371 0.0390 +/-0.0373 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 UI 0.000 +/-0.0554 0.0374 +/-0.0557 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0118 +/-0.0393 0.0772 +/-0.0397 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0117 +/-0.0724 0.138 +/-0.0726 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0128 +/-0.0312 0.0642 +/-0.0318 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.306 +/-0.0622 0.0410 +/-0.0670 pCi/g Lead-214 0.286 +/-0.0799 0.0573 +/-0.0835 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00573 +/-0.0176 0.0319 +/-0.0178 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.97 +/-0.990 0.326 +/-1.31 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.000597 +/-0.0126 0.0250 +/-0.0126 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.105 +/-0.0377 0.0315 +/-0.0391 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0152 +/-0.0189 0.0320 +/-0.0191 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 04/15/22 1700 2251381 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 18 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820006 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 79.8 +/-108 184 +/-109 458 pCi/g KXA1 04/16/22 0110 2251179 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.504 +/-2.40 4.27 +/-2.40 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 04/19/22 1653 2251197 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -12.8 +/-67.8 111 +/-67.8 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 2128 2251384 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 5.81 +/-4.63 7.65 +/-4.76 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 04/21/22 0159 2251385 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.782 +/-4.41 7.76 +/-4.41 12.8 pCi/g AG2 04/17/22 0500 2251703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0857 2251293 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 71.6 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 52.3 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251967 68.1 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251965 93.3 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251966 93.3 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251372 90.1 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251381 77.6 (25%-125%)

Page 19 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820006 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251384 96.2 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251385 93.4 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2251703 97.6 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 20 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820007 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 24-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 9.7%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U -0.0220 +/-0.190 0.439 +/-0.191 13.4 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 1958 2251963 1 Americium-243 U -0.168 +/-0.318 0.982 +/-0.320 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U -0.0373 +/-0.322 0.746 +/-0.324 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.116 +/-0.319 0.553 +/-0.320 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.163 +/-0.457 0.488 +/-0.459 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.0385 +/-0.0457 0.0668 +/-0.0459 0.0801 pCi/g BV1 04/16/22 1145 2251967 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.0196 +/-0.324 0.685 +/-0.326 16.2 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 0909 2251965 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0977 +/-0.333 0.928 +/-0.334 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 21.5 +/-56.2 97.5 +/-56.5 652 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1432 2251966 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -4.59 +/-31.0 51.6 +/-31.1 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 1319 2251372 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.255 +/-0.146 0.137 +/-0.148 pCi/g RXF2 04/13/22 1442 2251423 6 Antimony-125 U 0.0139 +/-0.0365 0.0760 +/-0.0371 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.235 0.300 +/-0.426 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.0680 +/-0.231 0.455 +/-0.234 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.216 +/-0.110 0.0559 +/-0.112 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.00181 +/-0.0184 0.0374 +/-0.0184 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.0164 +/-0.0184 0.0385 +/-0.0199 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00548 +/-0.0183 0.0378 +/-0.0185 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0376 +/-0.0941 0.0859 +/-0.0957 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.00602 +/-0.0588 0.111 +/-0.0589 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0162 +/-0.0353 0.0760 +/-0.0361 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.295 +/-0.0546 0.0382 +/-0.0603 pCi/g Lead-214 0.281 +/-0.0852 0.0564 +/-0.0885 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.000314 +/-0.0166 0.0312 +/-0.0166 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.79 +/-0.895 0.328 +/-1.30 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00555 +/-0.0113 0.0215 +/-0.0116 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0718 +/-0.0378 0.0292 +/-0.0383 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.00357 +/-0.0192 0.0372 +/-0.0192 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 04/15/22 1700 2251381 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 21 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820007 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 53.5 +/-119 209 +/-120 458 pCi/g KXA1 04/16/22 0127 2251179 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 0.447 +/-2.64 4.61 +/-2.64 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 04/19/22 1709 2251197 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 31.8 +/-64.5 102 +/-64.7 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 2145 2251384 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 5.19 +/-4.52 7.49 +/-4.62 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 04/21/22 0215 2251385 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 1.95 +/-4.56 7.82 +/-4.57 12.8 pCi/g AG2 04/17/22 0516 2251703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0857 2251293 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 59.1 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 38.5 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251967 74 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251965 65.6 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251966 65.6 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251372 91.4 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251381 82.4 (25%-125%)

