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Proposes Rev to Emergency Plan,Procedures & Facilities So That Technical Support Ctr & Emergency Operations Facility Will Be Staffed by Plant Staff within 75 Minutes of Notification,Per 920724 Meeting W/Nrc
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1992
From: Woodard J
NUDOCS 9209090195
Download: ML20114D611 (3)


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Docket Nos. 50-348 50-364 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATIN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Emeraency Rnponse Facility Staffina Times Gentlemen:

On July 24, 1992, Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) met with the NRC staff to discuss the staffing times specified in the Emergency Plan for the Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (Farley), Technical Support Center and Emergency Operations facility. In the meeting, SNC presented conceptual changes to the farley Emergency Plan to significantly revise the program and resolve the NRC's concerns with respect to the time required to staff these facilities. On August 7, 1992, the NRC issued a letter requesting that, until a submittal containing details of the changes described is issued, SNC'should dccument the changes to the Farley Emergency Plan that were propcsed at the July 24, 1992, meeting.. The letter also requested that SNC submit a schedule for developing and implementing the pro 30 sed changes. Specific responses to each of the recuests listed in tie August 7,1992, letter are provided as Attachments 1 anc 2, _ respectively.

In summary, SNC pro)oses to revise the Farley Emergency Plan, procedures, and facilities so tlat the Technical Support Center and Emergency Operations facility will be staffed by plant staff within appre:imatel; 75 minutes of notification. The schedule for developing and implementing these revisions will allow these significant improvements to the Farley program to be completed by October 1,1993.

If there are any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, q kh wQ J% . Woodard WHL: map 3070 Attachments cc: Mr. S. D. Ebneter Mr. S. T. Hoffman Mr. G. F. Maxwell Mg i

9209090195 920031 0 DR -ADOCK 0500 1

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4 A!TACHMENT 1 Proposed Farley Emeraency Plan Chtnggi As presented at the July 24, 1992, meeting, Southern Nucicar Operating Company proposes to reorganize the Emergency Response Organization. 1he

-Technical Support Center (TSC) and Emergency Operations f acility (E0F) will be staffed by plant staff in the event of an emergency condition at Farley, i

Prior to TSC and EOF activation, approximately 20 on-shift crew members will be directed, controlled,-and coordintted by the Unit 2 Shift '

Supervisor (interim Emergency Director) to perform required emergency response functions. The Unit 2 Shift Supervisor, in conjunction with the on-call E0F Hanager and on-call Emergency Director, will determine the extent of emergency organization activation required. Once the determination to staff the TSC and EOF is made, shift personnel will make the necessary on-call staff notifications. The TSC and EOF will be activated and operational to the level determined necessary in  ;

approximately 75 minutes from this notification. ,

After TSC and E0F activation, approximately 36 on-s:dit and on-call crew members will perform the required emergency response fur,ctions. The EOF '

Manager will operate from the E0F and will be resporisible for overall direction of facility response. The Emergency Director will operate frcm the TSC.and will be in charge of minute to minute facility operation. )

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i .. j ATTACHMENT 2  :

I i

Schedule for Developing And implementing ff2P312d_fE.lfy hlen1Rilty_P1an Chanaes ,

i March-April 1993 - Meeting with NRC to review content of Oraft Revisions May.3, 1993 - Emergency Plan Revised (Draft)

- Plant and Corporate Office EIPs Revised (Draft)

- FSAR Reviewed / Revised (Draft) i Hay 21, 1993 - Training Material Developed ,

July 2, 1993. -Classroom Training on Draft Revisions to Procedures Completed 1

- Phy:ical Modifications to facilities Completed September 3,1993 - Draf t Procedure Revisions Validated by Conducting Drills October 1, 1993- - 1 raining Change thtices issued  ;

' < -- Emergency Plan Revision Effective

- Plant and Corporate Office ~ElP Revisions Effective  ;

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