NUREG-1512, Provides Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards with Attached Suppl to AP600 FSER for Consideration.Suppl FSER Documents Staff Review of Changes to AP600 Design Documentation Since Issuance of FSER NUREG-1512

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Provides Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards with Attached Suppl to AP600 FSER for Consideration.Suppl FSER Documents Staff Review of Changes to AP600 Design Documentation Since Issuance of FSER NUREG-1512
Person / Time
Site: 05200003
Issue date: 10/07/1999
From: Matthews D
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Larkins J
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
RTR-NUREG-1512 NUDOCS 9910120275
Download: ML20217B502 (11)


  • October 7, 1999 I

MEMORANDUM TO: John T. Larkins, Executive Director Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards FROM: David B. Matthews, Director original signed by: Scott Newberry Division of Regulatory improvement Programs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


AP600 DESIGN CERTIFICATION REVIEW The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the Advisory Committee on Reactor ,

Safeguards (ACRS) with the attached supplement to the AP600 Final Safety Evaluation Report  !

(FSER) for its consideration. This supplemental FSER documents the NRR staff's review of the changes to the AP600 oesign documentation since the issuance of the FSER (NUREG-1512) 3


and the resolution of the confirmatory items identified in Section 1.9 of the FSER.

Representatives of the NRR staff will be available to respond to the Committee's questions at


l the ACRS meeting on November 5,1999. j


Draft AP600 FSER, Supplement 1 CONTACT: Jarry N. Wilson, NRR 415-3145 DISTRIBUTION: 1 Docket File (52-003) RLobel, SPLB I l PUBLIC STreby, OGC b 7 RLSB R/F DMatthews SCollins JNWilson CGrimes NDudley, ACRS OEDO h C[f U " ] 1 i


NAME JNWilson* JNHannon* CGrimes* DBPddtthews DATE' 10/05/99 10/06/99 10/07/99 10/ 1 /99 tgrpg() OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 9910120275 991007 PDR ADOCK 05200003 A PDR


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  • p# October 7, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: John T. Larkins, Executive Director , 1 Advisory Committee on Reactor. Safeguards ,/ l FROM: David B. Matthews, Dir s Division of Regulator /improv ment Program Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


AP600 DESIGN CERTIFICATION REVIEW The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) with the attached supplement to the AP600 Final Safety Evaluation Report ,

l (FSER) for its consideration. This supplemental FSER documents the NRR staff's review of the ]

I changes to the AP600 design documentation since the issuance of the FSER (NUREG-1512) j


and the resolution of the confirmatory items identified in Section 1.9 of the FSER.

Representatives of the NRR staff will be available to respond to the Committee's questions at the ACRS meeting on November 5,1999.


Draft AP600 FSER, Supplement 1 l

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l CONTACT- Jerry N. Wilson, NRR I 415-3145 l


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"""gyg.q 4V 4WP Final Safety Evaluation Report e Related to Certification of the AP600 Standard Design t

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Docket No.52-003

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation n '. s  : .


] Attachment l l

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l 1 INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL DISCUSSION 1.1 Introduction This report supplements the final safety evaluation report (FSER) for the AP600 Standard Plant Design. The FSER was issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff as NUREG 1512 in September 1998 to document the NRC staff's review of the AP600. This supplement documents the NRC staff's review of the changes to the AP600 design documerstation since the issuance of the FSER and the resolution of the confirmatory items identified in Section 1.9 of the FSER. This supplement also provides an evaluation of the I design change described below and to the FSER. Each of the following sections of this {

supplement is numbered and titled the same as the section of the FSER that is being updated. l The discussions are supplementary to and not in lieu of the discussions in the FSER, unless 1 otherwise noted.

Westinghouse Electric Company LLC (Westinghouse or the applicant) submitted the AP600 design documentation under Subpart B of 10 CFR Part 52. The documentation pertaining to this supplement was submitted on Docket No.52-003. The AP600 design documentation l

includes the Standard Safety Analysis Report, the Probabilistic Risk Assessment, and the -

Design Control Document (DCD). By letter dated September 29,1999, Westinghouse made changes to the AP600 DCD as a result of a final review that was performed to check the consistency of the implementation of approved design change proposals., DCD changes i resulted from ongoing detailed design work on systems, structures, and components outside j the scope of design certification and commitments made in the final stages of the design certification review. In addition, changes to the description of the plates that protect the .-

recirculation pump screens was necessitated by the location of other nearby hardware.

This supplement is issued by the Division of Regulatory improvement Programs in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NRC. The NRC's project manager for the AP600 design review l..

Jerry N. Wilson, PE. He may be reached by calling (301) 415-3145, or by writing to Mr. Wilson at the Office of Nuclear Reector Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-001. The AP600 design documentation and all revisions are available for pub!!c inspection at the NRC's Public Document Room. Also, the AP600 FSER (NUREG-1512) and this supplement are available for inspection at the NRC's Public Document Room.

1.1.2 Proprietary Information

' The NRC staff stated in the FSER that Westinghouse needs to formally update the non-proprietary versions of some of its proprietary documents to reflect the results of the NRC staff's review under 10 CFR 2.790. Submittal of the revisions to the non-proprietcry versions of these documents was Confirmatory item 1.1.2-1.

