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Final Status Survey (FSS) Final Report - Phase 2, Part 1 - Auxiliary Building Penetrations Survey Unit 05120
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/2019
From: Massengill R
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML19077A050 (55)



FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 PREPARED BY / DATE: 2/28/2019 Robert Massengill, Radiological Engineer REVIEWED BY / DATE: 2/28/2019 Robert Decker, Radiological Engineer APPROVED BY / DATE: 2/28/2019 David Wojtkowiak, C/LT Manager





..................................................................................................... 6

2. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 7
3. DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO) ............................................................................. 9
4. SURVEY DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 13
5. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION ......................................................................................... 17
6. SURVEY RESULTS ............................................................................................................. 19
7. QUALITY CONTROL ......................................................................................................... 24
8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS ................................................................................. 24
9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS....................................................................................... 24
10. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN ........................................... 24
11. DATA QUALITY ASSESSMENT (DQA) .......................................................................... 24
12. ANOMALIES ........................................................................................................................ 25
13. CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 25
14. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 26
15. ATTACHMENTS .................................................................................................................. 27 ATTACHMENT 1 ................................................................................................................. 28 ATTACHMENT 2 ................................................................................................................. 30 ATTACHMENT 3 ................................................................................................................. 44 ATTACHMENT 4 ................................................................................................................. 47 ATTACHMENT 5 ................................................................................................................. 49 ATTACHMENT 6 ................................................................................................................. 51


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture ................................................................ 10 Table 2 - Base Case DCGLs for Penetrations (BcDCGLPN) from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-13 ................................................................................................... 12 Table 3 - Auxiliary Building Operational DCGLs for Penetrations (OpDCGLPN) from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-14 .................................................................................. 12 Table 4 - Auxiliary Building Surrogate Ratios ............................................................................. 14 Table 5 - Survey Unit 05120 FSS Instrumentation and Action Levels ........................................ 15 Table 6 - Systematic Static Locations for Hand-Held Survey ...................................................... 17 Table 7 - Auxiliary Building Penetrations Summary ................................................................... 21 Table 8 - Auxiliary Building Penetrations FSS Statistics Summary using Auxiliary Building BcDCGLPN .................................................................................... 23 Table 9 - Auxiliary Building Penetrations FSS Statistics Summary using Turbine Building BcDCGLPN....................................................................................... 23


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable AMCG Average Member of the Critical Group BFM Basement Fill Model DQO Data Quality Objective DCGL Derived Concentration Guideline Level EMC Elevated Measurement Comparison FSS Final Status Survey GPS Global Positioning System GW Ground Water IC Insignificant Contributor ID Internal Diameter LTP License Termination Plan MARSSIM Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual MDC Minimum Detectable Concentration MDCR Minimal Detectable Count Rate NAD North American Datum NaI Sodium Iodide QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan OpDCGL Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Level QC Quality Control RE Radiological Engineer ROC Radionuclides of Concern SOF Sum-of-Fraction TSD Technical Support Document ZSRP Zion Station Restoration Project





This Final Status Survey (FSS) Release Record for Survey Unit #S1-05120, Auxiliary Building Penetrations, has been generated for the Zion Station Restoration Project (ZSRP) in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-005, Final Status Survey Data Reporting (Reference 1) and satisfies the requirements of Section 5.11 of the Zion Station Restoration Project License Termination Plan (LTP) (Reference 2).

Two (2) Final Status Survey (FSS) sample plans (#S1-05120A-F and #S1-05120A-F #2) were developed to perform this work in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001, Final Status Survey Package Development (Reference 3), the ZSRP LTP, and with guidance from NUREG-1575, Revision 1, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) (Reference 4).

FSS was performed to demonstrate that the concentrations of residual radioactivity on the interior surfaces of the penetrations were equal to or below site-specific Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGL) corresponding to the dose criterion in 10 CFR 20.1402. Initially, the penetrations were segregated and classified in accordance with the type of system and system use. However, in a conservative measure to ensure that all accessible surfaces within each end-state penetration would be subjected to FSS, the classification of all penetrations was changed to Class 1.

Two (2) different survey approaches were used for FSS depending on the size of the penetration. FSS measurements acquired under FSS sample plan #1, which was applicable to penetrations with an internal diameter (ID) less than 12 inches, consisted of a static measurement taken at 1-foot intervals inside the penetration using a sodium iodide (NaI), or equivalent detector, conservatively assuming a Field-of-View (FOV) of 1-foot for each measurement and thus providing 100% areal coverage of the accessible internal surfaces of the pipe.

FSS measurements acquired under FSS sample plan #2, which was applicable to penetrations with an internal diameter (ID) greater than 12 inches, consisted of a 100%

scan with a hand-held detector of the interior surface area of the pipe and at least one (1) 1-minute static measurement at a biased location based on the highest scan reading.

For the FSS of the Auxiliary Building Penetrations, sixty-six (66) measurements were obtained. LTP Chapter 6, section 6.4.5 states, The dose from penetrations is summed with the dose from the wall and floor surfaces of both basements that the penetration interface. The Auxiliary Building penetrations interfaced with the Turbine Building (via the G wall and Steam Tunnels). Consequently, the FSS design employed the DCGLs for the Auxiliary Building penetrations, which was the most limiting. However, the mean concentration for each Radionuclide-of-Concern (ROC) was compared against the Base


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Case Penetration DCGLs (BcDCGLPN) for the Turbine Building as well. The resultant dose was added to each Basement to ensure compliance with the LTP.

No single measurement taken in any penetration exceeded an Operational Sum of Fraction (OpSOF) of one (1) when compared against the Operational DCGLs (OpDCGLPN) for Auxiliary Building Penetrations. When compared against the BcDCGLPN for the Auxiliary Building, the FSS results produced a mean Base Case SOF (BcSOF) for the survey unit of 0.0021, which equates to a mean dose of 0.0527 mrem/yr.

When compared against the BcDCGLPN for the Turbine Building, the FSS results produced a mean Base Case SOF (BcSOF) for the survey unit of 0.0023, which equates to a mean dose of 0.0574 mrem/yr.

No penetration exceeded the Auxiliary Building OpDCGLPN or BcDCGLPN. However, in accordance with LTP Chapter 5 section 5.5.5, two (2) of the penetrations required grouting as they had measurements with activity greater than the Turbine Building OpDCGL for surfaces. Grouting of the two (2) penetrations was performed prior to backfill and there was no dose reduction attributed to the survey unit because of grouting.

2. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION In accordance with the definition of penetrations specified in LTP Chapter 5, section 5.5.5, The end state will include embedded piping and penetrations. An embedded pipe is defined as a pipe that runs vertically through a concrete wall or horizontally through a concrete floor and is contained within a given building. A penetration is defined as a pipe (or remaining pipe sleeve, if the pipe is removed, or concrete, if the pipe and pipe sleeve is removed) that runs through a concrete wall and/or floor, between two buildings, and is open at the wall or floor surface of each building. A penetration could also be a pipe that runs through a concrete wall and/or floor and opens to a building on one end and the outside ground on the other end.

A summary of the original End State lengths and surface areas for the Auxiliary Building Penetrations as depicted in ZionSolutions Technical Support Document (TSD)14-016, Description of Embedded Piping, Penetrations, and Buried Pipe to Remain in Zion End State (Reference 5) is provided in Attachment 1 attached.

The Auxiliary Building penetrations survey unit consists of one hundred and five (105) penetrations that access the Auxiliary Building between the 542 foot, 560 foot and the 579 foot elevation. However, seventy-nine (79) of the 105 penetrations are identified as being both an Auxiliary Building and Containment Building penetration. Since the Containment DCGLs are more limiting than the Auxiliary Building DCGLs, the


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 penetrations identified as being both Auxiliary and Containment were addressed in the Release Records for Unit 1 and Unit 2 Containment Penetrations.

The remaining twenty-six (26) penetrations that access the Auxiliary Building between the 542, 560 and the 579 foot elevations, but do not access the Containments, are A001-A025, and A034. These penetrations interface between the Auxiliary Building and the Turbine Building primarily through the G wall and through the north and south walls into the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Steam Tunnels.

In accordance with LTP Chapter 5, section 5.5.5, penetration survey units have total surface area that is less than the area of the wall/floor surface survey unit that the penetrations interface. To eliminate the potential for activity levels in penetrations that could lead to releases greater than the adjacent basement walls and floors, the following remediation and grouting action levels were applied to measurements of surface activity in penetrations.

  • If maximum activity exceeded the Base Case DCGLPN from Table 5-13 (BcSOF >1),

then remediation was performed.

  • If the maximum activity in a penetration exceeded the most limiting Operational DCGLB from Table 5-4 of the two basements where a penetrations interface (OpSOF>1), but is below the Base Case DCGLPN from Table 5-13, then the penetration was remediated or grouted.
  • If a penetration was remediated and the maximum activity continued to exceed the most limiting Operational DCGLB from Table 5-4 of the two basements where a penetrations interface (OpSOF>1), but was less than the Operational DCGLPN, then the penetration was grouted.

If the maximum activity was below the surface Operational DCGLB from Table 5-4, then grouting of the penetration was not required.

The Auxiliary Building housed numerous systems containing radioactively contaminated support systems. System leakage and maintenance activities over the operating life of the reactor resulted in the radiological contamination of most of the interior surfaces of the structures. Based on the building design basis and the operating history, all internal survey units in Auxiliary Building were assigned an initial classification of Class 1 in accordance with the Zion Station Historical Site Assessment (HSA) (Reference 6).

The Auxiliary Building penetrations housed numerous systems including the following:

  • Service and primary water,
  • Feed and demineralizer water,
  • Fire protection,



  • Vent and drain,
  • Secondary sample,
  • Waste disposal,
  • Chemical addition,
  • Vacuum control, and
  • Condensate.

The location of the penetrations, their function, and the operational history of the Auxiliary Building to support the initial classifications are described in TSD 14-016.

In accordance with ZionSolutions TSD 14-013, Zion Auxiliary Building End State Estimated Concrete Volumes, Surface Areas, and Source Terms (Reference 7), there were seventeen (17) concrete core samples from the floors and three (3) cores from the walls were obtained for analysis. The on-site gamma spectroscopy results for the sectioned cores from the 542 foot elevation initial characterization may be found in TSD 14-013. All radioactive systems and components were still located inside the building, consequently ambient radiation dose rates inside the Auxiliary Building prohibited the direct assessment of penetrations or system interior surfaces by scanning or direct measurement.

As part of the survey unit turnover process, a Radiological Engineer (RE) performed the visual inspection and walk-down of the survey unit on March 27, 2018. The purpose of the walk-down was to assess the physical condition of the survey unit, evaluate access points and travel paths and identify potentially hazardous conditions and determine if the survey unit was acceptable for performing Final Status Surveys. A final classification assessment was performed in accordance with procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification (Reference 8) as part of the survey design for FSS.


Final Status Survey planning and design hinges on coherence with the Data Quality Objective (DQO) process to ensure, through compliance with explicitly defined inputs and boundaries, that the primary objective of the survey is satisfied. The DQO process is described in the ZSRP LTP Chapter 5, section 5.6.2 in accordance with MARSSIM. The appropriate design for a given survey will be developed using the DQO process as outlined in Appendix D of MARSSIM.

The DQO process incorporated hypothesis testing and probabilistic sampling distributions to control decision errors during data analysis. Hypothesis testing is a process based on the scientific method that compares a baseline condition to an alternate condition. The baseline condition is technically known as the null hypothesis.


