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Final Status Survey (FSS) Final Report - Phase 2, Part 1 - Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations Survey Unit S1-01112F
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 02/27/2019
From: Montt D
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML19077A043 (166)






David Montt, Radiological Engineer REVIEWED BY / DATE:

Robert Massengill, Radiological Engineer APPROVED BY / DATE:

D. Wojtkowiak, C/LT Manager 2/27/2019 2/27/2019 2/27/2019







..................................................................................................... 6


SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION......................................................................................... 10


CLASSIFICATION BASIS.................................................................................................. 15


DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO)........................................................................... 17


SURVEY DESIGN................................................................................................................ 21


SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION......................................................................................... 25


SURVEY RESULTS............................................................................................................. 27


QUALITY CONTROL......................................................................................................... 31


INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS................................................................................. 31

10. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS....................................................................................... 31
11. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN........................................... 31
12. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT (DQA).......................................................................... 32
13. ANOMALIES........................................................................................................................ 32
14. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................... 32
15. REFERENCES...................................................................................................................... 33
16. ATTACHMENTS.................................................................................................................. 34 ATTACHMENT 1................................................................................................................... 35 ATTACHMENT 2................................................................................................................... 41 ATTACHMENT 3................................................................................................................. 149 ATTACHMENT 4................................................................................................................. 156 ATTACHMENT 5................................................................................................................. 161



LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Summary of Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations End State Lengths and Surface Areas from TSD 14-016............................................................. 11 Table 2 - Final Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations End State Lengths and Surface Areas........................................................................................... 12 Table 3 - Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations.................................................................... 12 Table 4 - Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture................................................................ 18 Table 5 - Base Case DCGLs for Containment, Auxiliary Building and Turbine Penetrations (BcDCGLPN) from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-13............................................................ 20 Table 6 - Operational DCGLs for Containment Penetrations (OpDCGLPN) from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-14.................................................................................. 20 Table 7 - Containment Building Surrogate Ratios........................................................................ 22 Table 8 - Survey Unit #01112 FSS Instrumentation and Action Levels...................................... 23 Table 9 - Systematic Static Locations for Hand-Held Survey...................................................... 25 Table 10 - Survey Unit #01112 Statistical Summary Using Containment BcDCGLPN............... 28 Table 11 - Survey Unit #01112 Statistical Summary Using Auxiliary Building BcDCGLs........ 29 Table 12 - Survey Unit #01112 Statistical Summary Using Turbine Building BcDCGLs.......... 29 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Spent Fuel Transfer Tube removed leaving 8 x 8 Access........................................... 8 Figure 2 - Recirculating Sump Suction Penetrations Grouted........................................................ 9 Figure 3 - Cavity Flood Sump Suction Penetrations Grouted...................................................... 10



LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS DQO Data Quality Objective DCGL Derived Concentration Guideline Level FSS Final Status Survey GPS Global Positioning System LTP License Termination Plan MARSSIM Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual MDCR Minimal Detectable Count Rate NAD North American Datum NaI Sodium Iodide OpDCGL Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Level QC Quality Control RE Radiological Engineer ROC Radionuclides of Concern SOF Sum-of-Fraction VCC Vertical Concrete Cask ZSRP Zion Station Restoration Project






This Final Status Survey (FSS) Release Record for Survey Unit #01112, Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations, has been generated for the Zion Station Restoration Project (ZSRP) in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-005, Final Status Survey Data Reporting (Reference 1) and satisfies the requirements of Section 5.11 of the Zion Station Restoration Project License Termination Plan (LTP)

(Reference 2).

Three (3) Final Status Survey (FSS) sample plans (S1-01112A-F #1, S1-01112A-F #2, S1-01112A-F #3) were developed to perform this work in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001, Final Status Survey Package Development (Reference 3), the ZSRP LTP, and with guidance from NUREG-1575, Revision 1, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) (Reference 4).

FSS was performed to demonstrate that the concentrations of residual radioactivity on the interior surfaces of the penetrations were equal to or below site-specific Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGL) corresponding to the dose criterion in 10 CFR 20.1402. Initially, the penetrations were segregated and classified in accordance with the type of system and system use. However, in a conservative measure to ensure that all accessible surfaces within each end-state penetration would be subjected to FSS, the classification of all penetrations was changed to Class 1.

Two (2) different survey approaches were used for FSS depending on the size of the penetration. FSS measurements acquired under FSS sample plans #1 and #2, which were applicable to penetrations with an internal diameter (ID) less than 12 inches, consisted of a static measurement taken at 1-foot intervals inside the pipe using a sodium iodide (NaI) detector, conservatively assuming a Field-of-View (FOV) of 1-foot for each measurement and thus providing 100% areal coverage of the accessible internal surfaces of the pipe.

FSS measurements acquired under FSS sample plan #3, which was applicable to penetrations with an internal diameter (ID) greater than 12 inches, consisted of a 100%

scan with a hand-held detector of the interior surface area of the pipe and at least one (1) 1-minute static measurement at a biased location based on the highest scan reading. For the five 24 inch diameter penetrations encompassing the Recirculating Pump Suction and Cavity Floor Sump suction pipes (removed), the sodium iodide detector was used (FSS sample plan #2) with recalculated efficiencies for a 24 inch diameter penetration permitting one foot interval static counts along the 50 foot length of each of these. All five were subsequently grouted. See Figures 2 and 3.



For the FSS of the Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations, three hundred and sixty-nine (369) measurements were obtained. LTP Chapter 6, section 6.4.5 states, The dose from penetrations is summed with the dose from the wall and floor surfaces of both basements that the penetration interface. The Containment penetrations interfaced with the Auxiliary Building and the Turbine Building (through the East and West Main Steam Valve Houses). Consequently, the FSS design employed the DCGLs for the Containment penetrations, which was the most limiting. However, the mean concentration for each Radionuclide-of-Concern (ROC) was compared against the Base Case Penetration DCGLs (BcDCGLPN) for the Auxiliary Building and Turbine Building as well. The resultant dose was added to each Basement to ensure compliance with the LTP.

The mean Sum-of-Fraction (SOF) using the Operational DCGL (OpDCGLPN) for Containment penetrations was 0.5635. Forty-three (43) measurements exceeded the OpDCGLPN but were less than the BcDCGLPN for Containment penetrations. The maximum Operational SOF (OpSOF) for a single measurement using OpDCGLPN for Unit 1 penetrations was 8.5995 with a corresponding Base Case SOF (BcSOF) using BcDCGLPN of 0.5850. All the penetrations that exceeded a OpSOF of one interfaced with the Auxiliary Building. The FSS results produced a mean BcSOF, compared against the BcDCGLPN for the Containment of 0.0383, which equates to a mean dose of 0.9582 mrem/yr. The mean BcSOF for the penetrations that interfaced with the Auxiliary Building, when compared against the BcDCGLPN for the Auxiliary Building was 0.0447, which equates to a mean dose of 1.1185 mrem/yr. The mean BcSOF for the penetrations that interfaced with the Turbine Building, when compared against the BcDCGLPN for the Turbine Building was 0.0002, which equates to a mean dose of 0.0053 mrem/yr.

Using Equation 5-6 from LTP Chapter 5, section 5.5.5, the mean BcSOF for the Containment was adjusted by a value of 0.0015 and the mean BcSOF for the Auxiliary Building was adjusted by a value of 0.0008 to account for the identified elevated measurements (measurements greater than the OpDCGLPN but less than the BcDCGLPN).

The adjusted mean BcSOF for Containment was 0.0398 and the dose assigned to the survey unit was 0.9955 mrem/year. The adjusted mean BcSOF for Auxiliary Building was 0.0455 and the dose assigned to the survey unit was 1.1377 mrem/year. The mean BcSOF did not require adjustment for elevated measurements. The mean BcSOF for Turbine Building was 0.0002 and the dose assigned to the survey unit was 0.0053 mrem/year.

Penetration No. 049, Fuel Transfer Tube, was completely removed and shipped off site as waste. It was a 24 inch penetration that was completely removed leaving an access opening of approximately eight by eight feet square that facilitated personnel and ISOCS access for the Spent Fuel Building. In accordance with LTP Chapter 5 section 5.5.5, twenty seven (27) of the penetrations required grouting. However, twenty two (22) of 27



penetrations that exceeded the criteria were physically removed and disposed of as waste during building demolition. Only the remaining five (5) Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations were actually grouted. No dose reduction was attributed to the survey unit because of grouting.

Figure 1 - Spent Fuel Transfer Tube removed leaving 8 x 8 Access



Figure 2 - Recirculating Sump Suction Penetrations Grouted



Figure 3 - Cavity Flood Sump Suction Penetrations Grouted


SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION In accordance with the definition of penetrations specified in LTP Chapter 5, section 5.5.5, The end state will include embedded piping and penetrations. An embedded pipe is defined as a pipe that runs vertically through a concrete wall or horizontally through a concrete floor and is contained within a given building. A penetration is defined as a pipe (or remaining pipe sleeve, if the pipe is removed, or concrete, if the pipe and pipe sleeve is removed) that runs through a concrete wall and/or floor, between two buildings, and is open at the wall or floor surface of each building. A penetration could also be a pipe that runs through a concrete wall and/or floor and opens to a building on one end and the outside ground on the other end.

The Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations survey unit consists of sixty-one (61) penetrations ranging from six (6) inches to fifty (50) inches in diameter. A summary of the original End State lengths and surface areas for the Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations as depicted in ZionSolutions Technical Support Document (TSD)14-016, Description of Embedded Piping, Penetrations, and Buried Pipe to Remain in Zion End State (Reference 5) is provided in Table 1 below.



Table 1 - Summary of Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations End State Lengths and Surface Areas from TSD 14-016 Unit 1 End State Sum of Length (m)

Sum of Length (ft)

Sum of Interior Surface Area (m2)

Open Sleeve 88.19 289.34 119.99 Pipe in Sleeve 81.01 265.78 122.37 Total 169.20 555.12 242.36 The End State condition depicted in TSD 14-016 was altered due to D&D activities and observations made during survey design and walkdown. Eight (8) penetrations listed for Unit 1 Containment in TSD 14-016 are above the basement End State 588 elevation and were not included as part of the FSS. Five (5) penetrations residing in the Recirculating Water Sump and Cavity Flood Sump had an original End State of pipe in sleeve; the D&D contractor removed the piping within the penetrations, leaving only a larger diameter open sleeve for each of the five penetrations. Additionally, a section of wall housing one (1) penetration (the Fuel Transfer Tube) was demolished to allow access to the building, which brings the total number of penetrations to sixty-one (61) (See Figure 1).

In accordance with LTP Chapter 5, section 5.5.5, penetration survey units have total surface area that is less than the area of the wall/floor surface survey unit that the penetrations interface. To eliminate the potential for activity levels in penetrations that could lead to releases greater than the adjacent basement walls and floors, the following remediation and grouting action levels were applied to measurements of surface activity in penetrations.

  • If maximum activity exceeded the Base Case DCGLPN from Table 5-13 (BcSOF >1),

then remediation was performed.

  • If the maximum activity in a penetration exceeded the most limiting Operational DCGLB from Table 5-4 of the two basements where a penetrations interface (OpSOF>1), but is below the Base Case DCGLPN from Table 5-13, then the penetration was remediated or grouted.
  • If a penetration was remediated and the maximum activity continued to exceed the most limiting Operational DCGLB from Table 5-4 of the two basements where a penetrations interface (OpSOF>1), but was less than the Operational DCGLPN, then the penetration was grouted.
  • If the maximum activity was below the surface Operational DCGLB from Table 5-4, then grouting of the penetration was not required.



Table 2 provides a summary of the final lengths and surface areas for the FSS of Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations. The list and descriptions of the penetrations is provided in Table 3. A layout of the Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations is provided in Figure 1 on Attachment 1.

Table 2 - Final Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations End State Lengths and Surface Areas Unit 1 End State Sum of Length (m)

Sum of Length (ft)

Sum of Interior Surface Area (m2)

Open Sleeve 154.88 508.14 253.36 Total 154.88 508.14 253.36 Table 3 - Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations Penetration No.

Description Initial Class Diameter (in)

Surface Area (m2)

Length (ft)

Length (m)

P001 Fire Protection 3

10 1.22 5.00 1.52 P003 Spare 2

6 0.73 5.00 1.52 P004 Boron Injection Tank to Cold Legs 1

8 0.97 5.00 1.52 P019 Reactor Coolant No. 1 Loop to Residual Heat Removal Pumps 2

12 1.46 5.00 1.52 P023 Residual Heat Exchanger to RC Loop Cold Legs 2

12 1.46 5.00 1.52 P035 Recirculating Sump Suction 1

23 28.53 51.00 15.55 P036 Cavity Flood Sump Suction 1

23 28.53 51.00 15.55 P037 Cavity Flood Sump Suction 1

23 28.53 51.00 15.55 P042 CTMT Sump Pump Discharge to Aux Bld Flr Drain Analysis Tank 1

6 0.73 5.00 1.52 P043 RC Drain Pump Discharge to Hold-Up Tank 1

8 0.97 5.00 1.52



Penetration No.

Description Initial Class Diameter (in)

Surface Area (m2)

Length (ft)

Length (m)

P050 Spare 2

10 1.22 5.00 1.52 P054 Containment Pressure 2

6 0.73 5.00 1.52 P056 Filtered Vents 2

8 0.97 5.00 1.52 P064 Spare 2

10 1.22 5.00 1.52 P081 Non-Filtered Vents 2

8 0.97 5.00 1.52 P086 Press Stem, Press Liq, RC Hot Leg Samples 2

10 1.22 5.00 1.52 P087 Spare 2

10 1.22 5.00 1.52 P088 Heating System Hot Water Supply 2

12 1.46 5.00 1.52 P089 Heating System Hot Water Return 2

12 1.46 5.00 1.52 P103 Spare 2

8 0.97 5.00 1.52 P123 Recirculating Sump Suction 1

23 29.09 52.00 15.85 P124 Recirculating Sump Suction 1

23 29.09 52.00 15.85 P005 Main Steam 2

50 4.86 4.00 1.22 P006 Main Steam 2

50 4.86 4.00 1.22 P007 Main Steam 2

50 4.86 4.00 1.22 P008 Main Steam 2

50 4.86 4.00 1.22 P009 Feedwater 2

32 3.11 4.00 1.22 P010 Feedwater 2

32 3.11 4.00 1.22 P011 Feedwater 2

32 3.11 4.00 1.22 P012 Feedwater 2

32 3.11 4.00 1.22 P017 Reactor Coolant No. 1 Loop to Residual Heat Removal Pumps 1

28 3.41 5.00 1.52 P018 Cavity Fill Pump 1A Discharge 1

18 2.19 5.00 1.52



Penetration No.

Description Initial Class Diameter (in)

Surface Area (m2)

Length (ft)

Length (m)

P020 Cavity Fill Pump 1B Discharge 1

18 2.19 5.00 1.52 P021 Spare 2

28 3.41 5.00 1.52 P022 Residual Heat Exchanger to RC Loop Cold Legs 1

28 3.41 5.00 1.52 P066 RC Pump Seal Water Supply Lines 2

14 1.70 5.00 1.52 P067 Spare 2

18 2.19 5.00 1.52 P068 Aux Feedwater to Steam Gen 1C 2

14 1.70 5.00 1.52 P069 Aux Feedwater to Steam Gen 1A 2

14 1.70 5.00 1.52 P070 Refueling Cavity Drain to Purification Pump Suction 1

14 1.70 5.00 1.52 P073 Spare 2

18 2.19 5.00 1.52 P074 Aux Feedwater to Steam Gen 1D 2

14 1.70 5.00 1.52 P090 Spare 2

28 3.41 5.00 1.52 P091 Blowdown Steam Generator 1A 2

16 1.56 4.00 1.22 P092 Blowdown Steam Generator 1A 2

16 1.56 4.00 1.22 P093 Blowdown Steam Generator 1C 2

16 1.56 4.00 1.22 P094 Blowdown Steam Generator 1C 2

16 1.56 4.00 1.22 P095 Blowdown Steam Generator 1A 2

14 1.36 4.00 1.22 P096 Blowdown Steam Generator 1C 2

14 1.36 4.00 1.22



Penetration No.

Description Initial Class Diameter (in)

Surface Area (m2)

Length (ft)

Length (m)

P097 Blowdown Steam Generator 1D 2

14 1.36 4.00 1.22 P098 Blowdown Steam Generator 1B 2

14 1.36 4.00 1.22 P104 SIM to Aux F.S. Pumps 1

24 2.92 5.00 1.52 P105 Residual Heat Exchanger to RC Loop Hot Legs 1

18 2.19 5.00 1.52 P112 Steam Generator Blowdown Sample 2

16 1.56 4.00 1.22 P113 Steam Generator Blowdown Sample 2

16 1.56 4.00 1.22 P115 Blowdown (Steam Generator 1D) 2 16 1.56 4.00 1.22 P116 Blowdown (Steam Generator 1D) 2 16 1.56 4.00 1.22 P117 Blowdown (Steam Generator 1B) 2 16 1.56 4.00 1.22 P118 Blowdown (Steam Generator 1B) 2 16 1.56 4.00 1.22 P127 Steam to Aux FW Pumps 2

16 1.56 4.00 1.22 P128 Steam to Aux FW Pumps 2

16 1.56 4.00 1.22 Penetrations P005, P006, P007, P008. P009, P010, P011, P012, P091, P092, P093, P094, P095, P096, P097, P098, P112, P113, P115, P116, P117, P118, P127 and P128 interfaced between the Unit 1 Containment and the Turbine Building, through the Unit 1 East and West Main Steam Valve Houses. All other penetrations interfaced between Unit 1 Containment and the Auxiliary Building.


CLASSIFICATION BASIS Survey Unit #S1-01112 was classified in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification (Reference 6).



The Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations were initially classified as Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3, (see Table 3 above), based on historical assessment, exposure to radioactive materials and system use. As a conservative measure, the classifications of all Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations were changed to Class 1. Consequently, sufficient measurements were taken in all Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations to ensure 100% areal coverage of all accessible internal surfaces within the penetrations.

The Unit 1 Containment Building housed the Unit 1 Reactor Vessel, Steam Generators, and Pressurizers. In addition, the Unit 1 Containment also housed numerous systems containing primary coolant as well as radioactively contaminated support systems.

System leakage and maintenance activities over the operating life of the reactor resulted in the radiological contamination of most of the interior surfaces of the structures. Some components, equipment, structural steel and concrete became radioactive due to neutron activation. Based on the building design basis and the operating history, all internal survey units in Unit 1 Containment Building were given an initial classification of Class 1 in accordance with the Zion Station Historical Site Assessment (HSA)

(Reference 7).

The Unit 1 Containment Penetrations were building to building pipe pathways for various primary and secondary systems. The location of the penetrations, their function, and the operational history of the Unit 1 Containment Building support the initial classifications.

Those shared with the Auxiliary Building and Turbine Building are included here as the results are more conservative using Unit 1 Containment Penetration surrogate ratios and OpDCGLPN.

From June of 2012 through January of 2013, site characterization was performed in Unit 1 Containment. The results of the site characterization surveys performed from 2010 to 2013 are documented in ZionSolutions TSD 14-028, Radiological Characterization Report (Reference 8) and in Chapter 2 of the LTP. During the time that initial characterization was performed, all radioactive systems and components were still located inside Containment. Consequently, ambient radiation dose rates inside the Containment prohibited the direct assessment of penetrations or system interior surfaces by scanning or direct measurement.

On 11/03/16, the last routine surveys were conducted in Unit 1 Containment, before heavy demolition started and access was no longer possible. Surveys 2016-2053 and 2016-1988, conducted in the Outer Missile Barrier (OMB) area of Unit 1, showed a maximum contamination level of 20,000 dpm/100cm2 and that the maximum dose rate was 5.0 mR/hr. Survey 2016-3470, conducted in the Inner Missile Barrier (IMB) area of Unit 1, showed a maximum loose contamination level of 8,000 dpm/100cm2 and a maximum dose rate of 7.0 mR/hr.



A Radiological Engineer (RE) performed the visual inspection and walk-down of the survey unit on February 27, 2018 and all Unit 1 Containment survey units were accepted for turnover by C/LT. The purpose of the walk-down was to assess the physical condition of the survey unit, evaluate access points and travel paths and identify potentially hazardous conditions. A final classification assessment was performed in accordance with procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification as part of the survey design for FSS.

The Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations were initially classified as Class 1, Class 2, or Class 3, based on historical assessment, exposure to radioactive materials and system use. Based upon completion of the Survey Unit Classification Basis for final classification, which included a review of the historical information, the results of the Characterization Survey data and, completion of a final Survey Unit Classification Worksheet, the correct final classification of penetrations within Unit 1 were validated.

As a conservative measure, the classifications of all Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations were changed to Class 1. Consequently, sufficient measurements were taken in all Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations to ensure 100% areal coverage of all accessible internal surfaces within the penetrations.



Final Status Survey planning and design hinges on coherence with the Data Quality Objective (DQO) process to ensure, through compliance with explicitly defined inputs and boundaries, that the primary objective of the survey is satisfied. The DQO process is described in the ZSRP LTP in accordance with MARSSIM. The appropriate design for a given survey will be developed using the DQO process as outlined in Appendix D of MARSSIM.

The DQO process incorporated hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis. Hypothesis testing is a process based on the scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition. The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis.

Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection. In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria. Rejection of the null hypothesis would indicate that residual activity within the survey unit does not exceed the release criteria. Therefore, the survey unit would satisfy the primary objective of the FSS sample plan.

The primary objective of the FSS sample plan is to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in the penetrations that comprised Survey Unit #S1-01112 did not exceed



the release criteria specified in the LTP and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).

ZionSolutions TSD 11-001, Potential Radionuclides of Concern during the Decommissioning of Zion Station (Reference 9) established the basis for an initial suite of potential ROC for the decommissioning of the Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS).

LTP Chapter 6, section 6.5.2 discusses the process used to derive the ROC for the decommissioning of ZNPS, including the elimination of insignificant dose contributors (IC) from the initial suite. Table 4 presents the ROC for the Containment Basement structural surfaces and the normalized fractions based on the radionuclide mixture.

Table 4 - Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture Radionuclide

% of Total Activity (normalized)(1)

H-3 0.08%

Co-60 4.72%

Ni-63 26.50%

Sr-90 0.03%

Cs-134 0.01%

Cs-137 68.17%

Eu-152 0.44%

Eu-154 0.06%

(1) Based on maximum percent of total activity from Table 20 of TSD 14-019, normalized to one for the dose significant radionuclides.

A fundamental precursor to survey design is to establish a relationship between the release criteria and some measurable quantity. This is done through the development of DCGLs. The DCGLs represent average levels of radioactivity above background levels and are presented in terms of surface or mass activity concentrations. Chapter 6 of the LTP describes in detail the modeling used to develop the DCGLs for penetrations.

The End State Basements are comprised of steel and/or concrete structures which will be covered by at least three feet of clean soil and physically altered to a condition which would not realistically allow the remaining structures, if excavated, to be occupied. The exposure pathways in the Basement Fill Model (BFM) are associated with residual radioactivity in floors and walls that is released through leaching into water contained in the interstitial spaces of the fill material. The BFM assumes that the inventory of residual radioactivity in a given building is released either instantly or over time by diffusion, depending on whether the activity is surficial or volumetric, respectively. The activity released into the fill water will adsorb onto the clean fill, as a function of the



radionuclide-specific distribution coefficients, resulting in equilibrium concentrations between the fill and the water. Consequently, the only potential exposure pathways after backfill, assuming the as-left geometry, are associated with the residual radioactivity in the water contained in the fill.

The final outputs of the BFM are the Penetration DCGLs, in units of pCi/m2, which are calculated using the BFM Groundwater (GW) and BFM Drilling Spoils Dose Factors (LTP Chapter 6, Tables 6-24 and 6-25) using Equation 6-9. The BcDCGLPNs are radionuclide-specific concentrations that represent the 10 CFR 20.1402 dose criterion of 25 mrem/year and are calculated for each ROC and each backfilled Basement. The unity rule is applied when there is more than one ROC. The measurement results for each singular ROC present in the mixture are compared against their respective DCGL to derive a dose fraction.

The BcDCGLPNs, for the unrestricted release of the Unit 1 Containment Basement penetrations, are provided in Table 5. The IC dose percentage of 10% was used to adjust the Containment Basement BcDCGLPN to account for the dose from the eliminated IC radionuclides. The BcDCGLPNs, for the unrestricted release of the Auxiliary Building and Turbine Building Basement penetrations, are also provided in Table 5. The IC dose percentage of 5% was used to adjust the Auxiliary Building and Turbine Building Basement BcDCGLPN to account for the dose from the eliminated IC radionuclides.

Each radionuclide-specific BcDCGLPN is equivalent to the level of residual radioactivity (above background levels) that could, when considered independently, result in a Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) of 25 mrem per year to an Average Member of the Critical Group (AMCG). To ensure that the summation of dose from each source term is 25 mrem/year or less after all FSS is completed, the BcDCGLPN are reduced based on an expected, or a priori, fraction of the 25 mrem/year dose limit from each source term. The reduced DCGLPN, or Operational DCGLPN can be related to the BcDCGLPN as an expected fraction of dose based on an a priori assessment of what the expected dose should be based on the results of site characterization, process knowledge and the extent of planned remediation. The OpDCGLPN is then used as the DCGL for the FSS design of the survey unit (calculation of surrogate DCGLs, investigations levels, etc.). Details of the OpDCGLPN derived for each dose component and the basis for the applied a priori dose fractions are provided in ZionSolutions TSD 17-004, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for FSS (Reference 10).



Table 5 - Base Case DCGLs for Containment, Auxiliary Building and Turbine Penetrations (BcDCGLPN) from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-13 Radionuclide Containment BcDCGLPN (pCi/m2)

Auxiliary Building BcDCGLPN (pCi/m2)

Turbine Building BcDCGLPN (pCi/m2)

H-3 3.42E+09 3.99E+09 3.23E+09 Co-60 2.26E+09 8.82E+07 1.76E+09 Ni-63 5.78E+10 6.79E+10 5.48E+10 Sr-90 2.06E+07 2.41E+07 1.94E+07 Cs-134 4.32E+08 3.28E+08 4.00E+08 Cs-137 5.66E+08 6.17E+08 5.29E+08 Eu-152 5.26E+09 3.29E+08 4.06E+09 Eu-154 4.58E+09 2.33E+08 3.58E+09 Survey design and investigations used the most limiting OpDCGLPN of the three basements that were impacted by the penetration, which belonged to the Containment.

The OpDCGLPN for the unrestricted release of the Containment Basement penetrations are provided in Table 6.

Table 6 - Operational DCGLs for Containment Penetrations (OpDCGLPN) from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-14 Radionuclide Containment OpDCGLPN (pCi/m2)

H-3 2.33E+08 Co-60 1.54E+08 Ni-63 3.93E+09 Sr-90 1.40E+06 Cs-134 2.94E+07 Cs-137 3.85E+07 Eu-152 3.58E+08 Eu-154 3.11E+08



Instrument DQOs included a verification of the ability of the survey instrument to detect the radiation(s) of interest relative to the Operational DCGL. Survey instrument response checks were required prior to issuance and after the instrument had been used. Control and accountability of survey instruments was required to assure the quality and prevent the loss of data. The minimum acceptable MDC for measurements obtained using field instruments was 50 percent of the applicable Operational DCGL.


SURVEY DESIGN The level of effort associated with planning a survey is based on the complexity of the survey and nature of the hazards. Guidance for preparing FSS plans is provided in procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001 Final Status Survey Package Development. The FSS plans for the survey of penetrations employed sample designs that combined hand-held scanning with static measurements and pipe detector survey methodologies.

The survey method for large diameter penetrations (>12) differs from smaller penetrations due to measurement sensitivity (i.e. MDCs) differences in the two size regimes. The larger penetrations were surveyed using a similar approach as for traditional building surface surveys whereas the smaller penetrations were surveyed with a single detector advanced through the length in 1 foot increments and centrally positioned. Sample Plans #S1-01112A-F #1 and #S1-01112A-F #2 addressed the survey of penetrations smaller than 12 inches in diameter (P001, P003-P004, P019, P023, P035-P037, P042-P043, P050, P054, P056, P064, P081, P086-P089, P103 and P123-P124) and Sample Plan #S1-01112A-F #3 addressed that survey of penetrations with a diameter greater than 12 inches in diameter (P005-P012, P017-P018, P020-P022, P066-P070, P073-P074, P090-P098, P-104-P105, P112-P113, P115-P118 and P127-P128).

Section 5.1 of LTP Chapter 5 states that H-3, Co-60, Ni-63, Sr-90, Cs-134, Cs-137, Eu-152, and Eu-154 would be the ROC in Survey Unit #01112. During FSS, concentrations for Hard-to-Detect (HTD) ROC H-3, Ni-63, and Sr-90 are inferred using a surrogate approach. Cs-137 is the principle surrogate radionuclide for H-3 and Sr-90, and Co-60 is the principle surrogate radionuclide for Ni-63. The mean, maximum and 95% Upper Confidence Level (UCL) of the surrogate ratios for concrete core samples taken in the Unit 1 Containment Building basement was calculated in ZionSolutions TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Soil and Basement Fill Model Source Terms (Reference

11) and are presented in Table 7. The maximum ratios were used in the surrogate calculations during FSS.



Table 7 - Containment Building Surrogate Ratios Ratios Containment Building Mean Max 95%UCL H-3/Cs-137 0.208 1.760 0.961 Ni-63/Co-60 30.623 442 193.910 Sr-90/Cs-137 0.002 0.021 0.010 For the FSS of Survey Unit #01112, the surrogate OpDCGLPNs for Co-60 and Cs-137 were computed based on the maximum ratios from Table 7.

The equation for calculating a surrogate DCGL is as follows:

Equation 1





2 2+

3 3+



= Surrogate radionuclide DCGL DCGL2,3n = DCGL for radionuclides to be represented by the surrogate Rn

= Ratio of concentration (or nuclide mixture fraction) of radionuclide n to surrogate radionuclide Using the OpDCGLPNs presented in Table 6 and the maximum ratios from Table 7, the following surrogate calculations were performed:

Equation 2 (137) =


1 3.8507(137)+

1.76 2.3308(3)+

0.021 1.4006(90)

= 2.0607 /2 The surrogate OpDCGLPN that was used for Cs-137 in this survey unit for direct comparison of sample results to demonstrate compliance is 2.06E+07 pCi/m2.

Equation 3 (60) =


1 1.5408(60)+

442 3.9309(63)

= 8.4106 /2



The surrogate OpDCGLPN that was used for Co-60 in this survey unit for direct comparison of sample results to demonstrate compliance is 8.41E+06 pCi/m2.

The most limiting OpDCGLPN was determined to be Co-60 (8.41E+06 pCi/m2) or 1.87E+05 dpm/100 cm2. This was the action level for hand-held scan and static measurements and pipe detector static measurements in this survey unit. Action levels in counts per minute (cpm) for pipe detector surveys were calculated using the limiting Co-60 OpDCGLPN (1.87E+05 dpm/100cm2), the effective area of detection for the various diameter penetrations, and the limiting efficiency for each size penetration. The action levels in cpm for hand-held surveys were calculated using the limiting Co-60 OpDCGLPN and the efficiency of the instrument/detector combo. Table 8 provides a breakdown of the instrumentation and action levels used for the FSS results of the Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations.

Table 8 - Survey Unit #01112 FSS Instrumentation and Action Levels Survey Type Instrument Detector Penetration Diameter (in)

Efficiency Action Level (cpm)(1)

Hand-held Ludlum 2350-1 Ludlum 43-68 14-50 0.2965(1) 51,806 Ludlum 2360 Ludlum 43-93 14-50 0.1140(2) 21,312 Pipe Detector Ludlum 2350-1 Ludlum 44-157 6

0.012(3) 32,695 8

0.009(3) 32,751 Ludlum 44-162 10 0.018(3) 81,625 12 0.016(3) 87,186 23 0.0142(3) 148,131

1) Efficiency determined using Tc-99 source. Derived instrument efficiency of 0.3661 x source efficiency of 0.81 (NUREG-1507, Table 5.4) = 0.2965 (total efficiency)
2) Efficiency determined using Tc-99 source. Derived instrument efficiency of 0.1407 x source efficiency of 0.81 (NUREG-1507, Table 5.4) = 0.1140 (total efficiency)
3) Efficiency empirically derived using conformable Cs-137 source in various ID pipe jigs Sample plans #1 and #2 required that measurements be collected with a pipe detector.

Penetrations included in plans #1 and #2 were twelve (12) inches in diameter or smaller, with the exception of the five (5) sump penetrations (23 ID) which were designated to be surveyed with a pipe detector because of their length (approximately 50 ft each).

Twenty-two (22) of the sixty-one (61) total penetrations were included in the survey design for pipe detectors. Refer to Table 8 for the FSS instrumentation summary. The total length of the penetrations under the pipe detector methodology is 339.69 ft (103.54



m) with a total interior surface area of 162.22 m2. As a Class 1 survey unit, the survey design required a 100% areal coverage. For the survey of pipe or penetration internal surfaces that cannot be practically surveyed using a hand-held detector methodology, areal coverage is achieved by the area of detection for each static measurement taken.

Scanning, in the traditional context, is not applicable to this type of survey. With a 1-foot area of detection, one (1) 1-minute static measurement at 1-foot increments throughout the penetration was sufficient to provide 100% areal coverage. For 339.69 feet of penetrations in the survey unit, at least 339 measurements were required to satisfy the 100% coverage requirement.

Sample plan #3 required that measurements be collected with a hand-held detector.

Penetrations included in sample plan #3 were larger than twelve (12) inches in diameter.

Thirty-nine (39) of the sixty-one (61) total penetrations were included in the survey design for hand-held detectors. Refer to Table 8 for the FSS instrumentation summary.

The total length of the penetrations under the hand-held methodology is 168.45 ft (51.34 m) with a total interior surface area of 90.87 m2. For the survey of these larger diameter pipes, the survey design required 100% scan of the accessible interior surfaces of the penetration. In addition, a 1-minute static measurement was required at each foot or, at the location of the highest scan result. The sixteen (16) systematic static measurement locations are denoted in Table 10 below. The locations were developed using Visual Sample Plan (VSP) using a pre-determined number of samples (16) with a random start point on a triangular grid superimposed on the laid out interior surface area of the relevant penetrations. See Attachment 1 for the VSP graphic.

The survey design required a total of 388 static measurements (369 measurements and 19 QCs) for the FSS of the Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations.

Maps of the penetrations and measurement locations are provided in Attachment 1.

The implementation of quality control measures as referenced by LTP Chapter 5, section 5.9 and ZionSolutions ZS-LT-01, Quality Assurance Project Plan (for Characterization and FSS) (QAPP) (Reference 12) includes the collection of a duplicate measurement on 5% of the measurements taken with the locations selected at random. One (1) measurement out of every twenty (20) was required for QC compliance.



Table 9 - Systematic Static Locations for Hand-Held Survey Measurement No.

Penetration No.

Inches into Penetration Inches Clockwise from 12 oclock 1

P005 24 96 2

P007 16 45 3

P007 16 148 4

P009 9

96 5

P011 1

45 6

P012 42 96 7

P018 25 45 8

P022 28 45 9

P074 56 45 10 P090 24 9

11 P094 9

9 12 P097 43 9

13 P104 35 60 14 P112 8

9 15 P116 41 9

16 P128 27 9


SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION Survey instructions for this FSS were incorporated into and performed in accordance with FSS Sample Plans #S1-01112AF #1, #2, and #3, which were developed in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001, Final Status Survey Package Development. The FSS unit was inspected and controlled in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-003, Isolation and Control for Final Status Survey (Reference 13).

Surveys of the Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations began on March 9, 2018 and concluded on April 19, 2018. The survey design estimated six (6) working days to implement the FSS in parallel with any required decontamination and inspection activities. In reality, ten (10) working days were necessary to complete this work.

Throughout these activities, briefings were conducted on a daily basis to discuss the expectations for job performance and to review the safety aspects of the job.



Visual inspections of the penetrations were performed prior to the start of the survey.

Inspections were performed to ensure that the penetrations were relatively dry and free of debris.

For pipe detector surveys of small diameter penetrations (less than 12 inch diameter), a background value was determined for the detector/instrument combination to be used prior to deployment. The background value was obtained at the location where the pre-use response check of the instrument was performed. The background value was primarily used to ensure that the detector had not become cross-contaminated by any previous use. Background was not subtracted from any measurement.

Daily, prior to and following use, each detector was subjected to an Operational Response Check in accordance with procedure ZS-LT-300-001-006, Radiation Surveys of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors (Reference 14). The Daily Operational Response Check compared the background response and the response to check sources ranges established for normal background and detector source response to ensure that the detector was working properly.

Once the detector was determined to be fully functional, it was then deployed to the field for insertion into the targeted piping. A one-minute static measurement was acquired at each foot traversed into the pipe. The detector output represented the gamma activity for each one-minute timed measurement in units of gross cpm. The gamma measurement value in units of cpm was then converted to units of dpm using the efficiency factor for the detector applicable to the diameter of the pipe surveyed.

Each measurement assumed a conservative area of detection for the NaI detector of one foot. This assumption is conservative because there is additional instrument response from contamination located in the pipe at distances outside of the area of detection.

Consequently, the total activity from the measurement, in units of dpm is adjusted for the total effective surface area commensurate with the pipe diameter and the assumed area of detection, resulting in measurement results in units of dpm/100 cm2. Using the appropriate conversion factors, the result is then converted to units of pCi/m2. This measurement result represents a commensurate and conservative gamma surface activity for the one foot of pipe surface where the measurement was taken.

For the hand-held detector surveys of larger diameter penetrations, a background value was determined for the detector/instrument combination as the average of five (5) ambient 1-minute static measurements. An Alarm Set Point was developed using the background value plus the Action Levels dictated in Table 8.

The entire surface area (100%) of the interior surface area of the designated penetrations were scanned using either the Ludlum 2350-1 paired with a Ludlum 43-68 detector or a Ludlum 2360 paired with a Ludlum 43-93 detector operated in the rate-meter mode and



using audio response. The probe was positioned as close to the surface as possible and was moved at a scan speed of 0.25 meters per second.

Systematic 1-minute static measurements were acquired at the locations denoted in Table

8. Additionally, 1-minute static measurements were taken at the locations of highest scan indication in all the penetrations. Using the established efficiencies (denoted in Table 8),

the static measurement activities in cpm were converted to activities in dpm/100 cm2 and then to pCi/m2 using the appropriate conversion factor.


SURVEY RESULTS After completion of the FSS measurements in the penetrations, the sample plan was reviewed to confirm the completeness of the survey and the survey data was validated in accordance with procedure ZS-LT-300-001-004, Final Status Survey Data Assessment (Reference 15). Data processing includes converting measurement data into reporting units, validating instrument applicability and sensitivity, calculating relevant statistical quantities, and verification that all DQO have been met.

For measurements acquired with a NaI detector, the gross output of the measurement is converted to units of dpm by dividing by the efficiency. The effective FOV of the measurement is calculated based upon diameter of the pipe at a length of 1 foot. The result, following unit conversion, is a gross gamma measurement result in units of pCi/m2.

For measurements acquired as a direct static measurement with a hand-held detector, the gross gamma output of the measurement is again converted to units of dpm by dividing by the efficiency. As the detector has an area of 100 cm2, the units for the measurement are actually in units of dpm/100cm2. Again, through unit conversion, units of dpm/100cm2 are converted to units of pCi/m2.

Using the mixture from Table 5-2 of LTP Chapter 5 (reproduced as Table 4 of this Release Record), the gross gamma result from each measurement is multiplied by the normalized gamma mixture fractions for C-60, Cs-134 and Cs-137 to derive a radionuclide specific concentration for each gamma ROC. The HTD ROC concentrations for Ni-63 and Sr-90 were then inferred using the maximum surrogate ratios from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-15 (reproduced as Table 5 of this Release Record).

Each concentration for each measurement is then compared against the OpDCGL to produce a OpSOF for each ROC, which when summed results in a OpSOF for the measurement.

LTP Chapter 6, section 6.4.5 states, The dose from penetrations is summed with the dose from the wall and floor surfaces of both basements that the penetration interface.

The Containment penetrations interfaced with the Auxiliary Building and the Turbine



Building (through the East and West Main Steam Valve Houses). Consequently, the FSS design employed the OpDCGLPN for the Containment penetrations, which was the most limiting. However, the mean concentration for each ROC was compared against the BcDCGLPN for the Containment as well as the Auxiliary Building and Turbine Building.

The resultant dose was added to each Basement for compliance.

The OpSOF for 325 of the 368 measurements taken, when compared against the OpDCGLPN was below one (1). The mean OpSOF using the OpDCGLPN for Containment penetrations was 0.5635. The maximum OpSOF for a single measurement when compared against the OpDCGLPN was 8.5995 with a corresponding BcSOF when compared against the Containment BcDCGLPN was 0.5850. The data collected passed the Sign Test. The result of the Sign Test is provided in Attachment 3.

The mean BcSOF for the systematic measurement population, when compared against the BcDCGLPN for the Containments, Auxiliary Building and Turbine Building are presented in Tables 10, 11 and 12.

Table 10 - Survey Unit #01112 Statistical Summary Using Containment BcDCGLPN ROC Mean Conc Median Max Conc Min Conc STD BcDCGLPN Nuclide Mean SOF (BcSOFPN)







H-3 1.75E+07 3.90E+06 2.67E+08 3.68E+04 4.32E+07 3.42E+09 0.00511 Co-60 6.87E+05 1.53E+05 1.05E+07 1.45E+03 1.70E+06 2.26E+09 0.00030 Ni-63 3.04E+08 6.78E+07 4.63E+09 6.40E+05 7.51E+08 5.78E+10 0.00525 Sr-90 2.08E+05 4.65E+04 3.18E+06 4.39E+02 5.16E+05 2.06E+07 0.01012 Cs-134 1.46E+03 3.25E+02 2.22E+04 3.07E+00 3.60E+03 4.32E+08 0.00000 Cs-137 9.92E+06 2.22E+06 1.51E+08 2.09E+04 2.46E+07 5.66E+08 0.01753 Eu-152 6.40E+04 1.43E+04 9.77E+05 1.35E+02 1.58E+05 5.26E+09 0.00001 Eu-154 8.73E+03 1.95E+03 1.33E+05 1.84E+01 2.16E+04 4.58E+09 0.00000 Mean BcSOF = 0.0383 The mean BcSOF for Containment was 0.0383, which equates to a dose for the survey unit of 0.9582 mrem/yr.



Table 11 - Survey Unit #01112 Statistical Summary Using Auxiliary Building BcDCGLs ROC Mean Conc Median Max Conc Min Conc STD BcDCGLPN Nuclide Mean SOF (BcSOFPN)







H-3 1.88E+07 3.97E+06 2.67E+08 9.40E+04 4.45E+07 3.99E+09 0.00471 Co-60 7.39E+05 1.56E+05 1.05E+07 3.70E+03 1.75E+06 8.82E+07 0.00838 Ni-63 3.27E+08 6.89E+07 4.63E+09 1.63E+06 7.75E+08 6.79E+10 0.00481 Sr-90 2.24E+05 4.73E+04 3.18E+06 1.12E+03 5.32E+05 2.41E+07 0.00930 Cs-134 1.57E+03 3.30E+02 2.22E+04 7.83E+00 3.71E+03 3.28E+08 0.00000 Cs-137 1.07E+07 2.25E+06 1.51E+08 5.34E+04 2.53E+07 6.17E+08 0.01729 Eu-152 6.89E+04 1.45E+04 9.77E+05 3.45E+02 1.63E+05 3.29E+08 0.00021 Eu-154 9.39E+03 1.98E+03 1.33E+05 4.70E+01 2.23E+04 2.33E+08 0.00004 Mean BcSOF = 0.0447 The mean BcSOF for the Auxiliary Building was 0.0447, which equates to a dose for the survey unit of 1.1185 mrem/yr.

Table 12 - Survey Unit #01112 Statistical Summary Using Turbine Building BcDCGLs ROC Mean Conc Median Max Conc Min Conc STD BcDCGLPN Nuclide Mean SOF (BcSOFPN)







H-3 9.13E+04 7.67E+04 2.09E+05 3.68E+04 4.53E+04 3.23E+09 0.00003 Co-60 3.59E+03 3.02E+03 8.24E+03 1.45E+03 1.78E+03 1.76E+09 0.00000 Ni-63 1.59E+06 1.33E+06 3.64E+06 6.40E+05 7.88E+05 5.48E+10 0.00003 Sr-90 1.09E+03 9.15E+02 2.50E+03 4.39E+02 5.41E+02 1.94E+07 0.00006 Cs-134 7.61E+00 3.25E+02 2.22E+04 3.07E+00 3.60E+03 4.00E+08 0.00000 Cs-137 5.19E+04 4.36E+04 1.19E+05 2.09E+04 2.57E+04 5.29E+08 0.00010 Eu-152 3.35E+02 2.81E+02 7.68E+02 1.35E+02 1.66E+02 4.06E+09 0.00000 Eu-154 4.56E+01 3.84E+01 1.05E+02 1.84E+01 2.27E+01 3.58E+09 0.00000 Mean BcSOF = 0.0002 The mean SOF for the Turbine Building was 0.0002, which equates to a dose for the survey unit of 0.0053 mrem/yr.

Forty-three (43) measurements exceeded the OpDCGLPN but were less than the BcDCGLPN for Containment penetrations. The OpSOF (based on the OpDCGLPN) for a systematic or a judgmental measurement/sample(s) may exceed one without remediation as long as the survey unit passes the Sign Test and, the mean SOF (based on the



OpDCGLPN) for the survey unit does not exceed one. Once the survey data set passes the Sign Test (using OpDCGLPN), the mean radionuclide activity (pCi/m2) for each ROC from systematic measurements along with any identified elevated areas from systematic and judgmental samples will be used with the BcDCGLPN to perform a SOF calculation in accordance with the following equation. The mean BcSOF for the survey unit will then be adjusted by adding the SOF from the elevated areas to the mean to account for the additional dose attributed to the elevated areas.

None of the 43 identified elevated penetrations interfaced with the Turbine Building.

Consequently, no adjustment to the mean BcSOF was required. The adjusted surface area of the Containment FSS unit (SASU) is 3,482 m2. The adjusted surface area of the Auxiliary Building FSS unit (SASU) is 7,226 m2. The surface area of each of the elevated areas is 0.559 m2, which equates to the FOV of each individual static measurement. The individual elevated SOF for each elevated ROC were than summed to provide a total SOF adjustment due to each of the 43 elevated measurements.

The mean BcSOF for both the Containment and Auxiliary Building was adjusted to include the dose from elevated measurements using Equation 5-6 from LTP Chapter 5, section 5.5.5, reproduced as Equation 4.

Equation 4







= SOF for structural surface survey unit within a Basement using BcDCGLs Mean ConcB ROCi

= Mean concentration for the systematic measurements taken during the FSS of surface in survey unit for each ROCi Base Case DCGLB ROCi

= BcDCGL for structural surfaces (DCGLB) for each ROCi Elev ConcB ROCi

= Concentration for ROCi in any identified elevated area (systematic or judgmental)


= surface area of the elevated area SASU

= adjusted surface area of FSS unit for DCGL calculation The mean BcSOF for Containment penetrations was adjusted by a value of 0.0015 and the mean BcSOF for the Auxiliary Building was adjusted by a value of 0.0008 to account



for the identified elevated measurements. The adjusted mean BcSOF for Containment was 0.0398 which equated to the dose assigned to the survey unit of 0.9955 mrem/year.

The adjusted mean BcSOF for the Auxiliary Building was 0.0455 which equated to the dose assigned to the survey unit of 1.1377 mrem/year.

The SOF for one hundred forty five (145) measurements, when compared against the OpDCGLB for Containment basement surfaces was above one (1). Consequently, in accordance with LTP Chapter 5 section 5.5.5, twenty seven (27) of the penetrations required grouting. However, twenty two (22) of 27 penetrations that exceeded the criteria were physically removed and disposed of as waste during building demolition.

Only the remaining five (5) Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations were actually grouted. No dose reduction was attributed to the survey unit because of grouting.

The results of the data assessment for the Unit 1 Containment Building Penetrations are provided in Attachment 2.


QUALITY CONTROL In compliance with ZS-LT-01, replicate measurements were performed on 5% of the survey locations chosen at random. Nineteen (19) replicate measurements were taken, which equates to 5.14% of the total number of measurements and satisfies the requirement. The data was evaluated using USNRC acceptance criteria specified in Inspection Procedure No. 84750, Radioactive Waste Treatment, and Effluent and Environmental Monitoring (Reference 16). There was acceptable agreement between field replicate results. Refer to Attachment 4 for data and quality control analysis results.


INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS No investigations were performed during the performance or analyses of the FSS.


REMEDIATION AND RESULTS No radiological remedial action as described by MARSSIM Section 5.4 was performed in this survey unit prior to or as a result of the FSS.


CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN There were no addendums to the FSS plan.





The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-004, Final Status Survey Data Assessment for completeness and consistency. Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and sample collection were consistent with the DQOs and were sufficient to ensure that the survey unit was properly classified.

The Sign Test was performed on the data and compared to the original assumptions of the DQOs. The evaluation of the Sign Test results clearly demonstrates that the survey unit passes the unrestricted release criteria, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected.

The preliminary data review consisted of calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g.,

mean, median, standard deviation). All data was considered valid including negative values, zeros, values reported below the MDC, and values with uncertainties greater than two standard deviations. The mean and median values for each ROC were well below the respective Operational DCGLs. Therefore, the survey unit meets the unrestricted release criteria with adequate power as required by the DQOs.

The data for Co-60 and Cs-137 is represented graphically through a frequency plot and a quantile plot. All graphical representations are provided in Attachment 6.


ANOMALIES No anomalies were observed during the performance or analyses of the survey.


CONCLUSION Survey Unit #S1-01112 has met the DQOs of the FSS plan. The ALARA criteria as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP were achieved. The EMC is not applicable to structural surfaces and remediation was successfully implemented.

The survey unit was properly classified as Class 1. All identified ROC were used for statistical testing to determine the adequacy of the survey unit for FSS. Three hundred and sixty-eight (368) measurements were obtained. Evaluation of the data shows that none of the ROC concentration values exceed the OpDCGLPN or any investigational levels in 325 of the 368 measurements taken. Forty-three (43) measurements exceeded the OpDCGLPN but were less than the BcDCGLPN for Containment penetrations. The OpSOF (based on the OpDCGL) for a

systematic or a

judgmental measurement/sample(s) may exceed one without remediation as long as the survey unit passes the Sign Test and, the mean OpSOF (based on the OpDCGL) for the survey unit does not exceed one. The FSS results produced a mean OpSOF of 0.5635. In addition,



the measurement data collected passed the Sign Test. The null hypothesis was rejected.

Therefore, in accordance with the LTP Section 5.10, the survey unit meet the release criterion.

LTP Chapter 6, section 6.4.5 requires that the dose from a penetration be added to each Basement that the penetration interfaces with. The penetrations in Unit 1 Containment interface both with the Auxiliary Building and with the Turbine Building. LTP Chapter 5, section 5.5.5 also requires that the dose from elevated measurements be added to the mean dose for the survey unit affected. Forty-three (43) measurements exceeded the OpDCGLPN in penetrations that interfaced between the Containment and the Auxilairy Building. Consequently, the mean BcSOF for each must be adjusted to account for the dose. No penetration that interfaced with the Turbine Building had elevated measurements, consequently no adjustment was required for the BcSOF for the Turbine Building.

The adjusted mean BcSOFPN for the Unit 1 Containment Penetrations is 0.0398 based on the average concentration of the ROCs in samples used for non-parametric statistical sampling after adjustment for the presence of elevated measurements. The dose contribution from the Unit 1 Containment penetrations is 0.9955 mrem/yr TEDE.

The adjusted mean BcSOFPN for the Auxiliary Building Penetrations is 0.0455 based on the average concentration of the ROCs in samples used for non-parametric statistical sampling after adjustment for the presence of elevated measurements. The dose contribution from the Auxiliary Building penetrations is 1.1377 mrem/yr TEDE.

The adjusted mean BcSOFPN for the Turbine Building Penetrations is 0.0002 based on the average concentration of the ROCs in samples used for non-parametric statistical sampling. There were no elevated measurements. The dose contribution from the Auxiliary Building penetrations is 0.0053 mrem/yr TEDE.

Survey Unit #S1-01112F is acceptable for unrestricted release.



1. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-005, Final Status Survey Data Reporting
2. Zion Station Restoration Project License Termination Plan
3. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001, Final Status Survey Package Development
4. NUREG-1575, Revision 1, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM)
5. ZionSolutions TSD 14-016, Description of Embedded Piping, Penetrations, and



Buried Pipe to Remain in Zion End State

6. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification
7. Historical Site Assessment (HSA)
8. ZionSolutions TSD 14-028, Radiological Characterization Report
9. ZionSolutions TSD 11-001, Potential Radionuclides of Concern during the Decommissioning of Zion Station
10. ZionSolutions TSD 17-004, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Final Status Survey
11. ZionSolutions TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Soil and Basement Fill Model Source Terms
12. ZionSolutions ZS-LT-01, Quality Assurance Project Plan (for Characterization and FSS) (QAPP)
13. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-003, Isolation and Control for Final Status Survey
14. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-006, Radiation Surveys of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors
15. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-004, Final Status Survey Data Assessment
16. U.S. NRC Inspection Procedure No. 84750, Radioactive Waste Treatment, and Effluent and Environmental Monitoring


- Figures and Maps

- Sample Data

- Sign Test

- QC Data

- Graphical Representations
























Unit 1 Penetration Summary Penetration Description Diameter Length Area Accessed From Measurement #s By Direct Scan SOF Requires Grouting (in)




OpDCGLPN BcDCGLPN OpDCGLB CTMT P001 Fire Protection 10 5

1.22 U1 Containment 1

thru 5

0.343 0.023 2.451 Yes P003 Spare 6

5 0.73 Auxiliary 321 thru 323 0.240 0.016 1.718 Yes P004 Boron Injection Tank to Cold Legs 8

5 0.97 U1 Containment 31 thru 35 0.277 0.019 1.981 Yes P019 Reactor Coolant No. 1 Loop to Residual Heat Removal Pumps 12 5

1.46 U1 Containment 11 thru 15 0.254 0.017 1.816 Yes P023 Residual Heat Exchanger to RC Loop Cold Legs 12 5

1.46 U1 Containment 16 thru 20 0.321 0.022 2.291 Yes P035 Recirculating Sump Suction 23 51 28.53 U1 Containment 270 thru 320 0.578 0.039 4.129 Yes P036 Cavity Flood Sump Suction 23 51 28.53 U1 Containment 220 thru 269 0.765 0.052 5.470 Yes P037 Cavity Flood Sump Suction 23 51 28.53 U1 Containment 170 thru 219 0.504 0.034 3.604 Yes P042 CTMT Sump Pump Discharge to AB Flr Drain Analysis Tank 6

5 0.73 U1 Containment 36 thru 40 0.258 0.018 1.844 Yes P043 RC Drain Pump Discharge to Hold-Up Tank 8

5 0.97 U1 Containment 41 thru 45 0.261 0.018 1.867 Yes P050 Spare 10 5

1.22 Auxiliary 324 thru 326 0.199 0.014 1.422 Yes P054 Containment Pressure 6

5 0.73 U1 Containment 46 thru 50 0.236 0.016 1.684 Yes P056 Filtered Vents 8

5 0.97 U1 Containment 364 thru 368 0.378 0.026 2.701 Yes P064 Spare 10 5

1.22 Auxiliary 330 thru 330 0.256 0.017 1.830 Yes P081 Non-Filtered Vents 8

5 0.97 U1 Containment 51 thru 55 0.200 0.014 1.431 Yes P086 Press Stem, Press Liq, RC Hot Leg Samples 10 5

1.22 U1 Containment 6

thru 10 0.254 0.017 1.816 Yes P087 Spare 10 5

1.22 Auxiliary 327 thru 329 0.471 0.032 3.363 Yes P088 Heating System Hot Water Supply 12 5

1.46 U1 Containment 21 thru 25 0.199 0.014 1.419 Yes P089 Heating System Hot Water Return 12 5

1.46 U1 Containment 26 thru 30 0.261 0.018 1.867 Yes P103 Spare 8

5 0.97 U1 Containment 359 thru 363 0.302 0.021 2.157 Yes P123 Recirculating Sump Suction 23 52 29.09 U1 Containment 70 thru 119 8.600 0.585 61.460 Yes P124 Recirculating Sump Suction 23 52 29.09 U1 Containment 120 thru 169 2.647 0.180 18.915 Yes P005 Main Steam 50 4

4.86 U1 Containment 56 thru 56 X

0.002 0.000 0.016 No P006 Main Steam 50 4

4.86 U1 Containment 345 thru 345 X

0.003 0.000 0.023 No P007 Main Steam 50 4

4.86 U1 Containment 60 thru 61 X

0.002 0.000 0.015 No P008 Main Steam 50 4

4.86 U1 Containment 340 thru 340 X

0.003 0.000 0.023 No P009 Feedwater 32 4

3.11 U1 Containment 57 thru 57 X

0.002 0.000 0.017 No P010 Feedwater 32 4

3.11 U1 Containment 347 thru 347 X

0.003 0.000 0.020 No P011 Feedwater 32 4

3.11 U1 Containment 63 thru 63 X

0.001 0.000 0.008 No P012 Feedwater 32 4

3.11 U1 Containment 369 thru 369 X

0.006 0.000 0.041 No P017 Reactor Coolant No. 1 Loop to Residual Heat Removal Pumps 28 5

3.41 U1 Containment 356 thru 356 X

0.003 0.000 0.025 No P018 Cavity Fill Pump 1A Discharge 18 5

2.19 Auxiliary 333 thru 333 X

0.600 0.041 4.289 Yes P020 Cavity Fill Pump 1B Discharge 18 5

2.19 Auxiliary 335 thru 335 X

1.547 0.105 11.057 Yes P021 Spare 28 5

3.41 Auxiliary 336 thru 336 X

2.588 0.176 18.498 Yes P022 Residual Heat Exchanger to RC Loop Cold Legs 28 5

3.41 U1 Containment 68 thru 68 X

0.028 0.002 0.200 No P066 RC Pump Seal Water Supply Lines 14 5

1.70 U1 Containment 355 thru 355 X

0.003 0.000 0.023 No P067 Spare 18 5

2.19 Auxiliary 337 thru 337 X

0.190 0.013 1.358 Yes P068 Aux Feedwater to Steam Gen 1C 14 5

1.70 U1 Containment 352 thru 352 X

0.003 0.000 0.021 No P069 Aux Feedwater to Steam Gen 1A 14 5

1.70 U1 Containment 354 thru 354 X

0.004 0.000 0.025 No



Unit 1 Penetration Summary (continued)

Penetration Description Diameter Length Area Accessed From Measurement #s By Direct Scan SOF Requires Grouting (in)




OpDCGLPN BcDCGLPN OpDCGLB CTMT P070 Refueling Cavity Drain to Purification Pump Suction 14 5

1.70 U1 Containment 353 thru 353 X

0.008 0.001 0.054 No P073 Spare 18 5

2.19 Auxiliary 338 thru 338 X

0.327 0.022 2.337 Yes P074 Aux Feedwater to Steam Gen 1D 14 5

1.70 U1 Containment 69 thru 69 X

0.003 0.000 0.018 No P090 Spare 28 5

3.41 Auxiliary 334 thru 334 X

0.523 0.036 3.736 Yes P091 Blowdown Steam Generator 1A 16 4

1.56 U1 Containment 351 thru 351 X

0.002 0.000 0.014 No P092 Blowdown Steam Generator 1A 16 4

1.56 U1 Containment 350 thru 350 X

0.002 0.000 0.012 No P093 Blowdown Steam Generator 1C 16 4

1.56 U1 Containment 344 thru 344 X

0.005 0.000 0.033 No P094 Blowdown Steam Generator 1C 16 4

1.56 U1 Containment 59 thru 59 X

0.002 0.000 0.017 No P095 Blowdown Steam Generator 1A 14 4

1.36 U1 Containment 348 thru 348 X

0.002 0.000 0.012 No P096 Blowdown Steam Generator 1C 14 4

1.36 U1 Containment 346 thru 346 X

0.002 0.000 0.014 No P097 Blowdown Steam Generator 1D 14 4

1.36 U1 Containment 64 thru 64 X

0.002 0.000 0.012 No P098 Blowdown Steam Generator 1B 14 4

1.36 U1 Containment 357 thru 357 X

0.002 0.000 0.012 No P104 SIM to Aux F.S. Pumps 24 5

2.92 U1 Containment 67 thru 67 X

0.003 0.000 0.021 No P105 Residual Heat Exchanger to RC Loop Hot Legs 18 5

2.19 Auxiliary 339 thru 339 X

0.100 0.007 0.713 No P112 Steam Generator Blowdown Sample 16 4

1.56 U1 Containment 58 thru 58 X

0.002 0.000 0.017 No P113 Steam Generator Blowdown Sample 16 4

1.56 U1 Containment 342 thru 342 X

0.001 0.000 0.010 No P115 Blowdown (Steam Generator 1D) 16 4

1.56 U1 Containment 343 thru 343 X

0.003 0.000 0.024 No P116 Blowdown (Steam Generator 1D) 16 4

1.56 U1 Containment 62 thru 62 X

0.002 0.000 0.012 No P117 Blowdown (Steam Generator 1B) 16 4

1.56 U1 Containment 341 thru 341 X

0.002 0.000 0.014 No P118 Blowdown (Steam Generator 1B) 16 4

1.56 U1 Containment 358 thru 358 X

0.002 0.000 0.012 No P127 Steam to Aux FW Pumps 16 4

1.56 U1 Containment 349 thru 349 X

0.003 0.000 0.021 No P128 Steam to Aux FW Pumps 16 4

1.56 U1 Containment 65 thru 65 X

0.002 0.000 0.014 No



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment No.

Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)






P001 Position #1 4.5 6.50E+06 H-3 1.76 1.06E+07 2.33E+08 0.0456 0.3429 3.42E+09 0.0031 0.0233 3.25E+07 0.3270 2.4508 Co-60 0.06431 4.18E+05 1.54E+08 0.0027 2.26E+09 0.0002 2.15E+07 0.0194 Ni-63 442 1.85E+08 3.93E+09 0.0470 5.78E+10 0.0032 5.50E+08 0.3360 Sr-90 0.021 1.27E+05 1.40E+06 0.0906 2.06E+07 0.0062 1.96E+05 0.6470 Cs-134 0.00014 8.86E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 6.04E+06 3.85E+07 0.1568 5.66E+08 0.0107 5.39E+06 1.1203 Eu-152 0.00599 3.90E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0008 Eu-154 0.00082 5.31E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 2

P001 Position #2 3.5 1.81E+06 H-3 1.76 2.96E+06 2.33E+08 0.0127 0.0954 3.42E+09 0.0009 0.0065 3.25E+07 0.0910 0.6819 Co-60 0.06431 1.16E+05 1.54E+08 0.0008 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0054 Ni-63 442 5.14E+07 3.93E+09 0.0131 5.78E+10 0.0009 5.50E+08 0.0935 Sr-90 0.021 3.53E+04 1.40E+06 0.0252 2.06E+07 0.0017 1.96E+05 0.1800 Cs-134 0.00014 2.46E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.68E+06 3.85E+07 0.0436 5.66E+08 0.0030 5.39E+06 0.3117 Eu-152 0.00599 1.08E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.48E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 3

P001 Position #3 2.5 1.09E+06 H-3 1.76 1.77E+06 2.33E+08 0.0076 0.0572 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0039 3.25E+07 0.0546 0.4091 Co-60 0.06431 6.98E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0032 Ni-63 442 3.08E+07 3.93E+09 0.0078 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0561 Sr-90 0.021 2.12E+04 1.40E+06 0.0151 2.06E+07 0.0010 1.96E+05 0.1080 Cs-134 0.00014 1.48E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.01E+06 3.85E+07 0.0262 5.66E+08 0.0018 5.39E+06 0.1870 Eu-152 0.00599 6.51E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 8.87E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 4

P001 Position #4 1.5 9.91E+05 H-3 1.76 1.62E+06 2.33E+08 0.0070 0.0523 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0036 3.25E+07 0.0499 0.3737 Co-60 0.06431 6.37E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0030 Ni-63 442 2.82E+07 3.93E+09 0.0072 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0512 Sr-90 0.021 1.93E+04 1.40E+06 0.0138 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0986 Cs-134 0.00014 1.35E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 9.21E+05 3.85E+07 0.0239 5.66E+08 0.0016 5.39E+06 0.1708 Eu-152 0.00599 5.94E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 8.10E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 5

P001 Position #5 0.5 1.88E+06 H-3 1.76 3.08E+06 2.33E+08 0.0132 0.0992 3.42E+09 0.0009 0.0067 3.25E+07 0.0946 0.7091 Co-60 0.06431 1.21E+05 1.54E+08 0.0008 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0056 Ni-63 442 5.35E+07 3.93E+09 0.0136 5.78E+10 0.0009 5.50E+08 0.0972 Sr-90 0.021 3.67E+04 1.40E+06 0.0262 2.06E+07 0.0018 1.96E+05 0.1872 Cs-134 0.00014 2.56E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.75E+06 3.85E+07 0.0454 5.66E+08 0.0031 5.39E+06 0.3242 Eu-152 0.00599 1.13E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.54E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)






P086 Position #1 4.5 1.52E+06 H-3 1.76 2.48E+06 2.33E+08 0.0107 0.0801 3.42E+09 0.0007 0.0055 3.25E+07 0.0764 0.5728 Co-60 0.06431 9.77E+04 1.54E+08 0.0006 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0045 Ni-63 442 4.32E+07 3.93E+09 0.0110 5.78E+10 0.0007 5.50E+08 0.0785 Sr-90 0.021 2.96E+04 1.40E+06 0.0212 2.06E+07 0.0014 1.96E+05 0.1512 Cs-134 0.00014 2.07E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.41E+06 3.85E+07 0.0367 5.66E+08 0.0025 5.39E+06 0.2618 Eu-152 0.00599 9.11E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.24E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 7

P086 Position #2 3.5 4.82E+06 H-3 1.76 7.87E+06 2.33E+08 0.0338 0.2541 3.42E+09 0.0023 0.0173 3.25E+07 0.2423 1.8157 Co-60 0.06431 3.10E+05 1.54E+08 0.0020 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0144 Ni-63 442 1.37E+08 3.93E+09 0.0348 5.78E+10 0.0024 5.50E+08 0.2489 Sr-90 0.021 9.39E+04 1.40E+06 0.0671 2.06E+07 0.0046 1.96E+05 0.4793 Cs-134 0.00014 6.56E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.47E+06 3.85E+07 0.1162 5.66E+08 0.0079 5.39E+06 0.8300 Eu-152 0.00599 2.89E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 3.94E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 8

P086 Position #3 2.5 1.26E+06 H-3 1.76 2.06E+06 2.33E+08 0.0088 0.0665 3.42E+09 0.0006 0.0045 3.25E+07 0.0634 0.4754 Co-60 0.06431 8.11E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0038 Ni-63 442 3.58E+07 3.93E+09 0.0091 5.78E+10 0.0006 5.50E+08 0.0652 Sr-90 0.021 2.46E+04 1.40E+06 0.0176 2.06E+07 0.0012 1.96E+05 0.1255 Cs-134 0.00014 1.72E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.17E+06 3.85E+07 0.0304 5.66E+08 0.0021 5.39E+06 0.2173 Eu-152 0.00599 7.56E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.03E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 9

P086 Position #4 1.5 9.22E+05 H-3 1.76 1.51E+06 2.33E+08 0.0065 0.0486 3.42E+09 0.0004 0.0033 3.25E+07 0.0464 0.3476 Co-60 0.06431 5.93E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0028 Ni-63 442 2.62E+07 3.93E+09 0.0067 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0476 Sr-90 0.021 1.80E+04 1.40E+06 0.0128 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0917 Cs-134 0.00014 1.26E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 8.56E+05 3.85E+07 0.0222 5.66E+08 0.0015 5.39E+06 0.1589 Eu-152 0.00599 5.53E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 7.54E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 10 P086 Position #5 0.5 9.92E+05 H-3 1.76 1.62E+06 2.33E+08 0.0070 0.0523 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0036 3.25E+07 0.0499 0.3741 Co-60 0.06431 6.38E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0030 Ni-63 442 2.82E+07 3.93E+09 0.0072 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0513 Sr-90 0.021 1.94E+04 1.40E+06 0.0138 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0987 Cs-134 0.00014 1.35E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 9.22E+05 3.85E+07 0.0239 5.66E+08 0.0016 5.39E+06 0.1710 Eu-152 0.00599 5.95E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 8.11E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 11 P019 Position #1 4.5 4.28E+06 H-3 1.76 7.00E+06 2.33E+08 0.0300 0.2257 3.42E+09 0.0020 0.0154 3.25E+07 0.2152 1.6132 Co-60 0.06431 2.75E+05 1.54E+08 0.0018 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0128 Ni-63 442 1.22E+08 3.93E+09 0.0310 5.78E+10 0.0021 5.50E+08 0.2212 Sr-90 0.021 8.35E+04 1.40E+06 0.0596 2.06E+07 0.0041 1.96E+05 0.4259 Cs-134 0.00014 5.83E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.97E+06 3.85E+07 0.1032 5.66E+08 0.0070 5.39E+06 0.7374 Eu-152 0.00599 2.57E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.50E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 12 P019 Position #2 3.5 1.30E+06 H-3 1.76 2.13E+06 2.33E+08 0.0092 0.0688 3.42E+09 0.0006 0.0047 3.25E+07 0.0656 0.4918 Co-60 0.06431 8.39E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0039 Ni-63 442 3.71E+07 3.93E+09 0.0094 5.78E+10 0.0006 5.50E+08 0.0674 Sr-90 0.021 2.54E+04 1.40E+06 0.0182 2.06E+07 0.0012 1.96E+05 0.1298 Cs-134 0.00014 1.78E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.21E+06 3.85E+07 0.0315 5.66E+08 0.0021 5.39E+06 0.2248 Eu-152 0.00599 7.82E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.07E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 13 P019 Position #3 2.5 9.06E+05 H-3 1.76 1.48E+06 2.33E+08 0.0064 0.0478 3.42E+09 0.0004 0.0033 3.25E+07 0.0456 0.3416 Co-60 0.06431 5.83E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0027 Ni-63 442 2.58E+07 3.93E+09 0.0066 5.78E+10 0.0004 5.50E+08 0.0468 Sr-90 0.021 1.77E+04 1.40E+06 0.0126 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0902 Cs-134 0.00014 1.23E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 8.42E+05 3.85E+07 0.0219 5.66E+08 0.0015 5.39E+06 0.1562 Eu-152 0.00599 5.43E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 7.41E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 14 P019 Position #4 1.5 8.42E+05 H-3 1.76 1.38E+06 2.33E+08 0.0059 0.0444 3.42E+09 0.0004 0.0030 3.25E+07 0.0424 0.3174 Co-60 0.06431 5.42E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0025 Ni-63 442 2.39E+07 3.93E+09 0.0061 5.78E+10 0.0004 5.50E+08 0.0435 Sr-90 0.021 1.64E+04 1.40E+06 0.0117 2.06E+07 0.0008 1.96E+05 0.0838 Cs-134 0.00014 1.15E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 7.82E+05 3.85E+07 0.0203 5.66E+08 0.0014 5.39E+06 0.1451 Eu-152 0.00599 5.05E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 6.88E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 15 P019 Position #5 0.5 9.37E+05 H-3 1.76 1.53E+06 2.33E+08 0.0066 0.0494 3.42E+09 0.0004 0.0034 3.25E+07 0.0471 0.3532 Co-60 0.06431 6.03E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0028 Ni-63 442 2.66E+07 3.93E+09 0.0068 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0484 Sr-90 0.021 1.83E+04 1.40E+06 0.0131 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0932 Cs-134 0.00014 1.28E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 8.70E+05 3.85E+07 0.0226 5.66E+08 0.0015 5.39E+06 0.1615 Eu-152 0.00599 5.62E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 7.66E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 16 P023 Position #1 4.5 6.08E+06 H-3 1.76 9.94E+06 2.33E+08 0.0426 0.3206 3.42E+09 0.0029 0.0218 3.25E+07 0.3057 2.2913 Co-60 0.06431 3.91E+05 1.54E+08 0.0025 2.26E+09 0.0002 2.15E+07 0.0182 Ni-63 442 1.73E+08 3.93E+09 0.0440 5.78E+10 0.0030 5.50E+08 0.3141 Sr-90 0.021 1.19E+05 1.40E+06 0.0847 2.06E+07 0.0058 1.96E+05 0.6049 Cs-134 0.00014 8.28E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 5.65E+06 3.85E+07 0.1466 5.66E+08 0.0100 5.39E+06 1.0474 Eu-152 0.00599 3.64E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0007 Eu-154 0.00082 4.97E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 17 P023 Position #2 3.5 1.46E+06 H-3 1.76 2.39E+06 2.33E+08 0.0103 0.0772 3.42E+09 0.0007 0.0052 3.25E+07 0.0736 0.5514 Co-60 0.06431 9.41E+04 1.54E+08 0.0006 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0044 Ni-63 442 4.16E+07 3.93E+09 0.0106 5.78E+10 0.0007 5.50E+08 0.0756 Sr-90 0.021 2.85E+04 1.40E+06 0.0204 2.06E+07 0.0014 1.96E+05 0.1456 Cs-134 0.00014 1.99E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.36E+06 3.85E+07 0.0353 5.66E+08 0.0024 5.39E+06 0.2521 Eu-152 0.00599 8.77E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.20E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 18 P023 Position #3 2.5 9.61E+05 H-3 1.76 1.57E+06 2.33E+08 0.0067 0.0507 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0034 3.25E+07 0.0483 0.3621 Co-60 0.06431 6.18E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0029 Ni-63 442 2.73E+07 3.93E+09 0.0069 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0496 Sr-90 0.021 1.87E+04 1.40E+06 0.0134 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0956 Cs-134 0.00014 1.31E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 8.92E+05 3.85E+07 0.0232 5.66E+08 0.0016 5.39E+06 0.1655 Eu-152 0.00599 5.76E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 7.85E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 19 P023 Position #4 1.5 9.24E+05 H-3 1.76 1.51E+06 2.33E+08 0.0065 0.0487 3.42E+09 0.0004 0.0033 3.25E+07 0.0465 0.3484 Co-60 0.06431 5.94E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0028 Ni-63 442 2.63E+07 3.93E+09 0.0067 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0478 Sr-90 0.021 1.80E+04 1.40E+06 0.0129 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0920 Cs-134 0.00014 1.26E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 8.58E+05 3.85E+07 0.0223 5.66E+08 0.0015 5.39E+06 0.1592 Eu-152 0.00599 5.54E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 7.55E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 20 P023 Position #5 0.5 1.19E+06 H-3 1.76 1.94E+06 2.33E+08 0.0083 0.0626 3.42E+09 0.0006 0.0043 3.25E+07 0.0597 0.4471 Co-60 0.06431 7.63E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0035 Ni-63 442 3.37E+07 3.93E+09 0.0086 5.78E+10 0.0006 5.50E+08 0.0613 Sr-90 0.021 2.31E+04 1.40E+06 0.0165 2.06E+07 0.0011 1.96E+05 0.1180 Cs-134 0.00014 1.62E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.10E+06 3.85E+07 0.0286 5.66E+08 0.0019 5.39E+06 0.2044 Eu-152 0.00599 7.11E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 9.70E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 21 P088 Position #1 4.5 3.77E+06 H-3 1.76 6.16E+06 2.33E+08 0.0264 0.1986 3.42E+09 0.0018 0.0135 3.25E+07 0.1894 1.4195 Co-60 0.06431 2.42E+05 1.54E+08 0.0016 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0113 Ni-63 442 1.07E+08 3.93E+09 0.0272 5.78E+10 0.0019 5.50E+08 0.1946 Sr-90 0.021 7.34E+04 1.40E+06 0.0525 2.06E+07 0.0036 1.96E+05 0.3747 Cs-134 0.00014 5.13E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.50E+06 3.85E+07 0.0908 5.66E+08 0.0062 5.39E+06 0.6489 Eu-152 0.00599 2.26E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.08E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 22 P088 Position #2 3.5 1.24E+06 H-3 1.76 2.02E+06 2.33E+08 0.0087 0.0652 3.42E+09 0.0006 0.0044 3.25E+07 0.0621 0.4657 Co-60 0.06431 7.94E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0037 Ni-63 442 3.51E+07 3.93E+09 0.0089 5.78E+10 0.0006 5.50E+08 0.0638 Sr-90 0.021 2.41E+04 1.40E+06 0.0172 2.06E+07 0.0012 1.96E+05 0.1229 Cs-134 0.00014 1.68E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.15E+06 3.85E+07 0.0298 5.66E+08 0.0020 5.39E+06 0.2129 Eu-152 0.00599 7.41E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 1.01E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 23 P088 Position #3 2.5 9.66E+05 H-3 1.76 1.58E+06 2.33E+08 0.0068 0.0509 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0035 3.25E+07 0.0486 0.3640 Co-60 0.06431 6.21E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0029 Ni-63 442 2.74E+07 3.93E+09 0.0070 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0499 Sr-90 0.021 1.88E+04 1.40E+06 0.0135 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0961 Cs-134 0.00014 1.32E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 8.97E+05 3.85E+07 0.0233 5.66E+08 0.0016 5.39E+06 0.1664 Eu-152 0.00599 5.79E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 7.89E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 24 P088 Position #4 1.5 8.97E+05 H-3 1.76 1.47E+06 2.33E+08 0.0063 0.0473 3.42E+09 0.0004 0.0032 3.25E+07 0.0451 0.3383 Co-60 0.06431 5.77E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0027 Ni-63 442 2.55E+07 3.93E+09 0.0065 5.78E+10 0.0004 5.50E+08 0.0464 Sr-90 0.021 1.75E+04 1.40E+06 0.0125 2.06E+07 0.0008 1.96E+05 0.0893 Cs-134 0.00014 1.22E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 8.33E+05 3.85E+07 0.0216 5.66E+08 0.0015 5.39E+06 0.1546 Eu-152 0.00599 5.38E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 7.34E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 25 P088 Position #5 0.5 1.07E+06 H-3 1.76 1.74E+06 2.33E+08 0.0075 0.0563 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0038 3.25E+07 0.0537 0.4024 Co-60 0.06431 6.86E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0032 Ni-63 442 3.03E+07 3.93E+09 0.0077 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0552 Sr-90 0.021 2.08E+04 1.40E+06 0.0149 2.06E+07 0.0010 1.96E+05 0.1062 Cs-134 0.00014 1.45E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 9.91E+05 3.85E+07 0.0258 5.66E+08 0.0018 5.39E+06 0.1839 Eu-152 0.00599 6.40E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 8.73E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 26 P089 Position #1 4.5 4.95E+06 H-3 1.76 8.09E+06 2.33E+08 0.0347 0.2612 3.42E+09 0.0024 0.0178 3.25E+07 0.2491 1.8666 Co-60 0.06431 3.18E+05 1.54E+08 0.0021 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0148 Ni-63 442 1.41E+08 3.93E+09 0.0358 5.78E+10 0.0024 5.50E+08 0.2559 Sr-90 0.021 9.66E+04 1.40E+06 0.0690 2.06E+07 0.0047 1.96E+05 0.4927 Cs-134 0.00014 6.75E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.60E+06 3.85E+07 0.1195 5.66E+08 0.0081 5.39E+06 0.8532 Eu-152 0.00599 2.97E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 4.05E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 27 P089 Position #2 3.5 1.73E+06 H-3 1.76 2.83E+06 2.33E+08 0.0121 0.0912 3.42E+09 0.0008 0.0062 3.25E+07 0.0870 0.6520 Co-60 0.06431 1.11E+05 1.54E+08 0.0007 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0052 Ni-63 442 4.92E+07 3.93E+09 0.0125 5.78E+10 0.0009 5.50E+08 0.0894 Sr-90 0.021 3.37E+04 1.40E+06 0.0241 2.06E+07 0.0016 1.96E+05 0.1721 Cs-134 0.00014 2.36E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.61E+06 3.85E+07 0.0417 5.66E+08 0.0028 5.39E+06 0.2980 Eu-152 0.00599 1.04E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.41E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 28 P089 Position #3 2.5 1.15E+06 H-3 1.76 1.87E+06 2.33E+08 0.0080 0.0605 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0041 3.25E+07 0.0577 0.4322 Co-60 0.06431 7.37E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0034 Ni-63 442 3.26E+07 3.93E+09 0.0083 5.78E+10 0.0006 5.50E+08 0.0592 Sr-90 0.021 2.24E+04 1.40E+06 0.0160 2.06E+07 0.0011 1.96E+05 0.1141 Cs-134 0.00014 1.56E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.06E+06 3.85E+07 0.0277 5.66E+08 0.0019 5.39E+06 0.1976 Eu-152 0.00599 6.87E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 9.37E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 29 P089 Position #4 1.5 9.88E+05 H-3 1.76 1.62E+06 2.33E+08 0.0069 0.0521 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0035 3.25E+07 0.0497 0.3726 Co-60 0.06431 6.36E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0030 Ni-63 442 2.81E+07 3.93E+09 0.0071 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0511 Sr-90 0.021 1.93E+04 1.40E+06 0.0138 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0984 Cs-134 0.00014 1.35E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 9.18E+05 3.85E+07 0.0238 5.66E+08 0.0016 5.39E+06 0.1703 Eu-152 0.00599 5.92E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 8.08E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 30 P089 Position #5 0.5 1.32E+06 H-3 1.76 2.16E+06 2.33E+08 0.0093 0.0699 3.42E+09 0.0006 0.0048 3.25E+07 0.0666 0.4992 Co-60 0.06431 8.52E+04 1.54E+08 0.0006 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0040 Ni-63 442 3.76E+07 3.93E+09 0.0096 5.78E+10 0.0007 5.50E+08 0.0684 Sr-90 0.021 2.58E+04 1.40E+06 0.0185 2.06E+07 0.0013 1.96E+05 0.1318 Cs-134 0.00014 1.80E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.23E+06 3.85E+07 0.0319 5.66E+08 0.0022 5.39E+06 0.2282 Eu-152 0.00599 7.94E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.08E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 31 P004 Position #1 4.5 5.25E+06 H-3 1.76 8.59E+06 2.33E+08 0.0369 0.2771 3.42E+09 0.0025 0.0188 3.25E+07 0.2643 1.9805 Co-60 0.06431 3.38E+05 1.54E+08 0.0022 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0157 Ni-63 442 1.49E+08 3.93E+09 0.0380 5.78E+10 0.0026 5.50E+08 0.2715 Sr-90 0.021 1.02E+05 1.40E+06 0.0732 2.06E+07 0.0050 1.96E+05 0.5228 Cs-134 0.00014 7.16E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.88E+06 3.85E+07 0.1267 5.66E+08 0.0086 5.39E+06 0.9053 Eu-152 0.00599 3.15E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 4.29E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 32 P004 Position #2 3.5 1.07E+06 H-3 1.76 1.75E+06 2.33E+08 0.0075 0.0565 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0038 3.25E+07 0.0539 0.4037 Co-60 0.06431 6.89E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0032 Ni-63 442 3.04E+07 3.93E+09 0.0077 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0553 Sr-90 0.021 2.09E+04 1.40E+06 0.0149 2.06E+07 0.0010 1.96E+05 0.1066 Cs-134 0.00014 1.46E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 9.95E+05 3.85E+07 0.0258 5.66E+08 0.0018 5.39E+06 0.1845 Eu-152 0.00599 6.42E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 8.75E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 33 P004 Position #3 2.5 9.43E+05 H-3 1.76 1.54E+06 2.33E+08 0.0066 0.0497 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0034 3.25E+07 0.0474 0.3554 Co-60 0.06431 6.06E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0028 Ni-63 442 2.68E+07 3.93E+09 0.0068 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0487 Sr-90 0.021 1.84E+04 1.40E+06 0.0131 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0938 Cs-134 0.00014 1.28E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 8.76E+05 3.85E+07 0.0227 5.66E+08 0.0015 5.39E+06 0.1624 Eu-152 0.00599 5.65E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 7.71E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 34 P004 Position #4 1.5 9.78E+05 H-3 1.76 1.60E+06 2.33E+08 0.0069 0.0516 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0035 3.25E+07 0.0492 0.3686 Co-60 0.06431 6.29E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0029 Ni-63 442 2.78E+07 3.93E+09 0.0071 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0505 Sr-90 0.021 1.91E+04 1.40E+06 0.0136 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0973 Cs-134 0.00014 1.33E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 9.08E+05 3.85E+07 0.0236 5.66E+08 0.0016 5.39E+06 0.1685 Eu-152 0.00599 5.86E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 7.99E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 35 P004 Position #5 0.5 1.10E+06 H-3 1.76 1.79E+06 2.33E+08 0.0077 0.0578 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0039 3.25E+07 0.0551 0.4132 Co-60 0.06431 7.05E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0033 Ni-63 442 3.12E+07 3.93E+09 0.0079 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0566 Sr-90 0.021 2.14E+04 1.40E+06 0.0153 2.06E+07 0.0010 1.96E+05 0.1091 Cs-134 0.00014 1.49E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.02E+06 3.85E+07 0.0264 5.66E+08 0.0018 5.39E+06 0.1889 Eu-152 0.00599 6.57E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 8.96E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 36 P042 Position #1 4.5 4.89E+06 H-3 1.76 8.00E+06 2.33E+08 0.0343 0.2580 3.42E+09 0.0023 0.0175 3.25E+07 0.2460 1.8438 Co-60 0.06431 3.15E+05 1.54E+08 0.0020 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0146 Ni-63 442 1.39E+08 3.93E+09 0.0354 5.78E+10 0.0024 5.50E+08 0.2528 Sr-90 0.021 9.54E+04 1.40E+06 0.0681 2.06E+07 0.0046 1.96E+05 0.4867 Cs-134 0.00014 6.66E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.54E+06 3.85E+07 0.1180 5.66E+08 0.0080 5.39E+06 0.8428 Eu-152 0.00599 2.93E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 4.00E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 37 P042 Position #2 3.5 1.81E+06 H-3 1.76 2.95E+06 2.33E+08 0.0127 0.0953 3.42E+09 0.0009 0.0065 3.25E+07 0.0909 0.6814 Co-60 0.06431 1.16E+05 1.54E+08 0.0008 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0054 Ni-63 442 5.14E+07 3.93E+09 0.0131 5.78E+10 0.0009 5.50E+08 0.0934 Sr-90 0.021 3.53E+04 1.40E+06 0.0252 2.06E+07 0.0017 1.96E+05 0.1799 Cs-134 0.00014 2.46E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.68E+06 3.85E+07 0.0436 5.66E+08 0.0030 5.39E+06 0.3115 Eu-152 0.00599 1.08E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.48E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 38 P042 Position #3 2.5 1.65E+06 H-3 1.76 2.69E+06 2.33E+08 0.0115 0.0868 3.42E+09 0.0008 0.0059 3.25E+07 0.0828 0.6203 Co-60 0.06431 1.06E+05 1.54E+08 0.0007 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0049 Ni-63 442 4.68E+07 3.93E+09 0.0119 5.78E+10 0.0008 5.50E+08 0.0850 Sr-90 0.021 3.21E+04 1.40E+06 0.0229 2.06E+07 0.0016 1.96E+05 0.1637 Cs-134 0.00014 2.24E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.53E+06 3.85E+07 0.0397 5.66E+08 0.0027 5.39E+06 0.2835 Eu-152 0.00599 9.86E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.35E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 39 P042 Position #4 1.5 9.46E+05 H-3 1.76 1.55E+06 2.33E+08 0.0066 0.0499 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0034 3.25E+07 0.0476 0.3567 Co-60 0.06431 6.09E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0028 Ni-63 442 2.69E+07 3.93E+09 0.0068 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0489 Sr-90 0.021 1.85E+04 1.40E+06 0.0132 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0942 Cs-134 0.00014 1.29E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 8.79E+05 3.85E+07 0.0228 5.66E+08 0.0016 5.39E+06 0.1631 Eu-152 0.00599 5.67E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 7.74E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 40 P042 Position #5 0.5 1.94E+06 H-3 1.76 3.18E+06 2.33E+08 0.0136 0.1025 3.42E+09 0.0009 0.0070 3.25E+07 0.0977 0.7325 Co-60 0.06431 1.25E+05 1.54E+08 0.0008 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0058 Ni-63 442 5.52E+07 3.93E+09 0.0141 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1004 Sr-90 0.021 3.79E+04 1.40E+06 0.0271 2.06E+07 0.0018 1.96E+05 0.1934 Cs-134 0.00014 2.65E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.80E+06 3.85E+07 0.0469 5.66E+08 0.0032 5.39E+06 0.3348 Eu-152 0.00599 1.16E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.59E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 41 P043 Position #1 4.5 4.95E+06 H-3 1.76 8.10E+06 2.33E+08 0.0347 0.2612 3.42E+09 0.0024 0.0178 3.25E+07 0.2491 1.8668 Co-60 0.06431 3.18E+05 1.54E+08 0.0021 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0148 Ni-63 442 1.41E+08 3.93E+09 0.0358 5.78E+10 0.0024 5.50E+08 0.2559 Sr-90 0.021 9.66E+04 1.40E+06 0.0690 2.06E+07 0.0047 1.96E+05 0.4928 Cs-134 0.00014 6.75E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.60E+06 3.85E+07 0.1195 5.66E+08 0.0081 5.39E+06 0.8533 Eu-152 0.00599 2.97E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 4.05E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 42 P043 Position #2 3.5 1.20E+06 H-3 1.76 1.96E+06 2.33E+08 0.0084 0.0631 3.42E+09 0.0006 0.0043 3.25E+07 0.0602 0.4511 Co-60 0.06431 7.69E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0036 Ni-63 442 3.40E+07 3.93E+09 0.0087 5.78E+10 0.0006 5.50E+08 0.0618 Sr-90 0.021 2.33E+04 1.40E+06 0.0167 2.06E+07 0.0011 1.96E+05 0.1191 Cs-134 0.00014 1.63E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.11E+06 3.85E+07 0.0289 5.66E+08 0.0020 5.39E+06 0.2062 Eu-152 0.00599 7.17E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 9.78E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 43 P043 Position #3 2.5 1.25E+06 H-3 1.76 2.04E+06 2.33E+08 0.0088 0.0659 3.42E+09 0.0006 0.0045 3.25E+07 0.0628 0.4710 Co-60 0.06431 8.03E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0037 Ni-63 442 3.55E+07 3.93E+09 0.0090 5.78E+10 0.0006 5.50E+08 0.0646 Sr-90 0.021 2.44E+04 1.40E+06 0.0174 2.06E+07 0.0012 1.96E+05 0.1243 Cs-134 0.00014 1.70E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.16E+06 3.85E+07 0.0301 5.66E+08 0.0021 5.39E+06 0.2153 Eu-152 0.00599 7.49E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 1.02E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 44 P043 Position #4 1.5 1.40E+06 H-3 1.76 2.29E+06 2.33E+08 0.0098 0.0739 3.42E+09 0.0007 0.0050 3.25E+07 0.0704 0.5278 Co-60 0.06431 9.00E+04 1.54E+08 0.0006 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0042 Ni-63 442 3.98E+07 3.93E+09 0.0101 5.78E+10 0.0007 5.50E+08 0.0724 Sr-90 0.021 2.73E+04 1.40E+06 0.0195 2.06E+07 0.0013 1.96E+05 0.1393 Cs-134 0.00014 1.91E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.30E+06 3.85E+07 0.0338 5.66E+08 0.0023 5.39E+06 0.2413 Eu-152 0.00599 8.39E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.14E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 45 P043 Position #5 0.5 2.35E+06 H-3 1.76 3.83E+06 2.33E+08 0.0165 0.1237 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0084 3.25E+07 0.1180 0.8841 Co-60 0.06431 1.51E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0070 Ni-63 442 6.67E+07 3.93E+09 0.0170 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1212 Sr-90 0.021 4.57E+04 1.40E+06 0.0327 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2334 Cs-134 0.00014 3.20E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.18E+06 3.85E+07 0.0566 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.4041 Eu-152 0.00599 1.41E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.92E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 46 P054 Position #1 4.5 4.47E+06 H-3 1.76 7.30E+06 2.33E+08 0.0313 0.2356 3.42E+09 0.0021 0.0160 3.25E+07 0.2246 1.6835 Co-60 0.06431 2.87E+05 1.54E+08 0.0019 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0134 Ni-63 442 1.27E+08 3.93E+09 0.0323 5.78E+10 0.0022 5.50E+08 0.2308 Sr-90 0.021 8.71E+04 1.40E+06 0.0622 2.06E+07 0.0042 1.96E+05 0.4444 Cs-134 0.00014 6.08E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 4.15E+06 3.85E+07 0.1077 5.66E+08 0.0073 5.39E+06 0.7695 Eu-152 0.00599 2.68E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.65E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 47 P054 Position #2 3.5 1.02E+06 H-3 1.76 1.66E+06 2.33E+08 0.0071 0.0537 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0037 3.25E+07 0.0512 0.3838 Co-60 0.06431 6.55E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0030 Ni-63 442 2.89E+07 3.93E+09 0.0074 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0526 Sr-90 0.021 1.99E+04 1.40E+06 0.0142 2.06E+07 0.0010 1.96E+05 0.1013 Cs-134 0.00014 1.39E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 9.46E+05 3.85E+07 0.0246 5.66E+08 0.0017 5.39E+06 0.1754 Eu-152 0.00599 6.10E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 8.32E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 48 P054 Position #3 2.5 1.06E+06 H-3 1.76 1.73E+06 2.33E+08 0.0074 0.0559 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0038 3.25E+07 0.0533 0.3998 Co-60 0.06431 6.82E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0032 Ni-63 442 3.01E+07 3.93E+09 0.0077 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0548 Sr-90 0.021 2.07E+04 1.40E+06 0.0148 2.06E+07 0.0010 1.96E+05 0.1055 Cs-134 0.00014 1.45E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 9.85E+05 3.85E+07 0.0256 5.66E+08 0.0017 5.39E+06 0.1828 Eu-152 0.00599 6.36E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 8.67E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 49 P054 Position #4 1.5 1.26E+06 H-3 1.76 2.06E+06 2.33E+08 0.0088 0.0663 3.42E+09 0.0006 0.0045 3.25E+07 0.0632 0.4740 Co-60 0.06431 8.09E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0038 Ni-63 442 3.57E+07 3.93E+09 0.0091 5.78E+10 0.0006 5.50E+08 0.0650 Sr-90 0.021 2.45E+04 1.40E+06 0.0175 2.06E+07 0.0012 1.96E+05 0.1251 Cs-134 0.00014 1.71E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.17E+06 3.85E+07 0.0303 5.66E+08 0.0021 5.39E+06 0.2167 Eu-152 0.00599 7.54E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.03E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 50 P054 Position #5 0.5 1.34E+06 H-3 1.76 2.19E+06 2.33E+08 0.0094 0.0705 3.42E+09 0.0006 0.0048 3.25E+07 0.0673 0.5041 Co-60 0.06431 8.60E+04 1.54E+08 0.0006 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0040 Ni-63 442 3.80E+07 3.93E+09 0.0097 5.78E+10 0.0007 5.50E+08 0.0691 Sr-90 0.021 2.61E+04 1.40E+06 0.0186 2.06E+07 0.0013 1.96E+05 0.1331 Cs-134 0.00014 1.82E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.24E+06 3.85E+07 0.0323 5.66E+08 0.0022 5.39E+06 0.2304 Eu-152 0.00599 8.02E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.09E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 51 P081 Position #1 4.5 3.80E+06 H-3 1.76 6.20E+06 2.33E+08 0.0266 0.2002 3.42E+09 0.0018 0.0136 3.25E+07 0.1909 1.4309 Co-60 0.06431 2.44E+05 1.54E+08 0.0016 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0114 Ni-63 442 1.08E+08 3.93E+09 0.0275 5.78E+10 0.0019 5.50E+08 0.1962 Sr-90 0.021 7.40E+04 1.40E+06 0.0529 2.06E+07 0.0036 1.96E+05 0.3777 Cs-134 0.00014 5.17E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.53E+06 3.85E+07 0.0916 5.66E+08 0.0062 5.39E+06 0.6541 Eu-152 0.00599 2.28E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.10E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 52 P081 Position #2 3.5 1.14E+06 H-3 1.76 1.87E+06 2.33E+08 0.0080 0.0603 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0041 3.25E+07 0.0575 0.4312 Co-60 0.06431 7.36E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0034 Ni-63 442 3.25E+07 3.93E+09 0.0083 5.78E+10 0.0006 5.50E+08 0.0591 Sr-90 0.021 2.23E+04 1.40E+06 0.0159 2.06E+07 0.0011 1.96E+05 0.1138 Cs-134 0.00014 1.56E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.06E+06 3.85E+07 0.0276 5.66E+08 0.0019 5.39E+06 0.1971 Eu-152 0.00599 6.86E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 9.35E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 53 P081 Position #3 2.5 1.09E+06 H-3 1.76 1.79E+06 2.33E+08 0.0077 0.0577 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0039 3.25E+07 0.0550 0.4122 Co-60 0.06431 7.03E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0033 Ni-63 442 3.11E+07 3.93E+09 0.0079 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0565 Sr-90 0.021 2.13E+04 1.40E+06 0.0152 2.06E+07 0.0010 1.96E+05 0.1088 Cs-134 0.00014 1.49E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.02E+06 3.85E+07 0.0264 5.66E+08 0.0018 5.39E+06 0.1884 Eu-152 0.00599 6.56E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 8.94E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 54 P081 Position #4 1.5 1.13E+06 H-3 1.76 1.85E+06 2.33E+08 0.0079 0.0595 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0040 3.25E+07 0.0568 0.4255 Co-60 0.06431 7.26E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0034 Ni-63 442 3.21E+07 3.93E+09 0.0082 5.78E+10 0.0006 5.50E+08 0.0583 Sr-90 0.021 2.20E+04 1.40E+06 0.0157 2.06E+07 0.0011 1.96E+05 0.1123 Cs-134 0.00014 1.54E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.05E+06 3.85E+07 0.0272 5.66E+08 0.0019 5.39E+06 0.1945 Eu-152 0.00599 6.77E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 9.23E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 55 P081 Position #5 0.5 1.60E+06 H-3 1.76 2.62E+06 2.33E+08 0.0113 0.0846 3.42E+09 0.0008 0.0058 3.25E+07 0.0807 0.6046 Co-60 0.06431 1.03E+05 1.54E+08 0.0007 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0048 Ni-63 442 4.56E+07 3.93E+09 0.0116 5.78E+10 0.0008 5.50E+08 0.0829 Sr-90 0.021 3.13E+04 1.40E+06 0.0223 2.06E+07 0.0015 1.96E+05 0.1596 Cs-134 0.00014 2.19E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.49E+06 3.85E+07 0.0387 5.66E+08 0.0026 5.39E+06 0.2764 Eu-152 0.00599 9.61E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.31E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 56 P005 By Direct Scan N/A 4.19E+04 H-3 1.76 6.86E+04 2.33E+08 0.0003 0.0022 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0021 0.0158 Co-60 0.06431 2.70E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 1.19E+06 3.93E+09 0.0003 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0022 Sr-90 0.021 8.18E+02 1.40E+06 0.0006 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0042 Cs-134 0.00014 5.71E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 3.90E+04 3.85E+07 0.0010 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0072 Eu-152 0.00599 2.51E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 3.43E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 57 P009 By Direct Scan N/A 4.50E+04 H-3 1.76 7.35E+04 2.33E+08 0.0003 0.0024 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0023 0.0170 Co-60 0.06431 2.89E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 1.28E+06 3.93E+09 0.0003 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0023 Sr-90 0.021 8.77E+02 1.40E+06 0.0006 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0045 Cs-134 0.00014 6.13E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 4.18E+04 3.85E+07 0.0011 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0077 Eu-152 0.00599 2.70E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 3.68E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 58 P112 By Direct Scan N/A 4.50E+04 H-3 1.76 7.35E+04 2.33E+08 0.0003 0.0024 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0023 0.0170 Co-60 0.06431 2.89E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 1.28E+06 3.93E+09 0.0003 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0023 Sr-90 0.021 8.77E+02 1.40E+06 0.0006 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0045 Cs-134 0.00014 6.13E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 4.18E+04 3.85E+07 0.0011 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0077 Eu-152 0.00599 2.70E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 3.68E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 59 P094 By Direct Scan N/A 4.63E+04 H-3 1.76 7.57E+04 2.33E+08 0.0003 0.0024 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0023 0.0175 Co-60 0.06431 2.98E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 1.32E+06 3.93E+09 0.0003 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0024 Sr-90 0.021 9.04E+02 1.40E+06 0.0006 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0046 Cs-134 0.00014 6.31E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 4.30E+04 3.85E+07 0.0011 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0080 Eu-152 0.00599 2.78E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 3.79E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB Co-60 0.06431 2.64E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 1.17E+06 3.93E+09 0.0003 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0021 Sr-90 0.021 8.00E+02 1.40E+06 0.0006 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0041 Cs-134 0.00014 5.59E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 3.81E+04 3.85E+07 0.0010 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0071 Eu-152 0.00599 2.46E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 3.35E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 61 P007 By Direct Scan N/A 1.89E+04 H-3 1.76 3.09E+04 2.33E+08 0.0001 0.0010 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0001 3.25E+07 0.0010 0.0071 Co-60 0.06431 1.22E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 5.38E+05 3.93E+09 0.0001 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0010 Sr-90 0.021 3.69E+02 1.40E+06 0.0003 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0019 Cs-134 0.00014 2.58E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.76E+04 3.85E+07 0.0005 5.66E+08 0.0000 5.39E+06 0.0033 Eu-152 0.00599 1.13E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 1.55E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 62 P116 By Direct Scan N/A 3.12E+04 H-3 1.76 5.10E+04 2.33E+08 0.0002 0.0016 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0001 3.25E+07 0.0016 0.0118 Co-60 0.06431 2.01E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 8.87E+05 3.93E+09 0.0002 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0016 Sr-90 0.021 6.08E+02 1.40E+06 0.0004 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0031 Cs-134 0.00014 4.25E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 2.90E+04 3.85E+07 0.0008 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0054 Eu-152 0.00599 1.87E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 2.55E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 63 P011 By Direct Scan N/A 2.10E+04 H-3 1.76 3.44E+04 2.33E+08 0.0001 0.0011 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0001 3.25E+07 0.0011 0.0079 Co-60 0.06431 1.35E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 5.98E+05 3.93E+09 0.0002 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0011 Sr-90 0.021 4.10E+02 1.40E+06 0.0003 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0021 Cs-134 0.00014 2.87E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.95E+04 3.85E+07 0.0005 5.66E+08 0.0000 5.39E+06 0.0036 Eu-152 0.00599 1.26E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 1.72E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 64 P097 By Direct Scan N/A 3.09E+04 H-3 1.76 5.05E+04 2.33E+08 0.0002 0.0016 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0001 3.25E+07 0.0016 0.0116 Co-60 0.06431 1.99E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 8.78E+05 3.93E+09 0.0002 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0016 Sr-90 0.021 6.02E+02 1.40E+06 0.0004 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0031 Cs-134 0.00014 4.21E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 2.87E+04 3.85E+07 0.0007 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0053 Eu-152 0.00599 1.85E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 2.52E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 65 P128 By Direct Scan N/A 3.76E+04 H-3 1.76 6.14E+04 2.33E+08 0.0003 0.0020 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0001 3.25E+07 0.0019 0.0142 Co-60 0.06431 2.41E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 1.07E+06 3.93E+09 0.0003 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0019 Sr-90 0.021 7.32E+02 1.40E+06 0.0005 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0037 Cs-134 0.00014 5.12E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 3.49E+04 3.85E+07 0.0009 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0065 Eu-152 0.00599 2.25E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 3.07E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 66 P012 By Direct Scan N/A 1.08E+05 H-3 1.76 1.76E+05 2.33E+08 0.0008 0.0057 3.42E+09 0.0001 0.0004 3.25E+07 0.0054 0.0406 Co-60 0.06431 6.92E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0003 Ni-63 442 3.06E+06 3.93E+09 0.0008 5.78E+10 0.0001 5.50E+08 0.0056 Sr-90 0.021 2.10E+03 1.40E+06 0.0015 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0107 Cs-134 0.00014 1.47E+01 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.00E+05 3.85E+07 0.0026 5.66E+08 0.0002 5.39E+06 0.0185 Eu-152 0.00599 6.45E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 8.80E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 67 P104 By Direct Scan N/A 5.57E+04 H-3 1.76 9.11E+04 2.33E+08 0.0004 0.0029 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0028 0.0210 Co-60 0.06431 3.58E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0002 Ni-63 442 1.58E+06 3.93E+09 0.0004 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0029 Sr-90 0.021 1.09E+03 1.40E+06 0.0008 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0055 Cs-134 0.00014 7.59E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 5.17E+04 3.85E+07 0.0013 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0096 Eu-152 0.00599 3.34E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 4.55E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 68 P022 By Direct Scan N/A 5.31E+05 H-3 1.76 8.69E+05 2.33E+08 0.0037 0.0280 3.42E+09 0.0003 0.0019 3.25E+07 0.0267 0.2003 Co-60 0.06431 3.42E+04 1.54E+08 0.0002 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0016 Ni-63 442 1.51E+07 3.93E+09 0.0038 5.78E+10 0.0003 5.50E+08 0.0275 Sr-90 0.021 1.04E+04 1.40E+06 0.0074 2.06E+07 0.0005 1.96E+05 0.0529 Cs-134 0.00014 7.24E+01 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 4.94E+05 3.85E+07 0.0128 5.66E+08 0.0009 5.39E+06 0.0916 Eu-152 0.00599 3.19E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 4.34E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 69 P074 By Direct Scan N/A 4.83E+04 H-3 1.76 7.90E+04 2.33E+08 0.0003 0.0025 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0024 0.0182 Co-60 0.06431 3.11E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 1.37E+06 3.93E+09 0.0003 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0025 Sr-90 0.021 9.42E+02 1.40E+06 0.0007 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0048 Cs-134 0.00014 6.58E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 4.49E+04 3.85E+07 0.0012 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0083 Eu-152 0.00599 2.90E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 3.95E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 70 P123 Position #1 49 1.30E+08 H-3 1.76 2.13E+08 2.33E+08 0.9130 6.8645 3.42E+09 0.0622 0.4669 3.25E+07 6.5458 49.0596 Co-60 0.06431 8.37E+06 1.54E+08 0.0543 2.26E+09 0.0037 2.15E+07 0.3893 Ni-63 442 3.70E+09 3.93E+09 0.9413 5.78E+10 0.0640 5.50E+08 6.7258 Sr-90 0.021 2.54E+06 1.40E+06 1.8131 2.06E+07 0.1232 1.96E+05 12.9508 Cs-134 0.00014 1.77E+04 2.94E+07 0.0006 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0043 Cs-137 0.92875 1.21E+08 3.85E+07 3.1396 5.66E+08 0.2136 5.39E+06 22.4256 Eu-152 0.00599 7.80E+05 3.58E+08 0.0022 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0156 Eu-154 0.00082 1.06E+05 3.11E+08 0.0003 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0024 71 P123 Position #2 48 1.48E+08 H-3 1.76 2.42E+08 2.33E+08 1.0399 7.8185 3.42E+09 0.0708 0.5318 3.25E+07 7.4556 55.8781 Co-60 0.06431 9.53E+06 1.54E+08 0.0619 2.26E+09 0.0042 2.15E+07 0.4434 Ni-63 442 4.21E+09 3.93E+09 1.0721 5.78E+10 0.0729 5.50E+08 7.6605 Sr-90 0.021 2.89E+06 1.40E+06 2.0651 2.06E+07 0.1403 1.96E+05 14.7508 Cs-134 0.00014 2.02E+04 2.94E+07 0.0007 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0049 Cs-137 0.92875 1.38E+08 3.85E+07 3.5759 5.66E+08 0.2432 5.39E+06 25.5424 Eu-152 0.00599 8.89E+05 3.58E+08 0.0025 5.26E+09 0.0002 5.00E+07 0.0178 Eu-154 0.00082 1.21E+05 3.11E+08 0.0004 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0028

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 72 P123 Position #3 47 1.63E+08 H-3 1.76 2.67E+08 2.33E+08 1.1438 8.5995 3.42E+09 0.0779 0.5849 3.25E+07 8.2003 61.4598 Co-60 0.06431 1.05E+07 1.54E+08 0.0681 2.26E+09 0.0046 2.15E+07 0.4877 Ni-63 442 4.63E+09 3.93E+09 1.1792 5.78E+10 0.0802 5.50E+08 8.4257 Sr-90 0.021 3.18E+06 1.40E+06 2.2714 2.06E+07 0.1544 1.96E+05 16.2242 Cs-134 0.00014 2.22E+04 2.94E+07 0.0008 4.32E+08 0.0001 4.12E+06 0.0054 Cs-137 0.92875 1.51E+08 3.85E+07 3.9331 5.66E+08 0.2675 5.39E+06 28.0939 Eu-152 0.00599 9.77E+05 3.58E+08 0.0027 5.26E+09 0.0002 5.00E+07 0.0195 Eu-154 0.00082 1.33E+05 3.11E+08 0.0004 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0031 73 P123 Position #4 46 1.58E+08 H-3 1.76 2.58E+08 2.33E+08 1.1053 8.3102 3.42E+09 0.0753 0.5652 3.25E+07 7.9244 59.3922 Co-60 0.06431 1.01E+07 1.54E+08 0.0658 2.26E+09 0.0045 2.15E+07 0.4712 Ni-63 442 4.48E+09 3.93E+09 1.1395 5.78E+10 0.0775 5.50E+08 8.1423 Sr-90 0.021 3.07E+06 1.40E+06 2.1950 2.06E+07 0.1492 1.96E+05 15.6784 Cs-134 0.00014 2.15E+04 2.94E+07 0.0007 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0052 Cs-137 0.92875 1.46E+08 3.85E+07 3.8008 5.66E+08 0.2585 5.39E+06 27.1488 Eu-152 0.00599 9.44E+05 3.58E+08 0.0026 5.26E+09 0.0002 5.00E+07 0.0189 Eu-154 0.00082 1.29E+05 3.11E+08 0.0004 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0030 74 P123 Position #5 45 1.45E+08 H-3 1.76 2.37E+08 2.33E+08 1.0156 7.6352 3.42E+09 0.0692 0.5193 3.25E+07 7.2808 54.5680 Co-60 0.06431 9.31E+06 1.54E+08 0.0604 2.26E+09 0.0041 2.15E+07 0.4330 Ni-63 442 4.11E+09 3.93E+09 1.0470 5.78E+10 0.0712 5.50E+08 7.4809 Sr-90 0.021 2.82E+06 1.40E+06 2.0167 2.06E+07 0.1371 1.96E+05 14.4049 Cs-134 0.00014 1.97E+04 2.94E+07 0.0007 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0048 Cs-137 0.92875 1.34E+08 3.85E+07 3.4921 5.66E+08 0.2375 5.39E+06 24.9436 Eu-152 0.00599 8.68E+05 3.58E+08 0.0024 5.26E+09 0.0002 5.00E+07 0.0174 Eu-154 0.00082 1.18E+05 3.11E+08 0.0004 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0027 75 P123 Position #6 44 1.28E+08 H-3 1.76 2.10E+08 2.33E+08 0.8997 6.7641 3.42E+09 0.0613 0.4601 3.25E+07 6.4500 48.3419 Co-60 0.06431 8.25E+06 1.54E+08 0.0536 2.26E+09 0.0036 2.15E+07 0.3836 Ni-63 442 3.65E+09 3.93E+09 0.9275 5.78E+10 0.0631 5.50E+08 6.6274 Sr-90 0.021 2.50E+06 1.40E+06 1.7866 2.06E+07 0.1214 1.96E+05 12.7613 Cs-134 0.00014 1.75E+04 2.94E+07 0.0006 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0042 Cs-137 0.92875 1.19E+08 3.85E+07 3.0937 5.66E+08 0.2104 5.39E+06 22.0976 Eu-152 0.00599 7.69E+05 3.58E+08 0.0021 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0154 Eu-154 0.00082 1.05E+05 3.11E+08 0.0003 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0024 76 P123 Position #7 43 1.20E+08 H-3 1.76 1.96E+08 2.33E+08 0.8408 6.3214 3.42E+09 0.0573 0.4300 3.25E+07 6.0279 45.1782 Co-60 0.06431 7.71E+06 1.54E+08 0.0500 2.26E+09 0.0034 2.15E+07 0.3585 Ni-63 442 3.41E+09 3.93E+09 0.8668 5.78E+10 0.0589 5.50E+08 6.1936 Sr-90 0.021 2.34E+06 1.40E+06 1.6697 2.06E+07 0.1135 1.96E+05 11.9262 Cs-134 0.00014 1.63E+04 2.94E+07 0.0006 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0040 Cs-137 0.92875 1.11E+08 3.85E+07 2.8912 5.66E+08 0.1967 5.39E+06 20.6514 Eu-152 0.00599 7.18E+05 3.58E+08 0.0020 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0144 Eu-154 0.00082 9.80E+04 3.11E+08 0.0003 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0022 77 P123 Position #8 42 1.12E+08 H-3 1.76 1.83E+08 2.33E+08 0.7868 5.9150 3.42E+09 0.0536 0.4023 3.25E+07 5.6404 42.2740 Co-60 0.06431 7.21E+06 1.54E+08 0.0468 2.26E+09 0.0032 2.15E+07 0.3354 Ni-63 442 3.19E+09 3.93E+09 0.8111 5.78E+10 0.0551 5.50E+08 5.7955 Sr-90 0.021 2.19E+06 1.40E+06 1.5623 2.06E+07 0.1062 1.96E+05 11.1595 Cs-134 0.00014 1.53E+04 2.94E+07 0.0005 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0037 Cs-137 0.92875 1.04E+08 3.85E+07 2.7053 5.66E+08 0.1840 5.39E+06 19.3239 Eu-152 0.00599 6.72E+05 3.58E+08 0.0019 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0134 Eu-154 0.00082 9.17E+04 3.11E+08 0.0003 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0021

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 78 P123 Position #9 41 1.06E+08 H-3 1.76 1.73E+08 2.33E+08 0.7423 5.5809 3.42E+09 0.0506 0.3796 3.25E+07 5.3218 39.8862 Co-60 0.06431 6.80E+06 1.54E+08 0.0442 2.26E+09 0.0030 2.15E+07 0.3165 Ni-63 442 3.01E+09 3.93E+09 0.7653 5.78E+10 0.0520 5.50E+08 5.4682 Sr-90 0.021 2.06E+06 1.40E+06 1.4741 2.06E+07 0.1002 1.96E+05 10.5292 Cs-134 0.00014 1.44E+04 2.94E+07 0.0005 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0035 Cs-137 0.92875 9.83E+07 3.85E+07 2.5525 5.66E+08 0.1736 5.39E+06 18.2324 Eu-152 0.00599 6.34E+05 3.58E+08 0.0018 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0127 Eu-154 0.00082 8.65E+04 3.11E+08 0.0003 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0020 79 P123 Position #10 40 1.13E+08 H-3 1.76 1.84E+08 2.33E+08 0.7916 5.9513 3.42E+09 0.0539 0.4048 3.25E+07 5.6750 42.5334 Co-60 0.06431 7.26E+06 1.54E+08 0.0471 2.26E+09 0.0032 2.15E+07 0.3375 Ni-63 442 3.21E+09 3.93E+09 0.8161 5.78E+10 0.0555 5.50E+08 5.8311 Sr-90 0.021 2.20E+06 1.40E+06 1.5719 2.06E+07 0.1068 1.96E+05 11.2280 Cs-134 0.00014 1.54E+04 2.94E+07 0.0005 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0037 Cs-137 0.92875 1.05E+08 3.85E+07 2.7219 5.66E+08 0.1851 5.39E+06 19.4424 Eu-152 0.00599 6.76E+05 3.58E+08 0.0019 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0135 Eu-154 0.00082 9.22E+04 3.11E+08 0.0003 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0021 80 P123 Position #11 39 1.18E+08 H-3 1.76 1.93E+08 2.33E+08 0.8304 6.2428 3.42E+09 0.0566 0.4246 3.25E+07 5.9530 44.6167 Co-60 0.06431 7.61E+06 1.54E+08 0.0494 2.26E+09 0.0034 2.15E+07 0.3540 Ni-63 442 3.36E+09 3.93E+09 0.8560 5.78E+10 0.0582 5.50E+08 6.1167 Sr-90 0.021 2.31E+06 1.40E+06 1.6489 2.06E+07 0.1121 1.96E+05 11.7780 Cs-134 0.00014 1.61E+04 2.94E+07 0.0005 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0039 Cs-137 0.92875 1.10E+08 3.85E+07 2.8553 5.66E+08 0.1942 5.39E+06 20.3947 Eu-152 0.00599 7.10E+05 3.58E+08 0.0020 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0142 Eu-154 0.00082 9.68E+04 3.11E+08 0.0003 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0022 81 P123 Position #12 38 1.18E+08 H-3 1.76 1.93E+08 2.33E+08 0.8288 6.2310 3.42E+09 0.0565 0.4238 3.25E+07 5.9417 44.5321 Co-60 0.06431 7.60E+06 1.54E+08 0.0493 2.26E+09 0.0034 2.15E+07 0.3533 Ni-63 442 3.36E+09 3.93E+09 0.8544 5.78E+10 0.0581 5.50E+08 6.1051 Sr-90 0.021 2.30E+06 1.40E+06 1.6458 2.06E+07 0.1118 1.96E+05 11.7556 Cs-134 0.00014 1.61E+04 2.94E+07 0.0005 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0039 Cs-137 0.92875 1.10E+08 3.85E+07 2.8499 5.66E+08 0.1939 5.39E+06 20.3561 Eu-152 0.00599 7.08E+05 3.58E+08 0.0020 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0142 Eu-154 0.00082 9.66E+04 3.11E+08 0.0003 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0022 82 P123 Position #13 37 1.24E+08 H-3 1.76 2.03E+08 2.33E+08 0.8719 6.5553 3.42E+09 0.0594 0.4459 3.25E+07 6.2510 46.8500 Co-60 0.06431 7.99E+06 1.54E+08 0.0519 2.26E+09 0.0035 2.15E+07 0.3717 Ni-63 442 3.53E+09 3.93E+09 0.8989 5.78E+10 0.0611 5.50E+08 6.4228 Sr-90 0.021 2.42E+06 1.40E+06 1.7314 2.06E+07 0.1177 1.96E+05 12.3675 Cs-134 0.00014 1.69E+04 2.94E+07 0.0006 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0041 Cs-137 0.92875 1.15E+08 3.85E+07 2.9982 5.66E+08 0.2039 5.39E+06 21.4156 Eu-152 0.00599 7.45E+05 3.58E+08 0.0021 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0149 Eu-154 0.00082 1.02E+05 3.11E+08 0.0003 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0023 83 P123 Position #14 36 1.11E+08 H-3 1.76 1.81E+08 2.33E+08 0.7775 5.8453 3.42E+09 0.0530 0.3976 3.25E+07 5.5739 41.7757 Co-60 0.06431 7.13E+06 1.54E+08 0.0463 2.26E+09 0.0032 2.15E+07 0.3315 Ni-63 442 3.15E+09 3.93E+09 0.8015 5.78E+10 0.0545 5.50E+08 5.7272 Sr-90 0.021 2.16E+06 1.40E+06 1.5439 2.06E+07 0.1049 1.96E+05 11.0280 Cs-134 0.00014 1.51E+04 2.94E+07 0.0005 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0037 Cs-137 0.92875 1.03E+08 3.85E+07 2.6735 5.66E+08 0.1819 5.39E+06 19.0961 Eu-152 0.00599 6.64E+05 3.58E+08 0.0019 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0133 Eu-154 0.00082 9.06E+04 3.11E+08 0.0003 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0021