Page 22 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820007 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251384 101 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251385 98.8 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2251703 94.9 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 23 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820008 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 24-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 9.53%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.0256 +/-0.268 0.559 +/-0.269 13.4 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 1958 2251963 1 Americium-243 U 0.0927 +/-0.598 1.22 +/-0.600 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.000 +/-0.371 0.552 +/-0.373 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.152 +/-0.214 0.700 +/-0.215 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.000 +/-0.387 0.576 +/-0.390 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0147 +/-0.0119 0.0322 +/-0.0120 0.0801 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1332 2251967 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U 0.130 +/-0.480 0.806 +/-0.481 16.2 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 0909 2251965 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0616 +/-0.345 0.871 +/-0.347 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 36.7 +/-60.7 104 +/-61.4 652 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1448 2251966 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 UI 0.000 +/-124 98.3 +/-125 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 1319 2251372 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.373 +/-0.143 0.103 +/-0.148 pCi/g RXF2 04/13/22 1443 2251423 6 Antimony-125 U -0.00217 +/-0.0348 0.0636 +/-0.0348 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.371 0.126 +/-0.392 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.408 +/-0.373 0.389 +/-0.376 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.320 +/-0.0771 0.0516 +/-0.0842 pCi/g Cesium-134 U -0.00587 +/-0.0150 0.0280 +/-0.0153 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 0.0586 +/-0.0274 0.0254 +/-0.0282 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0109 +/-0.0166 0.0349 +/-0.0174 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0114 +/-0.0361 0.0695 +/-0.0365 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0120 +/-0.0472 0.0933 +/-0.0475 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U -0.0312 +/-0.0288 0.0544 +/-0.0322 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.293 +/-0.0587 0.0440 +/-0.0685 pCi/g Lead-214 0.443 +/-0.0838 0.123 +/-0.0926 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00944 +/-0.0107 0.0237 +/-0.0116 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 11.3 +/-0.824 0.192 +/-1.28 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.0114 +/-0.0114 0.0184 +/-0.0126 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.102 +/-0.0343 0.0228 +/-0.0358 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0241 +/-0.0215 0.0345 +/-0.0219 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 04/15/22 1700 2251381 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 24 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820008 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U -5.55 +/-110 203 +/-110 458 pCi/g KXA1 04/16/22 0253 2251179 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -1.62 +/-3.16 5.72 +/-3.16 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 04/19/22 1725 2251197 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -15.0 +/-63.7 104 +/-63.7 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 2201 2251384 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 6.10 +/-4.23 6.91 +/-4.37 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 04/21/22 0232 2251385 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.00742 +/-3.88 6.78 +/-3.88 12.8 pCi/g AG2 04/17/22 0532 2251703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0857 2251293 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 63.4 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 35.9 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251967 72.8 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251965 66.5 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251966 66.5 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251372 90.5 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251381 77.6 (25%-125%)

Page 25 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820008 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251384 102 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251385 101 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2251703 96.6 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 26 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820009 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 10-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 6.68%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.0747 +/-0.280 0.471 +/-0.281 13.4 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 1958 2251963 1 Americium-243 U -0.137 +/-0.412 1.16 +/-0.415 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.170 +/-0.638 1.07 +/-0.640 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.0272 +/-0.285 0.594 +/-0.286 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.000 +/-0.444 0.661 +/-0.447 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.00392 +/-0.0284 0.0651 +/-0.0284 0.0801 pCi/g BV1 04/16/22 1145 2251967 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U 0.249 +/-0.452 0.557 +/-0.454 16.2 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 0909 2251965 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0476 +/-0.267 0.673 +/-0.268 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 41.3 +/-47.1 79.2 +/-48.2 652 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1504 2251966 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 28.3 +/-29.5 64.8 +/-32.3 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 1320 2251372 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.360 +/-0.0990 0.0736 +/-0.105 pCi/g RXF2 04/13/22 1443 2251423 6 Antimony-125 U -0.00578 +/-0.0282 0.0566 +/-0.0284 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.184 0.256 +/-0.383 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.644 +/-0.350 0.308 +/-0.357 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.173 +/-0.0901 0.0538 +/-0.0918 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0273 +/-0.0400 0.0329 +/-0.0420 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 U -0.00297 +/-0.0129 0.0249 +/-0.0130 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.00513 +/-0.0145 0.0313 +/-0.0146 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U 0.0275 +/-0.0334 0.0677 +/-0.0357 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.00550 +/-0.0421 0.0831 +/-0.0421 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.0272 +/-0.0283 0.0600 +/-0.0310 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.263 +/-0.0474 0.0356 +/-0.0557 pCi/g Lead-214 0.266 +/-0.0667 0.0479 +/-0.0705 pCi/g Niobium-94 U -0.00497 +/-0.0130 0.0242 +/-0.0132 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.3 +/-0.801 0.249 +/-1.23 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.00859 +/-0.00938 0.0173 +/-0.0102 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0887 +/-0.0352 0.0230 +/-0.0363 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.00692 +/-0.0198 0.0353 +/-0.0199 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 04/15/22 1700 2251381 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 27 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820009 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U -24.8 +/-89.6 169 +/-89.6 458 pCi/g KXA1 04/16/22 0309 2251179 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U 1.85 +/-2.94 5.00 +/-2.94 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 04/19/22 1741 2251197 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -7.54 +/-68.2 111 +/-68.2 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 2218 2251384 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 0.292 +/-4.44 7.77 +/-4.44 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 04/21/22 0248 2251385 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 0.287 +/-3.65 6.36 +/-3.65 12.8 pCi/g AG2 04/17/22 0549 2251703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0857 2251293 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 57.6 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 24.6 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251967 80.2 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251965 84.5 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251966 84.5 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251372 91 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251381 114 (25%-125%)

