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Chapter 13, Conduct of Operators, to CESSAR Sys 80+ Std Design
Person / Time
Site: 05200002, 05000470
Issue date: 03/30/1989
Shared Package
ML20247G537 List:
NUDOCS 8904040450
Download: ML20247H397 (24)


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CESSAR nnincamn (Sheet 1 of 1) l O 1

O EFFECY1VE PAGE LISTING CHAPTER 13 Table of Contents Page Amendment i E 11 E 111 E l

Text Pace Amendment 1

13.1-1 E 13.2-1 E  !

13.3-1 E l 13.3-2 E l 13.3-3 E 13.3-4 E E

13.3-5 13.3-6 E 13.3-7 E i 13.3-8 E l 13.3-9 E 13.3-10 E 13.3-11 E 13.3-12 E l 13,3-13 E l 13.4-1 E 13.5-1 E 13.6-1 E Tables Amendment 13.3.3-1 E 13.3.3-2 E O

V 8904040450 890330 PDR ADOCK'05000470-K PDR Amendment E December 30, 1988

CESSAR 8atinc41 ion O

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 13 Bection Subiect Pace No.


13.3 EMERGENCY PLANNING 13.3-1 13.3.1 PRELIMINARY PLANNING 13.3-1 13.3.2 EMERGENCY PLANNING 13.3-1 13.3.3 BOP INTERFACES 13.3-1 Technical Suncort Center 13.3-1 Summary Description 13.3-1 Function 13.3-2 Location 13.3-3 Stafting and Training 13.3-3 Size 13.3-3 Habitability 13.3-4 Communications 13.3-4 Technical Data and Data System 13.3-5 Records Availability 13.3-7 Emeroency Operations Facility 13.3-7 Summary Description 13.3-7 Functions 13.3-8 Staffing and Training 13.3-9 Size 13.3-9 Radiological Monitoring 13.3-9 Communications 13.3-10 0

Amendment E i December 30, 1988

CESSAR !an"icarisu O


CHAPTER 13 Section SuMeet Pace No.

1 Technical Data and Data System 13.3-11 l Records Availability 13.3-13 E



O Amendment E l 11 December 30, 1988

CESSAR !!n%,non O

LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER 13 Tables Title 13.3.3-1 Transfer of Emergency Response Functions from thee Control Room to the Technical Support Center and the Emergency Operations Facility E j 13.3.3-2 Relation of EOF Location to Habitability Criteria


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i Amendment E iii December 30, 1988

l 1

CESSAR iniiricam.

O v

13.0 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS 13.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF SITE OPERATOR Information concerning the site operator's organizational structure is within the site operator's scope and shall be- E provided in the site-specific SAR.

t Amendment E 13.1-1 December 30, 1988

CESSAR ninne m. ,

4 I

l I

1 13.2 TRAINING Information 'concerning the' site operator's training program is within the site operator's scope and shall be provided in the E i

site-specific SAR.

l l


(' ,

Amendment E )

13.2-1 December 30, 1988


13.3.2 EMERGENCY PLANNING See site-specific SAR.

13.3.3 DOP INTERFACES Technical Support Center Summar; Description The Technical Support Center (TSC) is an onsite facility located adjacent to the control room that provides the capability for plant management and technical support to the reactor operating personnel located in the control room during emergency conditions. The TSC is located within two minutes walking time of the control room. In addition, the TSC design incorporates a viewing gallery which is located so as to permit visibility into the control room.

,O It has technical data displays and plant records available to assist in the detailed analysis and '

diagnosis of abnormal plant conditions and any significant E release of radioactivity to the environment. The TSC is the j primary communications center for the plant during an emergency.

The TSC assists the control room operators by providing resources and facilities for handling the administrative items, technical evaluations, and contact with offsite activities.

Until the TSC is activated, all functions of this facility - are performed in the control room. When the TSC is functional, emergency response functions, except direct supervision of l reactor operations and manipulation of reactor system controls, shift to the TSC. Plant administration, technical support functions, and contact with offsite activities to assist the control room operators are performed in the TSC throughout the course of an accident.

Table 13.3.3-1 outlines the transfer of emergency response functions from the control room to the TSC under the various omorgency classes.

The level of staffing of the TSC may vary according to the severity of the emergency condition. The staffing criteria for each emergency class is fully detailed in the licensee's



creergency plan.