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 84 P123 Position #15 35 8.62E+07 H-3 1.76 1.41E+08 2.33E+08 0.6044 4.5439 3.42E+09 0.0412 0.3091 3.25E+07 4.3329 32.4747 Co-60 0.06431 5.54E+06 1.54E+08 0.0360 2.26E+09 0.0025 2.15E+07 0.2577 Ni-63 442 2.45E+09 3.93E+09 0.6231 5.78E+10 0.0424 5.50E+08 4.4521 Sr-90 0.021 1.68E+06 1.40E+06 1.2002 2.06E+07 0.0816 1.96E+05 8.5727 Cs-134 0.00014 1.17E+04 2.94E+07 0.0004 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0028 Cs-137 0.92875 8.00E+07 3.85E+07 2.0782 5.66E+08 0.1414 5.39E+06 14.8445 Eu-152 0.00599 5.16E+05 3.58E+08 0.0014 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0103 Eu-154 0.00082 7.04E+04 3.11E+08 0.0002 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0016 85 P123 Position #16 34 7.28E+07 H-3 1.76 1.19E+08 2.33E+08 0.5109 3.8412 3.42E+09 0.0348 0.2613 3.25E+07 3.6629 27.4524 Co-60 0.06431 4.68E+06 1.54E+08 0.0304 2.26E+09 0.0021 2.15E+07 0.2178 Ni-63 442 2.07E+09 3.93E+09 0.5267 5.78E+10 0.0358 5.50E+08 3.7636 Sr-90 0.021 1.42E+06 1.40E+06 1.0146 2.06E+07 0.0690 1.96E+05 7.2469 Cs-134 0.00014 9.92E+03 2.94E+07 0.0003 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0024 Cs-137 0.92875 6.76E+07 3.85E+07 1.7568 5.66E+08 0.1195 5.39E+06 12.5488 Eu-152 0.00599 4.37E+05 3.58E+08 0.0012 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0087 Eu-154 0.00082 5.95E+04 3.11E+08 0.0002 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0014 86 P123 Position #17 33 6.79E+07 H-3 1.76 1.11E+08 2.33E+08 0.4765 3.5824 3.42E+09 0.0325 0.2437 3.25E+07 3.4161 25.6031 Co-60 0.06431 4.37E+06 1.54E+08 0.0284 2.26E+09 0.0019 2.15E+07 0.2031 Ni-63 442 1.93E+09 3.93E+09 0.4912 5.78E+10 0.0334 5.50E+08 3.5100 Sr-90 0.021 1.32E+06 1.40E+06 0.9462 2.06E+07 0.0643 1.96E+05 6.7587 Cs-134 0.00014 9.25E+03 2.94E+07 0.0003 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0022 Cs-137 0.92875 6.31E+07 3.85E+07 1.6385 5.66E+08 0.1115 5.39E+06 11.7034 Eu-152 0.00599 4.07E+05 3.58E+08 0.0011 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0081 Eu-154 0.00082 5.55E+04 3.11E+08 0.0002 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0013 87 P123 Position #18 32 6.55E+07 H-3 1.76 1.07E+08 2.33E+08 0.4597 3.4560 3.42E+09 0.0313 0.2351 3.25E+07 3.2956 24.6998 Co-60 0.06431 4.21E+06 1.54E+08 0.0274 2.26E+09 0.0019 2.15E+07 0.1960 Ni-63 442 1.86E+09 3.93E+09 0.4739 5.78E+10 0.0322 5.50E+08 3.3862 Sr-90 0.021 1.28E+06 1.40E+06 0.9128 2.06E+07 0.0620 1.96E+05 6.5203 Cs-134 0.00014 8.93E+03 2.94E+07 0.0003 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0022 Cs-137 0.92875 6.09E+07 3.85E+07 1.5807 5.66E+08 0.1075 5.39E+06 11.2905 Eu-152 0.00599 3.93E+05 3.58E+08 0.0011 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0079 Eu-154 0.00082 5.36E+04 3.11E+08 0.0002 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0012 88 P123 Position #19 31 6.77E+07 H-3 1.76 1.11E+08 2.33E+08 0.4748 3.5696 3.42E+09 0.0323 0.2428 3.25E+07 3.4039 25.5116 Co-60 0.06431 4.35E+06 1.54E+08 0.0283 2.26E+09 0.0019 2.15E+07 0.2024 Ni-63 442 1.92E+09 3.93E+09 0.4895 5.78E+10 0.0333 5.50E+08 3.4975 Sr-90 0.021 1.32E+06 1.40E+06 0.9428 2.06E+07 0.0641 1.96E+05 6.7346 Cs-134 0.00014 9.22E+03 2.94E+07 0.0003 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0022 Cs-137 0.92875 6.29E+07 3.85E+07 1.6326 5.66E+08 0.1111 5.39E+06 11.6616 Eu-152 0.00599 4.06E+05 3.58E+08 0.0011 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0081 Eu-154 0.00082 5.53E+04 3.11E+08 0.0002 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0013 89 P123 Position #20 30 5.49E+07 H-3 1.76 8.98E+07 2.33E+08 0.3853 2.8966 3.42E+09 0.0262 0.1970 3.25E+07 2.7621 20.7013 Co-60 0.06431 3.53E+06 1.54E+08 0.0229 2.26E+09 0.0016 2.15E+07 0.1643 Ni-63 442 1.56E+09 3.93E+09 0.3972 5.78E+10 0.0270 5.50E+08 2.8380 Sr-90 0.021 1.07E+06 1.40E+06 0.7651 2.06E+07 0.0520 1.96E+05 5.4648 Cs-134 0.00014 7.48E+03 2.94E+07 0.0003 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0018 Cs-137 0.92875 5.10E+07 3.85E+07 1.3248 5.66E+08 0.0901 5.39E+06 9.4628 Eu-152 0.00599 3.29E+05 3.58E+08 0.0009 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0066 Eu-154 0.00082 4.49E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0010

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 90 P123 Position #21 29 4.05E+07 H-3 1.76 6.62E+07 2.33E+08 0.2842 2.1368 3.42E+09 0.0194 0.1453 3.25E+07 2.0376 15.2713 Co-60 0.06431 2.61E+06 1.54E+08 0.0169 2.26E+09 0.0012 2.15E+07 0.1212 Ni-63 442 1.15E+09 3.93E+09 0.2930 5.78E+10 0.0199 5.50E+08 2.0936 Sr-90 0.021 7.90E+05 1.40E+06 0.5644 2.06E+07 0.0384 1.96E+05 4.0313 Cs-134 0.00014 5.52E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0013 Cs-137 0.92875 3.76E+07 3.85E+07 0.9773 5.66E+08 0.0665 5.39E+06 6.9807 Eu-152 0.00599 2.43E+05 3.58E+08 0.0007 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0049 Eu-154 0.00082 3.31E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0008 91 P123 Position #22 28 3.55E+07 H-3 1.76 5.80E+07 2.33E+08 0.2488 1.8702 3.42E+09 0.0169 0.1272 3.25E+07 1.7834 13.3664 Co-60 0.06431 2.28E+06 1.54E+08 0.0148 2.26E+09 0.0010 2.15E+07 0.1061 Ni-63 442 1.01E+09 3.93E+09 0.2564 5.78E+10 0.0174 5.50E+08 1.8325 Sr-90 0.021 6.92E+05 1.40E+06 0.4940 2.06E+07 0.0336 1.96E+05 3.5285 Cs-134 0.00014 4.83E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0012 Cs-137 0.92875 3.29E+07 3.85E+07 0.8554 5.66E+08 0.0582 5.39E+06 6.1099 Eu-152 0.00599 2.13E+05 3.58E+08 0.0006 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0043 Eu-154 0.00082 2.90E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0007 92 P123 Position #23 27 2.58E+07 H-3 1.76 4.22E+07 2.33E+08 0.1812 1.3620 3.42E+09 0.0123 0.0926 3.25E+07 1.2988 9.7339 Co-60 0.06431 1.66E+06 1.54E+08 0.0108 2.26E+09 0.0007 2.15E+07 0.0772 Ni-63 442 7.34E+08 3.93E+09 0.1868 5.78E+10 0.0127 5.50E+08 1.3345 Sr-90 0.021 5.04E+05 1.40E+06 0.3597 2.06E+07 0.0244 1.96E+05 2.5696 Cs-134 0.00014 3.52E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0009 Cs-137 0.92875 2.40E+07 3.85E+07 0.6229 5.66E+08 0.0424 5.39E+06 4.4495 Eu-152 0.00599 1.55E+05 3.58E+08 0.0004 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0031 Eu-154 0.00082 2.11E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0005 93 P123 Position #24 26 1.42E+07 H-3 1.76 2.32E+07 2.33E+08 0.0997 0.7495 3.42E+09 0.0068 0.0510 3.25E+07 0.7147 5.3564 Co-60 0.06431 9.14E+05 1.54E+08 0.0059 2.26E+09 0.0004 2.15E+07 0.0425 Ni-63 442 4.04E+08 3.93E+09 0.1028 5.78E+10 0.0070 5.50E+08 0.7343 Sr-90 0.021 2.77E+05 1.40E+06 0.1980 2.06E+07 0.0135 1.96E+05 1.4140 Cs-134 0.00014 1.94E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0005 Cs-137 0.92875 1.32E+07 3.85E+07 0.3428 5.66E+08 0.0233 5.39E+06 2.4485 Eu-152 0.00599 8.52E+04 3.58E+08 0.0002 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0017 Eu-154 0.00082 1.16E+04 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0003 94 P123 Position #25 25 1.11E+07 H-3 1.76 1.82E+07 2.33E+08 0.0779 0.5857 3.42E+09 0.0053 0.0398 3.25E+07 0.5586 4.1862 Co-60 0.06431 7.14E+05 1.54E+08 0.0046 2.26E+09 0.0003 2.15E+07 0.0332 Ni-63 442 3.16E+08 3.93E+09 0.0803 5.78E+10 0.0055 5.50E+08 0.5739 Sr-90 0.021 2.17E+05 1.40E+06 0.1547 2.06E+07 0.0105 1.96E+05 1.1051 Cs-134 0.00014 1.51E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0004 Cs-137 0.92875 1.03E+07 3.85E+07 0.2679 5.66E+08 0.0182 5.39E+06 1.9136 Eu-152 0.00599 6.66E+04 3.58E+08 0.0002 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0013 Eu-154 0.00082 9.08E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0002 95 P123 Position #26 24 9.23E+06 H-3 1.76 1.51E+07 2.33E+08 0.0647 0.4867 3.42E+09 0.0044 0.0331 3.25E+07 0.4641 3.4784 Co-60 0.06431 5.93E+05 1.54E+08 0.0039 2.26E+09 0.0003 2.15E+07 0.0276 Ni-63 442 2.62E+08 3.93E+09 0.0667 5.78E+10 0.0045 5.50E+08 0.4769 Sr-90 0.021 1.80E+05 1.40E+06 0.1286 2.06E+07 0.0087 1.96E+05 0.9182 Cs-134 0.00014 1.26E+03 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0003 Cs-137 0.92875 8.57E+06 3.85E+07 0.2226 5.66E+08 0.0151 5.39E+06 1.5900 Eu-152 0.00599 5.53E+04 3.58E+08 0.0002 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0011 Eu-154 0.00082 7.54E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0002

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 96 P123 Position #27 23 9.16E+06 H-3 1.76 1.50E+07 2.33E+08 0.0643 0.4834 3.42E+09 0.0044 0.0329 3.25E+07 0.4609 3.4547 Co-60 0.06431 5.89E+05 1.54E+08 0.0038 2.26E+09 0.0003 2.15E+07 0.0274 Ni-63 442 2.60E+08 3.93E+09 0.0663 5.78E+10 0.0045 5.50E+08 0.4736 Sr-90 0.021 1.79E+05 1.40E+06 0.1277 2.06E+07 0.0087 1.96E+05 0.9120 Cs-134 0.00014 1.25E+03 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0003 Cs-137 0.92875 8.51E+06 3.85E+07 0.2211 5.66E+08 0.0150 5.39E+06 1.5792 Eu-152 0.00599 5.49E+04 3.58E+08 0.0002 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0011 Eu-154 0.00082 7.49E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0002 97 P123 Position #28 22 7.15E+06 H-3 1.76 1.17E+07 2.33E+08 0.0501 0.3770 3.42E+09 0.0034 0.0256 3.25E+07 0.3595 2.6942 Co-60 0.06431 4.60E+05 1.54E+08 0.0030 2.26E+09 0.0002 2.15E+07 0.0214 Ni-63 442 2.03E+08 3.93E+09 0.0517 5.78E+10 0.0035 5.50E+08 0.3694 Sr-90 0.021 1.39E+05 1.40E+06 0.0996 2.06E+07 0.0068 1.96E+05 0.7112 Cs-134 0.00014 9.74E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 6.64E+06 3.85E+07 0.1724 5.66E+08 0.0117 5.39E+06 1.2315 Eu-152 0.00599 4.28E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0009 Eu-154 0.00082 5.84E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 98 P123 Position #29 21 5.43E+06 H-3 1.76 8.87E+06 2.33E+08 0.0381 0.2863 3.42E+09 0.0026 0.0195 3.25E+07 0.2730 2.0463 Co-60 0.06431 3.49E+05 1.54E+08 0.0023 2.26E+09 0.0002 2.15E+07 0.0162 Ni-63 442 1.54E+08 3.93E+09 0.0393 5.78E+10 0.0027 5.50E+08 0.2805 Sr-90 0.021 1.06E+05 1.40E+06 0.0756 2.06E+07 0.0051 1.96E+05 0.5402 Cs-134 0.00014 7.40E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 5.04E+06 3.85E+07 0.1310 5.66E+08 0.0089 5.39E+06 0.9354 Eu-152 0.00599 3.25E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0007 Eu-154 0.00082 4.44E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 99 P123 Position #30 20 4.71E+06 H-3 1.76 7.70E+06 2.33E+08 0.0330 0.2484 3.42E+09 0.0023 0.0169 3.25E+07 0.2369 1.7756 Co-60 0.06431 3.03E+05 1.54E+08 0.0020 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0141 Ni-63 442 1.34E+08 3.93E+09 0.0341 5.78E+10 0.0023 5.50E+08 0.2434 Sr-90 0.021 9.19E+04 1.40E+06 0.0656 2.06E+07 0.0045 1.96E+05 0.4687 Cs-134 0.00014 6.42E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.37E+06 3.85E+07 0.1136 5.66E+08 0.0077 5.39E+06 0.8116 Eu-152 0.00599 2.82E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 3.85E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 100 P123 Position #31 19 4.43E+06 H-3 1.76 7.24E+06 2.33E+08 0.0311 0.2337 3.42E+09 0.0021 0.0159 3.25E+07 0.2229 1.6703 Co-60 0.06431 2.85E+05 1.54E+08 0.0019 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0133 Ni-63 442 1.26E+08 3.93E+09 0.0320 5.78E+10 0.0022 5.50E+08 0.2290 Sr-90 0.021 8.64E+04 1.40E+06 0.0617 2.06E+07 0.0042 1.96E+05 0.4409 Cs-134 0.00014 6.04E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 4.12E+06 3.85E+07 0.1069 5.66E+08 0.0073 5.39E+06 0.7635 Eu-152 0.00599 2.66E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.62E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 101 P123 Position #32 18 4.27E+06 H-3 1.76 6.98E+06 2.33E+08 0.0300 0.2253 3.42E+09 0.0020 0.0153 3.25E+07 0.2149 1.6104 Co-60 0.06431 2.75E+05 1.54E+08 0.0018 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0128 Ni-63 442 1.21E+08 3.93E+09 0.0309 5.78E+10 0.0021 5.50E+08 0.2208 Sr-90 0.021 8.33E+04 1.40E+06 0.0595 2.06E+07 0.0040 1.96E+05 0.4251 Cs-134 0.00014 5.82E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.97E+06 3.85E+07 0.1031 5.66E+08 0.0070 5.39E+06 0.7361 Eu-152 0.00599 2.56E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.49E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 102 P123 Position #33 17 4.49E+06 H-3 1.76 7.33E+06 2.33E+08 0.0315 0.2366 3.42E+09 0.0021 0.0161 3.25E+07 0.2257 1.6913 Co-60 0.06431 2.89E+05 1.54E+08 0.0019 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0134 Ni-63 442 1.28E+08 3.93E+09 0.0324 5.78E+10 0.0022 5.50E+08 0.2319 Sr-90 0.021 8.75E+04 1.40E+06 0.0625 2.06E+07 0.0042 1.96E+05 0.4465 Cs-134 0.00014 6.11E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 4.17E+06 3.85E+07 0.1082 5.66E+08 0.0074 5.39E+06 0.7731 Eu-152 0.00599 2.69E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.67E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 103 P123 Position #34 16 4.90E+06 H-3 1.76 8.01E+06 2.33E+08 0.0344 0.2583 3.42E+09 0.0023 0.0176 3.25E+07 0.2463 1.8463 Co-60 0.06431 3.15E+05 1.54E+08 0.0020 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0146 Ni-63 442 1.39E+08 3.93E+09 0.0354 5.78E+10 0.0024 5.50E+08 0.2531 Sr-90 0.021 9.55E+04 1.40E+06 0.0682 2.06E+07 0.0046 1.96E+05 0.4874 Cs-134 0.00014 6.67E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.55E+06 3.85E+07 0.1182 5.66E+08 0.0080 5.39E+06 0.8439 Eu-152 0.00599 2.94E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 4.00E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 104 P123 Position #35 15 6.11E+06 H-3 1.76 9.98E+06 2.33E+08 0.0428 0.3221 3.42E+09 0.0029 0.0219 3.25E+07 0.3072 2.3022 Co-60 0.06431 3.93E+05 1.54E+08 0.0026 2.26E+09 0.0002 2.15E+07 0.0183 Ni-63 442 1.74E+08 3.93E+09 0.0442 5.78E+10 0.0030 5.50E+08 0.3156 Sr-90 0.021 1.19E+05 1.40E+06 0.0851 2.06E+07 0.0058 1.96E+05 0.6077 Cs-134 0.00014 8.32E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 5.67E+06 3.85E+07 0.1473 5.66E+08 0.0100 5.39E+06 1.0524 Eu-152 0.00599 3.66E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0007 Eu-154 0.00082 4.99E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 105 P123 Position #36 14 4.94E+06 H-3 1.76 8.07E+06 2.33E+08 0.0347 0.2606 3.42E+09 0.0024 0.0177 3.25E+07 0.2485 1.8621 Co-60 0.06431 3.18E+05 1.54E+08 0.0021 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0148 Ni-63 442 1.40E+08 3.93E+09 0.0357 5.78E+10 0.0024 5.50E+08 0.2553 Sr-90 0.021 9.63E+04 1.40E+06 0.0688 2.06E+07 0.0047 1.96E+05 0.4916 Cs-134 0.00014 6.73E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.59E+06 3.85E+07 0.1192 5.66E+08 0.0081 5.39E+06 0.8512 Eu-152 0.00599 2.96E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 4.04E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 106 P123 Position #37 13 4.84E+06 H-3 1.76 7.91E+06 2.33E+08 0.0340 0.2553 3.42E+09 0.0023 0.0174 3.25E+07 0.2435 1.8249 Co-60 0.06431 3.11E+05 1.54E+08 0.0020 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0145 Ni-63 442 1.38E+08 3.93E+09 0.0350 5.78E+10 0.0024 5.50E+08 0.2502 Sr-90 0.021 9.44E+04 1.40E+06 0.0674 2.06E+07 0.0046 1.96E+05 0.4817 Cs-134 0.00014 6.60E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.50E+06 3.85E+07 0.1168 5.66E+08 0.0079 5.39E+06 0.8342 Eu-152 0.00599 2.90E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 3.96E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 107 P123 Position #38 12 4.03E+06 H-3 1.76 6.59E+06 2.33E+08 0.0283 0.2126 3.42E+09 0.0019 0.0145 3.25E+07 0.2027 1.5192 Co-60 0.06431 2.59E+05 1.54E+08 0.0017 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0121 Ni-63 442 1.15E+08 3.93E+09 0.0291 5.78E+10 0.0020 5.50E+08 0.2083 Sr-90 0.021 7.86E+04 1.40E+06 0.0561 2.06E+07 0.0038 1.96E+05 0.4010 Cs-134 0.00014 5.49E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.74E+06 3.85E+07 0.0972 5.66E+08 0.0066 5.39E+06 0.6945 Eu-152 0.00599 2.42E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.29E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 108 P123 Position #39 11 3.73E+06 H-3 1.76 6.09E+06 2.33E+08 0.0261 0.1965 3.42E+09 0.0018 0.0134 3.25E+07 0.1874 1.4045 Co-60 0.06431 2.40E+05 1.54E+08 0.0016 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0111 Ni-63 442 1.06E+08 3.93E+09 0.0269 5.78E+10 0.0018 5.50E+08 0.1925 Sr-90 0.021 7.27E+04 1.40E+06 0.0519 2.06E+07 0.0035 1.96E+05 0.3708 Cs-134 0.00014 5.08E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.46E+06 3.85E+07 0.0899 5.66E+08 0.0061 5.39E+06 0.6420 Eu-152 0.00599 2.23E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 3.05E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 109 P123 Position #40 10 3.73E+06 H-3 1.76 6.10E+06 2.33E+08 0.0262 0.1968 3.42E+09 0.0018 0.0134 3.25E+07 0.1876 1.4062 Co-60 0.06431 2.40E+05 1.54E+08 0.0016 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0112 Ni-63 442 1.06E+08 3.93E+09 0.0270 5.78E+10 0.0018 5.50E+08 0.1928 Sr-90 0.021 7.28E+04 1.40E+06 0.0520 2.06E+07 0.0035 1.96E+05 0.3712 Cs-134 0.00014 5.08E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.46E+06 3.85E+07 0.0900 5.66E+08 0.0061 5.39E+06 0.6428 Eu-152 0.00599 2.24E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 3.05E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 110 P123 Position #41 9

3.86E+06 H-3 1.76 6.30E+06 2.33E+08 0.0270 0.2033 3.42E+09 0.0018 0.0138 3.25E+07 0.1939 1.4532 Co-60 0.06431 2.48E+05 1.54E+08 0.0016 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0115 Ni-63 442 1.10E+08 3.93E+09 0.0279 5.78E+10 0.0019 5.50E+08 0.1992 Sr-90 0.021 7.52E+04 1.40E+06 0.0537 2.06E+07 0.0037 1.96E+05 0.3836 Cs-134 0.00014 5.25E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.58E+06 3.85E+07 0.0930 5.66E+08 0.0063 5.39E+06 0.6643 Eu-152 0.00599 2.31E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.15E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 111 P123 Position #42 8

4.23E+06 H-3 1.76 6.92E+06 2.33E+08 0.0297 0.2232 3.42E+09 0.0020 0.0152 3.25E+07 0.2128 1.5952 Co-60 0.06431 2.72E+05 1.54E+08 0.0018 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0127 Ni-63 442 1.20E+08 3.93E+09 0.0306 5.78E+10 0.0021 5.50E+08 0.2187 Sr-90 0.021 8.25E+04 1.40E+06 0.0590 2.06E+07 0.0040 1.96E+05 0.4211 Cs-134 0.00014 5.77E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.93E+06 3.85E+07 0.1021 5.66E+08 0.0069 5.39E+06 0.7292 Eu-152 0.00599 2.54E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.46E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 112 P123 Position #43 7

4.18E+06 H-3 1.76 6.83E+06 2.33E+08 0.0293 0.2203 3.42E+09 0.0020 0.0150 3.25E+07 0.2101 1.5743 Co-60 0.06431 2.69E+05 1.54E+08 0.0017 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0125 Ni-63 442 1.19E+08 3.93E+09 0.0302 5.78E+10 0.0021 5.50E+08 0.2158 Sr-90 0.021 8.15E+04 1.40E+06 0.0582 2.06E+07 0.0040 1.96E+05 0.4156 Cs-134 0.00014 5.69E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.88E+06 3.85E+07 0.1007 5.66E+08 0.0069 5.39E+06 0.7196 Eu-152 0.00599 2.50E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.41E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 113 P123 Position #44 6

5.80E+06 H-3 1.76 9.49E+06 2.33E+08 0.0407 0.3061 3.42E+09 0.0028 0.0208 3.25E+07 0.2919 2.1877 Co-60 0.06431 3.73E+05 1.54E+08 0.0024 2.26E+09 0.0002 2.15E+07 0.0174 Ni-63 442 1.65E+08 3.93E+09 0.0420 5.78E+10 0.0029 5.50E+08 0.2999 Sr-90 0.021 1.13E+05 1.40E+06 0.0808 2.06E+07 0.0055 1.96E+05 0.5775 Cs-134 0.00014 7.91E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 5.39E+06 3.85E+07 0.1400 5.66E+08 0.0095 5.39E+06 1.0000 Eu-152 0.00599 3.48E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0007 Eu-154 0.00082 4.74E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 114 P123 Position #45 5

4.08E+06 H-3 1.76 6.67E+06 2.33E+08 0.0286 0.2152 3.42E+09 0.0020 0.0146 3.25E+07 0.2052 1.5382 Co-60 0.06431 2.62E+05 1.54E+08 0.0017 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0122 Ni-63 442 1.16E+08 3.93E+09 0.0295 5.78E+10 0.0020 5.50E+08 0.2109 Sr-90 0.021 7.96E+04 1.40E+06 0.0568 2.06E+07 0.0039 1.96E+05 0.4061 Cs-134 0.00014 5.56E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.79E+06 3.85E+07 0.0984 5.66E+08 0.0067 5.39E+06 0.7031 Eu-152 0.00599 2.45E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.34E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 115 P123 Position #46 4

3.63E+06 H-3 1.76 5.93E+06 2.33E+08 0.0255 0.1915 3.42E+09 0.0017 0.0130 3.25E+07 0.1826 1.3683 Co-60 0.06431 2.33E+05 1.54E+08 0.0015 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0109 Ni-63 442 1.03E+08 3.93E+09 0.0263 5.78E+10 0.0018 5.50E+08 0.1876 Sr-90 0.021 7.08E+04 1.40E+06 0.0506 2.06E+07 0.0034 1.96E+05 0.3612 Cs-134 0.00014 4.95E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.37E+06 3.85E+07 0.0876 5.66E+08 0.0060 5.39E+06 0.6255 Eu-152 0.00599 2.18E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.97E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 116 P123 Position #47 3

3.76E+06 H-3 1.76 6.15E+06 2.33E+08 0.0264 0.1984 3.42E+09 0.0018 0.0135 3.25E+07 0.1892 1.4179 Co-60 0.06431 2.42E+05 1.54E+08 0.0016 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0113 Ni-63 442 1.07E+08 3.93E+09 0.0272 5.78E+10 0.0018 5.50E+08 0.1944 Sr-90 0.021 7.34E+04 1.40E+06 0.0524 2.06E+07 0.0036 1.96E+05 0.3743 Cs-134 0.00014 5.12E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.49E+06 3.85E+07 0.0907 5.66E+08 0.0062 5.39E+06 0.6481 Eu-152 0.00599 2.25E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.07E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 117 P123 Position #48 2

4.44E+06 H-3 1.76 7.26E+06 2.33E+08 0.0311 0.2341 3.42E+09 0.0021 0.0159 3.25E+07 0.2232 1.6732 Co-60 0.06431 2.85E+05 1.54E+08 0.0019 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0133 Ni-63 442 1.26E+08 3.93E+09 0.0321 5.78E+10 0.0022 5.50E+08 0.2294 Sr-90 0.021 8.66E+04 1.40E+06 0.0618 2.06E+07 0.0042 1.96E+05 0.4417 Cs-134 0.00014 6.05E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 4.12E+06 3.85E+07 0.1071 5.66E+08 0.0073 5.39E+06 0.7648 Eu-152 0.00599 2.66E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.63E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 118 P123 Position #49 1

4.18E+06 H-3 1.76 6.83E+06 2.33E+08 0.0293 0.2205 3.42E+09 0.0020 0.0150 3.25E+07 0.2102 1.5757 Co-60 0.06431 2.69E+05 1.54E+08 0.0017 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0125 Ni-63 442 1.19E+08 3.93E+09 0.0302 5.78E+10 0.0021 5.50E+08 0.2160 Sr-90 0.021 8.15E+04 1.40E+06 0.0582 2.06E+07 0.0040 1.96E+05 0.4160 Cs-134 0.00014 5.69E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.88E+06 3.85E+07 0.1008 5.66E+08 0.0069 5.39E+06 0.7203 Eu-152 0.00599 2.51E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.42E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 119 P123 Position #50 0

4.00E+06 H-3 1.76 6.54E+06 2.33E+08 0.0281 0.2111 3.42E+09 0.0019 0.0144 3.25E+07 0.2013 1.5085 Co-60 0.06431 2.57E+05 1.54E+08 0.0017 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0120 Ni-63 442 1.14E+08 3.93E+09 0.0289 5.78E+10 0.0020 5.50E+08 0.2068 Sr-90 0.021 7.81E+04 1.40E+06 0.0558 2.06E+07 0.0038 1.96E+05 0.3982 Cs-134 0.00014 5.45E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.72E+06 3.85E+07 0.0965 5.66E+08 0.0066 5.39E+06 0.6896 Eu-152 0.00599 2.40E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.27E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 120 P124 Position #1 49 5.02E+07 H-3 1.76 8.20E+07 2.33E+08 0.3520 2.6467 3.42E+09 0.0240 0.1800 3.25E+07 2.5238 18.9154 Co-60 0.06431 3.23E+06 1.54E+08 0.0210 2.26E+09 0.0014 2.15E+07 0.1501 Ni-63 442 1.43E+09 3.93E+09 0.3629 5.78E+10 0.0247 5.50E+08 2.5932 Sr-90 0.021 9.79E+05 1.40E+06 0.6991 2.06E+07 0.0475 1.96E+05 4.9933 Cs-134 0.00014 6.84E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0017 Cs-137 0.92875 4.66E+07 3.85E+07 1.2105 5.66E+08 0.0823 5.39E+06 8.6464 Eu-152 0.00599 3.01E+05 3.58E+08 0.0008 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0060 Eu-154 0.00082 4.10E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0009 121 P124 Position #2 48 4.16E+07 H-3 1.76 6.80E+07 2.33E+08 0.2919 2.1944 3.42E+09 0.0199 0.1493 3.25E+07 2.0925 15.6833 Co-60 0.06431 2.68E+06 1.54E+08 0.0174 2.26E+09 0.0012 2.15E+07 0.1244 Ni-63 442 1.18E+09 3.93E+09 0.3009 5.78E+10 0.0205 5.50E+08 2.1501 Sr-90 0.021 8.11E+05 1.40E+06 0.5796 2.06E+07 0.0394 1.96E+05 4.1401 Cs-134 0.00014 5.67E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0014 Cs-137 0.92875 3.86E+07 3.85E+07 1.0037 5.66E+08 0.0683 5.39E+06 7.1690 Eu-152 0.00599 2.49E+05 3.58E+08 0.0007 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0050 Eu-154 0.00082 3.40E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0008 122 P124 Position #3 47 4.35E+07 H-3 1.76 7.10E+07 2.33E+08 0.3049 2.2926 3.42E+09 0.0208 0.1559 3.25E+07 2.1861 16.3846 Co-60 0.06431 2.80E+06 1.54E+08 0.0181 2.26E+09 0.0012 2.15E+07 0.1300 Ni-63 442 1.24E+09 3.93E+09 0.3144 5.78E+10 0.0214 5.50E+08 2.2462 Sr-90 0.021 8.48E+05 1.40E+06 0.6055 2.06E+07 0.0412 1.96E+05 4.3252 Cs-134 0.00014 5.92E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0014 Cs-137 0.92875 4.04E+07 3.85E+07 1.0485 5.66E+08 0.0713 5.39E+06 7.4896 Eu-152 0.00599 2.61E+05 3.58E+08 0.0007 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0052 Eu-154 0.00082 3.55E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0008 123 P124 Position #4 46 4.39E+07 H-3 1.76 7.18E+07 2.33E+08 0.3083 2.3176 3.42E+09 0.0210 0.1576 3.25E+07 2.2100 16.5637 Co-60 0.06431 2.83E+06 1.54E+08 0.0183 2.26E+09 0.0013 2.15E+07 0.1314 Ni-63 442 1.25E+09 3.93E+09 0.3178 5.78E+10 0.0216 5.50E+08 2.2708 Sr-90 0.021 8.57E+05 1.40E+06 0.6122 2.06E+07 0.0416 1.96E+05 4.3725 Cs-134 0.00014 5.99E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0015 Cs-137 0.92875 4.08E+07 3.85E+07 1.0600 5.66E+08 0.0721 5.39E+06 7.5714 Eu-152 0.00599 2.63E+05 3.58E+08 0.0007 5.26E+09 0.0001 5.00E+07 0.0053 Eu-154 0.00082 3.59E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0008 124 P124 Position #5 45 4.33E+07 H-3 1.76 7.08E+07 2.33E+08 0.3040 2.2856 3.42E+09 0.0207 0.1555 3.25E+07 2.1795 16.3347 Co-60 0.06431 2.79E+06 1.54E+08 0.0181 2.26E+09 0.0012 2.15E+07 0.1296 Ni-63 442 1.23E+09 3.93E+09 0.3134 5.78E+10 0.0213 5.50E+08 2.2394 Sr-90 0.021 8.45E+05 1.40E+06 0.6037 2.06E+07 0.0410 1.96E+05 4.3120 Cs-134 0.00014 5.90E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0014 Cs-137 0.92875 4.02E+07 3.85E+07 1.0453 5.66E+08 0.0711 5.39E+06 7.4667 Eu-152 0.00599 2.60E+05 3.58E+08 0.0007 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0052 Eu-154 0.00082 3.54E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0008 125 P124 Position #6 44 4.11E+07 H-3 1.76 6.72E+07 2.33E+08 0.2885 2.1688 3.42E+09 0.0197 0.1475 3.25E+07 2.0681 15.4999 Co-60 0.06431 2.64E+06 1.54E+08 0.0172 2.26E+09 0.0012 2.15E+07 0.1230 Ni-63 442 1.17E+09 3.93E+09 0.2974 5.78E+10 0.0202 5.50E+08 2.1249 Sr-90 0.021 8.02E+05 1.40E+06 0.5728 2.06E+07 0.0389 1.96E+05 4.0917 Cs-134 0.00014 5.60E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0014 Cs-137 0.92875 3.82E+07 3.85E+07 0.9919 5.66E+08 0.0675 5.39E+06 7.0852 Eu-152 0.00599 2.46E+05 3.58E+08 0.0007 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0049 Eu-154 0.00082 3.36E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0008

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 126 P124 Position #7 43 3.65E+07 H-3 1.76 5.96E+07 2.33E+08 0.2559 1.9242 3.42E+09 0.0174 0.1309 3.25E+07 1.8349 13.7523 Co-60 0.06431 2.35E+06 1.54E+08 0.0152 2.26E+09 0.0010 2.15E+07 0.1091 Ni-63 442 1.04E+09 3.93E+09 0.2639 5.78E+10 0.0179 5.50E+08 1.8854 Sr-90 0.021 7.12E+05 1.40E+06 0.5082 2.06E+07 0.0345 1.96E+05 3.6304 Cs-134 0.00014 4.97E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0012 Cs-137 0.92875 3.39E+07 3.85E+07 0.8801 5.66E+08 0.0599 5.39E+06 6.2863 Eu-152 0.00599 2.19E+05 3.58E+08 0.0006 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0044 Eu-154 0.00082 2.98E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0007 127 P124 Position #8 42 3.52E+07 H-3 1.76 5.76E+07 2.33E+08 0.2473 1.8591 3.42E+09 0.0168 0.1264 3.25E+07 1.7728 13.2867 Co-60 0.06431 2.27E+06 1.54E+08 0.0147 2.26E+09 0.0010 2.15E+07 0.1054 Ni-63 442 1.00E+09 3.93E+09 0.2549 5.78E+10 0.0173 5.50E+08 1.8215 Sr-90 0.021 6.87E+05 1.40E+06 0.4910 2.06E+07 0.0334 1.96E+05 3.5074 Cs-134 0.00014 4.80E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0012 Cs-137 0.92875 3.27E+07 3.85E+07 0.8503 5.66E+08 0.0578 5.39E+06 6.0735 Eu-152 0.00599 2.11E+05 3.58E+08 0.0006 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0042 Eu-154 0.00082 2.88E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0007 128 P124 Position #9 41 3.54E+07 H-3 1.76 5.79E+07 2.33E+08 0.2485 1.8680 3.42E+09 0.0169 0.1271 3.25E+07 1.7813 13.3507 Co-60 0.06431 2.28E+06 1.54E+08 0.0148 2.26E+09 0.0010 2.15E+07 0.1059 Ni-63 442 1.01E+09 3.93E+09 0.2561 5.78E+10 0.0174 5.50E+08 1.8303 Sr-90 0.021 6.91E+05 1.40E+06 0.4934 2.06E+07 0.0335 1.96E+05 3.5243 Cs-134 0.00014 4.83E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0012 Cs-137 0.92875 3.29E+07 3.85E+07 0.8544 5.66E+08 0.0581 5.39E+06 6.1027 Eu-152 0.00599 2.12E+05 3.58E+08 0.0006 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0042 Eu-154 0.00082 2.90E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0007 129 P124 Position #10 40 3.61E+07 H-3 1.76 5.90E+07 2.33E+08 0.2532 1.9037 3.42E+09 0.0173 0.1295 3.25E+07 1.8153 13.6055 Co-60 0.06431 2.32E+06 1.54E+08 0.0151 2.26E+09 0.0010 2.15E+07 0.1080 Ni-63 442 1.03E+09 3.93E+09 0.2610 5.78E+10 0.0177 5.50E+08 1.8652 Sr-90 0.021 7.04E+05 1.40E+06 0.5028 2.06E+07 0.0342 1.96E+05 3.5916 Cs-134 0.00014 4.92E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0012 Cs-137 0.92875 3.35E+07 3.85E+07 0.8707 5.66E+08 0.0592 5.39E+06 6.2192 Eu-152 0.00599 2.16E+05 3.58E+08 0.0006 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0043 Eu-154 0.00082 2.95E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0007 130 P124 Position #11 39 3.74E+07 H-3 1.76 6.11E+07 2.33E+08 0.2621 1.9709 3.42E+09 0.0179 0.1341 3.25E+07 1.8794 14.0857 Co-60 0.06431 2.40E+06 1.54E+08 0.0156 2.26E+09 0.0011 2.15E+07 0.1118 Ni-63 442 1.06E+09 3.93E+09 0.2702 5.78E+10 0.0184 5.50E+08 1.9311 Sr-90 0.021 7.29E+05 1.40E+06 0.5206 2.06E+07 0.0354 1.96E+05 3.7183 Cs-134 0.00014 5.09E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0012 Cs-137 0.92875 3.47E+07 3.85E+07 0.9014 5.66E+08 0.0613 5.39E+06 6.4387 Eu-152 0.00599 2.24E+05 3.58E+08 0.0006 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0045 Eu-154 0.00082 3.05E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0007 131 P124 Position #12 38 3.80E+07 H-3 1.76 6.22E+07 2.33E+08 0.2669 2.0065 3.42E+09 0.0182 0.1365 3.25E+07 1.9134 14.3404 Co-60 0.06431 2.45E+06 1.54E+08 0.0159 2.26E+09 0.0011 2.15E+07 0.1138 Ni-63 442 1.08E+09 3.93E+09 0.2751 5.78E+10 0.0187 5.50E+08 1.9660 Sr-90 0.021 7.42E+05 1.40E+06 0.5300 2.06E+07 0.0360 1.96E+05 3.7856 Cs-134 0.00014 5.18E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0013 Cs-137 0.92875 3.53E+07 3.85E+07 0.9177 5.66E+08 0.0624 5.39E+06 6.5551 Eu-152 0.00599 2.28E+05 3.58E+08 0.0006 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0046 Eu-154 0.00082 3.11E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0007

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 132 P124 Position #13 37 3.85E+07 H-3 1.76 6.30E+07 2.33E+08 0.2702 2.0312 3.42E+09 0.0184 0.1382 3.25E+07 1.9369 14.5170 Co-60 0.06431 2.48E+06 1.54E+08 0.0161 2.26E+09 0.0011 2.15E+07 0.1152 Ni-63 442 1.09E+09 3.93E+09 0.2785 5.78E+10 0.0189 5.50E+08 1.9902 Sr-90 0.021 7.51E+05 1.40E+06 0.5365 2.06E+07 0.0365 1.96E+05 3.8322 Cs-134 0.00014 5.25E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0013 Cs-137 0.92875 3.58E+07 3.85E+07 0.9290 5.66E+08 0.0632 5.39E+06 6.6359 Eu-152 0.00599 2.31E+05 3.58E+08 0.0006 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0046 Eu-154 0.00082 3.15E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0007 133 P124 Position #14 36 4.01E+07 H-3 1.76 6.56E+07 2.33E+08 0.2814 2.1157 3.42E+09 0.0192 0.1439 3.25E+07 2.0175 15.1209 Co-60 0.06431 2.58E+06 1.54E+08 0.0167 2.26E+09 0.0011 2.15E+07 0.1200 Ni-63 442 1.14E+09 3.93E+09 0.2901 5.78E+10 0.0197 5.50E+08 2.0730 Sr-90 0.021 7.82E+05 1.40E+06 0.5588 2.06E+07 0.0380 1.96E+05 3.9916 Cs-134 0.00014 5.47E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0013 Cs-137 0.92875 3.73E+07 3.85E+07 0.9677 5.66E+08 0.0658 5.39E+06 6.9119 Eu-152 0.00599 2.40E+05 3.58E+08 0.0007 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0048 Eu-154 0.00082 3.28E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0008 134 P124 Position #15 35 3.86E+07 H-3 1.76 6.30E+07 2.33E+08 0.2705 2.0338 3.42E+09 0.0184 0.1383 3.25E+07 1.9394 14.5352 Co-60 0.06431 2.48E+06 1.54E+08 0.0161 2.26E+09 0.0011 2.15E+07 0.1153 Ni-63 442 1.10E+09 3.93E+09 0.2789 5.78E+10 0.0190 5.50E+08 1.9927 Sr-90 0.021 7.52E+05 1.40E+06 0.5372 2.06E+07 0.0365 1.96E+05 3.8370 Cs-134 0.00014 5.25E+03 2.94E+07 0.0002 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0013 Cs-137 0.92875 3.58E+07 3.85E+07 0.9302 5.66E+08 0.0633 5.39E+06 6.6442 Eu-152 0.00599 2.31E+05 3.58E+08 0.0006 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0046 Eu-154 0.00082 3.15E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0007 135 P124 Position #16 34 3.08E+07 H-3 1.76 5.04E+07 2.33E+08 0.2163 1.6265 3.42E+09 0.0147 0.1106 3.25E+07 1.5510 11.6242 Co-60 0.06431 1.98E+06 1.54E+08 0.0129 2.26E+09 0.0009 2.15E+07 0.0922 Ni-63 442 8.76E+08 3.93E+09 0.2230 5.78E+10 0.0152 5.50E+08 1.5936 Sr-90 0.021 6.01E+05 1.40E+06 0.4296 2.06E+07 0.0292 1.96E+05 3.0686 Cs-134 0.00014 4.20E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0010 Cs-137 0.92875 2.86E+07 3.85E+07 0.7439 5.66E+08 0.0506 5.39E+06 5.3135 Eu-152 0.00599 1.85E+05 3.58E+08 0.0005 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0037 Eu-154 0.00082 2.52E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0006 136 P124 Position #17 33 2.71E+07 H-3 1.76 4.42E+07 2.33E+08 0.1898 1.4272 3.42E+09 0.0129 0.0971 3.25E+07 1.3609 10.2000 Co-60 0.06431 1.74E+06 1.54E+08 0.0113 2.26E+09 0.0008 2.15E+07 0.0809 Ni-63 442 7.69E+08 3.93E+09 0.1957 5.78E+10 0.0133 5.50E+08 1.3984 Sr-90 0.021 5.28E+05 1.40E+06 0.3770 2.06E+07 0.0256 1.96E+05 2.6926 Cs-134 0.00014 3.69E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0009 Cs-137 0.92875 2.51E+07 3.85E+07 0.6528 5.66E+08 0.0444 5.39E+06 4.6625 Eu-152 0.00599 1.62E+05 3.58E+08 0.0005 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0032 Eu-154 0.00082 2.21E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0005 137 P124 Position #18 32 2.51E+07 H-3 1.76 4.10E+07 2.33E+08 0.1759 1.3228 3.42E+09 0.0120 0.0900 3.25E+07 1.2614 9.4540 Co-60 0.06431 1.61E+06 1.54E+08 0.0105 2.26E+09 0.0007 2.15E+07 0.0750 Ni-63 442 7.13E+08 3.93E+09 0.1814 5.78E+10 0.0123 5.50E+08 1.2961 Sr-90 0.021 4.89E+05 1.40E+06 0.3494 2.06E+07 0.0237 1.96E+05 2.4957 Cs-134 0.00014 3.42E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0008 Cs-137 0.92875 2.33E+07 3.85E+07 0.6050 5.66E+08 0.0412 5.39E+06 4.3215 Eu-152 0.00599 1.50E+05 3.58E+08 0.0004 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0030 Eu-154 0.00082 2.05E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0005

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 138 P124 Position #19 31 2.17E+07 H-3 1.76 3.55E+07 2.33E+08 0.1524 1.1458 3.42E+09 0.0104 0.0779 3.25E+07 1.0926 8.1890 Co-60 0.06431 1.40E+06 1.54E+08 0.0091 2.26E+09 0.0006 2.15E+07 0.0650 Ni-63 442 6.17E+08 3.93E+09 0.1571 5.78E+10 0.0107 5.50E+08 1.1227 Sr-90 0.021 4.24E+05 1.40E+06 0.3026 2.06E+07 0.0206 1.96E+05 2.1617 Cs-134 0.00014 2.96E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0007 Cs-137 0.92875 2.02E+07 3.85E+07 0.5241 5.66E+08 0.0356 5.39E+06 3.7433 Eu-152 0.00599 1.30E+05 3.58E+08 0.0004 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0026 Eu-154 0.00082 1.78E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0004 139 P124 Position #20 30 1.80E+07 H-3 1.76 2.94E+07 2.33E+08 0.1260 0.9474 3.42E+09 0.0086 0.0644 3.25E+07 0.9034 6.7707 Co-60 0.06431 1.16E+06 1.54E+08 0.0075 2.26E+09 0.0005 2.15E+07 0.0537 Ni-63 442 5.11E+08 3.93E+09 0.1299 5.78E+10 0.0088 5.50E+08 0.9282 Sr-90 0.021 3.50E+05 1.40E+06 0.2502 2.06E+07 0.0170 1.96E+05 1.7873 Cs-134 0.00014 2.45E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0006 Cs-137 0.92875 1.67E+07 3.85E+07 0.4333 5.66E+08 0.0295 5.39E+06 3.0949 Eu-152 0.00599 1.08E+05 3.58E+08 0.0003 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0022 Eu-154 0.00082 1.47E+04 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0003 140 P124 Position #21 29 1.50E+07 H-3 1.76 2.45E+07 2.33E+08 0.1053 0.7917 3.42E+09 0.0072 0.0539 3.25E+07 0.7550 5.6585 Co-60 0.06431 9.65E+05 1.54E+08 0.0063 2.26E+09 0.0004 2.15E+07 0.0449 Ni-63 442 4.27E+08 3.93E+09 0.1086 5.78E+10 0.0074 5.50E+08 0.7757 Sr-90 0.021 2.93E+05 1.40E+06 0.2091 2.06E+07 0.0142 1.96E+05 1.4937 Cs-134 0.00014 2.05E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0005 Cs-137 0.92875 1.39E+07 3.85E+07 0.3621 5.66E+08 0.0246 5.39E+06 2.5865 Eu-152 0.00599 9.00E+04 3.58E+08 0.0003 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0018 Eu-154 0.00082 1.23E+04 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0003 141 P124 Position #22 28 1.21E+07 H-3 1.76 1.98E+07 2.33E+08 0.0848 0.6373 3.42E+09 0.0058 0.0433 3.25E+07 0.6077 4.5546 Co-60 0.06431 7.77E+05 1.54E+08 0.0050 2.26E+09 0.0003 2.15E+07 0.0361 Ni-63 442 3.43E+08 3.93E+09 0.0874 5.78E+10 0.0059 5.50E+08 0.6244 Sr-90 0.021 2.36E+05 1.40E+06 0.1683 2.06E+07 0.0114 1.96E+05 1.2023 Cs-134 0.00014 1.65E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0004 Cs-137 0.92875 1.12E+07 3.85E+07 0.2915 5.66E+08 0.0198 5.39E+06 2.0819 Eu-152 0.00599 7.24E+04 3.58E+08 0.0002 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0014 Eu-154 0.00082 9.88E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0002 142 P124 Position #23 27 8.60E+06 H-3 1.76 1.41E+07 2.33E+08 0.0604 0.4538 3.42E+09 0.0041 0.0309 3.25E+07 0.4327 3.2432 Co-60 0.06431 5.53E+05 1.54E+08 0.0036 2.26E+09 0.0002 2.15E+07 0.0257 Ni-63 442 2.45E+08 3.93E+09 0.0622 5.78E+10 0.0042 5.50E+08 0.4446 Sr-90 0.021 1.68E+05 1.40E+06 0.1199 2.06E+07 0.0081 1.96E+05 0.8561 Cs-134 0.00014 1.17E+03 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0003 Cs-137 0.92875 7.99E+06 3.85E+07 0.2075 5.66E+08 0.0141 5.39E+06 1.4825 Eu-152 0.00599 5.16E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0010 Eu-154 0.00082 7.03E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0002 143 P124 Position #24 26 6.31E+06 H-3 1.76 1.03E+07 2.33E+08 0.0443 0.3330 3.42E+09 0.0030 0.0227 3.25E+07 0.3176 2.3801 Co-60 0.06431 4.06E+05 1.54E+08 0.0026 2.26E+09 0.0002 2.15E+07 0.0189 Ni-63 442 1.79E+08 3.93E+09 0.0457 5.78E+10 0.0031 5.50E+08 0.3263 Sr-90 0.021 1.23E+05 1.40E+06 0.0880 2.06E+07 0.0060 1.96E+05 0.6283 Cs-134 0.00014 8.60E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 5.86E+06 3.85E+07 0.1523 5.66E+08 0.0104 5.39E+06 1.0880 Eu-152 0.00599 3.78E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0008 Eu-154 0.00082 5.16E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 144 P124 Position #25 25 4.96E+06 H-3 1.76 8.12E+06 2.33E+08 0.0348 0.2619 3.42E+09 0.0024 0.0178 3.25E+07 0.2497 1.8715 Co-60 0.06431 3.19E+05 1.54E+08 0.0021 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0148 Ni-63 442 1.41E+08 3.93E+09 0.0359 5.78E+10 0.0024 5.50E+08 0.2566 Sr-90 0.021 9.68E+04 1.40E+06 0.0692 2.06E+07 0.0047 1.96E+05 0.4940 Cs-134 0.00014 6.76E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.61E+06 3.85E+07 0.1198 5.66E+08 0.0081 5.39E+06 0.8555 Eu-152 0.00599 2.98E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 4.06E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 145 P124 Position #26 24 4.85E+06 H-3 1.76 7.94E+06 2.33E+08 0.0341 0.2560 3.42E+09 0.0023 0.0174 3.25E+07 0.2442 1.8299 Co-60 0.06431 3.12E+05 1.54E+08 0.0020 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0145 Ni-63 442 1.38E+08 3.93E+09 0.0351 5.78E+10 0.0024 5.50E+08 0.2509 Sr-90 0.021 9.47E+04 1.40E+06 0.0676 2.06E+07 0.0046 1.96E+05 0.4831 Cs-134 0.00014 6.61E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.51E+06 3.85E+07 0.1171 5.66E+08 0.0080 5.39E+06 0.8365 Eu-152 0.00599 2.91E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 3.97E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 146 P124 Position #27 23 4.17E+06 H-3 1.76 6.81E+06 2.33E+08 0.0292 0.2199 3.42E+09 0.0020 0.0150 3.25E+07 0.2096 1.5713 Co-60 0.06431 2.68E+05 1.54E+08 0.0017 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0125 Ni-63 442 1.18E+08 3.93E+09 0.0301 5.78E+10 0.0020 5.50E+08 0.2154 Sr-90 0.021 8.13E+04 1.40E+06 0.0581 2.06E+07 0.0039 1.96E+05 0.4148 Cs-134 0.00014 5.68E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.87E+06 3.85E+07 0.1006 5.66E+08 0.0068 5.39E+06 0.7182 Eu-152 0.00599 2.50E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.41E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 147 P124 Position #28 22 3.89E+06 H-3 1.76 6.35E+06 2.33E+08 0.0273 0.2050 3.42E+09 0.0019 0.0139 3.25E+07 0.1955 1.4649 Co-60 0.06431 2.50E+05 1.54E+08 0.0016 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0116 Ni-63 442 1.10E+08 3.93E+09 0.0281 5.78E+10 0.0019 5.50E+08 0.2008 Sr-90 0.021 7.58E+04 1.40E+06 0.0541 2.06E+07 0.0037 1.96E+05 0.3867 Cs-134 0.00014 5.29E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.61E+06 3.85E+07 0.0937 5.66E+08 0.0064 5.39E+06 0.6696 Eu-152 0.00599 2.33E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.18E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 148 P124 Position #29 21 3.57E+06 H-3 1.76 5.84E+06 2.33E+08 0.0251 0.1885 3.42E+09 0.0017 0.0128 3.25E+07 0.1798 1.3472 Co-60 0.06431 2.30E+05 1.54E+08 0.0015 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0107 Ni-63 442 1.02E+08 3.93E+09 0.0258 5.78E+10 0.0018 5.50E+08 0.1847 Sr-90 0.021 6.97E+04 1.40E+06 0.0498 2.06E+07 0.0034 1.96E+05 0.3556 Cs-134 0.00014 4.87E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.32E+06 3.85E+07 0.0862 5.66E+08 0.0059 5.39E+06 0.6158 Eu-152 0.00599 2.14E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.92E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 149 P124 Position #30 20 3.42E+06 H-3 1.76 5.60E+06 2.33E+08 0.0240 0.1806 3.42E+09 0.0016 0.0123 3.25E+07 0.1723 1.2910 Co-60 0.06431 2.20E+05 1.54E+08 0.0014 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0102 Ni-63 442 9.73E+07 3.93E+09 0.0248 5.78E+10 0.0017 5.50E+08 0.1770 Sr-90 0.021 6.68E+04 1.40E+06 0.0477 2.06E+07 0.0032 1.96E+05 0.3408 Cs-134 0.00014 4.67E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.18E+06 3.85E+07 0.0826 5.66E+08 0.0056 5.39E+06 0.5901 Eu-152 0.00599 2.05E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.80E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 150 P124 Position #31 19 3.44E+06 H-3 1.76 5.62E+06 2.33E+08 0.0241 0.1812 3.42E+09 0.0016 0.0123 3.25E+07 0.1728 1.2952 Co-60 0.06431 2.21E+05 1.54E+08 0.0014 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0103 Ni-63 442 9.77E+07 3.93E+09 0.0248 5.78E+10 0.0017 5.50E+08 0.1776 Sr-90 0.021 6.70E+04 1.40E+06 0.0479 2.06E+07 0.0033 1.96E+05 0.3419 Cs-134 0.00014 4.68E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.19E+06 3.85E+07 0.0829 5.66E+08 0.0056 5.39E+06 0.5920 Eu-152 0.00599 2.06E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.81E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 151 P124 Position #32 18 3.25E+06 H-3 1.76 5.32E+06 2.33E+08 0.0228 0.1717 3.42E+09 0.0016 0.0117 3.25E+07 0.1637 1.2268 Co-60 0.06431 2.09E+05 1.54E+08 0.0014 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0097 Ni-63 442 9.25E+07 3.93E+09 0.0235 5.78E+10 0.0016 5.50E+08 0.1682 Sr-90 0.021 6.35E+04 1.40E+06 0.0453 2.06E+07 0.0031 1.96E+05 0.3239 Cs-134 0.00014 4.43E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.02E+06 3.85E+07 0.0785 5.66E+08 0.0053 5.39E+06 0.5608 Eu-152 0.00599 1.95E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.66E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 152 P124 Position #33 17 3.23E+06 H-3 1.76 5.28E+06 2.33E+08 0.0226 0.1702 3.42E+09 0.0015 0.0116 3.25E+07 0.1623 1.2167 Co-60 0.06431 2.08E+05 1.54E+08 0.0013 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0097 Ni-63 442 9.17E+07 3.93E+09 0.0233 5.78E+10 0.0016 5.50E+08 0.1668 Sr-90 0.021 6.30E+04 1.40E+06 0.0450 2.06E+07 0.0031 1.96E+05 0.3212 Cs-134 0.00014 4.40E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.00E+06 3.85E+07 0.0779 5.66E+08 0.0053 5.39E+06 0.5562 Eu-152 0.00599 1.93E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.64E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 153 P124 Position #34 16 3.22E+06 H-3 1.76 5.27E+06 2.33E+08 0.0226 0.1699 3.42E+09 0.0015 0.0116 3.25E+07 0.1620 1.2145 Co-60 0.06431 2.07E+05 1.54E+08 0.0013 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0096 Ni-63 442 9.16E+07 3.93E+09 0.0233 5.78E+10 0.0016 5.50E+08 0.1665 Sr-90 0.021 6.28E+04 1.40E+06 0.0449 2.06E+07 0.0031 1.96E+05 0.3206 Cs-134 0.00014 4.39E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.99E+06 3.85E+07 0.0777 5.66E+08 0.0053 5.39E+06 0.5552 Eu-152 0.00599 1.93E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.63E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 154 P124 Position #35 15 3.59E+06 H-3 1.76 5.86E+06 2.33E+08 0.0252 0.1891 3.42E+09 0.0017 0.0129 3.25E+07 0.1803 1.3515 Co-60 0.06431 2.31E+05 1.54E+08 0.0015 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0107 Ni-63 442 1.02E+08 3.93E+09 0.0259 5.78E+10 0.0018 5.50E+08 0.1853 Sr-90 0.021 6.99E+04 1.40E+06 0.0499 2.06E+07 0.0034 1.96E+05 0.3568 Cs-134 0.00014 4.88E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.33E+06 3.85E+07 0.0865 5.66E+08 0.0059 5.39E+06 0.6178 Eu-152 0.00599 2.15E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.93E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 155 P124 Position #36 14 3.23E+06 H-3 1.76 5.28E+06 2.33E+08 0.0227 0.1704 3.42E+09 0.0015 0.0116 3.25E+07 0.1625 1.2180 Co-60 0.06431 2.08E+05 1.54E+08 0.0013 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0097 Ni-63 442 9.18E+07 3.93E+09 0.0234 5.78E+10 0.0016 5.50E+08 0.1670 Sr-90 0.021 6.30E+04 1.40E+06 0.0450 2.06E+07 0.0031 1.96E+05 0.3215 Cs-134 0.00014 4.40E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.00E+06 3.85E+07 0.0779 5.66E+08 0.0053 5.39E+06 0.5568 Eu-152 0.00599 1.94E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.64E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 156 P124 Position #37 13 3.04E+06 H-3 1.76 4.97E+06 2.33E+08 0.0213 0.1604 3.42E+09 0.0015 0.0109 3.25E+07 0.1529 1.1461 Co-60 0.06431 1.96E+05 1.54E+08 0.0013 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0091 Ni-63 442 8.64E+07 3.93E+09 0.0220 5.78E+10 0.0015 5.50E+08 0.1571 Sr-90 0.021 5.93E+04 1.40E+06 0.0424 2.06E+07 0.0029 1.96E+05 0.3026 Cs-134 0.00014 4.14E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.82E+06 3.85E+07 0.0733 5.66E+08 0.0050 5.39E+06 0.5239 Eu-152 0.00599 1.82E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.49E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 157 P124 Position #38 12 2.95E+06 H-3 1.76 4.83E+06 2.33E+08 0.0207 0.1558 3.42E+09 0.0014 0.0106 3.25E+07 0.1486 1.1134 Co-60 0.06431 1.90E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0088 Ni-63 442 8.39E+07 3.93E+09 0.0214 5.78E+10 0.0015 5.50E+08 0.1526 Sr-90 0.021 5.76E+04 1.40E+06 0.0411 2.06E+07 0.0028 1.96E+05 0.2939 Cs-134 0.00014 4.02E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.74E+06 3.85E+07 0.0713 5.66E+08 0.0048 5.39E+06 0.5089 Eu-152 0.00599 1.77E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.41E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 158 P124 Position #39 11 2.96E+06 H-3 1.76 4.85E+06 2.33E+08 0.0208 0.1564 3.42E+09 0.0014 0.0106 3.25E+07 0.1491 1.1176 Co-60 0.06431 1.91E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0089 Ni-63 442 8.43E+07 3.93E+09 0.0214 5.78E+10 0.0015 5.50E+08 0.1532 Sr-90 0.021 5.78E+04 1.40E+06 0.0413 2.06E+07 0.0028 1.96E+05 0.2950 Cs-134 0.00014 4.04E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.75E+06 3.85E+07 0.0715 5.66E+08 0.0049 5.39E+06 0.5108 Eu-152 0.00599 1.78E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.42E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 159 P124 Position #40 10 3.04E+06 H-3 1.76 4.96E+06 2.33E+08 0.0213 0.1602 3.42E+09 0.0015 0.0109 3.25E+07 0.1528 1.1450 Co-60 0.06431 1.95E+05 1.54E+08 0.0013 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0091 Ni-63 442 8.63E+07 3.93E+09 0.0220 5.78E+10 0.0015 5.50E+08 0.1570 Sr-90 0.021 5.92E+04 1.40E+06 0.0423 2.06E+07 0.0029 1.96E+05 0.3022 Cs-134 0.00014 4.14E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.82E+06 3.85E+07 0.0733 5.66E+08 0.0050 5.39E+06 0.5234 Eu-152 0.00599 1.82E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.48E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 160 P124 Position #41 9