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Hypothesis testing rests on the premise that the null hypothesis is true and that sufficient evidence must be provided for rejection. In designing the survey plan, the underlying assumption, or null hypothesis was that residual activity in the survey unit exceeded the release criteria. Rejection of the null hypothesis would indicate that residual activity within the survey unit does not exceed the release criteria. Therefore, the survey unit would satisfy the primary objective of the FSS sample plan.

The primary objective of the FSS sample plan is to demonstrate that the level of residual radioactivity in the penetrations that comprised Survey Unit #S1-05120 did not exceed the release criteria specified in the LTP and that the potential dose from residual radioactivity is As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).

ZionSolutions TSD 11-001, Potential Radionuclides of Concern during the Decommissioning of Zion Station (Reference 9) established the basis for an initial suite of potential Radionuclides-of-Concern (ROC) for the decommissioning of the Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS). LTP Chapter 6, section 6.5.2 discusses the process used to derive the ROC for the decommissioning of ZNPS, including the elimination of insignificant dose contributors (IC) from the initial suite. Table 1 presents the ROC for the Auxiliary Building Basement structural surfaces and the normalized fractions based on the radionuclide mixture.

Table 1 - Dose Significant Radionuclides and Mixture

% of Total Activity Radionuclide (normalized)(1)

Co-60 0.92 Ni-63 23.71 Sr-90 0.05 Cs-134 0.01 Cs-137 75.32 (1) Based on maximum percent of total activity from Table 20 of TSD 14-019, normalized to one for the dose significant radionuclides.

A fundamental precursor to survey design is to establish a relationship between the release criteria and some measurable quantity. This is done through the development of DCGLs. The DCGLs represent average levels of radioactivity above background levels and are presented in terms of surface or mass activity concentrations. Chapter 6 of the LTP describes in detail the modeling used to develop the DCGLs for penetrations.


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 The End State Basements are comprised of steel and/or concrete structures which will be covered by at least three feet of clean soil and physically altered to a condition which would not realistically allow the remaining structures, if excavated, to be occupied. The exposure pathways in the Basement Fill Model (BFM) are associated with residual radioactivity in floors and walls that is released through leaching into water contained in the interstitial spaces of the fill material. The BFM assumes that the inventory of residual radioactivity in a given building is released either instantly or over time by diffusion, depending on whether the activity is surficial or volumetric, respectively. The activity released into the fill water will adsorb into the clean fill, as a function of the radionuclide-specific distribution coefficients, resulting in equilibrium concentrations between the fill and the water. Consequently, the only potential exposure pathways after backfill, assuming the as-left geometry, are associated with the residual radioactivity in the water contained in the fill.

The final outputs of the BFM are the Penetration DCGLs, in units of pCi/m2, which are calculated using the BFM Groundwater (GW) and BFM Drilling Spoils Dose Factors (LTP Chapter 6, Tables 6-24 and 6-25) using Equation 6-10 and the ratios in Table 6-51.

The BcDCGLPN are radionuclide-specific concentrations that represent the 10 CFR 20.1402 dose criterion of 25 mrem/year and are calculated for each ROC and each backfilled Basement. The unity rule is applied when there is more than one ROC. The measurement results for each singular ROC present in the mixture are compared against their respective DCGL to derive a dose fraction.

The BcDCGLPN for the unrestricted release of the Auxiliary Building penetrations and Turbine Building penetrations are provided in Table 2. The IC dose percentage of 5%

was used to adjust the Auxiliary Building Basement DCGLPN to account for the dose from the eliminated IC radionuclides.

Each radionuclide-specific BcDCGLPN is equivalent to the level of residual radioactivity (above background levels) that could, when considered independently, result in a Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) of 25 mrem per year to an Average Member of the Critical Group (AMCG). To ensure that the summation of dose from each source term is 25 mrem/year or less after all FSS is completed, the BcDCGLPN are reduced based on an expected, or a priori, fraction of the 25 mrem/year dose limit from each source term. The reduced DCGLPN, or OpDCGLPN can be related to the BcDCGLPN as an expected fraction of dose based on an a priori assessment of what the expected dose should be based on the results of site characterization, process knowledge and the extent of planned remediation. The OpDCGLPN is then used as the DCGL for the FSS design of the survey unit (calculation of surrogate DCGLs, investigations levels, etc.). Details of the OpDCGLPN derived for each dose component and the basis for the applied a priori dose


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 fractions are provided in ZionSolutions TSD 17-004, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for FSS (Reference 10).

Table 2 - Base Case DCGLs for Penetrations (BcDCGLPN) from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-13 Auxiliary Turbine Building Building Radionuclide BcDCGLPN BcDCGLPN (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2)

Co-60 8.82E+07 1.76E+09 Ni-63 6.79E+10 5.48E+10 Sr-90 2.41E+07 1.94E+07 Cs-134 3.28E+08 4.00E+08 Cs-137 6.17E+08 5.29E+08 The OpDCGLPN for the unrestricted release of the Auxiliary Basement penetrations are provided in Table 3.

Table 3 - Auxiliary Building Operational DCGLs for Penetrations (OpDCGLPN) from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-14 Operational Radionuclide DCGL (pCi/m2)

Co-60 6.95E+06 Ni-63 5.35E+09 Sr-90 1.90E+06 Cs-134 2.58E+07 Cs-137 4.86E+07 Instrument DQOs included a verification of the ability of the survey instrument to detect the radiation(s) of interest relative to the OpDCGLPN. Survey instrument response checks were required prior to issuance and after the instrument had been used. Control and accountability of survey instruments was required to assure the quality and prevent the loss of data. The minimum acceptable MDC for measurements obtained using field instruments was 50 percent of the applicable OpDCGLPN.



4. SURVEY DESIGN The level of effort associated with planning a survey is based on the complexity of the survey and nature of the hazards. Guidance for preparing FSS plans is provided in procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001 Final Status Survey Package Development. The FSS plans for the survey of penetrations employed sample designs that combined hand-held scanning with static measurements and pipe detector survey methodologies.

The two (2) FSS Survey Plans for Survey Unit #S1-05120, Auxiliary Building Penetrations includes FSS design and FSS results for the Auxiliary Building penetrations on the 542, 560 and the 572 elevations. The survey method for large diameter penetrations (>12) differs from smaller penetrations due to measurement sensitivity (i.e. MDCs) differences in the two size regimes. The larger penetrations were surveyed using a similar approach as for traditional building surface surveys whereas the smaller penetrations were surveyed with a single detector advanced through the length in 1 foot increments and centrally positioned. Survey Plan #S1-05120A-F #1 addressed the survey of penetrations smaller than 12 inches in diameter (A002, A003, A005, A007-A013, A015, A017 and A019-A023) and Survey Plan #S1-05120A-F #2 addressed that survey of penetrations with a diameter greater than 12 inches in diameter (A001, A004, A014, A024 and A025).

Penetrations and buried pipe associated with the west wall of the Auxiliary Building (Unit 1 and Unit 2 Hot Pipe Chases at the 570 foot elevation and buried pipe associated with the SFP) have been physically removed and disposed of as radioactive waste. The penetrations that were removed in its entirety were A006, A016, A018, A029, A034, A037, A038, A039, A040, A041, A042, A043, A044, A046, A047, A048, A049, A050, A052, A053, A054, A055, A056, A057, A058, A059, A060, A061, A063, A064, A065, and A066.

There are twenty-two (22) penetrations that remain in Auxiliary Building that were not attributed to the Containments. The remaining penetrations are located primarily on the G Wall between the Auxiliary Building and the Turbine Building.

FSS of the remaining 22 penetrations consisted of 66 one-minute static measurements, either using a NaI detector or hand-held detector taken at one-foot intervals throughout the length of the penetrations, providing 100% areal coverage of the pipe interior surface.

Section 5.1 of LTP Chapter 5 states that Co-60, Ni-63, Sr-90, Cs-134, and Cs-137 are the ROC. During FSS, concentrations for Hard-to-Detect (HTD) ROC Ni-63, and Sr-90 are inferred using a surrogate approach. Cs-137 is the principle surrogate radionuclide for Sr-90, and Co-60 is the principle surrogate radionuclide for Ni-63. The mean, maximum and 95% Upper Confidence Level (UCL) of the surrogate ratios for concrete core


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 samples taken in the Auxiliary Building basements were calculated in ZionSolutions TSD 14-019, Radionuclides of Concern for Soil and Basement Fill Model Source Terms (Reference 11) and are presented in Table 4. The maximum ratios were used in the surrogate calculations during FSS.

Table 4 - Auxiliary Building Surrogate Ratios Auxiliary Building Ratios Mean Max 95%UCL Ni-63/Co-60 44.143 180.450 154.632 Sr-90/Cs-137 0.001 0.002 0.002 For the FSS of Survey Unit #S1-05120, the surrogate OpDCGLPN for Co-60 and Cs-137 were computed based on the maximum ratios from Table 4.

The equation for calculating a surrogate DCGL is as follows:

Equation 1 1


1 2 3

+ + +

2 3 Where: DCGLSur = Surrogate radionuclide DCGL DCGL2,3n = DCGL for radionuclides to be represented by the surrogate Rn = Ratio of concentration (or nuclide mixture fraction) of radionuclide n to surrogate radionuclide Using the OpDCGLPN presented in Table 3 and the maximum ratios from Table 4, the following surrogate calculations were performed:

Equation 2 1

(137) = = 4.6207 /2 1 0.002 4.8607 + 1.9006 (137) (90)

The surrogate OpDCGLPN that was used for Cs-137 in this survey unit for direct comparison of sample results to demonstrate compliance is 4.62E+07 pCi/m2.



(60) = = 5.6306 /2 1 180.45 6.9506 +

(60) 5.3509(63)

The surrogate OpDCGLPN that was used for Co-60 in this survey unit for direct comparison of sample results to demonstrate compliance is 5.63E+06 pCi/m2.

The most limiting DCGL was determined to be Co-60 (5.63E+06 pCi/m2) or 1.25E+05 dpm/100 cm2. This value was used as the action level for hand-held scan and static measurements and pipe detector static measurements in this survey unit. Action levels in counts per minute (cpm) for pipe detector surveys were calculated using the limiting Co-60 surrogate OpDCGLPN, the effective area of detection for the various diameter penetrations, and the associated efficiency for each size penetration. The action levels in cpm for hand-held surveys were calculated using the limiting Co-60 OpDCGLPN and the efficiency of the instrument/detector combination. Table 5 provides a summary of the instrumentation and action levels used for the FSS of the penetrations.

Table 5 - Survey Unit 05120 FSS Instrumentation and Action Levels Penetration Action Survey Instrument Detector Diameter Efficiency Level Type (in) (cpm)

Hand-held Ludlum 2360 Ludlum 43-93 14-50 0.117(1) 1.46E+04 6 0.012(2) 32,695 Ludlum 44-157 8 0.009(2) 32,751 Pipe Ludlum 2350-1 10 0.018(2) 81,625 Detector Ludlum 44-162 12 0.016(2) 87,186 23 0.0142(2) 148,131

1) Efficiency determined using Tc-99 source. Derived instrument efficiency of 0.144 x source efficiency of 0.81 (NUREG-1507, Table 5.4) = 0.117 (total efficiency)
2) Efficiency empirically derived using conformable Cs-137 source in various ID pipe jigs The first sample plan required that measurements be collected with a pipe detector.