Page 28 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820009 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251384 96.4 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251385 94.3 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2251703 98.3 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 29 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820010 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 10-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 4.73%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U -0.0468 +/-0.323 0.787 +/-0.324 13.4 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 1958 2251963 1 Americium-243 U 0.583 +/-0.687 0.744 +/-0.701 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.000 +/-0.369 0.549 +/-0.371 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.126 +/-0.239 0.739 +/-0.241 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.000 +/-0.363 0.540 +/-0.365 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U 0.0161 +/-0.0345 0.0609 +/-0.0346 0.0801 pCi/g BV1 04/16/22 1145 2251967 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.0843 +/-0.287 0.800 +/-0.288 16.2 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 0909 2251965 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0337 +/-0.281 0.661 +/-0.282 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 26.1 +/-48.9 84.1 +/-49.3 652 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1520 2251966 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U 16.9 +/-28.5 28.5 +/-28.5 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 1320 2251372 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.217 +/-0.139 0.119 +/-0.141 pCi/g RXF2 04/13/22 1444 2251423 6 Antimony-125 U -0.0135 +/-0.0364 0.0692 +/-0.0369 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.220 0.265 +/-0.379 pCi/g Bismuth-212 U 0.0638 +/-0.229 0.445 +/-0.231 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.266 +/-0.0669 0.0563 +/-0.0705 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0141 +/-0.0174 0.0380 +/-0.0186 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 U 0.000225 +/-0.0139 0.0269 +/-0.0139 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0130 +/-0.0181 0.0394 +/-0.0190 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0123 +/-0.0368 0.0718 +/-0.0372 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U -0.0213 +/-0.0605 0.110 +/-0.0613 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.00231 +/-0.0411 0.0826 +/-0.0411 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.269 +/-0.0521 0.0399 +/-0.0569 pCi/g Lead-214 0.244 +/-0.0797 0.0516 +/-0.0822 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.00970 +/-0.0152 0.0307 +/-0.0158 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 9.70 +/-0.860 0.244 +/-1.32 pCi/g Silver-108m U -0.0110 +/-0.0129 0.0231 +/-0.0138 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.0858 +/-0.0307 0.0237 +/-0.0316 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.00918 +/-0.0182 0.0371 +/-0.0182 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 04/15/22 1700 2251381 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Page 30 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820010 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 78.1 +/-161 281 +/-162 458 pCi/g KXA1 04/16/22 0326 2251179 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.545 +/-2.77 4.93 +/-2.77 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 04/19/22 1758 2251197 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U 0.496 +/-66.6 107 +/-66.6 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 2234 2251384 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 U 4.79 +/-4.74 7.92 +/-4.82 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 04/21/22 0304 2251385 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U -0.133 +/-4.62 8.07 +/-4.62 12.8 pCi/g AG2 04/17/22 0605 2251703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0857 2251293 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 55.1 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 36.6 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251967 74 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251965 80.1 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251966 80.1 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251372 91.8 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251381 80 (25%-125%)

Page 31 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820010 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251384 102 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251385 91.7 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2251703 101 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 32 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820011 Client ID: ENRG080 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 14-MAR-22 Receive Date: 07-APR-22 Collector: Client Moisture: 8.63%

Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Alpha Spec Analysis Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U -0.0460 +/-0.204 0.531 +/-0.205 13.4 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 1958 2251963 1 Americium-243 U -0.0281 +/-0.422 0.986 +/-0.423 4.98 pCi/g Curium-242 U 0.000 +/-0.329 0.489 +/-0.331 1.00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0.0228 +/-0.196 0.455 +/-0.197 7.61 pCi/g Curium-245/246 U 0.000 +/-0.329 0.490 +/-0.331 1.00 pCi/g Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neptunium-237 U -0.0124 +/-0.0311 0.0745 +/-0.0311 0.0801 pCi/g BV1 04/16/22 1145 2251967 2 Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 U -0.0417 +/-0.691 1.46 +/-0.698 16.2 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 0909 2251965 3 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.208 +/-0.710 1.98 +/-0.716 14.6 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U 47.5 +/-132 230 +/-133 652 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 1536 2251966 4 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-59 U -48.8 +/-49.3 83.6 +/-54.2 1090 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 1321 2251372 5 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List) "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-228 0.332 +/-0.164 0.102 +/-0.167 pCi/g RXF2 04/13/22 1444 2251423 6 Antimony-125 U -0.00668 +/-0.0361 0.0699 +/-0.0362 3.36 pCi/g Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 +/-0.478 0.170 +/-0.484 pCi/g Bismuth-212 0.455 +/-0.317 0.404 +/-0.319 pCi/g Bismuth-214 0.283 +/-0.0881 0.0554 +/-0.0913 pCi/g Cesium-134 U 0.0118 +/-0.0186 0.0380 +/-0.0193 0.114 pCi/g Cesium-137 UI 0.000 +/-0.0327 0.0299 +/-0.0328 0.198 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U 0.0241 +/-0.0265 0.0426 +/-0.0287 0.0881 pCi/g Europium-152 U -0.0325 +/-0.0436 0.0805 +/-0.0461 1.07 pCi/g Europium-154 U 0.0235 +/-0.0526 0.111 +/-0.0537 0.997 pCi/g Europium-155 U 0.00599 +/-0.0459 0.0893 +/-0.0460 39.1 pCi/g Lead-212 0.288 +/-0.0758 0.0510 +/-0.0796 pCi/g Lead-214 0.376 +/-0.0890 0.128 +/-0.0939 pCi/g Niobium-94 U 0.0134 +/-0.0142 0.0303 +/-0.0155 0.751 pCi/g Potassium-40 10.9 +/-0.900 0.305 +/-1.39 pCi/g Silver-108m U 0.000423 +/-0.0141 0.0274 +/-0.0141 0.740 pCi/g Thallium-208 0.103 +/-0.0332 0.0270 +/-0.0343 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U 0.0158 +/-0.0221 0.0379 +/-0.0223 0.0425 pCi/g KP1 04/15/22 1700 2251381 7 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis Page 33 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820011 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid "As Received" Tritium U 6.68 +/-152 277 +/-152 458 pCi/g KXA1 04/16/22 0342 2251179 8 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "As Received" Carbon-14 U -0.441 +/-2.77 4.93 +/-2.77 8.96 pCi/g KXA1 04/19/22 1814 2251197 9 Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Iron-55 U -13.4 +/-71.8 118 +/-71.8 3370 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 2250 2251384 10 Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Nickel-63 8.19 +/-4.70 7.56 +/-4.94 19.5 pCi/g TXJ1 04/21/22 0321 2251385 11 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" Technetium-99 U 1.50 +/-3.98 6.84 +/-3.99 12.8 pCi/g AG2 04/17/22 0621 2251703 12 The following Prep Methods were performed Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXB7 04/08/22 0857 2251293 The following Analytical Methods were performed Method Description 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 2 ASTM C 1475-00 Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 4 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 5 DOE RESL Ni-1 6 DOE HASL 300, 7 EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified 8 EPA 906.0 Modified 9 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 10 DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified 11 DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified 12 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 54.2 (15%-125%)