By' letter dated December 22,1998 (DCP/NRC 1451), Westinghouse submitted the final outstanding item concerning proprietary information related to the AP600 design review. The NRC staff determined that the non-proprietary versions of the AP600 proprietary documents were acceptable and, therefore, Confirmatory item 1.1.2-1 is resolved.

1-1 NUREG-1512 Supplement 1 l



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^1.5 Summarv of Princloal Review Matters o

The NRC staff stated in the FSER that, if Westinghouse decides to proceed with certification of the AP600. design, it must prepare a DCD. Submittal of the DCD was Confirmatory item 1.5-1.

. By letter dated November 30,1998 (DCP/NRC 1448), Westinghouse submitted the AP600 DCD. - The NRC staff provided comments on the DCD and Westinghouse addressed all of the staft's comments in three revisions to the DCD. The NRC staff determined that the 9/99 revision of the AP600 DCD is acceptable for referencing in the final design certification rule and, therefore,' Confirmatory item 1.5-1 is resolved.

By letter dat'ed' September 29,1999, Westinghouse submitted documentation changes to the

- AP600 DCD as a result of a final review that was performed to check the consistency of the implementation of approved design change proposals. Also, DCD changes resulted from ongoing detailed design work on systems, structures, and components outside the scope of design certification and commitments made in the final stages of the design certification review.

In addition, changes to the description of the plates that protect the reenculation pump screens was necessitated by the location of other nearby hardware. A list of these documentation changes is provided in Table 1.5-1 and the NRC staff's evaluation of the design change is

provided in Section of this supplement.

- The NRC staff reviewed the documentation changes that were made to resolve inconsistencies in the AP600 DCD and to correct administrative errors. The NRC staff determined that these changes are acceptable and do not affect the stafi's findings in the AP600 FSER.

1.7 [qdex of T!er 2* Information The NRC staff identified Tier 2* Infor'mation in the AP600 and stated that designation of the '

Tier 2* information in the AP600 DCD was Confirmatory item 1.7-1. The NRC staff verified that

' all of the Tier 2 information for the AP600 design was accurately designated in the AP600 DCD.

Therefore, Confirmatory item 1.7-1 is resolved.

1.9 Summarv of Confirmatorv Items -

The FSER listed three confirmatory items and stated that these items would be resolved during the NRC staff's review of the AP600 DCD. Each confirmatory item was assigned a unique identifying number. The number identifies the section of the FSER where the item was discussed. For example, confirmatory item 1.5-1 was discussed in Section 1.5 of the FSER.

All of the confirmatory items have been resolved, as discussed in the corresponding sections of this report.

Rem Descnotion

'1.1.2-1 . Westinghouse will submit updates to the non-proprietary versions of certain documents withheld from public disclosure in accordance with 10 CFR 2.790.

1.5-1' Westinghouse will submit the design control document to support its application to certify the AP600 design.

1.7-1 The_ Tier 2* information must be designated in the DCD.

y 1-2 NUREG 1512 Supplement 1

Table 1.5-1 Summary of Changes to the AP600 DCD PAGE SECTioN DEsCRIPTloN ~

Tier 1 material Tier 1 material Correct the description of the plate located above the 2.2.3-21 2.2.3, Table containment recirculation screen 2.2.3-4, vii Tier 1 material Tier 1 rnaterial Correct the description of the coating area under the plate 2.2.3-22 2.2.3, Table located above the containment recirculation screen 2.2.3-4, viii 1.9-13 ,1.9;3 Correct quote from 10 CFR 50.34(f)(2)(viii) 1.9-14 1.9.3 Correct quote from 10 CFR 50.34(f)(2)(viii) 3.7 191 Figure 3.7.2-12 Make consistent with room drawings (Sheet 2 of 12) 3.8-39 Make text description consistent with figure 3.8.3-14 3.8-133 Figure 3.8.3-1 Change drawing to allow space to weld guard pipe - Construct (Sheet 1of 3) ability issue 3.8-134 Figure 3.8.3-1 Make consistent with PXS screen design (Sheet 2 of 3) 3.8-151 Figure 3.8.3-7 Make consistent with Figure 3.8.3-5, Sheet 1 (Sheet 1 of 9) 3.8-155 Figure 3.8.3 7 Make consistent with room drawings )

(Sheet 3 of 9) l 3.8 157 Figure 3.8.3 7 Make contdstent with room drawings (Sheet 4 of 9) 3.8-159 Figure 3.6 3-7 Make consistent with Figure 1.2-7 (Sheet 5 of 9) 3.8-161 Figure 3.8.3-7 Make consistent with room drawings (Shee_t 6 of 9) 3.8 163 Figure 3.8.3-7 Make consistent with room drawings (Sheet 7 of 9) 6.2-47 Change value of max hydrogen concentration from 1.5 to 2.2 %