Section defines the TSC work space Amendment E 13.3-1 December 30, 1988

CESSARH!nnem O Function The TSC is a licensee controlled and operated support center that I provides the following functions:

A. Provides for plant management and technical support to plant operations personnel during emergency conditions. i B. Relieves the reactor operators of peripheral duties and communications not directly related to reactor system manipulations during emergency conditions.

C. Prevents congestion in the control room during emergency and/or normal conditions.

D. Performs Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) functions for the Alert Emergency class and for the Site Area Emergency l class and General Emergency class until the EOF is functional.

The TSC is the emergency operations work area for designated technical, engineering, and senior licensee management personnel, any other licensee-designated personnel required to provide the needed technical support, and a small staff of NRC personnel.

The resources of the TSC are sufficient such that a senior licensee official can provide guidance and technical assistance to the operating supervisor in the control room. However, all manipulations are performed by the control room licensed operators.

The TSC has facilities to support the plant management and technical personnel who are assigned there during an emergency and is the primary onsite communications center for the plant during the emergency.

The TSC f acilities may be used by designated aperating personnel for normal daily operations, as well a ..; f c, : training and emergency drills. Use of the TSC fac!: ty during normal operation is limited to activities that w1?. not degrade TSC preparedness to reactor abnormal conditions or raduce TFC systenn reliability.

The TSC viewing gallery is designed so personnel situated therein will have a clear unobstructed view of the controlling workspa ce as well as the IPSO. The gallery will facilitate a better awareness of control room activities for personnel located within the TSC. In addition, during normal operations, the gallery wi31 function as a visitors area and thus serve to minimiza distraction in the control room due to the presence of guests.

Amendment E 13.3-2 December 30, 1998


/ Location To optimize communications, the TSC is located as close as possible ' to the control room within the control building. The walking time from the TSC to the control room does not exceed 2 minutes. This close location facilitates face-to-face t interaction between control room personnel and the senior plant (

manager working in the TSC. This proximity also provides access j to information in the control room that is not available in the l TSC data system.  !

I Provisions are made for the safe and timely movement of personnel between the TSC and the control room under emergency conditions.

These provisions include consideration of the effects of direct radiation and airborne radio-activity from in-plant sources on personnel traveling between the two facilities. Reference the site-specific SAR for details. Staffing and Training The site-specific SAR addresses all staffing and training issues. Size k,./ The TSC is sized to provide the following:

A. Working space, without crowding, for the personnel assigned E 1 to the TSC at the maximum level of occupancy (minimum size I of working space provided is approximately 75 sq ft/ person).

The TSC working space is sized for a minimum of 25 persons, including 20 persons designated by the license and 5 NRC personnel.

1 B. Space for the TSC data system equipment needed to acquire, process, and display data used in the TSC.

C. Sufficient space to perform repair, maintenance, and service of equipment, displays, and instrumentation.

D. Space for data transmission equipment needed to transmit data originating in the TSC to other locations.

E. Space for personnel access to functional displays of TSC data.

F. Space for unhindered access to communications equipment by all TSC personnel who need communications capabilities to perform their functions.

I G. Space for storage of and/or access to plant records and historical data.

Amendment E 13.3-3 December 30, 1988

CESSAR EE"icari:n H. A separate room adequate for at least three persons to be h

used for private NRC consultations. Habitability TSC personnel are protected from radiological hazards, including direct radiation and airborne radioactivity from in-plant sources under accident conditions, to the same degree as control room personnel. Applicable criteria are specified in General Design Criterion 19, Standard Review Plan 6.4, and NUREG-0737,

" Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements," Item II.B 2.

To ensure adequate radiological protection of TSC persunnel, radiation monitoring systems are provided in the TSC. These systems continuously indicate radiation does rates and airborne radioactivity concentrations inside the TSC while it is in use during an emergency. These monitoring systems shall include local alarms with trip levels set to provide early warning to TSC personnel of adverse conditions that may affect the habitability of the TSC. Detectors are able to distinguish the presence oy absence of radiciodines at concentrations as low as 10 microcuries/cc.

If the TSC becomes uninhabitable, the TSC plant management function can be performed in the control room. Reference the site-specific SAR for habitability details. Control Building HVAC is discussed in Section 9.4.1. Communications E

The TSC is the primary onsite ccamunications center for the nuclear power plant during an emergency. It has reliable voice communications to the control room, the OSC, the emergency operations facility (EOF), and the NRC. The primary functions of this voice co.imunication system are plant management communications and the immediate exchange of information on plant status and operations. Provisions for communications with State and local operations centers are provided in the TSC to provide early notification and recommendations to offsite authorities prior to activation of the EOF.