Penetrations included in this plan were twelve (12) inches in diameter or smaller.

Seventeen (17) of the twenty-two (22) total penetrations were included in the survey design for pipe detectors. Refer to Table 5 for the FSS instrumentation summary. The total length of the penetrations under the pipe detector methodology is 51.00 ft. (15.54 m) with a total interior surface area of 6.98 m2. As a Class 1 survey unit, the survey design


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 required a 100% areal coverage. For the survey of pipe or penetration internal surfaces that cannot be practically surveyed using a hand-held detector methodology, areal coverage is achieved by the area of detection for each static measurement taken.

Scanning, in the traditional context, is not applicable to this type of survey. With a 1-foot area of detection, one (1) 1-minute static measurement at 1-foot increments throughout the penetration was sufficient to provide 100% areal coverage. For 51 feet of penetrations in the survey unit, at least 51 measurements were required to satisfy the 100% coverage requirement.

Sample plan #2 required that measurements be collected with a hand-held detector.

Penetrations included in sample plan #2 were larger than twelve (12) inches in diameter.

Five (5) of the twenty-two (22) total penetrations were included in the survey design for hand-held detectors. Refer to Table 5 for the FSS instrumentation summary. The total length of the penetrations under the hand-held methodology is 15 ft. (4.572 m) with a total interior surface area of 8.90 m2. For the survey of these larger diameter pipes, the survey design required 100% scan of the accessible interior surfaces of the penetration.

In addition, a 1-minute static measurement was required at each foot or, at the location of the highest scan result. Seventeen (17) static measurement were acquired in the large diameter penetrations with the locations selected as denoted in Table 6 below.

Maps of the penetrations and measurement locations are provided in Attachment 1.

The implementation of quality control measures as referenced by LTP Chapter 5, section 5.9 and ZionSolutions ZS-LT-01, Quality Assurance Project Plan (for Characterization and FSS) (QAPP) (Reference 12) includes the collection of a duplicate measurement on 5% of the measurements taken with the locations selected at random. One (1) measurement out of every twenty (20) was required for QC compliance.


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Table 6 - Systematic Static Locations for Hand-Held Survey Measurement Penetration Inches into No. No. Penetration 1 A001 12 2 A001 24 3 A001 36 4 A014 12 5 A014 24 6 A014 36 7 A014 36 8 A004 12 9 A004 24 10 A004 36 11 A024 12 12 A024 24 13 A024 36 14 A025 12 15 A025 24 16 A025 36 17 A025 36

1) Static measurements were acquired on the bottom of the penetration circumference.
5. SURVEY IMPLEMENTATION Survey instructions for this FSS were incorporated into and performed in accordance with FSS Sample Plans #S1-05120AF #1 and #2, which were developed in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001, Final Status Survey Package Development. The FSS unit was inspected and controlled in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-003, Isolation and Control for Final Status Survey (Reference 13).

Surveys of the Auxiliary Building Penetrations began on March 27, 2018 and concluded on March 28, 2018. The survey design estimated seven (7) working days to implement the FSS in parallel with any required decontamination and inspection activities. In


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 reality, only two (2) working days were necessary to complete this work. Throughout these activities, briefings were conducted on a daily basis to discuss the expectations for job performance and to review the safety aspects of the job.

Visual inspections of the penetrations were performed prior to the start of the survey.

Inspections were performed to ensure that the penetrations were relatively dry and free of debris.

For pipe detector surveys of small diameter penetrations (less than 12 inch diameter), a background value was determined for the detector/instrument combination to be used prior to deployment. The background value was obtained at the location where the pre-use response check of the instrument was performed. The background value was primarily used to ensure that the detector had not become cross-contaminated by any previous use. Background was not subtracted from any measurement.

Daily, prior to and following use, each detector was subjected to an Operational Response Check in accordance with procedure ZS-LT-300-001-006, Radiation Surveys of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors (Reference 14). The Daily Operational Response Check compared the background response and the response to check sources ranges established for normal background and detector source response to ensure that the detector was working properly.

Once the detector was determined to be fully functional, it was then deployed to the field for insertion into the targeted piping. A one-minute static measurement was acquired at each foot traversed into the pipe. The detector output represented the gamma activity for each one-minute timed measurement in units of gross cpm. The gamma measurement value in units of cpm was then converted to units of dpm using the efficiency factor for the detector applicable to the diameter of the pipe surveyed.

Each measurement assumed a conservative area of detection for the NaI detector of one foot. This assumption is conservative because there is additional instrument response from contamination located in the pipe at distances outside of the area of detection.

Consequently, the total activity from the measurement, in units of dpm is adjusted for the total effective surface area commensurate with the pipe diameter and the assumed area of detection, resulting in measurement results in units of dpm/100 cm2. Using the appropriate conversion factors, the result is then converted to units of pCi/m2. This measurement result represents a commensurate and conservative gamma surface activity for the one foot of pipe surface where the measurement was taken.


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 For the hand-held detector surveys of larger diameter penetrations, a background value was determined for the detector/instrument combination as the average of five (5) ambient 1-minute static measurements. An Alarm Set Point was developed using the background value plus the Action Levels dictated in Table 5.

The entire surface area (100%) of the interior surface area of the designated penetrations were scanned using either the Ludlum 2350-1 paired with a pipe detector or a Ludlum 2360 paired with a Ludlum 43-93 detector operated in the rate-meter mode and using audio response. The probe was positioned as close to the surface as possible and was moved at a scan speed of 2.0 inches per second.

Systematic 1-minute static measurements were acquired at the locations denoted in Table

6. Additionally, 1-minute static measurements were taken at the locations of highest scan indication in all the penetrations. Using the established efficiencies (denoted in Table 5),

the static measurement activities in cpm were converted to activities in dpm/100 cm2 and then to pCi/m2 using the appropriate conversion factor.

6. SURVEY RESULTS After completion of the FSS measurements in the penetrations, the sample plan was reviewed to confirm the completeness of the survey and the survey data was validated in accordance with procedure ZS-LT-300-001-004, Final Status Survey Data Assessment (Reference 15). Data processing included converting measurement data into reporting units, validating instrument applicability and sensitivity, calculating relevant statistical quantities, and verification that all DQO have been met.

For measurements acquired with a NaI detector, the gross output of the measurement is converted to units of dpm by dividing by the efficiency. The effective FOV of the measurement is calculated based upon diameter of the pipe at a length of 1 foot. The result, following unit conversion, is a gross gamma measurement result in units of pCi/m2.

For measurements acquired as a direct static measurement with a hand-held detector, the gross gamma output of the measurement is again converted to units of dpm by dividing by the efficiency. As the detector has an area of 100 cm2, the units for the measurement are actually in units of dpm/100cm2. Again, through unit conversion, units of dpm/100cm2 are converted to units of pCi/m2.

Using the mixture from Table 5-2 of LTP Chapter 5 (reproduced as Table 1 of this Release Record), the gross gamma result from each measurement is multiplied by the normalized gamma mixture fractions for C-60, Cs-134 and Cs-137 to derive a radionuclide specific concentration for each gamma ROC. The HTD ROC


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 concentrations for Ni-63 and Sr-90 were then inferred using the maximum surrogate ratios from LTP Chapter 5, Table 5-15 (reproduced as Table 4 of this Release Record).

Each concentration for each measurement is then compared against the OpDCGLPN to produce a OpSOF for each ROC, which when summed results in a OpSOF for the measurement.

Table 7 provides the geometry of each penetration, a summary of the FSS results, and whether the penetration requires grouting.


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Table 7 - Auxiliary Building Penetrations Summary Diameter Length Area By Direct Max SOF Requires Pen # Description (in) (ft) (m2) Scan OpDCGLPN BcDCGLPN OpDCGLB Grouting A001 Service Water 24 3 1.75 X 0.0017 0.0001 0.0406 No A002 Feedwater 4.5 3 0.33 0.0121 0.0007 0.2384 No A003 Secondary Sample 2.5 3 0.18 0.0335 0.0010 0.3378 No A004 Service Water 24 3 1.75 X 0.0016 0.0001 0.0334 No A005 Feedwater 4.5 3 0.33 0.0099 0.0006 0.2064 No A007 Aux Vents & Drains 4.5 3 0.33 0.0100 0.0007 0.2270 No A008 Aux Vents & Drains 4.5 3 0.33 0.0123 0.0008 0.2878 No A009 Waste Disposal 3.5 3 0.26 0.0103 0.0007 0.2422 No A010 Service Water 11 3 0.80 0.0196 0.0011 0.3928 No A011 Waste Disposal 7 3 0.51 0.2794 0.0190 6.5564 Yes A012 Chemical Feed 3.5 3 0.26 0.0137 0.0007 0.2515 No A013 Primary Water 4.5 3 0.33 0.0166 0.0011 0.3796 No A014 Service Water 20 3 1.46 X 0.0015 0.0001 0.0310 No A015 Waste Disposal 6.5 3 0.47 0.0147 0.0009 0.3037 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Table 7 (continued) - Auxiliary Building Penetrations Summary Diameter Length Area By Direct Max SOF Requires Pen # Description (in) (ft) (m2) Scan OpDCGLPN BcDCGLPN OpDCGLB Grouting A017 Fire Protection 11 3 0.80 0.0251 0.0014 0.4884 No A019 Primary Water 3.5 3 0.26 0.0101 0.0006 0.2172 No A020 Vacuum Control 3.5 3 0.26 0.0117 0.0008 0.2737 No A021 Demin Water 3.5 3 0.26 0.0130 0.0009 0.3052 No A022 Line with Flange 4.5 3 0.33 0.0118 0.0006 0.2042 No A023 Waste Disposal 6.5 3 0.47 0.1650 0.0112 3.8729 Yes A024 Condensate 18 3 1.31 X 0.0050 0.0002 0.0669 No A025 Supply Header 36 3 2.63 X 0.0013 0.0001 0.0291 No


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 The SOF for all sixty-six (66) measurements, based on the OpDCGLPN, were less than one (1). The mean OpSOF for Auxiliary Building penetrations was 0.0268. The maximum OpSOF for a measurement using OpDCGLPN for penetrations was 0.2794.

The data collected passed the Sign Test. The result of the Sign Test is provided in Attachment 3.

The results of the data assessment for the Auxiliary Building Penetrations are provided in Attachment 2. A statistical summary of the data when compared against the BcDCGLPN for the Auxiliary Building is presented below in Table 8.

Table 8 - Auxiliary Building Penetrations FSS Statistics Summary using Auxiliary Building BcDCGLPN Mean Median Max Min St Dev BcDCGLPN Mean Nuclide 2 (pCi/m ) 2 (pCi/m ) 2 (pCi/m ) 2 (pCi/m ) 2 (pCi/m ) 2 (pCi/m ) Nuclide SOF Co-60 1.37E+04 5.47E+03 1.43E+05 2.71E+02 2.93E+04 8.82E+07 0.0002 Ni-63 2.48E+06 9.87E+05 2.59E+07 4.88E+04 5.28E+06 6.79E+10 0.0000 Sr-90 2.25E+03 8.95E+02 2.35E+04 4.43E+01 4.79E+03 2.41E+07 0.0001 Cs-134 1.49E+02 5.94E+01 1.56E+03 2.94E+00 3.18E+02 3.28E+08 0.0000 Cs-137 1.12E+06 4.48E+05 1.17E+07 2.22E+04 2.40E+06 6.17E+08 0.0018 SOF ASSIGNED TO SURVEY UNIT (SYSTEMATIC MEAN) = 0.0021 DOSE ASSIGNED TO SURVEY UNIT (SYSTEMATIC MEAN) = 0.0527 mrem/yr.