Curium-243/244 Tracer Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251963 39.3 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251967 84.1 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Alphaspec Pu, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251965 29.5 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251966 29.5 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Gamma Ni59, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251372 94 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251381 84.8 (25%-125%)

Page 34 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company : Zion Solutions Address : 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois 60099 Report Date: April 21, 2022


Mr. Gerry Wood Project: Zion Soils for SS/SB Suite Analysis Client Sample ID: L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB Project: ENRG08002 Sample ID: 575820011 Client ID: ENRG080 Parameter Qualifier Result Uncertainty MDC TPU RL Units PF DF Analyst Date Time Batch Mtd.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Iron-59 Tracer Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251384 92.6 (15%-125%)

Nickel Carrier Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 2251385 94.8 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "As Received" 2251703 96.1 (15%-125%)


The MDC is a sample specific MDC.

TPU is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

Column headers are defined as follows:

DF: Dilution Factor Mtd.: Method DL: Detection Limit PF: Prep Factor Lc/LC: Critical Level RL: Reporting Limit MDA: Minimum Detectable Activity TPU: Total Propagated Uncertainty MDC: Minimum Detectable Concentration Page 35 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Report Date: April 21, 2022 Client : Zion Solutions Page 1 of 9 100 Shiloh Blvd.

Zion, Illinois


Mr. Gerry Wood Workorder: 575820 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 2251963 QC1205062720 575820001 DUP Americium-241 U -0.0273 U -0.0347 pCi/g 0 N/A BV1 04/17/22 19:58 Uncert: +/-0.235 +/-0.153 TPU: +/-0.237 +/-0.154 Americium-243 U 0.501 U -0.207 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.610 +/-0.358 TPU: +/-0.620 +/-0.358 Curium-242 U -0.101 U 0.000 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.304 +/-0.250 TPU: +/-0.305 +/-0.251 Curium-243/244 U -0.108 U -0.0514 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.250 +/-0.155 TPU: +/-0.251 +/-0.156 Curium-245/246 U -0.0346 U 0.000 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.298 +/-0.258 TPU: +/-0.300 +/-0.259 QC1205062721 LCS Americium-241 18.1 14.7 pCi/g 81.1 (75%-125%) BV1 04/17/22 19:58 Uncert: +/-1.75 TPU: +/-3.24 Americium-243 U 0.0527 pCi/g (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-0.600 TPU: +/-0.601 Curium-242 U 0.000 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.339 TPU: +/-0.340 Curium-243/244 19.3 16.9 pCi/g 87.6 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-1.87 TPU: +/-3.67 Curium-245/246 U 0.000 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.385 TPU: +/-0.387 QC1205062719 MB Americium-241 U 0.0705 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 19:58 Uncert: +/-0.241 TPU: +/-0.241 Americium-243 U 0.314 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.382 TPU: +/-0.387 Curium-242 U -0.0953 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.181 TPU: +/-0.181 Page 36 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575820 Page 2 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 2251963 Curium-243/244 U -0.0481 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.145 TPU: +/-0.146 Curium-245/246 U 0.000 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.182 TPU: +/-0.183 Batch 2251965 QC1205062723 575820001 DUP Plutonium-238 U -0.0216 U -0.0549 pCi/g 0 N/A BV1 04/17/22 09:09 Uncert: +/-0.358 +/-0.458 TPU: +/-0.360 +/-0.461 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0432 U 0.722 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.360 +/-1.01 TPU: +/-0.362 +/-1.03 QC1205062724 LCS Plutonium-238 U 0.0620 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 09:09 Uncert: +/-0.439 TPU: +/-0.440 Plutonium-239/240 18.9 19.6 pCi/g 104 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-3.44 TPU: +/-5.17 QC1205062722 MB Plutonium-238 U -0.0510 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 09:09 Uncert: +/-0.285 TPU: +/-0.287 Plutonium-239/240 U -0.0849 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.289 TPU: +/-0.290 Batch 2251966 QC1205062726 575820001 DUP Plutonium-241 U 11.7 U -8.90 pCi/g 0 N/A BV1 04/18/22 16:09 Uncert: +/-63.6 +/-77.2 TPU: +/-63.7 +/-77.2 QC1205062727 LCS Plutonium-241 1350 1060 pCi/g 78.9 (75%-125%) BV1 04/18/22 16:25 Uncert: +/-89.7 TPU: +/-279 QC1205062725 MB Plutonium-241 U 12.4 pCi/g BV1 04/18/22 15:53 Uncert: +/-55.9 TPU: +/-56.0 Batch 2251967 QC1205062729 575820001 DUP Neptunium-237 U -0.0110 U -0.0243 pCi/g 0 N/A BV1 04/17/22 08:32 Uncert: +/-0.0298 +/-0.0219 Page 37 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575820 Page 3 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Alpha Spec Batch 2251967 TPU: +/-0.0299 +/-0.0219 QC1205062730 LCS Neptunium-237 3.55 4.38 pCi/g 124 (75%-125%) BV1 04/17/22 09:10 Uncert: +/-0.479 TPU: +/-0.696 QC1205062728 MB Neptunium-237 U -0.00578 pCi/g BV1 04/17/22 08:32 Uncert: +/-0.0256 TPU: +/-0.0256 Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2251372 QC1205061325 575820001 DUP Nickel-59 U -32.8 U -0.178 pCi/g 0 N/A TXJ1 04/20/22 16:10 Uncert: +/-30.2 +/-33.0 TPU: +/-33.8 +/-33.0 QC1205061326 LCS Nickel-59 2010 1580 pCi/g 78.3 (75%-125%) TXJ1 04/20/22 16:11 Uncert: +/-249 TPU: +/-295 QC1205061324 MB Nickel-59 U -19.6 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 16:09 Uncert: +/-29.5 TPU: +/-30.8 Batch 2251423 QC1205061448 575820001 DUP Actinium-228 0.301 0.434 pCi/g 36.4 (0% - 100%) RXF2 04/13/22 17:49 Uncert: +/-0.106 +/-0.247 TPU: +/-0.110 +/-0.250 Antimony-125 U -0.0172 U 0.00946 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0319 +/-0.0580 TPU: +/-0.0329 +/-0.0581 Bismuth-211 UI 0.000 U 0.00300 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.367 +/-0.618 TPU: +/-0.378 +/-0.631 Bismuth-212 U 0.381 U 0.307 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.363 +/-0.379 TPU: +/-0.364 +/-0.404 Bismuth-214 0.198 0.324 pCi/g 48.4 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0725 +/-0.101 TPU: +/-0.0747 +/-0.105 Cesium-134 UI 0.000 U 0.0161 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0263 +/-0.0295 TPU: +/-0.0312 +/-0.0304 Cesium-137 0.0501 0.0639 pCi/g 24.2 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0306 +/-0.0351 Page 38 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575820 Page 4 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2251423 TPU: +/-0.0309 +/-0.0355 Cobalt-60 U 0.00366 U -0.00895 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0147 +/-0.0265 TPU: +/-0.0147 +/-0.0269 Europium-152 U 0.00557 U -0.0173 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0355 +/-0.0526 TPU: +/-0.0356 +/-0.0532 Europium-154 U -0.0350 U 0.0616 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0601 +/-0.0874 TPU: +/-0.0622 +/-0.0919 Europium-155 U 0.00551 U -0.00408 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0365 +/-0.0486 TPU: +/-0.0366 +/-0.0487 Lead-212 0.338 0.327 pCi/g 3.19 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.0490 +/-0.0780 TPU: +/-0.0560 +/-0.0832 Lead-214 0.360 0.404 pCi/g 11.3 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0833 +/-0.122 TPU: +/-0.0882 +/-0.127 Niobium-94 U 0.00617 U -0.00922 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0129 +/-0.0220 TPU: +/-0.0132 +/-0.0224 Potassium-40 10.2 9.95 pCi/g 2.74 (0%-20%)