The TSC voice communications facilities includes means for reliable primary and backup communication. The TSC voice communications will include private telephones, commercial telephones, radio networks, and intercommunication systems as appropriate to accomplish the TSC functions during emergency operating conditions. The licensee provides a means for TSC telephone access to commercial telephone common-carrier services that may be susceptible to loss of power during emergencies. The licensee ensures that spare commercial telephone lines to the plant are available for use by the TSC during emergencies.

Amendment E 13.3-4 December 30, 1988


O '

l The TSC voice communications equipment includes: I A. Hotline telephone (located in the NRC consultation room) on the NRC Emergency Notification System (ENS) to the NRC Operations Center.

B. Dedicated telephone (located in the NRC consultation room) on the NRC Health Physics Network (HPN). l l

C. Dial telephones that provide access to onsite and offsite l locations.

D. Intercommunications systems between work areas of the TSC, if needed for the TSC functional performance or if the TSC is comprised of separate functional areas.

I E. Communications to licensee mobile monitoring teams and to State and local operations centers prior to eor activation.

The TSC communication system also includes designated telephones (in addition to the ENS and HPN telephones) for use by NRC personnel.


/ Facsimile transmission capability between the TSC, the EOF, and l


the NRC Operations Center is also provided.

i Technical Data and Data System  !


The TSC Technical Data System receives, stores, processes, and displays information acquired from different areas of the plant as needed to perform the TSC function. The data available for display in the TSC is sufficient to enable the plant management, l engineering, and technical personnel assigned there to aid the control room operators in handling emergency conditions. The data system provides access to accurate and reliable information sufficient to determine:

A. Plant steady-state operating conditions prior to the accident.

B. Transient conditions producing the initiating event. i C. Plant system dynamic behavior throughout the course of the accident.

The TSC data system can be used for:

A. Reviewing an accident sequence.

B. Determining appropriate mitigating actions.

Amendment E ,

13.3-5 December 30, 1988 l



C. Evaluating the extent of any damage.

D. Determining plant status during recovery operations.

The data system supports the TSC functions independent of actions in the control room without degrading or interfering with control room and plant functions. Similarly, control room and othet plant functions do not degrade or interfere with the TSC functions. TSC instrumentation data system equipment and power supplies are not safety-grade.

The data set available to the TSC is sufficient to permit accurate assessment of the accident without interfering with the control room emergency operation. The set of Type A, B, C, D',

and E variables specified in Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2,

" Instrumentation for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to '

Assess Plant and Environs Conditions During and Following an Accident," where appropriate, are available for display and printout in the TSC. In addition, all sensor data and calculated variables, not specified in Regulatory Guide 1.97 but included in the data sets of the DPS safety related parameters are available for display in the EOF or for transmission to offsite locations.

The accuracy of the data displayed is not significantly less than the accuracy of comparable data displayed in the control room.

The time resolution of data acquisition is sufficient to provide data without loss of information during transient conditions.

The time resolution for each sensor signal will depend on the potential transient behavior of the variable being measured. The TSC data displays of Regulatory Guide 1.97 variables meet the E

critoria for TSC data but are not required to meet the Regulatory Guida 1.97 design and qualification criteria for display of those variables in the control room.

Data storage and recall capability is provided for the TSC data set. At least 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of pre-event data and 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> of post-event data are recorded. The sample frequency is chosen to be consistent with the use of the data. Capacity to record at 1 cast two weeks of additional post-event data with reduced-time resolution is provided. Archival data storage and the capability to transfer data between active memory and archival data storage without interrupting TSC data acquisition and displays are provided for all TSC data.

Data displays and printout devices are provided in the TSC to allow all TSC personnel to perform their assigned tasks with unhindered access to data. The TSC displays include, but are not limited to, alphanumeric and/or graphical representations of:

l J

i Amendment E l 13.3-6 December 30, 1988 l


/N A. Plant systems variables.

B. In-plant radiological variables.

C. Meteorological information.

D. Offsite radiological information.

Trend information display and time-history display capability is provided in the TSC to give the TSC personnel a dynamic view of the plant status during abnormal operating conditions. The TSC l

displays are designed so that callup, manipulation, and l

presentation of data is easily performed. The TSC data display format presents information that is easily understood by the TSC l personnel performing analyses.