A statistical summary of the data when compared against the BcDCGLPN for the Turbine Building is presented below in Table 9.

Table 9 - Auxiliary Building Penetrations FSS Statistics Summary using Turbine Building BcDCGLPN Mean Median Max Min St Dev BcDCGLPN Mean Nuclide 2 (pCi/m ) 2 (pCi/m ) 2 (pCi/m ) 2 (pCi/m ) 2 (pCi/m ) 2 (pCi/m ) Nuclide SOF Co-60 1.37E+04 5.47E+03 1.43E+05 2.71E+02 2.93E+04 1.76E+09 0.0000 Ni-63 2.48E+06 9.87E+05 2.59E+07 4.88E+04 5.28E+06 5.48E+10 0.0000 Sr-90 2.25E+03 8.95E+02 2.35E+04 4.43E+01 4.79E+03 1.94E+07 0.0001 Cs-134 1.49E+02 5.94E+01 1.56E+03 2.94E+00 3.18E+02 4.00E+08 0.0000 Cs-137 1.12E+06 4.48E+05 1.17E+07 2.22E+04 2.40E+06 5.29E+08 0.0021 SOF ASSIGNED TO SURVEY UNIT (SYSTEMATIC MEAN) = 0.0023 DOSE ASSIGNED TO SURVEY UNIT (SYSTEMATIC MEAN) = 0.0574 mrem/yr.


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 The SOF for two (2) measurements, when compared against the OpDCGLB for the Turbine Building, were above one (1). In accordance with LTP Chapter 5 section 5.5.5, these two penetrations (A011 and A023) were grouted. No dose reduction was attributed to the survey unit because of grouting.

7. QUALITY CONTROL In compliance with ZS-LT-01, replicate measurements were performed on 5% of the survey locations chosen at random. Five (5) replicate measurements were taken, which equates to 7.6% of the total number of measurements and satisfies the requirement. The data was evaluated using USNRC acceptance criteria specified in Inspection Procedure No. 84750, Radioactive Waste Treatment, and Effluent and Environmental Monitoring (Reference 16). There was acceptable agreement between field replicate results. Refer to Attachment 4 for quality control analysis results and Attachment 5 for quality control data summary.
8. INVESTIGATIONS AND RESULTS No investigations were performed during the performance or analyses of the FSS.
9. REMEDIATION AND RESULTS No radiological remedial action as described by MARSSIM Section 5.4 was performed in this survey unit prior to or as a result of the FSS.
10. CHANGES FROM THE FINAL STATUS SURVEY PLAN There were no addendums to the FSS plan.

The DQO sample design and data were reviewed in accordance with ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-004, Final Status Survey Data Assessment for completeness and consistency. Documentation was complete and legible. Surveys and sample collection were consistent with the DQOs and were sufficient to ensure that the survey unit was properly classified. The sampling design had adequate power as indicated by the Retrospective Power Curve.

The analytical results of all samples were less than a SOF of one. Although MARSSIM states that the Sign Test need not be performed in the instance that no measurements surpass the DCGL, the test was conducted to demonstrate coherence to the statistical


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 principles of the DQO process. The Sign Test was performed on the data and compared to the original assumptions of the DQOs. The evaluation of the Sign Test results clearly demonstrates that the survey unit passes the unrestricted release criteria, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected.

The preliminary data review consisted of calculating basic statistical quantities (e.g.,

mean, median, standard deviation). All data was considered valid including negative values, zeros, values reported below the MDC, and values with uncertainties greater than two standard deviations. The mean and median values for each ROC were well below the respective OpDCGLPN. Also, the retrospective power curve shows that a sufficient number of samples were collected to achieve the desired power. Therefore, the survey unit meets the unrestricted release criteria with adequate power as required by the DQOs.

The data obtained from each penetration is provided in Attachment 6.

The data for Co-60 and Cs-137 is represented graphically through a frequency plot and a quantile plot. All graphical representations are provided in Attachment 6.

12. ANOMALIES No anomalies were observed during the performance or analyses of the survey.
13. CONCLUSION Survey Unit #S1-05120 has met the DQOs of the FSS plan. The ALARA criteria as specified in Chapter 4 of the LTP were achieved. The EMC is not applicable to structural surfaces and remediation was successfully implemented.

All identified ROC were used for statistical testing to determine the adequacy of the survey unit for FSS. Evaluation of the data shows that none of the ROC concentration values exceed the OpDCGLPN for the Auxiliary Building or any investigational levels; therefore, in accordance with the LTP Section 5.10, the survey unit meets the release criterion.

The sample data passed the Sign Test. The null hypothesis was rejected. The Retrospective Power Curve showed that adequate power was achieved. The survey unit was properly classified as Class 1.

LTP Chapter 6, section 6.4.5 requires that the dose from a penetration be added to each Basement that the penetration interfaces with. The penetrations in the Auxiliary Building interface with the Turbine Building. No penetration addressed in this Release Record exceeded the OpDCGLPN for the Auxiliary Building. Consequently, no adjustment was required for the BcSOF for the Auxiliary Building or the Turbine Building.


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 The mean BcSOFPN for the Auxiliary Building Penetrations is 0.0021 based on the average concentration of the ROCs in samples used for non-parametric statistical sampling. There were no elevated measurements. The dose contribution from the Auxiliary Building penetrations is 0.0527 mrem/yr TEDE.

The mean BcSOFPN for the Turbine Building Penetrations is 0.0023 based on the average concentration of the ROCs in samples used for non-parametric statistical sampling.

There were no elevated measurements. The dose contribution from the Turbine Building penetrations is 0.0574 mrem/yr TEDE.Survey Unit #S1-05120 is acceptable for unrestricted release.

1. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-005 Rev. 5, Final Status Survey Data Reporting
2. Zion Station Restoration Project License Termination Plan, Revision 2
3. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-001 Rev. 6, Final Status Survey Package Development
4. NUREG-1575, Revision 1, Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM)
5. ZionSolutions TSD 14-016 Rev. 0, Description of Embedded Piping, Penetrations, and Buried Pipe to Remain in Zion End State
6. Historical Site Assessment (HSA)
7. ZionSolutions TSD 14-013, Zion Auxiliary Building End State Estimated Concrete Volumes, Surface Areas, and Source Terms
8. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-002, Survey Unit Classification
9. ZionSolutions TSD 11-001 Rev. 1, Potential Radionuclides of Concern during the Decommissioning of Zion Station
10. ZionSolutions TSD 17-004 Rev. 3, Operational Derived Concentration Guideline Levels for Final Status Survey
11. ZionSolutions TSD 14-019 Rev. 2, Radionuclides of Concern for Soil and Basement Fill Model Source Terms



12. ZionSolutions ZS-LT-01, Quality Assurance Project Plan (for Characterization and FSS) (QAPP)
13. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-003, Isolation and Control for Final Status Survey
14. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-006, Radiation Surveys of Pipe Interiors Using Sodium/Cesium Iodide Detectors
15. ZionSolutions procedure ZS-LT-300-001-004, Final Status Survey Data Assessment
16. U.S. NRC Inspection Procedure No. 84750, Radioactive Waste Treatment, and Effluent and Environmental Monitoring
15. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 - Figures and Maps Attachment 2 - Sample Data Attachment 3 - Sign Test Attachment 4 - QC Data Attachment 5 - QC Measurement Assessments Attachment 6 - Graphical Presentations








FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Auxiliary Building Penetration Summary MEASUREMENT ROC CONCENTRATIONS Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 MEASUREMENT ID OpSOF (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2)

A007 Position#1 4.84E+03 8.74E+05 7.93E+02 5.27E+01 3.97E+05 0.0094 A007 Position#2 4.96E+03 8.96E+05 8.13E+02 5.40E+01 4.06E+05 0.0097 A007 Position#3 5.15E+03 9.30E+05 8.44E+02 5.60E+01 4.22E+05 0.0100 A008 Position#1 6.29E+03 1.14E+06 1.03E+03 6.84E+01 5.15E+05 0.0123 A008 Position#2 5.76E+03 1.04E+06 9.43E+02 6.26E+01 4.72E+05 0.0112 A008 Position#3 5.70E+03 1.03E+06 9.33E+02 6.20E+01 4.67E+05 0.0111 A009 Position#1 5.30E+03 9.56E+05 8.67E+02 5.76E+01 4.34E+05 0.0103 A009 Position#2 5.17E+03 9.32E+05 8.46E+02 5.61E+01 4.23E+05 0.0101 A009 Position#3 5.28E+03 9.54E+05 8.65E+02 5.74E+01 4.33E+05 0.0103 A002 Position#1 5.21E+03 9.41E+05 8.54E+02 5.67E+01 4.27E+05 0.0102 A002 Position#2 4.92E+03 8.87E+05 8.05E+02 5.34E+01 4.02E+05 0.0096 A002 Position#3 6.19E+03 1.12E+06 1.01E+03 6.72E+01 5.06E+05 0.0121 A003 Position#1 6.82E+03 1.23E+06 1.12E+03 7.41E+01 5.58E+05 0.0133 A003 Position#2 7.39E+03 1.33E+06 1.21E+03 8.03E+01 6.05E+05 0.0144 A003 Position#3 1.72E+04 3.10E+06 2.81E+03 1.87E+02 1.41E+06 0.0335 A013 Position#1 7.93E+03 1.43E+06 1.30E+03 8.62E+01 6.49E+05 0.0155 A013 Position#2 8.30E+03 1.50E+06 1.36E+03 9.02E+01 6.80E+05 0.0162 A013 Position#3 8.53E+03 1.54E+06 1.40E+03 9.27E+01 6.98E+05 0.0166 A011 Position#1 1.25E+05 2.25E+07 2.04E+04 1.35E+03 1.02E+07 0.2427 A011 Position#2 1.43E+05 2.59E+07 2.35E+04 1.56E+03 1.17E+07 0.2794 A011 Position#3 1.21E+05 2.18E+07 1.98E+04 1.31E+03 9.88E+06 0.2352 A012 Position#1 5.44E+03 9.81E+05 8.91E+02 5.91E+01 4.45E+05 0.0106 A012 Position#2 5.50E+03 9.92E+05 9.00E+02 5.98E+01 4.50E+05 0.0107 A012 Position#3 7.01E+03 1.26E+06 1.15E+03 7.62E+01 5.74E+05 0.0137 A019 Position#1 4.75E+03 8.57E+05 7.78E+02 5.16E+01 3.89E+05 0.0093


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Auxiliary Building Penetration Summary (continued)

Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 MEASUREMENT ID OpSOF (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2)