6.2-52 Change time flammability limit is reached from 28 days to 12 days 6.2-129 Table 6.2.4-5 New containment temperature and corrosion rate data 6.2-156 Figure 6.2.4-1 Update hydrogen generation curve to reflect final WGOTHIC analysis 6.2-157 Figure 6.2.4-2 Update hydrogen generation curve to reflect final WGOTHIC analysis 6.2-158 Figure 6.2.4-3 Update hydrogen generation curve to reflect final WGOTHIC analysis 6.2-159 Figure 6.2.4-4 Update hydrogen generation curve to reflect final WGOTHIC analysis 1-3 NUREG-1512 Supplement 1

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Continue Table 1.5-1 6.3-18 Make description of the plate located above the containment recirculation screen consistent with Tier 1 material 6.3-21 Make description of the plate located above the containment

recircuiation screen consistent with Tier 1 material 6.3-53 Add text to correct an inconsistency concerning the PRHR HX inlet MOV power lockout 6.3.70 Table 6.3-3 Change table note to correct an inconsistency concerning the PRHR HX inlet MOV power lockout 6.3-88 Figure 6.3-8 Make outline of plate located above the containment recirculation screen consistent with Tier 1 material 6.3-89 Figure 6.3-9 Make elevation of plate located above the containment recirculation screen consistent wp Tier 1 material 9A-81 9 A. Correct spelling of the word " fire" 9A-82 9 A. Correct fire area numbering .

9A-83 9 A. Correct spelling of the word " fire" 9A-217 Figure 9A 3 Make figure consistent with text (Sheet 1 of 3) 9A-219 Figure 9A 3 Make figure consistent with text (Sheet 2 of 3) 12.3-57 Figure 12.3-2 Include rest of post-accident access route ,

(Sheet 2 of 15) 3.5-11 16.1.1 Add technical specification surveillance requirement for PRHR HX inlet MOV power lockout B 3.5 23 16.1.1 Add technicet specification bases for PRHR HX inlet MOV

, power lockout l

1-4 NUREG-1512 Supplement 1 l



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6 ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES Debris in IRWST and Containment Sumps - Strainer Clogging Westinghouse proposed changes to the plates located above the containment recirculation screens and the sudace area in the vicinity of the containment recirculation screens. The proposed changes are marked on pages 6.3-18 and -21 of the AP600 DCD (9/99 revision) and

- are shown on Figures 6.3-88 and -89.

Westinghouse made two changes to these plates: (1) the plates have been lowered from 10 feet above the screens to one foot above the screens, and (2) the plates have been shortened Go that the distance from the end of the plate to the screen is 7 feet on the side rather than the previous value of 10 feet. Both changes are acceptable based on the debris transport analyses which were presented at a meeting with Westinghouse on September 2,1999. These analyses show that the debris will not clog a significant portion of the screens at the best estimate or design settling rates or even at settling rates less than these. Westinghouse also stated that these analyses were done assuming a higher flow from the nonsafety-related pumps than would occur for the safety related case in which the nonsafety related pumps are not running.

For these reasons, the new dimensions of the protective plates and the area of the safety-telated coatings are acceptable.

Bect.use of Westinghouse's changes to the size of the protective plates and the area of the safety-related coatings, the NRC staff is revising the last three sentences of the second paragraph on page 6-57 of NUREG -1512, as follows:

- To prevent plugging of the recirculation screens, the plates will either be made of stainless steel or safety-related coatings will be used on the underside of these plates.

Stainless steel or safety-related coatings will also be used on the surfaces located below the plates, above the bottom of the screens,3 m (10 ft) in front, and 2.1 m (7 ft) to the side of the screens. The plates and their dimensions will be verified by ITAAC 8.c (vii) of Tier 1 section 2.2.3,Paesive Core Cooling System." The materials used on the underside of the plates and in the vicinity of the recirculation screens will be verified by ITAAC 8.c (xiii) of Tier 1 section 2.2.3.

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6-1 NUREG-1512 Supplement 1

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23 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REACTOR SAFEGUARDS The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards considered the information discussed in this supplement to the AP600 FSER (NUREG-1512) during their xxx meeting on November 5,1999 and subsequently lasued its letter on November ??,1999. The letter, which follows, . . ,


23-1 NUREG-1512 Supplement 1

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!' 24 CONCLUSION The NRC staff performed its review of the changes made to the AP600 design documentation by Westinghouse in its letter of September 29,1999. The changes were reviewed by the l Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards as described in Chapter 23 of this report. On the i basis of the evaluation described in the AP600 FSER (NUREG-1512) and this report, the NRC staff concludes that the confirmatory issues in NUREG-1512 are resolved, the changer to the AP600 design documentation are acceptable, and Westinghouse's application for design certification meets the requirements of Subpart B to 10 CFR Part 52 that are applicable and i technically ielevant to the AP600 Standard Plant Design. J J

I 24-1 NUREG-1512 Supolement 1  !

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Appendix H ERRATA TO THE AP600 FSER Pace. Paraoraoh. Line Chance Page 6-69,1 paragraph,3"' line - Change ". . . diameter . . ." to ". . . radius . . ." f l

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H-1 NUREG-1512 Suppleinent 1 l

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