The Data Processing System (DPS) data set associated with plant safety status is displayed in the TSC. This duplication will improve the exchange of information between the control room and the TSC. The total TSC data system reliability is designed to achieve an operational unavailability goal of 0.01 during all plant conditions above cold shutdown. Operational unavailability is defined as DOWN TIME divided by OPERATING TIME. Records Availability The TSC includes provisions for a complete and up-to-date repository of plant records and procedures at the disposal of TSC personnel to aid in their technical analysis and evaluation of E emergency conditions. Emercency Ope _r_ations Facility Summary Description The Emergency (perations Facility (EOF) is a nearsite support facility for the management of overall licensee emergency response (including coordination with Federal, State, and local officials), coordination of radiological and environmental l assessments, and determination of recommended public protective l actions. The EOF has appropriate technical data displays and plant records as discussed in the site-specific SAR.

Eben the EOF is activated, the functions of providing overall I emetgency response management, monitoring and assessing radiological effluent and the environs, making offsite dose projections, providing recommendations to State and local officials, and coordinating with Federal officials shift to the EOF in accordance with site procedures. See Table 13.3.3-1 for Amendment E 13.3-7 December 30, 1988

CESSAR 2Encari:n an outline of the transfer of emergency response functions from 0 ,

the control room to the EOF under the various emergency classes. l The habitability criteria for the EOF are given in Table l I

13.3.3-2. Functions The EOF is a licensee controlled and operated offsite support center. The EOF has facilities for:

A. Management of overall licensee emergency response.

B. Coordination of radiological and environmental assessment.

C. Determination of recommended public protective actions.

D. Coordination of emergency response activities with Federal, State, and local agencies.

When the EOF is activated, it is staffed by licensee, Federal, State, local and other emergency personnel designated by the emergency plan to perform these functions. It is the location where the licensee provides overall management of licensee resources in response to an emergency having actual or potential environmental consequences.

Facilities are provided in the EOF for the acquisition, display, and evaluation of all radiological, meteorological, and plant system data pertinent to determine offsite protective measures.

These facilitics are used to evaluate the magnitude and effects of actual or potential radioactive releases from the plant and to determine offsite dose projections. Facil ities used in E

performing essential EOF functions are located within the EOF complex. However, supplemental calculations and analytical support of EOF evaluations may be provided from facilities outside the EOF. The licensee also may use the EOF as the post-accident recovery management center.

The EOF allows the licensee to coordinate emergency response activities with local, State, and Federal agencies, including the NRC. Licensee personnel in the EOF use the evaluations of offsite effects to make protective action recommendations for the public to State and local crergency response agencies.

State and local agencies are responsible for implementing emergency response actions involving the general public. The State and local agencies may operate from the EOF or from their own control centers at other locations, dependent upon the l site-specific provisions ef the emergency plan at each plant.

Amendment E 13.3-8 December 30, 1988 l


1 CESSARinsbmu

.A fv)

Reference the site-specific SAR for additional details concerning the EOF. Staffing and Training The site-specific SAR addresses all staffing and training issues. Size The EOF building or building complex is large enough to provide the following:

A. Working space for the personnel assigned to the EOF as specified in the licensee's emergency plan, including State and local agency personnel, at the maximum level of occupancy without crowding (minimum size of working space provided is approximately 75 sq ft/ person).

The EOF working space is sized for at least 35 persons, including 25 persons designated by the licensee, 9 persons from NRC, and 1 person from FEMA. This minimum size is increased if the maximum staffing levels specified in the p licensee's emergency plan, including representatives from State and local agencies, exceed 25 persons.

i B. Space for EOF data system equipment needed to transmit data to other locations.

C. Sufficient space to perform repair, maintenance, and service of equipment, displays, and instrumentation.

D. Space for ready access to communications equipment by all EOF personnel who need communications capabilities to perform their functions.

E. Space for ready access to functional displays of EOF data.

F. Space for storage of plant records and historical data or space for means to readily acquire and display those records.

G. Separate office space to accommodate at least five NRC personnel during periods that the EOF is activated for emergencies.

13.3,3.2.5 Radiological Monitoring To ensure adequate radiological protection of EOF personnel,

, radiation n.onitoring is provided in the EOF. These systems contiv ously indicate radiatien dose rates and airborne Amendment E  !