A019 Position#2 4.73E+03 8.53E+05 7.74E+02 5.14E+01 3.87E+05 0.0092 A019 Position#3 5.18E+03 9.34E+05 8.48E+02 5.63E+01 4.24E+05 0.0101 A015 Position#1 6.64E+03 1.20E+06 1.09E+03 7.22E+01 5.44E+05 0.0129 A015 Position#2 6.59E+03 1.19E+06 1.08E+03 7.16E+01 5.40E+05 0.0128 A015 Position#3 7.55E+03 1.36E+06 1.24E+03 8.21E+01 6.18E+05 0.0147 A005 Position#1 4.51E+03 8.14E+05 7.39E+02 4.90E+01 3.69E+05 0.0088 A005 Position#2 4.50E+03 8.12E+05 7.37E+02 4.89E+01 3.68E+05 0.0088 A005 Position#3 5.07E+03 9.15E+05 8.30E+02 5.51E+01 4.15E+05 0.0099 A020 Position#1 5.13E+03 9.26E+05 8.40E+02 5.58E+01 4.20E+05 0.0100 A020 Position#2 5.98E+03 1.08E+06 9.80E+02 6.51E+01 4.90E+05 0.0117 A020 Position#3 5.95E+03 1.07E+06 9.74E+02 6.47E+01 4.87E+05 0.0116 A021 Position#1 6.67E+03 1.20E+06 1.09E+03 7.25E+01 5.46E+05 0.0130 A021 Position#2 5.59E+03 1.01E+06 9.16E+02 6.08E+01 4.58E+05 0.0109 A021 Position#3 5.63E+03 1.02E+06 9.22E+02 6.12E+01 4.61E+05 0.0110 A022 Position#1 4.44E+03 8.01E+05 7.27E+02 4.83E+01 3.64E+05 0.0087 A022 Position#2 4.46E+03 8.06E+05 7.31E+02 4.85E+01 3.66E+05 0.0087 A022 Position#3 6.03E+03 1.09E+06 9.88E+02 6.56E+01 4.94E+05 0.0118 A023 Position#1 6.23E+04 1.12E+07 1.02E+04 6.77E+02 5.10E+06 0.1214 A023 Position#2 8.47E+04 1.53E+07 1.39E+04 9.20E+02 6.93E+06 0.1650 A023 Position#3 6.52E+04 1.18E+07 1.07E+04 7.09E+02 5.34E+06 0.1270 A017 Position#1 9.91E+03 1.79E+06 1.62E+03 1.08E+02 8.11E+05 0.0193 A017 Position#2 1.07E+04 1.93E+06 1.75E+03 1.16E+02 8.74E+05 0.0208 A017 Position#3 1.29E+04 2.32E+06 2.11E+03 1.40E+02 1.05E+06 0.0251 A010 Position#1 8.41E+03 1.52E+06 1.38E+03 9.14E+01 6.89E+05 0.0164 A010 Position#2 8.59E+03 1.55E+06 1.41E+03 9.33E+01 7.03E+05 0.0167


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Auxiliary Building Penetration Summary (continued)

Co-60 Ni-63 Sr-90 Cs-134 Cs-137 MEASUREMENT ID OpSOF (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2)

A010 Position#3 1.01E+04 1.82E+06 1.65E+03 1.10E+02 8.25E+05 0.0196 A001 Position #1 8.08E+02 1.46E+05 1.32E+02 8.79E+00 6.62E+04 0.0016 A001 Position #2 8.87E+02 1.60E+05 1.45E+02 9.64E+00 7.26E+04 0.0017 A001 Position #3 8.41E+02 1.52E+05 1.38E+02 9.14E+00 6.88E+04 0.0016 A014 Position #1 5.20E+02 9.39E+04 8.52E+01 5.66E+00 4.26E+04 0.0010 A014 Position #2 6.78E+02 1.22E+05 1.11E+02 7.37E+00 5.55E+04 0.0013 A014 Position #3 7.80E+02 1.41E+05 1.28E+02 8.48E+00 6.39E+04 0.0015 A004 Position #1 7.29E+02 1.32E+05 1.19E+02 7.93E+00 5.97E+04 0.0014 A004 Position #2 6.50E+02 1.17E+05 1.06E+02 7.07E+00 5.32E+04 0.0013 A004 Position #3 8.31E+02 1.50E+05 1.36E+02 9.04E+00 6.81E+04 0.0016 A024 Position #1 8.64E+02 1.56E+05 1.41E+02 9.39E+00 7.07E+04 0.0017 A024 Position #2 1.46E+03 2.64E+05 2.40E+02 1.59E+01 1.20E+05 0.0029 A024 Position #3 2.58E+03 4.65E+05 4.22E+02 2.80E+01 2.11E+05 0.0050 A025 Position #1 6.36E+02 1.15E+05 1.04E+02 6.92E+00 5.21E+04 0.0012 A025 Position #2 6.04E+02 1.09E+05 9.89E+01 6.56E+00 4.94E+04 0.0012 A025 Position #3 6.83E+02 1.23E+05 1.12E+02 7.42E+00 5.59E+04 0.0013



Readin Reading Reading Instrument/ID Cal. Due Detector/ID Cal. Due Efficiency Survey Date Penetration g (cpm) (dpm/100cm2) (pCi/m2) 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A001 174 1487 6.70E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A001 191 1632 7.35E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A001 181 1547 6.97E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A014 112 957 4.31E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A014 146 1248 5.62E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A014 168 1436 6.47E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A014 QC 145 1239 5.58E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A004 157 1342 6.04E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A004 140 1197 5.39E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A004 179 1530 6.89E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A024 186 1590 7.16E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A024 315 2692 1.21E+05 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A024 555 4744 2.14E+05 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A025 137 1171 5.27E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A025 130 1111 5.01E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A025 147 1256 5.66E+04 2360/278576 1/27/2019 43-93/PR311187 1/27/2019 0.12 3/28/2018 A025 QC 120 1026 4.62E+04


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Penetration Survey Data Assessment Feet Gamma Gamma Activity CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide Total SOF Total SOF Total SOF No. Sample ID into Result ROC Mixture/ per ROC OpDCGLPN SOF BcDCGLPN SOF OpDCGLB SOF Pipe (pCi/m2) HTD Ratio (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) OpSOFPN OpSOFPN (pCi/m2) BcSOFPN BcSOFPN (pCi/m2) OpSOFB OpSOFB 1 A007 Position#1 1 4.02E+05 Co-60 0.0121 4.84E+03 6.95E+06 0.0007 0.0094 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0007 5.98E+06 0.0008 0.392 Ni-63 180 8.74E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0047 Sr-90 0.002 7.93E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0121 Cs-134 0.0001 5.27E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 3.97E+05 4.86E+07 0.0082 6.17E+08 0.0006 1.79E+06 0.2216 2 A007 Position#2 2 4.11E+05 Co-60 0.0121 4.96E+03 6.95E+06 0.0007 0.0097 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0008 5.98E+06 0.0008 0.2451 Ni-63 180 8.96E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0048 Sr-90 0.002 8.13E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0124 Cs-134 0.0001 5.40E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.06E+05 4.86E+07 0.0084 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2270 3 A007 Position#3 3 4.27E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.15E+03 6.95E+06 0.0007 0.0100 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0008 5.98E+06 0.0009 0.2545 Ni-63 180 9.30E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0050 Sr-90 0.002 8.44E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0128 Cs-134 0.0001 5.60E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.22E+05 4.86E+07 0.0087 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2357 4 A008 Position#1 1 5.22E+05 Co-60 0.0121 6.29E+03 6.95E+06 0.0009 0.0123 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0010 5.98E+06 0.0011 0.3108 Ni-63 180 1.14E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0061 Sr-90 0.002 1.03E+03 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0157 Cs-134 0.0001 6.84E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 5.15E+05 4.86E+07 0.0106 6.17E+08 0.0008 1.79E+06 0.2878 5 A008 Position#2 2 4.77E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.76E+03 6.95E+06 0.0008 0.0112 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0009 5.98E+06 0.0010 0.2844 Ni-63 180 1.04E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0056 Sr-90 0.002 9.43E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0143 Cs-134 0.0001 6.26E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.72E+05 4.86E+07 0.0097 6.17E+08 0.0008 1.79E+06 0.2634 6 A008 Position#3 3 4.72E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.70E+03 6.95E+06 0.0008 0.0111 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0009 5.98E+06 0.0010 0.2814 Ni-63 180 1.03E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0056 Sr-90 0.002 9.33E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0142 Cs-134 0.0001 6.20E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.67E+05 4.86E+07 0.0096 6.17E+08 0.0008 1.79E+06 0.2607 7 A009 Position#1 1 4.39E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.30E+03 6.95E+06 0.0008 0.0103 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0008 5.98E+06 0.0009 0.2615 Ni-63 180 9.56E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0052 Sr-90 0.002 8.67E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0132 Cs-134 0.0001 5.76E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.34E+05 4.86E+07 0.0089 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2422 8 A009 Position#2 2 4.28E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.17E+03 6.95E+06 0.0007 0.0101 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0008 5.98E+06 0.0009 0.2551 Ni-63 180 9.32E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0050 Sr-90 0.002 8.46E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0129 Cs-134 0.0001 5.61E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.23E+05 4.86E+07 0.0087 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2363



Feet Gamma Gamma Activity CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide Total SOF Total SOF Total SOF No. Sample ID into Result ROC Mixture/ per ROC OpDCGLPN SOF BcDCGLPN SOF OpDCGLB SOF Pipe (pCi/m2) HTD Ratio (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) OpSOFPN OpSOFPN (pCi/m2) BcSOFPN BcSOFPN (pCi/m2) OpSOFB OpSOFB 9 A009 Position#3 3 4.38E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.28E+03 6.95E+06 0.0008 0.0103 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0008 5.98E+06 0.0009 0.2609 Ni-63 180 9.54E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0052 Sr-90 0.002 8.65E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0131 Cs-134 0.0001 5.74E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.33E+05 4.86E+07 0.0089 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2417 10 A002 Position#1 1 4.32E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.21E+03 6.95E+06 0.0008 0.0102 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0008 5.98E+06 0.0009 0.2574 Ni-63 180 9.41E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0051 Sr-90 0.002 8.54E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0130 Cs-134 0.0001 5.67E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.27E+05 4.86E+07 0.0088 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2384 11 A002 Position#2 2 4.07E+05 Co-60 0.0121 4.92E+03 6.95E+06 0.0007 0.0096 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0008 5.98E+06 0.0008 0.2427 Ni-63 180 8.87E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0048 Sr-90 0.002 8.05E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0122 Cs-134 0.0001 5.34E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.02E+05 4.86E+07 0.0083 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2248 12 A002 Position#3 3 5.13E+05 Co-60 0.0121 6.19E+03 6.95E+06 0.0009 0.0121 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0009 5.98E+06 0.0010 0.3055 Ni-63 180 1.12E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0060 Sr-90 0.002 1.01E+03 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0154 Cs-134 0.0001 6.72E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 5.06E+05 4.86E+07 0.0104 6.17E+08 0.0008 1.79E+06 0.2830 13 A003 Position#1 1 5.65E+05 Co-60 0.0121 6.82E+03 6.95E+06 0.0010 0.0133 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0010 5.98E+06 0.0011 0.3365 Ni-63 180 1.23E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0066 Sr-90 0.002 1.12E+03 1.90E+06 0.0006 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0170 Cs-134 0.0001 7.41E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 5.58E+05 4.86E+07 0.0115 6.17E+08 0.0009 1.79E+06 0.3117 14 A003 Position#2 2 6.12E+05 Co-60 0.0121 7.39E+03 6.95E+06 0.0011 0.0144 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0011 5.98E+06 0.0012 0.3647 Ni-63 180 1.33E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0072 Sr-90 0.002 1.21E+03 1.90E+06 0.0006 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0184 Cs-134 0.0001 8.03E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 6.05E+05 4.86E+07 0.0124 6.17E+08 0.0010 1.79E+06 0.3378 15 A003 Position#3 3 1.42E+06 Co-60 0.0121 1.72E+04 6.95E+06 0.0025 0.0335 8.82E+07 0.0002 0.0026 5.98E+06 0.0029 0.8484 Ni-63 180 3.10E+06 5.35E+09 0.0006 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0168 Sr-90 0.002 2.81E+03 1.90E+06 0.0015 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0428 Cs-134 0.0001 1.87E+02 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 1.41E+06 4.86E+07 0.0289 6.17E+08 0.0023 1.79E+06 0.7859