Uncert: +/-0.801 +/-1.02 TPU: +/-1.21 +/-1.40 Silver-108m U -0.00153 U 0.0103 pCi/g 0 N/A Uncert: +/-0.0106 +/-0.0179 TPU: +/-0.0106 +/-0.0185 Thallium-208 0.111 0.0963 pCi/g 14.5 (0% - 100%)

Uncert: +/-0.0379 +/-0.0493 TPU: +/-0.0392 +/-0.0500 QC1205061449 LCS Americium-241 485 546 pCi/g 113 (75%-125%) RXF2 04/13/2217:50 Uncert: +/-13.0 TPU: +/-61.8 Actinium-228 U -1.53 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.08 TPU: +/-2.20 Antimony-125 U 0.554 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.32 TPU: +/-1.34 Bismuth-211 U -1.28 pCi/g Uncert: +/-2.49 TPU: +/-2.56 Bismuth-212 U -0.723 pCi/g Uncert: +/-5.90 Page 39 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575820 Page 5 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2251423 TPU: +/-5.91 Bismuth-214 U 0.642 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.832 TPU: +/-0.882 Cesium-134 U 0.0301 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.433 TPU: +/-0.433 Cesium-137 158 154 pCi/g 97.4 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-2.84 TPU: +/-12.9 Cobalt-60 77.6 77.4 pCi/g 99.7 (75%-125%)