2.91E+06 H-3 1.76 4.76E+06 2.33E+08 0.0204 0.1537 3.42E+09 0.0014 0.0105 3.25E+07 0.1466 1.0987 Co-60 0.06431 1.87E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0087 Ni-63 442 8.28E+07 3.93E+09 0.0211 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1506 Sr-90 0.021 5.68E+04 1.40E+06 0.0406 2.06E+07 0.0028 1.96E+05 0.2900 Cs-134 0.00014 3.97E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.71E+06 3.85E+07 0.0703 5.66E+08 0.0048 5.39E+06 0.5022 Eu-152 0.00599 1.75E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.38E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 161 P124 Position #42 8

2.94E+06 H-3 1.76 4.80E+06 2.33E+08 0.0206 0.1548 3.42E+09 0.0014 0.0105 3.25E+07 0.1476 1.1066 Co-60 0.06431 1.89E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0088 Ni-63 442 8.34E+07 3.93E+09 0.0212 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1517 Sr-90 0.021 5.73E+04 1.40E+06 0.0409 2.06E+07 0.0028 1.96E+05 0.2921 Cs-134 0.00014 4.00E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.73E+06 3.85E+07 0.0708 5.66E+08 0.0048 5.39E+06 0.5058 Eu-152 0.00599 1.76E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.40E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 162 P124 Position #43 7

3.09E+06 H-3 1.76 5.06E+06 2.33E+08 0.0217 0.1632 3.42E+09 0.0015 0.0111 3.25E+07 0.1557 1.1667 Co-60 0.06431 1.99E+05 1.54E+08 0.0013 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0093 Ni-63 442 8.80E+07 3.93E+09 0.0224 5.78E+10 0.0015 5.50E+08 0.1599 Sr-90 0.021 6.04E+04 1.40E+06 0.0431 2.06E+07 0.0029 1.96E+05 0.3080 Cs-134 0.00014 4.22E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.87E+06 3.85E+07 0.0747 5.66E+08 0.0051 5.39E+06 0.5333 Eu-152 0.00599 1.86E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.53E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 163 P124 Position #44 6

3.11E+06 H-3 1.76 5.09E+06 2.33E+08 0.0218 0.1642 3.42E+09 0.0015 0.0112 3.25E+07 0.1566 1.1734 Co-60 0.06431 2.00E+05 1.54E+08 0.0013 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0093 Ni-63 442 8.85E+07 3.93E+09 0.0225 5.78E+10 0.0015 5.50E+08 0.1609 Sr-90 0.021 6.07E+04 1.40E+06 0.0434 2.06E+07 0.0029 1.96E+05 0.3098 Cs-134 0.00014 4.24E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.89E+06 3.85E+07 0.0751 5.66E+08 0.0051 5.39E+06 0.5364 Eu-152 0.00599 1.87E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.54E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 164 P124 Position #45 5

2.94E+06 H-3 1.76 4.80E+06 2.33E+08 0.0206 0.1549 3.42E+09 0.0014 0.0105 3.25E+07 0.1477 1.1072 Co-60 0.06431 1.89E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0088 Ni-63 442 8.35E+07 3.93E+09 0.0212 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1518 Sr-90 0.021 5.73E+04 1.40E+06 0.0409 2.06E+07 0.0028 1.96E+05 0.2923 Cs-134 0.00014 4.00E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.73E+06 3.85E+07 0.0709 5.66E+08 0.0048 5.39E+06 0.5061 Eu-152 0.00599 1.76E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.40E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 165 P124 Position #46 4

2.92E+06 H-3 1.76 4.77E+06 2.33E+08 0.0205 0.1538 3.42E+09 0.0014 0.0105 3.25E+07 0.1466 1.0990 Co-60 0.06431 1.87E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0087 Ni-63 442 8.29E+07 3.93E+09 0.0211 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1507 Sr-90 0.021 5.69E+04 1.40E+06 0.0406 2.06E+07 0.0028 1.96E+05 0.2901 Cs-134 0.00014 3.97E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.71E+06 3.85E+07 0.0703 5.66E+08 0.0048 5.39E+06 0.5024 Eu-152 0.00599 1.75E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.38E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 166 P124 Position #47 3

2.81E+06 H-3 1.76 4.59E+06 2.33E+08 0.0197 0.1482 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0101 3.25E+07 0.1413 1.0589 Co-60 0.06431 1.81E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0084 Ni-63 442 7.98E+07 3.93E+09 0.0203 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1452 Sr-90 0.021 5.48E+04 1.40E+06 0.0391 2.06E+07 0.0027 1.96E+05 0.2795 Cs-134 0.00014 3.83E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.61E+06 3.85E+07 0.0678 5.66E+08 0.0046 5.39E+06 0.4840 Eu-152 0.00599 1.68E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.30E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 167 P124 Position #48 2

2.73E+06 H-3 1.76 4.46E+06 2.33E+08 0.0191 0.1438 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0098 3.25E+07 0.1371 1.0275 Co-60 0.06431 1.75E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0082 Ni-63 442 7.75E+07 3.93E+09 0.0197 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1409 Sr-90 0.021 5.32E+04 1.40E+06 0.0380 2.06E+07 0.0026 1.96E+05 0.2712 Cs-134 0.00014 3.71E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.53E+06 3.85E+07 0.0658 5.66E+08 0.0045 5.39E+06 0.4697 Eu-152 0.00599 1.63E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.23E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 168 P124 Position #49 1

2.81E+06 H-3 1.76 4.59E+06 2.33E+08 0.0197 0.1480 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0101 3.25E+07 0.1412 1.0581 Co-60 0.06431 1.80E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0084 Ni-63 442 7.98E+07 3.93E+09 0.0203 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1451 Sr-90 0.021 5.47E+04 1.40E+06 0.0391 2.06E+07 0.0027 1.96E+05 0.2793 Cs-134 0.00014 3.82E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.61E+06 3.85E+07 0.0677 5.66E+08 0.0046 5.39E+06 0.4837 Eu-152 0.00599 1.68E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.29E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 169 P124 Position #50 0

2.76E+06 H-3 1.76 4.52E+06 2.33E+08 0.0194 0.1457 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0099 3.25E+07 0.1389 1.0413 Co-60 0.06431 1.78E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0083 Ni-63 442 7.85E+07 3.93E+09 0.0200 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1428 Sr-90 0.021 5.39E+04 1.40E+06 0.0385 2.06E+07 0.0026 1.96E+05 0.2749 Cs-134 0.00014 3.76E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.57E+06 3.85E+07 0.0666 5.66E+08 0.0045 5.39E+06 0.4760 Eu-152 0.00599 1.66E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.26E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 170 P037 Position #1 50 9.56E+06 H-3 1.76 1.56E+07 2.33E+08 0.0671 0.5043 3.42E+09 0.0046 0.0343 3.25E+07 0.4809 3.6039 Co-60 0.06431 6.15E+05 1.54E+08 0.0040 2.26E+09 0.0003 2.15E+07 0.0286 Ni-63 442 2.72E+08 3.93E+09 0.0691 5.78E+10 0.0047 5.50E+08 0.4941 Sr-90 0.021 1.86E+05 1.40E+06 0.1332 2.06E+07 0.0091 1.96E+05 0.9514 Cs-134 0.00014 1.30E+03 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0003 Cs-137 0.92875 8.88E+06 3.85E+07 0.2306 5.66E+08 0.0157 5.39E+06 1.6474 Eu-152 0.00599 5.73E+04 3.58E+08 0.0002 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0011 Eu-154 0.00082 7.82E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0002 171 P037 Position #2 49 4.42E+06 H-3 1.76 7.23E+06 2.33E+08 0.0310 0.2334 3.42E+09 0.0021 0.0159 3.25E+07 0.2225 1.6678 Co-60 0.06431 2.85E+05 1.54E+08 0.0018 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0132 Ni-63 442 1.26E+08 3.93E+09 0.0320 5.78E+10 0.0022 5.50E+08 0.2286 Sr-90 0.021 8.63E+04 1.40E+06 0.0616 2.06E+07 0.0042 1.96E+05 0.4403 Cs-134 0.00014 6.03E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 4.11E+06 3.85E+07 0.1067 5.66E+08 0.0073 5.39E+06 0.7624 Eu-152 0.00599 2.65E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.62E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 172 P037 Position #3 48 4.70E+06 H-3 1.76 7.69E+06 2.33E+08 0.0330 0.2481 3.42E+09 0.0022 0.0169 3.25E+07 0.2365 1.7728 Co-60 0.06431 3.02E+05 1.54E+08 0.0020 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0141 Ni-63 442 1.34E+08 3.93E+09 0.0340 5.78E+10 0.0023 5.50E+08 0.2430 Sr-90 0.021 9.17E+04 1.40E+06 0.0655 2.06E+07 0.0045 1.96E+05 0.4680 Cs-134 0.00014 6.41E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.37E+06 3.85E+07 0.1135 5.66E+08 0.0077 5.39E+06 0.8104 Eu-152 0.00599 2.82E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 3.84E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 173 P037 Position #4 47 2.75E+06 H-3 1.76 4.50E+06 2.33E+08 0.0193 0.1451 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0099 3.25E+07 0.1383 1.0369 Co-60 0.06431 1.77E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0082 Ni-63 442 7.82E+07 3.93E+09 0.0199 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1421 Sr-90 0.021 5.36E+04 1.40E+06 0.0383 2.06E+07 0.0026 1.96E+05 0.2737 Cs-134 0.00014 3.75E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.55E+06 3.85E+07 0.0664 5.66E+08 0.0045 5.39E+06 0.4740 Eu-152 0.00599 1.65E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.25E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 174 P037 Position #5 46 2.55E+06 H-3 1.76 4.17E+06 2.33E+08 0.0179 0.1345 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0091 3.25E+07 0.1282 0.9610 Co-60 0.06431 1.64E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0076 Ni-63 442 7.25E+07 3.93E+09 0.0184 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1318 Sr-90 0.021 4.97E+04 1.40E+06 0.0355 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2537 Cs-134 0.00014 3.47E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.37E+06 3.85E+07 0.0615 5.66E+08 0.0042 5.39E+06 0.4393 Eu-152 0.00599 1.53E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.08E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 175 P037 Position #6 45 2.63E+06 H-3 1.76 4.29E+06 2.33E+08 0.0184 0.1385 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0094 3.25E+07 0.1321 0.9902 Co-60 0.06431 1.69E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0079 Ni-63 442 7.47E+07 3.93E+09 0.0190 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1358 Sr-90 0.021 5.12E+04 1.40E+06 0.0366 2.06E+07 0.0025 1.96E+05 0.2614 Cs-134 0.00014 3.58E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.44E+06 3.85E+07 0.0634 5.66E+08 0.0043 5.39E+06 0.4526 Eu-152 0.00599 1.57E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.15E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 176 P037 Position #7 44 2.48E+06 H-3 1.76 4.05E+06 2.33E+08 0.0174 0.1307 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0089 3.25E+07 0.1246 0.9342 Co-60 0.06431 1.59E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0074 Ni-63 442 7.04E+07 3.93E+09 0.0179 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1281 Sr-90 0.021 4.83E+04 1.40E+06 0.0345 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2466 Cs-134 0.00014 3.38E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.30E+06 3.85E+07 0.0598 5.66E+08 0.0041 5.39E+06 0.4270 Eu-152 0.00599 1.49E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.03E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 177 P037 Position #8 43 2.47E+06 H-3 1.76 4.04E+06 2.33E+08 0.0173 0.1304 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0089 3.25E+07 0.1243 0.9319 Co-60 0.06431 1.59E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0074 Ni-63 442 7.03E+07 3.93E+09 0.0179 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1278 Sr-90 0.021 4.82E+04 1.40E+06 0.0344 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2460 Cs-134 0.00014 3.37E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.30E+06 3.85E+07 0.0596 5.66E+08 0.0041 5.39E+06 0.4260 Eu-152 0.00599 1.48E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.02E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 178 P037 Position #9 42 2.39E+06 H-3 1.76 3.90E+06 2.33E+08 0.0168 0.1260 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0086 3.25E+07 0.1201 0.9004 Co-60 0.06431 1.54E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0071 Ni-63 442 6.79E+07 3.93E+09 0.0173 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1234 Sr-90 0.021 4.66E+04 1.40E+06 0.0333 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2377 Cs-134 0.00014 3.25E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.22E+06 3.85E+07 0.0576 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4116 Eu-152 0.00599 1.43E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.95E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 179 P037 Position #10 41 2.42E+06 H-3 1.76 3.96E+06 2.33E+08 0.0170 0.1278 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0087 3.25E+07 0.1218 0.9132 Co-60 0.06431 1.56E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0072 Ni-63 442 6.89E+07 3.93E+09 0.0175 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1252 Sr-90 0.021 4.73E+04 1.40E+06 0.0338 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2411 Cs-134 0.00014 3.30E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.25E+06 3.85E+07 0.0584 5.66E+08 0.0040 5.39E+06 0.4174 Eu-152 0.00599 1.45E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.98E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 180 P037 Position #11 40 2.41E+06 H-3 1.76 3.94E+06 2.33E+08 0.0169 0.1273 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0087 3.25E+07 0.1214 0.9097 Co-60 0.06431 1.55E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0072 Ni-63 442 6.86E+07 3.93E+09 0.0175 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1247 Sr-90 0.021 4.71E+04 1.40E+06 0.0336 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2401 Cs-134 0.00014 3.29E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.24E+06 3.85E+07 0.0582 5.66E+08 0.0040 5.39E+06 0.4158 Eu-152 0.00599 1.45E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.97E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 181 P037 Position #12 39 2.42E+06 H-3 1.76 3.95E+06 2.33E+08 0.0170 0.1276 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0087 3.25E+07 0.1217 0.9121 Co-60 0.06431 1.56E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0072 Ni-63 442 6.88E+07 3.93E+09 0.0175 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1250 Sr-90 0.021 4.72E+04 1.40E+06 0.0337 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2408 Cs-134 0.00014 3.30E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.25E+06 3.85E+07 0.0584 5.66E+08 0.0040 5.39E+06 0.4169 Eu-152 0.00599 1.45E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.98E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 182 P037 Position #13 38 2.47E+06 H-3 1.76 4.04E+06 2.33E+08 0.0173 0.1302 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0089 3.25E+07 0.1242 0.9307 Co-60 0.06431 1.59E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0074 Ni-63 442 7.02E+07 3.93E+09 0.0179 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1276 Sr-90 0.021 4.82E+04 1.40E+06 0.0344 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2457 Cs-134 0.00014 3.36E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.29E+06 3.85E+07 0.0596 5.66E+08 0.0041 5.39E+06 0.4254 Eu-152 0.00599 1.48E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.02E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 183 P037 Position #14 37 2.42E+06 H-3 1.76 3.96E+06 2.33E+08 0.0170 0.1278 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0087 3.25E+07 0.1218 0.9132 Co-60 0.06431 1.56E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0072 Ni-63 442 6.89E+07 3.93E+09 0.0175 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1252 Sr-90 0.021 4.73E+04 1.40E+06 0.0338 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2411 Cs-134 0.00014 3.30E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.25E+06 3.85E+07 0.0584 5.66E+08 0.0040 5.39E+06 0.4174 Eu-152 0.00599 1.45E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.98E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 184 P037 Position #15 36 2.34E+06 H-3 1.76 3.82E+06 2.33E+08 0.0164 0.1234 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0084 3.25E+07 0.1176 0.8817 Co-60 0.06431 1.50E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0070 Ni-63 442 6.65E+07 3.93E+09 0.0169 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1209 Sr-90 0.021 4.56E+04 1.40E+06 0.0326 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2328 Cs-134 0.00014 3.19E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.17E+06 3.85E+07 0.0564 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.4030 Eu-152 0.00599 1.40E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.91E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 185 P037 Position #16 35 2.37E+06 H-3 1.76 3.87E+06 2.33E+08 0.0166 0.1250 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0085 3.25E+07 0.1192 0.8934 Co-60 0.06431 1.52E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0071 Ni-63 442 6.74E+07 3.93E+09 0.0171 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1225 Sr-90 0.021 4.62E+04 1.40E+06 0.0330 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2358 Cs-134 0.00014 3.23E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.20E+06 3.85E+07 0.0572 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4084 Eu-152 0.00599 1.42E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.94E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 186 P037 Position #17 34 2.36E+06 H-3 1.76 3.86E+06 2.33E+08 0.0166 0.1247 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0085 3.25E+07 0.1189 0.8911 Co-60 0.06431 1.52E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0071 Ni-63 442 6.72E+07 3.93E+09 0.0171 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1222 Sr-90 0.021 4.61E+04 1.40E+06 0.0329 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2352 Cs-134 0.00014 3.22E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.20E+06 3.85E+07 0.0570 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4073 Eu-152 0.00599 1.42E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.93E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 187 P037 Position #18 33 2.27E+06 H-3 1.76 3.72E+06 2.33E+08 0.0160 0.1199 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0082 3.25E+07 0.1144 0.8572 Co-60 0.06431 1.46E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0068 Ni-63 442 6.46E+07 3.93E+09 0.0164 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1175 Sr-90 0.021 4.44E+04 1.40E+06 0.0317 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2263 Cs-134 0.00014 3.10E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.11E+06 3.85E+07 0.0549 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3919 Eu-152 0.00599 1.36E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.86E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 188 P037 Position #19 32 2.39E+06 H-3 1.76 3.90E+06 2.33E+08 0.0167 0.1258 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0086 3.25E+07 0.1200 0.8992 Co-60 0.06431 1.53E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0071 Ni-63 442 6.78E+07 3.93E+09 0.0173 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1233 Sr-90 0.021 4.65E+04 1.40E+06 0.0332 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2374 Cs-134 0.00014 3.25E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.22E+06 3.85E+07 0.0575 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4110 Eu-152 0.00599 1.43E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.95E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 189 P037 Position #20 31 2.37E+06 H-3 1.76 3.88E+06 2.33E+08 0.0166 0.1252 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0085 3.25E+07 0.1194 0.8946 Co-60 0.06431 1.53E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0071 Ni-63 442 6.75E+07 3.93E+09 0.0172 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1226 Sr-90 0.021 4.63E+04 1.40E+06 0.0331 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2361 Cs-134 0.00014 3.23E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.20E+06 3.85E+07 0.0572 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4089 Eu-152 0.00599 1.42E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.94E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 190 P037 Position #21 30 2.32E+06 H-3 1.76 3.79E+06 2.33E+08 0.0163 0.1222 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0083 3.25E+07 0.1166 0.8736 Co-60 0.06431 1.49E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0069 Ni-63 442 6.59E+07 3.93E+09 0.0168 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1198 Sr-90 0.021 4.52E+04 1.40E+06 0.0323 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2306 Cs-134 0.00014 3.16E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.15E+06 3.85E+07 0.0559 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.3993 Eu-152 0.00599 1.39E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.89E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 191 P037 Position #22 29 2.32E+06 H-3 1.76 3.79E+06 2.33E+08 0.0163 0.1222 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0083 3.25E+07 0.1166 0.8736 Co-60 0.06431 1.49E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0069 Ni-63 442 6.59E+07 3.93E+09 0.0168 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1198 Sr-90 0.021 4.52E+04 1.40E+06 0.0323 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2306 Cs-134 0.00014 3.16E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.15E+06 3.85E+07 0.0559 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.3993 Eu-152 0.00599 1.39E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.89E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 192 P037 Position #23 28 2.26E+06 H-3 1.76 3.69E+06 2.33E+08 0.0158 0.1190 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0081 3.25E+07 0.1134 0.8502 Co-60 0.06431 1.45E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0067 Ni-63 442 6.41E+07 3.93E+09 0.0163 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1166 Sr-90 0.021 4.40E+04 1.40E+06 0.0314 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2244 Cs-134 0.00014 3.07E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.09E+06 3.85E+07 0.0544 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3887 Eu-152 0.00599 1.35E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.84E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 193 P037 Position #24 27 2.13E+06 H-3 1.76 3.49E+06 2.33E+08 0.0150 0.1126 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0077 3.25E+07 0.1074 0.8048 Co-60 0.06431 1.37E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.07E+07 3.93E+09 0.0154 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1103 Sr-90 0.021 4.16E+04 1.40E+06 0.0297 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2124 Cs-134 0.00014 2.91E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.98E+06 3.85E+07 0.0515 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3679 Eu-152 0.00599 1.28E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.75E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 194 P037 Position #25 26 2.08E+06 H-3 1.76 3.40E+06 2.33E+08 0.0146 0.1097 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0075 3.25E+07 0.1046 0.7838 Co-60 0.06431 1.34E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0062 Ni-63 442 5.91E+07 3.93E+09 0.0150 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1074 Sr-90 0.021 4.06E+04 1.40E+06 0.0290 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2069 Cs-134 0.00014 2.83E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.93E+06 3.85E+07 0.0502 5.66E+08 0.0034 5.39E+06 0.3583 Eu-152 0.00599 1.25E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.70E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 195 P037 Position #26 25 2.14E+06 H-3 1.76 3.49E+06 2.33E+08 0.0150 0.1128 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0077 3.25E+07 0.1075 0.8059 Co-60 0.06431 1.37E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.08E+07 3.93E+09 0.0155 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1105 Sr-90 0.021 4.17E+04 1.40E+06 0.0298 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2127 Cs-134 0.00014 2.91E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.99E+06 3.85E+07 0.0516 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3684 Eu-152 0.00599 1.28E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.75E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 196 P037 Position #27 24 2.08E+06 H-3 1.76 3.40E+06 2.33E+08 0.0146 0.1097 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0075 3.25E+07 0.1046 0.7838 Co-60 0.06431 1.34E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0062 Ni-63 442 5.91E+07 3.93E+09 0.0150 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1074 Sr-90 0.021 4.06E+04 1.40E+06 0.0290 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2069 Cs-134 0.00014 2.83E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.93E+06 3.85E+07 0.0502 5.66E+08 0.0034 5.39E+06 0.3583 Eu-152 0.00599 1.25E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.70E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 197 P037 Position #28 23 2.12E+06 H-3 1.76 3.46E+06 2.33E+08 0.0149 0.1118 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0076 3.25E+07 0.1066 0.7989 Co-60 0.06431 1.36E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0063 Ni-63 442 6.02E+07 3.93E+09 0.0153 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1095 Sr-90 0.021 4.13E+04 1.40E+06 0.0295 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2109 Cs-134 0.00014 2.89E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.97E+06 3.85E+07 0.0511 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3652 Eu-152 0.00599 1.27E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.73E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 198 P037 Position #29 22 2.13E+06 H-3 1.76 3.48E+06 2.33E+08 0.0149 0.1123 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0076 3.25E+07 0.1071 0.8024 Co-60 0.06431 1.37E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.05E+07 3.93E+09 0.0154 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1100 Sr-90 0.021 4.15E+04 1.40E+06 0.0297 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2118 Cs-134 0.00014 2.90E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.98E+06 3.85E+07 0.0514 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3668 Eu-152 0.00599 1.28E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.74E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 199 P037 Position #30 21 2.12E+06 H-3 1.76 3.46E+06 2.33E+08 0.0149 0.1118 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0076 3.25E+07 0.1066 0.7989 Co-60 0.06431 1.36E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0063 Ni-63 442 6.02E+07 3.93E+09 0.0153 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1095 Sr-90 0.021 4.13E+04 1.40E+06 0.0295 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2109 Cs-134 0.00014 2.89E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.97E+06 3.85E+07 0.0511 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3652 Eu-152 0.00599 1.27E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.73E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 200 P037 Position #31 20 2.12E+06 H-3 1.76 3.46E+06 2.33E+08 0.0149 0.1118 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0076 3.25E+07 0.1066 0.7989 Co-60 0.06431 1.36E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0063 Ni-63 442 6.02E+07 3.93E+09 0.0153 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1095 Sr-90 0.021 4.13E+04 1.40E+06 0.0295 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2109 Cs-134 0.00014 2.89E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.97E+06 3.85E+07 0.0511 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3652 Eu-152 0.00599 1.27E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.73E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 201 P037 Position #32 19 2.21E+06 H-3 1.76 3.61E+06 2.33E+08 0.0155 0.1164 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0079 3.25E+07 0.1110 0.8316 Co-60 0.06431 1.42E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0066 Ni-63 442 6.27E+07 3.93E+09 0.0160 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1140 Sr-90 0.021 4.30E+04 1.40E+06 0.0307 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2195 Cs-134 0.00014 3.01E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.05E+06 3.85E+07 0.0532 5.66E+08 0.0036 5.39E+06 0.3801 Eu-152 0.00599 1.32E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.80E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 202 P037 Position #33 18 2.19E+06 H-3 1.76 3.58E+06 2.33E+08 0.0154 0.1155 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0079 3.25E+07 0.1102 0.8257 Co-60 0.06431 1.41E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0066 Ni-63 442 6.23E+07 3.93E+09 0.0158 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1132 Sr-90 0.021 4.27E+04 1.40E+06 0.0305 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2180 Cs-134 0.00014 2.98E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.03E+06 3.85E+07 0.0528 5.66E+08 0.0036 5.39E+06 0.3775 Eu-152 0.00599 1.31E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.79E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 203 P037 Position #34 17 2.18E+06 H-3 1.76 3.57E+06 2.33E+08 0.0153 0.1151 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0078 3.25E+07 0.1097 0.8223 Co-60 0.06431 1.40E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0065 Ni-63 442 6.20E+07 3.93E+09 0.0158 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1127 Sr-90 0.021 4.25E+04 1.40E+06 0.0304 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2171 Cs-134 0.00014 2.97E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.03E+06 3.85E+07 0.0526 5.66E+08 0.0036 5.39E+06 0.3759 Eu-152 0.00599 1.31E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.78E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 204 P037 Position #35 16 2.15E+06 H-3 1.76 3.51E+06 2.33E+08 0.0151 0.1134 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0077 3.25E+07 0.1082 0.8106 Co-60 0.06431 1.38E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.11E+07 3.93E+09 0.0156 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1111 Sr-90 0.021 4.19E+04 1.40E+06 0.0300 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2140 Cs-134 0.00014 2.93E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.00E+06 3.85E+07 0.0519 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3705 Eu-152 0.00599 1.29E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.76E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 205 P037 Position #36 15 2.19E+06 H-3 1.76 3.58E+06 2.33E+08 0.0153 0.1154 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0078 3.25E+07 0.1100 0.8246 Co-60 0.06431 1.41E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0065 Ni-63 442 6.22E+07 3.93E+09 0.0158 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1130 Sr-90 0.021 4.27E+04 1.40E+06 0.0305 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2177 Cs-134 0.00014 2.98E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.03E+06 3.85E+07 0.0528 5.66E+08 0.0036 5.39E+06 0.3769 Eu-152 0.00599 1.31E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.79E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 206 P037 Position #37 14 2.22E+06 H-3 1.76 3.63E+06 2.33E+08 0.0156 0.1170 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0080 3.25E+07 0.1116 0.8362 Co-60 0.06431 1.43E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0066 Ni-63 442 6.31E+07 3.93E+09 0.0160 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1146 Sr-90 0.021 4.33E+04 1.40E+06 0.0309 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2208 Cs-134 0.00014 3.02E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.06E+06 3.85E+07 0.0535 5.66E+08 0.0036 5.39E+06 0.3823 Eu-152 0.00599 1.33E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.81E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 207 P037 Position #38 13 2.14E+06 H-3 1.76 3.50E+06 2.33E+08 0.0150 0.1131 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0077 3.25E+07 0.1078 0.8083 Co-60 0.06431 1.38E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.09E+07 3.93E+09 0.0155 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1108 Sr-90 0.021 4.18E+04 1.40E+06 0.0299 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2134 Cs-134 0.00014 2.92E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.99E+06 3.85E+07 0.0517 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3695 Eu-152 0.00599 1.29E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.75E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 208 P037 Position #39 12 2.15E+06 H-3 1.76 3.51E+06 2.33E+08 0.0151 0.1133 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0077 3.25E+07 0.1080 0.8094 Co-60 0.06431 1.38E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.10E+07 3.93E+09 0.0155 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1110 Sr-90 0.021 4.19E+04 1.40E+06 0.0299 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2137 Cs-134 0.00014 2.93E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.99E+06 3.85E+07 0.0518 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3700 Eu-152 0.00599 1.29E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.76E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 209 P037 Position #40 11 2.15E+06 H-3 1.76 3.52E+06 2.33E+08 0.0151 0.1136 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0077 3.25E+07 0.1083 0.8118 Co-60 0.06431 1.38E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.12E+07 3.93E+09 0.0156 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1113 Sr-90 0.021 4.20E+04 1.40E+06 0.0300 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2143 Cs-134 0.00014 2.93E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.00E+06 3.85E+07 0.0519 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3711 Eu-152 0.00599 1.29E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.76E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 210 P037 Position #41 10 2.19E+06 H-3 1.76 3.59E+06 2.33E+08 0.0154 0.1157 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0079 3.25E+07 0.1103 0.8269 Co-60 0.06431 1.41E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0066 Ni-63 442 6.24E+07 3.93E+09 0.0159 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1134 Sr-90 0.021 4.28E+04 1.40E+06 0.0306 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2183 Cs-134 0.00014 2.99E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.04E+06 3.85E+07 0.0529 5.66E+08 0.0036 5.39E+06 0.3780 Eu-152 0.00599 1.32E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.79E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 211 P037 Position #42 9

2.24E+06 H-3 1.76 3.66E+06 2.33E+08 0.0157 0.1180 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0080 3.25E+07 0.1125 0.8432 Co-60 0.06431 1.44E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0067 Ni-63 442 6.36E+07 3.93E+09 0.0162 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1156 Sr-90 0.021 4.36E+04 1.40E+06 0.0312 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2226 Cs-134 0.00014 3.05E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.08E+06 3.85E+07 0.0540 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3855 Eu-152 0.00599 1.34E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.83E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 212 P037 Position #43 8

2.26E+06 H-3 1.76 3.69E+06 2.33E+08 0.0158 0.1190 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0081 3.25E+07 0.1134 0.8502 Co-60 0.06431 1.45E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0067 Ni-63 442 6.41E+07 3.93E+09 0.0163 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1166 Sr-90 0.021 4.40E+04 1.40E+06 0.0314 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2244 Cs-134 0.00014 3.07E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.09E+06 3.85E+07 0.0544 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3887 Eu-152 0.00599 1.35E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.84E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 213 P037 Position #44 7

2.30E+06 H-3 1.76 3.75E+06 2.33E+08 0.0161 0.1211 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0082 3.25E+07 0.1155 0.8654 Co-60 0.06431 1.48E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0069 Ni-63 442 6.53E+07 3.93E+09 0.0166 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1186 Sr-90 0.021 4.48E+04 1.40E+06 0.0320 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2285 Cs-134 0.00014 3.13E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.13E+06 3.85E+07 0.0554 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.3956 Eu-152 0.00599 1.38E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.88E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 214 P037 Position #45 6

2.28E+06 H-3 1.76 3.73E+06 2.33E+08 0.0160 0.1204 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0082 3.25E+07 0.1148 0.8607 Co-60 0.06431 1.47E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0068 Ni-63 442 6.49E+07 3.93E+09 0.0165 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1180 Sr-90 0.021 4.45E+04 1.40E+06 0.0318 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2272 Cs-134 0.00014 3.11E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.12E+06 3.85E+07 0.0551 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3935 Eu-152 0.00599 1.37E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.87E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 215 P037 Position #46 5

2.35E+06 H-3 1.76 3.84E+06 2.33E+08 0.0165 0.1240 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0084 3.25E+07 0.1183 0.8864 Co-60 0.06431 1.51E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0070 Ni-63 442 6.68E+07 3.93E+09 0.0170 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1215 Sr-90 0.021 4.59E+04 1.40E+06 0.0328 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2340 Cs-134 0.00014 3.20E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.18E+06 3.85E+07 0.0567 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4052 Eu-152 0.00599 1.41E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.92E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 216 P037 Position #47 4

2.34E+06 H-3 1.76 3.82E+06 2.33E+08 0.0164 0.1234 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0084 3.25E+07 0.1176 0.8817 Co-60 0.06431 1.50E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0070 Ni-63 442 6.65E+07 3.93E+09 0.0169 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1209 Sr-90 0.021 4.56E+04 1.40E+06 0.0326 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2328 Cs-134 0.00014 3.19E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.17E+06 3.85E+07 0.0564 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.4030 Eu-152 0.00599 1.40E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.91E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 217 P037 Position #48 3

2.43E+06 H-3 1.76 3.97E+06 2.33E+08 0.0170 0.1279 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0087 3.25E+07 0.1220 0.9144 Co-60 0.06431 1.56E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0073 Ni-63 442 6.89E+07 3.93E+09 0.0175 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1254 Sr-90 0.021 4.73E+04 1.40E+06 0.0338 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2414 Cs-134 0.00014 3.30E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.25E+06 3.85E+07 0.0585 5.66E+08 0.0040 5.39E+06 0.4180 Eu-152 0.00599 1.45E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.98E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 218 P037 Position #49 2

2.47E+06 H-3 1.76 4.04E+06 2.33E+08 0.0173 0.1304 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0089 3.25E+07 0.1243 0.9319 Co-60 0.06431 1.59E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0074 Ni-63 442 7.03E+07 3.93E+09 0.0179 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1278 Sr-90 0.021 4.82E+04 1.40E+06 0.0344 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2460 Cs-134 0.00014 3.37E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.30E+06 3.85E+07 0.0596 5.66E+08 0.0041 5.39E+06 0.4260 Eu-152 0.00599 1.48E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.02E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 219 P037 Position #50 1

2.49E+06 H-3 1.76 4.07E+06 2.33E+08 0.0175 0.1314 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0089 3.25E+07 0.1253 0.9389 Co-60 0.06431 1.60E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0074 Ni-63 442 7.08E+07 3.93E+09 0.0180 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1287 Sr-90 0.021 4.86E+04 1.40E+06 0.0347 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2478 Cs-134 0.00014 3.39E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.31E+06 3.85E+07 0.0601 5.66E+08 0.0041 5.39E+06 0.4292 Eu-152 0.00599 1.49E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.04E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 220 P036 Position #1 50 1.45E+07 H-3 1.76 2.37E+07 2.33E+08 0.1018 0.7654 3.42E+09 0.0069 0.0521 3.25E+07 0.7298 5.4700 Co-60 0.06431 9.33E+05 1.54E+08 0.0061 2.26E+09 0.0004 2.15E+07 0.0434 Ni-63 442 4.12E+08 3.93E+09 0.1049 5.78E+10 0.0071 5.50E+08 0.7499 Sr-90 0.021 2.83E+05 1.40E+06 0.2022 2.06E+07 0.0137 1.96E+05 1.4440 Cs-134 0.00014 1.98E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0005 Cs-137 0.92875 1.35E+07 3.85E+07 0.3501 5.66E+08 0.0238 5.39E+06 2.5004 Eu-152 0.00599 8.70E+04 3.58E+08 0.0002 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0017 Eu-154 0.00082 1.19E+04 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0003 221 P036 Position #2 49 4.95E+06 H-3 1.76 8.09E+06 2.33E+08 0.0347 0.2611 3.42E+09 0.0024 0.0178 3.25E+07 0.2490 1.8661 Co-60 0.06431 3.18E+05 1.54E+08 0.0021 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0148 Ni-63 442 1.41E+08 3.93E+09 0.0358 5.78E+10 0.0024 5.50E+08 0.2558 Sr-90 0.021 9.66E+04 1.40E+06 0.0690 2.06E+07 0.0047 1.96E+05 0.4926 Cs-134 0.00014 6.74E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.60E+06 3.85E+07 0.1194 5.66E+08 0.0081 5.39E+06 0.8530 Eu-152 0.00599 2.97E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 4.05E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 222 P036 Position #3 48 2.90E+06 H-3 1.76 4.74E+06 2.33E+08 0.0204 0.1531 3.42E+09 0.0014 0.0104 3.25E+07 0.1460 1.0940 Co-60 0.06431 1.87E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0087 Ni-63 442 8.25E+07 3.93E+09 0.0210 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1500 Sr-90 0.021 5.66E+04 1.40E+06 0.0404 2.06E+07 0.0027 1.96E+05 0.2888 Cs-134 0.00014 3.95E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.70E+06 3.85E+07 0.0700 5.66E+08 0.0048 5.39E+06 0.5001 Eu-152 0.00599 1.74E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.37E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 223 P036 Position #4 47 2.67E+06 H-3 1.76 4.36E+06 2.33E+08 0.0187 0.1407 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0096 3.25E+07 0.1341 1.0054 Co-60 0.06431 1.72E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0080 Ni-63 442 7.58E+07 3.93E+09 0.0193 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1378 Sr-90 0.021 5.20E+04 1.40E+06 0.0372 2.06E+07 0.0025 1.96E+05 0.2654 Cs-134 0.00014 3.63E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.48E+06 3.85E+07 0.0643 5.66E+08 0.0044 5.39E+06 0.4596 Eu-152 0.00599 1.60E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.18E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 224 P036 Position #5 46 2.63E+06 H-3 1.76 4.30E+06 2.33E+08 0.0185 0.1389 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0094 3.25E+07 0.1324 0.9925 Co-60 0.06431 1.69E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0079 Ni-63 442 7.48E+07 3.93E+09 0.0190 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1361 Sr-90 0.021 5.14E+04 1.40E+06 0.0367 2.06E+07 0.0025 1.96E+05 0.2620 Cs-134 0.00014 3.59E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.45E+06 3.85E+07 0.0635 5.66E+08 0.0043 5.39E+06 0.4537 Eu-152 0.00599 1.58E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.15E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 225 P036 Position #6 45 2.55E+06 H-3 1.76 4.17E+06 2.33E+08 0.0179 0.1346 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0092 3.25E+07 0.1284 0.9622 Co-60 0.06431 1.64E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0076 Ni-63 442 7.26E+07 3.93E+09 0.0185 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1319 Sr-90 0.021 4.98E+04 1.40E+06 0.0356 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2540 Cs-134 0.00014 3.48E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.37E+06 3.85E+07 0.0616 5.66E+08 0.0042 5.39E+06 0.4398 Eu-152 0.00599 1.53E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.09E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 226 P036 Position #7 44 2.40E+06 H-3 1.76 3.93E+06 2.33E+08 0.0169 0.1268 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0086 3.25E+07 0.1209 0.9062 Co-60 0.06431 1.55E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0072 Ni-63 442 6.83E+07 3.93E+09 0.0174 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1242 Sr-90 0.021 4.69E+04 1.40E+06 0.0335 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2392 Cs-134 0.00014 3.28E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.23E+06 3.85E+07 0.0580 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4142 Eu-152 0.00599 1.44E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.97E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 227 P036 Position #8 43 2.41E+06 H-3 1.76 3.94E+06 2.33E+08 0.0169 0.1273 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0087 3.25E+07 0.1214 0.9097 Co-60 0.06431 1.55E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0072 Ni-63 442 6.86E+07 3.93E+09 0.0175 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1247 Sr-90 0.021 4.71E+04 1.40E+06 0.0336 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2401 Cs-134 0.00014 3.29E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.24E+06 3.85E+07 0.0582 5.66E+08 0.0040 5.39E+06 0.4158 Eu-152 0.00599 1.45E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.97E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 228 P036 Position #9 42 2.35E+06 H-3 1.76 3.83E+06 2.33E+08 0.0165 0.1237 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0084 3.25E+07 0.1180 0.8841 Co-60 0.06431 1.51E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0070 Ni-63 442 6.67E+07 3.93E+09 0.0170 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1212 Sr-90 0.021 4.57E+04 1.40E+06 0.0327 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2334 Cs-134 0.00014 3.20E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.18E+06 3.85E+07 0.0566 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.4041 Eu-152 0.00599 1.41E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.92E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 229 P036 Position #10 41 2.36E+06 H-3 1.76 3.86E+06 2.33E+08 0.0166 0.1247 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0085 3.25E+07 0.1189 0.8911 Co-60 0.06431 1.52E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0071 Ni-63 442 6.72E+07 3.93E+09 0.0171 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1222 Sr-90 0.021 4.61E+04 1.40E+06 0.0329 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2352 Cs-134 0.00014 3.22E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.20E+06 3.85E+07 0.0570 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4073 Eu-152 0.00599 1.42E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.93E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 230 P036 Position #11 40 2.35E+06 H-3 1.76 3.84E+06 2.33E+08 0.0165 0.1240 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0084 3.25E+07 0.1183 0.8864 Co-60 0.06431 1.51E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0070 Ni-63 442 6.68E+07 3.93E+09 0.0170 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1215 Sr-90 0.021 4.59E+04 1.40E+06 0.0328 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2340 Cs-134 0.00014 3.20E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.18E+06 3.85E+07 0.0567 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4052 Eu-152 0.00599 1.41E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.92E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 231 P036 Position #12 39 2.32E+06 H-3 1.76 3.79E+06 2.33E+08 0.0163 0.1224 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0083 3.25E+07 0.1167 0.8747 Co-60 0.06431 1.49E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0069 Ni-63 442 6.60E+07 3.93E+09 0.0168 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1199 Sr-90 0.021 4.53E+04 1.40E+06 0.0323 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2309 Cs-134 0.00014 3.16E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.16E+06 3.85E+07 0.0560 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.3998 Eu-152 0.00599 1.39E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.90E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 232 P036 Position #13 38 2.27E+06 H-3 1.76 3.72E+06 2.33E+08 0.0160 0.1199 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0082 3.25E+07 0.1144 0.8572 Co-60 0.06431 1.46E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0068 Ni-63 442 6.46E+07 3.93E+09 0.0164 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1175 Sr-90 0.021 4.44E+04 1.40E+06 0.0317 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2263 Cs-134 0.00014 3.10E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.11E+06 3.85E+07 0.0549 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3919 Eu-152 0.00599 1.36E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.86E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 233 P036 Position #14 37 2.29E+06 H-3 1.76 3.74E+06 2.33E+08 0.0161 0.1208 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0082 3.25E+07 0.1152 0.8631 Co-60 0.06431 1.47E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0068 Ni-63 442 6.51E+07 3.93E+09 0.0166 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1183 Sr-90 0.021 4.47E+04 1.40E+06 0.0319 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2278 Cs-134 0.00014 3.12E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.13E+06 3.85E+07 0.0552 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.3945 Eu-152 0.00599 1.37E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.87E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 234 P036 Position #15 36 2.34E+06 H-3 1.76 3.82E+06 2.33E+08 0.0164 0.1234 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0084 3.25E+07 0.1176 0.8817 Co-60 0.06431 1.50E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0070 Ni-63 442 6.65E+07 3.93E+09 0.0169 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1209 Sr-90 0.021 4.56E+04 1.40E+06 0.0326 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2328 Cs-134 0.00014 3.19E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.17E+06 3.85E+07 0.0564 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.4030 Eu-152 0.00599 1.40E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.91E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 235 P036 Position #16 35 2.26E+06 H-3 1.76 3.70E+06 2.33E+08 0.0159 0.1193 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0081 3.25E+07 0.1138 0.8526 Co-60 0.06431 1.45E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0068 Ni-63 442 6.43E+07 3.93E+09 0.0164 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1169 Sr-90 0.021 4.41E+04 1.40E+06 0.0315 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2251 Cs-134 0.00014 3.08E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.10E+06 3.85E+07 0.0546 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3897 Eu-152 0.00599 1.36E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.85E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 236 P036 Position #17 34 2.31E+06 H-3 1.76 3.77E+06 2.33E+08 0.0162 0.1216 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0083 3.25E+07 0.1159 0.8689 Co-60 0.06431 1.48E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0069 Ni-63 442 6.55E+07 3.93E+09 0.0167 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1191 Sr-90 0.021 4.50E+04 1.40E+06 0.0321 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2294 Cs-134 0.00014 3.14E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.14E+06 3.85E+07 0.0556 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.3972 Eu-152 0.00599 1.38E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.88E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 237 P036 Position #18 33 2.27E+06 H-3 1.76 3.71E+06 2.33E+08 0.0159 0.1198 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0081 3.25E+07 0.1142 0.8561 Co-60 0.06431 1.46E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0068 Ni-63 442 6.45E+07 3.93E+09 0.0164 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1174 Sr-90 0.021 4.43E+04 1.40E+06 0.0316 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2260 Cs-134 0.00014 3.09E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.11E+06 3.85E+07 0.0548 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3913 Eu-152 0.00599 1.36E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.86E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 238 P036 Position #19 32 2.24E+06 H-3 1.76 3.66E+06 2.33E+08 0.0157 0.1182 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0080 3.25E+07 0.1127 0.8444 Co-60 0.06431 1.44E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0067 Ni-63 442 6.37E+07 3.93E+09 0.0162 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1158 Sr-90 0.021 4.37E+04 1.40E+06 0.0312 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2229 Cs-134 0.00014 3.05E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.08E+06 3.85E+07 0.0540 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3860 Eu-152 0.00599 1.34E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.83E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 239 P036 Position #20 31 2.21E+06 H-3 1.76 3.61E+06 2.33E+08 0.0155 0.1164 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0079 3.25E+07 0.1110 0.8316 Co-60 0.06431 1.42E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0066 Ni-63 442 6.27E+07 3.93E+09 0.0160 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1140 Sr-90 0.021 4.30E+04 1.40E+06 0.0307 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2195 Cs-134 0.00014 3.01E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.05E+06 3.85E+07 0.0532 5.66E+08 0.0036 5.39E+06 0.3801 Eu-152 0.00599 1.32E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.80E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 240 P036 Position #21 30 2.05E+06 H-3 1.76 3.35E+06 2.33E+08 0.0144 0.1082 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0074 3.25E+07 0.1032 0.7733 Co-60 0.06431 1.32E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0061 Ni-63 442 5.83E+07 3.93E+09 0.0148 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1060 Sr-90 0.021 4.00E+04 1.40E+06 0.0286 2.06E+07 0.0019 1.96E+05 0.2041 Cs-134 0.00014 2.79E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.91E+06 3.85E+07 0.0495 5.66E+08 0.0034 5.39E+06 0.3535 Eu-152 0.00599 1.23E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.68E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 241 P036 Position #22 29 2.07E+06 H-3 1.76 3.38E+06 2.33E+08 0.0145 0.1090 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0074 3.25E+07 0.1040 0.7791 Co-60 0.06431 1.33E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0062 Ni-63 442 5.87E+07 3.93E+09 0.0149 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1068 Sr-90 0.021 4.03E+04 1.40E+06 0.0288 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2057 Cs-134 0.00014 2.82E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.92E+06 3.85E+07 0.0499 5.66E+08 0.0034 5.39E+06 0.3561 Eu-152 0.00599 1.24E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.69E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 242 P036 Position #23 28 2.05E+06 H-3 1.76 3.35E+06 2.33E+08 0.0144 0.1082 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0074 3.25E+07 0.1032 0.7733 Co-60 0.06431 1.32E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0061 Ni-63 442 5.83E+07 3.93E+09 0.0148 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1060 Sr-90 0.021 4.00E+04 1.40E+06 0.0286 2.06E+07 0.0019 1.96E+05 0.2041 Cs-134 0.00014 2.79E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.91E+06 3.85E+07 0.0495 5.66E+08 0.0034 5.39E+06 0.3535 Eu-152 0.00599 1.23E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.68E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 243 P036 Position #24 27 1.95E+06 H-3 1.76 3.19E+06 2.33E+08 0.0137 0.1030 3.42E+09 0.0009 0.0070 3.25E+07 0.0982 0.7359 Co-60 0.06431 1.26E+05 1.54E+08 0.0008 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0058 Ni-63 442 5.55E+07 3.93E+09 0.0141 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1009 Sr-90 0.021 3.81E+04 1.40E+06 0.0272 2.06E+07 0.0018 1.96E+05 0.1943 Cs-134 0.00014 2.66E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.81E+06 3.85E+07 0.0471 5.66E+08 0.0032 5.39E+06 0.3364 Eu-152 0.00599 1.17E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.60E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 244 P036 Position #25 26 1.99E+06 H-3 1.76 3.26E+06 2.33E+08 0.0140 0.1051 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0071 3.25E+07 0.1002 0.7511 Co-60 0.06431 1.28E+05 1.54E+08 0.0008 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0060 Ni-63 442 5.66E+07 3.93E+09 0.0144 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1030 Sr-90 0.021 3.89E+04 1.40E+06 0.0278 2.06E+07 0.0019 1.96E+05 0.1983 Cs-134 0.00014 2.71E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.85E+06 3.85E+07 0.0481 5.66E+08 0.0033 5.39E+06 0.3433 Eu-152 0.00599 1.19E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.63E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 245 P036 Position #26 25 1.98E+06 H-3 1.76 3.24E+06 2.33E+08 0.0139 0.1044 3.42E+09 0.0009 0.0071 3.25E+07 0.0996 0.7464 Co-60 0.06431 1.27E+05 1.54E+08 0.0008 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0059 Ni-63 442 5.63E+07 3.93E+09 0.0143 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1023 Sr-90 0.021 3.86E+04 1.40E+06 0.0276 2.06E+07 0.0019 1.96E+05 0.1970 Cs-134 0.00014 2.70E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.84E+06 3.85E+07 0.0478 5.66E+08 0.0032 5.39E+06 0.3412 Eu-152 0.00599 1.19E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.62E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 246 P036 Position #27 24 2.04E+06 H-3 1.76 3.33E+06 2.33E+08 0.0143 0.1075 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0073 3.25E+07 0.1026 0.7686 Co-60 0.06431 1.31E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0061 Ni-63 442 5.80E+07 3.93E+09 0.0147 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1054 Sr-90 0.021 3.98E+04 1.40E+06 0.0284 2.06E+07 0.0019 1.96E+05 0.2029 Cs-134 0.00014 2.78E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.89E+06 3.85E+07 0.0492 5.66E+08 0.0033 5.39E+06 0.3513 Eu-152 0.00599 1.22E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.67E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 247 P036 Position #28 23 2.08E+06 H-3 1.76 3.40E+06 2.33E+08 0.0146 0.1098 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0075 3.25E+07 0.1047 0.7849 Co-60 0.06431 1.34E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0062 Ni-63 442 5.92E+07 3.93E+09 0.0151 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1076 Sr-90 0.021 4.06E+04 1.40E+06 0.0290 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2072 Cs-134 0.00014 2.84E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.93E+06 3.85E+07 0.0502 5.66E+08 0.0034 5.39E+06 0.3588 Eu-152 0.00599 1.25E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.70E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 248 P036 Position #29 22 2.04E+06 H-3 1.76 3.34E+06 2.33E+08 0.0143 0.1077 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0073 3.25E+07 0.1027 0.7698 Co-60 0.06431 1.31E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0061 Ni-63 442 5.80E+07 3.93E+09 0.0148 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1055 Sr-90 0.021 3.98E+04 1.40E+06 0.0284 2.06E+07 0.0019 1.96E+05 0.2032 Cs-134 0.00014 2.78E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.90E+06 3.85E+07 0.0493 5.66E+08 0.0034 5.39E+06 0.3519 Eu-152 0.00599 1.22E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.67E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 249 P036 Position #30 21 2.08E+06 H-3 1.76 3.40E+06 2.33E+08 0.0146 0.1098 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0075 3.25E+07 0.1047 0.7849 Co-60 0.06431 1.34E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0062 Ni-63 442 5.92E+07 3.93E+09 0.0151 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1076 Sr-90 0.021 4.06E+04 1.40E+06 0.0290 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2072 Cs-134 0.00014 2.84E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.93E+06 3.85E+07 0.0502 5.66E+08 0.0034 5.39E+06 0.3588 Eu-152 0.00599 1.25E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.70E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 250 P036 Position #31 20 2.07E+06 H-3 1.76 3.38E+06 2.33E+08 0.0145 0.1092 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0074 3.25E+07 0.1041 0.7803 Co-60 0.06431 1.33E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0062 Ni-63 442 5.88E+07 3.93E+09 0.0150 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1070 Sr-90 0.021 4.04E+04 1.40E+06 0.0288 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2060 Cs-134 0.00014 2.82E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.92E+06 3.85E+07 0.0499 5.66E+08 0.0034 5.39E+06 0.3567 Eu-152 0.00599 1.24E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.69E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 251 P036 Position #32 19 2.12E+06 H-3 1.76 3.46E+06 2.33E+08 0.0149 0.1118 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0076 3.25E+07 0.1066 0.7989 Co-60 0.06431 1.36E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0063 Ni-63 442 6.02E+07 3.93E+09 0.0153 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1095 Sr-90 0.021 4.13E+04 1.40E+06 0.0295 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2109 Cs-134 0.00014 2.89E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.97E+06 3.85E+07 0.0511 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3652 Eu-152 0.00599 1.27E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.73E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 252 P036 Position #33 18 2.13E+06 H-3 1.76 3.48E+06 2.33E+08 0.0150 0.1124 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0076 3.25E+07 0.1072 0.8036 Co-60 0.06431 1.37E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.06E+07 3.93E+09 0.0154 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1102 Sr-90 0.021 4.16E+04 1.40E+06 0.0297 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2121 Cs-134 0.00014 2.90E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.98E+06 3.85E+07 0.0514 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3673 Eu-152 0.00599 1.28E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.74E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 253 P036 Position #34 17 2.10E+06 H-3 1.76 3.44E+06 2.33E+08 0.0148 0.1110 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0075 3.25E+07 0.1058 0.7931 Co-60 0.06431 1.35E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0063 Ni-63 442 5.98E+07 3.93E+09 0.0152 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1087 Sr-90 0.021 4.10E+04 1.40E+06 0.0293 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2094 Cs-134 0.00014 2.87E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.95E+06 3.85E+07 0.0508 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3625 Eu-152 0.00599 1.26E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.72E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 254 P036 Position #35 16 2.14E+06 H-3 1.76 3.49E+06 2.33E+08 0.0150 0.1128 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0077 3.25E+07 0.1075 0.8059 Co-60 0.06431 1.37E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.08E+07 3.93E+09 0.0155 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1105 Sr-90 0.021 4.17E+04 1.40E+06 0.0298 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2127 Cs-134 0.00014 2.91E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.99E+06 3.85E+07 0.0516 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3684 Eu-152 0.00599 1.28E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.75E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 255 P036 Position #36 15 2.15E+06 H-3 1.76 3.51E+06 2.33E+08 0.0151 0.1133 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0077 3.25E+07 0.1080 0.8094 Co-60 0.06431 1.38E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.10E+07 3.93E+09 0.0155 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1110 Sr-90 0.021 4.19E+04 1.40E+06 0.0299 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2137 Cs-134 0.00014 2.93E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.99E+06 3.85E+07 0.0518 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3700 Eu-152 0.00599 1.29E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.76E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 256 P036 Position #37 14 2.13E+06 H-3 1.76 3.47E+06 2.33E+08 0.0149 0.1121 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0076 3.25E+07 0.1069 0.8013 Co-60 0.06431 1.37E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.04E+07 3.93E+09 0.0154 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1098 Sr-90 0.021 4.15E+04 1.40E+06 0.0296 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2115 Cs-134 0.00014 2.90E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.97E+06 3.85E+07 0.0513 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3663 Eu-152 0.00599 1.27E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.74E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 257 P036 Position #38 13 2.11E+06 H-3 1.76 3.45E+06 2.33E+08 0.0148 0.1115 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0076 3.25E+07 0.1063 0.7966 Co-60 0.06431 1.36E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0063 Ni-63 442 6.01E+07 3.93E+09 0.0153 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1092 Sr-90 0.021 4.12E+04 1.40E+06 0.0294 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2103 Cs-134 0.00014 2.88E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.96E+06 3.85E+07 0.0510 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3641 Eu-152 0.00599 1.27E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.73E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 258 P036 Position #39 12 2.08E+06 H-3 1.76 3.39E+06 2.33E+08 0.0146 0.1095 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0074 3.25E+07 0.1044 0.7826 Co-60 0.06431 1.34E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0062 Ni-63 442 5.90E+07 3.93E+09 0.0150 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1073 Sr-90 0.021 4.05E+04 1.40E+06 0.0289 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2066 Cs-134 0.00014 2.83E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.93E+06 3.85E+07 0.0501 5.66E+08 0.0034 5.39E+06 0.3577 Eu-152 0.00599 1.24E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.70E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 259 P036 Position #40 11 2.11E+06 H-3 1.76 3.45E+06 2.33E+08 0.0148 0.1113 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0076 3.25E+07 0.1061 0.7954 Co-60 0.06431 1.36E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0063 Ni-63 442 6.00E+07 3.93E+09 0.0153 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1090 Sr-90 0.021 4.12E+04 1.40E+06 0.0294 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2100 Cs-134 0.00014 2.87E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.96E+06 3.85E+07 0.0509 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3636 Eu-152 0.00599 1.26E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.72E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 260 P036 Position #41 10 2.19E+06 H-3 1.76 3.58E+06 2.33E+08 0.0153 0.1154 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0078 3.25E+07 0.1100 0.8246 Co-60 0.06431 1.41E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0065 Ni-63 442 6.22E+07 3.93E+09 0.0158 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1130 Sr-90 0.021 4.27E+04 1.40E+06 0.0305 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2177 Cs-134 0.00014 2.98E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.03E+06 3.85E+07 0.0528 5.66E+08 0.0036 5.39E+06 0.3769 Eu-152 0.00599 1.31E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.79E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 261 P036 Position #42 9