Feet Gamma Gamma Activity CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide Total SOF Total SOF Total SOF No. Sample ID into Result ROC Mixture/ per ROC OpDCGLPN SOF BcDCGLPN SOF OpDCGLB SOF Pipe (pCi/m2) HTD Ratio (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) OpSOFPN OpSOFPN (pCi/m2) BcSOFPN BcSOFPN (pCi/m2) OpSOFB OpSOFB 16 A013 Position#1 1 6.57E+05 Co-60 0.0121 7.93E+03 6.95E+06 0.0011 0.0155 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0012 5.98E+06 0.0013 0.3917 Ni-63 180 1.43E+06 5.35E+09 0.0003 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0077 Sr-90 0.002 1.30E+03 1.90E+06 0.0007 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0197 Cs-134 0.0001 8.62E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 6.49E+05 4.86E+07 0.0134 6.17E+08 0.0011 1.79E+06 0.3628 17 A013 Position#2 2 6.88E+05 Co-60 0.0121 8.30E+03 6.95E+06 0.0012 0.0162 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0013 5.98E+06 0.0014 0.4098 Ni-63 180 1.50E+06 5.35E+09 0.0003 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0081 Sr-90 0.002 1.36E+03 1.90E+06 0.0007 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0207 Cs-134 0.0001 9.02E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 6.80E+05 4.86E+07 0.0140 6.17E+08 0.0011 1.79E+06 0.3796 18 A013 Position#3 3 7.07E+05 Co-60 0.0121 8.53E+03 6.95E+06 0.0012 0.0166 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0013 5.98E+06 0.0014 0.4210 Ni-63 180 1.54E+06 5.35E+09 0.0003 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0083 Sr-90 0.002 1.40E+03 1.90E+06 0.0007 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0212 Cs-134 0.0001 9.27E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 6.98E+05 4.86E+07 0.0144 6.17E+08 0.0011 1.79E+06 0.3900 19 A011 Position#1 1 1.03E+07 Co-60 0.0121 1.25E+05 6.95E+06 0.0179 0.2427 8.82E+07 0.0014 0.0191 5.98E+06 0.0208 6.1494 Ni-63 180 2.25E+07 5.35E+09 0.0042 6.79E+10 0.0003 1.85E+08 0.1215 Sr-90 0.002 2.04E+04 1.90E+06 0.0107 2.41E+07 0.0008 6.58E+04 0.3099 Cs-134 0.0001 1.35E+03 2.58E+07 0.0001 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0010 Cs-137 0.9878 1.02E+07 4.86E+07 0.2098 6.17E+08 0.0165 1.79E+06 5.6961 20 A011 Position#2 2 1.19E+07 Co-60 0.0121 1.43E+05 6.95E+06 0.0206 0.2794 8.82E+07 0.0016 0.0220 5.98E+06 0.0240 7.0781 Ni-63 180 2.59E+07 5.35E+09 0.0048 6.79E+10 0.0004 1.85E+08 0.1398 Sr-90 0.002 2.35E+04 1.90E+06 0.0124 2.41E+07 0.0010 6.58E+04 0.3567 Cs-134 0.0001 1.56E+03 2.58E+07 0.0001 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0012 Cs-137 0.9878 1.17E+07 4.86E+07 0.2415 6.17E+08 0.0190 1.79E+06 6.5564 21 A011 Position#3 3 1.00E+07 Co-60 0.0121 1.21E+05 6.95E+06 0.0174 0.2352 8.82E+07 0.0014 0.0185 5.98E+06 0.0202 5.9582 Ni-63 180 2.18E+07 5.35E+09 0.0041 6.79E+10 0.0003 1.85E+08 0.1177 Sr-90 0.002 1.98E+04 1.90E+06 0.0104 2.41E+07 0.0008 6.58E+04 0.3003 Cs-134 0.0001 1.31E+03 2.58E+07 0.0001 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0010 Cs-137 0.9878 9.88E+06 4.86E+07 0.2033 6.17E+08 0.0160 1.79E+06 5.5191 22 A012 Position#1 1 4.51E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.44E+03 6.95E+06 0.0008 0.0106 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0008 5.98E+06 0.0009 0.2685 Ni-63 180 9.81E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0053 Sr-90 0.002 8.91E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0135 Cs-134 0.0001 5.91E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.45E+05 4.86E+07 0.0092 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2487



Feet Gamma Gamma Activity CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide Total SOF Total SOF Total SOF No. Sample ID into Result ROC Mixture/ per ROC OpDCGLPN SOF BcDCGLPN SOF OpDCGLB SOF Pipe (pCi/m2) HTD Ratio (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) OpSOFPN OpSOFPN (pCi/m2) BcSOFPN BcSOFPN (pCi/m2) OpSOFB OpSOFB 23 A012 Position#2 2 4.56E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.50E+03 6.95E+06 0.0008 0.0107 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0008 5.98E+06 0.0009 0.2715 Ni-63 180 9.92E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0054 Sr-90 0.002 9.00E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0137 Cs-134 0.0001 5.98E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.50E+05 4.86E+07 0.0093 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2515 24 A012 Position#3 3 5.81E+05 Co-60 0.0121 7.01E+03 6.95E+06 0.0010 0.0137 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0011 5.98E+06 0.0012 0.3459 Ni-63 180 1.26E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0068 Sr-90 0.002 1.15E+03 1.90E+06 0.0006 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0174 Cs-134 0.0001 7.62E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 5.74E+05 4.86E+07 0.0118 6.17E+08 0.0009 1.79E+06 0.3204 25 A019 Position#1 1 3.94E+05 Co-60 0.0121 4.75E+03 6.95E+06 0.0007 0.0093 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0007 5.98E+06 0.0008 0.2345 Ni-63 180 8.57E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0046 Sr-90 0.002 7.78E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0118 Cs-134 0.0001 5.16E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 3.89E+05 4.86E+07 0.0080 6.17E+08 0.0006 1.79E+06 0.2172 26 A019 Position#2 2 3.92E+05 Co-60 0.0121 4.73E+03 6.95E+06 0.0007 0.0092 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0007 5.98E+06 0.0008 0.2334 Ni-63 180 8.53E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0046 Sr-90 0.002 7.74E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0118 Cs-134 0.0001 5.14E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 3.87E+05 4.86E+07 0.0080 6.17E+08 0.0006 1.79E+06 0.2162 27 A019 Position#3 3 4.29E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.18E+03 6.95E+06 0.0007 0.0101 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0008 5.98E+06 0.0009 0.2556 Ni-63 180 9.34E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0050 Sr-90 0.002 8.48E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0129 Cs-134 0.0001 5.63E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.24E+05 4.86E+07 0.0087 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2368 28 A015 Position#1 1 5.50E+05 Co-60 0.0121 6.64E+03 6.95E+06 0.0010 0.0129 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0010 5.98E+06 0.0011 0.3278 Ni-63 180 1.20E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0065 Sr-90 0.002 1.09E+03 1.90E+06 0.0006 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0165 Cs-134 0.0001 7.22E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 5.44E+05 4.86E+07 0.0112 6.17E+08 0.0009 1.79E+06 0.3037 29 A015 Position#2 2 5.46E+05 Co-60 0.0121 6.59E+03 6.95E+06 0.0009 0.0128 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0010 5.98E+06 0.0011 0.3255 Ni-63 180 1.19E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0064 Sr-90 0.002 1.08E+03 1.90E+06 0.0006 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0164 Cs-134 0.0001 7.16E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 5.40E+05 4.86E+07 0.0111 6.17E+08 0.0009 1.79E+06 0.3015 30 A015 Position#3 3 6.26E+05 Co-60 0.0121 7.55E+03 6.95E+06 0.0011 0.0147 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0012 5.98E+06 0.0013 0.3730 Ni-63 180 1.36E+06 5.35E+09 0.0003 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0074 Sr-90 0.002 1.24E+03 1.90E+06 0.0007 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0188 Cs-134 0.0001 8.21E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 6.18E+05 4.86E+07 0.0127 6.17E+08 0.0010 1.79E+06 0.3455



Feet Gamma Gamma Activity CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide Total SOF Total SOF Total SOF No. Sample ID into Result ROC Mixture/ per ROC OpDCGLPN SOF BcDCGLPN SOF OpDCGLB SOF Pipe (pCi/m2) HTD Ratio (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) OpSOFPN OpSOFPN (pCi/m2) BcSOFPN BcSOFPN (pCi/m2) OpSOFB OpSOFB 31 A005 Position#1 1 3.74E+05 Co-60 0.0121 4.51E+03 6.95E+06 0.0006 0.0088 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0007 5.98E+06 0.0008 0.2228 Ni-63 180 8.14E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0044 Sr-90 0.002 7.39E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0112 Cs-134 0.0001 4.90E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 3.69E+05 4.86E+07 0.0076 6.17E+08 0.0006 1.79E+06 0.2064 32 A005 Position#2 2 3.73E+05 Co-60 0.0121 4.50E+03 6.95E+06 0.0006 0.0088 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0007 5.98E+06 0.0008 0.2222 Ni-63 180 8.12E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0044 Sr-90 0.002 7.37E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0112 Cs-134 0.0001 4.89E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 3.68E+05 4.86E+07 0.0076 6.17E+08 0.0006 1.79E+06 0.2058 33 A005 Position#3 3 4.20E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.07E+03 6.95E+06 0.0007 0.0099 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0008 5.98E+06 0.0008 0.2504 Ni-63 180 9.15E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0049 Sr-90 0.002 8.30E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0126 Cs-134 0.0001 5.51E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.15E+05 4.86E+07 0.0085 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2319 34 A020 Position#1 1 4.25E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.13E+03 6.95E+06 0.0007 0.0100 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0008 5.98E+06 0.0009 0.2533 Ni-63 180 9.26E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0050 Sr-90 0.002 8.40E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0128 Cs-134 0.0001 5.58E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.20E+05 4.86E+07 0.0086 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2346 35 A020 Position#2 2 4.96E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.98E+03 6.95E+06 0.0009 0.0117 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0009 5.98E+06 0.0010 0.2955 Ni-63 180 1.08E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0058 Sr-90 0.002 9.80E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0149 Cs-134 0.0001 6.51E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.90E+05 4.86E+07 0.0101 6.17E+08 0.0008 1.79E+06 0.2737 36 A020 Position#3 3 4.93E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.95E+03 6.95E+06 0.0009 0.0116 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0009 5.98E+06 0.0010 0.2937 Ni-63 180 1.07E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0058 Sr-90 0.002 9.74E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0148 Cs-134 0.0001 6.47E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.87E+05 4.86E+07 0.0100 6.17E+08 0.0008 1.79E+06 0.2721 37 A021 Position#1 1 5.53E+05 Co-60 0.0121 6.67E+03 6.95E+06 0.0010 0.0130 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0010 5.98E+06 0.0011 0.3295 Ni-63 180 1.20E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0065 Sr-90 0.002 1.09E+03 1.90E+06 0.0006 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0166 Cs-134 0.0001 7.25E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 5.46E+05 4.86E+07 0.0112 6.17E+08 0.0009 1.79E+06 0.3052 38 A021 Position#2 2 4.64E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.59E+03 6.95E+06 0.0008 0.0109 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0009 5.98E+06 0.0009 0.2762 Ni-63 180 1.01E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0055 Sr-90 0.002 9.16E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0139 Cs-134 0.0001 6.08E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.58E+05 4.86E+07 0.0094 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2558