Uncert: +/-2.55 TPU: +/-8.19 Europium-152 U 0.0176 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.20 TPU: +/-1.20 Europium-154 U 0.374 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.734 TPU: +/-0.754 Europium-155 U -0.669 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.02 TPU: +/-1.07 Lead-212 U 0.163 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.649 TPU: +/-0.653 Lead-214 U -0.269 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.909 TPU: +/-0.917 Niobium-94 U 0.258 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.341 TPU: +/-0.361 Potassium-40 U 0.651 pCi/g Uncert: +/-1.96 TPU: +/-1.98 Silver-108m U 0.285 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.462 TPU: +/-0.480 Thallium-208 U 0.0424 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.409 TPU: +/-0.409 QC1205061447 MB Actinium-228 U 0.0461 pCi/g RXF2 04/13/2214:44 Uncert: +/-0.0460 TPU: +/-0.0506 Antimony-125 U 0.0172 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0270 Page 40 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575820 Page 6 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gamma Spec Batch 2251423 TPU: +/-0.0281 Bismuth-211 U -0.0584 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0798 TPU: +/-0.0842 Bismuth-212 U 0.130 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.188 TPU: +/-0.198 Bismuth-214 U -0.0357 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0338 TPU: +/-0.0376 Cesium-134 U 0.00132 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0122 TPU: +/-0.0123 Cesium-137 U 0.00250 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0108 TPU: +/-0.0109 Cobalt-60 U -0.00342 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.00872 TPU: +/-0.00886 Europium-152 U 0.00543 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0323 TPU: +/-0.0324 Europium-154 U -0.0155 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0315 TPU: +/-0.0323 Europium-155 U 0.00909 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0291 TPU: +/-0.0294 Lead-212 UI 0.000 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0431 TPU: +/-0.0432 Lead-214 U 0.0116 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0284 TPU: +/-0.0289 Niobium-94 U -0.00660 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0107 TPU: +/-0.0111 Potassium-40 U -0.0939 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.204 TPU: +/-0.208 Silver-108m U -0.00397 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0100 TPU: +/-0.0102 Thallium-208 U 0.0112 pCi/g Uncert: +/-0.0275 TPU: +/-0.0275 Page 41 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575820 Page 7 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Gas Flow Batch 2251381 QC1205061348 575820001 DUP Strontium-90 U 0.00550 U -0.00591 pCi/g 0 N/A KP1 04/15/22 17:00 Uncert: +/-0.0195 +/-0.0210 TPU: +/-0.0195 +/-0.0210 QC1205061349 LCS Strontium-90 1.70 1.85 pCi/g 108 (75%-125%) KP1 04/15/22 17:00 Uncert: +/-0.0906 TPU: +/-0.341 QC1205061347 MB Strontium-90 U -0.0151 pCi/g KP1 04/15/22 17:00 Uncert: +/-0.0188 TPU: +/-0.0188 Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 2251179 QC1205060881 574972001 DUP Tritium U 42.1 U -36.5 pCi/g 0 N/A KXA1 04/16/22 04:14 Uncert: +/-120 +/-158 TPU: +/-120 +/-158 QC1205060883 LCS Tritium 1430 1420 pCi/g 99.6 (75%-125%) KXA1 04/16/22 04:47 Uncert: +/-183 TPU: +/-374 QC1205060880 MB Tritium U 75.1 pCi/g KXA1 04/16/22 03:58 Uncert: +/-98.4 TPU: +/-99.9 QC1205060882 574972001 MS Tritium 2650 U 42.1 2470 pCi/g 93.2 (75%-125%) KXA1 04/16/22 04:31 Uncert: +/-120 +/-337 TPU: +/-120 +/-671 Batch 2251197 QC1205060928 574972001 DUP Carbon-14 U 2.90 U 3.10 pCi/g 0 N/A KXA1 04/19/22 18:46 Uncert: +/-16.0 +/-15.5 TPU: +/-16.0 +/-15.5 QC1205060930 LCS Carbon-14 107 98.9 pCi/g 92.4 (75%-125%) KXA1 04/19/22 19:19 Uncert: +/-5.52 TPU: +/-9.12 QC1205060927 MB Carbon-14 U -1.27 pCi/g KXA1 04/19/22 18:30 Uncert: +/-2.32 TPU: +/-2.32 QC1205060929 574972001 MS Carbon-14 522 U 2.90 480 pCi/g 91.8 (75%-125%) KXA1 04/19/22 19:02 Uncert: +/-16.0 +/-26.8 Page 42 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575820 Page 8 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time Rad Liquid Scintillation Batch 2251197 TPU: +/-16.0 +/-49.0 Batch 2251384 QC1205061351 575820001 DUP Iron-55 U 22.0 U 17.3 pCi/g 0 N/A TXJ1 04/20/22 23:23 Uncert: +/-67.7 +/-67.3 TPU: +/-67.8 +/-67.4 QC1205061352 LCS Iron-55 1240 1210 pCi/g 97.3 (75%-125%) TXJ1 04/20/22 23:40 Uncert: +/-105 TPU: +/-230 QC1205061350 MB Iron-55 U 10.2 pCi/g TXJ1 04/20/22 23:07 Uncert: +/-65.8 TPU: +/-65.8 Batch 2251385 QC1205061354 575820001 DUP Nickel-63 U 2.10 U 1.92 pCi/g 0 N/A TXJ1 04/21/22 03:53 Uncert: +/-4.22 +/-4.23 TPU: +/-4.23 +/-4.25 QC1205061355 LCS Nickel-63 262 262 pCi/g 99.8 (75%-125%) TXJ1 04/21/22 04:09 Uncert: +/-10.9 TPU: +/-49.6 QC1205061353 MB Nickel-63 U 2.55 pCi/g TXJ1 04/21/22 03:37 Uncert: +/-4.04 TPU: +/-4.07 Batch 2251703 QC1205062015 575820001 DUP Technetium-99 U -0.438 U -1.83 pCi/g 0 N/A AG2 04/17/22 06:53 Uncert: +/-3.99 +/-2.95 TPU: +/-3.99 +/-2.95 QC1205062016 LCS Technetium-99 104 93.5 pCi/g 89.8 (75%-125%) AG2 04/17/22 07:09 Uncert: +/-5.81 TPU: +/-12.2 QC1205062014 MB Technetium-99 U -1.20 pCi/g AG2 04/17/22 06:37 Uncert: +/-2.88 TPU: +/-2.88 Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

The Qualifiers in this report are defined as follows:

Page 43 of 70 SDG: 575820

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - QC Summary Workorder: 575820 Page 9 of 9 Parmname NOM Sample Qual QC Units RPD% REC% Range Anlst Date Time

    • Analyte is a Tracer compound

< Result is less than value reported

> Result is greater than value reported BD Results are either below the MDC or tracer recovery is low FA Failed analysis.

H Analytical holding time was exceeded J See case narrative for an explanation J Value is estimated K Analyte present. Reported value may be biased high. Actual value is expected to be lower.

L Analyte present. Reported value may be biased low. Actual value is expected to be higher.