2.14E+06 H-3 1.76 3.50E+06 2.33E+08 0.0150 0.1131 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0077 3.25E+07 0.1078 0.8083 Co-60 0.06431 1.38E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.09E+07 3.93E+09 0.0155 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1108 Sr-90 0.021 4.18E+04 1.40E+06 0.0299 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2134 Cs-134 0.00014 2.92E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.99E+06 3.85E+07 0.0517 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3695 Eu-152 0.00599 1.29E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.75E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 262 P036 Position #43 8

2.15E+06 H-3 1.76 3.52E+06 2.33E+08 0.0151 0.1136 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0077 3.25E+07 0.1083 0.8118 Co-60 0.06431 1.38E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.12E+07 3.93E+09 0.0156 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1113 Sr-90 0.021 4.20E+04 1.40E+06 0.0300 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2143 Cs-134 0.00014 2.93E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.00E+06 3.85E+07 0.0519 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3711 Eu-152 0.00599 1.29E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.76E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 263 P036 Position #44 7

2.25E+06 H-3 1.76 3.68E+06 2.33E+08 0.0158 0.1188 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0081 3.25E+07 0.1133 0.8491 Co-60 0.06431 1.45E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0067 Ni-63 442 6.40E+07 3.93E+09 0.0163 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1164 Sr-90 0.021 4.39E+04 1.40E+06 0.0314 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2241 Cs-134 0.00014 3.07E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.09E+06 3.85E+07 0.0543 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3881 Eu-152 0.00599 1.35E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.84E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 264 P036 Position #45 6

2.23E+06 H-3 1.76 3.65E+06 2.33E+08 0.0157 0.1178 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0080 3.25E+07 0.1124 0.8421 Co-60 0.06431 1.44E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0067 Ni-63 442 6.35E+07 3.93E+09 0.0162 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1154 Sr-90 0.021 4.36E+04 1.40E+06 0.0311 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2223 Cs-134 0.00014 3.04E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.07E+06 3.85E+07 0.0539 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3849 Eu-152 0.00599 1.34E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.83E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 265 P036 Position #46 5

2.40E+06 H-3 1.76 3.92E+06 2.33E+08 0.0168 0.1265 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0086 3.25E+07 0.1206 0.9039 Co-60 0.06431 1.54E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0072 Ni-63 442 6.82E+07 3.93E+09 0.0173 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1239 Sr-90 0.021 4.68E+04 1.40E+06 0.0334 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2386 Cs-134 0.00014 3.27E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.23E+06 3.85E+07 0.0578 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4132 Eu-152 0.00599 1.44E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.96E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 266 P036 Position #47 4

2.55E+06 H-3 1.76 4.17E+06 2.33E+08 0.0179 0.1345 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0091 3.25E+07 0.1282 0.9610 Co-60 0.06431 1.64E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0076 Ni-63 442 7.25E+07 3.93E+09 0.0184 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1318 Sr-90 0.021 4.97E+04 1.40E+06 0.0355 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2537 Cs-134 0.00014 3.47E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.37E+06 3.85E+07 0.0615 5.66E+08 0.0042 5.39E+06 0.4393 Eu-152 0.00599 1.53E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.08E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 267 P036 Position #48 3

2.87E+06 H-3 1.76 4.70E+06 2.33E+08 0.0202 0.1516 3.42E+09 0.0014 0.0103 3.25E+07 0.1446 1.0835 Co-60 0.06431 1.85E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0086 Ni-63 442 8.17E+07 3.93E+09 0.0208 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1485 Sr-90 0.021 5.61E+04 1.40E+06 0.0400 2.06E+07 0.0027 1.96E+05 0.2860 Cs-134 0.00014 3.92E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.67E+06 3.85E+07 0.0693 5.66E+08 0.0047 5.39E+06 0.4953 Eu-152 0.00599 1.72E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.35E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 268 P036 Position #49 2

2.57E+06 H-3 1.76 4.20E+06 2.33E+08 0.0180 0.1356 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0092 3.25E+07 0.1293 0.9692 Co-60 0.06431 1.65E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0077 Ni-63 442 7.31E+07 3.93E+09 0.0186 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1329 Sr-90 0.021 5.01E+04 1.40E+06 0.0358 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2559 Cs-134 0.00014 3.50E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.39E+06 3.85E+07 0.0620 5.66E+08 0.0042 5.39E+06 0.4430 Eu-152 0.00599 1.54E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.10E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 269 P036 Position #50 1

2.30E+06 H-3 1.76 3.76E+06 2.33E+08 0.0161 0.1214 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0083 3.25E+07 0.1158 0.8677 Co-60 0.06431 1.48E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0069 Ni-63 442 6.54E+07 3.93E+09 0.0166 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1190 Sr-90 0.021 4.49E+04 1.40E+06 0.0321 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2291 Cs-134 0.00014 3.14E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.14E+06 3.85E+07 0.0555 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.3967 Eu-152 0.00599 1.38E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.88E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 270 P035 Position #1 50 1.10E+07 H-3 1.76 1.79E+07 2.33E+08 0.0768 0.5777 3.42E+09 0.0052 0.0393 3.25E+07 0.5509 4.1287 Co-60 0.06431 7.04E+05 1.54E+08 0.0046 2.26E+09 0.0003 2.15E+07 0.0328 Ni-63 442 3.11E+08 3.93E+09 0.0792 5.78E+10 0.0054 5.50E+08 0.5660 Sr-90 0.021 2.14E+05 1.40E+06 0.1526 2.06E+07 0.0104 1.96E+05 1.0899 Cs-134 0.00014 1.49E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0004 Cs-137 0.92875 1.02E+07 3.85E+07 0.2642 5.66E+08 0.0180 5.39E+06 1.8873 Eu-152 0.00599 6.57E+04 3.58E+08 0.0002 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0013 Eu-154 0.00082 8.95E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0002 271 P035 Position #2 49 3.96E+06 H-3 1.76 6.47E+06 2.33E+08 0.0278 0.2089 3.42E+09 0.0019 0.0142 3.25E+07 0.1992 1.4929 Co-60 0.06431 2.55E+05 1.54E+08 0.0017 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0118 Ni-63 442 1.13E+08 3.93E+09 0.0286 5.78E+10 0.0019 5.50E+08 0.2047 Sr-90 0.021 7.72E+04 1.40E+06 0.0552 2.06E+07 0.0037 1.96E+05 0.3941 Cs-134 0.00014 5.40E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.68E+06 3.85E+07 0.0955 5.66E+08 0.0065 5.39E+06 0.6824 Eu-152 0.00599 2.37E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.24E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 272 P035 Position #3 48 2.89E+06 H-3 1.76 4.72E+06 2.33E+08 0.0203 0.1524 3.42E+09 0.0014 0.0104 3.25E+07 0.1453 1.0893 Co-60 0.06431 1.86E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0086 Ni-63 442 8.21E+07 3.93E+09 0.0209 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1493 Sr-90 0.021 5.64E+04 1.40E+06 0.0403 2.06E+07 0.0027 1.96E+05 0.2876 Cs-134 0.00014 3.94E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.68E+06 3.85E+07 0.0697 5.66E+08 0.0047 5.39E+06 0.4979 Eu-152 0.00599 1.73E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.36E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 273 P035 Position #4 47 2.69E+06 H-3 1.76 4.39E+06 2.33E+08 0.0189 0.1418 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0096 3.25E+07 0.1352 1.0135 Co-60 0.06431 1.73E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0080 Ni-63 442 7.64E+07 3.93E+09 0.0194 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1389 Sr-90 0.021 5.24E+04 1.40E+06 0.0375 2.06E+07 0.0025 1.96E+05 0.2676 Cs-134 0.00014 3.66E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.50E+06 3.85E+07 0.0649 5.66E+08 0.0044 5.39E+06 0.4633 Eu-152 0.00599 1.61E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.20E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 274 P035 Position #5 46 2.61E+06 H-3 1.76 4.27E+06 2.33E+08 0.0183 0.1379 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0094 3.25E+07 0.1315 0.9855 Co-60 0.06431 1.68E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0078 Ni-63 442 7.43E+07 3.93E+09 0.0189 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1351 Sr-90 0.021 5.10E+04 1.40E+06 0.0364 2.06E+07 0.0025 1.96E+05 0.2602 Cs-134 0.00014 3.56E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.43E+06 3.85E+07 0.0631 5.66E+08 0.0043 5.39E+06 0.4505 Eu-152 0.00599 1.57E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.14E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 275 P035 Position #6 45 2.52E+06 H-3 1.76 4.13E+06 2.33E+08 0.0177 0.1332 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0091 3.25E+07 0.1270 0.9517 Co-60 0.06431 1.62E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0076 Ni-63 442 7.18E+07 3.93E+09 0.0183 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1305 Sr-90 0.021 4.92E+04 1.40E+06 0.0352 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2512 Cs-134 0.00014 3.44E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.34E+06 3.85E+07 0.0609 5.66E+08 0.0041 5.39E+06 0.4350 Eu-152 0.00599 1.51E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.06E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 276 P035 Position #7 44 2.45E+06 H-3 1.76 4.01E+06 2.33E+08 0.0172 0.1292 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0088 3.25E+07 0.1232 0.9237 Co-60 0.06431 1.58E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0073 Ni-63 442 6.96E+07 3.93E+09 0.0177 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1266 Sr-90 0.021 4.78E+04 1.40E+06 0.0341 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2438 Cs-134 0.00014 3.34E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.28E+06 3.85E+07 0.0591 5.66E+08 0.0040 5.39E+06 0.4222 Eu-152 0.00599 1.47E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.00E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 277 P035 Position #8 43 2.53E+06 H-3 1.76 4.14E+06 2.33E+08 0.0178 0.1335 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0091 3.25E+07 0.1273 0.9540 Co-60 0.06431 1.63E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0076 Ni-63 442 7.19E+07 3.93E+09 0.0183 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1308 Sr-90 0.021 4.94E+04 1.40E+06 0.0353 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2518 Cs-134 0.00014 3.45E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.35E+06 3.85E+07 0.0611 5.66E+08 0.0042 5.39E+06 0.4361 Eu-152 0.00599 1.52E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.07E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 278 P035 Position #9 42 2.49E+06 H-3 1.76 4.08E+06 2.33E+08 0.0175 0.1315 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0089 3.25E+07 0.1254 0.9400 Co-60 0.06431 1.60E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0075 Ni-63 442 7.09E+07 3.93E+09 0.0180 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1289 Sr-90 0.021 4.86E+04 1.40E+06 0.0347 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2482 Cs-134 0.00014 3.40E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.32E+06 3.85E+07 0.0602 5.66E+08 0.0041 5.39E+06 0.4297 Eu-152 0.00599 1.49E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.04E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 279 P035 Position #10 41 2.39E+06 H-3 1.76 3.90E+06 2.33E+08 0.0167 0.1258 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0086 3.25E+07 0.1200 0.8992 Co-60 0.06431 1.53E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0071 Ni-63 442 6.78E+07 3.93E+09 0.0173 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1233 Sr-90 0.021 4.65E+04 1.40E+06 0.0332 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2374 Cs-134 0.00014 3.25E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.22E+06 3.85E+07 0.0575 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4110 Eu-152 0.00599 1.43E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.95E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 280 P035 Position #11 40 2.41E+06 H-3 1.76 3.93E+06 2.33E+08 0.0169 0.1270 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0086 3.25E+07 0.1211 0.9074 Co-60 0.06431 1.55E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0072 Ni-63 442 6.84E+07 3.93E+09 0.0174 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1244 Sr-90 0.021 4.69E+04 1.40E+06 0.0335 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2395 Cs-134 0.00014 3.28E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.24E+06 3.85E+07 0.0581 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4148 Eu-152 0.00599 1.44E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.97E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 281 P035 Position #12 39 2.47E+06 H-3 1.76 4.04E+06 2.33E+08 0.0173 0.1302 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0089 3.25E+07 0.1242 0.9307 Co-60 0.06431 1.59E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0074 Ni-63 442 7.02E+07 3.93E+09 0.0179 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1276 Sr-90 0.021 4.82E+04 1.40E+06 0.0344 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2457 Cs-134 0.00014 3.36E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.29E+06 3.85E+07 0.0596 5.66E+08 0.0041 5.39E+06 0.4254 Eu-152 0.00599 1.48E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.02E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 282 P035 Position #13 38 2.43E+06 H-3 1.76 3.98E+06 2.33E+08 0.0171 0.1283 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0087 3.25E+07 0.1223 0.9167 Co-60 0.06431 1.56E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0073 Ni-63 442 6.91E+07 3.93E+09 0.0176 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1257 Sr-90 0.021 4.74E+04 1.40E+06 0.0339 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2420 Cs-134 0.00014 3.31E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.26E+06 3.85E+07 0.0587 5.66E+08 0.0040 5.39E+06 0.4190 Eu-152 0.00599 1.46E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.99E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 283 P035 Position #14 37 2.46E+06 H-3 1.76 4.02E+06 2.33E+08 0.0172 0.1296 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0088 3.25E+07 0.1236 0.9261 Co-60 0.06431 1.58E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0073 Ni-63 442 6.98E+07 3.93E+09 0.0178 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1270 Sr-90 0.021 4.79E+04 1.40E+06 0.0342 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2445 Cs-134 0.00014 3.35E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.28E+06 3.85E+07 0.0593 5.66E+08 0.0040 5.39E+06 0.4233 Eu-152 0.00599 1.47E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.01E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 284 P035 Position #15 36 2.49E+06 H-3 1.76 4.07E+06 2.33E+08 0.0175 0.1314 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0089 3.25E+07 0.1253 0.9389 Co-60 0.06431 1.60E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0074 Ni-63 442 7.08E+07 3.93E+09 0.0180 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1287 Sr-90 0.021 4.86E+04 1.40E+06 0.0347 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2478 Cs-134 0.00014 3.39E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.31E+06 3.85E+07 0.0601 5.66E+08 0.0041 5.39E+06 0.4292 Eu-152 0.00599 1.49E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.04E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 285 P035 Position #16 35 2.44E+06 H-3 1.76 3.99E+06 2.33E+08 0.0171 0.1288 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0088 3.25E+07 0.1228 0.9202 Co-60 0.06431 1.57E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0073 Ni-63 442 6.94E+07 3.93E+09 0.0177 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1262 Sr-90 0.021 4.76E+04 1.40E+06 0.0340 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2429 Cs-134 0.00014 3.33E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.27E+06 3.85E+07 0.0589 5.66E+08 0.0040 5.39E+06 0.4206 Eu-152 0.00599 1.46E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.00E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 286 P035 Position #17 34 2.41E+06 H-3 1.76 3.93E+06 2.33E+08 0.0169 0.1270 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0086 3.25E+07 0.1211 0.9074 Co-60 0.06431 1.55E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0072 Ni-63 442 6.84E+07 3.93E+09 0.0174 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1244 Sr-90 0.021 4.69E+04 1.40E+06 0.0335 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2395 Cs-134 0.00014 3.28E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.24E+06 3.85E+07 0.0581 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4148 Eu-152 0.00599 1.44E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.97E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 287 P035 Position #18 33 2.37E+06 H-3 1.76 3.88E+06 2.33E+08 0.0166 0.1252 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0085 3.25E+07 0.1194 0.8946 Co-60 0.06431 1.53E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0071 Ni-63 442 6.75E+07 3.93E+09 0.0172 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1226 Sr-90 0.021 4.63E+04 1.40E+06 0.0331 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2361 Cs-134 0.00014 3.23E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.20E+06 3.85E+07 0.0572 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4089 Eu-152 0.00599 1.42E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.94E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 288 P035 Position #19 32 2.34E+06 H-3 1.76 3.82E+06 2.33E+08 0.0164 0.1232 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0084 3.25E+07 0.1175 0.8806 Co-60 0.06431 1.50E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0070 Ni-63 442 6.64E+07 3.93E+09 0.0169 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1207 Sr-90 0.021 4.56E+04 1.40E+06 0.0325 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2325 Cs-134 0.00014 3.18E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.17E+06 3.85E+07 0.0564 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.4025 Eu-152 0.00599 1.40E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.91E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 289 P035 Position #20 31 2.23E+06 H-3 1.76 3.65E+06 2.33E+08 0.0157 0.1178 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0080 3.25E+07 0.1124 0.8421 Co-60 0.06431 1.44E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0067 Ni-63 442 6.35E+07 3.93E+09 0.0162 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1154 Sr-90 0.021 4.36E+04 1.40E+06 0.0311 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2223 Cs-134 0.00014 3.04E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.07E+06 3.85E+07 0.0539 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3849 Eu-152 0.00599 1.34E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.83E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 290 P035 Position #21 30 2.17E+06 H-3 1.76 3.54E+06 2.33E+08 0.0152 0.1142 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0078 3.25E+07 0.1089 0.8164 Co-60 0.06431 1.39E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0065 Ni-63 442 6.16E+07 3.93E+09 0.0157 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1119 Sr-90 0.021 4.22E+04 1.40E+06 0.0302 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2155 Cs-134 0.00014 2.95E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.01E+06 3.85E+07 0.0522 5.66E+08 0.0036 5.39E+06 0.3732 Eu-152 0.00599 1.30E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.77E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 291 P035 Position #22 29 2.18E+06 H-3 1.76 3.57E+06 2.33E+08 0.0153 0.1152 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0078 3.25E+07 0.1099 0.8234 Co-60 0.06431 1.40E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0065 Ni-63 442 6.21E+07 3.93E+09 0.0158 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1129 Sr-90 0.021 4.26E+04 1.40E+06 0.0304 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2174 Cs-134 0.00014 2.98E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.03E+06 3.85E+07 0.0527 5.66E+08 0.0036 5.39E+06 0.3764 Eu-152 0.00599 1.31E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.79E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 292 P035 Position #23 28 2.16E+06 H-3 1.76 3.53E+06 2.33E+08 0.0151 0.1137 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0077 3.25E+07 0.1085 0.8129 Co-60 0.06431 1.39E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0065 Ni-63 442 6.13E+07 3.93E+09 0.0156 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1114 Sr-90 0.021 4.21E+04 1.40E+06 0.0300 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2146 Cs-134 0.00014 2.94E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.00E+06 3.85E+07 0.0520 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3716 Eu-152 0.00599 1.29E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.76E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 293 P035 Position #24 27 2.03E+06 H-3 1.76 3.32E+06 2.33E+08 0.0143 0.1072 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0073 3.25E+07 0.1022 0.7663 Co-60 0.06431 1.31E+05 1.54E+08 0.0008 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0061 Ni-63 442 5.78E+07 3.93E+09 0.0147 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1051 Sr-90 0.021 3.96E+04 1.40E+06 0.0283 2.06E+07 0.0019 1.96E+05 0.2023 Cs-134 0.00014 2.77E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.89E+06 3.85E+07 0.0490 5.66E+08 0.0033 5.39E+06 0.3503 Eu-152 0.00599 1.22E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.66E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 294 P035 Position #25 26 2.11E+06 H-3 1.76 3.45E+06 2.33E+08 0.0148 0.1113 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0076 3.25E+07 0.1061 0.7954 Co-60 0.06431 1.36E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0063 Ni-63 442 6.00E+07 3.93E+09 0.0153 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1090 Sr-90 0.021 4.12E+04 1.40E+06 0.0294 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2100 Cs-134 0.00014 2.87E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.96E+06 3.85E+07 0.0509 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3636 Eu-152 0.00599 1.26E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.72E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 295 P035 Position #26 25 2.09E+06 H-3 1.76 3.42E+06 2.33E+08 0.0147 0.1103 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0075 3.25E+07 0.1052 0.7884 Co-60 0.06431 1.34E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0063 Ni-63 442 5.94E+07 3.93E+09 0.0151 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1081 Sr-90 0.021 4.08E+04 1.40E+06 0.0291 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2081 Cs-134 0.00014 2.85E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.94E+06 3.85E+07 0.0505 5.66E+08 0.0034 5.39E+06 0.3604 Eu-152 0.00599 1.25E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.71E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 296 P035 Position #27 24 2.04E+06 H-3 1.76 3.33E+06 2.33E+08 0.0143 0.1075 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0073 3.25E+07 0.1026 0.7686 Co-60 0.06431 1.31E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0061 Ni-63 442 5.80E+07 3.93E+09 0.0147 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1054 Sr-90 0.021 3.98E+04 1.40E+06 0.0284 2.06E+07 0.0019 1.96E+05 0.2029 Cs-134 0.00014 2.78E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.89E+06 3.85E+07 0.0492 5.66E+08 0.0033 5.39E+06 0.3513 Eu-152 0.00599 1.22E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.67E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 297 P035 Position #28 23 2.11E+06 H-3 1.76 3.45E+06 2.33E+08 0.0148 0.1115 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0076 3.25E+07 0.1063 0.7966 Co-60 0.06431 1.36E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0063 Ni-63 442 6.01E+07 3.93E+09 0.0153 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1092 Sr-90 0.021 4.12E+04 1.40E+06 0.0294 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2103 Cs-134 0.00014 2.88E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.96E+06 3.85E+07 0.0510 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3641 Eu-152 0.00599 1.27E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.73E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 298 P035 Position #29 22 2.10E+06 H-3 1.76 3.44E+06 2.33E+08 0.0148 0.1110 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0075 3.25E+07 0.1058 0.7931 Co-60 0.06431 1.35E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0063 Ni-63 442 5.98E+07 3.93E+09 0.0152 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1087 Sr-90 0.021 4.10E+04 1.40E+06 0.0293 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2094 Cs-134 0.00014 2.87E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.95E+06 3.85E+07 0.0508 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3625 Eu-152 0.00599 1.26E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.72E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 299 P035 Position #30 21 2.10E+06 H-3 1.76 3.43E+06 2.33E+08 0.0147 0.1108 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0075 3.25E+07 0.1057 0.7919 Co-60 0.06431 1.35E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0063 Ni-63 442 5.97E+07 3.93E+09 0.0152 5.78E+10 0.0010 5.50E+08 0.1086 Sr-90 0.021 4.10E+04 1.40E+06 0.0293 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2091 Cs-134 0.00014 2.86E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.95E+06 3.85E+07 0.0507 5.66E+08 0.0034 5.39E+06 0.3620 Eu-152 0.00599 1.26E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.72E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 300 P035 Position #31 20 2.15E+06 H-3 1.76 3.52E+06 2.33E+08 0.0151 0.1136 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0077 3.25E+07 0.1083 0.8118 Co-60 0.06431 1.38E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0064 Ni-63 442 6.12E+07 3.93E+09 0.0156 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1113 Sr-90 0.021 4.20E+04 1.40E+06 0.0300 2.06E+07 0.0020 1.96E+05 0.2143 Cs-134 0.00014 2.93E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.00E+06 3.85E+07 0.0519 5.66E+08 0.0035 5.39E+06 0.3711 Eu-152 0.00599 1.29E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.76E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 301 P035 Position #32 19 2.18E+06 H-3 1.76 3.56E+06 2.33E+08 0.0153 0.1147 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0078 3.25E+07 0.1094 0.8199 Co-60 0.06431 1.40E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0065 Ni-63 442 6.18E+07 3.93E+09 0.0157 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1124 Sr-90 0.021 4.24E+04 1.40E+06 0.0303 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2164 Cs-134 0.00014 2.96E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.02E+06 3.85E+07 0.0525 5.66E+08 0.0036 5.39E+06 0.3748 Eu-152 0.00599 1.30E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.78E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 302 P035 Position #33 18 2.18E+06 H-3 1.76 3.56E+06 2.33E+08 0.0153 0.1147 3.42E+09 0.0010 0.0078 3.25E+07 0.1094 0.8199 Co-60 0.06431 1.40E+05 1.54E+08 0.0009 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0065 Ni-63 442 6.18E+07 3.93E+09 0.0157 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1124 Sr-90 0.021 4.24E+04 1.40E+06 0.0303 2.06E+07 0.0021 1.96E+05 0.2164 Cs-134 0.00014 2.96E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.02E+06 3.85E+07 0.0525 5.66E+08 0.0036 5.39E+06 0.3748 Eu-152 0.00599 1.30E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.78E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 303 P035 Position #34 17 2.28E+06 H-3 1.76 3.73E+06 2.33E+08 0.0160 0.1204 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0082 3.25E+07 0.1148 0.8607 Co-60 0.06431 1.47E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0068 Ni-63 442 6.49E+07 3.93E+09 0.0165 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1180 Sr-90 0.021 4.45E+04 1.40E+06 0.0318 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2272 Cs-134 0.00014 3.11E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.12E+06 3.85E+07 0.0551 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3935 Eu-152 0.00599 1.37E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.87E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 304 P035 Position #35 16 2.29E+06 H-3 1.76 3.74E+06 2.33E+08 0.0161 0.1208 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0082 3.25E+07 0.1152 0.8631 Co-60 0.06431 1.47E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0068 Ni-63 442 6.51E+07 3.93E+09 0.0166 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1183 Sr-90 0.021 4.47E+04 1.40E+06 0.0319 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2278 Cs-134 0.00014 3.12E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.13E+06 3.85E+07 0.0552 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.3945 Eu-152 0.00599 1.37E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.87E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 305 P035 Position #36 15 2.37E+06 H-3 1.76 3.87E+06 2.33E+08 0.0166 0.1250 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0085 3.25E+07 0.1192 0.8934 Co-60 0.06431 1.52E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0071 Ni-63 442 6.74E+07 3.93E+09 0.0171 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1225 Sr-90 0.021 4.62E+04 1.40E+06 0.0330 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2358 Cs-134 0.00014 3.23E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.20E+06 3.85E+07 0.0572 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4084 Eu-152 0.00599 1.42E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.94E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 306 P035 Position #37 14 2.35E+06 H-3 1.76 3.84E+06 2.33E+08 0.0165 0.1239 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0084 3.25E+07 0.1181 0.8852 Co-60 0.06431 1.51E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0070 Ni-63 442 6.67E+07 3.93E+09 0.0170 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1214 Sr-90 0.021 4.58E+04 1.40E+06 0.0327 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2337 Cs-134 0.00014 3.20E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.18E+06 3.85E+07 0.0567 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4046 Eu-152 0.00599 1.41E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.92E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 307 P035 Position #38 13 2.37E+06 H-3 1.76 3.87E+06 2.33E+08 0.0166 0.1248 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0085 3.25E+07 0.1190 0.8922 Co-60 0.06431 1.52E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0071 Ni-63 442 6.73E+07 3.93E+09 0.0171 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1223 Sr-90 0.021 4.62E+04 1.40E+06 0.0330 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2355 Cs-134 0.00014 3.22E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.20E+06 3.85E+07 0.0571 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4078 Eu-152 0.00599 1.42E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.93E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 308 P035 Position #39 12 2.33E+06 H-3 1.76 3.81E+06 2.33E+08 0.0164 0.1230 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0084 3.25E+07 0.1173 0.8794 Co-60 0.06431 1.50E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0070 Ni-63 442 6.63E+07 3.93E+09 0.0169 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1206 Sr-90 0.021 4.55E+04 1.40E+06 0.0325 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2321 Cs-134 0.00014 3.18E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.17E+06 3.85E+07 0.0563 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.4020 Eu-152 0.00599 1.40E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.91E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 309 P035 Position #40 11 2.32E+06 H-3 1.76 3.79E+06 2.33E+08 0.0163 0.1222 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0083 3.25E+07 0.1166 0.8736 Co-60 0.06431 1.49E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0069 Ni-63 442 6.59E+07 3.93E+09 0.0168 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1198 Sr-90 0.021 4.52E+04 1.40E+06 0.0323 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2306 Cs-134 0.00014 3.16E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.15E+06 3.85E+07 0.0559 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.3993 Eu-152 0.00599 1.39E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.89E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 310 P035 Position #41 10 2.36E+06 H-3 1.76 3.86E+06 2.33E+08 0.0166 0.1245 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0085 3.25E+07 0.1187 0.8899 Co-60 0.06431 1.52E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0071 Ni-63 442 6.71E+07 3.93E+09 0.0171 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1220 Sr-90 0.021 4.60E+04 1.40E+06 0.0329 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2349 Cs-134 0.00014 3.22E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.19E+06 3.85E+07 0.0569 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4068 Eu-152 0.00599 1.42E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.93E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 311 P035 Position #42 9

2.44E+06 H-3 1.76 3.99E+06 2.33E+08 0.0171 0.1286 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0087 3.25E+07 0.1226 0.9191 Co-60 0.06431 1.57E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0073 Ni-63 442 6.93E+07 3.93E+09 0.0176 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1260 Sr-90 0.021 4.76E+04 1.40E+06 0.0340 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2426 Cs-134 0.00014 3.32E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.26E+06 3.85E+07 0.0588 5.66E+08 0.0040 5.39E+06 0.4201 Eu-152 0.00599 1.46E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.99E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 312 P035 Position #43 8

2.39E+06 H-3 1.76 3.90E+06 2.33E+08 0.0168 0.1260 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0086 3.25E+07 0.1201 0.9004 Co-60 0.06431 1.54E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0071 Ni-63 442 6.79E+07 3.93E+09 0.0173 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1234 Sr-90 0.021 4.66E+04 1.40E+06 0.0333 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2377 Cs-134 0.00014 3.25E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.22E+06 3.85E+07 0.0576 5.66E+08 0.0039 5.39E+06 0.4116 Eu-152 0.00599 1.43E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.95E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 313 P035 Position #44 7

2.49E+06 H-3 1.76 4.08E+06 2.33E+08 0.0175 0.1315 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0089 3.25E+07 0.1254 0.9400 Co-60 0.06431 1.60E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0075 Ni-63 442 7.09E+07 3.93E+09 0.0180 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1289 Sr-90 0.021 4.86E+04 1.40E+06 0.0347 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2482 Cs-134 0.00014 3.40E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.32E+06 3.85E+07 0.0602 5.66E+08 0.0041 5.39E+06 0.4297 Eu-152 0.00599 1.49E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.04E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 314 P035 Position #45 6

2.58E+06 H-3 1.76 4.22E+06 2.33E+08 0.0181 0.1363 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0093 3.25E+07 0.1299 0.9739 Co-60 0.06431 1.66E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0077 Ni-63 442 7.34E+07 3.93E+09 0.0187 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1335 Sr-90 0.021 5.04E+04 1.40E+06 0.0360 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2571 Cs-134 0.00014 3.52E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.40E+06 3.85E+07 0.0623 5.66E+08 0.0042 5.39E+06 0.4452 Eu-152 0.00599 1.55E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.11E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 315 P035 Position #46 5

2.59E+06 H-3 1.76 4.23E+06 2.33E+08 0.0181 0.1364 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0093 3.25E+07 0.1301 0.9750 Co-60 0.06431 1.66E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0077 Ni-63 442 7.35E+07 3.93E+09 0.0187 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1337 Sr-90 0.021 5.04E+04 1.40E+06 0.0360 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2574 Cs-134 0.00014 3.52E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.40E+06 3.85E+07 0.0624 5.66E+08 0.0042 5.39E+06 0.4457 Eu-152 0.00599 1.55E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.11E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 316 P035 Position #47 4

2.65E+06 H-3 1.76 4.32E+06 2.33E+08 0.0186 0.1395 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0095 3.25E+07 0.1331 0.9972 Co-60 0.06431 1.70E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0079 Ni-63 442 7.52E+07 3.93E+09 0.0191 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1367 Sr-90 0.021 5.16E+04 1.40E+06 0.0369 2.06E+07 0.0025 1.96E+05 0.2632 Cs-134 0.00014 3.60E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.46E+06 3.85E+07 0.0638 5.66E+08 0.0043 5.39E+06 0.4558 Eu-152 0.00599 1.59E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.16E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 317 P035 Position #48 3

2.69E+06 H-3 1.76 4.40E+06 2.33E+08 0.0189 0.1420 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0097 3.25E+07 0.1354 1.0147 Co-60 0.06431 1.73E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0081 Ni-63 442 7.65E+07 3.93E+09 0.0195 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1391 Sr-90 0.021 5.25E+04 1.40E+06 0.0375 2.06E+07 0.0025 1.96E+05 0.2679 Cs-134 0.00014 3.67E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.50E+06 3.85E+07 0.0649 5.66E+08 0.0044 5.39E+06 0.4638 Eu-152 0.00599 1.61E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.20E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 318 P035 Position #49 2

2.78E+06 H-3 1.76 4.55E+06 2.33E+08 0.0195 0.1467 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0100 3.25E+07 0.1399 1.0485 Co-60 0.06431 1.79E+05 1.54E+08 0.0012 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0083 Ni-63 442 7.91E+07 3.93E+09 0.0201 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1437 Sr-90 0.021 5.43E+04 1.40E+06 0.0388 2.06E+07 0.0026 1.96E+05 0.2768 Cs-134 0.00014 3.79E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.58E+06 3.85E+07 0.0671 5.66E+08 0.0046 5.39E+06 0.4793 Eu-152 0.00599 1.67E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.27E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 319 P035 Position #50 1

3.00E+06 H-3 1.76 4.91E+06 2.33E+08 0.0211 0.1585 3.42E+09 0.0014 0.0108 3.25E+07 0.1511 1.1325 Co-60 0.06431 1.93E+05 1.54E+08 0.0013 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0090 Ni-63 442 8.54E+07 3.93E+09 0.0217 5.78E+10 0.0015 5.50E+08 0.1553 Sr-90 0.021 5.86E+04 1.40E+06 0.0419 2.06E+07 0.0028 1.96E+05 0.2990 Cs-134 0.00014 4.09E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.79E+06 3.85E+07 0.0725 5.66E+08 0.0049 5.39E+06 0.5177 Eu-152 0.00599 1.80E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.46E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 320 P035 Position #51 0

2.69E+06 H-3 1.76 4.40E+06 2.33E+08 0.0189 0.1420 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0097 3.25E+07 0.1354 1.0147 Co-60 0.06431 1.73E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0081 Ni-63 442 7.65E+07 3.93E+09 0.0195 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1391 Sr-90 0.021 5.25E+04 1.40E+06 0.0375 2.06E+07 0.0025 1.96E+05 0.2679 Cs-134 0.00014 3.67E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.50E+06 3.85E+07 0.0649 5.66E+08 0.0044 5.39E+06 0.4638 Eu-152 0.00599 1.61E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.20E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 321 P003 Position #1 1

9.85E+05 H-3 1.76 1.61E+06 2.33E+08 0.0069 0.0519 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0035 3.25E+07 0.0495 0.3712 Co-60 0.06431 6.33E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0029 Ni-63 442 2.80E+07 3.93E+09 0.0071 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0509 Sr-90 0.021 1.92E+04 1.40E+06 0.0137 2.06E+07 0.0009 1.96E+05 0.0980 Cs-134 0.00014 1.34E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 9.15E+05 3.85E+07 0.0238 5.66E+08 0.0016 5.39E+06 0.1697 Eu-152 0.00599 5.90E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 8.05E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 322 P003 Position #2 2

1.17E+06 H-3 1.76 1.91E+06 2.33E+08 0.0082 0.0617 3.42E+09 0.0006 0.0042 3.25E+07 0.0589 0.4412 Co-60 0.06431 7.53E+04 1.54E+08 0.0005 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0035 Ni-63 442 3.33E+07 3.93E+09 0.0085 5.78E+10 0.0006 5.50E+08 0.0605 Sr-90 0.021 2.28E+04 1.40E+06 0.0163 2.06E+07 0.0011 1.96E+05 0.1165 Cs-134 0.00014 1.59E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.09E+06 3.85E+07 0.0282 5.66E+08 0.0019 5.39E+06 0.2017 Eu-152 0.00599 7.02E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 9.57E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 323 P003 Position #3 3

4.56E+06 H-3 1.76 7.45E+06 2.33E+08 0.0320 0.2404 3.42E+09 0.0022 0.0164 3.25E+07 0.2293 1.7184 Co-60 0.06431 2.93E+05 1.54E+08 0.0019 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0136 Ni-63 442 1.30E+08 3.93E+09 0.0330 5.78E+10 0.0022 5.50E+08 0.2356 Sr-90 0.021 8.89E+04 1.40E+06 0.0635 2.06E+07 0.0043 1.96E+05 0.4536 Cs-134 0.00014 6.21E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.23E+06 3.85E+07 0.1100 5.66E+08 0.0075 5.39E+06 0.7855 Eu-152 0.00599 2.73E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.73E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 324 P050 Position #1 1

2.47E+06 H-3 1.76 4.04E+06 2.33E+08 0.0173 0.1303 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0089 3.25E+07 0.1243 0.9315 Co-60 0.06431 1.59E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0074 Ni-63 442 7.02E+07 3.93E+09 0.0179 5.78E+10 0.0012 5.50E+08 0.1277 Sr-90 0.021 4.82E+04 1.40E+06 0.0344 2.06E+07 0.0023 1.96E+05 0.2459 Cs-134 0.00014 3.37E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.30E+06 3.85E+07 0.0596 5.66E+08 0.0041 5.39E+06 0.4258 Eu-152 0.00599 1.48E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.02E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 325 P050 Position #2 2

3.21E+06 H-3 1.76 5.25E+06 2.33E+08 0.0225 0.1694 3.42E+09 0.0015 0.0115 3.25E+07 0.1615 1.2107 Co-60 0.06431 2.07E+05 1.54E+08 0.0013 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0096 Ni-63 442 9.13E+07 3.93E+09 0.0232 5.78E+10 0.0016 5.50E+08 0.1660 Sr-90 0.021 6.26E+04 1.40E+06 0.0447 2.06E+07 0.0030 1.96E+05 0.3196 Cs-134 0.00014 4.38E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.98E+06 3.85E+07 0.0775 5.66E+08 0.0053 5.39E+06 0.5534 Eu-152 0.00599 1.93E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.63E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 326 P050 Position #3 3

3.77E+06 H-3 1.76 6.17E+06 2.33E+08 0.0265 0.1990 3.42E+09 0.0018 0.0135 3.25E+07 0.1898 1.4222 Co-60 0.06431 2.43E+05 1.54E+08 0.0016 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0113 Ni-63 442 1.07E+08 3.93E+09 0.0273 5.78E+10 0.0019 5.50E+08 0.1950 Sr-90 0.021 7.36E+04 1.40E+06 0.0526 2.06E+07 0.0036 1.96E+05 0.3754 Cs-134 0.00014 5.14E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.50E+06 3.85E+07 0.0910 5.66E+08 0.0062 5.39E+06 0.6501 Eu-152 0.00599 2.26E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.08E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 327 P087 Position #1 1

4.40E+06 H-3 1.76 7.20E+06 2.33E+08 0.0309 0.2322 3.42E+09 0.0021 0.0158 3.25E+07 0.2214 1.6597 Co-60 0.06431 2.83E+05 1.54E+08 0.0018 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0132 Ni-63 442 1.25E+08 3.93E+09 0.0318 5.78E+10 0.0022 5.50E+08 0.2275 Sr-90 0.021 8.59E+04 1.40E+06 0.0613 2.06E+07 0.0042 1.96E+05 0.4381 Cs-134 0.00014 6.00E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 4.09E+06 3.85E+07 0.1062 5.66E+08 0.0072 5.39E+06 0.7587 Eu-152 0.00599 2.64E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0005 Eu-154 0.00082 3.60E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 328 P087 Position #2 2

5.62E+06 H-3 1.76 9.19E+06 2.33E+08 0.0395 0.2967 3.42E+09 0.0027 0.0202 3.25E+07 0.2829 2.1203 Co-60 0.06431 3.62E+05 1.54E+08 0.0023 2.26E+09 0.0002 2.15E+07 0.0168 Ni-63 442 1.60E+08 3.93E+09 0.0407 5.78E+10 0.0028 5.50E+08 0.2907 Sr-90 0.021 1.10E+05 1.40E+06 0.0784 2.06E+07 0.0053 1.96E+05 0.5597 Cs-134 0.00014 7.66E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 5.22E+06 3.85E+07 0.1357 5.66E+08 0.0092 5.39E+06 0.9692 Eu-152 0.00599 3.37E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0007 Eu-154 0.00082 4.60E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 329 P087 Position #3 3

8.92E+06 H-3 1.76 1.46E+07 2.33E+08 0.0626 0.4705 3.42E+09 0.0043 0.0320 3.25E+07 0.4487 3.3629 Co-60 0.06431 5.74E+05 1.54E+08 0.0037 2.26E+09 0.0003 2.15E+07 0.0267 Ni-63 442 2.54E+08 3.93E+09 0.0645 5.78E+10 0.0044 5.50E+08 0.4610 Sr-90 0.021 1.74E+05 1.40E+06 0.1243 2.06E+07 0.0084 1.96E+05 0.8877 Cs-134 0.00014 1.22E+03 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0003 Cs-137 0.92875 8.29E+06 3.85E+07 0.2152 5.66E+08 0.0146 5.39E+06 1.5372 Eu-152 0.00599 5.35E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0011 Eu-154 0.00082 7.29E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0002

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 330 P064 Position #1 1

3.40E+06 H-3 1.76 5.56E+06 2.33E+08 0.0239 0.1795 3.42E+09 0.0016 0.0122 3.25E+07 0.1712 1.2830 Co-60 0.06431 2.19E+05 1.54E+08 0.0014 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0102 Ni-63 442 9.67E+07 3.93E+09 0.0246 5.78E+10 0.0017 5.50E+08 0.1759 Sr-90 0.021 6.64E+04 1.40E+06 0.0474 2.06E+07 0.0032 1.96E+05 0.3387 Cs-134 0.00014 4.64E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.16E+06 3.85E+07 0.0821 5.66E+08 0.0056 5.39E+06 0.5865 Eu-152 0.00599 2.04E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.78E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 331 P064 Position #2 2

3.72E+06 H-3 1.76 6.07E+06 2.33E+08 0.0261 0.1960 3.42E+09 0.0018 0.0133 3.25E+07 0.1869 1.4006 Co-60 0.06431 2.39E+05 1.54E+08 0.0016 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0111 Ni-63 442 1.06E+08 3.93E+09 0.0269 5.78E+10 0.0018 5.50E+08 0.1920 Sr-90 0.021 7.25E+04 1.40E+06 0.0518 2.06E+07 0.0035 1.96E+05 0.3697 Cs-134 0.00014 5.06E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 3.45E+06 3.85E+07 0.0896 5.66E+08 0.0061 5.39E+06 0.6402 Eu-152 0.00599 2.23E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 3.04E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 332 P064 Position #3 3

4.86E+06 H-3 1.76 7.94E+06 2.33E+08 0.0341 0.2561 3.42E+09 0.0023 0.0174 3.25E+07 0.2442 1.8303 Co-60 0.06431 3.12E+05 1.54E+08 0.0020 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0145 Ni-63 442 1.38E+08 3.93E+09 0.0351 5.78E+10 0.0024 5.50E+08 0.2509 Sr-90 0.021 9.47E+04 1.40E+06 0.0676 2.06E+07 0.0046 1.96E+05 0.4832 Cs-134 0.00014 6.62E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 4.51E+06 3.85E+07 0.1171 5.66E+08 0.0080 5.39E+06 0.8366 Eu-152 0.00599 2.91E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0006 Eu-154 0.00082 3.97E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 333 P018 By Direct Scan N/A 1.14E+07 H-3 1.76 1.86E+07 2.33E+08 0.0798 0.6001 3.42E+09 0.0054 0.0408 3.25E+07 0.5723 4.2890 Co-60 0.06431 7.32E+05 1.54E+08 0.0048 2.26E+09 0.0003 2.15E+07 0.0340 Ni-63 442 3.23E+08 3.93E+09 0.0823 5.78E+10 0.0056 5.50E+08 0.5880 Sr-90 0.021 2.22E+05 1.40E+06 0.1585 2.06E+07 0.0108 1.96E+05 1.1322 Cs-134 0.00014 1.55E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0004 Cs-137 0.92875 1.06E+07 3.85E+07 0.2745 5.66E+08 0.0187 5.39E+06 1.9605 Eu-152 0.00599 6.82E+04 3.58E+08 0.0002 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0014 Eu-154 0.00082 9.30E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0002 334 P090 By Direct Scan N/A 9.91E+06 H-3 1.76 1.62E+07 2.33E+08 0.0695 0.5228 3.42E+09 0.0047 0.0356 3.25E+07 0.4985 3.7364 Co-60 0.06431 6.37E+05 1.54E+08 0.0041 2.26E+09 0.0003 2.15E+07 0.0296 Ni-63 442 2.82E+08 3.93E+09 0.0717 5.78E+10 0.0049 5.50E+08 0.5122 Sr-90 0.021 1.93E+05 1.40E+06 0.1381 2.06E+07 0.0094 1.96E+05 0.9863 Cs-134 0.00014 1.35E+03 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0003 Cs-137 0.92875 9.21E+06 3.85E+07 0.2391 5.66E+08 0.0163 5.39E+06 1.7079 Eu-152 0.00599 5.94E+04 3.58E+08 0.0002 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0012 Eu-154 0.00082 8.10E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0002 335 P020 By Direct Scan N/A 2.93E+07 H-3 1.76 4.79E+07 2.33E+08 0.2058 1.5472 3.42E+09 0.0140 0.1052 3.25E+07 1.4753 11.0574 Co-60 0.06431 1.89E+06 1.54E+08 0.0122 2.26E+09 0.0008 2.15E+07 0.0877 Ni-63 442 8.34E+08 3.93E+09 0.2121 5.78E+10 0.0144 5.50E+08 1.5159 Sr-90 0.021 5.72E+05 1.40E+06 0.4087 2.06E+07 0.0278 1.96E+05 2.9189 Cs-134 0.00014 4.00E+03 2.94E+07 0.0001 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0010 Cs-137 0.92875 2.72E+07 3.85E+07 0.7076 5.66E+08 0.0481 5.39E+06 5.0544 Eu-152 0.00599 1.76E+05 3.58E+08 0.0005 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0035 Eu-154 0.00082 2.40E+04 3.11E+08 0.0001 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0005

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 336 P324 Position #18 17 3.14E+06 H-3 1.76 5.13E+06 2.33E+08 0.0220 0.1657 3.42E+09 0.0015 0.0113 3.25E+07 0.1580 1.1840 Co-60 0.06431 2.02E+05 1.54E+08 0.0013 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0094 Ni-63 442 8.93E+07 3.93E+09 0.0227 5.78E+10 0.0015 5.50E+08 0.1623 Sr-90 0.021 6.13E+04 1.40E+06 0.0438 2.06E+07 0.0030 1.96E+05 0.3126 Cs-134 0.00014 4.28E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.92E+06 3.85E+07 0.0758 5.66E+08 0.0052 5.39E+06 0.5412 Eu-152 0.00599 1.88E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0004 Eu-154 0.00082 2.57E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 337 P324 Position #19 18 2.70E+06 H-3 1.76 4.41E+06 2.33E+08 0.0189 0.1425 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0097 3.25E+07 0.1358 1.0181 Co-60 0.06431 1.74E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0081 Ni-63 442 7.68E+07 3.93E+09 0.0195 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1396 Sr-90 0.021 5.27E+04 1.40E+06 0.0376 2.06E+07 0.0026 1.96E+05 0.2688 Cs-134 0.00014 3.68E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.51E+06 3.85E+07 0.0652 5.66E+08 0.0044 5.39E+06 0.4654 Eu-152 0.00599 1.62E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.21E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 338 P324 Position #20 19 2.59E+06 H-3 1.76 4.23E+06 2.33E+08 0.0181 0.1364 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0093 3.25E+07 0.1301 0.9749 Co-60 0.06431 1.66E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0077 Ni-63 442 7.35E+07 3.93E+09 0.0187 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1337 Sr-90 0.021 5.04E+04 1.40E+06 0.0360 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2574 Cs-134 0.00014 3.52E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.40E+06 3.85E+07 0.0624 5.66E+08 0.0042 5.39E+06 0.4456 Eu-152 0.00599 1.55E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.11E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 339 P324 Position #21 20 2.75E+06 H-3 1.76 4.49E+06 2.33E+08 0.0193 0.1448 3.42E+09 0.0013 0.0099 3.25E+07 0.1381 1.0351 Co-60 0.06431 1.77E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0082 Ni-63 442 7.80E+07 3.93E+09 0.0199 5.78E+10 0.0014 5.50E+08 0.1419 Sr-90 0.021 5.36E+04 1.40E+06 0.0383 2.06E+07 0.0026 1.96E+05 0.2732 Cs-134 0.00014 3.74E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.55E+06 3.85E+07 0.0662 5.66E+08 0.0045 5.39E+06 0.4732 Eu-152 0.00599 1.65E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.24E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 340 P324 Position #22 21 2.55E+06 H-3 1.76 4.16E+06 2.33E+08 0.0179 0.1343 3.42E+09 0.0012 0.0091 3.25E+07 0.1281 0.9598 Co-60 0.06431 1.64E+05 1.54E+08 0.0011 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0076 Ni-63 442 7.24E+07 3.93E+09 0.0184 5.78E+10 0.0013 5.50E+08 0.1316 Sr-90 0.021 4.97E+04 1.40E+06 0.0355 2.06E+07 0.0024 1.96E+05 0.2534 Cs-134 0.00014 3.47E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.36E+06 3.85E+07 0.0614 5.66E+08 0.0042 5.39E+06 0.4387 Eu-152 0.00599 1.53E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 2.08E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 341 P324 Position #23 22 2.28E+06 H-3 1.76 3.73E+06 2.33E+08 0.0160 0.1204 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0082 3.25E+07 0.1148 0.8603 Co-60 0.06431 1.47E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0068 Ni-63 442 6.49E+07 3.93E+09 0.0165 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1179 Sr-90 0.021 4.45E+04 1.40E+06 0.0318 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2271 Cs-134 0.00014 3.11E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.12E+06 3.85E+07 0.0551 5.66E+08 0.0037 5.39E+06 0.3932 Eu-152 0.00599 1.37E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.87E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 342 P113 By Direct Scan N/A 2.59E+04 H-3 1.76 4.23E+04 2.33E+08 0.0002 0.0014 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0001 3.25E+07 0.0013 0.0098 Co-60 0.06431 1.66E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 7.36E+05 3.93E+09 0.0002 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0013 Sr-90 0.021 5.05E+02 1.40E+06 0.0004 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0026 Cs-134 0.00014 3.53E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 2.40E+04 3.85E+07 0.0006 5.66E+08 0.0000 5.39E+06 0.0045 Eu-152 0.00599 1.55E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 2.12E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 343 P115 By Direct Scan N/A 6.36E+04 H-3 1.76 1.04E+05 2.33E+08 0.0004 0.0034 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0032 0.0240 Co-60 0.06431 4.09E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0002 Ni-63 442 1.81E+06 3.93E+09 0.0005 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0033 Sr-90 0.021 1.24E+03 1.40E+06 0.0009 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0063 Cs-134 0.00014 8.66E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 5.91E+04 3.85E+07 0.0015 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0110 Eu-152 0.00599 3.81E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 5.20E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 344 P093 By Direct Scan N/A 8.75E+04 H-3 1.76 1.43E+05 2.33E+08 0.0006 0.0046 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0003 3.25E+07 0.0044 0.0330 Co-60 0.06431 5.63E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0003 Ni-63 442 2.49E+06 3.93E+09 0.0006 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0045 Sr-90 0.021 1.71E+03 1.40E+06 0.0012 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0087 Cs-134 0.00014 1.19E+01 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 8.13E+04 3.85E+07 0.0021 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0151 Eu-152 0.00599 5.25E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 7.15E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 345 P006 By Direct Scan N/A 6.00E+04 H-3 1.76 9.80E+04 2.33E+08 0.0004 0.0032 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0030 0.0226 Co-60 0.06431 3.86E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0002 Ni-63 442 1.70E+06 3.93E+09 0.0004 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0031 Sr-90 0.021 1.17E+03 1.40E+06 0.0008 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0060 Cs-134 0.00014 8.17E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 5.57E+04 3.85E+07 0.0014 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0103 Eu-152 0.00599 3.59E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 4.90E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 346 P096 By Direct Scan N/A 3.59E+04 H-3 1.76 5.87E+04 2.33E+08 0.0003 0.0019 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0001 3.25E+07 0.0018 0.0135 Co-60 0.06431 2.31E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 1.02E+06 3.93E+09 0.0003 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0019 Sr-90 0.021 7.00E+02 1.40E+06 0.0005 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0036 Cs-134 0.00014 4.89E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 3.33E+04 3.85E+07 0.0009 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0062 Eu-152 0.00599 2.15E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 2.93E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 347 P010 By Direct Scan N/A 5.41E+04 H-3 1.76 8.84E+04 2.33E+08 0.0004 0.0029 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0027 0.0204 Co-60 0.06431 3.48E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0002 Ni-63 442 1.54E+06 3.93E+09 0.0004 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0028 Sr-90 0.021 1.05E+03 1.40E+06 0.0008 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0054 Cs-134 0.00014 7.36E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 5.02E+04 3.85E+07 0.0013 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0093 Eu-152 0.00599 3.24E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 4.42E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 348 P095 By Direct Scan N/A 3.13E+04 H-3 1.76 5.12E+04 2.33E+08 0.0002 0.0017 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0001 3.25E+07 0.0016 0.0118 Co-60 0.06431 2.02E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 8.91E+05 3.93E+09 0.0002 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0016 Sr-90 0.021 6.11E+02 1.40E+06 0.0004 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0031 Cs-134 0.00014 4.27E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 2.91E+04 3.85E+07 0.0008 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0054 Eu-152 0.00599 1.88E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 2.56E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 349 P127 By Direct Scan N/A 5.56E+04 H-3 1.76 9.08E+04 2.33E+08 0.0004 0.0029 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0028 0.0209 Co-60 0.06431 3.57E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0002 Ni-63 442 1.58E+06 3.93E+09 0.0004 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0029 Sr-90 0.021 1.08E+03 1.40E+06 0.0008 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0055 Cs-134 0.00014 7.57E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 5.16E+04 3.85E+07 0.0013 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0096 Eu-152 0.00599 3.33E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 4.54E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 350 P092 By Direct Scan N/A 3.12E+04 H-3 1.76 5.10E+04 2.33E+08 0.0002 0.0016 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0001 3.25E+07 0.0016 0.0118 Co-60 0.06431 2.01E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 8.87E+05 3.93E+09 0.0002 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0016 Sr-90 0.021 6.08E+02 1.40E+06 0.0004 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0031 Cs-134 0.00014 4.25E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 2.90E+04 3.85E+07 0.0008 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0054 Eu-152 0.00599 1.87E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 2.55E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 351 P091 By Direct Scan N/A 3.79E+04 H-3 1.76 6.19E+04 2.33E+08 0.0003 0.0020 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0001 3.25E+07 0.0019 0.0143 Co-60 0.06431 2.43E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 1.08E+06 3.93E+09 0.0003 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0020 Sr-90 0.021 7.38E+02 1.40E+06 0.0005 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0038 Cs-134 0.00014 5.16E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 3.52E+04 3.85E+07 0.0009 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0065 Eu-152 0.00599 2.27E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 3.09E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 352 P068 By Direct Scan N/A 5.60E+04 H-3 1.76 9.16E+04 2.33E+08 0.0004 0.0030 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0028 0.0211 Co-60 0.06431 3.60E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0002 Ni-63 442 1.59E+06 3.93E+09 0.0004 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0029 Sr-90 0.021 1.09E+03 1.40E+06 0.0008 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0056 Cs-134 0.00014 7.63E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 5.20E+04 3.85E+07 0.0014 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0097 Eu-152 0.00599 3.36E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 4.58E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 353 P070 By Direct Scan N/A 1.44E+05 H-3 1.76 2.35E+05 2.33E+08 0.0010 0.0076 3.42E+09 0.0001 0.0005 3.25E+07 0.0072 0.0541 Co-60 0.06431 9.23E+03 1.54E+08 0.0001 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0004 Ni-63 442 4.08E+06 3.93E+09 0.0010 5.78E+10 0.0001 5.50E+08 0.0074 Sr-90 0.021 2.80E+03 1.40E+06 0.0020 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0143 Cs-134 0.00014 1.96E+01 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.33E+05 3.85E+07 0.0035 5.66E+08 0.0002 5.39E+06 0.0247 Eu-152 0.00599 8.60E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 1.17E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 354 P069 By Direct Scan N/A 6.75E+04 H-3 1.76 1.10E+05 2.33E+08 0.0005 0.0036 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0034 0.0255 Co-60 0.06431 4.34E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0002 Ni-63 442 1.92E+06 3.93E+09 0.0005 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0035 Sr-90 0.021 1.32E+03 1.40E+06 0.0009 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0067 Cs-134 0.00014 9.20E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 6.27E+04 3.85E+07 0.0016 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0116 Eu-152 0.00599 4.05E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 5.52E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 355 P066 By Direct Scan N/A 6.03E+04 H-3 1.76 9.85E+04 2.33E+08 0.0004 0.0032 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0030 0.0227 Co-60 0.06431 3.88E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0002 Ni-63 442 1.71E+06 3.93E+09 0.0004 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0031 Sr-90 0.021 1.18E+03 1.40E+06 0.0008 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0060 Cs-134 0.00014 8.21E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 5.60E+04 3.85E+07 0.0015 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0104 Eu-152 0.00599 3.61E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 4.93E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 356 P017 By Direct Scan N/A 6.54E+04 H-3 1.76 1.07E+05 2.33E+08 0.0005 0.0034 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0002 3.25E+07 0.0033 0.0247 Co-60 0.06431 4.21E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0002 Ni-63 442 1.86E+06 3.93E+09 0.0005 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0034 Sr-90 0.021 1.28E+03 1.40E+06 0.0009 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0065 Cs-134 0.00014 8.91E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 6.07E+04 3.85E+07 0.0016 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0113 Eu-152 0.00599 3.92E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 5.35E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 357 P098 By Direct Scan N/A 3.26E+04 H-3 1.76 5.32E+04 2.33E+08 0.0002 0.0017 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0001 3.25E+07 0.0016 0.0123 Co-60 0.06431 2.09E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 9.25E+05 3.93E+09 0.0002 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0017 Sr-90 0.021 6.35E+02 1.40E+06 0.0005 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0032 Cs-134 0.00014 4.44E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 3.02E+04 3.85E+07 0.0008 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0056 Eu-152 0.00599 1.95E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 2.66E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 358 P118 By Direct Scan N/A 3.29E+04 H-3 1.76 5.37E+04 2.33E+08 0.0002 0.0017 3.42E+09 0.0000 0.0001 3.25E+07 0.0017 0.0124 Co-60 0.06431 2.11E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0001 Ni-63 442 9.34E+05 3.93E+09 0.0002 5.78E+10 0.0000 5.50E+08 0.0017 Sr-90 0.021 6.41E+02 1.40E+06 0.0005 2.06E+07 0.0000 1.96E+05 0.0033 Cs-134 0.00014 4.48E+00 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 3.05E+04 3.85E+07 0.0008 5.66E+08 0.0001 5.39E+06 0.0057 Eu-152 0.00599 1.97E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 2.69E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 359 P103 Position #1 4.5 5.72E+06 H-3 1.76 9.35E+06 2.33E+08 0.0401 0.3018 3.42E+09 0.0027 0.0205 3.25E+07 0.2878 2.1568 Co-60 0.06431 3.68E+05 1.54E+08 0.0024 2.26E+09 0.0002 2.15E+07 0.0171 Ni-63 442 1.63E+08 3.93E+09 0.0414 5.78E+10 0.0028 5.50E+08 0.2957 Sr-90 0.021 1.12E+05 1.40E+06 0.0797 2.06E+07 0.0054 1.96E+05 0.5694 Cs-134 0.00014 7.80E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 5.31E+06 3.85E+07 0.1380 5.66E+08 0.0094 5.39E+06 0.9859 Eu-152 0.00599 3.43E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0007 Eu-154 0.00082 4.68E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 360 P103 Position #2 3.5 2.32E+06 H-3 1.76 3.80E+06 2.33E+08 0.0163 0.1225 3.42E+09 0.0011 0.0083 3.25E+07 0.1168 0.8757 Co-60 0.06431 1.49E+05 1.54E+08 0.0010 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0069 Ni-63 442 6.60E+07 3.93E+09 0.0168 5.78E+10 0.0011 5.50E+08 0.1201 Sr-90 0.021 4.53E+04 1.40E+06 0.0324 2.06E+07 0.0022 1.96E+05 0.2312 Cs-134 0.00014 3.16E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 2.16E+06 3.85E+07 0.0560 5.66E+08 0.0038 5.39E+06 0.4003 Eu-152 0.00599 1.39E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0003 Eu-154 0.00082 1.90E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 361 P103 Position #3 2.5 1.58E+06 H-3 1.76 2.58E+06 2.33E+08 0.0111 0.0832 3.42E+09 0.0008 0.0057 3.25E+07 0.0794 0.5949 Co-60 0.06431 1.01E+05 1.54E+08 0.0007 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0047 Ni-63 442 4.49E+07 3.93E+09 0.0114 5.78E+10 0.0008 5.50E+08 0.0816 Sr-90 0.021 3.08E+04 1.40E+06 0.0220 2.06E+07 0.0015 1.96E+05 0.1570 Cs-134 0.00014 2.15E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.47E+06 3.85E+07 0.0381 5.66E+08 0.0026 5.39E+06 0.2719 Eu-152 0.00599 9.46E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.29E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 362 P103 Position #4 1.5 1.34E+06 H-3 1.76 2.19E+06 2.33E+08 0.0094 0.0708 3.42E+09 0.0006 0.0048 3.25E+07 0.0675 0.5057 Co-60 0.06431 8.63E+04 1.54E+08 0.0006 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0040 Ni-63 442 3.81E+07 3.93E+09 0.0097 5.78E+10 0.0007 5.50E+08 0.0693 Sr-90 0.021 2.62E+04 1.40E+06 0.0187 2.06E+07 0.0013 1.96E+05 0.1335 Cs-134 0.00014 1.83E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.25E+06 3.85E+07 0.0324 5.66E+08 0.0022 5.39E+06 0.2311 Eu-152 0.00599 8.04E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.10E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 363 P103 Position #5 0.5 1.55E+06 H-3 1.76 2.54E+06 2.33E+08 0.0109 0.0820 3.42E+09 0.0007 0.0056 3.25E+07 0.0782 0.5861 Co-60 0.06431 1.00E+05 1.54E+08 0.0006 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0047 Ni-63 442 4.42E+07 3.93E+09 0.0112 5.78E+10 0.0008 5.50E+08 0.0804 Sr-90 0.021 3.03E+04 1.40E+06 0.0217 2.06E+07 0.0015 1.96E+05 0.1547 Cs-134 0.00014 2.12E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.44E+06 3.85E+07 0.0375 5.66E+08 0.0026 5.39E+06 0.2679 Eu-152 0.00599 9.32E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.27E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 364 P056 Position #1 4.5 7.16E+06 H-3 1.76 1.17E+07 2.33E+08 0.0503 0.3779 3.42E+09 0.0034 0.0257 3.25E+07 0.3603 2.7007 Co-60 0.06431 4.61E+05 1.54E+08 0.0030 2.26E+09 0.0002 2.15E+07 0.0214 Ni-63 442 2.04E+08 3.93E+09 0.0518 5.78E+10 0.0035 5.50E+08 0.3703 Sr-90 0.021 1.40E+05 1.40E+06 0.0998 2.06E+07 0.0068 1.96E+05 0.7129 Cs-134 0.00014 9.76E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0002 Cs-137 0.92875 6.65E+06 3.85E+07 0.1728 5.66E+08 0.0118 5.39E+06 1.2345 Eu-152 0.00599 4.29E+04 3.58E+08 0.0001 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0009