Feet Gamma Gamma Activity CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide Total SOF Total SOF Total SOF No. Sample ID into Result ROC Mixture/ per ROC OpDCGLPN SOF BcDCGLPN SOF OpDCGLB SOF Pipe (pCi/m2) HTD Ratio (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) OpSOFPN OpSOFPN (pCi/m2) BcSOFPN BcSOFPN (pCi/m2) OpSOFB OpSOFB 39 A021 Position#3 3 4.66E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.63E+03 6.95E+06 0.0008 0.0110 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0009 5.98E+06 0.0009 0.2779 Ni-63 180 1.02E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0055 Sr-90 0.002 9.22E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0140 Cs-134 0.0001 6.12E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.61E+05 4.86E+07 0.0095 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2574 40 A022 Position#1 1 3.68E+05 Co-60 0.0121 4.44E+03 6.95E+06 0.0006 0.0087 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0007 5.98E+06 0.0007 0.2193 Ni-63 180 8.01E+05 5.35E+09 0.0001 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0043 Sr-90 0.002 7.27E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0111 Cs-134 0.0001 4.83E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 3.64E+05 4.86E+07 0.0075 6.17E+08 0.0006 1.79E+06 0.2031 41 A022 Position#2 2 3.70E+05 Co-60 0.0121 4.46E+03 6.95E+06 0.0006 0.0087 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0007 5.98E+06 0.0007 0.2205 Ni-63 180 8.06E+05 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0044 Sr-90 0.002 7.31E+02 1.90E+06 0.0004 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0111 Cs-134 0.0001 4.85E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 3.66E+05 4.86E+07 0.0075 6.17E+08 0.0006 1.79E+06 0.2042 42 A022 Position#3 3 5.00E+05 Co-60 0.0121 6.03E+03 6.95E+06 0.0009 0.0118 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0009 5.98E+06 0.0010 0.2979 Ni-63 180 1.09E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0059 Sr-90 0.002 9.88E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0150 Cs-134 0.0001 6.56E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.94E+05 4.86E+07 0.0102 6.17E+08 0.0008 1.79E+06 0.2759 43 A023 Position#1 1 5.16E+06 Co-60 0.0121 6.23E+04 6.95E+06 0.0090 0.1214 8.82E+07 0.0007 0.0096 5.98E+06 0.0104 3.0764 Ni-63 180 1.12E+07 5.35E+09 0.0021 6.79E+10 0.0002 1.85E+08 0.0608 Sr-90 0.002 1.02E+04 1.90E+06 0.0054 2.41E+07 0.0004 6.58E+04 0.1550 Cs-134 0.0001 6.77E+02 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0005 Cs-137 0.9878 5.10E+06 4.86E+07 0.1050 6.17E+08 0.0083 1.79E+06 2.8497 44 A023 Position#2 2 7.02E+06 Co-60 0.0121 8.47E+04 6.95E+06 0.0122 0.1650 8.82E+07 0.0010 0.0130 5.98E+06 0.0142 4.1811 Ni-63 180 1.53E+07 5.35E+09 0.0029 6.79E+10 0.0002 1.85E+08 0.0826 Sr-90 0.002 1.39E+04 1.90E+06 0.0073 2.41E+07 0.0006 6.58E+04 0.2107 Cs-134 0.0001 9.20E+02 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0007 Cs-137 0.9878 6.93E+06 4.86E+07 0.1426 6.17E+08 0.0112 1.79E+06 3.8729 45 A023 Position#3 3 5.40E+06 Co-60 0.0121 6.52E+04 6.95E+06 0.0094 0.1270 8.82E+07 0.0007 0.0100 5.98E+06 0.0109 3.2190 Ni-63 180 1.18E+07 5.35E+09 0.0022 6.79E+10 0.0002 1.85E+08 0.0636 Sr-90 0.002 1.07E+04 1.90E+06 0.0056 2.41E+07 0.0004 6.58E+04 0.1622 Cs-134 0.0001 7.09E+02 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0005 Cs-137 0.9878 5.34E+06 4.86E+07 0.1098 6.17E+08 0.0087 1.79E+06 2.9817 46 A017 Position#1 1 8.21E+05 Co-60 0.0121 9.91E+03 6.95E+06 0.0014 0.0193 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0015 5.98E+06 0.0017 0.4893 Ni-63 180 1.79E+06 5.35E+09 0.0003 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0097 Sr-90 0.002 1.62E+03 1.90E+06 0.0009 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0247 Cs-134 0.0001 1.08E+02 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 8.11E+05 4.86E+07 0.0167 6.17E+08 0.0013 1.79E+06 0.4533



Feet Gamma Gamma Activity CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide Total SOF Total SOF Total SOF No. Sample ID into Result ROC Mixture/ per ROC OpDCGLPN SOF BcDCGLPN SOF OpDCGLB SOF Pipe (pCi/m2) HTD Ratio (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) OpSOFPN OpSOFPN (pCi/m2) BcSOFPN BcSOFPN (pCi/m2) OpSOFB OpSOFB 47 A017 Position#2 2 8.85E+05 Co-60 0.0121 1.07E+04 6.95E+06 0.0015 0.0208 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0016 5.98E+06 0.0018 0.5272 Ni-63 180 1.93E+06 5.35E+09 0.0004 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0104 Sr-90 0.002 1.75E+03 1.90E+06 0.0009 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0266 Cs-134 0.0001 1.16E+02 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 8.74E+05 4.86E+07 0.0180 6.17E+08 0.0014 1.79E+06 0.4884 48 A017 Position#3 3 1.07E+06 Co-60 0.0121 1.29E+04 6.95E+06 0.0019 0.0251 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0020 5.98E+06 0.0022 0.6357 Ni-63 180 2.32E+06 5.35E+09 0.0004 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0126 Sr-90 0.002 2.11E+03 1.90E+06 0.0011 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0320 Cs-134 0.0001 1.40E+02 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 1.05E+06 4.86E+07 0.0217 6.17E+08 0.0017 1.79E+06 0.5889 49 A010 Position#1 1 6.97E+05 Co-60 0.0121 8.41E+03 6.95E+06 0.0012 0.0164 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0013 5.98E+06 0.0014 0.4153 Ni-63 180 1.52E+06 5.35E+09 0.0003 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0082 Sr-90 0.002 1.38E+03 1.90E+06 0.0007 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0209 Cs-134 0.0001 9.14E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 6.89E+05 4.86E+07 0.0142 6.17E+08 0.0011 1.79E+06 0.3846 50 A010 Position#2 2 7.12E+05 Co-60 0.0121 8.59E+03 6.95E+06 0.0012 0.0167 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0013 5.98E+06 0.0014 0.4240 Ni-63 180 1.55E+06 5.35E+09 0.0003 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0084 Sr-90 0.002 1.41E+03 1.90E+06 0.0007 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0214 Cs-134 0.0001 9.33E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 7.03E+05 4.86E+07 0.0145 6.17E+08 0.0011 1.79E+06 0.3928 51 A010 Position#3 3 8.35E+05 Co-60 0.0121 1.01E+04 6.95E+06 0.0014 0.0196 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0015 5.98E+06 0.0017 0.4975 Ni-63 180 1.82E+06 5.35E+09 0.0003 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0098 Sr-90 0.002 1.65E+03 1.90E+06 0.0009 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0251 Cs-134 0.0001 1.10E+02 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 8.25E+05 4.86E+07 0.0170 6.17E+08 0.0013 1.79E+06 0.4608 52 A001 Position #1 3 6.70E+04 Co-60 0.0121 8.08E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0016 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0399 Ni-63 180 1.46E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0008 Sr-90 0.002 1.32E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0020 Cs-134 0.0001 8.79E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 6.62E+04 4.86E+07 0.0014 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0370 53 A001 Position #2 2 7.35E+04 Co-60 0.0121 8.87E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0017 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0438 Ni-63 180 1.60E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0009 Sr-90 0.002 1.45E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0022 Cs-134 0.0001 9.64E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 7.26E+04 4.86E+07 0.0015 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0406 54 A001 Position #3 1 6.97E+04 Co-60 0.0121 8.41E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0016 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0415 Ni-63 180 1.52E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0008 Sr-90 0.002 1.38E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0021 Cs-134 0.0001 9.14E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 6.88E+04 4.86E+07 0.0014 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0385



Feet Gamma Gamma Activity CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide Total SOF Total SOF Total SOF No. Sample ID into Result ROC Mixture/ per ROC OpDCGLPN SOF BcDCGLPN SOF OpDCGLB SOF Pipe (pCi/m2) HTD Ratio (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) OpSOFPN OpSOFPN (pCi/m2) BcSOFPN BcSOFPN (pCi/m2) OpSOFB OpSOFB 55 A014 Position #1 3 4.31E+04 Co-60 0.0121 5.20E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0010 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0257 Ni-63 180 9.39E+04 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0005 Sr-90 0.002 8.52E+01 1.90E+06 0.0000 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0013 Cs-134 0.0001 5.66E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.26E+04 4.86E+07 0.0009 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0238 56 A014 Position #2 2 5.62E+04 Co-60 0.0121 6.78E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0013 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0335 Ni-63 180 1.22E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0007 Sr-90 0.002 1.11E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0017 Cs-134 0.0001 7.37E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 5.55E+04 4.86E+07 0.0011 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0310 57 A014 Position #3 1 6.47E+04 Co-60 0.0121 7.80E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0015 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0385 Ni-63 180 1.41E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0008 Sr-90 0.002 1.28E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0019 Cs-134 0.0001 8.48E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 6.39E+04 4.86E+07 0.0013 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0357 58 A004 Position #1 3 6.04E+04 Co-60 0.0121 7.29E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0014 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0360 Ni-63 180 1.32E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0007 Sr-90 0.002 1.19E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0018 Cs-134 0.0001 7.93E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 5.97E+04 4.86E+07 0.0012 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0334 59 A004 Position #2 2 5.39E+04 Co-60 0.0121 6.50E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0013 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0321 Ni-63 180 1.17E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0006 Sr-90 0.002 1.06E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0016 Cs-134 0.0001 7.07E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 5.32E+04 4.86E+07 0.0011 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0297 60 A004 Position #3 1 6.89E+04 Co-60 0.0121 8.31E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0016 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0411 Ni-63 180 1.50E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0008 Sr-90 0.002 1.36E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0021 Cs-134 0.0001 9.04E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 6.81E+04 4.86E+07 0.0014 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0380 61 A024 Position #1 3 7.16E+04 Co-60 0.0121 8.64E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0017 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0427 Ni-63 180 1.56E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0008 Sr-90 0.002 1.41E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0022 Cs-134 0.0001 9.39E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 7.07E+04 4.86E+07 0.0015 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0395 62 A024 Position #2 2 1.21E+05 Co-60 0.0121 1.46E+03 6.95E+06 0.0002 0.0029 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0002 5.98E+06 0.0002 0.0722 Ni-63 180 2.64E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0014 Sr-90 0.002 2.40E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0036 Cs-134 0.0001 1.59E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 1.20E+05 4.86E+07 0.0025 6.17E+08 0.0002 1.79E+06 0.0669