M M if above MDC and less than LLD M REMP Result > MDC/CL and < RDL N/A RPD or %Recovery limits do not apply.

N1 See case narrative ND Analyte concentration is not detected above the detection limit NJ Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Q One or more quality control criteria have not been met. Refer to the applicable narrative or DER.

R Sample results are rejected U Analyte was analyzed for, but not detected above the MDL, MDA, MDC or LOD.

UI Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UJ Gamma Spectroscopy--Uncertain identification UL Not considered detected. The associated number is the reported concentration, which may be inaccurate due to a low bias.

X Consult Case Narrative, Data Summary package, or Project Manager concerning this qualifier Y Other specific qualifiers were required to properly define the results. Consult case narrative.

^ RPD of sample and duplicate evaluated using +/-RL. Concentrations are <5X the RL. Qualifier Not Applicable for Radiochemistry.

h Preparation or preservation holding time was exceeded N/A indicates that spike recovery limits do not apply when sample concentration exceeds spike conc. by a factor of 4 or more or %RPD not applicable.

    • Indicates analyte is a surrogate/tracer compound.

^ The Relative Percent Difference (RPD) obtained from the sample duplicate (DUP) is evaluated against the acceptence criteria when the sample is greater than five times (5X) the contract required detection limit (RL). In cases where either the sample or duplicate value is less than 5X the RL, a control limit of +/- the RL is used to evaluate the DUP result.

For PS, PSD, and SDILT results, the values listed are the measured amounts, not final concentrations.

Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless qualified on the QC Summary.

Page 44 of 70 SDG: 575820

Radiochemistry Technical Case Narrative Zion Solutions SDG #: 575820 Product: Alphaspec Isotopic Am241 Am243, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 28 Analytical Batch: 2251963 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251293 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB 1205062719 Method Blank (MB) 1205062720 575820001(L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205062721 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Alphaspec Pu, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-011 REV# 28 Analytical Batch: 2251965 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Page 45 of 70 SDG: 575820

Preparation Batch: 2251293 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB 1205062722 Method Blank (MB) 1205062723 575820001(L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205062724 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments Sample 575820009 (L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS) did not meet the resolution requirement of having a full width half maximum of 100 keV or less for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peak is within the tracer region of interest. The tracer peak centroid for samples 575820001 (L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB) and 575820005 (L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB) are greater than 50 keV from the expected library energy value for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peaks are within the tracer region of interest.

Product: Alphaspec Np, Solid Analytical Method: ASTM C 1475-00 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-069 REV# 0 Analytical Batch: 2251967 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251293 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB Page 46 of 70 SDG: 575820

575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB 1205062728 Method Blank (MB) 1205062729 575820001(L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205062730 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Technical Information Recounts Samples 575820002 (L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB), 575820003 (L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB), 575820006 (L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB) and 575820008 (L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB) were recounted due to high MDCs.

The recounts are reported.

Product: Dry Weight Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251293 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Page 47 of 70 SDG: 575820

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Gamma Ni59, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1 Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 2251372 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251293 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB 1205061324 Method Blank (MB) 1205061325 575820001(L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205061326 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Qualifier Information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample Client Sample Results are considered a false UI Nickel-59 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB positive due to no valid peak.

Page 48 of 70 SDG: 575820

Nickel-59 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB Product: Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid (Requested List)

Analytical Method: DOE HASL 300, Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-013 REV# 27 Analytical Batch: 2251423 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251293 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB 1205061447 Method Blank (MB) 1205061448 575820001(L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205061449 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Qualifier Information Qualifier Reason Analyte Sample Client Sample Results are considered a false UI positive due to high counting Bismuth-211 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB uncertainty.

Bismuth-211 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB Bismuth-211 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB Bismuth-211 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB Page 49 of 70 SDG: 575820

Bismuth-211 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB Bismuth-212 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB Cesium-137 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB Cesium-137 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB Cobalt-60 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB Lead-212 1205061447 MB for batch 2251423 Results are considered a false UI Bismuth-211 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB positive due to low abundance.

Bismuth-211 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB Bismuth-211 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB Bismuth-211 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS Bismuth-211 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS Cesium-134 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB Product: GFPC, Sr90, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev. 1 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-004 REV# 22 Analytical Batch: 2251381 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251293 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB 1205061347 Method Blank (MB) 1205061348 575820001(L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205061349 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Page 50 of 70 SDG: 575820

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-035 REV# 23 Analytical Batch: 2251966 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251293 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB 1205062725 Method Blank (MB) 1205062726 575820001(L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205062727 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable, with the following exceptions.

Miscellaneous Information Additional Comments Sample 575820009 (L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS) did not meet the resolution requirement of having a full width half maximum of 100 keV or less for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peak is within the tracer region of interest. The tracer peak centroid for samples 575820001 (L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB) and 575820005 (L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB) are greater than 50 keV from the expected library energy value for the tracer; however, the tracer yield requirement was met and the tracer peaks are within the tracer region of interest.