Eu-154 0.00082 5.86E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0001 365 P056 Position #2 3.5 1.76E+06 H-3 1.76 2.88E+06 2.33E+08 0.0123 0.0928 3.42E+09 0.0008 0.0063 3.25E+07 0.0885 0.6634 Co-60 0.06431 1.13E+05 1.54E+08 0.0007 2.26E+09 0.0001 2.15E+07 0.0053 Ni-63 442 5.00E+07 3.93E+09 0.0127 5.78E+10 0.0009 5.50E+08 0.0910 Sr-90 0.021 3.43E+04 1.40E+06 0.0245 2.06E+07 0.0017 1.96E+05 0.1751 Cs-134 0.00014 2.40E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.92875 1.63E+06 3.85E+07 0.0425 5.66E+08 0.0029 5.39E+06 0.3033 Eu-152 0.00599 1.06E+04 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0002 Eu-154 0.00082 1.44E+03 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



Penetration NaI* Survey Data Assessment (continued)


Sample ID Feet into Pipe Gamma Result ROC Gamma Mixture/

HTD Ratio Activity per ROC CTMT OpDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT BcDCGLPN Nuclide SOF Total SOF CTMT OpDCGLB Nuclide SOF Total SOF (pCi/m2)





OpSOFB OpSOFB 366 P056 Position #3 2.5 1.07E+06 H-3 1.76 1.74E+06 2.33E+08 0.0075 0.0562 3.42E+09 0.0005 0.0038 3.25E+07 0.0536 0.4015 Co-60 0.06431 6.85E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0032 Ni-63 442 3.03E+07 3.93E+09 0.0077 5.78E+10 0.0005 5.50E+08 0.0550 Sr-90 0.021 2.08E+04 1.40E+06 0.0148 2.06E+07 0.0010 1.96E+05 0.1060 Cs-134 0.00014 1.45E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 9.89E+05 3.85E+07 0.0257 5.66E+08 0.0017 5.39E+06 0.1835 Eu-152 0.00599 6.39E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 8.71E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 367 P056 Position #4 1.5 8.67E+05 H-3 1.76 1.42E+06 2.33E+08 0.0061 0.0457 3.42E+09 0.0004 0.0031 3.25E+07 0.0436 0.3269 Co-60 0.06431 5.58E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0026 Ni-63 442 2.47E+07 3.93E+09 0.0063 5.78E+10 0.0004 5.50E+08 0.0448 Sr-90 0.021 1.69E+04 1.40E+06 0.0121 2.06E+07 0.0008 1.96E+05 0.0863 Cs-134 0.00014 1.18E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 8.06E+05 3.85E+07 0.0209 5.66E+08 0.0014 5.39E+06 0.1494 Eu-152 0.00599 5.20E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 7.09E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 368 P056 Position #5 0.5 8.59E+05 H-3 1.76 1.40E+06 2.33E+08 0.0060 0.0453 3.42E+09 0.0004 0.0031 3.25E+07 0.0432 0.3237 Co-60 0.06431 5.52E+04 1.54E+08 0.0004 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0026 Ni-63 442 2.44E+07 3.93E+09 0.0062 5.78E+10 0.0004 5.50E+08 0.0444 Sr-90 0.021 1.67E+04 1.40E+06 0.0120 2.06E+07 0.0008 1.96E+05 0.0855 Cs-134 0.00014 1.17E+02 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 7.98E+05 3.85E+07 0.0207 5.66E+08 0.0014 5.39E+06 0.1480 Eu-152 0.00599 5.15E+03 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0001 Eu-154 0.00082 7.02E+02 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000 369 P012 By Direct Scan N/A 1.08E+05 H-3 1.76 1.76E+05 2.33E+08 0.0008 0.0057 3.42E+09 0.0001 0.0004 3.25E+07 0.0054 0.0406 Co-60 0.06431 6.92E+03 1.54E+08 0.0000 2.26E+09 0.0000 2.15E+07 0.0003 Ni-63 442 3.06E+06 3.93E+09 0.0008 5.78E+10 0.0001 5.50E+08 0.0056 Sr-90 0.021 2.10E+03 1.40E+06 0.0015 2.06E+07 0.0001 1.96E+05 0.0107 Cs-134 0.00014 1.47E+01 2.94E+07 0.0000 4.32E+08 0.0000 4.12E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.92875 1.00E+05 3.85E+07 0.0026 5.66E+08 0.0002 5.39E+06 0.0185 Eu-152 0.00599 6.45E+02 3.58E+08 0.0000 5.26E+09 0.0000 5.00E+07 0.0000 Eu-154 0.00082 8.80E+01 3.11E+08 0.0000 4.58E+09 0.0000 4.36E+07 0.0000

  • Direct scans were accomplished with Ludlum ZnS(Ag) scintillation 43-93 and gas proportional 43-68 / detectors



ROC Concentrations per Measurement (Unit 1 Containment)

MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P001 Position #1 1.06E+07 4.18E+05 1.85E+08 1.27E+05 8.86E+02 6.04E+06 3.90E+04 5.31E+03 0.3429 P001 Position #2 2.96E+06 1.16E+05 5.14E+07 3.53E+04 2.46E+02 1.68E+06 1.08E+04 1.48E+03 0.0954 P001 Position #3 1.77E+06 6.98E+04 3.08E+07 2.12E+04 1.48E+02 1.01E+06 6.51E+03 8.87E+02 0.0572 P001 Position #4 1.62E+06 6.37E+04 2.82E+07 1.93E+04 1.35E+02 9.21E+05 5.94E+03 8.10E+02 0.0523 P001 Position #5 3.08E+06 1.21E+05 5.35E+07 3.67E+04 2.56E+02 1.75E+06 1.13E+04 1.54E+03 0.0992 P086 Position #1 2.48E+06 9.77E+04 4.32E+07 2.96E+04 2.07E+02 1.41E+06 9.11E+03 1.24E+03 0.0801 P086 Position #2 7.87E+06 3.10E+05 1.37E+08 9.39E+04 6.56E+02 4.47E+06 2.89E+04 3.94E+03 0.2541 P086 Position #3 2.06E+06 8.11E+04 3.58E+07 2.46E+04 1.72E+02 1.17E+06 7.56E+03 1.03E+03 0.0665 P086 Position #4 1.51E+06 5.93E+04 2.62E+07 1.80E+04 1.26E+02 8.56E+05 5.53E+03 7.54E+02 0.0486 P086 Position #5 1.62E+06 6.38E+04 2.82E+07 1.94E+04 1.35E+02 9.22E+05 5.95E+03 8.11E+02 0.0523 P019 Position #1 7.00E+06 2.75E+05 1.22E+08 8.35E+04 5.83E+02 3.97E+06 2.57E+04 3.50E+03 0.2257 P019 Position #2 2.13E+06 8.39E+04 3.71E+07 2.54E+04 1.78E+02 1.21E+06 7.82E+03 1.07E+03 0.0688 P019 Position #3 1.48E+06 5.83E+04 2.58E+07 1.77E+04 1.23E+02 8.42E+05 5.43E+03 7.41E+02 0.0478 P019 Position #4 1.38E+06 5.42E+04 2.39E+07 1.64E+04 1.15E+02 7.82E+05 5.05E+03 6.88E+02 0.0444 P019 Position #5 1.53E+06 6.03E+04 2.66E+07 1.83E+04 1.28E+02 8.70E+05 5.62E+03 7.66E+02 0.0494 P023 Position #1 9.94E+06 3.91E+05 1.73E+08 1.19E+05 8.28E+02 5.65E+06 3.64E+04 4.97E+03 0.3206 P023 Position #2 2.39E+06 9.41E+04 4.16E+07 2.85E+04 1.99E+02 1.36E+06 8.77E+03 1.20E+03 0.0772 P023 Position #3 1.57E+06 6.18E+04 2.73E+07 1.87E+04 1.31E+02 8.92E+05 5.76E+03 7.85E+02 0.0507 P023 Position #4 1.51E+06 5.94E+04 2.63E+07 1.80E+04 1.26E+02 8.58E+05 5.54E+03 7.55E+02 0.0487 P023 Position #5 1.94E+06 7.63E+04 3.37E+07 2.31E+04 1.62E+02 1.10E+06 7.11E+03 9.70E+02 0.0626 P088 Position #1 6.16E+06 2.42E+05 1.07E+08 7.34E+04 5.13E+02 3.50E+06 2.26E+04 3.08E+03 0.1986 P088 Position #2 2.02E+06 7.94E+04 3.51E+07 2.41E+04 1.68E+02 1.15E+06 7.41E+03 1.01E+03 0.0652 P088 Position #3 1.58E+06 6.21E+04 2.74E+07 1.88E+04 1.32E+02 8.97E+05 5.79E+03 7.89E+02 0.0509 P088 Position #4 1.47E+06 5.77E+04 2.55E+07 1.75E+04 1.22E+02 8.33E+05 5.38E+03 7.34E+02 0.0473 P088 Position #5 1.74E+06 6.86E+04 3.03E+07 2.08E+04 1.45E+02 9.91E+05 6.40E+03 8.73E+02 0.0563 P089 Position #1 8.09E+06 3.18E+05 1.41E+08 9.66E+04 6.75E+02 4.60E+06 2.97E+04 4.05E+03 0.2612 P089 Position #2 2.83E+06 1.11E+05 4.92E+07 3.37E+04 2.36E+02 1.61E+06 1.04E+04 1.41E+03 0.0912



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P089 Position #3 1.87E+06 7.37E+04 3.26E+07 2.24E+04 1.56E+02 1.06E+06 6.87E+03 9.37E+02 0.0605 P089 Position #4 1.62E+06 6.36E+04 2.81E+07 1.93E+04 1.35E+02 9.18E+05 5.92E+03 8.08E+02 0.0521 P089 Position #5 2.16E+06 8.52E+04 3.76E+07 2.58E+04 1.80E+02 1.23E+06 7.94E+03 1.08E+03 0.0699 P004 Position #1 8.59E+06 3.38E+05 1.49E+08 1.02E+05 7.16E+02 4.88E+06 3.15E+04 4.29E+03 0.2771 P004 Position #2 1.75E+06 6.89E+04 3.04E+07 2.09E+04 1.46E+02 9.95E+05 6.42E+03 8.75E+02 0.0565 P004 Position #3 1.54E+06 6.06E+04 2.68E+07 1.84E+04 1.28E+02 8.76E+05 5.65E+03 7.71E+02 0.0497 P004 Position #4 1.60E+06 6.29E+04 2.78E+07 1.91E+04 1.33E+02 9.08E+05 5.86E+03 7.99E+02 0.0516 P004 Position #5 1.79E+06 7.05E+04 3.12E+07 2.14E+04 1.49E+02 1.02E+06 6.57E+03 8.96E+02 0.0578 P042 Position #1 8.00E+06 3.15E+05 1.39E+08 9.54E+04 6.66E+02 4.54E+06 2.93E+04 4.00E+03 0.2580 P042 Position #2 2.95E+06 1.16E+05 5.14E+07 3.53E+04 2.46E+02 1.68E+06 1.08E+04 1.48E+03 0.0953 P042 Position #3 2.69E+06 1.06E+05 4.68E+07 3.21E+04 2.24E+02 1.53E+06 9.86E+03 1.35E+03 0.0868 P042 Position #4 1.55E+06 6.09E+04 2.69E+07 1.85E+04 1.29E+02 8.79E+05 5.67E+03 7.74E+02 0.0499 P042 Position #5 3.18E+06 1.25E+05 5.52E+07 3.79E+04 2.65E+02 1.80E+06 1.16E+04 1.59E+03 0.1025 P043 Position #1 8.10E+06 3.18E+05 1.41E+08 9.66E+04 6.75E+02 4.60E+06 2.97E+04 4.05E+03 0.2612 P043 Position #2 1.96E+06 7.69E+04 3.40E+07 2.33E+04 1.63E+02 1.11E+06 7.17E+03 9.78E+02 0.0631 P043 Position #3 2.04E+06 8.03E+04 3.55E+07 2.44E+04 1.70E+02 1.16E+06 7.49E+03 1.02E+03 0.0659 P043 Position #4 2.29E+06 9.00E+04 3.98E+07 2.73E+04 1.91E+02 1.30E+06 8.39E+03 1.14E+03 0.0739 P043 Position #5 3.83E+06 1.51E+05 6.67E+07 4.57E+04 3.20E+02 2.18E+06 1.41E+04 1.92E+03 0.1237 P054 Position #1 7.30E+06 2.87E+05 1.27E+08 8.71E+04 6.08E+02 4.15E+06 2.68E+04 3.65E+03 0.2356 P054 Position #2 1.66E+06 6.55E+04 2.89E+07 1.99E+04 1.39E+02 9.46E+05 6.10E+03 8.32E+02 0.0537 P054 Position #3 1.73E+06 6.82E+04 3.01E+07 2.07E+04 1.45E+02 9.85E+05 6.36E+03 8.67E+02 0.0559 P054 Position #4 2.06E+06 8.09E+04 3.57E+07 2.45E+04 1.71E+02 1.17E+06 7.54E+03 1.03E+03 0.0663 P054 Position #5 2.19E+06 8.60E+04 3.80E+07 2.61E+04 1.82E+02 1.24E+06 8.02E+03 1.09E+03 0.0705 P081 Position #1 6.20E+06 2.44E+05 1.08E+08 7.40E+04 5.17E+02 3.53E+06 2.28E+04 3.10E+03 0.2002 P081 Position #2 1.87E+06 7.36E+04 3.25E+07 2.23E+04 1.56E+02 1.06E+06 6.86E+03 9.35E+02 0.0603 P081 Position #3 1.79E+06 7.03E+04 3.11E+07 2.13E+04 1.49E+02 1.02E+06 6.56E+03 8.94E+02 0.0577 P081 Position #4 1.85E+06 7.26E+04 3.21E+07 2.20E+04 1.54E+02 1.05E+06 6.77E+03 9.23E+02 0.0595 P081 Position #5 2.62E+06 1.03E+05 4.56E+07 3.13E+04 2.19E+02 1.49E+06 9.61E+03 1.31E+03 0.0846



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P005 By Direct Scan 6.86E+04 2.70E+03 1.19E+06 8.18E+02 5.71E+00 3.90E+04 2.51E+02 3.43E+01 0.0022 P009 By Direct Scan 7.35E+04 2.89E+03 1.28E+06 8.77E+02 6.13E+00 4.18E+04 2.70E+02 3.68E+01 0.0024 P112 By Direct Scan 7.35E+04 2.89E+03 1.28E+06 8.77E+02 6.13E+00 4.18E+04 2.70E+02 3.68E+01 0.0024 P094 By Direct Scan 7.57E+04 2.98E+03 1.32E+06 9.04E+02 6.31E+00 4.30E+04 2.78E+02 3.79E+01 0.0024 P007 By Direct Scan 6.71E+04 2.64E+03 1.17E+06 8.00E+02 5.59E+00 3.81E+04 2.46E+02 3.35E+01 0.0022 P007 By Direct Scan 3.09E+04 1.22E+03 5.38E+05 3.69E+02 2.58E+00 1.76E+04 1.13E+02 1.55E+01 0.0010 P116 By Direct Scan 5.10E+04 2.01E+03 8.87E+05 6.08E+02 4.25E+00 2.90E+04 1.87E+02 2.55E+01 0.0016 P011 By Direct Scan 3.44E+04 1.35E+03 5.98E+05 4.10E+02 2.87E+00 1.95E+04 1.26E+02 1.72E+01 0.0011 P097 By Direct Scan 5.05E+04 1.99E+03 8.78E+05 6.02E+02 4.21E+00 2.87E+04 1.85E+02 2.52E+01 0.0016 P128 By Direct Scan 6.14E+04 2.41E+03 1.07E+06 7.32E+02 5.12E+00 3.49E+04 2.25E+02 3.07E+01 0.0020 P012 By Direct Scan 1.76E+05 6.92E+03 3.06E+06 2.10E+03 1.47E+01 1.00E+05 6.45E+02 8.80E+01 0.0057 P104 By Direct Scan 9.11E+04 3.58E+03 1.58E+06 1.09E+03 7.59E+00 5.17E+04 3.34E+02 4.55E+01 0.0029 P022 By Direct Scan 8.69E+05 3.42E+04 1.51E+07 1.04E+04 7.24E+01 4.94E+05 3.19E+03 4.34E+02 0.0280 P074 By Direct Scan 7.90E+04 3.11E+03 1.37E+06 9.42E+02 6.58E+00 4.49E+04 2.90E+02 3.95E+01 0.0025 P123 Position #1 2.13E+08 8.37E+06 3.70E+09 2.54E+06 1.77E+04 1.21E+08 7.80E+05 1.06E+05 6.8645 P123 Position #2 2.42E+08 9.53E+06 4.21E+09 2.89E+06 2.02E+04 1.38E+08 8.89E+05 1.21E+05 7.8185 P123 Position #3 2.67E+08 1.05E+07 4.63E+09 3.18E+06 2.22E+04 1.51E+08 9.77E+05 1.33E+05 8.5995 P123 Position #4 2.58E+08 1.01E+07 4.48E+09 3.07E+06 2.15E+04 1.46E+08 9.44E+05 1.29E+05 8.3102 P123 Position #5 2.37E+08 9.31E+06 4.11E+09 2.82E+06 1.97E+04 1.34E+08 8.68E+05 1.18E+05 7.6352 P123 Position #6 2.10E+08 8.25E+06 3.65E+09 2.50E+06 1.75E+04 1.19E+08 7.69E+05 1.05E+05 6.7641 P123 Position #7 1.96E+08 7.71E+06 3.41E+09 2.34E+06 1.63E+04 1.11E+08 7.18E+05 9.80E+04 6.3214 P123 Position #8 1.83E+08 7.21E+06 3.19E+09 2.19E+06 1.53E+04 1.04E+08 6.72E+05 9.17E+04 5.9150 P123 Position #9 1.73E+08 6.80E+06 3.01E+09 2.06E+06 1.44E+04 9.83E+07 6.34E+05 8.65E+04 5.5809 P123 Position #10 1.84E+08 7.26E+06 3.21E+09 2.20E+06 1.54E+04 1.05E+08 6.76E+05 9.22E+04 5.9513 P123 Position #11 1.93E+08 7.61E+06 3.36E+09 2.31E+06 1.61E+04 1.10E+08 7.10E+05 9.68E+04 6.2428 P123 Position #12 1.93E+08 7.60E+06 3.36E+09 2.30E+06 1.61E+04 1.10E+08 7.08E+05 9.66E+04 6.2310 P123 Position #13 2.03E+08 7.99E+06 3.53E+09 2.42E+06 1.69E+04 1.15E+08 7.45E+05 1.02E+05 6.5553 P123 Position #14 1.81E+08 7.13E+06 3.15E+09 2.16E+06 1.51E+04 1.03E+08 6.64E+05 9.06E+04 5.8453



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P123 Position #15 1.41E+08 5.54E+06 2.45E+09 1.68E+06 1.17E+04 8.00E+07 5.16E+05 7.04E+04 4.5439 P123 Position #16 1.19E+08 4.68E+06 2.07E+09 1.42E+06 9.92E+03 6.76E+07 4.37E+05 5.95E+04 3.8412 P123 Position #17 1.11E+08 4.37E+06 1.93E+09 1.32E+06 9.25E+03 6.31E+07 4.07E+05 5.55E+04 3.5824 P123 Position #18 1.07E+08 4.21E+06 1.86E+09 1.28E+06 8.93E+03 6.09E+07 3.93E+05 5.36E+04 3.4560 P123 Position #19 1.11E+08 4.35E+06 1.92E+09 1.32E+06 9.22E+03 6.29E+07 4.06E+05 5.53E+04 3.5696 P123 Position #20 8.98E+07 3.53E+06 1.56E+09 1.07E+06 7.48E+03 5.10E+07 3.29E+05 4.49E+04 2.8966 P123 Position #21 6.62E+07 2.61E+06 1.15E+09 7.90E+05 5.52E+03 3.76E+07 2.43E+05 3.31E+04 2.1368 P123 Position #22 5.80E+07 2.28E+06 1.01E+09 6.92E+05 4.83E+03 3.29E+07 2.13E+05 2.90E+04 1.8702 P123 Position #23 4.22E+07 1.66E+06 7.34E+08 5.04E+05 3.52E+03 2.40E+07 1.55E+05 2.11E+04 1.3620 P123 Position #24 2.32E+07 9.14E+05 4.04E+08 2.77E+05 1.94E+03 1.32E+07 8.52E+04 1.16E+04 0.7495 P123 Position #25 1.82E+07 7.14E+05 3.16E+08 2.17E+05 1.51E+03 1.03E+07 6.66E+04 9.08E+03 0.5857 P123 Position #26 1.51E+07 5.93E+05 2.62E+08 1.80E+05 1.26E+03 8.57E+06 5.53E+04 7.54E+03 0.4867 P123 Position #27 1.50E+07 5.89E+05 2.60E+08 1.79E+05 1.25E+03 8.51E+06 5.49E+04 7.49E+03 0.4834 P123 Position #28 1.17E+07 4.60E+05 2.03E+08 1.39E+05 9.74E+02 6.64E+06 4.28E+04 5.84E+03 0.3770 P123 Position #29 8.87E+06 3.49E+05 1.54E+08 1.06E+05 7.40E+02 5.04E+06 3.25E+04 4.44E+03 0.2863 P123 Position #30 7.70E+06 3.03E+05 1.34E+08 9.19E+04 6.42E+02 4.37E+06 2.82E+04 3.85E+03 0.2484 P123 Position #31 7.24E+06 2.85E+05 1.26E+08 8.64E+04 6.04E+02 4.12E+06 2.66E+04 3.62E+03 0.2337 P123 Position #32 6.98E+06 2.75E+05 1.21E+08 8.33E+04 5.82E+02 3.97E+06 2.56E+04 3.49E+03 0.2253 P123 Position #33 7.33E+06 2.89E+05 1.28E+08 8.75E+04 6.11E+02 4.17E+06 2.69E+04 3.67E+03 0.2366 P123 Position #34 8.01E+06 3.15E+05 1.39E+08 9.55E+04 6.67E+02 4.55E+06 2.94E+04 4.00E+03 0.2583 P123 Position #35 9.98E+06 3.93E+05 1.74E+08 1.19E+05 8.32E+02 5.67E+06 3.66E+04 4.99E+03 0.3221 P123 Position #36 8.07E+06 3.18E+05 1.40E+08 9.63E+04 6.73E+02 4.59E+06 2.96E+04 4.04E+03 0.2606 P123 Position #37 7.91E+06 3.11E+05 1.38E+08 9.44E+04 6.60E+02 4.50E+06 2.90E+04 3.96E+03 0.2553 P123 Position #38 6.59E+06 2.59E+05 1.15E+08 7.86E+04 5.49E+02 3.74E+06 2.42E+04 3.29E+03 0.2126 P123 Position #39 6.09E+06 2.40E+05 1.06E+08 7.27E+04 5.08E+02 3.46E+06 2.23E+04 3.05E+03 0.1965 P123 Position #40 6.10E+06 2.40E+05 1.06E+08 7.28E+04 5.08E+02 3.46E+06 2.24E+04 3.05E+03 0.1968 P123 Position #41 6.30E+06 2.48E+05 1.10E+08 7.52E+04 5.25E+02 3.58E+06 2.31E+04 3.15E+03 0.2033 P123 Position #42 6.92E+06 2.72E+05 1.20E+08 8.25E+04 5.77E+02 3.93E+06 2.54E+04 3.46E+03 0.2232



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P123 Position #43 6.83E+06 2.69E+05 1.19E+08 8.15E+04 5.69E+02 3.88E+06 2.50E+04 3.41E+03 0.2203 P123 Position #44 9.49E+06 3.73E+05 1.65E+08 1.13E+05 7.91E+02 5.39E+06 3.48E+04 4.74E+03 0.3061 P123 Position #45 6.67E+06 2.62E+05 1.16E+08 7.96E+04 5.56E+02 3.79E+06 2.45E+04 3.34E+03 0.2152 P123 Position #46 5.93E+06 2.33E+05 1.03E+08 7.08E+04 4.95E+02 3.37E+06 2.18E+04 2.97E+03 0.1915 P123 Position #47 6.15E+06 2.42E+05 1.07E+08 7.34E+04 5.12E+02 3.49E+06 2.25E+04 3.07E+03 0.1984 P123 Position #48 7.26E+06 2.85E+05 1.26E+08 8.66E+04 6.05E+02 4.12E+06 2.66E+04 3.63E+03 0.2341 P123 Position #49 6.83E+06 2.69E+05 1.19E+08 8.15E+04 5.69E+02 3.88E+06 2.51E+04 3.42E+03 0.2205 P123 Position #50 6.54E+06 2.57E+05 1.14E+08 7.81E+04 5.45E+02 3.72E+06 2.40E+04 3.27E+03 0.2111 P124 Position #1 8.20E+07 3.23E+06 1.43E+09 9.79E+05 6.84E+03 4.66E+07 3.01E+05 4.10E+04 2.6467 P124 Position #2 6.80E+07 2.68E+06 1.18E+09 8.11E+05 5.67E+03 3.86E+07 2.49E+05 3.40E+04 2.1944 P124 Position #3 7.10E+07 2.80E+06 1.24E+09 8.48E+05 5.92E+03 4.04E+07 2.61E+05 3.55E+04 2.2926 P124 Position #4 7.18E+07 2.83E+06 1.25E+09 8.57E+05 5.99E+03 4.08E+07 2.63E+05 3.59E+04 2.3176 P124 Position #5 7.08E+07 2.79E+06 1.23E+09 8.45E+05 5.90E+03 4.02E+07 2.60E+05 3.54E+04 2.2856 P124 Position #6 6.72E+07 2.64E+06 1.17E+09 8.02E+05 5.60E+03 3.82E+07 2.46E+05 3.36E+04 2.1688 P124 Position #7 5.96E+07 2.35E+06 1.04E+09 7.12E+05 4.97E+03 3.39E+07 2.19E+05 2.98E+04 1.9242 P124 Position #8 5.76E+07 2.27E+06 1.00E+09 6.87E+05 4.80E+03 3.27E+07 2.11E+05 2.88E+04 1.8591 P124 Position #9 5.79E+07 2.28E+06 1.01E+09 6.91E+05 4.83E+03 3.29E+07 2.12E+05 2.90E+04 1.8680 P124 Position #10 5.90E+07 2.32E+06 1.03E+09 7.04E+05 4.92E+03 3.35E+07 2.16E+05 2.95E+04 1.9037 P124 Position #11 6.11E+07 2.40E+06 1.06E+09 7.29E+05 5.09E+03 3.47E+07 2.24E+05 3.05E+04 1.9709 P124 Position #12 6.22E+07 2.45E+06 1.08E+09 7.42E+05 5.18E+03 3.53E+07 2.28E+05 3.11E+04 2.0065 P124 Position #13 6.30E+07 2.48E+06 1.09E+09 7.51E+05 5.25E+03 3.58E+07 2.31E+05 3.15E+04 2.0312 P124 Position #14 6.56E+07 2.58E+06 1.14E+09 7.82E+05 5.47E+03 3.73E+07 2.40E+05 3.28E+04 2.1157 P124 Position #15 6.30E+07 2.48E+06 1.10E+09 7.52E+05 5.25E+03 3.58E+07 2.31E+05 3.15E+04 2.0338 P124 Position #16 5.04E+07 1.98E+06 8.76E+08 6.01E+05 4.20E+03 2.86E+07 1.85E+05 2.52E+04 1.6265 P124 Position #17 4.42E+07 1.74E+06 7.69E+08 5.28E+05 3.69E+03 2.51E+07 1.62E+05 2.21E+04 1.4272 P124 Position #18 4.10E+07 1.61E+06 7.13E+08 4.89E+05 3.42E+03 2.33E+07 1.50E+05 2.05E+04 1.3228 P124 Position #19 3.55E+07 1.40E+06 6.17E+08 4.24E+05 2.96E+03 2.02E+07 1.30E+05 1.78E+04 1.1458 P124 Position #20 2.94E+07 1.16E+06 5.11E+08 3.50E+05 2.45E+03 1.67E+07 1.08E+05 1.47E+04 0.9474



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P124 Position #21 2.45E+07 9.65E+05 4.27E+08 2.93E+05 2.05E+03 1.39E+07 9.00E+04 1.23E+04 0.7917 P124 Position #22 1.98E+07 7.77E+05 3.43E+08 2.36E+05 1.65E+03 1.12E+07 7.24E+04 9.88E+03 0.6373 P124 Position #23 1.41E+07 5.53E+05 2.45E+08 1.68E+05 1.17E+03 7.99E+06 5.16E+04 7.03E+03 0.4538 P124 Position #24 1.03E+07 4.06E+05 1.79E+08 1.23E+05 8.60E+02 5.86E+06 3.78E+04 5.16E+03 0.3330 P124 Position #25 8.12E+06 3.19E+05 1.41E+08 9.68E+04 6.76E+02 4.61E+06 2.98E+04 4.06E+03 0.2619 P124 Position #26 7.94E+06 3.12E+05 1.38E+08 9.47E+04 6.61E+02 4.51E+06 2.91E+04 3.97E+03 0.2560 P124 Position #27 6.81E+06 2.68E+05 1.18E+08 8.13E+04 5.68E+02 3.87E+06 2.50E+04 3.41E+03 0.2199 P124 Position #28 6.35E+06 2.50E+05 1.10E+08 7.58E+04 5.29E+02 3.61E+06 2.33E+04 3.18E+03 0.2050 P124 Position #29 5.84E+06 2.30E+05 1.02E+08 6.97E+04 4.87E+02 3.32E+06 2.14E+04 2.92E+03 0.1885 P124 Position #30 5.60E+06 2.20E+05 9.73E+07 6.68E+04 4.67E+02 3.18E+06 2.05E+04 2.80E+03 0.1806 P124 Position #31 5.62E+06 2.21E+05 9.77E+07 6.70E+04 4.68E+02 3.19E+06 2.06E+04 2.81E+03 0.1812 P124 Position #32 5.32E+06 2.09E+05 9.25E+07 6.35E+04 4.43E+02 3.02E+06 1.95E+04 2.66E+03 0.1717 P124 Position #33 5.28E+06 2.08E+05 9.17E+07 6.30E+04 4.40E+02 3.00E+06 1.93E+04 2.64E+03 0.1702 P124 Position #34 5.27E+06 2.07E+05 9.16E+07 6.28E+04 4.39E+02 2.99E+06 1.93E+04 2.63E+03 0.1699 P124 Position #35 5.86E+06 2.31E+05 1.02E+08 6.99E+04 4.88E+02 3.33E+06 2.15E+04 2.93E+03 0.1891 P124 Position #36 5.28E+06 2.08E+05 9.18E+07 6.30E+04 4.40E+02 3.00E+06 1.94E+04 2.64E+03 0.1704 P124 Position #37 4.97E+06 1.96E+05 8.64E+07 5.93E+04 4.14E+02 2.82E+06 1.82E+04 2.49E+03 0.1604 P124 Position #38 4.83E+06 1.90E+05 8.39E+07 5.76E+04 4.02E+02 2.74E+06 1.77E+04 2.41E+03 0.1558 P124 Position #39 4.85E+06 1.91E+05 8.43E+07 5.78E+04 4.04E+02 2.75E+06 1.78E+04 2.42E+03 0.1564 P124 Position #40 4.96E+06 1.95E+05 8.63E+07 5.92E+04 4.14E+02 2.82E+06 1.82E+04 2.48E+03 0.1602 P124 Position #41 4.76E+06 1.87E+05 8.28E+07 5.68E+04 3.97E+02 2.71E+06 1.75E+04 2.38E+03 0.1537 P124 Position #42 4.80E+06 1.89E+05 8.34E+07 5.73E+04 4.00E+02 2.73E+06 1.76E+04 2.40E+03 0.1548 P124 Position #43 5.06E+06 1.99E+05 8.80E+07 6.04E+04 4.22E+02 2.87E+06 1.86E+04 2.53E+03 0.1632 P124 Position #44 5.09E+06 2.00E+05 8.85E+07 6.07E+04 4.24E+02 2.89E+06 1.87E+04 2.54E+03 0.1642 P124 Position #45 4.80E+06 1.89E+05 8.35E+07 5.73E+04 4.00E+02 2.73E+06 1.76E+04 2.40E+03 0.1549 P124 Position #46 4.77E+06 1.87E+05 8.29E+07 5.69E+04 3.97E+02 2.71E+06 1.75E+04 2.38E+03 0.1538 P124 Position #47 4.59E+06 1.81E+05 7.98E+07 5.48E+04 3.83E+02 2.61E+06 1.68E+04 2.30E+03 0.1482 P124 Position #48 4.46E+06 1.75E+05 7.75E+07 5.32E+04 3.71E+02 2.53E+06 1.63E+04 2.23E+03 0.1438



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P124 Position #49 4.59E+06 1.80E+05 7.98E+07 5.47E+04 3.82E+02 2.61E+06 1.68E+04 2.29E+03 0.1480 P124 Position #50 4.52E+06 1.78E+05 7.85E+07 5.39E+04 3.76E+02 2.57E+06 1.66E+04 2.26E+03 0.1457 P037 Position #1 1.56E+07 6.15E+05 2.72E+08 1.86E+05 1.30E+03 8.88E+06 5.73E+04 7.82E+03 0.5043 P037 Position #2 7.23E+06 2.85E+05 1.26E+08 8.63E+04 6.03E+02 4.11E+06 2.65E+04 3.62E+03 0.2334 P037 Position #3 7.69E+06 3.02E+05 1.34E+08 9.17E+04 6.41E+02 4.37E+06 2.82E+04 3.84E+03 0.2481 P037 Position #4 4.50E+06 1.77E+05 7.82E+07 5.36E+04 3.75E+02 2.55E+06 1.65E+04 2.25E+03 0.1451 P037 Position #5 4.17E+06 1.64E+05 7.25E+07 4.97E+04 3.47E+02 2.37E+06 1.53E+04 2.08E+03 0.1345 P037 Position #6 4.29E+06 1.69E+05 7.47E+07 5.12E+04 3.58E+02 2.44E+06 1.57E+04 2.15E+03 0.1385 P037 Position #7 4.05E+06 1.59E+05 7.04E+07 4.83E+04 3.38E+02 2.30E+06 1.49E+04 2.03E+03 0.1307 P037 Position #8 4.04E+06 1.59E+05 7.03E+07 4.82E+04 3.37E+02 2.30E+06 1.48E+04 2.02E+03 0.1304 P037 Position #9 3.90E+06 1.54E+05 6.79E+07 4.66E+04 3.25E+02 2.22E+06 1.43E+04 1.95E+03 0.1260 P037 Position #10 3.96E+06 1.56E+05 6.89E+07 4.73E+04 3.30E+02 2.25E+06 1.45E+04 1.98E+03 0.1278 P037 Position #11 3.94E+06 1.55E+05 6.86E+07 4.71E+04 3.29E+02 2.24E+06 1.45E+04 1.97E+03 0.1273 P037 Position #12 3.95E+06 1.56E+05 6.88E+07 4.72E+04 3.30E+02 2.25E+06 1.45E+04 1.98E+03 0.1276 P037 Position #13 4.04E+06 1.59E+05 7.02E+07 4.82E+04 3.36E+02 2.29E+06 1.48E+04 2.02E+03 0.1302 P037 Position #14 3.96E+06 1.56E+05 6.89E+07 4.73E+04 3.30E+02 2.25E+06 1.45E+04 1.98E+03 0.1278 P037 Position #15 3.82E+06 1.50E+05 6.65E+07 4.56E+04 3.19E+02 2.17E+06 1.40E+04 1.91E+03 0.1234 P037 Position #16 3.87E+06 1.52E+05 6.74E+07 4.62E+04 3.23E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.94E+03 0.1250 P037 Position #17 3.86E+06 1.52E+05 6.72E+07 4.61E+04 3.22E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.93E+03 0.1247 P037 Position #18 3.72E+06 1.46E+05 6.46E+07 4.44E+04 3.10E+02 2.11E+06 1.36E+04 1.86E+03 0.1199 P037 Position #19 3.90E+06 1.53E+05 6.78E+07 4.65E+04 3.25E+02 2.22E+06 1.43E+04 1.95E+03 0.1258 P037 Position #20 3.88E+06 1.53E+05 6.75E+07 4.63E+04 3.23E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.94E+03 0.1252 P037 Position #21 3.79E+06 1.49E+05 6.59E+07 4.52E+04 3.16E+02 2.15E+06 1.39E+04 1.89E+03 0.1222 P037 Position #22 3.79E+06 1.49E+05 6.59E+07 4.52E+04 3.16E+02 2.15E+06 1.39E+04 1.89E+03 0.1222 P037 Position #23 3.69E+06 1.45E+05 6.41E+07 4.40E+04 3.07E+02 2.09E+06 1.35E+04 1.84E+03 0.1190 P037 Position #24 3.49E+06 1.37E+05 6.07E+07 4.16E+04 2.91E+02 1.98E+06 1.28E+04 1.75E+03 0.1126 P037 Position #25 3.40E+06 1.34E+05 5.91E+07 4.06E+04 2.83E+02 1.93E+06 1.25E+04 1.70E+03 0.1097 P037 Position #26 3.49E+06 1.37E+05 6.08E+07 4.17E+04 2.91E+02 1.99E+06 1.28E+04 1.75E+03 0.1128



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P037 Position #27 3.40E+06 1.34E+05 5.91E+07 4.06E+04 2.83E+02 1.93E+06 1.25E+04 1.70E+03 0.1097 P037 Position #28 3.46E+06 1.36E+05 6.02E+07 4.13E+04 2.89E+02 1.97E+06 1.27E+04 1.73E+03 0.1118 P037 Position #29 3.48E+06 1.37E+05 6.05E+07 4.15E+04 2.90E+02 1.98E+06 1.28E+04 1.74E+03 0.1123 P037 Position #30 3.46E+06 1.36E+05 6.02E+07 4.13E+04 2.89E+02 1.97E+06 1.27E+04 1.73E+03 0.1118 P037 Position #31 3.46E+06 1.36E+05 6.02E+07 4.13E+04 2.89E+02 1.97E+06 1.27E+04 1.73E+03 0.1118 P037 Position #32 3.61E+06 1.42E+05 6.27E+07 4.30E+04 3.01E+02 2.05E+06 1.32E+04 1.80E+03 0.1164 P037 Position #33 3.58E+06 1.41E+05 6.23E+07 4.27E+04 2.98E+02 2.03E+06 1.31E+04 1.79E+03 0.1155 P037 Position #34 3.57E+06 1.40E+05 6.20E+07 4.25E+04 2.97E+02 2.03E+06 1.31E+04 1.78E+03 0.1151 P037 Position #35 3.51E+06 1.38E+05 6.11E+07 4.19E+04 2.93E+02 2.00E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1134 P037 Position #36 3.58E+06 1.41E+05 6.22E+07 4.27E+04 2.98E+02 2.03E+06 1.31E+04 1.79E+03 0.1154 P037 Position #37 3.63E+06 1.43E+05 6.31E+07 4.33E+04 3.02E+02 2.06E+06 1.33E+04 1.81E+03 0.1170 P037 Position #38 3.50E+06 1.38E+05 6.09E+07 4.18E+04 2.92E+02 1.99E+06 1.29E+04 1.75E+03 0.1131 P037 Position #39 3.51E+06 1.38E+05 6.10E+07 4.19E+04 2.93E+02 1.99E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1133 P037 Position #40 3.52E+06 1.38E+05 6.12E+07 4.20E+04 2.93E+02 2.00E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1136 P037 Position #41 3.59E+06 1.41E+05 6.24E+07 4.28E+04 2.99E+02 2.04E+06 1.32E+04 1.79E+03 0.1157 P037 Position #42 3.66E+06 1.44E+05 6.36E+07 4.36E+04 3.05E+02 2.08E+06 1.34E+04 1.83E+03 0.1180 P037 Position #43 3.69E+06 1.45E+05 6.41E+07 4.40E+04 3.07E+02 2.09E+06 1.35E+04 1.84E+03 0.1190 P037 Position #44 3.75E+06 1.48E+05 6.53E+07 4.48E+04 3.13E+02 2.13E+06 1.38E+04 1.88E+03 0.1211 P037 Position #45 3.73E+06 1.47E+05 6.49E+07 4.45E+04 3.11E+02 2.12E+06 1.37E+04 1.87E+03 0.1204 P037 Position #46 3.84E+06 1.51E+05 6.68E+07 4.59E+04 3.20E+02 2.18E+06 1.41E+04 1.92E+03 0.1240 P037 Position #47 3.82E+06 1.50E+05 6.65E+07 4.56E+04 3.19E+02 2.17E+06 1.40E+04 1.91E+03 0.1234 P037 Position #48 3.97E+06 1.56E+05 6.89E+07 4.73E+04 3.30E+02 2.25E+06 1.45E+04 1.98E+03 0.1279 P037 Position #49 4.04E+06 1.59E+05 7.03E+07 4.82E+04 3.37E+02 2.30E+06 1.48E+04 2.02E+03 0.1304 P037 Position #50 4.07E+06 1.60E+05 7.08E+07 4.86E+04 3.39E+02 2.31E+06 1.49E+04 2.04E+03 0.1314 P036 Position #1 2.37E+07 9.33E+05 4.12E+08 2.83E+05 1.98E+03 1.35E+07 8.70E+04 1.19E+04 0.7654 P036 Position #2 8.09E+06 3.18E+05 1.41E+08 9.66E+04 6.74E+02 4.60E+06 2.97E+04 4.05E+03 0.2611 P036 Position #3 4.74E+06 1.87E+05 8.25E+07 5.66E+04 3.95E+02 2.70E+06 1.74E+04 2.37E+03 0.1531 P036 Position #4 4.36E+06 1.72E+05 7.58E+07 5.20E+04 3.63E+02 2.48E+06 1.60E+04 2.18E+03 0.1407



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P036 Position #5 4.30E+06 1.69E+05 7.48E+07 5.14E+04 3.59E+02 2.45E+06 1.58E+04 2.15E+03 0.1389 P036 Position #6 4.17E+06 1.64E+05 7.26E+07 4.98E+04 3.48E+02 2.37E+06 1.53E+04 2.09E+03 0.1346 P036 Position #7 3.93E+06 1.55E+05 6.83E+07 4.69E+04 3.28E+02 2.23E+06 1.44E+04 1.97E+03 0.1268 P036 Position #8 3.94E+06 1.55E+05 6.86E+07 4.71E+04 3.29E+02 2.24E+06 1.45E+04 1.97E+03 0.1273 P036 Position #9 3.83E+06 1.51E+05 6.67E+07 4.57E+04 3.20E+02 2.18E+06 1.41E+04 1.92E+03 0.1237 P036 Position #10 3.86E+06 1.52E+05 6.72E+07 4.61E+04 3.22E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.93E+03 0.1247 P036 Position #11 3.84E+06 1.51E+05 6.68E+07 4.59E+04 3.20E+02 2.18E+06 1.41E+04 1.92E+03 0.1240 P036 Position #12 3.79E+06 1.49E+05 6.60E+07 4.53E+04 3.16E+02 2.16E+06 1.39E+04 1.90E+03 0.1224 P036 Position #13 3.72E+06 1.46E+05 6.46E+07 4.44E+04 3.10E+02 2.11E+06 1.36E+04 1.86E+03 0.1199 P036 Position #14 3.74E+06 1.47E+05 6.51E+07 4.47E+04 3.12E+02 2.13E+06 1.37E+04 1.87E+03 0.1208 P036 Position #15 3.82E+06 1.50E+05 6.65E+07 4.56E+04 3.19E+02 2.17E+06 1.40E+04 1.91E+03 0.1234 P036 Position #16 3.70E+06 1.45E+05 6.43E+07 4.41E+04 3.08E+02 2.10E+06 1.36E+04 1.85E+03 0.1193 P036 Position #17 3.77E+06 1.48E+05 6.55E+07 4.50E+04 3.14E+02 2.14E+06 1.38E+04 1.88E+03 0.1216 P036 Position #18 3.71E+06 1.46E+05 6.45E+07 4.43E+04 3.09E+02 2.11E+06 1.36E+04 1.86E+03 0.1198 P036 Position #19 3.66E+06 1.44E+05 6.37E+07 4.37E+04 3.05E+02 2.08E+06 1.34E+04 1.83E+03 0.1182 P036 Position #20 3.61E+06 1.42E+05 6.27E+07 4.30E+04 3.01E+02 2.05E+06 1.32E+04 1.80E+03 0.1164 P036 Position #21 3.35E+06 1.32E+05 5.83E+07 4.00E+04 2.79E+02 1.91E+06 1.23E+04 1.68E+03 0.1082 P036 Position #22 3.38E+06 1.33E+05 5.87E+07 4.03E+04 2.82E+02 1.92E+06 1.24E+04 1.69E+03 0.1090 P036 Position #23 3.35E+06 1.32E+05 5.83E+07 4.00E+04 2.79E+02 1.91E+06 1.23E+04 1.68E+03 0.1082 P036 Position #24 3.19E+06 1.26E+05 5.55E+07 3.81E+04 2.66E+02 1.81E+06 1.17E+04 1.60E+03 0.1030 P036 Position #25 3.26E+06 1.28E+05 5.66E+07 3.89E+04 2.71E+02 1.85E+06 1.19E+04 1.63E+03 0.1051 P036 Position #26 3.24E+06 1.27E+05 5.63E+07 3.86E+04 2.70E+02 1.84E+06 1.19E+04 1.62E+03 0.1044 P036 Position #27 3.33E+06 1.31E+05 5.80E+07 3.98E+04 2.78E+02 1.89E+06 1.22E+04 1.67E+03 0.1075 P036 Position #28 3.40E+06 1.34E+05 5.92E+07 4.06E+04 2.84E+02 1.93E+06 1.25E+04 1.70E+03 0.1098 P036 Position #29 3.34E+06 1.31E+05 5.80E+07 3.98E+04 2.78E+02 1.90E+06 1.22E+04 1.67E+03 0.1077 P036 Position #30 3.40E+06 1.34E+05 5.92E+07 4.06E+04 2.84E+02 1.93E+06 1.25E+04 1.70E+03 0.1098 P036 Position #31 3.38E+06 1.33E+05 5.88E+07 4.04E+04 2.82E+02 1.92E+06 1.24E+04 1.69E+03 0.1092 P036 Position #32 3.46E+06 1.36E+05 6.02E+07 4.13E+04 2.89E+02 1.97E+06 1.27E+04 1.73E+03 0.1118



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P036 Position #33 3.48E+06 1.37E+05 6.06E+07 4.16E+04 2.90E+02 1.98E+06 1.28E+04 1.74E+03 0.1124 P036 Position #34 3.44E+06 1.35E+05 5.98E+07 4.10E+04 2.87E+02 1.95E+06 1.26E+04 1.72E+03 0.1110 P036 Position #35 3.49E+06 1.37E+05 6.08E+07 4.17E+04 2.91E+02 1.99E+06 1.28E+04 1.75E+03 0.1128 P036 Position #36 3.51E+06 1.38E+05 6.10E+07 4.19E+04 2.93E+02 1.99E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1133 P036 Position #37 3.47E+06 1.37E+05 6.04E+07 4.15E+04 2.90E+02 1.97E+06 1.27E+04 1.74E+03 0.1121 P036 Position #38 3.45E+06 1.36E+05 6.01E+07 4.12E+04 2.88E+02 1.96E+06 1.27E+04 1.73E+03 0.1115 P036 Position #39 3.39E+06 1.34E+05 5.90E+07 4.05E+04 2.83E+02 1.93E+06 1.24E+04 1.70E+03 0.1095 P036 Position #40 3.45E+06 1.36E+05 6.00E+07 4.12E+04 2.87E+02 1.96E+06 1.26E+04 1.72E+03 0.1113 P036 Position #41 3.58E+06 1.41E+05 6.22E+07 4.27E+04 2.98E+02 2.03E+06 1.31E+04 1.79E+03 0.1154 P036 Position #42 3.50E+06 1.38E+05 6.09E+07 4.18E+04 2.92E+02 1.99E+06 1.29E+04 1.75E+03 0.1131 P036 Position #43 3.52E+06 1.38E+05 6.12E+07 4.20E+04 2.93E+02 2.00E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1136 P036 Position #44 3.68E+06 1.45E+05 6.40E+07 4.39E+04 3.07E+02 2.09E+06 1.35E+04 1.84E+03 0.1188 P036 Position #45 3.65E+06 1.44E+05 6.35E+07 4.36E+04 3.04E+02 2.07E+06 1.34E+04 1.83E+03 0.1178 P036 Position #46 3.92E+06 1.54E+05 6.82E+07 4.68E+04 3.27E+02 2.23E+06 1.44E+04 1.96E+03 0.1265 P036 Position #47 4.17E+06 1.64E+05 7.25E+07 4.97E+04 3.47E+02 2.37E+06 1.53E+04 2.08E+03 0.1345 P036 Position #48 4.70E+06 1.85E+05 8.17E+07 5.61E+04 3.92E+02 2.67E+06 1.72E+04 2.35E+03 0.1516 P036 Position #49 4.20E+06 1.65E+05 7.31E+07 5.01E+04 3.50E+02 2.39E+06 1.54E+04 2.10E+03 0.1356 P036 Position #50 3.76E+06 1.48E+05 6.54E+07 4.49E+04 3.14E+02 2.14E+06 1.38E+04 1.88E+03 0.1214 P035 Position #1 1.79E+07 7.04E+05 3.11E+08 2.14E+05 1.49E+03 1.02E+07 6.57E+04 8.95E+03 0.5777 P035 Position #2 6.47E+06 2.55E+05 1.13E+08 7.72E+04 5.40E+02 3.68E+06 2.37E+04 3.24E+03 0.2089 P035 Position #3 4.72E+06 1.86E+05 8.21E+07 5.64E+04 3.94E+02 2.68E+06 1.73E+04 2.36E+03 0.1524 P035 Position #4 4.39E+06 1.73E+05 7.64E+07 5.24E+04 3.66E+02 2.50E+06 1.61E+04 2.20E+03 0.1418 P035 Position #5 4.27E+06 1.68E+05 7.43E+07 5.10E+04 3.56E+02 2.43E+06 1.57E+04 2.14E+03 0.1379 P035 Position #6 4.13E+06 1.62E+05 7.18E+07 4.92E+04 3.44E+02 2.34E+06 1.51E+04 2.06E+03 0.1332 P035 Position #7 4.01E+06 1.58E+05 6.96E+07 4.78E+04 3.34E+02 2.28E+06 1.47E+04 2.00E+03 0.1292 P035 Position #8 4.14E+06 1.63E+05 7.19E+07 4.94E+04 3.45E+02 2.35E+06 1.52E+04 2.07E+03 0.1335 P035 Position #9 4.08E+06 1.60E+05 7.09E+07 4.86E+04 3.40E+02 2.32E+06 1.49E+04 2.04E+03 0.1315 P035 Position #10 3.90E+06 1.53E+05 6.78E+07 4.65E+04 3.25E+02 2.22E+06 1.43E+04 1.95E+03 0.1258