Feet Gamma Gamma Activity CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide Total SOF Total SOF Total SOF No. Sample ID into Result ROC Mixture/ per ROC OpDCGLPN SOF BcDCGLPN SOF OpDCGLB SOF Pipe (pCi/m2) HTD Ratio (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) OpSOFPN OpSOFPN (pCi/m2) BcSOFPN BcSOFPN (pCi/m2) OpSOFB OpSOFB 63 A024 Position #3 1 2.14E+05 Co-60 0.0121 2.58E+03 6.95E+06 0.0004 0.0050 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0004 5.98E+06 0.0004 0.1273 Ni-63 180 4.65E+05 5.35E+09 0.0001 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0025 Sr-90 0.002 4.22E+02 1.90E+06 0.0002 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0064 Cs-134 0.0001 2.80E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 2.11E+05 4.86E+07 0.0043 6.17E+08 0.0003 1.79E+06 0.1179 64 A025 Position #1 3 5.27E+04 Co-60 0.0121 6.36E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0012 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0314 Ni-63 180 1.15E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0006 Sr-90 0.002 1.04E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0016 Cs-134 0.0001 6.92E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 5.21E+04 4.86E+07 0.0011 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0291 65 A025 Position #2 2 5.01E+04 Co-60 0.0121 6.04E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0012 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0298 Ni-63 180 1.09E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0006 Sr-90 0.002 9.89E+01 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0015 Cs-134 0.0001 6.56E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.94E+04 4.86E+07 0.0010 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0276 66 A025 Position #3 1 5.66E+04 Co-60 0.0121 6.83E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0013 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0337 Ni-63 180 1.23E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0007 Sr-90 0.002 1.12E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0017 Cs-134 0.0001 7.42E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 5.59E+04 4.86E+07 0.0012 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0312




FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Sign Test Auxiliary Building Basement Penetrations Survey Area 05120 Description Auxiliary Building Basement Survey Unit S1-05120AF Description Penetrations Classification 1 Type I Error 0.05 # of Measurements 66 SOF SOF

  1. 1-Ws Sign # 1-Ws Sign (Ws) (Ws) 1 0.0094 0.99 +1 34 0.0100 0.99 +1 2 0.0097 0.99 +1 35 0.0117 0.99 +1 3 0.0100 0.99 +1 36 0.0116 0.99 +1 4 0.0123 0.99 +1 37 0.0130 0.99 +1 5 0.0112 0.99 +1 38 0.0109 0.99 +1 6 0.0111 0.99 +1 39 0.0110 0.99 +1 7 0.0103 0.99 +1 40 0.0087 0.99 +1 8 0.0101 0.99 +1 41 0.0087 0.99 +1 9 0.0103 0.99 +1 42 0.0118 0.99 +1 10 0.0102 0.99 +1 43 0.1214 0.88 +1 11 0.0096 0.99 +1 44 0.1650 0.83 +1 12 0.0121 0.99 +1 45 0.1270 0.87 +1 13 0.0133 0.99 +1 46 0.0193 0.98 +1 14 0.0144 0.99 +1 47 0.0208 0.98 +1 15 0.0335 0.97 +1 48 0.0251 0.97 +1 16 0.0155 0.98 +1 49 0.0164 0.98 +1 17 0.0162 0.98 +1 50 0.0167 0.98 +1 18 0.0166 0.98 +1 51 0.0196 0.98 +1 19 0.2427 0.76 +1 52 0.0016 1.00 +1 20 0.2794 0.72 +1 53 0.0017 1.00 +1 21 0.2352 0.76 +1 54 0.0016 1.00 +1 22 0.0106 0.99 +1 55 0.0010 1.00 +1 23 0.0107 0.99 +1 56 0.0013 1.00 +1 24 0.0137 0.99 +1 57 0.0015 1.00 +1 25 0.0093 0.99 +1 58 0.0014 1.00 +1 26 0.0092 0.99 +1 59 0.0013 1.00 +1 27 0.0101 0.99 +1 60 0.0016 1.00 +1 28 0.0129 0.99 +1 61 0.0017 1.00 +1 29 0.0128 0.99 +1 62 0.0029 1.00 +1 30 0.0147 0.99 +1 63 0.0050 0.99 +1 31 0.0088 0.99 +1 64 0.0012 1.00 +1


FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Sign Test (continued) Auxiliary Building Basement Penetrations SOF SOF

  1. 1-Ws Sign # 1-Ws Sign (Ws) (Ws) 32 0.0088 0.99 +1 65 0.0012 1.00 +1 33 0.0099 0.99 +1 66 0.0013 1.00 +1 Number of Positive Differences (S+) = 66 Critical Value = 40 Survey Unit Meets the Acceptance Criteria




FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Penetration QC Survey Data Feet Gamma Gamma Activity CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide CTMT Nuclide Total SOF Total SOF Total SOF No. Sample ID into Result ROC Mixture/ per ROC OpDCGLPN SOF BcDCGLPN SOF OpDCGLB SOF Pipe (pCi/m2) HTD Ratio (pCi/m2) (pCi/m2) OpSOFPN OpSOFPN (pCi/m2) BcSOFPN BcSOFPN (pCi/m2) OpSOFB OpSOFB 54 A014 Position #1 3 5.58E+04 Co-60 0.0121 6.74E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0013 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0333 QC Ni-63 180 1.22E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0007 Sr-90 0.002 1.10E+02 1.90E+06 0.0001 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0017 Cs-134 0.0001 7.32E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 5.51E+04 4.86E+07 0.0011 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0308 66 A025 Position #2 2 4.62E+04 Co-60 0.0121 5.57E+02 6.95E+06 0.0001 0.0011 8.82E+07 0.0000 0.0001 5.98E+06 0.0001 0.0275 QC Ni-63 180 1.01E+05 5.35E+09 0.0000 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0005 Sr-90 0.002 9.13E+01 1.90E+06 0.0000 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0014 Cs-134 0.0001 6.06E+00 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.56E+04 4.86E+07 0.0009 6.17E+08 0.0001 1.79E+06 0.0255 38 A021 Position #3 1 4.66E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.62E+03 6.95E+06 0.0008 0.0109 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0009 5.98E+06 0.0009 0.2773 QC Ni-63 180 1.01E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0055 Sr-90 0.002 9.20E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0140 Cs-134 0.0001 6.11E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.60E+05 4.86E+07 0.0095 6.17E+08 0.0007 1.79E+06 0.2569 10 A002 Position #1 3 4.81E+05 Co-60 0.0121 5.81E+03 6.95E+06 0.0008 0.0113 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0009 5.98E+06 0.0010 0.2867 QC Ni-63 180 1.05E+06 5.35E+09 0.0002 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0057 Sr-90 0.002 9.51E+02 1.90E+06 0.0005 2.41E+07 0.0000 6.58E+04 0.0144 Cs-134 0.0001 6.31E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0000 Cs-137 0.9878 4.75E+05 4.86E+07 0.0098 6.17E+08 0.0008 1.79E+06 0.2656 50 A010 Position #2 2 7.21E+05 Co-60 0.0121 8.71E+03 6.95E+06 0.0013 0.0170 8.82E+07 0.0001 0.0013 5.98E+06 0.0015 0.4298 QC Ni-63 180 1.57E+06 5.35E+09 0.0003 6.79E+10 0.0000 1.85E+08 0.0085 Sr-90 0.002 1.43E+03 1.90E+06 0.0008 2.41E+07 0.0001 6.58E+04 0.0217 Cs-134 0.0001 9.46E+01 2.58E+07 0.0000 3.28E+08 0.0000 1.35E+06 0.0001 Cs-137 0.9878 7.13E+05 4.86E+07 0.0147 6.17E+08 0.0012 1.79E+06 0.3982




FSS RELEASE RECORD AUXILIARY BUILDING PENETRATIONS SURVEY UNIT S1-05120 Replicate Measurement Assessment Replicate Measurement Assessment Survey Unit # 05120 Survey Unit Name Auxiliary Building Penetrationst Sample Plan # S1-05120A-F Sample


Comparison of replicate QC measurements from A002, position 1, A010, position 2, A014, position 3, A021, position 3 and A025 position 2.


A014 Position 3 3.78E+04 4.54E+04 3.03E+04 A014 Position 3 QC 3.27E+04 Y A025 Position 3 3.31E+04 3.97E+04 2.65E+04 A025 Position 3 QC 2.70E+04 Y A021 Position 2 4.64E+05 5.56E+05 3.71E+05 A021 Position 2 QC 4.66E+05 Y A002 Position 1 4.32E+05 5.18E+05 3.46E+05 A002 Position 1 QC 4.81E+05 Y A010 Position 2 7.12E+05 8.54E+05 5.69E+05 A010 Position 2 QC 7.21E+05 Y Comments/Corrective Actions: There was The acceptance criteria for replicate static acceptable agreement between the standard measurements and scan surveys is that the measurement and the duplicate measurement. No same conclusion is reached for each further action is necessary. measurement. That is defined as + 20% of the standard Performed By: Date 2/28/2019 Reviewed by: Date : 2/28/2019 R. Massengill R. Decker






Aux Building Penetrations Mean: 1.38E+04pCi/m2 Quantile Plot For Co-60 1.60E+05 1.40E+05 Concentration (pCi/m2) 1.20E+05 1.00E+05 8.00E+04 6.00E+04 4.00E+04 2.00E+04 0.00E+00 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%





Aux Building Penetrations Mean: 1.13E+06 pCi/m2 Quantile Plot For Cs-137 1.40E+07 1.20E+07 Concentration (pCi/m2) 1.00E+07 8.00E+06 6.00E+06 4.00E+06 2.00E+06 0.00E+00 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%





Aux Building Penetrations Mean: 1.38E+04 pCi/m2 Median: 5.47E+03pCi/m2 ST Dev.: 2.92E+04 Skew: 3.37E+00 Frequency Plot For Co-60 100%




Frequency 60%







1.00E+00 3.00E+00 5.00E+00 7.00E+00 9.00E+00 Upper End Value (pCi/m2)

Upper Value Observation Frequency Observation %

1.49E+04 59 89%

2.92E+04 1 2%

4.35E+04 0 0%

5.79E+04 0 0%

7.22E+04 3 5%

8.65E+04 0 0%

1.01E+05 0 0%

1.15E+05 0 0%

1.30E+05 2 3%

1.44E+05 1 2%

TOTAL 66 100%




Aux Building Penetrations Mean: 1.13E+05 pCi/m2 Median: 4.48E+05pCi/m2 ST Dev.: 2.39E+06 Skew: 3.37E+00 Frequency Plot For Cs-137 100%




Frequency 60%







59 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 Upper End Value (pCi/m2)

Upper Value Observation Frequency Observation %

1.22E+06 59 89%

2.39E+06 1 2%

3.56E+06 0 0%

4.74E+06 0 0%

5.91E+06 2 3%

7.08E+06 1 2%

8.26E+06 0 0%

9.43E+06 0 0%

1.06E+07 2 3%

1.18E+07 1 2%

TOTAL 66 100%