Page 51 of 70 SDG: 575820

Product: LSC, Tritium Distillation, Solid Analytical Method: EPA 906.0 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-002 REV# 24 Analytical Batch: 2251179 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB 1205060880 Method Blank (MB) 1205060881 574972001(NonSDG) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205060882 574972001(NonSDG) Matrix Spike (MS) 1205060883 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint C14, Solid Analytical Method: EPA EERF C-01 Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-003 REV# 16 Analytical Batch: 2251197 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB Page 52 of 70 SDG: 575820

575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB 1205060927 Method Blank (MB) 1205060928 574972001(NonSDG) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205060929 574972001(NonSDG) Matrix Spike (MS) 1205060930 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Fe55, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Fe-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-040 REV# 13 Analytical Batch: 2251384 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251293 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB 1205061350 Method Blank (MB) 1205061351 575820001(L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205061352 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Page 53 of 70 SDG: 575820

Product: Liquid Scint Ni63, Solid Analytical Method: DOE RESL Ni-1, Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-022 REV# 19 Analytical Batch: 2251385 Preparation Method: Dry Soil Prep Preparation Procedure: GL-RAD-A-021 REV# 24 Preparation Batch: 2251293 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB 575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB 1205061353 Method Blank (MB) 1205061354 575820001(L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205061355 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on a "dry weight" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Product: Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid Analytical Method: DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Analytical Procedure: GL-RAD-A-059 REV# 5 Analytical Batch: 2251703 The following samples were analyzed using the above methods and analytical procedure(s).

GEL Sample ID# Client Sample Identification 575820001 L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB 575820002 L1-12112A-FSGS-053-SB 575820003 L1-12112A-FSGS-063-SB 575820004 L1-12112A-FIGS-031-SB Page 54 of 70 SDG: 575820

575820005 L1-12112A-FIGS-032-SB 575820006 L1-12103A-FSGS-018-SB 575820007 L1-12103A-FSGS-025-SB 575820008 L1-12103A-FSGS-032-SB 575820009 L1-12112A-AJGS-807-SS 575820010 L1-12103A-AJGS-807-SS 575820011 L1-12205A-AJGS-801-SB 1205062014 Method Blank (MB) 1205062015 575820001(L1-12112A-FSGS-051-SB) Sample Duplicate (DUP) 1205062016 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS)

The samples in this SDG were analyzed on an "as received" basis.

Data Summary:

There are no exceptions, anomalies or deviations from the specified methods. All sample data provided in this report met the acceptance criteria specified in the analytical methods and procedures for initial calibration, continuing calibration, instrument controls and process controls where applicable.

Certification Statement Where the analytical method has been performed under NELAP certification, the analysis has met all of the requirements of the NELAC standard unless otherwise noted in the analytical case narrative.

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Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2022 6:14 AM To: Zachary Worsham


RE: [EXTERNAL] Soil Sample ID Issues - Please Advise

[EXTERNAL EMAIL] DO NOT CLICK links or attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Zac, It looks like 49 is correct for the 12112, since 39 was taken last year. The date and time is 3/21/22 0941. If that is what is on the bag , please log it as 49.

The 802SB should be 801SB, typo on the CoC typists part.

Thank you, Gerry W.

Gerald L. Wood ZSRP Site Closure Team Zion Nuclear Power Station 518.683.8849 From: Zachary Worsham [2]

Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2022 11:42 AM To: Gerald Woodext <>


[EXTERNAL] Soil Sample ID Issues Please Advise EXTERNAL: This message is from a NONEnergySolutions sender, please ensure it is from a legitimate source.

DO NOT click links or open attachments if sender is unknown or the message seems suspicious in any way.

Hey Gerry, It looks like we had a couple sample ID discrepancies with the soil samples that came in late last week.

One COC lists L112112AFSGS049SS, but the sample was labeled as L112112AFSGS039SS.

Another COC lists L112205AAJGS802SB, but the sample was labeled as L112205AAJGS801SB Both sets of collect dates/times on the containers matched what was listed on the COCs, so the lab left the sample IDs in the report as what was identified on the COCs. Please let me know if I need to make any changes to the sample IDs before these reports are reported later today or tomorrow.


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Zac Zac Worsham Project Manager 2040 Savage Road, Charleston, SC 29407 l PO Box 30712, Charleston, SC 29417 Office Direct: 8433004224 l Office Main: 8435568171 l Fax: 8437661178 EMail: l Website: Analytical Testing CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are the property of The GEL Group, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights, including without limitation copyright, are reserved. The proprietary information contained in this e-mail message, and any files transmitted with it, is intended for the use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this e-mail in error and that any review, distribution or copying of this e-mail or any files transmitted with it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original message and any files transmitted. The unauthorized use of this e-mail or any files transmitted with it is prohibited and disclaimed by The GEL Group, Inc. and its affiliates..

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List of current GEL Certifications as of 21 April 2022 State Certification Alabama 42200 Alaska 17018 Alaska Drinking Water SC00012 Arkansas 880651 CLIA 42D0904046 California 2940 Colorado SC00012 Connecticut PH0169 DoD ELAP/ ISO17025 A2LA 2567.01 Florida NELAP E87156 Foreign Soils Permit P3301500283, P3301500253 Georgia SC00012 Georgia SDWA 967 Hawaii SC00012 Idaho SC00012 Illinois NELAP 200029 Indiana CSC01 Kansas NELAP E10332 Kentucky SDWA 90129 Kentucky Wastewater 90129 Louisiana Drinking Water LA024 Louisiana NELAP 03046 (AI33904)

Maine 2019020 Maryland 270 Massachusetts MSC012 Massachusetts PFAS Approv Letter Michigan 9976 Mississippi SC00012 Nebraska NEOS2613 Nevada SC0001220211 New Hampshire NELAP 2054 New Jersey NELAP SC002 New Mexico SC00012 New York NELAP 11501 North Carolina 233 North Carolina SDWA 45709 North Dakota R158 Oklahoma 2019165 Pennsylvania NELAP 6800485 Puerto Rico SC00012 S. Carolina Radiochem 10120002 Sanitation Districts of L 9255651 South Carolina Chemistry 10120001 Tennessee TN 02934 Texas NELAP T1047042352220 Utah NELAP SC00012202136 Vermont VT87156 Virginia NELAP 460202 Washington C780 Page 70 of 70 SDG: 575820