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P035 Position #11 3.93E+06 1.55E+05 6.84E+07 4.69E+04 3.28E+02 2.24E+06 1.44E+04 1.97E+03 0.1270 P035 Position #12 4.04E+06 1.59E+05 7.02E+07 4.82E+04 3.36E+02 2.29E+06 1.48E+04 2.02E+03 0.1302 P035 Position #13 3.98E+06 1.56E+05 6.91E+07 4.74E+04 3.31E+02 2.26E+06 1.46E+04 1.99E+03 0.1283 P035 Position #14 4.02E+06 1.58E+05 6.98E+07 4.79E+04 3.35E+02 2.28E+06 1.47E+04 2.01E+03 0.1296 P035 Position #15 4.07E+06 1.60E+05 7.08E+07 4.86E+04 3.39E+02 2.31E+06 1.49E+04 2.04E+03 0.1314 P035 Position #16 3.99E+06 1.57E+05 6.94E+07 4.76E+04 3.33E+02 2.27E+06 1.46E+04 2.00E+03 0.1288 P035 Position #17 3.93E+06 1.55E+05 6.84E+07 4.69E+04 3.28E+02 2.24E+06 1.44E+04 1.97E+03 0.1270 P035 Position #18 3.88E+06 1.53E+05 6.75E+07 4.63E+04 3.23E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.94E+03 0.1252 P035 Position #19 3.82E+06 1.50E+05 6.64E+07 4.56E+04 3.18E+02 2.17E+06 1.40E+04 1.91E+03 0.1232 P035 Position #20 3.65E+06 1.44E+05 6.35E+07 4.36E+04 3.04E+02 2.07E+06 1.34E+04 1.83E+03 0.1178 P035 Position #21 3.54E+06 1.39E+05 6.16E+07 4.22E+04 2.95E+02 2.01E+06 1.30E+04 1.77E+03 0.1142 P035 Position #22 3.57E+06 1.40E+05 6.21E+07 4.26E+04 2.98E+02 2.03E+06 1.31E+04 1.79E+03 0.1152 P035 Position #23 3.53E+06 1.39E+05 6.13E+07 4.21E+04 2.94E+02 2.00E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1137 P035 Position #24 3.32E+06 1.31E+05 5.78E+07 3.96E+04 2.77E+02 1.89E+06 1.22E+04 1.66E+03 0.1072 P035 Position #25 3.45E+06 1.36E+05 6.00E+07 4.12E+04 2.87E+02 1.96E+06 1.26E+04 1.72E+03 0.1113 P035 Position #26 3.42E+06 1.34E+05 5.94E+07 4.08E+04 2.85E+02 1.94E+06 1.25E+04 1.71E+03 0.1103 P035 Position #27 3.33E+06 1.31E+05 5.80E+07 3.98E+04 2.78E+02 1.89E+06 1.22E+04 1.67E+03 0.1075 P035 Position #28 3.45E+06 1.36E+05 6.01E+07 4.12E+04 2.88E+02 1.96E+06 1.27E+04 1.73E+03 0.1115 P035 Position #29 3.44E+06 1.35E+05 5.98E+07 4.10E+04 2.87E+02 1.95E+06 1.26E+04 1.72E+03 0.1110 P035 Position #30 3.43E+06 1.35E+05 5.97E+07 4.10E+04 2.86E+02 1.95E+06 1.26E+04 1.72E+03 0.1108 P035 Position #31 3.52E+06 1.38E+05 6.12E+07 4.20E+04 2.93E+02 2.00E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1136 P035 Position #32 3.56E+06 1.40E+05 6.18E+07 4.24E+04 2.96E+02 2.02E+06 1.30E+04 1.78E+03 0.1147 P035 Position #33 3.56E+06 1.40E+05 6.18E+07 4.24E+04 2.96E+02 2.02E+06 1.30E+04 1.78E+03 0.1147 P035 Position #34 3.73E+06 1.47E+05 6.49E+07 4.45E+04 3.11E+02 2.12E+06 1.37E+04 1.87E+03 0.1204 P035 Position #35 3.74E+06 1.47E+05 6.51E+07 4.47E+04 3.12E+02 2.13E+06 1.37E+04 1.87E+03 0.1208 P035 Position #36 3.87E+06 1.52E+05 6.74E+07 4.62E+04 3.23E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.94E+03 0.1250 P035 Position #37 3.84E+06 1.51E+05 6.67E+07 4.58E+04 3.20E+02 2.18E+06 1.41E+04 1.92E+03 0.1239 P035 Position #38 3.87E+06 1.52E+05 6.73E+07 4.62E+04 3.22E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.93E+03 0.1248



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P035 Position #39 3.81E+06 1.50E+05 6.63E+07 4.55E+04 3.18E+02 2.17E+06 1.40E+04 1.91E+03 0.1230 P035 Position #40 3.79E+06 1.49E+05 6.59E+07 4.52E+04 3.16E+02 2.15E+06 1.39E+04 1.89E+03 0.1222 P035 Position #41 3.86E+06 1.52E+05 6.71E+07 4.60E+04 3.22E+02 2.19E+06 1.42E+04 1.93E+03 0.1245 P035 Position #42 3.99E+06 1.57E+05 6.93E+07 4.76E+04 3.32E+02 2.26E+06 1.46E+04 1.99E+03 0.1286 P035 Position #43 3.90E+06 1.54E+05 6.79E+07 4.66E+04 3.25E+02 2.22E+06 1.43E+04 1.95E+03 0.1260 P035 Position #44 4.08E+06 1.60E+05 7.09E+07 4.86E+04 3.40E+02 2.32E+06 1.49E+04 2.04E+03 0.1315 P035 Position #45 4.22E+06 1.66E+05 7.34E+07 5.04E+04 3.52E+02 2.40E+06 1.55E+04 2.11E+03 0.1363 P035 Position #46 4.23E+06 1.66E+05 7.35E+07 5.04E+04 3.52E+02 2.40E+06 1.55E+04 2.11E+03 0.1364 P035 Position #47 4.32E+06 1.70E+05 7.52E+07 5.16E+04 3.60E+02 2.46E+06 1.59E+04 2.16E+03 0.1395 P035 Position #48 4.40E+06 1.73E+05 7.65E+07 5.25E+04 3.67E+02 2.50E+06 1.61E+04 2.20E+03 0.1420 P035 Position #49 4.55E+06 1.79E+05 7.91E+07 5.43E+04 3.79E+02 2.58E+06 1.67E+04 2.27E+03 0.1467 P035 Position #50 4.91E+06 1.93E+05 8.54E+07 5.86E+04 4.09E+02 2.79E+06 1.80E+04 2.46E+03 0.1585 P035 Position #51 4.40E+06 1.73E+05 7.65E+07 5.25E+04 3.67E+02 2.50E+06 1.61E+04 2.20E+03 0.1420 P003 Position #1 1.61E+06 6.33E+04 2.80E+07 1.92E+04 1.34E+02 9.15E+05 5.90E+03 8.05E+02 0.0519 P003 Position #2 1.91E+06 7.53E+04 3.33E+07 2.28E+04 1.59E+02 1.09E+06 7.02E+03 9.57E+02 0.0617 P003 Position #3 7.45E+06 2.93E+05 1.30E+08 8.89E+04 6.21E+02 4.23E+06 2.73E+04 3.73E+03 0.2404 P050 Position #1 4.04E+06 1.59E+05 7.02E+07 4.82E+04 3.37E+02 2.30E+06 1.48E+04 2.02E+03 0.1303 P050 Position #2 5.25E+06 2.07E+05 9.13E+07 6.26E+04 4.38E+02 2.98E+06 1.93E+04 2.63E+03 0.1694 P050 Position #3 6.17E+06 2.43E+05 1.07E+08 7.36E+04 5.14E+02 3.50E+06 2.26E+04 3.08E+03 0.1990 P087 Position #1 7.20E+06 2.83E+05 1.25E+08 8.59E+04 6.00E+02 4.09E+06 2.64E+04 3.60E+03 0.2322 P087 Position #2 9.19E+06 3.62E+05 1.60E+08 1.10E+05 7.66E+02 5.22E+06 3.37E+04 4.60E+03 0.2967 P087 Position #3 1.46E+07 5.74E+05 2.54E+08 1.74E+05 1.22E+03 8.29E+06 5.35E+04 7.29E+03 0.4705 P064 Position #1 5.56E+06 2.19E+05 9.67E+07 6.64E+04 4.64E+02 3.16E+06 2.04E+04 2.78E+03 0.1795 P064 Position #2 6.07E+06 2.39E+05 1.06E+08 7.25E+04 5.06E+02 3.45E+06 2.23E+04 3.04E+03 0.1960 P064 Position #3 7.94E+06 3.12E+05 1.38E+08 9.47E+04 6.62E+02 4.51E+06 2.91E+04 3.97E+03 0.2561 P018 By Direct Scan 1.86E+07 7.32E+05 3.23E+08 2.22E+05 1.55E+03 1.06E+07 6.82E+04 9.30E+03 0.6001 P090 By Direct Scan 1.62E+07 6.37E+05 2.82E+08 1.93E+05 1.35E+03 9.21E+06 5.94E+04 8.10E+03 0.5228 P020 By Direct Scan 4.79E+07 1.89E+06 8.34E+08 5.72E+05 4.00E+03 2.72E+07 1.76E+05 2.40E+04 1.5472



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P021 By Direct Scan 8.02E+07 3.16E+06 1.39E+09 9.57E+05 6.69E+03 4.56E+07 2.94E+05 4.01E+04 2.5883 P067 By Direct Scan 5.89E+06 2.32E+05 1.02E+08 7.03E+04 4.91E+02 3.35E+06 2.16E+04 2.94E+03 0.1900 P073 By Direct Scan 1.01E+07 3.99E+05 1.76E+08 1.21E+05 8.45E+02 5.76E+06 3.72E+04 5.07E+03 0.3270 P105 By Direct Scan 3.09E+06 1.22E+05 5.38E+07 3.69E+04 2.58E+02 1.76E+06 1.13E+04 1.55E+03 0.0998 P008 By Direct Scan 1.00E+05 3.93E+03 1.74E+06 1.19E+03 8.33E+00 5.68E+04 3.67E+02 5.00E+01 0.0032 P117 By Direct Scan 5.92E+04 2.33E+03 1.03E+06 7.06E+02 4.93E+00 3.36E+04 2.17E+02 2.96E+01 0.0019 P113 By Direct Scan 4.23E+04 1.66E+03 7.36E+05 5.05E+02 3.53E+00 2.40E+04 1.55E+02 2.12E+01 0.0014 P115 By Direct Scan 1.04E+05 4.09E+03 1.81E+06 1.24E+03 8.66E+00 5.91E+04 3.81E+02 5.20E+01 0.0034 P093 By Direct Scan 1.43E+05 5.63E+03 2.49E+06 1.71E+03 1.19E+01 8.13E+04 5.25E+02 7.15E+01 0.0046 P006 By Direct Scan 9.80E+04 3.86E+03 1.70E+06 1.17E+03 8.17E+00 5.57E+04 3.59E+02 4.90E+01 0.0032 P096 By Direct Scan 5.87E+04 2.31E+03 1.02E+06 7.00E+02 4.89E+00 3.33E+04 2.15E+02 2.93E+01 0.0019 P010 By Direct Scan 8.84E+04 3.48E+03 1.54E+06 1.05E+03 7.36E+00 5.02E+04 3.24E+02 4.42E+01 0.0029 P095 By Direct Scan 5.12E+04 2.02E+03 8.91E+05 6.11E+02 4.27E+00 2.91E+04 1.88E+02 2.56E+01 0.0017 P127 By Direct Scan 9.08E+04 3.57E+03 1.58E+06 1.08E+03 7.57E+00 5.16E+04 3.33E+02 4.54E+01 0.0029 P092 By Direct Scan 5.10E+04 2.01E+03 8.87E+05 6.08E+02 4.25E+00 2.90E+04 1.87E+02 2.55E+01 0.0016 P091 By Direct Scan 6.19E+04 2.43E+03 1.08E+06 7.38E+02 5.16E+00 3.52E+04 2.27E+02 3.09E+01 0.0020 P068 By Direct Scan 9.16E+04 3.60E+03 1.59E+06 1.09E+03 7.63E+00 5.20E+04 3.36E+02 4.58E+01 0.0030 P070 By Direct Scan 2.35E+05 9.23E+03 4.08E+06 2.80E+03 1.96E+01 1.33E+05 8.60E+02 1.17E+02 0.0076 P069 By Direct Scan 1.10E+05 4.34E+03 1.92E+06 1.32E+03 9.20E+00 6.27E+04 4.05E+02 5.52E+01 0.0036 P066 By Direct Scan 9.85E+04 3.88E+03 1.71E+06 1.18E+03 8.21E+00 5.60E+04 3.61E+02 4.93E+01 0.0032 P017 By Direct Scan 1.07E+05 4.21E+03 1.86E+06 1.28E+03 8.91E+00 6.07E+04 3.92E+02 5.35E+01 0.0034 P098 By Direct Scan 5.32E+04 2.09E+03 9.25E+05 6.35E+02 4.44E+00 3.02E+04 1.95E+02 2.66E+01 0.0017 P118 By Direct Scan 5.37E+04 2.11E+03 9.34E+05 6.41E+02 4.48E+00 3.05E+04 1.97E+02 2.69E+01 0.0017 P103 Position #1 9.35E+06 3.68E+05 1.63E+08 1.12E+05 7.80E+02 5.31E+06 3.43E+04 4.68E+03 0.3018 P103 Position #2 3.80E+06 1.49E+05 6.60E+07 4.53E+04 3.16E+02 2.16E+06 1.39E+04 1.90E+03 0.1225 P103 Position #3 2.58E+06 1.01E+05 4.49E+07 3.08E+04 2.15E+02 1.47E+06 9.46E+03 1.29E+03 0.0832 P103 Position #4 2.19E+06 8.63E+04 3.81E+07 2.62E+04 1.83E+02 1.25E+06 8.04E+03 1.10E+03 0.0708 P103 Position #5 2.54E+06 1.00E+05 4.42E+07 3.03E+04 2.12E+02 1.44E+06 9.32E+03 1.27E+03 0.0820



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P056 Position #1 1.17E+07 4.61E+05 2.04E+08 1.40E+05 9.76E+02 6.65E+06 4.29E+04 5.86E+03 0.3779 P056 Position #2 2.88E+06 1.13E+05 5.00E+07 3.43E+04 2.40E+02 1.63E+06 1.06E+04 1.44E+03 0.0928 P056 Position #3 1.74E+06 6.85E+04 3.03E+07 2.08E+04 1.45E+02 9.89E+05 6.39E+03 8.71E+02 0.0562 P056 Position #4 1.42E+06 5.58E+04 2.47E+07 1.69E+04 1.18E+02 8.06E+05 5.20E+03 7.09E+02 0.0457 P056 Position #5 1.40E+06 5.52E+04 2.44E+07 1.67E+04 1.17E+02 7.98E+05 5.15E+03 7.02E+02 0.0453 P012 By Direct Scan 1.76E+05 6.92E+03 3.06E+06 2.10E+03 1.47E+01 1.00E+05 6.45E+02 8.80E+01 0.0057 ROC Concentrations per Measurement (Auxiliary Building)

MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P001 Position #1 1.06E+07 4.18E+05 1.85E+08 1.27E+05 8.86E+02 6.04E+06 3.90E+04 5.31E+03 0.3429 P001 Position #2 2.96E+06 1.16E+05 5.14E+07 3.53E+04 2.46E+02 1.68E+06 1.08E+04 1.48E+03 0.0954 P001 Position #3 1.77E+06 6.98E+04 3.08E+07 2.12E+04 1.48E+02 1.01E+06 6.51E+03 8.87E+02 0.0572 P001 Position #4 1.62E+06 6.37E+04 2.82E+07 1.93E+04 1.35E+02 9.21E+05 5.94E+03 8.10E+02 0.0523 P001 Position #5 3.08E+06 1.21E+05 5.35E+07 3.67E+04 2.56E+02 1.75E+06 1.13E+04 1.54E+03 0.0992 P086 Position #1 2.48E+06 9.77E+04 4.32E+07 2.96E+04 2.07E+02 1.41E+06 9.11E+03 1.24E+03 0.0801 P086 Position #2 7.87E+06 3.10E+05 1.37E+08 9.39E+04 6.56E+02 4.47E+06 2.89E+04 3.94E+03 0.2541 P086 Position #3 2.06E+06 8.11E+04 3.58E+07 2.46E+04 1.72E+02 1.17E+06 7.56E+03 1.03E+03 0.0665 P086 Position #4 1.51E+06 5.93E+04 2.62E+07 1.80E+04 1.26E+02 8.56E+05 5.53E+03 7.54E+02 0.0486 P086 Position #5 1.62E+06 6.38E+04 2.82E+07 1.94E+04 1.35E+02 9.22E+05 5.95E+03 8.11E+02 0.0523 P019 Position #1 7.00E+06 2.75E+05 1.22E+08 8.35E+04 5.83E+02 3.97E+06 2.57E+04 3.50E+03 0.2257 P019 Position #2 2.13E+06 8.39E+04 3.71E+07 2.54E+04 1.78E+02 1.21E+06 7.82E+03 1.07E+03 0.0688 P019 Position #3 1.48E+06 5.83E+04 2.58E+07 1.77E+04 1.23E+02 8.42E+05 5.43E+03 7.41E+02 0.0478 P019 Position #4 1.38E+06 5.42E+04 2.39E+07 1.64E+04 1.15E+02 7.82E+05 5.05E+03 6.88E+02 0.0444 P019 Position #5 1.53E+06 6.03E+04 2.66E+07 1.83E+04 1.28E+02 8.70E+05 5.62E+03 7.66E+02 0.0494 P023 Position #1 9.94E+06 3.91E+05 1.73E+08 1.19E+05 8.28E+02 5.65E+06 3.64E+04 4.97E+03 0.3206 P023 Position #2 2.39E+06 9.41E+04 4.16E+07 2.85E+04 1.99E+02 1.36E+06 8.77E+03 1.20E+03 0.0772 P023 Position #3 1.57E+06 6.18E+04 2.73E+07 1.87E+04 1.31E+02 8.92E+05 5.76E+03 7.85E+02 0.0507 P023 Position #4 1.51E+06 5.94E+04 2.63E+07 1.80E+04 1.26E+02 8.58E+05 5.54E+03 7.55E+02 0.0487



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P023 Position #5 1.94E+06 7.63E+04 3.37E+07 2.31E+04 1.62E+02 1.10E+06 7.11E+03 9.70E+02 0.0626 P088 Position #1 6.16E+06 2.42E+05 1.07E+08 7.34E+04 5.13E+02 3.50E+06 2.26E+04 3.08E+03 0.1986 P088 Position #2 2.02E+06 7.94E+04 3.51E+07 2.41E+04 1.68E+02 1.15E+06 7.41E+03 1.01E+03 0.0652 P088 Position #3 1.58E+06 6.21E+04 2.74E+07 1.88E+04 1.32E+02 8.97E+05 5.79E+03 7.89E+02 0.0509 P088 Position #4 1.47E+06 5.77E+04 2.55E+07 1.75E+04 1.22E+02 8.33E+05 5.38E+03 7.34E+02 0.0473 P088 Position #5 1.74E+06 6.86E+04 3.03E+07 2.08E+04 1.45E+02 9.91E+05 6.40E+03 8.73E+02 0.0563 P089 Position #1 8.09E+06 3.18E+05 1.41E+08 9.66E+04 6.75E+02 4.60E+06 2.97E+04 4.05E+03 0.2612 P089 Position #2 2.83E+06 1.11E+05 4.92E+07 3.37E+04 2.36E+02 1.61E+06 1.04E+04 1.41E+03 0.0912 P089 Position #3 1.87E+06 7.37E+04 3.26E+07 2.24E+04 1.56E+02 1.06E+06 6.87E+03 9.37E+02 0.0605 P089 Position #4 1.62E+06 6.36E+04 2.81E+07 1.93E+04 1.35E+02 9.18E+05 5.92E+03 8.08E+02 0.0521 P089 Position #5 2.16E+06 8.52E+04 3.76E+07 2.58E+04 1.80E+02 1.23E+06 7.94E+03 1.08E+03 0.0699 P004 Position #1 8.59E+06 3.38E+05 1.49E+08 1.02E+05 7.16E+02 4.88E+06 3.15E+04 4.29E+03 0.2771 P004 Position #2 1.75E+06 6.89E+04 3.04E+07 2.09E+04 1.46E+02 9.95E+05 6.42E+03 8.75E+02 0.0565 P004 Position #3 1.54E+06 6.06E+04 2.68E+07 1.84E+04 1.28E+02 8.76E+05 5.65E+03 7.71E+02 0.0497 P004 Position #4 1.60E+06 6.29E+04 2.78E+07 1.91E+04 1.33E+02 9.08E+05 5.86E+03 7.99E+02 0.0516 P004 Position #5 1.79E+06 7.05E+04 3.12E+07 2.14E+04 1.49E+02 1.02E+06 6.57E+03 8.96E+02 0.0578 P042 Position #1 8.00E+06 3.15E+05 1.39E+08 9.54E+04 6.66E+02 4.54E+06 2.93E+04 4.00E+03 0.2580 P042 Position #2 2.95E+06 1.16E+05 5.14E+07 3.53E+04 2.46E+02 1.68E+06 1.08E+04 1.48E+03 0.0953 P042 Position #3 2.69E+06 1.06E+05 4.68E+07 3.21E+04 2.24E+02 1.53E+06 9.86E+03 1.35E+03 0.0868 P042 Position #4 1.55E+06 6.09E+04 2.69E+07 1.85E+04 1.29E+02 8.79E+05 5.67E+03 7.74E+02 0.0499 P042 Position #5 3.18E+06 1.25E+05 5.52E+07 3.79E+04 2.65E+02 1.80E+06 1.16E+04 1.59E+03 0.1025 P043 Position #1 8.10E+06 3.18E+05 1.41E+08 9.66E+04 6.75E+02 4.60E+06 2.97E+04 4.05E+03 0.2612 P043 Position #2 1.96E+06 7.69E+04 3.40E+07 2.33E+04 1.63E+02 1.11E+06 7.17E+03 9.78E+02 0.0631 P043 Position #3 2.04E+06 8.03E+04 3.55E+07 2.44E+04 1.70E+02 1.16E+06 7.49E+03 1.02E+03 0.0659 P043 Position #4 2.29E+06 9.00E+04 3.98E+07 2.73E+04 1.91E+02 1.30E+06 8.39E+03 1.14E+03 0.0739 P043 Position #5 3.83E+06 1.51E+05 6.67E+07 4.57E+04 3.20E+02 2.18E+06 1.41E+04 1.92E+03 0.1237 P054 Position #1 7.30E+06 2.87E+05 1.27E+08 8.71E+04 6.08E+02 4.15E+06 2.68E+04 3.65E+03 0.2356 P054 Position #2 1.66E+06 6.55E+04 2.89E+07 1.99E+04 1.39E+02 9.46E+05 6.10E+03 8.32E+02 0.0537 P054 Position #3 1.73E+06 6.82E+04 3.01E+07 2.07E+04 1.45E+02 9.85E+05 6.36E+03 8.67E+02 0.0559



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P054 Position #4 2.06E+06 8.09E+04 3.57E+07 2.45E+04 1.71E+02 1.17E+06 7.54E+03 1.03E+03 0.0663 P054 Position #5 2.19E+06 8.60E+04 3.80E+07 2.61E+04 1.82E+02 1.24E+06 8.02E+03 1.09E+03 0.0705 P081 Position #1 6.20E+06 2.44E+05 1.08E+08 7.40E+04 5.17E+02 3.53E+06 2.28E+04 3.10E+03 0.2002 P081 Position #2 1.87E+06 7.36E+04 3.25E+07 2.23E+04 1.56E+02 1.06E+06 6.86E+03 9.35E+02 0.0603 P081 Position #3 1.79E+06 7.03E+04 3.11E+07 2.13E+04 1.49E+02 1.02E+06 6.56E+03 8.94E+02 0.0577 P104 By Direct Scan 1.08E+05 4.26E+03 1.88E+06 1.29E+03 9.03E+00 6.16E+04 3.97E+02 5.42E+01 0.0035 P022 By Direct Scan 1.03E+06 4.07E+04 1.80E+07 1.23E+04 8.62E+01 5.87E+05 3.79E+03 5.17E+02 0.0334 P074 By Direct Scan 9.40E+04 3.70E+03 1.63E+06 1.12E+03 7.83E+00 5.34E+04 3.45E+02 4.70E+01 0.0030 P123 Position #1 2.13E+08 8.37E+06 3.70E+09 2.54E+06 1.77E+04 1.21E+08 7.80E+05 1.06E+05 6.8645 P123 Position #2 2.42E+08 9.53E+06 4.21E+09 2.89E+06 2.02E+04 1.38E+08 8.89E+05 1.21E+05 7.8185 P123 Position #3 2.67E+08 1.05E+07 4.63E+09 3.18E+06 2.22E+04 1.51E+08 9.77E+05 1.33E+05 8.5995 P123 Position #4 2.58E+08 1.01E+07 4.48E+09 3.07E+06 2.15E+04 1.46E+08 9.44E+05 1.29E+05 8.3102 P123 Position #5 2.37E+08 9.31E+06 4.11E+09 2.82E+06 1.97E+04 1.34E+08 8.68E+05 1.18E+05 7.6352 P123 Position #6 2.10E+08 8.25E+06 3.65E+09 2.50E+06 1.75E+04 1.19E+08 7.69E+05 1.05E+05 6.7641 P123 Position #7 1.96E+08 7.71E+06 3.41E+09 2.34E+06 1.63E+04 1.11E+08 7.18E+05 9.80E+04 6.3214 P123 Position #8 1.83E+08 7.21E+06 3.19E+09 2.19E+06 1.53E+04 1.04E+08 6.72E+05 9.17E+04 5.9150 P123 Position #9 1.73E+08 6.80E+06 3.01E+09 2.06E+06 1.44E+04 9.83E+07 6.34E+05 8.65E+04 5.5809 P123 Position #10 1.84E+08 7.26E+06 3.21E+09 2.20E+06 1.54E+04 1.05E+08 6.76E+05 9.22E+04 5.9513 P123 Position #11 1.93E+08 7.61E+06 3.36E+09 2.31E+06 1.61E+04 1.10E+08 7.10E+05 9.68E+04 6.2428 P123 Position #12 1.93E+08 7.60E+06 3.36E+09 2.30E+06 1.61E+04 1.10E+08 7.08E+05 9.66E+04 6.2310 P123 Position #13 2.03E+08 7.99E+06 3.53E+09 2.42E+06 1.69E+04 1.15E+08 7.45E+05 1.02E+05 6.5553 P123 Position #14 1.81E+08 7.13E+06 3.15E+09 2.16E+06 1.51E+04 1.03E+08 6.64E+05 9.06E+04 5.8453 P123 Position #15 1.41E+08 5.54E+06 2.45E+09 1.68E+06 1.17E+04 8.00E+07 5.16E+05 7.04E+04 4.5439 P123 Position #16 1.19E+08 4.68E+06 2.07E+09 1.42E+06 9.92E+03 6.76E+07 4.37E+05 5.95E+04 3.8412 P123 Position #17 1.11E+08 4.37E+06 1.93E+09 1.32E+06 9.25E+03 6.31E+07 4.07E+05 5.55E+04 3.5824 P123 Position #18 1.07E+08 4.21E+06 1.86E+09 1.28E+06 8.93E+03 6.09E+07 3.93E+05 5.36E+04 3.4560 P123 Position #19 1.11E+08 4.35E+06 1.92E+09 1.32E+06 9.22E+03 6.29E+07 4.06E+05 5.53E+04 3.5696 P123 Position #20 8.98E+07 3.53E+06 1.56E+09 1.07E+06 7.48E+03 5.10E+07 3.29E+05 4.49E+04 2.8966 P123 Position #21 6.62E+07 2.61E+06 1.15E+09 7.90E+05 5.52E+03 3.76E+07 2.43E+05 3.31E+04 2.1368



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P123 Position #22 5.80E+07 2.28E+06 1.01E+09 6.92E+05 4.83E+03 3.29E+07 2.13E+05 2.90E+04 1.8702 P123 Position #23 4.22E+07 1.66E+06 7.34E+08 5.04E+05 3.52E+03 2.40E+07 1.55E+05 2.11E+04 1.3620 P123 Position #24 2.32E+07 9.14E+05 4.04E+08 2.77E+05 1.94E+03 1.32E+07 8.52E+04 1.16E+04 0.7495 P123 Position #25 1.82E+07 7.14E+05 3.16E+08 2.17E+05 1.51E+03 1.03E+07 6.66E+04 9.08E+03 0.5857 P123 Position #26 1.51E+07 5.93E+05 2.62E+08 1.80E+05 1.26E+03 8.57E+06 5.53E+04 7.54E+03 0.4867 P123 Position #27 1.50E+07 5.89E+05 2.60E+08 1.79E+05 1.25E+03 8.51E+06 5.49E+04 7.49E+03 0.4834 P123 Position #28 1.17E+07 4.60E+05 2.03E+08 1.39E+05 9.74E+02 6.64E+06 4.28E+04 5.84E+03 0.3770 P123 Position #29 8.87E+06 3.49E+05 1.54E+08 1.06E+05 7.40E+02 5.04E+06 3.25E+04 4.44E+03 0.2863 P123 Position #30 7.70E+06 3.03E+05 1.34E+08 9.19E+04 6.42E+02 4.37E+06 2.82E+04 3.85E+03 0.2484 P123 Position #31 7.24E+06 2.85E+05 1.26E+08 8.64E+04 6.04E+02 4.12E+06 2.66E+04 3.62E+03 0.2337 P123 Position #32 6.98E+06 2.75E+05 1.21E+08 8.33E+04 5.82E+02 3.97E+06 2.56E+04 3.49E+03 0.2253 P123 Position #33 7.33E+06 2.89E+05 1.28E+08 8.75E+04 6.11E+02 4.17E+06 2.69E+04 3.67E+03 0.2366 P123 Position #34 8.01E+06 3.15E+05 1.39E+08 9.55E+04 6.67E+02 4.55E+06 2.94E+04 4.00E+03 0.2583 P123 Position #35 9.98E+06 3.93E+05 1.74E+08 1.19E+05 8.32E+02 5.67E+06 3.66E+04 4.99E+03 0.3221 P123 Position #36 8.07E+06 3.18E+05 1.40E+08 9.63E+04 6.73E+02 4.59E+06 2.96E+04 4.04E+03 0.2606 P123 Position #37 7.91E+06 3.11E+05 1.38E+08 9.44E+04 6.60E+02 4.50E+06 2.90E+04 3.96E+03 0.2553 P123 Position #38 6.59E+06 2.59E+05 1.15E+08 7.86E+04 5.49E+02 3.74E+06 2.42E+04 3.29E+03 0.2126 P123 Position #39 6.09E+06 2.40E+05 1.06E+08 7.27E+04 5.08E+02 3.46E+06 2.23E+04 3.05E+03 0.1965 P123 Position #40 6.10E+06 2.40E+05 1.06E+08 7.28E+04 5.08E+02 3.46E+06 2.24E+04 3.05E+03 0.1968 P123 Position #41 6.30E+06 2.48E+05 1.10E+08 7.52E+04 5.25E+02 3.58E+06 2.31E+04 3.15E+03 0.2033 P123 Position #42 6.92E+06 2.72E+05 1.20E+08 8.25E+04 5.77E+02 3.93E+06 2.54E+04 3.46E+03 0.2232 P123 Position #43 6.83E+06 2.69E+05 1.19E+08 8.15E+04 5.69E+02 3.88E+06 2.50E+04 3.41E+03 0.2203 P123 Position #44 9.49E+06 3.73E+05 1.65E+08 1.13E+05 7.91E+02 5.39E+06 3.48E+04 4.74E+03 0.3061 P123 Position #45 6.67E+06 2.62E+05 1.16E+08 7.96E+04 5.56E+02 3.79E+06 2.45E+04 3.34E+03 0.2152 P123 Position #46 5.93E+06 2.33E+05 1.03E+08 7.08E+04 4.95E+02 3.37E+06 2.18E+04 2.97E+03 0.1915 P123 Position #47 6.15E+06 2.42E+05 1.07E+08 7.34E+04 5.12E+02 3.49E+06 2.25E+04 3.07E+03 0.1984 P123 Position #48 7.26E+06 2.85E+05 1.26E+08 8.66E+04 6.05E+02 4.12E+06 2.66E+04 3.63E+03 0.2341 P123 Position #49 6.83E+06 2.69E+05 1.19E+08 8.15E+04 5.69E+02 3.88E+06 2.51E+04 3.42E+03 0.2205 P123 Position #50 6.54E+06 2.57E+05 1.14E+08 7.81E+04 5.45E+02 3.72E+06 2.40E+04 3.27E+03 0.2111



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P124 Position #1 8.20E+07 3.23E+06 1.43E+09 9.79E+05 6.84E+03 4.66E+07 3.01E+05 4.10E+04 2.6467 P124 Position #2 6.80E+07 2.68E+06 1.18E+09 8.11E+05 5.67E+03 3.86E+07 2.49E+05 3.40E+04 2.1944 P124 Position #3 7.10E+07 2.80E+06 1.24E+09 8.48E+05 5.92E+03 4.04E+07 2.61E+05 3.55E+04 2.2926 P124 Position #4 7.18E+07 2.83E+06 1.25E+09 8.57E+05 5.99E+03 4.08E+07 2.63E+05 3.59E+04 2.3176 P124 Position #5 7.08E+07 2.79E+06 1.23E+09 8.45E+05 5.90E+03 4.02E+07 2.60E+05 3.54E+04 2.2856 P124 Position #6 6.72E+07 2.64E+06 1.17E+09 8.02E+05 5.60E+03 3.82E+07 2.46E+05 3.36E+04 2.1688 P124 Position #7 5.96E+07 2.35E+06 1.04E+09 7.12E+05 4.97E+03 3.39E+07 2.19E+05 2.98E+04 1.9242 P124 Position #8 5.76E+07 2.27E+06 1.00E+09 6.87E+05 4.80E+03 3.27E+07 2.11E+05 2.88E+04 1.8591 P124 Position #9 5.79E+07 2.28E+06 1.01E+09 6.91E+05 4.83E+03 3.29E+07 2.12E+05 2.90E+04 1.8680 P124 Position #10 5.90E+07 2.32E+06 1.03E+09 7.04E+05 4.92E+03 3.35E+07 2.16E+05 2.95E+04 1.9037 P124 Position #11 6.11E+07 2.40E+06 1.06E+09 7.29E+05 5.09E+03 3.47E+07 2.24E+05 3.05E+04 1.9709 P124 Position #12 6.22E+07 2.45E+06 1.08E+09 7.42E+05 5.18E+03 3.53E+07 2.28E+05 3.11E+04 2.0065 P124 Position #13 6.30E+07 2.48E+06 1.09E+09 7.51E+05 5.25E+03 3.58E+07 2.31E+05 3.15E+04 2.0312 P124 Position #14 6.56E+07 2.58E+06 1.14E+09 7.82E+05 5.47E+03 3.73E+07 2.40E+05 3.28E+04 2.1157 P124 Position #15 6.30E+07 2.48E+06 1.10E+09 7.52E+05 5.25E+03 3.58E+07 2.31E+05 3.15E+04 2.0338 P124 Position #16 5.04E+07 1.98E+06 8.76E+08 6.01E+05 4.20E+03 2.86E+07 1.85E+05 2.52E+04 1.6265 P124 Position #17 4.42E+07 1.74E+06 7.69E+08 5.28E+05 3.69E+03 2.51E+07 1.62E+05 2.21E+04 1.4272 P124 Position #18 4.10E+07 1.61E+06 7.13E+08 4.89E+05 3.42E+03 2.33E+07 1.50E+05 2.05E+04 1.3228 P124 Position #19 3.55E+07 1.40E+06 6.17E+08 4.24E+05 2.96E+03 2.02E+07 1.30E+05 1.78E+04 1.1458 P124 Position #20 2.94E+07 1.16E+06 5.11E+08 3.50E+05 2.45E+03 1.67E+07 1.08E+05 1.47E+04 0.9474 P124 Position #21 2.45E+07 9.65E+05 4.27E+08 2.93E+05 2.05E+03 1.39E+07 9.00E+04 1.23E+04 0.7917 P124 Position #22 1.98E+07 7.77E+05 3.43E+08 2.36E+05 1.65E+03 1.12E+07 7.24E+04 9.88E+03 0.6373 P124 Position #23 1.41E+07 5.53E+05 2.45E+08 1.68E+05 1.17E+03 7.99E+06 5.16E+04 7.03E+03 0.4538 P124 Position #24 1.03E+07 4.06E+05 1.79E+08 1.23E+05 8.60E+02 5.86E+06 3.78E+04 5.16E+03 0.3330 P124 Position #25 8.12E+06 3.19E+05 1.41E+08 9.68E+04 6.76E+02 4.61E+06 2.98E+04 4.06E+03 0.2619 P124 Position #26 7.94E+06 3.12E+05 1.38E+08 9.47E+04 6.61E+02 4.51E+06 2.91E+04 3.97E+03 0.2560 P124 Position #27 6.81E+06 2.68E+05 1.18E+08 8.13E+04 5.68E+02 3.87E+06 2.50E+04 3.41E+03 0.2199 P124 Position #28 6.35E+06 2.50E+05 1.10E+08 7.58E+04 5.29E+02 3.61E+06 2.33E+04 3.18E+03 0.2050 P124 Position #29 5.84E+06 2.30E+05 1.02E+08 6.97E+04 4.87E+02 3.32E+06 2.14E+04 2.92E+03 0.1885



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P124 Position #30 5.60E+06 2.20E+05 9.73E+07 6.68E+04 4.67E+02 3.18E+06 2.05E+04 2.80E+03 0.1806 P124 Position #31 5.62E+06 2.21E+05 9.77E+07 6.70E+04 4.68E+02 3.19E+06 2.06E+04 2.81E+03 0.1812 P124 Position #32 5.32E+06 2.09E+05 9.25E+07 6.35E+04 4.43E+02 3.02E+06 1.95E+04 2.66E+03 0.1717 P124 Position #33 5.28E+06 2.08E+05 9.17E+07 6.30E+04 4.40E+02 3.00E+06 1.93E+04 2.64E+03 0.1702 P124 Position #34 5.27E+06 2.07E+05 9.16E+07 6.28E+04 4.39E+02 2.99E+06 1.93E+04 2.63E+03 0.1699 P124 Position #35 5.86E+06 2.31E+05 1.02E+08 6.99E+04 4.88E+02 3.33E+06 2.15E+04 2.93E+03 0.1891 P124 Position #36 5.28E+06 2.08E+05 9.18E+07 6.30E+04 4.40E+02 3.00E+06 1.94E+04 2.64E+03 0.1704 P124 Position #37 4.97E+06 1.96E+05 8.64E+07 5.93E+04 4.14E+02 2.82E+06 1.82E+04 2.49E+03 0.1604 P124 Position #38 4.83E+06 1.90E+05 8.39E+07 5.76E+04 4.02E+02 2.74E+06 1.77E+04 2.41E+03 0.1558 P124 Position #39 4.85E+06 1.91E+05 8.43E+07 5.78E+04 4.04E+02 2.75E+06 1.78E+04 2.42E+03 0.1564 P124 Position #40 4.96E+06 1.95E+05 8.63E+07 5.92E+04 4.14E+02 2.82E+06 1.82E+04 2.48E+03 0.1602 P124 Position #41 4.76E+06 1.87E+05 8.28E+07 5.68E+04 3.97E+02 2.71E+06 1.75E+04 2.38E+03 0.1537 P124 Position #42 4.80E+06 1.89E+05 8.34E+07 5.73E+04 4.00E+02 2.73E+06 1.76E+04 2.40E+03 0.1548 P124 Position #43 5.06E+06 1.99E+05 8.80E+07 6.04E+04 4.22E+02 2.87E+06 1.86E+04 2.53E+03 0.1632 P124 Position #44 5.09E+06 2.00E+05 8.85E+07 6.07E+04 4.24E+02 2.89E+06 1.87E+04 2.54E+03 0.1642 P124 Position #45 4.80E+06 1.89E+05 8.35E+07 5.73E+04 4.00E+02 2.73E+06 1.76E+04 2.40E+03 0.1549 P124 Position #46 4.77E+06 1.87E+05 8.29E+07 5.69E+04 3.97E+02 2.71E+06 1.75E+04 2.38E+03 0.1538 P124 Position #47 4.59E+06 1.81E+05 7.98E+07 5.48E+04 3.83E+02 2.61E+06 1.68E+04 2.30E+03 0.1482 P124 Position #48 4.46E+06 1.75E+05 7.75E+07 5.32E+04 3.71E+02 2.53E+06 1.63E+04 2.23E+03 0.1438 P124 Position #49 4.59E+06 1.80E+05 7.98E+07 5.47E+04 3.82E+02 2.61E+06 1.68E+04 2.29E+03 0.1480 P124 Position #50 4.52E+06 1.78E+05 7.85E+07 5.39E+04 3.76E+02 2.57E+06 1.66E+04 2.26E+03 0.1457 P037 Position #1 1.56E+07 6.15E+05 2.72E+08 1.86E+05 1.30E+03 8.88E+06 5.73E+04 7.82E+03 0.5043 P037 Position #2 7.23E+06 2.85E+05 1.26E+08 8.63E+04 6.03E+02 4.11E+06 2.65E+04 3.62E+03 0.2334 P037 Position #3 7.69E+06 3.02E+05 1.34E+08 9.17E+04 6.41E+02 4.37E+06 2.82E+04 3.84E+03 0.2481 P037 Position #4 4.50E+06 1.77E+05 7.82E+07 5.36E+04 3.75E+02 2.55E+06 1.65E+04 2.25E+03 0.1451 P037 Position #5 4.17E+06 1.64E+05 7.25E+07 4.97E+04 3.47E+02 2.37E+06 1.53E+04 2.08E+03 0.1345 P037 Position #6 4.29E+06 1.69E+05 7.47E+07 5.12E+04 3.58E+02 2.44E+06 1.57E+04 2.15E+03 0.1385 P037 Position #7 4.05E+06 1.59E+05 7.04E+07 4.83E+04 3.38E+02 2.30E+06 1.49E+04 2.03E+03 0.1307 P037 Position #8 4.04E+06 1.59E+05 7.03E+07 4.82E+04 3.37E+02 2.30E+06 1.48E+04 2.02E+03 0.1304



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P037 Position #9 3.90E+06 1.54E+05 6.79E+07 4.66E+04 3.25E+02 2.22E+06 1.43E+04 1.95E+03 0.1260 P037 Position #10 3.96E+06 1.56E+05 6.89E+07 4.73E+04 3.30E+02 2.25E+06 1.45E+04 1.98E+03 0.1278 P037 Position #11 3.94E+06 1.55E+05 6.86E+07 4.71E+04 3.29E+02 2.24E+06 1.45E+04 1.97E+03 0.1273 P037 Position #12 3.95E+06 1.56E+05 6.88E+07 4.72E+04 3.30E+02 2.25E+06 1.45E+04 1.98E+03 0.1276 P037 Position #13 4.04E+06 1.59E+05 7.02E+07 4.82E+04 3.36E+02 2.29E+06 1.48E+04 2.02E+03 0.1302 P037 Position #14 3.96E+06 1.56E+05 6.89E+07 4.73E+04 3.30E+02 2.25E+06 1.45E+04 1.98E+03 0.1278 P037 Position #15 3.82E+06 1.50E+05 6.65E+07 4.56E+04 3.19E+02 2.17E+06 1.40E+04 1.91E+03 0.1234 P037 Position #16 3.87E+06 1.52E+05 6.74E+07 4.62E+04 3.23E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.94E+03 0.1250 P037 Position #17 3.86E+06 1.52E+05 6.72E+07 4.61E+04 3.22E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.93E+03 0.1247 P037 Position #18 3.72E+06 1.46E+05 6.46E+07 4.44E+04 3.10E+02 2.11E+06 1.36E+04 1.86E+03 0.1199 P037 Position #19 3.90E+06 1.53E+05 6.78E+07 4.65E+04 3.25E+02 2.22E+06 1.43E+04 1.95E+03 0.1258 P037 Position #20 3.88E+06 1.53E+05 6.75E+07 4.63E+04 3.23E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.94E+03 0.1252 P037 Position #21 3.79E+06 1.49E+05 6.59E+07 4.52E+04 3.16E+02 2.15E+06 1.39E+04 1.89E+03 0.1222 P037 Position #22 3.79E+06 1.49E+05 6.59E+07 4.52E+04 3.16E+02 2.15E+06 1.39E+04 1.89E+03 0.1222 P037 Position #23 3.69E+06 1.45E+05 6.41E+07 4.40E+04 3.07E+02 2.09E+06 1.35E+04 1.84E+03 0.1190 P037 Position #24 3.49E+06 1.37E+05 6.07E+07 4.16E+04 2.91E+02 1.98E+06 1.28E+04 1.75E+03 0.1126 P037 Position #25 3.40E+06 1.34E+05 5.91E+07 4.06E+04 2.83E+02 1.93E+06 1.25E+04 1.70E+03 0.1097 P037 Position #26 3.49E+06 1.37E+05 6.08E+07 4.17E+04 2.91E+02 1.99E+06 1.28E+04 1.75E+03 0.1128 P037 Position #27 3.40E+06 1.34E+05 5.91E+07 4.06E+04 2.83E+02 1.93E+06 1.25E+04 1.70E+03 0.1097 P037 Position #28 3.46E+06 1.36E+05 6.02E+07 4.13E+04 2.89E+02 1.97E+06 1.27E+04 1.73E+03 0.1118 P037 Position #29 3.48E+06 1.37E+05 6.05E+07 4.15E+04 2.90E+02 1.98E+06 1.28E+04 1.74E+03 0.1123 P037 Position #30 3.46E+06 1.36E+05 6.02E+07 4.13E+04 2.89E+02 1.97E+06 1.27E+04 1.73E+03 0.1118 P037 Position #31 3.46E+06 1.36E+05 6.02E+07 4.13E+04 2.89E+02 1.97E+06 1.27E+04 1.73E+03 0.1118 P037 Position #32 3.61E+06 1.42E+05 6.27E+07 4.30E+04 3.01E+02 2.05E+06 1.32E+04 1.80E+03 0.1164 P037 Position #33 3.58E+06 1.41E+05 6.23E+07 4.27E+04 2.98E+02 2.03E+06 1.31E+04 1.79E+03 0.1155 P037 Position #34 3.57E+06 1.40E+05 6.20E+07 4.25E+04 2.97E+02 2.03E+06 1.31E+04 1.78E+03 0.1151 P037 Position #35 3.51E+06 1.38E+05 6.11E+07 4.19E+04 2.93E+02 2.00E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1134 P037 Position #36 3.58E+06 1.41E+05 6.22E+07 4.27E+04 2.98E+02 2.03E+06 1.31E+04 1.79E+03 0.1154 P037 Position #37 3.63E+06 1.43E+05 6.31E+07 4.33E+04 3.02E+02 2.06E+06 1.33E+04 1.81E+03 0.1170



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P037 Position #38 3.50E+06 1.38E+05 6.09E+07 4.18E+04 2.92E+02 1.99E+06 1.29E+04 1.75E+03 0.1131 P037 Position #39 3.51E+06 1.38E+05 6.10E+07 4.19E+04 2.93E+02 1.99E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1133 P037 Position #40 3.52E+06 1.38E+05 6.12E+07 4.20E+04 2.93E+02 2.00E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1136 P037 Position #41 3.59E+06 1.41E+05 6.24E+07 4.28E+04 2.99E+02 2.04E+06 1.32E+04 1.79E+03 0.1157 P037 Position #42 3.66E+06 1.44E+05 6.36E+07 4.36E+04 3.05E+02 2.08E+06 1.34E+04 1.83E+03 0.1180 P037 Position #43 3.69E+06 1.45E+05 6.41E+07 4.40E+04 3.07E+02 2.09E+06 1.35E+04 1.84E+03 0.1190 P037 Position #44 3.75E+06 1.48E+05 6.53E+07 4.48E+04 3.13E+02 2.13E+06 1.38E+04 1.88E+03 0.1211 P037 Position #45 3.73E+06 1.47E+05 6.49E+07 4.45E+04 3.11E+02 2.12E+06 1.37E+04 1.87E+03 0.1204 P037 Position #46 3.84E+06 1.51E+05 6.68E+07 4.59E+04 3.20E+02 2.18E+06 1.41E+04 1.92E+03 0.1240 P037 Position #47 3.82E+06 1.50E+05 6.65E+07 4.56E+04 3.19E+02 2.17E+06 1.40E+04 1.91E+03 0.1234 P037 Position #48 3.97E+06 1.56E+05 6.89E+07 4.73E+04 3.30E+02 2.25E+06 1.45E+04 1.98E+03 0.1279 P037 Position #49 4.04E+06 1.59E+05 7.03E+07 4.82E+04 3.37E+02 2.30E+06 1.48E+04 2.02E+03 0.1304 P037 Position #50 4.07E+06 1.60E+05 7.08E+07 4.86E+04 3.39E+02 2.31E+06 1.49E+04 2.04E+03 0.1314 P036 Position #1 2.37E+07 9.33E+05 4.12E+08 2.83E+05 1.98E+03 1.35E+07 8.70E+04 1.19E+04 0.7654 P036 Position #2 8.09E+06 3.18E+05 1.41E+08 9.66E+04 6.74E+02 4.60E+06 2.97E+04 4.05E+03 0.2611 P036 Position #3 4.74E+06 1.87E+05 8.25E+07 5.66E+04 3.95E+02 2.70E+06 1.74E+04 2.37E+03 0.1531 P036 Position #4 4.36E+06 1.72E+05 7.58E+07 5.20E+04 3.63E+02 2.48E+06 1.60E+04 2.18E+03 0.1407 P036 Position #5 4.30E+06 1.69E+05 7.48E+07 5.14E+04 3.59E+02 2.45E+06 1.58E+04 2.15E+03 0.1389 P036 Position #6 4.17E+06 1.64E+05 7.26E+07 4.98E+04 3.48E+02 2.37E+06 1.53E+04 2.09E+03 0.1346 P036 Position #7 3.93E+06 1.55E+05 6.83E+07 4.69E+04 3.28E+02 2.23E+06 1.44E+04 1.97E+03 0.1268 P036 Position #8 3.94E+06 1.55E+05 6.86E+07 4.71E+04 3.29E+02 2.24E+06 1.45E+04 1.97E+03 0.1273 P036 Position #9 3.83E+06 1.51E+05 6.67E+07 4.57E+04 3.20E+02 2.18E+06 1.41E+04 1.92E+03 0.1237 P036 Position #10 3.86E+06 1.52E+05 6.72E+07 4.61E+04 3.22E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.93E+03 0.1247 P036 Position #11 3.84E+06 1.51E+05 6.68E+07 4.59E+04 3.20E+02 2.18E+06 1.41E+04 1.92E+03 0.1240 P036 Position #12 3.79E+06 1.49E+05 6.60E+07 4.53E+04 3.16E+02 2.16E+06 1.39E+04 1.90E+03 0.1224 P036 Position #13 3.72E+06 1.46E+05 6.46E+07 4.44E+04 3.10E+02 2.11E+06 1.36E+04 1.86E+03 0.1199 P036 Position #14 3.74E+06 1.47E+05 6.51E+07 4.47E+04 3.12E+02 2.13E+06 1.37E+04 1.87E+03 0.1208 P036 Position #15 3.82E+06 1.50E+05 6.65E+07 4.56E+04 3.19E+02 2.17E+06 1.40E+04 1.91E+03 0.1234 P036 Position #16 3.70E+06 1.45E+05 6.43E+07 4.41E+04 3.08E+02 2.10E+06 1.36E+04 1.85E+03 0.1193



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P036 Position #17 3.77E+06 1.48E+05 6.55E+07 4.50E+04 3.14E+02 2.14E+06 1.38E+04 1.88E+03 0.1216 P036 Position #18 3.71E+06 1.46E+05 6.45E+07 4.43E+04 3.09E+02 2.11E+06 1.36E+04 1.86E+03 0.1198 P036 Position #19 3.66E+06 1.44E+05 6.37E+07 4.37E+04 3.05E+02 2.08E+06 1.34E+04 1.83E+03 0.1182 P036 Position #20 3.61E+06 1.42E+05 6.27E+07 4.30E+04 3.01E+02 2.05E+06 1.32E+04 1.80E+03 0.1164 P036 Position #21 3.35E+06 1.32E+05 5.83E+07 4.00E+04 2.79E+02 1.91E+06 1.23E+04 1.68E+03 0.1082 P036 Position #22 3.38E+06 1.33E+05 5.87E+07 4.03E+04 2.82E+02 1.92E+06 1.24E+04 1.69E+03 0.1090 P036 Position #23 3.35E+06 1.32E+05 5.83E+07 4.00E+04 2.79E+02 1.91E+06 1.23E+04 1.68E+03 0.1082 P036 Position #24 3.19E+06 1.26E+05 5.55E+07 3.81E+04 2.66E+02 1.81E+06 1.17E+04 1.60E+03 0.1030 P036 Position #25 3.26E+06 1.28E+05 5.66E+07 3.89E+04 2.71E+02 1.85E+06 1.19E+04 1.63E+03 0.1051 P036 Position #26 3.24E+06 1.27E+05 5.63E+07 3.86E+04 2.70E+02 1.84E+06 1.19E+04 1.62E+03 0.1044 P036 Position #27 3.33E+06 1.31E+05 5.80E+07 3.98E+04 2.78E+02 1.89E+06 1.22E+04 1.67E+03 0.1075 P036 Position #28 3.40E+06 1.34E+05 5.92E+07 4.06E+04 2.84E+02 1.93E+06 1.25E+04 1.70E+03 0.1098 P036 Position #29 3.34E+06 1.31E+05 5.80E+07 3.98E+04 2.78E+02 1.90E+06 1.22E+04 1.67E+03 0.1077 P036 Position #30 3.40E+06 1.34E+05 5.92E+07 4.06E+04 2.84E+02 1.93E+06 1.25E+04 1.70E+03 0.1098 P036 Position #31 3.38E+06 1.33E+05 5.88E+07 4.04E+04 2.82E+02 1.92E+06 1.24E+04 1.69E+03 0.1092 P036 Position #32 3.46E+06 1.36E+05 6.02E+07 4.13E+04 2.89E+02 1.97E+06 1.27E+04 1.73E+03 0.1118 P036 Position #33 3.48E+06 1.37E+05 6.06E+07 4.16E+04 2.90E+02 1.98E+06 1.28E+04 1.74E+03 0.1124 P036 Position #34 3.44E+06 1.35E+05 5.98E+07 4.10E+04 2.87E+02 1.95E+06 1.26E+04 1.72E+03 0.1110 P036 Position #35 3.49E+06 1.37E+05 6.08E+07 4.17E+04 2.91E+02 1.99E+06 1.28E+04 1.75E+03 0.1128 P036 Position #36 3.51E+06 1.38E+05 6.10E+07 4.19E+04 2.93E+02 1.99E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1133 P036 Position #37 3.47E+06 1.37E+05 6.04E+07 4.15E+04 2.90E+02 1.97E+06 1.27E+04 1.74E+03 0.1121 P036 Position #38 3.45E+06 1.36E+05 6.01E+07 4.12E+04 2.88E+02 1.96E+06 1.27E+04 1.73E+03 0.1115 P036 Position #39 3.39E+06 1.34E+05 5.90E+07 4.05E+04 2.83E+02 1.93E+06 1.24E+04 1.70E+03 0.1095 P036 Position #40 3.45E+06 1.36E+05 6.00E+07 4.12E+04 2.87E+02 1.96E+06 1.26E+04 1.72E+03 0.1113 P036 Position #41 3.58E+06 1.41E+05 6.22E+07 4.27E+04 2.98E+02 2.03E+06 1.31E+04 1.79E+03 0.1154 P036 Position #42 3.50E+06 1.38E+05 6.09E+07 4.18E+04 2.92E+02 1.99E+06 1.29E+04 1.75E+03 0.1131 P036 Position #43 3.52E+06 1.38E+05 6.12E+07 4.20E+04 2.93E+02 2.00E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1136 P036 Position #44 3.68E+06 1.45E+05 6.40E+07 4.39E+04 3.07E+02 2.09E+06 1.35E+04 1.84E+03 0.1188 P036 Position #45 3.65E+06 1.44E+05 6.35E+07 4.36E+04 3.04E+02 2.07E+06 1.34E+04 1.83E+03 0.1178



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P036 Position #46 3.92E+06 1.54E+05 6.82E+07 4.68E+04 3.27E+02 2.23E+06 1.44E+04 1.96E+03 0.1265 P036 Position #47 4.17E+06 1.64E+05 7.25E+07 4.97E+04 3.47E+02 2.37E+06 1.53E+04 2.08E+03 0.1345 P036 Position #48 4.70E+06 1.85E+05 8.17E+07 5.61E+04 3.92E+02 2.67E+06 1.72E+04 2.35E+03 0.1516 P036 Position #49 4.20E+06 1.65E+05 7.31E+07 5.01E+04 3.50E+02 2.39E+06 1.54E+04 2.10E+03 0.1356 P036 Position #50 3.76E+06 1.48E+05 6.54E+07 4.49E+04 3.14E+02 2.14E+06 1.38E+04 1.88E+03 0.1214 P035 Position #1 1.79E+07 7.04E+05 3.11E+08 2.14E+05 1.49E+03 1.02E+07 6.57E+04 8.95E+03 0.5777 P035 Position #2 6.47E+06 2.55E+05 1.13E+08 7.72E+04 5.40E+02 3.68E+06 2.37E+04 3.24E+03 0.2089 P035 Position #3 4.72E+06 1.86E+05 8.21E+07 5.64E+04 3.94E+02 2.68E+06 1.73E+04 2.36E+03 0.1524 P035 Position #4 4.39E+06 1.73E+05 7.64E+07 5.24E+04 3.66E+02 2.50E+06 1.61E+04 2.20E+03 0.1418 P035 Position #5 4.27E+06 1.68E+05 7.43E+07 5.10E+04 3.56E+02 2.43E+06 1.57E+04 2.14E+03 0.1379 P035 Position #6 4.13E+06 1.62E+05 7.18E+07 4.92E+04 3.44E+02 2.34E+06 1.51E+04 2.06E+03 0.1332 P035 Position #7 4.01E+06 1.58E+05 6.96E+07 4.78E+04 3.34E+02 2.28E+06 1.47E+04 2.00E+03 0.1292 P035 Position #8 4.14E+06 1.63E+05 7.19E+07 4.94E+04 3.45E+02 2.35E+06 1.52E+04 2.07E+03 0.1335 P035 Position #9 4.08E+06 1.60E+05 7.09E+07 4.86E+04 3.40E+02 2.32E+06 1.49E+04 2.04E+03 0.1315 P035 Position #10 3.90E+06 1.53E+05 6.78E+07 4.65E+04 3.25E+02 2.22E+06 1.43E+04 1.95E+03 0.1258 P035 Position #11 3.93E+06 1.55E+05 6.84E+07 4.69E+04 3.28E+02 2.24E+06 1.44E+04 1.97E+03 0.1270 P035 Position #12 4.04E+06 1.59E+05 7.02E+07 4.82E+04 3.36E+02 2.29E+06 1.48E+04 2.02E+03 0.1302 P035 Position #13 3.98E+06 1.56E+05 6.91E+07 4.74E+04 3.31E+02 2.26E+06 1.46E+04 1.99E+03 0.1283 P035 Position #14 4.02E+06 1.58E+05 6.98E+07 4.79E+04 3.35E+02 2.28E+06 1.47E+04 2.01E+03 0.1296 P035 Position #15 4.07E+06 1.60E+05 7.08E+07 4.86E+04 3.39E+02 2.31E+06 1.49E+04 2.04E+03 0.1314 P035 Position #16 3.99E+06 1.57E+05 6.94E+07 4.76E+04 3.33E+02 2.27E+06 1.46E+04 2.00E+03 0.1288 P035 Position #17 3.93E+06 1.55E+05 6.84E+07 4.69E+04 3.28E+02 2.24E+06 1.44E+04 1.97E+03 0.1270 P035 Position #18 3.88E+06 1.53E+05 6.75E+07 4.63E+04 3.23E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.94E+03 0.1252 P035 Position #19 3.82E+06 1.50E+05 6.64E+07 4.56E+04 3.18E+02 2.17E+06 1.40E+04 1.91E+03 0.1232 P035 Position #20 3.65E+06 1.44E+05 6.35E+07 4.36E+04 3.04E+02 2.07E+06 1.34E+04 1.83E+03 0.1178 P035 Position #21 3.54E+06 1.39E+05 6.16E+07 4.22E+04 2.95E+02 2.01E+06 1.30E+04 1.77E+03 0.1142 P035 Position #22 3.57E+06 1.40E+05 6.21E+07 4.26E+04 2.98E+02 2.03E+06 1.31E+04 1.79E+03 0.1152 P035 Position #23 3.53E+06 1.39E+05 6.13E+07 4.21E+04 2.94E+02 2.00E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1137 P035 Position #24 3.32E+06 1.31E+05 5.78E+07 3.96E+04 2.77E+02 1.89E+06 1.22E+04 1.66E+03 0.1072