13.3-9 December 30, 1988

CESSAR EnUncarcu O

radioactivity concentrations inside the EOF while it is in use during an emergency. These monitoring systems include local alarms with trip levels set to provide early warning to EOF personnel of adverse conditions that may affect the habitability of the EOF. Detectors to distinguish the prese_nge or absence of radiciodines at concentrations as low as 10 microcuries/cc shall be provided. Communications The EOF has reliable voice communications facilities to the TSC, the control room, NRC, and State and local emergency operations conters. The normal communication path between the EOF and the control room is through the TSC. The primary functions of the EOF voice communications facilities are:

A. EOF management communications with the designated senior licensee manager in charge of the TSC.

B. Communications to manage licensee emergency respor a resources.

C. Communications to coordinate radiological monitoring.

D. Communications to coordinate offsite emergency response activities.

E. Communications to disseminate information and recommended protective actions to responsible government agencies.

The EOF voice communications facilities include reliable primary and backup means of communication. Voice communications will include private telephones, commercial telephones, radio networks, and intercommunications systems as appropriate to accomplish the EOF functions during emergency conditions. E The licensee provides a means for EOF telephone access to commercial telephone common-carrier services that bypasses any local telephone switching facilities that may be susceptible to loss of power during emergencies. The licensee ensures that spare commercial telephone lines to the plant are available for t use by the EOF during emergencies.

The EOF voice communications equipment includes: l A. Hotline telephone (located in the NRC office space) on the NRC Emergency Notification System (ENS) to the NRC Operations Center.

O Amendment E 13.3-10 December 30, 1988

CESSAR nMicma v

B. Dedicated telephone (located in the NRC office space) on the NRC Health Physics Network (HPN).

C. Dedicated telephones for management communications


with direct access to the TSC and the control room.

l D. Dial telephones reserved for EOF use to provide access to onsite and offsite locations.

E. Intercommunications systems between work areas of the EOF, j if needed, for EOF functional performance or if the EOF is comprised of separate functional areas or separate buildings.

F. Radio communications to licensees mobile monitoring teams.

G. Communications to State and local operations centers.

H. Communications to facilities outside the EOF used to provide supplemental support for EOF evaluations.

The EOF communication system also includes designated telephones in addition to the ENS and HPN telephones) for use by NRC O p(ersonnel.

Facsimile transmission capability between the EOF, the TSC, and the NRC Operations Center is provided. Technical Data and Data.Bystem E

The EOF technical data system receives, stores, processes and displays information sufficient to perform assessments of the actual and potential onsite and offsite environmental consequences of an emergency condition. Data providing information on the general condition of the plant also is available for display in the EOF for utility resource management.

The EOF data set includes radiological, meteorological, and other environmental data as needed to:

A. Assess environmental conditions.

B. Coordinate radiological monitoring activities.

C. Recommend implementation of offsite emergency plans.

The EOF data system equipment performs these functions independently from actions in the control room and without l

b degrading or interfering with control room und plant functions.

Amendment E 13.3-11 December 30, 1988 l

CESSAR Ei%nem,.

O EOF instrumentation, data system equipment, and power supplies are not safety grade. Similarly, control room and other plant functions do not degrade or interfere with the EOF functions.

The. sensor data of the Type A, B, C, D, and E variables specified l in Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 2, and of those meteorological variables specified in proposed Revision 1 to Regulatory Guide 1.23, " Meteorological Measurements Programs in Support of Nuclear  !

Power Plants," and in NUREG-0654, Revision 1, Appendix 2, are I available for display in the EOF. All data that is available for $'

display in the TSC, including data transmitted from the plant to NRC, is part of the EOF data set.

The accuracy of data in the EOF is consistent with the data accuracy needed to perform the EOF functions. The accuracy of data displays in the EOF is equivalent to that for the data displayed in the TSC. The time resolution of data requisition in sufficient to provide data without loss of information during transient conditions. The time resolution required for each concor signal depends on the potential transient behavior of the variable being measured. The EOF data displays of Regulatory Guide 1.97 variables meet the criteria for EOF data but are not required to meet the design and qualification criteria in i Regulatory Guide 1.97 for display of those variables in the i control room.

Data storage capability is provided for the EOF data set. At least 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of pre-event data and 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> of post-event data is recorded. The sample frequency is chosen to be consistent E with the use of the data. Capacity to record at least two weeks of additional post-event data with reduced time resolution is provided. Archival data storage and the capability to transfer data between active memory and archival data storage without interrupting EOF data acquisition and displays are provided for all EOF data. A Data display devices are provided in the EOF to allow all EOF personnel to perform their assigned tasks with unhindered access to alphanumeric and/or graphical representations of:

A. Plant systems variables.

B. In-plant radiological variables.

a C. Meteorological information.