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P035 Position #25 3.45E+06 1.36E+05 6.00E+07 4.12E+04 2.87E+02 1.96E+06 1.26E+04 1.72E+03 0.1113 P035 Position #26 3.42E+06 1.34E+05 5.94E+07 4.08E+04 2.85E+02 1.94E+06 1.25E+04 1.71E+03 0.1103 P035 Position #27 3.33E+06 1.31E+05 5.80E+07 3.98E+04 2.78E+02 1.89E+06 1.22E+04 1.67E+03 0.1075 P035 Position #28 3.45E+06 1.36E+05 6.01E+07 4.12E+04 2.88E+02 1.96E+06 1.27E+04 1.73E+03 0.1115 P035 Position #29 3.44E+06 1.35E+05 5.98E+07 4.10E+04 2.87E+02 1.95E+06 1.26E+04 1.72E+03 0.1110 P035 Position #30 3.43E+06 1.35E+05 5.97E+07 4.10E+04 2.86E+02 1.95E+06 1.26E+04 1.72E+03 0.1108 P035 Position #31 3.52E+06 1.38E+05 6.12E+07 4.20E+04 2.93E+02 2.00E+06 1.29E+04 1.76E+03 0.1136 P035 Position #32 3.56E+06 1.40E+05 6.18E+07 4.24E+04 2.96E+02 2.02E+06 1.30E+04 1.78E+03 0.1147 P035 Position #33 3.56E+06 1.40E+05 6.18E+07 4.24E+04 2.96E+02 2.02E+06 1.30E+04 1.78E+03 0.1147 P035 Position #34 3.73E+06 1.47E+05 6.49E+07 4.45E+04 3.11E+02 2.12E+06 1.37E+04 1.87E+03 0.1204 P035 Position #35 3.74E+06 1.47E+05 6.51E+07 4.47E+04 3.12E+02 2.13E+06 1.37E+04 1.87E+03 0.1208 P035 Position #36 3.87E+06 1.52E+05 6.74E+07 4.62E+04 3.23E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.94E+03 0.1250 P035 Position #37 3.84E+06 1.51E+05 6.67E+07 4.58E+04 3.20E+02 2.18E+06 1.41E+04 1.92E+03 0.1239 P035 Position #38 3.87E+06 1.52E+05 6.73E+07 4.62E+04 3.22E+02 2.20E+06 1.42E+04 1.93E+03 0.1248 P035 Position #39 3.81E+06 1.50E+05 6.63E+07 4.55E+04 3.18E+02 2.17E+06 1.40E+04 1.91E+03 0.1230 P035 Position #40 3.79E+06 1.49E+05 6.59E+07 4.52E+04 3.16E+02 2.15E+06 1.39E+04 1.89E+03 0.1222 P035 Position #41 3.86E+06 1.52E+05 6.71E+07 4.60E+04 3.22E+02 2.19E+06 1.42E+04 1.93E+03 0.1245 P035 Position #42 3.99E+06 1.57E+05 6.93E+07 4.76E+04 3.32E+02 2.26E+06 1.46E+04 1.99E+03 0.1286 P035 Position #43 3.90E+06 1.54E+05 6.79E+07 4.66E+04 3.25E+02 2.22E+06 1.43E+04 1.95E+03 0.1260 P035 Position #44 4.08E+06 1.60E+05 7.09E+07 4.86E+04 3.40E+02 2.32E+06 1.49E+04 2.04E+03 0.1315 P035 Position #45 4.22E+06 1.66E+05 7.34E+07 5.04E+04 3.52E+02 2.40E+06 1.55E+04 2.11E+03 0.1363 P035 Position #46 4.23E+06 1.66E+05 7.35E+07 5.04E+04 3.52E+02 2.40E+06 1.55E+04 2.11E+03 0.1364 P035 Position #47 4.32E+06 1.70E+05 7.52E+07 5.16E+04 3.60E+02 2.46E+06 1.59E+04 2.16E+03 0.1395 P035 Position #48 4.40E+06 1.73E+05 7.65E+07 5.25E+04 3.67E+02 2.50E+06 1.61E+04 2.20E+03 0.1420 P035 Position #49 4.55E+06 1.79E+05 7.91E+07 5.43E+04 3.79E+02 2.58E+06 1.67E+04 2.27E+03 0.1467 P035 Position #50 4.91E+06 1.93E+05 8.54E+07 5.86E+04 4.09E+02 2.79E+06 1.80E+04 2.46E+03 0.1585 P035 Position #51 4.40E+06 1.73E+05 7.65E+07 5.25E+04 3.67E+02 2.50E+06 1.61E+04 2.20E+03 0.1420 P003 Position #1 1.61E+06 6.33E+04 2.80E+07 1.92E+04 1.34E+02 9.15E+05 5.90E+03 8.05E+02 0.0519 P003 Position #2 1.91E+06 7.53E+04 3.33E+07 2.28E+04 1.59E+02 1.09E+06 7.02E+03 9.57E+02 0.0617



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P003 Position #3 7.45E+06 2.93E+05 1.30E+08 8.89E+04 6.21E+02 4.23E+06 2.73E+04 3.73E+03 0.2404 P050 Position #1 4.04E+06 1.59E+05 7.02E+07 4.82E+04 3.37E+02 2.30E+06 1.48E+04 2.02E+03 0.1303 P050 Position #2 5.25E+06 2.07E+05 9.13E+07 6.26E+04 4.38E+02 2.98E+06 1.93E+04 2.63E+03 0.1694 P050 Position #3 6.17E+06 2.43E+05 1.07E+08 7.36E+04 5.14E+02 3.50E+06 2.26E+04 3.08E+03 0.1990 P087 Position #1 7.20E+06 2.83E+05 1.25E+08 8.59E+04 6.00E+02 4.09E+06 2.64E+04 3.60E+03 0.2322 P087 Position #2 9.19E+06 3.62E+05 1.60E+08 1.10E+05 7.66E+02 5.22E+06 3.37E+04 4.60E+03 0.2967 P087 Position #3 1.46E+07 5.74E+05 2.54E+08 1.74E+05 1.22E+03 8.29E+06 5.35E+04 7.29E+03 0.4705 P064 Position #1 5.56E+06 2.19E+05 9.67E+07 6.64E+04 4.64E+02 3.16E+06 2.04E+04 2.78E+03 0.1795 P064 Position #2 6.07E+06 2.39E+05 1.06E+08 7.25E+04 5.06E+02 3.45E+06 2.23E+04 3.04E+03 0.1960 P064 Position #3 7.94E+06 3.12E+05 1.38E+08 9.47E+04 6.62E+02 4.51E+06 2.91E+04 3.97E+03 0.2561 P018 By Direct Scan 1.06E+07 4.17E+05 1.84E+08 1.26E+05 8.83E+02 6.02E+06 3.89E+04 5.30E+03 0.3420 P090 By Direct Scan 9.23E+06 3.63E+05 1.61E+08 1.10E+05 7.70E+02 5.25E+06 3.39E+04 4.62E+03 0.2979 P020 By Direct Scan 2.73E+07 1.07E+06 4.75E+08 3.26E+05 2.28E+03 1.55E+07 1.00E+05 1.37E+04 0.8817 P021 By Direct Scan 4.57E+07 1.80E+06 7.95E+08 5.45E+05 3.81E+03 2.60E+07 1.68E+05 2.29E+04 1.4749 P067 By Direct Scan 3.36E+06 1.32E+05 5.84E+07 4.00E+04 2.80E+02 1.91E+06 1.23E+04 1.68E+03 0.1083 P073 By Direct Scan 5.78E+06 2.27E+05 1.00E+08 6.89E+04 4.81E+02 3.28E+06 2.12E+04 2.89E+03 0.1864 P105 By Direct Scan 1.76E+06 6.93E+04 3.06E+07 2.10E+04 1.47E+02 1.00E+06 6.46E+03 8.81E+02 0.0569 P068 By Direct Scan 1.09E+05 4.29E+03 1.89E+06 1.30E+03 9.08E+00 6.19E+04 4.00E+02 5.45E+01 0.0035 P070 By Direct Scan 2.79E+05 1.10E+04 4.85E+06 3.33E+03 2.33E+01 1.59E+05 1.02E+03 1.40E+02 0.0090 P069 By Direct Scan 1.31E+05 5.17E+03 2.28E+06 1.57E+03 1.09E+01 7.46E+04 4.82E+02 6.57E+01 0.0042 P066 By Direct Scan 1.17E+05 4.61E+03 2.04E+06 1.40E+03 9.77E+00 6.66E+04 4.30E+02 5.86E+01 0.0038 P017 By Direct Scan 1.27E+05 5.01E+03 2.21E+06 1.52E+03 1.06E+01 7.23E+04 4.67E+02 6.36E+01 0.0041 P103 Position #1 9.35E+06 3.68E+05 1.63E+08 1.12E+05 7.80E+02 5.31E+06 3.43E+04 4.68E+03 0.3018 P103 Position #2 3.80E+06 1.49E+05 6.60E+07 4.53E+04 3.16E+02 2.16E+06 1.39E+04 1.90E+03 0.1225 P103 Position #3 2.58E+06 1.01E+05 4.49E+07 3.08E+04 2.15E+02 1.47E+06 9.46E+03 1.29E+03 0.0832 P103 Position #4 2.19E+06 8.63E+04 3.81E+07 2.62E+04 1.83E+02 1.25E+06 8.04E+03 1.10E+03 0.0708 P103 Position #5 2.54E+06 1.00E+05 4.42E+07 3.03E+04 2.12E+02 1.44E+06 9.32E+03 1.27E+03 0.0820 P056 Position #1 1.17E+07 4.61E+05 2.04E+08 1.40E+05 9.76E+02 6.65E+06 4.29E+04 5.86E+03 0.3779 P056 Position #2 2.88E+06 1.13E+05 5.00E+07 3.43E+04 2.40E+02 1.63E+06 1.06E+04 1.44E+03 0.0928



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P056 Position #3 1.74E+06 6.85E+04 3.03E+07 2.08E+04 1.45E+02 9.89E+05 6.39E+03 8.71E+02 0.0562 P056 Position #4 1.42E+06 5.58E+04 2.47E+07 1.69E+04 1.18E+02 8.06E+05 5.20E+03 7.09E+02 0.0457 P056 Position #5 1.40E+06 5.52E+04 2.44E+07 1.67E+04 1.17E+02 7.98E+05 5.15E+03 7.02E+02 0.0453 ROC Concentrations per Measurement (Turbine Building)

MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P005 By Direct Scan 8.16E+04 3.21E+03 1.42E+06 9.73E+02 6.80E+00 4.64E+04 2.99E+02 4.08E+01 0.0026 P009 By Direct Scan 8.75E+04 3.44E+03 1.52E+06 1.04E+03 7.29E+00 4.97E+04 3.21E+02 4.37E+01 0.0028 P112 By Direct Scan 8.75E+04 3.44E+03 1.52E+06 1.04E+03 7.29E+00 4.97E+04 3.21E+02 4.37E+01 0.0028 P094 By Direct Scan 9.01E+04 3.55E+03 1.57E+06 1.08E+03 7.51E+00 5.12E+04 3.31E+02 4.51E+01 0.0029 P007 By Direct Scan 7.98E+04 3.14E+03 1.39E+06 9.52E+02 6.65E+00 4.53E+04 2.93E+02 3.99E+01 0.0026 P007 By Direct Scan 3.68E+04 1.45E+03 6.40E+05 4.39E+02 3.07E+00 2.09E+04 1.35E+02 1.84E+01 0.0012 P116 By Direct Scan 6.07E+04 2.39E+03 1.05E+06 7.24E+02 5.06E+00 3.45E+04 2.23E+02 3.03E+01 0.0020 P011 By Direct Scan 4.09E+04 1.61E+03 7.12E+05 4.88E+02 3.41E+00 2.33E+04 1.50E+02 2.05E+01 0.0013 P097 By Direct Scan 6.01E+04 2.36E+03 1.04E+06 7.17E+02 5.01E+00 3.41E+04 2.20E+02 3.00E+01 0.0019 P128 By Direct Scan 7.30E+04 2.87E+03 1.27E+06 8.72E+02 6.09E+00 4.15E+04 2.68E+02 3.65E+01 0.0024 P012 By Direct Scan 2.09E+05 8.24E+03 3.64E+06 2.50E+03 1.75E+01 1.19E+05 7.68E+02 1.05E+02 0.0068 P008 By Direct Scan 1.19E+05 4.68E+03 2.07E+06 1.42E+03 9.92E+00 6.76E+04 4.36E+02 5.95E+01 0.0038 P117 By Direct Scan 7.04E+04 2.77E+03 1.22E+06 8.40E+02 5.87E+00 4.00E+04 2.58E+02 3.52E+01 0.0023 P113 By Direct Scan 5.04E+04 1.98E+03 8.76E+05 6.01E+02 4.20E+00 2.86E+04 1.85E+02 2.52E+01 0.0016 P115 By Direct Scan 1.24E+05 4.87E+03 2.15E+06 1.48E+03 1.03E+01 7.03E+04 4.54E+02 6.19E+01 0.0040 P093 By Direct Scan 1.70E+05 6.70E+03 2.96E+06 2.03E+03 1.42E+01 9.67E+04 6.24E+02 8.51E+01 0.0055 P006 By Direct Scan 1.17E+05 4.59E+03 2.03E+06 1.39E+03 9.72E+00 6.63E+04 4.28E+02 5.83E+01 0.0038 P096 By Direct Scan 6.98E+04 2.75E+03 1.21E+06 8.33E+02 5.82E+00 3.97E+04 2.56E+02 3.49E+01 0.0023 P010 By Direct Scan 1.05E+05 4.14E+03 1.83E+06 1.25E+03 8.76E+00 5.97E+04 3.86E+02 5.26E+01 0.0034 P095 By Direct Scan 6.10E+04 2.40E+03 1.06E+06 7.27E+02 5.08E+00 3.46E+04 2.24E+02 3.05E+01 0.0020 P127 By Direct Scan 1.08E+05 4.25E+03 1.88E+06 1.29E+03 9.01E+00 6.14E+04 3.96E+02 5.41E+01 0.0035 P092 By Direct Scan 6.07E+04 2.39E+03 1.05E+06 7.24E+02 5.06E+00 3.45E+04 2.23E+02 3.03E+01 0.0020



MEASUREMENT ID H-3 Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 Eu-152 Eu-154 OpSOF (pCi/m2)








P091 By Direct Scan 7.36E+04 2.90E+03 1.28E+06 8.79E+02 6.14E+00 4.18E+04 2.70E+02 3.68E+01 0.0024 P098 By Direct Scan 6.33E+04 2.49E+03 1.10E+06 7.56E+02 5.28E+00 3.60E+04 2.32E+02 3.17E+01 0.0020 P118 By Direct Scan 6.39E+04 2.51E+03 1.11E+06 7.63E+02 5.33E+00 3.63E+04 2.34E+02 3.20E+01 0.0021 P012 By Direct Scan 2.09E+05 8.24E+03 3.64E+06 2.50E+03 1.75E+01 1.19E+05 7.68E+02 1.05E+02 0.0068




ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#1 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#23 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.13E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00013 Elev ConcH-3 =

4.22E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00002 Elev ConCo-60 =

8.37E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.66E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.70E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00013 Elev ConcNi-63 =

7.34E+08 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00002 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.54E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00025 Elev ConcSr-90 =

5.04E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00003 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.77E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

3.52E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.21E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00043 Elev ConcCs-137 =

2.40E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00005 Elev ConcEu-152 =

7.80E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

1.55E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.06E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.11E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#1 =

0.00094 SOF P123#23 =

0.00012 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#2 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#1 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.42E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00014 Elev ConcH-3 =

8.20E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00004 Elev ConCo-60 =

9.53E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

3.23E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

4.21E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00015 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.43E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00004 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.89E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00029 Elev ConcSr-90 =

9.79E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00008 Elev ConcCs-134 =

2.02E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

6.84E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.38E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00050 Elev ConcCs-137 =

4.66E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00014 Elev ConcEu-152 =

8.89E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

3.01E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.21E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

4.10E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#2 =

0.00108 SOF P124#1 =

0.00031 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#3 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#2 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.67E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00016 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.80E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.05E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.68E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

4.63E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00016 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.18E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcSr-90 =

3.18E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00032 Elev ConcSr-90 =

8.11E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00006 Elev ConcCs-134 =

2.22E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.67E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.51E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00055 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.86E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00011 Elev ConcEu-152 =

9.77E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.49E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.33E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.40E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#3 =

0.00120 SOF P124#2 =





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#4 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#3 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.58E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00015 Elev ConcH-3 =

7.10E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.01E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.80E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

4.48E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00016 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.24E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00004 Elev ConcSr-90 =

3.07E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00031 Elev ConcSr-90 =

8.48E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00007 Elev ConcCs-134 =

2.15E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.92E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.46E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00053 Elev ConcCs-137 =

4.04E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00012 Elev ConcEu-152 =

9.44E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.61E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.29E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.55E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#4 =

0.00116 SOF P124#3 =

0.00026 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#5 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#4 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.37E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00014 Elev ConcH-3 =

7.18E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

9.31E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.83E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

4.11E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00014 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.25E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00004 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.82E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00028 Elev ConcSr-90 =

8.57E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00007 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.97E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.99E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.34E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00048 Elev ConcCs-137 =

4.08E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00012 Elev ConcEu-152 =

8.68E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.63E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.18E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.59E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#5 =

0.00106 SOF P124#4 =

0.00026 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#6 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#5 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.10E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00012 Elev ConcH-3 =

7.08E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

8.25E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.79E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.65E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00013 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.23E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00004 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.50E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00024 Elev ConcSr-90 =

8.45E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00007 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.75E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.90E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.19E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00042 Elev ConcCs-137 =

4.02E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00012 Elev ConcEu-152 =

7.69E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.60E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.05E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.54E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#6 =

0.00092 SOF P124#5 =





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#7 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#6 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.96E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00011 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.72E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.71E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.64E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.41E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00012 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.17E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.34E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00023 Elev ConcSr-90 =

8.02E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00006 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.63E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.60E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.11E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00039 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.82E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00011 Elev ConcEu-152 =

7.18E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.46E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

9.80E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.36E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#7 =

0.00086 SOF P124#6 =

0.00024 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#8 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#7 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.83E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00011 Elev ConcH-3 =

5.96E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.21E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.35E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.19E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00011 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.04E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.19E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00021 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.12E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00005 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.53E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

4.97E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.04E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00037 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.39E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00009 Elev ConcEu-152 =

6.72E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.19E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

9.17E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.98E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#8 =

0.00080 SOF P124#7 =

0.00020 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#9 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#8 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.73E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00010 Elev ConcH-3 =

5.76E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

6.80E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.27E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.01E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00010 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.00E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.06E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00020 Elev ConcSr-90 =

6.87E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00005 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.44E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

4.80E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

9.83E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00034 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.27E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00009 Elev ConcEu-152 =

6.34E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.11E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

8.65E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.88E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#9 =

0.00075 SOF P124#8=





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#10 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#9 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.84E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00011 Elev ConcH-3 =

5.79E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.26E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.28E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.21E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00011 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.01E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.20E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00021 Elev ConcSr-90 =

6.91E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00005 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.54E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

4.83E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.05E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00037 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.29E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00009 Elev ConcEu-152 =

6.76E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.12E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

9.22E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.90E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#10 =

0.00080 SOF P124#9 =

0.00019 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#11 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#10 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.93E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00011 Elev ConcH-3 =

5.90E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.61E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.32E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.36E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00012 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.03E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.31E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00022 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.04E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00005 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.61E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

4.92E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.10E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00039 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.35E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00009 Elev ConcEu-152 =

7.10E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.16E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

9.68E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.95E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#11 =

0.00085 SOF P124#10 =

0.00020 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#12 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#11 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.93E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00011 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.11E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.60E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.40E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.36E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00012 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.06E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.30E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00022 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.29E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00006 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.61E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.09E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.10E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00039 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.47E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00010 Elev ConcEu-152 =

7.08E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.24E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

9.66E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.05E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#12 =

0.00085 SOF P124#11=





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#13 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#12 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.03E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00012 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.22E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.99E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.45E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.53E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00012 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.08E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.42E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00024 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.42E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00006 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.69E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.18E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.15E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00041 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.53E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00010 Elev ConcEu-152 =

7.45E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.28E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.02E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.11E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#13 =

0.00089 SOF P124#12 =

0.00021 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#14 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#13 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.81E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00010 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.30E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.13E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.48E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.15E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00011 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.09E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.16E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00021 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.51E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00006 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.51E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.25E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.03E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00036 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.58E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00010 Elev ConcEu-152 =

6.64E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.31E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

9.06E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.15E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#14 =

0.00079 SOF P124#13 =

0.00022 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#15 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#14 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.41E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00008 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.56E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

5.54E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.58E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

2.45E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00008 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.14E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcSr-90 =

1.68E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00016 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.82E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00006 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.17E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.47E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

8.00E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00027 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.73E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00011 Elev ConcEu-152 =

5.16E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.40E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

7.04E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.28E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#15 =

0.00059 SOF P124#14=





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#16 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#15 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.19E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00007 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.30E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

4.68E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.48E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

2.07E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00007 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.10E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcSr-90 =

1.42E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00013 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.52E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00006 Elev ConcCs-134 =

9.92E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.25E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

6.76E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00022 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.58E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00010 Elev ConcEu-152 =

4.37E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.31E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

5.95E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.15E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#16 =

0.00049 SOF P124#15 =

0.00022 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#17 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#16 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.11E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00006 Elev ConcH-3 =

5.04E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00002 Elev ConCo-60 =

4.37E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.98E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.93E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00006 Elev ConcNi-63 =

8.76E+08 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00002 Elev ConcSr-90 =

1.32E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00012 Elev ConcSr-90 =

6.01E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00004 Elev ConcCs-134 =

9.25E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

4.20E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

6.31E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00021 Elev ConcCs-137 =

2.86E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00007 Elev ConcEu-152 =

4.07E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

1.85E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

5.55E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.52E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#17 =

0.00045 SOF P124#16 =

0.00016 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#18 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#17 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.07E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00006 Elev ConcH-3 =

4.42E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00002 Elev ConCo-60 =

4.21E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.74E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.86E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00006 Elev ConcNi-63 =

7.69E+08 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00002 Elev ConcSr-90 =

1.28E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00011 Elev ConcSr-90 =

5.28E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00003 Elev ConcCs-134 =

8.93E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

3.69E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

6.09E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00020 Elev ConcCs-137 =

2.51E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00006 Elev ConcEu-152 =

3.93E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

1.62E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

5.36E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.21E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#18 =

0.00043 SOF P124#17=





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#19 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#18 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.11E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00006 Elev ConcH-3 =

4.10E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

4.35E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.61E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.92E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00006 Elev ConcNi-63 =

7.13E+08 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00002 Elev ConcSr-90 =

1.32E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00012 Elev ConcSr-90 =

4.89E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00003 Elev ConcCs-134 =

9.22E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

3.42E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

6.29E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00020 Elev ConcCs-137 =

2.33E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00005 Elev ConcEu-152 =

4.06E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

1.50E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

5.53E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.05E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#19 =

0.00045 SOF P124#18 =

0.00011 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#20 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#19 Elev ConcH-3 =

8.98E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00005 Elev ConcH-3 =

3.55E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

3.53E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.40E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.56E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00005 Elev ConcNi-63 =

6.17E+08 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

1.07E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00009 Elev ConcSr-90 =

4.24E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00002 Elev ConcCs-134 =

7.48E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

2.96E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

5.10E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00016 Elev ConcCs-137 =

2.02E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00004 Elev ConcEu-152 =

3.29E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

1.30E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

4.49E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.78E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#21 =

0.00035 SOF P124#19 =

0.00009 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#21 ELEVATED LOCATION - P021 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.62E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConcH-3 =

8.02E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00005 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.61E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

3.16E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.15E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.39E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00005 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.90E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00006 Elev ConcSr-90 =

9.57E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00010 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.52E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

6.69E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.76E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00011 Elev ConcCs-137 =

4.56E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00017 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.43E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.94E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.31E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

4.01E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#21 =

0.00023 SOF P021=





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#22 Elev ConcH-3 =

5.80E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00003 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.28E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.01E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00003 Elev ConcSr-90 =

6.92E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00005 Elev ConcCs-134 =

4.83E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.29E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00009 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.13E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.90E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#22 =





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#1 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#23 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.13E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

4.22E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

8.37E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.66E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.70E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

7.34E+08 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.54E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

5.04E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.77E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

3.52E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.21E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

2.40E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

7.80E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

1.55E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.06E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.11E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#1 =

0.00004 SOF P123#23 =

0.00000 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#2 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#1 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.42E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

8.20E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

9.53E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

3.23E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

4.21E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.43E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.89E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

9.79E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

2.02E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

6.84E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.38E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00002 Elev ConcCs-137 =

4.66E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

8.89E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

3.01E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.21E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

4.10E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#2 =

0.00004 SOF P124#1 =

0.00001 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#3 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#2 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.67E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.80E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.05E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.68E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

4.63E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.18E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

3.18E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

8.11E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

2.22E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.67E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.51E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00002 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.86E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

9.77E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.49E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.33E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.40E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#3 =

0.00005 SOF P124#2 =





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#4 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#3 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.58E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

7.10E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.01E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.80E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

4.48E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.24E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

3.07E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

8.48E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

2.15E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.92E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.46E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00002 Elev ConcCs-137 =

4.04E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

9.44E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.61E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.29E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.55E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#4 =

0.00004 SOF P124#3 =

0.00001 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#5 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#4 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.37E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

7.18E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

9.31E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.83E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

4.11E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.25E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.82E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

8.57E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.97E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.99E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.34E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00002 Elev ConcCs-137 =

4.08E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

8.68E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.63E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.18E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.59E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#5 =

0.00004 SOF P124#4 =

0.00001 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#6 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#5 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.10E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

7.08E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

8.25E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.79E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.65E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.23E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.50E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

8.45E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.75E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.90E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.19E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

4.02E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

7.69E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.60E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.05E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.54E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#6 =

0.00004 SOF P124#5 =





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#7 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#6 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.96E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.72E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.71E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.64E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.41E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.17E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.34E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

8.02E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.63E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.60E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.11E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.82E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

7.18E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.46E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

9.80E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.36E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#7 =

0.00003 SOF P124#6 =

0.00001 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#8 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#7 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.83E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

5.96E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.21E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.35E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.19E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.04E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.19E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.12E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.53E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

4.97E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.04E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.39E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

6.72E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.19E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

9.17E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.98E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#8 =

0.00003 SOF P124#7 =

0.00001 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#9 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#8 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.73E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

5.76E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

6.80E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.27E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.01E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.00E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.06E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

6.87E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.44E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

4.80E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

9.83E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.27E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

6.34E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.11E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

8.65E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.88E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#9 =

0.00003 SOF P124#8=





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#10 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#9 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.84E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

5.79E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.26E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.28E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.21E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.01E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.20E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

6.91E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.54E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

4.83E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.05E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.29E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

6.76E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.12E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

9.22E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.90E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#10 =

0.00003 SOF P124#9 =

0.00001 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#11 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#10 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.93E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

5.90E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.61E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.32E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.36E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.03E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.31E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.04E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.61E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

4.92E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.10E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.35E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

7.10E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.16E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

9.68E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.95E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#11 =

0.00003 SOF P124#10 =

0.00001 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#12 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#11 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.93E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.11E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.60E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.40E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.36E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.06E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.30E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.29E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.61E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.09E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.10E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.47E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

7.08E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.24E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

9.66E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.05E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#12 =

0.00003 SOF P124#11=





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#13 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#12 Elev ConcH-3 =

2.03E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.22E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.99E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.45E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.53E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.08E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.42E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.42E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.69E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.18E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.15E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.53E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

7.45E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.28E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.02E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.11E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#13 =

0.00003 SOF P124#12 =

0.00001 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#14 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#13 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.81E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.30E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

7.13E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00001 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.48E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

3.15E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.09E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

2.16E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00001 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.51E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.51E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.25E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

1.03E+08 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.58E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

6.64E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.31E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

9.06E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.15E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#14 =

0.00003 SOF P124#13 =

0.00001 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#15 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#14 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.41E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.56E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

5.54E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.58E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

2.45E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.14E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

1.68E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.82E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

1.17E+04 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.47E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

8.00E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.73E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

5.16E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.40E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

7.04E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.28E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#15 =

0.00002 SOF P124#14=





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#16 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#15 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.19E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.30E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

4.68E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.48E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

2.07E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.10E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

1.42E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.52E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

9.92E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.25E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

6.76E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.58E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

4.37E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.31E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

5.95E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.15E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#16 =

0.00002 SOF P124#15 =

0.00001 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#17 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#16 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.11E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

5.04E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

4.37E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.98E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.93E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

8.76E+08 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

1.32E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

6.01E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

9.25E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

4.20E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

6.31E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

2.86E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

4.07E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

1.85E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

5.55E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.52E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#17 =

0.00002 SOF P124#16 =

0.00001 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#18 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#17 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.07E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

4.42E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

4.21E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.74E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.86E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

7.69E+08 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

1.28E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

5.28E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

8.93E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

3.69E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

6.09E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

2.51E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

3.93E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

1.62E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

5.36E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.21E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#18 =

0.00002 SOF P124#17=





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#19 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#18 Elev ConcH-3 =

1.11E+08 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

4.10E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

4.35E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.61E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.92E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

7.13E+08 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

1.32E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

4.89E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

9.22E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

3.42E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

6.29E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

2.33E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

4.06E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

1.50E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

5.53E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.05E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#19 =

0.00002 SOF P124#18 =

0.00000 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#20 ELEVATED LOCATION - P124, Position#19 Elev ConcH-3 =

8.98E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

3.55E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

3.53E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

1.40E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.56E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

6.17E+08 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

1.07E+06 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

4.24E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

7.48E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

2.96E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

5.10E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00001 Elev ConcCs-137 =

2.02E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

3.29E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

1.30E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

4.49E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

1.78E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#21 =

0.00001 SOF P124#19 =

0.00000 ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#21 ELEVATED LOCATION - P021 Elev ConcH-3 =

6.62E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConcH-3 =

8.02E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.61E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

3.16E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.15E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.39E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

7.90E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

9.57E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

5.52E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

6.69E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.76E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

4.56E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.43E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.94E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

3.31E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

4.01E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#21 =

0.00001 SOF P021=





ELEVATED LOCATION - P123, Position#22 Elev ConcH-3 =

5.80E+07 pCi/m2 SOFH-3 =

0.00000 Elev ConCo-60 =

2.28E+06 pCi/m2 SOFCo-60 =

0.00000 Elev ConcNi-63 =

1.01E+09 pCi/m2 SOFNi-63 =

0.00000 Elev ConcSr-90 =

6.92E+05 pCi/m2 SOFSr-90 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-134 =

4.83E+03 pCi/m2 SOFCs-134 =

0.00000 Elev ConcCs-137 =

3.29E+07 pCi/m2 SOFCs-137 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-152 =

2.13E+05 pCi/m2 SOFEu-152 =

0.00000 Elev ConcEu-154 =

2.90E+04 pCi/m2 SOFEu-154 =

0.00000 SOF P123#22 =







Sign Test Unit 1 Containment Basement Penetrations Survey Area 01112 Description Unit 1 Containment Basement Survey Unit S1-01112F Description Penetrations Classification 1

Type I Error 0.05

  1. of Measurements 369 SOF 1-Ws Sign SOF 1-Ws Sign (Ws)

(Ws) 0 0.3429 0.66

+1 185 0.1247 0.88

+1 1

0.0954 0.90

+1 186 0.1199 0.88

+1 2

0.0572 0.94

+1 187 0.1258 0.87

+1 3

0.0523 0.95

+1 188 0.1252 0.87

+1 4

0.0992 0.90

+1 189 0.1222 0.88

+1 5

0.0801 0.92

+1 190 0.1222 0.88

+1 6

0.2541 0.75

+1 191 0.1190 0.88

+1 7

0.0665 0.93

+1 192 0.1126 0.89

+1 8

0.0486 0.95

+1 193 0.1097 0.89

+1 9

0.0523 0.95

+1 194 0.1128 0.89

+1 10 0.2257 0.77

+1 195 0.1097 0.89

+1 11 0.0688 0.93

+1 196 0.1118 0.89

+1 12 0.0478 0.95

+1 197 0.1123 0.89

+1 13 0.0444 0.96

+1 198 0.1118 0.89

+1 14 0.0494 0.95

+1 199 0.1118 0.89

+1 15 0.3206 0.68

+1 200 0.1164 0.88

+1 16 0.0772 0.92

+1 201 0.1155 0.88

+1 17 0.0507 0.95

+1 202 0.1151 0.88

+1 18 0.0487 0.95

+1 203 0.1134 0.89

+1 19 0.0626 0.94

+1 204 0.1154 0.88

+1 20 0.1986 0.80

+1 205 0.1170 0.88

+1 21 0.0652 0.93

+1 206 0.1131 0.89

+1 22 0.0509 0.95

+1 207 0.1133 0.89

+1 23 0.0473 0.95

+1 208 0.1136 0.89

+1 24 0.0563 0.94

+1 209 0.1157 0.88

+1 25 0.2612 0.74

+1 210 0.1180 0.88

+1 26 0.0912 0.91

+1 211 0.1190 0.88

+1 27 0.0605 0.94

+1 212 0.1211 0.88

+1 28 0.0521 0.95

+1 213 0.1204 0.88




Sign Test (continued)

SOF 1-Ws Sign SOF 1-Ws Sign (Ws)

(Ws) 29 0.0699 0.93

+1 214 0.1240 0.88

+1 30 0.2771 0.72

+1 215 0.1234 0.88

+1 31 0.0565 0.94

+1 216 0.1279 0.87

+1 32 0.0497 0.95

+1 217 0.1304 0.87

+1 33 0.0516 0.95

+1 218 0.1314 0.87

+1 34 0.0578 0.94

+1 219 0.7654 0.23

+1 35 0.2580 0.74

+1 220 0.2611 0.74

+1 36 0.0953 0.90

+1 221 0.1531 0.85

+1 37 0.0868 0.91

+1 222 0.1407 0.86

+1 38 0.0499 0.95

+1 223 0.1389 0.86

+1 39 0.1025 0.90

+1 224 0.1346 0.87

+1 40 0.2612 0.74

+1 225 0.1268 0.87

+1 41 0.0631 0.94

+1 226 0.1273 0.87

+1 42 0.0659 0.93

+1 227 0.1237 0.88

+1 43 0.0739 0.93

+1 228 0.1247 0.88

+1 44 0.1237 0.88

+1 229 0.1240 0.88

+1 45 0.2356 0.76

+1 230 0.1224 0.88

+1 46 0.0537 0.95

+1 231 0.1199 0.88

+1 47 0.0559 0.94

+1 232 0.1208 0.88

+1 48 0.0663 0.93

+1 233 0.1234 0.88

+1 49 0.0705 0.93

+1 234 0.1193 0.88

+1 50 0.2002 0.80

+1 235 0.1216 0.88

+1 51 0.0603 0.94

+1 236 0.1198 0.88

+1 52 0.0577 0.94

+1 237 0.1182 0.88

+1 53 0.0595 0.94

+1 238 0.1164 0.88

+1 54 0.0846 0.92

+1 239 0.1082 0.89

+1 55 0.0022 1.00

+1 240 0.1090 0.89

+1 56 0.0024 1.00

+1 241 0.1082 0.89

+1 57 0.0024 1.00

+1 242 0.1030 0.90

+1 58 0.0024 1.00

+1 243 0.1051 0.89

+1 59 0.0022 1.00

+1 244 0.1044 0.90

+1 60 0.0010 1.00

+1 245 0.1075 0.89

+1 61 0.0016 1.00

+1 246 0.1098 0.89

+1 62 0.0011 1.00

+1 247 0.1077 0.89




Sign Test (continued)

SOF 1-Ws Sign SOF 1-Ws Sign (Ws)

(Ws) 63 0.0016 1.00

+1 248 0.1098 0.89

+1 64 0.0020 1.00

+1 249 0.1092 0.89

+1 65 0.0057 0.99

+1 250 0.1118 0.89

+1 66 0.0029 1.00

+1 251 0.1124 0.89

+1 67 0.0280 0.97

+1 252 0.1110 0.89

+1 68 0.0025 1.00

+1 253 0.1128 0.89

+1 69 6.8645 (5.86)

-1 254 0.1133 0.89

+1 70 7.8185 (6.82)

-1 255 0.1121 0.89

+1 71 8.5995 (7.60)

-1 256 0.1115 0.89

+1 72 8.3102 (7.31)

-1 257 0.1095 0.89

+1 73 7.6352 (6.64)

-1 258 0.1113 0.89

+1 74 6.7641 (5.76)

-1 259 0.1154 0.88

+1 75 6.3214 (5.32)

-1 260 0.1131 0.89

+1 76 5.9150 (4.92)

-1 261 0.1136 0.89

+1 77 5.5809 (4.58)

-1 262 0.1188 0.88

+1 78 5.9513 (4.95)

-1 263 0.1178 0.88

+1 79 6.2428 (5.24)

-1 264 0.1265 0.87

+1 80 6.2310 (5.23)

-1 265 0.1345 0.87

+1 81 6.5553 (5.56)

-1 266 0.1516 0.85

+1 82 5.8453 (4.85)

-1 267 0.1356 0.86

+1 83 4.5439 (3.54)

-1 268 0.1214 0.88

+1 84 3.8412 (2.84)

-1 269 0.5777 0.42

+1 85 3.5824 (2.58)

-1 270 0.2089 0.79

+1 86 3.4560 (2.46)

-1 271 0.1524 0.85

+1 87 3.5696 (2.57)

-1 272 0.1418 0.86

+1 88 2.8966 (1.90)

-1 273 0.1379 0.86

+1 89 2.1368 (1.14)

-1 274 0.1332 0.87

+1 90 1.8702 (0.87)

-1 275 0.1292 0.87

+1 91 1.3620 (0.36)

-1 276 0.1335 0.87

+1 92 0.7495 0.25

+1 277 0.1315 0.87

+1 93 0.5857 0.41

+1 278 0.1258 0.87

+1 94 0.4867 0.51

+1 279 0.1270 0.87

+1 95 0.4834 0.52

+1 280 0.1302 0.87

+1 96 0.3770 0.62

+1 281 0.1283 0.87




Sign Test (continued)

SOF 1-Ws Sign SOF 1-Ws Sign (Ws)

(Ws) 97 0.2863 0.71

+1 282 0.1296 0.87

+1 98 0.2484 0.75

+1 283 0.1314 0.87

+1 99 0.2337 0.77

+1 284 0.1288 0.87

+1 100 0.2253 0.77

+1 285 0.1270 0.87

+1 101 0.2366 0.76

+1 286 0.1252 0.87

+1 102 0.2583 0.74

+1 287 0.1232 0.88

+1 103 0.3221 0.68

+1 288 0.1178 0.88

+1 104 0.2606 0.74

+1 289 0.1142 0.89

+1 105 0.2553 0.74

+1 290 0.1152 0.88

+1 106 0.2126 0.79

+1 291 0.1137 0.89

+1 107 0.1965 0.80

+1 292 0.1072 0.89

+1 108 0.1968 0.80

+1 293 0.1113 0.89

+1 109 0.2033 0.80

+1 294 0.1103 0.89

+1 110 0.2232 0.78

+1 295 0.1075 0.89

+1 111 0.2203 0.78

+1 296 0.1115 0.89

+1 112 0.3061 0.69

+1 297 0.1110 0.89

+1 113 0.2152 0.78

+1 298 0.1108 0.89

+1 114 0.1915 0.81

+1 299 0.1136 0.89

+1 115 0.1984 0.80

+1 300 0.1147 0.89

+1 116 0.2341 0.77

+1 301 0.1147 0.89

+1 117 0.2205 0.78

+1 302 0.1204 0.88

+1 118 0.2111 0.79

+1 303 0.1208 0.88

+1 119 2.6467 (1.65)

-1 304 0.1250 0.87

+1 120 2.1944 (1.19)

-1 305 0.1239 0.88

+1 121 2.2926 (1.29)

-1 306 0.1248 0.88

+1 122 2.3176 (1.32)

-1 307 0.1230 0.88

+1 123 2.2856 (1.29)

-1 308 0.1222 0.88

+1 124 2.1688 (1.17)

-1 309 0.1245 0.88

+1 125 1.9242 (0.92)

-1 310 0.1286 0.87

+1 126 1.8591 (0.86)

-1 311 0.1260 0.87

+1 127 1.8680 (0.87)

-1 312 0.1315 0.87

+1 128 1.9037 (0.90)

-1 313 0.1363 0.86

+1 129 1.9709 (0.97)

-1 314 0.1364 0.86

+1 130 2.0065 (1.01)

-1 315 0.1395 0.86




Sign Test (continued)

SOF 1-Ws Sign SOF 1-Ws Sign (Ws)

(Ws) 131 2.0312 (1.03)

-1 316 0.1420 0.86

+1 132 2.1157 (1.12)

-1 317 0.1467 0.85

+1 133 2.0338 (1.03)

-1 318 0.1585 0.84

+1 134 1.6265 (0.63)

-1 319 0.1420 0.86

+1 135 1.4272 (0.43)

-1 320 0.0519 0.95

+1 136 1.3228 (0.32)

-1 321 0.0617 0.94

+1 137 1.1458 (0.15)

-1 322 0.2404 0.76

+1 138 0.9474 0.05

+1 323 0.1303 0.87

+1 139 0.7917 0.21

+1 324 0.1694 0.83

+1 140 0.6373 0.36

+1 325 0.1990 0.80

+1 141 0.4538 0.55

+1 326 0.2322 0.77

+1 142 0.3330 0.67

+1 327 0.2967 0.70

+1 143 0.2619 0.74

+1 328 0.4705 0.53

+1 144 0.2560 0.74

+1 329 0.1795 0.82

+1 145 0.2199 0.78

+1 330 0.1960 0.80

+1 146 0.2050 0.80

+1 331 0.2561 0.74

+1 147 0.1885 0.81

+1 332 0.6001 0.40

+1 148 0.1806 0.82

+1 333 0.5228 0.48

+1 149 0.1812 0.82

+1 334 1.5472 (0.55)

-1 150 0.1717 0.83

+1 335 2.5883 (1.59)

-1 151 0.1702 0.83

+1 336 0.1900 0.81

+1 152 0.1699 0.83

+1 337 0.3270 0.67

+1 153 0.1891 0.81

+1 338 0.0998 0.90

+1 154 0.1704 0.83

+1 339 0.0032 1.00

+1 155 0.1604 0.84

+1 340 0.0019 1.00

+1 156 0.1558 0.84

+1 341 0.0014 1.00

+1 157 0.1564 0.84

+1 342 0.0034 1.00

+1 158 0.1602 0.84

+1 343 0.0046 1.00

+1 159 0.1537 0.85

+1 344 0.0032 1.00

+1 160 0.1548 0.85

+1 345 0.0019 1.00

+1 161 0.1632 0.84

+1 346 0.0029 1.00

+1 162 0.1642 0.84

+1 347 0.0017 1.00

+1 163 0.1549 0.85

+1 348 0.0029 1.00

+1 164 0.1538 0.85

+1 349 0.0016 1.00




Sign Test (continued)

SOF 1-Ws Sign SOF 1-Ws Sign (Ws)

(Ws) 165 0.1482 0.85

+1 350 0.0020 1.00

+1 166 0.1438 0.86

+1 351 0.0030 1.00

+1 167 0.1480 0.85

+1 352 0.0076 0.99

+1 168 0.1457 0.85

+1 353 0.0036 1.00

+1 169 0.5043 0.50

+1 354 0.0032 1.00

+1 170 0.2334 0.77

+1 355 0.0034 1.00

+1 171 0.2481 0.75

+1 356 0.0017 1.00

+1 172 0.1451 0.85

+1 357 0.0017 1.00

+1 173 0.1345 0.87

+1 358 0.3018 0.70

+1 174 0.1385 0.86

+1 359 0.1225 0.88

+1 175 0.1307 0.87

+1 360 0.0832 0.92

+1 176 0.1304 0.87

+1 361 0.0708 0.93

+1 177 0.1260 0.87

+1 362 0.0820 0.92

+1 178 0.1278 0.87

+1 363 0.3779 0.62

+1 179 0.1273 0.87

+1 364 0.0928 0.91

+1 180 0.1276 0.87

+1 365 0.0562 0.94

+1 181 0.1302 0.87

+1 366 0.0457 0.95

+1 182 0.1278 0.87

+1 367 0.0453 0.95

+1 183 0.1234 0.88

+1 368 0.0057 0.99

+1 184 0.1250 0.87

+1 350 0.0020 1.00

+1 Number of Positive Differences (S+) =

325 Critical Value =

200 Survey Unit Meets the Acceptance Criteria






Duplicate Sample Assessment Form 01112 Standard Measurement Duplicate (pCi/m2)



(pCi/m2) 6.32E+05 7.58E+05 5.06E+05 5.33E+05 Y

1.18E+08 1.42E+08 9.45E+07 1.20E+08 Y

9.16E+06 1.10E+07 7.33E+06 9.24E+06 Y

4.18E+06 5.01E+06 3.34E+06 4.95E+06 Y

3.52E+07 4.23E+07 2.82E+07 3.54E+07 Y

4.85E+06 5.83E+06 3.88E+06 4.81E+06 Y

2.94E+06 3.52E+06 2.35E+06 2.92E+06 Y

2.42E+06 2.91E+06 1.94E+06 2.35E+06 Y

2.13E+06 2.55E+06 1.70E+06 2.10E+06 Y

2.14E+06 2.57E+06 1.72E+06 2.15E+06 Y

2.35E+06 2.82E+06 1.88E+06 2.46E+06 Y

2.05E+06 2.46E+06 1.64E+06 2.02E+06 Y

2.14E+06 2.57E+06 1.71E+06 2.13E+06 Y

2.49E+06 2.99E+06 1.99E+06 2.43E+06 Y

2.10E+06 2.52E+06 1.68E+06 2.12E+06 Y

2.39E+06 2.87E+06 1.91E+06 2.40E+06 Y

7.16E+06 8.60E+06 5.73E+06 4.68E+06 N

5.71E+06 6.85E+06 4.57E+06 5.46E+06 Y

7.78E+04 9.34E+04 6.23E+04 1.01E+05 N



P035 36' QC P035 22' P035 22' QC P035 8' P035 8' QC P103 4.5' P103 4.5' QC P017 P017 P0124 8 QC P037 41' P037 41' QC P056 4.5' P056 4.5' QC P037 22' P037 22' QC P037 13' P037 13' QC P036 40' P036 40' QC P036 28' P036 28' QC P036 16' P036 16' QC P035 36' P0123 23 P0123 23 QC Comments/Corrective Actions: The replicate measurement results are in acceptable agreement The acceptance criteria for replicate static measurements and scan surveys is that the same conclusion is reached for each measurement. This is defined as + 20% of the standard Performed by:

Reviewed by:

P0123 7 P0123 7 QC P0124 42 P0124 42 QC P0124 24 P0124 24 QC P0124 8 Activity Value Acceptable (Y/N)

P022 P022 QC P0123 38 P0123 38 QC ID Activity Value



ID Sample Plan#:

S101112AF Sample


Comparison of replicate measurements collected from measurement locations P022, P124 7', P124 25', P124 41',

P123 11', P123 26', P123 42', P037 41', P037 22', P037 13', P036 40', P036 28', P036 16', P035 36', P035 22', P035 8' Survey Unit #:

Survey Unit Name:

Unit 1 Containment Penetrations 2/27/2019 2/27/2019



01112 Standard Measurement Duplicate (pCi/m2)



(pCi/m2) 6.32E+05 7.58E+05 5.06E+05 5.33E+05 Y

1.18E+08 1.42E+08 9.45E+07 1.20E+08 Y

9.16E+06 1.10E+07 7.33E+06 9.24E+06 Y

4.18E+06 5.01E+06 3.34E+06 4.95E+06 Y

3.52E+07 4.23E+07 2.82E+07 3.54E+07 Y

4.85E+06 5.83E+06 3.88E+06 4.81E+06 Y

2.94E+06 3.52E+06 2.35E+06 2.92E+06 Y

2.42E+06 2.91E+06 1.94E+06 2.35E+06 Y

2.13E+06 2.55E+06 1.70E+06 2.10E+06 Y

2.14E+06 2.57E+06 1.72E+06 2.15E+06 Y

2.35E+06 2.82E+06 1.88E+06 2.46E+06 Y

2.05E+06 2.46E+06 1.64E+06 2.02E+06 Y

2.14E+06 2.57E+06 1.71E+06 2.13E+06 Y

2.49E+06 2.99E+06 1.99E+06 2.43E+06 Y

2.10E+06 2.52E+06 1.68E+06 2.12E+06 Y

2.39E+06 2.87E+06 1.91E+06 2.40E+06 Y

7.16E+06 8.60E+06 5.73E+06 4.68E+06 N

5.71E+06 6.85E+06 4.57E+06 5.46E+06 Y

7.78E+04 9.34E+04 6.23E+04 1.01E+05 N



P035 36' QC P035 22' P035 22' QC P035 8' P035 8' QC P103 4.5' P103 4.5' QC P017 P017 P0124 8 QC P037 41' P037 41' QC P056 4.5' P056 4.5' QC P037 22' P037 22' QC P037 13' P037 13' QC P036 40' P036 40' QC P036 28' P036 28' QC P036 16' P036 16' QC P035 36' P0123 23 P0123 23 QC Comments/Corrective Actions: The replicate measurement results are in acceptable agreement The acceptance criteria for replicate static measurements and scan surveys is that the same conclusion is reached for each measurement. This is defined as + 20% of the standard Performed by:

Reviewed by:

P0123 7 P0123 7 QC P0124 42 P0124 42 QC P0124 24 P0124 24 QC P0124 8 Activity Value Acceptable (Y/N)

P022 P022 QC P0123 38 P0123 38 QC ID Activity Value



ID Sample Plan#:

S101112AF Sample


Comparison of replicate measurements collected from measurement locations P022, P124 7', P124 25', P124 41',

P123 11', P123 26', P123 42', P037 41', P037 22', P037 13', P036 40', P036 28', P036 16', P035 36', P035 22', P035 8' Survey Unit #:

Survey Unit Name:

Unit 1 Containment Penetrations 2/27/2019 2/27/2019



01112 Standard Measurement Duplicate (pCi/m2)



(pCi/m2) 6.32E+05 7.58E+05 5.06E+05 5.33E+05 Y

1.18E+08 1.42E+08 9.45E+07 1.20E+08 Y

9.16E+06 1.10E+07 7.33E+06 9.24E+06 Y

4.18E+06 5.01E+06 3.34E+06 4.95E+06 Y

3.52E+07 4.23E+07 2.82E+07 3.54E+07 Y

4.85E+06 5.83E+06 3.88E+06 4.81E+06 Y

2.94E+06 3.52E+06 2.35E+06 2.92E+06 Y

2.42E+06 2.91E+06 1.94E+06 2.35E+06 Y

2.13E+06 2.55E+06 1.70E+06 2.10E+06 Y

2.14E+06 2.57E+06 1.72E+06 2.15E+06 Y

2.35E+06 2.82E+06 1.88E+06 2.46E+06 Y

2.05E+06 2.46E+06 1.64E+06 2.02E+06 Y

2.14E+06 2.57E+06 1.71E+06 2.13E+06 Y

2.49E+06 2.99E+06 1.99E+06 2.43E+06 Y

2.10E+06 2.52E+06 1.68E+06 2.12E+06 Y

2.39E+06 2.87E+06 1.91E+06 2.40E+06 Y

7.16E+06 8.60E+06 5.73E+06 4.68E+06 N

5.71E+06 6.85E+06 4.57E+06 5.46E+06 Y

7.78E+04 9.34E+04 6.23E+04 1.01E+05 N



P035 36' QC P035 22' P035 22' QC P035 8' P035 8' QC P103 4.5' P103 4.5' QC P017 P017 P0124 8 QC P037 41' P037 41' QC P056 4.5' P056 4.5' QC P037 22' P037 22' QC P037 13' P037 13' QC P036 40' P036 40' QC P036 28' P036 28' QC P036 16' P036 16' QC P035 36' P0123 23 P0123 23 QC Comments/Corrective Actions: The replicate measurement results are in acceptable agreement The acceptance criteria for replicate static measurements and scan surveys is that the same conclusion is reached for each measurement. This is defined as + 20% of the standard Performed by:

Reviewed by:

P0123 7 P0123 7 QC P0124 42 P0124 42 QC P0124 24 P0124 24 QC P0124 8 Activity Value Acceptable (Y/N)

P022 P022 QC P0123 38 P0123 38 QC ID Activity Value



ID Sample Plan#:

S101112AF Sample


Comparison of replicate measurements collected from measurement locations P022, P124 7', P124 25', P124 41',

P123 11', P123 26', P123 42', P037 41', P037 22', P037 13', P036 40', P036 28', P036 16', P035 36', P035 22', P035 8' Survey Unit #:

Survey Unit Name:

Unit 1 Containment Penetrations 2/27/2019 2/27/2019



02112 Standard Measurement Duplicate (pCi/m2)



(pCi/m2) 8.19E+05 9.83E+05 6.55E+05 8.21E+05 Y

9.49E+05 1.14E+06 7.59E+05 9.49E+05 Y

2.29E+06 2.75E+06 1.83E+06 2.31E+06 Y

2.00E+06 2.40E+06 1.60E+06 2.03E+06 Y

2.00E+06 2.39E+06 1.60E+06 2.02E+06 Y

2.21E+06 2.65E+06 1.77E+06 2.23E+06 Y

2.04E+06 2.44E+06 1.63E+06 1.97E+06 Y

2.01E+06 2.42E+06 1.61E+06 2.02E+06 Y

2.31E+06 2.77E+06 1.85E+06 2.38E+06 Y

1.99E+06 2.39E+06 1.59E+06 2.09E+06 Y

2.07E+06 2.48E+06 1.65E+06 2.07E+06 Y

2.75E+06 3.30E+06 2.20E+06 2.77E+06 Y

2.82E+06 3.39E+06 2.26E+06 2.81E+06 Y

2.53E+06 3.04E+06 2.02E+06 2.51E+06 Y

2.50E+06 3.00E+06 2.00E+06 2.47E+06 Y

3.85E+06 4.63E+06 3.08E+06 2.55E+06 N

2.26E+06 2.71E+06 1.81E+06 2.27E+06 Y

3.50E+06 4.20E+06 2.80E+06 3.53E+06 Y

1.94E+06 2.32E+06 1.55E+06 1.89E+06 Y

4.93E+04 5.92E+04 3.95E+04 5.07E+04 Y



Survey Unit #:

Survey Unit Name:

U2 Containment Building Penetrations Acceptable (Y/N)

P254, Position #5, 4' P254, Position #5, 4' QC P242, Position #5, 4' Sample Plan#:

S102112AF Sample


Comparison of replicate measurements collected from measurement locations P254, Position #4, 4'; P242, Position #5, 4'; P237, Position #6, 15'; P237, Position #36, 35'; P237, Position #46, 45'; P236, Position #16, 15'; P236, Position #28, 27'; P236, Position

  1. 28, 27'; P236, Position #42, 41'; P235, Position #18, 17'; P235, Position #33, 32'; P235, Position #45, 44'; P323, Position #14, 13'; P323, P203, Position #5, 4' P203, Position #5, 4' QC P267 P267 QC Activity Value P324, Position #41, 40' P324, Position #41, 40' QC P287, Position #5, 4' P287, Position #5, 4' QC P323, Position #28, 27' P323, Position #28, 27' QC P323, Position #42, 41' P323, Position #42, 41' QC P324, Position #14, 13' P324, Position #14, 13' QC P324, Position #27, 26' P324, Position #27, 26' QC P235, Position #33, 32' P235, Position #33, 32' QC P235, Position #45, 44' P235, Position #45, 44' QC P323, Position #14, 13' P323, Position #14, 13' QC P236, Position #28, 27' QC P236, Position #42, 41' P236, Position #42, 41' QC P235, Position #18, 17' P235, Position #18, 17' QC P242, Position #5, 4' QC ID Activity Value



ID P237, Position #16, 15' P237, Position #16, 15' QC Comments/Corrective Actions: The replicate measurement results are in acceptable agreement The acceptance criteria for replicate static measurements and scan surveys is that the same conclusion is reached for each measurement. This is defined as + 20% of the standard Performed by:

Reviewed by:

P237, Position #36, 35' P237, Position #36, 35' QC P237, Position #46, 45' P237, Position #46, 45' QC P236, Position #16, 15' P236, Position #16, 15' QC P236, Position #28, 27' 2/27/2019 2/27/2019






Retrospective Power Curve



QUANTILE PLOT FOR Co-60 Survey Unit: S1-01112A-F Survey Unit Name: Unit 1 CTMT Penetrations Mean:

6.95E+05 pCi/m2 0.00E+00 2.00E+06 4.00E+06 6.00E+06 8.00E+06 1.00E+07 1.20E+07 0%






Concentration (pCi/m2)

Percentage Quantile Plot For Co-60



HISTOGRAM FOR Co-60 Survey Unit: S1-01112A-F Survey Unit Name: Unit 1 CTMT Penetrations Mean:

3.94E+04 pCi/m2 Median:

5.67E+04 pCi/m2 ST DEV:

3.37E+04 Skew:

-5.25E-02 Upper Value Observation Frequency Observation %

1.05E+06 324 88%

2.10E+06 7


3.15E+06 16 4%

4.20E+06 3


5.24E+06 4


6.29E+06 1


7.34E+06 4


8.39E+06 6


9.44E+06 1


1.05E+07 3


TOTAL 369 100%












1.05E+06 3.15E+06 5.24E+06 7.34E+06 9.44E+06 Frequency Upper End Value (pCi/m2)

Frequency Plot For Co-60



QUANTILE PLOT FOR Cs-137 Survey Unit: S1-01112A-F Survey Unit Name: Unit 1 CTMT Penetrations Mean:

1.00E+07 pCi/m2 0.00E+00 2.00E+07 4.00E+07 6.00E+07 8.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.20E+08 1.40E+08 1.60E+08 0%






Concentration (pCi/m2)

Percentage Quantile Plot For Cs-137



HISTOGRAM FOR Cs-137 Survey Unit: S1-01112A-F Survey Unit Name: Unit 1 CTMT Penetrations Mean:

1.00E+07 pCi/m2 Median:

2.22E+06 pCi/m2 ST DEV:

2.46E+07 Skew:

3.79E+00 Upper Value Observation Frequency Observation %

1.52E+07 324 88%

3.03E+07 7


4.54E+07 16 4%

6.06E+07 3


7.57E+07 4


9.09E+07 1


1.06E+08 4


1.21E+08 6


1.36E+08 1


1.51E+08 3


TOTAL 369 100%












1.52E+07 4.54E+07 7.57E+07 1.06E+08 1.36E+08 Frequency Upper End Value (pCi/m2)

Frequency Plot For Cs-137