D. Offsite radiological information. j l

9 Amendment E l 13,3-12 December 30, 1988

CESSAR 8BMncm:w n

Trend-information display and time-history display capability is provided in the EOF to give EOF personnel a dynamic view of plant i systems, radiological status, and environmental status during an '

emergency. The EOF displays are designed so that callup, manipulation, and presentation of data is easily performed. The displays are partitioned to facilitate the retrieval of information by the different functional groups in the E0F.

The DPS data set associated with plant safety' status is displayed it, the EOF. This duplication provides 3iconsee management and E

NRC representatives information about the current reactor systems utatus and will facilitate communications among the control room, TSC, and EOF. The total EOF data system is designed to achieve an operational unavailability goal of 0.01 during all plant.

operating conditions above cold shutdown. Operational i l

unavailability is defined as DOWN TIME divided by OPERATING TIME. Records Availability The EOF has ready access to up-to-date plant records, procedures, and emergency plans needed to exercise overall management of licensee emergency response resources, r\

b O

Amendment E 13.3-13 December 30, 1988

CESSAR !!Ence n

V) l <

TABLE 13.3.3-1 {

TRANSFER OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE FUNCTIONS FROM THE CONTROL ROOM TO THE TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER AND THE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS FACILITY Emeroency Class Notificatich of Unusual Site Area General 1 Emeroency PpJponse Functions Event Alert Emeraency Emeroency Supervision of reactor CR CR CR CR operations and manipulation of controls 1

Ilanageinent af CR(TSC) TSC TSC TSC plant operations Management of corporate CR(TSC,E0F) TSC(EOF) E0F EOF cmergency response resources E Radiological effluent and CR(TSC,E0F) TSC(EOF) E0F E0F

(\ environs monitoring, assessment, and dose projections Inform Federal, State, CR(TSC,E0F) TSC(EOF) E0F E0F and local emergency response organizations and make recommendations for public protective actions l Event monitoring by NRC (CR) TSC(E0F) TSC& EOF TSC&E0F regional emergency l response team

  • Management of recovery CR(TSC,E0F) TSC(E0F) E0F E0F l operations Technical support of CR(TSC,E0F) TSC TSC TSC recovery operations HDifS: (CR), (TSC), (E0F), or (TSC, E0F) indicates that activation of this facility (or the performance of this function) is eptional for the i indicated emergency class.
  • One NRC individual also may be stationed in the control room.

Amendment E December 30, 1988 l



v TABLE 13.3.3-2 RELATION OF EOF LOCATION TO HABITABILITY CRITERIA EOF Criteria Item Distance within Distance at or beyond Heeded 10 mi of the TSC 10 mi of the TSC Structure well-engineerea Tor 2

well-engineerea for 2

design life of plant design life of plant i t

Protection factor" 25 None Ventilation 4 Isolation with HEPA None l

protection filters (no charcoal) j 5

Backup E0F Located within 10 None to 20 mi of the TSC NOTES: 1. Specific Commission approval is required for E0F locations )

G beyond 20 miles of the TSC. For these cases, provisions must

) include arrangements to locate the NRC staff closer to the reactor..

2. As an example of "well-engineered", refer to the Uniform Building Code. In addition, it must be able to withstand adverse conditions of high winds (other than tornadoes) and floods. Winds and floods with a 100 year recurrence frequency are acceptable for a design basis.

l 3. Protection factor is defined in terms of the attenuation of 0.7 l MeV gamma-radiation. . As a minimum, the protection factor only applies to those areas of the EOF in which dose assessments, communications, and decision-making take place.


4. Ventilation system shall function in a manner comparable to the control room and TSC systems, but need not be Seismic Category l 1 qualified, redundant, instrumented, or automatically activated.

, 5. Need not be a separate, dedicated facility, but, when i activated, shall provide continuity of dose prediction and I

decision-making functions by arranging for portable backup egirment. No special provisions for protection factors or ventilation protection are needed, p i Amendment E December 30, 19 F.S

CESSAR EnMemen 13.4 REVIEW AND AUDIT Information concerning the site operator's reviews and audits is E within the site operator's scope and shall be provided in the site-specific SAR.

l l

)i i

j Amendment E 13.4-1 December 30, 1988

CESSAR 13.5 PLANT PROCEDURES Information concerning the site operator's plant procedures is within the sice operator's scope and shall be provided in the E site-specific 9AR.

l l

1 l

l Amendment E 13.5-1 December 30, 1988

CESSAR !!ninc.m.,


Information concerning the site operator's industrial security is within the site operator's scope and will be presented by the site operator in a separate document. l 1

l 1



Amendment E 13.6-1 December 30, 1988